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 Sntopemtent Orber of Ol-Fellaws, 
 New-Dork : 
 Be this our joy, to calm the troubled breast, 
 Support the weak, and succor the distress’d, 
 Direct the wanderer, dry the widow’s tear, 
 The orphans guard, the sinking spirits cheer: 
 Though small our power to act, though mean ourskill 
 God sees the heart, He judges by the will.” 
 eS eeeeeeeeeeeeS5em O00 EO Oem  eeeeeeeeeeGeeeeee_eee eee 
 Any one who looks at the nature of the Independent Order of 
 _ Odd-Fellows must soon perceive how admirably it is adapted to 
 the circumstances and conditions of men at large. 
 It is calculated, from its very construction, to awaken those 
 friendly feelings which else might slumber in the human bosom 
 as the cold corpse inthe silent tomb. It brings men together as 
 brethren ; it throws them more immediately into those relations 
 for which they were created, and places them more directly in 
 that sphere for whose movements God dosigned them. Thus it 
 softens the asperities of life; calms the rude emotions which 
 time’s vicissitudes cause, and enables us to feel that we have friends 
 bound to us by ties too sacred to be broken by any thing but our 
 | Own vices. 
 It emboldens us to a persevering course of virtuous conduct, 
 disheartened and discouraged as we may be by the uncertainties 
 of fortune. Yes, and what is better still, in our misfortunes it af- 
 ' fords the balm of consolation—* The deserving brother shall never 
 be sent empty away.” The afflicted widow, the fatherless child- 
 ren, by the solemn obligations under which every Odd-Fellow acts, 
 are not to be forgotten, although they are left desolate and alone. 
 | If there be aught then in pouring through every fiber of the 
 spirit fresh vigor for the performance of his duties of life, lighting 
 up and feeding the flame of friendship, in throwing a halo of con- 
 solation around the saddening scenes of time, ours is an institu- 
 pie FoT 
 “nme oma you ta Visit the Sirk, Heliene 
 the Distress, Bury the Dead ant Educate 
 the uae 
 Fa OM On” ae a a a a a 
 see ee 
 ARTICLE I.—Name. 
 This Lodge shall be known by the name, style and 
 title of “ OccrpentaL Loner No. 33, of the I. O. of 
 O. F. of the State of North Carolma.” 
 ARTICLE II.—What to consist of. 
 This Lodge shall consist-of a N. G., V. G.,S., and 
 T., and their proper officers and brethren, members 
 ATICLE III.—Elective Officers, 
 The elective officers of this Lodge shall consist of 
 aN. G,, V. G., S. and T., who shall be elected every 
 26th regular Lodge night, by a majority of all the 
 votes polled for that purpose. 
 ARTICLE IV.—N. G., Power and Duties of his Office. 
 Sec. 1. He shall appoint his R. and L..S., and the 
 officers of the Lodge, viz: Chaplain, I. G., O. G., S. 
 W., J. W., and C. 
 § 2. He shall preside at all meetings of the Lodge, 
 if present ; enforce the Laws, and perform all the du- 
 ties enjoined on him by the laws of this Lodge, 
 and the several charges and regulations of the Order, 
 comformable to Law, Religion, Justice and Reason. 
 § 3. He shall sign all orders drawn on the Treas- 
 urer for the payment of moneys. ° 
 § 4. He shall have a casting vote on all matters 
 and questions on which the Lodge shall be equally 
 divided, except in eases of election of officers. 
 § 5. He shall inspect all ballots and report thereon, 
 except in cases of election of officers, when he 
 shall appoint a committee who shall inspect and _ re- 
 port the result. 
 § 6. He shall have power to convene the Lodge 
 whenever he may deem it necessary; and it shall be 
 his duty to convene the Lodge at the: written request 
 of any five members thereof, 
 } 7. Previous to closing the Lodge, he shall cause 
 the proceedings of the evening to be audibly read. 
 ARTICLE V.—The V. G. and the Duties of his Office. 
 Sec. 1. He shall support the N. G. by his assist- 
 ance in maintaining peace and good order, and in the 
 absence of the N. G., shall preside in the Lodge, pro- 
 vided he has the Fifth Degree. 
 § 2. He shall appoint his R. and L. S. 
 § 3. He shall perform all the duties enjoined on 
 him by the laws of this Lodge, and the several char- 
 ges and regulations of the Order, conformable to Law, 
 Religion, Justice, and Reason. 
 ARTICLE VI.—Secretary and the Duties of his Office. 
 Sec. 1. He shall record a just, true, and impartial 
 account of the proceedings of the Lodge. § 
 § 2. He shall fill up and record all orders and cer~ 
 tificates granted by this Lodge. 

 $3. He shall receive all moneys due the Lodge, 
 and pay them over to the T. and take his receipt for 
 the same, and shall attest all bills ordered by the 
 Lodge to be paid. 
 § 4. He shall deliver to his successor, or any per- 
 .8on appointed for that purpose, at the next meeting 
 after the election of such successors all the books and 
 papers pertaining to his office in a clear and intelligi- 
 ble form, together with the seal of the Lodge. 
 § 5. He shall attend the Committee appointed to 
 audit the accounts of the Lodge, and give such assist- 
 ance and explanations as may be needful thereto. 
 § 6. He shall notify each member of his dues, fines, 
 and arrears at the end of each term, and in failing to 
 do so shall be fined twenty-five cents for each Bri 
 every instance in which he fails, 
 | §'7. He shall furnish the Grand Lodge of the State 
 of North Carolina with a report every Term, which 
 report shall be ready at the time of auditing the 
 books, and should he fail to discharge that duty, 
 ‘shall forfeit his fees, and the honors of the office of 
 ARTICLE VII.—Of the Treasurer and Duties of his Office, 
 Src. 1. He shall receive from the S. all moneys 
 collected from the Lodge, giving him a receipt for 
 the same; keep a correct account thereof, and pay 
 them out as directed by the Constitution and By-Laws 
 of this Lodge. 
 | §2. He shall pay all orders drawn on him by the 
 N. G., and attested by the S. 
 § 3. He shall keep his accounts with the Lodge in 
 a clear and correct manner, and in failing to do 80, 
 shall be fined Two Dollars. 
 § 4. He shall have his accounts in readiness, and 
 attend the Committee of Financial investigation at 
 the end of every term. 
 § 5. He shall deliver up, when legally icaltod upon 
 by a resolution of the Lodge, or at the end of every 
 term, all moneys, books and papers with which the 
 Lodge may entrust him, to the custody of his succes- 
 sor, or to whom the Lodge may especially appoint. 
 ARTICLE VIII.—Of Stated Meetings. 
 Sec. 1. The stated meetings of this Lodge shall 
 be held on every Wednesday evening, commencing 
 during the winter term at 7 o’clock, and during the 
 summer term at 8 o’clock. 
 §2. The Lodge shall be opened within fifteen 
 minutes of the time appointed, but in the absence of 
 the N. G. and V. G. not before. 
 § 3. Ifthe N.G. and V.G. shall not attend during the 
 aforesaid fifteeen minutes, the members present shall 
 request a P. G., if one be present and a member of 
 the Lodge, to take the chair, and proceed to business 
 in due form. 
 ) 4. The presiding officer shall appoint such mem- 
 bers as he may deem proper, to supply the place of 
 the subordinate officers, so as to constitute a regular 
 and efficient Lodge. 
 ARTICLE IX.—Of Candidates for Membership. 
 Sec. 1. Every member may propose a candidate 
 for initiation, but it is particularly enjoined on all, 
 that they should not, from any motives of favor, af- 
 fection or interest, recommend any person whose 
 general character will not bear the strictest scrutiny, 
 and that they have any reason to believe will not 
 prove a respectable member of the Order. 
 § 2. Every candidate must be a free white male of 
 twenty-one years, and proposed in open Lodge at 
 least one regular meeting night previous to his elec- 
 tion, which shall be by ballot, according to the terms 
 prescribed by the By-Laws, 
 §3. The requisite qualifications for membership 
 shall be: 
 Ist. Good moral character, regular and steady 
 conduct, sober and industrious habits, and diligence 
 in his calling. 
 2d. To be of respectable standing in society, whe- 
 ther of trade, profession or otherwise. 
 3d. To be exempt from all bodily or mental in- 
 firmities, which may prevent him from taking the 
 proper means to obtain a respectable subsistence for 
 himself and his family. 
 Ath. That he be possessed of that prudence and 
 self-command which are necessary in our intercourse 
 with our fellow men. 
 i ARTICLE X.—By-Laws. 
 This Lodge shall stand fully invested with power 
 and authority to make such laws and resolutions from 
 time to time respecting financial matters as to it shall 
 seem most expedient and best adapted to its own in- 
 terests, which laws and resolutions shall in nowise 
 contravene any part of this Constitution, 
 ARTICLE XI,—Amendments, 
 No part of this Constitution or the subsequent. 
 Code of By-Laws shall in any wise be altered, amend- 
 ed or dispensed with, unless a proposal in writing be 
 presented to the Lodge, containing the proposed 
 alteration. or amendment, which shall be read to the 
 Lodge, and lie on the table four nights previous to 
 discussion—the fourth night after the proposition has 
 been made being the night of discussion; it shall 
 require at east two-thirds of the votes of the mem- 
 bers present before the proposition can be. carried. 
 The Secretary shall be requested to notify the mem- 
 ers to attend. 
 ARTICLE XII.—By-Laws—when Suspended. 
 Any Article of this Constitution, or the following 
 code of By-Laws, excepting the twenty-fourth Arti- 
 cle, may be suspended at a regular meeting night, for 
 the time being, by a unanimous vote of the members 
 Any brother disobeying the presiding officer when 
 called to order, shall be fined for the first offense 
 twenty-five cents ; for the second, fifty cents, and for 
 every other like offense during one meeting, shall be 
 fined or suspended, as the Lodge may determine. 
 If any brother curse, swear, or make use of any 
 ‘blasphemous, or indecent expression, or irreverently 
 use the name of the Deity in the Lodge, he shall be 
 fined for the first offense Five Dollars, and for the 
 |second during the same meeting, suspended at the 
 joption of the Lodge. 
 No brother shall be permitted to transact in the 
 ‘Lodge, during its sittings, any other business than 
 that of the Lodge, under a penalty of One Dollar. 
 _ No brother shall be permitted to sit in the Lodge 
 during Lodge hours, but in proper regalia, in default 
 whereof, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty- 
 five cents 
~ 12 BY-LAWS, 
 Any brother assuming or wearing any colors or 
 badge of distinction to which he is not entitled, 
 shall forfeit and pay the sum of One Dollar. 
 Any brother refusing to address the present or 
 past officers by their proper and respective titles, shall 
 forfeit a sum not exceeding One Dollar. 
 No political or religious discussions or Jooninuibes 
 shall be allowed or suffered in the Lodge, and any 
 brother introducing them shall be fined a sum not 
 exceeding Five Dollars. 
 Every member who, appointed by the presiding 
 officer to serve on a Committee or otherwise, and 
 who does not attend to the duties of that appointment, 
 shall be fined One Dollar, unless a sufficient excuse be 
 made to the Lodge, and by it accepted. 
 Every member who accepts an office in this Lodge 
 shall attend its meetings at the time appointed; in 
 default whereof, without legal excuse, he shall be 
 fined as follows, viz: N.G., V.G., S. and T., each 
 One Dollar: and each subordinate officer twenty-five 
 cents; and for neglect of bringing the key of any 
 chest, drawer, &¢c., with which he may be entrusted, 
 twelve-and-a-half cents; and in case any subordinate 
 officer be absent three regular meeting nights in suc- 
BY-LAWS. 13 
 cession, his office shall be vacated, and the N. G. or 
 V. G., whose province it may be, shall appoint ano- 
 ther to fill his station for the remainder of the ap- 
 pointment—sickness, or absence from town, always 
 eet al al 
 No member of this Lodge shall divulge the name 
 of any brother who may think proper to vote against 
 a candidate proposed, or the name of a candidate so 
 proposed for initiation or degrees, under a penalty of 
 such fine or other punishment as the Lodge may 
 think commensurate with his offense. 
 G7 ——_—eTOTOT 
 Any member of this Lodge being a habitual drunk- 
 ard, or following any wicked or notorious practices 
 contrary to law, or any dishonest or immoral habit, 
 njurious to himself or to society, by which the Order 
 nay be scandalized, shall be expelled. 
 Tf any member unlawfully make known any of the 
 secrets of the Order, or unlawfully communicate any 
 of the secrets of the higher degrees, to those who 
 1ave not received them, he shall be expelled. 
 If a G. admit any one in violation of the Order, he 
 hall be fined for every such offense or neglect, fifty 
 ents, and if he suffer a stranger to enter, by leaving 
 he door, or otherwise, he shall be fined at the option 
 f the Lodge; and in default of payment, shall be ex- - 
14 BY-LAWS. 
 If any brother enter the Lodge in a state of intox- | 
 ication, he shall be fined for the first offiense, Two 
 Dollars; for the second Five Dollars, and for the 
 third, he shall be referred to a committee, and subject 
 to such penalty as they may think proper. It shall — 
 be the duty of the Warden to inform the N. G. of © 
 every violation of this law, 
 Sec. 1. No candidate for office shall canvass in the 
 Lodge on the night of election, under a penalty of | 
 exclusion from the office he solicits. 
 _ § 2. No circumvention, or undue influence shall be — 
 used to procure suffrage, by any candidate for office, — 
 under a penalty of fifty cents; and to prevent which, 
 the ballot box shall be placed before the N. G., and 
 each member shall advance singly, and deposit his 
 ticket therein. 
 § 3. No member shall be permitted to vote or take 
 any part in the discussions of. the Lodge, or be a can- 
 didate for any office, who is more than six months in 
 § 4. No member shall be permitted to vote, or take 
 any part in the business-of the Lodge on the night 
 .of his initiation. _ 
 Sec. 1. Every candidate for membership must be 
 proposed in writing, at least one regular meeting 
 night previous to his being balloted for. 'The propo- 
 ser shall hand to the Secretary his name, age, occu- 
 pation, and place of residence which shall be read to 
}. BY-LAWS. 1b 
 ithe Lodge, and entered in a book kept for that pur- 
 ipose, and the N. G. and V. G. shall appoint a com- 
 mittee to inquire into the character, standing, and fit- 
 jness of the candidate, who shall report at the next 
 jstated meeting of the Lodge; and if their report be 
 ifavorable, he shall be ballotted for. 
 | 2. Every person initiated, or receiving degrees in 
 ithis Lodge (except ministers of the gospel) shall pay 
 a fee as follows: For initiation under forty-five years 
 lof age, Five Dollars, and One Dollar in addition for ev- 
 lery year he may have attained beyond that age; Two 
 jDollars and fifty cents of which shall be transmitted 
 by the proposer at the time of proposition, and the 
 remainder to be paid previous to his initiation. For 
 ithe First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Degrees, 
 leach Dollar , to be paid for in advance. 
 Sec. 1. The ballot box shall be carried to each 
 member present entitled to vote, who shall select 
 | either a white or a black ball, and deposit therein ; 
 jand should all the bails appear white, the candidate 
 Ishall be declared duly elected. 
 § 2. If there should appear one black ball, the N. 
 G. shall cause the candidate to be re-ballotted., for, 
 and if there should still be one black ball, the elec- 
 | tion shall be deferred until the next regular meeting. 
 |Previous to which, the member who deposited the 
 Iblack ball shall candidly and without malice, give to 
 ithe N. G. his reasons for so doing, who shall, without 
 jexposing the name of the objecting member, state 
16 BY-LAWS. 
 them to the Lodge, after which, the candidate shall 
 again be balloted for as at first, and if there appear 
 not more than one black ball, he shall be considered 
 duly elected. But ifthe member who deposited the 
 black ball should either neglect or refuse to state his 
 reasons tou the N. G., the candidate shall be declared 
 duly elected without further balloting. 
 § 3. If more than one black ball should be found 
 in the ballot box, the candidate shall stand rejected, 
 unless a motion be immediately made to reconsider ; 
 if reconsidered, it shall lie on the table until the next 
 regular meeting night, when he shall be again balloted 
 for, and if two black balls be then in the box, he shall 
 stand rejected, and the amount of his deposit shall be 
 ~ returned to him through the proposer, and any per- 
 son having been rejected shall not be proposed again 
 under six months. 
 § 4. Ifthe candidate be accepted, and shall neglect to 
 come forward for initiation during the time of four 
 regular Lodge nights after the time of election, the 
 amount of his deposit shall be forfeited to the Lodge. 
 except in cases of sickness, or unavoidable absence 
 from town, which shall be submitted to the Lodge. 
 Every member of this Lodge shall pay six and a 
 quarter cents per week to the General Fund, for the 
 use of the Lodge, and fifty cents per term for the 
 School Fund; which said School Fand shall be kept 
 separate and distinct from*the General Fund of the 
 No member shall receive any degree, or become a 
 candidate for any office, whose general conduct is 
 known to be censurable, or discreditable to the Order. 
 Sec. 1. Every brother on entering or leaving the 
 Lodge shall pay due respect to the presiding officers, 
 according to the customs of the Order. 
 § 2. No brother shall leave the Lodge room with- 
 out permission from the presiding officer, and giving 
 _ the pass-word of the evening to the I. G. 
 No member shall speak more than twice on the 
 same subject, (unless to explain) without special per- 
 mission from the presiding officer. 
 Sec. 1. When a brother addresses the presiding 
 officer, he shall be standing and uncovered. 
 § 2. The present and past officers shall be address- 
 ed by their respective and proper titles. 
 The term brother shall not be used out of the 
 Lodge in reference to members of the Order, nor to 
 one another, except the company be composed of the 
 - members of the Order only. 
 Sec. 1. Every member of this Lodge, who has 
i8 BY-LAWS. 
 been a regular contributing member for six months, 
 and not more than six months in arrears when ren- 
 dered ineapable by sickness, or otherwise, of perform- 
 ing his daily avoeations, shall be entitled to receive 
 from the funds of this Lodge the following, viz: 
 Initiatory members, One Dollar per week; members 
 of the First, Second and Third Degrees, Two Dollars 
 per week; and members of the Fourth and Fifth De- 
 grees, Three Dollars per week during such incapacity. 
 In ease a brother’s wife dies he shall be permitted to 
 receive from the funds of the Lodge Twenty Dollars 
 for burial expenses. In case a brother dies, leaving 
 a widow, she shall be entitled to receive from the 
 funds of this Lodge, Thirty Dollars for burial expen- 
 ses, and also one dollar from each member of the 
 Lodge for her own use. Should there be no widow 
 left, the Thirty Dollars shall still be allowed for bu- 
 rial expenses. But no brother nor his family shall 
 be entitled to receive any benefits until he has been 
 six months a regular contributor to its funds. 
 § 2. If the funds of this Lodge should at any time 
 be exhausted, there shall be an assessment upon each 
 member, for the relief of any distressed brother or 
 brethren. eas & 4 : , 
 § 3. On the death of a brother leaving a widow, 
 the N. G. shall appoint a committtee of three, whose’ 
 duty it shall be to collect One Dollar from each bro- 
 ther and pay it over to the widow, and makea report 
 of the same to the Lodge within four weeks; also 
 the name of any brother who may fail to pay the due, 
 in order that the Lodge may take such steps as it may 
 deem expedient. 
BY-LAWS. 19 
 ’ § 4. Any brother who shall neglect or refuse to 
 pay his dues, arrearages, &c., for six months, shall be 
 considered as having renounced the Order, and his 
 name shall be stricken from the books, unless some 
 satisfactory reasons be given to the Lodge, and by it 
 aecepted ; provided always that a brother residing five 
 -miles from town shall be allowed ten, and those resid- 
 ing within twenty miles and upwards, ten stated 
 meeting nights to pay their dues. 
 Sec. 1. Any brother who shall feign himself sick 
 or disabled, in order fraudulently to obtain the bene- 
 fits of this Lodge, shall be expelled for a gross and 
 wanton abuse of its benevolent intentions, and_ shall 
 be ever disqualified from again becoming a member 
 §2. Any brother who shall be known to be in- 
 toxieated during the time he receives benefits 
 from the Lodge, shall be suspended at the option of 
 the Lodge. a 
 § 3. No brother whose sickness or disability pro- 
 ceeds from profligate or immoral conduct, shall be 
 entitled to benefits. : 
 ~ When any brother of this Lodge shall remove to a 
 distant place unprovided with a certificate, and shall 
 be by sickness or accident, disabled from supporting 
 himself, he shall be entitled to the same benefit as if re- 
 siding in town, subject to Art. xxiv and xxv and the fol- 
 owing formula: He shall transmit to the N.G. a true 
20 BY-LAWS. 
 statement of his complaint and circumstances, at- 
 tested by the N.G. of some Lodge near him, and if no 
 Lodge be near, he shall transmit'a certificate stating 
 his case and signed by a respectable physician. 
 If any brother from a distant Lodge apply to the 
 Lodge for relief, the N. G. shall appoint a committee 
 of no less than three to investigate his case, who shall 
 report to the Lodge, and if the Lodge may think 
 proper, he shall receive such assistance as may be 
 _ thought necessary and the funds of the Lodge will 
 Sec. 1. The N. G., V. G., S., and T. shall be a 
 standing Committee of Relief. . 
 § 2. It shall be their duty to visit the brethren who 
 may be reported sick in the district in which they re- 
 side, within twenty-four hours of the time they shall 
 réeeive information thereof ; and if entitled to bene- 
 fits, the N. G. shall have power to draw on the Treas- 
 urer for the amountspecified in Article xxiv. 
 § 3. There shall be a sub Committee of Relief in 
 each captain’s district in which brethren may reside; 
 composed of all the members residing in such district, 
 and the N. G. shall organize such committee by ap- 
 pointment of Chairman and Secretary once in six. 
 ) 4. It shall be the duty of every brother compos- 
 ing such Committee, upon hearing of the illness of © 
 any member thereof, to notify the chairman immedi- 
BY-LAWS. 21 
 _ ately, or in case of absence or illness, the Secretary, 
 _ who shall visit such brothers within twenty-four 
 hours after such notification, and report his case to 
 the N.G. or some other member of the standing 
 | Committee of Relief 
 ) § 5. If the case requires it, they, (ie.) the standing 
 ~ Committee of Relief, Chairman and Secretary of the 
 _ several sub Committees shall notify two brothers in 
 rotation as they stand on the list of members in such 
 district to attend to the sick brother during the night, 
 to administer such comfort and assistance as may be 
 in their power. 
 § 6. Any brothér presenting his account for bene- 
 fits, must have it attested by some officer of the Re- 
 lief Committee in his district, who shall be cogniza- 
 ble to the fact. 
 § 7. If the duties of any of the members of the 
 district become onerous by their long continuance in 
 any case, the Lodge upon application may appoint 
 others to assist them, and should any volunteer or 
 consent to do so, they may be appointed for the time, 
 provided no brother shall be required to go more 
 than ten miles from his home. 
 On the death of a brother, the N. G., or in his ab- 
 sence the V. G., should he think proper, may cause 
 the brethren to be informed thereof, in order that 
 they may attend the funeral, and any brother 
 failing to attend shall be fined Two Dollars, unless 
 sufnedit excuse be made to the uodge, and by it ae- 
92, BY-LAWS. 
 Sec. 1. Whenever the conduct of a brother shall 
 render it necessary to impeach him, his case shall be 
 presented to the Lodge in writing, who shall refer it 
 to a Committee whose duty it shall be to report 
 thereon as soon as practicable, when the sense of the 
 Lodge shall be taken by vote; and it be the opinion 
 of the majority of the members present-that he should 
 be proceeded against, the following form shall be ob- 
 served : 
 Ist. The offending brother shall be furnished with 
 a copy of the charges, and heard in his own defense; 
 after which he shall retire, complying with the requi- 
 sitions of Article xx. 
 2d. After he has withdrawn, the sense of ae Lodge 
 shall be taken by ballot, and if carried against him 
 by a majority of the members present, he ‘shall be 
 considered guilty, and be reprimanded, suspended or 
 expelled, as the Lodge shall think proper; and it shall 
 be the duty of the Seeks, wy to notify him thereof. 
 And should the Lodge determine to suspend or ex- 
 pel him, the Secretary shall notify the Grand a 
 Subordinate Lodges thereof, 
 § 2. But if the offending brother be absent, he shall 
 be Ainnchen with a copy of the charges, and cited to 
 appear before the Lodge on the night on which the 
 question of his impeachment is to dale place ; but 
 if he shall contemptuously refuse or neglect to ap- 
 pear, then he shall be proceeded against in the man- 
 ner prescribed in the above fovlae 
 Any brother wishing to become a member of this 
BY-LAWS. 93 
 Lodge, shall deposit his card, with a fee of Two Dol- 
 lars and fifty cents, after which he shall be balloted 
 for, and if a majority of votes appear against him, he 
 shall stand rejected, and the amount of his deposit 
 and card shall be returned to him through the pro- 
 ee ty ARTICLE XXXT1. 
 No smoking, or other refreshments than water and 
 tobacco shall at any time be allowed in the Lodge, 
 or any apartments thereto belonging. 
 Sec. 1. Any disputes, aggrievances, or differences 
 existing between brethren shall be laid before the 
 ‘Lodge whereof the offending party is a member; the 
 N.G, shall thereupon appoint a committee of five, who 
 shall have power to summon the contending parties 
 land determine the matter in question; nevertheless, 
 an appeal may be made at all times to the Lodge, 
 land from their decision to the Grand Lodge. 
 § 2. If any brother shall prefer charges before this 
 Lodge against another, and those charges prove false, 
 and it appears satisfactory to the Lodge that the charges 
 jwere brought though inmalice, the brother who prefer- 
 |-ed the charges shall receive such punishment as the 
 jorother against whom the charges were preferred 
 }would have been subjected to had he been found guilty. . 
 Src. 1 The N. G., on the night of his installation 
24 BY-LAWS. 
 BRE oe ARO LER BS ay 
 shall appoint a committee of three to examine the 
 books and settle the accounts of the Lodge. 
 } 2. It shall be their duty to audit the accounts of 
 S. and T., together with the accounts of the members, 
 and to report thereon, stating the receipts and expen- 
 ditures of the Lodge, the debts due to and owing by 
 it, so as to exhibit an exact statement of its affairs at 
 the next regular meeting of the Lodge. 
 §,3.. Tf he past 8. and T., or either of them, shall 
 neglect or refuse to attend the meeting of the Com- 
 mittee, with their books, &c., he or they shall be fined 
 Five Dollars, unless a good and sufficient excuse be 
 offered to the Lodge, and by it accepted. 
 Src. 1. The Secretary for tie faithful performance 
 of his duty, shall receive Five Dollars. per term of 26 
 § 2. The Treasurer, for his duty, shall receive Two 
 Dollars per term of 26 weeks. ' 
 5 3. The Keeper of the Lodge, for the faithful dis- 
 charge of his duties, shall receive from the funds of 
 the Liodee, such compensation as the Lodge may 
 Src. 1. Any member of this Lodge, living in town, 
 who neglects attending its meetings for six regular 
 mecting nights successively, shall be fined for neglect 
 of duty in such sum as the Lodge may determine, 
 unless a sufficient excuse is presented to the Lodge, 
 and by it accepted. 
 § 2, Any member neglecting to attend, and who 
BY-LAWS. 25 
 * lives in town for thirteen successive meeting nights, 
 shall be considered as having renounced the Order, 
 unless the Lodge shall determine otherwise upon 
 hearing his excuse. 
 § 3. Any member of this Lodge not residing in 
 town, and living not more than ten miles from town, 
 and failing to attend the meetings of this Lodge for 
 thirteen regular meeting nights successively, and all 
 members living over that distance, and failing to at- 
 tend for twenty-six regular meeting nights (or one 
 term) shall be considered as having renounced the 
 Order, unless excused by the Lodge. 
 If any doubt or dispute shall hereafter arise re- 
 specting the true meaning of any Article or Articles 
 of this Constitution and By-Laws, the case shall be 
 referred to a committee of three intelligent brothers, 
 to be appointed by the N. G., who shail decide upon 
 the case. 
 And finally, it 1s particularly enjoined that all mem- 
 bers of this Lodge shall treat each other during its 
 sittings, with all due respect, and that all ungenerous 
 remarks} and personal allusions, or sarcastic language 
 be carefully avoided, by which the feelings of any 
 brother may be wounded, and the most prominent of 
 our objects, Friendship, Charity and Harmony, be di- 
 minished or interrupted; and that all discussions be 
 conducted in that spirit of candor, moderation, and 
 open generosity which leads men to the altar of con- 
 cord and good fellowship ; and it shall be the duty 
 of the N. G., to suppress every thing to the contrary. 
 1. No motion shall be open for any action until 
 it has been seconded and brought before the Lodge 
 by the N. G, and if required by a member, the 
 motion shall be written and handed to the N. G. 
 2. No member shall speak on the same subject 
 more than twice without special leave from the N. G., 
 and while speaking, if called to order, shall cease un- 
 til it be decided whether he be in Order or not. 
 3. A question being before the Lodge, no motion 
 shall be entertained until it is decided, but to lie on the 
 table for the previous question, to postpone indefi- 
 nitely to postpone to a certain day, or to amend— 
 which several motions shall have precedence in the 
 Order in which they here stand arranged. 
 4. Every member, when addressing the Chair, 
 shall be standing ; and should two rise at the same 
 time for that purpose, the N. G., by calling the bro- 
 ther’s name, shall decide who is entitled to the floor. 
 5. A motion for the previous question shall only 
 be admitted when sustained by a majority of the 
 members present, and shall be in the following form: 
 “ Shall the main question be now put?’ And until © 
 it is decided, shall preclude all amendments and all 
 further debate. 
 I a a i i a a 
 6. Any member may call for the division of a 
 _ 7. Whena blank is to be filled, and different sums, 
 numbers, or periods shall be proposed, the question 
 shall first be on the highest sum or number, and on 
 the longest period. 
 8. Should a member call for the reading a any 
 paper or matter relative to any subject before the 
 Lodge, and the reading is objected to by another 
 member, it shall be determined by the vote of the 
 9. Every member present shall vote on all ques- 
 tions, unless, declining, he gives his reasons, and is 
 excused by the Lodge. 
 10. No member voting in the minority shall move 
 a reconsideration, nor shall anv question which has 
 been indefinitely postponed, in any case be recon- 
 11. No report shall be amended unless with the 
 consent of the committee who made it. 
 12. No nominations for candidates to fill any 
 of the chairs, shall be received on any other nights 
 ' than the two regular meeting nights immediately 
 preceding the night of election. 
 13. The N. G. shall decide all questions of  or- 
 der; nevertheless an appeal may be taken from his 
 | decision to the Lodge, but the appeal shall not be 
 ‘We command you to Visit the Sick, Bury the Dead, 
 and Educate the Orphan.” 
 In compliance with the last injunction of the abov 
 sacred duty of every faithful Odd-Fellow, the mem- 
 bers of this Lodge agree to support and be governed 
 by the following as the By-Laws for the government 
 of the “ SxHoon Funp or Occrpentat Loner No. 33,” 
 of the State of North Carolina. 
 The proceeds of the School Fund shall be appro- 
 priated exclusively to the education of orphans of de- 
 ceased members who have been contributors thereto 
 for six months, and who were not six months in ar- 
 rears at the time of their decease. . 
 Sec..1. A Standing Committee offive shall be elect- 
 ed by the Lodge at the first meeting after the adop- 
 tion of these By-Laws, and annually thereafter on 
 the first meeting in January, whose duty it shall be 
 te attend to and supervise the education of all orphans 
 entitled to the benefit of this fund, and who shall dis- 
 pense justice without favor or partiality. Any va- 
 cancy occurring in the Committee by death or other- 
 wise, shall be supplied by the Lodge. 
 § 2. The Committee thus appointed shall elect a 
 chairman and secretary, who shall, together, have 
 power to draw on the Treasurer for such sums as 
 may be allowed by the Committee to pay for the edu- 
 cation of orphans entitled thereto. 
 _§-38. The chairman of the Committee shall regular- 
 ly appoint and keep up a sub-Committee of three to in- 
 quire into the age of the orphans at school, their pro- 
 gress in learning, their talents, circumstances, &e:, 
 which sub-committee shall report semi-annually to 
 » the original committee. 
 § 4. Any question involving difficulty or disagree- 
 ment in the Committee, shall be referred to the Lodge, 
 - Should the funds at any time be inadequate to the 
 education of the number of orphans entitled, the 
 committee shall consider and decide justly and equit- 
 ably on the claims of each, and all applications, which 
 for want of funds, may have been postponed, shall be 
 entitled to priority when the funds will admit of it 
 When an orphan receiving the benefits of this fund 
 shall, in the opinion of the Committee, have attained 
 a suitable age to enter upon some profession or avo- 
 cation, it shall be their duty with the advice and con- 
 sent of the surviving parent, or of its guardian or. 
 nearest friend, to procure a situation for it best adapt- 
 ed to its talents and accompanying circumstances. 
 These By-Laws shall not be altered or amended, 
 except by the concurrence of.a two-third majority of 
 all the members of the Lodge. 
 Oh! thou! infinitely blessed God, and All-wise 
 disposer of events, deign to draw benignly near unto 
 us, now assembled in thy presence, and while we 
 take counsel together, for our mutual improvement 
 and happiness, and the melioration of the condition of 
 our suffering fellow men, O grant, that the Holy 
 Spirit may endue us with wisdom and virtue, that we 
 may be refreshed with the wisdom,of Thy grace, and 
 cheered by the bright beams of Thy peace. _May our 
 hearts be melted by Thy love, cemented to Thee—to 
 each other. Let Friendship, Love and I'ruth, which 
 emanated from Heaven, to give peace on earth, reign 
 in our hearts, in our midsts, stream forth in an ever 
 lasting tide to all the world, and ever bind us to Thy 
 throne. May the Heaven-born principles of our be- 
 loved society, go forth, through our humble instru- 
 mentality, by the blessing of Thy grace, to glorious 
 success, until the sick and disconsolate, the widow. 
 ond orphan may be succored and made to sing with 
 joy. ; 
 ‘Oh, merciful God, graciously vouchsafe all the 
 blessings of which we have need, that we may so live 
 and act, doing Thy will in all things, that when done 
 with time and sense,.an abundant entrance may be 
 ministered unto os, into the everlasting Kingdom of 
 the supreme Grand Master above, and all the glory 
 _ of our salvation, shall be given to Thee, through 
 Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 
 We would render Thee most unfeigned thanks, 
 gracious and Kternal Parent, that thou hast spared us 
 to assemble together again, and permitted us to 
 transact business growing out of our Association, for 
 our own happiness, the good of our families, and the 
 benefit of mankind.. . 
 If, in-our deliberations, we have said or done aught 
 which will not redound to Thy glory, pardon the er- 
 ror; butif it shall be for Thy glory, in the happiness 
 of Thy creatures, which we humbly trust, let: the 
 rich effusions of Thy Holy Spirit crown the same 
 with abundant success. | 
 Dismiss us with Thy benediction in the sweet 
 bonds of “ Friendship, Love, and Truth.” Guide us 
 by Thy counsel through the fluctuating scenes of 
 our pilgrimage, and receive us at last into the celes- 
 tial Lodge above, and we will praise Thee, more per 
 fectly, through Christ, our Redeemer. Amen. 
 I. Roll of Officers called, and proceedings of last 
 Lodge night read by the Secretary; (should no errors 
 appear, they shall stand approved.) 
 Officers absent at last meeting called and fined. 
 II. Does any Brother know of a sick Brother or.a 
 Brother in distress ? 
 1. Report of Visiting Committee. 
 2. Brothers sick to be reported. 
 III. Consideration of previous proposals for Mem- 
 1. Report of Investigating Committees. 
 2. Balloting for new members. 
 IV. Candidates admitted. 
 V. Has any Brother a friend to propose to be- 
 ome a member of this Order ? 
 VI. Unfinished business appearing in minutes te 
 be attended to. 
 1. Report of Special Committees by Seniority. 
 2. Other unfinished business. 
 VII. Has any brother anything to offer for the 
 good of the Order @ 
 1. Communications. 2. Bills. 3. Report of Committee of Cor- 
 respondence. 4. Report of Committee of Finance. 5. Report 
 of Board of Trustees. 6. Other business. 7. Applications for 
 Certificates of Degrees. 8. Close. 
 In Relation to Encampments and Lodges, 
 1. Subordinate Lodges have no powers, other than those con- 
 ferred upon them by the authorities which created them and the 
 Grand Lodges under which they exist. Their legislative power 
 extends only to the making of By-Laws for their own internal | 
 government.—| Digest, Div. 3, Art. 3. §1. 
 2. They are atall times subject to the supervision and control 
 ot the Grand Lodges, by which they can be punished as they 
 may determine, for any violation of their duties, —L{b. §2. 
 3. They can ask advice and counsel only of their Grand Lodges 
 whose consent and approval is necessary before they can enter 
 into correspon lence with each other.—[Ib, §3. [Repealed,] 
 4. A subordinate Lodge cannot change the location designated 
 in its charter without the consent of its Grand Lodge ; but may se- 
 lect its own place of meeting without such consent, provided the 
 room be safe anu private.—[Ib. §6. : 
 5. So long as five members are willing to work under it, the 
 charter of a Lodge cannot be surrendered,—[Ib. 47. 
 6. Upon the reclamation or surrender of a charter of a Lodge, 
 its books and effects must be placed in keeping of its Grand 
 Lodge; but its charter, name, number and property cannot be 
 restored to any but a sufficient number of its original members. 
 —(Ibid §8. 
 7. Membership in more than one Lodge, is illegal_—[Ib. 10. 
 8. A person cannot be initiated ata place distant from his place 
 of residence, if there isa Lodge in his immediate vicinity—Ib. 
 9. Honorary membership is illegal.—[Tb. §11. 
 10. Good standing sgnifies contributing membership in a Sub- 
 ordinate Lodge, and freedom from all disability, caused by nun- 
 payment of dues, or by charges under the penal provisions of 
 the Lodge —[Ib. $12. 
 11. A member may, by written resignation, withdraw from 
 the Order, and isnot bound to take a withdrawal card.—[Ib. 914. 
 12. The N.G. and V. G. are entitled to the T. P. W., and su- 
 perintend the examination of visitors.—Ib. §16. 
 13. When the N. G. is absent, it is both the right and duty of 
 the V. G. to take the place of his superior, and fulfill all his fune- 
 tions. —[Ib. §19. / 
 14. The first N. G. of a new Lodge is entitled to the past offi- 
 cial degrees ; the first those of P. V.G. and P.S.; but 
 in no other case can they be conferred without seryice.—{ Ib. §21. 
 15. Subordinate Lodges instituted before the expiration of a 
 term, cannot make.a term,unless fourteen weeks remain; but 
 the officers must serve till the end of the ensuing term.—[Ib. §2. 
 16. A member cannot be tried upon charges during his absence, 
 but in such case may be expelled for contempt.—Ib. §25. 
 17. A member under charges, acknowledging his guilt, may 
 have the penalty imposed without trial.—[Ib. §26. 
 18. Ex-parte statements cannot be introduced as testimony 
 against a member under charges, nor can his wife testify in the 
 case; but ALL EVIDENCE tending to a fair investigation of his 
 case may be admitted.—[Ib. §27. 
 19. Indefinite suspension for non-payment of dues can be ter- 
 minated by the Grand Lodge without the consent of the Subor- 
 dinete.—[Ib. §28. , 
 20. Suspension from membership asa means of punishment, 
 does not release the member from payment of dues, which go on 
 as before,—[Tb. §29. > 
 21. A Grand Lodge cannot order a new trial of a member ina 
 Subordinate Lodge in case of an appeal on the ground of infor- 
 mality or the want of fairness on the former trial, unless such 
 fact be proven,—[¥b. §30. 
 22. A Grand Lodge can reinstate a brother without the consent 
 of its Subordinate, in case its decision is reversed on appeal. 
 —[Ib. §31. ; 
 23. A member of a Subordinate Lodge under a State Gran 
 Lodge cannot appeal to the Grand Lodge of the United States. 
 —[Ib. §32. ; 
 24. Pending an appeal of a Subordinate Lodge, to the Grand 
 Lodge of the United States, an individual under penalty, and 
 whose case is involved in the appeal, occupies the 
 scribed for him by his Grand Lodge.—[Ib. §33. 
 25. A Subordinate Lodge cannot appeal to the Grand Lodge of 
 the United States, unless with the consent of its Grand Lodge 
 except in case of its expulsion, it having first surrendered its 
 effects.—[Ib. §34. 
 position pre- 
 26. If a member of a Subordinate Lodge commit suicide, his 
 family are nevertheless entitled to his funeral benefits.—[Ib. §35. 
 27. A Subordinate Lodge can ask for relief only through its 
 Grand Lodge or Grand Master, and it must obtain the prescribed 
 certificate from such authority.—[Ib. §36. 
 28. Lectures, unless authorized by the regulations of the local 
 Jarisdictions, are prohibited in Subordinate Lodges.—[Ib. §38. 
 29. Visiting and withdrawal cards of the prescribed forms, are. 
 ote o members in good standing upon application therefor. 
 30. If a Lodge grant relief to a traveling brother, the amount 
 of benefit granted is endorsed upon his card.—[Ib. $41. 
 31. Whenever a Lodge becomes extinct, its members may re- 
 ceive fro the Grand Recording Secretary, certificates of their 
 re ibs connexion, in order to enable them to join other Lodges. 
 —[Ib. §43. 
 32. There is no reason for refusing toreceive into the American 
 ‘Order persons who have withdrawn from the Manchester Unity ; 
 but there being no communion between that body and the Grand 
 Lodge of the United States, such persons can only come in by 
 initiation, and precisely as other initiates do.—[Ib. §48. 
 33. The Junior P. G. is not strictly an officer of the Lodge, 
 but it is his duty to occupy the seat of Past Grand for one term, 
 and deliver the Past Grand’s chargeatinitiation. Itis therefore 
 improper that he should be elected to any office.—[Ib. §45. | 
 34. The order of business contained in the printed work of 
 Subordinates is to be considered in the light of a recommendation 
 merely. If the Subordinates can conveniently adhere to the 
 _ form im the charge book, it is only proper that they should do so; 
 if they cannot, they may regulate the order of business to suit 
 their particular necessities —[Ib. §46. 
 35. Brethren holding visiting cards continue to be members of 
 the Order, and are amenable to all the laws of their Lodges or 
 | Encampments, in the same manner as other members.—[ Digest 
 | Division 2, Art. 6, §4. 
 - 6. Visiting cards entitle brothers holding them to visit Lodges 
 or Encampments, as the case may be, while traveling or sojourn- 
 ing in places beyond the limits of the jurisdiction to which they 
 belong. They also entitle holders to all the courtesies of the 
 brotherhood,as well as the benevolent usage of the Order, if 
 they should meet with accident or misfortune.—[Ib. §5. 
 37. The vote of a Subordinate Lodge or Encampment, granting 
 | withdrawal card to a brother applying therefor, severs the con- 
 nection of such brother with such Lodge or Fncampment, and re- 
 leases the Lodge granting it from all liabilities for benefits, 
 whether the card is actually taken or not. Butif the card be 
 taken, the brother is entitled to the T. P. W. in use at the time, 
 and retains the right to visit with that word for a year.[—Ib. §6. 
 38. Every visiting or withdrawal card must bear the counter- 
 signature of the Grand Curresponding Secretary of the Grand 
 Lodge of the United States, or a fac-simile thereof. It must be 
 signed by the N. G. and attested by the Secretary under seal of 
 the Lodge granting it. The name of the holder must also be 
 written onthe margin in his own hand writing.—-Ib. §7. 
 39, When the time has expired for which a visiting card was 
 granted, it is the duty of the brother holding it to return it to the 
 Lodge or Encampment which granted it.—[Ib. §8. 
 41. The Lodge or Encampment granting a visiting or with- 
 drawal card, has power to withdraw or annul the same for BO0d, 
 cause.—[Ib. ‘$10. 
 42. No Lodge or Encampment is bound to receive a eard on 
 deposit, (that is to admit the holder to membership) but such 
 cases are to be governed by the rules prescribed by the local au- 
 thorities.—{[ Ib. §11. 
 43. Eaeh Subordinate Lodge may, by a vote of two-thirds of 
 its members present, grant a card to the wife or widow of any 
 member on application therefor, to be signed by the officers of 
 the Lodge, aud countersigned by the recipient on the margin.— 
 [1b. §13. 
 44. Such card, if granted to the wife of a member, cannot re- 
 main in force more than one year, but if granted toa widow, it 
 continues valid during her widowhood.—Ib. §14. 
 45. When a visiting brother presents himself at the door of a 
 Lodge or Encampment, it is his duty to send in his card by the 
 Guardian or Sentinel. If the card be authentic, the presiding 
 officer appoints a committee of three to examine the visiter. In 
 a Lodge, one member of the Committee must be the N. G. him- 
 self, the V. G., or some other brother known to be in possession 
 of the T. P. Ww. and the other members must be of the Scarlet 
 Degree. Inan Encampment, one member must be the C. P. 
 himself, the S. W , or some Patriarch known to be in possession 
 of the T. P. W. aH the other members must of course be of the 
 R.P. Degree.—| [Digest, Division 3, Art. viii, §1. 

 The following i is the form of Certificate to be addressed to the 
 N. G. of this Lodge, in case of a Brothers’ sickness or disability, 
 _ When absent from the town: 
 To the N. G of Occipenrax Lopce No. 33, I.0.0.F. 
 I, the undersigned, a member of said Lodge, hereby 
 state, that upon the day of 
 tS. ,1* 
 by reason of which I was rendered incapnble of follow- 
 ing my usual occupation; which disability continued A 
 antil the day of roe 18 
 And I further state, that said sickness did not proceed 
 from any improper conduct of my own. 
 Dated at this day of 18 
 ee ee 
 (0O6 Ose te 
 5 +4 °G 4 +8 ‘ 
 _ I, the undersigned, \hereby certify, that I am a reg- 
 ular Physician, 
 that I saw the said 
 bility, and I believe that he has stated his 
 and the circumstances attending it, correctly, 
 and that he was rendered incapable thereby from fol- 
 during his disa- © 
 lowing his usual occupation, for the term stated by him. © 
 day of 18 
 Dated at this 
 * If the applicant has been or is sick, then state “was taken 
 sick with,” naming the complaint, and the circumstances attend- 
 ing it. Ifthe applicant has met with any accident, then state the 
 accident, and the cause of it, 
 “+ If the certificate is given bya Justice of the Peace, erase the ¢ 
 words “regular Physician,” and insert, “Justice of the Peace ¢ 
 State of »” and 
 Or the county of 
 tame the County and State. 


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