Se eee RRR Geet aieliain Ha ARERR RR CET WARS SEAS Sa Oe. OAC CG SN SES RAN 3 aN ESSE AS 4 Q : 4 : : 2 Cae ; Siar na . . . . . A : Y : veh SS Ne Ne Ns , ss SNS SA thie tie . cuties sn a OSs = Sse a — ene oN aN: ea j BSS « x Ss Se So eee NS PAS NS Se SS a aes : Eons Z : ROSS = E Zi . * Coy ae SEN Ne . aS SSN en SS Se Rees ee AST eee Sao ec Digitized by the. Internet Archive : : ees _ in 2024 with funding from a | rsity of North Carolina at ‘Chapel Hil a ‘ ait i ELAND! TR The Land of Saints, Sages, Poets, Patriots, Ollamhs, Warriog# SAVE GOD Statesmen, and Mighty Men. Orators, THE IRISH NATIONAL SONGSTER, A CHOICE SELECTION Sentimental, Patriotic, and Comic Songs, NEW YORK : P. J. KENEDY, PUBLISHER, 5 Barncuay STREET. el SO Katered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, bY P. J. KENEDY, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, CONTENTS. Pay@ Aileen Mavourneen...........-.-.-2ecececccesceceess as aces ous < Mist As a Beam o’er the face of the Waters may lOWacscacieccccccuss aye As slow our Ship .... .......cccceccccecceccscccs Smaecerens seceak ee At the Mid-hour of Night eeoeeeveees ere eeeee2e88008 e@e2e0e802028200828288 08 10 Ambition erereeeresreeer sre eoeeeeeeeteseee eee e2e02820088 @©ee288280202080808020 08 10 Avenging and Bright..............ssesseseeees dood So dees besen 0.4 pase SeisnaineXs pccceeeemaee in, Mavourneen...... Pine ore trss cae sels wcktetesiecales «eee os ote ane 9 9 Asetatde oe ecer cess esereee eee eeoeersesneese @eeoeoeoeveeoeoe eeeoeeoease 33 METI TIO to ecg dos os oe oj0.c0s so nevcbeviesrvcceecececvesnce ccccese 170 Erin! the tear and the smile in thine eyes......cecrceccccccccece 39 Eveleen’s Bower...........2+. Baiece obi acs Waisidl saia's wisi osies cleans snere Evin is my home....... Weve uitvasdcuena stlea's ess o:0,50.0 Soe beads ee ae Ever of T ee ee ee ee ee ee | @eeoeeoeeeeee0ce @Peeeereeeseeeeeee84 eeree 08 35 Botapring a Witness Se vosness se weve epecehas saves seca'e se cncaestra mee RL ts fos vis v oio.cls wo sides ob e eeeespee oeccesetecas sa SOG Farewell but whenever you welcome the hour.............. coccce 37 Fill the Bumper Fair... ........22.eeceeeeeceees enesesenes cocccce 88 Fly not yet... .......-.--..-+6 eccccccccccccecces soccccccccccsccs 40 From Life without Freedom.....ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccrcce Al Go where Glory waits Thee..... gepsaveusacaceveseheeceteceeuupeman Give me a Cot in the Valley I Love... .orscccscccccccoecssccccssore @ iv CONTENTS. Grace Darling ....rcccsccecccsenccccccssesses eesee © 0 ' ques Oe 00888 © 43 Grace after Dinner. cssccscss @eoeoeveeveseeeooe @eoeece CE CRO ie OR A dt i, } 64 Home, Sweet Home...... pelaietaeis cate tow ss See e eae see Seca s ccueod How t Choose a Wife...........-.eseeces pele elclette ee Sis. wecite tae Has Sorrow thy Young Days Shaded?..... Wee eee cet iccescs tes teluee How dear to me the our | esscereeoeeseeee eee @eeeseeeene eeeosceveoeeoe 45 How oft has the Banshee cried...... Sent ahoc es neu swceut o 6 Siaocs ae Here’s the Bower..........-+e. Seabed ea cneer ees ett aces ee se eee 47 Highland Mary. ..........scccessccecssscveces beet cctecatescee tee Her Bright Smile Haunts me Still.............--000. Sohieseaweaceaee I’m Sitting on the Stile, Mary...... Gu goneeesot neers Coase ee ees eOe Tam Lonely to-night.........ccccccccccescceee Sectors te do fees kta I will be True to Thee... ......ccccccccccccccccsccececccscccececs 160 I can not sing the old songs.......ccrecsccscccccccccccccccccs oe =49 Tu hang m Harp on & Willow-tree eoaeeeeoeeee @@ee@eceoveeseeeooeoeese e 50 I'd Mourn the Hopes...........-00- tebe breeae Bes vce Ceeeey see 51 Dl Omens: sii es fase nee sewage s Petewiceehe te ie eag wasigeneoene 52 I saw from the Beach............esscese caavese he Sones Sees Ded we I saw thy form in Youthful Prime......... Evaswke ste cs nan eeewas - &4 It is not the tear at this moment shed.......... Mereacth cee ss wee sO I’ve a secret to tell Thee,......cccecescccsccccces Piece es caemene 56 Irish Mary sow wmereco ee eseereraneeeeeeoeeae & ee@eseeeceeeecenoseeoe eee eeeee ‘ee 53 I’m dreaming of Thee, Norah......ccecccceesccccccccccccceeccee: 58 Joys that pass AWAY........eccsccccccscrcccncccccees Uicia ee ueere 56 PUBDIGS 6) Soke il bce vccadcekeshswsbecessetowwts ss emtm ess ume cre . 154 Judge Boat.......... bbed oeceauee guieevecs see hee chem Cah apess ster cee Katty AVOUrNEED.......ccccccecccecccecs nines bs ela hare e acer Gries wists - 60 Kitty Dyrellcc cise ds occecdesada cevuestebis tees sine aes emmee se ennee Kathleen Mavourneen...........eceees Saas cubic creates cow tern ae - 62 Kate O'Brien: : . 2.25. .355sscncs ex eneears cbse e a0 s caeleeees Genesee 7 OS Kate O’Shane saeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeseoeee 2220 08 eeeecenevese2e8e 02888 0@ 68 Batic O'Ry ate. . iccces anes tistae ce nance male oe piers Sees dee ober «Por eee ne 64 Killarney 02.2. 4% oe 2's oo sine we etoile ialetlotets Sade e esi te bags ae - 156 Lament of the Irish Emigrant............. seee ecient se ceme coces, 65 Lesbia hath a Beaming Hye..........seee. welscadetyebeeswenne cove 66 Let Erin remember the Days of old.......scceseececrecccees Mdelas ¢ caece ALG The Valley lay smiling before me...............0-00- nae a be ask 118 The Time I’ve lost in Wooing...............e00- ocerececccccoces 120 The Young May Moon......... ecko skeet s Cis ccna aes me weete ieee Pn. Young Rose... -. ss. esescduwenest coeeee eon: aelerceweee oes 121 MES ZOUG ang LOrevpr, «oc sacks deans eaten ee eee heirs 125 This Life is all Chequered with Pleasures and Woes............ «o 121 Wis Sweet to Think: .....+25 tee eee sve ceeds eemuae Though the last glimpse of Erin with Sorrow I see.............. - 122 The Origin of the Harn, ;>sp9ee seeeed woe eee atone seneete 124 Tis the ani Rose of Summers sci tesw «toes te Oe Nee ee 126 To Ladies’ Eyes................ Csebe capes Seas stanwacr grt etateeer 127 The: Exile of Krin “oy, ces. cve reds aged ete ee ee 128 The Girl Ive left hehind me.. .5-.2.. 2 eee eee eee 129 The Dear Little Shamrock::.. dacdec ¢-oss se ee ee ee e+» 180 she White Oockade. ii... svswlesatesscnesee eee ee ee 131 The Blarney: .- i sscess ss cew ne adegses yamemeen eee ae mneenae 132 The Maids of Merry Treland.:..5:+...00e aeeee ak. eee 133 The Heart bowed down by Weight of Woe..............ce0. cece. 134 Ehe Vesper Hymn. .5+ ii onsccsrkcwecs eee: eee ee 185 The Irish Girl. o yah ace Geveonie tems MEU s sleu Selae te Sabie oo eis eee 8S The Maid of Erin... ..<.<0+