-4* Sunday # School, (©ftri/fracy, Over vale and mountain, Desert waste and wild ; Spread abroad the tidings, Of the Holy Child, Glory in the highest ! Loud the chorus swells, Born, the world's Messiah, Ring the Christmas bells. CHORUS. Lowly in a manger, Peace on earth to bring ; Savior of the world He came, A mighty King ! Glory in the highest ! Loud the chorus swells, Born the world I Messiah, Ring the Chrismas bells. Tell again the story, How the men of old, Saw a shining token, Startling to behold ! How with eager footsteps, Journeyed they afar, Till o'er lowly Bethlehem, Stood the guiding star. Like the eastern Magi, Let us homage pay ! And with loud hosannas, Praise the Lord to day ! Let the cheery voices, Roll like ocean swells, And with jubilation, Ring the Christmas bells. Bright star of Bethlehem lead us, On thro' the night while we sing, Guide us, oh ! lead us to Jesus, Saviour, Redeemer, and King, Hark ! the sweet anthem descending, Bursts o'er the earth from above, Voices in melody blending, Telling the story of love. Christ the anointed is born, Good will and peace on the earth, Man now re-echo's the song, Welcomes the day of His birth. Down thro' the portals of heaven, Cherubic songsters descend, Bringing to earth it's sweet leaven, Blessings and peace unto men. Christmas ! sweet day full of cheer, Day of the Holy One's birth, Memories of Thee ever dear, Bless and make holy the earth, Glad Hallelujah's we'll raise, Anthems of song shall ascend, Upward to heaven in sweet praise, Voicing the joyous ''Amen." O, blessed song of the Christmas Day, Song of hope and cheer, Sweeter every year, Since the bands of light, Charmed the list'ning night, With their glad, exultant lay. CHORUS. Glory, glory be to God ! Glory, glory be to God ! Now, with music sweet, Heaven's joy repeat, Spread the saving news abroad. O, blessed song of the Christmas morn, Let its echo ring, Where the shadows cling, Till the sky is bright, With the sunrise light, For the Prince of Peace is born. O, blessed song of the Christmas tide, Learn its chimes of peace, Till all discord cease ; Till our notes of love, Meet the song above ; Let the Lord be magnified. 1