J. H. SOUTHGATE. JAMES SOUTHGATE. -^IINSURANCE.I^ OUH MOTTO: lilBE^fllilTY, JUSTICE, SECURITY. Near/y $500M00,000 Capita/ and Assets Represented. AlAvays Call on or Write Us Before Iiisnring Elsewhere. YOURS TRULY, J SOUTHGATE & SON, No. 105 W. Main St., 2d Floor over Morehead Banking Co,, E,A.3!>d:sE:'X"'s 1892. _ „, — agcayjj-'iia.'.".'-'- J.-.iBifc. ^i ''. ' i < i g « '>i'-M Ka] DURHAM, N. C. -^•»- GEO. W. WATTS, President. J. F- SLAUSHTE-R, Jr., eashier. A. -H. STOKES, yice-President. LEE H. 37VTTLE, Teller. Geo. W. Watts, W H. Proctor, J. F. Slaughter, Jr. W. Duke, A. H. vStokes, A. E. Lloyd, S. R. Carrington, Samuel Kramer. B. N. Duke. J. S. Manning, W. A. Slaler, C0NDUC^g Ti GENE^HIi BLINKING BUglNESg. Extends every accommodation, consistent with business principles, for its customers, and money always to lend them at 8 per cent. Allows interest on deposits. We call special attention to our safety deposit boxes tor valuables, in 5ur five and burgjar-proof safe. Tl-t EDUCATOR CO., PRINT. DURHAM. N. C ADVERTISEMENTS. J^S^--^ ELLIS, STONE & CO. 37i.3^DRY GOODS, CARPETS, iGUOTIONS,&C. l^'^Y" . NO. 124 WEST MAIN STREET, '• ^ jg^^Your trade respectfully solicited. Wholesale aud Retail Dealers iu all kinds of Parlor, Mm Room Clocks, Pictures and Mattresses a Specialty. limnCnTRkliyP MetalUc caskets, Burial Cases and Coffins. UIiUlHI rlMillO. A General line of Undertaking. No.s. 107-109 Corcoran .street, - - - - DURHAM, N. C. C.A.SI3: OIR- I is: ST .A. X^X-TvlEHSTT. DURHAM ALMANAC Will be issuer] in September and will contain ths names and P O. address of 500C farmers and other prominent citizens of Dur- Iiam and all adjoinin<:f counties, and a copy will be mailed J'ree to each one of these. Advertisers can be suppUed with as many additional copies as they may wish, with their ads on the outside back, at small cost. If you wish to advertise iu something that will pay you write for space at once. X, A. IIAMSEY, Publisher, 107 E. 'Main st., Durham. N. C. H, c. Collection Library ULnivf^sityof N>CX ADVERTISEMENTS. 3 AGENT TXT^a-sliing-toii I-iife Insrira-zice Oo., OF NEW YOREC. ASSETS, - - - $12,000,000. The Washington has the most desirable class of assets of any Hfe Company. Its policy is exceedingly liberal. For information con- cerning policies, or applications for agencies, address SAM'L L. ADAMS. Rooms 21-23, Wright Building, ■• 201 West Main Street, Durham," N. C. T. J". L-A.1VCBE!, TIlB FllB ulOllllGr, AND GEiMTS FURNISHER. FAT AJy D LEAM MEX SUITS, BOOSTS .A-ISTID "S'OXJXHS SXJIXS, IN ¥.m^^ gaiTis T8 ¥m eyeryb0dy. Come to see me. loi East Main, Corner Mangnm Street, D'JRHAftfl, ^3. C. VV. H. N/IcCABE, ' i:jsraxj"j^.^^isroE. MOTTO : EQUAL AND EXACT JUSTICE TO ALL. None But the Best Companies Represented. When in need of any form of Insurance call on or write to Yours very truly, W. H." MCCABE. Wright Building, Rooms Nos. 2-4 PARRISH'S WAREHOUSE, Is the place to sell your Tobacco. The oldest Warehouse firm in Durham. Has sold more Tobacco for more money than any other Warehouse in North Carolina for the past fifteen years. STRICT HEADQUARTERS. '^[^Ii^ti'ili'ii^^illmi^ilmiii^i'ii' ^- J- PARRISH, Propriktor. 00030733421 FOR USE ONLY IN rIE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION ADVERTISEMENTS. R. B. BOONE;. JUNIUS PARKER. BOONE & PARKER, Mangum •Building, 2nd Floor, -Rooms No. Z and 3. Cor. East Main and Mangum Streets, DURHAM, N. C. "^^^^- X_i. CCOZ=EIB 6z CO., ^- !=? •RBFE-RE/>JeES: First National Bank, Durham, N. C Hon. E. C. Reid, Prest. Nat'l, Bank, Raleigh N C Branch & Co., Bankers, WiLson, N. C. No. 23S West Main vStreet, DURHAM, N. C. NEWLY FURNISHED. M/iS. FANNIE PETWAY, Proprietress. SS.OO I^EI?, 3D.A.-5r. The Proprietress is fully prepared to accommodate the traveling public, and will spare no pains to give to all her guests such acconi- niodations as will please and satisfy them. No. Ill Church vStreet, Near the Court IIou.se, ^^^^ DURHAM, N. C. J. J. MACKAY, Agent, Auction and Commission Merchant, KRAMER BUILDING, NO. 107 E. MAIN STREET, 3D"cr2^i3:-^jM:, - _ _ nsr. c Consignments of nil Articles desired to be Sold at Aucti.)n or on Commission Solicited. Strict Attention paid to Business, and Prompt Returns on all sales. ADVERTISEMENTS. W. A. SLATER & CO., OTliOTBLlE:E?.S, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shoes, Umbrellas, &c , 100 JVest Main St., cor. Manguin, iDXT:]R£3:.^fi^:M:, asr. o. THE PLACE TO BUY A RIFLE OR PISTOL, OR SHELLS, mm OUTFITS, BUSE BILLS, TENNIS. GYMNASIUM, CUTLERY AND SPORTING SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. THE A. G. ALFO.iD SPORTING GOODS CO., WHOLESALK AND RETAIL, 225 E. 'Baltimore Street, •BALTIMO-RE MT). Durham Machine Shop and Foundery, LEWIS ALBEZETTE & SON, Proprietors. Eiiiiines, Boiler.s, and Saw Mill Machinery of all kinds Repaired on short notice. Foundery and Blacksmith work of all kinds. Valves, Injector Lifters, Steam Guages, Water Guages and Glass; in short, everything kept in a first-class Machine Shop. Nos 216 to 222 W. Peabody st., bet. R. & D. and D. & N. Depots, H. J. "bass 3c eo., LEnFToBacco aNQ Strips. NG 208 MORGiiN STREET. nDXTi^:E3:..^'L>^, isr. .o. ADVERTISEMENTS. W. A. GUTHRIE, Attorney at Lkw, OFFICE : 207 CHURCH STREET, DURHAM, N. C. eiTg DKUG STOT^E. R. BLACKITALL & SOIT, Proprietors, DEALERS l/M Dmp, MedMneSj BhemiedSj Bye StuEsj cigars, Tobacco,' Garden Seed, Perfumer}-, Soaps, Toilet Articles, etc. Cor. W. Main and Corcoran sts., DURHAM, N. C. DR. L. B. HENDERSON, ID E :sr T I s T _ OFFICE: 100 WEST MAIN. 2d FLOOR. ROOMS No. I, 2 and 3. Corner West Main and Mauguni S! reels, r) XJ E. li -A. I^ , - - KT, c. ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. • BWMMmM M&&M SWQmE. T. J. GATTIS & SON, Proprietors. A FULL LINE OF FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY, ARTIST MATERIALS, SCHOOL. RELIGIOUS AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS CONSTANTLY IN STOCK. CALL AND SEE US. No. 121 East Main vStreet, iDXJim-A.iwa:, xsr. c. ADVERTISEMENTS. W. J. GRISWOLD, LIFE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SECURITY, EMPLOYER'S Liability, and Steam Boiler and Salary No. 102 West Main, 2nl> Floor, Room No. 9, Corner West Main and Mangum Streets, J. F. CORBETT, President. JNO. W. CARLTON, Vice-President. W. J. CHP.ISTIAN, Sec'y and Treas. li^b urn SIGN BOARD, DURHAM BELLE, C: C. C. SWEHT POTATO. DAISY GREEN. Manufacturers of all Grades FliE tM\U -AND- REBEL DURHAM. FAUCETT'S CLIPPINGS, PURE DURHAM, LEGAL TENDER, And other Brands. igoMijg Totoccoj '3 Nos. 204-20S Poplar Street, IDijirliam, - - InT. O. mwmm mm mwAm immi A SURE REMEDY FOR Headache, Sleeplessness, and all Nervous Affections. A SPEEDY RELIEF FOR Catarrh, Cold in tlie Mead ajsd Ilaj Fever. Pleasant, Convenient and Effectual. M.-iNUFACTURED BY buRHy\n NEDI^y\TEb ClQARETTE ^OMPy\NY, Cor. East Main and Church Streets, 2d and 3d Floors DURHAM.-- N. C. ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR YOUNG LADIES. ADVANCED, THOROUGH, SELECT, AND IN EVERY WAY WELL EQUIPPED. Twenty 'two Officers and Teachers . Before sending yonr daughters anywhere, send for catalogue. J AS. DINWIDDIE, M. A., Univ. of Va., Raleigh, N. C. Principal. LUCIUS GREEN. JNO, M. MOREHEAD. GREEN & MOREHEAD, Annual Capacity 4,000,000 Pounds, . No. 211 Morris Street, The Durham Recorder, Established in 1820 at Hillsboro, N. C. Moved to Durham in 1879. Having the Largest Circulation, and is the Best Advertising. Medium in the "Golden Belt Tobacco Section." E. C. HACKNEY, Editor and Proprietor^ Durham, N. C. ADVERTISEMENTS. J. S. MANNING. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE—Wright Building, 2d Floor, Rooms Nos. 5 and 7, On corner West Main and Corcoran vStreets, Consolidated Land and Improvement Co. CAPITAL STOCK $1,000-000. President: JULIAN .S. CARR, Presideut First National Bauk. Durham, N. C. President Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Company. Vice-Presidej^t : Col. A. B. ANDREWS, Second Vice-President Richmond & Danville Railroad. Vice-President Citizens National Bank Raleigh, N. C. Secretary and Treasurer : R. H. WRIGHT, Esq., Office : Room Xo. g, Wright Building, No. 201 West. Main, cor. Corcoran, DURHAM. N. C R. B RANEY, Proprietor. The climate of Raleiti,h is absolutely unsurpassed in the .South. Mean temperature, Dec, Jan. and Feb. .44.5. Same as Plorence, Italy. Rates $2.50 and $3.00 per Day. Special Weekly Rates. lO ADVERTISEMENTS. ^ EOUITin PEL G old Pen with Diamond Point, FORMER PRICE, $2.50 ^ o Fl H ■X3 H o3 tf pq <1 1 § 1 P 4-3 ol OQ m a Fm M CO r— I cq 213 E.Fayette St., BALTIMORE, MD. ADVERTISEMENTS. II Uk M Imkimi ^°" MANUFACTURERS OF TOB^aCO, AND IN STYLES AND SIZES TO SUIT THE TRADE. Address, T. B. FULLER, Sec'y and Treas., Cor. Blackwell and W. Pett]>revv Sis. T. C. GOODSON, Leaf Tobacco Broker, ORDERS SOLICITED. SA TISFACTION GUARANTEED, C. A. W. BARHAM, Licensed Anctioj^eer. Will sell Lands, Personal Property. &c., and in all cases guar- aLtees thai the Highest Prices will be obtained. Also Auctioneer at Reams Warehouse. No. 200-208 West Main Street, iDXJ'3=£:E3:.z^ivd:, - - isr. o. 12 ADVERTISEMENTS. KINCAN $c CO., Pork Packers, SELL ALL KINDS OF Fresh Pork Sausage, Bologna, Pigs Feet, &c., IN CAR LOTS OR SMALLER QUANTITIES BOXED., CURERS OF THE FAMOUS cc Kiii's nn Kettle Mflerei Leal Larfl, English Cured Shoulders. Ask for KINGAN'S RELIABLE BRAND SMOKED MEATS, for sale by all first-class orrocers. ^ •RAMS Eg 'S url^Qm^Oirectorg, FOR THE YKAR 18 9 2. WHITE AND COLORED POPULATION gI¥EN SEPARATE. WITH SUPPLEMENT GIVING CHURCH, vSUNDAY .SCHOOL, AND PUBLIC vSCHOOL STATISTICS OF THE COUNTY. ALSO LIST OF Post Offices, Magistrates and Notaries Public. DURHAM, N. C. : N. A. Ramsey, Publisher,' No. 107 E. Main vStrkkt. 14 ADVERTISEMENTS. Fillet flatioqal Banl^ of M\m. Parrish Building, No. 204 Mangum Street, IDVLrllSLm, iT-. O. CAPITAL. STOCK. - - _ - ^ 150,000 STOCKHOLDERS' LIABILITY, - 300,000 DEPOSITORS' SECURITY, - - 450,000 B A/N KI/viG l/N TVLL ITS B-R A&l e4H ES. Liberal inducements for deposits from Banks, Corporations, Business Houses and Individuals. Our facilities for making Collections on all points throughout the country' are of the best. All returns will be made promptly. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS : National Bank Republic, New York City, N. Y. National Park Bank " " " " United States National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Manufacturers National Bank, Philadelphia, Pa. Merchants Bank, Danville, Va. ■ State Bank of Virginia, Richmond, Va. Merchants National Bank of Richmond, Richmond, Va- Norfolk National Bank, Norfolk, Va. National Bank of Raleigh, N. C. Commercial National Bank, Charlotte, N. C. Our Discount rate is 8 per cent, to everybody. Persons depositing money and receiving certificates of deposit therefor running 6 or 12 months will receive interest thereon at the rate of 4 per cent. o:p:e^iodbis3 : J. S. CARR, President. L. D. HEARTT, Cashier. W. W. FULLER, Vice-President. J M WHITTED, Teller- J. S. Carr, J. W. Smith, J. W. Walker, E, W. Kennedy. \V. W. Fuller, W. R. Cooper, J. T. Mallory, Jas. A. Bryan, L. D. Heartt, C. S. Bryan. INDHX TO ADVERTISERS. PAGE. Adams, S. L., At^'t., Insurance, . . 3 All)ezette, Lewis & Son, Founders and Machinists 5 Alford, A. G., Sporting Goods Co., 5 Banner Warehouse Co 34 Rargamin, G. & H., Plumbing . . 28 Barham, C. A. W., Auctioneer . . 11 Bass, H. J. & Co.. Leaf Dealers, . . 5 Baunigarten, \Vm., Rubber Stamps, 10 Blacknall, R. & vSon, Druggists . . 6 B ackvell Lu". Co-op. Tob. Co . . 16 Boone & Parker, Lawvers .... 4 Brown, Dr. J. jC , Dentist 43 College Street Seminary 18 Commonwealth Cot, Mf 'g Co . . . 47 Cooper, W. L., Leaf Dealer .... 4 Duke. \V. Sons &: Co., Cigarettes and Smoking Tobacco 21 Dulany, W. J. C. Company . . 3 Back Durham Almanac 2 Back Durham & Northern R. R 20 46 Durham Collar and Harness Fac'ty iS Durham ConsoL Land and Im. Co. 9 Durham Cotton Mf"g Co 22 Durham Daily v'-km Durham Fertilizer Co Durham Furniture Co 2 Back Durham Machine Works 5 Durham Med. Cigarette Co ... . 7 Durham Paper Box Factory .... 40 Durham Recorder 8 Durham vSupply Co 4 Back Educator Co 48 Fisenbrandt, H. R. & Sons, Musi- cal Listruments 4 I'ack Ellis, Stone & Co.. Dry Goods. 2 Back Iviucette Dur. Tob. Co 7 Fidelity Bank r Back First Nat. Bank 14 Fuller & P'uller, Lawyers 25 Gattis, T. J. & Son, Books and Sta'y 6 Gautschi, PL 6c Sons, Music Poxes, 24 Golden Belt Mfg Co , Bag Mf 'rs . 11 Goodson, T C, Leaf Dealer ... 11 Green & IVIorehead, Leal Dealers . 8 Griswold, W. J., Ins. and Brokerage 7 Guthrie, W. A., Lawyer 6 Harden, G. M. Jr., Livery .... 27 ^_^Hawes, S. H., Coal 27 ' Henderson, Dr. L. B.. Dentist. . . 6 O Hcrndon & Bagwell, Grocers ... 25 Oq HoUoway, J. A., Wagon Mf'r . . 27 . Holloway, W. H., Blacksmith , . . 27 ^ Hotel Driver [ ^-. Hotel Gladstone 26 L-. Hutchins, J. W., Meats 25 'Jones, G. R. &Co . Leaf Tobacco . 33 T( nes, J. W. A Co , Dry Goods . . 29 Jones, M H., Jeweler 31 Kingan & 2o., Pork Packers ... 12 Knal)e & Co., Pianos, 47 28 38 35 45 PAGE- Kramer, .A., Leaf Tobacco . . . . 30 Kramer, S. & Co . Cigar Mf 'rs 4 Back Lambe, T. J., Clothing, 3 Lyon, K. E., Leaf Tobacco .... 31 McCabe, W. H., Insurance .... 3 Mackav, ]. J., Ins. and Com. Mch't "' Mallory Cheroot Co : 8 Manning, J. S., Lawrer q Markham, H. H., Gen. Mdse . . . .'2 Michaels & Co., Druggists .... 33 Morris & Sons Mf 'g Co., Tob. Snuff 30 Murray, J S., Sewing Machines . . 30 Murray, W. R. & Co. , Sewing Ma- ' chines, Pianos and Organs . . Muse, W. H., Dry Goods .' . . . . News and Observer N. C. College A. & M. A North Durham Pants Factory . . . Norton, C H., Contractor 31 Osborn House 3^ Osborn, W. H. & Co., Leaf Tobacco 33 Oxford Orphan Asylum . . 239 and 40 Parrish Warehouse 3 Peace Institute 8 Piedmont Air Line R. R 19 Pinnix, J. T. & Co., Leaf Tobacco . 34 Postle}-, C. T., Jeweler 37 Proctor, W. H. , Racket Grocer . . 34 Pugh, Thos. C. & Co., Salt Fish, &c 37 Ramsey & Michie, Civil Engineer- ing and Surveying .... 3 Back Rawls, Q. E , Varietv vStore .... 39 Reams, H. A , Real Es. & Ins.Brok. 28 Rich. & Danville R. R, tq Rochelle, C, W., Photographer, . . 37 Rogers, R. I., Tombstones. . 37 Rosemond, H. M., Baker and Conf. 31 Schloss Bros & Co., Clothing, ... 17 Sch warts, J., Meats, 39 Sears, A. A., Livery 45 Shelbuni, W., Photographer ... 43 Slater, W. A. & Co., Clothing . . . 5 Smoot, Parrish & Co., Leaf Tob . . 40 vSouthgate, J. & Son, Ins . . . i Back Stokes &. H. & Co , Leaf Tobasco. 40 Stornonis, G., Huckster 43 ' Stvron Fence Co . 4r Sutton, R. M. & Co., Dry Goods . 18 Tavlor, C. C, Stoves and Tinware, 44 Th'axton & Patton, Gen, Mdse . . 38 Travers, S.W. & Co., Fertilizers 3 Back Trinity College J 2 Walker, Jno. B , Leaf Tobacco . . 44 Watson, Fred A., Art Material . . 40 Weatherspoon, W. H., Grocer . . 34 Whitley, R. D., Jeweler 45 Wortham, W. H., vSash, Doors, &c. 44 Wvatt, E. F. & Son, Saddlerv, &c. 4^^ Wyatt, ]M. B., Grocer ....'... 36 Yarborouuh House 9 Yearby, W. M., Druggist 45 i6 ADVERTISEMENTS. oipipioe:rs: JULIAN S. CARR, President. S. H. AUSTIN, Jr., Vice-President. J. A. Mcdowell, Treasurer. J. M. DUNCAN, Secretary. 5 I ffirr- © O © S 1*^ - ^ S ** S ci i ^ 2 © ■^ - e J— ^ ^J^H c '* Id c j; X i-< "* i- •- .2 « S ^ its q: u > (J I ® ''^^^§ ^ a cS c« te _ P eS ^'i c* ;->> 0) g I c C 1- 3 Sf C 0) u O -^ +" a 0) 3 -C C y O Or t tti OiPZEniGES : Philadelphia Office, .1418 Chestnut St. New Vork ■ Office, 102 Chambers St. Chicago Office, 8 Wabash Avenue. San Fraxcisco Office, 228 Front Street. ADVERTISEMENTS. Do you v;ant Clothing that iG L-ho rT- O. ADVERTISEMENTa 23 Durham Fertilizer Co. OFFICE: No. 202 Mangnm Street, DURHAM, = = N. C. Factories ; DflrMni, N. C. aM Rlctooi, ?a. MANUFACTURERS OF FOLLOWING BRANDS OF FERTILIZERS: PERUVIAN SUBSTITUTE, (Guaranteed 7 per cent. Ammonia.) DURHAM BULL, WITH PERUVIAN GUANO, DURHAM AMMONIATED FERTILIZER, GREAT COTTON AND CORN GROWER. DURHAM BULL HIGH GRADE ACID PHOSPHATE, The following Brands made EXPRESSLY FOR THE ALLIANCE : N. C. Alliance Official Guano, Progressive Farmer, N.C. Alliance Official Acid Phosphate, Guaranteed Lowest Prices Consistent with First-Class Goods. WRITE FOR PRICES, TERMS, ETC. Durham Fertilizer Company, S. T. MORGAN, President L. A. CARR, Secretary. 24 ADVERTIvSEAIENTS. SWITZERLAND. E.-^tab/i^h-.i IS24. PHILAuELPHlA. 1876. ■H. Gautschi 5l Sons, Manufacturers and Importers of Finest Quality of SIC Boxes. Sainte Croix, Switzerland. SALESROOM FOR THE UNITED STATES At 1030 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. THE mill iSiCiiL BOI i^'iir-'t:: zrz sweetest, most complete, durable and perfect Musical Boxes made, and any number of tunfs can be obtained for them. Also a complete line of all other styles and sizes from 30 cents to i.Soo.oo Dollars. t:- j_i3.r^3; :ccl2: -^m' rica. The most appropriate Wedding, Anniversary and Holiday Present. No INIusical Box can be guaranteed to wear well without Gautschi's S:ifety Tune Change and Check, patented in Switz.-.lai.d and the United States. Guaranteed for six years. Old Jtlusic Boxes repaired and improved by exp^ric.-.ccd work- men from the Factory in vSwitzerland, and at low rate.s. Headquarters for Gem and Concert Roller OrL-cirs, o; ly ir.on to C12.CO. Play any number of tunes as selected. Correspondence and examination invited. ADVERTISEMENTS. 25 W. W. FULLER. F. L. FULLER, FULLER & FULLER, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, PARRISH BUILDING, DURHAM. - - N. C. HERNDON & BAGWELL, iiQcers and Bgiileis m Eeseral Meichandise, No. 103 East Main vStreet, If _vou wish first-class Family Groceries, or anything else in our line, call and see us and we will try to deal with you so you will be sure to come and see us ag^ain. J . W . H U T C H I N S , — AT— Oit3^ nviarlsat. Stall l', Wood, Willow, Guns, Pistols, Powder, Tin and Glassware, Shot, Fuse, Building and Painting Material Carpenters and Painters Supplies, Reapers, Mowers, Plows, Cultivators, Hoes, Spades, Manure and Hav Forks. Also Notions, Shoes, Snuff, Hosiery, Oil cloth. Sugar, Underwear, Matting, Molasses, Hats, Tobacco, Bacon, &c. &c.. &c. If vou don't see what yon want, ask for it, and vou'll be sure to get it. g@°^ CALL AND SEE US. =^a ADVERTISEMENTS. 33 MICHAELS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Prescriptions promptly and carefully filled at all hours. Nos, 100-102 East Main Street, cor Maugum, W. H. OSBORN & CO., DEALERS IN XjE^F TOB^aCO, NO. 206 WATKINS STREET, OSBORN HOUSJE^ OXFORD, N. C. C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor. 8®" If you wish to feel at home whenever you go to Oxford, don't fail to go to the Osborn House. G. R, JONES & CO., NO. 601 MANGUM STREET, a®"Orders solicited. 34 ADVERTISEMENTS. R. D. Williams. John T. Lea. C. G. Mitchell. Banner Warehouse Company, For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco. WILLIAMS, LEA, MITCHELL & CO., Proprietors. NOS. 214-230 WEvST MAIN .STREET, DURHAM, N. C. References : High Prices. Fair Dealing. Cash Reference : Fidelitv Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 23, W. H. PROCTOR, Ppoprietor. Always in stock everything in the line of Heavy and Fancy Groce- ries. We make a specialty of Fine Brands of Flour, Canned Goods, Fruits. Confectioneries, Snuff, Tobacco and Fine Cigars. Also Country Produce. Goods promptly delivered Free of Charge. Call and see me, please, or send your orders to No. 206 Mangum st., cor. E. Parrish st., op. Parrish Warehouse. DURHAM, - - N. C. J. T. PINNIX & CO., Leaf Tobacco Brokers, no no WATKINS STREET, COR. FOSTER, 8^*"Ample facilities for steam or air drying. W. H. WEATHERSPOON, —DEALER IN — FIRST-CLASS FAMILY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODvS, FINE BRANDS FLOUR, SNUFF, CIGARvS, TOBACCO, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES, &c.. &c, At Lowest Cash Prices. Call and see me at No. 100 Chapel Hill St., at Junction of W. Pettigre wSt. , DURHAM, N- C. ADVERTISEMENTS. 35 THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OE IIGIIICllLTllllE AND MECHIINIC IIBTS, THIS COLLEGE was founded to train young men in Scientific and Practical Agriculture, and in Me- chanics and Mechanical Engineering, and to give them along with their Technical Training, such General In- struction as every citizen needs. It, therefore, offers ©nly two courses of study, the Agricultural and the Mechanical, but, in each of these courses there are included MATHEMATICS, CHEMISTRY, HISTORY , ENGLISH AND BOOK-KEEPING . The Board of Trustees is sparing no efforts to equip the College thoroughly. The Agricultural, Horticuliural and Chemical Departments are furnished with the best and most modern appliances. THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT already has its wood and iron shops thoroughly equip- ped, and is adding regularly to this equipment. The growing demand for skilled men in Agriculture, in Trucking, in Grape-growing, in Agricultural Chem- istry, in Engineering, Mechanical, Electrical and Civil, makes such an Education as the College offers, not only intellectually useful, but at once remunerative. For further information address ALEXANDER Q. HOLLADAY, Prest Raleeigh, N. C. 36 ADVERTISEMENTS. M. B. WYATT, Whoi^esale and Retail Dealer in Heavy --- Fancy Groceries Of the Highest Standard, and at the Lowest Possible Prices. We are determined at all times to keep the very best goods in stock and as we buy for Cash, and in large lots. We Can Afford to, and Will Sell whatever you ma)- wish in our line as low, if not lower, than any other House in North Carolina. Sugars, Lard, Cakes, Salt Fish, Coffees, Salt, Butter, Ship Stuff, Teas, Can' d goods, Cheese, Bran, Spices, Preserves, Tobacco, Corn, Sauces, Pickles, Cigars, Wheat, Bacon, Crackers, Snuff, Hay. THE FINEST BRANDS OF Bolted Meal and Superlative Family Flour known to the trade. In fact, anything and everything you may wish at bottom prices, can be had at our store. Call and see us and be Convinced. No. 203 West Main Street, Wright Buildings next door east of Post Office^ Phone No. 40. ADVERTISEMENTS, 37 CHAS. T. POSTLEY, [ESTABLISHED 1 875.] WaTCHMHKER * HMD ♦ ^^WBLER, Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, &c. NO. 125 E. MAIN STREET, DURHAM, N. C. Third door west of Church Street. THOS. C. PUGH & CO., No. 113 South Street. - - - B ULTIMO RE. MD. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Salt Fish, Cheese, Butter, &c. First-class goods, and sold on a close margin. When visiting the city call and see us, or send us your orders, which shall have our prompt attention. ROBERT I. ROGERS & CO., PROPRIETORS DURHAM MARBLE ana BROWll STONE WORKS Dealers in Monuments, Tombstones, Tablets, &c. Correspondence Solicited and Estimates Furnished. BRANCH YARD AT OXFORD. N. C. No. 219 W. Main Street, - DURHAM, N. C. C. W. ROCHELLE,' No. 112 West Main Street, 2nd Floor, DURHAM. N. C. Photography in all its different branches well executed and splen- didly finished. Styles unsurpassed and general workmanship unex- celled. PRICES SATISFACTORY. T,S ADVERTISEMENTS. 9 £9 JOBS AND BARGAINS IN CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. No. 109 East Main Street — Kramer Block", J. J. THAXTON. J. R. PATTON. THAXTON & PATTON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES, GROCERIES TIN WARE, TOBACCO, SNUFF, CIGARS, SHIP STUFF, BRAN, CORN, OATS, HAY, and everything else needed by the public. We buy our goods for Cash and consequently CAN, AND WILL sell them as close as any other first-class house in North Carolina, Call and see us and be convinced of the truth of our statement at JVo. 116 West Main Street, DURHAM, N. C. ADVERTISEMENTS. 39 Q. E. RAWLS. New York Cash Store. M). 119 East Main Street, IDTTK^HIJ^Lnvr, - - IST. o. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, ^C. This old established house is a Leader in Durham. It is the place of all others to get the most goods for the least money. Call and see us, and if you don't see what you wish, ask for it, as almost anything can be had at Raiuls New York Cash Store. ALWAYS BUY THE BEST. J". SCH:"V7"Jk.I^T2:, DEALER IX Clioige Fresli Meats and Sausap. MANUFACTURED WITH THE GREATEST CARE. Wholes.vle and Retail Trade Respectfully Solicited. Remember you get the vsry best at Stall ISTo. 3, City- I^arl^iet, Cor, Church and Peabody Streets, 40 ADVERTISEMENTS. A. H. SMOOT. W. L. PARRISH. SMOOT, PARRISH&CO IjEJLin TOBJ^COO, NO. 200 WATKINS STREET, DURHAM, N. C. Buy on order. Large contracts taken. Samples sent when desired. Ample re-drying facilities. Satisfaction guaranteed, A. H. STOKES & CO., Dealers in all Classes of North Carolina Tobaccos. No. 114 West Parrish Street FRED. A. WATSON, MANUFAOTUBEB OF PIGTUIE FRAMES, WINDOW SHADES AND CORNICES, Dealer in Eirst- Class Artist Materials ana Novelties for Decorating. S^'Ordere for anything in my line will have prompt personal attention and the advantage of lowest current rates. No 112 Faykttevii^le Street, - RALEIGH, N. C. Durham Paper Box Manufactory. JNO C. ROGERS, Proprietor, All sizes and styles of Boxes made on the shortest notice and at the lowest prices. Call and see me or send your orders. Satisfaction guaranteed. NO. 120 WEST MAIN STREET, 2ND FLOOR. DURHAM, N. C. ADVERTISEMENTS. 41 Tlie St37-roii IFence Co., No. 139 Water and 20 Nivison Streets, Norfolk, Va. Manufacturers of STYRON FENCE AND GATES, 7\nd the Celebrated C. ©. POLI LT-Ry FE/MCES, and dealers in Red Cedar Posts, Fence Supplies, &c. Send for circnlars and price list. DESCRIPTION. — The Styron Fence is composed of Wnlte Cedar Pickets, and Galvanized Bessemer Steel Fence Wire. The pickets are woven between wire. Department of Philosoph}' and Letters, leading to A. B. degree. 2) Scientific Department, leading to B. S. 3) Theological Department, leading to B. D. 4) Law Department, leading to LL. D. 5) Technical Department, leading to three engineering degrees. vSchool of Pharmacy. 6) Department of History, Political and vSocial Science, leading to Ph. B. School of P'inance and PvConomy for higher education of business men, leading to Ph. B. Catalogue or special i)ulletins relating to any department sent free on application to the president. JOHN FRANKLIN CROWELL, President. k ADVERTISEMENTS. 43 E. F. WYATT & SON, Leading Mamifactiirers aud Dealers in OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. FIRST-CLASS BUGGIES, CARRIAGES and ROAD CARTS always kept in stock. The best goods at lowest prices for Cash. Repairing promptly done and satisfation guaranteed. Call and see us. No. 1 20 West Main Street, - - DITRHAM, N. C. Photographic Parlor — -OF — ■\^r. sHiiELBTJiE^nsr, Zs/dZain. Street, IDuirlaam, 3Sr, O. ALL WORK finished with greatest care, and satisfaction guaranteed. I am also prepared to do outside work (Viewing) of any kind, having supplied myself with best instruments for this brancli of the business. Write or Ask for Prices. A large and assorted stock of Frames on hand always. ENLARGING WORK A SPECIALTY. Str-a-ngers Welcome. No. iii;4 Main street, 2nd Floor, - DURHAM. N. C. Offers his services in all departments of Dentistry to the public. "Without Good Teeth there cannot be thorough luastication. Without thorough mastication there cannot be perfect dio'estioii. Without perfect digestion there cannot be proper assimilation. Without proper assimilation there cannot be nutrition. Without nutrition there cannot be health. Without health what is LIFE ? Hence the paramount importance of the Teeth." (Children's Teeth a specialty.) a-. sTOK^isroi^is, STALL No. 9, CITY MARKET. In Stock : Canned Goods, Cured Meat, Confectioneries, d-c. ALL KINDS VEGETABLES IN. SEASON. Fresh Country Butter and Poultry a Specialty. GIVE ME A CALL. 44 ADVERTISEMENTS. • C. C. TAYLOR, MANUFACTURER OF TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, AND DEALER IN Gofllii aM Heatii Sto? es, Hollow ware, &c, Roofing and Guttering done at short notice and in the most improved workmanlike manner. The best made anywhere and at prices that def}' competition. NO. 115 EAST MAIN STREET, NO. Ill PINE STREET, DURHAM, - - N . C . Prompt attention given to all orders. Many years experience enables nie to guarantee entire satisfaction. W. H. WORTHAM, MANUFACTURER OF SASH, DOO-RS, BLIMDS, AND BUILDING MATERIAL. We carr}- a complete stock of Rough and Dressed Lumber, and can fill orders for an}' kind or quality promptly. Cor. East Pettigrew and Ramsey Streets, - DURHAM, N. C. . ADVERTISEMENTS. 45 DEALER IN FINE i- mihM -f 600Dg V 4C. Prescriptions filled with the greatest care. Pure and Fresh Goods always in stock. Call and see me at No 123 East Main Street. - DURHAM, N. C. R. D. WHITLEY, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, JVb. 203 Fast Main Street, JDTJ':^TZ.^^'L/L, - - - 3sr. c All my work is warranted to give satisfaction. A share of public patronage is solicited. f^f- A. A. SEARa Livery, Sale and Exchange Stable, FIRST-CLASS VEHICLES FOR HIRE, DAY OR NIGHT. J"'? schools with Teachers of Known Qualifications, free of cost. SCHOOL SUPPLIES—School Desks, Office and Bank Furniture, &c. Address all orders to THE EDUCATOR CO., DURHAM, N. C. Personal.— Referring to the publisher's "Apologetic" notice on an- other page, reflecting upon us as the printers of this Directory by putting upon us the blame for delaying its publication beyond the first of March, we desire to say that our contract with Capt. Ramsey for the publication of this Directory was not signed until March 20, 1S92. GOVERNMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Thomas M. Holt, of Alamance county, Governor, sal- ary $3,000 and furnished house, fuel and lights. Lieutenenant Governor and President of the Senate. Vacant owing to the death of Daniel G. Fowle, late Governor. Octavius Coke, Wake county. Secretary of State, sal- ary $2,000, and $1,000 for extra clerical assistance. G. W. Sanderlin, of Wayne county, Auditor, salary $1,500, and 1,000 for extra clerical assistance. Donald W. Bain, of Wake county, Treasurer, salary- $3,000. Sidney M. Finger, of Catawba county. Superintend- ent of Public Instruction, salary $1,500, and $500 per annum for travelling expenses. Theodore F. Davidson, of Buncombe county, Attor- ney General, salary $1 , 000. Reporter to Supreme Court, salary $1,000, and $750 for clerical assistance. Jas. D. Glenn, of Guilford county. Adjutant General, salary $600. J. C. Birdsong, Wake county, State Librarian, salary $1,000. S. F. Telfair, Beaufort county, Private Secretary to the Governor, salary $1,200. Poindexter W. Capehart, of Vance county. Executive Clerk, salar>^ $600. W. P. Batchelor, Wake county. Chief Clerk to Secre- tary of State, salary $1,000. j, D. Boushall, Camden county. Chief clerk to Audi- tor, salary $1,000. H. M. Cowan, Chatham county, Chief Clerk to Treas- urer, salary $1,500. 50 APPENDIX Ernest B. Bain, of Wake county, Teller of the Treas- ury Department, salary $750. R. L. Burkhead, of Wayne county. Clerk for Charita- ble and Penal Institutions, salary $1,000. C. M. Roberts, Vance county, Superintendent of Pub- lic Buildings and Grounds, salary $850. governor's council. The Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer and Super- intendent of Public Instruction. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretarv of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Superintendent of Public In- stniction and Attorney General constitute the State Board of Education. PUBLIC WORKS AND INSTITUTIONS IN NORTH CAROLINA. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Located at Raleigh, in a building especially arranged for the purpose, iuiniediately north of Capitol square.^ State Board of Agriculture— Qo\. W. F. Green, Chair- man, 4th District; W. R. Williams, Esq., Master of the State Grange Patrons of Husbandry; J. B. Coffield, Esq., ist Congressional District; W. R. Capehart, 2nd Con- gressional District; W. E. Stevens, Esq., 3d Congres- sional District; J. S. Murrow, Esq., 5th Congressional District;;. F. Payne, Esq., 6th Congressional District; Hon. A. Leazer, 7th Congressional District; S. L. Pat- terson, Esq., 8th Congressional District; Dr. C. D. Smith, 9th Congressional District. Executive Committee.— QoX. W. F. Green, J. F. Pa^-ne, Dr. W. R. Capehart. ^ Finance Committee. — A. Leazer, W. R. Williams, W. E. Stevens, Esq. Officers. — Col. John Robinson, Commissioner, salary $2,000; T. K. Brunei-, Secretary, salary $1,300; H. B. Battle, Ph. D., Chemist and Director of the Experiment Station, salary $2,500. APPENDIX. 51 N. C. AGRICULTURx\L EXPERIMENT AND FERTILIZER CONTROL STATION, RALEIGH, N. C. \ The officers of the Station are : H. B. Battle, Ph. D., Director and State Chemist; F. E. Emery, B. S., Agri- cnltnrist; Gerald McCarthy, B. Sc, Botanist and Acting Etomologist; W. F. Massey, C. E., Horticnlturist; C. E. Von Herrmann, Meteorologist; B. W. Kilgore, B. S., Assistant Chemist; F. B. Carpenter, B. S., Assistant Chemist; T. L. Blalock, B. S., Assistant Chemist; J. S. Meng, B. S., Assistant Chemist; Alexander Rhodes, As- ssistant Horticnltnrist; S. L. Cunninggim, A. B., Secre- tary. Office and Laboraties in Agricnltnral Bnilding, Ral- eigh. Farm, Stable, Plant House, and Dairy adjoin State Fair Grounds, Visitors cordially welcomed. Cor- respondence on all agricultural subjects invited. N C. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS. Board of Trustees.— V^\ S. Primrose, President of Board; W. F. Green, S. B. Alexander, Henry E. Fries, N. B. Broughton, A. Leazer, J. B. Coffield, W. R. Wil- liams, C. D. Smith, S. L. Patterson, W. R. Capehart, J. F. Payne, J. S. Murrow, W. E. Stevens, Elias Carr. Executive Committee. — W. S. Primrose, W. F. Green, S. B. Alexander, Henry E. Fries, N. B. Broughton, A. Leazar. Finance Committee. — N. B. Broughton, Chairman; Elias CaiT, A. Leazar. C>/?V^n?.— President, Prcf. Alexander Holladay, for- merlv of Mecklenburg county, N. C, but at time of election President of the Florida Agricultural College, salary $2,300; Professor of Agriculture, Live Stock and Dairying, Jos. R. Chamberlain, (Cornell University), late of the N. C. State Experiment Station, salary $2, - 000; Professor of Horticulture, Arboriculture and Botany, Prof. W. F. Massey, late Professor of Agriculture and Live Stock in the'Millers Manual Training School of Virginia, salary $t,ooo; Professor of Chemistry, Pure 52 APPENDIX. and Agricultural, W. A. Withers, B. A. and A. M., sal- ary- $i,8oo; Professor of English, Prof. D. H. Hill, Jr., late Professor of English in the Mil. and Agricultural College of Middle Georgia, salar\- $i,8oo; Professor of Practical Mechanics and Mathematics, Prof. J. H. Kin- ealy, D. E. , (Washington University), late Professor of Civil Engineering and Physics in the Agricultural Col- lege of Texas, salar}^ |i, 800; Assistants in Mechanics, Chas. M. Pritchett and Chas. H. Park; Superintendent of Fanns and Gardens, B. S. Skinner, of Perquimans county, salary $800 and a house; Steward, J. N. Hub- bard, Wake county, $800, lodging and board; Matron, Mrs. Sue C. Carroll, of Sampson count)-, salary $360, lodging and board. NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Oy/rrr^.— President, R, H. Battle, Raleigh, Wake county. Vice Presidents : (Permanent) — Hon. Kemp P. Battle, Orange; Hon. R. H. Smitl:, Halifax; Gov. T. M. Holt, Alamance; W. G. Upchurch, Wake. Sec- retary: Eugene C. Beddingfield. State at Large.. — S. B. Alexander, Mecklenburg; B. M. Collins, Warren; A. M. Scales, Guilford ; A. T. Mial, Wake, G. W. Sanderlin, Wayne; H. E. Fries, Forsyth; R. P. Rheinhart, Catawba; Chas. M. McDonald, Cabar- rus; Dr. A. G. Foust, Alamance; J. A. May, Haywood. The Presidents of all County Fairs. Judicial Districts. — ist, W. S. Carter; 2nd, W. R. Capehart; 3d, Thos. J: King; 4th, Dan'l Stewart; 5th, J. Van Lindley; 6th, G. Z. French; 7th, W. T. Jones; 8th, S. Harris; 9th, R. L. Fox; loth, J. W. Wilson; nth, J. G. Hall; 12th, Wm. Beale. OFFICERS OF THE STATE PENITENTIARY. W. J. Hicks, Architect and Warden, salary- $2,200; J. M. Fleming, Deputy Warden, salar}- $1,100; Dr. J. W. McGee, Physician, salary- $1,000 ; D. C. Murray, Steward, salar>- $1,100 ; Joseph J. Bernard, Book-keeper, salary-, $800. Board of Diri-xtors. — P. F. Faison, Raleigh, Pres- APPENDIX. 53 ident, salary $500 ; C. C. Clark, Newberii, Vice-Presi- dent, salary $500 ; H. B. Adams, Noiiroe, Director, sal- ary, $500 ; T. L. Emery, Weldon, Director, salary $500; L?ee S. Overman, Salisbury', salary $500. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. (Chartered 1789. Opened 1795.) Located in Chapel Hill, 28 miles N. W. from Raleigh. Is non-political and non-sectarian. Gives free tnition to sons of all ministers and to candidates for the minis- try. Loans and scolarships for needy yonng men of tal- ent and character. Offers fonr general courses of study with wide ranges of electives, also special courses in law, medicine and engineering, and an unlimited number of optional courses. His Excellency Thos. M. Holt, Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Hon. Richard H. Battle, Secretary and Treasurer. Faculty. — George Tayloe, Winston, A. M., LL. D., President; Kemp Plummer Pattle, A. M., LL. D., Pro- fessor of History ; Francis Preston Venable, Ph. D., F. C. S. Professor of Chemistry ; Joseph Austin Holmes, B. S., F. G. S. A., Professor of Geology and Mineralogy; Joshua Walker Gore, C. E. , Professor of Natural Phil- osophy; John Manning, LL. D., Professor of Law; Thomas Hume, D. D., LL. D. , Professor of the English Language and Literature; Walter D. Toy, M. A., Pro- fessor of Modern Languages; Eben Alexander, Ph. D. Professor of the Greek Language and Literature; Wil- liam Cain, C. E., Professor of Mathematics and Engi- neering; Richard H. Whitehead, M. D., Professor of Anatomy, Materia Medica and Physiology; Henry Hor- ace Williams, A. M., B. D., Professor of Philosophy; Henry V. Wilson, A. M. , Ph. D. , Professor of Biology ; Karl P. Harrington, A. M. , Professor of the Latin Lan- guage and Literature; Howard B. Shaw, A. B., B. C. E. , Instructor in Mathematics; Hunter Harris, B. S., In- structor in Mineralogy; Charles Baskerville, Instructor in Chemistrv. 54 APPENDIX. THE N. C. INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB AND BLIND. The North Carolina Institution for the Deaf and Dnnib and the Blind is located at Raleigh. Officers. — W. J. Yonng, Principal, salary $i,8oo; Drs. E. Bnrke Haywood and Hubert Haywood, of Raleigh, Physicians, salary $600; John G. B. Grimes, Steward, salary $900 and board; D. W. Bain, cx-officio Treasurer. Board of Directors. — R. S. Tucker, President; B. F. Park, C. D. Heartt, John R. Williams, L. D. Ste- venson, Rev. Baylus Cade, James A. Briggs. NORTH CAROLINA INSANE ASYLUM. Situated in the vicinity of Raleigh, and will accom- modate 300 patients. Board of Directors. — Col. J. S. Amis, Granville county. President; Richard H. Smith, Esq., Halifax county; Dr. George A. Foote, Warren county; Capt. J. B. Burwell, Wake county; Capt. J. D. Briggs, Martin county; Dr. George L. Kirby, Wayne county; Maj. J. B. Broadfoot, Cumberland county; Dr. John McCor- mick, Harnett county; B. F. Boykin, Esq., Sampson county. Members of the Board receive $4 per day while in session, and mileage to and from their homes.- Officers. — Hon. D. W. Bain, Treasurer ex officio. W. T. Smith, Esq., Keeper of Records, salary $100. Resident Officers. — Dr. William R. Wood, Super- intendent, salai-y $2,800; Dr. Francis T. Fuller, First Assistant Physician, salary $1,650; Dr. William H. Cobb, Jr. Second Assistant Physician, salary $1,000; Wm. R. Crawford, Jr. Steward, salary $1,200; Mrs. O. B. Sanders, Matron, salary $600. THE STATE HOSPITAL, MORGANTON. Board of Directors. — James P. Sawyer, Buncombe county, President of Board. Directors. — Maj. J. W. Wilson, Burke county; I. I. APPENDIX. 55 Davis, Esq., Burke county; Joseph P. Caldwell, Esq., Iredell county; J. G. Hall, Esq., Catawba county; Jas. P. Sawyer, Buncombe county; Joseph C Mills, Burke countv; Dr. H. T. Bahnson, Forsyth county; Dr. Geo. H. P. Cole, Henderson county; Gen. E. R. Hampton, Jackson county; G. W. F. Harper, Cleveland county. Officers. — P. L. Murphy, M. D., Superintenc'e.it, salary $2,800; W. P. Ivey, M. D., Assistant Physician, salary $1,200; Isaac M. Taylor, M. D., Assistant Phy- sician, salary $1,200; F. ]\I. Scroggs, Steward, salary $1,000; Mrs. C. A. Marsh, Matron, salary $550. EASTERN HOSPITAL, GOLDSBORO. J. F. Miller, M. D., Superintendent, salary $2,000, furnished house and board of horse ;W. W. Faison, M. D., Assistant Physician and Druggist, salary $900, board of self, wife, two children, servant and horse; Daniel Reid, Steward, salary $400 and board of self and horse; Mrs. E. J. A. Smith, Matron, salary $300 and board of self and child; John W. Wilson, Engineer, salary $300, house, fuel and lights; Mrs. Victoria Bryon, seamstress, .'alary $150 and board of self and child;. John Pate, Watchman, salaiy $250; Mr. B. Smith, salar\- $200 and board. Directors. — Dr. J. W. Vick, Johnston county, Chairman; I. S. D. Sauls and L. H. Castex, Wayne county; J. L. McLaen, Robeson county. Executive Committee. — M. M. Katz, New Hano- ver county; W. F. Rountree, Craven county; Theoph- ilus Edwards, Greene county; Dr. N. M. Culbreth, Co- lumbus county; H. E. Dillon, Lenoir county. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. John C. Scarbc rough, Johrston county, Commission- er, salary $1,500; W. S. Harris, Franklin county, clerk, salar}' $1,000. Office in the Agricultural Building, Raleigh. N. C. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Jos. A. Holmes, State Geologist ; H. B. C. Nitze, 56 APPENDIX. Assistant State Geologist ; H. L. Harris, Clerk and Special Assistant. General offices of the Survey, Raleigh, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. Commissioners.— J. W. Wilson, Burke county. Chair- man, term expires April, 1893; E. C. Beddingfield, Wake county, term expires April, 1897; T. W. Mason, Northampton county, term expires April, 1895; salary $2,000 each; H. C. Brown, Surry county, clerk, salary $1,200. Special session of the court are held at Raleigh and at such times as the chairman may direct. Offices of the Commissioners are located in the Agri- cultural Building". MEDICAL BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF N. C. Elected every six years by the Medical Fraternity. The members receive $4 per day during the time of their session and their traveling expences to and from their places of meeting by the most direct route from their respective -places of residence. Board. — Dr. W. H. Whitehead, of Battleboro, Pres- ident, and Examiner in Surgery ; Dr. L. J. Picot, Lit- tleton, Secretary, and Examiner in Materia Medica and Therapeutics ; Dr. George Gillett Thomas,, of Wilming- ton, Examiner in Chemistry; Dr. George W. Long, Graham, Examiner in Practice of Medicine, &c. ; Dr. George W. Purefoy, Asheville, Examiner in Obstetrics and Gynaecology; Dr. Robert S. Young, Concord, An- atomy; Dr. R. L. Payne, Jr., Lexington, Physiology, &c. Elected for six years: Drs. L. J. Picot, W. H. W^hitehead and Geo. W. Long; for four years: Drs. R. S. Young and George Gillett Thomas; for two years: Drs. R. L. Payne, Jr. , and George W. Purefo}-. . APPENDIX. 57 N. C. REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS. Senate— Zebulon B. Vance, of Mecklenburg; re- elected; term expires March 4th, 1897. Matt. W. Ransom, of Northampton; re-elected; term expires March 4th, 1895. House of Representatives — ist District, W. A. B. Branch. 2nd District, H. P. Cheatham. 3d Dis- trict, B. F. Grady. 4th District, Benj. H. Bunn. 5th District, A. H. A. Williams. 6th District, S. B. Alex- ander. 7th District, J. S. Henderson. 8th District, W. H. H. Cowles. 9th District, W. T. Crawford. CRIMINAL CIRCUIT COURTS. Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. H. B. Carter, Asheville, Judge. Benj. R. Moore, Wilmington, Solicitor. John E. Brown, Charlotte, Solicitor. E. D. Carter, Asheville, Solicitor. W. R. French, Wilmington, Clerk. J. R. Robertson, Charlotte, Clerk. J. R. Patterson, Asheville, Clerk. New Hanover— Jany 4th, March 21st, May i6th,, Julv 1 8th, Sept. 19th, Nov. 21st. Buncombe— Jan. 25th, April 25th, July 25th, Oct. 24th. The Criminal Court of Buncombe is not a Circuit Court, simply being a court for Buncombe County, hav- ing its own Judge. Mecklenburg— Feb. 8, April nth, Aug. ist, Oct. 10, Dec. 15th. SUPREME COURT. Augustus S. Merrimon, of Wake, Chief Justice; Jos. J. Davis, of Franklin; Walter Clark, of Wake; A. C. Avery, Burke; J. E. Shepherd, Beaufort; Associate Jus- tices. Salaries of Chief Justice and Associate Justices $2,500. Theodore F. Davidson, Reporter, Salary $1,000. Thos. S. Kenan, Clerk, salary $300 and fees. 58 APPE^NDIX. R. H. Bradley, Marshal and Librarian, salary $i,ooo. Supreme Court meets in Raleigh the first Monday in Februar}' and last Monday in Sept., 1892. spring Term — ist District, Feb. ist;2d District, Feb. 8th; 3d District, Feb. 15th; 4th District, Feb. 22nd; 5th District, Feb. 29th; 6th District March 7th; 7th District, March 14th; 8th District, March 21st; 9th District, Mch 28th; loth District, April 4th; nth District, April nth; 1 2th District, April i8th. Fall Term — ist District, Sept. 26th, 2nd District, Oct. 23d; 3d District October loth; 4th District, Oct. 17; 5th District, Oct. 24th; 6th District, Oct. 31st; 7thDist., Nov. 7th; 8th Dist. Nov. 14th; 9th District Nov. 21st; loth District, Nov. 28th; nth District, Dec. 5th; i2tli District, Dec. 12th. Applicants for license to practice law are examined on the Fridays and Saturdays preceding both terms of the Court. UNITED STATES COURTS. United States Circuit Courts. — Eastern District of North Carolina — held at Raleigh on the first Monday in June and last Monday in November, and at Wilming- ton the first Monday after the fourth Monday in April and October. Hugh Iv. Bond, Circuit Judge; residence, Baltimore, Md. ; salary, $6,000. Aug. S. Seymour, District Judge ; residence, Newbern, N. C. ; salary $5,000. Charles A Cook, United States Attorney; office, Ral- eigh, N. C. ; residence, Warrenton, N. C. J. B. Hill, U. S. Marshal; office, Raleigh, N. C. N. J. Riddick, Clerk Circuit Court at Raleigh and Wilmington. Vitruvius Royster, Deputy Clerk, Raleigh. W. H. Shaw, Deputy Clerk, Wilmington. Eastern District Courts. — Aug. S. Seymour, U. S. District Judge ; residence, Newbern. Held at Elizabeth Citv, third Monday in April and October; W. C. Brooks, Clerk. APPENDIX. 59 Newbern fourth Monday in April and October; Geo. Green, Clerk. Wilmington first Monday after the fourth Monday ni April and October; W. H. Shaw, Clerk. U. S. Circuit and District Courts, Western District of North Carolina.— YL. L. Bond, U. S. Circuit Court Judge; residence Baltimore, Md. Robert P. Dick, U. S. District Judge, Western Dis- trict, N. C. ; residence, Greensboro, N. C. Tyre Glenn, U. S. Marshal; office, Greensboro, N. C. Circuit and District Courts in the Western District are held at the same time. Greensboro, first Monday in April and October; John W. Payne, Clerk. Statesville, third Monday in April and October; H. C. Cowles, Clerk, Statesville and Charlotte. Charlotte, second Monday in June and December ; H. C. Cowles, Clerk, Statesville and Charlotte. Asheville, first Monday in May and November; J. E. Reid, Clerk; residence, Asheville. Charles Price, United States Attorney; residence, Salisbmy, N. C. SUPERIOR COURTS OF NORTH CAROLINA FOR 1892. JUDGES, Dist. Name. Residence. I St. Geo. H. Brown, Washington, N. C. 2d. Heniy R. Bryan, Newbern, 3d. Henr>' G. Connor, Wilson, 4th. Spier Whittaker, Raleigh, 5th. Robt. W. Winston, Oxford, 6th. E. T. Boykin, Clinton, 7th. J. D. Mclver, Carthage, 8th. R. F. Armfield, Statesville, 9th. Jesse F. Graves, Mount Airy, loth. John Gray Bynum, Morganton, nth. W. A. Hoke, Lincolnton, 1 2th. James H. Merrimon, Asheville, 6o APPENDIX. SOLICITORS. Dist. Name. Residence. ist, John H. Blount, Hertford, N. C. 2d, G. H. White, Halifax, 3d, J. E. Woodard, Wilson, 4th, E. W. Poll, Jr., Smithfield, 5th, E. S. Parker, Graham, 6th, Oliver H. Allen, Kinston, 7th, Frank McNeill, Rockingham, 8th, B. F. I^ong, Statesville, 9th, Thomas Settle, Reidsville, loth, W. C. Newland, Lenoir, nth. Frank I. Osborne, Charlotte, 1 2th. G. A. Jones, Franklin, FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Term. — Judge James H. Merrimon. Fall Term. — Judge W. A. Hoke. Beaufort — |Feb. 2 2d, May 30th, Nov. 28th. Currituck — March 7th, Sept. 5th. Camden — March 14th, Sept. 12th. Pasquotank — March 21st, Sept. igtli. Perquimans — March 28th, Sept. 26th. Chowan — April 4th, Oct. 3d. Gates — April nth, Oct. loth. Hertford — April i8th, Oct. 17th. Washington — April 25th, Oct. 24th. Tyrrell — May 2d, Oct. 31st. Dare — May 9th, November 7th. Hyde — May i6th, Nov. 14th. Pamlico — May 23d, Nov. 21st. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Term. — Judge George H. Brown, Jr. Fall Term. — Judge James H. Merrimon. Halifax — fMarch 7th, May i6th, JNov. 14th. Northampton — +Jan. 25th, April 4th, Oct. 3rd. Warren — March 21st, Sept. 19th. Edgecombe — April i8th, Oct. 17th. Bertie — Feb. 8th, May 2d, Oct. 31st. Craven — fFeb. 15th, May 30th, Nov. 28th. *por criminal cases. fFor civil cases alone. J For civil and jail cases. APPENDIX. 6i THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. spring Term. — Judge Henry R. Bryan. Fall Term. — Judge Geo. H. Brown, Jr. Pitt — Jan. nth, March 21st, fjune 13th, Sept. 19th. Wilson — fFeb. 8th, June 6th, Oct. 31st. Vance — Feb. 2 2d, May 23rd, Oct. 3rd. Martin — March 7th, Sept. 5th, Dec. 5th. Nash — May 2d, Nov. 21st. Franklin — Jan. 25th, April i8th, Oct. 24th. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Term. — Judge Henr}- G. Connor. Fall Term. — Judge Henry R. Bryan. Wake — *Jan. nth, fFebruary 29th,*March 28th.tApril 25th, *Sept. 26th, tOct. 24. Wayne— Jan. 25th, April i8th, Sept. 12th, Oct. 17th. Harnett— Feb. 8th, Aug. 8th, Nov. 28th. Johnson — Feb. 15th, Aug. 15th, Nov. 14th. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Term. — Judge Spier Whitaker. Fall Term. — Judge Henry G. Connor. Granville — Feb. ist., x\pril 25th, July 25th, Nov. 28th. Chatham — Feb. 15th, May 9th, Sept. 26th. Guilford — Feb. 2 2d, May 30th, Dec. 12th. Alamance — March *i4th May 23rd, Oct. 24th. Durham — Jan. i8th. Mar. 28th, June 6th, Oct. loth. Orange — March 21st, Aug. 8th, Oct. 31st. Caswell — April nth, Aug. 15th, Nov. 14th. Person — April i8th, Aug. 2 2d, Nov. 21st. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. spring Term. — Judge Robert W. Winston. Fall Term. — Judge Spier Whitaker. New Hanover — fjan. 25th, t April i8th, fSept. 26th. Greene — Jan. i8th, April nth, Nov. 28th. Lenoir — May 9th, Nov. 14th. Duplin — Feb. 15th, Aug. ist, Nov. 28th. Sampson — fFeb. 29th, May 2d, Oct. loth, Dec. 12th. Pender — Jan. *i8th. Sept, 12. Carteret — March 21st, Oct. 24. Jones — March 28, Oct. 31. Onslow — April 4th, Nov. 7th. 62 APPENDIX. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Term. — Judo^e E. T. Boykin, Fall Term. — Judge Robt. W. Winston. Anson— *Jan. iith,'^ fMay 2d, *Sept. 5tli, fNov. 28. Cnmberland-Jan. 25th, fMay gtli, July 25th, fNov. I4tli. Columbus-Jan. i8tli, April 14th, Aug. ist. Robeson-Feb. ist, *May 23d, Oct. 3d. Riclimond-Feb. 15th, June 6th, Sept. igtli, Dec. 5tli. Bladen-March *2ist, Oct. 17th. Brunswick-April nth, Sept. 12th. Moore-March 7th, Aug. 15th, Dec. 12th, EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Term. -Judge J. D. Mclver. Fall Term.- Judge E. T. Boykin. Iredell-Feb. 8th, May 23d, Aug. 8th, Nov. 7th. Rowan-Feb. 2 2d, May 9th, Aug. 2 2d, Nov. 2 ist. Davidson-March 7th, Sept. 5th, fDec. 5th. Randolph-March 21st, Sept. 19th. Montgomery-April 4th, Oct. 3d, Stanly-April nth, Oct. 17th. Cabarrus — tFeb. ist, May 2d, *Oct. 31st. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Term. — Judge R. F. Armfield. Fall Term. — Judge J. D. Mclver. Rockingham — Feb. 15th, Aug. 29th. Forsyth — Feb. 29th, Nov. 28th. Yadkin— May 9th, Oct. 3d. Wilkes — March 21st, Sept. 5th. Alleghany — April 4th, Sept. 19th. Davie — April nth, Oct. 31st. Stokes — April 25th, Oct. 17th. Surry — March 7th, Aug 2 2d, TENTH judicial DISTRICT. Spring Term. — Judge Jesse F. Graves. Fall Term. — Judge R. F. Armfield. Henderson — May 30th, Nov. 14th, Burke — March 21st, Sept. 5th. Caldwell— April 4th, Sept. igtli APPENDIX. 63 Ashe — April iSth, Sept. 26th. Watauga — May 2d, Oct. loth. Mitchell — May 9th, Oct. 17th. Yancey — May 23CI, Oct. 31st. McDowell — March 7th, Aug. 29th. ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Term. — Judge John Gray Bynuin. Fall term, — Judge Jesse F. Graves. Union— * Feb. 8th, fSept. 19th. Mecklenburg — fFeb. 29th, fAug. 29th. Gaston — March 21st, Oct. loth. Lincoln — iVpril 4th, Oct. 3d. Cleveland— April nth, Aug. 8th, Oct. 24t]i. Rutherford — April 25th, Oct. 31st. Polk — May 9th, Nov. 14th. Catawba— Jan. i8th, July i8th. Alexander — Feb. ist, Aug. ist. TWELTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Term. — Judge W. A. Hoke. Fall Term. — Judge John Gray Bynum. P>unconibe — fMarch 14th, Aug. 15th, fDec. 5tli. Madison — Feb, 29th, Aug. ist, fNov. 21st. Transylvania — April 4th, Sept. 5th. Haywood — April nth, Sept. 12th. Jackson — April 25th, Sept. 26th, Macon— May 9th, Oct. 3d. Clay — May i6th, Oct. loth. Cherokee — May 23d, Oct. 17th. Graham — June 6th, Oct. *24th. Swain — June 13th, *Oct. 31st. Rates of Postage. First Class. — Letters, all manuscript, all matter wholly or partly in writing, two cents for each ounce or fraction thereof, except postal cards. Drop letters two cents per ounce at places where there is a carrier deliv- ery. . Whenever any package is sealed or othenvise closed a'^ain.st inspection, or contains or bears writing which 64 APPENDIX.* is not allowed by law, such package is subject to letter postage — two cents per ounce. Second Class. — All newspapers and other periodical publications issued at stated intervals, and as frequently as four times a year from a known office of publication, one cent a pound or fraction thereof. Third Class. — Books and circulars, proof sheets, corrected proof sheets and manuscript copy accompany- ing the same, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, scions and plants, one cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof. Transient newspapers, periodicals, etc. , that are pub- lished at regular intervals, and sent by persons other than the publisher or newsdealer, one cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof fully prepaid. Fourth Class. — Embraces all matter not in the first, second or third class, which is not in its form or nature liable to destroy, deface or otherwise damage the mail bag, and is not above four pounds for each package, ex- cept in case of single books, weighing in excess of that amount (limited to four pounds six ounces in the foreign mails), one cent for each ounce or fraction thereof. Note. — Labels, patterns, photographs, playing cards, visiting cards, addresses, tags, paper sacks, wrapping paper with printed advertisements thereon, bill heads, letter heads, envelopes and other matter of the same gen- eral character is charged as fourth class matter, that is, one cent for each ounce or fraction thereof. The schedule on postal money order fees is now as follows : Sums not exceeding $5, 5 cents. Over $5 and not exceeding $10, 8 cents. Over $10 and not exceeding $15, 10 cents. Over $15 and not exceeding $30, 15 cents. Over $30 and not exceeding $40, 20 cents. Over $40 and not exceeding $50, 25 cents. Over $50 and not exceeding $60, 30 cents. Over $60 and not exceeding $70, 35 cents. Over $70 and not exceeding $80, 40 cents. Over $80 and not exceeding $100, 45 cents. Postal notes are issued at all money order offices, and such other offices as may be designated by the Post- master-General, for sums less than five dollars, and the fee for each note it three cents. DURHAM, N. C. Durham County was established by act of the Legis- lature, Februar>^ 28th, 1881 ; its territory being com-- posed of portions taken from Orange and Wake Coun- ties. The County contains about 270 square miles. The City of Durham, which was incorporated April loth, 1869, is one mile square, the old N. C. R. R. depot be- ino- the centre. It lies on both sides of the N. C. R. R., which enters the town near the southeast corner, and runs through diagonally, passing out near the northwest corner. It 'is 26 miles west of Raleigh, 55 miles east of Greensboro, and 12 miles northeast of Chapel Hill, the seat of the "University of North Carolina," renowned for the illustrious men graduating there. The Oxford & Clarksville Railroad, Lynchburg & Durham Railroad and the Durham & Northern Railroad all terminate here, so that the City of Durham has unparallelled Railroad facilities for a city of its size and population. Durham lies in the centre of the "Golden Belt" re- gion, which produces the finest bright tobacco known in the world. The clever and energetic leaf dealers of Durham ex- port immense quantities of bright leaf tobacco to all the principal ports of Europe, and there is no countr>' on the globe where her justly renowned smoking tobacco and cigarettes have not found their way and are used as almost an indispensable luxury. The Blackwell Durham Co-operative Tobacco factory, the home of the celebrated "Bull Durham" brand, is the largest works of its kind in the world, and W. Duke, Sons & Co's. Cigarette factory, whose products are noted for their superior excellence, is also the largest factor\' of its kind known to man. Durham is the best market in North Carolina for the sale of leaf tobacco, especially bright wrappers. LEAF TOBACCO SALES. Aggregate sales for 1890, 6,165,396 pounds. " " " 1891, 11,650,248 " 66 APPENDIX. which shows an increase of sales for 1891 over 1890 to be J, /c?^, 8!^2 pounds. WAREHOUSiCS. This immense qnantity of leaf tobacco is satisfactorily handled and sold by our four warehouses, under the pro- prietorship of E. J. Parrish, Jno. S. Lockhart, J. R. Hutchings & Co., and the Farmers' Alliance Combina- tion. REVENUE. The following statement of amounts paid into the rev- enue office, should be interesting reading to all members of Congress, who are not inclined to vote a small appro- priation for a government building in this cit}', which is so much needed and to which we are so justlv entitled. REVENUE RECEIVED FOR THE VEAR 1890. January, $41,854.97 February', 40,129.15 March, . . . 56,669.34 April, 56,220.41 May,. 80,890.83 June, 64,471.36 July, 47,154.80 August, 41,647.49 September,. 61,309.97 October, 76,822.41 November, 53,901.12 December, 62,457.20 $683,529.05 FOR THE YEAR 1891. January, $42,570.08 F'ebruary, 40,071.90 March, 56,428.97 April, ..." 40,388.83 May, 44,745.50 June, 58,432.30 July, 44,922.94 August, 52,037.02 APPENDIX. 67 September, 58,005.76 October, 70,079.14 November, 61,332.99 December, 47i^i4-39 $616,129.85 C. G. Ross, Deputy Collector. vSv/orn to and subscribed before me this 22nd Feb,'92. N. A. Ramsey, Notary Public. Tlie revenue on tobacco was reduced from 8 cents per pound to 6 cents ist Jan. 1891. The above statement represents for the year 1890, the various products stamped as follows : Cigarettes, 605,635,000 Manufactured Tobacco, 4,684,897 >4ft Cigars, 265,250 Snuff, 63,950 lbs. For the year 1891 — Cigarettes, 626,200,000 Manufactured Tobacco, 4,865,835 lbs. Cigars, 2,263,250 Snuff, 71.500 lbs. Which shows an increase of 1891 ever 1890 as follows : Cigarettes, . . '. 20,565,000 Manufactured Tobacco, 180,937 i^ lbs. Cigars, 1,998,000 Snuff, .• 7)55olbs. Durham exported in 1890 — Cigarettes, 101,471,000 Manufactured Tobacco, 67,445 lbs. Leaf, 608,541 lbs. In 1891 — Cigarettes, 141, 5:^5, 500 Manufactured Tobacco, 57.3^5 lbs. Leaf, 1,981,511 lbs. All the foregoing figures speak for themselves. Fur- ther comment is useless. 68 APPENDIX. BANKS. The banking facilities of Durham are amply sufficient for the present, — there being three well established banks, to -wit: The First National Bank; The More- head Banking Company and The Fidelity Bank. They are all well officered by gentlemen of the highest char- acter, who well understand their business. EI^ECTRIC LIGHTS, WATER, &C. The city has Electric Lights, a street Railway, and is well supplied with the best of water; the reservoir of 3,000,000 gallons capacity, is of first class construction, located about four miles north-west of the city at an el- evation of 178 feet. HEALTH. The health of the city is unquestioned, the percentage of deaths being less than any other city in the state. SCHOOLS. Trinity College, one of the first institutions of learn- ing throughout the country, with Dr. J. F. Crowell as its president, with a full and well equipped faculty, will be moved from the old site in Randolph county, to its future beautiful home in the western suburbs of the city, at the close of the current collegiate year. Everything is being done that skill and money can accomplish to make the new home of the old college second to none in point of beauty and excellence. The Graded School under the superintendency of Prof. E. W. Kennedy with a full corps of teachers with about five hundred pupils, has been a blessing to our community. The school will move into its new building, near the center of the city, in September. This building of brick, the plans of which were made by our home architect Mr. S. L. Leary, will be the pride of the city. It is 74 x 174 feet, with 10 recitation rooms; one assembly room; one for manual training; superinten- dent's office, library and two cloak rooms, all constructed under the most improved plans. The building is two stories with basement and is supplied with pure warm APPENDIX. 69 air and ventilated by the Rnttan warming- and ventilat- ing system, which creates an entire change of air every fifteen minntes. The Durham Male Academy, presided over by Prof. L. T. Buchanan, No. 213 Cleveland street, is a school of high grade, where boys are thoronghly prepared to enter any college of their choice. Th^ Methodist Female Seminary, No. 307 Church street. Miss Carrie W. Carpenter, principal, and the Dur- ham Female Institute, under the auspices of the Bap- tist church, with Prof. E. L. Middleton at its head, is situated at No. 51 1, Mangum street. Both of these schools are of high grade and are doing good work for the community. A graded school for the colored, situated at No, 107 Red Cross street, under the same superintendence as the white school, is taught in a good two story brick building. There are between 300 and 400 children attending this school, and great good has grown out of its establish- ment. POPULATION. The population of Durham including the suburbs, reaches about 8,000 souls, REAL ESTATE. The assessed value for the city, 1891, $1,746,260 "• county, 1891, 1,735)536 Showing an excess in favor of the city of $ 11,724 Value of personal property, city, $2,455,934 coimty, 354,985 Showing an excess in favor of the city of $2,100,949 Total valuation real and personal, (citv ] .. md county), ' / ^^'292,715 ACREAGE AND VALUE. The number of acres of land listed for taxation out- APPENDIX. side of the city, is 171,788, showing an average value per acre of $10. 10. CITY TAXES. For city purposes. For public schools, F'or railroads, F'or school bonds, . 50 cents on the $100 valuation. .162/ " ■05 Making a total of Poll tax. 98 100 100 100 100 $2.69 COUNTY TAXES. For county, For state, 25 For public schools 15 For public roads 10 For court house 05 For pensions 03 For railroads 08 20 cents on the $100 valuation. '' 100 Making a total of .86 Poll tax. 100 100 100 100 100 100 $1.80 CITY INDEBTEDNESS. F'or Durham & Northern Railroad Bonds, ^100,000. For Oxford & Clarksville Railroad Bonds, 50,000. For Graded School Bonds, 25,000. Total, $175,000. COUNTY INDEBTEDNESS. For Lynchburg & Durham Railroad Bonds, $60,000. P'or Court House Bonds, 18,000. Total, $78,000. KEW HOTEL. A new hotel with all modern improvements, will, at APPENDIX. 71 once, be erected by Mr. Julian S. Carr, on the site of Hotel Claiborn. Mr. Carr is not in the habit of doing thing-s in a half-handed way, and the public feel quite jubilant over the prospect of having one of the finest hotels in Durham to be found anywhere throughout the South. REAL EvSTATE. Real estate is advancing, and a spirit of improve- ment and go-aheaditiveness pervades our community, and Durham to-day is on the up-grade. God, bless Durham ! May she yet be the first city in North Car- olina in all respects. CITY OFFICERS. Mayor : M. A. Angier. Treasurer : H. P. Markham. Street Commissioner : Jno. B. Christian. City Attorney : Junius Parker. Clerk of Market : DeWitt Mangum, Jr. Tax Collector : J. A. Woodall. Commissioners : A. D. ISIarkham, J. S. Mangum, T. S. Christian, L. D. Heartt, M. H. Jones, Jas. W. Walker, H. J. Bass. Geo. W. Woodward, Clerk. Meet first Tuesdav night in each and everv month. COUNTY OFFICERS. Clerk vStperior Court : C. B. Green. Sheriff : F. D. Markham. Register of Deeds : P. Lunsford. Treasurer : J. W. Pope. County Attorney : R. B. Boone. Coroner : Dr. N. M. Johnson. Standard Keeper : H. H. Simms. Superintendent Work House : H. D. Lea. County Commissioners : A. H. Stokes, Chairman : R. C. Tilley, W. H. Perry, K. Holloway, P. H. Massey.' P. Lunsford, Clerk, ex-offi.cio. 72 APP:eNDlX. CITY CHURCHES. Main Street M. E. Church, cor w Main and Greg- son streets, Rev. F. A. Bishop, Pastor. Snnday service II a. m. and 7:30 p. m., Sunday school 9:30 a. m., Prayer Meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. ni. Trinity M. E. Church, head Church street. Rev. R. C. Beaman, Pastor. Sunday service 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Carr's Chapel, (M. E.) East Durham. Rev. O. Ryder, Pastor. Sunday Services 11 a. ni., and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Prayer Meeting Wednes- day 7:30. Primitive Baptist. No. 104 Cleveland street. El- der Isaac Jones, Pastor. Sunday service 11 a. m., once a month. First Baptist Church. 307 Mangum Street. , Pastor. Sunday service 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Young men's prayer meeting. Second Baptist Church. 329 Chapel Hill street. Rev, A. A. Butler, Pastor. Sunday service 11 a. m., and 7 130 p. m. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Prayer meet- ing Wednesday 7;30 p. m. Third Baptist Church. East Durham. Rev. C. W. Blanchard, Pastor. Sunday service 3d Sunday, 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. ; ist, and 4th Sundays 7.45 p. m. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Prayer Meeting Thursdav 7 ;3o P- m- St. Philips Episcopal Church. 405 e Main street. Rector. Sunday service 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Wednesday services 7:30 p. m. Services All Saints Days 11 a. m. Presbyterian Church. Cor. e Main and Queen streets. Rev. H. T. Darnall, Pastor. Sunday service II a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Young men's prayer meeting Sunday 3 :oo p. m. Christian Church. 217 Liberty street. Rev. W. G. Clements, Pastor. Sunday services ist and 4th Sab- APPENDIX. 73 baths, 1 1 a. iii. , and 7 :30 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednes- day 7:30 p. ni, Sunday school 9:30 a. m. North Durham Mission. 638 Mangum street. Lay Gospel Services every Sabbath at 7 130 p. m. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Note. — Pews in all the churches are free^ and all strangers within our gates are always cordially welcomed. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Cor. IMangnm- and Holloway streets. W. C. Brad- sher, Chief. Durham Hose Co. No. i. C. R. Cross, Foreman. Independent Hose Co. No. 2. C. H. Whitaker, Foreman. Durham Hook and Ladder Co. No. i. (col.) P. H. Smith, Foreman. LODGES, SOCIETIES, &c. masonic. Hall, Parrish building, cor Mangum and Parrish streets. Eno Lodge. No. 210. J. L. Markham, W. M. ; D. C. Gunter, Secretary. Meets ist Monday night in each month. Durham Lodge. No. 352. H. N. Snow, W. M. ; James Southgate, Secretary. Meets 2d and 4th Tues- day nights in each month. Durham Royal Arch Chapter. No. 48. James Southgate, H. P. ; C. C. Taylor, Secretary. T^Ieets 3d IMonday night in each month. Durham Commandery. No. 3. Knights' Templar. W. L. Wall, E. C. ; James Southgate, Recorder. Meets ist Monday night in each month. ODD FELLOV^S. Hall, cor Main and Mangum streets. Durham Lodge. No. 75. S. C. Anderson, N. G. ; W. B. Bagwell, Secretary. Meets every Thursday 7:30 p. m. Golden Link Lodge. No. 114. J. G. Piper, N. G. ; W. L. Freeland, Secretary. Meets every Monday ngiht. 74 APPENDIX. Durham En'CAMPment. No. 24. S. C. Anderson, C. P. ; H. M. Sniitli, Scribe. Meets 2d and 4th Tnedsay nights in each month 7:30 p. ni. Knights of Pythias. No. 31. Castle Hall, Par- rish Building, cor Manguni and Parrish streets. J. S. Burch, C. C. ; J. G. Rankin, Secretary. Meets every Friday 7:30 p. ni. A. O. U. W. Hall cor Main and Mangnm streets. S. C. Anderson, M. W. ; J. M. Whitted, Recorder. Meets ist and 3d Tuesday in each month, 7:30 p. m. Y. M. C. A. Hall 107 and 109 Corcoran streets. J. H. Southgate, President ; R. E. White, Secretary. Religious meeting every Sabbath 4 p. m. Business meeting 2d Friday in each month 7:30 p. m. Junior Branch. Sam. F, Darnall, President ; W. L. Dowd, Secretary. Meets every Sabbath 3 p. m. Medical. Durham County Medical Society. Dr. A. G. Carr, President ; Dr. J. D. Roberts, Secretary. Meets subject to call of the President. Military. Durham Light Infantry. T. J. Win- .ston, Captain ; C. J. Markham, O. S. Meets ist Tues- day night in each month. Mus'^iCAi.. Durham Corn-t Baiil P. B. Cheek, President ; J. H. King, Secretary. M^sts every Tues- day and Friday nights. St. Cecilia Musical Society. Hall 125 e Main street. Vernon Darnall, President ; S. W. Holman, Secretary. Meets ist Friday night in each month. Durham Typographical Uuion, No. 125. J. H. King, President ; H. B. Chamberlain, Secretary. Meets 4th Tuesday in each month at 6:05 p. m. CLUBS. The Commonwealth Clup.. J. S. Carr, President ; F. L. Fuller, vSscretary. Mect^ subject to call of the President. Golden Belt Club. W. A. Guthrie, President ; P". L. Fuller, Secretary. Meets ad libitum. Parrish Build- ing, cor Mangnm and Parrish streets. Durham Tobacco Association. Albert Kramer, President ; J. S. Burch, Secretary. ]\Ieets ist Monday in each month 3:30 p. m. DuRBaM (JiTY Directory. 1802. ABBREVIATIONS UvSED IN THIS DIRECTORY. auct auctioneer. bds boards. bkpr bookkeeper. elk clerk. cgtte cigarette. e easti ins insurance. nich . machine. 11 north. pkr packer. r residence. s south. tob tobacco . w west. wdw widow. w. li. . . warehouse. ADAMS mrs Alice. 303 w Pettigrew Adams mrs Cora V, 210 Liberty Adams miss Daisy, 210 Liberty Adams mrs Gertrude, 208 Roxboro Adams H R, tinner, 115 e Main, r 208 Roxboro Adams mi.ss Jennie ]M, 210 Liberty Adams Jno H, saloon, 117 w Parrish Adams miss Lily L, 210 Liberty Adams Oscar F, 210 Liberty Adams mrs Susan A, 210 Liberty Adams S L, state agent Washington Life Ins Co, office 103 w Main (up stairs), bds 303 w Pettigrew Adams Thos, shoe mkr, 200 e ALain, (up stairs) r 210 Liberty Aiken E R, auct Farmers' Alliance W PI, 400 w Main, bds Hotel Claiborn Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Z^^l^^Z::^, reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market. hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it "THE BEST." in«sIjIMl! '^'^^ Great Passenger and Freight 4t»'*«44l,JJ!j Line of the vSouth, with unsnrpass- ed Facilities for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and PVeight Ser- vice- For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 76 DIRECTORY— White. Albertson W L, 103 e Main Albezette Louis, prop'r Durham Machine Shops an 1 Foundry, 216-222 w Peabody, r 215 e Main Albezette Louis Jr, r 215 e Main Albezette H F, moulder, 222 w Peabody, r 227 Morris Albezette mrs Martha, boarding, 215 e Main Albezette miss May, 215 e ]\Iain Albezette mrs M D, 227 Morris Albright G K, blacksmith, B D Coop Tob Co, r 309 Lea Albright J E, P O clerk, r 108 Rigsbee ave Albright miss Julia K, elk, 127 e Main, r 203 Cleveland Albright J P, Ins elk, 105 w Main (up stairs) r 405 Mangum Albright mrs Lena R, 108 Rigsbee ave Albright miss Maggie V, r 203 Cleveland Albright mrs Margaret B, 108 R'igsbee ave Albright mrs Nannie J, 405 Mangum Albright miss Nina M, elk, 127 e Main, r 203 Cleveland Albright mrs Pattie E, r 309 Lea Albright miss Peo, 108 Rigsbee ave Albright Wm A, post master, r 108 Rigsbee ave Alford miss A G, 124 Carr Alford A S, (J E A & Son) 205 e Main, r 124 Carr Alford miss G N, 124 Carr Alford J E, (J E A & Son) 205 e Main, r 124 Carr Alford mrs N J, 124 Carr Allen miss Addic, 118 Ramseur Allen miss Anna H, 118 Ramseur Allen J A, 118 Ramseur Allen Jack H, 118 Ramseur Allen Jos H, elk, 400 w Main, r 216 Morris Allen J J, 118 Ramseur Allen Jno S, 118 South Allen miss Lena K, art and music teacher bds 408 Rigs- bee ave JT T\/r A r^l/" A "V furnishes Life and Accident Insurance . J . IVl /\ b j\ A 1 at lowest cost. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association, of Philadelphia, is unques- tionably one of the strongest life companies in America. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, Passin.-^ through the Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro. Spartenburg, Greenville, Seneca, CTainsville and Athens, to the vSouth and vSouth West. For informa: tion, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. ■]^ Allen mrs ]\Iamie, ii8 Ramseur Allen mrs Mamie, 216 Morris Allen mrs Mattie, 216 Morris Allen mrs N W, 118 Ramsenr Allison Clande, printer, cor w Main and Mangnm, np- stairs, bds 438 w Main Anderson mrs Emma M, 132 McMannen Anderson miss Eunice, 302 Morehead ave Anderson Jacob, tailor, 122 e Main, bds 403 Mangum Anderson mrs Polly, cgtte pkr, r 302 Moreliead ave Anderson R C, clerk, 113 Chnrch Anderson S C, dept supt Blackwell's Fact, r 132 Mc- Mannen Andrews A A, leaf tob dealer, iii Milton ave Andrews mrs Annie, bds 109 sGregson Andrews mrs Cornelia, 315 Chapel Hill Andrews D H, Andrews D W, 1 1 1 Milton ave Andrews miss Eva T, 242 Cleveland Andrews mrs Florence, 109 s Gregson Andrews G W, painter, 136 Carr Andrews H B, cgtte mch hand, bds 109 s Gregson Andrews miss Irene, 1 1 1 INIilton ave Andrews mrs Jnlia, 1 1 1 Milton ave Andrews J D, 325 Chapel Hill Andrews J G, grocer, 400 Mangum, r 325 Chapel Hill Andrews Ivonnie, 212 Rigsbee ave Andrews mrs Lou H, 325 Chapel Hill Andrews mrs Margaret, wdw, 242 Cleveland Andrews mrs Mary, in Milton ave Andrews miss Mattie, 325 Chapel Hill Andrews M J, 325 Chapel Hill Andrews mrs Roxana 212 Rigsbee ave Andrews miss Sarah T, 212 Rigsbee ave Andrews Shelly, Reliable and Satisfactory ! BLP.CKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. c(l I'acilities for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight Ser- vice. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. /S • DIRECTORY— White. Andrews miss Susan, 325 Chapel Hill Andrews W H, 325 Chapel Hill Angier M A, mayor, 135 JNIcMannen Angier Mrs Mary J, 135 McMannen Angier miss Siewers P, 135 IMcMannen Ashe-Miss Willie, school teacher, bds 404 Morehead ave Atkins mrs A A, 200 South Atkins J H, clerk, 129 e Main, r 200 South Ansley mrs Emeline, 105 Cora Ausley Thomas, " ' ' Ansley mrs Victoria, 109 Cxarretts Allev Ausley W B, " " BAGWELL mrs Mattie, 204 south Bagwell W B, grocer, (Herndon & Bagwell) 105 e ]Main, r 204 South. Bailey mrs Anna F, 126 McMannen Bailey F J, farmer, 126 McIMannen Baldwin miss Caroline, 204 Randolph * Baldwin J J , clerk, 128 w Main, (up stairs), bds 213 e Main Baldwin miss Mary, 317 Morgan Balkin miss Fannie, 104 e Main Balkin Robt, 104 e Main Balkin mrs Rosa, 104 e Main Balkin S, dry goods and clothing, 104 e Main Ballard mrs Francis J, 109 Broadway ig^ Ballard V, book keeper, 125 w Main, r 109 Broadway Banner Warehouse, Williams, Lea, Mitchell & Co, props, 214 w Main Barbee tniss Annie, 603 w Pettigrew Barbee Chas E, 121 Broadway Barbee mrs Ellen, 244 Cleveland Barbee Eugene, 207 Pine Baibee miss Eva H, 207 Pine Barbee miss Fanny, 307 Willard ave Jr l\/r A PI/' A V represents the Fidelity Mutual I^ife . vJ . iYiALlVA I Association of Philadelphia. Before Insuring your life do not fail to see J, J. MACKAY. He can save you money. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.Passing through the Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Gohlsboro, vSpartauburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the vSouth and vSouth West. I'or informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor. Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 79 Barbee F M, grocer, 104 e Parrisli, r 627 I\Ianguin Ijarbee Heiit}- G, clerk, 202 jMangiim, r 207 Pine Barbee H vS, clerk, 206 Manguni, r 129 McManncn Barbee miss Irene, 206 Pine Barbee Jas R, clerk, 106 Manguni, r 244 Cleveland Barbee Jas Russ, 309 Willard ave Barbee Jno L, 627 Mangnm Barbee mrs Julia A, dress maker, 244 Cleveland Barbee mrs Lou A, boarding, 207 Pine Barbee mrs Lydia, 129 McMannen Barbee L A. clerk, 206 Mangum, bds 403 ]\Iangum Barbee mrs M A, 627 Mangum Barbee mrs Martha J, wdw, cgtte pkr, 529 w I\Iain Barbee mrs Martha M, 309 Willard ave Barbee miss M Sadie, 627 Mangum Barbee mrs Rosa, 121 Broadway Barbee R H, grocer, 113 e Main, r 121 Broadway Barbee Walter J, 118 w Main (up stairs) bds 225 Cleve- land r^ Barbee & Thompson, saloon, 106 Mangum Barber mrs Ellen, 401 Lea Barber mrs Ollie, " " Barden miss Annie C, 307 Jackson Barden mrs A L, 307 Jackson Barden miss Neva C, 307 Jackson Barden miss N W^ 307 Jackson Barden Wm C,307 Jackson *^ H^ Barden W J, 307 Jackson Barham Ballard, 211 Ramseur Barham miss Birdie, 211 Ranvseur Barham C A W, auct : Reams w h. 200 w Main, 211 Ramseur Barham miss Lenore, 211 Ramseur Barham miss Undine U, 211 Ramseui Barlow mrs INIary, 200 P ine Blackwell's Durham Tol^acco ^^l^!^. reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market, hence dealers and consumers "always pronounce it "THE BEST." Take the Fietoaat Ak-lm S^^ilSo^Cnen- .SS New Orleans, vShnveport, Texas and California. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 80 DIRECTORY— White. Barlow miss Mollie, 200 Pine Barrow mrs O O, dress maker, 1 1 1 Jackson Bass H J, leaf tob dealer, (H J Bass & Co) 208 Mangnm r no Willard Bass mrs M W, no Willard Bassett A L, 113 Ramsey Bassett miss Bessie W, 113 Ramsey Bassett Prof Jno S, 113 Ramsey, now at Johns Hopkins University Bassett miss Lena M, 113 Ramsey Bassett miss Lucy, 113 Ramsey Bassett miss Mary E, 113 Ramsey Bassett mrs M J, 113 Ramsey Bassett R B, contractor and builder, 113 Ramsey Bassett Wm B, 113 Ramsey Battle miss Bessie C, 120 Broadway Battle Fred H, 120 Broadway Battle mrs LA, 120 Broadway Battle Dr L W, physician and surgeon, 106 e Main, r 120 Broadway Ban com B, 317 Chapel Hill Bancom CM, 124 Red Cross Baucom miss Elizabeth, 124 Red Cross Baucom E J, 124 Red Cross Baucom mrs E J, 317 Chapel Hill Baucom J M, 124 Red Cross Baucom miss Lilla, 317 Chapel Hill Baucom miss Mattie E, 317 Chapel Hill Baucom miss Mollie, 124 Red Cross Baucom M T, 124 Red Cross Beaman Rev R C, Pastor Trinity M E Church, -r 113 Hollo way Beaman mrs Katie C, 113 Holloway Beavers mrs C H, 125 Ramseur Beavers Frank, tob weigher, r 401 Lea T]\TCTTpT7 with J. J. MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 1 N O U rV Ej Associa^ ion of Philadelphia. • The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all firsi-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONTAIR LINE, Passing through the Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro. Spartenburg, Greenville, vSeneca. Gainsville and Athens, to the South and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 8i Beavers F J, tob worker, r 401 Lea Beavers Geo T, butcher, city market, r 125 Ramseur Beavers mrs H R, dress maker, r 401 Lea Beavers miss Mary H, 210 Morris Beavers Robt S, 125 Ramsenr Bell miss Emma J, 1 1 1 Hunt Belvin mrs Carrie, 453 Roxboro Belvin O W, grocer, (Farthing & B) 100 w Parrish, r 453 Roxboro Bennett C W, grocer, 653 ]\Iangum Bennett C C, Bennett miss Cora L, " " Bennett Frank, " " Bennett G M " " Bennett miss Hattie F, " " Bennett J T, '' " Bennett mrs L C " " Bennett miss Mary " " Benton Edw'd, tob weigher, bds 200 South Bernard miss Bettie, clerk, 127 e Main, r 211 Dillard Bernard mrs E E, 211 Dillard Bernard Germaine, drug clerk, 128 w Main, r 211 Dil- lard Bernard J P, 211 Dillard Bernard miss Nellie, 211 Dillard Berry J H, confectioner, 108 w Main, r407 Morehead ave Beriy mrs Melissa L, 407 Morehead ave Bernstein miss Dais}', 201 Pine Bernstein F, gen mdse, 108 e Main, r 201 Pine Bernstein M, gen mdse, 108 e Main, r 201 Pine Bernstein Simmie, clerk, 108 e Main, r 201 Pine Bibb D B, employee L & D R R, bds 125 Ramseur Bibb mrs Julia, bds 125 Ramseur Billings mrs E S, Hotel Claiborn Biackwell's Durham Toljacco ^^X^tZ^!;, reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market, hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it "THE BEST." 6 VLUliMiT AIR-LINE The Great Passenger and Freijrht ■l^yiNI Jl J^llk JJAlNj Ji^', Line of the South, with unsurpass- ed Facilities for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight vSer- vice. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 82 DIRECTORY— Wfiite. Billings Joe P, Hotel Claiborn Billings W A, clerk, 11 1 South Billings W H, prop Hotel Claiborn, cor Corcoran and Peabod}- Bishop & Co, grocers, cor Jackson and Lea Bishop E E, grocer, (B & Co) cor Jackson & Eea, r Fow- ler Hill, s Durham Bishop Rev F A, pastor Main st M E Church, r 208 Chapel Hill Bishop mrs Rachel, 208 Chapel Hill Bivins miss Cornelia G, 109 Garrett's Alley Bivins miss Geneva L, 2 1 7 Cleveland Bivins J A, contractor and builder, 217 Cleveland Bivins mrs Sarah E, 217 Cleveland Blacknall R D, (RBlacknall & Son) 138 w Main, r West Durham Blacknall R & Son, druggists, 128 \v Main Blackwell liirs Bessie K, iii South Blackwell mrs Fannie K, 400 Lea Blackwell Geo R, salesman, in South Blackwell J L, farmer, 114 Chapel Hill Blackwell J W, mds broker, 400 Lea Blackwell mrs Nellie, 114 Chapel Hill Blackwell W T, T14 Chapel Hill Blackwell W T, Jr, 202 Chapel Hill Blackwood Fuller J, 506 e Main Blackwood mrs Jennie, 506 e Main Blackwood J M, dept supt B D T Co, r 506 e Main Blackwood miss Pearl H, 506 e Main Blackwood W C, 506 e Main Blair miss Annie B, bds 210 Morris Blair miss Bettie L, teacher graded school, bds 210 Mor- ris Blair mrs M A, bds 210 Morris Blalock A J, 512 w Peabody Jr IVr A r'l^ A V I'epresents the Fidelity Mutual Life . d. iYi/\Uj\A I Association of Philadelphia. Before Insuring your life do not fail to see J . J . M ACK A Y . He can save you money. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passingthrough the Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro, vSpartanburg, Greenville, vSeneca, (iaiiisville and Athens, to the South and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor. Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 83 Blalock mrs C E, 512 w Peabody Blalock mrs E O 300 Milton Ave Blalock E J, 512 w Peabody Blalock miss Minnie S, 512 \v Peabody Blalock R S, carpenter, 300 Milton Ave Blalock mrs Sudie, 300 Milton Ave Blount mrs Ida D, 227 Morris Blount Eouis, machinist B D Tob Fact, r 227 Morris Blount Eewis Jr, 227 Morris Blount mrs Lucy, 104 Watkins Bobbitt Andrew, 220 Rigsbee Ave Bobbitt Danl, 220 Rigsbee Ave Bobbitt mrs L, 2 20 Rigsbee Ave Bobbitt Paul, 220 Rigsbee Ave Bobbitt miss Roberta, 220 Rigsbee x^ve Boling miss Cora F, dress maker, 104 Dandy Boling S R, cigar maker 109 e jNIain, bds 104 Dandy Boling Wm, 104 Dandy Bolton Ava, elk, 116 e Main, r 322 Chapel Hill Bolton miss Cora F, 322 Chapel Hill Bolton mrs C. J, 322 Chapel Hill Bolton W A, 322 Chapel Hill Bolton W H, 322 Chapel Hill Bolyn mrs Clara, 137 McMannen Bolyn mrs Hannah, 116 South Bolyn W H, harness maker, cor Corcoran and w j\Iain, r, 116 South Booker mrs AUena, 132 Carr Boone, R B, lawyer, (Boone & Parker) office Mangum building cor e Main and Mangum Boone & Parker, attorneys office cor e Main and Man- gum, (up stairs) Boone, R B & Co, real estate agents, off cor iNIain and Mangum, (up stairs) Bo'othe mrs E B, 618 Mangum Reliable and Satisfactory I BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. Take the Piedmsn,t Air-Kne ?v^,S„^?|^l;,Sv!»S"ie; New Orleans, Shriveport, Texas and California. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 84 DIRECTORY— White. Boswell, Jiio A, 506 e Main Boswell James F, fanner 506 e Main Boswell miss Mary W, 506 e Main Boswell miss Rebecca D, 506 e Main Boswell mrs Rebecca S, 506 e Main Boswell miss Sally B, 506 e Main Bowe, miss Mattie T, 104 e Green Bowen G T, 300 Mangum Bowens miss Nancy, 204 Mangnm Bowens miss Sndie, 210 Cleveland Bowers, DeWitt, tob pkr, 113 Cora Bowers mrs Mattie, 113 Cora Bowers miss Sndie, 210 Cleveland Bowing, Dennis C, 209 Liberty Boykins Mrs Marzilla, 505 Mangnm Boykin mrs Spicy, 505 Mangnm Boykin W F, 505 Mangum Bradley miss Cora, 330 Chapel Hill Bradsher Arthur B, 226 Cleveland Bradsher miss Bertha, 226 Cleveland Bradsher miss Delia, " 'i Bradsher, W C, clerk, 300 Mangum, r 109 Ramseur Branch mrs Alice M, 504 e Main Branch C H, " " Branch miss Eva, " " Branch miss Myrtle, " " Branch miss Rincie, " u Brandon mrs Bettie F, 438 w Main Brandon miss Ethel D, " " Brandon Geo W, " " Brandon H T, " " Brandon JasH, " " Brandon miss Katie H, " " Brandon miss Laura E, " " Brandon miss Mattie A, " " TNQTTPT7 '^^^^^^ J- J- MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 i\ O U Jlv Hi Associa^^ion of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, PassingtliroughtheCities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, L3'nchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia and Augusta, to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 85 Brandon miss Sallie M, 438 w Main Rrandou miss Signora F, " " Branson miss Annie, 224 Ramsenr Branson Joseph, dry goods and clothing, 116 e Main Branson mrs Willie, 224 Ramsenr Branson W H, sec and treas Dur Cot Mills, East Dur- ham, r 224 Ramsenr Bray, Geo I, cgtte mch hand 521 w Main Bray miss Lenora F, 521 w Main • Bray miss Martha E, cgtte pkr 521 w Main Bray mrs M E V, 521 w Main Bray Thos M, cgtte mch hand 521 w Main Bray W H, farmer 521 \v Main Brewer mrs Dora, cgtte pkr 407 Lea Brewer W B, carpenter 407 Lea Briggs miss Blanche, 207 Dillard Briggs Clifton A, 207 Dillard Briggs mrs Fannie, 207 Dillard Briggs P M, book keeper, B D Tob Co, r 207 Dillard Briggs Robert Emmett, 207 Dillard Bright T P, shoemaker, 200 w Main basement, r 118 South Bright mrs Sarah, 118 South Broadwell mrs Angeline, 109 s Gregson Broadwell A G, carpenter, 109 s Gregson Brock D L, 662 Manguni Brock J L, Brock mrs Martha, 112 Carr Brock mrs Mary J, 662 Mangum Brock T H, Brock W P, box maker at Dukes Factory, 112 Carr Brockwell R L, 114 North Brogden mrs C F, 514 w Main Brogden miss Jennie, dress maker, 503 Mangum Brogden J R, 514 w Main Blackwell's Durham Tobacco p^prr'n^: reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market, hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it "THE BEST." ed Facilities for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight Ser- vice- For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 86 DIRECTORY— White. Brogden miss Olympia, cgtte pkr, 503 Manguin Brogden W T, 503 Manguin Brooks J W, treas for Alliance Plug Factory, 415 w Green, r Caswell Hill Brown A A, cigar maker, 109 e Main, bds 204 McMan- nen Brown miss Ada M, 204 McMannen Brown Chas C, dept overseer Blackwell's Fact, r 204 McMannen Brown miss Emma J, 204 McMannen Bro\yn Oilman, cgtte maker, 130 e main, r E Durham Brown H J, iii Church Brown Dr J C, dentist, office 1 1 1 e Main up stairs, r 318 e Pettigrew Brown J C K, 318 e Pettigrew Brown Jas W, paper box maker, 114 North Brown miss Laura, dress maker, 204 MclVIannen Brown mrs Maggie, 114 North Brown Oscar, 204 Randolph Brown P A, mgr Far Alliance Mdse Co, 103 e i\Iain Brown mrs Sarah 204 McMannen Brown mrs Sallie A, 204 Randolph Brown mrs Sallie G, 318 e Pettigrew Brown Theodore A, " " Brown Willie S, " Browning mrs Caroline 526 w Proctor Browning C R, 102 Guess Road Browning mrs E J, boarding, 204 McINIannen Browning nu's F C, 102 Guess Road Browning mrs Hallie 317 Morgan Browning J M, 102 Guess Rcr.d Browning J N, 102 Guess Road Browning miss Mag, loi w Proctor Browning Wni, 526 w Peabody Browning Wm M, carpenter, 317 Morgan Jr l\/r K n\^ K \l famishes Life and Accident Insurance . J . iVi ALl\ A 1 at lowest cost. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association, of Philadelphia, is unques- tionably one of the strongest life companies in America. i-pAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, passin,iT through the Cities I of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reidsville, Salisbur}-, Columbia, Augusta, and to the South and vSouth West. For information, address, J. L,. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 87 Bruce nirs ]\Iaiid, 122 South Bruce S C, foreman "Recorder," 108 e Main up-stairs, r-i22 South Bryan Mrs E K, artist, 406 e Main Br}'an E L, clerk, 300 Mangum, r 406 e Main Bryan miss Helen, 311 e Pettigrew Bryan Louis W, 109 Broadway Br\'an miss Ma}- E, 406 e Main Bryan miss Minnie, 109 Broadway Buchanan miss Emma, 408 Rigsbee ave Buchanan mrs Fannie E, cor Broadwa\' and Rigsbee ave Buchanan Jno A, 408 Rigsbee ave Buchanan miss Louise, 408 Rigsbee ave Buchanan L T, Prin Dur M Academy, 213 Cleveland, r cor Broadway and Rigsbee ave Buchanan miss Maude, 408 Rigsbee ave Buckner R G, teacher graded school, bds 214 e Main Budd miss Roxa, 202 Dillard Burch Joab, clerk, 300 Mangum, r 115 Broadway Burch J Scott, floor mgr Parrish Warehouse, 300 Man- gum Burch mrs Mollie L, 115 Broadway Burch S B, clerk, 100 w Main Burns mrs M C, 114 Ramseur Burt miss Edie, 209 Liberty Burton mrs Nannie, 212 Ramseur Burton R C, tobacconist, 213 Foster, r 212 Ramseur Busbee mrs Cornelia, 330 Chapel Hill BuSBEE W M, atto-at-law, office : court house, bds Hotel Claiborn Butts A N, confectioner, 106 w Main, r 504 Mangum Butts mrs Ada V, 504 Mangum Butts W M, clerk, 106 w Main, bds 504 Mangum Reliable and Satisfactory! BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. fake the fiedmont Air-lias, rS", xStoirD. c! and Ricliniond, Va., to Atheiis^and Birniingliani. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 88 DIRECTORY— White. CAIN Dr J F, physician and surgeon, 113 South Cain mrs Julia, 113 South Cain miss Sudie, 113 South Cain S R, on R & D R R, r 113 South Caldwell J H, clerk R & D R R depot Calloway W B, 509 w Main Campbell miss Annie G, 102 Dandy Campbell miss Belle, 205 Queen Campbell miss Cornelia, 102 Dandy Campbell J P, shoemaker, 200 w Main (basement) r 102 Dandy Campbell mrs M F, 102 Dandy Campbell R H, 102 Dandy Campbell Willie T, 102 Dandy Cannady Iniss Jennie, cigette inspector 213 Rigsbee ave Cannady miss Laura, 213 Rigsbee ave Cannady mrs Margaret, 213 Rigsbee ave Cannady Ruffin, brick mason, 213 Risbee ave Cannady Thomas, brick mason, 213 Rigsbee ave Carden miss x'Vlice, 305 Lea Carden Alvis, 303 Lea Carden mrs Annie, 304 Fuller Carden Archy, 102 Cora Carden A F, 304 Fuller Carden mrs Bettie, 316 Chapel Hill Carden miss Caroline, 102 Cora Carden HA, 124 Carr Carden Jones, 316 Chapel Hill Carden miss Julia, 529 w Main Carden J C, 124 Carr Carden John S, 305 Lea Carden mrs Lula 303 Lea Carden mrs Margaret A, 524 w Peabody Carden mrs Mattie, 316 Chapel Hill Carden mrs Nannie, 124 Carr T 1\T Q T T P T? ^^'^^^'^ •!• J- MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 IN iJ U lA J_J Association of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. T^AKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.Passingtlirough the Cities 1 of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia and Augusta, to the South and vSoutli West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White, 8^ Carden mrs Rebecca A, 305 Lea Carden W F, 524 w Peabody Carlton miss Eva B, 405 Rigsbee ave Carlton F M, clerk, 126 w Main., bds Hopkins House Carlton J W, (Faucette Dur Tob and Snuif Co) 204 Pop- lar, r 405 Rigsbee ave Carlton miss L Kempie, 405 Rigsbee ave Carlton L M, 114 Poplar Carlton miss Mittic L, 405 Rigsbee ave Carlton mrs Sue M, 405 Rigsbee ave Carpenter miss Carrie W, princijDal Aleth Feyi Sem, bds 214 e Main Carpenter mrs Cora, cigette inspector, 401 Lea Carr mrs Annie- E, 408 e Main Carr miss Annie S, 602 Lea Carr Dr A G, physician and surgeon, 106 e INIain (up stairs) r 408 e Main Carr ni:ss Carrie, 206 Cleveland Carr Claiborne M, cor Dillard and Ramseur Carr mrs Clara, 602 Lea Carr miss Clara L, 602 Lea Carr Edward P, 408 e Main Carr miss Ethel L, 602 Lea Carr John R, 408 e Main Carr J S, cor Dillard and Ramseur Carr J S, Jr, cor Dillard and Ramseur Carr L A, (Morgan & Carr) com merchant, 202 Man- gum, r 602 Lea Carr miss Lida M, cor Dillard and Ramseur Carr miss Lalla R, cor Dillard and Ramseur Carr Marvin A, " " Carr mrs Nannie G, " " Carr Robt E, lawyer, 408 e Main Carr Willie, 408 e Main Carrington mrs N F, 128 McMannen Blackwell's Durham Tobacco plpirini""™; reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market, hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it "THE BEvST.'' Take the Piedmsnt Ak-Uns, f^r, ^j!°:;^l,':rD "c! aiul Richmond, Va., to Athens and Birniinghain. For information,, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 90 DIRECTORY— White. Carriiigton mrs Sula, loi w Proctor Carrington W T, fanner, 128 McManneii Carrington S R, r loi w Proctor Carroll iiirs Fannie E, 139 McMannen Carroll J O, shoemaker, 114 w Main, r 139 McMannen Carroll W H, clerk, 246 w Main, bds 213 e Main Carter Jno S, liver>' and sales stable, 104 e Green Carter mrs Mollie B, 104 e Green Carter W C, janitor court house, r North Durham Car\'er mrs Nannie T, 226 Cleveland Carver O T, book keeper, 200 w Main, r 226 Cleveland Cash F H, 644 Mangum Cash H W, Cash mrs Kate " Cash Leonard, •" • Cash Linwood, cigtte mkr, 130 e Main, bds N Durham Cash miss Lizzie, 303 e Main Cash R A, 644 Mangum Cates Sam, "• Cates A P, 109 Garrett's Alley Cates miss Cerinna, 308 Roxboro Cates miss Delia, 105 Holloway Cates H M, carpenter, 112 s Gregson Cates mrs Ida F, 109 Garrett's Alley Cates Isaiah, wheelright, 112 s Gregson Cates Joe R, cigtte maker, 130 e Main, r 508 w Main Cates J C, 626 Mangum Cates J F, 300 " Cates miss Lucy, 308 Roxboro Cates miss Maiy, 314 e Pettigrew Cates mrs Maggie, 508 w Main Cates mrs Maggie M, 626 Mangum Cates mrs Mary, 112 s Gregson Cates mrs Mary, 626 Mangum Cates Montgomery, 308 Roxboro TN^TTPF with J. J. MACKAY. Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 11 1 O U JaJu Association of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKETHE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, Passing through the Cities ■ of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro. Spartenbiirg, Greenville, Seneca, Oainsville and Athens, to the South and vSouth West. For informa- tion, address, J. h. Ta3'lor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 91 Cates mrs Rlioda E, 112 s Gregson Cat£s W H, wheelwright,, 408 Mangum, r 626 r^Iangum Candle miss Annie A, 206 Mote'iead ave Candle mrs Annie B, 206 Morehead ave Candle C C, local eng B D C T Co, r 206 Morehead ave Candle Joe J, 206 Morehead ave Candle miss Millie E, 206 Morehead ave Chad wick mrs ME, 106 Cleveland Chad wick R W, 106 Cleveland Chamberlain Frank H, clerk,, 122 McMannen, r .612 Mangnni Chamberlain H B, printer, 119 Mangnm, (np stairs) r * 612 Mangnm Chamberlain Jas W, 612 Mangnni Chamberlain Lonie L, pres.sman,, 119 Mangnm (np stairs) r 612 Mangnm CJiamberlain mrs O L, 612 Mangum Chamberlain S W, clerk, 400 w Main, r 612 IMangnm Cheatham mrs Lnna, 313 w Pettigrew Cheatham R I, agent D&NRR, 313W Pettigrew Cheek Fnrnitnre Co, 211 Mangnm cor w Parrish Cheek miss Amanda, 102 e PettigTew Cheek Albert, 607 w Pettigrew Cheek Arthiu", " " Cheek A M, carpenter, 607 w Pettigrew Cheek miss Bessie, " " Cheek Clarence, (Cheek Fnr Co) 211 Manginn, r 616 Mangnm Cheek Edw'd H, cigtte maker, 607 w Pettigrew Cheek Fletcher, 202 Jackson Cheek mrs Florence, 202 Jackson ^ Cheek F M, 202 Jackson Cheek Jas A, cigtte maker, 607 w Pettigrew Cheek James M, 520 w Main Cheek John A, carpenter, 520 w Main BE vSURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. Take the PledmQnt Air-line ^,:;Xi^:^,^. New Orleans, Sliriveport, Texas and California. For information, address. J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 92 DIRECTORY— White. Cheek J W, clerk, 117 e Main, r 145 McMannen Cheek iiirs Mary A, 520 w Main Cheek mrs ME, 616 Mangum Cheek mrs Nannie L, 614 Lea Cheek P B, policeman, 614 Lea Cheek miss Sarah E, cigtte pkr, 607 \v Pettigrew Cheek T E, book keeper, 105 w Main, r 106 e Pettigrew Cheek T F, (Cheek Fur Co) 211 Mangum r 616 Mangum Cheek Wesley, clerk, 203 w Main, bds 106 Jackson Cheek Wm F, cigtte maker, r 607 w Pettigrew Chin R, 107 Cora Chisenhall miss Lorena, 309 Willard Christian miss Ada, 338 Chapel Hill Christian miss Annie, 313 Chapel Hill Christian mrs Annie, 105 Jackson Christian mrs A E, 313 Chapel Hill Christian Arthur, 608 Mangum Christian Chas E, elk D & N depot, r 406 Riggsbe ave Christian John A, tob worker, 406 Rigsbee ave Christian J B, street com, 313 Chapel Hill Christian J N, carpenter, (Christian & Co), 338 Chapel Hill Christian J T, cggte mch hand, r 338 Chapel Hill Christian L S, elk Sash & Blind Fact, cor Ramsey and e Pettigrew, r 105 Jackson Christian mrs Lou T, 406 Rigsbee ave Christian miss M A, 313 Chapel Hill Christian mrs Nannie E, 608 Mangum Christian mrs Nancy J, 338 Chapel Hill Christian Robert, 338 Chapel Hill Christian vSeymour, 608 Mangum Christian miss Rosa, 338 Chapel Hill Christian T S, contractor and builder, 608 Mangum Christian Wm, 406 Rigsbee ave TN^TIPF ^^^^^ J. J. MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 i^ O U ix Ej Associa^^ion of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE,Passlngtlirong"h the Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro, vSpartanburg, Greenville, Seneca, Oainsville and Athens, to the South and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor. Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 93 Christian W J, Faucette Dur Tob & Snuff Co, r. 406 Rigsbee ave Christian W J Jr, 608 Mangnm Christian Wm T, 313 Chapel Hill Christmas miss Eliza, 209 Queen Christmas mrs Elizabeth, 206 Cleveland Christmas miss Fannie, 209 Queen Christmas miss Ida, teacher, 206 Cleveland Christopher mrs Eliza, 210 Lea Clark Charlie, 204 Roxboro Clark miss Ellen, 204 Roxboro Clark miss Lelia, " Clark mrs Julia, 655 Mangum Clark Joseph A, " Clark J Iv, supt Z I Lyon & Co's Fact, r 204 Roxboro Clark L L, asst supt Z I Lyon & Co, r 204 Roxboro Clark mrs N A, 243 Cleveland Clark mrs Sarah, 118 Hunt Clark mrs S E, 204 Roxboro Clark W L, carpenter, 243 Cleveland Clark WY, u c. u Clayton miss Martha A, 507 w Main Clements mrs x\nnie, 105 Garretts Alley Clements mrs Carrie, 202 Cleveland Clements D E, elk, 628 Mangum Clements mrs Mary J, 105 Garretts Alley Clements Julian L, tobacconist, 641 Mangum Clements mrs Mag C, 641 Mangum Clements R S, book kpr 210 w Main, bds 105 Garretts Alley Clements mrs Susan A, 105 Garretts Alley Clements Thos, cgtte maker, 130 e Main, bds Roxboro Clements Wayne, tob weigher (B D Tob Co) 105 Gar- retts Alley Clements W E, cgtte maker, 130 e Main, r 641 Mangum Reliable and Satisfactory ! BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. The Great Passenger and Freightt yi4^Nj4^'} Line of the South, with unsurpass- ed Facilities for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight vSer- vice. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 94 DIRECTORY— White. Clifton mrs Cassandra A, .508 Mahguni Clifton miss Eda A, cgtte pkr, 50S Manguni Clifton j R, cgtte mch hand, " " Clifton miss Lenora E, cgttc pkr, " '"'" Closs mrs M A, 217 Dillard Cohen Moses, 107 Cora Cole miss Ida, 319 Morgaii -Cole mrs Jane E, 303 Jackson Cole miss Jennette, 305 Lea Cole J L, dry goods, 1146 Main Cole John, cgtte mkr, 130 e Main, bds N Durham Cole h G, book kpr, Morris Mfg Co, r 621 Manguni Cole mrs LoUie L, 621 Manguni Cole miss Minnie D, 105 Jones Cole miss Phedonia A, 105 Jones Cole mrs Susan, 310 South Cole mrs S C, 105 Jones Cole S J, " " Cole W C, 104 Vickers Alley •CoUey miss Eliza, cgtte pkr, r 107 s Gregson Col ley mrs Emma, 107 s Gregson Col ley miss Patty cgtte pkr, r 107 s Gregson Collins mrs Bettie, 105 e Proctor Collins Charlie ^ ic Collins J J, bds 11 1 Church CoUinsJ S, 1C5 e Proctor Conrad mrs Clara, dress maker, r 423 Lea Conrad miss Claudia, cgtte pkr " " Conrad Joseph, 423 Lea Conrad miss Mary, 423 Lea Conrad miss Orian, cgtte insp, r 423 Lea Cooley Mrs DA, 204 Randolph Cooley mrs Mary A, 541 w Main Cooley I M, 204 Randolph Cooley mrs Narcissa, 204 Randolph JT 1\/r A P l^ A V represents the FideIvITy MuTuai. LifE . U. iYiAL/j\/\ 1 As.sociATiON of Philadelphia. Before hisuring your life do not fail to see J. J. MACKAY. He can save you money. TAKETHEPIEDMONTAIRLINE, piissing through the Cities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia, Augusta, and to the vSouth and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 95 Cooper mrs Dora, 107 Cora 'Cooper iiirs Emma 305 South Cooper mrs Nannie, 306 Ramseur Cooper miss Willie, 305 South Cooper W C, 305 South Cooper W R, (of C & Rowland) 112 McMannen, r 306 Ramseur CORBETT J F, Pres Faucette Tob Co, r 218 Morris Corbett, mrs Georgia A, 218 Morris Corbett Thomas, Corbett W J Couch mrs Addie, 312 Chapel Hill Couch A A, elk, 203 w Main, r 106 Jackson Couch miss Annie J, 523 w Main Couch C P, farmer. Couch mrs Emily, 112 s Gregson Couch mrs F J, boarding, 106 Jackson Couch miss Geneva, 212 Rigsbee ave Couch Geo H, 312 Chapel Hill Couch miss Hannah S, 523 w Main. Couch miss Homie C, 129 South Couch miss J C, 312 Chapel Hill Couch miss J H, 603 w Pettigrew Couch miss J W, " Couch miss Lucy A, 523 w Main Couch, mrs Maggie, 602 w Pettigrew Couch miss Martha, 106 Lea Couch mrs Mary A, 523 w Main Couch mrs Mary E, 204 Yancey Couch miss Mary E, 523 w Main Couch miss Sadie, 204 Yancey Couch W J, 212 Rigsbee ave Couch Wm H, 204 Yancey Council miss Bulah C, 327 Chapel Hill Council R J, watchman, 300 Mangum, r 327 Chapel Hill GENUINE DURHAM" TOBACCO ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BULL. Tlie Great Passenger and Freight 'l Line of the South, with unsurpass- ed Facilities for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight Ser- vice- For information, address, J. ly. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 96 DIRECTORY— White. Council, mrs S A, ^i'^'] Chapel Hill Council T L, elk 119 e Main., bds Pine Council Zeb Vance," 327 Chapel Hill Cox, A B, tobaconist, lii Pine r E Durhuni Cox mrs A D, r 106 Roney Cox A G & Co, grocers 129 e Main Cox miss Bettie, 204 Morris Cox mrs Bettie S, r 204 Morris Cox mrs Ella, 514 w Peabody Cox Erasmus, 516 w Peabody Cox Jno A, 204 Morris Cox Jno A Jr, elk, 204 Morris. Cox Jno H, 514 w Peabody Cox miss Katie, 204 Morris Cox miss Laura J, 516 w Peabody Cox miss Lena, 204 Morris Cox miss Martha L, 516 w Peabody Cox mrs Mary J, " '' Cox miss Laura J, " " Cox R C, tobacconist, 115 Roney, r 106 Roney Cozart miss Alta, 117 Ramseur Cozart mrs B M, boarding, 300 w Peabody Cozart mrs Bettie W, 117 Ramseur Cozart miss Cora E, 300 w Peabody Cozart miss Hallie 117 Ramseur Cozart, T G, tobacconist, 117 Ramseur Crabtree A A, 328 Chapel Hill Crabtree nn-s Bedie, 211s Gregson Crabtree mrs Bettie, 107 Cora Crabtree mrs Carrie, dress maker, 105 Cora Crabtree Chas E, book kpr 122 e Pettigrew, r 414 Rigs- bee ave Crabtree Frank, 506 \v Peabody Crabtree Geo A, cgtte mach hand, 211 s Gregson Crabtree Henry, 213 Morehead ave JT 1\/r A r^l^ A V fu"^ishes Life and Accident Insurance . J . lYi A U J\ /l 1 at lowest cost. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association, of Philadelphia, is unques- tionably one of the strongest life companies in America. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, PassingOirougli tlie Cities ot Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reidsville, Salibbury, Columbia and Augusta, to the South and South West. For miorniaticn, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White, 97 Crabtree James, cglte macli hand, r 2 1 1 s Gregsoii Crabtree miss Jessie, 334 Chapel Hill Crabtree miss Lydia, cook, 309 Ramseiir Crabtree mrs Maggie L, 309 Jackson Crabtree miss Mar}- A, 414 Rigsbee ave Crabtree mrs Mar}' E, 103 Garrett Alle}- Crabtree mrs Mary S, 338 Chapel Hill Crabtree mrs ]\Iattie, 506 w Peabody Crabtree Newton, watchman, W Duke Sons & Co, r 211 s Gregson Crabtree mrs Occie, 506 w Peabody Crabtree Robt E, 309 Morgan Crabtree Robt W, 414 Rigsbee ave Crabtree Sam, 506 w Peabody Crabtree mrs Sarah, 213 Morehead ave Crabtree Thos H, 414 Risbee ave Crabtree Wm C, 414 Rigsbee ave Crabtree Wm F, 328 Chapel Hill Crabtree W G, 309 Jackson Crabtree W H, box maker, 115 Cora Crabtree Wm H, tob worker, 107 Cora Crabtree mrs V A, 414 Rigsbee ave Crawford miss Lizzie, 106 Lea Crenshaw miss Martha, 205 Queen Crews mrs Cecilia J, 304 Chapel Hill Crews Charlie, 304 Chapel Hill Crews- T J, tobacconist, r 304 Chapel Hill Crews Wm T, r 304 Chapel Hill Crockett miss Bettie, 403 Mangum Crockett miss Lucy, 403 Mangum Crockett miss Sally C, elk, 124 e Main, bds 403 Mangum Croom D M, cig mch hand, 212 Lea Croom E L, cig mch hand, 212 Lea Croom mrs Fannie, 212 Lea Blackwell's Durham Tol^acco X^::i^C;. reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market, hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it "THE BEST." e the Fiedmoii.t Air-Lin^e west,Montgomery!MobUe! New Orleans, Shriveport, Texas and California. P'or information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 98 DIRECTORY— White. Crooin miss Mamie, cgtte pkr, 212 Lea Croom mrs Mary E, 212 Lea Croom Stewart, cig mch hand, r 212 Lea Cross Chas R, clerk, 206 Mangum, r 617 Mangum Cross miss Mary S, 617 Mangmn Cross James W, 617 Mangmn Cross mrs Susana R, wdw, 617 Mangiim Crumpler R H, clerk, 112 w Main Cnnningim, Rev. W H, 511 e Main Cunninginr mrs Louisa, 511 e Main Currell W H, carpenter, bds 400 Mangum Currie miss Magg'ie, 208 e Pettigrew Cutts miss Alice, 119 South Cutts rriiss Berta, " " Cutts Charlie, " " Cutts Fabius, " " Cutts miss Flora, " " Cutts miss Jane P, " " Cutts JnoPJr, Cutts mrs Lilian, " " Cutts Willie, " " DALBY E, tobacconist, bds Hopkins House Daniel A L, grocer, 100 Chapel Hill, no Vickers Alley Daniel miss Dicey, no Vickers Alley Daniel mrs Matilda A, no Vickers Alley Darnall F M, 303 e Main DarnallHJ, " Darnall WE," Darnall Rev H T, pastor Pres Church, 303 e Main Darnall mrs M P, 303 e Main Darnall Sam'l F, " Darnall T V, prof of music, 303 e Main Darnall & Thomas, Pianos, 105 e Main, up-stairs THE FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION represented by J. J. MAC KAY, gives first-class Life Insurance. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association of Philadelphia give in- surance at one-third less cost than the old line companies. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passingthrough the Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro, Spartanburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the South and South'West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Ta\-lor. Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 99 Daniall miss Lucy, artist, 105 e Main,bds 137 McMamien Davis nirs B, dry goods etc, 120 e Main, bds 200 Pine Davis D x-l, III Church Davis miss Emma, 603 \v Pettigrew Davis R D, 205 Jackson Davis mrs R D, 205 Jackson Day Irving C, 304 e Main Day mrs Jennie E, 304 e Main Day miss Lilian A, " " Day J R, tobacconist, 304 e ^lain Deans S, 107 Cora Deaton T M, saloon, 104 Mangum Deaver Geo, r 1 2 Mangum Debnam mrs M K, 112 Broadway Debnam T C, cigar mkr, 109 e Main, r 112 Broadway Debnam W K, 112 Broadway Dennis A W, elk, 115 e Main, r 212 Liberty Dennis miss Mary B, 21.1 Liberty Dennis mrs P H, r 212 Libertv Dennis W K, tinner, 115 e IMain, r 212 Liberty DeVlarming, tobacconist, 600 Mangum, bds Hotel Clai- born Dick miss Annie, 604 Mangum Dickinson Mrs Bettie M, 203 Fuller Dickinson Jno B, " " Dickinson Joe W, " " Dickson Clifton 302 Lea Dickson Clyde, Dickson mrs Jessie H, wdw, 302 Lea Dickson, S A, clerk, 116 w Main, bds 302 Lea Dixon, miss Delia, cheroot mkr, 611 Mangum Dixon, mrs Delia, in Jackson Dixon miss Fannie, no Carr Dixon F S, cigar mkr, 109 e Main up-stairs, bds no Carr Reliable and Satisfactory / BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. Take the f iedmont Air-iine, ,2n tS^S;Jl::%'Z and Richmond, Va., to Atlanta and Birmingham. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. loo DIRECTORY— White. Dixon Jennie, 330 Chapel Hill Dixon John, trader, 611 Mangiim* Dixon Joseph, cheroot mkr, 113 and 115 IMangiini up stairs Dixon J L, bottler, 226 w Main, r 611 Manguni Dixon J W, 330 Chapel Hill Dixon Mack, saloon elk, 109 e Peabody, bds 611 Man- gum Dixon mrs MA, 105 Markhani Dixon rars M J, 330 Chapel Hill Dixon mrs Patty B, 611 Mangum Dixon Thos G, policeman, 105 Markhain Dixon miss Viola E, 330 Chapel Hill Dixon W H, box mkr Blackwell's Dur Co-op Tob Co, r III Jackson Dodson mrs Avaline, 504 Mangum Dodson Michael, " " Dodson miss Minnie R, 504 Mangum Dollar mrs Ruth, 107 Garretts Alley Dollar W J, 107 Garrett's Alley Domestic Sewing Machine Co, W R Murray & Co agents, 103 w Main Douglass A W & Co, saloon, iii Mangum Douglass Geo L, m mangtim, Dowd J W, dept supt Blackwell's Dur Co-op Tob Co, r 103 Dillard Dowd miss Mamie, 103 Dillard Dowd mrs Susan, " " Dowd Willie, " " Dowdee miss Emma E, 204 Church Dowdee H H, elk, 124 w Main, r 204 Church Dowdee Jno W, 204 Church Dowdee mrs Josephine, 204 Church Dowdee LL, cc cc Dowdee miss Myrtle M, " " JT 1\/r A r^\^ A V furnishes Life and Accident Insurance . J . iViAL/I\ A 1 at lowest cost. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association, of Philadelphia, is unques- tionably one of the strongest life companies in America. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, passinjjtlirough the Cities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reidsville, Salisbur}-, Columbia, Augusta, and to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. loi Dowdee R P, harness mkr, 204 Church Dowdee mrs Sally C, boarding, 204 Church Uowtin Sam W, 200 South Draughan A J, grocer, 545 w Main Draughan mrs Cornelia, 545 w Main Duke A J, 210 Lea Duke B'L, W Duke Sons & Co, office 128 w Main up stairs, r 411 Duke Duke B N, W Duke Sons & Co, r 107 Chapel Hill cor Willard ave Duke mrs Eliza A, sack stringer, r 21O Lea Duke J B, (W Duke S'.ns & Co) r 356 w Peabody and New York Duke Jos J, paper box mkr, r 210 Lea Duke mrs Sallie A, r 107 Chapel Hill Duke W, (W Duke Sons & Co) r 336 w Peabody Duke W SioNS & Co, mfrs smoking tob and cigarettes, 318-332 w Peabody Dunlap E L, plumber, 121 e Main, r Mangum Dunlap mrs Carrie J, Mangum Dunn B H, tinner, 1156 Main, r 125 South Dunn mrs Lizzie, 125 South Durham mrs A B, r 302 Church Durham D D, clerk, 103 \v Main, bds 446 Roxboro Durham David E, paper box mkr, r 319 Chapel Hill Durham mrs Harriet D, 319 Chapel Hill Durham H L, 302 Church Durham J S, carpenter, 319 Chapel Hill Durham mrs Lucy A, 635 Mangum Durham miss Lula K, cgtte pkr, r 316 Chapel Hill Durham miss Mattie H, 319 Chapel Hill Durham Oscar L, 30J Church Durham R L, printer, 118 w Main (up stairs) r 319 Chapel Hill Durham T C, 302 Church BLACKWELLS DURHAM TOBACCO ! BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. PISM3NI AIE-UKl, SZ 'i^Zi:S^^t!S^ ed Facilities for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight Ser- vice. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. I02 DIRECTORY— White. Durham W G, grocer, 635 Mangum Durham Dr W J H, physician and surgeon, r 302 Church Durham Baptist Female Institcjte, E L Middleton prin, cor Mangum and Seminary Durham City Bakery, H M Rosemond, prop, 126 e Main (basement) Durham Consolidated Land and Improvement Co, R H Wright sec and treas, office Room No 9, Wright Building, cor Corcoran and w Main Durham Daily Sun, Jas A Robinson editor, 118 w Main, up-stairs Durham Electric Light Co, G R Blackwell sec, office Blackwell's Factory Durham Foundry and Machine Shops, — Albezette prop, 216 to 224 w Peabody Durham Fertilizer Co, L A Carr, sec and treas office 202 Mangum, factory East Durham Durham Marble Works, R I Rogers prop, 219 w Main Durham Medicated Cigarette Co, 130 e Main, up stairs Durham Paper Box Factory, Jno C Rogers prop, 120 w Main up stairs Durham Recorder, E C Hackney editor, 108 e Main up stairs Durham Sash Door and Blind Factory, W H Wor- tham prop, cor Ramsey and e Pettigrew Durham School of Music, T V Darnall director, 125 e Main up stairs Durham Supply Co, B L Duke prop, 126 w j\Iain Durham Water Co, S W Holman prest and supt, 121 e Main Dwartz M. 107 Cora Dyer mrs Emma J, 208 Pine TMCT1DT7 '^"th J.J. MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 IN O U IX Li AssociaHon of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, Passing through the Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro. Spartenburg, Greenville, vSeneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the vSoutli and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 103 Dyer Geo R, clerk, 115 Mangum, bds 208 Pine Dyer Jno W, auct Banner W H 214 w Main, r 208 Pine EAKS mrs Bettie, 104 Liberty Eaks Madison, confectioner, 104 w Main, r 104 Lib- erty Eaks Wm A, tob pkr, 104 Liberty Earp mrs Mary, 314 Chapel Hill Earp miss Minnie, 314 Chapel Hill Earp Z T, 314 Chapel Hill Educator Co (The), publishers, printers and binders, cor Main and Mangum, up stairs Educator Teachers' Co-operative Association, The Educator Co pi ops, Edwin S. Sheppe, genl mana- ger, cor Main and Mangum up stairs Edwards Alex, 508 Mangum Edwards miss Annie B, 508 Mangum Edwards A W, 104 Jackson Edwards C H, 306 Ramseur Edwards E E, 104 Jackson Edwards Geo E, 306 Ramseur Edwards H F, grocer, 628 Mangmn, r 462 Roxboro Edwards miss Lucretia, 212 w Cobb Edwards mrs Lula F, 462 Roxboro Edwards mrs Mary, 508 Mangum Eldridge W W, cheroot maker, 113 and 115 Mangum Eliason W A, clerk, 102 e Parrish Ellington mrs Rosa L, 307 Lea Ellington T. M, 307 Lea f Ellington W W, grocer, 303 Mangum, bds 400 Mangum Elliott A G, grocer, 112 w Main, r 136 McMannen Elliott mrs Callie M, 136 McMannen Ellis mrs Annice, 605 w Pettigrew Ellis A J, saloon, 112 Church, r 117 McMannen Ellis mrs L W, 216 Liberty T i\/r A PI/" A V represents the Fidelity Mutual Life U. iVlAUlVA 1 As.sociATiON of Philadelphia. Before Insuring your life do not fail to see J . J . M ACK A Y . He can save you money. Take the Redssat Air-tiae, ;!^ ^^SS^^^VIT:. and Richmond, Va., to Athens and Birmingham. For information., address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 104 DIRECTORY— White. Ellis miss Pearl, 605 w Pettigrew Ellis W F, (Ellis Stone & Co), 124 w Main, r 216 Lib- ert}' Ellis, Stone «& Co, diy goods, 125 w Main Enock Barnet, clens;, 116 e Main Enoch Harris, clerk, 116 e Main Etheridge miss Francis, 324 Chapel Hill Etheridge miss Martha, *•' '■' Etheridge mrs Mildred, " '■' Etheridge miss Rona "■ "^ Event mrs Jennie, 109 Hunt FAIRBROTHER AL, editor Daily Globe, 1296 Main np stairs, r Alston a\^e Fairbrother mrs M H, local editor Daily Globe, 129 e Main, r Alston ave Fanning miss B F, 216 Dillard Fanning mrs E C 216 Dillard Fanning miss Etta M, teacher graded school, r 216 Dil- lard Fanning F D, book kpr, 202 Mangum, r 216 Dillard FarlowJ E, 109 Dandy Fanners' Alliance W H, 400 w Main Farthing mrs Addie, 106 Reams ave Farthing mrs A E, i2i McMannen Farthing mrs C A, 303 McMannen Farthing G C, 121 McMannen Farthing Hargis, pattern maker, r 303 McMannen Farthing mrs Roxie, 123 McManr.en Farthing T B, 123 McMannen Farthing W S, grocer, (F & Belvin) lOOwParrish, r 106 Reams ave Farthing & Belvin, grocers, 100 w Parrish cor Mangnm Faucette A P, 209 Roxboro Fancette Chas K, bds 400 Morehead ave TNQT1PT7 '^^i^'i J- J- MACK AY. Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 1 N O U i\ ill Association of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, passing thro ugh the Cities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia, Augusta, and to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. los Faucette mrs Ella, 209 Roxboro Faucette E W, _(W R Murray & Co) 103 w Main Faucette miss Julia, 209 Roxboro Faucette Jas P, depot R & D R R Faitcette mrs Kate R, r 217 Dillard Faucette miss Lina, 209 Roxboro Faucette L W K, 11 1 Church Faucette miss Mary H, 209 Roxboro Faucette miss Mattie, 217 Dillard Faucette R T Jr, 217 Dillard Faucette R T, The Faucette Durham Tob and Snuff Co, 204 Poplar, r 217 Dillard Faucette Durham Tobacco & Snuff Co, J F Cor- bett prest, W J Christian sec and treas, 204 to 208 Poplar Felson iVaron, 127 e Main, bds Driver House Ferrell Albert, machinist, bds 405 Lea Ferrell miss Anna L, 213 Ramseur Ferrell miss Blanche, 209 Pine Ferrell Clarance A, clerk, 124 w Main, r 209 Pine Ferrell Chas E, local eng, 112 e Pettigrew, r 209 Pine Ferrell Chas E, 310 Dillard Ferrell miss Coras E, r 213 Ramseur Ferrell miss Ella, 213 Ramseur Ferrell mrs Emma, 109 Hunt Ferrell Ernest, 209 Pine Ferrell James A, 310 Dillard Ferrell J M, 109 Hunt Ferrell Jno M, box mkr, 213 Ramseur Ferrell mrs Lucy J, 310 Dillard Ferrell miss Malinda, 310 Dillard Ferrell mrs Mary A, 209 Pine - Ferrell mrs Mar}' M V, 213 Ramseur Ferrell M V, fireman, cor Holloway and Mangum Ferrell miss Pauline F, r 213 Ramseur Blackwell's Durham Toljacco ;:X'."u!,Tfr™: reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market, hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it "THE BEST." 9 Take tie HedmQnt 4ir-I.in,e, ™r, tSSiJi^%''S: and Richmond, Va., to Atlanta and Birmingham. I-'or information, address. J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Gn. 1 06 DIRECTORY— White. Ferrell Robt K, box nikr, 201 w Pettigrew, r 209 Pine p Ferrell R K, farmer, 213 Rainseiir Ferrell miss Susan C, 213 Ramseur Ferrell W A, 209 Pine Ferrell W B, local eng, 122 e Pettigrew, r 209 Pine Ferrell Wm T, tob pkr, 213 Ramseur Finkelstein M, dry goods, 100 Mangum Finklestein mrs Rebecca, 100 Mangum - Freeland W L, supt cig dept at Duke's, bds 509 w Main Freeman mrs F C, 225 Cleveland Fidelity Bank, G W Watts prest, J F Slaughter Jr cashier, h H Battle teller, 201 w Main First National Bank, J S Carr prest, L D Heartt, cashier, J M Whitted teller, 204 Mangum First Baptist Church, 307 Mangum Fisher miss Annie B, seamstress, 120 e Main, r no Reams ave Fisher mrs Annie, seamstress, no Reams ave Fisher Chas J, painter, 233 w Main, r 204 Jackson Fisher Jas R, painter, 204 Jackson Fisher mrs Mary B, 204 Jackson Fitchett miss Bertha, 312 Ramseur Fitchett miss Bessie " " Fitchett J M, stone mason, 312 Ramseur Fitchett mrs Lula, " " Fitchett miss Mollie, " " Fleet miss Florence Iv, music teacher Dur Feni Inst, bds 216 Cleveland Flintom Franklin, farmer, in Cora Flintom miss Lilly May, " " Flintom mrs Molly ' " " Floyd Raleigh, (blind) 120 e Main up stairs Floyd T B, clerk, loi e Main, bds 400 Mangum Foliett A Iv, 106 Wyatt FoLLETT mrs C M V, millinery, 124 e Main, 106 Wyatt J I IVr A r^\^ A V fiirnislies Life and Accident Insurance . J . IVi A U J\ A 1 at lowest cost. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association, of Philadelphia, is unques- tionably one of the strongest life companies in America. T A KE TH E PI EDMONTAIR-L IN £,Passing through the Cities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro. Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia and Augusta, to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 107 Follman Jno F^ prof of music, 215 Liberty FoUinan mrs Lizzie, " " Foiisliee mrs Corrine T, r 229-Cleveland Foiishee O B, kook kpr, 203 w Main, r 229 Cleveland Forsytlie J S, confectioner, 200 w Main, basement r North Durham Foster miss Cecilia, 210 Morris Foster mrs Cora E, " " Foster Dorson, " " Foster John W, Foster miss Mary C, " " Foster W E, kook kpr, r " Fountain mrs Alice, 136 Cai'r ■ Fountain WW, 136 Carr Foust Kivit, D & N R R depot Fowler Alphonso, farmer, 109 Gafrett's x^lley Fowler A T, grocer, 132 Fayetteville Fowler miss Bettie, 307 Mofgan Fowler Ferrington, 508 \V Main Fowler mrs Nancy, 105 Garrett's Alley Fowler Jno S, saloon elk, loi Mangum Fowler M J, 205 Jackson Fraley miss Minnie, cgtte pkr, 514 w Main Freeland miss Addie, 208 Ramseuf Freeland Bertram, C " " Freeland miss Daisy " " Freeland miss Hattie " " Freeland JasD Freeland J F, salesman, 208 Ramseuf Freeland, J H, general manager Durham Supply Co, 126 w Main, r 133 South Freeland mrs M F, 208 Ramseuf Freeland mrs M H, 133 South Freeland miss Rosa, 208 Ranlseuf Freeland W"^ E, clerk, 208 Ramseuf Reliable and Satisfactory ! BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. Take the Piedmont hit-Uns, ^!Z xSl'^.t^ 'c! and Richmond, Va., to Athens and Birmingham. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 1 08 DIRECTORY— White. Freelaiid W L, supt cgtte dept at Duke's, bds 509 w Main Fuller mrs A M, 409 e Main Fuller nirs Mena H, 307 e Main Fuller F L, lawyer, 204 Mangum, rooms 1-2 up stairs bds 409 e Main Fuller miss Margaret H, 409 e Main Fuller miss Nellie R, school teacher, 307 e Main Fuller Ralph B, 307 e Main Fuller Thos B, book kpr, B D C Tob Co, r 307 e Main Fuller Thos S, 409 e Main Fuller W W, lawyer, V P ist Nat Bank, 204 Mangum, rooms 1-2 up stairs, r 409 e Main Furman, Hubert, D & N R R depot, bds 313 w Pettigrew GAMMON Mrs J N, wdw, 400 e Main amnion Lamar, elk, 400 e Main Gammon miss Mary, " " Garner mrs Annie, 103 Hunt Garner R S, paper box mkr, 103 Hunt Gates J B, 310 Chapel Hill Gates J Iv, " " Gates mrs Mary J, 310 Chapel Hill Gates miss Minnie ly, 310 Chapel Hill Gates mrs Nannie E, 663 Mangum Gates miss Nannie P, 310 Chapel Hill Gates W G, 663 Mangum Gattis Cyrus W, 200 w Green Gattis mrs Hattie A, 340 Chapel Hill Gattis James, (T J Gattis & Son) 121 e Main, r 200 w Green Gattis J R, junk, 201 e Main, r w Durham Gattis mrs M C, 200 w Green Gattis miss M L, 200 w Green Gattis, miss M M, 200 w Green Gattis Robt L, dairyman, 340 Chapel Hill TN^TTPT^ "^'^^^^ J- •?• MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 iN kJ U Xv J_J Association of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE,Passingthrough the Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro, Spartanburg. Greenville, Seneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the South and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor. Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 109 Gattis miss Sue L, 200 w Green Gattis Rev T J, (T J Gattis & Son) 121 e Main, r 200 w Green Gattis Thos J Jr, 200 w Green Gattis W A Jr, elk 114 w Parrish, r w Durham Gattis T J & Son, book sellers, 121 e Main Geans G M, elk, 104 e Main Giddens miss Alice W, 203 Willard Giddens mi.ss Bessie, " " Giddens mrs Francis' " " Giddens J T, " " Giddens miss Novella, " " Giddens SB, u u Gilbert, John, 309 Dillard Gilbert miss Maggie " " Gilbert mrs Sarah Gillam mrs Jemima, r 205 Vivian Gladstein M, clothing, 116 e Main, r 210 Pine Glenn mrs Martha iii Vickers Alley Golden Belt Mfg Co, T B Fuller Sec, office Black- well's Factory Goldstein Aaron, 107 Cora Goldstein i\be, 211 Pine Goldstein A A, 107 Cora Goldstein mrs Esther, 211 Pine Goldstein mrs Rachel, 107 Cora Gooch, miss Emma B, 141 McMannen Gooch Eugene T, 141 McMannen Gooch S I, carpenter, 141 McMannen Goodson miss Louise, r 124 Ramseur Goodson T C, tobacconist, 11 1 Pine bds Hotel Claiborn Goodwin D C, carpenter, 107 Cora, bds no Mangum Gorman T M, book kpr, 126 w Main, Dur Supply Co Gould A T, 508 Mangum 'bLACKW ELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO ! BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. Take the Redssat Ak-Liae *° "" *°"* "■'' *°""' West. Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Shriveport, Texas and California. For information, address. J. L. Taylor. Atlanta. Ga. iio DIRECTORY— White. Graded School, 105 Dandy Graham E M, agt L & D R R, 107 Willard Graham mrs Carrie, " " Gray miss Ella W, bds 214 e Main Gray S, 109 Dandy Green CB, elk Snp Court, r 204 Dillard Green miss Ada E, 629 Mangum Green miss Daisy, 315 e Main Green mrs Edna, 611 Mangum Green Ernest J, 204 Dillard Green E W, elk, 126 w Main, r 236 Cleveland Green Frank, 629 Mangum Green Fred A, 204 Dillard Green Jno M, 300 w Peabody Green J T, grocer (Green Bros) 1 14 w Main, r 629 Mangum Green mrs Kate M, 204 Dillard Green mrs Lelia R, 315 w Main Green mrs Mary, 611 Mangum Green mrs M F 300 w Peabody Green mrs M A, 629 Mangum Green miss Myrtle M, 629 Mangum Green mrs W E, 244 Cleveland Green Wade, 629 Mangum Griffith miss Bertie, 106 Vickers Alley Griffith mrs Mary Grissom mrs Emma T, 208 McMannen Grissom E W, elk 121 e Main, r 208 McMannert Grissom miss Maude, 309 Morgan Grissom mrs Mary E, " " Griswold mrs LB, 311 w Pettigrew GrisWOLD W J, mdse broker and ins agt, 102 w Mairi up stairs, 1311 w Pettigrew Gunter mrs C K, r 405 Rigsbee ave Guthrie B H, tob weigher, 625 w Proctor THE FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION represented by J. J. MACKAY, gives first-class Life Insurance. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association of Philadelphia give in- surance at one-third less cost than the old line companies. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, Passing through the Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro. Spartenburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the South and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. hi Guthrie mrs Ella, 401 e Main Guthrie G W, 625 w Proctor Guthrie miss Lizzie, 625 w Proctor Guthrie mrs S E, Guthrie W A, Lawyer, 106 e Main up-stairs, r 401 e Main Guthrie Willie B, 401 e Main HAASE C H B, mgr Mut Land Co, bds Hotel Clai- born Habel J J, tailor, 120 e Main up-stairs Habel mrs N A, tailoress, 120 e Main up-stairs Hackney E C, editor "Recorder" 108 e Main up-stairs, r 209 w Green Hackney Hugh P, 201 Cleveland Hackney mrs K P, " Hackney mrs Lina A, 209 w Green Hackney miss Maude H, 201 Cleveland Hackney M S, farmer, Hackney R Peele, drug elk 130 e Main, r 201 Cleveland Hah Aung Ding, laundryman 205 e Main Hall x\ndrew, tob prizer, 527 w Main Hall mrs Caroline Hall Chas J, cgtte mcli hand, 527 w Main Hall Jas xA., 510 w Peabody Hall J J, 310 Dillard Hall miss Mattie, cgtte pkr, 527 w Main Hall mrs M J, 202 Cleveland Hall mrs N F, 510 w Peabody Hall mrs Susan, " " Hall Thos, Hall Thos Y, machinist, 202 Cleveland Halliburton mrs Annie, wdw, 213 Liberty Halliburton mrs Emily A, 400 e Main Halliburton mrs Fanny P, wdw 205, Queen GENUINE DUEHM~ TOBACCO ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BUEL. A\TR-I TT\fF' ^'^^ Great Passenger and Freight U ik A|i,4*"^Jyi4lNiBij| Line of the South, with unsurpass- ed Facilities for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight Ser- vice. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 1 1 2 DIRECTORY— White. Halliburton Geo W, 213 Liberty Halliburton J H, dept supt Blackwell's Dur C T Co, r 212 Dillard Halliburton mrs Lucy A, 212 Dillard, Halliburton W S, elk 128 w Alain up-stairs, r 400 e Main Hambright C W, R R engineer, bds 203 \v Pettigrew Hambright mrs Laura, " " Hamilton miss Annette, 203 Morris Hamilton mrs Annie S, " " Hamilton J W, agt Singer Mfg Co, 114 e Main, r 203 Morris Hamilton miss Mary A, 203 Morris Hamilton miss Rosa V, 203 Morris Hamlet W A, R & D R R depot Hammatt Geo B, Blackwell's Dur C T Co, r 117 South Hammatt mrs Mary R, 1 1 7 South Hancock miss Jane, 303 South Hanks R S, supt Electric Light Plant, bds 216 Dillard Hannah Presley, 405 Lea Happer Harry, 207 Roxboro Happer mrs Mary T, 207 Roxboro Happer Mills M, ^ c. Happer miss Minnie O " " Happer R W B, auct Parrish wh, 300 Mangum, r 207 Roxboro Happer R W B Jr, 207 Roxboro Hardee miss Sally F, dress maker, 303 McMannen Harden Geo M, livery and sale stables, 105 Rigsbee Ave, r 502 Mangum Harden G M Jr, livery and sale stables, no Orange and 105 Rigsbee Ave, r 502 Mangum Harden Henry, elk 203 w Main, bds 502 Mangum Harden miss Lena M, 502 Mangum Harden L S, tel operator, R & D R R Depot Jr Tl/r K n]/ k \[ represents the Fidelity Mutual Life . J. iViAUiVA 1 Association of Philadelphia. Before Insuring your life do not fail to see J . J . M AC K A Y . He can save j^ou money. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, passing through the Cities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, IReidsville, Salisbury, Columbia, Augusta, and to the South and South West. P'or information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 113 Harden Mrs M F, 502 Mangum Hargrave mis.s Mamie A, iii Hunt Hargrave N F, « a Hargrave Mrs Sallie E *' " Harper mrs Ida, cgtte pkr, 317 Chapel Hil] Harper miss Jessie, 128 South Harper J R, an Harper mrs Mattie " '* Harper R B, Harrard Jos, 414 Lea Harrard R H, '^ " Harrard miss Sallie, '^ '^ Harrard miss Virginia, '* " Harrell David, elk loi e Main, bds 212 Rigsbee Ave Harris mrs C A, 112 Carr Harris Fred F, 223 Liberty Harris H G, elk 130 e Main, bds 213 e Main Harris Isaac H, 223 Liberty Harris miss Lizzie A, music teacher, 223 Liberty Harris mrs Mahala, tob worker, 113 Cora Harris miss Mary C, 223 Liberty Harris miss Mary J, 120 Broadway Harris N D, w ]Main Harris mrs .N S, 120 Broadway Harris mrs Sally M, 223 Liberty Harris T W, stenographer, 223 Liberty Harrison miss Mary L, 204 Morris Harri.son mrs S A, boarding 204 Morris Harton Bennie, 659 Mangum Harton mrs Ida, <' n Harton Leo W, " '< Harton miss Maud P, 659 Mangum Harton W T, paper box mkr, 659 Mangum Harwaid mrs Emma D, 304 Milton Ave Harward J E, 616 Lea Blackwell's Durham Tobacco ;:;'irt',°"r;, reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market, hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it "THE BEST." 10 Take the Piedisaat iir-Lins, ^H ^{.'°:;^r;.?,rl,."i'! and Richmond, Va., to Athens and Birmingham. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 114 DIRECTORY— White. Harward Jno F, 304 Milton Ave Harward mrs Lucy R, 616 Lea Harward mrs Mar>^ E, 105 Holloway Harward W K, " " ' Haskell M, grocer, 321 Chapel Hill Haskell Morris, elk, 116 e Main Hawkins J W, cheroot maker, 103 e Main Heartt mrs Annie M, 401 w Pettigrew Heartt mrs Dora F, 308 DiUard Heartt E A, " Heartt miss Etta N, 401 w Pettigrew Heartt F H, drug elk 128 w Main, bds 401 w Pettigrew Heartt L D, Cashr First Nat Bk, r Heartt miss Mary L, 401 w Pettigrew Heartt miss Matilda D, 401 w Pettigrew Hedderly H M, tel operator R & D R R depot Hedgepeth A W, elk, 113 e Main Hedgepeth Ira, 204 w Green Henderson mrs Florence, 136 Carr Henderson Jas A, 651 Mangum Henderson J M " " Henderson Dr L B, dentist 100 w Main up-stairs, r 209 Ramseur Henderson miss Mary, 209 Ramseur Henderson miss Rosa B, 651 Mangum Henderson miss Sally R, 209 Ramseur Henderson Sam'l, 209 Ramseur Henderson Thos, 209 Ramseur Henderson Thos, 136 Carr Henderson T P, 651 Mangum Henderson WD, 114 North Hendricks James F, 300 Morehead ave Hendricks mrs Mary, " " Henry Chas E, conductor D&NRR, r3i4e Pettigrew Henry mrs Julia C, 314 e Pettigrew TNQTTPT7 '^'^th J. J. MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 IN O U IV Ju Association of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AI R-LINE, Passing tlirough the Citie« of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro, Spartanburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the South and vSouth West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 115 Henry mrs P F, 314 e Pettigrew Henry R L D, fanner, 314 e Pettigrew Henry W P, grocer, (Henry, O'Brien & Co) 117 e Main, r 314 e Pettigrew Henshall W J, cheroot maker, 113 and 115 ]^Iangum up stairs Herndon miss Ava, 203 Ramsenr Herndon miss Carrie, 203 Ramsenr Herndon mrs Cora, 102 Chapel Hill Herndon Clias M, farmer, 203 Ramsenr Herndon Chas M Jr,203 Ramsenr Herndon mrs D M, wdw, boarding, 526 w Main Herndon miss Ethel, 203 Ramsenr Herndon mrs FA, 524 w Peabody Herndon F S, 524 w Peabody Herndon H L, cgtte box maker, 526 w Alain Herndon miss Ida, 524 w Peabody Herndon J A, printer, 526 w Main Herndon miss Katie, 203 Ramsenr Herndon M C, saloon, 109 e Peabod)-, r 102 Chapel Hill Herndon N V, box maker, 526 w Main Herndon mrs Sallie, 203 Ramsenr Herndon mrs S H, 524 w Peabody Herndon T B, cgtte rach hand, 526 w Main Herndon mrs Virginia, 611 Mangum Herndon W R, trader, 611 Mangmn Herndon & Bagwell, grocers, 105 e Main Herring J P, bds 204 IMorris Hester mrs Jane, 105 Vickers Alley Hester mrs J I 124 Carr Hester Robt S, 124 Carr Hester W D, clerk, 116 w ]\Iain, bds loi w Proctor Hester W H, 105 Vickers Alley Hibberd rniss Daisy, 112 Jones Hibberd mrs E, 112 Jones BE vSURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. The Great Passengier and Freight I'j Line of the South, with unsurpass- ed FaciHties for prompt and satisfactot}^ Passenger and Freight Ser- vice. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. [i6 DIRECTORY— White. Hibberd R, florist, 112 Jones Hicks C T, 200 South Hicks miss Ida "■ '^ Hicks miss Irene '■'' "• Hicks JasD, Hicks Jas L, Hicks J Walker, " " Hicks miss Lucinda W, 200 South Hicks miss Susan, 518 w Peabody High C A, 104 Vickers Alley High C C, High mrs Francis, High miss Flora F, High mrs Hattie L, High Jos T, _ Highsmith miss Ella, 116 Hunt Highsmith miss Julia, Highsmith Julius B, Highsmith J Henry, Highsmith miss Katie, Highsmith L W, Highsmith mrs M A, Highsmith W J, Hill miss Glide L, 114 Can- Hill miss Gussie, 145 McMannen Hinshaw miss Martha 300 Morehead ave Hinton miss Mar>' O, clerk, 118 e Main, r 104 Jones Hinton miss Rhoda, bds 109 S Gregson Hinton R H, 322 Morgan Hinton mrs Sala, 322 Morgan Hinton mrs Susana, 104 Jones Hinton T T, 104 Jones Hinton Wm A, 104 Jones Hobart C L, cheroot maker, 103 e Main Hocutt Alex E, 208 Chapel Hill Jr IVr A Py A V represents the Fidelity Mutual Life . J. 1V1A.UJ\A 1 Association of Philadelphia. Before Insuring your life do not fail to see He can save you money. J. J. MACKAY. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passingtlirough the Cities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro. Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia and Augusta, to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. ^ 117 Hodges J H, 136 South Hodges mrs Mattie, 136 South Holder A A, coal and wood, 202 e Peabodv, r Trinity Park Holland A D, 326 Chapel Hill Holland miss x^da M, 326 Chapel Hill Holland Carey T, clerk 103 e Main, bds 326 Chapel Hill Holland mrs J, 326 Chapel Hill Holland L J, '^ " Holland N D, harness maker, 120 w Main, bds 326 Chapel Hill Holleman mrs Lula M, wdw, 522 w Main Holloway miss Anna E, 235 Cleveland HoUoway mrs C R, 203 Liberty Holloway Edgar J, 203 Liberty Holloway E G R, elk 118 w Main, bds 208 McMannen Holloway miss Hallie P, 203 Liberty Holloway J A, wagon mfr, 201 Liberty, r 203 Liberty Holloway J E, 203 Liberty Holloway miss Ldrena, 107 e Green Holloway miss MoUie, " " Holloway miss M E, school teacher, 208 McMannen Holloway mrs Mary J, 235 Cleveland Holloway mrs Mary J, 107 e Green Holloway mrs Patty, 208 McMannen Holloway Robt, elk 105 w^ Main up-stairs, r 208 Mc- Mannen Holloway miss Rosa, 107 e Green Holloway W H, blacksmith, 301 Church, r 107 e Green Holloway W J, bk kpr First Nat Bk, r 208 McMannen Holman miss Alice H, 214 e Main Holman miss Bessie C, " " Holman mrs ML, 522 w " Holman mrs Mary W, 214 e " Reliable and Salisfactory I BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. fake the Piedmeni Air-liin,e wes?Mon?gomervSfow^^^^ New Orleans, Shriveport, Texas and California. P^or information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. ii8 DIRECTORY— White. HoLMAN S W, Prest and Supt Durham Water Co, 121 e Main, r 214 e Main Holt C G, 134 South Holt R P, 414 Rigsbee ave Honey cutt C B, 136 Carr Honey cutt E P, '' Honeycutt nirs Laura, 103 Dowd Honeycutt miss Margaret, 136 Carr Honeycutt mrs M J, " '' Honeycutt Tobe, Honeycutt W H, blacksmith 408 Mangum, r 103 Dowd Hopkins Jas A, elk 112 w Main, bds 310 Dillard Hopkins House, cor Cleveland and Liberty Hopkins miss M A, Proprietress Hopkins House, 100 Cleveland Hopkins W H, tobacconist, bds 213 Ramseur Hopson mrs Annie, 205 Rowland Hopson L M, farmer, 205 Rowland Horn miss Letitia, 102 Wyatt Hornaday Monroe, 509 w Main Hotel Driver, Mrs Fanny Petway prop, 11 1 Church Howard mrs Amelia, no Reams ave Howard mrs E F, dress maker, 211 e Main Howard Geo F, 211 e Main Howard Geo W, shoemaker, 211 e Main Howard Jas N, cheroot mkr, 113-115 Mangum up stairs r no Reams ave Howard mrs Martha, sack tagger, r 205 Vivian Howard mrs Ruth, no Reams ave Howell Bartlett, sack tagger, r 205 Vivian ^ Howell miss Corinna, sack tagger, r 205 Vivian HowERTON C P, (H & Bro) 408 Mangum, r 619 Mangum HowERTON R T, (H & Bro) 408 Mangum, r 223 Cleve- land Howerton mrs S A, 619 Mangum THE FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION represented by J. J. MAC KAY, gives first-class Life Insurance. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association of Philadelphia give in- surance at one-third less cost than the old line companies. nrAKETHE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, Passing through the Cities 1 of Raleigh, Durham, Gokisboro. Spartenburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the vSouth and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. h. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 119 Howerton mrs Sarah E, 223 Cleveland Howerton Thos J, " " Howerton & Bro, undertakers and carriage nifrs 408 Manguni Hndgins nirs Harriet, 106 e Green Hndgins Jno W, elk loi Manguni Hndgins Thos M, 106 e Green Hndgins W C, elk loi Manguni, bds 205 Pine Hudson nirs E J, 106 Holloway Hudson R S, pat bed spring, 234 w Main, r 106 Hollo- way Huffine L, bottler 226 \v Main, bds 509 w Main Hunt nirs Jane, 209 Randolph Hunter F L, D & N depot Hunter mrs Mary E, wdw, 518 w Main Hunter Sanil, cgtte mkr, 518 w Main Hutchings C m] book kpr W Duke Sons & Co, r 104 Carr Hutchings mrs Ella J, 114 e Pettigrew Hutchings Jno R, (J R Hutchings & Co) cor \v Main and Corcoran, r N Durham Hutchings Jno R & Co, props Reams w h, cor w Main and Corcoran Hutchings mrs Lydia, 104 Carr Hutchings miss Mattie, 102 Wyatt Hutchings miss Rebecca, " " Hutchings miss Temesia, " '' HuTCHiNsJ W, butcher, city market, r 114 e Petti- grew Hutchins mrs Ludie, 114 e Pettigrew IDDINGS MRS FEREINA, 1 10 e Pettigrew ddiiigs, J H, sec master R & D R R, no e Pettigrew Independent Hose Co, 422 w Main Irwin Jno D, contractor. 524 w Main GENUINE DUEHAM" TOBACCO ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BUEL. liP»*,T»« il^m. T3J«J'«m«,w* Aiw T i*»« 1*he shortest direct lime lalie t4S rieailOjn,t 4ir-LjlIiej from Washington, D. C. and Richmond, Va., to Atlanta and Birmingham. For information, address. J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 1 20 DIRECTORY— White. Irwin mrs L J, 524 w Main Irwin miss Mamie B, 524 w Main Israel mrs Maggie \\4, 145 McMannen Israel W R, tobacconist 116 w Parrish, r 145 McMannen Ivey mrs Mary, 132 Carr JACOBS MURPHY, 639 Mangnni ames, Jos M, painter, 234 \v Main. Jeffries A J, 543 w Main Jeffries mrs Etta C, " Jeffries G M, Jeffries miss Ida L, " " •< Jeffries miss Mattie A, *' '' Jeffries miss Minnie 511 Cleveland Jeffries R J, 543 w Main Jeffries Thos, 136 Souths Jenkins mrs Martha, sack maker, no Vickers Alley Jenkins Thomas, laborer "■ "• Jetton mrs C P, 303 Jackson Jetton miss Mamie V, " " Johnson miss Anna E, 403 Lea Johnson AN, 120 Sonth Johnson mrs Bettie, 120 Sonth Johnson mrs Bettie, 520 w Peabody Johnson C Iv, weigh master Far Alliance w h, bds 215 Morris Johnson Duke, 520 w Peabody Johnson D D, carpenter, 118 Hunt Johnson mrs Emma L, dress maker, bds 215 Morris Johnson mrs Isabella, 403 Lea Johnson mrs Ida V, dress maker, 118 Hunt Johnson Jno W, cgtte mch hand, 403 Lea Johnson miss Katie, 120 Sonth Johnson miss Katie L, cgtte pkr, 403 Lea Johnson miss Lula, " " TIMCTTDI? '^^th J.J. MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 IN kJ U lA Hi Associa^^ion of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, passing through the Cities of Alexandria, Cliarlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reidsville, vSalisbury, Columbia, Augusta, and to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 121 Johnson miss Mary, 120 Sonth Johnson Dr N M, '(Dr N M Johnson & Co) 130 e Main, r 120 South Johnson Dr N M & Co, Druggists, 130 e Main Johnson Miss Rosa, 403 Lea Johnson W L, tob weigher, 403 Lea Jolly miss Sally, cgtte pkr, 105 e Proctor Jones mrs Annie, 108 Jackson Jones Berry, 224 Morris Jones mrs Betsy McL, 227 Morris Jones C E, 322 Morgan Jones mrs Emma I, .:oi w Green / Jones Geo R, (G R Jones & Co) leaf tob dealer, 601 Mangum, r 201 w Green Jones Henry F, 224 Morris Jones mrs Jennie, " " Jones J J, 322 Morgan Jones John W, ( J W Jones & Co) 107 w Main, bds Hop- kins House Jones G R & Co, leaf tob dealers, 601 Mangum Jones J W & Co, dry goods etc, 107 w Main Jones M H, jeweller, iii e Main, r 2^7 Morris Jones mrs Mattie L, 105 Chapel Hill Jones miss Ora J, 322 Morgan Jones Ralph G, elk 107 w Main, bds 213 e Main Jones R M, (G R J & Co) leaf tob dealer, 601 Mangum r 322 Morgan Jones mrs R W, 322 Morgan Jones mrs Sarah, " " Jones Thos J, elk 107 w Main, bds Hopkins House Jones W R, 322 Morgan, Jordan miss Addie, 102 Cora Jordan mrs A W, teacher graded school, 311 e Main Jordan miss Bertie, cgtte pkr 102 Cora Jordan C A, elk at W Duke Sons & Co, bds 214 e Main Blackwell's Durham Tobacco ^IplTlt™; • reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market, hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it "THE BEST." II f TVT'tjS The Great Passenger and Freight JJIllNj JilJjj Line of the South, with unsurpass- ed FaciUties for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight vSer- vice. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 122 DIRECTORY— White. Jordan miss Emma, paper box mkr, 302 Morehead ave Jordan mrs Edith H, 102 Cora, Jordan E J, " " Jordan Harry, 311 e Main Jordan Jas R, 102 Cora Jordan mrs Lela A, bds 214 e Main Jordan miss Lenora, bds 102 Cora Jordan miss Maggie C, 311 e Main Jordan miss Pattie B, 229 Morris Jordan mrs Sadie, cgtte pkr, 302 Morehead ave Jordan W T, asst floor nigr Farmers' Alliance w h 400 x'^ Main, bds 342 w Green Jonrdan mrs Clara, 140 McMannen Jonrdan Charlie E, " '' Jonrdan Stanislans, elk R & D R R depot, r /40 Mc- Mannen Joyner mrs mrs Mary A, 300 Lea Joyner P H, variety store, 1 1 2 e Main, r 300 Lea KE ARSON MRS MARY, 518 w Peabody Kelly miss Jennie, 305 Jackson Kelly John E, 305 Jackson Kelly miss Lena, cgtte pkr, 305 Jackson Kelly miss M C, cgtte pkr, 305 Jackson Kelly Reuben, tob worker, 305 Jackson Kelly mrs Tabitha, 305 Jackson Kennedy E W, supt graded school, r 222 Peabody Kennedy mrs Marion, F, 222 Peabody Kennedy James, tailor, 122 e Main, r 127 South Kennedy mrs Mary, 127 South Kennedy miss Susan E, " " Kennedy Wm C, " " Kerner Henry C, bds Hopkins House Kerr H D, in Garrett's Alley Kerr mrs Maggie, in Garrett's Alley J- [ IVF A P l^ A V represents the Fidelity Mutual Life . J . iVlilUlV A 1 Association of Philadelphia. Before Insuring your Ufe do not fail to see J. J. MACKAY. He can save you money. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passingthrough the Cltle§ of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia and Augusta, to the vSouth and South West. For information, address, J. L- Tavlor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 123 Kerr Wm A, iii Garrett's Alley King Clias A, 11 1 Hunt King- C C, 118 Hunt King C E, drug clerk, 106 e Main, r 119 Broadway King Charlie H, 119 Broadway King C W, 509 w Main King mrs Elizabeth, in Hunt King miss Fannie^ " "' KingGT, King Harris L, 119 Broadway King miss Lnla in Hunt King miss Mollie D^ 1 1 8 " King N J III " King miss Stella I, " " King mrs Susan A, 118 " King W C, 509 w Main King mrs Nettie M, 119 Broadway King J H, printer, 129 e Main, bds 305 Milton ave King mrs Lillian, 305 Milton ave Kirkland mrs Cammie, 117 Broadway Kirkland L J, clerk, loi e Main, r 117 Broadway Kirkland J L mail carrier, bds Driver House Kirkman A A, train dispatcher R «Si D R R, bds 215 e Main Kramer Albert, tobacconist, 122 and 124 McMannen bds Hotel Claiborn Kramer Samuel & Co, cigar mfrs, 109 e Main, up stairs Kramer Sam'l, (Samuel Kramer & Co) 109 e I\Iain, r 106 Dandy Kreth Fernando, 251 Cleveland Kreth mrs F, " " LAMBE, MRS A R, 106 Broadway Lambe Floy, Lambe Maude, . " " Lambe, ThoS J, clothing, 105 e Main r 106 Broadway Reliable and Satisfactory / BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. fake the Piedment Ait-tiae l?J:LT,^l:rt,^^l: New Orleans, Shriveport, Texas and California. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 124 DIRECTORY— White. Lambe V T, clerk 105 e Main, bds 106 Broadway Lambe P R, clerk Hotel Claiborn Landing E T, 107 Holloway Landing mrs M E, dress maker, 107 Holloway Lashley miss Alice, cigtte pkr, 108 e Green Lashle)' mrs Anna, 503 Mangnm Lashley miss Fannie, cigtte pkr, 108 e Green Lashley J W, 503 Mangum Lashley S F, " Lashley Thos D, tob worker, 108 e Green Latta F A, clerk 108 Mangum, * Latta Geo, 310 Dillard Lawrence CM, 126 South Lawrence Frank " " Lawrence James, eng D & N R R, 244 w Peabody Lawrence J R, 126 South Lawrence miss Minnie " Lawrence mrs Rida, " Laws C F, saloon, 109 Mangum, r North Durham Lea mrs Addie, 208 Fuller Lea miss Alice, " " Lea miss Annie, 303 South Lea mrs Bettie, 303 South Lea mrs Bettie L, 310 Lea Lea C W, clerk, 104 Broadway Lea Ellis, 208 Fuller Lea mrs Eliza, " " Lea E T, 460 Roxboro Lea miss Hattie O, 104 Broadway Lea mrs Hawkins, 117 McMannen- Lea Henry 303 South Lea Henry C, elk 107-109 Corcoran Lea mrs Ida M, 107 s Gregson Lea Jno T, leaf tob dealer, 108 Reams ave Lea mrs Leah F, 460 Roxboro THE FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION represented by J. J. MACKAY, gives first-class Life Insurance. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association of Philadelphia give in- surance at one-third less cost than the old line companies. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passingthrough the Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro, Spartanburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the South and vSouth West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTOR Y— White. i 2 5 Lea mrs Luc)' L, 108 Reams ave Lea mrs Martha D, 104 Broadway Lea Nat P, leaf tob dealer, 309 Fuller, r Caswell Hill Lea P T, 107 s Gregson Lea miss Roberta G, 104 Broadway Lea mrs Rosa B, 303 South Lea W A, leaf tob dealer, 104 Broadway Leary S L, architect, 201 w Main, 3d floor Leathers F S, B D C Tob Co, r 114 Dillard Leathers Joe E, 114 Dillard Leathers mrs Lou M, 114 Dillard Lemmons mrs Bedie, 146 Vickers ave Lemmons Wm, lab, 146 Vickers ave Lewter A A, paper box maker, 514 w Main Lewter miss Bettie L, cgtte pkr, 244 Cleveland Lewter C M, local eng (Duke's) 109 Hunt Lewter Jas R, 109 Hunt Lewter miss ME, 512 w Main Lewter mrs T H, 109 Hunt Lewis mrs Emily, 616 Lea Lewis G W, 616 Lea Lewis Jas E R, 315 Chapel Hill Lewis mrs Lilla A, 104 Watkins Lindsay Jno M, 228 Morris Lindsay mrs Nannie C, 228 Morris Lindsay Robt L, an Lindsay Willie C, Lineberry E G, book kpr Morehead Bank, 105 w Main r 306 Morehead ave Lineberry mrs Maggie W, 306 Morehead ave Link miss Annie L, 214 e Main Link I N, elk W Duke Sons & Co, bds cor Main and Corcoran Lipscomb John M, 304 e Main Lipscomb Wm, 103 Dillard BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO ! BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. laki the RedmOjIlt 4il;-lime» from Washington, D. C, and Richmond, Va., to Athens and Birmingham. For information, address, J. I/. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 126 DIRECTORY— White. Little miss Annie W, 206 Jackson Little Edgar, Little Jimmie, *' " Little miss Nannie E, " " Little TH, Little THJr, Lloyd mrs Annie, 447 Roxboro Lloyd A E, (A H L & Co) 122 w Main, r 307 Chapel Hill Lloyd A E & Co, hardware 122 w Main Lloyd A J, 103 Hunt Lloyd mrs Fannie, 103 Hunt * Lloyd mrs Lee L, 306 Chapel Hill Lockhart Jno S, leaf tob dealer 114 Dillard Lockhart miss Lilly, " " Loefler John V, watchmaker 11 1 e Main, bds 116 e Main Long Ed J, painter, 526 w Main Long miss Eugenia D, 1 1 1 Vickers Alley Long Jno S. tobacconist (J W Smith & Co) 308 w Main, r North Durham Long John Z, iii Vickers Alley Long mrs Mary, »' " " Long MM, Lougee G E, tinner 228 w Main, r 108 Broadway Lougee G E Jr, book binder 119 Manguni, (up stairs) r 108 Broadway Lougee mrs MCE, 108 Broadway Lougee mi.ss Nellie B, elk 127 e Main, r 108 Broadway" Lougee Wm J, tinner 228 w Main, r 108 Broadway Lougee V B, 108 Broadway Lowe miss P M, dfess maker, 300 Lea Lunsford miss Annie Y, 202 South LunsfordJHO, Lunsford mrs Laura E, " " Lunsford miss Nannie, '* " T1S.TQTTDT7 with J. J. MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 IN k!) U i\ Hi Association of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. HTAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, Passin- through the Cities 1 of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro. Spartenburg, Greenville vSeiieca Gainsville and Athens, to the South and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga, DIRECTORY— White. . TTj LuNSFORD P, Reg Deeds, 202 South Lunsford Will E, tobacconist 116 w Parrish, bds Hotel Claiboni Iv\'don Henry, 109 Dandy Lynch Dr Wni, dentist 201 w Main (up stairs), r North ■ Durham L}'nn miss Annie E, Chapel Hill Eynn G W, cgtte mch hand, '' " Lynn miss Nettie A, dress mkr " " Lynn R H, cgtte stamper " " Lynn Wm, elk, 109 e Peabody Lynn W C, cgtte stamper, Chapel Hill Lynn W J, cgtte mch hand, " " Lyon miss Anna 661 Mangum Lyon Bennie, 336 w Peabody Lyon miss Dora A, 310 Lea' Lyon George L, 336 w Peabody Lyon miss Ivey, 302 Ramsenr Lyon J Ed, (Durham Cheroot Co) 103 e Main, r 302 Ramseur L) on miss Lora, 302 Ramseur Lyon miss Mar}-, 336 w Peabody Lyon mrs Mary E, " " Lyon miss Mittie, 302 Ramseur Lyon mrs Mollie S, 661 Mangum Lyon miss Nettie, " " Lyon R E, leaf tob dealer cor Church and e Peabodv, r 336 w Peabody Lyon Thos B, leaf tob dealer, 661 Mangum Lyon miss Vera, 302 Ramseur Lyon Z I & Co, tob mfrs, E J Parrish prop, 122-124 e Pettigrew cor Pine McCABE MRS MARY E, 108 Willard ave cCabe W H, insurance 203 \v Main (up stairs), r 108 Willard ave GENUINE DURHAM TOBACCO ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BULL. lake the Kedaont Ait-lm, c^Z t"::^u,J^Ti>'c: and Richmond, Va., to Atlanta and Birmingham, p'or information, address. J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 128 DIRECTORY— White. McClees miss Bertha A, 104 Wyatt McClees mrs E C, cc u McClees T L, fish dealer city market, r 104 Wyatt McClees miss Maude, 104 Wyatt McClees miss Neely, " " McCollum, mrs Lizzie M, 116 Broadway McCollum W M, elk 113 e Main, r 116 Broadway McDade mrs Ella H, 406 Lea McDade Ira, " ''• McDade J C, carpenter, " " McDade miss Nannie, >■<■<■<■ McGary mrs Annie, 231 Morris McGary Chas, elk W Duke Sons & Co, r 231 Morris McGary mrs Daisy M, 231 Morris McGary mrs Maggie, 305 w Pettigrew McGary W B, elk 126 w Main, r 305 w Pettigrew McGhee miss Fanny, sack maker, 407 Lea McGhee miss Ludelia, cgtte pkr " " McGhee miss Maggie L, cgtte pkr " " McGhee mrs Rebecca, " " McGhee W H, farmer " " McLennan J M, elk loj Main, bds 215 e Main McMannen mrs E B, 117 McMannen McMannen Jno A, " " McMannen miss Myra A, " " McWilliams Jno L, printer, 112 Seminary McWilliams Peter, harness maker, 112 Seminary McWilliams mrs S A, 112 Seminar}' McWilliams Wm J, tob worker, 112 Seminary Mackay mrs C J, 225 Liberty Mackay Devereux, 225 Liberty Mackay J J, life ins agt and anctcom mcht 107 e Main, r 225 Liberty Mackay miss Mary R, 225 Liberty Mackay Tommie " " TIVTCTIDI? ^^*^^ J J- MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 IN O U rX Ej Association of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, passing through the Cities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia, Augusta, and to the vSouth and vSouth West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 129 Maddry Frank, printer 108 e Main (up stairs), r 512 w ]Main Maddry miss Katie, 512 w Main Main St Methodist Church, 511 w Main Mallory J T, (Mallory Cheroot Co) 118 w Parrish, r 209 w Green Malone nirs Fannie M, 307 Fuller Malone Jno H, a ^i Mangum nirs Celestia I, 209 Liberty Manguni Clifton, 142 McMannen Mangum DC, " " Mangum DeWitt, elk city market, r loi Dowd Mangum mrs Elizabeth A, 204 w Green Mangum F R, carpenter, 204 Cleveland Mangum Hugh, 308 e Main Mangum mrs Jennie, loi Dowd Mangum mrs Julia A, 108 e Green Mangum Jordan T, 204. Cleveland Mangum J S, (W Mangum & Son), 108 IMangum, r 209 Liberty Mangum Leo, 308 e Main Mangum miss Lula, " " Mangum JXIaynard, 108 e Green Mangum miss Minnie L, 209 Liberty Mangum miss Pattie, 308 e Main Mangum mrs Martha T, 204 Cleveland Mangum mrs Martha, 142 McMannen Mangum miss Mary, 204 Cleveland Mangum P J, farmer, 306 e Main Mangum miss Rebecca E, 204 w Green Mangum mrs Sally A, 306 e Main Mangum Thos J, 204 Cleveland Mangum mrs Tillie, 142 McMannen Mangum Wm, mfr sash door & blinds 326 w Green, r 204 w Green Blackwell's Durham Tolncco "o^irt^":::; reliable, satisfactory vSmoking Tobacco ever put upon the market, hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it 'THE BEST." 12 Take the Fiedmont Air-I.iae ^:^:irX!«'^^^. New Orleans, Shrivcport, Texas and California. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 130 DIRECTORY— White. Mangum Wm M, 204 Cleveland Mangum Willis, undertaker, 142 McMannen Mangum W & Son, genl mdse, 108 Mangum Mangum miss Lelia B, 216 Cleveland Mangum miss Lottie B, " " Mangum miss Lila B, " " Manning Dr Jno M, physician and surgeon, 202 Cor- coran, r 109 Jackson Manning mrs M A, 109 Jackson Manning, J S, lawyer 201 w Mayi (up stairs), r North Durham IMarkham mrs Anna, 313 Lea Markham mrs Annie, cor Roxboro and May Markham M G, cor Roxboro and May Markham A D, farmer, 106 e Pettigrew Markham Charlie B, 216 Cleveland Markham C J, carpenter, 51.; w Main Markham mrs Cora F, 211 Rigsbee ave Markham mrs Ella B, 216 Cleveland Markham F D, sheriff 204 e Main, r East Durham Markham H H, genl mdse loi w Main, r 100 e Proctor Markham H P, elk 202 Mangum, r 211 Rigsbee ave Markham J L, merchant loi w Main, r 216 Cleveland Markham J M, blacksmith, 512 w Main Markham James W, mail carrier, 313 Lea Markham Jno W, elk 209 Mangum, r 112 South Markham miss Mittie, dress maker 512 w Main IMarkham M F, elk loi w Main, bds Hopkins House Markham mrs Rosa, 201 McMannen Markham mrs R H, 106 e Pettigrew Marsh miss L A, dress maker iii e Main (up stairs), bds 108 w Green Marshall AH, 134 Carr Marshall Charley " Marshall mrs R, " " THE FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE ASvSOCIATION represented by J. J. MACKAY, gives first-class Life Insurance. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association of Philadelphia give in- surance at one-third less cost than the old line companies. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE,Passing through the Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro, Spartanburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the South and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor. Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 131 ^lartin inrs Rosa H, 304 Morehead ave Martin T H, leaf tob dealer no IMorris, r 304 !\Ioreliead ave ]Mason J B Jr, collector Fidelit}- I]ank 201 w ]Main, r 210 e Pettigrew Massey Rufus, farmer, 113 Church Matthews A B, elk 130 e Main, r 209 South Matthews B W, farmer, 304 South Matthews mrs E A, " Matthews EC, Matthews J B, elk 123 e Main, r 304 Soutli Matthews mrs Orrie, 209 South May Jas H, brick mason, 313 Dillard . May miss Lizzie O, 236 Cleveland May mrs Mildred, 236 Dillard May miss O, 313 Dillard Mayes mrs Ann, 527 w Main Mayes John, cgtte mcli hand, 527 w ]\Iain Maynard miss Blanche, 12S Carr Maynard miss Hattie " " Maynard J M, " " Maynard IMurtie, " " Maynard mrs Vallie, " " Maynor Albert, cigtte mkr 130 e Tvlain, 508 w Peabodv Maynor mrs x\nn E, 508 w Peabody Maynor mrs Hawkins, r 107 w Proctor Maynor Joseph, 304 Fuller Maynor J H, 209 Jackson INI ay nor J J 105 Dowd j\Ia)'nor miss Laura, 508 w Peabody Maynor miss Lillie, 209 Jackson Maynor mrs Lula, 508 w Peabody Maynor miss Lula, 209 Jackson Maynor mrs Mar}', " " Mavnor mrs Mar}' A 304 Fuller 'bLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO I BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. ,ke tlie^ Piedmaat Air-Line, ,VZ wS?4.t"D.''c"! and Ricliniond, Va., to Atlanta and Birmingham. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 132 DIRECTORY— White. Maynor N G, 105 Dowd ]\Ia}'iior Win, contractor, r 107 w Proctor cor Sontli IMaynor W J, 304 Fnller Meadows Jno H, foreman Farmer's Alliance Plug Fact^ r 206 McMannen Meadows mrs Julia L, 206 McMannen Meadows W T, tob buyer Far All Plug Fact, bds 213 e Main Medlin mrs Minerva, 509 w Main INIeeks Andrew, cgtte mkr, 130 e Main up stairs, r West Durham Meeks John, cgtte mkr, 130 e Main up stairs, r W Durham Meinhart Theo, civil engineer, 201 w Main 3d floor, bds Hopkins House Meinhart mrs Marie, bds Hopkins House IMelvin A H, carpenter, 308 Morgan ]\Ielvin Joshua, u u MelvinJasA, Melvin J L, clerk 513 n Gregson, bds 510 w Main IMelvin Leonidas, 208 Vickers ave Melvin mrs Lillie T, 308 Morgan Melvin mrs Martha A " "' Melvin mrs V L, 208 Vickers ave Melvin miss Willie B, cgtte pkr, 308 Morgan IMercer mrs M C, 231 Morris Meredith C A, Trinitv Park Meredith J D, " ' " Meredith Ernest, " " Meredith & Son, contractors and builders. Trinity Park Mesley J S, mer tailor, 122 e Main, r 104 w Proctor Mesley mrs Maid E, 104 w Proctor Michaels A H, (Michaels & Co) 100-102 e ]\Iain cor Mangum, r 201 Jackson Michaels mrs M A, 201 Jackson TMQTIDT? ^^'it^^ J- J- MACKAY, Agent Eidelitv Mutual Life i IN O U JC\ Hi Association of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE,Passingtlirough the Cities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Damnlle, Greensboro Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia and Augusta, to the South and South West. P'or information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 133 Michaels & Co, druggists, 100-102 e Main cor Maii- giiin Michie mrs Einih', 208 Queen MiCHiE J C, civil engineer, 118 w Main (up stairs) r 208 Oueen MiDDLETON E L, prin Dur Female Institute, 511 Man- gum Middleton mrs Mary E, 511 Mangum Miller C A, 118 Carr Miller Chas E, '' '' Miller miss Jennie, 118 Carr Miller miss Maggie, " " Mills mrs Louisa, seamstress, 107 Mangum up stan's Mincey miss Ada, 107 Garrett's Alley Mincey mrs Edy J, " " Mincey Harry, carpenter, 107 Garrett's Alley Mitchell Chas, 509 w Main Mitchell J F, D & N R R, bds 100 Cleveland Mitchell T G, gen canvasser Banner W H, 214 e Main Monk mrs Bett}' B, 122 South Monk miss Virginia, ". " Monk W J, clerk 120 e Main Montgomery R L, tel op D & N depot, bds Hopkins House Moody J C, 209 McMannen Moore James S, asst master trains R&DRR, r228 Morris Moore mrs Mana C, 228 Morris Moore mrs M J, wdw, dress maker, 511 Mangum Moore mrs Rebecca J, 448 Roxboro Moore miss Susan, cook 236 Cleveland Morehead J L, 502 Lea MorEHEAD Jno M, tobacconist, 205 Randolph, bds Hotel Claiborn Iviorchcad miss Lizzie, 502 Lea Reliable and Satisfactory ! BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. rjMT 4IR,LiIlf E 7-^'" ^r!f Passenger and Freight »■*« «**;ii*^j Line of the South, with unsurpass- ed Facilities for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight Ser- vice. For information, address, J. L- Tajdor, Atlanta, Ga. 134 DIRECTORY— White. Moreliead mrs L L, 502 Lea Morehead miss Madge " " MoREHEAD Banking Co, W H Willard prest, W M Mor- gan cash, E C INIiirray teller, 105 w Main Morgan mrs A F, r 400 Alorehead ave Morgan miss Blanch, 112 Dillard Morgan miss Mand C, '' " Morgan mrs S F, Morgan S T, (Morgan & Carr) 205 Mangum, r 112 Dil- lard Morgan S T Jr, 112 Dillard Morgan mrs T A, 112 Dillard Morgan W M, cash Morehead Bank'g Co, 105 w Main r 400 Morehead ave Morgan & Carr, com nichts, 202 Mangum Morris Jno B, dept supt B D C Tob C, r 108 Jackson Morris miss Eilly, 108 Jackson Morris mrs Nannie D, 108 Jackson Morris R F & Sons Mfg Co, S F Tomlinson manager 208-212 w Peabody Morris Rich'd H, confectioner, 236 w Main, r 518 w ]Main Morton mrs AUena, 510 w Main Morton J C B, grocer, 513 w Main, r 510 w Main Murphy Linwood, cgtte mkr, 130 e Main, r W Durham Murray mrs Cornelia E, 319 Morgan Murray E C, teller Morehead Banking Co, 105 w Main r 306 Morehead ave Murray J S, agt New Home Sew Mch Co, 114 w Main Murray mrs Mary E, 446 Roxboro Murrav miss Minnie E, 446 Roxboro Murray W R, (W R M & Co) 103 Main, r 446 Roxboro Murray, W. R & Co, Dom Sew Machines, Pianos and Organs, 103 w Maiu Muse Chas J, blacksmith, 300 INIorehead ave Muse mrs Eudora C, 100 Cleveland JT IV/F A PIZ A V represents the Fidelity Mutual Life . J. iViALlVA 1 Association of Philadelphia. Before Insuring your life do not fail to see J . J . M ACK A Y . He can save you money. TAKETHEPIEDMONTAIRLINE, Passing through the Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro. Spartenburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the South and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 135 Muse mrs Lizzie, 300 Morehead ave Muse miss Lizzie 107 Hunt Muse mrs LH Muse W A, office elk D & N R R, bds Hopkins House Musk W H, dry goods 109 e Main, r 107 Hunt NEBTHERY JOS, cgtte mkr, 130 e Main up stairs, bds North Durham Neal mrs Mary, 102 e Proctor Neely W J, clerk L & D depot New S F, manager Cheroot Co 113-115 Mangum, r no Ramseur New mrs Lizzie, no Ramseur NewJasR, New miss Reba ^ 1 1 New miss Virginia, no Ramseur Nicely, L E, vSo Ex Agt 102 e Parri.sh, bds Hopkins House Nichols Geo, 205 Willard Nichols miss Mary, 408 Willard Nichols miss Nannie, 408 Willard Nichols miss Patsy, 406 e Main Nichols miss Wilson, 205 Willard Noell P A, elk Parrish W H, bds 215 e Main Norris M J, printer, 108 e Main up stairs Norton miss Brazil E, 302 Chapel Hill Norton C H, contractor and Guilder, 302 Chapel Hill Norton mrs Nannie M, 302 Chapel Hill Norwood Cephas, machinist, 203 Jackson Norwood miss Eula J " " Norwood Hasel, school teacher, 208 Queen Norwood miss Ivy May, 203 Jackson Norwood J W, 203 Jackson Norwood L C, '^ Norwood mrs Mary A, 203 Jackson GENUINE DURHAM" TOBACCO ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BULL. Take the fiednisat Mt-Um, i^':, ^Sr4.orD.'"c! and Richmond, Va., to Athens and Binninghanu For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 136 DIRECTORY— White. Norwoood mrs M Lr, boarding, 208 Queen Norwood Paul, saloon, 112 Mangum, bds iii Cliurcli Norwood miss Sarah B, 203 Jackson Nowell miss Myrtle, 314 Chapel Hill O'BRIEN C J, long cut tob worker, 625 Eea 'Brien mrs Nannie, 625 Lea O'Brien Wm T, machinist at Dukes', r West Durham O' Daniel C H, 120 Carr O' Daniel mrs Mary, 120 Carr O' Daniel mrs Mollie E, 109 Vickers Alley O' Daniel W G, ^' ^' ' OSBORN W H, prest Keely Institute and leaf tob dealer, 206 Watkins Overby L W, elk 124 w Main, r 604 Mangum Overby mrs Mary E, 604 Mangum PALMER MISS MAG C, music teacher, 105 Hollo- way Palmer W W, salesman, 342 w Green Pamplin L L, real estate agt (R B Boone & Co), 100 e Main, r North Durham Parker Junius, lawyer, (Boone & P) office Mangum building cor Main and Mangum, bds Hotel Claiborn Parker J P, elk, 100 w Main Parker J W, elk, 246 Parrish mrs Barbara, 112 Carr ' Parrish E J, prop Parnsh Worehouse and Z I Lyon & Co tob mfrs, 300 Mangum, r 202 Dillard Parrish miss Josie, 202 South Parrish Jos B, carpenter, 112 Carr Parrish J L, 112 Carr Parrish miss Lilly, 202 Dillard Parrish Mack D, tobacconist, 502 Mangum Parrish miss Mary, 112 Carr Parrish mrs Rosa E, 202 Dillard TN^TTPF with J. J. MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life llxOUrvJu Association of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, passinj^ through the Cities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reidsville, Salisbur}-, Columbia, Augusta, and to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L- Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 137 Parrisli miss Sally 202 South Panisli miss Sallie E, 202 Dillard Parrish's Warehouse, E J Parrish Proprietor 300 INIaiigum Paschall mrs A O, 631 jNIangum Paschall John J, cgtte mch hand, 631 Mangum Paschall James P, 310 Dillard Paschall mrs Radah 631 Mangum Paschall mrs Sarah E, 103 Garretts Alley Patterson miss Cornelia, (mrs A J Faucette & Co) 118 e Main, r 310 Lea Patterson mrs C S, 113 Jackson Patterson Danl B, 312 Chapel Hill Pattef son miss Eugenie C, 113 Jackson Patterson E O, elk, 206 Mangum Patterson miss Edney S, 312 Chapel Hill Patterson Henry B, ' " Patton mrs Alice M, 222 Morris PatTON J R, grocer, (Thaxton & P) 116 w Main, r 222 Morris Paul H V, elk 120 e Main, r 200 Pine Paul H V Jr, 200 Pine Paul mrs Jane, 200 Pine Peacock mrs Lina A, 107 Hollowav Peacock W T, ' " " "^ Pearce mrs Lucy L, 216 Morris Pearce miss Mabel, " '' Pearce W T, shipping elk W Duke Sons & Co, r 216 Morriss Pearman mrs Fannie L, 226 Morris Pearman Z M, Peav miss Annie L, 208 Dillard Peay miss Ella B, " Peay miss Lessie E, " " Peay miss Mamie E, " " Blackwell's Uurham Tol)acco ^^"ir'nrf:™;: reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market, hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it "THE BEST." 13 fake the Eiedmont Air-iins, -fSl^ t^,i:^%'Z and Richmond, Va., to Atlanta and Birmin<^liam. For inforniation-,, address, J. L. Taylor,- Atlanta, Ga. 1 38 DIRECTORY— White. Peay mrs P D, 208 Dillard Peay T L, tobacconist 217 e Peabody, r 208 Dillard Pendergrass miss Carrie, 516 \v Main Pendergrass mrs Eliza, 525 w Main Pendergrass John, 205 Jackson Pendergrass mrs Martha, paper box maker, 525 w Main Pendergrass miss Minnie L, 209 Qneen Pendergrass mrs M J, 516 w Main Pendergrass O N, bronzer 119 Mangum (np stairs) r 108; Strayhorn x-lUey Pendergrass P M, cooper, 516 w Main Pendergrass Rufus, pressman, 525 w Main Pendergrass R F, cgtte box maker, 516 w Main Pendergrass miss Sudie, 209 Queen Pendergras"^ T M, cgtte box maker, 516 w Main Perkins D B, no Carr Perkinson mrs Lilly, 403 Mangum Perkinson W W, tailor 122 e Main, r 403 Mangum Perry D W, clerk 108 Mangum, r 340 w Green Perry Geo W, 305 Lea Perry J S, elk 117 e Main, bds 340 w Green Perry Lee, 202 Rigsbee ave Perry mrs Lena, 303 Lea Perry miss Lena J, 202 Rigsbee ave Perry mrs Louisa, 145 McMannen Perry mrs Louisa J, 340 w Green Perry miss Lou M, 202 Rigsbee ave Perry L W, 340 w Green Perry miss Maggie L, 202 Rigsbe-: ave Perry miss Mary E, " " Perry Sammy, 340 w Green Perry S R, 145 McMannen Perry W R, 303 Lea Petway miss Ada, 1 1 1 Church TjVjCTTpr' with J. J. MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 IN O U iX Lj Associa^^ion of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passingtlirough the Cities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, L3'nchburg, Danville, Greensboro. .Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia and Augusta, to the South and South "West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 139 Petway Mrs Fanny, proprietress Hotel Driver, hi Church Phipps A Y, clerk 122 Main, r 300 McManiien Phipps miss Emma, " " Phipps miss Eula, '* " Phipps J J, pressman, 118 w Main, r no Reams ave Phipps miss Lou, 300 McMannen Phipps mrs L C, " Phipps mrs Sarah, seamstress, no Reams ave Pickard miss Estella, cigtte inspector, 113 s Gregson Pickard Henry, carpenter, 113 s Gregson Pickard mrs Nancy J, 113 s Gregson Pickard P McK, 113 s Gregson Pickett mrs Bettie W, bds 342 206 Cleveland Pickett H S, post office clerk, bds 206 Cleveland. Piper mrs Annie E, 123 South Piper miss Avie, " " Piper Chas L, elk 203 w Main (up stairs) r 123 South Piper Eugene C, elk 119 e Main Piper E L, eng O & C R R, bds Hotel Driver Piper J G, dept supt Blackwell's Dur C Tob Co, r 123 South Piper Sam B, 123 South Pleasants mrs Nola, 104 Watkins Pleasants R C, saloon, 117 w Parrish, r 104 Watkins Pleasants mrs Sarah, 104 Watkins Poe EC, 132 Carr Poe mrs Jennie, 132 Carr Pollard John, farmers' host, 400 w Main Ponder miss Vevett, dress maker, in e Main up stairs bds 109 Hunt Pool mrs Alice, 109 Dandy Pool mrs Julia, 400 Mangum Pool Rob't, saloon, 117 w Parrish bds 400 Mangum Pool S D, carpenter, 109 Dandy Reliable and Satisfactory I BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. Take the Piedmoat Ak-Um, fSr, S,I?g.oru'c': and Richmond, Va., to Athens and Birmingham. 'For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 140 DIRECTORY— White. Pool Waverly, 400 Rigsbee ave Pope John W, county tresr'r, manager Far All \V H, 400 w Main, r 221 Morris Pope miss Lizzie, 402 e Main Pope mrs Mollie B, 221 Morris Pope miss Sarah A E, 404 e Main Pope T C, salesman, 213 e Main PosTLEY C T, jeweler, 127 e Main Post Office, 205 w Main Potts Jas, asst janitor court house, r North Durham Potter miss Bessie, 107 Hunt Presbyterian Church, 301 e Main Price Jackson, yard master R & D R R, r 208 e Pettigrew Price mrs Sudie, 208 e Pettigrew Pridgen J D, elk 107 w Main, r 202 Chapel Hill Pridgen mrs Lavenia R, r 202 Chapel Hill Pritchard mrs Azzie, bds 113 Jackson Pritchard J J, elk no e Main, bds 113 Jackson Proctor mrs Decie, 133 McMannen Proctor J R, elk 107-109 Corcoran, r 307 Holloway Proctor mrs Kate M, 627 Mangum Proctor mrs Minnie G, 206 Cleveland Proctor mrs M L, 307 Holloway Proctor R B, saloon, 117 w Parrish, r 206 Cleveland Proctor mrs Sarah J, 627 Mangum Proctor W H, grocer, 206 Mangum, r 133 McMannen Propst mrs Annie L, 129 South Propst H L, office elk R & D R R, r 129 South Pugh miss L L, 300 Lea Pugh MB, " " Pugh M F, tob cutter, 300 Lea Pugh mrs Rebecca J, " " Pugh R W carpenter, " " Pugh W B, " " Puryear miss Allie, 124 Carr TNQTTPT^' ^^'itli J- J- mack AY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 IN O U Iv 1-J Association of Philadelphia. The rians of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AlR-LINE.Pnssingthroug'h the Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goklsboro, Spartanburg, Greenville, Seneca, <7ainsville and Athens, to the South and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Ta3'lor. Atlanta, Gfl. DIRECTORY— White. 141 Piiryear L S, clerk, 105 e Main, bds 213 e Main UARLES J T, saloon, loi Mangum Q RABOTKAU MRS S A, 311 e Main amsey miss Addie B, stenographer 125 Ramsey Ramsey miss Annette, 209 Fuller Ramsey miss Annie E, teacher stenography graded school, r 125 Ramse}' Ramsey nirs Anne T, 125 Ramsey Ramsey miss Ardie, 209 Fuller Ramsey miss Baitie, 209 Fuller Ramsey miss Cora M, 125 Ramsey Ramsey mrs Mollie, 209 Fuller Ramsey N A, publisher city directory, 125 Ramsey Ramsey N A Jr, 125 Ramsey Rankin J R, elk 200 w Main, bds Hopkins House Rarely mrs Alma, bds 209 Pine Rawls miss Annie, xashr Dur Supply Co 126 w Main, r 117 Broadway Rawls mrs AS, 117 Broadway Rawls mrs H H, 402 Morehead ave Rawls Isaiah, carpenter, 117 Broadway Rawls miss Lizzie, 402 Morehead ave Rawls miss Nellie, " " Rawls Q E, N Y Cash Store 119 e Main, r 402 More- head ave Ray miss Annie, 105 Holloway Ray mrs Caroline, 302 Fuller Ray mrs Ellen, 105 Holloway Ray miss Emma D, 302 Fuller Ray George, 406 Lea Ray George, 303 Fuller Ray mrs Lncy, 406 Lea Ray miss Mollie, 302 Fuller BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. Take th,s Piedmont Air-Line To the South and' vSoutlx "' West, Montgonier}-, Mobile. New Orleans, Shriveport, Texas and California. For information., address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 142 DIRECTORY— White. Ray Newman i\, bvitcher city market loi Church Ray Sam, 302 Fuller Ray Walker, 302 Fuller Reams mrs Bettie R, 308 e Pettigrew Reams C F, tobacconist 335 w Green, r 216 Morris Reams miss Ella J, 308 e Pettigrew Reams G A, canvasser for Parrish wh 300 Mangum Reams Jas M, 109 Ramseur Reams H A, tobacconist 252 w Peabody, r 308 e Petti- grew Reams I M, tobacconist 113 Ramseur, r 109 Ramseur Reams I M Jr, brakeman O & C R R, r 109 Ramseur Reams mrs Lucinda, 109 Ramseur Reams mrs LA, 216 Morris Reams miss Lula F, 308 e Pettigrew Reams miss Mamie, 109 Ramseur Reams Sam H, cashier R&D RR, r 109 Ramseur Reams Warehouse, J R Hutchings & Co proprietors, 200 w Main Redmond Delia, Alston ave Redmond mrs Elvira, Redmond J J, Redmond J M, Redmond miss LouraA, Redmond E L, grocer, Redmond miss Mary D, Redmond W T, farmer, Redmond W P, 528 w Main Redmond mrs Jennie, 538 w Main Reed M W, stenographer, Blackwell's Dur Co-op Tob Co, r 202 Ramseur Reed mrs Mary A, 202 Ramseur Reed miss Addie, " " Remington mrs Cora E, 112 Vickers Alley Remington Ernest, " " THE FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION represented by J. J. MAC KAY, gives first-class Life Insurance. The Fidelity Mutu^ Life Association of Philadelphia give in- surance at one-third less cost than the old line companies. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, Passing t1iroug"h tlie Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro. Spartenburg, Greenville, Seneca, iGainsville and Athens, to the vSouth and South West. For informa- :tion, address, J. h. Taj-lor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 143 Remington miss Florence H, 305 Milton ave RemingtonJE, Remington mrs M V, " " Renn J R, conductor D & N R R, r 122 Ramseur Renn miss Mary, 122 Ramseur Renn mrs ME, " Rhodes A G & Co, furniture etc, 246 w Main Richards mrs Eliza, 225 Morris Richardson Alphonso, saddler 120 w Main, r 204 South Richardson mrs Anna, 204 South Richardson mrs J A, 109 Jackson Richardson J B, 204 South Richardson L C, engineer D & N R R, bds Hotel Driver Riddick W N, elk, loi e Main Rigsbee Albert, 509 Mangum Rigsbee A J, farmer, 116 South Rigsbee A M, genl mdse, 202 Mangum, r 228 Corpora- tion Rigsbee Clarence, 116 South Rigsbee miss Geneva, 116 South Rigsbee mrs H V, 509 Mangum Rigsbee miss J G, " " Rigsbee miss Mattie T, 228 Corporation Rigsbee R H, P O clerk 205 w Main, r 228 Corporation Rigsbee miss Rosa L, 228 Corporation Rigsbee mrs R M, " " Rigsbee miss Sallie A, " " Rigsbee Thos J, farmer, 509 Mangum Rigsbee Wm T, 228 Corporation Rigsbee iniss Zoa L, 228 Corporation Riley Jas O, tailor 122 e Main, bds Driver House Rippey D L, 204 Yancey Rippey mrs Geneva, 204 Yancey Roanoke House, mrs M A Watts prop, 400 INIangum GENUINE DUEHAM TOBACCO ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BUEL. 'IIM r ATT? T Tl^?<' ^^^^ Great Passenjafer and Freight ^iMi t, Xljtlfe- MiiNj «, ij„e of the South, with unsurpass- ed FaciUties for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight .Ser- vice. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 144 DIRECTORY— White. Roberson mrs Elizabeth, adv dept BlackwelTs Fact, r 300 IMoreliead ave Roberson Jas E, lab, r 300 Morehead ave Robersoii J T,' saloon elk, 109 Mangum Roberson mrs M C, 210 Willard ave Roberts mrs E N, 232 Cleveland Roberts Dr J D, physician and snroeon 123 \v IMain, r 232 Cleveland Roberts miss Jessie S, 232 Cleveland Roberts mrs S J, 107 Hollo way Robertson miss Annie, 222 Willard Robertson mrs Elizabeth, " " Robertson James " " Robinson Mrs Cora P, local editor "The Durham Daily vSun," bds 213 e Main , Robinson James A, editor "The Dnrham Daily Snn,'* bds 213 e Main Rochelle Alvis T, 522 w Peabody RocHELLE Art Gallery, 112 w Main up stairs Rochelle C W, photog-rapher 112 w Main (np stairs)^ r 311 Ramsenr Rochelle mrs Corinna, 311 Ramsenr Rochelle Eugene S, " " Rochelle mrs Francis, 522 w Peabodv Rochelle F P, an Rochelle G W, 130 Carr Rochelle miss Heniietta, 130 Carr Rochelle miss Lillie J, 311 Ramsenr Rochelle miss Marv E, 522 w Peabod^• Rochelle Wm J, Rogers miss Annie, elk 206 Mangum, bds 133 Mci\Ian-i nen Rogers mrs Annie B, 106 Wyatt Rogers miss Belle, 217 Dillard Rogers mrs B A, 522 w Main Jr mr a Pl^ a V represents the Fidelity Mutual Life . J . lYi/\UJI\x\ I Association of Philadelphia. Before Insuring your life do not fail to see J. J. MACKAY. He can save you money. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, passing tlirough the Citi^ of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reidsville, vSalisburv, Columbia, Augusta, and to the vSouth and vSouth West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. ^ .Rogers B W, elk 122 (Z I Lyoii & Co) e Pettigrew, r 600 Maiiguin Rogers mrs Cora A, 450 Roxboro Rogers Clyde C, 106 Wyatt Rogers C J, 522 w Main Rogers miss Elvira, 657 IMangnm Rogers Ernest T, " '^ Rogers mrs Florrie M, iii Broadway Rogers Jno C. paper box mfr 120 w Main tup stains), i 106 Wyatt Rogers Jno C Jr, 106 Wyatt Rogers J F, fireman O & C R R, r 450 Roxboro Rogers J J, upholsterer, 522 \v Main Rogers J S, 657 Mangum Rogers mrs Lucy B, 657 Mangum Rogers E D, cheroot maker 113-115 Mangum Rogers miss Mary E, 600 Mangum .Rogers mrs Mattie W, " " Rogers Pell S, 106 Wyatt Rogers miss Vivian G, ifi Broadway Rogers L D, 522 w Main Rogers miss Eola T, 600 Mangum, Rrgers miss Olivia cgtte pkr 522 w Main .Rogers R I, proprietor Durham INIarble Works 219 w Main, r iii Broadway Rogers W H, (Dur Furham Co) 107^109 Corcoran, t 600 Mangum Rollins AW, in Jackson Rollins mrs E J, in Jackson Rollins ^ T, pressman Blackwell's Dur C T Co, rut Jackson Rollins W P, foreman box shop Blackwell's Dur C T Co, r 1 1 1 Jackson Roney miss Annie, 336 w Peabody Roney mrs Cornelia M, 405 Mangnm Blackwell's Durham Tobacco ^^XTlt::;: rehable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market hence dealers and consumers alwavs pronounce it "THE BEST " ' 14 Tlie Great Passenger and Freight 'l I^ine of the South, witli unsurpass- ed Facilities for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight Ser- vice. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 146 DIRECTORY— White. Roney J G, tobacconist, 115 Roney, r 214. Morris Roney mrs Sallie, 214 Morris Rosemond nirs Dora, 130 McManiieu Rosemond G Palmer, it u Rosemond H M, city bakery 126 e Main, r 130 Mc- Maniien Rosemond Robt T, 130 McMannen Ross C G, Depnty Collector 101 w Main^ r645 Mangum Ross mrs Melinda, 113 Cora Ross mrs N E, 645 Mangum Rowe A Mc, painter, 447 Roxboro Rowe Jas P, painter, ' ' " Rowe mrs Martha A, " " Rowe T E, painter, 447 Roxboro Rowe W W, painter, " " Rowland miss Gena, teacher graded school, ii4Ramsenr . Rowland mrs V C, 114 Ramseur Rowland miss Eula, " " Rowland Will B, " Rowland W H, tobacconist (R & Cooperl, 112 McMan- nen, r 114 Ramseur Rowland & Cooper, tobacconists, 112 McMannen ST GEORGE MRS SUE, 106 Holloway atterwhite S R, 208 Jackson Sanders mrs J A, 134 South Sanders W T, ice dealer, r 134 South vSaunders miss Aggie, 205 Cleveland Saunders miss Bessie, " " Saunders David, cgtte mch hand, 520 w Main Saunders miss Ellen, 205 Cleveland Saunders miss Florida, " " Saunders miss Laura B, teacher graded school, 205 Cleveland Saunders mrs M S, 205 Cleveland Saunders miss Nina, 205 Cleveland J[ M A P k^ A V represents the Fidelity Mutual Life . u. iVi/\.Ui\A 1 Association of Philadelphia. Before Insuring your life do not fail to" see J. J. MACKAY. He can save you money. rPAKE THEPIEBMONT AIR-LI NE,,P«ssing through the Cities 1 _ot Kaleigh, Durham, Goldsljoro, Spartanburg. Greenville Seneca •Gainsville and Athens, to the South and South Vest. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor. Atlanta, Ga. ■- DIRECTORY— White. 14; Sannciers R B, clieiiiist Dur Bull Pert Fact, 205 Cleveland .Saunders W A, 205 Cleveland Scarlett J S, policeman, 104 Dandy .Scarlett nirs Susan " " ' Schenick Harry, grocer, 132 Fayetteville Schenick mrs Sadie 132 Fayetteville Schwartz J, butcher city market, r 102 Carr Schwartz miss Lena, 102 Carr Scog-gins mrs Caroline, 205 Pine Scoggins mrs Cora, " '' Scoggins T H, saloon loi Mangum, r 20c; Pine Scott mrs Annie C, 106 Seminary Scott miss Bessie, 102 Jones Scott miss C O, " '' Scott JnoG, " " Scott J M, 107 s Gregson Scott J W, " '' Scott miss Nettie, 211 Liberty Scott miss O M, 102 Jones Scott O Q, 107 s Gregson Scott mrs Pauline T, 102 Jones Scott V M, 107 s Gregson Scott W D, 106 Seminary Scott W J, 167 s Gregson Sears A A, livery and sale stables, 220 w ALain, r 220 Morris Sears D T, floor mgr Far Alliance wh, 400 w Main Sears mrs Mary E, 220 Morris ' Sears Robert E, 220 Morris Seeman H, (H Seeman & Son) 210 e Pettigrew Seeman H E, "Educator Co," (up stairs), r North Dur^ ham Seeman J F, (H Seeman & Son), 210 e Pettigrew Seeman H & Son, carriage makers, 1 1 7 e p'eabodv Seeman mrs Rosa, 210 e Pettigrew BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. Take the Piedmont Air-Lins, ,^0", Sh4t'"rl>'t rirl Richmond, Va., to Athens and Birmingham. For information., address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 148 DIRECTORY— White. Sellers miss Annie F, 204 Jackson Sellers miss Clemmie, " "• Sellers mrs Fannie, lai Yancey Sellers miss Pearl, 204 Jackson Shambley mrs Dora, 105 Garretts Alley Shambley Jack, '' " Shaw mrs mamie C, 106 Cleveland Shaw W W, elk 107-109 Corcoran, r 106 Cleveland Shaw miss Julia W, 106 Cleveland Shelburn John H, photographer, 143 McMannen Shelburn mrs Martha D, 143 McMannen Shelburn mrs Mollie B, wdw, 143 McMannen Shelburn W, photographer 103 e Main (up-stairs), r 143 McMannen Shelburn's Photograph Parlors, 103 e Main up stairs Shepherd John W, 452 Roxboro Shepherd mrs Penny N, 452 Roxboro Sheppe E S, editor "Educator" 119 Mangum, bds Dri- ver House Shipp miss Myrtie 213 Rigsbee ave Sheron mrs Jennie, 105 Cora Sheron Jos, shuttle maker, 505 Mangum Sheron J A, 105 Cora Sheron mrs J A, cgtte pkr, 505 Mangum Sheron mrs Kate, " " Sheron mrs SB, " " Sheron W A, " '' Simons C L, 405 Lea Simons mrs Eliza " " Simons mrs Fidelia, " " Simons J L, carpenter, " " Sims H H, jailer, 112 Ramseur Sims mrs Melissa P, 112 Ramseur IN^TIPF ^"th J. J. MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mntual Life 11^ O U JaJlj Association of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE,Passing- through the Cities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia and Augusta, to the vSouth and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 149 Sims miss Rachel L, teacher graded school, 112 Ram- seur Singer Mfg Co, J W Hamilton liig-r, 114 e Main Skipper W L, 103 e Main Slade mrs Fannie E, boarding 118 e Main 2d floor Slade miss Lillie E, *' " Slade miss Nora, " *' Slade W T, '• Slater Herbert, 138 McMannen .Slater mrs Minnie, " " Slater W A, (W A S & Co) cor Main and Mangnm, r 138 McMannen Slater W A & Co, clothing, cor w Main and Mangnm Slaughter J F Jr, Cashr Fidelity Bank 201 w Main, bds Hotel Claiborn Smith mrs Ada M, millinery 127 e Main, r 203 Cleve- land Smith mrs Amanda C, 402 e Main Smith mrs Becky, 322 e Pettigrew Smith B F, 134 Carr Smith Collie, grocer 510 e Main, bds 315 Chapel Hill Smith mrs E D, 202 Pine Smith mrs Eliza E, 402 e Main Smith miss Emma L, 204 Willard Smith H M, printer, 202 Pine Smith Dr J A, 205 w Green Smith John W, tobacconist (J W S & Co) 308 w Main, r 402 e Main Smith J W & Co, leaf tob dealers, 308 w Main Smith Jos Y. 134 Carr Smith miss Katie L, 204 Willard Smith miss Lillie, cgtte pkr, 510 w Main Smith miss Lottie, tel opr, i I'l Corcoran, r East Durham Smith miss Mary, 134 Carr Smith miss Minerva, 134 Carr Reliable and Satisfactory I BLACKW£LL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. Take the Piedmont Air-iine, ^Jlll wShhigton^D/c! and Richmond, Va., to Atlanta and Birmingham. For information,, address. J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 71^" "~ DIRECTORY— White. Smith miss Mollie, telephone exchange, iii Corcoran, r East Durham Smith M, grocer, 322 e Pettigrew Smith mrs M E, dress maker 510 e Main Smith mrs Nancy, 134 Carr Smith P S, grocer, cor w Proctor and Sonth, r 204 Wil- lard Smith miss Sallie, 204 Willard Smith Thos, 130 e Main, r 134 Carr Smith T B ]v\ tel messenger, 1 1 1 Corcoran r E Dnrham Smith miss Willie A, 203 Cleveland Smith Vernon, 510 w Main Smith mrs Virginia C, 204 Willard SneedJ E, loi Dandy SneED J H, (W A Slater & Co) 100 w Main, bds 213 Main Sneed mrs Lula, loi Dandy Sneed mrs M T, 105 Willard ave Sneed Paul C, drug elk, cor Main and Mangum Sneed mrs S H, loi Dandy Sneed T J, " " Snow mrs Annie E, 300 Chapel Hill Snow H N, Cashier Blackwell's Dur Co-op T Co, r 300 Chapel Hill Snow miss OUie, 300 Chapel Hill Sorrell Albert, cgtte maker 130 e Main (up stairs), r 107 n Gregson Southern Educator, E S Sheppe editor 119 Mangum up stairs Southern Express Co, 102 e Parrish SouTHGATE James, ins (J S & Son) 105 w IVIain (up stairs) 222 e Peabody SouTHGATE James H, ins (J S & Son) 105 w Main (up stairs) r 222 e Peabody Southgate mrs Kate F, 222 e Peabody TIMCTTDT? ^vit^^ J J- MACK AY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 IN O U rV L Association of Philadelphia The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, Passing tliroii<;li Oie Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro. Spartenburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the South and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Tajdor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 151 SouTHGATE J & SoN, iiis 105 w Main up stairs Speed Henry, 202 Rigsbee ave Spell miss Bettie, cgtte pkr, 308 Morgan Spicer Jno T, 323 Chapel Hill Stanard R C, Div Frt A^t Norfolk & Western R R, office: room 10 Wright Building, cor Corcoran and w Main Starr J E, 216 w Pettigrew Steam Bottling Works, J O Sharpe & Co props 226 w Main Steadman mrs Alice, 305 Lea SteadmanJW, " " Steed miss Bessie, 507 w Main Steed mrs C J, Steed Irwin, an. Steed J L, u c. Stephens, mrs M J, dress maker, 114 Poplar Stephens T M, harness maker, 114 Poplar Stephenson miss Addie, 414 Willard Stephenson Alfred, " " Stephenson Andrew, " " Stephenson miss Fannie, " " Stephenson mrs Mary M, " " Stephenson R W, confectioner 106 w Main, r 414 Wil- lard Stokes A H, tobacconist, (x\ H S & Co) 114 w Parrish, r South Durham Stokes A H & Co, leaf tob dealers, 114 w Parrish Stone miss Bettie, 118 Hunt Stone mrs C E, 511 Mangum Stone mrs Fannie B, bds Hopkins House Stone miss Mary E, 511 Mangum Stone W H Sr, elk, 511 Mangum Stone W H Jr, dry goods (Ellis Stone & Co) 124 w Main, bds Hopkins House GENUINE DURHAM" TOBACCO ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BULL. fake the Piedmont Air-Line ^:;:^,:sSLs;$^t New Orleans, Shrivcport, Texas and California. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 152 DIRECTORY— White. Stratton G W, L & D R R, Ms 203 Rainseur Strattoii W M, ■ ^' Strayhorn nirs Alice H, 105 Holloway Strayliorn miss Annie E, 3 1 1 Lea Stra}'horn T F, local eng, 105 Holloway Strayhorn Gus S, 105 Broadway Strayliorn Robt H, elk 108 Mangum Strickland Clyde, tel mess, iii Corcoran r E Durham. Styron mrs Bertha, 209 Roxboro Styro'i B G, 139 McMannen Styron mrs Clara, 217 Liberty Styron Chas R, elk, r 309 e Main Styron Eugene, tobacconist, 209 Roxboro Styron Frank B, flagman R & D R R, r 309 e Main Styron miss Katie, 309 e Main Styron miss Nora,* " " Styron miss Pattie, " " Styron mrs Sally " *■' Styron W K, elk 116 w Main, r 309 e Main Sumnierfield Abe, 301 w Pettigrew Summerfield mrs C, (C Summerfield & Co) r 301 w Pet- tigrew Sunr.nerfield C & Co, clothing, 118 w Main Sur.nnei-field M, (C Summerfield & Co) r 301 w Petti- grew Summerfield Otto, 301 w Pettigrew Summerfield miss Rosa, 301 w Pettigrew Suit Willie, 123 McMannen Surles mrs Bettie H, 115 Jackson Surles Robt L, asst yard master, L & D R R, 115 Jack- son Surles W B, mdse broker 201 w Main (up stairs), r 115 Jackson Sutton W^ A, cigar mkr, 11 3-1 15 Mangum Swersky B, peddler, 107 Cora THE FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION represented by J. J. MAC KAY, gives first-class Life Insurance. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association of Philadelphia give in- surance at one-third less cost than the old line companies. HTAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, passing through the Cities I of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia, Augusta, and to the vSouth and' South West. For information, address, J. h. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 153 Swift J W, tobacconist 108 Roney, r Caswell Hill Sykes miss Mary J, (deaf mute) cgtte pkr, bds 208 e Pettigrew TATE MRS MARY J, 539 w Main Tate R H, Tate Will, " " Tatum miss Althea, 124 South Tatum Ben C, a i^ Tatnm Earle L, u a Tatum mrs Eula M, " " Tatum J W, tobacconist, u u Tatum miss Lillie L, i^ a Tatum miss Magnolia, " '• Tatum miss Rosa J, u u Taylor C C, stoves and tinware, 115 e Main, r 225 Morris Ta}dor mrs Eliza, 225 Morris Taylor mrs FanniC; wid, nurse, 503 Mangum Taylor Geo S, tinner, 115 e Main, r 102 Hunt Taylor miss Josie, 225 Morris Taylor miss Lilly, " " Taylor miss Lizzie, " " Ta\'lor mrs Mary M, 102 Hunt Teer Alexander, 216 Lea Terry S M, 126 Carr Tliacker A L, grocer, 213 Morehead ave, r 209 Yancey Thacker mrs M J, ^^ u Thaxton miss Ferrebe, 203 Ramseur Thaxton mrs Joe, " " Thaxton J A, farmer, bds " Thaxton Dr J J, physician, me Main (upstairs) bds 203- Ramseur Thaxton J J, (Thaxton & Patton ), 116 w Main r 208 South Thaxton mrs Nora B, r 208 South Blackwell's Durham Toljacco plpiriTfo^; reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market, hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it "THE BEST." 15 HflM^Tvo *X»~ d<«il¥¥»«w* A il*» T iv»« The shortest direct line l^m IM Ml^mLQm ^ir-MHe, from Washington, D. C, and Richmond, Va., to Athens and Birmingham. . For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 154 DIRECTORY— White. Thomas A J, (Darnall & T) 103 e Main (up stairs) bds Driver House Thomas Allen S, drug elk, 106 e Main Thomas mrs Bertha, 213 Rigsbee ave Thomas C C, collector First Nat Bank, bds Hopkins House Thomas mrs Jessie, bds Driver House Thomas L E, saloon elk, loi Mangum Thomason M, wheelwright, 415 w Green • Thompson Andrew, 214 w Main Thompson A S, saloon, (Barbee & T) 106 Mangum r 205 Willard Thompson miss Bessie, 205 Willard Thompson miss Carrie L, 106 Holloway Thompson miss Ella A, 334 Chapel Hill Thompson E C, grocer, 320 e Pettigrew, r 118 Ramseur Thompson Edgar E, elk 202 Mangum, r 205 Liberty Thompson mrs Emily E, 106 Holloway Thompson Eugene E, tobacconist, bds 105 Chapel Hill Thompson Geo O, cgtte mach hand, 621 Lea Thompson J J, grocer, 332 Chapel Hill, r 334 Chapel Hill Thompson mrs Josie S, 205 Liberty Thompson mrs LB, 621 Lea Thomson miss Lula E, cig pkr, t' " Thompson mrs Melissa 205 Willard Thompson mrs M E, 105 Chapel Hill Thompson mrs M F, 334 Chapel Hill » Thompson mrs Sally D, 109 Dandy Thompson W B, 106 Holloway Thompson W H, " " ' Thompson W W, printer, 129 e Main, (up stairs), bds 334 Chapel Hill Thomson mrs A L, 105 Willard ave Thomson E F, book kpr W Duke Sons & Co, r 105 Willard ave TIM^TTPl^ "^^'^^^1 J- J- MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life li 1 »D U lAJli Association of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. JAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE,Passingthrou-h the Cities Rpi-nLin l"i If ' ^^V^.'-lottesville. Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro. Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia and Augusta, to the South and South West, tor information, address, J. h. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. I^ Tilman W B, io8 Vickers Alley Tilmau nirs Sallie M, io8 Vickers Alley Tingen B T, confectioner, :^oo w Main, r 107 Jones Tingen mrs Eliza A, n u Tingen miss Jennie, 506 e Main Tingen R B, 107 Jones Tingen miss Virgie E, 107 Jones Tippet R L, 109 Dandy Tomlinson Mrs A J, ' r 404 IMorehead ave Tomlinson Lawrence x^, " " Tomlinspn miss Lottie M, " " Tomlinson miss Mabel L, " " Tomlinson S F, supt R F Morris & Son, tob and snnff factory, w Peabody, r 404 Morehead ave Tomlinson Willard C, " " Tnllock G W, 306 McMannen , Tullock mrs Nancy J, " " Tnllock miss Nannie, " " Tullock SJ, Tnllock T J, Tullock W F, Turner A B, carpenter, 307 Morgan * Turner mrs Bettte M, u ^ Turner Claude H, 506 Mangum Turner E W, painter, r 302 Morehead ave Turner miss Lena, 307 Morgan Turner L G, 506 Mangum Turner miss Mary, 307 Morgan Turner mrs Mary A, " " Turner mrs M E, cgtte pkr, 209 McMannen Turner W D, 506 Mangum Turner W E, dept supt B D Tob Co, " " Turner miss Victoria, cgtte pkr, r 209 McMannen Turrentine miss Alice, 134 McMannen Turrentine mrs A B V, 210 Queen Reliable and Satisfactory / BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. Take the Piedmont Air-Line ^^J^,:;;SiS^. New Orleans, Shriveport, Texas and California. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 156 DIRECTORY— Whitk. TurrentineJ S, 210 Queen Turrentine mrs Martitia, 134 McManneii Tuviii Abraham, elk, 116 e Main Tyson James, farmer, 206 Chapel Hill Tyson Jas J, conductor N & W R R, " '' Tyson mrs M A J, '' " UMSTEAD A K, tobacconist, 30..; Dillard mstead mrs E W, an Um stead Joe M, " " Umstead Jas N, tobacconist, 301 HoUoway, t.2M) Cleve- land Umstead mrs Lizzie J, 210 Cleveland Umstead Martin, 302 Dillard Umstead Wm U, 210 Cleveland Upcburch C E, 316 Chapel Hill Upchurch miss Etta, 130 McMannen Upchurch mrs Ida B, 316 Chapel Hill Upchurch miss Irene, " " Upchurch O K, elk, 122 \v Main VANNQPPEN CHAS L, 204 McMannen auNoppenJJ, " " Vaughan mrs Emma, loi Dillard Vaughan P W, drugs, 106 e Main, r loi Dillard Vaughan W H, printer, 118 \v Main, bds Driver House Vernon miss Annice, 438 w Main Vesson miss May, 307 Lea Vezey G L, 611 Mangum Vezey mrs Louisa, " " Vickers Claude, 623 w Proctor Vickers Clyde, " '' Vickers mrs Geneva A, " " Vickers miss Hattie M, " '' Vickers mrs Laura, 309 Ramseur Vickers miss Lucy E, 623 Proctor THE FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE ASvSOCIATION represented by J. J. MAC KAY, gives first-class Life Insurance. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association of Philadelphia give in- surance at one-third less cost than the old line companies. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passingtlirough fheCities of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro, Spartanburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the South and Soitth West. For informa- tion, address, J. h. Taylor. Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White, 157 Vicker.s Dr T S, physician, 1236 Main r 309 Ramseur Vickers W D, saloon elk, 112 Church, r w Durham Vickers W G, pub school supt, 623 Proctor Vickers mrs MoUie, 103 Garrett's Alley Vickers Robt G, 623 w Proctor WAHAB U M, dept supt Blackwells Dur C T Co, bds Hotel Claiborn Walker Rev Alex, tob buyer Blackwells Dur C T Co, r 117 Ramseur Walker D T, iioWillard Walker miss Hallie B, 124 Ramseur W^alker mrs H R, 117 Ramseur Walker miss Ivey, 124 Ramseur Walker J B, tobacconist, 1 1 1 Pine, r East Durham Walker, J W, (J T Pinnix & Co) no Watkins, r 124 Ramseur Walker J W Jr, 124 Ramseur Walker miss Nannie M, 124 Ramseur Walker miss Sadie C, 124 Ramseur Walker Thos, 128 South Walker Thos J, tob buyer Dukes, r West Durham Walker Yancev, 117 Ramseur Wall mrs K M, 305 Chapel Hill Wall miss Mary S, 305 Chapel Hill Wall W Iv, book kpr, Blackwells Dur C T Co, r 305 Chapel Hill Walter miss Lora, 524 w Main Ward J J, drug elk 123 e Main, bds 213 e Main Warren miss Annie L, dress maker in e Main (Up stairs) r 226 Morris Warren Charles, 226 Morris Warren miss Corinna C, 654 Mangum Warren J A, Reams warehouse 200 w Main Warren J B, supt Dukes Fact, r West Durham 'blackwells DURHAM TOBACCO ! BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. ,jlJ The Great Passenger and Freight J|Ji,l?IJiJ|j Line of the South, with unsurpass- ed Facilities for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight Ser rice. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 158 DIRECTORY— White. Watkins miss Eula, elk 124 e Main, r 302 Lea Watkins M L, R & D RR Watts miss Annie L, r 506 Lea W^atts miss Ella, 400 Mangum Watts Geo W, (W Duke Sons & Co), r 506 Lea Watts J T, horse trader, 400 Mangum Watts miss Lin a B, 400 Mangum Watts mrs L V, r 506 Lea Watts Moran, 620 Mangum Watts mrs M A, prop. Roanoke House, 400 Mangum Watts mrs M F, 219 Cleveland Watts mrs M W, 620 Mangum Watts miss Nellie G, 219 Cleveland Watts S E, book kpr, 202 Mangum, 1219 Cleveland Watts W T, tob flavorer, B D C Tob Co, r 620 Mangum Watts W T Jr, 620 Mangum Weatlierspoon A L, 320 Chapel Hill Weatherspoon mrs C A, 320 Chapel Hill Weatlierspoon miss Florence, 320 Chapel Hill Weatherspoon mrs Isilla, sack stringer, no Reams ave Weatlierspoon John, no Reams ave Weatherspoon miss Rosa, sack stringer, no Reams ave Weatherspoon mrs Sarah, 508 w Peabody Weatherspoon Wm, 508 w Peabody Weatherspoon W H, (W H W & Co) 209 Mangum, r 320 Chapel Hill Weatherspoon W H & Co, grocers, 209 Mangum Webster mrs Bettie, 126 Carr Webster J C, carpenter 126 Carr West mrs Hattie, 204 Morris West Horace, ticket agt R&D RR, bds 204 Morris West miss Mollie, book agt, bds 340 w Green Westridge mrs Margaret, 651 Mangum Westridge Saml, " " Wheeler Eleanor M, 206 Willard JT TV/T A r*!/ A V represents the Fidelity Mutuai. Life . U . iVi ALlY A 1 Association of Philadelphia. Before Insuring your life do not fail to see J. J, MACKAY. He can save you money. TAKE THE PI ED MONT AIR LINE, Passing through the Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro. Spartenburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gaiiisville and Athens, to the South and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. i^q Wheeler J H, shoe maker, 206 Willard AVheeler Paul, ecu Wheeler Rebecca G, a. u ■ Whi taker miss Ada I, artist, 225 Cleveland AVhitaker miss Anna, no South Whitaker miss Bessie, " " Wliitaker miss Bettie £,311 Jackson Whitaker mrs Carrie A, 225 Cleveland Whitaker C D, foreman "Daily Globe", r no South Whitaker Charles, 319 Morgan Whitaker Charles R, 311 Jackson Whitaker mrs Dora E, 312 Lea AVhitaker D W, (Whitaker Printing House) 1 18 w Main (up stairs), r 225 Cleveland Whitaker E J, machinist W Duke Sons & Co, r3ii Lea Whitaker mrs Fannie, 311 Lea Whitaker miss Fannie E, 225 Cleveland Whitaker mrs Ida P, 105 Broadway Whitaker mrs Julia A, 105 Holloway Whitaker J A S, marble cutter, 219 w Main, r 105 Broadway Whitaker Jno W, 657 Mangum Whitaker mrs Lizzie D, no South Whitaker miss Lottie L, 225 Cleveland Whitaker mrs Maggie, 319 Morgan Wliitaker mrs Maggie J, 657 Mangum AVhitaker mrs Mary, 311 Jackson Whitaker miss Mattie C, 311 Jackson Whitaker Printing House, 118 w Main up stairs Whitaker Thos J, dept supt B D C Tob Co, r 311 Jack- son Whitaker Thos S, pressman, 118 w Main, r 105 Hollo- way Whitaker W B, 312 Lea Whitaker Zack, 225 Cleveland GENUINE DURHAM" TOBACCO ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BULL. fake the Ksdmant Air-Line, fJJS ^StaVtr^iVc! and Richmond, Va., to Atlanta and Birmingham. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 1 60 DIRECTORY— White. White mrs Callie, 526 w Main White C C, ass't supt at Duke's, 526 w Main White mrs D L, 214 Cleveland White Eddie, 303 Fnller White Geo W, collector, bds 108 Seminary White J A, Agt R & D R R, bds Hopkins House White mrs J A, bds Hopkins House White J A Jr, White mrs Julia F, w'd'w 526 w Main White mrs J'L, 526 w Main White Jno W, bds Hopkins House White Kenneth M, White mrs Mary E, 303 Fuller White mrs Millie, 108 Seminars- White miss Nannie, 623 e Main White R A, clerk, 107 w Main, bds Hotel Claiborn White R E, secty Y M C A, 107, 109 Corcoran, bds 214 e Main White Robt S, bds Hopkins House White Wm R, 303 Fuller White Willie, '^ Whitehead R P, clerk, 203 w Main, bds Hotel Claiborn WhiTEHURST R F, president Durham Medicated Ciga- rette Co) 130 e Main, upstairs, bds Hotel Claiborn Whitehurst mrs S E, bds Hotel Claiborn Whitfield mrs Hawkins, 460 Roxboro Whitfield T W, carpenter, 460 Roxboro Whitley, mrs E A, dressmaker, 203 e Main Whitley R D, Jeweler, 203 e Main Whitt A T, 335 Chapel Hill Whitt miss Minnie Lee, 300 Fuller Whitt mrs Sallie H, 300 Fuller Whitt mrs Sallie T, 335 Chapel Hill Whitt T A, 300 Fuller Whitt Wm T, 300 Fuller '* TMCTIDT? "^^'^^'^ J- J- MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life i i> O U Iv Ej AssociaHon of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, passing through the Cities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia, Augusta, and to the vSouth and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. i6i Whitted mrs Ella F, 223 Morris Whitted J M, teller. First Natl Bank, r 223 Morris Whitted J Y, mfr plug tob, (Whitted Tobacco Co), 206 e Pettigrew, r 305 e Main "Whitted nirs Mary J, 305 e Main Whitted mrs MoUie L, 223 Morris Whitted mrs N E, 618 Mangnm Whitted mrs Sally, 223 Morris Whitted S E, carpenter, 618 Mangiim Whitted W W; bookkeeper, Fidelity Bank, bds 223 Morris Whitted The J Y Tob Works, J Y Whitted Brest, E J Parrish \'ice P, J M Whitted Sec and Treas, 206 e Pettigrew. Wicks miss Carrie, 114 North Wicks Geo W, cigtt mch hand, 114 North Wiggins J W, farmer, 104 Vickers x^lley W^iggins mrs M.L, wdw, 327 Chapel Hill Wilbon J D, Sr, collector for W R Mnrra>- & Co, r 102 Hunt Wilbon J D, Jr, printer, 119 e IMain, r 102 Hunt Wilbon mrs Martha T, 102 Hunt Wilkerson mrs Ella M, 535 w Main Wilkerson John C, tobacconist, 108 w Green Wilker mrs Ada, 109 Dandy Wilker Adam, Wilker miss Mattie, " . " Wilker miss Nannie " " Wilkerson mrs Justina L, boarding, 108 w Green Wilkerson mrs Mittie x\' 535 w Main Wilkerson mrs Sarah A, " " Wilkerson Walter A, '' . " Wilkinson A, no Carr Wilkinson mrs Bettie A, boarding, no Carr Wilkinson miss /E^la no Carr Blackwell's Durham Tobacco p:;!':':';!^™: reliable, satisfactorj' Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market, hence dealers and consumers alwavs pronounce it "THE BEvST." 16 Take the Piedmont Air-Line. ,ll ^^°r4.on!^^.'l"! and Richmond, Va., to Atlanta and Birmingham. For information, address. J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. i6- DIRECTORY— White. Wilkinson HariT L, no Carr Wilkinson Jos A, u c. Wilkinson miss Lncy E, *■' *"' Wilkinson miss Maggie, u ti Wilkinson S M, c. cc . Willard Tlios B, clerk, Morris Mfg Co, bds 404 More- head ave William> A B, tob worker, 446 Roxboro Williams mrs Annie W, 409 Rigsbee ave Williams mrs Bettie C, 114 Carr Williams miss Bettie V, 409 Rigsbee ave Williams mrs Blanche, 128 Sonth Williams mrs Cattarine C, 605 e Main Williams C H, tobacconist, bds Hopkins House Williams Chas H, tobacconist, 114 Can- Williams mrs Cora L, 604 Mangnm Williams miss Ella, 114 Carr Williams mrs Hattie, 446 Roxboro Williams H B, 114 Carr Williams miss Jennie D, 409 Rigsbee ave Williams miss Ludelia, 204 South Williams miss Lula, 407 Lea Williams Luther, 114 Carr Williams mrs Mary E, 114 Carr Williams mrs mary W, 318 e Pettigrew Williams P H, tobacconist, 128 South Williams R D, gen manager and propr Banner Ware- house, 214 w Main, r 409 Rigsbee ave Williams R K, clerk R & D R R depot, bds Hotel Clai- born Williams R P, cashier Farmers Alliance Warehouse, r 604 Mangum Williams R W, clerk Banner Warehouse, r 409 Rigsbee ave Williams mrs Sallie, 11 4' South TNQTTRT7 "^^^"-'^ J' J- MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 i > kJ U r\ Hi Associa*^ion of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AlR-LlNE,P?ssingthrough the Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro, Spartanburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the South and South West. For informal tion, address, J. L. Taylor. Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 163 Williams S M, L & D R R, bds 125 Ramseur Williams W A, agt L & D R R, bds 318 e Pettigrew Williams W J, elk, 114 South Wills H C, tinner, 115 e ]\Iain Wilson miss Annie E, 211 Liberty Wilson mrs Addie N, 211 Liberty Wilson C R, farmer, 229 Morris Wilson J G, fireman R&DRR, r2ii Liberty- Wilson L J, 114 e Main Wilson mrs Lucy M, 229 Morris Wilson miss Mattie, 220 Willard Wilson mrs Sarah J, 222 Willard ave Wilson W C, carpenter, 222 Willard ave Wilson W F, supervisor R&DRR, 211 Liberty Wimberly Celestia, 107 s Gregson Wimberly Himenia, " " Wimberly Matthew, carpenter 107 s Gregson Wimberly Sarah, 107 s Gregson Winston T J, elk, 122 w Main, r 116 South Winston, mrs Lula E, 116 South Wise mrs J J, 508 w Main Wise L W, bds Hotel Driver Wise miss Mary, 508 w Main Wise W D, watchman Dukes, r 508 w Main Womble mrs Belle, 218 Libert v Wonible Bertie P, " " ' Womble Eustice L, " " Womble F C, clerk no e Main, r 218 Liberty Womble JnoT, Hardware, no e Main, r 218 Liberty Womble mrs Lina, 218 Liberty Wood mrs Ada V, 105 Markham Wood mrs C S, 302 Jackson, Wood Geo T, 126 e Main up stairs Wood J S, 302 Jackson Wood mrs Lena, 126 e Main up stairs 'bLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO / BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. Take the Piedmont Air-Line westMomgoLry!^^^^^^^ New Orleans, Shriveport, Texas and California. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 164 DIRECTORY— White. Wood R S, 207 Yancey Wood mrs Susan, " "■ Wood Walter A, " Wood Wm A, '^ ^' Wood W E, policeman, 105 Markhara Woodall B C, elk 120 w Main, r 226 Cleveland Woodall J A, chief of police, 104 Seminary Woodall mrs Lndie M, 226 Cleveland Woodall mrs M F, 104 Seminary Woodell mrs Sarqh J, 305 South Woodell W D, elk 246 w Main, r 305 South Woods J H, oil dealer, 342 w Green, Five Points Woods miss Jennie W, 342 w Green, Five Points Woods miss Lillian, 301 South Woods mrs Martha, " " Woods mrs R W, boarding 342 w Green, Five Points Woods mrs Sudie, 301 South Woods Saml L, Supt SnufF Factory R F Morris & Son, r 342 w Green, Five Points Woodson miss Alma, 114 Broadway Woodson miss Bessie E, 114 Broadway Woodson Rev C A, pastor country Baptist Churches, r 114 Broadway Woodson mrs Georgia C, 114 Broadway Woodward mrs Delia E, 119 Ramseur Woodward Geo J, elk 105 w Main (up stairs), r 119 Ramseur Woodward G W, book kpr, Parrish wh, r 119 Ramseur Woodward miss Jessie T, 119 Ramseur Woodward miss Nola, " " Woodward miss Susan, " " Woody E D, elk 232 w Main, r 106 Seminary Woody mrs Eugenia F, 106 Seminary Woody mrs Jennie F, 106 Seminary Woody miss Mary A, 509 w Main THE FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION represented by J. J. MAC KAY, gives first-class Life Insurance. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association of Philadelphia give in- surance at one-third less cost than the old line companies. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passing through tlie Cities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro. Reidsville, Salisbur}-, Columbia and Augusta, to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— White. 165 Woody iiirs Mary H, 509 w Main Word Fleming-, 210 Willard Word John, " " Word John W, '• Word mrs Lizzie M, 210 Willard Wright R H, real estate, 201 w Main (up stairs), bds Hotel Claiborn Wyatt mrs Emma H, 531 w Main Wyatt E F & Son, saddles and harness 120 w Main Wyatt M B, grocer 203 w Main, r 531 w Main YANCE-Y GEO W, flagman O & C RR ancey mrs Sally E, wdw, dress maker, 114 e Petti- grew Yarborough miss Alma D, cgtte insp, 214 Lea Yarborough mrs CM, 210 Morris Y^arborough miss Dora H, cgtte pkr, 214 Lea Yarborough mrs O E, 214 Lea Yarborough W T, cgtte mch hand, 214 Lea Yates Cecil R, 205 Queen • Yates Rev E A, Pres Elder Dur Dist, r 205 Queen Yates Will K, 205 Queen Yealock E P, 102 Jones Yearby A H, elk 123 e Main, r 213 e Main Yearby mrs Emma A, 511 Manguni Yearby House, mrs S A Yearby prop, 213 e Main Yearby mrs S A, boarding, 213 e Main Yearby miss Ora B, 213 e Main Yearby W M, drugs, 123 e Main, r 213 e Main York Hugh B, 112 Broadway York J W, Banner Warehouse, r 112 Broadway York J W Jr, 112 Broadway York miss Lizzie R, •' " York miss Mary B, " York mrs Mary G, " York miss Nellie C, " " Reliable and Satisfactory I BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. RAMSETS DuRBaM (^iTY Directory. (Eolorecl ©epartmerit. CHURCHES. ^T Joseph's A. M. E. Church, 140 Eayetteville, Hayti, Rev. A. J. Chambers, Pastor. Sunday service II a. in. and 7:30 p. m., Sunday school i :30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 p. m. White Rock Baptist Church, 408 e Pettigrew, Rev. Allen Eaton, Pastor. vSunday service 11 a. m., 3:30 and 7 :30 p. m. Sunday school 9 a. m. Prayer meet- ing Wednesday 8 p. m. Mt. Vernon Baptist Church, 109 Mt. Vernon Alley, Rev. P. H. Kirby, Pastor. Sunday service 3 and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Second Baptist Church, West Durham, Rev. T. R. Tucker, Pastor. Sunday service 3 and 7:30 p. m. Sun- day school 9 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesda}- 7 :30 p. m. Emanuel A. M. E. Church, West Durham. Rev. M. S. Steele, Pastor. Sunday services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school 9 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednes- day* 7 :30. Durham Primitive Baptist Church, 105 Fayette- ville. Rev. Ellis Faucett, Pastor. Services ist Satur- day and Sunday in each month. T T\T Q T T D T? ^"^^^^ J- J- MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life i IN O U Iv ill Association of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. T-AKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, Passing through theCities I of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro. Spartanburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the South and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga, DIRECTOR Y— Colored . 1 67 COLORED LODGES, ETC. Doric Lodge, No. 28, F. A. M., Masonic Hall, 129 P'ayetteville, Hayti. C. B. Mayo, W. M., A. D. Wil- bon, Secretary. Meets ist and 3d Monday nights in each month. Pride of Durham Lodge, No. 2095, G, U. O. of O. F. Hall 108 Mangum. J. C. Townsend, N. G., A. R. Moore, Secretary. Meets ist and 3d Tnesdav nights in each month. Supreme Grand Lodge R. K. of K. D. Hall 108 Mangnm. Jno. W. Wright, S. G. M., W. A. Day, S. G. S. Meets snbject to call of Grand Master. DurhamLodge No. I R. K. of K. D., Hall 108 Man- gum. F. P. Capps, W. M., Wm. McClouden, Secret'y. Meets every Friday night Reliable Lodge No. 2970, G. U. O. of O. F., Hall 108 Mangum. John Burroughs, N. G., Frank Lyde, Secretary. Meets ist and 3d Thursday nights in each month. Grand Independdnt Order K. of K. S., Eastern Star Lodge, No. 13, Hall 201 Mangum. W. M.Johnson, W. M., Stephen S. Jones, Secretary. Meets every Tues- day night. United Order True Reformers, Fountain No. 432, Hall 108 Mangum. Nathan Hawkins, W. M., Ida Weaver, Secretary. Meets 2d' and 4th Monday nights in each month. Past Grand Master's Council G. U. O. of O. F., Hall 108 Mangum. S. L. Walden, W. G. M., A. R. Moore, W. G. S. Meets 2d and 4th Monday nights in each month. J[ l\/r A Pl^ A V represents the Fidelity Mutual Life . U. lYl/lUlVA 1 Association of Philadelphia. Before Insuring your life do not fail to see J. J. MACK AY. He can save you money. llie Great Fasserrg-er and P'refghft '■J; Line of the South, with unsurpass- ed FaciUties for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight Ser- tice. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta. Ga. 1 68 DIRECTORY— Colored. Household of Ruth, Hall ro8 Manguiii. S. INI. Riiffin, N. G., Nannie Hohnan, W. R. Meets ist and 3d Monday nights in each month. SCHOOLS. Durham Graded School, 107 R.ed Cross. Prof. J. A. Whitted, principal. Free School, Di.strict No. 4, 116 Fayetteville, Hayti, J. C. White^ principal. Free School, District No. i, West Dnrham, L. P. Berry, principal. Free School,, District No. 24, East Durliam, Rev. T. R. Tucker, principal. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Excelsior Hook and Ladder Co. No. i. P. H. Smith, Foreman, J. B, Scales, Secretary. Meets over City Market, 2d and 4th Wednesday nights each month. directory-Colored. ADAMS MISS DELLA, in Holloway dams mrs Delia, 208 Seminary Adams IJenr\', Smoky Hollow Adams J F, gardener, 202 Dillard Adams Mar}-, 102 Umstead alley Adams Melvin, 107 e Peabody Adams Phebe, 321 Foster Adams Pleasant, 212 Ramseur Adams Thos, 208 Seminary Adams Thos, 102 LTmstead alley Adkins Mariah, cook, 124 Ramseur Aiken miss Martha, 115 Ramseur Albright Jno S, 115 Vickers ave GENUINE DUEHAM" TOBACCO ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BULL. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, passing tlironglitlie Cities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia, Augusta, and to the South and vSouth West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Colored, 169 Albright Maggie, cook, 625 Mangiim Allen Fleming, tob worker 122 McMannen, r Hayti Allen mrs Candace, 106 Vickers ave Allen Henr}^, 211 Watkins Allen J Y, barber, iii Mangum, r 106 Vickers ave Allen Laura, 106 Vickers ave Allen Marys " " Allen mrs Millie, 211 Watkins Allen Richard, lab, r 113 Mt Vernon alley Allen Sarah, cook, 221 Liberty Alston Annie, cook, 315 w Main Alston Delia, cook, 208 Dillard Altson Eddie C, 309 Poplar Alston Ferdinand, butler, 107 Chapel Hill Alston Flora, dom, 309 Poplar Alston Matilda, 209 Carringtoif alley Alston Oscar, 404 Morehead ave Alston Patience, cook, 309 Poplar Alston Randal, 209 Carrington alley Alston Wm H, 206 Red Cross Amey Sarah, 113 Amey Amey Sarah J, 113 Amey Amey Toney, blacksmith 304 w Grren, r 113 Amey Anderson David, brick mason, r 102 Ramsey Anderson Jeseph, tob stemmer, " "" Anderson Sarah, washer, " " Andrews Charlie, barber, 102 w Main, r Mangum Armstrong Albert, coachman, 205 Morgan Armstrong mrs Susan, " " Arnold Adelaide, nurse, 213 e Main Arnold Nora, cook, 133 McMannen, r 216 e Pettigrew Arnold Richard, tob worker 112 McMannen, r 216 e Pettigrew Arnold Stephen, loi Mt Vernon Alley Ashe mrs Alice, 220 Rigsbee ave Blackwell's Durham Toljacco p:*!""^.'"^™: reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market, hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it "THE BEST." 17 fake tlie Kedmont Air-Line, ,2: t:si>rS^%''^ and Richmond, Va., to Atlanta and Birmingham. For information., address. J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. I/O DIRECTORY — Colored. Ashe W Henr>% 220 Rigsbee ave Atwater Annie, nurse, 108 e Proctor Atwater Lena, cook, 307 w Pettigrew Atwater Rnfus,. tob worker, 108 e Proctor Atwater Serena, cook, 135 McMannen BADHAM SB, 153 Fayetteville ailey Albert, 309 e Pettigrew Bailey Grant, drayman, no Mt Vernon alley Bailey Harry, lab, 308 w Main, Bailey Henr>-, 224 Ramseur Bailey John, no Mt Vernon alley Bailey Josephine 300 McMannen Bailey Julia, dom, 336 w Peabod}' Bailey Man', dom, no Mt Vernon alley Bailey Nannie, washer, no Mt Vernon alley Bailey Richard, lab, 307 e Pettigrew Bain Albert, 601 e Main Baker Cicero, 220 Rigsbee ave Baker Munro, cook. Hotel Claiborn Baldwin Danl W, 108 Dillard Baldwin John, 205 Vivian Banks Abner, carpenter, 209 Chapel Hill Banks Bettie, cook, 302 w Main Banks Cannon, -314 Jackson Banks Emily, 209 Chapel Hill Banks Fred, wood chopper, 210 Poplar Banks Gracie, 122 Red Cross Banks Jas, 314 Jackson Banks Judy, 122 Red Cross Banks Minnie 122 Red Cross Banks Nannie, 314 Jackson Banks Ruffin, porter, 206 Mangum Banks Serena, 314 Jackson Banks Sylvia, 209 Chapel Hill THE FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION represented bv J. J. MACKAY, gives first-class Life Insurance. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association of Philadelphia give in- surance at one-third less cost than the old line companies. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passingfhroujiih the Cities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro. ■Reidsville, vSalisburv, Columbia and Augusta, to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L- Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Colored. 171 Banks Wilson, 314 Jackson Barbee Anna, 108 Fa}'etteville Earbee Clara, 405 Corporation Barbee Eliza, cook, 145 McMannen Barbee Horea, 118 Fayetteville .Barbee Jane, cook 211 Carrington Barbee Jennie E, 118 Fayetteville Barbee John, 220 Rigsbee ave Barbee Jno B, blacksmith, 40S Mangnnj Barbee Julius, 405 Corporation Earbee Lena, cook 400 Lea, r Hayti Barbee L W, 405 Corporation Earbee Mary F, 118 Fayetteville Barbee Sam, 405 Corporation Earbee Sarah, washer, 109 Cora Barbee Theodosia, 118 Fayetteville Barber Frank, 405 Corporation Earber Joe, 405 Corporation Barber mrs Louisa, 405 Corporation Barden J W, 107 e Peabody Earham Celia, 303 Chapel Hill Barham David, tob worker, 222 e Pettigrew Earham James, 303 Chapel Hill Barham Kattie, cook, 207 Morris Earnhart Edmond, drayman, 220 e Pettigrew Barnes Caroline, 336 w Peabody Barnes James, lab, 200 w Main Barnes Minerva, yeast maker, r 214 Poplar Earnett Wm, 325 Pine Bass Rachel, 524 w Main Battle America, cook, 401 e Main Battle Ellen, 611 e Main Battle Wm, '^ ^' Eeatty James, barber, w Parrish, bds 634 Mangum Benton Peter, brick mason, 307 w Pettigrew GENUINE DURHAITtOBACCO ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BULL. WnArm + 1^ *» 'DiMJ'vmAvvt A i •» Tiw« To the Soutfi and South JTaKe ine rieam@iii 4ir-ijm.e west,Montgomery,Mobiie, New Orleans, Shriveport, Texas and California. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 1 7 2 DIRECTOR Y— Colored. Best Chas, tob worker, 401 w Proctor Best Dolly, dom, Best James, tob worker, 4.01 e Proctor Best Rachel,, dom 401 e Proctor Bethel James, lab, 212 Poplar Brewer Beenie, washer, 108 e Proctor Bishop George lab, 319 Pine Bishop Susan, 319 Pine Bivins Wesley, 114 Vickers ave Blackwell Amy, iii Amy Blackwell Ida, 112 Red Cross Blackwell Jerr}^, 124 Ramseiir Blackwell Susan, 112 Red Cross Blackwell Willie 112 Red Cross Blake Wm tob stemmer, r 208 s Gregson Blue, Benj, lab, r 319 e Pettigrew Blue Hannah, washer, r 319 e Pettigrew Blue, Laura, 319 e Pettigrew Bobbitt Frank, lab, r 102 s Gregson Boling Agnes, washer, 402 w Proctor Boling Fanny, tob picker, 216 e Pettigrew Boling Harriet, wdw, cook, 216 e Pettigrew Boling Kate tob picker 216 e Pettigrew Boling Mary, " " " " Booth Geo 209 Seminars- Booth Kessiana, 109 Holloway Booth Martha, u " ' Bouldin Fannie, 507 Mangmn Bouldin Harriet, " " Bouldin Katie, " " Bouldin Mar}', " " Bowles -Ed, tob worker, 318 Whitted Bowles Laura, 218 Whitted Bowles Lizzie, " " Bowles Louisa, " " JT l\/r A Pl^ A V represents the Fidelity Mutuai. Life . J. iYixTLV^lvx\ 1 Association of Philadelphia. Before Insuring your life do not fail to see J, J. MACKAY. He can save you money. TAKETHE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, Passing through the Cities I of Raleigh Durham, Goldsboro. Spartenburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the South and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. L,. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Colored. ^ Boyd John, 206 Whitted Boyd Bertha, " *' Boyd Portia, " " Braan Parthena, r 117 Ramseur Bradshaw Annie, dom, 405 w Pettigrew Bradshaw Bettie, 315 w Main Bradshaw Dilsy, wdw, 307 w Pettigrew Bradshaw Nannie, 315 w Main Bradsher Ed, 109 Ramseur Branch LOB, 108 Dillard Branch Richard, 315 Ramseur Brandon Calvin, 126 Wilson Brandon Chas, R&D depot hand, r 325 e Pettigrew Brandon Elizabeth, washer, 106 e Proctor Brandon Emma, washer, 120 Fayetteville Brandon L, 504 w Peabody Brandon Eucinda, 126 Wilson Brandon Peter, butcher, 106 e Proctor Brandon Smith, carpenter, 106 e Proctor Branton Mary E, 605 e Main Brewer Florence, 607 e Main Brewer Nannie B, 202 Dillard Brock Eugene, lab, 117 Poplar Brock Fanny, cook, " " Brock Eucy, cook, " " Brock Pompey, lab, " " Brody Willie,' 212 Poplar Brooks Ed, lab, 212 Poplar Brooks Millie, 231 Morris Browder Geo, brick mason, 116 Whitted Browder Julia, 116 Whitted Browder Kit, brick mason, 307 w Pettigrew Brown Charity, 124 Vickers ave Brown Ella, 407 Roxboro Brown Emeline, 225 Morris BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO ! BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. p|rap^fniTVffp A\Tr'B!)_T.T'NTTJ? The Great Passenger and Freight m^mi*\i4\)j Line of the South, with unsurpass- ed FaciUties for prompt and satisfactorj^ Passenger and Freight Ser- vice. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 174 DIRECTORY— Colored. Brown Helen, washer, 103 Moreliead ave Brown Henrietta, washer, 105 Johnson's alley Brown H W, barber, in Mangum Brown Jake, delivery boy, r 114 e Pettigrew Brown James, farm lab, 636 Mangum Brown Jefif, 106 Vickers ave Brown John, cook, Hotel Claiborn Brown Major, 124 Vickers ave Brown Martha A, washer, 626 Mangum Brown Nettie, 106 Vickers ave Brown Sam, cook, Hotel Claiborn Brown Younger, 108 Whitted Bruce Mary, 100 Cleveland Bryant Geo, tob worker, no Mt Vernon alley Buchanan Ed, no Orange Bullock Celia, 502 w Peabody Bullock Henry, porter, 203 w Main. Buchanan I H, 140 Fayetteville Bumpass Chancy, dom, 311 Pine Bumpass Francis, washer, 102 Johnson's alley Bumpass Finch, 311 South Bumpass General, tob worker, 311 Pine Bumpass Jennie, washer, 309 e Pettigrew Bumpass John, lab, 309 e Pettigrew Bumpass Katie, 102 Johnson's alley Bumpass Lula, tob stamper, 102 Johnson's alley Bumpass Mary, washer, 102 Johnson's alley Bumpass Rosa, 311 South Bumpass Roxana, " " Bumpass Thos, 309 South Burch E J, 124 Vickers alley Burch Graham, 303 Chapel Hill Burch Mary, 109 Cora Burch Nannie, 107 Carrington Burnett Ellen, tob stamper, 305 McMannen T KfQTTD I? ^""'^^^^ J- J- MACKAY, Agent FideHty Mutual Life 1 IN O U rV Li Associa+ion of Philadelphia The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passingthrough the Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro, vSpartanburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the South and vSouth West. For informa- tion, address, J. L,. Taylor. Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY — Colored. 175 Burnett James, 305 McMannen Burnett Julia, dom, " " Burnett Mary, " " Burnett Thos, coachman, 305 McMannen Burnett Wm, 203 w Main, r East Durham Burns Caroline, 236 w Peabody Burrell Paul, no Orange Burt Calvin, 112 Whitted Burt mrs C L, 112 Whitted Burt J S, 108 Vickers ave Burt Matthew, 108 Vickers ave Burt Rachel, Burton Alice B, 128 Umstead alley Burton Clemial, " " Burton Eveline, " " Burton Henry, porter, Hotel Claiborn, r Hayti Burton Mariah, wdw, washer, 530 e Main Burton SB, in Peabody Burton Thos, 128 Umstead alley Burwell Sherman, lab 303 Pine Bynum Delphia, 113 Red Cross Byninn James, 308 e Main Bynum Tom, lab, 308 e Pettigrew CAIN BELLA, washer, 325 Pine Cain Eliza, washer, 105 Mt Vernon alley Cain Fannie, 619 Mangum Cain James, rock mason, 103 Mt Vernon alley Cain Jennie, 156 Fayetteville Cain Mariah, 114 Cora Cain Sarah Ann, washer, 103 Mt Vernon alley Cain Walter, lab, r 325 Pine Cain Wilson, tob worker, 105 Mt Vernon alley Cameron Emma, cook, 253 Cleveland Cameron John T, box maker, 209 s Gregson Reliable and Satisfactory I BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. fairs fllio ^■'-J— -•■** A;i« ?;!•»<% The shortest direct h'ne "I from Washington, D. C, and Richmond, Va., to Athens and Birmingham. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 176 DIRECTORY— Colored. Cameron Luke, caipenter, 209 s Gregson Cameron Mary J, 209 s Gregson Cameron Mar\-, tob stamper, 105 Morehead ave Cameron Sylvia, sack stringer, 209 s Gregson Cameron Willis, tob worker, 105 Morehead ave Cannadv Jesse, tob picker, 105 w Cobb Cannady Mary, " Cannady Minnie, tob worker, "• " Cannady Penny, dom, " " Cannady Percy, tob worker " " Cannady Sarah, '' " Capps Bertha, 161 Fayetteville Capps Ephriam, 223 e Peabody Capps F P, 161 Fayetteville Capps H L, restaurant, 11 1 w Parrish, r 223 e Peabody Capps Jim, 114 Vickers ave Capps Mariah 11 1 Broadway Capps Marina, 207 Seminary Capps mrs Mary, 223 e Peabody Carr, Joe, 410 Willard Carrington Martha, 205 South Carroll Aurelia, 116 Vickers ave Carroll Mary, Carroll Peter, Carver mrs Addie, 108 Cora Carver SS, " " Cash Jerusha, 644 Mangum Cash Lizzie, 109 Hunt Castleberry Alice, 209 Foster Castleberry Annie, " " Castleberr>' Elizabeth " " Castleberry Esther, " " Castleberry Rosa, " " ChambeRvS Rev A J, pastor St Joseph's A M E church, r 109 Wilson T1VIQTTP17 ^^^^^ J- J- MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 IN 1^ U X\ Hi Association of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound bej^ond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, passing through the Cities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia, Augusta, and to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Colored. 177 Chambers Ida, 122 e Peabody Chambers mrs Lottie, 109 Wilson Champ Anthony, wood chopper, 108 Mt Vernon alley Champ Harriet, cook, 307 e Main, 108 Mt Vernon alley Chavers Andrew, no Garrett's alley Ch avers Anna, " " Chavers Annie, 106 Carrington Chavers Carrie, no Garrett's alley Chavers Francis, cook, r 102 s Gregson Chavers Hallie, 106 Carrington Chavers Kate, 104 Umstead alley ^havers Martha, no Garrett's alley Chavers M inters, " " Chavers Nannie, domestic, 213 e Main Chavers Theophilus, no Garrett's alley Chavers Thos, tob worker, Hayti Christmas mrs Candace, 107 Amey Christmas Mathew H, drayman, Hotel Claiborn, r 107 Amey Christmas Sadie, 107 Amey Claiborn Evaline, 319 Foster Clark Annie, 249 Cleveland Clark Archy, 601 e Main Clark Mary J, 100 Cleveland Clark mrs Sarah, in Whitted Clay John, 222 Rigsbee ave Clayton Ginsie, cook, 200 e Proctor Clegg Sinah, 204 Glenn CI egg Wesley, " " Cole Johnny, 112 Carrington Coleman Annie, 406 e Pettigrew Coleman Jane, " " Coleman J C, " " Coley Emeline, washer, 200 e Proctor Collins Hattie, washer, r 113 Mt Vernon alley Blackwell's Durham Tobacco HZ^rinZ't reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market, hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it 'THE BEST." 18 Take the PiedmQnt Ajr-L,ins, f^cu Washington, d. c, and Richmond, Va., to Athens and Birmingham. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 178 DIRECTORY— Colored. Colly. Emma, 20S McMannen Colly Flora, dom, 201 Morehead ave Colly W F, grocer, " "' Cotton Stephen, porter, 203 w Main Conch Eli, 405 Roxboro Conch H V, 311 Sonth Conch Ida, 216 Poplar Conch Mary Bell, 405 Roxboro Conncil J D, 109 Whitted Conncil Rnfn.s, ho.stler, 209 w Green Conrts Lncy A, dom, 201 Jack.son Cozart Isabella, 206 Qneen Cozart Oscar, " ^ ' Craig Alex, 406 w Proctor Craig Annie, 102 Carrington Craig Chas C, night watch Hotel Claiborn, 226 Whitted Craig Charlotte, 406 w Proctor Craig Cornie, 105 Mangnm Craig Emma, 226 Whitted Craig Wm, restanrant, lOj Mangnm Craig Wm, drayman, 203 w Main Cross Carrie, dom, 200 e Proctor Cross Geo, barber, " " Cross Oscar, cook Hotel Claiborn Cnnningham C M, 109 Holloway Cnnningham Fannie, 307 Sonth Cnnningham Frank, waiter, 611 Mangnm Cnnningham Lavinia, 109 Holloway Cnnningham Lonisa, dom, 611 Mangnm Cnnningham Martha, 109 Holloway Cnnningham Nathan, 307 Sonth Cnnningham Pattie, 2.;2 Rigsbee ave Cnrry Jennie, cook, 221 Morris DANCY CAPTAIN, 325 Pine Daniel Chas, 105 e Peabody I ]V] O T T n U ^vith J. J. MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 IN O U r\ J_J Association of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelit}' Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. -yAKE THE PIEDMONTAIR LINE, Passing through the Cities 1 of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro. Spartenburg, Greenville Seneca Gainsville and Athens, to the South and South West. For informa- tion, address. J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Colored. 179 Daniel Delia, iii Vickers alley Daniel Dicey, 102 Umstead alley Daniel Dilsy, 1 1 1 Vickers alley Daniel Eleanor " " Daniel Irvin, lab, 218 e Pettigrew Daniel Maggie, cook, 121 McMannen Daughty James, no Red Cross David Daisy, 211 Queen David Julia Ann, " " Davis Calvin, blacksmith, 301 Church Davis Chas, scavenger, 304 w Proctor Davis Joe, lab, 304 w Proctor Davis Susan, tob stamper, 304 w Proctor Davis Wm, tinner, 115 e Main, bJs 220 e Pettigrew Day Bettie, 105 e Peabody Day C M, 138 Fayetteville Day Jane, 202 Glenn Day Jim, 406 w Proctor Day Julia, 310 South Day Willie, 406 w Proctor Dean Daniel, tob worker, 249 Cleveland Dean Emma, " " Dick Garland, hostler, no Orange Dixon Ben, 210 Seminary Dixon Joe D, tob worker, 634 Mangum Dixon Julia, " " Dixon lyizzie, 227 Corporation Doherty Jim, teamster, 103 Morehead ave Dollar Fanny, tob stemmer, 306 McMannen Dollar Jane, washer, 312 e Main Dollar Kerney, lab, " " Dollar Lucy, boarding, 306 McMannen Dollar Robert, hostler, " " Donnell Phillis, cook, 213 w Pettigrew Dortch :\Iinerva, 206 Roxboro BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO I BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. Take the Piedmont Air-Line ^^^flSoSSlU^^SSe'! New Orleans, Shnveport, Texas and California. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 1 80* DIRECTORY— Colored. Dortch Sis, 215 e Main Dortch W M, 206 Roxboro Downey Elam, lab, bds 305 Willard ave Dnke Sidney, 201 w Green Dnnkins Lnla, 102 Ramsey Dunnagan Gus, waiter, 200 McMannen Dnnnagan John, porter, 209 Mangnni Dnnston Calvin, brick mason, 105 Whitted Dunston Charley " " '' " Dunston Lizzie, nnrse, 210 Morris Dnnston Rebecca, dom, 212 Pine Dnnston Wm, shoe mkr, " " Dnrham Annie, washer, 112 Reams ave Dnrham Mary, " " " "P ATM AN KATE, 407 Corporation JU Eaton, Rev A P, Pastor White Rock Bap clinrch, r 406 e Pettigrew Eaton mrs A P, 4-6 e Pettigrew Eaton Francis, 210 Cleveland Edwards DC, 114 Red Cross Edwards Jennie, " " Edwards Henry, 113 " Edwards Nancy, 108 Mt Vernon alley Edwards Rich'd, 204 Seminarv Elam HC, 114 Chnrch Ellison Francis, 307 w Pettigrew Emerson Jordan, cobbler, 211 e Main Enbanks Jennie, nnrse, 209 w Green Evans Addie, 406 Dnke Evans Aggie, 215 Poplar Evans George, marble polisher 219 w Main, 406 Duke Evans Jas R, porter, loi e Main Evans Jim, 406 Dnke Evans Junius, tob cutter, 601 e Main Evans Katie, washer, " " J[ l\/r A P l/" A A/ represents the Fidelity Mutual Life . i) . lYl ALlV A I Association of Philadelphia. Before Insuring your life do not fail to see J. J. MACKAY. He can save you money. YAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR.LINE,Passin;?throuc.h the Cities 1 ot Alexandna, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro. -Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia and Au-usta, to the South and South Uest. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Colored. ^ -Evans Nancy, cook, 103 Mt Vernon alley Evans Rosa, 314 Rigsbee ave FAISON, MARY J, cook, 106 Cleveland Fancette J P, depot R & D R R Faucette Bettic, iii Fayetteville Fancette Dilsy, washer, 107 e Proctor Fancette Edmond, lab, " " Fancette Geo, tob worker, 218 Poplar Faucette Hmirietta, 163 Fayetteville Fancette Jerry, 107 e Proctor Fancette Julia, 163 Fayetteville Fancette Lillie, " " Fancette Lucy, 107 e Proctor Fancette Mary, 163 Fayetteville Fancette Sarah, 107 e Proctor Fancette Shepherd, 163 Fayetteville Faucette Wm, 218 Poplar Ferrell Amanda, cook, 601 e Main Ferrell Bettie, cook, 223 e Peabody Ferrell Chas E, 209 Pine Ferrell Minnie, 601 e Main Ferrell S H, 223 e Peabody Ferrell Wm, 202 Rigsbee ave Ferrington General, 112 Red Cross Ferrington Mary, " " Ferrington Walker, porter, 105 e Main Fields Bertha, 200 Pine Fields Ellis, tob worker, 105 Morehead ave Fields Wm, " *' Fillpot Clara, 404 Morehead ave Finch Thos, 207 s Gregson Fitts Jack, drayman, 203 w Main Fitts Marina, 408 e Main Fitts Pharaoh, lab, 400 w Main GENUINE DURHAM TOBACCO ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BULL. The Great Passeirt^er and f-reight hj Line of the South, with unsurpass- ed FaciUties for prompt and satisfactory Passentrer and Freight Ser- vice. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 182 DIRECTORY— Colored. Fitts Thos, tob packer, 300 ]M.ang-uni, r Hayti Fitts Will, lab, 400 w Main Fitzgerald Addison, 208 Carrington Fitzgerald Lea, . " " Fitzgerald Lena, '^ '*■ Fitzgerald Matilda, " Fleming Florie, 103 Garrett's alley Fleming Geo, lab, r 113 Mt Vernon alley Fleming John J, no Mangnin Foot Thos, teamster, 102 s Gregson ' . Foot Wm, fireman, " " Foster Georgiana, 206 Glenn Foster Orange, 107 e Peabody Franklin Rev John, r 214 Poplar Freeland x\lice, tob stamper, 103 ]\Iorehead ave Freeland Bettie, washer, " " Freeland Ed, Freeland George, 103 Ainey Freeland Maggie, " " Freeman Jim, brick maker, 406 \v Proctor Fnller Ardelia, 603 e Main Fuller Jabe, drayman, 300 Mangum Fuller Marshall, lab, 406 w Proctor Fuller Pithy, r 105 Johnson's alley GANT EMMET, 155 Fayetteville Garner Alice, loi Yancey Garrison Wm, cook, no Mangum Gattis Anna, 165 Fayetteville Gattis Ben, 135 Gattis Ella, 206 Glenn Gattis George 165 Fayetteville Gattis John, 108 Whitted Gattis Mary, 135 Fayetteville Gattis Sarah, 165 " T IM C n D 17 ^i*^^^ J J- MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 IN >J U IX L Associa^^ion of Philadelphia The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. nPAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE,Pnssingthrousli the Cifies 1 of Raleigh, Durham, Goklsboro, Spartanburg. 'Greenville, vSeneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the South and South'West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor. Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTOR Y— Colored. i 83 Geer Ann, dom, 310 e Main Geer Charles, tob worker, 122 McMannen, r E Durham Geer Cornelia, washer, 143 Fayetteville Geer Ella, washer, 309 Pine Geer Emma, 143 Fayetteville Geer Henry, elk 11 1 e Peabody, r 143 Fayetteville Geer Ida, 143 Fayetteville Geer Jane, washer, 311 Pine Geer Joe, tob worker, 637 Mangnm Geer Juno, cook, " " Geer Oliver, 308 w Main Geer Ritta, cook, 216 Cleveland Geer Rosa, loi s Gregson Gser Solomon, saloon me Peabod}', r 143 Fayetteville Gibson Ana, 112 Carrington Gibson Burke, '' Gibson Henry, R R hand, 309 Pine Gibson John, 112 Carrington Gibson Larcena, bag-maker, 509 Pine Gibson Mollie, 112 Carrington Gill Alta, 112 Umstead alley Gill Bettie, 112 Umstead alley Gilmer Katie, 117 Glenn Gilmer R M, 117 Glenn Gilmore Nick, hostler, 232 w Main Glenn Annice, 117 Glenn Glenn DC, 218 Glenn Glenn Eucinda, 500 w Proctor Goins x\ngeline, 104 Carrington Goins Charlie, 104 Carrington Goins Eliza, 104 Carrington Goins Josephine, cook, 312 Lea, r 104 Carrington Goodloe Amos, 106 e Peabod\- Goodloe Annie, ii9Whitted Goodloe Harry, lab, bds 326 e Pettigrew Reliable and Satisfactory I BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. fake the PiediBoiit Air-Line. tJll 'xlSS^tr d/c.': and Richmond, Va., to Atlanta and Birniinjihain. For information . address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 184 DIRECTORY— Colored. Goodloe Lillie,, 22o Glenn Goodloe Louis, 220 Glenn Goodloe Louisa^ 220 Glenn Goodloe Nathan, 107 e Peabody Goodloe R-ebecca, 220 Glenn Goodloe Thos J, 119 Whitted Gordon Simon, 115 Vickers ave Graham James, lab, 317 Pine Graham Sallie, washer, 404. w Proctor Gray Allen, lab, 408 w Proclor Gray Arthur,, io2- e Parrish Gray Charles, hostler, 232 w INIain Green Adaline, 115 Whitted Green Calvin, 115 Whitted Green Coleman, tob worker, Hayti Green Elijah, 115 Whitted Green Emma, 412 w Peabody Green Gaston, hostler, 232 w Main, r 116 Vickers ave Green General, 1:04 Queen Green Hattie, 116 Vickers ave Green Hattie L, 100 Cleveland Green Henderson, 102 Garrett's alley Green Henry, 116 Vickers ave Green Lugenia, 113 Red Cross Green Malinda, 113 Red Cross Green Martha A, 102 Garrett's alley Green Miles, 204 Queen Green Ruth, 303 e Main Green Wm, 116 Vickers ave Gregory Alice, tob wkr, 107 Mt Vernon alley Gregory Carrie, 102 Stray horn ave Gregory William, tob wkr, 107 Mt Vernon alley Griffin Reams, 222 Rigsbee ave Griffin Wesley, 220 e Pettigrew Grimes Bud, 412 w Peabody THE FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION represented ^y J- J- MACKAY, gives lirst-class Life Insurance. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association of Philadelphia give in- surance at one-third less cost than the old line companies. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, passing througli the Cities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro. Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia, Augusta, and to the vSouth and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— CoLORKD. 185 Grimes Elizabeth, 115 Vickers ave Grimes Harriet, 412 w Peabody Grimes Lucy, 115 Vickers ave Grimes Peter, " '^ " Guess Evaliue, 103 Morehead ave Guess Frank, drayman, 623 e Main Guess Mollie, 623 e Main Guess Tern pie, "■ " HACKNEY ALBERT, 106 Glenn ackney Fannie, "■ " Haines Laura, 206 Seminary Haines Matthew, 206 Seminary Hall Alice, washer, 202 s Gregson Hall Annice, washer, 202 s Gregson Hall Charles, drayman, 206 Mangum Hall Emma, 202 s Gregson Hall Fannie, cook, 617 Mangum Hall Harry, carpenter, 202 s Gregson Hall Jane, washer, 202 s Gregson Hall Lizzie, 407 Corporation Hall Nannie, 119 Whitted Hall Phillis, cook, 402 Morehead ave Hall Ruffin, 205 Whitted Hall Lelia, dom, 307 McMannen Halliburton Henrietta, 116 Red Cro.ss Halliburton J W, 116 Red Cross Halliburton Mariah, 662 Mangum Halliburton Martha, 116 Red Cross Halliburton Winnie, 116 Red Cross Hamlet vStephen, 204 Seminary Hampton Mary, 210 Seminary Hanks Joe, waiter, no Mangum (restaurant) Hanner Corinna, washer, r 325 e Pettigrew Hanner Bettie, tob stamper, r 325 e Pettigrew Hanner Elam, lab, 325 e Pettigrew Blackwell's Durham Tobacco ;:;'lT";;i°:S; reliable, satisfactory vSmoking Tobacco ever put upon the market, hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it "THU BKST." 19 f^fllrp flip PlDr?mnn+ Air f ina ^o the vSoulfi dncl vSoutl':, Xew Orleans, Shriveport, Texas and California. For information . address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 186 DIRECTOR Y^CoLOREix Hargis Win J, 63,1 e Main Hargrave.s Ada^ 212 w Cobb Hargravcs Maggie, washer, 103 jVIorehead ave Hargraves Martha, cook, 105 Morehead ave Harris Annie, 200 e Peabody Harris Bettie, .102 Umstead alley Harris Henry, 109 Cora Harris Jennie, washer, 326 Pine Harris Joe, waiter, 400 Mangum Harris Joe, tob worker, 108 Whitted Harris John, 207 South Harris Lillie Bell, 108 Whitted Harris Lucy, 207 Smith Harris Susan, 108 Whitted Harrison Henry, lab, 115 Poplar Haskins Addie, 116 Whitted Haskins Dora, 103 Dillard Ha.skins Ella, 116 Whitted Haskins Fannie, 109 Fayetteville Haskins Logan, 105 Glenn Haskins Martha, 116 Whitted Haskins Mary, " " Haskins Nathan 408 e Main Haskins, Phoebe, 205 Glenn Haskins Virgil, 109 Fayetteville Harward Virginia, 222 e Pettigrew Hawes Ike, 325 Pine Hawkins Bettie, 216 Watkins Hawkins Julia, " " Hawkins Nathan, 216 Watkins Hawkins Wm, porter, 203 w Main Hawkins W H, 216 Watkins Hayes Alston, 114 Church Haywood Alf, barber; 102 w Main Haywood Mary, 109 Cora JT IWr A P l/^ A "V I'epresents the Fidelity Mutual L,ife . U . lYlilL'lVil I Association of Philadelphia. Before Insuring your life do not fail to see J . J . M ACK A Y . He can save you money. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AlR-LlNE.Pfissins^throuyhfheCitk'^ of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensl)oro. iReidsville, Salisbury, Columbia and Augusta, to the South and vSouth West. For information, address, J. L,. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Colored.* ' 18,7 Haywood Richard, barber, 102 w Main Heartt Charley, cook, 6o»^Ur\ili Association of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mat. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AlR-LINE^PHSslngfhronglitTie Citie* of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro, Spartanburg, Greenville, Seneca., Gainsville and Athens, to the South and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor. Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Colored. 191 Johnson Riifns, tob worker, 410 e Pettigrew Johnson Sally, cook, " ^' Johnson Sarah 104 Vickers ave Johnson Silas, 113 Red Cro.ss Johnson Simon, 120 Vickers ave Johnson Solomon, 11 1 " Johnson Susan, 318 e Pettigrew Johnson Venie, :-^03 Cleveland Johnson Violet, cook, 305 McMannen Johnson Walter, 408 e Pettigrew Johnson William, 104 Vickers ave Johnson W H, 208 s Gregson Jones Abbey, cook, 208 Pine Jones Adelaide, 222 e Pettigrew Jones Anna, 103 Corporation Jones Annie, 325 Pine Jones Bin, 200 Seminary Jones Bryant, tob worker, 122 McMannen, rN Durham Jones Charlotte, 215 e Main Jones Ed, 209 Seminary Jones Ella, 208 " Jones Emma, cook, 205 South Jones Eunice, 105 Fayetteville Jones Essex, 205 South Jones Geo, 209 South Jones Harrison, 208 South Jones Henry H, 214 e Main Jones Jacob D, 102 Johnson alley Jones J H, 112 Vickers ave Jones Lizzie, 504 w Peabody Jones Lucius, 104 Vickers ave Jones Lucinda, 103 Rowland Jones Matilda, 102 Johnson alley Jones Marina, 209 Foster Jones Martha, 151 Fayetteville Reliable and Satisfacfoi'y I BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. Tlie Great Passeiif^er and Freight. hj Line of the South, with unsurpass- ed Facilities for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight Ser- vice. For information, address, J. iT. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 192 DIRECTORY— Colored. Jones Mary, 205 South Jones ]\Iary, 120 e Main Jones Mary, 504 w Peabody Jones Mattie, 208 Seminary Jones Mollie, 211 Carrington Jones Mollie, cook, 126 McMannen Jones Quint, lab, 222 e Pettigrew Jones Rodema, 105 Fayetteville Jones R F, tob worker, 151 Fayetteville Jones Sallie, 105 Fayetteville Jones Violet, 209 Seminary Jones Willis, 103 Rowland Jordan Cornelius, 105 Amey Jordan Elsey, 128 Wilson Jordan Phillis, 105 Amey Jordan Shote, 134 Fa}'etteville Jordan Webb, fruit canner, 104 w Cobb Judd Mack, 418 e Pettigrew Justice Bettie, 113 Whitted Justice Dave, 120 e Main Justice John, wood chopper, 218 Poplar Justice Mary, tob stamper, "" " Justice Mollie, 631 e Alain Justice Rob't, 119 Amey Justice Rob't, Jr, 119 Amey Justice vSol, barber, 103 Mangum Justice vSusan, washer, 218 Poplar KILLEBREW WM, tinner, 115 e Main ing Charles, tob worker, 115 Poplar King Ida, washer, n u Kirby Rev P H, 222 Rigsbee ave Kirkland Eillie, 207 Yancey LACK JAMES, lab, 212 Poplar ane Caroline, 317 e Pettigrew TIMQTIPF ^"^^ J- J- ^i^^CKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 IN v^ U rV Hi Association of Philadelphia The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. JAKE THEPIEBMONT AIR LINE, passing throu^/h the Cities } f f'^o ' "u- Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro -Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia, Augusta, and to the South aiu^ South A\ est. For informa tion, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Colored. ^3 Ivane Da\-id, 108 Red Cross Lane Eliza, " '' Lane Fab, "■' " Lane Hattie, 317 e Pettio-re\r Lane Jennie. 108 Red Cross Lane Joe, " " Lane Katie, " -" Lane Lunsford, ^' Lanier Haywood, Jab, 307 e Pettigrew Lasater John. 129 Raniseur Latta J D, lab, 200 e Proctor Laws Jnlia, nurse, 625 Mangum, r E Dnrliam Laws Tempy, 623 e Main Lea John, dra.>-nian, 108 Mangum Lea Lelia, 109 Whitted Lea Rob' t, *' ^' Leach H M, 402 Morehead are Leach Tiney, 109 Cora Leak John, lab, 305 Ramseur Leary Laura, no Carr Leathers Agnes, tob stamper, 306 w Proctor Leathers Charley, 210 Cleveland 'Leathers Cynthia, 108 Amey Leathers Jack, " '< ' Leathers J W, " " Leathers Mariah, tob stemmer, 306 w Proctor Leathers Mary, dom, " a Leathers ]\Lar>-, 200 e Proctor Leathers Alose, 117 w Parrish Leathers Ned, teamster, 306 w Proctor Leathers Viney, 112 Dillard Leathers Will, tob stemmer, 306 w Proctor Lewis Wm, porter, 124 w Main Lindsay Henry, lab, 203 Pine Blaikwells Durham lobacco''"'""'"''^''^"^-^'' reliable, satisfactorv Smoking Tobacco ever nut Snon^Yr,. ""'^""i™' hence dealers and consumers Always pronouncrit ■ Se BEST?' "'' Ta^ks the PiedrnQnt Air-iine w°est,Mont|omery!Mobne. New Orleans, Shriveport, Texas and California. For information . address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 194 DIRECTORY— Colored. Lindsay Henry L, barber, 130 e Main, basement Lipscomb Emma, 640 Manoiim Lipscomb Genett, " " Lipscomb George, " " Lipscomb Grant, 224 Rigsbee ave Lipscomb Jim, R&D depot Lipscomb Mary, 640 Mangnm Lipscomb Phil, " " Lipscomb Pricey J, 213 e Main Locke Georgiana, 311 w Pettigrew Lockhart Easter, 401 Corporation Locklear Sarah, 106 Vickers alley Long Chas L, 114 Chnrch Long Doney, 118 w Peabody Long Lizzie, washer, 207 Morehead ave Long Mariah, 222 e Peabody Lovd Cora, 102 Carrington Loyd Lizzie, '' " Lnnn Martha, cook, 216 Dillard Lnnsford Dave, 139 Fayetteville Lnnsford Fannie, 103 Hunt Lunsford Jane, 139 Fayetteville Lnster John H, brick maker, 402 w Proctor Lutterloh Fannie, washer, 105 Mt Vernon alley Lutterloh Wm, lab, Lvde Annie, 611 e Main Lyde Frank, " Lyon Anna, tob worker, 212 Poplar Lyon Anthony, lab, 327 Pine Lyon Calvin, 613 e Main Lyon Caroline, washer, 313 Pine Lyon Caroline E, 309 Pine Lyon David, 225 Whitted Lyon Ed, 613 e Main Lyon Elijah, lab, 200 w Main, r 309 Pine ? TV/r A PI/ A V represents the Fidelity Mutual Life J. iYlAbjAA 1 Association of Philadelphia. Before Insuring your life do not fail to see J. J. MACK AY. He can save you money. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LIN E,P;)ssingtlirougli the Clt'ies of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro, Spartanburg, Greenville, Seneca., Oainsville and Athens, to the South and South West. For infornia- tion, address, J. L. Taylor. Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Colored. 195 L\'on Harriet, wa.sher, 315 e Pettigrew Lyon Jackson, 113 w Parrish -Lyon J N, 321 Foster -Lyon Lone}-, 315 e Pettigrew Lyon Mack, lab, 214 w Main, r 315 Pine Lyon Manuel, tob prizer, 212 Poplar Lyon Mary, 225 Whitted Lyon Millie, 321 Foster Lyon Muss, tob prizer, 313 Pine Lyon Nanny, tob stamper, 327 Pine Lyon Nathan, marble rubber 219 w Main, r N Durham Lyon Sail}', washer, r 315 Pine McADAMS ED, coachman, 107 Chapel Hill cAllister Annie, washer, 309 e Pettigrew McxA.lli.ster Jennie, 122 Ramseur McxAllister J S, saloon elk, 309 e Pettigrew McCauley Fannie, loi Mt Vernon alley McClave Ellen, 106 Carrington McCown Ada, 112 Umstead alley McCown Ann, wdw, 634 Mangum McCown Bettie, 112 Umstead alley McCown Ealie A, 634 Mangum McCown Jennie, 112 Umstead alley McCown J H, -634 Mangum McCown Lena, 634 Mangum McCown Louisa, 634 Mangum McCown Mittie, 112 Umstead alley McCown Peter, teamster, 634 Mangum, rear McCown Potter J, painter, 404 Mangum McCown Salina, 634 Mangum, rear McCown S H, teacher, 634 Mangum McCown Sam N, " " ' McCown Wm, 112 Umstead alley McCo}' Fanny, 1 1 1 Amey Reliable and Satisfactory I BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. Take the Piedsont Air-tos, ''" ^'"'^"' '''''''' '""' B9l*****jfroni Washington, D. C, and Richmond, Va., to Athens and Birmingham. For information., address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 196 DIRECTORY— Colored. McCoy Miles, re.5taiirant, cor Main & Corcoran, r hl Ame}' McCoy Neal, lab, 200 e Proctor McCoy Sam, lab. " McCoy Sarah, boarding, 200 e Proctor McCracken Lina, 409 e Main IvIcCnllers Katy, 115 Poplar McCnller.s Tiney, tob worker, 109 Cora McDade Bettie, 219 Whitted McDade Delia, cook, 135 McMannen, r 304 MclNIanne^i McDade Joseph, 219 Whitted McDade Jo.shua, '' " McDaniel Wm, 105 e Peabody IvIcDong-al David, cook, 115 Jackson McKa}' Jarrett, 203 Pearson ^ McKay J H, 212 Pine McKee Jim, 118 Seminary McKinsey Artelia, 105 Chapel Hill McLean Rachel, 500 w Main McNeill Margaret, 251 Cleveland • McOneen David, 115 Jackson Mackay Rnfns, 106 Carrington Macklin G W, barber, 130 e Main, basement, r 220 e Pettigrew Macklin P D, 130 e Main, basement Macklin W A, ^^ Macon Daniel, 305 Pine Macon Sally, " " Madkins Daniel, 500 w Main Mallett Estella, 312 South Mallett Martha, washer, 106 e Cobb Mallett Wm, 312 South Malone Julia, 224 Rigsbee ave Malone Rom, " '' Mangum Adolphus, 218 Poplar TNQTTP17 ^^itli J- J- MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 IN 1^ U lAi-J Association of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, PassingthroughtheCities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro. Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia and Augusta, to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Colored. 197 Maiigiira Beckie, 210 Seminary Mangum John, " " Manley Charles, 130 e Main, basement Manlev Ida, 220 Rigsbee ave Manley Mariah, 332 e Pettigrew jMarkham Edeon, 134 Fayetteville Markham Jerry, loi Yancey JMarkham Joe, 401 Corporation Markham Mollie, 134 Fayetteville Markham Rachel, 211 Liberty Markham Senah, 401 Corporation Marsh Julia, 253 Cleveland Marsh Parthenia, 115 Ramseur Marsh Tho.s, ''^ Marsh Wm, 253 Cleveland Martin Annie, 11 1 Fayetteville Martin Frank, " " " Martin R W, 107 e Peabody Mason Annie, tob stemmer, 103 Queen Mason Fannie, 124 Ramseur Mason Haywood, tob worker, r 1 1 2 Reams ave Mayo Annie, 106 Carrington Mayo Cornelius, 126 Wilson MayoCB u .. Mayo Hallie, 106 Carrington Mayo Henderson, " " Mayo Lea, " Mayo Nellie, 126 Wilson Meacham John, 308 w Proctor Meatle An nice, 106 Carrington INIeatle George, " " Mebane Caroline, 410 Willard Mebane Cora, 109 Cora Mebane Jennie, 410 Willard Mebane John, " " GENUINE DURHAM~TOBACCO ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE Bl^LL. Take tie Kedaoat Ait-iise, f™r, tvasw„gttr d/'c.'; and Richmond, Va., to Atlanta and Birmingham. T'or information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 198 DIRECTORY— Colored. Mebane Jas A, 410 Willard Mebaiie Rebecca " " Mebane Tamar, washer, 220 Poplar Meeks Edney, 502 Lea Merrick John (Wright & Merrick, barbers), 102 w Main, r 104 Fayetteville st, Hayti Merrick mrs Martha, 104 Fayetteville st, Hayti Merritt Addison, toncha bean grinder, 214 Poplar Merritt Mattie, 208 Seminary Merritt Nancy, 113 Red Cross Merritt S M, Miller Amanda, 112 " Miller Ella, Miller Lila, " " Miller Mattie, Miller Minerva, " " Minx Amey, tob worker, loi s Gregson Minx Rosa " " " Mitchell Calvin, 214 w Main Mitchell Emma, 219 Poplar Mitchell Ida, 137 Fayetteville Mitchell James, drayman, 206 Mangum, bds 133 Mc- Mannen. Mitchell John, tob worker, 219 Poplar Mitchell Kizzie, washer, 219 Poplar Mitchell Nannie, washer, 324 Pine Mitchell Rebecca. 219 Poplar Mitchell Robt, tob ciirer, 219 Poplar Mitchell Roberta, 124 Vickers ave Mitchell R E, L & D R R depot Mitchell Wm T, waiter, 213 e Main, r 219 Poplar Moore Dr A M, physician, 200 e Main, 2d floor, r no Fayetteville st, Hayti Moore A R, 159 Fayetteville THE FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION represented by J. J. MACKAY, gives first-class Life Insurance. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association of Philadelphia give in- surance at one-third less cost than the old line companies. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, Passing through the Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goklsboro. Spartenburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the vSouth and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. L- Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Colored. 199 Moore Benie, 406 Duke Moore Clem, 409 Rigsbee ave Moore mrs Cottie, no Fayetteville Moore John, 126 Fayetteville ■ Moore Julia, 159 " Moore Martha, 210 Seminary Moore Sarah, 309 South Moore Sarah, 219 Cleveland Moore Sarah A, 126 Umstead alley Moore Susan, 210 Seminary Moore Viney, 100 Cleveland Morehead Lucy, 107 Wilson Morgan Ada, 416 e Pettigrew Morgan Alex, 114 Umstead alley Morgan Cora, 657 Mangum Morgan Emma, 114 Umstead alley Morgan Ida, cook, 219 Poplar Morgan Jim, 114 Umstead alley Morgan Lucinda, 114 Umstead alley Morgan Roxana, tob worker, 211 Morehead ave Morris Julia, cook, 251 Cleveland Morris Joe, tob picker, 300 Mangum, r 152 Fayetteville ]\Iorris Julia, cook, 616 Mangum Morris Mary, 312 South Morris Parthenia, cook, 311 e Pettigrew Morris Sallie, 152 Fayetteville Morris Tom, lab, 311 e Pettigrew Morris Wm, tob worker, 251 Cleveland Morson Amanda, 205 South Morson Scipio, " " Morton Carrie, cook, 400 Morehead ave Murchinson J W, barber, 103 ]\Iangum Murphy Annie, 613 e INIam Murphy Charley, b U'ber, 103 Mangum ]\Iurphy Josephine, 106 Carrington BUCKWELL'S DUBhM TOBACCO ! BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. The Great Passenger and Freight 'l Line of the South, with unsurpass- ed Facilities for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight Ser- vice. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 200 DIRECTORY— Colored. Murray Geo, lab, 307 e Pettigrew Murray Katie, 218 Dillard Murray Rose, 307 e Pettigrew NEWLIN CHARITY, 531 w Main ewlin Sarah, 122 Umstead alley Nichols HeniT, 205 Whitted Nichols Lena, 114 Cora Nichols Serena, no Red Cross Nixon Jane, 115 Garretts alley Noel Julia, cook, 506 e Mangum Nunn Daniel, 205 Red Cross Nunn Mary, 628 Lea Nunn Ruffin, " " OATES MARIAH, snuff worker, 108 e Proctor 'Daniel Bell, 157 Favetteville O' Daniel Cornelia, " O' Daniel Julian, " O' Daniel J W, O' Daniel Nannie, " " Ofield Wni, tob worker, 105 Mt Vernon alley Olive Mary, loi s Gregson Olive T D, 129 w Main Oliver Ed, tob picker, 216 e Pettigrew Overby Amy, 305 Pine Overby Jacob N, waiter, no Mangum, r 305 Pine Overby Jordan, 105 Mangum Overby Mary, 305 Pine Overby Rob I, waiter, no Mangum, r 305 Pine Overby Wm, restaurant, no Mangum, r 305 Pine Owen Fayette, 608 Mangum PAGE ELIZA, 221 Whitted age Judia, 154 Fayetteville Page J J, 221 Whitted Page J R, " IIMQTTRF ^^^^ J' ■^" ^I^^CKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 i > O U i\ JL Association of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. •"■pAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR L IN E> passing through the Cities I of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia, Augusta, and to the vSouth and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Colored. 201 Page M 8,154 Fayetteville Parham Mariah, cook, 214 Morris Parker Henry, 120 Umstead alley Parker Jos H, " Parker Lula, '« " Parker Marg't, ^' Parker Mary A, 311 e Main Parker W J, 120 Umstead alley Parrish Alex, 225 e Peabod}- Parrish Caroline, cook, 611 Manguni Parrisli Mary, 225 e Peabody Paschall Carrie, 144 Fa}'etteville Patterson Adaline, 114 Cora Patterson Andrew, 620 Lea Patterson Emily, 620 Lea Patterson Francis, 104 Vickers ave Patterson Gracy, loi s Gregson Patterson Jerry, " " Patterson Jno, tob worker, 122 McMannen, r E Durham Patterson 'Rebecca, 109 Carrington Patterson Sudie, 317 e Pettigrew Patterson Susan, cook, 113 Poplar Patterson Wm, 104 Vickers ave Peace Annie, 113 Red Cross Peace Annie, 200 e Proctor Peace Pleasant, 200 e Proctor Peaks Luke, 114 Red Cross Peaks Sarah, " " Pearson Rev G W, 157 Fayetteville Peeden Betty, 1 1 1 HoUow'ay Pennington Alex, wood chapper, 307 McMannen Pennington Allen, lab, 304 McMannen Pennington Frank, drayman, 117 e Main Pennington Lizzie, dom, 304 McMannen Peoples Easter, cook, 317 e Pettigrew Blackwell's Durham Tol)acco ;:p;^:ri';i°::m: reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market, hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it 'ThU BEST." 21 PiEDMOiNT AIE-LIUE '^'^^^^^^ Passenger and Freight h *4J«J*i.WlN, 1 4*4ft UXi.\Li, Li„e of ti^g Sq^^Jj ^^..^,^ unsurpass- ed Facilities for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight Ser- vice. For information, address, J. I,. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. "^ 202 DIRECTORY— Colored. Peoples Fred, 317 e Pettigrew Peoples Harry, tob- worker, 317 e Pettigrew Peoples Jane, washer, "■ ^' Peoples Junius, porter, '■' "■ Peoples Ivil lie, "^ '-'- Peoples Wash,, lab, "- '•'- Perry Annice, 204. Seminary Periy Candace, " *■' Perry Isaac, '' " Perry Luke, 220 Rigsbee ave Perry Rosa, 116 Broadway Perry Thos, 204 Seminary Perry Violet, " '^ Pettigrew Geo, R&D depot hand, r 313 e Pettigrew Pettigrew Maiy, washer, 313 e Pettigrew- Phipps Margaret, washer, 212 Poplar Phipps Wm, tob worker, " " Pointer Ann, washer, 420 e Pettigrew Pointer Annie, 420 e Pettigrew Pointer Fanny, washer, 420 e Pettigrew Pointer Wm, tob worker, 420 " Pookram H H, tob worker, 108 Vickers ave Pookram Rebecca ^' *■'■ Pool Berry, 124 Fayetteville Pool J M, '' " Pool R L, " ^' Potter W H, 109 e Peabody Potter Lucy, " " Pratt Adaline, 323 Chapel Hill Pratt Ella, 108 Mt Vernon alley Pratt Emma, 209 Morehead ave Pratt Emeline, cook, 209 Morehead ave Pratt John, 205 Rowland Pratt Jno W, 323 Chapel Hill Pratt Lizzie, 114 Red Cross 1 N S Tl R F r*'' J- J- MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life ^t t}^ *- * ^ AssociaHon of Philadelphia. vZ 1 ^ "I ?^ thf Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. nPAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passing throu-htneCitle* I of Alexandria, Charlottesville, L3'nchburg, Danville, Greensboro iReidsville, vSalisbury, Columbia and Augusta, to the vSouth and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Colored. 203 Pratt Luther, 205 Rowland Pratt Milly, " " Pratt Susan, iii Holloway Presbyterian Church, colored, no Mangum (up stairs) Price Jack, 208 e Pettigrew Price Josephine, cook, 528 Mangura Price Sudie, 208 e Pettigrew Prince Bettie, loi Corporation Prince Frank, " " Prince Harriet, " " Prince Renfz, " " Prince Sarah, " " Pur^ear Carrie, 116 Red Cross Puryear Charley, no Vickers ave Puryear Elijah, 116 Red Cross Puryear Evaline, 207 South Puryear F F, 114 Mangum Puryear Grandian, 114 Red Cross Puryear Henry, 113 *' Puryear Louisa, 116 " Puryear Matilda, no Vickers ave Puryear Matthew, n6 Red Cross Puryear Nannie, " " Puryear Silas, 114 '< RAGLAND BELLA, ni Holloway atler Jim W, 104 Vickers ave Ray Anna, 104 Seminary Ray Anna S, 11.7 w Parrish Ray Annie, 209 Ramseur Ray Ben, 424 e Pettigrew Ray BJ, " Ray Daniel, 207 Whitted Ray Duncan, 107 Fayetteville GENUINE DURHAM TOBACCO ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BULL. fake: the Piete^nt 4it-Miis,J!;r^;j;:jto!;:^S. c" and Richmond, Va., to Athens and Birmingham. FoAnformation' address, J. I^. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 204 DIRECTORY— Colored. Ray Elvira, 424 e Pettigrew Ray Ferreby, 424 " Ray Francis, 612 e Main Ray Isaac, 222 Rigsbee ave Ray Jane, sack nikr, 107 Fa}'etteville Ray John, 424 e Pettigrew Ray Johnson, 424 " Ray Laura, 612 e Main Ray Lethe, 424 e Pettigrew Ray Lizzie R, 222 Rigsbee ave Ray Martha, 202 " Ray Mollie, 108 Dillard Ray M R, iii w Parrish Ray Oriby, 302 Ramseur Ray Thos J, 117 w Parrish Ray Wm, tob pkr, B D T Co, r 612 e Main Ray Zilpha, sack mkr, 107 Fayetteville, Reid Henry, 211 Foster Reid Minerva, 211 " Rencher Robt E, 114 Church Richordson Burt, teamster, 313 e Pettigrew Richardson Geo R, 209 Morohead ave ^ Richarnson G W, saloon elk, 11 1 Mangnm, r 112 Red Cross Richardson Sue, cook, 213 e Pettigrew Richardson Thos, R R hand, 200 e Proctor Richmond J C, 107 e Peabody Richmond Robt, 114 Chnrch' Ridley Rosa, 104 Carr ave Ridley Thos, • " " Rigsbee Alex, tob stamper, 102 w Green Rigsbee Geo, wood chopper, " " Rigsbee Lanra, 215 Glenn Rigsbee Virgil, porter, 202 Mangum Ring David, cobbler, 113 Red Cross IN^TTPF with J. J. MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life li^ kJ U i\i_j Association of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'h, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question T;?f^^'^",^n'^^^°.^J^^^ ^^^^' Passing through the Cities 1 oi Raleigh Durhim, Goldsboro. Spartenburg, Greanville, Seneca Gainsville and Athens, to the South and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Colored. 205 Ring Harriet, 115 Red Cross Roan David, 107 Chapel Hill Roan OH, 220 Poplar Roberson Celia A, washer, in Vickers ave Roberson Dock, lab, 203 Ramseur Roberson Ella, cook, " " Roberson Henr>', tob cutter, 220 e Pettigrew Roberson Jake, tob wkr, 105 Morehead ave Roberson John, 114 Church Roberson Thos, 1 1 1 Vickers ave Roberson W H, 207 Seminary Roberts Caroline, ii6Broadwav Roberts Geo, 112 Day ave Roberts Harriet, 212 Morris Roberts Jennie, 112 Day ave Roberts Ruth, 212 Morris Robertson Elizabeth, 103 Morehead ave Robertson James, " " Robinson Annie, 412 w Peabodv Robinson Celia, 220 e Pettigrew Robinson Hattie, 208 Willard ave Robinson Henr>', 220 e Pettigrew Robinson Jake, 209 Morehead ave Robinson John, 112 Red Cross Robinson John, 105 Mt Vernon allev Robinson Jno E, blk smith, in Bank alley, r 208 Wil- lard ave Robinson Mary E, 205 Roxboro Robinson Sylvia, 208 Willard ave Robinson Wiley. 412 w Peabody Robinson Wni H, 207 Seminary Rofe Geo, tob wkr, 122 McMannen, r E Durham Rogers Benj, lab, 214 s Gregson Rogers Bettie, washer, 214 s Gregson Rogers Chas, tob wkr, " " BUC/aVELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO ! BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. f ak© th© Pistaml 4ir-Is!n,3j from Washington, D. C. , and Richmond, Va., to Atlanta and Birmingham. For information, address. J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 206 DIRECTORY— Colored. Rogers Esther, 109 Carringtou Rogers Geo, 107 e Peabody Rogers J W, 401 Corporation Rogers Lucy, cook, 120 South Rogers Mary, 401 Corporation Rogers Mary, washer, 221 Liberty Rogers Nettie, cook, 214 s Gregson Rogers Sallie, 103 Foster Rogers Susan, 202 Pine Rogers Washington, 109 Carrington Rogers Wiley, lab, 217 Morehead ave Ross Annie, nurse, 200 e Proctor Ross Isabella, cook, 302 Ramseur Rose Wm, lab, 304 South Rountree Ellen 206 Roxboro Rountree Gus, " " Rountree McKinsey, no Church Royster Henry, lab, 303 Pine Royster Jack, 113 Day ave Royster Louisa, 113 " Rudd Sarah, loi Whitted Rnffin Anderson, 150 Fayetteville Ruffin Eliza, 130 " Rnffin E S W, 115 Vickers ave Ruffin Emeline, cook, 225 Morris Ruffin James, 118 w Peabody Ruffin Lucinda, 115 Vickers ave Ruffin Lucy, 150 Fayettville Ruffin Peter, tinner, ir5 e Main, r 112 Red Cross Ruffin Sam, 130 Fayetteville Ruffin Wm, 115 Vickers alley Russell Dicy, 203 Glenn Russell Franks 614 e Main Russell Henry, 203 Glenn Russell Henry, 122 Vickers ave THE FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION represented by J. J. MAC KAY, gives first-class Life Insurance. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association of Philadelphia give in- surance at one-third less cost than the old line companies. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LlNE,Pass:ingthrough ihe Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro, vSpartanburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the South and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. L,. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY — CoLOREix. 20; Russell John, 614 e Maiu Russell Maliuda, 614 e Main Russell Mariali, 122 Vickers ave Russell Thos, 614 e Main Rutledge Thos, 144 Fayetteville Rutledge Ella, " SANDERS CHAS, porter, 106 e Main Saunders Sarah, 416 e Pettigrew Sanford Spot, barber, 103 Mangum, r 30S e Main Satterfield Agnes, 117 Glenn Satterfield Francis, 405 Corporation Satterfield Joe, Satterfield Maggie, 154 Fayetteville Savoid Francis, 107 Carrington Savoid Wm, Scales Alston, tob worker, 122 McMannen, r 103 Amey Scales Jesse, 103 Amey Scales John, " '' Scales Joe, saloon clerk, 220 e Pettigrew Scales J B, 107 e Peabody Scales Mary, 103 Amey Schriber Henry, butler, 506 Lea Scott Lucretia, 216 Watkins Scott Mary, '^ '^ ^ Scott Polly, 214 Poplar Scott Polly, 112 Ramseur Sears Frank, 107 Mangum Sears John, 211 Carrington Sears Mary, 107 Mangum Sears Minerva, 211 Carrington Sears Phoebe, 211 Carrington Sellers Francis, no e Proctor Sellers Jordan, 210 s Gregson Sellers Julia, Reliable and Satisfactory ! BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. Take ths Refaoal AiE-Kae ;[?e«'£o«goLo-:>S:ne" New Orleans, Shrivcport, Texas and California. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 208 DIRECTORY— Colored. Sellers Julia, washer, iioe Proctor Sellers Thomas, '' '' Shackelford Mag, doin, r 106 Roiiey Shaw Agnes, 165 Fayetteville Shaw Ed, iii Wilson Shaw Mariah, 418 e Petti grew Shaw Mitchell, 406 w Proctor Shaw Rebecca, iii Wilson Shaw R M, porter, 204 Mangnra, r 165 Fayetteville Shearin Henry, 506 Lea Shelbon Henry, 304 McMannen Shelbon Jas, lab, 303 Pine Shelbon Mary, " " Shelton James, lab, 303 Pine Shelton Minnie, washer, 303 Pine Shelton Rosa, 304 McMannen Shelton Winnie, 304 McMannen Shoffner Lem, tob wkr, 408 w Proctor Simms James, tob wkr, 324 Pine Simmes Mary, washer, 324 Pine Simmes Mary, 406 Duke Simmes Skid, coachman, 406 Duke Simmons Joe, 232 William Simmons Mag, washer, 404 w Proctor Smith Annie, cook, 138 McMannen Smith Eliza, 305 e Main Smith Emma C, 221 Liberty Smith E C, 150 Fayetteville Smith Eugene, 221 Liberty Smith Fanny, 303 Pine Smith Jule, 114 Church Smith J C, 221 Liberty Smith Laura, 405 w Pettigrew Smith Laura, cook, 207 s Gregson Smith Lena, washer, 104 Fayetteville JT IVr A Pl^ A V represents the Fidelity Mutual Life . U . lYlii^L/IVi\ 1 Association of Philadelphia. Before Insuring your life do not fail to see J. J. MACKAY. He can save you money. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, passmg through the Cities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, IReidsville, Salisbury, Columbia, Augusta, and to the South and vSoutfe West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Colored, 209 Smith Maggie, 218 e Pettigrew ■Smith Mary, tob stamper, 207 s Gregson Smith Mary washer, 637 Mangnra Smith Mary, 405 w Pettigre\y Smith Mary, 104 Haywood Smith Mary, 221 Liberty Smith Mary C, 221 " Smith Nannie, 213 Whitted Smith Nannie, dom, 315 Ramsenr Smith P H, grocer, 105 e Peabody, r 2ig e Pettigrew Smith Wesley, teamster, 315 Ramseur Smith Wm, 637 Mangnm Smith Wm M,. 104 Haywood Smith WO, 107 Fowler Smith W T, 213 Whitted Sneed Bryant, tob stamper, no j\It Vernon alley Sneed Juenry, tob stamper, '* " " Sneed Julia A, washer, " " " Sneed Sedley, drayman, no Mt Vernon alley Snipes Carrie F, 105 Mangnm Snipes Fletcher S, 105 " Snipes Maggie L, " '* Snipes Sally, cook, '* " Snipes Wm, lab, 200 e Proctor Sparkman Amanda, 116 Glenn Sparkman Duncan, 108 Fayetteville Sparkman Emily, " " Sparkman Israel, " " Sparkman Katie, " " Stanley Mariah, 112 Reams ave Stanly Mariah, 314 Rigsbee ave Stephens Charley, 206 Seminary Stephens Jennie, " " Stephens King, " " Stephens Lilly, " Blackwell's Durham Tobacco p^^tiruni^'m, reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market, hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it "THE BEST." 22 :e the Piedmant ^ir-Liine, j;;f ^'^^'^^^^ ''''''^ ^'"" "ifrom Washington, D. C, and Richmond, Va., to Athens and Birmingham. For information , address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 2IO DIRECTORY— Colored. " Stephens Mariali, 117 Poplar Stephens Martha,. 206 Seminary Stephens Wm, lab, 117 Poplar Stephens W M, 1 1 1 w Parrish Stewart Blanche, tob wkr, 406 e Main Stewart Geneva, washer, 212 Poplar Stone Mebane, lab, 107 Vickers alley Stone Susan, " *"' Stowe Green, lab, r 112 Reams ave Strayhorn Alice, 210 Carrington Stra}'horn Caroline, washer, 303 Willard ave Strayhorn John, tob wkr, 211 Morehead ave Strayhorn Viney, washer, "■ " Strayhorn Wm, tob prizer, '<■ "• Stroud Bella, 109 Cora Stroud Emma, 118 Vickers ave Stroud Eveline, cook, 317 Pine Stroud Geo, 104 e Proctor Stroud Green, lab, r 319 e Petti grew Stroud Jennie, 317 Pine Stroud Rosa, 114 e Proctor Strudwick Duncan, 306 McMannen Strudwick Wm, 302 Dillard Sturtevant Thos, cook, 105 Mangum, r 319 e Pettigrew Sturtevant W L, cook, 105 Mangum Suits Laura, cook, 406 e Main Summerville Annie, 109 Cora Sutton John, 203 Morehead ave Swepson F*rancis, cook, 216 Morris TALLY ED, 327 Pine ally Nannie, washer, 327 Pine Tally Peter, carpenter, " '^ Tapp Ed, R&D depot Tapp Wm, '' IN^TTPl^ '^'ith J- J- MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mntual Life 1 IN O U Xv J_J Association of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. npAKETHE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, Passing throucrh tiie Cities 1 of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro. Sparcenburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the vSouth and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. h. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Coi^ORiSD. 2 1 1 Tapp W H, waiter, Hopkins House Tate Alex, 614 e Main Tate Christian, washer, 614 e Main Tate Maria, no Red Cross Tate Maria, 108 Vickers ave Tate Tiney, 614 e Main Tate Wni, 309 South Taylor Fannie, 104 Carrington Tavlor Julia, 303 Lea Taylor Rev J C, 114 Church Taylor Ransom, 104 Carrington Taylor Violet, 211 Queen Teachy Isabella, 212 Pine Terrell Wm, cook. Hotel Claiborn Terry Julia, cook, 215 Poplar . Terry Willard, Thomas Henry, 204 Seminary Thompson Amy, cook, 102 Reams ave Thompson Annie, 119 McMannen Thompson Bessie, 309 South Thompson Betsy, 500 w Peabody Thompson Celia, 202 Ramseur Thompson Estella, 103 Carr ave Thompson Isabella, 205 w Green Thompson Julia, no Milton ave Thompson J W, lab, 103 Queen Thompson Mary, nurse, 105 Willard ave Thompson Melissa, 309 South Thompson Patsy, 201 w Green Thompson Peggy, 309 South Thompson Tom, lab, 308 McMannen Tilley Becky, 112 Reams ave Tilley Dudley, 215 Poplar Tilley Harriet, 104 Umstead alley Tilley Holder, tob wkr, 1 1 2 Reams ave BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. fake the Fiediaottt AlE-Liae ^,£^o^LS;:'JZ^. New Orleans, Shriveport, Texas and California. For information , address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 212 DIRECTORY— COLOREB. Tilley Richard, tob wkr, l:o2 e Proctor Tilley Rosa, dom, " " Toriaii Merick, lab, 308 w Main, r W Durham Towns FT, 216 Watkins Townsend Alex, tob wkr, 312 South Townsend Gracy, tob stamper, 312 South Townsend Goines, *■' " Townsend Letha^ washer, ii u Townsend I^ucy, tob wkr, *■'• ^' Trainum Rose, 307 e Pettigrew Trice Francis, cook,. 11 1 South Trice Johnson, tob stemmer, loi s Gregson Trice J S, loi Strayhorn ave Trollinger Cora, cook, 206 Cleveland Trollinger Thos, drayman, 126 w Main Tucker G L, 114 Church Tucker Rebecca, 109 Dandy Tucker Samuel, 406 w Pettigrew Tucker Sarah, 406 w Pettigrew Tucker Sarah F, 406 w Pettigrew Tucker Rev E R, school teacher, 406 w Pettigrew Tucker Wm, 406 w Pettigrew Turner Aaron, lab, 634 Mangum Turner Fred, 412 w Peabody Turner Hannah, 412 w Peabody Turner Jane, 217 Dillard Turner Jennie, washer, 634 Mangum Turner Mary, 116 Whitted Turner Nelson, 116 " Turner Sally, 308 w Proctor Turner Sarah, 412 w Peabody Turner Willie, 116 Whitted Turrentine Ada, 202 Glenn Turrentine Josephine, 202 Glenn Turrentine Meredith, " " Jr T\/r A Pj/" A V represents the FIDELITY Mutual LiFE . O. iTl/lL/lVi\ I Association of Philadelphia. Before Insuring your life do not fail to see J . J . M ACK A Y . He can save you money. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passingthrough the Cities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Ljnichburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reidsville, Salisbury, Columbia and Augusta, to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Colored. 213 Twine Rev L D, pastor Pjesbyterian church' 205 Roxboro Twine mrs Mary W, 205 Roxboro Twitty Eliza T, 115 Broadway UMSTEAD VERNUSA, dom, 612 Manguiii, r N Durham Upchiirch Etta, cook, 230 McMannen VAN HOOK ANNICE, dom, 501 Mangum anhook Edwd, tob prizer, B D T Co, r 501 Mangum Vanhook Puss, 113 w Parrish Vanhook Young, tob pkr, 300 Mangum, r 113 w Parrish WADE AARON, 113 Red Cross adejohn, Wade Eliza, 148 Fayetteville Wade Houston, 148 " Wade Lizzie, " " Wade McKinsie, " " Wade Rena, 208 Whitted Wade Saml, 148 Fayetteville Wade Zack, 208 M^iitted Walker Bettie, in Glenn Walker Ellen, 109 Ramseur Walker Francis, 410 Willard Walker James, *' " Walker Eaura, 304 e Main W^alker Mary, 112 Ramseur Walker Mary A, 220 Poplar Walker Sarah, 204 Dillard Walker Wm, in Glenn Wallace Eva 213 Whitted Wallace Henry, 104 Carrington Wallace Geo, 222 Rigsbee ave Wallace John, 213 Whitted Ward G W, restaurant, no Church GENUINE DURHAM" TOBACCO ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BULL. ed Facilities for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight Ser- vice. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 214 DIRECTORY— Colored. Warren Ann, washer, 301 Chapel Hill Warren Benj, barber, 102 w Main, r 301 Chapel Hill Warren Ed tob wkr, 122 McMannen, r 301 Chapel Hill Warren Geo R, tob wkr, 301 Chapel Hill Warren Henry, 114 Red Cross Warren James, lab, 506 Morehead ave, r 303 Chapel Hill Warren Lou, cook, 133 South Warren Mariah, cook, 506 Morehead ave, r 303 Chapel Hill Warren Monroe F, Hotel Claiborn Warren Mary J, washer, 303 Chapel Hill Warren Sarah', 114 Red Cross Warren Stanford, tob wkr, 301 Chapel Hill Watkins Susan, 216 Watkins Watson Alex, 121 Amey Watson Francis, 121 Fayetteville Watson Lethe, 121 Amey Watson Martha, 104 Johnson's alley Watson Wilson, 121 Fayetteville Watson Zilpha, " Weatherspoon Laura, 403 Corporation Weaver Celin dom, 404 Morehead ave Weaver Ida M, 109 Amey Weaver S B, drayman, 117 e Main, r 109 Amey Webb Aaron, 115 Garrett's alley Webb Delia, no Red Cross Webb Easter, no Red Cross Webb Francis, 10 1 Amey Webb F J, 155 Fayetteville Webb Moses, 405 w Proctor Webb Patsey, " Webb Robt, 207 Carrington Welborn A D. 207 Whitted Welborn Pandora, 207 Whitted TNQTTPF "^'^^^^ J' J" ^I-^CKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 IN k^ U Iv Hi Association of Philadelphia- The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passingthrough the Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro, Spartanburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the South and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor. Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Colored, 215 Welsh Charles, tob worker, 112 Reams av^e Welsh Dallas, tob cutter, " " Welsh Delia, washer " " West Fanny, washer, 404 \v Proctor Wheeler Chas, tob stamper (Duke), 513 e Main White Anderson, 222 Rigsbee ave White Bettie, washer, 220 Poplar White Bettie, 208 Queen White Celia, washer, 103 Morehead ave White Edwd, 114 Church White Ennis, lab 308 McMannen White Fanny, washer, 308 McMannen White F'rances, sack mkr, 109 e Proctor White John, lab, 308 McMannen White Louisa, cook, 114 e Pettigrew White O B 102 w Main White Simon, 102 Vicker's alley White Simpson W, R R hand, 109 e Proctor White Virginia, 102 Vicker's ave Whitted Anderson A, 108 Umstead alley Whitted Bertha, 227 Whitted Whitted Evaline, 108 Umstead alley Whitted Jas A, school teacher, 227 Whitted Whitted Jas A, Jr, mail carrier, 128 Wilson Whitted John, tob pkr, 218 e Pettigrew Whitted Lea M, 202 Ramseur Whitted Lilly, 108 Umstead alley Whitted Alary, 227 Whitted Whitted Molly, cook, 218 e Pettigrew Whitted Pearl, 227 Whitted Whitted Portia J, 227 " Whitted Robt M, carpenter, 108 Umstead allev Whitted Sally, 227 Whitted Whitted Susan, 128 x'lmey Whitted Susie E, 128 Wilson Reliable and Salisfactory I BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. A 1m T i»* The shortest direct lint '*«'jj from Washin<^ton, D. C. , and Richmond, Va., to Atlanta and Birmingham. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 2 1 6 DIRECTOR Y— Colored. Whitted S J, 227 Whitted Whitted Tenipy, 128 Wilson Whitted Wm, tob pkr, 218 e Fettigrew Whitty Will, tob wkr, r 217 Poplar Wilkins Sam, 115 e Peabody Wilder Anna, cook, 210 Morris Williams Amos, loi Yancey Williams Annie, cook, 202 Sonth Williams Bella, 319 Foster Williams Cornelia, cook, r 108 Rigsbee ave Williams Eliza, washer, 109 Cora Williams Emma, Hopkins House Williams Geo, 150 Fayette\alle Williams Haywood, 118 Seminaiy Williams James, 319 Foster Williams Laura, cook, 218 Dillard Williams Lilly, 115 Vicker's alley Williams Lizzie, Hopkins House Williams Margaret, nurse 214 Cleveland Williams Martha, ti8 Seminary Williams Mary, 200 Rigsbee ave Williams Mar>' J, 208 s Gregson Williams Nat, 101 Ramsey Williams Penny, cook, 305 McMannen Williams Rhena, cook, 203 Morehead ave ' Williams Rosa, cook, 319 Foster Williams Susan, 300 Chapel Hill Williams Sylvia, 319 Foster Williams Telia, 208 s Gregson Williams Willis, cook, Hotel Claiborn Williams Wm J, 224 Rigsbee ave Williamson Belle, r 107 Mt Vernon, alley Williamson Hannah, 305 Pine Williamson Mary, tob stamper. 305 Pine Williamson Susan, 300 Chapel Hill THE FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE ASvSOCIATION represented by J. J. MAC KAY, gives first-class Life Insurance. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association of Philadelphia give in- surance at one-third less cost than the old line companies. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, passing flirouglifheCitle:i of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, IReidsville, Salisbury, Columbia, Augusta, and to the South and Soutk 'West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DmECTORY— Colored. 2 1 7 "Wilson Menrietta, nurse, r 208 s Gregson Wilson John, 108 Dillard % Wilson Jordan, 105 Whitted Wilson M^artlia, 21.1 ]Morehead ave Wilson Sarah, washer, 304 McMannen Wimberly Clara, 121 Broadway Winstead Chas G, 211 Watkins Winston Delia, niu'se, 313 w Pettigrew W^inston Fanny, cook, " " Womack Anderson, 313 Chapel Hill Womack Oscar B, 405 Roxboro Womble Lewis, 206 Mangiini Wonible Sarah A, nurse, r 211 Ramseur Wooden Sally, 207 Carrington Wooden Wm, 207 Carrington Woods Docie, 102 Umstead alley Woods Fanny, no Carr Woods Jennie, cook, 229 Cleveland, Woods Larkin, drayman, 636 Mangum W^oods Serilla, *' " Woods Sylvia, cook, 103 Queen Woody Ida, cook, 307 e Pettigrew Worth Mary, cook, 207 Dillard Wright Fanny, 106 Fayetteville Wright John, lab, 222 e Pettigrew Wright Jno W, of Wright & Merrick, 102 w Main, r 106 Fayetteville Wright Lucy, 303 Chapel Hill Wright nirs Mary K, 106 Fayetteville, Ha\ti Wright Thos J, waiter, 303 Chapel Hill Wright Walter, 107 e Peabody Wright & Merrick, barbers, 102 w Main Wyatt Delphy, no Red Cross YARBOROUGH ELIZA, 406 w Peabody arborough Ellen, 412 e Pettigrew Blackwell's Durham Tobacco ';:::^'':^^ reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market' hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it "THE BEST " 23 To the South and' South West, Montgomery, Mobile , New Orleans, Shriveport, Texas and California. For information . address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 2i8 DIRECTORY— CoLOREix Yarborough Louisa, 109 Cora Yarboroug-h Luc}', 108 Vickers ave Yates Belle, 407 Corporation Yates Charles, " Y^atesDock, '^ Yates Ellen, '' Yates jMartha, " " Yates Thos, shoemaker, 415 w Main ^ Young Bettie, 206 Queen Young Glenn, "• *■' Young Mamie, '<• '^ . Younger Anna, 103 Corporation Yoiuiger Peter, •■' •■' DURHAM COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY. -- Tomlinson S F, ag't, 212 w Peabody Rogers R I, 219 w Main Xvdiea-ts. HuTcHlNS, J W, City Market McClees T L, City Market Schwartz, J, City Market livdlercliant Ta,ilors. . Mesley J S, 122 e Main lvd:erclia.nd.ise Broilers. Gattis J R, 201 e Main TMOTipy with J. J. MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 IN O U IX Lj Association of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sovind beyond question. nPAKE THE PIEDMONT AlR-LIN£,PassingthronghtheCitig5 I of A exandna. Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, .Keidsville, halisbury, Columbia and Augusta, to the South and South A\est. For mforniatioa, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Co^MMERCiAU ^ 'Griswold W J, I02 w Main, 2nd Bo&r Ramsey N A, 107 e Main .Surles W B, 201 w Main I^v^illixLer3r„ Paucette Mrs A J & Co, 11 8 e Main Pollett Mrs C M V, 124 e Main Smith Mrs Ada M, 127 e Main :Durliani School of Music, 125 e Main, 2nd Hoof DuRH.\_M Daily Sun, 108 e Main Durham Globe, daily and weeklv, 129 e IMain Durham Recorder, 108 e Main Southern Educator, ioi w Main Opera Ho-use. Stokes Opera House, 122 to 126 w Main Fisher C I, 204 Jackson King C C 120 Hunt Rowe A M, North Durham Turner J E, 302 Morehead North Durham Pants Factory, iiS w IMain, Up stall's, Durham Paper Box Factory, 120 \v Main Z=li3rsic ia JIS. Battle. Dr L W, 120 Broadwav Cain Dr Jas F, 113 South BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO ! BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. fP-,T.- iLi. 'B^'^J'vMMwi AJw T?w« To the Sbutii and vSoutb la^e im riean|Qn.l illJ-liinej West.Montgomery.Mobile,. New Orleans, Shriveport, Texas and California. For information, address, J. L. Tajdor, Atlanta, Ga. Z30 DIRECTORY — Commercial. Carr Dr A G, 408 e Main Jiohnson Dr N M, 120 South Manning Drjno M, 109 Jackson Moore Dr A M, col, no Fayetteville Roberts Dr J D, 232 Cleveland Smith Dr Julian A, 205 w Green Vickers Dr Thos S, 309 Raniseur :E=li.otog"ra,p lie rs - RocHELLE C W, 112 w Main Shelburn W, 105 e Main Pianos a2n.ca. Org^ans. Cheek Furniture Co, loi w Parrish Darnall & Thomas, 105 e Main Murray W R & Co, 103 w Main IPl-CLnriToizig-, Steaarn and. O-as :Pittiri.g-- HoLMAN S W, ag't Bargamin & Co, 121 e Main I=rinters, JBool^ and. Jolo. Educator Co, ioi w Main Whitaker Printing Co, 118 w Main I^estaTj-rants. Capps F P & H L, col, in w Parrish City Dining Hall, cor w Main and Corcoran Craig W M, col, 105 Mangum Overby Wm, col, no Mangum Ray Thos, col, 117 w Parrish Rencher R E, col, 114 Church Rowlett Elizabeth, col, 112 Mangimi Sears Frank, col, 107 Mangum Sasli, IDoor azid. Bliiiid. :F'actor3r. WoRTHAM W H, cor e Pettigrew and Ramse}- Mangum Wm, 326 w Green TlMQTl P TT ^^'^'^^ ■!• J" MACKAY, Agent Fidelity Mntual Life i IN O U iV Hi Association of Philadelphia. , The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound beyond question. . TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, Passing througli the Cities, of Raleigh, Durham, Goklsboro. Spartenburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gainsville and Athens, to the South and South West. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Commercial, 231 ]\Iangum Wm, 318 w Green Rigsbee T J, 104 w Green Saloons. Barbee & Co, 106 Mangnm Branson J, 100 Mangnm Douglass AW 11 1 Mangnm Ellis, A J, 112 Church Oeer J H, col, me Peabody Herndon M C, 109 e Peabody Norwood Paul, 114 Mangnm Pleasants R C, 120 w Parrish Pool Robt, 117 w Parrish - Scoggins T H, loi Mangnm Scliools stnci Oolleg-es. Durham Female Institute, Mangnm cor Seminary Durham Graded School, (white) Dandy, btw Jackson and Carr Durham Graded School, (col.) Red Cross, cor Tatum's alley Durham Male Academy, Cleveland, cor e Green Methodist Female Seminary, Church, head of Liberty Trinity College, Trinity Park Se-VsT-ing- Is^acliirLe u^g-enats. Hamilton J W, ag't "Singer," 114 e w Main Murray J S, ag't "New Home," 114 w Main Murray W R & Co, ag'ts "Domestic," 103 w Main Slioemal^ers- Adams Thos, 200 e Main Campbell J P 202 w Main Carrol J O 104 w Main Dunston W M, 107 e Peabody GENUINE DURHAM" TOBACCO ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BULL. fafee the fieJniQiit Ait-Line, f™:SS^to''"^^/^- and Riclimond, Va., to "Athens and Birmingham. For information , address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 232 ■ DIRECTORY— CoMMEjicJAi. High C C, Jacksan near Lea- Howard Geo W, 211 e Main Yates Thos^. col,, 415 w Main. Link I N, 201 \v J\iain, up stair.'^. Massey Rufus, 113 Church Michie J C, 113 South. Overby L W, 604 Manguni . Ramsey N A, 107 e Main Lloycl' A E & Co, 122 w Main Taylor C C, 115 e Main Womble J T, no e Main Teleg-rapli- Western Union Telegraph Co^ 11 1 Corcoran Teleplioiie. Southern Bell Telephone Co, in Corcoran, 2n.d floor Tinners. Lougee Geo E, 240 w Main TwLOR C C, 115 e Main ToToacco IDesilers. Bass H J & Co, 208 Morgan Biirton R C, 213 Foster Cooper W L & Co, 138 w Main Cooper & Rowland, 112 McMannen Duke B L, cor w Main and Corcoran, 2n floor GooDSON T C, 113 Pine Green & MorEhead, 211 Morris Israel W R, no Morgan Jones (tCO R & Co, 601 Manguni J[ M A Pl^ A V represents the FideIvITv MuTuai, Lifk . J. iVlAUlYA I As.sociaTion of Philadelphia. Before In.suring your life do not fail to see J, J. MACK AY. He can save you money. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, passing through the Cities of Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reidsville, vSalisbury, Columbia, Augusta, and to the South and vSouth West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORY— Commercial. Kramer A, 122 and 124 McMannen Lea N P, 309 Fuller LOCKHART J S, 212 w Main Lyon R E, 100 Church Martin T H, no Morris OSBORN W H Co, 206 Morris Peay T L, 301 e Peabody PiNNix J T & Co, no Watkins Reams C F, 335 w Green Reams HA, 252 w Peabody Reams I M, 115 Ramseur Smith J W & Co, 308 w Main Smoot a H & Co, 200 Watkins Stokes A H & Co, 114 w Parrish Swift J W, 108 Roney Tatum J W, 105 Tatum Alley Umstead A K, 301 Holloway Umstead J N, 301 Holloway Walker J B, in Pine Watkins J L, 115 Roney Toloacco ^actories- Blackwell Durham Co-operative Tob Co, cor w Petti - grew and Blackwell Duke Sons W & Co, cor Cigarette and w Peabody Fanners Alliance Plug Factory, 415 w Green Faucette Durham Tob Co, 208 Poplar Lyon Z I & Co, 122 e Pettigrew Morris R F & Sons M'fg Co, 212 w Peabody Swift & Brown, 108 Roney, Whitted J Y Tob Works, 206 e Pettigrew T'o'bacco ■Vs7'arel:LOiises. Banner Warehouse, 214 w Main Farmers' Alliance Warehouse, 400 w Main Parrlsh Warehouse, 300 Mangum Reams W arehouse, 200 w Main. - Blackwell's Durham Tobacco ;:;:r°";2™;; reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market, hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it "THE BEST," 25 ed Facilities for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight Ser- vice. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. 234 DIRECTORY— Commercial. XJud-ertsilsrers. Cheek Furniture Co, loi w Parrish Durham Fur M'fg Co, 107 and 109 Corcoran Howerton R T & Bro, 408 Mangnm 'Va.riet3r Store. Rawls Q E, 119 e Main TTsT'atclinn.a.lsiers smcL cre-^XT-elers. Jones M H, me Main PosTLEY, C T, 125 e Main Whituey R D, 203 e Main TO ALL ADVERTISERS. The Durham Ahnanac will contain the names and postoffice address of 5000 of the most substantial citi- zens of this and all adjoining counties, and a copy will be mailed to each on^ fi^ee. It will be issued in September, and will be by all odds, the best advertising medium ever offered in Durham. The Almanac will be complete and reliable, as good as the best. Advertisers can order as many additional copies as they may wish, with their ads. on the outside back, at satisfactory rates. Write for space at once, please, and oblige. Yours truly, N. A. RAMSEY, Publisher, No. 107 East Main Street, DURHAM, N. C. TMQTTDT? ^^'^*^^^ J- J- mack ay, Agent Fidelity Mutual Life 1 IN kJ U Ix Ej AssociaHon of Philadelphia. The Plans of the Fidelity Mut. Life Asso'n, of Philadelphia, are ac- knowledged by all first-class actuaries to be sound be3-ond question. CHURCH STATISTICS. DURHAM COUNTY. NUMBER OF CHURCHES WHITE. Methodist, lo Missionary Baptist, . . . . ' ii Primitive Baptist, 5 Presbyterian, i Episcopal, I Christian, i 29 Note. — I regret not being able to get any reliable statistics for the colored churches. — Pub. SUNDAY SCHOOL STATISTICS. DURHAM COUNTY. Number of Schools, 65 Officers and Teachers, 568 Scholars, 4,708 Total membership, 5,276 Average number of square miles to each school, 5.8-13 Average number of population to each school, 277 PUBLIC SCHOOL STATISTICS. W G ViCKERS, Supt Public Instruction. COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION. D C Gunter, chairman R B Blalock James E Lyon GRADED SCHOOL BOARD W A Guthrie, chairman, W E Foster, L D Heartt, S F Tomlinson, C C Taylor, W H Rogers. 236 DIRECTORY.— Statistics, &c. NUMBER OF CHILDREN BETWEEN 6 AND 21 IN DURHAM COUNTY. White . . . 3,761 Colored 2,490 Total 6,251 SCHOOU FUND Apportioned 4tli Jan., 1892, $12,926.00, or $2.00 per capita. Weak districts are allowed $105.00 for any nnniber of children fallino- under 53. NUMBER SCHOOL DISTRICTS. White 36 Colored 25 Total 61 NUMBER SCHOOL HOUSES IN THE COUNTY. White * 32 Colored . 24 Total 56 NUMBER SCHOOLS TAUGHT DURING THE SCHOOL YP:AR OF 1891. White 29 Colored 24 Total .53 ayerage length of school term. Whites 17 2-3 weeks Colored 18 7-12 " average TEACHERS' PAY. White f ^^^^^ $30.17 per month 1^ Female 27.25 " " ,, , . ( Male 24.28 " Colored - ta 1 an. \ Female 24. 17 " " PUPILS ENROLLED. White / ^^""^^^ ^^95 1 Females 876 Total 1771 DIRECTORY.— Statistics, &c. 237 Average attendance 113° ^ , ■, i Males 5'"^^ Loiored - -^ , _ ( Females / 10 Total 1 291 Average attendance 77*^ NUMBER OF PUPILS STUDYING DIFFERENT BRANCHP:S. Arithmetic 997 Geography 49^ Knglish Grammar 801 History of N. C 418 History of U. S 35i Physiology 192 VALUE OF PUBLIC SCHOOL PROPERTY. White $ 4>8io Colored 4> H5 (traded School for whites 35iOOO Total $43)955-50 Graded School for the colored is tanght in a good bride structure, which is rented propert>-. DURHAM COUNTY MAGISTRATES. Cfdar Fork Toccns/n'p—Kngh Green, J R Page, Jos Green, C Barbee and W A Jenkins. Diirham Township — D C Gunter, J A MclMannen, R B Blalock, D L Belvin, Wm Lipscomb, M A Angler, W H Wilkins and W T Neal. Lebanon Tozvnship — Thos Lipscomb, W S Terry, Jas V Cain, Jr, A G Cox and J G Latta. Mangum Toivnship — A J Roberts, Marcus Tilley, P A Flintqm, G C Hampton and W D Turrentine. Oak Grove Tozvnship— ]\\o T Nichols, W G Page, Duane Carpenter and Jas D Fletcher. Patterson sToivnship — G A Barbee, Paul A Brown, G M Green, Algernon Daniel and J W Cameron. 238 DIRECTORY.— Statistics, &c. POST OFFICES— DURHAM COUNTY. Bahama, Dayton, Durham, East Durham. Fish Dam, Flat River, Galveston, Gonnan, Euster, Lydover, Mc- Cown, Nelson, Red Mountain, Rougemont, South Low- ell, Stagsville, Umbra, Willardsville. NOTARIES PUBLIC— DURHAM COUNTY. Busbee W M, Halliburton W S, Heartt E A, McGa- ry Charles, Murray E C, Ramsey N A, Thomas C C, Southgate James, and Whitted W W. APOLOGETIC. Great delay, beyond my control, has been had in the publishing of this Director}^'. I confidently hoped to have had it out by the ist of March, ult., but so it is, and I kindly ask my advertis- ing friends to make due allowances. I had prepared about 3500 names with postoffice ad- dress of substantial farmers and others, in this and ad- joining counties, for publication, but am afraid to risk them in the hands of the printers, as the Directory might be out of date when finished. The 3500 names with 1500 added, will appear in a still better advertising medium, "The Durham Alma- nac," which will be published in September, prox. , and a copy will be mailed, free to each of them. Write for space in time. It will pay you. Very truly, your obedient servant, N. A. RAMSEY, Publisher, No. 107 East M^in Street, DURHAM, N. C. OXFORD ORPHAN ASYLUM. \V. S. F.LACK, I). D., SUP'T., OXFORD, N. C. This is purely a charitable institution, under the con- trol of the Masonic Grand Lodge of North Carolina. There are over 200 orphans now being- cared for, not 2)/. per cent, of which number arc the cliildren of Masons. GIRI.S lU'ILDIXt;, OXFORD ORPHAN ASYLUM. "Blessed is he that considereth the poor and needv; the Lord sliall deliver him in the time of trouble." o o oJ 4_. , — ' in -^ rr- '-l-l r^ O 0-1 ^ O -^-' 7^ .^ ':!J l\i "^ ''!'' 'V ^ £ ^ =^ « :' o HOSrn'Ar, OXi-OKI) ORPAN ASVLf.M 240 OXFORD ORPHAN ASYLUM. BOYS' BUILDING, OXFORD ORPHAN ASYIA'M. "To do o^ood, and to distribute foroet not ; for with such sacrifices, God is well pleased." '- ;_< ^ 0; .-'. <]) >^ 4-> -i-> ^ r— CJ ;=; 'o ^ rt SUPERINTRNDEINT'S HOME. WM. J. C. DULANY COMPANY, WHOLESAtE Jobbers in And Domestic and Imported Stationery. PRINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, No. 8 Baltimore St, East BAL TIMORE. Always Buy the BEST Fertilizers. BEEF, BLOOD AND BONE FERTILIZER, Prepared especially for Cotton and Corn. Will give satisfaction. "NATIONAL," TOBACCO FERTILIZER. High Grade. Quick. Reliable. The Farmers endorse it. Say it tells iu tlie Field and on the Warehouse floor. S. W. TEA VERS & CO., ^"^^°Sro^c?,^^va"'^^^"^^"' Agents wanted. Prices reduced. Write for testimonials and prices. N. A. RAMSEY. J. C. MICHIE. RAMSEY & MICHIE, Civil Engineers and Surveyors. Land Surveys, Estimates and Plans tor R. R, Work, Water Supply, AND CITY ENGINEERINQ. Plans and Specifications and Superintendence for all classes of Rail Road and Street Car Lines. Recognizance and Preliminary Surveys made at short notice. SAM'L. KBAUER &, CO., MANUFACTURERS OF SMOKE OUR LEADING BRANDS: PHILOPENA, PUG, URN, POM POU, CHOICE GEMS, LA AMADORA. All made from the best selected leaf and cannot be excelled. KRAMER BUILDING, No. 109 East Main Street. 2nd Floor, oDXji^xai^^iM:, nsr. o. ESTABLISHED 1811. y. % ^ISENBRaNDT gONS, IMPORTERS AfiO MANUFACTURERS OF MUSICAL I/NSTKUMEMTS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Guitars, Banjos, Band and Orchestra Instruments a Specialty. cTVo. 424 E. Baltimore St. E-^LTIJS^OI^EJ, DURHAM SUPPLY CO., ~ Wholesale and, Retail Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE We offer to the trade a full line of every article kept in a lirst-class Store. O-ar Ivdiotto is "SEIjILi ipoxa C^^3Za:„" W? know from experience and observation that busine' s run upon a Cash basis is beneficial both to buyer and seller. You are invited to inspect our stock. Very truly, your friends DURHAM SUPPLY CO., DURHAM, N.-C. No. 126 West Main Street,