^^1. p ■ 1 1 M I N U T E S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN SYNOD J V 1^ MINISTERIUM Ot N O 11 T H C A li C) L I N A Convened in Concord, Cabarrus Co., North Carolina, May 3d, 1.S4. Ualtfntore: PRINTED AT THE P UR LI OA T I O N II O O M S OF TUB EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, N0.7,S0UTHL1BERTYSTREBT. 1844.' -i^§-€ MINUTES EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN SYNOD MINISTERIUM NORTH CAROLINA, Convened in Concord, Cabarrus Co., North Carolina, May 3d, 1844. Ualttmore: PRINTED AT THE PUBLICATION ROOMS OF THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, NO. 7, SOUTH LIBERTY STREET. 1844. MINUTES. Concord, N. C. May Sd, 1844. IPURSUANT to a resolution adopted at its last annual session, the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina, met in St. James' Church, Concord, Cabarrus Co., N. C, on Friday before the first Sunday in May 1844, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The President, Rev. "VVm. Artz, preached the Svnodical sermon from Rom. i. 16. The President then read his annual Report, which was accepted. (See Appendix A.) After the reading of the President's Report, the roll was called by the Secretary, and the absentees noted. ORDAINED MINISTERS. 1 Re 2 " 3 " 4 " 5 " « " 7 " 3 Rev 9 " 10 " 11 " 1 Mr. 2 " 3 " 4 " 5 " J^ames. '.J. D. SCHECK, WM. ARTZ, SAMUEL ROTHROCK, BENMAMIN AREY, JACOB C IM, VVM. G. HARTEP, J. B. ANTHONY,* J. GRIESON,t A. GRIMES,t J. SVVICEGOOD,! J. A. LINN ,• HENRY MILLER, PAUL ANTHONY, SOLOMON PEELER HENRY LENTZ, JOHN MELCHIOR, Post Office Address. Salisbury, Rowan county, ^. C. HoWs Store, Orange county, ^V. C. Rockville, Roiran county, ^. C. Cowansville, Rowan county, JV". C. Lexington, Davidson county, J^. C. Concord, Cabairus county. JV*. C. Salisbury, Rowan county, J^. C. LICENTIATES. Claj)p''s P. , Guilford county. A", C. Wilkesborovgh, Wilkes county, J^. C. Brotcntown, Davidson county, JSZ C. Rockville, Rowan county, «Y. 0. L.\Y-DELEGATES. From Rev. J. D. Scheck's charge. " JVm. Ariz's " , " S. Rolhrock's " ♦' B. Arey's " *' Wm. G. Harter's " ♦Received at this meeting. fAbsent. According to the constitutional order of business Sjnod proceed- ed to the election of officers for the ensuing year, which resulted as follows : Rev. WILLIAM ARTZ, President, ** SAMUEL ROTHROCK, Secretary, Col. JOHN SHIMPOCH, Treasurer. The Rev. J. C. Hope, ministerial delegate from the South Car- olina Synod, presented his credentials, and was admitted to a seat among us. Rev. J. B. Anthony, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was introduced to Synod and received as an advisory member. Rev. S. S. Middlekautf, ministerial delegate from the North Carolina German Reformed Classis to this body, presented his cre- dentials, and was invited to participate in our deliberations. All letters and documents intended for Synod, w^ere now called for and referred to the following committees for examination and report : COiMMITTEES. On Petitions. — Rev. W. G. Harter and Mr. Henry Lentz. On Letters. — Rev. B. Arey and Rev. J. Crim. On Minutes of the Synod of Pennsylvania and Synod of the West. — Rev. J. Crim and Mr. Paul Anthony. On Minutes of the Synods of East Pennsylvania and Virgiiiia. —Rev. J. B. Anthony and Rev. S. S. Middlekauff. On Minutes of the Synods of Maryland., West Pennsylvania and South Carolina. — Rev. B. Arey and Mr. Henry Lentz. ^cts and Proceedings of Synod of German Reformed Church. — Rev. J. C. Hope, Rev. J. D. Scheck and Mr. S. Peeler. President's Report. — Rev. J. D. Scheck and Mr. H. Miller. On the Minutes of last year. — Rev. J. C. Hope and Rev. J. B. Anthony. The attention of the brethren was now called lo the 16th reso- lution in the minutes of last Synod, and in accordance with said resolution, the appointments for divine service during the sessions of Synod, were read. Tlie parocliial reports were called for, handed in and registered. PAROCHIAL REPORTS. m C O bo c 6 B.\PTIBM8. E s 6 1 'i i i c 3 E E o O J2 3 J c 3 05 6 ® -a i MINISTERS. c c 3 < 3 Rev. J. D. Scheck, . . . 3 57 22 4 600 40 " Wm. Artz, . 4 23 2 120 *' S. Rothrock, . 6 63 9 47 2 580 69 2 2 " B. Arey, . . " J. Crim, . . 3 3 16 7 1 180 95 5 1 2 " Wm. G. Barter, 3 19 1 8 307 8 " J. B. Anthony, " J. A. Linn, . 2 Total, 1 21 185 9 73 14 1882 122 3 2 The contributions to the Synodical Treasury were called for. In order to expedite business, therefore 1. Resolved^ That a committee be appointed to receive the con- tributions, intended for the Treasury of Synod, pay Ihem over to the Treasurer elect, and take his bond, and report the several amounts to the Secretary. Committee appointed : — Rev. J. D. Scheck and Mr. H. Miller. 2. Resolved, That Synod adjourn till 2 o'clock, P. M. Closed with a benediction by the President. SECOND SESSION. Friday, 2 o'clock P. M. Rev. B. Arey preached from 1 John v. 5, after which the Synod was called to order, and proceeded to business. The Treasurer of Synod presented his report on the state of the Treasury. 3. Resolved^ That a committee be appointed to examine and re- port on the Treasurer's accounts. Comnuttee : — Rev. Sam. Rothrock and Mr. S. Peeler. COMMITTEE ON PETITIONS REPORTED. Report JVo. 1. The committee appointed to examine and report on petitions, beg leave to state, that No. I, is a petition to this body, from the members of St. PauPs church. Orange Co. N. C, to hold its next annual convention in said cliurch, expressing the beTiel", ihat a meetinor of Synod amoii;^ tliem, would be productive of much good. We re- fer the consideration of this subject to the Synod, when the place of our next meet- ing is to be selected. Adopted, Respectfully submitted, WM. G. HARTER, Chairman. I\Ir. Joseph A. Linn, late from the Theological Seminary at Get- tysburg, was introduced to Synod and received as an advisory member. The delegate appointed to attend the last meeting of the Synod of South Caroh'naj reported. Report JVo. 2. Dear Brethren : In obedience to a resolution of our last Synod, appointing me as your delegate to t!je Synod of South Carolina, I attended that body, and was kindly received. I called tlie attention of tliat Synod to the 12th resolution of our last meeting, according to instructions, but was informed that no such union could be effected. I also called upon the Treasurer of our Seminary Fund, to obtain and pay over the interest of said fund as authorized by the 24tii resolution of Synod, but as br. Brown was not tiien prepared to pay said interest, having been unable to make collections in conse- quence of sickness, and not being aware that it would be called lor before our pres- ent meeting, the money has, therefore, not been paid. The Rev. J. C. Hope was appointed as ministerial delegate to represent the S. C. Synod at o and have found to our great satisfaction, its beneficial results — are we willing that this noble structure, desiined if sustained, to bless our church and pour forth living streams of light and knowledge to succeeding generations, sliould be broken down in its very infancy? I trust not; but brethren our lielp is needed now, therefore, "what- ever our hands find to do, let us do with all our might." Adopted. Respectfully submitted, WM. G. HARTER, Delegate. Synod was now informed, tliat it would be necessary to elect a Treasurer of our Seminary Fund, the former Treasurer's term of office having expired. Upon counting the votes, it appeared that Moses L. Brown, of Salisbury, was re-elected. The following brethren were appointed a committee to prepare a bond in proper form, and liave the same executed by the Treasurer: Rev. B. Arey and Mr. Henry Miller. The Treasurer of the Centenary Fund presented liis report, which was read. The following; is said report: REPORT OF TREASURER OF CENTENARY FUND. Henry Miller in account with the Ev. Lutli. Synod of North Carolina. Received at the meeting of Synod at Luther's Chapel — September, 1842, ^21 62.j " " " held at Sandy Creek, May 3d, 1843, 3190 $53 42t Interest on the above from May 3d 1843, to May 3d 1844, ^3 20^ Respectfully submitted, HENRY MILLER, Treasurer. 4. Resolved^ That a committee be appointed to examine the above report, that said committee receive the money intended for the Centenary Fund, pay said money over to the Treasurer, after he shall have been elected, and take his bond for the same. Commit- tee: Rev. J. A. Linn and Mr. S. Peeler. The committee, to have the minutes of former years translated into English, reported. Report JVo. 3. Tiie committee appointed at our last meeting to obtain tiie aid of some person com- petent to translate from the German into the English language, certain portions of the minutes of former meetings of this body, would inform the Synod, that Dr. Ha- zel ius. Professor of our Theological Sen)inary in the South, has consented to do the work, and that they are encouraged to believe that his services will be gratuitous. Adopted. Respectfully submitted, WM. ARTZ, WxM. G. HARTER. Br. Hope informed the Synod, that the translation above referred to, had been made by Dr. liazelius, and would be forwarded by the first opportunity. Ordered^ That the Treasurer of Synod pay br. Ilarter $14.25 as travelling expenses to S. C. Synod and postage. Ordered., That the Treasurer pay br. Artz $1.25 postage. Ordered., That the Treasurer pay br. Rothrock 80 cts. postage. Synod proceeded to hold an election for Treasurer of Centenary 8 Fund. On counting the votes it appeared that Henry Miller was re-elected. The attention of Synod was called to the books, bequeathed to this body by the late venerable Stork, but which under existing circumstances are of no use to this Synod. 5. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to collect said books together, and if deemed of sufficient value to justify the expense of transportation, they be sent to the Seminary at Lexington, S. C. Committee: Rev. S. Rothrock, Rev. J. D. Scheck and Rev. B. Arey. The subject of vacant congregations was taken up and inquired into. Several of the brethren made some statements in relation to the congregations in Lincoln and Catawba counties, which have been vacant since the removal of br. Kistler from among them. With reference to these congregations it was, 6. Resolved, That a committee be appointed by the President, whose duty it shall be to visit our destitute people in Lincoln and Catawba counties, and ascertain how far they are friendly disposed to this body, and whether it is their wish to continue their connec- tion with us ; and to collect all the information in relation to the state of the Lutheran Church in these counties they can, and report to this body at its next annual meeting. Committee appointed : Rev. B. Arey, Rev. J. D. Scheck and Rev. W. G. Harter. Pursuant to the 21st resolution of last Synod, inquiry was made whether the brethren had attended to the duties assigned them in the report of the committee on conferential districts. Some of the brethren stated, that they had attended to the duties assigned them m said report, whilst others, that they had attended to them but partially, in consequence of sickness and other unavoidable causes. 7. Resolved, That the brethren, who attended but partially to the duties above referred to, be excused for the reasons severally assigned by them. 8. Resolved, That Synod adjourn till half past 8 o'clock to-mor- row morning. Closed with singing and by prayer by br. Arey. At early candle-light the congregation assembled in the church for divine service — Rev. Wm. Artz preacl^ed from Ps. xxxvii. 37. THIRD SESSION. Saturday, J\lay 4th, 8 o^clock A. M. Synod met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with sing- ing and by prayer by the President. The minutes of yesterday were read and confirmed. The minutes of the Alleghany Ev. Luth. Synod were laid on the table by br. Harter. The committee appointed to examine the Treasurer's accounts reported. Report jYo. 4. The committee appointed to examine the Treasurer's accounts, have attended to their duty and report as follows : Receipts. Received from former Treasurer, - - - - " cash paid in at Synod 1843, - - - Paid out as per receipts. Paid for printing minutes, - . - " Rev. J. D. Scheck as per order of Synod, - " Rev. W. G. Harter as per order of Synod, Leaving a balance due Synod in Cash §126 03 Your committee take pleasure in saying, that they find his accounts to have been correctly kept. Adopted. Respectfully submitted, SAMUEL ROTHROCK, SOLOMON PEELER. COMMITTEE ON MINUTES REPORTED. Report JVo. 5. The committee appointed to examine Minutes of sister Synods, beg leave to report* No. 1, are the transactions of the Synod of the West. Tliis body convened in Hope- ful Church, Boon Co., Ky. Oct. 4th, 1843. This Synod numbers 31 ordained min- 'sters. The officers are Rev. N. B. Little, President, E. B. Oimstead, Secretary, and Rev. J. J. Lehmanowsky, Treasurer. The Parociual reports are as follows ; congre- gations 45 ; baptisms 476 ; confirmations 227 ; admitted 230; communicants 2690 ; Sun- day-schools 16 ; prayer-meetings 21. No .2, are the Minutes of the German Ev. Lutheran Synod of Pennsylvania. This body assembled in Philadelphia June llth 1843, and numbers 56 ordained ministers. The Parochial reports present as follows : congregations 208 ; baptims 4645 ; confir- mations 1355 ; communicants 28012 ; congregational schools 104 ; Sunday-schools 53. - $92 86 33 17 _ — ^126 03 - $39 27 3 50 - 14 75 57 52 68 51 10 From other items connected with their Minutes, this large body of Lutherans ap- pears to be actively employed in pushing foward all the benevolent enterprises of the day. There appears to be awake among them a spirit that prompts them to engage liberally in the missionary cause, by which the light of divine truth is carried, not only to the western wikls, but also to the benighted regions of the heathen world yet unchristianized. May God bless their efforts. Adopted. Respectfully submitted, JACOB CRIM, Chairman. SECOND COMMITTEE ON MINUTES REPORTED. Report JVo. 6. The committee appointed to examine and report on Minutes marked No. 5, beg leave to report : No. 1 , are the Minutes of the Synod of Maryland. This Synod held its 25th annual session in Westminster, Carroll Co. Md., in October, 1843. This Synod is composed of 25 ordained ministers, and 5 Licentiates. The officers are Rev. E. Keller, Presi- dent, Kev. S. Sentman, Secretary, and Rev. J. P. Cline, Treasurer. They report congregations 61 ; baptisms 1123 ; confirmations 865 ; admitted 107 ; communicants 7126 ; e.Kcluded 18 ; deaths 306 ; Lutlieran Sunday-schools 36 ; union 24 ; teachers 686 ; scholars 3767 ; prayer-meetings 102. Contributions — to Synod ^78.00 ; to Semi- nary at Gettysburg $55.00; to Home Missions $18.08^. This Synod liasalso in connection with it an Education society, which is at this time sustaining nine young men in their preparatory studies for the ministry. No. 2, are the Minutes of West Pennsylvania Synod. This Synod convene d in Aar- onsburg. Centre Co., on the 28th of September, 1843. This Synod numbers 35 min- isters, of whom 23 were present. The officers are Rev. A. H. Lochman, President, Rev. J. Albert, Secretary, and Rev. W. German, Treasurer. This Synod reports — congregations 106 ; baptisms 1886 ; confirmations 1580 ; received by letter 16 ; com' municants 10,867 ; burials 378; Sunday-schools 92. Contributions — to Synod flOl.- 16; for Education purposes $276,94; for Missionary purposes $73,35; to Seminary ^und $80.00 ; annual quota by each minister, for Missionary and Education (aggre- gate) $25.00. No. 3, are the Minutes of the Synod of South Carolina. This Synod met in St. Matthew's Church, Orangeburg District, S. C. on the 1 1 th of November, 1843. There are now in connection with this Synod, 27 ordained ministers, 3 licentiates, and 4 ex- orters. The officers are Rev. J Bachman, D. D., President, Rev. W. Berley, Recording Secretary, Rev. E. L. Ilazelius, D. D. Corresponding Secretary, Col. W. Caughman, Treasurer of the Synod, Henry MuUer Esq. Treasurer of Seminary Funds, and Dr. P. Todd, Treasurer of Centenary Fund. This Synod reports — congregation 37 ; bap- tisms 351; members received 392; total number of members 2383; burials 167; Sunday-schools 10; teachers 47 ; scholars 408. The funds of this Synod stand as fol- lows : For Seminary at Lexington $10371.82^; Synodical fund $2119.00; for Mis- sionary and Education purposes $487.02; Centenary subsciiption $4000; of which ^2376.87 have been collected. We learn from the 22d resolution that Rev. J. C. Hope was a])pointed as delegate to this body, whom we are happy to see in our midst. n In conclusion, we areliappy to say, that the brethren composing the several Sy- nods above, appear to be actively entragcrd in the Master's cause, and in sustaining and carrying forward the benevolent operations of the day. Adopted, Respectfully submitted, BKXJ. AREY, MENRY LENTZ. COMMITTEE ON ACTS AXD PROCEEDINGS OF THE SYNOD OF GERMAN REFORMED CHURCH REPORTED. Report JVo. 7. The committee appointed to report articles of correspondence between the Evan- gelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina of the one part, and of the Classis of the German ReHirmed Church of North Carolina of the other, have had the subject under consideration, and upon consultation with Rev. S. S. MiddlekaufF, delegate from said Classis, and upon examination of the action of the General Synod of the Evangeli- cal Lutheran Church in Baltimore, May 1843, and of the proceedings of the Synod of the German Reformed Church at Winchester, Va., Oct. 1813. submit the following articles for your consideration and adoption : 1. That an interchange of ministerial delegates by regular appointment shall be kept up by the said Synod and Classis so stipulating, who may attend each the oth- er's regfular meetings, with the privilege of deliberating upon all subjects, that may come up before the respective bodies, but shall have no vote. 2. That ministers, licentiates and members shall be permitted to transfer their mem- bership from one church into the other, by a formal connection with the Synod or Classis, or one society or the other in connection with said^Syncd or Classis as the case may be, on being regularly dismissed and presenting fair credentials. 3. That the above articles of privilege and correspondence, be so understood, as to leave each denomination to stand upon their reserved rights and by-rules, in examin- ing applicanis for transfer of membership, in such cases, where either church through their Synod, Classis, Consistories or Church Council may desire it. Respectfully submitted, JOHN C. HOPE, Cliairinan. The above report was received, but laid over for further consid- eration and adoption, till the afternoon session. 9. Resolved, That Synod adjourn till half past 3 o'clock P. M. Closed with singing and benediction. The hour appointed for divine service having arrived, the Sec- retary preached from Prov. xxiii. 26. 12 FOURTH SESSION. Saturday, 2 o^clock, P. M. The members of Synod and congregation having re-assembled in the church to engage in the solemnities of public worship, the Rev. S. S, Middlekauff preached from John xxi. 17. "Lovest thou me?" After divine service, the Synod was called to order, and resumed its business. Rev. E. Hawkins, delegate from the Synod of Western Virgin- ia, appeared, presented his credentials, and was invited to a seat Id Synod, The minutes of Western Virginia Synod were handed in, which, together with the minutes of Alleghany Synod, were referred to the following committee for examination and report. Rev. J. Crira, Mr. Paul Anthony and Mr. Solomon Peeler. The report of the committee on the subject of correspondence between this Synod and the German Reformed Classis of N. C, which had been deferred to this afternoon session, was then taken up, and after being read by items, adopted as a whole. The election of delegates was then entered into, which resulted as follows: To German Reformed Classis — Rev. B. Arey, and Rev. J. D. Scheck, his alternate. To Soutli Carolina Synod — Rev. J. D. Scheck, and Rev. J. Crim, his alternate. ^ To fVestern Virginia Synod — Rev. W. G. Harter, and Rev. S. Rothrock, his alternate. To General Synod — Rev. B. Arey, and Rev. W. Artz, his alternate. The delegate to the General Synod was appointed at the pres- ent meeting inasmuch as the next annual meeting of this Synod will take place but a few weeks previous to the meeting of the Gener- al Synod, leaving the delegate, who might then be appointed, too short a time to make his arrangements to attend the meeting of the said body. The Treasurer of the Seminary Fund, having arrived, presented his report, which was read, and the following committee appointed to examine and report on the same : Rev. E. Hawkins and Rev. W. G. Harter. IS COMMITTEE OS MINUTES ON LAST SYNOD REPORTED. Report JVo. 8. The committee to whom was assigned the duty of examining the Minutes of the last meeting of Synod and report on tlje unfinished business of the same, beg leave to State, that they are not certified of any items of unfinished business. Adopted. Respectfully submitted, J. C. HOPE, J. B. ANTHONY. THIRD COMMITTEE ON MINUTES REPORTED. Report JYo. 9. The committee to whom were referred the Minutes of the East Pennsylvania and Virginia Synods, respectfully beg leave to submit the following as their report : 1. The East Pennsylvania Synod held its second annual meeting in St. Matthew's Church, Philadelphia, Oct. 21st, 1843. On calling the roll, at the first session of said meeting, every member answered to his name. This remarkable fact is worthy of parti- cular notice, and augurs well for the zeal of the members of this Synod. The Synod elec- ted the following officers, viz : Rev. J. B. Shindel, President, Rev. T. Stork, Sec- retary, and Rev. F. R. Anspach, Treasurer. Your committee rejoiced to notice, in the "report of the committee on the state of religion," the highly gratifying intelli- gence, that almost every charge in the bounds of the Synod, has during the past year, enjoyed special tokens of divine favor. Their increase during the year was 7 min- isters, 22 congregations, and 2910 communicants ; making their whole number of ministers 18 ; congregations 40; communicants 4611 ; (of whom 748,were admitted into full communion within the year): adult baptisms 102; infant baptisms 650; sabbath-schools 39 ; prayer-meetings 50. Your committee likewise find a highly interesting paper, which was adopted by said Synod, on the subject of so called -'New Measures,"" and as this subject is now being thoroughly investigated, we recommend the reading of said paper before this Synod. (See Min. page 12.) This young and flourishing Synod is destined at no very distant day, if they con- tinue to maintain their present zeal and faithfulness, to take rank with the most prominent ecclesiastical bodies of our North American Zion. Your committee re- gret to find, that amity and fraternal intercourse have not as yet, been restored be- tween this Synod, and the venerable body from which they seceded ; and your com- mittee would commend it to each member of Synod, as a subject of earnest and fer- vent prayer that peace and unity be established between them. 2. The Ev. Lutheran Synod of Virginia, held its last meeting in Woodstock, Va. on the 6th of May, 1843. The officers were Rev. L. Eichelberger, President, Rev, S. Wagner, Secretary, and Rev. T. Miller, Treasurer. In this Synod there were 10 ordained ministers, and 8 licentiates ; and according to the parochial reports there were 248 baptisms performed; and 296 confirmed during the preceding year. The whole Synod numbers 1915 communicant members. They are doing much for the cause of Domestic Missions ; and indeed all the benevolent institutions so closely con- nected with the prosperity of the Redeemer's kingdom seem to be very much en- 14 couragcd, so that with propriety it may be said of thern, thatlhey are rapidly length* ening theirchords and strengthening their stakes. Adopted. All which is respectfully submitted, J. B. ANTflOXY, S. S. MIDDLEKAUFF. The paper on the subject of so called "New Measures," was read before the Synod as recommended by the committee. 10. Resolved^ That a committee be appointed to divide the Sy- nod into conferential districts. Coinmiftee : Rev. W. G. Harter^ Rev. B. Arey and Rev. S. Rothrock. Rev. S. S. Middlekauff, delegare from the German Reformed Classis, stated that he wished to start for home on the ensuing Mon- day morning, and requested to be excused from further attendance upon the sessions of this body. THE COMMITTEE ON THE ACCOUNTS OF THE TREASURER OF SEMINARY FUND REPORTED. Report JYo. 10. The committee appointed to examine the Report of the Treasurer of Seminary Fund, beg leave to present the following : Tliat they have examined said report and found it to be correct — that §123,78 Interest are due from the Tresurer, of which ^100. SS have been paid, and :^22,90 remained uncollected. Adopted. Respectfully submitted, W. G. HARTER, E. HAWKINS. THE FOLLOWING IS THE TREASURER'S REPORT. One note on Dawalt Lentz deceased, - - $ -37 00 Interest is due on the above note but not collected back to Sept. 23. 1842. Received previous to meeting of Synod, Sept. 23, 1842. $1043 60 Interest due on tlie preceding to May 3, 1844, $100,89L. Received since the ahove date, - - - 9 00 Amount of standing fund, - - $1289 60 11. Resolved., That the Treasurer of the Seminary Fund be au- thorized to pay the interest on said fund which lias been collected, ($100.88) to the Delegate from the South Carolina Synod, to be paid by Inm to the Treasurer of the Seminary of the South. The Treasurer of the Seminary Fund, M. L. Brown, who had been re-elected at a previous session of this meeting, handed in his 15 resignation, stating tliat he had served in that office for the last sev- en years, and now wished to he exonerated from serving any longer. 12. Resolved, That Synod adjourn till Monday morning lialf past 8 o'clock. Closed with singing and benediction. This evening Rev. J. B. Anthony preached from Matth.xxiv. 37. SABBATH EXERCISES. In the morning the President, Rev. W. Artz, preached from 1 Cor. xi. 23-28, after which the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered. In the afternoon Rev. J. B. Antiiony preached from Luk. xv. 7, and at night, the Secretary, from Acts xxiv. 25. During the morning tiiere was preaching also by dilferent brethren in the Presbyterian and Metliodist Churches and the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper administered. In the afternoon there was preaching in those churches again. FIFTH SESSION. Monday Mormng, May 6//i, 1844. Synod met pursuant to adjournment, and after calling ihe roll proceeded to business. The President called the attention of Synod to the resignation of the late Treasurer of the Seminary Fund, stating that the va- cancy thus occasioned would have to be filled by a new election. Mr. Daniel Miller and Col. J. Shimpoch were nominated for the oflice ; and on counting the votes it appeared that Mr. Daniel Miller was elected. 13. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to settle with the late Treasurer of the Seminary Fund ; pay over the money to the Treasurer elect, and take his bond in the proper form for the same. Comiii^ttee: Col. J. Shimpoch and Rev. Samuel Rothrock. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS. Report JYo. 11. The committee to wliom was referred the President's Address, beg leave to submit the following report ; 1. In reference to tiie irreparable loss which this Synod has sustained in Ihe death of our worthy and much esteemed brother, Rev. Henry Grteber, we recommend tho followiuif resolutions : 16 Resolved, Whereas it pleased Almighty God in his wise providence, to remove from our midst, and from the flook of his charge, on the 11th of September last, our broth- er in the ministry, Kcv. Henry Grseber, and while we, together with his bereaved family, lament his loss to us and that portion of Christ's Church in which he labored, we cherish the hope tiiat his good example, and christian virtues will continue to live in our hearts. Resolved, That a copy of this resolution, signed by the President and Secretary, be sent to the widow of our departed brother, as a memorial of the love and esteem, which her husband enjoyed from his brethren connected with this Synod. 2. Your committee fully agree with the President in adopting some efficient plan, to increase the number of ministers in our bounds, that our destitute people may speedily be supplied with the ordinances of the church and means of grace. They therefore recommend the adoption of the following resolutions : Resolved, That each minister in connection with this Synod be required to make special efforts to induce the young men of piety and talents in their congregations, lo dedicate themselves to God and his church in the work of the gospel ministry. Resolved, That each brother, having a regular charge, be required to organize where this has not been done, Education and Missionary Societies in their respective churches, and urge upon their people, in view of the fearful responsibilities resting upon them, the duty of sustaining, at least one young man, in his course of studies preparatory to the ministry. Resolved, That the delegate appointed by this Synod to that of South Carolina, be instructed to inquire of that body, whether we may except any, and how much as- sistance in sustaining our indigent young men in their steps to the ministry ; and that he report the result of his enquiries to this body at its next meeting. Your committee recommend, that the President's Address be printed with, and ap- pended lo the minutes. Respectfully submitted, JOHN D. SCHECK, HENRY MILLER. This report was taken up and considered by items, and then adopted as a whole. FOURTH COMMITTEE ON MINUTES REPORTED. Report JYo. 12. The committee to whom were referred the proceedings of the Alleghany and Western Virginia Synods, beg leave to report as follows: 1. The Alleghany Synod convened June 1st 1843, in the Lutheran Church, Som- erset, Pa. The officers are. Rev. J. Martin, President, Rev. P. Rizer,'Secretary,and Rev. A. Babb, Treasurer. They number 10 ordained ministers, and 6 licentiates, in all 13. The result of an inspection of their parochial reports is as follows : congrega- tions 62 ; conjinunicants 5276 ; infant baptisms 685 ; adult baptisms 188; confirma- tions 1048; admitted 48; Sabbath-schools 46; prayer-meetings 81 ; Synodical con- tributions $188.78. 2. The Western Virginia Synod convened in Burke's Garden, Tazewell County, Va., June 3d, 1843. This Synod numbers 7 ordained ministers. The officers are Rev. J. Scherer, President, Rev. E. Hawkins, Secretary, and Rev. J. A. Brown, Treas- 17 urer. The strength of the church is as follows: congregations 16; infant baptisms 80; adult baptisms 109; total of "baptisms 189; communicants 1065; confirmations 268 ; atlmittcd 20; |Mayer-ineetings 8 ; Temperance societies 7 ; Sabbath-schools 1. We further recommend to the notice of this body, a resolution on page 14 of the above Minutes. Adopted. Respectfully submitted, JACOB CRIM, Chairman. Rev. Mr. Morrison, of the Presbyterian Cliurch, was introdu- ced to Synod and invited to a seat as an advisory member. The following resolution, based upon the 1 1th resolution of the AVestern Virginia Synod, and recommended to the notice of this body by the committee above, was tlien adopted. 14. Resolved, That the request made of us by our brethren of the Western Virginia Synod, in relative to the amount of money contributed by them in creating the Seminary Fund, under the con- trol of this body, be complied with, so soon as tlie necessary col- lections and arrangements can be made. COMMITTEE OX COXFEREXTIAL DISTRICTS REPORTED. Report JVo. 13. The committee appoii>ted to arrange the appointments for holding conferential meetings, beg leave to present the following ; 1. Tiiat the Eastern district be composed of brothers Crim, Svvicegood, Artz, and such others as may live within said district, that they hold two special conferences during the year, at such times and places as they may deem proper. 2. That the first Western district be composed of brothers Scheck, Rothrock and others who may live in said district, that they hold three meetings during the year, at such times and places as they may judge expedient. 3. That the second Western district be composed of brothers Arey and Harter, that they hold two conferential meetings during the year, at such times and places as they may select. Adopted. Respectfully submitted, W. G. HARTER, SAML. ROTHROCK, B. AREY, COMMITTEE ON THE ACCOUNTS OF THE TREASURE!! OF CEN- TENARY FUND REPORTED. Report JYo. 14. The committee appointed to examine the Report of the Treasury of the Centenary Fund, beg leave to state, that they have attended to the duty assigned them, and are pleased to say that they find it to be correct. Adopted. Respectfully submitted, JOSEPH A. LINN, SOLOMON PEELER, 2 Rev. Mr. Parker of the Methodist Church was introduced to Synod, and invited to a seat as an advisory member. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE CENTENARY FUND. From Organ Church per S. Rothrock, - - $43 25 Fom St. Steplien's St. Matthew's, and St. Paul's churches, per S. Rothrock, - - - - - 54 00 From St. John's Church per C. Melchior, Esq. - 77 50 In the hands of Treasurer as per his Report, - ■ oS 42^ Total, $228 17^ Synod entered into an election for the place of its next annual meeting. Invitations were given from St. Paul's church. Orange Co., and from Union church, Rowan county. On counting the votes, it appeared that St. Paul's church had a majority, therefore, 14. Resolved^ That the next annual meeting of this Synod be held in St. Paul's Church, Orange Co. N. C, to convene on Friday before the 1st Sunday in May 1845, at 10 o'clock, A. M. 15. Resolved^ That 800 copies of the minutes of the present meeting of Synod be printed— that they be printed at the Book Establishment in Baltimore, and that the Secretary superintend the distribution of them. COiMMITTEE TO RECEIVE SYNODICAL CONTRIBUTIONS REPORTED. Report JVo. 15. The committee appointed to receive the collections and contributions for the use of this Synod, beg leave to submit the following statement : Received from br. Crim''s Church, - - 35 From br. Scheck''s Churches. Luther's Chapel, ^4 00 St. John's, Salisbury, 3 00 St. Jolin's, Cabarrus, 8 00 15 00 From br. Rothrock''s Churches. Organ Church, - - - - - - -j^lOO Union Church, ------- 2 25 St. Siephen's Church, 3 lli 12 36^ From br. Jlrey''s Churches. St. Michael's Church, $ 56| St. PaMps Church, 0T5 St. Miilthew's Church, 70 20 li $29 72| 19 $29 72? F)-ombr..^)tz's Churches, - - - 695 From br. Jlartcr's Churches. St. Enocirs Church, $2 00 St. James' Church, 3 00 Bethel Church, 113 613 Making a total of, ----- $41 80^ Your committee liave paid over the above an)ount to the Treasurer of Synod, and Lave taken his bond for the same, which is lierevvith submitted. Adopted. JOHN D. SCHECK, HENRY MILLEK. AMOUNT OF SYNODICAL FUNDS. In hands of Treasurer as per his Report, - - $68 51 Contributions at tlie present meeting, - - 41 80.V Making a total of, - - - 1 10 31 ^- 16. Resolved., That Synod adjourn till after the meeting of the Missionary and Education Society. Closed with singing and benediction. The hour appointed for divine service, having arrived. Rev. J. C. Hope preached from 1 Tim. ii. 4. SIXTH SESSION. Monday Afternoon, 4 o'clock. The Missionary and Education Society having adjourned, the Synod was called to order by the President and resumed its business. IT. Resolved^ That tlie President of Synod address a letter to br. Kistler on the subject of the compensation promised him by this Synod, and concede to him the right, to appropriate the same as he may think proper. COMMITTEE ON LETTERS REPORTED. • Report JVo. 16. The committee appointed to examine letters, beg leave to submit the following : No. 1, is a letter containing sundr}' resolutions passed at Luther's Chapel, expressive of the regard, which the congregation at that place, ciierishes for the memory of their former Pastor, Rev. H. Grceber, deceased. We rejoice to see the regard which the brethren there have manifested towards their deceased and long to be lamented pastor, believing that all the congregations 20 in connection with this Synod, could cheerfully subscribe to the action, which they have taken in regard to this bereaving dispensation of providence. No. 2, is a letter addressed to this body, signed by two members of St. PauPs Church, in Catawba County, in the name of said congregation, stating, that during the past year, they enjoyed the labors of br. Kistler, but in consequence of his small support, he had left, and that they were again without a pastor. They pray this body to sup- ply tliem, if possible, with some minister to break unto them the bread of life during the coming year, promising to reward him according to their ability, and, that they will be satisfied, provided the services be in proportion to their contributions. Your committee refer the consideration of their case to the ministerium. No. 3, is a letter from Dr. Hazelius, Corresponding Secretary of the Synod of South Carolina. We recommend this letter to be read before Synod. Adopted. ' Piespectfully submitted, / B. AREY, J. CRIM. The letter from Dr. Hazelius was read, as recommended by the committee. 18. Resolved, That the interest ($3,20 J) due from the Centen- ary Fund, be paid to the treasurer of the Missionary and Educa- tion Society. 19. Resolved, That the President of Synod be requested to com- municate to our friends and brethren of Concord, our unfeigned thanks for their hospitality, and the unremitted care and attention, which they have manifested for our comfort, during our stay in their midst. Synod having now disposed of all the business before it, therefore, 20. Resolved, That we now adjourn, to meet again at the time and place before agreed upon. Synod then closed its sessions by singing, and by prayer by the President. SAMUEL ROTHROCK, Secretary of Synod. 21 MINUTES OF THE MINISTERIUM. FIRST SESSION. Saturday, May 4//i, 1 o^clock^ P. M^ The Ministerium met and was opened with singing and by pray- er by the President. Alter some mutual conversation on subjects connected with the interests of the church, 1 . Resolved^ That the President address a letter to br. A. Grirnes, inquiring into tlie cause of liis absence from former meetings of this Synod, and what hi$ intentions are relative to his future con- nection with our Synod. Brother J. A. Linn, late from the Seminary at Gettysburg, was proposed by the Secretary as an applicant for license. 2. Resolved^ That br. J. A. Linn be invited to attend the next session of the Ministerium. 3. Resolved, That we adjourn. SECOND SESSION. Monday, May 6//i, 8 oWock, P. M. The Ministerium met and was opened with singing and by prayer. The Ministerium was informed, that brother Linn was present according to invitation, and presented himself for examination with a view to obtain license to preach the Gospel and administer the ordinances of the church. 4. Resolved, That brother Linn be admitted to an examination before this Ministerium, as to liis qualifications for the ministry ; and that the President conduct the examination. Our young brother having sustained a satisfactory examination, therefore, 5. Resolved, That brother J. A. Linn receive a full license to preacli the Gospel and administer tiie sacraments of the church. The letter from St. PauPs church, Catawba county, which had been referred to the Ministerium, was now taken up, and consider- ed. After due deliberation on the situation of said churcl), it was, 6. Resolved, That it is to this Ministerium a matter of regret, that we are not able at this time to supply said church with a min- ^ 22 ister, but are disposed to do for our scattered members tbere what we can, and hope that such of the brethren as find it convenient will visit them. Rev. J. B. Anthony, an ordained travelling minister of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, was presented by the President, as an ap- plicant for admission to membership in this Ministerium. Brother Anthony, having presented satisfactory credentials as to moral character and good standing in that branch of the Redeemer's king- dom, in which he had hitherto been laboring, therefore, 7. Resolved^ That he be admitted to an examination. Pursuant to the above resolution, brother Anthony was examined before the Ministerium, and his examination proving entirely satis- factory, therefore, 8. Resolved Unanimously, That Rev. J. B. Anthony, be received into full connection with this Ministerium. 9. Resolved^ That this Ministerium now adjourn. Closed with singmg, and by prayer by the President. SAMUEL ROTHROCK, Secretary of Ministerium. REV. SAMUEL ROTHROCK'S CENTENARY REPORT. Union Church. Capt. John Hartman, (now deceased) - $20 00 David Barringer, Esq. - - 20 00 Tobias Brown, - - - 6 00 St. Stephen'^s Church. Paid. Dawalt Lentz, (now deceased) Mathias Barrier, Esq. Daniel Miller, - Elizabeth Barringer, Christena Harkey, David Earnheart, David D. Lentz, Dawalt Harkey, Solomon Neusman, Charles Barrier, Jacob Canoy, - 10 00 20 00 $5 00 20 00 20 00 1 00 1 00 ^' 50 "50 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 4 00 5 00 $76 50 23 George Earnlieart. Samuel Rotlirock, Total, *S7. Matthew's Church. Moses Lemly, - Martin Staines, Abraham Hill, Jacob File, John Bullen, Peter Hartman, - Daniel Hoffman, John Glover, John Bayman, Nelson Misenhimer, Henry Wilhelm, William Hartman, Peter Stoner, Sally Goodman, Total, St. PauVs Church. Henry Hill, Sr., John Hartman, George Garner, Margaret Garner, John Trcxler, Jr, Total, Whole amount, $76 50 1 00 20 00 $97 50 |4 00 2 00 10 03 10 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 $48 50 1 00 Paid. 5 00 Paid. $20 00 1 12.\ 10 oo" $10 00 1 12^ 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 $ 34 12.V $226 12i APPENDIX. (A.) PRESIDENT'S ANNUAL REPORT. Amidst the many anxieties and cares which are inseparable from the lot of those who are ministers of the gospel, there are also mingled many reflections of a pleasing nature. Besides the gratification arising from the knowledge of being engaged in high and holy duties, there is a pleasure in being permitted to meet annually in Syn- od, to converse with their brethren, to unite in consultation on the best interests of the cause in which we are engaged, and to strengthen each others hearts and hands by mutual encouragements, and by united prayer and praise before the throne of grace. It is on such an occasion that we are again permitted to assemble. Another year of our ministry is gons by, and we are enabled by the blessing of God to meet in health and under encouragements that call loudly for the grateful acknowledgments of our heaits and of our lips unto God. I have said that we have met together ; but not all, one at least of our small num- ber since our last meeting in Davidson county, has been called from time to eternity. "When, therefore, the names of the members of our ministerial association shall be called, and every one present shall take his seat, the place of our worthy and beloved brother, the Rev. Henry Grajber will be vacant. How sad ! How unexpected! He has ceased from his labors in the vineyard of the Lord on earth, and has entered the rest above, to reap the eternal reward which Jesus has promised to all his faithful servants. "His conflicts with his busy foes' For evermore shall cease. None shall his happiness oppose Nor interrupt liis peace. But bright rewards sfiall recompense His faithful service here. And perfect love shall banish thence Each gloomy doubt and fear." May the Lord grant unto us, who are still prilgrims and sojourners on earth as all our Fathers were, and into whose care he entrusted immortal souls, sufficient grace to prove ourselves pastors after God's own heart. May our labors in his church be more abundant while we have our fruit unto iioliness, that our end maybe peace. Our worthy brother, the Rev. Henry Gra;ber, was born of christian parents in the 25 state of Pennsylvania, in the year of our Lord 1 "793,1110 2Slh day of January. He prosecuted the study of divinity chiefly under the able and pious instructions of the Rev. Messrs. Melsheimcr and Lochman. He obtained license to preach the gospel from the Synod of East Pennsylvania, on the 7th of June, in the year 1818 ; and was shortly afterwards set apart to tljis holy work by the imposition of hands and prayer. Nine years of his ministerial life he spent as pastor of severaKcongregations in Fred- erick County, Md., and the remaining 16 years were spent in several congrcgationg in Lincoln, Rowan and Cabarrus counties in the bounds of our Synod, of which he was an efficient member, and in which he repeatedly filled with honor the highest offices. He was a liberal supporter of benevolent institutions, and a warm and deci- ded friend of an enlightened and educated ministry. He was himself an able and faithful minister of the New Testament, rightly dividing the word of eternal truth, and giving to both saints and sinners their portion in due season. And I need not add, in the presence of those who knew him long, and who knew him well, that through the course of his ministerial life, he uniformly adorned the doctrines which he preached by zeal, fidelity, firmness and charity, and all those virtues that are so es- sential to the character of the christian minister. He died of nervous fever on the 11th of September last, in the 51st year of his age. While his ashes sleep in the peaceful tomb, may his memory be cherished by us with fraternal aftection. In November last, I received a letter from the Rev. Paul Kistler, dated Oct. 31st 1843, of which I would give the following extract: "I now write to you to inform you of the result of my labors in Catawba, for the last year, and of my determination to leave for the South or Southwest. I sent my parochial report to the President of last Synod before the meeting of Synod in the spring, but as there was no notice ta- ken of it in the minutes, 1 will now send you the result of the whole year's labor, which is as follows: baptisms 9; burials 4; confirmations 4. The members of our churches here are indeed still anxious to have preaching by a minister of the North Carolina Synod, but they are few in number and unable to support a preacher by themselves, so that the prospect of raising our churches here appears rather dull. If a man could get a standing school here, so that he could live by it and remain, perhaps something might be done after a few years. Concerning tlie money that was promised by the Synod to the person who should preach to these people for one year, 1 would say : If I am not present at the next session of your Synod, you may give it to the Mission- ary and Education Society, or dispose of it in any way that tiie Synod may think proper." I received a communication from the Rev. Samuel Rothrock, dated March 8th 1844, in which he signifies his intention of resigning the pastoral charge of Union, St. Paul's and St. Matthew's churches at the present meeting of Synod. Speaking of the state of his congregation he says : "I have nothing of more than ordinary interest to communicate in relation to my congregations. Preaching appears to be well at- tended, and good attention given to the instructions from the pulpit." He has accep- ted, by invitation, the pastoral care of Organ Church, vacated by the dealii of brother Graeber. I received a letter from the Rev. John D. Scheck, dated April ISth, in which he informs me, that he has dissolved his connection as a Pastor with the church in Salis- bury, and that he has received and accepted a call from St. John's Church, Cabar- rus county, formerly in connection with the pastoral district of brother Grosber. As the station in Salisbury is now vacant, and as it is one of considerable importance to our church in N. C, I hope some attention will be paid to it at the present meeting of Synod. 26 The flock under my own care, though it has statedly enjoyed the ordinary means of grace and the accompanying visitations of the divine Spirit, has not reahzed any remarkable degree of prosperity. Last autumn 1 resigned the care of Zion's church in Guilford county, and would resign another congregation, if some brother would come and take charge of them. These two, with another that might be formed, and the aid of a four, or siit months school, would, in all probability, afford him a com- fortable support. Tlie cliarch throughout, where there are settled ministers, has enjoyed to some ex- tent the means of improvement in spiritual knowledge and grace. Special conferen- ces have been generally attended; — our ministers have been diligent in their work, and their pious labors have been crowned by the blessing of heaven. Careless sin- ners have been awakened ; the erring directed in the right way ; the disconsolate have been comforted ; the weak strengthened, and the strong have become stronger still. For these things, and for many other evidences of the divine favor, and of the continued exercise of God's gracious providence in behalf of ourZion, we have cause of great joy and rejoicing of heart. But notwithstanding the many causes of gratitude and joy with which we are sur- rounded, I connot refrain from suggesting my fear, that worldliness in whatever guise, mtemperance, lukewarmness and formality in religion, are too prevalent among ua, and that these things, if not speedily removed, or speedily succeeded by fervent prayer, by entire devotion to God and his service, and by greater earnestness and zeal in working out our own salvation and seeking the good of Zion, will be attended with ruinous consequences indeed ; — the gospel will cease to display its practical effects; — half of its invaluable blessings will not be enjoyed among us — our Zion in this region will become a desolation ; or be absorbed into other denominations. Brethren, it is high time to awake out of sleep ; to put on the whole armour of God, and to live, and act more resolutely and more exclusively than ever for God and his church, and for the good of immorial souls. There is at present manifestly a want of more ministers ; of living, active laborers in the vineyard of the Lord among us. Our ministerial ranks have been thinned by removals, by death and otherwise. Most of our ministers have too many congrega- tions under their care, consequently these are but partially supplied with preaching and other public means of religious improvement, while others are entirely destitute of them. The present state of the church in this respect is more unfavorable than it has been for some years past, and calls loudly for our individual and united exertions to supply this deficiency as speedily as possible. 'J'ruly, "the harvest is great, but the laborers are few, pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest, that he would send more laborers into his vineyard." Should there not be a manifest improvement j but rather a deterioration in this respect, in the course of a few more years; it would per- haps be a dictate of good policy to take timely refuge under the sheltering wing of our Sister Synod ofthe South. My fervent prayer to God, day and night, is, that he would hasten the time to favor Zion. In our future endeavors to promote the prosperity ofthe church within our bounds^ we cannot too faitlifully cherish our regard for the interests of our beloved Lexington Seminary. We have formed a union with our Sister Synod of the South for its support; — it is located in our southern country and with our mutual co-operation and the blessino; of God upon our united efforts, it will constantly afford us the means of 27 increasing the number of our ministers and supplying the wants of our church. These considerations must render our theological Seminary an object of peculiar interest to us all ; — and as long as the character and conduct of its Professor siiall entitle it to our confidence, 1 have no doubt we shall all continue to patronize and support it in a manner that will render it more eminently useful to the cause of Christ and his church. As an expression of our friendly disposition toward the Seminary and the deep interest we feel in its welfare, I would recommend, that Synod instruct the del- egate who shall be appointed at this meeting to attend the next session of the S. C. Synod, to attend also the annual examination of the students, and to enter into a friendly conversation, or correspondence with theBoardof Directors on subjects con- nected with its location and interests, with a view of promoting its future efficiency and usefulness. Ye yourselves, my beloved brethren, are well acquainted with the wants of our church; — ye know that the number of well qualified ministers ought to be multiplied, and, that to this end pious young men ought to be encouraged and sustained in their course of study. Permit me to add, that if we would stir up our people to greater activity and more enlarged and liberal views on matters pertaining to the prosperity of our Zion and the kingdom of God, we should assiduously circulate the Lutheran Observer ; — and that if we would edify the aged of our flocks and do our part in bringing up their off- spring in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and in the church of their Fathers, we must adhere to the ancient usages of the church ; — we must frequently call them together to hear lectures'on the great subject of religion, and we must establish and foster prayer-meetings, Bible classes and Sunday schools. Having, beloved brethren, discharged the duties of the office assigned me by your vote at the last meeting of Synod, with what fidelity I could, I now beg leave to re- quest of you to select another individual than myself to fill this office hereafler. A re-election of the same individual to the same office when there are others who are as well, and, perhaps, better qualified to fill it, can seldom be a matter of much mo- ment, and sometimes the future prosperity of the church would be more eflTectually secured by the election of another. In conclusion, I hope, that our proceedings will be conducted in the spirit of our holy religion, and that whilst the great Master presides in our midst, our delibera- tions may be peaceful and highly conducive to the welfare of that portion of the «hurch of God that is committed to our care, as well as to the glory of Jesus Christ, who is the great King of Zion, and who is truly "God over all blessed for evermore." WILLIAM ARTZ, President. (B.) PROCEEDLVGS OF THE MISSIONARY AND EDUCATION SOCIETY. Monday 2 o'clock, P. M., according to previous appointment the Rev. S. Roth- rock preached the Missionary sermon, — text Matth. xx. 6. *' JVhy stand ye here all the day idle ?'' 28 The Vice-president in tlie chair, tlicn briefly stated the object of the society, and called upon all who felt interested in the work to contribute their mites; when a goodly number came forward, and by paying the small sum necessary to constitute them members of the society, next proceeded to the election of officers for the ensu- ing year. Rev. J. D. SCHECK, President, " S. ROTH ROCK, Vice President, " Wm. G. HARTER, Secretary, MATHIAS BARRIER, Esq. Treasurer. THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENT. Genl. PAUL BARRINGER, "| C. MELCHIOR, I HENRY MILLER, ! ^. . Col. J. SHIMPOCH, >£hrectors. DANIEL MILLER, SOLOMON PEELER, J Rev. Wm. ARTZ, ) " B. AREY, } Executive Committee. " S. ROTHROCK, ) The Executive Committee for the closing year, were called upon for their report. Report JVo. 1. The Ex. Com. of the Parent Education and Missionary society report, that having no beneficiary upon our funds, and not being able to engage the services of a Mis- sionary to Davie Co. there has been no appropriation of the funds of the society, and nothing has been done. Adopted. Respectfully submitted, Wm. G. HARTER, ) B. AREY, > Committee. M. BARRIER, ) The former Treasurer, Col. J. Smith, returned to the society $150 00 through Rev. J. Crim, as the amount of principal and interest due. \. Resolved, That the money sent us be received. A call was now made for donations from auxiliary societies. Rev. S. Rothrock, presented from the Organ Church, Miss, and Ed. sor-.iety, - - - - - - ^10 00 St. Stephen's church, do. do. do. - - - - - 2 30 Rev. J. D. Scheck, presented from St. John's Church, * Miss, society, - - - - - - . -6 25 Amount collected at our present meeting, - - 21 80 $10 56 2. Resolved, Thattlie President give a receipt to Col. J. M. Smith against his bond, and that we tender him our sincere thanks for the faithful performance of his duty. Whereas many of the points of ministerial operation within the bounds of this Synod are too feeble to afford sufficient compensation for the time necessary to be devoted to their spiritual welfare — and whereas the plan of a local ministry in our 29 churches acting as pastors and bishops in tlie sphere of tlieir respective charges dur- inor the term of their engagements, requires a course of operation in harmony with such locating system, and in order to sustain and spread tlie borders of our church by affording aid for some time to weak stations — Therefore, 3. Resolvedy That our people be requested to act in harmony with their respective pastors, to use increased activity to enlarge the home Missionary funds of this Synod. 4. Resolved, That the President appoint some person to preach the Missionary ser- mon at the next meeting of the Society. Rev. B. Arcy was appointed. All the money in the treasury was now paid to the Treasurer, which according to the following exhibit amounted to $190 55 From former Treasurer - - - - - $150 00 Amount of contributions from Aux. societies, &c. - 40 55 $190 55 5. Resolved, That the Treasurer be requested to put this money on interest and take bond and good security. 6. Resolved, That an extract of the proceedings of this society be printed with the Minutes of Synod. 7. Resolved, That we adjourn to meet on Monday after the 1st Sunday in May 1845, in St. Paul's church, Orange, county, N. C. Closed with a benediction by the President. WILLIAM G. HARTER, Secretartj of the parent Education and jMissionary society. I • •i-^v I ( I ► i m I m