c5) FALA. Itye Hibrarp oittje Hantfaerssitp of i^ortfj Carolina Carnegie Corporation Jfunb for instruction in ILrbrarianjsfnp w UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL ' I I I II I I 00022094966 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://www.archive.org/details/browniestheirboocoxp Q/6u> Ooon. aeSonyd ie *=M the brownies: their book BY PALMER COX PUBLISHED BY THE CENTURY CO. NEW YORK Copyright, 1 5^7, by The Century Co. Copyright renewed, 1915, by The Century Co Printed in U. S. A. BROWNIES, like fairies and goblins , are imaginary little sprites, who are supposed ■j to delight in harmless pranks and helpful deeds . They work and sport while weary households sleep, and never allow themselves to be seen by mortal eyes. X CONTENTS. The Brownies at School The Brownies' Ride The Brownies on Skates The Brownies on Bicycles The Brownies at Lawn-tennis . The Brownies' Good Work ix MS* ? 14 19 2fi 30 The Brownies at the Gymnasium The Brownies' Feast The Brownies Tobogganing The Brownies' Balloon J » The Brownies Canoeing The Brownies in the Menagerie The Brownies' Circus . The Brownies NJ§ i ^2i at Base-ball The Brownies and the Bees The Brownies on Roller Skates Pagf 36 42 48 62 68 . 73 78 83 89 The Brownies at the Seaside The Brownies and the Spinning-wheel The Brownies' Voyage The K Brownies' Return The Brownies' Senging-school The Brownies' Friendly Turn The Brownies' Fourth of July The Brownies in the Toy-shop 101 108 114 120 126 132 138 BOOKS BY PALMFR COX: PUBLISHED BY THF CENTURY CO. THE BROWNIES: THEIR BOOK Quarto, 150 pages. Price, in boards $1.50 ANOTHER BROWNIE BOOK Quarto, 150 pages Price, in boards, $150 RHOuSE § THE BROWNIES AT HOME Quarto, 150 pages. Price, in boards. $1.50 THE BROWNIES AROUND THE WORLD IfAiis \ Quarto, 150 pages. Price, in boards $1.50 THE BROWNIES THROUGH THE UNION H Quarto, 150 pages. Price, in boards, $1.50 i^JJSe THE BROWNIES ABROAD ^"M^^ Quarto, 150 pages. Price, in boards, $1.50 '&«?' *Vp> r THE BROWNIES IN THE PHILIPPINES Quarto, 150 pages. Price, in boards, $1.50 THE BROWNIES LATEST ADVENTURES Quarto, 150 pages. Price, in boards. $1.50 THE BROWNIES MANY MORE NIGHTS Quarto, 150 pages. Price, in boards, $1.50 fis THE BROW T NTE CLOWN OF BROWNTETOW r N Oblong, 103 pages. Price, in boards, $1.00 THE BROWNIE PRIMER sfc? v 12 mo, 108 pages. Price, in cloth, $ .40 net. THE BROWNIES AT SCHOOL. V^' S Brownies rambled 'round one night, A country sckoolhouse came in sight ; And there they paused awhile to speak About the place, where through the week The scholars came, with smile or whine, Each morning at the stroke of nine. " This is," said one, " the place, indeed, Where children come to write and read. 'T is here, through rules and rods to suit, The young idea learns to shoot; And here the idler with a grin In nearest neighbor pokes the pin, Or sighs to break Ms scribbled slate And spring at once to man's estate. How oft from shades of yonder grove I Ve viewed at eve the shouting drove As from the door they crowding broke, Like oxen from beneath the yoke." Another said : " The teacher's chair, The ruler, pen, and birch are there, The blackboard hangs against the wall; The slate 's at hand, the hooks and all. We might go in to read and write And master sums like scholars bright.'" "I '11 play," cried one, "the teacher's part ; I know some lessons quite by heart, And every section of the land To me is plain as open hand." "With all respect, my friend, to yon," Another said, " that would not do. Yon 're hardly fitted, sir, to rule ; Yonr place should be the dimce's stool. Yon 're not with great endowments blessed ; Besides, yonr temper 's not the best, And those who train the budding mind Should own a disposition kind. The rod looks better on the tree Than resting by the master's knee ; T 7/ be the teacher, if yon please ; I know the rivers, lakes, and seas, And, like a banker's clerk, can throw The figmes nimbly in a row. I have the patience, love, and grace, So recpiisite in such a case." Now some bent o'er a slate or book, And some at blackboards station took. They clustered 'round the globe with zeal. And kept it turning like a wheel. Said one, " I Ve often The world is rounder And here, indeed, we With hoth the poles With latitudes and All measured out on Another said, "I thought The world from Maine to Or could, without a giude, My way from Cork to Puget But here so many things That never dawned upon my On sundry points, I blush VM \ I Ve been a thousand miles " 'T is like an egg," another "A little longer than it 's wide, With islands scattered through the seas Where savages may live at ease ; heard it said, than your head, find it true, at once in view, each degree land and sea." I knew Timbuctoo, have found Sound ; And buried up in Polar snows You find the hardy Eskimos ; While here and there some scorching spots Are set apart for Hottentots. And see the rivers small and great, That drain a province or a state ; The name and shape of every nation; Their faith, extent, and population ; And whether governed by a King, A President, or council ring.'' r~- While some with such expressions bold Surveyed the globe as 'round it rolled, Still others turned to ink and pen, And, spreading like a brooding hen, They scrawled a page to show the band Their special "style," or ''business hand." The teacher had enough to do, To act his part to nature true : He lectured well the infant squad, He rapped the desk and shook the rod, And stood the dunce upon the stool, A laughing-stock to all the school — But frequent changes please the crowd, \ So lengthy reign was not allowed; And when one master had his hour, Another took the rod of power ; And thus they changed to suit the case, Till many filled the honored place. So taken up was every mind With fun and study well combined, They noticed not the hours depart, Until the sun commenced to dart A sheaf of lances, long and bright, Above the distant mountain height ; Then from the schoolroom, in a heap, They jumped and tumbled, twenty deep, In eager haste to disappear In deepest shades of forests neai. 'When next the children gathered there. With wondering faces fresh and fair. It took an hour of morning prime, According to the teacher's time, To get the hooks in place once more, And order to the room restore. So great had been the haste to hide, The windows were left open wide ; And scholars knew, without a doubt, That Brownies had been thereabout. j*M-&m JWtEK c0 * THE BROWNIES' RIDE. |NE night a cunning Brownie band Was roaming through a farmer's land, And while the rogues went prying 'round, The farmer's mare at rest they found ; And peeping through the stable-door, They saw the harness that she wore. The sight was tempting to the eye, For there the cart was standing nigh. "That mare," said one, "deserves her feed — Believe me, she 's no common breed ; Her grit is good : I 've seen her dash Up yonder slope without the lash, Until her load — a ton of hay — Went bouncing in beside the bay. In tliis same cart, old Farmer Gill Takes all Ms corn and wheat to mill ; It must be strong, though rude and rough; It runs on wheels, and that 's enough." Now, Brownies seldom idle stand When there 's a chance for fun at hand. So plans were laid without delay; The mare was dragged from oats and hay, The harness from the peg they drew, And every one to action flew. It was a sight one should behold To see them working, young and old; Two wrinkled elves, like leather browned, Whose beards descended near the ground, Along with youngsters did then best With all the ardor of the rest. While some prepared a rein or trace, Another slid the bit in place ; More buckled bands with all their might, Or drew the harness close and tight. When every strap a buckle found. And every part was safe and sound, Then 'round the cart the Brownies flew, — The hardest task was yet to do. It often puzzles bearded men, Though o'er and o'er performed again. 10 Some held the shafts to steer them straight, More did their hest to balance weight, "While others showed both strength and art In backing Mag into the cart. At length the heavy job was done, And horse and eart moved off as one. Now down the road the gentle steed Was forced to trot at greatest speed, A merrier crowd than journeyed there Was never seen at Dublin Fair. Some found a seat, while others stood, Or hung behind as best they could; While many, strung along, astride, Upon the mare enjoyed the ride. WJWm ,xm> mm The night was dark, the lucky elves Had all the turnpike to themselves. No surly keeper barred the way, For nse of road demanding pay, Nor were they startled by the cry Of robbers shouting, "Stand or die!" Across the bridge and np the hill And through the woods to Warren's mill,- A lengthy ride, ten miles at least, — Without a rest they drove the beast, And then were loath enough to rein Old Mag around for heme again. 11 % Nor was the speed, returning, slow; The mare was more inclined to go, Because the feed of oats and hay Unfinished in her manger lay. So through the yard she wheeled her load As briskly as she took the road. No time remained to then undo The many straps which tight they drew, For in the east the reddening sky Gave warning that the sun was nigh. 12 The halter rope was About the nearest Then off they scam- And disappeared at quickly wound post they found; pered, left and right, once from sight. When Farmer Grill that morning fair Came out and viewed his jaded mare, I may not here in verse repeat His exclamations all complete. He gnashed his teeth, and glared around, And struck his fists, and stamped the ground, And chased the dog across the farm, Because it failed to give alarm. I 'd give a stack of hay," he cried, To catch the rogue who stole the ride ! " But still awry suspicion flew, — Who stole the ride he never knew. THE BROWNIES ON SKATES. NE night, when the cold moon hung low And winter wrapped the world in snow And bridged the streams in wood and field "With ice as smooth as shining shield, Some skaters swept in graceful style The glistening surface, file on file. For hours the Brownies viewed the show, Commenting on the groups below ; Said one: "That pleasure might be ours — We have the feet and motive powers ; No mortal need us Brownies teach, If skates were but within our reach.''' Another answered : "Then, my friend To hear my plan let all attend. P I have a building in my mind That we within an hour can find. Three golden balls hang by the door, Like oranges from Cuba's shore ; Behind the dusty counter stands A native of queer, far-off lands ; The place is filled with various things, From baby-carts to banjo-strings ; Here hangs a gun without a lock Some Pilgrim bore to Plymouth rock ; And there a pair of goggles lie, That saw the red-coats marching by While piles of club and rocker skates Of every shape the buyer waits ! Though second-hand, I 'm sure they '11 do. And serve our wants as well as new. That place we '11 enter as we may, To-morrow night, and bear away A pah', the best that come to hand, For every member of the band." At once, the enterprise so bold Received support from young and old. A place to muster near the town, And meeting hour they noted down; And then retiring for the night, They soon were lost to sound and sight 15 When evening next her visit paid Tq fold the earth in robes of shade, From out the woods across the mead, The Brownies gath- ered as agreed, To venture boldly and procure The skates that would their fun insure. As mice can get to cake and cheese Without a key whene'er they please, So, cunning Brownies can proceed And help themselves to what they need. 16 ****£j0&W -j^*^ For bolts and bars they little care If but a nail is wanting tbere ! Or, failing tbis, with ease descend Like Santa Claus and gain tbeir end As children to tbe windows fly At news of Jumbo passing by, So rushed tbe eager band away To fields of ice without delay 1: Though far too large at heel and toe, The skates were somehow made to go. But out behind and out before, Lake spurs, they stuck a span or more, Alike afflicting foe and friend In bringing journeys to an end. They had their slips and sudden spreads, Where heels flew higher than their heads, As people do, however nice, When venturing first upon the ice. ? But soon they learned to curve and whea And cut fine scrolls with scoring steel, To race in clusters to and fro, To jump and turn and backward go, Until a rest on bed so cool, Was more the wonder than the rule. But from the lake they all withdrew Some hours before the night was through, And hastened back with lively feet Through narrow lane and silent street, Until they reached the broker's door With every skate that left the store. And, ere the first The skates were Of their brief ab- Was left within the faint gleam of day. safely stowed away sence not a trace dusty place. 18 THE BROWNIES ON BICYCLES. NE evening Brownies, peeping down From bluffs that overlooked the town, Saw wheelmen passing to and fro Upon the boulevard below. " It seems," said one, " an easy trick, The wheel goes 'round so smooth and quick ; You simply sit and work your feet And glide with grace along the street. 19 The pleasure would be fine indeed If we could thus in line proceed." ''Last night," another answer made, '- : As by the river's bank I strayed, Where here and there a building stands, And town and country-side join iiands, Before me stood a massive wall With engine-rooms and chimueys talL " To scale the place a way I found, And, creeping in, looked aU around; There bicycles of every grade Are manufactured for the trade; Some made for baby hands to guide, And seme for older folk to ride w " Though built to keep intruders out, With shutters thick and casings stout, I noticed twenty ways or more, By roof, by window, wall and door, Where we, by exercising skill, May travel in and out at will/' Another spoke, in nowise slow To catch at pleasures as they go, And said, " Why let another day Come creeping in to drag away? Let's active measures now employ To seize at once the promised joy. On bicycles quick let us ride, While yet our wants may be supplied." So when the town grew hushed and still, The Brownies ventured down the hill, And soon the band was drawing nigh The building with the chim- neys high. When people lock their doors at night, And double-bolt them left and right, And think through patents, new and old To leave the burglars in the cold, 21 The cunning Brownies smile to see The springing bolt and turning key; For well they know if fancy leads Their hand to venture daring deeds, The miser's gold, the mer- chant's ware To them is open as the air. PAL 1ilj COX Not long could door or windows stand Fast locked before the Brownie band ; And soon the bicycles they sought From every room and bench were brought. 22 The rogues ere long began to show As many colors as the bow ; For paint and varnish lately spread. Besmeared them all from foot to head. Some turned to jay-birds in a minute, And some as quick might shame the linnet i While more with crimson-tinted breast Seemed fitted for the robin's nest. But whether red or green or blue, The work on hand was hurried through ; They took the wheels from blacksmith fires. Though wanting bolts and even tires, And rigged the parts with skill and speed To answer well their pressing need. And soon, enough were made complete To give the greater part a seat, And let the rest through cunning find Some way of hanging on behind. And then no spurt along the road, Or 'round the yard their courage showed, But twenty times a measured mile They whirled away in single file, Or bunched together in a crowd If width of road or skill allowed. At times, while rolling down the grade, Collisions some confusion made, For every member of the band, At steering wished to try his hand ; Though some, perhaps, were not designed For labor of that special kind. 23 But Brownies are the folk to bear Misfortunes with unruffled ah ; So on through rough and smooth they spun Until the turning-point was won. Then back they wheeled with every spoke, An hour before the thrush awoke. 24 THE BROWNIES AT LAWN-TENNIS. NE evening as the woods grew dark. The Brownies wandered through a park, And soon a building, quaint and small, Appeared to draw the gaze of all. Said one : " This place contains, no doubt, The tools of workmen hereabout." Another said: "You're quite astray, The workmen's tools are miles away ; Within this building may lie found The fixtures for the tennis ground. A meadow near, both long and wide, For half the year is set aside, And marked with many a square and court, For those who love the royal sport. On afternoons assembled there, The active men and maidens fan Keep up the game until the day Has faded into evening gray." "In other lands than those we tread, 1 played the game," another said, '"And proved my skill and muscle stout, As ' server ' and as l striker -out.' tikk The lock that hangs hefore us there Bears witness to the keeper's care, And tramps or burglars might go by, If such a sign should meet the eye. But we, who laugh at __ ____ ^_____^___ locks or- law Designed to keep man- kind in awe, May praise the keeper's cautious mind, ^^S^m^^W 1 ^ But ah the same an en- ifffSMBBP trance find." ^^^^^^ \ . ^£*- m BlBlS llUH l£&$^ti^<^^?&&tffi^&g-@& J?AlM£f>_ COX 26 Ere long, the path that lay between The building and the meadow green, Was crowded with the bustling throng. All hearing implements along; Some lugging stakes or racket sets. And others buried up in nets. To set the posts and mark the ground The proper size and shape arouna, 27 With service-line and line of base, And courts, both, left and right, ui olace, Was work that caused but slight delay; And soon the sport was under way. And then a strange and stirring scene Was pictured out upon the green. Some watched the game and noted well Where this or that one would excel. And shouts and calls that filled the air Proved even-handed playing there. With anxious looks some kept the score, And shouted '"vantage ! " " game all ! " or To some, " love, forty ! " — " deuce ! " to more. But when " deuce set ! >v the scorer cried, Applause would ring on every side. At times so hot the contest grew, Established laws aside they threw, And in the game where four should stand, At least a dozen took a hand. Some tangled in the netting lay And some from base-lines strayed away Some hit the ball when out of place Oi scrambled through unlawful space. But still no game was forced to halt Because of this or greater fault. 2S V-fALMOi CM And there they sported on the lawn Until the ruddy streaks of dawn Gave warning that the day was near, And Brownies all must disappear. 29 ' j PWhE L • —2 ■Mite 3y [^ - -.^ THE BROWNIES 1 GOOD WORK. One time, while Brownies passed around An honest farmer's piece of ground, They paused to view the garden fair And fields of grain that needed care. My Mends," said one who often spoke About the ways of human folk, " Now here 's a case in point, I claim, == -_ r _ ~\ Where neighbors scarce deserve the name This farmer on his back is laid With broken ribs and shoulder-blade, Received, I hear, some weeks ago; While at the village here below, He checked a running team, to save Some children from an early grave. Now overripe his harvest stands In waiting for the reaper 7 ? hands ; The piece of wheat we lately passed Is shelling out at every blast, 30 Unless you come We '11 not be worth The corn is breaking The hens around the And with their ever May pick the ker- His neighbors are a Who Ve such a Those pumpkins in that corner plot Begin to show the signs of rot ; The mold has fastened on then" skin, The ripest ones are caving in, And soon the pig in yonder sty With scornful grunt would pass them by. His Early Rose potatoes there Are much in need of light and ah*; The turnip withers where it hes, The beet and carrot "want to rise. '• Oh, pull us up ! ' they seem to cry To every one that passes by ; ' The frost will finish our repose, The grubs are working at our toes ; and save us soon, g £$&■ a picayune ! ' ■from the stalk, kill can walk, ready bill nels at their will. sordid crowd, shameful waste allowed' So wrapped in self some men can be, Beyond their purse they seldom see ; 'T is left for us to play the friend And here a helping hand extend. But as the wakeful chanticleer Is crowing in the stable near, Too little of the present night Is left to set the matter right. "To-morrow eve, at that dark hour When birds grow still in leafy bower And bats forsake the ruined pile To exercise their wings awhile, In yonder shady grove we '11 meet, With all our active force complete, Prepared to give this farmer aid With basket, barrel, hook, and spade. M^mh 32 But, ere we part, one caution more Let some invade a druggist's store, And bring along a coated pill ; We 11 dose the dog to keep him still. For harking dogs, however kind, Can oft disturb a Brownie's mind." — -When next the bat of evening flew, And drowsy things of day withdrew, When beetles droned across the lea, And turkeys sought the safest tree To form aloft a social row And criticise the fox below, — Then cunning Brownies might be seen Advancing from the forest green ; Now lumping fences, as they ran, Now crawling through ■/ Of half a dozen large estates; ri'r W>. Until it seemed that ocean wide Alone could check the '110;? fearful ride. Some, growing dizzy with the speed, At times a friendly hand would need To help them keep then* proper grip Through all the dangers of the trip. And thus until the stars had waned, The sport of coasting was maintained. Then, while they sought with lively race In deeper woods a hiding-place, " How strange," said one, " we never tried Till now the wild toboggan ride ! But since we Ve proved the pleasure fine That 's found upon the steep incline, We '11 often muster on the height, And make the most of every night, Until the rains of spring descend And bring such pleasures to an end." Another answered frank and free : " In all such musters count on me ; For though my back is badly strained, My elbow- joint and ankle sprained, 53 I '11 be the first upon the ground As long as patch of snow is found, And bravely do my part to steer Toboggans on their wild career 80 every evening, foul or fair, The jovial Brownies gathered there, Till with the days of Spring, at last, Came drenching shower and melting blast, Which sent the mountain's ice and snow To fill the rivers miles below. 54 THE BROWNIES' BALLOON. While rambling through the forest shade, A sudden halt some Brownies made; For spread about on bush and ground An old balloon at rest they found, That wliile upon some flying trip Had given aeronauts the slip. And, falling here in foliage green, Through aU the summer lay unseen. The Brownies gathered fast to stare Upon the monster lying there, 55 And when they learned the use and plan Of valves and ropes, the rogues began To lay then* schemes and name a night When all could take an any flight. " We want," said one, " no tame affair, Like some that rise with heated ah, And hardly clear the chimney-top Before they lose then* life and drop. The bag with gas must be supplied, That will insure a lengthy ride ; When we set sail 't is not to fly Above a spire and call it high. The boat, or basket, must be strong, Designed to take the crowd along ; For that which leaves a part behind Woidd hardly suit the Brownie mind. The works that serve the town of Bray With gas are scarce two miles away. To-morrow night we '11 come and bear, As best we can, this burden there; And when inflated, fit to rise, We'll take a sail around the skies." Next evening, as the scheme was planned, The Brownies promptly were on hand. For when some pleasiue lies in view, The absentees are always few. But 't was no easy task to haul The old balloon, ear. ropes and all, Across the rocks and fallen trees And through the marshes to then knees. 56 But Brownies, persevering still, Will keep their course through every ill, And in the main, as history shows, Succeed in aught they do propose. T — V V!k So, though it cost them rather dear, In scratches there and tumbles here, They worked until the wondrous feat Of transportation was complete. 57 Then while some busy fingers played Around the rents that branches made, An extra coil of rope was tied In long festoons around the side, That all the party, young and old, Might find a trusty seat or hold. And whfle they worked, they chatted free About the wonders they woidd see. Said one : " As smoothly as a kite, We '11 rise above the clouds to-night, And may the question settle soon, About the surface of the moon." Now aU was ready for the gas, And soon the lank and tangled mass Began to flop about and rise, As though impatient for the skies ; Then was there work for eveiy hand That could be mustered in the band, To keep the growing monster low Until they stood prepared to go ; To this and that they made it fast, Round stones and stakes the But strong it grew and stronger still, As every wrinkle seemed to fill ; And when at last it bounded clear, And started on its wild career, A rooted stump and garden gate, It carried off as special freight. Though all the Brownies went, a part Were not m proper shape to start ; Arrangements hardly were complete, Some wanted room and more a seat, While some in acrobatic style Must put then trust in toes awhile. But Brownies are not hard to please, And soon they rested at then ease; Some found support, both safe and strong, Upon the gate that went along, By some the stump was utilized, And furnished seats they highly prized. Now, as they rose they ran aford Of screaming hawk and hooting owl, And flitting bats that hooked then wings At once around the ropes and strings, 59 As though content to there abide And take the chances of the ride. On passing through a heavy cloud, One thus addressed the moistened crowd "Although the earth, from which we rise, Now many miles below us lies, To sharpest eye, strain as it may, The moon looks just as far away." "The earth is good enough for me!" Another said, "with And shady groves, of Will some one give the And soon they all were To start upon a But once the gas They lost the power The more they tried The more it seemed grassy lea, songsters full.— valve a pull?" well content, mild descent. commenced to go, to check the flow; control to gain, to rush amain. Then some began to wring their hands, And more to vol- unteer com- mands ; While some were craning out to view What part of earth their wreck would strew, A marshy plain, a rocky shore, Or ocean with its sullen roar. 60 It happened as they neareci the ground, A rushing gale was sweep- ing round, That caught and carried them with speed Across the forest and the mead. Then lively catch- ing might be seen At cedar tops and branches green; While still the stump behind them swung, On this it caught, to that it hung, And, as an anchor, played a part They little thought of at the start. At length, in spite of sweeping blast, Some friendly branches held them fast : Aid then, descending, safe and sound, The daring Brownies reached the ground But in the tree-top on the hill The old balloon is hanging still, And saves the farmers on the plain From placing scare-crows in their grain. 61 THE BROWNIES CANOEING. S day in shades of evening sank, The Brownies reached a river bank ; And there awhile stood gazing down At students from a neighboring town, Whose light canoes charmed every eye, As one by one they floated by. HI Said one, "We '11 foUow as they go, Until they gain the point below. There stands a house, but lately made, Wherein the club's effects are laid ; We '11 take possession after dark, -^SV^S^*^^ ^ And in these strange affair's embark." They all declared, at any cost, A chance like this should ne 'er be lost ; ^: And keeping well the men in sight J3ft/ r They followed closely as they might. J^^L. m* The moon was climbing o'er the hill, *Jt« The owl was hooting by the mill, ' **"' When from the building en the sands . The boats were shoved with willing J£^ bands. ; M A " Shadow " model some explored, V And then well -pleased they rushed on board ; JjRbjf The open " Peterboro'," too, 9 Found its supporters — and a crew. fc^SRP. The Indian "Birch-bark" seemed too frail ^^ And lacked the adjunct of a sail, JMb* Yet of a load it did not * For all the boats were in & J^ jgk \ggp demand; *t JEL 1 P~l9B[****~wf* a ~* _J^pV As well those whicb with \j| *^ r*^ ^y ' ^\ %»4- skill were planned ^ * 63 By men of keenest judgment ripe, As those of humbler, home-made type. And soon away sailed all the fleet With every Brownie in his seat. The start was promising and fine : With little skill and less design They steered along as suited best, And let the current do the rest. 64 All nature seemed to be aware That something strange was stirring there. The owl to-whooed, the raven croaked; The mink and rat with caution poked Then heads above the wave, aghast ; While frogs a look of wonder cast And held then breath till all had passed, v j^, ..|. i^a^^S^^ vm As every stream will show a bend, If one explores from end to end, a Milt 65 Was wild enough At times it tum- O 'er shelving rocks At times it formed A brood of whirl- That with each oth- As fated objects So every river, great and small, Must have its rapids and its fall; And those who on its surface glide O'er rough as well as smooth must ride. The stream whereon had started out The Brownie band in gleeful rout to please a trout, bled on its way and bowlders gray, from side to side pools deep and wide, er seemed to vie drifted nigh. Ere long each watchful Brownie there, Of all these facts grew well aware; Some losing faith, as people will, In their companions' care or skill, Would seize the paddle for a time, Until a disapproving chime Of voices made them rest then hand, And let still others take command. But, spite of current, whirl, or go, In spite of hungry tribes below, — The eel, the craw-fish, leech, and pout, That watched them from the starting out, And thought each moment flitting by Might spill them out a year's supply, — The Brownies drifted onward still ; And though confusion baffled skill, Canoes throughout the trying race Kept right side up in every case. But sport that traveled hand hi hand With horrors hardly pleased the hand, As pallid cheek and popping eye On every side could testify; And all agreed that wisdom lay In steering home without delay. So landing qiuck, the boats they tied To roots or trees as chance supplied, And plunging in the woods profound, They soon were lost to sight and sound. 67 UA/DEIR THE THE BROWXIES EST THE MENAGERIE. HE Brownies heard the news with alee, That in a city near the sea A spacious building was designed For holding heasts of every kind. From polar snows, from desert sand, From mountain peak, and tim- bered land, The heasts with claw and beasts with hoof, All met beneath one slated roof. That night, hke bees before the wind, With home in sight, and storm behind, The band of Brownies might be seen, All scudding from the forest green. Less time it took the waUs to scale Than is required to teE the tale. The art that makes the lock seem weak. The bolt to slide, the hinge to creak, Was theirs to use as heretofore, With good effect, on sash and door ; And soon the band stood face to face With aU the wonders of the place. 6S To Brownies, as to children dear, The monkey seemed a creature queer ; They watched its skill to climb and cling., By either toe or tail to swing; Perhaps they got some hints that might Come well in hand some future night, When climbing up a wall or tree, Or chimney, as the case might he. Then off to other parts they 'd range To gather 'round some creature strange ; To watch the movements of the bear, if® Or at the spotted serpents stare. Around the sleeping lion long They stood an interested throng, Debating o'er its strength of ^ limb, Its heavy mane or visage grim. The mammoth turtle from its pen Was driven 'round and 'round again, And though the coach proved rather slow They kept it hours upon the go. Said one, "Before your face and eyes I '11 take that snake from where it lies, And like a Hindoo of the East, Benumb and charm the crawling beast, Then twist him 'round me on the spot And tie him in a sailor's knot." Another then was quick to shout, " We '11 leave that snake performance out ! I grant you all the power you claim To charm, to tie, to twist and tame; But let me still suggest you try Your art when no one else is nigh. Of all the beasts that creep or crawl From Rupert's Land to China's wall, In torrid, mild, or frigid zone, The snake is best to let alone." Against this counsel, seeming good, At least a score of others stood. Said one, " My Mend, suppress alarm; There 's nothing here to threaten harm. Be sine the power that mortals hold Is not denied the Brownies bold." 70 So, harmlessly as silken bands The snakes were twisted, in then* hands. Some hauled them freely 'round the place ; Some braided others in a trace ; And every knot to sailors known, Was qnickly tied, and quickly shown. Tims, 'round from cage to cage they went, For some to smile, and some comment On Nature's way of dealing out To this a tail, to that a snont Of extra length, and then deny To something else a fair supply. — But when the bear and tiger growled, And wolf and lynx in chorus howled, And starting from its broken sleep, The lion rose with sudden leap, And, bounding 'round the rocking cage, With lifted mane, roared loud with rage, And thrust its paws between the bars, Until it seemed to shake the stars, — 71 A panic seized the Brownies all, And out they scampered from the hall, As if they feared incautious men Had built too frail a prison pen. 72 THE BROWNIES' CIRCUS. One night the circus was in town With tumbling men and painted clown, And Brownies came from forest deep Around the tent to climb and creep, And through the canvas, as they might Of inner movements gain a sight. Said one, " A chance we '11 hardly find That better suits the Brownie mind; To-night when all this great array Of people take then* homeward way, We '11 promptly make a swift descent And take possession of the tent, And here, till morning light is shown, We '11 have a circus of our own." "I best," cried one, "of all the band The elephant can take in hand; I noticed how they led him round And marked the place he may be found ; On me you may depend to keep The monster harmless as a sheep." The laughing crowd that filled the place, Had hardly homeward turned its face, Before the eager waiting band Took full possession as they planned, ifcr) z^j£^. And 'round they scampered left and % right To see what offered most delight. Cried one, "If I can only find The whip, I '11 have a happy mind ; For I '11 be master of the ring And keep the horses on the spring, Announce the names of those who ride, And snap the whip on every side." Another said, " I '11 be a clown ; I saw the way they tumble down, And how the cunning rogues contrive To always keep the fun alive." 74 With such remarks away they went At this or that around the tent ; The wire that not an hour before The Japanese had traveled o'er From end to end with careful stride, Was hunted up and quickly tried. Not one alone upon it stepped, But up by twos and threes they crept, Until the strand appeared to bear No less than half the Brownies there. Some showed an easy, graceful pose, But some put little faith in toes, And thought that fingers, after all, Are best if one begins to fall. When weary of a sport they grew, Away to other tricks they flew. They rode upon the rolling ball Without regard to slip or fall; Both up and down the steep incline They kept then* place, with balance fine, Until it bounded from the road, And whirled away without its load. 75 They galloped 'rotund the dusty ring Without a saddle, strap or string, And jumped through hoops both large and small, And over banners, poles and all. In time the elephant was found And held as though in fetters bound; Their mystic power controlled the beast, — He seemed afraid to move the least, But filled with wonder, limp and lax, He stood and trembled in his tracks, While all the band from first to last Across his back in order passed. 76 VALhJEP K COX So thus they saw the moments fly Till dawn hegan to paint the sky ; And then "by every flap and tear They made then way to open air, And off through lanes and alleys passed To reach then hiding-place at last. 77 THE BROWNIES AT BASE-BALL. */ '3&? & "This game extends throughout the land; No city, town, or village 'round, But has its club, and diamond ground, With bases marked, and paths between, And seats for crowds to view the scene. At other games we've not been slow Our mystic art and skill to show; Let 's take our turn at ball and bat, And prove ourselves expert at that." Another answered: "I A method to equip There is a firm in yonder town, Whose goods have won them wide renown ; Their special branch of business lies In sending forth these club supplies. The balls are wound as hard as stones, The bats are turned as smooth as bones, And masks are made to guard the nose Of him who fears the batter's blows, Or stops the pitcher's curves and throws. To know the place siTch goods to find, Is quite enough for Browny-kind ! " When hungry bats came forth to wheel 'Round eaves and find their evening meal, The cunning Brownies sought the store, To work then way through sash and door. And soon their beaming faces told Success had crowned then efforts bold. A goodly number of the throng Took extra implements along, 79 have planned our band. In case of mishap on the way, Or loss, or breakage during play. The night was clear, the road was good, And soon within the field they stood. Then games were played without a pause, According to the printed laws. There, turn about, each took his place At first or third or second base, At left or right or center field. To pitch, to catch, or bat to wield, Or else as " short-stop " standing by To catch a "grounder" or a "fly." Boon every comer of the ground Its separate set of players found. A dozen games upon the green, With ins and outs might there he seen , The umpires noting all with care To tell if hits were ford or fair, The "strikes" and "halls" to plainly shout, And say if men were "safe" or "out," And give decision just and vase When knotty questions woidcl arise. But many Brownies thought it best To leave the sport and watch the rest; And front the seats or fences high They viewed the scene with anxious eye And never failed, the contest through. To render praise when praise was due. 81 While others, freed TTom games on hand, In merry groups aside would stand, And pitch and catch with rarest skill To keep themselves in practice still. fife a A* lip sf— - ,, - 1 W'%^ Now "double plays" and balls well curved And "base hits" often were observed, While "errors" were but seldom seen Through all the games upon that green. 82 Before the flush of morn arose To "bring then 1 contests to a close, The balls and bats in every case Were carried back and put in place; And when the Brownies left the store, All was in order as before. THE BROWNIES AND THE BEES. HILE Brownies once were rambling througl A forest where tall timber grew, The hum of bees above then head To much remark and wonder led. They gazed at branches in the air And listened at the roots with care, And soon a pine of giant size Was found to hold the hidden prize. Said one : " Some wild bees here have made Then home within the forest shade, Where neither fox nor prying bear Can steal the treasure gathered there." Another spoke: "You're quick and bright. And as a rule judge matters right ; But here, my friend, you 're all astray, And like the blind mole grope your way. I chance well to remember still, How months ago, when up the hill, 83 A farmer near, with bell and horn, Pursued a swarm one sunny morn. The fearful din the town awoke, The clapper from his bell he broke ; But still then queen's directing cry The bees heard o'er the clamor high; And held their bearing for this pine As straight as runs the county hue. With taxes here, and failures there, The man can iU such losses bear. In view of this, our duty 's clear : To-morrow night we '11 muster here, And when we give this tree a fall, In proper shape we '11 hive them all, And take the queen and working throng And lazy drones where they belong." Next evening, at the time they 'd set. Around the pine the Brownies met With tools coUected, as they sped From mill and shop and farmer's shed; While some, to all then wants ahve, With ready hands procured a hive. Ere work began, said one : " I fear But little sport awaits us here. Be sure a trying task we '11 find ; The bee is fuss and fire combined. Let 's take him in his drowsy horn, Or when palavering to the flower. For bees, however wild or tame, In all lands are about the same; And those will rue it who neglect To treat the buzzer with respect." Ere long, by steady grasp and blow, The towering tree was leveled low ; And then the hive was made to rest In proper style above the nest, Until the queen and all her train Did full and fair possession gain. Then 'round the hive a sheet That some were thoughtful to provide, And off on poles, as best they cordd, They bore the burden from the wood . „ was tied, But trouble, as one may divine, Occurred at points along the line. 'T was bad enough on level ground, Where, now and then, one exit found ; But when the Brownies lacked a road, Or climbed the fences with their load,- Then numbers of the prisoners there Came trooping out to take the ah*, 86 And managed straight enough to fly To keep excitement running high. With branches broken off to suit, And grass uplifted by the root, 87 ill vain some daring Brownies tried To brush the buzzing plagues aside. Said one, whose features proved to all That bees had paid his face a call : "I 'd rather dare the raging main Than meddle with such things again." : 'The noble voice," another cried, "Of duty still must rule and guide,— Or in the ditch the sun would see The tumbled hive for all of me." And when at last the fence they found That girt the fanner's orchard 'round, And laid the hive upon the stand, There hardly was, in all the band, A single Brownie who was free From some reminders of the bee. But thoughts of what a great surprise Ere long would light the farmer's eyes Soon drove away from every brain The slightest thought of toil or pain. 88 THE BROWNIES ON ROLLER SKATES. HE Brownies planned at close of day To :>each a town some miles away, Where roller skating, so 't was said, Of all amusements kept ahead. Said one : " When deeper shadows fall, We '11 cross the river find the hall, ,:M^. H BPaB K And learn the nature of the sport Of which we hear such good report." To reach the bridge that led to town, With eager steps they hastened down; But recent rains had caused a rise — The stream was now a fearful size; The bridge was nearly swept away, Submerged in parts, and wet with spray. But when the cunning Brownies get Their mind on some maneuver set, Nor wind nor flood, nor frost nor fire Can ever make the rogues retire. Some walked the dripping logs with ease, While others crept on hands and knees With movements rather safe than fast, And inch by inch the danger passed. Now, guided by the rumbling sound That told where skaters circled 'round, Through dimly lighted streets they flew, And close about the building drew. Without delay the active band, By spouts and other means at hand, 90 Of skill and daring furnished proof And gained possession of the roof ; Then through the skylight viewed the show Presented by the crowds below. w 1 111' 1 ' . pli y* i 11 I, 'if' ''JJgjSJiim M_ _. djli nil Said one: "While I survey that floor I 'm filled with longing more and more. 91 And discontent with me will bide Till 'round the rink I smoothly glide. At night I 've ridden through the air, Where bats abide, and owls repair; I 've rolled in surf of ocean wide, And coasted down the mountain-side ; And now to sweep around a hall On roller skates would crown it all." " My plans," the leader answer made, " Are in my mind already laid. Within an hour the folk below Will quit their sport and homeward go ; Then will the time For us to leave this And prove how well We may command When came the And people from be ripe, indeed, roof with speed, our toes and heels when set on wheels." closing hour at last, the rink had passed, The Brownies hurried down to find The roller skates they 'd left behind. Then such a scene was there as few May ever have a chance to view. Some hardly circled 'round the place, Before they moved with ease and grace, And skated freely to and fro, Upon a single heel or toe. Some coats were torn beyond repair, By catches here and clutches there, When those who felt then faith give way, Groped right and left without delay; While some who strove their friends to aid, Upon the floor themselves were laid, To spread confusion there awhile, As large and larger grew the pile. PALHil CO* Some rose with fingers out of joint, Or black and blue at every point ; 93 And few but felt some portion sore, From introductions to the floor. But such mishaps were lost to sight, Amid the common wild dehght, — For little plaint do Brownies make O'er bmnp or bruise or even break. But stars at length began to wane, And dawn came creeping through the pane ; And much against the will of all, The rogues were forced to leave the hall. THE BROWNIES AT THE SEASIDE. ITHIN a forest dark and wide, Some distance from the ocean side, A band, of Brownies played around On mossy stone or grassy mound, Or, climbing through the branch- ing tree, Performed their antics wild and free. 94 "When one, arising in his place With sparkling eyes and. beaming face Soon won attention from the rest, And thus the listening throng addressed : " For years and years, through heat and cold, Our home has been this forest old; The saplings which we used to bend Now like a schooner's masts ascend. Yet here we live, content to ride A springing bough with childish pride, Content to bathe in brook or bog Along with lizard, leech, and frog ; We 're far behind the age you '11 find If once you note the human kind. J -mij&mWm &m mm Il«^ §S2 mm JZF&La '■■'' "^ ft, ;fif C0X. THE BROWNIES' VOYAGE. NE night, a restless Brownie band Resolved to leave their native strand, And visit islands fair and green. That in the distance might be seen. In answer to a summons wide, The Brownies came from every side — A novel spectacle they made, All mustered in the forest shade. With working implements they came, Of every fashion, use, and name. Said one, " How many times have we Surveyed those islands in the sea, And longed for means to thither sail And ramble over bill and vale ! 108 That pleasure rare we may co mm and, Without the aid of human hand. And ere the faintest streak of gray Has advertised the coming day, A sturdy craft, both tough and tall, With masts and halyards, shrouds and alL With sails to spread, and helm to guide, Completed from the ways shall ghde. So exercise your mystic power And make the most of eveiy horn ! " With axes, hammers, saws, and rides, Dividers, squares, and boring tools, The active Brownies scattered 'round, And every one his labor found. SomefeU to chopping down the trees, And some to hewing ribs and knees; While more the ponderous keelson made, And fast the shapely hull was laid. Then over all they clambered soon, Like bees around their hive in June. 'T was hammer, ham- mer, here and there, And rip and racket everywhere, 109 While some were spiking planks and leaim The calkers stuffed the yawning seams, And poured the resin left and right, To make her stanch and water-tight. Some busily were bringing nails, And bolts of canvas for the sails, And coils of rope of every size To make the ratlines, shrouds, and guy: It mattered little whence it came, Or who a loss of stock might claim; Supply kept even with demand, Convenient to the rigger's hand. 'T was marvelous to see how fast The vessel was together cast : Until, with all its rigs and stays, It sat prepared to leave the ways. It but remained to name it now, And break a bottle on the bow, To knock the wedges from the side, And from the keel, and let it slide. And when it rode upon the sea, The Brownies thronged the deck with gloe, And veering 'round in proper style, They bore away for nearest isle. But those who will the ocean brave Should be prepared for wind and wave For storms will rise, as many know, When least we look for squall or blow And soon the sky was overcast, And waves were running high and fast; no So, some brave Brownies nobly stood And manned the ship as best they could. Some staid on deck to sound for bars ; Some went aloft to watch for stars ; And some around the rudder hung, And here and there the vessel swung, While others, strung on yard and mast, Kept shifting sads to suit the blast. At times, the bow was high in ah*, And next the stem was lifted there. Then some were sick and some were fdled With fears that all their ardor chilled; But, as when dangers do assail The humankind, though some may quad, There will be found a few to face The danger, and redeem the race, — Tit So thus it tumbled, tossed, and roUed, And shipped enough to fill the hold, TiU more than once it seemed as though To feed the fish they all must go. 111 But still they bravely tacked and veered, And hauled, and reefed, and onward steered ; "While screaming birds around them wheeled, As if to say: "Your doom is sealed"; And hungry gar and hopeful shark In shoals pursued the creaking hark, Still wondering how it braved a gale That might have made Columbus pale. The rugged island, near them now, Was looming on their starboard bow ; But knowing not the proper way Of entering its sheltered bay, They simply kept their canvas spread, And steered the vessel straight ahead. The birds were distanced in the race; The gar and shark gave tip the chase, And tinning back, forsook the keel, And lost their chances of a meaL For now the ship to ruin flew, As though it felt its work was through. And soon it stranded, "pitch and toss, 1 ' Upon the. rocks, a total loss. The masts and spars went by the board The hull was shivered like a goind ! But yet, on broken plank and rail. On splintered spars and bits of sail That strewed for miles the rugged stranA You 're not familiar with the race. 121 When scholars next their voices tried, The Brownies came from every side ; With ears to knot-holes in the wall, To door-jambs, thresholds, blinds, and all, —— — — They listened to the jarring din . Proceeding from the room within. PALMER COX 122 Said one at length, " It seems to me The master here will earn his fee, If he from such a crowd can bring A single person trained to sing." Another said, "We 11 let them try Their voices till their throats are dry, And when for home they all depart, We '11 not be slow to test our art." That night the Brownies cheered to find The music had been left behind; And when they stood within the hall. And books were handed 'round to all. They pitched their voices, weak or strong, At solemn verse and lighter song. John-ny Mor-g.m plny'rt the organ, The father beat the drum, The sis-ter play'd the tani-bou-rine. Some sought a good old hymn to try ; Some grappled with a lullaby ; A few a painful effort made To struggle through a serenade ; While more preferred the hvely air That, hinting less of love or care, Possessed a chorus loud and bright In which they all could well unite. At times some member tried to rule, And took control of all the school ; 123 But soon, despairing, was content To let them follow out their bent. They sung both high and low, the same, As fancy led or courage came. TjtMEr? Coy. Some droned the tune through teeth or nose, Some piped like quail, or cawed like crows That, hungry, wait the noonday hom To call the farmer from his corn, 124 By turns at windows some would stay To note the signs of coming day. At length the morning, rising, spread Along the coast her streaks of red, And drove the Brownies from the place To undertake the homeward race. But many members of the band Still kept their singing-books in hand, Determined not with those to part Till they were perfect in the art. And oft in leafy forest shade, In after times, a ring they made, To pitch the tune, and raise the voice, To sing the verses of their choice, And scare from branches overhead The speckled thrush and robin red, And make them feel the time had come When singing birds might well be dumb THE BROWNIES 1 FRIENDLY TURN. One night while snow was lying deep On level plain and mountain steep, A sheltered nook the Brownies fonnd, Where conversation might go 'round. Said one : " The people hereabout Then wood supply have Now that good man, the story goes, As best he can, must warm his toes." 126 Another spoke : " The way is clear To show both skill and coinage here. Yon 're not the sort, I know, to shirk : And coward-like to flee from work. Yon act at once whene'er yon find A chance to render service kind, Nor wait to see what others do In matters that appeal to yon. " This task in waiting must be done Before another day has run. The signs of change are in the air; A storm is near though skies are fan ; As oft when smiles the broadest he, The tears are nearest to the eye. To work let every Brownie bend, And prove to-night the parson's Mend. We '11 not take oxen from the stall, That through the day must pull and haul, Nor horses from the manger lead; But let them take the rest they need. Since mystic power is at our call, By our own selves we '11 do it all. Our willing arms shall take the place Of clanking chain and leathern trace, And 'round the door the wood we '11 strew Until we hide the house from view." At once the Brownies sought the ground Where fuel could with ease be found, — A place where forest-fires had spread, And left the timber scorched and dead. 127 And there throughout the chilly night They tugged and tore with all their might; Some bearing branches as then load; With lengthy poles still others strode, Or struggled till they scarce could see, With logs that bent them like a V ; While more from under drifts of snow Removed old trees, and made them go Like plows along the icy street. 1.28 With half their limbs and roots complete Some found it hard to train their log To keep its place through jolt and jog, While some, mistaking ditch for road, Were almost buried with their load, And but for friends and promptest care, The morning light had found them there. The wind that night was cold and keen, And frosted Brownies oft were seen. They clapped then hands and stamped then* *oes, They rubbed with snow each numbing nose, And drew the frost from every face Before it proved a painful case. And thus, in spite of every ill, The task was earned forward still. Some were by nature well designed For work of this laborious kind, And never felt so truly great, As when half crushed beneath a weight. While wondering comrades stood aghast, And thought each step must be the last. But some were shght and ill could bear The heavy loads that proved then share, 129 Though at some sport or cunning plan They far beyond their comrades ran. Around the house some staid to pile The gathered wood in proper style; Which ever harder work they found As high and higher rose the mound, Above the window-sill it grew, And next, the cornice hid from view; And, ere the dawn had forced a stop, The pile o'eiiooked the chimney-top. Some hands were sore, some backs were blue, And legs were scraped with slipping through Where ice and snow had left then mark On rounded log and smoothest bark. That morning, when the parson rose, Against the pane he pressed his nose, And tried the outer world to scan To leam how signs of weather ran. But, 'round the house, behind, before, In front of window, shed, and door, The wood was piled to such a height But httle sky was left in sight ! When next he climbed his pulpit stair, He touched upon the strange affair, And asked a blessing rich to fall Upon the heads and homes of all Who through the night had worked so hard To heap the fuel 'round the yard. 130 His hearers knew they had no claim To such a blessing if it came, But whispered: "We don't understand — It must have been the Brownie Band.'' ' p/iwtni. CoK 131 THE BROWNIES' FOURTH OF JULi. When Independence Day was nigh, And children laid then* pennies by, Arranging plans how every cent Should celebrate the grand event, The Brownies in then* earnest way Expressed themselves about the day. Said one : " The time is drawing near — To every freeman's heart so dear — When citizens throughout the land, From Western slope to Eastern strand, v\- v \sL¥ ^SIksP ^#G *?■>■/> -/fti/v^ Cox ^f-**^ 132 Will celebrate with booming gun Their liberties so dearly won!" "A fitting time," another cried, " For us, who many sports have tried, To introduce our mystic art And in some manner play a part." A third replied, witb beaming face " Trust me to lead you to a place Where fireworks of every kind Are made to suit the loyal mind. " There, Roman candles are in store, And bombs that like a cannon roar ; While 'round the room one may behold Designs of every size and mold, — The wheels that turn, when all ablaze, And scatter sparks a thousand ways ; The eagle bird, with pinions spread; The busts of statesmen ages dead ; And him who led his tattered band Against invaders of the land Until he shook the country free From grasp of kings beyond the sea. 'We may, from this supply, with ease Secure a share whene 'er we please ; And on these hills behind the town That to the plain go sloping down, We '11 take position, come what may, And celebrate the Nation's Day." Tbat eve, when stars began to shine, The eager band was formed in line, 133 And, acting on the plans well laid, A journey to the town was made. The Brownies never go astray, However puzzling is the way; With guides before and guards behind, They cut through every turn and wind, Until a halt was made at last Before a building bolted fast. But those who think they 'd turn around And leave because no keys are found Should entertain the thought no more, But study up the Brownie lore. They rummaged boxes piled around And helped themselves to what they found, Some eager to secure the wheel That would so many sparks reveal. Some active members of the band To bombs and crackers turned their hand, While more those emblems sought to find That call the Nation's birth to mind, And bring from every side the shout When aU their meaning blazes out. Ere long, upon the homeward road They hastened with their novel load; And when the bell in chapel tower Gave notice of the midnight hour, 134 The ruddy flame, the turning wheel, The showering sparks and deafening peal Showed Brownies in the proper way Gave welcome to the glorious day. The lighted eagles, through the night, Looked down hke constellations bright ; The rockets, whizzing to and fro, Lit up the slumbering town below ; 135 While, towering there with eyes of fire, As when he made his foes retire, Above all emblems duly raised, The Father of his Country blazed. But ere the Brownies 1 large supply Had gone to light the summer sky. Some plasters would have served the Much better than the goods on band hand ; For there were cases all about Where Brownies thought the / fuse was out, Till with a sudden fizz and flare It caught the jokers unaware. y At times, in spite of warning cries, Some proved too slow at clos- ' ing eyes ; Some ears were stunned, , some noses got Too close to something quick and hot, And fingers bore for ' days and weeks The trace of hasty powder's freaks. Some dodging 'round would get a share Of splendor meant for upper air, And with ' a black or speckled face f They ran about from place to place, To find new dangers blaze and burn On every side where'er they 'd turn. But few were there who felt afraid Of bursting bomb or fusillade, And to the prize they 'cl stick and hang Until it vanished with a "bang," Or darting upward seemed to fly On special business to the sky. 136 o» »» t/1 But there, wliile darkness wrapped the hill, The Brownies celebrated still ; For, pleasures such as this they found But seldom in their roaming 'round; And with reluctant feet they fled When morning tinged the sky with red. THE BROWNIES IN THE TOY-SHOP. As shades of evening settled down, The Brownies rambled through the towD, To pry at this, to pause at that ; By something else to hold a chat, And in then 1 free and easy vein Express themselves in language plain. At length before a store, their eyes Were fixed with wonder and surprise On toys of wood, and wax, and tin, And toys of rubber piled within. Pi 'm ■ ■' - •■ - -r -4- 138 Said one, "In all our wandering 'round, A sight like this we never found. When such a passing glimpse we gain, What marvels must the shelves contain ! " Another said, " It must be here Old Santa Claus comes every year To gather up his large supply, When Christmas Eve is drawing nigh, That children through the land may find They still are treasured in his mind.'' A third remarked, " Ere long he may Again his yearly visit pay; Before he comes to strip the place, We '11 rummage shelf, and box, and case, Until the building we explore From attic roof to basement floor, And prove what pleasure may be found In all the wonders stowed around." Not long were they content to view Through dusty panes those wonders new: And, in a manner quite their own, They made then way through wood and stone. And then surprises met the band In odd conceits from every land. Well might the Brownies stand and stare At all the objects crowded there ! Here, tilings of gentle nature lay In safety, midst the beasts of prey; The goose and fox, a friendly pah", Reposed beside the lamb and bear; 139 There horses stood for boys to ride; Here boats were waiting for the tide, While ships of war, with every sail Unfurled, were anchored to a nail ; There soldiers stood in warlike bands ; And naked dolls held out their hands. As though to iu*ge the passers-by To take them from the public eye. This way and that, the Brownies ran; To try the toys they soon began. 140 The Jack-in-box, so quick and strong, With staring eyes and whiskers long, Now o'er and o'er was set and sprung Until the scalp was from it flung And then they crammed him in his case, With wig and night-cap in then* place, To give some customer a start When next the jumper flew apart. The trumpets, drains, and weap- ons bright Soon filled them all with great delight. Like troops preparing for their foes, In single ranks and touble rows They learned the arts of war, as told By printed books and veterans old; With swords of tin and guns of wood, They wheeled about, and marched or stood, 141 And went through skirmish drill and all, From room to room by bugle- call; There Marathon and Waterloo And Bunker Hill were fought anew; And most of those in war array At last went limping from the fray. The music-box poured forth an ah That charmed the dullest spirits there, Till, yielding to the pleasing sound, They danced with dolls a hvely round. There fish were working tail and fin In seas confined by wood and tin ; The canvas shark and rubber whale Seemed iU content in dish or pail, And leaping all obstructions o'er Performed their antics on the floor. Some found at marbles greatest fun, And still they played, and still they won, Until they claimed as winners, all The shop could furnish, large and smalL More gave the singing tops no rest— But kept them spinning at their best Until some wonder strange and new To other points attention drew. The rocking-horse that wildly rose, Now on its heels, now on its nose, Was forced to hear so great a load It seemed to founder on the road, Then tumble feebly to the floor, Never to lift a rocker more. No budding in the country wide With more attractions was supplied, No shop or store throughout the land Could better suit the Brownie band. For when some flimsy toy gave way And 'round the room in pieces lay 'T was hardly missed in such a store. With wonders fairly running o'er- To something else about the place The happy Brownie turned his face. And only feared the sun would call Before he 'd had his sport with all. Thus, through the shop in greatest giee. They rattled 'round, the sights to see, Till stars began to dwindle down, And morning crept into the town. And then, with all the speed they kne^ A. way to forest shades they Hew. 144 V rJO ^ «■» ™ K'AV Wfy;