!ZSSSSSSS^2S^ THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA LIBRARY THE WILMER COLLECTION OF CIVIL WAR NOVELS PRESENTED BY RICHARD H. WILMER, JR. S^lLMtH COLL£CllQW Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from University of Nortii Carolina at Chapel Hill http://www.archive.org/details/lostcolonyOOraym THE Lost Colony. BY JAMES F. RAYMOND. The " Lost Colony " is the strange and interesting story of a tropical island and its inhabitants whom the vicissitudes of life have, at different times, brought to that unex- pected quarter of the globe. At the same time, all sorts of marvellous adventures on land and sea, together with exciting scenes of war times, are mingled in the lives of the principal persons, while a thread of romance running through the whole gives it an added charm. Family life in the South before the Civil War, with all its characteristics faithfully depicted, forms the background for an endless varietj' of character and inci- dents. Whoever starts out to follow the fortunes of the Baxter family and the people connected therewith will not be satisfied unless he accompanies them to the very end. PHILADELPHIA: T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS; 306 CHESTNUT STREET. Copyright, 1891, James F. Raymond. CONTENTS. Chaptbe. Pagb. I. THE MIDNIGHT AFFRAY 21 II. OLD MAN CLOE 23 III. THE HOME OF THOMAS BAXTER. . . . 25 IV. THE PLANTATION SCHOOLMASTER . . . 29 V. LETTER OF PRESIDENT LAPHAM . . . . 43 VI. DUKE STEELE 48 VII. A SINGULAR DISAPPEARANCE 55 VIII. CONFERENCE BETWEEN THE LAWYER AND SPY 71 IX. THE CONFERENCE 74 X. THE GOVERNMENT CLERK 79 XI. HERMAN SENTENCED TO DEATH . . . 83 XII. THE prisoner's ESCAPE 94 XIII. THE PURSUIT 100 XIV. HERMAN'S FURTHER ADVENTURES . . . 104 XV. FORTUNES OF DUKE STEELE .... 106 XVI. THE SCENE CHANGES 111 XVII. BUILDING THE CRUISER 117 XVIII. PREPARING FOR SEA 123 XIX. THE WOUNDED LIEUTENANT .... 129 XX. JOURNEY TO THE CAPITOL 133 XXI. ILLNESS OF LIEUTENANT BLANCHARD . 140 XXII EXPECTED BATTLE 146 XXIIl THE CONFEDERATE SPY 153 854:484 (19) 20 CONTENTS. XXIV. A SINGULAR CHARACTER 158 XXV. INTERVIEW BETWEEN NELLY AND HER FATHER 170 XXVI. BURNING OF THE BAXTER MANSION . . 175 XXVII. BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG .... 179 XXVIII. THE COMBAT 183 XXIX. THE SEALED DISPATCHES AND THEIR FATE, 189 XXX. ON THE ISLAND 199 XXXI. THE CAPTURED MERCHANTMAN .... 217 XXXII. ENGAGEMENT OF NELLY TO MR. RICHARD- SON 222 XXXIII. CHANCELLORSVILLE 226 XXXIV. SEIZURE OF NELLY BY GUERILLAS . . 232 XXXV. BATTLE WITH THE GUERILLAS .... 236 XXXVI. GENERAL GRANT'S CAMPAIGN .... 245 XXXVII. AFTER SIX DAYS 250 XXXVIII. CONSTRUCTION OF A BOAT 256 XXXIX. FURTHER INVENTIONS 266 XL. THE EXPEDITION 276 XLI. THE BLACK EAGLE MEETS HER FATE . . 280 XLIL EPHRAIM STROUD 285 XLIII. THE PRISONER, GENERAL STEELE . . . 293 XLIV. LIEUTENANT BLANCH ARD'S FATE . . . 305 XLV. THE VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY 309 XLVI. IN THE PRESENCE OF THE GOVERNOR . 317 XLVII. THE ABODE OF GAMALIEL" 325 XLVIII. RETROSPECT 338 XLIX. REV. JARED SPARK's NARRATIVE . . . 341 L. THE RESCUE 351 LI. ISLAND EXPERIENCES CONTINUED . . . 358 LII. CONTINUATION OF THE NARRATIVE . . 362 LIII. INVENTIONS OF THE COLONISTS .... 367 LIV. THE NEW LAWS ENACTED 373 LV. GENERAL DUKE STEELE AS FOREIGN MIN- ISTER 378 LVI. PREPARING FOR THE VOYAGE .... 382 LVII. CIVIL WAR INAUGURATED 392 LVIII. THE FUTURE WELFARE OF THE COLONY, 399 LIX. TRIAL OF THE BALLOONS 405 THE LOST COLONY. CHAPTER I. THE MIDNIGHT AFFRAY. IT was not the darkest of nights, yet of a character to warrant the perpetration of deeds 'twere not well to expose to the full light of day. Heavy leaden clouds hang low on tbe horizon, mount- ing upward in fleecy vapors, partially veiling the heavens. The full moon riding high over all, now and again breaks forth, her pale beams illumining objects below, casting shadows from densely leafed bush and overhang- ing bough, causing all things to take on a weird, grue- some aspect. Suddenly from out the gloom fall in startling tones upon the ear sounds of combat. The clash of arms, as blow follows blow, resounds throughout the spacious grounds, from the midst of which rise the walls of a stately mansion. From its open casements emanate strains of soul-stirring melody ; light footfalls of chivalry and beauty keeping step to march, waltz and quadrille. A cry, as of one in mortal agony, a fall, a voice in piteous accents calls for help ; then all is still, save the tread of many feet hastening down the gravelled walk. Officers in full, rich Confederate uniform, enter a vine- (21) 22 THE MIDNIGHT AFFRAY. clad arbor. Surprise, horror, and indignation are de- picted ou their countenances, upon beholding the scene brought to view by a light in the hand of a negro serv- ant, who affrighted, exclaims : " Mars Cyril am dun fo' now, fo' shua." A stoutly built, handsome figare stands erect, visage calm, yet stern; in his hand a naked blade from which trickles, falling to the ground, bright drops of blood, while outstretched at his feet, lies a form in the prime of youthful manhood, gasping, seemingly unconscious, the life-blood slowly oozing from a wound in the side. Meanwhile a most beautiful maiden whispers in the ear of the victor : "Dake, flee, ere it be too late I " At this moment, the tall athletic form of Eichard Em- berly, colonel of the regiment, appears approaching the scene; when taking a hasty glance, he turns, confronting the young officer — apparently the aggressor in the en- counter whom he questions in a threatening manner : " Lieutenant Steele, why have you committed this rash act? Is it not enough that we are so soon to enter the arena of strife, aye, the field of honorable warfare, that the officers of my regiment cannot stay their hand until such time as they are called upon to shed their blood in a noble and worthy cause ? " Colonel Emberly then ordered Corporal Osgood to take Lieutenant Steele in charge, and to keep him se- curely guarded until such time as he might have a hear- ing. " When," said the colonel, " if innocent, he will at at once be set at libertj^; but if proven guilty — as now seems to be the case — of slaying in cold blood a brother officer his life — so help me God I — shall most certainly pay the forfeit." " Colonel Emberly," returned the accused lieutenant, " I am wholly innocent of any wrong doing in this affair, for the man lying at my feet, not only insulted this lady, but in a cowardly, unprovoked manner, attacked me. I THE MIDNIGHT AFFRAY. 23 defended myself with the result, as you see, before you." The commanding officer, without further parley, gave orders that the wounded lieutenant be conveyed to his home, there to be taken in charge by the regimental surgeon, requesting also that every effort be made look- ■ing to his present comfort, and ultimate recovery; then bidding the host and attendants "Good-night," repaired to his quarters, there to make necessary arrangements for leaving with his regiment on the following day for the seat of war in Northern Virginia, where was soon to be fought on the plains of Manassas, the first great battle in the interests of secession. CHAPTER II. OLD MAM CLOE. "I ri dar, yo' brak rascal, don' yo' slap dat picka- I I ninny 'gin. Didn't I tol' yar. Nevah do dat no mo' yo' young imp o' Satan's. Dar now, let go dat cat's tail, makin' ob him yowl like er hull pack o' cata- mounts! Dar yo' go 'gin a stanuin' on yo' head, ez tho* yo' feet ain't big nuff to hoi' yar up, en massy knos de good Lawd didn't scrimp de pattern. Now git rite outen dat mud puddel, yo' clean clos all spattered, case I tol' yer, yo' don't habe yosel', I pull yo' years, dar now," giving the left ear of the j^oung darkey a vigorous twist. " Don' yo' see dem pigs in de cawn ? Ole marse be a comin' home de fuss ting yer kno an' he'll take ebery bit ob de brak hide off yo' back ef he cotch de pigs a eatin' ob his cawn. Run now, an driv em out, an den go to de barn en git som eggs, fo' Marse Tom'll be mon- stous hungry, en he'll want his pom an doger doins." Eph, a colored lad some ten years of age, at once started for the pigs; when shortly thereafter they were 24 OLD MAM CLOE, safely housed in the sty, then wended his way to the poultry house, mumbling the while : " 01' Mam Cloe don be alwas a figetin' dis yer darkey. I'se tell Marse Tom, en he'll fix her, for ole Massa'll nevah see dis yere chile 'bused, dat he won't, fo' shua." Shortly before reaching the poultry house, he hears a tremendous cackling under the barn ; so crawling therein, meanwhile slowly making his vvay along, the space being narrow and confined, his eyes soon rested on a hen sitting quietly on her nest. Still pushing on, until within his reach, at the same time wondering the hen showed so little signs of fright, he grasps her by the tail feathers, pulling her from off the nest ; still at a loss to understand why the hen does not seek to escape, rather sitting com- placently by, evidently waiting for him to retire that she may again resume her accustomed place. Epb is not a remarkably bright boy, his perceptive faculties either lacking from nature, or proper cultiva- tion, else he would at once have recognized the fact, that this was a " settin' " hen. However, the nest being full of eggs, and thinking — Columbus like — he had made a grand discovery, also that Mam Cloe would be delighted when bringing her so many eggs, warm ones too, he removed them from the nest, carefully placing them in his dilapidated straw hat, backed out from the constrained position, and then started on a run to the house. "Oh, Mam Cloe I" he exclaims, " I'se don' got de biggest lot ob eggs, yo' ebba sot yo' eyes on, an' all warn an shinin', too." Yet consequent upon the excitement attending the "grand discovery," coupled with the haste in striving to reach "Ole Mammy" in the shortest possible space of time, his foot came in contact with the projecting root of a decayed tree, causing several of his precious load of eggs to take a flying leap, by which a number were broken, when to his consternation a half-grown chicken appeared from each. OLD MAM CLOE. 25 "Oh, Mam Cloe," was Eph's exclamation, "ef dem eggs don' hab got chickens in 'em ! " Then he edged away in anticipation of a black claw again reaching out " fo' his year." " Yo' brak nigga," shouted the enraged Mam Cloe, " I'se don' good min' to stuff ebry one ob dem eggs down yo' throat, chickens an' all. Yo's nuff to craze enny sane nigga, yo' is ! Take 'em rite back to de nest, an' see yo' don' brake no mo' ob dem, an' den go an' fine som wha' no don' been sot on, an' be quick 'bout it, too." Eph, who seemed quite dazed at this untoward state of affairs, again went to the barn, crawling under as be- fore, finding the hen sitting on her nest, presenting a dis- consolate appearance, doubtless wondering what had be- come of her embryo family. Again placing the eggs in their former position, he beat a hasty retreat, going in search of eggs, " wha' don' hain't got chickens in dem." CHAPTER III. THE HOME OF THOMAS BAXTER. ' THOMAS BAXTER, the proprietor of the extensive plantation whereat has occurred the before men- tioned scene, also the owner of a large number of slaves, was momentarily expected, having been absent since the early morning ; leaving home at that time for the neigh- boring village of Oxford, for the purpose of transacting business pertaining to the office of justice of the peace, in which capacity he had officiated for a number of years. Mr. Baxter was a man of large means, the owner of a magnificent estate situated on the south bank and near to the mouth of the Rappahannock River, overlooking the Chesapeake Bay, the broad Atlantic in the far dis- tance. This estate, embracing within its limits several 26 OLD MAM CLOE. thousand acres, was justly considered one of the finest in the old commonwealth. Wooded heights, charming, picturesque, highly cultivated valleys, and extensive forests, together formed a scene of rare and romantic beauty, Streams of the purest water, rising and flowing from out the montainous range of hills, — wherein the red fin and trout were wont to find a home, — wended their way with many twistinga andcurvings to the broad river below. Thomas Baxter was the descendant of a distinguished old Virginia family, his ancestors having been among the original aristocratic English noblemen's sons emigrating from their ancestral halls in the early days of American settlement. His grandfather, Ephraim Baxter, asoldier of the Revo- lutionary army, was a man, who warmlj' espousing the cause of the then struggling colonies, had fought his way to a most honorable and commanding position under the lead of Washington ; retiring to his estates at the close of a long and arduous warfare, terminating in the com- plete emancipation of the colonies from British rule. These estates, managed with rare skill, combined with the untiring energy of his ancestors, had formed the nu- cleus of an immense fortune which was left to Henry, the lather of Thomas Baxter, who. afterward bequeathed them to his only son and heir, whom we now find the sole and independent proprietor, under whose intelligent supervision and judicious management, they were con- stantly increasing in value. Thomas Baxter was at this time a man some sixty- five years of age. In person of lofty stature, elegant figure, sound constitution, having during his whole life scarcely known a day's illness, he seemed destined to a long life. His wife Helen, to whom he had been strongly at- tached, had been dead some ten years; yet such was his romantic affection for her memory, that he could never bring his mind to the thought of wedding another; THE HOME OF THOMAS BAXTER. 27 rather seeking to devote the remainder of his life to the care and attention of his two children, a daughter of eighteen and a son aged twenty. Mr. Baxter was a highlj'- educated man, of unbounded generosity and the highest integrit3^ Thus from having been a kind and generous husband, we now find him an indulgent father. He was at this time a member of the Virginia Legisla- ture, and a prominent candidate for governor of the State at the coming election which was not far distant ; though it might well be said he cared little for the emoluments of office, rather accepting public trust as a means where- by to benefit his people and State. In character proud, though not haughty, firm, but never obstinate, charitable whenever the object presented was deemed worthy of his benefactions, filling every position in life, whether of a public or private nature, with honor to himself, credit and dignity to the State, he was ever regarded by his friends and neighbors as one to whom all could look as a wise counselor and safe guide in the general affairs of life. In the management of his vast estates, he was careful and prudent. Naturally of a kindly disposition, his serv- ants were regarded as members of his family, rather than servitors, whose love and veneration for their master was something phenomenal, they alwaj^s calling him "Massa Tom," and " Massa Tom" was to them the per- sonification of all that was good, great and kind. Among so many colored people it would be strange were there not some discordant elements; but where one was inclined to disobedience, should punishment follow, it was rather as a means of discipline than in anger. " Old Mam Cloe," a negress some sixty years of age, born, reared and having always lived on the plantation, had nursed Thomas Baxter's tw^o children, to whom she was naturally warmly attached, and by whom she was always called " Mammy." Hence, her master would almost rather have parted with half his slaves than with " Old Mam 28 THE HOME OF THOMAS BAXTER. Cloe," who was really tlie head of the household, and whom the servants were taught most implicitly to obey. Thus her rule with the negroes was absolute, and woe to the darkey who transgressed or went contrary to her wishes in anything pertaining to, or coming under her control. In fact, " Mam Cloe " was the head of the negro community. Mr. Baxter, though not one who would be called a churchman, in the strict sense of the word, was a believer in the most essential points of theology ; wherefore he deemed it wise that his people should have the advant- ages of religious teachings, in so far at least as regarded their every-day welfare — compatible with their station in life and his own interest — though these as a rule were held subordinate to the true interests and spiritual welfare of his subjects. So it would seem most natural — as was really the case — that an old negro, Hector, who believed most implicitly in the Bible, should officiate at services held each Sunday in a littlechapel, built for this purpose, at some distance from the plantation mansion. The slave holding policy of those times was to keep the colored people in a state of dense ignorance, well knowing that an educated slave would naturally possess a desire for freedom ; and when such desire became a set- tled conviction, no person would be capable of restrain- ing him from its exercise. The policy of Thomas Baxter was of a character directly opposite. Therefore it was his one great desire that the children born on the plantation should possess at least the rudiments of a common -school education. To this end, he had established a school carried on in the little plantation chapel, to which not only the chil- dren of his own, but also those of the neighboring plan- tations should have free access. THE PLANTATION SCHOOLMASTBB. 29 CHAPTER IV. THE PLANTATION SCHOOLMASTER, SOME weeks previous, a well-appearing young man, calling himself Cyrus Jones, had presented him- self at the Baxter mansion. Knocking at the front door, he was met by a young colored girl, who upon request, notified the proprietor in the words : " Massa Tom, dar am a gemman at de doah, who wants to see yo', sah, on 'ticular business, so he say, sah." " Very well, Sally. Invite the gentleman to a seat in the parlor, where I will presently meet him." Then giving his white locks an extra touch, smooth- ing his shirt front, and in other ways making himself presentable, (for Mr. Baxter was uncommonly particular in regard to his personal appearance), he proceeded to the apartment where Cyrus Jones was awaiting him, who at once introduced himself in his assumed char- acter, the object of which we shall ere long under- stand. The preliminaries gone through, the state of the weather, prospect of the growing crops and the like, the stranger proceeded without delay or hesitation to state the nature of his business, at the same time remark- ing he feared he was trenching on the gentleman's time but, upon being assured to the contrary, commenced by saying: " Sir, having left my old home in the State of Connec- ticut, a State, I may say, in which I was born, reared and educated, I at length find myself within the borders of Virginia, the " Old Dominion," spoken of in history as the "Mother of Statesmen," as also the original home of the "Father of his Country," the immortal George Washington." 80 THE PLANTATION SCHOOLMASTIR. In the delivery of this speech, the young man evi- dently understood whom he was addressing. " As a profession," he continued, " partly from love of the vocation, yet mainly from necessity, I have chosen that of school-teacher — or pedagogue, as we say down East — and when arriving last evening at the neighbor- ing village of Oxford, I was there informed you were looking for a teacher to take charge of your plantation school. Am I correctly informed? Yes? Well, then, such being the case, I take the liberty of applying for the situation, stating at the same time, though poor in this world's goods, I am fairly educated. My father, at one time a prosperous manufacturer on the Connecticut Kiver, desiring his children to possess at least a good business education, thus qualifying them for the more active duties of life, gave us all the necessary advant- ages requisite to that end. Through business reverses my father was bereft of his fortune, thus throwing his family on their own resources ; which so preyed on his mind, that he sank under the blow, departing this life, doubtless for a better one, some months since. " Now, sir, I have in a brief way told you the story of my life, and will only further add that as to my wages, whatever sum you may see fit to name will be entirely satisfactory to myself; as while desirous of securing a home, my greatest wish is that I may be enabled to pur- sue my studies in the leisure hours and odd moments compatible with my school duties." As before stated, Mr. Baxter was a man of great kind- ness of heart, coupled with a desire to be of service and usefulness to the unfortunate, deserving, struggling ones, who were desirous of bettering or otherwise improving their condition. It may also be noted that he was of an unsuspecting disposition, seldom looking beneath the surface in his intercourse with his fellow-men, judging the character of others by his own. At once won by the seeming frankness, genteel bear- ing and cultured language of the young man, he be- lieved it unnecessary to inquire further as to his antece- THE PLANTATION SCHOOLMASTER. 81 dents, rather taking for granted the statements made; though could he have fathomed this man's heart, wit- nessing the shameful deceit, treachery and fraud being practiced upon his unsuspecting nature, he would sooner have taken a wolf into his fold than have exposed his flock to this treacherous, though outwardly seemingly honest, character. However, without hesitation or further thought, Mr. Baxter replied to the fair but wholly false account of the candidate for his favor as follows : " My young friend, it is my usual custom, when taking into my employ those of whom I have no previous knowledge, to make inquiries as to their personal char- acter, habits, and general fitness for the position sought, thus assuring myself of their honesty of purpose, moral worth and integrity'. " It will undoubtedly have been noticed that both Mr. Baxter and the candidate for school honors were exceed- ingly verbose in their use of language, the one perhaps from habit, the other for effect. Continuing, Mr. Baxter said: " Still, as 3^ou have with so much candor and frank- ness stated your position, coupled with an evident desire of further improving your mind by study, thus acquir- ing that degree of learning necessary to your successful advancement in life, using all laudable means to that end, I will deem it a privilege to make an exception in your favor, esteeming it an honor even to assist you as far as may lie within my power. You may then con- sider yourself under engagement for the position, which while granting, I would take occasion to remark that it may seem strange, perhaps out of place, that I, a slave- holder, should take what might be deemed such an un- usual interest in my colored people, as to afford them the opportunity of enjoying the blessings of an education, limited however as it must necessarily be. But I recog- nize my servants as a part of my family, and believe that while generously feeding and clothing them, my duty is only in part fulfilled, S2 THE PLANTATION SCHOOLMASTER. " Educated in a New England institution, there pur- suing a two years' course of study, I learned many les- sons which have had an important bearing upon my subsequent life. I beheld free institutions, both pub- lic and private, social and political, free thought, free labor, and altogether a most happy and prosperous people. "Later, when completing my education in foreign lands, I was forcibly impressed by the attitude taken by the wisest, best, most thoughtful and well-informed peo- ple of those lands on the question of American slave labor. A nation whose every thought, whose noblest institutions, both public and private, are reared, fostered and upheld in the name of freedom, yet whose Constitu- tion guarantees the forced enslavement of no less than one-sixth of its people ! The institution of slavery I am thoroughly convinced has ever been a bar detrimental to the material interests and social progress of the Southern States, and why this relic of barbarism should be further tolerated in this ninteenth century, — a century of prog- ress and enlightenment in every other direction — passes my comprehension. Yet I firmly believe its extermina- tion from the otherwise free soil of the North American Continent but a question of time, and that not far dis- tant. " My friend, in thus giving free rein to these thoughts in the presence of a man hailing from a New England State, who undoubtedly entertains prejudices incidental to such residence, I am fully aware that were you to take advantage of this confidence, it might work greatly to my disadvantage. You will therefore please appre- ciate this fact, considering what I have said during this interview as confidential, letting it go no further, with the mutual understanding that I shall at all times hold myself in readiness to respond to any future call you may see fit to make upon me tending to the advance- ment of your cherised desires. " You will have a room set apart for your exclusive use at the house of my overseer, where every necessary THE PLANTATION SCHOOLMASTER. 33 comfort looking to your happinee-s will be provided. As regards the school, you are at liberty to commence oper- ations at your own convenience. A servant will now show you to your room, and any luggage you may have at the village will be brought and placed in your quarters." Assuring his generous patron the hand satchel at his side comprised his entire possessions in that line, a negro was summoned, who at once attended him to his new and commodious quarters at the house of Stephen Bryce, the overseer. Reaching the room assigned him, Cyrus Jones opened his traveling bag, taking therefrom paper, pen and ink. Let us now come to an understanding relative to the character and design of this man, thereby arriving at a full knowledge as to who he is and why he should select the occupation of a Virginia plantation school- teacher. As we have seen, he had given satisfactory reasons for calling upon Mr. Baxter, as also for taking the position sought ; his employer placing the utmost reliance upon his statement — a most unwise thing to do as we shall soon learn, for the reason that his name was not Cyrus Jones, neither was he, as represented, a poor man, nor did he hail from the State of Connecticut; in fact, he had never approached nearer that New England commonwealth than where he stood at the present time. In order to more fully understand the position of the so-called Cyrus Jones, it will be necessary to call atten- tion to the fact that the leaders in the Secession move- ment had been for a considerable period of time prepar- ing for the promulgation of an ordinance to that end. Through their representatives in the National Congress, they were also secretly supplying the Southern arsenals with munitions of war, strengthening and fully garrison- ing the forts, and meanwhile the naval armament was receiving like attention. Vessels of war were being 2 84 THE PLANTATION SCHOOLMASTER rendezvoused at accessible points and convenient stations, and all tliis was being done under guise of carrying out instructions from tlie General Government. While these measures were being inaugurated, yet before any steps were taken thereby tending to place their true position before the public — at least in a warlike attitude — the directory at Montgomery, originally the seat of the Confederate Government, had concocted a most thorough and systematic meihod of espionage, now in operation not only throughout the border, but also many of the States further north. To this end, spies, termed by the movers of the aflair " political agents," were sent to the principal towns and cities, for the pur- pose of acquiring information regarding the temper of the people as to the scheme of Secession. These agents, as a rule, were selected from among the more wealthy and influential families of the South, whose social standing being of a high order, would naturally tend to place them in positions whereby to secure the desired information. Thus, as in the case of Cyrus Jones, some obtained situations as pedagogues, others professorships in colleges, while many entered the higher institutions of learning as students. Again, as many of the wealthy planters of Virginia were suspected of entertaining Abolition sentiments, special care was observed in securing young men of talent, education, good address, shrewd intellect, men well fitted to carry out with the less suspicion the de- sires and instructions of their employers. Such a character was this man Cyrus Jones. Bold, unscrupulous, intriguing, the son of a wealthy and dis- tinguished lawyer of Montgomery, he was eminently fitted in every emergency to fulfill the duties imposed upon him. Thoroughly ingratiating himself into the confidence of his unsuspecting victim, at the same time able to accomplish so much at the outset, his real char- acter wholl}'- unsuspected, he immediately dispatched the following communication to his employers at Mont- gomery, the plantation schoolmaster. 85 " Baxter's, Oxford, Middlesex Co., Va. " To the Hon. John B. WilUns : " Dear Sir : — I hasten to inform you of the fact that I have secured a much desired situation with the Hon. Thomas Baxter, a gentleman of reputed wealth, immense influence, and the owner of large estates in this vicinity. " After a lengthy and confidential interview, I have succeeded in obtaining the information so essential to the welfare of our cause in this section of the State. " I find the gentleman loud and outspoken in condem- nation of slavery, also bold in the utterance of Abolition sentiments, though he is the owner of a large number of slaves. " Had he previously been made aware of my mission, he would have hardly dared to come out so openly in avowal of those sentiments, nor made me his confidant ; neither can I yet conceive how he should have been so readily imposed upon, and can only account for it on the ground that the people of this section have little idea as to what is being done in the interests of Seces- sion by the Southern leaders. '•Many others of the wealthy owners.of slaves, and proprietors of the more extensive plantations, are evi- dently becoming restive under the teachings of Northern fanatics, and in a number of instances I have learned of secret correspondence entered into and carried on by them. " It goes without saying that these people must be looked after, as their wealth must necessarily be of immense service to the Confederacy when the proper time arrives for its confiscation. " Keeping you well informed as to my future move- ments, as also the success attending them, I shall at the same time endeavor to be guided by the instructions received from you, which I trust you will at all times feel free to acquaint me with, and also accord to me your unqualified confidence, trusting the same may be ever merited. " Please direct any communications you may be 88 THE PLANTATION SCHOOLMASTER. pleased to send me in the care of Jonathan Sleeper, one of our accredited agents now located at Frederick, Maryland, who will forward the same to me under the name of Cyrus Jones. " Kespectfully, "William H. Bannister." Immediately upon receiving this letter, the Hon. John Ro Wilkins placed it in the hands of the directory, who at once entered on the proscribed list the name of the Hon. Thomas Baxter, to be dealt with in a summary man- ner when the proper time should arrive. Thus, while regretting the disaffection of so many prominent and influential Southern planters, the Confederacy were com- forted by the reflection that their great wealth would in large measure compensate for the loss of their personal influence in the coming struggle, by adding enormously to the Confederate exchequer. It was now the month of March, 1861. The general election held the previous November, had resulted in tlie ascendency to power of the newly organized Repub- lican party, and the election of Abraham Lincoln to the high office of President of the United States. The Southern leaders, awaiting with much anxiety the outcome of the general election, now came out openly, at once organizing a new Government; its chief corner- stone, the doctrine of State Rights ; its superstructure, the perpetuation of slavery in the older States, its ex- tension in the new and at present unoccupied Territories. Recurring to the home and family of Thomas Baxter, whom we left waiting his return from the neighboring village of Oxford, where he had been spending the day engaged in legal bnsiness ; the family comprising within its happy circle, Herman, the son, and Nelly, the only daughter, now a lady of eighteen manifested much impa- tience thereat. Nelly was at this time in attendance at a young ladies' seminary at Richmond, where she had been actively engaged in her studies for the past two years, usually THE PLANTATION SCHOOLMASTER. 87 spending the annual summer vacation at her father's plantation home. The young maiden was now looking hopefally forward to the time, not far distant, when she would graduate. She was in every respect a fine girl ; in short, a noble specimen of early womanhood, rarely seen. In person she was somewhat above the medium height ; rather stout of build ; eyes hazel ; hair a rich chestnut ; every lineament of her face betokening a warm heart, coupled with deep thought. Nelly was not a sentimental girl in the usual accepta- tion of the word, rather of a practical turn ; fond of fun, lively company her delight; and while at all times ready to appreciate a joke, never for a moment in doubt or hesitation as to an apt repartee. Ever cheerful in man- ner, hopeful, of buoyant spirits, this in connection with sound health, self-reliance and modesty of demeanor combined to make her appearance both attractive and pleasing. From having been closely confined to her studies and school duties since her fifteenth year, she had scarcely been brought into contact with the world, or what are commonly termed worldly pleasures. Therefore, it will be readily seen that to her the father and brother were most naturally the two persons of all others around whom centered her warmest affections, and by whom she was singularly beloved, Not only this, but her class and schoolmates shared most truly this love, more especially the younger girls, who ever found in her a devoted friend in their trials, and a warm champion of their rights. Thus if a more than usually hard lesson was to be mastered, or a task set difficult for their young minds to grasp, Nelly stood ready with a helping hand. Her teachers were also fond of the bright winsome girl, estimating her character at its true worth ; and they, as also nearly all the members of the school, were at this time looking forward with heavy and sorrowful hearts to the inevitable separation, soon to take place. But with all the attractions of this lovely girl, combined with unusual kindness of heart and strong desire to be 38 THE PLANTATION SCHOOLMASTER. of service to all with whom she was brought into con- tact, she had one bitter enemy, and this in the person of a classmate, Carrie Foster, tiie daughter of an eminent judge of Montgomery. The two girls, while of nearly the same age, were of an entirely different though per- haps equally fine appearance. While the long, rich, heavy masses of wavy chest- nut hair of the one, among which the bright sunlight striking, intermingled threads of gold, the other was jet black ; and while the eyes of Nelly were bright hazel, Carrie's were deep set and dark as night. Again, the judge's daughter, while possessing great beauty both of form and feature, in disposition was directly the opposite. In truth, deep unreasoning jeal- ousy seemed a leading trait of her character. Witnessing, as she often must, the love and affection, nearly border- ing on devotion, so generously lavished on her school and classmate, her naturally well-balanced judgment was quite too apt to become overpowered by feelings of jealousy. Hence she was inclined to make use of every means lying within her power 'to overcome the friendly understanding existing between Nelly and her school companions. Yet while bringing intrigue, treachery and deceit to bear, she was quite unable to accomplish her evil designs ; in fact, all her efforts were without avail. A time was coming, however, and not far distant, when an opportunity would occur placing within reach a rare means of gratifying her malignant feelings. Cyrus Jones, the plantation school-teacher — the wolf in disguise — was also acting a part in the drama, tend- ing to the downfall of this heretofore happy family. Not only this, but also seeking to bring the gray hairs of his generous friend and benefactor, Thomas Baxter, in " sorrow to the grave." During the short time that he had been an honored member of the family, he had heard much in praise of Nelly. In fact, Mr. Baxter had often taken occasion to speak of her in his presence, and always in such highly commendatory terms, that, ever on tlie alert, he had THE PLAJJTATION SCSOOLMASTEB. 39 determined — in his own mind at least — that she might be used to much advantage in the treacherous and cowardly schemes against her father. Yet, he was ill prepared for the vision of loveliness which met his gaze, when she alighted from the stage upon her arrival at her home. " Missy Nelly don' com' home ! " was shouted in chorus by her black but loving friends, while old Mammy declared, " Fore de Lawd, Missy am growd to be nicest honey in de hull world." Cyrus Jones, returning from the school-house, hav- ing finished his duties for the day, now hearing the rattling of wheels and the call of the stage driver, mingled with the happy cries of the negroes, together with the startled exclamation of Mam Cloe, meanwhile wondering what had happened to create so great a dis- turbance, hastened to the window overlooking the scene just in time to perceive the form of Nelly clasped in the loving embrace of the old mammy. Her coming was at this particular time a surprise to all. The plantation schoolmaster, desiring to create a favorable impression on the mind of his employer's daughter, especially on this his first presentation to one of whom he had heard so much, and for whom his expectations were raised to the highest pitch, proceeded to arrange a toilet proper for the occasion. Now be it known, Nelly's brother, Herman, had been spending nearly four years at a Northern institution of learning in the pursuit of his studies, and from which he was soon expecting to graduate, the college commence- ment occurring the next month, Herman was a fine, manly fellow, possessing many of the noble character- istics of his father, with perhaps a lesser degree of confi- dence in those with whom he might be brought into contact. Having welcomed " Missy Nelly " to her home, Mam Cloe again commenced fretting about " de cawn pone an doger doins, de fried chicken, broiled ham," and other luxuries so lavishly furnished and long since prepared in 40 THE PLANTATION SCHOOLMASTER. anticipation of the coming of the master, the usual hour for his return having long since passed. *' Sumting berry serous must habened to Massa Tom," moaned old Mammy, who could conceive no good reason why his coming should be so delayed ; and without further ado dispatched Epli to the large gateway at the entrance to the grounds of the mansion, with the injunc- tion, " Dat 'megitly 'pon de 'rival ob ol Massa," he was to give them notice by sending forth one of his accustom- ed ear-splitting yells. During this interval of anxious waiting, old Mammy gave her newly arrived friend an account of the coming of Cyrus Jones, and his interview with her father term- inating in his engagement as teacher. Said Mammy : "Massa Jones am a berry fine 'pearing young gemman, an' Massa Tom do set great store by him." Listening to these high encomiums of the young man, especially when proceeding from the lips of her oldest and best friend, Nelly, with the natural curiosity of her sex, at once became quite eager to see and become acquainted with the youthful prodigy, desiring at the same time an opportunity of judging for herself in the matter. Cyrus Jones in the meantime having completed an elaborate toilet, left his room at the house of the overseer. Thence repairing to that of his employer, he was met at the door by a colored servant whom he desired to acquaint Miss Baxter that he would be pleased if she would have the kindness to grant him an interview. The request conceded, he was shown to the parlor, where he found the young lady reclining on a sofa, in the enjoyment of a much needed rest from the fatigue incident to the long and tiresome ride of the day. Whereon he introduced himself under his assumed name and character. Nelly, meanwhile rising to her feet, offered him a chair, remarking that Mammy Cloe had previously informed her of his presence and employ- ment at the plantation. Then giving him a rapid, searching glance, she mentally made the following com- ments : THE PLANTATION SCHOOLMASTER. ♦ 41 "Your name may be Cyrus Jones, you may be a native of a New England State, a poor man, a school- teacher by profession, and altogether such a personage as you purport, but I don't believe one word of the yarn. On the contrary, you are in my opinion a pure, unadulterated fraud, having some deep ulterior design in thus coming to my father's . plantation, introducing and engaging yourself under the guise of a school- teacher." Nelly was undoubtedly a good reader of character, a natural trait it would seem, possessing an intuitive knowl- edge which seldom led her into error. Therefore it will not be deemed strange or out of place that she should readily come to an understanding in regard to the true character of this man, who being himself no inapt reader of the human mind, and noticing and fully ap- preciating the look with which he was regarded, came at once to the conclusion that here was an enemy against whom he must place himself on guard, else soon find himself in a most dangerous, if not compromising posi- tion. At the same time, struck with the great beauty of the maiden, he determined to use every means in his power, not only to captivate her feelings, but ultimately win her heart and hand, even should he find it necessary to abandon the mission entrusted to him in the interest of the Confederate Government. "For," he argued, " while love for ray country is powerful, the case urgent that of my heart may possibly overshadow all else." At this moment, the ringing shout of Eph was borne to their ears, when all hastened forth to welcome him for whose coming they had been so long and im- patiently waiting. The first glance revealed the master riding at head- long speed, the flanks of his steed dripping, foam flying from his mouth, while the heavy breathing bore evi- dence of the manner in which he had been ridden. Lean- ing forward until his breast nearly touched the neck of the horse, sat Mr. Baxter, whose pale drawn features told of great suffering and mental anguish. 42 THE PLANTATION SCHOOLMASTER. Arriving at tlie open gateway, through which he passed scarcely slackening the speed of his horse, he soon reached the house, where were standing in breathless silence his daughter Nelly, Cyrus Jones, Mam Cloe, besides a number of the colored servants. Throwing the rein to a servant, Mr. Baxter leaped to the ground, noticing no one, not even his daughter ; seemingly wholly oblivious to his surroundings, when upon reaching the porch he fell unconscious. " Papa dear, what is the matter?" exclaimed Nelly, kneeling at his side. Then turning to the affrighted servants, she cried : " Bring some water, and don't stand there moaning and wringing your hands. Don't you see your master has fainted ? Hurry up and get the water! I'm ashamed of you ! " Nelly was a kind, tender-henrted and sympathetic, yet withal, a practical girl. When an affair like this demanded iinmediate action, she rose to the occasion, throwing sentiment to one side, at once becoming the stout-hearted, strong, hopeful woman. So instead of bewailing and weeping, as many another under like cir- cumstances would have done, she remained cool and collected, applying the sparkling spring water to his face, and bathing his temples, which having the desired effect, soon brought him back to life and consciousness. Opening his dulled eyes, his astonished gaze fell upon the form and features of his darling Nelly, whose appear- ance at this time was so wholly unexpected, he could but exclaim in joyous tones : "My darling daughter, are you here? Do I truly be- hold your welcome face, or is it imagination?" Then a great wave of sorrow overspreading his features, he cried : " Do you — no, you cannot be aware of the trouble which has befallen us ! Your brother Herman — but read this. It will explain that which I can neither find words nor command myself sufficiently to do." Taking from an outer pocket a letter, crushed to an unseemly mass, he handed it to his daughter; who open- ing and smoothing it to a proper shape, read as follows: THE PLANTATIO^r SCHOOLMASTER. 43 CHAPTER Y. LETTER OF PRESIDENT LAPHAM. rii the Hon. Thomas Baxter. i " Dear Sir : — It is with the most painful feel- ings I make the attempt to address you, concerning a subject which must necessarily wring your heart, caus- ing us both the most serious forebodings ; but not to keep you in suspense, I will at once come to the point. " Your son Herman, for whom it is needless to say I entertain the highest regard and esteem as a man, and the warmest affection as a pupil, has been arrested, and is at this moment an inmate of the County Jail, the charge that of murder ; and here permit me to say that were it not for your well-known powers of endurance, both physical and mental, combined with coolness and courage in times of trial and danger, I should hardly feel warranted in thus taking upon myself the responsibility of inditing this letter. *' The circumstances attending the lad's case are briefly these: Some four days since, the room and classmate of your son, Duke Steele, who from being a poor, in fact almost penniless lad, you have in your characteristic kindness of heart raised from a lowly position, taking upon yourself the care and burden of giving him the ad- vantages accorded your son, thus dispensing the necessary outlay incident to a full college course ; also, the exem- plary conduct at all times manifest, together with the fine natural abilities of this young man, have evidently warranted you in taking this step, as also the high es- teem in which he has ever been held by his schoolmates and preceptors — this young man, your protege, Duke Steele, has suddenly and most unaccountably disappeared ; and though a most thorough search has been instituted nothing has as yet been found leading to his discovery. 44 LETTEB OF PRESIDENT LAPHAM. "Now, Epiiraim Stroud, a fellow-student, comes for- ward, testifying that on the evening four days preced- ing the date of this letter, while passing through the hall on one side of which are situated the rooms occupied by both your son and Duke Steele, voices were heard in altercation, loud and angry words spoken, followed by a blow and heavy fall. At this instant, a female closely veiled, probably in disguise, left the room, passing in haste through the hall, down the stairs, across the col- lege grounds to the street, then disappeared. " Upon this seemingly damaging testimony being laid before the proper authorities, coupled with the complete disappearance of Duke Steele, your son was arrested and an examination held ; resulting in his being placed in confinement in the County Jail, there to await the action of the Grand Jury and the District Court, which con- venes in August. " It is understood, that owing to the peculiar circum- stances of the case, bail will not be admitted. " Now, my dear sir, while most implicitly believing in the innocence of your son, it will, I am sure, be deemed prudent to employ the most eminent legal talent in the country for his defence. " Trusting I may hear from you soon, and with full sympathy in this time of your great and almost over- whelming trouble, I remain " Yours very truly, " Jonathan Lapham, » Pres. College." When Nelly had finished reading the letter, instead of bewailing the hard fate of her brother, thus adding to the grief and overburdened mind of her father, who seemed so completely broken down by this sudden and terrible calamity that his mind had almost deserted him, the noble self-possessed girl remarked, in an affectionate and singularly cheerful tone : " Well, papa, this is certainly a bad state of affairs. Still it seems to me the only course to be pursued is to LETTER or PRESIDENT LAPHAM. 45 look this thing squarely in the face, summoning all the fortitude and courage at our command, and at once make arrangements to go to brother Herman's assistance. It may still be possible to obtain consent of the authorities to accept bail ; in which event we will bring him home, where he can remain at ease until the time set for his trial. In the meantime we will leave no stone unturned to prove his entire innocence of this vile charge. For, papa, I know brother Herman is not guilty of the per- petration of such a crime, or of having any knowledge even regarding the cause of this most extraordinary accu- sation. And again, there is either some grave mistake in this matter, or else a mean, contemptible conspiracy at the bottom ; and I would not be iu the least surprised should we find upon further examination your worthy friend and — accomplished scoundrel, I came near saying — school-teacher, Cyrus Jones, having a hand in the affair." The evidentpurpose of the skilled diplomatist in making this declaration was if possible to relieve the tortured mind of her father ; thus assuming an outward show of cheer- fulness she could scarcely feel, as her heart even now was filled with the most dreadful forebodings and mis- givings. Still she was inclined to the use of every means in her power to stem the tide of this untoward chain of events, seemingly so nearly ready to envelop the family in its toils. Thus through Nelly's energetic treatment of the case, Mr. Baxter at once took heart. Embracing his brave daughter, giving her the assurance of having taken a great weight from his heart, also restoring in good measure his usual serenity of mind, at the same time he admitted that the startling news coming upon him without warning, had nearly overbalanced his rea- son. " And now, IsTelly," said be, " I will give orders that the servants have everything in readiness for an early departure in the morning, when we will set out for the Bcene of tbe disaster and your brother's relief. Please call the coachman, Pomp, and direct him to prepare th© 46 LETTER OF PRESIDENT LAPHAM. family carriage and the spaa of bays, so that we may be off in good season." So, after an early breakfast on the following morning, the carriage was drawn up at the door, when Mr. Baxter and his daughter were soon thereafter on the way to the railway station, but not before bidding the attached serv- ants good-bye, with an admonition to be faithful during their absence, which he averred might be somewhat prolonged. After a weary journey they reached the city of New York, whence they traveled by steamer to the town where was located the college within whose walls was so lately engaged in the pursuit of his cherished studies the beloved son and brother, now an alleged felon incar- carated in a lonely cell. At once repairing to the principal hotel of the town, they took a much needed rest and refreshment ; then wended their way to the stern and gloomy stone walls, where behind the grate-barred window they found the young man ; who was not only overjoyed to see them, but was bearing up wonderfully under his apparently adverse fate. A warm and hearty greeting from father and sister followed a cordial welcome to his quarters from the prisoner, who was forced to admit that his present apartments were not quite equal' to those he had so long occupied in the college building. The young man evidently looked upon the affair in a different light from that of his father, his sister, or even the president of the college, for he could conceive of no good reason why he should have been so summarily locked up in prison. However, he admitted to his friends that the facts in the case leading to his arrest, examination and commitment to the jail, were in the main the same as those forwarded by Jonathan Lapham, the president of the college, at the same time giving the assurance that the grave charge was without the least foundation. " Which," he continued, "will be shown when I am LETTER OF PRESIDENT LAPIIAM. 47 brouglit before the Grand Jury for examination, possibly indictment, for there's not the shadow of doubt but that I will be wholly exonerated from blame and reinstated to my former position. Why, father," said he, " it's the most silly charge and trumped up affair I've ever heard of. For right in the face of the fact that no harm has come to anyone that I can see — anyhow not so proven — other than to myself, and I'm not badly oft' as yet, still I must own it's not pleasant to be shut up inside these stone walls. Yet the authorities in their superior wisdom have seen fit to bring this humiliation upon your only son. That Duke Steele is all right I haven't the least doubt. Took it into his head doubtless to run off to the country for a few daj'-s, or something of that sort. So, father, brace up, and don't for goodness' sake, lose an hour's sleep on my account." Herman's father and sister both remained with him for several days, meantime attempting to prevail upon the authorities to accept bail, giving every possible assurance the prisoner should be on hand promptly at the hour set for trial. Yet after repeated efforts, argu- ment, entreaty, even the offer of large sums of money availing naught, they were at length compelled to aban- don hope in this direction. So, bidding the loved one a tearful farewell, they departed for their home with heavy hearts and anxious thoughts, there to await the day when Herman would be placed on trial for his life — a life that had ever been one of honor to himself, obedience to his father, friendship and good- will to nil. Meantime, Cyrus Jones continued on in the even tenor of his way, filling the position of plantation schoolmas- ter to the entire satisfaction of his employer, also with- out suspicion of being other than he seemed. He had on a number of occasions made overtures to Nelly, which were so unacceptable to the noble, high-spirited maiden, that had she given way to her feelings, she would without further ado have reproached him to his face and condemned him to her father. Yet when taking into account the trying position in which the family was 48 DUKE STEELE. placed, and the need of great caution, the indignatiou she truly felt was smothered in lier bosom. However, when meeting his advances with an outward show of acknowledgment, yet inwardly v/ith the scorn they merited, she was more than once on the point of telling him that her honest belief was that he was none other than an infamous scoundrel, a double dyed villain in the garb of a saint — in other words, " a wolf in sheep's clothing." Little did either Mr. Baxter or his daughter under- stand the true position of this man, nor that he was in regular correspondence with the alleged student, Ephraim Stroud, really a Confederate spy, and the classmate of Her- man Baxter. It was also this same Ephraim Stroud, in female disguise, who, on the evening before mentioned, had applied for admission to the room of the students. Also, he was both the instigator and author of the foul accusa- tion leading to the arrest of Herman Baxter. Not only this, but the prime mover in the afl'air, causing the mysterious disappearance of Duke Steele, through which he hoped to secure Nelly for himself and the Baxter estates to the Confederacy. It was now the tenth of May. The trial would take place the coming August, Nelly's short vacation had come to an end, and it was now time for her to return to the seminary ; but with characteristic unselfishness, she decided to remain at home, and cheer her father in his hour of trial. CHAPTER VI. DUKE STEELE. nC^HIS room mate of Herman Baxter, Duke Steele, I who had so suddenly and mysteriously, evidently without cause, disappeared, was the only son of a poor hard-working but worthy widow, whose home was at DUKE STEELE, 49 the little village of Oxford, where the young man was from and had always lived. Duke was an uncommonly bright boy, at least in com- parison with many of his associates, of whom the prin- cipal one was his friend Herman. Attending the village school, as boys they had been intimate, thus growing up together, until at the age of sixteen both were fully prepared to enter college ; and though one year the younger, Duke had kept even pace with his young friend in their preparatory studies. Now, while Duke's mother, the Widow Steele, was casting about for a situation whereby her son could be placed in a position not only to earn his own living, but at the same time render that assistance which would be naturally due his mother, who was well along in years, Herman had said to his father : " It is really too bad that Duke can't go with me to college, for I shall miss him more than words can tell, as we have always been to each other the same as brothers. Then, too, he is such a smart boy, and I am sure if he had the opportunity afforded him to acquire a finished education, he would make a great man." Not a thought of jealousy or envy entered the mind of this generous, wholesouled lad. Said Mr. Baxter : " My boy, do you really feel so much interest in Duke's welfare ? I am truly well pleased, as it shows evidence of your goodness of heart and generous nature. Yes, I think we can manage the affair. Now, my boy, suppose I should agree to pay his tuition and all necessary ex- penses for a full college course, giving him the same advantages as yourself, what would you say? " Advancing to his father's side and giving him his hand, Herman cried : " I would say you were the best father a boy ever had ! " So it was settled that the widow's son should accom- pany Herman when he set out for college. The fact becoming known to the villagers that Duke Steele was to be the recipient of the bounty of 3 60 DUKE STEELE. their wealthy neighbor, Thomas Baxter, it naturally excited much comment. In a small community like this, each member is usually fully acquainted with the affairs of his neighbor, the most insignificant events being heralded abroad and talked about as affairs of great importance ; so it will not be a matter of wonder that an event of this magnitude should be the subject of general conversation, or that the parents of boys less highly favored should manifest a good deal of jealousy, though as a matter of course, not willing to acknowledge the fact. Their ill feelings were frequently accompanied with remarks, some of a harsh and alto- gether unbecoming nature. During the four years' course the boys had kept pretty even pace in their studies, and as the time drew near for their graduation, a separation must inevitably take place. They were from this fact drawn more closely together, mutually regretting the time when they were to step forth into the world, the one for the high station now so ably filled by his father, the other compelled to make his way by his own unaided efforts. They had both grown to be fine young men, and though Duke was one year the 3^ounger, yet he was taller, more compactly built, perliaps the better looking, and in intellect not one whit inferior to his more fortunate com- panion. No thought of jealousy ' or sign of ill feeling had ever existed in the minds of either. On the con- trary, a mutual interest and reign of good-will had at all times existed, with no suspicion of intrigue or aught unbecoming in their necessarily limited intercourse with the young ladies of their acquaintance. The time now drawing near when they would gradu- ate and receive their diplomas, was as a matter of course regarded with some anxiety. Sitting in the cozy college room on this bright June morning, both seemingly absorbed in deep thought, Herman suddenly broke the silence, asking the question : '' Duke, what do you propose doing with yourself when we get through with our school ? " DUKE STEELE. 51 " Well, old fellow, I've studied that problem by day, and dreamed of it bj night, and I am fain to confess it seems to me the most important period of one's whole life. Still, I've come pretty nearly to the conclusion to study law, and I think I will call on Attorney Stubbs as soon as may be after reaching home. I will offer myself as a pupil, and if successful in my application, I can earn something by copying for the of&ce and maybe writing articles for the local papers, thus earning enough to pay my way until 1 am fitted for practice. As you well know, I am a poor boy, wholly dependent thus far on the generosity of your father for my support, and also the necessary outlay attending the college course. In addition to this, he has most generously supplied me with sufficient funds to enable me to make a creditable showing with my associates, at the same time furnishing my mother with all things tending to her support, happiness and comfort. Your father's liberality has enabled me to save up a few hundred dollars, which, for safe keeping, I have deposited in a bank in this city. This sum, though comparatively small, will suffice to help me along until I get a start in life, as I intend here- after to rely wholly upon my own intellectual resources. But, my friend, this is wholly foreign to the subject I had in mind, and which I am anxious to speak to you about — but, hang it! I don't know how to get at it." " Why Duke, old fellow, you need have no hesitation or fear of telling me, * your brother,' whatever you may have on your mind, providing it's nothing particularly bad — some heinous crime, eh ? You're surely not going to commit murder, or anything of that sort? Thus far we have had no unshared secrets. Why should we now ? " " That's quite true," said Duke, " but never an affair of equal importance, to myself at least, has been presented for our mutual consideration. In fact, I may truly say this is the one great concern of my life, and upon its successful issue may depend my whole future. To be your brother, not only in name, but also in fact, is the 52 DUKE STEELE. one thing above all others I most desire. In short, Herman Baxter, I love — your sister 1 " Upon the conclusion of this startling announcement, the face of Duke became all aglow with excitement, his eyes flashing, when turning his gaze upon his friend to note how the young student was receiving this all-im- portant secret, he was quite bewildered to observe Herman quietly smoking his cigar, in no wise differ- ent from his usual calm equipoise, a smile of content- ment overspreading his handsome countenance, evidently waiting till his companion should have concluded the terrible confession. Duke continued: " You are doubtless aware of the fact that Nelly and I have long known each other, in fact, have been close friends and playmates since our earliest child hood ? " " Ya'as, quite a long time, no doubt. About eighteen years, at a rough guess," said the young tormentor. " Please, Herman, don't interrupt me ! " "Well, go on. What about Nelly, whom you have known so long? " " You won't be angry, old boy ? " pleaded Duke. " Well, that depends. If you mean to tell me Nelly isn't good, nor handsome, that she's cross-eyed, squints, has red hair and a temper, that in short, you '' " Herman, my friend, why will you tantalize me in this way, when you know as well as I, that she is the best, most beautiful, bravest " "Well, Duke, what else?" " Nothing, only I want her for my wife." " The deuce you do ! I believe you said as much before ; anyhow, you so hinted. You love her, eh, and want her for your wife ? Well, 'pon my word, I can't find it in my heart to blame you, old fellow. But what about Nelly? Let us come to a fair understanding in the matter. Does she hate you ? Is that what you mean to tell me, and want a little assistance from her brother by way of adjusting affairs, making things run a little more smoothly, eh ? " DUKE STEELE. 53 " No, Herman, that is not it, for I do believe she has given me good reason to think my love is returned," " Ya'as ? Go ahead. Make ' an open confesson,' 'tis ' good for the soul,' so said. Do you want to kidnap her, elope, or anything of that sort ? " " No, my dear friend, I only wanted to say that Nelly and I are quite agreed in the matter ; and to come directly to the point, we love each other devotedly, but I was afraid " " Oh ! I see ! You are afraid some other good-looking fellow will come along and she may go back on you." "No, but I was afraid that taking into consideration the difference in our circumstances, she rich — I poor — " " Ya'as, that's so. That you would expect her to look higher, and all that? Now, look here, Duke, let's fully understand one another in a matter so intimately con- cerning the welfare of all parties. That you are poor in this world's goods I freely admit. That you are rich in all that goes to make a thoroughly good fellow, I will insist ; and believe me when I say, in all truth and candor, that I'd rather own you for a brother-in-law than any other man, were he ever so high in station, or possessed of the reputed wealth of a Croesus; and with- out further ado, here's my hand 'pon it, and my blessing to boot." Springing to his feet, Duke grasped the hand of his friend, tears of joy streaming down his flushed face, and he ejaculated in joyous tones : " Herman, you have made me the happiest of men ! And now that this affair is so happily settled between us two, I will write to Nelly at once, telling her that her brother " "Oh, bother! Say what you please, but mostly of yourself — she'll appreciate it all the better." Having relieved himself of this most weighty affair, he quickly wrote the letter and then set himself vigor- ously to work writing his graduating address, to be delivered at the coming college commencement, now so near at hand ; while his friend, lighting a fresh cigar, 54 DUKE STEELE. strolled down the broad avenue leading to an adjacent for- est, enjoying the cool morning breeze and the refreshing shade of the magnificent wide-spreading trees, so much to be desired on a sultry summer morning. Thus the day passed, both fully engaged in tlieir liter- ary labors, intermingled with agreeable and pleasant conversation, no thought of evil or trouble of any kind to mar the cheerful contemplation of the joys in store. The shades of evening drew nigh, soon followed by the gloom of night. The cool refreshing breeze, so acceptable after the oppressive heat of the long day, played in at the windows of their college apartment, as seated at their respective tables, the lamp's light casting a cheerful glow over the scene, the two young men were engaged in their studies, when suddenly a double knock was heard at the door. Supposing some neighboring student or friendly college professor desired admittance for a little chat, one of the young men replied to the knock by a cheery " Come in," when the door was gen- tly opened, followed by the entrance of a closely veiled female. Both at once arose, greatly wondering at the cause of this singular and inopportune appearance of a woman, more especially at this late hour. In fact, their aston- ishment was unbounded, both indulging in the thought that something unusual was about. to happen, " Madame," questioned Herman, " madame, who are you? What do you wish, and why do you come to our room at this hour of the evening? " "Sir, to your first question, I will answer, as my appearance would seem to indicate, a woman. To the second, my reply is, nothing 1 " Then turning, and, as seemed, carelessly running against the large table of Duke Steele, she overturned table, books, writing materials and lamp, precipitating all to the floor. Fearful of an explosion of the lighted lamp, the atten- tion of both the young men being directed to its extinc- tion, they could not well follow their strange visitor; DUKE STEELE. 55 from which fact she escaped without question or recog- nition. " Well," said Duke, " that's a singular affair! I can t understand it. She must be a mad woman. The idea of a character of that kind visiting our apartment in this mysterious manner and at this late hour is quite astound- ing. Had we not better follow and question her, and find out why she came, or what object she had in view ? " *' Oh, no," said his companion. " It's probably some freak of the boys, who want to play a trick on us. So near the close of the term, they always take more liber- ties, you know. Let's pay no further attention to the affair." So dismissing the subject from their minds, they again applied themselves to their tasks. CHAPTER VII. A SINGULAR DISAPPEARANCE. BOTH our young friends were early astir on the fol- lowing morning, Duke remarking: " I believe I will take a short walk, a little exercise will give me an appetite for breakfast." They had evidently forgotten the startling episode of the previous evening, at least neither had spoken of it. Tlie world looked uncommonly bright to tbe young student, now that his love affair was so fairly prosper- ing ; his fruitful imagination picturing in glowing colors, as is usual to " love's young dream," his lovely Nelly and the happiness in store. His college career so near at an end, he looked forward to the time when, having finished his legal studies, he would make for himself a home, then invite his beloved to share it ; afterward, with all the concentrated powers of mind, strive for name, fame and fortune. Thus all things were rose-col- ored, the future exceedingly bright. _ 56 A SINGULAR DISAPPEARANCE. Yet a storm cloud was even now hovering over liim, aoon to burst, overwhelming him in its relentless fury, his proud bark overturned by raging tempest and resist- less flood. The hour for Duke's return having passed, Herman waited his appearance until after the customary break- fast time; meantime thinking his friend had taken a longer stroll than he first anticipated, thus causing the delay. However, waiting no longer, he repaired alone to the dining hall, partaking of the meal without fur- ther thought of the absent. Afterward returning to his room, he soon became so thoroughly engrossed in study as .to become wholly oblivious to his friend's absence, neither remembering nor noticing his being away from his accustomed post. Yet when the dinner hour arrived and still no sign, he began to feel some uneasiness. Again evening and night, and no Duke ! What could be the meaning of his protracted absence ? Thus passed three long days of weary conjecture and anxious suspense, no one in the least able to comprehend the cause of the student's disappearance, yet scarcely daring to admit the thought that anything serious could have happened. But when three days had expired, bringing no tidings, the college authorities, after consul- tation, thought to bestir themselves, believing the affair of a more serious nature than at first apprehended. They instituted a thorough search, throughout not only the extensive grounds of the institution, but the surround- ing country as well. Every nook, sequestered corner and clump of bushes, each piece of wood, forest, field and out of the way place was closely scanned ; still no trace of the missing student. More than a week elapsed. Letters were sent to his home and friends throughout that section, making inqui- ries, notices inserted in the local papers, yet nothing came of it. As a last resort, a reward of five hundred dollars was offered by the town authorities for the dis- covery of the body, if dead, or his person, if living. It A SINGULAR DISAPPEARANCE. 57 really seemed that the earth had literally swallowed him up within its depths, leaving no trace. Up to this period there has been no suspician of in- trigue, or anyone having aught to do with this most singular and mysterious disappearance — least of all his cherished friend and room mate. But now, excitement rising to the highest pitch, Ephraim Stroud comes for- ward, testifying that on an evening of the previous week, when passing the room occupied by the young men, loud angry voices were heard, accompanied by a blow and heavy fall; at the instant the door opening, a female fig- ure, closely veiled, came hastily out and left the build- ing. Ephraim Stroud made the above statement, accom- panied by sworn affidavit. Herman Baxter was imme- diately taken into custody and examination held before a local magistrate, resulting in his being remanded to the County Jail, there to remain until the sitting of the District Court. Whereupon, the president of the col- lege, Jonathan Lapham, dispatched a letter to the Hon. Thomas Baxter, detailing the main facts in the case. Ephraim Stroud, the alleged student, was, it will be noted, at the same time an agent for the Confederate Government. He was one of those young men of the South, of good address, highly connected, placed in this position for the purpose of spying out certain facts, obtainable in no other way, at least with a like degree of accuracy, facts of the utmost importance and benefit to the cause he was so eminently fitted to represent. Through his correspondence with the plantation school- teacher, Cyrus Jones, he had become cognizant of many facts relating to the history of the Baxter family, also of the personal charms of the daughter Nelly. Thor- oughly ingratiating himself into the confidence of his classmate, Herman Baxter, he had learned through that source of the immense wealth of his father, also of his Union sentiments, all of the utmost importance to him- self, as also greatly to the advantage of the Confederacy. Studying the matter over, Stroud resolved, as the first 6S A SINGULAR DISAPPEARANCE. step in the scheme, to dispose of Herman. So, with much shrewdness, the plan was concocted arranging for the disappearance of Duke Steele ; which feat accom- plished, it would be no difficult matter to bring the charge of murder against his friend ; who thus disposed of, he would at the proper time denounce the father as a character antagonistic to the institution of slavery, con- sequently an opponent of Secession. Afterward he would set about the no less welcome task of securing Nelly Baxter for himself, and the wealth of her father to the Confederacy. Encountering Duke on the morning in question, at the same time manifesting much pleasure at the nnexpected meeting, especially at the dawn of so beautiful a day, Stroud proposed accompanying him in his stroll ; which being readily agreed to by his unsuspecting victim, they wandered out to the adjacent forest, conversing on agree- able topics, mainly concerning the college commencement, taking little heed of the distance traversed. When sud- denly, seemingly without premeditated thought, Stroud halted, turning to his companion with the question: " Steele, are you aware that you are placed in a com- promising position? " "How so?" said Duke. " Why, about that female who was seen leaving your room last evening. Don't you know that should the affair get noised about — as it surely must — thus bringing it to the notice of the college authorities, it will cause your ruin ? You must certainly be aware that the rules of the institution are stringent, oftentimes severe, in affairs of this kind. You will be expelled, and all your future hopes blasted ; therefore, it behooves you to take the advice of a friend. Leave, and do so at once ; in which event, no one will be the wiser, neither knowing or even suspecting why you have done so or what has become of you. Consequently, no proceedings will be taken against you. Meantime, the affair will blow over — soon be forgotten. Then, after a year or so, you can return clean handed and take your former place." A SINGULAR DISAPPEARANCE. 59 Upon this declaration, Duke stood staring blankly into the face of his adviser, too much astonished when listening to the words — well-meant as he believed — to entertain the least suspicion that they were ill-advised, or that the future happiness or misery of himself and his friend Herman was trembling just now in the balance. Therefore, without taking into account the dilemma in which Herman would be placed, or the dire results attending the strange proceeding, also from the fact of being taken so wholly unawares, Duke seemed to have become bereft of his usual good sense. So he followed the seemingly friendly advice, and without even return- ing to consult his room mate, or securing his effects, of which he would so greatly stand in need, he hastened to the depot to take a train about leaving for Washington. Purchasing a ticket, he took his seat in the car, thus silently, swiftly disappearing from the college, friends and associations. Arriving at the National Capital, he found a steamer about ready to leave, when he secured passage, thinking to go to sea. But meeting on board a young and pleas- ant appearing man, with whom he soon formed acquaint- ance, the latter in the course of conversation gave him to understand a permanent and lucrative situation could be procured at one of the Government offices at Mont- gomery, Alabama, which city he said was his home. The offer striking Duke's fancy, was accepted with little hesitation, as it would be the means of furnishiu"- him with a livelihood, of which he would soon stand so much in need. Easy travel soon brought the young men to their des- tination, the Confederate Capital, where through the inter- est of his doubtless well-meaning friend, Duke obtained a situation in one of the Government departments. It will without doubt be at once surmised — as was really the case — that this young man who took so much apparent interest in his newly found acquaintance, was none other than one of those secret agents sent out bv the Confederate Government, who, comprehending with 60 A SINGULAR DISAPPEARANCE. little troable that Duke could be used to much advant- age, in fact might be a notable acquisition to their cause, took this method and opportunity of securing bis services. But what were Duke Steele's emotions when calmly reflecting upon this sudden and unlocked for change in his circumstances? His aim duriag the past four years, to graduate with honors from one of the highest insti- tutions of the land ; a universal favorite, held in the most generous esteem by his associates and fellow- students ; singularly beloved by his teachers, who were fain to recognize in him a coming man of mark; young, enthusiastic in his survey of the noblest acts of life ; trusting, hoping, and in all ways desirous of leading a life of usefulness ; possessing an intense longing for posi- tions of honor among his fellow-men ; and — then too — his Nelly! Crowning all his misfortunes, this last thought came to him with crushing force, when too late to recede from his chosen way. Having done no wrong, committed no unworthy act, fleeing from calumny, contumely, the scorn of his fel- lows, cast off, expelled in ignominy from an institution he was soon to leave in merited honor, from all these imag- inings he had fled — and for what ? Duke Steele was no ordinary character. Lofty in pur- pose, high in ambition, knowing he had done no wrong, why should he have thus fled ? , A convicted, escaped felon could do no more. What excuse could he bring for this unseemly conduct ? Under the excitement consequent upon the false state- ment, followed by the advice of his pretended friend, Ephraim Stroud, possessing an unusually sensitive nature, he felt he could not brook the evident stain against his character and hitherto good name ; aspersions which under the specious pleadings of his more worldly wise friend, assumed a shape of "hideous mien.*' His repu- tation at stake, he had turned his back to the foe ; rather than face danger, he had ingloriously fled ! A reaction now taking place in his mind, he questioned whether he had chosen well in taking this course; but A SINGULAR DISAPPEARANCE. 61 having once taken, he would so abide. As he had fled, disappeared, so he would remain. No one should hear from liim, no one know his whereabouts ; no, not even his best earthly friend — his mother — at least until such time as he could return, cleared from every imputation of guilt, his good name re-established. The war against the Union commenced, thus communi- cation was cut oft', he was forced to remain in his here- tofore voluntary exile, not long however entirely unknown to friends at home. A time came when he found himself in a position to more than repay the benefits so liberally bestowed upon him by his generous friend, Thomas Baxter, thus in the end proving what is often considered a hardship a great blessing. Let us return to Nelly Baxter, who in conversation with her father, had declared her determination not to leave him. After discussing what had better be done for her brother, she said : " Papa, I've a secret for you. Distressed as you are on brother Herman's account, which as you know I fully share, I have cause for anxiety still greater. Papa, Duke Steele and I, as children, grew up together, and have always, as I believe, been strongly attached to each other ; in fact, I cannot remember the time when we were other than warm friends, he being at all times my favorite playmate. As the years passed, each engaging in new and more stirring scenes, that affection did not in the least change ; and when, on our last vacation, meet- ing as we did daily, Duke told me of his love, which I did not refuse, on the contrary accepted, bestowing my own in return — subject of course to your approval — we mutually agreed to keep it a close secret until our school-days were over. A short time since, I received a letter from brother Herman, in which he speaks of a conversation held with Duke confessing much satisfac- tion at the result, also at having Duke for a brother. 62 A SINGULAR DISAPPEARANCE. Now, papa, you see how I am placed, and how much greater cause I have for anxiety than you, as I have lost both brother and lover; one having totally disap- peared, the other the inmate of a felon's cell. Why, papa ! What is the matter ? You look frightened I Are you ill ? You are fainting 1 Let me get you a glass of wine." " Never mind, my darling. It is nothing — the heat of the room or something of that sort — it will soon pass." Then drinking the wine his daughter had brought, he spoke : " Nelly, my daughter, I am so sorry for you 1 I had never dreamed that you had any thought for Duke other than as a brother and good true friend. Why should I have been so blind ! Nelly, darling, this can never be. More than this I cannot now tell yon, but be- lieve me, it is as I say. My daughter, I have suffered in silence a life-long trouble, one of which you have known nothing and of which I hoped to keep you in ignorance; and while I am aware it was but natural you should entertain for your old playmate a sentiment warmer than that of mere friendship, can you, my dar- ling bear a great disappointment, one that will doubtless cause you much pain? You are brave, my daughter, you can with courage submit to that for which there is no help, can you not ? Duke is a noble young man, one who has a warm place in my affections, second only to yourself and your brother. More than this I cannot now say ; but the time will come when I can tell you all, then you will admit that I am right." While Mr. Baxter was giving utterance to these unpleasant sentiments, Nelly had stood by his side, calm and composed ; but now her frame was shaken by con- vulsive sobs, tears filling her eyes, until at length sink- ing at her father's feet, the poor girl's emotion seemed almost beyond control. However, soon regaining her usual collected manner, she looked up to his face, then replied to what he had been saying in these words : " Papa, what you have said grieves me more than I can well express, yet I must believe you. No, I cannot A SINGULAR DISAPPEARANCE. 63 for a momeut doubt your word. I will be brave for your sake, even more than for my own; meantime, striving to bear up under this severe trial, trusting the time may soon come when you will be able to explain to me what now seems so dark, in fact incomprehensible. But, papa, let's drop these foolish affairs of the heart, and devote our whole thought, time and attention to the more im- portant ones ; those concerning the welfare of my dear brother, now lying in his cheerless prison cell, for all others dwindle to insignificance in comparison. It is now, as you know, well along in June. Court convenes the tenth of August. So suppose we enter into corres- pondence with John Richardson, of whom I know none more competent. In fact, I think he is considered one of the best lawyers in Richmond, or even of the whole State, for that matter. Or, papa, would you rather I would write him ? " " I will leave it all with you, my daughter, who, so hopeful, brave and strong, are better fitted to perform a service of this nature. Write to him then, stating the case as you think best." So, notwithstanding this added weight to her grief in the loss of a lover and the no less deep anxiety for a dearly loved brother, Nelly, gathering pen, ink and paper, seated herself at her father's desk and wrote to the law- yer. Mr. Richardson, as Nelly stated, was a prominent and influential lawyer. Born, and having always lived in Virginia, he was thus naturally a warm supporter of the Southern cause, now being arbitrated by the gage of bat- tle. He was at this time in the prime of life, being no more than forty years of age, and a bachelor. He was not only an able lawyer, but a rich man as well, inherit- ing the large estates of his father. Judge Richardson. He was a man of distinguished personal appearance, his manner pleasing, of a kindly and cheerful disposition. As a member of the State Legislature he had been brought into intimate association with Thomas Baxter, and knew him well ; in fact, the two men had been warm 64 A SINGULAR DISAPPEARANCE. and close friends. Therefore, it will be readily seen that no one could have been more surprised than he upon the receipt of the letter from his friend's daughter. Replying in courteous terms, he gave Miss Baxter to understand that he would most cheerfully comply with the request, and that they might look for him in the course of a couple of days at their home on the Rappa- hannock. He therefore began at once to prepare lor tlie journey. Summoning his head clerk and business man- ager, Henry Dalrymple, he gave him to understand that business of a pressing nature called him to a distant part of the State, and said : " I shall probably be absent for three or four days, possibly longer. In the meantime, you will look after that matter involving the large interests of our client, Mrs. Sharp. Please attend thoroughly to the business, looking up all the points at issue, having the case pre- pared for trial immediately upon my return. Also, in regard to Cyrus Jones, who, you will remember, wrote us last week — a plantation school-teacher, I think he stated, at the Baxter estate. Examine the point of law on which he requested information, mainly concerning the duties, both legal and professional, attending accred- ited agents of the Confederate Government ; also the specific powers conferred upon them as such agents, large numbers of whom, as 1 understand, are being sent by the authorities to different points in this and other border States. " By the way, Dalrymple, answer the letter received yesterday from Judge Fosfer, Montgomery, Alabama. Say to him that matters hereabout are looking well and working satisfactorily in the interests of the Confederacy. Should any letters arrive during my absence from Mont- gomery, requiring immediate attention, you will please answer as seems to you best." Thus saying, Mr. Richardson left the office for his bachelor quarters, to prepare to leave by stage on the following morning ; which he did, arriving at his desti- nation the evening of the next day. Both Mr. Baxter A SINGULAR DISAPPEARANCE. 65 and his daughter having been apprised of his coming, were ready to meet the tired traveler with hearty and kindly greetings. Shortly afterward he was shown to his room, proceed- ing without delay to remove the dust and stains of travel, preparatory to a seat at the supper table, to which he was soon shown by a colored servant. Mr. Richardson was much shocked at Mr. Baxter's dejected appearance, though, upon consideration, he felt it could scarcely be otherwise, taking into view the cir- cumstances under which he was placed regarding the sad condition of his son. But how much greater his surprise when beholding the daughter, whom he had not before met since she was a little girl ! In fact, his admiration for the lovely maiden had no bounds ; noticing, as he must, that here was no ordinary character, for Nelly seemed to have emerged at one bound from a timid school-girl to a woman of wisdom and experience. The evening meal passed pleasantly, though in the case of Mr. Baxter, in comparative silence ; he saying little, rather listening to the spirited conversation between the noted lawyer and the bright winsome hostess, mainly on general topics of the day, nothing being said concerning the melancholly aftair which had been the cause of the lawyer's taking the long journey. However, Mr. Richardson felt amply repaid for the trouble in thus becoming acquainted with his fair hostess, whose animated and cheerful presence banished from his mind, for the time at least, the unwelcome topic which he well knew must be taken up for consideration on the morrow. The hour for retiring having now arrived, Mr. Richard- son was shown to his room by a servant. Lying in his bed during the long and solitary hours, Mr. Richardson could get little rest; and though weary from the tire- some day's ride, sleep would not visit him, his thoughts constantly tending toward the daughter of his old friend. Cupid's drawn bow had sent a winged shaft to his heart, piercing it to its very core. He had at last met a 4 66 A SINGULAR DISAPPEARANCE. fate -wliich overtakes all, sooner or later. The Hon. John Richardson, the eminent lawyer, jurist, statesman, had fallen irretrievably in love. While thus hovering in a state between sleep and wakefulness, a muffled rap came to his door; and from having neglected the usual precaution of turning the key before retiring, the intruder upon his privacy, without awaiting a reply to his summons, entered, advancing boldly into the room. At first supposing it one of the servants dispatched by his thoughtful hostess to make inquiry as to his com- fort, thinking perhaps a further supply of bedding desir- able, as the night was chilly, Mr. Richardson was thoroughly astounded at beholding the form and face of an entire stranger, who, advancing, placed a finger upon his lips, thus signifying silence, then seated himself in the nearest chair. "Pardon me," said the intruder, "for thus invading your premises at this late hour. My only excuse is that I wish a few moments' conversation concerning matters connected with the Southern Confederacy, of which — as I understand — you are a staunch adherent, and in which we are equally interested, and about which I wrote you a few days since. I will only further add that not wish- ing to detain you from your much needed rest, I would beg you to name a time in which during your stay we can meet privately and unobserved, when I will submit subjects and plans for your consideration, having for their subject the interest and welfare of the South. " In thus intruding myself upon your seclusion, I have only to say in apology that my name is Cyrus Jones, that I am an accredited agent of the Confederate Government, also that my native place and home is the city of Montgomery, Alabama. Having many things to say regarding the cause so dear to the heart of every well-wisher of his country, I, as before stated, would ask you to name an hour the most convenient to yourself, say to-morrow evening, when I will lay my plans before you." A SmGULAR DISAPPEARANCE. 67 Listening to these words and noble sentiments from the lips of the gentlemanly and evidently well-informed stranger, the lawyer became at once interested, fully alive to the situation and the possible importance of the desired interview. A Southern man by birth, and a respecter of the insti- tution of slavery by education, Mr. Kichardsou was also an ardent advocate of Secession, a true believer in the doctrine of State Rights. Here was a man in close connection and intimate cor- respondence with the leaders of the newly established Government ; also, an authorized agent, a man who could give him much useful and desired information regarding the hopes, plans, and ultimate aims of the Southern leaders. A happy stroke of fortune ; unex- pected certainly, but none the less welcome. Said Mr. Richardson : " I am truly pleased to make your acquaintance, also to listen to the loyal words and sentiments so happily expressed. I will willingly — I might say, gladly — ac- cede to your request, appointing five o'clock to-morrow evening to meet at any place you may suggest." " Very well, sir. My school-room will undoubtedly be as secluded as we could wish ; we will not be likely to meet with interruption, and we can thus quietly talk over our affairs at our leisure." So it was mutually agreed the school-house should be the place for a meeting, in which many interests involv- ing the welfare of the Baxter family would be discussed. So bidding the lawyer good-night, with the hope of his enjoying a good night's rest, Cyrus Jones took leave. It will scarcely be considered necessary to disguise the fact that Mr. Richardson did not as readily fall into the trap, so adroitly set by the Confederate spy, as was hoped. On the contrary, his eyes opened, he partially read the character of this man, then formed his own conclusions in the matter, which it may be said did little credit to his pretended friend's good judgment. Yet upon being left alone, a prey to serious reflection, his 68 A SINGULAR DISAPPEARANCE. mind became engrossed with thouglits of an extremely perplexing nature. For here was one of those Confed- erate agents in the full confidence of this unsuspecting family, plotting their ruin — aye, the ruin of one so dear; not only this, but evidently seeking the confiscation of his friend's estate, for Mr. Kichardson well understood the designs of this despicable class of men. Should he lend a helping hand to the consummation of this great wrong, act a traitor's part to those who so implicitly placed their trust in him, believing him a true friend, thus destroying the great interests reposed to his care? What course should he pursue, what measure take to arrest this dire calamity ? 'Tis true his heart and every feeling were in unison, his every thought enlisted in the cause for which his South- ern brethren were waging a bitter and relentless war — the overthrow of the Union of States, upbuilding on their ruins a structure whose foundation should be the perpetuation and extension of slavery. " Surely," said he, " I am in a most unhappy plight. Loving my country, both readj'^ and willing to make any sacrifice in its behalf, at the same time, am I in honor bound to sacrifice one of its most lovelj'' daughters? Did man ever love his country so well, as to give willing consent to lay upon its altars the love of his heart?" Such were the troubled reflections of this man of law, as he tossed upon his uneasy bed till a late hour, when he dropped off to slumber, broken by fantastic and not wholly pleasurable dreams. Awakened atan early hour by thesummons to breakfast, he hurriedly dressed, then proceeded down-stairs and out of doors. The morning was unusually fine, the air brac- ing. The mists of the night were lazily rising from the distant valleys, melting, fleeing from before the beams of the well risen sun ; the melodious chirping of birds, in unison with the stirring plantation songs of the contented negroes, was heard. Yet the heart of this man, on whom was centred the hopes and future weal of these dear friends, could scarcely be said to beat in A SINGULAR DISAPPEARANCE. 69 unison with the charming scenes surrounding him and witnessed on every hand. No, with him all was now changed — from a contented, cheerful, happy man, he was now the reverse. After strolling for some little distance, Mr. Eichardson at length bethought himself that breakfast was awaiting his presence ; so hastening to retrace his steps, he entered the dining-room, and found Nelly busily engaged in superintending the meal. Upon his appearance she gave him kindly greeting, with the hope that he had enjoyed a good night's rest. Bustling about, bright, sparkling, no outward signs betraying the anxiety of her mind, the young maiden presented a picture which set the lawyer's heart beating with tumultuous rapture, so that his breakfast seemed in a fair way of remaining untouched. However, soon recalling his straying faculties to the task in hand, he applied himself with so much vigor, that in the end he made quite a formidable meal, his walk having conduced to a good appetite. The countenance of Mr. Baxter, who sat opposite to him at the table, betokened an anx- ious, sleepless night. And well might this be the case, considering the position in which he was now placed, his only son the inmate of a felon's cell, his beloved daughter compelled to abjure the love of one held so dear, and this too for a cause he could not explain — one in fact known only to himself. The hour of consultation having arrived, all repaired to the library, where they were soon engrossed in the subject of such crowning importance, and in which their mutual interests were so deeply involved. At the request of Mr. Baxter, Nelly stated the case in full, placing the papers in her possession in the hands of Mr. Richardson ; who, looking them carefully over, at length threw them to one side, exclaiming : *' My friends, this certainly seems a most complicated, not to say an alarming state of affairs ; and I will not disguise the fact, that there are some points wearing a grave aspect ; for instance, the appearance of the female 70 A SINGULAR DISAPPEARANCE. at the room of the young men at the late hour mentioned, and the sudden disappearance of Duke Steele. These facts, taken in connection with the sworn statement of a fellow student, Ephraim Stroud, an eye witness, or par- tially so, to the affair, must weigh most heavily agaiust Herman. My friends, I must have time to study the case and, if possible, solve the evident mysteries attend- ingit. To this end, I will summon to my aid a long known and esteemed friend, Samuel Jenkins, a lawyer of well established repute, a man of great ability and thorough in- tegrity, who stands high in the legal profession. Between us, I am positive we will be able to clear up and bring to light the deviltry — excuse the undignified expression — so plainly revealed. But as a first step, we must dis- cover its author ; for that there is some deep-laid plot, some treacherous scheme at the bottom, I've not the least doubt. Thig scheme it will be my endeavor to unearth. So, cheer up, my friends. Don't allow your- selves to become in the least disheartened, or give w^ay to unfounded fears. Best assured we will do all that lies in our power ; and while I neither can nor do believe your son guilty, we must nevertheless labor with diligence, circumspection and care. Having settled the affair as far as possible at this time," continued Mr. Bichardson, " I will return to my home on the morrow, advising youas often as may seem necessary as to our progress." The interview was now brought to a close by the announcement of dinner. CONFEKENCE BETWEEN THE LAWYER AND SPY 71 CHAPTER YIII. CONFERENCE BETWEEN THE LAWYER AND SPY. AT five o'clock, the hour agreed upon for the con- ference between the lawyer and Confederate agent, the plantation school-house the designated point, the former took leave of his friends, on the plea of taking a stroll through the neighboring fields and forests, with the promise to return before nightfall. Little did either Mr. Baxter or his daughter suspect they were harboring within the sacred precincts of the household a Confederate spy, much less that character in the person of Cyrus Jones ; who was even now in secret correspondence with the student Ephraim Stroud, the alleged friend of Duke Steele and accuser of Herman, In the meantime, the schoolmaster had irretrievably fallen in love with the daughter of his employer ; know- ing full well however that his passion could in no wise be returned or reciprocated, for did he at any time ap- proach the maiden with the least show of sentiment in this direction, he was repelled with scorn. The actual facts were that she believed him a rank im poster, the object in view wholly foreign to his assumed character. However, his accomplice, Ephraim Stroud, was soon to appear at the Baxter plantation ; and even now waa close at hand, his principal design that of becoming acquainted with Miss Nelly, thus adding to the already complicated state of affairs. Having heard so much in praise of the young lady and of the wealth of her father, he determined to pay court to the one, at the same time placing himself in a position to gain possession of the other ; and as the conquest of Nelly's heart might not be an easy task, the acquisition of her father's wealth little less so, he resolved to set about the affair, with the 72 CONFERENCE BETWEEN THE LAWYER AND SPY. slirewdness natural to his character bringing to bear his acknowledged persuasive power, to which end he would appear in person. Another thing greatly in his favor lay in the fact that while in correspondence with his coad- jutor, Cyrus Jones, the two had never met ; thus though working in complete harmony as Confederate agents, they were personally unacquainted. So on the after- noon in question, a well-dressed, pleasant appearing young man might have been obseived leisurely walking up the avenue to the Baxter mansion, upon reaching which, he inquired for its master. The stranger was shown to the parlor, then requested to take a " cheer," when the servant stepped to the door of the library, acquainting his master that a " gemman " wanted to see him. Mr. Baxter, gloomy, depressed, evidently in deep and troubled thought, scarely noticed the interruption, when Pomp again called his attention, saying : "A gemmen am in de pariah, sah, waitin' to see you on 'portant business, sah. Anyhow, so he say, sah." " Well, Pomp, tell the gentleman 1 will wait upon him directly." Mr. Baxter now repaired to the parlor, meeting the Btranger with a kindly though scarcely cheerful greet- ing, when the confederate of the schoolmaster arose, ex- tending a hand and introducing himself under the name of Charles Tompkins. His face was disguised by a false "beard — quite necessary under the circumstances — else he would have been at once known, as both Mr. Baxter and Nelly had met him as the false 'accuser and princi- pal witness on the occasion of the examination of Her- man, Ephraim Stroud, it is needless to repeat, like the major- ity of Confederate agents, was a character well fitted for the position assigned him. Bold, thoroughly unscru- pulous, yet polished ; possessing a ready flow of words, he could meet these aristocratic lords of the soil on their own ground ; wherefore he introduced himself, by say- ing: CONFERENCE BETWEEN THE LAWYER AND SPY, 73 " Sir, I am a young man traveling mainly for pleas- ure, and this being my first visit to your State, I thought to improve the opportunity by calling upon some of its leading citizens — yourself, as I've been given to understand, one of the foremost — and in thus calling, allow me to express the pleasure one can but experience when being honored by the kind reception you have deigned to accord me." Like the most of his class, the Hon. Thomas Baxter, proud of his race, as he had once said to his daughter, was little averse to a modicum of flattery, providing it was judiciously applied, and not too transparent. The visitor at once recognized this trait of his host's charac- ter, and resolved to make good use thereof. Mr. Baxter perceiving in the stranger a young man of education, gentlemanly ways and pleasing address, gave him a cor- dial welcome, entreating him to remain so long as he desired, and saying that nothing would be wanting to make his stay both agreeable and pleasant. Ephraim Stroud now believed, as did his ally on a previous occasion, his star rising ; and when taking into account his wonderful powers of fascination, he really imagined the young and doubtless unsophisticated coun- try girl would with little hesitation fall down and wor- ship the " golden calf." However, our young, talented, fascinating friend was ere long to come to grief, when a generous slice of his overweening conceit was to be eliminated, his unbounded confidence sorely tried. Mr. Baxter now directed a colored girl to call at his daughter's room, requesting her presence ; when soon thereafter appearing, she was introduced to the stranger, who regarded her with no less admiration than did the Eichmond lawyer on a previous occasion, though with far less refined and elevated sentiments. Upon introducing Nelly, Mr. Baxter took occasion to commend the young man to her charge, trusting she would see that all things were done tending to his com- fort. This was scarcely necessary, as she was in the habit of sharing her father's hospitable attributes, it 74 CONFERENCE BETWEEN THE LAWYER AND SPY. mattering little whether worthy or the contrary. So long as they remained under shelter of the home roof they were objects of consideration. Yet the fact must be admitted that in this instance Nelly made a mental reser- vation to the effect that she believed this man no better than the other. Could the three persons, the lawyer and the two spies, working for the same object, having a like end in view, each for himself as against the other, have for a moment suspected how little ground they had on which to base their hope of conquest, they would doubtless have sullenly retired from the field disheartened, or else taken up arms in a common cause, waging bitter warfare. For Nelly neither did, could, qt would, under whatsoever circum- stances, entertain sentiments other than friendship for the opposite sex, save for her old lover, Duke Steele, who while lost, would ever be held in grateful remem- brance ; and though her father enlisted her filial rever- ence, her only brother a sister's devoted love, one only could fill the warmest place in her heart, the highest place in her regard — and. that one where? Yet could she at this moment have fully been made aware of the gravity of the situation, have understood the perils by which she was so surrounded, her already overburdened heart would have found even less rest than now. CHAPTER IX. THE CONFERENCE. FULLY alive to the situation, well understanding the feelings entertained by Nelly, Cyrus Jones, after long deliberation, had consummated a scheme whereby it was believed he could accomplish his designs. As affairs now stood, these three allies working in harmony in a political sense, were socially, thoroughly antagonistic. THE CONFERENCE. 75 The hour had at length arrived when the lawyer was to meet his unscrupulous enemy. So taking the path leading to the school-house, which he ere long reached, Cyrus Jones was found waiting for the promised confer- ence. Commencing the interview in a commonplace conver- sation, neither of the parties seeming to be in haste about approaching a subject so fully engrossing their thoughts, and for which the meeting had been arranged, at length the spy broached the question, stating his position, avowing himself not an agent only, but also a political spy in the interest of the Confederacy. He also told Mr. Richardson of the plans formed, their designs and aim — none other than the confiscation of the estates of South- ern planters who were not only known to be in secret correspondence with the Abolitionists of the North, but even those who were suspected of being friendly to the Union. " For," said he in explanation, " those who are not with us must be against us." After entering into full explanation of the course now pursued and to be carried out in the future, being also in co-operation with other agents located in various sec- tions of the border States, he came directly to the sub- ject lying so near his heart, none other than his infatua- tion for the daughter of Mr. Baxter ; averring that being well aware he could find not the least favor in her sight, he intended whenr the proper time should arrive, to cap- ture and take her to the far south ; thus placing her in a compromising position, from whicb in order to extricate herself, she would doubtless be willing to accede to his demands. From this statement, it will be at once surmised that the spy was little aware that the lawyer was also inter- ested in securing the affections of his employer's daugh- ter, nor was he acquainted with the fact that he and Mr. Baxter were friends of long standing, else he would have thought twice before laying these rascally plans before one so deeply interested in the welfare of the family. 76 THE CONFERENCE. Again, Cyrus Jones did not know the lawyer's visit to the plantation had the most remote connection with the approaching trial of the falsely accused son of his employer ; so continuing his remarks, he said : " Herman, the only son of Mr. Baxter, late a student and soon to graduate from a New England institution of learning, has been accused and arrested on the charge of murdering a fellow-student and room mate. At the pre- liminary examination the evidence was of so conclusive a nature that he was indicted, and bound over to stand trial on the sitting of the District Court, which occurs on the tenth of August. From the sworn statements, if corroborated, of which I think there is little doubt, the young man will certainly be convicted of the crime ; in which event I shall have clear sailing, for both the father and daughter will then be completely within my power." Upon the recital of these heartless and cold-blooded con- fessions from one who had been treated with so much consideration, and been the recipient of so many kind- nesses while in the employ of his old esteemed friend, the indignation of the lawyer knew no bounds ; and had he given way to his first impulse, he would have taken the treacherous spy by the throat, compelling him by threats of the disclosure of his hellish plans to forego these base designs upon his friends ; but upon reflection, the lawyer, believing this an unwise course, simply re- marked, in a careless manner : " Mr. Jones, how long have you known of these facts, and in what manner did you become acquainted with them ? " " Why, you see, my friend, we have an agent at the institution in the guise of a college student, who is at the same time carrying out my instructions for the good of the cause, you know. Ha ! ha ! Mr. Eichardson, we are no fools ! We labor of course for the best interests of our employers, at the same time, don't propose to neglect our own. ' Make hay while the sun shines,' is an old, though appropriate adage, in our case at least." Little did Cyrus Jones suspect the said agent and col- THE CONFERENCE. 77 lege student, Epbraim Stroud, was at this moment lis- tening to these damaging statements and the exposure of his secrets. Having followed, unsuspected, the law- yer to the school-house, he was standing at this moment within a few feet of the bold conspirator, his ear to a crevice of the wall, a listener to all that was said. After a prolonged conversation, during which the astute lawyer drew from the spy all the latter could dis- close, they separated. Next morning found the lawyer in an uneviable frame of mind, his thoughts constantly reverting to his friend's daughter, placed in a position of so great peril, and he about to leave her, no friendly hand to guide or shield her from these evil machinations and treacherous schemes. He scarcely knew how to act, or what course to pursue to ward oft' the blow destined ere long to fall not only upon her, but also her unsuspecting father. " Should I explain," he said to himself, " the true state of aSairs, learned from the interview held with the schoolmaster, it might tend to still further complica- tions of a more dangerous character ; while on the other hand, by permitting her to be kept in ignorance of the designs of the spy, she must inevita"bly be left wholly at his mercy." Again, should he divulge the secrets, Cyrus Jones would be at once dismissed from the service of Mr. Bax- ter, leading doubtless to some dire act of revenge on the part of the spy, thus placing Nelly in a still more peril- ous situation. So, on the whole, he resolved to say nothing about the affair until occasion should render it important to make the disclosure. Breakfast over, and an anxious farewell spoken, Mr. Richardson again seated in the lumbering vehicle, started on his journey to the capital, where he arrived in due time. After taking a day's rest, we find him deeply engrossed in the affairs of his friends on the Rappahan- nock, applying himself with all the energy and mental vigor at command, to a case involving so much weal or woe, especially to the one in whom he felt so unusual 78 THE CONFERENCE. an interest. In this emergency, Mr, Richardson called upon his valued friend and fellow practitioner, Samuel Jenkins, for aid. The call was heeded with little dela3^ The lawyer then laid the case before Mr. Jenkins, and though the day was late, the time so near, he at once threw all else aside, applying himself with the utmost energy and concen- trated vigor to the case in hand, which ere long began to assume a much better aspect. Mr. Jenkins, however, gave little assurance of success unless the testimony of the principal witness and accuser, Ephraim Stroud, could be broken down, or the where- abouts of the alleged victim, Duke Steele, be brought to light, " For," said he, " the testimony adduced at the preliminary examination, if sustained — which of course can only be broken down by some evidence, or the accuser impeached, which is scarcely probable — must necessarily stand, in which event the friends of the accused can entertain but little hope of acquittal. Yet," continued Mr. Jenkins, " we must not give way to imag- inary fears. On the contrary, assume a bold front, waging fierce unrelenting warfare, taking advantage of every vulnerable point in the enemy's armor, laying down our weapons only when fairly beaten. Again, that telling most heavily against us in the coming strife lies in the fact that our client is a Southern, man, the son of a slave- owner, and as you are aware, friend Richardson, all slave- holders are by the North classed as Secessionists, no matter what their political opinions. This, Mr. Ricliard- son, is the point on which I am fain to place the greatest stress: Northern prejudice — I might add. Northern fanaticism — arrayed in opposition to Southern sentiment and her cherished institutions, and you may well believe me when I aver that on the coming trial you will find more bitter, I will say hostile feeling, arise from this source, than from the actual guilt or innocence, as the case may be, of the accused; the former having in my opinion far greater weight with both judge and jury, backed as it will be by popular prejudice." THE CONFERENCE. 79 The day set for the trial was near at hand. Mean- time, Mr. Baxter was bnsily engaged in making the necessary preparations looking to a protracted absence from his home for both himself and his brave loyal daughter. Gloomy forebodings and troublous thoughts filled his mind to the exclusion of all else, particularly to those of a cheering and hopeful nature, it requiring the utmost energies of Nelly to in any wise counteract them. Court was to sit on the tenth of August, so the morn- ing of the sixth witnessed the setting out of our friends on the gloomy and dispiriting journey. The counsel for the accused, the Hon. John Eichard son, accompanied by his able assistant, Samuel Jenkins, left the capital city for the scene of future operations on the same day, the former in scarcely a less enviable frame of mind than his bereaved employer. CHAPTER X. THE GOVERNMENT CLERK. AT a large and handsome desk, in a finely appointed office, sat a young man busily engaged in writing. The farnishings of the apartment were something out of the usual run of business offices, therefore may well merit a slight description. The floors covered with Brussels carpet ; the furniture of rosewood and mahogany, uphol- stered in velvet and plush ; a massive sofa, beautifully carved, occupying a considerable space on one side of the room, while on the walls were to be seen a choice collec- tion of paintings ; the ceilings frescoed with brilliant yet harmonious coloring. This office is located in one of the largest buildings on the south and fronting a handsome public square, near to the business centre of the city of Montgomery. The occupant seems in appearance in thorough bar- 80 THE GOVERNMENT CLERK. mony with the appointments and furnishings of the apartment. In person well formed, hair light and curl- ing, eyes blue, an unusually expressive and pleasing coun- tenance, yet, from in-door confinement, his face some- what bleached ; still he was one who would naturally attract attention under all circumstances. So entirely absorbed in his work was he, that he scarcely noticed, or if so, gave no heed to the entrance of a visitor ; however, the rustling of a silk dress attracting his attention, he turned, beholding a vision of loveliness scarcely before dreamed possible. The lady — for such she evidently was — lifted the veil covering her face; then apologized for the intrusion, remarking: "Sir, I am the daughter of Judge Foster of this city, lately returned from school, where I have spent the past four years, at a ladies' seminary in Richmond, Virginia. Having learned from my father that a gentleman by the name of Duke Steele, whose home is at the village of Oxford in that State, was employed in this office, and presuming you the gentleman in question, I have taken the liberty — unwarranted it may be — of calling for the purpose of making inquiry of a very dear schoolmate, whose home is adjacent to the village referred to. To be more precise, I will further state that the name of the young lady is Nelly Baxter. Furthermore, having heard nothing from her for a long time, as she left school for a week's vacation at her home, without making excuse or returning as she had intended, to finish her term, I feel a good deal of anxiety, fearing she may have been taken ill, or some other thing happened, compelling her absence, as I know she felt much interested in the closing exer- cises, in which she was expected to take part as one of the graduating class. Are you, sir, acquainted with the young lady ? " Upon hearing these words, the young man started from his seat in mute surprise and no little agitated. " You an acquaintance of Nelly Baxter 1 You her schoolmate I " ejaculated he, in tones of so much won- THE GOVERNMENT CLERK. 81 der that the young lady regarded him with a look, as saying, " Aha, my friend, I've struck the keynote this timel" " No, Miss Foster, I can give you no information in regard to the lady of whom you speak, as I've not heard from her since coming to this city some months since ; in fact, no correspondence has passed between myself and any person in that State," Carrie Foster, the only daughter of the eminent judge, knowing of the attachment existing between Thomas Baxter's daughter Nelly and the young man with whom she was now conversing, had learned from her father, as she had said, that Duke Steele was in the Government employ at Montgomery ; and believing the opportunity had now arrived when she would be able to place her- self on an even footing with her former school rival, who had always received the honors to which she really believed herself legitimately entitled, this young lady, petted by her teachers, flattered and held up before the whole school as a model for the other girls to follow — yes, she would now get even with her ! " What a stroke of fortune ! I will flatter this young gentleman to his heart's content — he looks as if it would agree with him. Yes, and more, he shall fall in love with Judge Foster's elegant, fascinatingdaughter, and when that is an accomplished fact, pooh I it's such an easy matter to throw that fine fellow overboard, as I've so often done, and I've never found one yet but could swim. They like to win hearts just for the pleasure of breaking them. Wliat's sauce for the goose, etc. "We shall see if Miss Nelly Baxter don't rue the day she usurped the place my due, I the only daughter of one of the foremost judges of Alabama, while her father is simply a Vir- ginia planter." Thus soliloquised this beautiful, truly fascinating, though wholly unprincipled maiden, who, as these thoughts passed rapidly through her mind — a few min- utes' silence intervening — stood motionless, until at length she gave the young man a cordial invitation to call upon 6 82 THE GOVERNMENT CLERK. her at her home whenever convenience or inclination might dictate, closing the interview by the remark : " As you are a friend of my dear Nelly Baxter, I shall look upon you as almost an old acquaintance ; so come round — don't be formal." Thanking her for the invitation so very generously extended — at the same time wondering why, and at a loss to understand the meaning of the daughter of so dis- tinguished a citizen manifesting so great an interest in the welfare of an humble Government clerk — Duke expressed his satisfaction in words suited to the occasion, saying he would be only too happy to avail himself of the privilege so frankly accorded, especially when making the acquaintance of citizens of such unwonted social as well as political standing. It is possible there might have been a light vein of sarcasm underlying the words, yet scarcely probable ; for Duke Steele was of a highly susceptible nature, one of those characters in whom chivalry toward the oppo- site sex was thoroughly developed, and a warm defender of their rights ; and had it have been his fortune to be born several centuries earlier he would have no doubt emulated Don Quixiote in his chivalrous undertakings. Owing to the disturbed condition of both sections of the country there were at this time no mails, in fact, little communication with the North ; therefore it will be readily seen that Duke could have heard nothing concerning the fate of his friend Herman, much less the perilous situation in which he was placed. Neither had news of any kind reached him from his old home. Even his mother knew nothing of his whereabouts. In fact, with scarcely an exception — and that Nelly — everybody believed him the victim of his friend Herman's wrath. How quickly would he have flown to Herman's res- cue had he been aware of his precarious situation ! Aye, this victim of an inhuman conspiracy would have found in Duke a ready champion, for not a moment would have been allowed to pass ere he was on his way to defend the honor and good fame of his troubled friend. THE GOVERNMENT CLERK. 83 Carrie Foster, on the other hand, well knew the cir- cumstances attending Herman's arrest, but to have dis- closed them to Duke Steele would have seriously disar- ranged her well laid plans, if not entirely disposed of her infamous schemes. As self with the young lady was the one absorbing passion, all others must give way, no matter of how urgent a nature. CHAPTER XI. HERMAN SENTENCED TO DEATH. A FEW days having been pleasantly passed at the Baxter plantation, Ephraim Stroud disappeared as suddenly as he had previously appeared, disclosing to no one his intentions. Cyrus Jones still remained in ignorance, never for a moment suspecting the identity of the one with whom he had for so long a time been in close though secret correspondence. He gave him no further thought, other than in wonderment why he should have departed without in tlie least acknowledg- ing his host's kind and thoughtful attentions. The schoolmaster had, with all his skilled arts of intrigue and diplomacy, at last met his match ; one who while equally schooled in both the alcove accomplish- ments, was evidently possessed of a lesser degree of treachery. However, we will for a time leave these evil disposed characters, and direct attention to our friend Thomas Baxter, who in company with his daughter, had after a tedious journey, reached the point where was soon to be enacted a scene scarcely paralleled in the annals of modem jurisprudence. The morning of the tenth of August at length arrived, the eventful period so long and anxiously awaited. To the world, it opened bright and joyous ; to our sorely tried friends, cheerless. Clouds of crimson and gold heralded the rising sun, its beaming rays to some glad messengers 84 HERMAN SENTENCED TO DEATH. of hope, to others sadness and dread. The first to tho.se who had naught to fear from the well concealed treachery and deceit of their fellow-men ; the latter to those unfor- tunate ones so nearly bereft of hope. The hour draws near for the assembling of court. Citizens by tlie score are seen wending their way to the halls of justice, while unusual multitudes from the country round about, attracted by the strange spectacle, are hastening along the 'avenues leading to the city hall ; some in elaborate turnouts, others in nondescript vehicles, the grocery wagon, butcher's cart and farmer's wagon, filled with curious groups, hurrying on, while country- men on horse back, clad in homespun, ride in liot haste. The plow is silent and motionless in the furrow; the blacksmith's hammer no longer rings out in cheery tones ; the peripatetic vender of notions, whose brazen horn is wont to echo down the busy thoroughfare, is now a silent spectator of the scene ; in fine, the every day vocations of life are suspended as of secondary importance to the spectacle of a human life in jeopardy. The clock in the high church tower peals in solemn tones. Upon the appearance of the prisoner the entire audience arose as if by preconcerted movement, greeting him with rounds of applause, thus evidencing that what- soever opinion might be entertained as to his guilt or innocence, his dignified bearing and modest demeanor told largely in his favor. Turning and anxiously scanning the vast multitude, his eyes at length rested on the faces of his father and sister ; who in turn gazed on the one who so largely occupied their thoughts, the latter greeting him by fond looks and affectionate smiles, the former with affection tempered with melancholy. And now all things being in readiness, the first case on the docket, the State vs. Herman Baxter, was called by the clerk of the court. The preliminaries common to similar occasions concluded, the prosecuting attorney arose, taking position facing the jury. "Gentlemen of the jury," said he, "the case to be HERMAN SENTENCED TO DEATH. 85 tried, according to evidence presented for your considera- tion, demands strict attention, calm and disinterested judgment. In fact," continued the counsel, " I may say the case is one of the utmost importance, not only to ourselves and the vast multitude gathered here, but to the entire community, who are alike interested in mat- ters of law and order ; and I will further say, the object and enforcement of the penalties attached to crime in its general degrees, is not so much for the punishment of the guilty, as protection to the innocent — in short, to fully recognize the value placed on human life. When you lie down at night, or go abroad by day in the exer- cise of your various duties, you are to be protected in the enjoyment of your natural rights. This the law is presumed to do. Thus your desire at all times is the satisfaction of knowing that it stands ever ready with its safeguards thrown about your person and property, affording that protection to the life, limb, and proprie- tary interests of every well disposed citizen. The only known method of fulfilling or accomplishing the desired end, is to mete to the guilty the punishment prescribed by law. As the ' rain falls on the unjust, as well as on the just,' so in like manner does the law throw its pro- tection around every person, who must be presumed innocent until proven guilty. "You will therefore please pay strict attention to the evidence in the case introduced by both prosecution and defence, and that you may the more clearly understand the position taken by the State, I will briefly outline the course to be pursued, presenting the facts as far as they have come to our knowledge, which facts we shall attempt to prove by thoroughly reliable witnesses. I will also outline the theory, thus showing the probable cause of the crime and why committed. " It seems that on a certain evening in the month of May last, the accused, with his friend and room mate, while at their tables in their college room, either studying, writing or reading, were suddenly interrupted by a knock at the door, which upon being opened dis- 86 HERMAN SENTENCED TO DEATH. closed a female who at once entered, advancing to where the young men were sitting. When accosted with the question, ' What do you want ? ' she replied, ' Nothing.' Then followed the scene which will hereafter be detailed by an eye witness to the affair, called to prove the above statements. "Before doing this, however, I will take occasion to state the theory of the prosecution, briefly this : That a female, presumably a woman of the town, with whom both the young men had been intimate, neither one suspecting the other, appeared at their room. An alter- cation ensued, when the accused, overcome with shame, rage and jealousy, struck the victim a blow with a bar of iron, since found hidden in the apartment, caus- ing him to fall lifeless to the floor ; when remorse, coupled with fear of detection, led him some time during the night to remove the dead body, either burying it in some remote secluded place or sinking it in the river. " As thorough search has been made, the river dragged without revealing the remains, it is presumed measures have been taken in their disposal tending to make further disclosure doubtful. " The first and principal witness we shall call in evi- dence of the facts presented, as also the theory advanced, is a fellow-student, Ephraim Stroud, who will please come forward and be sworn." Upon this summons, the young man took a seat on the witness stand, when the oath was duly administered. It will be remembered that on the occasion of this man visiting tlie Baxter plantation, he was in disguise, going under an assumed name, so that upon his appear- ance now, neither Nelly nor her father in the least sus- pected him of being one whom they had so hospitably entertained. After the usual interrogatories as to residence, name and occupation, Stroud made substantially the same statement as outlined by the president of the college in the letter to Mr. Baxter. Corroborative evidence was furnished in the person of HERMAN SENTENCED TO DEATH. 87 a poor half-witted lad, in the employ of the students, performing menial work about the college rooms, who testified to nearly the same facts as the preceding "witness. Every effort made by defendant's counsel in cross-ex- amination failing to shake the testimony of either, the certainty of the prisoner's guilt was deemed conclusive. The plea now put forth and urged with all the power he could command by the prisoner's counsel, was not only in striving to establish his former unexceptional char- acter and unblemished reputation, it being deemed an utter impossibility that he could have been led to com- mit a crime of such magnitude ; yet if this were really the case, there must have been sufficient provocation, or else it was done in self-defense. This theory, however, it is needless to say, at once fell to the ground, there having been no eye witness to the affair, other than the alleged female ; who, according to Stroud's testimony, must have been present. But she had hopelessly disappeared. Therefore, circumstantial evidence only could be brought to bear to sustain defendant's theory. The examination concluded, the state's attorney made a lengthy argument, carrying conviction to both court and jury. He indulged in few sophistries, and less ora- torical effects, basing his argument on the evidence of Ephraim Stroud, and his co-partner in falsehood, the janitor. The Hon. John Richardson now came forward to plead for the life of the son of his old friend. Taking stand in front of the jury, it at once became noticeable that something out of the usual run had happened to the eminent lawyer, as he appeared feeble, careworn and dejected. His address was commenced, but in a hesitat- ing, disjointed manner, until after having uttered a few brief sentences, his form was seen to sway, until at length he fell helpless to the floor. He was immediately lifted in strong arms, and borne from the room by two court officers, followed by surprised 88 HERMAN SENTENCED TO DEATH. glances from the spectators, and the no less indignant ones of both Mr. Baxter and his astonished daughter, who now believed — as was truly so — the case hopeless. At this juncture, the colleague of Mr. Eichardson, Samuel Jenkins, came forward, briefly apologizing for his friend on the plea of being overcome by heat, and the foul air of the crowded hall. Taking stand, as his asso- ciate had previously, in front of the jury, he began a plea, energetic, forcible, and of masterly argument, realiz- ing the unwonted stake at issue and that the fate of his client now rested in his hands. However, the tide had set too powerfully against him to be overcome ; the plea came too late, as the sentiment of judge and jury, in fact the whole people, opposed him. Closing the address, he took a seat, the entire audience remaining in breathless suspense, until at length the judge arose, commencing his charge to the jury mainly by way of bringing to their notice points of law appli- cable to the case that might otherwise prove more or less obscure to their dull comprehension. The sheriff leading the way, the jurymen left their seats, filing out to hold consultation ; when after no more than a half-hour's delay, they returned, again resuming their former places. The judge addressing them, said : "Gentlemen of the jury, have you reached a verdict in the case just tried, the State vs, Baxter? " The foreman, rising, responded : " We have, your honor." Then he handed the judge a sealed packet, who passed it to the clerk, when that officer opening it, read aloud the following verdict : " We, the jury in the case, the State vs. Herman Bax- ter, on the charge of murder, do unanimously find a true verdict against defendant, of murder in the first degree." Upon hearing the verdict, Nelly Baxter sprang to her feet, in piteous accents crying, " It's false, it's false ! " Then she sank, panting and exausted. The long mental strain had been more than the poor girl could bear. Nelly was at once removed from the court-room, attended by HERMAN SENTENCED TO DEATH. 89 gentle loving hands, followed bj her broken-liearted father and the lively sympathies of the audience. The judge, attired in robes of black, now ordered the condemned man to rise, afterwards addressing him in the customary manner : " Prisoner at the bar, you have been tried by a jury of your peers, and what little evidence has been here adduced in your favor has failed to outweigh or shake that of the prosecution ; thus you are adjudged guilty by a jury sworn to do their whole duty, a jury doubtless fully competent, who after taking adequate time for its fulfillment, declare you guilty of the greatest of all earthly crimes — murder — the penalty — death. "What have you, sir, to say why sentence should not be pro- nounced upon you ? " "Your honor," replied the undismayed Herman, "I have but little to say. Yet as there is a just God, stand- ing as I do in the shadow of death, before whom you and I must some day meet, I solemnly protest my inno- cence of the crime, also against the great wrong done. And I will only further add that the testimony of the principal witness, Ephraim Stroud, is false — yea, more- over, false as hell, sir ; and if I go to my death, my blood rests upon his hands — my last words, as there is a God in heaven, who will be my judge, I am innocent." " Prisoner at the bar," said the judge, " it now only remains for me to pronounce upon you the sentence pre- scribed by law. You will be taken from this place to your cell within the County Jail, there to remain in soli- tary confinement until the fourteenth day of September, then between the hours of ten in the morning and four in the afternoon, you will suffer the penalty of your crime, being hung by the neck until you are dead — dead, and may God have mercy on your soul ! " Thus ended this trial, which had so aroused the feel- ings of the community ; some in sympathy for the con- demned youth, others believing the sentence just ; while the majority of the people cared little concerning the outcome of the trial, other than that it furnished food 90 HERMAN SENTENCED TO DEATH. for gossip, only too glad for something stirring and out of tlie usual run of aftairs to talk about. The prisoner was again conveyed to the jail, where he was placed in solitary confinement, under close and strict guard, until the arrival of the not distant day when he would be led forth to execution. Before leaving for their home on the Eappahannock, his father and sister called to bid him farewell, Nelly taking occasion to whisper in his ear : " My dear brother, be of good cheer. I will surely contrive in some way to cheat the gallows of its victim, and these bloodthirsty people the sight to which they look forward with so much satisfaction. So don't be downhearted ! your sister will bring you rescue 1 Keep up good courage ! " Then throwing her arms about his neck, she kissed him good-bye. The war on the Union, was now in vigorous prog- ress. Here was a victim. Let him escape the penalty due to Ills father's sins? Perish the thought 1 If these Southern brethren could be thus brought to their very doors, was it not much easier than to be com- pelled to hunt them on their own soil, " musket on shoulder," through the mountains and valleys of Vir- ginia, letting alone the great danger? The Richmond lawyers also took their departure for their homes. But what were the feelings of the Hon. John Richardson, who could now look upon himself only as the main cause of his client's defeat? Had he shown himself a man in this, the most critical moment of his friend's career, when so much depended upon hi^ well-known reputation as a skilled advocate, he might have borne the outcome of the trial with some show of resignation. What would Nelly, the innocent cause of his down- fall, think of him ? She could only regard -him in the light, not so much perhaps as a false friend, but an extremely weak one ; in fact, '* despise " would be a word most applicable in his case. HEKMAN SENTENCED TO DEATH. 91 The journey of our friends to their homes was quite uneventful. Nelly at once regained her usual self-con- tained manner and cheerful spirits, setting herself at work studying some plan whereby her brother could be saved the degradation of the gallows, at the same time striving by all the means lying in her power to keep her father from utterly sinking under the terrible blow, the impend- ing fate of his son, it seeming indeed at this time as if no earthly power could avail to stay the calamity. After several days' cogitation and deep thought, the brave girl came running one morning to her father's room, where the old gentleman sat brooding over his misfortune, crying out in loud joyous tones : " Papa, grieve no longer! I've discovered a way to save the life of brother Herman. It can and shall be done. So, papa, cheer up I Only rely upon your faith- ful daughter, who has never hitherto failed you in time of need." From this time on, Nelly went about her daily duties, happy in spirit and contented in mind. Thus the days flew swiftly by, each bringing nearer the dreaded day set for the public execution of her brother. The twelfth day of September had at length arrived. Meantime, workmen were busily engaged in the work of erecting a scaffold, in a remote corner of the jail, at some little distance from the prisoner's cell. This was located on the first or ground floor, the stoutly barred windows overlooking the prison yard, placed high in the solid stone wall ; however, scarcely difficult of access to one standing on a moderately tall ladder. At about the hour of ten on the following evening, while pacing back and forth on his lonely beat, his every thought engrossed on the coming event now so near at hand, wondering the while what had become of the alleged victim, Duke Steele, and if anything of a serious nature had really befallen him, Herman's attention was suddenly attracted by a noise proceeding from the grated window, evidently some one gently tapping thereat. 92 HERMAN SENTENCED TO DEATH, Keeping his eyes intently fastened to tlie point indi- cated, a small package was at length observed being passed between the grates, thence dropping to the floor. Still closely watching, in event of the guard noticing anything unusual, he hastily gathered up the parcel, depositing it under his bunk until a suitable time should arrive when it would be safe to examine the contents. The nightly guard would soon make the rounds. A few moments later he appeared, passing through the cell, noticing nothing of a suspicious nature. Meantime inquiring if the prisoner were in need of anything for the night, and being assured to the contrary, he bade the young man "Good-night," with the hope that he might enjoy a comfortable night's rest. Afterward, placing in position the heavy bar attached to the entrance, together with the customary bolts and chains, he left him alone to his solitary reflections, little understanding how much cause for thankfulness his prisoner had for being thus left. Again all became quiet, save that portion of the building whereat the scaffolding was being erected, the sounds of hammer and saw echoing through the recesses of the gloomy structure. At length convinced a suffi- cient period of time had expired to render it entirely safe, the prisoner unrolled the package, when great was his astonishment and no less measure of joy upon behold- ing the contents. These were two sharp files, a tiny bottle of lubricating oil, also a small piece of iron-tinted wax, while within was a note in a neat feminine hand, explaining the course to be pursued — none other than to work noiselessly, yet rapidly, in severing two of the bars, concluding by saying : " The workmen engaged in another part of the building are making so much uproar, the slight noise of filing will be entirely covered. After the bars are severed, replace and hide the joints by the wax. Furthermore, at twelve o'clock to-morrow night, leave the cell, carefully replacing the bars, then proceed to the little grove to the rear and at some distance from the prison grounds, where you will find means provided HEEMAN SENTENCED TO DEATH. 93 for your safety. Obey these instructions to the letter, at the same time place entire confidence in an unknown friend, and all will be well." Now wide awake, alert and active, Herman began the task of cutting the bars of the window, outside of which lay escape and liberty. Working carefully, the little sound made by the rasping file was drowned by the saws and hammers of the workmen. The time was so faithfully employed, that ere the hour of midnight, one bar was in his hand. The guard had said, previous to leaving as presumed for the night : "I am instructed by the sheriff to call again at twelve o'clock, but I will make as little noise as possible, so that your slumbers may not be disturbed." The now thoroughly happy prisoner replaced the tools under his bunk, then lay down as if to sleep, throwing the blankets over his body. Thus upon the appearance of the jailer at the appointed hour, his pris- oner was evidently soundly sleeping. So after carefully examining the cell, he noiselessly disappeared, when the young man rose from his couch, regained possession of his priceless treasures, and then bent his every energy to the task drawing so near to completion, well knowing he would not be again disturbed in his occupation before early dawn. Yet before that time had arrived, in his hand lay the last bar to freedom. Replacing and anointing both the severed bars at the seams with the remainder of the wax — so neatly done, be it said, that a practiced eye would have been required to discover they had been tampered with — he undressed, retiring again to his bunk, awakening only at the voice of the jailer summoning him to breakfast. The unwonted labor of the night had given him an unusually good appetite, so he ate a hearty meal, greatly to the satisfaction of the kind-hearted jailer ; who, it must be owned, had during the time in which he had been in charge, conceived a strong liking for his pris- oner ; and who, now that the expected execution was so near at hand, he felt would be greatly missed, 94 THE prisoner's escape. CHAPTER XII. THE prisoner's ESCAPE. AGAIN it is night; ten o'clock; streets deserted, save now and again a belated pedestrian, silently passing, gazes with mournful interest on the massive gray walls towering high in the gloom, with mind intent on the fate of the lonely watcher at the barred window — the last night his eyes shall evermore behold nature's glories as pictured in the starry vault aloft. At a half hour before midnight, an aged negress might have been seen coming down the street. Arriving near the jail, the old and seemingly decrepit woman abruptly halted, meantime gazing aloft at the massive structure, evidently in the act of gratifying a natural curiosity peculiar to the race. From an arm depended a market basket, from the basket protruded a head of cabbage, a couple of bunches of beets, several others of turnips onions and the like, while crowning all, were the necks of two suspicious appearing bottles. The prison officials, a pair of roughly clad, burly speci- mens, stationed near to the entrance, were observed lazily reclining on a bench near the gateway. Noticing the approach of the old woman, and thinking to have some fun at her expense by a little judicious chaflang, thus tending to relieve the monotony of their tedious occupation, both rose to their feet, one remarking : "I say, Pete, here comes an old market woman." " Rutiier singular she's out this time o' night." " That's er fact, Jim." "I say, ol' mammy, wot yer got in that there bas- ket? " questioned Pete. " Nothin' fo' yo', ol' man. Jess sum market doins fo' Massa Blakeslee's folks." THE prisoner's ESCAPE. 96* " Ain't it purty late ter be a comin' from market, mammy ? " " Wall, yer see, I war down to ol' Mammy Sikes', an' she lowed es how thar war goiu' ter be a haugin'-bee termorrer, an' we mout as well have a little blow out. So Mam Sikes, she sot out a bottle or two of Jamaica, the real stuff it war too, dat I can tol' yer." " Got any in the basket, old woman i* " " Wha' yo' talkin' 'bout ? Tmk I don' carry ol' Ja- maica 'bout in a baskit, long o' garden truck ? Wha' yo' tak' me fo', ol' man ? " " Well, ol' mammy, don't yer go ter gittin' mad erbout it. It's kinder cold an' lonesome fur me an' Jim, settin' out here all night, watchin' that young feller wot's goin' ter stretch hemp termorrer ; an' tber's no call fer it either, fur he's fas' ter sleep, an' won't wake fore morn- in'. They never do. They allers sleeps tlier night afore. But I say, mebbe thar's a drop left, and a little Jamaica won't do me an' Jim no hurt. So open up, ol' woman, mebbe thar's a smell anyhow." At this the old negress began to hobble off, seemingly in great haste ; but Pete, catching the basket from her arm, drew out one of the bottles, which proved to be pretty well filled with what appeared "the real old stuff'." Pull- ing out the cork and applying his nose to the mouth of the bottle, he gave a joyous shout. " I say, Jim, here's nuft' fur a good squar' drink all round, so here goes." Then taking a long, hearty pull, he handed the bottle to his mate. Jim, following Pete's example, nearly drained the bot- tle of its remaining contents, the poor old negress, meanwhile, wringing her hands in great anguish of spirit, saying : " Ol' Massa Blakeslee don hab to go 'thout his mornin' bitters, and he'll gib me dredful scoldin', dat he will. I'se mos' afraid to go hom', dat I is." Then taking up her despoiled basket, with the remark, " Yo' uns will be sorry yo' don play dis mean trick on po' ol' colored woman," she sauntered away. 9(5 THE peisoner's escape. Could Pete and Jim have seen the peculiar and pleased expression on the " po' ol' colored woman's " face, they would have had their suspicions aroused that all in this world "is not as it seems," " I say, Pete, that warpurty good liker, but confound it — I feel so queer — I'm blest ef I ain't sleepy. I say, Pete, let's have a nap. The young feller'd be all rite, but look here, Pete " Here Jim slid from his seat to the ground, mumbling, "Purty good liker, purty goo " ending in a long- drawn snore. Pete was now in the same predicament, the old Ja- maica affecting him in a similar manner. So after vainly endeavoring to keep his perpendicular, he fell prone to the ground, where both were found lying unconscious by the relief-guard at sunrise. The clock in the church tower strikes twelve. The city is asleep, the prisoner's guard also. There is nothing to disturb the stillness of the night, or the unconscious men's slumber, save the swiftly running waters of the river, now swollen by late heavy rains, and the closing for the night of the many factories lining its banks, thus adding largely to its volume. No thought of the escape of the prisoner was indulged by the sheriff or his assistants, who that they might be found fresh and in good trim for the performance of the arduous and no less solemn duties of the day, had retired at an early hour of the evening, giving the guard strict injunctions not to lose sight of the prisoner for a single moment, but to exercise vigilance and watchfulness in the discharge of their duties until relieved in the early morning. How well and thoroughly they obeyed these instructions, the sheriff was to discover to his cost before many hours should have elapsed. The gallows, completed, had been thoroughly tested with satisfactory results, and nothing seemed wanting to the performance of the last sad act in the drama of Her- man Baxter's brief life. Kot only the citizens, but also the people of the neigh- THE prisoner's ESCAPE. 97 boring districts, had retiied to their couches on this night, in the anticipation of witnessing on the morrow a spectacle seldom seen in that region, the judicial execu- tion of a fellow-being. Therefore it will not be a maiter of wonder that before the rising of the sun, the highways leading to the city should be thronged with people. Five o'clock — six — another long hour, and the great bell in the tall church tower pealed, in solemn tones, the hour of seven, echoed by scores of loud, shrill-sounding whistles from factory and mill, summoning the lagging- workmen to their daily toil. But what means this unwonted commotion around the outer gateway of the jail, the sheriff flying in such ex- cessive haste from his house to its precincts, while the shout goes up from jail officials: "The prisoner has escaped ! " ? But how ? The fastenings, bolts, bars and chains of the stoutly constructed gateway are found, upon exam- ination, intact. Even the bars of the grated window are all in place. People gather in knots on the street comers, eager for the news. Can it be possible the pris- oner has escaped I the gallows robbed of its victim I the spectators of the expected scene cheated of the sight I Yea, after so much labor and trouble in coming so far, rising so early, and all for naught. " To horse, to horse 1 " cries the overexcited sheriflf. " The culprit cannot be far awaj — we must ride him down ! " Ere a few moments pass, mounted men ride from street and avenue, out on the highways leading to the country, while the story passes from group to group : " The guards were found sleeping, or stupified from being drugged," — " or dead drunk," exclaims another, — "so that even at this late hour they have scarcely re- gained their senses, anyhow only just enough to say, an old market woman, and a nigger at that, had induced them to try a drop of old Jamaica about midnight." However, whatsoever the circumstances, it was quite evident there would be no hanging this day ; so the mul- 98 THE prisoner's escape. titude, very raucli against their will, was compelled to return on the homeward route, greatly cast down at the unlooked for result of the early morning adventure. Howbeit, the old market woman, when on the point of leaving the precincts of the jail, the guard hilarious over their good fortune in thus securing the coveted drinks, commented on the loss of " Massa Blakeslee's mornin' dram," meantime increasing her gait until at some distance, when she came to a stand under the drooping branches of a large chestnut. Dropping the basket to the ground, then peering through the thickly clustered leaves, she at length uttered an exclamation of joy upon perceiving a young man standing at the head of an old mule, evidentlj^ waiting the arrival of some one unknown. Picking up the basket and hasten- ing to his side, she exclaimed in joyous tones: " Brother Herman ! Thank God, you are here I the means of escape are at hand." " My God, Nelly, is this you, and in this disguise ? Really, I took you for a negro market woman ; but the voice, yes, 'tis that of my dear sister, brave girl that you are 1 " Then clasping her in his arms in a tender, affectionate embrace, he murmured in trembling accents, " How can I ever repay you for such devotion ! " " My dearest brother," replied Nelly, " it's now past midnight. I have so effectually stupefied the guards they cannot possibly awake, nor their condition become known before the break of day. Yet time is precious, you must prepare to leave and that at once. In the saddle- bags strapped to the back of the mule, are the means for your escape." Then unbuckling a leather sack, and taking therefrom a number of questionable looking garments, she soon had him rigged out in appearance not unlike a genuine Hibernian ; a shock headed tow wig, whiskers of a red- dish hue, and a bottle containing a fluid which upon ap- plication gave his complexion a sunburned aspect ; cloth- ing suitable to the character he was to assume, heavy corduroy breeches, gray flannel shirt, coarse blouse, un- THE prisoner's ESCAPE. 99 gainly cowhide boots, into the legs of which were tuck- ed the corduroys, and when all complete, he appeared more perfectly disguised even than his sister. This toilet finished, he really looked so much like the character he was to assume that Nelly, notwithstanding the gravity of the situation, could scarcely repress a shout of laughter. Her only words were : " Herman, you'll do. But, . pray don't forget your nam6, Michael Dempsey, or for short, 'Mike.' Now, let's hear you answer to it." " Well now, an' faith Misthress O'Toole, Michael Demp- sey niveryet did turn his back 'pon so shuate an' illigant a lady as yer'sel, an' ef Oi moight be soi bowld as to shtale wan shmall kiss from yer purty hps, shure an' I'd go me way carryin' the mimory o' yer handsom' face wid me to the ind o' the world." " That's it, brother, you'll make a fine Irishman, yet I am very sorry to say we must not tarry longer. A long farewell, and may God in his infinite mercy care for and bless you, my dear, dear brother! How long this separation may be, God only knows ; but under all cir- cumstances, keep up your courage, and let us both put our whole trust and dependence upon Him 'who doeth all things well.' " Mounting his sorry looking beast, and with another good-bye, Herman rode away, but not until his sister had given him full instructions in regard to his future movements, that he must be sure to follow, as everj'-.- thing now depended on his maintaining the character as- sumed, that of an Irish lad traveling for both pleasure and profit — the pleasant part, riding through and seeing the country ; the profit, that of looking for a job. " You need," she continued, " appear to be in no haste, riding leisurely and carelessly along, examining every- thing falling in your way, as though the portion of coun- try through which you are traveling was wholly new to you. At the same time you must expect to be followed and overtaken, and when questioned as to your identity, means of livelihood and place of residence, reply in a 100 THE PURSUIT. cool, self-possessed manner, betraying no uneasiness or suspicion of anything being out of the usual way, either by look, speech or manner, and under every circum- stance and in all places be careful in maintaining the incognito of an Irishman, Michael Dempsey." Then she passed him a well-filled purse, sufficient, as she said, to defray his expenses for a considerable time, or at least until something should turn up in his favor, enabling him to return or communicate with his friends and home. CHAPTER XIII. THE PURSUIT. IT was now eight o'clock in the morning. The sun had risen, its warm rays veiled with fleecy clouds, serenely floating in the still atmosphere, soon however to be dissipated as the orb of day rose higher in the heavens. Herman had ridden during the long hours of the night in a leisurely manner, partly as a precautionary meas- ure, yet largely from necessity, the present condition and past servitude of the animal he bestrode greatly hinder- ing rapid movement, his thoughts meanwhile dwelling on his escape. The sharp clatter of rapidly falling hoofs was now borne to his ear, when turning, he beheld a group of horsemen, four in number, approaching at a swift gait. Well understanding the character and errand of these men, riding in such haste, he leisurely turned the mule to one side, as if to let them pass unnoticed. A few moments later they reached his side, the foremost rider, the stout burly form of the county sheriff, followed by three well-known townsmen. Bringing their panting steeds to a sharp halt, the sheriff accosted the young Irishman, thus questioning : THE PURSUIT. 101 " My friend, may I take the liberty of inquiring who you are, where from, and the nature of your business ? In the meantime, possibly you will not deem it deroga- tory to the character of your beast, to kindly ask how many miles he is capable of traveling, say in a day's journey ? " The good- natured officer of the law was evidently in a mood to chaff the rider concerning his sorry looking mule. "One other question. Have you during your pilgrimage, met anyone answering to the description of an escaped prisoner from Chester County Jail, at some hour during the past night, the precise time not known ? " " Bedad now, sor, I does be thinkin' yez bees axin' Michael Dempsey, Esq., a gude mony questions all to wonst. An, yer 'Oner, as I wouldn't b^ decavin' yez in the laist perticular, I will only say that beins I've tould yez me name bees Michael Dempsey, and I bees a roidin' down the counthry a short bit, more fur me own plaisurethon ony body ilse, and maybe at the same toime lookin' fur a bit o' wurk an' a coozin on me mither's side, who as I've been tould lives hereabouts, an' I've coomed from beyant the town, as lies over on the ither soide of the mountin, an that I did be seein' a mon goin' through the woods beyant the hill an hour or more agoin' an sor " " Hold, Mr. Dempsey," cries the sheriff, " your tongue is longer than your mule's tail, though that's nothing to brag of. But may be you can tell us whether the man you saw going through the woods was afoot or on horse- back ? " " He wor nather ther wan or the ither, sor, he war runnin' " *' Boys," said the now delighted sheriff, "that's the man sure, for Mr. Dempsey says he was running. — Was he making fast time, Michael?" " He wor, sor, as though the divil wor afther him." "You say you saw him about an hour since? " "I did, sor." "Well, men," said the sheriff, "we will leave this 102 THE PURSUIT. Irish lad to go on his way, and start again in pursuit of the prisoner." The highway taken by the sheriff ran at right angles with the one Herman was pursuing, who now that this menacing danger was safely passed, took heart, and with renewed courage proceeded on his way, nothing further to molest or give him inconvenience, until at nightfall he found himself nearing a little hamlet, its name unknown, as this was his first visit to this part of the country. As it was eminently necessary to keep his person thor- oughly disguised, yet more perhaps to maintain the appearance and character of an Irishman, for the country for scores of miles in every direction would be closely scanned, he rode boldly to the town, drawing rein at a small inn on the outskirts. Here the Irishman gave his mule to the keeping of the landlord, with the injunction that he be treated in a Christianlike manner, and after a thorough cleansing, removing the dust gathered by the heated ride of the day, the cheery tones of the supper bell fell on his ear, a most welcome sound. Immedi- ately entering the dining-room, he found a generous spread, in fact a more than usually tempting meal, await- ing him, presided over by a good-looking and apparently intelligent Irish lass, to whom he gave kindly greeting, and who in turn attended to his wants with all the zeal he could well desire. After having finished his supper, our traveler took from his pocket a short, black pipe, having filled and lighted which, he thought to take a stroll about the town. He soon noticed a group of villagers, evidently laboring under some unusual excitement, assembled about a tall post, designed as a support to a bill board for the use of the public. These people were studying a large placard, placed in position a short time previous where all could read it with little trouble. Sauntering leisurely along, he was accosted by one of the group, who remarked to him : "Do you see that, sir? " "See what?" said the Irishman. THE PURSUIT. 103 " Why, sir, the devil's to pay, as you'll agree to if you'll take the trouble to read that notice just posted on the ■Um Vvr^Qrr^ " bill board. " i j i x So making his way through the throng gathered about, Herman halted in front of the placard, and read the fol- lowing significant words : "PUBLIC NOTICE. "Be it hereby known, that on the evening preceding the fourteenth day of September, between the hours of midnight and daybreak of the day appointed for his execution, the condemned criminal, one Herman Baxter, did ,by some unknown means, escape from Chester County Jail, State of Connecticut, and that I, Obed Styles, sherift" of said County, do enjoin and command, by virtue of the power conferred by law, every person to whom the above facts shall become known, to assist in apprehending any suspicious character, wherever seen, or any one who may bear resemblance to the said escaped prisoner. ^ (Signed) "Obed Styles." *' Faith, but that's a quare notice I How's ony mon to know the resamblance of ony suspected or ither person to the escaped bye? Bedad, is it by the cut of his jib or the cut of his clothes ? Does they offer ony reward ? " reading a little further—" ' and the sum of five hundred dollars, lawful currency, will be paid to the person or persons so apprehending the said Herman Baxter if liv- ing, or producing the body if dead.' Shure byes, I'd ruther be livin' nor did, af I wor the mon their afther, for if did they moit hav the body widout ony reward." 104 Herman's futher adventures. CHAPTER XIV. Herman's further adventures. r flHIS public notice, signed by the sberifif of Chester i County, naturally created an unwonted degree of sensation in the little town, for here was an opportunity to secure quite a fortune. " ' Five hundred dollars, lawful currency ! ' What do they mean, Jim ? " said one. " Why, good money, I 'spose," said the man so inter- rogated, " an' a good bit o' money too." Little did either these simple-minded villagers, or the no less unsophisticated crowd of country yokels, suspect the escaped criminal, for whose " person if living, or body if dead," was offered the munificent sum of five hundred dollars, "lawful currency," even now stood in their midst ; and it required all the nerve and coolness of which the young man was possessed, to so successfully control his emotions as to maintain the part he was play- ing. Sauntering carelessly along, gradually drawing away from the crowd, constantly increasing in number, he at length ventured a parting shot. "Phin yez find the escaped prisoner, byes, sind Michael Dempsey, Esquire, word, an' he's the lad wull tak' the hide off his back, and put the money in his pocket, as weel; an' ef in me thravels I does be coom- ing acrass the villain, I'll do the same by yez, an' to phrove phat I sais, coom over to Hans' sthore an' hev a pot o' peer." Upon hearing this generous offer a dozen or more of the thirsty ones accepted the invitation, proceeding with little delay — to the store, when the Irishman called to the proprietor to put on tap a keg of the choicest brew. " Now," said the generous- hearted stranger, ** as I bes Herman's future adventures. 105 aa Irishmaa, au' yez a Dootcliinan, I say byes, three cheers for the Dootchman," which being given with a will, a second keg was ordered, when three times three and a tiger went up in chorus for the Irishman, thus putting him on good and friendly footing with the entire assemblage — just what he most desired. Then say- ing, " good-night to yez, byes, an' gude luck go wid yez in finding the mon," Herman returned to the inn. Worn and weary from the unusual mental strain con- sequent upon striving to carry out the scheme, aa also the physical discomfort of the day's jou/ney, Herman called for a r.oom, immediately retiring. He was soon in sound slumber, from which he awoke only on sum- mons to breakfast ; yet previous to taking a seat at the table, he repaired to the stable to see that his mule was being properly cared for. Eeturning, he ate a hearty meal, and was then in readiness for another prospective day's journey. He then tendered to the landlord money in payment for both himself and companion, as also the thanks of the latter, whose greatly improved appearance suggested the idea that were the animal the one formerly in possession of Balaam, or even one possessed of like accomplishments as to gift of speech, the mule would have personally attended to the matter, requiring no assistance. Bidding the host good-morning, Herman resumed his travels, arriving on the evening of the third day at a little hamlet in the vicinity of the city of New York. He put up at a hostlery, thinking it prudent to remain secluded for a few days, thus being enabled to look about without incurring the risk of coming into collision with detectives, who he well knew were on his track, yet who would most naturally expect to find him in the thronged streets of a large city. 106 FORTUNES OF DUKE STEELE. CHAPTER XV, FORTUNES OF DUKE STEELE. WE now return to Duke Steele, finding him sitting at his desk in the Government office at Mont- gomery, assiduous in the performance of his duties, yet wholly oblivious to the fate of his friend, or the every- day affairs of the college. Communications between the North and South were cut off, therefore no word having reached him, he remains as one dead to friend and foe alike, keeping on the even tenor of his way, performing every duty assigned him in an acceptable manner. Meantime, the judge's daughter, Carrie Foster, has striven with might and main to cultivate the friendship of the gentlemanly Government employe ; at the outset merely to gratify a feeling of revenge against her old schoolmate, Nelly Baxter, the affianced of Steele. But now affairs have materially changed, rather the feelings of Carrie have altered, as now in place of revenge against Nelly, it is love for Duke ; for deny as she may, or even fight against it, the fact still remains that she is hope- lessly in love with the gifted young clerk. Duke Steele, believing as he honestly did that from the lofty plane of honor on which Nelly Baxter ever stood, she could scarcely give him further thought, or if so, would simply despise his ignoble conduct in turning his back on his best friends, without a thought of the suffering thus entailed, or word of explanation, it would not seem strange under these circumstances that he should give some attention to the fascinating Carrie Foster; yet would he but take into consideration all that he now was, and all the future might have in store, realizing these were wholly due to the generosity of Thomas Baxter, the father of Nelly, he must needs think FORTUNES OF DUKE STEELE. 107 twice ere falling into the trap so adroitly set by the fair though thoroughly unscrupulous maiden. Yet put one's self in his place. A poor youth, 'tis true ; in material things alone, however, for he was possessed of a noble nature, combined with rare gifts of intellect, high resolve, worthy ambition and an unsullied honor. In contrast, a maiden scarce eighteen years of age, of graceful form and beautiful features, rich masses of raven hair falling about a shapely head, lips full and ripe, eyes dark and deep as night, voice low and soft, the daughter of one of Alabama's most wealthy citizens, paying him court. Who then shall wonder or doubt the power capable of being wielded by this lovely siren over the heart and mind of a youth more than ordinarily susceptible to the influence of female charms ; and that, too, at a period of his life when cut off from the companionship of friends heretofore held so dear ! At this juncture of affairs, the Government clerk was offered a commission in a cavalry regiment, now being organized, composed principally of the sons of wealthy Alabama planters. This regiment, the first recruited in the State for this branch of the service, made up almost wholly of the elite of Southern chivalry, was most natu- rally regarded with no little envy by those who from a more lowly station, were debarred the privilege of enlist- ing in its ranks. Thus a spirit of perhaps well-founded jealousy was aroused, causing a considerable amount of hard feeling among this latter class of citizens. Great then was the wonder among the young men of a walk in life similar to that of Duke Steele, that he, of them all, should be selected, not only as an associate and equal of these haughty scions of Southern chivalry, but at the same time, be honored with a commission for which others in the possession of wealth, social standing and influence, had striven in vain. However, the solution of the problem was not diffi- cult. The judge's daughter had solicited this appoint- ment from her father, well knowing his influence could overbear that of others in a similar station of life to his 108 FORTUNES OF DUKE STEELE. own, and where they had failed, he was nearly sure to succeed. As he seldom ignored or set aside as of little consequence any favor asked by his only and well be- loved daughter, neither did he in this instance. Duke Steele received the commission, not only without hesita- tion, but it might be added with a large measure of sat- isfaction, as it raised him at one bound to an equality with those high-born wealthy aspirants to military rank, fame and honor; not only this, but also to the social prominence enjoyed by the gifted young lady, who would, from this time on, be enabled to extend him invi- tations to the select circle in which she moved as the central orb around which circled many satellites ; in the meantime, placing him in a position largely dependent upon her good will, thus keeping him within the environ- ment of her magic charms. So it came about that whenever a more than usually interesting social gather- ing was to be held, Duke received an invitation, not however as the lowly Government clerk, but as Lieu- tenant Steele, First Alabama Cavalry, This was a state of aft'airs not only acceptable, but quite flattering to the vanity natural to one of his age and temperament ; so from enjoying the patronage of this aristrocratic lady, he was a welcome guest at every social entertainment to which he was invited. The regiment, now fully recruited, organized, officered and equipped, would soon take the field; so a grand reception was to be held for a general leave-taking by the families, relatives and friends of the regiment, as also those well disposed citizens who felt sufficient interest in its welfare to be present regardless of caste or social standing. An elaborate dinner was to be served by the ladies of the city, more especially for the members of the regiment, the invited guests merely to share the festivi- ties of the occasion, without partaking of the refresh- ments provided, as it was considered too great a task to furnish food for the multitude expected to be present. Special invitations were to be extended to the families of wealth and social prominence, not only in the city, FORTUNES OF DUKE STEELE. 109 but throughout the State, as this was expected to be the grand gala event of the season, but little thought being given to the dangers to which these sons, lovers and brothers were soon to be exposed. Enthusiasm ran high as preparations for the greatest event in the history of the city were beiug rapidly pushed, the ladies vicing in mutual strife to excel in choice productions of the more substantial articles of food, while lily hands and dehcate fingers were for the first time busy in mixture of cake and pudding. The day at last arrived when the brave soldier boys were to be entertained, then to say the last sad farewell to home and friends. At the close of the entertainment a ball was to be held — an elaborate aft'air, its equal never before witnessed by the people of the city. The day passed harmoniously, nothing occurring to mar the festivities of the occasion ; and taking it as a whole, it might well be considered a grand success, all that could be desired. The evening shades draw nigh. Beauty, wealth, chivalry, all combined were there, while the fine regimental band executed their choicest selections of music. No like company ever before assembled within the precincts of this beautiful city, officers in military costume, the ladies in flowing silks and satins. The ball now opened to the melodious strains of the band. In due time Lieutenant Steele entered, passing down the long hall, the beautiful daughter of Judge Fos- ter on his arm. Advancing, they secured place for the opening dance, the tall, manly form of the lieutenant showing to the best advantage in his brilliant uniform, the lady in rich shimmering crimson silk, while every eye was fixed upon them, some in admiration, others in envy tinctured with jealousy, while one pair of dark eyes gleamed forth venom and deadly hate. Nearly the whole company were well acquainted with the judge's daughter, while the lieutenant was a compar- ative stranger. The question passed freely from mouth to mouth : 110 FORTUNES OF DUKE STEELE. " Who is this young soldier? " It was answered by an officer of the same regiment, Cyril Blanch ard, son of a prominent and wealthy citizen, who sneered : " Only a poor clerk, late in employ of the Government ; yet now it seems, a favorite of fortune. Aye, a suitor for the hand of one of the most beautiful and fascinating of Montgomery's daughters." Then to himself he mut- tered : " I'll bring this plebeian upstart down to the level he is so much better fitted to adorn, and the one to which he naturally belongs. Yes, I'll teach him not to aspire to a station to which he is so little entitled either by birth or fortune. Carrie once admitted that she loved me, that I was the chosen of her heart. Now she throws me over for this conceited proud coxcomb, yet the game is far from being played out," The night was not only dark, but unusually warm and sultry; still theidance went on, little thought being given to the heated atmosphere within, except perhaps in the case of the lieutenant and his lovely companion, who as a matter of prudence deemed it wise to seek the cooler air without. So upon finishing the quadrille in which they had been engaged. Lieutenant Steele proposed a stroll through the adjacent grounds. They soon found themselves nearing an arbor entirely screened from view by thick masses of closely woven vines. Entering and taking seats, they gave themselves up to the mutual feelings of love so closely entwining their hearts. " Lieutenant Steele," remarked the young lady, " on the morrow you leave me. Will it be to return strong, well and handsome as now ? or — Oh ! Duke, I shudder when contemplating the dangers to which you will be exposed, and through which you will be called upon to pass 1 " Passing an arm around her supple form, imprinting a warm passionate kiss on the full ripe lips, Duke ejacu- lated : " My dearest love, I trust my life may be spared to you ; and while not needlessly exposing myself, I shall THE SCENE CHANGES, 111 hope to be ever found in the front rank, doing my duty as befits a soldier and well- wisher of his country, and with my command opposing a bold front to the enemy, no matter what the danger. You, the beloved of my heart, the daughter of a patriotic and esteemed father, could scarcely wish it otherwise. No, you could not, I am sure, desire that in order to escape danger, or with my life even, I should turn my back to the foe." " No, Duke," the girl simply replied, " but don't, for my sake, expose yourself rashly or needlessly. Promise me this much, won't you ? " During the whole time this scene was being enacted, a baleful pair of eyes were its witnesses ; or if not seeing, eager ears were listening to the words of love. The eavesdropper was none other than the young officer, Cyril Blanchard, who, following them from the ball-room, had remained in hiding in the rear of the arbor, a silent and unsuspected listener. Finally, overcome with rage and jealousy, he forced his way to the retreat ; where, con- fronting his brother officer, he struck him a stinging blow in the face, accompanying it with the most insult- ing expressions. At the instant, Lieutenant Steeles prang to his feet, when drawing his sword, there followed the scene pictured at the beginning of our story. CHAPTER XVI. THE SCENE CHANGES. l^rOTICE. — Wanted — Sixty sailors to man a ves- 1 ^ sel lately constructed and nearly ready for sea. Seamen from Southern ports desired, as the desti- nation of the vessel is that of Southern seas and low latitudes. Ages must range from twenty-five to forty years. Recommendations for the position, thorough seamanship, sound health, good mental abilities and a general knowledge of the requirements of a large ship. 112 THE SCENE CHANGES. "Eendezvous, No. 210 South Water Street, New York citj, where candidates must needs apply, and where competitive examinations will determine the choice. " Also wanted — seventy-five young men, age not less than twenty nor above thirty -five years ; service, that of marines on board the same vessel ; rendezvous, same street and number, and Avhere competitive exami- nation will be observed in like manner. " Sons of Southern families will in each case be given the preference, as better adapted to tbe service required, " A ship's clerk is also wanted. The applicant must be a young man of good education and of fair mental ability. " Applicants for any of the said positions must regis- ter not later than the thirtieth of the present month. "Dated this 20th day of August, 1861. (Signed) "Jonathan Perkins," The above notice appeared in the columns of the New York Herald and Charleston Mercury simultaneously, on the twenty-first day of August. Upon his second visit to the city of New York, our traveler and escaped prisoner, Herman Baxter — having previously exchanged his old and highly esteemed friend the mule, in consideration of one, week's board, an ar- rangement consummated with the proprietor of the inn at the suburban hamlet — provided himself with a suit of ready-made clothing, purchased at a store on Chatham Street; then throwing off the disguise of an Irishman, he re-disguised himself in full beard and flowing locks of shining black hair. Thus neatly clad and personat- ing the name and character of Charles St. Clair, a young man of wealth and station, he boldly trod the thronged streets, until reaching a public-house, he entered and making his way to the reading-room, there penned an order purporting to come from the Irish lad, "Michael Dempse}', Esquire, the mon who niver towld a loie, sor,'' transferring the order for " wan wake's boord," explain- THE SCENE CHANGES. 113 ing when tendering the same to the landlord, Ezekiel Hickey, that Michael, an old friend, had secured a job, and having no further need of board and lodging out- side the city, had sold it at a discount. *' So now, sir," he continued, " if all's right, I will take possession of his room, and remain the balance of the week." " Very well, sir," said the accommodating landlord, who could see nothing out of the way in the transaction, little suspecting this sleek, well-dressed gentleman and Michael Dempsey, o' the Dempseys, " Whom one might roast on hot gridirons an' they niver prevaricate, sor," were one and the same. Eeturning to the city on the following morning, he roamed aimlessly about for a while, until finding him- self in front of the Brevoort House, he entered, think- ing to take a few minutes' rest. In the meantime, casually glancing through a file of the morning papers, his eye chanced to light on the notice inserted by Jon- athan Perkins in the Herald, requiring the service of sea- men, marines and ship's clerk. " Well," he exclaimed, upon finishing the reading, "here's something that might suit me. In fact, I am sure it couldn't be better, and I will enter my name on the register for the position. Yes, I'll apply for the posi- tion of ship's clerk." Accordingly, on the twenty-fifth of August, he wended his way to the rendezvous, No. 210 South Water Street, where the examination was then under way. Greatly to his surprise, an unwonted number of candi- dates were in waiting, hundreds being gathered about the halls and corridors of the great building, while expectant groups clustered throughout portions of the grounds and avenues, anxiously discussing the possibil- ities of success or failure, nature of service demanded and destination. Meanwhile the clerk of the board called the names of applicants as they appeared on the reg- istration list, each taking the proper place when so noti- fied, the questions propounded being length of service 7 114 THE SCENE CHANGES. on board ship, physical and mental endowments, when if deemed satisfactory, the candidate was turned over to the surgeon in charge for physical examination ; in this last particular, subjected to the most rigid scrutiny. While only sixty sailors and seventy-five marines were required, it would most naturally occur to one's mind that out of the several hundred applicants, a large number must necessarily meet with disappointment, a fact tend- ing to much mental anxiety to ihose in waiting. The examinations for both sailors and marines con- cluded, Charles St. Clair was called, his name heading the list for the position of ship's clerk. Upon his name being announced, Herman Baxter should have immedi- ately answered ; yet not having become accustomed to the alias, he gazed around in stolid unconcern, seemingly unaware of being the individual in question. No one replying, the clerk repeated the name in louder tones, adding that should no one present respond, the name would be erased from the Hst without further waiting. At this juncture a gentleman standing nigh, touched the unconscious candidate on the shoulder, pleasantly remarking : " I believe you are the person in question. Am I in the right, sir? " " Oh ! yes, thank you, sir, for so kindly reminding me. The fact of the matter is I was absorbed in far away thoughts," and now recognizing in the gentleman an offi- cial connected with the examining board, he continued : " Pardon me, sir, for my seeming indifterence to the call ! " Then, without further ado, Herman pushed his way through the dense masses blocking the entrance, taking the position pointed out by one of the board. He was followed by the curious, and as he imagined, significant glances of a number of the spectators. For, be it known, his hesitation in not immediately answering to the sum- mons had nearly proved fatal, for detectives were yet on his track, the search by no means being discontinued, the large reward offered by the sheriff" stimulating many THE SCENE CHANGES. 115 well -disposed persons, who otherwise would have scarcely given the subject further thought. Thus a number of well-known detectives were at this moment on the ground, the most trivial, out-of-the-way incident serv- ing to keep their keen wits on the alert. Thus had the candidate for ship's clerk allowed himself any unnatural move, or gesture even, serving in the least to betray his incognito, he would have been placed under the ban of suspicion, if not actual arrest. The examination was now begun and carried forward in a most rigid manner. His birth and present place of residence, occupation, general qualifications for the post sought, together with many questions of lesser import, were addressed to him, requiring ready thought and as- surance to answer without betraying himself or arousing suspicion. " Jake," said one, " thet ere young feller has to me, specially in build, a leetle the look o' the young man we're arter. An' then, did yer notice, when I spoke to him, how he kinder colored, jest the same ez a gurl? An' then, he seemed ter furgit his name. Didn't yer notice it, Jake ? Then too, yer know, Jake, I were at this trial. Guess you was, too. However, I recollect jest how he looked then, and he hadn't no baird like this ere one. Mebbe it's false. What do yer say, Jake?" *' Wall, Sam," replied the detective Jake, " he do 'pear leetle like tother, but 'tain't him ; cause yer see, thet feller hed black hair, an' this one's jest like tow fur all the wurld. No, Sam, this hain't 'im." Herman Baxter, now Charles St. Clair, did really seem in a dangerous situation ; yet retaining his usual coolness and self-possession to a remarkable degree, he answered all questions satisfactorily, even the surgeon's examination proving all that could be desired. He passed the trying ordeal safely, and had the regulations not required each applicant to have an equal chance for the much coveted position, Charles St. Clair would at once have been chosen. However, the examination pro- 116 THE SCENE CHANGES. ceeded until the last name on the list was reached, when it was universally admitted that Charles St. Clair had stood the test, coming up to the required standard, pos- sessing in an eminent degree the special qualifications necessary to fill the station, in itself one of the utmost importance. So it came about he was unanimously selected, more to his own than the satisfaction of those rejected. The examination at length concluded, the clerk of the board announced to the successful candidates of both branches of the service, seamen and marines, that quarters would be assigned them in a large building near the docks specially arranged for their accommodation and comfort; while all expenses for board and whatever else was deemed necessary, would be paid by their employer. Yet it must be understood that they were to remain under strict surveillance until the ship was in readiness to sail, no one of their number in the mean- time being permitted to leave his quarters other than bj a pass granted by an officer detailed for the purpose of looking after their wants; and that under no circum- stance or contingency that might arise would they be allowed to leave or to go outside the city's limits. That these stringent measures were of the utmost importance, none could well doubt ; as should entire lib- erty be granted, desertions would doubtless become of frequent occurrence ; which could not for a moment be tolerated, as the vessel was so nearly ready for sea, that orders for the crew to go on board might be expected at any day. Charles St. Clair now breathed easier, for before many days should elapse, he hoped to be out of reach of his energetic foes. So proceeding to the quarters assigned him, he immediately commenced his duties by drawing up a roster of crew and marines, and making himself thoroughly conversant with the duties pertaining to the position of ship's clerk. The probable length of time they were to remain in their present quarters, was known only to the officials ; BUILDING THE CRUISER. 117 as some little time would doubtless be necessary in attending to the various details of preparing the ship for sea, placing on board provisions, armament and amuni- tion, now as was presumed in full progress ; though as to the stage to which it had arrived, no one seemed to possess much knowledge. The one great thought occupying Herman's mind, nearly to the exclusion of all else, was that of inform- ing his sister Nelly of his whereabouts. Yes, how much he would like to tell her of his adventures! Yet, upon reflection, he considered it too hazardous to expose his situation to the chances of the post in conveying letters to his old Virginia home, so be would defer the good news until settled on shipboard ; then, on the eve of sailing, he could write with little fear of exposure or detection. CHAPTER XVII. BUILDING THE CRUISER. SOME six months prior to the publication of the notices in the New York Herald and Charleston Mercury, soliciting the recruiting of sailors, marines and ship's clerk, an uncommonly large vessel lay on the stocks in process of construction at a noted shipyard in a Northern seaport. This vessel, of two thousand tons burden, was being constructed of the best material that could be procured in the whole region of country for hundreds of miles round about. Every rib, plank and timber was of solid, thoroughly seasoned oak, both sound and strong. As the work progressed, the most generous wages were paid to the workmen employed. At the same time the utmost secrecy was observed as to the service in which she was to be employed, as also her destination. The presumed owner and known contractor, after 118 BUILDING THE CRUISER. thoroughly canvassing the situation, believed he had found the right man for sailing-master in the person of Jonathan Perkins, a sea captain of excellent reputation, acquired by many years of sea experience. He was a man some forty-five years of age, and one who would undoubtedly fill the position with credit to himself and benefit to his employer. The captain had retired from sea life some four years previous, thinking to spend the remainder of his days in the enjoyment of an income, not large, yet deemed sufficient for his future needs, acquired by many long years on shipboard. Though still in the prime of life, he seemed well contented and happy. Yet the ofier of the command of a fine ship, together with the most lib- eral pay, formed a combination hard to resist. For it must be admitted sea life still possessed many charms for the captain, more perhaps than he cared to admit. So the captain decided to accept the position tendered, immediately preparing the notice previously mentioned, for publication in both theiVet^ York Herald and Char- leston Mercury. As before remarked. Captain Perkins was a man of some means, possessing an income sufficient for comfort, if not luxury, for both himself and an only daughter, Bessie, seventeen years of age, whose mother had died in the girl's infancy, her father owning a comfortable, pleasantly situated little home in the seaport town where he had taken up a residence in the early days of married life. The captain had given his daughter a fair education, at least as good as the local schools were caj'able of affording; and from having improved these advantages, she was in general affairs considered unusually proficient; and while not a skilled musician or an especial patron- ess of the fine arts, she was an excellent liousekeejier, far more gratifying to her father than the so-called accomplishments usual to young ladies' seminaries. Bessie had seen a good deal of the world, at least fi'om a sailor's standpoint, having accompanied her father on BUILDING THE CRUISER. 119 several long voyages to foreign lands, yet she liad never met any man for whom she entertained the least feeling of sentiment other than friendship. A maiden sister ot her father's had taken charge of and brought her up, until at the age of ten the captain had taken her with him on her first voyage. Since that time she had been his companion on many similar voyages, until she was nearly as good a sailor as her father ; able to reef a top- sail, box the compass, take bearings; in short, should occasion demand, she could navigate a ship round the world. Yet during the many years of sea going life, the education so intelligently pursued in school had not remained neglected. Having there laid the foundation, afterward helped by her father, it in the end came about that the captain would nearly as soon have gone to sea without a mate, as to have left Bessie behind. Many girls brought up in a similar manner, would have acquired boisterous, rough habits. It was not so, how- ever, with Bessie; for as her father was an acknowl- edged gentleman, she, though in sailor's rig, was in every sense a born lady. The man who either desired or deserved her esteem, must at all times act the part of a gentleman ; and from having few associates of either sex, those who aspired to her hand had thus far been few. Having secured the full complement of seamen and marines. Captain Perkins now turned his attention to the arming and provisioning the large ship; when find- ing it necessary to employ additional clerical help, he broached the subject to the newly appointed ship's clerk, inviting him to accompany him to the seaport; taking station on shipboard in advance of the regularly enlisted crew, whose services were supposed to commence only when the vessel should be ready for sailing. As nothing could have better pleased the young man, as the days passed at his lodgings were becoming somewhat monoto- nous, the invitation was gratefully accepted ; from which fact we now find him an inmate and occupant of a pleasant upper room at the captain's house. 120 BUILDING THE CRUISER, Problem : — Given a nice young lady, and a fine, gentlemanlike young man, both occupying rooms at the same house, seated at the same table, meeting each even- ing, what would be the natural result ? Either of two things — indifference or mutual affection. In the case of these two, the first could not well be considered, while the latter at the outset was a self-evi- dent truth. For ere a couple of days had passed, tlie young lady really and truly believed she had met her fate, the one who in any possible event was destined to decide her future. On his part he thought : " "Was there ever one of the opposite sex possessed of a like number of charms, feminine graces, and as to personal appearance, such exquisite masses of wavy chestnut locks ? And who ever saw such heavenly blue eyes ? And as to lips, ye Gods 1 that — well, what on earth were they made for, unless to be kissed ? " On their first meeting, Bessie had said to herself, " What a fine young man ! " The second, " How gentle- manly 1 I think I shall like him." On the third, '* I guess I don't care — much — for him," (a sure symptom she did), and on each succeeding meeting, '* Whatever shall I do without him I " With the ship's clerk, 'twas a case of love at first sight ; irretrievable, inevitable, as. his heart was truly smitten and that deeply ; as he said to himself, " The first and only time in my whole life." Under these cir- cumstances, what could he do but fall down and worship I Aye, and worship he did, with his whole soul and being, the lovely, pure minded, fascinating maiden. Yet now the question arose, " Does she care for me ? " The answer was, " I fear not, else why now so seek to avoid my presence, when at the first she seemed anxious to court my friendship ? " Ah, my boy, little are you aware of the wiles ot Mother Eve's daughters, ever the same since so sorely tempted in the primeval garden, where the progeni- tors of the race fell from their high estate, he to become BUILDING THE CRUISER. 121 a hewer of wood and drawer of water, she to endure a curse transmitted to all future generations. So it came about a week or so later, tLe young man, in the meantime faithfully attending to his various duties on shipboard, that both the young people chanced to be sitting one beautiful evening in the front porcli, conversing on subjects wholly foreign to their inmost thoughts, and about which little interest was manifested ; until, a lengthy pause ensuing, the silence was abruptly broken by Bessie, who, seemingly without premedita- tion, suddenly broke out : " Mr. St. Clair, were you ever in love ? " Then bethink- ing herself, she hid her face in confusion. He, startled by the abruptness of the question, remained for a few moments in doubt as to a suitable answer ; then blusbingly replied : *' Why, no — yes — that is to say — once." Upon this declaration coming from one on whom her thoughts were so closely centred, Bessie hung her head, her mind evidently in no happy frame ; then continuing, she asked : " Was she handsome? or — better perhaps to have said, is she handsome ? " " Yes, in my eyes, very, very handsome. Not only so, but good." " How old is the lady ? " inquired Bessie. "About seventeen, I should judge, though I've never asked her." " Are you very much in love with her ? " "Yes, I can truly say that my whole heart and soul are wholly wrapped up in her! In fact, I may say I consider her the most beautiful, charming, fascinating little witch I've ever met, and I think — yes, know I shall always think so 1 " Upon these startling sentiments, Bessie's little loving heart nearly ceased its beating, the usual bright rosy color forsook her face, and really she seemed about to fall in a faint. Charles, frightened at the deathlike hue of her couu- 122 BUILDING THE CRUISER. tenance, little understanding the cause of this sudden change, cried : " Why, Bessie, what — what is the matter ? Have I said aught to displease or disturb you ? " " Oh ! it's nothing," she replied, " a sudden faintness to which I am subject ; possibly a sliyht affection of the heart ! " So to test her feelings, and get even with her question- ing, he in turn interrogated her. " Bessie, were you ever in love ? " "Most assuredly, sir!" assuming a dignified air. "Do you for one momeut suppose that girls of my age do not fall in love with the first good-looking gentleman they may chance to meet ? Why, sir, I've been in love ever since I can remember ! " "Possible! Well, Miss Bessie, to come to the point, and the one I am most interested to know, are you in love at the present time ? " " Without a doubt, sir." "Is the gen — \X\e fellow good-looking? " " Oh 1 my, yes 1 the finest, most gentlemanly person. Why, sir, there's no one about here who can hold a candle — no, nor even compare with him, in my estima- tion! And I will go still further, Mr. St. Clair, I believe, in fact know I love him with my whole heart! " " Have you given the obnox — the fellow to under- stand — that is to say — have you told him of this terrible affection ? " " Oh ! no, sir ! nothing of the kind ? He's never asked me, though I am quite positive he intends doing so some of these days; for you see, Mr. St. Clair, he's — 01) ! dear, he's so bashful, I sometimes think I'll have to do the asking." " Well, one more question about this paragon of all the virtues under the sun. Do you love him now — as — as well as ever ? " " Yes, and a thousand times better ! " " Is the individual — the vil — aware of this wonderful overpowering affection ? " PEEPARlNG FOR SEA. 123 " I don't know, sir, possibly." 'Twas now tlae young ship's clerk's time to turn pale and look frightened, possibly feel faint ; anyhow, the tables were nicely turned, and he had yet to learn that unsophisticated young gentlemen like himself are no match for the girls when they set out to accomplish some cherished scheme to which they have given their undi- vided attention. Yet he scarcely dared to show his true feelings in the presence of one who, now that there was a prospect of losing her, was becoming more and more dear. So rising from his seat, he said, with an audible sigh : " Miss Bessie, your father may be needing my services, so I will return to the ship," forgetting in his excite- ment that no more work would be done until the next morning, "so I'll bid you good-evening." The moon had risen, casting a flood of yellow light about the cottage, set in the midst of cheerful surround- ings. While his heart scarcely beat in unison with the brilliant scene, he made his way to the dock, where at her moorings lay the great ship silently floating on the still waters of the harbor. CHAPTER XYIII. PREPARING FOR SEA. ON the following morning, the ship's cle'rk, busily engaged in his calling and the several duties thereto pertaining, had taken a seat for a few moments' rest, when suddenly a hand was laid on his shoulder, accompanied with the remark : " Well, my boy, as we've now everything in pretty fair order and readiness for heaving anchor, I've sent word to the seamen and those bloodthirsty marines to shake their quarters in town and come aboard in time for setting sail to-morrow evening, at which hour I am 124 PREPARING FOR SEA, expecting the surgeon and chaplain; so I think, wind and weather in our favor, we will soon be off." This piece of news imparted to his young friend by Captain Perkins, originated from having received a com- munication, postmarked London, on the previous day, naming the hour for weighing anchor and standing out to sea ; also stating that the executive officer and com- mander-in-chief would appear in due time ; yet in any event, sail was to be made on the exact day and hour stated in the dispatches. Upon receipt of the above communication, a perplexing thought was suggested to the captain ; which in the labor and excitment attending placing the vessel in readiness for sailing, had been quite overlooked, striking him with much force. It was none other than that his daughter Bessie was to be left behind. He would only have been too well pleased could she have accompanied him on the present voyage, which under ordinary cir- cumstances he would have permitted ; but now, owing to the uncertainties as to the point of destination and nature of service demanded, it was scarcely to be considered. After much cogitating and studying the matter over, a happy thought at last came to his relief, none other than the fact that Mrs. Jeannette Albert, a married sister resid- ing in the city of New York, her husband a prosperous merchant in affluent circumstances, would he beheved be only too glad to have Bessie for a companion, as she had no daughter of her own. Why, then, not leave Bessie with her? With the energetic captain, to think was to act. So he was not long in putting the project in shape by inter- viewing his daughter, who readily fell into the scheme, saying nothing could please her better. While it grieved her poor heart sorely at the thought of being so long separated from her father, at the same time parting from a lover, she readily acquiesced, at once making the nec- essary preparations to carry it into effect. So this troublous affair satisfactorily adjusted, the captain vig- orously pushed on his work with a much lighter heart. PREPARING FOR SEA. 125 The following day witnessed the arrival of the ship's crew and marines, together with the chaplain and sur- geon, all of whom took up their quarters on board the vessel. In tlie meantime, the ship's clerk determined to test his fate by asking Bessie if her love for him might not be brought to outweigh that for the other misguided mortal. So tea over, he proposed a walk, wliich being readily agreed to, the lovers strolled out to a piece of woods some distance away, where they were soon seated under the widespreading branches of a towering oak. Both were silent for a time. Then Charles said : " Bessie," at the same time taking a willing hand, " I told you I had loved a most charming lady. I spoke the truth, for I love her still. I also said she was hand- some, that she possessed a warm heart, true, loving and good, one well worthy the affection of any honest man. In telling you this, I can at the same time solemnly affirm I have not in the least changed my mind, nor have I told you her name. I need not — you know it already. The one and only love of my heart, the first to awaken sentiments of genuine affection, in the full sig- nificance of its meaning in which I now speak, sits by my side. Yes, Bessie, you are the one for whom I before confessed that love, and I can truly say the only one to whom I've ever given a thought other than in friend- ship, save my dear sister Nelly." Upon hearing these generous, noble sentiments, so warmly expressed by her lover, Bessie's heart gave a great bound, joy illumined her countenance, her eyes beamed with delight ; then, looking fearlessly to his face, she threw her arms round his neck, and with tears coursing down her cheeks, pillowed her head on his shoulder. The young man had his answer, a thousand times more impressive than words ; and, clasping her in his strong arms, the first kiss was imprinted on her lips — the kiss of pure affection. Misunderstandings were now at an end, nothing barring the way to mutual happiness. 126 PREPARING FOR SEA. Bessie now explained to him the arrangements made by her father, that she was to go to her aunt's home in New York. " Oh ! " she murmured, " my love, you will come back to me soon? " Though now young, when life's romance is at its best, when one's pathway is strewn with roses, no height is too lofty to be unattained, no difficulty too great to remain uiisurmounted, no ambition too high to remain uncon- quered. How little either dreamed of the long separa- tion in store, of the agonized waiting, of the sunshine and storm, of the weary hopeless longing, while the heart grows sick with hope deferred, and gray hairs thickly sprinkled mingle in the now sunny locks, of the many long years of dreary suspense which must elapse ere they should again bask in the sunlight of love! " Hope, the anchor of the soul," the harbinger of joys to come, a ready helper as youth advances and is succeeded by maturer years, old age and decrepitude ; and the prospect of a happy future, however slight, buoyed the lovers up in this their hour of supreme content; heart beating to heart, uniting them in silken bonds of mutual esteem, yielding promise of enduring felicity. As it was necessary for all to be stirring at an early hour, the young lover retired to rest, sleeping, dreaming, visions of his sweet Bessie floating through his drowsy imagination; while she, hopeful and strong, yet sorrowed at the thought of the long, separation. Eising at break of day, breakfast under the skilled hands of Bessie was soon prepared. Then seated at the table, the voyage was discussed ; its probable duration, destination and object, all was talked over without any definite conclusion being reached. But time was hastening with rapidly flying wings. Much was yet to be done in preparation for weighing anchor at the appointed hour, so Captain Perkins left in company with his skilled assistant, to finish and clear up the remainder of the work. PREPARING FOR SEA. 127 At last the long looked for hour of sailing approached, the captain active, alert, overlooking the huge ship, scanning each detail, that no time might be wasted at the moment of sailing. Leaving their home in charge of a middle-aged couple, in whom they placed the most implicit confi- dence; resulting from an acquaintance dating back many years, our friends entered a barouche and were soon driven to the dock, where swung the proud ship destined to bear the young maiden to her new home, her father and lover to unknown seas. At a signal from the captain, the sailors took station, some in readiness to cast off, others at the capstan to weigh anchor, while the rest below and aloft, awaited the command to spread the broad white sails to the favoring breeze. Now the ship moves majestically seaward with yards squared and flag, banner and bunting lowered to the deck. The stout tug casts off, heading for port. " All sail set ! " reports the executive officer. The watch is told off", the officers repair to their quarters, and the captain, ship's clerk and Bessie alone remain on deck. Tlie former is vigorously puffing at his pipe, while cast- ing his eyes about and aloft that nothing may be want- ing in sail or rope ; the two latter, hand in hand, gaze longingly on the shores just left, perchance never to set eyes on them again, their beloved home only a far away memory. The ship soon reached the harbor and port of New York. Captain Perkins, accompanied by his daughter and the ship's clerk, went ashore, ordered a hack, and were at once driven to the residence of Mrs. Jeannette Albert, Bessie's aunt, where she was received with open arms and demonstrations of good will, tending in large measure to set the captain's mind at rest in regard to his daughter's welfare during his prolonged absence. Taking his sisier aside, the captain informed her of his intentions as to leaving his daughter in her care, expressing the hope she would not be too much care and 128 PREPARING FOR SEA. trouble. Being assured by his kind sister that he need have little fear but that Bessie would be taken good care of, and that she was only too happy to have the young girl with her, the captain felt he could now depart easy in mind. On the preceding day, while on board ship, Bessie's lover had detailed a full account of his past life. After describing the place of his birth, enlarging on tlie beau- tiful home on the banks of the Eappahannock, he told her of his brave sister Nelly, declaring that to her thoughtfulness, intelligence and energy, he was indebted for liis life. He told her that he was the only son and heir of the Hon. Thomas Baxter, a leading citizen of the old Virginia commonwealth. The colored servants, including Mara Cloe, his nurse from infancy ; Hector, the aged, faithful preacher, of unbounded influence for good over his little flock, all came in for a due share and full meed of praise. While all this might well be considered as uncommonly interesting and pleasing, Bessie's astonishment knew no bounds when he related his college adventures and sub- sequent career ; the vile charges laid against him, the imprisonment, trial, condemnation, and almost execution ; his narrow escape through the intervention and conni- vance of his sister ; his subsequent flight and intercep- tion of the sheriff's posse ; the heroic part played by his attached and " never to be forgotten friend," the mule ; his after journeyings to the city of New York, there meeting her father, through whom he secured the situa- tion on board ship. " And all the rest, Bessie," said he, "you already know." While paying the closest attention to all that her lover had said, Bessie never for a moment questioned its truth or his innocence, nor the imminence of the peril to which he must necessarily be subjected until on shipboard and well out to sea ; yet she averred ; " The story seems like a fairy tale ! " " With the fairies left out," said Herman. Bessie now felt not only willing, but anxious that lie THE WOUNDED LIEUTENANT. 129 should leave lier ; for whatsoever was for his good she fully trusted, never for one instant doubting, yet trem- bling for his safety ; for her loyal little heart, true as steel, never wavered or departed from its integrity. Said she : " Herman, for by this name I must now call you, my darling, you are now more than ever endeared to me. Yes, far more than before you told me this strange tale. The trials you have encountered, the hardships you have so heroically borne, have shown me your truly noble character, and I can now better appreciate the treasure I've won. Now trust me when I afl&rm, for weal or woe, suffering or danger, I am yours, yours alone, yours for- ever ! " The time for parting at last came, and clasping each other in one long, fond embrace, adieus were spoken, the last farewell kiss exchanged. CHAPTER XIX. THE WOUNDED LIEUTENANT. I SAY, Surgeon Bromley, how do you find the young fellow this morning ? Pretty bad, eh ? " " Well, yes, Colonel, got a bad cut in the left lung, and a ragged slash in the thigh, hemorrhage fearful." "What are the chances. Doctor? Think he'll pull through ? " " Chances, Colonel ? About one in ten, I should say. Might possibly shade it a little. As to pulling through, first, weather's hot as tophet, sir- — and that's against him. Second, in his favor, good general health, strong constitu- tion — and then, too, he's young. Why, Colonel, he's only twenty-four. Comes of a long-lived family ; fighting stock, and good blood." " Well,Bromley, honestly speaking,! wouldn't have had this thing happen for a month's pay. In the first place, it delays us in getting off, and then, in my opinion, it 130 THE WOUNDED LIEUTENANT. don't give the regiment a first rate send off, see ? Yet, in any event, we must start not later tLan eight this evening, for the governor tells me he's received a des- patch from Beauregard, saying, ' Tell Emberly to hurry up that crack cavalry of his, as we're likely to have a brush at most any day.' So, Bromley, I think you'd better stay by Blanch ard for a week or so. By that time he'll likely be on the road to recovery, or as he says, ' petered out.' " " That's true. Colonel. Yes, I think that will be the better way. But let me say to you that Steele's the right sort, and if he don't come out of his first fight a captain, you can set me down as a false prophet. The fellow wasn't one bit to blame in that affair, if I've heard the right of it, and so you'll find when you come to look the matter up. Why, do you know, 'twas all about that girl of Judge Foster's. She's handsome as an angel and as fickle and full of the devil as — well, she'd make any man want to fight his grandmother, if tbe venerable lady stood in his way. That's what they all say, anyhow. That Blanchard's been sweet on the girl for a long time we all know. I did hear they were engaged. Then this Steele came along. He's a Yirginian, and deuced good-looking and all that, a mighty fine fellow to boot." "Well, Doctor, we must court-martial the fellow at all events — for the good of the service, you know — and as it won't take long to get through with it, I'll give orders for court to meet at four sharp. But, Bromley, do the best you can for Blanch ard. Men who are so ready to fight for the girl they love^ won't be likely to show the white feather when they meet the Yanks. No, we can't afford to lose that kind of stock, except maybe in bat- tle. But, Doctor, how is the general health of the regi- ment? Are any on the sick list? " " Only three or four. Colonel, and they are more home- sick than anything else I expect, though some may be a trifle faint-hearted, realizing it ain't going to be a pic- nic. In fact, some of the boys have begun to take it in that fighting's the main object in this business, and the THE WOUNDED LIEUTENANT. 181 most of them will turn out pretty good pluck, I imag- ine." " Well," replied the colonel, " get them round. I don't want to leave any behind. I would rather take the field with a full regiment. By the way, Doctor, they say I've got the finest cavalry in the Confederate service, and if they don't make their mark on the ' Blue Jackets' — but I must be going, as I've a host of things to see to before we leave, so I'll say good-morning." Then summoning an orderly, he sent word to the quartermaster for transportation to be ready at eight o'clock. Four o'clock, the hour set for the examination by court-martial of Lieutenant Duke Steele, had now arrived. The judge-advocate, clerk of court, Colonel Eichard Emberly, together with Carrie Foster, as principal, and really the only witness, and a large number of spec- tators were present. The charge brought against Lieutenant Steele was none other than that of attacking and seriously wound- ing a brother officer without provocation. The charge being read by the clerk, the lieutenant pleaded not guilty. The only spectator present at the scene of combat, Carrie Foster, being sworn, testified to the insult given by Lieutenant Blanchard, immediately followed by an attack. She averred that Steele, instead of being the aggressor, simply acted on the defensive; thus the blow causing his antagonist to fall senseless could not well have been avoided, as otherwise he would hav^ been left wholly at Blanchard's mercy, and his life in the most imminent peril. The above facts clearly substantiated by the beautiful and doubtless truthful witness, whose testimony was taken for what it would seem naturally worth when coming from so high a source. Lieutenant Steele wad not only honorably acquitted, but restored to his former rank. Meantime admitting to the court that no ill-feelings were entertained by him against his wounded comrade. 132 THE WOUNDED LIEUTENANT. Tims an affair promising at one time results of a most serious character, was settled amicably to all save one of those most interested, now lying in a dangerous ill- ness. The time set for the departure of the regiment now approached. Thousands of Montgomery's citizens throng the railway station ; multitudes from the adjacent coun- try block the avenues ; large numbers from distant por- tions of the State, friends, sons, brothers, sweethearts and lovers of the "Boys in Gray," so soon to leave; their thoughts heavy with memories of the past, and minds filled with dread forebodings of the future ; while others look on in careless attitude, attracted by the novel spec- tacle and wishing to say good-bye. Now the governor of the State, followed by a brilliant staff", appears riding leisurely down the thronged street, the ringing cheers and loud hurrahs of the multitude ris- ing in tumultuous applause and joyous acclaim in greet- ing to the chief magistrate of proud, wealthy Alabama. In short, the city seems fairly alive, and swarming with anxious citizens and expectant countrymen, all eager for a glimpse of the most noted personageof the great com- monwealth ; the lads and young men in open-mouthed wonder ; the lasses, young maidens, middle-aged women and venerable grandmothers ; the former in bright, the last in dim-eyed though unconcealed admiration, when for the first time beholding a figure of such exalted sta- ion; while each housetop and open window is filled with eager onlookers, scanning with curious glances the long files of soldiers in brilliant panoply, as marching by in ser- ried column, each lifts a cap in token of farewell. Every car window and door is framed with face of lover and sweetheart, who with words of comfort, looks of affec- tion and love, cheered the departing, many of whom would never again be seen by friend or lover; their last resting-place a little brown hillock, away down in some Virginia forest glen or lonely hillside where perchance they fell, offering a life in defence of the land they loved so well. JOURNFY TO THE CAPITAL. 133 Anon the sharp toued bell signals the moving of the heavy train, the conductor shouts " all aboard," the ear- piercing steam whistle sounds forth one shrill prolonged farewell, and amid the waving of handkerchiefs, clap- ping of hands and cheers of spectators, the long train moves slowly away, its speed rapidly increasing, until fading, growing each moment less, it is at last lost to view. The masses standing silent, spellbound, waiting, watching ; then, with one simultaneous sob, turn their steps homeward, sorrowing thus to part with the loved ones ; who, in turn, cast many backward glances on scenes and faces to many hereafter a memory only For the south bound trains would ere a few short days have passed, bear to their sorrowing hearts the story of a great battle fought. Aye, won — yet at what a costly sacrifice I For many of those brave spirits who had so lately left them, strong in hope and high in ambition, would now be lying under a heaped up mound, on Manassas' plain, no marble shaft or chiseled urn to mark their last lone resting-place. CHAPTER XX. JOURNEY TO THE CAPITAL. REACHING the vicinity of the Confederate Capital, lately transferred to Eichmond, after a journey of nearly three days, the regiment went into camp, when after a days' rest, they took up their daily drill. The long journey to army head-quarters had been made under most favorable and happy auspices, in fact a 'triumphal march ; for each city, village, hamlet, or sim- ple way station through which the regiment passed, was in each instance thronged with people from the country round about ; gatliered to give them " God speed," thus with kind words cheering them on their way. Truly, a royal welcome greeted them on every hand, while tables 134 JOURNEY TO THE CAPITAL. loaded with choicest viands, food prepared and luxuries provided, were freely offered and generously placed at their disposal. Great bonfires gleamed from the neigh- boring hilltops, the boom of cannon thundered joyous acclaim. Ladies, too, were there, young and old, the bright eyes of the former, the affectionate smiles and hearty greet- ings of all lending an additional charm to the efforts soon to be put forth in their behalf, bearing sure evi- dence to the high appreciation of the heroic sacrifices the " Boys in Gray," the defenders of land and home, were now making, on the way to field of battle. The war was new, its glittering pomp and glorious cir- cumstance were new. No one of all the hosts gathered, had beheld a scene like this; one that warmed the heart, stirred the blood, filling eacli sense with an emo- tion rare and strange. Thus each onlooker went to his home with a better defined opinion, a wider apprehen- sion of its meaning — the meaning of war. Eegiments, foot, horse and artillery, were rapidly mov- ing and hourly approaching the Confederate Capital now fairly taking on a warlike aspect. General Beaure- gard, active, alert, vigilant, at the head of the magnifi- cent array, so rapidly augmenting in numbers, was ener- getically striving to place his untrained legions on a complete war footing. Nothing seemed to escape the eye of the great leader. The most insignificant detail was noticed as he rode, accompanied by his brilliantly accoutred staff, along the lines ; visiting each corps, division, brigade and regiment ; until at last he arrived at the camp of the First Alabama Black Horse Cavalry, Colonel Richard Emberly, commanding, who had drawn up his regiment in line in honor of the noted chief. General Beauregard was at once most favorably im- pressed with its nobel bearing, evident intelligence, the uncommon beauty of the steeds, elegant elaborate uni- forms and accoutrements of both officers and men. His face wore a heightened color, his eye beamed with delight ; his intuitive, cultivated intellect spoke. JOURNEY TO THE CAPITAL. 185 " If our soldiers were all like these, what could the Yankees expect but defeat ! " In full uniform, his brilliant staff about him, he rode to the side of Colonel Emberly, who greeted him with the accustomed military salute. General Beauregard, introducing each member of his staff, warmly congratu- lated the colonel on the fine appearance of his regiment, remarking : " I trust, Colonel, when the time arrives for action, they will not belie their appearance," which was succeeded by the laconic reply, " General, they will do their duty." Now came rumors that the Federal Army, seventy- five thousand strong, gathered about the National Capi- tal, are about to move, the rallying cry " On to Eich- mond." These rumors authenticated, General Beauregard put his legions in motion ; when soon after, near the moun- tains of Bull Eun and on the plains of Manassas, they were met by the Union forces in a clash resounding throughout the civilized world. The Federal forces, numbering seventy-five thousand infantry, cavalry and artillery, imder General McDowell, the largest warlike body ever before assembled under one leader on the American Continent, broke camp at the National Capital on the twentieth day of July, 1861, in the full expectation of camping in the streets of Eich- mond at an early day. Twenty miles away, the nearest point reached, a few days later, the grand army were to be seen in the rear of the secure entrenchments so lately left with enthusi- asm and hope — the forward march imagining triumph, the retrograde despondency and lost hope — for in the interim, Beauregard's hosts had risen up a wall of fire, thus opposing their progress. A few hours subsequent to the commencement of this memorable engagement, the First Alabama Cavalry was ordered to make a flank movement on a part of the Fed- eral line, some distance away to the right, in the hope of separating the detachment from the main line. 136 JOURNEY TO THE CAPITAL. Upon receipt of the order, Colonel Emberly sprang to horse, the trumpet sounded " Boots and Saddles," when the boys mounted and were away. After a couple of hours' riding they came upon the enemy, who, proving a larger body of infantry than was expected, and being warned of the approach of cavalry, formed in hollow square, presenting a solid front at all points of gleaming steel, thus awaiting the onset. It came ! Now a battery on a distant hillside opens with shot and shell, tearing through the ranks, laying many a noble steed and brave rider in the dust. At this moment, a bursting shell killed Captain Shields, mortally wounded Lieutenant Barnes, second in command of the company of Duke Steele, who, now becoming senior officer, took command, putting himself at its head. Thus was fulfilled the prophecy of Surgeon Bromley : " Lieutenant Steele will be made captain in his first battle." This charge of the First Alabama Cavalry, while bold in conception and brilliant in execution, was nevertheless unsuccessful ; for the Federal columns, standing firm, opposed a front and force which could neither be over- come nor thrust aside. Shot and shell from the hillside swept through their ranks, and, fighting like warriors, they struggled and died like heroes. Colonel Emberly, as also Captain Steele, fought side by side, until finding the battle lost, retreat was sounded and they regretfully left the field. In this charge, a number of the men were slain, and still more wounded, who fell into the enemy's hands ; while Captain Steele, after the loss of two horses, advanced on foot at the head of his command, and woe to the foe who came within reach of his blade! The unerring judgment displayed on the field, coupled with his gallant bearing, won the plaudits of his com- mander ; who, in private dispatches to the governor, eulogized him in such high terms, at the same time recommending him for promotion, that a commission JOURNEY TO THE CAPITAL. 137 was at once forwarded to him, accompanied by the warmest expressions of esteem from the governor, with the hope that his life might long be spared to his friends and country. The hours wear on and still the battle rages. Soon cheer on cheer rings out on the sultry air of this heated July day, now so rapidly waning, the sun in a cloudless sky sinking low in the heavens. The Confederates, hardly pressed, fall back ; the Unionists jubilant, victory assured, advance. Yet stay I What means that dense cloud in the distance, which, rising high, still higher in the stagnant heated atmosphere, obscures every sign of Hfe or motion? Still approaching, comiug near, yet nearer, until from out its shadow, rising and falling in graceful folds, behold a banner, announcing reinforce- ments — for whom ? Still nearer they come, until the heavy cloud rising, displays to the astonished and fright- ened gaze of the victor, long serried columns of gray. Their burnished arms catching the rays of the declining sun, reflect a light in warning to the Federal arms, of disheartenment— defeat. The scene now changes, a transformation as by magic. Tired, weary, worn, thirsty, longing for a cooling drink, faint from long fasting, the late victorious forces waver, turn, fall back — retreat — the retreat a rout — the rout a panic, until even the drivers of the massed trains catch the infection. Sutlers, vivandieres, camp followers, civilians, spectators of the day's struggle, all turn, flee- ing affrighted. Pandemonium reigns! The wounded are trampled under foot, the dead crushed to an unseemly mass. Now away yonder to the right, in one unbroken line, mounted men appear. With banners fluttering in the evening breeze, foam flying from the flanks of the swiftly ridden steeds, they charge down on the shattered and broken ranks of the Federals, the commander. Col- onel Emberly, in the lead, cheering on his brave follow- ers. At his side rides Captain Duke Steele, who, wav- ing his sword aloft, charges the dense ranks of the 138 JOURNEY TO THE CAPITAL. affrighted and fleeing soldiery ; who, shouting in terror- stricken tones the cry " The Black Horse Cavalry," give way to their fears, laying down their arms in surrender. The scene that now follows beggars description. Sorely wounded soldiers crawl away to some obscure friendly shelter, there to yield up their lives, with no consoling hand to wipe the death damp from fevered brow, or soothe with cheering word the last agony ; while others, foot sore, struggle on as best they may in scattered column. Commanders in vain attempt to stay the tide of retreat, expostulating, entreating, threatening even, but flesh and blood can stand no more I The " Boys in Blue," many of whom had never known a day of fatigue, but a few short hours before had taken up the line of march from, the nation's proud capital, bright, cheery, hopeful, banners flying in the breeze, drums beating, bands playing, the way enlivened by song, jest and story. Now, dusty, weary, disheartened, they take their way back, gloom settling on every brow ; while the sad story of defeat flashes forth to city, ham- let and town, telling of wounds and the death of the loved ones who so lately went forth from the protection of home and fireside, the sheltering arms of father, mother, sister or sweetheart, while many a Avail of anguish goes up on this night from fond loving hearts in those far away New England homes. Government officials, legislators, journalists, men of note in every walk of life, who on that eventful day had ridden to the sanguinary field, some in grand turnouts, barouche or more common hack, others on horseback, pedestrians, all now mixed up in the general confusion and rout, turn back with sinking hearts and sad fore- boding. Is this an overdrawn picture? Go with me to the cemetery or lonely burial ground of many a hamlet, city or town in our land, and there behold the silent witness, a tablet " erected to the memory " of some brave soul whose bright young life went out on that fateful July day JOURNEY TO THE CAPITAL. 139 The victorious Confederates again take up the line of march, returning to their ahnost deserted capital. A royal welcome and joyful greeting is extended, the days given up to rejoicing, the nights to feast and mirth. Bright eyes beam with renewed light as they gaze on the happy faces of the "Boys in Gray" and tread the broad avenues of the Confederate Capital, bands play- ing the march of victory, while shout on shout, cheer after cheer go up from the thousands gathered to wit- ness the return and give welcome to the brave defenders of home and State. Banners and bunting float from mast-head, house-top and window, scores of brazen mouthed guns echo in thunder tones from hillside and plain a welcome, while from church tower and steeple ring out loud and clear joyous notes of victory won. The First Alabama Cavalry passing through the main street of Richmond, on the occasion of a grand review of all the Confederate forces of the Army of Northern Virginia, in honor of the governor of the State, together with the heads of Government departments, attracted general attention and universal admiration. Their soldi- erly bearing, superb uniforms, magnificent coal black steeds, won the plaudits of the large assembly gathered to witness the brilliant pageant, as also to manifest their appreciation of the services of the army in winning the late severe contest when opposed by such an over- whelming force. Riding at the head of his company. Captain Steele is pointed out by many of his admirers as the heau ideal soldier, and also the hero of the late battle. The men who had followed him to the death, fought by his side, willingly bore testimony to his courage, fearlessness, and good judgment displayed on the field of battle, and were now ready to follow wheresoever he might lead. As a man he was admired, as a soldier loved. For where the fire was hottest, where shot and shell fell thickest, there was he ever to be found, seemingly bear- ing a charmed life ; for where others fell like leaves in the autumn gale, he passed unscathed. 140 ILLNESS OF LIEUTENANT BLANCHARD. CHAPTER XXI. ILLNESS OF LIEUTENANT BLANCHARD. LIEUTENANT CYRIL BLANCHARD, at his home in far away Montgomery, enduring untold tortures, hovering many days between life and death, the intense summer heat, with scarcely one cooling breeze, adding greatly to his sufterings, was certainly an object to be pitied. Surgeon Bromley had faithfully remained at his bed- side the allotted time. Then receiving word of the impending battle, and becoming impatient of the enforced restraint, he had called to his assistance a brother prac- titioner, resigning his patient to his charge. He took a hasty departure for the field of blood and carnage, where he could indulge his love for amputating limbs and extracting bullets to his heart's content. Yet it cannot well be doubted his coming was hailed with delight by those of the regiment who were aware of his great skill, well knowing it would soon be required. Upon the leave-taking by Lieutenant Steele of the judge's daughter, it was mutually agreed a correspond- ence should be kept up and letters written as frequently as circumstances would permit, which on his part might not be often, consequent upon his military duties. So, immediately upon the regiment reaching head-quarters, he wrote, telling of his safe arrival and the incidents connected with it, together with such other matters as were deemed of interest, notably the ovations given to the regiment on the route, all of which he presumed would be pleasing to the lady. At the close of his first battle, he again wrote, ignor- ing in large measure the important part he had taken, yet giving the Black Horse Cavalry the credit their due ILLNESS OF LIEUTENANT BLANCH ARD 141 in an engagement terminating so gloriously to the Con- federate arras. Yet one fact was not overlooked in the letter, his promotion on the field owing to the fall of his senior in command. At the same time, while extolling the deeds of his comrades, he made light of his own. To both of these letters, Carrie replied in terms of affection, though not especially warm. Again he wrote. This letter was not answered for a considerable length of time, and then in a decidedly cool manner. To the next no answer was received. Later ones sharing a like fate, the captain, rack his brains as he might, could arrive at no satisfactory conclusion. The solution was, however, an easy matter, and just what he should have expected. That Carrie Foster was an exceedingly beautiful and fascinating girl, no one could well question ; that she was fickle and unscrupulous, winning hearts more for the pleasure of giving pain than from any warm feeling or generous sentiment, few could deny, as numerous con- fiding souls would testify ; and while she entertained as much genuine affection for the handsome young officer as she had for her admirers in the past, her afiections were exceedingly evanescent. "Out of sight, out of mind," was a characteristic feature in her case. So the neglect in answering the letters of Captain Duke Steele came about in this manner: One hot sultry afternoon, scarcely a breath of air stir- ring, the sun one glare of fire, beating in remorseless fury on the heated parched earth, no cloud to shield its seething rays, no bird warbling from bush or tree, no sound save the beating wing of some busy bee in its rapid flight, or rasping insect in the shad}^ covert, Lieu- tenant Blanch ard sent a message to Carrie, entreating her to come and spend a little time by his sick bed, as he had neither seen nor heard from her since the night of the affray so nearly ending his life. In the early stage of liis illness, a great longing had come over him to be with his regiment. For brave, courageous and fearless, 142 ILLNESS OF LIEUTENANT BLANCHARD. lie wanted to be riding side by side with his comrades in tlie heat and strife of battle. Yet now sick, faint, weary, his heart went ont to the girl whom he still loved. Carrie received the message from the hand of a col- ored servant, who in explanation said : " Marse Cyril am berry bad, an' don' want to see Missy Carrie berry 'ticlar. Don' yo' com' Missy ? " "Yes, Ginger," she replied, "you may tell 'Marse Cyril ' I'll come directly." So hastening to don a light wrap, " Missy Carrie " soon stood at the bedside of her lover; when seeing him lying, pale, haggard, helpless and nearly hopeless, a great wave of sorrow mingled with pity surged through her heart. With all her faults, Carrie Foster had one redeeming trait — though few had as yet come to the surface — sorrow, and compassion for the suffering. Fickle as the wind though she might be, thoroughly selfish and unscrupulous as she undoubtedly was, her heart softened when thus looking on her old lover — he whom she had so encouraged, led on to believe in her —now lying in this wretchedly sad condition, at the same well knowing this trouble had fallen on him through his supreme love for her. The impetuous maiden fell to the floor at his- bedside, tears raining down her face. Then taking his thin wasted hands in her warm clasp, she murmured : "Cyril, can you forgive me? Oh ! my darling, take me back to your heart, all unworthy as I am. For, Cyril, I am yours and yours only ! " Throwing his weakened arm about her, drawing her to his side and imprinting a kiss on her lips, Cyril, in a feeble voice, said : " My darling, I do forgive you. The great over- whelming joy of having you again with me almost com- pensates me for all I've suffered. Yes, Carrie, come back to me, be to me as you once were, and the past — it is already forgiven, so shall it be forgotten." ILLNESS OF LIEUTENANT BLANCHARD. 143 Thus she sat by his sick bed the long afternoon, fan* ning his fevered brow, bathing the throbbing temples, giving hira sedative draughts, and on each succeeding day, tended him with tlie same care as a mother a sick child. From this hour, the lieutenant began to mend, until at the end of a few weeks he had so far recovered as to sit up for an hour or two each day. ****** Standing in front of his tent, engaged in conversation with Surgeon Bromley, just as the sun was dropping behind a range of distant hills at the close of a sliort mid-winter day, the eyes of Colonel Emberly were attracted to and rested on the figure of a man riding leisurely in the direction of his quarters. A young man of not only fine but distinguished appearance, in the uniform of a Confederate cavalry officer, approached. Bringing his steed to a hault near to where the colonel and surgeon were standing, he saluted them, extending a hand to each, laconically remarking: " Well, Colonel, here I am ! You don't seem to rec- ognize me, for months of illness I well know have sadly changed my appearance ; but I could stay away no longer, and have come to take my place with the boys in the regiment. What, don't know me yet? Have I indeed become so different a man that my best friends fail to recognize me ? That — but say, Doctor, you don't go back on me, on Cyril Blanchard, whom you left six months or more since, wounded, almost dying? " "Bless my soul! " ejaculated the surgeon, upon hear- ing the name of the young lieutenant. The good doc- tor's surprise and astonishment knew no bounds. Grasp- ing the hand of the lieutenant, crying ; " Is it, can it be possible I hold the hand of Cyril Blanchard — that he now stands before me in the flesh? Ain't no spirit, Blanchard, are you ?" Then to the colonel, who stood with eyes wide open, not as yet saying a word : " Mir- acles, Colonel ! Heretofore, Bible miracles I've never 144 ILLNESS OF LIEUTENANT BLANCHARD. taken much stock in, but 'pon my soul I I must admit I now believe. For here's this young fellow I wouldn't have staked the chance of cutting oft' a leg on, to all ap- pearance, I was going to say, alive and well, though I'll take part of that back, now I come to look closer; for while I'rfi assured he's alive, he's far from strong ; though as far as being well goes, he's a little too peaked for that yet awhile, but there's lots o' fight in him yet. Yes, I'll bet high on that, providing there's a girl back of him. Well, my boy, glad to see you, 'pon my word I am, and here's my hand on't." "Well, Doctor," replied the young officer, good natur- edly, " well or no well, you haven't run out of gab yet, and if you still make the blood run fast as you talk, why excuse me from getting in your hands again." " Aye," now spoke the colonel, thinking there was a chance to get a word in, as the doctor seemed out of wind, " truly glad to both see and welcome you. I am really, and while you are changed in looks, a few weeks' campaigning will bring you around all right again, the color to your cheek, light to your eye, and courage to the heart, though the latter I don't believe you lack." "Courage, Colonel, why, that's at white heat already. What it may be when charging with my comrades in battle — well, we shall see." " I'll take the chances, Blanchard," said the colonel, "but we must look up quarters for you. Here Euripides" — to his servant — "take Lieutenant Blan- ch ard's baggage. I say. Sergeant, is there not a spare tent at the quartermaster's ? Go and see, and tell him to send it immediately. — Now, Euripides, take charge of the lieutenant's baggage and tell orderly Jim to see to it that the officer's horse is well cared for. He looks tired, and you, Blanchard — well, I've seen giants that were stouter than you look." " Well, Colonel, I've had a pretty hard time of it, worn down rather thin I presume , but I couldn't stay away from the boys longer, because 3''ou see it was get- ting awfully monotonous. Quiet as the grave at Mont- ILLNESS OF LIEUTENANT BLANCHARD. 145 gomery, everybody gone to war, except women and children. A few old men left though, and some of the old felldws wouldn't object to shouldering a musket and strapping a knapsack if they thought they could be of the least service." " No, I presume not," said the colonel, " and by the way, Blanchard, we may have need of them yet." Meeting Captain Steele shortly after Lieutenant Blan- chard's arrival, the colonel mentioned the fact, adding: " I was really glad to see him, and believe him at heart a thoroughly good fellow. Yet one must admit the attack upon you in the arbor was wholly unwarranted ; but you know, Captain, love and jealousy are the very devil, especially the latter, when it takes hold of one in earnest. Anyhow, it showed good grit in the boy, just what we need here, and I've little doubt but that Blanchard will come up to the mark as a soldier. I trust, Steele, you haven't laid any grudge up against him, eh?" " Ah ! no, Colonel, not in the least. For I believe I hold my honor in too high estimation to do a mean or contemptible act, or cherish enmity toward one who, goaded on by jealousy, or overcome by the heat of passion, in an unguarded moment struck a blow for the girl he loved. I like him all the better for it, Colonel, and would adjudge any man a coward, unworthy the love of a true woman, who would not stand up, and if needs be, fight for her, shedding the last drop of blood flowing in his veins in defence of her good name, though this latter has never been called in question in this instance, at least to my knowledge." " Nobly spoken. Captain 1 " broke in the colonel. Continuing, Steele said : " Blanchard is the only one who has greatly suffered, and if he chooses to forget the past, thus acting the part of an honorable upright gentle- man and worthy soldier, I am not only willing but ready to meet him — half way, anyhow." " But how about the girl, Steele ? Are you as much in love with her as ever? " 9 146 EXPECTED BATTLE, " Oh ! no, she's gone back on me, just as I'm sure she will on Blanchard. She and I corresponded awhile, and I thought her true as steel, as her actions when we last parted led me to believe ; but her letters growing cold, afterward ceased altogether. She's fickle as the devil. Colonel, so they all say, and from the little experience I've had with her, I'm quite ready to believe the story, I did hear also that she and Blanchard had made it up, and were now on just as good terms as ever ; and if such be the case, I am quite well satisfied, as I gave up thinking about her a long time since. Still I must admit she's mighty — fascinating." If Captain Duke Steele was ready and only too will- ing to forget. Lieutenant Cyril Blanchard was not equally so to forgive ; the thought of the long months of sufJ'er- ing still rankled in his breast. CHAPTER XXII. EXPECTED BATTLE, RUMORS of another great battle soon to be fought were flying thickly in the air. The second battle of Manassas, where two immense armies had come in collision, the Federal under General Pope, the Confederate in command of General Lee, had been fought to the bitter end and like the first, under McDowell, lost to the Unionists. A few weeks later. General McClellan again in com- mand, had been sent in pursuit and had overtaken Lee at Frederick, where six miles away occurred the battle of South Mountain, resulting in the falling back of the Confederates to the vicinity of Sharpsburg, a small town on the Maryland shore of the Potomac. About the middle of June President Lincoln had issued a second call for three hundred thousand recruits, which like the preceding one, had been responded to with EXPECTED BATTLE. 147 alacrity and much enthusiasm ; so that now are seen regiment after regiment arriving, some hurrying to the assistance of the sorely tried Pope, while large numbers are held in reserve to cover the retreat of the general in case his army is beaten, and for the protection of the National Capital, The first report from the field is, " The enemy are beaten. Not only beaten, but driven — aye, pursued to their very capital by the victorious Federals, who are even now thundering at her gates, demanding admit- tance." The last news from the mountains of Bull Run is, " Our army is beaten ; are fleeing ; Confederates in full chase." So these new regiments were at once dispatched to cover the retreat of the fleeing, beaten troops. Standing on the heights, some three miles away, over- looking Alexandria and the broad expanse of valley, dotted here and there by wooded heights and picturesque plain, there stretch on either hand long lines of earth- works. From the embrasures protrude the yawning mouths of heavy seige guns ; while in the far distance, to the north, rises high in air the burnished dome sur- mounting the National Capitol, reflecting the burning rays of the sun on that hot September afternoon ; while to the left the bright sparkling waters of the broad Potomac, onward rushing, make their way to the Chesa- peake Bay. Suddenly, away to the right as far as the eye may dis- tinguish, the head of the Union forces appears, emerging from out a dense dusty cloud, which rising in stifling masses, envelops, obscures all, save perchance a rem- nant of some tattered, shot torn banner, waved aloft by the veteran of a half score battles, who has borne it, and clung to it through the strife and carnage of the pre- vious day's fight. The general commanding, followed by his staff, rides at the head of the long straggling column of weary, foot sore, disheartened, possibly hungry combatants, who, as they approach, wheel, turn, falling back behind the entrenchments. 148 EXPECTED BATTLE. Anotner avenue reveals long lines of artillery, guarded by compact columns of cavalry, with baggage, com- missary trains and sutlers' wagons, stragglers, civilians, non-combatants, and all the paraphernalia of a grand army seeking safety in flight and the security of the well-guarded earthworks. Casting the eye in still another direction, there is seen emerging from out a dense wood, an unbroken line of ambulance carts, bearing the wounded and dying from the battle field to the friendly hospital shelter within the borders of the city ; notably several of the large Govern- ment buildings, and even the Capitol itself devoted to this purpose. More than two years had now elapsed since the first bolt was launched against Sumpter, the first gun dis- charged, its report reverberating and echoing to the remotest bounds of the civilized world, calling a nation to arms, and thus had ended this inglorious day for the Union ! The victorious Confederates again falling back to their original position in the near vicinity of their capital, there for a time remained at ease, recruiting their strength before being again called to the field. The regiment of Colonel Emberly had suffered more severely in this last than at any previous engagement. A large number were slain and wounded, several of the latter mortally ; of the number Lieutenant Colonel Ship- ley, who died soon after. Captain Steele as usual came out of the battle without a scratch, and had any one asked him wh}' he thus escaped unharmed from every engage- ment, it would have been a difficult matter for him to answer, as he ever courted, rather than shunned danger. This last campaign having terminated so gloriously for the Confederate cause. General Lee now conceived the bold yet hazardous project of advancing his hitherto invincible legions to the soil of Maryland, then march- ing through that beautiful and wealthy agricultural State, which up to this time had remained comparatively neutral. The general argued the time had now arrived when the Marylanders might easily be won over, not only to fully recognize, but to enlist under his standard. EXPECTED BATTLE. 149 This movement of General Lee, bold as it was in con- ception, carried forward with so much energy and skill, came nigh terminating his career ; for Geueral McClel- lan, the idol of the Federal Army of the Potomac, desir- ing to retrieve his somewhat shaded reputation, had taken his forces in hand. Pushing on in pursuit with all the energy and rapidity possible, the Confederates were overtaken at Frederick, The latter retreating before him, halted, drawing up their forces at South Mountain where, on that crest and slope of the Blue Ridge, was waged a most desperate battle. Here the hitherto conquering legions receive a check, victory, considered certaiu, being wrested from them. Afterward, returning slowly, reluctantly, they at length reach the banks of the Potomac, only again to be con- fronted by the enemy, for McClellan has overtaken them ere they reach the friendly Virginia shore, forcing them again to do battle. The sun rose on that beautiful September morning in a blaze of glory, looking down on eighty thousand Con- federate and more than one hundred thousand Federal soldiers. No sound is heard other than the distant bugle's silvery note, or nearer rat-a-plan of drum, calling the laggard from his hard couch, who from very weari- ness of spirit, hesitates to again face the enemy. From thousands of little camp fires, rise in the sultry atmos- phere their wreaths of blue smoke, betokening prepara- tion for an early morning repast, the last to be partaken by many a brave soul. Aid-de-camp and orderly are now seen riding in all directions, bearing to corps and divisions the orders of the day. Generals of corps, division and brigade, haste to take position at the head of their respective com- mands, while, on hillside and plain, are gathered the hosts soon to meet in shock of battle. Battery after battery hurry to position, their foaming steeds lashed by excited riders. They turn, wheel, mingling in seemingly inextricable confusion; then deploy, forming in line with the utmost precision; the 150 EXPECTED BATTLE. gunners, ramrod in hand, awaiting the signal to charge the brazen-mouthed pieces. Now away on yonder height rises a grey transparent cloud. 'Tis the signal gun. Meanwhile troops, massed in unbroken column, the burnished arms reflecting back the brilliant rays of the September sun, await the onset. Antietam's sluggish stream, the line separating the eager combatants, will ere long bear to the sea the life of thousands, both blue and grey, now in the full glow of health and vigor of manhood, each pulse beating with ardor for the strife. Anon the trumpets sound the advance, the long roll of drums the charge, cheer on cheer ringing out on the still air as the combatants close in deadly hand to hand encounter. The First Alabama Cavalry come thundering down, meeting, crushing, pushing on against flashing lines of steel thrust forth to stay their progress. Massed batter- ies from wooded height and intervening plain speak in thunderous tones, their dread missiles piercing rank and file; clouds of sulphurous smoke and leaping flame from the mouths of a hundred guns, telling of wounds and death, rise in mute appeal to stay the appalling sacrifice. The day advances. The sun, momently rising higher in the heavens, beats down its fierce rays on glazed, un- closed, sightless eyes and upturned faces, pallid in death's agonies. Still the day rolls on, the sharp heated sun's rays beat- ing on the heads of the eager combatants, as unharmed, unterrified, they press on. No time here for thought; each sense alive ; every energy bent ; every feeling sunk in the one supieme endeavor to conquer. The day wanes ; the clock in yon church tower strikes the hour of four. Burnside, hard pressed, sends hurrying appeal to the commander-in-chief begging reinforcements. The return entreaty is, " Hold the bridge ! Aye, hold the bridge, at all hazards ! Hold it till succor arrives ! " Here the combat rages in all its intensity, for on this EXPECTED BATTLE. 151 frail structure hangs the fate of the day. This lost— all lost. Yet, hark ! Away out from yon wooded slope, peals the trumpet's joyous note, sounding the " Advance." Again, "Double-quick," echoed by the bugle's clarion strain. Help is nigh I Squadron after squadron haste on the way, long unbroken lines of horse charge down this highway of death, as in ringing note the trumpet sounds the " Charge," its tones caught up by each sturdy trooper. Foot taking fresh hold of stirrup, hand firm grip of sabre, each uplifted arm falls on the head of its devoted victim ; thus riding, sweeping through the enemy's columns, iron-shod hoof trampling the fallen, rank and file going down, nothing withstands the shock. The bridge quickly cleared, the Confederates fall back and the Federals push on. Deatli here runs riot, reaping rich harvest ; for where blade strikes, a mutilated body falls. The enemy, in full retreat, seek safety thereby. 'Twas here the First Alabama Cavalry covered them- selves with glory. Captain Duke Steele, in lead of his brave troopers, his tall lithe form seen where the battle raged fiercest, i)erformed " prodigies of valor ; " and were the Confederates in possession of more regiments like this, no mortal enemy could have withstood their power. Night has fallen. The cooling breeze of evening fans the fevered brow, the throbbing temples of the wounded, bringing cheer to the living, undisturbed repose to the dead. Weary, hungry and thirsty, the veterans seek shelter for the night. The deepening, darkening shades of de- parting day are all aglow with camp fire and torch, round which gather the heroic warriors, endeavoring thereby to appease the hunger and assuage the thirst of the long daj'-'s fast. Their hearts are light. No danger now staring them in the face, they joke, laugli, sing in all the soldierly 152 EXPECTED BATTLE. abandon of camp life, careless of the sufferings of so many of their comrades who sat by their side on the morning of this fateful day in the enjoyment of their last meal, but are now lying on the cold ground, muti- lated, perchance dying, or on some rude, hard couch in an out of the way field. Night has at length passed, away. Its darkening shades disappear, ushering in the light of another dawn. Yet what means this outcry, this unwonted commotion at head-quarters, as an outlying vidette, riding in hot haste, speeds on his way to break the startling news, " The enemy have disappeared — fled I "? Taking advantage of the darkness and the unsuspect- ing McClellan, the Confederate chief has quietly with- drawn his large army, crossing at the fords at some dis- tance below, to Shepardstown, on the opposite bank of the river. Upon receiving this unwelcome intelligence, the Fed- eral commander was loth to credit the story ; for having so skilfully entrapped his wily antagonist, thus placing him in position to be captured at his leisure, it was deemed a matter of impossibility that General Lee should have so easily eluded him. When one takes into con- sideration that a vast army numbering in the aggregate eighty thousand, foot, horse and artillery, the latter of more than a hundred pieces, together with immense bag- gage and ambulance trains, commissary stores, sutlers' outfits and a heterogeneous mass of equipments common to a large army were moved, it must be conceded that General Lee manifested magnificent generalship. THE CONFEDERATE SPY. 153 CHAPTER XXIII. THE CONFEDERATE SPY. A FEW days subsequent to the battle of Antietam, the Federal army still remained in camp, over- looking the scene of strife. General McClellan, standing near the entrance of his tent, espies a female of showy appearance and elegant attire, a dark veil concealing her features, approaching his quarters, mounted on the back of a magnificent steed, whose glossy black coat shines under the sun's rays like unto burnished silver. High-spirited, yet lightly step- ping, advancing along the grassy park-like surface of the camp ground, he seems conscious of the beautiful form BO lightly borne. Advancing to the front of the tent near to where the general was standing, at the same time lifting the veil, a face of rare beauty was disclosed. Rapid riding, com- bined with the crisp, exhilarating morning air, lent a heightened color to the cheek, gave an unwonted light to the eyes, and gave her a bearing a queen might envy. Ever susceptible to female charms, particularly when accompanied by youth. General McClellan was at once attracted by the appearance of the lady. So raising his hat, saluting her with the gallantry natural to the accom- plished soldier, he invited the lady to dismount, and accept the hospitality of his modest quarters. Grace- fully declining the proffered invitation, she said : " General, I have a communication to present, and a favor to ask." Then drawing a paper from her reticule, she placed it in his hands. Upon perusal it proved to be a letter of introduction from the governor of Alabama, and read as follows : 154 THE CONFEDERATE SPY. •' Montgomery, Alabama, Sept. 23, 1862. " To General Robert E. Zee, Commanding Confederate Forces in Northern Virginia. " Dear Sir : — The bearer of this letter, Miss Carrie, only daughter of Judge Foster of this city, a geutlemau of prominence in the judiciary, as also the councils of State, and a warm supporter of a cause for which we are so untiringly laboring, desirous of doing something whereby to show her appreciation of the brave soldiers who have left the comforts of home for the tented field with all its accompanying hardships, wishes to secure a situation as hospital nurse, thus as far as she may be able, to mitigate the sufi'erings of the sick and wounded of our army. *' Whatsoever aid you may be pleased to render, or in fluence extend in this direction, will be gratefully appre- ciated by myself, and joyfully welcomed by those to whose assistance she goes. " Yours very respectfully, " E. H. Johnson, "Governor of Alabama." Wonderingly scanning the bright, winsome face of the young maiden, its animated expression, healthy, glowing cheek and sparkling eyes, the general thought he had never set eyes on a more expressive face, nor one exhib- iting a greater degree of intelligence or depth of charac- ter. More astonished than he could readily find words to express, when perceiving to whom the letter was addressed, the general exclaimed: " Why, Miss Foster, this letter is not addressed to me, but to General Eobert E, Lee ! Into his hands only should you have entrusted its secrets, and I fear I've committed an unwarranted breach of etiquette in thus making myself acquainted with its contents." Now as one would be likely to infer, and as we have already learned, Carrie Foster was a shrewd girl, and one would need but a single glance into her face to bec( me convinced of the fact. Understanding full well what she THE CONFEDERATE SPY. 156 was about, instead of going to tlie Union camp direct from Montgomery, she first repaired to the Contederate head-quarters and from thence to General McClellan, previous to which she had held an interview with Gen- eral Lee. Certainly a shrewd scheme and a deeply laid plot, for the letter was properly addressed, as intended, and so delivered. This General McClellan did not know. She did not tell him. Therefore, in answer to a look of surprise, followed by words of astonishment, possibly of incredu- lity, the lady said : "Yes, General, I am well aware of the contents of the letter, as also to whom it is addressed, I am also aware of another fact, which is that on the retreat of General Lee, succeeding the late battle, his wounded fell into your hands, and without question are in need of and entitled to the same care as though still in his charge. A little sympathy, General, won't do them harm. The poor Buffering fellows must look for both sympathy and care to their friends and well-wishers, and it is for this reason alone I have deemed it best to place this letter in your hands, rather than in those of General Lee. Should the arrangement be deemed satisfactory, I would take the liberty of soliciting a pass recognizing my position, one also that will take me in safety about your camps and through the Union lines, thus enabling me to render that assistance so necessary in the interests of liuman- Failing in the display of his accustomed sagacity, Gen- eral McClellan fell without further thought into the snare so adroitly set and skilfully baited by the charm- ing manners, fascinating ways, and bright eyes of the young maiden. So, complying with the request, with no thought of intrigue or unworthy design on her part, he seated himself at his desk and wrote and handed her the coveted pass, signing his name in full as commander- in-chief of the Federal forces comprising the Army of the Potomac. The pass entitled her to go whither she would about the Federal camp unquestioned, also authorized 166 THE CONFEDEEATE SPY. her to pass tlirougli the lines without interruption in her errands of mercy to either army. In so doing, General McClellan believed he had simply performed a generous and humane act ; yet what were the objects contem- plated, or aims to be arrived at, in thus soliciting this pass? To nurse and care for the sick and wounded '• Boys in Gray " ? Scarcely I She had far less worthy aims in view, at least as regarded the welfare of General McClellan and his army ; aims which, if carried out, would tend to place obstacles in his way greater and more to be feared than a score of Confederate regiments. In short, Carrie Foster was an accredited Confederate spy ; not only this, but one of the most intelligent, unscrupulous, far seeing of this useful, yet ignoble class of people. She was in the full confidence of the governor of Alabama, the prime mover in the affair ; and General Lee was equally apprised of, and fully understood her errand ; one which had been so earnestly solicited, yet reluctantly granted by her father ; for was he not in thus allowing his daugh- ter to assume the role of spy, making the greatest sacri- fice of his life ? In furtherance of the deep-laid, well-planned scheme on which she had entered, and in order to avoid suspi- cion as to her real designs, she daily visited the field hos- pitals, going among the sick and wounded, and by her affectionate smiles and cheering words, uplifted almost to the gates of heaven many a worn suffering spirit. She rode about the Union camp, her high-spirited coal- black, glossy steed, together with its beautiful rider, win- ning the admiration of all beholders ; in the meantime closely observing and taking notes of whatsoever might prove of benefit, or in any manner contribute to the advantage of the Confederate commander; not only this, but she was freely admitted to the secret councils of the Federal chiefs, often gaining important imformation as to contemplated movements, which speedily transmitted, became of the greatest moment, not only to General Lee, but the entire Confederacy. THE CONFEDERATE SPY. 157 Again General McClellan put his columns in motion, after some three weeks' rest, spent in repairing losses and attaching to the several brigades fresh regiments now rapidly arriving. Advancing down the valley of the Blue Ridge, finally reaching Warrenton, the whole army again went into camp. Here, to the unbounded astonishmont, consternation, in many instances indignation, of all interested, an order came from the President recalling General McClellan and substituting in his stead General Burnside. Upon receiving this order from the President, generally supported by the higher Government officials — it being alleged that while perhaps competent to command a division or corps, he was lacking in confidence to take supreme command of an army, at least one of such mag- nificent proportions — the gallant general protested in the most vigorous terms. Yet protest, entreaty even, being of no avail, he at last with many misgivings as to the result, reluctantly consented to abide by the wishes of President Lincoln, who believed he saw in General Burnside one who would not only retrieve in large meas- ure the severe losses resulting from the mistakes or pos- sible incompetency of former commanders, but at the same time press the war more vigorously than had his predecessors. At once assuming command. General Burnside applied himself to the task of reorganizing the various corps and divisions of this magnificent force of more than one hundred thousand soldiers, many of whom were the tried veterans of a score of battle fields, from Manassas to Antietam. 158 A SINGULAR CHARACTER. CHAPTER XXIV. A SINGULAR CHARACTER. LEISURELY walking down tLe broad avenue lead- ing to the State House of the capital city of Vir- ginia, on a lovely evening, the mellow light of the newly risen moon casting a soft radiance over the many lofty buildings of that historic city on the James, Cap- tain Duke Steele encountered a most singular specimen of humanity. A form tall, uncouth, dressed in an old, much worn, faded Continental uniform ; head crowned with a coon skin cap, tail hanging behind ; over his shoulder a flint-lock musket, a " Queen Anne ; " an ancient horse pistol tucked into a narrow leathern belt ; at his side, the point dragging the ground, a long ironscab- barded sword. Taken as a whole, this man presented the appearance of an old Revolutionary veteran resur- ected. Coming to a stand in front of the thoroughly surpris- ed captain, he accosted him, at the same time presenting arms. " Me Lud, be ye the commander of the troops of His Majesty, George the Third ? If so, I am desirous of informing Your Serene Highness, 1 would be pleased to enhst, having of late served in the Continental Army under old Put. Finding the cause sinking, for one thing, another from the fact of my superior merits not having received proper recognition nor such as they deserve, thus enabling me to rise to a grade usually accorded the brave, I've deserted, and now wish to enlist imder the banner of His Majesty, where my talents will be better appreciated. " And, me Lud, that you may the better understand my position, I have this to say further: The last battle A SINGULAR CHARACTER. 169 in which I had the honor of being engaged as leader^ was on the soil of the good old New England State of Connecticut, where I had been summoned with several of my brave followers, to serve my country and the County of Chester, in the capacity of a juryman. In this severe engagement, my troops drawn up in good order, awaiting an attack, the enemy by an unper- ceived, till too late, flank movement, and the most uncalled for strategy, and being of superior force, dis- lodged me from my chosen position ; surrounded, captured, placed me in irons; dragged me to the guard house, thence to prison, in direct conflict with the Articles of War, and me Lud, I've lain in a loathsome dungeon cell for these many long wearisome months, soliciting, praying, entreating, begging even to be either exchanged or set free. To the former they would give no heed ; to the latter, laughed, taunting rae to my very face ; until at length I resolved to escape, which by the most consum- mate skill and no little strategy, I have sncceeded in doing. " My second appearance on the field of strife — but perhaps I weary you, sir? No? Well, as I was about to say, my second appearance was in the capacity of guard of honor, summoned by Beelzebub — have you never heard of the gentleman ofttimes styled the " arch fiend," the" prince of devils," and the like? You doubtless understand all about that, me Lud — ha — ha ! Well, sir, I am this same old Beelzebub's lieutenant. Yes, I am, sir, second only in command, summoned as I say, to officiate as master of ceremonies at the execution of the murderer of his comrade and classmate, Duke Steele. Yes, sir, me Lud, for a fact." " Hold, sir, hold ! Are you a mad man ? Of whom do you speak ? " " Why, Duke Steele, of course. Never heard of him, eh ? Murdered — slain — premeditated — cold-blooded act and all that. Never heard of the affair, me Lud ? " "Heard of the affair? No! What of it? Speak, sir 1 Tell it, and if you lie to me, heaven help you I I 160 A SINGULAR CHARACTER. will spit you on the point of this blade with as little compunction and in about the same spirit as I would a measly toad. Now, sir, finish your story." " Well, me Lud," replied the stranger, '* it's a long story. As I was saying, summoned by Beelzebub, my master, to officiate — or as one might say, commissioned charyi d'affaires of the execution, as also to see that all things were in proper order and well conducted — I was again set upon, overpowered, dragged back to the same prison, where in one of its lowest dungeons I was chained. Yea, me Lud, chained, until becoming weary of my long confinement, I sought means to and did escape, making my way to this city, the head-quarters as I understand of His Majesty, George the Third's troops, whom I desire to join, having renounced the service of the defeated legions of old Putnam — and the devil." " Oh ! Drop this fighting battles, Beelzebub and the devil, of the first of which you know nothing, yet are evidently on good terms with the latter. What I do want you to tell me, is concerning this murder — as so alleged — of Duke Steele." " Why, good sir, have a little patience and I will tell all. This young Steele suddenly, and as was generally afi&rmed, mysteriously disappeared — though I've thought there were some who knew more of the affair than they cared to tell — from his college room, and never came back. Couldn't be found, and has never been heard from to this day. The story runs that Steele was made way with by his room mate, who was arrested, tried, pronounced guilty, and would have been hung could I have had my way ; but when I'm on the point of success in this, or any other of my great undertakings, I'm set upon by those damned highwaymen. Yet, why they should take such an interest in my affairs is past com- prehension — but I wander. Let us come to the point. Will you, me Lud, take me as a recruit to His Majesty's forces now operating against the Continentals? If so, but say the word, and I'll shoulder this good musket, that never turned its muzzle against a friend nor away A SINGULAR CHARACTER. 161 from a foe, in defence of the King's rights and his efforts to put down this ungodly rebellion." Captain Steele, who had paid little attention to what was being said, being seemingly absorbed in thought far removed from those of the lunatic, now turned away in disgust, ordering a corporal to head a file of soldiers and take the mad man captive, directing that he be secured in the guard-house until further orders. What were now the thoughts of Duke Steele at this turn of affairs? That the story told by this singular character must contain some truth, was apparent; there- fore, an investigation must be taken in hand, and that without delay. It so chanced the army was at this time lying idle, so the captain determined to call on his colonel, and on pre- tence of performing some needful duty, select a portion of his own company, and set forth at once for the home of Thomas Baxter. One day's hard ride would suffice to take him to the neighborhood, and when there he would take the opportunity to call on his mother, who above all others must be the first to share the joyful intelligence that her son was still in the land of the liv- ing, as she was without doubt keenly apprehensive in regard to his welfare, and if yet alive, as to his where- abouts. Indulging in these perplexing thoughts, he proceeded on his way to the colonel's quarters ; which soon reach- ing, he informed that officer that he had heard rumors of disturbance in the vicinity of Oxford, a town near the mouth of the Eappahannock, his old home. The rumored trouble had grown out of the presence of a considerable body of guerrillas, made up of deserters from the army, renegades, and other disreputable char- acters from the surrounding country, and he said he deemed it a measure of prudence to head a squad of cavalry and look into the matter. " A capital idea," declared Colonel Emberly, " and the sooner you put it in practice the better. These so-called guerrillas are a scourge of the land, and I certainly could 10 162 A SINGULAR CHARACTER. ■wish for nothing better than to see them put to route, foot and horse, for they are among the worst elements with which we have to contend. Not only this, but they bring disgrace on the honest, well-meaning soldier, and I am positive our war-worn veterans are among the last to have part or lot in the misdoings of these cowardly, thieving renegades. Yes, Captain, go by all means, and should you succeed in bringing those fellows to the jus- tice they so richly merit, you will have earned the grati- tude of all well-disposed persons, more especially those who desire and hope for the success of the Confederate arms. Yet, Captain, I would caution you to be on your guard against an ambush, for those rascals are up to all sorts of dodges ; also, please return as soon as the desired end has been attained, for your services may be in demand at any moment." Selecting twenty of his bravest and most reliable men, he gave them orders to be in readiness at an early hour of the following morning. The captain passed meanwhile a restless and uneasy night, for here was a mystery pressing heavily upon him. Many long months had passed, and he had heard and knew nothing concerning his dearest friends, and they were equally in the dark regarding him. Aye, to them he was truly as one dead. His chosen friend and room mate accused, tried, sentenced — a. condemned assassin I What could be the meaning of this story the mad man had told him ? Could there be truth in it, or on the other hand, some dreadful, deadly mistake ? On the morning following, just at the break of day, accompanied by a score of sturdy troopers, he passed out from the city of tents, setting on the long hard day's ride. All was quiet, all still, save for the measured tread of the sentinel on his lonely beat, guarding a force of nearly one hundred thousand peacefully sleeping, dreaming soldiers. The great burnished dome of the Confederate capitol glistened in the dawning light, while from church tower, steeple and factory, pealed the hour of five. A SINGULAR CHARACTER. 163 Now from bugle, drum and trumpet, in stirring tones sounds the reveille, awaking from slumber, and calling from out the long array of tents, thousands of their drowsy tenants, some to "relieve guard" or replenish smould- ering camp fires in readiness for the morning repast. As the brave little troop ride forth, from out tree, bush and shrub, sound from scores of nature's melodious songsters greeting to the " Boys in Gray." Away beyond yon mountain top, the rising sun flashes its brilliant rays over hill, forest, valley and plain, while before its beams disappear the mist and clouds of the early morning. The cooling breeze fans the cheek, the eye sparkles, each heart beats with renewed ardor, as pushing swiftly on in the wake of their beloved leader, they shout in joyous loud acclaim, with little thought of fear or danger, " Death to renegade and traitor ! " Midday at length arrives — a hasty bivouac, an hour's rest, simple lunch, horses fed. Again they mount, speeding on their way, until at three in the afternoon an object meets their gaze, attracting universal attention. While only some twenty miles from their destination, there seemed a fair prospect of being compelled to camp for the night. Their steeds were so nearly worn down, that their progress became each moment less rapid. The object to which their attention was attracted, and each eye directed, seemed in a])pearance that of an aged negro ; who hobbling wearily along over the field at some distance from the highway, ragged, weather-beaten, scarcely able to move, made his way with great diffi- culty, at the same time evidently wishing to avoid observation. Now and then he would slip behind some friendly shelter of tree, bush or rock happening in his way, then after a few moments' rest, he would get up and stumble on again. The singular actions of the negro especially attracted the attention of Captain Steele, who putting spurs to his weary steed, leaped the road-side fence, pushing his way toward the now thoroughly frightened negro. Upon 164 A SINGULAR CHARACTER. reaching his side, the poor fellow turned his eyes to the face of bis pursuer ; then again hastening on as fast as his worn-out limbs permitted, he shouted : "Fo' de Lawd, Massa Steele's ghost 1 Go 'way, Massa Sperit, dis yer darkey don' nothin', Wha' yo' come to cotch dis po' colored man fo' ? " " My poor man," said the captain, " I am not going to harm you. Tell me who you are." " Why, Massa Ghos', I'se Massa Tom's coachman, Pomp. Don' yo' kno' Massa Tom ? Don' yo' 'member Pomp ? You don' forgit him, does yo' ? " " Oh ! no, I remember Pomp very well, and Mr. Baxter also; but I must say you bear little resemblance to the Pomp of old times. If you are he, have no fear, I am not come to do you any mischief — only good. I am no ghost — simply Duke Steele, flesh and blood; more than you can say, for I see but little of the one, and doubt if 3'ou have much of the other. But you remember Duke Steele, with whom, when we were both boys, you used to play, along with your young Massa Herman ? " " Is yo' Massa Duke fo' shua ? Why, da' don' tole me Massa Duke Steele were dead, killed sho' nuff by Massa Herman. I'se don' tol' dem, Massa Herman neva don' no hurt to nobody. Den da' sey, go wa' yo' nigga, yo' don' kno' nothin' tall 'bout it." The captain soon gaining the confidence of the poor negro, convinced him that he was no spirit from another world, come to terrify, perhaps convey him off to the infernal or some equally undesirable regions. He helped him back to the squadron, then put him astride a led mule, placing in his hands food to be eaten on the way ; of which he stood greatly in need, as he ate ravenoLisl}^ evidently being on the verge of starvation. Having eaten until his hunger in good measure was appeased, he related to his kind rescuer his adventures from the time of being kidnapped by his good friends, the New England Abolitionists. Great was the surprise and no less indignation of the captain upon being told of the trials through which the poor fellow had passed, A SINGULAR CHARACTER. 165 in seeking to escape from his perhaps well-meaning, yet wholly unauthorized persecutors. Pomp had accompanied his master to the scene of the trial of Herman, there being approached by citizens of the town, who sought to persuade him to desert his kind master. Upon his indignant refusal, he was arrested and placed in confinement, where he was held until Mr. Baxter and his daughter Nelly had returned to their plan- tation home. The ill treatment, together with the enforced separation from his much loved friends, the Baxters, had nearly broken the poor negro's heart. He had made several attempts to escape from his per- secutors, thus seeking to regain his liberty. Each time he was captured and taken back, until after months of waiting, watching, and secretly working, he was success- ful. He had been on the road for nearly two months, hiding by day, pursuing his weary way only by night. His clothing was worn to tatters, and he was ready to sink from exhaustion, until now famishing, he was over- taken by the generous- minded troopers, who vied in their attentions to the poor worn darkey, lending him all the assistance in their power. " Gwine home to die, ya, Massa Duke, dis po' darkey's days am numbered. Pomp want to see Massa Tom an' Missy Nelly befo' he gwine to glory. I'se las' but few days mo', my Hebenly Marster am calling fo' me, but I don' want to go to glory, but to po' Massa Tom's." "Oh! no. Pomp, you must not get disheartened. When you get to ' Massa Tom's ' you'll have plenty to eat, good clothes to wear, and a comfortable place to rest your tired bones. Old Mam Cloe will nurse you, you can sing, dance and play the banjo along with your old friends on the plantation, and you will again have Parson Hector to explain Bible texts to you. You will soon dance harder and sing louder than the best of them." " No, no, Massa Duke, I'se shua not to las' long, all worn out, nothing lef but skin an' bones. I'se wan' to go to glory." 166 A SINGULAR CHARACTER. " Keep up courage, my boy ! You have no doubt had a hard time, but what will our good New England brethren say when they hear of a "Virginia slave escap- ing from Northern liberty to Southern slavery ! A bit- ter pill for them to swallow, I imagine I "' The long day has passed ; night has fallen ; the shapely spire of the village church appears in the distance, lighted by the rising moon. Now the troop clatters down the narrow street leading to the old home of Captain Steele. Swords rattling in their scabbards, the jingling of horse trappings and spurs and hurrying foot falls of the iron-shod steeds, bring to every window a startled face ; while close at hand appears the little cottage of the widow Steele, caus- ing memories of bygone days to surge through the breast of the young leader, as he again looks on the home of his childhood days. When last he left its precincts, made sacred by long years of attachment, he was a happy boy. Now he is a man of mature years, with large responsibilities. His thoughts dwelt upon his aged mother, to whom he had ever fled in times of boyhood trouble, to whom he had confided childhood griefs, and from whom he had now been so long separated. But what would be her emo- tions when again beholding her lost son, whom she had every reason to believe dead ? These thoughts passing in swift review through his mind, he draws up to the gateway, followed by his weary troops. Throwing himself from the saddle he advances up the walk to the door, and without stopping to knock, opens it, when his mother, who has heard the sounds attending the hurrying troops, rises as he enters. They meet 1 The son iiad naturally greatly changed in appearance since his mother last saw him. From a beardless lad, pale from indoor life, thin from close application to his studies, he was now a strong man, of robust constitution, health glowing from every lineament of his bronzed face, his lip covered with a heavy drooping moustache, while his tall manly form appeared to great advantage in the A SIISrGULAR CHARACTER. 167 close-fitting uniform. At first not recognizing him, tlie surprised widow said : " Good-evening, sir. Have a seat," at the same time placing a chair at his disposal. Looking his mother squarely in the face, meanwhile saying nothing, a smile lighted up his animated features. She at once recognized him, exclaiming : " My long lost hoy," and then falls helplessly in his arms. The surprise, mingled with joy, upon again beholding her beloved son, whom she had every reason to suppose dead, never expecting to again set eyes upon him, rend- ered it little wonder that her heart stood still. Yet as grief may, perhaps often does kill, joy never does. So ■when she regained her dazed faculties, explanations were hurriedly made, and he reminded her that time was press- ing, the night fast waning, and he must be gone._ So again mounting, the trumpet sounding " double quick," he bade his mother " good-night," saying he would see her again very soon, and then rode away rapidly, taking the road to the Baxter plantation. About half the distance passed, a young negro was seen coming toward them, speeding as though his very hfe depended on his exertions. In fact, the poor fellow seemed nearly to have lost his wits. Suddenly spying the mounted gray coats, he sent up a loud shout : " Marsa sogers, dem grillas don' killin' all Massa Tom's foks, da don' carry on drefiful up dar, an' I 'spects day'll all be murdered ! " " Who will be murdered, my boy ? " asked the cap- tain. " Why, sah, everybody I Massa Tom, Missy Nelly, an de all ob dem. Oh 1 fore de Lawd, do hurry an cotch dem drefful grillas ! " As the excited troopers could gain no further informa- tion from the frightened negro, whom Captain Steele now recognized as the boy Eph, he shouted to the troop " Hurry on," who putting spurs to their nearly worn- out steeds they soon came within sight of the tall chim- neys and many-gabled roofs of the Baxter mansion. 168 A SINGULAR CHARACTER. As young Steele, guided by the colored boy Eph, neared the house so familiar to him in his boyhood's days, its associations so closely entwined around his old playmate and sweetheart, Nelly, his feelings may be better imagined than described. The thought of the terrible guerillas holding triumphant possession here seemed sacrilege — his whole soul revolted at the thought and urged him forward with all possible speed, his troopers following him with scarcely less eagerness. But what means this unwonted commotion ? Voices, in hilarious song and fierce contention, strike the ears of the astonished troopers, as hurrying on, they first come to a group of horses held and guarded by a squad of men in soldier's garb. Hurriedly passing these, they hasten up the broad avenue leading to the doors of the mansion. Eeaching the house, they spring from their horses, hurry up the long flight of steps and enter the house, when a sight meets their eyes and sounds fall on their ears that bring consternation to every heart. Tables extend the entire length of the long dining- hall, around which — some seated, others standing — are gathered a hilarious, gesticulating, maddening crowd of the worst characters and the most fiendish devils to be found in the whole region. Singing, shouting, they dash flowing goblets of wine upwards to the ceilings and about the walls, deluging the choice paintings and richly draped windows. A lawless gang of fierce, outlawed guerrillas had surely taken possession of the premises. As the troopers headed by their gallant commander enter, every outlaw springs to his feet, each hand grasp- ing a revolver or drawing a sabre, confronting the intru- ders with desperate courage. A sharp, sanguinary conflict ensues. Revolvers rapidly discharged lay many a one low. A combat of this character cannot in any event be of long duration. The numbers are too few, the onslaught is too fierce, the en- gagement too close, and must soon be terminated either A SINGULAR CHARACTER. 169 by fligbt, surrender or annihilation ; the weaker party, weak in either strength or courage, succumbing to the stronger. In this encounter, the combatants were as to numbers nearly equal, yet decidedly the opposite as to courage. For on the one side was arrayed brute strength, waging warfare in an unholy cause ; on the other, right fight- ing in the interest of home and humanity. At this instant, while the combat was raging in its fiercest intensity, a scream of terror rose in piercing accents from an adjoining apartment. Kecognizing the voice. Captain Steele without calling for aid, hastened to the assistance of Nelly Baxter, whom he finds struggling in the grasp of an outlaw fiend who is endeavoring to secure her by binding her with stout cords. This fiend, the acknowledged chief of the band, is none other than the villainous plantation schoolmaster and Confederate spy, Cyrus Jones, who was not known to Captain Steele, as they had never before met. Immediately recognizing her deliverer as her old friend and lover, Duke Steele, Nelly, became so overcome by the startling denouement, together with the desperate struggle consequent upon the efforts put forth to regain her liberty and to extricate herself from the toils of her captor, that she fell fainting in the arms of her lover. Taking advantage of the momentary respite from the avenging arm of his opponent caused by the swooning of Nelly, the outlaw chief fled, hastening to the assist- ance of his comrades ; who, hard pressed, were falling back, meanwhile exchanging rapid shots and swift blows with their antagonists. Quickly gathering his followers about him, the guer- rilla chief made one more desperate charge; which from its fierceness caused the soldiers to momentarily give way, thus enabling the bandits to escape ; when quickly they scatter in all directions from the house, and reaching their horses, mount and ride swiftly away. Many have fallen in this short yet deadly encounter ; some never more to rise, others suffering from mortal 170 INTERVIEW BETWEEN NELLY AND HER FATHER. wounds, wliile a still larger number, though seriously hurt, may not be considered in immediate danger. During the sharp conflict, the negroes huddled to- gether in their cabins, too thoroughly frightened to ren- der the least assistance ; yet Parson Hector performed his duty courageousl}'^ by calling on " de good Lawd, to sabe dem from utter destruction," praying, " dat ef de time am com fo' de po' darkeys to go to glory, dey may be prepared to entah de hebenly gates, long o' Massa Tom ; " for without the company of their good old master, the glory of the promised land would necessarily be to them greatly dimmed. CHAPTER XXV. INTERVIEW BETWEEN NELLY AND HER FATHER. LYING on a sick bed, to which he had been con- fined for many weeks, in great soreness of heart and utter weariness of spirit, Mr. Baxter upon hearing the tumult below, previous to the opportune arrival of Captain Steele with his faithful little band of troopers, had striven to rise, the effort being but partially success- ful. Gaining an upright position, his feeble strength at length gave way, when he fell back fainting and helpless. At this juncture, Nelly dispatched a colored servant to inform her father as to the cause of the great com- motion and riot below ; but upon reaching his bedside, the servant found him lying nearly unconscious and entirely helpless, his face bloodless, presenting the hue of death. At once hastening to Nelly, he informed her of the sad condition of her father, when summoning Eph, she bade him hurry for the village doctor. Eluding the vigilance of the guerrillas, Eph departed on his mission, encountering on his way the troop headed by Captain Steele. Ere an hour had elapsed. Doc- tor Jacob Savage stood at the bedside of the sick man. INTERVIEW BETWEEN NELLY AND HER FATHER. 171 He at once recognized in the condition of his old friend and neighbor, the fact that death was near. While the above scene was transpiring at the evident death-bed of Mr. Baxter, Captain Duke Steele had arrived with his band of troopers, and attacked the guer- rillas, with the result as stated. But a little time had elapsed, succeeding their flight, ere Nelly had recovered from the shock caused by the sudden and wholly unlooked for appearance of her old lover, Duke Steele, as also the fright consequent on the mad acts of the riotous guerrilla band. She was now sum- moned to the bedside of her dying father. Meanwhile, the captain, assisted by his troopers, was busily engaged in caring for his wounded and burying the dead. Six of their number were slain, as many more mortally wouTided, while several had received hurts of a nature from which they would doubtless soon recover ; while of the guerrillas, a half score lay dead, their wounded hav- ing been borne away on the retreat. That the Hon. Thomas Baxter now lay on his death- bed, Doctor Savage afl&rmed there could be little doubt. After a few moments of seemingly deep thought, Mr. Baxter asked Nelly if she had heard anything of late concerning the fate of either her brother or Duke Steele. " Yes, papa," said Nelly, " I have received a letter from brother Herman, in which he stated that he was about to sail in a vessel destined for a three years' cruise in the Southern seas ; that he was going out with a good cap- tain and worthy man, in the position of ship's clerk. He wrote in excellent spirits, said his health was good, and that he had most successfully evaded his pursuers ; who had, in order to effect his capture, resorted to all manner of stratagem ; but in the various disguises he had assumed, he had eluded them all. He also wrote me all about a daughter of his captain. Bessie Perkins is her name, and he sent me her address, in New York, where she will remain with her aunt until her father's return. Herman is, judging from the way he wrote, evidently very much in love with her, and wishes me to 172 INTERVIEW BETWEEN NELLY AMD HER FATHER. visit the young lady. But, papa, I've a much greater surprise in store for you than this even, no less than that Duke Steele is living, is well, never was murdered, never heard that he was, nor even one syllable about the afifair, which came so near ending brother Herman's career. He is now in this house, the commander of a body of cavalry, and it was he who so unexpectedly, so opportunely arrived and put to flight the guerrilla gang and rescued me from the clutch of their chief, who is none other than your most worthy plantation school-teacher and Confederate spy, the renegade whom you so gener- ously befriended, Cyrus Jones. "But what seems more strange than all else, is that Duke, now Captain Steele of the Confederate army, appeared just in time to disperse the band of outlaws ; who, after a short but bloody fight, retreated, leaving a number of their dead behind as silent witnesses of the prowess of the gallant leader, and brave band of Con- federate troopers. " Papa, I had nearly come to believe that Duke was dead— or may be had found someone more worthy of his love than I — but, papa, he still loves me, and is here alive, well, and now attending to the wounded and bury- ing the dead of both his own and the guerrilla forces. Why, it does really seem as though some higher power had interfered to thwart those evil-minded men in their designs upon us, and I am truly thankful to heaven, and grateful to Duke." "My daughter," interrupted Mr. Baxter, " there is no man living more worthy of your love than Duke Steele. At the same time, I can honestly say that I could have no more heart-felt desire than that he should have found another upon whom to place his affections." " Why, papa 1 What do you — what can you mean ? " Then realizing she was overstepping the bounds of prudence in thus disobeying the doctor's injunction to say nothing tending to unduly excite the feelings of her poor suffering father, in a softened tone she continued : " Papa, you have at all times spoken of Duke in the INTERVIEW BETWEEN NELLY AND HER FATHER. 173 highest terms, you have educated him and in every way treated him as your own son." Raising his thin, nearly transparent hands to his wasted face, thus hiding his eyes from the earnest gaze of his daughter, who, mute and surprised, sat by his bedside, he said in a low, half-smothered voice : " My daughter, I had hoped to spare you this I am about to tell you ; but now finding it of the greatest moment to both yourself and Duke, it is an imperative duty laid upon me ; and believe me when I say it is for your good, and his, only, that I now acknowledge the one great sin of my life. You say I've ever treated Duke as a son. Close the door, my daughter, that no listening ear may hear what I am about to say. Nelly, Duke Steel, is my son and your brother 1 " " God in heaven I Papa, are you in your right mind'/ Do you know, or realize what you are saying to me ? " " Yes, my daughter, my mind is still clear, and I real- ize only too well the purport of the explanation I am about to make, and that it will both shock and perhaps terrify you ; but notwithstanding this, as I said before, it's for your good. Yes, both for you and Duke." Mr. Baxter now conversed with Nelly, until his strength completely failing, he was compelled to desist from further effort. He could say no more. He had told Nelly the whole story of his life, of Duke's mother, her girlhood, youthful beauty, and his strong attachment. How, in a moment of weakness, he had betrayed her, under the promise of marriage ; of the sub- sequent birth of a son ; previous to which, however, she had left the vicinity of her former home, going a long distance away, there living in seclusion until married to the reputed father of Duke Steele, whose name Duke had always borne. "I fully intended fulfilling the promise I had m.ade to the girl by marrying her," continued Mr. Baxter, " but I gave way to tlie opposition of my father, who foolishly threatened to disinherit me should I carry out my prom- ise to her. I, on the other hand, as foolislily believed he meant what he said, so I basely yielded to his solicit- 174 INTERVIEW BETWEEN NELLY AND HER FATHER. atioDS — commands rather — thereby showing my weak- ness and indecision of character. But I can truthfully say I have at all times sought to make what reparation I was able, without in any manner awakening the jeal- ous suspicions of her friends and neighbors. " Nelly, my dear, ever act as a daughter to Duke's mother, for she is a good and true woman. The love and care you bestow on her will in some measure tend to alleviate the sting of remorse which has for so many long years tortured the heart of your poor father, as also tend to soften the cares and lighten the weight of her declin- ing years." " But, papa, what reason did grandpa give for wishing to seperate you from the girl you loved ? " " She was poor. Her parents died when she was a child, leaving her to the care of a maiden sister of her father, who had a hard struggle to procure the actual neces- saries of life, and consequently could not give the young girl the advantages of an education, or of the social cir- cles in which our family moved ; but as she was the possessor of great beauty of person, combined with an admirable character of a lively and cheerful disposition, her admirers were many. Still the one thing telling most heavily against her in the estimation of your grand- father was that she was a poor orphan. He was an excessively proud man, proud of his ancestry and of the exalted position the family had always held in the com- munity and State. *' Keep what I have said to you a secret, my daughter — for the present, at least. The time may, and doubtless will come, when from the attachment which has so long existed between yourself and Duke, you will find it necessary to divulge it , otherwise trouble might arise for both, and for this reason and this only, have I deemed it an imperative duty to burden you with the sad story." Noticing at the close of the last sentence that her father, from sheer weariness and exaustion, had fallen into a doze, Nelly left him with sad forebodings of heart and secret misgivings as to the future. BURNING OF THE BAXTER MANSION. 176 CHAPTER XXVI. BURNING OF THE BAXTER MANSION. ' ' TjlIAH ! Fiah ! de house am on fiah I " came in Jj startled shouts from the negro quarters. The rear of the large building was one seething mass of flames. One of the members of the dastardly guerrilla crew had secretly, before leaving, applied the torch to the fur- niture in an outer room, which being tightly closed, the flames had smouldered, only at this instant bursting forth. All was now confusion. The colored servants, terror- stricken, moaning, crying, shouting " Fo' de Lawd, Massa Tom don' burn to deth ; " instead of turniug in and lend- ing a helping hand, fright so terrorized them they stood powerless, hopelessly looking on. The dead combatants removed and buried, the wounded lay helpless at the mercy of the sweeping, deadly flames. With decision, coolness and presence of mind — never so conspicuously displayed as when imminent danger threatened — Captain Steele ordered the poor helpless victims to be taken to the lawn in front and at some lit- tle distance from the burning building. Then hastening to the rooms above, he assisted in the removal of his dying friend to the negro quarters, where he expired a few moments later, but not until he had recognized and bade adieu to his supposed son, Duke Steele. Taking the hand of the young captain, the dying man had just sufficient strength to murmur, " Thank God, my boy, my last gaze rests upon you and my darliog Nelly." Then all was over, the weary, troubled heart at rest. The building was old ; the flames spread meantime rap- idly. The wounded soldiers having been removed to a 176 BURNING OF THE BAXTER MANSION. place of safety, attention was now directed to the saving of the various articles of furniture nearest at hand, as also the paintings on the walls and whatever else might be secured without endangering life. The flames are seen bursting from nearly every door aud window, and the whole of the large roof was one mass of fire. Smoke in stifling clouds rose, darkening the lurid sky, while shafts of flame shot high in the air; yet nothing was done, nothing could be done to stay the conflagration or save the blazing structure. Now the roof falls, sending up to the darkened heavens great masses of sparkling flames and lurid cloud. Now the walls surrender to' the fierce, overpowering heat, the massive chimneys fall, and soon all that remains of the once stately mansion — around which cluster the memories of so many happy days, and associations reach- ing backward to the early days of the colonial settle- ment of this now well-peopled neighborhood — is a pile of ruins. It seemed a matter of necessity that Captain Steele should remain with his friends for a few days at least, assisting in the burial of the remains of his old friend and benefactor, as also attending to the many duties looking to the safety of Nelly and the welfare of the negro community. He was well aware that he was not only expected to return to the army and his command, but that his services were now greatly in demand by his colonel. But as his presence at the scene of the late disaster was of the first importance, he dispatched a sergeant to army head-quarters, informing the colonel as to the situation, at the same time begging a further leave of absence. Two days succeeding the death of Thomas Baxter, his remains were deposited in the village cemetery by the side of those of Nelly's mother, and in near proximity to those of preceding generations, the most of whom had found a last resting-place in the same little village burying ground. The funeral was attended by people from the surrounding country, who came together in BURNING OF THE BAXTER MANSION. 177 large numbers to do honor to their friend and neighbor, whom many loved and all respected. The Hon. John Eichardson, sitting in his office ex- amining papers relative to an important suit pending and soon to be tried, picking up a copy of the Richmond Enquirer, noticed an account of the death of his old friend, but was greatly shocked upon learning the attend- ing circumstances, a full account of -which was given in that morning's edition. " My friend Baxter dead ! the old mansion destroyed by fire ! the detested guerrillas the cause of the terrible calamity ! the poor negroes left helpless ! Nelly with- out a home ! What can this all mean ? Surely, I must hasten to her assistance," he exclaimed. While he greatly sorrowed at the loss of his friend, at the destruction of the old homestead, also regretting the sad state of affairs, a not unwelcome thought intruded itself, bringing comfort and relief to his mind. Having in good measure recovered from his former deep seated trouble, thus regaining his usual health and spirits, still in the prime of life, why should he not become a success- ful suitor for the hand of one whom be had so long worshipped ? He now rejoiced that no word had been spoken, no look given, no outward thought expressed, which might be interpreted in the light of love. Nelly neither now, nor ever had been aware of the fact that he had more than a passing friendly regard for her. Still that some deep, and to her, unfathonable trouble had borne most heavily upon him at the trial of her brother, she well knew. Of its cause she was wholly ignorant. Canvassing the weighty subject, he determined to say nothing of these things so wholly engrossing his mind, until grief for the loss of her father, and sorrow for the enforced absence of her brother should have in some degree passed away. Then, when becoming more recon- ciled to her lonely condition, he would lay both hand and heart at her feet, pleading their acceptance. Vigorously applying himself to the task of placing 11 178 BURNING OF THE BAXTER MANSION. the affairs of the plantation in as good order as his limited time would allow, in which he was ablj assisted by the Richmond lawyer — who, upon examining the papers of Mr. Baxter, found he was appointed in con- nection with Nelly, administrator of the estate — well understanding that the business was now placed in com- petent hands and that his services would be no longer required, Captain Steele bade Nelly and the lawyer *' good-bye," returning to his regiment. Before taking this step, however, he held a lengthy conversation Avith Nelly regarding their future. He told her the whole story of his connection with the col- lege student, Ephraim Stroud, and the reason why he so suddenly took his departure from college, saying nothing in extenuation of his foolish conduct, as witnessed in that disgraceful affair, which led to so much trouble to all parties. After going over the whole ground, leaving nothing unsaid, not attempting to exonerate himself from blame, he closed by saying : " Nelly, I now throw myself wholly on your gener- osity, praying forgiveness for my many great, though unintentional faults ; and I hope that our former rela- tions may be again resumed, and that we maybe to each other the same true lovers as before." Nelly listened to his impassioned words with down- cast eyes, and then tearfully told him she could never be to him more than now, yet that the reasons for this she could not now give. " But," said she, *' the time will come, when all shall be explained. Then you will do me the justice to admit that I am in the right. And, Duke, until that time does come, let all things remain as now." Then he left her, remaining under the impression that the reports which had been the direct cause of his so suddenly disappearing from college, and which he had just been telling her, the only reason why she rejected his suit. And now as he was about to leave her for the scenes of war and its vicissitudes, she thought it no more than right to tell him the whole story of her brother's BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBUR(J. 179 arrest, trial and condemnation ; the same in substance as had been told him by the supposed mad man. Leaving Nelly, he called upon his mother, bidding her farewell. Then, as his duty lay in the direction of his regiment, a duty paramount to every other considera- tion, he took his deparature for the seat of war, the scene of future agrandizement and well-satisfied ambi- tion. Previous to which, however, he bade Nelly "good- bye," desiring her, should his services be required at the plantation, to give him due notice and he would hasten to her aid — and thus they parted. CHAPTEE XXVII. BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. THOUGH with much reluctance. General Burnside had finally accepted command of the Army of the Potomac, he immediately deciding upon a plan of campaign. The main body of the army was at this time concen- trated at Warrenton, where they had been camped for several days. The plan adopted by General Burnside, concurred in by his corps commanders, was none other than by a rapid movement to cross the Eappahannock at a point directly opposite the city of Fredericksburg. Accordingly, his columns were put in motion, moving with the utmost speed, hoping thereby to take the enemy unawares. The mouth of Acquia Creek, at the point where it puts into the Potomac, was the established base of sup- plies. Piers and roads were constructed, and immense supplies collected for the subsistence of a force computed at this time to number more than one hundred and fifty thousand men of all arms. As the only means of crossing the Eappahannock at the point in question was by pontoon bridges, a large 180 BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBUEG. and sufficient number were ordered from Washington, to be delivered at Falmouth on the fifteenth of September, with the view of crossing the river quietly and unsus- pected by the enemy ; but through some miscalculation or design, tlie pontoons did not arrive until the twenty- third, five days later. Fatal delay for the advance of the Federal army ! Upon reaching Falmouth they found to their chagrin, the heights to the rear and below Fredericksburg one un- broken sea of tents, The enemy had, by some unknown means, been apprised of General Burnside's designs. For there they were, securely posted on chosen ground, ready to oppose his crossing; and it really began to appear that the Union forces could neither move, or even contemplate a movement, without its being immediately made known to the enemy. Carrie Foster, the reputed hospital nurse, had received passes from the former commander of the Federal forces, General George B. McClellan, authorizing her to go through the camps of the various corps and divisions — in fact, no portion of the army was exempt from her scrutiny. Aided by a watchful eye, unquestioned, she went wheresoever she chose, finding no opposition. So when the command was turned over to General Burnside, he at once countersigned the order to which General McClellan's name was attached. Thus doubly armed, the beautiful spy rode about camp whither her sweet fancy led, commonly taking her to those positions where frequently unseen, generally unobserved, she could listen to, see, or hear whatsoever was taking place and that she most desired to know. Afterward she would hurry to General Lee, place the report in his own hands, no one being the wiser, thus taking a mean advantage of a most generous act of courtesy on the part of the Federal commander. So in the present instance she had been a keen listener to the conference between General Burn- side and his chiefs, in this manner becoming fully cogni- zant of the former's designs in regard to crossing his grand army over the Rap[)ahannock. She had without delay BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. 181 carried tlie important information to the Confederate commander, so that on the appointed day General Lee's whole force was drawn up in the rear, and on either side, together with a large force in front of the city of Fred- ericksbug, fully prepared, to resist every attempt at cross- ing the river. At this interview with General Lee, Carrie Foster had not noticed a pair of keen black eyes resting on her face. Their owner, a young negro, was intently watching and carefully listening to each word the handsome spy was saying to the great commander. Going back to the time when Captain Duke Steele was preparing to take leave of the Baxter plantation and family, we must relate that he was accosted by a negro lad who, removing an ancient hat from his woolly head, said in eager tones : " Massa Captin, Eph don' wan' to go long o' yo'. "Will yo' take me, sah? I'se don' wan' to go to wah?" "Well, my boy," said the surprised captain, "what would you be good for, supposing I should consent to take you ? " " Wha', Massa Captin, I'se don' cook, brak yo' boots, brush yo' unform, an' lots of oder tings, sah. Can I go wid yo', sah ? " " Whose boy are you ? " " I'se Massa Tom's nigga, but Massa Tom don' gon' to glory, an' I'se no call to sta heah no mo'. Will yo' take me long, sah ? " " Well, yes, if your Mistress Nelly has no objections to your leaving, I'll take you." " Oh ! No sah. Missy Nelly don' hab no 'jections." " Come along then," said Captain Steele, who had lit- tle objections to the services of a smart negro boy, even if 'Missy Nelly' had. I will procure a mule for you at the village. Can you ride a mule? " "Yes, sah, I don' ride er mule lots o' times." " Well, then, run on ahead to the village. I'll soon be there and will purchase an animal for your own use." So it was settled, and happily for the poor boy, who, 182 BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. now that his "marster was gon' to glory," could illy consent to remain longer at the lonesome, soon to be deserted plantation. On the contrary, he had much rather go to " wha," " wha'," as he said, "there was som' stir, somthin' gwyn on," filling the position of cook, bootblack and "uniform " duster to the genial captain, to whom he had taken an unusual liking and whom he would doubtless faithfully serve. This was the lad so intently listening to the words of the fascinating spy, the late Thomas Baxter's boy Eph, who has grown both in stature and wisdom since we first met him, carrying the eggs to Mam Cloe, " wha don' got chickens in dem ; " also the boy who so opportunely encountered Captain Steele, begging him to hurry, " as dem awful grillas am carrin' on so dredful at Massa Tom's." Eph is neither a rebel nor secessionist, no more than was his master, but a true believer in "Massa Lincum," his own great desire being to reach the camp of " Massa Lincum's sogers," and he has lain awake many a long night studying the problem as to how he is to accom- plish the long desired object. Now it is in a fair way of being happily solved. He will go with " Massa Cap- tin " to the Confederate lines, and then watch the oppor- tunity of escaping to the Union army and the "Bojs in Blue," whom he has so often heard eulogized by " Massa Tom, who am gone to glory." He will go to war. Carrie Foster in the role of Confederate spy when with the Confederates, hospital nurse when riding about the Federal camp, had officiated in these two capacities some three months, or since the day following the battle of Antietam, fought on the seventeenth day of Septem- ber. Now December fifteenth, two days after the battle of Fredericksburg, in the midst of a cold wintry night of wind, rain and snow, the Federal forces recrossed the Rappahannock under most distressing and disheartening circumstances. The " Boys in Blue " had, after three days' occupation THE COMBAT. 183 of the Fredericksburg plains, retreated in the face of an unsuspecting, unconscious foe. The latter were lulled to rest in the belief that they beld the Federal army in a secure position, from which there was no escape other than by inglorious retreat. This was considered scarcely possible, from the well-known bravery of the Federal commander, coupled with the disgrace naturally attend- ing such a proceeding. The Confederates therefore lay in their snug tents on that stormy night, dreaming of an easy victory on the morrow, followed by the surrender of the entire Federal army. Delusive dream ! Delusive hope ! For when the day broke, and before another sun had risen, these too sanguine souls looked out on the plains where at night- fall lay encamped a mighty host in the panoply of war, and saw naught now but a few stunted bushes, here and there a solitary tree. Not a living soul was there, only now and then a cluster of mounds, in which lay the last remains of many a brave spirit who had there laid down a life for the preservation of a nation, his birthright, and the honor of a flag, his coun- try's emblem of freedom. CHAPTER XXVIII. THE COMBAT. THE staunch cruiser Black Eagle has sailed from the port of New York with flying colors, a spank- ing breeze, " all sail set." Thus standing out to sea, she made rapid progress, for she has proved a fast sailer. The day was waning; the shades of night drew near ; the long low-lying distant hills faded in the gloom, with now and then a faint glimmering star seen through the fog-laden atmosphere; nought surrounding but a wild waste of waters ; and while the great maritime port of the New World lay behind, thousands of miles of broad ocean expanse lay before. 184 THE COMBAT. Our friends are now at last at sea on board the great ship so long in preparation for a lengthy voyage, and no vessel hud ever before sailed from any American port better manned, provisioned, armed and equipped. It may well be asked, where the destination of the Black Eagle and what her purpose. Of this none could tell until sealed instructions in the possession of the cap- tain should be opened when arriving at a certain latitude of the Southern seas. Now three days out, a length of time sufficient to prove the sailing powers of the noble ship, favoring winds rapidly wafting her on her way, the whole ship's company settled down to their various duties. On the fourth morning out, just as the sun rose from out the horizon, the lookout reported a deuse column of smoke lifting in the east. Soon after appeared the colors from the topmast, then the tall smoke stack, now the long low black hull of an armed steamer, evidently in pursuit of the Black Eagle ; as coming directly toward her, moving with great speed, columns of black smoke rising from the funnel, she displays from the masthead the Union flag, while at the, moment of being run up, a heavy gun is discharged, the shot passing directly in front of the bow of the ship. Captain Perkins now gave the order, when the ship was " hove to," the steamer approaching to within hail- ing distance. It proved a revenue cutter of the larger class, completely manned and heavily armed, the bright shining metal of a long brass thirty-two pounder mid- ship, while from a dozen open ports protruded the black muzzles of as many pieces of heavy ordnance. One of the largest and most powerful revenue vessels in the service, she was engaged in looking after smug- glers, at the same time protecting innocent merchant- men, both out-going and in -coming, from the depre- dations of Confederate cruisers; wlio prowling about, chanced now and then to light on some merchant vessel, usually satisfied by confiscating such goods as might be made of use, and other vakiables always acceptable. THE COMBAT. 185 The Black Eagle hove to. A boat manned by a half- score of sailors at the oars, one half this number of marines as guard, headed by a lieutenant, was swiftly rowed to the side of the cruiser, when the officer in command asked in a haughty manner and athoritative tone of voice : " Is this the Black Eagle, commanded by Captain Jonathan Perkins ? " Being answered in the affirmative by the captain him- self, who upon the approach of the steamer had taken position at the stern, the lieutenant said : " Sir, I am sent in pursuit of a condemned criminal, one Herman Baxter, under the authority of the Govern- ment of the United States. I demand his surrender from your hands, to be placed in possession of my own, peaceably if possible, by force if necessary." " Well, lieutenant, with all due respect both to your- self and the United States Government — the latter, whose authority alone I recognize, and under whose flag I sail — he cannot, will not, and to be plain in the matter, shall not, be delivered up to you without my consent. You will, I am confident, fail in your undertaking. In expla- nation I will say, my friend Baxter was arrested, tried, found guilty and condemned under a false accusation and by perjured testimony. Of this I am fully convinced. And having taken him under my protection, I shall not of my own accord deliver him up to you. On the con- trary, I shall protect him from all harm to the best of my ability and the power of the vessel on whose deck I now stand." Upon hearing these nobly spoken sentiments of their commander, the entire ship's company loudly cheered, thus showing the sympathy they felt and good will they entertained for their comrade, the ship's clerk. Going back a little to the evening the Black Eagle sailed from New York, it must be stated that Herman Baxter, known to Captain Perkins as Charles Le Clair, had informed him as to his standing, and why he was going under an assumed name. He told him the whole 186 THE COMBAT. story of his life, as lie bad previously told the captain's daughter Bessie. The lieutenant commanding the revenue cutter, reply- ing to the threats of Captain Perkins, said : " Sir, you have lieard the orders of the Government which I, as the accredited agent, shall most surely carry into effect, as I am bound to obey them at whatever hazard. The choice, sir, lies with you either to deliver up this man peaceably, or I shall be compelled to take him by force, as I before said. The alternative now rests with you. Choose which you will accept." " Why," replied the undaunted captain, a smile of derision meanwhile settling over his good-humored face, " I have no choice in the matter. For if you choose to attack my ship, of course it may be your right so to do ; therefore, the alternative rests with you, not with me, certainly. So, my dear lieutenant, if you desire to chal- lenge me to combat, if that is what all this talk amounts to, I have only this to say : I accept the challenge and throw down the gauntlet, and in your own words, ' choose which you will accept,' Yet understand me in this, attack if you will, but at your peril I I've no desire to shed blood. At the same time, to shield this young man who has thrown himself on my protection, I shall not, if forced so to do, hesitate in taking summary meas- ures to that end. Therefore, I again say, take the risk of attacking this ship at your peril I " The commander of the revenue cutter, finding nothing could be gained by further parley, returned to his vessel. A few moments later the drum was heard beating to quarters, the gunners meanwhile stationing themselves at their respective posts. The guns were double shotted, then swung round, and the starboard battery was brought to bear full against the supposed unarmed merchantman. Yet never was an opponent more thoroughly deceived, as he soon found to his cost. At this juncture, the lieutenant commanding the Gov- ernment vessel, being a good-hearted, well-disposed man, who had no desire to injure the JBlack Eagle or her THE COMBAT. 187 people, hesitated a few moments before giving the order to open fire, thinking Captain Perkins in the meantime might come to his senses and deliver the culprit into his hands without loss of life or damage to the vessel. Then weary of longer waiting, he ordered the gunners to deliver their fire, which upon being done, a deafening report followed, but with a contrary effect to that calcu- lated upon by the people of the cutter. The heavy solid shot from these guns struck the hull of the armored ship, flying in all directions, dropping without doing the least damage into the sea. Supposing the ship against which they had launched the thunderbolts of destruction simply an unarmed merchant vessel, whose wooden hull naturally would present but little obstacle to the solid shot from their heavy guns, they could scarcely credit their senses when they saw the shot glancing from her sides. But a still greater surprise awaited the crew of the ill-fated steamer, when the concealed ports of the Black Eagle flew open as by magic, the guns hastily run out and a seething mass of fire, smoke and flame burst forth, shot from half a score of guns, crashing, tearing, rending the cutter as if her walls were but paper, causing consternation, mingled with fear and dread, to all on board. Wearing slowly round, the starboard battery was brought into action, each gun hurling its death-dealing missiles crashing through the sides and over the deck of the doomed ships. A solid shot piercing the boilers, an explosion resulted, rending into fragments the powerful steamer. Never before was a like scene witnessed by Captain Perkins or those on board. As the hull lifted high in air, rising above and through the dense clouds of smoke and steam, broken timbers and parts of the heavy machinery were seen, accompanied in their upward flight by the half-burned, scalded bodies of the crew ; and when the dense mass of clouds rising, brought the scene to view, nothing remained of the once proud ship and her brave crew save a few floating timbers, fragments of 188 THE COMBAT. broken masts, pieces of tlie shattered hull, and a number of blackened and charred bodies of the ill-fated occu- pants, whose commander had so recently challenged the Black Eayle to combat, unequal as supposed and as was proved, though not in the manner anticipated. The arm- ored sides of the cruiser so artfully concealed, the arm- ament hidden, the revenue cutter people little suspected the volcano they had set in motion, or the powerful guns concealed there till too late. And a sad mistake it proved, for not one was left, not one spared of that body of courageous seamen, marines and officers, acting under authority of their own government, anticipating but little show of resistance from an antagonist of such peace- ful aspect, but who in reality possessed such an immense power. A boat was now hastily manned, putting off from the Black Eagle, seeking to save any who might be discov- ered floating about the wreck. But not one was found living, nor scarcely a vestige of the proud ship so lately flaunting the Stars and Stripes — the emblem of her nation's power and glory — in the face of a seemingly helpless antagonist. The fatal results attending the combat were as little anticipated by Captain Perkins as by the commander of the Government vessel, as while only desirous of teach- ing them a lesson to not again ruthlessly attack a vessel of which they had no previous knowledge as to her character and power, he had not counted on dealing with his antagonist in this summary manner. In fact, Captain Perkins had little idea of the terrific effect of his own guns, else he would have hesitated before directing them in full force against a foe so greatly his inferior. In almost every respect, he therefore, as a result of this short but sanguinary battle, considered his vessel nearly invulnerable, when taking into account her steel-armored, ball-proof sides, powerful armament and brave,thoroughly loyal, intelligent crew. It was then but natural that he should regret an occurrence having so fatal a termination, yet he consoled himself by the reflection that " all is fair THE SEALED DISPATCHES AND THEIR FATE. 189 in love and war," more especially the latter ; his friend, whom the revenue cutter's people were so anxious to make their victim, doubtless concurring in the sentiment. "Ya, yal" Massa Captain, "Yo' don' gib dem revenue cutta foks da wakin' papas mity sudden. Fo' de Lawd, da' gwyne ter kindom cum so fas' dey nebba travel befor.' Guess da' no trubble ship', clerk, no mo' fo' sum time. Ya, ya ! But, Massa Captain, how da' fly in de air ! "Wonda wot da' tink 'bout de Brack Ewjle^ tink we no fools fo' suah. De deffil got 'em sho nuff, by dis time." Caesar, Captain Perkins' black cook, was a character, and an especial favorite, not only with the officers, but all on board ; as he was unusally good hearted, and like the most of the negro race, good natured, lively and full of fun. He was at the same time an excellent cook, understanding its mysteries to perfection, having been trained in the family of a wealthy Southern gentleman. Accompanying the son of his master to New York, who, a successful applicant for the position of marine, had taken him on board the Black Eagle, so highly rec- ommending him to the captain that he had been at once taken into his employ as chief cook ; and Captain Perkins never had occasion to regret the choice, as after events will show. CHAPTER XXIX. THE SEALED DISPATCHES AND THEIR FATE. TWO weeks have now passed. The Black Eagle mak- ing good progress, the weather being all that could be desired, the wind steady, the affairs of the ship going on smoothly, nothing seemed wanting in the way of a prosperous voyage. The seamen, meanwhile, had become thoroughly ac- customed to their duties, the marines were daily drilled to the use of email arms, the artillerymen learned to 190 THE SEALED DISPATCHES AND THEIR FATE. handle the heavy ordinance with ease and dispatch, so that when the time should arrive and opportunity occur to put their skill into practice, nothing would be found wanting. Captain Perkins estimated, and with good reason, that to feel proud of his ship and confident in her people was an undoubted right, and one also that could not well be disputed. The ship was now nearing the latitude, when the seals of the dispatches were to be broken, thus it may be easily conceived that considerable anxiety would be naturally felt by both officers and men regarding their destination. So one fine morning, breakfast over, the temperature gradually rising from day to day as tbey ap- proached the tropical regions, the captain sent orders for the officers to meet in the cabin, and when all were as- sembled, addressed them, saying : " Gentlemen, "we have now reached the point designat- ed in the sealed dispatches, where we are to be in- formed in regard to the object of this cruiser and our destination, concerning both of which I am as much in the dark as you," Then breaking the seals and unrolling the all-important document, he read the following: "To Captain Jonathan Perkins: ^^ Sir — I have the honor to inform you, that the ship Black Eagle^ heretofore in your charge and so ably com- manded, is a Confederate cruiser, her object that of cap- turing merchant vessels or others sailing under the Union flag ; in short, to destroy and in every possible manner cripple the naval armament of our enemies. "Having thus stated plainly our object, you will, with- out hesitation or the least delay, proceed to place the Black Eagle in readiness for such service," Dashing the obnoxious document to the floor, then stamping on and tearing it into fragments, his counte- nance, meanwhile, plainly showing the anger burning within him, Captain Perkins turned to the first mate, shouting in no uncertoin tones, "About ship I We go no further on this damnable business." THE SEALED DISPATCHES AND THEIR FATE. 191 At this instant, the door of an adjoining stateroom, hitherto sealed, was thrown violently open, a young man, in dashing Confederate naval uniform, strode out, evidently laboring under great excitement, and addressed Captain Parkins in unmistakable language. "Sir, why do you thus rutlalessly trample on and des- troy those dispatches which, not only placed in your charge, but addressed to yourself in person, might at the least have been spared this indignity, especially when confided to you in good faith. What mean yoa, sir, in thus defying my orders? Are not you aware that I am your superior officer, the sole legitimate owner and executive commander of a ship of war, constructed under my personal supervision and direction, manned, armed and equipped by my orders? And I would still farther have you to know I am in the service of the Confeder- ate States of America, and that I alone have borne the entire expense attending the building, outfit, and all things pertaining to the ship, in proof of which, here is my commission authorizing me to prey on the Federal Navy, whether of merchant or other vessel sailing under the hated Stars and Stripes. " Do you, sir, make objection to serve in this or any other manner a cause both just and right? " continued the Confederate commander, as standing before the captain in full glow of youthful manhood, his eyes blazing with excitement, he seemed scarcely able to control his emotions. He was a man not more than thirty years of age ; in person of medium height, genteel bearing, and with a countenance pleasing, yet indicative of great courage and commanding ability, combined with high intellect- ual capacity. Thus he could scarcely fail to produce on the mind of his hearer a most favorable impression, even though the captain condemned a cause this man would, without the shadow of doubt be the means of so greatly assisting. *' I do, sir," replied the now thoroughly aroused cap- tain. " Think you I am dastard enough to renounce in 192 THE SEALED DISPATCHES AND THEIR FATE. tliis mauner, allegiance to my country and my naiion's flag, accepting favors from her enemies ; thus to destroy her navy and merchant fleets, sailing under the protec- tion of its broad folds on the high seas free to all? No, sir, understand me in this : I am a Union man, loyal to the core, having not one particle of sympathy with a government founded on fraud and misrepresentation, "I have served you faithfully and to the best of my ability in working the Black Eagle thus far on her way; and my only regret now is that I should have been the innocent contributor in assisting your infamous schemes and the enemies of my country in their wicked unhallowed designs. Accept my immediate resignation, sir, of this or any other post coming within your juris- diction. Understanding as I do that I am in your power, I ask no favors at your hands." Turning to the first mate, the new commander said. '* Keep the ship on her v/ay." Then to the captain of marines, " Put this man in irons." Then addressing the officers of the ship standing round, all of whom were naturally surprised at this sudden and wholly unlooked for change of aflairs, " Are there others present who de- sire to follow the lead of the hrave captain? If so, please let it be known at once." Ujion hearing these words spoken sarcastically by the commanding officer, the ship's clerk ranged himself alongside Captain Perkins, followed by the captain's cook, Csesar, who said : " Me nebba leav' Massa Captin." " Confine these two men in their quarters, and send this black devil to the hold," shouted the commander. " We will soon see who is master here. Every man 1 suppose has aright to his own opinion, but, damn me, if I can quite make it out why so sensible a man and competent an officer should turn his back on so fine a position, as he has held on board this ship for the sake of a small matter of opinion. As to this fellow Baxter, the ship's clerk, it won't be much trouble to fill his place, though I believe I'd rather lose both these men than THE SEALED DISPATCHES AND THEIR FATE. 193 Cgesar, for he is a thoroughly good cook. Perhaps, however, a little persuasion, with the promise of extra pay, or, in the event of that failing, a judicious use of the 'cat ' will bring him round all right ; the latter we will not resort to, unless in extremity." The young naval officer, who has thus so unexpectedly appeared in the midst of the officers of the Black Eagle summoned by Captain Perkins, to listen to the reading of the sealed dispatches, and about Avhich all felt so deep an interest, is none other than the " old man," who in disguise had supervised the building of the Black Eagle, from the time the keel was laid until fully com- pleted, then totally disappearing until he appeared now on board taking command. It was he also who forwarded the dispatch soliciting the aid of Captain Perkins in securing the crew and marines, also the outfit, armament and stores, and lastly, it was tliis same old man who had sent the captain those sealed dispatches, causing the present commo- tion, and change of the ship's affairs, and who, in the person of this elegantly attired naval officer, is none other than Sir Eldred Eomayne, a nobleman of immense wealth, residing in the north of England, who had from the first, espoused the cause of the South in the secces- sion movement. Upon the murmurings of the gentle breeze so soon to gather its forces in a swiftly rushing, overpowering tempest, rending a nation in fragments, he had left his delightful home, crossed the ocean and traveled through the states of the South, seeking infor- matiou as to the real motives underlying the uprising of a nation, the faint mutterings of whose thunder had been borne over the sea, heard and listened to in every remote hamlet, town and city in the whole length and breadth of the Old World. Then having, as he hon- estly believed, acquired sufficient information of a char- acter warranting him in taking a course in opposition to the enemies of his chosen section, he had been at an im- mense outlay in the construction of the Black Eagle. Afterward placing her at the disposal of the Confederate 12 194 THE SEALED DISPATCHES AND THEIR FATE. Government, lie received a commission empowering him to capture, destroy, and by every known method, lying in his power, wage warfare on all Union vessels, comprising her navy, whether of armed or merchant marine. The owner of vast inherited estates, from which he derived a large income ; with no social ties or family binding him to any settled course of action, as he was a bachelor, the opportunity presenting, he resolved to gratify a natural love of adventure by active participa- tion in the stiring scenes of naval warfare. More es- pecially as home and its peaceful surroundings had be- come monotonous if not actually tiresome, to one now in the very prime of life, he longed for something, he could hardly have told what, to relieve his energetic mind from the everyday affairs of a quiet life, and as the opportunity now presented, he resolved to avail him- self of its privileges. The ship again on her course. Sir Edward ordered his first officer to summon all hands on deck, then going up himself, took a station directly in front of the line and thus addressed them : "Lads, as I have just informed your officers, this ship of war is in the service of the government of the Con- federate States of America. You, as I understand and as I desired, were recruited from Southern sea-ports, naturally therefore, are in sympathy with the Southern people. This if true is as I could wish. I hold in my hand a commission, signed, by the president of the seceding states, also by the secretary of the navy, auth- orizing me to take supreme control and command of this vessel, to go where I please and cruise where I may, its object to destroy the Federal Navy wherever found, and in whatever seas. Now,at the outset, let's have a fair understanding. Each and all of you, while receiving good pay, larger probably than is usual to the service, will be entitled to an equitable share of prize money of all captured vessels, the several amounts to be divided pro-rata according to THE SEALED DISPATCHES AND THEIR FATE. 195 rank. Also understand rae in this : while jour income from wages and prize money in the aggregate will be large, the labor attending will be equally so ; in other words your money will be honestly earned, as I shall expect every man, in whatsoever position, to do his duty faithfully, manfully, at all times acting the part of a gentleman. Are there any among your number who decline the service? If so, please step forward. " As there seemed to be no others desirous of changing their condition," all having kept position in line. Sir Edward continued, "You will now each one take the oath of allegiance to the Confederate Government," which being administered, to the first mate he said, " I hereby appoint you as sailing master of the Black Eagle^ in place of Captain Jonathan Perkins ; who, by his own act has vacated the position. James Edwards, I hereby ad- vance you to the rank of first mate. Do you accept the appointment ? " "Aye, aye, sir, and many thanks to you," " Very well, sir. Do your duty — that is all I ask." The lower officers being now advanced a grade, the marine corps were ordered on deck, headed by their commander, to whom Sir Edward said, " Do you each and all swear allegiance, to the President and Government of the Confederate States of America ? " All, without hesitation answering in the affirmative, the executive commander continued, saying ; " My friends, the service in which you are enlisted and about to engage, and to which you have sworn fealty, is one requiring courage, endurance, and above all, loyalty to your government and perfect obedience to your superiors. Your duty is not only to protect your ship, but also to wage war on the enemies of your country, and government, seeking, by every honorable means known to modern warfare, to crush, and subjugate them. I say honorable means as we are in no sense of the word pirates, only waging a warfare legalized by all civilized nations. Are you all agreed in this? " " We are, sir," was the hearty response. 196 THE SEALED DISPATCHES AND THEIR FATE. Unrolliug a flag bearing the insignia of the govern- ment so newly established, the gallant commander placed it in the hands of the sailing master wlio spread its folds to the breeze, then he removed another from its leather case consisting of a white ground, in the centre the figure of a black eagle with wings outstreached in readiness to strike its prey. This was ordered sent to the mast head. As all things on board ship were now adjusted to his satisfaction, Sir Eldred took occasion to call upon the two malcontents, whom he found, not as he expected, cast down and depressed, but cheerful and evidently re- signed to whatever fate might be in store for them. Kindly addressing them, he said that while grieved, at finding it necessary to take this summary course, he considered it not only justifiable but necessary for the welfare of both the cause and the government under whose instructions and laws he acted ; and that while at all times desiring to act honestly and justly, he must, when occasion so required, seemingly take harsh meas- ures. At the same time he desired them to understand he had no prejudice or ill feeling against them per- sonally. "Now, gentlemen," he continued, "while you remain on board this vessel, I shall see to it that all things nec- essary for your comfort are provided. Yet should you continue to persist in your present course, I shall be compelled to put you ashore on the first island we chance to meet, possibly far away from the usual track of the navigation of these seas ; there leaving you to the uncertain chance of rescue, and what is more, the probabil- ity of a permanent habitation, a fate certainly not to be desired, yet one of which you are the sole arbiter? " " Very well, sir," replied the undismayed captain, "on my part, I accept the conditions. Take your own course, Sir Eldred. I ask no favors nor plead aught in extenua- tion of the course T have chosen to pursue. What say you, Herman ? " " My dear, faithful, loyal friend, who have at all times THE SEALED DISPATCHES AND THEIB FATE. 197 and under all circumstances so nobly stood by me, risk- ing your own life to save mine, putting yourself in posi- tions of the utmost peril that I might escape shame, ignominy and unmerited death, why I can only say this, that whatsoever you choose to do, in tliat I most cheer- fully concur, and wheresoever you prefer to go, I faith- fully follow. I can truthfully say from the bottom of my heart that I would rather be cast on the most barren isle of the sea than join the enemies of my native land in their unhallowed schemes. In fact, death were pref- erable." A week now passed, nothing of particular note occur- ring in the meantime, until, one morning, shortly before sunrise, the lookout, from the mast head, shouted, *' Land ho!" " Where away ? " asked the ofl&cer in charge. " Two points off the larboard bow, sir." " What does it look like ? " " It has the appearance, sir, of an island. I can see the top of hills, in the distance, though it is too faraway as yet to distinguish objects clearly." Commander Romayne was now called to the deck, when, after taking a hasty observation, he ordered the ship's course altered, steering direct for the land, where, after a couple of hours' rapid progress, anchor was drop- ped as near to the shore as was deemed safe. A boat was now lowered, our friends put on board and safely conveyed to the shore of what appeared a most beautiful " gem of the sea," where as voluntary exiles they were to be left far away "from the usual course of either steamship or sailing vessel, the faith- ful C£esar following, saying, "Me no leab Massa Captin." The boat which had landed the exiles, soon returning, reported to Commander Romayne the beautiful appear- ence and pleasant surroundings of the island, when one of the largest ship's boats was ordered loaded with sup- plies sufficient to last for not less than a couple of years ; which landed, a second load was conveyed to the shore, the generous-hearted commander saying he desired to 198 THE SEALED DISPATCHES AND THEIR FATE. provide his unwise friends with the necessaries of life, until such time as they would be in a position to provide for themselves. The entire ship's company now appeared on deck to witness the landing of their old captain, the ship's clerk and Cgesar, all of them having formed a great liking for these men. The boat now returned to the ship, having done their errand well, for they had landed large and most ample stores consisting of provisions, implements both of hus- bandry and warfare, together with many other things tending to the comfort and probable prolonged existence of their friends on these distant stores. So returning, to the great ship, the order was given to weigh anchor, sail was set, and they were soon again on their wa}'" to destroy both the vessels and lives of their countrymen, simply from a sectional difference of opinion. As the towering ship sailed away, a loud and hearty cheer burst spontaneously from every man, responded to by a faint hurrah from the exiles on shore, who remained at the seaside, their ej^es fastened on the sails of the fast fading vessel so majestically moving on her way, until the last vestige of her topmast sank below the horizon. Then sadly turning shoreward, they strode a little way inland, seeking a secure place to shelter their priceless stores, as also a habitation for themselves, both of which were of the most urgent necessity, as they were now to found a new home, take up a new life, in every way so different from anything heretofore experienced under cir- cumstances however much more favorable than they had any reason to expect. ON THE ISLAND. 199 CHAPTBK XXX. ON THE ISLAND. AS our friends retreated inland from the sea, the beach gently rose as they advanced, while enor- mous trees, their majestic trunks lifted to the skies, the wide branching arms extending on either side, forming a safe protection from the sun's powerful rajs by day and the heavy dews of night, greeted tbem on their way. As far as the eye could reach, a landscape of most beauti- ful aspect was presented, while great masses of tropical foliage clustered thickly round. Aquatic fowl, in almost every variety, swarmed in immense flocks overhead and about, evidently in great wonderment at this intrusion on their hitherto undis- turbed rights, while monkeys leaped from branch to branch of the great forest trees, chattering their displeas- ure at the novel spectacle of this new, magnified person- ation of theniselves. Caesar, who had gone ahead of his companions, now came running back, exclaiming, *' Massa Captain, I don fin, splendid place fo de provision. Dar am a big rock all holler under, an it am jest de nicest place you ebber seed to keep dem in." Then leading the way to " the big rock," Caesar cried, " Heyar it am." It proved on examination a sort of cavern, hollowed under a projecting ledge of massive rock, an admirable place under which to shelter their stores, which they at once commenced removing from the beach to this place of security. But what was their unbounded delight and measure of satisfaction, upon beholding the stores of provisions, arms, ammunition, carpenters' and gardening tools, so generousl}^ bestowed upon them by the noble commander of the Black Eagle! 200 ON THE ISLAND. Taking an inventory there was disclosed a lage cask of salt pork, one of beef, six cliests of sea biscuit, a large cask of sugar, three sacks of potatoes, several others of both wheat and corn flour, and a bag of salt, besides a number of bushels of different kinds of grain. Among the list of arms and ammunition, were three new muskets, two revolvers, three kegs of gun powder, several bags of shot and musket balls, two heavy axes, a set of carpenters' tools, consisting of a saw, chisels of dif- ferent sizes, and augurs. Taken altogether it was a most splendid outfit for these poor men, who were now to rely upon their own unaided efforts perhaps never again to meet or set eyes on any civilized human being. Upon removing 'the stores, a most welcome and unexpected addition was found, no less than a sack of beans, one of peas and a general supply of garden seeds, the latter especially welcome. It might be deemed out of place that a vessel of war, and one acting solely in that capacity, should have been encumbered with articles of this description and miscellaneous character, more espe- cially designed for colonizing purposes. But it must be understood that Captain Perkins was a more than usually thoughtful and painstaking man, and when provision- ing the Black Eagle, he had taken thought of these lit- tle affairs, not for a moment supposing he would have use for them, but simply as a matter of precaution in case of an emergency arising either to his own or some other ship's company. The captain was an old sailor it might be truthfully said, brought up on the ocean, and in his many voyages to distant lands and seas, he had met with adventures, some of little account, others of the greatest importance, to the lives of marines. Thus he had in this instance departed from the usual course in making up the outfit of the Black Eayle, plac- ing on board in an out-of-the-way place, the various articles, now so acceptable, and which, in their present situation, would prove of more real value than tons of silver and orold. So, when about to take leave ofth© ON THE ISLAND, 201 ship, Captain Perkins had called the atteutiou of com- mander Eomayne to this, telling him where the articles were stored, so that when the boats were being loaded, he directed them placed on board, remarking : " It is not only my desire, but also my greatest pleasure, that everything be done tending in anywise to both your pres- ent comfort and future well-being." The islanders now went to work with a will, their depressed spirits having given place to those of a more cheering nature. With good courage and a hopeful future, they commenced removing their stores to the rocky cavern discovered by Caesar, it proving ample in size and quite dry, promising all that could be desired, for the present at least, tending to the security of their stores, to them of priceless value. Night now, suddenly and with little warning, drop- ping upon them, as is of common occurrence in tropical latitudes, darkness, almost immediately following the setting of the sun, they spread their blankets under the large forest trees and lay down to rest, thankful at hav- ing escaped the Black £'ar/?e'sdetestedservice, and grate- ful to her commander for the thoughtful care displayed in so generously providing them with the necessaries of life, not only for the present, but a considerable period of time in the future, at least until with nature's bountiful assistance they would be able to provide for themselves. The waters surrounding them abounded in fish in unlimited supplies, while sea turtle of enormous size were abundant, wild fowl also were seen in immense flocks, flying in all directions, in all probability never before dis- turbed, as they seemed wholly unsuspicious as to the character of their new neighbors so abruptly dropped in their midst. In addition to these various means of subsistence, when the proper season should arrive, they would sow the seeds of grain and vegetables, corn, beans, wheat, and plant their potatoes, of which they had a goodly supply, thus placing themselves above want, if not in actual com- fort. 202 ON THE ISLAND. Thus we find them on the fourth morning of their arrival on these lonely but pleasant shores. The late ship's clerk having risen quite early, not wishing to dis- turb the slumbers of his sleeping companions, who, from the uuusual fatigue consequent upon getting settled in their new quarters, were lying abed rather late, had started to try his luck fishing. Hastening along the beach for nearly a mile, he came to the mouth of a small stream where it entered a little cove. Here, halting, he dropped his line in the still, deep water, and a half hour later had secured a large supply of fine fish, returning at breakfast time, to find Csesar turning his attention to preparing the morning meal, first dressing the fish, which when cooked, as only the skilled black could, were heartily relished. In addition, a cup of excellent coffee and a generous supply of ship biscuits furnished a breakfast not to be despised. The meal over, Herman accompanied by the captain, started out to bring in a turtle which he had turned over in the early morning : it proved quite a heavy load. The hour of noon having arrived, Csesar with his usual skill, prepared an excellent dinner, which was soon disposed of, as seated on improvised stools, technically so called, really blocks of wood, the meal was eaten with great relish, as from out door life, combined with severe labor, they had taken on an almost insatiable appetite. Ca3sar was now busily engaged in cleaning away the remains of the meal, the captain and Herman placidly smoked their pipes, a large amount of satisfaction beam- ing from their faces. The young man broke the silence by saying: "Captain Perkins, we have been on the island nearly four days. What say you to making a tour of investiga- tion into the interior, finding what our domain has in store for us ; as from what little we have thus far seen, it must be very beautiful, healthful and productive? The soil is deep, and I should judge rich, the climate nearly peifect, from which facts I think we will have little diffi- culty in providing for our wants, the means for doing ON THE ISLAND, 203 wliicli a kind providence lias bountifully placed within our reach ; and were we not so far from our native land, cut off' from all intercourse with our fellows, I am sure I should be quite content to remain here for life. What say you, Captain ? " "Well, ray boy," said he, taking a fresh whiff", sending up a cloud of smoke before removing the pipe from his mouth, "first, this is good tobacco Sir Edward has so generously supplied us with, and for which he has my thanks. Secondly, I quite agree with you, in the esti- mate you place on the beauty and fertility of our island ; its pleasant, I might well say charming surroundings, the perfection of its climate (though its temperature makes a fellow sweat like the dickens), and all that. Yet altogether it probably could not be much improved, and as to a future home, I think you may rest easy on that score. It's my candid opinion that we are booked on these shores for the terra of our natural lives, whether long or short, because, you see, we are far out of the track of either steam craft or sailing vessels, whether merchantman or man of war, and unless driven from her course by storm of wind or wave, no vessel of whatever character will ever appear to gladden our eyes or cheer our lonely condition. Neither do I think it probable we will ever again set eyes on any human being, unless, perchance, some dark skinned, smoke tanned, heathen from a neighboring island put in an appearance, sneak- ing round in search of a tender missionary to roast, of which they are said to be very fond ; in which event, I would prefer to stand in Ceesar's shoes, as they would not be likely to trouble one blacker than themselves. Then again, we are located right in the regions of cani- bal savages, but as none have as yet shown themselves, nor have we met signs of any, I ara in hopes, we may not have occasion to waste our gunpowder on their blasted hides. Still, judging from the appearance of the wild beasts roaming the forest, the fowl who do not seem frightened at our approach, I am of the opinion, that we are the first and only human beings, civilized or 204 ON THE ISLAND. savage, who have ever trod these shores. But of this, one thing is certain, should they drop down upon us with evil intent, thinking to enjoy a feast at our expense, we will give them a warm reception, so warm indeed, they will need very little fire to warm u|) the next missionary. But speaking of a trip to the interior, I am quite agreed in the matter. Suppose we start to- morrow morning, taking provisions for two days' journey, as I am sure it would not be advisable to be awa}'" longer, as our stores will be more or less exposed to the depredation of wild animals." This affair settled to their mutual satisfation, Caesar was instructed to prepare food sufficient for the length of time proposed by the captain, thus having all things in readiness for departure at an early hour on the following morning. At daybreak, all were astir, breakfast hastily eaten, and they were off just as the sun, rising out of the sea, gave them welcome and the promise of a fine day. The captain and Herman each shouldered a musket, in addi- tion, Herman carrying an axe, the captain a shovel, while Caesar brought up the rear with the provisions, blankets and cooking utensils ; thus they were fully pre- pared for any emergency. The thought had been previously suggested by the captain, in which Herman concurred, that in order to be as saving of the ammunition as possible, as in all probability they would not be able to replenish their store, to refrain from firing at wild beast or fowl unless absolutely necessary for safety, or to provide food as needed. Thus they might not have occasion to use their firearms for some time to come, unless attacked, in which event they would resort to their weapons, sparing neither powder or shot. As they advanced, each step taking them farther into the interior of the unbroken, unknown lands, new beau- ties sprang to view on every hand, many peculiarly interesting to the cultivated eye of the young student, who was far more capable of recognizing nature's charms ON THE ISLAND. 205 and gifts, whatever their character or wherever shown than was the captain, to whom the shore, whether of hill, dale or mountain's height, possessed less attractions than the rolling billows of the storm-tossed ocean. Thus, many of the rare and novel scenes, coming in sight, which to Herman were of unusual interest, were to the captain of little account. Some three hours' leisurely travel brought them to the banks of a small inland lake from whose surface, upon the appearance of these strange visitors, rose thou- sands of wild fowl, their flapping wings and harsh cries filling the air. The lake, while not of large size, was a most beautiful sheet of water, surrounded on all sides by large trees whose heavj^ foliage shutting out the sun's rays, caused it to look dark, its depths seemingly fathom- less, while the shore was strewn with nearly every sort of marine shell and smoothly worn pebble, with here and there a moss grown rock. At its lower end, a stream ran clear and sparkling, flowing with rapid cur- rent to the sea Upon reaching the bank of the lake, the dark waters looking cool and refreshing, Csesar, who had trudged along in high spirits from the moment of starting, could contain himself no longer, and before his companions had time to observe what he was about, had thrown off" his scanty garments and plungec^ in, sinking out of sight, but immediately rising to the surface with a scared look, crying in frightened accents: " Ohl for de Lawd, Massa Captain, somting don cotch dis nigga ! " Sure enough, for upon being dragged from the water, an enormous fish (doubtless under the impression that the gods had thus placed a choice morsel at its disposal) was found hanging, his sharp teeth firmly imbedded in the flesh of the poor darkey's big toe. Upon being released, Csesar danced about in pain, crying, " Golly ! dat onmaunerly fish, don suffer fo' go to abuse dis colored gem man dat way." And suffer he did, for true to his word, upon the prize being secured, some generous slices were carved by 206 ON THE ISLAND. Caesar from its thick flesh, a not unwelcome addition to their stores. The heat becoming oppressive at this hour of the day, it was thought advisable to remain, under the shade of the large trees until later in the afternoon, when the breeze from the sea, now rising, should have tempered the atmosphere, making travel more agreeable. So they halted near the bank of the lake, Caesar setting to work preparing for dinner, the " onmannerly " fish, which was cooked and eaten with hearty relish. Thus they remained some three hours, lying on the grassy shore, where they indulged in a nap. Afterwards bathing their faces in the cool waters, they shouldered their weapons, axe, shovel, cooking utensils and blankets, when they resumed their journey. A few hours later, just as the sun was sinking behind a distant range of hills, Ctesar, who had gone on a little in advance of his companions, was heard shouting, " De sea! De sea! C£esar am de first discoberer ob de sea! " And little wonder, for, through the openings of the for- est, were seen its open waters, nothing obstructing the view as far as the eye could reach. So hastening on, they soon reached its bank. Before them lay the broad expanse of ocean, no sail, no island shore, nothing but a wide waste of waters, the boundary of their little domain. Here they went into camp for the night. While on their way, at a late hour of the afternoon, a low range of hills were noticed to the west, evidently some miles distant. The ground gradually ascending until the high- est elevation was reached, they presented a beautiful appearance under the yellow rays of the setting sun, their sides shaded by dense forests, while here and there, the tufted crest of the stately palm reared its loft}' head, softly outlined against the gray background, of the evening sky. Herman could scarcely find words to express his delight upon beholding a scene of such a magnificent and charming nature. That these hills, were the western boundary of the island. Captain Perkins was quite positive, which afterward proved to be the case, ON THE ISLAND. 207 Now quite tired and worn from the long days' travel, tbey lie down, nothing above but the bright shining stars, nothing beneath or around to disturb tlieir slumber, no sound save the monotonous beating of the surf on the rocky shore, the hum of winged insect, the howl of noctural beast seeking his prey, or the shrill cry of some lonely bird of the sea high overhead on its passage to distant shores. Along toward morning the hour when sleep holds the senses in deepest abeyance, both the captain and Herman were suddenly awakened by terrific cries in the voice of Caesar, " De Gost ! de Gost ! Help Caesar 1 Fo' de Lawd, I'se a gone nigga dis time fo' shua." Springing to their feet, grasping their muskets, and hastening to the spot from whence the noise proceeded, they found Caesar standing a little way off, his wooly hair on end, nothing to be seen of his wide open eyes save the upturned balls, the utmost horror depicted on his face, while a few rods away stood an enormous beast, in color and general aspect resembling an animal which Caesar had slain shortly after their arrival on the island. It seemed to hesitate whether to attack or retreat. In fact it was no eas}'- matter to decide which of the two was the most frightened, the negro or the huge beast. Upon explaining the affair to his friends at the close of the encounter, it seemed that being awakened from a sound sleep and seeing the animal magnified by the semi- darkness and gloom of the early morning, Ceesar, thor- oughly frightened, imagined the ghost of the previously slaughtered beast had appeared to revenge his slaye». In this superstitious belief — he shouted to his compan- ions to save him from the ghostly foe whose sharp claws were threatening his destruction, when at once bringing their weapons to bear, both firing at the instant, the poor animal soon lay stretched in the throes of death. Caesar danced about in great glee, shouting, " Ya! Yal Didn't I tol' yer so ! To friten dis po' darkey dat way ! " Like many another of his race, Cgesar's courage rose with the danger, when aecompanied by flesh and blood, 208 ON THE ISLAND. but when assuming a ghostly form, he was quite unequal to the occasion, and while he would not hesitate to place himself in perilous positions when necessary for the preservation of either himself or friends, the appearance of the supposed ghost was too much for his nerves. Kecovering his disorganized faculties, he lighted a fire from the dry twigs and branches scattered thickly about, when soon the fragrant steam of cofi'ee asceuded ; the remainder of the big fish, that had so dexterously lighted on Csesar's toe, was fried, altogether forming a good and thoroughly enjoyed breakfast. Soon after the cook set about skinning the "onmannerly ghost," the captain say- ing that a few more similar conquests would furnish them not only a. good supply of bedding, but also clothing which would ere long be much needed, as their present supply limited as it necessarily must he, would require replenishing. The skin was soon removed and rolled up in a bundle so compact as to be easily carried, though Caesar said, "De load am gettin' radder heavy," which he found to his cost before reaching home, as each step on the way it grew more burdensome. All things being in readiness, the order was given, and they were off, light of heart and fleet of foot, for they were on the homeward route where rest awaited them, at least for a short time. Still activity was at this time a prime necessity, as we shall soon learn. Captain Perkins was desirous of taking a more round- about way, leading toward the chain of distant hills to the west, that the boundaries of their island home might be determined in that direction. As the sun had now risen in a clear sky, the day would become altogether too warm, for rapid travel, so they hastened on until about ten o'clock, when they halted at the foot of the high ground which rose sharply for some three hundred feet, while a narrow valley here and there ojiened, through which could be seen the waters of the sea on the farther side. So following one of these depressions, ere long they again stood on the shore of the boundless ON THE ISLAND. 209 ocean, thus establishing the fact, as the captain had pre- dicted, of this being the boundary of that side of the island. The surface of the level ground presented a rich, park- like appearance, the grass short, in color a brilliant emer- ald, more especially when but little shaded by the heavy foliage of the immense forest. The trees grew in clus- ters, openings of large extent lying between them. Here they found cocoanut trees loaded with an abund- ance of fine fruit ; shrubs and tall bushes emitting odors of the rarest fragrance. Again resting a couple of hours, they took up the line of march, arriving at head quart- ers, just at sunset, having during the time of their absence nearly circumnavigated the boundaries of the island. Upon reaching that which was to them even more than home, as it was not only a place of shelter, but also the storehouse where were accumulated all their earthly possessions, they found everything as they had left it, having previously taken the precaution of barri- cading the entrance to the cave in anticipation of wild animals which might chance that way. Darkness and night soon coming upon the tired travel- ers, they slept soundly, not awakening until long after sunrise on the following morning, when Ceesar, who as usual was the first astir, was heard shouting in excited tones, "Massa Captain, cum quick. Golly! But look dar," which he did, as also his young companion, aye looked long and earnestly, witnessing a sight that brought tears to the eyes of one at least. For away on the dis- tant horizon, rose from the sea, columns of dark heavy smoke, on which their gaze rested until the last vestige had faded from view. " Well, Captain, what do you make it out?" " Nothing more or less than the smoke rising from the funnels of an ocean steamer which may be, and doubt- less is, more than a hundred miles away. These signs of ocean life, we shall often see, but never much nearer than the one just passed, for are you aware, we are not less than that distance from the direct route of ships and 13 210 ON THE ISLAND. the smoke from tliat vessel was probably several hundred feet above her deck. We are so fur distant indeed that the highest point on the island or the topmost bough of the tallest tree would not be visible from yon steamer. " Yes, Commander Sir Eldred Romayne well knew what he was doing in selecting this as our home, both present and future, and while one can but feel grateful for his kindness in granting us so many favors, yet I would have been better pleased, had he passed us over to some vessel sailing on the homeward route. How- ever I am not going to complain of his treatment under the circumstances, as he well understood our views regarding secession and the Confederacy ; well knowing, too, that should we be able to return, our every effort would tend in the direction of its downfall," " And as self-interest may be considered as a peculiar characteristic of one's nature and self-preservation its first law, why he was only acting the one and carrying out the other," interposed the young philosopher. " So on the whole," broke in the captain, " we should not criticise his acts too severely. Anyhow as there's no help, why, we must make the best of it." " Well, Captain," said Herman, " as for myself, I shall be quite content and equally well satisfied if no vessel, ocean steamer, man of war or merchantman, comes nearer to us than the one whose smoke we have just seen. What do you say to that, my friend ? " " Well, my boy, it's certainly not heresy to talk and feel about it as you do, and I don't know that one can blame you for taking this view of the case. As for myself, I am pretty well content, still as time passes on, this life now so pleasant may become wearisome ; we may long for the companionship of friends and our old homes — and — well 1 suppose we must make a virtue of necessity, and should it be the will of Heaven, in con- junction with Sir Edward, that this is to be our home for all time to come, why the best thing to do will be to become reconciled to our fate, thus striving to make our lives pass as agreeably as possible. Of course we must take ON THE ISLAND. 211 into account the difference in age and position. While you are young, I am getting on in years, not old, yet at a time of life when, the home circle, possessed of its greatest attractions, has peculiar charms. Then again I find myself worrying about my darling daughter, who will grieve and mourn for her father, and when the time for which we enlisted on this cruise is ended and we do not appear, she will imagine she is left almost alone in the world. But let us drop these useless repiuings and imaginings, these thoughts of the future, and think more of the present ; for to tell the truth, we have any amount of hard work before us. " First in order, is a warm and comfortable house for ourselves, and store house for our goods and chattels. Secondly, to clear, and prepare an acre, at least, of rich soil in which to plant seeds of both grain and vegetable before the rainy season sets in. Our habitation must be made strong, as the terrific hurricanes and tempests, which often sweep over both the sea and land in the tropics are relentless in fury, overturning the large forest trees carrying destruction in their path. Of course this is not always the case, still such things have been known to occur, and it is best to be prepared for all emergen- cies. Our house must also be made water proof, for the complete protection of our priceless stores of both pro- visions and ammunition, so I propose that we set about its erection at once. That completed, we will turn our attention to our extensive farming operations, which may possibly be attended with more or less difficulty, as neither of us have had much experience in that line. At all events a large amount of labor will be required, and we have only about two months of fine weather before us, little time enough, I'll assure you, to get through the work." To all of these suggestions, Herman assented, as he invariably did to any propositions the captain saw fit to make, having the most perfect faith in his friend's good judgment. So in the afternoon, they went out to the forest, selecting trees of a suitable size for logs that 212 ON THE ISLAND. could be readily handled and easily transported to the site agreed upon for the house. This done, they returned and on the following morning shouldered their axes and commenced operations. The trees selected were about one foot in diameter ; some were cut twenty feet in length, others twelve, so that when put in place their building would be twenty feet long by twelve wide. Next came the transporta- tion which was readily effected by using saplings a few inches in thickness to serve as rollers. These, by the help of levers, were used with good success, so that after some four days' labor, the logs were on the ground in readiness to be raised and put in place for the walls on the site selected for the cabin, which was on ground a little above the general level. Beginning the work, they first cut a notch at each end of the log, then plac- ing one above the other, the building was speedily erected, its height seven feet. For the roof, logs were split lengthwise in thin slabs, which being overlapped were thus made tight, imper- vious to the water which would run readily to the ground. The floor was also laid with the same material, also the doors, and as they had no glass (the dealers in that article having none on hand) they constructed heavy shutters, fastened on the inside by stout oaken bars, so that, in case of attack from either wild beast or savage, their snug quarters could be quite well secured. In the many voyages of Captain Perkins to the various portions of the world, accompanied as they must inevi- tably be by so many vicisitudes, he well understood that it would scarcely do to rely wholly upon appearances, and though thus far, they had discovered nothing war- ranting them in the belief that the natives of other islands had ever visited these shores, yet the time might come when these precautions would not be amis?, as the savages, inhabiting this part of the world, were known to be naturally shrewd and wary. Therefore he said, " Herman, we will at the outset take all needful measures for our future safety." ON THE ISLAND. 218 This work, occupying them for some two weeks, was fouud quite laborious, neither being accustomed to man- ual labor, so their hands were blistered, faces sunburned and tanned, giving them the appearance of genuine natives. But for this they cared little, enjoying as they did the most perfect health, combined with appetites which kept Caesar on the alert to satisfy. Yet he was equal to the task. For what with the large and savory turtles, now and then a fat duck or geese, brought down by a well directed shot from his musket, they fared "sumptously every day," without seriously encroaching on their stores. Thus, as said Captain Perkins, doubtless with much truth, " From the time of Robinson Crusoe down to the present, few castaways bad been placed in equally com- fortable circumstances." The erection of the house completed, our friends could but look with satisfaction upon the result of well directed effort, combined with severe labor, which had terminated in a house of ample proportions, in every respect quite adequate to their present needs. Now began the work of clearing the soil from which they had cut the timber for their cabin, first piling the brush, the longer limbs being used for fire wood, this latter of much importance during the wet months. The brush burned on the ground, the fire wood was piled up close to the side of the house and soon became thoroughly dried by the sun's rays. Then with shovel and spade, they turned over the rich mold, about an acre in area, planting corn, beans, and potatoes, which would not ,be likely to vegetate until the rain had fallen in sufficient quantity to moisten the parched earth. This work completed, they fenced the acre with palings split from straight grained logs, one end sharply pointed driven into the soft mold to a sufficient depth to insure its upright position. Tims was a fence constructed some six feet in height, entirely enclosing the field. At the point nearest the house, they left an opening at which was placed a strong and serviceable gate, the 214 Oif THE ISLAND. principal object of the enclosure being to protect their crop, while growing, from the depredation of animals, Avbo roaming about at night, would soon have destroyed the fruits of their hard labor. The cabin completed, the farm planted, their stores well sheltered, nothing now seemed wanting to insure their comfort, and the work keeping them busily employed for more than two months was looked upon with much satisfaction. They felt themselves fully pre- pared for any future emergency, well knowing that future must, in any event, depend wholly on their own unaided exertions. No hope, no help, no thought even of either from any other source was deemed possible. Yet what a charge a few short months had brought about in their circumstances? So wholly unforeseen, unprovided for, and it reallj^ began to seem that some higher power must have taken them in hand, whether for weal or woe, who should determine, as is ever the case in one's life. For oftentimes those things, at the outset deemed a curse, turn out our chiefest blessings. Up to this time, the weather had been nearly perfect, save at times uncomfortably warm. Yet now the tem- perature was daily becoming sensibly cooler ; more espe- cially was this the case at night time, an extra blanket not coming amiss. On a morning a few days later, rising somewhat earlier than was his usual habit, Captain Perkins noticed a dark cloud rising in the west. Calling the attention of Herman, (who scarcely awake, lazily approached, yawning and rubbing his slee])y eyes,) to this unusual appearance of the sky, he said ; " Yonder dark cloud we may look upon as the forerunner of the rainy season. Thank God, we are prepared ; our long and severe labors will soon find a recompense, which only goes to show in this, as every other instance, well directed effort under every possible circumstance, proves the wiser course in the end." The captain was undoubtedly a good deal of a philoso- pher, having acquired this habit from the manifold ON tHE ISLAND. 215 duties of a seafaring life which invariably led him to adopt as mottoes, " Procrastination is the thief of time," and "Put not off till to-morrow that which should be done to-day." The cloud in the west gradually deepened and expanded until, at mid-day it had overspread the heavens, completely shutting out the rays of the sun ; the landscape was shrouded in gloom ; darkness veiled the broad bosom of the sea, while over all hovered the coming tropical winter night. Thus passed the day in anxious anticipation of the coming storm, the stores meanwhile carefully examined that nothing might be wanting tending in the least degree to their safety. Along toward the middle of the night, rain in scattering drops was heard pattering on the roof of the snug cabin, the first since landing on tliese lonely shores some mouths before. It was a welcome sound increasing slowly in volume until it ran in great streams from the water-proof covering, deluging the parched earth with its life-giving power, Now it fell in immense sheets ; the winds rose; a flash of lightning lit up the heavens, followed by a crash of thundershaking the stoutly built cabin to its foundations. A tropical storm had burst upon them in all its tumul- tous fury, the prelude to a long succession of gales, the wind continuing to rise with velocity, causing the huge forest trees to crack, bend and twist, while now and then, one, torn from its bed, crashed to the earth, with a report not unlike a discharge of heavy artillery. Yet through all this warring of the elements, blasts of wind and flooding rain, the little log cabin stood the test bravely, impervious to the one, too strong to succumb to the other, our islanders the while feeling a great sense of security in their safe, though humble retreat. This storm of tornado, lightning flash, thunder roll and angry flood, soon passed away, leaving in its train a light, drizzling, misty rain with scarcely an intermission, save now and then a sickly illumination of the sky, as the sun, breaking through the overhanging clouds, 216 ON THE ISLAND. remained but a few moments then to disappear as quickly as it came. Nature now took on a garb of dazzling, magical beauty. The parched brown earth eagerly drank in the flowing moisture, its surface presenting a hue of brilliancy scarcely conceival3le to one who has never been an inhabitant of tropical latitudes, therin witnessing its charming scenes, and rapid growths. The forest trees put forth from their wide extended arms new buds, growing and expanding so swiftly, under the genial temperature and vapor-laden atmosphere, that ere one could well realize the fact, wonderous masses of foliage covered both hillside,valleys, plains and sequestered dell. The birds from bush, twig and stately trees, pro- claim, in song and sweetly chirping glee, their happiness, while the great winged rovers of the sea, inland lake and forest, made the air resonant with joyous cries and quacks. The seeds deftly sown in the rich virgin soil, both grain and vegetable, suddenly sprang forth, eagerly push- ing their way upward, promising rapid growth and bountiful harvest. Still the storm kept on, now raging in relentless fury, anon subsiding in gently-falling mist, hence the islanders were kept pretty closely confined indoors, and as they had no books, no reading matter of any kind, the daily Morning Journal stopped for non pay- ment of dues, no letters to write, nothing with which to employ their time, they finally set to work in the hope of evolving some plan whereby to pass the long days until, the rainy season over, out of door work would again occupy the time, engaging their whole attention. Again Herman suggested the daily recording of pass- ing events, but he had no paper. Indeed this seemed the " winter of discontent," to all save Caesar, who found no lack of occupation in keeping the stout appetites of his companions appeased and their stomachs in good condition, until, at length, the ever fertile brain of the captain came to the rescue ; he was strvcJc by a happy thought. THE CAPTURED MERCHANTMAN. 217 " We will build a boat, my boy," said he, as, refilling his pipe, he settled down in the attitude of one who has solved a most difficult problem. " To be sure, a most happy thought," echoed his young comrade. CHAPTER XXXI. THE CAPTURED MERCHANTMAN. LET US return to the Black Eagle^ whose commander had set on the island shores, the loyal Unionists leaving them to an unknown fate. She pursued her way, resuming her former course, and as Sir Eldred was in no special haste, having but to again enter the accus- tomed highway of ocean travel, where he might expect to meet some vessel sailing under the Stars and Stripes, the voyage was commenced under easy sail, a lookout stationed, the affairs of the ship resuming their accus- tomed sway. Thus twenty-four hours' progress brought him to the desired roadstead, and shortly after the watch sighted a strange sail, hull down, only the topmost spars visible. " Sail ho I " was shouted. " Where away ? " inquired the officer on deck. " On the larboard tack, sir," was answered. The Black Eagle was at once put on her course to intercept the stranger, all sail set, every sheet that would draw crowded on, and as the wind was fair, she made swift progress, rapidly overhauling the vessel, which, coming into full view, was disclosed to be a large mer- chantman, flying the Union colors. Her commander now becoming aware that he was cha?ed, altered his course, putting his vessel before the wind, thereby intending to seek safety bj'- flight. While a good sailer, the ship was no match in speed for her pur- suer, who rapidly closed upon her, yet as a stern chase is 218 THE CAPTURED MERCHANTMAN. proverbially a long one, and niglit was coming on, with a threatening sky, there seemed a fair probability of escape. Soon heavy black clouds rolled up to leeward ; night suddenly fell, followed by almost intense darkness, relieved now and then by a flash of lightning, accom- panied by a roll of thunder, heavier and more terrific than a discharge of the combined batteries of the Black Eayle. The storm fast approaching, sail was hastil}'^ taken in and the ship made as secure as possible against the expected tempest. However, the chase was kept up, a flash of lightning revealing for an instant the tall masts and black hull of the fleeing merchantman. Soon the storm clouds burst in all their ungovernable fury, deluging the deck with floods of water. Notwithstanding the utmost eftbrts of the crew, the Black Eayle was in momentary danger of being engulfed in the tumultuous waters of the raging sea, the high rolling billows dashing against her prow, while deluging masses of spray were cast on deck. As already known, the Black Eayle, was a thoroughly staunch ship, her crew brave and uncommonly skillful, yet the concealed armor and heavy guns told against her, giving rise to the thought that she was overweighted, especially when encountering so severe astorm. Now the tempest reaching its height, scarcely a possibility of the vessel's being saved, Sir Eldred Eomayne was about to order the deck guns overboard, when a sudden lull apprised him that the storm had spent its fury, and would in all probability soon abate, which soon there- after proved the ease. An hour later, the moon at its full rose from out the sea, its yellow rays casting a glow over the boiling waters, at once pleasing and inspiriting. Though the waves were still running high, the commander ordered sail again set, the ship put on her way and the chase resumed. The merchantman, meantime, had withstood the The captured merchantman, 219 tempest much better than could have been expected, sustaining little damage other than the smashing of the starboard bulwark from the dashing waves, and as the storm was now entirely over, the atmosphere clear, she appeared in full view to the delight of her pursuer. In the brilliant rays of the moon, under a cloud of canvas, each mast, sail and shroud clearly outlined against the blue background of the sky, she presented a most beau- tiful sight to the onlookers from the deck of the Black Eagle, many of whom, however, cared less for her beaaties, than the rich plunder lying in her hold, soon as they believed to be in their possession. Still the chase seemed destined to be greatly prolonged ; as the mer- chantman sailed dead before the wind, it was no easy matter for her pursuer to get near enough to try the calibre of his guns. Thus the chase continued through the night, when the sun rising showed the Black Eagle to have gained an appreciable advantage. Still nearing the fleeing vessel, at midday she was within range of the long thirty-two midship gun of the cruiser. The Black Eagle now hoisted her colors, at the same time sending a round shot over the fleeing ship's tops. To this challenge, no attention was paid, when Sir Edward, calling to his first officer, said, " Mr. Rogers, give her a shot from the bow gun, aim low and make it tell." The heavy gun was immediately loaded and dis- charged, striking the merchantman squarely on the star- board quarter, and as this was the first intimation she had received that her pursuer was an armed vessel of war, and being herself unarmed, thus wholly at the mercy of the former, she could do no less than haul down her colors and " heave to," when a launch contain- ing an officer and a half dozen marines were dispatched to take possession. Upon inspection, she proved a rich prize, being loaded with a cargo of hemp, manilla, and other valuable south sea products of the utmost utility to the Confederate Government. 220 THE CAPTURED MERCHANTMAN". Sir Eldred Eomajne, after consultation with his officers, ofi'ered the crew of the captured vessel their free- dom, with the same generous pay his own men were receiving, provided they would, join him, resuming duty under his command. Otherwise he would be compelled to take them home prisoners of war. As the merchantman's crew were of various nationali- ties, Irish, German, English, together with a smattering of renegade Yankees, who cared less under what flag they served, than for the pay received, they readily acceeded to the proposal, with one exception, the captain, who, true to his principles and loyal to his country, refused all compromise in the matter. Commander Romayne urged him both by entreaty and argument to join his standard, " In which event," said he, " I will fully protect you in your rights both as to person and property ; meanwhile urging that the South were to all intents and purposes in the right, that its ultimate triumph was a foregone conclusion, and further," he continued, " I have adopted its cause from pure conviction of its justness. But Captain Tompkin's could not see it in the same light. Argument, entreaty, threats even failed, the honest-hearted, loyal man refus- ing in any manner whatever to assist the Confederate cause, saying he would sooner return in poverty, than disgrace. " And," continued he, his voice trembling with emotion and no little scorn, " Captain Romayae, load me with chains, if you will, heap every indignity upon my head, yet desert my country I will not, especially at an hour when every loyal-minded citizen and well- wisher should be at the fore. Furthermore while I can but mourn the loss of my ship, together with a carge secured by so much labor and outlay, I esteem it an honor to sacrifice not only this, but my life, if need be, in opposition to a cause both unholy and unjust." The captain, be it said, was not only of a philosophic turn, but also a believer in the adage, " What can't be cured must be endured," Thus well knowing there was but one of two ways from which to chose, either take THE CAPTURED MERCHANTMAN. 221 the present course or war against his country, he was not long in deciding. So he reluctantly turned over ship, crew and cargo to the hands of his successful antagonist, meantime registering a vow, and giving his captor the assurance, that should an opportunity occur at any time in the future, he would take advantage of the same, pay- ing him in his own coin, and he was a man to make good his word. The Black Eagle escorted her prize, until arriving at a friendly port, when she again set sail with flying colors, putting to sea in search of further spoils. The prize ship was ere long disposed of to the govern- ment agent, together with her valuable cargo, a large sum being realized therefrom. The mariners were now granted a thirty days' leave of absence, with the understanding that they would at the end of the furlough report at a given point, thus re- joining the Black Eagle\ to which they were only too willing to consent to do, more especially in consideration of the favorable circumstances attending their former cruise. Yet they could scarcely expect to come off as easily on all occasions, as they would be liable to meet now and then a foe worthy of their steel, possibly a vessel carrying concealed armor. The news of the capture of so fine a ship, together with a valuable cargo, traveled fast and far; so that Sir Eldred was not only highly complimented on the achievement, but also received congratulations from the Confederate Government, they vowing him one of the most competent and skillful commanders in the marine service. Meanwhile, the press throughout the principal cities and towns of the South, lauded the Black Eagle to tlie skies, recommending a gold medal to be struck off, commemorating his services, and as a token of esteem to a gallant commander who had not only given his time, but also his wealth, to a cause they held so dear. On the other hand, the journals of the North heaped obloquy on the heads of British subjects in general, and 222 ENGAGEMENT OF NELLY TO MR. RICHARDSON. this one in particular, who as was averred, had better attend to his own business and let the South manage their own afi'airs, anyhow in a strife of their own seek- ing. As is commonly the case, it makes all the differ- ence in the world " which bull is gored." Yet the Federal authorities little suspected this ship, of which they were of late hearing so much, having with fio little seeming efibrt captured one of their finest mer- chant vessels, was the identical craft on board which the escaped prisoner, Herman Baxter, had taken refuge, later pursued by the revenue cutter from which no tidings had been received since her departure on that ill fated expedition. The Federal Government at length coming to a stern realization that it was high time something should be done by way of putting a stop to the proceedings of a ship whose guns were carrying terror throughout the merchant marine, as the most extravagant stories were being set on foot relative to her unequalled prowess, accompanied by the assertion that no vessel of the Federal navy was capable of competing with the Black Eagle, immediately ordered the largest and most power- ful armed vessel in pursuit, whose exploits will be noticed hereafter. CHAPTER XXXII. ENGAGEMENT OF NELLY TO MR. RICHARDSON. THE Hon. John Richardson and Nelly Baxter, as ad- ministrators of the estate of the late Thomas Bax- ter, were necessarily brought into intimate relations; and as Mr. Richardson was in every sense a gentleman, kind but never obtrusive, a thorough man of business, yet in social life a pleasant entertainer, Nelly had conceived a considerable liking for him; infact, he had so won upon her regard that he believed the time had arrived when he might safely approach her concerning matters other than business. ENGAGEMENT OF NELLY TO MR. RICHARDSON. 223 On the other hand, Nelly, laboring under the delusion that the man to whom she had surrendered her heart, to whom she had ever given the warmest place in her aflectious, solicited the boon, urging her to the sacrifice, though little understanding its magnitude. At the same time, Nelly gave him unequivocally to under- stand that her heart was not her own to give, that it was in the keeping of another, one who neither would or could claim it. As to the hand, that was another matter ; to that he was welcome. While this state of affairs might not be considered in thorough harmony with his views, nor what Mr. Richard- son most desired, yet on the principle that a " half loaf is better than none," he deemed it wise to cheerfully comply with the conditions, trusting to timeand his own deep seated affections to set all things right. So he now gave himself up to pleasing contemplationsof the future, when Nelly should have become the recognized head of the household, he her devoted servant. From the statement made by her father while on his death bed, it is not to be supposed the most perfect con- fidence could exist between Nelly and the widow Steele, at least until an explanation had been entered upon ; and Nelly felt much reluctance in broaching a subject in every way so repugnant to her feelings. Still, she knew this state of affairs must ere long be settled, and her now troubled mind set at rest, which could onlj'- be brought about by hearing the story from the widow's own lips. For, she argued, might there not be some terrible mistake on the part of her father ? That he would knowingly deceive her was not for a moment to be considered, yet might there not be room for doubt, as he might for some unknown, possibly selfish reason, have been misinformed. The time had now arrived when this momentous question must be settled, and this not only for her own good, but also the interests of all parties concerned. "With this resolve strong on her mind, her heart mean- time filled with the most conflicting emotions, terrible 224 ENGAGEMENT OF NELLY TO MR. RICHARDSON. doubts and misgivings assailing her, for her all seemed now at stake, she determined that very day the matter should be set at rest. So breakfast over, tlie early household duties attended to, the two ladies seated in the little snug parlor, engaged in some light feminine work, Nelly with outward coolness, yet great trepidation of spirit and fluttering of heart, broaclied the subject by remarking : " Mrs. Steele, are your son Duke and I in any way related; that is to say, any blood relation ? " She did not dare to raise her eyes to the face of her old friend, while a deep blush overspread her features, otherwise she would have noticed the look of great wonderment and surprise her question had called forth from the eyes of the widow, who answered: " Duke Steele a relative of yours, my child ? Why, how could such a strange thought have entered your mind ? " " Well, my good friend," answered the well-pleased Nelly, who more from the widow's manner than from her words, believed there was really some mistake, " please don't be angry with me, nor think for one moment I have asked the question from mere thoughtlessness, or idle curiosity; nor that I take an undue liberty in so doing; yet from something my father said shortly before his death, I was led to believe there might be some foundation for the remark he made, both at that time and on a previous occasion." " My dear," replied the widow, *' I perceive the time has at last arrived when I must reveal a secret I had hoped to carry with me to the grave; but as you have doubtless already been placed in possession of its details, I will only say that your father spent many of the best years of his life laboring under an unhappy delusion. Without going into the merits of the case, painful as they must be to both, I can only add that Duke is the only son of John Steele and his lawfully wedded wife Jerusha. This conclusion, or rather, perhaps, misapprehension, which so troubled your father during the latter years of his life, which for several reasons I neither did nor do ENGAGEMENT OF NELLY TO MR. RICHARDSON. 225 now care to nieution, arose from the very natural belief that Duke was his son. That son died in its infancy, a fact not known to your father. This is all there is to it, my dear, and now that this painful subject is ofl" my mind, I feel that I may rest easier." Springing to her feet, and grasping the hands of the old lady, tears in her eyes, Nelly ejaculated: " God bless you, my dear friend, for having removed so great a load from my mind." Then scarcely daring to say more, or trust her over- wrought feelings in the widow's presence, she retired to her room, there to pour out her heart-felt gratitude and thankfulness to that Power through whom she was so signally blest, in thus having removed the last barrier to the ultimate happiness of both herself and Duke. Then shedding a few happy tears, she took up her bat and went out to the shady wood some little distance away, all nature seeming to rejoice in her new found happiness. Nelly could have resignedly endured the loss of home, kindred, friends and even of a kind father, separation from an only and well beloved brother, if only her lover were spared. Yet, while rejoicing in her new born hap- piness, another source of disquiet came to her mind, and this no less than in the person of the Eichmond lawyer, the friend who had so loyally stood by her through all trials, manifesting so much devotion to her interests and tenderness for her feelings, never deigning by word or look to convey the impression that his kind acts were governed by other than pure and generous motives ; he who had even acted the part of a gentleman, at the same time honestly giving her his fealty and worship ; he to whom she had promised her hand, only, how would he bear up under this sudden turn of affairs ? These troublous and unwelcome thoughts nowpressed upon her so heavily, that she shrank in dread from their contemplation. Nevertheless, she felt a stern duty owing to herself, in that the lawyer must be at once acquainted with the circumstances of the case, and that 14 226 CHANCELLOBSVILLB. they might peradventure prove disastrous to him, she much feared, at least judging from a previous experience. Nelly was not one to neglect a known duty, however irksome or unpleasant, so she at once wrote to Mr. Richardson, telling him freely and fully the whole story, begging forgiveness for whatsoever she might have done or promised under the then exciting state of affairs, at the same time giving him to understand the engagement so hastily entered into must be broken, and the past, if not wholly forgiven, at least forgotten. CHAPTER XXXIII. CHANCELLORSVILLE. rilHE spring of 1863 had now arrived. The Federal I forces, remaining in winter quarters until the month of April, were now set in motion under the new commander. General Hooker, who again crossed the large and well appointed army over the Rappahannock, following nearly in the steps of his predecessor. General Burnside, some four months previous. Having completed his arrangements for moving the grand army, as also plans for the coming battle. General Hooker determined to attack the Confederates by a flank movement to the right, the main body being at this time entrenched on St. Marie's Heights in the rear of Fredericksburg. In order to effect the desired object, it was necessary to attract General Lee's attention from the movement; so while a large force was to make a feint on his front, another body was to move at some distance below the city on the left, thus drawing attention in that direction, while the main body was to sweep around to the right, coming up in the Confederate rear. On the twenty-eighth day of April, the Federals began the movement by crossing the right wing, which, on CHANCELLORSVILLE. 227 the second day, just before nightfall, were camped on the plains of Chancellorsville, some ten miles away. The right wing of the Federal army, made uj) of the Fifth, Eleventh and Twelfth Corps, afterwards adding the First and Third, were separated ii-om the other portions by a distance of ten miles; while the Confederates, massed between, were prepared to deal successive heavy blows on either wing of the Federals. It will be readily seen a mistake was made at the outset, proving later a very serious one ; for while Sedgewick was vainly struggling in the rear against stone-walls, embankments and masked batteries. Hooker was not only struggling but being badly beaten at the front. General Sedgewick in the meantime having made a successful stand, was now overwhelmed by the victorious Confederates, who from being enabled to detach a large force from the front, drove him from out the entrench- ments on the St. Mary's Heights, then following until hia forces were compelled to fall back and recross the river. In the meantime General Hooker, through the defeat of Sedgewick's large forces, believing all lost, as he had suffered a terrible defeat in front, now followed suit, and taking advantage of a dark stormy night, hastened to perform the same feat as did Burnside under like circum- stances. Thus we find the entire Federal army again camping on the old ground at Falmouth, on the north bank of the Rappahannock. Thus ended this nine days' campaign, in which a long series of engagements had taken place, thousands of valuable lives sacrificed and still notliing gained, as over- come by the veteran battalions of the South under com- petent commanders, at their head the valiant General Lee, General Hooker found himself at the close of the cam- paign in the same situation as that of General Burnside on the previous fifteenth day of December — that is, suc- ceeded by a new Federal chief. Yet of what avail is strategy, it may well be asked, when confronted by a successful system of espionage, especially when con- ducted by an energetic, fearless, handsome spy like Carrie 228 CHANCELLORSVILLE. Foster, who in this role, faithfully performed her every duty for which she was peculiarly fitted, and ever proved of the greatest possible benefit to the Confederate commander, allowed as she was to pass freely to and fro between the opposing forces ? — hence each contem- plated move of the Federals was immediately conveyed to General Lee. Possessed of wonderful sagacity, tact, shrewdness and skill, combined with coolness in the hour of danger, never for a moment losing her self-possession, she was thus of really more benefit to the Confederate cause than any other single factor, contributing in great measure to the defeat of the Federals in every engagement. Eph, the colored lad, who had enlisted with and accompained Captain Duke Steele to the army, as boot- black and general utility man, had kept an eye on the suspected spy, in the meantime vainly endeavoring to escape to the Union lines for the purpose of informing the commander as to his knowledge concerning the girl. However, his success in this direction seemed to have thus far miscarried. Passing around and through the filled hospitals, shortly after the close of the Chancellorsville battle, Carrie Foster having unconsciously lifted her close fitting veil, at all times concealing her face, suddenly encountered the well known features of Lieutenant Cyril Blanchard, who was lying outstretched on a pallet of straw. The lieutenant had been most severely wounded during the late engagement, which now for the first time became known to the daring girl, while she at the same time was supposed by Blanchard to be at her home in Montgomery. " Thank God," said he as their eyes met, " that I again look on your sweet face ! Yet, my darling, how came you here? " he farther questioned. Imagine the surprise and no less chagrin of the girl whose identity had so long been successfully concealed, upon finding herself confronted by the man to whom of all others she most desired to remain unknown, the lover CHANCELLOKSVILLE, 229 wliom she had so long eluded, often meeting, even con- versing with him without in the least being suspected, yet to whom she had now betrayed herself in this fool- ish manner I However, there was now no help for it. So after due and possibly satisfactory explanations on her part under the promise of secrecy on his, she said : " Cyril, I will remain with and care for you until you have quite recovered; this is as far as my duties will permit and as far as I can promise, but under all circum- stances my identity must never be disclosed. It would be my ruin, for you must well understand my position, perilous in the extreme as it is, as I am working in the interest of the Confederate cause, to whose success, I flatter myself, I have not a little contributed. Have I your promise ? For to reveal my secret would not only endanger my liberty, but perhaps place my life in jeopardy, at the same time work an irreparable injury to a cause to which we both have given our best endeavors." " Why, certainly, my darling," replied the wounded officer, who could but look on the young enthusiastic heroine with admiration, mingled with awe upon hear- ing the fearless expressions. While I can but regret to thus see your precious life exposed to such great danger and yourself to the rude camp life consequent upon the course you see fit to pursue, I only feel the more pride and admiration for a character willing to sacrifice so much to a cause we are all laboring so hard to carry for- ward, as I trust and hope, to a successful termination. For wounds and death even, are as nothing in compari- son to the end sought." So it came about that Carrie remained with him a good portion of the time, until he was pronounced out of danger by the attending surgeon, then bidding him adieu, she resumed her perilous duties. Still the eye of Eph was upon her, closely watching her every move, he in the meantime striving with might and main to reach the Federal camp. 230 CHANCELLORSVILLE. While tliese eveots were transpiring, Captain Duke Steele, in blissful ignorance of this, through the vicissi- tudes and not unusual casualties of war, had become second in command of the First Alabama Cavalry, com- missioned at the close of the battle of Chancellorsville, lieutenant-colonel. Since his last visit to the Baxter plantation, when he had so opportunely appeared with his little band of troopers, nothing had been heard from Nelly, though a letter or two from his mother had said that she was a welcome inmate of her home. He had therefore determined on the first opportunity presenting, to again pay his mother a visit, expecting as a matter of course to see Nelly, when he would seek an explanation, concerning the real significance of the sen- tence, " Duke, we can never be to each other more than friends." While the heart of the maiden was at rest, his own was torn by the most conflicting emotions; for the chain of startling and no less strange, inexplicable events so long hovering over and shadowing both himself and the Baxter family, could, by no ordinary methods, be satis- factorily explained. Yet could Duke Steele at this time have looked beneath the surface of events, however deeply laid, well planned or successfully executed, he would at once have become convinced the solution was an easy matter, simply the ofishoot and effect of the movement — nothing more, nothing less. The several objects at which the Confederacy aimed, all so success- fully carried forward by its unscrupulous agents, seemed in a fair way of being realized, as Southern sympa- thizers with the Abolition sentiment of the North, were now being brought under ban of condemnation, their estates confiscated, their fsimilies cast adrift to seek the charities of a cold, uncharitable world, and all this a natural result of internecine war, brought about, con- tinued and carried forward, mainly by political, sec- tional differences of opinion, and by no less selfish inter- ests. CHANCELLORSVILLE. 231 General Hooker retained command of tlie army of the Potomac, until the 28th day of June, 1863, when sud- denly and without previous warning, he was relieved by the appointment of General Meade, an officer of great distinction and undoubted courage, having in former campaigns gained the esteem of both the army and the general government. The battle of Gettysburg, undoubtedly the most san- guinary and hotly contested engagement of the war, was fought and won by the Federal army under command of General Meade on July 4th, 1863, the surrender of Vicksburg to General Grant occurring on the same day. On the occasion of a most desperate cbarge by the First Alabama Cavalry during the second day of the battle of Gettysburg, Colonel Emberly was seriously and at first, supposed to be mortally wounded, but it terminated eventually in the loss of his right leg, so that his second in command. Lieutenant-colonel Duke Steele, was again promoted on the field of battle to the colonelcy of the regiment, securing his commission shortly after, dated Montgomery, July 2nd 1863. In the many severe engagements in which the regi- ment had actively participated, it was necessarily greatly reduced in numbers, not more than one half being fit for duty; but as recruits were now being actively forwarded from Alabama, it soon came up to its full standard of one thousand. So Colonel Steele found himself at the head of as fine a body of dragoons as the Confederacy could boast; and certainly no better or braver commander could be found in either army, and those who had so long fought with him were in every way worthy of so gallant a leader, having the utmost confidence in his discretion and ability, as witnessed on so many hotly contested fields. 232 SEIZURE OF NELLY BY GUERILLAS. CHAPTER XXXIY. SEIZURE OF NELLY BY GUERILLAS. FROM the long continued period of arduous service in the field, Colonel Duke Steele believed he was now entitled to a little rest. Furthermore, the gallant officer was becoming solicitous regarding the welfare of his mother and Nelly, so he resolved to call on his commander. General Stuart, and ask for short leave of absence, which was readily granted him. Accordingly two days later Colonel Duke Steele rode out of camp, attended by a squad of fifty of his bravest troopers, not merely as a guard of honor, but from the supposition they might be required to guard his best friends, as well as himself. For, from trustworthy ac- counts, the country round about Oxford, and the lower Rappahannock, was almost in the hands of the guer- rillas, who, could they but secure an officer of his rank, might expect a handsome reward for his deliverance. So the colonel deemed it a wise measure to go well guarded, then should occasion require, he would be enabled to connect business with pleasure. Leaving camp at daybreak, they rode hard, now and then halting for a half- hour's rest, until about midnight they reached the village of Oxford, when they bivouacked for the remainder of the night. The weary steeds were tethered, watered and fed, fires lighted, rails from a neighboring fence providing fuel. Soon tiny clouds of blue smoke rose in the still atmosphere, betokening preparations for breaking the long day's fast, the merry jest and song meanwhile enliven- ing the scene, for the soldier is never so happy as when in the enjoyment of the hastily prepared meal after a fatiguing day's march. , SEIZURE OF NELLY BY GUERILLAS. 233 Supper over, guards stationed, horses cared for, all tilings became quiet, no sound being heard, save the stentorian breathing or snore of some more than usually ambitious trooper. Lingering no longer than necessary to become assured that ail things about the camp were in good order, cau- tioning the sentinels to be wary in regard to prowling marauders, in the way of guerillas, or others of like ilk, he took his departure, hastening to the little cottage beneath whose roof was domiciled his aged mother and the maiden who so fully engrossed his thoughts by day and his dreams by night. A few minutes' hurried walk brought him to the door, when gently knocking, his mother soon appeared, imme- diately recognizing in the person of the visitor, her long absent boy, still a boy to her. Clasping her feeble arms about his neck, tears falling- down her withered cheeks, while sobs and sighs con- vulsed her frame, she ejaculated in almost hysterical tones, " Thank God, my boy has come ! " " Why, mother dear," said the colonel, " what is the matter? Has anything serious happened to cause this excessive agitation, tell me? " " Oh ! my son," replied the widow, " a terrible calam- ity has surely happened, a sad explanation awaits you! " Then placing a chair, and taking a seat by his side, she told him that a band of guerillas headed by Mr. Baxter's plantation school-teacher Cyrus Jones, had invaded the premises, at about ten o'clock, and " Oh I my son, how can I have the heart to say it ! carried away our dear Nelly ! " " Carried away Nelly ? What do you — what can you mean, my dear mother? Carried off Nellie? Tell me all about it. When were they here ? When did they leave, and oh ! do you know what road they have taken ? " Then continuing, " My God ! mother, our dear Nellie in that demon's power! I'll hunt him out, and he'll rue the day he committed this brutal outrage — aye ! I'll have his heart's blood." 234 SEIZURE OF NELLY BY GUERILLAS. " Well, my boy," said the thoroughly distracted widow, " it was about half-past nine when a squad of men rode to the gate, demanding admittance on the plea they were cold. I invited them into the house, made up a rousing fire, when soon after the leader said they were hungry and that I must furnish them with both food and drink." "And what answer did you make to that demand, mother ? " " Why, there was only one reply I could make. You should rather ask what I did." " Well then what did you do ? '" " I set before them the best the house afforded, and that was not very much, I'll assure you — a pan of milk, and several loaves of bread. Yet with this they seemed well enough content, though I noticed several scowling faces, one or two making a sarcastic remark, that they struck the wrong place, or words to that eflect, when the captain silenced them, with the remark, 'Nevermind boys, this ain't the kind of game we're after. So let this bread and milk stop your mouths, anyhow for the present, for they'll soon be on their knees begging us to accept the best the house and for that matter, the town affords. Ha ! ha ! ' continued the villain, * good joke on that Steele fellow.' " Of course you understand this was said in low tones, thinking I wouldn't hear them, but I did. Still I couldn't for the life of me imagine what they were driving at; yet to my sorrow I soon found out, for Nelly, awakened by the uproar, had risen, dressed, and come down from her room, appearing just as the outlaws were finishing their bread and milk, when the leader of the gang ordering them to mount, caught Nellie in his arms, and despite the poor girl's struggles and cries for assist- ance, carried her out of doors, put her in the saddle, leaped up behind, and before I had time to turn round, were off like the mad demons they are. There, Duke, you have the whole story. Now what do you propose to do?" SEIZURE OF NELLY BY GUERILLAS. 236 " Before answering the very suggestive question, mother, I will ask you one in turn. What direction did they take ? " " Why," replied his mother, " they took the pike lead- ing to the north, the one that passed by old man Scogg's mill. Surely you ought to remember the creek where you and Herman Baxter used to go fishing? " " Certainly, mother, I'll never forget the place where I came so near to getting drov/ned, and would have done so had not the old fellow pulled me out." " Heaven bless the dear lad! " piously ejaculated the widow, " I only wish I knew where he was this minute and, oh ! if he were only with you to go in pursuit of his sister, he would be of so much assistance that " "Never mind the sister," interrupted Duke, who little relished the idea of his mother indulging the thought that more help should be deemed necessary than that of his boys in gray. "They are doubtless making their way to the mountains, and thank God 1 we are in time to yet overtake, or anyhow, track them to their lair. I must now repair to camp, wake the boys, and have everything in readiness for a start before day-break." So bidding her good-bye with the assurance Nelly should be returned to her in good time, he set forth to the rendezvous, where he found everything quiet, the guard reporting no disturbance during his absence. The trumpeter was now awakened and ordered to sound "assembly," when soon all were astir. "Boots and saddles" was next in order, and in less than a half- hour all were mounted, no one as 3'et aware of the object of this sudden move; but when they were in line, the colonel taking his place in front, informed them of it. Previous to leaving his mother Duke, had rapidly sketched the leading incidents of his military career, told her of his several promotions on the field of battle, his many narrow escapes from imminent peril, the strong- attachments of his comrades and their readiness to follow wheresoever he might lead, all of which caused the old lady to look upon her son as a hero indeed. 236 BATTLE WITH THE GUERILLAS. She could scarcely for a moment turn ber eyes from bis bronzed manly face, yet knowing tbe words Nelly bad spoken to him in regard to tbe future, she believed the time bad now come when be should be told tbe true state of affairs, thus setting his mind at rest. So she now hastened to tell him about the conversation be- tween Nelly and herself. She also told him of the de- lusion that had so haunted and preyed on the mind of Mr, Baxter tbese many long years, and that it was simply an hallucination, that now between Duke and Nelly nothing stood in the way of their mutual happi- ness. However time was short and duties pressing, so that little detail could be entered into, and the colonel must needs be satisfied, with the simple acknowledg- ment that Nelly could be his, whenever he should choose to ask her. With this he was satisfied, as he could now ride forth in joyful anticipation of the future, his arm doubly strengthened to strike a rigorous blow in her behalf. Bidding his mother an affectionate fare- well, he hastened to the camp of bis followers, as pre- viously stated, who upon hearing the story, desired noth- ing better than a dash at the hated guerillas, who, under the shallow pretense of serving their country, were laying it waste with their ferocious plunderings. CHAPTEK XXXV. BATTLE WITH THE GUERILLAS. NOW every trooper is in his saddle, each hand takes firm hold of the reins, each foot is in the stirrup, the ringing notes of the trumpet sounds the advance, and they are away, riding down the broad turnpike which extends for several miles. Anon, the sharp eyes of the colonel detect marks of iron shod hoofs to the right leading over an unfrequented road in the direction of the mountains, some twenty miles away. BATTLE WITH THE GUERILLAS. 237 Pressing on as rapidly as the condition of their weary steeds and the broken character of the ground will permit, they halt at mid-day some five miles distant from the foot hills bordering the range of mountain heights within whose stern fastnesses are encamped the outlaw band. As it was the urgent desire of Colonel Steele to take thera by surprise, it became a matter of necessity to remain in their present position until dark- ness should have set in, therein eluding the observation of the wary foe. So resting until the sun had dropped beneath the distant hill, in the meantime obtaining much needed refreshment for both themselves and their weary steeds, they again set out, reaching the bordering heights just as the fast gathering gloom of night fell upon them. A scout was now sent in advance, who, after an hour's delay, returned, reporting the band encamped in a se- cluded dell some two miles distant. Also that he had been able to reach a point from which the whole scene was brought to view, and had even gone so far as to penetrate the outskirts of the camp. For from their secure position it was believed no danger need be appre- hended, as none had at any previous timic threatened. So the band had neglected the precaution of posting outlying sentinels, hence the bold scout was enabled to approach sufficiently near to gain information regarding further movements, leading, as was hoped to successful attack. Eemaining at rest until ten o'clock, horses were again saddled, when mounting, the troopers pursued their way up a narrow defile, until at length a ruddy glow lighting the surrounding forest, revealed their proximity to the unsuspecting foe. As the troopers in close column, advance slowly and cautiously upward through the deep mountain gorge, whose lofty heights tower majestically on either hand, the gloom is doubly enhanced by the ever darkeii- ing shades of night. No sound reaches them save the sharp footfalls of the iron shod steeds treading the rocky 238 BATTLE WITH THE GUERILLAS. bottom of the steep pathway, or the mournful surges of the night winds sighing through the towering pines, a scene of solemn grandeur spreads before them, awak- ing in the breast of each sturdy rider a sense of the approaching peril. Yet they press onward and upward, no thought save of the stern duty confronting them, though engaging in combat this band of outlaws whose number being doubtless not less than their own, a des- perate struggle must necessarily ensue, from which fact it became an absolute necessity to take them unawares. Yet each and all are eager for the fray. Again the scout is sent ahead, who returning, reports the whole band some fifty in number, assembled around a huge camp-fire, smoking, drinking, shouting and in every conceivable way having a hilarious time, little suspecting ere a few moments pass, the scene of carousal should have changed to combat, wounds, mourning and death. Colonel Steele now directs his men to dismount, sta- tioning a guard of three to hold the horses, in readiness for remouiiting should sudden retreat become necessary, then separating his band in equal parts, one portion to execute a flank movement, coming up from the rear, the other to advance in front. At the signal, a volley from each division is to be hurled into the midst of the revellers, then they advance at double quick, charging from both front and rear. Arrangements having been perfected to the satisfac- tion of the commander, and no less so to the battalion, the flanking party now made their way cautiously under cover of the night and shade of the heavy forest, circling round at some distance away until they had reached the desired point, the column in front mean- while securing a favorable position. Suddenly from out the forest gloom rang the shrill notes of the trumpet, quickly followed by the simultaneous discharge of fifty carbines aimed by unerring eyes and held by steady liaiids. The slaughter attending the volley was terrific, not less than a score of the guerillas going down, many BATTLE WITH THE GUERILLAS. 239 in the agonies of death, others fearfully wounded. Taken so entirely by surprise, the utmost confusion reigned in the encampment. The outlaw chief, spring- ing to his feet and grasping his weapons, called to his adherents to stand firm, who in compact column awaited the onset, which was not long delayed, as Colonel Steele in the lead charged down upon them, be- ing met however with stout resistance, as blow followed blow, while rapid and well aimed shots from revolver and carbine, laid both trooper and outlaw low! Thus the combat raged, little being gained on either side, until at length the colonel found himself face to face with the outlaw chief. "Ha! you dastard!" shouted the infuriated colonel, "Thank Heaven, I have you within reach of my trusty blade I Die the death you so richly deserve, and may God have mercy on your soul! Aye, that mercy you have ever denied to others." Then he aimed a sturdy blow at the head of his an- tagonist, but the courageous colonel had made, in this instance, the one mistake of his life, as his skill proved unequal to his valor, for Cyrus Jones was no mean opponent. A skillful swordsman, he deftly parried the colonel's weapon, returning the blow with telling effect. Thus the colonel found himself in a precarious situa- tion; the blow disabling his right arm, his sword fell from his hand, and he was at the mercy of the man he had thought so easily conquered. The guerilla, again raising his weapon, directed a blow full at his antag- onist. At the same instant a form was seen flying through tlie air, interposing itself between the combatants. Thus the blow destined to end the colonel's existence, fell upon the head of the colored boy Eph, who in- stantly dropped to the ground, bleeding and unconscious. It would again have fared hardly with Colonel Steele, wholly unprotected from the sword of his skillful antag- onist, had not a randon shot taken effect, striking the outlaw chief squarely between the eyes, killing him in- stantly. 240 BATTLE WITH THE GUERILLAS. The combat up to this time had raged with the ut- most fury, the one side fighting for their lives, the other to rid the country of a dastardly foe, and the recovery of Nelly from the hands of her captors, who upon wit- nessing the fall of their leader, together with so large a number of their comrades, became at once disheartened, beating a hasty retreat, dispersing in all directions, flee- ing for their lives, closely followed by the victors. Yet owing to the darkness of the night, the intricate wind- ings of the tangled forest, of which the out-laws had a much better knowledge, they finally succeeded in mak- ing good their escape. The wound of the colonel, not being considered of a serious nature, was bound up by his orderly, soon after which the wounded were looked after, the colonel's preserver, Eph, being the first attended to, as he had put nis own life in jeopardy to save that of his former master. He was therefore tenderly borne to a place of safety and shelter, his wounds carefully dressed, and the poor lad made as comfortable as possible under ex- isting circumstances. Soon recovering consciousness, his master inquired if he knew aught concerning Miss Nelly, or of her whereabouts. In reply the sorely wounded boy, in a feeble voice, said, "Missy Nelly am hid out yonder in a clump of bushes, where I was set to guard her, but upon hearing de noise ob de fightin', I'se done left her to see wot de row am about, and I'se jess git dar in de nick ob time to sabe yo' life, tank de good Lawd ! " " Yes, my boy," replied his grateful master, " I have cause to thank the good Lord, and you my faithful friend as well, and rest assured you shall not go unrewarded, for thus periling your own existence for mine." Eph was now placed in a more comfortable position, as also a condition of less suffering, for the thoughtful colonel had administered a powerful opiate. This not only tended to ease the pain from his fearful wound, but also caused him to fall into a deep sleep. Afterward leaving him in charge of a subaltern, the colonel has- BATTLE WITH THE GUERILLAS. 241 tened to the relief of the suffering maiden, whom he ex- pected to find in a "forlorn condition;" but here again he had reckoned without his host, for " Missy " Nelly was made of sterner stuff. A few moments' search re- vealed her-hidiug place, where she was found lying bound, helpless and weak, yet strong in spirit. When she recognized her deliverer in the person of her lover, she sent up a cry of joy, upon thus finding herself freed from her infamous persecutor. The brave girl was at once loosed from her bonds, and upon learning from the colonel the details and outcome of the fight, as also the heroism displayed by Eph, who was now lying so near death's door, she begged to be at once taken to him, when she immediately applied herself staunching the bloody wounds, as also binding them up in a more skilled manner, tending thus in still greater measure to the relief of his sufferings. At length awakening from the profound slumber occasioned by the opiate, his eyes opened, resting on the kindly face of his old plantation mistress. Turning to Duke, he said : " Massa, Captin, dis po darkey don sabe yo life, and hees guwin to die, guyin to Glory, long o Massa Tom," Taking his hand, the Colonel replied, in cheery tones : " No, no, my boy. You are neither going to die, nor to Glory just yet. For we are doing all we can for you, and by the blessing of God, the help of your old Master and the skill and loving care of " Missey " Nelly, we'll bring you round all right. So don't talk of dying. For you know you're healthy and stout, besides there's too much to be accomplished in the world, not forgetting the cause about which we are fighting, and in which you have played no insignificant part, and my boy, we have still much need for your services. So keep up good courage, try to get well as soon as possible, and rest as- sured I shall never forget to whom I am indebted for my hfe." By means of these kindly words, the colonel sought to infuse new life in the weak, feeble frame and exhausted ipirit of his suffering patient, and with the most gratify- 15 242 BATTLE WITH THE GUERILLAS. ing results ; for from this time on, the sorely stricken lad improved more rapidly than could have been expected, and was never more happy than in receiving the atten- tions of his devoted friends, who watched over him by night and by day. Yet there seemed meanwhile some weighty matter pressiog on his mind, which was unbur- dened one day by his saying: " Massa Captiu, I don berry sorry I desarted yo an will neva do so no mo. Will you forgive me, sah ? " Now all this time the mind of the colonel had been greatly exercised in the attempt to understand how his old servant Eph came to be connected with the Cyrus Jones gang. So a few days later, when Eph was suffi- ciently recovered to be able to converse with little seem- ing difficulty, he broached the subject, desiring an ex- planation. From which it seems that in Eph's attempt to escape to the Union lines, for the purpose of exposing the spy, Carrie Foster, he had been picked up in one of the nocturnal raids of the guerillas, and taken to their headquarters in the mountains, the chief thinking he had come in possession of a valuable addition to his corps of culinary assistants. For the boy was an excel- lent cook, a good bootblack and a thoroughly compe- tent uniform duster, and as things had turned out, a no less valuable acquisition to his former master, in so op- portunely appearing to save his life. Thus both the colonel and Nelly fully appreciated the boys' faithful devotion in nearly sacrificing his own life for his master, so it was natural they should mutually agree not only to ever after retain him in their service, but also treat him as an equal. At the close of the battle, the casualties of the cav- alry were found to be quite severe ; no less than six of the number had been killed outright, while several were severely wounded, so it was deemed best to establish a field hospital near the battle ground until such time as they would have recovered sufficiently to be moved to the village some thirty miles distant, a large portion of the way over rough mountain roads. BATTLE WITH THE GUEEILLAS. 243 The supplies of the camp were believed to be ample for several weeks' subsistence, and there were also a number of tents and the usual camp equipage, and upon more extended search, a large store of provisions was found secreted in a cavern near by. The most serious consideration following the taking care of the wouaded, thus making them as comfortable as possible, was that of interring the dead. In the meantime the services of a skillful surgeon must be procured, so a messenger was forthwith dispatched to Oxford with instructions to forward one at the earliest possible moment. These affairs attended to, the camp was put in proper shape for a prolonged stay, and as there might be a possibility of the guerillas returning with a largely augumented force, thence falling on the cavalry in the effort to regain tlieir lost possessions, the entire troops were retained, save six of the number, who returned to army headquarters, there to report to General Stuart, informing him as to the situation. On the affair being reported to the commander-in-chief, Colonel Steele was immediately recommended to promotion for gal- lant services, and upon his return, he was placed in possession of a commission, addressed, '' Brigadier-gen- eral Duke Steele." Two weeks now passed, the colonel, assisted by Nelly, giving his undivided attention to the care of the wounded, who, thanks to the bracing mountain air, were now in a convalescent state. Eph, the most severely wounded, though a poor colored boy, had been the recipient of every possible attention from his friends, who vied in their efforts looking to his comfort and speedy recovery, and who were equally agreed that he should hereafter be a worthy member of the household, for without him the colonel would un- doubtedly have met his fate, therefore no effort should be wanting in future to prove their gratitude. Another matter for congratulation lay in the fact that the lovers had now arrived at a fair understanding in 244 BATTLE WITH THE GUERILLAS. regard to affairs of the heart, nothing now seeming to stand in the way of tlieir mutual happiness. Yet the greatest surprise of all to the colonel was when Nelly told him of a letter received from Carrie Foster, detail- ing a conversation held with one of the marines on board the Black Eagle who had told her of Herman's exile. This man had, after leaving his ship, joined the Confederate army and met the beautiful spy. From this letter, Duke Steele now for the first time became aware of the situation of Nelly's brother as an inhabit- ant of a remote island in the Southern seas. Yet both rejoiced that he seemed to be in a fairly comfortable condition, nothing doubting he would be restored to them through some vessel sailing in those distant seas, for they could not well be aware of the fact that these islands lay far from the route of ocean navigation. Four weeks have elapsed since the battle, the time passing pleasantly in the guerilla's former stronghold, most of the wounded meanwhile nearly recovered from their severe hurts, while all were in a condition to be removed to Oxford. Therefore measures being inaugu- rated and successfully carried out, we find them in com- fortable quarters in several of the houses generously thrown open to them, where they were now receiving all needful attention. As the duties of Colonel Steele to his regiment now seemed imperative, and his presence necessary, word having been sent him to that effect, he took his departure, leaving a sufficient number of his troop to guard not only the wounded soldiers, but the citizens as well, from surprise and attack of the gueril- las, who might at any moment swoop down upon them, as they had previously done. Furthermore, enraged from their late overwhelming defeat, they would spare neither age nor sex from their unholy and lawless acts, so the colonel now determined that his friends should in the future be fully protected, to which end a dispatch was sent to headquarters ordering a body of twenty-five mounted men, together with a piece of light artiler^'^, to be forwarded without loss of time, accompanied with GENERAL QRANT's CAMPAIGN. 2-io instructions that in the event of a raid, the renegades were to be shot down indiscriminately, and no prisoners taken, the colonel believing this the only method of deterring the scoundrels from future depredations and performing acts disgraceful even to a savage community. Bidding his mother, Nelly and his disabled comrades good-bye, he set out on his journey to the army, where he arrived in due time, securing the congratulations of both General Stuart and the commander-in-chief, on his late victory, also an enthusiastic reception from the regiment he was soon to leave to take command of the brigade to which he had been commissioned during his absence. CHAPTER XXXVI. GENERAL GRANT'S CAMPAIGN. BOTH armies had been quietly lying in winter quarters for several months, the Federals under their new commander, General Grant, in active preparations for again taking the field, thousands of fresh recruits having been added during the winter to fill vacancies occasioned by losses in serious campaigns. Meantime, owing to the fruitless endeavors of Eph to reach the Union lines, mainly owing to his having been captured by the guerillas, under Cyrus Jones, the spy, Carrie Foster, continued her nefarious calling undiscovered, performing her daily duties to the ultimate injury of the Federals. Meanwhile, Cyril Blanchard, quite recovered from the serious injuries received at Chancellorsville, had taken his accustomed place in his regiment now under another leader. That it galled his suspicious, sensitive nature, beyond measure, to find his mortal enemy, Duke Steele, rising so rapidly in the scale of promotion, was without question. That the former obscure government clerk, the sou of a poor, hard-working Virginia widow, should 246 GENERAL GRANT's CAMPATGIT. reach this exhalted station, while he the high born rep- resentative of one of the most widely-known, wealthy, aristocratic families of Montgomery, still remained in the position of a subaltern, was a thought not easily borne, and now as a crowning indignity, his enemy had been raised to the second highest grade in the cavalry division of the army of Northern Virginia, Carrie Foster, also, now began to look with longing eyes on her old lover, who from rapid advancement, continued to acquire added favor in her sight, and should she now disclose her identity, then seek to re- gain her former place in his affections, might she not once more, she argued, bring him within the power of her magic charms? Thus reasoning she resolved to make the attempt. Encountering Duke Steele one morning, when riding about the camp on her daily visit to the field hospitals, she suddenly lifted the close fitting veil, exposing her face to the gaze of the astonished General, at the same time extending a small delicately gloved hand, accom- panied by the remark, "General Steele, how do you do ? I am really glad to meet and congratulate you on your recent high appointment." The general took the proffered hand, though, as she thought, in a not overly affectionate manner, and re- plied : '• Miss Foster, I thank you for the kind interest you seem to take in my good fortune. While often noticing you riding about the camp, attending to the sick and wounded, I have never hitherto suspected your identity, or that you were other than you seemed. At the same time I supposed you were at your home, and it is only of late I have become cognizant of the fact that you were the young lady in question, who has rendered such important services, in addition to your other duties, to the Confederate cause. However, I must say, with all due deference to the daugliter of Judge Foster, that I can scarcely approve of one in your position, a lady of refinement, high social standing, and of one of the GENERAL GRANT's CAMPAIGN. 247 proudest cities of Alabama, thus exposing yourself to the rough, rude life of camp. Yet I am also well aware it is not my province to advise you in any manner what- ever as to the course you may chose to pursue, or affairs in which you may consider it your duty to engage, as naturally your own good judgment, as also the advice of your father, must be your guide. I bid you good-morn- ing. Miss Foster." Then turning, he went his wa;y. "Ah I ha! This is the way the land lies, is it, my conceited friend!" soliloquised the young lady, as re- maining motionless in the saddle, she watched the form of her discarded lover pass from her sight. " This pro- motion of the young man seems to have given him ' the big head,' so to speak. Can't stoop so low as to recog- nize one for whom he was once ready, aye, and only too willing to go down on his knees to serve, or to even win a single look of affection. However, I'll bring his high- ness to terms. No one need fear for Carrie Foster, and before many days shall have elapsed, he will humble himself to me, yes at my feet, proud as he is in his newly acquired dignity, the haughty coxcomb." Yet the true facts in the case were that Duke Steele really feared the consequences should he again be brought to face and dally with the charms of the fair enchant- ress. For as he had once fallen under their power, be- lieving he loved her with an intensity of devotion natural to one of his susceptible nature, he dared not again tempt fate in a like manner. That he once loved the fair maiden, he was fain to admit, and beauty allied to the self-sacrificing courage of Carrie Foster, he well knew, was at all times dangerous. This then, was the main cause leading him to turn so abruptly from the presence of the young spy, and it would have been well in after times for both, had she understood the actual facts of the case. Yet not so understanding, she set on foot schemes for revenge. For her to plan was to exe- cute, and she at once evolved measures tending to his injury, if not to his downfall. 248 GENERAL GRANT'S CAMPAIGN. Nearly nine months had now dragged their weary way along since any general engagement of the Army of the Potomac, and more than seven months since the Southern division of the Union army had struck a blow. Certainly a long period of delay, and it was little wonder that the nation was becoming despondent, when such enormous expenses were being incurred with noth- ing to show for the outlay. A long suffering people truly I Yet could they now but feel that something de- cisive was to result froni the extensive preparations be- ing made, the past would be forgotten in the enthusi- astic expectations of the future. Consequently, the work of re-organizing and concentration, taken in hand and vigorously pushed by General Grant, was contem- plated with general satisfaction by those who were so cast down, more especiallj' when it was understood that a simultaneous movement of all the armies was being arranged. As the first move in this direction, the Army of the Potomac was consolidated into three corps, each forty thousand strong, under command of Generals Han- cock, Warren and Sedge wick, the cavalry force being under General Sheridan. Another corps, composed wholly of colored troops, the Ninth, under the command of General Burnside, was also moved to the front and consolidated with the three former corps. In addition to this large force, numbering in the aggregate one hun- dren and sixty thousand men, most of whom had served under Generals Mc Dowell, Mc Clellan, Pope, Burnside, Hooker, Meade and others, and who were now to ad- vance on Richmond by the most direct route possible, there were other detachments, numbering thirty thou- sand horse, foot and artillery. Again a large force under General Butler were to march on, and, if possible seize Petersburg. Thus the renowned commander-in-chief had under his command an enormous body of two hun- dred thousand troops in perfect trim for hard work, . which under his energetic lead, would, without the shadow of a doubt, be fully experienced. The Confederate Array of Northern Virginia, under GENERAL GBANT's CAMPAIGN. 249 General Lee, was also making preparations for this, the final struggle. Every able-bodied man, both young and old, was pressed into the service. The daily avocations of life were in a great measure suspended ; the large and hitherto flourishing plantations left uncultivated, except perhaps in those secluded portions not yet in- vaded, and from which the supplies of the armies were mainly drawn. The aim sought by the Federal commander-in-chief was evidently to cut off communications with these fertile regions, not only this, but to utterly destroy them, his subsequent movements confirming this policy. In the meantime each contemplated movement was im- mediately made known to the Confederate chief. No matter how much secrecy was observed, nor how successfully combinations were effected, General Lee was at once apprised of them. Was the devil in league with this great commander? Else how could these facts so quickly become known? A conundrum, which neither General Grant nor his corps commanders were able to solve. The plan of campaign adopted by the Federal chief, after thoroughly canvassing the situation, was to move in a south-westerly direction, thinking to flank General Lee, who in his strongly entrenched position at Orange Court House, would make a direct attack impracticable. Here again was seen the handiwork of the indefatigable spy, Carrie Foster, for the route so skilfully planned by General Grant, secretly, as was believed, was well-known to General Lee in advance of its contemplated execution, and preparations arranged to meet it. Every movement of the Federal army, every con- templated move, even was at once reported to General Lee, whereat General Grant, as also his corps command- ers, were at their wits end to understand or locate the source of information, so speedily made known to the enemy. ^50 AFTER SIX DAYS. CHAPTER XXXYII. AFTER SIX DAYS, THE 6tli day of May had now arrived, the warm beams of the rising sun looking down on this beautiful May morning on a field of three days' continu- ous hard fighting, where thousands of brave men had fallen, the parched brown earth eagerly taking up this warm life blood, their last sigh, " Would that I had another life to give to my country." Thus brave in life, death found them no less so. The policy of General Grant at the outset of his military career, inaugurated and usually successfully carried out, was, that when once getting a hold, never to let up so long as there remained the most remote hojie of retaining it, believing, as he one time remarked, "The Federal commanders don't fight their battles out." Oq the contrary his aim was to fight to a finish. Accordingly the contest was to be again resumed, with orders to attack as early in the morning as possible, therefore the command was given to advance at five o'clock, expecting to take the enemy by surprise. So General Sedgewick at this hour moved his columns to the front, yet ere they had taken position. General Long- street was upon them. It seems that about midnight, a corporal of the guard, stationed at an out lying outpost, when going his rounds, perceived a sentinel skulking in a clump of bushes hard by. Calling to him to know for what reason he had deserted his post, the sentinel replied in a fright- ened voice, " Whist, Corporal, it's a spirit." "What's a spirit, Pat?" " Faix, your honor, a spirit all in white," and Pat came AFTER SIX DAYS. 25l forth from cover, trembling in every limb, and with a voice so shaken as to be scarcely inteUigible. " I seen it," says Pat, " a coomin from beyant the General's quarters, a crapin through the bushes, an me hart stopped a batin loike. Och ! Your honor, I'm a did mon, the spirit coomed to warn me," and little did Patrick O'Shauglmessy drame he was going to be kilt loike this ontoirely. Holy mither of St. Patrick, I'm a did mon." In a number of late engagements General Steele had narrowly escaped with his life from shots fired in his rear, a fact for which he could easily account, as he well knew a member of his own command was at the bottom, seeking to play the roll of assassin. While his suspi- cions were fully aroused, it was deemed the wiser course to abstain from letting them be known, or to enter pro- test, anyhow, for the time being. About this time the Ninth corps was ordered to move on the Chancellorsville road, to which was afterwards at- tached the corps of General Warren, and nearly at the same time, the Confederate corps of General Lougstreet moved to intercept them. The face of the country, along which the columns were marching, was quite roll- ing, interspersed with scattering groves of stunted cedar and pine. The several forces liere meeting, an engage- ment took place lasting for nearly three hours, when the Federals, receiving heavy reinforcements, the Confederates were compelled to fall back, driven from their chosen position, the loss of Federal officers being unusually heavy. The 4th Michigan returned commanded by a lieutenant and the 1st Michigan, which went into the action two hundred strong, came out with only thirty-five uninjured. Six days had now elapsed since the commencement of this series of hotly contested battles, and what the out- come would be, should they be much further prolonged, none could tell. It had the ap])earance of a re-enactment of the Killkenny Cat tragedy, " nothing left but the tails," and scarcely enough of those feline appendages intact to be worth the recording. Studying the situation, 252 AFTER SIX DAYS. General Grant at length came to the sage conclusion that hereafter his orders to corps commanders should be transmitted through a different channel. " For," he ar- gued, *' may there not be a traitor among my aids-de- camp ? Else how is it possible for the enemy to become apprised of my every move, thus prepared to meet and checkmate my advances ? " To this end, he summoned to headquarters, the simple- minded and evidently innocent hospital nurse, to whom he broached the subject by saying : " Miss Foster I recognize in j^ou one who has done our people much service in so generously caring for our poor wounded, suffering soldiers, and as you have shown so much evident loyalty to them and patriotism for your country, I now desire to employ you in another branch of the service, and one which I've no doubt will prove as well pleasing as the other. You have no doubt noticed, Miss Foster, that by some unknown means. Gen- eral Lee is informed of our movements in advance of their execution, and as I've at all times endeavored to maintain the utmost secrecy, notably about the last ad- vance ordered, in which I indulged the expectation of taking the enemy by surprise, yet which was fully under- stood by the Confederate chief, I am convinced we have a traitor in our midst, but who that person may be, is beyond my comprehension. Now Miss Foster, what I propose is this: I will empower you, at least for a time, to transmit all open orders, and secret ones, as well, to my corps commanders in the field. In the meantime keep your own counsel. I trust in this manner to check- mate the renowned General Lee at his own game; at the same time I am well aware that I am placing an unwar- ranted degree of responsibility upon you ; still I believe from what I've seen of you in the past, you will be quite able to bear it. How does this arrangement suit you, Miss Foster ? " " Most admirably, General, as I can conceive of no way in which to bettter serve the cause in which I am laboring; You have, General, reverted to my loyalty to AFTER SIX DATS. 258 the soldiers and patriotism to my country, both of which I can assure you I have at heart, at the same time both shall be equally displayed in the service you suggest. Yes, General, place upon me any burden you choose, and my one desire sliall be to meet your approbation." The young traitress said this looking General Grant squarely in the face, who on his part believed he had never before looked on a fairer type of female loveliness, and well he might think so, at the same time it would have been well bad he known how false. As for herself, the young spy mentally soliloquized, "Ah, General, with all your reported shrewdness, you've at last m,et your match ! I said I was imbued with loyalty, and overflowing with love for my country, yet I didn't say which part, and that I would carry forward your designs, yet I didn't say for whose benefit. Ha! ha ! General, two can play at the same game. It's bet- ter, however, I think for you, they shouldn't be at cross purposes." " Now," said the general, seating himself on a some- what ancient camp stool, " this affair so happily settled, as I trust to our mutual satisfaction, we will commence operations at once." Then opening his desk, he took therefrom writing materials and penned a few lines which he handed to the spy with the remark : " I would like you to carry this to General Sedgewick. You will find him probably some two miles out on the Chancellorsville turnpike." Placing the dispatch in a reticule hanging at her side, then bidding the general good-morning, she mounted her horse and rode swiftly away until at length reaching a secluded place in the midst of a thick piece of wood, she drew pencil and paper from her pocket, quickly copied the note, which immediately disappeared within a secret fold of her dress, then resumed her journey. Nearing the vicinity of General Sedgewick's lines, she was horrified upon meeting an orderly riding in hot haste to notify General Gran.t of the death of the noted gen- 254 AFTER SIX DAYS. era! to wliom she was bearing the dispatch, the occur- rence taking place while in the act of superintending the mounting of a batter}", he being the victim of a Confed- erate sharpshooter stationed in a treetop some distance away. The command then devolved upon General Wright, whom the spy sought upon learning the facts of the case, handing bim the dispatch intended for General Sedgewick ; then hastened to General Lee, placing in his hand the copy. A few hours subsequent to the death of General Sedgewick, another advance was ordered along the whole line, the right wing in the lead. Carrie Foster, now a secret messenger of General Grant, had by him been intrusted with the dispatch or- dering the advance of the entire force, and as in the former case, notified General Lee in time for him to make adequate' preparations to meet and check it, therefore when the engagement took place, in which both infantry and artillery were employed, the Confed- erates held the ground, inflicting severe loss on the Fed- eral lines. The following day, the 10th of May, was fought the fiercest battle of the campaign, the lines occupying nearly the same ground and position as on the preced- ing Monday. The Ninth Corps of colored troops were now for the first time brought into action on the extreme left of the Confederate lines, the Fifth Corps, in conjunction with the divisions of Barney and Gibbon, on the centre, when rapidly charging the Confederates with cold steel, fighting hand to hand, they were at length driven from their long line of pits. The Federal commander having got his blood up to red heat, was now for a verity "pushing things," and having secured a foot-hold, proposed to maintain it, fighting to the bitter end, a fact which now began to dawn on the mind of General Lee, whereas in previous engagements under other commanders, he had found a bold front conducing to his best interests. Still employ- AFTER SIX DAYS. 265 ing every means in his power to sustain his ground and maintain his lines, he found it a more difficult matter, when opposed by a commander who determined to push boldly on, holding the ground wherever in the least de- gree tenable. In a word. General Lee began to compre- hend the meaning of the words previously used by Gen- eral Grant, when he averred, "The generals don't fight their battles out." Again another day was closing, the shades of night drawing nigh, things, doubtless somewhat in favor of the Federals, when a most vigorous and determined assault was made along the entire Federal front, and notwith- standing a withering fire, they succeeded in scaling the walls of the enemy's works, taking one thousand pris- oners, then falling back to their former position, when night closed in, hiding in its darkening shadows a terri- bly bloody though undecisive field, the Federals having lost nearly twenty thousand. Surely a sad spectacle. At the close of this eventful day. General Grant sent to the President the following memorable dispatch : " We have nearly ended the sixth day of very hard fighting, with results very much in our favor. Our losses have been heavy, as well as those of the enemy. I think the loss of the enemy must be greater. We have taken over five thousand prisoners in battle, while he has taken few from us, except stragglers, I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer." Since the commencement of this sanguinary cam- paign, no rain had fallen, and the atmosphere being ex- ceedingly dry and suffocating, proved a great hardship, especially to the wounded, but during the afternoon of the 11th of May, a heavy rain set in, producing a won- derful revivifying effect, and to swell the enthusiasm, word was brought that General Sheridan had accom- plished a successful raid against the enemy's out-posts, twice falling in with the Confederate horse under Gen- eral Stuart, who was threatening Chaucellorsville and 256 CONSTRUCTION OF A BOAT. Fredericksburg where were packed the Federal baggage and ambulance trains. Moving his columns toward Fredericksburg, General Sheridan had passed entirely round the Confederate right capturing a train of cars filled with four hundred wounded Union prisoners; mean- time destroying two locomotives, three heavy trains, and in addition tearing up the railway track for a distance of eight miles, while about the same time a division of cavalry, under General Custer entered the outlying de- fenses of the Confederate capital, capturing one hundred prisoners and a battery of light artillery. In this latter engagement, the celebrated cavalry leader, General Stuart, fell mortally wounded, by which the Confederacy suffered a loss equal to the Federals, in the death of General Sedgewick, as General Stuart was the head and front of the Confederate cavalry. The command now devolved upon General Duke Steele, he being at ; this time the senior brigadier. So we now find our old friend raised to one of the most important and lofty positions in the Confederate army. CHAPTER XXXVIII, CONSTRUCTION OF A BOAT. IT will be remembered that when we last took leave of the Islanders near the commencement of the tropi- cal winter, the subject under consideration was the con- struction of a boat. The first thing in order to be decided was the form, size and material. For the first two, Herman sketched a plan, in which the little vessel was to be thirty feet in length, three beam and two and one-half in depth, then handing the drawing to the captain, he asked his opin- ion. "Admirable ! " exclaimed he, after carefully examin- ing it. "Nothing could be better." CONSTRUCTION OF A BOAT. 257 This decided, nothing now remained to consider save the material. There was but one kind to which they had access, that of wood. Still it was important this should be as light as possible. So they set out for the forest, strolling about aimlessly until at length the cap- tain made the discovery of a tree, which, he averred, was just the thing. It was of a light, soft easily worked texture, the bark presenting a smooth and glassy surface ; its size four feet in diameter, towering upward to the height of nearly sixty feet before a limb was reached. On the following morning all arose early, Csesar setting before them an excellent breakfast to which they did ample justice, well knowing that the labors of the day would necessarily be severe. Shouldering their axes, they made their way to the forest, at once commencing the work, taking stations on either side of the huge trunk, and after some three hours, labor, the forest monarch began to topple, swinging back and forth, until at length it fell with a crash awakening the forest echoes and large numbers of wild beasts at the same time, who were seen darting out ot the bushes, while great flocks of sea fowl rose from the neighboring lagoons, uttering loud cries at the un- wonted commotion. Meantime Caesar, the most af- frighted of all, came running to the spot, shouting " Massa Captain, wha yo don now?" Then noticing tlie prostrate trunk, he turned back tov/ard the cabin, ejaculating, "Massa Captain's de berry debil fo makin big noise. 'Spect he want to scare Caesar mos to death." The texture of the wood was found not unlike white pine of more northerly climes, though of a reddish cast ; the grain coarse, open and easily worked, when first cut, 3'et hardening rapidly under the sun's rays, the bark ex- cessively hard, from which it was proposed to hollow the log, cutting to within one inch of the inner surface of the bark, thus they would have a strong compact and light shell. Thirtv feet were now measured, when the cutting was 16 258 CONSTRUCTION OF A BOAT. commenced, some two hours' labor being required in the operation. " Well my boy," suggested the captain, taking off his hat and mopping his streaming face, "this is powerful exercise, and I am heartily glad so much of the work is accomplished, the hardest part I imagine ; yet how are we to hollow the log, that's what's bothering me just now ? " The captain was no mechanic, or at the best a yerj poor one. On the other hand, while having little practical knowledge of the use of tools, Herman might be said to possess a natural gift in that direction, so he came to the captain's relief, saying, " Why sir, it's the easiest thing in the world. Bore a series of holes, say four inches apart, also the required depth, afterward cut the spaces between them with a saw. See ? " "Yes," quoth the captain, "I see, and a capital idea as well ; furthermore allow me to say, I believe you are an uncommon genius, for with all my worldly-wise experience, such a thought would never have entered my head. But I say, old fellow, ain't you tired ? I • am anyhow, so let's quit work and take a season of rest," which being readily agreed to, our friends re- turned to the cabin, and after eating supper and pipes lighted, Herman said: " As I presume. Captain, we may be on the lookout for rain at any time, T would suggest erecting a shed under which we can work, otherwise wet clothes will be our portion, not a very agreeable thing to contemplate." " Yes," replied the captain, " another wise suggestion " So on the following morning they set about the task cutting poles the required length, supported by posts at proper distances. The framework completed it was then interlaced with small limbs, and when covered with heavy masses of foliage, a compact tight roof was formed impervious to water and the sun's rays. Now the work was commenced in good earnest, con- tinuing with little intermission for the space of nearly two months, at the end of which time they were enabled CONSTRUCTION OF A BOAT. 259 to look with much satisfaction on the result of their labors. For here was a vessel of good size fitted with two pair of good oars, rudder, a stout mast and out- riggers, the latter suggested by Herman, who had pre- viously read an account of the South Sea natives mak- ing use of the contrivance in time of high seas, thus pre- venting the overturning of the boat, proving quite often to them that it was a wise precaution, as otherwise their lives would inevitably have been sacrificed. A large square sail was also fashioned from a supply of bunting, secured at the time of landing. In journeying about the island a species of shrub had been discovered from which exuded a soft pliable gum, which when exposed to the heat became excessively hard. This gum when gathered in sufficient quantities, and melted by a moderate degree of heat, was while hot applied to both the inside and outside surfaces of the boat, forming an extremely hard, glass-like compound, impervious to the corroding action of salt water, at the same time protecting the sides from warping or crack- ing. A platform was also formed extending from the outer edges of the outriggers across the body of the craft, thus a good sized platform or deck was secured on which they could stand, sit or recline at pleasure, while a light rail running entirely around prevented them from being washed overboard in case of high running seas The month of March was now close at hand, the rainy season was closing, and the many long days spent in activity had been pleasant and happy, yet they longed for dry weather and sunny days when they could again be out of doors without having to encounter storms of wind and floods of rain to both of which they had been subjected for so long a time. The long, low lying banks of heavy clouds obscuring the sun's rays were fast hastening away, soon to be succeeded by clear skies and more equitable temperature. A somewhat formidable undertaking now seemed to stand in their way none other than that of transporting the large and cumbersome craft to the shore, nearly half-a- 260 CONSTRUCTION OF A BOAT. mile distant. Yet this was not long in being accom- pli shed tlirougli the ingenuity of Herman in propos- ing a set of rollers similar to those used in moving buildings. To this end a number were cut from straight bodies of trees, some five feet in length and three inches in thickness, which being placed systematically under the long keel, the craft was soon on its way, and ere long floating proudly on the waters of Baxter's Bay, the name given to a sheet of water lying in front of the cabin extending inland for some little distance ; also the point where they were landed upon leaving the yawl of the Black Eagle, The island had been christened Perkins Land, and not desiring to slight their good friend Cgesar, the distant chain of mountain heights was called Caesar's Heights. The little inland sheet of water went by the name of Big Toe Lake, suggested by Caesar from experience with the large fish, while the stream running from the lake to the sea was called Sparkling Water, and as it was deemed advisable the little vessel should also be endowed in a like manner, it was honored at Herman's suggestion, with the name of the captain's daughter Bessie. But the captain, not wishing to be out-done in generosity by his young comrade, proposed Nelly, and as neither were disposed to give way, the affair was at length decided by tossing up, Herman winning. So the staunch little craft ever after went by the name of " Bessie," thus more closely entwining about his heart the girl he loved from seeing her name in large letters engraved on either side of the bow. So the captain would often get the laugh on the young lover, upon his saying, " She's a fast sailer," or " a spanking craft," by inquiring which he referred to, the boat or Bessie, a remark the young man was fain to take to heart, as he would reply : "Do you suppose, Captain, I would for a moment com- pare the dear girl to our boat no matter how useful the latter may be to us, though I'm willing to admit she's cost us a deal of hard work. There, don't laugh, Captain, you know which I mean." CONSTRUCTION OF A BOAT. 261 The dinner hour now having arrived, the captain, accompanied bj Herman, repaired to the cabin, where Ciesar was as usual found busily engaged with his pans and kettles, from the contents of which he soon laid before them one of his excellent meals, remarking, " I don a little extra dis time in honah of de ship, wha yo spect to sail roun de worl in, but you no take Caesar long. No, Ceesar don want to go round dis yerth nor any oder. Dis island suit him berry well, Massa Captain, no sah." Dinner over, the captain remarked, "Herman, sup- pose this afternoon, we give our boat a trial, so that we may be the better able to judge as to her sailing qual- ities. As this was readily agreed to a few moments later found them on board, sail hoisted and the vessel stand- ing out to sea. Some two hours later, they returned, delighted with the prospect of now being able to navigate the waters surrounding their island home, for the little craft proved entirely sea worthy, making fair progress under even a light breeze. However they scarcely went so far yet in their enthusiasm as to lay plans for a race with an ocean steamer. The boat was secured to the shore by a stout hempen cable, then returning to the cabin, they smoked, indulging in happy contemplation of the benefits to accrue from this acquisition to their many possessions, for there was now a sense of relief from a former feeling of isolation and utter helplessness natural in their condition. Surely they had much cause for thankfulness that their situation was no worse, and no less for gratitude to the commander of the Black Eagle for having so generously supplied them with the neces- saries of life, also for the acquisition of the lad Caesar to their ranks, for competent, faithful and active in the discharge of his duties, the entire charge of the little household being delegated to his care, thus both the captain and Herman were wholly freed from affairs which in time might have proved irksome in the extreme. .1 262 CONSTRUCTION OF A BOAT. CaBsar not only prepared, but also provided a con- siderable portion of the food. The waters abounded in fish of excellent quality ; turtle were found in large numbers, while fowl could easily be procured with- out stint, and Caesar was not only a good fisherman, but also a capital shot, so the larder was as a rule abund- antly supplied with both fish and fowl. Now and then his comrades would shoulder their guns and go out to the lake which at times swarmed with all manner ot sea fowl, when a few well directed shots would bring down as many as they could conveniently carry, and now in possession of their little vessel, they could go comparatively long distances out to sea, when in the deeper waters fish of large size could rapidly be obtained. Thus, taking it all in all, the islanders were in a condi- tion tending to a happy life, being at the same time freed from the many cares, vexatious and worries incident to thickly peopled communities, and were it not for a sense of isolation, a longing for the companionship of friends, or an occasional peep into the doings of the outer world, from which they were as completely severed as the inhab- itants of the moon, no condition of life could have possessed more charms or been attended with a greater degree of happiness. The little farm, too, was in a flour- ishing condition, as since the rains had ceased, the warm, bright rays of the sun, taking their place, the seeds planted at the commencement of the rainy season, were growing rapidly, and should the harvest be as now promised, there would be no future lack of food. The deep, rich, virgin mould caused the plants to shoot upwards with intense vigor and most wonderful rapid- ity; this combined with the equitable climate, there seemed nothing in the way of continued happiness and prosperity. One Sunday morning about this tiime, shortly after the captain and Herman, who were wont to lie in bed somewhat later than was their custom on week days, had risen, Caesar was observed making for the cabin on a run, shouting, seemingly, in a state of unusual excite- CONSTRUCTION OF A BOAT. 263 ment, *' Massa Captain git Caesar cle gun. De pesky varmints eat up all de crops." " Why, Caesar," exclaimed the scarcely awakened captain, " what's the matter? Something terrible hap- pened, eh ? " " Well, dar has, sah, and someting mo terrible yet, yo don hand me dat gun quick." Caesar had risen quite early, thinking to take a stroll around the little farm, in which be took much interest, when opening the gate of the enclosure, hundreds of wild fowl rose from the ground, where they had a few minutes previously alighted for the purpose of making a breakfast on the tender growing plants. Upon see- ing the state of affairs, he ran back to the house as fast as his short legs would allow, then procuring a well loaded musket hastened to the field, discharging the heavy charge of shot into the midst of the marauders, bringing down several brace of fine, fat ducks and a couple of geese. "Dar, you blamed igiots," exclaimed the delighted black, " Cassar teach you to let de corn and peas alone after dis." Then returning to the cabin loaded with his treasures, he began at once to prepare the morning meal. Had Cffisar lain in bed a half hour longer the fruit of many months' hard labor would have come to naught and our friends would have been placed in straightened circumstances, but appearing as he did in the nick of time very little damage had been done the crop, but it taught the islanders a lesson they would not soon for- get. As Caesar remarked, " It am de airly bird dat catch de worm, and Caesar de boy who cotch de bird." That they were all thoroughly frightened was little matter of wonder, as their future weal, if not their very existence, depended largely on the growing crops, so often thinking the matter over, it was decided that a guard should be stationed over the priceless treasure, taking turn about until the grain should have fully rip- ened and been harvested. Yet as the birds scarcely 264: CONSTRUCTION OF A BOAT. ever commenced flying until day-liglit, it was consid- ered unnecessary for the friends to leave their beds until dawn. "Pon my word, this is a little tough on a fellow," sol- iloquized Herman, as musket in liaud, he strolled out to take position on guard mount, " to be obliged to wake and turn out just at the hour when one is dreaming of his girl and other pleasant things, and all on account of those heathenish birds. Shows they were not brought up in a civilized community, or they would let a fellow sleep until sunrise anyhow, instead of shouldering a musket at this outlandish hour in the morning." How- ever, at Caesar's call, according to previous agreement, the young man lazily crawled out of his warm bed, just at the first streak of dawn, dressed, and bathed in the cooling spring water, feeling so greatly refreshed thereby that he cheerfully took up the line of march for the field. Yet when, but a little more than half way to his destination, great flocks of ducks, geese and other fowl were observed winging their way over head to the coveted field, in anticipation of a morning feast, liaving doubtless forgotten the sad result attending their former indiscretion, though evidently somewhat on the lookout for enemies as they warily approached, manifesting less confidence than on the previous morning. The "fowl avenger," remained in hiding until the dis- trust of the wary birds seemed to have been set at rest, for suddenly as though by concerted action they alight- ed in one great body, preparatory to commencing ope- rations. So also did the avenger, for opening fire on the dense mass, a score or more were stretched lifeless on the ground, the unhurt, though no less terrified ones, rising with flapping wings, filling the air with their discordant, frightened cries, taking their way to the inland lake. Several mornings now passed in succession with little disturbance, both the captain and Herman taking turns in keeping close watch, until at length a number, in seeming forgetfulness of the former disaster, or perhaps from less experience, were observed flying over the field, CONSTRUCTION OF A BOAT. 265 scarcely dariug to alight, as vvbeaever coming within range of the musket, a shot would send them quickly away ; so that it now became a much less difficult mat- ter to guard the crop. Several weeks now passed in comparative quiet, when one morning the captain, re- turning from " guard mount," reported the crop ripened, ready for the harvest. So they began work on the following day, and at nightfall all had been secured in excellent condition. " Now," said the captain, supper over, pipes lighted as usual, sending forth clouds of smoke, a feeling of con- tentment reigning over all, in the pleasing contempla- tion that the supplies would be quite adequate to their future wants, " a thought strikes me. How are we to grind our corn ? " " "Why," answered his companion, " we must build a mill." " A mill, my boy ? Well that's a good suggestion, but how, that's the question." " Well," replied Herman, " you know the old saw : ' Where there's a will, there's a way.' The first we have, else we would not be in our present prosperous condition; the latter we must find out as best we may." So the young inventor set his wits to work, ere long evolving a plan, suggestive of good results, and which he believed would surmount the difficulties attending the construction of the mill. The stores of supplies furnished by the commander of the Black Eagle would still hold out for some time, so upon further consideration, it was deemed best to post- pone the mill project until the advent of another rainy season, as their time would be fully taken up for the present with more important duties. Notably the in:i- provement of another acre of ground, which added to that already under cultivation, would greatly increase their means of subsistence now deemed advisable, as "any large surplus accruing," remarked the captain, " could be shipped to foreign markets." " Ya, ya," interposed Caesar, " de foreign markets can 266 FURTHER INVENTIONS. be reached by de new ship, yo spose. Am dar likely to be a short crop in foreign parts, tink yo', Massa Cap- tain? Hab yo ceived vices to dat affect ob late, sab. Mebbe de commander of de Black Eagle like some ob our crop. Mebbe some day he com sailing dis way and confiscate de whole ob it. Mebbe too, dem revenue cutter folks like some ob our provisions down dar whar Massa Satan don hab dem. Mebbe dar be short crop down dar, de wedder so berry hot. Yum, yum, Massa Captain, wha yo don tink ob dat, eh ? " *' Oh, take yourself off," I'eplied the amused captain, "you're a bad lot, Csesar, what do you know about for- eign markets, though no doubt you'll soon enough find out all you'll want to know about the revenue cutter's people." CHAPTER XXXIX. FURTHER INVENTIONS. OUR Islanders now set to work clearing an additional acre, first felling the trees, the work advanc- ing rapidly, their previous experience in handling the axe having made them quite expert in its use, as also hardening their hands and toughening their muscles. Still it was found a matter of necessity to leave the harvested grain in the field until a new stone house could be erected, from which fact the wild fowl again became troublesome by their oft repeated depredations, the ripened grain furnishing a tempting meal; they appear- ing in such numbers that one person was required con- stantly on the ground, aud as it was desirous to be spar- iug of ammunition, Herman set to work contriving a trap to catch them. From the long, straight limbs of trees he cut poles, which were split lengthwise. With these an open box of large dimension was fashioned, four feet in length by B'URTHER INVENTIONS, 267 three in width. Then he smoothed the surface of tlie ground, placing over it the box, raised to a sufficient height, so that the birds could easily enter, then scatter- ing inside a little shelled corn, in the meantime attach- ing a cord to a stick holding the box in position, he took his station a little distance away and awaited the result. Soon large flocks of ducks and geese appeared, finally settling down, when spying the grain shelled and scat- tered no doubt for their especial benefit, they crowded under until the trap was nearly filled, when the cord was pulled, the box fell and the unsuspecting birds were trapped. Again a wise thought was suggested. Why not save the lives of the birds for subsequent use ? an idea which was carried into effect by the construction of a much larger box. Afterwards a pen of goodly dimensions was built by enclosing a strip of ground with long palisades, then clipping the wings of the birds. Many dozens were thus safely housed, furnishing a ready supply whenever needed, as also eggs in abund- ance. It was also resolved to attempt the taming of several pairs of both ducks and geese, so that in the event of ammunition running low, by simply stepping to the poultry house, they could wring the necks of as many as were desired, and as Herman said, " The feathers can be plucked for pillows." " Well, I declare," remarked the captain, when these measures were explained to him, " you are evidently pre- paring for a lengthy stay. Yet I dare say you are right." The addition to the stone house had been taken hold of and completed; the grain threshed and stored, exceed- ing in quantity their expectations, amounting to no less than ten bushels of shelled corn, six of peas and about the same quantity of beans. The crop of potatoes and other vegetables was abundant, so they now considered themselves placed above want until another crop should have been grown. In the meantime the ground was again prepared for planting. Had any of Herman's college associates met him at 268 FURTHER INVENTIONS. this time, lie would have been scarcely recognized, as previous to his island life he had never during his whole existence performed a day's manual labor, for when at home a servant stood ever ready to attend and supply his every want. The crop thoroughly secured and safely stored, the new storehouse erected together with preparing and planting the farm, had fully occupied the time until the rainy season was about to commence. Meanwhile discussions relative to the projected mill were of fre- quent occurrence, to which end it was necessary to secure stone of the proper quality for grinding. During one of their trips across the island the chain of hills falling in their route, larger masses of rocks had been observed cropping out which it was believed might be utilized for the purpose in question. So a couple of days later they set out on the expedition, car- rying such tools as were deemed necessary for the work, or rather such as they possessed which were necessarily limited in quality and number; simply an axe, shovel, wooden lever and materials for blasting, a steel drill and some gunpowder. A couple of hours' journey brought them to the desired locality, when they at once commenced opera- tions by digging the soil from under a large piece of rock, partially detached from the main body. Then they drilled several holes of the required depth, which were loaded and a fuse attached. Then moving some distance away they awaited developments which were not long in coming. The discharge and report which followed, echoing among the hills, was not unlike a roll of thunder. It was seconded by the rising of numerous flocks of fowl from the adjacent lake, while wild beasts, some of large size, fled from the neighboring thickets. One of the largest of these animals halted in its flight, and turned back, seemingly with the intention of attacking the disturbers of his rest. Grasping a musket, Herman leveled the piece, yet hesitating until his victim should have arrived quite FURTHER INVENTIONS. 269 near, when the weapon was discharged sending a ball through the beast's head. That he was of the cat species, who are said to have nine lives, was evident ; for instead of dropping dead as he should, he rushed on his assailants, the captain selected as the one for attack, securing a deep cut from the sharp claws of the animal on his left shoulder. But for the presence of mind of Herman, it would have fared hardly with liim, for the beast was so deeply enraged and furious from pain, that his onslaught was terrible. However, Herman coming to the rescue, directed a powerful blow with an axe head, laying the beast lifeless at his feet. " Another trophy," remarked the avenger. " Pity Csesar couldn't have been in at the death. But your shoulder, Captain, it's bleeding. Let me examine it." " Oh ! bother," he exclaimed, " it's nothing bui a scratch." However, upon stripping off his shirt, it was found to be a pretty severe scratch, so Herman washed and bound up the wound, as well as his limited resour- ces would permit, and it was many a day thereafter ere the captain could say with truth that he had a sound arm. At the time our friends were landed on the island, among the effects taken with them, was a box having the appearance of being filled with old junk, presum- edly worthless, yet upon investigation it proved of the utmost value, for among other articles was found a set of cold hardened steel drills admirably adapted for the purpose in question. These were the ones brought to bear in the drilling the holes for blasting the rock for the proposed mill stones. The blast proved a decided success, as a single layer of the hard rock was displaced from its bed, which upon measurement was found to be of the required size and thickness. The long sultry day was now drawing to a close ; the workmen were exceedingly weary, and as the night would soon fall upon them, they suspended operations 270 rURTHER INVENTIONS. and set about preparing a camp for the night, having, with commendable forethought, brought provisions sufficient iur a couple of days' sustenance. Supper over and pii)es smoked, they spread their blankets on the warm dry ground ; then lying down were soon sleeping soundly. Nothing- of moment dis- turbing their slumbers, as their sleep was too profound to hear the howling of wild beasts who, scenting the dead body of their comrade, made the forest resound with their angry cries. At an early hour of the morning, they awoke greatly refreshed, well knowing a hard days' work was before them, for the heavy stone must be transferred to their home distant some five miles. It would have been greatl}'^ to their liking had Caesar been with them to assist in the work of removal, but it seemed a matter of necessity that the negro should re- main at home on guard over their stores of provisions, grain and ammunition. In the emergency, a cart or any wheeled vehicle no matter of how simple construction, would have proved timely, but having nothing of the kind, they resorted to the most simple expedient possible, still one quite effec- tive. Cutting a pair of pliable poles some ten feet in length, they fastened them securely at either end two feet apart. Near the low^erend, the stone was placed, and secured so as not to be easily disturbed by jolting over the un- even ground. Then by placing each a shoulder at the further end, they hauled the heavy load quite easily, though somewhat slowly. By walking steadily, resting every half mile, and an hour or two at mid-day, they reached their home shortly before sun set, finding Caesar as usual, employed about the kitclien, as he said " pareing fo' comp'ny." "Well, massa Captain," said the good natured black, "you don got mity big stun dar. Golly but dat grine de cawn 1 " Quite w^orn out by the excessive labor during the FURTHER INVENTIONS. 271 past two days, they agreed the next should be a holiday. The voice of Csesar was now heard, cheerily calling, " Come to suppa," and as he had put forth an extra effort in its preparation, he wanted no lingering, prefer- ing to serve it while hot, and little wonder, for here were fried fish, roast duck, baked potatoes, corn pone and an excellent cup of coffee; "a feast," as Herman said, " equal to a home restaurant." On the following morning, all lay in bed late, except Csesar, who preferred rising in good season that nothing might be found wanting at breakfast, and as he felt his importance as custodian of the house and premises, he usually went the rounds, both night and morning to see that all things were in proper order. While eating breakfast, the captain proposed a holiday excursion, a sail on the sea. " All right," said his companion, " and suppose we take our lines, going a mile or two out from shore and take some deep sea fish." So getting lines and hooks in readiness, both of the larger size, also a supply of salt pork for bait, they went on board and set sail, Oeesar for once accompany- ing them. Thus sailing for an hour, they found them- selves quite a long distance from their home, though still in sight. They now baited the hooks, the boat drifting at will. Soon the large fish began taking hold and ere an liour had elapsed, nearly a dozen deep sea bass lay floundering at the vessel's bottom until at length, Her- man again casting line, drew from the deep waters the largest of all, requiring the concentrated efforts of all his companions to effect the capture ; then again baited the hook, as he said, " for the last time," with the remark, " now for a whale." Yet the words had scarcely been spoken when the hook was taken with so sudden and severe a grip, the hold of the line so firm, that ere he was aware of the danger, he was drawn overboard, at once sinking from sight. 272 FURTHER INVENTIONS. "For the love of heaven," shouted the captain, "dive vmder the boat! " And little wonder, for in plain sight, and only ^ few rods distant, were seen the black fins and snout of an enormous shark. " My God ! " cried the horrified captain, " the boy is lost I " Not so, for rising on the opposite side of the craft, he was grasped by the stout hand of Caesar, assisted by the •captain, and by sheer force of muscle, was lifted into the boat, and not a moment too soon, for the sea monster closely following, had turned, his white belly uppermost, in eager anticipation of his prey. A few moments delay would have sealed the fate of Herman, who now lay in the bottom of the craft, panting and nearly ex- hausted, more from fright possibly than exertion. The hook taken by tlie shark still retaining its hold, the captain was quite anxious to effect its capture and as it happened, a loaded musket had been placed on board previous to setting out on what promised at one time to be an ill starred expedition. Herman now quite recovered from both shock and fright, begged permission to slay the beast, urging, that while perfectly willing to provide bait for fish, whale or shark, he had a decided disinclination to furnish it from his own person. The line was gradually shortened, until the fish draw- ing quite near, the musket was raised, aimed and fired, the large ball penetrating an eye of the sea monster, who notwithstanding having received a mortal hurt, struggled in death agonies. However, these struggles growing grad- ually less violent until at length he lay a lifeless mass on the bosom of the deep, he was soon after taken in tow, sail spread to the breeze and they were again under way, prow homeward turned, their progress somewhat impeded by the excessive weight hanging in the rear. It was nearly sunset ere the craft was snugly moored on the still waters of Baxter Bay. Herman was little tlie worse for his sea bath, only somewhat pale from the scare, and his nearness to a sudden and cruel death. The boat was secured to the shore by a stout cable FURTHER INVENTIONS, 278 the shark hauled on the beach. The long sharp rows of teeth and wide extended jaws of the formidably armed animal caused all to shudder in contemplation of the nearness Herman bad been into their crushing power. Meanwhile, it was decided to leave the body in its pres- ent position until the following day when they would remove the thick hide, for as the captain averred, there was no better material for shoe leather. Upon reaching their home, all things were found as they had been left in the early part of the day. So, Caesar set about preparing the evening meal, all agreeing, setting aside the shark episode that a very agreeable day had been spent. During the early part of the meal, little was said, the captain seemingly absorbed in contemplation of the sad fate so lately hovering around the head of his devoted friend, " I'll be hanged if I didn't think at one time nothing short of a miracle could save you, and when I attempt to realize the lonely condition in which I would have been left had you met with a far worse than ' Jonah's fate,' I declare, my boy, it makes me tremble, however as the saying goes, all's well that ends well, so let's think no more of it but set about looking up material for the mill." To this end Herman drew a plan, the motive power the wind, the framework fashioned from the trunk of straight bodied trees, wheels cut from those that were as nearly symmetrical as possible. For the wind mill there was a framework consisting of four arms of equal length, each ten feet in length, attached to a central hub through which ran a shaft supported by upright posts, while to each arm was stretched stout sail cloth. The greatest difficulty ap- prehended, was that of dressing and grooving the stones, also bringing them to the desired thickness, but as this portion of the work would require much time and patience, it was decided to leave it until the winter months which would soon be upon them, as the days were gradually becoming shorter and much cooler. 17 274 FURTHER INVENTIONS. The bright sunny sky ere long became overcast with heavy laden clouds, a deepening gloom settled on sea and land, the winds came in fleeting gusts, the long dull tropical winter was fast hastening on, but for all this they were well prepared. Ample stores of provisions, timber cut and under cover for the mill, the little farm planted, all in the en- joyment of perfect health ; what more could be asked or desired? They had work before them to occupy the entire winter months, and if only a daily or weekly paper, a monthly periodical even could be placed in their possession, anything in short from the outer world, a few books, or writing materials, they would have con- sidered themselves above want. Of all these they were denied, yet there is in the mind a deeper, heart felt want, one to be satisfied only through genial companionship. In Captain Perkins, Herman found a warm hearted generous comrade, and in so far as everyday practical matters were concerned, perhaps his equal, yet in all else his inferior, not that his native powers were less, but they lacked cultivation. On the other hand, from having in an eminent degree during his whole life been the reci))ient of fortune's favors, enjoying the advantages of a liberal education, passionately fond of an argument when based on sub- jects requiring deep thought and thorough search, Her- man was none the less a genial companion and welcome associate to the captain; this divergence of character and attainment resulting no doubt to their mutual ad- vantage, for while one could plan, the other could exe- cute. Thus the long winter mouths passed, as, working faithfully and systematically, they overcame by patient labor, combined with much thought, many seemingly insurmountable obstacles, for destitute of practice me- chanically speaking, these would rise in their pathway only to be worked out by innate genius or natural talenta which rose to the emergency. FURTHER INVENTIONS. 275 The days were short, so it was arranged to work a portion of each evening, light being furnished by oil from the flesh of wild beasts slain and the wild fowl, usually quite fat and plump. As nearly the whole of Csesar's time was given to the cares of the household, supplying the table and looking after the stores, he was seldom called upon to render as- sistance to his companions, thougli ofttimes a wise sug- gestion would fall from the darkey's lips. Thus when Herman became puzzled as to the method of adjusting the stones for successful working. Caesar came to the front, with a suggestion gained from familiarity with grinding corn on the plantation of his old Georgia master. " Why," said he, " you must adminster a square hole right true de middle ob de upper stone, den de cawn will fall to de under one." With this concise explanation, Herman proceeded to " adminster" the required hole which proved entirely satisfactory. Again came the advent of spring. The rain ceased ; the heavy darkening clouds disappeared ; nature rejoic- ing in the bursting bud and opening blossom ; the ground was carpeted with rich grass, while the song of bird was heard from branch and twig. An additional month of unceasing labor witnessed the completion of the mill, now ready for trial, and after a few unimportant additions, it proved even more satis- factory than could have been expected. A simple forge was also set up, a small number of blacksmith's tools having been found in a chest at first supposed filled with useless trumpery. A grindstone was fashioned, now considered of prime necessity, for their axes, planes and chisels, were becom- ing quite dull from long continued use. Thus passed the time, until four years elapsed, bearing, in their train alternate summer heats and winter storms, the inventive genius of Herman combined with the un- tiring energy of the captain, meantime, resulting in 276 THE EXPEDITION. many useful, though necessarily rude contrivances, tending to lighten their labors, among which was a light yet serviceable plow, quite well adopted to turning the easily tilled soil. The captain, together with Caesar, furnished motive power, thus supplying the place of horse, mule, ox, or ass, though a thought of late had suggested itself to the mind of Herman, " Why not utilize nature's forces, notably wind, for a like purpose, as in the case of the mill ? " The skins of slaughtered wild beasts had been tanned, from which the clothing now worn was made; not quite up to style perhaps, yet well adapted to their mode of life. While the area of cultivated land had been largely added to from year to year, they were now producing more bread stuffs than could be used, but the captain argued this was greatly in their favor, for said he : " In case of a year of excessive drought, not uncom- mon in tropical latitudes, possibly of illness or some other unforeseen occurrence, we would not, like the Is- raelites of old, be compelled to ' go down to Egypt to buy corn.' Then too, my bo}'," he said, " we may some day be surprised by the advent of visitors, both hungry and naked." So the storehouse was kept filled. CHAPTER XL. THE EXPEDITION. ON a Monday morning, (Sunday having been spent not as it should have been perhaps, as the Isl- anders were not strict church goers, from no fault of theirs, however) the mind of the captain seemed the whole day preoccupied to the exclusion of all else, some weighty matter evidently having taken possession. So breakfast over, he said : " Herman, have you ever given the subject a thought THE EXPEDITION. 277 that we may have nearer neighbors than we have here- tofore suspected ? " Then taking a piece of wood from his poclcet and handing it to Herman, he continued : " Look at this and tell me what you think." Herman took the block in his hand, carefully exam- ined it, and then replied : " Well, Captain, it is certainly a curious affair to be found in this out-of-the-way place, and I must own I hardly know how to answer your question." ■ " For one thing," resumed the captain, " you will no- tice it is carved, and this in a peculiar manner, as the lines ran from several directions to one common centre, showing much skill in cutting. I am ready to affirm un- der oath, if needs be, though I am not much given to swearing, that the hand of native never fashioned a block of wood like this ; and again, when you examine it closely, you will perceive not only design in its plan, but that it was executed by a sharp, smooth-edge tool, and that not very long since, either." "But, Captain, where did you come across it? " ques- tioned Herman. " Well, you see I was strolling along the beach yesterday morning, and noticing something a little out of the common run floating in the water, picked it up, for it lay quite near the shore. Now the finding of this block of wood has not only set me thinking, but also to entertain a project I will now lay before you. As you are aware, we have never been able to discover land, look in whatever direction we may, from any point on either side of our island. Of course we have only our unaided sight, yet could we look a little farther by the aid of a glass, the possibilities are we might sight some hitherto unseen shore. " Now what I propose is this ; let us provision our vessel, say for three days' journey, then hoist sail, set- ting to the northwest, for I believe that the direction from which the current sets to these shores, consequently the one from which this block has reached us. A day and night out, the same to return, and should we, Col- 278 THE EXPEDITION. umbus like, discover a New World, we will keep on our course until we reach its shores, then shape our future as circumstances may seem to warrant, or judgment dictate. I have given much thought of late to the question, whetlier no vessel having touched Baxter Bay (luring the past four years, one ever will in the future? What say you, my learned comrade? " " Oh, don't be sarcastic, please, my most worthy Cap- tain ; for you know I make no pretence to any unusual Bum of learning. So keep any thoughts you may be pleased to entertain in that direction to yourself." This was said in a pleasant humor, as the young man well knew the captain would not for the world make a re- mark, or indulge in a thought even, tending in the least to hurt his feelings. However, the captain honestly be- lieved his young friend the epitome of all human intel- ligence, and well he might. " I will reply to your sen- sible and possibly well advised remark in the identical language used on board the Black Eagle in answer to a like question, ' Wliere you lead there will I follow.'" " Your hand on that, my brave boy ; we will set about making preparations for the trip at once." Then to Cffisar, " Three days' rations for the crew and an extra one for yourself, Ceesar ! " Upon hearing this remark the negro's eyes blazed with excitement, astonishment depicted on every line of his ebony face, when he exclaimed," Wha, Vv^ha, Massa Captin, yo gwine ? Wha yo gwine to do ? " " Going on a voyage of discovery, my trusty friend," " Wha yo gwine to discober, Massa Captin, tole me dat?" " New worlds, Caesar." " Wha, leab dis beautiful home, gwine to take Caesar wid yo ? " "Yes," answered the captain, "we are going to take you, but we will only be away for a few days, probably not more than three, unless it so chances we find some- thing to suit us better." "Dat yo neber will, Massa Captin, no yo can't do dat." THE EXPEDITION. 279 " Well lad, get tlie provisions ready ; we'll try for it, anyhow." Caesar said to himself, " Wha on de face ob de yarth got into de head ob Massa Captin ? Fo de lawd Caesar tlnk he gwine crazy. Leab dis beautiful delitsom home to discobba a betta one? " Shaking his head he contin- ued, " No man can do dat, let alone Massa Captin." However, Caesar, ever obedient to the wishes of his good friend, set about the task, . though with a heavy heart, and no less dejected mien, for the island home suited him most perfectly. The following morning found the craft loaded with necessary stores, the islanders on deck, the captain at the helm, Caesar amidship, and Herman at the how. Previous to setting out on the journey, the cabin had been securely fastened ; and as the crops were har- vested and under cover, it was believed no danger need be apprehended during their short absence. Otherwise it would have been deemed unadvisable in the extreme, in thus allowing — possibly compelling the better word — Caesar to accompany them, as he would have greatly preferred remaining snugly at home, than to take part in an expedition fraught as he truly believed v/ith so much danger. However, a last look taken, sail was hoisted, they were away with a fair breeze; so that ere a half day had elapsed, the island had Bunk beneath the sea, the topmost crest of the moun- tain range scarcely visible. Meantime the poor colored boy was in great tribulation, his mind constantly revert- ing to the home to which he had become so attached ; aye, where he had spent the very happiest days of his life. So shedding copious tears, he begged his comrades to turn back, crying in bitter tones, " Caesar will nebba, no nebba, see his butiful home no mo ! Oh! why hab I libed to see this oncomfortable day ? " Yea, Csesar was right in his prognostications, for never would he see his "butiful home no mo," nor his comrades ever again set eyes on the beautiful surround- ings, or tread shores endeared by ties of friendship, and 280 THE BLACK EAGLE MEETS HER FATE. memory of happy years. Could the veil have been at this moment thrust aside, revealing the future scenes to be encountered, Caesar's advice would have been taken with little hesitation and they would have turned back. Now the island home is completely lost to view, a wide waste of waters surrounds them, nothing is seen save the white capped waves, nothing heard but the mournful winds as they sweep through the rigging of the staunch little craft. CHAPTER XLI. THE BLACK EAGLE MEETS HER FATE. ONCE more the Confederate privateer Black Eagle is heard from, cruising among the West India islands, convoying merchantmen to southern ports, or accompanying them so far on their way, as to be safe from Federal cruisers. In the meantime several small prizes had been taken, but this scarcely satisfied the ambitions of Commander Romayne, who was extremely desirous of meeting one of the larger vessels of the Federal navy, believing the Black Eagle fully competent to defy and even conquer any that might be brought to face liis powerful batteries. Walking the deck of his fine ship one afternoon, in company with his first lieutenant, Sir Eldred remarked, " I really do not like this idea of cruising in these waters, nor of again coming to anchor without a Yankee privateer in tow, as it is well known the Federals are not destitute of war ships in these localities, and I am getting wonderfully anxious to overhaul some of them, for the fact can't be denied that we have not met a foe worthy of our steel, neither have we as yet had a brush with a Yankee cruiser, and I do so want to try the metal of the armor-sided Black ^a^?e against one of their broadsides. Won't it be a surprise to the THE BLACK EAGLE MEET3 HER FATK. 281 Yankees, eh? That's the beauty of going masked, for they believe us like themselves, carrying an unpra- tected wooden hull. Ha! ha I Lieutenant, they'll find out their mistake one of these days, methinks to their sorrow." " Yes," replied the lieutenant, " we certainly have as fine a vessel, manned by as fine a crew, sailing under as gallant a commander as can be found in any other seas of the world." "Tut, tut. Lieutenant, no flattery you know," said Sir Eldred, though he could scarcely avoid revealing in the quick lighting up of his remarkably fine counte- nance that he was not ill-pleased at the compliment so gracefully tendered by his first ofiicer. " Sail ho ! " was at this instant shouted from the look- out at the mast-head. " Where away ? " returned the commander. " Three points off the starboard-bow, sir." " What is she like? " continued the oflScer. "A full rigged ship, sir," answered the lookout,' The breeze was fresh, the Black Eagle under easy sail, and all things in order on deck and about the entire ship, as Sir Eldred was a strict martinet in all the little details that many another commander would have paid but little attention to and cared less about. "Turn out the men I "shouted the captain, and tlie instant following the boatswain's whistle was heard pip- ing the men to quarters. The crew were at once active and alert at the pros- pect of what they termed an " old fashioned sea fight," as hastening on deck, and up the tall masts, the yards were quickly manned. The Black Ea;/le glided easily and safely over tlie waters, sails quickly set. She made speedy passage toward the Yankee frigate, which appeared well pleased at the coming encounter, showing not the least inclina- tion to avoid the contest. The lieutenant now went aloft, glass in hand, to watch her motions and report to Sir Eldred the size, 282 THE BLACK EAGLE MEETS HER FATE. cliaractcr, probable weiglit of metal and number of the crew. The stranger upon examination proved a Federal frigate, fully equal to if not longer than the Black Eagle. The Federal ship now hoisted the stars and strii)es, responded to by the hurrahs of her antagonist. The sea was at this time running high, the wind rising visibly, while heavy threatening clouds darkened the sky, betokening a storm. Yet active preparations were continued, little tliought of danger being appre- hended other than from shock of battle. Sir Eldred now ordered a sliot directed at the mainsail of the approaching frigate, and as the sea was rough, urged the gunners to take careful aim. The bow-gun was accordingly loaded, aimed, the match applied, when the heavy shot bounding from wave to wave, struck the foretopmast, causing splinters to fly in all directions, a hearty cheer going up from the elated crew at the success of the first shot. The gunners now hastened to their quarters, eager for the fray, no thought of danger entering their breasts, no fear showing in their countenances. Yet no one knew how soon he might fall mortally wounded, or be found lying in the agonies of death. The excitement attending the preliminaries of a sea fight is great; its possible outcome — laurels to some, wounds and death to others ; though from the main senti ment, the latter is scarcely considered by the true sea- man. As in this instance it was judged an impossibility, that an armored vessel should in any event be conquered by unprotected wooden walls, preparations for the fight went on, accompanied by jokes, cheers and hurrahs of the active crew. The yards were now thoroughly braced, in apprehen- sion of the menacing tempest, yet sail was crowded on, the commander hoping the contest might be ended ere the threatened storm should break. Thus the combatants approached, drawing momentarily nearer together, the Yankee frigate intent upon crossing the bows of the Con- federate cruiser, desiring thereby to deliver a raking fire. THE BLACK EAGLE MEETS HER FATE. 283 Meantime the Black Eagle's crew, manifesting little fear, kept on the way, knowing her antagonist little sus- pected how well her sides were protected. Anon the contest rages in all its fury, broadsides are exchanged with the utmost rapidity, several of the Black Eagle's crew have fallen, still her guns were working with spirit and determination; yet in spite of all, the unwelcome thought now dawned upon the mind of Sir Eldred, that he had at last met. his match, possibly his fate, for the superior strength of the Federal ship, both in armament and men, told heavily against him. Yet ip any event the contest could not be of long duration, as the Confederates had already lost twenty men in slain, and nearly as many wounded. Meantime the shot falling harmless from the sides of the Black Eagle, the Federal commander suspecting the cause, had ordered his guns aimed so as to sweep her decks, from which the crew suffered far more than did the ship, and the vessel continuing to draw nearer until they lay side by side, the bowspirits were ordered lashed together and an attemjjt made to board the Black Eagle. At this instant. Sir Eldred, seeing how matters stood, and that his vessel was about to be taken by the board, shouted, " All hands to the front to repel boarders ! '' Too late! the Federals even then were swarming her decks, a most determined, and sanguinary contest ensu- ing; and as the Federals so largely outnumbered the Black Eaglets crew, the latter were driven to cover at nearly every point, while blood was flowing in torrents and the combatants falling on all sides. A combat of this nature cannot be of long duration, as men, however brave, have little desire to shed their blood in a lost cause. Now was heard in stentorian tones, the voice of the Federal chief, calling to surrender, at the same instant meeting face to face Commander Romayne, a thrilling combat ensued. Blows in rapid succession were ex- changed, when by a quick pass the sword of Sir Eldred 284 THE BLACK EAGLE MEETS HER FATE. was wrenched from his hand, and he stood at the mercy of his opponent who, at the point of his blade, com- pelled him on pain of instant death to surrender his ship. Sir Eldred was a courageous man ; of this fact there could not be the least doubt, and had his crew not been so greatly reduced in numbers, he would have met his fate, trusting to their bravery to redeem both his honor and that of the ship, but under existing circumstances, he deemed it best to quietly submit, indulging in the hope that the wheel of fortune might, in turning, place the Federal commander in a like situation to himself. Thus ended this battle, one of the most severe naval engagements of the war, for more than one half of the Black Eagle's crew were either killed or wounded, the cockpit overflowing with the latter, while shrieks and groans were heard rising from the tortured victims of the surgeons' knife. The crew of the Federal ship suffered scarcely less in slain and wounded, a number of officers being among the latter. Eepairs were immediately commenced on each vessel, the dead cast into the sea, and ere a few short hours had elapsed, both ships were again under way. The Confederate crusier Black Eagle^ heretofore the scourge of the sea, now a prize following in the wake of her captor, sailing into the harbor of a friendly port, caused an immense amount of rejoicing, as the merchant marine could now breathe more freely, especially when homeward bound, laden with valuable merchandise here- tofore so eagerly sought by the wily privateer. After being fully repaired and her crew largely augmented, she again put to sea under a new com- mander, flying the stars and stripes. Tliis Federal man-of-war so opportunely appearing, seemingly by accident, was really the one sent out by the Federal Government for the express purpose of engaging the Confederate Black Eagle^ this anticipation being fully realized at the close of the combat. EPHRAIM STROUD. 286 The old Union flag, the stars and stripes at her mast- head, she now appears a warm defender of the new cause substituted for the old one ; a change regretted by her old commander, Sir Eldred Romayne, more than that ill advised yet generous hearted sailor cared to admit, not so much perhaps for the pecuniary loss entailed, as for the §ake of the cause he delighted to serve. CHAPTER XLII. EPHRAIM STROUD. EPHRAIM STROUD, the false accuser of his former classmate, Herman Baxter understood only too well that the facts leading to the notorious affairs in which he had played so conspicious a part, must ere long be brought to light, in which event, his position could scarcely be called an enviable one. He had severed his counectious with the institution, taking hasty departure from the scene of his operations as a Con- federate spy ; doing this the more unhesitatingly, from having fulfilled his mission in removing the one stumb- ling block from the pathway to future aggrandizements. Thus returning to his home in the South he took im- mediate steps toward organizing a band of irregulars, commonly known as guerillas, of which he was unanimously chosen leader. Leading a predatory life, acting independent!}^ of any array regulations, subject to no discipline or punishment, these men were well prepared to do an immense amount of mischief to those people of the border states, who were either actually known, or suspected, it mattered little which, of being active sympathizers with the Union sentiments of the North. While possibly these unholy deeds were not directly encouraged by the Confederate leaders, they were at least condoned, for their principal aim and object was the plundering, laying waste, and in 286 EPHRAIM STROUD. the end confiscating the substance of tbose coming under the ban of lawful proscription. While in the act of augraeuting the Confederate exchequer, they took good care at the same time to keep their own pockets well filled. Again many of these Confederate agents, or more properly speaking, spies, had originally concocted this scheme as a means of gaining a livelihood, as it not only afibrded free scope to their adventurous disposition, gratifying meanwhile a natui'al ill-feeling against the presumed enemies of the South, but also contributed materially to tbeir own immediate wants without neces- sitating the hazard to life and limb inseparable from legalized actual warfare. In the meantime, Ephraim Stroud had kept a watchful eye on Duke Steele, the victim of his former successful stratagem ; also witnessed his unusual career of rapid promotion, at the same time well understanding what his fate would be should he at any future time come withiu reach of the avenger's arm. Therefore, he had disguised his person and changed his name so that not- withstanding they had frequently met, he had hitherto remained unrecognized by the gallant young officer. That Captain Stroud was a shrewd intriguer, we have already seen. The fate of his co-w^orker in iniquity, Cyrus Jones, at the head of the band of troops led by Colonel Steele, was known to Ephraim ; he was also aware of the relation existing between the general and Nelly Baxter. So, out of the depths of his villainous intellect, he set about evolving a scheme whereby he could effectually despose of the one, and secure posses- sion of the other. To this end believing the time had arrived when the plan might be successfully undertaken, he would while getting within his power his bitter enemy, secure for himself the large wealth supposed to have been inherited by the young lady. Thus Nelly's father no more, the brother out of the way, in all probabilities never more to be heard from, Cyrus Jones the last remaining stumbling block slain, EPHRAIM STROUD. 287 nothing now barring the way other than the general, Duke Steele, his ever fertile brain must coucoot one more scheme whereby his high mightiness should not only be dragged down from liis lofty official station, but his person secured as well. Since the hour of the advancement of Duke Steele to high rank in the Confederate service, Carrie Foster had made use of every known means whereby to recap- tivate his heart ; yet thus far with little success. In all the many battles in which he had taken part, the victorious general had escaped injury, being seemingly bullet proof. No shot from hostile gun had touched, no angry blade reached him. So was he now proof against all the wiles, stratagems and fascinations the beautiful, strong-willed maiden could bring to bear against him. Was this noble, highly-gifted young general her enemy ? Scarcely, — and herein lay the trouble. When did mortal man ever hate a truly beautiful woman ; for treat him as she may, upon the least sign of encourage- ment, is he not just as ready to fall down and worship her aye, even should thorns encompass him and tribu- lations be encountered ? In Cyril Blanchard, Carrie Foster had a faithful ally, one whose hate for Duke Steele was as deep and far more deadly, for while the one was confined to a selfish sentiment, little heart manifested ; tlie other lay in wounded honor, no less than physical suffering and dire mental anguish. He could not forget to whom he was indebted for the long weary months of illness and pain to which he had been subjected. On a bright and beautiful morning at the instant when drum and trumpets were sounding the reveille, Carrie Foster was observed riding in a leisurely man- ner toward the quarters of Lieutenant Blanchard, her mind evidently engrossed by some weighty subject, as she paid little attention to the stirring scenes incident to early morning camp life. 28S EPHRAIM STROUD. She arrived at the tent, and the lieutenant noticing the footfalls of an approaching steed, appeared at the entrance, Avhen he was no less pleased tlian astonished upon again beholding the object of his affections. Greeting tlie overjoyed lieutenant in a kindly man- ner, Carrie asked if he could give her a few moments, as she had something particular to say to him. Being an- swered in the af&rmative, she dropped from the saddle, and entered the lieutenant's humble quarters, where she remained for a half hour, then remounted and rode rap- idly away, evidently in much better spirits than upon her first appearance. The following evening. General Steele received a letter postmarked Oxford, Middlesex Co., Virginia, purport- ing to have been written by Nelly Baxter. " Oxford, July 14, 1864. " My dear Duke, — " I am in great trouble. Your dear mother was taken quite suddenly and very seriously ill, two days since, and the attending physician thinks her recovery doubtful. " Please hasten to us at once or you may be too late. " Lovingly, "Nelly Baxter." " My mother seriously ill and I not with her ! " solo- quized the general. "Yet it is only two days since she was taken sick, doubtless as soon as I could well expect to hear of it. Yet stay, this is not in Nelly's hand. How- ever, the poor girl was probably nervous when she wrote. Yes, I must go to her at once." So he began preparations for leaving at break of day on the follow- ing morning, meanwhile, turning over the command to an officer second in rank to himself, with instructions to report daily the condition of affairs at headquarters. Then just as light appeared in the eastern sky he started on the long and tedious ride, accompanied by a single orderl^^ The general, in his haste, had evi- EPHRAIM STROUD. 289 dently forgotten his previous experience in that direc- tion with the guerillas, who even now often appeared in full force, and that too when least expected. Judging from the brief note writteD by Nelly, the gen- eral feared he would never again behold his mother in life. Yet little did either suspect the many long months of weariness and suffering that would elapse ere he should look upon her face, living or dead. However, the gen- eral hurried his departure, in the strong hope he would be enabled to reach her bedside ere life should have fled, once more press her hand in token of his great love and receive her last blessing. Swiftly speeding on his way through the long, hot dusty July day, night fell when he was some ten miles distant from Oxford. Here in the outskirts of a dense tract of wood, he halted for a few moments' rest, greatly needed by both himself and his worn steed, the latter showing signs of so much fatigue that he feared he would entirely give out before having accomplished the journey. The general dismounted, throwing the reins to the orderly, when suddenly and without the least warning he was set upon and quickly overpowered by a half score of masked riders, who, ere he could realize his sit- uation, had securely bound and gagged both himself and his orderly ; then placing them in the saddle, moved away through the intricacies of the dense forest, leading in the directon of the distant mountains. Thus they rode in silence through the long night, halting now and then for rest, until the light of early dawn found them some thirty miles distant from the highway leading to the village of Oxford. Still pushing on, they now enter a deep secluded mountain gorge whose towering cliffs, together with the overhanging crags and dense forest shade, quite obstruct the rays of the rising sun. Moving still faster on, they soon arrive at the exten- sive encampment of an outlaw gang, whose leader is none other than the Confederate college student spy, IS 290 EPHRAIM STROUD. and the alleged lunatic, at one time so desirous of enlist- ing in the ranks and under the banner of King George the Third — Ephraim Stroud. The general's mortal enemy, Lieutenant Cyril Blanchard, was also there. Was ever man so girt about in such hopeless cap- tivity and by such bitter relentless foes as he ? Owing to the continuous hard riding of the previous day, together with the severity of the night, aud the pain from the cords so tightly binding his limbs, the General was quite worn out when reaching the gueril- las' camp. His mouth widely extended by the gag, lips torn and bleeding, coupled with hunger from his long fast, had resulted in the most terrible sufferings, so that upon being assisted in alighting, the gag removed, and his limbs unbound, he fell to the ground fainting, helpless, and nearly insensible. Lieutenant Blanchard has at last accomplished his end. So has Carrie Foster, for she had registered on high a vow that, as she had used the expression, " The haughty coxcomb shall be brought to sue for mercy, aye to my very feet, shall he humble himself. Duke Steele, the man at whose hands Cyril Blanchard had been so signally chastised, this man on whose shoulders lay nearly the whole of his past troubles, the long weary months hovering between life and death; not only this, but also the man through whom he still re- mained in the position of a subaltern, while his most bitter enemy had risen, and would doubtless continue on his upward course until reaching the topmost pinnacle of fame as a military chieftain — this man was in his power. When taking leave of his army associates, the general had remarked to the officer temporarily succeeding him in command : "I have just received a letter telling of the dangerous illness of my mother to whom I must now hasten, but upon reaching her bedside I will immediately send hack word informing you as to her conditionj as also the prob- EFHRAIM STROUD. 291 able duration of my absence, meantime should any- thing of importance occur requiring my presence at army headquarters, you will please give me due notice." Three days had now elapsed, and no word from the general. As a move was in contemplation which might bring on a general engagement, his presence with the cavalry division of the army of Northern Virginia was of the utmost importance. Dispatches were at once forvvarded to Oxford, urging his immediate return, replied to by Nelly, saying, "General Steele is not now, nor has he been here. Neither is his mother ill ; on the contrary she is in the enjoyment of the best of health." What could be the meaning of this most singular and mysterious affair ? That there had been foul play was evident. The commanding officer of the regiment in which Lieutenant Blanchard served, now reported that officer absent, and it was now understood that bad blood had for a long time existed between the two, thus putting this and that together, it really began to appear that the lieutenant might be an accessory, if not the real head of a conspiracy inaugurated to wreak vengeance on the head of the missing general in revenge for past injuries. Couriers were immediately dispatched in every direc- tion, the most thorough search was made ; the messenger in every instance returning and nothing having been accomplished. General Lee upon being notified of the absence of one of his leading and most widely known generals, also set on foot the most searching and continuous efforts look- ing to his whereabouts, yet all without avail. General Duke Steele had disappeared as suddenly and silently as on a former occasion, yet under far dif- ferent circumstances. Then a lowly, obscure young man, now a figure on whom a multitude of eyes were cast, as the gallant leader of one of the most important branches of the Confederate service. It really began to appear as though the earth had literally opened and 292 EPHRAIM STROUD. swallowed liirn up in its depths. Still from the exi- gencies of the case, there could be no hesitation on the part of the military authorities ; therefore the antici- pated move was made, the cavalry division under another leader. The days, weeks, and months passed without the least sign or discovery of the whereabouts of the missing general, until from the urgency of the case his command was permanently taken and his exalted station filled by a celebrated officer under commission of the Governor of Alabama. As would most naturally be the case, both the mother of General Steele and Nelly were greatly alarmed at his long continued absence; Nelly even making a jour- ney to army headquarters, there conferring with General Lee, inquiring as to the mysterious disappearance of her lover. It is safe to say that no one event in the history of the war had so stirred military circles ; in fact, it was for a considerable period of time, the main topic of con- versation, and little wonder, when taking into consider- ation the fact that an officer of high rank, enjoying the utmost confidence and esteem of the commander-in- chief, should have been thus spirited away, disappearing so suddenly and without the least warning. The affair was certainly incomprehensible. Yet as time passed, scenes of a stirring nature of daily occur- rence tending in a large measure to draw the attention in other channels, it was at length, if not entirely for- gotten, unheeded. General Grant was now vigorously " pushing things," the Confederate forces gradually but surely becoming hemmed in on all sides, resources cut off. The fact be- came daily more and more apparent that surrender must ere long take place. While General Grant was holding tight rein over the Confederate forces at Petersburg, General Sherman was leading his squadrons through the most prolific portion of Georgia, laying waste a vast area extending from Atlanta on the north to Savannah on the south. THE PRISONER, GENERAL STEELE. 293 This uoted march to the sea, eulogized in song and story, may justly be conceived as one of the greatest military achievements of the age, and while to General Grant may be conceded the conception of the scheme, to General Sherman, a no less mead of praise shall be awarded for its execution. Guarding approaches to the National Capital, once the main object, keeping lines of supplies open then of the first importance, were now esteemed secondary consider- ations in the minds of the two great leaders, as the sup- plies of the one lay in the country traversed by his legions and his headquarters in the saddle. CHAPTER XLIII. THE PRISONER, GENERAL STEELE. "TTTELL, my brave General, how do you find YY yourself this morning," was sarcastically spoken by Lieutenant Blanchard upon entering the dark gloomy underground cell-like apartment, located in a cavern on the side of the mountain at the base of which lay the outlaw camp, to which place the unfortunate general had been taken, and rigorously confined since the time of arrival in the early morning. Hearing these words, the general slowly raised him- self to an upright posture, at once recognizing in the speaker none other than his implacable and bitter enemy, Cyril Blanchard. Casting his eyes about the dimly lighted room, at once comprehending the significance of a plot so skill- fully arranged and successfully carried out, he allowed his gaze to rest on the well-known features of his abductor for a few moments, then spoke : " Blanchard, what do you expect to gain by this infa- mous outrage? Are you not aware of the fatal conse- quence sure to follow the betrayal into the hands of his 294 THE PRISONER, GENERAL STEELE. enemies of an officer of the rank I bold in the Confeder- ate army ? " " Why, General, reallj^, I little thought of your taking this bit of pleasantry so greatly to heart," was the sarcas- tic reply ; " and I'm truly surprised that you don't appeal to my well-known generosity and tenderness of heart which often causes my soul to overflow with the milk of human kindness, especially when put in the right form, but which I am sorry to say is not the case in this instance. Perhaps you are about to tell me the cause of Secession will sufier immediate dissolution, when thus losing one of its standard supporters, bravest defenders, and highest officers ? " I tell you Steele, and this in plain words," went on the lieutenant, " the days of Secession are numbered, its foundations undermined, its hitherto strong walls crumbling, its massive pillars weakened, its fall at hand. What, let me ask, have I gained by a willing adherence to the cause? Do I not remain in the same lowly posi- tion in which I first started out? Have I advanced one step? No; on the contrary, I have suffered a thousand deaths, lain long weary months in a condition few have been called upon to endure. And you, you have been the cause of it all ! While lying on a sick bed, no ra}'^ of hope to cheer the days, my nights one continued agony, I swore revenge, patiently biding my time, know- ing sooner or later it would come. It has! In my power, hope lost, no outlet or means of escape, you will leave this place only to be borne to a silent unmoumed grave on the side of yon mountain, already deep dug to receive your worthless remains." At this moment Ephriam Stroud strode upon the scene, sarcastically remarking : " Well, General, hope you don't bear any grudge ! Little trick of the boys, you know, down there on the pike. Then, too, old school fellows, shouldn't get the big head. But I say, Steele, you haven't forgot the little trick I played on the college green, (so to speak) eh ? Wonder by the way how friend Baxter is getting on? Ha ! ha ! Good joke on THE PRISONER, GENERAL STEELE. 295 both you fellows. Don't hurt though to take a little of the starch out now and then, but I really do beheve I've a chance to get even with you now for the scurvy trick played on me over there at B.ichmond, when I offered my services as standard bearer in the ranks of King George, and to pay for it you had me arrested and sent to the guard house. Oh ! I've got a long memory, and I'm going to tell you something now that'll make that serene countenance of yours take on a different aspect, or my name's not Ephriam Stroud. So, to be serious, I'll explain that having so successfully outwitted one of General Lee's most trusted adherents to a lost cause, I take pleasure in informing you that I am about to leave you in charge of your charitable friend. Lieutenant Cyril Blanchard, late of the 1st Alabama Cavalry, now connected with Captain Ephriam Stroud's band of regu- lators ; that is to say, we are in the habit of regulating sundry domestic affairs of our friends, of which, as I may say, you are the chief. The said Blanchard, now my lieutenant, will doubtless attend to your wants, which will not be many nor as I apprehend greatly prolonged. "I have also the honor to inform your lordship that in the meantime, I ride forth at the head of the boys on an expedition to inquire after the health of your sick mother^ Ho ! ho ! Sick — be d — d. Good joke that, Steele — and the capture, abduction, if you like the term better, of your well beloved Nelly, whom I propose on the instant to make my better half, a parson having al- ready been engaged to perform the ceremony." Shortly a.fter nightfall, Ephriam Stroud, at the head of the outlaw band, rode out from the encampment and down the mountain side, following the regular beaten path leading to the highway he expected to take, hoping to reach Oxford shortly before daybreak, Cyril Blanch- ard remained in camp with a portion of the gang, de- tailed to guard the prisoner, while Ike Morton, noted as being one of the most blood-thirsty members of the band, was in disguise, suited to the part he was to act 296 THE PBiSONER, GENERAL STEELE. in perforining the ceremony of marriage between Stroud and his destined victim. All were in high spirits, partly from success attending the capture of the ob- noxious general ; partly from the anticipated sport in witnessing the mock marriage of their leader with the high born and wealthy heiress ; and more than all else, owing to being heavily reinforced by liberal potations of whiskey. The journey down the steep hill-side was contin- ued until the' pike was reached, no obstacle intervening, until, just as they emerged from the forest, a small troop of Federal scouts appeared, coming from the di- rection of Oxford. At once recognizing their peril, from being greatly outnumbered by the Federals, the outlaws put spurs to their alread}' overridden steeds, thinking thus to avoid a conflict, little to their liking, but the scouts charged down upon them, soon overtak- ing them and demanding their surrender. At this junc- ture, the guerillas finding a conflict inevitable, wheeled about, charging in turn with much spirit, but, being taken at a disadvantage, were soon overcome, the chief receiving a severe wound. Tlie outlaws fleeing, escaped owing to the partial darkness of the early morning, chased for a distance across tlie neighboring fields hy the troopers, who now returned, resuming their former line of march. Mean- while, owing to the gloom, made still more intense by the heavy shadows of the surrounding forest, the fall of the guerilla chief had been unnoticed, and he lay by the roadside until the return of his followers, who upon examination found him so badly wounded that it be- came necessary to construct a litter whereby to convey him back to camp. As this was an unavoidably slow proceeding it was late in the evening when they reached the mountain encampment. Thus the expedition had utterly failed, and the design of abducting Nelly was reluctantly abandoned. Ephraim Stroud, on a bed of pain, cursed the ill-luck which had so summarily brought him to his present sad THE PRISONER, GENERAL STEELE. 297 coudition, and good fortune so signally deserting bim on the eve of the consummation of his most ardent de- sires. The original plan of the bold conspirators had been to make way with Duke Steele, before by any possibility, his rescue could be effected. But under these altered unforeseen circumstances, it was deemed best to keep him a close prisoner, providing him food sufficient only to prevent actual starvation, which plan carried out, three long weary months passed, the guerilla chief meanwhile suffering the most intense agony with little prospect of ultimate recovery. General Steele, confined in the close underground cavern, shut out from the light of day, the air deadly impure, deprived of nourishing food, had now become wasted to nearly a skeleton; his features pinched ; his form emaciated ; his skin almost transparent, and hia limbs so attenuated and feeble that they could scarcely bear his light weight. Thus lying on a hard couch, a prey to the most agonizing emotions ; hope of deliver- ance nearly abandoned ; wishing each day might be his last, a ray of light penetrated his dismal abode and at the instant, a hand is lightly laid on his shoulder, fol- lowed in a low voice, by the injunction, "Keep still." Lifting his nearly blinded eyes, what should he behold other than the black honest face of his old devoted serv- ant Eph. " My God 1 " whispered the delighted captive, and was about to continue with a blessing on the head of the boy, when he motioned him to silence, laconically remarking : " Massa General, don't say nothin." The poor faithful colored boy had long mourned the loss of his beloved " Marster," he who had so generously cared for and nursed him when lying sorely wounded, almost to death, bringing him back to life, health and strength. No tidings. No word received from his kind friend. Search abandoned ; all hope of the general being 298 THE PRISONER, GENERAL STEELE. restored to liis friends gone, even should he yet remain alive, considered at this late day doubtful, Eph had secretly resolved to go in quest of him unaided and alone. So in his many wanderings to and fro, during many long weeks he had accidentally, providentially perhaps, come upon the guerilla camp. Lying in wait ; keeping close watch, meanwhile suspecting, yet scarcely daring to believe his master a prisoner in the free- booters' stronghold, he had on this eventful morning discovered the unsuspecting sentinel asleep at his ip06t Carefully and cautiously working his way to the entrance of the cavern, at the same time well-knowing his fate should he be discovered, he heard, after a few minutes' listening, low moans issuing from the mouth of the well concealed interior. Still crawling, worming noiselessly along, he soon found himself at the bedside of the one for whom he had been so long in search. Then remaining silent for a few moments until his eyes became accustomed to the dim light, he saw his master lying in a most miserable condition and in an attitude of despair on a dilapidated cot. Admonishing the captive to remain silent, he said : " Marse General, Eph's guy'n for help; keep up good courage, sah, for in tree or four days you'll be rescued. Marse General, don't let de pesky grillas kno Eph's been hyar." Then pressing the hand of his old friend, he bade him good-bye, disappearing' as noiselessly as he came. Making his way cautiously out of the cavern, hiding whenever possible, he successfully eluded the vigilance of the guard, soon finding himself on the way down the mountain side. About one-half of the journey accom- plished, falling hoofs were heard, coming from the oppo- site direction, when he dropped behind the friendly shelter of a thickly growing clump of bushes until the strangers should have passed, when he was startled by the appearance of a band of guerillas climbing the steep, rugged mountain pathway, returning from one of their nocturnal raids, as they had in charge a half-score of TflE PRISONER, GENERAL STEELE. 299 led mules, also a large quautitj of provisions, fresh meat, flour, corn meal and potatoes strapped to the backs of the stolen animals. Again Eph took up his toilsome journey, hurrjing on as rapidly as the rocky uneven surface of the ground would permit, until at length he found himself in the near vicinity of a lonely farm-house, at the same moment spying in an adjacent field an unhappy looking mule, who, the lad judged, had been left by his owner, sole monarch of the premises or for that matter of all he Surveyed, for the little life still left within him seemed the sum and substance of all there was in the entire region round about, as solitude, notwithstanding its many charms, evidently reigned supreme. Proceeding to an ancient, tumble-down stable, Eph came across a rope halter, which he placed on the head of the poor brute, who was evidently delighted at again beholding the face of a human being, even though a black one. Leading the broken-down beast to the road- way, Eph mounted, moving away as rapidly as the feeble legs of the animal would allow, grateful for even this slim addition to his traveling resources for the boy was nearly as worn and exhausted as the mule. Thus he kept on his way, seldom showing himself at any of the out-of-the-way cabins lying on his route, many of which were entirely deserted, and those which were not, in scarcely a better condition as regarded the necessaries of life. Still he jogged on, happy in the thought of being engaged in a mission tending to the liberty and life of his master, both of which were at this moment in the greatest jeopardy. In this manner three days passed, the evening of the third finding the pair nearing army headquarters. The stars and bars waving in the distance presented a sight both charming and inspiring to tlie half- starved boy, even the mule sharing in the enthusiasm. At length reaching the encampment, Eph rode up and accosted an outlying sentinel : '• Sail, can yo gib me de direction ob de headquarters of General Lee ? " 800 THE PRISONER, GENERAL STEELE. The sentinel seemed inclined to oppose the farther progress of the sorry pair. The mule was scarcely able to maintain a standing position, now and then giving vent to an agonizing bray resembling the eftect of a rasp on the teeth of a cross cut saw, or a boy's first attempt to draw notes from a fiddle, while Eph was evidently nearing the last stages of exhaustion, yet upon his urgent representation that he had "business ob de greatest 'portance to transact with the commander-in- chief," a corporal was summoned who, taking the lad in charge, escorted him to the quarters and presence of the great commander, who with little ado, inquired in his usual gentle manner, as to his business. Eph, overcome partially from a sense of awe when finding himself in the presence of one of whom he had heard so much, also from physical weakness, could only ejaculate : "I'se fine him, I'se fine him, M arse General." " Found who, my boy ? " questioned General Lee. " Massa General, sah." " Well, that's not a very definite answer surely. Yet tell me of whom you are speaking. What general have you found?" " Marse General Steele, sah ! " ejaculated Eph. " Found General Steele ? Who are you, and what do you know of this, my favorite general ? " "I'se his sarvent, sah, and I'se don been more'n tree weeks huntin, an I'se don fine him way ober de montin dis side Oxemford, sah." " Oh, yes ; Oxford you mean, I presume? " "Yes, sah, Oxemford, dat am it fo shua." "Why, my boy," said the incredulous general, "Gen- eral Steele disappeared, and that most unaccountably three months since, and notwithstanding every efibrt has been made that was possible in any wise tending to his discover}'-, nothing has come of it. Yet, tell me what you know about him, and, my word for it, if you have, as you say, discovered his whereabouts and the story you tell me proves to be the truth, of a verity you shall not go unrecompensed." THE PRISONER, GENERAL STEELE. 301 " Well, sah, it am de truf I'se tole you, fo Eph neber, no iieber, tole a lie in his life. No, sab, not eben when ole Mam Cloe don pull him year, an dat am the truf, Massa General, too, sab." " Well, Epb, I've no disposition to question your veracity either in the case of Mam Cloe or in the pres- ent one, but you say you have found him, and now please tell me where and under what circumstances." " Massa General, he war under no circumstances, but in a cave, in de side ob de mountain, whar he am tied wid ropes an his bones stick out all ober him. Deed da do sah, an he am mos dead, an dat am a fac." " Can you lead the soldiers to him ? " questioned Gen- eral Lee. " Yes, sah, I'se know de way." "Well, well! Steele a prisoner in the mountains!" soliloquized the general. "But," continuing, "do you know, Eph, who are his captors ? " " Yes, sah, Lieutenant Blanchard an a hull lot ob grillas." Summoning an aid-de-camp, the general gave orders for a squad of cavalry from Steele's old regiment to prepare for immediate duty, remarking that they'd make short work of those fellows, who had the audacity to capture and keep in ignominious captivity their for- mer colonel, to whom they were greatly attached. The squad of well equipped and thoroughly armed troopers, some fifty in number, now drew up in line in front of the general's tent, when he gave them his final instructions. " Captain Oglesby, you will proceed with all possible dispatch to the rendezvous of a gang of outlaws, headed by Lieutenant Cyril Blanchard, as this colored lad, who will be your guide, informs me. Rescue General Steele and let not one of this contemptible gang of miscreants escape. Kill or capture every one of them — the vil- lains! It makes my blood run cold to think that an officer, of whom I've stood so greatly in need, should be kept a prisoner for this length of time in their vile 302 THE PRISONER, GENERAL .STEELE. haunts. Yet stay. One tiling further ; if possible, in your onslaught, take Blanchard alive. A good subject for example, and by the Gods! he shall be made such. Now my men, do your duty." Saying which the gen- eral entered his tent, followed by the cheers of his at- tached and willing soldiers. " Boots and saddles " then rang out on the still air of evening, and in a few moments fifty of General Lee's bravest troopers were on the way, Eph astride a fresh mule in the advance, riding by the side of the gallant Captain Oglesby, his pockets filled with hard tack, which he was greedily munching, while his faithful old mule was equally enjoying his hay and oats undisturbed at the rear of the wagon-master's quarters. Twenty- four hours' hard riding brought them to the vicinity of the outlaws' camp, where coming to a halt, their tired steeds were tethered and a guard placed over them. Then a circle was formed, completely surround- ing the well fortified encampment. The day has scarcely broken, no one about the camp stirring, for as they had heretofore remained in fancied security, not in any wise molested, so did they now. The sentinels were evidently in the enjoyment of a comfortable morning nap, so the dragoons were enabled to penetrate nearly to the centre of the camp undiscov- ered, no suspicion of danger disturbing the dreams of the outlaw band. Anon, in clear ringing notes the bugle sounds the charge, the outlaws spring from their tents, to be con- fronted by sabre and carbine in the hands of men well skilled in their use and with hearts eager to avenge their captive leader. As the guerillas leave their beds, each hand grasps a weapon, and as they emerge from their tents, each receives a sabor thrust or revolver shot, so that but a few moments are required to end a contest in which the odds are so unevenly divided, and as no quarter was asked or given, the greater portion of the outlaw band soon lay either struggling in death agonies, or mortally wounded. THE PRISONER, GENERAL STEELE. 303 Captain Oglesby, now that his services were not re- quired at the front, following in the lead of Eph, re- paired to the mouth of the cavern where was confiued General Steele. Hurriedly entering its gloomy precincts, he was hor- rified at beholding Cyril Blanchard, who with sword up- lifted was about to deal the captive a mortal blow; yet ere he could do ought to stay the blow, Eph, who had entered in advance, with the swiftness of thought and the bound of a tiger, was upon him. Grasping the arm of the assassin at the instant the weapon was descending, the blow was turned aside, and before Blanchard could again raise his weapon, the cap- tain dealt him a blow with the butt of his revolver which sent him reeling to the earth, where he lay stunned and bleeding. Summoning two of his men, the captain ordered Blanchard bound. Having recovered his dazed facul- ties, he sat glaring at his opponents, saying nothing, when the captain, turning his attention to Steele, said : "General, I am sorry to find you in this sad condition, yet with good care, nourishing food and more comfort- able quarters, I trust you will soon be brought round all right. 'Tis true we had about given up all hope of again seeing you, but through the heroic exertion of your old Eph, we are, thank God, in time to save you, not only further degradation but as I trust your life, and in the meantime bring this contemptible wlielp, (excuse the ungentlemanly expression. General, but well chosen language fails in a case like this,) to the justice he so richly merits." Upon examination, the general was found in an almost dying condition; still it was believed that with proper care, his life might be saved, though possibly his health not wholly restored. Lieutenant Cyril Blanchard at once comprehended in its full meaning his present situation, and that the game he had so skillfully played was up ; so with a scowling face, he quietly submitted, making no show of resist- ance, well knowing it would be wholly useless. 304' THE PBISONER, GENERAL STEELE. He was now led to the outside of the camp, when he was taken in hand by a squad of troopers who made little pretence of handling him with excessive caution. On the contrary, he was jostled with rude hands and with more haste than might seem compatible with judi- cious care. On looking over the field of battle, four only of the whole number of guerillas were found to have survived. The remainder perished, fighting bravely, which in a worthy cause would have redounded to their honor, now to their shame and lasting disgrace. The general was found in a frightfully weak condition, literally starved, and it Avas generally believed, that lu'id not Eph taken the officer in hand, or had he been de- layed in securing aid, the general must inevitably have succumbed to his tortures, and thus would have miser- ably perished one of the staunchest supporters and most worthy adherents to a lost cause. It his present weak and emaciated condition, it was deemed best that he should remain in the outlaw camp until he had gained sufficient strength to be removed to his mother's home at Oxford, where, under the judicious treatment and loving care of Nelly, his chance for re- covery would be augmented and doubtless greatly hast- ened. Therefore a small squad of troops were left in charge to guard against future surprise by the enemy. Lieutenant Blanchard, together with his companions who were unhurt, were returned to army headquarters in charge of the dragoons, under Captain Oglesby, where soon after they were summoned to the presence of Gen- eral Lee, who questioned Blanchard as to his motive in decoying and capturing the eminent commander of the cavalry forces, and why he subjected him to such harsh treatment. " What," said the indignant general, "did you expect to gain when committing this high handed outrage? What excuse, sir, have you to offer for deserting your command at a time when every man's services, no nifitter in how humble a sphere, were most in demand? I LIEUTENANT BLANCH ARD's FATE. 806 am confident yonr conduct can only be explained in one of two ways. You are either demented or an infamous scoundrel ; as for cowardice, I have never suspected you of that." " Neither, General, neither," replied Blanchard. " I claim no clemency from dementia, for I well know what I was doing; as for your second cliarge, scoundralism, I leave that for you to judge; and as to cowardice, ask my comrades. Yet, General, 1 do claim in justification of what you are pleased to designate as my offense this: General Steele has in time past deeplj'' wronged me. While he has risen from grade to grade until reaching one of the highest positions in the army, I am still in that of subaltern. While I have gained nothing in honor or fame he has acquired both. With neither friends or fortune, he has evidently borne a charmed life, no position too high of attainment, no honor too great to be bestowed ; while on the other hand 1, in the enjoyment of wealth, social prominence and influence, have not advanced one step in promotion, nor one degree of honor. His, General Lee, is the hand, the leading factor in all my troubles, and on his head I determined the blame should rest, aye, where it surely belonged. For the overwhelming injuries inflicted, I sought revenge. In part I've been successful ; for the portion remaining unsatisfied, I cheerfully relinquish all claim. My fate, sir, is in your hands, and having noth- ing further to offer in justification of my course, I can only say, do with me as you will." CHAPTER XLIV. LIEUTENANT BLANCHARD's FATE. JUST at the instant when the beams of the rising sun cast its brilliant rays over the extensive grounds of the encampment of the Army of Northern Virginia, on 19 306 LIEUTENANT BLANCHARD's FATE. the morning succeeding the trial and sentence of the ill- fated Blanchard, a detail of infantry, led by a sergeant, were observed filing down one of the main avenues leading to the grounds devoted to drill and dress parade, a muffled drum beating time to the slow movement of the troops. In the centre of the battalion of soldiers, arms tightly bound, head uncovered, in civilian costume, walked a young man, on whom all eyes were turned, as the principal figure in the drama about to be enacted. He appeared neither cast down nor mindful of his perilous situation. On the contrary, he carried himself as one might imagine the martyrs of olden times bore themselves when on the way to the stake well knowing the torch and fagot there awaited them. At a little distance and near by the point where halt was ordered, might be seen a newly dug grave ; near its brink a rudely made coffin. Obeying the command of the officer in charge, the little party advanced, taking position near the side of the yawning vault, when the young man knelt, a hand- kerchief on the instant drawn and tightly bound across his brow, covering the eyes and concealing the upper portion of his face. At a little distance to the right, stood a group of offic- ers in cavalry undress uniform, while several rods in an opposite direction, were gathered in groups, a score or more of the comrades of the one for whom these prep- arations were being made. The chaplain, an old war-worn veteran, who had ever held the victim in the highest esteem as a brave soldier and worthy member of the regiment, stood by his side, prayer-book in hand, intoning scriptural texts common to similar occasions, his trembling tones suggesting the painful emotions agitating his mind. Following the scriptural readings, was the burial service, taken as a whole a most impressive scene and one well calculated to impress with the utmost solemnit}^ not only its active participators, but the spectators as well, Tlie morning made bright by the yellow beams of the LIEUTENANT BLANCHARD's FATE, 307 sun, uow mounting higher in the heavens, the serene atmosphere, the neatly arranged grounds of the extensive military encampment, dotted with a vast sea of snowy tents, the broad folds of the Confederate stars and bars lazily waving in the gentle breeze, the burnished arms of the soldiery reflecting the rays of the sun, birds sweetly in chirping the neighboring thickets — all these lent a charm directly contrary to the solemn scene. Thus nature seemed desirous of exhibiting her greatest charms in mockery of the spirit of the poor mortal, who having taken a last fond 'look at the beauties of earthly scenes and its fleeting joys, silently awaited the dread sum- mons, the last of earth. The file of soldiers now advanced, taking position ten paces in front of the doomed man. At this instant, the roar of the distant signal gun, accompanied by the boom of the deep-toned bell from the tower of St. Stephens, proclaimed the moment had arrived for the execution. The word of command was about to be given, car- bines in the hands of the executioners were raised, the signal held aloft by the officer in charge was about to drop, aim had been taken, the command "fire," lingered on the lips, and was just about to be given, when sud- denly the form of a female on the back of a swiftly ridden steed, was seen approaching at headlong speed, in her hand a white handkerchief, franticall}'- waving which aloft, she cries in piercing accents : " Hold! On your lives, hold ; a reprieve ! Hold till I can speak with you," The carbines were instantly lowered, meanwhile the rider, leaping from the saddle, drops on her knees by tlie side of the bound man, whose form she clasps in her arms, whispering in his ear, " Cyril you are saved 1 " Then springing to her feet, she hands the sergeant an order from General Lee, demanding the execution stayed ; then turning to the astonished lieutenant, she tears the bandage from his eyes, cuts the cords from his arms, when he rises to his feet, if not a free, yet a living man. 808 LIEUTENANT BLANCHABD's TATE. Each moment expecting death, Cjril Blanchard could with difficulty realize that he was saved, the strong re- vulsion of feeling nearly overpowering bis already over- cited nerves ; so it was some little time ere he was able to maintain an erect position, or even to evince the gratitude uppermost in his mind to the one who had so opportunely appeared in his behalf. While he had of- ten braved death at the cannons' mouth with scarcely a tremor, faced the charge's fierce onslaught with little thought of danger, ridden in the thickest of the fight without suspicion of cowardice, now from this wholly un- looked for reprieve, he was greatly shaken. That Carrie Foster, the maiden he so dearly loved, should have thus stepped in between himself and death at a moment when scarcely a hair's breadth separated him from either a joyous future or an unmourned, dis- honored, miserable end, seemed wonderful. An act so wholly unexpected was certainly beyond his comprehen- sion. The executioners were now dismissed to their quar- ters, Blanchard led back to the guard house, and a court of inquiry immediately convened. Additional facts, meanwhile, having an important bearing on the case, were elicited, through examination of the Confederate spy, which together with her iirgent appeals for mercy, coupled with the numerous services rendered by her to the Confederate cause, were the main factors leading not only to reprieve, but eventually to the discharge and re- instalment of Lieutenant Blanchard to his former rank in his regiment. A few days' sojourn at the guerilla camp under the watchful care and thoughtful attention of his comrades, had improved the condition of General Steele to such a degree that he was removed to his mother's home, where, it is needless to sa}'', he was received with much rejoicing by both his mother and Nelly, under whose loving care he rapidly gained strength, soon being enabled to sit up THE VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY. 309 a portion of the time, now and then taking a short ride. Yet his constitution was so greatly shaken and un- dermined, it coald scarcely be expected he would again be able to take command or participate in future engage- ments. In fact, the time had at length arrived when his presence, in whatever capacity, would be of but little account, for with General Lee completely hemmed in at Richmond, his forces at Petersburg surrounded, supplies from day to day lessened, it was simply a matter of time when surrender would remain the only alternative. His only trust now lay in the hoped-for successful issue of the contemplated engagement between the army under General Johnston and the forces under General Sherman. The latter beaten, Johnston would thus turn to the aid of General Lee, and the relief of the Confederate capital. Thus both armies consolidated would fall upon the Federals under General Grant with a reasonable hope of success. But Sherman was not beaten, neither did Johnston appear to the succor of General Lee. The strong walls of the Confederacy were surely crumbling, its pillars one by one falling, as prophesied by Lieuten- ant Cyril Blanchard. CHAPTER XLY. THE VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY. ETURNTNG once more to the islanders whom we last left at sea on board the little vessel, hav- ing set out on a voyage of adventures, possibly of dis- covery, characterized by Csesar as "a berry foolish ting to do," we now find them many miles distant from " de beautiful home," eulogized by the enthusiastic colored lad as "de finest place in de hull world." They had been saihng since the early morning, now it was midday, as Csesar said, "time fo dinna." So he produced the provisions stored in the locker at the bow, 310 THE VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY. but as neither tea or coffee were available, resort was had to the water jug, and while this was not all that could be desired, they were fain to be content. No land had as jet appeared, no sail greeted their vision, though the shores of their own island had long since sunk beneath the horizon ; even the tops of the tallest trees and mountain summits had faded in the dis- tance. Still they pushed ahead, the breeze fair and with a cloudess sky; so aside from the excessive heat, the day was all that could be desired. Ab a preventative of the sun's burning rays, an awning was now stretched, ex- tending from either side of the outrigged platform, formed from some old sail cloth, still in quite good re- pair, though showing the handiwork of one not thor- oughly skilled in the use of the needle. Thus the day passed without special incident, until night drawing near, the sun quickly sank beneath the distant waves, and they must spend the hours of the long dark night surrounded by a wide waste of v/aters. Still no thought of turning back was indulged by either the captain or Herman, while Caesar earnestly plead, urging them so to do, crying, " Oh ! Massa Captain, we will nebba, no nebba, see our butiful home no more, dat we won't fo shual " The poor frightened fellow meanwhile shed bitter tears at the thought of thus deserting a place of refuge from the storms of life, endeared as it was bj^ ties of affection such as he had never before experienced. "Oh! yes, Caesar," said the captain in cheery reasur- ing tones, "we will return to our old home in good time, but you know, we have set out to be absent a stipulated length of time, and it won't do to become faint-hearted now. So brace up, my boy, keep up your courage, and, when the allotted time has elapsed, we'll right about face on the homeward run. In the meantime, it's possible we'll make some grand discovery." " 1 doan want to make no discobery," said the dis- consolate Ca3sar ; " I want to go back to our butiful home," THE VOYAGE OP DISCOVERY, 811 The poor fellow couldn't relinquish his treasure for all the grand discoveries agitating the mind of his good friend the captain. However, soon relapsing into silence, he fell asleep, not waking until the sun made its appear- ance on the following morning ; then, suddenly springing to his feet before having fully regained his waking facul- ties, imagining himself in the little bunk at home, he ejaculated, " Caesar must start a fire, for it am late." Then discovering his mistake, he silently withdrew from the locker their now somewhat diminished stock of pro- visions, quietly placing them before his hungry compan- ions. On this morning, the sun rose surrounded by a hazy, threatening atmosphere, while banks of heavy clouds liung on the horizon, their yellow, purplish edges now and again opening to a background of blue, the general appearance, as the captain averred, " betokening a storm." As the sun rose, so did the wind, until it became nearly a gale, and as they were heading a northwesterly course, the stiff breeze, coming from the opposite direc- tion, they could not well turn back, as it was a matter of impossibility for the little craft to beat against the heavy surges bearing down upon them. So they were forced ahead wheresoever wind and wave impelled them. From the speed maintained since leaving the island, the captain judged they had sailed not less than a hun- dred miles ; but as the wind for the past hour had momentarily increased in velocity, and as they were running before it, making probably from ten to twelve miles an hour, the distance now must be much greater. So in this way they stood on until noon. The sun, while somewhat obscured by the haziness of the atmosphere, had up to this time been visible; but now, overshadowed by darkening clouds, momentarily growing more dense, it was wholly lost to view. To add to the gravity of the situation, the wind con- tinued rising, the white crested waves lifted their heads, rolling, tossing, beating the sides of the little vessel, not as yet however sufficiently to endanger the lives of its 812 THE VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY. occupants, as the craft skimmed over the waters easily and lightly. Still it required the utmost efibrts of the captain at the helm to prevent her from falling into the trough of the sea, in which event they must inevitably have been swallowed up in the bosom of the raging deep. But how about Caesar the while, as partially crouch- ing and partly lying on the platform, he presents a pic- ture of the most abject misery ; so utterly dazed that he seemed entirely oblivious to his surroundings. Tearing winds, raging seas and beating waves have no terrors; he is past all that. Having completely given way to hia fears, he is like a water-logged vessel which the fury of the storm can harm no more. " I say, Herman, what is that in the distance, the cloudy appearance on yon horizon ? " All eyes were now directed to the distant object evi- dently lying directly in their pathway, until the cap- tain again spoke: " It is most surely land and it ap})ears like the crest of a range of hills, perhaps mountains. Look, my boy," continued the thoroughly aroused captain, " it still lifts, and at the rate we are running, we will soon be able to make it out." A half hour now had passed in breathless expectation, when it had so far risen to view that any one with the least experience would have little trouble in determin- ing its character as none other than a large body of land stretching away on either hand further than the eye can reach. Now were seen the huge trunks of lofty trees, their branches heavily laden with great masses of tropical foliage, clothing hillside and mountain top with the richest verdure. A chain of lofty heights wooded from base to crown, before were blue and purple, now wearing warm rich coloring of tropical splendor, formed a scene greeting the eyes and senses of the astonished onlookers, drawing fresh exclamations of delight, save in the instance of THE VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY. 313 Caesar, who motiooless and unobservant, could only sigh, "Me no see my butiful home no mo ! " Still the shores continued rising more and more dis- tinctly to view, while around and on every side, extend- ed one continuoas unbroken chain of coral reefs and sunken rocks their crests scarcely showing above the surface of the tumultuous waves. The craft was in great danger of being wrecked by being brought into collision with the hidden reefs, and here was exhibited in an eminent degree the fore- thought in designing the outriggings, as thereby the little vessel was buoyed up, riding high on the surface of the billows, now rising to a considerable height. However, it was quite evident the situation was not devoid of peril, the utmost skill and good judgment of the experianced sailor being required to keep the craft on her course, as a trifling error in the management of the rudder must have caused it to be overturned, pre- cipitating the voyagers into the midst of the raging waters. "Herman," shouted the bewildered captain, "what in goodness' name is that flying from yonder hill ? " Then continuing in excited tones, "May I be blessed if it ain't a flag! Look, my boy, your eyes are younger than mine, tell me what it's like." Gazing long and earnestly on what was evidently a large banner floating from the top of a tall mast, Her- man exclaimed : "Am I awake or am I a dreaming? Let me rub my eyes." Then after another long and ardent look turned on his friend, as though he would challenge him to mortal combat, unbounded astonishment depicted on every line of his face, his emotions evidently beyond control, he, in hysterical tones ejaculated, " My God ! The American flag, the banner of our native land, the stars and stripes ! — But, Captain," he burst forth afresh, "whnt means it that there are only thirteen stars?" " More than I can tell, my boy. Probably we will soon learn, however, all about it. This beats all. God bless 814 THE VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY. my soul ! " But tlie words had scarcely escaped his lips, when a tremendous burst of artillery thundered forth from the summit of a steep hill in tlieir front, at the same instant, the flag ascending to the topmost point of the mast, its folds spreading wide to the breeze. The little craft now flying over the high rolling bil- lows, seemed about to be dashed on the rocky shore, when suddenly it slid into a cove of comparatively still water. Now a strange thing happened, if such it could be called after so jnany of a like character had been en- countered, each seemingly more strange than the one preceding. A man in the costume and with the bear- ing of a soldier, though it must be owned of a peculiar type, emerged from the foiest, stepping out in full view, on a narrow ledge or platform some hundred feet above the point whereon they were standing. His form was encased in swallow-tailed coat and buff waistcoat, both ornamented with large gilt buttons. His legs were encased in knee breeches, from the pocket dangled a huge seal, while his lower extremities were clad in woolen stockings reaching above to the knee and held in place by garters ; his feet covered by low cut shoes orna- mented at the instep by brass buckles. Eigidly enclos- ing his neck as in a vice was a leathern stock, compell- ing liis head to retain an upright position as if in con- stant prayer, his hair falling to the shoulder in yellow straggling locks, his countenance fresh and not unpleas- ing, his appearance betokening great astonishment. Over his right shoulder was thrown an old fashioned flint-lock Queen Anne musket, while resting in a leathern belt at his side depended a long sharp-pointed bayonet. Keeping an eye on this singular being, a sentinel doubtless stationed at this outpost, the strangers luid continued to advance, soon reaching by a narrow, wind- ing, little traveled roadway, a point on a level and but a few paces distant, from the guard, who bringing his cumbersome weapon to present arms, first fixing the bay- onet, shouted in stentorian tones. THE VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY. 816 " Who cometh there ? " "Sailors on a cruise," replied the captain. " Sailors on a cruise advance and give ye counter- sign," demanded the sentinel. " Well, here's a rum go," to Herman. Then in answer to the challenge, " My friend, having but a few moments since arrived from a neighboring friendly port, it is not to be supposed we are sufficiently acquainted with your customs, signs, grips and pass words, to be able to give them on the instant. You w^ill therefore please ground that deadly weapon, whatever be its nature, artillery or small arms, or a cross between the two, and let us pass." Without heeding the words of the captain, the guard said, "Remain where you are I I would hold speech with my brethren in arms concerning ye strange appearance in these realms." " Well, ray eye," ejaculated the captain, " if this don't beat the Dutch ! Where are we, anyhow, and have we by some hook or crook gone back a couple of hundred years ? I allowed to Caesar, we were on a voyage of dis- covery, but I'll be hanged if I expected to come across a people like this, perhaps a detached portion of New England of a couple of centuries ago." " Well," replied Herman, " may be that somewhere along in the seventeenth century, one of Jules Verne's catastrophies happened; a comet or some other tramp planet collided with that portion of the United States, whisking off a slice in this direction." " Yal ya! " interposed Caesar, who, from being safe on shore, had regained his equilibrium, recovering from the fright and melancholly forebodings of the previous day, and was now becoming much interested in the novel situation and fast losing sight, " ob de butiful home he should see no mo." " I'se tole yo so. Nebba to try to discobba nothin, and now hayer we am, de fust ting to discubba a solger wid a cannon on his shoulder. Fo de Lawd, Massa Captain, hope he don pint it at dis nigga." The sentinel now returned, accompanied by a half- 816 THE VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY. dozen counterparts of himself, the same style of dress, cocked hat, plume, long woolen stockings, shoes, gilt buckles and falling to their shoulders the same yellow locks of straggling bair, while each held in his hand the bayonet-tipped musket, or as Csesar said — and he was not far out of the way — cannon. Striding forward with regular step and military pre- cision, they advanced, taking position in line. The leader in addition to the heavy piece of ordnance, wore, depending from his side, a cutlass. When all were arranged in due form, he spoke : " By ye grace of God and King George the Third, or whomsoever may be successor to the throne, who have we here? Are ye from another world? Else, why do ye invade these our peaceable dominions? Come ye armed with ye sword of Gideon ; or why do ye go about with the carnal weapons ? " This in reference to the weapons of an improved pattern carried by both the captain and Herman, who, at the last, decided 'twould do no harm in any event to go armed, also a shining broad-headed axe in the hand of Cgesar. " Do ye come of thine own free will, or are ye messengers from ye powers of darkness, sent as a scourge ? " " Heaven and earth ! " whispered the captain in the ear of his companion, " what do the confounded hypocrites mean by this outlandish gibberish? " Again the leader spoke, saying:" " Ye can can come with us, yet before admitting ye to our midst, we must speak with ye governor, also ye elders, wherefore follow me and tliese, my brethren, to ye sacred precincts of ye tabernacle, when ye shall be judged by one who sitteth on high, yea, who holdeth in his hand ye power of life and death." IN THE PRESENCE OF THE GOVERNOR. 817 CHAPTER XLVI. IN THE PRESENCE OF THE GOVERNOR. rilHB commander of the squad at once formed his I comrades in line, Caesar to the rear, still holding to the axe. Thus giving the word, the entire company started, advancing onward to more level ground, when a strange wierd, yet nevertheless enchanting scene broke on their vision. The ground rising for some distance in a gentle ascent, at length terminated in a level plateau extending further than the eye could reach. From the brow of the hill, a broad roadway led to the town some half mile distant, while on either side rose a majestic wood, the branches loaded with many masses of tropical foliage. Advancing still further, they came to tlie gateway of a massive fortress whose gray stone walls rose to a con- siderable height, surmounted by a tower from whose topmost pinnacle was upreared a mast thirty feet in length, bearing the flag observed by the travelers when yet far out to sea. The walls of this strongly constructed fortress were pierced for musketry, while from the parapets and high embrasures protruded the frowning muzzles of a number of pieces of artillery. But what struck the strangers as the most singular of all was the fact that while the colors bore the usual number of stripes, there were but thirteen stars. Pacing back and forth on the outer works, were ob- served several sentinels carrying arms, the same size and style as those borne by the guard having in charge the strangers, whom they were escorting to the taber- nacle and presence of the governor. Passing the outer gateway leading through the arched 818 IN THE PRESENCE OF THE GOVERNOR. interior of the fortress, wliose walls towered liigli above, tliey emerged on an open plain whereon the town was located, a broad paved avenue leading to the business portion. Advancing along this highway, the town, as viewed through the openings of the large forest trees, presented a most beautiful appearance. Stretching away on either hand, were picturesque clusters of houses, one story high, uniform in size and design ; while on one side of a large open square, rose a structure two stories in height, surmounted by a dome glistening in the bright sun's rays not unlike burnished silver. From the top of the dome extending upward some twenty feet, rose a spar from which waved the folds of a flag in design the same as that floating from the tower of the fortress. At the instant the strangers emerged from the inner gateway to the plain, they were startled by the report of a heavy piece of artillery from overhead, the signal gun announcing some unexpected event, certainly un- expected guests. As the strangers moved along the avenue, musket in hand, Ctesar bringing up the rear, axe on his shoulder, a most ludicrous, probably ridiculous spectacle was pre- sented, for when setting out on the expedition, little regard was paid to their style of dress, scarcely expect- ing to meet a people inhabiting a. populous, presumably wealthy, city. So they were clad in their everyday suits, in point of fact they had no other, as the clothing worn when they landed from the Black Eagle, hoarded and preserved with all possible diligence, was long since worn out. So they had recourse to the skins of wild beasts, little regard being paid to style or fit, and their clothes being essentially "home made," their present ap- pearance was not well calculated to improve their ap- pearance or tell largely in their favor. As tliey neared the public square, multitudes of citizens, old and young, male and female, were observed pressing forward in answer to the summons thundered IN THE PKESENCE OF THE GOVERNOR. 319 forth from the walls of the fortress, in eager anticipation of witnessing a sight such as no one of them had ever before beheld, " a people from another world." As the J neared the square, a small body of armed men filed from out the tabernacle, taking position within the grounds, clad in the same way as the guard. On tlie opposite side, a large platform raised some six feet from the ground, was occupied by a dignified body of middle-aged meo, ten in number, ranged on either side of a most remarkable looking man, seated in an arm chair of exceedingly large proportions. This central figure of the distinguished group was an aged personage of venerable aspect, heavy build, a white beard falling to his breast, his dress in cut and material like that of tiiose by whom he was surrounded, similar to that of Puritanic times — conical high peaked hat from which depended a black plume, while his shoulders were covered by a broad caped cloak, falling to the knees. His limbs from waist to knee were encased in short breeches, silk stockings reaching from liis knee to his low-cut shoes, ornamented with huge silver buckles, together completing a costume the relic of long past generations. While at the side of the ancient patriarch, as also each one of the councillors suspended from an enameled leather belt, hung a symmetrical fine tempered sword encased in a steel scabbard. On the western side of the square were gathered citizens of either sex and all ages, clad in the style of past times. In front of the body of soldiers, stood the commander of the military forces, in the midst of his staff, all of whatsoever degree or station observing the most dignified silence and composure. The countenances of the people so hastily assembled, as also the officials, denoted the most intense wonder, and curiosity, mingled with astonishment, not so much perhaps from the outward appearance of the strangers nor their unique costumes as from the fact that they were the first and only civilized human beings that they had ever beheld, other than their own people. 320 IN THE PRESENCE OF THE GOVERNOR. It was to them as if these strangers had without warning, dropped into their midst from the skies, and the wonderment was none the less shared by these adventurers suddenly coming upon a thriving, wealthy happy community, numbering many hundred souls, in this remote and hitherto unheard of laud. Surely an evens far exceeding the wildest anticipations of the captain, who in reply to Caesar had said, " We may make some grand discovery," The governor signalling, the strangers were led to his presence and given seats in full view of the audience, when the band, filing from the rear of the tabernacle, took station to the right and rear of the ©ouncil. The musicians, ten in number, were for the most part young men, though the leader seemed well along in years. The instruments were the flute and clarionette of different sizes and keys, also a large basso reed instru- ment of wonderful tone and compass, together with both bass and tenor drums and cymbals. At the close of a tune of slow, solemn movement, the whole assemblage united in "Praise God from whom all blessings flow," set to " Old Hundred," both the captain and Herman saying that they had never before heard that grand old tune rendered with finer or more solemn effect, as while the instruments were in perfect accord, the voices were none the less so ; the sopranos soft and sweet, the male voices powerful. The doxology concluded, each head was reverently bowed, a dignified silence prevailing (in striking contrast, Herman avowed, to many similar assemblages at home), when a venerable man, in the garb of an olden time clergyman, offered a short prayer, invoking a blessing on the people, a's also the "strangers," within their gates. Now came a signal for silence, when the governor in a commanding voice uttered, "Glory to God in the high- est," responded to by the whole assemblage shouting IN THE PRESENCE OF THE GOVERNOR. 321 " Glory to God," echoed by a deafening roar from the guns of the fortress, and as this died away, the governor bade the strangers stand before him and thus spoke, saying: " In ye name of ye Lord God of hosts. Him whom we do worship, we command ye to tell us who ye are, and from whence ye come ! " " Honored sir, and members of the council," replied the captain, " you ask whence we come, and what we do here. To the first, I reply, by saying, these my com- rades and myself are, when at home, citizens of the United States of North America." " Hold sir, hold," interposed the governor, " ye speak an untruth at ye beginning, for we know no such place or country. "Tis true our ancient legends, yea, cur historical records, touch on a . far away land styled America, also of thirteen colonies contained therein under ye rule of King George. Further than this it behooves ye not to treat, furthermore, it is our convic- tion ye seek to undermine our preconceived theories. However, do ye proceed, meanwhile understanding that we are in no mood to be trifled with, nor have we time to listen to fictitious tales, ye must abide ye truth." *' Your most gracious majesty," quoth the captain, "it is the plain, unvarnished truth I am telling ye, so help me God. " Take not ye name of ye Lord God in vain, yet pro- ceed with thy tale." " Well, your honor, as I was about to remark, my own home is not alone in the United States of America, but also in a dependency there to, called Connecticut." "No such dependency as ye choose to style it is known, but go on." " This young man, my friend Baxter, was reared in the state of Virginia." " We know of no such state," again interposed the governor. Without heeding the interruption, the captain con- tinued : " This other friend, Caesar, was originally from the state of Alabama." 20 322 IN THE PRESENCE OF THE GOVERNOR. " Sir," replied the perplexed governor, evidently laboring under suspicion that the uncouthly appareled stranger was seeking to play on his credulitj'^, "our legends, yea our most ancient historical records, com- piled with unwonted care and unquestioned accuracy, coming in direct antagonism with thy absurd tales and statements, I say, sir, how do ye reconcile these contradictions ? Yet we will hear more of these ficti- tious stories, hereafter, yea verily, of these dependen- cies on which ye do bear so much stress." Again resuming, the captain said : " My name, in truth the one I've borne from my youth up to the present, is Jonathan Perkins, late com- mander of the Confederate war ship ye Black Eagle. This, my esteemed friend and comrade, bears the name, Herman Baxter, ship's clerk of the aforementioned vessel. The colored lad, now standing within the shadow of your august presence, whose rightful name is Caesar — no connection, however, of the renowned Caesar of ancient Rome, concerning whose history my learned friend Baxter can give you all the points in the calendar — was originally my servant, now my worthy comrade. For interfering with the hellish designs" — here each hand was raised in holy horror at the impious expres- sion — " of the commander of the Black Fagle, Sir Eldred Romayne, my shipmates and I were placed in irons. Argument, entreaty, expostulation, all were lost on us. We returned not to our duty, from which cause we were set on the shore of an uninhabited island, two hundred miles away from your possessions, rather I should have said, your dominions. We have resided on that island for the space of four years in the enjoyment of health, prosperity and happiness. Yet our life becoming somewhat monotonous, no neighbors nigh, we tliought to set out on a voyage of adventure, possibly dis- covery. In the meantime a grevious storm arising, we were deterred from putting back, on the contrary were driven to these shores, at the imminent risk of our lives, and here we are, sir, at your service," IN THE PRESENCE OF THE GOVERNOR. 323 The governor, who had remained a passive though evidently interested listener to the captain's storj, now spoke : " Ye tell us a most remarkable tale. Does this, thy friend, as ye call him, corroborate thy most wonderful statement?" Herman, who, up to this time, had remained quietly standing at the captain's side, now took up the subject, addressing the governor and council, no sentence being lost on the expectant auditors, "I do, sir, most willingly lend my voice in mainte- nance of all my good friend has said to you, a man who has sailed the seas, experiencing in full the vicissitudes of both storm and shipwreck. He has a goodly daugh- ter Bessie " " Hold ! Hold ! Enough of this do we hear. For while ye weighty matters are being discussed, why do ye most thoughtlessly introduce the name of ye daughter of Eve into our councils ? Confine thy speech to ye matter in hand, and know ye that for each trifling word ye do utter in our presence, ye shall be adjudged. Yet night draweth nigh. Ye have spoken of strange countries, states, nations, ships of war and many other unhallowed devices, none of which are mentioned in ye word of God, nor of which our ancient worldly records treat. Ye may be, nevertheless, hospitably entertained, as were ye strangers when visiting our father Abraham, yet I much misdoubt ye be angels taking us unawares. As ye have come of thy own free will, so by the blessing of God and our command, ye will remain, for this shall be thy abiding place while life shall last. In death thy bodies shall decay, thy bones crumble, and all mingle with the earth of these our dominions." Then signalling the officer in command of the file of soldiers who had previously escorted the strangers to the tabernacle, he ordered them shown to the house of Gamaliel the scribe, enjoining it upon that worthy that they should be provided with food and a place of rest for the night, also to call upon Jehiel, the 824 IN THE TRESENCE OF THE GOVERNOR. maker of garments, that he might furnish them with clothing more suitable in style and appearance than the strange outlandish apparel thej now wore. " Strangers," continued the governor, "follow our well beloved Ahiel. I would on the morrow have farther speech with ye." The great congregation of citizens who had up to this time remained mute spectators of the doings of the governor in his interview with the strangers, a scene the like of which had never before been witnessed by the people, were now dismissed, after receiving a blessing from the antiquated minister, who in a few brief sentences, admonished them to repair to their homes, with this advice: "Allow nothing to weigh upon your minds regarding these strangers, (doubtless from another world), so suddenly and with- out warning cast in our midst." Thus reassured the people, en masse, returned to tlieir several places of abodes, holding animated, though solemn converse on the way, their minds naturally di- vided as to the peculiar attributes of Ctesar, who in this sliort space of time had become a personage of un- due notoriety and anxious concern; from which fact few of the people retired for the night ere the doors were securely fastened, though it was generally admitted that the keyhole was the usual mode of ingress resorted to by the devil and his adherents. • "Yea verily," urged a motherly dame, "ye devil doth ofttimes ride ye broomstick, flying through ye air, like nnto ye bird of prey. Anyhow, so do our worthy ances- tors give us to know. Yea, verily, why should we mis- doubt, in fact we have heard that he hath appeared in divers places and at sundry times in ye garb of ye saint, sowing ye seeds of ye damnable doctrines, heresy and ye like. Yea, beware of ye devil, was often re- peated with much zeal and unwonted emphasis by ye goodly ones of old, for is it not said. ' He goeth about like ye roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour ' ? " THE ABODE OF GAMALIEL. 325 CHAPTER XLVII. THE ABODE OF GAMALIEL. BIDDING adieu to the governor and members of tlie council, the strangers were commanded to follow Ahiel, who escorted them to the abode of Gamaliel, the scribe, Caesar as usual bringing up the rear. The residence of the scribe lay at some distance from the business portion of the town, and like most of the neighboring houses, was set in the midst of ample grounds, where flourished the various species of tree, shrub and plant known to tropical regions, while now and then were to be seen the tufted, uplifted head of the cocoanut palm. Gamaliel was at this time a man of not more than fifty years of age ; a most notable figure, beloved by the whole community, especially the weaker portion, for he was a widower, his family consisting of a son of eighteen, a daughter of sixteen and a lad of ten, who had accom- panied their father to the public square, there witness- ing the arrival and reception of the strangers from another world, and having returned home, now greeted their guests in a kindly manner. The son, Joshua, a young man of good parts, recogniz- ing in Herman one nearly of his own age, was naturally well pleased at the acquisition of so learned and genial a companion, destined on further acquaintance to become a staunch friend ; while his sister Sarah beheld in the handsome gentlemanly-appearing stranger, one upon whom she was fain to bestow much favor. Thus the lot of the castaways seemed in a fair way to be cast in goodly places. The call to supper now came, and when all were seated at the hospitable board, a blessing was invoked by 326 THE ABODE OF GAMALIEL. the host on the food, together with a proper recognition of "ye strangers within ye gates." It must be remembered that this was the only period in the lives of the scribe's family, or in the history of this people, that a civilized being, terrestrial or celestial, had visited their shores ; for they possessed no means whereby to hold communication with any other portion of the earth's surface, the limits of their domain being the only world known to them. Imagine then the surprise, when the fortress signal gun announced the startling intel- ligence that some unusual event was at hand! Yet how much more so, when realizing the full significance of its character, the advent of human beings from some other world I From the effect of the long day's fast, they having partaken of no food since leaving their craft in the early morning, combined with the fatigue consequent upon the reception and unnatural excitement at the public square, the severe labor and exposure to hardship of wind and storm encountered on the hazardous journey, they were not only quite worn out, but hungry as well, nothing out of the usual run in their case, as Caesar was only too ready to make solemn sworn affidavit. In the meantime the black being consigned to the cook- ing department, in charge of a good-looking " handmaid," having in good measure recovered from his fright, was now quite happy in the enjoyment of a good supper. The kind hearted Gamaliel, thoughtful of his guests, comfort and noticing their weariness remarked. '* We will not resume speech until such time as ye may have received ye proper rest, but on ye morrow we will question ye further." The strangers were now shown to their rooms, soon after retiring. They slept well, awaking only upon summons to "morning prayers," breakfast having in the meantime been prepared by the excellent house- keeper Sarah, assisted by the maid Rebecca, to whom Cassar had taken a lasting fancy. The morning service at length ended — unduly pro- THE ABODE OF GAMALIEL. 327 longed, as the strangers were ready to affirm — and break- fast eaten, the scribe returned tlianks to the "Giver of all good and perfect gifts," not the least of which was a good meal, as the captain remarked aside to his com- panion. Soon thereafter at the solicitation of the pious Gamaliel, Captain Perkins gave a complete narrative of his past life and most notable adventures, culminating in the construction, equipment and voyage of the Black Eagle, and in their being set ashore by the commander. Sir Eldred Romayne, on what was now Perkin's island, where he had been living during the past four years, then setting out on a voyage of adventure, culminating in the present situation. Meantime Joshua was being similarly entertained by his newly found friend Herman. Thus it will be readily seen that the castaways were at once placed on a good and friendly footing, Caesar alone excepted, yet whose fair fame the captain sought to establish in the mind of Gamaliel by exhibiting in a proper light the character and attributes of a race of such signal importance to a por- tion of the globe many thousand miles distant. "Why," urged the enthusiastic captain, "this young colored fellow is one of four millions of like race and habits in a state of bondage among a people known to your remote ancestors as the thirteen colonies, now the United States of North America, having three millions at the breaking out of the Revolution in 1776, at which period the colonies declared themselves free of, and independent of British rule and authority." As a matter of fact, this statement of the captain's was all " Greek " to Gamaliel, who had neither heard of the United States of America or the Revolution, for all that was then known concerning the original thirteen colonies was the meagre statement handed down in what might be termed legendarj'- form, therefore it will be at once understood that both he and his son Joshua were unwontedly interested and no less surprised when listening to these marvelous tales of lands they had never dreamed of having an existence. So Gamaliel 328 THE ABODE OF GAMALIEL. began questioning his guests as to v.'liat first led them to the setting out on a voyage when so many dangers threatened, especially on so insignificant a craft. The captain, who had been for some time industriously fumbling in the pockets of his uncouth shaggy coat, now drew forth the carved block of wood, exclaiming, " This sir was the inducement." At this announcement, Joshua, who seemed uncon- sciously gazing at the object, broke forth, " Why, that is a piece of wood I carved more than three months ago." After they had recovered from their surprise at this strange discovery, Joshua made the following suggestion to Herman, "Now, suppose we take a look about town, after which I will give you a full account of the original settlement and subsequent history of our people. Gamaliel, my father, as you will understand, holds the office of public scribe; I, under him, that of keeper of the seal, that is to say, while he keeps the records, I have charge of the documents. The office of scribe is hered- itary, descending from father to son through successive generations, our people all possessing the same character- istics as to method of living, style of dress, general costume and habits, as did our ancestors to the farthest removed generations. Nothing ever changes, even the manner of speech." ** Yes," observed Herman, " I have noticed this pecu- liarity, which with us would be styled quaint; our historians of olden times, as a rule, having observed a like form." Thus engaged in pleasing converse, Joshua, accompan- ied by Herman, was slowly passing down the street, when they were met and accosted b}'^ a w^ell known citizen, introduced as the "worthy maker of garments," bearing on his arm a bundle which he presented to the young stranger, "in ye name and with ye compliments of ye governor." Now this bundle contained suits for each of the strangers, which they were authorized to both accept and wear in lieu of those characterized by the governor as THE ABODE OF GAMALIEL. 329 "outlandish aud scarcely suitable to the good appearance of a heathen savage." In the matter of clothing, our friends were fain to acknowledge that they were in what might be called " a bad way," consequently they were nothing loth to be able to don those more suitable to their present condi- tion and surroundings. "Servitude, perhaps," solilo- quised Herman. However, he good naturedly thanked the " worthy maker of garments, " desiring him to extend the same to the generous minded governor, both for himself and companions. Receiving the bundle of clothing from the hands of " the maker of garments," afterward remarking to the captain why the man shouldn't be called by his proper title, tailor, and have done with the gibberish, Herman turned back, repairing to his room, followed by the cap- tain. A few moments later the change of apparel was effected, setting both uproariously laughing, for while the garments were of exquisite quality, in quantity they were not lacking, to say nothing of the style, which, it is needless to remark, was the same as that worn by all the citizens of whatsoever title or degree, caste being of little account where all were considered equal. The general characteristics of this quaint people, as previously mentioned, being essentially the same as that of two centuries before, scarcely any change was appar- ent from the period of the Queen Anne covenanters. In fact, change in any respect would have been little toler- ated. More noticeable perhaps in dress, which though picturesque, was to the strangers, to say the least, un- commonly singular. Nevertheless it was as they could but admit, fairly comfortable, and in the case of Her- man, a happy innovation from any previous style, as his naturally fine form now showed to the best advant- age, a fact that might possibly tend later to serious complications, for was there not a really handsome and no less talented young lady in the family ? Per co7ilra, a young man of pleasing address, an attractive figure, com- binations often tending to the working of sad havoc in 830 THE ABODE OF GAMALIEL. female affections, and the winsome Sarah would undoubtedly be found no exception to the common rule. At length taking leave of Gamaliel and the captain, the two friends again set out, proceeding down the street to the broad avenue lined with buildings devoted to bus- iness, each step as they advanced serving to increase the admiration of Herman. His astonishment could scarcely be brought under control, when beholding long rows of symmetrically arranged dwellings, each the counter- part of its neighbor, an air of thrift and comfort pervad- ing all. The streets were broad, level and cleanly, the latter arising mainly from the fact that neither horse, ox, cow, or other domestic animal was allowed to roam at will, and for the very best of reasons, they had none of these. Sheep were the only animals in their possession. These, however, were to be seen in large flocks, gathered about the outlying fields adjacent to the suburbs of the town. Thus making their way down the main business street, noting the various objects of interest, the atten- tion of Herman was at length attracted by a low rum- bling sound, when soon thereafter, came rattling along a railway car, running on wooden rails, propelled by the wind acting on skillfully planned sails, while further on stood a large one story structure, erected for general stor- age purposes, also a building for manufactories of vari- ous kinds, the power being furnished by immense wind mills of novel and ingenious construction. In fact, the whole motive power of this people was that of wind, which taken in connection with machiner}^ well adapted for the purpose required, proved unusually effective. Another large building similar to those heretofore men- tioned, Joshua said was for general trade, and in it were gathered all the supplies needed by the citizens. In explanation of these wonders, Joshua continued, "Though in a world of our own, knowing of no other, save what little may be gathered from traditionary' lore, we possess as you will learn upon close examin- ation, all the necessaries as well as the comforts of life, THE ABODE OF GAMALIEL. 331 to say nothing of its luxuries. Why then should we ask or desire more ? In regard to our business methods, whatsoever we require is grown in our own soil, all things being in common, each performing his allotted share of labor, the accruing benefits equally divided. Our domain is by actual measurement two hundred miles long by twenty miles in breadth. Thus you will preceive we have four thousand square miles of territory, sufficient to sustain a large population, while in the main the soil is rich and productive. On the northern side of the island, running nearly its entire length, is a chain of hills, ris- ing at two separate points to a considerable height, esti- mated at not less than five hundred feet. From these hills is quarried rock, used in the construction of the fort- ress, as also several of the larger buildings, notably those requiring strength and solidity. An excellent clay also abounds, from which is manufactured brick and various kinds of pottery utilized in our households, while forests of great extent and of the most valuable timber flourish on the hill side. Again, minerals in almost every con- ceivable variety and quantity are found on the higher elevations, some ten miles distant. To the west is a small lake from which we derive a supply of water, conveyed throughout the town in underground pipes. Other than from this source, we have no fresh water. *' Wh}' do you not dig wells? " interposed Herman. " We can dig them," was the answer, " but get no water, as the rock lies too near the surface." Artesian wells, were suggested by Herman, Joshua replying ; "Possibly that might be done, yet it has never been attempted and probably will not be, as our present supply is quite adequate to our needs. Still, as our population becomes more dense, the subject might well be taken into consideration, A considerable portion of the cultivated area is irrigated by the waters of the lake. Again, the main body of the island is overgrown by the tropical fruits, which from being transplanted and culti- vated, have greatly improevd in both quantity and quality. You notice the tall structure to the right ; 332 THE ABODE OF GAMALIEL. that is the mill for grinding grain, which are corn, peas, beans and oats, each of which is made into flour." "Flour from beans? " ejaculated Herman in surprise. " Yes, they are first dried, as also are our peas, in kilns of unburnt brick, and when prepared in this man- ner, are ground in combination with corn and oats, from which our bread is made." " Yes, and of good quality, if that was a sample we ate for breakfast," interposed the still more astonished stranger, " The bread you mention was prepared from the four kinds of flour, and when properly baked, continues fresh and sweet for several days." " A hint to our professional bakers at home," sug- gested Herman. " Again, our lands are divided into tracts, or farms of one hundred acres each. So when one of our young men reaches the age of twenty-one, a tract is set off to him, his children succeeding to the inheritance." " Do you have no title deeds? " inquired Herman. " I scarcely understand the meaning of a title deed," continued Joshua. " The young man has simply a writing from the then reigning governor, stipulating that in the event of having no heirs, or should be be negli- gent in tilling the laud, it reverts to the people, they being the real owners, the governor exercising no power otlier than that delegated. by his subjects. What they require is that each member of the community shall do his whole duty ; nothing less will answer, and as our children are taught to recognize this fact, little trouble has as yet been experienced in this respect, or for that matter, in any other. " Our population numbers in the aggregate one thou- sand souls ; our families are arranged in groups of fift\^, under charge of ten councillors, one to each group, who meet regularly each month in deliberation presided over by the governor, who, in case there should happen to be a tie in the council, on any question affecting the general welfare of the people, gives the casting vote to THE ABODE OF GAMALIEL. 888 whichever side he may incline. The principal functions of the council is to settle disputes should any arise, which I am happy to say is seldom the case. "As to laws, we have none, other than those handed down from our forefathers, all of which are found in the Bible, called the ' Ten Commandments,' which are uni- versally obeyed. " You ask if we have no- outlying settlements, I answer by saying, our people all have their homes within the corporate limits of the town, each family the sole owner of its habitation, including the grounds, to which they are expected to give the attention requisite to its good appearance. Oar farms stretch away several miles into the interior, to which access is given by the railway running to the extreme limits of the cultivated lands, which are extended as circumstances may require. The products of the several farms are transported to the general storehouse, drawn therefrom as the daily necessities of each family demands, the quantity regu- lated by their number. " From the main line of the railway, branches diverge, leading to the vicinity of the farms, thus you will readily see it is an easy matter to gather the products of the soil into our capacious storehouse. " The hours of daily labor are limited to six, to which every able-bodied man, and we have few others, is ex- pected to contribute his share, whether in the field or workshop ; while the female portion of the community are exempt from any sort of manual labor, it being con- sidered quite sufficient if they attend faithfully to indoor affairs. " Whenever any of our young men decide to take a wife, usually soon after reaching the age of twenty-one, a house is erected, furnished and made a free gift, as also the ground adjoining, material and labor being furnished by general contribution. In short, each member of the community performs an equal amount of labor, sharing in its benefits." In reply to a very natural question. Joshua replied, 334 THE ABODE OF GAMALIEL. " We have no money, nor debts, in jour acceptation of the terms, though I scarcely understand the meaning of either." " No debts, no credit? " suggested Herman. " No, they are to us unknown terms. You will observe in the rear of each dwelling a vegetable garden, as one devoted to the cultivation of plants and fruits. We have also large flocks of sheep, their wool utilized in the manufacture of clothing, also hemp from which is produced goods more suited to be worn during the warmer portions of the season. "Our shoes are made horn tanned hides of sheep, also from the skins of wild beasts which roam in large numbers in the mountainous districts, while the sea furnishes us fish in unlimited supply. Our diet consists mainly of vegetable products, together with grain and fruits, but you will learn more of this hereafter," Again questioned Herman, "You tell me the gover- norship is hereditary, how comes it then he is subject to the will of the people, for with us the form would be a monarchical government ? " "Well, you see," answered Joshua, "it's like this. Suppose for instance, the reigning governor should per- form some act in opposition to the will of his subjects — do not understand by this a condition of servitude, for here, all are free and equal, not in name only but in fact, — or which was considered against their best interests, or manifest a disposition to resist interference with his power when exercised in an unworthy or undue manner or cause, he can be deposed by a popular vote. "This is an unwritten law, though one well under- stood, and while such a state of affairs has never hereto- fore existed, of course there is a possibility it may occur at some future time, especially when taking into con- sideration our rapid increase in numbers. The council is elected by the people, each holding office four years, not eligable however to re-election." " But do you have no jail, prison, poorhouse or hospi- tal ? " questioned Herman. THE ABODE OF GAMALIEL. 835 "I liave never beard those terms mentioned," replied Joshua. "No police, no saloons? The latter to make people drunk, lazy and vicious, the first mentioned to arrest and bring before the council for punishment, those who are drunk." " No, sir ; these are all new terras to me. " But what," quoth Herman, " in the nam.e of goodness, do you do with j^our criminals? Are your laws, the laws as you say of the Bible, never broken ? " " In the first place," answered Joshua, " we have, as I before mentioned, few laws to break ; yet should anyone be guilty of a misdemeanor or perform an unjust or un- worthy act, he is summoned before the governor and council, who reason with him ; and if this is not sufficient to bring the refractory one to terms, he is publicly repri- manded, which is all the punishment it has ever been necessary to inflict." "A model community, an Eldorado, in fact," resumed Herman. " But have you no spirituous liquors, whiskey, rum, gin and the like — sources I may say of nine tenths of all the crime, misery and degradation of the world? " " No, I've never heard of these." "From which I infer you are not troubled with thieves, housebreakers, wife beaters, homicides and the like." "Well sir," replied the astonished Joshua, "this is all news to me, for if you mean by the term, homicide, slay- ing a person ; by wife-beating, whipping one's wife ; by housebreaking, entering a house without leave ; by theft, taking that which does not belong to you, then I can only say, we are entirely free from all these, as every one's habitation and property are considered sacred ; hence bolts and bars are unknown. In short, we lead an orderly, circumspect, peaceable Christian life, no thought entering the mind of any as to infringing on the rights of their neighbors, the word of God as revealed and rec- ognized in the Bible, our only safeguard and guide. '' "We have a house set apart, free to all, for Bible teach- 336 THE ABODE OF GAMALIEL, ing, in wliich as I before remarked, are comprised all laws, social and religious. Ilere our people assemble each sabbath day to receive instruction from our minister. In this house are also taught lessons of a temporal nature, consisting of those worldly affairs necessary to our every day welfare, yet the Bible is the only printed book we possess, believing a comprehensive knowledge of this inspired work all ihat is demanded, possibly desired." While viewing the town, together with the many points of interest, Joshua and his friend at length came to the entrance of the tabernacle, within whose capacious walls was located the office and abode of the governor. At the suggestion of Joshua, tbey entered, passing the outer gate, from tlieuce proceeding to the official apartment, where they found the governor seated at his desk. Upon their entrance he arose, apparently in no wise displeased at receiving a visit " from ye strangers with whom he hoped to hold ye pleasant converse," for the venerable patriarch had as yet scarcely recovered from the shock of the previous day, "ye arrival of 3'e strangers within ye gates." Herman, meanwhile, thought the interview would afford a suitable opportunity to disabuse the mind of the superstitious old man in regard to the character of the inoffensive, well disposed Caesar, to whom the governor seemed quite ready, as did the people, to ascribe both supernatural and infernal power. ' The unwonted excitement under which the entire community labored, in respect to the arrival of the strangers, had not in the least abated; on the contrary, it was evidently on the increase. So after studying the matter over, flerman concluded it the wiser course to let the matter rest until some future time, when satisfactory explanations could be safely made regarding the alleged Satanic attributes of Caesar. So after a few moments' further conversation, leave was taken, Joshua remarking it. was now nearly midday and if there was one thing more than another disliked by his sister Sarah, it was having to wait for dinner. THE ABODE OF GAMALIEL. 337 While on the way to the home of the scribe, Herman propounded a question, which he averred had not a little puzzled his brain, arising from the fact that so consider- able a body of men under arms was deemed essential to the protection of a people who from the nature of their surroundings could scarcely be said to have enemies. In reply to the question, Joshua said : "This is a part of the policy of the government, handed down by our forefathers, partially as a means of gratifying a natural warlike instinct of the human race, yet as our more ancient history tells us, there was a period, when it became an urgent necessity. The emerg- ency arising at that time will be fully explained when I state the history of the colony from its original settle- ment." Having at length arrived at the house, Gamaliel and the captain were found still engaged in animated con- versation, evidently on excellent terms. The time be it said was not far distant when the castaways would be deemed a most valuable acquisition to this hitherto un- known people. Soon after reaching the scribe's dwelling, dinner was announced and when all were seated at the table, Joshua related the adventures of the morning, dwelling on the surprise of his companion when beholding so many strange scenes, not forgetting the call at the governor's residence. " Yes," added Herman, " I have this day looked upon scenes, have beheld useful works combined with a de- gree of skill I would have deemed an imposibility, had they been simply told me. Yes, Captain Perkins, I can assure you, many of these would well be worthy a place in any community. Yet one other thought suggests it- self Joshua, how do your public officials, rather I should say, in what manner are they paid for their services, the governor, council, your professional men, doctors, preachers, schoolmaster and so on ? " "Ye Bible, my young friend," quoth Gamaliel, " ye Bible sayeth, *Ye laborer is worthy of his hire,' yet I 21 S38 RETROSPECT. deem ye question one of special significance. Wherefore my son," — turning to Joshua — " explain, that ye stran- gers may labor under no misapprehension." "Our commodities," answered Joshua, upon this ap- peal, " are mainly derived from tillage of the soil, each performing his allotted sliare of labor. Thus doth each reap the benefit therefrom, and officials acting in their several capacities, are presumed to perform theirs, draw- ing subsistence from the general storehouse in like manner as do those who work in the fields or manu- facturing establishments. CHAPTER XLYIII. RETROSPECT. ON a certain evening of June, 1672, a ship set sail from a New England seaport, her destination the Southern Hemisphere. "This vessel of four hundred tons burden, newly built, was commanded by Joshua Hopkins, the first mate was Ezekiel Somers. Besides these there were a boatswain, steward, cook, and a complement of twelve sailors be- fore the mast. " Her passengers, in all forty-two souls, included a clergyman and his wife, and a surgeon ; the destination, some hitherto unknown island of the Soutliern seas ; the purpose of the voyage, that of colonization. Why were these well-to-do people thus leaving country, home, and friends ? " It happened in this wise. Some six months antedat- ing the event as above stated, a well-known and pros- perous citizen of the seaport town, by name Obadiah Jennings, casually meeting an old friend and neighbor, Nehemiah Clark, the following colloquy ensued: " 'Friend Nehemiah, how would ye like to join me on ftn expedition to ye water's of ye newly discovered seas RETROSPECT. SS9 lying in ye region south of ye equator, concerning which we have heard so much of late, and so exceed- ingly favorable? Perad venture ye may have learned of ye same spread abroad by ye worthy Captain Na- thaniel Jones, lately returned from ye long and prosper- ous voyage to those seas, have ye not, Nehemiah ? Also ye wonderful accounts he made mention concerning ye beauty, fertility of ye soil and desirableness of ye cli- mate thereof, among ye various islands thereabout? Why, friend Nehemiah, it nearly sets me wild when listening to ye tales of friend Nathaniel. Come, Nehemiah, how would ye like to join with me in organizing ye colony? ' Still continuing, 'I misdoubt, ye like myself have felt ye severity of ye long winters pertaining to this latitude, and Nathaniel's return, coupled with ye glowing de- scription of ye equable temperature of ye climate, hath truly let loose ye spirit of adventure within me. Ye tropical fruits and so forth, would, I feel, be greatly to my liking as would doubtless be ye case with many others. Now what say ye, Nehemiah ? ' " ' Well, neighbor Obadiah, thy speech, wise counsel, and courage, doth please me exceedingly well and upon return to my abode, I will hold speech with Mistress Clark, and should ye venture seem pleasing to her sight, I will take ye subject into further consideration and bring ye report.' "This casual meeting of the two neighbors proved the starting point of an expedition fraught with con- sequences heretofore unforeseen, experiences of a most thrilling nature, leading to results hitherto never for a moment contemplated, and an importance far outreach- ing the most sanguine anticipations — the founding of a nation, a people who for the long period of two cen- turies, should have no communication or exchange of thought with any other. " Eepairing to his home, Nehemiah preceeds at once to lay the weighty subject before Mistress Clark, who natu- rally of a romantic turn and an adventurous disposition, fell into the scheme with little hesitation. So the two 840 RETROSPECT. friends again held consultation, upon receiving the favor- able report from Mistress Nehemiah, and as all three were now well agreed in the matter, it was determined to push the enterprise with vigor. *' Both Obadiah and bis friend Nehemiah were well-to- do men for those times, scarcely fifty years having elapsed since the noted Plymouth colony had set foot on those shores. Meantime that portion of Massachusetts lying near the coast had become quite thickly settled by an energetic, thrifty people, who had previously emigrated from different portions of the Old World, notably Great Britain, France and Holland. While many were per- sons of wealth, culture and distinction, they had, as Obadiah remarked to his neighbor, 'often felt ye se- verity of ye New England winters, cold and backward springs,' thus entailing a considerable amount of suffer- ing and hardship; to say nothing of the continuous struggle for supremacy with the barbarous tribes of na- tives, who as a rule did not take kindly to the new ways and encroachments upon what were considered their nat- ural rights. Thus these drawbacks to settlement and permament occupancy had set in many a tendency to bettering their condition, and now the return of Captain Nathaniel Jones coupled with the glowing description of the lately discovered islands abounding in the southern seas, had as said Obadiah, * let loose ye spirit of advent- ure ' within the breast of many a one of the discontented colonists. " The subject being freely broached among the neigh- bors the promoters of the scheme found less opposition than had been expected. So they now set about the work in earnest, and after a serious consultation, a final decision was reached, a canvass arranged and plans undertaken — mainly among the most intimate friends — whereby to secure the requisite number of persons, also the amount of funds necessary to carry forward the en- terprise. So an agreement was entered into that each head of a family joining the expedition should contrib- ute and pay into the common fund the sum of two EEV. JARED SPARKS'S NARRATIVE. 341 thousand pounds sterling to be expended in building a vessel of sufficient tonnage to accommodate ten colonists together with their families and the crew." Captain Perkins and Herman seated at the breakfast table, the meal at length finished, Joshua, turning to Herman, invited him to his private room. " When," said he, " I will recite the further history of the colony as recorded by the Rev. Jared Sparks from the hour of set- ting sail, two centuries since, to the present time, taken up in succession by the scribes of subsequent generations. CHAPTEE XLIX. REV. JARED SPARKS'S NARRATIVE. riiHE staunch, thoroughly equipped Starlight sailed 1 from the harbor of construction at the hour of sunset, on the fifth day of June, in the year of our Lord, 1672 ; on board forty and eight souls, to wit: Captain Josiah Hopkins, mate Ezekiel Somers, boat- swain, steward, cook, twelve able-bodied seamen, together with the pastor, Rev. Jared Sparks and his wife Julia, surgeon, Dr. Ephraim Skemple, ten colonists and their families, the whole under charge of Obadiah Jennings, who, as promoter of the enterprise, was unanimously chosen leader. " A great multitude of people, comprising citizens of the town and adjacent country, were assembled to wit- ness the departure of the ship. Many of the spectators gathered on the wharf, friends and neighbors bore sad countenances, others scarcely refraining from tears. " All things in readiness, yards manned, sail set, at re- port of the signal gun announcing the order to cast off, the great ship moved slowly away, amid hearty cheer- ing, waving of handkerchiefs and cries of 'God speed.' " Taking stand on deck, Mistress Julia at my side, I 342 R£V. JAKED SPARKS'S NARRATIVE, ofiered devout prayers, invoking divine aid and tlie blessing of God on the ship's company, and desiring a safe and prosperous voyage, trusting alone in his mercy for a happy termination, at the same time acknowledg- ing the unwonted responsibilty resting upon me in at- tending to the ministerial charge of the colony. " The Starlight while of uncommonly large size and capacity, was I'ully loaded, allowing scarcely room ade- quate to the scant accommodation of crew and i);issengers, a circumstance I was fain to regret, as comfort for tbe long voyage shoule have been considered of the first importance, particularly as regarded the women and children. " In due space of time the islands of the West Indies were reached, favoring winds wafting us speedily on our way. On these islands we sojourned for the space of three days ; mautime fresh water end tropical fruits were taken on board, whereby we were greatly refreshed, notably the women and children who were experiencing no little hardship consequent upon the close quarters to which they were necessarily confined. " At the close of the third day spent on shore, sail was again made, speeding on our way little understanding or, if so, scarcely taking heed of the fact that in equatorial latitudes, the atmosphere becomes more and more heated as one advances ; so opf)ressing indeed that it is extremely difficult to get one's breath, and as those lati- tudes are more closely approached, the air each day be- comes more stifling from which it will readily be infer- red that the colonists were undergoing intense suffering. " The space of four months had intervened since setting sail, little sickness in the meantime experienced other than seasickness, possibly more or less 'home sickness,' this latter nothing uncommon however, as few escape the malady when leaving an old home for a new. " The twelfth day of October had now arrived, and all were anxiously looking forward to a speedy termination of the voyage. Meantime close watoh was maintained from the mast head, in anticipation of sighting some REV. JARED SPARKS'S NARRATIVE. 343 desirable island until at length the wind entirely failed, from which cause we were, in sailor parlance ' becalmed,' greatly to the discomfiture, one might well say annoy- ance, of all on board, " I was lying in my berth, vigorously waving a palm leaf fan in an effort to allay the furious heat, my wife sitting by my side, similarly engaged, when presently an urgent rap at the door came, followed by the bulky- form of Captain Hopkins who, pushing forward ex- claimed : 'It's hot as h — Tophet, saving a lady's pres- ence,' — then threw down his tarpaulin, wiping his heated brow with a generous bandana. "Taking note of the perturbed condition of the cap- tain's mind, usually calm and collected, and fearing something uncommon was about to happen, I questioned in a seemingly unconcerned manner as I was loath to un- duly agitate the mind of Julia : 'Captain, is not the terrible heat we are at this moment experiencing increas- ing, also the wind dropping ? ' "'Why bless you Jared,' he answered, ' here's no wind to drop. As to the heat, there's only one place of which we have any knowledge and that from hearsay only, that's hotter, and by the powers, if the place to which it's said the ungodly are consigned, is anywise of a higher temperature, why — but, Mistress Sparks, you must excuse an old sea dog for the use of intemperate language, as in a case like this, none other will in the least answer." " ' Possibly,' resumed I, ' this is but the forerunner of the trade winds, if so our present condition would be nothing out of the usual run in these latitudes.' " ' Forerunner, you say ? "Well, if this be such the good Lord deliver us from what's to come after,' good humor- edly responded the captain. ' At the same time I would earnestly enjoin it upon you to be prepared for the worst, as I fear it's the forerunner of a terrible storm, aye,' he continued, ' here are the signs only too plainly visible, notice Jared, the falling barometer.' " Then seizing his cast-off tarpaulin he hastened on 344 BEV. JARED SPARKS'S NARRATIVE. deck, when I quickly followed, noticing with a sickly sensation of fear, as I passed, the rapid falling as the captain had averred, of the tell tale instrument. "Not a breath of air was at this moment stirring, nor scarcely a sound, save the languid rolling of the ship, as it heaved to and fro on the broad bosom of the sea. " Captain Hopkins was undoubtedly a brave man and skillful seaman. Yet he was now evidently laboring under serious apprehensions, for he exhibited signs of uneasi- ness, casting his eyes over the sea, now aloft to the sky, then to the distant horizon, the waters presenting a most singular appearance, one that in all my sea-going experi- ence I had never before witnessed. " The sun, too, was partially obscured by a translucent haze, not unlike that I had noticed from Nantucket beach previous to a storm on a heated summer after- noon. " ' Take in sail ! ' was shouted in stentorian tones, the seamen responding with alacrity, and ere a few moments, nothing was seen aloft exposed to the winds save the topsails. "I drew a bucket of water from the sea, which I found like the atmosphere at nearly boiling temperature. "What added not a little to the gravity of the situation lay in the fact that the day was rapidly waning. In less than two hours the sun would set. Still another fact being no less apparant, the he^t was on the increase. As remarked by the captain, 'It is quite an unusual occurrence as the sun is enveloped by so dense an atmos- phere.' " The captain cast uneasy glances about the ship and over the sea, closely examining the rigging that nothing might be found wanting or out of place when the threatened storm should break. Yet I thought his mind full of doubt and hesitancy, and while I made no pre- tense to being a sailor, yet the many voyages I had undertaken, both by sea and land, together with having lived nearly my whole life on the borders of the ocean, I felt in a measure qualified to judi^e not only by indi- BEV. JARED SPABKS'S NARRATIVE. 346 cations of the barometer but also by tlie blurred aspect of the sun, around which lay broad rings of vapor. Thus the situation was ominous, to say the least. " I also noticed the crew gazing anxiously about, lifting their eyes to the top-masts, then over the sea, meanwhile conversing in low tones suggestive of trouble, while the face of the captain betrayed unusual anxiety. Thus taking it altogether, I feared that all was not right, and as night was rapidly drawing near, serious trouble, if not peril, might well be apprehended. Meanwhile the sailors from the excessive heat had thrown off all super- fluous clothing leaving their arms bare to the shoulder, streams of perspiration deluging their faces. In fact, at this juncture it was difficult for one even to get his breath. So the captain ordered the poles stripped bare and the cook to prepare supper, though much earlier than usual, as he deemed it wise to be throughly pre- pared for the breaking of the storm which it was evi- dent would not much longer be delayed. " In a few minutes thereafter, the sailors were congre- gated about the captain, busy with their evening meal, while at the suggestion of the captain, the passengers were similarily engaged. " There was now not a breath of air stirring, the sea lying in one unbroken glare, the broad ring so lately surrounding the sinking sun, had wholly disappeared, a heavy mass of dense clouds taking its place, a deep darkness enshrouding both sky and sea. "One thing noticed particularly at this time, and to which I called the captain's attention, was that while the sun had not entirely sunk beneath the horizon, the darkness should have become so intense. *' In reply, he said, ' This almost total darkness is caused mainly by the dense clouds surrounding and enveloping the sun's disc and I can but own,' he continued, 'it quite frightens me, and let me now tell you, friend JareJ, a fearful storm is brewing. How we shall come out of it, the Lord only knows I I think, however, 'twould be best to hold speech with Obadiah Jennings, 846 BEV. JAREi) SPARKS'S NARRATlVIfi. Neliemiali Clark and others touching on the state of affairs, that all needful preparations be made, tending to the safety of the women and children. At the same time I would caution you to give them no needless alarm and possibly, parson,' he added, ' a few earnest prayers might not be out of place, for if the help of the Lord was ever needed, 'tis now or soon will be, as I am thoroughly convinced our situation is verging on extreme peril." " Deeming the captain's suggestion a wise one, I imme- diately proceeded to carry it into effect, going below and conferring with those previously mentioned, but before doing so, I asked from which direction the storm would probably approach. " ' From the north,' he replied, * as that is from whence come the swells.' "The storm seeming to be on the point of breaking, the captain ordered all below, yet the words had scarcely escaped his lips, when there came a blinding flash, fol- lowed by a crashing rej)ort, succeeded by another still more powerful and thunderous. " Now followed a period of deathlike silence, darkness brooding on the face of the deep, nothing heard save the clanking anchor chains and rattling of blocks, caused by the uneasy heaving of the ship. "Meantime the passengers had all gone below, save Julia, who begged so piteously to remain at my side that I could not say her nay, yet I well knew the danger was great from the incoming seas, soon to flow with resist- less current along the deck, the air seemed charged with some subtle odor suggestive of brimstone and anon a few drops of rain fell. "Looking far away over the sea in the direction from whence came the wind, I saw the advance of the storm on which I admonished Julia to hurry below. " Midnight darkness was now over everything, yet in- stead of being solidly massed, the clouds were divided, leaving a narrow strip of blue visible, through which were discerned the stars, the sky illuminated by the constant play of sheet lightning. REV. JARED sparks' S NARRATIVE. 347 "There yet remained one small sail not thoroughly secured, but the captain shouted in excited and I thought frightened tones : " ' Down for your lives, men, down for your lives ! ' "Then the storm in all its fury struck the ship, the sea boiling in rage, the elements seeming to combine to our swift destruction. " I can hardly describe the scene that followed, the raging tumultuous billows, the continued thunder of heaven's artillery, screeching, howling blasts of wind, as they tore through the rigging. " At this moment my wife came hurrying from below, beseeching in agonized tones, " For my sake, Jared, if no other, come down 1 The storm is upon us ! " " But loath to leave a scene of such startling, one might well say, awful grandeur, exhibiting in full force the power of the Almighty, I was fain to linger, when, seizing me by the arm, she dragged me to the ladder. " Immediately thereafter, the hurricane struck us ; but who can describe its relentless power, as the mad, shrieking, hurling tempest of wind, deafening thunder, blinding shafts of lightning, deluging sheets of rain, came upon us? " At the first onset of the tempest, the ship seemed to remain as though glued to the wave ; then suddenly, turned on her side, her bulwark touching the raging billows, while the sea poured in torrents over the rail. " Now the wind roared, the waves rose mountain high, yet the vessel, partially lifting, sped over the tumult- uous seas, drawn at the will of the tempest. " But what a thrilling scene was being enacted below ! Men down on their knees praying, women shrieking to God for help, children sobbing and crying as though their hearts would break! "I went down among them, counselling them to be calm, beseeching the Almighty in his infinite mercy to stay the tempest, or in the event of our being lost, that we might be reconciled to our fate, ' Knowing He doeth all things well.' 848 REV. JARED SPARES'S NARRATIVE. *' Oa a sudden, while engaged in these devotions, there came a deafening report from overhead ; the sail remain- ing unfurled had given away. The vessel, previous to the blowing away of the sail, was nearly half under water, yet she now partially righted. " Imagine, if possible, the feelings of so large a number of poor dependent souls, confined within the stifling cabin, expecting each moment to be their lastl "The ship continued to plunge more heavily, rushing on with maddening speed; no possibility of keeping her on her course. " In this manner several hours passed, the vessel driv- ing heedlessly on, when of a sudden, without warning, the loud, angry, deafening roar of breakers came to our startled ears. " ' Now,' said Captain Hopkins, *as the ship will soon go to pieces, in which event not a soul can be saved, the only recourse is the boats — and let it be understood,' he continued, standing in our midst, calm and collected, like the brave shipmaster he was, 'not a man, either crew or passenger, will leave the wreck, until the safety of your wives and children is assured, anyhow as far as the boats are competent to effect their rescue.' " Then he ordered the mate to attend to the lowering of the craft, comprising a launch capable of sustaining twenty persons, two smaller ones holding ten each ; which order carried out, the embarkation was begun. " All were lowered over the sides of the wreck save Captain Hopkins, my wife, Eebecca Wainwright, a daughter of a colonist, and myself. I had implored both the women to follow their companions to the boats, but Julia indignantly refused, saying she would if needs be die with, but under no consideration forsake me. As to Rebecca, she averred that as Mistress Julia had shown her much kindness on the voj'^age, nursing her though a severe fit of sickness, she would remain by her side, and as the boats were already overloaded, the signal was given, when they moved away to the sound of falling oars. We never saw them again. REV. JARED SPARKS'S NARRATIVE. S49 '* I believed I could see the hand of Providence in thus putting into the hearts of these brave women to remain to what seemed certain death, and the question often arose, * Why should we be spared in preference to so many others ? ' yet I could but say, ' Lord, thy waj^s are not as our ways.' Thus we remained on deck the long night througli, until at length the light of breaking- dawn appearing, we were greatly comforted to find our- selves still alive and the storm in a large measure abated. " The captain now left us, repairing to the hold. Soon returning, an expression of delight showing on his countenance, he reported, 'Save a hole staved in her side, the ship's bottom is comparatively sound.' He averred also that from being careened, the hole lying uppermost and the vessel cast so high on the rocks, no immediate danger need be apprehended. Joyful news indeed! and lifting my voice in prayer, I gave thanks to God for having so signally preserved us, in which I was heartily joined by Julia, Rebecca and the stout-hearted captain. " Meanwhile, dawn had so far advanced that distant objects were brought to view, and we scanned the waters in all directions, hoping thereby to discover our com- panions ; but nothing was seen save the high rolling billows and the waters dashing over the thickly-strewn reefs — a wide waste of waters ; no oar, no sail. Yet what is that! Away over to the left an object is now clearly discernible in the increasing light. Yet who shall describe my emotions upon the captain shouting in cheery tones, ' An island.' Aye, an island, indeed, and not many leagues distant. " As far as the eye could reach, extending on either hand, were to be seen the tops and slopes of mountain ridges, clothed in vivid green, a purplish haze envelop- ing their base. Still no where on the broad bosom of the ocean could be discovered the ship's boats. " ' Had they perished, while we, no more worthy, were saved?' was a thought constantly agitating my mind, 850 REV. JARED SPARKS'S NARRATIVH. Or OQ the other hand, had thej, as T devoutly prayed, found shelter and rest on those delightful shores ? " At length casting about, materials for breakfast were soon gathered ; Julia, with the assistance of the maid Rebecca, placing before us a most excelleut meal, to which all did ample justice. " The domestic animals in whose company we set out on the voyage, had one by one succumbed to the fierce tropical heat, save those now with us, three head of sheep and one pair of fowl, the remainder with their coop having been washed overboard during the height of the storm. These were now faithfully attended to, provided with food and water, the cock crowing in evident delight upon again beholding his friends, the sheep also manifesting their appreciation of our thoughtful care by loud baa and I've no doubt experienced much relief from being able to maintain an upright position, an impossible feat when the vessel was rolling, pitching and tossing as during the past night. "Breakfast over, a general consultation was held in regard to devising some method whereby to reach the not distant shores, as not only our present comfort, but the preservation of our lives even, demanded immediate action, though as Captain Hopkins remarked, ' Should the storm continue to abate and the weather remain fine, I see no reason why the vessel should not hold together for several days,' However, the main point for consideration was as to the best plan whereby to carry out the move as suggested to reach the land lying plainly in sight. Yet had it been much farther away, our situation could have been little more aggravated, for we had no boat, and even supposing we were in pos- session of the craft, it would have been of little service, as the sea in every direction seemed encompassed with partially sunken reefs over which the water dashed with overwhelming power. THB BESCUl. 851 CHAPTER L. THE RESCUE. 44 IN this emergency, Mistress Julia came to our relief, remarking, * I once heard of a crew of ship- wrecked sailors saved by means of a raft constructed from fragments of the broken vessel.' "'Aye,' interposed Captain Hopkins, 'while a boat would, as I conceive, be of little use, we must adopt the wise suggestion of Mistress Sparks.' "'A raft then it shall be,' said I, 'for a craft draw- ing more than a few inches of water would live in this rock-begirt sea but a few moments, and we could easily conjecture the fate of our companions, who were doubt- less dashed on the reefs ere they had gone half a score of boat lengths away from the wreck.' "The overturned masts to which were attached the broken shrouds and cordage, still clung to the vessel's side, and upon examining the hold, another supply of extra spars, coils of rope and sails were discov- ered and raised to the deck ; the masts cut loose, floated near the ship's bow. " Taking into consideration the large supply of provi- sions, farming implements, together with looms, spinning wheels and many other things of like character, also the ship's armament, the captain said : " ' Jared, our craft should be of good size, covering a considerable space, otherwise the sunken reefs and rocks whose crests frequently approach the surface can scarcely be avoided, as the loads must inevitably be heavy.' "So it was finally decided to make the raft twenty-five feet in length by twelve in breadth. " We now proceeded to cut the masts of the required 852 THE RISCUB. length to serve for outside timbers, tlie spars laid cross- wise two feet apart; while at the middle and either end, were bound large pieces of timber, after which ropes were interlaced, strongly binding the entire fabric. Yet in order to make the outer pieces still more secure, auger holes were bored, into which were driven large pins, while over all was laid doors secured from the state- rooms and officers' quarters, these latter thoroughly nailed to the masts and spars. These doors, we well knew, would come handy, when, as remarked bj Mis- tress Julia, ' we build our house,' for she was, be it said, of a practical turn, nothing escaping her observa- tion that would in the least tend to future comfort and convenience. "Several hours were thus spent, the work proving quite severe to our unskilled hands, made doubly so from the extreme heat. Yet we could now look upon the result of our labors with a large degree of satisfac- tion, as here lay the means of escape from whnt might well be deemed a perilous situation, as also our future safety measurably assured, were we but enabled to reach the shores of yon 'enchanted island.' "Eebecca, of a romantic turn, stigmatized the ill-look- ing craft 'as no inapt representation of Noah's Ark, save the high towering sides and roof of that unique structure,' at which we all laughed heartily, thankful to catch at anything in the least tending to raise our spirits and relieve our minds from the contemplation of the sad scenes of the past night. " A stout spar, twenty feet in length, was now fastened to the timber running cross-wise through the centre, to serve as a mast. To this we secured a yard so contrived as to be easily raised, to which was attached a sail of sufficient breadth to drive the raft with a fair rate of speed, especially under pressure of a good breeze. " A half hour before nightfall, all was in readiness for departure, a considerable quantity of provisions on board, consisting of salt pork and beef, besides our entire stock of gunpowder and small arms. The sun now dropped THE RESCUE. 853 beneath the sea in a clear sky, hardly a trace of the last night's disaster visible other than the stranded ship. Thus all things seemed to assure fair weather for the morrow, doubtless a day of toil and deep anxiety, as on the success of a safe voyage depended our future. So it was decided to get off at as early an hour as possible. " We retired early and slept well, awakened by the captain merrily shouting : " ' Avast there below, shipmates. Hasten up and behold the glories of the morning.' " Truly a sight to cheer the faintest heart, for the sun in all its majestic brilliancy was just emerging from out the sea, not a cloud obscuring its rays. "Breakfast eaten, I offered humble and devout thanks to the Ruler of the Universe for the preservation of our lives, beseeching a blessing on our perilous undertaking, well knowing that effort on our part must not be wanting. " Everything now in readiness, my wife and Rebecca took station on board the huge craft, sail was hoisted, and we were away, a fair breeze slowly wafting us from the side of the good ship. Starlight^ to which we had become greatly attached during the long weary months of the voyage. Our prow was pointed to shores where it was impossible to conjecture what might be our reception. "Previous to setting sail, a rudder having a long sweep attached, was fastened to the stern ; also a light rail, some two feet in height, run around the outer side, as the principal danger to be apprehended lay in being- thrown overboard as a result of striking the rocks, which in many instances rose above the surface. How- ever, the swells greatly aided us in riding over the pro- jections. Still the utmost efforts of the skilled sailor were required to be put forth in order to avoid being capsized. Yet fair progress was made, and in the course of a couple of hours, we had made such headway that the wreck was left far astern, and we were momentarily arriving nearer the shores of what might well be termed * an enchanting island.' Another half hour saw ns safely landed. 22 364' THE RESCUE. *' Our craft was now securely tied by a stout cable to a neighboring tree. Thus oar voyage had most happily terminated, our possessions lying moored in a safe haven. Would it prove ' one of rest ' ? A fact which time only could determine. Yet the sensations arising from again standing on solid earth were most pleasing, as it was a privilege heretofore long denied us. " Partaking of a hasty lunch, we unloaded our stores ; then erected a tent, partly a means of shelter from the sun's burning rays as also for the security of our price- less stores, particularly the ammunition, esteemed of the first importance. The captain now said : " Should the weather continue fine for several days, as now seems possible, we may be able to secure the larger portion of the cargo, possibly the whole, though necessarily involving a number of trips. Still as our raft has proven more serviceable and seaworthy than we had reason to expect, I see nothing in the way of its successful accomplishment. " The tent placed in position, we left my wife and Rebecca to stow away the lighter articles, and again set sail, returning to the wreck, and as the raft was now without a load, we made more rapid progress than on the in- going trip. *' Arriving at the wreck in a little less than two hours, we again commenced loading, putting on board many of the weightier articles, among which were the carron- ades, a crate of crockery, looms, spinning wheels, car- penters' tools, and a grindstone, not overlooking the sheep and fowls. An hour before sunset saw us on the homeward route, and though heavily laden, the craft made fair speed, riding easily over the bosom of the deep, buoyed up by the swells, as in an ordinary sea it would have been simply impossible to make the least bit of headway. We now felt ourselves in a situation not devoid of comfort, possessing as we did the means of subsistence for a considerable period of time, and were it to be our fate to spend our lives on this far away THK RESCUE. 855 island of the Southern Hemisphere, believing it the will of God and for some wise purpose in thus ordering our ways, we could but do our duty cheerful]}'', recognizing the hand which had placed us in this condition. Not only this, but also sparing our lives while so many of our friends and companions had miserably perished ; and it may well be conceived that these thoughts frequently occurred to my mind with overwhelming force. *' On the fifth day a tempest that had been threatening now rose in all its fury, sweeping over land and sea, and it was only by the greatest exertions, that we were en- abled to keep our frail structure from succumbing to its powers. "The rain also began falling, increasing in volume un- til it seemed to pour in unbroken sheets, and it was scarcely possible, as I said to my wife, to keep our priceless stores from inevitable ruin. Yet it would not do to stand idly by, mourning our prospective losses. Rather, we went to work with a will cutting pegs, and driving them at the outer edges of the cloth, in tlie end, securing them against the mighty blasts sweeping over us and the overwhelming floods threatening our destruc- tion. "The sea, too, became enshroudedin a hazy, impene- trable mist, completely hiding the wreck from view, yet we well knew its fate. " The storm lasted for the space of three hours ere its mighty power was stayed, when fragments of the broken vessel were observed floating toward the shore. " The clouds and mist at length clearing, we were en- abled to catch a glimpse of the late position of the wreck, but not a spar, timber, or shattered bulwark re- mained of the once staunch Starlight. Aye, all was gone, not a vestige left, and out of the forty and eight souls who sailed from the New England port in confidence and hope, four only remained, and they castaways on these wild untrodden shores. The angry sea had lit- erally swallowed up in its depths friends, comrades, all; we alone left to tell the sad tale, I to jot it down 356 THE RESCUE. in a log book of fate, that future generations might learn what befel those who at the outset were evidently destined to as long life and prospective happiness as were we. " The storm of wind, tempest and deluging rain, was now over, little of its eifects visible, save the total dis- appearance of the wreck, and here and there the pros- trate trunk of same huge monarch of the forest. Again the sun shone in all its splendor ; its beams warm and cheering, our hearts correspondingly light. " Four and one half months had now elapsed since set- ting sail on board the Starlight^ a voyage fraught with such momentous consequences, ending in such inglorious results and to most of its members, awful character. " It was now nearing the middle of October, and we could scarcely expect more than five or six weeks of fine weather. So our out-of-door work must necessarily be closed up within that time. As remarked Captain Hopkins : * We must to work, our future lies before us, mainly as we choose to make it, aye,' continued he, 'our duty is plain, especially as regards those nobly courageous souls, Mistress Sparks and Rebecca.' " ' By right of discovery,' he added, ' we are, as far as we yet know, the sole, undisputed owners of one of the choicest portions of God's domain, taking peaceable, though, as one may say, forced possession. Thus, as joint owners, it only remains for us to improve our heritage.' "'Yes,' said I, 'you speak naught but the truth, therefore let us not ' bury our talent,' for we shall doubt- less be called to render strict account of our steward- ship.' "'Which goes to show,' answered the captain, 'that our first duty lies in the direction of a comfortable habi- tation, to which end, I propose we fell trees and con- struct one of our old New England cabins, which will, from association, not only have a tendency to make us feel more at home but also at the same time guard our valuable possessions against storm, wild beasts and the THE RESCUE. 357 no less savage instincts of the barbarous natives, should such there be. But let us first ascend to the top of this hill and take an observation inland, as, from our present location, we are entirely hidden from other than a sea view." " ' Yes,' replied I, ' possibly we may discover a more suitable place for our residence, but before making the attempt, let us hold speech with the no less interested members of our family, my wife and Rebecca.' " Having looked about us and taken counsel together, we at length decided on the site for our cabin and the next morning set to work. Breakfast over, we shouldered our axes, Julia and Rebecca each carrying a musket, and we were off to the scenes of our labors, where we felled great trees, afterwards cutting them into suitable lengths for the walls of our cabin, log house, as they would say in New England. Ere nightfall, a sufficient number lay ready to commence operations, " The following morning found us again astir, and early at work, and in the short space of one week, our house was nearly ready for occupancy. While it could boast of but little beauty, we considered it quite com- fortable, the latter of the most consequence, as our neigh- bors had nothing better. Leaving the internal arrange- ments to our fair companions, (though little could be said on this score, as the constant exposure to tlie sun, wind and weather had contributed greatly to unfairness of complexion, yet unbounded health glov/ed in their cheeks,) the captain and myself, with shovel and spade, turned over the rich mould, extending over an area of nearly an acre, in readiness for planting, ere the rainy season should set in. " This work completed, we next erected a block house on the top of which were mounted the two carronades, the walls being pierced for muskets, so that in case of attack from any source, we would be fully prepared my idea always having been, never more pronounced than now, that while placing full reliance on Providence, material aid should not be overlooked. 858 ISLAND EXPEEIENCES CONTINUED. "Meantime our little flock of slieep having received all necessary attention, there was a fair possibility that an increase might soon be looked for, a fact greatly to be desired, for to this source must we eventually look for clothing as well as sustenance; and as the wild animals, whose dismal howls were increasing, particularly at night time, would doubtless prove troublesome, an enclosure was formed and stout palisades driven round its entire circuit, of sufficient height to prevent an entrance. A small portion was also tightly enclosed and roofed over, within which the little flock was securely housed during the night. CHAPTER LI. ISLAND EXPEEIENCES CONTINUED, * ' T> EBECCA WAINRIGHT, a fine, stout, healthy w\i maiden, both physically and mentally, had thus far proven a most valuable and faithful auxiliary to our little force, and from the fact of Captain Hopkins being a bachelor, I argued the time not far distant when he would determine it not wise 'for man to be alone.' So it came about that within the year, the marriage rites between him and Rebecca were solemnized, I as an ac- credited minister of the gospel, performing the ceremony. Truly an occasion for rejoicing, neither of the parties having occasion for regret thereafter, and I would here add a few words in the interest of the estimable captain, who was not only a conspicuous member of our party, but had also proven himself truly a friend in time of the greatest need. " Brave, capable, efficient ; generous to a fault ; ever ready to sacrifice interest, ease and comfort for the general good ; modest, unassuming, lowly in spirit, yet, when occasion required, rising to the height demanded, overcoming every obstacle, he was as I may say one of ISLAND EXPERIENCES CONTINUED. 359 a thoiisaud, and to liis ripe judgment, enterprise and sterling qualities, may well be ascribed our success and manifold achievements. "The years have passed swiftly by, until we now number fifteen souls, while our flock of sheep have grown to proportions far exceeding our most sanguine expectations. " A fort stands on the summit of the hill, the scene of our original exploration and the starting point of the island adventures, from which are displayed the frown- ing muzzles of the Starlight's carronades, while over- head floats the ship's colors. " The soil of our domain is uncommonly rich and pro- ductive; some fifty acres in the aggregate under cul- tivation. " We have given up all hope of again beholding the face of any civilized human being, save our own people, it being evident that no vessel sailing the seas can approach our shores. " With this hope abandoned, we determined, under God, a colony, a nation even, should be founded ; its custodian, the Lord God of Hosts : its upbuilding and prin- cipal structure, secured by a knowledge of His ways. "Our progeny becoming numerous and fast approach- ing man and woinanliood, my one great desire was that .they be taught not only the word of God, but also those branches tending to their material welfare ; and as the Bible was the only book secured from the wreck, I devised and compiled text books for spelling, reading and a simple form of grammar, also a work on geogra- phy and arithmetic. "This done, I organized a school, spending several hours each day instructing the children, receiving much help from my wife, who proved an apt teacher. " Thus the time passed until at the end of thirty years, we find ourselves nearing the close of the seventeenth century, at which period our number has grown to two hundred, of all ages and both sexes. In this manner we have lived for the space of an 360 ISLAND EXPERIENCES CONTINUED. ordinary lifetime ; hearing, knowing nothing of the great outside world, so near, yet so far away — near, as judged by miles; far, as the least knowledge is obtain- able. " I am now seventy -five years of age, and while in the enjoyment of good health, I cannot expect to survive a much longer period than that allotted to man — three score years and ten. " I have, so far as lay within my power, dedicated my life to the service of God; the interests of my family and the weal of the community ; performing every known duty cheerfully, uncomplainingly, believing it God's will, and that for His own wise purpose we were brought to these shores. My wife, now quite aged, has never for a moment murmured at tlie strange lot in which her life was cast ; her one delight and highest ambition that of training ber numerous progeny, not as is too often the case, in the fear, but rather in the love of their Creator, teaching His ways and wonderful works, mean- time, giving due diligence to their material interests. Thus while her duties have been manifold her labors severe, never a word of complaint has been heard from her lips. Now well along in years, surrounded by our children to the third and fourth generation, may we not look backward to a life well-spent, trusting all to God and the future to his glory. " Having taught our children to implicitly obey the laws of nature, illness and disease are almost unknown ; the skill of a physician being seldom required, the simple remedies compounded from roots and herbs, all that are required. As our numbers increase, in like measure do our wants, which have at all times and seasons been fully met, and as I now look about, witness- ing the rapidly increasing population; well-clothed, well-fed ; in possession of all the requisites of life, I may well say, it would ill behoove us to refrain from returning thanks to an all-wise Providence, who hath led us to a land wherein doth reign peace, happiness and contentment, and who hath so signally cared for and ISLAND EXPERIENCES CONTINUED. 361 preserved us during the long continued period of our enforced exile. ''Our fast multiplying flocks provide both food and clothing, our well tilled soil produces grain and vege- tables sufficient for sustenance, while fruits are especially abundant. Thus taking it all in all, I am fain to believe there is not a more thoroughly happy, prosperous and contented people on the face of the earth, and while others may possess many luxuries of which we are de- prived, they can scarcely realize the health-giving prop- erties and beauties of a topical climate. " Again, with the wealth and consequent added cares of their lives, go hand in hand habits of indolence, un- checked vice, diseases, misery and untimely death, all of which are hardly known to our thriving, energetic community. "The commander of the Starlight^ Captain Hopkins, departed this life some ten years ago, living to the good old age of ninety, leaving a thrifty and numerous progeny. " His aged wife, Rebecca, still survives, uetaining her faculties in a remarkable degree, proving as she has in many respects a most noble woman and worthy help- mate to the good old captain, whose memory lingers in the hearts of the whole community. " A town of considerable size and importance has grown up on the site originally selected for our island habitation. "1 have at all times endeavored to adhere rigidly to the customs and habits of civilized life, well knowing that a people left wholly to themselves, having no intercourse with their fellows, naturally drift away to illiteracy, until at length they fall into a state of hopeless bar- barism ; proving conclusively that nations either advance or retrograde in the scale of being ; from which fact, the continuous upbuilding and progress of the colony has been the one aim and chief desire of my heart. " The interesting and no less singular history of this people, as recorded by the original settler and founder S62 CONTINUATION OF THE NARRATIVE. of the colony, Rev. Jared Sparks, here ends, taken up and continued by his eldest son, Ephraim. Yet that there might be no question of dispute as to its author- ship and accuracy, the Rev. Jared has hereunto set his name, as also date of record, as witness. "I, Jared Sparks, do affirm this to be a true and faith- ful record of the various events of my life, as also a history of the original settlement of the island and its subsequent career down to the close of the seventeenth century. "Signed, this 21st day of November, 1699. "Jared Sparks." CHAPTER LII. CONTINUATION OF THE NARRATIVE. AS a prelude to continuation of the narrative, Eph- raim Sparks records the following : " My father, the Rev. Jared Sparks, departed this life March 13th, 1724, aged eighty-three years. My mother, Julia, the year following, aged seventy-seven. Both of them in connection with Captain Hopkins and Rebecca Wain- wright, being the original settlers of the island and founders of the colony. The death of Captain Hopkins antedates that of my father eleven years. That of his wife Rebecca occurring six years later. " Shortly after my father's death, I succeeded to the governorship of the colon}'', numbering at that time two hundred souls. " In the year 1702, a child was born to the eldest son of Captain and Rebecca Hopkins, who married my sister in 1727. "This child, Josiah, upon reaching manhood, seemed to possess much originality of thought and brilliancy of conception, his mind running in the channel of invention, and as he advanced in years, his faculties expanded, his inventive perceptions increasing in like ratio, until the CONTINUATION OF THE NARRATIVE. 36S year 1725, he being at this time twenty-three, the idea of utilizing the wind as a motive power occur- red to him. Having brought this motor to perfection, he constructed mills for grinding corn, oats, peas and beans, also for sawing logs, and another for threshing and cleaning grain. He died in 1751, at the age of forty- nine, bequeathing to his family, as a heritage, the fruits of his genius in the various forms of machinery of the greatest utility and practical benefit to the commu- nity. •' Three years later, a monument was erected to his memory. At his death he left a son fifteen years of age, in whom was ere long developed even greater genius and inventive faculty than that of his father. " As previously remarked, on the death of my father, the governorship devolving upon me in regular succes- sion, I was anxious that as our numbers were already so large and rapidly augumenting, a system of general laws should be enacted more comprehensive than those then in force, to which end, I chose a council of ten, whose functions were to arrange the several members of the colony into sub-divisions, a certain number of families to each division, the council to have charge of the whole, one member of the same appointed to pre- side over each divison. " The cultivated portion of the island was also to be divided into equal portions or tracts of one hundred acres each. Thus whenever one of our young men attained the age of twenty-one years, this tract was set off for his exclusive use and the ultimate benefit of his family. This land he was to till, implements of hus- bandry and seed being supplied him from the general storehouse. " Bach division of families being under direct charge of a member of the council ; supposing a difference of opinion to arise among its members, the case would be taken to the council for adjustment, their decision sub- ject to no appeal other than to the governor, whose arbitrament would be considered final." 364 CONTINUATION OF THE NARRATIVE. " These simple laws/' said Josliua, " comprise our whole system of government, proving in every instance adequate to our needs and perfectly satisfactory to the people. On the occasion of our walk yesterday you asked me, Herman, why it was considered obligatory on the part of the government to keep a body of troops under arms when intercourse with any other nation or people was impossible. In reply to a very natural question, I stated that the reason would become apparent when learning our history. I now come to an explanatory paragraph in the record which reads thus : " ' For prudential reasons,' Ephraim states, 'my father acting in concert with his friend. Captain Hopkins, hav- ing become convinced that their future was to be spent on the island, shortly after landing, erected a small fort- ress, or as it was styled at that time, block-house, not knowing at what hour their shores might be invaded by savage foes. In fact, it was simply a matter of con- jecture, whether, even then, they might not be lurking in ambush in the surrounding forest. " That this was a wise move the sequel will show." " In the year 1785, eleven years after the shipwreck, a body of savages, numbering not less than three hun- dred, invaded these shores, or more accurately speaking, made the attempt. " Chancing to spy them when yet a long distance away, ample time was given to make adequate preparations for their reception. Meanwhile the cannons mounted at the top of the fortress were heavily charged, as also were the twenty muskets, my mother and Rebecca, the wife of Captain Hopkins, lending their assistance. I was at that time ten years of age, and well remember the circumstences of an affair that at the outset threatened serious consequences. My parents, as well as the captain and his brave wife, were calm and collected, their manner evidencing little fear, yet I well knew that if the worst came to the worst, they would sell their lives dearly in the effort to protect their possessions and CONTINUATION OF THE NARRATIVE. 866 families, meantime placing full confidence in the Power which had thus far preserved and brought them through SO many dangers. The savages, naked to the waist, armed with long shafted spears and huge knotted clubs, were gathered on immense rafts, designed especially for the expedition. They made tiie air resound with cries, whoops and fierce yells, and as we were well aware that should the natives effect a landing, nothing could save us from swift destruction, the main effort then was put forth in keeping them well off' from shore. "The loDg, pointed, heavily laden craft, propelled by sweeps, made but slow headway, now and again striking against a projecting rock, by which many were thrown violently into the sea, but being used to the water, they quickly gained their former position. Thus more than an hour passed in anxious delay aad weary expectancy, when at length coming within range of the heavy guns, each loaded with a round shot, they were carefully sighted, the match applied, when with a deafening roar the solid balls sped on their way, striking the foremost raft squarely in tlie centre where the savages were mainly congregated. I could not tell how many of the heathens were slain at this discharge. However, from appearances, it was judged not less than a score, besides a large number who were wounded and cast into the sea, where they lay struggling and helpless. To say the least the scene was terrible, and I am quite positive no subsequent experiences were to my mind so thrilling, for it must be borne in mind I had never before heard the roar of a gun in combat, or one discharged with hostile intent, nor witnessed its murderous effects. "The cannibal chief again rallied his forces, amid shouts of anger and brandished spears, when they were soon under way, intent solely on landing. But the guns, heavily shotted, were again brought to bear and dis- charged, whereby an immense number were slaughtered, the leading craft shattered and sinking. At this juncture, the natives, evidently beside themselves with fright,imag- ining supernatural powers were lending a hand, thus giv- 866 CONTINUATION OF THE NARRATIVB. ing powerful aid to their antagonists in launching thunderbolts forged in the spirit world into their midst, at length withdrew, paddling the unwieldy craft away as rapidly as possible. So in the space of a couple of hours they were entirely hidden from view by a project- ing point some miles distant. Meanwhile, my mother and Rebecca were busy with the muskets, though on account of the distance, these produced little effect, other than keeping up a tremendous roar, serving however an admirable purpose in making the savages believe thun- der and lightning were playing no insignificant part in aid of their antagonists." *' Three subsequent attacks have been made since the death of the chronicler of these events," said Joshua, " terminating in each instance disastrously to the natives. Yet from its suddenness, one attack came within a hair's breadth of seriouslj'- crippling, if not entirely destroying the fruits of many years' hard labor. In fact the future prosperity of the colony for a time wavered in the balance, and it was only by the most strenuous efforts and bravery of the leaders that their lives were saved, for the savages had not only reached the shores, but effected a partial landing before they were discovered, yet they were finally beaten off. This was their last appearance, and now the town being so well fortified, little further appre- hension need be felt for its safety. Thus, friend Herman, you will easily perceive the necessity of keeping our homes and possessions well guarded. "The record of Ephraim Sparks here closed, contin- ued by Nicholas Sparks, our present governor and chronicler, brought down to the first of the present year. My father, as scribe, has the documents in charge, adding thereto as he may think proper. "The office of scribe was created some five years since, as also keeper of the seals, the object being to re- lieve the governor, (who is now nearly ninety years of age,) from duties daily becoming more onerous on ac- count of the largely increased population." INVENTIONS OF THE COLONISTS. 86.7 CHAPTER LIII. INVENTIONS OF THE COLONISTS. INTRODUCED in the character and under the cogno- men, as was expressed, of "an old sea dog," an ap- pelation always pleasing to sailors, the captain had, in an interview with the governor, related his adventures from the time when he took command of the Black Eagle to the present, the governor manifesting much interest in the story. As no one of the colonists had ever before set eyes on a civilized being, outside of their own circumscribed limits, it was a matter of extreme dif&culty to expel from their minds the notion that these unheralded strangers were not from a world differing from their own. Yet this could scarcely be wondered at, when taking into consideration that they knew of no other, save from tradition and the meagre outlines of a history compiled by their ancestors, and this mainly relating to events connected with the original settle- ment and subsequent affairs of the island community. That both Gamahil and Joshua had conceived a warm friendship for the castaways there could be little doubt, as it was too plainly shown in look and manner to be disputed. Disposed to show them all the attention pos- sible, they now invited them to call upon several of the leading members of the community, when they would be introduced in their proper character, and as nothing could be more desired, they readily acquiesced in the proposition. So setting out, they called at the residences of a number of the more noted citizens, receiving a hearty welcome, after which they were shown the principal points of interest, notably the railroad, which engaged their at- tention to the exclusion of nearly all else, proving a rare 368 INVENTIONS OF THE COLONISTS. auJ novel spectacle ; for here were well built, convenient cars, propelled by the action of the wind at fair speed. First came a fiat car, thirty feet in length, from the centre rising a mast twenty-five feet in height, to which was attaclied a yard capable of sustaining sail of aneuor mous breadth. In front and near the end of the car stood a wheel, twelve feet in diameter, in the form of a cone, the apex pointing outward. At the outer edge of the circle, wings twenty-four inches in width were so arranged as to be acted upon with great power, caus- ing the wheel to revolve with rapidity and force ; thus supposing the wind ahead, the sail was lowered, the wheel alone being required. On the other hand, when the wind came from the rear or at right angles, both sail and wheel were brought into play. As the current act- ing on the sail forced the machine ahead, the power generated by the motion was in ratio to the speed, thus producing a double action, capable, as Joshua remarked, of moving cars at nearly any desired rate of speed ; tbirty miles an hour, with -a good breeze, being nothing uncommon. " You will readily perceive," said he, " we have an economical and speedy means of transporting the pro- ducts of the soil from the farms to the storehouse, at the same time allowing the tillers of the land to go back and forth at will between their homes and the out- lying districts, while excursions for hunting are frequent, game being plentiful in the dense forests and mountain ranges." Another significant fact drawing the attention of Herman was the absence of buildings of whatsoever nature outside the limits of the town, which was explained in this wise: "You see," said Joshua, "it is considered not only an economical measure, but more conducive to safety that there be no outlying settlement, as, in the event of a raid by the savages, those people living in the exposed districts, deprived of the means of defense, would be placed wholly at the mercy of the bar- barians, (and for a truth, we well know what that means,) INVENTIONS OF THE COLONISTS. 369 while those sheltered within easy rauge of the fortress guns are fully protected." " Well," observed Captain Perkins, "common sense anyhow is not lacking among your people, and mj candid opinion is that many of the older communities might here be taught a useful lesson, and that in more ways than one. " " Yes, " replied Herman, " this is social life and that to a degree I would not have believed possible. " Said Joshua, the idea of an attack from our savage foes having been broached, " I will here remark that while it has been many years, in fact, not within the life-time of any of our present inhabitants, that a raid has been attempted, yet I am convinced we may expect one before many years, possibly months; and when it does take place, it will be with a larger and more pow- erful force than ever before. " "Let em come," shouted the captain, " I'd like noth- ing better than a brush with the measly, copper-toed, (colored, I should have said) missionary-eating cannibals, the worthless cusses. " The bold, outspoken captain's' desires were to be granted and Joshua's prophecy fulfilled sooner than either anticipated, and in such a manner as not only to lead to a " brush, " but a hand-to-hand tussle as well, attended also by loss of life. The mills for grinding grain were next visited, also those for sawing logs, manufacturing woolen and tow fabrics, for casting cannon, smelting ores, threshing grain and brick making. " Well," ejaculated the captain, the principal points of interest having been thoroughly scanned and as they were about to turn homeward, "I'll be hanged if what we've seen to-day don't go to show the spirit of inven- tion abroad in the world, go wherever you will, con- fined to no country or people. " " Aye, sown broadcast, so to speak," interrupted Herman. Then continuing, "We find here a people as completely isolated as though inhabiting the moon, yet 23 870 INVENTIONS OF THE COLONISTS. in possession of many inventions and improvements of our own land. Let me ask, in all sincerity, by what method of reasoning shall we account for it? How solve the mystery? Does the source of this inventive spirit emanate from a higher power, or wherein does it lie ? " " Possibly from the air we breathe, " suggested the Captain. " Yet, " he continued, turning to the scribe, "with all your inventions, improvements and what not, I observe no signs of shipping — a principal factor in the growth and prosperity of all nations — not even a sail or row boat have I yet seen. May I inquire the reason for this, Gamahil?" " Certainly, " anwered the scribe. " You see it's like this: while our domain is of comparatively large extent, yet its shores are entirely surrounded by coral reefs, many sunken, 'tis true, while others approach the surface. The only point as yet discovered that can in the least be approached is the one where you landed, and that only by a craft similar to yours or those of the natives. Plerein lies our safety. For if it were possible to efiE'ect a landing at any other part of the shore, the savages could then take us in the rear, laying our unprotected districts waste, destroy our prosperous town, slaughter- ing the inhabitants, or what were deemed infinitely worse, taking us into hopeless captivity. For tliis rea- son the fortress was erected on the summit of the hill, our guns commanding the only point of landing. "Keturning to the question of navigation, I would mention that in the early days of settlement, as our records inform us, a vessel of several tons burden was constructed, launched, and on the trial trip wrecked, its occu])ants narrowly escaping drowning. At another time, a craft of less dimensions, propelled by oars, was launched with equally disastrous results. Subsequent efforts have been put forth from time to time, all ending in total failure. " " From all of which it would seem, " observed Her- man, " the prospect of again setting foot on Caesar's beau- tiful island is exceedingly slim, and while the past five INVENTIONS OF THE COLONISTS. 371 years have been full of mysterious events, this may well be conceived none the less so. " After having visited the principal buildings devoted to manufacturing, our friends next turned their steps toward the tabernacle, the residence of the governor, where were also located the government offices. This, the most notable structure of the town, was a building of brick, two stories in height, the inner walls ornamented with stucco, the floors laid in a species of hard wood susceptible of a high polish, thus presenting a smooth and shining surface, while the furnishings, though plain, were neat in appearance. After indulging in a half hours' conversation relating mainly to general affairs of the community, the governor at length remarked : " Our people, as ye are doubtless aware, are not only anxious but getting impatient to become acquainted with ye, as ye are objects of general interest in ye eyes of those who have never before beheld strangers. I would, then, if so be ye are agreed, suggest ye propriety of calling them together on ye morrow, in ye latter part of ye day, at ye public square, at which time and place ye may speak to them as it so pleaseth ye touch- ing a world of which ye do say so much and about which they know so little. " So it came to pass on the following afternoon at the hour of three, the grounds surrounding the tabernacle witnessed an excited, eager populace assembled to give greeting and welcome to the strangers who had so en- tirely engrossed their thoughts during the past two days. The captain and Herman were thereupon introduced by the governor and made speeches in turn, explaining fully their presence on the island, and giving a brief his- tory of their country since the emigration of the colonists. Then, after some religious services, the as- semblage broke up, satisfied with the strangers' account of themselves, while our friends returned to the house of the scribe. Strolling down the street on the day suc- ceeding the eventful gathering at the public square, Herman, thinking no better opportunity would present 872 INVENTIONS OF THE COLONISTS. itself, determined to call on the noted inventor ; so mak- ing his way to the establishment where he was usually to be foand, he encountered that worthy immediately on crossing the threshold. The customary greeting passed, Herman was cordially invited to enter, when he noticed plans in progress looking toward superseding the present wooden by iron rails on the railroad track. The young stranger at once proceeded to explain to his attentive listener the steam engine, its simple form of con- struction and mode of working as adapted to propelling railroad cars, as also the various kinds of machinery in general use throughout the civilized world. He told the inventor of the original discovery of this won- derful motive power, none other, he averred, than the lifting of a tea kettle lid by the expansion of the steam' generated by the boiling water within, all of which was of coarse hitherto unknown to the island genius. Again the air ship, commonly knovv'n as the balloon, or a method of navigating the air, was explained, among many other remarkable inventions suggesting, as Herman added, " a possibility of reaching the outer world." Both the captain and Herman now went to work with a will, the former suggesting various agricultural imple- ments, acquired, however, mainly from observation, as he liad little practical knowledge concerning these affairs. Meantime Herman organized a school, attended by chil- dren of all ages, the older ones, together with the no less interested parents, willing to avail themselves of an opportunity to learn things both new and strange. A printing press also became at this time a subject of serious thought, it being agreed this would be one of the first improvements undertaken, as it was conceded on all hands to be the most important. Again, the manu- facture of glass was attempted, followed by fair results, the component parts being found in the outlying hilly districts. THE NEW LAWS ENACTED. 873 CHAPTER LIV. THIi NEW LAWS ENACTED. MORE than four years have now elapsed since Cap- tain Perkins and his associates sailed on the war ship Black Eagle, and what lives of adventure have been theirs 1 Taking an active part against the govern- ment vessel sent out in pursuit of an alleged criminal, followed by the declaration that they would not serve under the Confederate flag; imprisonment, succeeded by nearly four years' residence on a hitherto unknown, un- inhabited island ; the voyage of adventure ending in the discovery of a new world peopled by more than one thousand souls in a comparatively high state of civiliza- tion ; and now the prospect of an indefinate, possibly a life long existence on these remote shores confronted our friends with serious forebodings, mainly however as re- garded their far away families. But for this, they would have felt a measurable degree of content. Therefore under these conditions, it will be readily seen activity and labor must necessarily become their only recourse, a panacea for the ills of both body and mind. At this juncture, the young schoolmaster began to be looked upon by many of the more conservative as a mis- guided, some affirmed, a misleading person — a necro- mancer possibly, in league with the Devil. Ashe taught things of an astounding nature, to which they could not, neither would, give credence, their superstitions naturally led them to this belief. When he came to tell them of the rotation of the earth in conjunction with its annual flight around the sun ; the immensity of space ; the great, yea, inconceivable distance of the sun and planets from the earth ; their enormous size as compared with our in- significant globe ; the probability of their being inhabited 374 THE NEW LAWS ENACTED. by people like tkemselves, they at once began question- ing his authority for making such outrageous statements. As previously mentioned, the Bible was the only printed work secured from the wrecked Starlujht ; in fact, at that remote period but few books were published especially those of astronomy, touching on the heavenly bodies ; geology, showing the probable age of the earth, together within other scientific treatises common to our time. Ideas concerning the date of creation were there- fore founded on the vague, uncertain conclusions of scriptural writers, hence theories and teachings antago- nistic to those statements must necessarily be considered as false. Our island community was in a condition analogous to the people of preceding ages, with this difference, that whereas these had no means of obtaining information, save from the teachings of nature and the revelations of the Bible, the ancients were, or could have been, enlight- ened by the former theories of scientific men, necessarily limited, yet of the utmost value. There was then grow- ing up in the community a realization of this fact that possibly their preconceived notions might ere long be overthrown, in which event the sacred word of God as regarded these affairs become not only a question of con- troversy and dispute, but also capable of sowing the seeds of disbelief ending in discord, therein endangering the har- mony heretofore prevailing, a condition of aft'airs which, the governor averred, could not for a moment be allowed. Gamaliel, the scribe, as also his son Joshua, in thorough accord with all the young stranger had said regarding these most important discoveries of the age, naturally took his part in the controversy, and, from being citi- zens of influence, became ere long the nucleus of a party antagonistic to previous notions and ideas. On the other hand, the governor, discerning that which might prove and be accepted as a new element ar- rayed in opposition to the Bible, tlius tending to over- throw the system of heredity in the governorship, at once authorized measures to be taken in defiance of the THE NEW LAWS ENACTED. 375 strange doctrines sought to be thrust upon the commu- nity. From this there loomed up and continued to thrive in the minds of the now unhappy people, a source of disquiet, possibly danger. The governor, becoming hourly more and more alarmed upon witnessing the growing popularity of the strangers, called in extra ses- sion the council of ten, who assembled at the taber- nacle. The case was stated and at the same time he desired each member's candid opinion regarding the un- settled condition of affairs, as also the course they in- tended pursuing in relation to the unhappy controversy. Upon the question being so fairly put, eacli and all expressed an honest conviction that they would in any event stand by His Honor in whatever measures he might choose to adopt, looking to the well being and safety of the better-meaning portion of the community, particular stress being placed upon the latter clause of the sentence. In explanation of the situation, the governor urged that their ancestors, to the most remote generations, had not only founded, but adopted equitable laws for the colony in its incipient state, and that those laws were founded on precepts inculcated by the Bible, which must, in any event, be considered just, and as they had ever been found to meet their wants and conditions, what more, he urged, could be desired. Such then be- ing the case, why accept new theories destined in the end to revolutionize and possible overthrow all precon- ceived ideas and forms of a governing power heretofore proven adequate to meet all emergencies? "Our people, as ye all know,'' continued he, "have been happy and contented under these laws. Why seek to controvert them by theories antagonistic to Bible teachings? Scientific they may be, yet not sacred. However, as we have never had occasion for ordinances touching a case of this nature, I would suggest to ye honorable council the desirability of framing a law cov- ering the matter." So it came about that the following ordinance was 376 THE NEW LAWS ENACTED. enacted, wbicli thereupon being signed by tiie governor took immediate efi'ect : — " Be it hereby enacted by ye council of ten, sitting in solemn conclave on this 13th day of August, in ye year of our Lord, 1865 : " That any person or persons, native or foreign born, who shall at this or any future time, introduce into this law-abiding community or other portion of our do- mains, any unlawful act tending to sedition, or in any manner whatsoever affecting the well-being of ye peo- ple ; any act of heresy, thereby setting up in oppo- sition to ye teachings of ye Holy Bible, shall on con- viction of ye same, receive ye admonition of ye gov- ernor; on a second offense of like character, imprison- ment for ye term of one year from ye date of convic- tion thereof; for ye third and final disobedience of ye laws, shall receive ye punishment of death." The above ordinance, sanctioned and signed by the governor, was, as before stated, to take immediate effect, and measures were inaugurated to put it in force when- ever occasion should demand, evidently now not far distant. The people were again commanded to assemble at the tabernacle, when the new law was proclaimed, ac- companied by the solemn injunction : " Obey ye it not, at your peril i " The following day, Gamahil, as acknowledged leader of the opposition, called together his adherents, when they were addressed by the young stranger, after which Gamahil said : " Citizens, ye have heard what our learned friend hath spoken. His words bear to my mind ye impress of ye truth and sound reason. Shall we then, I ask, ac- cept these teachings, following them in ye right spirit, thus sustaining him in efforts tending to enlighten our understanding? Now as many of ye as are in favor of ye liberal policy, please to raise ye right hand," and as fully two-thirds of the populace did as requested, THE NEW LAWS ENACTED. 377 thus signifying assent, the scribe made no hesitation iu proclaiming a favorable result. Meantime, the governor, believing the welfare of the community at stake, in that if the majority were per- mitted to organize in opposition to his rule, the present government would be thereby overthrown, quickly fol- lowed by a general upheaval, the system of heredity come to an inglorious termination, immediately issued a proclamation calling on all citizens who had at heart the weal of the people to organize in defence of his rights and their welfare, thus sustaining a system of laws instituted and handed down by their forefathers. The opposition, taking advantage of the large num- bers gathered about the standard of Gamahil, thoroughly united and harmonious in action, resolved to sustain their leader in whatever measure he might deem it expedient to adopt. At this juncture the governor ordered out a file of soldiers, directing them to proceed at once to the scribe's residence, then and there to arrest the stirrer up of strife, the promulgator, as he averred, of sedition, and bring him before the council for admonition. Yet, like many another, he had reckoned without his host, for upon ar- riving at the scene of operations, the house was found thoroughly guarded, every avenue of approach sur- rounded by Gamahil's adherents, who, upon demand, utterly refused to deliver up the accused, jeering at those whom they termed government hirelings. The sergeant at once gave the order, " Seize the culprits," but he too found himself all at sea regarding his calculations, for his antagonists rallied at the word of command, when a conflict ensued, the government troops being utterly routed, fleeing from the field in the greatest disorder. The governor, notwithstanding his great age, was still a man of considerable energy, placing no little re- liance upon supernatural power; more perhaps, than upon carnal weapons. Upon word being brought tell- ing of the discomfiture of his forces, he immediately dis- 378 QSNERAL DUKE STEELE AS FOREIGN MINISTER. patched couriers throughout the town, requesting a general turnout on the same evening, gathering at the tabernacle, when a season of prayer would take place, to be at once followed by arming the whole people. In other words they were to hold the Bible in one hand., and musket in the other, not unlike scenes of previous centuries, with the difference, the musket substituted for torch, rack and thumb-screw. The opposing forces thoroughly organized and equip- ped so far at least as their limited means allowed, an internecine war now seemed inevitable. One of the first acts of the scribe was to seize and gain possession of the fortress, which, together with its armament of heavy guns, would enable him to command the town, and as large supplies of ammunition had pre- viously been stored in the magazines, the scribe's party might well be considered formidable antagonists. However, the government oflScials were by no means idle spectators, for the great inventor was now busily en- gaged in casting guns and round shot; others in the manufacture of powder or moulding bullets for the small arms. Tlie work was carried on at the foundries still in possession of the government faction, a large force of skilled workmen being there employed. Affairs it may well be conceived, were now for the first time in the colony's history assuming a serious, nay, dreaded aspect; the outlook threatening, the thought arising in many a troubled heart, " What shall be the outcome." CHAPTER LV. GENERAL DUKE STEELE AS FOREIGN MINISTER. THREE years have now elapsed, carrying us down to 1868. General Duke Steele meanwhile, at the home of the late Thomas Baxter, in a large mensuie recovered from the effect of the cruelties inflicted upon GENERAL DUKE STEELE AS FOREIGN MINISTER. 879 him at the bauds of the outlaw gaog, under instructions from Lieutenant Cyril Blancliard, had some two years previous united his fortunes with his old love, Nelly, though it must be owned that the fortune was largely on her side. Anyhow they were duly married and were now living at the old plantation home inherited from Nelly's father. Meanwhile the rebellion had terminated most un- happilj^ for its promoters, but correspondingly happy for its opponents, the institution of slavery being now a memory only. Tlie negroes formerly belonging to the Baxter estate, scattered throughout the North during the war, have returned to their well beloved home on the banks of the Rappahannock. Meantime the Presidency of the United States has been assumed by General Grant, this occurring on the fourth day of the preceding March. The incumbent having been the main factor in successfully terminating the war of the rebellion, his fame and acknowledged worth fill not only tlie hearts of his countrymen with grateful emotions, but also the entire civilized world, for he has accomplished that which heretofore had been deemed an impossibility, hence he was almost unani- mously elected to the highest office in the gift of the people. Meanwhile General Duke Steele, having been an effi- cient leader in the Confederate service, now that the strife was ended, generously gave adherence to the Federal Government. The president's attention directed to this fact, he fully recognized the general's worth and ability, and upon the earnest solicitation of fi'iends, nom- nominated him for an exhalted position: nona other than that of minister to a foreign court. Bessie Perkins, still residing with her aunt in the city of New York, has deeply mourned and grieved for the loss of father and lover, though it might be difficult to tell for which of the two she grieved the most. While the recipient of fortune's favors in the form of numberless gallant lovers, accomiianied by offers of marriage, slie 880 GENERAL DUKE STEELE AS FOREIGN MINISTER. still remained true to her old love, as she scarcely for a moment doubted his return, though the hoped for, longed for, prayed for event was being long delayed. In fact Bessie had good ground for her hope. She had been able to trace Nelly's home through Herman's descriptions, and had written to her for information of her lover. In answer, she had learned the supposed fate of her father and his companions as communicated to 'Nelly by Carrie Foster. One morning Bessie awaiting the summons to break- fast, the Daily Journal was thrown into the hall. Pick- ing it up and hastily glancing along the well filled col- umns, her eye chanced to light on the following para- graph : " We are pleased to make mention of the fact that General Duke Steele, late of the Confederate army, has been appointed by the president minister to one of the South American States. Taking but a moment to digest the above fact, Bessie bounding from her seat hastened to her aunt's presence, her step light, eyes sparkling, every lineament of her winsome face aglow with pleasing emotions, exclaiming in joyous tones: "Oh auntie, see here, General Duke Steele, late an officer of the Confederate army, as this article states, has been appointed by President Grant to a foreign mission, whatever that may mean, away oft' some- where in South America. Auntie, I'm just dying to go and will, so there. I'm sure I'll find papa and Herman." " Why, you silly child," remonstrated her aunt, " the ship in which General Steele sails will not go within a thousand miles of the island in question." " Oh fie, auntie, I did not think it possible for you to tell a fib, yet you've convicted yourself of that enor- mity in the. two words 'child' and 'silly,' for as you must know I'm twenty-three, if a day, and as to being silly, why I am directly the opposite, which means wise, don't it, auntie ? " GENERAL DUKE STEELE A3 FOREIGN MINISTER. 381 " Wise as a serpent, as the good book sajs, though this couldn't have referred to the one that beguiled our mother Eve, for he was forever getting some one into a scrape. But I don't care for that, as something, may be the spirits, whisper in my ear ' Bessie you'll be success- ful, go ahead,' and that's just what I'll do ; nothing more or less, than write this very day begging the general to tell me from what port he sails, when the important event takes place, and if I may go with him." Relieving herself somewhat from the weighty matter, Bessie sat down to her breakfast, eating but little, how- ever, as her overjoyed feelings seemed to have quite taken away her appetite. Soon thereafter rising from the table, she hastened to her room, gathering together writing material, and penned one of her characteristic epistles. The general, arriving at his home from the little vil- lage of Oxford, hurried to the hall of his residence where he found Nelly awaiting him. "Nelly dear," he said, "here's a letter I've just received from New York. Read it and tell me what you think of it," which Nelly immediately did. " Oh, Duke, won't that be glorious ! " exclaimed the enthusiastic Nelly, upon finishing the letter. " Bessie is a lovely girl, I know by the way she writes, and then, too, she loves my dear brother. That will be jolly. Yes, let her go with us." " Why, of course," answered Duke, " only I'm afraid." " Afraid of what? " quoth Nelly. " Why you know, you foolish girl, you might get. that is to say, jealous." " Fiddlesticks ! Jealous ! Why, I've a good mind, as Mammy Cloe used to say to Eph, ' to pull yo years.' Here's pen, ink and paper. So sit right down and answer Bessie's letter — or stay, shall I ? " " Yes," replied Duke, " that will be the better way, probably save trouble in the long run." " Doubtless," said Nelly, a trifle sarcastic, " but you best go about your business while I collect my thoughts, 382 PREPARING FOR THE VOYAGE. as you great men say. There! That will do. No more kisses just now. I've more important business on hand," continued Nelly, then taking a seat at the desk, she wrote a favorable answer to Bessie's letter. 44 CHAPTER LVI. PREPARING FOR THE VOYAGE. A UNTZ, this is just too lovely for anything I exclaimed the everjoyed Bessie, who having received and read Nelly's answer, handed it to her aunt, with the remark: " I must pitch in and get ready. Let's see. This is the 12th. The Good Hope sails on the 16th. Just four days in which to prepare for a journey, lasting for aught I know, a half year. Hip, hip, hurrah ! Auntie, I'm off','' broke from the lips of the high spirited young lady in no constrained tones, as she danced about the room in great glee until nearly exhausted in the effort to work off an extra exuberance of spirits. Then gradually calming down, she pitched in with such unwonted zeal that the evening of the 15th found her trunks packed, and still more to the purpose, well strapped, in readiness for the morrow's departure. On the following morning, shortly after breakfast, a neat little feminine note was handed her by a messenger bo}'-, dispatched from the Fifth Avenue Hotel, which read : " Bessie, here we are. Just arrived. Run over. "Nelly." And run over she did, in such haste, that very soon she found herself clasped in the loving embrace of her prospective sister-in-law. The ladies now meeting for the first time, it is need- less to say, were mutually attracted, from which fact they fell as deeply in love as it is ever possible for those PREPARING FOR THE VOYAGE. 383 of the like sex to do, causing Nelly to say to lier lius- band — Bessie meantime returning to her home with the injunction to be in readiness, as a carriage would call for her at an early hour of the afternoon — " I don't blame brother Herman one bit for falling in love with the dear girl, for I don't see how he could have helped it." Precisely at the moment the hand of the clock pointed to the hour of four, a hack approached the residence of Bessie's aunt. After a tearful farewell, the tears mostly on the part of the aunt, for Bessie was in too high spirits to show signs of deep grief, she ere long found herself ascending to the deck of the ship destined to bear her to unknown seas and foreign climes ; the honor- able minister of foreign affairs, with Nelly by his side, in waiting to give the maiden a hearty welcome. The ship's bell clanged in solemn warning for those who do not sail to step on shore while those of the passengers who yet linger, bidding friends and relatives a last I'are- well, are admonished to hasten on board. Anon the broad bladed wheel at the stern set in motion, turning to the measured strokes of the engines' piston, gradually increases in speed. The great ship propelled thereby causes high rolling waves, which washing alongside, pro- claim in unmistakable terms that they are off and away. Thirty days had now passed, the vessel meantime making rapid progress, when the captain reported that the island v/here it was supposed the long lost men would be found, was distant not more than twenty-four hours' sail, " Yet in order to reach its shores I will be compelled,'' said he, " to head the ship in a direction some hundred or more miles from the. direct course," to which, however, he most generously consented, notwithstanding the many indignant protests of passengers who were naturally anxious to arrive at their destination in the shortest possible space of time. The island at length reached, the captain, accompan- ied by the minister, together with his wife and Bessie, were speedily landed, when to their grief and unbounded astonishment, it was found to be wholly deserted, while 884 PREPARING rOR THE VOYAGE. the log cabin and out buildings still remained intact as well as a multitude of traces of its former occu- pants being discovered. It may be of interest iu this connection to state that shortly before setting out on the voyage, Herman had taken the precaution to trace, by the aid of a piece of charcoal, on the flat shining sur- face of the well-worn dining table, the cause of their ab- sence, as also the attending circumstances. Thus should any unforeseen emergency arise whereby their return might be delayed, possibly prolonged for all time to come, a record would be left showing to their friends or others who by chance were led that way the sad fate of the once happy islanders. Tliis record, when discovered, was found dated August 10th, 1865, more than three years previous to the arrival of the steamship Oood Bope, and her now nearly desperate passengers. From appearances it was plainly discernible that no human being, civilized or savage, had set foot on those shores during that whole period. The notice so roughly sketched stated the course they were to sail, so the general proposed putting the steamer on the same route for the space of a day or so, thinking meantime some- thing might turn up leading to the whereabouts of their missing friends. " Possibly," as he suggested, " they may have been cast on some more distant shore." The kind hearted captain, nothing loth to serve his distin- guished passenger and friend, readily agreed, so the vessel was again put on her course, heading to the north-west. It had without question been a sore trial to both Nelly and Bessie to find their brother and father so long absent from their delightful homes, and they feared some calamity must have befallen them, else they would most certainly have returned. The two girls roamed about the cabin and the little farm, tlie latter evidencing lack of care. The fields and garden were trampled and torn by wild beasts ; the pal- ings broken, often wholly destroyed, scarcely a vestige remaining of the heretofore luxuriously growing crops and flowering tropical plants once so carefully tended. PREPARING FOR THE VOYAGE. 885 The little mill was also setn, though in a singularly dilapidated condition, and it grieved their poor hearts more than words could tell when looking upon these evidences of former prosperity, accomplished by so much labor and forethought, to find naught but ruin and de- parted grandeur. Still, as nothing could be done nor gained by further stay, they at length reluctantly de- parted, sorrowing, yet hopeful, again setting out in further quest of the lost ones. The passengers on board the Good Hope numbered not less than thirty souls, including women and children, nearly all of whom were becoming weary, more partic- ularly the little ones, as the journey had been of long duration, consequently tiresome and not a little trying, especially since entering the tropics, where the excessive heat at times was almost unbearable. So it can scarcely be a matter of wonder they should be desirous of reach- ing their homes, many of them residing at Rio de Janeiro, the first port to be touched. Yet, alas, that city was never to witness the arrival of any one of the number ; instead, the tumultuous sea was to be their winding sheet ; the raging wind and tempest their greeting ; the loud voiced thunder their requiem. The Oood Hope had been standing on her course for several hours, close watch being kept meantime, in hope of descrying some island shore. Our friends were gathered on deck in the shadow of the main sail, this warding off the fierce sun's rays, when suddenly Captain Straenborn called General Steele's attention to a black cloud lifting above the horizon, while at the same time the barometer was falling. Calling to his first mate, he said : " Mr. Jemison, order sail taken in at once, for we are on the verge of a storm, and if I'm not mistaken, a severe one," Ere a half hour had expired, the hitherto clear sky became overcast with heavy darkening clouds, the winds rose, sweeping over the sea in intermittent blasts, now and then dying away in mournful dirges to a 24 886 PREPARING FOR THE VOYAGE. dead calm, when suddenly came from out the heavens a vivid flash of lightning, succeeded on the instant by a crash of thunder, shaking tlie stout vessel from stem to stern, splinters flying in all directions. The foremast had been struck by the thunder-bolt and riven into fragments, the top and main-sail dropping to the deck. The captain now ordered all below, as a number of the awe-stricken passengers still remained on deck, silent spectators of the scene, several prostrated by the- con- cussion. When all were safely housed the hatches were tightly fastened down in readiness for the rain which would doubtless ere long pour upon them and which soon made its appearance in torrents, the deck becoming so densely flooded that several of the crew were nearly drowned. Now the waves lifted their white crested heads and rushing over the vessel in such masses it was feared she must inevitably be engulfed in the boiling sea. The ship's company gathered in the main cabin, powerless to avert the calamity, which seemed destined to overtake them, silently awaited their doom. Mean- while the tempest continued to increase in violence, the winds howling in defiance of any earthly power brought to bear against them. Swiftly driven from her course, the vessel at length failed to respond to the utmost efforts of the helmsman and the furnace fires were almost extinguished by the incoming floods, the Oood Hope pressing onward at the mercy of the raging elements. In this manner were passed three long hours, the captain in momentar}^ ex- pectation of his vessel's being completely swallowed up in the trough of the mighty billows, often times on the point of overweighting her decks to such a degree that nothing could prevent her from sinking. It was now estimated that the ship had been driven from her course many hundreds of miles, and while in the act of explaining this circumstance to General Steele there came to the ears of the captain the startling sound of breakers, followed by the crashing of timbers and the sudden halt of the vessel. PREPARING FOR THE VOYAGE. 887 The smoke stack crashed to the deck, the unextin- guished fires flew from the mouths of the furnace. The ship was not only a wreck, but infinitely worse, on fire. " Mr. Jemison, lower away the boats," came in sten- torian tones from the captain, who stood in the midst of the passengers, many of whom were nearly wild with fright upon witnessing the appalling scenes. The cap- tain now raised the hatchway, thus giying those below free access to the outer air, of which they stood so much in need. "Let all prepare to take the boats, for I will not conceal from you the fact that as long as we remain on the wreck our danger is imminent," again shouted the captain. The boats were hastily lowered and as quickly filled, nearly all of the terrified people embarking, both pas- sengers and crew clinging to the frail craft as their only hope of salvation. The order to shove oft' was now given, yet the first boat to obey had scarcely moved a length away when it was capsized, its people cast into the surging sea, their terrified cries and heart-rending shrieks rising from out its depths. The second to shove off got well under way, yet in a few moments was lost sight of in the darkness, and now when the third and last was about to receive its precious living freight, the captain suddenly shouted : " Hold as you are ! " There yet remained the captain, Uriah Straenborn ; first mate, Peter Jemison ; foreign minister, General Steele, his wife Nelly, Bessie Perkins, and last, but not least, the colored youth Eph, who had accom pained Massa Geneial on the perilous expedition, partly from a love of adventure, but mainly because he would not, as he vowed, leave the one to whom he was so strongly attached. " Wha fo yo leab Eph behind? Yo hab nobody to brack yo boots. No, Massa Captin, Eph goes wid yo." This settled the question, so we now find poor Eph about as thoroughly frightened a darky as the most inveterate foe of the colored race might wish to see. 388 PREPARING FOR THE VOYAGE. Captain Stiaenboni now explained to the general the cause of his recalling the boat, urging that he believed the occupants of the craft just left had perished through being overturned by sunken reefs and rocks surrounding them on all sides. " Such being the case," he continued, " 'twould be sheer madness for us to run the same risks, therefore I propose we take the chances of remaining as we are for the present at least." So under his direction all went to work with a will in the endeavor to extinguish the flames, which as yet having made but little headway, were soon brought under control. The sea still ran high, breaking over the bulwarks of the doomed vessel, now and then one of larger proportions making sad havoc with the more vulnerable parts of the wTeck, thus confirming the cap- tain's opinion, that the ship's days, possibly hours, were numbered, while it was the general impression that she was liable to go to pieces at any moment. A long and anxious period of suspense intervened, accompanied by serious thought and painful forebodings, until at length the light of breaking day appeared, shortly after which the sun rose in a clear sky. The waves beat less furiously against the sides of the crushed hull of the once proud steamship Good Eope^ stranded on the identical rocks that witnessed, more than two hundred years before, the destruction of the Colonial ship Starlight. " General, what is that I see away over to the west? " spoke Captain Straenborn, who for some little time had been thoughtfully scanning the horizon. General Steele, after casting his eye in the direction indicated, meanwhile prolonging his gaze for some moments, suddenly broke out with the single exclama- tion: " It's land." The sun was now well risen, gradually mounting higlier in the heavens, the atmospliere crisp and bracing; thus hope began to assert its sway in every heart. The captain now proceeded to examine the wreck in PREPARING FOR THE VOYAGE. 389 its every part, finally declariBg tlie vessel could in any event bold together but little longer. "Yet," be con- tinued, " sbould tbe wind continue to grow less and the waves still, I am in hopes we may meanwhile be able to devise some plan wliereby to reach yon distant shore." " But what are we to do ? " suggested the general, while endeavoring to maintain a foothold on the upheaved deck, Nelly and Bessie standing near, both of whom had shown admirable courage during the trying scene of the past night. Before replying to the general's question Captain Straenborn again went below, with the intent of making a more thorough examination, soon appearing with good news. " While the hold is badly shattered and broken in nearly every part, yet," said he, " I have concluded that from being cast so high above the water, tbe waves consequently dashing with less power against her sides, she may hold out for an hour, possibly longer. Yet I cannot deny that we are in great danger, nor hold out much hope of deliverance from our perilous situation." "But," quoth the general, "we still have our boat, let us take to that," " Aye, aye," replied tbe captain, " while it is quite true we have, as you say, still one boat, yet of what avail, for do you not see, we are surrounded, and that farther than the eye can reach, by reefs and rocks in the midst of which no craft of whatever kind would live ^n instant!" The heretofore hazy atmosphere had now cleared, the morning fogs totally disappearing, when looking away to the now plainly discerned shores of the not distant island, a strange sight appeared, one that brought renewed hope to each heart, aye, a sight to gladden eyes that otherwise must ere long have been closed in everlasting sleep, A long, narrow, raft-like craft was seen putting off, from which rose, floating upward in the still atmosphere, a dense cloud of steam, while from the top of a tall mast waved the stars and stripes, causing an exclama- 390 PREPARING FOR THE VOYAGE. tion of surprise, mingled with the most intense joy, to spring from every heart. " What under the sun ! " broke from the general. " A craft propelled by steam, sailing under the stars and stripes, tlie flag of the Union, and this, too, away off in these remote seas and barbarous lands 1 " " Why, General, I am not only surprised, but simply astounded ! " ejaculated Captain Straenborn. " Yet see, they head this way !" Aye, the captain was right, for head in their direction they did, coming on with fair headway on the heaving billows, pufis of steam rising at regular intervals, indi- cating the pulsation of the piston-rod of a steam engine. An hour now passed, meanwhile the craft continuing to approach, until at length arriving within hailing distance, a voice broke forth in cheery tones : "Ship ahoy! What craft is that, or rather, I should say, wreck." This question was replied to by the captain : " The United States Government Steamer Oood Hope^ stranded as you see," he answered. " All right ! Be of good cheer, we will soon take you off, as you will see." The singular looking craft now came alongside, puff- ing and blowing, as though desirous of giving vent to its pent up energies now for the first time put forth to extricate the ill-starred castaways- from a watery grave. A stout cable was passed from the wreck, which was quickly secured by the steam craft, followed by the climbing up the sides of the shattered hull of a young, bronzed, bearded man and another of middle age, by whose side appeared a pleasant ebony face, from whose wide mouth broke in eager tones : " Fo de Lawd, Massa Captain, we is jess in time." Yes, our good old friend Caesar spoke but the truth, for ere a little time should elapse, naught would be seen of the Oood Hope save a few broken timbers, shattered masts and bulwarks. The erstwhile gallant General Duke Steele, now the PREPARING FOR THE VOYAGE. 891 duly accredited minister of foreign affairs, had arrived at an wholly unlooked for destination. As a nation's diplomat his career had ingloriously terminated ; as a future benefactor to his race and friends, it was about to commence. Herman Baxter, heretofore an alleged, nevertheless convicted criminal, we now introduce as the principal personage, central figure and governmental head of a populous island community. 'Not only this, but has most unexpectedly, (shall we say providentially ?) met his first and only true love, Bessie Perkins ; Nelly, a long lost brother; the captain, an only and well beloved daughter. Aye, a daughter one might well say among a thousand, as what other would have possessed the forti- tude, the bravery and the noble self-sacrificing spirit, required to set out on a voyage attended by so much discomfort, fraught with so many perils, in an effort looking to the rescue of the two most valued beings on earth, a father and lover ? "A silly child," her aunt had said! Anyhow, be this as it may, she has fulfilled her mission ; realized her dreams and accomplished her object, though one might say, in an indirect manner. This, however, she cares little about, as clasping a hand of each in tender joyous solicitude and warm hearted greeting, she can scarcely repress her emotions. Yet we must for the present pass by the singular meeting of these long separated friends, simply remaiking it was not only a strangely impressive, but most happy scene. " God be praised I " piously ejaculated Herman at the conclusion of the necessarily limited, though happy greetings. Are these mysterious events never to have an ending? Really I am almost inclined to the belief in miracles whatever scientists may avow to the con- trary. Yet," he continued, " we must leave congratu- lations and mutual explanations for the present, and hurry from this wreck, as from what I can judge by appearances, it will hold together but little longer." The ladies were immediately placed on board the unique craft, followed by the remainder of the party, the 392 CIVIL WAR INAUGURATED. engine started, and they were off to encounter scenes both new and strange ; their future world one little anticipated when setting out on the eventful journey. Well it was that their departure from the stranded vessel was not delayed, for ere half the distance Avas traversed, the wreck was seen to break up and disappear, swallowed up in the deep waters of the sea. " A most timely rescue from an awful death," coolly remarked the captain. All the skill at command was required to bring the heavily weighted craft to its destination ; but under the management and skillful guidance of the pilot, assisted by his brave crew, they were soon safely landed, an event scarcely consummated, when from the fortress on the heights above thundered forth a joyous welcome, responded to by the enthusiastic cheers of the happy ones below, while from the topmost pinnacle waved the stars and stripes, with this difference, that whereas on the one displayed to the gaze of the captain, Herman and Caesar three years previous, there were only thirteen stars, there were on the present banner thirty- eight. Aye, there before their very eyes floated the sacred emblem of their country's glory, the flag of the Union. As a fitting prelude to the entrance of the little shipwrecked band to the town, an escort of thirty men, under arms, was observed drawn up in stately array on either side of the open gateway of the fortress, whose walls towered high in the air, betoken- ing both strength and safety. CHAPTER LYII. CIVIL WAR INAUGURATED. AT a previous leavetaking, our island community were in active preparations for war. The gov- ernor had called upon his adherents to sustain him in a proposed conflict, with, or rather against progress. CIVIL WAR INAUGURATED. 393 as exemplified in the person of the schoohuaster, Herman Baxter, the latter upheld and about to be sustained in his teachings by Gamahil, the scribe, who, as the recognized leader of the opposition, numbering nearly two-thirds of the whole people, had placed himself at their head, thus throwing down the gauntlet in defiance of the government. As some portion of the soldiery manifested a disposition to fraternize with the followers of Gamahil, the governor became at length forced to the conclusion that he was conlronted by a foe not to be despised, so it would seem that in the event of actual conflict, his destiny pointed to defeat. Look in whatever direction he would, the conclusion was strengthened from the fact that on the first attempt at coercion, notably the act of seizing the school-teacher, the government troops were not only outnumbered, but actually beaten. At this juncture it was deemed the wiser course on the part of the govern- ment to prolong the contest if possible, as at this time they were actively engaged in preparing munitions of war, by way of casting cannon, balls and shot, also manu- facturing gunpowder, all of which the opposition was debarred from, unless they should be able to gain possession of the foundry, now in the hands of the government officers. The far seeing scribe was inclined, as in the case of a far more noted general, to " push things," and this he soon did with much vigor. The government meantime clearly discerning the outcome should they fall to blows, prepared articles for negotia- tion looking to conditional surrender. But Gamahil, being too powerful to listen to argument, so insisted upon making it unconditional, that the government was at length constrained to submit. The popular feeling now rose high in favor of the strangers, the majority, more especially the younger class, favoring a change in the government tending to the progress and enlightenment of the community. So it came to pass that a general election was held, resulting in placing on the throne no less a personage than our 894 CIVIL WAR INAUGURATED. old friend Baxter, the schoolmaster. Thus was confer- red upon the young enthusiast the highest office within the gift of the people, the aged incumbent retiring to pri- vate life, yet it would be hardly safe to say without regret. Thus was settled for all time to come, the question of heredity as to the governorship, also one of far greater moment, tliat of enlightenment and progress. One of the first steps taken by Governor Baxter, was that of choosing a council more in harmony with the general policy of the new administration. Other and presumably better laws were enacted, at all events better adapted to the present wants of the community, so that now under the leadership of an educated, progressive spirit, the affairs of the colony were not only funda- mentally changed, but in a fair way of assuming a more elevated character. A more thorough and comprehensive system of for- tifications, tending to a better defence of the colony, was inaugurated, yet scarcely completed, when a most sud- den, though not wholly unlooked for event occurred, threatening its very existence, and which, but for the wise forethought and prompt movements of the ener- getic governor, would have terminated the colony's ca reer, no other than a raid by the savage foe with an im- mense and powerful force. Three years have passed in quick succession since the attack of the savages, the close of the third year wit- nessing the arrival of the survivors of the wrecked steamship Good Hope. The affairs of the colony have greatly prospered under the regime of the newly elected governor, whose trained intellect has been brought to bear on the affairs of the government, tending to the improvement and general weal of the community. The hitherto turbulent fac- tions were harmonized and thorovTghly united, while " peace and good-will to men" reigned sui)reme. Mean- while the governor, in co-operation with the noted inventor, has successfully mastered the steam engine; resulting in the propulsion of railway cars, mills, found- CIVIL WAR INAUGURATED. 395 eries; in short, in whatever direction motive power is required. Steam has usurped the place formerly occu- pied by the wind. Telegraphic communication with the outlying districts has, after repeated efforts, resulted in success, while steam navigation in the form of rafts so constructed as to float lightly over the rooky seas, is taken in hand, though it is the general opinion that it is wholly impracticable to attempt to navigate any great distance from shore, giving rise to the unpleasant thought that the prospect of ever leaving the rock-begirt island is exceedingly slim. Upon the advent of our friends of the Good Hope^ Ca33ar was overjoyed to meet Bph, as one of his own race and color. Caesar had become a prime favorite among all classes and ages, and Eph would doubtless in good time become no less so, for he was equally good natured, with a disposition to please those with whom he came in contact. One can scarcely realize, much less estimate, the ex- tent of rejoicing occasioned by the reunion of these long separated friends, a true union of hearts, destined at no distant day to be followed by a union of hands in the case of two at least. In an interview held with his time honored friend and classmate, Duke Steele, shortly after his arrival, the governor learned the sources from whence originated all his past troubles. He told him of the complic- ity of the Confederate agents, Ephraim Stroud and Cyrus Jones, the concoctors of the diabolical plot to rid themselves of the presence of both Herman Baxter and Duke Steele, then secure Nelly and through her the estate of her father ; the flight of Duke, his entrance into the employ of the Confederate government, his subsequent army career and rapid promotion ; the pros- ecution of the war for four long years ; the emanci- pation of the slaves; Duke's capture and confinement by the guerillas ; the triumph of tlie Union cause ; his marriage to Nelly ; appointment to the foreign mission ; correspondence with Bessie Perkins ; voyage of the 396 CIVIL WAR INAUGURATED. Good Hope with attending incidents, and lastly the wreck of the noble ship, all but the latter portion of the narrative being news of so astounding a nature the gov- ernor could hardly give it credence. In return, Herman related his own adventures, which it is needless to say, were of a no less startling nature. In conclusion the two friends agreed that few persons had ever been so buffeted and knocked about the world as they. "However," as the general said, "all's well that ends well. I am afraid though," he continued, " that President Grant will find himself under the painful necessity of sending out a second minister of foreign affairs, as my mission evidently lies in another direction, and possibly Bessie was right when questioning whether the duties devolving upon me were those of minister or missionary, the latter vocation doubtless fitting my pres- ent position, anyliow in regard to our neighbors, the dark skinned heathen, better than the former." The nuptials of the governor and Bessie were in due time celebrated, the captain giving his daughter away to his esteemed friend, in true sailor fashion. So we now find the governor and Bessie, the foreign minister and Nelly, under one roof, residing at the official mansion, heretofore "ye tabernacle," happy in the enjoyment of agreeable companionship. The captain meanwhile was not for- gotten, an elegant apartment having been set apart for his. execlusive use, where he generally found consola- tion in his pipe. Caesar was general factotum and man of business for the governor, while Eph performed like services for " Massa General." The island presented at this time a most charming appearance, a considerable portion highly cultivated, under the most approved system of latter day agricul- ture, while the school flourished to an uncommon degree. A large and better appointed church edifice had been erected, its lofty spire pointing heavenward, while the social system of former days was still largely in vogue, as argued the governor, " It is neither imperative nor at all times wise to change old things to new." CIVIL WAR INAUGURATED. 397 An improved waterworks system was also under way, the object not only to afford a better quality than at present attainable, but also as the town was acquiring such large proportions, an increased supply. Thus in the event of a conflagration, they would be the better prepared to meet the exigency, to which end an arte- sian well had been sunk near to the centre of the public square, proving as was commonly believed, adequate for all future needs. The construction of a fire engine was also under con- templation ; an improvement estimated by the governor of such vital importance that Sparks, the inventor, was urged to set about the work at the earliest possible moment. A fire brigade, already organized, Captain Perkins at its head, were holding frequent meetings for the purpose of acquiring a practical knowledge of the methods in vogue as to the working of a machine of the above char- acter. One other, and possibly a more serious change of affairs, affecting the welfare of the colony, at this time under consideration by the governor, was that of organ- izing a new town. At a somewhat extended consulta- tion held with the council, the governor had broached the subject, plainly stating his reason for this innovation on their former custom in relation to the matter in ques- tion. Basing his argument on the fact that the culti- vated area of land was becoming of such extent, the popu- lation at the same time increasing so rapidly, thus neces- sitating more time than seemed advisable in traveling back and forth, to say nothing of transporting the prod- ucts of the soil to so great a distance, he said he believed it for the good of the whole community that a change in this direction should not only be favorably considered, but taken in hand with the least possible delay. Upon listening to the suggestions of the governor, the council unanimously fell in with the project, when soon after a site was selected, lying on the main line of railway CIVIL WAR INAUGURATED. and some ten miles distant from the present town, and work commenced in laying it out. As a preliminary step, however, it was deemed advis- able that a governing head be selected for the new town, and as General Steele seemed the prime favorite, that gentleman was honored by being chosen for the position. lie replied that having served for nearly four years in the Confederate army, which taken in connection with the arduous labors pertaining to the office of foreign minister, had quite worn him out. He begged therefore to be excused, preferring an unostentatious life, free from the cares and vexations incident to the charge of public affairs. "Pardon me," replied the governor, "surely I had quite forgotten the immense obligation your country has laid itself under in consideration of the masterly tact displayed and services rendered by you in so skill- fully carrying out its instructions by arranging those affairs in dispute for so long a time existing between your own governmeut and the foreign court to which you were accredited." " Aye, my dear General, we must of a verity excuse you and look elsewhere for a fit representative where- with to fill the exalted station your eminent abilities so well qualify you to sustain." So casting about, the governor's attention was at length directed to, and his mind settled on his old friend the captain, who avowed he was not only willing to, but did gracefully accept the coveted post of honor, even though devoid of emoluments. His wife Sarah, the scribe's daughter, to whom he had been married a short time previous, comforted her- self by the reflection, that while she could not be the " First lady of the land, " as the governor's wife, she would do the next best thing, officiate in the capacity of second. Now that his daughter Bessie was with him, Captain Perkins seemed more happy and contented than ever in the seclusion and agreeable surroundings of his island THE FUTURE WELFARE OF THE COLONY. 899 home, yet not to such a degree as to be unwilling to accept the nearer and dearer companionship of one of the opposite sex. So be had some time previous taken to wife Sarah, the scribe's daughter, who in the after- time proved not only a good help-mate, but a wise coun- sellor and judicious housekeeper, though much younger than her husband. The time set for the return of the Oood Hope had long since expired, and as nothing had been heard of the vessel or the whereabouts of the foreign minister, it was currently believed that the vessel had experi- enced some overwhelming disaster and the minister had miserably perished, so it became incumbent upon the president to appoint a successor, which was accordingly done, attended by happier results, as the diplomat reached his destination in safety. CHAPTEK LYIII. THE FUTURE WELFARE OF THE COLONY. fl'^^HE course of thrilling adventures and stirring I events heretofore recorded bring us to the year 1870, the governorship of the colony still remaining in the hands of Herman Baxter, though by an ordinance previously passed, the system of heredity has become obsolete, yet in the main the old colonial laws still remained in force. The founding of the new town has proven a wise and thoughtful measure, as under the control and guidance of Captain Perkins, assisted by his energetic wife, the captain's pipe taking up a goodly portion of his time, it has flourished uncommonly well. New lands have been added and brought under cultivation and several houses erected, the town now boasting of more than two hundred inhabitants. At the time of General Steele's appointment, entail- 400 THE FUTURE WELFARE OF THE COLONY. ing departure from his native land, the president's term of office was half expired, and in the event of the oppo- sition gaining the ascendency, which was not improb- able, the general would doubtless be recalled. So when accepting an appointment to the high position he had felt less concern about leaving in other hands the man- agement of the large estate inherited by his wife. Yet little did either dream when setting out on the ill starred voyage that he was not to fill the office of minister to a foreign court nor return to his home on the Rappahan- nock. One day the general, in company with the governor, was sitting in the cozy private office of the latter en- gaged in conversation mainly regarding the affairs of the community. The general, who for some little time had remained silent, evidently in serious contemplation of some matter of more than usual importance, suddenly broke the silence, saying : " Governor, do you never long for a sight of your old Virginia home; a home made sacred by the saintly hfe of your mother and a father whose memory, enshrined in the liearts of all, can never be forgotten ? You are of course aware that the plantation and all connected with the estate was left by the will of your father to be divided equally between yourself and. Nelly, and now that the institution of slavery is a thing of the past ; the South re-constructed on the basis of liberty and equal rights, I will not say fraternity, regardless of race or color ; I am of the opinion that landed property must become greatly enhanced in value, and this I may say was also the settled conviction of your father, who, while he was a slave holder, was ever a bitter opponent of its prin- ciple. " Again, there will doubtless set in a large emigration from the North, encouraged in part by the warmer climate, measurably from friendly affiliation with the Southern people, engendered by closer acquaintanceship during the many years of the war ; a people whom all have been forced to admit and recognize, regardless of THE FUTURE WELFARE OF THE COLONY. 401 political bias, as generous and warm hearted. Thus the Union, re-united, I believe will take on an unwonted degree of prosperity, marked by unanimity of purpose and good feeling ; and, as for myself, I must own that I feel like taking a hand in the up-building of the now prosperous nation. What say you, Governor '/ " The governor, who had remained a passive though attentive listener to the very sensible remarks of his old friend, being thus appealed to, replied in substance as follows : " Well, General, to be candid with you, at the same time fully appreciating what you have said, I have to a certain extent, I might say wholly, during the past six years of my life, made a ' virtue of necessity.' I couldn't do otherwise, in fact, for if I havn't been a creature of circumstances, what under the sun have I been ? Placed in situations of the most urgent peril, I could but fall in with the current leading me whereso- ever it would. I was, as one might say, helpless to change its course or stem the tide at times nearly over- whelming me, and even now, I see no way of bettering our condition, if changing it were possible, or even advisable, which I question. As you well know, General, I was by force of circumstances impelled to these shores, where situated in the midst of plenty, my life has thus far been happy. Why then should I long for more ? Yet I am free to confess, I do often times indulge in the hope of again looking on the old plantation home, notwithstanding so many of its dearest ties are broken never to be again united. Yet I am fain to believe my regrets are less for the loss of home than of country ; but, my friend, how immeasurably better off are we here than perchance we might be there? Furthermore, I have thought, studied, aye, dreamed, again and again, of the possibility of navigating these rock begirt seas without coming to any satisfactory conclusion, certainly no result. So I have about ceased giving further thought to the matter." ■ " But, Governor, I am convinced I see a way out 2o 402 THE FUTUKK WELFARE OF THE COLONY. of the difficulty. Have you never, in all your cogi- tations, had the idea occur to your mind of balloon- ing?" " Well," replied the governor, " as to that, I can't say that I've given the subject much thought. Yet I can- not well deny it has occurred to me ; still the project has seemed so chimerical, that I've believed it scarcely worthy of consideration." " On the contrary," interposed the general, " I believe it entirely feasible, so mucli so in fact that I can hardly conceive why it should not have been thought of long before this. " Why, do you know, Governor, that during the late civil war in America, the balloon was extensively used by the Federals, and I very well remember that shortly after the battle of Antietam, when we were camped in the rear of Shepardstown on the Virginia shore of the Potomac, scarcely a day passed that a balloon was not seen high in air." "A capital target I'll warrant," suggested the gov- ernor. "Well as to that," continued the general, "our boys often tried a shot, but the distance and elevation were both too great, so I don't think one ever took effect. However, to come to the point, a great many aerial voy- ages have been attempted in various portions of the world, usually attended with c6m})lete success ; thou- sands of leagues traversed, extensive additions to science made thereby. Now, Governor, I believe we can do the same, and why not? We have looms for weaving the cloth, means for generating hydrogen gas, hemp for cordage, and what is more, lots of grit. Furthermore, everything heretofore attempted has been achieved. I say, let's try the scheme. " All right," answered his friend, " I see no harm in trying, as should failure follow, there will be little lost. So I'll confer with Sparks — yet stay, you had better attend to the affair, being more familiar with its work- ings." THE FUTURE WELFARE OF THE COLONY. 403 Taking time by tlie forelock and the governor at his word, the general took occasion to visit Sparks, whom he found as usual busy with some new invention. Breaking in upon him quite abruptly, scarcely waiting to knock at the door or to be told to come in, the general at once broached the subject, greatly to the astonishment of his hearer, who was loth to believe the air could be navigated. However, upon the plan being laid before him, accompained by the assurance that the question of ballooning was no longer an experiment but an actual fact, he agreed to do his best by following out the general's suggestions. So the work was at once taken in hand. It may be of interest in this connection to state that some three years previous, a plant bearing a striking resemblance to cotton had been discovered in a wild uncultivated portion of the island, which by successful propagation had developed an excellent substitute, if not the real -article itself. Upon this fact becoming a surety, steps were taken to utilize the plant in the way of goods more suitable and better adapted to the climate than those of woolen here- tofore worn. To which end apparatus was designed for separating the seeds from the fibre, spinning Jennys and looms invented, all of which were now set in motion. The most skilled and rapid seamstresses were set to work sewing the long seams, while others devoted their time to cordage. Saltpetre or nitre abounded in portions of the island. Meantime the skill of the learned gov- ernor being brought to bear, acids were produced there- ■from whicli in combination with iron filings, gas in unlimited supply was generated. Yet the stern fact could not be overlooked that the construction of an aerial machine of the size and quality required in unskilled hands must from necessity involve an undertaking of unwonted magnitude. However by persevering applica- tion, accompanied by many discouragments and puzzlings of the brain, it at length became an accomplished fact. 404 THE FUTURE WELFARE OF THE COLONY. Leaving our island friends for a time, we now return to those in whom we are for the moment the most in- terested, at their distant American homes. The war of the rebellion was ended, the famous Appomatox apple-tree witnessing the surrender of the Confederate forces, the volunteer soldiers had returned to their long neglected families, slavery was abolished, the South reconstructed on the basis of liberty and equality and the wheels of progress again set in motion with several new spokes added. However, the interest of the story now mainly centres in those characters who have remained with us from the beginning, notably Carrie Foster, whose career of use- fulness as a Confederate spy ended on that fateful morn- ing when her lover, Cyril Blanchard, stood on the brink of the grave, but a single step lying between him and eternity. She had retired to her old home at Mont- gomery, where she remained in the enjoyment of a quiet if not especially agreeable life, until the close of the war, when Blanchard returning, they were soon married, ever after, as is presumed, living happily. The widow Steele has long and grievously mourned the loss of her son Duke and daughter Nelly, the dear- est of all on earth to her. Though quite aged, she still survives in the hope of once more meeting them ere death shall have set its seal on ber wrinkled brow. The Baxter estates, having fallen into good and trust- worthy hands, have largely increased in value, the net proceeds therefrom being placed in a local bank for safe keeping against the return of the rightful owners, though it is safe to say it will without doubt be a long time, if ever, ere they appear to lay claim thereto, in which event the State will probably be called upon to admin- ister the afifairs of the large and rapidly augmenting properties. Meantime our old friend, the Richmond lawyer, the Hon. John Richardson, believing it not only for his own welfare but to the interest of the community at large &9 well, has taken to himself a wife, from which fact, it TRIAL OF THE BALLOONS. 405 is commonly expected the future census enumerator's labor will be in no- wise lessened. While sorely grieved to be compelled to give Nelly up to the keeping of General Duke Steele, he was comforted by the thought that she had fallen into good hands. CHAPTER LIX. TRIAL OF THE BALLOONS. WE took leave of our island friends when in active preparation for the trial trip of the great air ship, and as all was now in readiness, the day set for the inflating, as also the hour for ascension, an event naturally drawing together the whole people to witness this truly wondrous affair, the art of sailing in mid air. "For" said they, "as navigating the waters has proved an utter failure, will that of the air prove less so?" Anyhow the attempt was to be made, the outcome de- termined. So at the hour of four, on a bright summer afternoon, not a cloud dimming the azure vault of heaven, nor scarcely a breath of air stirring, the huge globe was in- flated to its full capacity. The governor, accompanied by his friend the general, was to make the preliminary venture, for, as the latter remarked, "having been the prime mover in the scheme, should disaster follow, I am the one to suffer," "And I the one to share it," observed the governor. So bidding a cheerful good-bye to anxious friends and the large crowd of wondering spectators, the two of&cials were soon seated in the light wicker basket swinging underneath. The signal was given to cut loose, when the balloon majestically rose in its upward flight, ascend- ing to a height of several hundred feet, followed by the enthusiastic cheers and wondering exclamations of the onlookers beneath. 406 TRIAL OF THS BALLOONS. Owing to the stillness of the atmosphere, the ascen- sion was nearly perpendicular, the balloon descending after an hour's sailing not more than half a mile away. Upon again reaching the earth, the voyagers meantime having ascended to an altitude whereby objects were brought distinctly to view, not less than a hundred miles distant, reported smoke rising from out the sea, pre- sumably from an ocean steamer, a fact tending to much encouragement, as under favorable conditions a vessel of like character might be intercepted. The aeronauts were naturally overjoyed at the signal success attending this first attempt, more especially the general, who believed he now saw a way out of the difficulties heretofore lying in the path of reaching the banks of the Eappahannock. Still there could be little doubt that the governor's desires were more strongly enlisted in his friend's behalf than his own. However, they were both enthusiastic when describing the aerial adventure, notably the beauties of land and ocean. Brought to view from the height attained were the dis- tant islands, the home of their unscrupulous foe, the cannibal heathen, who on so many occasions had at- tempted their overthrow by force of numbers and savage stratagem. As the working of the aerial machine had proved en- tirely satisfactory on the first trial, it was unanimously resolved a voyage out to sea should be undertaken forth- with. Accordingly a light car was fashioned in form and structure similar to a boat, of strength and capacity equal to sustaining a considerable burden, so that in the event of some sudden or unlooked for casualty, they would be enabled to ride in comparative safety over the waters. There was also to be taken material for gener- ating hydrogen gas on board ship (should success attend their efforts in reaching the deck of a vessel,) thus assuring their return to their island home. Meantime, the governor was entertaining a secret hope of reaching Perkins Island in which event he would set about measures looking to the transporting TRIAL OF THE BALLOONS. 407 thither a number of his people for the purpose of col- onizing those beautiful shores whereon three of the hap- piest years of his life had been spent, the scene also of Caesar's renowned exploits. However of this project he said nothing, not a hint even to his wife Bessie, and were the truth known, he was more fully bent on the carrying out of this scheme than upon a return to America. Arrangements for the contemplated lengthy aerial voyage were new pushed with vigor and not a little en- thusiasm on the part of the general. Nothing that could be thought of was wanting to assure both safety and comfort. To make the structure still more complete, its entire surface was covered with a thin transparent coating of an adhesive gum completely filling the pores of the finely woven cloth, thus avoiding the escape of the lighter air within, while provisions of good quality and sufficient in quantity, together with a generous supply of extra wraps and a powerful telescope, were placed on board. The governor, his attached friend Joshua and General Steele were the aeronauts. A change in that respect however, was at the last minute decided upon, for the governor, who had intended to accompany his friends, in fact had fully decided to do so, was at length prevailed upon to desist from what his wife Bessie termed " a most hazardous if not an un- wise undertaking." The general's wife Nelly also entertained secret mis- givings as to the result, but being made of sterner stuff than her sister-in-law, finally gave reluctant consent to a scheme fraught with so many dangers. Again the inflated balloon swung at its moorings, the neatly constructed car supported by overhanging nettings swinging beneath. The appointed hour had at length arrived, many anxious glances being cast around the sky by both friends and spectators of those about to jeopardize their lives in what was deemed by some a rash venture, more cape- 408 TRIAL OF THE BALLOONS. cially, as during the last half hour threatening clouds were observed rising in the west, and should a tempest follow, or a high, wind even, the situation of the mid air voyagers would become perilous in the extreme. Yet as the general urged, " I have passed through so many trying scenes during my life and come off victorious that to allow myself to become faint hearted and abandon an enterprise on which I have set my heart would be, to say the least, foolish," In the meantime Joshua had climbed up and taken a seat in the car, meantime the general bidding good-bje, and good cheer to his tearful Nelly and other loved friends, was now about to ascend to the side of his com- panion, when on a sudden, a blast of wind struck the balloon tearing it from its fastenings, when with frightful velocity it ascended upward and outward to the sea, and ere the frightened spectators could well realize the per- ilous situation of their unfortunate friend, the great air ship had completely disappeared in the fast gathering gloom and darkness of the approaching storm. Two months later, the Hon. James Carew, standing on a Liverpool dock, became the sole witness of the arrival of a large ocean vessel from foreign parts. He gave the subject, however, no farther thought un- til on the following morning, when in quiet enjoyment of an after- breakfast cigar, he was comfortably seated in the reading-room of his hotel, complacently looking over the files of the daily papers, his eye chanced to rest on the subjoined paragraph. " The staunch ship Northumberland reached her dock yesterday afternoon from an uncommonly long and tempestuous voyage. Immediately upon being notified of her arrival, our naval reporter called on the captain, who related the following most singular occurrence which we give to our readers in his own words. Said he : *" When making fair headway in a certain latitude of the Southern hemisphere, the lookout stationed at the TRIAL OF THE BALLOONS, 409 toast head, descried a strange object floating on the Btarboard tack and at some distance away. The sailor calling me and drawing my attention thereto, I at once ordered the ship ' hove to,' a boat lowered and dispatched toward the object indicated, which reached, proved to be a collapsed balloon, to which was attached a small boat. '"Within the boat was found lying prone on his back, his face upturned to the sky, a human being apparently some thirty years of age. At the first glance I believed life to have fled, but upon close examination he was found still breathing. The stranded balloon, together with its strange occupant, was at once conveyed to the ship and restoratives applied, when the nearly lifeless being partially regained consciousness, though remaining in a thoroughly dazed condition. " ' It would seem probable that from long continued ex- posure and fasting, combined with untold fright conse- quent upon his perilous situation, his senses have com- pletely deserted him, as he is wholly unable to give the least account of himself, in short his condition seemed to be that of a hopeless lunatic. His emaciated appear- ance suggests the idea that he had been imprisoned in the balloon-attached boat, buffeted by wind and wave, for several days, possibly weeks, the victim of starvation, as there are no signs of either food or drink, in which event his sufferings must have been severe and greatly prolonged. *' ' Upon searching his clothing, a most singular docu- ment was revealed, telling about a lost colony whose history extends back for the long period of two hundred years, proof of which, if indeed such were wanting, found in his ancient style of dress, none other than of the Pil- grim Fathers of 1620.' " For lack of space to give a full and detailed account of this people as outlined in the document in question, we will merely state its general features " and thereupon in a few words the entire history of the 410 TRIAL OF THE BALLOONS. lost colony was given from its foundation up to tlie launching of the balloon. Casting the paper to one side and starting to his feet the Hon. James Carew took his departure, proceeding in haste to the dock, where was moored the great ship, preparatory to unloading her cargo of merchandise. Climbing on deck, he was met by the guard who, in reply to the question said : " The captain, sor, has gone ashore. Would ye's be wishin to see him?" Upon receiving a reply in the affirmative, he continued, "But I think, sor, he'll be after returnin almost immediately. Plase, sor, would ye's be after takin a sate, in the cabin? " "Thanks," replied Mr. Carew, "I will do so and await the captain's return. By the way, you have as I un- derstand a young man picked up at sea under rather peculiar circumstances." "Aye, aye, troth an we have, sor. Poor mon,hewos in a deplorable condition when first discovered, as I ought to know, being one of the byes who helped him on board, me and the Bosun, sor," " He is an imbecile, is he not? " inquired Mr. Carew. " Well, sor, whatever that may mane, he don't seem to know mooch, and that's the fact, but sor, perhaps yee's be a friend." " No, I've neither seen the young man nor heard of him before, nevertheless I feel a deep interest in his wel- ,fare, especially since reading about the affair in the morning paper." At the close of the last sentence, the captain of the Northumberland came on deck, to whom Mr. Carew was introduced by the sailor in the words : "This gentleman would loike to spake wid ye, consarning the poor mon picked up at sea, sor." "Aye, aye, sir," responded the captain. " Poor man indeed ! would you like to see him, sir? " Upon Mr. Carew giving the assurance that this was the object which drew him on board, the captain at once led the way to the young man's berth, where he TRIAL OF THE BALLOOJfS. 411 was found lying in a nearly unconscious state, pitying not the least attention to his visitors. His face was pale and haggard, his eye expressionless, his every appearance suggestive of intense physical suffering combined with mental anguish. After several attempts at conversation, hoping there- by to engage the attention of the young stranger, all however, proving futile, the generous minded captain invited his guest to accompany him to the cabin where a bottle of rum, together with a bundle of choice cigars was placed before him, with the hope he would make himself comfortable. Meanwhile the captain volunteered a relation of the several incidents of the voyage as pre- viously detailed in the newspaper article. Upon conclusion of the captain's story, Mr. Carew said : " I would suggest the propriety of having placed at my disposal the manuscript found on the person of Joshua, in whicb event, I will, with the least possible delay, take steps looking to its publication, for the purpose not only of gratifying a very natural desire of the public to learn more of this singular people, but also that the living descendents of friends and relatives of the colonists may thereby become cognizant of their fate, now known only through fireside traditionary tales." The captain of the Northumberland seemed dis- posed to demur at the proposal when first broached. Yet upon reflection, accompanied by the applicant agreeing in good faith to take charge of the demented Joshua, providing for all future needs, not only for his comfort but also looking to his ultimate recovery, assent was finally given, the documentary history turned over to Mr. Carew, who it is needless to say, was quite over- joyed at gaining possession of a narrative of such ines- timable value. At the same time, he could well aftbrd to charge himself with the care and expense, especially the latter, for he was in no wise lacking in means and would cheerfully have advanced a large sum in addition, indeed, did beg the captain to accept remuneration 412 TRIAL OF THE BALLOONS. therefore. But the generous hearted officer refused all compensation, acknowledging however, it to be the most astounding revelation hitherto recorded. Upon conclusion of the negotiation, Mr. Carew at once took steps toward having Joshua conveyed on board an outward bound steamer, securing passage for both him- self and his unfortunate companion. They arrived at New York after a speedy and un- eventful voyage, thence by rail they went to his Georgia home, when as soon thereafter as arrangements could be properly eflfected, Joshua was placed in a neighboring asylum, Mr. Carew making daily visits thereto, thus as- suring himself that everything possible was done tend- ing to his comfort. Meantime he took upon himself the liberty of inditing a stirring letter to the President, detailing in part the thrilling narrative as furnished by the aforesaid evidence, begging also that a vessel be dispatched in quest of the island community. Upon receipt of this startling yet doubtless truthful intelligence, the President taking time to study the mat- ter over, finally laid the communication before his cab- inet, when after a short discussion, it was unanimously resolved to act on the suggestion. Accordingly the Secretary of the Navy, was duly in- structed to prepare and dispatch a government vessel to those remote seas, first arriving at Perkins Island where were witnessed evidences of its previous occupation, and they little wondered when viewing the lovely surround- ings that Caesar should have been loath to leave his " beautiful island home." They remained but a few hours, meantime taking on board fresh water, also tropical fruits found in great abundance, the outcome of the many years of hard labor performed by our friends, the captain, Herman and Caesar. Sail was again hoisted, the vessel proceeding on her way, ere long reaching the locality indicated as the scene of so many former disasters. Critical observation was here made, soundings in all TRIAL OF THE BALLOONS. 413 directions repeatedly taken and every possible eflbrt put forth to pass the boundary of opposing reef and rock ; yet all without avail ; indeed, it was at one time feared their own vessel must inevitably succumb to the mighty power of nature's forces, as here displayed. Yet the hazardous scheme would not be given up until the peril became so great it was deemed best to forego any further attempt. Thus the object sought for, attended with so much anxious solicitude, combined with the utmost engineering skill, was reluctantly abandoned and the prow home- ward turned, the island community remaining as hereto- fore, "A Lost Colony." THE END. NEW, ENLARGED, AND COMPLETE EDITION. AUTHOR OF "MEISTEK KAKL'S SKETCH BOOK." WITH PORTRAIT and AUTOGRAPH OF THE AUTHOR ilasrs. T. B. Peterson & Brothers, of Philadelphia, have just published a new. comf plete and elegant edition of "Hans Breitmann's Ballads," with a Portrait of "Mans Breitmann," as well as a Portrait and Autograph of the Author, Charles G. Ldand, Esq. It comprises all the Ballads ever written by Mans Breitmann, fifty-six in all. containing his entire five books, viz. : "Mans Brcitmann's Party ; with Other Ballads, "Mans Breitmann About Town ; and Other Ballads," "Mans Breitmann in Church; and Other Ballads," "Mans Breitmann as an Uhlan; with Other New Ballads," and ** Mans Breitmann in Europe ; with Other New Ballads," being the "First," "Second," "Third," "Fourth," and "Fifth Series" of the famous "Breitmann Ballads," unth a Complete Glossary to the whole work. As a writer of hiimo7-ous dialect ve7-ses, Mant Breitmann stajids alone, and all will recall the delight they experienced when 3£r, Leland's humorous Ballad of "Mans Breitmann' s Party" first made its appearance ; 'ind now that all his Ballads are in one volume, it will be tvelcomed with renewed pleasure. The humor of Leland^s volume is well expressed in the opening ballad: "Mans Breitmann gife a barty — dey had biano-blayin. ; I felled in lofe mil a jlfericanfrau, her name was Madilda Yane. She hat haar as prown ash a pretzel, her eyes vas himmel-plue, Vnd ven dey looket indo mine, dey shplit mine heart in two." The fertility of Leland's imagination was very great. Ballad after ballad with ividely varied themes and changing character were throicn ofi' with easy rapidity, and from none were there ivanting that relish for the comic, that rough but kindly bojihom- inie which first floated them into favor. It is only on looking through a volume like this that one gets an idea of how much work and what good work the author has done. Mr. Leland is a master of dialect, a specialist, so to speak, and the jargon in which he writes has a positive value as a philo' logical study. As a result. Mans Breitmann hat become a classical figure, and his Ballads are well worthy, for their wit, wisdom and pathos, of the elega7it and enduring form in which they are now presented to the public, and they will continue to be a source of 2^ieasure to thoiisands long after the incidents, upon which some of them were founded, have been forgotten. The volume is comjjlete in one large octavo volume, printed on the finest tinted plate paper, and bound in morocot cloth, with beveled boards, with full gilt edges, side, and back. Price Four Dollars. HANS BKSITMANN. ' "Mans Breitmann's Ballads," complete and enlarged edition, will be found for tole by all first-class Booksellers everywhere, and by the Publishers, or copies of U vwii ke sent to any one, post-paid, on remitting the price of it io the Publishers, T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, PhiladelpTita, P«. America's Greatest Actor. LIFE OF EDWIN FORREST BY JAMES REES (COLLEY GIBBER). The Life of Edwin Forrest, with Reminiscences and Personal Recollections of the Great American Tragedian, btf James Rees {GoUey Cibber), is published hy T. B. Petersou & Brothers, No. 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. No mau in the country was aa well fitted for writing the Life of Mr. Forrest as Mr. Rees, for the acquaint- ance of Mr. Rees with Mr. Forrest dated from boyhood. Mr. Rees had enjoyed for a period of nearly fifty years the closest intimacy and friend- ship with the celebrated tragedian, and this gave him advantages, not possessed by any others, to write a correct and truthful history of Mr. Forrest, from the time of his birth until his death. The volume con- tains a full and complete history of Mr. Forrest's life, from the time of his birth until the time of his death, as well as reminiscences, personal recollections, and many anecdotes and incidents which have never beeii published before. It is j)ubli3hed in one large duodecimo volume of over Five Hundred pages, and is })rinted from new ty])e, on fine white paper. Elvery copy of the work contains a life-like portrait of Edwin Forrest, engraved, on steel, in line and stipple, from the last Eicture for which Mr. Forrest sat, and which he pronounced to be the est portrait ever taken of himself, as well as a copy of his Autograph, his Last Will in Full, and the Charter of" The Edwin Forrest Home," which he endowed. The book is published in paper cover, at One Dollar a copy, or another edition is issued, bound in morocco cloth, gilt back, at Two Dollars a copy, mailed on receipt of price. "EDWIN FORREST" as " SPARTACUS." T. B. Petersou & Brothers have just published a large and very fine photograph of Edwin Forrest, at the age of forty, representing him iw he appeared on the stage in his great character of "Spartactis," in Dr. Bird's celebrated play of the "Gladiator." The size of the photograph is 11 I 14 inches, and the size of the card, for framing, is 16 x 2# inches. It is perfectly life-like, Mr. Forrest having sat in character for the original picture; and it is from the original picture this photograph has been taken, by one of the most celebrated artists in this country, F. Gutekunst, of Philadelphia. Price, Two Dollars a copy, and it will be sent by Express to any one on receipt of price. .^** Special rates to Clubs of ten for either of aboTC. ^9^ Copies of either edition of "Life of Edvnn Forrett " will be seat ky return mail to any one, on receipt of price, by the publishers, T. B. Pi:XERl$OM & BROTHERS, 808 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pfc Father Tom and the pope 01, A NIGHT AT THE VATICAN. With. Illustrative Engravings of the scenes that took plao« there, between the Pope and the Priest, Father Tom. K«md tvheU S. J. Prhne, Esq., the Editor of the New York Christian Observer, amys of "Father Tom and the Pope," in tlutt paper, editorially. "FATHER TOM AND THE POPE. -There is a time to laugh. And yf had it when we read this book, with the taking title of 'Father Tom and the Pope.' It is a broad satire on the faith and practice of Mother Rome : too broad perhaps for this country, where the Irish brogue, Irish humor, and Irish technical terms are not as readily caught as they are in the green isle for which the book wa« written. " Father Tom goes to Rome ; he is a Romish Priest from Ireland, and in Rome^ his Holiness invites the celebrated champion of the Church to take ' pot look wid him.' At the table the Pope offers him various kinds of wine, but Father Tom, more accustomed to something stronger and warmer, complains of the drink, and greatly to the disgust of the Pope produces a bottle of the 'rale stuff' from his coat pocket. His Holiness rebukes hira for bringing his own licpior when coming to dine with the prince of princes, but catching a whiff of the whiskey across the table, asks for the battle, brings it to his blessed nose, and exclaims, 'Holy Virgin I but it has the divine smell 1' "After this the Pope and Father Tom have a good time generally ; the Priest produces another bottle from another pocket ; calls for the housekeeper to bring the 'matarials' to brew a punch ; she comes ; a comely damsel ; and then occurs a scene that introduces as keen a satire on one of the dogmas of Rome as was ever made^ for the particulars of which we advise all persons to buy and read the book." Price 50 Cents in paper cover, or $1.00 in IVIorocco cloth, black and gold. J8^° "Father Tom and the Pope" will he found for sale by all Booksellers, and oa uU Rail-Road Trains, or copies of it vdll be sent to any otm, to any place, at once, ptat- paid, »n reatitting the price of the edition wished, in a letter, to the publishers, T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, JTo. 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pc De OLAI: THE LAST OF THE MILITARY GRAND MASTERS OF THE ORDER OF TEMPLAR KNIGHTS. BY EIDIMZXJND FX^i^G-G-, ^KGINIA, A TEMPLAR KNIGHT, AND AUTHOR OP " THB PRIME MINISTER," "tHE BRIGAN»," "the MARTYR-STODKNT," "MARION DB LORME," " LUCY ASHLIN," " THB FAR WEST," "the HOWARD QUEEN," " THE NORTH-WEST," " SKETCHES OP A TRAVELLER," "the DUCHESS OF FERARA," "VENICE: THE CITY OF THB SKA," "BEATRICE OF PADUA," " GABRIELLB DB VERGI," ETC. "Z'tf Molai : the Last of the Military Grand Masters of the Order of Tempcmh Knights" is a powerful, picturesque and absorbing novel of the Fourteenth Century, historical in character and crowded with info?-mation conveyed in the most pleasing manner. The scene is laid principally in Paris, and the theme is the suppression of the Order of Knights Templar by Philip the Fourth of France. Throughout the romance towers the commanding form of yacques de Molai, the noble old warrior^ monk, who was ready to bear the tortures of the Inquisition, and even to suffer mar- tyrdom at the stake, for the cause of the persecuted Order of which he was the chief. A complete history of the Knights Templar is given, which will be found of great value and interest by the Masonic Fraternity as 7vell as by the general reader. The descriptions of old Paris and of the abbeys and castles of that day are vividly and vigorously drawn. The loves of Blanche of Artois and Adrian de Marigni are set forth in glowing style, and the narrative of the disappointed affections of sweet Marie Morfontaine is replete with tender pathos. Blanche's share in the persecution of tht Knights Templar and her untiring efforts to procure revenge against the Order form an important element of the novel, and add effectiveness to the strong plot. The compact between Philip the Fourth and Bertrand de Goth in the Abbey of St. yean d" Angely during the thunderstorm is a highly dramatic incident, as is also Marie Morfontaine' s discovery of Adrian's treachery, while the scene in Notre Dame in which the Grand Master figures so conspicuously is intensely exciting. The political intrigues of the king and the Poman Pontiff claim a large share of attention, as als0 do the flirtations of the ladies of the French court with the noble gallants of the period, luho were as ardent in love as they were bf-ave in war. The fate of Blanche of Artois is to some extent a compensation for her evil deeds, and the final dfnouemem »f the romance is a happy one. "De Molai" is undoubtedly destined to become a standard work of permanent popularity . It 'will be read with vast interest and enjoy- ment by all Templar Knights, the whole Masonic Fraternity, scholars and the public. Paper Cover, 75 Cents. Morocco Cloth, Gilt and Black, $1.50. "De Molai : the Last of the Military Grand Af asters of the Order of Templar Knights," is issued in a large duodecimo volume, and will be found for sale by all Booksellers and by all News Agents everywhere. ^^ Canvassers wanted in every Lodge to canvass and get subscribers to it. ^^ Copies will be sent to any one, to any place, on remitting price to the publishet% T. B. PETERSOX & BROTHERS, Philadelphia, P». ^f consider ^IshmaeV to be my very be^ book'" — Mrs. E. D. E. N. South wortb Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth's Last and Best Boo^ MRS. SOUTHWORTH'S SEEATNEW YORK LEDGER" STORY. I S H M A E I OR, IN THE DEPTHS. BY MRS. EMMA D. E. N. SOUTHWORTP Being Mrs. Southworth's Greatest "New York Ledger " Story. ONE VOLUME, MOROCCO CLOTH.— PRICE $r.50. 3IItS. EMMA n. E. N. SOUTH WORTH'S COMPLEX^ WORKS, An entire new edition has just been published, in duodecimo fort), printed on fine paper, complete in forty-three volumes, by T. B. Peterson dr° Brothers Philadelphia. They are bound in morocco cloth, library style, with a full gilt back, ana •old by all Booksellers, everywhere, at the low price ^ jSl.50 each, or 364.50 for a com >i€te set. Send for a complete list of them, which will be sent free on application. S^' This edition contains a new Portrait of Mrs. Soiithworth, and her Autograpn lUso a view of her beautiful Home on the banks of the Potomac, both engraved on saei "^^^Mrs. Southworth's books have great originality, fine descriptions, startlinp incidents, scenes of pathos, are of pure moral tone, and should be read by everybody. 'Mrs. E?nma D. E. N. Southworth is acknowledged to be the greatest of all A met- icmn female writers, and a set of her books should be in eveiy home and in every library ■^g^ Copies of " IS H MA EL; or, IN THE DEPTHS;' Mrs. Southworih ereattst work, or any one or more of "Mrs. Southworth' s Works," or a complete set o- fMrs. Southworth's Works," bound in inorocco cloth, will be sent to any erne, to a*r address, at once, free of freight or postage, on remitting $i.i,o for each book wantet to the Publishers, T. B. Peterson 6^ Brothers, 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pi. ^^Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth' s books will be found for sale by all Bcckseile. and News Agents everywhere. Canvassers wanted everywhere to engage in tk^^ sak. f^^ Booksellers, News Agents and Canvassers will be supplied at very low raUSj a»i they will please send in their orders at once to the publishers, T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, Philadelpl&ftm FN ^^t/tty will receive immedUit* snd fr«m^ ^itett^i^ ^mxna ]>• E. N. Southworth's Obn&plete "Worisft. UTHWORTH'S WORKS COMPLETE IN FORTY-THREE VOLUMES. nXSa It IK ONE LABGB DDODECIMO VOLrUB, CLOTH, OILT, AT (1.50 EACH, OB $64.60 A SR €bvIw of aaj one or all will be sent to aay one, post-paid, oa receipt of remittiawi. Jfrt. Southworth's works have hecorne very pof^ar, and they have great tHeriii as fiction, /tr sMi ^tu %ttritten many rood noveh/or the fireside, and furnished an amazing fund of pure and healthy 9n/ertai»>nent to thousands of readers that have been, and to many thousands tnore to come. Tii4 freat se« bad of your Booksellei^ M^!?>pf ribo Bent by mail, on receipt of retail "'" '" '" " ?eterson A ftwOiert, Pltlla., Fa. Mrs. Ann S. Ste 23 Volumes, at $1.50 each; or $34.50 a Set. T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pol^ ^xejutt published an entire new, complete, and uniform edition of all the works twj*'» fim by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, the popular American Authoress. This edition is im, Auodeeimo form, is printed on the finest paper, is complete in tioenty-three volumes, and *ach volume is bound in morocco cloth, library style, with a full gilt bock, and is sold ji the low price of $1.50 each, or $34.50 /or a full and complete set of the twenty-three vol- mmes. Every Family, Reading Club, and every Private or Public Library in this oountry, should have in it a complete set of this new and beautiful edition of the works of Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. T/ie following are the names of the volumes : FASHION AND FAMINE. THE REiGNING BELLE. BERTHA'S ENGAGEMENT. MARRIED IN HASTE. BELLEHOOD AND BONDAGE; or, Bought with a Price. LORD HOPE'S CHOICE; or, More Secrets Than OnA. THE OLD COUNTESS. Sequel to "Lord Hope's Choice." RUBY GRAY'S STRATEGY; or. Married by Mistake. PALACES AND PRISONS; or, The Prisoner of the Basfilft. A NOBLE WOMAN ; or, A Gulf Between Them. THE CURSE OF GOLD ; or, The Bound Girl and The Wife's Trials. MABEL'S MISTAKE ; or. The Lost Jewels. THE OLD HOMESTEAD ; or, The Pet of the Poor Houvt, THE REJECTED WIFE; or. The Ruling Passion. SILENT STRUGGLES; or, Barbara Stafford. ATaJe of WUohcraft THE HEIRESS; or, The Gipsy's L^jpacy. THE WIFE'S SECRET ; or, GillJeiU WIVES AND WIDOWS; or, th« Broken Uf«. CXHIBLY FALSE; jr, Alike and Not Alike. THE SOLDIER'S ORPHANS. THE GOLD BftlCK. MARY DERWENT. NORSTON'S BEST. fSf" Above books are for sale by all Booksellers at $1.50 tiafh, or $34,50 for a eomt pUte set of the twenty-three volumes. Copies of either one »'r more of the above baoia 9f a aomplete set of them, will be sent at once to any one^ to any place, p«tki0i prepaid, or free of freight, on remitting their price in a letter t0 the Pubiu/urtt D. e. PETERSON & BROTHEKS« Pliilad€lj>ialA» P*. 4^A complete list will be sent to any address, and when not to be bad of joui BoekseiIe\ •■^les wll] lie tent by null, on receipt of retail price, by T. U, PetM-son Jt Brothwn, rhil»., P%, MRS. OAROIINE LEE HEHTI'S WORKS. LIBRARY EDITION, IN MOROCCO CLOTH. 12 Volumes, at Sl-SO Each; or $18.00 a Set. T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. 306 Chestnut Street, Phil irlU be Mut by u»tl, on receiptor retail price, by T. B. Peterson ft Brotbers, rbUa., Pm, The Sequel to " The Count of Monte-Crisfe/' EDM0ND~DANTE8. THE SEGiXJEL TO Tho Count of Monte-Cristo, by Alexander Dumaa *^Edm Brothers. It teems with absorbing interest throughout, the narrative dashing on from one intensely exciting incident to another equally thrilling, and this, too, without the slightest pause. Just at the point where " Ihe Count of Monte- Cristo" ends "Edmond Dantes" takes up the thread of the grandly conceived plot and develops at once into a work of rare power, thorough originality and irresist- ible fascination. The volcanic storm on the Mediterranean, in which the Alcyon, with Monte-Cristo and Haydee on board, is wrecked, is an extraordinarily vivid and effective episode, while the conflict with the brigands on the Island of Salmis and the burning of Monte Crista' s palace are in the highest degree graphic and dramatic. Further on comes a striking and minute account of the French H evolution of 1848, with the fierce struggles in the Chamber of Deputies and the bloody battles at the bar^ ricades in the streets of Paris. The love element is plentifully represented in the romantic reunion of Dantes and Merctdh, Captain Joliette's courtship of the myste- rious prima donna and the telling scenes between Dantes' daughter, Zuleika, and her Italian admirer, the Viscount Massetti. The hero of the charming novel is, of course, Edmond Dantis, the Deputy from Marseilles, who appears as a politician laboring to ameliorate the condition of the oppressed classes of mankind and employing his im- mense wealth to promote that end. He takes a prominent part in the Revolution, his co-workers being the foremost communists of that time, namely, Lamartine, Ledru Rollin, Louis Blanc, Artnand Marrast, Flocon, Albert and others. Thiers, Guizot, Odillon Barrot, Gefteral Lamoriciere, G'neral Bugeaud and other famous historical characters are introduced, as 2uell as Lucien Debray, Chateau-Renaud, Beauchamp, Maximilian Morell, Albert de Morcerf Valentine de Villefort, Eugenie Danglars, Lottise d' Armilly and Motite- Crista' s Son, Espirance, to say nothing of Benedetto and AH, the Nubian. But to thoroughly appreciate the vast attractions of '^Edmond \Dantes," the great novel ynust be read. In addition to this superb romance, Peterson^ only original, complete and unabridged editions of the ^^Monte-Cristo " Series includes *'The Count of Monte-Cristo," "The Countess of Monte-Cristo," "The Wife of Momt*- Criste^' and " The Son of Monte-Cristo," all of which will delight the reader. Paper Cover, 75 Cents. Morocco Cloth, Gilt and Black, $l.25t * Edmond Dantes" the Sequel to " The Count of Monte-Cristo,'^ will be fowti fvr sale by all Booksellers and at all News Stands everywhere, or copies tf it will be ^ to any one, to any place, at once, post-paid, on remitting p7-ice to the publishers, T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, Philadelphia, F% MONTE-CRISTO'S DAUGHTER Petersons' Editions of '* Monte-Cristo Series,'* * ) mm >» * HONTE-CRISTO'S DAUGHTER. Sequel to A/exandtr Dumas' Cel* brated Novel of " TAe Count of Monte- Crist o," and Conclusion of "EdfttamA Dantis" With an Illustrated Cover, with Portrait of ^' Monte- Crista' s Davgkt ter, Zuleika" on it. Every person that has read "The Cottnt of A/onte-Crittg* should get " Monte -Crista' s Daughter'" at once, and read it. It is complete * one large duodecimo volume, paper cover, pvice 75 cents, or ^1.25 in cloth. l(M>MOND DANTES. The Sequel to " The Count of Monte- Crista," by Akx ander Dumas. " Edmond Dantis" is one of the most wonderful romances evej issued. Just at the point where "The Count of Monte- Cristo " ends, "Edmonc Danth" takes up the fascinating narrative and continues it with marvellou power and absorbing interest uiito the end. Every person that has read " Th Count of Monte-Cristo" should get "Edmond Danth" at once, and read it Complete in one large duodecimo volume, paper, price 75 cents, or $1.25 in cloth fHE COUNT OF MONTE-CRISTO. Petersons' New Ilhistrat^. Edition. By Alexander Dumas. With full-page Engravings, illustrative of va rious scenes in the work. Petersons^ Edition of "The Count of Monte-Cristo' is the only Complete and Unabridged Edition of it ever translated, and it is ecu ceded by all to be the greatest as well as the most exciting and best hisK^ricai novel ever printed. Complete in one large octavo volume of six hundred pa»,es with illustrations, paper cover, price One Dollar, or $1.50 bound in morocco r'^th fHE WIFE OF MONTE-CRISTO. Being the Continuation of Alex ander Dumas' Celebrated Novel of "The Count of Monte- Cristo." With ap. Illustrated Cover, with Portraits of "Monte- Cristo^' "Haydie" and their faiv.ifti'. servant, "AH," on k. Evejy person that has read "The Count of Monte- Cristv' shotdd get "The Wife of Monte-Cristo " at once, and read it. Complete in one large duodecimo volume, paper cover, price 75 cents, or $\.i^ in cloth. IPHE SON OF MONTE-CRISTO. Bein^ the Sequel to "The Wife »J Monte-Cristo." With an Illustrated Cover, with Portraits of the heroines in the l^-ork on it. Every person that has read " The Count of Monte-Cristo " or "Tki Wife of Monte-Cristo," should get "The Son of Monte-Cristo" at once, and rea& lit. One large duodecimo volume, paper cover, price 75 cents, or i5>i.25 in (^otk« tmB COUNTESS OF MONTE-CRISTO. Being the Companion to Alexander Dumas' Celebrated Novel of "The Count of Monte-Cristo" anc» fully equal to that world-renowned novel. At the very commencement of thC novel the Count of Monte Cristo, Hayd6e, the wife of Monte-Cristo, and ifispfr ranee, the son of Monte-Cristo, take part in a weird scene, in which Merc6d4«» Albert de Morcerf and the Countess of Monte-Cristo also participate. Comp.et^ in one large octavo volume, paper cover, price One Dollar, or $1.50 in cloth, ^g" Petersons' editions of" The Monte-Cristo Series " are for sale 6y all Booksellers, tHd >>H4, post-paid, on remitting the price of the ones wanted to the Publishers, T. B, FETEBSON Jt BBOTTIEItS, PhUadelitMa, <"» Some accounts of their ways innocent, crafty, angelic, impish, wi chiag and repulsive. Also, a partial record of their actions during ten days of their existence. BY JOHN HABBERTON. With an Illustrated Cover, with Portraits of Budge and Toddie. "Helenas Babies'' is famous. It contains more merriment than any other book eX' iant, and at the saine time is wonderfully interesting. A masterpiece in every sense of the word, it awakens intense admiration while it produces hearty laughter. As a picture of child-life it is nature itself, and it could not well be otherwise, for John Hab~ berton, tis author, made his own children sit for the portraits of Budge and Toddie, the refreshingly droll little heroes. The tone of the charming volume is healthful and vigorous, -while all the incidents are bright and telling. Budge and Toddie, " the best children in the world,'' are mischief iiicamate. They are consigned to the care of their Uncle Harry while their parents spend a fortnight with a friend, and at once the fun begins. The boys demand stories, and, when their uncle favors them with a biblical narrative, they correct him and tell him he doesn't know anything about Jonah and A'oah and the Ark. Toddie is fearfully persistent, and, when denied anything, has a way of bursting into such a storm of tears that his wish is instantly granted. He want\ " to shee the wheels of his uncle's watch go wound," and has a terrible craving for candy^ while he echoes all his brother's words, and is always getting into some difficulty or other. Budge is inquisitive and perplexing. He interprets 7 oddie's picturesque baby talk, and is ever ready for a frolic. The children cause their uncle no end of worri- ment. Budge has a goat and a carriage to which the animal is harnessed In this vehicle he meets with frequent mishaps. The boys will besmear their gat ments with mud, and their adventurous dispositions occasionally lead them into danger. To amuse them and keep them in order, their uncle sings them camp-meeting hymns and impersonates in turn bears, lions, zebras, elephants, dogs and cats. Toddie has a favorite song, which he invariably demands when he gets hurt, and which exer rises a peculiarly soothing influence upon hifn. But though veritable imps, the boys an charming little' fellows, and it is utterly impossible not to love them. They are devour after their 07un peculiar fashion, and insist upon saying prayers, some of which are in describably comical. Altogether, ^^ Helen's Babies" is one of the most captivating sto- ries in existence, the courtship of Uncle Harry and Miss May ton lending it variety and rtmance. No one can fail to be delighted with it, whether married or single, old or young, and all who read it zvill certainly enjoy a series of hearty laughs. Budge ani Teddie are capital creations and excellent types of American boyhood. Thty wit rwmain in the memory forever , for '■'Helen's Babies" can never bt forgotten. Paper Cover, 50 Cents. Morocco Cloth, Gilt end Black, $1.00. ^S^" Helen's Babies" will be found for sale by all Booksellers and Nceus Agents, Ml mil Railroad Trains, and at all News Stands, or copies of it will he sent t