MUKKAY,YOUtftf&CO. CHEAP BOOK, Stationeiy & P.;r. eal Stores, Lancaster City. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill PRAYERS FOR SABBATH SCHOOLS, AND HYMNS AND PRAYERS FOB WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. A FRIEND OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. " Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me ; for of such is the kingdom of heayen.— Matt. 19, 14. READING : SAMUEL HECHLER. 1857. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1857, by . SAMUEL HECHLER, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Jt, KNABB, PRINTER, READING, PA, PREFACE. This small volume was prepared at the re- quest of a kind friend, who, being engaged in the Book trade, has frequently been asked for a work of this kind. It is well known that, in some places where Sabbath Schools are started, no one feels himself competent to open and close the school with prayer. There may be various reasons to account for this fact, yet it should never be a sufficient cause for discontinuing the school, or for conduct- ing the exercises without prayer. When a suitable collection of prayers can be had, it can be used. It is true, many objections to using forms, are raised ; and equally true it is, that they are very often mis-used; nor should they be used where the superintendent is qualified to pray extemporaneously, except at his discretion. But it must always be pref- erable to make proper use of forms, to mis- using or abusing extemporaneous prayer in any one of the many ways it can be, and of- ten is, done, IV PREFACE. In regard to prayers and hymns for open- ing and closing public or week-day schools, every friend of a sound christian education, it appears to us, must sanction their use. Christianity, as the absolute religion, in order to fulfil its mission, must penetrate, leaven-like, every department of humanity, and must work it up into its own nature. By virtue of its relation to Christianity and the church, the school should be thoroughly pen- etrated by the life and power of the gospel, so that here already, our holy religion might exert its powerful influence in moulding the character of the young and in giving tone and direction to their minds. This can, how- ever, not be accomplished, unless positive re- ligious instruction, in some form or other, be introduced. Against this, however, the char- acter and habits of a great portion of the teachers now employed, form a strong barrier. Even in many schools where the Bible is read, according to law, — " without note or comment," — there the voice of prayer and PREFACE. V praise is never heard. This should not be the case. We must have something positive, to answer the purpose of a sound christian education. Great efforts are now made, and great activity displayed, to spread the glori- ous light of the gospel throughout the whole world. Missionaries are sent into heathen countries, copies of the Bible by millions are published and distributed, with other good books in proportion. This is all right and good, and will certainly not be without its blessed results. Yet it seems to be, more or less, a mere growing of the mustard seed, without a corresponding penetration of hu- manity, by the life and power of the gospel. "We need more than an external spread of Christianity. It must take hold of our whole life under all its forms and activities, and in all its relations, and transform it into its own nature. Our individual, social and political existence must be raised into the sphere of religion. To do this, it is necessary that the whole training of the young be based upon yi PREFACE. religious principles — it must be a training " in the nurture and admonition of the Lord," — and to this end the family, the week-day, and the sabbath school, must labor together. Therefore, every attempt, however humble, to promote the good cause of religious train- ing, should be regarded with favor by all who feel a proper interest for the welfare of church and state in time to come. This small volume is intended as an humble contribution to this end. May it be looked upon with in- dulgence by those who love the good cause. The hymns found in this small volume were taken from the following collections : " Songs for the Little Ones at Home," by the A. T. Society; " Union Hymn Book," by the A. S. S. Union, and a few from the " German Reformed Hymn Book." This little book is sent forth with a sense of its many imperfections, but with the prayer that the good Lord may own and bless it to the accomplishment of much good, and all the glory shall be His. PART FIRST PBAYEBS FOE SABBATH SCHOOLS. PART FIRST. PRAYERS FOR SABBATH SCHOOLS. A Prayer for the Superintendent before School. Adorable God and Father : I, a poor, sinful worm of the dust, appear before thee, at this time, in the all-prevailing name of Je- sus Christ, thy Son, my blessed Saviour and Redeemer, and would lift up unto thee my heart and voice to thank thee for all thy good- ness, thy loving kindness and tender mercies as they are manifested towards me from day to day. I thank thee for life, for health and strength of body and of mind, and for all the blessings, both temporal and spiritual, which thou, in thy good providence, continually be- stowest upon me. Especially, Lord, would I thank thee, that thou hast "so loved the world as to give thine only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him might not 10 PRAYERS FOR perish, but have everlasting life," and that he "abolished death and brought life and im- mortality to light through the gospel." I de- sire also to thank thee for the institution of thy holy Sabbath day ; for the blessed truths of thy Word ; for thy Church with all her or- dinances, and for all other spiritual favors and blessings bestowed upon the children of men. It is my privilege, Lord, to have been spared to see the light of another Lord's day, and to enjoy, as I humbly trust, its blessed privileges and influences. And as it has pleased thee, most gracious Father, to call me into thy service and to place me at the head of a Sabbath School, I would also thank thee for this favor, and, at the same time be- seech thee, in the name of Christ, thy Son, to grant me grace to the proper discharge of my duties. May I feel, in a proper manner, the responsibility that is thus resting upon «me. Oh, may I not be insensible of the fact, that in the capacity of Superintendent of this SABBATH SCHOOLS. 11 school, I have immortal souls placed under niy care. Lord, help me to realize the great importance of the position X occupy, so that I may not rely upon my own strength, but may come unto thee for wisdom and under- standing, in order to enable me faithfully to perform the duties of my office. May I this day seek to honor and glorify thy great and adorable name in all my thoughts, words and deeds. Help me to manifest the spirit of my Master, who went about teaching and doing good on the Sabbath day, so that I also may teach, both by precept and by example. — Grant unto me grace to be kind and affec- tionate towards teachers and scholars. Help me to remember that I should be an humble instrument in thy hand, to poiot them to Christ, the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world. Preserve me, gracious Father, from everything which might give of- fence to the least of the children that may this day appear in our school ; and may I be- come unto all, both teachers and scholars, an 12 PRAYERS FOR example of true humility, unaffected piety, pure love, and a cheerful heavenly-minded- ness, that they may be encouraged to go on- ward in the heavenly way and to enter at the straight gate into everlasting life. Bless this day, Lord, the preaching of thy word, wherever it may be proclaimed, to the conversion of sinners from the errors of their ways, unto thee, the living and the true God. Prosper the labors of thy faithful ser- vants everywhere ; build up thy people in their most holy faith; establish thy church throughout the length and breadth of the whole earth, in order that Christ may rule king of nations as he now ruleth king of saints above. Send forth laborers into thy harvest field, for truly the harvest is great, but the laborers are few. Prosper to this end all such institutions as have for their object the spread of the gospel, the up-building of the Redeemer's kingdom, and in these the salvation of souls and the honor and glory of thy name. SABBATH SCHOOLS. 13 And now, Lord, I beseech thee to look upon me in much mercy ; graciously pardon all my shortcomings and sins, and assist me by thy good and holy Spirit to discharge my duties in a manner acceptable unto thee and profitable unto myself and unto those placed under my care. When we meet as a Sabbath School, be with us and bless us, and finally save us through, and for the sake of, Christ our Redeemer — Amen. Prayer for Sabbath School Teachers before School. Blessed God, my Heavenly Father : — I thank thee, in the name of Christ, thy Son, for the light of this thine own day, and for all the blessings it brings with itself. I thank thee for thy precious Word as it is revealed unto the children of men and as I have it in mine own hands. In it thou hast declared unto all thy most holy will. It is my great privilege to read and hear thy Word, in order 14 PRAYERS FOR that it may make me wise unto salvation. It contains treasures of wisdom, far exceeding in value all that the world can offer, and from it I may continually draw such precious truths as I may from time to time stand in need of? I desire to thank thee, blessed Father, for all these privileges, and pray thee, at the same time, in the name of Christ, to grant me grace at all times to study thy Word atten- tively and prayerfully, always remembering in it thou thyself art speaking unto me, that so that I may derive that instruction, that wis- dom and comfort from it, which, in thy wise providence, it was ordained to impart. And, Lord, grant that I may not read it, prompted by improper motives, but may at all times seek' to promote thereby thy glory and the good of immortal souls. And now, Lord, as it has pleased thee to open up unto me a sphere of usefulness, in placing me into the capacity of a Sabbath School teacher, grant, I beseech thee, that I may this day teach those that may be placed SABBATH SCHOOLS. 15 tinder my care, in thy fear and with a wise reference to thy most holy will. Assist me in my weakness and enable me to lay the words of sacred truth, as found in thy Holy Word, to the hearts of these children, in or- der that they may make them wise in the wis- dom from on high. Open, Lord, their ten- der hearts, that the heavenly seed may be sown into them, may spring up and produce much fruit. Bless all who may this day as- semble in this place. Be with him who pre- sides over the school, and grant him wisdom from on high to the proper discharge of all his duties. Enable those who teach to do it in thy fear, and may they not teach others and become cast-aways themselves. Bless the parents of the children that meet here to be instructed, and enable them to bring up those whom thou hast given them, in the nur- ture and admonition of the Lord. Prosper this day the labors of our hands ; glorify thy- self in our midst ; send thy good spirit from above, and may He take up his abode in our 16 PRATERS FOR hearts and constitute us temples of the living God ; and to thee, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be all honor, praise and glory, in a world without end. Amen, Prayers for Opening the School, I. Merciful Father in Heaven : As it has pleased thee to spare our unprofitable lives and to preserve our health, we would now, in the name of Christ thy Son, our Saviour, unite in thanking thee for thy infinite good- ness in thus watching over and protecting us. And, as we have been permitted to behold the light of this another Lord's day, and to assemble ourselves together as a Sabbath School, we would also most humbly thank thee for these blessed privileges. Blessed be thy name that thou hast manifested thyself unto us as a God of Love. We have thy Word in our hands ; we can go up into thy house and worship thee without being mo- SABBATH SCHOOLS. 17 lested, and even here, as a Sabbath School, we are favored with the blessed privileges of singing thy praises, reading thy Word and calling on thee in prayer. "We would humbly confess our utter unworthiness of the least of these favors and blessings. We deserve much more thy displeasure on account of our many failings and sins. But, our Father, we ven- ture to come unto thee in the name of thy Son, our faithful Saviour, Redeemer, and In- tercessor, and in his name we beseech thee to have mercy upon us. Have mercy upon us, Lord, according to thy loving kindness ; — according to the multitude of thy tender mer- cies, blot out our transgressions. Wash us thoroughly in the precious blood of Christ and cleanse us from all uncleanness. Send down thy good Spirit into our hearts, that he may create us anew and may make us thy children in truth and in deed. We ask thee, blessed Father, to look down upon us at this time in tender love and compassion. Assist us by thy grace and the power of thy Spirit A-2 18 PRAYERS FOR to spend this hour profitably in thy service. Help each and every one of us in the proper discharge of our several duties, so that all we do may be done for thy honor and glory and the best interests of immortal souls. — Bless officers, teachers and children, accord- ing to their several wants. Enable those who teach to feel the power of thy truth in their own hearts, that they may teach in a proper and profitable manner. Open the hearts of the children for the reception of thy truth. — May it fall into good soil, spring up and pro- duce fruit a hundred fold to the honor and glory of thy great and excellent name. We would also beseech thee in behalf of ail others who may this day meet for the pur- pose of worshiping thee. Be thou with them and bless them — and may this day many be brought unto Christ, the Lamb of God, that their sins may be taken away. Make sinners see and feel their misery and wretchedness, so that they may hasten unto Christ, who is the Way and the Truth and the Life, and may SABBATH SCHOOLS. 19 thus come unto thee, the Father. Lord, hear, and answer and bless, and at last, save us one and all into thy kingdom, through riches of grace in Christ our Redeemer, Amen. II. 0, Lord, most merciful and most gracious : We poor sinners appear before thee at this time, to thank thee for the preservation of our lives and health during the past week and tho past night. We are indeed living monuments of thy long suffering and patience, thy loving kindness and tender mercy. Of a truth, thou hast no pleasure in the death of sinners, for such we are, and if thou hadst dealt with us according to our deserts, thou wouldst long ago have cut us off and cast us away from thy presence forever. But blessed be thy name that thou art a God of love and compassion, and that thou didst send thy Son into the world to be our Saviour and Redeemer, that so we may find life in Him who is the resur- rection and the life. 20 PRAYERS FOR And now, our Heavenly Father, we would humbly confess our sins before thee and ask thee graciously to pardon us for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. Thou knowest, Lord, how oft we fail and how manifold and grievous our sins are. Oh ! help us to repent of them ; to humble ourselves before thee into the very dust, so that we may be truly sorrowful on account of them. Wash us in the blood of the Lamb and cleanse us from all uncleanness. Send down thy good Spirit from above that he may teach us what we are and what we need, and by his power create us anew that we may be made new creatures in Christ, thy children, having the spirit of adoption in our hearts, whereby we may approach and call thee Father. And now, Lord, as we have again met as a Sabbath School on this thine own holy day, we would also thank thee for this blessed priv- ilege. We pray thee, also, to help us prop- erly to realize the blessings it confers upon us, SABBATH SCHOOLS. 21 and to feel truly grateful towards thee for the enjoyment of this favor. And oh ! may it not be in vain for us to have met together in this place to-day. May we not fail to derive that benefit from it which it is calculated to impart unto those who are willing to receive it. We beseech thee, our Father, to solem- nize our hearts and to make us feel that we are now in thy presence. Help us to read and study thy Word as the Word of the Most High. Oh ! that it may not become unto us a savor of death unto death, but that it may truly be unto our souls a savor of life unto life, as it is intended to be. To this end, Lord, give us thy good Spirit, that he may make thy Word plain unto us— may apply it unto our hearts, so that it may not return unto thee void, but may accomplish that for which thou hast sent it. We also pray for all other Sabbath Schools throughout the length and breadth of the whole earth. Bless, we beseech thee, all of- ficers, teachers and scholars, according to 22 PRAYERS FOR their several wants. Bless the pastors and people of all congregations wherever they may meet this day to worship thee. Hasten the coming of the Redeemer's kingdom, that soon all tribes and tongues may acknowledge Him as their true and only King, and may obey, worship and adore Him as such. And now, Lord, hear and bless us ; glo- rify thyself in our midst through Jesus Christ, thy Son, our Saviour and Redeemer. Amen - III. Gracious God and Father: We, the creatures of thy hand, would approach thy mercy seat on this morning of thine own day, in the name of Jesus, thine only begotten and much-beloved Son, our Saviour and Redeemer. Thou hast been round and about us during the night that is past, and hast graciously watched over us and delivered us from all harm and danger. We now stand before thee as monuments of thy goodness, thy loving SABBATH SCHOOLS. 23 kindness and tender mercies. All that we have and are is from thee. Our lives, our health, and all the comforts we enjoy, are so many blessings- which come from thee, the "Father of Lights, from whom comes down every good and perfect gift." Accept then, we pray thee, our feeble thanks for all the favors and blessings we receive from thee, and hear our humble prayers at this time. Thou art a good God, full of love and ten- der compassion, but we are poor, sinful crea- tures. We have so often been wicked and have sinned against thee in our thoughts, words and deeds, that we richly deserve thy great displeasure. But thou art a merciful Father, and those who come unto thee thou wilt not cast off. We pray thee, therefore, in the name of thy Son, to enable us to feel truly sorrowful on account of our sins, and to turn unto thee with all our hearts, so that we may forsake our evil ways and may walk in the way in which thou hast directed us to go. Pardon, we pray thee, all our sins and short- 24 PRAYERS FOR comings ; blot out our iniquities ; heal our backslidings and restore us unto thy gracious favor for the sake of Christ, our blessed Sa- viour and Redeemer. Help us, Lord, to flee sin and all evil and to seek that which is good and right in thy sight. Help us to feel our own weakness, so that we may no more trust in our own strength, but may seek all our help in thee. Help us continually to repent of our sins, to flee unto Christ, our Saviour, and to embrace him by a living faith. Help us to watch and pray that we may not enter into temptation. May we watch over our thoughts and desires, over our words and ac- tions ; may we walk in the narrow way which leacleth unto life everlasting. Be thou also with us this day whilst we are assembled as a Sabbath School. Make us serious and attentive. Help us that we all may seek to know, to love and to serve thee. Thou hast graciously given us thy Word, out of which we learn our duty towards thee and our fellow men. Grant now, Father, that SABBATH SCHOOLS. 25 we may read and study it as the Word of truth and of life. May we lend a listening ear when it is read and expounded ; may we open our hearts and receive thy holy truths into them, in order to become wise in spirit- ual things and meet for an everlasting inher- itance in heaven above. Do thou also hasten the day in which Christ shall be acknowledged as the Saviour of sin- ners throughout the whole earth, when the Jews and the Gentiles may come and worship at His feet. We now commit ourselves into thy care ; be with us, Lord, during this hour ; bless our waiting souls, and may we be able to rejoice in thee, our Lord and our God, here upon earth, and finally in heaven above for ever- more, through Christ our Redeemer. Amen. IV. Kind and Indulgent Father ! We would humbly draw nigh unto thee this morning, in 26 PRAYERS FOR the name of thy beloved Son Jesus, our Sa- viour and Redeemer. And in thus coming before thee, at this time, we desire to thank thee for all the mercies, the favors and the blessings, which thou, in thy good providence, hast bestowed upon us in days that are past and gone. Thou hasfc greatly favored us above many of our fellow creatures and hast blessed us in body and in soul above every- thing we could ask. Oh ! our Father, help us then to be truly grateful towards thee for this thy love towards us, so that we may be brought to love thee in return and may serve thee all the days of our earthly existence. May we, as a Sabbath School, be able to feel how highly thou hast favored us in this respect. May we be able to improve these great blessings to the good of our own souls and the honor and glory of thy adorable name. Enable us, Lord, to seek first thy kingdom and thy righteousness, knowing that if we possess these, all other things shall be added unto us. Forbid that we should cling SABBATH SCHOOLS. 27 too fondly to the things of time and sense, and so forget those better treasures which we should lay up for ourselves in heaven above. And now, Lord, as we have met at this time as a Sabbath School, we would beseech thee to be present with us. We know that without thee we can do nothing. Therefore, Lord, help us in teaching and in learning. Send down thy good Spirit and let him teach us. May he, the Spirit of truth, lead us into all truth. May he open the eyes of our un- derstanding that we may see wondrous things out of thy law. May thy Word be more pre- cious to us than gold, yea, than much fine gold ; sweeter also than honey and the honey- comb. May it make us wise unto salvation, that we may walk in the paths of righteous- ness, in which thou dost lead those who give their hearts to thee. Bless, our Heavenly Father, all other Sab- bath Schools throughout the whole world. — May they become nurseries in which the young may be trained for thy church and for 28 PRAYERS FOR heaven. Lord, prosper the efforts which are put forth by thy church to bring sinners in repentance and faith unto Christ, the Sa- viour of sinners. Open the gates of cities and empires unto the heralds of the cross, that the glad tidings of great joy may be pro- claimed in all the ends of the earth. Hasten the coming of thy kingdom, when thy will shall be done upon earth even as it is done in heaven. Pour out thy Spirit upon those who stand upon the walls of Zion and preach unto us the gospel of peace, so that they may be strengthened and encouraged from on high, to go on in their labor of love. And may those who sit under the sound of their voices, open their hearts and receive the blessed truths which they proclaim, in order that the preaching of the gospel may not be in vain. Blessed Saviour, as thou hast promised to be with thy people when they are assembled in thy name, therefore we beseech thee to be with us at this time. " Suffer little children SABBATH SCHOOLS. 29 to come unto me," are the words which in- vite us to come. Bless now, Lord, our waiting souls ; fill our hearts with joy and peace and enable us to rejoice in thee always. Take us now into thy care and keeping ; abide with us ; guide and lead us by thy Spirit, and save us at last into thy kingdom, and all glory shall be thine for evermore. — Amen, Prayers for Closing the School. I. Adorable God and Father : At the close of this hour we would unite our hearts and voices in bringing thee thanksgivings and praises for thy goodness towards us. We thank thee for the opportunity which was this day afforded us, to meet together for the pur- pose of reading and studying thy holy Word. Add now, we pray thee, thy richest blessing unto our labors of this day, for without this all our efforts will be fruitless. 30 PRAYERS FOR Help us to feel, blessed Father, how highly thou hast favored us in thus giving us time, place and opportunity of singing thy praises, calling upon thy name and studying the Word of truth and of life. Help us duly to lay to heart the great fact of Christ's coming into the world ; of his suffering and dying for us poor, sinful worms of the dust, that thus our hard and stubborn hearts may be melted and subdued. Grant us grace to repent of all our misdoings and sins and to turn unto Je- sus with all our hearts, in order to love and serve him all the days of our life. Help us, blessed Saviour, to feel that we are poor sin- ners and that we have need of thee in order that our souls may be saved. Help us to come unto thee, thou Lamb of God, that our sins may be taken away, that we may be clothed in thy righteousness and may thus stand before the Lord God by thy merits and atonement. Send thy good and holy Spirit into our hearts that he may create us anew and make SABBATH SCHOOLS. 31 us true and living branches of thee, the true and living vine, that so, by the power of thy life and Spirit dwelling in us and uniting us unto thee, we may bring forth much fruit, for without thee we can do nothing ; and thus may our Heavenly Father be glorified and we be thy disciples. Assist us, Lord, to look away from the vain and perishable things of time and sense, and to set our affections on the realities of the world to come. May we live by faith and not by sight, May the powers of the hea- venly world lay hold upon our hearts and draw them away from the earth, so that we may daily commune with the bright and glo- rious realities of a better and happier world. Help us to be wise ; to keep ourselves un- spotted from the world ; to live for higher, for nobler ends than those are which we can see with our eyes and touch with our hands. Create within us clean hearts, and renew us into the image of our adorable Lord, Saviour and Redeemer. And may we thus go onward 32 PRAYERS FOR in the journey of life, looking towards hea- ven, our better home, and waiting for the coming of our Lord. And when he does come, may he not find us asleep, but watch- ing ; ready to enter with him into glory. And now, Lord, bless with us all others who call on thee ; have mercy upon all sin- ners ; guide and direct us by thy Spirit throughout the whole journey of life, and in death own and save us for our Redeemer's sake, who has taught us to pray : " Our Fa- ther who art in heaven, &c. Amen," II. Lord, most merciful and most gracious : In thy good providence we have been per- mitted to spend another hour in thy presence as a Sabbath School. And now as we are about to depart from this place, we desire once more to lift up unto thee our hands and our hearts in prayer and praise, and to thank thee for the privileges which we enjoyed at SABBATH SCHOOLS. 33 this time. Truly, it is a blessed tiling to wait upon thee and to seek a blessing from thee. Grant now, Lord, that we may feel the greatness of thy blessings as we enjoy them, and may we be brought to love thee and to give ourselves over to thy service. Seal upon our hearts the blessed truths we have been considering at this time, so that they may bring forth within us, the fruits of true re- pentance for all our sins and a living faith in Christ, our Saviour, unto thy honor and glory and the salvation of our souls. Help us to feel our own weakness so that we may not trust in ourselves, but may rely wholly and entirely upon thy grace in all that may come to pass in time to come. We live in a world of sin, with depraved and deceitful hearts in our bosoms and the law of sin in our mem- bers ; we are surrounded by temptations to evil, and have of ourselves no power to over- come them. We ask thee, therefore, gra- ciously to send thy good Spirit into our hearts, that he may teach us how to live, and B-l. 84 PRAYERS FOR may give us grace to overcome all the ene- mies of our souls, in order that we may come off as conquerors and more than conquerors, through Christ, who loved us and gave him- self for us. Create in us a true and living faith by which we may be enabled to see spir- itual things present- — to feel their reality and enjoy their communion. May we seek to be- come more and more conformed to thy holy will, in order that we may at all times be able to say — " Father, not my, but thy will be done." Help us to live in constant prospect of death ? so that when our last hour will draw nigh we may be found watching like faithful servants ; may have our lamps burning like the wise virgins, and may be prepared to en- ter into the joy of our Lord. To this end may the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, abide with us. May he take of the things of Je- sus and show them unto us, and make us thy children in deed and in truth, so as to enable us to call thee " Abba Father." And now, Lord, we would also bring SABBATH SCHOOLS. 35 before thee the interests of all other Sabbath Schools wherever found. Pour out thy rich blessings and the influences of thy Spirit upon them. Establish them where they are not found, and make them the. instrument for doing much good. Bless each and every one that is engaged in the good work, and raise up many more who may lend a helping hand in bringing the young to a knowledge of thee, the only true and living God. Pour out thy Spirit in rich abundance upon thy church. Prosper the preaching of thy gospel everywhere, and raise up many who will say, "Lord, here am I; send me." Hear us now, Lord ; forgive all our sins ; dismiss us with thy blessing; go with us through life, and in death save us through riches of grace in Christ, in whose name we yet pray : — " Our Father," &c. — Amen. III. Merciful Father, who hast reconciled the world to thyself in Christ,— at the close of 36 PRAYERS FOR this hour we desire once more to come before thee in our prayers. Enable us to approach thee in a proper and acceptable manner, to worship thee, who art a Spirit, in spirit and in truth, so that our souls may now have sweet communion with thee through Christ, our Sa- viour. Accept our thanks for the gracious favor of meeting together as a Sabbath School, which we have this day enjoyed. — Help us duly to value and appreciate this blessing and to profit greatly by its privi- leges. May we feel deeply thankful towards thee for these and all other favors and bless- ings which we from day to day enjoy ; espe- cially for the gift of thine own dear Son, in whose name and merits we can at all times approach thy mercy-seat and call thee Fa- ther. And now, our Heavenly Father, we be- seech thee in much mercy to bestow thy rich blessing upon the labors in which we have this hour been engaged, so far as they may be in conformity with thy holy and righteous SABBATH SCHOOLS. 37 will. May the good seed of thy Word have found a good soil in which it may spring up and produce fruit a hundred fold to life ever- lasting. May we all feel the power of thy truth in our hearts, convincing us of sin and pointing us to Jesus, the Saviour of sinners. May thy Holy Spirit seal it upon our hearts and apply it to our consciences, that it may " not return unto thee void, but may accom- plish that for which thou hast sent it." And now, Lord, we would also remem- ber in our prayers those who enjoy not the privileges which we enjoy ; those children who cannot meet together for the purpose of singing thy praises, calling upon thy name, and studying thy Word ; those who yet dwell in heathen darkness and never hear the sweet name of Jesus. Oh ! have thou mercy upon them and speedily send unto them the light of thy gospel. Raise up many laborers to go forth and labor in thy harvest-field, in or- der that many precious souls may be saved, for, truly, "the harvest is plenteous but the* 38 PRAYERS FOR laborers are few." Lord, make us all willing to pray and to labor for the conversion of the world. May we all regard ourselves as thy servants, who should labor in thy cause. If any of us should be fitted for becoming her- alds of the cross, then, Lord, point such out that in early life already they may be dedi- cated to thy most holy service. Prosper all enterprises which have for their object the conversion of sinners. May thy church "arise and shine, her light having come and the glory of the Lord having risen upon her;" may she become the refuge of many souls — the spiritual ark into which sinners may "flee from the wrath to come." Lord, dismiss us now with thy blessing ; accompany us in all our ways and graciously preserve us from all evil ; bless the families to which we respect- ively belong, and may peace and good will dwell upon the face of the whole earth and all sinners receive Christ as their Saviour. — Hear us, Lord ; pardon all our sins ; guide us evermore by thy good Spirit, and save us SABBATH SCHOOLS. 39 at last through riches of grace in Christ, our Saviour and Redeemer, who has taught us to pray: — " Our Father," &c. — Amen. IV. Our Father, whkh art in Heaven : We appear before thee at the close of our exer- cises, in the name of thy Son, our Saviour^ and thank thee that it has pleased thee to permit us to assemble ourselves together as a Sabbath School at this time. We would bless thee for thy precious Word, by which we are made wise unto salvation. Oh ! may it be in truth, " a lamp unto our feet and a light upon our path ; may it be sweet unto our taste, yea, sweeter than honey or the honey- comb and more precious than gold : yea, than much fine gGld<," May we become wiser and better ; less worldly and more heavenly- minded from day to day ; may we love thee more and serve thee better as we go forward in. our journey towards the heavenly Jerusa- 40 PRAYERS FOR lem. Lord, turn our feet from the way of error and sin, from the broad way that leads to destruction, and set them into the narrow way that leads unto life everlasting. Grant that the realities of the future world may be continually present to our minds, so that they may solemnly impress us and may create within us a longing desire after their full en- joyment. Help us to feel that we are pil- grims and strangers upon earth — that this is not our home, but that a better, even a hea- venly home, awaits us if we be faithful. — May we lift up our heads and look for the coming of our Redeemer; and may we be watchful and live as those who wait for the coming of their Lord and Master. thou good Shepherd of thy sheep, who didst lay down thy life for us, we beseech thee to be with us at all times and to enable us to live in close communion with thee. — Thou art our great High Priest and Inter- cessor at the right hand of the Father ; and SABBATH SCHOOLS. 41 now, Saviour, intercede for us and keep us from straying away from thee. Send thy good Spirit, the Comforter, into our hearts, that he may abide with us and may cheer and strengthen us in all our temp- tations and trials. thou Holy Spirit of the Eather and of the Son, come and take up thine abode in our hearts and make us tem- ples of the living God. Sanctify us, that we may bo devoted to the service of the only true and living God, in body, soul and spirit, — in life, in death, and in eternity. And, Lord, remember also thy church in all countries and climes. Pour out thy Holy Spirit upon thy believing people every- where, that they may become lights shining in dark places, and may thus enlighten those who live in the night of ignorance and sin. May they more and more become the salt of the earth, preserving the mass of humanity from corruption. Bless all thy ministering servants and bestow upon them richly the abundance of thy grace and the fullness of 42 PRAYERS FOR thy Spirit. Spread thy gospel to the utter- most parts of the earth, in order that Christ may soon rule king of nations as he now rules king of saints in the church. Dismiss us now with thy blessing ; forgive us all our shortcomings and sins ; watch over us for good, and at last save us through thy Son, our Saviour and Redeemer, to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost be everlasting praises. " Our Father," &c. — Amen. Prayer for the Superintendent after School. Lord God Omnipotent, who rulest and reignest Supreme in the heavens above and upon the earth beneath, and in the waters under the earth ; who hast the destinies of individuals and of nations in thy hands, and doest according to thy good pleasure : unto thee would I now come in the name of Him who is the Way and the Truth and the Life, by whom alone men come to thee, and would humbly thank thee for what I have experi- SABBATH SCHOOLS. 43 enced and enjoyed this day. Thou, Lord, hast done great and wondered things for man who is but dust and ashes. Thou hast no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but wilt much more that he turn from his wicked ways and live. To this end thou didst send thy only begotten and well-beloved Son into the world, that whosoever believeth in him might not perish but have everlasting life. Thou hast established thy church in the earth and dost continually call upon" 5 sinners to turn unto thee and live. Thou hast favored us highly in point of privilege, and hast this day given us renewed tokens of thy loving kind- ness and tender mercies to-us-ward. It has pleased thee, merciful Father, to call me into thy service and to place me at the head of a Sabbath School, where I may labor for thy glory and the good of immortal souls. Oh ! help me, I beseech thee, to feel the great responsibility which is resting upon me, so that I may not be indifferent in regard to the extent and importance of my duties. 44 PKAYERS FOR May I magnify my office in all my thoughts, words and deeds, and may it be my greatest desire and my chief pleasure to promote the best interests of the school with which I stand thus connected, and by this means to advance the general welfare of all that be- long to it. May I seek in all things to has- ten the coming of thy kingdom into the hearts of the children, which come under my care from Sabbath to Sabbath, and also into all the world ; and may thy peace reign upon earth ; may good will towards men dwell in every heart, and may all glory be ascribed to thee, the Lord God in the highest. And now, Lord, I would make mention in my prayer of the dear children which are connected with the school over which thou hast placed me. Oh ! do thou seriously im- press their hearts with a sense of their un- worthiness and helplessness, that they may flee to Christ, their Saviour, in order to have their sins taken away. Help them to give their youthful days and years to thee, that in SABBATH SCHOOLS. 45 the morning of life already, they may know no higher privileges and feel no higher en- joyments, than such as are enjoyed by those who love and serve thee in sincerity and in truth. May the seed of divine truth which is sown into their young and tender hearts from time to time, produce the blessed fruits of a true and heartfelt repentance and hearty consecration, by faith, to thy most holy ser- vice. Be merciful unto them and pardon their past transgressions and sins, and renew s their hearts by the power of thy Holy Spirit, so that all their affections may be purified and sanctified, to thee. Choose out such as may be suited to become messengers of peace, and set them apart to the sacred office of the ministry of reconciliation. Throw around all the protecting and preserving influences of thy church, that they may be trained to thy service from their youth up. Lord, suffer them not to fall into temptations ; permit them not to be led astray from thy fold, but keep them that they all may become instru- 46 PRAYERS K)R ments in thy hands for the up-building of thy cause and kingdom in the earth and the glo- rification of thy most holy name. Bless the parents of these children, and may they, together with their offspring, live in thy fear and in thy service. May the fam- ily altar be established in every house, around •which young and old may gather to offer up the incense of their morning and evening sac- rifice ; and may such incense come before and be accepted by thee, for the sake of Christ, the Saviour. % Lord, bless all those who teach in our school. May they find the Saviour precious to their souls ; may they walk in the paths of virtue and true holiness ; may pure and un- affected piety adorn their walk and conversa- tion and may they in all their thoughts, words and deeds, evidence that they have been with Jesus and have learned of him. May they bear the interests of the great cause of Sab- bath Schools upon their hearts and bring them before thee in their prayers, morning and SABBATH SCHOOLS. 47 evening. Bo thou enable them to teach the children as those who have themselves been taught of the Lord, and do thou bestow thy richest blessings upon the labors of their hands. And now, Lord, I would also beseech thee in behalf of thy church. Bless her abundantly. May she " arise and shine, her light having come, and the glory of the Lord having risen upon her." Send forth thy min- isters into all the world, and open thou the hearts of the children of men for the recep- tion of thy glorious truths. May the great and glorious day soon come in which all the nations of the earth shall know and honor the Lord ; when the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the channels of the great deep, and when Christ shall take unto himself the heathen for his inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession. And now, heavenly Father, I beseech thee to regard me, a poor sinner, in much mercy. 48 PRAYERS FOR Pardon all my sins ; blot out all my trans- gressions ; supply all my deficiencies ; heal all my backslidings, and restore me unto thy blessed favor through riches of grace in Christ, my Redeemer. Use me as an instrument, however humble, to spread thy kingdom ; to point sinners unto Christ, the Lamb of God, and thus to glorify thy name. At last, when I shall have finished my course here below — when flesh and sense fail, and I shall have to pass through the dark valley of the shadow of death — be thou then my staff and my stay ; comfort me and receive me unto thy- self, where I may see thee face to face ; and all honor, praise and glory shall be to thee, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, for evermore. Amen. Prayer for Teachers after School. Lord, my God and Father : I would now come before thee in the name of Christ, my Saviour and Redeemer, to thank thee for SABBATH SCHOOLS. 49 life and for health of body and mind, in the enjoyment of which I could this day attend to my duties as a Sabbath School teacher. Enable me, Lord, to realize the greatness of this privilege — the privilege of instructing in the holy truths of the Bible, such as thou hast commanded to be brought unto thee, and of whom is the kingdom of heaven ; to point them unto Christ, the Lamb of God, and to teach them the way of life. But what am I, and what are the instructions I can impart if they are not accompanied by thy blessing ? For a Paul may plant and an Apollos may water, but the increase must come from thee. I beseech thee, therefore, to water with thy heavenly grace the seeds of truth which were sown by me, a feeble instrument, this day. — May they not have fallen upon the hard road, nor among thorns, nor upon stony ground ; but into good soil, and may they spring up and bring forth fruit abundantly to the praise of thy name. Do thou graciously own and bless and establish upon me and my fellow- B-2. 60 PKA1ERS POR teachers, the feeble efforts which were put forth in our school this day. Bless, I pray thee, alf the children of our school ; fill their minds and hearts with heavenly truth and wisdom, and seriously impress them with a sense of the vanity of all earthly pleasures ; the hideousness of sin and all evil, and ena- ble them by faith to lay hold upon better things, even spiritual treasures, which will not perish, but endure forever. Enable them to seek, first of all, thy kingdom and thy righteousness, and to live for thy honor and glory all the days of their earthly existence. Regard, also, my fellow-teachers and the officers of our school, in much mercy. May we all see eye to eye, labor hand in hand, and live as one christian family in pure and holy love, laboring together for each other's, and the salvation of those placed under our care. Bless, Lord, the parents of the children who visit our school. May they live in thy fear and love, and train up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.— SABBATH SCHOOLS. 51 May their families and each and every mem- ber thereof, be an ornament to thy church and a blessing to the present and to coming generations. And now, Lord, look upon me, thy un- worthy servant, with tender compassion. I know that I come far short in all my duties, I know that I love thee not as thou deservest to be loved, and that I have not yet given myself to thy service to such a degree as I ought. I often forget thee and my thoughts and affections are set upon the perishable things of the world. I must confess myself a sinner before thee/ deserving thy hot dis- pleasure. But I beseech thee in the name and for the sake of Christ, thy Son, to have mercy upon me. Oh! cast me not away, and take not thy good Spirit from me. Re- new me more and more in the inner man and make me more conformable to thine own im- age. Mortify all remains of sin and evil that are in me, and fit and qualify me to love and serve thee more and better. May I be- 52 PRAYERS FOR come more and more crucified unto tlie world ; may I deny myself, take up my cross and follow Christ through evil as well as through good report, and may I thus live only for thy glory and the best interests of immortal souls. Strengthen my faith and enable me to live in daily communion with the realities of the world to come, and thus become prepared for the enjoyment of thy presence in heaven, where I shall see thee face to face, and praise and glorify thee, the Triune God — Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, in a world without end. Amen. Prayer for a Sick Teacher or Scholar. Our Father: We come before thee at this time in behalf of one of our number, whom thou hast laid upon a bed of sickness and suffering. We would approach thee in the name of thy dear Son, our Saviour and Redeemer, and would ask thee, for his sake, to lend a listening ear unto our petitions. — SABBATH SCHOOLS. 58 We know, Lord, that thou, in thy infinite goodness, doest all things well, and that when we are afflicted, it is for our own good. Thou makest us to go through the fiery furnace of affliction and refinest us as by fire, in order to purify us and to make us meet for an inheri- tance of everlasting glory. Thus we know, too, that thou hast a wise purpose in view in the affliction of our friend and teacher, (scholar,) for whom we would now intercede. And may thy gracious design not be hin- dered, but may the afflictions which thou hast sent upon him, (her,) prove productive of great good. May he (she) come forth out of the furnace of affliction as gold seven times purified. Yet, Lord, be thou not angry with us for speaking unto thee in behalf of him (her) who is sick, perhaps nigh unto death. Oh ! -do thou remember him (her) in much mercy. Sustain him (her) by thy grace and Spirit, and grant him (her) peace of mind and a sense of the forgiveness of his (her) sins. — t>4 PRATERS FOR Spare him, (her,) Lord, if it be thy will, ■ for much usefulness^ days to come, and re- store him (her) to the enjoyment of good health ; nevertheless, not our but thy will be done. If his (her) end be at hand, oh ! then have mercy on him (her) and enable him, (her,) by a living faith, to lay hold of the merits of the blessed Saviour, so as to ena- ble him (her) to commend his (her) soul into His hands. If it be thy will, however, to re- store him (her) to good health and strength, grant that all the energies of his (her) life may henceforth be consecrated to thy ser- vice. May he (she) be devoted to the work of the Lord so as to give himself (herself) f ally and unreservedly unto thee, to love and serve thee with a full purpose of heart. And now, Lord, hear our prayer in the name and for the sake of thine own dearly- beloved Son, our Saviour ; forgive us all our sins ; be ever with us, in good health and in sickness, in prosperity and in adversity, un- til, in thy good providence, our end will have SABBATH SCHOOLS. come, and then own and accept us through riches of grace in Christ, our Redeemer. — - Amen. Prayer on the Occasion of the Death of a Teacher. Eternal and unchangeable Jehovah : We come with sorrowful hearts, into thy presence at this time. We come in the name of Christ, our Mediator and Intercessor, and we would humbly adore thee as the author of our exist- ence ; the Framer of our bodies and the Father of our spirits ; as the Father of lights, in whom there is no variableness nor shadow of turning. Thou did'st create man in thine own image ; did'st breathe into his nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living soul ; and behold, he was very good. But " by one man's transgression sin came into the world, and death by sin ; and so death pass- ed upon all men, for that all have sinned," "for the wages of sin is death." Of this 56 PRAYERS FOR fact we are this day forcibly reminded for a seat in our midst, which was formerly occu- pied by one of our number, is this day vacant. Death has laid his cold hand upon a brother, (sister) and he (she) is with us no more. He, (she) lies low in the grave ; his (her) eyes are closed ; his (her) lips are sealed in death ! No more will his (her) voice be heard in our midst in singing thy praises ; no more will the words of instruction and counsel from his (her) lips, be heard amongst us. Thou, Lord, who holdest the issues of life and death in thy hand, hast called him (her) hence, and we will not grieve over our loss, knowing that whatsoever thou doest is done well. We will not murmur, but will lay our hands upon our mouths and our mouths in the dust and will say : "Thy will, and not our's, be done." We pray thee, however, to make this solemn call of great benefit to our souls. May we be reminded by this dispensation, that man's life is but a hand-breadth ; that we have here no abiding place, but must depart. Oh, per- SABBATH SCHOOLS. 57 mit us not to put off the great work of pre- paring for the last hour, until it be forever . too late ! Impress all of us, deeply, with a sense of the fact that death conies quickly and as a thief in the night. May we take warning in time ; may this be a call unto us, saying: "Set thy house in order for thou shalt die and not live." Lord, help us, to die daily unto the world, unto ourselves and unto sin, that Christ may live in us so that when death comes, to die may be our gain. Enable us to improve every moment of our lives for our own salva- tion and the salvation of our fellow men ; that we may be like unto the wise virgins, having our lamps of faith trimmed and burning, and our vessels well supplied with oil, waiting for the coming of Christ our heavenly bride- groom, so as to be able to enter with Him and sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to the marriage supper of the Lamb. Be thou, Lord, with those whom thou hast bereaved in the death of him (her) for 58 PRAYERS FOR "whom we, this day, go mourning. Oh ! sus- tain them by thy Word and Spirit, that they may not mourn as those who have no hope. Speak peace unto their souls, blessed Saviour, thou "Prince of Peace;" and thou Holy Comforter, comfort their sorrowing hearts and bear them up in their bereavement. May this dispensation be an admonition to them and a voice, saying : " be ye likewise ready." May they set their house in order and hold themselves in readiness to depart whenever the Lord will call them. And now Lord, look in much mercy upon us all ; help us to repent of all our sins, and graciously pardon us — and at last, when the solemn hour of departure will have come for us, do thou receive us home into thy everlast- ing habitations, through riches of grace in Christ our Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. Death of a Scholar. Thou, who hast the issues of life and death in thy hand, look in mercy upon us as SABBATH SCHOOLS. 59 we attempt to approach, into thy presence at this time. We come with bleeding hearts, for death has entered our school and has claimed one of its members as a victim. Lord, how uncertain is life and how certain is death ! Our lives are short and fleeting — we come forth as the grass of the field and abide but for a short time. We droop, wither, die, and return to dust and ashes. In the midst of life we are surrounded by death, whose shafts fall thick and fast around us ! — Young and old alike must lay by their mor- tal body and sleep the long sleep in the cold embrace of death ! May this sad dispensation— the death of our young friend and scholar — remind us of the fact, that no one is too young to die. — Death is in truth no respecter of persons. The reaper-angel goes forth and gathers in the young and smiling infant ; the blooming youth and maiden ; the strong man and fair woman, as well as the old and infirm, who, in point of age, are ripe for his sickle. Grant 60 PRAYERS FOR that we all may lay this truth most seriously to heart, and may so live as to be prepared to meet thee at thy coming. How soon one or the other of us, who are yet alive, will be called, we can not know ; therefore we should all be diligent in the work of preparation for the solemn hour of death. We pray thee, Lord, to assist us in our weakness. Help us to strive to enter in at the straight gate ; strengthen our faith, and enable us to watch and to pray in order to be ready. Although we mourn at the death of our friends, yet we would also bless thy holy name, for the assurance thy Word gives us, that our loved ones, who die in the Lord, are not lost to us, but only gone before. They are gone to be with Jesus, which is far better. They are gone to inhabit blest mansions above, prepared by his love; where "the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest." And oh ! may we feel our- selves drawn after them ; may we not wish SABBATH SCHOOLS. 61 them back ; may we not seek them upon earth, but strive to be prepared to go and be with them in heaven. And now, Lord, be thou with those whom thou hast bereft by this solemn dispensation. Comfort and console their sorrowing hearts ; speak peace, thou " Prince of Peace," unto their troubled souls, and stir them up to look upwards and to go on towards the heavenly city, waiting for the coming of the Lord. — May they seek their treasures in heaven, and thus be drawn away from the earth to hold communion with heavenly things. Hear us now, Lord ; forgive us all our short-comings, mis-doings and sins, and save us finally for our Redeemer's sake. Amen. Prayer after the Recovery of a SicJc Teacher or Scholar. Bless the Lord, my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his bene- 62 JPRAYEttS roil fits ; who forgiveth all thine iniquities ; who healeth all thy diseases ; who redeemeth thy life from destruction, and crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies. Lord, our God, we desire to come before thee at this time, as before a merciful Father, with thanksgivings and praises; we would adore and magnify thy great and blessed name, for thou hast done great things for us. Thou hast had mercy upon him (her) that was sick, and, perhaps, nigh unto the gates of death. Thou hast restored him (her) to the enjoyment of a reasonable measure of good health, so as to enable him (her), again to appear in our school. And now Lord, we pray thee to accept our humble thanks, and to grant us grace to re- joice with him (her) that rejoices over thy great love and compassion to him, (her) and to us as a school. And now, may thy good- ness, thy loving kindness and tender mercies, thy long-suffering and patience, not be in vain, but may they lead us to a heart-felt and un- SABBATH SCHOOLS. 68 feigned repentance for all our sins ; to a living faith in Christ, and to an entire yielding up of ourselves to thy most holy service. Enable us, Lord, to see and feel why it is that thou dost still preserve us in life. May we know and lay to heart that it is in order that we may love thee more and serve thee better ? and thus become prepared for an entrance into everlasting glory. To this end, Lord, grant us the aid of thy Holy Spirit. May he take of the things of Jesus and show them unto us ; may he wean us more and more from the world and draw all our affections heavenward* May he fit us to love and serve thee here be- low and to dwell with thee in bliss and glory above. We now commit and commend our- selves into thy parental care and keeping. Be with us, blessed Lord, and keep us from all evil. Guide and direct us ; try us and see whether we are in the wicked way and lead us into the way everlasting. Dismiss us now with thy blessing; be ever with us, and at last own and save us for the sake and through 64 PRAYERS FOR the merits of thine own dear Son, our Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. Praying at Dismissing a Scholar in good Standing. Lord, our God, thou art unchangeable. From all eternity thou art the same, for in thee, the Father of lights, there is no vari- ableness nor shadow of turning. We are but of yesterday and pass away quickly. The friends we loved in former years are with us no more. Some sleep in the cold grave, and others have taken their leave and have gone in far distant lands. Our associations in this life are continually changing. We make friends to day and part with them to-morrow. We are on this present occasion forcibly re- minded of this fact, by being obliged to dis- miss one of our number from our school, per- haps never more to see him (her) upon earth. And now, Our Heavenly Father, we desire to appear before thee in behalf of him (her) SABBATH SCHOOLS. 65 who is about to leave this school. We com- mit arid commend him (her) into thy paren- tal care and keeping, and beseech thee to let thy special protection and guidance accom- pany him (her) in all his (her) ways, — in his (her) journeyings, and in his (her new home. Let they richest blessings rest upon him, (her) at all times and in all places. Guard him, (her) Lord, against sinful and wicked asso- ciates. Throw around him (her) the salutary influences of thy church and the sabbath school, and guide him (her) by thy good spirit under all circumstances, whether favor- able or unfavorable. Draw him (her) continu- ally by thy love and spirit, and help him (her) to walk in the paths of truth, of righteous- ness and of true holiness ; loving thee with a pure heart, and serving thee with a good conscience. May he (she) abide in thy fear and become a light shining in dark places ; dispelling the night of sin and iniquity, and leading many to Christ the "light of the world, "—the 0-1. 66 PftAYEHs FOK "Lamb of God," that their sins may he taken away. To this end, blessed Father, seal upon his (her) heart and apply to his (her) con- science, the instructions he (she) received in this school. May they be as good seed, and may they have found good soil, spring up and produce an abundance of good fruit. And, Lord, help us who remain here? often to remember him, (her,) whom we now dismiss from our school, in our prayers at thy mercy seat. Enable us to cherish the spirit of pure and holy love in our hearts, even of that love which comes from thee, who art love. Be with us all ; forgive all our sins and short- comings ; quicken us by thy spirit, and at last receive one and all of us into thy hea- venly kingdom and grant us the bliss of be- holding thee, "face to face," and of praising and glorifying thee, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, for ever and ever. Amen. SABBATH SCHOOLS. 67 Prayer at the Expulsion of a Scholar for bad Conduct* Lord, we appear before thee with sorrow- ful hearts ! Necessity was laid upon us in thus expelling a member from our school. His (her) conduct was such as to disturb the peace and hinder the prosperity of our school, and there was danger that others would be led astray by his (her) example. Words of kind admonition, of mild correction, of affection- ate entreaty and of stern rebuke, were alike fruitless. At last we performed the hard, yet necessary, task of expulsion ! And now, Lord, we would still make use of the only means that is left us and would continue to pray in behalf of him (her) who is now cast out from our midst. Have thou mercy, oh our heavenly Father, and grant that he (she) *It is questionable whether it is prudent to expel a scholar from school, unless all hope of reforming him (her) is vain, and he (she) has become so wicked as to disturb the peace and hinder the prosperity of the school, by set- ting a bad example to the children, and leading them astray to walk in his (her) own wicked ways. If a scholar is ex- pele4, ^should only be done after prayerful consideration 68 PRAYERS FOR may feel the disgrace that is now brought upon him, (her) and that he (she) may come to himself (herself) like the prodigal, and may return a true penitent, over whom thy holy angels in heaven may rejoice. Forbid Lord, that he (she) should cast away from himself (herself) every restraint and rush on to inevitable destruction, heedless of all warn- ing and advice. Oh, turn him (her) from his (her) evil ways ; arrest him (her) in his (her) career of sin and folly, and bring him (her) back to thee. May the kind admonitions and entreaties ; the faithful warnings and advice, which were made to him (her) in this school, follow him (her) and leave him (her) no rest until he (she) give heed unto them. May thy good spirit strive with him (her) and draw him (her) away from his sinful course. May the truths of thy Holy Word, the hymns of praise and the prayers, as he (she) heard them from time to time in this school, sound and resound in his (her) ears until they reach his SABBATH SCHOOLS. 69 (her) heart and bring him (her) to reflect, repent and return. Hear now our prayers, Lord, and an- swer them ; grant our humble requests in be- half of the scholar that was expelled from our school ; turn him (her) from the way of sin and error unto thee the living and true God, and all honor, praise and glory shall be thine forever and ever. Amen. Prayer at the Opening of a Teachers' Meeting, or Bible Class. Lokd, thou art a great God and a great King, and art worthy to be praised and to be had in reverence by all thine intelligent crea- tures in Heaven above and upon the earth below. The bright seraphs, which surround thy throne, veil their faces and cry one to another and say : " Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory." It becomes us, Lord, to take our position in the dust and to worship and 70 PRAYERS FOR adore thee in deep humility ; for " what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visitest him ?" We would, therefore, humble our souls before thee at this time, and would bless, adore and magnify thee as a God of boundless love and compas- sion, having "no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live." Oh! how great is thy love ! how abundant thy mercy ! and how long suffering thy patience ! Although we deserve to be forever banished from thy pre- sence, thou art still calling unto us to turn and live. When man had forfeited all claims to thy goodness and love, having transgressed thy righteous command and trampled thy holy will under foot ; when he had made him- self incapable of loving and serving thee on account of his sin, and had thus shut himself out from all communion with thee, thou didst stretch forth thy hand and didst snatch him from the destruction into which he had plung- ed himself. He was dead in trespasses and 3AB0&TH SCHOOLS. 71 sins ; a heavy load Gf guilt was lying Upon him, but thou didst send thine own dearly beloved Son into the world, in order to re- store man to life and happiness again. He came and took upon himself our nature ; He became oiie of us and-" was in all points tempt- ed like as we are, yet without sin;" he took upon himself our sins and our guilt, and "bore them in his body on the tree, that we, being dead to sin, should live unto righteous- ness." Thou didst also, in great mercy, bestow upon us thy good and Holy Spirit, and thus we are made able, by his gracious aid and in- fluence, to lay hold of the salvation, which Christ our Saviour wrought out for us upon the cross, and which is offered unto us in the Gospel. Thou didst establish thy church upon earth, and didst institute sufficient means of grace by which our spiritual life may be quickened and nourished into life everlasting. And now Lord, as thou hast done so great 72 PRAYERS FOR and wonderful things for the salvation of the human race, and art still making use of human instrumentalities to carry forward thy work, it behooves us, also, to be up and doing; to be laboring in thy harvest field seeking the salvation of immortal souls. We desire, therefore, at this time, to make men- tion, in our prayers, of thy church, Pour out the fullness of thy Spirt upon her. May she "arise and shine, her light being come and the glory of the Lord being risen upon her." Prosper, we pray thee, the preaching of thy Gospel, and bless it to the conversion of many sinners from the error of their ways to thee, the living and true God. Send more laborers into thy harvest field, for truly the harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Eaise up many who shall feel themselves con- strained by the love of Christ, to go forth in thy name and in the power of thy might, as heralds of the eross, to proclaim the gospel of salvation to a perishing world. Be with those who already stand on the walls of SABBATH SCHOOLS. 73 Zion and strengthen them for the faithful dis- charge of all their duties. Crown with thy richest blessing the labors of their hands, so that they may be able to see the fruits of their toil and may rejoice, giving all glory to thee. Especially, Lord, be with those who labor in heathen lands. Oh ! remember them and make thy grace sufficient for every trial they have to endure. Dispose those to whom they preach the gospel, to receive it gladly ; and may its light shine into their hearts and dispel all the darkness of sin and evil that by nature reigns within them. Prosper greatly the labors of all who toil for the spread of thy kingdom, the salvation of souls and the honor and glory of thy name. Our Father, who art in heaven, may thy name soon be hallowed by all ; may thy kingdom soon come into every heart, and may soon thy will be done on earth even as it is done in heaven above. Help us, Lord, to glorify thy name in all our thoughts, words and 74 PRAYERS FOR deeds, and may we at all times and in all things have a wise reference to thy most holy and most righteous will. We also desire to bring before thee the cause of Sabbath Schools at this time. We pray thee to prosper it to the accomplishment of much good. Bestow richly of thy Spirit upon all officers, teachers and children con- nected with the same, and enable all properly and faithfully to discharge their several du- ties. Bless the operations of that institu- tion, which ha3 for its object the establish- ment of schools in destitute places and the circulation of good books for the young. — Guide those who preside over it by thy coun- sel and Spirit, and make all who are connected with it, faithful and active in the discharge of their duties, that much good may be done through its agency. And now, Lord, as we have met together at this time for the purpose of mutual con- sultation and the united study of thy Word, we would beseech thee to be present with us SABBATH SCHOOLS. 75 at this time. Solemnize our hearts and our minds ; enable us to feel the great privileges, but also the great responsibilities, of our sta- tion, and help us to study thy Word care- fully and prayerfully, to our own edification and for the benefit of those whom it is our lot to instruct. Bless all the children of our school. Fill their young and tender hearts with love and reverence towards thee ; watch over them at all times, and graciously preserve them from straying into the paths of sin and folly ; such as have gone astray, bring back and make them to walk in thine own ways. Bless also the parents of these children. May they watch over their tender offspring and direct them to walk in the straight path of wisdom and godly fear ; and may they at last, together with their children, surround thy throne and ascribe all honor, praise and glory unto thee, the Father, to- gether with the Son and the Holy Ghost, for evermore. And now, Lord, be with us during this hour ; open unto us the eyes of our un- 76 PRAYERS FOR derstanding that we may see wondrous things out of thy law ; teach us by thy Spirit ; glo- rify thyself in us and in all our thoughts, words and deeds, and at last assemble us to- gether in thy glorious mansions of light and bliss above, through Jesus Christ, thy Son, our Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. Prayer at the Close of a Teachers 1 Meeting or Bible Class. Most Gracious God and Father : We de- sire to come before thee once more, before we depart from this place, to seek thy gracious blessing upon the labors in which we have been engaged at this time. We know that all our efforts to do good, will and must prove fruitless if thou bestowest not thy blessing upon them. A Paul may plant and an Apol- los may water, but the increase must come from thee. Therefore, as we have been en- gaged in the study of thy Word, at this time, we would now ask thee to seal upon our hearts the truths which we have been consid- SABBATH SCHOOLS. 77 ering. Grant, Lord, that they may be as good seed in good soil ; water them with the dews of thy heavenly grace, to the end that they may produce an abundant harvest of good works, done in love and in the faith of Jesus Christ. We desire to commend to thy special care, the cause in which we are engaged. As it has pleased thee to incline our hearts to be- come laborers in thy harvest-field, and to as- sume the duties of Sabbath School teachers, we feel that it behooves us to make use of every means in our reach, to accomplish the object of our mission. We pray thee, there- fore, to remember in much mercy, us, thy humble servants, and with us, all other offi- cers and teachers of Sabbath Schools. Pour out into our hearts the fulness of thy Spirit, and endow us with wisdom and understand* ing from above, to the faithful and effectual discharge of all our duties. Make plain unto us the blessed truths of thy Word, and may they lay hold of our minds^ hearts and con- 78 PRAYERS FOR sciences and prompt us to love and serve thee in sincerity and truth. May a love for souls urge us on to labor in season and out of sea- son ; to be diligent and persevering ; watch- ful and prayerful in all our labors ; not be- coming weary in well-doing, knowing that in due season we shall also reap if we faint not. Remember, Lord, the children of all Sabbath Schools throughout the length and breadth of the whole earth. But not only those who enjoy the privileges of the Sabbath School, but also all others would we com- mend to thy fatherly regard. Lord, be with them and bless them abundantly. Thou knowest to what temptations they are ex- posed. Thou knowest how easily they fall in with the sinful ways of the children of the world and how many are overcome by temp- tation ! We pray thee, therefore, to watch over them. Oh ! be thou with them and en- able them to see and avoid the snares which are laid for them and the temptations which beset their paths. Help them to take heed SABBATH SCHOOLS. 79 to their ways according to thy Word. May they remember their Creator now, in the days of their youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when they shall say, we have no pleasure in them. Impress their youthful minds with a sense of the vanity of all earthly pleasures, and enable them to feel the exceeding great enjoyments which flow from heartfelt communion with thee. Seal upon their hearts the instructions which those receive who attend the Sabbath School, and grant that they may be productive of great good, bringing forth the rich fruits of repent- ance for sin, faith in Christ and a heartfelt consecration unto thy service. Those who do not enjoy the privileges of Sabbath School instruction, remember in mercy and provide for them the enjoyment of* the same blessings. Bless, Lord, all institutions which have for their object the spread of the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus. Raise up many who shall go forth to preach Christ and him crucified to a sinful and perishing world. — 80 PRAYERS FOR Prosper the faithful preaching of the gospel to the accomplishment of great good. Revive thy work in the hearts of thy people, and may all who profess thy name and who have taken the vows of the Lord upon themselves, see eye to eye, and labor hand in hand, for the advancement of thy cause upon earth. — Hasten the coming of thy kingdom, — of the time when there will be but one flock even as there is but one Shepherd, and when peace and good-will toward men shall fill the whole earth, and honor, praise and glory shall be ascribed to thee, the Lord God in the highest. Hear us now, 0, our Father, and grant us our requests; dismiss us with thy blessing and fill our hearts with joy and peace ; as- sist us to discharge faithfully all our duties, and at last save us through the merits of Christ, our Saviour, who loved us and gave himself for us, and who taught us to pray : "Our Father," &c» Amen. PART SECOND, PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOR WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS, G-& PART SECOND, PRAYERS AND HYxMNS FOR WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. Morning Prayer for ike Teacher. Lord, most merciful and most gracious^ watched over by thy parental eye ; protected by tkine almighty arm, and spared by thy goodness, long-suffering and patience, I have been permitted to behold, with my mortal eyes, the light of this morning. I would now approach thy mercy-seat in the name of thy dear Son, my Saviour and Redeemer, and render thee thanksgivings and praises for ail the manifestations of thy love towards me, as I from day to day experience them. Accept, Lord, who art worthy to receive all honor, glory and adoration, the sacrifice of my heart, and grant me thy protecting care and guar- dianship during the trials of this day. Yfhen 1 look back on the days that are past and gone, I behold nothing but manifestations of 81 PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOR thy goodness and love towards me. When dangers surrounded me, thou didst protect me ; when foes lay in wait for me, thou wast my buckler and shield ; when snares were laid for my feet, thou didst lead me around them ; and when temptations beset me on every side, thou wast always nigh to help if I but turned to thee in prayer. When dead in trespasses and sin, thou didst send thine own dear Son to suffer and die that I might live, and when I, nevertheless, continued to follow after iniquity, and sported on the barren mountains of sin and folly, thou didst send thy good Spirit to seek me and bring me back. And oh I when I returned, a penitent sinner, thou didst receive me with open arms, and there was joy before thy holy angels in heaven over me, a repenting sinner. Accept then, Lord, my feeble thanks for all thou hast been and art still doing for me ; and as I am still a poor sinner, often forgetting thy love towards me ; often going astray and trans- gressing thy most holy commandments in WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. 85 thoughts, words and deeds : therefore I desire to beseech thee, in the name and for the sake of thy dear Son, to have mercy upon me and to forgive all that thy pure eyes see amiss in mj conduct. And, my Father, I pray thee for the gift of thy good Spirit. May He take up His abode in my heart and make me thy child and thy servant in deed and in truth. And now, Lord, I desire also to thank thee for the sphere of usefulness into which thou hast seen fit to call me. Truly, I have a great work to do. But, Lord, who is suf- ficient ! Help me, I beseech thee, to feel my own weakness and blindness, that I may the more earnestly and perseveringiy apply my- self to the proper preparation for my duties. Grant that I may not rely on the wisdom and strength of man, but may, by prayer, seek true wisdom and strength from thee. Endow me also, with that wisdom which maketh wise unto salvation. Be thou with me this day. Give me proper love and zeal for the 86 PRATERS AND HYMNS FOR faithful discharge of all my duties. Make me mild but firm, and enable me to govern more by love than fear. Grant me grace that I may teach, not only by word and pre- cept, but especially by example. May my looks and my actions; my words and my deeds, continually testify to my scholars that I walk before thee and serve thee. Make my scholars obedient and diligent, Help them duly to appreciate the value of time ; the preciousness of their youthful days and years, and enable them to lay up a rich fund of useful knowledge for days and years to come. And, Lord, most of all, dwell thou in their hearts by thy Holy Spirit and teach them to seek better things than this world can afford ; to lay up treasures in heaven, and to choose that good thing which shall not be taken from them. Prepare them by thy grace to become useful members of society and of the State ? but above all of thy church. And now Lord, be with me this day. May WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. 87 my strength be sufficient for its trials and temptations. Forsake me never. Be with all others who shall engage in the same duties with me. Bless abundantly the labors of our hands to thy honor and glory. Hear me and be with me ; bless and at last save me for my Redeemer's sake. Amen. Evening Prayer for the Teacher. Gracious Father, as I live to see the end of this day and have enjoyed thy favor and blessings whilst it lasted, I desire now, in this evening hour, to appear before thee for the purpose of rendering thee my thanksgivings and praises, for all thou hast done for me, both in body and in soul. Thou hast been with me and hast given me strength and en- ergy of body and of mind to carry me through the duties which my office imposes upon me, and hast brought me to this moment in the enjoyment of good health and many other 88 PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOR favors and blessings. Accept my humble thanks, Lord, for all the favors bestowed upon me thine unworthy servant. And as this day passed not by without manifold short- comings and failings on my part, I would humbly beseech thee, in the name of Christ, to grant me true and heartfelt repentance for all that I have done amiss, and for all omis- sions of duty towards thee and towards my fellow-men. Pardon me, I beseech thee, and bestow upon me the gift of thy Holy Spirit, to renew me more and more in the inner man into the image of my blessed Saviour and Re- deemer. Strengthen my faith, and enable me, more and more, to look away from all earthly things and to set my affections upon things spiritual and eternal in heaven. And now, Lord, I beseech thee to bestow thy rich blessing upon the labors in which I have this day been engaged. So far as they are in accordance with thy holy will, do thou own and prosper them to the good of those upon whom they have been bestowed. What- WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. 89 ever has been done amiss do thou blot out that it may not produce any pernicious fruit. Bless, I pray thee all the children that visit my school, from day to day. Graciously watch over them for good, and enable them, in the morning of life already, to yield their young and tender hearts to thee. By the power and influence J 7 of thy Holy Spirit change their hearts and make them thine own children, " born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man ; but of God." Make them bright and shining lights in thy church ; giving light unto those that are without and dispelling the night of igno- rance and sin around them. Make them the salt of the earth, preserving the mass from corruption, and cities set upon hills, that may be seen from afar off. May they let their light so shine before men, that they, seeing their good works, may glorify thee, the Fa- ther of lights in heaven. Bless the parents of these children and en- able them faithfully to discharge all their 90 PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOR duties towards them, bringing them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. And now, Lord, be with me, my scholars and all others during the silent watches of this night. When darkness hangs over the face of the earth, let thine all-seeing eye watch over us, and thine all-powerful arm be stretch- ed out for our safety and protection. I com- mit and commend myself and all others into thy guardian care and keeping. Be ever near us ; especially be with the sick and afflicted ; the poor and needy ; widows and orphans and all others who are in distress. Feed the hungry ; clothe the naked ; shelter the house- less and homeless ; comfort the afflicted, and console the sorrowful. Have mercy upon all unrepenting sinners and draw them by thy spirt unto Christ the a Lamb of God," that their sins may be taken away. Hear me now, Lord, for the sake of Christ my Saviour and Redeemer, unto whom with thee, the Father and the Holy Ghost be present and everlasting praises. Amen. WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS, 91 PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOR OPENING AND CLOS- ING SCHOOLS. Monday Morning. Merciful God and Father, in thy good providence we are again permitted to meet as a school, on this, the first day of labor in the week. Thou hast graciously watched over us since we parted with each other last, and hast kept us from harm and from danger in many shapes and forms. Lord, help us to feel the greatness of thy loving kindness and ten- der mercies to-us-ward ; help us to feel how tenderly thou dost love us, and how greatly thou dost bless us from day to day. Enable us to feel truly grateful towards thee for all these favors ; and may a sense of thy good- ness lead us to heartfelt and unfeigned re- pentance for all our short-comings and sins. Above all, heavenly Father, help us to feel truly grateful for the gift of thine own, dearly beloved Son to be our Saviour and our Re- deemer ; for all that he did and suffered for us while on earth, and for all he is now doing for 92 PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOR us in heaven. And may our gratitude be ex- pressed by a free and full giving up of our hearts to be his, in order to love and serve him all the days of our life. Help us to feel our own weakness and misery more and more ; draw us away from the earth and earthly things, and enable us to hold communion with spiritual things and become thus fitted for the enjoymment of thy presence in heaven. Thou, Lord, hast bestowed upon us im- mortal minds, by which we may know the works of thy hand, and thee the Giver of every good and perfect gift. We are now assembled for the purpose of training and improving our minds; for the purpose of preparation for activity and usefulness in days to come. But Lord, we feel that we are poor and needy, weak and blind, and that, of ourselves, we can do nothing. We come to thee, who art always able and willing to help those who call upon thee in sincerity and truth, and humbly beseech thee to be with us throughout the hours of this day. Influence our hearts by WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. 93 the presence of thy Holy Spirit, and enable us to spend this day together in peace and harmony and with profit to ourselves and others. Teach us by thy wisdom and counsel, that we may become wise unto salvation. En- able us to look forward, to future days and years, with strong desires and resolutions, by thy grace, to do good to our fellow men and to live and labor for thy honor and glory. Prosper now, Lord, the labors of our hands. Preserve us from sin. Be with us in all our ways and lead us into the way ever- lasting. Make us all useful members of society, but especially of thy church. May we all become shining lights in the world, dis- pelling the darkness of ignorance and sin around us. Prosper the cause of christian education and bless each and every one that labors in and for it. Build up thy kingdom in the world and reign supreme in the hearts of all. Hear us now, Lord ; forgive all our sins and save us, finally, for our Redeemer's sake. Amen, 04 PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOR HYMN. Children's Prayer. T's. 1. Gracious Lord we look to thee, Meek and humble may we be ; Pride and anger put away, Make us better every day, 2. Teach us for our friends to pray, And our parents to obey ; Richest blessings from above, Give them for their tender love. 8. May we find the sweets of prayer Sweeter than our pastimes are; Love the Sabbath and the place Where we learn to seek thy face. Monday Evening. Lord our God, at the close of our labors for this day, we would humbly -draw nigh unto thee to thank thee for the favors and blessings we enjoyed since the dawn of this morning's light. Thou hast been with us, Lord, and hast blest us with many and great privileges. Thou hast watched over us and WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. 95 hast shielded us from harm and danger, and now, as we are about to depart from this place, it is meet for us to acknowledge thy goodness as we experienced it during the hours of this day. Help us, we pray thee, rightly to un- derstand how great our favors are, and may a sense of thy love towards us lead us to give our hearts to thee, to love and serve thee all the days of our life. May we truly feel that we are not our own, but belong to our blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who loved us and gave himself for us. May we never for- get that we were purchased with a great price, even the life of our dear Saviour. Now Lord, we beseech thee to crown with thy blessing the labors of our hands for this day, so far as they may be according to thine own holy will. May it not have been in vain that we spent the hours of this day together as a school, but may much good be produced by it. Whatever has been done that may conflict with thy righteous will, do thou graciously blot out and prevent it from bearing fruit. 96 PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOR And now, as we are about to part with each other, we beseech thee to go with us to our homes. Abide with us where me may abide, and lead us continually in thine own ways that we may not go astray. During the night that is before us, do thou mercifully watch over us ; keep us from all harm and danger ; grant us sweet and refreshing sleep, and in the morning raise us up again to behold the light of to-morrow's sun and to praise and glorify thy name. Bless, also, all our fellow creatures upon the face of the whole earth. Regard in much mercy the poor and the needy; provide for all their wants; feed and clothe them that they may not suffer. Be with the sick and those who walk in the valley of the shadow of death. Prepare us all for our last moments, and when death comes enable us to depart in peace and be with Jesus. To this end grant us, and by thy Spirit work in us, true and heartfelt repentance for all our short-comings and sins, and pardon us graci- ously, for the sake of thine own dear Son our WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. 97 Saviour, through whom we hope to enter hea ven and be with thee for ever. Hear us now, O Lord, for the sake of Christ, who taught us to pray: " Our Father," &c. Amen. HYMN. The Sappy Land. 6's, 4's. There is a happy land, Far, far away, Where saints in glory stand, Bright, bright as day. how they sweetly sing, "Worthy is our Saviour-King; Loud let his praises ring ; Praise, praise for aye." Come to that happy land, Come, come come away; Why will ye doubting stand, Why still delay? 0, we shall happy be, When from sin and sorrow free, Lord, we shall live with thee ; Blest, blest for aye. D-l. 98 PHAYEKS AND HYMNS JOM 3. Bright, in that happy land, Beams every eye; Kept by a Father's hand, Love cannot die. 0, then to glory rim, Be a crown and kingdom won And bright, above the sun, We reign for aye. Tuesday Morning, Our Father, who art in heaven, we come be- fore thee this morning and desire to thank thee for thy protection during the past night and the light of this morning. Surely thou wast with us and hast kept us. When darkness surrounded and unseen dangers beset us, thine almighty arm was outstretched for our safety. Thou art love, and thy love has been mani- fested towards us, ever since we have our being. This morning, again, we see and feel that thou art still a God of love. But we are truly, most unworthy creatures. We make not the proper use of all the blessings we re- WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. 99 Ceive at thy hands. Often whilst we partake of thy gifts, we forget thee, the bountiful Giv- er ! Often we do what thou hatest and leave undone what thou lovest, and willst that we should do ! But We pray thee, Lord, to forgive us, for the sake of thine own dear Son, our Saviour. Pardon all our sins and restore us unto thy favor. Pour out thy Spirit into our hearts that he may teach us to love thee and to give our hearts to thee. blessed Saviour, we look to thee for help. Thou wast so meek and lowly upon earth, and didst invite the poor and needy to come unto thee. We are poor and needy. We desire to seek thy face. Thou art the light of the world, but we are full of darkness. Oh, let thy light fill our souls that we may know thee aright ; that we may also become lights in the world, giving light to those who sit in the shadow and darkness of ignorance and sin. And thou, Holy Spirit, the Comforter, come, fill our hearts and make us good and faithful children of our heavenly Father. 100 PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOR Dwell in our hearts and make us temples of the living God. Help us, Lord, to spend this day in a proper and, to thee, acceptable manner. May we store our minds with knowledge for future usefulness that we may do good unto our fel- low-men, and faithfully fulfill our mission in this world. Be with us while we are together. Prevent us from sinning against thee. Keep us from harm and danger. Prosper the labors of our hands and establish them upon us for good. Continue with us to the end and then take us unto thyself in heaven through riches of grace in Christ, to whom, with thee, the Pather and the Holy Ghost, be present and unceasing praises in a world without end, Amen. HYMN. "I Must Die." V%. 1. I am young, but I must die : In my grave I soon shall lie : Am I ready now to go, If the will of God be so ? WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. 101 2. Lord, prepare me for my end, To my heart thy spirit send ; Help me, Jesus, thee to love, Take my soul to heaven above. Then I shall with Jesus be, Then I shall my Saviour see ; Never more have any pain, Never more shall sin again. Tuesday Evening. Lord our God, the time for departing from this place has come, but before we go hence we would come to thee in prayer. Oh, cast us not away from thy presence and take not thy good and Holy Spirit from us. Lend a listening ear unto our prayers and graciously hear us when we cry unto thee. In thy good providence we have been spared until this moment, and have received renewed tokens of thy love during the hours of this day. Accept now, Lord, we pray thee, our feeble thanks for thy love and kindness towards us. Help us to love thee in return 102 PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOR and to seek to do thy rightous and holy will in all things. Pardon, graciously, everything thine all-seeing eye may have seen amiss in our conduct and bestow thy rich blessing upon the labors of our hands. Prepare us for much usefulness in our day, that much good may be done by us as thine instruments. Help us to regard ourselves as belonging unto thee, with all that we have and are. May we employ the talents- thou dost give us, faithfully in thy service, in order that, when Christ will come to hold reckoning with us, we may be able, like good stewards, to give a good account of our stewardship. And now, Lord, we beseech thee to dismiss us with thy blessing. Go with us to our homes and watch over us during the silent hours of the night. When darkness hangs over the face of the earth, let the light of thy truth fill and enlighten our minds and our souls. Be atj peace with us, our Father, for the sake of our Saviour and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Enable us to trust in thee, all the WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. 108 days of our earthly existence. Strengthen our faith and enable us to walk by faith and not by sight. Help us to keep continually before our minds the great fact that we must die and that we are never too young for the grave. Oh, may we not put off the work of preparation for death and eternity, but may we seek, by thy grace, so to live as we will wish we had lived, when death comes. May we live in thy fear and thy service until our end come, and then die in peace with our Grod through Christ our Saviour, who has taught us to pray: " Our Father," &c. Amen. HYMN. Grod Hears Children's Prayers. L. M. 1, God is so good that he will hear, Whenever children humbly pray ; He always lends a gracious ear To what the youngest child can say« 2. His own most holy book declares, He loves good little children still, And that he listens to their prayers * Just as a tender Father will. 104 PRATERS AND HTMNS FOR 3. He loves to hear an infant tongue Thank him for all his mercies given ; And when by babes his praise is sung, Their cheerful songs are heard in heaven. 4. Come then, dear children, trust his word, And seek him for your friend and guide ; Your little voices shall be heard, And you will never be denied. Wednesday Morning. Give ear to our words, Lord ; consider our meditations. _ Hearken unto the voice of our cry, our King and our God ; for unto thee will we pray. Our voice shalt thou hear in the morning, Lord, in the morning will we direct our prayers unto thee and will look up. thou faithful God and Father, we desire to make known thy loving kindness and ten- der mercies in this morning hour, and to praise thee for thy protection and care during the night that is now past and gone. Thou wast with us and didst graciously watch over us WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. 105 whilst we lay helpless in the embrace of sleep. Thou hast refreshed us by the sleep of the night and hast raised us up to behold the light of this morning in the enjoyment of good health and strength. We are also surround- ed by many other comforts, for which, and for all other favors, we would humbly thank thee at this time. We would, above all, thank thee that we can this morning approach thee in the name of Christ our Advocate and Intercessor at thy right hand, to make known unto thee the desires of our hearts. • And now, Lord, as we have met for the purpose of preparing ourselves for usefulness in after life, we pray thee to be with us dur- ing this day. Help us to spend all its mo- ments profitably to ourselves and to others. Keep us, graciously, from sinning against thee. Banish from our minds all evil and sinful thoughts, and from our hearts all sinful wishes and desires. Help us to dwell to- gether in love, and to seek each other's happi- ness in all our intercourse wich each other, 106 PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOR Make us industrious and diligent in all our duties, that we may not spend any of the precious moments of this day in idleness, much less in doing evil. Prosper the labors of our hands, and bless them to our good and thy glory. Raise up many who shall become faithful witnesses to and defenders of thy truth. Bless all institutions of learning and those who preside over them. Destroy all ignorance and sin, and let the lamp of thy truth enlighten the minds and hearts of all sinners. And now, Lord, we wait for thy presence and blessing. Forsake us not but abide with us, even in our hearts, by thy good and Holy Spirit, that we may be thy true and faithful children, loving and serving thee with all our hearts. Hear us, Lord, and answer and bless, for Christ's sake, and all honor, glory and praise shall be unto thee, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, for ever and ever. Amen. WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. 107 HYMN. The G-ood Shepherd. &s, TV, 1. Jesus says that we raust love Him, Helpless -as the lambs are we ; But he very kindly tells us That our shepherd He will be. 2. Heavenly Shepherd, please to watch us, Guard us both by night and day ; Pity show to little children, Who, like lambs, too often stray. 3. We are always prone to wander, Please to keep us from each snare ; Teach our infant hearts to praise thee, For thy kindness and thy care. Wednesday Evening. Our Father, the day is drawing towards its close ; the shadows of evening are coming on and we must leave this place. But before we depart hence we would render unto thee our thanks for the blessings this day brought with itself. We thank thee that we have been able to meet here for the purpose of 108 PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOR cultivating our minds for future usefulness, and we pray thee to bestow thy rich blessing upon the labors of our hands for this day. Help us, Lord, to devote all our talents and our knowledge to thy good and holy service. As our minds grow in knowledge so let our hearts grow in grace and holiness, in order that we may be able to turn all we learn to a good and proper use. Send thy good and Holy Spirit into our hearts that he may teach us heavenly wisdom ; that he may take of the things of Jesus and may show them unto us to the end that we may learn to see and know how good it is to love and serve the Lord. Forgive Lord, all that we have done amiss during the past day and our past lives. 0, for the sake of thine own dear Son, have mercy upon us and pardon all our sins. Re- new us by thy Spirit, more and more from day to day. Create in us clean hearts, God, and renew right spirits within us. Help us first to seek thy kingdom and thy right- WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. 109 eousness, and all other things shall be added unto us. Bless with us all others, Lord. Remem- ber in much mercy all who suffer from want and neglect. Raise up friends to the poor who may supply their wants. Open the hearts and hands of those whom thou hast blest with an abundance of this world's goods, that they may assist those who are poor and needy. May we also remember that " bless- ed is the man who considereth the poor." Be with the sick and afflicted ; comfort them in their distresses,, and enable them to stay their hearts on thee. And now, Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing ; go with us to our places of abode, and ever lead us in the way thou wilt have us to go. Preserve us graciously from all sin. Watch over us during the coming night ; pro- tect us against harm and danger ; grant us refreshing sleep, and in the morning raise us up in the enjoyment of good health and strength. Should the hour of death, to any 110 PRAYERS AND HYMNS £OE of us, come during the night, 0, then help us to yield our souls into thy hands, and re- ceive us through Christ our Redeemer, who has taught us to pray, " Our Father," &c. Amen. HYMN. Worth of the Scriptures. Ts. 1. Holy Bible, book divine ; Precious treasure, thou art mine ; Mine to tell me whence I came, Mine, to teach me what I am. 2. Mine, to chide me when I rove ; Mine, to show a Saviour's love ; Mine art thou, to guide my youth In the paths of love and truth. 3. Mine, to comfort in distress, If the Holy Spirit bless ; Mine, to show by living faith Man can triumph over death. 4. Mine, to tell of joys to come, And the sinner's dreadful doom ; 0, thou precious book divine ; Precious treasure, thou art mine, WEEK-BAt SCHOOLS. Ill Thursday Morning. Lord, our God and Father, we desire to give thee thanks in this morning hour for thy protection during the last night, and for the light of this day. We laid ourselves clown, and closed our eyes in sleep, but thy never- sleeping eye watched over us, and thine al- mighty arm protected us. No evil came nigh our dwelling, because thy holy angels guard- ed it. And now, Lord, we stand before thee as living witnesses to thy goodness, loving- kindness and tender mercies. How many of our fellow-men, who likewise retired to rest in the enjoyment of good health, have not lived to see the sweet light of this morning's sun ! How many passed the night in pains of body and anguish of soul, whilst we slept peaceably, and arose to see all our wants sup- plied. Lord, make us truly thankful for these favors, and may we be led to give our- selves up to be thine, and to love thee, the Lord our God, with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind and with all our 112 PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOR strength ; to praise and magnify thee in all our thoughts, words and deeds. Accept also our humble thanks for the privilege of meeting again as scholars and teacher, and help us to spend this day in such a manner as may be most profitable to us, and may best promote thy honor and glory and the welfare of our fellow-men. Fill our hearts with love, thou fountain of all love, and enable us truly to love thee and each other. By nature we are full of evil ; do thou then renew us by the power of thy Spir- it, and make us thy children in deed and in truth, having the Spirit of adoption in our hearts whereby we may cry " Abba Father." Be with us this day, Lord. Prepare us for the proper discharge of all our duties. May we dwell together in peace and harmo- ny, and seek to do good unto all. And as all our efforts to store our minds with useful knowledge without thy blessing must be fruit- less, we would beseech thee to crown with success the feeble efforts to this end which we may this day put forth. Prosper greatly WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. 113 the labors of our hands, and may all that is here taught and learned be employed in thy holy service. May we all become instru- ments for doing thy holy will, and bringing about the coming of the Redeemer's kingdom, —when thy will shall be done on earth as it is done in heaven. Bless all, Lord, who stand connected with us, whether by ties of kindred or other- wise. Bless the cause of education through- out the world, and make it such as it should be. May we not forget thy name whilst we prepare for the duties of life. Oh, be thou the source of all our wisdom, and grant that we may ascribe unto thee, one God in three persons, all honor, praise and glory, for ever and ever. Amen, HYMN. Children Come. 7's. 1. Hark ! a tender Saviour speaks, And the lonely silence breaks ; "Little children, come to me, I will your Redeemer be," D-2. 114 PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOE 2. You I'll save from ev'ry ill, And will be your guardian still ; I will raise you to the skies, Where the spirit never dies* 3. I will lift you to my throne, And confess you as my own ; Come then, children, come and see, What a Saviour I will be." Thursday Evening. Our Father, who art in heaven, in the name of Christ do we desire to come before thee, at the close of our labors for to-day. We would thank thee for the kind watch thou hast kept over us whilst we were assembled under this roof. We bless thee for all the innocent joys of which we partook since the morning sun rose upon us. Thou hast given us our daily bread, and hast clothed us with warm raiment, and hast permitted us to spend the hours of this day in the pursuit of such knowledge as will fit 'and qualify us for use- fulness in days to come. We feel that thou Week-day schools. 115 hast highly favored us in providing for us such means of education as we enjoy. But above all, heavenly Father, do we owe thee love and gratitude for what thou hast done for our immortal souls. For the gift of thine own dear Son, who loved us and saved us from our sins. Help us, we pray thee, to feel the true value of this gift. May we feel the awful misery into which sin has plunged us, in order that we may flee unto Christ to be saved from it. Help us to feel the power of his blood in our hearts, and grant that each of us may become personally acquainted with Him, and be able to say: "Lord, unto whom shall I go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And I believe and am sure that thou art the Christ, the son of the living God." Renew us by thy good Spirit ; help us to die unto sin and to live unto Christ, and be thus prepared to dwell with thee forever. And now, as the evening is coming on and the night is making haste to overtake us, we ask thee, Lord, to be with us. Dismiss us 116 PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOR with tli j blessing. Go with us, and during the approaching night, watch over us. Bless all our dear friends, especially, parents, bro- thers and sisters. Be with the sick and the dying ; visit the poor and the needy ; com- fort the widows and orphans. Extend thy gracious help to all such as are in perils and dangers by sea and by land. Turn sinners from the error of their ways unto thee, the living and true God. Bless thy church eve- rywhere. Bless those who preach the gospel of Christ. Hasten the coming of the Re- deemer's kingdom, when peace and good will shall dwell in the whole earth. Bless all schools and institutions of learning. Prosper the cause of sound christian education. Bless our country and the rulers thereof. May all rule in thy fear, and by wisdom from on high. Forgive us all our sins, and at last save us, all of which we ask in the name and for the sake of Christ our Saviour and Re- deemer. Amen. WEEK-BAY SCHOOLS. 117 HYMN. The Love of Christ. S. M, 1. Dear children, come to me, And listen while I tell Of him who died upon the tree, To save our souls from lielL 2. He saw our wretched state, And felt his pity move ; Poor he became, though once so great j; To show his matchless love. $. In Bethlehem he was born, A feeble infant child ; Then lived a life, exposed to scorn,, Though gentle, meek and mild. 4. On Calvary he died, A sacrifice for sin; There Jesus Christ was crucified. That we might glory gain. 5. Then love this gracious Friend, And seek his saving grace ; He'll guide you safely to the end^ And you shall see his face.. 118 PRATERS AND HYMNS FOB Friday Morning. Unto thee, Lord, would we lift up our hearts and voices in this morning hour, for unto thee do we owe the preservation of our ves and health ; unto thee are we indebted or all the comforts and blessings that sur- round us at this time. During the night that is past thou hast been with us, and hast kept us to behold the light of this morning in safe- ty, and now we have again been permitted to meet for the purpose of engaging in our ac- customed labors. Lord, thou art good, but we are evil. Thou art light, but we are full of darkness. Thou art holy, but we are polluted by sin. Thou art love, but we are, by nature, prone to hate thee and everything that is good. Help us, our father, to feel the misery which sin brings upon us, and to turn unto thee with a full purpose of heart, in order to have our sins pardoned and our misery removed. For the sake of thy son, forgive us our sins, re- «iove our guilt and restore us unto thy favor, WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. 119 Renew us by thy spirit, and make us new creatures in Christ. Enlighten our minds by thy heavenly truth, and fill our hearts with joy and peace in the Holy Ghost. Prepare us for thy service in this life, and to whatever station or sphere of labor it may please thee to call us, may we always seek, first of all, thy honor and glory, and the promotion of true and vital godliness among the children of men. And now, Lord, be with us. Help us to apply ourselves diligently to our tasks, that, by thy blessing, we may be able to make such progress in our studies as may seem good to thee. Direct us by thy good Spirit, and en- able us to submit ourselves at all times, and in all things, to his guidance. Pill our hearts with love towards thee, and enable us so to resign ourselves into thy hands, as to seek only what is well-pleasing in thy sight. Prosper, Lord, the cause of sound chris- tian education everywhere. May those who teach do so in thy fear, as those who have to 120 PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOR give an account of their stewardship. May all who stand connected with the great and noble cause of popular education, labor to- gether to make it such as it should be — a training up in the knowledge and fear of the Lord. Be now with us during the hours of this day ; preserve us from all sin and evil ; help us to seek each other's good and happiness, and thy glory, and at last receive us unto thyself, for our Redeemer's sake. Amen. HYMN. Teach us to Pray. S. M. 1. Lord, teach us how to pray, And give us hearts to ask, Or all we seek, or think, or say, Will prove a tiresome task. 2. Teach us for what to pray, For thou alone art wise ; And often what we blindly urge, Thy mercy, Lord, denies. WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. 121 8. Lord, teach us so to pray, That murmuring be unknown ; That whatsoe'er thy grace decrees, Thy will may be our own. 4. Thy Holy Spirit send, Our bosoms to inspire ; Then shall our praise to thee ascend With pure and Yfarm desire. Friday Evening. Almighty God, our Heavenly Father : — We desire to come before thee at the close of our labors for this day. We would come in the name of thy Son, our Saviour and Re- deemer, our Advocate and Intercessor at thy right hand, and would thank thee for the fa- vors and blessings which the day which is now drawing towards its close, brought with itself. Thou hast been with and round and about us, and hast watched over us, whilst we tarried under this roof. We have been ena- bled to engage in our various studies, in or- der to be prepared for future usefulness in 122 PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOR the State and in thy church. Thou hast gra- ciously spared our lives and preserved our health, and now we would acknowledge thy goodness and praise and magnify thy great and glorious name, for all thou hast done for us. We would also confess before thee our ut- ter unworthiness and great sinfulness, and would beseech thee, in the name of thy Son, to pardon all the sins of omission and com- mission, of which we have this day been guilty. Help us to see and feel in what we have neglected our duty, and to repent of our sins, in order that thou may est, for Christ's sake, pardon us. May a sense of thy good- ness towards us constrain us to love thee, who hast first loved us. 0, may we be more faithful towards thee in time to come, than we have been in days that are past ! To this end, Lord, send thy good Spirit into our hearts that he may turn us unto thee, for of ourselves we are poor and needy ; sinful and depraved, and go astray continually. Help WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. 123 us to give our hearts to thee, and 0, do thou receive them and make them pure and holy. And now, Lord, as the night is coming on and we are about to depart from this place, we pray thee to acid thy rich blessing unto the labors of our hands, so that it may not have been in vain for us to have met together in this place. Dismiss us now with thy bless- ing ; go with us to our homes ; watch over us during the silent hours of the night ; refresh us whilst we repose in sleep, and raise us up again to behold to-morrow's sun. Should death come, 0, then receive us into glory, through Christ, our Saviour, who has taught us to pray: " Our Father," &c. Amen. HYMN. Children Praising the Saviour. C. M. 1. Hosannas were by children sung When Jesus was on earth ; Then surely we are not too young To sound his praises forth. 124 PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOR 2. The Lord is great, the Lord is good ; He feeds us from his store With earthly and with heavenly food ; We'll praise him evermore. 3. We thank him for his gracious Word, We thank him for his love ; We'll sing the praises of our Lord, Who reigns in heaven above. Saturday Morning. Lord, our God and Father, we desire to come before thee in this morning hour, in or- der to render thee our thanks and praises for what thou hast done for us during the night that is now past and gone. ! cast us not away from thy presence and take not thy good and Holy Spirit from us, but enable us to draw nigh unto thee with all our hearts, in order that our oiferings maybe acceptable unto thee, in the name and for the sake of Christ, our Saviour and Redeemer. 0, may our hearts be filled with gratitude and our mouths overflow with praises, for thou hast so highly WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. 125 favored us in all respects as to make it meet for us continually to praise and glorify thy great and adorable name. Thou didst send thy Son into the world to save us, and didst give us thy Word, which teaches us our duty towards thee and our fellow-men. But oh ! we are weak, and poor, and needy. We cannot, of ourselves, love thee as we should. Our evil hearts continually deceive us, and the evil desires which rise up within, lead us astray. Lord, help us to feel what we need. Help us to long after redemption from sin and misery. Help us to strive after holiness and perfection. Help us to love thee, the Lord, our God, with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength, and to love our fellow-men as ourselves. Help us to watch and to pray that we may not enter into temptation, and when tempted, 0, help us to overcome and conquer all the enemies of our souls. Ena- ble us, Lord, to feel that our home is not in this world, that we need a better country, 126 PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOE even a heavenly. May we not seek to lay up treasures on earth which last but a short time and then perish, and have no value be- fore thee ; but may we lay up treasures in heaven, which shall endure forever, so that our hearts may be there likewise, for, where our treasures are, there will our hearts be also. We would confess our sins and transgres- sions unto thee, and pray thee, in the name of thy Son, our Saviour, graciously to pardon us and to restore us unto thy favor. Send thy good Spirit into our hearts that he may renew and sanctify us. May we die unto ourselves, unto sin and unto the world, in or- der that Christ may live in us. Bless with us, Lord, all others, espe- cially the poor and needy ; sick and afflicted ; widows and orphans, and all who are in dis- tress of body or soul. Convert sinners from the error of their ways and lead them into all truth by thy Word and Spirit. And now, as we have assembled ourselves WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. 127 together this morning, for the purpose of en- gaging in our regular studies, we pray thee to be with us during the hours of this day. May thy Spirit abide with us and teach us. Preserve us from all sinful thoughts, words and actions. Prosper the labors of our hands ; guide us this day and evermore by thy wis- dom, counsel and Spirit, and save us at last for Christ, our Kedeemer's sake. Amen. HYMN. Praise for Mercies. C. M. 1. Lord, I would own thy tender care, And all thy love to me ; The food I eat, the clothes I wear, Are all bestowed by thee. 2. And thou preservest me from death And clangers every hour ; I cannot draw another breath Unless thou give me power. 8. My health, my friends, and parents dear, To me by God are given ; I have not any blessings here, But what are sent from heaven, 128 PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOR 4. Such goodness, Lord, and constant care, A child can ne'er repay ; But may it be my daily prayer To love thee and obey. Saturday Evening. Lord, God, our heavenly Father, we now stand at the close of another day and another week, and our six days' labor is done. We are so many hours and days older ; so much nearer the grave and eternity. The rest of thy Sabbath day is before us, and we are reminded to lay aside that which has en- gaged us during the week, and to spend the Sabbath in resting from our bodily labors, and in laboring only for the salvation of our souls. 0, may we be reminded that soon our labors on earth shall cease altogether, and that the rest of God, the everlasting Sab- bath, will soon come, into which we shall en- ter, if we are prepared. Lord, seriously impress our minds and hearts with a sense of this fact ; and may we long for and greatly WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. 129 desire the coming of that great and never- ending day of rest, when we shall praise and glorify thee without ceasing in heaven above. Create in us a strong desire to dwell in the New Jerusalem above, the city of our God, — ■ our happy, our glorious home, where congre- gations never break up and Sabbaths never end. And now, Lord, as we stand at the end of this week, and look back, we see how won- derfully thou hast led us, and how many bles- sings and favors we enjoyed. For all this we would humbly thank thee, our Father. But we also see how often we forgot thee; how often we strayed away from thee, and transgressed thy most righteous commands. For all our short-comings and sins, known and unknown, we would, in the name of Christ, beseech thee to grant us true and heartfelt repentance. Oh, that we may turn from our evil ways unto thee, that thou mayest forgive our sins ! Help us, our Father, by thy Holy Spirit, to seek thy pardoning mercy, through E-l. 130 PRAYERS AND HYMNS FOB Christ our Lord and Saviour. Renew us in* to the image of thy son. Help us to crucify all our evil desires and sinful lusts, and to lay hold upon eternal life hj a true and living faith, in order to die unto sin and live unto Christ. And now, as we are about to depart from this place, we pray thee to dismiss us with thy blessing. Go with us to our homes ; Watch over us during the night ; protect and refresh us in sleep, and raise us up again to behold the light of the coming Sabbath day, in the enjoyment of good health and strength. And may we spend its sacred hours in thy service, by singing psalms and hymns ; by reading and hearing thy "Word, and engaging in prayer unto thee. Add now thy blessing unto the labors of this week, and may they not be fruitless, but be productive of much good fruit to our good and thy glory. We commit and commend ourselves into thy care and keeping. Be mer- ciful unto us and save us from all evil, and WEEK-DAY SCHOOLS. 181 finally admit us into thy presence for the sake of him who loved us and gave himself for us, and all the glory shall be to thee, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen, HYMN. Saturday Night. C. M. 1. The week is passing fast away, The hours are almost done ; Before I rise, the Sabbath day Will surely be begun. 2. Through all this week what have I done Have I been kind to all ? Have I sought anything but fun, And run at every call ? 8. Have I been still when I was bid, And ceased to make a noise ? Have I been good in all I did, At lessons or at toys ? 4. I'm naughty every day I live, Say many a foolish word, But God can pardon all my sins, Through Jesus Christ my Lord. 132 FAMILY PRAYERS. 5. An infant's prayer he will not scorn ; I'll pray before I sleep ; And ask his love, then rest till morn, For he my soul will keep. FAMILY PRAYERS. Morning. Ever blessed God and Father, into thy presence would we come, as a family, in order to offer up unto thee our morning sacrifices. Look graciously upon us, for the sake of thy Son ; cast us not away from thy presence, and take not thy good and Holy Spirit from us. Help us, we pray thee, to worship thee, who art a Spirit, in spirit and in truth, and graciously accept our humble offerings. Help us to come before thee in true humility and contrition of heart, on account of our sins, and yet with a child-like confidence and strong faith in thy promises, which are yea and amen in Christ, our Saviour. FAMILY PRAYERS. 133 We would humbly thank thee, Lord, for the kind care and protection which thou didst extend over us whilst we reposed in sleep. — Our lives have been spared, our health has been preserved, and now we are surrounded by innumerable blessings through which thy love to us is manifested. Blessed, also, be thy name for the privilege of coming before thee, as a family, in this morning hour. — Thou hast indeed favored us very highly, in that thou hast manifested thyself unto us as our Father, in Christ Jesus, our Saviour and Redeemer. Now we can come unto thee in the name of Him wbo loved us and gave him- self for us, for he has opened unto us the way into the Most Holy place, into which he en- tered by his own blood, having obtained eter- nal redemption, and is ever living to make in- tercession for us. And now, Lord, as we are in the presence of a heart-searching and reins-trying God, it is meet for us to humble ourselves before thee and to make confession of our sins. We 134 FAMILY PRAYERS. acknowledge our unworthiness and confess that we have frequently and grievously sinned against thee. We beseech thee, gracious Fa- ther, for the sake of thine own dear Son, to have mercy upon us, and to blot out all our transgressions. Wash us thoroughly in the precious blood of the Lamb and cleanse us from all uncleanness. Create in us new hearts and renew right spirits within us. Help us to die unto sin and to live unto Christ. Sanc- tify, we pray thee, all the powers of our bo- dies, souls and spirits, to thee and thy ser- vice, that all our thoughts, words and deeds, may redound to thy hont)r and glory. Be with us, as a family, during the day on which we have now entered. help us, Lord, to continue walking in the path of vir- tue, righteousness and true holiness. Suffer us not to fall into temptation, and when tempted, help us to overcome. Keep us from sin and all evil. Let the light of thy coun- tenance, reconciled in Christ, be lifted up upon us. Give us thy peace into our hearts, FAMILY PRAYERS. 135 thy praise into our mouths, and enable us to Let our lights so shine before men that they may see our good works and praise thy great and adorable name. Bless with us all our dear relations, friends and acquaintances. Bless the poor and needy ; the sick and afflicted, and all widows and orphans. Prepare the dying for death and the living for much usefulness in the world. Build up thy kingdom in all the ends of the earth, and make righteousness and peace to dwell in every heart and home, and all the glory shall be to thee, the Lord God in the highest, together with the Son and Holy Ghost, forever and ever. "Our Father," &c. Amen. Evening, Unber thy guardian care, G most gracious Father, have we reached the end of this day in the enjoyment of health and strength. To thee would we ascribe all honor, praise and 136 FAMILY PRATERS. glory, for all the "blessings we enjoyed ; and unto ourselves would we take all the shame for the errors and sins we have committed. — But, Lord, we are not able to know all our sins, for who can know how often he faileth ; therefore cleanse us also from all secret sins. Grant us true and heartfelt repentance for all our known sins ; help us to confess them unto thee and to implore thy pardoning mer- cy. Have mercy upon us, Lord, according to thy loving kindness ; according to the mul- titude of thy tender mercies, blot out our transgressions. Wash us thoroughly from our iniquities and cleanse us from our sins ; purify us and sanctify us by thy Spirit that we may be wholly devoted to thee. Add thy blessing unto the labors of our hands for the past day so far as they may be in conformity to thy holy will, and grant that everything may redound to thy honor and glory and the salvation of our souls. And now, Lord, as the night is upon us, and darkness hangs over the face of the FAMILY PRAYERS. 137 earth, we beseech thee to abide with us.- — Preserve us graciously from the powers of darkness ; may the light of thy truth illumine our minds ; may thy love cheer our hearts, and thy peace fill our souls. And should this night be the last ; should it please thee to call us hence ; should the angel of death knock at our door, may we then be prepared for his coming ; may we be able to bid a cheerful adieu to the earth and our friends, and may we depart in peace to be with Christ. Be also with all others, Lord. Comfort the sick and afflicted ; provide for the poor and needy ; console all widows and orphans ; rescue those who are in danger and distress, and mercifully prepare all for their latter end, for an inhabitation of thy glorious mansions of light, of bliss, and of glory, in heaven above — to behold thee from face to face, and to worship and adore thee, the Father, to- gether with the Son and the Holy Ghost, for evermore. Amen. PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN. Morning. L Lord God, thou art my Father, and as a kind parent hast thou watched over me during the night that is now past. Now, as I behold the light of this day, do thou shine into my heart by the light of thy truth. I am a poor sinner, but have thou mercy upon me, Lord, for the sake of thy son. For- give me all my sins, and bestow upon me the rich gifts of thy heavenly grace. Help me to see and feel all the evil ot my heart ; to be sorry for my sins ; to trust in Christ, and to give my heart to thee. Be with me this day. Watch over me for good. Keep me from all harm and bless my poor soul. Bless my dear friends, wherever they may be — my parents, brothers and sisters. Guide us by thy Spirit and make us thine own dear chil- dren, that we may love and serve thee at all PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN. 139 times and in all places. Hear me now, my Father, for the sake of thy Son, in whose name I pray unto thee, and thy name shall be praised for ever and ever. Amen. II. My heavenly Father, this morning I would thank thee that I still live and enjoy so many other blessings. During the darkness of the night, whilst I was asleep, thou hast kindly kept me from harm and danger, and hast en- abled me to rise up again from my bed, to be- hold the light of this day. I would bless thee for all these favors, and would praise thy great and glorious name for all thou hast done for me since I have my being. Be thou also with me during this day. When dangers come, protect me ; when trials come, uphold me ; when temptations come, help me to over- come them ; and when sorrows come, help me to bear them. Oh, help me to watch and to pray. Keep my heart from all evil 140 PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN. thoughts and desires. Guard me against all evil. Lead me by the hand that I may not walk in the ways of sinners. Help me to love thee and give my heart to thee. Oh, take it, Lord, and make it pure and holy. Be with my dear parents, brothers, sisters and friends, and bless them all, and at last save them and me through Christ our Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. Ill, Now I awake and see the light, 'Tis God has kept me through the night ; To him I lift my hands and pray That he would keep me through the day ; And if I die before 'tis done, Great God, accept me through thy Son. Amen. Evening. I. At the close of this day, Lord, I come unto thee in my prayer. In the name of thy PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN. 141 dear Son, my Saviour, do I come to render thee my humble thanks for all thou hast done for me during the past day. Oh, thou art good,, and thy goodness is renewed from day to day. When seen and unseen dangers sur- rounded me, thou didst deliver me and didst keep me from all harm and danger. Oh, ac- cept now my humble thanks, and fill my heart with sincere love and gratitude towards thee. Help me to feel how much thou hast done for my poor soul. That thou didst give thine only begotten and dearly beloved Son to be my Saviour, to save me from never-ending misery. Help me, Lord, to give myself to thee, to love and serve thee all the days of my life. Prepare me for thy service upon earth, and the enjoyment of thy presence in heaven, and grant that I may, in all things, seek thy glory and the salvation of souls. Be now with me, Lord, during the coming night. Be with my dear parents, brothers and sisters. Bless me and them, and all others. Bless the poor and needy ; the sick 142 PRAYERS EOR children and afflicted ; widows and orphans, and all that are in distress, by sea or land. Lord hear my prayer, and answer and bless, and all the glory shall be thine for-ever-more. Amen* II. At the close of this day I would come be- fore thee, my heavenly Father, to thank thee for its joys and its sorrows. Pardon me, merciful Father, for all my failings and sins, and the good I may have learned seal upon my heart by the Holy Ghost, that it may abide there forever. Help me, dearest Fa- ther, to give my heart unto thee, and do thou receive it, sinful and wicked as it is, and for the sake of thy Son, make it good and holy. Saviour, thou good Shepherd, who takest thy lambs into thy bosom to bear them home, do thou also take me under thy tender care as long as I live in this dark and sinful world. Feed me on heavenly truth, and re- fresh my soul with the dews of heavenly grace. Mayers for children. 14S And thouj Holy Spirit, come into my heart and abide with me for ever. Instruct me in heavenly things, so that I may become wise unto salvation. And now, Lord, as the night draws near^ and darkness hangs over the face of the earth, I pray thee to abide with me. Fill my soul with heavenly light, and joy and peace. Be with my parents, brothers and sisters, and With all who are near and dear unto my heart. Bless the poor and needy, the sick and af- flicted, widows and orphans^ Watch over us all, and protect us from all danger and harm. Thus keep us as the apple of thine own eye, and at last take us home to see thy face in glory, all of which I ask for the sake of Christ our Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. Ill Ere on my bed my limbs I lay, hear, great God, the words I say ; Preserve, I pray, my parents dear, In health and strength for many a year ; 144 PRAYERS AT TABLE. And still, Lord, to me impart A gentle and a grateful heart, . That after my last sleep, I may Awake to thy eternal day. Amen. IV. Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep ; If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take : And this I beg for Jesus' sake. Amen. PRAYERS AT TABLE. Before Meals. I. Lord, thou Giver of every good and perfect gift, we desire to thank thee for the bounties of thy hand now spread before us. Enable us to partake of them with grateful hearts, and to devote the strength we may de- PRAYERS AT TABLE. 145 rive from them to thy service. Feed our souls on spiritual food, even on the bread of life which came down from heaven. Guide and direct us by thy Spirit. Lead us in the paths of peace, and save us through riches of grace in Christ. Amen. II. In surrounding this board, laden with the gifts of thy bounty, we desire to thank thee, Lord, for being thus mindful of us in pro- viding for all our temporal wants. Help us to feel the love thou dost manifest towards us. May thy goodness lead us to love thee with all our hearts. Continue to provide for our wants, and help us to look unto thee for all we need. Bless now, unto our use, the provisions before us. Sanctify us to thy service. Be with us throughout the journey of life. Forgive our sins, and at last save us into thy kingdom, through Christ. Amen. E-2. 146 PRAYERS AT TABLE. III. Lord, accept our thanks for these gifts of thy love ; sanctify them to our use and us to thy service. Forgive us all our sins. Feed our souls on the bread of life, and water them with the living water. Guide us by thy Spirit, in the way of truth, of righteous- ness and true holiness, and save us at last, into thy kingdom, we ask it in the name and for the sake of Christ our Redeemer. Amen. IV. Lord, the eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou givest them their meat in due season ; thou openest thy hand and satisfiest the desire of every living thing. We too, Lord, are partakers of thy bounty at this time. Accept our thanks for these tokens of thy love. Help us to partake of them with true gratitude. Continue to provide for us. Sanctify all thy blessings to our good and us to thy service, and finally save Prayers at table. 14? \xs, for the sake of thy dear Son, our Saviour and Redeemer, in whose name we ask it. Amen. After Meals, We have partaken of thy bounties, Lord, and our bodies have been fed on spirit- ual food which shall nourish our souls unto eternal life, through Christ our Saviour. Amen. II. We desire to thank thee, Lord, for the provisions of which we have now partaken. Help us to go and love and serve thee, in the strength derived therefrom. Forgive us all our sins and short-comings, and save us at last, through riches of grace in Christ. Amen. 148 PRAYERS AT TABLE. III. Unto thee, Lord, would we give thanks for our daily bread, and for all other blessings we enjoy. Help us to love and serve thee in all we may do. Provide for all our wants in time to come, and finally save us, and receive our souls unto thyself in heaven, through Christ our Redeemer. Amen. IV. Now, Lord, our bodies have been fed. Accept our thanks for the food of which we have now partaken. Feed our souls on thy Word, and on the bread which came down from heaven, and at last save us for the sake of Christ, our Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. MORNING HYMNS. I. C. M. I thank thee, Lord, for quiet rest, And for thy care of me ; let me through this day be blest, And kept from harm by thee. MORNING HYMNS. 149 2* take my naughty heart away, And make me clean and good ; Lord Jesus, save my soul, I pray ? And wash me in thy blood. 3. let me love thee ; kind thou art To children such as I : Give me a gentle, holy heart ; Be thou my Friend on high. 4. Help me to please my parents dear, And do whate'er they tell ; Bless all my friends, both far and near^ And keep them safe and well. II. L. M. 1. Awake my soul, and with the sum Thy daily stage of duty run ; Shake off dull sloth, and early riset^ To pay thy morning sacrifice. % Glory to Thee, who safe hast kept, And hast refreshed me, while I slept ; Grant, Lord, when I from death shall wake ? I may of endless life partake. 150 MORNING HYMNS- 8. Lord, I my tows to thee renew, Scatter my sins as morning dew ; Guard my first springs of thought and will, And with thyself my spirit fill. 4. Direct, control, suggest, this day, All I design, or do, or say ; That all my powers, with all their mighty In thy sole glory may unite. III. S.M. 1. Awake ! my heart, awake I Thy gracious God to praise ; Who condescends such care to take,. And lengthen out my days. 2. While some have pass'd the night In restlessness and pain ; I rise in health, to see the light, And seek the Lord again. 3." This day will many die ! This hour what numbers go I What, if my soul be called to fly, And I that change should know f 4. Lord, come, and be my guide Through this uncertain space ; Keep me for ever near thy side^ . And grant a child thy grace. MORNING HYMNS. 151 IV. C. M. 1. Through all the dangers of the night, Preserved, Lord ! by thee ; Again we hail the cheerful light, Again we bow the knee. 2. Preserve us, Lord ! throughout the day, And guide us by thy arm ; For they are safe and only they, Whom thou dost keep from harm. 3. Let all our words and all our ways, Declare that we are thine ; That so the light of truth and grace, Before the world may shine. 4. Let us ne'er turn away from thee ; Dear Saviour, hold us fast, Till, with immortal eyes, we see Thy glorious face at last. V. C. M. 1. The morning breaks, my voice I raise To thee, great God above ; Accept my prayer, my feeble praise, In kindness and in love. 152 MORNING HYMNS. 2 . Forgive the crimes that I have done ; My follies I deplore ; And since another day's begun, 0, may I love thee more. 3. Preserve me from all ill, I pray, And guide me with thine eye, And grant through every hour I may On grace divine rely. 4. Keep me from sinful thoughts, Lord, And make my heart sincere ; Make me to read thy holy word With reverence and fear. 5. Then shall I be prepared below, For thy eternal home ; Where pleasures like a river flow, And sorrows never come. VI. CM. To thee let my first off 'rings rise, Whose sun creates the day, Swift as his glad'ning influence flies, And spotless as his ray. This day thy fav'ring hand be nigh, So oft vouchsafed before ; Still may it lead, protect, supply, And I that hand adore. EVENING HYMNS. 153 3. If bliss thy providence impart, For which, resigned, I pray ; Give me to feel the grateful heart, And without guilt, be gay. 4. Affliction should thy love intend As vice or folly's cure ; Patient to gain that gracious end, May I the means endure. 5. Be this and ev'ry future day, Still wiser than the past ; And when I all my life survey, May grace sustain at last. EVENING HYMNS. 9. I. 7's. 1. Softly now the light of day Fades upon my sight away ; Free from care, from labor free, Lord, I would commune with thee. Thou, whose all-pervading eye Nought escapes without, within, Pardon each infirmity, Open fault and secret sin. 154 EVENING HYMNS. 3. Soon, for me, the light of day- Shall forever pass away ; Then, from sin and sorrow free, Take me, Lord, to dwell with thee. 4. Thou who, sinless, yet hast known All of man's infirmity; Then from thine eternal throne, Jesus, look with pitying eye. II. 8's, Vs. 1. Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me ; Bless thy little lambs to-night ; Through the darkness be thou near me, Watch my sleep till morning light. 2. All this day thy hand has led me, And I thank thee for thy care ; Thou hast clothed me warmed and fed me, Listen to my evening prayer. 3. Let my sins be all forgiven, Bless the friends I love so well ; Take me, when I die, to heaven, Happy there with thee to dwell. III. S. M. 1. The day is past and gone ; The evening shades appear ; 0, may I ever keep in mind, The night of death draws near. EVENING HYMNS. 155 2. I lay my garments by, Upon my bed to rest ; So death will soon remove me hence, And leave my soul undrest. 3. Lord, keep me safe this night, Secure from all my fears ; May angels guard me while I sleep. Till morning light appears. 4. And when I early rise, To view th' unwearied sun, May I set out to win the prize, And after glory run.. 5. That when my days are past, And I from time remove, Lord, may I in thy bosom rest,, The bosom of thy love. IV. 7's. 1. Thou from whom we never part, Thou whose love is everywhere, Thou who seest every heart, Listen to our evening prayer. 2. Father, fill our hearts with love, Love unfailing, full and free ; Love no injuries can move, Love that ever rests on thee. 156 EVENING HYMNS. 3. Heavenly Father ! through the night, Keep us safe from every ill ; Cheerful as the morning light, May we wake to do thy will. V. C. M. 1. Now from the altar of our hearts, Let flames of love arise ; Assist us, Lord, to offer up Our ev'ning sacrifice. 2. Minutes and mercies multiplied, Have made up all this day ; Minutes come quick, but mercies were More swift and free than they. 3. New time, new favor, and new joys, Do a new song require ; Till we shall praise thee as we would, Accept our hearts' desire. 4. Lord of our days, whose hand hath set New time upon the score ; Thee may we praise for all our time, When time shall be no more. VI. C. M. And now another day is gone, I'll sing my Maker's praise ; My comforts every hour make known His providence and grace. EVENING HYMNS. 157 2. But how my childhood runs to waste ! My sins, how great their sum ; Lord, give me pardon for the past, And strength for days to come. 3. I lay my body down to sleep, Let angels guard my head ; And through the hours of darkness keep Their watch around my bed. 4. With cheerful heart I close my eyes. Since thou wilt not remove ; And in the morning let me rise. Rejoicing in thy love. INDEX. PART FIRST SABBATH SCHOOLS. PAG£. Prayers for Superintendent, 9 and 42 " " Teachers, 13 and 48 " " Opening the School, 16 " " Closing " " 29 Prayer for Sick Teacher or Scholar, 52 " " Death of a Teacher, 55 " " " « Scholar, 58 " after the Recovery of a Sick Teacher or Scholar, 61 " at Dismissing a Scholar, 64 " " the Expulsion of a Scholar, 67 " " " Opening of a Teachers' Meeting, 69 " " " -Closing " " 76 PART SECOND. PRATERS AND HYMNS FOR WEEK-BAY SCHOOLS., Morning Prayer for Teacher, 83 Evening " " « 87 INDEX. 159 PAGE. Prayers and Hymns for Opening and Closing School for each day in the week, 91-132 FAMILY PRAYERS. Morning Prayer, 132 Evening " ' 135 Prayers for Children, 138-144 Prayers at Table, 144-148 INDEX OF HYMNS, And now another day is gone, 156 Awake, my soul, and with the sun, 149 Awake ! my heart, awake ! 150 Dear children, come to me, - 117 God is so good that he will hear, 103 Gracious God, we look to thee, 94 Hark ! a tender Saviour speaks, 113 Holy Bible, book divine, 110 Hosannas were by children sung, 123 I am young, but I must die, 100 I thank thee, Lord, for quiet rest, 148 Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me, 154 Jesus says that we must love him, 107 Lord, I would own thy tender care, 127 Lord, teach us how to pray, 120 160 INDEX Now from the altar of our hearts, 156 Softly now the light of day, 153 The week is passing fast away, 131 The day is past and gone, 154 The morning breaks, my voice I raise, 151 There is a happy land, 97 Thou from whom we never part, 155 Through all the dangers of the night, 151 To thee let my first off 'rings rise, 152 •^^S*^%***^*^ **^ **^>i * EEEATA. Page 14, line 11 from above, read that, before "in it," and line 12 omit the that, before "I may." Page 65, line 7 from above, read thy for they.