A Sermon preached at the Installation of Rev. Melton Clark as Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, North Carolina, April 7, 1907, by Rev. E. C. Murray, D. D., Graham. N. C. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/presbyterianismhOOmurr PRESBYTERIANISM : A HISTORI- CAL Sketch. By Rev. E. C. Murray, D. D. Text : "The Lord loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. "Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. Selah." "And of Zlon it shall be said, This and that man was born in her : and the Highest himself shall es- tablish her. The Lord shall count, when he writeth up the peo- ple, that this man was born there. Selah. "As well the singers as the players on instruments, shall he there : all my springs are in thee." he Lord delights in his church;: He loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob.'' To be a member of the church is an exalted privilege : Glorious things are spoken of thee, City of God of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her; and the Highest Him- self shall establish her. The Lord shall count, when he writeth up the people^ that this man was born there. They that sing shall say, All my fountains are in thee." And especially may we feel a glow of worthy pride in the thought that we belong to the church that exemplifies the orignal principles of government and worship, and most faithfully conserves^ the ancient traditions. ^ Presbyterianism is that system which ci regards the church as a spiritual com- wealth composed of the families of be- lievers. Its only Head and Lord is Christ. He governs his church through courts composed of presbyters (elders) or bishops. These presbyter-bishops are all of one order and of equal authority. The temporal affairs of the church are administered by deacons. All officers are elected by the members and ordained by the courts. Each congregation is govern- ed by its session, composed of several elders. The organic unity of the whole church is realized through an ascending series of courts of jurisdiction — Session, Presbyterv, Synod, and General Assem- bly* Now let us trace the origin and his- torical development of these principles. The church as an organized society dates back to the time when God called Abra- ham out of heathendom, set apart his family as a peculiar people unto the Lord, made a special covenant with them and appointed circumcision as the seal of the covenant to be administered to the faithful and their offspring. The government of this primitive church was patriarchal, the head of the family, or elder, combining in himself all the func- tions of government, discipline and wor- ship. As this one family grew into many, governmental authority was vested not only in the various heads of households individually, but in the heads of families and tribes collectively. Through these representatives God dealt with his peo- 4 pie (Ex. 3:16). They administered gov- ernment (Deut. 22 :15-19, 25 :7) ; and dis- cipline (Deut. 21:18-19); and lead in worship (Lev. 4:15, Deut. 31:9-12. And finally Moses was directed to organize a Piipreme court of elders to exercise ju- risdiction over the whole nation — the first Presbyterian General Assembly (Num. 11:16-17). Here we find already aii ascending series of courts, composed of elders of households, of families, of tribes and of the iiaiii)n After the Babylonish captivity we note a further development of this Pres- byterian system, preparatory to the Christian dispensation. Synagogues were organized, each governed by a court of at least three elders, called '^rulers of the synagogue,'' (Mark 5:22, etc.) Jesus warned his disciples: ^^They will deliver you up to their sessions, and they will scourge you in their syna- gogues,'' (Matt. 10:17). Each syna- gogue had also its board of deacons. And there was established at Jerusalem a su- preme court of elders. ^^The Presbytery came together and led him into their session," (Luke 22:66). Paul appealed to ^'the high priest and the whole Pres- •bytery" (Acts 22:5). In all these pas- sages I translate the Greek literally. The Christian Church retained the fa- miliar organization and worship of the syangogue. Archbishop Whateley says: ^^The apostles did not so much form a Christian church, as make an existing congregation Christian, leaving the ma- 5 ehinery of government unchanged. And Bishop Lightfoot, the most learned of ail the English bishops, says: ^^They would naturally adopt the normal government of the synagogue, and a body of elders would be chosen to direct religious wor- ship.'' The Apostle James applied the very name ^ ^ synagogue ' ' to the Christian church (Jas. 2:2). We find the same old officers, elders and deacons, in the new organization (1 Tim. 3, Tit. 1); The terms elder and bishop were applied in- terchangeably to the same office (Acts 20:17, 28. Tit. 1:5, 7). These officers performed the same duties as formerly, the elders ^'ruling and laboring in word and doctrine'' (1 Tim. 5:17), and the deacons carng for the material welfare of the church (Acts 6:1-6). The pres- byters were organized in the same as- cending series of courts: each congrega- tion was governed by its sessioii, the apostles having elders elected in every church" (Acts 14:23); Timothy was ordained by ^Hhe laying on of the hands of Presbytery" (1 Tim. 4:14; and a dis- pute in the Presbytery of Antioch was settled by an appeal to the Synod of Je- rusalem (Acts 15:2, 16:4). The worship also of the Christian church contained the same simple spiritual elements as that of the synagogue. The Apostolic Church therefore was certainly neither congregational nor prelatical, but Pres- byterian. It is evident now why we do not con- 6 cern ourselves about the question of apostolic succession. The Presbj'terian church was 2,000 years old before the apostles were born; they were reared in it and served it; and one of the greatest of them gloried in the fact that he was one of its presbyters. ''The elders I exhort, who also am an elder: feed the flock of God, taking the oversight there- of, not as being lords of God^s heritage, but bring ensamples to the flock (1 Pet. 5:1-3). So spoke the apostle whom the Church of Rome claims as its first pri- mate. As to the post-apostolic period, the scholarly Bishop of Salisbury declares that throughout the esirlj church, even at Rome and Alexandria, down to the third century, its government was Pres byterian. Deans Stanley and Milman are of the opinion that ''nothing like modern episcopacy existed before the second century.'' And Bishop Light- foot testifies that "Presbytery is not a later growth out of Epscopacy, but Epis- copacy is a later growth out of Presby- tery. ' ' What then were the causes of the de- cline of Presbyterianism ? The preach- ing elder ^became gradually regarded as superior to the others, and those of large city churches as superior to the country ministers. Ambitious presbyters usurp- ed more and more authority, and became "lords over God's heritage." By-and-by they assumed episcopal authority over 7 the whole neighborhood, and thus arose the diocesan Bishop. Again, the church began to imitate in its worship the rites and ceremonies of the Jewish and heathen temples, and we hear of priests and altars and sacri- fices. The deacon became a levito, the presbyter a priest, and the bishop a high priest. And so sacerdotalism became the dominant idea of the ministry, and a tide of ritualism and clericalism swept over the church. The union of Church and State under Constantine in the fourth century re- sulted in a conformity in civil and eccles- iastical government. A regular grada- tion of church officers was instituted, bishops over dioceses, archbishops over districts, metropolitan bishops over pro- vinces, exarchs over several provinces, and patriarchs over empire. Of the lat- ter the patriarchs of Constantinople and Rome became preeminent; and thus arose the two ecclesiastical empires, the Greek and the Roman Catholic churches. Thus republican Presbyterianism grad- ually degenerated into aristocratic Epis- copacy, and finally into despotic Papacy. This, however, was not accomplished without opposition. Ambrose, in the fourth century, protested: ^^The syna- gogue, and afterwards the church, had elders, without whose counsel nothing was to be done; which grew into disuse, by what negligence I know not, unless by the cloth, or rather the pride, of the teachers (preachers) while they alone 8 wished to appear something/' So also Jerome: Little by little the presbyters were defrauded out of their original rights. A presbyter is the same as a bishop; and before these were, by the devil's instigation, parties in religion . . . . the churches were governed by the common counsel of the presbyters. But afterwards it was determined that one presbyter should be set above the rest, to whom all the care of the churches should belong. So let the bishops know that they are above the presbyters more by the esteem of the church than by the true dispensation of Christ." The church was never without faithful witnesses against prelatical government, ritualistic worship and heretical doc- trines. There were from the beginning of the Middle Ages down to the Refor- mation large exceptions from the prin- ciples of episcopal government which can be called by no other name than presbyterian, ' ' (Bishop Lightfoot). In the mountains of Northwestern Italy and Southeastern France the Waldensees from very early times resisted the en- croachments of Papacy in the face of fu- rious persecutions and inhuman tortures that make one of the darkest bloodiest chapters in history. In 1880, their rep- resentative to our alliance of Reformed Churches holding the Presbyterian sys- tem, said: ^^We cannot call ourselves a reformed church because we have never been deformed.'' Here are tv/o articles in their constitution, written several 9 hunclred years before the ,Reformati m; '^TLe duties of our pastor^ are to preach tbo word, administer the skcraments, and watch over the people, together with the elders and deacons, according to the practice of the primitive churches.'' ^* 0.ir pastors do call as:semb.li«-s once ev- ery ^ ear, to determine of all affairs in a general Synod.'' The Church of Scotland was another witness to the truth in the Dark Ages. Do you know that Saint Patrick, whom the Irish Catholics worship as their pa- tron saint, was really a Scotch Presbyte- rian missionary*? In the fifth century he evengelized Ireland, organizing 365 churches and ordaining over them 365 bishops or pastors and 3,000 elders. In 563 A. D., Columba established on the island of lona, off the west coast of Scot- land, a mission station and college. This became the great missonary organization of those times, sending evangelists through Scotland, Britain, France, Ger- many and Switzerland, and spreading the pure gospel for 300 years. These Christians were called Culdees, because they were governed by Culdei or elders. Their preachers were ordained by elders and all called bishops. For 500 years tbey struggled with Rome. English wri- ters of the eighth century testify to the rejection of Romish ceremonies, doc- trines and traditions, their simple forms cf worship, and their republican govern- ment. These principles were never erad- icated in 'Scotland, and when John Knox 10 preached a revival of Presbyterianism it was accepted readily. This brings us to the Reformation of the sixteenth century. Nearly all of the great reformers affirmed the original gov ernment of the church by presbyters; and the reformed churches of Switzer- land, Hungary, Moravia, Germany, France, Holland and Scotland embodied the Presbyterian church that adopted the prelatical system was that of Eng- land; because the reformation there was under the auspices of the kings; and as the astute James I. observed, ^'Mon- archy doth agree with presbytery as God doth agree with the devil. John Calvin devoted his illustrious talents to organizing a church in Geneva, Switzerland, on strictly biblical piinci- ples, in doctrine, government and wor- ship. Geneva with its schools, theolog- ical semnary and printing establishments became a center of religious influence, the inspiration of protestantism, and a model for other churches. And the re- publican principles there taught and ex- emplified became-' also the great forma- tion influence in modern political com- monwealths. The Presbyterian Church of France (Huguenots) was for a time the greatest protestant church of Europe. At the massacre of Saint Bartholomew 75,000 were butchered in Paris and elsewhere; and within thirty years nearly one rail- lion were martyred. After the rv^voea- 11 tion of the Edict of Nantes the devoted church was almost annihilated. One of the most glorious chapters in Presbyterian history was the struggle of the sturdy Hollanders against the bloody Duke of Alva and the Catholic power of Spain, and- their final achievement of civil and religious liberty Among the students who flocked to Geneva was John Knox, of Scotland. He afterwards led in a strenuous fight against papacy in Scotland, and succeed- ed in having it abolished and Presbyte- rian: sm established. Then cam.e another contest for Christ ^s crown and covenant against the English hierarchy and Mon- archy; and so for a cenutry and a half this church had to ^^wade through bloody seas.'' Since the Reformation these Presbyte- rian principles have been disseminated throughout the world by emigration and evangelization. Their adherents now number, in the United States and Cana- da, seven million; in Great Britain, five million; in Europe, eleven and a half million; and in other countries, one and a half million; a total of twenty-five mil- lion — the largest evangelical denomina- tion in the world. Our Presbyterian system is the herit- age of 4,000 years of glorious history. This was the government of 'Hhe Church in the Wilderness,'' and of the Hebrew Spiritual Commonwealth; after the Babylonish captivity it was provi- dentially modified so as to be admirably 12 adapted to the conditions of the Chris- tian Church, and the apostles adopted and applied its principles; during the Dark Ages it was the conservator of ev- ery vital truth^ and its adherents were in the vanguard of the reforming forces; and they have ever since been leaders in the evangelization of the world. Thus it has been transplanted from Egypt to Canaan and from Canaan to Babylon; has been established in cultured i^reece and Barbarian Britain; has crossed one ocean to America and another to the Orient; and has been found adapted to every people and to all conditions. It has borne the shock of war and the rack and flame of persecution; has been baptized with the blood of martyrs, and nourished with the tears and prayers and labors of the most illustrious saints; has trained the noblest men and the grandest churches, and been the foster mother of modern republican liberties and institutions. '^It can never die; it will never see the decrepitude of old age; but will live in the unfading fresh- ness of self -renewing youth and the un- broken vigor of manhood to the end of time, and will outlive time itself.'' Yes, for round about the eternal throne sit four and twenty elders as the represen- tatives of the glorified church, and they ^^fall down before him that sitteth on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying. Thou are wor- thy, Lord, and receive glory and hon- 13 or and power, for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they art and wert created'' (Rev. 4:10-11). There in heaven itself our immortal church still fulfills her mission in hymning the praises and exalting the sovereignty and majesty of her Lord and Saviour. Let us study the doctrines and history of this grand old church, glory in the record of her past and pray for the suc- cess of her future, delight ourselves in her worship and consecrate ourselves to her service. ^^They that sing shall say, all my fountains are in thee.'' 14