AJSf OUTLINE t:h. comstock. 3? of the Pnx&crattg of JMortfj (Earalhta From the Library of COLLIER COBB Professor of Geolo&y University of North Carolina ] Present* STORAGE o/JikJ UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL QE28 Corns tock, T. B. .C6U c.l An outline of general STORAGE g eol °gy 0001418 4447 ~K-*rj STORAGE I ■ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAF ENDOWED B_ DIALECTIC AND PH] SOCIETU This BOOK may be kept out TWO WEEKS ONLY, and is subject to a fine of FIVE CENTS a day thereafter. It was taken out on the day indicated below: DATE DUE DATE DUE I Ma/40 Lib. 10M-F.'35 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://archive.org/details/outlineofgeneralOOcoms AN OUTLINE OF GENERAL GEOLOGY, WITH COPIOUS REFERENCES. DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF BOTH GENERAL AND SPECIAL STUDENTS. BY THEO. B. COMSTOCK, B.Ag., B.S., In Charge of Department of Geology, Paleontology and Economic Geology in The Cornell University. The laws of Nature are fixed and invariable. Any given cause always produces the same effect ITHACA, N. Y. PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 1878 5^ << PREFACE. This little volume is an amplification of a "Syllabus" of the author's elementary lectures to a mixed class of students in the Cornell University. In this institution, the subjects of Eco- nomic Geology and Palaeontology are treated in more special courses to which no student is eligible who has not passed the examination in this general course. The class being made up of members with quite various acquirements and purposes, it has been a matter of no slight difficulty to arrange a Vade- mecum intended both to meet the wants of those who aim at the highest proficiency in General Geology and at the same time to be sufficiently concise and simple for such as desire but a cursory review of the subject as a means of general culture. It is evident that this Outline will serve its best purpose when used in connection with a course of lectures. The author, in preparing it, has not been unmindful of the fre- quent requests of teachers and others for a similar work, which shall embody the best deductions and latest discoveries, with references to authorities, without obliging the general student to waste his time in unsuccessful efforts to collate the facts and principles of the science, scattered through hundreds of works, many of which are inaccessible. The subject matter of the synopsis is arranged throughout systematically in such a manner as to provide the student with means of ready reference in the lecture-room and in the study, but it cannot in any degree supply the place of collateral read- ing, much as it may aid the memory in classifying what has been read. Some subjects are much more minutely outlined than others, and, as a rule, it may be regarded as desirable to devote most attention in outside reading to those subjects which are here least clearly explained. Many will find it un- necessary to take full notes of the lectures, though nothing should be left unrecorded which may require further study, or 4 PREFACE. which is of the nature of statistics or technicalities. In gen- eral, the blank pages should be used for recording definition* of technical terms, as they are explained, and for the copying of such diagrams and other illustrations as may be placed up- on the blackboard during the course. No text-book will be necessary; several are recommended as valuable for general use, and those who can afford it will do well to purchase either Dana's "Manual of Geology" (Re- vised Edition, 1874), or Le Conte's "Elements of Geology," the latter being of special value in certain particulars. Other general works, such as the best treatises on Physical Geogra- phy, Jukes and Geikie's " Manual of Geology," Lyell's " Stu- dents' Elements of Geology," etc., may be briefly reviewed be- fore the class at the beginning of the course. Works of reference for special topics, and, in many cases, titles of papers in periodicals, even when not readily accessible are given together in a list at the end of this volume, each with an index number by which it is referred to at points in the body of the Outline [R. 1, 2, 3, etc.] The occurrence of fig- ures in black, type in the text indicates that the works sug- gested are specially devoted to the subject under discussion in that portion of the Outline. Some further hint as to the char- acter of works is given in the List of References by printing in Italics the titles of such works as are particularly adapted to the needs of general students. At the same time the exercise of some judgment will be required to prevent the overlooking of works, which, though special in character, may contain matter of importance to the most general students. To avoid this diffi- culty references to particular pages have been introduced in almost every case of the kind. The author is conscious of many imperfections (the result of pressing demands), which have made him hesitate to seek for a wider field than is presented in his own lecture-room, but he will be well pleased if his offering shall be found in some slight degree serviceable to even a very few other teachers and students. If the judgment be at all favorable, suggestions concerning improvements in a later edition are respectfully solicited. THEO. B. COMSTOCK. Ithaca, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1878. COURSE I.-GENERAL GEOLOGY. Abbreviations are used as follows : H. for hardness : Gr. for specific gravity ; Comp. for composition ; Sol. for soluble ; Insol. for insoluble ; Infus. for infusible ; Var. for variety (or varieties) ; Cryst. for crystallization; CI. for cleavage; Temp, for tempera- ture ; Ref. for general references ; R. for special references. PART I.-INTRODUCTION. i. Nature and Science; abuse of the terms. 2. Natural Science; its divisions: A. Cosmical; As- tronomy. B. Telluric. I. Physical; Physics, Chemistry. II. Geognostic ; Mineralogy, Geognosy. III. Biological ; Bot- any, Zoology. IV. Geographical j Geography (Mathematical, Physical). V. Historical / History, Archaeology. VI. Psy- chical ; Psychology, Meta- Physiology. 3. Position and Relations of Geology in this system; central, dependent on first three divisions, contributing to last three. 4. Cultivating Power of Geology. 5. Scope of the science. 6. Divisions : A. Physiography. B. Geognosy. C. Dy- namical Geology. D. Palaeontology. E. Stratigraphy. F. Historical Geology, including Archaeology, in part. G. Economic Geology. 7. Methods of Study and modes of reasoning. 8. Theories ; their uses and abuses, as illustrated by his- tory. g. Outline of present course; to include Physiography, Geognosy, Dynamical Geology, and Historical Geology ; sep- arate courses in Economic Geology and Palaeontology. 5 6 GENERAL GEOLOGY. PART II.-PHYSIOGRAPHY. DIVISION A.-COSMICAE CONSIDERATIONS. 1. Physiography treats of earth's surface features, "forms of relief," movements of air and water, distribution of life forms, etc. ; in brief, review of exterior features and phenomena of the globe. 2. Cosmical Relations of earth, a. Position in space. b. Motions, (i) through space; (2) annual revolution; (3) diurnal revolution, c. Solstices and equinoxes, d. Eccentricity of orbit ; variations between circle and ellipse, e. Obliquity of axis not constant, but changes slight and gradual, f. Preces- sion of equinoxes. 3. General Conclusions based upon cosmical variations in the past, as affecting climate and distribution of life. 4. Origin of Earth according to Nebular Hypothesis. Ref. : — General works on Astronomy; also, R. 4, 6, 8, 11, etc. DIVISION B.-CONCERNING THE EAND. 1. Shape of Earth. 2. Distribution of Land and "Water : a. 275 parts of water to 100 parts of land, or nearly as 8 to 3. b. N. Hemi- sphere about f land ; W. Hem. about \ land; N. Temp. Zone \ land, \ water, c. Divide globe into hemispheres, taking An- tipodes Is. and point near London as poles, and one hem. will contain T V of all the land. d. Only gV of land has land an- tipodes. 3. Coast Line : — Europe has -^h- of its area; Asia, ■&$', Africa, ^ ; N. A., -g-b; S. A., ^; Australia, ^. 4. Homomorphism. a. Occident and Orient; orient = 2 Occidents ; Polynesia represents modern submergence of tract connecting Australia with mainland, b. Occidents form- ed by two triangles pointing southward, united by isthmus with archipelago on one side, peninsula on other, c. Island (or group) near extremity of peninsula, often to S. E. d. Gulf on W. side of S. triangle, e. N. shores low, not deeply indented, S. shores deep-cut, commonly with bold peninsulas ; promon- tories more frequently pointing southward, f. Extreme N. and extreme S. points of each continent nearly on same meridian. 5. Forms and Character of Land Surface, a. Dis- PHYSIOGRAPHY. 7 tribution and general character of (1) Lowlands, (2) Plateaus, and (3) Mountains. b. Use of terms Serra (Portuguese), Sierra (Span.), Peak, Mountain, Range, Cham, Cordillera, etc. C. Distinctions between Hill, Mountain, Butte, Bench and Mesa. d. Relations of plateaus to mountain systems, e. Ex- amples : (1) Lowlands : Mississippi Valley, Lower Conn. Valley ; (usually under 1000 ft.) (2) Plateaus: Gt. Basin, Utah, 5000 ft.; Colorado Desert, Wyo., 7000 ft. ; N. Y. State largely a plateau, 1500 ft. to 2500 ft. ; Quitos Plateau, 10,000 ft. ; Bolivia, 13,000 ft. ; Thibet (bet. Himalayas and Kuen Lun Mts.), 11,500 ft. to 13,000 ft. ; Desert of Gobi, Mongolia, 4000 ft. ; Sahara, 1500 ft. (3) Mountains various heights: Appalachians, 2000 ft. to 6500 ft. : Rocky Mts., 9000 ft. to 14,500 ft. ; Andes, 13,000 ft. to 25,000 ft. ; Himalayas, even 29,000 ft. 6. Kinds of Mountains. (1) Narrow, with elevated ridges, as Andes and Himalayas; (2) Broad, much folded, as Jura and Appalachians; (3) Broad, with high plateaus, as Rocky Mts. 7. Mountain Slopes ; often very gradual, seldom abrupt except in peaks. Examples : Rocky Mts., E. slope 8 ft. to 12 ft. per mile, W. slope not much greater; Andes, E. 60 ft., W. 100 ft. to 150 ft. per mile; Appala- chians, irregular. 8. Relief Systems. a. Laws of Vertical Config- uration. ( 1 ) Each continent has elevated borders and an interior basin. (2) Highest land near middle of each border, lower southward, lowest northward. (3) Higher and steeper border faces larger oceatt [R. 13 (II, vols, iii, 398, iv, 92, 1847, and xxii, 335, 1S56)]. (4) Interior drainage system of each occide7it in a measure homologous, and N. and S. triangles, each to each, more evidently related. b. Laws of Horizontal Disposition. (1) Every mountain chain belongs to one of two systems of trend — N.E. XS.W. or N.IV.XS.E. (2) Each continent has " N.E. system" on E. border, and "JV.JV. system " on IV. border. (3) Oceanic islands are arranged iti linear groups following one or other of the two " systems of trend" ; (rule follows from the fact that the islands are merely summits of submerged mountain chains). (4) Outlines of continents lie in direction of great circles of the sphere [R. 12, 13 (II, xxv, 130)]. Ref. : — 1 (Part I), 4-5, 10 (Part I), 11, 12, 23. DIVISION C— AS REGARDS THE WATER. i. Comparison of Oceans: a. Areas and probable depths: Atlantic, 2800 miles wide; Pacific, 6000 miles wide, area to 62 S., 62,000,000 miles, b. Sources of error in sound- 8 GENERAL GEOLOGY. ing : (i) Pressure at great depths ; (2) Submarine currents ; (3) Projecting ledges, c. Some forms of sounding apparatus ; bathometer, d. Estimation of depth by means of earthquake waves. Depth quite variable; Atlantic along Telegraphic Plateau only from 6000 ft. to 15,000 ft. ; Gulf of Mexico, about 6000 ft. Earthquake-wave calculations make N. and S. Pacific from 12,000 ft. to 13,000 ft., average. Capt. Ross sounded 28,000 ft. without bottom, and Capt. Denham 46,000 — ft., striking bottom, both in Pacific. Between India and E. Indies, aver- age barely 300 ft. ; also same depth between Australia and adjacent islands north ; N. Amer. and Asia separated by similar area 600 ft. in depth [R. 14, 15 (II, ii., 278)]. 2. Sea Water ; a. Sp. gr. b. Specific heat ; effect on climate, c. Temperature ; widely different on opposite sides of same ocean (to be explained beyond). 3. Ocean Movements : Waves, Tides and Currents. I. Waves; caused by winds and by earthquakes. II. Tides. a. Cause of variation in height at different points, b. Progress of Tidal Movement, c. Peculiarity seen on Amazonas; cur- rent in same direction with rise and fall of tide. d. Effect of wind upon tides, e. Theory of lunar action, with cause of "neap" and "spring" tides. III. Currents x and Indraughts. a. Equatorial Drift ; westward, caused by unequal velocity of earth at poles and equator, partly, also, by uneven temperature. b. Gulf Stream; 80 to 100 miles from coast, of great depth, follows sinuosities of coast line ; surface velocity and cross- section, c. Eastern Drift near 6o°, N. and S. Lat. d. Arctic Indraught, e. Labrador Current, f. Rennel's Current, g. Similar System in S. Atlantic and in other oceans. 4. Sargasso Sea. 5. Climate, as influenced by oceanic currents. 6. Circulation of Water from sea to land and return. a. Drainage Systems, b. Peculiar Water-sheds : "Crown of the Continent," in neighborhood of Yellowstone National Park ; S. Pass, Rocky Mts. ; " Two-Ocean Pass ; " Orinoco and Cassiquiari; Madeira and La Plata; Mississippi and Red River of the North. Ref.: — 1 (Part I), 4-8, 10 (Part I), n ; Dana, J. D., in 12 (II, xxvi, 231)]. 1 Ocean currents are named according to direction towards which they flow; thus, an eastern current flows eastward, a western current, westward, and so on. - (\\X^^ /^v^ <*~\ p^X^ .UV^WV C^^r^^ 9t<- C**~>*~&. dry dU . tffa "^i -' ' ^ i (1 ■ ' * ■ \ ( ■ '■ ' • A... iX*. PHYSIOGRAPHY. 9 DIVISION D.-RELATING TO THE ATMO- SPHERE. 1. Composition and Character, a. Normally con- tains: O, 21 parts; N, 79 parts; C0 2 , -^ to T V; H 2 0, vari- able, b. Thickness, as determined by observations of meteors, by polarization of light (M. Liais), etc. c. Pressure; amount, periodic variations, etc. d. Temperature ; radiation, effects upon climate, e. Refraction; twilight, absence at equator. f. Ozone in air. 2. Atmospheric Movements. 1 a. N.E. and S. E. Trade winds and Counter-trades, b. Calms, c. High Western Current, d. Summer and Winter changes, e. Some theories regarding currents, f. Periodic Currents, g. Local Currents. h. Storms. Ref. : — Works on Physics and Meteorology ; R. 1 (Part I), 4-8, 10, 11, 18, 23. DIVISION E.— CEIMATIC CONDITIONS. 1. Climate; general considerations, a. Latitude alone affects temperature, evaporation, precipitation. b. Land modifies currents ; elevations induce precipitation ; in general, land produces extremes, c. Water ameliorates conditions; produces insular climate. 2. Fertility and Sterility, a. Forests; distribution influenced by access of moist Trade Winds, b. Deserts; occur in regions, mainly in interior, exposed to west drying winds, c. Prairies ; more or less of desert character, but probably often of different origin ; artificial. 3. Isotherms, a. Irregular lines, tending towards north in passing westward over land, bearing parallelwise southwest through ocean, b. Deflected southward in interior of conti- nent, but irregularly, varying with season and modified by topography. 4. Isobars, a. More regular than Isotherms, often con- centrically disposed in ellipsoids transverse to Isotherms. 5. Review of U. S. Weather Reports; general conclu- sions. Ref. : — Works on Meteorology; R. 1 (pp. 43- 46), 4-8, 11, 18-21, 22, 23. 1 Atmospheric currents are named according to direction from which they flow ; thus an eastern current flows westward, and vice versa. io GENERAL GEOLOGY. DIVISION F.— LIFE ON THE GLOBE. A. DISTRIBUTION OF PLANTS. i. Latitude and Altitude ; comparative effects, a. i° Lat. from equator equivalent to ioo ft. to 175 ft. elevation, with- in limits fixed by special climatic conditions, b. Zones of Veg- etation : I. Polar (88° to 78 ) ; Alpine Plants; at equator, 14,170 ft. II. Arctic (78 to 66°); Dwarf Willow and Alder, Rhododendrons; 12,150 ft. III. Sub-Arctic (66° to 58 ) ; Pines (ConifercB.) ; 10,140 ft. IV. Cold Temperate (5 8° to 45 ) ; Deciduous Trees; 8,100 ft. V. Warm Tempo-ate (45 to 34 ) ; Evergreens (Dicotyl.) ; 6,120 ft. VI. Sub- Tropical (34 to 23 ); Myrtle and Laurel; 4,050 ft. VII. Tropical (23 to 15 ); Figs and Tree Ferns; 2,020 ft. VIII. Equatorial (15 to o°); Palms and Bananas; down to sea-level at equa- tor. 2. Special Features, a. Retardation of flora of E. Asia. b. Local distribution; peculiar cases, c. Co/if ervce, etc., in hot springs. B. DISTRIBUTION OF LOWER ANIMALS. i. Sporadic Origin, etc. a. Specific Centres, b. Generic Centres, c. Predominant Animals : Europe and Asia, Ruminants; Africa, Land Tortoises ; N. Amer., Birds of Fas- Cige; S. Amer., Edentates ? - Australia, Marsupials, d. Repre- sentative Species : camel and llama — lion and puma — ostrich and emu — crocodile, gavial, alligator, e. Transferred species ; limit of distribution. Dog the only animal universally domes- ticated, f. Zoological Provinces [R. 25, 1864], (Wallace and Sclater): I. IVeo- Tropical— S. A., Mex., W. Indies. II. Ne- arctic — Central Amer., U. S., Canada. III. Palcearctic — Europe, N. Asia to Japan, Africa N. of Desert. IV. Ethio- pian — Central and S. Africa, Madagascar. V. Lndian — S. Asia, W. half of Malay Arch. VI. Australian — E. half of Malay Arch., Australia, Pacific Is. (mainly), g. Zones of Depth (Forbes) : I. Littoral — bet. high and low tides. II. Circum-Littoral (Laminarian) — low water to 90 ft. III. Me- dian [Coralline) — 15 fathoms (go ft.) to 50 fath. IV. Ln/ra- Median [Deep-Sea Coral) — 50-300 fath. V. Abyssal — below 300 fath. (to 2500 fath., or more). 2. Special Features, a. Peculiarities of insular faunae. b. Australian retardation, c. Remarkable fauna in Yellow- stone Park. d. Mammoth Cave fauna, e. Deep-Sea fauna [R. : — W. B. Carpenter, in 26, (vols, xviii, xix); 28, etc.] I - PHYSIO GRAPHY. 1 1 C— DISTRIBUTION OF MAN. i. Races and Minor Groups. I. Indo-European or Caucasian, (i) Teutonic. (2) Celtic. (3) Sclavonic. (4) Circassian. (5) Persian. (6) Arab. (7) Hindoo. Hab. : S.W. Asia, Africa, nearly all of Europe, N. A., S. A., Austr., etc. ; 500,000,000. Most refined ; features regular ; ample hair and beard ; complexion fair; white. II. Mongolian. A. Mongolian proper. (1) Japanese. (2) Chinese. (3) Siam- ese. (4) Burmese. (5) Turks. (6) Tartars. (7) Thibetans. (8) Siberians. (9) Finns. (10) Lapps. (n) Esquimaux. Hab. : E. and Cent. Asia and Arctic sea-border; 490,000,000. Civilization heretofore almost stationary, now progressive. Head square, face broad, high cheek-bones, oblique eyes. B. American, (i) S. A. Indians. (2) N. A. Indians; 16,- 000,000. Stationary or retrograding. Copper-colored, hair black, nose aquiline. C. Malay, (i) Malays proper. (2) Papuans. Hab. : Malaysia, Polynesia, Australasia ; Papuans confined to Australia, New Guinea, New Hebrides and Feejee Islands. (3) Maoris, New Zealand; 60,000,000 (without Pap- uans, which are almost negroes). Brown. Papuans lowest in scale of humanity. III. Ethiopian or Negro. Branches: Gallas, Nubians, and Copts of Nile, Caffres and Hottentots (who are more properly Mongolian). Hab. : Africa, S. of Sa- hara, United States, West Indies and Brazil ; with Papuans, 100,000,000. Lowest race; black; skull narrow, forehead re- treating, high cheek-bones, thick lips, broad, flat nose, project- ing chin; hair short and woolly. 2. Population of Globe. Av. per Density per square mile. China, 288 Greenland, -p^j Japan, 233 Patagonia, T for Brit. Islands, 245 Bas. of Amazon, -fa Belgium, 438 Iceland, etc., 1.88 Bermuda, 477 Massachusetts, 157.00 Netherlands, 275 United States, II. 3 Population. sq. mi Europe, 282,000,000 73 Asia, 711,000,000 40 Africa, 130,000,000 11 N. America, 50,000,000 6 S. America, 22,000,000 2>Yz Oceanica, 20,000,000 £,y 2 (According to McTurk). Ref. :— 1 (p. 609), 2 (p. 479 el sea.), 3 (p. 155), 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 24. liST Several topics, which naturally fall under the head of Physiography (such as the general character and distribution of earthquakes, volcanoes, hot springs, coral reefs, etc.), are omitted at this point for convenience of discussion later in the course. Some few other subjects are ignored on account of their slight importance, geologically considered. 12 GENERAL GEOLOGY. PART III.-GEOGNOSY. I. Definitions, a. Geognosy; the study of earth's struct- ure. A. Lithology, study of textural features (hand spec- imens). B. Petrology, structural arrangement (in the field). b. Mineral ; inorganic body, with (theoretically) definite form and composition, c. Rock ; aggregation of mineral particles. SECTION L— LITHOLOGY (Petrography, Germ). DIVISION A.-CHEMICAL ELEMENTS. i. Elements Most Abundant in Rocks. Only 20 (of 6$ or 64) important as rock constituents, and only 12 occui commonly, as below: I. Oxygen, a. Most abundant, com- prising ^ (by weight) of earth's crust. Oxides, therefore, are the most abundant compounds, b. Combines readily with all elements but Fl. c. Quartz and gypsum more than } O. d. Comprises .43 of 11 most common minerals, e. .23 of atmos- phere, and .89 of H 2 0. f. -I of whole is combined with Si. (See II, c). II. Silicon, a. About {- of weight of crust, b. Found only in combination with 0, from which follow I, f, and II, c. c. Combined with O (Silica), ^ weight of crust, d. Compounds hard and durable. e. Rock compounds, with some exceptions, insol. in water. III. Aluminium, a. About iV weight of crust, b. Its oxide (Alumina), most common base in silicates and siliceous minerals, c. Rock compound? (except sulphate) insol. in water. IV. Calcium, a. Les? than T V of crust, b. Found in various silicates, also as Carb. and Sulph. c. Rock compounds insol. or sparingly sol. in water. V. Magnesium, a. As Oxide (Magnesia) forms es- sential base of durable silicates, hard and soft. b. Rock com- pounds, some sol., some insol. in water. VI and VII. Potas- sium and Sodium, a. Common, but less abundant than pre ceding, b. Oxides (Potassa and Soda), important aids to fusion and solution of silica, c. Compounds more or less sol. in water, with few exceptions. VIII. Iron. a. Most widely distributed; native in meteorites, b. Important agent in color- ing and disintegrating rocks, c. Insol. and sol. rock com- pounds (water). IX. Carbon, a. Widely disseminated; na- tive (free) in coal, graphite, diamond, b. Prominent as life- supporter and as vehicle of change, c. Rock compounds GEOGNOSY— LITHOLOGY. 13 generally insol. (except C0 2 and alkaline carbonates). X. Sulphur. a. Native in volcanic regions ; small quantities elsewhere, b. As sulphide in ores of various metals, c. As sulphate in gypsum, etc. d. Rock compounds, some sol., some insol. in water. XI. Hydrogen, a. Abundant as con- stituent of H 2 and many other minerals, b. Ingredient of all organic compounds. XII. Chlorine, a. Most abundant in common salt. b. Compounds soluble in water, as a rule. Ref. : — 1 (p. 48), 10 (Part II); general works on chemistry. DIVISION B.— MINERALS. 1. Scale of Hardness (Mobs). (1) Talc. (2) Gypsum. (3) Calcite. (4) Fluorite. (5) Apatite. (6) Orthoclase. (7) Quartz. (8) Topaz. (9) Corundum. (10) Diamond. 2. Principal Rock-forming Minerals. Of 1000 spe- cies, 350 are of some geological interest, 40 are common as rock constituents, while 12 make up bulk of earth's crust, viz. : I. Quartz, a. Primary form, rhombohedron, but of different shapes — often elongated — commonly hexagonal prism termin- ated by 6-sided pyramids; H. 7; Gr. 2.5-2.8; insol. and infus. (except with alkali) ; no cl. ; colorless to black, trans- parent to opaque, b. Most abundant mineral; more than 40 var., including clear (or limpid), amethyst (violet), chalcedony (translucent), agate (banded in colors), homstone, jasper, etc. c. Comp., Si0 2 (silica). II. Feldspar, a. Cryst. oblique; 2 cl. at or near right angle; surface lustrous; white, flesh-red, etc.; H. 6-7; Gr. 2.85; difficultly fusible, b. Very abun- dant, 6 recognized forms equivalent almost to separate species. C. Comp., alumina silicate, each species containing a charac- teristic base or two of alkali or alkaline earth, as K 2 (ortho- clase), NaO (albite), CaO (anorthite), Na 2 and CaO (oligo- clase), CaO and Na 2 (labradorite). III. Mica. a. Elastic folia; cl. basal; lustre brilliant; colorless to brown, etc., and black, b. Abundant in granyte; 8 prominent species, c. Comp., alumina silicate, with K 2 (muscovite), MgO (phlogo- pite and biotite), Li 2 (lepidolite), etc. IV. Amphibole. a. Oblique, prismatic crystals, sometimes truncated so as to ap- proach regular hexagonal prism; also in long, thin crystals and in bundles imbedded in rock, as well as in short, stout crys- tals ; cl. parallel to faces ; black, green, white, brownish and intermediate shades, b. Forms as follows: (1) Dark green i 4 GENERAL GEOLOGY. to black, stout crystals {hornblende) ; (2) long, green prisms or fibrous (actinolite) ; (3) grayish and brownish green, fibrous or acicular (ant hop hy I lite) ; (4) long, white prisms or fibrous (trem- olite) ; (5) delicate, flexible fibres (asbestos) ; (6) also in dissem- inated grains in rocks, c. Comp., Si0 2 , MgO, CaO, FeO, and, occasionally, A1 2 3 and MnO. V. Pyroxene, a. Cryst. oblique, prismatic, nearly square in cross-section, often becom- ing 8-sided prism by replacement of edges; cl. as in amphi- bole, and color similar; H. 5-6; Gr. 3.23-3.5. b. Var., (1) massive, cleavable, grayish-green (sahlite) ; (2) thin, foliated, brownish -green or bronzen (hypersthene) , grass-green (diallage); (3) common, black, etc. (ai/gite). c. Comp., very near am- phibole. VI. Chrysolite (not chrysotile). a. In grains, masses and rectangular crystals ; glassy, pale or dark green (olivine) ; H. nearly that of quartz (7). b. Common in volcanic rocks; olivine characteristic of basalt and other crystalline rocks, c. Comp., magnesia silicate, often with considerable FeO. VII. Chlorite, a. Resembles mica, but folia not elastic ; also mass- ive with granular texture ; color olive-green, rarely approach- ing white ; H. 2.5, easily cut with knife, b. Ingredient of many schists. c. Comp., typical, MgFeSi0 4 , with varying proportions of base, and considerable water; also var. with AI2O3. VIII. Talc. a. Foliaceous or compact and massive ; folia 7iot elastic ; color light to dark green and brownish ; H. 1 ; greasy to touch, b. Var., (1) common as above; (2) granu- lar or compact (steatite, soap-stone), c. Comp., MgSi0 3 , with water; Si0 2 62.12, MgO 32.94, H2O 4.94 = 100. IX. Ser- pentine, a. Usually massive, without cl., sometimes prismatic ; delicately fibrous var. (amianthus, chrysotile). b. Abundant as rock under certain circumstances. c. Comp., MgSi0 3 , with water; Si0 2 43.6, MgO 43.4, H 2 13.0 = 100. X. Cal- cite. a. Hexagonal, usually with perfect rhombohedral cl. ; color white, yellow, reddish or even black ; effervesces with acid; H. 3, easily scratched with knife; Gr. 2.69-2.75. b. Principal ingredient of large proportion of limestones and of all true marbles, as well as chief constituent of marls and hy- draulic limestones, c. Comp., CaC0 3 ; C0 2 44.0, CaO 56.0 = 100. XI. Dolomite, a. Resembles calcite in form, but differs slightly in interfacial angles (106 15'; bet. calcite 105 5', and magnesite [MgCo 3 ] 107 25') ; darker colors pre- dominate; no effervescence unless heated; H. 3.5-4.5; Gr. 2.88-2.95. b. Occurs in many so-called limestones, and in- directly yields serpentine under certain circumstances, c. GE GNOS Y—LITHOL OGY. 15 Comp., normal, CaC0 3 54.3 per cent., MgC0 3 45.7 per cent. XII. Gypsum, a. Oblique prisms ; cl. very perfect in one di- rection, affording non-elastic plates; also massive, compact, etc.; white to dark, transparent to opaque; H. 1.5-2 ; affords " Plaster of Paris " on heating, b. Abundant in various forms ; var., (1) selenite, transparent, basal cl. ; (2) satin spar, fine fibrous ; (3) alabaster, compact or saccharoidal. c. Comp. CaS0 4 , 2H2O. XIII. Iron Ores, I. Magnetite, a. Cryst. octahedral, etc. ; also found granular, compact, earthy, or as fine sand ; black, with metallic lustre, giving black streak and powder, b. In beds and veins, also in grains disseminated through crystalline rocks, c. Comp., Fe 3 4 (ferroso-ferric ox- ide). II. Haematite {Hematite, specular iron). a. Cryst. hexagonal, often micaceous, also massive, compact, earthy, fibrous, etc. ; lustre dull to sub-metallic and metallic; blood-red streak and powder, b. In beds and veins and variously dis- tributed through other rocks ; var., specular iron, lustre metal- lic, crystallized ; red ochre, soft ; red chalk, with clay. c. Comp., Fe 2 3 (ferric oxide, iron sesquioxide, iron peroxide). III. Limonite [Brown Hematite), a. Cryst. indistinct, mam- millaiy, botryoidal, stalactitic, fibrous, massive and earthy; lemon-yellow streak and powder, b. In beds, etc., of later date than preceding, now forming in bogs and by oxidation of pyrites and iron carbonates ; bog iron ore and yellow ochre prominent var. c. Comp., 2Fe 2 3 +3H 2 (orthic hydrate). IV. Pyrite. a. Cryst., cubes, octahedrons, etc. ; brassy to black, b. Var., several, c. Comp. (common), FeS 2 . XIV. Graphite {Plumbago, wrongly Black Lead), a. Crystallized and amorphous, commonly latter; lustre rather metallic, streak black (used for lead pencils), b. Occurs in lumps and nests; results from transformation of anthracite, c. Comp., C only, when pure. Ref. : — 1 (p. 52), 2 (chap. hi). 9, 10 (Part II), 29-31, 34. ©IVIS30N C.-OBGAMC CONSTITUENTS. I. Siliceous, a. Spicula of sponges, b. Remains of Diatomacea;, Polycystinae, etc. c. Silicified shells and wood produced by action of siliceous waters, d. Infusorial remains. e. Products: bog iron ore (in part), infusorial earths (Tripoli polishing slate, etc.), flint, opal (to some extent), etc. 16 GENERAL GEOLOGY. 2. Calcareous, a. Various shells (calcite and aragonite). b. Spines of Echini, c. Foraminiferal remains, d. Ccenen- chyma of corals, e. Crinoidal columns, f. Skeletons of Crustacea, g. Some plant remains (corallines), h. Products : Marl, limestones, white chalk, coral reefs, etc. 3. Carbonaceous, a. Plant remains in general, b. Some animal remains under peculiar conditions, c. Products : Peat, lignite, jet, coals, anthracite, petroleum, asphalte, graphite, resins, etc., diamond (?). 4. Phosphatic. a. Bones of Vertebrata. b. Scales of fishes, etc. c. Enamel of teeth, d. Shells of Lingula and allied genera of Mollusks. e. Products: Deposits of guano, phosphatic nodules, bone-breccias, etc. Ref. :— 1 (Part II), 2 (p. 382), 3 (p. 153), 10 (Part II), 35 (p. 327), 36 (pp. 22, 105, etc.), 37 (PP- 462, 759). DIVISION ».— CONCERNING ROCKS. A.— GENERAL CHARACTER. 1. Texture of Rocks, a. Homogeneous or heteroge- neous, b. Var. : (1) crystalline; (2) granular, with rounded grains; (3) crystalline-granular, crystalline grains; (4) crypto- crystalline (compact) ; (5) earthy ; (6) friable, readily crumbled in fingers; (7) glassy or vitreous ; (8) slaggy ; (9) schistose, di- vided by alternating mineral layers; (10) foliated ; (n) por- phyriiic, with distinct disseminated crystals in homogeneous base; (12) vesicular, drawn out so as to produce numerous cavities ; (13) amygdaloidal, with almond-shaped cavities, com- monly filled with foreign minerals. 2. Difficulties in Rock Study, a. Close gradations existing among rocks, b. Similarity of certain minerals in form or composition, c. Fineness of texture in some rocks. d. Want of ready means of ascertaining all components. B.— DETERMINATION AND CLASSIFICATION. 1. Determination of Rocks, a. General value of texture, b. Value of chemical analysis, and its disadvantages. ^ c. Microscopic analysis, its uses and abuses, d. Electro- magnet as accessory instrument. 2. Classification of Rocks, a. System of Zirkel, based on species of feldspar, b. System of Durocher and Bunsen, GEOGNOSY— LITHOLOG Y i7 proportions of silica, c. Convenient system for general pur- poses, prepared by Theo. B. Comstock [R. 33]. based on 3. Scheme of Classification. /. SERIES, representing mode of origin (Genesis). II. CLASS, representing genetic conditions (Environment). III. Division, representing secondary environment (Position). IV. Family, representing dominant i7igredient (Structure). V. sub-family, representing condition of mass (Character). VI. Genus, representing mineral association (Type). VII. Species, indicating special mineral combination (Quality). VIII. Variety, indicating textural modification (Texture). 4. Systematic Arrangement of Most Common Rocks. SERIES I. CLASS I.— Fam. A. — Feldspathic. Gen, 1. Graityte (quartz, feld- spar, mica). Gen. 2. Protogine (quartz, feld- spar, talc). Gen. 3. Granytine (quartz, feldspar). CLASS II.- DlVISION I.' Fam. A. — Feldspathic. SUB-FAM. I. CRYSTALLINE. Gen. 1. Porphyrine (basic feld- spar). Gen. 2. Felsyte (acidic feld- spar, quartz occasional). Gen. 3. Mica-trap (feldspar, mica). SUB-FAM. 2. FRAGMENTAL. Gen. 1. Felsytic. " 2. Porphyritoid. Division 2. Fam. A.— Trachytic (Acidic). SUB-FAM. I. CRYSTALLINE. Gen. 1. Trachyte (acidic feld- spar, mainly). IGNEOUS. GRANYTIC. Fam. B. — Hornblendic. Gen. 1. Syenyte (quartz, feld- spar, amphibole). ERUPTIVE. — Trappean. Fam. B. — Pyroxenic. SUB-FAM. I. CRYSTALLINE. Gen. 1. Dioryte (feldspar and hornblende; no labradorite). Gen. 2. Melaphyrine (basic feldspar and pyroxene). SUB-FAM. 2. FRAGMENTAL. Gen. 1. Diorytic. " 2. Melaphyroid. -Volcanic. Fam. B. — Basaltic (Basic). SUB-FAM. I. CRYSTALLINE. Gen. 1. Basalt (labradorite, augite, olivine, menaccanite). i8 GENERAL GEOLOGY. Gen. 2. Trachoryte (acidic feld- spar, etc., and hornblende). Gen. 3. Phonolyte (glassy feld- spar, nephelite, hornblende). SUB-FAM. 2. FRAGMENTAL. Genera dependent upon com- position ; made up of ingre- dients of Trachytic char- acter. Gen. 2. Amphigenyte, or Leii- citophyr (labradorite and leu- cite). Lava of Vesuvius. Gen. 3. Nephefaiyte (nephelite, augite, magnetite). SUB-FAM. 2. FRAGMENTAL. Genera dependent upon com- position ; made up of ingre- dients of Basaltic charac- ter. SERIES IL—METAMORPHIO CLASS I.— HYPOGENIC. Fam. A. — Micaceous. Gen. 1. Granyte (same as 7, 1, A, 1). Gen. 2. Mica-schist (mica, quartz, often feldspar). Fam. C. — Feldspathic. Gen. 1 . Felsyte (practically the same as I, II, A, 1, 2). Gen. 2. Euphotide (feldspar, diallage). Fam. B. — Hornblendic. Gen. 1. Syenytine (includes here syenytic forms which would be separated in more detailed classifications. Fam. D. — Hydrous Mag- NESIAN. Gen. 1. Talcose (type, talc schist). Gen. 2. Serpentinous (type, ser- pentine). Gen. 3. Chloritic (type, chlo- rite schist). CLASS II.— METAMERIC. Fam. A. — Quartzose. Gen. 1. Qiiartzyte. Fam. C. — Calcareous. Gen. 1. Calciferous (altered calcite). Gen. 2. Dolomyiic (altered dol- omite). Gen. 3. Gypsiferous (altered gypsum). -Ferrous. - (includes iron Fam. B.- Gen. 1. ores). Fam. D. — Argillaceous. Gen. 1. Argyllyte (altered clay). Fam. E. — Carbonaceous. (Anthracite, graphite, etc.) 1 The sub-families of SERIES II are omitted here, being of no special import- ance tc the general student. GEOGNOSY— PETROLOGY. 19 SERIES III.— AQUEOUS} CLASS I.— MECHANICAL. Comprises deposits formed by action of water on land, as sand, mud, gravel, etc., and their consolidated forms, as sand- stone, shale, conglomerate. CLASS II.— CHEMICAL. Includes accumulations as precipitates and other results of chemical action in nature, as some limestones, geyserite, stalac- tite, etc. CLASS III.— ORGANICAL. All natural collections of material directly formed by the ac- tion of plants or animals, or by their decay, are to be regarded as belonging to this group, as peat, coal, petroleum, some marls, guano, phosphate beds, etc. Ref. : — 1 (Part II), 2 (chaps, iv, v), 3 (parts of chaps, ii, iii, iv), 9, 10 (Part II), 29, 32, 33, 47- N.B. — It is impossible to give this portion of the lectures in full within reasonable limits. As additional aids, students who desire to do so can procure copies of R. 32 (price io cts.) and R. 33 (price 40 cts.) at the Geological Laboratory, but this is not necessary. SECTION II -PETROLOGY (Structural Geology). DIVISION A.-GE^EEAL STRUCTURE OF EARTH. 1. Form of Earth, a. Oblate spheroid, or spheroid of rotation, b. Polar diam. = 7899.60 statute miles; equatorial diam. = 7926.05 miles (M. Bessel). c. Nearly all of "relief" of globe lies within an exterior protuberance beyond the sphere having polar diam. d. Axis probably stable. 2. Density of Earth, a. Mean Gr. bet. 5 and 6, as shown by: (1) Experiments of Ordnance Surv., Gt. Brit. (Col. Sir H. James), on deflection of plumb-line [R. 39, 1856, vol. 1 For the purposes of this Course it is not necessary to classify the members of SE- RIES III as fully as the preceding. In the lectures on Economic Geology considera- ble attention is given to these details. 2o GENERAL GEOLOGY. cxlvi, p. 591]; (2) difference in times of oscillation of pendu lums at top and bottom of deep mines [R. 39, vol. cxlvi, 1856, P- 355] 5 (3) Hutton's observations of local attraction at 1000 points on Mt. Schehallien, Scotland [R. 39 (1821, p. 276)]; (4) Cavendish's experiments (1798), with Michell's apparatus (torsion balance), comparing earth's attraction with that of mass of lead; (5) Bailey's similar experiments in 1842 (mean Gr. 5.6604) [R. 40, p. 69]. b. Gr. of heaviest rock-masses (as basalt) only 3.0; hence — c. Interior of earth much heav- ier than at surface; estimated at 16.27 [R- 4 X > v °l- i y > P- 33\ Gravity should increase wt. rapidly within, but if homogeneous, even granyte (Gr. 2.5) would become heavier than 5 or 6 long before reaching centre; air (Gr. =.0012+) would have density of water at 34 miles, water density of iron at 200 miles, iron density of platinum at 175 miles, and even cork (Gr. 0.24) would have Gr. at centre of earth equal to twenty times earth's mean density. 3. Interior of Earth, a. Seat of expansive agent: (1) follows from preceding; (2) also proven by temp, of deep wells and mines; average increase of i°F. for each 55 ft. of descent after first 100 ft. b. Internal fluidity doubtful and improbable, though still believed by some geologists, c. More or less local seas of molten material as shown by : (1) act- ive volcanoes ; (2) old fissure eruptions, d. Probably more or less of "honeycomb" structure, e. Sir Wm. Thomson's views regarding solidity of earth [R. 42 (xxiii, 157)543 (xiv, 426), 13 (xii, 336, 1876)]; M. Delaunay [R. 44 (v, 507), 45 (Oct., 1867)]; Pratt [R. 26, 1870]; Hopkins [R. 39, 1839, and Brit. Assoc. Rep't, 1847]; D. Forbes [R. 44 (iv), 45 (Oct., 1867)]; T. S. Hunt [R. 45 (xx, 315)]. f. Composition of deep-seated material dolerytic (iron bearing) ; Conn, trap ridges, g. Hints from comp. of meteors. 4. Crust of Earth. a. Present application of term "crust." b. Sources of knowledge : (1) Mines, wells, borings; (2) exposures in cliffs, gorges, canons, etc.; (3) tilted rocks. c. Known thickness 5 mi. (aver.) to 20 mi. (max.) 5. Relations of Form to Structure, a. Original form commonly structural; Ex. : mountain folds, volcanic cones, etc. b. Secondary action often obscures structure ; Ex.: valley be- coming mountain by erosion, depressed fold filled with detritius. Ref. : — 1 (p. 736), 2 (chap, xvi), 3 (Part II, chap, i, p. 164), 10, 41. •JUSprUS [BJ3U33 31{1 oj aaire -jjodun repsds ou jo 2upq 'ajaq psjjiuio aiE jj S3IH3S i° saniwvj-ans aqx i U * ^l> dL^-^JJ^-^ , , / to -'H^c4„ GEOGNOSY— PETROLOGY. 21 DIVISION B.— STRUCTURE OF ROCK MASSES. A.— GENERAL ARRANGEMENT. i. Mode of Occurrence. A. Igneous, a. Position: (i) beneath other terranes ; (2) protruding as nuclei of various mountain ranges ; (3) above or between other terranes (inter- bedded) ; (4) occupying fissures in other rocks. b. Strictly unstratified. c. Common structures: Massive, columnar, platy. A. I. Granytic. a. Position and relation to Aqueous Rocks; intrusive, b. Rarely cuboidal or columnar. A. II. Trappean. a. (1) Intrusive; in sheets, veins, dikes, necks; (2) interbedded. A. III. Volcanic, a. Position chiefly at surface. B. Metamorphic. a. Beneath Aqueous Rocks; otherwise nearly as in C. b. Special structural features, as cleavage. C. Aqueous, a. Nearest surface, b. Stratified. 2. Unstratified Terranes. a. All Igneous rocks, strictly speaking, b. Material filling fissures and intrusive veins [see B, 4. Igneous Dikes], c. More or less homogeneous in text- ure : crystalline or amorphous. 3. Stratified Masses, a. Consolidated sediments main- ly, b. Aqueous and Metamorphic rocks, c. Crystalline or fragmental. B.— FEATURES COMMON TO ALL ROCKS. 1. Fissures, a. Frequently miles in length, many feet wide, of unknown depth, b. Commonly in parallel series fol- lowing trends of mountain systems, c. Also accompanied by smaller transverse systems, d. Variously inclined, vertical to low angle. 2. Faults, a. Non-adjustment of two sides of fissures. b. More apparent in stratified rocks [see beyond, C, 3. Dislo- cations], c. Very common in mountainous regions, often of great extent horizontally (250 miles) and vertically (20,000 ft.) d. "Hade." e. "Throw." 3. Joints, a. Division planes in two or more directions. b. Parallelwise to minor ridges or folds, c. Courses vary ac- cording to character of rocks, producing blocks of different shapes and sizes : In basalt and other Igneous rocks, columnar or prismatic ; in granyte, large, irregular, columnar or cuboidal ; in limestone, regular, cubical ; sand- stone, more or less prismatic (quadrangular) ; shale, commonly rectangu- lar ; in Metamorphic rocks, often rhomboidal, small. 4. Igneous Dikes, a. Fissures suddenly filled by Trap- pean ejections b. Mainly ancient choked-up fissures, c. 22 GENERAL GEOLOGY. Occur in crystalline or amoqjhous masses, d. Offsets (" igne- ous veins" and "cotemporaneous veins.") e. Granyte dikes and "elvans." f. Structural features of dikes : (i) Traversed commonly by two series of joint-planes meeting at right angles; (2) often columnar (as basalt) with columns commonly perpendic- ular to walls of dike; (3) edges frequently, and inner portions occa- sionally, streaked with tachylite ; (4) selvage of decomposed material not infrequent; (5) adjacent rocks often much altered. f. Necks; ( 1 ) occupy throats of extinct volcanoes ; (2) crys- talline or fragmental [R. 44 (iii, 243)]. 5. Mineral Veins, a. Fissures, crevices or patches more or less filled by material slowly accumulated, b. Extent and direction dependent on size of fissure, c. Kinds : (1) veins of infiltration, usually siliceous or calcareous; (2) veins 0/ segrega- tion, no definite walls — same, in effect, as concretions, explained beyond; (3) fissure veins, commonly metalliferous, d. Struct- ure commonly banded, e. Leaders and feeders. \Full dis- cussion given i?i Course LI, — Economic Geology]. 6. Concretions. A. Congenital. I. Lgnigenous. a. In Igneous rocks; as (1) "druses" in granyte; (2) spheroids in doleryte and dioryte. b. In Metamorphic rocks ; (1) patches of foreign or other crystals in gneiss, etc. B. Secondary. a. In all rocks, but chiefly in Aqueous [see D, 1. Concretions], 7. Slaty Cleavage, a. Most common in Metamorphic rocks. 1 C— SPECIAL FEATURES OF STRATIFIED ROCKS. i. Regular Arrangement, a. Planes of stratification ; use of terms stratum, formation, b. Original horizontal posi- tion of beds proven by: (1) composition of beds; (2) positions of trees and other entombed remains, c. Inclined strata, d. "Dip"; measurement and sources of error, e. "Strike"; at right angle to dip. f. "Conformity." g. Association of beds. 2. Irregular, or Secondary Arrangement, a. "Over- lap." b. Foldings: (1) major folds; (2) minor folds; (3) con- tortions; (4) plications. c. Use of terms anticlinal, syncli- nal, uniclinal, qua-qua-versal. d. " Unconformity," real and apparent, e. Inversion of strata. 3. Dislocations [see ante, B, 2. Faults], a. Kinds: (1) vertical; (2) inclined; (3) trough; (4) step; (5) reversed (not common), b. Simple and compound faults, c. Varia- 1 The full discussion of the subject of cleavage in rocks will be more advantageously taken up under the head of JE. — Paiticular Structure of Metamorphic Rocks, later in the course. ^-^^v ", V^^jL-JS ^ GEOGNOSY— PETROLOGY. 23 tions, due to (1) nature of beds; (2) inclination of beds. d. Faults in anticlinals and synclinals, e. Strike faults, etc. f. Distortions, etc. g. Resulting fissures and cavities, h. Meth- od of determining thickness of faulted beds. i. Rules and conclusions : ( 1 ) Acute aiigle very rarely occurs with surface of given bed on both sides of fault. (2) Hade is commonly in direction of down-throw. 4. Lamination, a. Planes of lamination, b. Regular lamination. c. Oblique lamination ("false-bedding"). d. "Rolls," "swells," etc. e. Lateral extent of beds : ( 1 ) 7 lie finer the particles the more extended and more regular (in thick- ness) the beds, and vice versa. (2) Limestone liable to extend farthest, shale next, then sandstone, con- glomerate shortest distance. J).— PECULIARITIES OF AQUEOUS ROCKS. 1. Concretions, a. Really veins of segregation [ante, B, 5, c, (2)]. b. Found in all rocks, but especially charac- teristic of Aqueous, c. In Aqueous rocks, always of second- ary origin, d. Forms of nodules : globular, lenticular, annu- lar, botryoidal, and various, e. Hollow, solid, honey-combed, partitioned, radiated, etc. f. Often have fossil or crystal as nucleus, g. Comp. : (1) In sandstone CaC0 3 , FeS 2 or F&2O3 ; (2) in shale CaC0 3 (septaria), FeCOs (clay iron-stone), FeS^ (Catalina stone) ; (3) in limestone SiOj (chert, flint, etc.), also in dolomite; (4) dolomite itself also sometimes nod- ular. 2. Petrifactions, a. Include remains of plants and ani- mals, generally hard parts, b. State of preservation varies greatly ; structure commonly apparent, sometimes only outline. c. Replacement (pseudomorphism), d. Casts and moulds. 3. Peculiar Markings, a. Wave marks, b. Ripple marks, c. Rill marks, d. Rain prints, e. Mud cracks. f. Traces left by flowing mud. g. Tracks of animals. E.— PARTICULAR STRUCTURE OF METAMORPHIC ROCKS. i. Slaty Cleavage, a. Not necessarily confined to Met- amorphics, but more common than in Aqueous or Igneous. b. Divisional planes more or less transverse to bedding, c. Course of planes parallel to main axes of elevation, d. Lam- ination often obliterated by cleavage planes, e. Planes often extend through great series of beds. f. Surface bending of 24 GENERAL GEOLOGY. planes, g. Sedgwick's conclusions [R. 48 (vol. iii, On Struct- ure of Large Ati?ieral Masses)] : (1) Strike of cleavage planes (when well developed and extending through mountain-masses) coincides nearly with strike of beds. (2) Dip of planes (in amount and direction) not affected by changes in beds, even when latter are contorted. 2. Foliation, a. Darwin and Sharpe regard it as extreme degree of slaty cleavage, b. Geikie considers it result of met- amorphism. c. Prof. Geikie's view receives support from common direction of folia (coincident with bedding). Ref. : — 1 (pp. 79-114), 2 (chaps, vi-xv), 3 (Part II, chaps, ii-v, mainly), 9, 10, 47. PART IV -DYNAMICAL GEOLOGY. 1. Scope, a. Treats of geological agents and their present operations, b. Comprises chiefly chemical and physical geology. 2. Divisions. I. Subterranean Agencies. II. Sur- face Agencies, including Aqueous, Atmospheric and Organic. III. Morphogony, or origin of surface outlines. SECTION I -SUBTERRANEAN AGENCIES. 1. Causes of Disturbance, a. Subject but little under- stood, b. Local bodies of molten material within the crust. C. Contraction of crust, d. Access of water through fissures to heated caverns in interior mass. e. Sir Humphrey Davy's idea of oxidation of metallic bases of earths and alkalies [R. 49]. 2. General Effects, a. Sudden movements of crust as exhibited in earthquakes, b. Slow elevations and subsidences. c. Ejection of molten material through fissures and craters. d. Physical and chemical changes in rocks; as (1) expansion; (2) contraction; (3) folding; (4) slaty cleavage; (5) foliation; (6) concretions; (7) mineral veins, e. Phenomena of hot springs and geysers. DIVISION A.— ACTION OF HEAT. A.— SOURCES OF TERRESTRIAL HEAT. i. Heat from Sun, etc. a. Nearly 40 per cent, ab- sorbed by atmosphere, b. Penetrates crust 50 to 100 ft." c. SUBTERRANEAN AGENCIES. 25 Amount received varies; (1) with seasons; (2) with eccentricity of orbit, d. Daily invariable isogeother?n but two or three ft. underground, e. First constant isogeotherm an irregular line ; from less than 2 ft. under heat equator to more than 100 ft. at poles — varying in submergence according to amount of an- nual variation, and representing temp, near mean annual iso- therm at surface, f. Heat from fixed stars very important, nearly | of amount from sun. 2. Interior Heat. a. Invariably increases in descending below limit of surface action, b. Rate of increase varies ac- cording to locality, mainly owing to varying conductivity of rocks, as in table on next page. c. Annual loss of heat not great, owing to low conductivity of materials of crust ; Thom- son estimates enough to melt 777 cu. miles of ice, equal to earth-envelope of only .0085 mm. 3. Chemical Action, a. Possible source of some im- portance, but not easily estimated, b. Result of decomposi- tion (oxidation). 4. Mechanical Sources, a. Movement in crust, chief- ly, b. Mallet's experiments [R. 42, 1862 (Paper on "Vol- canic Energy")], epitomized in following table: Heat Produced by Crushing. Z cu. ft. of crushed produces Temp. {F.) of sp. heat. (1) Syenyte or granyte Ilo°.oo-2I3 .25 0.181-0.186 (2) Slate I32°.85 0.201 (3) " I44°.2Q 0.218 (4) Sandstone 32°.84 0.238 (5) " 47°-79 0.233 (6) " 86°.i3 0.215 (7) Limestone (compact) 20°.o8 0.245 (8) " " 26°.28 0.265 (9) Marble (Devonshire) H4°.68 0.203 B.— EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION IN ROCK'S. i. Col. Totten's Experiments [R. 13 (vol. xxii, 1833, p. 136), 46 (vol. ii)]. a. Ratio of expansion in: (1) fine- grained granyte, (2) granular limestone, (3) red sandstone = 1 : 1.78: 1.99, respectively, b. Amount of expansion in 1 in. cubes: (1) .000004825 ; (2) .000005668; (3) .000009532. c. Lyell calculates that 50 miles in thickness of crust, with increase of 6oo° F. to 8oo° F., would cause elevation of 1000 ft. to 1500 ft. 2. Bischof s Experiments, a. In passing from glassy condition to crystalline, rocks shrink in volume: (1) Basalt, 26 GENERAL GEOLOGY. ++ Table of Average Lncrease. ++ + + + ■O rststf io O t~- t^- oo Q hJ "*■ Q O O O O _ 5 o o o o « O " OWH o o o o 5 £ o o o o o o o o o o o o ■ h n n ton o o o o £ "S "3 M . , . . " . " 1 " EL > .s ^ 0) 1- ^ !-, ctf O rt » ^>£ cr> cr 1 ^ cr L o 1 ' - O u e O . vo t^— ooo o^ocooo 00 mui ONOO oo ooo O i-h00vOM3 I"- O M N N -h N ►- N N r- oooooooooo o oooooooooo P 1 c b/>^ C (3 >, W s M .w '— •. s S 'cu « 6 ^ £ "> -G^ O O Ph C 4) cj < O Ji to •.5*6 5S" ™ 5 c "^ rt rt i.S ifl > « 1 R. 13 (II, xxvii, 174). S UB TERRANEAN A GENCIES. 2 7 0702; (2) Trachyte, .0786; (2) Granyte, .1580. b. From fluid state to crystalline, shrinkage in: (1) Basalt, .1040; (2) Trachyte, .1813; (3) Granyte, .2519. c. Results somewhat remarkable and not all confirmed [D. Forbes, R. 45 (xviii, p. 191)]. 3. Experiments of Delesse and Deville [R. 53 (II, iv, pp. 1312, 1380)]. a. From fluid to solid, contract: (1) Granyte, Quartz-porphyry, etc., .09 to .11; (2) Syenyte, .08 to •°9j (3) Porphyrine forms, .08 to .10; (4) Greenstones, .06 to .08; (5) Melaphyr, .05 to .07 ; (6) Trappean rocks, .03 to .05 ; (7) Volcanic rocks, .00 to .04. b. Conclusions of M. Delesse for Igneous rocks. ( 1 ) From crystalline to glassy state, rocks increase in volume (decrease in density*) more rapidly in proportion to quantity of SiOa and alkali (Acidic Series). (2) Rocks increase in volume less rapidly in proportion to amount of iron, CaO and A1 2 > 3 (Basic Series). (3) Igneous rocks most deeply seated (ancient) generally of first group (acidic) ; those near surface (modern) commonly of second group {basic). (4) Order of increase of volume almost exactly the inverse of order of fu- sibility. 4. Production of Columnar Structure in Rocks. C— VOLCANOES AND VOLCANIC PHENOMENA. i. Form and Structure of Volcanoes, a. More or less conical, built up of material ejected from below through one or more shafts communicating with highly-heated portion of earth's crust, b. Truncated above, with basin-shaped pit, or crater, surrounding orifice of shaft, c. Much variety in shape and structure, d. Structure commonly complicated by irregular alternations of lava, ash and cinders, e. Height even 14,500 ft.; breadth of crater variable, even 3 miles; depth of crater as great as 1000 ft. 2. Kinds of Volcanic Cones. A. Eruptive. Most common ; formed by successive ejections of molten or other material. I. Lava-cones, a. Slope at low angles (6° to 8°) ; Ex. : ^Etna, cones of Hawaii (Sandwich Is.) b. Crater in form of pit, with nearly vertical walls; lavas often stratified. II. Tufa-coties. a. Wet cinders or flowing mud. b. Slope 1 5 to 30 . c. Inward slope of walls of crater towards cen- tral shaft, making bowl-shaped depression. III. Cinder-cones. a. Slope of 40 or less. b. Crater restricted, with narrow rim. IV. Mixed cones, a. Slope from 8° to 35 , dependent upon proportions and alternations of lava, tufa and cinder. b. Crater liable to simulate that of cinder-cotie. B. Elevated. 28 GENERAL GEOLOGY. Caused by swelling and bursting of earth's crust; probably form part of some cones. 3. Present Distribution, a. Almost wholly limited to oceanic islands or to borders of continents near the sea. b. Nearly all oceanic islands are volcanic, c. Two-thirds of all volcanoes are on oceanic islands, d. Mainly confined to bor- ders of Pacific Ocean and equatorial seas. e. Arranged in groups or linear series [R. 1 (p. 703)]. f. Pacific Ocean al- most completely encircled by main belt. g. Note of much im- portance : Active volcanoes most common in geologically modern strata, h. Number of existing volcanoes, 1200 or more; goo in archipelago about Borneo, i. Extinct volcanoes very numerous, even in regions away from present coast. 4. Products. A. Liquid, a. Liquidity dependent upon : (1) amount of heat ; (2) conditions of fusion (aqueous or aqueo- igneous); (3) nature of material, b. Special forms of lava produced by cooling, as: (1) Pele's hair; (2) pumice; (3) ob- sidian (volcanic glass); (4) vesicular lava; (5) volcanic sand. c. Igneous fusion occurs with great heat (2500 or more) and limited amount of water, d. Aqueo-igjieous fusion requires abundant supply of water but not greatest heat (only 8oo°). e. Fcldspathic (acidic) lavas less fusible than augitic (basic). B. Solid. I. Volcanic ash, forming tuffs. II. Cinders. III. Fragmentary masses, a. From walls of chimneys, b. Ce- mented into breccias, agglomerate, or conglomerate. C. Gas- eous. I. Steam, a. Escapes with ash and cinders in explo- sive eruptions, b. Not abundant in lava ejections, c. Largely from surface waters. II. Carbonic Acid. a. Rather secondary. b. From limestone, and possibly other sources. III. Chlor- hydric Acid. a. From sea- water, mainly, b. Converts oxides to chlorides. IV. Sulphurous Vapors, a. Sulphur deposited secondarily, b. S0 2 vapor not rare ; produces sulphates event- ually, c. H 2 S rather common. V. Nitrogen. VI. Hydrogen. 5. Association of Basic and Acidic Lavas, a. Old opinion of relative age ; basic group newer, b. Richthofen's views as to order of succession in Rocky Mountain region : (1) Propylyte, (2) Afidesyte, (3) Trachyte, (4) Rhyolyte, (5) Basalt [R. 54, 55 (pp. 186, 187)]. c. Bunsen's double or triple sets of "volcanic foci." d. Durocher's double "magmas." e. Lyell's counter-statement regarding trachytic lavas overlying dolerytic in Madeira [R. 46, (vol. ii, p. 52)]. f. Association well marked in ancient (Trappean) as well as modern (Vol- canic) accumulations, g. Relations of both basic and acidic S UB TERRANEAN A GENCIES. 2 9 lavas to sedimentary beds, suggesting possible cause of associa- tion of former. 6. Phenomena Accompanying Eruption. A. Lava Flows. I. Ebullition, a. Jets of thirty ft. in most liquid lavas, b. In viscid lavas resistance much greater, and burst- ing of bubbles sometimes throws material very high (10,000 ft., Vesuvius, 1779, Sir Wm. Hamilton), c. Circulation from centre towards sides of crater. II. Hydrostatic Pressure, a. Increases 8^ atmospheres for every 100 ft. in depth, b. Heat causes vaporizable substances to ascend, inflating mass in con- duit, making general rise in craters, c. Produces fractures in sides of cones. III. Outflow, a. Sometimes over brim of crater, but usually through coincident fractures, b. Common- ly quiet, unless affected by vapors, c. Superficial extent de- pendent on liquidity of lava and topography of region ; often many sq. mi. in area, from 100 ft. to 600 ft. in depth [R. 1 (p. 712), 46 (vol. ii, p. 52)]. d. Scoriaceous crust formed at sur- face long (even 10 years) before solidification of subjacent mass. e. Production of dikes, mounds, clinkers, etc. B. Solid Ejections, a. Huge fragments thrown out in explosive erup- tions, often to great distances (from Cotopaxi, one mass of 211 tons, 9 miles), b. Earthquakes ordinarily occur at same time. C. Vapor Emissions, a. Ordinarily associated with explo- sive eruptions, b. Important effects on weather, causing rains, etc. c. Scrope [R. 58] considers mobility of lavas due to im- pregnating steam. 7. Process of Cone-formation, a. Successive steps: (1) Opening of vent; (2) growth of primary cone by accumulation of ejectamenta; (3) bursting-out of side-vents ; (4) production of dikes; (5) building-up of secondary cones ("parasitic cones " or "monticules ") ; (6) formation of central crater by bursting or melting off of top of main cone; (7) rebuilding of cones over central area ("cone-within-cone " structure). b. LeConte's simile of exogenous wood [R. 3, p. 89]. c. Remarks on great age of certain volcanoes. 8. Periodicity of Eruptions, a. Active, dormant, ex- tinct volcanoes, b. Intervals sometimes rather irregular, but commonly not so. 9. Explanation of Volcanic Action. A. Require- ments, a. Necessary to account for : (1) force of ejection and (2) heat of fusion. (1) Amount of force required to raise lavas (Gr. 2.5-3.) to bottom of crater = wt. of column in conduit= 156.25 lbs. to 187.5 ^ Ds * P er cu - ft- = I atmosphere for each vertical 12 ft. (12ft. 10 in. to loft. 8 in. ) of column. This, in Vesuvius (3900 ft. above sea) = 325 at. ; in ^Etna (11,000 ft.), 3 o GENERAL GEOLOGY. I083 at. ; in Mount Loa (craters 10,000 ft. to 13,000 ft. ), 833 at. to 1083 at.; Cotopaxi (20,000 ft.), 1666 at. (2) Quiet eruptions demand exercise of maximum force and maximum heat, while explosive eruptions may occur under minimum of force and heat, owing to presence of superheated water. B. Theories. I. Eruption, a. Generally agreed that ejec- tion is mainly due to imprisoned vapors, chiefly steam. II. Fusion, a. Source of heat somewhat in dispute ; several theo- ries, as below : (1) Internal Fluidity. Supposes existence of molten interior, throb- bing in response to crust movements which permit access of surface waters through new fissures. \_Relic of early geology]. (2) Gaseous Evolution (subterranean). Superheated gases in interior of earth expanding near surface, melting rocks and forcing them out- wards ; appeals to sun for support. \_Kev. O. Fisher, 1868 [R. 44 (Nov.), 67], 1875 [R. 61 (vol. xii)]; N. S. Shaler, 1868 [R. 44 (Nov.), 67]. (3) Rise of Heat through Crust, locally transforming subjacent sedi- ments, by aqueo-igneus fusion, into material sufficiently elastic to produce volcanic phenomena. [Sir jfohn Herschel, [R. 66, (vol. xi, p. 548)]. (4) Aqueo-Igneous Belt. Thought to be result of action given in (3), producing continuous belt of fused material between central mass and outer crust. [Compromise bet-ween (1) and (2)]. (5) Oxidation of Inferior Mass, above "limit of volcanic water," 1 de- veloping heat enough for effects observed in volcanoes. Sir Humphrey Davy suggested particular form of oxidation (see p. 24). \_Few hold this, perhaps, as chief source of heaf\. (6) Contraction of Interior more rapidly than the crust, causing suffi- cient horizontal pressure in latter to produce local volcanic action. [ Mal- let's view [R. 39, 1872] now accepted by many of best authorities], C. Discussion. I. Theory of Internal Fluidity, a. Based upon hypothesis now but little supported, b. Limits thickness of" crust more than seems warranted by results of recent phys- ical research, c. Effects too local for support of this theory, in toto. d. "Limit of volcanic waters" probably far above isogeotherm of 8oo° F. (temp, of aqueo-igneous fusion); hence, surface waters could not penetrate to igneous interior, e. Ad- vocates adopt modifications ("local thinnings," and "honey- combed remains" within crust separated from interior mass), which practically revoke theory as regards volcanoes. II. Sub- terranean Gases, a. Sun generally considered as now in con dition of earth at an earlier stage ; from former vapors abun- dantly emitted, b. Volcanic activity formerly greater on the earth, c. Lavas usually charged with vapors, d. Action of this kind may take place far below limit of volcanic waters. e. This view may be held as accessory to theory (6), though Fisher opposes latter. III. Ascent of heat. a. Deposition of 1 Phraseology suggested by Le Conte [R. 3 (p. 92)] to indicate point where action of jravity on surface waters balances reverse action of interior heat. S UB TERRANEAN A GENCIES. 3 1 sediments causes gradual upward movement of isogeotherms, possibly sufficient to account for certain volcanic phenomena, as mud-throws and some explosive ejections, b. Increase of temp, too slight and too slow for igneous fusion, c. Receives some apparent support from occurrence of active volcanoes mainly in recent strata. IV. Zone of Aqueo-igneous Fusion, a. Open to objections under I and III. V. Chemical Theory, a. Probably explains certain phenomena and rightly accounts for part of heat. b. Sir Humphrey Davy's special modification almost purely hypothetical, c. Oxidation not only chemical source of heat. Much heat is disengaged in formation of chlorides. bro77iides, iodides and snip/tides, and, contrary to general rule, heat is also given off in decomposi- tion of nitrous oxide and hydrogen peroxide [R. 59]. VI. Mechanical Theory, a. Explains not only volcanoes but also other kinds of igneous, as well as sub-igneous, action. 1 b. Accords well with commonly accepted theories of earth's general history. Earth, in cooling, first formed thin, solid crust, acting as non-conduct- ing envelope to fluid mass within. Interior magma, in cooling, contracted and still contracts more rapidly than crust, because coefficient of contraction is greater at high temperature and because temperature of crust has be- come nearly stationary. Result must be horizontal pressure from yielding of crust to adjust itself. c. Two prominent modifications of theory: (1) arching of strata by the pressure, allowing portions of interior mass to escape; (2) more common view of crushing of material and final mechanical fusion of subjacent portion. D.— IGNEOUS ACTION NOT VOLCANIC. i. Nature of Trappean Ejections, a. Distribution same as volcanoes, but also common in regions of extinct vol- canoes, b. Produced by eruption through fissures, c. Mate- rial similar to volcanic masses, but more compressed. 2. Interbedded, or Contemporaneous Traps, a. Characterized by: (1) position among stratified beds, conform- able with overlying sediments; (2) unaltered condition of su- perimposed layers ; (3) occurrence of tuffs, etc. ; (4) slaggy, or scoriaceous, character at top and bottom of lava sheets, b. Material both crystalline and fragmental, former somewhat re- stricted, latter of all varieties. Dioryte, hyperyte, quarts-porphyry, etc., not known as interbedded trap, though meldphyr and felsyte are not uncommon, also some rocks of Vol- canic Division. 1 This theory will be more fully examined under head of Mountain Elevation (p. 38). See also remarks under Slaty Cleavage beyond (p. 37). 32 GENERAL GEOLOGY. c. Structure and texture of sheets similar to modern lava flows from volcanoes, with induced modifications resulting from age and pressure, d. Sheets occur in series alternating with sedimentary beds. e. Tuffs of given series commonly resem- ble lavas of same group, f. Sedimentary masses enclosed in tuff. g. Illustrations from contemporaneous traps of " the great Northwest lava-flood" extending from Big Horn Mts. to Pacific Ocean (area nearly 175,000 sq. mi.) h. Some European fissure-eruptions 3. Intrusive, or Subsequent Traps (see Igneous Dikes, p. 21). a. Material filling fissures in rocks previously arranged, b. Occur in dikes, offsets, bosses, sheets and necks, always following lines of least resistance, c. Sometimes, in sheets and offsets, may appear contemporaneous, locally, d. Crystalline, of all Trappean varieties ; fragmental varieties normally wanting, represented, however, by agglomerate necks. e. Dikes rarely formed of diotyte or members of Feldspathic Family, f. Examples of intrusive traps : (1) Amorphous Masses more or less abundant in Scotland, Wales and elsewhere: (2) dikes well represented in U. S. by trap ridges of Conn. Valley, Mt. Tom and Holyoke Mts., N. J. Highlands and Lake Superior bluffs ; elsewhere common, as Giant's Causeway and Fingal's Cave j (3) sheets, necks and offsets, more local. 4. Igneous Granytes. a. Subject of much discussion ; formerly considered fundamental or part of original crust, b. All granyte regarded as igneous until recently; greater portion now considered metamorphic. c. Position and relations to other rocks indicate cooling at great depths under pressure. d. Growing opinion that Granytic rocks are rarely or never true igneous deposits, e. Abundant proof of Aqueo-igneous origin. For arguments on both sides, see Hunt [R. 13, (New Series, vol. i, pp. 82, 182), 56 (pp. s, ss, 43, 65, 183, 189-191)]; Scrope [R. 65 (vol. xii, p. 326)]; Scheever and others [R. 53 (II), vol. iv, pp. 468, 1018, 131 2 ; vi, 644 ; vii. 275 ; vii, 500] ; Sorby [R. 62 (February, 1858)]; Rose [R. 62 (xix, p. 32)]; Delesse [R. 63 (vol. vii, p. 190)]; Jukes and Geikie [R. 2 (chap, xii)]; Le Conte [R. 3 (p. 217)]. f. Notes of personal observations on granytes of Rocky Mts. and region in Brit. Amer. N. W. of Lake Superior. E.—SECONDAR Y IGNEOUS ACTION. I. Geysers, a. Intermittent explosive thermal springs. b. Occur in Iceland, New Zealand and Yellowstone Park, U. S., associated with ancient volcanic outflows, c. Great S UB TERRANEAN A GENCIES. 33 Geyser, Iceland: Bunsen [R. 86 (lxxii, 1847, pp. 159-170)]; Bischof [R. 72, p. 225 (quoted in R. 73, 187 1, p. 129)]. d. New Zealand geysers [R. 71, p. 432 (quoted in R. 73, 187 1, p. 128)]. e. 1 Yellowstone (rather, Madison,) geysers; some account of explorations; (1) Lieut. G. C. Doane [Rep't upon Yellowstone Expedition of '1870 (Sen. Ex. Doc, 51, 4.1st Cong., 3d Sess.)\ ; (2) Capts. Barlow and Heap [Reconnaissance of Sources of Yellowstone River, 187 1 [Sen. Ex. Doc, 66, 42^ Cong., 2d Sess.)] ; (3) Hayden, Peale, etc. [R. 73, 1871, 1872, 1877, 1878]; (4) Jones, Heizmann, Comstock, 1873 [R. 55]; (5) Ludlow, Grinnell, E. S. Dana, 1875 [Carroll, Montana, to Yellowstone Park (War Dep't)]. f. Personal observations; descriptions of leading geysers, as White Dome, Clepsydra, Fountain, Impulsive, etc., of Lower Fire Hole — Old Faithful, Castle, Giant, Giantess, Bee-hive, Grotto, Grand and Fan gey- sers of Upper Basin — with remarks on phenomena and de- posits JR. 55 (pp. 241-259), 74, 76, 78 (1875, B, p. 97)]. g. Periodicity of geysers, h. "Sympathy" between separated geysers [R. 74]. 2. Theory of the Geyser [R. 3 (p. 99)]. I. Origin. a. Relation to volcanic activity, b. Produced by infiltration, through fissures, of meteoric water, c. Only formed by sili- ceous waters, d. Waters always contain alkaline carbonates. e. Bunsen's theory of formation of tube and chimney. II. Eruption, a. Mackenzie's theory of subterranean caverns, adopted by Bischof [R. 72, 73 (1871, p. 129)] for New Zeal- and, and applied by the author to certain geysers of Yellow- stone Park [R. 55, p. 225 et sea.], b. Bunsen's theory of eruption (unequal heating at different depths) sufficient to ex- plain prominent facts and capable of experimental verification. 3. Thermal Springs in Volcanic Districts. 2 a. Non-eruptive or sometimes eruptive, b. Antecedents or con- sequents of geysers; often siliceous, c. Deposits [see M 9 1. Geysers, e.]: (1) siliceous, in form of chimneys of opal or quartz (rarely); (2) calcareous cones and basins of travertine along bottoms of streams, even forming limestones of considera- ble local extent (Gardiner's River, Yellowstone Park); (3) sul- phurous, as sulphur incrustations, and (4) resulting products, such as alum, gypsum, etc. d. Solfataras; commonly in 1 All references under e may be found in the Cornell University Library. 2 Certain classes of springs in which the action of heat is commonly coincident if not essential, might properly be discussed here, but it is thought best to consider them under the head of Stibterrancan Water beyond (p. 41). 34 GENERAL GEOLOGY. Trachytic rocks, e. Salses and mud-volcanoes, f. Fumar- oles. g. Carbonated springs, h. Personal observations at other points in Yellowstone Park. Ref. : — i (pp. 697-723), 2 (chaps, xvi, xix, and xx to p. 358), 3 (pp. 76-104), 4-6, 8-12, 27, 41, 46, 47, 49, 55, 56, 58, 60, 71, 72, 73 (1871, 1872, 1877, 1878), 74, 76, 79, 82, 84. DIVISION B.— MOVEMENTS IN EARTH'S CBTJST. A.— EARTH Q UAKE PHENOMENA. i. Character and Distribution, a. Mallet's definition [R. 88 (1847, Part 2, p. 30; 1850, pp. 1-87; 1851, pp. 272- 3 2 °)]- Earthquake consists of "waves of elastic compression, from vertical to horizontal, in any azimuth, through crust of earth, from any centre of impulse, or more than one, and which may be attended with sound- waves and sea-waves, depending on impulse and circumstances of posi- tion." b. Average recorded number 575 per annum, but greater number not catalogued ; earth probably never wholly free from quakings. c. Most common in volcanic districts [see R. 79 (PI. X) or any good Physical maps, as in R. 4, etc.] 2. Relation to Volcanic Action, a. Eruptions rarely occur without earthquakes, before and during ejection, b. Especially characteristic of explosive eruptions. c. Earth- quakes not unfrequently cease upon eruption of neighboring volcanoes, and vice versa. 3. Cosmical Relations. a. Earthquakes occur more commonly in winter than in summer; difference trifling, b. C. More liable to occur under diminished atmospheric pressure. Alexis Perrey's laws of lunar action : (1) Earthquakes most frequent with moon on meridian (flood-tide). (2) At syzygies (new and full moon, high flood-tide) a little more fre- quent than at quadratures (half-moon). (3) Somewhat more frequent in perigee (moon nearest earth, highest flood-tide) than in apogee (moon farthest from earth). 4. Phenomena and Effects, a. Sudden movements (undulatory) in earth's crust, producing temporary and perma- nent displacements; alteration of drainage. b. Vorticose movements, c. Production of fissures, d. Inundations, e. Shocks in mines, f. Destruction of life and property, g. Storms, h. Earthquake-" bridges." i. Peculiar sounds. ^ UB TERRANEAN A GENCIES. 3 5 5. Seismographs and Seismometers [R. 3, p. 122]. a. Palmieri's telegraphic seismograph [R. 60, p. 141]. b. Cavalleri's pendulum seismometer [R. 62, xix, 1866, pp. 102— 116]. c. Simple forms sometimes employed, as basin of mo- iasses, etc. 6. Mallet's Laws of Earthquake Motion [R. 85]. I. "Earth-wave of shock''' is result of sudden impulse, a. May be: (1) volcanic eruption; (2) cracking of rock under tension; (3) generation of steam from spheroidal state of water; (4) condensation of steam. II. Transmitted with great velocity, affecting a?iy spot but momentarily. a. Veloc- ity dependent upon nature of rock, etc. b. Mallet's exper- iments [R. 3, p. ni[ with artificial earthquakes, c. Mallet's observations (1857) on Calabrian earthquakes; mean velocity of 789 ft. per second (658 ft. to 989 ft., extremes). III. Waves travel in spheroidal shells, spreading in irregular closed curves (" coseismal lines "), widening in proportion to distance from central impulse, a. "Coseismal lines" modified by: (1) form and dimensions of central impulse; (2) variations in hardness, density, texture and structure of rocks ; (3) sudden changes in rocks, producing return waves. IV. "Angle of emergence = 90 (seismic vertical) over central impulse, decreas- ing with distance from seismic vertical, a. Destructive effects commonly decrease inversely as "angle of emergence"; be- cause overthrowing power increases as angle decreases. V. " Velocity of shock" not rapid, but "transit of wave" about half as rapid as cannon-ball. a. "Velocity of shock" only 10 ft. to 15 ft. per second, b. "Amplitude" of wave usually but a few inches. 7. Explanation and Discussion. I. Explosive earth- quakes, a. Velocity of shock very great, owing to very sud- den and strong impulse, b. Position of central impulse (focus) not very deep, otherwise height of wave and velocity of shock would be too much diminished to produce such violent effects. II. Vorticose earthquakes, a. Less common than often sup- posed ; vorticose movements frequently produced by ordinary vibrations, b. Mainly due to concurrence and interference of waves, produced by : (1) Unequal velocity of different waves (probably not a common cause in earthquakes) ; (2) reflection of waves in passing through media of varying density. III. Spreading earthquakes, a. Coseismal lines will be : (1) Circular, when waves pass through material of uniform elas- ticity ; (2) elliptical, when elasticity of rock differs considerably 36 GENERAL GEOLOGY. in directions mutually transverse ; (3) linear, when structure is such as to produce effect of non-elastic material in two opposite directions. This last result is most frequently due to wave-re- flection in passing through strata of varying density ; hence linear earthquakes are most common along mountain axes. IV. Sea-wave. a. Velocity due to size of wave; much less than earth-wave, though often from 300 mi. to nearly 500 mi. per hour. b. Distance traversed very much greater than earth-wave, because : (1) Earth-waves, being spherical, diminish in oscillation as square of distance, while water-waves (circular) diminish only in proportion to dis- tance. (2) Earth-waves traverse heterogeneous medium, causing abnor- mal reduction in oscillation, by reflection and refraction, and loss of effect from fractures and transformation of energy. c. Reduction in velocity due to decrease in depth of water; measurement of depth. Great size of sea-wave causes it to "drag bottom" in comparatively deep water. Principle is established that every wave traverses its own length during time of one oscillation. Length of wave thus ascertained from ob- served velocity and time of oscillation, depth of sea is calculated from dif- ference between free velocity and actual retarded velocity [A. D. Bache, R. 83, 1862, p. 238]. B.-SECULAR MOVEMENTS. i. Relation to Sea-Level, a. Changes of level in land must ordinarily affect water-level, hence : (1) Actual amount of any movement of elevation is less than apparent by just the amount of coincident depression of sea-level. (2) Depression of land is greater than apparent by an amount equal to coincident elevation of sea-level. But (3) actual additions to land surface being (apparently) inappreciable, sea-level may be regarded, for convenience, as a fixed plane. b. Cosmical causes may change level of sea alone, but these effects are commonly compensated [Croll, R. 62 (April, 1866; June, 1867; 1868, p. 382)]. 2. Proofs of Elevation of Land [Lyell, R. 46, 89]. a. Raised rocks, reefs, old sea-beaches, etc. : Examples : (1) Scandinavian Peninsula, N. of Stockholm (and part of Russia), '■'raised beaches" 50 to 70 miles inland, at height of 100 to 700 ft., with barnacles and shells attached; (2) South America, Chili and southward, beaches, 1180 miles on E. coast, and 2075 miles on west, 100 ft. to 3000 ft. ; (3) Siberian Coast for 600 miles ; (4) Mediterratiean Sea- coast in places (Bay of Naples, 20 ft.), Temple of Jupiter Serapis. b. Old caves formed at sea-level, now 8 ft. to 100 ft. above, as along coasts of Scotland, c. Terraces along sea-border. d. Human works, as piers, etc., and Swedish commission guages. 3. Evidences of Depression, a. Submerged forests. S UB TERRANEAN A GENCIES. 3 7 b. Growth of coral islands, c. Fjords. 1 d. River deltas, e. Encroachment of sea on land over wide areas. Examples: (i) Southern Sweden, gradual approach of streets to sea- level, stone set by Linnseus in 1749, 100 ft. nearer sea in 1S36. (2) IV. Coast of Greenland for 600 miles, submerging huts and boat-poles. 4. Theoretical Considerations, a. Areas of subsid- ence commonly in regions of great accumulation of sediments. b. Consequent rise of isogeotherms, basis of: (1) Babbage's Theory [R. 66, vol. II, p. 73]. Expansion of crust ver- tically, causing elevation. [Conflicts with fact given under a]. (2) HerscheTs Theory [R. 66, vol. ii, pp. 548, 596]. Result of rise of isogeotherm, subsidence, due to chemical change and aqueo-igneous fusion. c. Commonly accepted opinion that movements are due to contraction of earth from secular cooling. Ref. : — 1 (p. 741), 2 (chaps, xvii, xviii), 3 (pp. 104-132), 4-6, 8-1 1, 27, 35, 41, 46, 47, 79, 80, 81, 84, 85, 87. DIVISION C ! -LATEEAL PRESSURE FROM CONTRACTION. i. Foldings, Contortions, etc. a. Plainly due (on large scale) to subsidence of crust, b. Modified by texture and structure of included terranes. c. Fractures least com-- mon in contorted strata, d. Slaty cleavage associated with flexures. 2. Joints, Fissures, Faults, a. Mainly due to eleva- tion of portions of earth's crust, b. Result of non-elastic nature of material, c. Indicate cleavage-structure in crust transverse to pressure. 3. Slaty Cleavage, a. Theory of Sharpe [R. 65, vol. iii, p. 87] deduced from distortion of fossils, etc. b. Sorby's experiments with foreign particles in clay [R. 62, 2d Ser., vol. xi, p. 20]. c. Tyndall's experiments and conclusions [R. 62 (2d Ser., vol. xii, p. 35), 92 \appendix)\ d. Contraction hori- zontally in direction of pressure, extension vertically, no change in direction of strike. e. Ratio of compression and exten- sion averages nearly 6 : 1 (from 2:1 to n : 1). 4. Elevation of Mountains, a. Foldings, contortions, 1 The proofs of subsidence afforded by coral reefs and fjords will be better appreciated by the student later in the course. 2 The argument of the subject of this DIVISION is given in the later text-books [R. 1 (p. 73s, et seq.), 2 (pp. 358-360), 3 (p. 252)]. See also J. M. Wilson [R. 44, v, p. 2o6j, and R. in the text. 38 GENERAL GEOLOGY. plications and slaty cleavage always associated with mountain chains, b. Strata 20,000 ft. to 40,000 ft. thick in moun- tainous regions ; hence where slaty cleavage is prominent, mountain chains now 100 mi. broad originally extended 250 mi. horizontally, and elevation of central portion is wholly ex- plained by lateral pressure. c. Much folded and greatly cleaved mountains result of subsidence ; those resulting from crust elevation commonly less folded and little cleaved, but much fractured and faulted, d. Mechanical theory [(6), p. 30; VI, p. 31] of volcanic action, therefore, applies here. e. Prog- ress of mountain elevation illustrated : (1) Sinking of large area of crust (geosynclinal) by contraction of mass within, produces foldings, contortions, and finally slaty cleavage ; com- pression greater in synclinals, hence synclinoritim is more permanent mountain chain, as Jura and portions of Appalachian Mts. (2) Elevation of large tract (geanticlinal) produces tension in strata and consequent fissures and faults of great extent. This form (anticli- norium) of mountain chain therefore less permanent, as Rocky Mts., etc. 5. Formation of Continents and Oceanic Depres- sions, a. Continents represent first cooled areas with sub- sequent additions, b. Oceanic basins later cooled areas of greater subsidence, c. General remarks on growth of conti- nents. Ref. :— 1 (pp. 735-754), 2 (pp. 35 8 -3 6o )> 3 (PP- 240, 252, etc.), 13 (II, xxii, 1856), 56 [Index). DIVISION D.- ALTERATIONS OF TEXTURE AND COMPOSITION. 1. Metamorphism. a. Effects: (1) consolidation ; (2) change of color; (3) loss of vaporizable ingredients; (4) ob- literation of fossils; (5) crystallization; (6) foliation, b. Caused by chemical action induced or modified by heat, pressure, moisture and alkalies. (1) Metamorphism in dry way illustrated by effects of igneous protru- sions on adjacent rocks ; (2) effect of pressure shown by formation of marble from calcite without loss of CO2 [Sir James Hall's experiments (R. 42, vol. vi, p. 95)]; (3) combined water of rocks probably sufficient for changes observed; (4) alkalies assists fusion and solution. c. Cycles of metamorphism. d. Sorby's study of " Micro- scopical Structure of Crystals" [R. 65, vol. xiv, p. 453]. 2. Pseudomorphism [R. 57 (vol. i, p. 53), 29 (p. 222), 56 (Index)], a. Alteration of composition without change of SURFACE AGENCIES. 39 form, in minerals, b. Due to transfer of particles by solutions (replacement), c. Petrifaction essentially same process. Ref. :— 1 (p. 724), 2 (pp. 50, 360), 3 (p. 215), 9, 10, 29, 46, 47, 56, 87. SECTION II -SURFACE AGENCIES. DIVISION A.— ACTION OF WATER. A.— THE OCEAN AND INLAND SEAS. i. Erosion of Land. a. Maximum effect produced along shore, but probably more or less of sub-marine denuda- tion in shallow water elsewhere, b. Erosive action progress- ing on all coasts, but most abundant in Scotland and Norway, Cape Horn, etc.; more extensive in high latitudes, c. Steven- son [R. 42, xvi, pp. 25, 28], found force of breakers on coasts of Scotland : (1) In summer, 611 lbs. per sq. ft. ; (2) in winter, 2086 lbs. ; (3) during heavy storms as much as 6000 lbs. d. Effects vary with : ( 1 ) height of tides ; (2) force of waves; (3) outline of coast; (4) texture and structure of rocks; (5) in- clination of strata; (6) direction of prevalent winds, e. "Shore platform," or line of no erosion, just above low tide. f. Line of greatest erosion somewhat above half-tide. g. Bays formed in yielding strata, headlands left of tougher rocks, h. Caverns, "blow-holes" and undermining of coast, i. Examples : (1) Cliffs, headlands, "spectral islands," caverns, bays, etc., Norway, Brit. Is., and elsewhere; (2) washing away of old towns on English coast; (3) U. S. coast from N. of Boston to Charleston, S. C, appreciably wasting (9 ft. per annum at Cape May) ; (4) numerous instances of bays, coves, cliffs, etc., along shores of Great Lakes, as "Pictured Rocks," L. Superior, bluffs of L. Erie, etc. ; (5) shores of Australia, and peculiar forms in Bay of Islands, New Zealand [Dana]. 2. Transportation, a. Ocean currents carry masses of "Gulf-weed" and included life, also fine mineral particles, b. Waves move immense masses, but only short distances, c. Bache's statement concerning transportation of siliceous sand to S. extremity of Florida, d. Landward movement of waves limits transportation of detritus seaward, e. Density of sea- water enables it to carry material farther, or larger particles. 3. Mechanical Deposition, a. Probably much mate- rial is deposited by oceanic tides and currents [see Leconte (R. 13, vol. xxiii, p. 46, 1857)]. b. Examples: 4 o GENERAL GEOLOGY. (i) Banks of Newfoundland, formed by meeting of Gulf Stream with cold Arctic current; (2) Bahama banks and other shoals formed by ma- terial received from Amazonian current; (3) submarine banks off coasts of German Ocean ; (4) pebbles have been brought up off Cape of Good Hope, in 100 fathoms, some miles from land [Jukes and Geikie]. C. Soundings show large portion of ocean bed to be covered with non-transported ooze. d. Waves produce detrital islands along coasts by pushing up material of submarine banks. 4. Chemical Deposits, a. Sea contains less CaC0 3 than most rivers, hence deposition must occur, b. Precipita- tion rather local, as shells, etc., abstract very considerable quantity, c. Salt lakes, (1) Formed by excessive evaporation or by disjunction from sea; (2) deposits alkaline (from alkaline carbonates) in volcanic regions, or in re- gions covered by volcanic waste, as in Mono Lake and elsewhere in W. U. S. ; (3) precipitate saline (from alkaline chlorides) in regions of ordi- nary sediments ; gypsum first deposited, then common salt, leaving MgCl s as menstruum finally, as in Dead Sea;Gt. Salt Lake, Utah, still deposit- ing NaCl ; (5) Dilution of inland lakes once arms of the sea, illustrated by L. Champlain [R. 72, 104 (G. K. Gilbert, 1872)]. 'B.— CIRCULATION OF WATER UPON LAND.* 1. Action of Rain. I. Mechanical, a. Washes off fine material, exposing new surfaces to weathering influences, b. Scores out gullies in uncompacted strata ; forms earth-pillars beneath protecting stones, c. Adds to power of streams by freshets. II. Chemical, a. Due to presence of C0 2 , increas- ing solvent power, b. Assists chiefly in disintegration. 2. Rivers, Creeks, etc. I. Character, a. Size varies according to: (1) area of drainage; (2) amount of precipita- tion ; (3) evaporation ; (4) physiography of hydrographic basin ; (5) geological structure, b. Pitch depends mainly on charac- ter of surface and amount of water, modified by geological structure ; varies between high and low water, c. Velocity is determined by pitch and depth. II. Erosion, a. Cascade portion, b. Torrent area. c. River portion, d. Flood- ground, e. Ground plan and profile, f. Potholes, g. Causes of variations in Ithaca gorges, h. Striking examples of erosion : 1) Colorado canons, 300 miles, vertical walls, 3000 ft. to 6000 ft. ; (2) Yellowstone canons and others, 2000 ft. and more, worn in volcanic rocks ; (3) Niagara gorges, ancient and modern, 7 miles, 600 ft. to 1200 ft. wide, 200 ft. to 300 ft. deep. 1 For a full appreciation of the importance of this subject, consult: Hutton's Theory of the Earth [R. 42, vol. i, 1785, p. 209 (also enlarged and separately issued in 1795)]; \Vhitaker [R. 44, vol. iv, p. 447 (bibliography to 1867)] ; also R. 46, 57, 87, q^. o±. SURFACE AGENCIES. 4 i III. Transportation, a. Force of current increases as sixth power of velocity, b. Transportive power increased by loss of wt. (| to |) of rock in water, c. Experiments show : (i) Fine clay is moved when current attains velocity of 900 ft. per hour ; (2)Jine sand moves in water with velocity of 1800 ft. per hour; (3) coarse sand (size of linseed) requires velocity of 2400 ft. per hr. ; (4) gravel, 3600 ft. ; (5) pebbles, 1.364- miles per hr. ; (6) angular stones (size of hen's egg), 2.045+ miles. d. Effects due to sudden changes in velocity, e. Amount of silt carried by rivers varies greatly. Mississippi carries annually to Gulf of Mexico 406,250,000 Ions of sedi- ment = T8 L tfff °f w t- an d Woo" °f v °l ume °f tne water, also pushes 44.500,- 000 tons sea-ward. Ganges discharges annually 378,100,000 tons, brought from a basin of less than £ the area of the Mississippi. [Humphreys and Abbott.) Hoang Ho transports yearly 1,040,250,000 tons. Dr. Livingstone describes rivers of moving sand. [ Travels in S. Africa, p. 598.] _ IV. Deposition, a. Alluvial tracts in river-bottoms, b. Natural levees. c. Deltas. d. Deposits in estuaries. e. Bars at river-mouths, f. Peculiarities of Amazonian deposi- tion. &— SUBTERRANEAN WATER. i. Chemical Action. A. Springs. I. Ordinary, a. Solvent power mainly due to C0 2 or alkali, b. Remove cer- tain ingredients, thus leaving cavities, c. Effect replacement (pseudomorphism), d. Emerge at surface as calcareous, siliceous ox ferruginous (chalybeate) springs, e. Leave deposits of travertine, stalactite, etc. f. All rocks contain more or less moisture originally abstracted from ocean; average 2.5 per cent. [Hunt, R. 13, II, xxxix, 193; Durocher, R. 53, x, 1853, 431; De Lesse, ibid., xviii, 1861, 64. Quoted in 1, p. 656J. II. Thermal. [See E.— SECONDARY IGNEOUS AC- TION, ante, p. 32]. a. Contain greater proportion of min- eral ingredients than ordinary springs, b. Commonly asso- ciated with folds or deep fissures. c. Products : sulphates, chlorides, sulphur, silica, etc. d. Examples : Hot Springs, Arkansas ; Bath Springs, Camp Brown, Wyo. ; warm springs of Bath, England, etc. ; deep artesian wells. B. Streams. a. Same chemical effects as in springs, but on larger scale, as in Mammoth Cave, Ky., etc. 2. Mechanical Effects. I. Caverns, a. Most common in limestone regions, b. Formed by corrosion and erosion on part of underground streams, c. Examples of streams and caves : 42 GENERAL GEOLOGY. (i) In central Penn. and elsewhere large creeks frequently sink sudden- ly and reappear miles beyond ; in same region are numerous caves. (2) Mammoth Cave, Ky., represents portions of ancient and modern channels of Green River, the several chambers and passages lying one above another, the whole system being comprised within comparatively narrow limits horizontally. Numerous other caverns in vicinity. Echo River and Styx still connect with Green River. (3) Basins of extinct thermal springs, Yellowstone Park, afford some fine examples of large caves. d. Special features of Mammoth Cave and vicinity, as il- lustrating cave-history in general. (1) Slalactitic formations scarce in main cave, and mainly confined to certain chambers, an effect due to protection of limestone by sandstone capping, preventing free access of water; (2) in domes, where fissures ex- ist, water enters freely and forms stalactite, finally choking up the cavity; (3) same effect in adjacent caves with no sandstone capping; (4) domes in Mammoth generally formed by subsidence of roof of cave. II. Sink-holes, a. Basin-like depressions in surface rocks produced by falling-in or yielding of roofs of caverns, b. Very common and remarkably large in parts of Ky. ("Cavern lime- stone" of Owen), and general in other regions. III. Land- slides, a. Produced in several ways : (1) By slipping of wet soil held together by trees, etc., as in cases of slide of Aug., 1826, on White Mts. and rather frequent landslips in Rocky Mountain region. (2) Inclined strata, underlaid by soft layers, often glide down over sub- jacent beds, particularly on steep mountain slopes, as in the destructive slide of the Rossberg, Switzerland, 1806, and in other recorded cases [R. 46, vol. i]. (3) In horizontal strata underlaid by wet clay, pressure may be sufficient to displace latter and allow superincumbent mass to subside, as commonly occurs on shores of L. Erie and elsewhere, and occasionally at points on Hudson River. b. Slides cause scratching and polishing of rocks beneath, and sometimes produce contortions in clayey layers. IV. Mud- lumps, a. Low heaps noticed near mouth of Mississippi, b. Produced by pressure upon layer of mud beneath surface de- posits [Hilgard, R. 13, III, i]. J).— FROST, SNOW AND ICE. i. Action of Frost, a. Expansion of water from 39^° F. to 32 F. produces remarkable mechanical effects [see R. 96-98]. b. Explains absence of talus at foot of cliffs in trop- ics, c. Examples from various localities. 2. Snow. a. Protects land from erosion, b. Very de- structive in sliding masses {avalanches), c. Holds back pre- cipitated moisture to cause increased destruction by rapid melt- ing. 3. Glaciers [R. 92, 96-103]. I. General Character, a. SURFACE AGENCIES. 43 Ice-streams descending valleys below snow-line. b. Exist only in regions of abundant precipitation where mountains extend above limit of perpetual snow and where alternate freezing and thawing occur, c. Mainly confined to higher latitudes, d. Occupy transverse valleys of erosion. II. Structure, a. Veins; marginal, transverse and longitudinal, b. Crevasses; marginal, transverse, longitudinal, c. Moraines; lateral and terminal, d. " Glacier tables." III. Motion, a. Rate varies from 1 in. to 60 ft. per day. b. Rate varies according to : (1) amount and frequency of precipitation; (2) obstructions in valley ; (3) slope of surface ; (4) point of observation, c. Laws : (1) Velocity greatest along median line, as in water-streams. [Friction against sides.] (2) Motion most rapid at top, least at bottom. [Atmospheric friction not appreciable ] (3) Velocity increases directly as angle of slope. (4) Motion varies with thickness (depth of stream). (5) Degree of fluidity materially affects progress. [Summer and winter changes]. (6) Rate of flow in tortuous channels follows laws of river-motion, except that greater viscosity of ice-sheet overcomes greater resistances. d. Theories of glacier-motion : (1) Forbes' Theory regards ice as viscous-brittle substance flowing under its own weight, on principle of slowly applied pressure. (2) TyndalPs Theory of ttflracture and regelation?' 1 based on fact that slow pressure in small masses causes fracture, while fragments are re- united by pressure. IV. Transportation, Erosion, Deposition, a. Effects much greater than in case of water, owing to buoyant action of ice, and greater resistance opposed to obstructions, b. Transpor- tation of material, c. Grooving and polishing of strata, d. Rounded hills, roches moutonnees, parallel valleys, etc. e. En- largement of valleys, f. Formation of " Drift " deposits. 4. Icebergs, a. Fragments broken from lower end of glacier by buoyant power of water, etc. Sp. gr. of ice =0.918 (32 F.), hence exposed mass of iceberg is about T^- of total weight, when solid. Actually nearly \ above water, and some icebergs 300 ft. visible. b. Effects; scoring of rocks (irregularly), erosion of gullies, deposits of boulders. 5. Anchor-ice and Shore-ice. a. Produce effects of some importance occasionally. Ref. : — 1 (pp. 635-696), 2 (chaps, xxiii-xxv), 3 (pp. 9-76), 4-6, 8-1 1, 23, 27,46, 55 (pp. 155- 167), 56 {Index, water), 57 (vol. i), 68, 69, 87, 92—103, 106, 118, 119. 44 GENERAL GEOLOGY. DIVISION B.— ATMOSPHERIC ACTION. i. Protective, a. Preservation of human works and other remains by blown sand. 2. Formative, a. Production of soil (and boulders) by- disintegration of rocks, as in "driftless" regions, b. Trans- portation of seeds by wind. c. "Dust-showers" and "blood- rains" [R. 13, (II, xi, p. 372), 105]. d. Sand-hills, dunes, etc. 3. Destructive, a. Weathering of rocks, b. Effects of wind : (1) Erosion of rocks, as by sand-blast, in Colorado and elsewhere; (2) obliteration of land-marks by shifting sands ; (3) denudation of sand-fLts and hummocks where not protected by vegetation ; (4) overthrowing of forest trees. c. Atmospheric electricity; fulgurites [R. 48, vol.. II, 1814, p. 528J. d. Ozone in windy localities, as near S. Pass, Wyo. [R. 55, p. 178J. e. Marked variations in atmospheric pressure causing fluctuations in level of Great Lakes. [See Col. Chas. Whittlesey's papers in R. 78, 1873 (B, p. 42), 1874 (A, p. 139), and in Canadian Naturalist, April, 1875.] Ref. :— 1 (pp. 630-635), 2 (chap, xxi), 3 (pp. 3-8), 4-6, 8-1 1, 23, 35, 41, 46, 47, 68, 84, 87, 90 (1867), 91 (1867), 105, 107 (chap, vi), 108. DIVISION C— ACTION OF LIFE. A.— VEGE TA TION. i. Protective Influences, a. Turf, roots of trees, etc., bind soil and prevent erosion to some extent [special cases, R. 55, pp. 170-173]- 2. Deposits of Peat. a. Most common in northern re- gions, where climate is moist, as in Ireland, N. U. S., etc. b. Formed from mosses [sphagnum, Hyptium, etc.), and sometimes from other plants, as in Dismal Swamp, N. Car. (from leaves). C. Peat-bogs commonly antiseptic, d. Similar formations in Central N. Y. e. Bogs probably ordinarily originate from prostration of timber, f. Coal results from decomposition and more or less complete metamorphism of peat, or more often of woody tissue. 3. Drift-wood Accumulations, a. Represented by famous Red River and other " rafts." 4. Bog-iron Ore Deposits, a. Produced by: (1) Deoxydation of Fe 5 3 in presence of decaying organic matter; (2) combination of resulting FeO with nascent Co. 2 , and (3) final conversion of FeCOj, by oxydation, into Fe 2 3 , 3H 2 {limonile). SURFACE AGENCIES. 45 5. Destructive Effects, a. Through force exerted by growing roots in crevices, b. Vegetation holds back moisture in soil, thus facilitating disintegration, c. Landslides rendered more destructive by binding effect of trees and turf. d. Dam- age increased in tornados, etc., by overthrow of trees. B.— ANIMAL FORMATIONS, ETC. i. Siliceous Deposits [ante, p. 15]. a. Ehrenberg's es- timate : (1) 17,946 cu. ft. of siliceous organisms annually forming in one harbor in Baltic ; (2) he collected from the mud one pound in one hour = 700, 000,000,000 individuals; (3) his estimate of increase of single individual for one month = enough to form bed of silica of 18,480,000 cu. ft. =more than 1,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 individuals. b. Commonly found segregated in layers or nodules (chert, flint, etc.) c. In all parts of the ocean and even living in ice. d. Some noted accumulations : (i) Polycystine sandstone, Barbadoes ; (2) Polycystine deposits, Sea of Kamtchatka [R. 13, II, xxii, PI. I], Nicobar Is. (100 species, Ehr.), Bar- badoes (282 sp., Ehr.) 2. Oaze, Marls and Shell-Deposits, a. More CaCOj in rivers than in ocean ; abstracted from latter by organisms : (1) Foraminiferal remains make up bulk of deep-sea ooze and finally produce chalk. (2) Shells of Mollnsca in ponds or near shores of lakes and seas form marls (as near Cortland and Cayuga in N. Y. State), and these and corals after attrition and comminution by waves, produce oolyte. 3. Coral Reefs and Coral Islands, a. Distribution of reef-builders : (1) Limited by "isocryme" of 68° F., averaging Lat. 30 N. and S. , [on W. coast of Africa and E. coast of Asia forced back to Lat. 15°, W. N. Amer. to 23^°, by cold currents, and on E. coasts of Africa (Cape of Good Hope) and N. America (Bermuda) extended to nearly 32 by warm currents] ; (2) cannot grow in water deeper than 100 ft. ; (3) require clear salt water; (4) most kinds flourish best in rough water; (5) volcanic action prevents growth. b. Formation of "fringing reefs" about islands, c. "Barrier reefs." (1) Formed outside of fringing reefs, leaving channel between of vary- ing dimensions (from very shallow and narrow to considerable depth, and breadth of even 60 miles) ; (2) channel kept open by fresh-water streams, tidal and local currents or depth of water. d. " Atolls," or coral islands : (1) Formed by growth of corals to low-tide level; (2) then by wave- action, irregular encircling reef is raised about a central "lagoon"; (3)- vegetation finally grows from transported seeds; (4) small atolls some- times fill up lagoon. e. Kinds of coral rocks [R. 1, p. 620]. 46 GENERAL GEOLOGY. (i) Compact, tough limestone, non-fossiliferous ; (2) compact oolyte, generally non-fossiliferous; (3) like (1), but with fragments of shells and corals imbedded ; (4) coarse conglomerate of firmly cemented masses of coral; (5) corals in situ, with interstices filled in with sand, mud, etc. 4. Theories of Atolls and Barrier Reefs. A. State- ment, a. Often. extend to enormous depths, while corals can- not live below cir cum- littoral zone (ante p. 10). b. Formerly explained by crater theoiy, but Darwin's subsidence theory now commonly received : ( 1 ) Crater Theory. Regards atoll as built upon rim, lagoon as occupy- ing basin, of extinct volcanic crater. (2) Theory of Stibsidenee [C. Darwin, R. 48 (1840, pp. 505-510), 65 (vol. xii, pp. 115-119), 66 (II, 1838, p. 552), 84 (pp. 465-482), 86 (lxiv, 1845, p. 563), ill; Dana, R. 109, also 1; outline of argumetit in R. 2 (PP- 335' 336)> 3 (P- 144 et seq.)\ Supposes gradual subsidence of fring- ing reef and inclosed island, not more rapid than growth of corals, on average, and at no time during its formation submerging reef more than 100 ft. B. Discussion. I. Crater, a. Submarine banks, probably offering conditions suitable for atoll growth, are sometimes pro- duced by volcanic action, b. Barrier reefs, though of similar origin, not explained by this theory, c. Atolls more extensive (even 10 mi. to 90 mi. wide) and more precipitous (5o°-6o°) than volcanic cones. II. Subsidence, a. Accounts for barrier reefs and all features of atolls, b. Lyell's early views : In 1st edition of "Principles" states that amount of subsidence in Pacific is greater than elevation, as area of land is small compared with formative agents (coral-growth and volcanic action). c. Evidences of subsidence given by nearly all travelers among coral islands of Pacific, d. This theory explains ab- sence of corals from an area of 2,000,000 sq. mi. in mid-Pacific, where all conditions are favorable except depth. C. Remarkable Exceptions, a. Florida reefs, occupying lower half of State (20,000 sq. mi.), example of increase of land. b. No evidence of subsidence or of growth about volcanic area. c. Probable agency of Gulf Stream [see Leconte (R. 3, pp. 149-153) for admirable statement and argument]. 5. Rate of Growth of Coral-formations, a. Average increase in height less than .10 in. (Dana's estimate .0625 in.) per annum =120 yrs. per ft. b. Some existing deposits (now growing) fully 2000 ft. thick, have required from 240,000 yrs. to 384,000 yrs. c. With subsidence more gradual than growth- rate, time would be increased proportionately. Ref. : — 1 (pp. 606-626), 2 (chap, xxii), 3 (pp. ^-^SX 4-6, 8-1 1, 13, 27, 28, 36, 41, 46, 47, 68, 69, 84, 105, 108-113, 120. S URFA CE A GEN CIES. 47 * SECTION III -M0RPH0GONY (Supplementary). 1 1. Hills and Mountains, a. Relations of form to struct- ure illustrated, b. Hills of upheaval; characteristic forms, c. Hills of deposition, how produced, d. Hills of circum-denu- dation. e. "Outliers" and "escarpments." 2. Plains and Plateaus, a. Plains of deposition, b. Plains of denudation, c. Table-lands. 3. Valleys and Ravines, a. Of erosion, b. Of de- pression, c. Formed by circum-deposition. d. Longitudinal valleys [R. 94, p. 160, figs. 55, 56, 58]: (1) synclinal ; (2) monoclinal ; (3) anticlinal, e. Transverse valleys [R. 94, p. 160, figs. 53, 54, 57] : (1) cataclinal ; (2) anaclinal ; (3) dia- clinal. 4. Lakes and Ponds, a. In basin of erosion or of cir- cum-deposition. b. Dammed-up by superficial deposits, caused by: (1) Streams of lava ; (2) terminal moraines of glaciers ; (3) land-slides ; (4) sand-bars drifted ; (5) irregular deposition ; (6) work of beavers. 5. Mountain Passes, a. Produced by erosion, b. Re- sult of faults, c. Synclinal passes (depressed). 6. Fjords, or Sea-lochs, a. Generally regarded as former glacial valleys, now partially submerged. 7. Caverns, a. Subterranean (already discussed), b. Along sea-coasts, c. From landslides or tumbling of large masses from cliffs. 8. Cliffs, a. Of erosion, b. Of displacement. 9. Canons, Alcoves and Amphitheatres, a. Gen- eral remarks. Ref. : — 2, chap, xxvi, is admirable ; Powell, R. 94, gives very much valuable and interesting description of valleys, canons, alcoves, cliffs, etc. 1 It would be quite proper under this head to discuss several subjects, such as Mount- ain Elevation, Special Forms of Erosion above and below surface, Fornlation 0/ Coral Islands, etc., but each of these has already been considered in a more convenient place. 48 GENERAL GEOLOGY. PART V.-PALiEONTOLOGY. I. Definitions and Divisions, a. Literally, discourse about ancient beings, b. As here restricted, treats mainly of ex- tinct forms of life preserved as fossils and of their relations to existing plants and animals. 1 BIVISION A.-BIOLOGICAL RELATIONS. I. Convenient Classification of Plants and Ani- mals. A. Vegetable Kingdom. 2 I. Cryptogamia. a. Multiplying by spores containing no embryo, b. Subdivisions: Class I. — Thallogens. Fronds spreading, commonly with no dis- tinct axis; composed wholly of cellular tissue. Sub-class I. — ALG/E. Ex. : Fucoids (leathery sea-weeds), Confervacea:, Dialomacece, Coral- lines, Coccoliths, Nullipores. Sub-class II. — Mycetales. Ex. : Lichens, Fungi. Cla.SS II* — Anogens. Cellular tissue, with short, leafy axis more or less developed. Ex. : Mosses, Liverworts. Class III* — Acrogens. Vascular tissue, in part, growing from apex; ascending and descending axes prominent. Ex. : Ferns, Tree- ferns, Lycopods, Equisetacece. II. Phanerogamia. a. Distinct flowers; multiplying by seeds containing embryo, b. Subdivisions : Class I. — Endogens. Single cotyledon, endogenous in growth. Division I. — Glumace^E. Ex. : Grasses, Sedges, Reeds, etc. DIVI- SION II. — Petaloide^:. Ex. : Palm, Lily, Banana, etc. Class II. — GymnosperMS. Often polycotyledonous, exogenous, seeds naked. Division I. — Conifer/E. Ex. : Pine, Fir, Cypress, Cedar, Araucaria-. Division II. — Cycade.'E. Ex. : Cycads (Palm- like and acrogenous). Class III. — Angiosperms. Dicotyledonous, exogenous, enclosed seeds. Division I. — Monochi.amyde>e (Apetalous). Ex. : Oak, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Chestnut. Division II. — Corolliflor/E (Monopetalous). Ex. : Ash, Thistle, Honeysuckle, Rhododendron. Division III. — Calyciflor^: (Polypetalous, stamens perigynous). Ex. : Rose, Apple, Pear, Cherry, Cactus, Hemlock. Division IV. — Thalam I florae (Polypetalous, stamens hypogynous). Ex.: Maple, Balsam, Mahogany, Orange, Tea, Geranium. B. Animal Kingdom. 3 I. Protozoa, a. Simple or com- 1 In the present course of lectures, this subject is meiely outlined as a necessary intro- duction to Historical Geology (Part VI). 1 This outline scheme of the Vegetable Kingdom is, in part, based upon a "Synopsis" prepared several years ago by Dr. W. H. Harvey for Professor Jukes (published in R. 2, p. 760), but several quite important modifications, with fuller descriptions, are here in- troduced. 3 The main features of this outline scheme of the Animal Kingdom correspond to Professor Huxley's published systems, with certain modifications, not material, intro- duced merely for the purposes of this course of lectures. Duly qualified members of the class should require such a scheme only as a check upon the memory. Those who have PALjE ONTOLOG Y. 49 pound, generally minute, b. Body composed of structureless "sarcode." c. Subdivisions: Class I. — Rhizopods. Possess power of prolonging sarcode in shape of pseudopodia; fossil forms protected by calcareous or sili- ceous "test." Order i. — Foraminifera. Ex. : Nummulites, Urbitoides, Fusulina, Eozoon. Order 2. — Radiolaria. Ex. : Poly- cyslina (various). Class II. — Sponges. Compound; sarcode supported by net-work of siliceous or calcareous spicules. II. Ccelenterata. a. Body composed of 2 layers, b. ali- mentary canal communicating freely with body-cavity. c. Subdivisions : Class I. — Hydrozoans (Acalephs). Digestive tract and body-cavity coincident. Order i. — Tubularida (Corynida). Order 2. — Sertularida. Order 3. — Graptolitid.^e. Ex. : Graptolites (ex- tinct), [^//fossil forms are of Sub-class I. — Hydrophora]. Class II. — Actinozoans. Digestive sac, opening below into cham- bered body cavity with radiating septa. Order i. — Zoantharia. Corallum sclerodermic (occasionally sclerobasic) ; tentacles simple, multiple of 5 or 6. Ex. : Aladrepores, Star-corals, Brain-corals. Order 2. — Alcyonaria. Corallum sclerobasic; tentacles fringed, multiple of 4. Order 3. — Rugosa (all extinct). Corallum sclero- dermic; parls in multiples of 4, transverse tabulae commonly uniting septa. III. Mollusca. a. Body soft, commonly covered by a shell, b. Heart (when present) on dorsal aspect, nervous sys- tem in one ganglion, or scattered pairs, c. Sub-divisions : PROVINCE A. — Molluscoida. Heart absent or imperfect; single ganglion or one pair of ganglia. Class I. — Poi.YZOANS (Bryozoans). Compound, generally not con- nected internally ; 2 coats ; retractile muscle. 5 Orders. Class II. — Tunicates (Ascidians). Simple or compound ; leathery "test," lined by muscular coat; 2 anterior openings ; respiratory sac ; simple, open tubular heart; one ganglion, orally placed. Class III. — Brachiopods. Simple; shell bivalve {ventral and dor- sal) ; inequivalve (ventral v. usually larger), opened and closed by muscles, commonly fixed by muscular stalk passing through aperture in beak of ventral v. , or between valves or attached to substance of ventral v. ; 2 fringed arms about mouth, commonly coiled, supported by framework. Order 1. — Inarticulata. Ex. : Lingula, Crania, Discina. Order 2. — Articulata. Ex. : Terebralula, Spirifera, Ori/iis, Producla, Rkynchonella, Athyris. PROVINCE JB. — Mollusca Proper. Nervous system, 3 pairs of ganglia, heart with at least 2 chambers. Class IV. — Lamellibranchs. Bivalves, shells equivalve (usually), inequilateral, closed by muscles, opened by ligament; respiration by lamellar branchiae (gills). Ex. : Oyster, Clam, etc. Class V. — Gasteropods. Shell (when present) never bivalve ; oc- little or no familiarity with zoology will find all necessary information upon this subject in either one of R. 114, 115, or 116. \N. B. — Only such groups as are 0/ geological im- portance are here given.] 50 GENERAL GEOLOGY. casionally multivalve, commonly univalve, whorled more or less spirally. Sub-class I. — Branchifera. Respiration by gills, aquatic. 7 Provisional Orders. Ex. : Limpet, Whelk, Periwinkle. Sub- class II. — Pulmonifera. Aerial respiration by pulmonary sacs ; terrestrial or amphibious. Order I. — Operculata. Order 2. — Inoperculata. Class VI. — Pteropods. Winged appendages at mouth, for swim- ming. Large forms extinct. Class "VII. — Cephalopods. External shell (if present) usually chambered, straight or coiled in a plane, siphuncle passing through partitions. Order i. — Dibranchiata. 2 gills, 10 arms or less, with suckers ; little or no external shell. Sub-order i. — Octopoda. 8 arms. Ex. : Octopus, Paper Nautilus. Sub-order 2. — Deca- PODA. 10 arms. Ex. : Squid, Calamary. Order 2. — Tetra- BRANCHIATA. 4 gills ; arms more than 10, without suckers ; exter- nal, many chambered shell. Ex. : Orthoceras, Ammonite, Goniatite. IV. A?inuloida. a. Alimentary canal entirely distinct from body-cavity, b. "Water-vascular" system present, c. Sub- divisions : Class I. — Echinoderms. Ambulacral system communicating with exterior, commonly employed in locomotion ; integument of calcare- ous plates or leathery, with imbedded grains, spines or tubercles. Order i. — Crinoidea. — Fixed (almost always) by jointed stem; central cup or disk of calcareous plates with 5 or more radiating (often branching) arms from margin. Order 2. — Blastoidea (Pentre- mitids). Attached, body ovoidal; 5 petaloid ambulacra meeting at summit, no true arms. Order 3. — Cystoidea. Plates not regularly radiated; arms absent, rudimentary or few, not marginal; "pectin- ated rhombs" bet. ambulacral areas. Order 4. — Asteroidea. Star-shaped; central disk with 5 or more arms radiating, containing prolongations of stomach; integument leathery. Ex.: Star-fish. Order 5. — Ophiuroidea. Central disk covered with calcareous plates ; arms locomotive and prehensile, without internal prolonga- tions of stomach. Ex. : Brittle stars. Order 6. — Echinoidea. Body spherical to discoidal ; covered by test jointed immovably (mostly). Order 7. — Holothuroidea. Leathery, etc. (recent and fossil forms rare). V. Annalosa. Articulated body; limbs (when present) turned towards side on which nervous system predominates. PROVINCE A. — Anarthropoda. Limbs, when present, not jointed or articulated to body. Class. I — Annelids. Body segmented, with lateral appendages of- ten in pairs. Order i. — Tubicola. Branchiate, secreting mem- branous or calcareous tube. Ex. : Serpula, Spirorbis. PROVINCE 15. — Arthropoda. Articulated, jointed appendages. Class II. — Crustaceans. More or less aquatic; 2 prs. antennae; limbs on thorax and abdomen (usually). Order i. — Decapoda (Podophthalmia). 5 prs. legs, eyes stalked. Sub-order i. — Ma- crura. Tail well developed, long. Ex. : Lobster. Sub-order 2. — Brachyura. Tail short and turned under. Ex. : Crab. Order 2. — Isopoda. Head distinct, eyes sessile. Ex. : Wood-lice. Or- der 3. — Merostomata. Legs about mouth used as jaws, paddles, PALEONTOLOGY. 51 etc. Ex. : Limulus, Eurypterus. Order 4. — Trilobita. Body- divided laterally into 3 lobes. Order 5. — Cirripedia (Pectostraca). Multivalve shell. Ex. : Barnacle, Acorn-shell. Order 6. — Ostra- CODA. Bivalve shell. Ex. : Cypris. etc. Class III. — Arachnids. Head and thorax united (cephalo-thorax) ; terrestrial; legs never exceeding 4 prs., none on abdomen. Ex.: Spiders, Scorpions. Class IV. — Myriapods. Head distinct, thorax not distinct from abdomen ; segments more than 20 (one exception) ; legs more than 8 prs. ; one pr. antennae. Ex. : Centipede, Millipede. Class V. — Insects. Head, thorax and abdomen distinct; legs (on thorax) never more than 3 prs. Order i. — Hemiptera. Ex.: Cicada, Aphis. Order 2. — Orthoptera. Ex. : Cricket, Locust, Grasshopper. Order 3. — Neuroptera. Ex. : Dragon-fly, Caddis- fly. Order 4. — Diptera. Ex. : Ely, gnat. Order 5. — Lepid- uptera. Ex. : Butterfly, Moth. Order b. — HYMENOPTERA. Ex. : Wasp, Bee, Ant. Order 7. — Coleoptera. Ex. : Beetle. VI. Ve?'tet>rata. Body of definite segments ; often an exo- skeleton of scales or bony plates ; limbs ventral, turned away from side on which nervous system predominates. Vertebral column (cartilaginous or osseous) usually present in adult. PKOVlftCfi A. — Ichthyopsida. Branchiae present permanently or at least during tirst stages of growth. Class I. — Fishes. Group illy defined; median fins (interspinous) probably always present, and always provided with fringe of fin-rays, as are paired fins. Order I. — Marsipobranchii. Skull and ver- tebral column cartilaginous ; mandible and cranial bones wanting ; no clavicle, no limbs ; gills saccate, non-ciliated. Ex. : Lamprey. Order 2. — Elasmobranchii. Skull well developed, vertebral col- umn varying ; mandible present, no cranial bones ; no clavicle, 2 prs. fins, supported by multiple cartilages ; gills pouched. Ex. : Shark, Ray. Order 3. — Teleostei. Skeleton bony, as in modern fishes ; vertebral column more or less completely ossified; clavicle, 2 prs. fins, ventral varying in position; guls tufted or pectinate, protected by bony coverings. Ex. : Perch, Cod, Salmon. Order 4. — Ga- NOIDEI. Osseous skull ; vertebral column varying; clavicle present, 2 prs. fins, posterior near anus. Order 5. — Dipnoi. Skull bony, vertebral column cartilaginous ; clavicle, 2 prs. filiform fins, each sup- ported by jointed cartilaginous rod; posterior pr. close to anus. Ex. : Lepidosiren. Class II. — Amphibians. Median fins, when present, not fringed with fin-rays ; 2 occipital condyles ; basi-occipiial unossified. Order I. — Labyrinthodonta. Salamandroid body, weak limbs, long tail; skull somewhat as in Fishes ; dorsal vert, bi-concave ; teeth "labyrin- thine " in cross section. Order 2. — Ophiomorpha (Gymnophiona). Worm-like body, no limbs or tail ; scales imbedded in integument ; dorsal vert, bi-concave. Ex.: Ccecilia, etc. Order 3. — Batrachia ( Anoura). Exoskeleton absent or represented rarely by dorsal derm- al ossifications; dorsal vertebrae proccelous (concavo-convex), ribs rudimentary; radius united with ulna, tibia with fl bu la. Ex.: Frog, Toad. Order 4. — Urodela. No exoskeleton; dorsal vert, am- phiccelous (bi-concave) or opisthoccelous (convexo-concave), ribs short. Ex. : Newt, Salamander, Axolotl (Siredon), Siren (mud-eel). 52 GENERAL GEOLOGY. PROVINCE B.— Sauropsida. No branchiae during life ; single occipital condyle partly made up of ossified basi-occipital ; mandibular ramus complex, articulated to skull by quadrate bone. Class III. — Reptiles. Horny exoskeleton commonly in form of broad plates or overlapping scales ; flying apparatus (when present) not bird-like. Order i. — Ichthyosauria. Ex. : Ichthyosaurus. Order 2. — Chelonia. Ex. : Tortoise, Turtle. Order 3. — Ophid- ia. Ex. : Rattlesnake, Boa, etc. Order 4.— Pythonomorpha. Ex.: Clidastes, Liodon, Edestosaurus, Mosasaurus. Order 5. — Lacertilia. Ex. : Lizard, Blindworm. Order 6. — Plesiosauria. Ex. : Plesiosatirus. Order 7. — Crocodilia. Ex.: Crocodile, Al- ligator, Teleosaurus. Order 8. — Dicynodontia. Ex.: Dicynodon, Oudenodon. Order 9. — Pterosauria. Pterydactylus, Rhampho- rhyncus. Order 10. — Dinosauria (Ornithoscelida). Ex. : Igua- nodon, Megalosaurus, Scelidosaurus, Thecodontosaurus, Poikilo- pleuron. Class IV. — Birds (Aves). Feathery covering produced by conver- sion of dermal cells into horn : fore-limbs acting as wings, metacar- pal bones often anchylosed, metatarsals and distal tarsal also ("tarso- metatarsus "). Order i. — Saurur^e. Tail longer than trunk; metacarpals free. Ex. : Arclucopteryx. Order 2. — Ratit/E. Tail shorter than trunk ; metacarpals anchylosed ; sternum without crest. Elx. : Ostrich, Emu, Apteryx, Dinornis. Order 3. — Carinat^s. Tail short, terminated by "plough-share" bone; metacarpals anchy- losed ; sternum with keel. Ex. : Penguin, Goose, Pigeon, Parrot, Eagle, Heron, Snipe, etc. Order 4. — Dentaive (Odontornithes [Subclass] Marsh). Birds with teeth. Sub-order i. — Odontolc^. Vertebrae as in ordinary birds ; sternum without keel ; wings rudi- mentary ; teeth in grooves. Ex. : Uespero?-nis regalis Marsh. Sub- order 2. — Icjithyornithes. Vertebra; bi-concave ; sternum with keel ; wings well developed. Ex. : Jchthyornis dispar Marsh. PROVINCE C. — Mammalia. Hairy appendages developed from dermal cells ; young nourished by milk secretion ; 2 occipital condyles : ramus of lower jaw simple, articulating directly with squamosal bone. Class V. — Mammalia. 1 Characters of Province C. Order i. — Monotremata. Ex. : Echidna, Urnilhorhynchus. Order 2. — Marsupialia. Ex. : Opossum, Kangaroo, Myrmecobius. Order 3. — Edentata. Ex. ': Sloth, Armadillo, Megatherium, Megalotiyx, Mylodon, Glyptodon. Order 4. — Cetacea. Ex. : Whale% Zeug- lodon, Squalodon. Order 5. — SlRENlA. Ex. : Manatee, Halilhe- rium, Rhylina. Order 6. — Ungulata. Sub-order i. — Peris- SODACTYLA. Ex. ." Horse, Tapir, Orohippus, Pala'osyops, Rhinoce- ros. Sub-order 2. — Artiodactyla. Ex. : Ox, Pig, Deer, Cam- el, Anoplotherium, Platygonus. Order 7. — Amblypoda (Cope). Ex. : Dinoceras, Uintatherium, Loxolophodon. Order 8. — Probo- SCIDEA. Ex. : Elephas, Mastodon. ORDER 9. — Toxodontia. Ex. : Toxodon, Nesodon. Order 10. — Tillodontia. Ex. : Tillo- therium, Anchippodus. Order 1 1. — Rodentia. Ex.: Rat, Squir- 1 In arranging this group it has been necessary to introduce several divisions com- prising recently discovered American fossil forms. These groups are largely provi- sional, and it is probable that further study will cause extensive changes in the classifi- cation. The outline here given is probably as satisfactory as is possible without over- turning old systems. Cope brings together into new Orders, through intervening fossil forms, members of groups here widely separated. PALAEONTOLOGY. 53 rel, Hare, Beaver, Castoroides. Order 12. — Carnivora. Ex. : Lion, Tiger, Bear, Seal, A/achairodus. Order 13. — Insectivora. Ex. ; Mole, Hedgehog, etc. Order 14. — Cheiroptera. Ex. : Bat, Nyctilesles. Order 15. — Primates. Ex. : Lemur, Ape, Man. 2. Plants best Adapted for Fossilization. a. Aquatics and marsh plants more apt to meet with proper con- ditions of burial, b. Lowest orders, as Algae and Lichens, ap- proach most closely to mineral kingdom, hence most readily produce rocks, c. Nullipores and Corallines secrete CaO, hence well preserved. 3. Animals and Animal Tissues most Permanent, a. Soft parts, as impressions, or as interstitial tissue or even (rarely) as adipocere, occasional, b. Mineral oil or coal some- times left by decomposition of membranes and other soft por- tions, c. Bones, scales and hard parts generally, preserved mainly in proportion to amount of earthy matter; hence teeth more commonly, d. Insects, birds, reptiles, etc., living in or near water or marshes ; hence Neuropiera, Natatores, Grallat- ores, Amphibians, etc., more common as fossils, e. Inverte- brates more common, owing to small proportion of animal tis- sues in exoskeletons. f. Vertebrates less common, owing to large amount of animal tissue in hard parts. 4. Biological Causes of Extinction of Types, a. Species inhabiting shallow water more liable to extermination by changes of level, b. Terrestrial forms more liable to suffer from climatal changes, c. Forms most removed from domi- nant type succumb in "struggle for existence," if antagonistic or beneficial to " fittest." Ref. :— 1 (pp. 113-135, etc.), 10, 114, 115, 116, 117, 125. DIVISION B.-OEOLOGICAL RELATIONS. i. Extinction by Geological Agents, a. Changes of level of land (shore-travel), producing changes in: (1) depth of water ; (2) amount and character of deposition ; (3) temper- ature of water; (4) land climate, b. Approach or recession of glaciers, causing climatal changes, etc. 2. Life-record in the Rocks, a. Importance of "cycles of deposition" as affecting interpretation [see Ramsay's ad- dresses (R. 65, vols, xix, xx), and Hull on "Ternary Classifica- tion" (R. 122, 1870)]. b. Method of reading record : (1) Not vertically through rocks, but in zig-zag manner, following move- ments of shore-line. 54 GENERAL GEOLOGY. (2) Generally speaking, lineal descendants of given types should be sought in similar strata 0/ succeeding cycles rather than in superimposed layers. (3) il Line of descent" most continuous and nearest vertical (stratigraph- ically) in strata of most uniform composition, i. e., in cycles of greatest du- ration. c. Chronological gaps, caused by complete denudation of strata or by absence of fossils in certain rocks, d. Value of negative evidence in Palaeontology, e. Relation of Palaeon- tology to hypothesis of " Natural Selection." Ref. :— 1 (pp. 763, 764), 2 (pp. 484, 485, 492, 495-5° 8 )- PART VI.-HISTORICAL GEOLOGY (STRA- TIGRAPHY). 1. Scope, etc. a. Includes history of earth from its ori- gin to beginning of human records, b. Treats of physiographic and geognostic results and dynamical action, with examination of life-record, of successive epochs in the past. 2. Divisions. A. Nomenclature. I. Era. a. Broad- est division of geological time. b. Based upon prominent characteristics of life. II. Age. a. Sub-division of Era. b. Characterized by dominant group of animals or plants, III. Period, a. Sub-division of Age. b. Represents history of one "cycle of deposition" (in effect, not always). IV. Epoch. a. Sub-division of Period, b. Not uniformly defined. DIVISION A.-GENEBAL CONSIDERATIONS. i. Value of Historical Divisions, a. No well marked lines of separation, b. Strata at present classified somewhat arbitrarily, c. System convenient, but complicated and more or less illogical, d. Best divisions those in which strata and fossils lead to same conclusions, and those which also are syn- chronous with distant beds. e. Distinction between synchron- ism and " ho?notaxis" [Huxley, R. 65, vol. xviii, p. xlvi], or parachronism [R. 55. p. 143]. 2. Tests of Age of Strata, a. By order of succession in conformable layers, b. By structure in unconformable beds. HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. 55 c. By means of fossils, d. Limited value of color and litho- logical character as comparative tests. 3. Basins of Independent Progress, a. Outlined almost by earliest depressions and elevations of crust, b. Boundaries of N. American areas : (1) Eastern Border. Includes whole of region E. and N. E. of Green Mts. (2) Appalachian. From Quebec, through Green Mts., S. along Appa- lachian Chain. (3) Interior Continental. Between Appalachians and Rocky Mts., oc- cupying greater portion of Mississippi Valley. (4) Cordillera. Region W. of Missouri River to near base of Pacific slope. (5) Western Border. Portions of California, etc. W. of coast ranges. (6) Arctic Border. Not clearly defined. 4. Subdivisions in Geological History, a. Each group is named from region of earth where its rocks are best developed or from character of most abundant fossils, b. General classification of sedimentary strata, beginning with earliest. I— ARCHAEAN ERA. AGE A.— AZOIC (Lifeless). Period 1. Nebular. Period £. Crustific AGE B.— EOZOIC (Life-dawn). Period 1. Phytogenic. Pe- riod 2. Laurentian. Periods. Huronian. Period 4. Keewenawian (T. B. Brooks). II.— PALAEOZOIC ERA. AGE C— LOWER SILURIAN (Brachiopods and Trilobites). Pe- riod 1. Cambrian. EPOCH I. Acadian. EPOCH II. Pots- dam. Period 2. Canadian. EPOCH I. Calciferous. EPOCH II. Quebec. EPOCH III. Chazy. Period 3. Trenton. EPOCH I. Trenton. EPOCH II. Utica. EPOCH III. Cin- cinnati. AGE D.— UPPER SILURIAN (Invertebrates). Period 1. Ni- agara. EPOCH I. Medina. EPOCH II. Clinton. EPOCH III. Niagara. Period 2. Salina. Period 3. Helderberg. Transitional Period. Oriskany. AGE E.— DEVONIAN (Fishes). Period 1. Corniferous. EPOCH I. Cauda-galli. EPOCH II. Schoharie. EPOCH III. Corniferous. Period 2. Hamilton. EPOCH I. Marcellus. EPOCH II. Hamilton. EPOCH III. Genesee. Period 3. Chemung. EPOCH I. Portage. EPOCH II. Chemung. Pe- riod 4. Catskill. AGE F.— CARBONIFEROUS (Amphibians, Acrogens). Period 1, Sub-carboniferous. EPOCH I. Lower S. C. EPOCH II. Upper S. C. Period 2. Carboniferous. EPOCH I. Carb. Conglomerate (Millstone Grit). EPOCH II. Lower Coal Measures. EPOCH III. Upper Coal Measures. Period 3. Permian. 56 GENERAL GEOLOGY. III.-MESOZOIC ERA. AGE G.— REPTILIAN. Period 1. Triassic. EPOCH I. Bunter-sandstein {gres bigarre). EPOCH II. Muschelkalk {Cal- caire coquillier). EPOCH III. Kenper {Marne irisee). Period £. Jurassic. EPOCH I. Lias. EPOCH II. lower {Bath) Oolite. EPOCH III. Middle {Oxford) Oolite. EPOCH IV. Up- per {Portland) Oolite. EPOCH V. Wealden. Period 3. Cre- taceous. EPOCH I. Lower Cret. EPOCH II. Middle Cret. EPOCH III. Upper Cret. (In N. A.— I. Earlier. II. Later.) Traiisitional(!) Period. Lignitic. IV.-CMNOZOIC ERA. AGE H.— TERTIARY (Mammals). Period 1, Eocene. Pe- riod 2. Miocene. Period 3. Pliocene. AGE I.— QUATERNARY (Man). Period 1. Glacial (Drift). Period 2. Champlain. EPOCH I. Dihivian. EPOCH II. Alluvian {Loess). Period 3. Recent. EPOCH I. Reindeer. EPOCH II. Modern. EPOCH III. Historical. Ref. : — i (pp.4-6, 101-107, 136-146), 2 (chaps, xxvii, xxviii, xxix), 3 (pp. 266-271), 47, 116, 117, 123 (tome 1, Introd.) DIVISION B.-AKCH^AN ERA. A.— AZOIC AGE. 1. Nebular Period, a. Hypothetical, based on nebular hypothesis, b. From evolution of earth from sun until con- densation of vaporous mass. 2. Crustific Period, a. Globe cooling at centre and finally forming crust at surface, b. Temperature of earth not reduced below 200 F. c. Geosynclinals formed but proba- bly of little permanence. 2. General Remarks on Azoic, a. Rocks not certain- ly known. B.—EOZOIC AGE. 1. Phytogenic Period, a. Reduction of temperature sufficient to admit of growth of lowest Cryptogamia (not above 200 F.) b. Thickening of crust, formation of geosynclinals and geanticlinals. c. Probably small areas of dry land before close, d. No rocks certainly known. 2. Laurentian Period. a. Distribution : V-shaped area, apex N. of Great Lakes, running N. E. to Labrador, N. W. to Arctic; in Appalachians, Rocky Mts., etc., etc. b. Character of rocks (not always readily separated from Huro- nian) : HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. 57 30,000 ft. of: (1) granyte, gneiss and mica schist; (2) syenyte, etc.; (3) crystalline limestone ; (4) quartzyte, etc. ; (5) labradorite ; (6) chrys- olite (common); (7) iron ores, except limonite ; (8) graphite, etc. c. Arrangement and structural features, d. Original condi- tion of beds, sedimentary, e. Alterations and disturbances. f. Life: (1) Plants indicated by graphite and ores of iron ; (2) Eozoon Canadense and allies ; (3) Archmospherince ; (4) Palczohvchis (doubtful); (5) An- nelids perhaps indicated by tubes, etc. 3. Huronian Period, a. N. of L. Huron, S. of L. Sup'r(?), N. of L. Sup'r and N. W. ; elsewhere doubtful, b. Nature of rocks : 15,000 ft. to 20,000 ft. of: (1) slates, limestones and conglomerates; (2) metamorphics, etc., as chert, jasper, dioryte, chlorite schist, etc. c. Paucity of fossils, d. Carbon abundant, e. A. A. Julien reports indistinct Fucoidal (?) markings [R. 124, vol. H.P-S]- 4. Keewenawian Period. (?) a. Name suggested by Major Brooks for copper-bearing series of L. Superior. 5. General Remarks on Eozoic Age. a. In Europe: N. W. Scotland, Bavaria, Bohemia, Norway, Sweden, Finland, features identical with N. A. rocks, b. Basins outlined in earliest ages. c. General character of earliest life ; supposi- tions as to forms not yet recognized as fossils, d. Discussion concerning nature of Eozoon. C.—CONCL USIONS. i. Length of Archaean Time. a. Azoic age alone probably at least of as great duration as all succeeding time. b. Calculations : (1) Sir Wm. Thompson estimates, from loss of heat of globe, that crust must have been formed at least 20,000,000 yrs. ago, and not more than 400,000,000 yrs. ago. More lately he gives 100,000,000 yrs. [R. 2, p. 3 2 5]- (2) Helmholtz, from cooling of lavas, estimates time required for earth to pass from 2000° C. to 200 C. at 350,000,000 yrs. [R. I, p. 147]. (3) Temperature at close of Archaean probably not above 40 C. ; hence at least 30,000,000 yrs. to 50,000,000 yrs. more necessary, and tempera- ture at beginning probably much above 2000 C. 2. Relations of Archaean Basins to N. American Continent, a. "V" follows two main systems of trends. b. Other regions exposed near axes of prominent ranges. Ref. :— 1 (pp. 146-161), 2 (pp. 523-525), 3 (pp. 272-276), 10, 37, 116, 117. 58 GENERAL GEOLOGY. DIVISION C.-PAt^OZOIC ERA. A.— LOWER SILURIAN AGE. 1. Cambrian Period. A. North America, a. Flank- ing Archaean ranges and in some distant spots in interior, b. Sandstones, shales, etc. ; limestones more local ; some meta- morphics. I. Acadian Epoch, a. S. New Br., at St. John ; S.E. Newfoundland, b. Shales and slates. II. Potsdam Epoch. a. Labrador and Newfoundland, Vt. ; Appal, region (3000 ft.), S. to Va. and E. Tenn. ; Int. Cont., from St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., to Can., S. shore of L. Sup'r (" Pictured" and " Pillared" rocks) into Wis., Minn, and Iowa; borings show it in Ohio, Ky., etc.; Texas; Rocky Mts., base of Black Hills, Dak., Big Horn, Wind River, Wahsatch, Teton and other ranges, b. Red and whitish sandstone, shales and some limestone ; from 60 ft. (N. Y.) to 5000 ft. (Appal, region), c. Markings, indi- cations of near coast origin. B. Life. a. All marine : (1) PLANTS: Fucoids. (2) ANIMALS: Protozoa — Rhizopods indicated by "green sand," Wis. and Tenn. Ccelenterata — Hydrozoans, Dendogroptus Hallianus. Annuloida — Crinoid stems, Minn. Mollusca — Brachiopods, Lingn- lella antiqua, Lingnlepis prinuzforviis, Discina acadica, Orthis Billingsii ; Pteropods, Hyalites gregarius ; Gasteropods, 4 or 5 forms ; Cephalopods, 2 sp. of Orthoceras, Can. Annui.OSA — Crustaceans — Trilobites, Paradox- ides (several sp.), Agnostus, Conocoryphe. C. Foreign Cambrian, a. Wales and eastward. I. Har- lech grits and Longmynd slates. II. Meneviati Group (Acadi- an). III. Lingula flags (nearly Potsdam), b. Lapland, Nor- way, Sweden, Bavaria, Bohemia; schists, conglom., etc. c. Life very similar to American, but, as yet, more varied. D. General Remarks, a. Shallow seas. b. Climate uniform over globe; eyes of Trilobites indicate sunlight, c. Disturb- ances at close of Acadian in Newfoundland, possibly at close of Potsdam in Idaho and eastward, d. Extinctions of species among Trilobites. 2. Canadian Period. A. N. America. I. Calciferous Epoch, a. N. N. Y. and Can., S. W. Newfoundland (2000 ft. of Up. Calcif., above N. Y. Calcif.); Appal., "Lower Magne- sian Limestone" of Mo., Iowa, Wis., and Upper Mississippi Valley, b. Calcareous sandstone to dolomite; geodes of quartz (Middleville, N. Y., etc.) II. Quebec Epoch, a. E. Can., S. along W. base of Green Mts., N. W. Newfoundland; E. of Hudson R. (Poughkeepsie), Tenn. ; Rocky Mts., north- ward, b. 1500 ft. to 6500 ft., sandstone and shales, limestone westward. III. Chazy Epoch, a. Range same as Calcif., HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. 59 often not readily separated ; also in Arctic, b. Less than 1000 ft. ; limestone, magnesian southward and in Arctic. B. Life. a. Fucoids, Rhizopods, Sponges, Graptolites, few Ac- tinozoans, Mollusca (of all groups), Worms and many Trilo- bites. C. Foreign Canadian, a. Difficult "homotaxis." b. Agrees best with lower part of foreign Lower Silurian. D. General Remarks, a. Deep seas in Int. Co///., shal- lower northward, b. Alternations bet. deep and shallow seas. 3. Trenton Period. A. N. America, a. E. of Green Mts. ; Appal., Trenton Falls, N. Y. and southward; O., Ind., 111., Wis. ("Galena Limestone"), etc.; Arctic, b. Mainly limestone, from 100 ft. to 2000 ft. I. Trenton Epoch (Bird's- eye, Black River and Trenton groups). II. Utica (shale) Epoch. III. Cincinnati Epoch (Hudson River and Cincinnati groups), a. Mt. Washington, etc. ; S. W. Ohio, through Ky. into Tenn. (Nashville), b. Slates, shales, etc. B. Life. a. Same group as before, with addition of many Corals, Crinoids, Cystids, Mollusca (all fossil groups, but Brachiopods still most abundant) ; Trilobites very common. C. Foreign, a. Brit. Is., Bohemia, Scandinavia, etc. b. Lower part of Ca?-a- doc atid Bala Group. D. General Remarks, a. Forma- tion of limestones over wide area in Int. Cont. indicates pres- ence of barrier along E. Bo)'d. during Trenton Epoch, b. Part of barrier submerged during Cinn. Epoch, while waters became shallower in Int. Cont. c. Cumberland sandst. in Ky. repre- sents gradual transition to Up. Silurian. 4. Review of Lower Silurian, a. Appal., thickest de- posits; shallow water beds; greatest changes of level, b. Ocean climate not diversified, c. Probable absence of very high land. d. Land area limited, if absence of terrestrial fos- sils be criterion. 5. Disturbances at Close of Lower Silurian, a. Green Mts. ; extensive geosynclinal, with faults in positions of eroded anticlinals of the synclinorium. b. Cincinnati geanti- clinal, less marked and less ruptured, c. Beds of succeeding AGE overlie these unconformably in Europe; disturbances not general. B.— UPPER SILURIAN AGE. i. Niagara Period. A. North America. I. Medina Epoch (Oneida congl., Medina sandstone), a. N. Y., Upper Can., W. Mich, Penn. and Tenn. b. About 400 ft. to 2000 ft., congl. and sandstone. II. Clinton Epoch, a. N. Y., through Can. to Mich., Wis., Ind., Ohio, Penn., Va., Tenn. 60 GENERAL GEOLOGY. b. Shales, sandstone, limestone, iron ore {hematite). III. Ni- agara Epoch, a. Anticosti, Brit. Amer., Arctic, N. Y. ; Rocky Mts., far west and south, b. Mainly limestones, 300 ft. to 1500 ft. B. Life. a. Medina and. Clinton: Fucoids ; Sponges, Corals {Favosites, Halysites etc.), Crinoids (star-Jish), Brachio- pods, Lamellibranchs. b. Clinton and Niagara limestones: Corals, Crinoids, few Lamellibranchs, Trilobites. C. Foreign. a. Similar in features, b. Limestones less abundant in Gt. Britain. D. General Remarks, a. Shore-line moving west- ward, elevating E. N. Y. in earlier epochs, finally deepening waters in interior, b. E. Bord. somewhat independent in progress. 2. Salina Period [Onondaga Salt Group). A. N. Amer- ica, a. N. N. Y., (S. of Erie Canal), bet. Niagara River and L. Huron, Mich., W. Ohio, S. W. Va. b. 700 ft. to 1000 ft. in N. Y., shales and marly beds, with salt (Syracuse). B. Life. Rare. C. * * * * . D. General Remarks, a. Interior a. shallow sea, with sand flats and marshes, b. Thickness of beds indicates subsidence. 3. Helderberg Period. A. N. America, a. N. Y., Penn., Md., Va., Ohio, S. 111.; E. Border, b. 350 ft. to 2000 ft., limestone {Lower Water-lime Group). B. Life. a. Abundant ; 300 sp., same Fam. and Gen. as before, but new species, b. Corals, Crinoids, Cystids, Worms, new Crustaceans {Eurypterus, Bterygotus, Ceratiocaris), Trilobites, Ostracoids, etc. 4. Foreign Upper Silurian, a. Less wide spread than L. Sil., but extensive; Europe (except Spain and France), Asia, Africa, Australia, Brazil, b. Terrestrial life: (1) Plants — Lepidodendron, Brototaxites, Bachytheca, etc.; (2) Animals — Invert, similar to American; First Vert. {Fishes), Bteraspis, Cephalaspis, Coccosleus, Bterichthys, Elasmobranchs. 5. Review of Upper Silurian, a. E. Bord. still more distinct, even in character of Life. b. Land mainly submerged, except at north, c. Seas warm and rather uniform, d. Ex- tinctions : (1) Graptolites ; (2) several genera of Trilobites. e. Special features of life: (1) Spirifers broader winged than before; (2) Lamellibranchs and Gasteropods chiefly of siphon- less divisions. Oriskany (Transitional) Period. A. N. America, a. Narrow belts in N. Sc, through Me. and Vt., southwestward ; Oneida Co., N. Y., S. W. along Appal., W. through Can., Ohio, Ind., 111. and Mo. b. Limestone, E. HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. 61 Bord. ; sandstone, N. Y., with some limestone westward. B. Life. a. Algae; Lycopods (Psilophyton princeps Dawson) in Can. ; Crinoids : Spirifer arenosus, Rensselaeria ovoides and other Brachiopods ; Lamellibr., Gasteropods and Ceph. C. Foreign, a. In Europe, "Tilestones" are beds of passage bet. U. Sil., and Devonian ; elsewhere transition also gradual. D. General Remarks, a. Probably interior seas opening southeastward, Green Mts. and Archaean Highlands being out of water, b. Elevation in E. N. Y. of land previously sub- merged, c. Allied to U. Sil. by character of life, by structure of rocks, etc., to C— DEVONIAN AGE. i. Corniferous Period. A. N. America. I. Cauda- galli Epoch, and II. Schoharie Epoch, a. Both in Appal., E. half of N. Y. b. Grits. III. Corniferous Epoch, a. Vt. and Mass., Can. and westward, southward in Ky., etc. b. Limestone (Onondaga and Corniferous), 50 ft. to 300 ft, with chert. B. Life. a. Desmids, Diatoms, Algae (Spirophyton cauda-galli), Lycopods, Ferns, Tree-ferns (Ohio), Conifers (Pro- totaxites) : Sponges, Cyathophylloid corals and others (Eavo- sites, etc.), forming reefs, as at Falls of Ohio, Louisville; Blast- oids (Nucleocrinus), Brachiopods [first Productd), Gasteropods, Pteropods (Tentaculites scalaris), Cephal. (Orthoceras, Cyrtoce- ras, etc.), Trilobites ; Fishes (first Vert, in Amer.), Elasmobr. and Ganoids, representing all subdivisions given in foot note l [R. 128, Palaeont., vol. i, pp. 264-268]. Ex. : Holocephali — Rhynchodus [R. 128, loc. cit., PI. 28, 29]; Plagiostomi — Psam- modus (Cestraciont), Machaeracanthus and Cyrtacanthus (Hybo- dont) ; Placoganoidei — Acanthaspis, Cephalaspis, Macropetal- ichthys; Lepidoganoidei — Onychodus. C. Foreign, a. Lower Dev. and part of Middle Dev. of Europe. D. Gen- eral Remarks. a. Climate not greatly diversified over globe. b. Considerable increase of land. c. Deep sub- mergence of E. N. Y. during Corniferous Epoch, as shown by hornstone and corals, d. Some reason for belief that this form- ation occurs in Arctic [R. 13, II, xxvi, 120]. 1 See ante, p. 51, (VI, Prov. A, CI. I). Order 2. — Elasmobranchii. Sub-order i. — Holocephali (Genus Chim&ra). Mouth at end of head ; single external gill slit, operculated. Sub-order 2. — Plagiostomi. Mouth transverse on under side of head; several non-operculated gill slits on each side of neck. Family a. Cestracionts. Mas- ticatory apparatus — bony pavement. Ex. : Port Jackson (Australia) .--hark, Acrodus. family b. Selachians. Hybodont or Squalodont dentition, "placoid" scales. Ex.: Sharks. Order 4. — Ganoidei. Sub-order i. — Placoganoidei (Placodermi). Part- ly or wholly covered by polygonal ganoid plates. Ex. : Pteraspis, Pterichthys, Cephalaspis. Sub-order 2. — Lepidoganoidei. Ganoid scales like living forms. Ex.: Amia, Lepidosteus, Hoicptychius, etc. 62 GENERAL GEOLOGY. i. Hamilton Period. A. N. America. I. Marcellus Epoch; II. Hamilton Epoch; III. Genesee Epoch. a. E. fiord., similar to Cornif. ; Hudson River, through Cent. N. Y., across L. Erie into S. Mich., W. Penn., E. Ky., etc., O., Iowa, S. W. Minn., E. Dakota, northward, b. Mainly shales, with sandstone in E. fiord, c. Ripple-marks, septaria, etc., as on Cayuga Lake, N. Y. d. Joints, etc. B. Life. a. Lycopods (Psilophyta, Lepidodcndron, Sigillaria, Stigmaria), Ferns, Equi- setaceae (Catamites, Asterophyllites), Charoz ; Gymnosperms (Coniferce) 1 ; Brachiopods abundant, Lamell., Gaster., Cephal. (first Goniatites); Trilobites. First Insects, May-Fly ; Fishes (Dinkhthys, Paltzonisciis, Cephalaspis). C. Foreign, a. Up- per part of Middle Dev. D. General Remarks, a. Shallow water E., deeper W. b. Genesee quite wide spread, indicating shallow sea in Int. Cont. c. Land frequently exposed, as shown by terrestrial plants and insects, marsh dwellers. 3. Chemung Period. A. N. America. I. Portage Epoch; II. Chemung Epoch, a. E. fiord., same as Hamil- ton ; Hudson River, S. W. along Appal., through N. Y., W. Pa., Cent. Ohio, along shores of L. Erie. b. Less than 3500 ft., shallow water beds, sandstone and shales. B. Life. a. Plants as before, b. Animals characteristic, but similar to Cornif. c. Local features about Ithaca. C. Foreign. # # # D. General Remarks, a. Continuation of previous condi- tions northward, b. In Ky. and other parts of Int. Cont., wholly absent, 2 indicating elevation of land out of water. 4. Catskill Period. A. N. America, a. N. N. Y., Penn., Appal. ; E. fiord, as in previous periods, b. Reddish sandstones and shales, 5000 ft. to 6000 ft. B. Life. a. Not very abundant; Plants, Fishes, etc.; no Corals, Crinoids, Brachiopods or Trilobites. C. Foreign, a. Homotaxis not apparent. D. General Remarks, a. Eastward movement of shore-line, followed by movement southward. 5. Review of Devonian Age. A. Geography, a. Land-area considerably increased, b. Large rivers of north (as Hudson and Conn.) probably existing towards close to near present extent, c. In Europe more diversified land and water areas. B. Life, etc. a. Terrestrial plants, Insects, Fishes 1 For descriptions of Dev. Plants, see J. W. Dawson, R. 37 (1871), 65 (xv, 483; xviii, 296; xix, 458; xxvii, 270); Ch. Fred Hartt, R. 127 (Bailey's N. B. Reft, 1865). 2 In Ky. a thick mass of " Devonian Black Shale" represents, probably Genesee Epoch, but may be synchronous with part of Chemung Period also. Dr. J. S. New- berry regards parachronous beds in Ohio as the equivalent of both Genesee and Portag* in N. Y. HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. 6 3 most prominent, b. Broad-winged Spirifers ; increase in size of Proditcta. c. New types introduced, as (i) Producta, (2) Goniatites, (3) Nucleocrinus, all culminating later and becoming extinct in Palaeozoic Era. d. Extinctions : (1) Cystids 1 (Oris- kany) ; (2) several genera of Corals, Crinoids, Brachiopods. e. Climate but little changed from preceding Ages. 6. Disturbances at Close of Devonian, a. E. Bord. t extensive, permanently elevating Maine; less marked in Conn. Valley and in N. Y. State, b. N. Europe, but not below Cent. France. J).— CARBONIFEROUS AGE. i. Sub-carboniferous Period. A. N. America. I. Lower S. C. Epoch ; II. Upper S. C. Epoch, a. N. S., N. B. ; Va., Ala. ; Tenn., Ky., N. E. Miss., Mo., Iowa, Ind., O., Mich., Wyo. (??), Mont., Idaho, Wahsatch, Humboldt and other ranges, N. Calif, b. Rocks: E. Boni., — Lower, sandstone, congl., albertite, coal, etc. {Horion) — Upper, limestone (fossil), marls, with gypsum { Windsor) — together 6000 ft.; Penn. — Lower {Vespertine), 2000 ft., sandstone and congl. — Upper ( Umbral), 3000 ft. shales, reddish ; Ohio ( Waverley), sandstone, thin beds of shale and limestone; Tenn., 1200 ft. — Lower, siliceous — Upper, calcareous; 111., 1500 ft., 1 {Kinderhook, 250) sandstone and shales, 2 {Burlington, 200) limestone, 3 {Keokuk, 250) limestone and quartz ge- odes, 4 {St. Louis, 250) limestone, oolyte, etc., 5 {Chester, 600) limestone. Ky., thick, synchronism doubtful; Keokuk, St. Louis, Chester prominent ; Iowa, 500 ft. (no Chester). B. Life. a. Plants abundant, genera as before, b. Increase of Corals, Echinoderms, Polyzoans, Lamellibr., Gasteropods, Ceph., Crustaceans, Insects and Fishes, c. Culmination of Crinoids, Blastoids, Spirifera, Producta, Goniatites, etc. d. In- troduction of beaked Gasteropods, 2 new genera of Trilobites, Amphibians. C. Foreign, a. Similar to American in Gt. Brit., Belgium, Russia, etc. b. Trap ejections in Gt. Brit., also in New Br. c. Eusulina (Rhizopod) common in Europe, not known in Amer. Sub-carb. I). General Remarks, a. Limestone forming seas in all regions, b. Overlap (?) in 111., Iowa and Mo. c. Unconformity with overlying beds in Ba- varia and in S. and Cent. France, d. Remarkable parallelism in life throughout the world. 2. Carboniferous Period. 2 A. N. America. I. Car- boniferous Conglomerate [Millslofie Grit) j II. Lower Coal Measures ; III. Upper Coal Measures {Carboniferous Lime- 1 One now living in depths of Atlantic (Loven). * This Period being always discussed at length in text-books, it is here less fully outlined than its importance would otherwise necessitate. 64 GENERAL GEOLOGY. stone), a. S. W. Newfoundland, N. S. and N. B., R. I., Mass, S. N. Y., Penn., Va., VV. Va., Ky., Tenn., Ala.; Ohio, Lower Penin. of Mich., Ind., 111., Iowa, Mo., E. Miss., Texas, Ark., Kansas, Neb.; Colo., Wyo., Mont., Nev., Utah, Calif.; Arctic. b. 9000 ft. (Penn.) to 14,500 ft. (N. S.) ; I. Congl. and sand- stone; II. Sandstone, congl. and coal (from papery to 40 ft.) B. Life. a. Plants remarkably abundant, same fades as De- vonian, b. First Cycads, some evidence of Fungi, c. Fusu- lina • Corals and Crinoids diminish ; Lamellibr., Brachiopods abundant, land Gasteropods; few Orthoccras, Goniatites, etc.; a few Worms and Trilobites; Crustaceans — Decapoda (Ma- crura) and Merostomata ; several Orders of Insects ; numer- ous ancient Fishes, Hypodont Sharks abundant ; Amphibians, few Reptiles. C. Foreign, a. Very similar to American. D. General Remarks, a. Period of oscillation, with excess of elevation eastward, of deep submergence largely in far west. b. Marshes for growth of coal plants, c. Coal result of accu- mulation, decomposition and compression of vegetable matter not in direct contact with atmosphere, d. Note : It is impossible to treat this subject as it deserves within the limits of this work, even synoptically. Students should roughly note during the lecture the topics which seem most important, afterward directing their read- ing towards the general principles of the discussion, without devoting much time to special facts and conclusions, which will be taken up in the course of lectures on Economic Geology. e. Temperature of water over globe not below 68°F., as Corals of this Period are found even in Arctic, f. Climate moist, g. Air must have had more C0 2 , as coal now repre- sents C then abstracted by plants. 3. Permian Period. A. N. America, a. Kansas and E. slope of Rocky Mts. b. Less than 1000 ft. at utmost, lime- stones, shales, marls, sandstone. B. Life. a. Fossils few, marine ; Mollusca, some teeth of Fishes, etc. C. Foreign. a. Rocks similar, with red sandstone, b. Breccia in Lower Perm, of Engl., perhaps indicates iceberg action (Ramsay). c. Life rather abundant; plants similar to Upper C. M. ; ani- mals more or less characteristic, d. Introduction of Theco- dont Reptiles (Crocodilia, with affinities to Deinosauria), as Proterosaurus. e. Extinctions: (1) among Brachiopods, Ort/iis, Producta and other genera; (2) cyathophylloid Corals (nearly); (3) heterocercal Ganoids (mainly). D. General Remarks, a. Movement of interior sea westward by previous, elevation of Mississippi Valley, b. Similar relation in Europe to Volga Riv. and Ural Mts. c. Continuation over restricted HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. 65 area of Carboniferous conditions, d. Transition to Mesozoic conditions. E.—COiVCL USIONS. i. Thickness of Palaeozoic Strata, a. Maximum over 50,000 ft.; L. Sil., from 700 ft. (111.) to 15,000 ft. (E. Tenn.) ; Up. Sil., 90 ft. (Mich.) to nearly 10,000 ft. {Appal.) , Dev., 130 ft. (Mo.) to more than 1400 ft. {Appal.); Carb., 850 ft. (Mich.) to 14,570 ft. (N V S.) b. In Appal., 45,000 ft. (sandstone, shales, etc.) ; Int. Cont., only 3000 ft. to 6000 ft. (limestone largely). 2. Estimate of Length of Palaeozoic Time. a. From thickness of strata : (1) Dana (R. i, p. 381) gives ratio of L. Sil., U. Sil., Dev., Card. and Potsdam, respectively ; 3.5 : .62+ : 1 : 1 : I. (2) Allowing extremely rapid rate of accumulation (average of 10 ft. per century), Potsdam Epoch alone 80,000 yrs., and PALAEOZOIC ERA about 590,000 yrs. 3. Life of Era. a. Review of general progress, b. " Comprehensive types." c. Palaeozoic flora and fauna char- acterized by great size. d. Animals have often degraded features of colonization, multiplicity of parts, immobility, e. Parallel groups co-existent. f. Palaeozoic Molluscan genera now living, as Lingula, Terebratula (late Pal.), Ostrea, etc. 4. Disturbances at Close, a. Elevation of Appalach- ians (except previously formed Green Mts.) and exposure of land over area E. of Mississippi Riv. b. In Europe extensive disturbances, partly bet. Carb. and Perm. c. Examples of remarkable faults, as in Ky. Tenn. and Va. Ref. :— 1 (pp. 162-402), 2 (pp. 520-610), 3 (pp. 276-304), 9, 10, 47, 117, 127, 128, 129. DIVISION D— MESOZOIC ERA. A.— REPTILIAN AGE. 1. Triassic Period. A. N. America, a. N. S.„ Pr. Edw. Is. ; Conn. Valley, Palisade belt, (S. E. N. Y. to Rich- mond, Va.) and Deep River (N. C.) ; Blk. Hills, Wahsatch, Uintah, Wind River ranges, etc.; Calif., Alaska, b. 3000 ft. to 5000 ft, sandstone, commonly reddish, with gypsum in northwest (Wind River Valley). B. Life. a. Very few re- mains in U. S. except in W. Bord. b. Plants; Tree-ferns, Cycads, Conifers, c. Animals ; mingling of Palaeozoic forms {Spirt/era, Orthoceras, Goniatites) with Mesozoic {Ceratites, 5 66 GENERAL GEOLOGY. etc.) ; Ostracoids, Neuropters ; Ganoids [heterocercal, homo- cereal and protocercal); Labyrinthodonts, Deinosaurs, "bird [Deinosaur?] tracks" of Conn. Valley, Crocodilia (Theco- donts Belodon, etc.) ; Lacertilia (Rhynchosaurus, also allied to Chelonia); Marsupial (Insectivorous (?) Dromatherium). C. Foreign. (See Epoehs given a?ite, p. 56). a. Deposits, Life, etc., remarkably similar to American. D. General Remarks. a. Markings in beds, showing shallow-water origin, b. Ameri- can in rocks and life, European in life, rather closely related (though transitional) to Jurassic, c. Disturbances; eruption of N. J. trap ridges, but in such manner as to show previous tilting of sandstone. d. American coast line farther seaward than now. e. Climate less uniform than before, but still not much differentiated. 2. Jurassic Period. A. N. America, a. Undefined, except in Rocky Alts. b. Limestone, etc. B. Life. a. New forms of animals, as Gryphcea, Belemniies (endo-skeleton, Di- branchiata), fragments of uncertain Reptiles. C. Foreign. (See ante, p. 56, for division into Epochs), a. Life similar to Triassic, with additions; Rhizopods [Orbitolites, Nummulites), Sponges, Corals (some Zoantharia), Crinoids (some free), characteristic modern Brachiopods (old forms die out, as Spirif- era, etc.), Terebratula, Rhynchonella, special Lamellibr., Gas- teropods, Ammonites abundant, Dibranch. Ceph. ; Annelids, Crustaceans, Arachnids, all groups of Insects ; Ganoids (none heteroccrcal) Elasmobr., (first Squalodonts) first Teliosts; Ich- thyosaurus, Plesiosaurus, Pliosaurus, Teleosawus, Rhynchosau- rus, Rhamphorhynchus ; Crocodilia (Cetiosaurus, etc., first Crocodihis), Deinosauria (Megalosaurus, Iguanodon, etc.), Pterosauria {Pteiydactylus, etc.) Chelonia; Birds [Archoz- opteryx); Mammals all Marsupials, niostly Insectivorous, but 2 sp. of Plagiaulax, allied to Kangaroo-rat (Rodent-Marsup.), and one (Galastes) Predaceous. D. General Remarks, a. Absence of strata along present Amer. coast indicates eastward extension of Jurassic shore-line. b. Climate somewhat more differentiated than before, but still temperate even in Arctic, c. Disturbances: (1) elevation of Sierra Nevada and Wahsatch Mts., Uintah Mts. [see R. 55 (pp. 99, 154), 130 (Geol. vol. i), 131 (vol. ii, also vol. iii, p. 4)]. 3. Cretaceous Period. A. N. America. I. Earlier Cretaceous Epoch (Dakota, Benton, Niobrara groups); II. Later Cretaceous Epoch (Fort Pierre, Fox-Hills groups), a. N. J. (below Sandy Hook) to S. C, Gulf States, Miss. Valley, i*£ fo^l ■ ■ • i . . - ' HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. 67 Rocky Mts., Coast Ranges, Brit. Amer., Arctic, etc. b. Max- imum over 10,000 ft. (9000 ft. in Wyo., Utah and Col.), sili- ceous and calcareous. B. Life. a. Coccoliths, first Angio- sperms — Oak, Poplar, Maple, Willow, Beech, Sassafras, Syca- more, Liriodeudron. b. Foraminifera (Orbitoliua, Nummu- lites) ; Terebratulids, Ostreidae, Rudistes group (aberrant and characteristic, not found later) ; Belemnites, numerous, often very large Ammonites (coiled, partly coiled and even straight) ; Fishes numerous, yf/'^/Teliosts in N. America, Selachians (Squal- odonts, last of Hybodonts) more abundant than Cestracionts. Deinosaurs very abundant, Crocodilia, first Amer. Che- lonia {Trionyx, Atlantochelys, some very large in higher beds), Plesiosauria [Pliosaurus, etc., not Plesiosanrus and Ichthyo- saurus in N. Amer.), Pterosauria (large forms, wings spread- ing 10 ft. to 25 ft.); 1 first Amer. Birds (Odontomithes, and other extinct forms, largely aquatic) ; no Mammals yet discov- ered (1878), probably some living in Cretaceous, however. C. Foreign. a. Sandstone, marls, chalk, "green-sand," etc. b. S. American Cretaceous (Prof. Hartt's discoveries), c. Life as in Amer., and very abundant, d. Besides Amer. Plants : Desmids, Diatoms, Palms, and some characteristic Phanero- gams, e. Animals special: Chalk Foraminifera, Sponges; Ichthyosaurs and Plesiosaurs, Pterydactyles. D. General Remarks, a. Extension of American coast line southward. b. Review of geography during Cret. times; Miss, and Ohio rivers discharged into bay near present mouth of latter, Del- aware Riv. reached ocean near Trenton, N. J. ; Missouri hy- drographic basin mainly submerged, etc. ; Andes, Alps, Hima- layas more or less submerged, etc. c. Climate probably more rigorous than before in polar regions. 4. Disturbances at Close of Cretaceous, a. Eleva- tion of Rocky Mts. b. European elevations. Lignitic (Transitional ?) Period. A. N. America, a. Perhaps at Brandon, Vt. ; Tenn., Miss., Ark.; Texas; Fort Union, Judith Basin; Brit. Amer. b. Sandstone and clays, with lignite, coal and even anthracite. B. Life. a. Plants: 200 sp. of forms even more modern than undoubted Cretaceous, b. Animals of Cret. types : Free Crin- oids, Ostrea congesta, Inocera??ius problematicus, Anomia sp., Fishes (Lepidotus, etc.), Deinosaurs, Megalosaurs, Crocodilus, 1 These forms, of genera Pteranodon and Nyctosaiinis, are now placed in a distinct order of Reptiles, known as Pteranodontia (literally winged-toothless) , by Marsh. 68 GENERAL GEOLOGY. Chelonia (Trionyx, Emys, etc.) c. Animals upon which ref- erence to Eocene Tertiary is based by some authorities (Les- quereux, etc.) : mainly Mollusca of brackish water and fresh water types, d. Ammonites become extinct, also Deinosaurs. e. Note: The question concerning the age of the " Lignite Group " is still under discussion. Its settlement now rests almost wholly upon data furnished by the life of the Period. For the argument, consult (i) various papers in R. 73 (every year from 1868 to present), especially vol. for 1874 (pp. 141- 146, 15 1— 1 55 ), where Dr. A. C. Peale gives important summaries and ref- erences to authorities ; (2) papers by Hayden, Lesquereux and others in R. 132 (since 1873); (3) articles by various authorities in R. 13 [those previous to 1874 recorded by Dr. Peale {loc. cit. )]; (4) the views of the author, based on some study of the lignite beds in N. W. Wyoming are given in R. 55, pp. 120, 121, 132, 133 (see also, Stratigraphic Chart opposite p. 103) — at that date the relation of the Fort Union group to the Green Riv. coal series was not so clearly indicated as now. C. Foreign, a. Similar history to American. D. Gen- eral Remarks, a. Peculiar association of Tertiary flora with Cretaceous fauna, b. Proof of gradual elevation of Rocky Mts. ; change from marine to fresh-water beds not abrupt, c. Cretaceous advocates : E. D. Cope, O. C. Marsh, J. S. New- berry (originally Miocene in part), Clarence King, Bannister, F. V. Hayden (in part), Joseph Leconte (in part), J. J. Steven- son, Engelmann, F. B. Meek (in part), Theo. B. Comstock (Green River coal series and coal and lignite beds of Wind River Valley, Shoshone Plateau and canon of Buffalo Fork of Snake River), d. Tertiary advocates : F. V. Hayden, F. B. Meek (in part), Jos. Leidy, G. M. Dawson, Leo Lesquereux, Joseph Leconte (originally in Colorado). e. Text-books; Dana follows Hayden (Eocene), Le Conte adopts Cretaceous. Ref. :— 1 (pp. 403-488, 490, 493, 501, 508), 2 (chaps, xxxv, xxxvii), 3 (pp. 404-475), 10, 13 (1868, 1874), 47, 55, 65 (Hector, vol. xvii), 73, 116, 117, 123, 131, 132-134. DIVISION E.— CiErVOZOIC ERA. . A.— TERTIARY (MAMMALIAN) AGE.. i. Eocene Period (Alabama, nearly). A. N. Amer- ica. I. C/aibome Epoch; II. Jackson Epoch; III. Vicks- burg Epoch ; also I. Wahsatch Epoch {Coryphodon, Marsh); II. Gree?i River Epoch (Dinoceras) ; III. Uintah Epoch (Diplacodon). a. S. C, Va., in patches; Miss., Ala., Georgia; Rocky Mts., Uintah, San Juan and Green River basins, b. , / ^' ' ' tv -cf HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. 69 10,000 ft. and more; coast areas marine; Rocky Mts. fresh- water, lacustrine ; varying greatly, sands, clays, marls, lime- stones, more or less imperfectly consolidated. B. Life. a. 5 to 10 per cent, of shells now living, Mammals all extinct. b. Palm, Willow, Oak, Grass, Sedge, etc.; genera modern, species mostly extinct, c. Rhizopods {Nummulites, Orbitoides, etc.), modern genera of Molluscs, Crustaceans and Insects; Elasmobr. (Holocephali, Squalodonts and a few Batides, or Rays) and Ganoids (with many Lepidoganoidei,/ Teliosts) ; Amphibians few, modern ; Crocodilia (mainly Crocodilus, but some with affinities to Alligators), Ophidia (allied to Boa- Cott \strictor), Lacertilia [G/yptosaitrus, etc.); Birds numerous (Odontopteryx), Waders (A/etomis), Cursores [Diattyma, Cope), etc., extinct, but several modern types, as Eagle, Owl, Crane, etc. Marsupials (few, small), first Cetaceans (Zeuglodon cetoides abundant in Ala., S. C, Ga.), Manatee (in Europe, not yet in Amer.), Perissodactyla — Coryphodon (5 toes, low-type brain), Dinoceras and Uintatherium (both large, 5 toes, 4 to 6 horns, extinct at close of Eocene), Eohippus, or first Horse (5 [one ru- dimentary] front toes, 3 behind, size of fox), Orohippus (4 front toes) first Tapir (many small sp.), Hyrachyus, Lophiodon (Europe), first Rhinoceros (Amynodon), Palceosyops, Diplaco- don, first Pigs (Eohyus, New Mex., etc., most with 4 toes), Artiodactyla — -first Deer [Oromeryx, Up. Eocene), Tillo- dontia — forms combining features of Bear, Rodents and Car- nivores, Rodentia — Squirrels, small Insectivora, large Car- nivora, many small Bats, low forms of Primates (Lemurs, Marmosets, with even Carnivorous and Ungulate affinities). C. Foreign, a. "London Basin," "Paris Basin," etc. b. Life similar to America (in Europe), but with special forms; Australian flora to-day similar to European Eocene flora, c. Mammals largely Tapiroid (Palceotherium, Anoplotheriutn, Xi- phodon, etc.) D. General Remarks, a. Fresh-water lakes of Rocky Mts. Approach of modern conditions, b. Conti- nental growth by elevation and deposition ; elevation in Plateau area, depression of surrounding plains, deposition along coasts. c. Elevation of Pyrenees, Carpathians, Appenines, Julian Alps, etc. {Middle Eocene); W. Alps (Mt. Blanc, etc.), close of Eocene, d. Climate sub-tropical over wide area. 2. Miocene Period (Yorktown). A. N. America. I. White River Epoch {Brotitotherium Marsh); II. Wind River Epoch (Oreodon); III. Oregon Epoch (Miohippus). a. Martha's Vineyard, N. J., Md., Va. and southward along 7 o GENERAL GEOLOGY. coast; Rocky Mts., Nebr., Colo., Wyo., Mont.; Calif., Ore- gon, b. 5000 ft., or more, clays, sands, etc., often but little indurated; marine, east and west coasts; fresh-water lacus- trine, Rocky Mts. B. Life. a. Diatoms in "infusorial earths" of Richmond (Va.), Calif, and Europe; Australian and American flora less differentiated from Eocene than Eu- ropean, b. 30 percent, of shells now living (Europe); spe- cial forms of Invertebrates; Insects very abundant in Eu- rope, c. Vertebrates : Fishes in marine beds, but peculiarly absent from fresh-water series of interior; Amphibian {Andrias sciieucheri), Chelonia — Land Tortoises and Trio7iyx (in In- terior), Colossochelys (Europe), some Crocodilia, Ophidia and Lacertilia of modern types ; Birds of modern types ; first Edentates in Amer., Cetaceans {Dolphin Earn., Sperm Whale, etc.), few Sirenians, Ungulata — Mesohippus (size of sheep, 3 toes and rudiment, in front, 3 behind), Miohippus (near An- chitherium of Europe), extension of Rhinoceros type, Bron- totheridce, (Titatwtherium, Megacerops, etc.) introduced and ex- panded to become extinct before next Period, Pigs (near Pec- cary, abundant in Amer.), Llippopoiamus (not yet in Amer.), Hyopotamus, Ofeodon, Camel tribe separated (Procamelus), Deer continued (by Leptomeryx, Cosonyx, etc.) ; in Sewalik Hills, India, first Proboscideans, Dinotheriutn (combining char- acters of Elephant, Tapir, Hippopotamus and Dugong) Siva- therium, first Mastodon (3 sp.), Elephant (7 sp.), Ox, Sheep, etc.; Rodents (Hare, Squirrel, etc.), Edentates, Carnivores (Machairodus, Wolf, Tiger, Hyaena), first true Monkeys in Europe (in Amer. synthetic form Laopitheais). C. Foreign. a. Not specially distinct from Eocene, b. Beds in Greenland with plants. D. General Remarks, a. Lakes in interior perhaps saline, as shown by absence of Fishes, and abundance of land Mammals, b. Elevation of Coast Range and ejection of some lavas through fissures, covering vast area in N. W. c. Elevations general in other parts of U. S. and abroad, d. Climate warw-temperate in U. S. e. Difference in climate bet. N. and S. 3. Pliocene Period (Sumter). A. N.America, a. N.C., S. C. ; Niobrara River, Loup Fork, Platte Riv. ; Rocky Mts., South Pass (?), Wind River Valley (?), Stinking Water Riv. [all in Wyo.] ; Oregon, b. Loams, sands, clays, etc., 500 ft. to 800 ft., or more. B. Life. a. Plants not advanced materi- ally, b. Invertebrates of modern genera; majority of shells are now living, c. Fishes largely Cyprinoid (Teliosts like HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. 71 Carp) ; one Crocodile and fragments of Ophidians ; Birds of Miocene genera, with new sp. ; Edentates of great size {Mor- opus, Mordtherium) in N. A. ; Horse Tribe represented by large and more modern forms, as Protohippus (N. A.), Hipparion (Eur.) [with 3 toes, but only one serviceable], Pliohippus (N. A.) and Equus ; Rhinoceros continues in Amer. (becoming extinct here) and in Eur., Tapir extinct in N. A., Pig not much ad- vanced in N. A., Oreodon followed by Merychyus and allies (here dying out in N. A.), Deer increasing, Bison introduced in Amer. ; first Mastodons and Elephant in N. A. ; Rodents of modern genera Castor, Hystrix, Lepus, etc. in N. A., Cavia and others in S. A. and some in Europe; Moles; Cams, Machairodus (S. A.), first Amer. Bears (Leptarctus.) C. For- eign, a. Half of Sicily; marine and inland deposits in Gt. Brit, and elsewhere. D. General Remarks, a. Continua- tion of elevation, b. Reduction of temperature, etc. 4. Review of Tertiary Age. a. Relations of continents and contained life during successive Periods. B.—Q UA TERNAR Y A GE. 1. Glacial Period. A. N. America, a. N. E., from present glacial line S. to Lat. 39 , W. to Long. 98 ; local in Rocky Mts., N. and S. to Lat 35 ; Tenn., W. Va., etc. b. Ex- tending to height of 6000 ft. above Atlantic in places (Mt. Washington, etc.) ; scratchings, groovings, moraines. B. Life. [Given below under 4]. C. Foreign, a. Deposits and phe- nomena similar to American. D. General Remarks, a. Effects and deposits quite similar to those of present glacier regions [see ante, -p. 42]. b. Great Lakes, "parallel valleys" of Cent. N. Y. lakes, Hudson River, etc., more or less modi- fied, c. Remarks on local action in Rocky Mts. d. Eleva- tion northward (southward in S. Hem.) e. Course of drift material S. E. or S. W. (in general), as shown by groovings and character of boulders, f. Agassiz's theory of Amazonian drift refuted, g. Forced emigrations of plants and animals [Dr. Gray,R. 13 (1857, xxiii, p. 62) ; A. R. Grote, R. 78 (B, p. 222) ; and others], h. Fjords, i. Iceberg action along coasts, j. Note : These subjects are fully discussed in text-books and in special works re- ferred to below [Ref., p. 76]. 2. Champlain Period. A. N. America. I. Dihivian Epoch [Erie clays). a. Wide-spread, but following largely courses of old glaciers, with greater southward extension, b. 7 2 GENERAL GEOLOGY. Boulder clay, drift, largely stratified but also nntnodified, with plant accumulations; clays abundant, with sands and gravels [Orange sand, Lower Miss.; Saxicava sands, L. Champlain) often irregularly disposed as in modern fluvial and lacustrine deposits. II. Alhivian Epoch (Loess), a. Distribution same as Diluvian. b. Deposits (loess, etc.) in more quiet waters, along river, lake and sea borders. B. Life. [Given below under 4]. C. Foreign, a. Very similar to American. D. General Remarks, a. Melting of ice-sheet, due to depres- sion, b. Flooding of land, obscuring and silting up river val- leys, c. Formation of caverns, d. Greater height of deposits northward above neighboring water-levels. e. Subsidence greatest in interior, f. Seas, lakes and rivers. (1) Champlain Sea extended over S. Me., up St. Lawrence nearly to L. Ontario, including also L. Champlain area, as shown by marine fossils. (2) Inland Lakes ; (a) over region of Gt. Lakes, possibly continuous with (/>) immense body of water in Brit. Amer., outlined by G. M. Daw- son [R. 65 (vol. xxxi, p. 620), 134 (chaps, ix, x)] ; both connecting with Mississippi and Missouri drainage system. (3) Hudson, Ohio, Mississippi and nearly all northern rivers (as about Ithaca) much wider than now (Mississippi from 50-75 miles). 3. Recent Period. A. N.America. I. Reitideer (Sec- ond Glacial) Epoch. II. Modern Epoch, a. Distribution Continental, b. Terraces bordering sea, lakes and rivers, bone breccias, etc., and deposits of modern character, travertine, stalactites, etc. B. Life. [Included under 4, below]. C. Foreign. More extensive and effective in some particulars. D. General Remarks, a. Re-elevation of land still con- tinuing, b. Increase of land along coasts, c. Separation of Gt. Lakes and others by draining of Inland Lakes, d. Second glacial epoch less evident in Amer. than in Eur., but probably existent here. e. Amazonian diminution and terrace forma- tions. 4- Life of Quaternary Age. a. Preserved in marshes, peat-bogs, forest-beds, bone-caverns, and in ice. b. Plants and Molluscs mainly of living species, mammals chiefly extinct. c. Northward migrations of Plants and Molluscs since earlier periods of Quaternary, d. Mammals extremely large; not always easily referred to Epoch or Period : (1) AT. America (promising field for investigation, in caves, etc.) Large Hordes, Ox, Bison lalifrons, 2 sp. near Musk-Ox, gigantic Stag, Tapir, Beaver (Casloroides), Elephas primigenius (northward), E. Americanus, Mastodon Americanus, Whale {Beluga Vermontana), Megatherium, My- lodon, Megalonyx, Bear, Lion, Raccoon, and others, with Birds (Turkey, Crane, etc.) (2) S. America. Very many and immense Edentates like N. Amer. PRE-HISTORIC AR CH^E QLOGY. 73 and others (as Glyptodon, Chlamydotherium, Pachy theriuni) \ also special Mastodon and other peculiar forms. (3) Europe and Asia. Immense Carnivora — Tiger, Wolf, Machairo- dns, Cave Bear (Eur. Cont. ), Cave Hyaena (Gt. Brit.), allied to present African forms ; Mammoth, and other Elephants, woolly-haired Rhinoceros (A', tichorhinus), Grizzly Bear, Beaver ( Trogontherium), etc. ; fauna with fades of present. (4) Australia. Immense Marsupials {Diprotodon, etc.) e. In supposed earliest glacial deposits ("Cromer Forest Bed"), Cave Bear, Megaceros, Trogontherium, Elephas (3 sp.). Hippopotamus major, 2 sp. of Rhinoceros, Machairodus latidens. [Several of preceding are Pliocene types, and last named is even Miocene]. Ref. 1 :— 1 (pp. 5 2 7-573), 2 (chap, xli), 3 (pp. 5 x 3-5 57). 9> IO > r 3i (many papers, for which consult General Index), 22, 37, 46, 47, 55, 65 {Index), 67 (occasional papers), 73 [In- dices), 78, 84, 87, 88, 104, 106, 112, 128 (es- pecially vol. II, pp. 1-83), 130, 134, 135, 136, 137- PART VII.-PRE-HISTORIC ARCHEOLOGY. 1. Scope, etc. a. Relations to Geology, b. Relations to written History, c. Material for study, d. Nature of the records. DIVISION A.— ANTIQUITY OF MAN. 1. Estimates, a. Chronology of Usher and Petavius (less than 6000 yrs.) quite generally regarded as far too short. b. Baron Bunsen, from philological data, 20,000 yrs. c. Sir Chas. Lyell, estimating growth of Somme Delta on basis of Mississippi deposition, considers age of remains in former 100,000 yrs. d. Sir John Lubbock, basing calculations on ex- cavation of valley of Somme, 100,000 yrs. to 240,000 yrs. e. Estimates based on cosmical changes make period fully as great, f. Other calculations. 2. Geological Age of Earliest Human Relics, a. 1 Local and fragmentary papers upon the deposits and phenomena of this AGE are very numerous, but much scattered. Students who begin to study the subject will soon find references from paper to paper, however, and similar references are made in most ' general works upon the Drift Period. 74 GENERAL GEOLOGY. Undoubted remains in Quaternary; some think in Pliocene, a few even Miocene, b. Difficulty of determining horizon of deposits, c. Reports often founded on unreliable evidence. 3. Age of Man in North America, a. A. C. Koch reports Mastodon from Missouri, stoned to death and burned. b. Plain underlying New Orleans, alluvium 500 ft. thick, with several cypress forests; human remains found at depth of 16 ft., at foot of tree of 4th forest below surface [see R. 46]. Ref. :— 1, 2, 3, 7, 24, 46 (vol. i), 70, 89, 138 (chap, xii), 140. DIVISION B.-CHRONOLOCJY. 1. Subdivisions, a. Based in part upon Lartet's system. b. The grouping below shows geological relations of divisions adopted. I. Psychozoic [Caenozoic] Era. Age A. — Pre-Historic. Period i. Stone. EpocJi L. Pa- leolithic, or Mammoth (Dupont), equivalent of Champlain ; rude stone implements ; extinct Elephant, Rhinoceros, Horse, Hippopotamus, Cave-animals. Epoch II. Reindeer. Medium stone implements, split marrow-bones and charcoal; extinct El- ephant, Urus, Cave-Bear, Cave-Lion, Cave-Hyaena, etc. ; Horse, Reindeer and other living northern species (Aurochs, Ibex, Elk, etc.) Epoch III. Neolithic, equivalent to large part of Modern Period. Polished 'stone implements, pottery, kjokkenmodding, Pfahlbauten ; bones of dog and other living quadrupeds. Period 2. Bronze, part of Modern Period. Bronze imple- ments, earth-works, etc. ; living Mammals. Period 3. Iron, close of Modern and beginning of Historical Period. Iron implements, hieroglyphs, mounds, etc. Age B. — Historic, within historical times. Written rec- ords, traditions, etc. N. B. — Stone Period continued to Historical Period in Amer., and a somewhat restricted Copper Period is exemplified which must have been synchronous with a portion of one of the Periods above, in Europe. DIVISION C— PRE-HISTORIC AGE. I. Stone Period. I. Palceolithic Epoch, a. River-border deposits, entombing bones of man associated with those of extinct Mammals and living shells. Mammoth and other Elephant, 2 sp. of Rhinoceros, 1 Bear, 1 Hysena, I Tiger, 2 sp. of Ox {Bos), Musk Ox, 2 sp. (?) of Horse, 3 sp. of Deer, 1 Hippopotamus, I Hog, 1 Lemming; 5 2 Molluscs, of which 42 now live in Sweden. PRE-HISTORIC AR CH.E OLOGY. 75 b. Cavern deposits (older), Bear caves on Eur. Cont., Hy- czna caves in Brit. Is. ; some British and Belgian caverns prob- ably o( this Epoch, c. Environment, including : (^Topogra- phy, (2) Climate, (3) Enemies, (4) Food, (5) Clothing, (6) Mental condition, (7) Morals, etc. d. Degree of civilization, as shown by (1) Tools, (2) Weapons, (3) other manufactures (as pottery, etc.) II. Reindeer Epoch, a. Cavern deposits (newer) : stone implements better fashioned than Palaeolithic Epoch, bone implements, bone-carvings, b. Reindeer abun- dant, with extinct Cave Mammals, similar to Palaeolithic, c. Cavern deposits of S. France, Sicily, etc., probably of this Epoch d. Tall men, round-headed like Laplander, tibiae often flatten- ed (platycnemic) [See H. Gillman, R. 13 (Jan'y, 1874), 78 (vol. xxiv, 1875, B, p. 316), 147 (6th Rep't)] and skulls some- times perforated. III. Neolithic Epoch, a. Shell-heaps, or kjokkenmodding ("kitchen-middens"). b. Lake-Dwellings, or Pfahlbauten (Crannoges). c. Tumuli, etc. d. Difficulties of determining synchronism; views of different authorities, e. Pfahlbauten remains: 72 sp. (10 Fishes, 4 Reptiles, 26 Birds, 32 Mammals), 6 domesticated, viz. : Dog, Pig, Horse, Goat, Sheep, Ox (2 var.) f. Special consideration of certain relics: (1) Polished Stone Imple?nents. (a) Certainly 100,000 or more speci- mens in collections. (<$) Comprise flint-flakes, spear-heads, arrow-heads, axes, scrapers, awls, etc.; spindle-whorls, sinkers, etc. (c) Material obsidian, quartzyte, green-stone (dioryte, etc.), porphyrine, etc. (d) Mode of manufacture [Torquemada, Hernandez, Baines, etc. ; quoted in R. 138, pp. 88-90, with illus.] (2) Bone Implements comprise harpoons, knives, awls, chisels (?), handles for tools and weapons, perforated teeth (used as charms). (3) Tumuli and Monuments, (a) Dolmens, menhirs, cromlechs, stone- circles, etc. (b) Chambered tumuli, (c) Used as dwellings or tombs or both, (d) Many Druidical and other modern forms, but large number undoubtedly Pre-historic, probably of Stone Period, and, perhaps, mainly A'eolithic. (4) Pottery, (a) Urns, incense-cups, food-vases, drinking-cups, etc. (b) In ornamentation, etc., indicate progressive art. (5) Other Relics, (a) Rude rock sculptures, (b) Coarse cloth (woven). (<:) Articles of food, as grain, fruits, etc. (d) Remains of fire, etc. 2. Bronze Period, a. Bronze implements, with few stone, all of higher type than before, b. Men more highly civilized, c. Less to contend with from lower animals and greater skill in the chase, d. More warlike, more and better weapons. 3. Iron Period, a. Overlaps period of written history. b. Beyond the scope of Geology, except in special cases. 4. Ancient Modes of Burial, a. Observations of Sir R. C. Hoare and Mr. Bateman combined as below : 7 6 GENERAL GEOLOGY. Implements. CORPSE. Total. Contracted. Burnt. Extended. Position Uncertain. None, Stone, Bronze, Iron, Total, 36 55 19 2 223 53 59 3 6 3 7 21 19 3 2 15 11 284 143 IOO 37 112 338 37 77 564 Ref. : — 1, 2, 3, 24, 46. 51, 77 (Index), 78 (vari- ous papers), 88 (ditto), 89, 138, 139, 140, 143, 147. DIVISION ».- -NORTH AMERICAN ARCHE- OLOGY. 1. Earthworks. I. Defensive Inclosures; II. Sacrificial Mounds; III. Sepulchral Mounds ; IV. Temple Mounds ; V. Animal Mounds; VI. Miscellaneous Mounds : VII. C/z^ 1 " Dwellings. 2. Stone and Bronze Periods not Synchronous with European, a. Even N. Amer. Indians relics of Stone Period, having no knowledge of use of iron at date of first settlements. b. Possible Palaeolithic implements in various parts of U. S. c. Numerous Neolithic implements, many of recent date, and some forms still in use by Shoshones and other tribes, d. Bronze Period may be wholly or in part represented by 3. Copper Period, a. Copper implements, especially in L. Superior region (Isle Royal, Keewenaw Penin., etc.) b. Copper mined and hammered into useful forms, by stone im- plements, from lumps of native metal. 4. Pottery, a. Often highly ornamented, b. American forms frequently related to Peruvian, etc. c. Pipes, many in shape of animals, and even S. A. Manatee represented. 5. Ornaments, a. Shells (often marine farmland), beads, bracelets, necklaces, etc. b. Carvings, etc. 6. Pre-Historic Agriculture, a. " Garden beds," very ancient in many cases, b. Now covered by second forest. Ref. :— 1, 2, 3, 46, 50, 51, 55, 70; various pa- pers in 73, 77, 78 and 88; 89, 91, 104, 132, 138, 144, 145-148. CONCLUSION. 77 PART VIII -PHILOSOPHICAL GEOLOGY. Devoted to the amplification, in Review, of a few such im- portant topics as are given below : i. Length of Geologic Time. 2. Growth of Continents. 3. Evolution of Life upon the Globe. 4. Catastrophism versus Secular Movement. 5. Cosmical Influences, including 6. Cause of Cold of Glacial Periods. 7. Legitimate Use of Imagination in Geology. PART IX.-CONCLUSION. 1. Importance of Care in Observation. 2. Temporary Value of Theories. 3. Parting Hints : " Hold fast to that which is good." " If truth do anywhere manifest itself, seek not to smother it with glossing and vain delusions, but acknowledge the greatness thereof and consider it thy greatest victory when the same doth prevail over thee." " The greatest friend of Truth is Time ; her greatest enemy is Prejudice, and her constant companion is Humility." LIST OF REFERENCES. Note. — In the body of the Outline the titles given in this list are re- ferred to by their numbers. 1. Dana, J. D. Manual of Geology [Ed., 1874]. 2. Jukes and Geikie. Manual of Geology [3d Ed.] 3. Le Conte, Joseph. Elements of Geology, 1878. 4. MacTurk, John. Physical Geography. [Putnam's Element. Series]. 5. King, Clarence. Physical Geography. [In Press, 1878]. 6. Somerville, Mrs. Physical Geography. [Rather out of date]. 7. Guyot, Arnold. Earth and Man. 8. Geikie, Arch. Elementary Lessons in Physical Geography. 9. Page, David. Advanced Text Book of Geology. 10. Dana, J. D. Text Book of Geology. [Abridgement of I]. 11. Young. Physical Geography. [Putnam's Advanced Series]. Use with great caution ; contains a few serious errors. 12. Owen, R. Key to Geology of Globe. 13. Periodical (Monthly). American Journal Science and Arts. 14. Wallace, A. R. Malay Archipelago. 15. Periodical (Annual). Journal Indian Archipelago, etc. 16. Wallace, A. R. Distribution of Animals. 17. Murray, Andrew. Distribution of Mammals [2 Vols.] 18. Flammarion. The Atmosphere. 19. Blodgett, Lorin. Climatology of United States. 20. Meyer, Albert J. Reports, Chief Signal Officer, U. S. Army. 21. Winchell, Alex. Michigan; Climate, Topography, etc. 22. Hitchcock, C. H. and Assistants. Geology of N. H. [3 Vols.] 23. Huxley, T. H. Physiography. 24. Prichard, J. C. Physical History of Mankind. [5 Vols.] 25. Periodical. Natural History Review. 26. Soc. Pub. Proceedings Royal Society. London. 27. Reclus, Elisee. The Earth. 28. Thomson, Wyville. The Challenger Expedition. 29. Dana, J. D. System of Mineralogy. 30. Dana, J. D. Manual of Mineralogy [Last Edition], 31. Dana, E. S. and J. D. Text Book of Mineralogy. 32. Comstock, Theo. B. Classification of Rocks. 33. Comstock, Theo. B. Descriptive Classification of Rocks. Used in Lithological work, Cornell Univ. Geol. Lai. Pafyrografhic sheets. 79 80 REFERENCES. 34. Collins, J. H. First Book of Mineralogy. [Putnam's Element Ser. ] 35. Geikie, Arch. Scenery of Scotland. 36. Carpenter, W. B. Foraminifera [Ray Society]. 37. Logan, Sir Wm., and Assistants. Geol. of Canada [Annual Reports]. 38. Brush, G. J. Determinative Mineralogy. 39. Soc. Pub. Philosophical Transactions. Edinburgh. 40. Silliman, B. Jr. Principles of Physics [2nd Ed.]. 41. Humboldt, Alex. Von. Cosmos. 42. Soc. Pub. Transactions Royal Society. Edinburgh. 43. Periodical (Weekly). Nature. 44. Periodical (Monthly). Geological Magazine. 45. Periodical (Weekly). Chemical News. 46. Lyell, Sir Chas. Principles of Geology [Last Ed.] 47. Lyell, Sir Chas. Elements of Geology. 48. Soc. Pub. Transactions Geological Society. London. 49. Daubeny, Chas. Volcanoes, Thermal Springs, etc. 50. Morton. Crania Americana. 51. Nott and Gliddon. Types of Mankind. 52. Bancroft. Native Races of Pacific States. 53. Soc. Pub. Bulletin de la Soci^te" Geologique de France. 54. Richthofen, Baron Von. Natural System of Volcanic Rocks. [From Proceedings California Academy of Sciences.] 55. Comstock, Theo. B. Geological Report in Reconnaissance N. W. Wyoming including Yellowstone National Park. Jones, 1873. 56. Hunt, T. S. Chemical and Geological Essays. 57. Bischof, Gustav. Chemical and Physical Geology [3 Vols.] 58. Scrope, G. P. Volcanoes of Central France. 59. Miller, Wm. A. Chemical Physics. 60. Palmieri. Vesuvius. 61. Soc. Pub. Cambridge [Eng.] Philosophical Translations. 62. Periodical (Quarterly). Philosophical Magazine. 63. Periodical. Archives des Sciences Physique et Naturelle (Supple- ment to Biblioth^que Universelle de Geneve). 64. Haughton. Manual of Geology. 65. Soc. Pub. Quarterly Journal Geological Society. London. 66. Soc. Pub. Proceedings Geological Society. London. 67. Soc. Pub. Proceedings Boston Society Natural History. 68. Reclus, Elis£e. The Ocean, Atmosphere and Life. 69. Thomson, Wyville. Depths of the Sea. 70. Prichard, J. C. Natural History of Man. 71. Hochstetter, Ferd. Von. New Zealand; its Physical Geography, Geology and Natural History. 72. Bischof, Gustav. Researches into Internal Heat of Globe. 73. Hayden, F. V. and Assistants. Annual Reports U. S. Geological Survey of Territories. 74. Comstock, Theo. B. Unexplained Phenomena in Geyser Basins of Yellowstone Park. [Reprint from R. 76, 1876, B., p. 235]. 75. Comstock, Theo. B. "Two-Ocean Water," etc. [Reprint from R. 76, 1876, p. 239.] 76. Comstock, Theo. B. Scientific Value of Yellowstone Park. [Re- print from R. 77 (Vol. VIII, Feb'y and March, 1874)]. 77. Periodical (Monthly). American Naturalist. . 78. Soc. Pub. Proceedings Am. Assoc'n for Advancement of Science. 79. Johnston, Keith. Physical Atlas. REFERENCES. 81 80. Von Hoff. Veranderungen der Erdoberflache. 81. Griesbach, C. L. Erdbeben in den Jahren 1867 und 1868 [From Geographical Society, Vienna]. •82. Scrope. Volcanoes [2nd Ed. , 1872]. 83. Reports (Annual). U. S. Coast Survey. 84. Darwin, C. Naturalises Voyage. 85. Mallet. Report on Neapolitan Earthquakes, 1862 (2 Vols.) [Ab- stract in R. 26, i860]. 86. Poggendorf s Annalen der Physik und Chemie. ■87. De la Beche. Geological Observer. .88. Reports (Annual). British Association. 89. Lyell, Sir Chas. Atitiqtiity of Man. 90. Periodical (Weekly). Comptes Rendus. 91. Reports (Annual). Smithsonian Institution. 92. Tyndall, John. Glaciers of the Alps. .93. Ives and Newberry. Explor. Colorado River of the West, 1861. .94. Powell, J. W. Exploration of Colorado River of the West, 1869-72. 95. Playfair. Illustrations of Huttonian Theory. .96. Kane. Arctic Explorations (2 Vols.) 97. Hayes, Isaac. Open Polar Sea. 98. Richardson, Sir J. Polar Voyages. 99. Agassiz, Louis. Nouvelles Etudes stir les Glaciers. 100. Agassiz. L. Atlas of Plates accompanying preceding. 101. Forbes, J. Travels in the Alps, 1843. 102. Forbes, James. Norway and its Glaciers. 103. Tyndall, John. Forms of Water [International Scientific Series]. 104. Wheeler, Geo. M., and Assistants. Annual Reports, U. S. Geo- graphical Survey West of 100th Meridian. 105. Ehrenberg. Passat-Staub und Blut-Regen. .106. Geikie, James. Great Ice Age. 107. Maury, M. F. Physical Geography of the Sea. [Journal Geograph- ical Society London]. 108. Humboldt, Alex. Von. Aspects of Nature. .109. Dana, J. D. Corals and Coral Islands. no. Dayman, Capt. Deep-Sea Dredgings. 1858. III. Darwin, Chas. Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs. -112. Hartt, Ch. Fred. Geology and Physical Geography of BraziL 113. Jukes, J. B. Voyage of H. M. S. Fly. . 1 14. Jones, T. Rymer. General Structure of Animal Kingdom. 115. Nicholson, H. A. Manual [or Text £ook~\ of Zoology. 116. Nicholson, H. A. Manual of Palaeontology. 117. Nicholson, H. A. Ancient Life-History of the Earth. 118. De Saussure. Voyage dans les Alpes, (4 Vols.) 1803. 119. Hooker. Himalayan Journals. 120. Agassiz, L. Corals and Coral Reefs. 121. Periodical. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. .122. Periodical. Quarterly Journal of Science. 123. Pictet. Traite" de Paleontologie. .124. Brooks, Julien, Rominger, etc. Geol. Surv. of Mich. 1869-73. .125. Huxley, T. H. Introduction to Classification of Animals. .126. Dawson, J. W. Acadian Geology. .127. Murchison, Sir R. I. Siluria. 128. Newberry, J. S. and Assistants. Reports, Geolog. Surv. of Ohio. 129. Safford. Reports, Geology of Tennesee. 6 82 REFERENCES. 130. Whitney, J. D. Geological Survey of California. 131. King, Clarence. U. S. Geological Survey of 40th Parallel. 132. Bulletins. U. S. Geol. Survey of Territories (Hayden). 133. Marsh, O. C. Introduction and Succession of Vertebrate Life in America [Vice President's Address before American Association for Advancement of Science, 1877. Published separately], 134. Dawson, Geo. M. Report on Geology, etc., along 49th Parallel. 135. Foote, Chas. W. Notes on Physical Geology of Cayuga Lake, N. Y., etc. [Thesis for Degree of Ph. D., Cornell, 1877]. 136. Hitchcock. Surface Geology. [Smithson. Contrib., Vol. IX]. 137. Southall, J. C. Recent Origin of Man. 138. Lubbock, Sir John. Pre-Historic Times. 139. Dawkins, Boyd. Cave-Hunting. 140. Vogt, Carl. Lectures on Man. 141. Tylor, E. B. Early History of Mankind. Primitive Culture. 142. Huxley, T. H. Man's Place in Nature. 143. Evans. Ancient Stone Implements of Great Britain. 144. Wilson, Daniel. Pre-Historic Man. 145. Squier and Davis. Ancient Monuments of Mississippi Valley. 146. Squier, E. G. Aboriginal Monuments of State of N. Y. 147. Reports (Annual). Peabody Museum of Archaeol. and Ethnol. 148. Lapham, I. A. Antiquities of Wis. [Smithson. Cont., Vol. VII]. For other references consult Royal Society [London] Catalogue of Sci- entific Papers, classified by authors. Most of the writers in the foregoing list, and many others, have published numerous papers bearing upon the subjects here treated. N. B. — Of the references included in the above List, the following are accessible to students in the Library of the THE END. : m m nil HI ■■ ' ^i^^»* MM-SMMMs *it»^8Tt-T000*„ Till! I "adVHO iVO-NdOAllSMaAINn,