CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS, AND. RULES RIGHT WORTHY GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF PAGWIB GT AIR GES > OF TH INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS j OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Adopted at the Annual Session, Wilmington, May 12th, 1848. WILMINGTON : STRINGER’S JOB PRESS, SOUTH WATER STREET. 1848. A tunes ga i oo Hea se ie Site : 1] AS LT. : > oh i is : , hee - See ue wey ’ To the To. W. Grand Cncamfument 2 The Committee afrprointed to froume a Conz stitution, Biy- Laws, and Foutes of Onder, tog leave to submit. the following Dvoporl, which was adifted. ALFRED BRYANT, JOHN C. WOOD, CoMMITTEE. JOHN McRAE, Jr. ry a e8éiss- CONSTITUTION. ee ARTICLE Tf. Title and Powers. Secgion 1. Tue Ricut Wortuy Granp ENCAMPMENT oF PaTRIARCHS OF THE INDEPENDENT ORDER or Opp FEL- Lows, of the State af North Carolina, is the Supreme tribunal of all Encampments of Patriarchs in said State. By virtue of its Charter from the Grand Lodge of the United States, it possesses full powers of granting Charters to Encampments, and of sus- pending or revoking the same, for proper causes—to pass laws for the working and regulation of Subordinate _Encampments— receive, investigate, and decide finally, all appeals from them or their members, and redress grievances and complaints, as their wisdom may dictate—and do and perform all such other acts as in their judgment may tend to promote the best interests of the Patriarchal branch of the Order: Provided, always, That stich action be not in derogation of the Constitution or laws of the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States, nor inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the State of North Carolina, or the United States. ae" Qualification for Membership. - Section 2. The Grand Encampment shall be composed of Patriarchs who have severally been duly elected to, and served for a regular term in the Office of Chief Patriarch, or H. P. in a regularly constituted Encampment of Patriarchs, and are in ful membership in an Encampment subordinate to this Grand En-” © campment. Each member shall be required to sign the Con- stitution. 4 Penalty for Improper Conduct. Section 3. Any member of this Grand Encampment, who is guilty of conduct unbecoming a Patriarch, shall be fined, repri- manded, suspended, or expelled, as may be determined by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at a Regular Session. Questions and Votes. Section 4. All questions before the Grand Encampment, except propositions to alter or amend the Constitution, By-Laws, or Rules of Ordez, or on the trial of a Patriarch, shall be decided by a majority of the votes given. ARTICLE Ge Hlective and Appointed Officers. Section 1. The elective Grand Officers of the Grand En- campment, shall be a M. W. Grand Patriarch; M. BE. Grand High Priest; R. W. Grand Senior Warden; R. W. Grand.Scribe ; R. W. Grand Treasurer; R. W. Grand Junior Warden, who shall be elected annually; also, One Grand Representative, with an alternate, who shall be elected Bi-annually. The appointed Officers shall consist of a Worthy Grand Sen- tinel; Worthy Deputy Grand Sentinel, and one or more Wor- thy Deputy Grand Patriarchs, (as may be deemed necessary,) who shall be appointed annually, by the Most Worthy Grand Patri- arch, by and with the approbation of the Grand Hncampment, and who shall have received the Grand Encampment Degrees. filection of Officers. Section 2. The elective Grand Officers shall be elected an- nually, by ballot. The election shall take place at the Regular Annual Session. Qualification for Office. _ Section 3. Any Patriarch who has received the Grand En- " campment Degree in any State Grand Encampment, and who 1 > Parton al ig: ip 8 . . é a : A, is a member of a Subordinate Encampment, within this jurisdic- tion, shall be eligible for any office in this Grand Encampment. Ti aee Vacancy of Office. Srctrron 4, All vacancies occurring m the Grand Offices by death, resignation or removal, shall be filled in the manner of the original selection, except Scribe or ‘Treasurer, who may be ap- pointed by the G. P. for the residue of the term. AR I Glaky INL: Duties of the Grand Patriarch. Section 1. The Grand Patriarch shall preside at all Sessions of the Grand Encampment; he shall preserve order, and may enforce it by fine; he shall decide all questions cf order, (but an appeal may be taken from such decisions to the Grand Encamp- ment.) He may appoint any Grand Officer, pro tem., in case of absence or disqualification of the regular Grand Officer; he shall appoint all Grand Officers not otherwise provided for; he may order Special Sessions of the Grand Encampment, whenever he may deem proper; he shall appoint all Committees, unless other- wise ordered by the Grand Encampment; he shall, in all cases, except on an appeal from his own decision, give the casting vote when the Encampment is equally divided. In cases of emer- gency, he may grant dispensation to Subordinate Encampments in all such matters as he may deem promotive of the interest of the Order, and not inconsistent with the usages thereof. After any sum of money is voted, he shall order the Grand Treasurer to pay the same; and when officially visiting the Subordinates, shall be received with the honors of the Order; he shall at the opening of the Annual Session, present a report, exhibiting the condition of the Order in this jurisdiction; the date of the insti- tution of Subordinates, and make such suggestions as he may deem advisable. Duties of the M. E. Grand High Priest. Section 2. The M. E. Grand High Priest, shall preside and act in the absence of the Grand Patriarch. In case of the office. of Grand Patriarch becoming vacant by any cause, he shall have the full powers of Grand Patriarch until the next Regular Ses- sion, and until such vacancy be filled. And he shall perform such other duties as are embraced in the charge of his office. 6 Duties of the Grand Senior Warden. Secrion 3.. The Grand Senior Warden shail assist the Grand Patriarch in presiding and preserva Order. And in the absence of the Giid oben ch and M. E. Grand High Priest, he shall preside. Duties of the Grand Scribe. Section 4. The Grand Scribe shall make a just and true record of the proceedings of the Grand Encampment at, every meeting, and transmit printed copies thereof to the Subordinates, immediately after the closing of each Regular Session ; he shall keep the accounts between the Grand Encampment and its Sub- ordinates, and receive all moneys due therefrom to the Grand Encampment, and pay it over to the Grand Treasurer imme- diately; he shall notify each of the Subordinates of the Annual Session of the Grand Emcampment, at least one month previous thereto; he shall provide all stationery for the use of the Grand Encampment, and superintend such printing as the Grand En- cammpment may direct. Duties of ihe Grand Treasurer. Srction 5. The Grand Treasurer shall receive and take charge of the moneys of the Grand Encampment; he shall pay all orders ‘drawn on him by the Grand Patriarch, under the seal of the Grand Encampment; he shall make such investment of the funds as the Grand Encampment may direct; he shall keep the accounts in a fair and legible manner; exhibiting the sources and amount of receipts, the purposes and amount of disburse- ments, and to whom. paid; and he shall have his accounts closed at every Session, and submit them to the Grand Encampment. He shall also, execute to the two first named Grand Officers, in - trust, bonds to be approved by them, for the faithful performance of the duties of said office. Duties of the R. W. Grand Representatives. Section 6. The Right Worthy Grand Representative, shall attend the meetings of the Grand Lodge of the United States, and there faithfully represent the interests and wishes of this Grand Fmcampment. ‘The said Representative shall be entitled rie to the sumf Fifty Dollars, per annum, or so\much thereof as may be required todefray his travelling and other incidental expen- ces while in attendance to his duties. The Grand Representative, or alternate, shall be furnished with certificates of clection, in ,the form prescribed by Article X., of the Constitution of the R. W. Grand Lodge of the ied States. Duties of the Grand Junior Warden. Section 7. ‘The grand Junior Warden shall open and close the Grand Encampment, and he shall mtroduce into the Grand Encampment all new members, after their credentials have been found correct. Duties of the Grand and Deputy Grand Sentinel. Section 8. The Grand Sentinel shall have charge of the inner entrance to the Grand Encampment, and permit none to enter or depart without the proper formalities. The Deputy Grand Sentinel shall have charge of the outer entrance, and assist the Grand Sentinel in the performance of his duties. , Duty of the W. D. D. Grand Patriarch. Section 9. The Worthy District Deputy Grand Patriarch shall be the organ of the Grand Patriarch with the Subordinates, in his District ; it shall be his duty to see that the work is per-_ formed uniformly ; to confer the Grand Encampment Degree on all past Chief Patriarchs, and passed High Priests, upon producing their credentials in form, as prescribed by the By-Laws of the Grand Encampment, duly authenticated by their several Encampments ; to install the Officers of the Encampments under his charge ; and to report, Annually, to the Grand Patriarch, the state of the Cede in his District, the installation of Officers, em the names of those instructed in the Grand Encampment agces together with their credentials, which shall be entered by the Grand Scribe upon the record, and they thereby become members of the Grand En- campment; to receive the reports and per centage of the several Encampments, and transmit the same to the Grand Scribe. Section 10. All Grand Officers shall, in addition to the duties specified in this Constitution, perform wich others as the inte Encampment may enjoin. 8 ARTICLE IV. Of Elections. Section 1. All elective Grand Officers shall be chosen sep- arately,"by a majority of the valid votes given. In case no candidate have such a majority, the balloting shall be continued until a choice be made; but the candidate having the lowest number of votes shall be withdrawn from the nomination at each succeeding ballot. Section 2. At the Annual election of Grand Officers, the presiding Grand Patriarch shall appoint two tellers, who shall receive the votes from the members as their names are called, and deposite them in the box; the ballots when presented, shall: be respectively endorsed with the name of the office for which it is designated, and presented by the voter to the tellers in front of the Grand Patriarch’s chair. ‘The poll shall be opened at such time as shall be designated by the Grand Encampment from time to time, and when the poll shall have been declared closed, the tellers having charge of the boxes, shall at once proceed to can- vass the ballots, and report immediately to the Grand Encampment. ARTIC LEW ve Installation of Officers. Section 1. The Grand Officers shall be installed at such time during the Annual Session, as the Grand Encampment may determine. The present Grand Patriarch, or any past Grand Patriarch, or the Senior Member present, shall install the Grand Patriarch elect, who shall afterwards install the other Grand Officers. Section 2. All Grand Officers shall be installed to serve until the next Annual session, and until the installation of their suc- cessors. ARTICLE VI. Penalties aad. Trials. Section 1. Any Grand Officer may be removed from office, for conduct unworthy of his standing in the Order, or for inatten- tion to the duties of his office; but he shall be entitled to a fair trial, and two-thirds of the votes of the members present:shall be necessary to removal. 9 Section 2. No Officer shall officiate in the Grand Encamp- ment during the time occupied in his trial. Should the Grand Patriarch be under charges, a Past Grand Patriarch or other qualified. Officer shall preside while any question. arising there- from, shall be under consideration. ARTICLE VII. Standing Committees and their Duties. Section 1. There shall be appointed at each Annual Session, the following Standing Committees, viz: 1st. Committee of Elections and Returns. 2d. Committee on Finance. 3d. Committee of Correspondence. Ath. Committee of Grievance. 5th. Committee of Supervision of Laws of Subordinates. Section 2. The Committee of Elections and Returns, shall consist of three members, who shall be appointed by the Grand Patriarch, or the incumbent of the Chair at the time of opening the Session; and whose duty it shall be to examine and report to the Grand Encampment, without delay, on the regularity of the returns of the Subordinates, and the eligibility of members. Section 3. The Committee of Finance shall consist of three members, who shall be appointed by the Grand Patriarch, with the advice and consent of the Grand Encampment; and whose duty it shall be to examine and report on all accounts and claims against the Grand Encampment, previous to their being passed for payment by the Grand Encampment ; to examine the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Scribe, Annually, and report thereon ; and to suggest such measures of finance as they may deem ex- pedient. Section 4. The Committee of Correspondence shall consist of three members, whose duty it shall be to examine and report on all correspondence of the Grand Encampment; and to suggest any measures in the nature of the business of their appointment. Section 5. The Committee of Grievance shall be composed of three members, who shall be appointed by the Grand Patriarch, from different Encampments, with the approbation of the Grand Encampment; whose duty it shall be to hear all appeals and grievances from Encampments, or members of Emcampments re- L0 ferred to by the Grand Encampment, and report thereon, such action as may be necessary for the Grand Encampment. ‘Section 6. The Committee of Supervision of Laws of Subor- dinates shall consist of three members, whose duty it shall be to examine and report on the Constitution and By-Laws of Subordi- nate Encampments, referred to them from time to time; and to examine and approve of the Constitution and By-Laws, that may be handed them from the Subordinate Encampments, previous to the same being printed, and suggest any alterations or improve- ments they may deem expedient. ARTICLE VIIL Sessions. Srcrion 1. There shall be one regular Session of the Grand Encampment in each year, which shall be held at the time and place of meeting of the Grand Lodge of the State. Section 2. Special sessions shall be held at the call of the Grand Patriarch. Section 3. The Grand Encampment may adjourn from time to time, until the business of the Session is completed. Section 4. Seven members belonging to at least three different Subordinate Encampments, shall be necessary for a quorum for business of any kind: Provided, however, a less number may adjourn from time to time, until a quorum is obtained. ARTICLE IX. Nubordinates. Section 1. Seven R. P. D. Patriarchs or more, in good stand- ing in the Order, and members of Lodges subordinate to the Grand Lodge of the State of North Carolina, may petition the Grand Encampment, in Writing, for a Charter to constitute an Encampment of Patriarchs; which petition must be accompanied by the sum of Thirty Dollars, as the Charter fee. Should the Charter be granted, the Grand Patriarch, or such other qualified Patriarch as he may delegate, shall open the Encampment and present the Charter. Travelling expenses, if any are incurred, to be borne by the Encampment opened. 11 Section 2. The terms of the Subordinate Encampments shall consist of twelve Regular Sessions; those meeting Semi-Month- ly, shall commence at the first Regular Sessions in July and Jan- uary; and those meeting monthly, shall commence at the first Regular Session in January. All terms shall be completed on the day the succeeding ones commence. Section 3. The Subordinates shall, at the end of each term, report to the Grand Encampment, at its next Regular Session, the names of the Patriarchs initiated—admitted by card—reinsta- ted—and those exalted to the R. P. Degree—the number on whom Degrees have been conferred—the names of Patriarchs withdrawn by card—deceased—suspended or expelled—the names of brothers rejected—the result of the election of officers—and the amount of all moneys due the Grand Encampment. Section 4. At the Annual Session, each Subordinate Encamp- ment shall also report a complete list of its members, arranged according to rank in the Encampment. Section 5. Each Encampment, subordinate to this Grand En- campment, shall pay annually, ten per cent. on all the moneys received. Section 6. Should any Subordinate Encampment, for two Regular Sessions of the Grand Encampment, neglect or refuse to make its returns and pay its dues, its charter shall be forfeited. ARTICLE X. Amendments. Secrion |. A proposition to alter, amend, suspend, or annul this Constitution, or any portion thereof, must be made in writing ; and if approved by five members, the Grand Scribe shall, within thirty days thereafter, notify each Subordinate Encampment in the jurisdiction of the same. If, at the next Regular Annual Session, two-thirds of the members present vote therefor, it shall be adopted, and become a part of the Constitution. Section 2. This Grand Encampment is fully authorized to adopt or amend at any Regular Session, such By-Laws and Rules of Order, as two-thirds of the members present may determine. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. Of Meetings. Section 1. The R. W. Grand Encampment of the State of North Carolina, will convene at the time and place of the meet- ing of the Grand Lodge, of the I. O. of O. F. Section 2. Within thirty minutes after the time appointed for meeting, the Grand Encampment shall proceed to business should there be a quorum present: and at the expiration of that time, should there not be a quorum, the members assembled shall organize informally, and adjourn the meeting to a time not ex- ceeding two weeks. Section 3. In the absence of the Grand Patriarch, Grand High Priest, and Grand Senior Warden, the chair may be taken, pro tem., by a Past Grand Patriarch, and if none are present, by any Past Chief Patriarch who may be called to it by a majority of the members present. ARTICLE IL. Of Subordinates. Section 1. The funds, properties, &c., of the Subordinate En- campments, having been raised for the purpose of relieving sick and distressed brethren, and other charitable uses in the Order, 13 are not liable to be divided in any manner, among the members individually, or between one Encampment and another that may branch from it; but shall remain for its legitimate purpose, the property of the Encampment, so long as the Charter is unreclaim- ed, and seven Patriarchs remain in good standing in the Encamp- ment. Secrion 2. Inall cases where an Encampment shall have been suspended or expelled, or its Charter shall have been forfeited, the Charter, funds, books, properties and effects of all kinds, shall re- vert to the Grand Encampment. And it shall be the duty of the jast installed Officers of such Encampment to deliver immediate- ly, to the Grand Patriarch, or the Patriarch by him deputed to re- ceive them, such funds and other effects belonging to said En- campment. Section 3. Members of a suspended or expelled Encampment, or which may have surrendered its Charter, who were in good standing at the time of suspension, expulsion, or surrender, as may appear by the records of such Encampment, or who may have paid all arrearages then due to the Grand Encampment, shall, upon application to the Grand Scribe, receive a certificate under the seal of the Grand Encampment, to enable them to make application for admission to membership in another Encampment: Provided, that no such certificates shall be given to a member of a suspended or expelled Encampment, unless ordered by special vote of the Grand Encampment. Section 4. Any Patriarch who shall be concerned in organizing, or shall give countenance and support to, or shall knowingly visit any Encampment purporting to be Odd Fellows, and not posses-’ sing a legal, unreclaimed and valid Charter, duly granted and presented, or confirmed by this Grand Encampment, shall be deemed unworthy of fellowship ;—and such Patriarch, upon sat- isfactory proof, shall be expelled at the option of the Encamp- ment of which he is a member. Any Patriarch so expelled, shall not be reinstated unless the Grand Encampment assent thereto. Secrion 5. Every Subordinate Encampment shall have a suit- able seal, (a proof impression of which shall be deposited with the Grand Scribe,) and all its official communications shall be sealed therewith. 14 Secrion 6. No Subordinate Encampment shall initiate a member and confer the Degrees for a less sum than Twelve Dollars, (except a minister of the Gospel in charge of a congre- gation,) who may be admitted free of charge, nor less than $3 per year as dues. Srcrion 7. The following shall be the form of a certificate of a member of the Grand Encampment:— Encampment, No. LAD. Of LOE. To tHe R. W. Granp Encampment or Nort CaRoLina I. O. of O. F. This is to Certify That P. C. P. (or P. H. P.) has served his termof Office as Chief Patriarch, (or H. P.)in this Encampment, term ending 18 , and ts therefore en- titled to a seat as a member of the Grand Encampment, agree- able to the provisions of the Constitution. { In testimony whereof, We hereunto affix our hands and the Seal of our Encampment, this day of 184 Cie: Har Bb 2: Attest, to cribe. ARTICLE IIL. Of Regalia and Jewels. Section 1. The Regalia of the R. W. Grand Patriarch, Offi- cers and members of the Grand Encampment, will consist of a Royal Purple sash and black apron, trimmed with gold bullion fringe, and small collar for Jewels. Secrrion 2. The Jewels of the Officers of the Grand Encamp- ment shall be as follows: For G. P.—A double triangle of yellow metal, with a represen- tation of an altar, and cross crooks in the centre. For M. &. G. H. P.—Same, with representation of the breast plate. For G. S. W.—Same, with crossed crooks. For G. S.—Same, with crossed pens. For G. 'T.—same, with crossed keys. For G. J. W.—Same, with single crook. For G. Sent.—Same, with crossed swords. 15 Secrion 3. The Regalia of Officers of Subordinate Encamp- ments shall be Royal Purple collars and black aprons, trimmed with gold colored fringe, lace, or both. Secrion 4. The Jewels of the Officers of a Subordinate En- campment, shall be as follows: For C. P.—A single triangle of yellow metal, with a represen- tation of an altar, and crossed crooks in the centre. For H. P.—Same, with the representation of the breast plate. For S. W.—Same, with crossed crooks. For Scribe.—Same, with crossed pens. For T'reasurer.—Same, with crossed keys. For J. W.—Same, with single crook. For Sentinel.—Same, with crossed swords. Secrion 5. Past Officers of the Grand and Subordinate En- campments, shall be entitled to wear the jewels appehane to the offices they have passed. \ RULES OF ORDER. RULE I. Order of Business. After a quorum be present, the following shall be the Order of business, viz: First—The Grand Patriarch shall request the Patriarchs, to clothe themselves in proper regalia, and direct the Officers and members to take their respective stations, and shall then call up the Grand Encampment. Second.—While standing, the Grand High Priest shall address the Supreme Ruler of the Universe in prayer. Third.—Proclamation shall be made by the Grand Junior War- den, of the opening of the Grand Encampment. Fourth. The minutes of the last meeting shall then be read, and if no objection be made to any part thereof, they shall stand approved. Fifth— The Committee of Elections and Returns, shall report on the eligibility of members. Sicth.—New members admitted and instructed. Seventh—The Committee of Elections and Returns, shall re- port on the Returns from the Subordinates. Highth.—Petitions read and referred. Ninth.—Communications read. Tenth.—F nancial accounts read and referred. Hleventh.—Appeals read and referred. Twelfth.—Report of the Grand Patriarch. Thirteenth.—Reports of Committee of Finance. Fourteenth.—Reports of Committee of Correspondence. Fifteenth.—Reports of Committee of Grievance. Sixteenth.—Reports of Committee of Supervision of Laws of Subordinates. Seventeenth.—Reports of special committees by seniority. Eighteenth—Unfinished business by priority. Nineteenth._New business. Ly The reports of the Committee of Elections and Returns shall take precedence of all other business, and the reports of other Committees shall be in order among the unfinished business. The order of business may at any time be changed or dispens- ed with, by a two-third’s vote of the Grand Encampment. RULE II. Of Decorumr. During the continuance of the meeting, the most decorous si- Tence must be observed: the Officers and members retaining their respective seats, and no one leaving the room without permission of the M. W. Grand Patriarch, nor entering without the consent of the R. W. Grand Senior Warden. No member shall speak to another so as to interrupt the busi- ness of the Grand Encampment, or refuse to obey the Chair. Every Officer and member shall be designated in debate or oth- erwise, by his proper office or title, according to his standing in the Order. ; No member shall be permitted to vote or speak unless clothed in regalia. If a member shall have been fined by the Grand Patriarch, or presiding officer, he shall not thereafter be permitted to enter the Grand Encampment until the fine be paid, or remitted by a two- thirds’ vote of the Grand Encampment. RULE III. Of the Chair. The Grand Patriarch, while presiding, shall state every ques- tion coming before the Grand Encampment, and immediately be- fore putting it to vote, shall ask, “Js the Grand Encampment ready for the question 2” Should no member rise to speak, and a majority indicate their readiness, he shall rise to take the question: and after he has risen, no member shall be permitted to speak upon it. He shall pronounce the votes and decisions of the Grand Encampment on all subjects. His decisions on ques- tions of order shall be without debate, unless entertaining doubts on the point, he invite it. And he shall have the privilege of speaking only on such questions from the Chair, When his de- we, o » ¥ ‘ Sp tlh 19% ad WARY hig ‘aes a cision has been appealed from, the question shall eput thus: “ Will the Grand Encampment stand by the Chairin its decis- ton 2” s ik \ 4 rl RULE IV. wee get Of Debate. aed ‘ Every member, when he is speaking or offering a Motion, shall rise, and shall respectfully address the Chair, and when he has foeed shall sit down. While speaking, 4 shall confine him- self to the question under debate, avoiding all personalities and in- decorous language, as well as any reflection upon the Grand En- campment or a member thereof. Should two or more members rise to speak at the same time, the Chair shall decide which is entitled to the floor. No member shall interrupt another while speaking, unless to call him to order for words spoken, which objectionable words shall be reduced to writing. . If a member while speaking be called to order, he shall cease speaking, and take his seat until the question of order is deter- mined by the Chair, and if not declared out of order, he may again proceed; but if declared out of order, he shall not again proceed without permission from the Chair. No member shall speak more than once on the same question, until all the members wishing to speak, shall have an opportuni- ty to do so; nor more than twice, without permission of the Chair. But no member shall have the privilege of speaking more than once on a question of order, after an appeal from the decision of the Chair. ¥ RULE V. Of Questions and Votes. When a communication, petition or memorial is presented, be- fore it is read, or any vote taken on it, a brief statement of its contents may be made by the introducer or the Chair. And af- ter it has been read, a brief notice of the purport shall be entered on the journal. ; No motion shall be subject to action, until seconded and stated by the Chair. And at the desire of the Chair, or any member, shall be reduced to writing. # Re . . a Fi, he a if ene Bi gh ap + Soy. ° 19 : When a blank is to be filled, the question shall be taken first upon the highest sum or aurea and the longest time proposed. Any member. may call for the diision of a question, when, the sense will admit of it. When a question is before the Grand Encampment, no motion shall be received, unless to adjourn; the previous question ; to lie on the table; to We ipore indefinitely ; to postpone to a certain time; to en or toamend; and shall have precedence in the order here arranged; the first three of which shall be decided without debate. , After any question, except one of indefinite postponement, has been decided, any two members who voted in the majority, may at the same, or next succeeding meeting, move for a reconsidera- tion thereof. ad The previous question can be called for by two members, if se- conded by a majority, and shall be put in this form— Shall the main question be now put ?”—if carried, all amendments, not al- ready adopted, shall be precluded, and ‘ee main question Merck without further debate. : When one-fifth of the members rise in favor of taking a ques- tion by Ayes and Nays, they shall be ordered to be so recorded. No member personally interested in the result of a vote, shall be allowed to vote, but any member may decline to vote on any question before the Grand Encampment, and the fact that he so declined shall be entered on the proceedings. %