GUILK)ED COURTHOUSE BATTLEFIiilD M0NU14ENT yi. >• Congress | hC^uSE OF REPRESENTATIVES { ^^'^''^Jr 3d Session / I No. 93S Cp9l0.55 US^e^ NNUAL REPORTS. WAR DEPARTMENT FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1 912 REPORT OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS U. S, ARMY 1912 IN THREE PARTS PART I WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1912 STEPHEN Bo WEEKS CLASS OF 1886; PH.D. THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY OF THE UMVERSmiY OF N®III1 CMilM WE WEEKS COLILECTKDN tCW^SigBtiy^^--..^'^ 'SF JiS ^ STo.S^-USg^e- -f L.:ii..j£f2^aL ■^«aoB»>i::;:?iif^ 1348 EEPOET OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY. ERECTION OF MONUMENT TO COMMEMORATE THE BATTLE OF GUIli- FORD COURTHOUSE, N. C, AND IN MEMORY OF MAJ. GEN. NATHAN- AEL GREENE AND THE OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS OF THE CONTI- NENTAL ARMY WHO PARTICIPATED WITH HIM IN THE BATTLE OF GUILFORD COURTHOUSE. This work was in charge of Capt. Earl I. Brown, Corps of Engi- neers, from July 1 to July 8, 1911; in temporary charge of Capt. L. H. Rand, Corps of Engineers, from July 8, to December 11, 1911; and in charge of Maj. H. W. Stickle, Corps of Engineers, since De- cerhber 11, 1911. , By act of Congress, approved February 13, 1911, the sum of $30,000 was authorized to be appropriated for the erection of a monument on the battle field of Guilford Courthouse, Guilford County, jS'. C., to commemorate the battle fought there on March 15, 1781, by the American forces, commanded by Maj. Gen. Nathanael Greene, and in memory of Maj. Gen. Nathanael Greene and the officers and soldiers of the Continental Army who participated in the battle of Guilford Courthouse. The appropriation of the $30,000 for this purpose was contained in the sundry civil appropriation act, ap- proved March 4, 1911, which provided that the funds should be ex- pended under the direction of the Secretary of War and by such officer as might be designated by him. Models from competing sculptors were received during the year and three models were selected as most meritorious. These were: Model No. 5, submitted by F. H. Packer; model No. 2, submitted by Augustus Lukeman; and model No. 10, submitted by Henry H. Kitson. From the three models chosen a selection was made of model No. 5. The award of the contract was made to Mr. Packer after a modi- fication of the architectural setting of his model was made by him and approved by the Secretary of War. Contract price, $27,500. A contract was in course of preparation at the close of the fiscal year. Balance unexpended at end of previous fiscal year $30, 000. 00 Amount expended during the fiscal year . 871. 63 Balance unexpended at end of fiscal year 29,128.37 (In Treasury United States, $29,000; in hand, $128.37.) Outstanding liabilities . 70 Balance available at end of fiscal year 29, 127. 67 The expenditures for the year were as follows : Office expenses 321. 63 Honorarium paid Augustus Lukeman, sculptor 300. 00 Honorarium paid Henry H. Kitson, sculptor 250. 00 ' 871.63 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS. During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1912, the following-named officers were on duty in this office as assistants: Col. Edward Burr; Lieut. Col. Harry Taylor; Maj. Edgar Jadwin from December 15, 1911 ; Maj. James B. Cavanaugh until July 20, 1911 ; Maj. William B. ERECTION OF MEMORIAL ARCH AT VALLEY FORGE, PA. 1347 tisement dated October 16, and bids for the work were opened No- vember 15, 1911. Thirteen bidders submitted proposals on 30 granites, the prices ranging from $84,800 to $185,750. Only about seven of the propositions submitted came within the amount of the appropriation available for payment to the contractor. The suitability for the work under consideration of the granites on which favorable bids were received was investigated, and on March 13, 1912, authority was given by the Secretary of War to award contract for erecting the arch of Milford pink granite to Mr. Henry L. Brown, of Philadelphia, and contract was accordingly entered into on April 4, 1912. Work under the contract of April 4, 1912, was commenced on May 20, 1912, and at the close of the year excavations for the abutments of the arch were about 78 per cent completed, and models for carving and decorative work were in course of preparation. Nearly all of the detailed drawings of the arch have been com- pleted by the architect. The amount expended during the year was $3,285.58, of which $2,730 was paid to the architect, and the balance, $555.58, covered superintendence, office, and incidental expenses. Amount appropriated by the sundry civil act of Mar. 4, 1911 $100, 000. 00 Amount received from sale of blue prints 69.00 Total 100, 069. 00 June 30, 1911, amount expended during last fiscal year__ $29. 64 June 30, 1912, amount expended during present fiscal year 3, 285. 58 3, 315. 22 July 1, 1912, balance unexpended 96, 753. 78 July 1, 1912, outstanding liabilities 1. 00 July 1, 1912, balance available 96, 752. 78 July 1, 1912, amount covered by uncompleted contracts 93, 730. OO CONTRACTS IN FORCE. COVEBING SERVICES OF THE AECHITECT. Contractor: Paul P. Cret. Date of contract : May 20, 1911. Date of approval : June 15, 1911. Consideration of contract : $5,460. FOB ERECTING THE MEMORIAL ABCH. Contractor : Henry L. Brown. Date of contract : April 4, 1912. Date of approval: April 13, 1912. Date of commencement: May 20, 1912. Date of completion : October 18, 1913. Consideration of contract: $91,000. Completed at close of fiscal year : 0.64 per cent. 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