THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA C378 UK3 1893D mmii 00039136586 This book must not be token from the Library building. Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2010 witin funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill AN ADDRESS Hon. Robert P. Dick. DELIVERED AT Chapel Hill, N. C, Wednesday, June jth, 1893, Commencement Day of the University of North Carolina. GREENSBORO, N. C: C. F. Thomas, Book and Job Printer, 1893. AN ADDRESS. Ladies and Gentlemen: Four years ago I attended the celebration of the cen- tennial of this venerable University, and met with many college brothers — -young and old- — but only a few college comrades. We truly had the "feast of reason and the flow of soul," hallowed and beautified with many cher- ished memories. Then we formed many new acquaint- anceships, renewed old friendships, and together pledged continued and affectionate devotion to our Alma Mater. That occasion will ever be one of the most pleasant recollections of my life, as, in memory, it carried me back over the varied gloom and brightness of intervening years to the sunny springtime of my early days. My visits to Chapel Hill recall to my mind some his- torical facts and local incidents and associations, which I have read in books of travel, about the old Etruscan city of Pisa. Tourists inform us that in that venerable city there is a group of ancient and splendid edifices around the Campo Santo, which was made holy by many shiploads of soil brought from Mount Calvary under the direction of a bishop of the Church of Rome, who had engaged in the crusades. Those white marble edifices seem to have withstood the corroding and decaying agencies and influences of time, and still have the freshness and beauty of the early days of their erection — seven hundred years ago. They truly link the present with the past, as they have wit- nessed the joys and the sorrows, the labors and achieve- ments, and the coming and the going of more than twenty generations. They are enriched and adorned with some of the finest productions of art during five centuries prolific in the achievements of splendid genius and culture ; and they are associated with many import- ant and interesting events in the history of progressive learning, literature, science, philosophy and enlightened jurisprudence. ^ In this historic group of edifices there is one — called" the Baptistery — that is especially attractive and remark- able for the echoing melodies that are produced within its walls by tones of the human voice attuned to certain musical notes and chords. As soon as such tones are uttered, the awakened and responsive melodies are blend- ed into echoing harmonies that ripple, roll and swell through the building like the symphonies of unseen choirs of rejoicing Cherubim and Seraphim, and then rise on viewless wings of sweet cadences into the lofty dome, and then gently pass into the silence of the upper ! distance, on their heavenward way. They were like the soft, sweet voices of the past that meet in unison in the heart, with the joys of the present and the hopes and aspirations of the future, and blend into thrilling and inspiring harmonies. This Old Campus has some of the agencies and appli- ances of religious consecration in the morning, evening and Sabbath chimes of the College bell, calling to prayer and worship for more than a hundred years; and it is rich in memories and associations of pleasant incidents and affectionate friendships that make it to all returning students "haunted and holy ground.' The Old Buildings of this University have their pecu- liar reminiscences of unportrayed scenes and events, and of unrecorded thoughts, emotions, cares, sorrows, pray- ers and hopes of their many occupants. They have no 5 place on the pages of history, but they were inscribed with vivid distinctness by the diamond pen of memory in many hearts that are now cold in the grave, in many hearts that are now feebly throbbing with age and infirm- ity, and in many hearts illumined with fond hopes and bounding with vigorous energies. Many of these thoughts, emotions, aspirations and hopes have been re- corded in the Lamb's Book of Life. Were these old College groves inhabited by the Dryads and Hamadryads of classic fable, they could tell many a pleasing, suggestive or marvellous story of things which they had seen, heard or imagined, in sunlight or in shade or beneath the silent stars in the hours gone by forever. To me old Gerrard Hall has much of the sanctity of a baptistery. There I often heard lessons of divine truth and wisdom from venerated lips that taught me science and literature in the class-room, and spoke many words of kindness and sympathy in daily intercourse. There I received the honors and the parting blessings of my Alma Mater, as she sent me forth clothed in the strong panoply which she had wrought, to struggle for fortune and fame in the battlefields of busy life, and to perform the duties which I owed to myself, my fellow man, my country, my God and truth. The tones of the voices of my college brethren, in that old sanctuary of learning and friendship — on our grand Centennial festal day — were not attuned to musical notes and chords, but they recalled many sunny memo- ories of the " long ago," which were sweeter to my heart than the cultured harmonies of sound; and they awak- ened feelings and emotions of sympathetic affection, pathos and harmony, as I contemplated the scenes before me and compared them with my vivid recollections of former days. "Those days of old when youth was bold, And time stole wings to speed it, And youth ne'er knew how fast time flew. Or knowing did not heed it. Though gray each brow that meets us now, For age brings wintry weather, Yet naught can be so sweet to see As dear old friends together." I have come here to-day as a representative of the class of 1843 — that graduated just fifty years ago. I am glad again to meet so many of my college brethren, and I am sad because I greet so few of my former comrades and class-mates. There is many a spot, many a tree, and many a scene where, in memory, I can hold communion with them and feel again the thrill of the oldtime youthful joys. The little company in the grand army of the generations, with which I commenced the march of real life, have nearly all passed over the river, and here amidst similar scenes of association, enjoyment and employment, I can serenely and hopefully contemplate the land of the '• Heavenly Rest," when the dear friends of earth — parted now — will surely meet again. The subject of my graduation speech was, " The His- tory and Resources of North Carolina;" and my patriotic love and devotion for " The Good Old North State " have increased with my advancing years, and I feel that this University has contributed largely to our State en- lightenment, prosperity, greatness and renown. In the morning of young manhood I thought that fifty years was a very long period in individual life. I think differently now, for it seems but yesterday when I was a college boy surrounded by loved comrades who were as vigorous and buoyant with health, joys and ambitious hopes as the young men I see before me to-day. While there are in the ways of human life infinite va- rieties and diversities in individuals, and in domestic, so- cial and civil relations, still there is much of general sameness in the incidents, duties, occupations, enjoy- ments and disappointments of every day-life. We are told that " History often repeats itself" So the genera- tion of the present is, in many respects, a repetition of preceding generations; and so it will be with many generations to come. The Psalmist has truly said, " One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts." " Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and thy do- minion endureth throughout all generations." Many improved means and methods have been devised for the convenient and ready communication of instruc- tion — but no royal road to learning has ever yet been discovered that affords idlers and laggards easy access to the rich storehouses of valuable knowledge. There is no intuitive or spontaneous generation of efficient in- tellectual power and high moral excellence. Labor is the divinely imposed destiny of man, and it must be ob- served and obeyed to attain beneficent results. The general laws and principles of education are now, as they have ever been. Arduous effort and ceaseless judicious culture are required to develop the physical, mental, moral and spiritual faculties and energies of mankind into the elements and forces that produce those practical virtues, disciplined capacities, systematized knowledge and matured wisdom that will enable them to enjoy the blessings of this life, and perform aright the duties of their destiny. Nature works with sublime slowness in most of her great productions, and in so doing she yields implicit obedience and uncomplaining submission to the laws of her Maker. She teaches mankind many grand lessons of patience, perseverance and obedience in attaining and achieving the just ends and purposes of life. As God has created all things in nature for a definite purpose, and placed them in that condition, locality and associ- ation where they will best subserve the objects and plans of Divine economy, so I firmly believe that God cre- ated every human being for a specific purpose, and placed him in that sphere of life wherein — if he yields submission to divine control — his subsequent conduct and environ- ments will be such as to enable him to perform his part in the plans and objects of divine arrangement. We cannot fully comprehend the ways and dealings of God with mankind — and as the creatures of His hand, we should not question His wisdom, goodness, mercy and love; but as obedient children, in humble faith and submission, rely upon the precious promises of our Heav- enly Father, implicitly trusting in the consoling and comforting words of our Saviour: "What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter." God is the great Educator of mankind, and this com- modious, beautiful and magnificent world which He has created is His grand University. In this world univer- sity there are four great classes of the human race in conditions of barbarism, semi-barbarism, civilization and enlightened civilization. We know nothing of the means and methods of instruction, advancement and govern- ment which God employs, except the knowledge which has been communicated to us by way of personal expe- rience, reason and science, and by the light of history, of nature and divine revelation. We know that while ' Clouds and darkness are round about Him, righteousness and judgment are the habita- tion of His throne." We know that God by the ministry of the Holy Spirit is ever giving counsel, consolation and comfort to His II believing people; and admonitions, warnings and offers of reconciliation to those who do not obediently recog- nize His Fatherhood and the omnipotence of His domin- ion. We know that He is ever manifesting His wisdom, mercy, goodness, love and power by the continuous blessings of His Providences. We know that He has placed in this world a rich library of inspiration, reveal- ing His will, precious promises and gracious instructions and encouragements, so expressed as to be capable of intelligible translation into every language of mankind, and suited to the apprehension, taste and culture of every one in every sphere of life. In this comprehensive Library we find biographies and scenes of domestic, social and civic life portrayed in the instructive simplicity of common speech, and we also find the terse and graphic narrative of grand events, the forceful logic that convinces the mind, the sweet rhythm, harmony and imagery that charm and soothe the heart, and the sublime poetry and eloquence that thrill and enrapture the soul. We know that each day and nearly every hour He dis- plays on the surface of the earth or in the skies new scenes of exquisite and inimitable loveliness to cultivate man's innate sense of the beautiful and afford him per- petual pleasures. We know that He keeps in ceaseless, unwearied and . unerring operation, under His guiding eye and hand, the grand and complex machinery of His works in nature, to preserve this earth as a pleasant, healthful, beautiful and bountiful habitation for man. We know that His benificences are seen, felt or heard by all His creatures, from the smallest to the greates, to the uttermost part of the earth, from the sunless and silent depths of the ocean up through the ambient air, through the sombre, fleecy or radiant clouds, to and be- lO yond the munificent and glorious sun and the golden stars. From God's word and works, and from the lessons which He has taught in His dealings with the human race, mankind have derived their profoundest wisdom, their richest knowledge, their most elevated and refined principles of morality, their purest literature and their most enlightened principles and institutions of civil and religious freedom and government, and of human benev- olence and charity. Science is only a human classification of the knowledge of some of the materials, elements, forces and laws of nature which have been partially discovered by observa- tion, experiment, enlightened reason and patient induc- tion. Any further advancements in this department of human learning will be but additional acquisitions of knowledge of the exhaustless elements and unwearied agencies that abundantly exist and ceaselessly co-oper- ate with unerring regularity and exactitude in the vast storehouses and workshops of nature. The useful arts are only the application of the princi- ples and laws of science to purposes of convenience, comfort and enjoyment. The Fine Arts result from the cultivation of the innate sense of the "beautiful" into aesthetic tastes, refined perceptions and exquisite skill by observation and imitation of the objects and scenes in nature that are everywhere displayed in profuse abund- ance and in infinite varieties of elegance and loveliness. Poetry of the highest order is the linguistic expression of the beauty, rhythm, melody, harmony, grandeur and sublimity which the discerning eyes and susceptible hearts of genius have seen, felt or heard in the manifold work of creation, and which they have found richly illustrated in the splendid pages of inspiration. Any further achievements by human effort in the realms of ' II poetry and the Fine Arts, will be only a fuller and more glorious apprehension and realization of the everywhere manifest truth, that God in nature is the primal source, and He is the continuous and matchless delineator of " the true, the good and the beautiful." The tendency of Christian civilization is to enlighten, refine and elevate the mental, moral and spiritual faculties and energies of mankind and make them more and more " in the image of their Maker." The principles and truths of moral philosophy engaged the attention and research of some of the wisest and best sages of the ancient world. Their exalted minds ranged widely and grandly through the fields of speculative philosophy and refined idealism, and they expressed their doctrines in the noblest eloquence of human thought and language. They discovered and announced many principles and formed many brilliant conceptions of truth — that were radiant with light and beauty — but they were grouped and enfolded in nebulous confusion. Their finite minds sought in vain to comprehend the Infinite, and discover the sun and fixed stars of Eternal Truth, which have been partially disclosed in the sublime teach- ings of Revelation. The Bible is the real and copious source of the en- lightening, purifying and elevating truths and principles of sound social ethics and personal morality and virtue; and it also communicates much precious and useful knowledge, which meditation, prayer and conscientious application will ever mature into that wisdom which leads into the ways of pleasantness and into the paths of peace and immortal blessedness. History, which teaches instructive lessons of wisdom and philosophy is only a very incomplete record of God's dealings with mankind in past ages. In our own expe- rience and in the light of history God has manifiested 12 and still manifests some of the thoughts, plans and purposes of His superintending providence. We can see the beneficent results which He has evolved and de- veloped from the wicked, cruel and bloody strifes and turmoils of hostile and contending nations. In all the ages there have been continuous conflicts between the elements and agencies of ^(?ou pleasant reminiscences and an approving conscience. Manly courage in self-defense, and in vindicating what is just and true is always admirable and right, but bitter recrimination and aggressive violence should be avoided, as far as possible; and retaliation is prompted by a spirit of revenge and is always wrong, if not odious. If per- plexities in business disturb you ; if anxieties and sor- rows in domestic and social life cause you useless repinings, wasteful wakefulness and many tears ; if you are surrounded by dangers that threaten overthrow, do the best yoii can, trust in God and. He will strengthen your heart, "for in the Lord Jehovah is everlastino- strength," and " He is mighty to save." God has made a beautiful, bountiful and beneficent world for the comfort, happiness and prosperity of His people, and He has richly bestowed upon them the op- portunities, facilities and capacities for reasonable acqui- sition and enjoyment; and it is His good pleasure that they should possess and employ these Divine bounties for their own happiness and His glory. My Young Brothers, who are about to enter upon the duties of real life, "be of good courage, ' and , with brave, cheerful and hopeful hearts, go forth to do those duties and partake of the blessings that so largely abound in this "goodly land " and heritage which God gave to our fathers, and has thus far signally preserved to their pos- terity. Indeed it is a "goodly land " — far exceeding in natural beauty, richness, vastness, grandeur and sublim- ity the Promised Land which was given to Israel as their inheritance and heaven-blessed home. This magnificent land, unknown to the ancient world I i6 and marked by traces and memorials of departed civili- zation, was Divinely closed to discovery, exploration and settlement by modern nations until God had, in the furnace fires of trial, persecution and oppression — during dark, disastrous and revolutionary centuries— gradually developed among men the principles of civil and relig- ious freedom and enlightened Christianity, and prepared a people to plant them in the grand forest solitudes of America and build up the splendid institutions of Christ- ian civilization in this Great Republic of sovereign and independent States. The wisdom, goodness, mercy and powers of God in the planting, guidance and preservation of the people of the United States are so clearly manifested that even imperfect history seems to be a revelation of His will, plans and purposes as to the duty and destiny of the Anglo-American race. Stand as vigilant, patriotic and heroic guards around the institutions of civil and religious freedom, which — un- der the guidance of Omnipotence — our venerated ances- tors established and we now enjoy. These institutions were founded upon the principles of truth, justice, integ- ■ rity and Christianity, and they can only be sustained and preserved by the patriotism, virtue, intelligence and piety of our people, ever observing the precepts and commands of our Divine Ruler and Guide. Mere physical courage, scientific enlightenment, accu- mulated wealth and natural resources and advantages will not of themselves make a nation great, prosperous and happy. " Except the Lord build the house they labor in vain that build it ; except the Lord keep the city the watch- man waketh but in vain." Our Christian homes are heritages of the Lord. He is their Maker and Builder. In them dwell and abide the 17 purest, dearest and holiest affections and joys of life, that cheer, bless and urge us onward in our noblest efforts and aspirations, and enrich our hearts with hallowed memories. There God in his continuous and merciful providence lays deep and strong the concrete foundations, and builds the beneficent superstructures of domestic and social peace and happiness, and national unity, prosperity, power and progres. There too our daughters "may be as cornerstones polished after the similitude of a palace," and our sons grow up in their youth and become affection- ate, intelligent, virtuous, strong and heroic guardians to defend our gates against the encroachments and assaults of all our enemies. In all your efforts to acquire knowledge, wealth, influ- ence and fame, endeavor to learn what is just and true in order that you may do what is generous, honorable, merciful and right. Do all that you can to suppress the causes and agencies of vice, error, injustice and fraud, and to alleviate the sorrows and misfortunes that surround you. Constantly strive to multiply, strengthen and advance all the agencies and instrumentalities that contribute to State and national honor, patriotism and advancement; — and to the moral, intellectual and Christian enlighten- ment, prosperity and happiness of your fellow-citizens and all mankind. You will always love your childhood home and cherish the sacred memories that cluster there. With a kindred affection, love and cherish this University — the early home of your moral ond intellectual manhood. As your Alma Mater she has bestowed upon you many rich gifts by which you ran acquire enjoyment, usefulness, honor and fame. Strive — as far as you can— to recognize and pay this debt of gratitude, by sustaining her reputation, pro- moting her honor, and increasing and enlarging her in- fluences and resources, so that she may be able to bestow richer blessings upon her future sons and make them wiser, stronger, better and nobler than their elder broth- ers who have so largely contributed to her fame. All the moral and intellectual efforts of past ages have enriched and strengthened the present generations with marvellous acquisitions and wondrous power with which they are entering into the more valuable treasure-houses and sublimer possibilities of the future. There will be no halt in the march of progress, — it will be ever onward and upward to higher and broader fields of knowledge, to grander deeds and more beneficent achievements. Love the dear "Old North State" — the foster mother of this University. Love her as the exiled Jew — in every clime of his wanderings — loves the now desolate and op- pressed land of his early fathers. Love her, as the Swit- zer loves his fertile valleys, shining lakes and grand mountains. Love her, as the German race love the "Fadderland." Love her, as the Scotchman loves his "bonny banks and braes" — his heathery hills and misty Highlands. Love her, as the sons of Erin love the Emerald Isle — consecrated by genius and heroism, and endeared to the hearts of all friends of freedom, justice and humanity, by warm sympathies awakened by her many wrongs, sorrows and misfortunes. Love North Carolina, as our patriot fathers loved her when they went from their forest homes to struggle and die as heroes for her freedom and her fame. Love her, as her " Boys in Gray" loved her — when cold, ragged and hungry they did loyal service in the deadly trenches andi on the dangerous picket lines; — when foot sore and wearyj they toiled in summer and winter along the hot, gloomy,; painful and rugged march; — when prostrated by diseasej 19 or wounds they languished on rude beds in hospital wards or in prison cells, yearning for the kind words, the sym- pathetic eyes, the tender hands, and the sweet kiss of loved onesat home; — yes, — love herastheydid when their gallant spirits ascended to heaven amidst the smoke, the roar and blaze of the battle conflict. Patriotism is only an enlarged love for humanity and home — kindred to the noblest virtues that elevate and adorn human character. My Young Brothers: May God bless and keep you. May He cause His face to shine upon you, and help you to discharge aright your duties to Him, to your fellow- men, to your country, to yourselves and to humanity and home. " Labor, dream, endure, achieve aspire Give your lives as Heaven sees best, Strive to conquer till your work is done Then you'll find peace, joy and rest." My Friends and Fellow-citizens, who, by your presence have honored my Alma Mater on this one of her gala days, I assure you of our sincere thankfulness and appre- ciation and of our most cordial welcome. I have a few words of encouragement and counsel as to our common duties and opportunities as citizens and philanthropists. We are now entering upon a very momentous epoch. The year 1893, will in the future, be regarded as one of the most memorable and beneficent eras in human his- tory. As I stand here to-day and look back over the past fifty years, I am bewildered, astounded and enrap- tured, as in mental vision, I behold the grand panorama of the marvellous events and the munificent and splendid achievements of Christian civilization. During that period more has been accomplished for the Christian enlightenment, elevation, happiness, prosperity and freedom of mankind than in all the preceding years 20 of the four centuries which have elapsed since the keels of the caravels of Columbus touched the fragrant autumnal shores of the West Indian Isles. But as I look forward with the optimistic eye of pa- triotic, philanthropic and Christian hope I can catch gleams of the glories of the coming generations, and I bid them "All hail and welcome." From all the events that have occured and will occur, from all the things that have been and will be thought, said, done and felt in the United States during this year, I think I am warranted in indulging in the brightest and most hopeful anticipations. All the great nations of the world have sent war-ships to our shores as heralds of comity and good will. They have passed our marine fortresses unharmed — rejoicing voices and resounding salvoes have welcomed them into our ports and havens; and they have commingled in harmonious intercourse with the splendid ships of our gallant and courteous navy. Their banners — emblems of nationality and power — have floated on our breezes and cast their peaceful shadows upon our playful waters. The flash and roar of their cannon have been seen and heard with admiration, and without alarm — as their voices of war had become voices of peace. The assembled representatives of the navies of the world presented a magnificent array. Never before has there been seen such a congress of the Iron Clad Mon- archs of the deep, exchanging the cordial courtesies of amicable relations. They have a common home upon the ocean, they freely range in every clime, and I sin- cerely hope that no causes will ever occur to disturb their friendly relations and bring them into deadly and dis- astrous conflict. Our railroads, steamboats, towns and cities are teeming 21 with representatives of all races and climes, who are mingling with our people in friendly intercourse, and in the ways and relations of business, trade and commerce. On the Exposition Grounds at Chicago many com- modious and elegant edifices and halls have been erected and furnished where merchants, manufacturers, mechan- ics, engineers, artists, scientists, educators, philanthrop- ists, moral reformers and evangelists of Christianity, from ever> land, may have opportunities and facilities of holding association and conference in their peculiar spheres of- interest, inclination, employment and duty; and devise means and methods for the advancement and accomplishment of their business plans and purposes, or their beneficent and benevolent designs. There are also numerous extensive and magnificent Exposition buildings in which the best, richest, most useful and most splendid productions of the industry, en- terprise, skill, intellect and genius of all nations are col- lected, arranged and elegantly displayed — not for the purposes of eager and selfish commercial competition but in a spirit of national pride and generous emulation. Manifold advantages will accrue to the representatives of all nations participating in the Columbian Exposition at Chicago. It will be the means of bringing the mental, moral, religious and business elements, agencies and forces of various nationalities and forms of civilization into comparison with the blessings, trophies and triumphs of peace which have been achieved under our benign institutions of civil and religious freedom and Christian civilization. Our people will receive much valuable knowledge from the older nations of Europe who earlier possessed the rich stores of the treasures of thought, learning and art which came down from classic antiquity, and whose 22 civilizations were developed by industry, enterprise, ex- perience and assiduous culture during eventful ages, in the midst of proud, suggestive and inspiring historic scenes and localities, consecrated by the highest efforts of genius and heroism, and associated with the magnific- ent memorial relics ot Mediaeval and Renaissance cen- turies. We will derive many benefits even from the nations which we have regarded as heathen and semi-barbarous. Our race prejudices will be greatly modified, and our mental and moral views will be much enlarged in scope and liberality. We will become more cosmopolitan and philanthropic in our charities of opinion, and in the kind- liness of our commercial and social relations. We will believe more in the kinship of humanity and in the pos- sibilities of universal brotherhood among all the races of mankind. The foreigners who come to our shores will witness the manifold productions of our energy, enterprise, skill, intellect, industry and moral virtue, and they will see, in some degree, the conveniences, comforts, pleasures, lux- uries, and advantages which we possess and enjoy as a free, enlightened and Christian people. They will see them in our happy, contented and prosperous homes; — in our active marts of successful trade and commerce; — in our busy worshops and manufactories where free labor is employed in various profitable and useful industries; — in our country dwellings surrounded by gardens, orchards, vineyards, fertile fields and green pastures yielding the varied and abundant products of agricultural pursuits; — in our thriving villages, towns and splendid cities; — in our well equipped and wisely managed schools, colleges and universities enriching and elevating the minds and hearts of our people with valuable knowledge, liberal culture 23 and many virtues; — in our hospitals and homes for the sick and the poor; — in our large and commodious institu- tions for the afflicted and unfortunate; — in our Sabbath Schools where children are guided in the ways of knowl- edge, morality, virtues and piety and their young hearts are made joyous by singing the melodies of Christian minstrelsy; — in our numerous benevolent associations en- gaged in all the paths of life — in rescuing the tempted, restoring the fallen, and giving hope, courage and help to those who are bowed down by the despondencies and burdens of misfortune. They will see our churches of all denominations active- ly and earnestly endeavoring — by virtuous examples, lib- eral gifts and many efficient agencies, — to circulate the Bible in all languages, and to inculcate, at home and in every land, the enlightening and elevating truths and principles of this Gospel of Christianity. They will also learn from observation, and from thousands of eloquent voices, that the sectarian bigotry and antagonism which once existed to such a large extent among the various denominations, — retarding the progress of the kingdom of God, — are now rapidly passing away, and giving place to feelings and associations of brotherly kindness and Christian charity. The instinctive love of justice and freedom is implanted by God in every human heart and it will be kindled into a warmer glow in the bosoms of citizens of lands of oppression and wrong, when they witness and apprehend more fully the grand political truth of humanity — so clearly taught and so splendidly illustrated by our Great Republic — that a free, virtuous, enlightened and Christ- ian people are capable of self-goverement, and of Divine right, ought to exercise this God given privilege and blessing. 24 These suggestive objects, ideas, examples and associa- tions, and the cordial welcome and fraternal courtesies extended to foreigners during this year will tend greatly to transfer to other lands germinating and developing principles, truths, ideas, feelings, agencies and influ- ences that will produce many changes, innovations, improvements and beneficences in all the departments of other civilizations and conditions of society, and rapidly advance the progress of Christian enlightenment, regen- eration, emancipation and evangelization among all the races of mankind, and bind them in the bonds of Christ- ian brotherhood. Any student graduating at this Commencement, if he be so fortunate as to live the next fifty years, and shall enjoy the privilege I do here to-day, of contemplating views of retrospection and anticipation, he will find that my seemingly extravagant forecast has been far exceeded by splendid realities. Fortunate, indeed, will be the generations of thecoms- ing ages, as in succession they progressively reach, — in their onward march, —the new, rich and expanding fields of literature, art and science; partake of the new and manifold comforts, conveniences and luxuries that indus- try, enterprise, skill, intellect and genius have contrib- uted to human health and enjoyment, — and rise to higher and higher elevations of Christian light, knowledge, vir- tue, charity and spirituality, ever approaching, — in the midst of increasing splendors, — the period of ultimate magnificence foreshown to prophetic vision and sublimely predicted by inspiration. " For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." A NATIONAL PEACE JUBILEE. Read by Hon. Robert P. Dick, on June 7th, 1893, the Com- mencement Day of the University of North CaroUna, and the fiftieth anniversary of liis graduation. Prepared by combining original lines with copious extracts from a recent poem by Mr. Hezekiah Butter- worth. "The dawn of new ages is breaking, The cycle of concord has come. There is peace in the echoing bugle, And a festival march in the drum." The bugle blast and the drum beat Cheered hearts that were noble and brave As they fought for freedom and home In the land — God their fathers gave. Now they cheer us in the efforts That our noblest powers employ, To win the earth by kindness For freedom's blessings and joy. The air is vocal with joyous strains. Advancing light new hope is revealing. Faces glow with kindness and gladness For the beams of the Day Spring are healing. The hum of labor, the scream of the engine. The loud roar of the rushing train Show new thought, and emotions throbbing In the public heart and brain. Splendid processions with music are moving. In the pride and pomp of martial array They bear aloft their industrial banners. The noble triumphs of peace to display. Floral wreaths and garlands are carried. 26 Woven by hands of beauty and skill, They breathe the pure, sweet fragrance of home And hearts with love and energy fill. Fresh ardor is kindled by eloquent voices As past and future glories are told. Love of country is warmed with a fervor, While life lasts will never grow cold. Booms of welcome from cannon are sounding. Chimes of bells are harmonious and grand, For nations have come here to meet us In the realms of our beautiful land. The races have gathered as kinsmen, Their voices of friendship now ring Over plains, valleys and highlands. As the products of their labor they bring. Bring to the shrines of freedom To honor the grand heroes who gave This land for the dwelling of freemen — This land where breathes not a slave. Hallowed memories now greet us. We are proud of those patriot sires Who built here the temples of freedom And kindled their altar fires. They came from the eastward climes. From lands of appression and wrong, God guided their ocean pathways, And made them successful and strong — Strong to do justice and right. Strong to proclaim doctrines of peace That will give to other nations Blessings that never shall cease. We will be true to the mission Which our Fathers as heroes began. ^ 27 And keep this heritage of heaven As a home of freedom for man. Gospel truth is liberty's sunlight. In other lands was the cloudy dawning, But here shines the full glories of freedom, This is the blest land of the morning. O! land of beauty and richness. Home of the brave and the free. Send your west winds laden with balm. To welcome voyagers over the sea; Welcome them to your genial clime, Where freedom such blessings has brought. To your homes of contentment and peace. Where the truths of the Gospel are taught; To your wide realm where free labor can win The wealth that independence will give. Where wise laws and justice ever prevail, And in equality of rights they can live. To your schools and churches that teach How best to perform the duties of life, And make the nation happy and great And lessen the evils of error and strife They come with affectionate fondness Where homes of peace are strongly secured. And no form of oppression long can injure, No gross wrong will long be endured. For noble, brave freemen are the masters, The source of their just power is divine. The ballot box speaks their mandates, A free Bible is their voiceful shrine. The greetings of the people are cordial, Their hearts with good emotions are glowing And all nations with wonder observe 28 How the brotherly feeling is growing. Among churches more Christian concord is seen, And their labors of love are widely extending Through this land and over the seas. The Gospel's glad tidings they are sending. With hearts full of thanksgiving we feel That "A Year of Jubilee" truly has come, And the nations are present to hail it With joyous acclaim in Liberty's Home. "The joys that our bosoms are thrilling, The hearts of all ages shall share. The warships and peaceships" are mingling And floating their flags in the air. "The skies of good will bend over them," With joy the waters seem swelling; Their sails are kissed by the breezes That messages of welcome are telling, " Liberty high her banner hath lifted," Emblazoned with the beams of the sun. "It floats for the new years of heaven, The brotherhood — fraternity has won." Now all races in spirit are blending, "For man move the cycles sublime The summons fol^ peace is ascending From the jubilee trumpets of time." The star flag — the herald of freedom Has the sunlight of hope on its brow. " It floats for the best of all ages, And the best of all ages — is now. That to man may be given his birthright, To knowledge — the future that waits. Equality — freedom to labor, And labor the wealth it creates. That the temples of truth for their Master I 29 By charity's feet may he trod. That hearts that are humble and human, May do the swift service of God. Fraternity! rise to thy mission, The noblest since order began. Till the nations are brothers united In one federation of man. The future stands waiting to greet thee, And battle her standards has furled." Columbia's flag in gladness is floating. Her sons and her daughters are shouting Hail! Welcome! Peace to the World. I