i,;-^ ^ Library of the Tniversity of North Carolina ItKlnwcd hj' the Dialectic and Philan- tliropic Societies. ^^i- S". 7^ - IT 5^ k * iT-niimmiiiti COLLECTION O F All the PUBLIC ACTS OF ASSEMBLY, O F The PROVINCE of NORTH- CAR O L INA: Now in F O R C E and U S E. Together with the TITLES of all fuch L.AWS as are Obfolete, Ex- pir'd, or Repca,rc, And alfo, an exad TABLE of the Titles of the ACTS in Force. Revised by CommiJJicners appointed by an ASi of the GENERAL AS- SE MB LT of the faid Pro'jince, for that Purpofe ; and Examined 'with the Records^ and Confirmed in full Ajfembly. ■t: -ir-- irr ^ •sr" 1 NEJVBBRN: Printed by James Davis, M,DCC,LII. TO His EXCELLENCY GABRIEL JOHNSTON, Efq; Captain-General, Governor and Commander in Chief, in and over His Majelly's Province oi ISonh-Carolma, and Vice-Admiral of the fame. May it pkafe Tour Excellency CO L. Mofeleyy the other Commiflioner concerned with me, in the CoUeding, Compiling, Revifing, and Printing the LAWS in Force in this Province, being dead, I alone beg Leave to Dedicate Them to Your Excellency, as their Patron and Prote6i:or j under whofe wife and prudent Adminiftration, the grcateft Part of the beft of them have beeti formed. FROM the known Benevolence of your Di{pofition, I am fa- tisfied, it muft give You great Pleafure, Sir, That this WORK, fo repeatedly recommended to the General AiTembly of this Pro- vince, and fo long and earneftly defir'd by You \ hath been car- ried on by Your favourable Influence, and finifhed during Your Government. A L T H O' the Subftance of each Law and Claufe of every Law, in Force, is ftri(9^1y preferred \ yet, I am fenfible, they fall greatly fhort of that Correi^nefs in Stile and Didiion, which may be expe(9:ed in a Work of this Nature ; and, in thofe Points, will not ftand an Examination, efpecially of fo difcerning a Judge as Your Excellency : But as you are well acquainted with the many Difficulties which attended us, in the performing this Service for the Publick, I hope our Defeds will by You be favourably confidered. I am Your Excellency's Moft Dutiful and Obedient Humble Servant, SAMUELSWANN. V -A^ -A- •^'" -A- '«*^ -<" -J^ -^^ '<'" "^ ■^■'^ "^ ."^ ."^ ."f^ /i'." .'fr ."^^ ,"*" .'i''' .Sh ."^ ."iy ."iy h .^^ ^il^llsJ^&Cv^ K *■*- "!►• 'W' -H*" *^' "IP- "^1^ 'W- "^r- •If' ".f- "a^ '^r- -^^ THE SECOND Granted by King C HA RLES, II. T O T H E Proprietors oi CAROL IN A, CHARLES the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great- Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. \V H E Pv E A S, by our Letters Patents, bearing Date the Twenty Fourth Day of March, in the Fifteenth Year of our 'Reign,. We were graciouily pleafed to grant unto our right trufty and rieht well-beloved Coufin and Counfellor Edward Earl of Claren- don our High Chancellor of England, our right trufty and entirely be- loved Coufm and Counfellor George Duke oi Albemarle, Mafter of our. Horfe J our right trufly and well-beloved William now Earl of Craven ; our right trufcy and well-beloved Counfellor 'John Lord Berkeley ; our rio-ht trufty and well-beloved Counfellor Anthojiy Lord AJJpley, Chan- cellor of our Exchequer ; our right trufty and wcU-beloved Counfellor Sir George Carteret, Knight and Baronet, Vice-Chancellor of our Houf- hold ; our right trufty and v/ell-belovcd Sir John Colleton, Knight and Baronet ; and Sir William Berkeley, Knight ; all that Province, Terri- tory, or Traft of Ground, called Carolina, fituate, lying and being with- in our Dominions ol America; extending from the A^c/Y^ End of the Ifland called Liike-Ijland, which lyeth in tlie Southern Virginia Seas, and within Thirty Six Degrees of North Lattitudc ; and to the Weft, as far as the South-Seas ; and fo refpedively as far as the River of Matthi- as, which bordereth upon the Coaft of Florida, and within Thirty One Degrees of Northern Lattitude j and fo Weji, in a diredt Line, as far as the South-Seas aforefaid, NOW Know ye. That We, at the humble Requeft of the faid Grantees, in the aforefaid Letters Patents named, and as a further Mark of our efpecial Favour to them, we are gracioufly pleafed to enlarge our faid Grant unto them, according to the Bounds and Limits hereaftesr fpecified, and in Favour to the pious and noble Purpofe of the the faid Edivard Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Earl of ^ Craven^ Tbe Proprietors Second CHARTER. Crave?!, 'John .Lord Berkeley, Anthony Lord Ajhley, Sir George Carteret^ Sir John Colleton, and Sir William Berkeley, their Heirs and AfTigns, all that Province, Territory, or Trad: of Land, lituate, lying and being within our Dominions of America aforefaid ; extending North and Eajt- ward, as far as the North End of Currituck River or Lilet, upon a ftrait Wejlerly Line to Wyonoak Creek, which lies within or about the the De- grees of Thirty Six, and Thirty Minutes, Northern Lattitude ; and fo Wefty in a dircd: Line, as far as the South-Seas ; and South and Wejl- ward, as for as the Degrees of Twenty Nine, inclufive, o^ Northern Lat- titude ; and fo Weft, in a dired Line, as far as the South-Seas -, together with all and fingular the Ports, Harbours, Bays, Rivers, and Inlets, be- longing unto the Province or Territory aforefaid : And alfo, all the Soils, Lands, Fields, Woods, Mountains, FermSj Lakes, Rivers, Bays, and Iflets, fituate or being ¥/ithin the Bounds or Limits laft before mention- ed ; with the Fifhings of all Sorts of Fifh, Whales, Sturgeons, and all other Royal Fi(h, in the Sea, Bays, Illets, and Rivers, within the Pre- mifcs, and the Filh therein taken, together with the Royalty of the Sea upon the Coafl within the Limits aforefiid ; and moreover all Veins, Mines, and Quarries, as well difcovered as not difcovered, of Gold, Silver, Gems, and precious Stones, Metal, or any other Thing, found, or to be found, within the Province, Territory, Iflets^ and Limits a- forefaid : And further more, the Patronage and Advowfons of all the Churches and Chapels, which, as Chriflian Religion fliall increafe with- in the Province, Territory, Illes, and Limits aforefaid, fhall happen hereafter to be ereded ; together with Licenfe and Power to builij and found Churches, Chapels, and Oratories, in convenient and fit Places, within the faid Bounds and Limits j and to caufe them to be dedicated and confecrated, according to the Ecclefiaftical Laws of our Kingdom of England ; together with all and fingular the like and as ample Rights, Jurifdidions, Privileges, Prerogatives, Royalties, Liberties, Immunities, and Franehifes, of what Kind foever, within the Territory, Illes, Illets, and Limits aforefaid : To have, hold^ ufe, exercife, and enjoy the fame, as amply, fully, and in as ample Manner, as any Bifliop oi Durham, in our Kingdom of England^ ever heretofore, had, held, ufed, or enjoyed, or of Right ought of Could have, ufe, or enjoy : And them the faid Edward Earl oi Clarendon^ George Duke oi Albemarle, William Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkeley^ Anthony Lord Ajhley, Sir George Carteret, Sir John Colleton, and Sir William Berkeley ^ their Heirs and Afiigns, we do, by thefe Prefents, for us, our Heirs and Succefi'ors, make, create, and confi:itute, the true and abfolute Lords and Proprietors of the faid Province or Territory, and of all other the Premifes j faving always the Faith, Allegiance, and fovereign Dominion, due to us, our Heirs and Succefibrs, for the fame : To hold, pofiefs, and enjoy the faid Pro- vince, Territory, Iflets, and all and fingular other the Premifes, to them the 'faid Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, Willi a7n Earl of Craven, John Lord Berkeley, Anthony Lord Apley, Sir George Carteret, Sir John Colleton, and Sir William Berkeley, their Heirs and Afligns for ever ; to be holdcn of us, our Heirs and Succeflbrs, as of our Manor of Eajl-Grecnwich, in Kent, in free and common Soccagej and not in Capite, or by Knight's Service i Yielding and paying, Year- ly/ The Prcprictors Second CHARTER, j!y, to us, our Heirs and Succeflbrs, for the fame, the Fourth Part of all 'Gold and Silver Oar, which, within the Limits hereby granted, fliall, from Time to Time, happen to be found, over and belides the Yearly Rent of Tv^-enty M:irks, and the Fourth Part of the Gold and Silver Oir, in and by the faid written Letters Patent referved and payable. AND thp.t the Province or Territory hereby granted and defcribed, may be dignified with as large Tythes and Privileges, as any other Parts of our Dominions and Territories in that Region J Know ye. That we, of our further Grace, certain Knowledge, and mere Motion, have thought fit to annex the fame Trad; of Ground or Territory unto the fame Province of C^;W/W; and out of the FuUnefs of our Royal Power and Prerogative, wc do, for us, our Heirs and SuccefTors, annex and unite the fame to the faid Province of Carolina^ AND forafmuch as we have made and ordained the aforefaid Ed-^ ward Earl oi Clarendon^ George Duke oi Albemarle ^ William Earl of Cra- ven, yohn Lord Berkeley^ Anthony Lord AJl:ley, Sir George Carteret^ Sir John Colleton, and Sir William Berkeley, their Heirs and AfTigns, the true Lords and Proprietors of all the Province or Territory aforefaid j Know ye therefore moreover. That we; repofing efpecial Trufl and Confidence in their Fidelity, Wifdom, Juflice, and provident Circumfpe-l^^'> LA IV S of North-Carolina. A D. 1715. i ^ K ^(A^i ^uiS Wl ^ ^ akl '^ »ki. iif^ ^i. ^'l ^i^ 4s)^ ^(i\L^i/2)^ ^kt ^'^ aa<^^ 9M. 4i)<^ ^^-^^ ANNO REGNI G E O R G I I I Regis Magnae, Britanniae, Franciae^ &; Hi- herniae, Secundi. ^ -' At a General Biennial ASSEMBLY, held at the Houfe ^"^^.'e^ of Capt. Richard SaackrJoN, at Ltttk River, begun the °'''"""'' I'/th Day oi November, 17 15, and continued, by leveral Adjournments, until the 19th Day of J fi^ ^^■'^ better ohferving the Lord's Day called Sunday, the ^oth 0/ January, the 29/^ 0/ May, and the 22d oj September; and alfo for the SuppreJJing Prophanenefs^ Immorality ^ and divers other vicious and enormous Sins, CHAP. VIII. Rep. by Art, A- jf^ j^^ ^ for EJlabUJhing the Churchy and appointing feleB Vefiries. C H A P. IX. The SubftjDce of ^n AB^ for Liberty of Co?fcience, and that the Solemn Afirmation of the for'b^ o,rf vS People called fakers JJ^all be accepted, infiead of an Oath in the ufual Statutes of En. Vnrm gland, mnrte in rUI m. Force in this Prnvince by Aft, _____^.^____^_^__________^_^______________^______^_^._____^_^^_______.„ ._______,_» oa. i6, 1749. CHAP. X. Rep. by Vs Ma. An A5l , relating to the Biennial^ and other Affemblies^ and regulating 3e y I r er. EleSlions and Me?nbers. CHAP. XI. Coroners appointed. I. TJ E it Enacted, hy his Excellency the Palatine, and the reft of the true and X3 al^folute Lords Proprietors of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Con' fent of this prefent General AJfembly, now met at Little River, for the North Eaft Snt"" c !on?r'. P^rt of the faid Province, and it is hereby Enacted, That there fliall be one able dna'T" ^"" ^"^ fubftantial Freeholder appointed, to be Coroner in every Precind which now 'riiiiion, ^ *^'""' is, or hereafter fhall be laid out within this Government •, which Officer the Go- vernor L A IV S of North-Carolina. vernor or Commander in Chief tor the Time being is hereby defired, authorifed, and impowered, by Commiffion, under his Hand and Seal, to commiffionate and appoint ; who Ihall, by Virtue of this Ad, and fuch Commifllon granted thereupon, be fully invefted with all fuch Powers and Authorities as to the Office of a Coroner, by the Laws and Cuftoms of the Kingdom of Great-Britain^ doth of Right belong or appertain. II. AND be it further Enable d, by the Authority aforefaid^ That every Core- corontr-s Fee ner fo appointed, may, and he is hereby impowered, to take and receive, for *^'- *'^- every Inqueft by him made and taken, and returned into the Secretary's Office, (which he is hereby required, direfted, and commanded, within Three Months, after the Date, to do,) the Sum of Sixteen Shillings and Eight Pence, for his own Fee. III. AND be it further EnaSied, by the Authority aforefaid. That each Jury- Each jurymaa man Ihall be paid the Sum of Twelve Pence fer Diem, and the Conftable who cinftfbL^iTi fummoneth the Jury, the Sum of One Shilling for every Juryman ; the Whole for each jaryl to be levied, by a Warrant from the Coroner, upon the Eftate of the Party on "^^^.u^ '^*'"" whofe Body any Inqueft fhall be taken, if any fuch can be found : Otherwife fuch Charges to be paid out of die Public Treafury. CHAP. XII. An ASIy for ^alifcation of Public Officers. O B S. CHAP. XIII, An A5ly to appoint Conjlables, Rep. by Aa, a. CHAP. XIV. An AB, relating fo the Jujlices of the Court of Tie as ^ and to prevent the Rep. by as, Commijjjoners and other inferior Officers of the faid Court ^ pleading as ^"' ^' '^'^^° Attornies, CHAP. XV. An AB, afcertaining the Time and Method for the Executing and Return Rep. by as, of Original IVrits ', and for the better regulating divers Proceedings in ^"'^* *^*** the Court of Pleas, CHAE L A H^ S o/' North-Carolina. ^ D. 1715. CHAP. XVI. jin A5iy to direB the Method to he obferwd, in the Examination and Corn- viitmcnt of Criminals. 'B E h EnoEled^ hy his Excellency the Palatine, and the reji of the true and _ and o.bjcliite herds Proprietors of Carolina, by and wUh the Advice and Conjivt of this prefent General /jjfcmbly, new met at Little River, for the North- 1^0 Perfon ftiii ^^^^ Part of the Jaid Province^ and it is hereby EnaSicd^ That from hencefor- K c, mir tird, ward, no Pcrfon within this Jt"rovince fhall be committed to i'rifon fqr any Cri- wt ,ait xami. fj^ij^^i ]y|ytj.(^j., until Exainination thereof be firft had before fome Magiftrate ; '^ '^ '^TL.f If ^^^"^^"^ Magiftrate fhall admit the Party to Bail, if bailable, and fhall record the b-Jab!.'. ' ' ' Examination ot the Party, and alfo the full Matter given in Evidence, both a- shaii Record th^ gainft him and for him, with all concurring Circumftances j and (hall take Re- thr Matter g'vcn cognlzance, with good and fufficient Securities, to our Sovereing Lord the King, *"i^t "^Tnd' f!.r ^^^ ^^^ Intormer to appear and profecute, as the Laws of the Kingdom of Creat- h ni. ' Britain and this Province do dircd: \ and likewife for all Evidences for the King r^n'zlnci^ ^r ^o appear, and give Evidence againft the Criminal, at the next Court, where the pr'^fout , nd Matter is cognizable, enfuing fuch Examination : Which Examination and Re- And^fhilwaun cognizanccs fo taken, fhall be returned to the Office of the Court wherein the aii !.■ the next Matt T Is to bc tried, under the ir'enalty of Five Pounds for every Negkdl j Mautr'^is "to'be Cne Half to the Lords Proprietors, and the other Half to him or them that fhall tn.ii, undrrPe- fy^. fpj. j-j-jg fame I To be recovered, in any Court within this Government, by sYc'ry Ncgkft, ' Adtion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information; wher.in no Efibin, Protedtion, Injundion,. or Wager of Law, Ihall be allowed or admitted of. Rep. by Aft, Dti. 5, 1746, CHAP. XVII. An AB^ concerning Evidences. CHAP. XVIII. J-p- ^y ^Aa. ^fj ^^^ j-Qf. fhe Relief of fuch Creditors whofe Debtors having Lands in Chap 2.' '^'^ ' this Government y depart , without lcavi?ig Ferfonal EJlate fufficient to pay their Debts. CHAP. XIX. An AB, concerning Efcapes of Perfons under Execution. O B S. CHAPo A u .71 J. L A IV S of North-Carolina. CHAP. XX. An ABy to direB^ the Difpofal of Goods taken upon Execution ; and for the better Regulation of Difrcjj'es hereafter to be made^ for Levies and ^dt-Rents. I. 13 E it Enacted, by his Excellency the Palatin, and the reji of the true and oh- _|3 foliite herds Proprietors of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Confent cf thu prefent General /iff embly, now met at Little River, for the North Eaft Part cf the faid Province, and by the Authority of the fame, it is hereby Enacted, That where Gncdsars in all Cafes whatfoever, where any Goods or Chattels fhall be taken upon Exccu- "'^■" ''^rf^7" tion, granted, or hereafter to be granted out of any Court, or by Ciftrefs for th"v(h,.;i,e'M'a Taxes and Quit-Rents, the fame fliall remain in Cuftody of the Frovoft Marflial, \f'^^^l ff"^^ or his Deputy, Conftable, or fuch other Perfon levying or making Execution or ^' f rcud im'd, Diftrefs, tor and during the Space of Ten Days •, at the Determination of which ^^^Jt\, ''Vreel Time, (if they are not before redeemed by the Perfon from whom they Wv.re hoid..rs, 2 to be taken,) they Ihall be appraifed by four fubftantial Freeholders of the County, p^^t''] ^'' "'*" two to be chofen by the Party from whom they were taken, and the other two by the Party that is to be poflefTed of the fame ; and in Cafe it happens that both, ifanyP.ny u\\ or either Party or Parties, fliall not make fuch Choice as arorefaid, then the faid '>'"i'^„Apprai- Marilial,. or his Deputy, Conftable, or other Perfon, levying or making fuch m'/k.: cho/crfor Execution or Diftrefs, fliall make Choice, in Behalf of him, her, or them, who *""' fhall fo negled to make Choice ; and if the Appraifers fo nominated and ap- if Appraifers pointed, (being firft fworn before fome Magiftrate,) cannot agree in their Ap- ""'t agi«,they praifement, then the faid Appraifers, or any Three of them, fhall, and they are Umpire,"" who" hereby im,powered and required, to choofe an Umpire, who (being alfo fworn as j!;"^ '^^'"''"'I'''^' aforefaid,) fliall determine the Matter ; and the Property of fuch Goods fo ap- Mt-r. praifed fliall forthwith be in and to the Party for whom they were taken, he or '^^^^ c^i^'^Vlx they returning the Overplus (if any be) to the Perfon whofe Goods or Effects b<= in tin- Psny fhall be fo taken in Execution, or diftrained upon and appraifed, after the orio-i- tere'^nk'Tn '""re^ nal Debt, with all accruing Cofts, are fitisfled and paid out of the fame. turning Ovt'rpiu* if any. II. P RO VI I) E D always. That in all Cafes where the Sum taken by Execu- if the Sum do tion or Diftrefs, fliall not exceed Fifty Shillings, there fliall be onlv Two Ad- T ""^'^ ^°'- ■r u ii 1 J 1 • ir^-, ■' ^'^ -^-^j^ then tnly two ■prailers, to be equally elected and nominated, as aforefaid. Appraifeis. in. AND be it further EnaBed, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Provoft- Execution to be Marflial, or his Deputy, after Execution levied, fliall make Return of the Exe- rnd^lSe^eS! cution to the Court that granted it, tliere to be entered upon Record ; that fo the Satisfaction, as well as the Judgment, may be apparently proved, if Need require. CHAP. XXI. An AB, cojicerning Attornies from Foreign Parts, and for giving Priority Rep. by his Ma. to Country Debts. j<^fty'' order, in Council. CHAP. L A W S of North-Carolina. ^. D. 17 1 5. Rep. by Am, Dec. 5, 1746. all but thegih & loth Scdlioiis ; which are as fol- law. CHAP. XXII. A» ABy coyicerning Appeals ^ and Writs of Error. IX. T) £ it Enacted^ hv his Excellency the Palatine, and the reft of the true JL) and abfolute Lords Proprietors of Carolina, by and with the Advice and 'Confent of this prefent General Affemhly^ new met at Little River, for the North- Eait Part of the faid Province^ and by the Authority of the fame, it is hereby En- acted^ That in Cafe any Suit or Matter fhould arife in the Court of Chancery, where the Governor or Commander in Chief of this Government for the Time being, may be a Party, or intereftcd therein, it fliall and may be lawful for any Four of the Members of the Court to fit and aft therein, as tho' the faid Gover- nor or Commander were prefent, and not any ways interefted, or a Party therein. X. AND he it further Ena^ed, by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the Ratification of this A6t, every Member of the Council, or Lords Pro- prietors Deputy, Ihall, upon his entering into that Office, and before he prefumes to give his Opinion or Determination in any Caufe that fliall come before him, take an Oath, That he will do Right to all Manner of Perfons, according to the beft of his Judgment and Underftanding of the Laws and Ufages of the King- dom of Great-Britain, under the Penalty and Forfeiture of One Hundred Pounds for every Month he ihali negled or refiife to take the fame •, One Half to the Lords Proprietors, the other to him or them that fliall fue for the fame : To be recovered, by Adion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any Court of Re- cord within the Government ; wherein no EflToin, Injundion, troteftion, or "Wa- ger of Law fliall be allowed or admitted of. Rtp. byAa, Marib 6, 1738, Chap. 6. CHAP. xxin. An ASl, to prevent the Inhabitants of Bath County bringing ABions in the General Court againjl one another, for lefs than 'Ten Pounds. Rep. by Aa, A- fril^, 1741. Chap. 15. CHAP. XXIV. An ABy for the Tryal offmall and mean Caufes. Rep. by Aft, A. pril/^, 1740. Chap. iz. CHAP. XXV. An ABy for the better Regulation of the Militia of this Government. The fubjeft Mat- ter of this Aifl regulated by the King's Inftrufti- ons and Orders of Government liere, therefore ObfoJtte, CHAP. XXVI. The Form of a Patent. CHAR LA W S of North-Carolina. A. D. 1715. CHAP. XXVII. An A5l, concerning old Titles of Lands; and for Limitation of ASlions^ and for avoiding Suits in Law. I.TTT'HEREAS great Suit, Debate, and Controverfy hath heretofore Preamble. W been, and may hereafter arife, by Means of ancient Titles to Land de- rived trom Patents granted by the Governor of Virginia^ the Condition of which Patents have not been performed, nor Qiiit-Rents paid, or the Lands have been deferted by the firft Patentees, or for, or by Reafon, or Means of former Entries or Patents granted in this Government -, for Prevention whereof, and for quieting Mens Eftates, and for avoiding Suits in Law, II. Be H Ena5ied^ by his Excellency the Palatine, and the rejl of the true and ^l^^f^^'^l^^^^ ahfolute Lords Proprietors of Carolina, by mid with the Advice and Confent of derived fromCre- this prefent General Jffembly, now met at Little River, for the North-Eaft Part ''''°"' ^"'T'- r ; /" • J r> • ; ""• • ; 7 T-' i i 1 tcrs, or Admi- oj the J aid Province, and it is hereby tna^ed by the Authority of the fame. That niftr:>tors, or by- all Poffeffions of, or Titles to any Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments what- ""fit^nlof foever, derived from any Sales made either by Creditors, Executors or Admi- Patent, ■ f which niftrators of any Perfon deceafed, or by Hufbands and their Wives, or Hufbands cont^nu^k.Vcf! in Right of their Wives, or by Indorfement of Patents, or otherwife, of which ^'^l^'^" 7 Years, the Purchafer or Poffeffor, or any claiming under them, have continued, or fhall rl'S^and'de! continue in PoflefTion of the fame for the Space of Seven Years without any Suit '^'^'''' g'"""' " in Law, be, and are hereby ratified, confirmed, and declared good and legal, to gainftaiiPerfons^ all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever, againft all and all Manner of Perfons : Any ^'=' former or other Title, or Claim, Aft, Law, Ufage, or Statute, to the contrary, in any-wife, notwithftanding. III. AND be it further Ena^ed, by the Authority aforefaid. That no Perfon Perfons hereafter or Perfons, nor their Heirs, which hereafter (hall have any Right or Title to any Si mak^cSm Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, fhall thereunto enter or make Claim, but within 7 Years, within Seven Years next after his, her, or their Right or Title which defcend or c!ued f if be ut- accrue ; and in Default thereof, fuch Perfon or Perfons fo not entering or making '"'y excluded. Default, fhall be utterly excluded and difabled from any Entry or Claim there- after to be made. IV. P ROV IDED neverthelcfs. That if any Perfon or Perfons that is, or ^'?'f m"'' co hereafter fhall be, intitled to any Right or Claim of Lands, Tenements, or He- yfn, &T mVy reditaments, fhall be, at the Time the faid Right or Title firft defcended, ac- •'""s suit within 1 rit-i.i. _.-„'^ 3 Years after crued, come, or fallen, within the Age of Twenty One Years, Feme Covert, they come to Non compos mentis, imprifoned, or beyond Seas, that then fuch Perfon or Per- ^^'' ^'• fons fhall and may, notwithftanding the faid Seven Years be expired, commence his, her, or their Suit, or make his, her, or their Entry, as he, fhe, or they might have dons before this Aft, fo as fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall, within Three p^^^^^^ ^^^^.^^^ Years next after full Age, Difcoverture, coming of found Mind, Enlargement Seas, w.ihm 8 out of Prifon, or Perfons beyond Seas, within Eight Years after the Title or I,T pWeir.ons Claim becomes due, take Benefit and fue for the fame, and at no Time after the h.-u without Suit Times or Limitations herein fpecified -, but that all PofTelTions held without fuing tra'^t'l'tUlf luch Llaim as aforefaid, fhall be a perpetual Bar againft all and all manner of Bar j left much Perfons whatfoever, that the Expectation of Heirs may not, in a fhort Time, fc;;id,'''3nrno" leave much Land unpolTefTed, and Titles fb perplexed, that no Man will know ^an 'know, of of whom to take or buy Land. ^^""^ '" '^"^• V. AND be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That all Aftions ^'' ^^'""^ °'' of Trefpafs, Detinue, Aaions fur Trover, and Replevin, for taking away of upTAccfn^'ptf Goods L A IV S of North-Carolina. Jt Judgment re r x. ^ j.». >^ »• j. ^^ j^ j-^ <»i- i.i-< . for the psaintiff, anv tlic faid Adlons or Suits, Judgment be given for the Plaintiff, and the fame and It berevers'd , •' r i t t^ tt- orarrcfted, or DC rcvcrfed Dy brror, or a \'e ^ i"- 'V'S- Goods and Chattels; all Actions of Accompt, and upon the Cafe; all A6lions 2^;^;7^^|7c^^, of i^^bt for Arrearages of Rent; and all A6lions of Alfault, Menace, B.tttcry,° &c. fluii be fu.d Wounding, and Imprifonment, or any of them, which fliall be fued or brought lath's Aft I^- at any Time after the Ratification of this Ad, Ihall be commenced or brought ted. & not after, vvithin the Time and Limitation in this Act exprefled, and not after: That is to compT Cafe/" f-<~i ^'" s""*^"'- any Difpofition thereof by Will, whereby the fdd Lands do efcheat to the Lords Proprietors, then they ihall be granted, after the faid Manner, and after the fame Compofition, to the Widow, or Widower, and if there be none fuch, then to the Father, and if there be none fuch, then to the Mother, and if there be none fuch, then to the eldeft Brother of the half Blood, and if there be none fuch, then to the Sifter or Sifters of the half Blood, and if there be none fuch, then to the neareft of Kin to the Party deceafed, and if there be no Kindred, then to any Perfon who Hiall firft inform and petition for the fame. III. PROVIDED always, and it is further Enacted, by the Authority afore- Petfons;nP,(rcf- faid. That if any Perfon that' is or fhall be in Poffeffion of any Land in Manner Lands"'' neg"'f"vrd n tak- Method to he the Manner as has been or lite i cars obLrved ; but that all i^crfons whatfocver \f^^l i!"" that fhall, from thenceiorward, be minded to take up any Lands in this Ciovtrn- ment, flv^iU before he lays Claim tn.reto, take a w arrant iro in the Secretary's Office, directed to the Surveyor-General, or Deputy, as ufudl, mentioning the Quantity of Land by them intended to be taken up ; which Warrant he Ihaii de- liver to the faid Surveyor-General, or his Deputy, together with an Account where the Land lies winch he intjnds to take up by ta^t vV arrant, which the Surveyor fhall indorfe upon the Back ot the Lid Warrant, tog tiitr with the Time of his Receipt thereof, and give a '^ opy of the faid IndorLm.nt to the fiid Perfon ; for which it ihall be Liwlui tor him to demand and receive the ufual Fee of Entry and Copy ; and Ihal!, within Eight Months next aft.r fuch Receipt, furvey and make Return of the faid Land, with the V." arrant, as is ufual, unlefs he fhall give fuincient Reafon, upon his Oath, for not doing the fame ; provided always, that he hath no Warrant bJbre lodged in his iian..,s for the fame Land ; and provided aifo, that if Occafion be, the .Surveyor fhall be impowered to hire Chain-Crriers and Markers for his Affiltance in Lying out of any Lands, and fhall charge the fame to the Owner of fuch Land. 'D^ ivi-rs ot Creeks low to be fuT- in. AND he it further Enabled., by the Authority aforefaid. That the Survey- L^nds'y'ng or-Gen'-ral, and his Deputy, fhall obferve, in furveying and laying out of all how" °' Lands to be taken up from henceforward, that lies on a navigable Riv.r or Creek, """"i"^- that he fhall run a full Mile on a dired Courfe into the Vn oods, and each oppo- fite Line fhall run parallel with the other, if it can be admitted, for oth.r Peo- ples Lines, or Rivers or Creeks-, and for all Lands taken up wholly in the inntheWonds, Woods, the Survey ihall be upon a Square, if it can be admitted, as aforefaid. fqutte!"'^ """^ IV. AND be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That no .*^urveyor. Surveyor not to or Deputy-Surveyor, from and after the lime afor.faid, fhall furvey or lay out e'c^AcTesTnlln" more than Six Hundred and rorty Acres of Land in one 1 radt, nor fhall furvey "^ ^^' ""' '"'■^ or lay out Two fevcral Trafts of Land for any one Perfon within 1 wo MiLs, at pVr n within^ ieafl, of each others unlefs by particular Warrant from the Lords Proprietors tor '""MUes, that Purpofe. V. AND be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That any Sur- Surveyor laying veyor, or Deputy Surveyor, that fhall prefume to furvey or lay out any Lands triry toVisAa] contrary to the Dire6lions, Purport, and Meaning of this Aft, fhall, lor every to<^"rfcit loi. Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Rounds ; one Half to the rublic Trea- Tury, and the other Half to him or them that fhall fue for the fame : To be re- covered in the General Court of this r'rovince ; wherein no Eflbign, Proteftion, or Wager of Law, fhall be allowed. VI. AND forafmuch as the Lords Proprietors do fuflain great Damages, and the Country in general lies unfcttled, by Reafon of many Perfons holding or pretending Right to large I'rads of Land in this Govtrnrntnt, without any other Title thereto than a bare Entry oi^.^urvey : Be tt Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That all or any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, who do now hold or '^Jr^^^Tvtt pretend any Right to any Lands within this Government, by Virtue of any Sur- ch.fc-M-n y vey or Purchafe, as aforefaid, made before the Fourteenth Day of April lafl pafl, X^t^x.ient it, Orphans that are not able or capable to Patent the fame, for Want of Perfonal mrrfer"iV; ^''"- Eft'ite, within the Time before limited in this A6t, it fhall and may be lawfu! for the Guardian or Guardians, Truftee or Truflees of fuch Orphan or Orphans, or Adminiftrator of the Inteftate's Eflate, to fell and difpofe of all or fuch Part of fuch Right, as aforefaid, by Public Sale, to the beft Advantage they can for the Inteilate's F^ftate •, any Thing in the faid Acl to the contrary, notwithflanding : , „ , , ^ And in Cafe any Guardian, Truflee, or Adminiflrator, fhall negledl or refufe to fiifai, Orphans" make Sale of fuch Land as aforefaid, within Six Months, the Orphans Courts ^^XRi^ht'^" ^^^ hereby impowcred and required to call fuch Guardian, Truftee, or Adminif- trator, to Account ; and if they cannot find Perfonal Eftate fufFicient in their Hands to purchafe fuch Lands, as aforefaid, then they, the faid Court, fKall make fuch Sale, and to fuch Ufes as abovefaid. IX. AND whereas many of the prefent Inhabitants of Bath County, by Rea- fon of the Calamities befallen them during the late Vv^ars v/ith the Indians, are rendered incapable of making prefent Payment for the P urchafe of fuch Lands as now are, or have been, actually held, fettled, and improved by them, and from whence they have been lately driven by the Enemy : Be it EnaBed, that a inhabitants of further Time be granted to fuch Perfons for paying the Purchafe of fuch Lands, Sath Cunty ai- upon giving fuch Security to the Lords Proprietors Receiver-General, as fhall be Tim1 Io"py by him approved of, within Six Months after the Ratification of this Ad: Any piuchafe-Mjney y\-{x^or hcrcln bcforc contained to the contrary thereof, in any-wife, notwidi- iipon giving Sc ^ P cai;tv. itandms;. CHAP. LAWS of North-Caroli n a. i 5 n Tiuft fr>r th« Party injui'd. CHAP. XXXIV. An ASf, for Entring QfVeJJ'elSy and to prevent the Exportation of Debtors.' I. -r^ E it Ena£fed, by his Excellency the Palatine, and the reft of the true and \j ahfolute Lords Proprietors of the Province c/ Carolina, by and with the Jdvue and Confent of the reft of the Members of the General yiffembly now met at Little River, for the North-Eail Part of th^ faid Province, end it is hereby En- a5led, by the Authority of the fame. That the Maftcr ot every Ship or VefiH Mafter rf v, fr.i coming into this Governnxnt, l'ha!l, within Four Days next alter his Arrival, [^.y^^^^of^y" and bc'tbrc he trade or land any Goods, (living Creatures only excepted,) enter w.tim 4 d ys'' into Bond in the Naval-Office, with one lufficient Freeholder or well known Mer- ^^o'l'^Knai't '" chant, in tlie Sum of Five Hundred Pounds, with Condition, That the faid n.t to carry any Mafter fhall not carry off any Perfon out of this Province without a Ticket firft ciy^^i'l^ had and obtained from the Naval-Officer, and figned by the Governor or Com- aT;cket. mander in Chief for the Time being, (Perfons coming into this Province in the fame VeffeU Women whofe Hufbands are refident in the Country, Perfons un- der Age^ ?.nd Sailors who iiave not refided in the Government above Two Months, p^'''""^ "'^^rt^d. excepted,; nor fhall depart himfelf without Leave -, under the Penalty of Fitty Nor depart him- Pounds^; One Third to the Lords Proprietors, One Third to the Gove'rHor qr ^3^;""''"' ' Commander in Chief, and the other Third to the Informer. - ""';,. II. AND be it further EnaLfed, by the Authority af ere faid. That the faid Bond ^'"'' to he given fhall be taken in the Name of the Governor or Commander in Chief for the th.- G..v>.MTo'r,'' Time being, payable to himfelf, his Succeffors or Afligns, but fhall be to the on- ly Ufe of, and in Truft for, fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall appear to be injured by the faid Matter's Non-Performance of the Condition above exprefied ; and fhall be affigned to any Perfon or Perfons fo injured petitioning for the fame, who fhall and may maintain an A.6lion thereon. III. PROVIDED ah: ays, and it is hereby further Enacted, That if the faid Bond not fued in Bond or Bonds fliall not be fued within Two Years after the Date thereof, then ^^ears, void. the fame fhall be null and void to all Intents and Purpofcs whatlbever, as if the fame had never been made ; any Thing herein before contained to the contrary notwitnftanding. IV. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That no Ticket Ticket mt to be fnall hereafter be granted to any Perfon intending to export his or herfelf out of fu"'gt,n' fi""' this Government, (except as before excepted,) until fufficient Security be firft p ymcnt .f ths given to the Naval-Officer, for the Payment of all fuch' Debts as the Party fo in- "'"'' ^ tending to depart fhall be chargeable with, and for which Acflions fhall be com- menced within Four Months next' after fuch Security given i or until Certificate be firft made to the Naval-Officer, by the Clerk of the Precinft Court where the or until Cert;fi. Party fliall refide, that he hath publifhed his Intentions to depart the Government, "te produc-a by affixing a Note to the Court-houfe Door, publickly to be read by all Perfons, \\^ intention to during the Sitting and Continuance of the 1 wo Courts next preceeding fuch Ccr- '^^p"'. tificate, without being under written, or any Demand made to hinder his or her Departure. V. AND be it further EnaEled, That on Defauk of fo doing, the Naval-Offi- Naval officimot cer fhall be liable to fiitisfy the Creditors of all fuch Perfons who fhall depart the tiib'^Aa! jilbie Government by Ticket from that Office ; provided A6lions for the fame be en- oVtl'V^AaCs tred within Four Months after the Date of fuch Ticket fo obtained ; without Se- brought wahin 4 curity given, or Certificate had and received from the Clerk of fome Precincfl ^°"''''- Court, as before mentioned- CHAP. i6 Xyf//^AS'o/^ North-Carolina. A O yr.: CHAP. XXXV. Rep. by A %^- Aft ASif for raifing a Public Magazine of Ammunition^ upon the 'Tonnage clLl'.Zf' of all Vejfels trading to this Government. Precinft Courts spp nt F r CHAP. XXXVI. An ASiy concerning Roads and Ferries. I. "13 E it Enabled, by his Excellency the Palatine, and the rejl of the true fltid ab- j3 folute Lords Prcprietors of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Confent of tij.s prejent General /.ffembly^ now met at Little River, for the North Euft Part cf tioe fa J Province, and by the Authority of the fame, it is hereby Enacted, That All R.-ads and all Roads and Fcrri.s in this Government, already laid out or appointed, by Vir- h.d'ou?'rnd!,r tue of any Ad or OrJinance of Affembly heretofore made or declared, or by p.',nt=- Pounds for every Negled •, one Half to the Informer, and the other Half tor and "'''^°^ "'" towards ttie contingent Charges of the Government : To be recovered, by Bill, Plaint, or Information, in the General Court of this Province ; wherein no Ef- foign, Protection, or Wager of Law, fhail be allowed. VI. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all Public Roads already laid out or now in Ufe, or which hereafter fhall be laid out, fhall wd!-! be cleared ot and from all Trees and Bruin, at leaft Ten Feet wide, and fuch Limbs of Trees as may incommode Horfemen, cut away ; all Bridges or Caufe- Br^deesandc.uC ways made, or to be made over Swamps, or fmall Runs of Water, the Pieces "^'^^^^ ''°* " ^^ wherewith the fame fhall be made, fhall be laid acrofs the Road, and at lead Ten "'*''^" Feet long, well fecured and made faft, and covered with Earth ; and all Brido-es over deep and navigable Streams, fhall be made at leail Ten Feet wide, with furficient and flrong i^ieces, at leaft Three Inches thick, with firm and Itrong Pofts and Bearers, well fecured and faftened. VII. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority afcrefaid. That the Pre- p,eci„a court. cind Courts fliall. Annually, appoint Surveyors of the Highways or Roads, who " =pp «"« Sur- are, by this Aft, obliged to fummon all Male Tithables within their Divifions ""Jt^'^t^-l and Limits, or luch as have been ufed and accuftomed to work on fuch Roads and '''^'''" *" '^"■''^ Bridges, to meet at a Place and Time to be appointed fometime in the Months of "" '^^ ^^°^^^' April and September, Yearly, to clear all Roads, and make, clear, and repair all Bridges, within their Limits or Divifions •, and alfo at any other Time of the Year, if Occafion fhall require : And whofoever fhall, upon fuch Summons, re- p.^ons negka- fufe or negleft to appear, or to do and perform their Parts and Duties therein, '"? '° =pp'^'>'' the Surveyor fhall caufe them to be fummoned to appear before the next Magif- to''f"rfe'irj'rfnr trate, where, if he or they cannot fliew a reafonable Caufe for his or their De- ""'^ '^'>'' ^"-s- fault, he or they fhall be fined Five Shillings for every Day's Negieft ; to be le- pif^d' in^-ring' vied, by Order of the aforefaid Magiftrate, by the Surveyor, and laid out in hiring i*^'" >^ t^t- Room Men in the Room and Stead of thole neglefting: But if it fhall happen that thofe Lg^' Or gifen to Perfons who meet in Obedience to this Ad, fhall perform the whole Work that fitinhfrnik" fnall be necefTary to be done at that Time, then all the Forfeitures fhall be equally " ' / " divided among thofe who finifhed the Work as aforefaid. f-— VIII. AND be it further Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaid. That where the surveyor, with making of Bridges or Caufeways fhall not be judged proper to be performed bv ^"^ '^^''^ °^ '''^ the whole Company working together, it fhall and may be lawful tor the Survey- '?ree with Fer- or, with One I'hird of the Company that fliall be obliged to work thereon, to a- Brldg'° oTSlr. gree with any Perfon or Perfons for performing the fame; and the Surveyor is wav,, and toiel hereby impowered, alter the Work is finifhed, to levy the fame equally and in- ^he wLtl^U- differently, by the Poll, on all fuch as are obliged to work thereon, and to make P^"y- Diftrefs, in Cafe of Refufal or Non-Payment. %rther Enacted, ly the Authority aforefaid. That all Survey- Surveyors r?g. fhall negled or refufe to do their Duty as is by this Ad di- '^^^^i IX. AND be it further ors of Roads which reded, or who fliall not keep the Roads and Bridges clear and in Repair, or let for "eryNegra! them remain uncleared or out of Repair, after Notice given thereof, for and du- ^- ring the Space of Ten Days, unkfs hindered by bad Weather, fuch Surveyor fhall forfeit, for each and every fuch Offence, the Sum of Forty Shillino-s, over and above fuch Damages as may be fuftained ; One Half of the faid Sum to be employed towards Repair of fuch Road, and the other Half to him or thtm that E will 1 8 L ^ /V S^ of N O R T.H - C A R O L I N yi. D. 1715. ^jii f^e for tiie fame: To be recoverecj, by Adion of Debt, Bill, J^laint, or ^n- ^-^"""'^^'''^ formation, in any Court of Record within this Government •, whcrtin no Efibign, Injuntlion, or Wager of Law, fhall be allowed or admitted of. perC.ns ex-rrpt. d X, A 1aud or Deceit, they Ihall not have or exac^ any larger or greiitjr Wncat.&teih Toll, than one Eighth Fart of Wheat, and one Sixth Fart of /wrf'-vj^ Corn, un- ''^^''"'■ der the Penalty and Forfeiture of Ten I'imes the Value of the W heat or Corn fo penalty for tak- brought to the Mill •, one Half to the Poor of the Parifh, and the other Half to "^s ^"s^f ToU. him or them that fhall fue for the fame : To be recoveredi by Adlion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or information, in the Precinfl Court ; wherein no Injundtion, or VS^'ager of Law, (hall be allo-.ved or admitted of. CHAP. XXXVIII. An ASt^ to appoint Public Regiflers, and to di?-eB the Method to be ob- ferved in Conveying Lands, Goods, and Chattels ; and for preve7iting fraudulent Deeds ajid Mortgages. I. TT 7 H E R E A S His Excellency the Palatine, and the reft of the true and Grant fromXordg V V abfolute Lords Proprietors, amongft other Privileges and Immunities, »''-''P'->-t rs, to have given and granted to this their Province, to choofe Public Regifters : In Rl!gifters^"'''"' Purfuance therefore to the faid Grant, and for the better and more effcdual Pre- vention of fraudulent Deeds, Alienations, and Mortgages ; II. B E it Ena^ed, hy his Excellency the Palatine, and the reft of the true and abfchcte Lords Proprietors of the Province of Carolina, by and with the Advice ' and Confent of the refi of the Members cf the General Affembly, new met at Little River, for the North-Eaft Part of the faid Province^ and'-his hereby Enacted, by the Aulhori4y of the fame. That it fhall and may be lawful for all, or the major Three FreehoU- Part of the Inhabitants and Freemen of each Precinct, (who are qualified to vote in the Eleftion of BurgefTes,) to meet, the Firft Day di April next, at the ufual Place for Eleftion of Surgeifes, then and there, by a Majority of Votes, to eleft Three Freeholders, as Candidates for the faid Office ; of which faid Candidates fo to be elected, the Provoft-Marfnal of each Preciad, or his Deputy, (who are '° ^""^^ '^""■■•'^ hereby required to attend fuch Eledtions,) fhall, within Twenty Days alter, make tou're'c^viemor" Return to the Governor or Commander in Chief tor the Time being, under the ""'^''' ''"'^'^y "^ Penalty of Five Pounds for every fuch Negleft ; and .the Govenior or Com.- ^ ' mander in Chief, with the Advice of the Lords Proprietors Deputies, Hiall make Governor to Choice of one of fuch Candidates fo eleCted as aforelaid, who, being- ccmmiiTion- '^°'"'"''^''"^'« . . ed under the Hand and Seal of the Governor or Commander in Chief, fliall be teT. ° ^ ^^"' thereby inveftcd with the Office of Regifcer of Deeds ; and, until there ii)e a Clerk of the Parifh Church, of Births, Burials, and Marriages. III. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That each and PuWIc Rpgukr every Public Regifter fo chofcn and commiifTioned, fhall, within Three Months f g"": B.iid .n 3 after he fliall enter upon his Office, give Bond, with Two good and fufficient Se- Pou"ndsto'r"fauh- curitics, to his Excellency the Palatine, and the Lords i roprietors, in the Sum {""' qJ^^'"'^^ °^ of One Thoafand Pounds, for the faithful Difcharge of his Office; which Bond b nd w he given fhall be given before die Juflices of the Precind whereof the Party fhall be ao- '"'"'•"'"■^Pf ■■> ■, iP -n 1 11- 1 /-A-- /-I r • 1 ^ ^ . .^ " '"'° reii.rded in pointed Rtgilter, and recorded m the Ortice or the laid Court, and alfo in the ^^ '^■nft and se- ers to be eltitcd. Provoft-M.irfJial lall be given before die Juftices of the Precind whereof the Party fhall be ap- ^"^"^1" ointed Rtgifler, and recorded in the Office of the faid Court, and alfo in the ^^ '^■nft Secretary's Office, and the Original repofited in the Hands of the Governor or '^J"'>'' ^'^- Commander in Chief: And whoever, after the faid Firfb Day o'i April, fhall Ogmaitohe officiate in the faid Office longer than Three Months without giving fuch Secu- ven^r!''"'*^''* rity 20 L^^S of North-Carolina. not rity as aforefaid, he or they fo offending, fhall torfeit and pay the Sum of Twenty Pounds ; one Half to the informer, and the other Halt to the Poor of the Pa- riih or Precindt. Pro»:fo. IV, PROVIDED always^ That every Perfon or Perfons who now afV ia the afor. Lid Office within any Precind of this Government, fhall be and continue in the fame until fuch Choice fhall be made and confirmed as is before by this Act dircded ; when they, and every of them, are hereby required and com- manded to deliver to the Public Regifter of their Precind fo elefted and con- firmed, all Papers and Records which fhall be in their Cuftody, that do, of Rio-ht, belong and appertain to the faid Office, under the Penalty of Fifty Pounds. No Conveyance V. AN D he It further EnaSled^ by the Authority aforefaid. That no Convey- M n-a^' ""^r ance or Bill of Sale for Lands, (other than Mortgage,) in v/hat Manner or Form unitfs" acknow- foever drawn, fhall be good and available in Law, unlefs the fame fhall be ac- Sed^khma knowledged by the Vendor, or proved by one or more Evidences, upon Oath, Months. ' ' either before the Chi^f Juftice for the Time being, or in the Court of the Pre- cind where the Land lieth, and regiftred by the Public Regifler of the Precindt where the Land litth, within Twelve Months after the Date of the faid Deed ; Deeds fo executed ^^^ ^^^^^ all Decds fo done and executed, fhall be valid, and pafs Eftates in Land, '° ^ "* ' " or Ria;ht to other Eftatt, without Livery of Seizin, Atturnment, or other Cere- mony in the Law whatfocvcr. De'ds already VI. P ROFIDED always. That all Deeds or Conveyances of Lands, Te- psiTed, for villi- nements, or Hereditaments, Goods or Chattels, which are already pafTed, and tfons, andregif". regiflrcd, or which fliall be regiftred within one Year after the Ratification of this tr.=d with n a ^^^ ^^^ which B. good and valuable Confideration has been adually and hna fide tool'. '"'" paid, lliall be good and available in Law and Equity, to Purchafers, and their Heirs, a^yainfl the Vendors, and thtir Heirs, and all others claiming by, from, or under them, in as full and ample Manner, to all Intents, Conftrudions, and Purpofcs, as if fuch Title had been made either by Fine, Common Recovery, Livery of Seifm, .Atturnment, or any other Ways ufed and pradifed within the Kingdom of Great-Britain. D--dsmndein VII. AND be it further EuaSfcd^ by the Authority aforcfaid. That all Deeds pr'verrlbeforf, snd Convcyanccs of Land lying within this Government, made in Foreign Parts, or ba.ie the ' which fliall be remitted hither, and proved before the Chief Juftice, or Court of Snyc'tyf^!! the Precind where the Land lieth, in Manner as before direded •, or which fhall or Governor of jjg perfonally aclcnowlcdgcd or proved before the Chief Magifbrate of any City, and atr'fter'un- Town, or Corporation, within the King of Great-Britain's Dominions, and an der the Pubi.c Attcftation thereof affixed thereto ; or which fhall be acknov/ledged or proved md'w"hinT'^' before the Governor or Commander inChief of any his Majelly's Plantations, and ^d' valid *" ^°°'' attefted under the Public Seal, and regiflred in the aforefaid Ofiice of the Precind where the Land lieth, within one Year after the Arrival of fuch Deeds ; fliall be good and valid in Law, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if made and executed within this Government. VIII. AND for the avoiding and abolifhing of feigned, covinous, and frau- dulent Feoffments, Gifts, Grants, Alienations, Conveyances, Bonds, Suits, Judg- ments, and Executions, as well of Lands and Tenements, as of Goods and Chat- tels, which of late have been, and ftill are devifed and contrived, of Malice, Fraud, Covin, or CoUufion, to the End, Purpofe, and Intent, to delay, hinder, and defraud Creditors and others of their jufl and lawful Adions, Debts, and Fccffment5,cifis Accompts ; // is hereby further Enabled, That all and every Feoffment, Gift, cff. made 'for Grant, Alienation, Bargain, and Conveyance of Lands, Tenements, Heredita- ments, Goods and Chattels, or of any of them, by Writing, or otherwife j and all Zi-^//^.So/NoRTH-CAROLINA. 2i all and every Bond, Suit, Judgment, and Execution, at any Time had or made ^- ^ '715. fince the Firft Day o^ January^ Anno Domini 17 14, or at any Time hereafter to .l^^d^iil^ be had or made, to or for any Intent or Purpofe laft bttore declared and ex- iit-^n'- ''>■" be prefled, fhall be, from henceforward, deemed and taken, (only as againft that fv pTtmak- Perfon or Perfons, his or their Heirs, Executors, Adminiilrators, and AlTlgns, '"sthefime. and every of them, whofe Anions, Suits, Debts, Accompts, Damages, Penalties, and Forfeitures, fhall releafe by fuch covinous or fraudulent Devices and Prac- tices, as is aforefdid, or fhall or might be, in any-wife, difburbed, hindered, de- layed, or defrauded,) to be clearly and utterly void, fruftrate, and of no Effect ; any Pretence, Colour, feigned Confideration, expreffing of Ufe, or any Matter or Thing to the contrary, notwithftanding. IX. AN D he it further Enabled, by the Authority aforcfaid^ That all and Pirties to fuch every the Parties to fuch feigned, covinous, or fraudulent Feoffments, Gifts, ''•'"<'"'':'" i^ ^^ds G^-ants, Alienations, Bargain, Conveyance, Bonds, Suits, Judgments, Executi- lu'etLt^'f.' *" ons, or other Things before expreffed, and being privy and knowing of the fame, or any of them, which at any Time after the Firft Day of Aiigufi next comino-, fhall, wittingly and wiUingly, put in Ufe, maintain, avow, juftify, or defend the fame, or any of them, as true, fimple, and done, had, or made bona fide^ and upon good Confideration ; or fhall alien or afBgn any the Lands, Tenements, Goods, or Things before-mentioned, to him or them conveyed, as is aforelaid, or any Part thereof; fhall incur the Forfeiture of the real Value of the Lands and Tenements, Goods and Chattels -, One Moiety thereof to the Lords Proprie- tors, and the other Moiety to the Party grieved, and intended to be defrauded thereby. X. P RO FID E D al-zvays, and be it further Enacted, by the Authority afore- Not to make faid. That this Aft, nor any Thing herein before contained, fhall not extend or ^""i any convey. be conflrued to impeach, defeat, or make void any Conveyance or Afliirance, In- made.^""" ^''^ terefl. Limitation of Ufe, or Ufes, of, in, to, or out of any Lands or Tenements heretofore at any Time had or made, or hereafter to be bona fide made, upon and for good Confiderations, to any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever ; any Thing before mentioned to the contrary, notwithftanding. XI. AND for the Prevention of Frauds by double Mortgages and Convey- Mortgage «,« ances of Lands, Negroes, Goods, and Chattels; Be it further Enabled, by the EdMe'firft Authority aforefaid. That every Mortgage of Lands, Tenements, Goods, or Mongag=-^ Chattels, which fhall be firft regiftred in the Regiftcr's Office of the Precind where the Land licth, or of Goods and Chattels where the Mortgager liveth, fhall be taken, deemed, judged, allowed of, and held to be the firft Mortgage, and to be good, firm, fubftantial, and lawful, in all Courts, of Juftice within this Go- vernment; any former or other Mortgage of the fame Lands, Goods, or Chattels, UniefsfitftMort- not before regiftred, notwithftanding; unlefs fuch prior Mortgage be regiftred fn'^'^oo/?"^'^ within Fifty Days after the Date. '" ^° "'^'' XIT. PROVIDED always, and be it further Enabled, by the Authority a- if more Mort- f-orefaid. That in Cafe more than one Mortgage fhall happen to be made and be fucras^'haVnot in Force at one Time, of the fame Lands and Tenements, Goods and Chattels, regiftred, may the fcveral Mortgagees which have not regiftred their Mortgages, their Heirs, Tre' pvtgVrL'.' Executors, Adminiftrators, or Affigns, fhall have Power to redeem any Mort- ''p^'' '^'' g;}ge or Mortgages regiftred, upon paying the principal Debt, Intereft, and Cofts of Suit, to the prior Mortgagee or Mortgagees, their Heirs, Executors, Admi- niftrators, or Affigns : And as a Punifhment for fuch intended Fraud or Covin, every Perfon or Perfons which fliall mortgage the fame Lands, Tenements, Goods, Td Mortgage!"!.' .01- (^1:>attcls, a Second Time, a former Mortgage being in Force and not difcharg- 'ftbdng nForce, ed, fhall have no Power or Liberty of Redemption in Equity or otherwife. in Equity ^'^"' F XIII. PRO' 22 L A py S o/'North-Carolina. XIIL P ROVIDED alfo. That nothing in this Acl contained fhall be con- rf:,w fr.-iT>i>)wcr, ftrued, dccmed, or extended, to bar any Widow of any Mortgager of fuch Lands ■il^ the Deed, Gfir" or Tenements, from her Right of Dower to the faid Land, who did not legally join with her Hufband in fuch Mortgage, or otherwife bar or exclude herfelf from fuch her Dower or Right. Frft Mortgagee XIV. JND he it further Enacted, by the Authority afore faid. That every T:ulb!f..re?se! pnor i-'urchafer, or Mortgagee, of any Lands or Tenements, Goods or Chattels, Adv-'nta° et^h s "^hich lliail not, before tne Firft Day of January, iyi6, regifter his Title or Purchafe. ' Mortgage as aforefaid, if after that Time a Second Deed of Sale, Conveyance, or Pviortgage, be regiftred before the Prior, fuch Perfon fo neglefting fhall take no Advantage or Benefit of fuch Purchafe or Mortgage already figned and fealed. Public Regifter, XV. AND be it further Ena^ed, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Re- Snlh^'wk' to gi^er aforefaid of every Precinft, when there is no Clerk of the Church in that regifter Births, J: rccind, fhall regifter all Births, Marriages, and Burials, within the Precindt Bumisf"' '""^ whereof he is Regifter -, and that every Mailer or Miftrefs of a Family who fhall negle6t to regifter the Birth or Death of any Perfon born or dying within his or Pcrfons negieft. j^gj- Houfe or Plantation •, and every married Man who fliall negle6t to remit to foffe't" iT' p'er the faid Regifter a Certificate of his Marriage, and caufe the fame to be regiftred. Month, to the fQj- Jongcr than one Month ; each Mafter or Miftrefs, or married Man, fo neg- exceed'zo s?°' " leding, ihall forfeit and pay, to the faid Regifter, One Shilling fer Month for every Month fo neglefted ; provided the whole do not exceed Twenty Shillings. Penalties how to XVL AN !> be it fuvther EnaElcd, by the Authoftty aforefuid. That all Penalties e recovered, ^^^ Forfeitures in this A6t mentioned, fliall be recovered, by Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any Court of Record in this Government ; wherein no Injundion, Protedion, or "Wager of Law, fliall be allowed or admitted of. CHAP. XXXIX. fni\'! x-]^i An Act, concerning Weights and Meafures. Chap. 17, C H A P. XL. Staple Commodities Rated. O B S. CHAP. XLI. An ABj to a/certain the Hime for Payment of Fork, Wheat, and Indian Corn. O B S. CHAP. LA JV S of North-Carolina. 2^ .1. ^. 1715. CHAP. XLII. An A6ti to af certain the Gauge of Barrels^ and to prevent Frauds in Fork Beef Pitch, and Tar. I. "O ^ ^^ Enacled, by his Excellency the Palatine, and the reft of the true and ' J3 abfolute Lords Proprietors of the Province of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Confent of the reft of the Members of the General Affembly now met at Little River, for the North-Eaft Part of the faid Province, and it is hereby En- a^cd, by the Authority of the fame. That from and aft^r the Ratification of this Barrels hov Adl, no Cooper or other Perfon whatfoever making Cafk, fhuU expofe to Sale '^"'^'' '" '^"i''' any Barrels or half Barrels for the holding' of Beef, i^rk. Pitch, Tar, or Train ml^"'' '° *" Oil, but fliall contain and hold Thirty One Gallons and a Half each Barrel, and Fifteen Gallons and Three Quarters each Half Barrel : And all Barrels and Half Barrels which fhall be expofcd to Sale, Iliall be made of Timber feafoned at leafl Six Months after the riving the Staves, not lefs than half an Inch thick when wrought, the Heading not lefs than Three Quarters of an Inch thick, and well dowelled ; Twelve good fubflantial PIoops on each Cafk, and the whole to be tight and workman-like : And every Cooper making Barrels, or half Barrels, or Bnnd-M^rk to any other Perfon making the fame, before they deliver or expofe the fame to Sale, Snd^Kcorder' fhall fet his or their proper Brand-Mark upon every Barrel or half Barrel ; which Mark he or they fliall caufe to be recorded in the Office of the Precind where he or they Ihall refide or dwell. II. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That every Cooper Cop=rto forfeit or other Perfon expofmg to Sale any Cafk not agreeable to the Direftions of this Sach otiJZ Ad, fhall, for every Offence, forfeit the Sum of Six Shillings and Eight Pence, and theCaflc or Barrel fo deficient -, and for not recording his or their Brand, the F" "ot recording Sum of Twenty Shillings i One Half to the Churchwardens and Veflry, for the ^'' ^"''' -°'' Ufe of the Parifli, and the other Half to him or them that fhall fue for the fame, before any Juftice of the Peace. III. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That upon Com- Juftice, on Com- plaint made, upon Oath, or folemn Affirmation, by any Perfon or Pcrfons, to Srk' S'^'if * any Juflice of the Peace in this Government, That he hath received of any Per- "'ercLnt3bie"to fon or Perfons, any Beef, Pork, Pitch, Tar, or Train Oyl, that is not merchant- iflFre!!!^ able and good in its Kind j or is not in good and fufficient Cafk, as is by this t°vi"v the fame. Law appointed i or that the Perk is deceitfully packed up, or contains more piamfb^MHo Heads than is by Law allowed, or that there is Boars Flefh mixed or packed there- '''■<'<='■ do"We ba- in, or that the Meat is not well faved or falted fit for Exportation ; or that the ^n^grieved^ Beef is mixed with Bulls Flefh, Shanks, Marrow-Bones, or Heads, or in any- '^c Vaiue of 'the wife defeftive and not merchantable ; fuch Juftice, upon all or any of thofe Com- fhJ ufe^o/tL plaints, fhall ifTue his Warrant, directed to Two reputable Freeholders, Who. fhall ''''''''• view the fame, and, upon their Oath, fhall make Report thereof, an4 of the Damages, to the fame Juftice that iffued his Warrant ; and if the Compkiint fhall appear to be juft, he Ihall immediately order double Damages to the Party injured, and the Value of fuch Pork, Beef, Pitch,. Tar, or Oyl, fliall be forfeited to the Churchwardens and Vcftry, for the Ufe of the Parifli where fuch Offender lived or refided. IV. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all Forfei- Forfeitures toh« tures that fliall become due by Virtue of this Act, fhall be fued for within Ten ^^^^ for in 10 Days after the receiving of fuch Caflc, Beef, Pork, Pitch, Tar, or Train Oyl, ^"^'' and not after. CHAP. 24 L-^/TiSo/" North-Carolina. CHAP. XLIII. Rep. wAa,^- An AB^ to appoint the Marking ofHorfeSy Cattle, and Hogs y and to pre- chlp.'s!"**" '^ent Injuria being done by killing, 7nifmarkingy driving away, or de* Jiroying Peoples Stocks, CHAP. XLIV. Ska&Nov 17, jin AB, to appoint 'Toll-Books to be kept at or near Catherine' j Creek, in i^9> »P' 5- Chowan PrecinSf, at the Head of Pequimons PrecinSl, and at the Mouth of the North-weft River, in Currituck PrecinB ; and to prevent Perfons from tranfporting or driving Horfes, Cattle, or Hogs, to other Perjons Lands. I. "TT T H E R E A S divers Perfons, Inhabitants oi Virginia, frequently coming VV ^'^'^^ ^^^^ Government to purchafe Cattle or Hogs, it may be greatly feared they may drive away Cattle or Hogs which they have not purchafed ; and whereas divers Perfons, as well Inhabitants of this Government as of Virginia, dp very often drive, lead, or carry Horfes, Cattle, or Hogs, to other Perfons Lands, where they fuppofe is better Herbage or Maft than on that whereon they are Dwellers : For Prevention whereof ; II. B E it Enabled, hy his Excellency, the Palatine, and the reft of the true and abfclute Lords Proprietors of the Province of Carolina, by and ivith the Advice and Confent of the reft of the Members of the General Affembly, now met at Little River, fpr the North-Eaft Part of the faid Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by ToU-Bookstobe the Authority of the fame. That there Ihall be, at Catherine" % Creek, in Chowan '"•'P'' Precind, at the Head of Pequimon River, and at the Mouth of the 'North-weft River, in Currituck Frecindl, Perfons appointed by the Governor or Commander All Cattle, t£(, i" Chief for the Time being, to keep Toll-Books \ and all Perfons, whether Driv- to be entered,' ers, Purchafers, or Owners of Cattle or Hogs, Ihall be obliged to entrr in the f^chSc, &c. Toll-Book every Beaft or Hog, with their Mark and Diftinftion, and of whom or4os, ' purchafed: And that what Perfon foever Ihall drive Cattle or Hogs to Virginia, and fhall negled to enter the fame in the refpedive Toll-Books, according to this Ad, fhall forfeit every fuch Beaft or Hog which fliall be fo omitted as aforefaid ; and if fuch Beaft or Hog be not to be had, the Perfon fo omitting ftiall forfeit and pay the Sum of Forty Shillings ; to be recovered by a Warrant from the next tice of the Peace. Sot rntring every HT- A N D be it further Enacted, That every Purchafer, Owner, or Driver of Beaft, z d. and Cattle aad Hogs, fhall pay, unto the Perfon fo appointed to keep the faid ToU- erery Hog, i d. ^^^^^ ^^^ p^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ g^^^^ ^^^ q^^ p^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ j^^^^ ^Y{\c\i fhall be fo driven and entered in the faid Toll-Book. No Perfon to I^. AND he it further Ena^ed, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Per- drive Stock to foft or I*erfons whatfbever, either inhabiting in Virginia or this Government, pTople^L^nd^r ^^11' after the Ratification of this Ad, prefume to drive, lead, tranfport, or car- ".'"■ no P'^rfon to ry any Cattle, Horfes, or Hogs, to range upon any Perfons Lands, fhall forfeit p^naitj of^oT and pay the Sum of Ten Pounds : And that no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever^ inhabiting in this Government, fhall give Leave to any other Perfon or Perfons, either Inhabitant or Foreigner, to turn loofe, drive, or put on his Land^. any Horfes, Cattle, or Hogs, under the like Penalty of Ten Pounds. V. AND f LA W S of N O R T H - C A R O t I N A. -^J ^. D. 17,5. V. AND le it further Enacted^ hy the Authority afcrefaid,^ That no Foreigner n^T^hvT^ vvhatfoever, either by Confent or Permiflion of any other Perfon or Pcrfons in- '"^"^ ^^"^'^ '"t" habiting in this Government, or otherwife, fhall prefume or offer to drive, lead, Winte^ ™"pe! or bring into this Government, any Stocks of Cattle, Hogs, or Horfv-s, within- "^''y "f 20I, tention to Winter them here, or to deftroy the Herbage or Mail ; under the Penalty of Twenty Pounds: And it is hereby meant and intended, and fo fhall Nnnstobedeem- be underftood and taken, that no Perfon fhall be deemed an Inhabitant that holds who^do''not're- Lands by Entry, Survey, or Patent, but fuch as aftually and conftantly relide on ^^"^ "" their fuch Lands, or keep the fame always tenanted, cultivated and improved. them tenamed.'^ VI. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid^ That the Ranger Ranger, ©"r. to of each Precinft or Divifion where fuch Offence fhall be committed, or on his ""' ^ '^''''^^' Default, the Keeper of the Toll-Book, is hereby appointed to make Diftr^fs of fuch Cattle, Hogs, or Horfes, of any Perfon or Perfons offending ; the orie Half of which Fine or Forfeiture fhall be to the Ranger, or Keeper of the Toll-Book, whichfotvf r fliall make the Diflrefs, and the other Half to the Churchwardens and Veftry, for the Ufe of the Parilh where the Offence fliall be committed. VII. AND be it further E',Tactcd, by the Authority aforefaid. That all Fines Penalties how to and Forieitures in this Att mentioned, and not herein and liercby exprelly and ^^ ')ii"p< ffi, and particularly mentioned to whom they fhall be paid, and h6w to be recovered, "^"^ '^"^"^ • fhall be, one Half to the Churchwardens and Veftry, for the Ufe of the Parifh where the Offence' fhall be committed, and the other Half to him or them that fhall fue for the fame, in any Court of Record in this Government, by Bill, Plaint, or Information ; wherein no Effoign, Protection, Wager of Law, or Injunction, fhall be allowed or admitted of. CHAP. XLV. What Fences arefiffficiejif. I- "D ^ ^'^ Enacted, by his Excellency the Palatine, and the refl of the true and jt5 abfolute Lords Proprietors of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Confent of the reft of the Members of the General Affcmbly, now met at Little River, for the North-Eaft Fart of the faid Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Au- thority of the fame. That every Planter fhall make a fufhcient Fence about his Fence., how to be cleared Ground Five Feet high, and the End of every Rail not to be above' Four '"'^'■ Inches afunder, until the Fence be Three Feet high from the Ground •, wl\ich, if any Perfon be deficient in, whatfoever Trefpafs or Damage fuch Perfon fhall fuf- tain, by Horfes, Hogs, or Cattle, the Owner of fuch Horfes, Hogs, or Cattle, fhall not be liable to any Aftion of Trefpafs, or to make Satisfadion for fuch • Injury. II. AND be it further Enacted, That if any Perfon, whofe Fence is infufBcient, Pofons not hav-, fhall, with Guns, Dogs, or otherwife, unreafonably chafe, worry, maim or kill '"eiiwfuiFences, any Cattle, Hogs, or i-forfes, or caufe the fame to be done, fuch Perfon fo of- SL^t^S: fending fhall make full Satistadion, for fuch Damages or Injury, to the Owner ^""^ '*'' ''""■"' of fuch Horfes, Hogs, or Cattle, as he fhall thereby fuflain ; to be recovered „ . by Aftion of Debt, in the Court of the Prccinft wherein fuch Injury fliall be com- "rcT "" mitted, wherein the Teilimony of one Witncfs fhall be fufficient Proof ; provided the Damages do amount to above the Value of Forty Shillings ; but in Cafe the Damages be lefs than Forty Shillings, then the fame fhall be triable and determi- ^ nable 26 Lj4ff^S of North- Ca r o l i n a. ^ £>. 1715- nable by and before Juftices of the Peace only, as by the Aft, intituled, Jn Act, ^^^^i^^^r^^ for the Trial of fmall and mean Caufes^ is directed : But in Cafe any Horfe, Hogs, the Fence Is fuf- or Cattle, flull trefpafs upon any Perfons Land whofc Fence fliall be fufficient, mtde'good'by the according to the Diredions of this Aft, which fhall be determined by any Two Owner of the fufficiefit Ffceholders of the Neighbourhood, indifferently chofen, and fworn be- Horfe, ©"<. ^^^.^ ^^^^^ Magiftrate ; then the Owner of fuch Horfes, Hogs, or Cattle, fhall make full Satisfaction for the Trefpafs, to the Party injured ; to be recovered in fuch Manner as is herein before by this A6t directed. Unruly Horfes, HI. AN D be it further EnaEled^ by the Authority afcrefaid. That every Perfon Gfc. breaking in whofc Hotfe, Marc, or Gelding, fhall break into any inclofed Grounds, fenced to be" kept "^up" Sccording to the Direftions of this Ad;, fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall be bound to itom March \o, j^ggp ^(p fuch unruly Horfc, Mare, or Gelding, from the Tenth Day of iVf^rr;?', until the Tenth Day of November, Yearly ; under the Penalty of paying double Damages, with Cofts, to the Party injured, for the Second Offence or Trefpafs, and for the Third Offence, treble Damages ; to be recovered as aforefaid. B CHAP. XLVI. lUp. byAft,^. An A5l. concerning: Servants and Slaves. prd i^, 1741. " £hap. 24. CHAP. XLVII. Private Burials prohibited, E it Enabled, by his Excellency the Palatine, and the reft of the true and ab' folute Lords Proprietors of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Confent of this prefent General Affembly, now met at Little River, for the North Eaft Part Burial Places to ^f ^'^^ fa^^ Provincc, and by the Authority of the fame, it is hereby Enacted, That »efet apart. cvcry Planter, Owner, Attorney, or Overfeer of every fettled Plantation in this Government, or that hereafter fliall be fettled, fliall fet apart a Burial Place, and Fence the fame, for the interring all fuch Chrifbian Perfons, whether bond or free, that fhall die on their Plantation •, and that before the Interring, there fliall be be'buried'.""^ '^ Called at leaft Three or Four of the Neighbours to view the Corps : And if it ap- On sufpicion of pears to them that the Perfon came to his or her Death by any Violence or un- re°'to"be'informr lawful Mcans, Noticc thereof fhall be given forthwith to the Coroner of the Pre- '*'• cind, fo that Proceedings may be had thereon according to Law: And in Cafe to come & v"iew^ any of the Perfons fo called fliall refufe to come and view, he or fhe fo refufmg «o forfeit 5 s. ' ^^\\ forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Shillings ; to be levied by a Warrant from the next Juflice of the Peace, and paid to the Churchwardens, for the Ufe of the Poor of the faid Parifh. Perfona burying II. AND be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Per- Aa""to Vfeit ^^'^ ^° dying fhall be buried contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Ad, 10 1! uniefs the the Pctfon or Perfons occafioning the fame, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten t^oTeSed dS Pounds •, One Third to the Informer, One Third to the Lords Proprietors, and where, &c, the Other Third to the Poor -, to be recovered, by Bill, Plaint, or Information, in the General Court of this Government -, wherein no Effoign, Protedion, or Wager of Law, fhall be allowed : Uniefs fuch Perfons, in their Life-time, figni- fied their Defire of being interred elfewhere ; or uniefs the Perfon concerned in fuch Burial can make it appear, that fo many of the Neighbourhood refufed to come. Z/yf/^^'S ^North-Carolina. 27 come, on Notice given them, to appear and view the Corps, or that he could ^- ^- jm- not without great Travel and Expence, or Damage to the Corps, keep it any longer CHAP. XLVIII. ^n A^i concerning Proving Wills ^ a?jd graiiting Letters of Admirdjira- seeAaAw.aj, tion J and to prevent Frauds in the Managemeiit of hitefates Efates. ^'~" '^' '°' I. nrj E it Enabled, by his Excellency the Palatine, and the reft of the true and fj absolute hords Proprietors of the Province of Carolina, by and ijoith the Ativice and Confent of the reft of the Members of the General Affembly now met at Little River, for the North-Eail Part of the faid Province, and it is hereby En- acted, by the Authority of the fame. That all Wills and Adminiftrations heretofore wiiis, &c. here- proved and granted by the Council, General Court, Precinft Court, or by any 'f^^^^h'rGoverl Powers or Commifllons heretofore granted by any Governor, Deputy-Governor, nor, &c. deciar- Preftdent and Council, to any particular Perfon or Perfons, ihali be deemed, ad- ^"^ ^°°''' judo-ed, and taken to be good and efFe(5lual, to all Intents and Purpofes whatfo- ever, as if proved before, or granted by, any Ordinary or other Ecclefiaftical Judge or Perfon. II. A] be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and ^^Z'l^^.^i.' may be lawful for the Governor or Commander in Chief for the Time being, the General Court, or Precind Court, to have Wills proved before them, and to grant Orders for Adminiftration. III. PR OVID ED always. That the fame be not repugnant to the Rules and Methods prefcribed by this A61 ; and provided alfo, that the granting Let- ters Teftamentary, or Letters of Adminiftration, always excepted -, which fhall Letters Tefla- be always, from and after the Ratification of this Ad, figned by the Governor ^ranted!'*"'"^"'* or Commander in Chief for the Time being, and fealed with the Colony Seal, and only iffuing out of the Secretary's Office, and counter-figned by the Secreta- ry, or his Deputy. IV. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That no Perfon No Perfon to ad- do prefume to enter upon the Adminiftration of any deceafed Perfons Eftate, un- J^|" g^'^'i^by* til they have obtained fuch Commiflion of Adminiftration, or Letters Teftamen- the Governor, oq tary, figned by the Governor, under the Penalty of Fifty Pounds ; One Half to ^''"^''^ °^ ^° ** the Informer, and the other Half to the Governor or Commander in Chief for the Time being : To be recovered, by Bill, Plaint, or Information, in the General Court of this Province •, wherein no Effoign, Protedion, or Wager of Law, fhall be allowed or admitted of. V. A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Secretary f,'j.^7f;fj°.^jf^ or his Deputy, fliall not affix the Colony Seal, or fub-fign any Letters Tefta- tamentary, tii mentary, without taking the Executor's Oath, for performing the Will of the ^^'^^^'''"^"cf Deceafed -, unlefs Certificate is made by a Juftice of the Peace, that the fame Adminiftration, Oath is Liken before him •, or Letters of Adminiftration, without the Adminiftra- 'i,'|f/'^|fe''^'X' tor has taken the Oath of an Adminiftrator, and has alfo given fufficient Bonds, and give Bond. with Two or n:ore able Sureties, taken either before the Secretary, or the Juftices of the Precind Court, and returned into the Secretary's Office, (Refped being had to the Value of the Eftate,) in the Name of the Governor or Commander in Chief for the Time being, with the Condition in Form and Manner following, rr.utatis mutandis, viz. THE 23 L A JF S of ^ O R -T H - C A R O L I N A. ^-j^ H E C o N D I T I o N of this Obligation is fuch, That if the above bounden • J[ ' M. B. A'dminiftrator of all and lingular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits, of C. D. decealed, do make, or caufe to be made, a true and perfect Inventory of all and.fingular the. Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits, of the faid Deceafed, which have, or fhall come to the Hands, Poffefllon, or Know- ledge of him the faid J. B- or into the Hands and Pofieflion of any other Pcr- fon or Perfons for him, and the fame fo made do exhibit, or caufe to be exliibi- ted, into the Secretary's Office, and one attefted Copy thereof to the Precin6t Court where Orders for Adminiftration palTed, within Ninety Days after the Date of thefe Prcfents ; and the fame Goods, Chattels, and- Credits, and all other the Goods, Chattels, and Credits of the faid Deceafed, at the Time of his Death, or which at any Tim'fe after fhall come to the Hands or Pofleffion of the faid J. B. or into the Hands or Polfeffion of any other Perfon or Perfons for him, do well tand truly adminifter according to Law ; and further, do make, or caufe to be made, a true and juft Account of his faid Adminiftration, within one Year after the Date of thefe Prefents, and all the reft and Refidue of the faid Goods, Chat- tels, and Credits, which fliall be found remaining upon the faid Adminiftrator's Account, the fame 'being firft' exa'rtiined and allowed of by the Governor and Council, General'Court, or Preciii£i Court, fliall deliver and pay unto fuch Per- fon or Perfons, refpeftivcly, as the fune fliall be due unto, purfuant to the true Intent' and Meaning of this Aft ; and if it fliall appear tiiat any Laft Will and Teftament was made by the Deceafed, and, by the Executor or Executors therein named, do exhibit the fame into Court, making Requeft to have it allowed and approved^ accordingly, if the faid AB. above bound, being thereunto required, do render and deliver the faid Lettet^s of Adminiftration, (Approbation of fuch Teftament being firft had and made,) in the faid Court ; then this Obligation to be void, and of none Eftedl : Or elfe to remain in full Force and Virtue. ft ii-.d to be af- Which Bonds are hereby Enafted and Declared to be good, to all Intents and p^ny injure?.' Purpofcs, and pleadable in any Courts of Juftice ; and fliall be transferred or af- ■ figncd, 'by the Governor or Commander in Chief for the Time being, to any Perfon or Perfons injured, who Ihall and may maintain an Action thereon. intfft.nes rftiies VI. A N D he it further Enadi&d,' bythe Authority p.forefajd. That all and eve- butl/."' ^' ''''^"" ry Perfon and Perfons to whom Adminiftration fliall be granted, fliall diftribute the Surplufage of fuch Eftates in Manner following ; that is to fay. One Third Part of the faid Surplufage to the Wife of the Inteftate, and all the reft, by equal Portions, to and among the Children, in Cafe any of the faid Children be then dead, other than fuch Child or Children (not being Heir at Law,) who fliall have any Eftate by the Settlement of the Inteftate, or fliall be advanced by the Inteftate, in his Life-time,- by Portion or Portions, equal to the Share which fliall, by fuch Diftribution, be allotted to the other Children to whom fuch Diftribution is to be nrade : And in Cafe any Child (other than the Heir at Law,) who fliall have any Eftate by Settlement from the faid Inteftate, or fliall be advanced by the faid In- teftate, in his Life-time, by Portion, not equal to the Share which will be due to the other Children by fuch Diftribution as aforefaid, (fuch Settlement or Ad- vancement to be adjudged to the Value it was worth at the Time of the Settle- ment or Advancement,) then fo much of the Surplufiige of the Eftate of fuch In- teftate to be diftributed to fuch Child or Children as fliall have any Land by Set- tlement from the Inteftate, or were advanced in the Life-time of the Inteftate, as fliall make the Eftate of all the Children to be equal, as near as can be eftinia- ted -, but the Fleir at Law, notwithftanding any Land that he fliall have by Dif- cerit, or otherwife, from the Inteftate, is to have an equal Part in the Diftribu- tion with the reft of the Children, without any Confideration of the Value of Land which he hath by Difcent, or otherwife, from the Inteftate : And in Cafe there be no LA W S of North- Carolina. J. D. 17 Eftatc to be divi- ded in laMonths, no Children, nor any legal Reprefentatives of them, then One Moiety of the faid Eftate to be allotted to the Vv ife of the Intcftate ; the Refidue of the faid Eftate to be diftributed equally to every of the next of Kindred of the Intcftate who are in equal Degree, and to thofe who legally reprefent them ; provided that there be no Repreientatives admitted among Collaterals after Brothers and Sifters Chil- dren : And in Cafe there be no Wife, then all the faid Eftate to be diftributed equally to and amongft the Children : And in Cafe there be no Child, then to the next of Kindred, in equal Degree, of or unto .the Inteftate, and their legal Re- prefentatives, as aforcfaid -, and in no other Manner whatfoevcr. Vir. AN D he it further EnaHedy by the Authority aforejaid. That no Exe- ^^^^^^^^ cutor or Adminiftrator fhall, hereafter, take, or hold himfelf, (according to the nisniftr'at'r" net Value of Appraifment,) more of the Deceafed's Eftate, than amounts to his ne- a^ Eftat-X'nh^ ceffary Charges and Difburfements, and fuch Debts as he fhall legally pay within charges," Gfc Twelve Months after Adminiftration granted ; but that all fuch Eftate fo remain- ing, ftiall, immediately after the Expiration of Twelve Months, be equally and indifferently divided and paid to fuch Perfons to whom the fame is due by this Aft, or the Will of the Dcceafed, fuch Perfon or Perfons, or fome other for Secur:ty to be them, giving good Security, that if any Debt or Debts truly owing by the De- S' cafe*°f DSt""^ ceafed, Ihall be afterwards fued for, and recovered, or otherwife duly made ap- pear, that then, and in every fuch Cafe, he or they ftiall refpectively refund and pay back to the Executor, or Adminiftrator, his or her ratable Part of that Debt or Debts, with the Charges of the Executor, or Adminiftrator, by Reafon of fuch Debt or Debts, out of the Part or Share fo as aforefaid allotted to him or her, thereby to enable the faid Executor, or Adminiftrator, to pay and fatisfy the faid Debt or Debts fo difcovered after Diftribution made as aforefaid. VIII. AND he it further Enacted^ hy the Authority aforefaid. That where any Admmiftmicnfe Perfon ftiall die Inteftate, Adminiftration ftiall be granted to the next of Kin to ^'^""^ s""t«^- the Deceafed, provided fuch Perfon -make Claim for the fame, in the Secretary's Office, or Precind: Court, before the next General Court following the Death of the Inteftate, before which Time Adminiftration ftiall not be granted to any Per- fon ; and for Want of fuch, to the greateft Creditor, proving his Debt, upon p^^^^ Oath, before the Governor or Commander in Chief for .the Time being, the Ge- in'gaRighT^" ' neral, or Precind Court : And in Cafe any pretending a Right to Adminiftration, Adminiftration, fliall, before the next General Court following the Death of fuch inteftate, enter clveat^nTheSe- a Caveat, in the Secretary's Office, againft any other Perfon's having Adminiftra- T^^^'-l °'^''' tion, the Secretary, or his Deputy, ftiall forbear to feal or counter-fign any Let- not to be granted ters of Adminiftration, till the Cafe in Controverfy ftiall be heard and determined determined' L by the Governor or Commander in Chief, and Council, for the Time being. f'"= '^e cover- ^ nor& Council. IX. ANT> he it further Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaid. That Creditors creditors tomake of any Perfon deceafed, fhall make their Claim within Seven Years after the Death *^^">-ciaim in? of fuch Debtor ; otherwife fuch Creditor fliall be for ever barred : And if it ftiall barred. °' """ happen that any Sum or Sums of Money ftiall hereafter remain in the Hands of J^veLs'^o any Adminiftrator, after the Term of Seven Years fliall be expired, and not reco- to \hlvlxx^ vered by any of Kin to the Deceafed, or by any Creditor in that Time ; the fame ftiall be paid to the Churchwardens and Veftry, to and for the Ufe of the Parifti where the faid Money fliall remain. after H CHAP, ,s^ LA JV S of North-Carolina. ':^ D. CHAP. XLIX. An A£l^ coficerning Orphans, 1. "O ^ ^^ Enabled, by his Excellency the Palatine, and the rejl of the true and J3 ^i'foltiie Lords Proprietors of the Province of Carolina, hy and with the Advtce and Confent of the reft of the Members of the General Affembly now met at Little River, for the North-Eaft Part of the faid Province, and it Us hereby En- adied, by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the Ratincation of this A(5t, no Ptrfon or Perfons whatibever fhall give or bind any Children or Or- phans not to he phans, nor fliall any Pcrfon take or receive any Children or Orphans fo given or 'thrc!>ur'r^ Jogues of all and Angular the Books in the faid Library, and the fame being fairly written, and figned by the fiid Commiflioners, or fome Five of them, One to be entered upon Record, in the Secretary's Oflice of this Province, One to be in the Cuftody and for the Ufe of the Commiflioners hereafter named, under which tlie Catalogues where 'Library-keeper fliall fign a Receipt for the refpedive Books, One to be in the *" "^ " s« • Cuftody L A IV S o/' North-Carolina. Cullody of the Churchwardens of St. Thomases Parifh for the Time being, under which the Library-keeper fhall alfo fign a Receipt for the rtfpedive Books, and One to be fairly entered in a Book tor that Purpofe to be kept by the Library- keeper in the faid Library ; that fo any Perfon may know what Books are con- tained therein. Cort^miflioners to XXVIL A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the fate the Books, CommifTioners, or any Five of them, hereutter named, after making One exaft Cataloo-ue of all and fingular the refpeftive Books in the faid Library, fliall, and are hereby direfted, to appraife and rate each Book, at a Price certain in the Cur- rent Money of this Province •, which Appraifment Ihall be an eftablifhed Rule to determine the Value of the faid Books, in Cafe any Suit is brought by the faid CommifTioners againfb^ any Perfon .that lliall detain or damnify any of the faid Books, or againlt tne Library-keeper, his Executors or Acfminiflrators. commimoners to XXVIII. A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the cK^mine the V- Commiflloncrs hereafter named, or any Five of them, fliall, every Year, on Ea- SiaryonceaYear. j^^^nday Yearly, refort to the Houfe where the faid Library fliall be kept, and there examine the Books thereof by the Catalogue, and fee that there be the full Number, and that they are not damaged or fpoiled -, and therefore the Li- brary-keeper is hereby required, in lending any of the faid Books out of the faid Library, notwithftanding the Time ufuaily allowed by this Adf, to oblige the faid Perfon to return fuch Books as they borrow to the faid Library-keeper Ten Days before the faid Eafter Monday, Yearly, that fo all and fingular the Books belong- in o- to the Library aforefaid, may be expofed to the View of the faid Commifllon- er^ the better to enable them to judge if they be any ways damaged or fpoiled, and give their Order accordingly. cnmnv.ffn n XXIX. A N D be it furthcr Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That the named and ap- Honourable Charles Eden, Lfq-, prcfent Govv.rnor, and the Governor or Com- ^' "'"*■ mandtr in Chief for the Time being, the Members of the Council for the Time beins;, Chrtflopher Gale, Ffq-, Chief Jufl:ice, and the Chief Juft:ice for the Time being' 'Tobias Knight, Efq^ Secretary, and the Secretary for the Time being, Coi^Edivard Mofcley, Speaker of this prefent AlTtmbly, and the Speaker for the Time being, Bawel Richardfon, Efq-, Attorney-General, and the Attorney-Gene- ral for the Time being, the Members of the Precintl Court for the Time being, Capt. Frederick Jones, Mr. John Porter, Mr. Joel Martin, Capt. John Drinkwa- ter, Mr. John Clark, Mr. Patrick Maule, Mr. Thomas Worfeley, Mr. Lionel Reading, Mr. James Leigh, and Mr. Tho?nas Harding, or any Five of them, are hereby nominated to be Commiflioners and Truftees, for the due Infpedion and Prefervation of the Library aforefaid, and all and fingular the refpedtive Books to the fame belonging -, and they, or any Five of them, fliall have Power to com- mence or bring any Suit or Acl:ion given by this A61. inCaicofDeaih XXX. A N D in Cafc of the Death or Abfence of any of the Commiflioners ?e/.!'/?hTcom! who are by this Ad particularly by Name before appointed, then the furviving Tnifiioners\o"a"- CommifTiontrs, or any Five of them, at their next Meeting after fuch Vacancy, .point others. ^^^ hereby fully authorifed and impowered to make Choice of another, in the Place and Stead of him or them who fliall be dead or abfcnted ; which faid Commif- fioners fo elected fliall be invefl:ed with the fame Authority, as if he had been be- fore in this Ad particularly named and appointed. conmimoners to XXXI. A N D be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That theCom- hl'^'btrTow'lJ" miffioners above named, or any Five of them, after having examined the Catalogue of Books, and difcovered what are wanting, fliall fummons fuch Perfons as have the faid Books in their Cuftody, to deliver the fame, within Twenty Days after fuch LA IV S ^ N O R T H - C A R O L I N- A. 37 V ' Bocks, to Ac- count. P^Tfons who have to return fuch Notice in Writing Ic-ft with the Perfon, or at his ufual Place of Abode •, and ^^- -d. 1715. in Cafe any Perfon fnall fail or refufe to deliver the faid rcfpedive Books to the ' faid Commiffioners, then the laid Com mifiioners, or any Five of them, are here- by required, direded, and impowered, to take fuch Meafure for the Recovery of the fame, or treble the Value thereof, as is before by this Act prefcribed. XXXII. AN D be it further EnaSfcd, by the Authority aforefaid. That all Per- i-^o fons that have borrowed, or have in their Cuftody, any of the Books belonging ^°"^'' - — " to the Library aforefaid, fliall, on or before the next Eajler Monday, return the f^, m^ay fame to the prefcnt Library-keeper, under the Penalty of the Forfeiture of treble the Value of each Book not returned as aforefaid •, the better to enable tiie Com- miflioners before named to make a perlccl Catalogue of the Books belongino' to the faid Library. XXXIII. A N D be it further EnaSled^ by the Authority aforefaid. That for the ^^d Town, to e further Encouragement ot the Town of 5«/;6, and all other Towns now or here- i'-'^ oneBuigefs' after to be built within this Government, it fhall and may be lawful for the P>ee- holders of the faid Town of B.ith, and of all other Towns now or hereafter to be built within this Government, at all Times hereafter when Reprefentatives or Bur- geffes are to be chofen for the Precin6l wherein the Town lies, to eled; one Bur- gefs to rcprefent the fime in all fucceeding Aflemblies. # XXXIV. PROVIDED always. That this Eledlion for Members of Allem- p,>vir.. bly to ferve tor the Town of Bath, of any other Town whatfoe ver, fhall not be- gin or conunence till fuch Town fhall have at leaft Sixty Families. ' XXXV. PROVIDED alfo. That nothing in this Aft contained, fhall be Provifo. held or taken to limit or hinder the Inhabitants of Newbern from fendino- a Re- prefentative to the Affembly, being hereby allowed although there fhould not be Sixty Families inhabiting in the faid Town. CHAP. Lin. 4 An AB, concer?^7g Ordijiary-keepers and Tippli?ig-houfes. Rep. by Aa, A- /"■"'4. 1 74 1. \'"Myj ' Chap. 20. C.H A P. LIV. An Act, afcertain'mg the Currency of Dollars. O B S. CHAP. LV. An AB, afccrtaining the Damage^ upon protefied Bills of Exchange, Rep. by aa, a. fril^, 1741. Chap, 16. C H Ar~ LVL Piibiick Letters how to be conveyed. O B S. K CHAP. 38 L A W S of Nor TH-C AR o L iTa. '^'A. D. Ills. "-"^ ' CHAP. LVII. Rep by Aft,^ ^^j A5i^ to prevcHt taking Boats, Canoes, ajid Pettiaguas, from La?idmgs^ Chap. 13. ' njcithout Leave. CHAP. LVIII. 3!.-p. by Aft. An Aci, to afcertain Officers Fees, April 6, 1748. Chap. 2. CHAP. LIX^ An A£i, for reflraining the Indians fro7n ^nolefiing or injurifig the Ijiha* bitants of this Government, and for fecuring to the Indians the Right and Property of their own Lands. Preamble. J. TjT T H E R E A S before the late War, daily and grievous Complaints of y^ the Depredations and Infults of the Indians were exhibited againft them, by divers Perfons bordering upon, and refiding near to the Habitations of the faid Indians: For the Prevention of the like Dilbrders for the Time to come, and for the cultivating a better Underfbanding with the faid Indians, the Want of which has been fo injurious to the Government ; II. Be it EnaHed, by his Excellency'^ 4,h^ Palatine, and the reft of the true and ahfolute Lords Proprietors of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Confent of this prefent General Jffcwb/y, now met at Little River, for the North-Eail Part of the faid Province^ and_ it is hereby Enabled by the Authority of the fame. That Indian!, killing whocver fliall difcover or find any Indian or Indians killing, hunting, or in Pur- S"''to\^'"u'"'' ^'^^^'- ^^ '^"y Horfes, Cattle, or Plogs, the Right and Property whereof is in any niflied. white Man, inhabiting within this Government^ every fuch Perfon or Perfons, on Difcovery or Sight thereof, may, and he is hereby impowcred, to apprehend and feize every fuch Indian or Indians, and him or them fo apprehended and taken, to convey before fome one ot the Commifiioners to be appointed for Indian Affairs, and for want of fuch, before the nejif Mag^rate •, which faid Commif- fioner or Magiftrate, together with the Ruler or Head Man of the Town to which fuch Indian Delinquent may belong, is and are hereby impowered to punifh every fuch Delinquent in fuch Manner as the Nature of, the Offence may require, and to Right to' appeal, award Rellitution to the Party injured for all Damages by him fuftained ; faving always the Right of Appeal to the Governor and Council, if either Party fliall think themfelves aggrieved or wronged thereby.' Dftorences be- JU, AND bc it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Dit- vvTite Men7how fctcncc fliall, for the future, arife between any white Man ^n^^^ Indian, concerning to be determined. Tradc, or othcrwifc howfocvcr, every fuch Difference fliall be heard, tried, and determined by fuch Commiffioners as the Governor or Commander in Chief tor the Time being fliall appoint, together with the Ruler or Head Man of the Town to which the Indian belongs •, faving offf^ the Right of Appeal, as is herein beiore faved and excepted. IV. AND whereas there is great Realon to believe, that Difputes concerning Land has already been of fital Confequence to the Peace and welfare of this Co- lony ; L^^^'S'o/'North-Carolina. 39 lony •, Be it further Enatlcd^ by the Authority aforejaui^ Ihat no white Man fliall, f^JLJZlZ/ for any Confideration wliatfoever, purchafe or buy any Tratt or Parcel of Land, no Perfon t,. buy claimed or aftually in Poirellion of any Indian, without fpecial Liberty for fo do- ]^'^l'^^l confcnc ino- from the Governor and Council firfl had and obtained, under the Penalty of ofGovemur an* Iwenty Pounds for every Hundred Acres of Land fo bargained for and pur- '^''"""=''- chafed ; one Half to the Informer, and the other Half to him or them that fliall fue for the fame : To be recovered, by Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any Court of Record within this Government ; wherein no EIToign, Proted:ion, Injunftion, or Wager of Law, lliall be allowed or admitted of. V. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority nforefnid. That whatever White Men not white Man fhall defraud or take from any of the Indians his Goods, or fliall beat, ^°™^ " '""• abufe, or injure his Perfon, each and every Perfon fo offending, fliall make full Satisfadion to the Party injured, and fliall fuffer fuch other Punifliment as he fliould or ought to have done, had the Offence been committed to an EngUfhman. F C H A P. LX. Publick Treafurcrs to give Account. O R Prevention of Frauds in the Management and Difpofal of Public Monies •, II. B E it Enabled, by his Excellency the Palatine, and the refi of the true and abfolute Lords Proprietors of the Province of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Confent of the reft of the Members of the General Affembly, now met at Little River, for the North-Eafl: Part of the faid Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame. That all Perfons whatfoever within this Province, (be they of what Qtiality or Condition foever,) that form.erly have been, now are, or ^rnedw'ithPu"- hereafter fliall be Treafurcrs, Colle6lors, or Receivers of Public Monies, now '■<: Money, to raifed, or hereafter to be raifed, by the Authority of the General Affembly, or Afr^mbi^ who by any Ways or Means have, are, or fliall, for the future, be poffeflTed of the fame, or any Part thereof, fliall, from Time to Time, and at all Times here- after, be accountable to the General Affembly, or to fuch Commiflioners as fliall or may be appointed by the Authority of the fame, and to no other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever. CHAP. LXL An ASf, for a Town ofi Roanoke JJland, for the 'Encoiiragemeitt of 'Trade ^^p- ^y ^^j' from Foreign Parts, -, chap, n'. CHAP. Lxn. Ati A61, for raifing Corn, to fatisfy the Debt due from this Government^ to the Honourable Charles Craven, Efq; Governor of South-Carolina ; and for the SiihfijlaJice of fuch Forces as jhall be raifed for the neceffary Defence of the Frontiers of this Government, O B S. CHAP. 40 L A JV S of North-Carolina. A D 1715. CHAP. LXIII. An AB^ for raifmg the Sum of Two Thoifand Pounds, A72nually, till the Public Debts are anfwered and paid, for the better encouraging the Currency of the Public Bills of Credit. O B S. CHAP. LXIV. An ASi, impowering Johanna Peterfon, Widow of Thomas Peterfon, late of Albemarle County, Efq\ to make Sale of certain Lands, late be- longing to the faid Thomas Peterfon 5 and to make other Provifon for Anna, the Daughter of the faid Thomas Peterfon, to whom the faid Lands do defcend. Private, J. -v-^THEREAS 'Thowias Peferfcn, late of Albemarle County, Efq-, died YY feifed and poiTeffcd in his Demefne, of Fee, of, in, and to a certain Plantation or Traftot Land, lying in the Fork of ^een Anne's Creek, in Chowan Precinft, containing, by Eftinution, Four Hundred Acres, be the fame more or Itfs, butted and bounding to the Eajiward on the Town Land, and to the IVeJi- ward on Sicccml's Creek ; and aifo, of, in, and to one Half Acre or Lot of Land in Bath-Toivn, butting and bounding to the Southward on the Lot of Col. Xpher Gale, and to the Northward on one of the Crofs Streets •, which faid Plantation and Lot of Land, do defcend unto Anna, an Infant, the Daughter of the faid 'Tb etnas : And whereas Johanna, the Mother of the faid Afwa^ by her Petition preferred to this Affembly, is. very willing, for the Advancement of the i'&id Anna's Portion, to relinquifh h^r Right of Dower of, in, an,d to the faid Lands and Lot, provided that the fame Lands and Lot may be fold, to and for the Ufe, Benefit, and Intereft of the faid Anna, the faid Lands and Lot now having confidcrablc Improvements thereon, which makes them valuable-, which otherwife will be very much impaired and ruined before the faid ylmia fliall come ot Age : Wherefore, II. B E it Enacted, hy his Excellency the Palatine, and the rcji of the true and ahfolute Lords Proprietors of the Province of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Confent of the refi of the Members of the General Affembly, now met at Little Ri- ver, for the North-Eaft Part of the faid Province, and it is hereby Ena^ed, by the Authority of the fame. That the faid Johanna be, and Ihe is hereby impowered, to bargain, fell, alien, enfeoff, and transfer the faid Plantation or 1 rad: of Land lying in the Fork of ^een Anne's, Creek, in Chowan Precinft, containing, by Eftimation, Four Hundred Acres, be the fame more or lefs, butting and bound- ing to the Eajiward on the Town Land, and to the IVeJlward on Slocomb's Creek ; alfo one Half Acre or Lot of Land in Bath-Town, butting and bounding to the Southward on the Lot of Col. Xpher Gale, and to the Northward on one of the Crofs Streets ; or any Part or Parcel of the fame, to any Perfon or Perfons that iliall be willing to give moft Money for the fame •, to have and to hold the fame to fuch Purchafer or Purchafers, his or their Heirs and Affigns, for ever. III. AND for the better fecuring the Money arifing by fuch Sale, to and for the Ufe, Benefit, and Intereft of the faid Anna, her Heirs and Affigns ; It is here- by further Enacted, That immediately at and upon the Sale of the aforefaid Plan- tation or Trad of Land, and Lot, or any Part of the fame, the faid Anna fhall ftand and be feifed in her Demefne, as of Fee, of, in, and to one certain Planta- tion or Trad of Land, whereof the faid Johanna is and now ftands feifecl and poflefied LA IV S of North-Carolina. 41 A. D. i; poiTefled of, in Pequmons Frecintt, containing, by Eftimation, One Hundred ■ and Seventy Acres, be the fame more. or lefs, fituate, lying, and being on C^Jik- ton's, or Laker's Creek, butting and bounding on the Lands of Inliana Lakers and Richard Skinner ; to have and to hold the fame Plantation or T.> aft" of Land, to her the faid Amia, her Heirs and AlTigns, in Fee-Simple, vy}tlv\Condition, that if the faid Johayina do pay the Monies arifing by I'uch Sale to tlie faid ylnna, at and upon her Arrival to the Age of Eighteen Years, or Day of Marriage, or otherwife appropriate the Monies arifing by the Sale of the aforefaid Plantation or Traft of Land at the Fork of ^.een Anne's Creek, and Lot aforefaid,' by pur- chafing young Female Slaves for the Lffe of the fai<^ Anna \ then the aforefaid Efbate of the faid Anna, of, in, and- to the afore-mentioned Plantation or Tra6t of Land in Psqtiimons Precindl, to be invalid and of no Force or Effedl. CHAP. LXV. All A5t, Confirming the T'itles of fundry Pe?fons who hanje, or hereafter ma)\ pur chafe Lands of Col. Thomas Cary, in Bath County. I. TTTHEREAS Co]. 'Thomas Cary taking up and purchafing divers Lands Pnwte, V V ^^'^ Plantations in Baih County, the Deeds or Patents paffed for the fame have been taken in the,/ Name of John Cary, an Infant, Son of the faid 1'homas, although the Purchafe-Money, or Confideration paid for the fame, was actually and bona fide the Monies of the faid 'Thcmas, and by him, the faid Tho- mas, paid: And whereas the {:i\d. Thomas Cary having bargained, fold, aliened, and transferred unto divers Perfons, and their Heirs, feveral Trafts or Parcels of Land, in Bath County aforefaid, and is intended to bargain, fell, and transfer the remaining Part of the aforefaid Lands in Bath County : Wherefore, for avoiding Difputes that may hereafter arife concerning the aforefaid Title, taken in the a- forefaid John Cary's Name, and for eafirig and quieting the Minds of fuch Per- fons as have purchafed the fame, or may hereafter purchafe from the faid Thomas Cary, and purfuant to the Petition of the faid Thomas Cary ; II. B E it Enabled, by his Excellency )he Palatine, and the reft of the true and abfolute Lords Proprietors of the Pro'vince of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Confent of the reft of the Members of the General AJfembly, now met at Little River, for the North-Eafl Part of the faid Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame. That all and fingular the Bargains, Sales, Alienations, and Conveyances, already made and paffed, or hereafter to be made and pafTed, by the faid Thomas Cary, unto any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, their Heirs and AfTigns, of, in, and to any of the Lands, Tenements, and Plantations, in Bath County, which lately were, or now are, in the PofTefTion or Occupation of the faid Thomas Cary, and for which Deeds or Conveyances have been made and paf- fed, to and for the Ufe of the fiiid John Cary, an Infant, Son of the faid Thomas Cary, or in the Name of the faid John, fliall fland, be, and for ever remain, tfirm and available inXaw and„Equity, to fuch Purchafer or Purchafers, their Heirs and AlTigns, having, or hereafter to have, from the faid Thomas Cary, any Bargains, Sales, Alienations, or Conveyances for the fame ; any fuch Deeds of Sale, Conveyance, or Alienation formerly made in the faid John Cary's Name, or to or for his Ufe and Behoof, notwithflanding. CHAP. /■"\ 42 Ly4^Sof North-Carolina. A D. 1715. CHAP. LXVI. An AB, for the Confirmation of the Laws pajfed this SeJJion of Affemhly, and for Repealing all former haws not herein particularly excepted, OBSOLETE. S I G N E D by Charles Eden, Efq; Governor, N. Che^iti, W. Reed, Chr, Gale, Tobias Knight, Francis Forfier^ Lords Proprietors Deputies. Edward Mofeley, Speaker, Anno LAWS o/' North-Carolina. 4;; A. iX 1720. uS fl!o ^ o!o Jiti tSu t-fe «;a tAO tXo t^to t'Sj ^*^ Mih^ M'& MW>^ M£l ,.4'^Cl MikJM& i#.Skik Anno Regni G E O R G I I Regis, Macr^ie Britannia^ Franct^e^ & Hiberni^, Sexto. At a General Biennial ASSEMBLY, held at the Court- L"bnVe4 houfe in Chonjoan Precinct, the Second Day of Augujl, ''"^"""" One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Twenty, and con- tinued, by feveral Adjournments, to the Twentieth Day of the fame Month. CHAP. I. An A6t^ for lejfening the Poll and Land TaXy and for preventing of Con- cealments. REPEALED. ' CHAP. II. An additional A6ty to the AB, intituled^ An Ad:, for Eftabliihing the Rep. by Aft, Church, and appointing Seledt Veftries. ■^^^' +. »745. CHAP. III. An ABy in Addition to the AB^ For making a Town at ^een Anne'^ Rep. by as, Creek. ^«^«/? 11,1740, Chap. I, CHAP, 44 X^/F5o/' North- Carolina. A. D. ijio. ' ' ' C H A P. IV. Rep. by Aft, ^/z additiotial A5i to an ASf, intituled^ An A61, concerning Ordinary- cCp. 19. " keepers and Tippling-houfes. CHAP. V. Rep. by Aft, An A£f, in Explanation of the AB, Concernins; Servants and Slaves. Aprils, 1741. r J O Chap. 44. CHAP. VL An AB, to confirm a Decree ?nade in the Court of Chancery of this Pro- evince , upon a Bill of Complaint exhibited by William Duckenfield, Efq-^ Private. ' I, "T"]|THEREASata Court of Chancery, held the Eleventh Day o'i May, Y V ^^^ ThoLifand Seven Hundred and Thirteen, upon the Complaint of William 'Duckenfield^ Efq-, a Decree was palled in thefe Words, -viz. 'North-Carolina^ IT. At a Court of Chancery held at the Houfe of Capt. 'Thomas Lee, in Chowan Pre- cin6t, on Monday May the nth, Anno Domini 171 3. PRESENT, The Honourable T H o M A s Pollock, Efq-, President, f 'Thomas Boyd., ^ nr, TT ui J William Reed, \ -^r Lords Proprietors The Honourable <; ^^^^^ ^^^^^ v, Efqrs., ly^^^^,^,^ \^ Tobias Knight, J ' Upon reading the Bill of Complaint o^ William Duckenfield, of the Precin6l ' of Chowan, Efq; this Day, therein fetting forth, That he the faid William ' Duckenfield, about Sixteen Years laft paft, was, and yet is, lawfully feifed, in * his Demefne, as of Fee, of and in one large Tra6l or Parcel of Land, in the ' Precinft aforeiaid, containing, by Eftimation, Four Thoufand Acres, bounding * on Albemarle Sound Eafizvard, and on Salmon Creek Wefiward, and being thereof * fo feifed, one John Arderne, Efq-, coming into this Government, and being ' fomething related to him the faid Duckenfield, by Intermarriage, and the faid ' John Arderne being in low Circumftances, and not in Poffeflion of any vifibie ' Eftate, he the faid Duckenfield, the better to give Credit and Reputation to him ' the faid Arderne, and to put him in Pofleffion of a vifible Eftate, thereby to ' advance himfelf, upon efpecial Truft and Confidence which he then repofed ' fecretly in the faid Arderne, by his Deed, fufficient in the Law, bearing Date ' the Thirty Firft Day of July, Anno Domini lyoz, did grant, bargain, and fell ' unto the faid Arderne, the aforefaid Tracfl or Parcel of Land, containing Four '. Thoufand Acres ; to have and to hold the fame unto him the faid Arderne, his * Heirs and Affigns, for ever : Which faid Deed mentions, that the fame was for ' and in Confideration of the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds, in Hand paid, ' when, in Truth, the faid Two Hundred Pounds was not paid, nor any Part or * Parcel thereof, nor intended to be paid, nor indeed could the faid Arderne pre- * tend L ^ 7'^ .? c/ N O R T H - G A R O L I N A. 45 tend to pay the fame ; but the laid Deed was palled for no. other Reafon than what is above alledged : And further, that the faid Deed was not only meant and intended to be in IVuft, to the Ule of him the faid Duckevfield, Efq-, but, at the-Time of the making thereof, it was fo declared and exprcifed, as well by the faid Duckcnfidd, as by the faid Ardcrne, in Prefence and Hearing of divers WitnefTes, and not to the Ufe of the faid Arderne, other than in Cafe the faid Ardenie fhould outlive him, i^c. And further, that the faid John Arderne did, as well at the ligning the faid Deed, as at divers Times fince,' declared to divers Perfons, - that he did not pay the Two Hundred Pounds, and that the fame Deed "was palTed to -him for no other Ufe, Intent, or Trufl whatfoever, than that the lame lliouid abfolutcly return to him the faid Dude .fields in Cafe he fhould out-Jive the faid yf .-i.rw ; and alfo, that the {'Adi Arderne^ willing to make known to the World the many and uncom.mon Favours which he had received from him the fiid Duckenjield, by his Lail Will and Teftament, in Writing, bearing Date the 2 2d Day oiOSioher^ ^l^l-> doth' make ample ivlen- tion of the fame, and that his Intention was,' to give all his Eflate, both Real andPeribnal, that he was poffelfed of, or fliould have Right to, to him, v/hich he confirm.s by divers Aileverations in the faid Will mentioned, as by the fame will and may appear : Notwithftanding which, divers Perfons, injurioufly. de- figning to bring in Queftion his the faid Duckenfield' s Tide to the aforefaid Four Thoufand Acres of Land, altho' he was never out of PoffeiTion ihereof,.'do give out, that the Fee-Simple of the faid Land is not in him, but in the Heirs of the faid John Arderne^ and the Trull repofed by him the {&id'l'filiia)n Bucken- Jield : And forafmuch as the faid Deed, in Writing, is abfolutely .without any Ufe declared or expreffed therein, and without any Trufi: in the fime men- tioned, and that the aforefiid Will ot the faid John Arderne doth not iTuke ex- prefs Mention, that the fame Four Thoufand Acres commonly known by the- Name of Salmon-Creek^ were given, devifed, and bequeathed unto him the faid Duckenfield, and his Heirs, for lack and want ot Knowledge in the Law of the faid John Arderne^ how to ufe apt and exprefs Words for the granting and con- veying the fame back again to him, purfuant to the Truft repofed in the faid John Arderne, altho' the Intent and Meaning of the faid Arderne fo to do may be fufficiently proved and obferved ; and the faid John Arderne being now dead, wlio could make appear that the Allegations in this Bill of Complaint are true and certain, and divers Evidences or vVitnefies, as well to the faid Deed, who could prove the aforefaid Ufe or Truft declared, and divers other Witneffes which he could have produced to prove the fame, are fome dead, others re- moved to Parts unknown, fonie aged and impotent, and living far off, and not able to travel to this Court, and others being tranfcient Perfons, £fff. do there- fore pray. That a Commiffion may be ifllied out of this Court, direded to fuch Perfons as may be thought fitting, to examine fuch WitneiTes, in perpetuam ret Memoriam, as fhall be produced by him the faid Ducke/tfield, for the Proof of the aforefiid Ufe or Truft, ^c. and alfo, that by the Decree of this Court, he may be relieved in the Premifes, and the Fee-Simple 0/ the aforefaid Land be adjudged and decreed to him, &c. And upon reading the fevcral Depofitions taken by Vertue of the aforefaid Commifiion out of this Court, as alfo the Will ot the faid John Arderne, and upon due and mature Confideration thereon, this Court are of Opinion, That the faid Deed mentioned in the faid Bill was made only in Truft, and that no Confideration was ever paid and fatisiied, or intend- ed to be paid or fatisfied, for the fame -, and it is the Opinion of this Court likewife, thit the faid John Arderne'?. Intent and Defign, by his Laft Will and Teftament, was to give and bequeath the fame Lands back again to him the faid William Duckenfield, and his Heirs, for ever, although exprefs Mention thereof be not made therein. M * W H E R E- -V— 46 LAWS o/'North-Carolina. yi r>. * WHEREUPON this Court do Declare, Adjudge, Order, and Decree, ' That the aforefaid Deed be null and void, and that the aforefaid Four Thoufand * Acres of Land do revert, come, and remain unto the faid William Duckenfield, * Efq-, and to his Heirs and Affigns, tor ever, without the leail Lett, Mokftation, * or Hinderance of any Perfon or Perfons, claiming trom, by, or under the a- * forefaid John Arderne^ or his Heirs, Executors, Adminiftrators, or Affigns, or * any from or under them or either of them.' Ordered, Decreed, and Entered, by us, and our Order, the above faid 1 1 th Day of MiSy, Anno Domini 1713. Which Decree, upon the Prayers of the faid William Duckenfieldj having been carefully and duly confidered by this Allembly ; 11. B E it Enacted^ by his Excellency the Palr.tine, and the reft of the true and abfolute Lords Proprietors of the Province cf Carolina, by and with the Advice and Confent of the reft of the Members of the General Aftembly, notv met at the General Court-houfe, at Queen- Anne' j Creek, in Chowan Precin£f, for the North -Eaft Part of the faid Province, and it is hc'cby Enabled, by the Authority of the fame. That the Decree, upon the Bill, of Complaint di William Duckenficldy Efq; reci- ted, pafled, and inrolled in the Court of Chancery, the Eleventh Day of May, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Thirteen, and every Part and Parcel, Article and Glaufe therein contained, fhall be and remain firm and available in Law and Equity, to all Intents and Purpofcs whatever contained therein, without being liable to any Bill of Reverfe, or other Procefs whatever, to reverfe and annul the fame. S I G N E D by Charles Eden, Efqj Governor, 'Thomas Pollock, W. Reed, Fraficis Forjler, John Lovick, Lords Proprietors Deputies. William Swann, Speaker. Anno Z^yf/^^O/'NORTH-CAROLINA. 47 A. D. 1722. Anno Regni G E Reoris, Macr.'j^ Britannue. Francis, & Hibsm'tie^ 06lavo. At a General Biennial ASSEMBLY, held at Edentof!, in }^' -^ ^ '^.^ Chowan Precin£i:, the Second Day of O^ober, One Thou- p^^^^''^"'- land Seven Hundred and Twenty Two, and continued, by feveral Adjournments, to the Nineteenth Day of the fame Month. C H A P. I. ^2 Act^ for a Road from Core-F'oint, on Pamptico, to Newbern, on Neufe Rwer. I. TTTHEREASa Road from Core-Pointy to Netvbern Town, would be PrWatc. V V of "^^^y great Ufe and Adva ntage to the Inhabitants of the upper Parts of Neufe River in particular, and to 'the County of Bath in general, which, by Reafon of the Inhabitants of thofe Part; > belonging already to other Diftrids, can- not be altered but by Authority of Affembly : Wherefore it is humbly prayed that it may be Enacted, II. AND be it Ena£ied, by his ExcMency the Palatine, and the reft of the true and abfolute Lcrds Proprietors of the Province of Carolina, by and with the Ad- vice and Confent of the reft of the Manbers of this prefent General Affembly, now met at Edenton, at Qyeen Anne'j Crtek, in Chowan Precin^, for the North-Eaft Part of the faid Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame. That all the Inhabitants living on the Sotith Side of Pamptico River, or that here- after Ihall fettle on the South Side of tl*e faid River, from Derham's Creek up- wards ; and all the Inhabitants fettled on the South Side of Neufe River, from Slocomb's Creek upwards, inckiding Ti -ent River -, and all the Inhabitants in the Fork of Neufe -, are hereby ordered to work upon the Main Road that is to be laid out, by the Perfons hereafter app ointed for that Purpofe, from the North Side 48 LAWS O/' N O R T H - C A R O L I N A. ^■^ Side of Neufe River, beginning diredly over againft the Town of Newbern, to Core-Point., on the South Side of Pamplico River. III, jiN D he it further Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That Capt. Rich- ard Graves, Capt, William Hancock, Mr. John Trip, and Robert 'Titrner, Efq; or any Three of them, are hereby ordered and impowercd to lay out the faid Road from Newbern Town to Core-Point, witliin Three Months after the Ratifi- cation of this Act, under the Penalty of Twenty Pounds ; one Half to the Party fuing for the fame, and the other Half to the Veftry of the Two Precinfts, for the Ufe of the ParilliCs : To be recovered, by Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any Court of Record within this Governm.ent •, wherein no ElToign, Proteftion, In- jundlion, or Wager of Law, {hall be allowed or admitted of. ly, AND he it fyrther Ena£fsd, by the Avjhortty cforefaid. That Mr. John Trip is hereby appointed Overfeer of the People that are liable to work on the faid Road, belonging to the South Side of Pamptico River, within the Bounds afore-mentioned in this A6t •, and that Capt. Richard Graves is appointed Over- feer of the People that are liable to work on the aforefaid Road, within the Bounds mentioned aforefaid : And that the aiorefaid Overfeers and People are liable to the fame Fines and Forfeitures, as all other Overfeers and People, liable to work on Public Roads, have heretofore been. V. A NJ) be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all the In- habitants refiding on the South Side of Pamptico River, from Derham^s Creek downwards, including Bay River-, and all the Inhabitants on Beard's Creek, and downwards, living on the North Side of Neufe River ; are hereby ordered to work on and maintain the old Road that fprmcrly was laid out, from Wilkinfon' s-Pointy on the North Side of Neufe River,' to the Fork of Derham's Creek, at the Plan- tation that Mr. Thomas Sparrow, deceafed, formerly dwelt on : And that they are under the fame Fines and Forfeitures as all People, liable to vvork on Public Roads, have heretofore been. CHAP. II. An AEt, for jnaking the Sum of Twche TJjottfmid Poimds^ Public Bills of' Credit, for exchanging fuch of the Public Bills of Credit as are ?iow Ciirreitt, thereby to render" them the tnore ufeful to the (jovernment ; and fbr regulating the Taxes. O B S. > CHAP. III. Ajt additional ASi to an AB, i-nti tided. An A.(£l, appointing ToU-Books* I'resmMe, I, TTTHEREASan Act, intituled. An Act, for appointing Tcll-Bcoks to y Y be kept in this Government, has been palled -, and the faid A<5t has been rendered ufelefs by Reafon of the Places appointed by it for Toll-Books to be kept being inconvenient, and the Fee* allowed to fuch Ferfons as are appointed to keep them lb fmall, that no Perfon will take the Trouble of the faid Office on himfelf : Wherefore it is prayed, that an Aft may be made for the Continuance of the laid Aft, and that there be fixed Places appointed for the Toll-keepers in the feveral Precinfts, and that the faid Toll-keepers Fees be raif^d : \\,BE Toll-Offices LA W S of No Rth-Carolina. 49 i- ^. D. i-jTz: U. B E it therefcre EnaBed, by his Excellency the Palatine, and the reji of the true and abfolute Lords Proprietors of Carolina, by and with the Jdvice and Confent of this frefent General yIf[embU\ now met at Edenton, on Qu-en Anne'j Creeky in Chowan Precinct ^ for the North-Eaft Part of the faid Province^ and it is hereby Enabled by the Authority of the fame. That the Toll-Office for the Pre- cin<5l of Chowan, be kept at the Head of Catherine''^ Cretk, near Mr. Thomas where^tobekept* Speight's, at the Head of Pequimons, and at Maycock Creek, in Currituck Pre- cinft; for Bertie Precinct, at Boon's Ferry, and fuch other Places as the Prccincl Court fhall appoint ; And that every Toll-keeper fliall be allowed the Sum of Four Pence for each Hog, and Six Pence a Head for all Cattle, carried or tranf- JfJ'-''"P"s ported out of this Government, by all Perfons carrying or tranfporting the fame, under the like Penalty as in the faid A6t is mentioned ; and the laid Toll-keepers are to obferve all Articles and Claufcs in the faid Ad: mentioned, under the like Pains, Fines, and Penalties therein exprefled. CHAP. IV. . jin A5f, for enlarging and Encouragement of the "town called Edenton, Rep. by Aa, t'n Chow3.n Prt'dn^. Ac/ 21. 174°' Chap. I. CHAP. V. An AB, appointing that Part of Albemarle County lying on the Wefl see Side of Chowan River, to be a PrecinSi, by the Name of Bertie ^l''^ 4. ^ti PrccinSl. y uic ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ I. \fj' H E R E A S That Part of Albemarle County lying on the JVefi Side ^^''^^^'" VV of Chowan River, being Part of Chowan Precind, is now inhabited al- ^"'""^' nioft to the utmoft of the faid County Wefiward, and 'by Reafon of the remote Situation thereof, the Inhabitants, which are growing very numerous, cannot without too great Inconveniency, be continued any longer as Part of Chowan Pre- cind : Wherefore, II. B E it Enacted, by his Excellency the Palatine, and the reji of the true and abfolute Lords Proprietors of the Province of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Confent of the refl of the Members of the General Affew.bh, now met at Eden- ton, at Qiieen Anne'j Creek, in Chowan PrecinB, for Z/?;^'' North-Eaft Part of the faid Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by the yluthority of the fame That that Part of Albemarle County lying on the Weji Side of Chowan River ' beine Part of Chowan Precind, bounded to the Northward by the Line dividino- this Government from Vnginia, and to the Southward hy Albemarle Sound and Mo- r attack River, as far up as Welch's Creek, and then including both Sides of the faid River, and the Branches thereof, as far as the Limits of this Government be, and the fame is hereby declared to be ereded into a Precind, by the Name of Bertie Precind, in Albemarle County •, with all and every the Rights and Pri- vileges, and other Benefits and Advantages whatfoever, as any other of the Four Precinds in Albemarle County can or may have, ufc, or enjoy. N III, AND EJgcombCounty ; alfo yifri/ 4, Chap. I, Nonhamftm jo i^v^^iSo/" North-Carolina. A. n. 1/52 \\\^ AN D he it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaidy That the Eledlion for Reprefentatives for the faid Precin6t, fhall always be at the Court-houfe for the fiid Precinct, or at fuch Place as Ihall be appointed for building the faid Court-houfe on. CHAP. VI. ^p), ?^^ ^%' -^^ -^^i concerning Fees and Officers. Chap, 2. CHAP. VII. An ABy appointing that Part of the South-weft Parijh of Chowan that lies on tbe South Shore, and Alligator, to be a difiinSl Pariflo^ by the Name of the South PariJJ: of Chowan j and for appointing Veflrymen for the faid Parifi. Private. I. "T T T H E R E A S the Inhabitants of that Part of Chowan, and Alligator^ Y Y have petitioned the General Alfembly, to be a feparate Parilli from the Weft Shore of Chowan, and it being apparent that it is very much to the Preju- dice of the faid Inhabitants to remain as Part of the aforefaid Parifh ; II. B E it Exacted, by his Excellency the Palatine, and the reft of the true and ahfolute Lords Proprietors of the Province of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Confent of the reft of the Members of the General AJfembly, now met at Edenton, at Queen-Anne'j Creek, in Chowan PrecinSl, for the North-Eaft Part of the faid Province, and it is hereby Enabled, by the Authority of the fame. That the South Shore of Chozvan, from Alligator River to the Eaft Side of IVelch's Creek, including all the Land on the Sound, and Morattuck, lying within the Bounds aforefaid, fhall be, and is hereby appointed a feparate Parilh, by the Name of the Sctith Parifh of Chotvan ; and that the faid Parifh do enjoy all fuch Liber- ties and Immunities as all other Parifhes in this Government can or may have. III. AND be it further Fjiacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the follow- ing Perfons are hereby appointed Veftrymen for the faid Parifh, viz. John IVorley, Efq-, Mr Jofeph 'Turner, Mr. John Edwards^ Cullen Pollock, Efq; Mr. Samuel Spruill, Mr. Jacob Blount, Capt. William Downing, Mr. James Long, Mr. Thomas Long, Mr. William Ludford, Mr. Jofeph Spruilh Mr. John Warley. Which faid Veftrymen fhall be, and they are hereby inverted with all fuch Pri- vileges and Authorities, and fubjecft to the fame Penalties and Forfeitures within the faid Parilh, as in and by an Ad, intituled. An AEl, for Eftablifhing the Church, and appointing Select Veftries, is and are given to the Churchwardens and Veftry of the feveral and refpedive Parifhes in the faid Adl mentioned. IV. P ROVIDED never thelef. That all thofe Inhabitants of the faid Pa- rifh now appointed by this Ad, which formerly belonged to the South-weft Pa- rifh of Chowan, fhall pay their ratable Part of Taxes, to the Churchwardens of the faid South-weft Parifn, to pay and fatisfy the Debts now due from the faid Pa- rifh, and to make good their Agreement with the Reverend Mr. Newname ; and that on Default of any of the faid Inhabitants to pay fuch Levy as fhall be laid by the Churchwardens and Veftry of the South-weft Parilh of Chowan aforefaid, for L A ^V 6' of N O R T H - C A R O L I N A. 5* for the Ufis before-mentioned, that they be, and they are hereby made fubjcd ^ ^• to the fame Penalties and Forteitiires as they fhould have been, before the Divifion was made •, any Thing before contained in this Ad to the contrary, in any-wife, notwithftanding. CHAP. VIII. An ASi, for fettling the PrecmSf Courts^ and Coiirf-houfes. I. T "¥ T H E R E A S thro' the great Taxes and Charges this Government Preamble Y Y I'^'^^l^ laboured under, by Means of the late Indian War, there has been no Care taken by preceeding Affemblies, to fettle the feveral Precindl Courts to any fixed or certain Place, but have always hitherto been kept and held at private Houfes, where they have been, and are liable to be removed, at the Pleafure of the Perfon or Perfons owning fuch Houfes -, to the great Annoyance of the Ma- giftrates and People : For the Prevention of which for the future ; II. B E it Ena^ed, by his Excellency the Palatine, and the reft of the true and abfolute Lords Proprietors of the Province of Carolina, hy and with the Advice and Confent of the reft of the Members of this prefent General JJfembly, now met at Edenton, at Queen Anne' J Creek, in Chowan PrecinM, for the North-Eaft Part of the faid Province, and it is hereby Enabled, by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the Ratification of this A61, the Juftices of the Peace that are cLr^Lnd Va' now appointed for and in every refpeftive Precin6t in this Government, or (hall ''"'''* '^^"'•'- hereafter be appointed within the Time limited in this A6t for building the Pre- cindl Ccurt-houfss, or the greateft Part of them, are hereby required and impow- ered to purchafe the Quantity of one Acre of Land, in fuch Place and Places of their feveral Precinds, as in and by this A61 is hereby nominated and appointed, for the erecting the faid Court-houfes on. III. AND for the better enabling the faid Juftices, or the greateft Part of them, to purchafe fuch Lands, and build the faid Court-houfes ; Be it Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Juftices, or the greateft Part of them, juflices to lav a fhall have full Power and Authority to raife Money, by a Poll Tax on the fe- Tax for building veral Inhabitants of their refpedive Precindls, for the purchafing fuch Lands and houfes! building the faid Court-houfes thereon, not exceeding the Sum of Five Shillings per Poll, per Annum \ which faid Tax or Levy fliall be paid to them the faid Juf- tices, or whom they, or the greateft Part of them, fhall appoint to receive the fame, by each and every Perfon refpe6lively, in the fame Manner and Form as they do their Public Levy, and under the fame Fines and Forfeitures. IV. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Per- Perfons refufmg ion or Perfons ftiall refufe to fell to the Hiid Juftices, or the greatefl Part of them, Ihe'^rl'idS'uft *" fuch Lands as by this A61 is appointed to be purchafed for the Ufe of a Court- f-.r a'^'reafonabie houfe, for what the faid Juftices fhall think to be the full Value thereof, that- then, fo'iffuc^his^war and in fuch Cafe, it fhall and may be lawful for the Chief Juftice to ifTue his fm to 3 Free- Summons, under his Hand, direfted to Three Freeholders of the Precind where \^^um ore than ohe Gelding, or fpade Mafe, to run at "■■ 'p'")e" Mar', -/ . ■' <-' i. running at larg;, II. ANT) be it further Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Per- PerCons keeping fon, not qualified as aroferai'd,'*niaH keep any Morfe orTvIare ruhnihg af large, onttTy'toThi* except one Gelding, and one fpade Mare, fs aforefaid, it fnall and may be law- Art, what :o ful for any Perfon to take up the fame, who is hereby obliged and directed to '" *^"' give Notice thereof, in Writing, to the Owner, . within Three Days a^ter fuch taking up •, which Owner Ihall have Liberty to appear at the next fuceeeding Court of the County wliercin he dwelleth, and if he can prove, to the Satisla6tion of the faid Court, that he is qualified, according to the Meaning of this A61, to keep fuch Horfe or Mare fo taken up, he fhall have the flime reftored ; but if he fhall fail in his Proof aforefaid, he fhall pay to the Perfon taking up, Iwenty Shillings for every Horfe or Mare fo taken up: And if the Gwner-oHlich -Horfe or Mare fhall refufe to pay the aforefaid Sum of Twenty Shillings, that then it fhall and may be lawful tor the taker up of fuch Horfe or Mare to fell the fame, at Public Vendue, to the highcfl Bidder, and one Half of the Mony arifing by fuch Sale to take to himfelf, and the other Half he fhall deliver to the Owner of. JufiiLIorfe or Mare. ' -^-^ • III. AND 6o Z, ^ /^ 5 O/" N O R T H - C A K O L I N A. .-/. D. .723 ifN^i^^TT^n II J- ^NDhe it fiirthcr Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That where the in \kU than 10 Information of the taking up ot luch i4orfLS or unfpade Marcs as aforefaid, Ihall cou!t!"o'.vntr' happcH to be made to tiie L^v/ncr or owners witain lefs than Ten Days before the may appear at Time of the fitting of the Court of the r'recind where fuch Owner refides, in cTmt,"'"' '"^ fuch Cafe he fhah hdve i^ibcrty to appear at the next fucceeding Court after fuch Court, to prove himfcif a Freehoidtr, or pofTeired of or occupying Lands or Tenements. No Pf rfon to let J V. AN D be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That no Perfon or 13' H"nds high" Perfons whatfoevtr, Inhabitants of this Government, fhall fuffer, or let go at go at large. large, any Stone- Horfe or b.tont-liorf.^s or Two icars old, unkfs fuch Horfe or Horfcs flaall be, at leaft, Ihirtctn Hands in Height, upon Penalty of forfeiting fuch Horfe or Horfes, or the oum of Three bounds, to the taker up of every fuch Stone-horfe ; provided the fame be found running at large, and not within the Confine of any fence, W ater, Marlh, or Swamp. Jttuvn?" «"? ^' ^ N Bbe it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That the taker up th. fame before a of fuch Stone-horfe {hall, within Ten Days after the taking up thereof, carry the Io'dV/IS" f^"^e Horfe, and make Oath, before fome Juftice of the Peace, of his taking makeOat'hofthe Up the fame ; which Proof being made, the Juilices fhall caufe fuch Stone-horfe ^'"'' to h^ meafured, and upon finding him not full Thirteen Hands high at Two Years old, as aforcfaitl, the juftice fhaJl give a Certificate, from under his Hand, cer- tifying the fame •, and thereupon the Taker up of fuch Horfe or Horfes fo do- ing fhall keep the fame, until the Owntr Ihall redeem fuch Horfe or Horfes, by- paying the Sum of Three Pounds atorefaid to fuch Taker up. '^^N'teTdVrrib! ^^- PROVIDED neverthelef, and it is hereby required. That fuch Taker i'i'g fuc" H rfc" up Ihall fet up Advertifements, defcribing the faid Horfe or Horfes, with his or wuh'n'i^D"!' ^"^^^^ Colour and Brand, at the Precinft Court-houfe Door where fuch Owner fhall paying 3 1. to ' live or refide ; and if the Owner of fuch Horfe or Horfes fhall, within Ten Days ftorcH'-"^ther- ^ftcr fuch Notice given, tender to the Taker up thereof, by paying, the Sum of wife to jofe inm. Thrcc Pounds, or giving Security for the Payment thereof, that then and in fuch Cafe, fuch Owner fhall recover and redeem fuch Horfe or Horfes ; otherwife the Taker up thereof is hereby intitled to the Right and Property of fuch Horfe or Horfes : Any Law, Ufage, or Cuftom, to the contrary, notwithftanding. comniencement VII. A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That no Part, of this Aft. Claufe, or Thing contained in this Ad:, Ih ill take Place, or be in Force, till af- ter the Firft Day of July next, after the Ratification hereof. CHAP. XII. A71 ASf, for ejilarging and E?Jcourage?nent of the Town at the Jfand of Roanoke, now called Carteret. O B S. CHAP. LAWS of North-Carolina. 6r A. D. STi'}. CHAP. XIII. An A5i, for (be better fettling of the Tow7i of Newbern, in the Precindi of Craven. I. TTTHEREAS a certain Plot of Ground, being Part of a Trad of P''^^"' YY Land, lying in the Fork of Neufe River, late belonging to the Hon- ourable Col. Thomas Pollock, deceafed, but now the Property of Mr. Cullen Pol- lock^ was formerly laid out into a Towniliip, by the Name of Newberfiy with proper Allotments for a Church, Court-houfe, and Market-place ; as by a Plot or Draught, upon Record in the Clerk's Office of Craven Precin6b Court, will more plainly appear : Therefore, for the Advancement of the faid Town ; . II. B Eit EnaEledy by his Excellency the Palatine, and the reft of the true and ahfolnte Lords Proprietors of the Pro-uince of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Confent of the reft of the Members of the General Affembly^ now met at Eden- ton, for the North-Ead Part of the faid Province, and it "is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame. That the faid Land, as it is already laid out by the faid Draught, together with as much other Land lying contiguous and moft con- venient to the faid Town, to compleat a Towniliip, as Ihall make the whole Two Hundred and Fifty Acres, reftrving to the Owners thereof the Property of fuch Lots 'as are fold already by William Hancock, Attorney of th.^ faid Col. Tho- mas Pollock, is hereby and henceforward invcfted in Mr. Cullen Pollock, Mr. Wil- liam Hancock, Jun. and Richard Graves, or any of tljem, for the Ufe aforefaid. Declared, Confirmed, and Incorporated into a Townihip, by the Name oi New- bern ; with all Privileges which ever have belonged to the 'faid Town, or fhall hereafter be expreficd, for ever. III. PURSUANT to which, // is hereby EnaBed, by the Authority afore- faid. That the Places already laid out for a Church, Court-houfe, and Market- place, be referved for tiiofe Ufts ; and that the reft of the I-and not already laid out, be forthwith laid out into Lots of Half an Acre each, with convenient Streets and Paflages, with Fronts belonging to the faid Lots, by the faid Truf- tees, or any of them. IV. A N B be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That Mr. Ca//^« Pollock fliall be, and he is hereby appointed the prefent Trcaiurer and Receiver of the Monies arifing by the Sale of the faid Lots ; and on his Death or Depar- ture out of the Government, the Firft in Commiffion fhall fucceed, and be Trea- furer for -he Time being, he giving Security to the Juftices of the faid Precinft, that he will be accountable for the Money he fhall receive by the Sale of the faid Lots, unto the faid Mr. Cullen Pollock, his Heirs or AfTigns. V. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That any Perfon whatfoever who is willing or defirous to be an Inhabitant of the faid Town, fhall have Liberty to take up any Lot or Lots fo laid out as aforefaid, and not before taken up ; which Lot or Lots the Commiffioners afore appointed, or any of them, ar€ hereby direded, required, and impowercd, to grant, convey, and acknowledge, to the Perfon fo taking up fuch Lots, and to his Heirs and AfTigns, for ever, in Fee-Simple, upon the Payment of Twenty Shillings, Confideration-Money, with a Pepper Corn Yearly, if demanded, as an Acknowledgment to the faid Cullen Pollock, his Heirs or Afligns, for ever, for each Lot : Which Twenty Shillings fhall be paid to the faid Cullen Pollock, the Owner of the faid Land, and to his Heirs and AfTigns. Ct VI. P RO- 62^ LAWS o/' N O R T H - C A R O L I N A. A, D. 1723. VI. P R OVID E D always. That what Perfon foever fhall take up, and have conveyed to him, any Lot or Lots as afore-mentioned, and Ihall not build, or caufe to be built thereon, within Eighteen Months after the Date of the faid Con- veyance, a good and fubftantial habitable Houfe, not of lefs Dimenfions than Twenty Feet in Length, and Filteen Feet wide, without Shed, every fuch Con- veyance lliall be, and it is hereby declared void and of none Effe£t, as it the fame had never been made or done ; and then the faid Lot or Lots fhall be frec- and clear for any otlier Perfon to take up and purchafe the fame, as if it had ne- ver been taken up : And the Money arifing by fuch Sales fhall be paid unto the faid CuUen Pollock, his Fleirs and AiTigns, by the laid Commiflioners, as aforefaid. VII. AN D be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Per- fon or Perfons fliall die pofTefled of any of the faid Lot or Lots, without leaving Heirs, or without making of a Will of the faid Lot or Lots, that then, and in fuch Cafe, the abfolute Fee fliall come and revert unto the faid Cullen Pollock, his Heirs and Affigas, for ever; notwithftanding any Thing contained in an Aft, intituled, An Act, concerning Efcheat Lands and Efcheators, or any other Law» Cuftom, or Ufiig-e to the contrary. Y\\V. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Com- miflioners, or any T^Vo of them, fliall have full Power and Authority, and they are hereby impowered and required, to remove all Nufances within the Limits of die faid Town ; and that no Perfon, inhabiting in the faid Town, holding Lots there, fliall inclofe the fame, or keep the fame inclofed in the faid Town, undef a common Stake-Fence -, but every Lot or Lots inclofed, fhall be either paled my or done with Pofts and Rails ict up. IX. A N D for a further Encouragement to the fettling of the faid Town ; Be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all Eledions of Burgefles, or other Public Bufinefs and Affairs of the like Nature, properly belonging to the faid Precinft of Craven, fliall be taken and done within the aforefaid Town of Ne'wbern. CHAP. XIV. An additional A5f to an ASf, intituled. Staple Commodities rated. OBS. C H A P. XV. An AB, for incorporatifig the Sea Por/^ fo/' Beaufort, in Carteret TrecinSl^ into a Tonanjljip, by the Name of Beaufort. Private. I. XTTHEREASa certain Plot of Ground, being Part of a Trad of Land, VV in Core-Sound, late belonging to Robert Turner, Efq-, but now the Pro- perty of Richard Ruftul, Efq-, was formerly laid out into a Townfliip, by the Name of Beaufort Town, with proper Allotments for a Church, a Town-houfe, and a Market-place ; as by a Draught thereof, upon Record in the Secretary's Office, doth, and may, more fuUy and at large appear : And whereas the true and abfolute Lords Proprietors of Caroline^ upon the Petition of the Inhabitants LAWS o/^North-Carolina. 63 of Core-Smnd^ now called Carteret Precindt, have erefted the fame into a Sea ^- ^- »733- Port, by the Name of Pert-Beaufort, and have invefted the fame with all Privi- ^^ "^ ^ leges and Immunities belonging to a Sea Port : Therefore, for the Encourage- ment of the faid Town, and the due Encouragement of the Trade and Commerce thereof, and the Pai'ts adjacent, II. We pray that it may be Enadled, And he it Ena5fed^ by his Excellency the Palatine, and the reft of the true and abfolute Lords Proprietors of the Province of Carolina, hy and ivith the Advice and Confent of the reft of the Members of this ■prefent General Affembly^ now met at Edenton, for the North-Eaft Part of the faid Province, and it is hereby Enaacd, by the Authority of the fame. That the faid Land, as it is already laid out, together with as much other Land lying conti- guous and moft convenient to the laid Town to compleat a Townfhip, as fhall make the Whole Two Hundred Acres, refcrving to the Owners thereof the Pro- perty of fuch Lots as were fold, in Fee-Simple abfolute, by the faid 'Turner, be, and it is hereby and henceforward invefted in Richard Ruftull, and Chriftopher Gale, Efqrs. John N elf on, Jofeph Bell, 'and Richard Bell, or any Two of them, to and for the Ufes aforcfaid, and Declared, Confirmed, and Incorporated into a Townlhip, by the Name of 5^^«/(jr/, with all Privileges hereafter cxprefTed, for ever. III. PURSUANT to which, // is hereby Ena^ed, That the Places alrea- dy laid out for a Church, aTown-houfe, and a Market-place, be referved for thofe Ufes -, and that the reft of the Land not already laid out, be forthwith laid out into Lots of Half an Acre each, with convenient Streets and Paflages, by the faid Truftees, or any Two of tiiem. IV. PROVIDED akvays. That the principal Streets in the faid Town fhall be Sixty Six Feet wide, at leaft. V. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Rich- ard Rtftul, Efq; fliall be the prefent Treafurer and Receiver of the Monies ari- fing by the Sale of the faid Lots ; and on his Death or Departure out of the Go- vernment, then the Firft Commiinoner fhall fucceed, and be Treafurer for the Time being, he giving Security to the Juftices of the Precinct Court, that he v/ill be accountable for the Monies he fhall receive, according to the Directions of this A6t. VI. A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That every Per- fon wiiatfoever who is willing or defirous to be an Inhabitant of the faid Town, fhall have Liberty to take up any Lot or Lots fo laid out as aforefaid, and not before taken up ; which Lot or Lots the CommifTioners aforefaid, or any Two of them, are hereby direded, required, and impowered, to grant, convey, and ac- knowledge, to the Perfons fo taking up the lame, and his Heirs and Afligns, for ever, in Fee-Simple, upon Payment of Thirty Shillings, Confideration-Money, for each Lot, whereof Twenty Shillings fliall be paid to Richard Ruftull, Efq-, the Owner of the faid Land, and to his Heirs and Afligns, and the other Ten Shillings fhall be for the purchafing Great Guns, and for fortifying the faid Town ; and fliall be paid, by the Treafurer afore-mentioned, into fuch Hands as the Go- vernor or Commander in Chief for the Time being fhall appoint to overfee the faid Work. • -: - Kfirfl hy-M VII. P RO V ID E D always. That what Perfofl foever fhall take up anH have conveyed to him, any Lot or Lots as afore-mentioned, and fliall not build, or caufe to be built thereon, within Two Years after the Date of the faid Convey- ance, a good fubftantial habitable Houfe, not of lefs Dimenfions than Twenty Feet 64 LAWS o/'North-Carolina. Feet in Length, and Fifteen Feet wide, befides Sheds, or make Preparation for fo doing, as the Court of the Precinft, by View of any Two or more of them, fhall judge reafonable to fecure the fame, every fuch Conveyance fhall be, and it is hereby declared void and of none Effcd, as if the fame had never been made ; and then the faid Lot or Lots fhall be free and clear for any other Ferfon to take up and purchafe. VIII. PROVIDED c.lfo. That all Monies arifmg by the Second or other Sales of the faid Lots, fnall be, and is hereby appropriated to the Ufe of the Pa- rifh ; firft, for the building of a Church, and afterwards, to fuch other Ufes as the Churchwardens and Veftry Ihall think fit. IX. JND h it further Ena5iedy by the Authority aforefaid. That the Com-, mifiioners aforefaid, or any Two of them, fhall have full Power and Authority, and they are hereby impowered, required, and commanded, to remove all l\u- fances within the Limits of the faid Town : And that no Perfons, Inhabitants of the faid Town, or holding Lots there, fliall enclofe the fame, or keep the fame enclofed in the faid Town, under a common Stake-Fence ; but every Lot or Lots "fo enclofed, fhall be either paled in, or done with Pofts and Rails fet up. X. AN D be it further Ena^ed^ by the Authority aforefaid. That the Church for the faid Precind; of Carteret, hereafter declared to be the Parifh of St. John^ and the Court-houfe for the fame, fliall be built in the faid Town : And the Juf- tices of the faid Precinft for the Time being, fhall have full Power and Authority to levy, or caufe to be levied, any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding One Hundred Pounds in the whole, upon the Inhabitants or Kflates in the Precindt aforefaid, for and towards the erefting and building the Court-houfe afore-men- tioned, as foon as the Circumflances of the Inhabitants will admit of raifing the faid Sum. XI. A N D as a further Encouragement to the Settlement of the faid Town ; ]Be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That all Mufters for the Pre- eindt of Carteret, Eleftions of Burgefles, and all Bufmefs and Affairs of the like Nature which properly belongs to the faid Precind, fhall be taken, done, and tranfa6led within the faid Town of Beaufort, and in no other Place or Places whatfoev-er. XII. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all Li- quors which are, bona fide, the Growth, Produ6t, and Manufaclure of the Pre- cindt of Carteret, fhall and may be retailed in the faid Town, for the Space of Ten Years next after the Ratification of this Adt, by any Freeholder or Inhabi- tant of the faid Town, without any Licenfe or other Permit for fo doing -, fubjedt nevcrthelefs to the feveral Penalties, Forfeitures, and Rcflridions, as by the Law, intituled,, Ordinary-keepers how to fell, are made and provided. XIII. AN Dbe it further EnoMed, by the Authority aforefaid. That all Perfons PofTeflors or Owners of Lots in the faid Town, fhall, and they are hereby obliged, within Two Years after the Ratification of this Ad:, to clear all fuch Lots held and, pofTefTed by them, from all Manner of Wood, Under-wood, Brufli, or Grubs,; that are or may be ofFenfive to the faid Inhabitants, and fliall keep and maintain the fame, from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter, as often as Need fhall require ; under the Penalty of Five Shillings for every Month the faid Lots fhall lie uncleared after the Expiration of the Time aforefaid : To be reco- vered before One Juftice of the Peace, and applied, one Half to the Informer, and til? other Half to the V(,^ftry, for the Ufe of the Parifli. )xS\ XIV, AND LA IV S of North-Carolin A. 65 XIV. AND^e it further Enacted, by the Authority afar ef aid. That in Cafe of the Death or Departure out of the Government of any of the Commiflloncrs aforefaid, the remaining Part of the Commiffioners, together with the Juftices of the Court, are hereby fully authorifed and impowered to make Choice of fome oiher Perfon or Pcrlons to fucceed fuch Commiflioner or Commiffioners fo dying or departing, as aforcfaid ; which Perfon or Perfons fo eledted and chofen, Ihall be, and they are hereby invefted with as full Power and Authority, to all Intents and Purpofts whatfoevtr, as the prefent Commiffioners now herein nominated and appointed j that fo the full Number of Commiffioners may be always kept up and full. XV. AND whereas the faid Town of Beaufort, and Parts adjacent, is made a Precin6t, divided from Craven, by the Name of Carteret Precind ■, Be it there- fore Ena^ed, by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Precin6l be, and it is here- by eredled into a Parifli, by the Name of St. John's Parifh ; and that the follow- ing Perfons be, and they are hereby appointed Veftrymen of the faid Parifh, Z'iz. Chrijlopher Gale, Efq-, Jofeph Bell, John Shaw, John Nelfon, Richard JVithurJi, Richard Williamfon, Richard Rufliill, John Shakleford, Thomas Merriday, Enoch Ward, Jofeph Fullford, Charles Cogdail. Which faid Veftrymen fhall be, and they are hereby invefted with all fuch Pri- vileges and Authorities, and fubjeft to the fame Penalties and Forfeitures, within the faid Parifh, as in and by an A<5f, intituled. An Act, for eftahlifhing the Church, and appointing felect Vejiries, is and are given to the Churchwardens and Veftry of the feveral and refpedive Parilhes in the faid A6t mentioned. XVI. AN P be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That whofoever fhall be found guilty of quarreling or lighting in the faid Town or Townlhip, or in any other Town or Townfhip which now is, or hereafter fhall be laid out within this Government, in the View of any Juflice, or fhall be thereof convi6led, by the Oath of one credible Witncfs, fhall forfeit and pay, for every fuch Offence, the Sum of Ten Shillings ; and for Want of fuch Payment, fhall fuffer Twen- ty Four Hours Imprifonment in the common Goal, or elfe be fet in the Stocks for the Space of Two Hours, at the Difcretion of the Juflice ; provided that the Information be made within Twenty Four Hours after fuch Offence fhall be com- mitted : And in Cafe any Juflice of the Peace fhall negledl to do his Duty here- in, either upon View, or Information to him made, he fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Twenty Shillings, to the Ufes laft above mentioned. S I G N E D by • William Reed, Efqj Prefident. y. Pollock, Chr. Gale, ikf. Moore, John Lovick, Lords Proprietors Deputies. Edward Moseley, Speaker, R Anno A. D. 1723. L A W S of North-Carolina. 67 /Ids. iS^>^ik.-^^^^ iS^-. ife^^il^ i^:;^41 Anno Regni G E O R G I I n, Regis, Magn^e Britaiinii^^ Francis, & Hiherntiey Prlmo. A. D \T2.7. At a General Biennial ASSEMBLY, held at Edentori, in s^'^'chahp Choojoan Precin6i:, the Sixth Day of November ^ One g^^™""' Thoufand Seven Hundred and Twenty Seven. CHAP. I. An ASty to encourage the Tanning of Leather in this Province. ^^p- ^y ^^* * ^0^- 27, l^^^. Chap. %, CHAP. II, An AB, for Regulatitig Towns, and Eledlions of Burgejfes. REP, CHAP. Ill, An AS}, to Regulate Trade in Bath County. REP, CHAP. IV. An Aa, for encouraging and facilitating Navigation in this Province. REP. CHAP. 68 1/^/F.So/" North-Carolina. ^- _■_ I I ■ ■ T .. ' ~ ' . " ' — — ' ~ ' - - - -tf. Z). 1727. CHAP. V. j^n ABy to encourage Dejlroying of Vermin. EXP. CHAP. VI. An Aci^ for Enlarging and Confif-ming the Power of the PrecinB Courts, and' to prevent ASiions and Indi6lments^ of fnall Value^ being brought in the General Coip-t. EXP. CHAP. VII. Rep. all but the An ASi^ to appoint the North-weft Part of Bertie PrecinB a dijlindt which are'fsfou Parijh^ by the Name of the North- weft PariJJi of Bertie PrecinB, '"*'• and for appointing Vejlrymen for the faid Parijh 'y and to appoint Com- mijjioners in every PariJJo in this Goverfimefit, to call the Churchwardens and Vefry to Account ^ for the Parijh Money by them received. pritjte. I. TT7HEREAS many Tnconveniencies attend the Inhabitants of Bertie W Precind, by Reafon of the Largenefs of the Parilh, it including the whole Precind : II. B E it therefore Enabled, by his Excellency the Palatine, and the reft of the true and abfolute Lords Proprietors of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Confent of the reft of the Members of this prefent General JJfembly, now met at Edenton, for the North-Eaft Part of the faid Province^ and it is hereby EnaUed^ by the Authority of the fame. That the faid Precindt be divided into Two Parifhes, as follows : From the Mouth of Wreftann's Creek up the faid Creek to the Head of Ahatfkey Swamp, from thence a dired Courfe to the Head of Bridger's Creek, thence down the faid Creek to Roanoke River, and from thence, a South-weft Courfe to the outer Inhabitants upon Fiftjing Creek. III. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That there fhall be a Veftry appointed for the North-weft Parifli of Bertie, confifting of the Mi- nifter, (when any fuch fhall be,) and the following Perfons, viz. Major Barnabas Mackennie, Capt. John Spann, Mr. Jofeph Lane, Sen, Mr. Benjainin Hill, Mr. Robert SimmonSy Mr. Richard Pace, Mr. Arthur Williams, Mr. John Due, Capr. George Winn, Mr. Edward Howard, Mr. William Kinchen, Mr. John Boude. ^ Which faid Veftrymen are to befummoned, by the Provoft Marlhall, or his De- puty, to meet at the Church, Chappel, or Court-houfe, in the faidParifh, within Forty Days after the Ratification of this Ad -, under the Penalty of Twenty Shil- lings for every Veftryman not fummoned : To be recovered, by Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any Court of Record within this Government, and applied to the Ufe of the Poor of the Parilh. IV. AND be it further Enacted, hy jhe Authority aforefaid. That if any fuch Veftryman, being fummoned, ftiall fail to appear and qualify himfelf, as by Law is appointed, (unlefs he be a known Diffenter from the Church of England,) he L A IV S o/' North-Carolina. 69 he fliall forfeit the Sum of Five Pounds; to be recovered, by Adion of Debt ^ />• «7»9- Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any Court of Record within this Government and applied to the Ufcs above mentioned. V. AND be it further Ena3ledy hy the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Vef«» trymen fhall have as tuU Power and Authority, as the Veftrymen have in anA6tj intituled, An A£ly for ejlablijioing the Church, and appointing fele^ Vejiries. CHAP. VIII. An A5i, for Regulating the A5i, For appointing indifferent Jurymen, R«p-. ^y *«, and to Repeal that Part thereof as relates to Precind: Courts. c£p. I'. *^'*** S I G N E D by Sir Richard Everard, Governor, Chr. Gale, J. Lovick, Edmond Gaky Ed. Mofeley, Rich. Sander/on, Robert Weji^ T. Pollocky Tliomas Harveyl Lords Proprietors Deputies. John-Baptista Ash, Speaker. ^^ ,S^i^ Anno ."0 rnovo D , a P: a ^ s ev L ji W S of North-Carolina. 71 j1. v. 1-29- Anno Regni G E O R G I I II, ^■1 1^ Regis, MagJJ^ Britanm^y Fraftct^y:' bC Hiberni^, Tertio. [ C U A (D At a General ASSEMBLY, held at Ede^fof/, in Chowan S'R.. Precin^^, the Twenty Seventh Day of ISovember, in the B.rt!Gov«oJr. Year of our Lord One Thoufand ^even Hundred and Twenty Nine. C H A P. I. An A5l, for the making and emitting the Sum of Forty Thoufand Foundry Fublic Bills of Credit of North-Carolina. O B S. CHAP. II. An Acl^ for the more quiet fettling the Bounds of the M.oh^xxmlnd.hns Lands, I. "\ll 7"^ E R E A S Complaint is made by the Meherrin Indians^ that the Eng- Private* VY li/h People difturb them in their Settlements, by coming to inhabit and tend L,orn among them ; and alfo, that their Bounds allowed by Order of Coun- cil, dated October the Twenty Sixth, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Twen- ty Six, did not extend high enough up from the Fork of Meberrm Neck : For Remedy whereof, II. B E it Enacted^ by his Excellency the Palatine, and the reft of the true and ah- folute Lor da Proprietors of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Confent of the reft of the Members of the General Affembly^ new met at Edenton, for the North Eaft Fart of the faid Province, and by the Authority of the fame, 1 hat the laid Order of Council be vacated, and that the Indian Bounds and Limits fhall be extended a$ foilowtth, viz. Beginning at the Moutli of Meherrin River, and fo up the River ii . 72 LAWS o/' North- C a r o l i n a. A. D. 1729. |.Q the Mouth of Horfe-Pajiure Creek, formerly called Indian Creek -, then by the faid Creek up to the Fork of it -, then by xhc North Eajt Branch thereof to the Head of the lame •, then by a ftrait Line acrofs to Chotvan River, by the upper Line of Mulberry Old Field Survey, to Samuel Powers Lands , then along the various Courfes of the River, to the firft Station. III. A NDhe it alfo Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all Englijh People or any other, living in the faid Bounds, fhall move off, and that no Perfon but the faid Indians fhall inhabit or cultivate any Lands within the Limits aforefaid, while the faid Indians remain a Nation, and live thereon: And if any Perfon ihall of- fend againft this Aft, on Complaint made to Mr. John Boude, who is hereby ap- pointed Commiffioner for the faid Indians, he fhall grant his Warrrant to theCon- ftable, requiring him, with Aid, ( if Need be, ) to remove fuch Perfon, at or before the Twenty f ifth of December next enfuing -, and any Perfon refufing to remove, fhall be brought before the faid Commiffioner, and upon his Convidion of the fame, Ihall forfeit, for the firft Offence, Five Pounds : And if he ftill perfift, and refufe to go off from the faid Lands, after Warning from the Commiffioner, or by his Order, for the Second Offence fliall forfeit the Sum of Ten Pounds, and for the Third Time of his fo offending, fhall forfeit Twenty Pounds, and Two Months Imprifonment, and give Security for his or their good Behaviour : To be recovered, by Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any Court of Record in this Go- verment ; wherein no Effoign, Proteftion, or Wager of Law, fhall be allowed or admitted of. IV. AND he it further Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Com- miffioner is hereby impowerd and ordered to reinftate and fettle the faid Indians, in giving them peaceable Poffeffion of the faid Lands, and to turn off any other Per- fon or Perfons inhabitting within the faid Bounds, unlefs fuch Perfon have fpecial Leave from the Governor and Council, for continuing thereon -, provided that this Ad fhall not inveft the Fee-Simple of the faid Lands in the Indians, but fuch as have Patents for the fame, or any Part thereof, their Title fhall be good and valid ; neither fhall the lliid Indiatis have Liberty or Leave to rent, fell, or any ways difpofe of the faid Lands. CHAP. III. An A5fy to make Hyde PrecinB Jcparate from Beaufort PrecmB, with Power of ^redling a Court^joife, and holding Courts. I. -^ "jr T H E R E A S the Precind of Hyde being united to Beaufort Precindt, is YY found very inconvenient for the Inhabitants of Hyde Precinct to tra- vel to Bath Town, where the Courts are now held : ^ II. B E it therefore EnaEled, by his Excellency the Palatine, and the reft of the true and alfolute Lords Proprietors of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Confent of the reft oj the Members of this General Biennial Affembly, now met at Edenton, for the North Eaft Part of the faid Province, and it is hereby Enabled, by the Authority of the fame. That, for the future, Hyde Precinft fliall be feparate, in all Refpedts, from Beaufort Precind, with Power of having a Court and Court-houfe eredted in the faid Precind, and other Powers and Privileges to a Precind belonging ; and that the Juftices to be appointed for the faid Precind, fhall be, and are hereby invef- ted with full Power to purchafe Ground for ereding the faid Court-houfe, in the fame Manner as by Law in fuch Cafes is already provided : And to the End, that the fame may be built in the moft convenient Place for the Inhabitants of the m I,/i^-f^^<9/' North-Carolina. 73 faid Precinft, the Juftices thereof are hereby diredled to caufe the faid Court-houfe ^- ^- ^~^9- to be ereded at or near IViiUam IVebjler's i'lantatlon ; and alfo, to caufe a Poll- "^ v — ' Tax, not exceeding Ten Shillings per foil, to be levied, in fuch Manner as by Law is already provided in fuch Cafes, for defraying the Charges of buyino- the faid Land, and bujiding a Court-houfe. CHAP. IV. jin AB, to appoint that Part c/ Albemarle County, lying on the South ^ide c/" Albemarle Scimd, and Morattuck River, as high as. the Rain-bow Banksy to be a Precin£l, by the Name of Tyrrel Precindl, I- TT7HERE ASthat Part of ^/^m^r/^ County, lying on \k\.t South Side P'" Vy of Albemarle^ Sound, and Mcratuck River, as 'high as the Rainbow Banks, includes Part of the feveral Precincls hereatter named, -viz. Chowan, P^f- ^uotank^ Bertie, and Currituck ; and whereas the great VVeacth of the faid Sound and alfo the great Diftance from the feveral Precind Courts, renders it almoft im- prafticable for the Inhabitants of thofe Parts to attend their Courts as aforefaid : II. Wherefore, Be if Enabled by his Excellency ihe Palatine, cirJ the reji of iht true and abfolute Lords Proprietors of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Con- fent of the reft of the Members of this pre fen t General Aff em bly, now met at Edenton for the North Eaft Tart of the faid Province, and by the Authority of the fame. That that Part oi Albemarle County, lying on the South Side di Albemarle Sound' and Moratuck River, being Part of the feveral Precinds before mentioned, bound* cd to the V/eflward by Thomas Hcfkinsh upper Line, beginning at his upper Cor- ner Tree, on Rainbow Banks, on Mcratuck River, and by a Line runnino- South from his outer Corner l ree, to the Southward by the Bounds of AlbemarlTcoun' ty, to the Eaftward by the Sound, between Roanoak Ifland, and Croatan, and to the Northward by Albemarle Sound and Moratuck River, as high as the Rainbow Banks, in Moratuck River, fhall be, and the fame is herd^y declared to be ereft- cd into a P'recindir, by the Name of 'fyrell Precind, in Albemarle County, v/ith all and every the Rights, Privileges, and ether Benefits and Advantages whatfoever, which any other Prccincl in Albemarle County can or may have, ufe, or enjoy. III. A NT) he it further EnaSfed, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Eleaion for Reprefentatives for the faid Precincl, lliall always be at the Court-houfe for the faid Precind, or fuch Places as Ihall be appointed for the building the faid Court- houfe therein. IV. AND whereas by an Adc, intituled. An Act, for fettling the Precinct Courts and Court-hoifes, it is tlierein provided in what Manner the Land fliould \t purchafed, on which to build Court-houfes in the feveral Precinds: Y. BE It E;:acted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Juftices to be appoint- ed for the faid Precinft of Tyrell, fhall cbferve the fame Method prefcribed by the faid Ad, and Hiall caufe the Court-houfe for tiie fiid Precinct to be built on the Land of William Downing, or that of Wtlliam Fraley, on Kendrick'i Creek, as near as may be to the Bridge now called Fraley' s Bridge. . ^- AND whereas Part of the above now Precind was formerly made a dif- tind Parilh, by the Name of die South Parilh of Chowan -, T mi, BE ~, jL-^^aSo/" North-Carolina. ^* ,iBi ■ ■! I !■ I ■! " ' ■■I'll— III- iiipiBi ■ ^T-vwmmmammmmvr\ » A. D. 1729. VII. B E it Enacted, That the whole Precind now appointed by the Name o£ ^yrell Precind, be, and is hereby Erefted into one Parifti, by the Name of St^ Andrew*s ; and that the fame Veftry be continued in the faid Parifh of St. Ati' drew^s, which now is appointed to the faid Soutb Parifh of Chowan, with all and every the Rights and Privileges, and other Benefits and Advantages whatfoevcr, which any other Parilh in Albemarle County can or may have, ufe, or enjoy. VIII. P ROVIDEB never thekfs. That it is not hereby intended, that the faid Precind Ihall fend more than Two BurgefTes at prefent, to fit in General Afiem« bly, without it fhall appear that there is three hundred Tythables in the faid Precind: ; and in • fuch Cafe, it Ihall and may fend three Burgeffes ; and fo as ic Ihall increafe in Number of Tythables, it Ihall fend one Burgefs for every Hundred more, fo as not to exceed Five Reprefentatives in the whole. CHAP. V. Mis^ch.'"*'* ^« additional AB to an AB, for appointing Toll-Books, and for preventing People Jrom driving Horfes^ Cattle^ or Hogs, to ether Perjhns Lands, • ttetmMt, I. 'CTTTHEREAS in and by the faid Ad, the Remedy appointed for re* YY covering the Penalty of Twenty Pounds for the inhabitants of any ether Government's Cattle, Horfes, or Hogs, ranging on Peoples Land in this Go» vernment, is by Diftrefs to be made by the Toll-keeper or Ranger, but no Method appointed for defpofing fuch Diftrefs or Proceedings thereon : II. B E it therefore Enacted, hy his Excellency the Palatine, and the rtjt of tl§ l!"*of IXaLed '^^^ ^^^ ahfolute Lords Proprietors of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Con* s»««k, fent of the reft of the Members of this General Affembly, now met ct Edenton, for the North-Eaft Part of the faid Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Au" ihority of the fame. That when fuch Diftrefs is made, or which may hereafter be made, by the Owner of the Land, as well as the Officers aforefaid, the Stock io deftrained Ihall be kept Four Days, unlefs fooner redeemed or replevied by the Owner, who, on paying the Penalty, and the realonable Charges, jfhall have them at any Time within Four Days after Seifure ; otherwife, after the Expiration of the faid Four Days, they Ihall be appraifed by Three indifferent Freeholders, to be appointed and fworn by fome Majeftrate, and the Property ftiall be immediately vefted in the Pcrfon or Perfons feifmg the fame, he or they returning the faid Appraifment to the Clerk of the Precind Court, with an exad Account of the Marks ©r Brands of fuch Horfes, Cattle, or Hogs, which Ihall be let up at the Court-houfe the next Court ; and any Perfon proving the Right to fuch Cattle, Horfes, of Hogs, at any of the Four next Courts in the faid Precinds, after fuch Return ot thaC Apfraifment, having given the Deftrainer Notice, Ihall have an Order or Judg^ ment of the faid Court for the Overplus, according to the Appraifment, the Fe* nalty and Charges deduded. ^«uy hnw to III. AND he it further EnaHed, hy the Authority aforefaid. That the Penalty of o"^!\^r^'&c 'Ten Pounds in the faid Ad for appointing Toll-Books, may be recovered by Dif- .ot'L'be'exd.- trefs inhke Manner, provided that no Guardian or Executor Ihall be excluded by ^"^' die faid Acl from bringing any Stock, under their Care, on their Land. ro,=;5n«. Stcck ly. AND he it further Enacthd, hy the Authority aforefaid. That the Stock of found on La,.di any Inhabitant of another Government being found on Peoples Land in this Go- «;^;''trkr'' vemmeut, contrary eg the faid Act, ihall be deemed co be driven tliidier by th« m «mni»mw LAWS o/'NoRTH -Carolina. 7^ Owners, unlefs it can be proved they ftrayed by fome unavoidable Accident, and ^^ 1^^^ were purfued, and have not ranged above Four Days, provided fuch Diftrefs be dTClPfh!^, made Four Miles to the Southward of the Line betwixt this Government, and »'^'='* «i»"wi(ii -,. . . froved. Virginia. V. ANB he it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid, that no Perfon no Pcrfon ft«ii within this Government, Ihall prefume to hunt, drive, or kill any Stock, Deer, or f}^.'' ^""'' °* Game, on any Perfons Land within this Governmenment, except Neighbours i^er'^r G°mc* whofe Lands are very near adjacent, without Leave firft had and obtained from "^Xomu^^' the Owner of the faid Land whereon he or they Ihall be found ranging or hunting, on Penalty of 5 1! contrary to this Ad, under the Penalty of Five Pounds for each and every 1 ime ow„crf,na Ihc he or they (hall be found ranging ; the one half to the Owner of the Land, the °*'"'' " '^^e it^ Other Half to the Informer : To be recovered by a Warrant from two Jufti- ^''^^^^' ces, whereof one to be of the Riorum j which faid Juftices are hereby impowered finally to hear and determine the fame. VI. AND he it further Enacted^ ly the Authority aforefaid. That no Ranger no Rangw ft»fi or other Perfon, on any Pretence, fliall range or hunt, kill or take up, any un- *>''' "p »"y un- marked Cattle, Horfes, or Hogs, on other Perfons Lands, without Leave of the w/.'^'tithou?'' Owner of fuch Land or Lands; any Law, Lfage, or Cuflom, to the contrary, q'" ^"^'"^ =''* notwithilanding : But that every Perfon fliali have free Liberty to take up and l,3" iu[ fuch kill all fuch unmarked Cattle, Hogs, and Horfes, as he Ihall find running on his ^ZTSx.ot' own Land, and the fame to convert to his own Ufe, unlefs the Property thereof own v^, 'unitf' be proved within Three Months, by any Perfon claiming the fame ; who, payfng p^ovJI'T'ir^^ for the taking up, Ihall have the faid Beaft, or its Value, as it is in the Law di- MonUis.' reded for Rangers. VII. AND whereas great Damages are frequently done, by Slaves being per- No shve to hunt mitted to hunt or range with Dogs or Guns : For Prevention whereof. Be it En- °^,^u^fx «! acted, by the Authority aforefaid. That it Ihall not be lawful for any Slave, on any '^m in Company Pretence whatfoever, to go, range, or hunt on any Perfon's Land other than his M'lnj'nSnvei Mafbers, with Dog or Gun, or any Weapon, unlefs there be a white Man in ff«m!iisMafter'e his Company; under the Penalty of Twenty Shillings, to be paid by his Mafter, l^J^trii^ for every Offence, unto the Owner of the Land whereon fuch Slave fhall rano-e ^f^ » °". '''» or hunt ; and that no Slave Ihall travel from his Mailer's Land by himfclf ?o whipped.''*'"* any other Place, unlefs he fliall keep the moft ufual and accuilomed Road : And ' if any Slave fhall ofi^end contrary hereto, it fhall be lawful for the Owner of the Land whereon any Slave fhall be found, to give him a fevere Whipping, not ex- ceeding Forty Lafhes: And if any loofe, diforderly, or lufpefted Perfon, be if ="7 '^ifo'-'^erT? found drinking, eating, or keeping Company with Slaves in the Night Time, KmpanytS fuch Perfon fhall be apprehended and carried before a Juftice of the Peace ; and ^J,^"'.' '"'* ''^■ if he cannot give a good and fatisfaftory Account of his -Behaviour, fuch Perfon Acquit of Wm- ihail be whipped, at the Difcrttion of the Juftice, not exceeding Forty Lafhes. ihlpp'.d.'^'" ''* VIII. AND for the better fuppreffmg of Negroes travelling and afTociating Negroeitrarding themfelves together in great Numbers, to the Terror and Damage of the white JL^Jl iTicit.''* People ; Be it Ena5fed, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Negro or Negroes "^i^^"*. " i* Ihall prefume to travel in the Night, or be found in the Quarters or Kitchens a- '''"f*"^' mong other Perfons Negroes, fuch Negroes fo found fhall receive Corredion, not exceeding Forty Lafhes, as aforefaid ; and fuch Negroes in whofe Company they fhall be found, fhall receive Corredion, not exceeding Twenty Lafhes. IX. P RO VID E D always^ That nothing in this Ad fhall be conflrued to ProTiiii, prevent any Perfon from fending his Slaves on. his lawful Bufmefs, with a Pafs, in Writing ; nor, to hinder Neighbours Negroes intermarrying together, fo thai ycgnfc being firft bad aod obtained of their feverai Maftere, >j(^ L A P^ S of No rth-Carolina. ^. D. i7i9. '^■^-v—^ CHAP, VI. See Aft pafTed ^^ ^^^ j^^ fjjg ^^^^ ejfeBiial and fpeedy putting in Execution the A^ *^*'' '^" " for fettling the Title and Bciuids oj Peoples Lands, Preamble. j^ '1X7' ''^ E R E A S the {AA Adi for the Proctflioning Peoples Lands, altho* V V very neceflary for the afctrtaining Ptopks iiounds, and preventing Dif^ putes hereafter, hath not been duly and eff-ciuully put in Execution : "Wherefore^, that the faid Law may, for the futur.-, be better obfcrved i Vcftries to divide H. B E li Enocted^ by his Excellency the Palatirte, and the refi of the true and ah-* *'^^ca^"'''"''and foltitt Lords Proprietors of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Ccnfent of the reP appint a Vice- of the Members cf the General Afftmlly^ now met at Edenton, for the North Eaft holders to pro- „ . r ^y faid' Pro'vince^ and it as hereby EnaEled^ by the Authority) of the fame, TO Penalty of 5 1. That the fevtral and rtfpcctive Veitries, when funimoned to meet tor that rur- pofe by the Churchwardens, fhall, without any Order of Court, divide the Parifh into convenient Cantons, and appoint Two able honcft Fn^eholders in each Can- ton, to proceflion the Lands within the fame ; and that the Churchwardens in each Parifh, fhall, immec.iately after the Eirft Day cf March next, fummon the Veftry to meet for that Purpofe, under the Penalty of Five Pounds for each Churchwarden negleding the lame ; afid the Clerk of the Parifh fliall, after fuch Clerk t» pve /^^npointment by the Vtilry, immediately give Notice to the faid Freeholders ■rrcthuideH. ^ appointed in each Canton, and of their r- fpedtive Divifions, under the Penalty of Five Pounds for every Canton fo negledteU ; for which Notice the faid Veflry Ihall allow the faid Clerk Twenty Shilhngs out of the Parifh Monies •, and tho Freeholders fo appointed, on Notice given them, fhall forthwith (being firft r^^ehoiders to f^orn to a£t juftly and impartially, to the belt of their Knowledge,) procefTion ouh, 'on'peTi- Peoples Land, as in and by the faid Ad is already provided, under the Penalty penlitU" to b- of Five Pounds each •, and the feveral Penalties by the faid Act, and hereby pro- leceived by tiie yidcd, fhall be rccovcred and received by the Ci.urchwardens only, and to the t^trufe'of the Ufe of the Parifh : And any Churchwarden failing in their Duty by the faid Aft Parift. provided, or hereby required, fnail be anfwerable for thtir Penalties in their Ac' compts with the Veftry ; and if they do not receive or profecute the Penalties for- feited by any others for not performing their Duties in the faid A61, or hereby provided, fuch Churchwardens fhall be anfwerable for the fame themfelves, in their Accompts mxh the Veftry. III. y^ND be it further Enacted, by the Authority afcrefaid. That where the ^Zt'^^oX Bounds cannot be fully afcertained by fuch Freeholders appointed, they fhall Surveyor to run makc Retum thereof accordingly, that in fuch Cafes the Surveyor may be or- *""'^''" dered to run the Bounds, at the Charge of both Parties, in the fime Manner a» is before in the faid Ad provided to be done, where one Purty utterly refufes t# have his Lands proceflloned. CHAP. vn. See Aft paffed Aft AB. to ccjfrm Bath-Towii Common, 1745, Cbap. 9. PrcamWc. I. TT7HEREAS a Trad of Land, adjacent to Bath-Tcwn, was granted VV and lurveyed for a Common for the Ufe of the faid Town, and is bound- ed as followeth, viz. Beginning at a marked Pine at the Eaji Branch of the Old Town Creeks running up Captain Barrow\ Line to a Bound Oak, Weji Eight Degrees Zz/^/'^/S'^/'North-Carolina. 77 A. Z), 1710 Degrees North, Two Hundred Pole ; thence to a marked Pine at David Perkinses Corner, North Eight Degrees Eafr, One Hundred and Three Pole •, thence to a Hickory at the Branch, AWth Ten Degrees Eajf, One Hundred and Seventy Two Pole i thence down the Windings of the Branch and Creek to the firft Sta- tion ; which faid Land contains One Hundred and Forty Five Acres, but the Title thereof hath never been fully confirmed : II. B E ii therefore EnaSiedy by his Excellency the Palatine, and the refi of the true and ahfohte Lords Proprietors of Carolina, by and with the Advice and Confent co^^-^^^n of the reft of the Members of this General Biennial Ajfembly, tiow met at Edenton, for '''■'"'^• the North Eaft Part of the faid Province, and it is hereby Enabled, by the Authority of the fame. That the faid Land fhall be, and is hereby appointed a Common, to lie perpetually for the Ufe and Benefit of the Inhabitants of Bath-Town, under fuch Reftridtions and Regulations as is or Ihall be appointed for Town Commons ; and that the Infpedion and immediate Care of looking after the faid Common, be in the Commiflioners of the faid Town for the Time being. CHAP. VIII. jin AB, t9 Repeal the ASl, intituled. An Ad, for Encouragement of Tanning Leather in this Province. O B S. CHAP. IX. Jn additional A5i to the A5i, For the Tryal of fmall and mean Caufes. Rep. by Aft. April 4, 1741, Chap. 15. CHAP. X. An A5i, for regulating Vejlries in this Government, and for the better in- j^ep. by as, fpe£itng the Vejlrymen and Churchwardens Accompts of each and everv ^-^"^ *' '74'' Parijh in this Government. ^ ^^ tL^' p?r; which ereft* I^ew-Hano'ver into a PrecinA, S I G N E D by Sir Richard Everard, Governor^ Chr. Gale, J. Lovick, Edmond Gale, Ed. Mofeley, Rich. Sanderfon, Robert Wefl, r. Pollock, John Paulin, y. Worley, Lords Proprietors Deputies, Thomas Swann, Speaker, " Anno LAWS of N O R T H -C AR O L. I N A. 79 .■i O. i;3+. ^qp<:^^^pqpqpqp^^pqp"^^PQP'^P'^P■^P'^P^'P'-iP"^^^ Anno Regni GEORGII 11, Regis, Magn^ Britanniie, Francis, & Hihernia, Odavo. At a General ASSEMBLY, held at Edenton, in Chowan J.WWW, Predn6i:, in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven ^^'^' °'''"""' Hundred and Thirty Four. C H A P. I. An ASl^ for Stamping and Exchanging the prefent Bills of Currency of this Province^ and for the better explaining A7i A5i of the General Af- fembly, pafed the Twenty Seventh Day of November, One Thoufand Se- ven Hundred and Twenty Nine^ intituled^ An Ad:, for making and emitting the Sum Forty Thoufand Pounds, Public Bills of Credit of 'North-Carolina. O B S, C HAP. II. ■ An ASf, for Repealing a Claufe in an ASi^ intituled^ An Ad, Telating to ^^p;.^ ^J' ,^^^; Biennial and other AfTemblies, which impowers Freemen of the fe- chap. i. veral Precinds to vote for Members of Affembly, and declaring what Perfons fhall be qualified to vote for Members to fit in General Affem- bly, and alfo Qualification of Members for the future. C H A P. 8o LA PFS of ISioR T,H - C A r o l i n a. ji D. 1754- CHAP. III. Rtp. by Aft, An ABy for reviving an A5i^ intituled. An additional Adl to the A(^, ch«p. tj. '^*'* foi* Tryal of fmall and mean Caufes. CHAP. IV. An AB, for laying a Duty on Liquors, for and towards defraying the contingent Charges of the Government ; and to make a Foil-Tax on the poorer Inhabitants more eafy. E X P; C H A P. V. An A5l, to afcertain the Allowance of His Majejly's Council, and the Members of AJJembly of this Province, EXP. CHAP. VI. s« Aft faffed An additional A5i to the A5f, concerning Roads and Ferries, 1J1S, Chap. 3«. ' o Pre»mWe. I. T T 7 H E R E A S by the aforefaid Aft, the feveral Precinft Courts in this Pro- y Y vince, are invefted with Power and Authority to fettle Ferries, to lay- out Roads, to appoint Surveyors thereof, and to dired: where Bridges are to be made, in their feveral Precinfts; and likewife to order Fines and Penalties to be levied on fuch Perfons as fhall refufe or negled to work thereon •, which Fines and Penalties to be levied on fuch Perons fo rcfufing or negleding, being very fmall, and the Method of levying or recovering of them fo tedious, that the Intention of the aforefaid Adl is greatly defeated : For Prevention whereof for the future, and the better to enable the faid Court, the feveral Members thereof, and the Perfons that are by them appointed, to execute and perform their feveral Offices and Du- ties ; Court »f e«ch II. WE Pray that it may be Enafted, And be it EnaSted, by his Excellency Ga- pdTFetj-kee™: ^riel Johnfton, Efqs Governor, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majejifs «s to live secu- CouHcH, and General AJfembly of this Province, That from and after the Ratification IhJ.'r 'p^rnes ^f this Ad, the Court of each and every Precinft.within this Province, fhall have well attended, full Powcr and Authority, and they are hereby authorized and impowered, to com- pell all Perfons that now do, or hereafter Ihall be allowed and appointed to keep any Public Ferries in any of their feveral and refpeftive Precinds, to give good and fufficient Security, in the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, Current Money, pay- able to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, with Condition, That he or they fhall and will conftantly find, provide, and keep good fufficient Boats, or other proper Crafts, in good Repair, always to be well attended, for Tranfportation of Travellers, their Horfes, Cattle, Carts, or Carriages: And if any Perfon fhall irnfponHolL. prefume, for Hire or Reward, to tranfport, carry, or convey any Travellers or Sfc for F«e.' Penons, their Horfes, Cattle, Carts, or Carriages, over any River or Creek, Tf a' FJr^yr'o" ^'^^^^" ^^"^ ^^^^^ o^' ^"7 ^^^^7 heretofore appointed, or that may and fhall hereaf- ter be appointed and eftablifhed, as aforefaid, on the fame Rever or Creek where fuch LAWS c/^ North-Carolina. A. D. 1734- fuch Ferry is appointed, the faid Perfon or Perlbns fo offending Ihall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds tor every fuch Offence ; to be recovered, by a War- rant from Two Juflices of the Peace, in the Precinct where the fmie Ihall be ^'"'''^ "* ^ ^" committed-, one Half to the Party injured, and the other Half to him or them that fhall fue for the fame : Any Thing in the aforefaid Ad; to the contrary, in any-wife, notwithftanding. IIT. AND he it further Enabled, hy the Authority aforefaid^ That any Surveyor surveyor rcfufin- of the Roads for the future, that fhall refufe to ad when fo appointed, or fhall l°„to'd"b''ld negled or refufe to do his Duty, after Notice given, as in anci by the aforefaid wcather, to for. Ad is direded, unlefs hindered by extreme bad Weather, fuch Surveyor fhall S for'airDimI forfeit and pay, for every fuch Offence, the Sum of Ten Pounds ; to be reco- ages. vered by a Warrant from Two Juftices of the faid Precind where fuch Offence ihall be committed, over and above the Damages which fhdl be fuftained by any Perfon or Perfons that fhall or may be injured by fuch Negled : Which Dam- ages fhall and may be recovered, by Adion, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any Court of Record in this Province : And the faid Surveyors having duly fum- Pern.ns refufing mbned, or caufedto be fummoned, all the Male Tithables in his or their feveral «« z™"-'^ '^^ i^°^^» . r- r-i\rL-j-n-j/ ■ r \ -r^ r- alter lummoned, Diftrids, as in the aforefaid Act is direded, (excepting fuch Perfons as are therein to foifdt los. and thereby exempted from working on the Roads,) upon their Negled or Re- Sigua? °'^'* fufal to do and perform fuch their Service, and on being fummoned before the next MagifLrate,^ (unlefs he can then fhew a reafonable Caufe for fuch his Neg- led or Refufal, to be allowed of by the faid Magiftrate,) he or they fo offending fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Shillings, for every Day's Negled or Re- fufal, with Cofts •, to be recovered and levied by an Order from the faid Ma- giftrate, inftead of the Fine of Five Shillings therein mentioned : Which faid Fine of Ten Shillings fhall be applied as in and by the aforefaid A6t is direded. IV. AN D be it further EnoMed^' by the Authority aforefaid^ That upon pro- Predna courts per Application made to any of the Precind Courts in this Province, for clear- ^° ^^pp"'"": S"r. ing of navigable Creeks in any of their feveral Precincts, it fhall and maybe RiverUcre'eks! lawful for the faid Courts, and they are hereby authorifed and impowered, to ap- point fuch Surveyors of the Roads as live mofl convenient and contiguous to fuch Creeks, with their Companies, to do and perform the fame, at fome convenient Seafon that fhall happen, within One Year after fuch Application ; and upon \f°^^ ^l^^^^ Neglect or Refufal of fuch Surveyor or Company, or any of them, to do and C Negi^ar" perform fuch Work and Service, after due Notice, upon due Proof thereof, he ^°l th^R^ads'"^ or they fo refufing or negleding, Ihall be liable to the fame Fines and Forfeitures as for Negled or Refufal of their Service on the Roads ; to be recovered and ap- plied as is herein before expreffed : Any Law, Ufage, or Cuftom, to the con- trary, in any-wife, notwithflanding. V. ANT) he it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That from and Roads to be after the Ratificatbn of this Act, every Surveyor of any Road within the County '^Z^ Z \T of Albemarle, fhall forthwith caufe the Road whereof he is Suryeyor, or for any Feet Caufwayt. Road hereafter to be laid out, to be cleared, Twenty Feet clear of all Trees j and every Caufway or Bridge within his Diftrict, to be Ten Feet wide. VI. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That nothing Aa'^cfcc^nlj contained in this Act fhall affect or make void any Thing in an Act, paffed this R^^xi^ i" ^atb prefent Seffion, Concerning Roads, ^c. for the County of Bath. i^°""'y- CHAP. 82 L A TV S of North-Carolina. -<4. D. 1734. Piivate. CHAP. VII. Ah Ac^y for laying cut, making, altering^ and keeping in Repair ^ the fe- deral Roads and Highways within the fever al PrecinSts of the County of Bath, and for building Bridges^ and cleanfing and keeping clean the fever al Rivers and Creeks within the fame. REP. CHAP. VIII. An AB^ to Confirm^ a?id Efiablif) the PrecinBs of Onflow and Bladen, afid for appointing them diJlinB Parijhes, H E R E A S by an Ad, intituled, Jn A^^ for regulating Veftrics in this Government^ and for the better infpe^ing Vefirymen and Church- wardens Accompts of each and every Parijh in this Government^ it is Enadled, That the Southern Part of this Province mall be erefted into a Precindl, by the Name of New-Hanover Precindl, and bounded to the Northward by the liaul- over, and Little Inlet^ and to the Southward by the Southernmoji Bounds of the Province ; and a:s the Precind" of New-Hanover is now become very populous, and the Extent thereof being found too incommodious to many of the Inhabi- tants thereof, particularly thofe of New-River, and the upper Part of the North* wefi River : II. W E therefore pray that it may be Enaded, And be it EnaSfed, hy his Ex~ f^//^«Q' Gabriel Johnfton, Efq;, Governor^ by and with the Advice and Confent of His Majefiy's Council, and General Affembly of this Province, and it is hereby En'- a£ied, by the Authority of the fame. That a Precjndt be ereded at New-River^ by the Name of Onflow Precinfl •, and that the faid Precinct be bounded to the Northward hy Whiteoak River, from the Mouth to the Head thereof 5 and to the Southward, by a Creek that comes out of the Sound, and comes acrofs New-^ River Road, called the Bay-Swamp, or Beafley^ Creek. III. AND be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That the upper Part of the Northwefi River be ereded into a Precindt, by the Name of Bladen Precinct ; and that the faid Precinct be bounded to the Southward as follows, 'viz. Beginning at the Mouth of Livingfton\ Creek, and bounded by the faid Creek to the Head thereof ; and then, by a JVeJi Line, to the Bounds of the Government ; and that the faid Precinct be bounded to the Northward by Black- River, as follows, viz. Beginning at the Mouth of the faid River, and bounded by the Main River up to the Fork, and that then the Wejiern^ Branch be the Bounds to the Head thereof. IV. AND be it further Enacthd, by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Pre- cinct of Onflow be a diftinct Parilh, by the Name of St. Johi's Parilh, and fhall have all the Rights and Privileges that any other Parifh in this Government now holds or enjoys. VI. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That each of the abovefaid Precincts are hereby inverted with the fame Powers and Privileges, as any other of the Southern Precincts have and enjoy. VII. AND LAWS ofNoRTH-CAROLINA. 83 A. D, "1734. VII. A'N B be it further EnaSled, hy the Authority aforefaid^ That the Juftices of the aforefaid Precincts fhall have full Power and Authority to appoint a Place for a Church, Court-houfe, and Prifon \ and to Tax all taxable Perfons in the faid Precincts, for raifing a Sum of Money fufficient to defray the Charges of the above Public Buildings, purfuant to an Aft, intituled. An A^, for fettling Pre- cin£l Courts and Court-houfes. VIII. AND whereas there hath been feveral Courts held in the Precinct of Onflow, by a Commifllon from the late Governor, George Burrington, Efq; there- fore. Be it Ena£ied^ by the Authority aforefaid. That all Proceedings of that Court, (faving the Right of Appeal) are hereby declared good and valid. IX. AND be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Precinfb of Bladen is hereby erected into a Parifh, by the Name of St. Martin* % Parilh : But whereas the faid Parilh is in Arrear of Parifli Money to the Veftry and Church- wardens of St. James's Parilh, to which they formerly belonged •, therefore, // is hereby Enabled, That the Arrear aforefaid fhall be paid to the Veftry or Church- wardens of St. James's Parilh : And if any Perfon fhall neglect or refufe to pay the fame, it fhall and may be lawful for the Veftry or Churchwardens to take fuch Ways and Means to recover the fame as the Laws of this Province direct them to- have, within the Parifli of which they are the Veftry and Churchwardens. CHAP. IX. An AB, for granting to His Majejly, the Sum of Fourteen Thoufand One Hundred and Fifty Pounds 'Three Shillings and Two Pence, for the Service of the Public of this Province, and for laying a Tax on the In- _ habitant 'i of the fat7ie for the Paynie7it thereof-^ and for Stamping the Sum of Ten Tboufand Pounds, Bills of Credit^ for the more immediate Difcharge of Part thereof O B S. S I G N E D by Gabriel Johnston, Efq; Governor. William Smith, Prelident, William Downing, Speaker, Anno LAWS o/'North-Carolina. 85 A. D. i7jS, $^^;^^$$$^$s^$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$^$$^$$$r^$$$$$'^;^$$$$$ Anno Regni GE O R GII IL Regis, Magnde Britannia, Francice, 6c Hiberni^, Duodecimo. R I X C STOW, At a General ASSEMBLY, held at Neixiherrjy the Sixth ^„* »^' Day of March, in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand ^f^s'^omnw: Seven Hundred and Thirty Eight. CHAP. 1. An A£f, for providing His Majejly a Rent-Roll, for fecuring His Ma- fcp«ie.-s jejifs Re?its, for the Remijfion of Arrears of ^it-Rents, andjor quiet- IrSnci?."'"' ing the Inhabitants in their PoJeJJions ; and for the better Settlement of His Majejifs Province of North-Carolina. CHAP. II. An Aa, to prevent the Concealment af Tithables in the fever al Counties Rep. by as imthm this Province, for declaring what Perfons jhall be deemed Titha- it' ^' '74s' ties, and Jor defraying the Jianding and contingent Charges of Govern-^ '^' *' ment, and appointing Public Treafurers for this Province 3 and for grants tng to His Majefty a Poll-Tax of Five Shillings per Head, to be levied on the Tttbable Inhabitants of this Province. CHAP. 86 I/vf/^ .So/ North-Carolina. A. D. 173S. CHAP. III. An A5f^ Jor appointing Sherifs in the Room ofMarjJoah of this Province^ for prefcribing the Method of appoint i?ig thejn^ and for limiting the Time of their Continuaiice in Office, and dire Sling their Duty therein y and for ahoUfding the Office of Frovoff-Marflml oj this Province j and for alter- i?ig the Nafues of the PrecinSls into Counties. PreamWe. i^ "^T T H E R E A S the Office of Provoft-Marlhal hath been found to be very Y Y inconvenient in this extended Province, the Deputy Marlhals not only neglecting, but frequently rcfufing to do their Duty, to the great Delay of Juf- tice, which hath occafioned great Murmurs and Difcontents among the Inhabitants of this Province : For Remedy whereof, and to the End that Juftice may be more effeftually adminiftred, and that Sherifs may be appointed in each and every County within this Government •, County Court II. WE Pray that it may be Enadted, And he it Ena5Iedy hy his Excellency Ga- "^""LommenT' ^riel Johufton, Ef(i% Governor y hy and zvith the Advice and Confent of his Majefifs Perfons to the ConncH^ and General Affemhly of this Province^ and hy the Authority of the fame^ shTrlff °'' '° ''^ That the Court that fhall be held in each and every County next after the Rati- fication of this Aft, and fuccefiively at the faid Courts every Two Years, fhall be recommended to the Governor or Commander in Chief of this Province for Repealed is to f^e Time being. Three fuch Perfons (being Jciflices in the fame County Court) ^74l thi's. as they fhall think moft fit and able, to execute the Office of Sheriff for their re- fpedive Counties, for the Two then next fucceeding Years •, of v/hich Three Per- fons fo recommended, the faid Governor or Commander in Chief fhall according- ly commifTionate fuch one as to him fhall feem meet for the faid Office of Sheriff within fuch County, for the Two next enfuing Years after fuch Nomination \ during which Time the faid Sheriff fhall not a6t as a Juflice of the Peace in that County. Thisciaufei^ III. AND he it further Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaid. That no Per fon p^aied,^ 1745;^ fliall, at any Time hearafter, be capable to excecute or enjoy the Office of Sheriflf for any County within this Province, unlefs fuch Perfon, at the Time of his en- tering into and upon the faid Office of Sheriff, fhall be a Juflice of the Peace in the fame County ; neither fhall it be lawful for any Perfon to excecute or enjoy the faid Office for any longer than Two Years, next fucceeding each other. Sheriff to gtvj \Y . AND he it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That when any Sk '"^°'''' Perfon fhall have obtained aCommiffion for the Office of Sheriff of any County, '"'"^* before he fhall be admitted to take the Oath of a Sheriff, or ffiall enter upon the Execution of his faid Office, he fliall, at the Court of his County, enter into Bond, to our Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs and Succeffors, with Two good and fufficient Securitis, in the Sum of at leaft Five Hundred Pounds Sterling, for Bond to be taken his truc and faithful Performance of his Office: Which Bond the faid County recotde?""' ^ Court is hereby im.powered and required to take, and caufe to be acknowledged before them in open Court, and recorded in the Records of the County ; and Ihall alfo, befides taking the Oaths appointed by Law for Public Officers, take ^ the following Oath : Sherifs Oath. T A. B. do fokimily fwear, "That I mil truly and faithfully execute the Office of X Sheriff' of the County of C to the heft of my Skill and Ability, agreeable to Law ; and that I will not take or receive any Bribe from any Perfon for returning any Ma» to ferve as a Juror on any Jury, or for making falfe Returns of Writs, during the Time I (hall continue in the faid Office. So help me God. J J -^ V. AND 81. tn the next Sheriff. L/f^»So/' North -Carolina. 87 A. D. 1738. V. AND be it further EnaElcd^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That every Perfon [,^^f^^,~c,n hereafter commiflioned to be a Sheriff, for any County within this Province, upon a toaa, to tortest Recommendation of the County Court, in Purfuance of this Aft, and thereupon refufino- to accept the Office of Sheriff, and to perform the Duty thereof, fliall forfeit the Sum of Eight Pounds, Proclamation Money, payable to the next fuc- ceedinc Sheriff; to be recovered as other Fines and Forfeitures in this A61 directed. - VI. A N D be it further Ena5fed., by the Authority aforefald. That if any Coun- Cunty court ty Court fhall hereafter neglect or refufe to recommend Three Perfons to be She- commenT, "goZ riffs, according to the Directions of this Adl, it fhall and may be lawful, in fuch v'!-"^' "■•^y =p- Cafes, for the Governor or Commander in Chief of this Province for the Time ^' being, and he is hereby impowered, to appoint, by his Commiffion, any one Perfon, nominated a Jutlice of the Peace for the faid County, as he fhall think proper, tho' fuch Perfon be not then fworn a Juftice ; and if fuch Perfon fhall hereafter refufe to accept the Sheriff's Office, and to perform the Duty thereof, purfuant to his Commiffion, he ffiall forfeit the Sum of Eight Pounds Proclama- tion Money ; to be paid as aforefaid. VII. AND be it further Ena5fed, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Per- ghenff dyin?, fon, being one of the Three Perfons recommended by the Juftices of the County, Governor to'sp. and appointed Sheriff in Purfuance of the faid A6t, fhall happen to die in the th!,"^ """com- " Time of his Sherifalty, it fhall and may be lawful, in fuch Cafe, for the Gover- m-n^ied- nor or Comm.ander in Chief of this Province for the Time being, and he is here- by impowered, to appoint one of the Survivors recommended as aforefaid, to be Sheriff in his Room : And when any Sheriff appointed upon a Negle6l or Refufal of the County Court to recommend Three Perfons, according to the Diredlions of tliis A(5t, fhall happen to die in the Time of his Sherifalty, it fhall be lawful for the Governor or Commander in Chief for the Time being, and he is hereby im.- powered, to appoint, by his Commiffion, any one Perfon nominated a Juflice in the Commiffion of the Peace, altho' fuch new-appointed Perfon be not fworn a Juftice : And whatfoever Perfon fo appointed Sheriff upon the Death of another, fhall refufe to accept the Office of Sheriff, and perform the Duty thereof, pur- fuant to his Commiffion, he ffiall forfeit the Sum of Eight Pounds Proclamation Money \ to be recovered and paid as aforefaid. VIII. PROVIDED always^ That no Member of his Majefly's Council, a Members of Member of the Houfe of Affembly, or elefted as fuch tho' ading as a Juftice of ^^"^'jj' °^'^^[; the Peace, fhall be obliged to execute the Office of Sheriff; any Thing contained be sheriff. in this A(5t to the contrary, notwithftanding. IX. A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid^ That all Fines and Fines not other- Forfeitures mentioned in this A6t, not otherwife applied, fhall be to our Sovereign re to the King!" Lord the King, his Heirs and Succeffors, for and towards the Support of this Go- vernment, and the contingent Charges thereof; and ffiall and may be recovered, , , with Cofts, by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any Court in this Province, wherein no Effoign, Protection, or Wager of Law, ffiall be allowed or admitted of X. P RO FID E D always. That if any Perfon hereafter appointed to excecute Perfons making the Office of Sheriff, in any County of this Province, ffiall be willing to execute the °i g^e?SeS fame, but cannot get fufficient Security, for the Performance of his Duty therein, nty, not li^Wq as by the faid Aft is required, ffiall make Oath, in the Court of the County for '° '^' ^'"'"^• which he ffiall be appointed Sheriff, that he hath ufed his belt Endeavours, truly and bona fide, without Covin or CoUufion, to get Security for the Performance thereof, (which Oath the faid County Courts are hereby impowered and required to 88 LAWS 0/ North-Carolina. ji. D. 1738. to adminifter,) that then fuch Ferfon making Oath as aforefaid, fhall not incur, ^^ v~'— ' ^j. i^g jj^5i^ J.Q xht Forfeiture of the Sum of Eight Pounds Proclamation Money, in this Ad: mentioned -, any Thing in this Adl to the contrary thereof* in any- wife, notwithftanding. shcr'fr to execute ^^' AND he It further Enact ed^ by the Authority aforefaid^- That every She- aii Writ!, &c._ riff, by himfelf, or his lawful Deputy or Deputies, fhall execute all fuch Writs and Precepts, from Time to Time, as fliali be to him directed, according to the Demand thereof j and alfo, fhall make due Return thereof in Manner fol- lowing •, that is to fay. All Writs and Precepts returnable in any County Court, ^'mlde ''^^" '° ^^'^ ^^ executed, and Returns thereof made, at lead Five Days (excluding iS«»- day) before the Day therein mentioned for the Return \ and all Writs and Pre- cepts returnable in the General Court, fhall be executed according to the feveral Ads of Aflcmbly of this Province, and Return thereof fhall be made the Firft siicrifF tofotfeit Day of the fitting of the Court: And every Sheriff failing to make fufhcient oViusDu^'^'"^^ Return of all or any of the Precepts to him direded, as aforefaid, and according to the feveral Times herein before limited, fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds Proclamation Money, unlefs the Sheriff fhew fufhcient Caufe for fuch Negled ; one Moiety thereof to our Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs and Succeffors, for and towards the Support of the contingent Charges of this Government, and the other Moiety to him or them that fhall fue for the fame : To be recovered, by Adion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Infor- mation, in any Court of Record within this Province, in which no Effoign, Kr.h liable to an Protcdion, or Wager of Lav/, fhall be allowed ; and moreover, fuch Sheriff Afiion ( f ihe fQ failing as aforefaid, fhall be liable to an Adion at Common Law, at the Suit arty gricse , ^^ j.]^g Party injured, for any Damage which fhall be fuftained by fuch Failures Sheriff making And if any Sheriff, by himfelf, Olhccr, or Deputy, having executed any Writ forfti ^'*T'and or Prcccpt to him direded, fhall, by himfelf. Officer, or Deputy, make falfe liable to an Ac- Retum thercof, every fuch Sheriff fo offending, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Pounds Proclamation Money, to be recovered and applied as aforefaid ; and alfo, fhall be liable to an Adion at Common Law, at the Suit of the Party grieved, for any Damage which fhall be fuftained by fuch falfe Return. ,, „, . „ XII. ?R0 VID E D always. That it fhall not be lawful for any Sheriff, or No Writ, Gfc. to , . ^^ T^ -^ ,,r -7-. 1 T n T^ be executed on his Officcr or Dcputy, to execute any Writ or Precept upon the Lord s Day, V'"c"iZ''^Q- tc"j fotniTionly called Sunday, or upon any Perfon excepted, or upon the feveral Days prohibited by the Laws of this Province ; and the Execution of any Writ or Precept contrary to the true Meaning hereof, is hereby declared to be null and void : Any Thing herein contained to the contrary, notwithftanding. Except fcrTr... XIII. PROVIDED mverthekfs. That it fhall and maybe lawful for the Br"ach'iTpeac7 Sheriff, his Officer or Deputy, at any Time and Place whatfoever, to arreft and apprehend any Perlbn for Treafon or Felony, or Sijfpicion of Felony, or being acceffory thereto, or for any Riot or Breach of the Peace, or upon any Efcapc out of Prifon j any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof, notwith- ftanding. Sheriff to takt XIV. A N D he it further Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaid. That no She- fa""cuftod^y"'^"io ^'^^^ or any of his Officers or Deputies, fhall take, or caufe to be taken or made, tiiemfeives.' any Obligation, for any Caufe whatfoever, by Colour of their Office, but only • to themfelves, of any Perfon, nor by any Perfon, which fhall be in their Ward, by the Courfe of the Law, but by the Name of their Office, and upon Condition written. That the Prifoner or Prifoners fhall appear at the Day contained in the Writ, Precept, Bill, or Warrant, and in fuch Places as the aforefaid Writs, Pre- cepts, Bills, or Warrants fhall require •, and any Sheriff or other Officer taking an Obligation in any other Formj by Colour of their Offices, the fame ihall be null and void. XV. PKO- tion. L A ff'S of 'North-Carolina. 89 A. D. i7jR. XV. PRO VID E D always^ That it fhall and may be lawful, to and for any Sheriff or other Officer, to take fuch other Obligation of any Perfon or Per- fons in their Ward, as is or fhall be particularly and exprefly direfted, by any other A6t, upon any fpecial Cafe therein mentioned ; any Thing herein contained to the contrary, notwithftanding. XVI. AND be it further Ena^ed, by the Authority aforefaid^ That if any Pe,fon not to be Writ or Precept, in any Civil Adion, fhall be direded to any Sheriff or other '^^^ "^Vii Officer, to attach the Body of any Perfon which is not to be found within the ""'/• County where fuch Sheriff or other Officer refides, in fuch Cafe, Return of the fame Writ or Precept within the Time limited Ihall be made, according to the Truth of the Cafe ; and if the Perfon againft whom fuch Writ or Precept if- fued, fhall not appear, being thereto lawfully called, by Proclamation, in open J^p,^;, ^7lT Court, at the Return thereof, an Attachment fhall be awarded ao-ainfl his Eftate, ""=^ fi^ facilitating the Navigation of the feveral Ports of this Pro- cha'i. 10. '^"^ ' vijtce, and for Buoying and Beaconing the Channels leading from Oca- cock Inlet, to Edenton, Bath-Town, and Nev^bern, and from Top- fail Inlet, to Beaufort ionion, and other Ports and Inlets ^within the faid Province herein mentiojied; and for providing fiifficient Pilots for the fafe ConduSi of Veffels. CHAP. V. jfepe^kd by his An A5t, declaring what jhall be deemed a fufficient Cultivation of Lands StSnci?'"' already granted, or hereafter to be granted^ by His Majejly j atid for^ afcertaining the Manner of granting lapfed Lands. CHAP. LAWS o/'North-Carolina. 91 A. D. 1733. CHAP. VI. ' — "" ' An ASl, for appointing Circuit Courts^ and for enlarging the Power of kc^. by Aft, tbe County Courts, ^^-^ \ ''^^' CHAP. VII. An ABy to appropriate Iwo "fhoufand Pounds^ Current Bill Money, to ereSi a fiifficient Goaly a?id OJice or Place for the fafe keeping the Re- cords of the General Courts and for repairi?ig the Court-houfe at Eden- ton J and jor other Purpofes therein mentiofied. O B S. CHAP. VIII. . An A^, for the Encouragemejit and better Regulation of the Town of R«p- •'y Aft, Edenton. ^ t^:tir''" CHAP. IX. An A^y for dejlroying Vermin within this Province. EXP. • C H A P. X. An ASfy to prevent killing Degj^ ^at unfeafonable Times, ^' "R ^ ^^ Enabled, by his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, Efq\ Governor^ hy and n., Deer to br. X> 'wilh the Advice and Confent of his Majeftfs Council, and General Aff em- *''"'='^ ^'''•''" lly of this Province, and it is hereby EnaEied, by the Authority of the fame. That it >/y ,5^-on p"- fhall not be lawful! to loU or deftroy any Deer, running wild in the Woods, or ""'^^ "^' s^- unfenced Ground, in I'^x Government, by Gun, or any other Ways or Means whatfoever, between the Fifteenth Day of February, in e^ch Year, and the Fif- teenth Day of July fucceeding, after the Ratification of this Aft: And if any Per- fon, not being a Servant or Slave, fhall kill any Deer contrary to this Ad, and be thereof lawfully convided, the faid Perfon, for every Deer fo killed or deftroy- ed, fhall forfeit and p^ay the Sum of Five Founds, current Money, II. AND be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefai^. That if any Servant semnt or si. v. or Slave, by Order or Command of his or herMafler, Miftrefs, or Overfeer, fhall '^'"^"e Deer i,y kill or deftroy any Deer, contrary to this Aft, the Mafter, Miflrefs, or Overfeer "^[IjSITx.. giving fuch Order or Command, and being thereof lawfully convifted, for every ^^'" '" '^^ P" Deer fo killed or deftroyed, as aforefaid, fhall forfeit and pay the aforefaid Penal- "''''^' ty of Five Pounds, as if the faid Mafter, Miftrefs, or Overfeer had aftuallv com- mitted the Oflence. III. ANjy 92 LA W S of North-Carolina. Servant or SI ive I^^" ^^D Ic it further EnaElcd^ by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Ser- kiiiing Deer,' to yant Or Slavc, of his own accord, without any Order or Command from his or i,nfefs^the^''''"e her Maftcr, Miftrefs, or Overfeer, Ihall kill, deftroy, or buy any Deer, contrary Sccu.'ity for the to this Aft, and be thereof convided, by the Oath of one credible Witnefs, before ^'"'' a Juftice of the Peace of the County wherein the Offence is committed, for every Deer fo killed or deftroyed as aforefaid, the faid Servant or Slave fhall have and receive, on his or her bare Back, Thirty Lafhes, well laid on, to be inflifted by Order of the faid Juftice before whom the faid Conviftion fhall be, unlefs fome fufficient Perfon will become bound to pay, for the faid Servant or Slave, the Sum of Five Pounds current Money, within Six Months, in Lieu of the faid Punifh- ment aforelaid, to the Churchwardens of the Parifh where the Offence is com- mitted, for the Ufes direfted by this Ad. IV. AND he it further Enabled, by ^e Authority aforefaid., That one Moiety Kaei *Fjvfpria- ^^. ^^^ forfeitures of this A6t, Ihall be to the Churchwardens of the Parifh where fuch Offence is committed, for the Ufc of the Parifli, and the other Moiety to the Informer i to be recovered, with Cofts, by a Warrant from any Juftice of the Peace within this Government; faving unto all free People, the Right of Ap- R:ght of Appeal ^^j jq jj^g County Court where the Offence is committed: Which faid Court is iiiowed. finally to determine the fame ; wherein no EfToin, Protection, or Wager of Law, fhall be allowed or admitted of. C H A P. XL An A6iy for appointing a Town on the Vlantatlon where William Web- fler 710W dwelleth^ in Hyde County^ on the Weil ^ide of Matcha- pungo River. frivate. " I T T 7" E pray that it may be Enafted, And be it EnaSted^ by his Excellency \/y Gabriel Johnfton, Efq^'^ Governor^ by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majefly's Council, and General Affemhly of this Province, and by the Authority of the fame. That all the Land from a^reek next to miliam Denmark's, running to another Creek next to Richard Lenimont's, on a direft Line on the River Side, running from the high Land on each Creek, One Hundred Yards back, on a di- reft Line, is hereby declared to be a Townfhip, by the Name of JVoodfiock, with all Priviledges and Immunities hereafter mentioned and expreffed, for ever; and that the Property of the faid Plantation or Townfhip, be.oflnd it is hereby hence- forward invefted in Samuel Sinclair, Gentleman, Mr. William Harris, and Mr. John Smith, or any Two of them, who are hereby impowered to lay out the faid Land into Lots, of Half an Acre each, with convenient Streets, not lefs than Sixty Feet wide. II. A N D be it further Enabled, That Mr. John Smith, be, and is hereby ap- pointed Treafurerand Receiver of all fuch Sum and Sums of Money, which fhall arife on the Sale of the faid Lots, for the Ufe hereafter mentioned ; and on the Death, or Departure out of the Government, or Refufal of the faid Treafurer to a£t, then the next fucceeding Commiffioner or Truftee fhall officiate in his Stead and Place, and fhall give Security to the Juftices of the Court, that he will be ac- countable for the Money he fhall receive by Virtue of this Aft. III. AND be it further Ena^ed, That every Perfon whatfoever, who is willing to be an Inhabitant of the faid Town, fhall have Liberty to take up any Lot or Lots fo'laid out as aforefaid, and not before taken upj which Lot or Lots the faid Com- LAWS of N O R T H - C A p. O L I N A. 93 Commiffioners, or any Two of them, are hereby direded and impowered to Grant, ^' ^• Convey, and Acknowledge, to the Perfon or Perfons fo taking up the fame, and ' to his or their Heirs and Affigns, for ever, in Fee-Simple, upon the Payment of Forty Shillings, current Money, and the laid Confideration Money Ihall be paid unto William F/ebJier, the Proprietor of the laid Land, his Heirs and Affigns. IV. PRO FID E D always. That if any Perfon whatfoever Ihall take up, and have conveyed to him, any Lot or Lots as aforefaid, and Ihall not build, or caufe to be built thereon, within Two Years after the Date of the faid Convey- ance, a good, fubftantial, habitable Houfe, not of lefs Dimenfions than Twenty Feet in Length and Fifteen Feet wide, befides Sheds or Leantoes, or make Pre- paration for fo doing, as the Court of the laid County, by View of any Two or more of them, Ihall judge reafonable to fecure the fame, every fuch Conveyance ihall be, and is hereby declared void and of none EfFe6l, as if the fame had ne- ver been made ; and that the faid Lot or Lots fhall be free and clear for any other Perfon to take up and purchafe, on the Conditions aforefaid. V. PROVIDED alfo. That all Monies arifing by the Second or other Sale of the faid Lots, fhall be, and is hereby appropriated and applied, for the build- ing of a Church ; and what fhall be more than will build the faid Church, Ihall be applied to fuch other Ufes as the faid Commiffioners, or the major Part of them, Ihall think fit, for the Encouragement of the faid Town. VI. AND be it further EnaSled, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Com- miffioners, or any Two of them, fhall have Power and Authority, and they are hereby required and impowered, to remove all Nufances within the Limits of the faid Town •, and that no Perfon, Inhabitant of the faid Town, or holding Lots there, Ihall enclofe the fame, or keep the fame enclofed, under a common Stake Fence, but every Lot therein Ihall be paled in, or done with Polls and Rails fet up. VII. A N D for the further Encouragement of the faid Town, Be it Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all Mufters for the faid County, Eled:ion of Bur- gelTes, and all Bufmefs and Affairs of the like Nature, which belong to the faid County, fhall be taken, done, and tranfaded within the faid Town, arid at no other Place or Places whatfoever. VIII. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all Per- fons, PofTefibrs or Owners of Lots in the' faid Town, fhall, and they are hereby obliged, witliin Two Years next after the Ratification of this A6t, to clear all fuch Lots by them held and pofTefTed, from all Manner of V^ood, Under-wood, BruHi, and Grubs, that are or may be ofFenfive to the faid Inhabitants, and fhall fo keep and maintain the fame, from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafters under the Penalty of Ten Sliillings per Month ; to be recovered by a Warrant from one Juflice of the Peace ; one Half to the Informer, and the other Half to the Commiffioners, for the Ufe of the faid Town. IX. AND he it further EnaSled, by the Authority aforefaid. That in Cafe of the Death, or Departure out of the Government, of any of the faid Commif- fioners, at any Time hereafter, the remaining Com.miffioners, together with the Juftices of the County Court, are hereby authorifed and impowered, to make Choice ot fome other Perfon or Perfons to fucceed fuch Commiffioner or Com- miffioners fo dying or departing as aforefaid •, which Perfort or Perfons fo eleded and chofen, fhall be^, and they are hereby invefted with as much Power and Au- thority, to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever, as the prefent Commiffioners herein appointed are invefted with, by Virtue of this Ad. A a - ^ X. AND •^r- 94, LA JV S of North-Carolina. A. D. 1738. X. A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authority af or efatd. That the Commif- fioners are hereby impowered to make Choice of one Acre of Ground in the faid Town, where ever they fhall think fit and moft convenient, for a Church and Church YarJ. S I G N E D by Gabriel Johnston, Efqj Governor.' William Smithy Prefident.' William Downing, Speaker.' Anno L yi ff^ S of N orth-Carol iu A, gs A. D. 1738. Anno Regni G E O R G 1 1 IL Regis, Magn^e Britannia, Francice, &C Hiberniie, Duodecimo, E R I K r K S T O If. At a General ASSEMBLY, held at Newbernj the Eiehth g a , Day of Marchy m the Year or our Lord One Thoufand ^'^s Go«n.or. Seven Hundred and Thirty Eight. CHAP. I. An A5i, to fupply the DefeB of an AB, pajfed lafl SeJJion of AJfembly, intituled, An A6l, jor appointing Sherifs in the Room of MarJJmh of this Province^ for prefcribing the Method of appointing them^ and for limiting the Time of their Continuance in Office^ and directing their Duty therein J and for abolijhing the Office of Provoji-Marfial oj this Province -, and for altering the Names of the PrecijiSls into Counties. I- "1 Tl r H E R E A S by the aforefaid A<5t of Aflembly, it was, among other pfja^we VV Things, Enadted, That the Court of every County in this Government, at the firft Court that Ihall be held in each County next after the Ratification of this Aft, Ihall recommend to the Governor of this Province, Three fuch Juftices of the fame County Court as they fhall think moft fit and able, to execute the Of- fice of Sheriff, for their refpeftive Counties, for the Two next fucceeding Years ; of which Three Perfons fo recommended, the Governor fhall commiflionate fuch one of them as to him Ihall feem meet, to execute the faid Office : And where- as it was therein further Enafted, That from and after the Twenty Fifth Day oiMarchy in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Thirty Nine, the Office of Provoft-Marfhal of this Province, be abolifhed and ceafe : And vvhereas the Office of Provoft-Marfhal will ceafe a confiderable Time before She- rifs can poffibly be appointed, according to the Direftions of the aforefaid Aft, in which Interval of Time no Perfon or Perfons are, by the faid Aft, authorifed to execute the Office of Sherifs of the refpeftive Counties of this Colony, or any of them, whereby a great Failure of Juftice muft enfue, unlefs remedied : For Reme- dy whereof, "" II. W E g6 LAWS o/' North-Carolina. ^. D. 1738. ^^^^Z^^^^y II. WE Pray that it may be Enafted, And be it Enabled, by his Excellency Ga- appoint sheriis bricl Johiifton, Efq^-, Governor^ by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majefty's ounty. £g^jj^ji^ ^^^^ General Aj[enif>ly of this Provincey and it is hereby Enacted^ by the Authority of the fame^ That the Governor or Commander in Chief of this Colony, fhali and may conftitute and appoint Sherifs, for each and every County within this Government, to execute their feveral Offices, from and after the aforefaid Twenty Fifth Day of March^ in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Thirty Nine, for and during the Term of Two Years, thence next cnfuing -, and in Cafe of the Death or Removal out of this Province of any of them, to commiffionate others in their Room, to execute the faid Office, for and during the Time then in fuch Cafe unexpired of the faid Two Years : And fuch Sherifs fo conftituted by the Governor, are hereby authorifed to execute their fe- veral Offices, in as full and ample Manner, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if they were appointed according to the Directions of the aforefaid A6t. Sherifs to give HI. P ROVID ED always^ That every Sheriff fo appointed, ihall give ^''"'*' Bond, with fufficient Securities, in the Sum, and in the Manner by the aforefaid Aft directed, for the faithful Difcharge of his faid Office j and ihall likewife take the Oath of Office therein direfted. theTr^office'di* "^^* ^ N D be it furtheT Enact ed^ by the Authority aforefaid. That each of the fupeVfeded^ and Shcrifs which ffiall be appointed by the Governor by Virtue of this Aft, fhall Fee'^/aT the PrT ^"^ ^^^ cxccutc his Officc Until he be fuperfeded, according to the Direftions of voft-Mai/hai, the Aft of Affembly herein before recited ; and likewife, that the feveral Sherifs of this Government Ihall and may take and receive the feveral Fees by Law ap- pointed for the Provoft-Marlhal, and Ihall likewife oe intituled to have and re- LcSeMceT^"'^" ^^^^^ ^^s Sum. of Eight Pounds Proclamation Money, for all Public Services ; and likewife, the feveral Sums by Law appointed to Sherifs, for coUefting Pub- lic Taxes. Perfons refufing V. AN D be it further EnaEled^ by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfbn gV^o The^eext '^^^'^^ ^^^^ ^^ appointed by the Governor, by Virtue of this Aft, fhall refufe to Sheriff. accept the faid Office, each Perfon fo refufing, (except fuch Perfons as by the a- forefaid Aft is excepted,) fhall forfeit and pay, to the next Perfon who fhalj ex- ecute the faid Office, the Sum of Eight Pounds Proclamation Money ; to be recovered and applied in the fame Manner as in the before-recited Aft is direfted, in Cafe of the Refufal of a Sheriff fo appointed by Virtue thereof. Sherifs Tiabie to VI. A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the feveral Penalties. Shcrifs which fliall be appointed by the Governor, by Virtue of this Aft, fhall be liable to all the Penalties in the aforefaid Aft mentioned and impofed, for. any Mifdemeaners which they may commit in the Execution of their Office ; to he recovered and applied as the Forfeitures in the faid Aft are direfted. f^'^fhlrffs^'w ^^^' A N B be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That from and fee appointed ac aftcr the ExplratioH of the faid Two Years next enfuing the Twenty Fifth Day of cording to Aft. March, in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Thirty Nine, all Sherifs of this Government fhall, for ever after, be appointed according to the Direftions of the Aft of Affembly herein before recited, and not otherwife. S I G N E D by Gabriel Johnston, Efq; Govcrner; , William Smith, Prefident. William Downing, Speaker* L A W S of North-Carolina. 97 yi. D. 1759. J&**t*c)t-,c!hct;tt:,ct:.*j**,tt:.c^^^^^ smI O Anno Regni G E O R G 1 1 IL Regis, Magnce Brkanniae, Franciie, &c Hiberniie, Decimo Tertio. At a General ASSEMBLY, held at Newherri, the Twen- gaebiec ty Fifth Day of Februaryy in the Year of our Lord One e%"go7to Thoufand Seven Hundred and Thirty Nine. CHAP. I. An Acf, appointing a Treafurer for the fever al Counties herein mentioned^ in the Room of William Downing, Efq-, deceafed. O B S. CHAP. II. An ^5f, to afcertain the Allowance of his Majeftfs Council^ and the Mem- bers of AJJembly^ of this Province, and for Payment of all Claims j and to prevent kttijig out any more of the Loan Money on Inter ef. EXP, CHAP. III. An A£i^ prefcribing the Manner of Proving Book Debts. ^- '\KT HERE AS tiie Trade and Merchandize in this Province, is chiefly Preamble, VV carried on by Retail, and Goods, Wares, and Merchandizes are generally delivered to thofe that buy them by the Retailer himfelf, and it very fre- quently happensi that no Body is privy thereto but the Buyer and Seller, fo thae m many Cafes, there may be a Defed of legal Evidence to charge fuch Buyer, snd by that Means the fair Trader may be hindred from recovering a juft Debt : And B b for- ^8 LAWS c/' North-Carolina. » y?. D. 1739. forafmuch as no Law now in Force doth determine what fljall be lawful Evi- ^-' V"-«-^ dence in fuch Cafes, and many Difputes and Difficulties in the feveral Courts of ' this Province do frequently arife thereupon, and different Notions and Opinions prevail, and altho' allowing the Plantiff, in all Cafes, to prove his Debt by his own Oath, may have been attended with great Inconveniences, and occafioned frequent Perjuries, yet, on the other Hand, it may be necefiary, for the Sup- port of Trade, in fuch a Courfe of Dealing, to allow the Plaintff's Book, proved by his own Oath, to be given in Evidence : Manner of pr»v. II. BE it therefore Enucted^ hy bis Excellency Gdbud }oh.n?(.on, E^qy Cover-, iiig Book Debts, j^g^^ i^y ^^^ ^iijj thg Advice and Confent of his Majeftfs Council, and General AJfembly of this Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame^ That wherever any Perfon or Perfons hereafter lliall bring any Adion of Debt, or vipon the Cafe, and therein fhall declare, upon an Emijfet, or Indebitatis, Af' fumpfit, or ^.antum Valebant, or ^antum Meriut, for Goods Wares, or Mer-' chandizes, by him fold and delivered, to any Perfon or Pefons, or for Work or La- bour done and performed, and upon the Tryal of fuch Aftion, fliall declare, upon his Corporal Oatii, or folemn Affirmation, as the Cafe may be, that the Matter in Difpute is a Book Account, and that he hath no Means to prove the Delivery of the Articles therein contained, or any of them, but by his Book j in that Cafe, fuch Book, provided it contain the fir(l Entry, Iliall and may be givea in Evidence upon the Tryal, if he fhall make out, by his own Oath, that fuch Book or Books doth contain a true Account of all the Dealings between him and the Defendant from the Beginning, or the laft Settlement of Accounts between them, and that all the Articles therein charged were, bona fide, delivered, and that ' he hath given all juft Credits, due to the Defendant, in fuch Account ; and fuch Book or Books, and Oath, fhall be admitted and received as good Evidence for any of the Articles, for Goods dilivered within Eighteen Months before the fame Adi- on Wought, but not for any Article of a longer Standing : And where the Perfon who delivered fuch Goods, Wares, or Merchandizes, fhall die, his Executors, or Adminiflrators, may give his Book or Books in Evidence, upon his or their mak- ino-Oath, that there are no WitnefTes, to his or their Knowledge, capable of prov- ing the Delivery of the Goods or Merchandizes therein mentioned, and that he or they found the Book or Books fo ftated, and do not know of any Credit to be given -, and fuch Book and Oath fhall be admitted and received as Evi4.ence for any of the Articles for Goods delivered within the Time aforefaid. Defendant may HI. P RO V I B E B neverthekfs. That the Defendant fhall be at Liberty to Evldlc?.""''^'" contefl the Plaintiff's Evidence, and to oppofe the fame by legal Evidence; and Teftatot's Book where the Defendant fhall be an Executor or Adminiftrator, his Teftator or In- a^^muted as Ev.- ^.gft^jg.g g^^j^ fl^^ll and may be given in Evidence againft the Plaintiffs Book, where the Plaintiff is Executor or Adminiftrator. No Book of Ap. IV. P ROV IB EB alfo, and be it further Enabled, That no Book of Ac- S fcr'Tbot; counts, altho' the fame may be proved by any Witnefs or Witneffes, fhall hereafter 5 Years before bc admitted or rccelvcd in Evidence in any Adion, for any Money due for Goods, Aftion. Wares, or Merchandizes, hereafter to be delivered, or for Work hereafter to be Pafons beyond done, abovc Five Years before the fame Aftion brought ; except in Cafes of Per- Seas excepted, fo^s rcfiding in Great-Britain, Or in other Parts beyond the Seas, or out of the Government, or where the Accounts fhall be fettled and figned by the Parties. y. PROFTBEB neverthekfs, and he it further Enabled, That for the Reco- Jente fo^Debu vcry of any Debt now due, for Goods, Wares, and Merchandizes, heretofore de- f"=l^ for within livered, the Plaintiff, within Eighteen Months from the Faffing of this Aft, fhall ' °"' '* be allowed to give his Book in Evidence, being proved by his own Oath, in the Manner before directed j aod in Cafe of Executors or Adminiflrators, the like E- videncc L A JV S of N oRT h-Car o l i n a. 99 vidence fhali be admitted and received, as is before direded for the Recovery of ^- ^' '739,- any Debt hereafter to be coiitraded. *^ v — -^_ VI. PRO VID E D alfc. That no fuch Evidence as is herein before menti- No Evidence be- oned, fliaH be admitted, recived, or taken, in any of his Majeftys Courts of Re- b'"''iw'°"f'^he cord in this Province, as a fufficient kgal Evidence, in any Caafe wherein the DebcMceedszoi! Debt, or the Sum fued for, exceeds Twenty Pounds Proclamation Money, or for any Specie or Commodity, or Work done, that furmounts the Value of the faid Twenty Pounds Proclamation Money ; any Thing herein contained to the con- trary, notwithftandihg. VII. P ROVIDED alfoy That nothing in this Acl Ihall extend to any Or- ThisAa not » dinary-keepers Accounts ; but that the faid Ordinary Accounts fhall be recovered "ary"kelpe°"''" in Manner as by other Atfls heretofore are direfted. pers. C H A P. IV. An AB, for EreBtng the Village called Newton, in New-Hanover Coun- see Aa paff.d /y, into a Tonvn and Townjhip, by the Name of Wilmington j and Re- *^*°' ^^'^" '*' gidating and afcertaining the Bounds thereof. I. '\%J H E R E A S feveral Merchants, Tradefmen, Artificers, and other Per- VV fons of good Subftance, have fettled themfelves at a Villao-e called Newton, lying on the Eafi Branch of Cape-Fear River ; and whereas the faid Village, by Reafon of its convenient Situation at the Meeting of the Two Great Branches of Cape-Fear River, and likewife, by Reafon of the Depth of Water capable of receiving Veflels of confidcrable Burthen, Safety of its Roads beyond any other Part of the River, and the fecure and eafy Accefs from all Parts of the different Branches of the faid River, is, upon all thofe and many other Accounts more proper for being erefted into a Town or Townlhip, than any other Part of the faid River : ' • II. B E it therefore Enacted, hy his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, Efq-, Gover- nor, hy and iSjith the Ad-vice and Confent of his Majefifs Council, and General Af~ femhly of this Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame That the Village heretofore called Newton, lying on the Eaft Side of the North- Eafi; Branch of C(2/)^-i^^c'zr River, mNcw-Hanover QoMXiVj, fhall, from and after the paffing of this Aft, be a Town and Townlhip, and the faid Village is hereby eftablifhed a Town and Townlhip, by the Name of Wilmington, the Bounds whereof fhall be and are circumfcribed in Manner following j that is to fay. To the Northeaft, by the Lands of his Excellency Gabriel Jchnjion, Efq; upwards, and below,^ by the Lands of Michael Dyer ; t(^ the Weftward, by the Northeaft Branch of Cape-Fear River ; and to the Eajiward, by a Line drawn between the faid Lands of his Excellency Gabriel Johnfion, Efq-, and Michael Dyer, One Hundred and Twenty Poles diftant from the River. III. AND he it further Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaid. That for ever,' after paffing of this Aft, the Inhabitants of and near the faid Town, qualified as herein after mentioned, fhall have the Privilege of chufing one Reprefentative for the faid Town, to fit and vote in General Aflembly. IV. A N D for afcertaining tlie Method of chufing the faid Reprefentative, Be rt further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That every Tenant of any Brick, 3tone, loo Z/^^^'c/'North-Carolina. A. D. ^Ti9- Stone, or framed habitable Houfe, of the Length of Twenty *Feet,- .and Sixteen Feet -wide, within the Bounds of the faid Town, who, at the Day of Ele(5lion, .and for Three Months next before, inhabited fuch Houfe, fhall be entitled to vote in the Eledion for the Reprefentative of the faid Town, to be fent to the General Aflembly : And in Cafe there fhall be no Tenant of fuch Houfe in the faid Town, on the Day of Eleftion, quaUfied to vote as aforefaid, that then, and in fuch Cafe, the Perfon feifed of fuch Houfe, either in Fee-Simple, or Fee-Tail, or for Term of Life, fhall be entitled to vote for the Reprefentative aforefaid. V. AN D be it further Ena^ed^ by the Authority aforefaid. That every Perfoa who, on the Day of Eleftion, and for Three Months next before, fhall be in a6tual PofTeflion or an Inhabitant of a Brick Houfe, of the Length of Thirty- Feet, and Sixteen Feet wide, between the Bounds of the faid Town upwards, and Smith's Creek, and within One Hundred and Twenty Poles of the Northeaji Branch of Cape-Fear River, fhall be entitled to, and have a Vote in the Eledlion of a Reprefentative for the faid Town, (unlefs fuch Perfon be a Servant •, ) and fhall, as long as he continues an Inhabitant of fuch Houfe, within the faid Bounds, enjoy all the Rights, Privileges, and Immunities, to which any Inhabitant within the faid Town fhall be entitled, by Virtue of this A<5t. VI. AND be it further Ena^ed, by the Authority aforefaid. That no Perfon fliall be deemed qualified to be a Reprefentative for the faid Town, to fit in the General AfTembly, unlefs, oh the Day of Eledion, he be, and for Three Months next before, was feifed, in Fee-Simple, or for Term of Life, of a Brick, Stone, or framed Houfe, of the Dimenfions aforefaid, with one or more Brick Chimney^ or Chimnies. VIJ. AND be it further EnaEied, by the Authority aforefaid. That forever,' after the pafTmg of this Aft, the Court of the County of New-Hanover, and the Eleftion of the Reprefentatives to be fent to the General AfTembly, and the E- leftions of Veflrymen, and all other Public Eleftions, of what Kind or Nature foever, for the faid County and Town, fhall be held and made in the Town of Wilmington, and at no other Place whatfoever; any Law, Statute, Ufage, or Cuflom, to the contrary, notwithftanding. VIII. AND be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the pafTmg of this Aft, the CoUedor and Naval-Officer of the Port oUBrun- (wick, (of which Port the faid Town of Wilmington is the mofl central and con- venient Place, both for Exportation and Importation, by Rcafon of its Naviga- tion and Situation,) fhall conflantly refide in the faid Town, and there keep their refpedtive Offices, until his Majefly fhall be pleafed to give his Diredions to the contrary : And likewife, the Clerk of the Court of the County of New-Hanover^ and the Regifter of tli^ faid County, fhall conflantly hold and execute their re- fpeftive Offices in the faid Town of Wilmi>?gton : And that if either of the faid Officers negleft or refufe fo to cte, he fo neglecting or refufing, fhall, for every Month he fliall be a Delinquent, forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds Pro- clamation Money ; to be fued for and recovered, by him who fKall fue for the fame, in the General Court of this Province, or in the County Court of New- Hanover, by Adion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, wherein no EfToign, Proteftion, Injunftion, or V^ager of Law fliall be allowed ; and one Half of fuch Forfeiture fhall be for the Ufe of the Perfon who fues for the fame, and the other Half fhall be paid to the Commilfioners, for the Time being, appointed for re- gulating the faid Town. IX. AND for the due regulating the faid Town, Be it further EnaBed, by tU Aufhority aforefaid. That Robert Halton, James Murray, Samuel Woodardy ~ • - William L A IV S of North-Carolina. ioi William Farris, Richard Eagles^ John Porter^ and Robert Walker^ Efquires, are ^- ■^ 't^'*- hereby eftablifhed and appointed Commiflloners for the faid Town -, .and the faid Commiflioners, or a Majority of them, and their Succeflbrs, (hall have, and be invefted, with all Powers and Authorities, within the Bounds of the faid Town of Wilmington, in as full and ample Menner, as the Commiflioners for the Town of Edenton have or poffefs, by Virtue of any Law heretofore paffed. X. AND whereas the Juflices of the County Court o^ New-Hanover, at the Court held at Brunfzvick, on Tuefday the Eleventh Day of December laft, have impofed a Tax of Five Shillings per Poll, to be levied on the Tithable Inhabi- tants of the faid County, between the Firft Day of January, and the Firft Day of March, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Thirty Nine ; and afterwards, one other Tax of Five Shillings per Poll, to be levied on the faid Inhabitants, between the Firft Day of January, and the Firft Day of March, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty ; towards building a Court-houfe and Goal in the Town of Brunfwick, for the faid County : XL B E it Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid, Thaf. the Juftices of the faid County Court fhall, and. are hereby directed, to apply the faid Levy or Tax to- wards finiftiing and compleating the Court-houfe already eredled in the faid Town ef Wilmington, and towards building a Goal in the faid Town. XII. AND be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any one ©r more of the faid Commiflioners ftiall die, or remove out of the County, that then and in fuch Cafe, the furviving or remaining Commiflioners fliall, within Six Months after the Death or Removal of fuch Commiflloner, prefcnt to his Ex- cellency the Governor or Commander in Chief for the Time being. Three Per- Ibns, one of which the faid Governor or Commander in Chief is hereby impow- ered to nominate and appoint ; and the Commiflloner fo appointed fhall be in- verted with the fame Powers and Authorities, as any Commiflioner nominated by this Aft. S I G N E D by Gabriel Johnston, Efq; Governor. William Smith, Prefident. John Hodgson, Speaker, WWWW' WW ■Anno L A W S of North-Carolina. Anno Regni G E O R G 1 1 11, Regis, Magn^e Britannia, Francis, & Hiberni A B K I C t. At a General ASSEMBLY, held at Edentofiy the Twen- g. ty Firft Day of Augufi^ in the Year of our Lord One E^'covlino'?.' Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty. C H A P. I. An A5i, for Confirtning Titles to the Totvn Lands o/'Edenton, for fe curing the Privileges heretofore granted to the [aid Town, and for further En- couragement and better Regulation thereof I. Wf H E R E A S, purfuant to the feveral Ads of Affembly of this Pro- Preambi?. VV vince heretofore pafied and Ratified, Four Hundred and Twenty Acres of Land, lying in the Fork of ^een Ann's Creek, in Chowan County, iri the Province aforefaid, bounded Eajiwardy by the Lands of Miles Gale, Northward^ by the Lands of William Badham^ deceafed, and George Lijles, on the Wejlwardy by the Beaver-Dam^ and Creek, and on the Southward., by the Sound, was pur- chafed by the PubUc, and hath been laid out for a Town, called Edenton^ and Part thereof divided into Lots of half Acres, as will more fully appear by the Plan thereof, already laid out, with convenient Streets, Paffages, Place for a Church, Governour's Houfe, Court- houfe, Burying-pUce, Market-place, and Council Room, and other Purpofes, and, by the faid A6ls, were veiled, in Fee, in Com- miflioners or Truftees, to dilpofe thereof according to the Dire6lions of the faid 'feveral Afts •, many of which Commiflioncrs or Truftees have conveyed Lots or Half Acres to feveral Perfons, who built thereon, and have made a confiderable Improvement; and he Refidue of the faid Four Hundred and Twenty Acres was referved for a Tow. i Common : II. AND whereas feveral of the faid Afts have been fmce repealed, expired, or ftand fufpended, whereby many Inconveniencies and Mifchiefs may arife, the Improvement and Building of the faid Town very much retarded, the Power of the 104 LAWS o/' North-Carolina. f_ ^ 1'^'^ tl^e Commiffioners and Truftees become dubious, and the f'erfons Titles to fuch Lots precarious : For Remedy whereof, and to prevent Difputes that may hap- pen, and tor the better fecuring the ancient Privileges of the faid Town-lhip, and Regulation thereof ; tyni^TEd^Iton ^^^' ^^ P^'^^" ^^^^ '^^ ^^^ ^^ Enaded, And be it Ena^ed, by his Excellency confirmtM, anrt Gabriel Johnfton, Efq; Govcrnory by and with the Advice and ConferJ of his Ma- m'ffioJ" ^'""' ^^-f^y^ Council, and General AJfembly of this Province, and by the Authority of the fame^ That the faid Four Hundred and Twenty Acres, fo purchafed and laid out tor the faid Town of Edenton, purfuant to the faid Ads of AlTembly, and veiled in CommiiTioners or Truftees, according to the faid feveral Afts, fuch Commiffion- ers or Truftees fo invefted, are hereby declared to have had a good, abfolute, and indefeafible Eftate, in Fee, in fuch Lands refpedtively, in Truft and Confidence, to and for the Ufes in the faid feveral A6ls -, and the Commiffioners and Truftees hereafter mentioned, are hereby declared to have a good, abfolute, and indefeafi- ble Eftate, in Fee, in all fuch Lands and Lots which have not been difpofed of by the former Commiffioners or Truftees, but in Truft and Confidence, to and for the Ufe and Ufes herein after mentioned relating to the faid Town of Eden- ton, and for no other Ufe or Furpofe whatfoevcr ; and the faid Lands and Lots are hereby Confirmed to the faid Commiffioners or Truftees, in Fee, to fuch Ufe or Ufes : Any Thing in the Repealing, Expiring, Sufpenfion of any of the faid A6ts, or any other Law, Statute, Ufage, or Cuftom, to the contrary* not- withftanding. Titles of fuch «t IV. AND be it further EnaSfed, by the Authority aforefaid, Thzt If zny Fer- lou/TtLti' ^°^ °^ Perfons have purchafed and paid for any Lot or Lots, Half Acre or Half good. Acres of Land in the faid Town of Edcnton, of any of the Comm.iffioners or Truftees, purfuant to the faid feveral Afts, and have, fully complied with the Conditions in the faid feveral A(5ts mentiond, fuch Perfon or Perfons are hereby declared to be invefted with, and to have a good, abfolute, and indefeafible E- ftate, in Fee, to fuch Lot or Lots, Half Acre or Half Acres of Land ; and the fame is hereby confirmed, in Fee, to fuch Perfon or Perfons, and to his, her, and their Heirs and Affigns, for ever. «o«miflioner» V. A N D be it further EnaEled, by the Authority afcrefaid. That the Honourable .ppainted. r^ilUam Smith Efq-, John Hodgfon Efq-, Abraham Blackhall, Jofeph Anderfon, and fames Craven, Gentlemen, are hereby appointed Commiffioners or Truftees, to and for the feveral Ufes and Purpofes declared by this Aft, and impowered and in- vefted with all the Privileges hereinafter exprelTed, for ever. S'c'on.mfiw ^^' AND that the full Number of Commiffioners may be always kept up, ers. Survivors to Be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That in Cafe of Death, or Remo- appoint othen. ^^j ^^^ ^^ ^^ County of Choivan, of any of the aforefaid Commiffioners or Truftees, at any Time hereafter, the remaining Part of the faid Commiffioners or Truftees, are hereby authorized and and impowered to make Choice of fome other Perfon or Perfons, being Freeholders of the faid Town, to fucceed fuch Commiffioner or Commiflioners, Truftee or Truftees, fo dying or removing as aforefaid ; and ftich Perfon or Perfons lo elefted or chofen, are hereby invefted with as full Power and Authority, to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever, as the aforefaid Commiffioners or Truftees now nominated or appointed. Treafurer »p. VII. AND be it further EnaSled, by the Authority aforefaid. That John Uodg- foisted. j^^^ £^^^ Q^^ ^j- ^^ Commiffiioners or Truftees aforefaid, ffiall be appointed prc- fent Treafurer and Receiver of all Monies arifing by Virtue of this Aft ; and on his Death or Removal out of the County of Chowan, then the Fi^-ft Commiffioner ihaU L A JV S o/' North-Carolina. 105 -fiiall fucceed and be Treafurer, firft giving fufficient Security, to the Juftices of ^ ^- i74o- the County Court of Chowan^ for the juil ir'erformance of the faid Truft. ^-"^ . VIII. AND be it further Efiacted, by the Authority aforefaid^ That the Lots of Lots w be dir- Half an Acre each, or thereabouts, not taken up and difpofed of, be difpofed of P' "^^ "f- by the Comiflioners or Truflees aforefaid, as hereafter in this A<51 is directed. . IX. AND he it further Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid. That the Place al- streets and Pub. ready laid out, as by the Flan of the faid Town may more fully appear, for Streets, ^'^= p^^'« referv- Pafliiges, Church, Governor's Houfc, Court-houfe, Burying-place, Market-place, Prifon, Council Room, and Town Common, be referved forthofe Ufes, and no other. X. A N D be it further Ena5ied, by the Authority aforefaid^ That every Perfon commffionersto. whatfoever who is defirous to be an Inhabitant of the faid Town, fhall have free ^0".%^^^.' ^^' Liberty to take up any Lot or Lots, already laid out and not before taken up ; which Lot or Lots the Commiflioners or Truflees aforefaid, or any Three of them, where- of the Treafurer to be One, are hereby required, directed, and impowered, to grant, convey, and acknowledge, to the Perfon or Perfons fo taking up the fame, and to his and their Heirs and Afligns, for ever, in Fee-Simple, for the Confi- dcration of Ten Shillings Proclamation Money, for each and every Lot by them fo granted ; which Ihall be appropriated as by this Ad; hereafter is dredted, XI. P ROV ID ED always. That if any. Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, fhall Crahtce not take up and purchafe any Lot or Lots, as in Manner before direded, and fhall yj^rs"^ ConvT* not build, or caufe to be built thereon, tor each and every Lot or Lots fo taken up ance to be" ^oi>i] and purchafed, within Two Years after the Date of the faid Conveyance, a good, fubflantial. Brick, Stone, or framed habitable Houfe, not of lefs Dimenfions than Twenty Feet long. Fifteen Feet in Wedth, and Eight Feet in Height, be- tween the firfl Floor and the Joifls, or in Proportion for each and every Lot or Lots, or make fuch Preparation for fo doing as the Commiflioners, or the Majo- rity of them, fhall judge reafonable to fecure the flime, every fuch Conveyance Ihall be, and is hereby declared void and of none Effe<5t, as if the fame had ne- ver been made ; and that the fame Lots be free and clear for any other Perfon to take up and purchafe, as in Manner before direded. XII. A N D be it further Ena^ed, by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and Owners of Front may be lawful for any Perfon, who is Owner of a Front Lot or Lots, to ered or wharC»"f."«n build a Warehoufe, Store-houfe, Wharfs, or other Conveniencies, for their Land- p^yu^g 5 s. ing and Storing of Goods, on any Part of the Land fronting their own Lot or Lots, and as flir out into the Water as he or they fhall think proper, not going further than the Edge of the Channel, paying for the fame, to the aforefaid Com- mifTioners or Truflees, for each and every Front Lot, Five Shillings Proclamation Money ; to be appropriated as by this Aft is hereafer direfted ; which Commif- fioners or Truflees are hereby impowered to make him, her, or them. Grants or Conveyances, in Fee-fimple, for the fame : And in Cafe the Owner or Proprie- ^*"". ."" '*''- tor of any Front Lot or Lots fhall not, within Six Months after Notice given by «idTecu!ingThe any Perfon, purchafe or take up his or her Front, and likewife fhall not, with- ^^dTin^y"* in Two Years after the Purchafe thereof, fecure the Front Street Fifty Feet from any other Pe"on the Waters Encroachments, that it fhall and may be lawful for any Perfon to take IJV'''^u^'^LT^•''* ,_ ,,,.. .■', ' iVlontn* Notice, up the fame, under the Conditions aforementioned. XIII. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Per- perfon. not tu fon, after the Firfl Day of May next, fhall ered, repair, or caufe to be eredled or ^^^j^"' J^f^'' repaired, any Wooden Chimney within the faid Town, fuch Perfon fo offending, nies, on Penalty Ihall forfeit and pay, for each and every Offence, the Sum of Ten Pounds Procla- "^ *°^' , D d mation io6 L A IV^ S (?/' North-Carolina. A. D. 1740. mation Money •, to be recoveved and appropriated as hereafter by this A6t is di- ' V ' reded. UyTTtT/the ^'^^' AND be hfurthe'r' Enacted^, by the Authority aforefaidy That the Com- L tj, to r.ifc: a miflioners or Truftees aforeiiiid, or any Three of them, fhall, within Six Months TTwn/°"and'''^ aitsr the Ratification of this Ad, meet and lay a Tax on each and every Perfon, Commcn. ' according to the Number of his or her Lot or Lots, Half Acre or Half Acres of Land, by him or them held within the faid Town, ( Fronts excepted ) fufficient to raife a Fence round the faid Town, and Town Common, as the Commiffioners or Truftees aforefaid, or any Three of them, fhail think fufficient, fo as the faid Fence be compleated within Eighteen Momlis alter the Ratification of this Aft; under the Penalty of Five Pounds Proclamation Monty, on each and every Commilli- Perfons refufmg cxner : And ia Cafe any Perfon or Perons fhall neglcft or refufe to pay, on De- sV'e*/'"*"'^"' mand, his or her Tax fo laid by the aforefaid Com miflioners or Truftees, by Vir- tue of this Aft, fuch Perfon or Perfocu- fo offending, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Two Shillings and Six Peace Proclamation Money, over and above the faid Tax, for each and every Lot he or Ihe hath a Conveyance for \ to be recovered and appropriated as liereafter in this Aft is direfted. Perfoni pulling XV. AND he tt further EnaSfed^ by the Authority aforefaid Thzx. if any evil- Sr*rivtn'gH"gs.' winded PerfoH fliall, in the Night, or at any lime or Times whatfoever, pull Me. wiciia itj down the faid Town F!ence, or any Part thereof, in Order to let in any Perfons to forfeit ici. Yicz% Cattle, or Horfcs, within the faid Town Inclofure, or ft^all otherwife drive Pigs, Cattle, or Horf.s, into, or out of the faid Town, fuch Perfon fo of- fending, fhall forfeit and pay, for each and every Offence, the Sum of Ten Pounds Proclamation Money •■, to be recovered and appropriated as by this Aft is hereafter direfted. ' : ' T 5 «» be I fl XVL AND be it further Enact ed, by the Authority aforefaid^ That each and every e.i in J MoR-hs' Perfon or Perfons, pofTefred of any Lot or Lots in the faid Town, or hereafter «Par.^ityof:t. ^j^jj ^^ pofTcfTed, and not yet clear .-d, fhall, in the Space of Three Months after the pafTmg of this Aft, or within Three Months after he, fhe, or they, fhall have purchafed any Lot or Lots, cut down all the Wood and Brufh-wood in the fame, and, once in each Year, do the like ; and in Cafe of Negleft or Refufal of any Pof- fefTor or PofTeficrs of a Lot or Lots to perform the fame, in Manner aforefaid, fuch PofTeffor fhall forfeit and pay, for each and every Ofifence, the Sum of Five ShilUngs Proclamation Money, for each and every Lot he, fhe, or they, fhall have i. Conveyance for i to be recovered and appropriated as in this Aft is hereafter di- refted. Keg., SHoat., «r XVIT. AND be it further Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That from and poundedT* fold after the Time the aforefaid Fence fliall be compleated, it fhall and may be law- for th- Puor of jTyj fQj. ^j^y Perfon to take up and pound any Hog, Shoat, or Pig, that fhall be found ranging at Large in the faid Town, fo long as the faid Fence fhall be kept in good Repair: And fuch Hogs, Shoats, or Pigs, fo taken up and pounded, fhall be Sold at Vandue, and the Money arifing by fuch Sale, given to the Poor refiding in the faid Town, by the Commiflloners or Truftees aforefaid : And for preventing Annoyances and Nufances in the faid Town, PcrfoBi hyinj XVIII. B E it further Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That if any Perfon or Sc"rcetf ^c '"'o -Perfons fhall throw out, or lay in any Street, or upon any Public Place in t\% faid fethit'iti!' " Town, any Dirt, Rubbifh, Duft', or Mortar, except fuch Perfon or Perfons wh^ arc building or repairing a Houfe or Houfes in the faid Town, during the Time they are building or repairing fuch Houfe or Houfes, fuch Perfon or Perfons fo of- fending, fhill forfeit and pay, to the aforefaid Com miflioners or Truftees, for each and every Offence, the Sum gf Tea Shillings Proclamation Money j to be reco- vered L A IV S of Nor T K- C a r o l i n a. 1 07 yered and appropiated as in cb.is Act is her^-afiier directed : And if any fuch Offence ^ ^- '74o- is committed by any Servant or Slave, luch Servant or Slave fhall be punilhed il^^TbTTs^r- by Whipping, not exceeding Thirty Lailies, at the Direftion of any Tliree of the v^nt or si»ve, h= .Commiaioners. fli.ii be wh^pp.d- XIX. AND be it further Enacted^ by the Authcrity afcrsfaidy That as often as Maic Tithabies the Overfeer of thefuid ToWrl fliall fummon the Male Tithables th-redf to work on sueastR^d., the Roads or Streets, he fhali have full Power to direct the faid Tithables to clear "''i*'-n''ity of «b! the Roads, Streets, and Public i'laces, of all Woods, Weeds, Rubbilh, and other Nufances ; and if any Perfon fhall refufe to obferve the Overfeers Direftions therein, he fhall forfeit and pay, tor each and every Cfitnce, the Sum of Ten Shil- lings Proclamation Money-, to be recovered and appropriated as hereinafter is di- rected i and if the Perfon refufing be a Servant or Slave, the Mafter or Miitrefs of ^*.""" ''^''i^ f°f fuch Servant or Slave is hereby made liable to pay the fame. suTts/"'""" XX. A N D he it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid^ That the Com- streeH andPaf, miflioners or Trufees ihall lay out, or caufe to be laid out, within Six Months ^'^11] wi,h;n'f!x next following the Ratilication of this Adt, the feveral Streets and PalTages of the Months, ace rd. faid Town, as defcnbed in the Plan thereof, and fhall fix and put up good Pofts '"^ '" '^' '''*'*' to afcertain the Bounds of the fevcial Streets of the faid Town-, and for the Ex- pence and Troubk of the faid Commi/Iioners or Truftees in the St-rvice aforefaid, they fliall be paid out of the Fines and Forfciturt;s arifing by Virtue of this Ad. XXI. A NT) he it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Right Freeholders to and Privilege of Electing a Reprefmtative for the faid Town" of Edenton, to fit in '''^ * ^"^'^*' General Alfembly, be, and is hereby confirmed ; and that the Freeholders of the faid Town fhall, for ever, have Liberty, at all Times hereafter, to elect and choofe a Member to fit in General Afil-mbly ; and a Writ of Election fhall ilTue, to the Inhabitants of the faid 1 own, to choofe a Member to reprefent them in the faid Affcmbly, at fuch Times, and in the fame Manner, as the faid Writs are iflbed for choofing Reprefentatives for the feveral Counties in this Province, to fit in General Alfembly. XXII. AND he it further Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaid,'' Thzt no Per- Burgefi for tbe fon, for^the future, fliall be deemed or taken to be qualified for a Reprefentativc 'nZ^flDlfut for the faid Town, except he has been Owner of one laved Lot in his own Right, « i"ft » Y*". in the faid Town, at leait One Year before he is chofen ; any Thing in any A(^ to the contrary, notivitlaftanding. XXIII AND he it further Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaidy That no Perfon ^°'"' '» •>« fhall be deemed or taken to be qualified to give his Vote for a Reprcfentative eMomh!.' ^'* for the faid Town, to fit in General AiTemply, except he has been Owner of One faved Lot at kaft Six Months before fuch Eledion. XXIV. AND he it further Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaid. That the Trea- Treafurertokee^ furer of the faid Town, from and after the Ratification of this Ad, fliall be oblig- Pi'n°?„"'thr* cd to keep his Oflice, and a Plan of the Town, in the faid Town, under the Pe- ^own, on p.. aalty of One Pound Proclamation Money, for each and every Month that he fliall Momh!"'"'" negledtor refufe to do thv fame; to be recovered and appropriated as by this Ad is hereafter direded. XXV. AN D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all Fines aii Fine, not ex. and Forfeitures in this Ad mentioned, not exceeding twenty Shillings Proclama- rrccov.*red b/» tion Money, fliaJl be recovered, by a Warrant from under the Hands and Seals "^ZTJZTJ of any Three of the aforefaid CommifTipners Vr Truftees; and all Fines above anrau abovr? ,« Twenty Shillings Proclamation Monev, fhall be recovered, in any Court of Record ^^J^^""*"^*'' in io8 L A IV S of N o RT H -Caro L I N A. in this Province, by Adion of Debt, Bill» Plaint, or Information -, wherein no Eflbign, Injundion, or Wager of Law, Ihall be allowed or admitted of; any Law, Ufage, or Cuftom, to the contrary, notwithftanding : Which Fines and Forfeitures may be difcharged in Commodities, as rated in an Aft, intituled, yin Act^ for the finifhing the Church at Edenton. Momeisrifing'oy XXVI. AN t) be it further Enact edy by the Authority aforefaidy That all the Kne.°^i^l'' * Money arifing by the Sale of Lots in the faid Town, as alfb all fines and Forfei- out by the Com. turcs in this A6t mentioned, aftex the Commiflioners or Truftees reafonable Charg- E'loiu"!"' ^"'^ ^^ ^■^'^ Expences for their feveral Services are deducted, fhall be appropriated, of the Town, laid out, and applied, to fuch Ufe or Ufes as the Commiflioners or Truftees, or any Three of them, Ihall think convenient, for the better Encouragement of the faid Town. Rf cjiin ciaufe XXVII. A N D 'be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That an Aft, paffed in the Year One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Thirty Eight, intitu- led. An rkty for Encouragement and better Regulation of the I'own of Edenton, and every Claufe, Matter, and Thing therein contained, fhall be, and is hereby Repealed and made null and void, to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever. FrJTite. CHAP. II. An AB^ to enable the CommiJJloners herein after appointed, to eredi and finijh a Church in Newbern, in Craven County and Pari/h^ in the Pro- vinve afore faid, and for the better Regulating the faid Toivn ; and other Purpofes therein mentioned, L -r "T T H E R E A S the late Veftry of Graven Parilh, in the Year One Yy Thoufand Seven Hundred and Thirty Nine, laid a Levy on all and every the Tithables in the faid Farifh, for and towards the building a Church in the Town of Newbern^ in the aforefaid Pariih, and appointed Commiflioners to manage and carry on the fame, and to apply the faid Levy to the Purpofe afore- faid -, which Commiflioners have made One Hundred Thoufand Bricks, and have been at other Expences towards building the faid Church, but the faid Levy not amounting to a fuffiicient Sum to compleat the fame, and the prefent Veftry neg- leding to lay a further Levy on the Tithable Inhabitants of the faid Pariih, for the finifliing of the faid Church •■, 11. W E pray that it may be Enaded, And be it Ena^ed, by his Excellency Ga- briel Johnfton, Efq ; Governor^ by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majejiy*s Council^ and General Affembly of this Province^ and it is hereby EnaEfed^ by the Au- thority of the fame. That a Tax of One Shilling and fix Pence Proclamation Mo- ney, for Two Years, next enfuing the Ratification of this A6t, be laid, and it is hereby laid, on each and every Tithable Perfon within the faid Pariih of Graven^ to defray the Expence and Charge of building and compleating the faid Church, to be paid Yearly, in fuch Commodities as are hereafter rated, viz. Pork, good and merchantable, dry falted, pr Barrel, Thirty Shillings Proclamation Money, Beef, dry falted, -per Barrel, good and merchantable. Twenty Shillings, drtft Deer Skins, Two Shillings and Six Pence ;)5r Pound, Tallow, Four Pence ^ L A IV S o/^ North-Carolina. iit A. D. 174-0. XIV. AN'D be it further Ena^led^ hy the Authority aforefaid. That the Com- miffioners aforefaid are hereby impowered and dirc6ted, to make Sale and difpofe of the abovementioned Lot, at i^ubhc Vandue, after Four Days Notice given, and to apply the Money arifing from fuch Sale, towards the building of the faid Church : Any Law to the contrary, in any-wife, notwithftanding. G H A P. in, uin A5i^ to enable the CommiJJioncrs herein after mentioned^ to Jinip the Church already begun at Edenton. L WJ HEREAS feveral well-difpofed Perfons have voluntarily fubfcribed p-^^""- W and contributed feveral Sums of Money, to build and ercdl a Church in EdentoTi, for the Advancement of Keligion, and thereby appointed ft vera! Commiffioncrs to manage and carry on the fime, and to apply fuch charitable Subfcriptions and Contributions to that Purpofc •, which faid Commiffioncrs have carried on, and, in Part, built the fame ; but fome of the Commiffioners being dead, and there not being a fufiicient Sum raifed to compleat the faid Work, and the Veftry of the Parifh refufing to affift therein, the faid Building may become ruinous, and all the Money already expended will thereby be loft, to the o-reat Bifcouragement of Religion, and of fuch good and pious Intentions : Thereiore, to prevent the fame, and to promote fo laudable a Work, and in Order to raife a fufficient Fund for hnifhing the faid Church i II. WJE pray that it may be Enaded, And he it EnaEled^ hy his Excellency Ga- briel Johnfton, £/"j-. Governor^ by and -with the Advice and Confent of his Majeflfs ' Council, and General Affembly of this Province^ and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame. That a Tax of Two Shillings, Proclamation Money, for Two Years, next enfuing, be laid on each and every Tithable Pcrfon within the faid Parifh, or County of Chowan, to defray the Expence and Charge of corn- pleating and finifliing the faid Church ; to be paid Yearly, in fuch Commodities as are hereafter rated, viz. Tobacco, at Ten Shillings ter Hundred ; Bees- Wax, at Ten Pence Half Penny /^c^ Pound ; Tallow, at Four Pence />^r Pound ; Pork, good and merchantable, at Thirty Shillings -per Barrel, not lefs than Two Hun- dred and Twenty Weight in each Barrel ; or if in current Bills, at Seven and a Half for One, in Lieu of Proclamation Money ; to be paid at fuch Times and Places, and in fuch Manner, as in and by an Aft, intituled, An A51, for fro- aiding his Majejiy a Rent-Roil, for fecurmg his Majeftfs ^it-Rents, for the Remiffion of Arrears of ^lit- Rents, and for quieting the Inhabitants in their Pof- feffions, is direfted : ^Which faid Tax fliall be Annually received by miliara Luten, Gentleman, he firft* giving Security, in the Sum of Six Hundred Pounds, Pro- clamation Money, to the Juilices of the County Court, for the faithful Difcharge and Payment of the fame, who fliall be allowed Four fer Cent, for attending, receiving, and paying the fame ; and that upon Receipt of any Commodity or Commodities, Sum or Sums of Money, for the Ufe aforefaid, the fame Ihall be by him paid to the CommafTioners, or the Majority of them, or their Order, for the Ufe of the faid Church. III. AN B be it further EnaEted, hy the Authority aforefaid. That each Inhabi- tant in the faid Parifh, who fliall not pay, or caufe to be paid, each and every Year, the Tax herein before mentioned, at the Times and Places aforefaid, to the faid miliam Luten, as in and by this Aft they are direfted ; fuch Perfon fo fail- ing fliall, for each Default; forfeit ar;.'l pay the Sum of Four Shillings, Procla- mation 112 L A IV S of North-Carolina. A v: 1746. mation Money, per Tithable, btfides Cqfts ; to be levied, by a Warrant from ^^-i :/-— under the Hand of one or more Juftices of the Peace of the County aforefaid, upon the Goods and Chattels of the Delinquent: Which Forfeiture fhail be paid, to the fliid William Luten, or any other Perfon appointed by the laid Commif- fionefs for that Purpofe, and by them to be applied towards the building and. com pleating of the faid Church. IV. AND be it further EnaEled^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That all Per- fons who have fubfcribed, or that fhall hereafter fubfcribe, to pay any Sum or Sums of Money, for and towards the building of the aforefaid Church, and fe- fufe Payment of the faid Sum or Sums mentioned to be paid by fuch Subfcrip- tion, fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall be liable for the fame, and may be fued by the Commifiioners aforefaid, or the Survivors of them, in the fame Manner as any Perfon may be fued for Non-payment of Money on a Promifory Note : And that the faid Commiflioners alfo have full Power and Authority to demand and receive of all Perfons whatfoever, that have any Money in their Hands which was for- merly raifed, given, or contributed, for and towards the Ufe of the faid Church ; and in Cafe of Refufal or Non-payment of the fame, to bring Adion or Actions, in their own Name, for Recovery thereof. V. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Honour- able William Smith, Efqj John Montgomery, and John Hodgfon, Efqrs. John Blount, John Benbury, Abraham Blackhall, and James Craven, Gentlemen, are hereby appointed Commiflioners, to receive the faid Levies from the faid William Luten, when received and colleft^d ; and to contracfl and agree with fit and pro- per Perfons for finifhing the faid Church, in a neat and Workman-like Manner, as begun : And the fiid William Luten fhall, and he is hereby dirtfted, to ac- count with the Commiflioners aforefaid,- when called upon and required, for the feveral Commodities and Sums by him colledted and received. VI. AND whereas the Veftry of the Parifli of Chowan, in the Year One Thou- fand Seven Hundred and Thirty Six, laid a Levy of Twenty Shillings fer Titha- ble, and in the Year One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Thirty Seven, laid ano- . ther Levy of Ten Shillings fer Tithable, in Current Bills, towards building the faid Church, a confiderable Part of which is yet unpaid and uncolleded : VII. B E it therefore Enabled, and it is hereby EnaSled, by the Authority afore- faid. That the feveral Perfons who have not already paid the faid Taxes, are here- by commanded and required to pay the fame, in Current Bills, as laid by the faid Veftries, or in Lieu thereof, in Commodities as aforefaid, in the fame Manner, and at the fame Times and Places, and to the fame Perfon, as before mentioned, and under the fame Penalties as in and by this Aft is before diredled. VIII. AN B be it further EnaEled, by the Authority aforefaid. That all Perfons who have been heretofore Churchwardens or Commiflioners, as alfo all other - Perfons whatfoever, who have any Parifti or Subfcription Money in their Hands, unpaid or unaccounted for, do forthwith, after the Ratification of this A<51, account with the Commiflioners aforefaid, and pay to them, or their Order, on Demand, all fuch Sum and Sums of Money which Ihall appear to be due, owing, and in Arrear, under the Penalty of Ten Pounds Proclamation Money, over and above the Sum fo due and in Arrear, to the Parifli aforefaid ; to be recovered, by Adi- on of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in the General or County Court. IX. A N D be it further Ena£fed, by the Authority aforefaid. That on the Death or Removal out of the County aforefaid of the faid William Luten, or any of the aforefaid Commiflioners, that the Majority of the Commiflioners are hereby im- powered L A IV S C/' N O R T H - C A R O L I N A. 113, powered and authorized to make Choice of a proper Perfon or Perfons* who fnall ^ ^- ^^'^^ be deemed duly qualified to atl; in his or their Room and Stead. X. A N D be it further EnaSied, by the Authority aforefaid. That when the faid Church fhall be fit to celebrate Divine Service in, all Meetings of Vellries for the faid Parifh, being firfl duly fummoned, fhall be held at the faid Church, and at no other Place in the faid Parifh, under the Penalty of Ten Shillings, Proclama- tion Money, befides Cofts, for each and every Veflryman fo refufing or neglect- ing ; to be levied, by a Warrant from under the Hand of one or more Juftices of the Peace of the County of Chowariy upon the Goods and Chatties of each and e- very Veftryman fo off'ending ; to be by the aforefaid Commiffioners applied to and for the Ufe of the faid Church. C H A P. IV. An AB, for the further and better Regulation of the Town called Wilr mington, in New-Hanover County ; and to efiablijlo the Church of the Parijh of St. James, to be built in the faid Town. I. TTrHEREASitis found, by Experience, that the ere<5ling of a Village preamble y Y formerly called Nezvton, into a Town and Townlhip, by the Name of JVilmington, has greatly promoted the Trade and Interefb, and contributed to the Eafe and Conveniency of the Inhabitants of the Counties of New-Hanover^ Bla- den, and O'ijlotv : And whereas feveral Difputes have arifen, about the Validity of an A6b of Aife-mbly, intituled. An Act, for erecting the Village called Newton, i?i New-Hanover County, into a "Town and Townfhif, by the Name of Wilmington, and for regulating and afcertaining the Bounds thereof, which was ratified by the Governor in the laft Seilion of the General AfiTembly, held at Newbern -, which Difputes have raifed Doubts, and* much perplexed the Minds of feveral of the Inhabitants of the faid County of New-Hancver : For removing of which, and for quietting the Minds of the faid Inhabitants, and for the further and -better Encouragement and Regulation of the faid Town ; II. WE pray that it may be Enaded, And be it Enacted, by his Excellency ^nrhingshere, Gabriel Johnilon, Efq; Governor, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Ma- £g ^Tlht' jefty^s Council, and General Affembly o^ this Province, and it is hereby Enacted, , by Town, declared the Authority of the fame. That every A6t, Matfer, and Thing, done, a he it further Enabled, by th^ Authority aforefaid. That the Burgefs Bureeft eieaed deded by the Inhabitants of the faid Town, by Virtue of the faid Ad, Ihall be f ' 'n^'ASmbw' deemed to be duly eleded, and qualified to fit and vote in the General Affembly '"" **" ' of this Province, fo long as this prefent General Affembly IhaU continue. F f IV. AND 114 L A JV S of North -Carol I N A. IV. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Court of New-Hano'ver County, and the Eleftion of Reprefentatives for the faid County, to fit and vote in the General Affembly, and the Eledion of Veftrymen for the Parifh bfhera anf made of Saint James, in the faid County, and all other Public Elections for the faid xx.mimington. County of New-Hanover, for the faid Parifh called Saint James* % Parifh, and for the faid Town of IVilmington, and every of them, of what Nature or Kind foever, fhall be held and made in the faid Town of JVilmington, and at no other Place • whatfoever. The Aft for re- V. A N D be it further EnaEted, by the Authority aforefaid. That each and eve- ^'f '"rei^in '*"' ^7 Claufc of an A(5b, intituled, Ah Act, for Regulating Veftrics in this Government, and for the bettr infpecting the Veflrymen and Churchwardens Accounts of each and every P,arifh in this Government, paffed in the Year One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Twenty Nine, or any other Acl or Claufe of an Aft of this Province whatfo- ever, which direds the Courts and Eledions of the faid County, and the Church, Court-houfe, and Goal of the faid County of New-Hanover, and Saint James'^ Parifli, to be held or built at a Place called Brunfwick, be and is hereby Repealed. inn»bk,nu of VL A N D be it fufther Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Inhabi- TTlZ"J\o tants of the faid Town of f^ilmington, and of the County adjacent, cjualified, ac- th" General Af- cording to the Dire6tions of this Aft, fhall, for ever, have the Privilege of fend- ftmbiy. -j^g ^ Burgefs to the General Affembly of this Province, therein to confult and vote, in as ample Manner as any Reprefentative of any County or Town of this Province. tranfafting BuA- Heft at Bruit- (toick, refsaled Who fiiall be Voters. Who may be i Reprefentative. VII. A N D for afcertaining the Method of chufing the Burgeflfes or Reprefen- tatives of the faid Town, Be it Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That every Man who fhall be a Tenant of a Brick, Stone, or framed habitable Houfe, of the Length of Twenty Feet, and Sixteen Feet broad, within the Bounds of the faid Town, who, on the Day of Ele6tion, inhabits, and for Three Months next be- fore, inhabited fuch Houfe, fhall have a Vote in'eleding the Reprefentative of the faid Town, to be fent to the General Affembly ; and in Cafe there fhall be no Te- nant of fuch Houfe qualified to vote as aforefaid, that then, and in that Cafe, the Perfon truly and bona fide feized of fuch Houfe, in his own Right, either in Fee- Simple, Fee-Tail, or for Term of Life, fhall be intituled to vote for the faid Reprefentative. VIII. A NT) be it further Enacted, by th^ Authority aforefaid. That every Man who, on the Day of Eleaion, and, for Three Months next before, fhall be an In- habitant of a Brick Houfe, of the Length of Thirty Feet, and Sixteen Feet broad, between the Bounds of the faid Town, upwards, and Smith Creek, and within One Hundred and Twenty Poles of Cape-Fear River, fhall be intituled to have a Vote in the Eleftionof the Reprefentative of the faid Town oi ^ilmingtoH, (un- lefs fuch Inhabitant be a Servant) and fhall enjoy all the Rights, Privileges, and Immunities, that any Inhabitant within the faid Town fhall be intituled to, by Vir- tue of this A6t. . . IX. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That no Perfon fhall be deemed qualified to be a Reprefentative of the faid Tov/n, to fit and vote in the General Affembly, unlefs, on the Day of Eledion, he be, and for Three Months next before, was truly and bona fide feized, in his own Right, m Fee- Simple, or for Term of Life, of a Brick, Stone, or framed habitable Houfe, with- in the Bounds of the faid Town, with one or more Brick Chimney or Chimneys, or of a Brick Houfe, of the Length of Thirty Feet, and Sixteen Feet broad, be- tween the Bounds of the faid Town, upwards, and Smith Creek, and within One Hundred and Twenty Poles of Cape-Fear River. . ..r ^ ^ ^ X. A N D L A TV S c/' North-Carolina. 115 A. D. 1740. X. A N D whereas the Town of IVilmingtoriy by Reafon of its Scituation and ^"""^ Navigation, is the moft cen:j-al and convenient Place within the Diftrid of Port Brunfwicky both for Exportation and Importation of Goods \ XI. B E it therefore Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid. That the CoUeftor of offices to be he! Jrr , ^ i i n • J r JT t i.' j.1 in couneu. within thts Province, and for the better jecuring and Jaje-keeptng the Records of the fame. CHAP. vn. An A6i, for the more effeSiual EJiabliping a Ferry from Bath-Town, /* Core-Point, ^w^/ri?;^ Core-Point, i'o Bath-Town j and Jor f)reventtng any other Ferry within Ten Miles of the faid Town of Bath, or Core- Point, on the fame Sides of the River. Private. I. f X 7" H E R E A S the Ferry from Bath-Town, to Core-point, and from Core- VV pointy to Bath-Town, hath been, to the great Damage of the Inhabi- tants of 2?^/;&-r agreeable to the Power to them given by the aforefaid Ad of AfTembly. CHAP. LAWS cf N ORT h-Car o l i n a. 119 A. D. 1740- C H A P. XL jin A^, to enable the CommiJJiohers herein after namedy to build a Bridge §ver Levingflon'^ Creeky between New-Hanover and Bladen Counties. O B S. CHAP. XII. An ASf, for the better remlatin^ the Militia of this Govermnent. R^p- "^y ^% * -^ i> <:> J j^„e 2%, 1746, Chap. X. CHAP. XIII. • An Aol, for granting an Aid to his Majejiy\ to defray the Expences of tranfp07'ting the federal 'Troops inlifted in his Majejifs Service in this Colony y and to afcertain the Method of paying all Taxes and Levies in Comtnodities ; and for other Purpofes therein mentio?ted. I. "\7[ r H E R E A S his Majefty hath been pleafed to lend Inftrudions to the This Aa obfa. ■ VV Governor of this Colony, to inlift Men in his Majefty's Service, and ^Z\lTlTt^^ afterwards, to tranfport them, at the Expence of this Colony, to the fVeJi-tndies, M=thod of p^y- there to join other Troops of his Majelly, fent thither upon an Expedition in- DeUs.^*" *" tended againft the Spaniards -, and this AfTembly being defirous of fhewing their Loyalty and Duty, and taking into Confideration the moft effedtual Ways and Means to raife Money to defray the Expences of tranfporting the faid Troops in- lifted here, to the JVeJl-IndieSy find, that the Poverty of the People of this Pro- vince renders it imprafticable to colled: a Levy in Money, humbly reprefent un- to your Majefty, that laying a Levy to be paid in the Commodities of the Coun- try, will be the only effeftual Expedient for raifing a Fund to anfwer the prefent ' Service : Wherefore, n. W E pray that it may be Enaded, And be it Enacted, by his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, Efq; Governor^ hy and with the Advice and Confent of his Ma- jejly^s Council, and General AJfembly of this Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority cf the fame. That Three Shillings,* Proclamation Money, for One "Year, next after the Ratification of this Adl, be paid, for every Tithable within this Province : Which Levy fhall be paid in the Commodities hereafter mentioned, at the Rates following ; that is to fay, Tobacco, pr Hundred, Ten Shillings ; Rice, per Hundred, Seven Shillings and Six Pence, for that Part of the Province only heretofore known by the Name of Bath County ; Indian-6xt^ Deer-Skins, not weighing lefs than One Pound each Skin, Two Shillings and Six Pence the Pound ; Bees- Wax, at Ten Pence Half Penny per Pound ; Tallow, at Four Pence per Pound ; Pork, in good tight Barrels, dry faked,, each Barrel contain- ing Two Hundred and Twenty Weight, at One Pound Seven Shillings per Bar- rel •, Beef, in good tight Barrels, dry faked, each Barrel containing Two Hun- dred and Twenty Pounds, at Seventeen Shillings and Six Pence per Barrel. III. AND be it further Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaidy That the Inhabi- tants of that Part of the Province heretofore called Albemarle County, fhall pay the aforefaid.Levy in the aforefaid Commodities, or by Bills of Credit, at the Rate of Seven Pounds Ten Shillings for every Twenty Shillings Proclamation Meney, 1 20 L A JV S O/' N O R T H - C A R O L I N A. "V" 740 Money, at one of the Warehoufes in their refpedive Counties, appointed for the Receipt of his Majefty's Quit-Rents, to the Ir'erfon or Ferfons appointed by Vir- tue of this A(ft, within the laft Ten Days of the Month of November^ and the laft Ten Days of the Month of January, then next enfuing, (Beef excepted, which fhaU be paid and received in Satisf adion of the aforefaid Levy within the laft Ten Days of November only i ) for which the Infpedor fhall give a Receipt to "the Perfon or Perfons bringing the fame. IV. AND be it further EnaEled, by the Authority aforefaid. That each Perfon of the aforefaid Province, who fliall negled or refufe to pay the aforefaid Levy, in Manner aforefaid, and fliall be in Arrear on the Firft Day of February next, af- ter the laft Day of Payment, fuch Defaulter ihall be liable to double Diftrefs •, to be levied upon his Goods and Chattels, together with Cofts and Charges, by the SherifFof the County within which fuch Delinquent inhabits. V. AND he it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Juftices of each County in the aforefaid Diftrid, formerly called Bath County, fhall, at the Firft County Court which fhall be helc^ in the feveral Counties within the afore- faid Diftrid, after the Ratification of this Ad, lay 'a fuflicient Levy upon the In- habitants of their County, not exceeding One Shilling, Proclamation Money, per Tithable, for defraying the Charges of building or hireing a fubftantial Warehoufe, at the moft convenient Landing, upon a navigable River, within their County, and fhali, with fuch Levy, on or before the Fitteenth Day of November next, af- ter the Ratification of this Ad, build or hire a fubftantial Warehoufe for the fafe- keeping of the aforefaid Levy, and all other Levies now laid, or hereafter to b» laid : And in Cafe the foid Juftices fliall refufe or negled fo to do, each Juftice ^o refufing or negleding, fhall forfeit and pay, to his Majefty, the Sum of Five Pounds, Proclamation Money ; to be recovered in any Court of Record in this Province, to be applied in building a Warehoufe in the faid County. VI. AND be it Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That John Hodgfon, and John Montgomery, Efqrs. Thomas Hunter, John Blount, PFi/liam Paris, and George Roberts, Gentlemen, be, and are hereby appointed Commifliontrs, and they, or the Majority of them, are hereby authorized to hire VefTels, and buy Provifions, and all Things necelTary, for vidualing and tranfporting Four Hundred Men to the JVeft-Indies ; and to defray the Charge thereof, the faid Commiflloners or the Majority of them, arc hereby impowered to receive, of the Infpedors who fhall be appointed to receive the aforefaid Levy, all the Money and Commodities they fhall receive in Satisfadion thereof, and to fell and difpofe of the Commodities as they fhall think proper.; and the fiiid Commiflaoners fhall account with the Ge- neral AfTembly of this Province for all the Money and Commodities they Ihall re- ceive, and fliall be allowed for their Trouble and reafonable Charges by the Ge- neral AfTembly •, and what Surplus fliall remain, fhall be applied by the General AfTembly towards defraying the contingent Charges of Government : And each and every Infpedor is hereby direded to keep Account of all Money and Quanti- ty of Commodities they fhall receive, and of whom, in Satisfadion of the afore^ faid Levy, and fhall, on or before the Firft Day of March, next, after the Rati- fication of this Ad, account with, and pay to the CommilTioners, all the Money and Commodities he or they fhall receive, or give his or their Notes for, in Cafe the faid Commiflloners do require the fame ; and each Infpedor who fhall refufe or negled fo to do, within the aforefaid Time, fliall forfeit and pay the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, Proclamation Money, to the Ufe of his Majefty ; to be recovered, in any Court of Record in this Province, by Adion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, and to be applied, by the Governor^ or Commander in Chief for the Time being, for repairing the V/arehoufc or Houfes, and defraying Other incident Charges, where fuch Delinquent fliall be Infpedor. VII. AND Z,v^//^ .So/" North-Carolina. 121 A. D. i?"}©, VII. AND whereas the great Scarcity of Money renders it, at prcfent, ex- p,eambie. treamly difficult for the Inhabitans of this Province to pay the i'ubUc, County, and Parilh Levies already impofed ; and as the Paper Bills of Credit will be current only till November, One Thoulcind Seven Hundred and Forty Four, when they will expire, and it will therefore be impoflible for the Inhabitants of this rrovince to pay any Levies or Taxes whatfoever, or any Fines and Forfeitures, unkfs the Commodities of the Country be accepted in Difcharge thereof, according to the Ufage and Cuftom of fome of our neighbouring Colonies ; VIII. W E pray that it may be Enacted, Jnd be it Enacted, by the Authority ^e^^^s to be paid aforefaid. That all Public, County, and Parilli Levies, already impofed, and which fhall be due and payable after the Ratification of this Acl, and which fliall hereaf- ter be laid and impofed on the Inhabitants of this Province, fhall be paid in the Commodities as rated in this Aft, in Manner following ; that is to fay. Every Perfon paying any Commodities in Difcharge of fuch Levies, Ihall carry the fame to the Infpedior of one of the Warehoufes in the County where he refides, at the Times before mentioned for Payment of the Levy by this Ad: impofed, to be re- ceived and examined, as is by this Ad: before expreffed and dircded. IX. AND be it further Enacted., by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Per- Where Difputes fon fhall tender any of the Commodities herein mentioned in Difcharge of the Le- c'mmodi°tie3''not vy by this Ad laid, or any other Levies or Taxes, and a Difpute (hall arife whe- *> m merchant- ther the fame be good and merchantable, the Party tendering the fame may apply \^^^ {"^ War- to a Magiftrate in the County, who is hereby impowered and direded to grant ram to a cmfta- his Warrant, direded to any Conftable or other lawful Officer, to fummons Two 2 Freehoiderrto fkilful Freeholders, who, upon their Caths, fhall view and examine the famej 'determine it. and if fuch Commodity fo tendered be adjudged good and merchantable, then the •Infpedor fhall receive the fame ; and in that Cafe, the Juftice granting fuch War- rant, and the Officer executing it, fhall not charge the Infptdor, or any other, any Coft, and if paid in Difcharge of the Levy by this A61 impofed, fhall give a Receipt for the fame -, and if in Difcharge of any other PubUc, County, or Parifh Levy, then the faid Infpedor fhall give a Note for the fame, in Manner as here- in after mentioned : But in Cafe fuch Comm.odity tendered, be, by the faid Free- p-rfons tendeiing holders adjudged bad, and not found and merchantable, the Perfon fo tendering t,';''f^,f^J"ha1'fthe the fame fhall forfeit Half the Value of fuch Commodity fo tendered, as rated by Vaiue, with this Ad, provided the fame had been good, together with Cotls •, to be paid to *^®'*'' the Churchwardens of the Parifh where fuch Commodity fhall be tendered, to be applied to the Ufe of the faid Parifh, "K. AND be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid^ That every In- infpeaor to open -fpector fhall, and is hereby authorized, to open every Hogfhead, Cafk, or Bar- cnmmndities, & rel, and diligently view and examine the fame, and every Commodity fo deliver- *° ""^'^ '^'^'"* ed j and if fuch Infpedor fhall think fuch Commodity tendered to be paid, is good, found, well-conditioned, and merchantable, he fhall weigh the fame, with Weights of the lawful Standard, or proved Stilliards, for Eighteen Months only, after the Ratification of this Ad:, and fhall keep an exad Account of all fuch Commodities by him received ; and when he fhall receive any Hogfhead, Cafk, ^|^Vwi"h'''h''^ or Barrel, wherein is contained Tobacco, Tallow, Rice, or Bees-Wax, when the Name of the fame fhall be allowed good and merchantable, and weighed by him, he fhall ^e'creft 'and*^ ftamp every fuch Hogfhead, Cafk, or Barrel, with the proper Mark of the Nett Weight. Warehoufe, or caufc the fame to be done, in the Prefence of the Perfon fo pay- ing the fame \ and fhall alfo mark thereon, in like Manner, the Tare of the Hog- fhead or Cafk, and the Nett Qiiantity therein contained. H h XL ANB 122 L A IV S of North -Carol I N A. A. D. 1740. li^Tra^sTo' 'tz ^^' AND be ii further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid^ That if anyCom- *r t.^ f.-r Cm- nibdity fliall be brought to any of the Warehoufes for Difcharge of any other o^oduicsbythem p^bii^^ County, or Parilh Levies, than what is impofed by this Ad, the faid Infpe<5tors, after they have viewed, examined, and weighed the faid Commodity, fhail be obliged to deliver, to the Perfon bringing the fame, as many Promifory Notes, under their Hands, as fhall be required, for the Quantity of Commodities by themi-eceived, in which fhall be exprefled the particular Commodity by them Notes to fs received ; which faid Notes Ihall be, and are hereby declared current and payable, torrent. according to the Value of the Commodity exprefled therein, and fhall be transfera- ble and deemed a Tender for Payment of all County and Parifh Levies, and like- wife all t)ebts and Dues, in Manner as in this Aft is hereafter directed. Sheriff' to flftend XII. A N t) be it further Ena5led, ly the Authority afore faid^ That the Sheriff We' t^recdve of cvcry County fhall attend at the refpeftive Warehoufes in his County, at the teviei. Times the Infpedor fhall attend, and receive all Public, County, and Parifh Le- vies, (except the Levy which is hereby impofed, which fhall be paid to the In- fpedors only, and they accountable to the CommifTioners,) which fhall then be paid them in Infpedors Notes, current Bills, or Proclamation Money, by the Perfons noe pay- perfons owing the fame •, and if any Perfon, chargeable with the Dues or Levies fc"ir'''the hft " aforefaid, fhall negleft or refufe to pay the fame, on or before the laft Day of januray. Sheriff January ^ Yearly, it fhall and may be lawful for the Sheriff or other Colleftor, * ' '"* after the Tenth Day of February^ Yearly, to diftrain the Goods and Chattels of the Perfon or Perfons fo negleding or refufing, and to fell and difpofe thereof, at Public Vandue, for the Money, Tobacco, drefl Deer-Skins, Tallow, or Bees- Wax, or any of them, after having given Notice Ten Days before fuch Sale •, and the Overplus, if any, after paying the faid Levies and Dues, and the Charges of Diftrefs, (which is hereby declared to be the fame as for ferving an Execution,) Ihall be returned to the Debtor. Shtrifif or Col. XIII. A N D be it further EnaSied, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Sherifs l5fa"s°Nofes °o or other Colledors of the faid Levies, fhall, in one Month after the colleding and the Petfons ap- recciving fuch Levies and Taxes, pay the Infpeftors Notes they lliall have re- thimf deduatg ceived in Satisfadion thereof, after deducing Three per Cent, for colleding, to ipcr'ccnt. the Perfons appointed to receive the fame-, to -wit, the Notes received for the Parifh and County Taxes, to the Perfons appointed and impowered in the feveral Counties and Parifhes to receive the fame, who fhall transfer the faid Notes to any Perfon having any Demand in the Parifh or County ; and the InfpectorB Notes ve^'p'id'^'to"the received for Difcharge of the Public Taxes, fhall be paid in Manner following ^ Txeafurerj. that is to fay, the Sheriff of Craven^ Carteret, Onflow, New-Hanover^ and Bladetf Counties, fhall pay all the Infpectors Notes by them received, and account with Edward Mofeley, Efq; Public Treafurer for the faid Counties : And the Sherifs of Chowan, Pequimons, Pafquotank, Currituck, Bertie, Edgcomb, Tyrell, Beaufort^ and Hyde Counties, fhall pay all the Infpectors Notes by them or any of them re- ceived, in Difcharge of fuch Levies, and account with John Hodgfon, Efq; Pub- lic Treafurer for fuch Counties : Which faid Treafurers are hereby impowered and directed, to transfer fuch Notes to any Perfon who have any Claim or Demand or» the Public, for any Money payable out of fuch Tax or Levies. XIV. AND whereas a Public Tax, for fupporting the contingent Charges of this Government, is laid, at Five Shillings fer Poll, current Bill Money of thi» Province •, to prevent Confufion in the Receipt of the fame, by Virtue of this Act, ?/ Tm ''"'' ^^' ^ ^ ^^ Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That Eight Pence, Procla- ** ^ '■ ' *' mation Money, fhall be deemed equal to the faid Plve Shillings, and^ be paid itt Commodities, according^ t« the Intent of this Act -, and all Parilh ana County Taxes* LAWS o/' North-Carolina. 123 Taxes, and all other Taxes, laid in Bills, (hail be paid and uifcharged in Com- f^_}^ modities, as herein rated in Proclamation Money, Regard being hau to the L/if- Taces t>. b= paid ference of Proclamation Money and Bills, in Value. in Commodims. XVI. AND he it further EnaSted^ by the Authority aforefaid. That for every infpeftor to ai- Hoo-fhead of Tobacco brought to any Warehoufe in good Caflc, ot the Dimen- furdfls!"" ^'''** fions of Forty Eight Inches in Length, and Thirty 1 wo Inches in Width, at the Heads, and containing, at leaft, Seven Hundred Weight of Tobacco, there Ihall be allowed, by the Infpedor, to the Perfon bringing the fame. Thirty Pounds of Tobacco for the Cafk j and alfo, there Ihall be allowed to the Infpcdtor, by the infpeanr to be Perfon taking the fame away. Two Pounds of Tobacco tor every Hundred fo S^ttShniiE paid aw ;y, and fo in Proportion for a greater or lefier Quantity, for Shrinkage ^gc and wafting of the faid Tobacco, to be paid at any Time withm Two Months after the Late of the Note given for the fame ; and One Pound /)<,t Hundred for every Month after the fame fhall be unpaid after the faid Tat© Montns, and no more, fo as the whole doth not exceed Six Pounds for every Hundred. XVII. AND for the better enabling the Infpedors to deliver out Promifory Notes, and to take Care of the Commodities to be brought to the Warehoufe, Be it jurther Enamd, by the Authority aforefaid^ That the Infpedors Ihall be allow- Jj'if*d''"/°„^ ed all reafonable Charges for providing printed Notes, and aifo tor finding Cafk, edNotes^ sf*. Nails, and other Materials, for packing, prizing, and prefcrving fuch oi" the Com- modities as require it j to be paid to them as hereafter mentioned. refu- deliver XVIII. AND he it further Ena£fed^ hy the Authority aforefaid. That if any Y^^^°^ Infpeclor mail neglect or retule to deliver, to any Perlon requiring the lame, any cmmcd ties, to or the Commodities for which he hath given his Note, he fhall lorfeit and pay, y^iy^^"^"""* '^* for every fuch Offence, to the Party grieved, double the Value of the Commodi- ties demanded by fuch Note or Notes ; to be recovered by a Warrant from I wo Juftices of the Peace of the faid County where fuch Perfon is Infpector, who are hereby authorized to hear and determine the fame, and caufe iixecution to be made. XIX. P ROV ID E D always. That fuch Perfon or Perfons who is or are owners to take poiTeired of any Notes, or who fhall have any Demancs on the i ubjic, to be paid ^'J''^|„^""™''',7 by the faid Notes, fliall take away all and fingular the Goods fpecified in any Note i, or' tViie "t or Notes, on or before the Firil Day of April, in every Year ; or if liach Goods ^^^^^ own Rifk. remain in the Warehoufe after that Time, it fhall be at the Rifque of the Perfon or Perfons intituled to the fame, by Virtue of fuch Notes, or who have any De- mands on the Public, payable out of fuch Taxes. XX. PRO V ID E D alfo. That the Public Treafurers may, at any Time be- PubiicTreafureM fore, difpofe of any of the Commodities paid in as aforefaid, tor the Public Tax, "^^v <'^'p."'"« °f for Money, at the Rates herein before mentioned ; and all Commodities remain- anTrlme.'** * ing in any of the aforefaid V/arehoufes after the Firft Day of yipril^ and after pay- ing all Charges and Demands on the Public, payable out of the faid Tax, the faid Treafurers may difpofe of the fame, at Vandue, to the higheft Bidder, firft giving Ten Days Notice of fuch fale. ^ XXL AND he it further Enabled, hy the Authority aforefaid, Thafthe Juf- juftice, to a^- tices of each County, at the Court to be holden for each County next after the [n|j"tV,"'i',f^''^ Ratification of this Act, fhall appoint one Infpector for each Warehoufe in each them for their County, which Infpector fhall receive all the Commodities tendered to him in ni"'"/*""/*' Difcharge of the Tax or Levy impofed by this Act, and account with the Com- mifTioners and Treafurers herein before named for the fame, and fhall always re- ceive the Commodities paid in Difcharge of the other Levies and Taxes, accerding 124 LAWS (5/ North-Carolina. A^ D 1740. to ti^e true Intent and Meaning of this Act, and Ihall agree with fuch Infpe6tor V for their Salary ; and if the Juftices rcfufe or negled fo to do, each Juftice fo neg- lefting or refufmg, fhall forfeit and pay, to his Majefty, Five Pounds, Proclama- tion Lvloncy, to be applied, by the Governor or Commander in Chief, towards Payment ot the Salary of the Infpedor ot th^t County, which fhall be afterwards appointed by the Governor •, to be recovered, by any Perfon who fhall fue for the fame, in any Court of Record in this Province, by Adion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information y wherein no Effoign, Protedion, or Wager of Law, fhall be allowed. j,,ftic« to lay a XXII. AND be it further Em£fed, hy the Authority aforefaid. That the Tuftices Tax, not I'XCi-ed _ 1^-. \ r^ .it-»-- ■ ,- •' ^ ^ ing , s. to build ot each County, at the Court next aker the Ratihcation of this Ad, and fo Year- Warchoufes.Gf.. ]y^ fl^^n j^.^y^ Fowcr to employ Perfons to build Warehoufes, or make Additions or Repairs to thofc already built, and fhall provide "Weights, Scales, and other Neccflkries, and pay the Infpedors •, and to detray the Expences thereof, Ihall and may lay a Levy, Yearly, on every tithable Perfon, not exceeding One Shilling, Proclamation IVioney, per Tithable, to be paid and collcded by the Sheriff, in Manner as all other Levies are, excepting the Levy laid by this Ad, for which the siieriff allowed 3 Sht riff fhall be only allowed Three per Cent, for collecting: And the faid Juftices {ttt.'g' """' ^^^ hereby impowered to turnout any Infpector or Infpectors, on Complaint, juitices to turn g^d Prool of iViifbehaviour in his or their OfHces, and to appoint others in his or cue Infpeaors. ^, . ■,, ^^ their Ivooin. infpea-r to t^ke XXIIL A N D he it further Enacted., hy the Authority aforefaid. That every an Oath, to g.ve Perfon who fhall be appointed Infpector, fhall, before he enters upon the Execu- tendai theWarll tion of his Office, take the following Oath, viz. That he will car.fuily view and fcoufe. examine all Commodities brought to the" Warehoufe whereof he is Infprdor, and, to the beft of his Skill and Judgment, not receive any Commodity in this Ad mentioned, that is not found, well-conditiond, and, in his Judgment, merchan- table, and faithfully difcharge the Duty of his OfEce, without Favour or AfFcdi- on ; and fhall alfo enter into Bond, with good Securities, in the Penalty of Five Hundred Pounds, Proclamation Money, payable to his Majefty, with Condition, for the true and faithful Performance of his laid Office and Truft •, and fhall con- ftantly attend at the Warehoufe under his Charge, at the Times in this Ad men- tioned. psnait)' an p«" XXIV. AND he it further EnaSfed, hy the Authority aforefaid^ That if any f^^Oi.^xT^lKti' Perfon or Perfons fhall forge or counterfeit any Infpedors Note, or tender in Pay- ment any fuch forged or counterfeit Note, or demand any Commodity of any In- fpedor upon any fuch forged or counterfeit Note, knowing the fame to be fo, he fhall be fined Fifty Pounds, Proclamation Money, ftand one Hour in the Pil- lory, with his Ears nailed thereto, and cut off. Accidents by F:re XXV. AND he it further EmHed, hy the Authority aforefaid^ That if any by the'Affeinbly'! Warchoufc, or any Houfe wherein any Commodities arc lodgcd, payable by this Ad, fhall accidentally be burnt, the Lofs fuftained thereby fhall be made good and repaired by the General AfTembly, at the next Stflions after fuch Lofs, at the Charge of the Public. XXVI. A N D to enable the Inhabitants of this Province to pay Fines and Forfeitures, and to relieve Debtors, as to the Imprifonment of their Perfons ; Be Fines, F'^rf,-;- it Enabled., hy the Authority aforefaid^ That every Perfon who fhall be liable to TTm °^n^ii''' P^y F^"e and Forfeiture, or Debts, due by Judgment, or againft whom Execu- ^peftort Nutes. tion fhall iflue, for any Debt or Debts hereafter to be contracted, only Ihall and may carry any of the Commodities in this Ad mentioned to a Public Warehoufe, in the County where fuch Debtor has contraded fuch Debt, which Ihall, by Vir- ' tuc LAWS ofNoRTH-CAROLINA. 1 25 tue of this Ad, be built or hired, and the Infpector fliall infpect the fame, in the f-J^ 2]'^^ Manner by this Act directed, and if good, fliall depofite the fame in the Ware- ^■"""^^''-^ houfe, and fhall give fuch Perfon a transferable Note, in the Manner directed to be given by this Act, on the Receipt of Commodities for Public Levies •, which Notes the Perfons intituled to have and receive fuch Fines and Forfeitures, or Per- fons to whom Monies are due, on fuch Judgments, or from Perfons being in Ex- ecution, as aforefaid, fhall accept, at the RatSf the Commodities mentioned in fuch Note are valued at by this Aft ; and fuch Note tendered fhall be deemed a fufHcient Payment of fuch Fine and Forfeiture, Judgment and Execution, as aforefaid, as if made in Proclamation Money, Regard being had to the Exchange betv/een Proclamation Money, and the Money to be paid by fuch Perfon who tenders fuch Note ; provided fuch Note be tendered within the Time fuch Com- modities are by this Adl to remain in the Public Warehoufes. XXVII. PROVIDED always. That nothing in this Ad fhall extend to ^J^;!i ^1 ,%\ intitle Ofhcers to take higher Fees than heretofore, but the fame fhall be taken at the Rate of Four for One, in Bills, from the Table of Fees, when paid in Bills, or may be paid in Commodities by Infpedors Notes, as rated in this Ad, in Bills, as Four bares in Proportion to Seven and a Half, until the fame fhall be further regulated by an Ad of AfTembly. XXVIII. PROVIDED alfo. That nothing in this Ad fhall extend to effed the Loan Money j but the fame fhall remain as before the pafTing of this Ad. S I G N E D by Gabriel Johnston, Efq; Governor, William Smith, Prefident, John Hodgson, Speaker. •y ^ ^ ^ W tg" Anno L A IV S o/' North-Carolina. Anno Regni G E O R G I I II Regis, Magudd Britannia, Francis, & Hiberni^y Decimo Quinto, 127 A. D. 1/41. c^^^qp^^>/^^'^'4:^'V>^^''4?-^P-^^P'^'^-P^Q^^ At a General ASSEMBLY, held at Edentor/, the Fourth ga bb j^:, Day o{ ^fril, in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand £iq}Goveinw. Seven Hundred and Forty One. C H A P. I. Aft ABj concerning Marriages, I. TT^ O R preventing clandeftine and unlawful Marriages, We pray that it may Minuter, or JP be Enaded, And be it Ena^ed, by his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, Efq; italJpeS. Covernory by and with the Jdvice and Confent of his Majejiy's Council^ and the General Affembly of this Province^ and it is hereby EnaBed^ by the Authority of the fame. That every Clergyman of the Church of England, or for want of fuch, any lawful Magiftrate, within this Government, Ihall, and they are hereby diredled, to join together in the Holy Eftate of Matrimony, fuch Perfons who may lawfully enter into fuch a Relation, and have complied with the Direftions herein after contained. II. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That no Juftice No juftice t* of the Peace of any County in this Government, fhall join together in Marriage, Sert in the any Perfons whofoever in any Parifh where a Minifter fhall refide and have a P""^, on Pca. Cure, without Permiffion firft had and obtained from fuch Minifter ; under the °' ^ '' I^enalty of Five Pounds Proclamation Money, to the Ufe of the Minifter. III. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority, aforefaid. That no Minifter No Mint or Minifters, Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, within any of the Parifties of this K" ," Government, ftiall celebrate the Rites of Matrimony between any Perfons, or <"• ''"^'i .join them together as Man and Wife, without Licenfe firft had and obtained for ^T'^^'x, that Purpofe, according to the Direftions of this Adt, or Thrice Publication of the Banns, as prefcribed by the Rubrick in the Book of Common-Prayer ; And if 'fler or to marry Licenfe, or Publication of Banns, on Pen* 1 MinifVer going 128 L A I'f^S of ISloRTH-CAROLIii A, A. D. i74t. if any Minifter or Minifters, Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, fhall, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this A(5t, celebrate the Rites of Matrimony be- tween any Perfons, or otherwife join them in Marriage, he or they fo offending, Ihall forfeit and pay the Sum of Fifty Pounds, Proclamation Money •, to be re- covered and applied as herein after is directed : And if any Minifter lliall go out out of the Go. of this Government, and there, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this mTr^n"g''pcrfons Aft, joltt together in Matrimony any Perfon or Perfons belonging to this Go- of this Govern ■ vemment, without fiich Licenfe, or Publication of Banns, as is herein prefcribed, Licenfe, wB^inns cvcry Minifter fo offending, fhalJ incur the fame Penalties and Forfeitures, as if pubii(hed,t<>i.Kur j-]^e fanie had been done in this Government. the fame Penulty. Clerk or Reader IV. P RO VID E D alwdys, mid be it further Ena5led^ by the Authority afore- B:ls?an?g,ve f^'id^ That where any Parilli or PariHies have not a Minifter, it ftiall and may be CLrtifi'catf. lawful for the Clerk or Reader which fhall be appointed by the Vefbry of the faid Parilh, to publifh the Banns between any Perfons deliring the fame, and if no Ob- . jeftion be made, to grant a Certificate thereof; and fuch Certificate fhall be fuHi- cient for any Minifter or Juftice of the Peace, to folemnize the Rites of Matri- mony between the Parties fo publifhed. ■ If ihty gr.int a Y . A N D be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid^'Thzx. if any Mi- to"^fuff r as"7n "ifter, Clerk, or Reader, fliall grant a falfe Certificate, he or they fo offending. Cafe of Forgtry. fhall bc liable to fuch Punifhment as in Cafe of Forgery at Common Law •, and all fuch Offences ftiall be profecuted, tryed, and determined, in the General Court of this Province. Proceedings to be ^L AND be it furtheY Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid. That all Licenfes had in obtaining for Mafriagcs fhall bc ifTued by the Clerk of the Court of that County wh^re the cenfe'""^* ^'' Fcmc fhall have her ufual Refidence, and by him only, and in fuch Manner, and under fuch Rules and Direftions, as are herein after provided ; that is to fay. He Ihall take Bond, to our Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs and SuccefTors, with good Sureties, in the Penalty of Fifty Pounds, Proclamation Money, under Con- dition, ,That there is no lawful Caufe to obftruft the Marriage for which the Li- cenfe fhall be defired : And if either of the Perfons intended to be married fhall be under the Age of Twenty One Years, and not theretofore married, the Confent of the Parent or Guardian fhall be perfonally given before the laid Clerk, or fig- nified under the Hand and Seal of the faid Parent or Guardian, and attefted by Two WitnefTes •, all which being done, the Clerk fliall write the Licenfe, and fliall certify fpecially the faid Bond : And if the Perfons in the Licenfe, or either of them, be under the Age of Twenty One Years, he fliall alfo certify the Con- fent of the Parent or Guardian of fuch Perfon fo under Age, and the Manner thereof, to the firft Juftice in CommifTion of the Peace for that County, or to . fuch other Perfon as fhall be thereto comniifhonated by the Governor or Com- mander in Chief for the Time being •, which Premifes being performed, the Juf- tice of the Peace or other Perfon commiffioned as aforefaid, is hereby authorized, impowerc-.-l, and required, to fign and direft the faid Licenfe -, and a Licenfe fa obtained and figned, and no other whatfoever, is declared to be a lawful Licenfe, according to the true Intent and Meaning of. this Aft : And if any County Court Clerk fliall, in any Manner, ifilie any Licenfe of Marriage, or, contrary to this Aft, make Certificate of any Licenfe of Marriage ; and if any Perfon whatfo- ever fhall fign or direft a Licenfe in any other Manner than is by this Aft per- mitted and allowed ; all and every Perfon or Perfons fo offending, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Fifty Pounds, Proclamation Money j to be recovered and applied as herein after is direfted. d!r"'"wit^'i,^"'' ^^^' ^ N D be it further Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That if any Mi- pwbiifhTns »aL» nifter or Reader Ihall willingly publifti, or cayfe or fuffer to be publifhed, the Banr^ LAWS o/'North-Carolina. 129. , _-_ — v Banns of Matrimony between any Servants, or btrtween a tree 1 trfon and a Ser- "fiLilllj vanti or if any Miniftcr or Juilice of the i^eage Ihall wittingly cei>.br..te the Kit.s wwecn s.rvan,* of Matrimony between any fuch, without a L'ertjiicate from the Mafttr or Mif- * '^nui M..ft.r-» trefs Of tvcry fuch Servant, th.^t it is done by their Confcnti he fhall lontit and ^1'"' '" """* pay Five Pounds, IrocJamation Monty, to the Lfe of the IVjafttr or Owner of fuch Servant;, to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, I'laiut, or informa- tion : And every Servant fo married, without the Confent of his or her Mailer cr Servant m rrying Miftrefsj fhali, for his or her faid Offence, ferve his or her faid Mafter or Mil- ^^1^"^' y^^"* trefs, their Executors, Adminiilrators, or Affigns, One whole Year, after the Time of Service by Indentui^e or Cuilorn is expired, VIII. A N D be it further Ena^edy by the Authority, af or efaid^ That the Clerk cierk to awunn of each County, Annually, at or before the Twenty Fifth Day of March, fhall fend ^;;|' 'for°MlJ2 or deliver to the Governor or Commander in Chief for the Time being, an exadt t.ag'^: t.cecLs. Account of the Marriage Licences ilTued by him ; and each Clerk faihng herein, Ihall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds, Proclamation Money ; to be levied and applied as herein after is direfted. IX. AND be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Fees F'^es. upon the faid Marriages, fhall be as foUoweth ; that is to fay, TO the Governor or Commander in Chief for the Time being, for each Lif. cence of Marriage, Twenty Shillings, Proclamation Money. T O the Clerk of the County Court, for iffuing the fame, and taking the Bond, Five Shillings, of the like Money. T Q the Minifter, for marrying, if by Licence, Ten Shillings, if by Banns, Five Shillings, of the like Money. • T O the Juflice of the Peace, for marrying. Five Shillings. T O the Minifler or Reader, for publifhing the Banns, and granting Certificate, One Shilling and Six Pencej of the fame Money. X. A N D be it further Ena5ied^ by the Autority aforefaid^ That if any Mi- M:niner or juf. nifter cr Juflice of the Peace of any County cr i-arifli where a Clergyman doth mTrr/'Lfilwtui not refide, fhall refufe to celebrate the Rites of Matrimony, for the Fees herein f"'' J-° '^^'''^''» fet down and allowed, or fhall demand or receive, for marrying, either by them- If b;Brn"nsy5i! felves, or by any othtr Perfon for them, any larger Fees than before mentioned to be allowed to the Minifler or Jufticff of the Peace, he fhall forfeit and pay, for every fuch Cff^nce, that is to fay, if the Marriage was to have been by Lieence, Ten Pounds, or if by Banns, Five Pounds, Proclamation Money ; One Moiety of all the Fines and Forfeitures in this A^ before mentioned and not particularly appropriated, to be paid to the Churchwardens of the Parifh for the 1 ime being, for the Ufe of the Parifh where the Offence fhall be committed, the other Moiety to him ortliem that will inform or fue for the fame; to be recovered, withCofls, by Adtion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information. XI. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That if the Mi-s ^*"='*" <'^*^»- niRer or Reader of any PariOi within this Government, fhall refufe to publifh and Jubi.lh Ss f'^, certify the Banns, for the Fees herein fet down, and allowed him for the fame, ''"^"[h^'i^'^j '' le fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and pay, to the Party grieved. Ten JrTev.d '.oi." ' Pounds, Prodanaation Money j to be recovered as before mentioned. K k XII. PRO' 130 L A IV S of North-Carolina. A D. 174:. wI'lT'of'Th^ XII. PROVIDED always. That the Minifter ferving the Cure of any Pa» p^r'flitohavcthe rifli, ihall havc the Benefit of the. Fee tor Marriages in the faid Farilh, if he da not' rlfuie" fw "°^ negled or refufe to do the Service lliereof, aitho' any other Perfon perform- .nother be em- cd the iVlarriage Ceremony. ployed. XIII. AND for Prevention of that abominable Mixture and fpurious Iflue,' which hcreatter may increafe in this Government, by white Men and Women in-< termarrying with Indians^ Negroes, Mullees, or Mulattoes 5 Be it Ena5ied, by White Ptrfoas ^^^ Authority aforefaid. That if any white Man or Woman, being free, fhall in- intermarry ng tcrmarry wich an /«im;z, Negro, Muftee, of Mulatto Man or Woman, or any V^. to'^forfcit Perfon of mixt Blood, to the Third Generation, bond or free, he fhall, by Judg^ %ol ment of the County Court, forfeit and pay the Sum of Fifty Pounds, Proclama- tion Money, to the Ufe of the Parifh. Minifter or j,if- XIV. A N D he it further Ena^ed^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That no Minif- ^rrrnr'^hkc ^cr of the Church of England^ or other Minifter, or Juftice of the Peace, or other p-rfons to Ne- Perfon whatfoever within this Government, fhall hereafter prefume to marry a Kit 5?i; '° white Man with an Indian^ Negro, Muftee, or Mulatto Woman, or any Perfon of mixt Blood, as aforefaid, knowing them to be fo, upon Pain of forfeiting and paying, tor tvery fuch Offence, the Sum of Fifty Pounds, Proclamation Money i, to be applied as aforcfuid. Aiipnriexwcd- XV. AND be it further EnaBed^ hy the Authority aforefaid^ That the feveral ♦ 1 t'o^be tVed Fines and Forfeitures in this Aft, which exceed the Sum of Twenty Six Pounds in the G. Curt. Thirteen Shillings and Four Pence, Proclamation Money, fhall be heard, tryed, and determined, in the General Court of this Province -, and ail under the afore- Cou""yc'u"t!^' fuidSum, fhall be heard, tryed, and determined, in the Court of the County where the Offence fhall be committed. JtepeaUngChttfe. XVI. AND be it further Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Acft and Afts, and every Claufe and Article thereof, heretofore made, fo f^r as relates to any Matter or Thing whatfoever within the Purview of this Aft, is and are hereby repealed and made void, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if th« fame had never been made. CHAP. II. An A5i, to i?npower the feveral CommiJJioners herein named, fo make, mend^ and alter the federal Highways, Roads, and Bridges, and to clear and clean fe Creeks and Water-Conrjes ; and alfo, to cut fuch Cuts as they fhall think convenient, in the feveral Coitiities herein after named, EXP. C H A P. III. An ASl, to give further 'Time for colleBing the Aid granted to his Ma- jelly, for Subfiftatice of the Forces raifed in this Province ; and for the better colleSling Taxes and Levies, and to dire£i the Method of account-^: in^ for the fame ^ and other Public Monies herein mentioned, O B S. CHAPi L A IV S of North-Carolina. 131 A. D. 1741. CHAP. IV. ' — ^^"^ An A5f^ to make a?id confirm that Pa*-t of the main Road leading from Bennet'j Creek Bridge^ to Virginia, joining to Mr. Henry Baker'i, in Chowan County^ altered^ jor the Conve?iiency of the Public^ by the ad-" jacent Inhabitants^ to be the Main a?id Public Road. (. "TTTHEREAS that Part of the main Road joining to Henry Baker* Sy as Preamble. Y V formerly laid out and ufed, is very hilly, bad, troublcfome, and in- convenient for Carts and Carriages, and the Inhabitants adjacent to, and obliged to work on that Part of the Road, have agreed together and altered and turned the faid Road, and made it much fhorter, better, and more convenient for Car- riages and PafTengers ; and the faid Inhabitants, by their Petition, having prayed that fuch Part of the Road fo altered and made by them as aforefaid, may be con-- firmed and deemed the Piiblic Road : IT. W E pray that it may be Enadted, And be it Ena£!ed^ hy his Excellency Ga- Public Road de. briel Johnfton, Efq; Governor y hy and with the Advice and Confent of his Majefifs ''"***• Council^ and General Affembly of this Province^ and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of ^ the fame. That from and after the Ratification of this Aft, that Part of the Public Road from Bennct\ Creek, in Chowan County, leading by Henry Baker's, fo altered and made as aforefaid, be confirmed and deemed Part of the Public Road, and no other ; and that the Perfons obliged to work on and main- tain the old Road, be, and are hereby compelled to work on and maintain the Koad fo altered j any Law, Cuflom, or Ufage, to the contrary, notwithftanding. CHAP. V. An A5l^ to appoint Conjiables. \- ^TT^ O the End that Conftables may be regularly appointed, throughout this JL Government i II. W E pray that it may be Enadled, And he it Enabled, hy his Excellency Ga- bounty couit» briel Johnfton, ii/^'-. Governor, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majefifs cSks?''"''*^ Council, and the General Affemhly of this Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame. That the Courts of the feveral Counties which now »re, or hereafter fhall be, within this Government, Ihall, at the Court to be hol- den for each refpedlive County in this Government, next after the Firft Day of January, Yearly, and every Year, nominate and appoint as many Perfons of their faid County as they fhall judge neceffary, to be Conftables within the fame, for the then enfuing Year; which Conftables fo appointed, Ihall have the following Oath »dminiftered to them ; that is to fay, U fhall fwear. That you will well and truly ferve our Sovereign Lord the Conftabie'«Oatfe, J^ing, in the Office of a Conflable ; you pall fee and caufe his Majefifs Peace X . _„. to be well and duly preferved and kept, according to your Power -, you fhall arreji ^ all fuch Per fens as, in your Sight, fhall ride or go armed offenfively, or fhall commit - * cr make any Riot, Affray, or other Breach of his Majejifs Peace •, you fhall do your heft Endeavour, upon Complaint to you made, to apprehend all Fellons and Rio- ters, or Perfons riotoujly affemhled ; and if any fuch Offenders fhall makPRefifiance, •wttb Force, you fhall make Hue and Cry^ and fhall fuifue theWy according to Law v yoii 132 L A JV S of N O RT H - C AR O L I N A. II — — — ■ • A. D. 1741. yofi Jhall faithfully^ and without Delay^ execute and return all lawful Precepts to ^ V °^ you directed -, you Jhall well and duly^ according to your Knowledge^ Power ^ and Ability^ do and execute all other 'Things belonging to the Office of a Conjlable, fo long as you fh all continue in this Office. ^ So help you God. ConftabiesPower. JU. AND be it further EnaSledy by the Authority afcrefaid^ That each and every Conftable, fo appointed, nominated, and fworn, is, and they are hereby invefted with, and may execute the fame Power and Authority, to all Intents and Furpofcs, as the Conftables within the Kingdom of England are by Law invefted with and execute. Conftable nf|. IV. A N B bc it further Enactcd, by the Authority aforefaid^ That if any Per- lefting to qualify jf^yj qj. Perfons, nominated and appointed Conftable by the Court of any of the Noi°ce, toVoU'it Counties within this Government, Ihall negled: orrefufe.to qualify himfelf, accord- 50 «• ino^to the Diredions of this Ad, within Ten Days after Notice of his Nomination and Appointment as aforefaid, without he can fhew fufficienr Caufe for his Negled, to be admitted of by the Juftices, who lliall or may grant their Warrant to recover the Penalties in this A6t mentioned, he ftiall forfeit the Sum of Fifty Shillings, Proclamation Money ; to be recovered by a Warrant from Two Juftices of the Peace in the County where fuch Perfon was appointed Conftable, and applied to the Ufe of the County where fuch Conftable is appointed -, provided fuch Notice be in Writing, figned by the Clerk of the Court, and ferved by the Sheriff of the County, or preceeding Conftable, on fuch Conftable or Conftables gs fhali he ap- pointed, iiccording to the Diredions of this Ad. Terfons exempt V. P RO V J D E D always. That no Perfon in Commifflon of any Oflice, Corftabir "^ " ^i'^il °^ Military, or Member of Affembly, for the Time being, nor any one who has ferved in any fuch Station, nor any other who has ferved as Conftable-, within the Space of Five Years belorc, nor any Perfon who is exempt, by the Laws of England, fhall be obliged to ferve in the Office of Conftable j any Law, Ufage, or Cuftom, to the contrary, notwithftanding. juftice tosdmi- VI. AN B be it furthcr Enacted, That any one Juftice of the Peace of the nifter the Oath. Countv, (hill, and he is hereby impowered, to adminifter to the feveral Confta- bles hereafter to be appointed in his County, the Oath direded by this Ad for their Qualitication. OnoJatherRe. VII. A N B bc it furthcr Enactcd, by the Authority aforefaid. That upon the bies" jufti^cef to Death or Removal of any Conftable out of the Diftrid for wbith he was appointed appoint" others, Conftable, it fhall and may be lawful for the Juftices of the County Court, in ci'ur?^ when which fuch Difttid fhall be, or any one of them, to appoint and fwear another they may con- Pgrfon, to be Conftable in the Room and Stead of the Conftable dead or removing SpToint othe«°' out of his Diftrid as aforefaid, who fhall Ad until the next County Court ; the Juftices of which Court fhall then either continue the Perfon appointed as afore- faid, or nominate and appoint a new one. CnnftaWe r.fu VIII. A N B bc it further Enacted, by the Authority, aforefaid. That if any f,ng to ferve Pre. ^onftable to whom any Precept is direded, by any Juftice of the Peace, fhall re- »t the D.fcretion fufe or negled, to fcrVe fuch Precept, he fhall, for every fuch Uttence, on efth. Court. Complaint of the Party profccuting, be fined, at the Difcretion of the Cctort of which fuch Juftice is a Member ; to be paid to the Complainant. For want of a IX. A N D for the better executing any Precept or Mandate, in extraortJinary Conftable, Pr.- Cafcs ', Bc it EuaBcd, by the Authority aforefaid. That it fliall and may be law- sfjtmay be di. ^^j^ ^^ ^^^ f^j. ^^y Juftice of the Peace within this Government, to dired any fuch Precept or Mandate, in the Abfewce of, or for Want of a Conftable, to any ferfon. LAWS o/'North-Carolina. 133 Perfon, not being a Party, who fliall be obliged to execute, or endeavour, in the ^- ^- '741. belt Manner he can, to execute the fame, under the hke Penahy any Conftable *^ ^ ' fliall be liable to, by Virtue of this Ad; to be recovered and applied as aforefaid. th?r'pe'rfon7no"t being a Party. X. AND be it EnoMed, hy the Authority aforefaid. That every Conftable ConftabUs ex- within this Province, appointed and qualified, as herein before is direfted, fhall in^TaS^'ani be,^ and is hereby exempted from all Provincial, County, and Parifh Taxes, for working on th« himfelfonly, and from working on the Roads, for and during the Year Jhe fhall ^°^'''' be Conflable; any Law, Ufage, or Cuftom, to the contrary, notwithftanding. XI. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every i or Pettiagua adrift, fuch Offender or Offenders Ihall feverally forfeit and pay, to the Party who fhall own, or in whofe Cuftody and PofTefTion fuch Boat, Canoe, or Pettiagua was, the Sum of Twenty Shillings, Proclamation Money •, to be re- covered by a Warrant from any Juftice of the Peace within the County where the Offence fhall i)e committed, who is hereby impowered and required to hear and determine all fuch Offences : And if any Offender or Offenders fhall, after Con- cfftnders refti- vi6tion, negledt or refufe to pay the faid Sum of Twenty Shillings, Proclamation cngwp'y^ h^r |vloney, in fuch Cafe, it fhall and may be lawful for the faid ||"uftice, by his War- illmll?i)ka. rant, to commit fuch Perfon to the Goal of the County, where he fhall remain yjjitil he ihall have paid the fame, and the accruing Cofts. : Nn - III, PRO- 142 LAWS of North-Carolina. A. D. 1741. Nl^'toXbarT^ III. PROVIDED always. That nothing in this Ad fhall be underftood or prrf.n from h.s conftrued to debar any Perfon from his or her Adlion at Common Law, for any m^n""Lw^f'^ Damage fuftained, by Reafbn of any Boat, Canoe, or Pettiagua, to them belong- D-imagc fuftain- Ing, fo taken or unloofed, unmoored or turned adrift, from any Landing or other *^' Place where the lame was left, againft any Perfon whatfoever, notwithftanding fuch Perfon fhall have paid the Penalty by this Aft inflided j any Thing herein contained, or any Law, Ufage, orCuftom, to the contrary, notwithftanding. Servant or Slave offending, and the IV. AND be it further Enabled, by the Authoriy aforefaid. That if any White Mafter'refufing't'o Setvant, Ncgroc, or Slave, Ihall offend againft this Aft, and be thereof convift- servanf oTskve ^<^» ^"^ ^^^ Maftcr, IVliftrefs, or Owner of fuch White Servant, Negroe, or to be whipt. Slave, fhall refufe to pay the faid Sum of Twenty Shillings, Proclamation Money, fuch Servant or Slave fhall fuffer Correftion, by whipping, at the Difcretion of the Magiftrate, not exceeding Thirty Nine Lafhes. Not to extend to V. P ROV ID ED olways, mid be it Enabled, That neither this Aft, nor ^ref-rvdrl"' b" ^^^ Penalties thereof, fhall be conftrued to extend to any Perfon who fhall prefs Authority, or any Boat, Canoe, or Pettiagua, by Public Authority, or to any Perfon who fhall prof „ Owners, ^^-^^^ j^j^ ^^j^ proper Boat, Canoe, or Pettiagua, or to any other Perfon or Per- fons, being lawfully impowered fo to do by the Owner, from any Place or Land- ing, or from any Perfon in whofe Cuftody he fhall find the fame, or to any Ser- vant or Slave taking any Boat, Canoe, or Pettiagua, from any Landing or other Place, by Order of his or her Mafttr, Miftrefs, or Overfeer. Mafter orderir- ^^' AND he it further Enabled, That if any Malier, Miftrefs, or Overfeer,' Servant or Slav! fhall ordtr any Servant or Slave, belonging to them, or under the Care of any of fe/^iiable^Jthe ^^^""'» to take from any Landing, or other Place, any Boat, Canoe, or Pettiagua, Penalty. conttary to the Intent and Meaning of this Aft, fuch Mafter, Miftrefs, or Over- feer of fuch Servant or Slave fo offending, fhall be liable to the Forfeitures and Penalties of this Aft, as if they, in their proper Perfon, had done the fame ; any Thing herein before contained, to the contrary, notwithftanding. RepeaiiBgciaufe. VII. AND he it further EnoMed, by the Authority, afore faid. That all and every other Aft and Afts, and every Claufe and Article thereof, fo far as relates to prevent the taking Boats, Canoes, or Pettiaguas, from Landings, or elfewhere, without Leave, is and are hereby repealed and made void, to all Intents and Pur- pofes, as if the fame had never been made. CHAP. XIV. An A5i, for the better Obfervation and keeping of the Lord's Day, com^ monly called Sunday j and for the more effectual SuppreJJion of Vice and Immorality, PfeamWe. I. TTTHEREASIn well regulated Governments, efFeftual Care is alwayi VV taken, that the Day fct apart for Publick Worfhip, be obferved and kept holy, and to fupprefs Vice and Immorality : Wherefore, * No Perfon to do any Work on bricl II. W E pray that it may be Enafted, And he it Ena5ied, by his Excellency Ga- iel Johnfton, £/j; Governor, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majejiy's Council, and General Affembly of this Province, and it is hereby Enacted, hy the Authority of the fame^ That all and every Perfon and Perfons whatfoever /hall. oa LAWS of North-Carolina. 14.^ 43 on the Lord's Day, commonly called < "Sunday, carefully apply themfelves to the "^^ ^- '74i- Duties of Religion and Piety ; and thi ^ "» Tradefman, Artificer, Planter, La- *^ "^ ^ bourer, or other Perfon whatfoever, fha* '1, "pon the Land or Water, do or ex- 'oM^lFi'l ercife any Labour, Bufincfs, or Work, c ^^ t:heir ordinary Callings, ( Works of Neceffity and Charity only excepted,) nor employ themfelves either in hunting, fifhing, or fowling, nor ufe any Game, S^ ^ort» or Play, on the Lord's Day a- for.;faid, or any Part thereof, upon Pain that every Perfon fo offending, being of the Age of Fourteen Years, and upwards, xl '^^ forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Shillings, Proclamation Money. III. A N D he it further Enabled, hy the Autho, ""ity aforefaid^ That if any Perfon iWons fweznng or Perfons lliall prophanely fwear or curfe, in tlit ^ Hearing of any Juftice of the ^jiS^laf Peace, or Ihall be convided of prophanely fwearin^^ '? and curfing, by the Oath of ^^ =. 6 d/ one or more Witnefs or Witnefies, or Confeflion Oi ^ the Party before any Juftice or Juftices of die Peace, every fuch Offender fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Two Shillings and Six Pence, of the like Money, for every Oath or Curfe : And Public officer if any Perfon, executing any Public Office, fhall proj. "ihanely fwear or curfe, be- ^^"^ '^'=<' "f 'f^e ing firft convided, as afortfaid, fuch Perfon fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five ^'"^' '°^^^ '*' Shillings, of the like Money, for each and every Oath c 'r Curfe. IV. AND belt further EnaHed, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall prophane- Perfons fwMrin ly fwear and curfe, in the Prefence of any Court of Recofv d in this Government, '" "'^ Prefencc of fuch Offender or Offenders fhall immediately pay the Sum of Ten Shillings, of lo^^o/bepuun the like Money, for each and every Oath or Curfe -, to be dt pofited in the Hands ^^^ stocks. of the Chairman of the faid Court, and by him accounted fo,r and paid, as herein after is dirededj or to fit in the Stocks, not exceeding Three Hours, by OrdeF of fuch Court. V. AN D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That every Perfon Perfons getting con vided of Drunken nefs, by View of any Juftice of the Peace, ConfefTion of the Jo p" y Ts'^^onY.' Party, or Oath of one or more Witnefs or Witneffes, fuch Perfon fo convi(5ted, "y "t*i« Day, fhall, if fuch Offence was committed on the Lords Day, fo.«"feit and pay the Sum *'" ^^' of Five Shillings, of the like Money •, but if on any other Day, the Sum of Two Shillings and Six Pence, for each and every fuch Offence. VI. AND for the better Execution of all and every of the foregoing Orders, j^^i^s p^„,j, ^^ Be it further Enacted, That all and every Juftice and Juftices of the Peace, with- hear and deter- in his or their refpedive County, fhall have full Power and Authority to convene ^aiTft^twTAft!' before him or them, any Perfon or Perfons who fhall offend in any of the Parti- culars before mentioned, in his or their Hearing, or on other legal Convidion of •any fuch Offence, and to impofe the faid Fine or Penalty for the fame, and to reftrain or commit the Offender until it be fatisfied, or to caufe the fame to be levied by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offenders Goods, returning the Overplus, if any, to the Owner: And in Cafe any fuch Offender be unable to fatisfy fuch Fine, to caufe him to be put in the Stocks, not exceeding Three Hours. VII. P ROV ID ED always. That all Informations againft the aforefaid Of- information to be Fences, fhall be made within Ten Days after fuch Offence or Offences committed, «»»"»« '«"»»y'' and not after. VIII. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all Fines pine, appropria. accruing and becoming due by Virtue of this Aft, fhall be levied as foon as may ted, .nd ho«"to be after Conviftion, One Half to the Informer, the other Half to the Ufe of the '''p*'*'* 'Parifh where fuch Offence fliall be committed ; and the Chairman and Juftices of the feveral Courts of the feveral Counties of this Province, are hereby directed to account for, upon Oath, and pay fuch Fine or Fines as fhall or may by them, or 144 L A W S of North-Carolina. ^, D. J74I. or any of them, be received, by Virtue of this A<5b, to the Churchwardens of the * V ' refpedlive Pari(hes of this Government, at leaft once a Year, when the fame fhall be demanded by the Churchwardens ; under the Penalty of paying the Sum of Twenty Pounds, Proclamation Money, for every Refufal, to be levied and ap- plied as aforefaid. Perfons comrnit. IX. A N D be it furthcT EnttBcd, hy the Authority aforefaid. That if any Per- ta"fo^eifzfs°"' fo"s commit Fornication, upon due Convi(5lion, each of them Ihall forfeit and pay Twenty Five Shillings, Proclamation Money, for each and every fuch Of-^ fence •, to be recovered, and applied to the fame Ufe, as the other Fines in this Ad:. Single •vtToman X. AND he it further Enabled, That any Two Juftices of the Peace, upon and" refufin^''to' ^^^^"^ ®^" Knowlcdge, or Information made to them, t'hat any fmgle Woman tell the Father, within their County is big with Child, or delivered of a Child or Children, may an/tDgWes«"u! caufe fuch Woman to be brought before them, and examine her, upon Oath, rity to keep the conccming the Father ; and if fhe Ihall refufe to declare the Father, flie Ihall pay ^'"''*' the Fines in this Ad before mentioned, and give fufficient Security, to keep fuch Child or Children from being chargeable to the Parilh, or fhall be committed to Prifon, until flie fhall declare the fame, or pay the Fine aforefaid, and give Se- lf (he declares curity as aforcfaid : But in Cafe fuch Woman fhall, upon Oath, before the faid the Father, he Jufticcs, accufc any Man of being the Father of a Baflard Child or Children, fytperformVi bcgottcn of her Body, fuch Perfon fo agcufed fhall be adjudged the reputed Fa- order of Court xhtv of fuch Child or Childrcnj and ftand charged with the Maintenance of the thereon. famc, as the County Court fhall order, and give Security, to the Juftices of the faid Court, to perform the faid Order, and to indemnify the Parifli where fuch Child or Children fhall be born, free from Charges for his, her, or their Main- tenance, and may be committed to Prifon until he find Securities for the fame, if fuch Security is not by the Woman before given. •j /I- . I.- j.„' XT. AND he it further Ena6led, That the faid Two Juftices of the Peace, at Julticestobind to i-i i /-^ /~\ i-i-i i the next Court their Difcrction, may bmd, to the next County Court, him that is charged, on with"being\he'^ Oath, as aforefaid, to have begotten a Baftard Child, which fhall not be then Father of a Child bom ; and the County Court may continue fuch Perfon upon Security until the unborn. Woman fliall be delivered, that he may be forth coming when the Child is born. This Aft to be XI^' AND he it further EnaEted, hy the Authority aforefaid. That this Ad fliall lead twice a Year be Publlcly Tcad, Two fevetal Times in the Year, in all Parifh Churches and ihe^Mmmer'&c! Chappels, or for Want of fuch, in the Place where Divine Service is performed in on Penalty of evcry Parifh within this Government, by the Minifter, Clerk, or Reader of each '°'' Parifh, immediately after Divine Service, that is to fay, on the Firft or Second Sunday in April, and on the Firft or Second Sunday in September, under the Pe- nalty of Twenty Shillings, Proclamation Money, for every fuch OmifTion or Ncg- led -, to be levied by a Warrant from a Juftice, and applied to the Ufe of the Parifh where the Offence fhall be committed j and the Churchwardens of every Parifh are hereby required to provide a Copy of this Ad, at the Charge of the Parifh. currymeh liable XIIL PROVIDED always. That nothing herein contained fliall be confl:rued iftment*"" ^""' ^^ cxcmpt any Clergyman within this Government, who fhall be guilty of any of the Crimes herein before mentioned, from fuch further Punifhment as might have been infiided on him for the fame, before the making of this Ad j any Thing herein contained to the contrary, notwithftanding. AepMiuigClaufe. XIV. AND he it further Enabled, hy the Authority aforefaid. That all and every other Ad and Ads, and every Claufe and Article thereof, heretofore made, fo far as relates to the Suppreffion of Vice, or Keltrain and Punifliment of wicked and s L A Pf^ S of N O R T H -Ca R O L I NAo 14^ and defolute Perfons, or any Matter or Thing, within the Purview ot this Ad:, ^ ^ '74^ is and are hereby refealed and made void, to all Intents and Purpofcs, as if the ^* - fame had never been made. CHAP. XV. An Acfy for the Tryal of fmall and mean Caufes. I. TT T H E R E A S the Charges, in the General and County Courts of this PfwmW:. YY Province, in many Actions of fmall Value, do very often furmount the Demand of the Plaintiff ; to the very great Damage of the Parties : II. W E pray that it may be Enadled, yind h it Enacted, by his Excellency Two Juftices to Gabriel Johnfton, Efq; Governor, by and with the Advice end Confent of his Ma- XLyl^tt^t jejiy's Council., and General Affcmbly of this Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame. That any Two Juftices of the Peace are hereby impowered, by their Warrant, under their Plands and Seals, direfted to the Sheriff, Under- Sheriff, or Conftable, in all Adtions of Debt, or other Demand whatfoever, for any Sum or Matter \o the Value of Forty Shillings, Proclamation Money, or Under, to caufe to be apprehended and brought before them, any Perfon or Per- fons which have and do rctufe or negled to pay any Creditor complaining of his or their Debt or Debts, or Demands, amounting to the Sum afortfaid, and alfo, to iffue their Summons or Summonfes for fuch Witnefs or Witneffes, who fliall or may be required, either by Plaintiff, or Defendant, for the better Proof, clear- ing, and opening of the Matter contefted between fuch Parties ; and after having heared the Parties, and fuch Evidence as fhall be required or produced by them, and each of them, to adjudge and finally determine all Complaints and Adiions of Debts and Demands, as aforefaid, before them brought. III. AND he it further Enacted, That the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs obtaining fuch piimdff to make Warrant or Precept, Ihall make Proof of his Debt or Demand before fuch juf- ^°^ "^ *"* tices, in the fame Manner, and under the fame Reftridfions, as is provided and prefcribed by an A(5t, for prefcribing the Method of proving Bock Debts , otherwife his, her, or their Complaint fhall be difmifl, with Cofls. , IV. AND be it further Enacted, That after Determination of any of the Mat- ju^^ces to gram ters aforefaid by the faid Juflices, they are hereby impowered and required to iffue Et-^cu'^" "p^n Execution, to be levied upon the Goods and Chatttis of the Defendant or Defen- chattels" or^oa dants, to the full Value ot the Debt due, and the Cofls and Charges hereafter in ii^^B^^y. this Aft provided to be paid ; and for V'ant of Goods and Chatties, to commit the Body or Bodies of the Defendant or Defendants to the Common Goal, until he or they fliall pay his or their Debt or Debts aforefaid, together with the Cofts ; and alfo, in Cafe the Plaintiff fhall be cafl, to iffue Execution, to levy the Cofls for the Defendant, or commit the Plaintiff to Frifon till the fame is paid, in the fame Manner as the Proceedings were to be had againft the Defendant, on Judg- ment being had againfl him. V. AND be it further Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Goods taken m Sheriff or Conflable, Ihafl caufe all Goods and Chattels, taken in Execution by LT,oDar'^ Virtue of tliis A<51:, to be kept in fafe Cuftody Ten Days, and if the Owmr or Owners of fuch Goods fhall not, within the Lid Ten Days, fatisfy the faid Debt, and Cofls, the Sheriff or Ccnilable fhall fell the fame, at Public^ Vandue ; and af- ter fatisfyingthe Judgment of the Juftices as aforefaid, fliall return the Overplus, if any there be, to the Owner. O o VI. PRO- 1^5 Z^/^/^'So/'North-Carolina. '^-"-'v ' VI. P ROV ID ED always. That the Tender of the Commodities hereafer modtues"to^rr- mentioned, at the t^laintiffs l^lace of Refidence in the County, fhall difcharge any fonrkcrfn^Ex' ^^^fon or r*erfons. Body or Goods, in Execution on any Judgment, to be given «"t:o,v/"o'n' any as afofcfatd V that is to fay. Tobacco, Deef-lkins, Bees-wax, Tallow, or Rlcf, ■K^Treliioiaers ^^ rated by the Ad:, for granting an Aid to His Majrfty: And if any Difputc to view'tLcom' Ihall arife between the Parties, whether fuch Commodities fo tendered be good *?,of'ta befo.^ and m:rchantable, in fuch Cafe the Juftice or Juftices before whom fuch Caufe felted to the p.»- wus determined, fliall appoint Two Freeholders, who, upon their Oaths, (hall in- th?n' li Mon!y fp^c^ the fame •, and if they fliall deem the (lime not good and merchantable in its to difcharge the Kind, the fame fliall be fortcited, and fold by the Churchwardens, to the Ufe of ®''"" the Parifh where fuch Tender (hall be made -, and then nothing (hall difcharge fuch Judgment and Execution, but Money: And if the faid Commodities fo ten- dered be adjudged good and merchantable, the Plaintiff (hall be obliged to accept of the fame, in Difcharge of fuch Debt, and Cofts. Warrants to hav. VII. A N D Ic U fuTther EfiaEied, That all original Warrants, granted by Vir- ^\^ '^nd'vaH.c'^f ^"^ ^^ ^^^'^ ^*^* ^^^^ ^^^^ infcrtcd, and plainly iignified, the Name or Names the Debt, iXt. of the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, the Debt demanded, and whether by Bill, Account^ "*• Afllimpfit, or otherwife, due. ^ufflcts and Con- VIII. A N D bi it furthcT Enalfcdy by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid ftabiesFees. Juftices^ Or their Ckrk, flwll, for each Warrant, receive One ShiUing and Three Pence, Proclamation Money, and for every Execution, One Shilling and Three Pence J and every Sheriff or Conftable, for every original Warrant executed, fhalt be allowed One Shilling and Three Pence, Proclamation Money, and for every Subpoena, One Shilling, and for every Execution, One Shilling and Three Pence. IX. AND that all poffible Means may be ufed, for the Payment of the Plain- ?ent"t"y.'wi tiff or Plaintiffs Debt, aiter Execution obtained againft the Body of the Defendant his conf n't, be or Defendants, // is alfo Enacted, That the Juitices have Power, and they arc w^pt/thVoTt! hereby impowered, in fuch Cafes where they fliall judge the Defendant not worth the Debt recovered as aforefaid, then, and not otherwife, by and with the Confent of the Defendant or Defendants, him or them to hire to Labour, at fo much per D^em, as either the Plaintiff, or any indifferent Perfon, will allow, until the whole Debt, by the Produce thereof, be paid; which Produce the Juftices are hereby required to caufe to be employed to no other Ufe but paying of the Debt or Debts as aforefaid. All Debts, to the X. A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid, and it is the true In- itliyfAlil ient and Meaning of this Act, That any Perfon who remains indebted, by any two Juftice.. Bond, Bill, Specialty, Account, Contraft, Agreement, Affumpfit, or otherwife howfoever, to the Sum of Forty Shillings, Proclamation Money, or under, (hall only be fued and tried before Juftices of the Peace, in Manner and Form afore- faid, and no otherwife. suUtrc.gM for XI. AND be it further Enabled, That every Perfon that (hall bring any Ac- v^'d'ateforS tion or Suit, in any XZourt within this Province, for more than Forty Shilhngs, Pit'. top°'yc-.fts' ProcVamation Money, and thereupon fhall have a Verdi6t for lefs than Forty Shil- ofTrcrpafs^r ling^> like Money, fhall lofe his Coft of Suit; except in Aftions of Trefpafs, and ■ Anions of Defamation, and where an Account is unfettled, and the Defendant fhall refufe or negleft, upon Notice given by the Plaintiff, to meet and fettle tho fame. Debt under 20 8. XII. AND be it further Ena^cd, by the Authority aforefaid. That for the to be tryed by ^ fpecdy dolng of Juftice, where the Debt or Demand fhall not exceed Twenty ^ ' ° '' . Shillings, L A PF S of NoRT h-Car o l i n a. 147 Shillings, Proclamation Money, any one Juftice of the Peace Ihall have full Pow- ^- ^ '741- er and 'Authority, to hear, try, dnd determine all fuch Caufes, in fuch Mariner ^ '"y and Form as is before'Sn this Aft provided ibr Two Judices, where the Debt or Demand fhall amount to the Sum of Forty Shillings : And all Sheriffs or Confta- sherifs and Con- bles, to whom either original Warrants, Subpoena for Witnefies, or Execution ll^X'nce' to'' ai'i or Executions upon Goods and Chatties, or the Body of the Defendant or De- Wairants, &«.- fendants as aforefaid, are direded by any one- or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, are hereby impowcred and commanded to give due Obedience in the Ex- ecution tlicreof, according to the true Intent and Meaning ot this Aft. XIII. AND he it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That if either Right of Appeal, of the Parties (hall be dilTatisfied with the Judgment given by the Juftice or Juf- tices, he may appeal to the next County Court, firft giving Security for prcfccu- ting fuch Appeal with Effcft-, which Caufe fhall be tried and finally determined the fame Court, by a Jury, without any further Procefs, in the fame Manntr as Cauf.s are there tried brought by oiiginal Writ ; and Judgment fhall thereupon be given, and the Party caft ftwU pay the Coft of all Proceedings had thereon, to be taxed by the Court. XIV. A N D he it further EnaSled, h'y the Authority aforefaid. That all and eve- Repeaiingciaufe, ry other Aft and Afts, and every Claufe and Article thereof, heretofore made, {o far as relate to the Tryal of fmall and mean Caufes, or any other Matter or Thing wh-itfoever, within the Purview of this Aft, is and are hereby repealed and made void, to all Intents and Purpofcs, as if the fame had never been made. CHAP. XVI. An ASi, for afcertalnlng the Damage upon protejled Bills of Exchange, I. "j^ OR afcertaining the Damage upon protefted Bills of Exchange, We pray pmteftej Bills of X/ that it may be Enafted,. And he it Enabled, by his Excellency Gabriel ^'"j^",^,^^^"^^"" Joaiiiton, Efq; Governcr, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Maiefifs the Date t.i paid. Council, and General Ajfanbly of this Fr evince, and by the Authority of the fame^ ^' lofnCcnt^ That v/here any Bill of Exchange is, or fhall hereafter be drawn, for the Payment 9f any Sum of Money, in which the Value is or Ihall be expreifed to be received, and fuch Bill is or fliall be protefted, for Non-acceptance or Non-payment, the fame Ihall carry Intertft froin the Date thereof, after the Rate of Ten per Cent, per Annum, until the Money therein drawn for, ftiall be fully fatisfied and paid. II. BUT leaft any Perfon having any fuch Bill, fhould, for the Sake of the i„tgreft allowed Intereft, delay negotiating the fame, or if, after it fliall be protefted, Ihall not de- ^^^^ 18 Momhs, rnand Payment thereof of the Drawer or Indorftr, It is further Enacted and De- manded!"'"' "^'t dared, Thit no Perfon whatfoever ftiall pay more than Eighteen Months Intereft, from the Date of any fuch Bill, till it fliall be prefented protefted to the Drawer or Indorfer thereof. III. AND be it further Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaid. That where any x^ per Ci«t. 1,1. Bill, drawn before the making of this Aft, or which fhall hereafter be drawn, is '°*"^ *>"«» by the Verdift of the Petit Jury, that the Offender altered, lefTened, or fhortned weijhw. &c. P p his I^tf L d W S of North-Carolina. ^- 174'- his or her Steelyards, Weights, or Meafures, or caufed the fame to be done, or ' ufed fuch Steelyards, Weights, or Meafures, knowingly, after they were fo alter- y. reftaJ"''b'fXs ed, leffened, or fhortned, with an Intent to defraud any Perfon-, in fuch Cafe the plymg 'the Fine, Qq^j-I fliall, befidcs, and notwithftanding the faid Fine, fentence fuch Offender wwl Ho«.! to ftand publickly, during the Sitting of the Court, Two Hours in the Pillory, with his Offence written over his or her Head; Any Law, Cuftom, or Ufage tor the contrary, notwithftanding. Nav»i OfF.cer to IX. A N D be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Naval fetupinhis Qf- QfRcet of cach and every Port witlun this Government, Ihall affix up, in a Pub- ffl«?otJ"sAa- lie Part of his Office, and there coijfcfely keep affixed, an Advertifement of this on Pen. of 5 1. ^^^ ^.j^^,- 'f radcrs coming into thinBjjpii^ernment may have Notice thereof, upon HourrNcBieft. Pain of forfeiting Five Shillings, ^nroclamation Money, for every Twenty Four Hours the fame Ihall be negledted ; to be recovered, by a Warrant from any Juf- tice of the Peace of the County where the Offence fhall be committed, by any Per- fon who fhall fue for the fame, and applied, One Half to the Informer, and the Other Half to the Ufe of the faid County. jufticesm.yt^ke X. AND be it further Enabled, by the Authoriy aforefaid^ That the Juflices anTvi! ws^'^n- of every County rcfpedively, fhall have Power to take and receive into their Cuf- tothdVcJftoay, tody, all fuch Weights and Meafures as have been already provided by their re- Suti^nlr-d to foeftive County or Parifh, and fhall alfo demand and receive from all and every provide fuch Perfon or Pcrfons whatfoever, all fuch Sums of Money as have been already raifed Weights, &c. ^^ purchafe fuch Weights and Meafures, and difpofe of and apply the fame, ac- cording to the Directions of this Act. HepeiiingCiwfc, XI. AND be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaidy That all and ' every other A(ft and Afts, and every Claufe and Article thereof, heretofore made, fo far as relate to Weights and Meafures, or any other Matter or Thing within the Purview of this A(5t, is and are hereby repealed and made void, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame had never been made. CHAP. XVIII. jtn ABy for the building and maintaining of Court-houfeSy Prifons, and Stocks, in every County within this Province, and appointing Rules to each County Prifon, for Debtors. Ta«i«. tcUy * I. TT r E pray that it may be Enafted, And be it Ena£fed, by his Excellency Ga- 'tsx.fnr building y/y briel Johnfton, Efq; Governory by and with the Advice and Coufent of PrXX&sIocks. his Majefifs Councily and General Affembly of this Provincey and it is hereby EnaH- 4d, by the Authority of the fame. That the Juftices in ail and every County or Counties within this Province, where there is not fuitablei^rovifion already made, fliall, and are hereby impowered and required, at the next fucceeding Court of their refpedive Counties, after the Ratification of this Aft, to lay a fufficient Levy up- on the Inhabitants of their faid Counties, not exceeding One Shilling, Proclamati- on Money, per Poll, for Two Years, for the building a Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks, or any fuch of them as fliall be wanting j which Levy fhall be paid and collefted by the Sheriff of each County, in the fame Manner as all other Public and Parifh Taxes and Levies are paid and coUcded, and by him fhall be account- ed for to the Juftices of the County Court, upon Oathj and the faid Sheriff fhall be allowed Three per Cent, for collefting the fame. IL AND LAWS, o/' North-Carolina. iri 1741. to em- Pcrfins to I Court- houfes, &c. in *• II. AND he it further Enactedy ly the Authority aforefaid. That the Juftices of each Gounty fhall and may, from ''jftme to Time, and at all Times hereafter, pi'y p" e'mploy Perfons te keep and maintain the Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks, alrea-. {""p^ ^"^^ dy builc, . and fuch as are to be built, by Virtue of this or any other Ad, or to re- Rep«ir' build fuch as have fallen to Decay or Ruin, and the fame to keep in good Repair," by laying a Poll- Tax on the Inhabitants of their refpe£tive Counties as aforefaid^ III. AND be it' further Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid^ 'That if any Per- Petfons negica- ibn*fhal!-negle6tor refiife to pay the aforefaid Levies, in Manner aforefaid, and. i"^" ?.'';,"'"'il c . \ n r f r' l.'ivjes, liable to^' fhall be in Arrear arter the laft Day of Payment, fuch Perfon fhall be liable to dou-. double Oiftrefs. bje Diftrefs j to be levied on his Goods and Chattels by the Sheriff of the County where fuch Delinquent inhabits : And for the Prefervation of the Health of fuch ^"""^y Court to Perfons as fhall, at any Time hereafter, be committed to the County Prifons, the b. ur.ds ; ar/aii Court Ihall have Power to mark out fuch a Parcel of Land as they fhall think fit,, ^'^"^f";^ "°^^ not exceeding Six Acres, adjoining to the Prifon, for the Rules thereof-, and. Feicny or Trca- every Prifoner, not committed for Treafon or Felony, giving good Security to ^^"^[ 'the^r^'eof^'" the Sheriff of the County to keep within the faid Rules, fhall have Liberty to walk' giving Security.' therein out of the Prifon, for the Prefervation of his or their Health : And every Prifoner giving fuch Security as aforefaid, and keeping continually within the faid Rules, fliall be, and is hereby adjudged and declared to be, in Law, a true Prifon- er ; and that every Perfon therewith concerned may know the true Bounds of the ^"""''^ *° *"* "' faid Rules, the fame fhall be recorded in the County Records, and the Marks there- ne'wcd.' of fhall, from Time to Time, be renewed, as Occafion fhall require. CHAP. XIX. An Adi^ the better to enable the CommiJJioners appointed for building a Church at Newbern, to ereSf the fame^ and to impower thetn to demand ■ and receive of aJ2y Perfon or Perfons, all Parijh Levies already laid and not appropriated ; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. L TT 7 H E R E A S by an Ad of AfTembly of this Province, pafTed the lafi Prmtc. V V Seflion, enabling the Commiflioners therein appointed to ered: and build a Church in Ne-^bern.^. and the better to enable them to carry on and finifh the feine, they were. empowered to levy a Tax of One Shilling and Six Pence, for the Two then enfuing Years, on each, Tythable in the faid Parifh ; and the faid Tax being found infufficient to finifh the faid Church : And whereas there was laid, by the late Veftry, on the Inhabitants of the faid Parifh, a Tax of Fifteen Shilling* per Poll, on each Tythable, for paying a Minifter for the enfuing Year, and the ibcceeding Veftry not thinking fit to employ a Minifter, the faid Tax thereby re- mains, as yet, unappropriated to and for any Parifh Ufe : ■J 'II. WE therefore pray that it may be Enaded, And he it Enacted, by his Ex" eellency Gabriel Johnfton, Efq -, Governor, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majefifs Council, and General Affembly of this Province, and by the Authority of the fame. That the faid Tax of Fifteen Shillings, fhall be appropriated to and for the building and finifhing the faid Church. III. A N D he it further EnaUed, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Church- wardens of the faid Parifli fhall, on or before the Firft Day of May next, after the Ratification of this Ad, account for and pay to the Commiflioners appointed by the before-recited. Ad, all fuch Sum or Sunjs of Money as they ihali h^ve received on Ac- 1^2 L A IV S o/'North-Carolina. D- 1741- Account of the aforefaid Tax or Levy of Fifteen Shillings, under the Penalty of — V ' One Hundred Pounds, Proclamation Money •, to be fued for and recovered, in the General Court of this Province, by Adion of Debt^ Bill, Plaint, or Informa- tion, (wherein no Effoign, Injunction, or Wager of Law, Ihall be allowed or ad- mitted of, ) by any Perfon who will fue for the fame ; to be applied to the Ufe of the faid Church : And all Perfons who have not paid the afcrefaid Tax or Levy to the Churchwardens as aforefaid, Ihall, on or before the laft Day of May next, after the Ratification of this Aft, pay the fame to the faid Commiflioners, or to fuch Perfon whom the Majority of them fhall appoint to receive the fame, under the Penalty of double Diftrefs -, to be levied by a Warrant from One Juftice of the Peace for the faid County, and to be applied as aforefaid. IV. AND whereas the faid Commiffioners have made One Hundred Thoufand Bricks, towards building the faid Church •, and fome of the faid Bricks being deem- ed infufficicnt for the faid Work-, Be it therefore further Ena£led^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That the faid Commiffioners, or the Majority of them, may fell or dif- pofe of any fuch Bricks as the faid Commiffioners fliall judge not fitting or fufficient for the building of the faid Church, and apply the Money arifing by fuch Said, to the Ufcs aforementioned. C H A P. XX. An ASiy for regulating Ordinaries, and Jor Refiraitit of Tippling-houfes, PreamWe. I. "1 T 7" H E R E A S the Laws at prefent in Force in this Province, have, by W Experience, been found inetFedual for the due Regulation of Ordi- naries, and other Houfes of Entertainment : ReuUeH »f Lu II. WE pray that it may be Enafted, And he it Enabled, hy his Excellency Ga- •uors to fell by |^j.jgj johnfton, £/f; Governor, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majefifs M" ""■«• Q^^^^ii^ ^^^ General Affembly of this Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame. That all Perfons whatfoever, retailing Liquors after the Firft Day of Auguft next, Ihall fell the fame by fealed Meafures, according to an Ad, intituled. An Act, for .regulating Weights and Meafures. Ordiiury-keepett HI. PROVIDED dways. That it Ihall and may be lawful for any Perfon^ "'Bo«ie!''''&r retailing Liquocs by Licence in any Public Houfe or Houfes, to fell the lame in for ^what* th.7 Bottles, Bowls, Or Mugs, the faid Bottles, Bowls, and Mugs, being fold for no **'°**^ more than they hold or contain. Perfnn, retjiiing IV. AND be it further Enabled, hy the Authority aforefaid. That from and ti?"nc! Ti'for' after the Firft Court in each County, after the Firft Day of May next, whoever fcitT''.' *° °" fhall retail Liquors in any Houfe, Booth, Arbour, Stall, or other Place, with- out Licence firft had and obtained, according to the Direftions of this Aft, mail forfeit and pay Five Pounds, Proclamation Money ; One Half to the Governor or Commander in Chief for the Time being, and the other Half to the Informer; to Method of Ob- be recovered as herein after is direfted: And that the Method of obtaining fuch l!l«i«.°"''""'' Licence fliall be as follows i Whofoever intends to fet up an Ordinary, or Houfe of Public Entertainment, Ihall petition the County Court, and they, ^^ there Dil- cretion, Ihall judge whether it is convenient to fufFer fuch a Houfe to be there let up, whether the Petitioner be of Ability fufficient to comply with tlie Intent of the Law, and the Condition of the Bond hereafter mentioned, and whether the Surety, who is to join in the Bond, be refponfible, and thereupon to grant or rejeft the Prayer of the Petitioner accordingly, and in Cafe the faid Petitioner fhall be ap- LAWS of North-Carolina. 153 proved of, the Court (hall then take Bond of the Party petitioning, with good ^- ^- J74r. and fufficient Surety, with the Penalty and Condition as followeth, viz. "^ v ' K' N O IF all Men by thefe Preffuts, "Thai -we, A. B. and C. D. are held and^"""^-- firmly bound uyito our Sovereign Lord George the Second^ by the Grace of God^ of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Ki7ig, Defender of the Faith^ ^c. in the Sum of 'thirty Pounds, Proclamation Money -, to be paid to our faid Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs and Succeffors^ for the Ufe of this Province : To which Payment well and truly to be made, we bind cur felves, and every of us, our, and every of cur Heirs, Executors, and Adminifirators, jointly and feverally, firmly, by thefe ,Prefents. Sealed with our Seals, and dated this Day of TH E Condition of this Obligation is fuch, That whereas the above bounden cmduion. A. B. hath obtained a Licence to keep an Ordinary at if therefore the faid A. B. doth conftantly find and provide, in his faid Ordinary, good, wholfome, and cleanly Lodging and Dyet for Traveller's, and Stable, Fod- der, and Corn, or Pafturage and Corn, as the Seafon lliall require, for their Horfes, for and during the Term of One Year, from the Day of and fliall not fuffer or permit any unlawful Gaming in his Houfe, nor, on the Sabbath Day, fufter any Perfon to tipple and drink more than is neceffary ; then this Obligation to be null and void : Otherwife to be and remain in Force. The Bond being thus taken, the Court fliall grant their Order, and the Clerk Bond fo taken. Ihali thereupon prepare a Licence, and lign the fame; and that Licence fliall con- Liccnce%or"one tinue and be of Force for One Year only, from the Date of the faid Order, and Y.ar. no longer. T. A N D be it further Enabled, by the Authority afc'refc.id. That there be paid, Fee to the Go- by the Party obtaining fuch Licence, to the Governor or tommander in Chief of cence^ 201! ^to this Province for the Time being, for his Licence, the Sum of Twenty Shillings, the cicrk, 5 s. Proclamation Money ; and to the Clerk of the Court, for writing the Bond and Licence, the Sum of Five Shillings, Proclamation Money.' VL AND be' it further Enabled, by the Authority afore faid. That if any Or- Or.i:nary-!ceep. dinary-keeper fhall permit in his Houfe unlawful Gaming, or fhall fuffer any Per- dcviy^Houfc'sn fon or Perfons, on the Lord's Day, to tipple in his Houfe, or drink more than fc^^f^^heZT is neceffary, or Ihall (without Licence from their refpedivc Mafters,) harbour any may rupprefs the Seaman, Servant, or Slave, contrary to the Intent and Meaning of this Ad, it ^^f" ''" ^T,\' ',' '•' o ' who may diwblc ihall be lawful tor any Two Juftices of the Peace, upon their own Viewer Know- the offender un- ledge, or upon Proof made to them, by the Oath of one credible Witnefs, tofup- bl'™ed^'o7he prefs the" faid Ordinary, until the next fucceeding Court ; and upon Certificate be rcftot'd. made by the fiid Two Juftices of the faid Offence, and further Enquiry into the fame, the faid County Court fhall difablc the Oftender from keeping Ordinary thereafter, until they fliall think fit to grant him a- new Licence, or to reftore him to keep Ordinary upon tHe former Licence, as they fhall fee Caufe: And if any '^ '■* retails ln Ordinary-keeper fhall fell or retail any Liquor, after he hath been fo ' difcharged bXr/ heT^re'' by ttje aforefaid Two Juflices, aod before he fliall be reftored by the Court, he ^^^^t^l'^f^ '° fhali be liable to all the Penalties and Forfeitures, as if he had never obtained a tailing withcut" L icence. Licence. VII. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority afore faid. That the Jufjices court annually of each County fhall. Annually, at the next Court held after the Firft Day of May, '" '"•= Ordinary- fet and rate the Prices that Ordinaries fliall entertain and fell at •, that is, of Liquors, "^"* according to the Meafures before mentioned, and of Dyct, Lodging, Fodder,, or Provender, or Corn and Pafturage. 0^9 yill. ANB^ 1 54 Z//f^»So/' North-Carolina. A. D. 1741. o^n^TCe'."^ VIIL A N D be it further Enactcdi by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Or- ers "taki'ng^mc.r.e dinary-kccper fhall afk^ demand, or receive, a greater Price for any Drink, Dyet, |,'^j"^/''j^p f^[^^,^ Lodging, Fodder, Provender, Corn, or Pafturage, than fhall be fet down and 10 s. ' rated by the Juftices of the County, according to this A6t, he or Ihe fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and pay Ten Shillings, Proclamation Money, to the Informer; tp be recovered, with Cofts, by the Warrant of any Juftice of the Peace of the County where fuch Offence fhall be committed. J/ "^he^ rald'^* IX. AND be it further Ena^ed, by the Authority aforefaid. That every Or- ?rices fet'up in dinary-kccper fhall, within One Month after the Rates fhall be fet by the County Pe? If '""t "' °" ^°"^^ where the Licence was granted, obtain of the Clerk a fair Table of the ^ ■ Rates and Prices fet by the Court, for which the Clerk may afk and receive Two Shillings and Six Pence, Proclamation Money, and no more -, which Table fhall be openly fet up in the common entertaining Room of the faid Ordinary, and there conftantly kept during One whole Year, or until the Rates fhall be again fet by the Court: And every Ordinary-keeper faihng herein, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds, Proclamation Money. p^rfonj kecpmg X. AND be it further Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Per- nor'i"n''Xwn ^°'^' contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this A61, fhall keep a Tippling- th.- F le. or houfe, or retail Liquor as aforefaid, without Licence, and being thereof lawfully to'"p.fy fn'"n7 convidcd, fhall not pay down the faid Fine of Five Pounds, Proclamation Mo- M nth, to have ncy. Or forthwith give Security to pay the fame, within One Month next after w ^'vv'aR-i>' ft"^ fuch Convidion, he or fhe fo offending, fliall immediately, by Order of the Court ar,dt>rthefecond beforc whom fuch Conviftion fhall be, receive, at the PubUc Whipping-Polt, fails" t^' pay, w oi^ his ot her bare Back, Thirty Lafhes, well laid on, for the firfl Offence, in hjve 39 Li/hes, Liew of thc faid Fine-, and for the Second, and every future Offence, upon re- tc^d to Pd^^for fufmg to pay or give Security for the faid Fine as aforefaid, he or fhe fhall, by out Baif' "^"'^ Order aforefaid, receive Thirty Nine Lafhes as aforefaid, and fhall be committed Off\iid..rnotab!e to Prifon for the Spacc of One Month, without Bail or Mainprize : And where *°ifio be cha'^M ^^^ Offender is not able to pay the Fine, in that Cafe thc Informer fhall not be \p;th Fees. chargeable with any Fees, accrued by Reafon of fuch Information. Oiiinary keep- XL AND be it further Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That no Ordinary- "jo « t'^'any Sal. keeper or Mailer of a Tippling-houfe, or any Perfon whatfoever, fhall, after the lorinaftuaipay, Ratification of this Adf, trufl or fell Drink to any common Sailor, in a£lual Pay the Mafter ; nor on board any Ship or Vefiel within this Province, w ithout Leave of the Mafler lbove^''^s'''«r *^^ ^^^"^ ^^^P ^^ Veffel, for any Value whatfoever upon Credit, under the Penalty Ws the Party of lofing all the Money trufled to fuch Sailor as aforefaid-, nor fhall fell Drink, pfn ono^ffng all "P°" Trufb, to any Perfon whatfoever, to a greater Value than Ten Shillings, thfli-e 10 s. Proclamation Money, unlefs the Perfon fo trufted fhall fign a Book, in Acknow- ^ledgment of the faid Debt \ under the Penalty of lofing all the Money fo trufted, over and above the faid Sum of Ten Shillings, Proclamation Money j and the Perfon fo trufted, fhall not be liable to pay the fame. rin« approp.ia. XII. A N D be it further EnoMedy by thz Authority aforefatd. That all Penalties^ Fines, and Forfeitures, in this Ad:, the Method of recovering or applying where- of are not herein particularly directed, fhall be. One Half to the Churchwardens and Veilry of the Parifh where fuch Fine is incurred, for and towards the con- tingrf// County, St, "Thomas'^ Parifh, in Beaufort County, St. George'^ Pariih, in Hyde County, Chrifl' s-Church Parifh, in Cr^i;^;; County, St. John's Parifh, in Onflow County, St. James's Pa- rifh, on the Eaft Side of Cape-Fear River, in New-Hanover County, and St. Phil- lifs Parifh, on the We/l Side of Can-Fear River, in JSew-HanQver County, from - - the LAWS o/' North-Carolina. 1^7 the Mouth of the laid River, runing up the Northweji River to the Bounds of ^- ^- '741. ■V- the County, inclufive of the Ifland at the Mouth of the Northweji and Northeaji Rivers, in the faid County, commonly called £«^/f's i/?a«^, ' lying to ih^ South of the Thoroughfare, St. Martin's Pariih, in Bladen County, and Edgcomb Pa- rifli, in Edgcomb County. II. AND he it further Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaid. That the I%abi- inhabitants ai tants of every Pariih aforefaid, being Freeholders, fhall, and they are hereby di- cWe^diry- re(5ted and inipowered, to meet together on the Firft Monday next after the Rati- "^s". who ihiu fication of this Adt, and on every Eafter Monday every Two Years thence after, a^c^rnTbiT^o' at the Court-houfe, or where there is no Court-houfe, at the moft ufual Place of m=et »nd quaUff Public Worfhip, in every Parifh, then and there to choofe and ele'^= ^^c Oaths, the Oaths by Law appointed to be taken, for the Qualification of Public Officers, ff'"3'i"and^fa- and fubfcribe the following Declaration, wz. /. A. B. do declare, 'That I will not "y '"^fuCe, major oppofe the Liturgy of the Church of England, as it is by Law ejlablifhed: And all othcK. and every Veftryman who fhall negle6t or refufe to do the fame, fhall (if he be not a known DifTenter from the Church of England,) forfeit and pay the Sum of Three Pounds, Proclamation' Money -, to be levied and applied as herein after is diredled : And If any Perfon or Perfons, chofen as a Veftryman or Veftrymen, fhall neg- lefl or refufe to take and fubfcribe the faid Declaration, the Veftry of which fuch Perfon or Perfons was or were elefted a Member, or the major Part of them, are impowered and required to eledt and choofe another or other Freeholder or Free- holders, to be Veftryman or Veftrymen in the Room and Stead of the Perfon or Perfons neglefting or refufing as aforefaid : And if it fhall happen that the Veftry of any Pariih within this Government, fhall not eledl and make Choice of another Veflry ncgieajsg or others in the Room and Stead of fuch Veftryman or Veftrymen negledling or 5° 'theVoom^"? refufing to qualify as aforefaid, within one Month next after fuch Negledl or Re- ''^"''^ rcfuf.ng to fufal, that then and in fuch Cafe it fhall and may be lawful for the Minifter of fuch m»V a^pp"'""'; "if Parifh, or for Want of fuch, the Governor or Commander in Chief for the Time "° ^^"ift^.^the being, under his Hand and Seal, to appoint fome Freeholder or Freeholders to ""^""^ '"^^" fupply fuch vacant Place or Places in fuch Veftry. IV. AND he it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the feveral veftrymen to Veftries of this Government fhall, within Forty Days after Eajier Monday, Yearly, ^°°f« church- arid every Year, eled and choofe out of the faid Veftry, Two Perfons, to execute ekaeTrWufe'to the Office of Churchwardens in each and every refpeftive Parifh ; and if the Perfons ^^: ]°v^^ '>°^' , -, J J 1 r /~-\ I- r \ • ■K 1-1 rtii - r ^"^ Veftry lo elected and chofen Churchwardens as aforefaid, or either of them, fhall refufe to cka others. execute the faid Office, he or they fo refufing, fhall forfeit and pay Forty Shil- lings, Proclamation Money •, to be levied and applied as herein after is dire<5ted ; and the Veftry fliall immediately proceed to eled and choofe another Churchwarden or Churchwardens out of the Veftrymen, in the Room of him or them fo refufing to ad. R r V. ?K0' I j8 LA W S of North-Carolina. Jl. D. 1741. *^ — -^--^ y PROVIDED alzvayst That no Perfon whatfoever, fhall be obliged to S°to"erv« mole fcrvc as Chutchwarden in any Parifli within this Government, for more than One than J Year. Ye^T, unlcfs he cottfent thereto. Churchwardens, yj^ A N D he it further Ena3edi That the Churchwardens, or in Cafe they re- veftr^y^'may wii fufdil negledl, any Three or more of the Veftry in each and every Parifh in this a Veftry. Govcmment, fhall have full Power and Authority to call the Veftry together, at the Places as are in this Aft heretofore directed, at any Time, and upon any Oc- cafion, they fhall judge neceffary, by Warrant or Warrants under their Hands, direftcd to the feveral Conftables of the refped:ive Diftricts and Parifhes, who fhall ^ be obliged to execute the fame according to the Tenour thereof, under the Penalty '■■' of Ten Shillings, Proclamation Mon^, for each and every Veftryman in fuch Warrant mentioned, who fhall not be fummoned ; to be levied and applied as herein after is direded : And every Veftryman who fhall negleft or refufe to attend the Veftry agreable to fuch Summons, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Shil- lings, Proclamation Money, for fuch Offence, unlefs he can fhew fyfHcient Caufc for his fo doing, to be admitted of by the Veftry, or the major Part of them, at their next Meeting -, to be levied and applied as herein after is diredted. On Death or Re-* "^"11. AND he it further EnaSted^ by the Authority afore faid^ That the Vef- movai of Church tries of the feveral Parifties of this Government, fhall have full Power and Au- ^n,on orrfnie thority, upon the Death or Removal out of their refpeftive Parifhes of any Church- ofservice,veftry warden or Churchwardens, before the Time limitted for the executing the faid Of- to choofe others. ^^^ j^^ expired, to eled " and chufe, out of the Veftry, another Churchwarden or Churchwardens, in the Room and Stead of the Perfon or Perfons dead, or remov- ing out of the Parifh as aforefaid ; which Churchwarden or Churchwardens fo elect- ed and chofen, fball ferve until the Time appointed by this A6t for the Eleftion and Choice of Churchwardens : Any Thing herein contained to the contrary, not- withftanding. Veftry to lay a yill. AND be it fuTthev Ena5ied, hy the Autority aforefaid. That the Vef- Si chargf"'' tries of each refpedive Parifh within this Government, fhall have full Power and Authority, and they arc hereby direded and required, within Forty Days next af- ter every Eafter Monday, Yearly, and every Year, to appoint and order fuch Sum of Money as they ftiall judge neceffary, to pay and fatisfy the Expence and Charge of their refpedive Parifti, for the then current Year, to be raifed by the Poll, and colleded in the fame Manner by the Sheriff as other Taxes. Dedufting three jx. A N D he it EnaSfed, hy the Authority aforefaid. That the Churchwardens Churchwardens of each and every refpecStive Parifh in this Government, fhall deduft, out of the Trouble. Money arifmg from all Parifh Taxes by them received, the Sum of Thxttpr Cent, as a Reward for their Trouble, and no more. chuvchwa-den, ^- ^'^ ^ D he it further Ena^ed, hy the Authority aforefaid. That the Church- to '"'aV^'panfh wardens of each and every refpedive Parifh in this Government, fhall, the firft Veftry' on Pen ^cftry to be held in each Parifh after every Eajler Monday, Yearly, and ever Year, «f zcr'\. ' '"■ on Oath, account with their refpedive Veftries for all Parifli Monies in their Han^s, of what Kind or Denomination foever, that now are or hereafter fliall become due, by Virtue of any Law Ibr that Purpofe, or otherwife, and ftiall pay the fame to the Veftry, or their Order : And if any Churchwarden or Churchwardens which now is or are, or that hereafter ftiall be, in any of the refpedive Parifhes in this Government, fhall ncgled or 'refufe to account for and pay to the refpedive Vef- tries, or their Order, the Money in his or their Hands, belonging to the Parifh for which he or they are Churchwardens, within Twenty Days next after Notice, in Writing, given to him ox them, to account for and pay the Parifh MQ;iey afme- faid. LAWS of North-Carolina. 59 faid, he or they fo offending, fha]l feverally forfeit and pay Twenty Five Pounds, ^- ^- '74i. Proclamation Money; to be recovered by Adion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Infor- *■ v * mat4on, in the Name of the Churchwardens, in any Court of Record within this Province, wherein no Efibign, Injundtion, Protedion, or Wager of Law, (hall be allowed or admitted of j to be applied by the Veftry to the Ufe of the Parifh. XI. P ROV ID ED always. That nothing in this Ad fhallbe conftrued to Provifo. repeal any Claufe, Matter, or Thing, in Two feveral Afts, pafTed laft Seflion, at Edenton, for the finifting a Church at Edenion, and for erecting, building, and finillhing a Church at Newbern. XII. J N D he it further EnaSted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Veftry y,"^'/,,"^'^^''' and Churchwardens of each and every Parifh in this Government, fhall have full count fo/pM.rn Power and Authority to call any Juftice of the Peace or other Perfon or Perfons *^°"«y- whatfoever, to account, upon Oath, for the Monies in the Hands of them or any of them belonging to their refpedive ParilTies, or accruing and becoming due to the fame, by Virtue of any of the Laws of this Government : And if any Juftice or Juftices or other Perfon or Peifons, fhall refufe to appear and account as aforefaid, fuch Juftice or Juftices, or any other Perfon or Perfons fo refufing or neglecting, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Twenty Pounds, Proclamation Money •, to be re- covered by the Churchwardens of the Parifti where fuch Monies become due, or where payable, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any Court of Record within this Government, v/herein no Eflbign, Protection, Injunction, or Wager of Law, ftiall be allowed or admitted of; and to be applied to the Ufe of the Parilh. XIII. AND he it further EnaSfed, hy the Authority aforefaid. That the Veftry '^«% to Uy . of each and every Parifti in this Government, fliall have full Power to raife Mo- in"' church"* ney, by the Poll, for building a Church, Chappel, or Chappies, to purchafe Lands Giebe-houfe,&e. for a Glebe, to erect convenient Buildings thereon, and to keep the aforefaid Edi- fices in Repair, as Need ftiall be, from Time to Time, and to buy Books and Ornaments for the Church and Public Worlhip, and for the Care and Support of the Poor, and all other Parifti Charges as they fhall judge neceflary for the re- fpective Parifhes •, which faid Poll-Tax ftiall be collected and levied as in this Act before is directed, and ftiall not exceed Five Shillings, Proclamation Money, ;per Poll, in any one Year, for all the Purpofes in this Act before mentioned. XIV. AND be it further Ena^cd^ hy the Authority aforefaid. That the feveral Veftry m procure Churchwardens and Veftries of the feveral and refpective Pariihes of this Govern- ci«k,''^2nd ^a". ment, or the greateft Part of them, ftiall ufe their beft and utmoft Endeavours, to 1°^ them Sak^ procure an able and Godly Minifter, qualified according to the Ecclefiaftical Laws ""* of England, and a Perfon, of a fober Life and Converfation, to be Clerk ; and may raife him or them fuch Stipends, Yearly, as they fhall think convenient, fo as fuch Stipend for the Minifter be no lefs than Fifty Pounds, Proclamation Money, Yearly. XV. PROVIDED always. That fuch Minifter for whom fuch Monies are Minifter to be fo to be raifed, be conftantly reftdent in the Parifti, and doth not omit officiating Parifl,"'&" '^'* at the Church or Chappels within the Parifh, unlefs permitted by the Church- wardens and Veftry to officiate in fuch neighbouring Parifh which may be vacant, or difabled by Sicknefs, or other unavoidable Accident. XVI. AND he it further Enacted, That if any Minifter who fhall have a Cure Minifter piity of in any Parifti by Virtue of this Act, ftiall be notorioufly guilty of -any fcandalous ^v,Zyt^y'^\ih. Immorality, it fhall and may be lawful for any Number of the Veftry not lefs than draw his Salary. Nine, agreeing thereto, to v.'ithdraw the Stipend by this Act allowed to fuch Mi- nifter. XVII. Pi? 0- i6o L A JV S o/'North-Carolina. A. D. 1741. j^---^^-"^ XVII. P ROV IDED alwaysy That after fuch withdrawing of the Stipend, bring Suit f'/r'his fuch Minifter fhall be at Liberty to -bring Suit, in the General Court of this Pro- saiary,^»nd v^f- yj^ce, againft thc Churchwardens cf his Farifh, for the Recovery of his Stipend ; tiieir Order. in wMch Suit the Churchwardens may, in Bar of the Action, plead the Order of the Veftry, and fhall fet forth the particular Facts for which the Veftrv withdrew "e^MLfteJ, he ^"^^ Stipend of fuch Minitler: And in Cafe the Jury fhall find for the Minfler, fliaii iiave his'si then he ihall recover his Stipend, with Cofts of Suit, and enjoy his Benefice-, but inJthe?'Mfn"fter in Cafe the Jury find for the Churchwardens, then, and in fuch Cafe, the Veftry may be apyoint- ©f the Parifh are hereby inipowered to eledt another Minifter in his Room and '^- Stead. Minifter to keep XVIlt. A N D he H further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid^ That every Mi- plir?''a''nV"fuffc<' niftcr witWn this Government, fhall, during his Incumbency, keep and maintain no'Wafte, or be j-j^g Manfion-houfc, and all other the Out-houfes and Conveniencies that fhall be tbn^of 'thc^'" eredted on his Glebe, in tenantable Repair, and fhall fo leave the fame at his Death, Churchwardens, qj. Removal out from the faid Parifh, (the Accicknts of Fire and Tempefl only excepted,) and fhall not fuffer any Wafle, by cuwing down of Timber, or other- wife, to be committed on his faid Glebe, except for necefTary Repairs, Fences, or other Improvements, and Fire- wood, to be ufed thereon: And in Cafe any Mi- nifter flaall fail to keep his faid Glebe, and the Buildings thereon, m tenantable Repair, or fhall fuffer any Wafte to be committed thereon as aforefaid, fuch Mi- nifter, his Executors, and Adminiftrators, fhall be Ijable to the Adtion of the Churchwardens of the Parifh for the Time being, whereby the Value of fuch Re- pair or Wafte fhall be recovered, in Damages, with Cofts of Suit -, and the Damage fo recovered fhall be laid out, according to the Directions of the Veftry and Church- wardens, in making necefTary Repairs upon the Glebe. Forfeitures how XIX. A N D be it fufther EtiaSied., by the Authority aforefaid. That the feveral *°^^ Td"''"'' Sums of Money, arifmg and becoming due by Reafon of the Forfeitures by this app le . ^^ inflided, and for which no Method of Recovery or Application is diredled. before in this A<5t, fhall be levied, within one Week next after they fhall become due, by Warrant of Diftrefs, and Sale of the Offenders Goods, from one or more of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace within the County where the Default fhall be made, (Regard being had to the Jurifdi<^ion of the faid Juftice or Juftices, re- turning the Overplus, if any, to the Owner,) and paid to the Churchwardens, for the Ufe of the Parifh, and by them to be accounted for and paid as herein before is directed. Veftry appointed XX. AND whcrcas a Veftry and Churchwardens will be wanting, for the Pa- vliS' ^^'''^' ^^^ °^ ^^- P^^^¥^i in New-Hanover County, before the Time limited by_ this Ad, for the Election of Veftrymen for the feveral Parifhcs within this Province; Be it Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaid. That Nathaniel Rice, Ekazer Allen, Matthew Rowan, Roger Moore, William Forbes, James Hafel, Richard Eagles, John Davis, Archibald Hamilton, George Ronald, Cornelius Harnet, and Ceorge Moore, be, and are hereby appointed Veftrymen for the faid Parifh of Si. Phi- lips, until the next Election of Veftrymen, as by this Act directed : Which faid Veftry fhall have full Power to choofe Churchwardens, and to do and perform every, other Matter and Thing, which other Veftrymen may do by Virtue of this Act, and fhall be liable to the fame Penalties and Forfeitures as in this Act is be- fore mentioned j any Law, Cuftom, or Ufage, to the contrary, notwithftandingo RfpetiiBsciauff. XXI. AND he it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every other Act and Acts, and every Claufe and Article thereof, (except as be- fore excepted,) heretofore made, fo far as relate to the eftablifhing the Church, appointing ParifheSj and felect Veftiies, and for directing the Settlement of Parifh Accounts, LAWS of North-Carolina. i6i Accounts, is and are hereby repealed and made void, to all Intents and Purpofes, ^- d. 1741, 56 if fhp fijmp had never been made.* "V"-_ CHAP. XXlV. An A6iy concerning Servants and Slaves. LXy E it EnaEled, by his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, Efq-, Governor, by and ^;'^^^^/f'^^'^l YS vjttb the Advice and Confent of his Majefifs Council, and GeneraUffembly servant, uniefs of this Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame. That J'^l^';';";-;' °' no Perfon whatlbever, being a Chriftian, or of Chriftian Parentage, who, from and after the Ratification of this Aft, Ihall be imported or brought into this Pro- vince, fhall be deemed a Servant for any Term of Years, unlefs the Perfon im- porting him or her Ihall produce an Indenture, or fome Specialty or Agreement, fignifying, that the Perfon fo imported did contradt to ferve fuch Importer, or his AiligTiS, any Number of Years, in Confideration of his or her Paffage, or fome other Confideration therein expreifed ; and upon any Conteft arifmg between the Difference be. Mafter of any Veflel, or other Perfon importing any Servant or Servants, without ^^^^i.'^/^^Tcrf Indenture, upon any Bargain or Specialty as aforefaid, the fame fhall be deter- fons'imported, to mined at the next County Court to be held for the CoUnty where the faid Servant J^/c"c"u?u^ or Servants fhall be imported, the Juftices of which Court are hereby impowered to hear and determine the fame, in a fummary Way -, and fuch Determination or Judgment fliall be conrlufive and binding on the Importer or Servant or Servants; either for the Dilcharge of the faid Servant or Servants, or to oblige him, her,- or them, to ferve the Importer, or his Afligns, as the Matter fliall appear. II. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Chriftian serrants atfen*. Servant, whether he or fhe be a Servant by Importation, or otherwife, fhall, at any '"^s f.rvrSbie Time or Times, abfent him or herfelf from the Service of his or her Mafter or Mif- Time, bcfides trefs, without Licence firfl had, he or Ihe fhall fadsfy and make good fuch Lofs of "^£^1 tl.?tt Time, by ferving, after their Time of Service by Indenture or othcrewife is expired, charges, double the Time ofService loft or negledted by fuch Abfence; and alfo fuch longer Time as the County Court Ihall think fit to adjudge, in Confideration of any fur- ther Charge or Damage the Mafter or Miftrefs of fuch Servant may have fuft-ained, by Reafon of his or her Abfence as aforefaid. III. ANB be it fnrther Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Chrif- Dif-bedient Ser. tian Servant fliall lay violent Hands on his or her Mafter or Miftrefs, or Overfeer, n'fl^d.'" ^ ^"' or fliall obftinately refufe to obey the lawful Commands of any of them, upon Proof thereof by one or more Evidences before any Juftice of the Peace, he or flic fliall, for every fuch Offence, fuffer fuch Corporal Punifhment as the faid Juftice fliall think fit to adjudge, not exceeding Twenty One Lafhes. IV. A N D as an Encouragment for Chriftian Servants to perform their Service Mafter to provide with Fidelity and Chearfulnefs ; Be it further Enabled, by the Authorty aforefaid, servLu!" "" That all Mafters and Owners of any Servant or Servants, fhall find and provide for their Servant or Servants, wholefome and competent Dyet, Cloathing, and Lodging, at the Difcretion of the County Court, and fliall not, at any Time, give immoderate Corredion, neither fliall, at any Time^ whip a Chriftian Servan!: naked, without an Order from a Juftice of the Peace : And if any Perfon fliall Not to whip prefumeto whip a Chriftian Servant naked, without fuch Order, the Perfon fo Pem'of'Vos! t» offending, fliall forfeit and pay the Sum of Forty Shillings, Proclamation Money, fu^h Servant. to the Paity injured; to be recovered, with Cofts, upon Petidon to the County Court, (witliout the formal Procefa of- an Aftion,) as in and by this Ad is pro* S f vided i52 i ^ /^ 5 o/" North -Caroli N A. yf. D. I74I. vided for Servants Complaints to be heard and determintd ; provided Complaint 4^..^ / ^g ^^^g within Six Months after fuch whipping. Serrint. com. V. JND he it furthcT Etiactcd, hy the Authcrity aforefaidi Th2t all Servants S"'bfnd^h?" by Indenture or otherewife as a^rforei^iid, ihall have their Complaints received by &r' to next a Jufticc of thc Peacc, who, if he find Caufe, fhall bind the Mailer, Miftrefs, or «^°'="- Overfeer, over, to anfwer the Complaint at the next County Court •, and it Ihall campUinti to be be there determined : And all Complaints of any Servant or Servants (hall and KiFrotftof may, either immediately, or as aforelaid by Virtue hereof, be received at any Aai«w. Time, upon Petition or Information in the Court of the County wherem they re- fide, w/thout the formal Procefs of an A6lion ; and alfo, full Power and Autho- rity'is hncby given to the faid Court, at their Difcretion, (having firft fummoned the Matter, Miftrefs, or Overfeer, to juftify themfelves, if they think fit,) to ad- judge, order, and appoint what fhall be neceffary as to Diet, Lodging, Cloathing, M»fter «flt com q^ Corrctlion : And if any Mafter, Miflrefs, or Overfeer, (hall not thereupon com- oSer ot coun' ply with thc Order of the faid Court, the faid Court is hereby authorized and im- Semnt to be ' powered, upon a fccond juft Complaint, to order fuch Servant or Servants to be '"^''* immediately fold, at Public Vandue, by the Sheriff; and after the Charges are de- duced, the Remainder of what the faid Servant or Servants Ihall be fold for, to be paid to the Ov/ner. tn s'ekntfiiie VI. P ROF ID ED always. That if fuch Servant or Servants fhall be fick or fiin^'notTe fold jamc, or othercwife rc:ndered fo m capable that he, fhe, or they, cannot be fold S.V chfrVes/to for fuch Value at leaft as fhall fatisfy the Fees, and other incident Charges accrued, u fcnt to 'the jj^g f^j^ Court fhall then order fuch Servant or Servants into the Care of the Church- f»'r^;"foV wardens of the Parifh ; and the Mafter, Miftrefs, or Owner, fhall provide the faid >y ths Mafter. Servant or Servants with fuch convenient Necelfaries as they fhall dired and judge ' fufficient for his, her, or their Support, until the Time due by Law from fuch Servant or Servants to their Mafter, Miftrefs, or Owner, fhall be expired, or un- til fuch Servant or Servants Ihall be fo recovered as to be fold, for defraying thc faid Fees and Charges. chirgeiteoeie. VII. A N D be it further Ena^cd, That the faid Court, from Time to Time, ^eiontheMaf. ^^u ^rder the Charges of keeping fuch Servant or Servants, to be levied upoa the Goods and Chattels of the Mafter or Owner of fuch Servant or Servants, in Cafe they fhould negled or refufe to provide for the fame. Simnti Com. VIII. A N D he it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all Sc> JSom'^Da-T vants aforefaid, whether by Indenture or otherwife, as well Feme-Coverts as others^ to be heard. ' fl^alj, in the like Manner, (as is provided upon Complaints of Mifufage,) have their Petitions received -in the faid County Court, for their Wages, Freedom, and Freedom Dues, (in this Ad hereafter cxpreffed,) without the formal Procefs of an Adion i and Proceedings and Judgment fhall, in like Manner, be had thereupon. Mafter <^ifei,„g. IX. A'ND he it further Ena£ied, hy the Authority aforefaid. That vioM&(^tT l" f *^'h ^'7'"' 05^ Miftrefs of any Servant or Servants, who fhall happen to be fick or difeafed aad"' no' 'endea-' duHng the Time of their Servitude, and unable to perform their daily Labour, lo^t^to'LlTt fhall, upon any Pretext whatfoevcr, remit to fuch Servant or Servants, any Part 5 1. of his, her, or their Time, to be cleared of them, whereby the faid Servant or Ser- vants may perlfti, or become a Charge to the Parifti: And whofoever fhall here- after offend herein, or fliall not ufe and endeavour all lawful Means for Recovery of fuch their Servant or Servants as fhall happen to be fick or difeafed, during the Time of his, her, or their Servitude, fhall forfeit, for each and every Servant fo turned off or neglefted. Five Founds, Proclamation Money -, to be levied by an Order from the County Court before whom the Fad fliall be proved, by the Oath ef one or more Witnefs or Witheffcs, and to be paid into the Hands of the Church- wardens LAWS o/'North-Carolina. 163 wardens of that Farifli where the Offence fhall be committed, and difpofcd of to- ^^ ^'- >74i. wards the Support and Maintenance of fuch Servant or Servants fo turned off or * '^ ^ neglected, for the Recovery of his, her, or their Health and Strength •, and fuch Servant or Servants fhall be, by the County Court, or any Two Juftices, during the Time of their Infirmity, ordered into the Hands and Care of the Churchwardens of the Parifh in which his, her, or their Mafter or Owner fhall dwell : But in Cafe fuch fick or difeafed Servant or Servants refpedively Ihail not live to the expending the faid whole Sum of Five Pounds, Proclamation Money, then the Remainder to be difpofed of to the life of that Parifh ; or in Cafe the faid Sum of Five Pounds ^^ s '• ""H not Ihould not be fufficient to fupport each Servant during his Servitude, or until his Ibp/cn Ss.r! Recovery, in fuch Cafe the County Court is hereby authorized and impowered to ^'^^'' ^""^' "^r ^ order a Sufficiency to be levied (from Time to Time, as the fame fhall become due,) " " """* upon the Goods and Chattels of the Mafter or Owner of fuch Servant or Servants, if they fhall negledl or refufe to provide the fame, agreable to the Orders of the faid Court ; and fuch Servant or Servants fo negleded or turned off, fliall, upon Servant fo tumM their Recovery, be fet free from their Mafter or Owner. ^^' ^^" ^^ fi^^e on his Recovery, X. PROVIDED always, and he h further Enabled, That if any Servant or Servants bringiut Servants in this Government, fhall, thro' his, her, or their own wilful Mifbeha- ^^Cfl' *"' °" viour, happen to have any Difeafe, or any broken Bones, Bruifes, or other Im- i^^^t\»i\i pediments, whereby they may be difabled to perform their Labour as they ought to do, and become chargeable to their Mafter or Owner, fuch Servant or Servants (hall ferve his, her, or their Mafter or Owner, after the Time of his, her, or their Service by Indenture or otherwife is expired, fuch Time as fhall, by the County Court, be adjudged fufficient, to fatisfy the Charges expended on him, her, or them, for his, her, or their Recovery ; and fhall alfo ferve over fo much Time as he, flie, or they, by any fuch Means, were difabled to ferve : Any Thing herein contained to the contrary, notwithftanding. XI. AND he it further EnaEled, hy the Authority afore faid. That if any Servants mating Servant or Servants fhall unjuftly vex and trouble his, her, or their Mafter or [f ravr^'Joubk Owner, with groundlefs Complaints againft them to the County Court, or to any Juitice or Juftices of the Peace, fuch Servant or Servants fhall, by the County Court, be ordered to ferve his, her, or their Mafter or Owner, fo injured by fuch unjuft and groundlefs Vexation, after the Expiration of the Time he, fhe, or they have then to ferve, the double Term and Space of that Time he, fhe, or they neglected and loft, in Profecution of fuch Complaints. XII. A N D he it further Enacted, hy the Authority afore faid. That every Ser- Servants put into ▼ant who fhall be in Goal, for his, her, or their own Offence, fhall ferve his, her, off'Les'to rl'ie or their Mafter or Owner, double the Time he, fhe, or they fhall there remain, af- ^""""'^ '^"°*' ter the Expiration of the Time he, fhe, or they have to ferve by Indenture or otherwife ; and further, ferve his, her, or their faid Mafter or Owner, fuch Time as fhall be ordered by the County Court, as a Satisfadion for the Fees and other Charges his, her, or their Mafter or Owner hath expended for fuch Servant or Servants. XIII. AND he it further Enabled, hy the Authority afore faid. That in all Cafes ^'^"* '"'«''"- of Penal Laws, whereby Perfons free are punifhable by Fine, Servants flaall be birbrF.n^'s^rl punifhed by whipping, at the Difcretion of anyCourt, or Juftice or Juftices be- '=>"'= '"'"•^hip. fore whom fuch Fine or Fines are recoverable, not exceeding Thirty Nine Lafhes 5 pay'th^F'ne!'''' unlefs the Servant fo culpable, can and will procure fome Perfon or Perfons to oav txhe Fine. ^ ^ XIV. AND he it further Enacted, hy the Autority afore faid. That no free WofreePerfonto Man or Trader whatfoever, Ihall buy, fell, trade, barter, or borrow any Com- ' modities thi Time loft. .164 LAWS of North-Carolina. » ^. D. 1741. niodities whatfoever, with, to, or from any Apprentice or Servant, whether fo ^."'ve ^y Indenture or otherwile, or With any Slave within this Government, without the onVn.°of treble Confcnt of the Mafter, Miftrefs, or Owner of fuch Apprentice, Servant, or Slave, for ^nlTe r**^'' "P°^ ^^^^ °^ forfeiting treble the Value of the Commodity or Commodities fo traded for, bartered or foldj and alfo, fliall pay the,Su?n of Six Pounds, Procla- mation Money, to the Ufe of the faid Mafter, Miftrefs, or Owner ; to be recovered, in the Court of the County where the Offence fhall be committed, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, wherein no EfToign, Protedtion, Injunftion, Offender not aMe or Wager of Lav/, fhall be allowed or admitted of: And if it fhall fo happen, fo/rsetvam." that the Perfon fo offending fliall not be able to pay treble the Value of the Com- , modities fo traded for, fold or bartered, and the Sum of Six Pounds, fuch Perfons '■ Ihall then be adjudged, by the County Court, to be fold as a Servant for the fame. Jiaftei- not fuing XV. PROVIDED always. That if the Mafter, Miftrefs, or Owner of fuch ay ^oSer'perfon Apprentice, Servant, or Slave, -fhall not, within Six Months after be or fhe fliall »=>y- have Information or Knowledge of fuch Offence, profecute the Offender or Of- fenders for the fame, that then it fhall and may be lawful fot any other Perfon fo to do, and to have and receive every Advantage and Benefit arifing from fuch Profecution. strvsnts imbez. XVI. A N D he it fuTther Eua^iedy hy the Authority aforefaid. That every Sef- "rs"Goods'^fo vant, by Indenture or otherewife, who fhall imbezzel, purloin, wilfully wafte, or ittvt for it. fhall trade, fell, or barter, or otherewife make away any of his or her Mafter or Miftrefs's Corn, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Stock, or other Goods or Provifions, or Commodities whatfoever, fhall, upon Convidion of every fuch Offence, by one or more Teftimonies, upon Oath, or Confeffion of the Party, before any County Court within this. Government, be adjudged, by the faid Court, to ferve his or her faid Mafter or Miftrefs fuch Time as the faid Court fhall think reafonable, for the faid Offence, after the faid Time by Indenture or otherwife, as aforefaid, is expired. •w.,ma8 Servant XVII. AND wlicrcas many Women Servants are begotten with Child by free hersfrviti.de, to Men, Or Scrvants, to the great Prejudice of their Mafter or Miftrefs, whom they ferve 1 Yc^r for fervc ', Beit therefore further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Wo- man Servant fhall hereafter be with Child, and bring forth the fame during the Time of her Servitude, fhe fhall, for fuch Offence, be adjudged, by the County Court, to ferve her Mafter or Miftrefs One Year, after her Term of Service by Indenture or otherwife is expired. If (he has n Child XVIIi. AND he it further Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaid. That if any Churchwardens' Woman Servant fhall hereafter be delivered of a Child, begotten by her Mafter, may fell her for fuch Servant fhall, immediately after Delivery, be fold, by the Churchwardens *"■ of the Pariih where the Offence fhall be committed, for One Year, after the Time of Service by Indenture or otherwife is expired ; and the Money arifmg by fuch If by « Negrs, Sale, fhall be to the Ufe of the Parifli : And if any white Servant Woman fhalJ, *M for\"YLr^s! during the Time of her Servitude, be delivered of a Child, begotten by any Negro, and the Child Mulatto, Or Indian, fuch Servant, over and above the Time fhe is by this Adt to Yeals eTAge.^^ ^^rve her Mafter or Owner for fuch Offence, ftiall be fold, by the Churchwardens of the Parifli, for Two Years, after the Time by Indenture or otherwife is expired -, and the Money arifing thereby applied to the Ufe .of the faid Parifh •, and fuch Mulatto Child or Chifdren of fuch Servant, to be bound, by the County Court, until he ox fhe arrive, at the Age of Thirty One Years. XIX. AND whereas many Abufes have and may be committed, by Perfons who, under Pretence of underftanding feveral Trades and Mifteries, have pro- cured, and may hereafter procure, large Sums of Money to be advanced to them, and LAWS of North -Carolina. r65 and have entered, and may hereafter enter, into Covenants with Merchants and ^- ^- '741- others in Great-Britain^ or elfewhere, for the Payment of large Wages, Yearly, v-^ though they were, or may be, totally ignorant of, and unable to periorm, fuch Trade and Miilery : For Remedy whereof, * XX. B E it Enacted., by the Authority aforefaidy That all and every Perfon or Tr^cfmen im- Perfons already imported, or who fhall be herealtcT imported, into this Govern- Tund nT: t<. .n^ ment, as a Tradefman or Workman, on Wages, and fhall be lound not to un- ^''^^''^ •J"" derftand fuch Trade or Employment, the Matter or Owner of fuch Servant may miycutoffiheit bring him or her to any County Court of this Government ; which Court, upon ^^•'^"■ Complaint made to them of fuch Deceit, are hereby impowered and directed to enquire into the fame, and upon finding any fuch Fraud, may judge and diredt fuch Satisfadion to be made to the Matter or Owner of iuch Servant, either by Defalcation of the Wages, or Part thereof, as to them fiiall feem jult. ' XXI. AND be it further Etmctedy by the Authority aforefaidy That if any Per^ if they rtfureto fon, who is or Ihall hereafter be imported or brought into this Government, as a ^h'/nt",^"J^I°' Tradefman or other Workman, on Wages, fhall rcfufe or negledt to perform his iti'<^s, to r.rve Duty, or ihall abfent himfelf from his Maiter or Owner*s Service without Leave, ^'ft'^'^Juholir' in every fuch Cafe, it Ihall and may be lawful for the Julticcs of the County Court Wjgcs. wherein fuch Matter or Owner refides, upon Complaint, and Proof to them made, to order fuch Satisfaftion and Reparation to the Matter or Owner of fuch Servant, for the Damages fuftained by him for fuch Refufal or Negkd, as to them fhall feem juft ; and for every Day fuch Servant fhall abfent himfelf from his Matter or Owner's Service as afore faid, to order and direft fuch Servant to fi.rve his or her faid Matter or Cwnrr, Two Days for every Day's Abfence, alter his 1 ime by In- denture or otherwife is expired, and that without any Wages to be paid for fuch Service. XXIL A NT) be it further EnaSfed^ by the Authority aforefaidy That there fhall '"wttFreedoa be allowed to every Servant, whether by Indenture or ctherwifc, not having Yearly Wages, at the Expiration or his or her Service, Three rcun.ls, Froclamation Mo- ney, befides one fufticient Suit of wearing Cloaths for fuch Servant or Servants. XXIII. AND be it further Ena£led^ by the Authority aforefaid. That if any P"fens import. Perfon or Perfons ahcady have, or fhall hereafter, import into this Government, Tli've lny"frte and here fell, or retain for his own Ufe, as a Slave, any Perfon or Perfons that ''-'''". «" p*y ihuU have been free in any Chrittian Country, Ifland, or Plantation, or Turk or [ur'd d!mbie ihe Moor, in Amity with his Majetty, fuch Importer or Seller as atorefaid fhall for- Sum he wa» fold feit and pay, to the Party from whom the faid free Perfon fhall recover his or her Freedom, double the Sum for which fuch free Perfon was fold j to be recovered in any Court of Record within this Government, according to the Courfe of Com- mon Law, wherein the Defendant fhall not be admitted to plead, in Bar, any A(5t or Statute for Limitation of A<5tions: And moreover, fuch Importer or Seller of And (\m give any fuch free Perfon as aforefaid, fhall be committed until he enter into Bond," be- A"h"j'crro""o fore the faid Court, with Two good and fufficient Sureties, in the Sum of Five '*'* '''^" ^"^om Hundred Pounds, Sterling Money of Great-Britain, payable to Our Sovereign Lught km. Lord the King, his Heirs and SuccefTors, with Condition, That he ihall and do, within One Year then next enfuing, tranfport and Land (Danger of the Seas and Life only excepted,) fuch free Perlbn fold by him as a Slave as aforefaid, (if he or fhe fhall fo require,) in the Country, Ifland, or Plantation from whence he or fhe was indiredtly brought as aforefaid ; and fhall produce an authentick Certifi- cate of his Performance thereof to the faid Court. XXIV. ANDbe it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That each and On e»mpi,i„t of every Juttice of the Peace for the feveral Counties within this Government, are '"> ^"^'^ P"^"" T t hereby j^6 L A PV S o/" North -Carolina. ^AJ^. 1741. hereby impowered and directed, upon the Complaint of any Perfon who now is, *»— — ^■— — ' Qj. herafter fhali be, imported into this Government, and who was free in any Chrif- examin=th-M.ti' tian Country, Jfland, or Plantation, before his or her Tranfportation hither, who ter. and bnd th^ jg j^^^pj. qj. j^qj^ ^g ^ Slavc, to caufc tlic pretended Owner of fuch Perfon complain- tbe w't'n'eireT, to ing, to appear before hun, together with fuch Evidence or Evidences as lliall be wher"''"'the°faral material •, and after Examination taken, in Writing, fiiall bind them over to ap- Aii! be determi- pear at the next County Court of which he is a iMember, where the faid Complaint *r' iliall be heard and determined without any formal Procefs of Law. Penalty on Per. XXV. AND bc it furthef EnalJe^, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any ions tempting Pej-fon or Pcrfons whatfoever, fhall, diredfjy or indiredtly, at any Time after the fror"thdr mI" Ratification of this Adl, tempt or perfwade any Apprentice or other Servant, du- ters Service. ^■^^^. ^|^g ^ jj-j^^ of j^js qj- j^^j- ::jervice due by Indenture or otherwife, or any Negro or other SUv^s to leave their Mafler or Miilrefs's Service to whom he or they i& Apprentice, Servant, or Slave, or fhall, knowingly, give Encouragement to relcive, affiit, harbour, or entertain any Rich, or fhall, knowingly, encourage, relcive,' aiXift, harbour, or entertain, for any Space of Time whatfoever, any Apprentice, Servant, or Slavv, who fliall wilfully abfent him or herfelf from the Service of his or her Mafter or Miftrefs, fuch Perfon or Perfons fo offending, fhall forfeit and pay, lor each and every fuch Apprentice or other Servant, and for each and every Ne<>-ro or other Slave, the Sum of Forty Shillings, Proclamation Money, and for each Twelve Hours fuck Apprentice or other Servant, Negro, or Slave, be af- terwards abfent from his Mafter or Miftrefs' s Service, the Sum of Five Shillings, Proclamation Money •, to be recovered, by the Mafter or Owner of fuch Appren- tice, Servant, or Slave, by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in the . General or County Court, wherein no EfToign, Protedion, or Injundion, fhall be allowed or admitted of: And if it fhould fo happen, that any Perfon or Perfons <^onvided Offenders herein, fhould not be able, or rcfufe to pay the Fines by this Ad intiided, in fuch Cafe the Offender fhall be, by Order of the General or County Court, fold as a Servant, for fuch Time as the faid Court lliall think fufRcient, to pay the fame •, and fhall be, during fuch Servitude, liable to the Penalties and Forfeitures infiicced for Breaches of this Ad. drerfeer i«av:ng XXVL AND be it further EnaSled^ by the Authority aforcfaid. That if any ii! Empicym^nt, ppffg^ ^^\\ j^jj-g or conttad himfelf to lerve as an Overfeer, either upon Wages iLr-'r Shire of Of Share of the iToduce, with any Perfon or Planter whatfoever within this Go- the criip. vernm- nt, and fhail abfent himfelf or depart from the Service of his Mafter or Miftrefr, before the Time mentioned in his Agreement or Contrad fhall be ex- pired, he fliall, for fuch Offence, forfeit his Right and Title to his Wages, or Share of the f'roduce. Penalty on Per- YCAVW. A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaidy That if any fons carryin,^ Pcrfon or Peffons whatfoever, fhall, diredly or indiredly, at any Time after the fe.vcrnmeijt. Ratification of this Ad, tempt or perfuade any Negro or ^egroes, or other Slave or Slaves, to leave his, her, or their Mailer or Miftrefs's Service, out of an Intent and Defign to carry or convey av/ay him, her, or them, out of this Government, or ftiall nar!:iour or conceal him, her, or them, for that Intent and Purpofe, and be thereof convided, by his, her, or their own Confefiion, or the Oath of one credible Witnefs, fuch Perfon or Perfons fliall, by the Two next Juftices of the Peace, be committed to Goal, or bound over to the next Court to be held for the County v/herc the Offence fliall be committed, and fliall be profecuted, by Indidment, for the faid Oftlnce-, and being tliereof lawfully convided, fliall, by the faid Court, be adjudged to pay, to the Mafter or Miftrefs, for each Negro or other Slave fo* inticed or perfuaded, for the Pupofe aforefaid, the Sum of Twenty Five Pounds, Proclamation Money, or the Value thereof-, to be levied by Order of the faid Court : But in Cafe the Party oifeading fhall not be found worth Lands, Goods, LAWS o/' North-Carolina. 167 Goods, or Chattels, to the Value aforefnid, then the faid Comt Ihall adjudge him, ^- ^- '74i- her, or them, to ferve the Owner of fuch Slave or Slaves, or his Affigns, Five ^^ — *" — "^ Years ; and fo deliver him, her, or them, over to the Mafter, Miftrefs, or Owner of fuch Slave or Slaves, fo tempted or pcrfuaded as aforefaid, and make Record thereof: But if any Perfon or Perfons fliall fo tempt and practice with any Necrcy or Negroes, or other Slave or Slaves, and him, her, or them, fo tempted, fhall'ac- tually convey away, or fend out of this Government, and be afterwards apprehended and convidled thereof, he, fhe, or they, Ihall, by the faid Court, be feverally ad- judged a^d condemned as guilty of Felony ; and fhall fuffer accordingly. *■■'"■■" - XXVIII. AND for Encouragement of all Perfons to take up Runaways, Be '^^^""<' ^° ?=«• it EnaSed, by the Authority af ore/aid. That for the taking up Servants or Slaves, "[runa^ly's.^ "^ if Ten Miles, or under, from the Houfe or Quarter where fuch Servant or Slave was kept, there Ihall be allowed, by the Mafter, if known, and refiding in tlic County, if nor, by the Public, as a Reward to the Taker-up, Seven Shillings and Six Pence, Proclamation Mo"sy» ^^id for every Mile above Ten, Three Pence, ^ over and above the faid Sum ; which faid feveral Rewards fiiall be paid by the Churchwardens of the Parifli where fuch Taker-up fhall refide, or where he fliall bring fuch Runaway belore a Juftice of the Peace ; and fhall be levied again by the Churchwardens of the faid Parilh, upon the faid Mafler or Owner of fuch Run- away, for Reimburfment of the fame to the Parifn: And for the greater Certainty R-w^rd hew « in paying the faid Rewards, and reimburfing the Parifli, every Juiliceof the Peace ^'^^'^' before whom fuch Runaway fhall be brought, upon the taking up, fhall grant a Certificate thereof, in which he fnall mention the proper Name and Surname of the Taker-up, and the County of his or her Refidence, together with the Time, and Place of taking up the faid Runaway, and fhall alfo mention th^ Name of thq faid Runaway, and the proper Name and Surname of the Mafter or Owner of fuch Runaway, and the County pf his or her Refidence, together with the Diftance of Miles, in the faid Juftices Judgment, from the Place of taking up the faid Run- away, to the Houfe or Quarter where fuch Runaway was kept ; upon producing which Certificate to the Churchwardens of the Parilh where the fame was granted, they fhall pay, to the Taker-up of fuch Runaway, or his Afiigns, the Reward aforefaid ; and fliall levy the fame again as aforefaid : But if it Ihould happen, that the Mafter or Owner of fuch Runaway fliould not refide, or have Effc6ts in the County where the faid Certificate fhallbe granted by the Juftice as aforefaid, the faid Churchwardens fhall tranfmit the faid Certificate to the Sheriff of the County where the Owner of fuch Runaway refides, or hath Efteds, who fliail, upon Re- ceipt thereof, immediately levy the fame upon the Goods and Chattels of the Mafter or Owner of fuch Runaway, and return the fame to the Churchwardens aforefaid, or their Order ; any Law, Ufage, or Cuftom to the contrary, notwithftanding. XXIX. AND be it further EnaFied, by the Autor'ity aforefaid, That if any Runaway siave Negro or other Perfon, who Ihall be taken up as a Runaway, and brought before M'^e'r'"'"! *bc any Juftice of the Peace, and cannot fpeak Englifh, or, through Obftinacy, will commiucd to the not declare the Name of his or her Owner, fuch Juftice fhall, in fuch Cafe, and S^tic^'gtn 'r^^ he is hereby required, by a Warrant under his Hand, to commit the faid Negro ^ Months by the Slave or Runaway to the Goal of the County wherein he or Hie Ihall be taken uj? ; ^*'""^- and the Shenft, or Under-sheriff", of the County into whofe Cuftody the faid Run- away fhall be committed, Tnall forthwith caufe Notice, in Writing, of fuch. Com- mitment, to be fet upon the Court-houfe Door of the faid County, and there con* tinued, during the Space of Two Months; in which Notice, a full Defcription of the faid Runaway, and his Cloathing, fhall be particularly ftt down ; and fliall caufe a Copy of fuch Notice to be fent to the Clerk or Reader of each Church or Chappel within his County, who are hereby required to make Publication thereof, h^ fetting up the fame in fome open and convenient Place, near the faid Church or Chappel, on every Lord's Day during the Space of Two Months, from the Date i68 LAWS of North-Carolina. Ill ■_ _■■ I ... - . A D I74I Date thereof: And every Sheriff tailing to give fuch Notice as herein is diredied, shTr^'n"^ ^^^^ forfeit and pay Five Pounds, Proclamation Money ; which faid Forfeiture pv/fuchM"nce, fhall and may be recovered, with Cofts, in any Court of Record in this Govern- to foirfut si. ment, by Adion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, wherein no Efibign, Privi- ledge, Pi-otedion, Injunction, or Wager of Law, Ihall be allowed: The One Moiety whereof (hall be to the Churchwardens, for the Ufe of the Parilh, as well as towards the defraying the Charges that (hall arife and become due by Virtue of this Ad,- and the other Moiety to the Perfon who ihall fue for the fame. k*.wn ir*two XXX. AND be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid^ That if within Mo>«hs,"RuM! the Space of Two Months, the Owner of any fuch Negro SLve or Runaway can- ^/pubH/o^a'r ^°^ ^^ known, or doth not claim the fame, that the Sheriff of the faid County to whofe CufVody fuch Runaway fhall be eommitted, fhall caufe the faid Runaway to be delivered to the next Conftuble, to be by him delivered to the next Confta- ble, and fo from Conflable to Conftable, to the Public Goal of this Government, after fuch Manner, and to receive fuch i'unilhment, as in this Ad is mentioned and direded. "t^'yefknln' XXXI. AND be it fuTthet EmSfed^ by the Authority aforefaid. That when any Coaler may hire Negro or Ruhaway, as aforefaid, fhall be delivered to the Keeper of the Public JifFea.' *° *"'' ^o^^ "^ ^^'^ Government, by Virtue of this Ad, and his or her Mailer or Owner cannot be known, it fhall and may be lawiul for the Keeper of the faid Goal, upon his Application to the General Court, or the neartft County Court to the faid Goal, or to any Two Juftices, out of Court, w.tn theConfentof either of the faid Courts, or Two Juftices, as aforefaid, to let the faid Negro or Runaway to Hire, to any Perfon or r'erfons whom they fhall approve of, tor fuch Sum or Sums of Money, or Quantity of Commodities, and for fuch Term or Time, as they fhall dired; and that out of the iMoney or Commodities arifing by fuch Hire, all Fees relating to the taking up, Imprifonment, and conveying to Goal, and Charges of main- taining fuch Negro or Runaway, fliall be firfl paid and difcharged, and the Over- plus, if any, difpofed of as fuch Court, who ihall order the faid Negro or Run- away to let out to Hire, fhall dired. c*nrt ippMr. XXXII. P ROV ID ED always-, That when the Owner of fuch Negro or i?'d!i''verr/^ lo Ru'i'iway fhall demand the lame, the Perfon to whom fuch Negro or Runaway him. he frying fhall be let out to Hire, fhall forthwith deliver him or her into the Cuftody of the ****• Keeper of the Public Goal, and fhall then alfo pay the Hire, in Proportion to the Time the faid Runaway hath ferved -, and the Keeper of the faid Goal fhall deli- ver the faid Runaway to his Mafler or Owner, he or the paying down all Fees and Charges ot taking up, Imprifonment, conveying to Goal, and maintaining fuch Runaway, in Cafe the Hire of the faid Runaway be not fufHcient to fatisfy the fame. R«n»w»y siive XXXIII. AND be it further Enact ed, by the Authority aforefaid^ That when ^rt'^\?\t'r. the Keeper of the faid Public Goal fliall, by Diredion of fuch Court as aforefaid, *^1''he'" t^ ' ^^^ °'^^ ^"^ Negro or Runaway to Hire, to any Perfon or Perfons whomfoever, Aversbu f"r hij ths ^^i^ Keeper fhall, at the Time of his Delivery, caufe an Iron Collar to be put jfcapc. on the Neck of fuch Negro or Runaway, wi'h the Letters P. G. ftamped there- on •, and that thereafter the faid Keeper ihall not be anfwerable for any Efcape of the faid Negro or Runaway. Rnn.wiy. tJk« XXXIV. AND he it further Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid. That when «p, ji.fticetoof any Runaway Servant or Slave fiiall be brought before any Juttice of the Peaa; whippH*? ^°nt ^'^^^" this Government, fuch Juftice fiiall, by his Warrant, commit the faid Run- {tnt from C'n away to the next Conflable, and therein alfo order him to give the faid Runaway wVhome.^""*" ^0 ni^ny i-aHies as the faid Juftice ihall think fit, not exceeding the Number of Thirty LAWS of NoRT h-Car'ol I N A. 169 Thirty Nine, well laid on, on the bare Back of luch Runaway T and then to be ^- ^- 1741- conveyed from Conftable to Conftabie, until the faid Runaway fhall be carried ^ home, or to the Public Goal, as aforefaid. -"V- XXXV. A N D be it further Enafied^ That every Conftabie fhall, on his Re- Conftabie refu- ceipt of fuch Runaway, give a Receipt .for him or her ; and that every Confta- r" Lway'r^w ble failing to execute fuch Warrant, according to the Tenor thereof, or refufing forfeit xo\. to give fuch Receipt, fhall forfeit and pay Tv/enty Shillings, 'Proclamation Mo- ney, or the Value thereof in Bills, to the Churchwardens, for the Ufe of the Pa- rilh wherein fuch Failure Ihall be ; to be recovered by a Warrant under the Hands of any Two Juftices v/ithin the County where fuch Conftabie fhall refide : And fuch Corporal Punifhment fnall not deprive the Mafter or Owner of any Runaway Ser- vant of the other Satisfaftion herein by this Ad appointed to be had of fuch Ser- vant, for his or her running av»^ay. ■ XXXVI. AND be it further EnaEled^ hy the Authority aforefaid. That if any sherf employing Sheriff, Under-sheriff, or Conftabie, fliall fet to work, employ, or let out to ueepS tS Z Hire, without Order of Court as aforefaid, any Runaway Servant or SlaVe com- Cuftody longer mitted to the Cuftody of any of them, or fhall detain fuch Runaway longer in his r^as^^'To'^^rftit or their Cuftody than by this Aft is direfted, he or they fo offending, fhall for- 5 i- ' feit and pay Five Pounds, Proclamation Money ; to be recovered, in any Court of Record in this Government, by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, .wherein no Effoign, Proteftion, Privilege, or Wager of Law, fliali be allowed : One Moiety whereof to be paid to the Churchwardens, for the Ufe of the Parifh where the Offence fhall be committed, and the other to him or them who fhall fue for the fame : And if any Sheriff, or his Under-Sheriff, or any Conftabie, into sherif fuffering whofe Hands any Runaway Servant or Slave fhall be committed, by Virtue of Runaway to e- this Aft, fhall negligently or wilfully fuffer fuch Runaway to efcape the faid Sheriff, thToamaV! "* Under-Sheriff, or Conftabie, he or they fhall be liable to the Aftion of the Party grieved, for Recovery of his Damages, at the Common Law, with Cofts. 'j^XXVll. A N D he it further E7ti?Med^ hy the Authority aforefaid. That all and conftabks ex. every the Conftables within this Government, for their Encouragement to perform pTy^irg'^LevieT their Duty, be, and they are hereby, for the future, exempted from the Payment of all Public, County, and Parifh Levies, for their own Perfons, during their Con- tinuance in Office ; and that the Keepers of Ferries within this Government, fhall Ferry-keepers to give immediate PafTage to all Conftables, and their Afliftants, charged with con- p^'^jge*^"' Con! dufting any Runaway or Runaways, either to the Public Goal, or to fuch Run- ft-^Wes charged away or Runaways Mafter or Owner, without charging fuch Conftabie, or their ""'^^ Runways. ^ Afliftants, for the Ferriage, either going or returning: But all fuch Ferriages of such Ferriages t* Conftables, and their Affiftants, fhall be paid by the Churchwardens of the Parifh ^^ v^'^^ ^1 the v/here fuch Ferry-keepers refpeftively live, and levied, as aforefaid, upon the "''^ ^^'^ ^^^' refpeftive Mafters or Owners of fuch Runaways. XXXVIII. AND he it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That from shmfsandGcsi, and after the Publication of this Aft, the Fees and Allowances of the faid Sheriffs er's Fcts. and Goaleis be as followeth; That is to fay. For the Commitment of every fuch Negro or Runaway to any County Goal, the Sheriff fhall be paid, for his Fee, the Sum of Two Shillings and Six Pence, Proclamation Money, and for the keeping or maintaining him or her in Goal, for every Twenty Four Hours, the Sum of Six Pence, and for his or her Releafement, the Sum of Two Shillings and Six Pence ; and that the Keeper of the Public Goal of this Government, for the Com- mitment of every fuch Negro or Runaway, fhall be paid the Sum of Two Shil- lings and Six Pence, Proclamation Money, and for his or her keeping in Goal, every Twenty Four Hours, the Sum of Six Pence, Proclamation Money, and for his or hcT Releafement, the Sum of Two Shillings and Six Pence, Proclamation U u Money* 1 70 LAWS ^/'North-Carolina. A. D 1741 Money, and no more: And if any Sheriff, in any County of this Government, or *>—- — v* ' Keeper of the Public Goal, fhall demand or take any greater Fee or Allowance taking "greater than is hetcby before appointed and allowed, for the Services and Maintenance Fee?, to forfeu aforcfaid, or any of them, he or they fo offending, fhall, for every Offence, for- feit and pay to the Party greived, the Sum of Twenty Shillings, Proclamation Money, and fhall alfo reiund and pay bacloto the Parties, fuch Sum of Money which fuch Sheriff or Goaler fhall receive and take, over and above the Fees and Allowances herein before appointed ; which faid Forfeiture of Twenty Shillings, fhall and may be recovered by a Warrant from any Juftice of the Peace of the County where fuch Offence fhall be committed. Runaways fup- XXXIX. A N D be it further Ena^ed^ hy the Authority aforefaid. That when to ttVr°GJve°nf ^^'7 Negro or other Runaway whofe Owner is fuppofed to be refident in any other ments, G .aier to Provincc, fhall be committed to any Public Goal of this Government, the Keeper DlnpSoJ"'of' of the faid Goal (hall, by the firft Opportunity after fuch Commitment, fend a them. Defcription oi fuch Negro or Runaway, together with the Account of tlae Time of the Commitment, and the County where fuch Runaway is committed, to the Prefs, to be advertifed in the Virginia^ or South-Carolina Gazette ; for which he fliall be reimburfed by the Owner of the faid Slave or Runaway. si»'" not to go XL. AND he it further Ena5fed^ hy the Authority afrefaid^ That no Slave fhall go armed with Gun, Sword, Club, or other Weapon, or fhall keep any fuch Weapon, or lliall hunt or range v/ith a Gun in the Woods, upon any Pretence whatfoevftr, (except fuch Slave or Slaves who fhall have a Certificate, as is herein Offenders may Ve aftf f providcd ;) and if any Slave fhall be found offending herein, it fhall and may tak n up, their {3^ hwful for any Perfon or Perfons to feize and take, to his own Ufe, fuch Gun, themVand t'he'^ Swotd, or Other Weapon, and to apprehend and deliver fuch Slave to the next whipped. Conftable, who is enjoined and required, without further Order or Warrant, to give fuch Slave Tw nty Lafhes, on his or her bare Back, and to fend him or her home j and the Mafter or Owner of fuch Slave fhall pay to the Taker-up of fuch armed Slave, the fame Reward as by this Ad is allowed for taking up of Run- aways. One Slave on a XLI. V RO V I'D E D always. That nothing in this Aft fhall be conflrued or reptedT"" "' extended, to prohibit or debar any Mafler or Owner of any Slave or Slaves with- in this Government, from employing any one Slave in each and every diftinft Plantation, from hunting in the Woods on their Mafler's Lands with a Gun, to preferve his or her Stock, or to kill Game for his or her Family. Scich Slave ^0 car. XLII. PROVIDED alfo. That fuch Mafler or Owner fhall firfl deliver in- ly a Ceri :fi«te. ^^ ^^^ County Court, an Account, in Writing, of the Name of any fuch Slave to be employed as aforefaid •, and the Chairman of the Court fhall fign a Certificate that fuch Slave is allowed to carry a Gun, and hunt in the Woods on his Mafler or Miflrefs's Lands : And the Mafler, Miflrefs, or Overfeer of fuch Slave fhall give him the faid Certificate, which fuch Slave fhall always carry about him, on Pain of being apprehended and punifhed as aforefaid : Any Thing herein before contained to the contrary, notwidiftanding. cSe Plantation XLIIL AN Die H further Enacted^ hy the Authority aforefaid^ That no Slave without Leave, fhall go from off the Plantation or Seat of Land where fuch Slave fhall be appoint- l^r"L s"*"^" ^'^ ^o ^ive, without a Certificate of Leave, in Writing, for fo doing, from his or ner Mafler or Overfeer, (Negroes wearing Liveries always excepted.) excepted.) Slaves not to r»ife XLIV. A N D bt it further Enaftedy hy the Authority aforefaid^ That no Slave Stock. j[j^^j| ^g permitted, on any Pretence whatfoever, to raife any Horfes, Cattle, or Hogs i and all Horfes, Cattle, and Hogs, that. Six Months from the Date here- of. LAWS o/" North-Carolina. A D. of, fhall belong to any Slave, or of any Slave's Mark in this Government, fhall be feifed, and fold by the Churchwardens of the Parifh where fuch Horfes, Cat- "^ tie, or Hogs (hall be, and the Profit thereof be applied, one Half to the Ufe of the faid Parifh, and the other Half to the Informer. XLV. AND whereas many Times Slaves run away, and lie out hid and lurk- Runaway siav« xng in Swamps, Woods, and other obfcure Places, killing Cattle and Hogs, and ^'^ *"* "ut-iavr. committing other Injuries to the Inhabitants of this Government: Be it therefore Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid^ That in all fuch Cafes, upon Intelligence of any Slave or Slaves lying out as albrcfaid, any Two Juftices ot the Peace for the County wherein fuch Slave or Slaves is or are fuppofed to lurk or do Mifchief, fhall, and they are dereby impowered and required, to ifllie Proclamation againft fuch Slave or Slaves, (reciting his or their Name or Names, and the Name or Names of the Owner or Owners, if known,) thereby requiring him or them, and every of them, forthwith to furr^nder him or themfelves ; and alfo, to im power and require the Sheriff of the faid County to take fuch Power with him as he ihall think fit and necelTary, for going in Search and Purfuit of, and effedual appre- hending fuch outlying Slave or Slaves -, which Proclamation fhall be publilhed on a Sabbath Day, at the Door of every Church or Chappel, or for Want of fuch, at the Place where Divine Service fhall be performed in the faid County, by the Parifh Clerk, or Reader, immediately after Divine Service: And if any Slave or Slaves againft whom Proclamation hath been thus ifTued, ftay out and do not im- mediately return home, it (hall be lawful for any Ptrfon or f erfons whatfoever, to kill and deftroy fuch Slave or Slaves, by fuch Ways and Means as he or fhe Ihall think fit, without Accufation or Impeachment of any Crime for the fame. XLVI. PROVIDED always, and it is further Enabled, That for every Out-hwcH siarc Slave killed in Purfuance of this Ad, or put to Death by Law, the Mafter or ^orb"''h°'''^^'*''* Owner of fuch Slave fhall be paid by the Public; and all Tryals of Slaves for Ca- "^ ^' ^ " "^* pital and other Crimes, fhall be in the Manner, and according as herein after is dircded. * - XLVII. AND be it further Ena£led, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Confpiraty of a. Number of Negroes or other Slaves, that is to fay. Three, or more, fhall, at any "v'^ree or more Time hereafttr, confult, advife, or confpire to rebell, or make Infurredion, or Fdony. "^J""'*"* Ihall plot or confpire the Murther of any Perfonor Perfons whatfoever, every fuch confulting, plotting, or confpiring, fhall be adjudged and deemed Felony ; and . the Slave or Slaves convidled thereof, in Manner herein after direded, fliall fuffer Death. XLVIII. A N D be it further EnaHed, by the Authority aforefaid. That every Manner of tryiug Slave committing fuch Offence, or any other Crime or Mifdemeanor, fhall forth- ^''""' with be committed, by any Juftice of the Peace, to the Common Goal of the County within which the faid Offence fhall be committed, there to be fafely kept; and that the Sheriff of fuch County, upon fuch Commitment, fhall forthwith cer- tify the fame to any Juftice in the Commiffion for the faid Court, for the Time being, refident in the County, who is thereupon required and direded to iffue a Summons for Two or more Juftices of the faid Court, and Four Freeholders, fuch as fhall have Slaves in the faid County ; which faid Three Juftices, and Four Free- holders, Owners of Slaves, arc hereby impowered and required, upon Oath, to try all Manner of Crimes and Offences that ftiall be committed by any Slave or Slaves, at the Court-houfe of the County, and to lake for Evidence, the Confeflion of the Offender, the Oath of one or more credible Witneffes, or fuch Teftimony of Negroes, Mulattoes, or Indians^ bond or free, with pregnant Circumftances, as to them ftiall feem convincing, without the Solemnity of a Jury ; and the Of- fender being then found guilty, to pafs fuch Judgment upon fuch Offender, ac- cording lyz ^ L A IF S c/* North-Carolina. :^'i5.'",74r. cording to their Difcrttion, as the Nature of the Crime or Offence fhall require j v- and on fuch Judgment, to award Execution. All >ftice5n,ay ' XLIX. P R F T D E D dlways, and be it Enabled, That it fhall and may be gro'sVyTi. " lawful for each andevtry Juftice, being in the Commiffion of the Peace lor the County where any Slave or Slaves fhall be tried, by Virtue of this Aft, (who is Owner of Slaves,) to fet upon fuch Tryal, and aft as a Member of fuch Court, tho' he or they be not fummoned thereto: Any Thing herein before contained to the contrary, in any-wife, notwithftanding. NepoM giving L. A N D to the End fuch Negro, Mulatto, or Indian^ bond or free, not be- faife Teftimony, j^g Chriftians, as (hall hereafter be produced as an Evidence on the Tryal of any Sarsrot cff,"^ Slave or Slaves ior Capital or other Crimes, may be under the greater Obligation to declare the Truth -, Be it further Enr.£fcd, That where any fuch "Negro, Mulatto, Or Indian, bond or free, fhall, upon due Proof made, or pregnant Circumftances, appearing before any County Court within this Government, be found to have given a falfe Teftimony, every fuch Offender fhall, without further Tryal, be ordered, by the faid Court, to have one Ear nailed to the Pillory, and there ftand for the Space of One Hour, and the faid Ear to be cut off, and thereafter the other Ear nailed in like Manner, and cut off, at the Expiration of one other Hour ; and moreover, to order every fuch Offender Thirty Nine Lafhes, well laid on, on his or her bare Back, at the common whipping Poft. ishairman ci the LI. A N D he it further EnaBed, by the Authority aforefaid^ That at every fuch Court to cAutu-n Tj-yal of Slaves committing Capital or other Offences, the firft Perfon in Com-. ing Teftimony. miffion fetting on fuch Tryal, fliall, before the Examination of every Negro, Mu- latto, or Indian^ not being a Chriftian, charge fuch to declare the Truth. Owner of Slave LIT. P R F I D E t) always, and it is hereby intended.. That the Mafter, Ow- m'l/''Drfence'^ "^i"* csr Overfetr of any Slave, to be arraigned and tryed by Virtue of this Aft, fox him. may appear at the Tryal, and make what juft Defence he can for fuch Slave or Slaves ; fo that fuch Defence do not relate to any Formality in the proceeding on the Tryal. slave conviJVea, Llll. J N D he it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That when any hiT^nd" JrSy ^^^'^^ ^^^^ beconvifted Capitally by Virtue of this Aft, the Juftices and Freehol- it to the Aflem- dcfs that fhall fit on fuch Tryals, lliall put a Valuation, in Proclamation Money, alay pay for hfm^ "P°" ^^^^ Slavc fo convifted, and certity, under their Hands and Seals, fuch Valuation to the next AffcmbJy •, that the faid Aflcmbly may make fuitable Allow- „ ance thereupon, to the Mafter or Owner of fuch Slave. Slave kiiieJ in LIV. A N D he it further Enactcd, by the Authority aforefaid. That if in the fp[ra[S fe?zing dlfpcrfing any unlawful Affcmblies of rebel Slaves or Confpirutors, or feizing the Arms, taking up Arms and Ammunition of fuch as are prohibited by this Aft to keep the fame, crrla^^n'bythe or in apprehending Runaways, or in Correftion by Order of the County Court, Court's Order, any Slave fhall happen to be killed or deftroycd, the Court of the County where the'^PubHc?'^ ^^ fuch Slave fhall be killed, upon Application of the Owner of fuch Slave, and due Proof thei-eof made, fhall'put a Valuation, in Proclamation Money, "pon fuch Slave fo killed, and certify fuch Valuation to the next Seffion of Affembly \ that the faid Affembly may make fuitable Allowance thereupon, to the Mafter or Ow- ner of fuch SlaVe. k'n.n' **'sw ^"^" ^ ^^FIBED always, and be it further Enacted, That nothing herein Owner may have contaitted, fhall be conftrued, deemed, or taken, to defeat or bar the Aftion of ^'L /'h " *" ^"^ f^erfon or Perfons, whofe Slave or Slaves fhall happen to be killed by any other gain . em. Pgrfon whofocver, contrary to the Direftions and true Intent and Meaning of this Aftt LAWS ^North-Carolina. 173 Act •, but tlut all and every Owner or Owners of fuch Slave or Slaves, Ihall and ^' ^- '74i. may bring his, her, or their Adion, for Recovery of Damages for fuch Slave or '^ "v i Slaves fo killed. LVI. AND he it further Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That no Negro 8h«es not tobs or Mulatto Slaves fliall be fct free, upon any Pretence whatfoever, exceot forme- J"' f'«.."f=pt ntorious Services, to be adjudgea and allowed of by the County Court, and Li- Scrvi«.. cence thereupon firft had and obtained : And that where any Slave fhall be fct free by his or her Mafter or Owner, otherwife than is herein before direfted, it Ihall and may be lawiiil for the Churchwardens of the Parifh wherein fuch Negro, Mu- latto, or Indian^ lliall be found, at the Expiration of Six Months, next after his or her being fet free, and they are hereby authorized and required, to take up and fell the faid Negro, Mulatto, or Indian, as a Slave, at the next Court to be held for the faid County, at Public Vendue i and the Monies arifing by fuch Sale* fliall be applied to the \Mt of the Parifh, by the Veilry thereof: And if any Negro, skre, f County to IV. A N D. he it fuTther EnaSfed^ by the Juthority afcrefaidy Th^t Bertie Coua- utitel'^'^''' "'" ty fiiall, in all future General Affemblics which fhall be held after the Diffolution of the prelent Afferably, choofe, arld^ fend to the General Affembly, Three Rc- prefentativcs, and no more. PreffntUepref.-n . V. AND be it fuYtkeY EnaElcd^ by the Authority af ore/aid. That the prefent t"cOTtinn.,'^u" Reprefentatives who have been fent by 5^r//> County, fhall, for and during the ring this Affem. Continuance of this prefent General Affembly, fit and vote as the Reprefentatives of Bertie and Northampton Counties. Co«m wher. yj^ AND be it further Enactedy by the Authority aforefnid. That the Court of the (aid Covnty of Northantpton fnall be holden on the tourthlu^Jdays of the Months of November^ ■ February^ May, and yfjii^?//. Annually : Which fiid Court, at their firft Term or Seffiohi ihall recommend to his Excellency the Governor, proper Perfons to execute the refpedive Offices of Clerk and Shenff of the faid County, according to Law. Court t" ere« » VTI. A N D be it further Enactsd., by the Authority afore faid. That the faid Couit-hcufe,&c. Court fhall, at the Charge of the faid County, in their firlVor fee ond Term or Seiiion, make Orders and Rules, agreable to the Laws of this Province, tor ercd- ing a fufficient Court-hnufe, Frifon, and Stocks, near the upper Pottakafey Bridges, as the faid Court fhall feem necellary. • «ra" oZl.^ ^^^^' ^^D ^^ ^^ further Enacted^ by the Authority afcrefaid. That the Court houfe, &c. of Bertie County fliall, at the Charge of their County, on the firft or ftcond Term or Seffion, next after the pafling this Adt, make Orders and Rules for ereding a fufficient Court-houfe, Frifon, and Stocks, at fuch Place as to them fhall fcem mofl convenient ; and the Levy lately laid by the Court of Btrtu, for building a Goal, Ihall be appropriated tor the Uies aforcfaid, in the C ounty in which the EacVi Cronty to Tithablcs are refident \ -and the County of Northampton fhall pay a F'roportion of xe«! County Taxes with Bertie, to be laid to difcharge all Arrears whifti the faid C cunty of Bertie is now in, for building their feveral Warehoufts, and paying the Wages of their feveral Infpedors, and of runing the uid Line : And that the Ltvy on the Northwffi Parifh of Berticy already kid, Ihall be paid and accounted for to tiieir Veflry. proceediags of IX. P RO F I D E D alwflySy That nothing in this Ad fhall be conflrucd, to fr/jUdf''"" '* extend to alter or vacate any Judgment or Judgments already had or obtamed, or any Suit already commenced in the Court of Bertie County ; but that the faid Court may proceed, as ufual, to Judgment, and Execution thereon. CHAP. n. ^fru zll i?4*: -^« ^^> to ejtahlipi Ports, or Places of Delivery of Merchandizes mfortei "^-' '' ' in, and exported out of this Province ; and to prevent the clandelU?ie rim- nin^ of uncvjlomed and prohibited Goods, in the feveral Ports the reef, SIGNED by Gabriel Johnston, Efq; Governor. Nathaniel Rice, Prefidento John Hodgson, Speaker, Anno bear portie Chap, 4, LAWS ^North-Carolina. ^77 A. D. 1743. Anno Regni G E O R G 1 1 IL Regis, Magn^e Britannia, Franci^y & Hihernide, Decimo Septirao. At a General ASSEMBLY, held ^tEdenton, the Se- ^,V,U'„^^ cond Day of AfriU in the Year of our Lord One Thou-» ^^15 <^°^""'^' fand Seven Hundred and Forty Three. CHAP. I. An A5i^ to regulate EkBions for Members to ferve in General AJfembly for the feverdl Counties^ to declare who Jhall be qualified to -vote in the faid EleBionSy or be eleSfed a Member of the General AJfembly for any of the faid Counties^ and to diredl the Method to be obferved in taking the Poll at the fever al EleBions in the Counties and Towns in this Pro- vince, \. BE it Enabled, by his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, Efq; Governor, by and !^'""^' p, with the Advice and Confent of his Majefty's Council^ and General AJfembly Eieftions. t»k- PoU «t ~tf/ tbis Provifue, and it is hereby Ena^ed, by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the Ratification of this A£t, the Sherifs of the feveral and refptc- tive Counties in this Province, fhall, at all Eleftions hereafter to be made in their feveral and refpedtive Counties, for Members to fit in General AfTcmbly, take the Votes of the Freeholders, qualified to vote, in Manner following; that is to fay. Each and every Sheriff of the feveral Counties fliall, at the Day appointed for choof- ing Members of Affembly, come to the Place by Law appointed for holding fuch Election in his County, provided with a fmall Box, with a Lid or Cover, having a Hole in it, not exceeding Half an Inch in Diameter •, which faid Cover fhall be fealed and fecured on the Box, in the Prefence of the Infpedors chofen, as in this Ad is hereafter directed, to fee the Poll fairly and impartially taken; which being done, the Sheriff fhall, at or before Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon, open the Poll, by making Proclamation Three Times, for fuch Perfons as are qualified to votC) to come and give in their Votes, by Ballot; and after the Poll is fo opened, Y y the 178 LAWS of North-Carolina. A. D. 1743. the Sheriff fhali attend the lame, and keep the Poll open til One of the Clock ire '''^"'"v"""^- the Afternoon, at which Time it fnall be lawful for him to adjourn the Poll co Half an Hour after Two of the Clock, the Hole in the Box being firft fealed, in Prcfence of the Sheriff, Infpeftors, and fuch Candidates as will attend to fee the fame ; and then fhall again open the Poll, as at firit, and keep the fame open, and attend the taking the Votes, as aforefaid, until Sun-fct, and no longer, without it (liali be agreed by all the Candidates to have it clofed fooner. Fre»b.oiders how n. AN D hc it further Enafied^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That every Pef- Vut^'s? ' fon qualified to vote, fhall give to the Sheriff, in Prefence of the Infpedlors, a Scroll of Paper, rolled up, with the Name or Names of the Per fon or Perfons he votes for, written therein •, which Scroll fhall be immediately, by the Sheriff, put into the Box, in the Prc^nce of the Infpc6lors, and at the fame Time the Sheriff, and alfo each of the Infpei5lors, fhall take a'Lift, in Writing, of the Perfon's Name Poll how to be fo voting : And when every Perfon attending at the Place of Eledion, fhall have '''°^"'" voted, as before mentioned, or that the Sun fhall be fet, the Sheriff fhall conclude the Poll, and, in the Prefencc of the Infpedtors, and fuch of the Candidates as will attend, open the Box, and take out the Scrolls, One by One, and read the Name or Names of the Candidate or Candidates written in each Scroll, and an ex- ad Account fhall be taken, by each Infpedlor, from the faid Scrolls, of the Num- ber of Votes for each Candidate; and if there fhall be Two Scrolls rolled together and put into the Box in the Room or Place of one, or if any Scroll contains the Names of more Candidates than fhall be lawful for the County to choofe, fuch shcriflT to return ScroU Or ScroUs fliall bc cafl away, as ufekfs and void : And when the Votes have the Candidates j^ ^jj ^^^^ ^^jj. ^j^^ examined, as aforefaid, whatfoever Candidate or Candidates hiving molt n -^ » 1 • rr* Votes. ihall appear to have moft Votes, the Sheriff or Under-Sheriff fhall return him or them Burgefs or Burgeffes s or if Two or more Candidates fhall have an equal Number of Votes, the Sheriff or Under-Sheriff, being a Freeholder, fhall and may return which of them he thinks fit j in which Cafe only, the faid Sheriff, or Un- der-Sheriff, is allowed to vote. injpeftors to \^t ^' A N D bs it further Ena^ed, by the Authority aforefaid^ That the Tnfpedors Dominated !iy the aforcfaid fhall be nominated and appointed by the Candidates \ but in Cafe of the Candidates, or -^^^i^Q. ^j. Rgfufal of the Candidates, the Sheriff", or Under-Sheriff of the County, Freeholder to fhall nominate and appoint the faid I nfpeftors : And every Freeholder, before he take an Onh. jg admitted to Poll, or give in his Vote, as aforefaid, at any fuch Election, if it be required by the Candidates, or any of them, or any other Freeholder in their Behalf, fhall take the following Oath \ (which Oath the Sheriff or Under-Sheriff is hereby impowered and diredted to adminifter,) to xvity Oath, "XT U fhall fwear^ That you have been foffeffed of a Freehold, of Fifty Acres of j[ Landt for Three Months pafi, in your own Right, in the County of and have been Six Months an. Inhabitant of this Province ; and that you have net given in your Vote before in this Ek£lion. So help you God. Who to be ae- IV. AND for the Prevention of.Difputes which may hereafter arife in Eleftion hXt ^'"' of Burgeffes, concerning who fhall be underllood to be a Freeholder ; Be it Enacted^ hy the Authority aforefaid. That every Perfon who hath an Eftate, Real, for his own Life, or the Life of another, or any Eftate of greater Dignity, of a fufHcienC Number of Acres, in the County which by this Law enables him to vote, or be a Candidate for fuch County, fhall be accounted a Freeholder, within the Meaning of this Ad. Ni Perfon to V. AND be it further EnaBed, by the Authority afrefaid. That no Perfon here- tote, anicfs he ^f^^^^ ^j^^jj j^^ admitted to give hi* Vote in any Eledion of Burgeffes, in any County L A IV S c/^ North -Carolina. lyg A. D. 1743. ^ ^ f halh been an In- County within this Province, unleis he hath been an Inhabitant of this Province Six Months, and hath been poireffed of a Freehold, within the Meaning of this h.i\ of Fifty Acres of Land, at leaft Three Months before he offers to give his h3b"ta"ni 6 Men Vote, and is alfo of the full Age of Twenty One Years : And that hereafter no ^^ i^^ff tf"^ Perlbn (hall be deemed qualified or admitted to fit and vote in the General Affem- L^nd 3 Months bly, unlefs he hath been One full Year an Inhabitant of this Province, and pofifef- ^fYe3„o"fAg".^ fed of a Freehold, within the Meaning of this A61, of at leall One Hundred Acres No PerA-n to be of Land, in the County where he Ihall be elcded or choftn, and is alfo of the full ^'S/^'SfS Age of Twenty One Years, at the Time he is chofen. herein mention - VI. AND be it further EnaSfed^ by the Authority aforefaid. That after the Pub- ah ^Freeholders lication of Writs, and Ti«^ and Place for Eledion of Burgefies, as aforefaid, every vote.'^^"'' Freeholder, within the Intent and Meaning of this Ad, within the County where the Eleftion is to be made, refpeclively, may appear accordingly, and give his Vote, by Ballot, at fuch Eledion : And if any Perfon Ihall give his Vote at any ^„^,7jg^''„:;'^^:f! Eledion.who is not a Freeholder, within the Meaning ot this A»5t, or fhall vote holders, or th^fe twice at the fame Eleftion, fuch Perfon ftiall forteit and pay the Sum of Five ^''^^ ^^^^ '*"*=■ Pounds, Proclamation Money, to him or them that will inform or fue for the fame ;, to be recovered, with Cofts of Suit, in any Court of Record in this Province, by BiU, Plaint, or Information, or A6tion of Debt, wherein no Eiibign, Protec- tion, Privilege, or Injundion, liiall be allowed or. VII. A N B be it further EnaSfed, by the Authority aforsfaid^ That where any J"-^p™£;*J; Suit fliall be brought againil: any Perfon for voting, not being a Freeholder, the lie on the De* Onus Probandi fhall lie on the Defendant. *"'"'''"'• VIII. A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That no Perfon Candid.itesnott(j or Perfons, hereafter to be eleded to fLrve in the General Allembiy for any County fo^'volelir'"^! or Town within this Province, after the Teft, orifiuing or ordering of the Writ ^y^^^^^'^l or Writs of Election, fl:iall or do, by himfelf or themfelves, or by any other Ways BurgU! or Means, in his or their Behalf, or at his or their Charge, before his or their Eledion to ferve in General AfTembly for any County or Town within this Pro- vince, either directly or indircftly, give, prefent, or allow, to any Perfon or Per- fons having Voice or Vote in fuch Eledion, any Money, Gift, Reward, or Pre- fent, or make any Promife to do the fame, to or for him or themfelves, or for any fuch Perfon or Perfons in. particular, or to any fuch County or Town in Ge- neral, in Order to be eleded to ferve in the General Affembly for any fuch County or Town •, and that all and ever Perfon or Perfons fo offc nding, and being guilty herein, after Proof thereof made to the Houfe, fhall be dif ibled and incapacitated, upon fuch Eledion, to ferve in the General AfTembly for fuch County or Town, during the Continuance of that AfTembly. IX. ANT) be it further EnaSfed<, That if at any Time any Candidate, or other candidate defi. Perfon in his Behalf, Ihal! defire a Copy of the Poll, the Sheriff or Lnder-Sheriff, [h?Poii, ^sheriff who Manages the Eledion, as foon as may be, fhall caufe a fair Copy thereof to to deliver it. be mad^, and fhall deliver it, attefled with his own Hand, unto fuch Candidate or other Perfon as Ihall require the fame, as aforefaid. X. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That if the Sheriff ^^'H, ,]^!t^^ of any County, or in his Abfence, the Under-Sheriff, fhall refufe to take the Poll, ortoaa accord' or fhall take it in any other -Manner than is herein direded, or fhall refufe or neg- '^oi^xiZ\ou' left to give a Copy of the Poll, as aforefaid, or fhall not regularly, and in Time, , the Writ of Ekftion, or fhall make a falfe Return thereof, every fuch Sheriff der-SheriiT, as aforefaid, offending herein, or in any of thefe Cafes refpe(!^ively, " I feit and pay the Sum of Fifty Pounds, Proclamation Money -, one Moiety Idefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, for and towards defraying the contingent Charg«s i8o A. D LA W S of North-Carolina. '743- Charges of this Government, and the other Moiety thereof to him or them that ■■V ' will inform and fue for the fame ; to be recovered, with Cofts, in the General Court of this Province, by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in whch no EfToign, Protedion, Injundion, Privilege, or Wager of Law, fliall be allowed. XI. ANDheri further Ena5led^ hy the Authority aforefaid. That hereafter, the Eledtion in the feveral Towns in this Province of a Burgefs, to fit in General Af- Eleftions for Towns to be in of Cu^tiesr"''' fembly, fhall be by Ballot, in the fame Manner as is direded for the feveral Coun- ties in the fame. RepeaUhgciaufe. XII. ANB be it further EnaBed, That all and every other Aft and A6ls, and every Claufe and Article thereof, heretofore made, fifiSfar as relate to the Regu- lating Eledtions of Burgeffes for the feveral Counties in this Provine, or the Method of taking the Poll in the feveral Towns thereof, for a Burgefs, to fit and vote in General Affenibly, is and are hereby repealed and made void, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame had never been made. Preamble,"' Perfons to be fummoued ta five in a Lift of their TithaWei. Conftable to jive in a Lift of thiife he hath warned. C H A P. IL An A5i^ -for obtaining an exaB Lift of Taxabks^ and for the effeSfual colleBing as 'well all Arrears of Taxes, as all other Taxes, for the fu- ture due and payable. L'TXTHEREASit appears, by the Lifts of Taxables delivered in by the YY Shcrifs and other Officers, from the feveral and refpedtive Counties of this Province, as well as by many Informations by the faid Officers, and other Inhabitants of this Province, that a full and compleat Lift has never yet been ob- tained, by any Laws now in Force : And whereas the equal Payment of Taxes is of great Confequence : Therefore, il. W E pray that it may be Enadled, And be it EnaEled, by his Excellency Ga- briel Johnfton, Eff\ Governor, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majefiy^s Council, and General Affembly of this Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame. That from arid after the paffing of this Aft, the obtain- ing- of fuch Lift Ihall be in the following Manner, any Law, Ufuage, or Cuftom, to the contrary, notwithftanding -, that is to fay. That the Juftices of each County Ihall, at the next Court to be held for their refpeftive Counties after the firft Day of May next, and fo Yearly, ifiue their Warrant, figned by the Chairman, di- refted to the Conftable in each and every Diftrift in the refpeftive Counties, au- thorizing and commanding him to go from Houfe to Houfe, in his Diftrift, and fummon the Mafter or Miftrefs of every Family, or the Overfeer of every Planta- tion, of which there is no Mafter or Miftrefs, within his Diftrift, to appear, and they are hereby required to appear, before the then next Court to be held for the County, or before fome Juftice for that County, preceeding the Time of holding the then next Court, and there to give in, upon Oath, a Lift, in Writing, of all the Taxables in his or her Family, as a Mafter or Miftrefs, or under his Care, as an Overfeer ; and the Conftable fhall likewife give in a Lift, upon Oath, to the faid County Court, of all fuch Perfons fo warned, and the faid Lift ffiall contain all the Mafters and MiftrelTes of Families, and Overfeers of Plantations, within his Diftrift. Conftable neg- HI. A N B be it further EnaSfed, by the Authority aforefaid. That cac! l^?n"^r^o^t ftable neglefting to fummon the Mafter, Miftrefs, or Overfeer, as afor t^rn' fuch Lift, ncglcftlng to retum fuch Lift, as is herein before direfted, fliall forfeit ingtogivs in his Lift, to forfeit 40 s. and 20 s. for. every Month's Ncg- L A W S o/" North-Carolina. 18.^ Forty Shillings, Proclamatioa Money, for each and every Negled j and the ^ ^- ^743^^. Mailers, Miftrefles, or Overleers, being fummoned, and negleding to appear ^^ f'rfX^os and give in a Lift of their Taxables as aforefaid, on or before the laft Day of u.x'ktr, &c. be. Court hereby appointed for that Purpofe, fhall forfeit Forty Shillings, Proclama- i,"!,,^-'"'"""'^* tion Money, over and above Twenty Shillings, like Money, for every Month he ' " - or ihe Ihall be a Delinquent, after the laft Day of the Court, as aforefaid. IV. AND he it further EnaHed, That every Juftice to whom any fuch Llil ju^ices to return of Taxables ftiall be given, purfuant to this A6t, fhall return the fame to the '"^^ Lifts to the Clerk, on or before the Time of holding the Court to which the f«d Lifts are of "5 1 hereby returnable ; under the Penalty of Five Pounds, Proclamation Money. V. AND he it further Enact ed, by the Authority aforefaid^ That all the Pe- beTccoverJd'and nalties of this Aft, the Recovery and Application of which is not otherwife di- apti;.d. reded, fhall be recovered, in any Court of Record, by Aflion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, or by a Warrant before one or Two Juftices of the Peace, according as the fame may be cognizable ; and applied, one Half to the Informer, and the other Half to be paid to the Juftices, for the Ufe of the County where the fame is recovered. VI. AND to the End that all Arrears of Taxes may be colleded. Be it En- shcrifs who hath acted^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That every prefent, as well as former Sherifs, "he xaLs^ Vo of each and every County in this Province, who hath not fully collected the feveral lI'e^rifs'Tn Tdot^ and refpeftive Taxes which, by Law, he ought to have collected for feveral Yeai s thereof, oa wn. laft paft, fhall make a true and exact Lift of all the Perfons within his County °^ '*°'' from whom he hath received any Tax, the Number of Tythables, and the Money received, and for what Year particularly," and make Oath, before fome Magiftrate of the County, that the faid Lift or Accompt is true and juft, and fhall deliver the fame to the Sheriff then next fucceeding after the Ratification of this Act, on or before the firft Day of July next, under the Penalty of Forty Pounds, Procla- mation Money ; to be recovered, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Informa- tion, in the General Court of this Province, wherein no Eifoign, Protection, In- junction*, or Wager of Law, fhall be allowed or admitted of, by the Sheriff to whom fuch Lift is to be delivered \ or in Default of the Sheriff profecuting the ^ff"*'^j"ain''to fame in Two Months after the faid firft Day of July^ by any Perfon who will fue fue for it^n"two for the fame : One Half of fuch Forfeitures to be to fuch Sheriff; or fuch Perfon JJeTpJ/fon may] who fues for the fame, and the other Half to and for the contingent Charges of the County. VII. AND he it further Ena5fed, hy the Authority aforefaid^ That the feveral sheriff tocoiieifs - Arrears of" - till Dec, 1, Sherifs, in their feveral Counties, fhall have Power to collect all Arrears of Taxes, Arrears of Taxes due for the feveral Years laft paft, from any Perfons v/hofoever, immediately af- ter pafTing of this Act, and until the firft Day of December then next following •, and fliall put up Notice, from Time to Time, at what convenient Place, and wheri they will attend, for fuch Perfons to bring their Taxes then in Arrear and due -, and on P.efufal or Neglect of any Perfon or Perfons to pay the fame, at the Times Perfons negieit- and Places appointed, the faid Sherifs, and every of them, within their refpective r"|- '"to'"mai!e ^' Counties, fhall make Diftrefs, for fuch Levies in Arrear, on fuch Perfon or Per- Diftrefs ; his Fee fons fo refufing or neglecting, at any Time on or before the faid firft Day of De- ^^' ^^' ccmber next ; and for each particular Diftrefs, each Sheriff fhall be feverally allow- ed Two Shillings and Eight Pence, Proclamation Money, to be paid by the Party on whom fuch Diftrefs fhall be made. VIII. A N D be it further Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That each re- sh"ifF to account "^fpeetive Sheriff fliall accompt, on Oath, for fucli Arrears of Taxes as he fhall re- make ^odD^ii ' ceiVfe, with fuch Perfon or Perfons as by the Laws of this Province he ought, on Z z or 1 82 LAWS o/^ North-Carolina. A. D. 1743. Qj. before the firft Day of" January next, and make good Deficiencies, under tfie ""V ^ Penalty of Fifty Founds, Proclamation Money •, to be recovered, in the General ofjoi.' ^' Court of this Province, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, by the Treafurer, or other Perfon to whom fuch Sheriff ought to have accounted and paid the fame : One Half to fuch Treafurer, or other Perfon to whom the Money arif- ing by fuch Tax was payable by the laid Sheriff, and the other Plalf to be applied j- by the faid. Treafurer, or other Perfon, to the Ufe fuch Tax was intended, sheriff not oMig- IX. A N D be H furthsr Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid^ That no Sheriff sftoV>nr' ''' ^^^1 t>e obliged to account for any Taxes, for the future due and colle6fed by him, with any Perfon or Perfons to whom, by Law, he is accountable, until the firft Day of June, Yearly, and then next immediately following the Time of his At- tendance at the Warehoufes in his County, to receive fuch Taxes % v/hen he Ihall accompt with, and pay to the Perfons he is or fha^ be by Law required, the Taxes due for every Tithable in his County, in Manner aforefaid. Sheriff to m;.kc X. A N D for the Encouragement of Sherifs to do their Duty, and to reimburfe rimet hm ''wo "^"^^^^ i^i Cafe they fhall not have fully colleded the feveral Taxes in their refpeftivc Years. Countics by the faid firft Day of June, Yearly, the faid Sherifs refpecfively, in their feveral Counties, fhall have Power to make Diflrefs for fuch Taxes as fliall not be paid, in Manner as is herein before directed, from tlie Expiration of the Time of their Attendance at the Warehoufes, for and during, and until the full End and Term of Two Years, then next following, whether their Commifiion, or Appointments as Sheriff, fliall be determined or not, or for a fhorter Time, until they have received the Taxes from each refpe6f:ive Tithable in their Counties -, and the faid Sheriff fhall receive Six per Cent, as well for collefting all Arrears of Tax- es, as all other Taxes, for the future due and payable -, any Law, Ufuage, or Cuflom, to the contrary, notwithftanding, No^ .loubie pif- XI. AND be it further EnaEied, by the Authority aforefaid. That for the future, no double Diflrefs fhall be made, for Non-Payment of Taxes j any Law, Ufage, or Cuftom, to the contrary, notwithflanding. trcfs to be made. Repealing ciaiife. XII. A N D be it alfo further Ena^ed, That every Claufe, Matter, or Thing, contained in any Aft or Afts heretofore made, fo far as relate to any Matter or Thing herein contained, and not by this Adl referred to, fhall be repealed, and made null and void, to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever. CHAP. in. An AB, to impower the Jujiices of Beaufort County, to build Two fubjia?i- tial Warehoufes, at the Places hereafter me^itioned, in the faid County, for the Vfe and Conveniency of the Inhabitants faying their 'Taxes and Levies. rr«mbk. I. TTT H E R E AS the County of Beaufort being fo large and extenfive,- VV tJ'i^t o'^e Warehoufc is not fufficient nor convenient for the faid County to bring their Commodities to, in Difcharge of Levies and Taxes : Juft!c« to lay a U' W E therefore pray that it may be Enadcd, And be it Enacted, by his Ex- t:vy, far build- cglkncy Gabriel Johnflon, Efq; Governor, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majefifs Council, and General Affembly of this Province^ and it is hereby En' a^ed, by the Authority of the famSy That the Juftices ihall, at the Second Court to LAWS ^'North-Carolina., 183 to be held for the faid County, after the Ratification of this Act, lay a Levy up- ^ ^- '"^j on the Inhabitants of the faid County, not exceeding Six i^ence. Proclamation .^^ 't'^ware- Money, per Tithable, for defraying the building or hiring Two fubllantial Ware- houfcs. houfes, at the feveral Places hereafter mentioned, within the County, for the fafe keeping of all Commodities paid in Difcharge of Levies and Taxes already laid, and hereafter to be laid : And in Cafe the faid Juftices fliall refufe or neglect fo to if they negieft, do, each Juftice fo refufing or neglecting, fliall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five ^° ^°'^'" ^ ^' Pounds, Proclamation Money ; to be recovered, in any Court of Record in this Province, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, by him or them who will fue for the fame ; to be applied, one Half to fuch Profecutor, and the other Half towards building the faid Warehoufes : One of which Warehoufes fhall be built at Bath-Tcvon^ and the other at the Red Banks. III. AND whereas the prefent Warehoufe at Core-Pointy is found to be very J^f'*^'^^'^^, JJJ' inconvenient to the Inhabitants of the faid County ; It is therefore further Enact- ^^ core.Vow^. ^ ed. That the Jufbices of the faid County of Beaufort fhall, and they are hereby impowered, to take, fell, or carry away, all or any Part of the faid Warehoufe, and apply the fame to the Ufe of building the -afore-mentioned Warehoufes, at Bath-^own, and the Red Banks. IV. ANT) be it further Enacted^ by the Aithority aforefaid,*That the ln{pec- infpeaoK toat. tors already appointed by the Court, or who fhall hereafter be appointed, fhall warehoufes! attend at the faid Warehoufes, and no otlier Places ; and be under the fame Re- ftrictions as is directed by an Act, intituled, An Jet, for granting an Aid to his Majefiy., and other Purpofes therein mentioned. CHAP. IV. An AB, to afcertatn what Attornies Fees Jfjall be faxed and allowed^ in any Suit or ABion^ brought in any of the Courts of Record in this Province. I. TTTHEREAS there is no Fee, by Law, allowed to be taxed in any Bill Preamble, V V of Colls, fufEcient to compenfate any Attorney for his Trouble, for profecuting or defending any Suit or Caufe, in any of the Courts of this Province : IL B E it therefore Enatted, hy his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, Efq ; Governor^ Attornies Fees. hy and with the Advice and Confent of his Mojcflfs Council., and General Affembly of this Province., and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the Ratifi- cation of this Aft, the feveral and refpective Attornies Fees herein after mentioned, fhall be taxed and allowed in the Courts following ; that is to fay. In the General Court, on any Aftion brought, or Suit commenced there, or by Petition, Thirty Shillings, Proclamation Money : In the County Courts, on any Action brought, or Suit commenced there, or by Petition, Fifteen Shillings, Proclamation Money. III. A N D to the End that fuch Fees be received and paid to whom the fame cierk to infert fhall be due. Be it Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid. That upon Difmiflion of Jj^ilmof^cofts! any Suit, Verdict for the Plaintiff or Defendant, or that the Plaintiff fhall become Non-Suit, or the Suit otherwife difcontinued, the Clerk of each and every of the faid feveral and refpective Courts, fhall infcrt an Attorney's Fee in the Bill of Cofts taxed in the faid Caufe, and fhall caufe the fame to be levied as other Fees, and paid to the Parties who have a Right to receive the fame, ^ IV. PRO' i84 Z/yf/^.So/'NoRTH-CAROLINA. A. D. 174? ^-^— V ^ IV. P RO V ID E D always^ That the Fees above mentioned, for Suits com- braii'' J!/"on° menced, as aforefaid, in the County Courts, fhall not be allowed or taxed on Ap- Apptais. peals, brought from any Juftice or Juftices, in the faid Courts, on the Law for Tryal of fmall and Mean Caufes. V. AND be it further EnaSied^ hy the Authority aforefaid^ That if any prac- It a"ng 'their Dul tifing Attomty in any Court of Record in this Province, fhall neglect to perform «y, or commuting j^jg j^yty inany Action in which he fhall be retained, or commit any fraudulent ticcs, liable to Practice, fuch Attorney (hall be liable to an Action on the Cafe, at Common Law, duubie Dimages, j^^ ^^^ General or County Court of this Province, to the Party injured ; and on the Verdict palTmg againfl him. Judgment fhall be given, by the faid Court, for fhe Plaintiff, to recover double Damages, with Cofls of Suit. Pxeamok. CHAP. V. An ABy for providing proper Magazifies of Ammunition in the feveral Counties of this Province, and for defraying the Charge thereof. OBS. - C H A P. VI. An ABy for maMng and clearing a Highway from Edenton, into fhe Road leading over Mr, Plofkins'j Mill-Dam^ towards Pequimons Court-houfe^ and for ereBing Bridges in fuch Road, and alfo another^ Gate at Edenton, I. TT 7 H E R E A S for want of a convenient Road from Edenton^ to the faid \y Court-houfe, and the lower Counties, Perfons travelling to and from the fame, are put to great Difficulty : For Remedy whereof. Jury toJay nnt a it, W E pray It may be Enaded, And he it Enacted^ hy his Excellency Gabriel fr'^to'^ffii"! Johnfton, Efq; Governor, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Mcjejlfs Mill, Council, and General Affembly of this Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame. That a Road, leading irom Edenton, to Mr. William Hof- bm's Mill Dam, be laid out, from the fecond Crofs-Strcet above Mr. Gale's, in the mofl convenient Manner that may be, for the Ufe of the Inhabitants below the faid Town, and with as little Injury as may be to any private Perfon's Pro- perty, by a Jury of the following Perfons, upon Oath, viz. fhomas Peirce, Jacob Butler, Jofeph Mmg, Nathaniel M^ng, fVilliam Benbury, John Halfay, John Ben- bury, John Blount, John Fail, John Hull, John Harlow, John Taylor, PFilliam HoJkins, Luke Gregory, William Lewice, William Luten, Orlando Champion, and George Lyfl:, or any Twelve of them ; which Road, when laid out, made, and cleared, fliall and is hereby declared to be a Public Road, and to be maintained by the Company that now work on the Road that leads from the Town Gate, to the aforefaid Mill Dam. perfeni injurea IH. J N D he it further Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaid. That if the faid Sk'pSr^""^ Road fhould be carried through the Lands of any Perfon or Perfons, to their Pre- judice or Injury, that then, and in fuch Cafe, it fhall and may be lawful for the aforefaid Jury, to aflefs the Damages done fuch Perfon or Perfons, and an Ac- count L A W S of N OR T h-Car o L I N A. 185 -^ ■■ ' - - ■ ■ ■■ ' " ' ' — ■■■-■■ ■ „ count of the fame to return to the next fucceeding County Court, which fhall be ^- ^- ''+^- held for the County of Chowan., after fuch Aflellment ; and the Juftices of the faid ^^'^'^"^ County Court are hereby impowered and diredted, to lay a Levy on all the tax- xwrf" "pajing able Perfons in the County aforefaid, fufficient to fatisfy and pay fuch Damao-e or '^"''^ ''^'""^s^- Damages fo aflefled, as alfo for building a Bridge or Bridges, and ereding a Gate on the Line between the faid Town and County : Which Levy the Sheriff" of the sheriff to coiica faid County is hereby diredled and required to colled, agreable to the Dire6tions '5'i.°"d^duaiLg^ of the Juftices of the faid County Court, under the Penalty of Five Pounds, Pro- sp'rCcnt. clamation Money •, and when coUefted, to account, upon Oath, and pay the fame to the aforefaid Juftices, for the Purpofc aforefaid, firft deducting Five ^^r Q«/. for his Trouble, in coUedting the fame. IV. AND be it further EnaSled, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Sur- ^^ '"^ Surpiu!. plus fliall remain, after paying the faid Damages, and defraying the faid Charges l°htr Ss!'' '* of building the faid Bridge or Bridges, and Gate, the fame fhall be applied by the Juftices, in the fame Manner as other County Taxes are applied. V. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid^ That the Juftices w o-kmen to be aforefaid, are hereby impowered to contract and agree with able and fkilful Work- f™ luUding gJc men, to build a Bridge or Bridges, where ever it may be found necefiary, over ^"^ ^ndges. any Branches or Creeks in the faid Road, as alfo to eredt a Gate on the faid Road, on the Line between the Town and County ; and any Perfon or Perfons by them employed, fhall have Liberty to cut down any Timber Trees, on any of the ad- jacent Lands, for the Ufe of building the faid Bridge or Bridges, and for ereding the faid Gate. VL AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the prefent Old Road ftopb Read, leading from the Town Gate, to Hojkins'% Mill Dam, be, and is hereby ftopt up, and all Perfons are hereby exempt from working on the fame. CHAP. VII. An A5i, for ereSiing a Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks, in Bertie Coun^ ty, and for laying fl Tax upon the Inhabitants of the faid County for defraying the Charge thereof I- AXT" H E R E A S great Difputes have arlfen in the County of Bertie, con- Preamble, V V cerning the Place whereon the Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks, fhould be ereded, in the faid County ; by Reafon whereof, they have not hitherto been built: Therefore, to afcertain the Place whereon the fame fhall be built, and to prevent Delays for the future, II. W E pray that it may be Enaded, And be it EnaHed, by his Excellency Ga- Court-houfe.&c. briel Johnfton, £/^; Governor, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majeftfs ^^"=^°''«'»»i''' Council, and General Affembly of this Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame. That the Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks, oi Bertie Coun- ty, fhall be built between Cujhy Bridge, and IVills's garter Bridge, in the faid County, and that all Courts ftiall be there held for the faid County, after the-fame fhall be built ; any Law, Cuftom, Ufage, or Order of Court, to the contrary. notwithftanding. III. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Juftices M^ of the faid County, or a Majority of them, are hereby impowered and required. ices to p«T« :h3fe Land to A a a at 1 86 LAWS o/' North-Carolina. A. D. 1743. at the next Court that fhall be held for the faid County, after the paffing of this * sT ^ Ad:, to purchafe, of the Owner, One Acre of Land, in Fee-Simple, between hoilfe,' &c^°on!' the faid Bridges, for the Ufe of the Public, whereon to build the faid Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks ; and (hall alfo contract with, or impower other Perfons, as they Ihall think proper, to contract with and employ Workmen, for building and erecting the fame thereon. tw hid for the IV. A N D for defraying the Expences thereof, Be it further Enacted, hy the ^'"^^* Authority aforefaid^ That the faid Juftices, or a Majority of them, are hereby im- powered and required, to lay a Tax on the Inhabitants of the faid County, not exceeding Two Shillings and Six Pence, Proclamation Moneys for One Year, per Tithabk, for the Purpofes aforefaid* . Sheriff tocbiieft V. AND bs it further Ena£}ed, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Sheriff of iejuftiLT.'"" the faid County oi Bertie, fhall, and he is hereby required, to colled the afOrefaid Tax, at the Time, and in the Manner that the Public Taxes are by Law to be colle6led, and pay the fame to the Juftices of the faid Court, to be by them ap- plied to paying the Workmen for building the faid Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks ; and alfo, to pay the Confideration Money for the One Acre of Land, herein before direded to be by them, the faid Juftices, purchafed. yormerContrafli VI. A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authouty afrefaid. That a\\ and every We \?°" nl Contradt or Contrads heretofore made, by Virtue of any Order of the Juftices of aoikd. ' the Court of Bertie, concerning the Ereding a Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks, at or near Stony Creek, is and are hereby annulled and made void ; and all Perfons concerned therein, ihall and are hereby difcharged from performing the fame, or any Part thereof. Materiaiscoiieft- vil. PROVIDED HevertheUfs, That If any Perfon, by Virtue of any Agree- aid paid for!"^'*' mcnt with the faid Juftices heretofore made, hath colleded any Materials, or done any Work towards the building of a Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks, at or near Stony Creek, the faid Materials or Work fo done, fhall be valued by Two Free- holders of the faid County, one to be chofen by the faid Juftices, and the other by the Party coUeding fuch Materials, or doing fuch Work ; and the Money fuch Materials or Work fhall be valued at, fhall be paid, out of the Tax to be raifed by Virtue of this Ad. Money «irM3y VIIL A N D be it further Ena^ed, by the Authority aforefaid. That in Cafe J'ldfhe'juftice'^' any Money has been colleded by the Sheriff of the faid County, from any Perfon »iid the Perf rts or Perfons, in Confequence of any Order of Court heretofore made, the fame fhall ftr il!''' ^''^'' be paid, by the Sheriff who colleded the fame, to the Juftices of Bertie County aforefaid, for and towards defraying the Expence of building the faid Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks •, and any Perfon or Perfons who has already paid any Money to the Sheriff, in Confequence of any Order of Court, made as aforefaid, fhall be allowed the fame, in Difcount of any Tax he fliall be liable to by Virtue of this Ad i any thing herein contained to the contrary, notwithftanding. S I G N E D by Gabriel Johnston, Efq; Governor. Nathaniel Rice, Prefident Samuel Swann, Speaker, Anno LAWS of North-Carolina. 187 A. D. 1745. Anno Regni G E O R G I I IL Regis, Magn^e Britanni(e, Francis, &: Hibernia, Decimo Nono. At a General ASSEMBLY, held at Nefwhern^ the gabri.c Twentieth Day of ^/vV, in the Yoar of our Lord One e^is G«v«noJ, Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty Five. CHAP. L An ASfi for laying a tax for fmking the now current Bilk of Credit, Rep. by Aft. April 6, 174S. Chap, 10, CHAP. II. An additional A6i to an AB^ intituled. An Ad, for appointing Sherifs in the Room of Marflials of this Province, for prefcribing the Me- thod of appointing them, and limiting the Time of their Continu- ance in Office, and directing their Duty therein j and for abohfhing the Office of Provoft-Marfhal of this Province j and for altering the Names of the Precinds into Counties. TT THERE AS the Sherifs appointed and cornmiflionated, are, by the P"-"inH« 1. _, fdid A(5V, impowered to continue in their Office but Two Years, and the County Courts were thereby direded, at the firft Court that fhould be held in each and every County, next after the Ratification of the faid Adl, and fo fuccef- fively at the faid Courts every Two Years, to recommend to the Governor or Commander in Chief for the Time being. Three fuch Perfons, being Juftices in the fame County Court, as they fhould think fit and able, to execute the Office of Sheriff for their refpedive Counties, for the Two then next fucceeding Years ; by Means whereof, it frequently happens in fcveral of the Counties in this Province, that A. D. 1745. LA W S of North -Carolina. that the Power of the Sherifs expires before the Sitting of the Courts which are to recommend to the Governor other Perfons to be appointed in their Room, where- by the faid Office often becomes vacant, to the great Detriment of the Public : pointed Sheriff. Who is to aft til another be ap- pointed. juftices to re. H, BE U therefore Enacted^ by his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, Efq\ Governor, commend three ^y and With the AdvicB and Coufent of his Mcijcfij's Council, and General Affembly Governorrone'of of tUs Provincc, and jt is hereby Enabled, by the Authority of the fame. That the which to' be ap- Jijftices of every refpeflive County Ihall, at the County Court next before the Expiration of the Sheriff's Commiffion, or Time of ferving in his Office, recom- mend Three Perfons to the Governor, in Order for his appointing one of them to execute that Office, according to the DireftiOns of the faid recited A6t ; and that each refpedtive Sheriff of every County within this Province, now or hereafter to be commilBonated, fhall hold and enjoy his Office 'til fuch Time as the fucceed- ing Sheriff fliall be duly comgfiiflioned and qualified ; and that all Proctfs fcrved and executed by him during that Time, ffiall be valid in Law, and deemed duly executed : Any Law, Ufage, or Cuftom, to the contrary, notwithftanding. iri. AND whereas by the faid A6t, the Courts of the feveral Counties are con- fined to recommend only Perfons who are Juftices, to be appointed Sherifs, and they often chufing to pay their Fines rather than adt iH the faid Office, it is very difficult, in feveral Counties, to get any Perfon fo recommended that will accept the faid Office •, Be it therefore Enacted, That the Juftices of every County, at the Times they arc by Law impowered to recommend Perfons to be appointed Sherifs, Ihall not be obliged to recommend fuch Perfons who are Juftices only in the County, but may recommend any other Perfons refident in their County, (ex- cept the Members of his Majefty's Council, and Members of the General AlTem- bly, during the Time they are fuch,) whom they fhall think well qualified for the faid Office-, and any fuch Perfon fo recommended, may be commifTionated, by the Governor or Commander in Chief for the Time being, to ad as Sheriff of the County for which he is recommended ; any Thing in the faid Aft, or any other A6t, contained to the contrary, notwithftanding. What Perfons Juftices may re- commend. Sheriff to vvtiat Penalties liable. IV. AND be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That every Per- fon hereafter nominated or commiflloned Sheriff, by Virtue of this ^ d, Ihall be under the fame Rcftridlions, and liable to the fame Penalties, for refufing to adt in the faid Office, or for any Negled of his Duty therein, as if he had been re- commended and commiffioned according to the Diredlions of the before recited Ad. CHAP. III. An additional A5i fo an AB, intituled. An Ad, to prevent killing Deer at unfeafonable Times, and for putting a Stop to many Abufes com- mitted by vi^hite Perfons, under Pretence of hunting. vreambie, I. T T T H E R E A S by thc before-recited Adir, it is, among other Things," VV Enadted, That it fhall not be lawful for any Perfon to kill or' deftroy any Deer, running wild in the Woods or unfenced Grounds in this Government, by Guns, or any othef Ways or Means whatfoevcr, between the Fifteenth Day of February, and the Fifteenth Day of July, Yearly, and in each Year, after the Ra- tification of the faid Adt ; and that any Perfon convidfed of the fame, ffiall for- feit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds, current Money : And whereas it appears, that the allowing Liberty of killing Deer in fenced Grounds and Inclofures at fuch Seafons, has given Room to feveral Perfons to evade the faid Law : ' 11. W E LAWS o/' North -Carolina. 189 A. D. 174;. II. W E therefore pray that it may be Enaded, y^nd be it Enacted^ by his Ex- ^^„l'^J„\^^, telkncy Gabriel Johnfton, Efq ; Governcr, by and with the Advice and Ccnfent of f..ns killing D^er bis Maj^y*s Council^ and General JJfembly of this Province f and it is hereby En- ^^^"'^ ** ^^ a^led^ by the Authority of the fame^ That if any Perfon Ihall be convided of kiUing Deer, or having Venifon, or a green Deer-fkin or SkinSj in his Houfe, Camp, or Poflcfljon, between the Fifteenth Day of February , and Fifteenth Day of July, yearly, after the Ratification of this Adl, he Ihall forfeit and pay the Sum of Forty Shillings, Proclamation Money j to be recovered and applied as herein after is directed. III. P ROVtDED never thetefsy That nothing in this Ad fhall be conftrued, Provifo. to extend to convid any Perfon or Perfons of the fiid Forfeiture, in whofe Houfe any Venifon, green Skin or Skins, (hall be found, which hath been left in fuch Houfe without the Knowledge, Privity, or Confcnt of fuch Perfon, or any of his Family, upon due Proof thereof to be made, by the Perfon therewith charged. IV. AND forafmuch as there are great Numbers of idle and diforderly Per- fons, who have no fettled Habitation, nor vifible Method of fupporting therh- felves, by Induftry or honeft Calling, many of whom come in from neighbour- ing Colonies, without proper PafTes, and kill Deer at all Seafons of the Year, and often leave the Carcafles in the Woods, and alfo fleal and deftroy Cattle, and car- ry away Horfes, and commit other Enormities, to the great Prejudice of the In- habitants of this Province -, Be it therefore Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid, Ptrfms mt p-r- That every Perfon who fhall hunt and kill Deer in the King's Waft within this SSalo^J^tt Province, and who is not polTeired of a fettled Habitation in the fame, fliall be o- allowed to' hunt bliged to produce a Certificate, when required, of his having planted and tended Tng a"certifi«t« Five Thoufand Corn-hills, at Five Feet Diftance each Hill, the preceeding Year, "^ ^'^ \i-^^n% or Seafon, in the County where he fhall hunt, under the Hands of at leaft Two corn hiiil!"^ Juftices of the Peace of the faid County,' and the Hand of at leaft one of the Church- wardens of the Parilh where fuch Perfon planted and tended fuch Corn, as aforefaid. V. AND be it further Enact ed. That if any fuch Perfon as aforefaid, is found Such Perfon hunting, and does not produce fuch Certificate as aforefaid, when required, he Lr'liot''"p"*du' Ihall forfeit his Gun, and Five Pounds, Proclamation Money, for every fuch Of- ='"e ^'"^ certi- fence j to be recovered and applied as herein after direfted. J. Gun° & V»« VI. AND whereas many idle Perfons, who fpend their chief Time in hunting Deer, leave the Carcaffes in the V/oods, by which Means Wolves, Bears, and Other Vermin, are raifed and fupported, which deftroy the Stocks of the inhabi- tants of this Province-, Be it therefore further Ena£fed, by the Authority aforefaid, Perfons not ta That every Perfon who hunts Deer, and leaves the Carcafs or Carcaffes in the i;" Woo",f'iS Woods, undeftroyed, fhall, for every Offence, forfeit and pay Forty Shillings, Pen. of 40 s. Proclamation Money. , VII. A N D be it further Ena5fed, by the Authority aforefaid. That all Fines and Fines how to h« Forfeitures mentioned in this Adt, fhall be paid, the One Half to the Informer, ^'"'jl'^j'"** '^ the other Half to the Churchwardens, for the Ufe of the Parifh wherein fuch Of- *^^ " ' fence (hall be comiTiitted ; to be recovered, with Cofts, by a Warrant from any Juftice ot the Peace within this Government ; faving to all free Perfons the Right Right of Appt»J» of Appeal to the County Court where fuch Offence is committed : Which faid Court is hereby impowered and directed, in a fummary Way, finally to determine the fame ; wherein no EfToign, Protedion, or Wager of Law, fhall be allowed or admitted of. •" " ' B b b CHAP. 190 LAWS of North-Carolina. ji. D. 1745. '^ — >^ — ' CHAP. IV. jin AB, to repeat an A5i paffed at Wilmington, in the. Tear of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty One^ intituled^ An Ad, to' cftablifh Ports, or Places -of Delivery of Merchandizes, imported in, and exported out of this Province, and to prevent the clandeftin* funning of unaccuftomed Goods in the feveral Ports thereof, P/eamWe. I. TTTHEREASit is found very inconvenient and injurious to Trader* Yy and Veflels arriving at the feveral Ports and Places in the faid Ad men- tioned, and there being obliged to unlade and continue, whereby great Damages, Loffes, and Delays have accrued, and much of the Trade of this Province, which heretofore ufed to be carried on by Water, has of late been diverted, and carried on by Land to Virginia : For Remedy whereof, Aa repealed. 11. W E pray it may be Enaded, Jnd be it Enacted, by his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, Efq; Governor, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majefifs Council, and General Ajfembly of this Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame. That the faid Ad be, and is hereby repealed, to all In- tents and Purpofes, as if tlie fame had never been made. ^ot to extend t(j III, PROVIDED never thelefs, That nothing in this Ad fhall be deemed or «mmenc8d'r"'^ taken, to extend to any Law-Suit already commenced and depending, upon the Breach of the faid Law. CHAP. V. An ASf, for tmpoiioerlng the feveral Commijioners herein after named, t9 make, mend, and repair all Roads, Bridges, CutSj and Water-Courfes, already laid out, or hereafter to be laid out^ in the feveral Counties and DtJlriBs herein after appointed, in fuch Manner as they judge moji ufe* ful to the Public. Commiffioners "^ !• T T 7* E pray that it may be Enaded, And be it Enabled, by his Excellency Kr'cm'tie! W Gabriel Johnfton, Efq; Governor, by and with the Advice and Confent spp.intcd. of his Maje^-'s Council, and General Ajfembly of this Province, and it is hereby For Nnu.Hano- Enaded, by the Authority of the fame. That the County of New- Hanover be di- *#r Count;.. ^jj^g^ .j^^^ ^j^^ p.^^ following Diftrids ; and that the Hon. Roger Moor, Efq-, the Honourable William Forbes, Ffq-, Mr. George Moor, Mr, William Dry, and Mr. John Daniel, be CommiiTioners of the Roads for the Soutlnvefi Diftrid of the faid County; bounded on the North, by Old Town Creek, to the Head thereof-, from thence, by a Line to Wagamaw Lake ; from thence, down the Wagamaw River, to the Boundary Line, including all the Inhabitants on the Neck between the afore- faid Boundary, the Sea, and Cape-Fear River ; and likewife the Inhabitants on the Weft Side of the faid River : And that the Honourable Matthew Rowan, Efq-, Mr. John Davis, Mr. William Waters, and Mr. John Mufgrove, be CommiflTion- crs of the Roads for the Northwefi Diftrid of the faid County ; bounded to the Eafl, by the Northwefi River, and to the South, by 'town Creek, including the great If! and commonly called Eagles, or Buzard Ifland : And that the Honour- able Robert Halton, Efq-, Mr. William Paris, Mr. "Thomas Clark, Mr. Robert Walker, and Mr. John Butherford, lie Commiflioners of the Road* for the EaJ^ Diftrid; LAWS of North-Carolina. 191 Diftrift of the faid County, lying between Cape-Fear River, and the Sea; bound- /^^" '^'^^J ed on the Eaji, by Onflow County, to the Souths by the Sea, to the Weft^^ by "^ • Cape-Fear River, and Smithes Creek, along the Road to Beafley Swamp : And that Mr. 'Thomas Jones^ Mr. Jo[eph Blake, Mr. Charles Harrifon, Mr. Alexander MacCtilkw, and Mr. Alexander Linington, be Commiffioners of the Roads for the Eafl: Side of Jie £1^7? Diftrift of the faid County ; bounded to the Scutb, by Smithes Creek, to the Weft, by the Ncrtheaft River, up to the Head of the fame, to the Eaft, by Henry Bipop's, below, and Onflow County above : And That Mr. Ed- ward Hyrnei Mr. John Swann, Mr. Jeremiah Vail, Mr. John Afloe, and Mr. James Poiavente^ be Commiflloners of the Roads for the Northeaft Branch of Cape-Fear River, as far up as Burgaw Creek, and fo over to Black River, and the North- Weft River, including the whole Neck between the faid Rivers : And that Mr. Jonathan Evans, Mr. 'Timothy Bloodworth, Mr. Evan Jones, Mr. William McRee, Sen. and Mr. John Cook, Jun. be Commiffioners of the Roads for the Weft Side bf the Northeaft Branch of Cape-Fear River, from Burgaw Creek, up to the Head tof the faid River, and including the Branches of Rock-fiflj Creek, II. AND he it further Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaid. That Onflow Coun- For o«/7sw ty be divided into the Four following Diftrifts -, and that Nathaniel Everret, Mr. ^"""^y- John King, Mr. Theophilus Williams, Mr. Hope Dexter, and Mr. Zachariah Fields, be Commiflioners of the Roads for the Southweft Diftri6t of the faid County j bounded by the Southwft Branch of New River, down to the Mouth thereof, and to the Bounds of New-Hanover County : And that Samuel Johnfton, Efqj Mr. John Howard, Mr. Richard Farr, Mr. William Willams, and Mr. Thomas Jenkins^ be Commiflioners for the Northweft Diftrift of the faid County ; bounded by the Southweft Branch of New River, including all the Northweft Branch, bounded by the Northeaft Branch of the faid River : And that Mr. James Foiles, Mr. Edward Ward, Mr. William Shewbridge, Mr. Richard Whithurft, and Mr. Jonathan Melton, be Commiflioners of the Roads for the Northeaft Diftridl, from the Northeaft Branch of New River, down the River, and along the Sound to Bear Creek : And that Mr. John Star key, Mr. Stephen Lee, Mr. Abraham Mttehall, Mr. John Dudley ^ and Mr. John Spooner, be Commiflioners of White-Oak Diltrift, from Bear Creek, and Rocky-Run^ to White-Oak River, including all to the Bounds of Carteret County. III. AND be it further Enabled, hy the Authority aforefaid. That Bladen Cown- F»r Biadin ty be divided into the feveral following Diftridts j and that Mr. Jofe-ph Clark, Mr. °""''' Henry Simmons, Mr. James Carver, Mr. James Grange, Mr. Ralph Miller, Mr. Thomas Brown, and Mr. Thomas White, be Commiflioners of the Roads for the firfl Diflirid:, bounded from Livington^s Creek, to Brown's Creek, on the South- iveft Side of the Northweft River : And that Mr. William Bartram, Mr. Thomas Rufs, and Mr, Edward Jones, be Commiflioners of the Roads for the fecond Dif- trid, from Edward Jones's Mill Creek, down the Neck to Malfby'% Point : And that Mr. Benjeman Fitzrandolph, Mr. William Cain, Mr. James Lyon^ Mr. Tho- mas Robinfon, Mr. Mofes PWmer, and Mr. Nathaniel Piatt, be Commiflioners of the Roads from Brown's Creek, on the Southweft Side of the Northweft River, to Bartram' s Feny: And that Mr. Griffith Jones, Mr. John White, and Mr. Ed- ward Harrifon, be CommifTioners of the Roads on the Northeaft Side of the North- weft River, from Edward Jones's Mill Creek, to Bartram' s Ferry : And that Mr. Daniel MacNeal, Mr. Michael Blocker, Mr. Jonathan Evans, Mr. Thomas Jcnes, and Mr. Richard Richardfon, be Commiflioners of the Roads from Bartram' s Fer- ry, taking in each Side of the River, up to the Head thereof : And that Mr. John Green, Mr. John Handcork, Mr. William Norton, Mr. James Baldwin, and Mr. James Wdfto, be Commiflioners of the Roads for the Marfto Diftrid: : And that Captain John Clark, Mr. Samuel Goodman, Mr. John Hamer, Mr. John Elleby, and Mr. John Mackey, Sen, be Commiflioners of the Roads for the Pee Dee Diftridl, IV. AND lg2 L A JV S of North-Caroli N A. A. D. 1745. V» — „^..~— For Carttrit for Beaufort IV. AND be it further Ena£ied, by ths Authority aforefaid^ That Carteret Coun- ty be divided into the following Didridts j and that Mr. Thomas Lovicky Mr. Ar- thur Mobfon^ and Mr. William Burden^ be Commiflioners of the Roads for the Northeaji Part of Newport River, in Carteret County, begining at the Mouth of the faid River, and runing up Coar Creek, to Craven County, and the Head of Newport River : And that Mr. Carey Codey^ Mr. John Gillet, and Mr, David Shepherdy be Commiffioners of the Roads on the South Side of Newport River, along the Sound to the Bounds of Craven and Onjlow Counties, by the Head of White-Oak River: And that Mr. John Clitherelt, Mr. Stephen Ford^ and Mr. Henry Stanten^ be Commiflioners of the Roads from Beaufort Town, to Coar Creek Bridge : And that Mr. John Simpfon^ Mr. Richard V/ard^ and Mr. Samuel Chadicky be Commiflioners of the Roads from the Court-houfe of the faid County, over North River, and fo to the extream Part of the faid County Erflwardly. V. AND be it further Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid. That Craven County be divided into the following Diftrids ; and that Mr. Francis Dawfon^ Mr. 'Thw mas Perfon^ and Mr. Lewis Bryan^ Sen. be Commiflioners of the Roads from the Mouth of Neus River, on the North Side, to Swift's, Creek : And that Mr. JVil- liam Charlton^ Mf. Lionel Lee^ and Mr. William Peters^ be Commiflioners of the Roads from Swifih Creek, to Contentnee, on the lower Side of the main Creek : And that Mr. Thomas McClendon, Mr. Francis Stringer, and Mr. John Harring^ Jun. be Commiflioners of the Roads from the upper Side of Great Contentnee Creek, to the Bounds of the County : And that Mr. John Loveld, Mr. Jofepb Slocomb, Mr. John Sneall, and Mr. Francis Always, be Coriimiflloners of the Roads from the Mouth of Neus River, on the South Side, to Mill Creek : And that Mr. Robert Howard, Mr. John Hillyard, and Mr. Abraham Buffet, be Com- miflioners of the Roads from Mill Creek, to the upper Part of the County : And that Mr. Richard Lovett, Mr. Adam Moore, Mr. Chrijlian EJler, Mr. George McCarty, and Mr. Jacob Sheets, be CommifTioners of the Roads from the Town of Newbern, to the Head of Trent River, along the North Side of the faid River : And that Mr. Richard Nixfon, Mr. John Fonveille, and Mr. Cornelius Loften^ be Commiflioners of the Roads from Newbern, to the Southwijl Creek, on the South Side of Neus River : And that Mr. Mark Phillips, Mr. John Smith, and Mr. John Slocomb, be Commiflioners from Southwefi Creek, to the upper Line of the County. VI. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That Beaufort County fhall be divided into the following Diftrids j and that Mr. James Thomas^ Mr. William Phipps, Mr. William Carruthers, and Mr. Jofiah Jones, be Com- miflioners of the Roads from Broad Creek below Bay River, to the main Road, including each Side of the faid River, on the South Side of Pamptico River : And that Mr. Abraham Prit chard, Mr. John Tripp, and Mr. John Bond, be Commif- lioners of the Roads from Goofe Creek, to Durham^ Creek, and from Durham' & Creek, to the Boundary Line of Craven County : And that Mr. Benjamin Peyton, Mr. Thomas Williams, Mr. Reading Blunt, Mr. William Peyton, and Mr. William Dunbar, be Commiflioners of the Roads from Durham's Creek, to Chockowinity, and to the Boundary Line of Craven County : And that Mr. Edward Salter, Mr. Thomas Tyfon, and Mr. John Hardy, be Commiflioners of the Roads from Chock- owinity, to the Line of the County : And that Mr. James Adams, Mr. Daniel hlenn, Mr. George Nixfon, and Mr. James Brown, be Commiflioners of the Roads horn Hyde County, bounding on PnV^'s Creek, to Bath-Town: And that Mr. John Barrow, Mr. William Martin, Mr. Robert Boyed, Mr. Samuel Boutwell, and Mr. Simon Jones, be Commiflioners of the Roads from Bath-Town, to the Flatt Swamp, bounding on Tyrrel County ; and alfo from Bath-Town, to Tranter''^ Bridge : And that Mr. Seth Pilkington^ Mr. George Moy^ Sen. Mr. William Mace, Mr. LAWS o/' North-Carolina. iq^ ■ ■—I — ,, — — - I -.■.■.■^.- - ■ II -■■■ I ■^.^■ll■ I .lli^fc, !■.—»■»■ i« II > ■> ■! I H *. I < ^ Mr. John Burne)\ and Mr. y^??;;/'^ Barrow^ be Commiflioners of the Roads irom ^- ■'^ '"^^v l'ranier'% Creek, to Edgcomb Count/. y— Vlli AND he it further Enacted^ hyythe Authority aforefaid. That /^i.? Coun- Forii> *"■•"'" 16 1<» fuch as are hcrealttr excepted,) ihall be fummoned to work on the high Roads, theKoJs?'' '"'' within their Lveral Diftrict-s, by fuch Fcrfon or Pcrfons as fhall be appointed, by a fpecial Warrant from the CommifTioncrs of each Diftrid:, or the Majority of them ; and if any i'eribn or Pcrfons appointed to fummon the Male Taxables, Penalty en p^- to them. as aforefaid, fhall refufe or neglt6t his Duty, as herein after direded, for every j^^"] „'"'?'' fuch OiTcnce, he fhall forfeit the Sum of Five Pounds, Proclamation Money, fummon"! X. A.ND be it further EnaEled, by the Authority aforefaid. That every War- v/amnt to fum- rant to fummon the Taxables, as aforefaid, fhall be under the Hands and Seals ^e°" a'' ?*b "h* of the Commiflioners of the Diftrid, or the Majority of them ; which Warrant Comm.ffioni^s, * Ihall exprefsly mention the Place where fuch Taxables fhall meet, the Number j^"^*^^"''"'"* of Days they are to work, and that they bring with them Provifion fufiicient for the Time, and fuch fuitable Tools as the CommilTioners fliall dired, and alfb fliali mi-ntion the Commiflioncr or CommilTioners Names vv^ho are to infpedthem, 2s alio the Overfeer or Overfecrs Names who are to ovtrfee them ; and every Per- TithaWes to f>e fon or Pcrfons to whom fuck Warrant is diredcd, fliall perfonaJly fummons all Da^sSe?' Mafters or Miftreires of Familie"?, and Overfeers of Plantations, where there is no meet. Maltcr or Miftrcfs prefent, at leaft Eigiit Days before the Time appointed for * working, to caufe all Male Tax*abks in their Families, liable by Law to work on tiie Roads, to appear at the Place appointed, ^with fuitable Tools as aforefaid, and Provifions, and there to work on the Roads, Bridges, and Cuts, during fuch 'i'imc as is in the Warrant exprefsly mentioned.' XI. AND be it further EnaSfed, by the Authority aforefaid. That all the Com- Commi/rmneH to miiTionefs herein appointed for each Diflrid, and their Succefibrs, fhall meet at y^^^^ 'to"dct-r the Court-houfe in the Diftrid, and where there is no Court-houfe, at fuch Place C c c withini 1 94 LAWS ^/'North-CarolinAo ^. D. 174? within the Diiln<5t where the Majority of the Commiflloners fhall think fit to ap- V— ^ — point, by Notice under their Hands, at leail Twice in each Year, vi-z. Ihe Men- fout R!)ad"r^^^ ^V ^fter Flafter Monday, and on the firit Monday in Auguft, Yearly, and ottener to Jar out !"•'''«« if the Majority of the Commiflioners fhall chink fit ; and the Majority of the Com- °* '' '" miffioners fo met, are hereby impowered to determine all Difputes which ihall or may arife concerning Highways, Bridges, private Paths, and Cuts, already niade, or that Ihall be made hereafter •, alfo, upon the Petition of any of the In- habitants, where Lands are fo hemmed in by other Perfons Lands, that they have no PaiTage to the next High Road or Landing •, to lay out, or cauie to be laid out» a Road or Way to the next High Road or Landing, to be laid out, mrtde, and kept in Repair, at the private Expence of the Per Ion or Perfons petitioning, with as little Damage as pofiibly may be to the Owner of thofe Lands through which the faid Road or Way mult necefTarily pafs : And if there arc, or hereafter QndW be, any confiderable Number of Inhabitants fettled in fuch Places where the Roads already laid out arc not convenient for them to go to the next County Court, or Town, in fuch Cafe, upon the Petition of fuch Inhabitants to the CommifTioners of their refpe6five Diflrifts, it fhall and may be lawful for fuch Commiflioncrs, and they are hereby impowered to lay out, or caufe to be laid out, a Road ^for them to fuch Court-houfe or Town, at the Charge of fuch Petitioners, -having due Regard to do as little Damage to fuch Perfons Lands or Plantations where the faid Roads mufl i-jecelTarily go, as is poffible ; and the faid Perfons fo petiti- oning, fhall be liable, for not working, making, and keeping fuch Road, laid out as aforefaid, in good Repair, to all the Penakies inflided by this A<^ on Per- fons for not working on the High Roads. (^^rtim-mrftsrstrt XII. AND he it fnrther Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid. That the Ma- thTunads Vo one P^'^^f ^^ ^^'^ CommiiTioners of each Diftrift, at any of their Meetings, fhall allot another, snd to to any CommiiTioncr or Commiflloners of fuch Diflrift, a particular Part of the *llT^7ni%- Road, to be under his or their Infpedion, whether it be to repair an old Road, point the Time make 3 ncw one, or to make or repair a Bridge, or a Cut ; and the CommifTioner ribif/nh are to or GommifTioners fo appointed, is and are hereby impowered to nommate an ^^ork at, not ex- Ovetfecr for that Part of the Work under his or their Infpedtion, and fhall alfo, i^Vvw" '^' at the fame Meeting, appoint the Time when, and Place where, the Inhabitants fliall work, not exceeding Twelve Days in One Year, (except as is herein after excepted,) in fuch Manner as they Ihall be direfted, by the Commiflioner or Com- miflloners appointed to dire6t them, or as they fhall be directed by the Overfeer or Overfeers by him or them appointed, when fuch Commiflioner or Commif- fioners fliall be abfent ; 'and the faid Overfeers fliall alfo fhew their faid Vv^rrant to any Perfon they fummon, if required fo to do : And if any of the Perfons to whom the faid ^Varrant is direfted, cannot find the Party fo to be fummoned, then, and in fuch Cafe, he fhall, at lead Eight Days before the Time appointed to work, leave a Note, in Writting, of the Time and Place appointed to work,- with fomc Perfon in the Family of the Perfon to be fummoned ; which Note fo left, fhall be accounted a legal Summons. •^ommimoner. XIII. PRO FID E D always. That no CommifTioner or Commiflloners fhall v^art^under'thdJ bc liable to Profccution for any Default or Defaults in the Roads, Bridges, and infp=aion. Cuts, but for that Parfunder his or their particular Infpection. perfonj nfgicft- XIV, AND bc it further Efiacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any TuhabieT'' to'" perfon* after having been duly fummoned, as aforefaid, fhall neglect or refufe to ftrfiit jV. 8d, fend all the Male Taxables in his or her Family, and if a Mafler of a Family, to go himfelf, fuch Perfon fo neglecting or refufing, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Two Shillings and Eight Pence, Proclamation Money, per Diem, for each and every Taxable in his or her Family liable to work, who fhall be abfent any Day or Days he or they ought to work, as aforefaid.- XV. PRO LAWS of N ORT H-C A R O L I N A. 195 XV. PROVIDED nevenhelefs^ That if any Perfon who is a Defaulter, -V— Dfjui (hall, within Ten Days after the Time is expired for working on the Roads, go fl.ew Caufe of to the next Cominiflloner and Ihew him fufiicient Caufe, why he or his laxablcs p^'''^"'^* '" ** were abfent, or did not work, at the Time appointed, or if he was obHgtd, by ^^ ' fome extraordinary Occafionj to Itay at Home hunfelf, or to keep funic of his TaxabJes at Home -, in fuch Cafe he fhail be allowed to make good the Dthcien- cy, by working on the Roads, in fuch Place as he fhall be diredled by the faid CommilTioners, or laid out by the faid Overfeer, as a proper Talk, by Order of fuch Commillioncr, with fucii a Number of good and able Men as will tuUy make up the Deficiency, withia Twenty Days alter the Time for working Ihall be ex- pired i at which Time the C^mmiffioners of each Diftri6l are hereby required to meet, and ililie their Warrant or Warrants of Diftrefs to levy the Fines and For- feitures, in this Ad: mentioned, on tiic Eftate or Eftates of all fuch Defaulters who have not made good their Deficiencies, or given fulHcient Excufes* as aiforefaid. XVI. AN D be ii further Ena£fed, by the Authority aforefaid^ That if any Commiffioners u CommilTioner or Commiffioners Ihail refufe or neglect to fend all his Male Taxa- ^Je t' thabi«. bles to work on the faid Roads, fueh Commiflaoncr or Commillioners fhall be li- able to pay all fuch Sums of Money as any other Defaulters mentioned in this A61 ; to be recovered by a Warrant of Diftref;, ifluing out of the Court of the County where fuch Commiflionir or CommilHoncrs dwell, to be levied upon his v or their Goods and Chattels, in fuch Manner as is herein by this Adt direifed and provided, againft any other Perfon or Perfons offending therein. XVI r. AN D be it further EnaSied^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That if any Perfons wiih- Perfon withdraw his Taxables out of any Diftri<5l after they are fummoned, it i;''J:|'"?f^^''^^''" , (hall and may be lawful for the Commiirioner or Commiffioners of fuch Diilri6t, any Dibia aftc» to ilTue out his or their Warrant of Dillrcfs againft the Mailer, Millrefs, or Cver- ^;'"?''''"?'^'>"^'f. leer or fuch Taxables fo offending, and levy, upon the Goods and Chattels of ifrue their war. fuch Offender, all fuch Fines or Sums of Money as are herein before diredledi ac- IgaU^he^of* cording to the Number of Taxables fo withdrawn or carried out of fuch Diftridt. <^'^der.. XVIII. AND whereas there*are feveral vagrant Perfons who have no fixt '^^'^"''°f^^^- Abode or Settlement, and who negleft and refufe to work on the Roads •, Be it joumen.^ " there[roceea;«g.tob. XXII. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid^ That where hui whre two Xwo DiitHfts ate divided by any River or Creek, and the Commiffioners of ei- Jlfrf^v.cr.dc"; ther defire to build a Bridge over fuch River or Creek, they fhall give Notice to and the Com- jj^g Commiffioncrs of the other Diftrift of the Day and Time they will meet them^ ZTJmI Bddge as near the Place as may be where the Bridge fhall be propofcd to be built •, and over it. j.|^g j-^j^ Commiffioners of the Two feveral Diftrids, or the Majority of thofe of each Diftricfl, being fo met, are hereby impowered to agree with proper Perfons to build fuch Bridge : And the Commiffioners of each of the faid refpedive Dif- tri£ts, or the Majority of them, are alfo hereby impowered to raife Money, fuf- ficient to difcharge the Expence of fuch Bridge, in their feveral Diftrifts, that is to fay, one Half on one Diftrid, and one Half on the other, by laying a Levy, fo as the fame do not exceed One Shilling, Proclamation Money, for One Year, on the Taxables liable to work on the Roads in each of the faid Diftrids -, to be colleded by the Sheriff of the County wherein fuch Diftrids are, at the fame Time and Manner as other Taxes are. m.ade payable, and to be colleded, and Ihall be accounted for and p'aid by the Sheriff, to the Commiffioners of fuch Diftrids where the fame fliali be collected j for which the Sheriff fliall have Six fer Cent. ^ XXIII. AND foras-much as feveral Counties are^Ow divided by fmall Rivu- lets or Creeks, wliere Bridges over the fame may be made, and kept in Repair, rro«e<5iBg,tobe wlthout laying a Levy on the Taxables of each County ; It is therefore hereby t'j^^heroCun- £fjactedy That the Two next Commiffioners to the faid Run, living in the differ- Oeekl'''" ' ^ ent Counties, may be, and are hereby impowered, to ifiue Summons for fuch Number of Taxables in their refpective Diftricts as they fhall judge proper, for making and repairing fuch Bridges -, and the Taxables fo working, fhall be al- lov/ed the fame Time from working upon any other Roads in their Diftrict: And if any Perfon or Perfons, liable to work upon the Roads, fhall neglect or refufe to comply with, and ob-y fuch Summons -as aforefaid, he or they fhall fortcit and pay the Sum of Two Shillings and Eight Pence, Proclamation Money, for every Day he or they fhall fo neglect or refufe. tr,rr.m-(tiwri 10 XXIV. A N D be it further Ena£fed, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any SivS'th" Bridge Hoall be broken down or carried away by Frefhcs, or if by iaiiing of Trees ^.'iii dear. acrofs thc Roads, the Paffnge of the fame is interrupted, the Commiflioner or Veep Sridges in gj-j^g^ f]^.^jj j^^ broken down or carried away by Frefhcs, or if by iaiiing of Trees acrofs thc Roads, the Paffnge of the fame is interrupted, the Commiflioner or Commiffioners of the Diila-icts in which fuch Accident may happen, fhall iffue hln LAWS ^ N O R T H - C A R O L I N A. I 97 his or their Warrant or Warrants to fummons as many Taxables as may be able ^ ^- '^-is- CO mend fach Bridge, or move fuch Trees, and otherwile repair any unpafTable ^''^ — "^ ' Jkoad, allowing the Ferlbns ib working as many Days at the next General Time of working. XXV. AND'he it farther Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Penalty on Pew Perfon fhall ftop up, or any way damage any of the Roads, Bridges, Cuts, or ^"'"' '*'''?■"£ "? Water-Courfes, now made, or hereafter to be made, by the Commiliioners atore- "^ ^' '^' faid, or any of them, or alter or damage the private Roads by them laid out to a Landing, or Public Road, the Commiflloners, or the Majority of then*, in the Diftrict where fuch Oftcnce fliall be committed, Ihall order the Party fo offend- ing immediately to clear and repair the fame ; and in Cafe of Ref ufal, the Party offending Ihall forfeit and pay fuch Sum or Sums of -Money, as the Majority of the Commiliioners of fuch Diftricts ihall find lufhcient to repair fuch Damage. ' XXVr. AND he it further EnaBcd, by the Authority aforefaid. That each commiffion^rs t6 Commiffioners of each and every Diflricl, or the Majority of them, are hereby '^>" t« anAcco. impowered and required to call to Account, upon Oath, all former and prcfent \H^i^ir^^Zy Commiffioners and Officers, to whom any Money hath been, or hereafter Ihall ^f^m Defaulter, be paid, by Viitue of any Warrant on Defaulters for not working heretofore on the Roads, an(SJ to appoint any one of the faid Commiffioners to receive the ilime ; and upon Refufahor Negled; of Payment, it fliall and may be lawful for the faid Commiffioners of fuch Diflnd, or the Majority of them, to ifiuc their Warrant, directed to the Sheriff of the County, to diftrain the Goods and Chattels of the Perfon or Peribns fo refufing or negleding to pay the fame, and the Goods lb diflrained Ihall be, by the Sheriff, Ibid at Public Vendue, fo far as will amount to the Sum which fuch Pcrlbn ought to account for and pay, as aforefaid ; and the Money fo levied, ihall be paid to the Commiffioners appointed to receive the fame, as aforefaid. XXVIL AND be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Proceedings a. Commiffioners \i\ the fcveral Diftrids of this Province,, iliall have full Power and e-"'"* ^'f'"^""' Authority, and they are hereby authorized and impowered, to fummons all Per- fons, whom they fiilpecl as Defaulters in working on the high Roads, in the feveral Diftrids where .fuch Perfons rcfide, by a Note, in Writing, under the Hand of one or more of the Commiffioners, appointing the Time when, and Place where, they fhall meet, which fhall be within Three Months after the Ra- tification of this Ad ;■ and fliall caufe all Perfons who have been Overfeers of the higii Roads, and all other Perfons whom they believe can make Proof againfl Defaulters, as aforefaid, to appear before them •, and on due Proof made, by the Oath of any one credible Perlbn, or the Confeffion of the Party or Parties, of fuch Default or Defaults, the Commiffioners, or the Majority of them, at the faid Meeting, fliall order luch Defaulter or Defaulters to work on the Roads for the Space of Six Days only, at one Time, until he or they have made good the whole Deficiency, within Six Months after the Ratification of this Ad ; and in Cafe fuch Defaulter or Defaulters fhall negled or refufe to work as aforefaid, or refufe to pay his or their fcveral Fines and Forfeitures, due for his or their De- fault or Defaults, the faid Commiflioners, or the Majority of them, are hereby impowered and required to levy, by Warrant, on fuch Defaulter or Defaulters, fuch Sum or Sums of Pvloney {f North-Carolina. ^ D i;4v it rtmains in fo naked and dcttncelefs a Condition as it now is : Therefore, fof V — ..^— ^ ^\^^ better fecuring of the Inhabitants of the faid River from any Infult and Invafion, IT. W E pray that it may be Ena(^ed, And he li Ena^ed^ hy his Excellency Ga- ^^Tnu^^T^e- '^''^^^ Johnfton, Efq; Governor, hy ar.d with the Advice and Cortfent cf his Majejiy^s reft the Fort, Coumil^ and General AJfemhly of this Province, cmd it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame, rhat his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, Efq; Governor, the Honourable Nathaniel Rice, Robert Halton, Eleazer Allen, Matthew Rowan, Edward M'-feley, Roger Moore, JVilliam Forbes, Efqrs. and Col. James Innes, Wilham Fans, Efq-, Major John Swanv, and George Mocre, Efqj be, and are hereby appointed Commiflioners-, who, or the Majority of them, fhall have full Power and Authority to ereft and build a Fort or Battery, in fuch Place on the lower i'arts of Cape-Fear River, as to the Majority of them fhall feem moft con- venient, for the Defence of the faid RiVer : Which Fort or Battery fhall be called Johnfton's, Fort, and fhall be large enough to contain, at leaft. Twenty Four Cannon, with Barracks, and other ConveniencieSj for Soldiers. i*ov»der-Money \\\. A N D fof defraying the Charges of building fuch Fort or Battery, Be it buMn^itf ^"'' Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Powder-Money already paid to the Naval Officer of Port Brunfwick, or to the Commiflioners of Navigation of the faid Port, fince the Sixtli Day of March, One Thoufand Seven Plundred and Thirty Eight-, by Virtue of an Adof Affembly, intituled. An Act, for facilita- ting I he Navigation of the fever al Ports of this Prcoince, and for Buoying and Bea- coning the Channels leading from Ocacock hdet, to Ed'enton, Bath-Town, and Newbern, and from Topfail Inlet, to Beaufort Town,^ and other Ports and Inlets Within the faid Province herein mentioned, and for providing fufficient Pilots, for the fafe Conduct of Vejfels ; and all Powder-Money which fhall hereafter arife, by Veflels coming into the faid Port of Brunfwick, fhall be applied, by the Commif- fioners afordaid, or the Majority of them, (after dedudting a Sum fufficient for finifhing the Polling and Staking out the Channel between Brunfwick, and Wil- mington, not exceeding the Sum of Fifteen Pounds, Proclamation Money,) ta the Charge of buildmg and erecting the faid Fortification as aforefaid, and to no cthir I'urpofe or Ufe whatfoever ; any Thing in the faid Ad to the contrary, notwithflanding. Na«i offictr to IV. A N D he it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the feveral aecunt with the Naval Officers of the Port of Brunfwick, or other Pcrfons, who have any of the foraTi Powder- Powder- Money of, or belonging to the faid Port, in their Hands-, and the Naval Money. Officer who fliall hereafter receive any Powder-Money of or for that Port, fhall, when called upon by the aforefaid Commiffioners, or the major Part of them, ap- pear before them, and fettle their Account, upon Oath, and pay to the faid Com- miflioners, or the Majority of them, or their Order, all fuch Sum and Sums of Monty already received, or which fiiall hereafter be received by him or them ; and a Keceipt, under the Hands of the faid Commiflioners, or their Order, fhall be a fufficient Difcharge to the faid Officer, for fuch Sum or Sums of Money fo paid. isiav»iofficer,&:c. V. A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any fuch fuct'^i"L'jrto Perfon or Peffons, who have already received any Powder-Money as afore-men- forfdt 40 ). ' tioned, or who hath any fuch Money in his tiands, or who hereafter fhall receive any fuch Money, fhall, upon dtie Notice given, refufe to appear to account, up- on Oath, and pay the Money due from him or them, he or they fo refufing or neglecting, fhall forfeit the Sum of Forty Pounds, Proclamation Money ; to be recovered, by the Commiflioners, or the Majority of them, by Adtion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in the General Court of this Province, wherein ho Pro- LAWS ^"North-Carolina. 7,01 — -f A. D. 1745 Proteclion, Injunction, or Wager of Law, lliall be allowed or admitted of, and applied to\A^ards building the uud Fort ; and fhall be alfo Jiable to an Adion for all fuch Sums of Money as are in his or their Hands, at the Suit of the Commif- fioners aforelaid, or the major Part of them. VI. AND be it further Ena^ed, by the Authority afore faid. That if any one N^mberofCum- or more or the Commiiuoners beiore mentioned, Ihall die, or remove out ot this kept up. Province, or retuf;; to a6t, that in fuch Cafe it fhall and may be lawful for the Majority of the remaining Com miffioners, to recommend double the Number of the Perfon or Perfons fo dying, leaving the Province, or refufing to adlr, to his Excellency the Governor or Commander in Chief for the Time being, out of which he is hereby impowcred to appoint one or more Commiffioners to a6t in the Room of fuch fo dying, leaving the Province, or refufing to act, as aforefaid : And fuch Ccmmiilioner or Commiffioners fo appointed, fhall have the fame Po, *^r, by and with the. Advice and Confent of his Majefifs Council, and the General ZtT^^xSk 202 LA W S o/'North-Carolina. yf . D '745. JJfembly cf this Province, and by the Authority cf the fame. That the prefent . — ^ Churchwardens and Veftrymen of the Parifti ot Chriji-Cburch, together with F3wer"''to '"call Johu Fonvielk, Edward Bryan, and Chrifiopher-Gregory Hobbs, be, and are here- the former Com- bv appointed Commiflioners, in th'j Room, Place, and Stead of the faid J^^Z/mw AccounTyr" aU JVUfon, Adam Moore, and George Roberts, deceafed, with full Power and Autho- Monies i,y them j.j(.y ^^ j,^|j fo Account the fomicr Commiffioncrs, for all the Monies by them col- lefted and received, to and for the Ufe of the faid Church, and frorii any other Perfon or Perfons who may have any of the faid Monies in their Hands •, and in Cafe of Negled or Refufal of any of the furviving Commifiioners, or the Heirs or Executors of thofe deceafed Commifiioners, or any other Perfon or Perfons, as aforefaid, upon the Demand of the Majority of the prefent Commiflioners, Churchwardens, and Veftrymen, only to Jtccount and pay down all fu'ch Sum and Sums of Money as are remaining due and unpaid in their Hands to the pre- fent Churchwardens and Commiflioners, as aforefaid, who are hereby impowered to give Difcharges for the fame, that then, and in fuch Cafe, fuch Commiflloner or Commiflioners, or the Pleirs, P^xecutors, or Adminiftrators of thofe deceafed Perfons, or other Perfon or Perfons concerned therein, Ifiall forfeit and pay, unto the prefent Churchwardens and Commiflioners, the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, Proclamation Money •, and further, fliall be liable to an Action, at the Suit of the Commiflioners and Churchwardens, for all fuch Sum and Sums ot Money as fliall appear he or they are fo in Arrear •, which faid Sum of One Hundred Pounds, Proclamation Money, fhall be applied for and towards finifliing, compleating, and building the faid Church. Commiffiontrs to jn. A N B be it EnaEfed, by the Authority aforefaid. That in Cafe there fliould fin'i'fhihe Church not appear to be a fufiicicnt Sum of Money in the Hands of the former Commif- if not fufficient fioncrs. Or in the Hands of the Heirs, Executors, or Adminifliratorsof thofe Com- .ireadycoiieaed. j^^j^jo^ers dcccafed, to finifli the faid Church, that then, and in fuch Cafe, it fhall and may be lawful for the prefent Churchwardens and Veftry, together with the prefent Commiflioners, to lay fuch a Levy as v/ill be fufficient for the com- T pleating the fame, with as much Expedition as pofiibly may be : Any Thing herein contained to the contrary, notwithftanding. CHAP. VIII. An A6f, to add that Part of the Province called Mattamufkeet, and Lake, to Hyde County. Preamble. I. TTTHEREAS the Inhabitants of Mattamufkeet, and the Lake, for W thefe many Years paft, have been obliged to attend Currituck County Court, being from their Habitations upwards of One Hundred Miles, through a bleak and dangcrofis Sound, which is always attended with great Fatigue, and often Times there Lives expofed to great Danger, and trequcntly, by contrary Winds, difappointed of their Paflages, and detained from their Families : For Remedy whereof for the future, Miitsmujkeet H. W E pray it may be Enaftcd, And it is hereby EnaBed, hy his Excellency %ZLlTy °' Gabriel Johnfl:on, Efq; Governor, by' and with the Advice and Confent cf his Majefifs Council, and General Affembly of this Province, and by the Authority of the fame, Th^t MattaMuJkeet, and the Lake thereunto belonging, fliall, from henceforward, be accounted, taken, reckoned, and deemed Part ot Hyde County ; and that the Inhabitants thereof fliall be fubjcd and liable to the fame Orders, Rules, and Taxes, as any other of the Inhabitants of the faid County ijn:, or here- after fliall be i any Law, Cuftom, or Ufage, to the contrary, notwitliftanding. C H "A P. L A V/ S of North-Carolina. ^q-, A. D. 1745. C H A p. IX, ^->^ An AB, to impower the C9nwvj]ioners for the Tonvn of Edentoiij to keep in Repair the Town Fence, and to creB afid build a Pound, Bridges, Public Wharf, and Market-houfe ; as alfo to ereB and build a School- houfe in the faid T^own, and other Purpofes fherei?i mentioficd. "< I. 13 -E 'i Ena^ed, by his Excelkncy Gabriel Johnflon^ £/j-, Govirnor, by and comm^ffioners w B vnth the Advice and Confent of his Majejly's Council, and General Af- j'^i Ijy a Tax on the ibitants fembly of this Provincey and by the Authority of the fame. That the Commifiioners '^=^1' th.; x.wn already appointed, ftr who (hall hereafter be appointed for the laid Town, or the inRlp'a'ir. ''''"'' Majority of them, are hereby authorized and impowered, by the Name of the CommiiTioners of Edenton, from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter, to lay a Tax on the Inhabitants of the faid Town, not exceeding Eight Pence, Pro- clamation Money, per Annum, on each and every Lot, poffefied by each and every Perfon or Perfons refiding within the faid Town, for to keep the Town Gates, and Fence round the faid Town, in good Repair -, which Tax fhall be Annually colledied and levied b^ a Perfon, Irom Time to Time, to be appointed by the Commillioners of the faid Town, or the Majority of them, and by the faid Commifiioners, or Majority of them, applied for the Ufes and Purpofes be- fore mentioned ; and on Non-p4yment of the faid Tax, the Perfon appointed to colle6t the fame, is hereby impowered to make Diflrefs on the Goods and Chat- ^ tels of fuch Perfon who fhall rcfufe to pay the fame, and to fell the fame at Pub- lic Vendue, and the Overplus, if any, to return to the Owner, after paying the faid Tax, and the Coils of fuch Diftrefs. II. AND be it further Ena&ed, by the Authority afcrefaid. That no Perfon N«ne but inhabit or Perfons whofocver, except the Inhabitai;!:s of the faid I'own, Ihall keep, or stocV^^TowS' caufe to be kept, any Horfe, Cattle, or Sheep, .within the faid Town, under the on P«:n. of 20 s.' Penalty of Twenty Shillings, Proclamation Money, for each and every Offence ; to be recovered and applied as in this Ad is hereafter direded. III. AND he it further EnnSfed, by the Authority afore faid. That none of what Number of the Inhabitants of the laid Town, fhall keep, .or caufe to be kept, running at ff l^'^ ^"i'^'''" .,.,» 1" '■ , •* o tants may keep, large withm the Bounds or the faid Town, more than Six Head of Sheep, one Cow, and one Horfe, for one Lot, and fo in Proportion for each and every Lot by him, her, or them fo poifelfed, under the Penalty of Twenty Shillings, Pro- clamation Money, for each and every Offence ; to be recovered and applied as in this Ad is hereafter direded. ' IV. AN D be it further EnaSfed, by the Authority afcrefaid^ That the Com- Commiffioners to miffioners of the faid Town, or the Majority of them^ are hereby authorized and n'Jii'J.esf w"hnrf, -impowered, to erect and build a Pound, i^ridges. Public Wharf, Market-houfe, Markct'-home,' and School-houfe, in fuch Public Places in the faid Town as they, or the Ma- hots'"""'" jority of them, Ihali think mofl convenient, for the Eafe and Advantage of the Inhabitants of the faid Town : And for defraying the Expence of building and ereding tlie find Pound, Bridges, Public Wharf, Markt-t-houfe, and School- houfe, the f lid Commiffioners fhall be allowed and paid, out of the Money alrea- dy^arifcn, and not appUed, and which li> rtaftcr fhall arife, by the Sale of Lots' in the faid Town ; any Law, Ufage, orCuifom, to the contrary, notwithftanding. t V-'V. AND he it further Enacted, by the Authority afore faid. That the feveral Penalties how xt, ■: Penalties in^this Ad mentioned, Ihall be recovered by a Warrant before Two of t^^'"'^ '"* *.his Majsfty's Jufcices of the Peace, and be applied, by the Majority of the Com- »-'■"' i miflioners 204 LAWS of North-Carolina. A. D. J74S. niiffioners of the faid Town, towards the erefting and building the faid Pound, V ^ J Bridges, Public Wharf, Market-houfe, and School- houfe. G ommiflioners VI. A N D be it further Enacted^ by the Authoriiy aforefaid^ That the Commif- natkns, 'for the fioncrs of Edentoti may receive Donations and Subfcriptions, towards defraying Schooi.houfe. jj^g Expences of building the School-houfe in the faid Town, and apply the fame acco?;dingly ; and may, in their Names, or in the Names of the Commiffioners for the Time being, commence Suits or Actions for the Recovery of any Sums, given or fubfcribed to be paid, for the Purpofe atorefaid, by any Perfon or Per- fons whofoever. P/e»mtIe. C H A P. X. An ASiy for the better regulating the To'wn of Wilmington, and for con- frming and efiablifnng the late Survey of the fame, with the Plan annexed. I. "CTTHEREAS the Inhabitants, and the greateft Part of the Proprietors y Y of the Town ot Wilmington^ iiave been at a very confiderable Expence in a Re-furvey, and forming of an exaft Plan, of the laid Town ; and being unanimous in petitioning for the fame to be eftablifhcd by a Law : •onfirmld." °*" ^^ 5 E it EuaEled^ by his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, E[q^ -, Governort by and with the Advice and Con font of his Majefiy^s Council., and Central Ajjemlly of this Province^ and by the Authority of the fame ^ That the faid Plan, as annexed, Ihall be, for ever hereafter, the true and exa<5t Plan of the faid Town •, by a Reltrence to which, all Difputes in Regard to Streets, Squares, Lots, and their Boundaries, are to be determined for the future. Differences about III. BUT whercas by the Unfkilfulnefs of former Surveyors, and Negleft of H^ufes"^&e? hf ^hs Proprietors, the Courfe of the Streets, and Bounds of the Squares and Lots, the Town, how wcrc ncvef properly afcertained; by which many Houfes are mifplaced, feme in- *"*' croaching upon the Streets^ and others upon the Lots of their Neighbours : For Remedy whereof. Be it EnaUiedy by the Authority aforefaid^ That all fuch Houfes as are now built, either wholly* or in Part, upon the Streets, fhall be allowed to remain fo till they decay and fall to Ruin ; but as foon as the Owner of fuch Houfe or Houfes may refolve to repair or rebuild the fame, the Street or Streets fhall be by him cleared of all Rubbifli, and he be obliged to build fuch Houfe or Houfes upon his or their Lot or Lots, under the Penalty of Fitty Pounds, Pro- clamation Money ; to be recovered and applied as is herein after direded : And where any Ov/ner or Proprietor has the Whole, or any Part, of his Houfe or Houfes on his Neighbour's Lot or Ground, in fuch Cafe it fhail and may be law- ful for the Party fo injured, by being deprived of Part of his Lot or Ground by his Neighbour's Houfe, or any Part of it being built upon his, to give Notice, in Writing, to the Owner or Proprietor of fuch Houfe or Floufes, to remove what of the fame is on fuch Perfon's Lot or Ground, in Six Months after Date j which he Ihall be obliged to do, under Penalty of Fifty Pounds, Proclamation Money -, to be recovered in the Supreme Court of this Province, by the Fiirty fo injured, and to be appplied to his proper Ufe, and to no other Purpofe whatfotvcr i Neverthelefs, the Owner or Proprietor of a Houfe or Houfes, having Brick Chim* neys, or Brick Cellars, may be at Liberty, and he is hereby allowed, to pay a Ground Rent for what Part he incroachcs upon his Neighbour, v/here Notice or Warning was not before given of fuch Incroachmcnt j which Rent, and all Dif- puccfl /. L A IV S o/" North-Caro L I N A. 205 ' '■'■<: putvTS ahiiiig about Incroachmcnts and Damages upon Lots already committed, (hall b; determined by the Commiffioners of the faid Town, to be ehofen as here- in ait.r direiSted. V?. D. 1745 >»— — .^ — . IV. AND be it further Enacted^ hy the Authority aforefaid. That every Com- Compiamts to be plaint of Nufances, by Lumber or Rubbifh lying upon the Streets, or Wharfs, S^^^^J;^,;^' Dangers of Fire, arifing from Wooden Chimnies, or any fuch hazardous Build- ings, (hall be determined by the Com.miiTioners as aforefaid. * V. AND that proper Care may be taken in the Choice of Commlflloners, tieaionofCom- Be it Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Eledcion of Commiffioners '"''^'"""S' fhall be. Yearly, and every Year, by the Freeholders of the {liid Town, by Bal- lot, as directed in the Law for Regulating the Elections of Members of Aflem- bly, and that the Number of Five, and no more, fhall be ehofen CommifTionera Annually, every New- Year's Day, except when fuch Day falls upon a Sunday, in which Cafe the Ele6tion to be on the Monday following ; and Two Perfons, to be ehofen by the Majority of the Inhabitants, as Infpedors of the Ballot, fliall attend, and declare who are duly elefled CommiiTioners, in the fame Manner as in the Law for Regulating Ele6tions of Aflfembly : And that upon the faid Five Com- miiTioners being ehofen, and their Names properly entered in the Journal of the Proceedings of the Town, they fhall, before tliey enter upon their Office, take the following Oath : I A. B. do fwear, 'That I will execute the Office of a Commiffiomr, faithfully and Their Oatjt^ truly, "without Favour or Affe^ion, or Prejudice •, and in all Things act for the Good of the faid Town, and the well governing of it, to the befi of my Skill and Judgment* So help me God^ VI. AND that the faid Town of TVihnington may be mofe regularly fupplied Markets fettle*, with Provifions, Be it Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That Thurfdays and Saturdays, in every Week, are hereby appointed Market Days, for all Kinds of Provifions and Goods whatfoever ; and the Commiflioners of the faid Town, for the Time being, are hereby impowered to pafa fuch Orders as they may judge proper, for the better Regulating the faid Markets, for preventing tainted or un- wholfome Provifions being fold, for the better bringing to Juflicc, or profecu- ting according to Law, in the Civil Courts of this Province, all Foreftallers of the Market, private marketing, or buying or dealing with Negroes bringing Provifions or other Goods without proper Tickets from their Mafters, MiftrelTes^ or Overfeers, for preventing all irregular Mobbs and Cabals by Negroes and others, efpecially on Sundays, for the more effedlually bringing to Jullice all fuch Criminals and Offenders againft the Laws of this Province, and alfo' for preferv- ing the Peace and Safety of the faid Town, by appointing proper Guards of \Vatches in the faid Town, as often as they fee proper, fo as one of the Commif- fioners fliall always be of the Number to make up the faid Watch, by giving his Attendance in the Town-houfe, to be ready on all Occafions of Riots and Dif- turbances, or to prevent Malefa6lors breaking the Prifon of Goal, and in all Things to adl for the Good and Safety of the faid Town, and the proper Go- vernment of it, confiftent with the Laws and Cufloms of this Province, VII. AND forafmuch as the Inhabitants of the faid Town Were at a confidef- Public Meetingif able Expence in building a Town-houfe, or Court-houfe, in the faid Town, by court-houfe/ a voluntary Contribution •, Be it Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the CommiiTioners, and the Inhabitants, fhall have free Liberty to hold all their Pub- lick Meetings on all Occafions in the Court-houfe, and have the Liberty of a Key %) the fame. F f f VIII. AND tSt^SftKt^^^ 206 L A IV S p/'North-Carolina. A. D. 1745. *^— y ' VIII. AND whereas many Streets in the faid Town are unpaflable and dan- ian'Tax^"rde- gerous, foF Want of proper Bridges and Water-Courles, and proper Shambles ftay neccffjry qj. 3 Market-placc is alfo wanted in the faid Town ; Be it Enacted, by the Authority arges. aforefuid. That the Commiflioners, or the Majority of them, for the Time being, may, and they are hereby impowered, to lay a Tax on all Male Taxables in the faid Town, Yearly, towards defraying fuch neceffary Charges, or any which may arife, by holding Watches, building or repairing Public Wharfs, or Bridg- es, or other Public Charges, which may be agreed upon, at the Yearly Public Eledlion, by the Majority of tlie Inhabitants of the faid Town ; fo as fuch Yearly- Tax does not exceed One Shilling and Six Pence, Proclamation Money. Commiffionerre- IX. AND he it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That any Per-^ fufing to aa a- ^^^ htmg chofen CommifTioner for the faid Town, and refufing to ad, the other notner to be .^ iTV/r"- c ^ /i..i,- •hofcii. Commiflioners, or the Majority ot them, fhall choofe another, in his Room. Fines appropria- X. AND be it further EnaBed, by the Authority afore faid. That all Fines and Forfeitures, mentioned in this A61, unapplied, flaall be levied and applied tq the Public Fund or Stock of the fiid Town. Kd, every Kefufal. Inhabitants to XI. AND be it fufther Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Com- ciear and repair mlflloners are hereby impowered to iffue their Warrant, at leaft Twice a Year, I'cn. ofTs.' 8 d! to the Conflables, to warn all the Male Taxables to clear and repair the Streets, ev'r^'u'^filfn/"' ^^ makc or mend the Public Wharfs, Docks, or Slips, and alfo to appoint Over- fecrs ; and any Perfon neglcdling or refufing to work, as directed in the War- rant, or to furnilh a good and fufficient Hand in their Place, Ihall forfeit and pay Two Shillings and Eight Pence, Proclamation Money, per Day, for every luch Refufal or Negleft ; to be recovered in the fame Manner as the Commif- fioners of the Roads are impowered by Law : Which Money fo recovered, fhall be applied towards hiring Labourers in their Place and Stead, and to no other Purpofe whatfoever. tttMki from XII- AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Inha-* i>rking o« the bitants of the faid Town, fliall, and they are hereby, for ever hereafter, excufed from all Work on the Country Public Roads, during fuch Time as they live in the faid Town, and no longer. Public Roads, rroprietori to XIII. AND whcFcas many Lots are not yet cleared, nor proper Drains or •lear their Lots, Runs made, in many Places near the Parts of the Town where there are moll In-* tm en. u aos. j^^j^jj-^^rits, to the manifeft Injury and Unhealthinefs of the faid Town -, Be it there* fore Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Commiflioners for the Time being, or the Majority of them, may, and they are hereby impowered, to order the Proprietors of any Lot or Lots, to clear all, or any Part of them, and to make proper Drains or Water-Courfes through them, in Six Months after fuch Order, figned by the Commiflioners for the Time being, or the Majority of them -, and any Perfon refufing or neglefting to comply with the fame, ihall for« feit and pay Twenty Shillings, Proclamation Money. Tax laid an t!ie XIV. AND whcrcas the Dangers arifing from Fire in the faid Town are very Houfej, to pro- great, and a Necefllty appears for providing a Water-Engine, Buckets, Ladders, J*i«,^T'^"' ^"^ ^'^^'^ Inftruments, neceflTary on fuch Occafions ; Be it Ena^ed, by the Au- thority aforefaid. That every Houfe in the faid Town fhall be valued, after the Expiration of Two Years next after the Ratification of this Aft, by the Commif- fioner*, who are hereby impowered to lay a Tax on the Owner or Proprietor of fuch Houfe or Houfes, at fo much per Cent, fo as fuch Tax does not exceed Two psr Cent. Proclamation Money -, which Money fo laid and colle^ed, fhall be LAWS of N OR TH-C A R OL I N A. 20/ be applied towards purchafing one or more Water-Engines, Buckets, Ladders, ^- ^- ^'-^i- and other Inftruments, for extinguifhing Fire j as alfo for an Alarm or Town "^ '^ ' Bell : Which Inftruments lliall be under the Care and DirecStion of the Commif- fioners for the Time being, to be ready on all Occafions of Fire. i:t3nts XV". A N D to fupply the Want of Commiffioners at prefent, Be H Enacted, infiahiu.... ly the Authority aforefaid. That the Inhabitants of the faid Town be, and are '"''■'^''^.^ ^°'"" hereby impowered and authorifed, to meet, on the Second 'Tuefday in May next, jind choofe Five Commiiiloners, to aft 'til New- Year's Day next, and no longer. XVI. AND he it further Ena£ied^ by the Authority aforcfaid^ That if at any CrJinar, keepers Time, Twenty Days after the Ratification of this Ad, any Tavern-keeper, Or- '^} ^" !"ff''=' . dinary-keeper, or any other Perfon or Feribns whatfoever, felling Liquor or Houiis^on'the keeping a Public Houfc in the f:xid Town, Hiall fulfer any Perfon or Perfons pi"^','f ^^Y' "^ whatfoever to fit tippling or drinking in his Houfe in Time of Divine Service on the Sabbath Day ; or lliall fuffer any Perfon or Perfons to get drunk in his Houfe on the Sabbath Day ; fuch Perfon or Perfons fo offending, fhall forfeit and pay, for every fuch Offence, the Sum of Twenty Shillings, Proclamation Money. XVII. AND be it further E?ia£fed, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Not to trud Sai- Perfon or Perfons whofoever, in the faid Town, fliall, one Month after the Rati- {^Jj;- °\f^^^ "^ fication of this Acl, on any Pretence whatfoever, give any Credit, Loan, or ° '"^ ' * Trufl, to any Marintr or Seaman, belonging to, or under the Command of any Mafler of a VefTel that now is, or lliall, at any Time hereafter, arrive in the River of Cape-Fear, exceeding the Sum of Two Shillings and Eight Pence, Proclamation Money, except by the Leave or Licence of the Mafler or Com- mander of the VefTel he belongs to, or where fuch Sailor or Mariner fhall have left the Ship or Veffel, to apply to the Courts of Juflice, in any Difpute or Con- • f rover fy with the Captain or Cammander of fuch Ship or Veffel ; that then, and in fuch Cafe, he, Ifie, or they, fhall, for every fuch Default, lofc all the Monies and Goods fo trultcd or credited. XVni. ANDbeit further Enabled, ly the Authority aforefaid. That if any no Perfon t« Perfon or Perfons whofoever, fhall, willingly and knowingly, entertain, harbour, J^^bo"^ Saiior», or keep, or fuffer to be entertained, harboured, or kept, diredly or indireftly, ''"^'■^"•^'40 3. any Seaman, belonging to any VefTel, as aforefaid, in his, her, or their Houfe or Houfes, exceeding the Space of Six Hours, without the Privity or Confent of his or their Commander, (except as in the Cafe before excepted) he, flie, or they, fo offending, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Forty Shillings, Proclamation Mo- -ney, for every fuch Offence. XIX. AND be it further Ena^ied, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Right of Appni, ^Perfon or Perfons fhall think him or themfelves injured, by any Determination ,of the faid Commiflioners, luch Perfon or Perfons may appeal to the Juflices of .the County Court ; who are hereby impowered to determine the fame in a flim- /mary Way. XX. AND be it further EnaEled, by the Authority aforefaid. That ail Fines Fines how to t* and Forfeitures mentioned in this Ad, not exceeding Five Pounds, Proclamation 'Xf'* ^* Money, fhall be recovered by a Warrant, under the Hands and Seals of the CommifTioners, or the Majority of them, for the Time being, directed to the Conitable or Bailiff of the faid Town, to be by him levied on the Goods and Chattels of the Delinquent, and Public 5ale to be made of fo much of the fame, after Ten Days Notice firft given of fuch Sale, as will difcharge the faid Sum or Sums, and the Overplus, if any, to be returned to the Owner i and that all other Fines 2o3 LAWS of North- Carolina. Fines and Forfeitures mentioned in this Acl, for any Sum above Five Pounds, Proclamation Money, fhall be recovered by the Commiflioners, or the major Part of them, or the Survivors of them, in any Court of Record of this Province, by A6lion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, wherein no Effoign, Injunftion, or Wager of Lav/, fhall be allowed or admitted of; and that the Fines and Forteitures by them fo recovered, and not herein before particularly appropriated, Ihall be applied and paid into the Stock of the faid Town. In Cafe of Dearth XXI. A N D bc tt further Euacted, by the Authority afore faid. That if any fioner°, iThTbil of the Commiffioncrs, chofen by Virtue of this Acf, Ihall die, or leave the Pro- tant. to choofe yince, it fhall and may be lawful for the Inhabitants to meet, and choofe, as be- fore directed, a Commiflioner or CommifTioncrs, in Place of him or them fo dy- ing or leaving the Province -, and fuch Commiflioner or Commiflioners fo chofen and eleftcd, fhall pofTefs and enjoy the fame Power and Authority as any other of the CommifTioners, chofen as before dircfted \ any Thing in this A{51 to the contrary, notwithftanding. others. C H A P. XI. An A51, for Fencing the Town of Bath, and re-fiirveying the Common belonging to the faid Town, and exe?nptin^ the hihabit ants from working ■ on the Main Roads ; and to gi've Liberty to the Inhabitants to build on and improve the Front or Water Lots, and to appoint CommiJJiojiers for the Purpofes aforefaid. p«a!hbi*. " I. T T T H E R E A S the inclofmg and fencing in the Town of Bath, will be W "o^ o"-y commodious to the Inhabitants, but convenient to Traveller* pafling that Way : Inhabitants im • II. W E therefore pray that it may be Enadled, And be it Enacted, by his Ex- InThrxow^'"" ffZ/fw^* Gabriel Johnfton, Efq; Governor, by andnvith the Advice and Confent of bis Majejiy's Council, and General Ajfembly of this Province, and by the Authority of the fame. That the Inhabitants of Bath-Town, at their own proper Cofls and Charges, ihall be obliged to make, and keep in Repair, a good and fufhcient Fence, with one large Gate, fit for Carts to pafs througli, and one lefTcr Gate,- fit for Men and Horfes to pafs through. Commimoncr. te III. A N D bc it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Com* W » 1"^''' ^'^ mifTioncrs hereafter appointed, or the Majority of them, are hereby directed and in Repair. '"' impowcred, to hire and employ Workmen, to make up or repair the faid Fence and Gates, when the Majority of them fhall find it necefTary, and to compute the Charge of the making and repairing the fame, on the firfl Tuefday in May^ Yearly, after the Ratification of this A6t : And for defraying the faid Expence^ the CommifTioncrs hereafter named, are hereby authorized and impowered, to lay a Tax or Levy on each Taxable in the faid Town, for paying the faid Charge,' not exceeding the Sum of Two Shillings and Eight Pence, Proclamation Moneys Yearly. rerf.n. rtfufing IV. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any of the to pay the T.x, Inhabitants of the faid Town of Bath, or any other Perfon or Perfons holding of "*' '**'*'^* pofTefTing Lots therein, fliall negleft or refufe to pay the faid Tax or Levy, ia laid by the Commiflioners, as aforefaid, that then, and in fuch Cafe, the Commif- fioners for the Time being, or the Majority of them, are hereby impowered to fuo LAWS o/' North-Carolina. 2oq fue for and recover the lame, by Warrant from any Juilice of the Peace for the ^- '^ '^45' County of Beaufort. ^ — y ' V. AND be it further EnaHed, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Per- *'"'''"' ^''"'"2 fon or Pfrfons (hall pull down, talce away, or by any Means deltroy any of the foT"hf fifftOf^ Rails of the faid Fence, or any Part thereof, and fliall be therof lawfully convi6l- f'""' «" f^"'"*^ cd, by the Oath of one credible Witnefs, before one or more Juftices of the fecond^%o"s!' "^ Peace, he, fhe, or they, fo offending, fhall forfeit and pay, into the Hands of the CommilTioners, for the firft Offence, the Sum of Twenty Shillings, Procla- mation Money ; and for the fecond Offence, being thereof lawfully convifted, as aforefaid, the Sum of Forty Shillings, Proclamation Money -, to be recovered, by the Commiflioners, by a Warrant from Two Juftices of the Peace : Which Money fo by them recovered, fhall be by them applied towards repairing the faid Fence. VI. AND forafmuch as the Inhabitants of the faid Town know not exaftly '^" ^" ^^ ^^'^ °'' the Bounds of their feveral and refpeftive Lots ; to prevent Dilputes for the fu- Wy theTowr, ture. Be it further Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid. That the ComniifTioners hereafter named, or the Majority of them, are hereby required and impowered, to employ the Surveyor-General, or his Deputy, to re-furvey the faid Town, as near as poflible to the old Plan, that no Perfon may be damaged thereby ; and the CommifTioners are hereby impowered to lay a Tax or Levy on each Lot, not exceeding Two Shillings. and Eight Pence, Proclamation Money, to pay the Ex- pence of furveying the fame ; which Money fliall be paid, by the Owners of the faid Lot or Lots, into the Hands of the Com mifTioners : And every Owner or Owners of fueh Lot or Lots fo furveyed, are hereby obliged to fet up Poffcs or Stones for Land-Marks, in Prefence of fome of the CommilTioners, at the Time of furveying the fame, under the Penalty of Forty Shillings, Proclamation Money ; to be recovered and applied in the iame Manner as other Fines in this Ada are be- fore directed to be recovered and applied. Vp. ANDbeit further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Common Common to t>t belonging to the faid Town be alfo furveyed, at the Expence of the Inhabitants of E^e^e'o" ^^ the laid Town ; and that -proper Land-Marks be fet on the Bounds of the fame, inhabiiant'j. that Perfons may know where the lame are, and not commit Trefpafs on the Lands adjoining. VIII. A N D be it further Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid. That the Inha- inhabitants cx~ bitants of Bath-Town, be, and are hereby exempted from working on the Public fn7«?rRoi Roads ; provided that the faid Inhabitants keep the Town inclofed, in Manner aforefaid, and their Streets and Lots clear of all Incumbrances whatfoevef. IX. A Nh he it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all Perfons P'^-'fons may im. which have, or which hereafter fliall take up any of the Front or Water Lots in p'"^*^*""^^"' the faid Town, are hereby impowered to improve the fame, by building and creding Warehoufes and Stores, or other Buildings, as to them fliall be mofl; con- Tenient, for carrying on their Trade and Commerce. X- ANDbeit further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That Capt. Mi- comm;ffioner» cbael Uutanch, Col. Benjamin Peyton, Mr. John RieUtffett, Mr. Robert Boyd, 'ppointed. and Mr. Baniel Blinn, be, and arc hereby appointed Commiflioners for the faid Town ot Bath, with Power and Authority to fue for and recover, of and from any Perfon or Pirfons who fliall refufe to pay, their proportionable Part of the Charges anflng and becoming due for any of the Purpofes aforefaid ; and on Death or Removal of any of the above Commiflioners, the Majority of the Com- G g g mif- 2IO LAWS ^North-Carolina. « ^- D. 174^ miflioners fhall choofe others in the Room and Stead of thofe fo dyins: or ^^ removing. CHAP. XII. An A^y to encourage Terfom to fettle in the Toivn of Brunfwick, on the. Southweft Side of Cape -Fear River. Prssmbie. L TXT* HEREAS Maurice Moore, late of Cape-Fear, Efq-, deceafed, ap- y V propriated and laid out a certain Parcel of Land, containing Three Hundred and Twenty Acres, on the Southwcjl Side of Cape-Fear, for a Town, and Common, for the Ufe of the Inhabitants of the faid Town •, which faid Town is called Brunfwick ; and the Honourable Roger Moore, Efq-, to make the faid Town more regular, added another Parcel of Land to the faid Town, and a great Part of the faid Lands was laid out into Lots, of Half an Acre each, many of which are taken up, and good Floufes built thereon, and proper Places were ap- pointed and given, by the faid Maurice Moore, for a Church, Court-houfe, and Burial-Place, Market-houfe, and other Public Buildings : And whereas, by Rea- fon of the Death of the faid Maurice Moore, and of John Porter, of Cape-Fear^ Efqi who claimed to hold Part of the faid Lands laid out for a Town, by Grant from the faid Maurice Moore, it is not certainly known to whom the faid Lands belong, fo that fure Titles may be had to the Lots as yet unfold, which is a greac Difcouragement to the fettling the faid Town : And whereas the Trade of Cape- Fear River confifts in Naval Stores, Rice, and Lumber, Commodities of great Bulk and fmall Value, all due Encouragement ought to be given to large Ships to come into the faid River, to take off the faid Commodities ; and as all large Ships which come into the faid River, arc obliged to lie at Brunfwick, and that Town, for Want of a fufficient Number of Inhabitants, and' by Reafon of the cafy Navigation thereunto, is much expofed to the Invafion of Foreign Enemies in Time of War, and Pirates, in Time of Peace, nothing can be a greater En- couragement to Ships to come there, than a Certainty oT being well fupplied with NeceiTaries, and well fecured, during the Time they lie there, which can no Way be better done, than by increafmg the Number of the Inhabitants of the faid Town : For the effefting of which, and remedying the Inconveniencie* above mentioned, and fettling and fccuring the Titles to the faid Lots in the faid Town •, TowB nveHcQ in 11. W E pray your Moft Sacred Majefty that it may be Enafted, J/id le it Conimiftoneii. Ena^ed, by his Excellency Gabriel Johnllon, Efq; Governor, by and with ths Advice and Confent of his Majejly*s Council, and the General Jffembly of thii Province, and by the Authority of tBe fame. That the faid Lands appropriated and laid out for a Town, and Common, by the faid Maurice Moore, and Roger Moore, be, and they are hereby declared to be, from henceforward, invefted in the Honourable Edward Mofely, and Roger Moore, Efqrs. and William Dry^ John Wright, and Richard ^dnce. Merchants, in Fee, to and for the Truft and Purpofes herein after mentioned, and their SucceiTors, as Commiffioners for the faid Town of Brunfivick\ to be difpofed of in Manner and Form as herein after diredted. Commirtloneiir dying, &c. others _^ ^^^ __ III. AND he it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That on the ro beih9(>nr"° Death or Departure of any of the faid Commiflioners out of this Province, at any Time hereafter, the remaining Commiffioners, or the Majority of them, arc hereby fully authorized and impowered, to eleft and choofe fomq other Perfon or Perfons LAWS ^"North-Car.olina. 211 Perfons to fuccced fuch Commifiioner or Commiflioners fo dying or departing, -^^ d. »-,^. --^r- as aforefaid ; which Perfon or Perfons fo elc6led or chofen, fliall be, and they are hereby inveftcd with as full Power and Authority, to all Intents and Purpolls, as if they had been particularly named in this Act. IV. AN D'be it furlher Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid. That the Hon- Treafurcr ap- ' curable Roger Moore^ Efq-, Ihall be Treafurer and Receiver of all the Monies P'^'"''"^* arifing, or to arife, by the Sale of the faid Lots ; and on his Death, or Departure out of this Province, then the Majority of the Commiffioners to choofe another, he giving Security, to the faid Commiffioners, that he will be accountable for all the Monies which he fliall receive for the faid Lots. V. ANBbe it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid commiiTicncr. 10 Commiflioners, or any Three of them, as foon as they conveniently can, Ihall iayoutthLT„,onersto XV. AND he it furthcr Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Com- temoveNufances. miflioncrs aforcfliid, or any Three of them, fhall have full Pov/er and Authority, or"o^e''wi^h"^ and they are hereby authorized and impowered, to remove all Nufances, or what Ports and Rails, jj^gy ^^^\\ judge Nufances, within the Limits of the faid Town, and fhall not fufFer any Perfon, Owner of any Lot or Lots in the faid Town, to inclofe the fame with a Common Stake or Worm Fence ; but every Perfon who will inclofc a Lot or Lots, fhall inclofe the fame with Pales, or Pofts and Rails fet up -, and if any Perfon or Perfons, after Notice given, fhall not take away and remove fuch Stake or Worm Fence, then, and in fuch Cafe, the faid CommifTioners, or any Three of them, fhall order the fame to be taken away, at the Cofls and Charges of the Perfon who is in PofTefTion of the faid Lot or Lots : And if the PofTetVor refufes to pay for the fame, then any Three of the CommifTioners afore- faid, are hereby impowered and authorized to grant a Warrant, under their Hands and Seals, direfted to the Conflable of the faid Town, to levy the fame, by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offenders Goods, returning the Overplus to the Ow- wer •, and the faid Conitable is hereby required tQ execute the faid Warrant. XVI. AND Church to be built in Townt Commiffioners to L A JV S o/" North-Carolina. 21^ ^. D. J745. XVI. ANDbeit further EnnEled^ by the Authority afcrefaid. That all and "T"""^ ' every. Perfon and Perfons, Poffeffors or Owners of any Lot or Lots in the f;ud dcarthdr Lots Town, Ihall, within One Year after the Ratification of this Act, clear all and "'^'''" * "^'"'■■ every fuch Lot and Lots by them held or polleffed, of all Wood, Underwood, Brufli, or Grubbs, growing, Handing, or being on the faid Lots. XVII. AND be it further Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That if any i*" t^fy nee,ic Perfon or Perfons, Poffeffor or Owner of any Lot or Lots in the (laid Town, comnvjLni'rto Ihall omit or negleft to clear the fame, as above direfted, within the Time above '.'^^"^ itd= Liquor, or keeping a Public Houfe in the faid Town, fliaJl fufier any l-'erfon or cf 10 s!' °" ^'"' Perfons whatfoever to fit tippling or drinking in his Houfe, in Time of Divine Service on the Sabbath Day, or fhall fuffer any Perfon or Perfons to get drunk in his Houfe on the Sabbath, fuch Perlbn or Perfons fo offending, fhall forfeit and pay, for every fuch Offence, the Sum of Ten Shillings, Proclamation Money. XIX. AND be It further EnaSied^ hy the Authority aforefaid^ That if any Not to truft Sai- Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, in the laid Town, fhall, one Month after the Ra- S! on'^^i'LA^f tification of this A(5t, on any Pretence whatfoever, give Credit, Loan, or Truff, '"finE ^u above to any Mariner or Seaman, belonging to, or under the Command of the Com- mander or Mafler of any Veffel, that now is, or fhall at any Time hereafter, ar- rive at Brunfwick, above the Sum ^ Two Shillings and Eight Pence, Proclama- tion Money, except by the Leave or Licence of the Mafler or Commander of the VefTel he belongs to, or where fuch Sailor or Mariner fhall have left the Ship or VefTel to apply to the Courts of Juflice, in any Difpute or Controverfy with the Captain or Commander of fuch Ship or VefTel ; that then, and in fuch Cafe, he, fhe, or they, fhall, for every fuch Default, lofe all the Monies and Goods fo trufled or credited. that Sum. XX. AND be it further EnaHed, by the Authority aforefaid^ That if any n» ferfon «o Perfon or Perfons whatfoever fhall, willingly and knowingly, entertain, retain, |^^';t™'- i^-- «"- 11 1 niii 1 <-r»- tcrtain bailors, harbour, or keep, or fhall, direcfly or mdireftly, fufTer to be entertained, re- onPen. of4os. tained, harboured, or kept, any Seaman or Mariner, belonging to any VefTel aforefaid, in his, her, or their Houfe or Houfes, exceeding the Space of Six Hours, without the Privity and Confent of his or their Mafter or Commander, or one Hour after, againft the Confent of the Mafler or Commander, (except as in the Cafe before excepted,) he, fhe, or they, fo ofTending, fliall forfeit and pay the Sum of Forty Shillings, Proclamation Money, for every fuch Offence. XXI. AND be it further EnaSfed^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That if any OrJinaryktepcrj Perfon who keeps a Public tloufe, fhall, after the Ratification of this Ad, en- saUoM at'^Nightl tertaiii, retain, harbour, or keep, or fufTer to be entertained, retained, har- "" ''"■"• °^ 10 '• boured, or kept, any Seaman or Mariner, belonging to any VefTel as aforefaid, H h h after 214 Z/^/^aSc/' North-Carolina. ^ D. ,745^ afj-^jj. Eigiit of the Clock, in the Winter, at Night, and Nine of the Clock, In the v Summer, at Night, except the Seaman or Mariner hath Leave from his Maft^ or Commander, in Writing, to be on Shore, (except as in the Cafe before ex- cepted,) he or fhc fo offending, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Shillings, Proclamation Money, for every fuch Offence. This Aa to be XXII. AND be it further EnaSled^ hy the Authority aforefaidy That in Cafe f^ainft .,ny'th"ng ^"7 P^rfon or Pcrfons whatfoever fliall be fued or molefted for any Thing done done in Con- in the Exccution of this Ad, he, Ihe, or they, fhall and may plead the General tempt It. i^^Q^ and give this Adl in Evidence i and the Judge or Judges Iliall allow thereof. recoverable. Penalties appro- XXIII. A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all Pe- pr,ated,andhow naltics and Forfeitures by this A<5b made and impofed, fhall be, one Half to the „,ui. Veftry and Churchwardens of St. Philip*^ Parilh aforefaid, and the other Half to him or them who will fue for the fame ; to be recovered by a Warrant from any one Juftice, if the Sum doth not exceed Twenty Shillings, Proclamation Money •, and if the Penalty or Forfeiture exceed that Sum, then by a Warrant from any Two Juftices. S I G N E D by Gabriel Johnston, Efq; Governor Nathaniel Rice, Prefident. Samuel Swann, Speaker* W % Wit -^ w jjf -ifi "Jjr 'ijC" , Ann<5> LAWS of North -Carolina. 215 J. D. 1746. 1.. — ^ w, Anno Regni G E O R G 1 1 II Regis, Magnce Britannice, Franci(je, &: Hihernice, Viceffimo. At a General ASSEMBLY, held at Neojohern, the gabriei. , - , y. JOHNSTON, Twenty Eighth Day of Jime, in the Year or our Lord "Efq> Governor. One Thouflmd Seven Hundred and Forty Six. CHAP. I. ji?i ASfy for the better Regulating the Militia of this Go'uerfWJent , WH E R E A S the Safety of this, as well as Colonies, thereof ; all other well governed ^''"mbiff. greatly depends upon the well Regulating the Militia II. W E pray your Moft Sacred Majefty that it may be Enafted, And he it M''!''* %^l'^^ Ena£ied^ by his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, Efq ■■, Governo^'^ hy and with the from 16 Years ot Advice and Confent of his Majefty' s Council, and the General Ajfembly of this f),f J-,?^.^^°,'cr! Province, and by the Authority of the fame. That from henceforward, the tains to return a Militia of this Government Ihall confift of all the Freemen and Servants within eip^Jieftothe the fame, between the Age of Sixteen Years, and Sixty; and the feveral Captains coionei,oni'«n, of the MiUtia in this Province, fhall, within Four Months next after the i'ubli- °^ '"'• cation of this Adt, take the Lift of the Names of all fuch Freemen and Servants, within the Diftrifts of which their feveral Companies fhall confiit, and return a Coppy thereof to the Colonel of the Regiment, under the Penalty of Ten Pounds, Proclamation Money ; to be levied by a Warrant from fuch Colonel, to be ap- plied as herein after is direded. in. A N D be it further EnaEled, hy the Authority aforefaid. That when fuch .^ffrV.'J'! T •/! I ^ - .■'-/ */ J J r \ Hicli L<*tts once ** Lilts are taken as aforefaid, the laid Captain (hall, once every Year, irom hence- yea,-, under the forward, viz. in the Month of October, take new Lifts of all the Freemen and i'^^^ i'^"^''^* Servants in their faid feveral Diftrifts, and return Copies thereof, as before 'di- reded, under the like Penalty of Ten Pounds ; to be levied and applied as here- after in this Aa is direaed. IV. AND 2i6 LAWS c/' North-Carolina. A D. 1746. s._ — ^ -y YV. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid^ That any Perfon !l"fufint: t^rlp! or Perfons, after having been fo inlifted, who fhall, at any Time hereafter, (un- psar w-.tii Arms Jefs rendered incapable by Sicknefs or Accident,) tail or refufe, on Notice given, on, to^pTy "^ j' to appear, at fuch Times and Places within the County, as lliall, from Time to 4 d. and as. 8 d. Time, be appointed, by the Colonel or Commanding Officer of the Regiment tviihout Arms, to wluch he belongs, for that Purpofe, there to be muftered, trained, and exer- cifed in Arms, or that fhall not, at fuch Times and Places, be well provided with a Gun, fit for Service, a Cartouch Box, and a Sword, Cutlafs, or Hanger, and at leaft Twelve Charges of Powder and Ball, or Swan Shot, and Six fpare Flints, fhall forfeit and pay, for his Non-appearance, the Sum of Five Shillings and Four Pence, Proclamation Money •, and in Cafe they do appear, they Ihall forfeit and pay Two Shillings and Eight Pence, like Money, for Want of any Serjeant to levy of the Arms, Accoutrements, or Ammunition, as aforefaid •, to be levied by a Lie Ts'. f" Lis Warrant from the Captain of the Company, direfted to the Serjeant of the fame. Fee; and liable -^yho Ihall mftkc Retum thereof to the Captain -, which Serjeant Ifiall be paid Two 51. Vo'r n.'gi'ea- Shillings, Proclamation Money, by the Offender, for ferving the fame : And in jng his Duty. Qq^q f^(-l^ Serjeant or Serjeants fliall retufe or negle6t to ferve any Warrant or Warrants to him or them fo direded, he or they, on Refufal or Negledl thereof, fhall be fined Five Pounds, Proclamation Money •, to be recovered by a War- rant from the Captain, direfted to any other Serjeant, under the fame Penalty ; to be applied as other Fines in this A6t arc directed and appointed : Provided that no Perfon fhall incur the Penalty for appearing in the Field without a Car- touch Box, or Cutlafs, Sword, or Hanger, until the Expiration of Six Months, after the Ratification of this A6t. Ferfons exempted V. PROVIDEt) atways. That no Minifrer of the Church of England, fromn^-ftenng, ^o Member of his Majcfty's Council, no Member of AfTcmbly, Secretary, At- torney-General, praflifing Attorney, no Man who has been a Field-Officer, or Captain of the Militia of this Province, or Commiffioned Officers which have ferved in the Army, no Juflice of the Peace, no praftifing Phyfician or Chirur- geon, no Clerks of the Courts of Juflice, no Perfons tending Public Mills, or Ferries, ihall be obliged to inlifl themfelves, or attend fuch Muflers, as aforefaid. In Cafe of an In- "^I- A N B be it Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid^ That in Cafe of any In- vafion, Perions vafion of thls Provlncc, or Expedition to be carried on againfl an Enemy within peaf withAtms the Province, it fhall and may be lawful for the Governor or Cammander in ^ndAmmun.tion ciiigf^ to raifc all, or fo many of the Forces of this Government, as he fhall the Country, to think rieccfTary, for oppofing the faid Invafion, or fupporting the faid Expedi- forfeit 10 1. j.JQj^ , apjfj any Perfon whatfoevcr, who fhall refufe or negledr, on Notice ca: Alarm given, to appear at fuch Times and Places as fhall be appointed by his Captain, or other Officer, with Arms, Ammunition, and Accoutrements, a& aforefaid, or fhall refufe to march againfl the Enemy where commanded, within, this Province, or refufe any other Duty the Defence of the Country may require, fhall forfeit and pay, for either of the faid Offences, Ten Pounds, Proclamation Money •, to be levied by a Warrant from the Colonel or Commanding Officer for that Service : And that the refpedtive Officers to whom fuch Invafion fhall be hrfl made known, are hereby authorized to command and order the Men un- der their Command, to mount Guard, march againfl the Enemy, and do any other Duty as the Defence of the Country may require, and continue the Alarm vintil the fame is made known to their fuperiour Officers. In c.fe of sny VII. ANT) be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid^ That In Cafe of \T,S\fs!uth. ^"y Invafion of die Provinces of Virginia^ or South-Carolina^ it fhall and may be CaJir.a, the kwful fot the Govcmor and Commander in Chief for the Time being, to raife fo Governor to «ife j^^^^y ^f j]^g Fojces of tliis Government as fliall be thought necefiary, to give proper Proclamation Money , /. s. d. - - o 12 6 - o lO o - - o lO o ^ - o 7 o - o 7 6 - o 5 o - - o 4 6 - - o 4 o - o 3 6 - - o 3 o L A iV S o/' North -Carolina. 217 proper Releif Co fuch of the Provinces atorefaid as (hall be invaded, and to march ^- ^- '746. them to their Aflii'tance, at the Kxpence of the Province defiring fuch Afliilunce •, ^,,Jf,7^ p'Tces which Number of Forces Ihall be draughted out of the feveral Regiments of this f.n'ihcRa.ct of Province, and each Regiment to furnilh a proportionable Number of Men* fo [^f ExJIn^'' "f to be draughted and fent to the neighbouring Colony. the fame. VIII. AND be it further Enacted^ ly the Authority af ore/aid^ That the re- fpedive Officers of the Militia, and the private Men, when in actual Service, fliall, from the Day they are ordered on JL/uty, be paid according to the Rates following i to wity A Colonel, per Day, - - - - -0126 Wagos of the « T • /"■ 1 I -» „ Militia, when in A Lieutenant Colonel, - - - - o 10 o ^^^,^1^^^ A Major, A Captain, _ _ - An Adjutant, _ _ - A Lieutenant, and Chirurgeon, each. An Enfign, , - - A Serjeant, _ - - A Corporal, and Drummer, eachj Every private Man, IX. AN D be it further Enacted., by the Authority aforefaid^ That if any Per- provif.onforPer. fon Ihall be fa difabled in the Service of the Country, as not to maintain himfelf {^X/jn't'hfser' or pay for his Cure, he Ihall be cured at the Public Charge, and have one good viceoft"heCoun' Negro Man purchafed for, and given to him, at the Charge of the Public, tor ^^• his Maintenance j and if any one fhall be killed, the Public fliall make the fame Provilion for his Wife or Family. X. AND be it further EnoMcd., by the Authority aforefaid. That fuch Perfons Perfons cxemptei who by this Ad: are exempt from tnlifting themfelves or appearing at Mufters, ^jjj^ of Danger" Ihall be ready, at any Time of Danger, (Sicknefs or Accident always excepted,) with Arms and to attend the Commands of the Governor or Commander in Chief for the Time att^"d"the"G'm° being, within this Province, compleatly furnilhed with Arms and Ammunition, ^^^'^^ ^^ '^^^ as aforefaid, on Penalty of Twenty Pounds, Proclamation Money ; to be levied Pcn. 'of 30 1. by a Warrant from the Colonel, direfted to the Sheriff of the faid County, who iliall return the fame, together with the aforefaid Fine, under the Penalty of For- ty Pounds, Proclamation Money ; to be recovered by the faid Colonel, by A(ftion of Debt, in the General Court of this Province. XI. AND be it Enn5led, by the Authority aforefaid^ That if, during the Soidier* refufinj Time of Mufter, any Soldier fliall refill hi? lawful Officer, or refufe to obey his '^^^^^f^ ^^^^r^ lawful Commands, fuch Soldier fliall be punilhed, at the Difcretion of the Cap- officers, to be tain, with the Lieutenant or Enfign, by being tied Neck and Pleels, piquetted, ^""'EtLy'ot or riding the Wooden Horfe : And if any Perfon, upon Duty, during the Time Defertion, to be of any Alarm, Invafion, or Expedition againfl: the Enemy, fliall defert his MartiaC """* Colours, or be mutinous, it fliall and may be lawful for one Field-Officer, or more, Four Captains, Four Lieutenants, and Three Enfigns, or the Majority of them, with one Field-Officer, openly to hold a Court-Martial, firft: taking the Oath ufualy taken at Court Martials, and on Tryal and Conviction, to punifli the Offender according to Martial Law, as the Nature of the Crime fliall require ; and for Want of a fufficient Number of Officers to compofe a Court-MartiaJ, the Offender fliall be kept i:nder a Guard until fuch Time as there be a fufficient Number of Officers to hold a Court-Martial as aforefaid. I i \ XII. AND 2i8 LAWS (9/^North-Carolina. j^. D. 1746. V — -\^—^ XJI. A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Cap- ^'tobrappHeJ f^i^s fhall apply all Fines received, and hereafter to be received by them, towards in purchafir-s purchafiHg Drums, Colours, and other Implements of War, or Ammunition,. ^wf.f, ur., -^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ Company whereof he is Captain 5 and fhall alfo ac«.' count, on Oath, once every Year, with the Colonel or Commanding Officer of the County, for all fuch Fines received, or that he Ihall or may receive, in Vir- No Captain to tuc of this Aft ; and that no Captain Ihall, hereafter^ compound for any Fine compound for a- hgrgafter accruing due, under the Penalty of Ten Pounds, Proclamation Money ; cfio^'"" '^ ' to be recovered by a Warrant from fuch Colonel or Commanding Officer, as herein before direfted ; and fuch Colonel or Commanding Officer fhall make a Report thereof to the Captain-General or Commander in Chief for the Time being. Colonel of every XIII. AND bc it further Ena^ed^ by the Authority aforefaid. That the ^akc"'"G-nerai Coloncls of cach and every Regiment in this Province, fhall, once every l^ear, Mufter once a caufe a Gcncral Mufter to be made of their refpeftive Regiments, at fuch Times and Places within each leveral County, as they Ihall think proper to appoint ; which, if any of them fhall neglect or refufe to do, he or they fo offending, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Twenty Founds, Proclamation Money •, to be reco- vered by a Warrant from his Excellency the Governor or Commander in Chief for the Time being, and to be applied to the Ufes afore-mentioned in this A6t. Captains t« muf- XIV. A N D be it further Enabled, That every Captain of a Company fhall, niL'^fol'r^T^e's Four Timcs every Year, at flich Times and Places within their feveral Diftrids, a Year, on Pen. as their rcfpc^live Coloncls fhall appoint, mufler their Companies, and fee that "^ ^ '■ every Soldier in their Company be furnilhed with fuch Arms, Accoutrements, and Ammunition, as by this A6t is before directed, under the Penalty of Five Pounds, Proclamation Money •, to be levied by a Warrant from the Colonel or Commanding Officer in the County, and to be applied as herein before is direfted, Rich Cotr.pany to XV, AN D be it further Enacted, That each and every Company belonging vaI'MenrsSet to thc fcvcral Regiments within this Province, fhall confifl of Fifty private Men, j.ants, 5'corpo- Xhree Serieants, Five Corporals, and Two Drummers. rals,and i Drum- J ■*■ Year, on Pen, of 20 1 mers. coiontis to ap. XVI. A N D bc it further Enacted, That the feveral Colonels of their refpedtlve S annuaUy" w Rcgimcnts within this Province, are hereby authorized to apply the Fines and lender an Ac- Penalties by them received, in Virtue of this A(5t, in purchaling Drums, Colours, rnor!'oJ'pen'. Ammunition, or Arms, as fhall appear to them to be moft necefTary for the •■^50 1- Companies in fuch Regiments i and that they fhall. Annually, render an Ac- count to his Excellency the Governor fworn before, and certified by any Juflice of the Peace in the County, under the Penalty of Fifty Pounds, Proclamation Money -, to be recovered, by A6tio1i of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in the General Court of this Province, (wherein no EfToign, Injunction, or Wager of Law, fhall be allowed or admitted of,) by any Perfon who will fue for the fame -, the one Half to him or them that fhall fue for the fame, and the other Half to be applied as other Fines in this Aft are direfted. Tr9«p of Hgiit XVII. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That in Cafe w' mXring thc Govcmor or Commander in Chief for the Time being, fhall, at any Time m^Fooi Comp3- hereafter, appoint any Troop or Troops of Light Horfe, in any County in this Province, that then, and in fuch Cafe, the laid Troop or Troops that ffiall be fo appointed, are hereby exempt from multering in any of the Foot Companies within their feveral Counties, and fhall be accoutred with a good Cafe of Piftols, a Broad Sword, a Fuzee, with Swivel and Belt, a Cartridge Box, with Twenty ♦ • Four L A PF S (?/' N O R T H - C A R O L I N A. 2 1 9 Four Cartridges of Powder.and Ball, and fubjed to Muiler at the fame Times, ^- ^- '746. jnd under the l^me Penalties, as betore by this A6t is- direded for the Foot. *" ^^ ' ^ XVIII. AND he it further Enacted^ by the Authority of ore/aid, Thaf^this "^^'s ^a in , Aft fiiall be and. continue. ia Force, for and during Three Years, and from tlitence ^"'"'fi^X^'fSj to the next Seffion of Ailembly. . ' '' '"^ XIX. AN D be it Enacted^ That each and every Captain of a Company, Every Capfain t& lliall procure a Copy of this A(5V, for which he (hall be allowed in his account- ''"'^ ^ '-'opy ^- ^ qualify themfelves as a Veftry, and proceed to Parifh Bufinefs. ^I'tch''' ^^^ ^^' A'N D he it further Enactedy That all Public, County, and Parifli Levie% chtp. s!' '^* ' now due from any of the Inhabitants of the faid County of Granville, fhall be collefted by die Sheriff of Edgcomb County, and accounted for in the fame Man- ner as though this A6t had not been made. SIGNED by Gabriel Johnston, Efqj Governor, Nathaniel Rice y Prelident, Samuel Swann, Speaker. # W2^^i jjv ** jgy •Jff" Ann« LA fi^ S of North- C a r o l i n a. 223 4iSiWi.^^^^tdhJ<^ Sikl.'iiiJii', ^iV^qpqi^QP'iiPqp'wP^P^QP'^^^P'^':^^':^^^ Anno Regni A. D. 1746 G E O R G 1 1 IL Regia, Magna Britannia, Francia, &: Hihernia, Viceffimo. At a General ASSEMBLY, held at fFilmh/gtofjy the c Fifth Day of Decembery in the Year of our Lord Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty Six. A B ft t t Z, One ^^1> GoverncT, Preamblfi CHAP. I. jin AB^ for the better afcertaining the Number of Members to be chofen for the feveral Counties within this Province^ to ft and vote in Gene-^ ral Ajfembly } and jcr Eftablijhing a more equal Reprefentative oj all bis Majeffs Subjedis in the Houfe of BurgeJJ'es. I. T T 7" H E R E A S the Inhabitants of feveral of the Northern Counties with- YV ^'^ ^^^^ Province, have affumed to themfcivts the Privilege 01 chocling Five Ir'erfons refpedtivdy to reprefcnt them in the General /ifjpmbly, without any Law, or Pretence of Law, to fupport fuch a Claim, while thofe ot the more Southern and Weftern Counties, who are more numerous, and contribute much more to the Gent ral Tax of the Province than fome of thofe who cl^im this Pri- vilege, are reprefcnted only by Two Members in the faid Afiembly ; from which Inequality great Mifchiefs and Diforders have arifcn, and the belt Schemes lor the Good and Welfare of the Province, by this Means, have been utterly dclcatcd : For preventing of which for the future, II. W E pray that it may be Enaded, And he it Enacted^ by his Excellency emH County t6 Gabriel Johnfton, Efq; Go^erner^ by and with the Ad'vice and Ccnfent of his Ma- "'"^ '^*" '^*' jefty^s Council and General Ajfemhly of this Province^ and by the Authority of the Jamet That from hencctorward, the Inhabitants of each and every County already erected, or which Ihall hereafter be ercdted in this Province, itfpedtively, Ihall and may choofc Two Perfons, duly qualified, for there Kepreftntatives, to fit and vote as Members in the General AlTembly of this Province, and no more j any Law, prefenuUTCs. 224 La W S of North-Carolina. X D. T746. V_..s^ ^ Tnvvp.j t-' choule ens Burgeii. Eight Memt>«rj may zdj'urn, 'til I K'-juf; made. yourtwB ♦» enn. UyI paft Laws. KfpealingClaure, Law, Ufagc, or Cuftom, to the contrary, in any-wifc, hotwithftanding : And that the Freeholders of the fcveral Towns, to wit, oi Edenton^ Bath-Tcwn^ New- berriy and WiLtmigtoyiy may h.tve the Liberty of choofing One Repreft ntitivc each, as heretofore, to fit and vote as Members in the fuid General Aifembly, as atorefaid •, all wiiich fiid Members (hall be chof^n at fuch Tin:ies as Ihail be di- rcded by his Majelly's Writ, and at fuch Place, and in fuch Mannor, as by an A6t of the General AfTembiy of this Province, intituled, An Act, to regulate Elections for Mcntbers to fer^ e in General Ajfembly for the fever al Count ieSy to de- clare who fhall be qualified to vote in the fa;d Elections, or he elected a Member of the General Affembly, for any of the faid Ccjinties, and to direct the Mtihcd to be obferved in taking the Poll at the fever al Elections ' in the Counties and ^owns in this Province, is direded and appointed. III. AND whereas great Mifchicfs have arifen, and numberlefs Obflruflioha given to the Public Affairs, by the Members of the Ploufc of BurgLircs not duly attending, according to the Writ, or the Time of Prorogation or >r ctjournmtnt ; Be it Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid, Tlmt Eight Members of tiie Houfe, at the firft Meeting, in Purfu.mce of his Miji-fty's Writ, or the Time of Proro- gation or Adjournment, arc hereby impow^red to acijourn de Die in Diem, until the Number of Members herein alter limited fhall ton^c tog. ther, to ra..kc a Houfc. , , IV. AND for the better Difpatch of Public Bufinefs, Be it EnaElcd, by the Authority aforefaid. That Fourteen Members of the f lid Houfe, and the Speaker, Ihall be a fulficient Riorum to m^ke a Houfe, and to pafs Laws, or do ^ny other Acft or A6ts, which any AflTembly in this i'rovince h ive been heretofore accuftomed to do by a larger Numb.r j any Law, Cuftom, Or UCge, to the contrary, in any-wife, notwithftanding. V. AND be it further Enacted, That all and every CI aufe and Claufes of every Law or Laws, fo far as relate to the Inhabitants of any County or Counties in this Province, th:ir f nding above Two Members, exclufive of the Members chofen for the federal Towns, in this Act before mentioned, to fit and reprtfent them in General AITembly, directly or indirediy, is and are hereby repaled and declared null and void, to all intents and Purpufes, as though the fame had ne\''cr been made. ^ C H A. P. II. An ASt, to fix a Place for the Seat cf Government, and for keeping Public Offices ', for appointing Circuit Courts, and defraying the Ex^ pence thereof, and alfo for e/iablijbing the Courts of Jujlicc^ and regu- lating the Proceeditigs therein. i'f«mbi«. I. WT H E R E A S the Limits of this Province are very extenfive, ?nd to VV the End that the Supream Court of Judicature and Public Cftices may be held and kept at the moil: proper and convenient Place, and Circuit Courts appointed, for the Eafe and Benefit of the. Inhabitants in General of this i rovince i II. W E pray that it may be Enafted, And be it EnaHed, by his Excellency Gabriel Johnrton, £/"j •, Governor, by and with the Advice end Cotifent of his Ma- jeftfs Cowicil, and General AfferAbly cf this Province, and by the Authority cf the fam. That from and after the Fift^nth Day of Auguji, n^xt alter the Ratifica- tion L A IV S o/' North- C a r o l i n A. 225 tioa of this Ad, the Courts of Chancery, General Court, Secretary's Office, ^- ^- '746. Clerk of the Chancery Office, and Clerk of the General Court Office, ffiall be ^7 'Y"'~^ held and kept at the Town of Newbern, in this Province j and that the Court of err"" c.neraT" Chancery, and the Supreme or General Court, fhall be held at the faid I'own of [^"^k.^"** ^"'" Ne'-j;bern, on the fcveral Days and I'imcs herein after in this Act diredred j and LfcstN^L^, that all Bufinefs, proper and incident to the fiid Courts, and Matttrs appertain- ing to, and proper to be tranfadted in the faid feveral Offices, Ihall be there done and tranfa(5ted : Any Law, Ufage, or Cuilom, to the contrary, notwithftanding. III. AND be if further EnaSied, by the Authority aforefaid. That from and curki when tw' after thf faid Fifteenth Day of Aiigiifi-, the Secretary of this Province, for the ^'y=^ '^*'^" •'^'- Time being, or his Deputy, the Clerk of the Chancery, for the Time being, or his Deputy, the Clerk of the General Court, for the Time being, or his Deputy, Ihall Daily [Sundays and Holy-days excepted) give their Attendance refpeciively a^ their Offices in Ne'-jcbern aforefaid, from the Hours of Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon, 'til Twelve, and from Three of the Clock in the Afternoon, 'til Five, for the better difpatching the Bufinefs of fuoli Fcrfons who fhall apply to their re- fpective Offices for that Purpofe ; and if etcher or any of the faid Officers ffiall penalty forNes* negle£t fo to do, he or they fo offending, fhall forfeit, for every fuch Negled;, i'^"^. s '. Five Pounds, Proclamation Money ; to be recovered by Adlion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in the General Court of this Province,- (wherein no Effoign, Protedion, Injundion, or Wager of Law, fhall be admitted of,) by the Party who ffiall make Information thereof, or fue for the fame. IV. AND be it further Enacted^ by the Authority afcrefaid^ That the Chief ^^^•"""'■'^'^'p Juftice of this. Province, for the Time b ing, Ihall, Twice every Year, hold a where'tobehew'^ Court of Affize, Oyer and '•Terminer^ and Gtn ral Goal Delivery, by a Commif- fion or Commiffions to be iffued for that Purpofe by the Governor or Com- mander in Chief for the Time being, under the Seal of the Province, at Edenton^ in Chowan County, at Wilmington^ in N-^-w-Hanover County, and at the Court- houfe in Edgcomb County. V. AND be it further kna^ied^ hy the Authority aforefaid^ That all IfTues in AiiAftioiwwhea all Anions and Plaints, whether Real, PerfonJ, or Mixt, Local, or Tranfitory, '"/c?'" *° ^ which ffiall hereafter be brought or commenced in the Supreme Court of Com- mon Pleas, in which the Vifne ffiall be laid in the Counties of Currituck, Paf- qitotank^ Pequimons, Chowan, Bertie, and Tyrrell, ffiall be tryed at Edenton, by Writ of Nifi Prius, on the Second Tuefdays in October, and April : And all IfTues in all Anions or Plaints, where the Vifne ffiall be laid in the Counties of Edgcomb, Northampton, and Granville, or in any Counties that ffiall hereafter be tflabliffied to the Wejiwcrd of Granville County, ffiall be tryed, in like Manntr, at the Court-houfe in Edgcomb County, on the Fourth Tuefdays in October, and April, by a Jury of Freeholders, of the faid Counties, or any of them : And all IfTues in all Anions and Plaints, where the Vifne ffiall be laid in the Counties of Neiv-Hano-ver, Bladen, and Onflow, or any Counties that ffiall hereafter be efla- bhfficd to t\\G Southward or Weft ward oi Onflow County, ffiall be tryed, in like . Manner, at JVilmington, on Cape-Fear River, on the Second Tuefdays in Novem- ber, and May, by a Jury of Freeholders of the faid Counties, or any of them. VI. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Vifne in Vifw to be i.id all Adions and Plaints, (Suits in behalf of the Crown, and Tranfitory Acftions, J^hcrJ^the^S ' excepted,) ffiall be laid in the County where the Caufe of A6tion ffiall arife, and Tf Talon ftln in no other, without the Gopfent ^of the General Courtj for good and fufficient "'^*- Caufes ffiewn. . . . „ L 1 1 VII. AND £26 L A JV S of North-Carolina. A. D. 1746 ^— — V ' Vil. AND be it further Enabled, by the Author ty aforefaid^ That all Writs, ivru""'tv.m'"thl ^iaints, and rrocels wnatfoever, Ihall, as herctotorc, be illued out, commenced. On. o^urr ; and filed in the General Court at Newbcrn arorcuiid ; and all tiie Pleadings and lole^had'thlrt' Procccdings thcrcon Ihail be carried on and traniudted in the faid Court, until the api^H. Caufe fhall be at Iffue j and that when fuch Cauies Ihail be at iffue, tuii i'ower and Authority is hereby given to the faid Court, to iffue out a Writ of Niji Prius^. and Subpoena for Witnelles to appear, and to tranfmit a Tranfcript of the Re- cord of the Proceedings and Pleadings in all Atlions, to the proper Place, for the Tryal ot the Iffue before appointed for that Purpofe, in tiie fame* Manner ac- cording to the Method, and as near as may be, agreeable to the Fradice, of the Court of Common Pleas or King's Bench at IVdJiminjhr. cwef juftife'« VIIL AND be it further EnaBedj That the faid Chief Juftice, or fuch other P.werto try at Pe^fon or Perfons, in Cafe of Sicknefsor Difubility of the Chief Juftice, as fhall, the Timet 3nd ' -it/- ri c /^ rr Piacti afoiefaij. from Time to Time, be appo..it:!d Juitice or Juiticcs or Affize, Ojcr and T'^r- miner, and General Goal Delivery, (hall have full i'owtr and Authority to try* at the refpeftive Places and Times aibrefiid, all Illues remaining to be tryed in^ any of the faid Records, as aforefaid, and to caufe Juries to be fummoned and' fworn, and in all Things relating thereto, to proceed according to, and as near as may be, agreeable to the Method ufed and pradifed by the Judges of Aflize, Oyer and ^er miner ^ and General Goal Delivery, in Efigiand. AnA to certify IX. A N D be it further Ena£ledy That the faid Chief Juflice or Juftices of w%h'rGS Affize, Ihall, upon the faid Tranfcript of the Record, ctrtiry, under his or their Coort CfF.c*. Hands and Seals, the Verdid of the Juries, and the whoie 1 roceedings had thereuDon, and to return, or caufe the fame to be returned, and filed, in the Ge- neral Court Office in Newbern aforefaid : And the General Court is hereby im- powered to enter, or caufe Judgment to be entered thereupon, and to iffue Exe- cution, and in all Things to proceed and ad, as near as may be, agreeable to the Proeedings of the Court of Common Pleas and King's Bench at M'tjtminfier^ ;be depending or prorecuted, in the General Court, J'''^''"- fhall beTffued by the Clerk of the General Court, and figned by, and bear Teft, of the Chief ^^ctfoi: the Time being. XXI. AND he it Ena^ed, by the Anthci'ity aforefaid^ That all faeh Writs Procefs when re- and Procefs, (except Subpoi-nas to fummons Evidences, which may be made 'Xtximc^tobe returnable immediately,) Ihall be returnable on the firft Day of every General <--x=cute<. Court, and fhall be executed at lead Ten Days before the Day mentioned therein for Return thereof : And if any Perfon takes out original Procefs whilfl" the Ge- neral Court is fitting, or within Ten Days bciore the Beginning of any General Court, fuch Procefs fliall be made returnable to the next General Court, after that then fitting or beginning within Ten Days, as aforefaid, and notothcrwile -, and all fuch Procefs iiTued, made returnable, or executed at any other Times, .ind in any other Manner, than is herein directed, (hall be, to all Intents and Pur- pofes, null and void. XXII. PROVIDED akvays^ That the Two next fuccceding General Provir». Courts fhall be held at Edenton^ in the Months of March and July, as ufual •, and all Procefs fliall bear Tell, and be returned to the faid Courts, accordingly ; and that afterwards, all Procefs iliall bear Tell, and be returnable to the General Court, to be held at NcvsJern. XXIII. PROVIDED alfo. That nothing herein contained, fhall -extend Criminal Profe^- I 1 • 1- 1 . r T»7 ■ 1 i\ T 1 cutior.s returna- to be conlirued to invalidate or vacate any i'rocels, Warrant, or other Mandate bie at any Time or Precept, ilTued by any of the judges or Juftices of the General Court, or other °f *J"= General Juftices of the Peace, or by the Clerk of the Crown, on any Criminal Profecu- tion, or in his Majefty's Behalf, hut that the fime may be returnable to any Day in the Sitting of the General Court, and the Proceedings in all Criminal Suits and Profecutions, fliall be had according to the Laws and Statutes of Great-Britain, and this Province ; any Thing herein contained to the contrary, in any-wife, notwithftanding. " XXIV. AND be it further Enabled, by the Authority afcrefaid. That from On a Writ to tha. and after the Fifteenth Day of July n^xt, when any Writ fhall ilfue whereby the f';t.''rn'a'"Bati'" Sheriff is commanded to take the Body of any Ptrfon or Pcrfons to anfwer unto B.nd, with two any Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, in any Adion in the General Court, the Sheriff fliall brthe'sJm?""" return therewith a Bail Bond, with Two fufficient Securities, for double the Sum for which the Perfon or Perfons fliall be held in Arreff, (Executors or Adminiftra- Exrcuton and tors excepted,) unlefs fpecial Cuufe fliewn to the contrary to the Clerks Office, txcTpTe'd."^"'^ on or before the Firfl Day of every Court. XXV. PROVIDED never thelefs. That in all Adions where the Damages h'rSc'oJ' are uncertain, and the Defendant in Cuftody, or hath given Bail to fuch Acffion or magesVeMcerl Adlions, it fliall and may be lav/ful for the Defendant to apply to the Chief Juf- tice, or any of the Aifociate Juftices, for a Summons, to fummon the Plaintiff, or his Attorney, at fuch a Time anci Place therein mentioned, to appear, and fiiew Caufe of Adion againft the Defendant •, which, if the faid Plaintiff" fail to do, or, by the Nature ofthe Adion, Bail is not required, the Defendant fliall be difcharged, and the Plaintiff accept of an Appearance, as in other Cafes : And if it fliall appear to the faid Chief Juftice, or any of the Affociate Juftices, from the Nature of the Action, that Bail is required, the Plaintiff fliall fwear to his Caufe ot Adion, and the Defendant enter into Bond, with Two Sureties, for double the Sum or Damage fworn to by the faid Plaintiff: And if the Sheriff • - . M m m fliall tain. 230 L A IV S of North-Carolina. A D 1745 fh.ill not return Bail, or the Sail returned fhali be found infufficient on Exception taken, then, and in fuch Cafe, the Sheritf (liall be deemed, taken, and ftand as Special Bail for the Defendant ; and the Plaintiff fhall not be delayed in his Suit or Adion, but lliall and may proceed^ according to the Rules hereafter mention- ed -, and on Judgment or Recovery, (hall take out Execution againft the Defen- dant, or Sheriff, or both, at his Ekdion ; any Law, Ufage, or Cuftom, to the contrary, notwithftanding. provifg. XXVI. P F.OV IDEB alzvays^ That if the Defendant puts in Special Bail before the Time to plead given him by the Rules hereafter mentioned is expired, then the faid Sheriff fhall be difchargcd. t^roTifo. XXVII. PROVIDED alfo^ That the Sheriff may furrender the Defendant, in Difcharge of himfclf, any Time before Judgment is obtained againft the Defendant. ?r.«eci-ngswhen XXVIII. A N D he it further Er.rMedy That when any Sheriff fhall return, S;rt^/'fi.r w^t that he hath taken the Body of any Defendant, and committed him to Prifon for 6f'Blii. "' want of Bail, the Plaintiff may enter the Defendant's Appearance, and the De- fendant fhall be at Liberty to plead, as if fuch Appearance had been entered by himfelf, and the Plaintiff may proceed on to Judgment, as in other Cafes in this Acl direded ; neverthekfs, fuch Defendant fliall not be difcharged out of Cufto- dy, but by putting in Bail. penalty on the XXIX. A N D be it further Enacted^ That if any Sheriff fhall negled to ex- sher;flr for n. t ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^N vX ov Writs iffuing out of the Geneal Court, which fhall be delivered txccDting rits ^^^^^ ^.^ Twenty Days before the Courts Sitting, or any Writ or Writs iffuing out of the County Courts, which fliall be delivered unto him Fifteen Days before the Courts Sitting, that then the faid Sheriff fhalU for every fuch Negled, at the Motion of the Plaintiff proving fuch Delivery, be ordered and obliged to pay, to the Party grieved, all Coffs and Charges that may accrue in taking out fuch Writ or Procefs, and be further liable to the Suit of the Party injured ; unlefs the faid Sheriff can fhew fulTicient Caufe, to the Court from whence fuch Pro- cefs iffued, to be by the Court allowed, why he could not execute the fame. fail Bond ^eem. XXX AND be it further Ena^ed^ That no Perfon who has given Bail Bond ed Special Bail, to the Sheriff, with fufficient Sureties, and fhall be adjudged good by the Court, fhall be compelled to put in Special, or any other Bail j but that fuch Perfon named in fuch Bond, fhall be deemed and taken to be Special Bail, and liable in ProceecVn , »f-er ^^^ ^^""'" Manner to the Recovery of the Plaintiff; and that the Plaintiff, after foal Judgment." final Judgment, fhall not take out Execution againft fuch Bail, until an Execu- tion hrft be returned, that the Principal is not to be found, to fatisfy fuch Judg- ment ; and flaall alfo take out a Scire Facias, returnable to the fame Court, which fhall be fcrved on the Bail ; and that aiter the Return of fuch Execution againft the Principal, and Scire Facias aforefaid, or againft the Bail, Execution may iffue againft the Securities, or their Eftatcs, unkfs the Bail fhall furrender the Defendant at or before the Return of the Scire Facias, without any other Pro- cefs iffuing : Any Law, Ufajge, or Cuftom, to the contrary, notwithftanding.- Prccef, t,-, be if. XXXL A N D for the better afcertaining what Procefs may or fhall be iffued D f ""'"rtobe ^^'^^"^ ^^'^^ Sheriff fliall return, that the Defendant is not to be found within his fonnd." ""' "" ' Bailiwick •, Be it Ena^ed, That where the Sheriff fliall make Return as aforefaid, the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs in any Ac1;ion, fliall and may fue out an /attachment againft the Defendant's Eftate, returnable as is herein before directed for the Re- turn of original and other fubfequent Procefs, v/hereupon to force an Appearance, 'OT Capiasy by Continuance, at the Election of the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs ; and. if the L ^4 IF S of N OP. T H-C A RO L I N A. 271 the Sheriff fiiall return any Goods by him attaciied, and if the Defendant do not ^- ^- '746. plead to the faid Action Within the Time limited, as is hereafter directed, the *^ v ' l^laintiif fhail be entituled (if in an A&on of Debt,) to a final Judgment, and if in an Ai5lion on the Cafe, to a Judgment by Default, and a Writ of Enquiry of Damages to be executed at the next enfuing Court or Afiize ; and the Goods fo attached, Ihall remain in the Cuftody of the Sherift' 'til fuch Judgment obtained, and then to be dilpofed of in the fame Manner as Goods taken in Execution on a Writ of Fieri Facias ; and if the Judgment lliall not be fatisfied by the Goods attached, the Plaintiff may have another Execution for the Refidue. XXXII. AN D be it further Enactedy by the Authority aforefaidf That from Attaciiment may and after the Ratification of this Aft, upon Sufpicion of any Perfon or Perfons sufpici'onof°p"r. intending to remove from his Place of Refidcnce, and that he is about to with- '^""^ "moving. draw hinifelf and his Eifedts out of this Government, fo that Proccfs cannot be fervcd on his Body, or that he hath already removed himfelf, the Chief Juftice, or any Jufcice of the General Court, or any Juilice of the County Courts, may grant an Attachment, at the Prayer of the Party to whom fuch Perfon removing or abfconding is indebted, or hath done any Damage or Injury, againft the Eilate of fjch Perfon, returnable to the Court where the Debt or iVIatter is cognizable, as is herein direfted for original Writs ; and that fuch Attachment fhall be deem- ed the leading Proccfs to fuch Adion, and the fame Proceedings had thereon as on an Attacliment on a Return of Ncn efi inventus^ by the Sheriff: But before fuch Attachment fhali be granted, the Party moving for the fame, fhall make Oath of fuch his Sufpicion, and that he vtrily believes fuch Perfon is about to withdraw himfelf and Eifcfts, or hath withdrawn himfelf; and fhall alfo enter into Bond, to the Defendant, with fufRcient Sureties, to fatisfy all Cofls and Damages that may accrue and be awarded to the Defendant, in Cafe fuch Plain- tiff fhall fail to prof.cute or be caft therein -, which Bond Ihall be returned by the Juftice into the Court \vhere the fame is cognizable. XXXIII. P ROV IDED al-ways. That the Goods fo attached in either Cafe, Prov:fo. as afore-mentioned, fhall and may be replevied by Appearance, and Special Bail being given, if the Defendant fhall be ruled to give Bail by the Court. , XXXIV. A ND be it further Enacted, ^y the Authority aforefaid. That where Jufti*'^ n^y gram any Perfon, Inhabitant of any other Colony or Place, Ihall be indebted to, or gainft Coods'of hath done any Tort or Injury to any Perfon, refident and an Inhabitant of this ^^"'S"* DcUoh. Province, and cannot perfonally be ferved with any Procefs, and hath Effedls in this Government, any Juftice may grant an Attachment, on the Party's making Oath to the Truth of fuch his Allegation, againft the Eftate of fuch Perfon, re- turnable into the Court where the Debt or Matter is cognizable, fo as to com- pell an Appearance ; and the fame Proceedings fhall be had thereon, as is before mentioned. XXXV. P ROV IB ED always. That the Goods fo attached, fhall and Oood. .ttacSca may be replevied by Appearance, and putting in Special Bail, if the Defendant r/App^arwce'* fhall be ruled to give Bail by the Court : And if the Party fhall be ruled to give Special Bail in any of the aforefaid Cafes, and cannot procure fuch Bail, the Goods fo attached fhall remain in Cuftody of the Sheriff, and fuch Perfon fhall be admitted to plead as if he had given Bail, and the Goods left in the Hands of the Sheriff, after Judgment obtained, fhall be liable to the Recovery and Execu- tion of the Plaintiff; and if fuch Goods are not found fufhcient to fatisfy the Plaintiff's Judgment, Execution may iffue for the Refidue, or the Plaintiff may bring his Aftion on fuch Judgment, for the Sum unpaid and unfatisfied. XXXVI. AND 232 L^/^iSo/' North-Carolina. A. D. T746. ^"rT^haT^ XXXVI. AND whereas divers Perfons, poffcffed of Eftates in Lands, Tene- ilX!3nA ic":u. ments, and Hereditaments, in this Province, having contraded Debts, or which l"'h!'ut'?°ion" ^^-^'^ hereafter contraa Debts with Traders or other Perfons rcfiding here, have rftjie, and may depart the Province, without le^^ving perfonal Pilate fufficitnt to lutiify the fame ; and there not being fuitabie Provhlion made, whereby the Lands of fuch Debtors may be fubject to fatisfy fuch Debts : i'or Remedy wher.of, jtiftve may iffuc XXXVII. B E ii Enacted, by the Authority aforrfaid^ That any Juftice fhaH an Attachment. ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ Attachment, at the Prayer of the Perfon to whom fuch I'erlon or Perfons as aforefaid is or are indebted, direded to the Sheriff of the C ounty where the Lands he, returnable to the Court where the Matter is cognizable : Proc«d;nes to be '^"^ ^^ ^^^ Sheriff retums that the Perfon hath no Goods to be found in his Baili- hid thereon. wick, the Court fhal! grant Judgment for the Debt, due Proof thereof being firit made ; which faid Judgment Ihall be final in Aftions of Debt ; and in other Aftions, a Writ of Enquiry fhall, at the Morion of the Plaintiff, be then exe- cuted, or at the Affize, according as the Vifne is laid; upon which Judgment, a Writ of Fieri Facias fhall be awarded, returnable to the next fucceeding Court. " •• If no Gnnd, to XXXVIII. A N D bc it further Enacted, Thjt if die Sheriff return the afore> to be'fub'eaed''' faid Writ of Fieri Facias, no Goods to be found in his B.iihwick, in fuch Cafe "''"■'''■ the Court fhall nominate and appoint Pive Pretholders of the faid County, who, on Oath, fliall value and appraife the Lands of the faid Defendant, or fo m.uch thereof as Ihall be fufficicnt to fitisfy the afbrtfiid Judgment, and all accruing Cofts, and fhall return fuch Appraifenftent, under their Hands, to the next fuc- ceeding Court after fuch Appraifcment -, and thereupon the Court fhall ordt r the Lands fo appraifed to be put into the Poffcffion of the Plaintiff, r.t the appointed Value ; which order fhall be a good and fuHicient 'Pitle to the Plaintiff, his Heir* and Affigns, for ever, againft the Defendant, his Heirs or Afiigns : ' Any Sale of fuch Lands made in Foreign Parts, Ad, Law, Ufage, or Cultom, to the con- trary, notwithrtanding. Rules in the Ge- XXXIX. AND for a mofc fpeedy Determination of all Caufcs depending nerai C(,«rt. j^^ j.j^^ General Court, than can pofiibly he obtained by the prtf nt Practice, Be it Enabled, by the Authority afcrcfaid. That from and after the Fifteenth Day of Auguji next, thefe following Rules and Methods fliall be obfcrvcd \ to wit, THAT the Plaintiff fh;Jl file his Declaration on or before the Second Day of every Court or Term, in the Office of the Ckik of the Central Court, and fcrve the Delendant with a Copy of fuch Declaration, at kail Ten Days be lore the Sitting of the Court to which fuch Suit is brought-, or a Non-profs ihall be entered by the; Defendant.. THAT the Defendant fliall appear, and plead, or demur, within the firit Four Days of the Term to which the Writ is returnable •, otherwife the I'laintlff fhall have Judgment by Default, which, in Debt, fhall be final, unkfs the Da- mages are to be fiiggeiled on the Roll -, in that Cafe, and in all Adions where the Plaintiff fhall recover in Damages, a Writ of Enquiry ihall be executed the next Court, or at the Affizes : Provided, that where the Nature of the Adion requires Special Pleading, the Court may enlarge the Time, on fufficient Cauf^ {hewn. THAT where the Defendant pleads fpecially, the Plaintiff fliall reply in Four Days, or a Non-profs ihall be entered by the Defendant ; and if tlie Plain- tiff replies, and in his Replication, tender an lime, the Defendant ihall join Iffue, or demur, in Four Days i and when the Defendant rejoins to the Plaintiff's Re- plication, L A 7V S (9;^ N Q R T rt - C A R o L I N A. 233 plication, he (hall file his Rejoinder ia Four Days, or Judgment Ihall, in either ^- ^- ^746_ Cafe, go againft the Defendant, by Default, unlefs the Time for fuch Pleadings '^ "*" fhiiil be enlarged by the Court, as aforefaid ; and the fame Time fliall be given, and Rules oblerved, through the whole Courfc of Pleading. T H A T all Ifilies (hall be tryed at the next fjcceeding Court, or at the ne£t Alfize, after the Illue joined, without any Notice given by the Attorney of either Side ; nor fhall fuch Caufe be continued or delayed, unlefs Special Caofe be Ihewn to, and approved of, by the Court. T H A T the Clerk of the General Court fhall enter, in a particular Docket for that Purpofe, all fuch Cafes, and thofe only, in which any IfTue is to be tryed. Writ of Enquiry to be executed. Special Verdidl or Demurrer to be af- gued, in the fame Order as they ftood in the Courfe of Proceedings. THAT where a Special Verdift fhall be found, or where there fliall be a Demurrer to Evidence, or Bill of Exception, Time fhall be allowed, upon Mo- tion of either Party to the next General Court, to argue the fame. THAT for the more entire and betttr Prcfervation of the Records of the Court, where any Caufe is finally determined, the Clerk fhall enter all the Pro- ceedings therein, and other Matters relating thereto, in a Book, to be kept for that Purpoie, fo that an entire and perfe6t Record may be made thereof. T H A T all Caufes to be tryed by Jurors, be firft beared. T H A T all Motions in Arreft of Judgment, fhall be argued in the Four laft Days of the Term the lifue is tryed, or the Court after any IflTuc fhall be tryed at the Afiize -, the Defendant's Attorney firft ferving the Plaintiff '3 At- torney with a Copy of his Reafons in Arreft of Judgment, the next Day after fuch Motion. THAT all Arguments on Writs of Error, Special Verdidls, and Demur- rers, be beared on the Four laft Days of the Term, and at no other Time. XL. AND be it further EnaSled, That all the Statutes of Jeofails which ?,'^'''f„' f^^.J"' are now in Force in England^ are hereby declared to extend and be in Force here \ hae, and that the fame be duly obfcrved by all Judges and Juftices of the feveral Courts of Record within this Province, according to the true Intent and Mean- ing of the faid Statutes •, any Law, Ufage, or Cuftom, heretofore made to the contrary, notwithftanding. XLI. A N D to the End that a certain Time be limited for the Sitting of the Cenewi Coart General Court, and that Perfons who have any Suit or Matter there depending, J^ b" held.* "" may the better know v/hen to attend, and that their Bufinefs may be the better difpatched •, Be it EnaSled^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That the General Court fhall be held at Newbern Twice every Year, to wit. On the Second Tuefdays in September and March, Yearly ; and every Court fliall continue to be held Twelve Days, Sundays exclufive, and no longer. XLII. PROVIDED neverthelefs. That if all Suits and other Matters de- Provifc. pending in the faid Court, fhall be ended in lefs Time than the Days appointed by this Aft for the faid Court to be holden, it fhall and may be lawful to adjourn the fame until the next fucceeding General Court, N n n XLIIl. AND 234 -^ -^ W S of North-Carolina. A. D. "1746, **"" V "^ XLIII. A N D he it further Enabled, hy the Authority aforefaid. That the Court when 'and firfl General Court to be held at Newbern, fnall begin on the Second T'Hefday in wh'jre to be heia. ^gpt ember, next, after the Ratification of this Aft; to which Time and Place, all Bufinefs depending in the General Court in July next, fliall ftand continued and adjourned. Rules for taking XLIV. AND forafmuch as in many Cafes in the Tryal of Matters of Fad in Affid:>vits of the General Court, it may be necelTary to examine feveral Witneffes, that the WitnsfTcs. Xruth in fuch Cafes may be the better known •, Be it Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That the following Orders, Rules, and Methods, in taking of Affida- vits of Witneffes, in all Cafes depending, or to be depending, in the faid Court, and every of them, be obferved and put in Praftice •, to wit, T H A T in all Caufes where Witneffes are to appear at the General Court, a Summons Ihall be iffued by the Clerk, for the Time being, dire6led to the Sheriff of the County where fuch Perfons refide, exprefsly mentioning the Time and Place where the Witneffes are to appear, and the Names of the Parties to the Suit wherein they are to give Evidence, and at whofe Requeft they are fum- moned. THAT every Subpoena, made returnable imir^ediately, fhall be perfonally ferved on any Perfon, who is thereby fummoned as a Witnefs to attend the Ge- neral Court. T H A T a Copy of any Subpoena or Summons, iffued by the Clerk in the Vacation, and returnable on the firft Day of Court, or any other Day of. the Court, or on the firfl: Day of the Affize, in Cafe the Perfon therein named be not found at home at the Time of going to ferve the fame, left at the ufual Refidence or Abode of fuch Witnef^ or Witneffes therein named, by the Sheriff, Five Days before the Return of fuch Writ, fhall be deemed a good and valid Service, and the Perfon thereby bound to appear. Penalty oa Wit- XLV, A N D be it further Enabled, That if any Perfon be fummoned to at- "ttlnd '^"''"^ " tend accordingly, every fuch Perfon fo failing, fhall forfeit, to the Perfon or Perfons at whofe Suit the Summons iffued. Twenty Pounds, Proclamation Mo- ney ; and fhall be further liable to an Adion on the Cafe, for what Damages fuch Perfon fhall fufl:ain, for Want of fuch Witnefs's Teflimony. Provifo. XLVI. PROVIDED always. That if fufficient Caufe be fhewn by the Perfon fo fummoned, and failing to appear, of his or her Incapacity to attend, at the Time he or Ihe ought to have appeared, then no Forfeiture or Penalty fhall be incurred by fuch Failure : But if fufficient Caufe be not fhewn, at the next fucceeding Court after fuch Failure, on Notice given, it fhall and may be lawful for the faid Court, upon Motion of the Party for whom fuch Witnefs was fum- moned, to grant Judgment for the Forfeiture afore-mentioned, againfl the Per-^ fon or Perfons fo fummoned and failing to appear, as aforefaid. witneis unable XLVII. A N D be it further Enacted, That if any Witnefs, by Sicknefs, ntion'"'^' ^1^''"' -^S^' or other lawful Difability, be incapable of attending to give his or her Evi- takeB.'"'^ ^ dence, according to fuch Summons, on Oath made thereof, the Judge or Juf- tices of the General or County Court where fuch Suit is depending, fhall or may, by a Commiffion or Commiffions, from Time to Time, as Need may requii-e, impower fuch, and as many Perfons as they fhall think fit and neceffary, in any County within this Government, to take and receive all and every of the Depofi- tions of any Perfon or Peribns fo difabled, as aforefaid. XLVIII. PRO- LAWS of North-Carolina, 235 A. D. 1746. XLVIII. PROVIDED always, ^ That the Party praying for, and obtain- ^;j;v- ' ing fuch Commifllon or Commiffions, tor taking and receiving any Depofitions aforefaid, fhall make known to the other Party againft whom the fame is to be taken, the Time and Place of the Execution of every fuch Commiffion, at leaft Ten Days before the Day appointed for fuch Execution •, who fhall have Liberty to crofs examine fuch Witneffes •, and all Depofitioiis otherwife taken than is herein diredled, fhall be, to all Intents and Purpofes, naU and' void. XLIX. AN Die it further Enacted, That if any Perfons whofoever, be fum- Penalty on Per- moned as a Witnefs, and upon his or her Appearance in the General or County ^""^ ^'^"'""s '° » • pivc lividcncc Court, or before the Perfon appointed to take Depofitions as aforefaid, fhal] re- fufe to give Evidence, upon Oath, fuch Perfon fo refufing, fhall immediately be thereupon committed to the Common Goal, there to remain, without Bail or Mainprize, until he or. fhe fhall be willing to give Evidence, upon Oath, in fuch Manner as the Law now doth, or at any Time hereafter, fhall direft.''-'--^ .oij !(_•'■■ - 't -joi ? ■ L. P ROV ID ED d-ujays. That the People called ^^/^^r/, /half have the Quakers allowed fame Liberty of giving their Evidence, by Way of Solemn Affirmation or De- thv-ifAffirmatit.n, claration, as by an Adt of Parliament, made in the Eighth Year of the Reign of the late King George, intituled. An A£i, for granting to the People called Qua^ kers, fuch Forms of Affirmation or Declaration, as may remove the Difficulties which many of them lie under ; and that all Negroes, Mulattoes, bond and free, to the Third Generation, and Indian Servants or Slaves, fhall be 'deemed and ^vfE^de^ceon! taken to be Perfons incapable, in Law, to be Witneffes in any Caufe whatfo- 'y ^e^'"** °"^ *- ever, except againft each other. not er. LI. AND he it further Enacted, That during the Attendance of any Per- witncncsexempt fon, fummoned as a W^itnefs at the General or County Courts, and .as the faid fromFroccfs^du- Perfon fhall be going to, and returning from the Place of fuch Attendance, al- ''"^ lowing One Day for every Twenty Five Miles fuch Perfon's Refidence (hall be diftant from the fame, no Perfon whofoever fhall lerve or execute, or caufe to be ferved or executed, upon any Perfon lb attending, going to, or returning from^ fuch Place of Attendance as aforefaid, any Writ, Procefs, Warrant, Order, Judgment, or Decree, in any Caufe -, and if fuch fhall be ferved or executedj the fame fhall be void, to all Intents and Purpofes. LII. AN D be it further Enacted, That for every Mile any Perfon fhall Allowance for travel, either in going to, or returning from, the Place where he or fhe fhall be Evidences. fummoned to appear as a Witnefs, there fhall be paid to him or her, by the Per- fon or Perfons on whofe Behalf the Summons iffued. Three Half Pence, Procla- mation Money, per Mile, together with the neceffary Charges of Ferriage, in going and returning, and Two Shillings, Proclamation Money, per Day, for every Day's Attendance, from the Time appointed for Appearance, until the Time fuch Perfon fhall have given his or her Evidence, or fhall be difcharged, LIII. AND be it further Enabled, That in any Bill of Cofts, there fliall not 3 witneffes ai- be allowed the Charge of above Three Witneffes to the Proof of any one particu- '°^^^^ tooneFaa. lar Matter of Faft. LIV. PROVIDED always. That no Suit fhall be brought to the General n„ s«it te bein Court, for a lefs Sum than Five Pounds, Proclamation Money ; unlefs the Plain- '^e Gen. court tiff and Defendant live in different Counties. ^'" '''"' '*"'" ^ '" LV. AND for the better Eflablifhing the County Courts within this Pro- county Courts vince, and regulating the Proceedings therein •, Be it Ena£ledy That in every Eft.«d. County 236 La W S of North-Carolina. A. D. 1746. County within this Government refpefftively, there ihall be held Four Courts in ^-. — ^ f ^^^ Year, at fuch Times and Places as heretofore, according to antient Cuftom * and Uliige, hath been known, ufed, and pradifed. Three juftices to Lvl. AND h it Efiac^ed, hy the Authority aforefaid. That the Juflices of "y''JiMauersby thc aforcfaid County Courts, or any Three of them, fhall and may take Cogni- them oognizabic. ^a^ce of, and are hereby declared to have full Po\ver, and lawful Authority, and Jurifdi6tion, to hear, try, and determine, all Caufes, A6tions, Suits, Mat- ters, and Things, at Common Law, where the Debt, Damages, and Caufe of Aftion, is above Forty Shillings, Proclamation Money, and does not exceed Twenty Pounds like Money •, (Adlions of Trefpafs in Ejedment, "Writs of For- medon in Dccendtr, Remainder, and Reverter, always excepted -, ) and all Petty Larcenies, Affauks, Batteries, and Trefpafles, Breaches of the Peace, Crimes, Offences, and all other Mifdemeanors, of what Kind foever, of an inferior Na- ture, may hear, (Forgery and Perjury excepted,) by Indidment, Information, or Prefentment •, and all Matters pertaining to Orphans, and their Eftates, and all Petitions for filial Portions and Legacies, or other Parts of Inteftates Eftates : Their Power oat And that the faid Juftices of the Peace, and every of them, from Time to Time, of Court. ^^^ ^^ ^jl Times, during their Continuance in that Office, as well out of Court, as wkhin, fhall have full Power and Authority, as amply and fully, to all In- tents and Purpofes, as Juftices of the Peace in the Counties in England^ as well out of their Court of Quarter Seffions, as within, to preferve, maintain, and keep the Peace within their refpeclive Counties j and in the hearing, trying, and deter- mining of all Caufes, according to the Authorities and Powers granted to them by this Ad, or which ftiall be granted to them by any other or more Ad or Ads, and every of them, ftiall proceed to do Juftice, to all Perfons whatfoever, according to Law. Attflwey Gene- LVII. A N t) be it further Ena^ed, That the Attorney-General, for the Time Dlp«Vin°"ch being, is required and authorized to appoint a Deputy in each County within County. ti^is Province ; which faid Deputy ftiall and may profecute all Matters, cogniza- ble in the County Court, for and in Behalf of his Majefty, and ftiall take and re- ceive Thirteen Shillings and Four Pence, Proclamation Money, on each and every Bill of Indidment found, or Prefentment made, in the faid Court in which he is or fliall be Deputy. cunty Court. LVlII. AND that all Perfons may be at the greater Certainty when to attend when held. ^.j^^ ^^-^ Courts ; Be it Enacted, by the Authority afore/aid. That the Courts of the feveral Counties ftiall be holden on the refpedive Days, and at the refpedive Places they were ufually held, and ftiall not be adjourned to any other Time than the next fucceeding Court which fliall be in Courfe, Quarterly. . p^^^j^ LIX. PROVIDED always. That if k ftiall fo happen, that all the Sjoirn, '''""' Caufes depending, or to be depending in any of thc faid Courts, cannot be beared, tryed, and determined, upon the Day appointed for holding the Courts > refpedivcly, that then, and in all fuch Cafes, it fliall and may be lawful for the Juftices of fuch Courts, to adjourn and hold the Court, de Die in Diem, fo as the faid Court fliall not continue to be held longer than Five Days ; in which Time, all Caufes and Controverftes then depending before them, fliall be lieared, tryed, and determined, or continued over until the next Court in Courfe. Rules i« the LX. AND for thc regular and fpeedy Profecution and Determination of all Co.ntyCou.ts. ^^^^^^ ^^^ g^j^^ j^ ^j^^ faid County Courts, Be it Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That the following Rules and Methods fliall be obferved, to be thc Pradice of the feveral County Courts within this Province : That all Writs, Sum- mons, or other Procefs, to bring any Perfon or Perfons into Court, from and after LAWS of North-Carol I N A. "^iJ after the faid Fifteenth Day of July^ next ;ifter the Ratification of this Ad:, fliall ^ ^- ''+^^ be fio-ned and bear Teft by the Clerk of the County Cotirt from whence ftich '"^ Procefs ifllies. LXI. A NT) be it further Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaid, Thzi-iW (\.\c\v Wnts,&c. when' Writs, Summons, or other Trocefs, (except Subpoenas to fummqii Evidences, l^wim Time w which may be made returnable immediately,) fhall be returnable on" the Firft be executed. Days of fuch. Court, and Ihall be executed at leaft Five Days before the Day mentioned therein for Return thereof-, and all Declarations Ihall be ferved at leail Five Days before the Day of the Sitting of the Court: And if any Perfon ifiues any Writ or Procefs whilft fuch Court, is fitting, or within Five Days before the Beo-irtning of any County Court, fuch Writs or Procefs fliall be returnable to the County Court after that then fitting or beginning within Five Days, as nforefaid, and no otherwife ; and all Writs and Proctfs iffued, made returnable, or executed, at any other Times, and in any other Manner than is herein direclec], fliall. be null and void. / ' LXII. PROVIDED always. That nothing hefeih contained,' fhaiPel^- ^^Y£"^r?&c' tend or be conftrued, to invalidate or vacate any Writ, Procefs, Warrant," or "' Precept, ifllied by any of the Juftices of the County Courts on any Criminal Profecution, or in his Majtfty's Behalf, but the fime may be returnable on any Day in the Sitting of the fuid Court; and the Proceedings in all Criminal Suits and Profecutions, fhall be had according to the Laws and Statutes ot Great- Britain, and this Province : Any Thing herein contained to the contrary, jn any-wife, notwithftanding. ~.!"\. '. LXIII. AND be it further Enabled, by the Authority uforefaid, "^Viit frdtfi sherifstJuty, «« and after the faid Fifteenth Day of July, when any Writ Ihall iffue to take the \^^^^ ^(t't^ Body of any Perfon to anfwer unto any Plaintiff, in any Adion in a County peWon'/ " Court, the Sheriff fhall return therewith a Bail Bond, with Two fufficient Se- curities, for double the Sum for which the Perfon fhall be held in Afreft, (Exe- cutors and Adminiftrators only excepted,) to the Clerk, on or before the firft Day of every Court; and if the Sheriff fhall not return Bail, or the Bail fo re- oi what liable to, turned fhall be found infufhcient, upon Exception taken thereto, then, and in fuch Cafe, the Sheriff fhall be taken and fland as Special Bail for the Defendant, and the Plaintiff fhall not be delayed in his Suit or Adion, but fhall and may proceed, according to the Rules hereafter mentioned ; and on Judgment, or Re- covery, fh.tll t-ike out Execution againft the Defendant or Sheriff; any Law, Ufage, or Cuflom, to the contrary, notwithftanding. LXIV. P ROVIDED al'Ways, That if the Defendant puts In Special Bail, Pf^^''"' before the Time to plead given him hereafter mentioned is expired, then the faid Sheriff fhall be difcharged. LXV. PROVIDED alfo. That the Sheriff may furrender the Defendant, Provifa, in Difcharge of himfelf, any Time before final Judgment is obtained againft the Defendant. LXVI. AND be it further Enabled, hy the Authority aforefaid. That from ^"^^'^^''^^e'" and after the faid Fifteenth Day of July, the Defendant fhall enter his Appear- County Courtr, ance, and file his Plea, whether General or Special, the firft Court, which, if he fail or negkd to do, the Plaintiff fhall have Judgment, by Default ; which faid Judgment, in Adions of Debt, fliall be fin J, except where Damages are to be fuggefted on the Roll, in which Cafes, and all others where the Plaintiff fhall re-^ cover in Damages, a Writ of Enquiry fhall be executed the next Court. O o THAT 238 L A ti/" S o/'North-Carolina. yl. D. 1746. *'-"- ■"V""^ T H A T all Ifiues, whether General or Special, fhall be joined, tryed, and argued, the next fucceeding Court -, unlefs fufficient Caule is fliewn to fuch Court, why fuch Caufes {hall be continued or laid over to the next Court then fucceeding. T H A T all Caufes at Ifilie, ready for Tryal, fhall be firft" Hgare^ and tryed. THAT every Motion in Arrefl of Judgment, fhall be made and argued. Ore TcniiSy the laft Day of the fame Court the Iffue is tryed. THAT where any Special Verdidt fhall be found, or Demurrer to Evidence filed, at the Motion of either Party, Time fhall be allowed to the next fucceed- ing Court for hearing. T H A T the Clerk of every County Court, when any Caufe is finally deter- mined, fliall enter all the Pleadings and other Matters relating thereto, into a Book, to be kept for that Purpofe, that an entire and perfedl Record may be made up. Appeal* how LXVII. A N D for granting of Appeals from the County Courts, to the Gc- granted. ncral Court, and obtaining Writs of Error to the County Court ; Be it EnaEled, by the Authority aforefaid. That when any Perfon or Perfons, cither Plaintiff or Defendant, fhall be diffatisfied with the Judgment of the County Court, and pray an Appeal to the General Court, fuch Perfon or Perfons, before fuch Ap- peal fhall be granted, fhall enter into a Recognizance, with Two fufficient Sure- ties, for profecuting the fame, and to perform the Judgment of the General Court, and pay the Condemnation Money, in Cafe the Appellant fhall be cafl in the faid Suit. Writs of Error LXVIII. AND becaufc it often happens, that in iflliing of Procefs, carrying how obtained. ^^ ^j^g Proceedings, and in rendering Judgment in the faid County Court, there is Error, to reverfe Judgment •, Be it Ena£ledy That when any Defendant is de- firous to profecute a Writ of Error, he fhall move the County Court where fuch Suit is depending, to allow a Writ of Error, he firft entering into a Recog- nizance as above mentioned ; and the faid County Court is hereby to allow there- of, as if fuch Writ of Error was then and there produced. Rui« of Court LXIX. AND for carrying on, and profecuting fuch Appeals and Writs of in App:;ai5 and Error, to and from the General Court -, Be it Enaffed^ by the Authority afore- faidy That the following Rules and Methods of Praftice fliall and may be ob- ferved ; to w//, THAT when any Perfon, either Defendant or Plaintiff, conceives he Is in- jured by any Judgment given in the County Court, he may appeal to the Ge- neral Court, in Manner and Form as above diredied ; and a 1 ranfcript of the Proceedings of the County Court, fliall be filed with the Clerk of the General Court, Fifteen Days before the Sitting of the Court, and a Tryal de Novo thereon fhall be had at the faid General Court, or Court of Aflize, where the Vifne is laid in any County where the Aflize is held, and a Tranfcript of the Proceedings of fuch County Court fliall be fent down from the General Court to the Aflize, in Order for fuch Tryal, without further Notice given by either Party ; and if fuch Tran- fcript of the Proceedings is not filed within the Time aforefaid, with the Clerk of the General Court, or if the Appellant fhall fail to appear at the General Court, to profecute his Appeal, then the Judgment of the County Court fhall be affirmed ; provided, that there fliall be Thirty Days between the Day of Tryal in Writs of Error, LAWS of NoRT H-G A RO L I N A. -39 -V"- in the County Court, and the next fucceeding General Court : But when it io ^- i^- 1746- happens, that there are not Thirty Days betweerj fuch Tryal and^ t^e General '^ Court, fuch Appeal fhall be continued, and a Tranlcript of tlie' Proceedings tranfmitted to the General Court then next following : And where any Dtfcn- upon a Iranicript or tiie Proceedings fhall be hied with the Clerk of the Gener^ Court, Fifteen Days before the Court; and the Defendant profecutihg fuch Vvrit of Error, fhall afiign and file Errors Fifteen Days before the Court •,. arid in,Ca,i[e fuch Defendant fliail negted to file fuch Writ, and affign Error, as abovefaid, or fhall fail to appear and argue fuch, then the Judgment; of rh^ County Coiirt fhall be a!3rnied : Provided, that there fhall be Thirty Days between fuch Mo- tion for obtaining a Writ of Error, and the Time of holding the General Court. LXX. A N D in Order to oblige the Clerks of the County Courts to draw cierk to draw a Tranfcripts in fuch Caufes where an Appeal is granted, or Writ of Error allow- Tranfcipt oitiie ed ; Be it Enattai, That in every County Court within this Government, when J^iwef i^te the an Appeal fhall be granted, or Writ of Error allowed, the Clerk of fuch Court ^'"^y within n fhall immediately make up a full and perfcd: Record of all the Proceedings in naUy' of^j 1. "^ fuch Caufes, and fhall, within Twelve Days after the Adjournment of the faid Court, give an attcfled Tranfcript of fuch Record to the Perfon appealing, or to whom the Writ of Error is allowed -, and every Clerk negleding to do the fame, fliall forfeit and pay, to the Appellant, or Defendant, the Sum of Five Pounds, Proclamation Money, to be recovered, by fuch Appellant or fJefendant, by A6tion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in the County or General Court ; wherein no EfToign, Injundion, or Wager of Law, fliall be allowed of: And the faid Clerk Ih.di alfo be liable to an Aftion on the Cafe for Damages, to be recovered by the Perfon who is hereby intituled to an attefted Tranfcript. LXXI. AND be it further EnaSfed, by the Authorty aforefaidy That all and cierks to attend every Clerk and Clerks, of the fcvejral County Courts within this Province, fhall ' ^'y '" ^^"x be obliged to attend. One Day in every Week, either at his Place of Abode in officJs/on'pe-^ the faid County, or at the Clerk's Office, to wit^ every Monday^ from Nine of "^ity«f s'- the Clock in the Morning, 'til One^ and from Two, 'til Five, in the After- noon ; and every Clerk, on Failure thereof, and negleding the Bufinefs of the County, for his Non-attendance, fhall forfeit and pay, to any Perfon who hath Bufinefs with the faid Clerk, and wants any Thing from his Office, who will fue for the fame. Five Pounds, Proclamation Money •, to be recovered by Adion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information ; wherein no EfToign, Injundion, or Wager of Law, fhall be allowed of. LXXII. AND he it further Enacted^ hy the Authority nforefaid^ That no Writ, Procefs, Action, Suit, Complaint, or Profecution, depending in the Ge- diLnSued by neral or Coynty Courts within this Province, fliall be dilcontinued by Reafon or ^- J"'^'"'« ^ot Caufe of Sicknefs happening to the Chief Juflice, or any of the Juflices of the "''"'"^" County Courts, or on his or their failing to meet on the D^, and at the Time appointed, to hold fuch Court and Courts -, but that all Writs, Procefs, Adions, Suits, Complaints, Profecutions, and all Matters and Things incident thereto, fhall be continued, and be in Force and Virtue, as if fuch General and County Courts had been regularly holden -, and that it fliall and may be lawful for any Afl'ociate Jufbicc, in the General Court, or any one Jufl:ice of the County Court, to adjourn the faid Court, de Die in Diem ; any Law, Cufl:om, or Ufage, to the contrary, notwithftanding. LXXIII. A N Dbe it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That the aa, repealed. Ad, intituled, An //^, for afcertaining the Time and Method for executing and Return ^40 LAWS ^North-Carolina. A. D. 1746. Return of original JVrits^ and for the better regulating divers Proceedings in the - "^^'" Court of Pleas ; the Aft, intituled, An yl£l, concerning Evidences ; the A6t, inti- tuled. An A^, for the Relief of fuch Creditors tvhofe Debtors, having Lands in this Government^ depart without leaving pcrfonal Efiate fujfcient to -pay their Debts \ and fo much of the Ad:, intituled. An A£l, concerning Appeals and Writs of Error, as any Way relates to Appeals and Writs of Error ; the Ad:, intitu- led. An A£f, for Regulating Proceedings on original Attachments ; and the Ad, intituled, An A5f, for appointing Circuit Courts, and for Enlarging the Power of the County Courts ; and every Claufe and Claufcs, Article and Articles of them, and of every of them, as are within the Purview of this Ad, is and are hereby Repealed, to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever. ^ SIGNED by Gabriel Johnston, Efqj Governor. Ekazer Allen, Prefident. Samuel Swann, Speaker, ^<^' Anno LA W S of North-Carolina. 241^ ir< w, -xu v^ •< -i -t^ 'i^ .'i<^ ,"'■■" .-*^' ."><>" -*'- "- ^S>. H Anno Regni G E II II Regis, Magn£ Brhannice, Franct£, & Hihernice, VicefTimo. At a General ASSEMBLY, held at Nt^hcrn, the g.bhiz. Seventh Dny of March, in the Year of our Lord One I^G-rno;. Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty Six. C H A P. I. An A5i^ for appet?iting Com?niJJio?iers to Revife and Print the Laws of this Province, arid for granti?2g to his Majejiy, for defraying the Charge thereof a Duty on Wine, Rum, atid dijiilled Liquors, and Rice, im- ported into this Province. WJ H E R E A S for Want of the Laws of this Province being Revifed preamWt, and Printed, the Magiftrates are often at a Lofs how to difcharge their Duty, and the People tranfgrefs many of them through Want of knowing the fame : Wherefore, : II. W E pray that it may be Enadled, And be it Ena^led^ by his Excellency Commi/Honef. iGabriel^ Johnfton, Efq; Governor, by and with the Advice and Confent of his tfSprint the Majejty^s Council, and Geiieral Affembly of this Province, and by the Authority of Laws? the fame. That the Honourable Edward Mofeley, Efq-, Samuel Swann, Efq; the Honourable Enoch Hall, Efq; and Mr. Thomas Barker, or the Majority of them, be, and they are hereby nominated and appointed Commiflioners, to Re- vile and Print the feveral Ads of AlTembly in Force in this Province. III. AND be it further Enacted, That the faid Commiffioners fliall revife the To mnJce.n in- faid Afts of Aflembly, and compile them in one Body, and make an Index, Not'es^alfd^Kt- Marginal Notes, and Refcrrences thereto, and Ihall lay the fame before the next ferrcnces"3ndto fucceeding General AfTcmbly after they Ihall have fo revifed and compiled them, ?heir x/oubk.^" to be ratified and confirmed ; and fuch only of the faid Commiflioners as Ihall P P p ' revife 242 L A iv S of North-Carolina. A. D. 1.746. revife the Laws, Ihall have and receive, for their Trouble in reviling and com- *^.— V- ' piling the faid Ads, the Sum of Sixty Pounds, Proclamation Money •, to be paid by the General Afiembly, out of the Duty on Wine, Rum, and diftilled Li- quors, and Rice, arifing and made payable by Virtue ot this A<5t. Laws to be print- jv. A N D be it further EnaEfed^ That after the faid Ads fliali be revifed and to\vhom^io'"b" compiled by the faid Commiffioncrs, or the Majority of them, as aforefaid, anql given to. ratified and confirmed by the General Alfembly, the fame fhall, with all con- venient Speed, be printed, by the f lid Commillioncrs, or the Majority of them, ■ who fliall furnifli and deliver feveral Books of the faid Laws, well bound, and Lettered on the Back, to the feveral Officers, Offices, and Courts, herein after mentioned ; that is to fay. One to his Excellency the Governor, One for the Ufe of his Majefly's Council, One for the Ufe of the General Aflembly, One for the Ufe of the Secretary's Office, One for the Ufe of the General Court, and One tp each and every County Court relpcdivcly in this Province : And fuch only of the ^°m!l!ier!'u) "be f^id Commillioncrs v/iio ihall revile the Lav/s as aforefaid, fhall have and receive, pai.i 100!. =n.' fQi- printing the faid Ads, and turnilhing and delivering the feveral Book.s afore- VeSnVforfive faid, the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, i^roclamation Money ; to be paid by the Years. General Affembly, out of the Money arifing by the Duty before mentioned -, and alfo, the Benefit and Advantage of the fole Printing and Vending the Books of the faid Laws, for and during the Space or Term of Five Years -, and Ihall not take or receive above the Sum of Ir ifteen Shillings, Proclamation Money, for each Book by them fo printed. petfoni offering ~V. 4ND be it further EyiaSted^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That if any Per- cnnwr°''Vo'fh'^ fon or Perfons fliall import into this Province, any printed Book or Books, or A'ir'ts ^rfei't fhall fell, or offer to Sale, any printed Book or Books of the faid Lav/s, within B a Copy of the fe(f|. Copy of the faid Laws, Be it Em^.ed, That the Secretary ot this Provmcfe eommLail fliall make out and deliver, to thc laid Commiffioners, or the Majority of them, a true and parfed Copy^of the faid Laws now in Force, and the Titles ot fuch as have been repealed or become obfolete, which fliall be by the faid Commiffioners, or the Miyontv of them, examined with the Original; for which Copy, and for mnknWm^ and fending Copies of this Ad to the feveral Receivers of the Duties hui'm thi^. Ad, {wWh .he..i& hereby required imiDcdiately to do,) he fliall have and L A JV S of North-Caroljna. 243 aad receive the Sum of Twenty Pounds, PrQclamation Money, to bfi paki -by "*■ :^- '746. thevGoaoral AtieuibJ-y, out ot .che Money ariiing by Virtue at this Aft. ^ ~^ "^ IX. AND for raifing the fuel feyeral Sums of Money, herein before mertti- D>,ty on Liquors oned to be paid to the faid Com/iiifiloners, for revifing the faid Afts, and print- Sljcwge.*" i^ng and ddivering the feveral Books aforcfaid j Be it Enacted^ by the Authority eforefaidy That for every GaUon of Wine, Rum, and other diftiiJud Liquors, which, from and after the ftrft Day of May,^ next atter the Ratification of this Atfb, ihall be imported or brought into this Government, from any Port or Piace, {Grtai-Britam excepted.,) eitheir by Land or Water, the Duty of TJiree Peuice, Proclamation Money, or Bills equivalent, or the Value thereof in the fame Liquor for which the Duty is payable., at the Rate of Two Shillings and Eight Pence, Proclamation Money, per Gallon, provided the Sum payable amounts, in liie Whole, to, and is paid in, a full Cafk of the faid Liquors, containing Fifteen Gallons, which lliall be fold at Public Vendue, to the higheJft fiidder, for ready Money, liril giving Ten Days Notice of fuch Sale ; and alfo, the Duty of Three Shillings and Four Pence, Proclamation Money, for every Hundred Pounds of Rice, that Ihall be jnjported as aforefaid, Ihall be paid by the Impor- ter or Owner of the fame, until the firft Day of May^ which fhall be in the Year ©four Loi'd One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty Nine, and no longer. 3C JNDbeit further Enacted^ That no Wine, Rum, or other diflilled Li- Liquois anaRke quor.s, QX Rice, (hall be landed, put on Shore, or any other Way delivered, out "j[n°''^ ^^"i'^ of the VejSH importing the fame, before due Entry, on Oath, made thereof, with tile Officer or OfBcers in this Adl hereafter appointed, for receiving of the Duties ifl the Port or Place where the fame Ihall be imported, or before the faid Duty Ihall be fully fatisfied and paid, or fecured to be paid, and a Permit had, under die ITand of the Officer or Officers, for landing of Delivery thereof ; and chat all Liquors or Rice landed or put on Shore contrary to the Diredlions, and true Intent and Meaning of this Act, or the Value thereof, lliaJl be forfeited j One Half to his Majefty, for the Ufe of the PuhHc, and the other Half to him or them who will inform or fue for the fame •, to be recovered as in this A<5t here- after is direded. XJ. JND h it further Emcted^ That any Perfon or Perfons, bringing any if hroughtinby Wine, Rum, or any diftilled Liquors, exceeding one Gallon of Wine, Rum, ^ "'*' *^'^p<'" »° or any diftilled Liquors, or above One Hundred Weight of Rice, from any o^y™^ on'"i4n" Other Colony, into this Province, by Land, Ihall, in Ten Days after he or they "^ 3 '■ have or hath lodged or houfed the fame, make a due Report, on Oath, of the Quantity of fuch Wine, Rum, or any diftilled Liquors, or Rice, by him or them brought in, to the Officer or Officers of the refpeftive Ports appointed by this Ad to receive the Duty ; and on Default thereof, (hall forfeit Three Pounds, Froclamation Money •, to be applied and recovered as aforefaid. XII. AND be it further Ena^ed^ That if any Perfon or Perfons (hall pay "^^^{["^ 2'""' any of the Duty or Cuftom aforefaid in Silver or Gold Coin, of his or their Im- ^f'anf. allowed! pprtation into this Government, to be proved by the Oath of the Party or Parties paying the hrr\^, fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall have an Abatement or Allowance on the D\ny aforefaid fo paid and fatisfied, of Fifteen per Cent, and every Officer eppointed in Virtue of this Ad to colled the faid Duty, arc hereby authorized ©nd required to make the fame Allowance or Abatement accordingly. XIII. AI ^ en Pen. of sol. Officers allowed XIV. A N D be it further Enacted, That the Officers appointed for collefting 6 per Cert. and receiving the faid Duties, fliall be allowed Six per Cent, for all fuch Sums they fliall receive in Virtue of this A<5t. Officers XV. AN D be it further Enacted, That-Mr. William Rofs, be, and is hereby >pp™nt- nominated and appointed Receiver of the faid Duty in the Port of Brunfwicky and fliall refide at Brunfivick, to receive the faid Duty on the faid Liquors or Rice imported in fuch Veflel or VelTels which fliall enter in the Port of Briin- fwick : And that Mr. Thomas Lovick, and Mr. James Macklezvean, be, and. are hereby nominated and appointed Receivers of the faid Duty in the Port of Beau- fort •, to wit. The faid Thomas Lovick to refidc at Core-Sound^ to receive the faid Duty on the faid Liquors, and Rice, imported in fuch VeflTel or Vellels which fiiall lade or unlade in Core-Sound, or Bear Inlet -, and the faid James Macklewean fhall refide at Newbern, and fliall receive the Duty aforefaid on the faid Liquors, and Rice, imported in fuch Veflel or VeflTcls which fliall lade or unlade in Neus River : And that Mr. Andrew Conner, be, and is hereby nominated and ap- pointed Receiver of the faid Duty in the Port of Bath .• And that Mr. John Lo- vick, Mr. William Perfons, Mr. James V/ilfon, and Mr. John Edwards, be, and are hereby nominated andi appointed Receivers of the faid Duty in the Port of Roanoak -, who fliall reflde and keep their Offices at the feveral Places here- after mentioned ; to wit, , The faid Mr. John Lovick, at or near Eden Houfe, or Edcnton ; Mr. John Edwards, in Northampton County ; Mr. William Perfons, in Granville County -, Mr. James Wilfon, at Bennett-Creek Bridge, in Chowan County : And Mr. Andrew Duke, is hereby nominated and appointed Receiver of the faid Duty in the Port of Currituck : Which faid Receivers, refpedlively, fhall give fufficient Security, payable to his Majefty, in the Sum of Two Hun- dred Pounds, Proclamation Money, for the Ufe of the Public, for his faithful Difcharge of his Duty by this Ad: dire6ted : And in Cafe of the Death, or Re- moval out of this Province, or Rtfufal to aft, of all or any of the Receivers, it fhall and may be lawful foe the Governor or Commander in Chief, for the Time being, to nominate and appoint a Receiver or Receivers in the Stead of fuch Re- ceiver or Receivers fo dying, removing, or refufing to aft •, who fhall give Se- curity, in the Hke Sum, and in the fame Manner, for the faithful Difcharge of his or their Office, as the Receivers in this Aft nominated and appointed, are before required to give. Receivers to ac- XVI. AND be it further EnaEled, That the faid Receivers of the Duty afore-' count with the f^itl^ (i^all account, on Oath, with the General AfTembly, at each SelTion, and Affembiy. ^^^ .^^^^ ^,^^ ^^^^ Affembly, all fuch Money as fliall or may be by them, or any of them, received, after dedufting their CommifTions for receiving the fame. Receiver, Power XVII. AND be it further Ena^led.^ That the Receiver and Receivers ap- to enter &feaich pointed, or that fhall be appointed, in Virtue of this Aft, to receive the faid vefl-ds. Y)ux.y in this Aft mentioned, is and are hereby authorized and impowered, to enter on Board any Ship, VefTel, or Boat, and fearch the fame, and from thence to take away any Wine, Rum, or any difl:illed Liquors, or Rice, for which the Duty aforefaid is not paid, or lecured to be paid, within Ten Days after the En- try of fuch Ship or Veffel, and to detain the laid Wine, Rum, and difl:illed Li- quors, and Rice, 'til the laid Duty fhall be paid, or fecured to be paid ; and alfo, at all Times, to go on Board any Ship, Vellel, or Boat, on Informationi rnade^ or if fufpeftcd, and fearch the. lame i and if any Wine, Rum, or any , ^ diftilled LAWS of North-Carolina. 245 diftilled Liquors, or Rice, fhall, after the Entry of fuch Ship or VefTeJ, be found ^' ^- 174-5. on Board, which hath not been duly entered, as in this Ad: is before direfted, it **■*■ "^ fliall and may be lawful for the faid Receiver to feize all fuch Wine, Rum, oi any diftilled Liquors, or Rice, and bring the fame on Shore, and fliall p-ofecute the faid Seizure or Seizures as in this Act direfted. XVIII. AND be it further Enacted, That if any Receiver, appointed by Vir- Pen^Uy m Ke,. tu(f of this A6t to receive the Duty aforelaid, or any other Perfon or Perfons for Pe,7JnJ^ofcine'- him, fhali take or receive, direftly or indiredlly, any Bribe, Recompence, or Bribery. Reward whatfoevcr, or (hall connive at a falfc Entry of any Wine^ Rum, or any diftilled Liquors, or Rice, that fhall be imported into this Province, either by- Land or Water, whereby the Public may be defrauded, fuch Receiver fo offend- ing, ftiall forfeit and pay the Sum of Fifty Pounds, Proclamation Money •, to be recovered and applied as other Forfeitures in this Aft, and Ihall be lor ever after difabled ot holding any Office or Employment relating to the Cuftorn of this Province ; and the i'erlon or Perfons giving or paying any fuch Bribe, Recom- pence, or Reward, fliall forfeit and pay the Sum ot Fifty Pounds, Proclamation iVIoney ; to be recovered and applied in the fame Manner as other Forfeitures in this Ad. XIX. AN D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid^ That z\\ Fines fines howreca. and Forfeitures in this Aft mentioned, fhall and may be fued for, and recovered, ^^'^''^* by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any Court of Record in this Government -, wherein no Elloign, Proteftion, Injunftion, or Wager of Law, fhall be allowed or admitted. CHAP. n. An A^i to repeal a Claiife m an AB^ intituled^ Ah AdV, for efedting the upper Part of Crave?: County into a County and Parifh, and for ap- pointing a Place for building a Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks, in the faid County ; and the Claufe in an AB, intituled. An Ad:, for dividing Edgcomb County and Parifh, and for erefting the upper Part thereof into a County and Parifli, by the Name of Granville County, and St. Joh7i's Parifh, and for appointing Veflrymen of the fatd Pa- rifh -y lihich dire 51, That all Public, County, and Parip Levies, due from any of the Inhabitants of the faid County of Granville, fiall be colleSled by the Sheriff of Edgcomb County ; and that all Public, County^ and PariJJj Levies, due from any of the Inhabitants of Johnflon, fhall be colle5ied by the Sheriff of Craven County, fo far as may relate to the Taxes or Levies laid and made payable for the Tear One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty Six. O B S. SIGNED by Gabriel Johnston, Efq; Governor. Nathaniel Rice, Prefident. Samuel Swann, Speaker. Q^q q Anno L ji W S o/' North-Carolina. 247 W, v> i/w v^ -J -y 'JTfc^ <^ 'i^ -^ ~»\^ '''i' "If-^ -^w- -1^ -^ .-^ .-^y -Ay -^ -yw- -^v. ~{^. -iv. -yv, -wv^ h -vir. A. D. 1748. k — ^ ' J Anno Regni G E O R G I I 11 Regis, Magudc Britannlije, Fraticide, &; Hibernia, Viceffimo Secundi. i At £i General ASSEMBLY, held at Kewherfj, Sixth Day of ^pril, in the Year of our Lord Thoufjind Seven Hundred and Forty Eight. the GASaiEt Johnston, One ^'^'^' ^°*'''"*'^' CHAP. I, An A6t^ to appoint Public Treafurers: M E R E A S, by the Laws of this Province, the Shcrifs and other « ^, VV Perfons concerned in the receiving and colledbing of the Public Mo ney, are difeded arid required to account with and pay the fame to the General Affembly ; and whereas, by Reafon of the Shortnefs of the SelTions, there is not always Time perftdly to examine the Accounts of thofe who appear, or to fend tor them who negled to appear, and account : Wherefore, ir. W E pray that it may be Enaded, Jnd l>e it Enabled, by his Excellency PuWic Tr«fa. Gabriel Johnfton, Efq-^ Governor^ by and with the Advice and Confent of his Ma- '*" '??»'""=*• jejifs Council, and General Affemhly of this Province, and by the Authority of the fame. That Mr. Thotnas Barker, be, and is hereby appointed Public Trcafurer for the Counties of Currituck, Pafquotank, Pequimons, Chowan, Tyrell, Bertie^ Edgcomb, Ncrthamptcn, and Granville ; And that Edward Mofeley, Efq; be* and is hereby appointed Public Treafurer for the Counties of Craven, Carteret, Onflow, 'New-Hanover, Bladen, Johnfton, Beaufort, and Hyde : Which faid Trea- furers fliall, before they enter upon their faid Offices, refpedivcly, give Bond, to our Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs and SuccefTors, in the Sum of Two Thouland Pounds, Sterling Money, for the faithful Difcharge of their faid Offices- n'hich Bond fhall be lodged in the Secretary's Office. III. ANB 24^ LA W S of North-Carolina. ji. D. 1748- -•v— III. JND he it further Ena£Ied^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That the She- ti>rNora.'ern°^ Hfs, and all . other Perfons, concerned in the coUefting or receiving any Public Counties' to' ac- Mottey, within the rcfpeftive Counties ot" Cwm/Mf-I-, Pafquotank, Pequimo?is, Cho- T^afcer byS wafj, Tyreil, Bertie, Edgcomb, Northampton, and GrnnvtUe, Ihall, on or before ,ft\,f Jan. en jj^g |^fft Day of Januar), next enfuing, upon Oath, account for, and pay to the Pen. of 20 1. ^_^.^ q^homas Barker, all the Money fo by them rcfpeitively received, or which, bv Law they ou^rht to have received, and were accountable for, before the firft Day of September, in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty Five, under the Penalty of Twenty Pounds, Proclamation Money ; and that all Perfons, within the faid refpedtive Counties, having any Public Money in their Hands, ihall, upon Oath, account for, and pay the fame, to the faid 'J'homas Barker, on or before the fakl iirft Day of January^ next enfuing, under the like Penalty of Twenty Pounds, Proclamation Money. IV. A N B be it further Enabled, by the Atahorty aforefaid. That the Sherifs, wl[h hm/brihe and all' other Perfons, tdncerned in the collefting or receiving any Public Mo- tSike Pcnait"" ney within the faid refpeftive Counties, Ihall, on or before the Tenth Day of cna ty. _^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ]^qxi\ One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty Nine, upon Oath, account for^ and pay to the faid Thomas Barker, all the Monies fo by them received, or which, by Law, they ought to have received, and are ac- countable, fince the aforefaid firlt Day of September, in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty Five •, under the Penalty of Twenty Pounds Proclamation Money : And the faid Thomas Barker, fhall attend at Treaf«rrr where Edetiton, ta fettle the feveral Accounts, and receive the Ballances thereon due, to attend. Yovw Days after the feveral Times herein appointed for the Sherifs and other Per- fons to account and pay the feveral Sums due to the Public, and by them received. Sherifs &c of V- AND be it Ena^ed, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Sherifs, and all the" Southern ' other Perfons concerned, or who have been concerned, in the coUefting or re- £""£tVthJrr ceivino- any Public Monies within the refpeftive Counties of Craven, Carteret, Treafurer, by ' Qnflow, NeW'Hanover, Bladen, Johnjlon, Beaufort, and Hyde, fhall, on or be- Urioi °" ^'"' fore the firit Day of January next, upon Oath, account for, and pay to the faid Edward Mofeley, Efq; all the Money fo by them refpedively received, or which, by Law, they ought to have received, and were accountable for, before the Iirft Day of September, in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty Five •, under the Penalty of Twenty Pounds, Proclamation Money : And that all Perfons within the faid refpedtive Counties, having any Public Money in their Hands, and by them received, before the firft Day of September, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty Five, Ihall, upon Oath, account for, and pay the fame to the faid Edward Mofeley, on or before the faid firit Day of Janu- ary, next enfuing •, under the Penalty of Twenty Pounds, Proclamation Money. ^j VI. A NT) he it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaidi That the Sherifs, Jf'j^f on'the and all other Perfons within the fiid refpective Counties laft mentioned, con- likc Penalty. cemcd, or who have been concerned, in the collecting or receiving any Public Money, fhall, on or befcTe the Tenth Day of July, One Thoufand Seven Hun- dred and Forty Nine, upon Oath, account for, and pay to the faid Edward Mofeley, Efq-, all the Monies fo by them refpectively received, or which, by Law, ^they ought to have received, and were accoimtable, fince the aforefaid firft Day of September, in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Flundred and Forty Five -, under the Penalty of Twenty Pounds, Proclamation Money : And Trcnfurer where tlic faid Edward Mofeky fhall attend at Ncwbern, to fettle the feveral Accounts,. to auend. ^nd receive the Balhnces thereon due. Four Days after the feveral Times ap- pointed for the Sherifs and other Perfons to account and pay the feveral Sums\ due to the Public by them received, ^^^' ANUr LAWS of North-Carolina. 249 A. D. 1748. VII. AND bs a further EnaEled, by the Authority aforefaid. That all and ' "^ ' every the Sherifs, and other Pcrlbns, that iTiali be concerned in the coIIec1:ing f^^tihthe and receiving the Pubhc Monies hereafter to be colleded and received, within Treafurtr in 2 the feveral Counties in this Province, ihall, within Two Months after the Time SfoVllla! appointed by Law for their collecting or receiving thereof, upon Oath, account '"°' "^ ^'"' "^ for, and pay the fame to the Public Treafurer for fuch County refpedively 5 un- ''^'" der the Penalty of Twenty Pounds, Proclamation Money. VIII. AND be it further Ena^ed, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Taid Treafurers in,- Public Treafurers refpedively, are hereby authorifed, impowered, and required, p""'"'^'' to pro- to fue and profecute all fuch Sherifs, or other Perfons, who have heretofore been' qC's. ^'''"' or fhall hereafter be, concerned in the colleding or receiving the Public Money, or who have, or fhall at any Time hereafter, have any of the laid Money in their Hands, within the faid refpedive Counties, and fhall neglect or refufe to account for and pay the fame, at the Times, and in the Manne?they are by this A6t required and directed, ori the Penalty in this Ad mentioned -, and alfo, on the feveral Bonds given by each and every of the faid Sherifs or other Perfons. in any of the faid refpeftive Countiesj for the due and faithful Performance of their feveral Offices or Duties ; and the Clerks of the feveral County Courts, and every other Perfon or Perfons having fuch Bond or Bonds, Account or Accounts^ or other Papers, in his or their Keeping or PofTeflion, is and are hereby diredled and required to deliver the fame to the PubUc Treafurer of fuch County where the faid Bond or Bonds was or were given, or Account or Accounts, or other Papers, lodged, when he fhall demand the fame^ TD l"^" ^^? ^' n •^''''r^^'' ^"""^'^^ ^y ^^'' Authority aforefaid, That the faid Treafurers to Pubhc Treafurers fhall, from lime to Time, as often as required upon Oath ^""""^ ^^'''^ the account for, and pay to the General AfTembly, all fuch Sums of Money as they ^w?s ^"' refpeftively receive, by Virtue of this A6t ; for which Trouble, they fhall be ^'"'' allowed Five per Cent, on all the Monies by them refpeftively received, and paid into the AfTembly, as aforefaid. .^•. 4/^^ ^' '^ f^^'^^f Enabled, That in Cafe of 'the Death, or Departure out Governor to ... ot tfiis Province, or other legal Difability of the faid Treafurers, or either of P"int Treafurers, them, hereby appointed, it fhall and may be lawful for the Governor or Com- (.iiJy? °*' °'^*° mander in Chief, for the Time being, with the Advice of his Majefly's Council, to appoint and conftitute any other Peffbn or Perfons in his or their Place or Stead, to execute the faid Office until the next Seffion of AfTembly •, fuch Perfon appointed giving fuch Bond and Security as herein before is direc1:ed. XL AND be it EmSled, That the Penalties in this Ad mentioned, fliall be Penaiu« howi« lueci tor and recovered in the General Court of this Province, by Adtion of Debt ^'' recovered, aad Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no EfToign, Proteftion, Injunftion, or ^^p"''^"^='- AVager of Law, fhall be allowed or adi^itted of i Two Thirds whereof fhall be applied to the Ufe of the Public, and the other Third to fuch Treafurer who fhall profecute for the fame. XII. AND be It further EnaSIed, That the Ad, intituled. An Act, for ap- P^nttng a Treafurer for the feveral Counties therein mentioned, in the Room of Wi ham Downing, Ef^; deceafed, and all other Ad and Ads, Claufe and Claufes of Acts, fo far as relates to the Sherifs of the feveral Counties of this Province or any other Perfon or Perfons accounting for and paying to the General Aflem- bly, any of the Public Money by them refpedively received, and the Penalty mentioned m them or any of them, is and are hereby fufpended, during the Tmie this Ad fhall continue in Force. / r . o R ' J- XJIL AND A£l3 fufpendci. L A JV S of North-Caroli N A. A. D. 1748. ' V XIII. AN B be it further Ena^ed, by the Authority afcrefaid. That this A61. fliall continue and be in Force, for the Term of Four Years, and from thence to the End of the next Seflion of Aflcmby, and no longer. Officers Fees fet- tled. OoY«rnor'5 Fees. His Fees Chancery. Governor'* Si wetary's Fees. CHAP. II. An AB, for Regulati?ig the feveral Officers Fees ivithin this Province, a?id afcertaining the Method of paying the fame. O R the better regulating the feveral Officers Fees within this Province, and to afcertain the Method of paying the fame j II. W E pray that it may be Enafted, And be it EnaHed, by his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, Efq; Governor, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majefly's Council, and General Affemhly of this Province, and by the Authority of the fame. That it fhall be lawful for the feveral Officers within this Province, to take and receive, in Proclamation Money, or Bills of Credit, fuch Fees only as is appointed by this Ad;, for fuch Service ; to wit. T'he Governor'' s Fees. Proclamation Money, /. For figning a Grant or Patent for Land, for 1000 Acres, or under, o For every Hundred above a Thoufand, to Five Thoufand, o For figning Letters of Adminiftration, or Teftamentary, o For proving a Will before the Governor, o For figning a Regifter of an undecked Veflel, Shallop, or Pettiagua, o For figning a Regifter for a decked Veffel, o For figning every Teftimonial, under the Colony Seal, o For figning every Commiffion for a Place of Profit, o For Letters Patents of Denization, o } Governor'' s Fees in Chancery^ Proclamation Money, For figning a Decree in Chancery, F'or every Order, made on Motion, or Petition, For figning an Injunftion in Chancery, For hearing and determining every Caufe, For figning an Exemplification of a Decree, For Difmillion of every Bill, where the Caufe doth not come to Tryal and final 'Hearing, The Governor'' s Secretary's Fees. Proclamation Money, For drawing the Certificate for the Probat of a Will, taken before } the Governor, 3 For drawing every Teftimonial, to be figned by the Governor, to I which the Colony Seal ftiall be affixed. For every Warrant for Land, For the great Seal, For the fmall Seal, s. .d. 6 8 5 5 7 13 5 10 10 s. lO I 7 o d. Q 4 6 . o o /. s. d. I 4 2 8 2 r 2 8 J 4 rhtf LA W S of North- Ca r o l i n a. 251 \ J'he Chief Juftice's Fees. Proclanivition Money, For every Writ, and Return, Docketing the Aftion, For every Difcontinuance, Eor every Appearance, For every IfTue joined, For every Venire, For every Adion entered in Paper, of Caufes for Tryal, For every Subpoena, For fwearing every Witnefs, For hearing every Tryal, For entering every Virdift, For hearing and giving Judgment upon Special Pleadings, had in any Caule, For confeffing of Judgment, For every Rule ot Court, For every Poftea, Return, and figning Judgment, For every Execution, For entering Satisfacftion, For taxing every Bill of Cofts, For taking Special Bail, before the Judge, For every original Attachment, For every Sciri Facias., For every Certiorari., For every Habeas Corpus^ For receiving an Appeal, For every Writ of Error, and Allowance, For taking Recognizance thereupon. For every Order in the Judge's Chamber, For receiving Injun6tion, For proving or acknowledging every Deed, For the Examination of Feme-Coverts, and Proof of the Deed or ) Acknowledgment, ) For every Affidavit, in Writing, before the Judge, For adminiftering the Oath, and figning the Certificate of the) Witneffes, attending in any Caufe, j ^he Chief Jiiftice''s Fees of the Crotjon Side. Proclamation Money, For taking every Information, Every Recognizance, taken before hifliy Every Writ, Every Order of Court, For every Commitment, For every Travers, For every Perfon difcharged by Proclamation, For every Caufe entered in the Docket, Taxing Bill of Cofts, For Examination of every Perfon committed for Contempt of) Authority, j For every Oath in the Caufe, For hearing the Caufe, For hearing and determining a Motion, in Arreft of Judgment, or 7 Special Virdid, 5 o o o o o o o o o o o o 6 o o o 6 s. 3 o o o I 2 o I o 2 o A. D. 1748, V — ^ / , Chief Tuftite'? a. Fees. D 6 6 4 a 2 & 2 8 1 6 2 8 2 8 5 4 2 8 § His Fees of the S. d. C''°w S'''*» 2 8 I 3 o I o I o 2 o 4 2 8 5 4 Clerks 252 LAWS o/' North-Carolina, yi. D. J 748. *• V Clerks Fees. Clerks Fees of the General and County Courts. Proclamation Money, For entering every A6lion, For every Writ, For a Copy of every Declaration, For recording the Defendant's Appearance, or Default, For Recording a Plea, For every Depofition, taken in Writing, For filing every Bill^ Bond or other Paper^ For Continuance, or Referrence of every Aftion, For Recording the Venire, Seven Pence Half Penny, For Recording Jury's Oath, and Verdift, For entering up the Judgment, For entering every Order of Courts For a Copy of every Order of Court, For fearching a Record, For a CommifiTion, or Dedimus Poteftatem, For certifying the Probat of a Will, For adminiftring every Oath, Two Pence Half Penny, For every Execution, For every Summons for one or more Perfons, if mentioned in the 1 Summons, J For every Petition or Motion, if entered in Writing, For a Certificate, For an Attachment, For Recording or Inroling every Bond, or other Writing, For entering the Acknowledgment of Sales of Land, For a Writ of Enquiry, For a Scire Facias^ For every Retraxit, For every Difmiflion, For recording a Mark or Brand, For proving every Right, For every Certificate, For a Copy of a Record, per Copy Sheet, each Sheet containing > Ninety Words, 3 For reading every Paper, For making up every Record on Judgment, after Verdiff or Special ■\ Pleading, and entering the fame in a Book for that Purpofe, per v Copy Sheet, each containing Ninety Words, 3 For every Bill of Cofls, or Copy thereof. For making out an Alphabetical Lift of all the Taxables in each County, and delivering the fame to the Sheriff; delivering Or- ders to Conftables, and ail other extraordinary Services for the County, to be paid by the Court, out of the County Tax, Yearly For every Certificate for each J'uror's Attendance, /. S. d. 7 I I 1 4 7 1 I 7 4 4 6 7 7 G 7 7 I 4 I 6 1 I 4 o 4 o 3 o 4 o 7 13 4 o 6 Secretary's Fecj. 'The Secretary's Fees. Proclamation Money, /. s. For every Patent in Paper, and recording, for One Thoufand A- | „ cres, or under, 3 For a Petition for a Grant for a Patent for Land, and Order, in- ^ clufive, 5 For every Hundred Acres above a Thoufand, to Five Ihoufand, o o For a Patent in Parchment, if required, and recording, o 10 o For o 5 4 o I 4 o o 7 o I 4 o 10 o o I 4 LAWS o/' North-Carolina. 25^ Proclamation Money, /. s. d. "^^ ^- '748- For a Warrant for Surveying Land, proving Rights, Petition \ ^ v"~"*^ and Order thereon, reading inclufivc, j ^ 5 4 For fihng every Paper, q 07 For Letters of Adminiftration, or Letters Teftamentory^ Guardian- 7 fhip or Tuition, if made out by the Secretary, ' ^028 For every Adminiftration Bond, if taken by the Secretary, and recording, o ^ o For every CommifTion of the Peace, and MiUtaiy Commiflion, to be } paid by the Public, - J o 5 o For every Commiffion for a Place of Profit, For a Dedimus Potefiatem^ For fearching a Record, For the Copy of a Patent, For Letters of Denization, For entering a Caveat, For Recording any Paper not before mentioned, or Copy of a Re- cord, pr Copy Sheet, each Sheet containing Ninety Words, J " ^ ^ For every Teftimonial pafilng the Secretary's Office, under the J Colony Seal, J 2 8 For every Commiflion of Oyer and Terminer^ or Nift Prius, to be > paid by the Public, } ° 5 » The Clerk of the Crown and Clerk of the Peace's Fees. cierk of the Proclamation Money, /. s. d. STp ''ce'r'' For filing every Indidment, or any other Paper, 004 Fe«/ '"' ' For a Copy of an Indidment, Information, or Prefentment, o i 4 For Recording the Coroner's Inqueft, o i 4 For arraigning a Criminal, 007 For entering every Appearance, or Default, 007 For every Capias, o i i For every Recognizance, acknowledged in Court, or out of Court, j if drawn by the Clerk, } o i i For entering every Recognizance on the Docket, 008 For entering every Order of Court, 007 For every Venire, or Subpoena, 007 For adminiftring every Oath, 004 For entering the Jury's Oath, and Vcrdid, 007 For entering up Judgment, 007 For entering a Plea, O o 5 For a Search of Record, 007 For a Copy of an Order of Court* 007 For calling the Defendant, 004 For every Refpit, 004 For a Liberate, o i i For taking every Depofition, in Writing, 007 For every Perfon difcharged, 007 For Recording any Paper not before mentioned, or Copy of Re- > cord, per Copy Sheet, each Sheet containing Ninety Words, J ° ^ ^ For drawing every Writ of Eledion, to be paid by the Public, 028 For every Scire Facias, o 14 For Writing a Warrant, o 14 For making up every Record, and entering the fame in a Book for j that Purpofe, per Copy Sheet, each Sheet containing Ninety J 004 Words, 3 S f f Clerk 254 LA W S of North-Carolina. j4. D. 1748. * ^^■" Clerk of ihe Chancery's. Fees. ChanceryClerk'* •' n 1 • iv >r ■ r ^- ■ Tecj. rroclamanon Money, i3t)C.' ; >Si\ d. Eor filing every Bill, or other Paper, - ' o 07 For every Subpoena, for one or more Perfons, if mentioned in thfe T faid Subpoena, ' 5 o ^ 4 For an Injundion in Chancery, 050 For a Superfedeas, and Return, 014 For entering up a Decree, 028 For Calling or Difmiffion, o o 7 For taking every Depofition, in Writing, o Q- 7 For Interrogatories, it drawn by the Clerk, o i s'-^ IP or z Dedimus Pot ejl at em^ to examine Witnefies, o fi8 For every Petition, or Motion, if entered in Writing, o o •■^7 For recording of any Paper not before mentioned, or Copy of Re-) ;o\- cord, per Copy Sheet,, each Sheet containing Ninety Words, J ° ° •' ^ For fetting down the C^ufe for hearing, -014 For every Search, jj.j ^o o- 7 Public Regifter'. PuMic Regifier' s Fees. T«M. Proclamation Money, /. s. d. For Regiftring every Birth, Burial, or Marriage, o 07 For Regiftring a Conveyance, or any other Writing, or giving j a Copy thereof, 5 For every Certificate of Birth, Burial, ■ or Marriage, o 07 sherifsFees, Sheriffs Fees^ Proclamation Money, For an Arreft, For a Bail Bond, For ferving a Copy of a Declaration, if done by the Sheriff, For whipping any Perfon, For ferving a Subpoena, for each* Perfoii named in fuch Subpoena, For Pilloring any Perfon, For an Attachment, as for an Arreft, and if further Trouble by moving Goods, to be taxed by the Court. For executing a Warrant of Diftrefs, or an Execution againft the n Body or Goods, if not above Ten Pounds, Proclamation Money, > o 10 for each Pound, J If above Ten Pounds, Proclamation Money, for each Pound above. For Imprifonment for Felons or Debtors, or any other Perfon, for, each Prifoner per Day, for finding One Pound of wholfome Brc One Pound of wholfome roafted or boiled Flefti, and not than Two Quarts of frefn Water, and every other neceflary Atten- dance, and keeping the Prifon clean. If the Prifoner finds himfelf Vicfluals and Drink, then the Sheriff 3 fhall take but i For fummoning, impanneling, and attending on every Jury in \ every Caufe, when a Special Venire ftiall iffue by Order of Court, J For putting any Perfon in the Stocks, and releafing, 007 For a Commitment, if by Order of Court, or Mittimus, 028 For a Releafement, 028 For ferving a Writ of Poffeflion of Land, 076 For waiting on any Perfon on a Habeas Corpus, per Day, o 2 8 For calhng every Aftion each Court, o © 4 For fummoning the Jury on a Common Venire, in qvery Caufe, 008 For L s. d. 5 4 I Q I 4 2 8 2 8 , for^ read, / t lefs J. tten- \ 5 4 LAWS o/' N O R T H - C A R O i. I N A. ■^55 V yf • D. 1743. Amerciaments to Fcr Amercements to the Jufiices of the County Courts :-''''"'•"'- Proclamation Money, ./. .. J. fhrjuS 10 the Jufticc-s, on every Adion, Prefentment, or Indiclmeht, 7 brought as an Amercement, ' *■/' ''"'■ \ \ 014 For taking Examinations, drawing and returning' "a'Rkognizahce,^'io '' 2', 'g Efcheator' s Fees. . , . '' ' ' Proclamation M6npy,'!j ^'■.' '^i; '^d. For every Inquifition, and. Return, '!\.^^.^l^v.::>v^ • "'"■'mtcrnerCeneral'sFees. ^^^ ''"'f'''^- Efcheator's Feetj Attorney-Gene- : . "^'■'- •' ■ ProclamationMoieyi^"^/x''-'1^. "^■'^-• For every Indidlment found, or Prefentment n^ade, '' ""' " .\^\''.:''"6 ^ If Bill found ^«om?«//j, then the Profecutor fhaH'p^y ''^'"^i^Pp;.' 12°^ For the fame in the County Court, _ ;\\ ' ;■ "'^''"'o ■ia''"' 'a YiiQxxndi Ignoramus.; then 'the Profecutor to pay'"* ^^^^ . ;' b''?''6'^'8 - Jtage of theAdmiraltfs Fee's.' '^ ''^'^'^'''''^ ^ , , , , ^, r» 'f-i- •■ ■■■'~ ■' Judge of theAd- rroclamation Money, /. jV d. "»iraity-s Fees. In Cafes of Seamens Wages or other Suit, exceeding Twenty Pounds ) Value recovered, for the firft Day, j i o 8 . ...j- For every Day more than one, o 12 ,t For a Warrant of Arreft, or any other Warrant, .-"a^ .-. \^''^ For admitting the Libel, -.(^ i a For every Citation, ' ^ ""'Vo- i 4. For every definitive Sentence, '" ''''■^- - Regijler'^s Fees in like Cafes. Regifier's Fe«s, Proclamation Money, / s. d. For filing every Paper, J o -^ For regiftring a Libel, Q .4v 4 For regiftring an Anfwer, or Replication, ^ci'"'V'j> For taking every Affidavit, in Writing, >5'-, T'li"' © For regiftring a Decree, •' o ' '3' -0 For Difmiflion of every Suit, i. ' , q'''^ For continuing every Suit, ^ b'"^ o""' 7 For a Citation, o For a Subpoena for each Evidence, For regiftring every Paper not before mentioned, or, copying, per 1 Copy Sheet, each Sheet containing Ninety Words, ) ° ^he Advocate's Fees. Advocate's F«e». Proclamation Money, /. jr. d. The King's Advocate, in every Caufc when he appears for the King, . 2 n^. 4 In every other Cafe, the fame as another Advocate, i 10 I o o o The MarfJoars Fees in the Court of Admiralty. Marihal's Fies, Proclamation Money, /, s. d. For ferving every Warrant, and Return, '054 For ferving a Decree, and Return, above Five Pounds, 080 For every Pound above Five Pounds, o o 4 For ferving a Citation, Monition, or Notice, 028 rhe 2s6 LA W S of North-Carolina, A V "Naval 174?. Officer's Colleftor'k Feci. Surveyof-Gcne • ral's Feet. Auditor's Feel, The Naval Officers Fees. Proclamation Money, For entering and clearing Vefiels not decked. Boats or Canoes of i the Country, if bound to Foreign Parts, 5 For entering and clearing decked Velfels, belonging to the Country, Fof entering and clearing foreign \^cflc.'ls, if under One Hundred > Tons, i If above One Hundred Tons, to include all Fees, except fuch as ) are in this Aft particularly mentioned, 3 Fot taking Bonds of Mafters of Veflels, to be underflood of either j Bonds which Mafters of VefTels are obliged to give, j For a Bond in order to obtain a Pafs, for People going out of the ) Country, and the Pafs, J For a Certificate for enumerated Goods, For a Certificate for Bounty in Englandy For figning a Permit for any foreign Veflel, going from one Diftrift i to the other, within this Province, 5 For figning a Permit for Country Veflels, going as aforefoid, hav- j ing foreign or enumerated Goods on board, j Collector's Fees. Proclamation Money, For entering and clearing foreign Veffels, if under One Hundred \ Tons, J If above One Hundred Tons, including all Bufinefs incident, ex- 7 cept fuch as are in this Act particularly mentioned, ) For entering and clearing open Veflels of the Country, if bound to^ foreign Parts, including as aforefaid. For entering and clearing decked Veflels of the Country, including as aforefaid, For a Certificate on the Change of a Mafter, For writing and figning a Regifter, For recording a Regifter, if required. For a Certificate for enumerated Goods, For a Certificate for Bounty in England^ For figning a Permit for any foreign Veflel, going from one Dif-") tri6t to another within this Province, J For a Permit for Country Veflels, going as aforefaid, having foreign*) or enumerated Goods on board, J For a Permit to load, and unload, Surveyor-General' s Fees. Proclamation Money, For entering a Warrant, and certifying. For furveying a Thoufand Acres, and under. For every Hundred above a Thoufand, Auditor^s Fees, Proclamation Money, For auditing every Patent, For entering and certifying every Warrant for Land, /. s. d 3 3 6 8 I 4 o I lO o /. s. d. I 40 I 10 o 3 3 I 4 I 4 /. s. d. 028 I 6 8 oil s. d. 5 4 2 8 Rcteiver-Gene- iaVt F»c«. For a Warrant of Diftrefs, Receiver 'Generars Fees. Proclamation Money, /. s. d. 028 Coroner*s LAWS o/' North-Carolina. 257 o 16 A. D. 174S. Coroner's Fees. ^ ^'' ^ ¥-. I • 1 /r T 1 Coroner s Fies. Proclamation Money, /. s. a. For every Inquifition, and Return, to be paid out of the Deceafcd's ) Eftate, if no Eftate, then by the Country, 3 For each and every Juror, on an Inquifition, to be paid by the Co- roner out of the Deceafed's Eftate, if no Eftate, to be paid by the Country, For the Conftable, for fummoning each Juror on an Inqueft, 007 For other Services, the fame as the Sheriff. Clerk of the Council's Fees. cicrk of the Proclamation Money, /. s. d. Councu-s Fees. For reading every Paper in Council* 007 For entering every Order of Council, 007 For every Search, or Copy of an Order of Council, 007 For every Citation, or SummonSj 007 For Adminiftring every Oath, 004 For drawing every Pttition, if drawn by the Clerk, o o lo Eor taking every Depofition, in Writing, 007 For filing every Paper, o o y For recording every Paper not before mentioned, or Copy thereof, J ^er Copy Sheet, each Sheet containing Ninety Words, 5 ^ III. AN D be it further EnaEled^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That the Clerk clerks of the of the General Court, and every County Court, and every other Court of this fuTTBiiiTf'^ Province, fliall make out a Bill of Cofts, and deliver the fame to the Party Cofts, andifthe from whom the Fees are due, or to his Attorney •, and on fuch Perfons not pay- whom the'^Tme ing the fame, it fhall and may be lawful for the Clerk of every Court, to make '' ■*".= '^*'^"'"" ^° out Execution, directed to the Sheriff of the County where the Party refides, on^ m«y ifrue"'to and the faid Sheriff fhall levy the fame, in Virtue of the faid Execution, as in ^^'^ sheriff to other Cafes ; and that to the faid Execution, Ihall be annexed a Copy of the wuh theBiirof Bill of Cofts of the Fees, on which fuch Execution fhall iffue ; and that all Ex- j^^f^'fj- "J"^"^^ * ccutions iffuing without the Copy of fuch Bill of Cofts annexed, fhall be deemed Execution other- illegal, and no Sheriff" fhall ferve or execute the fame, under the Penalty of Five *f * '° ^"'^"^ Pounds. IV. PROVIDED always, and it is the true Intent and Meaning of this A51, Execution may fce That any Execution, againft the Body or Goods of any Perfon, fhall and may be inf''efto« -^^^^ difcharged by Tender and Payment of Infpedors Notes for Commodities, as rated in an Ad, intituled. An A£f, for granting an Aid to his Majefiy, to defray the Expences of tranfporting the feveral "Troops inlijled in his Majejly's Service in this Colony, and to afcertain the Method of paying all Taxes and Levies in Commo- dities \ and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. V. AND he it further Enabled, That when any Perfon fhall pay to any Of- officers to give a ficer within this Province, any Fees due to fuch Officer, the aforefaid Officer JSptlrThtir fliall, on the Receipt of fuch Fees, if demanded, give a Ticket of fuch Fees, f«'- with a Receipt for the fame i under the Penalty of Five Pounds. VI. AND that the People may better know what Fees are due to the feveral omccrj to kee Officers aforefaid. Be it further Ena£led, by the Authority aforefaid. That each ^ Table of thdr refpedive Officer within this Province, ftiall, within Three Months, next after fhc" ferLfoffi? the Ratification of this Ad, fet up, in fome Public Place in his Office, a Table "'- °" »'^"- °f of the Fees that may be taken by fuch Officer, according to the Diredions of this Ly-, NeguT' T t t • Ad; 258 L A W S of North-Carolina. A. D. I748- A(5t ; and fhall continually keep the fanie up, under the Penalty of Five Shil- lings, for every Day luch Table fhall not be fo fixed up. Pcnait en offi- ^^^' ^ ^ D be it further EnaSfed, That if any Officer fliall demand, extort, ccrs taking larger cxad, or reccivc, under Colour of his Office, any other or larger Fees than what fngVheu Duty? ^^ particularly mentioiied in this A6t, or fhall refufe to do the particular Service in his Office for the Fees in this Aft expreffed, fuch Officer Ihall, for every fuch Offence or Default, forfeit the Sum of Five Pounds. Penalty onCierks VIII. A N D be it further Ena5led^ by the Authorty aforefaid. That no Clerk pj^l,"^ ^"""^^ of the General Court, or any County Court, fliall introduce any new Fees ; nei- ther fliall he charge, in any Bill of Cofts, any Fees for any pretended Service where the fame is not really and aftually done, or where, according to the Courfc of Pradice, the fame was not neceffary to be done •, under the Penalty of Twenty Shillings, for every Offence. Fines hovi^ to b: IX. A N D be it further Ena£fedj That the feveral Penalties in this Ad: 20X7"'' ^"^ mentioned, fliall and may be recovered, by any Perfon or Perfons that will fue for the fame, before any Magifbrate or Magiftrates, or in any Court of Record in this Province, Refpeft being had to their fevtral Jurifdiftions, as is prefcribed by Law tor the Recovery ot other Debts -, wherein no Eflfoign, Protection, Injunc- tion, Privilege, or Wager of Law, ftiall be allowed or admitted of-. One Half to the Profecutor, the other Half to the Churchwardens, for the Ufe of the Parifli where the Offence is committed. Profecutions to 'j^. PROVIDED always^ That all Profecutions for any Penalty or Pcnal- witWnTvMH. ties, by Virtue of this Adl, fliall be commenced within Two Years after the Of- fence is committed, and not after. No other Fees to XI. A N D be it further Enact edi by the Authority aforefaid. That no new or be demanded or Qj-j^gj. pggg fhall hereafter be created or made, by any Perlbn or Perfons whatfo" taken, thanthofe ^ 111 -iiri r t nni/l. fettled byGenexai cvcr, or bc demanded, taken, or received, otherwife than fuch as fhall be cfta' AflTembiy. blifhcd by the Authority of the Governor, Council, and General Aflfembly -, any Law, Cuftom, or Ufage, to the contrary, notwithflanding. UepeaiingCiaufe ^^^' ^ ^ D be it further Ena5fed^ That all other Aft and Afts, Claufes, Matters, and Things, heretofore made, relating to Officers Fees, fo far as is within the Purview of this Aft, are hereby repealed and declared to be null and void, to all Intents and Purpofcs. CHAP. III. jin AB, for laying a Tax on the Inhabitants of Granville County^ and for appointing Commifjioners to complcat and finifi the Public Buildings al- ready begun in the f aid County, Preamble, ^- WJ H E R E A S, by an Aft of the General AfTembly of this Province, YY paffed at Newbern^ on the Twenty Eighth Day of June^ in the Twentieth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, i^c. and in the Year. of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty Six, intituled. An A£f, for dividing Edgcomb County, and for erecting the upper Part therecf into a County and Pariflo, by the Name of Granville County y and St. John's P.-^r//^, and for api^olnting Vejlrymen, of the faid Parijh-, a Tax was L A PV S of North-Carolina. 259 was laid, tor Two Years, ot Two Shillings, Proclamation Money, for. building ^- ^ ' '^ a Court-houle, Prifon, and Stocks, in the laid County, and running the dividing v^"— ' Line between Craven and Edgconh Counties ; which laid Tax is found infuiRcienc for running the laid Line, and compleating the faid Buildings of the laid County : II. WE therefore pray it may be^Enacted, And he it Enacted^ by JAs Excellency T'x laia for fi- Gabriel Johnfton, £/^-, Gcvernor, by and "jjith the Advice and Conftnt of his Ma- Tk'Bafid'ngsI'&c' jejly's Council^ and General Ajfembly of this Province^ and it is hereby E^iacted, by the Authority of the fame. That a further Tax of Two Shillings, Proclamation Money, for Two Years, enfuing next after the Ratification of this A(ft, and no longer, be laid, and the faid Tax of Two Shillings, Proclamation Money, is hereby laid, on each and every Taxable in the faid County, lor and towards com- pleating and finifhing the faid Buildings, and the Charge of running the faid. Line-, and flaall be colleded and paid. Annually, by the Sheriff of the faid County, at fuch Times, and Places, and in the fame Manner, as other Taxes are coUedted and paid. III. AND be it further Ena^ed., by the Authority aforefaid. That the She- sh.-riff to ac riff of the faid County Ihall account for, on Oath, with the Commiffioners here- comm.Srf' inafter appointed, for all fuch Sums of Money and Commodities, as he Ihall re- f"r =" Mo«i" ^y ceive in Virtue of this Aft, under the Penalty of Five Pounds, Proclamatioa S'^obeluowed Money ; to be recovered, by the Commiffioners in this Ad: hereinafter named, 6 fer Qm, in any Court of Record within this Province, wherein no Eflbign,- Injundiorr, Proteftion, or Wager of Law, fhall be allowed or admitted ol ; and the faid Sheriff, for colledting and paying the faid Tax, fhall have and receive Six per Cent, and may deduft the fame accordingly. IV. AND be it further Enabled, by the Authority afore faid. That Mr. Wil- CoipTiiffionen. . Ham Eaton^ and Mr. Edward JoneSy be, and are hereby appointed Commif- ^^'""'^'^* fioncrs, to compleat and finifli the faid Buildings, and defraying the Charge of running the faid Line : Which faid Commiffioners fliall. Yearly, account with the Court of Granville County, for all fuch Sums of Money, as they fliall receive from the feid Sheriff, in Virtue hereof, under the Penalty of Five Pounds, Pr|- clamation Money ; to be recovered by any Perfon who fliall fue for the fame, and applied as herein after direded. - y. A N D be it Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all Forfeitures Forfe'tuf" h^w arifing in Virtue of this Adl, fliall be recovered as aforefaid, and applied for arid ^dtppTier"'' ' towards the Ufe the Tax laid by this Act is intended. • >..o , '. M .■•'- .br ; CHAP. IV. Jn A5ly to prevent the Exportation of raw Hides, Pieces of Hides, and Calf Skins, out of this Government, ^' "D ^ {^ Enaffed, by his Excellency Gabriel Johnfl:on, Efq; Governor, by and p^^^j^^ „„ p^^. J3 "^^^h ^^^^ Advice and Confent of his Majefiy's Council, and General Affembly fons exporting ef this Province, and it is hereby Ena^ed, by the Authority of the fame. That ""^ ""^"' ^'' from and after the Fifteenth Day of Augujt, next enfuing the Ratification of this A61:, no Mailer or Commander of any Ship or Veffei, bound out of this Go- vernment, fliaH receive, or fliip on board his VeflTcl, any Ilide or Hides, Piece or Pieces of Hides, of Neat Cattle, or Calf Skins, raw and untanned, or fliall permit the fame to be done by others ; and every Mafter or Commander of any • Ship "- - 26(3 LA W S of North-Carolina. A. D. I74S. Ship or Vefifel ib offending, ftiall forfeit and pay, for every Hide, Piece or Pieces V ^ ^ ^^ Hide, or Calf Skin, the Sum of Ten Shillings, Proclamation Money ; to be recovered, before any one Juftice of the Peace, by him or them that fhall pro- HiJes to be for- ft;cute and fue for the fame j and the Hides, Piece or Pieces of Hides, or Caff feited to the Pa- Skins, fo fhippcd, contraty to the true Intent and Meaning of this Ad, fhall be "*■ immediately fold, by Order of the Juftices before whom the Convidlion fhall be, and the Money arifing from fuch Sale, fliall be delivered to the Churchwardens, for the Ufe of the Parifh where the Offence fhall be committed •, the Right of Appeal to the next County Court always refervcd. 11. A N D for the more eafy Convidiort of the Offenders againft this Ad, Be be conviLdr " it Enacted, by the Authority afore/aid. That the feeing any fuch Hide or Hides, Piece or Pieces of Hides, of Neat Cattle, or Calf Skins, raw and untanned, re- ceived or fhipped on board any Ship or Veffel outward bound, and due Proof made before any one Juftice of the Peace of the County, fhall be deemed and taken fufficient Evidence in Law to convid the Mafter or Commander of fuch Ship or Veffel of the Offence aforefaid. Provifo. III. P ROVID ED alivaySy That if the Mafter or Commander of fuch Ship or Veffel, fhall make Oath, that fuch Hide or Hides, Peice or Peices of Hides, or Calf Skins, were not fhipped or received on board his Ship or Veffel, with his Knowledge, Privity, or Procurement, in chat Cafe, he fhall not incur nor pay the Forfeiture above-mentioned •, but the fame Ihall be paid by the Perfon who fhall have put the fame on board, and the Hide or Hides, Peice or Peices of Hides, or Calf Skins, fo put on board as aforefaid, fliall be forfeited, fold, and diipofed of, in Manner as aforefaid. Mafters cf v.f- IV. AND he it further Ena£led^ hy the Authority aforefaid. That every feis to tak* an Maftcr or Commander of each and every Veffel, bound out of this Province, at ^^'^' the Time of his clearing his Veffel out, fhall make Oath, to wit, the Oath. T A. B. Majler of the Veffel H. do fwear, "That there is not, to my Knowledge X "^ Belief, on board my faid Veffel^ any Hide or Hides, Peice or Peices of Hides, of any Neat Cattle, or Calf Skin, or Calf Skins^ raw and untanned, and that none fuch fhall be tranfported in my faid Veffel this Voyage, with my Privity. So help me God. eoiieftor,„ot to WWch Oath each and every CoUedor of the feveral and refpedive Ports within clear cut any j-j^jj Provincc, or his Dcputy, is hereby authorized and required to adminifter : «dmt'iftrinf the Atid cvety Collcdor, or Deputy CoUedor, who fhall clear out any Veffel or Oath en Pen. Veffcls, without firft having adminiftered the Oath aforefaid, accordmg to the ' ^° ■ true Intent and Meaning of this Ad, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Fifty Pounds, Proclamation Money •, to be recovered by Adion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any Court of Record within this Province •, One Half to the Informer, the other for and towards the contingent Charges of Government ; wherein no Effoign, Protedion, Injundion, or Wager of Law, fhall be allowed or admitted of. Continuance ef V . A N D bc it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That this Ad tbs Aft. ^^u continue and be in Force, for the Term of Fifteen Years, and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of Affembly, and no longer. CHAP» Z/yf^-i'o/' North-Carolina. 261 A D. 1748. C H A P. V„ t * — -^— ^ ^n AB^ to appoint Commijicners to continue running the Boundary Line betivecn EdgComb County ^ Tyrell, and Part of Beaufort Counties. i. WJ H E R E A S the Commi/Tioners, appointed by an A«5t, intituled, pr«amWc» V V "dn A^i for afcertaining the Boundary Line between Tyrell County^ and Beautorc County y and bet'-jjeen Edgcomb CGuhly^ and Tyrell County^ and Beaufort County, have run a dividing Line between Eagcomb County, and Tyrell County, and Part of Beaufort County^ and Edgcomb County, from Roancke River, as far as the iViouth of Cheek's Mil! Creek, on Tar River, in Beaufort County ; and ■whereas the Tax laid and colktiled in the faid fevcral Counties, for defraying the Charge of running the faid Boundary Lines, is iound infufficient for carrying oa the fame : II. W E therefore pray it may be Ehatfied, And be it EnaSled^ by his Excellency CowimJ/Rown Gabriel Johnfton, Eff\ Governor^ by and with the Advice and Confent of bis Ma- *^^°"""'* jefiy's Council^ and General y^fjembly cf this Province, and it is hereby Ena^ed, by the Authority of the fame. That Mr. Jofeph Howell, and Mr. Jofepb Lane^ be and are hereby appoin'-Led Comniinioneis, for linifhing the faid Line between Part of Edgcomb^ Beaufort, and Johnfion Counties, already begun and carried on to the Mouth of Cheek's Mill Creek, \n Beaufort County, on Tar Rirer, and from thence fhall run, v/itK a ftrait Line to Contentnee, at the Mouth of Tofneat > - Swamp, and thence up the main Stream of Contentnee, oppofite to the Mouth of Cyprus Swamp, on T"^?- Kiver ; which faid Line, when run by the Commiffion- ers aforefaid, fhall be by them entered on Record, in the Court of Edgcomb County aforefaid, and fhall htrcatter be deemed and taken to be the true Bounds of the faid County. .f , ,., ' _ HI. AND for defraying the Expcncc of continuing the running the faid "^f '" '' '"'^ *'' boundary 'Lines, Be it Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That it Ihall and may pence! ' * be lawful for the Juftices of the faid County Court of Edgcomb, and they are hereby authorizcrd and impowcred, to lay a Tax on all the Taxable Perlons with- in the faid County, not exceeding Three Pence, Proclamation Money, for de- fraying the Expence of finifhing the faid Line, and recording the fame as afore- faid ; which faid Tax fhall be paid and colleded in the fame Manner, and at the lame Times, other Taxes are collt(5ted and paid in the faid County. IV. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all and ^*P*'^^"«c'*»^^' every. Claufe and Claufes of the Aetween Tyrell County, and Beaufort County, and between Edgcomb County, TyrdT County^ and Beaufort County, fo far as relates to running the boun- dary L ine between Edgcomb County, and Beaufort County, is and are hereby repealed and made void, as if the f^me had never been made. CHAP. VI, jln A51, for defiroying Vermin in this Province, I- "D ^ '' EnaSledy by his Excellency Gabriel Johnfion, Efq\ Governor, by and X) w//^ the Advice and Confent of his Majejly's Council, and General Affembly of tiais Erovince^ and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the Rati- U u u fication 262 LAWS ^North-Carolina. A D. 1745. fication of this Aft, any Perfon or Perfons that Ihall kill any of the Vermin here- <^— ^.— > ^^j.^^ mentioned, fhall be intituled to a Claim upon the Pariili where fuch Vermin venmn int'iluUa w'as killed, the feveral Rewards as follow, viz. For every Panther, Ten Shil- t»aK.£wstd. lingsj Proclamation Money i for every Wolf, Ten Shillings, Proclamation Mo- ney ; and for every Wild-Cat, Two Shillings and Six Pence, Proclamation Mo-" rtey i to be levied and recovered as by this Act (hall be direded- certificate how 11- AND be it further Ena5ledi by the Authority aforefaid. That any Perforf w U procttr«d. ot Perfons, who fliall have a Claim for killing any of the aforefaid Vermin, are hereby ordered to produce the Head or Scalp, with both Ears, before any Ma- giftrate, who is to adminifter an Oath to fuch Perfon claiming the fame. That it was taken and kiHed v/ithin the Bounds of fuch Parilh where fuch Claim is defircd to be paid •, and if it be a Servant, Slave, or Indian^ that fhall kill any fuch Vermin, of wkich the Head or Scalp fliall be produced, as aforefaid, the Mafter or Owner of fuch Servant or Slave, or he that makes Claim for fuch Scalp or Scalps, in Behalf of an Indian, fhall make Oath, before fuch Magiftrate, that he ,verily believes the fame was taken and killed v/ithin the Parifh where the Rev/ard js claimed : Which Oath being adminiftered to the Perfon who makes the Claim, the faid Magiftrate is hereby dii*e6ted to give the faid Perfon a Certificate, in Words at Length, for the fame, which done, the faid Magiftrate fhall imme- diately caufe the Plead or Scalp to be deftroyed, by burning the fame. perfonj hsvmg JH. A N B hc it further EnaSied^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That any Per- SvfrXm to fon or Perfons, baving a Certificate trom any Magiftrate within the Parilh, for the Veftry once a jvji^jj^g afj(-| Joining any of the Vermin aforefaid, Ihall deliver the fame to the ^''"' Veftry and Churchwardens where fuch Cerdficate from the Magiftrate was ob- tained •, which faid Cerdficate Ihall be delivered to fuch Veftry and Churchwar- dens, Yearly, on Eafter- Monday^ in every Pariflh within this Province : And M.giftn.est. foch Magiftrate fliall keep a Lift"'of each and every Certificate by him given as keep a Lift of all aforcfald, in which he fliall inftrt the Perfons Name, the Time wheln, and the S£ttUm"o Number of Scalps fuch Certificate was given for, and fliall tranfmit fuch Lift to »u Veftry. tlic Veftry and Churchwardens, at the Time herein before- mentioned forgiving in the faid Certificates. Veftty to lay a jry A N B be it further Enafied, by the Authority aforefaid. That the feveral culm.!" '"^^^ Veftries and Churchwardens in every Parifli, are hereby required, authorized, and impov/ered, to levy the faid Claims on the feveral Taxables within each Parifh, in Proclamation Money, or the rated Commodities, as other Parilh Dues v/ithin this Province have heretofore been. juAien.iWert y^ AND be it Enabled, Tlvit the Juftice or Juftices giving Certificates,- and -opir cnt. j^.£Vj.Qyij^g ^.^^e fields 3nd Scalps of Vermin, ' as is by this Adt direded, fliall have and receive, for their Trouble therein. Ten per Cent, paid to thenv out of the Premium granted to Perfons for killing of Vermin, at the Time that the Premi- um is paid to Perfons claiming, by Virtue of this Adt. Pen. ty on Vef- Yl A N D it IS hereby further Enacted, That if the Veftry or Churchwardens, n7;iE;"!.etr Juftice of the Peace, or Conftable,. fliall negleft or refufe to execute and difcharge. ^•'j'- the feveral Trufts and Powers to them, or either of them, by this Ad given, that he or they fo neglefting or refufing, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds, Proclamation Money, to him or them that fhall inform or fue for the fame; to be recovered by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any Court of Record in this Government, wherein no EfiToign, Protection, or Wager of Law, fliall be allowed or admitted of. CHAR LAWS £^ North -Carolina. 263 A. D. 1748. CHAP, vii. ^-^rz An A5i^ to e?iJarge the I'ime for the Commijioners of the Roads, appointed by the A^ of Afembly pajjed April the Twentieth, One Thoufand Seven Hundred aad Forty Five, intituled. An Ad:, to impower the feveral Commiffioners herein after-named, to make, mend, and repair all Roads and Bridges, Cuts and Water-Courfcs, already laid out, or hereafter to be laid out, in the feveral Counties and Diftrids herein after-appointed, in fuch Manner as they judge moft ufefiil to the Public, to recover the feveral Sums due from Defaulters. I-TTTHEREAS the Time by the "faid Ad, for the Commifllonerscal- Prsaatte. VV ^^"S before them fuch as they fhould fufped were Defaulters, and for proceeding againft fuch, was in the faid Ad limited to three Months, from the Ratification thertof •, which Time was fo fhort, that the feveral Commiflioners could not procure Copies of the Ad within the Time limited : Wherefore, II. B E it Enacted, by his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, Efq^, Governcr, by and '^^rn\aonm tvith the Mvice and Confent of his Majejifs Council, and General Affembly of this ^Z&'ikh ' ultcra Province, and :t is ha-eby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame. That the fe- ''"^'° ^* **«'°- veral ComniifTjontrs in the faid Ad mentioned, fhall have full Power and Au- thority to proceed againft all fuch Perfons as they fhall fufpcd are Defaulters, in the fame Manner as by the faid Ad is direded, at any Time within the Space of Eighteen Months, from the Ratification of this Ad, as fully and amply, as if the fame Eighteen Months had been inferted in the faid Ad. CHAP. Vll. An A51, fo provide indifferent Jurymen in all Caufes, both Civil and Cri- minal, and for an Allowance for their Attendance, I- 'T^ HAT indifferent Jurors, in all Courts of Judicature within this Pro- I'reamtie. X vince, for all Tryals hereafter, may be had, and that the Charge and Expcnce of their A.ttendance may be equally borne : II. WE pray that ij may be Enaded, And he it Enacted, by his Excellency NoPerf.n tote Gabriel Johnfton, Efq; Covcrncr, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Ma- LSTrT'u? jefiy'i Council, and General Affembly of this Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by fi"^ by this'^Aftl the Authcrity of the fame. That from and after the laft Day of May next, after the Ratification of this Ad, no Perfon fhall be a Juryman in the General Court, Court of Aflize, Court of Oyer and Terminer^ and General Goal Delivery,' within this Province, but fuch who are elcded, fummoned, and returned, ac* • cording to the Diredions of this Ad -, and if any other Perfon or Perfons fhall be fummoned to ferve as a Juryman, and returned to the General Court, Court of Aflize, Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Goal Delivery, of this Pro- vince, it Ihall be good Challenge for either Party, and the Perfon fo returned, ihall be difcharged upon the faid Challenge. ■ III. All D be it further Enacted, by the Authcrity aforefaid^ That once in !'"■>'««" ^owte Six Months, at each and every County Court within this Province, next after ''^ ^'"''"'"^• the firft Day of January, and the firft Day of Jidy Yearly, in open Court, the Juftices of each and every County Court, together with the then Grand-Jury, Ihall 264 L A IV S of North-Carolina. A- D 1748 f)iaii eicjSt and choofe Twelve knowing lubftantial irceholders of the feverai C- — ^ — -^ Counties, (except thofe Counties where tae General Court, Court of Aflize, Court of Oyer and 'Terminer^ and General Goal Delivery, (hall fit,) where the JufticeS fjiall choofe Twenty Four Freeholders, as aforefaid, to be returned to ferve as Jurors, at the next General Court, Court of Affize, Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Goal Delivery, to which, by the Law that is now in Force, or here- after may be in Force, they ought to attend. Lift of 'rr?ihoi' ^^ AND he it further Enacted^ That immediately after (uch Choice or 4tn tiefted to Election, as aforefaid, the Clerk of each and every County Court, fhall make the Sheriff. j^vit an attefted L-ift of luch Freeholders as fhall be clefted or chofcn, as aforefaid, and deliver the fame to the Sheriff of his County. V. J N D be it further Enacted, That the ShtrifF of each and every Coun- »on them t9 at- ty within this Province, ftiall fiimmon the faid Twenty Four Freeholders {o *'^"''- elected, of fuch County where the General CoOrt, Court 6f AfBze, Court of Oyer and 'Terminer, and General Goat Delivery, fhall be held,~ and the faid Twelve Freeholders of the feverai other Counties, eleded as aforefaid, mentioned in the faid Lift to ferve as Jurors for the next Gei^eral Court," Court of Afllze, Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Goal Delivery, as by his Writ helhali' be commanded, and no other. Venire mt to if- VI. AND he it Enacted by the Authority Aforefaid, That no Venire or irjtoT.?*""" Venires fhall iffue hereafter, for more than Twelve Perfons out of each of the feverai and refpe(5live Counties to ftrve as Jurors, (except as is herein before excepted) ; That is to fay. Six on the Petit, and Six on the Grand-Jury, at the General' Court, Court of Aflize, Coutt of Oyer and Terminer^ and General Goal Delivery. Penalty OB jiirori Vll. A N D he tt furthcr Enc.cted, That each arid every Perfon, qualified* ag TbSrK a Juror to ferve by Virtue of this Aft^ which fhall be duly chofen, fummoned, *'"'*•• and returned, and doth not appear, fhall forfdit and pay Thirty Shillings, Pro- clamation Money •, or after Appearance, fhall abfent themfelves from the faid Court, before the Court fhall difcharge them, fhall forfeit and pay fuch Fine as the Court fhall impofe, not" exceeding Five Pounds, Proclamation Money ; to be levied by the Sheriff, by Order of fuch Court, and paid to the Juftices of the County where fuch Defaulter inhabits 5 to be applied towards paying fuch Jury- men as fhall attend -, and no Jurymens IfTues making Default fhall be favcd, but byfpeciai Order of fuch Court, or fome juft and reafonable Caufe, proved upon Oath, and certified the next fuccceding Court •, and no Man fhall be taken to be duly famrnoned which' hath not been fummoned at leaft Ten Days before the Day before he ought to appear ; and every Perfon fliall be deemed duly fum • 2"su«mo7/ ' moned, where a Note fhall be left at Icaft Ten Days before the Sitting of fuch Court to which he ought- to appear, at his refpe6tivc Dwelling, aitho' fuch Per- fon fhall not be perfonally fummoned. jiirM. hew to b« VIII. AN D be it further Enacted^ hy the Authority aforefaid. That at the itawn. Opening of every General Court, Court of AfTize, Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Goal Dehvcry,^ after the Names of thePerfons fummoned fhail be called over, and their Appearance or Negletft entered, and in Cafe above Twelve do appear, the Court, at each and every Tryal, at the Bar, fliall call a Child, under Ten Years of Age, in open Court, to draw out of a Box, for that Pur- pofe. Twelve of the Names of thofe that fliall make their Appearance •, and thofe Perfons only fhall be the Jury,- to ferve upon that Tryal. IX. PRO LA JV S of North- C a r o l i n a. 265 A. D. 1748. — v^- IX. PROVIDED alxvaysy That if any of the Jurors, for Reafons accord- ^. ^j^^,^ Ing to Law, flidU be challenged, then the Court Ihall caufc their Places to be ilnged j^ror/w filled up out of fome of the others that made their Appearance, to be eleded by ^ '■''fp"^''- Lot, as before is appointed. X. P ROVID ED alfo. That for Want of a fufRcient Number of Jurors ^^^^^.,^ ^^ ^^^^ appearing to fervc as aforefaid, it fhall and may be lawful for the Chief Juilice ml'nBy-ft'anderj* and Judges of fuch General Court, Court of Aflize, Court of Oyer and Termitict^ °;;j°"- ^l^^^J and General Goal Delivery, to order the Sheriff to fummons fuch indifferent Jurymen as he poffible can, out of any of the Freeholders that fhall be at fuch Court; which laid Freeholders fo fuinmoned by fuch" Sherifs, fliall be deemed and held to be fuiFicicnt Juror or Jurors, as thofe eleded and chofen by Virtue of this Ad, could have been, had they appeared: Any thing before recited in this A(5t;, notwitlilhnding. V XI. AND he it further Ena£fed^ hy the Authority aforefaid^ That the feveral TnJg., Juft;«:«, ^erifs, and every rcfpeftive Judge or Juftice of the General Court, Court of £"fw,Vn*'f.r '* AlTize, Court of Oyer and terminer., and General Goal Delivery, fhall, on or the PaTormnnce before the Conclufion of the next General Court, Court of AfTize, Court of Oyer °* '*'''' ^^^'*' and Terminer^ and General Goal Delivery, after thelaft Day of May, fwear, in open Court, That he will, as far as he may or can, either by his Knowledo-e, or Iiiformation, follow^ obkrve, and keep the Rules, Methods^ Mann*?, and y^ay of chooflng of Jurymen, for each General Court, Court of AfTize; Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Goal Delivery^ to be holdtn in this Province according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Aft ; and every juilice. Judge' or Sheriff, who Ihall hereafter be appointed, fliall take the fame Oath, before he execute any Part of this Office : And every Judge, Juftice, Sheriff, Officer, or p.„,u,fo.Ne8. Mmilter, who fhall negleft or refufe to take fuch Oath, as aforefaid, fhall, for i-^ft" RefufaL each Default, forfeit and pay Twenty Pounds, Proclamation Money-, One Moiety thereof to him or them that fhall fue for the fame, the other for the Ufe of the Public, to be difpofed of as the General AfTembly fhall think fit; to be recovered, by Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any Court of Record in 'this Province, wherein no Injundion, Protedion, or Wager of Law, fliall be allowed or admitted ot.; XII. AND whereas the attending the denefal tourt. Court of AfTize Court Allowance to bf. Oyer and terminer, and General Goal Delivery, will be very expenfive to the \Z^c.^^\^"^ Jurors fo attending, for Remedy whereof; Be it Enabled, by the Authority afore- '^°""' *'* faid. That each and every Juror, at the General Court, Court of AfTjze, Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Goal Delivery, upon producing a Certificate from the Clerk of fuch Court, of the Time of his Attendance, (which Certificate the Clerk is hereby direded to give, if required,) unto the Court of the County where he rcfides, he fhall have and receive Three Shillings, Proclamation Mo- ney for each Day s Attendance, (and his Ferriages,) certified as aforefaid, to be paid by the Juftices of fuch Court,_ out of the County Tax ; and the Juftices of " every County Court, are hereby required and direded, to lay a Levy, fufHcient fo difcharge the fame, on all the Taxables in their refpedive Counties, to be paid and coileded at the fame Times, and in the fame Manner, as other Coun- ty Taxes by Law now are paid and coileded. XIII. AND .he it further \Ena5fed, That every Ad and Ads, and every R^ingcudt, Article and Claufe therein, as mtichas relates to the providing of indifferent Ju- rymen in all Caufes, Civil and Criminal, within the Purveiw of this Act, are hereby repealed. arid ihade void, as if the fame had never been made. X X X CHAP. 266 L A ly S cf North-Carolina. A. B 1748. yttKnic. C9R( wIiM htl J. Rj^^iit^lxgCUafe. CHAP. IX. An ASl^ to alter the Timss for holding the Courts for the County of New-Hanover. L TTTHEREA S Two of the County Courts -which are held for the W County of New-Hanover ^ in each Year, fail out on the fame Days the General Courts of this Province are held, at Nswbern ; II. W E therefore pray it may be Ena(5lcd, Jnd he it Enacted, by his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, Efa; Governor, ly and with the Advice and Confent of his Ma~ jcftfs Council, and General Affembly of this Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fam^, '1 hat after the Tenth Day of April, next after the Ratification of this A 61, the feveral County Courts hereafter to be held for the County of New-Hanover, (hall be held on the laft Tuefdays in February, May^ Auguft, and November, Yearly ; and all Continuances and References ordered in the Court held for the faid County on the Second T'uefday in March paft, Ihali be continued over, and all Procefs returnable to the Second Tuefday in June next, fiiall be returned to the Court to be held for the faid County on the laft ^uefdaj in May next, and iliali not be Error in the Procefs or Proceedings aforefaid. III. ^ND be it further Enafled, That the Claufe in the Aft intituled, Ati Act, for erecting the Village called Newton, in New-Hanover County, into a Tofvn and Totvnjhip, by the Name of Wilmington^ and all and every Claufe and Claufes in ar^y other Ad or Ads, fo far as relate to the Time of holding the Courts for the faid County, ii and are hereby repealed and made void. ?Mi«ilIe. C H A P. X. An ASi, for gr Anting isnfo bis Majefty the Sum of twenty One Tboufand Three Hundred and Fifty Pounces, Proclamation Money, and for /lamp- ing and emitting the faid Sum of Twenty One Tboufand Three Hundred and Fifty Pounds, Public Bills ef Credit of this Province, at tbe^ Rats of Proclamation Money ; to he applied towards building Fortifications in /his Province, Payment of the Public Debts, exchanging the prefent Bills of Credit, and for making proper Provifon for defraying the tontingent Charges of the G&vernment ; and for repealing the feveral LatJus herein after mentioned- I, w H E R E A S, during the prefent War With Franee and Spain, thb w Y Province hath received great Damage, by the Enemies Frivateerfi «oming into the Ports and Harbours of the fame, which are intirely defencelefa and without any Fortifications, and taking and carrying away the Veffels there- out, and landing, and plundering the Inhabitants : And whereas the great Scar- city of Currency is fuch, that it is imprafticable to raifc a Sum by an immediate Tax on the People, fufficient for building proper Fortifications, for the Defence of the faid Ports, and to difchargc the Public Debts : Wherefore, ir. W E pray that it may be Enacted, And be it Enacted, by his Excellefuy Gabriel Johnfton, Efq; Governor, by and with the Advice and Confent of bis Ma- jtfifs CottnclU ^Jfd Genernl Affsmh^ of this Pravinct, and it is hereby Enacted, L A W S of N O R T H- C A R O L IN A. 267 by the Auihoritj of ih: favij, Thac out of the Current Bills of Credit to be emit- .^- ^- '748- ted by this Act, the Sum of Two Thouiand Pounds fhall be depofited by the *■ "J'v ' faid Comminioners, in the Hands of lb etnas Barker^ Gentleman, Treafurer for paiTtheNor^ the Nortksrn Counties, or the Treafurer for the Hid Counties for the Time being, iJ^" FoSficIu* for the building a Fortification at or near Ocacock Inlet, for the Safety and De- onato.t^cwA fence of that l^Iarbour -, and the Commiilicners hereafter named (hall have fulP"'"'- Power and Authority to build the faid fortification, and by Warrant under their Hands, or the Hands of the major Part of them, -to drav/, from Time to Time, out of the Hands of the faid Treafurer, iuch Sum or- Sums of Money as Ihall be- come due to the feveral Workmen employed by them in building the faid For- tification ; and the faid Treafurer is hereby required, on fuch Warrant or War- rants being produced to him, to pay the fame accordingly. III. AND he it further E^aiJed, That His Excellency the Governor and Comn,i«onert Commander in Cliief for the I'ime being, Mr. Benjamin Peyton^ Mr. Samud ''^^^^\^^\^^^ Sinclare^ Mr*. Francis Stringery Mr. James Macklewean^ Mr. John Haywood^ Fort. knd Mr. Peter Payne ^ be, and are hereby appointed Commiffioners, for ereding and building the faid Fortification. IV. A N D he it further Ena^fcd^ hy the Authonty aforefaid^ That the i,'oo!. for a Sum of One Thoufand Five Hundred Pounds fhall be depofited by the faid t^S^.u' CommiflTioners in the Hands o^ Edzvard Mofeley^ Efq; Treafurer for the Southern Counties, or the Treafurer of the faid Counties for the Time being j for the building a Fortification or Fortifications at of near Old Top-Sail Inlet, for the Safety and Defence of that Harbour -, and the Commiflioners hereafter nameci ihall have fall Power and Authority to build the faid Fortification or Fortifica- tions, and, by Warrant under their Haads, or the Hands of the major Part of them, to draw, from Time to Time, out of the Hands of the faid Treafurer, fuch Sum or Sums of Money as Ihall become due to the feveral Workmen em- ployed by them, in building the faid Fortification or Fortifications \ and the faid Treafurer is hereby required, on . fuch Warrant or Warrants being produced to him, to pay the fame accordingly, V. AND he it further Etiaoledt That His Excellency the Governor and Ccmmiffioner. Commander in Chief for the Time beings Mr. Thomas Lovicky Mr. Arthur '??"'""'* ^'" "' Mabfony Mr. John CUtherali, and Mr. Jofeph Bell, be, and are hereby appointed Commiffioners for erecting and building the faid Fortification or Fortifications. VI. AND he it further Ena^ed; hy the Authority aforefaid. That the Sum 50^ 1. for a For*. of Five Hundred Pounds fiiall be depofited by the faid Commiflioners, in the " *"' ^"^"' ■ Hands of the Treafurer of the Southern Counties aforefaid, or the Treafurer of the faid Counties for the Time being, for the building a Fortification at or near Bear Inlet, for the Safety and Defence of that Harbour; and the Commiflioners liereafter named, fliall have full Power and Authority to build the faid Fortifica- tion, and, by Warrant under their Hands, or the Hands of the major Part of them, to draw, from Time to Time, out of the Hands of the faid Treafurer, fuch Sum or Sums of Money as Ihall become due to the feveral W^orkmen em- ployed by them, in building the faid Fortification ; and the faid Treafurer is hereby required, on fuch Warrant or Warrants being produced to him, to pay the fame accordingly. VII. AND he is further Enacted, That His Excellency the Governor and commifl5on.ri Commander in Chief ior the Time being, Mr. Samuel Johnfion, Mr. Edward 'PP°'"^'<* ^"^^ •- Wardy Jun. Mr. Stephen Lety and Mr. John Starke)', be, and are hereby ap- pointed Commiffioners, for erc^ing and building the faid Fortification. VIIL AND 268 LA W 5 of North-Carolina. A. D. 174S. \ ^ ' VIII. JND be it Enact edi That the Sum of Two Thou fand Pounds fhall ITo.lJrVar.'''^ be depofited by the faid Commiflioners, in the Hands of the Treafurer of the Southern Counties aforefaid, or the Treafurer of the faid Counties tor the Time being, for the building a Fortification at or near the Mouth of Cape-Fear Riverj for the Safety and Detence of that Harbour ; and that the Commiflioners appoin- Commiflioners ted by an A6t of the General Afiembly, intituled, yin Jtl, fcr ereiiing a Forti-^ appQinuJtokuiid^.^^^.^^^^ ^^^ /tfWfrP^r/ c/ Cape-Fear i2mr, /^r applying thereto the Powder- Money already arifen, or which Jhall arife, by Shipping camming into the Port of Brilnfwick, to be /dyed out and applyed towards building a Fortification at Cape- Fear, fhall have full Power and Authority, by Warrant under their Hands, or the Hands of the tnajor Part of them, to draw, from Time to Time, out ot the Hands of the faid Treafurer, fuch Sum or Sums of Money as fhall be due to the ■ fcveral Workmen employed by them in building the faid Fortification \ and the faid Treafurer is hereby required, on fuch Warrant or Warrants being produced Treafurers Ai- to him, to pay the fame accordingly : And the faid Treafurers {hall be allowed i«w»D«. Qj^g ^^^ Q^^^ fQf receiving the faid Money, and paying the fame out again, as aforefaid. IX. A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That Elcazer fppoirteTfor'e. Allcn, Edward Mofely^ and Saii^Uel Swann, Efqrs. and Mr. John Star key, arc mitting 21350 1. ]^gj.j,^y appointed, authorized, and impowered Commiflioners, to ftamp and make out, or caufed to be ftamped, with Copper-plates, and figned with their Hands, Public Bills of Credit of this Province^ to the Amount ot Twenty One Thoufand Three Hundred and Fifty Pounds, at the Rate of Proclamation Mo- ney ; That is to fay, Two Thoufand Bills of Four Pence each. Two Thoufand Bills of Eio-ht Pence each, Tv/o Thoufand Bills of One Shilling each. Two Thou- fand of Eighteen Pence each, Two Thoufand of Two Shillings each. Two Thou- fand of Two Shillings and Six Pence each. Two Thoufand of Three Shillings each. Two Thoufand of Five Shillings each. Two Thoufand of. Six Shillings each. Two Thoufand of Seven Shillings and Six Pence each, Two Thoufand of Nine Shillings each. Two Thoufand of Ten Shillings each, Two Thoufand of Fifteen Shillings each, Two Thoufand of Twenty Shillings each. Two Thoufand of Thirty Shillings each. Two Thoufand of Forty Shillings each, and Two Thoufand of Three Pounds each. Current Biih to ^- A N D bs H Endctcd, by tioe Authority aforefaid^ That when the aforefaid fee exchanged, Bills are ftampcd and figned, the Commiflioners atorefaid fhall, within Twelve vhiiiaaYear. jyj^j^jj^g^ cxchangc the Bills now Current, after the Rate of One Shilling, for Se- ven Shillings and Six Pence, of thofe which are at prefent Current ; which Dif^ ference of "Seven Shillings and Six Pence, for One Shilling, Proclamation, hath, continued for divers Years paft, and is at prefent the true Difference ; and that after the Expiration of the Twelve Months aforefaid, the prefent Bills of Credit fhall not be exchanged, nor fhall be a Tender or taken in any Payment whatfoever, fobiic D-bts to XI. AN t> be it further Enact td, by the Authority aforefaid^ that out of the \t pv,.i by the reft of the Paper Currency, to be ftamped and emitted by this Ad, the feveral «.n:miffi.n«.. p^^.^^^^^ ^^ ^1^^^^ ^j^g Y\M\c IS dcbtor, according to the Schedule hereunto annex- ed, fhall be paid the Sums refpedively due to them by the Commiflioners afore- faid, fo foon as the fame may be conveniently done, after the Bills by this Adl to be emitted, fhall be ftamped and figned, of which the Commiflioners afore- faid are to give truly and proper Notice, by Advertifements, fet up at the fereral Court-houfes in this Government, that they will attend at Netvbern, td exchange the faid Bills, and pay off the Public Debts, during the Sitting of the Tw® next fucceeding General Courts, after fuch Notice fet up as aforefaid. XII. ANiy L A IV S o/' North-Carolina. 269 A. D. x-i%. XII. ANB he it further Enacted^ by the Authority afcrefudy That the Bills ^l"^'^~^ of Credit to be eniitced by this Act, iliail be current, and a lawkil Tender, in all ti,is' Aa,"uwfi Payments whatfoevcT, as Pfociamation Money, or as Slerhrig Monty, at the pro- lender, per Difference there is between Proclamation Money and Sterling ; taat is to fay^ At Four ShiUings Proclamation Money, lor Three Shillings Sterling. XIII. A N I^ be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any t'fnairy on ep»a. Perfon or Pcrfons fliall counterfeit, alter, or erafe ahy of the Public Bills of '"*"'"'• Credit of this Province, or Ihall aid or affift in counterfeiting, altering, or erafing fuch Bills, or ihail utti:r any of the faid Bills, knowing them to be lb counter- feited, altered, or erafcd, fuch Perfon or Perfons fo offending, fhall, for the firft Offence, be whipped, at the Difcretion of the Court, not exceeding Forty L-ilhes, and ftarid in the Pillory Two Hours, and have both Ears nail'd to the Pillory and cut off; and for the fecond Offence, be deemed a Fellon, without Benchu of Clergy, and ihall be adjudged and fuffer accordingly,;. XIV. AI4d he it fkrther EnaSfed, by the Aiithority afci'efaidy That after Remaider rf th>oufe>c. 'Gabriel Johnfton, Efq; Governor, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Ma- ^*'"= " ^^ «* jijiy's Council, and General /iffembly of this Province, and it is hereby Enacted, "^*''* by the Aiithcrity of the fame. That the Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks, for the faid County of Granville^ fhall be eredtd on or near a Branch o^Tar idvtr, comnionly called or known by the Name of Tabb'^ Creek. Ill, AND 2/2 LA W S of North-Carolina. ' ■■■' ■■ - H A. D. 1748. ^— — V*— — -* jji, AND he it further Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That Mr. Wil' fppTjTud!"'" A'^w Eatoriy Mr. Edzvard Jones, and Mr. Jonathan fVhite, be, and they are here-^ by appointed Commiffioners, to make Choice of a fuitable and convenient Place, at or near the faid Creek, for the erefting and building thereon a Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks ; and alfo, to contract and agree with Workmen to build the fame, of fuch Dimenfiorts as to them lliali feem meet and convenient. Eipcnce r>f the IV. A N D for defraying the Expence thereof. Be it Enacted^ hy the Authority Buiidmg^ how to ^jr^jrgj-^j^_^ That fo much of the I ax, laid on the Inhabitants of the faid Count/ of Granville^ by the above recited Aft, not already coUefted, and paid to thd Commifiioners, fhall, by the Sheriff of the faid County^ be colkfted, and by him accounted for, and paid, to the faid Commiluoners in this Aft mentioned and appointed, under the Penalty of Ten Pounds, Proclamation Money, and by them applied for and towards building the Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks, in this Aft mentioned to be built. Old Court-houfe V. AND whcteas the Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks, ali-eady begun ta &c. to be fold, jjg built, will, after the Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks, in this Aft mentioned '* to be built, fhall be finifhed, be of no Service to the faid County ; 'Therefore^ hi it Enacted, That the Commifiioners herein appointed, fliall have full Power and Authority, and they are hereby veiled with full Power and Authority, to fell and difpofe of the faid Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks, to the beft Advantage ; and the Monies arifmg by fuch Sale, fliall be by them applied for and towatds th^ building the Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks^ at Tabi/'s Creek aforefaidi olaufe is the be- ^I. A N D hc it Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Claufe of the fore recited Aft bcforc rccitcd Aft, fo far as relates to the appointing a Place for building i ftpeaJtd. Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks, and building the fame, be, and is hereby re- pealed and made void, to all Intents, Purpofes, and Conflruftions, as if the fame had never been made. 8ond, to ftand "^W- P ^0 V 1 B E 3 dlways. That notiiing in this Aft lliall be conftrued; and no o- to makc void any Bond entered into by the Juftces of the faid County, to any Perfon or Perfons, for the building the Court-houfe in the recited Aft menti- oned, or to annuU or invalidate, or make void, any Suit that is or may be brought thereon •, and that the faid Jufl:ices lay no further of other Tax than what is already laid, for building the Court-houfe on l!abb^^ Creek aforefaid. ther Tax to be Chap. ii. An ASi, for defraying the Expetice of thi Memhers of his MajefiyU Jlofi" ourable Council, and the Members of the General AJfembly of this Pro-^ *vince, in their travelling to, from, and attending at the faid Ajfem'" blies J and to compell their Attendance. AHowance to the j_ X T T E pray that k may be Enafted, And be it Enacted, by his Excellency Membi. of the VV Gabriel Johnfton, Efq; Governor, by and with the Advice and Confent o. AiTenabiy. ' ^j- j^-^ Ma^gjiy's Council, and General Ajembly of this Province^ and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame. That every Member of his Majefly'a Council, and every Member of the General Aflembly, fliall have and receive Seven Shillings and Six Pence, Proclamation Money, per Day, for any Time he fliall ferve this prefent Seiiion of Affemblyp or any Jvmt he (hail ferve in any '^ future LAWS ^'North-Carolina. 273 future i^ffetnblies of this Province, and alfo, the Sum of Seven Shillinss and ^- ^- '^f*- ■ '■V Six Pence, Prockm.itivon Money, per Day, for any Time he has this Selfion of Afiembly, or hereafter (hall be, in travelling to and from any AfTembiy of this Province, and attending the fame, together with teafonable Allowance for his P'erriages; which Monies fo becoming due^ fliall be pi3t on the Hilimate of the Public Debts, a Certificate of which ihall be delivered, by the Clerk of the Ge- neral Afiembly, counter- figned by the Speaker, to the Perfon to whom the farrie fhaii become dae^ who is hereby required to produce the fame to His Excellency the Governor and Commander in Chief for the Time being, to be by him ficrned : Which Certificate fo fignedj being produced to the Public Treafurer, or Trea- furcrs, fhail be a fuiiicient Warrant for him, and he is hereby required to pay the Sum allowed in fuch CertiScate, out of any Public Money in his Hands, not before otherways appropriated by Law ; which Itiall be allowed to fuch Tteafurer, on fettling his Public Accounts. n. AN I) he it further EhaHed^ hy the Authority aforefaid. That whatfo- p.naUyonM.-m* ever Member of his Majefty's -Honourable Council, or Member of the General '"' «^'-nt'"8 Afiembly, ihall fail in making his perfonal Appearance, and giving his Attend- ance, prccifely at the Day limited by the Writ, or appointed by Proroo-ation, fhall be fined,- for every Day'n Abfence during the Sitting of that Alfembly, unlefs by Difability or other ImpeJiments,.to be allowed of by the Council or Afiembly, with Regard to their refpeclive Members,- Ten Shillings, Proclamation Money, per Day •, to be recovered by a Warrant from the Chairman of his Majefly's Council, if one of their Board, and from the Speaker of the General AfTembiy, for that Houf:, and directed to the McfTenger of the refpeftive Floufe of which fuch Perfon fo abfenting is a Member ; who is hereby impowered and required to levy the fame, by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offenders Goods, and to return the faid Fine or Fines to the Governor, Council, and General Afiembly j which fhall be by them applied to the Ufe of the FubliCi \l\. A N D be it further Ena£fedy hy the Authority afore faid. That every p^^^jf ^^ ,1,- Membcr.of his Majefly's Council, or Member of the General Afiembly, who, f/n"in7afte[ a?^' after making his perfonal Appearance as aforefaid, fhall abfent himfelf from the. ?"""'*• Service of his Houfe, without Leave firft had and obtained from fuch Houfe, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Forty Shillings,- Proclamation Money, for every Day he fhall fo abfent himfelf-, to be recovered, levied, and applied, as aforefaid, and niay be fent for in Cuilody of the Serjeant at Arms, by a Warrant from the Chairman or Speaker aforef.iid, at his own Expence, and be further liable to the Ceufure of riie Houfe of which he is a Member, for fuch his contempt. CHAP. IIIv ^n A5l^ for a fcert dining the Bounds ef a certain Tra5t of Land former'- ly laid out by Treaty to the Ufe of the Tufkerora Indians, fo long as they, or any of them, f:all occupy and live upon the fame j and to pre^ vent any Perfon or Perfons taking up Lands, or fettling within the faid Bounds, by Pretence of any Purchafe or Purchafes made, or that Jhall be made, from the faid Indians. ^- Wf H E R E A S Complaints are made by the Tu/kercra Indians, of dl- Pmmbi*. > V vers Incroachments made by the Englifh on their Lands, and it bein^ but jult that the ancient Inhabitants of this Province fhall have and enjoy a quiet mi convenient Dwelling-place in this their native County ; Wherefore, Z z z H, WE 274 LAWS of North-Carolina. A. D. 174S. , ^ Bounds of the Indians I-jnds 11. WE pray it may be Enacted, Jnd be it Enacted^ hy his Excellency Gabriel Tohnftoiij E[q\ Gcjcrncr, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majeftfs ^' Council and General Ajfembly of this Province, and it is hereby Enacted^ by the Authority of the fame^ That the Lands formerly allotted the Tti/hrora Indians^ by iolemn Treaty, lying on Morattock River, in Bertie Countyi being the fame whereon they now dwell, butted and bounded as follows, viz. Begining at the Mouth of ^itfnoy Swamp, running up the faid Swamp Four Hundred and Thirty Pole, to a Scrubby Oak, near the Head of the faid Swamp, by a great Spring ■, then North Ten Degrees £t under Nine Hundred Weight of Nett To- bacco, each. VIII. AND be it further Em^ed^ hj the Authority afcrefaid^ That the Record K^toriott^unu of every Patent or Grant regiftred in the Secretary's Office, or the Abftrads of *^^' *"'"' '" them, entered in the Auditor's Office, or the Office of the Earl Granville^ or Exemplifications of them,' duly proved, fhall be a§ good and valid in Law, as if the Originals were produced, and may be pleaded ind given in Evidence as well as if the Originals were in Bcin^. IX.- AND he it further Enacted, hy tk Authority aforefaid. That the Sccre- s.cr8fary„ r.na tary fhall make out, and fend to the Clerk of the Court of every Courity in this ' ^"vy ^^f tMi Province, a Copy of this Aft, within' Three Months next after the Ratification fafcl»Iir«['''"" hereof, under the Penalty of Twenty Pounds, Proclamation Money •, and the Clerk of every County Court fhall, the firft Court after the Receipt of fuch Co- yy, pubhih the fame, by publickly reading thereof in open Court, the fecond A 4 Day 2/8 L A W S of North-Carolina. D. 1748 Day of the Sitting of the fairi Court, under the Penalty of Twenty Pounds, Proclamation Money; the faid Penalties to be recovered, by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any Court of Recofd in this Province, by him or them that will fue for the fame. C H A P. V. An A5iy to appoint an Agents to follicif the Affairs oj this Province ai the fever al Boards in England. fw«iiM«. I. TT 7" H E R E A S for Want of an Agent, appointed by Public Autho-' Y Y ricy, to foUicit and truly reprtfent the Affairs of this Province a6 the fev^ral Boards in England., they have often been mifreprefcnted thi.rc, to the great Prejudice of the Inhabitants of the faid Province; Vvhercfore, #it Sal: arf. 4geAt vpoint*"'. II. W E pray that it may be Enafted, And ht it Enacted^ by his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, Ej\; Governor^ by and with the Advice and Ccnfent of h:s Ma* jejly's Council^ and General Ajfemtly of this Province 4 and it is hereby Enacted^ hy the Authority of the fame^ That James Abercromby, of Lond'n, in the King- dom of Greai-Briiain, £fq-, be, and is hereby appointed Agent of this Province, from the Ratification of this Aft, for and during the^Term of Two Years, next after the Twenty Fifth Day of Mi^rch enfuing, to follicit, rcprefrnt, and tranfacSfe all fuch Public Affairs and Bufincfs, now relating to the faid Jr'rovince, or that (hall or may be moved concerning the fame, at any of the Boards in England^ during the faid Term or Time, according as he Ihali, from Time to Time, find Occafion, or be directed and inftrucfced, by the Committee of Corrcfpondencc tierein after appointed. III. AND that the Lid Jarnes Abercromhy^ Efq; in Confideratlon of his Trou-* ble. Charges, and Expences, in tranfadling the Public Bufinefs of this Province^ as Agent, to this Time, and until the Tv/cnty Fifth Day of March^ ni:xt enfuing,; be, and is hereby allowed, the Sum of One Hundred Pountls, Sterling, to be paid immediately after the Ratification of this Ad, to the faid Committee, for the Ufe of the faid James Abercromby, Efq; out of the Public Tfeafury, by a War- rant from his Excellency the Governor ; which faid Sum ftiall, by the faid Com- mittee, be remitted to the faid Jawes Abercrombyi by the firft Opportunity ; and alfo, the further Sum of Fifty i^ounds. Sterlings Yearly, for the faid Two Years next after the faid Twenty Fifth Day of March, after the Ratification of this A6t ; which faid Sum of Fifty Pounds, Ihall be Yearly paid, out of the Public Trea- fury, to the faid Committee, for the Ufe of the faid James Abercromby^ by War- rant from his Excellency the Governor, and be remitted, by the faid Committee, Vq the faid James Abercrcmby. IV. AND be it further EnaEfed, Th^t^hcViononrMt Robeft Balton, and Eleazer Allen, Efqrs. and Samuel Stvann^ John Swann, and John Starkey, Efqrs. and the Majority of them, or the Majority of the Survivors of them, be, and ■ they are hereby nominated and appointed a Committee of Correfpondence, from the Ratification of this A£t, and during the Continuance of the faid Ag: ncy -, and Ihall, from Time to Time, during the faid Two Years, correfpond with the faid James Abercromby, Efq; and advik, dired, and inftrud him in all fuch Matters relating to this Province, as may be moved or follicited, or that they may think proper, at any Time, to move or follicit before his Majefty in Council, or at any ©f the Boards in England : And the laid Corairaittee fhail^ from TuxiC to Timc^ •oramlttee of C.rrcfpondenc* af» L A IV S of N O R T H- C A R O L I N A. 079 as oit;;n as r:;qLiircJ, liy b.'fare die Governor, Council, and Gener il Aiilmbly, ''•/'' '"^^ the Advices they fliiill r'cceive trom the faid Agcnr, during the fditi Iwo Years-, "^ and alio Copies of luch Difpatchesi Orders, ana Dirctlionsj as they fhall fend to him. v. AND be it Ena£lcd^ by tbs Authority aforefaid^ Thar this Aft (hall be ronHn«ance of in Force, for and during tiie Space and ferm of Two Years, ntxt aitcr the '^■--'^^• Twenty Filth Day of March next, and no longer. CHAP. VL yin Acf, for the better regulating the Town of Newbern, for fencing the fame^ arid fecuring. the Titles oj the federal Perfons who hold Lots in the faid Town. l.T^EitEKa^ed, hy his Excdiency Gabriel JohnHon, Efq; Gcvernor^ by ^^^ c mm («"„«»» J3 with, the Advice and Corfmi of his Majeftys Council^ and General AJfem- .b^ch^ka. bly of this Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame., That it fhall and may be lawful for fuch i^'erfons, who arc qualiS.:d by Law, to vote for a Member to f.rve in General Affembly tor the faid 'i'uv/n of Ncvjl/crn,. Yearly, and every Year, after the Ratification of this Ad:, to aflemble and meet, at the .Court-houfe in Nc'JDbern, on the firft 'Tuefday in Noverdber, and then and there choofe, by Ballot, -in the Tame Manner as dir^ded in the Law for nguLting E- leclions for Members of Aflembly, Five Freeholders, Inhabit. nts of the faid Town, and no more,, as Commiffioners for the laid Town; and that upon the faid CommifHoners being chofen, and their Names being properly entered in the Journd of the Proceedings of the laid I'own, tlu-y Ihail, beiore they enter on the faid Office, take the following Oath ; I A. B. do fiiocar, That I will execute the Office of a Comm'ffwner, faithfully and Their Oatli. truly., •wi'thciit Favour^ AffeSiion, or Prejudice j and in all Things a£i- fcr the Good of the Tcwiii and tbs well gaverning of it^ f/f the bcfi of my Skdl and judgment. i)0 help n^e God. And the faid CammiiTioners, after having been fo chofen and fworn as afortfaid, Treafurrr to Eo ibali proceed to elcd one out of tiieir Number to be'Treafurcr for the faid Town, 'fp"'"'"*' .and enter fuch Eledion in the Journal of the faid Town •, into which I'reafurer's Hands all Monies arifing by Sale of Lots, or otherwife by Fine, fhall be paid and kept, till difpof:d of as hereafter dirtded; who is alio hereby required to account with the Proprietor of the f-id Town, tor fuch Moni s as anf: by S.ile of Lots, and alfo with the fucceeding Treafurtr and CommiQlontrs, for all othei' Monies by him received, during his being Treafurcr aforefaid. .^ II. AND be it further EnaHed, by the Authority aforefaid. That tlie Commif- •'<-r'"<^n« «» «'«"' '|$,oners for the Time being, or the Majority of them, may, and they are hereby '^IZ^l^u "" i'mpowcred, to order the Owner of any Lot 01 Lots to clear all or any Part of them, and to make proper Drains or Water-Courfes tliro* theni, in i^ix Months after fuch Order, figned by the Commiflioners for the Time being, or the Ma- jority of them ; and any Perfon refufing to comply with the fame, of negkdling, Ihall forf it and pay Twenty Shillings, Proclamation Money: The Commifiion- i^''* T:ti)»M« crs arc h< rcby alfo impowtred to ifiue their Warrant, at leaft Twice a Year, to sLm^rcen! |he Conftable, to warn all the Male Tithables to clear or repair the Streets, or "'" ^ ■'• 8 d. for make or mend any Public Wharfs or Docks, and alfo appoint Overfcers j any Per- ""^,7'*'''^! fun zSo LA IV S of North-Carolina. -4. D. 1743. f()n neglecting or rctufing to work as dir>.cled in the Warrant, or to turniih a ">r- fuificient Haiid in his or her i'lace, fliall torkit and pay Two Shillings and Eight Pence, rroclamation Money, per Day, for every fuch Refufol or Negitd. III. AND whereas the inclofing and fencing the Town of Newbern, will be /i:'c;ng inVh."' not only commodious to the Inhabitants, but convenient for Travellers, as well Town. ys all other Perfons who have Bufuiefs in the faid Town •, Be it Enacted^ by the Authority, aforejaid^ That the Commiffioacrs for the Time beings or the Majority of them, are hereby impowercd to employ and hire Workmen to make up a good and fufficient Fence round the faid '1 own, with fuch Gates as they fliall think proper^ and compute the Charge of the making or repairing the fame, and lay the f »mei on the 1 liird Tuefday in March^ Yearly, before the County Courts whicn is hereby impowered to lay a Tax or Levy on each Tythable i'crfon in the County o\ Craien., and on each i-'erfon of a faved Lot in the Town of Newbern, and taxable r'erfons inhabiting the dime, for defraying the faid Charge, not ex- ceeding Fouf Fence, Froclanution Money, Yearly, to be collected by the She- riff, in the fame Manner, and under the fame Penalties, as other County Taxes are ufualiy collected •, and the Town fo fenced is hereby declared to be a Public Pafturc, for the Horfes of all Travellers, during their Stay in Town, but fto Ion- ■ ger, nor for any other Creature, except Llorfes. ^entity en Per- IV. AND be it further Ena^edy by the Auibdrity hfcrefaidi That dhy Per- £.n3 rfeftronng ^Qp wHatfoever who ihall pull down, take away, or by any Means deftroy any of the Fence. ^^^ ^zWs of the faid Fence, or any Fart thereof, and being thereof lawfully con- vidled by the Oath of any credible Witnefs, before one or more Juflices of the Peace, fliall forfeit and pay, into the Hands of the Commiliicnersj for the firft Offence, Twenty Shillings, Proclamation, and for the fecond. Forty Shillings, like Money ; to be recovered by the Commiffioners, by Warrant from Two Juftices of the Peace -, which Monies fo recovered, (hall be applied towards re- pairing the faid Fence. pensity en Per- V. A N D bc it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That none of fons keeping thc Inhabitants of the faid Town, fhall keep, or caufe to be kept, running at Town t'i:3ii au large \vithin the Bounds of the faid Tov;n, more than 'one Cow anU Calf, or one lowed by Liw. j-jorfe, or Six Head of Sheep, for one faved Lot, and fo in Proportion for each iiived Lot by them polTeffed, under the Penalty of Twenty Shillings, Proclama- tion Money, for each and every Offence •, to be recovered as in this A61 is here- after directed. iio s not to run ^"1. A N t> be tt further Enaeted, hy the Authcriiy afcrefaidy That none of the at 1 rpe, on Pen. InhabitaRts of the faid Town, (hall fuffer any Kog or Hogs to run at large within the Bounds of thc faid Town, under the Fo;'feiture of fuch Hog or Hogs, to any Perfon who fhall feize of kill the fame. •f Forfeiture. ., ^ , . Vtl. A N D he' it further EnatSfed. by the Authority aforefaid. That no Peffoft Font hut Inh*- ■' itii- r \ r ■ \ !^ \ n w -y ),it»nt? t., keep Qr Perfotts whatfoever, (except the Inhabitants or the laid Town) mail keep, or Tnwn^'on Pen. caufe to bc kept, any Horfes, Cattle, or Sheep, within the faid Town, under •f »«'». * the Penalty of Twenty Shillings, Proclamation Mbney^ fof each and every Of- fence ; to be recovered and applied as hereaitef directed, except their riding Horfes, during their Stay in Town : And the CommilTioners, Cf the Majority of them, for the Time being, are hereby authorized to caufe a Pound to be built and ereded, to impound any Horfe or Horfes, Cattle or Sheep, found at large within the Bounds of the faid Town, contrary to the Meaning of this A6c. femkie, how to VIII. A N B be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the hi f««ofere4. j(^veral Penalties in this Adt mentioned, except for deftroying the Fence aforefaid, fhall.. L yl V/ S ^ N O R T H - C A R O L I N A. 281 D. 374f -■ V — - fl>u!l, by the Commifiioners, or the Majority ot them, he recovered by a War- rant froin Two Jufti'-cs ot the Peace, and be applied towards the making Public Wharfs, erccling a I'ound, or repairing the Streets, and to no ether Purpofe. IX. A N D where.-' s the Settlement of the Town of Newbern^ hath been much retarded by Perfons taking up Lots in the faid Tov/h, and not building thereon, as by the Tenor of their Deeds or Grants, and the Law, intituled, An Ad, for the better fettling the Town of Newbern^ is exprefly provided : X. A N D whefear., aftei" the Time therein limited thereon, the fame Perfons kave been permitted to twx.zr and take up the fame again, whereby fome of the moil convenient Lots in the ftid Town lie _^inim proved : For Prevention where- of for the future •, XI. B E it Enact^dy by the Aulhority aforefaid^ That the Commifiioners of the Ajiy three eom- faid Town for the Time being, or any Three of them, whereof the I'reafurer Trfaiur"' tl^^L to be one, arc hereby authorifed, impowered, and direfted, to grant, convey, nnr, may c<«nvvy and acknowledge, to any Perfon requiring the fame, any Lot or Lots of Land ^"" ivithin the faid Town, not already taken up and built on, agreeable to the faid Act, or any Lot or Lots that may hereafter be liable to be taken up for Want of being built on as aforefiid, for the iame Ccnfidcration, and under the fame Re- flriflions. Limitations, and Forfeitures, as Lots have heretofore been granted, agreeable to the faid Act of ^.Ifembly lor the better fettling the Town of New- ier/1, before menticned, XII. PRO FID E D mvcrthelejs. That where any Perfon fhall have taken up perf„ns not iMu any Lot or Lots, and hath not built therton and improved the fame, agreeable pfo^'^g •'i'^''" . to the Tenor of his or h.tr Deed or Grant, and the aforefaid Aft of Alfembly, La" "orto"take the fame Perfon (except where the Title of fuch Lot or Lots, before the F-xpira- *'""' "p^*^" ^^^J. tion of the Time for building thereon, fhall fall to a Minor or Minors) fhall not 6 Months. have the' Preference to be allowed to take up the fame again^ until the fame hath layed vacant Six Months •, but the fame may and fhall, immediately, or any Time after, be granted to any other Perfon defiring the fame, on the fame Con- diticns mentioned by the faid Lav/ ; and the Commifiioners for the Time being, arc hereby required to keep a fair Book wherein they fhall enter the Time when any Lot was granted, and to what Perfon, and alfo of the Time when the fame becanTe lapfable \ which Book any Perfon fhaii have free Liberty of perufing, as' ihey fee proper, at all Times. XIII. AND whereas fundry Difputes liiay hereafter arife, concerning the ''^'*'" ** ^^• Titles to the Lots in Neivbcrn^ and the Bounds thereof; Be it Ena^ed^ by the "" ""* *„ Authority afo"e[aidy That the Commiifioners or Jufticcs formerly appointed, by Adc of General Affembly of this Province, intituled. An Act, for the better Set- tling of the Town of Newbern, in the PrecinB of Craven, and tlieir SuccefTors, arc hereby declared to have had a good, abfolute, and indefeafible Eflate, in Fee, in the Two Kursdred and Fifty Acres of Land, by the faid At\. of AfTernbly al- lotted and laid out for tha Town of Newbern^ refpedively, in Truft and Confi- dence, to and for the Ufes in the faid A£t meiitioned ; and the CommilTioners or Juflices for this Act, hereafter to be chofen and elected, as before mentioned, are herj;by declared to have, for the Time being, a good, abfolute, and indefeafible Eflate, in Fee, in all fuch Lands or Lots within the Limits of the faid Town, which have not been difpofed of by the former Commifiioners or Juflices, and built on, agreeable to the before recited Ad: for fettling the faid Town, but in Tra.ifl and Confidence, to and for the Ufes in the before recited Ad mentioned, and lor no otht r Ufc or Purpofe whatfoever i and the faid Land or Lots contained 3ft the faid Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, are hereby confirmed to the B 4 faidf 282 LAWS of North-Carolina. ji. D. 174S. faid Commiffioners or Juftices, for the Time being, in Fee, to the Ufe or Ufes y ^.. — ' -j^ ^]^g jf^^^ .\^ mentioned, and to no other Ufe or l^urpofe whatfoevcr. Tales to Lots XIV. PROVIDED always, and be it further EnaSied, That nothing in fti'r'A'ft " w 'be the afore-recited Aft, or in this Ad, fiiall be conftrued or extend to the defeat- gooi. ' ing the Title to any Lot in the fiiid Town which hi\d been built upon and im- proved before the firft recited Adl; any Thing in the fame to the contrary, jQOtwithftanding. Titles tf> Lots"' XV. AND hs it further Enacted^ by the Authcrity aforefaid^ That all and purchiftd of the ^ygj-y Perfon or Perfons, who have purchafed and paid for any Lot or Lots of «!, "anTfav^ed", Land in the faid Town of Newhrfu of any of the Commiffioners or Juftices» ■^cchred i^ci, ■yj.fu;int to the above-mentioned AcST of Afiembly, and have fully complied with. the Conditions in the faid Act mentioned -, and all Ferfons which hereafter may purcliafe and pay tor any Lot or Lots of Land in the fiid Town, of any of the CommiiTioners hereafter to be elected and chofen, agreeable to this Ad, and (hall iuTly comply with the Conditions in their Deed or Grant, and the above reci- ted Ad ot Aflembly •, are hereby declared to be inveftcd with a good, abfolute, and indefeafible Eifate, in Fee, to fuch Lot or Lots, and the fame .are hereby confirmed, in Fee, to fucii Perfon or Perfons, and to his and their Heirs and Affigns, for ever, Ti-ip.i T.."t-, msv XVL AND be it further Enaifed^ by the Authority cforefaid. That all \la roved "'''"'^ Water or Front Lots, adjoining the Streets or Lots of the faid Town of New- ""^'"""^ ' hern fliall be deemed, held, and taken to be Part of the faid Town •, and it (hall atid may be lawful for any Perfon to take up the fame, and build thereon, any Wharf Wharehoufe, or other Improvements, as they fliall think proper, after eivin'>- Three Months Notice to the Owner or Ov/ners of fuch Lots as (hall fronC fuch Vi' ater Lots. Clerk to b=jp- XVII. AND be it Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid, Jhaz it fhall and may pointed, wiio ^^ lawful for the Commiflioners aforefaid, to choofe, employ, and agree Avith a pro- >-,!lntr=nd re- per PcrfoH, as Clerk of the faid Town •, which Clerk is hereby required to keep pifter ^h-frein all ^ f^^jj- gj^d rcgular Joumal of all the Proceedings concerning the faid Town, and ToXV^eVor" the reoifter therein all Deeds given by the Commiflioners lor Lots, entered and llli!^- '* "'• taken up, for which he fliall receive, from the Owner or Taker-up of the faid Lot, Two Shillings and Eight Pence, Pioclamation Money, and no more ; which faid Book or Journal fliall be free for any Perfons Perufal, on paying One Shilling, Proclamation Money, under the Penalty of Twenty Shillings, like Money ; to be recovered from the faid Clerk, in Manner aforefaid, for every ilich Refufal or Negled, to be recovered as aforefaid. NewPJantob- XVIII. A N D be it further EiwMed, by the Authority aforefaid. That the made, and hid Qommiflioners of NezvberK, fhall caufe to be made a new and correct Plan of the t'er^^'f^'^S Af- faid Town, with proper Defcriptions, and Ixy the fame before the Governor, f.rabiy. Council, and General Aflembly, at their next Skting ; which Plan, v/hen ap- proved of by them, fliaii be deemed and taken to be the true Plan of the faid Town, and no other Plan to be admitted : Provided, That in the fame Plan fo to be made, Regard fhall be had to the firft Owner of every faved Lot, to pre- ferve his Title thereto, aitliio' it fliould appear that the fame was mifnumbtred. , • XIX. A N Dbe it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all and 5t^d°'fn*V' every Perfon or Perfons, who have or hold Lots already faved in the faid Town, Mnnth^^ iifter^^ ^^1 ^|^^^^ j^^^jj hereafter lave any Lot or Lots in the faid Town, fuch Perfon ftr S.'^'of "tbl ■' Perfons (hall, within S;x Months after the Pvatification of this A6t, rcgiiler all Cunvsyjr^cc. ft.ich L A V/ S of North-Carolina. 2-83 fuch Lot or Lots already faveJ, with the Regift r of the 0id County, or within \^'^]^^ Six Months alter the Date of luch Deed or Conveyance; XX. AND he it EnscleJ, by the Authority afcrefaid. That the Claufe in the R^P"i^°sGi».fe. before re-cited AiS, anu fo much thereof as relates to the appointing Com million- cts or Juftices for the Town of Newbern^ be, and is hereby repealed, to all In- tents and Purpofes. CHAP. VII. :An Act, to alter and amend an A6l^ intituled^ An Ad, for appointixng Commiffioners to rcvife and print the Laws of this Province; and for granting unto his Majefty, for defraying the Charge thereof, a Duty on Wine, Rum, and diftilled Liquors, and Rice imported into this Province. H E R E A S the reviung and printing the Laws of this Province, pieaaw*, tho' fo v( ry much 'v/anted and defn-ed, hath hitherto met with unex- pcfted Delay : For Remedy whereof, ■. II. W E pfay your mofl: Sacred Majefly that it may be Enac'bed, And be it En- AiioTvance to tu dcted., by, bis Lxcdkncy Gabriel Johnlfon, Efqy Gcverncr^ by and with the Advice ^J^""%'^"\ and Confent of his Majcfifs Coiincily and General Ajfcmhly of this Pnovince, and Lawt. it is hereby Enacted^ by the Authority of famey That fuch CommiflTjoner or Com- niifiionfTS only in the above rtcited Act mentioned, wiio-lhali rcvife and com- pile the Lavs's of this Province into one Body, and make an Index, Marginal Notes, and References thereto^ ready to be laid before the General Aflembiy, by them to be rutilied and confirmed, ihaii have and receive, to his and their own Lfe, the Sum of Sixty Pounds^ Proclamation Money, in the faid above recited Law irientionedft. and in Order to enable the faid Commifiioncr or Commiffioners to procure sn able Clerk or Clerks to expedite the fame, he or they fhall have and receive the additional Sum of Forty Pounds, Proclamation Money •, to be paid by the General Aflembly, out of t.he Duty already arifcn by Virtue of the Lid A<5t ; and in Cafe any IJeficiency fhall happen, then the faid CommiiTioner or Commifiioners fhall be paid the fame out of the Public Treafury : Provided the faid Laws fnall be revifed, compiled, and com pleated,, ready to be laid before thp General Aflembly of this Province, within the Space of Five Months, next after the Ratification of tliis Act, or at the firfl Meeting of the General Afiembly sifter that Term, and not otherwife. III. A N D be it further Enal^ed^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That fuch Com- Cofnm;ffione*» ta mifTioner or CommifTioners, who fliall revife and compile the laid Laws as afore- T-ILg"" /r'*5 fiid, after the Ratification of the fame, fhall print them, together with fuch other Y^ars, .nd lool. Laws as fhall be pafTed. to the Time of fuch Ratification, and fhall have the ^^^ ?""""«' Benefit and Advantage of the Ible printing and vending the faid Books, for the Space of Five Years •, and alfo, have and receive, to his or their own Ufe, for printing and delivering the feveral Books of the faid Laws, mentioned in the ibove recited Act, fo revifed and compiled, the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, Proclamation Money ; and may lawfully take and receivfe the Sum of Twenty Shillings, Proclamation Money, for eacfh bound Book by him or them printed and fold, and no more. IV. AIJJ} 284 "^^^ ~1, A W S of North-Carolina. ji. D, 1748. -V-- iV. AN D be it further Ena£ted\, That the faid Laws fo revifed, compiled, be'"g;veQYrrEvU snd printed, by one or more of the CommifTioners aforcfaid, and ratified by the dsnte. General AlTembly, as aforcfaid, fliall be allowed to be given in Evidence, and, to all Intents and Furpofes, be as good and valid in Law, as tho' they had been revifed, compiled, and printed, by all the Comminionersi or the Majority of them : And all Perfons are hereby prohibited to import or vend any printed Book fonToff-idng ^ny or Books of thc faid Laws in this Province, other than fuch Perfon or Perfons as tor Sale, without f^all bc authorized and impowered by the Comniiflioner or CommifTioners who '^'^' adlually revifed, compiled, and printed the fame, under the fame Penalties, and to be recovered in the fame Manner, as is prefcribed in the A61 firft above re- cited, in Cafe the whole Number of Commifiibners, or the Majority of them, had revifed, compiled, and printed thc faid Laws j any Lawj or Claufe of * Law, to the contrary, notwithftanding. SIGNED b/ Gabriel Johnston, Efq; Governor^ • Nathaniel Rice^ Prefidenu Samubi. Swa«w, Speaker* ■jp- -Jn 'srf 19: W I9#9 Anno wyr LA IV S of N O R T K - C A R_0 t I N A. 285 A. D. 1749. Rist ^ Anno Regni G E II, Regis, Magnce Britannii^, Francis, 6c Hibern'r^, Viceffimo Secundi. At a General ASSEMBLY, held at Nc^berfiy the o * • « » « t Fourteenth Day of April, in the Year of our Lord One E^roownw.* Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty Nine. CHAP. 1; ]dn additional A5i to an ASi, intituled^ An kOt', for forming a Rent- ^oll of all the Lands holden in this Province, for quieting the In- habitants in their Poffeffions, and for directing the Payment of Quit- Rents. ^* \Kf ^ E ^ E A S, by an Aft' of the General AfTembly oF this Province, paf- p.emMc, Vy fed the Sixteenth Day of OSiobery in the Year of our Lord One Thou- fand Seven Hundred and Forty Eight, intituled. An ASti for forming a Rent- R.0II of all the Lands boldcn in this Province^ for quieting the Inhabitants in their Poffeffionsy and for diretfing the Payment of ^itt-Rents ; it is, among other Things, Enaded, that the Quit-Rents hereafter to be paid for any Lands already granted within (his Province, or which have been adually poffeffed by any Per- fon for tJie Space of Twenty Years laft paff, fliall be paid in Proclamation Mo- ney, at the Court-ho6fe in the County where fuch Land lieth, or in Infpeftors Notes for Tobacco, at Ofie Penny Proclamation Money_, />«■;• Pound, or Jndico, at Four Shillings, Proclamation Money, per Pound, good and merchantable, and ^ch as the Jnfpeftor (hail judge will be intituled to the Bounty given by Aft of Parliament, being well infpefted, after the fame Mafiner as 1 obacco is to be in- fpected for Payment of Public Taxes, if delivered at fuch Infpectinghoufes as are appointed by Law, where Boats or Pettiaguas may conveniently go to receive the fame ; and provided, that the Tobacco to be delivered at fuch Houfes, fhall not weigh lefs than Nine Hundred Weight, Nctt Tobacco, in each Hogfhead i And whereas large Arrears of Quit-Rents are now become due to his Majcfty^ C 4 and 286 Laws of North-Carolina. '■i- o. 1749, gjij(^ ^-Q tj-12 Right Honourable die Earl of Granvilley and no Provifion being made -*v — in the betore recited Act, as a Fee to the Sherits of each County for executing a Warrant gf Diftrcfs on t;he Detaultcrs shrrifs Fees for II. B E it therefore Enacted^ by his Excellency Gabriel Johnllon, Efq% Gover- D ftrefs tor Quit- ^^y.^ jy.j ^„j ,^^^/_, ^^^ jlihice c.nd CcvjeiU of his Majcflfs Council, and General Af- fembly of .this Province^ That from and after the paiiing of this Act, every She- riff" of any County in this i-'rovince, or other i'erfon who Ihall be appointed Deputy-Receiver of his Majtily's Quit-Rents, or Collector and Receiver of the Quit-Rents due to Earl Granpfllej fhall have and receive the fame Fees for exe- cuting a Warrant of Diftrefs, as are appointed by Law in Cafes of Executions at the Common Law; and Ihall be fubject to the fame Penalties for any Exaction, or receiving more tl\an fuch Allowances as are in that Cafe made and provided. Auditor to tranf- III, ^AND in Otx^er to prevenrMy Miilakes that may arife, by the Receiver-^ ^.'^' r"''^ ^1. General, or the Earl GV^a^-rji/Zt^'s Collector or Receiver, their not knowing what Months, 10 til- ' r -i f t\ ^ 1 Rec«ivcr-G-nc. Lands arc transferreo irom one rerlon to another within this Province, either by c!.nvfr3''ces&"^ WilU mefne Conveyance, or other Transfer ; Be it Enacted^ by the Authority on Kn. as. 6(1. aforefdid. That the Deputy- Auditor for the Time being, Ihall, every Six Months, forev;r>N«;g!cct. j,.^j^^,^j^ j.^ the Receiver-General for the Time being, the fame Extrafts of all fuch Legacies, mtlhe Conveyances^ or other Transfers of Land from one Perfoa to. another, as he fhallj from Time to Time, receive from tli^ Secretary of this Province, or from the Rcgifttrs of each County refpcdivfly, under the Penalty of Two Shillings and Six Pence Proclanwtion Money, for each Extrad he fhall neglc(5l fo to tranfmit ; to be recovered as other Penalties are direfted to be reco- vered by the afore recited A6t ; the faid Extrafts to contain the Names of all the Parties, the Number of Acres of Land, where fcituated, and ap.what Quit-Rents the faid Lands are held* r«.f.a>t«whniii ^^' -^^"^J^ be it further E7tacted, That after the Regifter or Secretary fhallj r-:.ndsare fembly of this Province^ That if any Handicraft Tradefman, or any other °tmferve7'"o Perfon whatfoever, fhall be in Prifon within this Province, on mefne Procefles, wonh' 4os."°t> b« t.ktJi T A. B. do folemvly fwear^ in the Prefence of AlrHighty God:, nat the Account by tie D-btor. I ^^, ^^ dcHveredy with my -PetitioKy info thii Courts doth contain ti full and true Acount of all my Real and Perfonai Eftate, Dehts^ Credits^ and Effects whatfoe- very which /, o^ any in l^ruft for niCy havei or at the Time of my fdid Petition hady or now cany of thtn waSy in any Refpetty intituled tOy either in Poffeffion, Remaindery or Reverjiony (except my wearing Apparel for myfelf and Family y and the 'Tools or Inftnments for my TradCy and Arms for Mufter y) and that I have HOty at any Time fince my Imprifoyimenty or beforcy directly or indirecilyy fold^ ilienedy ajignedy or otherxvife difpofed ofy or made overy in Truft for myfelfy or otberwifey other than is mentioned in fuch Accounty any Part of my Landsy E- fiatCy Goodsy Stocky Moneyy DeitSy or ether Real or Perfonal Efiatey whereby to have or expect any Benefit or Profit to myfelf, or to defraud any of my Creditors /• whom I am iitdebtcd. So help me G6d. IV. A N D he it further Enactedy That if luch P&rfon take Ibch Oath, sftd Sd'^'SfrVuch the Creditor be Satisfied with the Truth thereof, the Court may order the EfFeds SuWer, and contained in fuch Account, or fo much as may be fufficient to fatsfy the Debts o*th uk'M, ^^^ p^^^ ^^^ ^^ .^^^ Gbaleri to be, by an Indorfment on the Back of the Petiti- on, figned by the Prifoner, afTigncd to the Creditor or Creditors, or to one or more of them, in Truft for the refl ; and by fuch AfTignment, the Eflate and Proper- ty of the Lands, Goods, Debts, and Effeds, fhall be vefled in fuch Creditor or Creditors, in Trufl, as aforefaid, and the Prifonet fliall be difcharged out of Cuflody, by Order of the Court, without Fee^ and the Perfon or Perfons to' whom the EfFeds Oiall be affign'd, paying the Fees to the Coaler, fhall divide the EfFeds, in Proportion to their Debts : But if the Perfon or Perfons at whole Suit the Prifoner is in Ejtecution, fhall defire Time to inform himj her,- or them- felves, the Court fhall remand the Prifoner, and dired him, and the Perfon or Perfons difTatisfied, to appear, at a Day, in the next fucceeding Court •, and if at fiich Day the Creditor or Creditors make Default, or if he, fhe,- or they, be un- able to make Difcovcry of any EfFefts of the Prifoner omitted in his Petition, or to fhew any Probability of his having being forfworn, the Court fhal) eaufe the Prifoner to be difcharged, unlefs fuch Creditor or Creditors, on his being detain- ed, agree, by "vVriting, to pay the Prifoner Ten Shillings Proclamation iMoney; by the Week, to be paid Weekly, fo long as he or fhe fhull continue ih Prifon at his, her, or their Suit ; and on Failure of Payment, the Prifoner fhall, on Ap- plication made to the Court, be difcharged by Order : And in Cafe the t;rifQner ihall refufe to take the Oath, or fiiali be dcteded of Falfity therein, he fhall be remanded^ L A IV S of North-Carol I N A. 2bO A. D. 1749. V. AND be it. further Ena£Jedy That the Perfon of every Debtor fo dif- '^CtlX.l'ZL charged, fhall, never after, be arretted for the fame Debt; but the Judgment otLr" Aireit 'L .(hall remain in Force, and Execution may be taken out againft his Lands or '"'*' '^''''■ Goods, (his wearing Apparel for himfclf and Family, Tools for his Trade, and Arms for Mufter:, excepted.) VI. J N B be it further EnaEled^ That if any Perfon who fhall take fuch i^^ttor commit- Oath, fhall, upon Indiftment of Perjury, be convidled thereon, he fliall fuffer tl" Va'« "- he b^! all Pains of v/ilful Perjury, and fhall be. liable to be taken on a new Procefs ; and ncfit of thi. Adt* Ihall, never after, have the Benefit of this Ad, VII. AND be it further Enacted^. T\id.l if the Eftedls affigned Ihall not EMea, ,ot fufs, extend to fatisfy the whole Debts due to the Perfon or Perfons at whofe Suit fuch '''"'' cr.c!it.,r. Prifoner was charged, and the Fees, there fliall be an Abatement in Proportion j^rtion! '" and the Goaler Ihall come in, as a Creditor, for his Fees. VIII. AND he it further Enacted'^ That no Perfon, charged in Execution, Petition fo ^ fhall be allowed to petition by Virtue of this Acb, unlefs luch Prifoner do exhi- "''''>'f<"<' within bit his Petition to the Court from whence the Execytion ilTued, within Six ^""''"' Months after fuch Perfon ihall be fo charged in Execution. IX. AND be it further Enacted^ That where by this Ad an Oath is required, Q^.ker-s Affit- the folemn Affirmation of a ^^-^^r fnall be taken, in Lieu thereof; and every ""^'i"" aHowed, Perfon convifted of wilful and falfe affirming, fhall fuffer the like Penalties as for wilful and corrupt Perjury. CHAP. III. An ASf, for the Encouragsment of James Davis, to fet up, and carry on, bis Biifnefs of a Printer, in this Province; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, ^- WJ E pray it may be Enaded, And he it Enabled, by his Excellency Ga- , Vy briel Johnftcn, Efq^-, Governor, by and with the Advice arJ Confent ^y ''""^"•s 3^^. his Majeflfs Council, and the General Affembly of this Province, and by the Au- thority of the fame. That the faid James Davis fhall be allowed and paid by the Public, the Yearly Salary of One Hundred and Sixty Pounds Proclamation Mo- ney, for the Work and Services hereafter mentioned, to be done and performed ' by him. for the Public ; and that the faid Salary fhall begin and commence from fuch Time as the faid Jantts Davis fhall have fet up his Prefs at Nevobern, in this Province, and be ready to proceed on his Bufmefs of Printing ; and fhall continue for the Space of Five Years, provided the faid James Davts fliall fo long live, and perform the faid Services. II. ANDbt it further Enacted, X^iat the faid James Davis, in Confideration of .the faid Salary, fhall, and he is hereby required and direded, to refide in SHit' ^"* Newbern aforefaid, and to print, with the fame Type or Letter with which his ' Petition, now laid before this Houfe. ia printed on, at every Sefllons of AlTem- bly in this Province, the Speeches and AddrcfTes at the Opening of each SefTion • alfo the Journals and Proceedings of the Houfe of Burgefies ; and deliver Copied Liereof to each Member who Ihall attend at fuch ScfTion ; and ffiall alfo, as foon as the fame can or may be done, print all fuch Laws as fhall be pafTed at each •*^ 4 Seffions-,' 290 L A J^y S of North-Carolina. ^' ^ ''"^ Seffions, and (hall tranfmit one Copy of them to his Excellency the Governor, '"^" and one to each Member of his Majetly's Honourable Council, and alfoone Copy to each Member of the General Aifembly in the feveral Counties in this Province ; one Copy to each of the Clerks of the Houfes of Affembly, for the Ufe of the faid Affembly -, one Copy to the Clerk of the General Court, for the Ufe of the faid Court i one Copy to the Clerk of each refpe(5tive CoUnty Court in this Province, for the Ufe of iuch Court ; and alfo one Copy to each and every Juftice of the jfeveral Counties within this Province- not exceeding Twelve Copies to be fent to the faid Juftices of any one County -, and fupply fuch Copies of the faid Journals and Laws as fiiall or may be necelfary, to be tranfmitted from this Province to ihe Board or Offices in England., as ufual; and alfo, fhall print, and tranfmit to the proper Places* the Public Proclamations, and all other Ads of Government. rieri<«to deliver jll. AND be it further Enacted-, by th:: Authority afcrcfaid. That the Clerks ivmtTr/'cn'rvn. of the Council, and of the General AlTembly, for the Time being, the Secretary ii a5 1'. of the Province for the Time being, and all other Officers within this Province, Ihall, and they are hereby required, to deliver to the laid James Davis^ exami- ned and atceftcd Copies of all fuch Speeches, Journals, Laws, Proclamations, and "ill Adls of Government, in their .refpcdive Offices, which are herein before di- rected to. be printed, at fuch Time or Times as the fame fhall be demanded of them by the faid James Dmis ; and that if any of the faid Officers lliall negledfc or refufe fo to do, he fliall forfeit and pay the Sum of Twenty Five Pounds Pro- clamation Money, to him or them who will fue for the fame : Which Ihall and rnay be recovered in any Court of Record in this Province, by Adion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information j wherein no Protedion,. Injunction, or V/ager of Law, iliall be allowed or admitted of. Officers Allow.. |V. AND hc it furthcT Eudcted^ That the feveral Officers Ihall be paid by the ance for Copies, p^^jj^jj^^ f^j. ^U fucli Copics as they are hereby required to make out and deliver to the faid James Davisy the Time Fees and Allowances as by Law or Ufage they have a Right to for fuch Services. tax iai.i to ,uy V. A N D for tiie Payment of the Salary herein before mentioned to the faid the Ssiaiy, &c. j^mes DaviSy and the Fees and Allowances to the feveral Officers, for fuch Co- pies as they are by this A6t required to make out, and deliver to the faid James Davis ; Be it Enacted., by the Authority aforefaid. That a Tax of Four Pence, , Proclamation Money, be, and is hereby laid, for' tlie Space and Term of Five Years, and no longer, on each and every taxable Perfon within this Province, and paid as the County and Parifh Taxes are paid ; and fliall commence imme- diately after the Ratification of this Ad : And lliall be colkaed and accounted for, by the feveral Sherifs of the refpedtive Counties within the fame, in the fame Manner, and under the fame Penalties, as by the Laws now in Force they are to colled and account for the Public Tax. surpia^appropti- VI. AND be it further Enackd, That if any Surplus of the Monies arifing *"d. ^y Virtue of this Ad fhall remain, after Payment of the fliid Salary to the faid James Davis, and the Fees and Allowances to the feveral Officers,- for the Copies that fliall by them be delivered to the faid James Davis, by Virtue of this Ad, the fame fliall be apphed, by the General AlTembly, for and towards difcharging the Public Debts of this Province. • * VII. AND be it further Enacted, by ihs Authority aforefaid. That if any r^MHint^nror Pcrfon or Perfons fliall print, fell, or offer to Sale in' this Province, within' the felling th. i,.ws Term of Five Years aforefaid, any of the Tournals or LaWs aforefaid, other than &c.^of ih,, Pro- ^^^^ ^^ ^^^j^ ^^ printed by the faid James Davis, without the Licence of the laid James Davis -, fuch Perfon or Perfons fliall forfeit and pay, to the faid James Davis^ the Sum of Five Pounds, Ppoclamation Money, lor each and every Journal LAWS ^NoRTH -Carolina. 291 Journal of Law of any Sefilons fo printed^ fold, or offered to Sale, contrary ^^- ^' '^*9J to the true Intent and Meaning of this Aft j to be recovered in the fame Man- '^~ ncr as the Penalty firft above mentioned in this Act. VIIL AN B be it further EnaEledy That all the faid Laws that (hall -be prin- Printed Laws to ted by the faid James Davis^ by Virtue of this Act, fhall be allowed to be given d^„^f'" '"^''" in Evidence in all or any of the Courts of Judicature in this Province, and before any Magitlr^^tc or Magiftrates, in any Matter or Controverfy depending before them. CHAP. IV. 2in Act, directing t-be Method for cutting or docking Intaih of fmall EJiates. I. TTTHEREAS divers Perfons are feired of fmall and inconfiderable Preamble, VV Pieces of Land, in Tail, often ignorantly, without Defign, devifed, in Tail, by their Ancellors ; and the Method of defeating fuch Eftates in Fee- Tail, General or Special, within this Province, by A6t of General Affembly, in fuch particular Cafe to be made and provided, is found too expenfive for poor People, feiz;2d of fuch Land, to go through with ; and therefore, the Docking Intails by fome eafier Method will be a great Relief to fuch poor People and their Families, whereby they would be enabled to purchafe other more improveable Lands and Slaves ; II. V^HEREFOREwe humbly pray your mofl: Sacred Majefty that it Method efdocS:. may be Enacted, And be it Enacted^ by his Excellency the Governor^ Council cmd '"sint^is. General Affembly cf this Province, That it fhall and may be lawful for any Per- fon or Perfons, feized, in Fee-Tail, General or Special, of, or in, any Lands or Tenements v/ithin this Province, not exceeding the Value of Fifty Pounds Sterling Money, and not being Parcel of, or contiguous to, other intailed Lands of the fame Parties, to foe out a Writ, from the Secretary's Ofrice, in the Na- ture of an Ad quod Damnuv?^ direfted £0 the Sheriff of the County where fuch intailed Lands lie, commanding him to enquire, by good and lawful Men of his County, of the Value of fuch Lands,' and whether they be Parcel of, or con- tiguous to, other intailed Lands of the fame Party,' as aforcfaid •, and fuch She- riff Ihall return his Inquifition t6 the faid Office : And if the faid Lands fhall be found not to exceed the Value aforefaid, and to be a feparate Parcel, as aforefaid, then a Deed of Bargain and Sale, feciting the Title and fuch Inquifition, (where- • in a valuable Confideration fhall be exprelTed, and, bona /^f, paid) acknow-. ledged by the Party, or proved by Two Witneffes, before the Chief Juflce, or any of the alTociatc Judges, or in the Court of the County where fxich Lands may lie, within Six- Months after the Date thereof, and regiftred, within Twelve Months, in the County where fuch Lands lie, fhall be fufficient in Law to pafs the Fee-Simple Eftate of fuch Lands to the Purchafer or Purchafers thereof ; and the Right of the Iffue of the Vender^ and all other Perfons in Remainder or Re- verfion, fhall pe barred, in the fame Mariner as the fame Eftate might be barred by Fine and Recovery, according to the Lav/s of England. S T G N E D by Gabriel Johnston, Efqj Governor, Nathaniel Rice^ Prefident, Samuel Swann^ Speaker, L A fV S (j/' North-Carolina. =93 A. D, 1749. V ^ * jfimj;* m \j^'^% GE Anno Regni G 1 1 II E.egis, Magnce Britanniie, Francis, &C Hibernue, Viceffimo Tertio. At a General ASSEMBLY, held at Ntavhern, the g a » r 1 z ^ Sixteenth Day of Otiober, in the Year of our Lord One e%"-''^°''' Thoufiind Seven Hundred and Forty Nine. Governor, CHAP. I, An Aci^ to put in Force in this Provi?ice, the fever al 'Statutes of the King- dom of England, or South-Britain, thereiii particularly jnentioiied. TXrHEREAS many of the Statute Laws of the Kingdom of England, Preamble, !. __ or South-Britain^ by Reafon of the different Way of Agriculture, and the different Produftions of the Earth of this Province, from that of England, are altogether ufelefs, and many others, which otherwife are very apt and good, either by Reafon of their Limitation to particular. Places, or becaufe in themfelves they are only executive by fuch nominal Officers as are not in, nor fuitable for the Conftitution of this Government, are thereby become impradicable here : II. jB £ it therefore Enncced., by his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, Efqi Cover- statutes enforce^'' nor, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majefty's Council, and General AJ- *>"«• jembly of this Province, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame. That the feveral Statutes, and the feveral Paragraphs or Settions of the feveral Statutes of the Kingdom of England, intituled as followeth, and made and en- afted in fuch Years of the Reigns of the Kings and Queens of England as before the Titles of the feveral Statutes, as in this A&. fet down, are, and are hereby to be in as full Force, Power, and Virtue, as if the fame had been fpecially En- abled and made for this Province, or as if the fame had been made and Enadtcd therein, by^any General Affcmbly thereof: That is to fay , E4 MAG- 294 LA W S of North-Carolina. A. D. 1749. s^.,^ ; MAGNA CHART A. •Q Henry III. Chap, i An A<5t, for Confirmation of Liberties, 8 How Sureties fhall be charged to the King. 14 How Men of all Sorts fhail be amerced, and by whom. 18 The King's Debtor dying, the King fhail be firft paid. 28 Wager of Law fhail not be, without Witnefs. 29 None fhali be condemned without Tryal : Juftice fhail not be fold or deferred. 34 In what only Cafe a Woman fhail have aft Appeal of Death. MEP^rON. 20 Henry III. Chap, i A Woman fhail recover Damages in a Writ of Dower. 2 Wido<^"s may bequeath the Crofs of their Lands. 9 He is a Baftard that is born before the Marriage of his Parents. MARLBRIDGE. f,2 Hen. III. Chap. 4 A Diftrefs fnall not be drawn out of the County, and it fliall be reafonable. 5 What Kind of Manflaughter fhail be adjudged Murder. J 7 The Authority and Duty of Guardians in Socage. 23 A Remedy againft Accomptants. Farmers Ihall make no Waile. IVESr MINSr E R, the Firflr. c^ Echvard I. Ch:ip. 3 No Penalty for an Efcape;^ before it be adjudged. ^ 4 What fhail be adjudged Wreck of the Sea, and what no6 6 Amerciaments fliail be reafonable, and according to the Offence. J 2 ' The Punifhmenc of Felons refuting lawful Tryals. 14. Appeal againft the Principal, and Acceflory. 23 None fhail be diftrained for a Debt he oweth not. 25 None fhail commit Champerty, to have Part of the Thing in Queftion. 29 Penalty on a Serjeant or Pleader, committing Deceit. GLOUCES'TER. 6 Edward t Chap. 9 One Perfon killing another in his Own Defence, or by Misfortune, an Appeal of Murder. i^ESTMINS-TERi the Second, J 3 El h Chap. I In Gifts in Tail, the Donor's Will Ihall be obferved. The Form of a Formedon. 1 1 The Matters Remedy againft their Servants, and other Accomptants. 12 The Appellant being acquitted, the Appellor and Abet- tors Ihall be puniihed : There fhail be no Effoign for the Appellor. • 19 The Ordinary chargeable, to pay Debts, as Executors. 34 It is Felony to commit a Rapej a married Woman with an Advouterer, 37 ^<^ LAWS of North-Carolina. 295 37 No Diftrefs fhall be taken, but by Bailifs, known and ^- ^ '749-. fworn. * -v—- ^ 40 A Woman's Suit fhall not be deferred by the Minority • of the Heir. ARTICULI SUPER CHARTJS. ?.S Ed. I. Chap. 10 The Remedy againft Confpirators, falfe Informers, and Embracers of Juries. 1 1 Nothing fliall be taken to maintain any Matter in Suit. 1 2 What Diftrefs fliall be taken for the King's Debt, and how it fhall be ufed. i 6 What fliall be done with them that make falfe Return of Writs. S T A T U T E the Second. 33 Ed. I. Who be Confpirators, and who be Champartors, S T A T U T E the Third. The Punifliment of fuch as commit Champarty. STATUTE the Fourth. 34 Ed. L Chap. I The King, or his Heirs, fhall have no Tallage or Aid^' without Confcnt of Parliament. 4 All Laws, Liberties, and Cuftoms, confirmed. S T A T.U T E the Second. - i Ed. Ih In what Cafe it is Felony to break Prifon, arid what not, I Ed. III. Chap. 7 I-nquiry fliall be made of Coalers, which by Durcfsj compel Prifoners to appeal. 6 Juftices fliall have Authority to punifli Breakers of the Peace. 8 No Commands under the King's Seal fnall difl:urb or delay Juftice. 4 Ed. 111. Chap. 2 The Authority of Jufliices of Afllze, Goal Delivery, and of the Peace. 7 Executors fliall have Adion of Trefpafs for a Wrong done to their Teftator. 9 Sherifs, Bailifs of Hundreds, and Efcheator, fliall have fufficient in the County. ID Sherifs and Goalers fliall receive Offenders v/ithoiit any Thing taken. II Jufl:ices of Afllze, &c. fliall enquire of Maintainers,' Confpirators, and Champartors. 5 Ed. III. Chap. 9 None fhall be attached, or forejudged, contrary to the Great Charter, or the Law. » 10 The Punifliment of a Juror that is ambidexter, and taketh Money, 1 1 Procefs againft thofc that be appealed, indided, or out- lawed, in one County, and remain in Another. 14 Night Walkcrsj and fufpected Perfons^ fliall be fafely kept. 10 Chap. 2 Pardons fliall not be granted contrary to the Statute of 2 Ed. 3, Chap. 2. 2-0 ■ ■ Chap, 4 None fliall maintain any Quarrels but their own. 6 Juftices 296 LAWS of North-Carolina. ^ ^- '749^ 6 Juftices of Afllze (hall enquire of, and punifh the Mif- ^ demeanors of Officers, and other Offenders. S T A T U T E the Fifth. 25 Ed- IIL Chap, 2 A Declaration which Offences ftiall be adjudged Treafon, 3 No Indiclor fhall be put upon the Inqutll of the Party indifted. 4 None fhall be condemned upon Suggellion, without lawful Prefentment. 5 Executors of Executors fhall have the Benefit and Charge of the firft Teflator. ly Procefs of Exigent fhall be awardtd in Debt, Detinue^ and Repleven. 19 By the King's Protection the Party's Suit fhall not be hindered, but his Execution, j^ — . — — Chap. 8 The Penalty of a Juror, taking Reward to give his Verdift. 12 There fhall be no Forfeiture of Lands for Treafon of dead Perfons, not attainted, j .__-_- 1 Chap. 2 An Indemptitate Nominis fhall be granted, upon the wrongful Seizure ot another Perfon's Lands or Goods, 38" ^^' ' *'^'"' ' ■■ Chap. 8 A Ship fhall not be loft for a fmall Thing therein not Cuftomed. 12 The Punifliment of a Juror taking a Reward to give his Verdift ; and of Embracers. ^i , Chap. 3 None fhall be put to anfwer an Accufation made to the King^ without Prefentment. 10 Children born beyond Sea in the King's Dominions, fhall be inheritable in Engkind. ^o =- Chap. 6 Fraudulent AfTurances of Lands or Goods to deceive Creditors, fhall be void. S T A T U T E the Fifth. A Pnfoher by Judgment fhall not be at large: Con- fefTion of a Debt to the King, to delay another Exe- cution. The Penalty of a Judge or Clerk, making any falfe Entry, ''erafe a Roll, or change a Verdift. With v/hat Things the Admiral, and his Deputy, fhall meddte^ The Duty of Juftices of the Peace, when any forcible Entry is made into Lands. In What Places the Admiral's Jurifdiftion doth lie. A Remedy for hini who is wrongfully purfued in the Court of Admiralty. The Punifhment of an Attorney found in Default. Judgments given fliall continue, until they be reverfed by Attaint or Error. It fhall be Felony to cut out the Tongue, or pull out the Eyes, of the King's Liege People. Duty cf Jufliees of Peace, where Land is entered upon, or detained, with Force. 12 No Judgment or Records fhall be reverfed by any Writ, Procefs, ^c. erafed : Which Deftd in Re- cords may be amended by the Judges, and which net. 15 The i Richard II. Ch. 12 % . Chap. 4 13 ■ Chap. 5 15 Chap. 2 2 Henry IV. Chap. 3 II 4 — Chap. 18 23 £j . Chap. 5 S Henry VI Chap. 9 L A JV S of North -Carolina. 297 15 I'he Juftices may, in certain Cafes, amend Defaults in ^- -^^ '749-^ Records. . * v ^ Q . Chap. 4 An Indernptitate Nominis maintainable by Executors. 1^ Chap. I Juftices of Nifi Prius may have Judgment of a Man attainted or acquitted ot Felony. 1 8 ■ Chap. 6 No Lands fliall be granted until the King's Title be found, by Inquifition. 12 Appeals or Indictments of Felony, committed in a i-'lacc where there is none fuch. « I — Chap. 9 A Remedy for a Woman enforced to be bound by the Statute or Obligation. J J Chap. I A Remedy for Executors againfb Servants, that em- bezzle their JMafters Goods after his Death. I Rich. III. Chap. 3 Every Juftice of Peace may let a Prifoner to Mainprize : No Officer fhail feize the Goods of a Prifoner until he be attainted, J Hen. VII. Chap. 2 The Penalty of carrying a Woman away, againft her Will, that hath Lands or Goods. 3 Juftices of Peace may let Prifoners to Bail : The She- rijlf ihall certify the Names of all his Prifoners at the Goal Delivery. 4 All Deeds of Gifts made to defraud Creditors, fhall be void. 10 Cofts, &V. awarded to the Phintiff, where the De- fendant fueth a Writ of Error. :4. — Chap. 12 All Juftices of the Peace Ihall execute: their Commiflion, redrefs Injuries, and maintain Law. 13 Clergy fhall be allowed but once: A Convi6t Perfon flaall be marked with the Letter M or T r A Pro- viiion for them which be within Orders. I I Chap. 12 A Means to help and fpced poor Perfons in their Suits. 12 Chap. 7 For Murders. ig Chap. 9 Procefs in Actions upon the Cafe flied in the King^s Bench, and Common Pleas. 20 Writs of Error. . I Henry VIII. Ch. 8 The Ad of Efcheators and Commiflloners. 4 Chap. 2 Punifliment of Murders. 2 1 Chap. 4 The Sales of Lands by Part of the Executors, lawfuL 11 At what Times Reftitution Ihall be made of Goods ftolen. 22 ■ Chap. 14 For Abjurations and San6luarics, the Sixth Paragraph only, in thefe Words following: And that no Per- fon^ arraigned for Petit 'Treafon^ Murder y or Felony ,, be, from henceforth, admit ted. to any peremptory Chal- lenge above the Number of 'Twenty. t$ Chap. I An Ad, concerning Convids in Petit Treafon, Murder, &c. ■ . ^ 3 An Ad, againft Perjury, and untrue Verdids. 15 An Ad, that the Plainti/? being non-fuited, Ihall yield Damages to the Defendant, in Adiqns Perfonal, by the Diicretion of the Juftices, j^.. Chap. 5- That a Man killing a Thief in his Defence, Ihall not ' forfeit his Goods. 25 Chap. 3 For fuch as fliall fliand mute, ^c. 6 The Puniftiment of the Vice of Buggery. 2^ «— — - Chap. 4 For Pirates, and Robbers on th& Sea, F 4' 30 Tht 298 LAWS of North-Carolina. ^. i>. 1749- !0 The Aft concerning Ufes, and Wills. v»„ — ^ 1 ^g ^ Chap. 15 For Pirates. 01 , Chap. I For Joint Tenants, and Tenants in Common. 5 For the Continuation of Debts upon Execution. 22 ■ Chap. 9 The Bill of Bracery, and buying of Titles. I The Aft of Wills, Primer Seifins, whereby a Man may devife Two Parts of his Lands. 30 Mifpleadings, Jeofails. 32 Joint Tenants for Time of Life, or Years. 33 An Aft-, that wrongful Difleifin is no Defcent in Law. •^j For Recovery of Arrearages of Rents by Executors of Tenants, in Fee Simple. 55 . Chap. I A Bill againft them that counterfeit Letters, or privy Tokens, to receive Money or Goods in other Menff Names. Chap. 8 The Bill concerning the Explanation of Wills. Chap. 6 The Bill for burning of Frames. Chap. 1 2 An Aft, for the Repeal of certain Statutes concerning Treafon and Felonies, ^c. Paragraph the 1 3th, Wilful killing by poifoningj Ihall be adjudged Mur- der. 2 & 3 ■ Chap. 33 A Bill for Horfe, and Horfe-ftealers. S ^ ^ — Chap. 9 An Aft, for taking away Benefit of Clergy^ for certain Offenders. I o An Aft, for the avoiding of Clergy from divers Perfons. I Mary,' Chap. 6 Counterfeiting of ftrange Coins, Cffc. adjudged Treafon. 1 & 2 Philip and 1 Bringers in of counterfeit Coin into this Realm, Ihall be ' ' ' .Afirj'y Chap. II i punifhed as Traitors. 1 3 An Aft, touching Bailment of Perfons. 2 &: 3 Chap. 10 An Aft, to take Examination of Prifoners fufpefted of any Manflaughter, or Felony. ^ 2c 5 Chap. 4 An Aft, that Acceffories in Murder, and divers Felo- nies, fliall not have Benefit of Clergy. 8 An Aft, for the Punifhment of fuch as (hall take away- young Women that be Inheritors, being within the Age of Sixteen Years, or marry them without Con- fent of their Parents. * /5 Elizabeth^ Chap. 9 An Aft, for Punifhment of fuch Perfons as fhall pro- cure or commit any wilful Petjury. I I Clipping, i^c. of Coins, for Gain ^ake, fhall be high Treafon. 14 An Aft, againft Forgers of falfe Deeds and Writings. 1 7 An Aft, for the Punifhment of the Vice of Buggery. g . — ^ Chap. 2 The Defendant fhall recover Cofls and Damages, where the' Plaintiff doth delay or difcontinue his Suit, or is Non-fuit, ^c, 4 An Aft, to take away Benefit of Clergy from certain Offenders for Felony. ^2 r Chap. 5 An Aft, againft fraudulent Deeds, Alienations, ^c. 1 8 <• Chap. 7 An Aft, to take away Benefit of Clergy from the Of- fenders in Rape, and Burglary •, and an Order for the Delivery of Clerks convift, without Purgation. I4 An Aft, for Reformation of Jeofails. n y j«,«.« — Chap. 4 An Aft, againft covinous and fraudulent Conveyances. 5 An Aft, for Furtherance of Juftice, in Cafe of Demur- rer in Pleadings. 13 An LA fP^ S of North-Carolina. 299 31 39 Chap. 13 II Chap. 9 15 43 Chap. r James I. Chap. 8 An A6tj for the following of Hue and Cry. An Ad:, of Explanation or Declaration of the Statute Oclavo Regis, Henry, 6, . concerning forcible Entries, and the Indiftments thereupon found. An Act, for taking away Clergy from Offenders againft a certain Statute, made in the Third Year of the Reign of Henry 7, concerning the taking away Wo- men againft their Wills, unlawfully.. An Ad, that no Perfon, robbing any Houfe in the Day Time, altho' no Perfon be therein, Ihall be ad- mitted to have the Benefit of his Clergy. An Ad, to prevent Perjury, and Subornation of Per- jury, and unordinary Expences in Suits of Law. An Ad, againft fraudulent Adminiftration of Inteftates Goods. An Ad, to, take away the Benefit of Clergy from feme Kind of Manflaughter. A. D. 1749. 13 2> 1 1 An AcT:, to reftrain all Perfons from Marriage, until their former Wives, and former Hufbands, be dead. 4 Chap. 3 An Ad, to give Coft to the Defendant, upon a Non- fuit of the i^laintiffj or a Verdid againft him. II Chap. 6 An Ad, concerning Women coavided of fmall Felonies. An Ad, for the further Reformation of Jeofails. An Ad, to enable Judges and Juftices of the Peace, to give Reftitution of FofTeffion in certain Cafes. An Adj for the Relief of Creditors, againft fuch Per- fons as die in Execution. An Adi to prevent the deftroying and murdering Baftard Children. 3: Charles L The Petition exhibited to' his Majefty, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this pre- fent Parliament aftembled, concerning divers Rights and Liberties of Subjeds. S T A T U T E the Second 1-3 Charles II. Chap. 6 An Adj declaring the fole Right of the Militia to be in the King, and for the prefent ordering and dif • pofing of the fame. An Ad, to prevent the delivering up of Merchant Ships, An Act, againft deceitful, difordcrly, and excefTive Gaming. An Ad, to prevent Arreft-s of Judgments, and fuper- ceeding Executions. An Act, for a more fpeedy and effectual Proceeding upon DiftrefTes and Avowries for Rents. An Act, for avoiding unnecefTary Suits and Delays. An Act, to prevent malicious maiming and wounding : Paragraph the 7th, Malicious maiming made Felony^ and Paragraph the 8 th, Forfeitures. An Ad, to prevent malicious burning of Houfes^' Stacks of Corn and Hay, and killing or maiming oi Cattle. An Ad, for the better fettling of Inteftates Eftates. An Ad, for preventing Frauds and Perjuries. 30 ■-' '■■ Chap,' 16 16 & 17 17 Chap. Chap. Chap. 22 & 23 Charles II, Chapter i 29 Chap. 10 3 ;oo LA W S of North-Carolina. D. J749. r,Q Chap. 7 An A6tj, to tnable Creditors to recover their Debts of — y ^ the Executors and Adminiftrators of Executors, in their own Wrong, ^j . . Chap. 2 An Aft, for the better fecuring the Liberty of the Sub- ject, and for Prevention of Imprifonment beyond the Seas.' ■ • I J^Tfies II. Chap. 1 7 An Act, for reviving and' Continuance of feveral Acts of Parliament therein mentioned -, only Paragraph the 5th, 6, and 7, relating to the Act for the better fettling Inteftates Eftates. 1 IFil. & Aliiry, Ch. 8 An Act, for the abrogating of the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance, and appointing other Oaths. 18 An Acti for exempting {;heir Majefties Protcftant Sub- jefts, dilfenting from the Church of England^ from the Penalties ot certain Laws. SefTion 2 Chap. 2 Ah Aft, declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Sub- jeft, and fettling the Succeflion of the Crown. Chap. 5 An Aft, for enabling the Sale of Goods diftrained for Rent, in Cafe the Rent be not paid in a reafonabls Time. o^ A. Chap. 9 An Aft, to take away Clergy from fome Offenders, and to bring others to Puniihment. 14 An Aft, for Relief of Creditors, againft fraudulent Devices. jj. ^.^ Chap. 16 An Aft, to prevent Frauds, by clandeftine Mortgages. J mi. HI. Chap. 3 An Act, for regulating Tryals in Cafes of Treafon, and Mifprifon of Treafon. ' g^ g Chap. 24 An Act, requiring the Practitioners of the Law to take " the OathSj and fubfcribe the Declaration therein ■ fncntioned. 2 2^ Chap. 10 An Act, for the better preventing frivolous and vexa- tious Suits. g^ jQ Ch. 15 An Act, for determining Differences by Arbitration. 1 7 An Act, for the better Payment of Inland Bills of Ex- change.- iQ^ II Ch. 16 An Act, to enable poflhumus Chi Wren to take Eflates, as if born in their Fathers Life-time. ,j 5j; j2 Ch. 6 An Act, to enable his Majefty's natural-born Subjects to inherit the Eftate of their Anceflors, either Lenial or CoUaterel, notwitftanding their Father or Mothef are Aliens. 12 & 13 Wil ' III. X An Aft, for the further Limitation of the Crown,^ and C]^ap, 2 J better fecuring the Rights and Liberties of the Subjefts. i Ami Chap. 22 An Aft, to declare the Altefations in the Oath appointed * - to be taken, by the Aft, intituled. An ASl, for the further Security of his Majefifs Perfon^ and the Suc- cejjton of the Crown in the Protefiant Line 5 and for extinguiping the Hopes of the pretended Prince of Wales, and all other Pretenders^ and thiir open and fecret Abettors ; and for dechrin^ the Affociation to be determined. 9 An Aft, for Punifhment of AccefTories to Felonies, and Receivers of ftolen Goods ; and to prevent the wil- ful burning and deftroying of Ships. 3 & 4 — Chap, LAWS of NORT H-CaROL IN A. 3 & 4 — Chap. 9 An Act, for giving Uke Remedy upon Promifory Notes -^- ^- '749- as is now ufed upon Bills of Kxcliange j and for the ^ "* ^ bctttr Payment ot inland Bills of Exchange. 4& 5 Chap. 1 6 Aa A6t, for the Amendment of the Law, and the better Advancement of Juftice. An A(it, concerning Life Eftates. An Adt, to enable Infants who are feized or poircflei of Eitates in Fee, in Truft, or by Way of Mort- gage, to make Conveyances of fuch Eftates. An Ad", for the better Security of Rents, and to pre- vent Frauds committed by Tenants. An Aft, againft unlawtul Gaming j Scdion i, 2, 3=, 5, and 7, only. Firft, Second, and Third Seflions only. Ah Adl, for the prtferving all Ships and Goods there- of, wnich Ihall happ.n to be lorced on Shore, or ftr:mded, upon the \oafts of this Kingdom, or any other of her Majcfty's Lominions. Sedlion the nth only, conctrning Debts. Ah Ad;, concerning Rents. An Ad, for the more eafy Recovery of Debts in his Majdty's Plantations and Colonies in America. An Ad, to dired the Proceedings in Chancery againft Perfons beyond Sea. Sedion i, 2, and 3 only, concerning Mortgages. Settion the 5th, concerning Debts. Twelith and 13th Sedions only, concerning Ejedment. 6 — Chap. 7 ■ Chap. 18 ^9 8 . Chap. 17 ^ Chap. 14 12 Stat. I Chap. 7 2 do. If. Chap. 4 Chap. 5 Chap. 22 28 7 25 8 Chap. II Chap.. 24 19 Statutes tr., en, forced here. III. AND be it further Enact edy by the Authority aforefaid^ That in any of Former the above enuni; rated Statutes, where any Reference is made to any former 'f.''^'"'^'' Statute, as to the Penalty, or Manner of Recovery, or Execution of the faid Statutes, or where the liud Statutes are explained, or continued, or made perpe- tual, or con hrmed, or Clergy allowed by any after Statute •, that in fuch Cafe, the faid'Scatute fcf referred to, of that doth explain, continue, make perpetual,^ or confirm the above enumerated Statutes, or allow Clergy for the Offence or Off*eiicd#in any of them mentioned, are hereby declared to be of as full Force in this Province, as if particularly enumerated in this Ad. IV. AN D be it. further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all the 5^^^^^^^ ^^,^ ^^^^ Statutes of the Kingdom of England^ relating to the Allegiance of the People to Allegiance of ibj his pi'efjnt Majefty King George, and his lawful Succeffors, and the feveral Pub- o,"£'&,^'"'S lie Oaths, and fubfcribing the Teft, required of th^Pcople of England in Gene- ^"'"^^ h«c. ral, by any of the faid Statutes of the faid Kingdom •, and alfo all fuch Statutes in the Kingdom of England as declare the Rights and Liberties of the Subjed, and Enad the better fccuring the fame ; as to fo much of the faid Statutes as relates to the above mentioned Particulars of the Allegiance of the People to their Sovereign, the Public Oaths, and fubfcribiiig the Teft, required of them, and the declaririg and f-curing the Rights and Liberties of the Sui^jeds, are hereby Enaded and DccLn-d to extend to, and to be of full Force in this Province, as if pirticularly eruiifteratcd in thi> Ad. ■ V.-AND for the better patting in Force, and Execution of, all and every Executive Pow?i« tnt before enumerated Statutes, Sedions, and Paragraphs of Statutes-, Be // g^«^» ^ the oig- En.iLl cU by the Authority aforcfaid-, and it is hereby Enailed and Declarcdy That i\z Gen r .1 Aflembly of this Province, and the fcvcral Members thereof, fliall . hxvc clw lutAe Power and Authority in any Matter or Thing relating to the faid G 4 ■ Statute 5 J 302 L A }V S of North-Carolina. A. D. 1749 St-rutes, or that is given by the fame to the Parhament of England^ or the Mem- ti„ — ^^ — f l^gj.g thcrtof i and his Excellency the Governor, and the Council of this Province, for the Time being, fliall have all the flower and Authority relating to the Execu- tion of the faid enumerated Statutes, as by the fame, or by any other the Laws of England^ arc given to the Lord Chancellor, or the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England : That the Chief Juftice of this Province, and his AfTociates, for the Time being, Ihall have all the Power and Authority in the Execution of any the faid enumerated Statutes, as the Chief Juftice, or any of the Juftices or Judges of the Courts of the King's Bench, or Common Pleas, or any Juftices of the Sef- fions of Commiflioners of Oyer and Terminer and Goal Delivery, in the Kingdom of England^ can or may have or do : And that the Juftices of the Peace in this Province, fhall have the Powers of the Juftices of the Peace in the Kingdom of England •, and every Officer, Minifter, or Under- Officer of this Province, ftiall have and execute the fame Power arid Authority of eVery Juftice, Officer, Mini- ft-T, or Under-Cfficer of the fame Name, Stile, Tide, and ufual Office, Em- ployment, and Authority in the Kingdom of England') in and about the Execu- tion of the Premifes, to all Intents, Conftrudions, and Purpofcs whatfoever, except fuch Officer or Officers, the Manner and Method of whofe Duty and Office, is circumfcribed and diredcd by the Laws of this Province. ComrnnnLiw(f VI. AND hs it fiirther Enacted^ hy the Authority cifcrefaidy That all and fsg/aai.nfnrcd gycry Part of the Common Law of England, where the fame is not altered by the Fow^r gi'vcn 'to sbove enumerated Ads, or ihconfiftent with the particular Conftitutions, Cuf- B«M«eit. toms, and Laws of this Province, excepting fo much thereof as ii,atii ReUtion to the ancient'TenureS, which are taken aWay by Ad of Parliament, made in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, Chapter the Twenty Fourth, intituled. An A£f, for taking alvay the Court of Wards and Liveries^ and' Tenures in Ci'.pitey and by Kmghis Service and Purveyance, &CQ. whtrtby it is Enaded, That all Tenures by the Common Law, whether held of the King or any other Perfon Or Perfons, are turned into free and common Soccage •, and which Statute, as to that Part of it which doth Enad, That all Tenures be turn- , ed into free and common Soccage-, is hereby Enaded and Declared to be ot as full Force in this Province, as if particularly enumerated by this Ad •, and alfo excepting that Part of the Common Law which relates to Matters EcckTiaftical, which are inconfiftent with, or repugnant to, the Settlement of the Church of England in this Province, by the Ads of Affembly thereof ; be, and is hereby made and declared to be in as full Force and Virtue v/ithin this Province, as the fame is, or ought to be, within the faid Kingdom of England: And that the Governor f(?r the Time being, with his Council, conftituting a Court of Chan- cery in this Province, ftiall have Power to put in Execution, and caufe to be put in Execution in this Province, fo much of the faid Common Law, (except as before excepted) as thfi Lord Chancellor, or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of Great-Britain, may do in the 'Kingdom of England: And the Chief Juftice of this Province for the Time being, and his Aftbciates, may put in Execution fo much of the faid Common Lavi^ of England vi\'&i\n this Province, (except as before excepted) as any of the Juftices or Judges of any of the Courts of King's Bench, and Common Pleas, or Commiffioners of Oyer and Terminer and General Goal Delivery, may do in the 'faid Kingdom of England: And every Officer, Minifter, or Under-Officer of. this Province, ftiall execute fo much of the faid Laws within this Province, (except as before excepteo; as any OfFicer, Minifter, or Under-Officer, of the fame Name, Stile, Power, and Authority in the Kingdom of England, may or bUght to execute within the fame. peniity en Per- VII. ANB he it further Ena5led, hy the Authority afcrefaid. That every SrDutfintUe P^tfon rcfpcdively whatfoever, who derives any Authority or Power, Judicial or Minifterial, from and by this Ad, who ftiall,. or doth negled, rcfufe, or omit to L A ky S o/" North-Carolina. 303 to do and execute all or any fuch Things which, by the Ads before enumerated, ^- ^ *749- or made of Force in this Province by this Aft, or required to be done and exe- ^ '^ ' cuted, (hall undergo fuch Fenakies, forfeit fuch Sum or Sums of Money, Lofs l" Law"." of Place or OfHce, for each fuch Neglecft, Refufal, or OmifTion, "as every re- fpective Magiftrate, Officer, Minifter, and other Perfon whatfo.ver within the Kingdom of England, ougiit to undergo, forfeit, and fuffer, by every of the faid feveral and refpcctive Acts ; to be profecuted, recovered, and difpofed, ac- cording to the Directions of the fiid feveral Acts, in any of the Courts of Record within this Province, except where the Punilhment of any of the above Offences is particularly mentioned and appointed, by any Law now in Force in this Government. VIII. AN D be it further EnaHed, by the Authority aforffzid^ That the Go- 02i£ei.r«ii vernor, the Chief Juftice of the Court of Common hleas, tor the Time beings and his Aflbciatts, and every other Officer, Miniftcr, Under-Officer, and every other Perfon whutloever, concerned in the Execution of any t!ie above enumera- ted Acts, Ihall and may take fuch and fo much Fees, for the doing and execu- ting every Matter and Thin^ contained within the faid Acts, as by the feveral Atts of Aflembly of this Province, made lor the afcert^ining Officers Fees, they may or ought to take and receive j any Thing in any of the Statutes mentioned in this Act to the contrary, notwithftanding. IX. AND be it further ErtoMed, by the Authority aforefaid^ That every Court Po«ercf c«urt» of Record within this Province, (hall be taken for, and have and execute, the ^"^ RewKJ. Power of the King's or Queeti's Court, mentioned in any of the before reci- ted Ads. X. AND he it further EnaEfed^ That all Conveyances or Settlements of ^^^^ ,„„, cs Lands or Tenements made in this Province, by Way of Bargain and Sale, or Urls7dri!red ctherwifr, {hall be as good and efftdual in Law, to all Intents and Purpofes ^'^^' whatfoever, as if the Statute for transferring Ufcs into Polleflfion, had been made of Force in this Prbvirkre at the lime of fuch Conveyances made. XL AND h it further Ena£ied^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That all the Sta- j,^,^^^^, ^ J tute Laws of the Kingdom of England^ which are not enumerated and inade of Force here." '' Force fn thi^ Province by this Ad,- (fuch only excepted which relate to, or con- cern his Majcfty's Cuftoms,- and the Ads of Trade and Navigation,) are hereby declared noC adapted, or appUcable to, the Circumftances of this Province. XII. PROVIDED nevehhekfs^ ai/id he it hereby EnaSfei and Declared^ s^^^^^^ ^^^^ That bccaufe few of the Statute Laws of the Kingdom of England^ made fmce the "i^'ie fince '" Eleventh Year 6f the Reign of his prtfent Majefty King George the Second, have been tranfmitted to this Province ; // is hereby Enabled, That all Statute Laws made within*the Kingdom of England fince the faid Eleventh Year of t!ie Reign of his faid Majefty King George the Second, fhall be deemed, conftrued, and taken, to have fuch and the fame Relation and Force in this Province, and all his Majefty's Subjids, inhabiting or dwelling in the fame, as the fan^e mightg could, or ought to have had, if this Ad had never been made. Gea. 2j of Tojce heie. not ts> XIIT. PROVIDE!) dfo^ That this Ad, of any enumerated Act, or ThiaAa Claul^^, or Paragraph, or Section, of any Act therein contained, fhall not be '^5'",fe"'f "f^"^ conftrut d^ of ext, nucd to alter the ufual Courle of Proceedings in the fevcral c4";ngs" in'ths' Courrs of ludicciture in this Province; and the Manner of drawing, balloting, or C"»'"^«=« choofiiig ot Jurymtn, as the fame is prefcribed by* the Laws of this Province in in i\-\ Co- Manner of ip, 'vernor, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majefiy's Council, and the P"^'*'"*£ J"°"' General .jffenib'y of this Pr evince, and by the Authority of the fame. That fro tn and aft.^r tne Faffing of this Act, once in Six Months, 'at each and every County Court within this Province that fhall happen next after the firft Day of June and the firft Day of December; Yearly, the Freeholders required by Law to atttcnd as Jurors, from each County refpectively, at the next General Court, Court of Afiize, Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Goal Delivery, fhall be elcded in open Court, one Half of their Number by the Juftices then fitting in Court, and the other Half by the then prefcut Grand Jury, by a Majority of Votes of the faid Juftices and Grand Jury refped:ively, and not otherwife; and the faid Juftices and Grand Jury fhall diftinguifh the Names of fuch Perfons as fhall be fo chofcn for the Grand Jury, from the Petit Jury, to ferve as aforefaid j and fuch Perfons only fhall be of either of the faid Juries, as are by them fo nomina- ted and diftinguifhed : Any Law, Cuftom, or Ufage, to, the contrary, notwith- ftanding. CHAP. IV. An A6i, jor altering, expUining, and continuing an A5i, intituled^ An A<5t, for the better regulating the Militia of this Government. I-TT^HEREASan Aft, intituled. An A£l, for the better regulating of VV the Mlitia of this Government, made the Twenty Eighth Day of June, ^''""^'*' One Tfioufand Seven Hundred and Forty Six, was to continue for Three Years, and from thence to the End of the next SefTion of AfTembly ; which Time is now near expired ; which A6t, by Experience, is found to be a good and necefTary Law: II. B E it Enacted, by his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, Efq; Governor, hy and ^a co.tiB«<, with the Advice and Confent of his Majejiy's Council, and General Affembly of this Province, and by the Authority of tht fame. That the faid Ad, intituled. An Act, for the better regulating the Militia of this Government^ Ihall, from and after H 4 this 3o6 L A IV S of North-Carolina. A. D 1749. this prcfent Seflion of AlTembly, (except as herein altered and explained,) be and ^— — V — "^ continue in Force for the Terin of Five Years, and from tlunce to the End of the next Seffion of the General Affennbly, and no longer. III. A N D whereas by the laid Aft. it is Enaded, That it fhall and may be lav/fui for one Field Officer, or more, Four Captains, Four Li. uttnants, Three Enfigns, or the IVJajority of them, with one Pield Officer, openiy to hold a Court- Martial, and, on Tryal and Convi6tion, to punifh the Offender or Offen- ders according to Martial Law, as the Nature of the Crime fhall require : Be if Court-M«tiai therefore Enacted, by the Authority aforefaids That from and after the I'afling of ^IX orToifen- this Att, the Powers granted to fuch Courts-Martial, ihail not be underftood or <*'"• conilrued, to impower any fuch Court to inliict the Funilhraent of Death on any Oifcndtr or Offenders v;hatfoever. Captains to muf- jy. B E it further Enacted^ hy the Authority aforefaid^ That from and after ■\lL\w:«ea'yrar. this preicnt SeffiOH 01 Affembly, each and every Captain of a Company, fli sii and may, at fuch Times and Places in their refpedive Diftricls as thty (hall judge convenient, Muiler their f^veral Companies twice in every Year, and ho morj ; Any CLiufe in the before-recited Adr, Ufage, or Cuftom, to the contrary, not- wjtftandirig. CHAP. V. ^n AB, to appoint a Public T'rcafurer^ i?i the Room of Edward Mofeley, Rfq-y deccafed. prtambk. L "TT 7 HERE AS, by an Ad, intituled, An A£f^ to appoint Public Trea^ VV furers^ the Honourable Edward Mofeley^ Efqj was conftituted Public Tjreafurer for the Counties of Craven^ Carteret, Onflow, Netjo-Hano'ver, Bladen, Jehnjion, Beaufort, and Hyde ; and the faid Office having become vacant, by the Death of the faid Edward Mofeley, Efqj Treai'jier ap. II. BE it therefore Ena£led^ by his Excelkncy Gabriel Johnfl:on3 Ef and for preventing frau- ^"" ^ - duleac -Deeds artd Mortgages. An Kd:, for afcercaining the Gauge of Barrels, and to prevent Frauds in Pork, Beef, Pitch, and Tar. An A61-, appointing Toll-Books to be kept at or near Catherine's Creek, in Chowan Precintl:, the Head of Pequimons Precinft, and at the Mouth of ' Nortbwejl Rivtr, in Currituck Precinct -, and to prevent Perfons from tranl- porting or driving- Plorfss, Cattle, or Hogs, to other Perfons Lands. What P^ences are futiicient. Private Burials prohibited. An A(ff, Concerning proving Wills,' and. granting Letters of Adminiftration ; and to prevent Frauds in the Managment of Intcftates Eftates. An A<5t, concerning Orphans. An Ail, for appointing a Town in the County of Bath -, and for fecuFing the Public Library belonging to St. Thomas'^ Parilh, in Pamplko. An A61:, for reilraimng the htdians from molefting or injuring the Inliabitants of this Government ; and for fecuring to die Indians the Right and Pro- perty to their own Lands. Public Treafurers to give Account. ^ ' An AdV, impowering Joc.nnah Peterfon^ W^idow of 'Thomas Peterfrnt^ lafe of Albermark County, Elq \ to make Sale of certain Lands, Jate belonging to Che faid Thomas Peter [on ; and to make other Provifion for Anna^ the . Daughter of the laid Thomas Peterfon, to whom the laid Lands do dcfcend. An A61, confirming the Titles of fundry Perfons who have, or hereafter may,' purchafe Lands of Colonel Thomas Cary^ in Bath County. And the LaW pafied in tile Year of our Lord One TTHoufirid StYzri Hundred Aap^rr^diyap. and Twenty, intituled as follows ; to tvit. An A.61, to confirm a Decree made in the Court of Chancery of this Frovmce, upon a Bill of Complaint exhibited by William Duckenfield^ Efq; . . ^.../ , ..'.', .,.-■.. And the Laws palTed at a General Biennial AfTembly, held at Edenton in Cho- '722- wan Precinct, begun the Second Day of Oofohcr, and continued, by feveral Ad- journmentSi to the Nineteenth Day of O^ober, in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Twenty Tw Precinct a diftinct Parifh, by the Name of the Northwcji Parifh of Bertie Precinct, and for appoint- ing Vellrymeh for the faid Parifh ; and to appoint CommifTioners in every Parifh in this Government to call the Churchwardens and Veftry to Ac- count, for the Parifh Money by them received. ^,\,-. And the Laws paffed at a General Biennial AfTembly, held at Edentcn^ the Twenty Seventh Day of November, in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Twenty Nine, intituled as follows ; Ad: A6t, for the more quiet fettling the Bounds cf the Meherrin Indians Lands. An Ad, to make Hyde Precind fcperate from Beaufort Precind, with Power of erecting a Court-houfe, and holding Courts. An Ad, to appoint that Part of Albemarle County lying on the BouthSi^t. of Albemarle Sound, and Moratuck River, as high as the Rainbow Banks, to be a Precinct,- by the Name of Tyrell Precinct. An additional Act to an Act, for appointing Toil-Bookss •, and for preventing' People from driving Horfes, Cattle, or Hogs, to other Peoples Lands. An Ad, for the more effectual and fpeedy putting in Execution the Act foi* fettling the Titles and Bounds of Peoples Lands^ An Ad, to confirm Bath-Tcwn Common. An Ad, for Regulating Veftries in this Government^ and for the better in- fpecting the Veftrymen ..nd Churchwardens Accounts, of each and every Parilli in this Government. 7734, And tlie Laws pafTed in fehe Year of" our Lord One Thoufarid Seven Hundred and Thirty Four, intituled as follows ; to ivit. An additional Act to an Act, concerning Roads and Ferries. An Ad, to confirm and eftablifh the Precincts of Onflow and Bladen, and for appoiMling them diftinct Parishes. r7j8. And the Laws paffed at a General Affembly, held at Newberyx, the Sixth Day of March, in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Thirty Eight, intituled as follows 5 to -wit. An Ad, for appointing Sherifs in the Room of Marfhals of this Province, for prefcribing the Method of appointing them, and for limiting the Time of their Contmuance in Office, and directing their Duty therein -, and for abo- lifhing the Office of Provofl Marfhal of this Province, and for altering thft Names, of the Precincts into C6unties. An Ad, to prevent killing Deer at unfeafonable Times. An Ad, for appointing a Town on the Plantation whereon William Webber now dwelleth, in Hyde Precinct, on the Wefi Side of Malchapungo River. . And the Laws paffed the Eighth Day of March^ in the Year laft above faid, iiUituled, An Ad, to fupply the Defect of an Act pafTtd lafl Seffion of AfTembly, inti- tuled/ ^« yf^?, for app aiming Sherifs in ths Koim of Marffoals of this Pro- LAWS of North-Carolina. 31 vincCy for prefcribing the Method of appointing them^ and for limiting the ^- ^ '^49- J'ime of their Continuance in Office, and dire^ijig their Duty therein ; an^ '' "v ' for abolijhing the Office of Provoft Marfhal of this Provmcey and for al- tering the Names cf the Precincts into Counties. And the Laws pafied at a General AlTembly, held zt Ncwhern^ the Twenty Aa«piflidi739. Fifth Day of February^ in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Thirty Nine^ intituled as follows ; to wit. An Ap' inang a Place for building a Court-houfe,' Prifon, and S':ock-s, ::. :iie faid County. K 4 Ar' 2i^ L A V/ S ^' N O R T H - C A R O L IN A. A D 17.1.9 An Atft, tor dividing hdgcomb County and i^arifh, and for erecting the upper V ^ ^' p. J.,, thereof into a County and Parifh^ by the Name of Granville County, and St. John'% i^arifh j and for appointing Veftrynien of the faid Parifh. ^iis pjffod 1746. ^nfi jhe Laws paficd at a General Aflembly, held at Wilmington, the Fifth Day bf December^ in the Year of our Lord One Thouiind Seven Hundred and Forty- Six," intituled as follows •, to wity An Act, for the better afcertaining the Number of Members to be chofen for the fcveral Counties within this Province, to fit in General AlTembly, and for eftablifhing a more equal Reprtfentative of all his Majefty's Subjects in the Houle ot Burgeffes. • * ' An Act, to fix a Place for the Seat of Government, and for keeping Public Offices-, for appointing Circuit Courts, and defraying the Expence thereof n and alfo fpr LftabUihing the Courts of Juflice, and regulating the Procee • > ings t|ierein. And the Law paffed at a General Afiembly, held at Newhert?, the Seventeenth t)ay of M.'^rcb, in tlie Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and forty Six, intituled as follow? •, fo ivit, " An Act, for appointing CommifTioners to Revife and Print the Laws of this Province, and for grantirig to his Majelfy, for defraying the Charge thereof, s Duty on Wine, Rum, and diftiiied Liquors, and Rice imported into this Province , ■i^ii. And the Laws paiTen at a General AlTembly, held at Netvberny the Sixth Day of /Iprih in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty Eight, intituled as foUov/s •, to -wit. An Act, to appoint Public I'reafurers, An Act, for regulating the fevtral Officers Fees within this Province, and af- ^ certaining the Method of paying the fime. An Act, for laying a Tax on the Inhabitants of Granville County, and for appointing CorammifTioners to compleat and Hnilh the Public Buildings al- ready begun in the faid County. An Act, to prevent the Expc;rtaticn of raw Hides, Pieces of Hides, and Calf 'Jkins, out of this Government. An Aft, to appoint Commiflioners to continue running the Boundary Line between Edgcomb County, Tyrrel, and Part of Beaufort Counties. An Act, for Deflroying of Vermin in this Province. An A (ft, to enlarge the Time for the Commifiioners of the Roads, appointed by the Act of AiTcmbly paffed April the Twentieth,- One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty Five, intituled, Art Afc^ fcr impcwering the feveral Comm^JJioners herein after named., to make, mend, and repair all Roads and Bridges, Cuts and Water-Ccurfes, already laid out, cr hereafter to be laid out^ in the feveral Counties and T>ifiri5ts herein after appointed, in fuch Manner as they fhall judge moft ufeful to the Public, to recover the feveral Sums due from Defaulters. j /^ • • An Acf, to provide indifferent Jurym.en in all Caufes both Civil and Criminal, and for an Allowance for their Attendance. An A<51, to alter the Times for holding Courts for the County of New-Hanover. An Aft,- for granting unto his Majcily the Sum of Twenty One Thoufand Three Hundred and Fifty Pounds Proclamation Money, and for Stamping and Emitting the faid Sum of Twenty One Thoufand Three Hundred and Fifty Pounds, Public Bills of Credit of this Province, at the Rate of Pro- clamation Money, to be applied towards building Fortifications in this Pro- vince, Payment of the Public Debts, exchanging the prefont Bills of Cre- dit, and for miiking proper Provifion for defraying the contingent Charges of L A JV S of N O R T H - C A R O L I N A. 315 of the Government; and foi Repealing the fcveral Laws herein alter men- ■^- ^^- '"'49- tioned. *^ — V ' And the Laws pafTed at a General Affembly, h;-ld at Newbern^ the Fifteenth Aas paired 174?. Day of October., in the f.iid Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty Eight, intituled as follows -, to wit^ An Act, to appoint a convenient Place for holding the County Court of Grcn- ville, and 'to impower tiie Com miffi oners hrreaker nimed to build a Court- houfe, Prifon, and Stocks, in the faid County. An A6t, for defraying the Expencc of the Members of his Majefty's Honour- able Council, and the Members of the General Afiembly or this Province, in their travelling to, from, 'and attending at the faid AitTemblics ; and to compeil their Attendance. An A6t, for afcertaining the Bounds of a certain Tract of Land, formerly laid out by Treaty, to the tJfe of the ^ujkercra Indians, fo long as they, or any of them, fhall occupy and live upon the fame -, and to prevent any Perfon or Perfons taking up Lands or fettling within the faid Bounds, by Pretence of any Purchafe or Purchafes made, or that fhall be made, from the faid Indians. An Act, for forming a Rent-Roli of all the Lands holden in this Province, for quitting the Inhabitants in their Poiieirions, and for directing the Payment of Quit-Rents, An Act, to appoint an Agent to follicit the Affairs of this Province, at the feveral Boards in England. An Aft, for the better regulating the Town of Newhern^ for fencing the fame, and fecuring the litles of the feveral Perfons who hold Lots in the faid Town. ■ An Act, to alter and amend an Act, intituled," An A5f^ for appointing Cont' mij[Jioners to Revife and Print the Laws of this Province, and for granting fe> his Majcfty, for defraying the Charge thereof, a Duty on Wine, Rum, and difiilkd Liquors^ and Rice imported into this Province. And the Lavv^s pafifed at a General AfTembly, held at Neivhern, the Fourteenth Day of April, in the Year of our L,ord One I'houfand Seven Hundred and Forty Nine, intituled as follows -, to wit. An additional Act, to an Act, intituled," An ASf^ for forming a Rent-RoU of all the Lands holden in this Province, for quieting the Inhabitants in'^their Pcff:ffions, and for directing the Payment of ^lit Rents. An Act, for the Relief of poor Debtors, as to the Imprifonment of their Perfon'5. An A6t, for tlic Encouragement of" Jantes Davis, to fet up and carry on his Bufmefs of a Printer in this Province -, and for other Purpofes therein men- tioned. An xAd, Directing the Method for cutting or docking Incails of fmall Eflates.' And the Laws paiTcd this prefent Seflion of Aflembly,' at Newhern, the Sixteenth Day of OStoher, in the Year of cur Lord One Thoufand Seven Plun- dred and Forty Nine, intituled as follows •, to wit,: An Aft, to put in Force in this Province, the feveral Statutes of the Kingdom of England, or South Britain, therein particularly mentioned. ' An Act, to revive a Claufe in an Aft of the General Affembly, intituled. An A£I, to fix a Place for the Seat of Government, and for keeping Public Offices; for appointing Circuit Courts, and defraying the Expcnce thereof; and alfo for Eflablijhing the Courts of Jnfiice, and regulating the Proceedings therein. An additional Aft to an' hit, intituled. An Act, to provide indifferent Jurymen in all CaufeSi Civil and Criminal, and for an AUovjanct for their Attendance. An I743-, 3 1 6 L A Jy S O/' N O R T H - C A R O L I N A. "•%•' Th'. 7 fort 1/49 An Act, for altering, explaining, and continuing an Act, intituled. An Jcf, for the better Regulating the Mditia of this Government. An Acf, to apppoint a Public Treafurer, in the Room of the Honourable Ed- ward Mofeley^ Lfqv deceafed : And every Claufe and Seftioti of them, and each U'rAar.ieciJred of them, (except fuch Claufe and Claufcs, Se6tion and Sections, which are be- >- be m F«rce. come oblolcte, have expired, or ftand and are repealed by any fubfequent Act of the General Afiembly of this Province herein before mentioned j) are hereby Con- firmed, and ihall be held, deemed, and taken to be and remain in tuU Force ■within this Province ; and lliall be Printed, and given in P>idencr, agreeable to the afore- mentioned Act, intituled. An /ict, for appinting Ccmn.iffwncrs to Revifr and Print the Lavjs of this Prcvifice, and fcr granting to his Mqjtjly, for defray- mg the Charge thereof^ a Duty on Wine, Rum, and difiiUed Liquors^ and Rice imported into this Province ; and the Act, intituled, yln Act, to alter and amend an Act, intituled. An Act, tor appointing CommifTioners to Revife and Print the Laws of this Frovince, and for granting to his Maj^fty, for defraying the Charge thereof, a Duty on Wine, Rum, and diiiilled Liquors, and Rice imported int« this Province. Whit s-ecis t^s III. AND be it further Enacted, hy the Authority cforefaid. That all Fine* ft«rai FiHes are ^^^ Forfeitures mentioned in any of the before recited Laws, where the particular Species of iMoney is not fpecialiy named, the fame fhall be undcrflood, deemed, and adjudged i:o be Proclamation Money, and none other. Lnws repealed, IV. AND he tt furthcr Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaid. That all and &c. and Titles gygj-y Act and Acts, Claufe and Clauf.Si Section and Sections, of all and every £ printed. ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ General Affembly of this Province^ in the faid revifed Law« or Acts of the faid General Aflembly, mentioned to be obfolete, expired, and repealed •, are hereby Enacted and Declared to be obfolete, expired, and repeal- ed j and the Titles, with fuch Note only, be printed, 4.11 Things her.- V. PROVIDED always never thckfs^ and it is hereby Enacted, That all fofore done hy ^^^ evcry Judgment, Order, Decree, or Sentence of any Court heretofore given l2Tnol re- oT paffed, and^ll and every Matter or Thing heretofore done and performed, by ?'*'-cdVahi' ^^' ^'^y O^^cer or Officers:^ Judicial or Miniflenal, or by any other Perfon or Per- fons whatfoever, in Virtue, and by Force of any Act or Acts, Claufe or Claufes, of ^ny Act or Acts of the General AiTembiy of this Province, in the faid revifed Laws* mentioned to be obfolete, expired, or repealed, fhall be deemed, _ held,- and taken to be good and valid in Law, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the faid Acts were continued and in full Force ; any Thing herein before contained.- to the contrary, in any wife, notwithftanding. SIGNED by Gabriel Johnston, ^fqj Governor,' Nathaniel Rice, Prefident.' Samuel S w a n n , Speaker. Anno LAWS o/' North-Carolina. 317 Anno Regni G E O R G II IL Regis, Magna j^ritanni^, Francis, & Hibernia, Viceffimo Tertio. At a General ASSEMBLY, held at Ne^whertu the c a > « i e * Seventeenth Day of Aiarchj in the Year of our Lord One ^'^s co'"a«- Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty Nine. CHAP. I. An AB^ for Eredfing the Upper Part of New-Hanover County into €. County and Farijh^ by the Name of Duplin County^ and St. Gabriel Parijh j and for appointing a Place for building a Court-houfe, Prifon, ajid Stocks, in the faid County, I. XTI 7" H E R E A S the County of New-Hono'ver is now become fo Very ex- Preamble, V V tenfive, that many of the Inhabitants thereof live very remote from the Place where the Court of the faid County is held, whereby a great many Difficul- ties and Hardfhips arile to the Upper Inhabitants thereof, not only in attending their ordinary Bufinefs in the faid Court, but alfo by being compelled to ferve as Jurymen, and oftentimes as Evidences, at the faid Court : For Remedy whereof, . II'. W E pray that if may be Enacted, And be it Enacted^ by his Excellency Divifion of tfee Gabriel Johnilon, Efy-, Governory by and imth the Advice and Confent of his Ma- ^''""'y* jefty's Council^ and the General Ajfembly of this ProvincCy and by the Authority of the fame. That New-Hanover County be divided by a Line, beginning at the Mouth of Rock-fifh Crt-ek, on the North~Eo.fi River of Cape-Feary running Eafi !«o Onfloix) County, and Wefiward, by a ftreight Line from the Mouth of the faid Creek, to the Upper Forks of ^lack River, where Cchecry and the Six Runs meet, thence up Cohecry to the Head thereof-, and that the Upper Part of the faid County be crcd^ed into a County,' by the Name of Duplin County, and St. Gabriel Parifh : And that the faid Cdunry and Parifh (hall enjoy all the Previlcges and Advantages that any oth^r County and Parifli in this Province now holds or eiijoys. L 4^ m. ANS^ 3 1 8 L A IV S o/" N O R T H - C A R O L I N A. ^. D. 1749. <^ v' ' III. AN D be It further Enabled^ by the Authority ^/i??"(?/2z;V/, That the Courts County ''^wL'n of the faid County Ihali be held on the Second Tuejdays in January^ April, July't ^^^'^- and O^ober. Firfl Court when IV. AND he it further Ena£ied^ That the Juftices of the faid County, or the CoartSfe,&c. MajoHty of them, fhall hold their iirft Court at the Houfe oi William McRee, at to hi buiit.'and Gcfoen, and then and there nominate and appoint a certain Place for building a divw^^n^oD.f- Court-houle,' ir'rifon, and Stocks, at the molt proper Place in the laid County i tr;as, &c. 2iT\mm:(Tiiners V. A N D be it furthcr EnaEled^ That Mr. John Sc.mpfon^ and Capt. Henry 1-7 ';"'->»• Hyrne, be, and are hereby appointed and authorifed Coromifiioners ; and arc hereby im powered and direded to run the faid dividing Line between the Coun- ties of New-Hancver, and Buflin. Y\, AND he it further Enacted^ by the Auihcrity cforefaid. That William -'■criffappou-ittd. j^^^^^^ jj^jj^_ ^^^ and is hereby appointed Shtritf of the faid County, until the ■ Time by Law prefcribed for appointing Sherits tor the fevcral Counties in thiar i-'rovince and fhall be veiled with all the Powers and Authorities any other She- riff or Slierifs in this Province is and arc vefted with. And to the End that no Aftion beo-un in New-Hanover County, be defeated by the Divifion atorefaid, iprocefs com- -"^ft'E'E: tt Enttcted^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That where any Action is n«n«dmJVCTu>- ^|j.g^^^„ commenced in the fiid Court of New-Hanover Cownty, and that the Sums'nr Parties or Evidences [hall be inhabitants of the County of Duplin, all fublcquent Du[4i», to be pj.yctfs ao-ainft fuch Parties or Evidences, fliall be diredled to be executed by the shlrtrcfM^. Sheriff ^(^ Neiv- Hanover County: Any Law,- Ufage, or Cuilom, to the con- Hano^cr. traty, • notwithftanding, V (Vrymen rp- VIIL AND he it further Enacted, by the Authority af ere faid. That Mr. *''"'"'• John Sompfon, Mr. William McRee, Mr. George Mears, Mr. Francis Brice^ Mr. William Houfton, Mr. Jofeph Williams, Mr. John Herring, Mr. Anthony Cox,- Mr, Mark Philips, Mr. John 'Turner, Mr. Thomas Suggs, and Mr. Charles Gavin, be, and are hereby appointed Veftrymen of St. Gabriel Parilh aforefaid, until the General Election of Veftrymen, according to Law ; and that the faid Veftrf men Ihall be fummoned by the Sheriff of the faid County of Duplin, to meet at the Place appointed by this Ad: where the Court is to be held, and qua- lify themfeives as a V'eftry, and proceed to Parilh Bufinefs. -.*•-• - . •■■' - IX A HD be it further Enacted, That all Public, County, and Parifn Levies, :?lneft!rry Vow duc from any of the Inhabitants of the faid County of Duplin, fhall be col- he sh.r,ft of ^, , , , Sheriff of New-Hanover County, and accounted for m the fame Manner as if this A^: had not been made. ou^un ccunty X. A N D he it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid to i:nci Juror. .0 Q^^^^^^ ^f DubUu be, and is hereby obliged to fend Jurors to the Courts ot ^t'"''" Aflize, Oyer and Terminer, and General Goal Delivery, to be held ^.tWilmtngton, m like Manner as the Counties of Bkdm and Qpf.ovj, CHAP, ^ . . — ■ ■ " "i LAWS o/^ North-Carolina. 319 CHAP. II. A. D. 1-49. ' V- — - for app in the faid County. I- T TS r H E R E A S the County of Bladen is nov/ become fo very extenfive, Pieambi^, '>.'. Vy •• that many of the Inhabitants thereof Uve vtry remote from the Place vvhere the Court of the Hiid County is held •, whereby a great many Difficulties and Hardfliips arife to the Upper Inhabitants thereof, not only in attending their ordinary Bufinefs in the faid Court, but alfo by being compelled to ferve^as Ju- rymen, and; oftentimes as Evidences, at the faid Court : For Remedy whereof, II. W E pray that it may be Eriafted, And he it EnaHed^ by his Excellency D:y;f,oB of the Gabiiel Johniton, Eff, Govtrnor, by and with the Jdvue and Confent of his Ma- ^"'"^*>- jeftfs Council, and the General Affcmbly of this Province^ and by the Authority of the fame. That Bladen County be divided by a Line, beginning at the Place where the South Line of this Province croffeth the Weftermofc Branch of Little Pee-Dce River, then by a (treight Line to a Place v/here the Commiffioners for runninc^ the Southern Boundary of this Province crolTed that Branch of Little Pee- Dee River, called Drcwning Creek, thence up that Branch to the Head thereof^; then by a Line^ to run, as near as may be, equidiftant, from Saxpahaiv River, and Great Pee-Dee Rivef -, and that th^ upper Part of the faid County and Pa- riib: fo laid off and divided; be ereded into a County and Parifli, by the Name of Anfon County,' and St. George's Pariih, and that all the Inhabitants to the Wefiivar^ of the afore-mentioned dividing Line, fhall belong and appertain to Anfon Coimvf: And that the faid County and Pariih fhall enjoy all and every €\Q Privilep-esy which any other County or Parilla in this Province holds or enjoys. Til. AND hi it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefad. That it fhall and Ta^c w !.e \^\\: may.be lawful, for the Juil'ices of the faid County to lay a Tax on all the Tax- 'g^S*%<:, ables in the faid County, not exceeding the Sum of One Shilling Proclamation lAQX\t^, per Annum, for the Term of Three Years, for building a Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks, in the l;ud County, at fuch Place as the faid Juftices fhall agree upon and appoint," at the County Court to be holden on the Third I'uefday of October, ncyX following;- ancl fhall further divide the faid County into Dif- tricts, and fhall appoint LommifTioners of the Roads for the fame : Which faid V Tax fliall be Collected by the Sheriff of the faid County, at fuch Times, and in the fame Manner as other County Taxes are coUefted. % IV. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the courts of iha Courts of the faid County fhall be held, on the Third ^uefdays in January, April, ^--y «»>«" July, and October. V. AND be it further Enacted, That Jofeph White, be, and is hereby ap- sheriff appeintca. pointed Sheriff xA the faid County of Anfon, until the I'ime prefcribed by Law for appointing Sherifs of this Province ; and fhall be vefted with the fame Powers and Authoriti-s,' as any othei" Sheriff of any other County in this Province is vefted with. VL AN D he it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That Mr. Jofeph v^ftrymcn ».-, White, Mr. Charles Rohcrtfon, Mr. Edmond Cartkdge, Mr. IVUliam Philips, f'"""" Mr. John Brandon, Mr. John Furbus^ Mr. James Carthy, . Mr, John Crawford^ !Pt<5cefs crmmen ^20 L A J'V S of North-Carolina. A. D 1749. jyAr. Alexander Ojhorn^ Mr. Walter Carieth, and Mr. Jchn Brevard^ be, and v^ ' they are hereby appointed Veftrymen of the faid Parilh of St. George's, until the General Election of Vtllrymen, according to Law ; and that the faid Veftrymeil fhail be fummoned by the ShtrifF of the faid County, to meet at fuch Time and Place, as the Majority of the faid Veftryrnen fhall appoint, and qualify them- fcives as a Vcftry, and proceed to Farifli Bufinefs. .-?,;-. CMnt; VII. J N D he it further Enacted, That ail County and Pari fh Taxes, nov^ katd 'by''^the ' due from any of the Inhabitants of the faid County of Anfon, fhall be Collefted Sheriff of 5/fl<;ea. |jy [j^^ Sheriff of Bladen County, and accounted for in the fame Manner as tho* this A6t had not been made. VIII. A N D to the End, that no Action commenced in Bladen County be de- feated, by the Divifion aforefaid, IX. B E it Enaciedy ly the Authority aforefaid. That where any Aftion is al- ready commenced in the faid County of Bladen, and that the Parties or Eviden- bUantsof i«/iB, ces Ihall be Inhabitants of Anfc7i Countyj all fubfequent Procefs againft fuch Par- thp'"sheL^ff^ cf" ties or Evidences, Ihall be diredcd to be executed by the Sheriff of Bladen siadtn. County, to the End and final Determination of the faid Caufes : Any Law, Ufage, or Cultom, to the contrary, notwithflanding. X. AND he it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid ^/°eci^o f"n$ County of Anfon be, and is hereby obliged to fend Jurors to the Courts of jnr. rs to wii- Afllzf, Ojcr and 'Terminer, and General Goal Delivery, to be held at IVilmington, *,r.gton Afl-u... .^ j-j^^ Manner as the Counties of Blcden and Onpw. c pt A P. in. An additlo?ial AS} to an A£t, for obtaining an exaSf Lifi of Tauahles ; and for the effeBiial Collecling as well all Arrears of Taxes, as all other Taxes, for the future due and payable, J. XTTHEREAS Doubts have arifen, what Perfons fhall be deemed and \^ taken for taxable Perfons in this Province, and no Law now in Force does afcertain the fame : For Remedy whereof, preamble. p.rf ns deem.d H- ,B E it EnaSted, by his Excellency Gabriel johnfton, Efq-, Governor, ly and lixabies. .^ifjj ijyg jthice a}id Confent of his Mc^jejly's Council, and General Affembly of this Province, end by the Authority of the fame. That all and every white Perfon, Male, of the Age of Sixteen Yearsy and upwards, all Negroes, Mulattoes, Mui- ttes, Male or Female, and all Perfons of mixt Blood, to the fourth Generation, of the Age of Twelve Years, and upwards, and all white Perfons intermarrying with any Hegroe, MulrToc, Muftte, or other Perfon of mixt Blood, while fo intermarried, and no other Perfon or Perfons whaifoever, fhall,be d'^emed Taxa- bles ; Any Law, Ufage, or Cuflom^ to the contrary, notwithflanding. IIL A N D whereas it fomctimes happens, that through the Death or Removal of the fevcral Conllables out of their refpc<5live Counties, the feveral Mafters, Mifbrciles, or Overfeers, are not duly fummoned to appear, and give in, upon Oath, their refpedive Lifts, whereby Deficiencies have happened, and DifputeR ai'ifcn; For Remedy whereof* IV. Bl L A JV S of North-Carolina. 321 A. D. 1749. IV, B E it Enactedy by the Authority aforefaiiy That every Mafter or Miftrefs ^".""X""!,,,-: ©f a Family, or OverHjer of a Plantation, of which there is no Mailer or MJitrefs, funsVee'rainrto v/ii;hin the County, akliough not fummoned, is hereby required to appear before f,7T.i'"hpt£ ^au one of his Majefty's Juiliccs of the Peace for the County, on or before the fecond ti...-' not'/»m- Court to be held for the County, after the Pirft Day^ of May^ Ycady, and to '"°°'-"^' give in his or her Lill of laxabJes, fttting forth in fuch Lift, the Name and Sex of each Taxable Perfon, whether white or black, bond or free, and dif- tinguifhing fuch Male Slaves as are Sixteen Years of Age, and upwards -, under the Penalty of Forty Shillings, Proclamation Moneys over and above Twenty Shillings, like Money, for each and evey Month he or fhe fhall negledl giving in fuch Lift, after the faid Second Court to be held for the faid County, after the faid Firft Day of May : To be recovered in any Court, or before Two Juf- tices of the Peace, according as the fame may be cognizable, by Adlion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information-, wherein no EfToign, Protedlion, Injunction, or Wager of Law, fliall be allowed or admitted of: One Half to the Informer, and the bthei* Plalf to be paid to the Juftices, for the Ufe of the County where the fame Hiall b'e recovered. V. A N D be it further EnaSled., That all fuch Perfon or Perfons refident in P«fon3 'not ha»- iny County of this Province, at the Times Taxables are by Law to be inlifted, rhe,r°*l'n'ifthf who have no Home or Dwelling of his or their own in fuch County, fhall, and county, to pro- are hereby required, to procure fome Houfe-keeper to Lift him or them ; under k^per't'o'givTin the fame Penalties and Forfeitures as by Law are inflidted on Matters of Families ^^^" ^'**' negleding to give in their feveral Lifts, ■ . ' ( . -• VI.. AND the better to difcovef Concealments, Be it Efiacted^ by the Autho- cierk to tranf* rity aforesaid. That the Clerk of each and every County Court, fh^^l, within Lift?,fTUhfbi>' One Month next atter the Lifts of Taxables fhall be returned by the Juftices into «» ^he sheriff, *; his Office, tranfmit One attefted Copy of fuch Lift, Yearly, to the Sheriff of t^fn r/offic? the faid County ; and alfo, fliall affix One fair Copy in the Court-houfe, and keep the fame' there conftahtly fet up, that all Perfons may have Opportunity to perufe and examine the fame ; under the Penalty of Five Pounds, Proclama- tion Money, for every fuch Negledl : To be recovered by Action of Debt, in any Court of Record in this Province, by any Perfon who fliall or will fue for the fame-, wherein no Effoign^ Injundion, or Wager, of Law, fhall be allowed or admitted of : One Half to the Ufe of the Profecutor, and the other Half to the Ufe of the Parifli wherein the Offence fliall be committed. VII. AN D he it further Enacted, That the Juftices of the feveral County cierk to hjve am Courts, ar^ hereby impowered, to make the Clerks thereof a proper Allowance ^"°'"*""'^"*' out of the County Tax, for making out the faid feveral Lifts. CHAP, IV, An Acl, to enable the fujlices of the feveral Counties to provide certain Law Books, for the Ufe of their County Courts. !• W E, it Enacted, by his Excellency, Gabriel Johhfton, Efq; Governor, by and J,"j'"„' '"cHrft J3 "with the Advice and Confent of his Majefiys Council, and General Affembly Law.Bgoki. ef this Province, That the Juftices of each County Court within this Province, iliall and may have full Power and Authority, in fome convenient Time, accord- ?n;g t6 their Difcrerion, to purchafe and provide the Jateft Editions of the Law M 4 Books' Jf. 322 LAWS of North-Carolina. A D y — ^ 1749- Books following, to wit -y Nelfon^^ Juflice, Cary'^ Abridgment of the Statutes, ' Swhiburn of Wills, or Gcdolph.n's Grphm^s Legacy, and Jacoh\ Law Diftionary, or ^ipi^ii's Inftitutes : Which Books, when provided, fliall be, for ever after, for the Ufe of the County Court, and {hall be kept in the Offices of the feveral Clerks, and conftantly, during the Stttmg of every County Court, laid, by the Clerk of each Court, on the Court Table, iortheUfe and Perufal of the Jufticcs of fuch Courts and of all fuch as may have any Matters depending in Court. Penalty on the \\^ J N D be it further EncSfed., by the Authority afcrefaid^ That if any Coun- ft'^ying'fuch ty Court Clerk Ihall abufe or deftroy, or fuffer to be abufcd or deftroyed, any SauJu. ^f jj^g Books fo committed to his Care, he Ihall be lined, at the Difcretion of the Court, for fuch his Negleft : Which Fine Ihall be applied towards repairing the Lofs or Damage of fuch Books, occafioned by fuch Neglcd:. T«tob€iaidfor ^^' AND be it further End^edi by the Authority aforefaid. That the Jyf- fttrchjnngSooks. tjces in the feVcral County Courts, fhall have full Pov/er to lay fuch an additi- onal Tax on their refpeclive Counties, as fhall be fuihcicnt to purchafe and pro- vide the Books aforefaid •, and Ihall apply the fame accordingly. CHAP. V. Aft A5l, to encourage Michael Higgins to build a Bridge owr Trent River y near Wickiiff'i terry, in Craven County #'riv»fe. I. TTJ&HEREASa Bridge over I'rent River, near the Place called Wick- YY //jf's Fen-y, would be much for the Convenicncy of all Travellers, and Michael Higgi^is being deliours of building one there at his own Expence, on Condition of having the Benefit thereof for the Space of Twenty Five Years : IL BE it Ena£fed^ by his Excelk'/uy Gabriel Johnfcon, Efq'^ Gcvcmor, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Mcjefiy's Council, and the General Affem- bly of this Province, and by the Authority of the fame. That it ftiali and may be lawful for the faid Michael Higgins, his Heirs or Afiigns, to efeft and build a good fubftantial Bridge over Trert River, as near as he conveniently can to the Place where the Main Road crofieth the faid River, near the Place commonly called JVickl-.fs Ferry •, and after building the faid Bridge as aforefaid, it fhall and may be lawful for the faid Michael Higgins, his Heirs, Executors, Admi- niftrators, or AlTigns, to keep a fufficient Gate thereon, and take anc! receive from all Perfons that fhall pafs over the fame, the following Rates v that is to %, For every Man and Horfe, Four Pence -, for every Carriage drawn by One or Two Horfes or Oxen, One Shilling ; and for ever Horfe or Ox more. Four Pence each •, and for every Head of Neat Cattle, One Penny \ and for every Twenty Hogs or Sheep, One Shilling, and fo in Proportion, for a gi eater or lefTcr Number of Hogs or Sheep i for and during the Space of Twenty Five Vcars, and no longer. in. AND be it further Ena^ed^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That after the faid Bridge is fo built and compleated as aforefaid, it fhall not be lawlul, during the Time the faid Bridge fhall be kept in Repair, and fit for Travellers and Carriages to pafs and repafs over the fame, for any Perfon whatfoever, to keep any Ferry, build any Bridge, or fct any Perfon or Perfons, Carriage or Car- riages, Cattle, Hogs, or Sheep, over the faid River, for Fee or Rev/ard, within Six Miles of the fame,- during the Time aforefaid i under the Penalty of Twenr/ Shillings/ LAWS o/' North-Carolina, 323^ y^' Shillings, Proclamation Money, for each and every Otfence : To be recovered ^- ^- ^7'i9-. before any Magiftrate of the County of Craven j to be applied to the Ufe of the "^ " ^ Proprietor of the Bridge built by the faid Michael Higgins\ and, during the faid Time, the Right and Property of the faid Bridge is hereby invefted in the faid Michael Higgins; his Heirsi Executors, Adminiitrators, or Affigns. CHAP, VI. An AB^ for af pointing and laying out a Toijon on the Plantation of Mr. Samuel Jordan, on the North Side of Roanoake River^ in Northamp- ton County J and for EJidblifiing Tivo Fairs to be held Annually therein. I. "\ yl 7" H E R E A S the Inhabitants of 'Northampton County have petitioned VV for an Act, for appointing a Town on the Plantation of Mr, Samuel Jordan^ on the iV^j/Vi? Side ot Roanoake River, in Northampton County : II. W E pray that it may be Ena<5ted, /^7td le it Ena^ted^ by his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, £/^-, Governor^ by and with the Advice and Confent of his Ma- ■jejly 's Council^ and the General Jffembly of this Province^ and by the Authority of the fame:. That as foon as the i roprietor of the faid Land fhall acknowledge his Confent and Concurrence, in open Court of the faid County, to have fuch Part of the faid Land laid out for a Town as herein after is directed, Samuel Jordan.) William Short., William Kinchin^ Francis Corbin., and John Dawfon, are hereby norninated and appointed Commiflloners, and they, or the Majority of them, are hereby invefted with full Power and Authority, to lay out Thirty Six Acres of Land, on the faid Plantation, for a Town, by the Kame of Hawns^ ■and to lay out the fame Thirty Six Acres into Lots, of Half an Acre each, with convenient Streets and Squai-es. III. ^A ND be it further Enacted, That when the Commiffioners, or the Ma- |oricy of them, have laid oiit the faid Town into Lots and Streets, as atorefaid, every Perfon whatfoever who is willing to be an Inhabitant of the faid Town, fhall have Liberty to take up any Lot or Lots fo laid out as aforefaid, and not taken before ; v/hrch Lot or Lots the Commiffioners before appointed, or the Majority of them, are hereby impowed to grant, convey, and acknowledge, to the Perfon or Perfons fo taking up the fame, his Heirs and Afiigns, for ever, in Fee, upon the Payment of Five Pounds, Proclamation Money, or the Value thereof, to the Treafurer herein after mentioned. IV. AND be it further EnaEled:, by the Authority aforefaid.,. That William Short is hereby appointed Treafurer and Receiver of all fuch Sum or Sums of Mo- ney, as fhall arife by the Sale of fuch Lots, for the L'fe hereafter mentioned; ^ti\ 'it N 4 hereby 326 L A IV S of North-Carolina. A. D. 1749. hereby appdinted Commiffioners, and they, or any T^vo of therrij are hereby V NT— j~^.invefted with full Power and Authority, to agree with any Perfon or Perfons to Baii^ii^ig^^ ^a'r' ered, carry on, and perfedl the faid Buildings at JSlewbern Town aforcfaid •, and Nc-wbir:,. ^\(q^ fQ receive and apply the faid Monies arifing by the Tax aforefaid, and the further Sum of One Hundred Pounds, Proclamation Monty, which is hereby diredled to be paid by the Commifiioners for Stamping and Emitting the Sum of Twenty One Thoufand Three Hundred and Fifty Pounds, Public Bills of Credit, at the Rate of Proclamation Money, out of the Treafury, in order to enable the aforefaid Mr. John Starkey., Mr. Edward Griffithy and Mr, Jeremiah Vail, Commiffioners, or any Two of them, to carry on the faid Public Build- ings : Any Thing contained in the before recited A6t to the Contrary thereof, in any- mk, notwithftanding. ?.-c.cf«aiB^3 en yj, AND whereas fome Doubts have arifen, concerning the Fra<5lice touch- M.gmj ttac - .^^ original Attachments, that the fam.e is not rendered certain : // is hereby Enacted^ That when any Goods, Chattels, or Monies, fliall be attached in any Perfons ITands or Poffefiion belonging to the Defendant, the Sheriff fhall return the fame in a fpecial Manner, on the Back of fuch Attachment 5 and oh Return thereof, a Scire Facias iTiall iffue againft the Perfon in whofe Hands or PolTef- fion the EfFeds or Monies fhall or may bs attached, to come into Court, and declare, upon Oath, how much Effefts or Monies he hath in his Hands or Pol- fefTion belonging to the Defendant, or plead, after he has appeared as Garnifhee, to the Action, upon Condition he puts in Special Bail; and if ihe faid Perfon fail to appear after Service of the faid Scire 'Facias, or upon the Return of Two Nihils, then Judgment Ihall be given againft fuch Perfon or Perfons, as in other Cafes it is dircded, in and by the afore-recited Ad. SIGNED by Gabriel Johnston, Efq; Governor Nathaniel Rice, Prelldent. Samuel Swann, Speaker, "j^ iff t-r^ '.r' '.rff ■gi- %- -sff <-? Anna LAWS o/' North-Carolina. 327 A. U. 1750. ^A mm r^ Anno Regni G E O R G 1 1 IL Regis, Magn£ Britanniie, Francice, &C Hibernii^e, Viceffimo Quarto. At a General A S S E xVI B L Y, held at NewherNy Fitth Day of July, in the Year of our Lord One Thou- ^^^ fand Seven Hundred and Fifty. the ga B « la t J H N S T O JT, ^ " i OBv«tn9r, CHAP. I. jin Asf^ to appoint a Public treafurer, in the Room of Eleazer AUeni Efq-y deceajed. I. TTTHEREASby ah Ad, intituled. An Act'^ to appoint Public Trea- prca«Ut. y V /hirers, the Honourable Edward Mofeley, Efqj was conftituted Public Treufurcr for the Counties of Craven^ Carteret^ OnJloWy New-Hanover, Bladen, Johnfton, Beaufort, and Hyde ; and the faid Office having become vacant by the Death of the Taid Edward Mofeley : And whereas by an Ad, intituled. An Act^ to appoint a Public Treasurer in the Room of the faid Edward Mofeley Efq\ deceaf- edy the Honourable Eleazer Allen, Efq-, was conftituted Public Treafurc r, for the faid Counties •, and the faid Office having become vacant by the Death of the faid Rleaxer Allen, Efq j II. B E it therefore Ena5ied, hy his Excellency Gabriel Jolmfton, Efq-, Cover- Treafuw ap^ nor^ by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majeftfs Council, and the General ''°"'"^" Affembly of this Province, and by the Authority of the fame. That John Starkey, Efq-, bf, and is hereby appointed Public Treafurer, for the Counties of Craven, Carteret, Qyiflow, New-Hanover, Bladen, Johnfion, Beaufort, Hyde, Anfon, and Dupltn, in the Room of the faid Eleazer Allen, Efq; deceafed; which faid Trea- furer Ihall, before he enters upon his faid Office, give Bond, with fufficient Sureties, to our Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs and SuccefTors, in the Sum of Two Thoufand Pounds, lawful Money of Great -Britain, for the faithful Difcharge of his faid Office; V/hich Bond (hall be lodged in the Secretary's Office. Ill, ANli L ji JV S of N O R T H - C A R O L I N A. /? D. lyO V \Y[. AN D be it further Ena^ed^ ly the Authority of or ef aid. That the Slierifs, I'v'liMwx ''' Cotlnt^ Tfealurcrs; ■ "and a1! other l-'^rfohs concerned, or who have been concern- M.,nie5 in tircir g^j^ j_,^ ^^. coUccting and receiving any ir^ubhc Money, within tiie refpeftive Coun- TrTatrer. ''" tics of CraTCHl Ccirteret, Onpvi:, New-Hanover, Bladen, Joh-fion, Beaufcrt, Hyde, Anfor, and Vi'.p*i'U who have hot ah-eady accounted for and paid the fame to the aforefuid Edward Mofehy, Efq-, or the faid Eleazer Alle?2^ Efq-, deceafedy or to the Committee of Accounts of both Houfes, fhall, upon Oath^ account for ar received, or wnicn oy i^aw taty ou^i^uu to nave recciveo, anci are accountable for ""^'«S^v"cvtry Sheriff and oth H further Enacted, by the Authority af ere faid. That all and in.- -etrngi-u.-i v-vuji^ ^w..>. - Jthtr Ferfons, who fliall be concerned in the colleding and rt- i:c Mr,,fs,"wh'n ecivins; the Public Monies hereafter to be colkfted and received, within the fe- •ln3pay"itto"'the vcral Counties above-mentioned, itiall, the, Week after the fucceeding General "Treafu'ra. Couit foUowing the Time appointed by Law for their collefting or rec; iving thereof^ upon Oath, account ior and pay the fame to the Public Treafurer alorc- faid, at Ncwbern; under the Penalty of "Twenty Pounds, Prociamatiorx Money. ^ r , r, - -Y A N D be it further Enact ed^ by the Authority ff ore faid. That the faid er t(^ prr.iecute PubUc TrcafurLT is hereby authorized, impowered, and required, to fue and shLTifs, &c. pi-ofecute all luch Sheriff, County Treafurcrs, or other Accountants, their Heirs, Executors, or Adminiftrators, or other Perfons,' who have heretofore been, or who iliali hereafter be concerned, in the coiledting or receiving the Public Mo- ney, or who have or fliall, at any Time hereaiter, have any of the faid Mon^y in their Hands, within any of the faid Counties, and (liall ntgled or refufc to account for and pay the fame i and aifo, on the feveral Bonds already given, or hereatt r to be given, by each and every of the faid Fihcrifs of the faid Counties, County Treafurcrs, or other Perlons in ariy of the faid rcfpedive Counties, for the due and faithful Performance of their fevtral Ofhces and Duties-, and the Clerks of the feveral County Courts, and every other Perforlor Perfons, having fuch Bond or Bonds, Account or Accounts, or other Papers, in his or their Keeping or rolfcfilon, is and are hereby diredted find required to deliver the fame to the Public Treafurer aforeiaid, of fuch County v^here the faid Bond or Bonds' was or Were given, or Accounts or other Papers lodged, when he Ihall demand the fame. yi. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authcrity ajorefaid. That the faid Tunf with" tiVe Futlic Treafurer Ml, from Time to Time, as often as required, upon Oath, 605. Aff..Tibiy. account for, and pay to the General Alfembly, all fuch Sums of Money which he iliall receive by Virtue of this. Ad •, for whioh Trouble,- he fhall be allowed Five -per Cent, on all the Monies by him received and paid into the Afiembly,. (except the Money he fnall receive from the Executors dtlu r of the faid Edward Mofeley, Efq; ox Eleazer Allen,. Efq; which was lodged in the Hands of the faid Edward Mofeley, Efq-, or Akazer Allen, , Efq; for building the Forts,) and may dedud the Tame accordJtigly. ?ena)ti«howre- , VII. A N D be it tnacted. That the Penalties in this Ad before mentioned, cov.r.bie. and ^^\i ^g fued for and recovered in the General Court of this Province, by A&ion '"^"''' of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, wherein no Effoign, JProtedion, Injun- dion, or Wager of Law, iliall be allowed or admitted ot ; Two Thirds where- of to his Majefty, to be applied ibr the Ufe of the Public, and the other Third to the Treafurer aforefaid. Till. AND L A IV S o/^ North-Carolina. 3^9 VIII. AND be ii further Enamel, hy the Authority aforefaid. That ifthefaid Public Treafurer Ihall negleft or fefufe to account for and pay to the Gericral Af- T^rofLr," fi* fembly, all fuch Sums of Money which he (hall receive in Virtue of this Ad, he "^s" «*"-? »« »c. Ihall forfeit and pay the Sum of Fifty Pounds, Proclamation Money, for each AHi'lbT,"' *''* Negleft or Refufal •, to be recovered, by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Infor- mation, in the General Court of thi Province, by him or them that ihall or will fue for the fame: Two Thirds whereof to his Majefty, to be applied for the Ufe of the Public, and the other Tliird to the Profecutor. IX. AND he it further Enabled, hy the Authority dforefaidf That this Adi Contirmnte •/ fiiall continue in Force for Three Years, next after the pafTing hereof, and from thence to the End of the next Seflion of AfTembly, and no longer. CHAP. II. ^n A6iy to repeal Part of a Claiife in an A£f, hititulcd^ An A(fl, for forming a Rent-RoH of all the Lands h6lden in this Province, for quieting the Inhabitants in their Pofleffions, and for directing the Payment of Quit-Rents* L T T 7 HEREAS by a Claufe in the Aft of the General AfTembly of this Pr«mi]», YV Province, pafTed the Fifteenth Day of O^ober^ in the Year of our i_.ord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Forty Eight, intituled, An Ati^ for forming m Rent-Roll of all the Lands holden in this Province, for quieting the Inhabitants in their Poffeffions, and for directing the Payment of ^it-Rents, it is Enaded, That the Quit-Rents then after to be paid, for any Lands already granted, or that fhould then after be granted, within this Province, or which had been actually pofTefTed by any Pgrfon for the Space of T enty Years then laft pall, fhould be paid in Proclamation Moneys at the Court-houfe in the County where fuch Land lieth, or in Infpedors Notes for Tobacco, at One Penny, Proclamation Money, />^r Pound, or Indigo, at Four Shilhngs, Proclamation" Money, per Pound: And whereas it is apprehended, that many Inconveniences will happen from the Pay-- ment of the faid Quit-Rents in Indigo, as aforcfaid ; II. B E it therefore Enafled, by his Excellency Gabriel Johnrfton, Efq^^ Gover- c\mk rdating nor, hy and with the Advice and Confent of his Majefty' s Council, and the General ^'^2^^'^°' "* Affembly of this Province, and by the Authority of the fame. That all and fo much of the faid recited Claufe, as relates to the Payment of Quit-Rents in Indigo, fhall be repealedj and it is hereby repealed accordingly ; any Thing in the laid Claufe, or any fubfequent Adt, or Claufe of an Ad, to the contrary thereof, in any-wifej notwithftanding. CHAF« 33'- ' L A ^^ S o/" N O R T H - C A R O L I N A. ' ">r- C H A P. III. jidfi Aft, for incrcafing the Annual Allowauce given to the Attorney-Gene^ raly for his Trouble and Expences in riding the Circuits. Preamble. 1. ^ X T H E R E A S by an Ad of Aflembly, pafiTed at Newhern^ x}.\t Twenty Yy Seventh Day of March, in the Year of our Lord One Ihoufand Seven Hunoicd and fifty, intituled, Jn additional AR to an A£f, for fixing a Place for ' the Scat of Governmenty and for keeping Public Offices., for appointing Circuit Ccur^'s, and defraying the Expence thereof', it is, among other Things EnadVed, Th't the Attorney-General for the Time being, fhall be paid, for each and cvtry Court of Afllze, Oyer and Terminer, and General Goal Delivery, which he fhall attend at Eaentdn, at Wilmington, and at Edgccmb Court-houfes, the Sum of Eleven Pounds Two Shillings and Three Pence^ Proclamation Money, and no more : And whereas it is found, that the faid Allowance to the Atttorney-Gene- ral, is infufficient to anfwer the faid Purpofcs for which it was granted him j II. B E it therefore EnaSled^ by bis Excellency Gabriel Johnflon, Efq; Govern nor, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majefiy's Council, and the General Ajfembly of this Province, Tliat the Attorm y-Get\tral, for his Trouble and Ex- pences in riding the Circuits, fhall have and receive the Sum of Twenty Pounds, Proclamation Money, for each and every tuch Court he fhall attend j any Ihing in the abgve-rccited Ad to the contrary, notwithftanding. III. AND be it further Ena£led, That this Ad (hall continue and be in Force for Four Years, next after the paifing hereof, and from thence to the End of the, next Scfiion ot Aflembly, and no longer. Att«rBey-Genea fal's Allowonce for riding th» Circuit. Contmaane* of SIGNED by Gabriel Johnston, Efqj Governor.' Nathaniel Rice, Frefident. SAMuei. SwANN, Speaker. Lcfea^ti ^^^i L A W S of North-Carolina. 331 yl. D. 1751. Arjno Regni G E O R G I I II, Regis, Magn^ Britanniie, Franci<^, &: Hiberni^, ViGeffimo Quinto. I E L S T O tf. At a General AlTembly begun and held it Nefwhern^ t\iQ^^W\^,, Twelfth Day of Ji^?/e, in the Nineteenth Year of his ^'^' °°''""°' Majefty's Reign, and from thence continued, by feveral Prorogations, to the Twenty Seventh Day of September, in the Tear of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Fifty One. CHAP. I. An ASi^ to appoint Tnfpediors in ^QVJ-H2.v\ovQt County, and for regular ing the Exports at Cape-Fear. I. 17^ O R preventing of Fraud, and improving the Trade and Commerce of X/ Cape-Fear, in New-Hanover County -, T i^V^ ^m ic may be Enafted, And be it EnaSled, by his Excellency Gabriel Two infpe«o., Johnlton, Efq; Governor, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majeftfs w ^s pointed , CounciU and the General Jffembly of the faid Province, and by the Authority of the fame. That two Infpedtors be appointed, one to refide at Wilmington, and one to refide in Brunfwick, in the County of New-Hanover, to perform the Duties enjoined them and each of them, by Virtue of this Aft, Jn infpefting the Commodities herein after mentioned, at the Time of fhipping them out of Cape- Fear River : And every Infpeftor, before he enters on his Office, fhall give who a„ to ^uc Bond, with Two fufficicnt Sureties, to the Governor or Commander in Chief for ^""^' ^"^ ^^'^ the Time being, to be afilgnable and fhall be alTigned by the laid Governor or Ifthdloffi/.?' Commander in Chief for the Time being, from Time to Time, to the Party injured, who may maintain an Aftion tbereon ; which Bond Ihall be taken by the County Court oi New-Hanover aforefiid, in the Sum Five Hundred Pounds,- Proclamation Money, for the faithful Difcharge of his Office j and Ihall take the following Oath, viz. 332 L A W S of North-Carolina. X D. 1751. *^ V ^ T -^- ^- '^'^ Solemnly fvjear, 'That t mil faih fully, impartially, and diligently exe- Thcr Oath. J^ ^^^^ ^^^^ q^^,^ ^jr jj^jpg^Q^_^ withoiit FdvoiiT or Prejudice to any Perfon what- ever , according to Law, and to the Left of my Skill and Judgment. So help me God. Tar, !';tcb, S.-C. HI. A N B be it further Enabled-, lliat every Cafk or Barrel, containing Pitchy ro I'e infpc'aed, j^^^^ Turpentinc, Ricey Beef, or Pork, deligncd for Exportation from the River and branded. ^^ Cape-fcar, after the firil Day of January next, after the paffing of this Adt,- bcincT in the merchantable Order and Condition herein after mentionisd and di- reded, fhall, at the Time of Ihipping, be viewed, examined, and approved by the Infpeftor, and marked, in his Prefence, with a hot Iron Brand, bearing the Name of his Place of Refidcnce. .^( IV. AND be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That no Mailer r.'T W.'iilh of any Veffel, fhall take on Board any Cafks or Barrels aforefad, without being taking on board • r^^^^^ by ^\^q Infocftor, aod branded with his Brand, as aforefaid, under the ties without la- Penalty of Ten Pounds, Proclamation jMoney, Jor every Offence : One halt to fpeaion. ^^^ Informer, the other half to the life of the Parifh where the Offence fliall be committed. V. AND he it further Enabled,- by the Authority aforefaid, Tluit the CoUeftor of Port Brunfwick Ihull not clear out of his Office, any Ship or Veffel, before the Mafter or Commander of fuch Ship or Veffel takes the following Oath ; viz. ©3th to be taken T A. B. Majler or Commander of the Ship or Veffel called by Maftevs of I ^^ fwear, That I have not received^ or permitted to be received, on Board my faid Ship or Veffel, fince my Arrival in this Poit, any Cajks or Ban-els of Pith, Tary • Turpentine,; Beef, Pork, or Rice, but what hath the Infpe£lors Brand thereon,. So help mc God. CoUcftor im- Which Oath the Colleftof of the Port aforefaid,. or his Deputy, is hereby re- powered to ad- quired and impowered to adm.inifter: And it fliall be lawtul for the faid Collec- ainiftcrthsoath ^^^ ^^ ^^.^ Dcputy, to takc and receive, as a Fee for adminiflring the faid Oath, the Sum of One Shilling, Proclamation Money : And the Colleftor or his De- ™" flrun^m- puty for the Port aforefaid, being informed, on Oath, by an Infpector or any i^efted commo- Q^^^er Perfon, that any Ship or Veffel hath on board any Goods not infpetled, he '''""■ fliall caufe Search to be made on board fuch Ship or Veffel, and, on finding any Commodities not^ infpefted, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Aft, he fliall not clear out fuch Ship or Veffel, or give up the Regifter, until fuch Time as the Mafter hath paid the Forfeiture for every Offence, as before Pen forNcsieft. mentioned, under the Penalty of Twenty Pounds, Proclamation Money, for every Negleft or Default fuch Collector fliall make herein •, to be applied to the Ufe of the Parifli where the Offence fliall or may be committed. Merchantable VI. A IS B be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That for the «r™Si''" '^' better afcertaining and determining what fhall be deemed merchantable Goods by this Act to be inspected, the following Rules fliall be obferved •, that is to fay. Every Barrel of Beef or Pork fliall contain Two Hundred and Tv/enty Pounds of wholfome well-cured Meat, the Caflc to be made of white or water Oak, found, dry, well fealbned, and without Sap, and be tight ; and there fliall not be any Bulls Flefli in a Barrel of Beef •, nor in a Barrel of Pork, above Two Heads, or any Boars Flefli : And every Barrel of Beef or Pork fliall, on Infpec- tion, be unpacked, and the Meat weighed, in the Infpector's Prefcnce, and be re~packed with Salt and Pickle, and tightly headed again, at the Expence of the Party tendering the fam.e to be infpecced •, before the Infpector fliall brand the ^'""=- ■ THAT L A W S of North-Carolina. 333 A. D. 1751. THAT each Barrel of Pitch or Turpentine^ (hall be of the Weight of '^^^^^-l'^, Three Hundred and Twenty Two Founds, with the Cafk •, and every Barrel of rei tf Turpsn. Pitch or Turpentine weighing lefs, fhull not be deemed merchantable, but fhall ''"^ '" ''"*'''• be made fo at the Expence ot the Shipper. THAT every Barrel of Tar fliall be of the Gauge of Thirty One and a ^^^i^ °f '^'■ Half Gallons, Wine Mrafure, each ; and every Barrel of Tar of a Icfs Size fliall be put in merchantable Cafks, at the Expence of the Shipper or Owner. T H i\ T every Cafk or Barrel of Pitchy Tar, Turpentine, or Rice, fhall be pitch. Tar, &«. free from every unfair or fraudulent Mixture whatever ; under the Penalty of ^°^2ir m" ^'""^ forfeiting tlie fame ; for the Ufe of the Parilh where detected. VII. AND forafmuch as it is difficulty in warm and rainy Seafons, to fcpa- Water excepted. rate Water from Tar ; // ,'s provided. That Water fliall not be accounted a frau- dulent Mixture ill any Tir ; out that in fuchCafe, the Barrels fliall not be brand- ed by the Infpcctor, until th-y are as free from Water as they can be made: Any Thing in this Act to the contrary, notwithftanding. VIII. THAT all Lumber, that is to fay. All Staves, Heading, Boards, D.mcnfi.m. of Plank, Joifts, or fquare Timber, wnich fliall, after the firft Day of January \^;^^l' '^''■^'• next, be fhipped on board any Ship or VeflTel, fliall be of the following Di- menfions -, otherwife fliall not be deemed merchantable, and fliall be forfeited for the Ufcs herein afttr mentioned. PIPE Staves fliall be at leafl: Five Feet long, arid Three Inches and a Half broad, and Three Quarters of an inch thick at the Heart or thincfl: Edge, and clear of Sap. HOGSHEAD Staves fliall be at leafl: Three Feet Six Inches longj Three Inches and a Half broad, and Three Quarters of an Inch thick at the Heart or thineft: Edge, and clear of Sap. BARREL Staves fliall be at leafl: Two Feet Six Inches longj Four Inches broad, and Three Quarters of an Inch thick at the Heart or thineft Edge, and clear of Sap. WHITE Oak Hogfliead Heading fliall be at Icaft Thirty Inches long, Six Inches broad, and one Inch thick, clear of Sap. THAT every Board, Plank, or Scantling, being marked with the Number of more Feet than they, or either of them contain, fliall be deemed fraudulent^ and forfeited, for the Ufe of the Parifli where detefted. And every Board or Plank fliall be free from any Splits exceeding Twelve Inches in Length j and no Board fliall be deemed merchantable, which has an Edge lefs than half an Inch fquare, and is not free of Holes. THAT every Piece of Scantling, or any other fquare Timber, marked with the Number of more Feet than it contains, fliall be forfeited for the Ufe of the Parifli. IX. PROVIDED neverthelefs. That no Board, Plank, or fquare Tim- ^^^„^ rimbei, ber, fliall be infpe6ted, unlefs required. *'^- "°' '" ''* * * inlpccted, X. AND be it further Ena£fed^ by the Authority aforefaid^ That in all Dif- D'fputei b=twees> putes between any Infpedtor and Shipper of Commodities, it fhail and may be infpea.,r »n« lawful rSk ;34 L A W S of Nortk-Carolina. A. D. 1751. Javvfu) ^jr the Shipper to make Application to a Magillrate, who fhall iliue ouc ^-"i — V ' his 'vVarrnt to the Conftablr,- for ilimmoning Two indifferent FreehxolderSy whom foikT' *'""' ne fliall mention by Name in the Vv'arrant ; and what thofe Two, being firfl fworn before any Magillratc, fhall determine, Ihall be binding-, or in Caie they do not agree, the faid Frefholdcrs fo fummoned and fv/orn may chooie a third Freeholder, alfo to be fworn, to alTrll them : and what Two of thofc three agree to, fhall be binding on both Inlpedtor and Shipper. Pdrty sgainft XL A N D be it further EnuBedy by the Jtithority aforefardj: That \whtve any whom j*d^ment jLnjcrtTicnt fliall be given againft any Shipper, Owner, or Infpeftor, by the Two s ", opay . pj.ggj^^ygj.5^. j.j^,jj then, and in fuch Cafe,' the faid Shipper, Owner, or Infpcftor^ a";ainft whom the Judgment fliall pafs, Ihall pay unto the Party in whole Favour the Judgment fhall be given, the Sum of Thirty Shillings, Proclamation Money, for his Coft and Damages iliftained. rnfpeaors Few. XII. J N D be it further Em^ecl, by the Authority aforefaidy That ever In - fpedtor fhall be mtituled to the following , Fees, to be paid him in Proclamation Money, or in the Commodities 'he fhall or may infpedl, at the then current Mar- ket Price •, That is to fay, FOR every Barrel of Rice, Beef, or Pork, Four Pence. FOR every Barrel of Tar, Pitch, or Turpentine, One Penny Half Penny. FOR every Thoufand of Staves or Heading, One Shilling and Four Pence. FOR every Thoufand Feet, fuperficial Meafurc, of Board, Plank, or Scantling, One Shilling and Four Pence. FOR every Ton of Timber, One Shilling. Court to remote XIII. A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefnid. That the Juflices ajj«i,u""',her"'| of NeW'Hano'uer County fliall Idc, and they are hereby impowered, at their Court in the Vacation of Quarter SelTions, to turn out any Infpeftor mifbchaving, or at the Death or doTt.'^"'^'"' '" Difabiility of any of them, to appoint another for the f^ime Place ; and in Cafe any Infpeftqr fhould die, or remove out of the County, or be other »vife difaWed during the Vacancies of the County Court aforefaid, it fhall and may be lawful for three or more Juftices of the Place, neareft to the Place where fuch Infpeftor did refide, to meet, and appoint a Perlbn to execute that OfBce until the meeting of the next County Court •, and fuch Perfon fo appointed fliall have the fame' P6wers and Authorities, and be under the fame Reftridions, as any Infpector appointed by Virtue of this Ai5t. i-nfpea»r, with XIV. A N B be it fuTther F^mcted,- by the Authority aforefaid. That where it ^''"'r °ll^^n fhall be neceflary to appoint a Perfon or Perfons, to afTiit either of the faid In- point an Aflitt- fpedors in the Execution ot his Oftice, it fhall anci may be lawiul for fuch in- ""'■ fpedor, v/ith the Approbation of the County Court, to appoint one or more Perfons to aflifl him therein ■, which Perfon or Perfons fo appointed before he enters upon the Execution of his OjBce, fhall take the Oath in this Ad: before mentioned. jnfpefVors ap- XV. A N D be it fuvthcr Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That Mr. John pomted. Sampfon, is hereby appointed Inlpe6toP, to refide at PFikwigtoMyznd Mr. TFilliam Rcfs, Infpetftor, to refide at Brunfwick •, who fhall qualify as fuch at the next County Court to be held for the County of New-Hanover, though they are not- to enter upon their OfRcc until the firft Day of January next. Fines how r«o. XVI. A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all and r7irakie. evcry the Fines and Forfeitures arifing or accruing by Virtue of this Atl, may be fued for and recovered in any Court of Record in this Province, by the Infpeftors, or either of tliem, or by the Churchwardens of the Parifh, by Adtion of Debt, Bill, :k^A. L A IV S of N O R T* H - C A R O L I N A. ^ 335 iiili, i'l'iinL, or Infurmation •, wherein no EiToign, Injun6Hon, Frotedion, Pri- /*■ ^ '^^_|_^ vikgc,.or VVi)ger of Law, fha'.I be allowed or admitted of; or before any Juftice "^ ^)r Juftices of tlie i^eace ot the faid County, Regard being had to his or tiicir -Jurifdidion. . XVII. AND he it further Enacied, hy the Authority afcrefaid^ That if any Perfon, fufd for Ferfon or Perfuiis fhall be fucd or profccuted for any Matter or Thing done in ^"v^rc/t!"' Execution of this Aft, fuch Perfon or Peribns may plead the General iffue, and Aft, may plead trive this Act, and the fpecial iVIatter, in Evidence. ihe g...«.i iffue. XVIII. AND he it further ^nacted^ hy the Authority aforefdidy That this Act cominuanre of fhall remain in full Force and Virtue, tor and during the Space and Term of «he a«. Three Years, from the Ratification hereof j and from thence to the End of the next Seflion of Affenibly, and no longer. CHAP. II. An Acl^ for Regulating the Pilotage at Cape-Fear River^ and to im- po-v:^er the'Captain of Fort ]o\\\\^o\\ at the Mouth of the faid Ri-ver^ to examine all Vcjjch entering the faid River y concerning the Health of their Crcivs en hoard the J aid Veffels. I. TT 7 HER E AS the Pilotage of Gz/f-i^i'rtr River is at prefcnt under no ^eirrAii. ) YY Regulation by Law,' and many,, Abufcs may be committed, and the ?«' jejiy'^ Council^ and the General Affcmbly of this Pravinee, and hy the Authority of the fcime^ That the Honourable John Rather f or d, Efq-, William Dry , .Richard ^incey John Lyon, and Leivis DAicjfet^ Efqrs. be, and they are hereby appointed ' Commiiiioners, and they, or the Maiority of them, arc hereby authorized and impowcred, from Time to Time, to examine fuch and fo many Perfons, who Ihall, from Time to Time, olfci themfelves to be Pilots for Cape-Fear aforefaid, iiot exceeding fcven in Number. , ni. AND he it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the afore- Aodtogive, faid CornmifTioners, or the Majority of them, upon their Examination and Ap.- t:'"'*'"tt t* probation of any Pcrfon, that he is properly qualified to act as a Pilot, ihall giye [rfiX*tV*Lc4l tb'fuch Perfon a Certificate, under their Hands, to the Governor or Commander in '^^'^'• Chief for the Time being, in order for his Approbation, and to obtain a Branch to act as Pilot for the fuid River. IV. AND be it further Enacted, b'v the Authority aforefaid. That every fuch ''^'"^ '• e'^« Perfon fa obtaining a Branch to be Pilot, (hall, before he enter upon his Calling fo''p.'rro*ijt'! or Bufinefrry give Bond, wjth Tv/o fufikient Sureties, to the Governor or Com- '^' mander in Chief for the Time being, his Succefibrs or Affigns, in the Sum of O-ik Hundred Pounds, v/ich Condition for the due and' faithful Performance of his Office : Which Bond fnal) be in Truft for fuch Perfon or Perfons as. fhall ap- pear to be injured by fuch Pilot's Negligence, or Non- Performance of the Con- tlition of the faid Bond $ and fhall be affigned to any Perfon or Perfons fo in- Jufed petitioning for the fame, who fhall and may maintain an Action thereon. V. AND he it further Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaid. That upon the ''!'««• m^siuT. Milbchaviour of any Pilot in his Office, the Commiflioncrs aforefaid, or the Ma- ^tt ^•**'**"' Q 4' jorJty 336 ^ J^ ^ ^ l^f . North-Carolina. A. D. 175^ jority of them, fhall, and they are hereby authorifed and impowered, to remove ^ "y,^ ^"^^ Pi^o"^ from his Office, and to appoint another in his Stead, until the Plea- to reaiOve them - c \ r^ r-> /^i r /i '-"■"j lure Or the Governor or Commander in Chief ftiall be known. VI. A N D be it further Enacted^ That the fcvcra] Pilots for the River afore-J^ , faid, fhall and may take and receive, for piloting every VefTel over the Bar up to Brunfwicky the Rates,' in •Proclamation Money, according to the following Table ; to wity ftiotsFees. FOR each Vcflel, drawing Six Feet Water, or lefs. Ten Shillings. FOR each Veflel, drawing from Six to Ten Feet, dt the Rate of Two Shil- libgs per Foot. F ROM Ten to Twelve Feet, Two Shillings and Four Pence per Foot. FOR Twelve Feet^: Three Shillings per Foot. p'OR Thirteen Feet, Three Shillings and Four Pence per Foot. FOR Fourteen Feet^ Four Shillings per Foot. FOR Fifteen Feet, Four Shillings and Six Pence per Foot. FOR Sixteen Feet, Five Shillings and Four-Pence per Foot. FOR Seventeen Feet^- Six Shillings and Eight Pente per Foot, AND for piloting a Veflel from Brunfwick up to the Greit Ifland, one Third Part of the above Rates, according to the Draught of Water of fuch Vcf- fcl fefpectively : And from the faid Great Ifland over the Flats up to tViltning- ton, one other Third Part of the faid Rates as aforefaid. AND far piloting each VeflTel outward bound, the like Rates fliall and may be taken, for the like Difl:ances and Draughts of Water refpectively, as arc herein- before afceftained for Vcflels inward bound. pVndty OS Pilots Vil. AN B be it further Enacted^ That no Pilot (hall prefume to take other re«"^ ^'"''' or greater Fees than aforefaid, under the Penalty of Forty Shillings •, to be re- covered, by any Perfoh fuing for the fame, before any Two Juftices, by War- rant. Teffeis that gel Vllt. AND bc it furthcf Enactcd^ That' if any Veflel fliall come over the fo7e?P:Wgm ^^'^ before a Pilot gets on board the fame, fuih Velfcl fliall not be liable to piy on Board, fuhjcft abovc one half of the Pilotage allowed by this Act: Any Thing herein bclbrc but to half Fees. j-Qntained to the contrary, notwithflanding. re« to feS i^' AND be it further Enacted, That the Commiflloncrs aforefaid fliall af- «p in the cuf. fix a true Copy or Table of the f^veral Rates of Fees aforelaid, to be taken by «oin.ho«ft. jf^g piiQ„ f-Q^ ^j^g Ri^g^. aforefaid, in the Office of, the Cufl:om^houfe for the Port of 5r«?(/«;/c> i that the MaflerS of Veflcls, and others concerned, may have Recourfe to the fame. X. A N D whereas- it may tend to the great Difadvantage of his Majefty's Subjects in this Province,: if any contagious, peftilcntial, or malignant Diftcmper fliould be brought into the Place or River aforefaid: For Remedy whereof, . l 'ifi J i.; •.'.,.. ■..:.■ Y^'^j^hrfto'!! XL B E it Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Commander of Fort to fvvea. Maftcri Johtifloriy for thc Tittle being, fhall be, and he is hereby authorifed and im- of vetTcis, cm. pQwercd, to adminifter an Oath to each and every Commander of a VeflTel com- ««t-Ditiea)pei8. ing into the Port aforefaid, whether he hath any contagious Diitcmper on board fuch his VeflTel ; and the faid Pilots are hereby .commanded and required not to proceed with fuch Veffel higher up the River than the faid Fort, before fuch Mailer of Velfei fliall go on Shore afid declare, upon Oath, , to_ fhe Commander of the Fort aforefaid for the Time being, whether there be any contagious Di> temper Laws of North-Carolina. 337 f— [ ; ' ' ■ : temper or not on board his faid Vefiel, and until a Permiffion be given by the ^- ^- ^^■'^ Commander of the iaid Fort for that Purpofe -, under the Penalty of Fifty Pounds ^ Proclamation Money: For which Oath and Perm iflion> the Commaiidcr of the faid Fort for the Time beings fhaJl and may have and receive, from the Com- mander ot fuch VcfTel, the Sum of Five Shillings, Proclamation Money. XII. yi N D he it further Enacted^ That if it (bould happen that any fuch Procefdmgs to be VefTel (hail have any contagious Diftemper on board, the Commander of the faid )a\ h'l\n% In' Fort fhajl order the faid Vellel to lie oppofite to the faid Fortj until further Or- ^'"'^ contjgiom ders fhill be given by the Commifiioners aforefaid, or the Majority of them •, ^'''''"''""" and the faid Com mi ffi oners, or the Majority of them, are hereby authorifed and impowered to give fuch Direction for tlie faid Veflel and her Crew performms Quarentine, as they Ihall think necellliry, to prevenp the fpreading of fuch Con- tagion : And if any Mailer or Commander of a Veffe], fo ordered to perform Quarentine, fhall not obey fuch Order, fuch Mailer or Commander fhall forfeit the Sum ot One Hundred Pounds, Proclamation Money ; to be recovered by the faid Commi.Tioncrs, in their own Names, by Adlion of Debt* Bill, Plaint or Information, in the General Court of this Province. XIII. AND whereas it happens, that VefTels bound into the River aforefaid often come on the Coaft in thick Weather, and frequently fire Guns, to acquaint the Pilots of their being on the Coaft : XIV. BE it therefore Ena^ed, That the Commander of the faid Fort for the Comm.naer of. Time bemg, fhall, and he is hereby required to anfwcr fuch Veifels, by firino- one ''"'' ^''*"-^'" "' or more Guns, not exceeding TJirce ; for which Powder fo expended, the Com- u"lToTSr mander ot fuch Veffel ihall pay and fatisfy the Commander of the fai'd Fort an ^'' ^°' ^"°"' .equal Qiiantity of Gun-powder, or pay and fatisfy him for the fame, at and after i<"tcut'S: the Rate of Two Shilhngs, Proclamation Money, for each Pound of Gun-pow- 'Lain™"' ooTf der fo by him expended; and the Commander of the faid Fort Ihall forthwitli ^ ' 'nstogoout. give Notice to the Pilot or Pilots, of fuch VefTel being on thfeCoafl: And if fuch Pilot ihall not forthwith go out to fuch VefTel, if in the Day Time, fuch Pilot fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of Forty Siiillings, Proclamadon Money, for every Negled ; to be recovered before any Two Magiflrates, by the Com- mander of the Fort. ' ' XY.-.JND be it f.iriher EnaBed, That the f'everal Forfeitures arifing by Forfeiture, appu, ihis Acl, not tlverein before applied, Ihali be paid to the CommifTioners of the faid *"*• Fort, or their Order, lx)r and towards the maintainino- thereof, XVI. AND he it further EnaBed,:hy-the Authority aforrfard:;'^f\iii^h'^i[Q -^^r^^^^-^ic^tn- of the Death, Refufil to acl. Departure out of the Country, or other Difability k^T' "" ^'' of any of the faid CommifTioners, \v (hall and -may be lawful'for the remaining Commiffipners, or the Majority of them, and they are hereby required, to eleft another in the Room and Stoad of the Commilnoner difqualified or difabled as aforefaid : VN^hich Commiffioner fo eleded fhall be, and is hereby invefled vmh iall the Power and Authority of any Commiffioner herein before named. ' .rol-^Vr. CHAP. III. :Ari additional AS to an'AB^ intituled. Feme Coverts how'tb pafs £ari3s ^' WJ ^^ ^ RE A si 'the Method prefcribcd for Feme Covetts to convey Pr«™bf« V V their Eftates in Lands in this Province, by an Ad of AfTembly, made 6t a General Biennial AfTembly, held on the Seventeenth Day of November, in the 33! L A IV S of N O R T H - C A p. O X I N A. /». D. 1751. the Year of our Lord One Thouiand Seven Hundred and Fittcen, intitulcd^~ ""V Fena: Coverts how to pafs Lands, in many Cafes, hath been found, by Experience, to be im practicable-, by Reafon that the Right of Inheritance of many Lands in this Province is in Feme Coverts who arc Kefidents of neighbouring Govern- ments ; and in fuch Cafes, Conveyances have been made by the Hufband, with the Wife's Confent, and fometimes by both, and at other Times by the Wife, only, and afterwards ratified and connrrtied by the Fiufband 5 by Means whereof the Titles of many Perlbns are become precarious ami doubtful," and much Land lies uncultivated \' to the great Diminution of the Revenue of the Crown : F.me csvertt II.' B E it EtiaEledy by his JL>:celIericy Gabriel Johnflon, Efq-y Governor^ hy and ii«wtoiJ.f,L.:nd'. ^^ii^ the yidvice and Confent of his Majefif s Council^ and the Geyieral /Iffembly of this Province, and it is hereby Ena^ed, by the /iuthorily of '^ the fame.^ lliat from dnd after the pafTing of this Adl, all Conveyances in Writing,' arid fealed by Hufband and Wife, for any Lands, and by them perfonally acknowledged before the Chief juftice, or in the Court of the County where the Land licth, the Wife bcmg lirft privily examined before the Cliief Juftice, or fome Member of the County Court, appointed by, the faid Court for th;it Purpofe, whether flie doth voluntarily afient thereto, and regiilercd according to the Direftions of the Laws of this Province, (hall be as valid in Law to convey all the Eftate and Title which i'uch Wife riiay or fliall have- in any Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments fo con- veyed, whether in F'ee-fimple, Right of Dower, or other Fftate, not being Fee- Tail, as if done by Pint and Recovery, or any other W^ays or Means whatfo- ever. Procffding! to bt' III. PROVIDED neverthdefs.^ That where any fuch' Conveyances as wtfri'In u*a- aforefeid -fhall be acknowledged by the Hulband,- or proved by the Oath of one tmantof onothsr 5'ji [^norc Wicnei^res, before the Chief Juftice of County Court where the Land Cuuntry, &c. jj^j-j^^ ^^ -j; ^^\^ |)g reptefcntcd to the Chief Juftice or County Court aforefaid,' that the Wife is a Refidcnt of any other Country, or fo aged or infirm that Ihc Cannot travef to the Chief Juftice or County Court, to make fuch Acknowledge 'ment as aforcfaid ; it ihali and may be lawful for the Chief Juiticc or County Court, by his or their Oi^cr, ;to direct the Clerk of the County Court where fuch Land liethy to Iftlie a CommifTioh to two or more Commiftioners, for recieving iiie Ackhov/ledgment of any Deed of fuch Feme Covert, for palling her Eftate in any Lands Tenements, or Hereditaments-, and fuc h Deed, acknowledged be- fore them, after they have cxa,niined her privily and apart trom her Hufband touching htr Confent, arid ctrtihed by the County Co-jrt to which the Commiflion' fhill'bc returnable, ihail, Ljy; Order of the County Court, be regiftered, with the Commiftion and Return,"' and fhall be as effedual as if perfonally acknow- ledged before.the,ChiefJw^iqe'.Qr County Court by fuch Feiiie Covert.- • IV. A KD.ifqr' preventing .Miftakes inififuing out fuch ComnMiotiiyBe if Ena£led, by tJje Auihcrity^c/or^faid^ I'hat the feveral Clerks of this Province, fhall' ifTue the farne, in;the;jFoi^nToi] miflion, \ ° ° 7 For a Copy of fuch Order, to be endorfed on the Return, 007 R 4 The S^' LA W S of K R T JI - C A R O L I N A. ^?" !1!1:>^" -,'/.. rbe Regifier's Fees. Rigiftcr*. Fees. '41}"'^^ '"'[' ' . Proclamation Money, . /. j. -» >J»« Lilt veiplui rtiurntdi laid Land, and alter having given rorty Days Notice, by lixing a Note on the County Court-Houf', to expofe the faid Lands to Sale by publick Vcnuu',, at the next County Court, Court of Aifize, or General Court, alter fuch Notice ; and whatfo- ever fuch Land fhall fell for, more than what is duconluch ijonds, andtheCharo-e of the Sal-i of fuch Lands, and to the Treafurer for conveying the fame to the Pur- chafcr or Purchaf.rs, Ihall be n turned to the Owner •, which Sale, made by fuch Treafur ;r, fhall be good and effcdual in Law^ to all Intents and Purpofcs whatfo- cver, and the faid Deed fo given, if loft, the Regiftry thereof fliall and may be given in Evidence, in any Court of Record within this Province. VII. A N-D whereasjfince the ereding Fort Jchrfion at the Mouth of Cape-Feat River, there appears to remain in rhe tiands of the Public Treafurer of the Sou^ them Counties, a Surplufs of the Monies appropriated by LawYor that Purpofe > ind it being n.cclTary the faid Fort now built fhould be prefcrved \ VIII. B E it Ena5fed^ by the Authority afctefaid^ That it fhall and may be law- comm-fl-mfnrf ful for the Commiirioncrs appointed by Aft of AfTemhly, intituled. An ,i5i for F^'t >*«/?<,/ 1« tremng a Pcrt.ficaticn on the lo^er Part of Cape-Fear R-jer, by Warrant under k"7'it'^''^Rc! their iHfands, or the major Part of them, 10 draw, from Time to Time, out of the f'^'"' *'• Hands ot the faid Treafurer, fuch Sum or Sums of Money, as they Ihall iudo-e neceflfaryj for the guarding, watching, and prefcrving the faid Fort. IX. P R O V I D ED it does not exceed the Surplufs of the Money formerly Treafurer to p., appropriated by Ad of AfTembly, to the erecting the faid Fort ; and the Public "' ^' '*''■'«.'■. Treafurer fhall pay fuch Draught at Wilmtngton^ each Court of A/Tize, and the '°i\l'^'^ ^ CommiOioncrs fhall account for the famcj in the fame Manner as all other pub! - Monies by Law are to be accounted for. CHAP. V. An ASfy to revive an ASl^ intituled. An A Years, next alter the Twenty Fifth Day of March then next iolJowing the Ka- '"^' tification of the faid Aft, and it being found very beneficial to the Province, tha^ a proper Perfon fhould, by public Authority, follicii and reprcftnt the Affairs of this Province, at the fevcral Berards in England; but the faid Act being made temporary, and not now in l-'orce, the Tinie Hiiiited therein being expired j Ala for tppoifit- IL W E pray it may be Enaded, /^nd he it ErjcMed, hy his Excellency^ '^v-Tfor^jYtits. Gabriel Johnfton, Efq% Governor , by and li-ith the Advice and Confent of his Ma- *■ j^fiy^s Council^ and the General A jj'eriibly of this Province^ and it tS hereby Lnaded, by the Authority cf the fame. That trom and aft'.r the katihcation ot this Aft, the faid Aft palled in the faid Year of our Lord, One 'J houland Seven Hundred and P'orty Eight, to appoint an Agent to folHcit the Affairs of this Province, at the feveral Boards in England, arid every Claufe thereof, (except as is herein atter ex- cepted) be revived ; and be and remain in full Force, for and during the Term of three Years, to commeirce at and from the Twenty Fifth Day ot March laft paft, and no longer. III. AND v;^hercas, the Salary of Fi'ty Founds Sterling, per Annum, m the faid Aft, mentioned and allowed to the faid Agent, is not adequate to his Trouble and Expencc. And whereas, the Sum of One i-iundred and Eleven Pounds, Nine Shillings and Two-Pence, Sterling Money, appears to be due to the faid A- gent, for extraordinary Expences, Charges and Trouble, in the Service of this Province : A«'-nti ArrMM IV. B E it therefore Ena"ed, hy the Authcrlty afcrefaid. That fuch a Sum, sliaryfctti'ed."'^ ki Pfoclamation Mohty, be paid imnieciately to the C omniittee ol Corrcfpon- dence, out ot the public Treafury, by a Warrant from his Excellency the Go- vernor, as fiiall be iuMicient to enable them to remit and pay to the faid James A ■ hercrcmbie in England, the faid One Hundred and Ekven Ponnds Nine Shillings and Two-Pence i'/^r/zw^, and alio, the Yearly Salary of Cnc Hundred Pounds ^S/fr- ling,- to commence frorii the Twenty Fifth Day of March laft paft, for and du- ring the Continuance of this Aft. Goa»;nutnc« of Y . A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforcfaid, Th:.t the Honourable James Hafelli Efq; and Mr. John Daivfon,- be, and are hereby added to the Committee of Corrcfponderice, appointed in, and by the before recited Aft, in the Room of Robert Halton, and Eleazer Allen, Efqrs. deceafcd. Nn^Wcfthe VI. AND he it further Enacted, hy the Authority afcrefaid. That' this Aft eommittee made ^^jj continue, be, and remain in Force, for and during the Term of Three Years, to commence at and from the Twenty Fifth Day of March laft paft, and no longer. ii^^ "-^ CHAP. VI. An A6t, for granting fo bis Majcjly, a Duty on the Importation of Rum and Wine into Anfon County, from South- Carolina. PreamWe, I. "f T THERE A.S,' the Inhabitants of A}ifon County, do make Qiiantitics W of ftrong Liquors fufficient for their own Ufe, and the frequent Im- portation of Rum, Wine and other Spirituous Liquors into Anfon County fronv South-Carolina^ only drains the Inhabitants of their Subftance, and is greatly de- trimental to their Families : LA W S of N O R T H - C A R O L I N A. 343. , _ ' . — . , .11 ■ '•' ' — — — ■'■' "~ /*. D. 1751. II. W E pray that it may be Enaited, And -be it Enacted, hy his ExceUcr.cy „ ^"" r / ^ ^ ? , ! . . , ■<. r ■ Duty oil L (J'kjij Xjabricl Johniton, Efq\ Governor, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Ma- imponea. -jefty's Council, and the General djjcmbly- of this ProvincSi and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the Twenty Fifth Day of March next, after the 'palling this Ad, every Importer of Wine, Rum, and other Spirituous Liquors, fiom Soulh-Carolina, into Anfon County, fhall pay, as a Duty to his Majefby, tlie Sum of 'I'wo Shilhngs and Six-pence,' for each and eVery Gallon ot Wine, Rum, or other Spirituous Liquors fo imported, III. AND be it Enacted, hy the Authority aforefaid. That Mr. Caleb Hoivel Coiieaor of Du. be, and is hereby appointt?d Col]e6lor and Receiver, of all the Duties hereby a- ^'"' *''^°'""''* hfing •, and theColleitor of the faid Duties", and fuch as may hereafter be appoint- ed in Virtue of this Aiif, to collect the fame,' fhall, before he eaters on his OfBce, give Bond, with fufficient Securities, tty his Excellency the Governor, and his Suc- ceffors, at the Court that flial! be h^4d fof ihe faid County, on the third Tuefday in January- next, in the Sum of One Hundred Pounds,;''and fhall take the follow- ing Oath. I A. B. do folemnly fzvear, That I "mill faithfully, juftly and diligently, collect all 'i^'^^On^. and every the Duties arifin? by the Tmportntion of Wine, Rum, and other Spi-^ rituous Liquors, into Anfon County, from South-Carolina. '^" So help me God. IV. A N D be it Enal^edi by the Authorify aforefaid,' That on the Death or Coiicftor tnbe Removal out of the County, Milbehaviour, or Difability of the Colled:or of the V^j!'"'/'' ^^ aforefaid Duties, the Jullices of Anfon County are hereby iaipowered to appoint another, who lliall enter into Bond, with fufficient Securities as before mentioned, and fhall take the fame Oath as before recited. V. AND whereas it is necefTary to prevent Frauds, that the Importers of Wine, Rum, and other Spirituous Liquors, imported irtto Anfon County from South-Carolina, fliould declare to the Colledor aforefaid,. the Quantities by him or them imported : ■ '.-.'* VI. BE it Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That each and every Importer prpcccdin-^toUp T)f Wine, Rum, or other Spirituous Liquors as aforefaid, fhall, before he difpofeth h,a hy impo't"^ of any thereof, give an Account, on Oath, to the Colleftor, what Qiiantitics he or fL'they"ifptfe the ters they have, and fhall pay the Duties thereon, before the Collc6tor gives him a "^ ""3 Certificate to difpofe of the fame ; and in Cafe any Perfon or Perfons refufe or ncgled taking a proper CerciHcate from the Colledor, it fhall and may. be law- ful tor the faid Collcdtor, and he is hereby impowered, to make Seizure of all fuch" Winr, Rum, or other Spirituous Liquors, imported mw Anfon County from South-Carolina, that hath not paid the Duty before- mentioned, and fhall make public Sale thereof to the highefl Bidder, after giving ten Days public Notice at the Court-Houfe of the faid County, and the Money arifing by fuch Seizure, fhall be paid to the luff ices of the aforefaid County, at the firfl Court of Qiiarter- Sefllons after fuch Sale is made, and be by them appropriated; for the Ufe of the County. , ; VII. A N D he it Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That fuch Sums of Duties approiiti^ Money as may be collected on the Duties hereby arifing, fhall be Yearly paid by ^"'^• the Collcilor, (after deducing Ten per Cent for his Trouble) to the Juflices of the aforefaid County, and be by them appropriated for contingent Charges of the County. S 4 An PiWtte. 344 L A W S of North-Carolina. ■^ ■ i>. 1751. '^"^ C H A P. VIL An Ad:, t6 alter die Times for holding the Courts ror the County of Craven. H E R E A S two of the Courts which arc hefd for the County of Cra- veri, in eacli Year, fall out on the fame Days the Gentral Courts of this' Province are held at Newiern : II. T H E R E F O R E wc pray it, rhay be Enadcd, Jvd be it Enacted, hy ^/i £xif// . .;AN D for every Head of Neat Cattle, One Penny. , , AND -ibr, every Twenty Hogs or Sheep, One Shilling. AND fo in Proportion for a greater, or lefler Number of Hogs or Sheep; for and during the Space ot Twenty Five Years, and no longer. III. ^JVD be it further Enacted^ Th^t during the Time the Bridge fhall be kept in Repair, and fit for Travellers and Carnages.to pafs and repafs the fame, it ihall not be lawful for any Perfon whatfoever, to keep any Ferry, build any Briogc, or fet any 1\ rfon or Perfons, Carriage, or Carriages, Cattle, Hogs, or Sheep, over the faid Cretk, forFee orReward, within fix Miles of the fame, durino- the Time aforefaie.-, under the Penalty of Twenty Shillings Proclamation Moneys for each and e/ery Cffence, to be recovered by the faid Samuel Peacock^ his Heirs,' Executors, Adminii^rators, or Affignts, before any Magiftrate of the County ; to be applied to the Ufc of the Proprietor of the Bridge built by the faid Samuel Peacock •, and during the faid Time, the Right and Property or the faid Bridge, is hereby invcfted in the faid Samuel Peacock, his Heirs, Executors, Adminiftrators, br AfliKnes, GJ H A P» 348 L AW S cf North-Carolina. ■ - — ' — — — ■ ' 1. A. D 1751. "^-"v"-^ CHAP, XII. An A£ij for building a Church in "Wilmington, in St. James'^ Farifty^ in New-Hanover County. Prirate, J. -^-^7 HERE AS the CKurch of St. James's Parifh, m New-Hanover y Y County, is by J-.aw appointed to be buiit in the Town oi fVilmingtcn : And whereas many well-diipofed Fctfohs have lubfcribed Hbtrally thereto, and a fafthtf Sum is yet neceflary to carry on and compleat thfc lame : Vv'hertforc, II. W E pray it may be Enaded, Jrtd be it Enci£Jed, by his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, Efq\ Governor., by and with the Jdvice and Confent of his Ma- jejiy's Council^ and the General Ajjembly of this Prcviiice, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Authority of the fame ^ That a Tax oi' One ShilUng and Four Pence, Pro- clamation Mon^y, be- laid on all the Taxables of the faid i^arifh of St. Jameses, for the Space of Three Years trcm the Ratification htrtol •, to be co]!i(51;td Yearly, and every Year, as altothtr Taxes uilially are, by the Sheriff of Ncw- Hanofver County ; and to be Uy him accounted tor, and paid Yearly, to the Coni- mi/Tioners in this Act hereafter appointed, or the Majority at them. JII. AND to encourage a further and large r Subfcription, for compleating the faid Church in a decent Manner -, B E it EnaSled^ by the Authority aforefaid.^ That every Subfcriber fliall have a proptr i-lace in the. faid Church, to build a Scat or Pew upon, in Proportion to his Subfcription, as the Comm.ifiioners or the Majority of them may determine; which i icce or Parcel of Ground fo adjufted and fct off, fhall be an Eftate of Inheritance to fuch Perfon or Ptrfons, his or their Heirs or Affigns, for ever-, fuch Prrfon or Perfons building, or caufing to be biiilt, fuch Seat or Pew, ascthe Commiiliontrs may judge proper and regular, fo as the fume be fct up and finifhcd within fix Moiiths alter compleating the faid Church. IV. AND be itKna^ed., h the Authority afcrefrid. That the CommifTi- oners hereafter mentioned, or the Majority of thtm, fhaii have it in their Power to fet off to fuch i'erfonR^nd their Families, Inhabitants of St. James's Parifii, fuch Places for erefting Seats, and under fuch Regulations, as th:ry, or the Majori- ty of them, may judge rntifl; proper. V. AND that the (liid Church may be carried on and finifned in the heft and neateft Manner,- and with ail pfoptf CEconomy -, Be :t Ena^ed^ by the Autho- rity afcrefaid., That all the Members of his Majcfty's Council, Sair.uel Swann, Jo- ' fefh.Blake., IViUiam FariSy John Sam ff on., Lewis D'RoJfei., and John Afh, Efqrs. be appointed Commiflioners i and they, or the Majority of them, refident in tbe faid i^arifh, fhall have and maintain an Aftion in any Court of Record in- this Province, againft any Subfcriber neglecting or relufing, after Demand made, to payxh^ ivloney -by him or htr lubfcribed to and tor building the faid Church: And xhi Comnhifiioners or the 'Majority of them as afonfaid, arc hereby impow- c red to 'fix Upon a proper i'lan' for the faid Church, and to agree with Artificers, purchafc and- get tlve Materials together convenient lor the Btiilding, with ail that may be neceffary for Compleating tlie fame. VL A N D whereas a Piece or Parcel of Land ii already allotted, and made Qvtvhy Michael Hi'^gins^^st that T\mt one of the Proprietors of the afcrrfaid Tov/n of PVtlmington, for tlie buiiding a Church and Church-Yard, the whole containing only Half an Acre, which being toofmall for anf^'ering both Purpofes : Be it Enatled., by the Authority aforefaid., That the faid Commiflloners fhall be at Liberty, and th?y are hereby im powered, tomaksUfeof Thirty Feet of Mar- ket- LAWS cf N O R T H - C A R O L I N A. 349 ket-ocrcct, tor cnc Front ot th j faia Cliurch to be Icaicd upon, if they judge neceffary. ^ ^' '.''!';^ VII. AND for enlarging the Church- Yard, P^ // Enafitd, by the Authority afore- Jai'd, That the Commillioaers before- mentioned, fhaJl he and they are hereby im- posyered, to purchafe fuch other Parcels ot Ground adjoining to the laid Half Acre, as they may judge convenient, for the Ufc ot the Church and Church- Yard. VII. A N D he it further Ena5led^ by the Authority aftrefaid. That if any Sublcribcr ihall die pofilfled of a Seat in the fiid Church, and no Heir or Afllo-ti of any (ueh Subfcribtr or Subfcribtrs, lb dying policircd as aforefaid, Hiall claim the fame within three Years aitei the Death of fuch Subferiber the Churchwardens for the Time bting, are her; by impowtrcd to difpofe of the fame, for the Benefit of the faid ij'arifh j any Thing in this A6\: to the contrary, notwithftanding. "T " IX. AND be it further EnaEled^ by the Authority afore faid^ That the Com- ipilTioners fhall Yearly^ on every Ecfier-Mondoy^ if required, produce a fair State - ■ of their Accounts, with' the Vouchers, to the Vtllry and Churchwardens of the fiid jt^ariili of Sc. James's^ for the Time being. X. AND whereas the Commi/Tioners of the Town of IVilmington^ with fe- veraiof the inhabitants, \\.ivti fitted up a decent Place for public V\ orfhip, in a convcni'jnt Part of the Court or Town-Houfe, Be it Enabied, by the .iuthoritv a- forefiid. That the fame Ihall be continued as a Place fitted for the public Wor"(hip of yilmighty God, withoui: any Interruption, Lett, or PJindrance of the Sheriff or Comniifnon; rs ut the laid 1 own, or any other Perlbn whatfotver, untill fuch 1 ime as the Church of the Parifli is tinifhed, fo as thf re be fufiicient Room re- maining tor the Courts ot Aflizc, the County and other Courts to be held therein. XI. AND that the T.id Houfe mny be kfpt in a cleanly and decent Manner Bi it Enabiedt by the Authcnty afcrefmd^ That the CommiiTionirs of the fiiid Town lor the Time being, be, and they are hereby impowertd, to agree with and P^y a pr jper Perlbn und^rtuking the fame, a Sum not exceeding Pive Pounds Proclamcttion Money, ptr Anr.um^ for the keeping the faid Houfe fwt-pt and clean op-ning and fhutting the Doors and Windows, ringing of the Bell, and other n^icffary Att-ridance on all public Occafions, to be defrayed out of the faid Tax of the f-id Towrt XII. AND he it Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaid. That no Pei-fori or Per- fons Hiaji be allowed to hold any public Meetings, lor Diverfions of any Kind, in the faid Court or Town-lioule, by Allowance of any Commiffioner, Sheriff, or any other Ofticer whutfoevcr, untill the fiid Church lliall be finilhed ; under the Penalty of Ten Pounds, Proclamation Money ; one Half for the Ufe of the Pa- rilh, the oth.rHalt to hini or them that will fue for the fame, in any Court of Record in this Province •, wherein no Efibign, Protcftion, or Wager of Law fliali be allowed or admitted of. C H A P. XIII. jtin A5i^ to appoint Commijfioners to receive^ coUc6f, and apply Subfcriptiom towards buildiii% oj a Church in the Town of Brunfwick, in St. Philip'.v Parijh^ and for other Lfes therein ir,e7ititned. WHEREAS ftveral wcll-difpofed Perfons, are inclined to fubfcribc P.Witr' and contribute fcvtral Sums ot Money, tov/ards building a Church in Ijjq L aw. S,. ^of ^ ,N o.R.T.K - Ca r.o L I n a. ^- ^- 1751- the Town ot Brun/ivkk^ in the i-'arilli qi St. J'liUpy and County of Ncw-Hattoy^- "V" — ' ver : For the more efffctud coliefting and applying the faid Sublcriptions, ll/,- W E pray it ^ay-be Enadkdv>yvV/J l^e it Enacted, hy bis Excellency Gi\- feriel Jphnftonj Efq; Gavernery by and i^i-th the Advice and Confent of bis Majefifs Council^, and the Qc\i&rql /iffemhly of (his Frovmcc^ and it is hereby Knac-- ted, by the Authority of the fame. That the Honourable Mattheiv Ro-wan, and J&mes llafe.ll^ Klq.r;5. John Ruffel; -, aii,d Williarn Dry, Efqrs.' Richard ^iju'cj ^ and John Davis, Gentlemen, be, and are hereby appointed Commifiiontrs, with full Power and Authority, to colktt and receive of and from all and every Per- fpn or Perlbns, contributing to the Building of the faid Church, the feveral Sum Qr Sums of Money or other Donations whatfoever, v/hich fhall at any Time here- after, be by fuch Perfon.or Perlbns fcverally fubfcribed and contributed. III. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That m Cafe a- ny Perfonor Perfons fubfcribing or contributing as aforefaid, his or their Heirs, '■ Executors, or Adminiilrators, fhall neglect or retufeto pay to die faid Commiffi- bners or the Majority of them, or thtir Order, the >um or Sums byithem, their •^ Anccftors, Teilators, or Inteftates, rflpi6t:ively fubfcribed, given, bequeathed, or contributed as aforefaid •, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the -faid. Com- rniffioners," or the Majority of them, lor the Time being, to maintain an Aftion or Adiohs in their own Names, againit fuch Perfon or rerfons, iiegle6ting or refu-' fmg as aforefaid, in a^iy Court v/ithia this Province, wherein the fame, is cogniz- _^ able. lY. AND be it E-nafted, by the Authority aforefaid. That in Cafe of the Death, Departure out of the Parifh, or litfufal, to act of any of the faid Com-' miflioners, it fhall be lawful tor the remaining Commiffioners, together with the Churchwardens and Vcftry of the faid' Parifh tor the Time being, to choofe and appoint another Commiflioner, in the Room of fuch Com miflloner dying, depar-- ting the pari(h, or rtfufingto a6l as aiorciaid •, and the Commiffioncr fo elefted and appointed, fhall be inyefted with all the Powers and Authorities of any other CommilTipncr appointed by- this Aft. ! V.' j^^p. ,keit furiher Enaffed, by the Authority aforefaid. That the feveral Si!i"ms of "Money or other Donations whatfoever, whith fhall be coileftcd or re- ceived by Virtue ot this A61, iliall be applied by the the faid Commiffioners, or the Majority of- them, from Time to Time, ibr and tov/ards building a Church in the Town ob .5r«,«/w;V^ aforefaid, and tov/ards purchafjng a Glebe, and building a MarifiOiY^DufefQr tivr^y/ti of the faid Parifho VI. j^i^D. he it fmthfir Enabled, That the Commifjioncrs appointed or to be appointed. by. Virtue of this A6t, fhall account, upon Oath, with the Veftry of the faid Parifh,,. on Eafier-Menday in every Year, tor all the Monies or other Donati- ons, which rhey or either of them fhall receive, for the Ufe and Purpofes herein- before-mentioned, under the Penalty of Ten Pounds, l^roclamatiorv Money, for each Conrmiirioner refiifmgor neglefting to account as aforefaid ; to be recovered by the Churchwardens of the faid Parifh for the Time being, for the Ufe of the laid Parifh, in any Court of Record within this Province, wherein the fame is cosnizablco C HA P^ L A _W S- ^ of North-Carolina. 351 A, l>. 1751- CHAP. XIV. Aft AB, to appoint a convenient Place for holding the County Court of Duplin, ^nd to impower the Commijfioners therein-named, to build a Court- ' Houfe^ Prifony and Stocks in the faid County, and for mlarging the '^,:Boiinds thereof f; V-jr r H E R E A S, by an Aft, intituled, A7t Act for erecting th; upper Part ^'!"."' y Y ^f New-Hanover County into a County andParJjJj, by the Name, of "Dn- i^tXm County, and St. Gabriel' j Parijh', and for appointing' a 'Fldce fcr building a Court-Houfe, Frifpn, and Stocks in the faid County; amongft other Things it was Enaded, That the Jufticesof the faid Court^ or the Majority oO^'^-'m, at their firfl: Meeting, fhould nominate arid appoint a convenient Place within the faid County, to build a Court-Houfe, Prifon, and Stocks; which fairi ,iifriccs bring then unacquainted with the Bounds ot the faid Cqunty,. did, by Crder of the faid Court, appoint a Place whereon to build a Court-Houfc, 1 hfon, and Stocks, which faid Place on Examination, is found to be within t.n Miles of the Eaftern Bounds of the faid County ; to the great Incommodity and Dttrim.cnt of the Inhabitants thereof attending the faid Court : Wherefore, ..;';■ JTTT .1 • II. WE pray it may be Enadted, And be it Enacted, by his Exceltev.cy Czhv\t\ Johnfton, Efq^-, Governor, by and with the Advice ana Ccnfcnt cf.h.s lyir j rjly* s_ Councili and the General Affembly oj the faid Province^ and by the yiuihonty of the. fame. That the Court-Houfe, Prifon, and Stocks for the faid County of i}«^//'% fiiall be fixed as near the Center of the faid County as coba''. nitntiy can be ; and that Mr. Arthur Blackman, Mr. Anthony JViliianis, Mr J'ViI/:am M'-G. e, Mr. John Brock, of Duplin County, and Mr. PFilliam Mills, ot Onf.w Couiicy, or the Majority of them, are hereby appointed upon their Oaths, to.rix\ the nioft com venicnt and central Place in the faid County, to build the faid Court-Houft, rri- fon, and Stocks on ; and their Proceedings thtreon return to ^e next County Court, after they or the Majority of them fhall agree on the fame. •;,7^ :-! V.' III. ANT) belt further Enacted, by the Authority af or efaid, TfjatMr. George Mears, Mr. fVilliam Houflon, and Mr. Jofepb t^^ilhams, bf, and tii< y are hereby appointed CommifTioners for eredting and building the faid Court- Houf:?, Prifon, and Stocks •, and alfo to contract and agree with VVorkmeri to build the fanic, of fuch Dimenfions as fhall be agreed on by the County Court. IV. AND for defraying the Expence thereof, Be it-Enacted, by the Authority af or efaid. That fo much of the Tax laid upon the Inhabitants of the faid Coun- ty, and already collefted, as well as what hereafter may be colktled, for and to- wards building the Court-Houfe, Prifon, and Stocks, fnall be by the ShtrifF of the faid County, accounted for and paid unto the afore-mentioned Commifijoners. and be by them applyed for and towards building the Court-Houfe^ Prifon, and Stocks, in this Aft mentioned to be built. V. AN D be it Enacted, by the Authority af or efaid. That the Claufc in the be- fore-recited Aft, lo far as relates to the appointing a Place for building a Court- Houfe, Prifon, and Stocks, and building the fame, , be and is hereby repealed, and made void", to all Intents, Purpofcs, and Conilruftions, as if the fame had flevtfr been made. . .n^^in '-V r-:r'.'.b *: ^ : 7.^ .V -.[i v i 7 cr;:^?! ^ .t,' AND whereas tl;e .dividing Line between New-Hanover County and Duplin, i« circumfcribed by Co-hcry, by which Means a long narrow Stripe of Land, be- tween the faid Qo-hery and Black-River, ftill remains in Ntvo-Uanover Countv^- U 4 ■which' ^§2 L A TV S o/' N O R T H - C A R O L I N A. ^ D. i7ir. which renders it very inccnvtnicnt to the Inhabitants dwelling thereon, to attend '^ V — — ' the Courts at IVilmmg^ton, by Reafon of its great Diftance thcrelrom -, Be it there- fore Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Line between the faid Counties ihali be continued from the Place where Co-hery arid the Six Runs m'ctt, by a Weft Courfe, until the lame Itrikes Black- River, and from thence the County of Duplin Ihall be bounded by iJ/^ci-Zirj^r, up to the Mouth of i^/^r^-A^V/^r? Creek, thence up the faid Creek to the Bounds of the faid County •, any Thing in the Ad' for erec- ting the upper Part of New-Ha)iover County into a County and PariHi, by the -,r,:.': Name of Duplin County, and St. Gabriel's V^nih, for the appointing a Place for building a Court -Houfe> Prifon, and Stocks in the faid County, concerning th^ Bounds of the faid County, to the contrary, notwitftanding. CHAP, XV. An Act, to imponver the Court of Bladen County, to lay out certain Dif- trtSlsin the Places therein-mentiojied, and to appoint Conimijioners of the Roads for the fame. Private, I. X T T H E R E A S by an A6f, intituled. An Act, for impcwsring the feveral YY Ccmmiffioners herein ofter-nanud., to hiake, mend, and repair all Roads, Bridges, Cuts^ and IVater-coHrfes, already laid cut, or hereafter to be laid out, in the feveral Counties and Diftricts herein after-appointed, in fuch Manner, as they judge mofi ufeful to the Public, no Cohnmiffioners were appointed for the South- IVeJl Side of the North-lVeft Branch of Cape-Fear River, above Bartram's Ferry, near Rock-fiflj Creek m Bladen County, and from Douglafis Creek upwards, on the North-Eaji Side of the faid River ; whereby the Inhabitants of thofe Parts of the County, have not been able to obtain a Road to pafs and repafs to and from the County Court, and about their lawful Bufinefs, to the great Damage of the faid Inhabitants ; Therefore, - II. W E pray that it may be Enaftsd, And be it Enacted, by his Excellency Gabriel Johnfton, Efq; Governor, by and ivith the Advice and Confent of his Ma- jejiy's Council, and the General Ajfernbly of this Province, and by the Authority of the fame. That the Juflices of Bladen "Counry, at their next Court to be held for the faid County after the palimg of this Aft, fliall, and they are hereby impower- cd, to lay out Diftrids in the Places before-mentioned, and to appoint Commifli- oners for the fame ; and the Commifiloners fo appointed are hereby invefted with all the Powers and Authorities, and fubjefted to all the Duties and Penalties, as any other Commrffioners have or ought to have, or are fubje.\ .\\ -3 •; hi-: -.01 t7iij 'iUi iU'tii''('i>^^ • «> n.jtOi>^ Li;.. .-, i- 5(1 !••.:;. bfi:. . > ?\V be it further E7ta5ied, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Magiflrate, Colle6tor, or Receiver, appointed to receive the faid Impoft or Duty, fhali take, receive, or accept of any Bribe, Reward, or Recompence, or connive at any falfe Account or Manifeft not duly fworn to and attefted, as in and by this Ad is diredled, or knowingly permit, or fuffer any Concealment of any of the aforefaid Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, liable to and chargeable with the aforefaid Impoft and Duty, fhali, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and pay Fifty Pounds, Proclamation Money ; to be recovered, by any Perfon that will fue for the fame, in the General Court of this Province •, wherein no EfToign, Injundion, or Wager of Law, fhali be allowed or admitted : One half thereof to the Pro- fecutor, the other half to defray the necefTary Charges of this Government. Money .rifinghY XIII. A N D be it further Enocted, by the Authority aforefaid. That all and' by Vi.tucof this (.yery the Sums of Money arifing by the Impoft or Duty in Virtue of this A61:, fhali. Cnllcftorjdying, removing, Ac. to be replaced by the GovejHor. Penalty on Re- ceivers taking Bribes, or con- niving at falle AtcountJ. L A I'F S £/^North-GXr6lina, 35^ fball, from Time to Time, be applied for and towards the neceffary Charges of ^_^- /t^Jj Govermi.nt, by the Governor, Council, and General AlTembJy of this Provinccj how7"^"by and bv none other Authority whatfoever. «'h..m, co be ap= ' plied. XV. AN I) he it further Enact ed^, hy the Authority aforefaid^ That the AdV, ^a repealed, intituled,- An Ad., for granting to bis Majefiy a Duty on the Importation of R::m and fVine into Anion County from South-CaroWna, be, and is hereby repealed, to all Intents and Purpofcs whatfoever, as if the fame had never been made. XVI. A N D be it further Enacted^ That this Ad: rtiall be and remain in cont;nMan« of Force for Three Years only, and from thence to the End of the next SelFion of "'= ^a. Aflembly, and no longer. C H A P. IL An A5f^ for facilitating the Na^-cigation of Port-Eiih, PorZ-Roanoke, and P(?r/-Beaufort. I. ■TTTTHEREx'VS confiderable Injuries have frequently happened to divers PrearaWt, W Merchants who have fent tneir Ships and V'clllis to Bath, Edentcn^ and Newbern^ by iieafon of the Badnefs of the Channels leading to the iAA Places, the Infuiiiciency and Negligence of l^ilots, the W^nt of :: taking out the faid Channels, and making the Navigation more e^^fy •, whereby the 1 rade of thofe Parts of the Province is greatly impaired : For Kemedy whereof, II. W E pray it may be Enadted, And be it Ena£ied, by his Excellency Gabriel Commi.'nwer< Johnfton, Efq; Governor^ by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majefifs Ports appo^nt-^* Council, and the General Affemhly of this Province^ and by the Authority of the fame. That Mr. Michael Couianch, Mr. Samuel Smclare, and ivlr. James Calf be, and are hereby appointed Commiffioners for Port-Bath; the lionourable Francis Corbin, Mr. John Campbell, Mr. Jofeph Blount^ Mr, James 'Trotter^ and Mr. James Turnbull, be, and are herepy appointed Commifiioncrs for Port-Roanoke -, and Mr. John l^Ftlliams, Mr. John Clitheral, and Mr. Jofeph Bakh^ be, and are hereby appointed Commiffioners io^ Port-Beaufort ; to contraft with proper Per- fons, to examine, from Time to Time, the Situation of the Swatch, and to keep the fame, and all other Channels, leading from Ocaccck Bar to Bath, Edenton, and Ne'-johern, well and fufficiently Staked out, and to eredl Beacons at Ocacock^ Bcacon-Tfland, Core-Banks, and all fuch other Places as the faid Commiflioners ihall think moft convenicni: for the Safety of VefTels. III. AND he it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That from and Wno sre to mee? after the paffing of this Aft, the faid CommifTioners fhall, once ev.ry Year, a^rS',''^"''"' meet at Bath-Town, to examine into the Conduct of the Perfons by them em- ployed ; and to appoint one or more of their Number to go to Ocacock, to fee that the faid Channels are Staked, and the Beacons kept up. IV. A N D be it further Enactedy by the Authority aforefaid. That the faJd -^""^ '" ermine Commiflicners, or the Majority of them, in each refpeftive Port, (hall have full fy'n!chT"J'" Power and Authority, to examine Pilots touching their Qiialification, and upon a^^fi^d toths their Approbation to grant them a Certificate or Certificates, to be produced to his Excellency the Governor, in Order to obtain his Warrant to pilot VelTels in all or any of the refpedive Ports aforefaid ; and in Cafe any Pcrfon fhall pretend to pilot or take Charge of any Ship or VefTel, without having palled an iixami- Pen;^ity on pilots nation as aforefaid, and obtained a Warrant for fo doing, he Ihall forfeit and pay, »<^ias >'itbo'*« Y 4 for 300 L A IV S o/' North-Carolina. A D. n^:.. f^jj- each and every Oftence, the Sum of Ten Pounds, Proclamation Money ; to *■ V be recovered in any Court of Record in this Province, by Bill, Plaint, or Infor- Wjnant?"°' ' mation •, one Third to the Informer, the other two Thirds to the CommiffionerS;^ to be by them appHed towards the Staking out the Channels as aforefaid. Pilots Feft. y_ AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That there ihall be allowed and paid to every Pilot who ihall take Charge of any Veffel, the following Pilotage \ that is to fay, FOR every Ship or Veffel, from the Outfide of the Bar into Beacon-IJland Road, Two Shillings, Proclamation Money, per Foot, for every Veffel that draws Eight Feet Water, or lefs. AND for every Veffel that draws more than Eight Feet Water, Two Shil- lings and Six Pence, Proclamation Money, per Foot. AND that the fame Wages be allowed to 'Pilots, for Pilotage outwards, as inwards. AND for every Veffel, from Beacon-TJland Road, that draws Six Feet W^ater, or kfs, to Bath-1'own, Thirty Six Shillings, Proclamation Money ; and for every Veffel that draws above Six Feet, Six Shillings, Proclamation Money, per Foot. AND for every Veffel, from Beacon-TJland Road, that draws Six Feet W^ater,, cr kfs, to Edenion, Three Pounds Twelve Shillings, Proclamation Money ; and for every Veffel that draws above Six Feet, Twelve Shillings, Proclamation Mo- ney, per Foot. AND for every Veffel, from Beacon-IJland Road, that draws Six Feet Wa- ter, or lefs, to Newbern, Thirty Six Shillings, Proclamation Money ; and for every Veffel that draws above Six Feet, Six Shillings, Proclamation Money, per Foot. Penalty on Pilots ^^fj^ ^^y Pllot, appointed as IS herein before mentioned, who fhall demand or Fees? °''' "'' exaft any greater Wages than is by this Ad direded and appointed, lliall forfeit and pay Ten Pounds, Proclamation Money •, to be recovered, by Adion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, by any Perfon that will fue for the fame, in any Court of Record in this Province ; wherein no Effoign, Imparlance, In- jundion, or Wager of Law, fhall be admitted or allowed of: Provided, that the faid Suit is brought or profecuted within One Year after fuch Demand or Ex- adion made, and not afterwards. u^T^r't^TJ'hts ^^' ^^Dbe it further Enafied, by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid ' ^^..msdsof'the Commiffioners, after the faid Channels are Beaconed, Staked, and Marked out, .raiciianaeis, ^^ aforefaid, fliall caufe Draughts thereof to be made, and fhall alfo publifh the fame in the Gazette, with the feveral Courfes from the Bar, up to Edenton, Bath, and Newbern, and the Bearings and Diftances of all Beacons, or Land-Marks, ereded in Confequence of this Ad. VII. A N T> be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That for defray- ing the neceffary Expence that may or fhall arife, by the Execution of this Ad, the following Tax fhall be laid on all Ships and Veffels hereafter Entering in the Ports aforefaid, and that come over Ocacock Bar -, that is to fay, O N each Veffel of lefs Burthen than Fifty Tons, Twenty ShillTngs, Procla- iriation Money :. And on each Veffel of Fifty Tons Burthen, and lefs than One Mundred Tons, Thirty Shillings, Proclamation Money : And on each Veffel of One Hundred Tons, or upwards. Forty Shillings, Proclamation Money. , he received Which Tax payable for fuch Veffels as hereafter fliall come over Ocacock Bar, and tiisCoikftois, gj^j.^j. the Ports aforefaid, or either of them, fliall be received by the Colledors of tiie aforefaid refpedive Ports. VIIL AND L A W S of No R^T h-CarolinaJ^ -jDi VIII. A N D be it further Ena£ied, by the Authority aferefaid. That each of the *■ v — — ^ laid Colledors herein appointed for the feveral Forts aforefaid, fhall, before he g^:',' '*"" '° ^"^ enters on the faid Office, give Security, in the Sum of Three Kundred Pounds, Proclamation Money, to the CommilTioners herein appointed for each of the faid. Ports refpedively, for the due Performance of the 'I'ruft repofed in him, and for his accounting with, and paying to the faid Commiffioners, as often as re- quired, all fuch Sum or Sums of Money as fhall be, from Time to Tim;-, by him received: And if Either of the faid CoUeftors fhall refufe to give fuch Se- curity, // is hereby Enacted^ by the Authority cforefaid^ That the faid Commif- ir ,„/ refufe fioners of that Port fliall and may appoint another Receiver or Receivers, in his Ccmm ffionrrs w or their Place and Stead •, who fliall have full Power and Authority to receive 'pp"-"'*'"'"^' the faid Tax, giving fuch Security to the Commiffioners of the Port where he is fo appointed. IX. AND he it further EnoMed, by the Authority aforefaid. That each Re- Co!iea,)r\p-«'8f ceiver fhall, in his Port, have full Power and Authority, to go on board any ^^j^™"'""^^ v-f. VelTcl, in order to meafure and afcertain the Burthen of fuch VefTel ; and fnall likewife have full Pov^r and Authority to examine, on Oath, the Mafler of any VefTel, for that Purpofe. 'K. A N D be it further EnaSfed, hy the Authority aforefaid. That every Col- Coiieftor allowed leftor or Receiver fhall, for his Trouble, irf' receiving and paying the Tax afore- sp^-'C^.r. faid, be allowed Five perCent. on what Money he fhall fo receive and pay to the Commiffioners aforefaid refpedively. XI. A N D be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That from and CoUeflor n.-^t to after the paffing of this Ad, no Colleftor of either of the laid Ports, fhall Clear £;"ti"/rcm[l out any VefTel, 'til the Mafter iTiall have produced to him a Certificate from the fi^'^ be produ- Receiver of the faid Tax, of his having paid the fame, under the Penalty of mLfof^Sx, Twenty Pounds, Proclamation Money •, to be recovered, in any Court of Record within this Province, by Bill, Plaint, or Information ; wherein no Effoign, Im- parlance, Injun6lion, or Vi^ager of Law, fhall be allowed or admitted, by any Perfon who will fue for the fame : One half to the Profecutor, the other to the Commiffioners ; to be by them applied to the Ufes intended by this Ad. XII. A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That the Ex- Expence of Bea. pence of fctting up Beacons at Ocacock, Beacon-Ifland, and Core-Banks, and the ""^e tfd ^°*' Staking out the Swatch, fhall be difcharged by the Commiffioners hereby appoint- ed for the feveral Ports, in the Proportion following -, that is to fay, Phe Com- miffioners for Port-Roanoke, fhall pay Two Fifths of the faid Charge and Ex- pence •, and the Commiffioners for the Port of Bath, and for the Port of Beaufort, fhall pay, jointly, the other Three Fifths of the faid Charge and Expence, out of the Monies by them received -, and the Expence of Staking out the other Channels leading to each of the faid Ports, fhall be fcverally paid by the Com- miffioners of each refpcdive Port to which the faid Channels lead. XIII. A N D be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That upon the Number 6fCo.-n. Death, Removal, or Refufal of any of the faid Commiffioners or Receivers to n"ffi™crs or Re- ad, the remaining Commiffioners of each refpcdive Port, fhal) and may choofe up.""" " * ^^^ and appoint another Commiffioner or Receiver in the faid Port, in the Room of fuch Commiffioner or Receiver fo dying, removing, or refufing to ad. XIV. AN B be it further Enabled, by the Authority aforefaid. That no Mafler P^"^'*y. '"". ''^'■- or other Perfon, belonging to any VefTel trading to this Government, fhall caft Baliift'buoChan- or throw over board, into any Channel within the faid Ports, any Stones or other "'^'=- Ballaft whatfoever, under the Penalty of Twenty Pounds, Proclamation Money, for ^()2 L A ('^ S of North-Carolina. A D. 175Z. ^^ ^ 1 Or ..cllrcy ng tht B ajnns ice. for every fuch Offence ; to be recovered by A6tion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or In= formation, in any Court of Record in this Government -, wherein no Efibign, Jmundtion, or Wager of Law, fhall be .allowed : And if any Perfon or Perlon, ihall wilfully pull down, remove, or deftroy any Beacon, Stake, or other Marks ej-efted or placed in Virtue of this Ad, he or they fhall, for eveiy fuch OfFence, forfeit and pay One Hundred Pounds, 1 roclamation Money j to be recovered by Adion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or information, in the General Court of this Pro- vince, by any Perfon that fhall or will fue for the fame : One half to the Profe- cutor' and the other half to the faid Commiflioners, to be applied to the Ufcs aforcfaid. c^mmiiTioners to XV. A N D be it further Enacted^ hy the Authority aforefaid^ That the faid 'oTm^^t Comm'ifTioners, as often as they are required, ftiall account witii the General Af- fembiy, for fuch Money as fhall be by them, from 1 ime to Tune, refpedlively received ; and fhall have fuch Allowance for their Expence as Ihall appear rea- fcnable" And impnwercd XVI. AND wficreQs It will be a confiderable Time,^ before a fufficient Sum fn ui^.upMonay ^^ defray the Charges aiorefaid is collcded and received by this Tax ; whereby onintereft. ^ ^^^^ Staking out the Chann-ls and Erecling Beacons will be much delayed : Be it therefore Enacted^ hy the Authority oforejaid^ 'I'hat the Commiflioners of the fe- vcral and refpedtive Ports, fhall have full Power and Authority to take Up, on Loan or at IntcrefV, any Sum, not eitceeding One Hundred Pounds, Procla- mation Money, in each of the faid Ports, m order to enable them to have the faid Channels "Staked, and Beacons ercdcd, as aiorefaid, as foon as poflible. , an* of this Province, by Adion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information ; wherein no '''^''"** EfToign, Protfdion, Injundion, or Wager of Law fhall be allov/ed or admitted of: Two Thirds whereof to his Majefly, to be applied for the Ufc of the Pub^ lie, and the other Third to the Treafurer aforefaid. VIII. AND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That if the faid p„,,t,o« xu Public Treafun r ihall negled or refufe to account for and pay to the General Tr.-^furemtgUe- AlTembly, all fuch Sums of Money which he ffiall receive by Virtue of this Ad, ''"^''^ """"'' he fhall forfeit and pay tbe Sum of Fifty Pounds, Proclamation Money, for each Negled or Refufal i to be recovered, by Adion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Infor- Z 4 mation^ 3^4 LAWS o/" North-Carolina. A. o. 1752 mation, in the General Court of this Province, by him or them th:it Ihall or will •*— — ^—^ fue for the fame ; wherein no EfToign^ Injunftion, or Wager 6f Law Jhall be allowed or admitted of : Two Thirds whereof to his Majtlty, to be applied for the Ufe of the Public, and the other Third Part no the Frofccutor. .- A5- Gontinu'ancc of thsAft. IX. AND whereas by an Acfc, intiailed, /i,i J^:^ u appoint a Puhlic Trca- furery in the Room of Eleazer y\]len, Efq-, deceafed^ paffed the Fifth Day oijuly^ in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Fifty, it was, a~ mongft other Things, Enaded, That the faid A61 fiiould continue in Force for Three Years, next alter the pafilng thereof, and from thence to the End of the next Sefilon of AlTembly, and no longer ; and as many Inconveniencies may arifc , '"by the Shortnefs of the faid Time, Be it Enacted^ hy the Authority aforefaidj That the faid Aft fliall be continued in full Force for and during the Space and Term of Three Years, from the pafTmg hereof, and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of AfTembly, and no longer •, any Thing in the before-recited Aft to the contrary, notv/ithftanding. X. AND be it further Enacted^ by the Authority aforefaidy That this Aft Ihall continue in full Force for and during the Space and Term of Three Years, from the paffing hereof, and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of Af- fembly, and no longer. CHAP. IV. iW.-thcd ro b« sbfcrvi-d in wj.gKing Pilch «nij Turp'^inine, An A(^^ to amend and extend an AB, to appoiiit InfpeStors in New- Ha- nover County y and for regulating ths Exports at Cape-Fear. I. "^X 7" H E R E A S by an Aft of AfTembly of this Province, pafled in the W Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Fifty One, in- tituled. An Act y to appoint Infpectois in 'Nc^-H^novtr County, and for regulating the Exports at Cape-Fear, it is, amongft other Things, E.nuftcd, That each Bar- rel of Pitch or Turpentine fhall weigh Three Hundred and Twenty Two Pounds, with the Cafk j and whereas feveral Inconveniencies have arifcn, and may anle, by afcertaining the Weight of each Barrel as aforefaid : For Remedy whereof, , II. BE it Ena^edf by his Excellency Gixbnel Johnflon, Efq-,- G^l'erficr, by and with the Advice and Confent of his Majejly^s Council^ and ths General AJfembly of this Province, and it is hereby EnaSied, hy the Authority of the fame , I'hat from and after the pafilng of this Aft, every Barrel of Pitch or Turpt irtine which fhi-iU, by Virtue of this Aft, be tendered foY Infpeftion, fliall, before it be branded by the Infpeftor, be weighed in the Infpeftor's Prefence ; and every Three Hundred and Twenty Tv/o Pounds Weight, with the Cafk, of Pitch or Turpentine, fhall be accounted a Barrel of Pitch or Turpentine, and fo in Proportion ; any Thing in the before-recited Aft to the contrary, notwithflanding : And the W^eight of each Barrel of Pitch or Turpentine, fhall, by the Infpeftor, be marked on the Head thereof, with Finally for «own- tcrfeiting Infpec- Icri Brand, a Marking-Iron. III. AN D be it further- Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon fhdU forge or counterfeit any Infpeftor's Brand on any Cafk or Barrel, which, by Virtue of this Aft, and the before-recited Aft, ought to be branded by- the Infpeftor, or fliall tender in Payment, or deliver for Exportation, any Cafic or Barrel with a forged or counterfeit Buand, knowing the fame to be forged or counterfeited, every Perfon fo offending, and being thereof convifted, fhall forfeit the Sum of Ten Pounds, Proclamtion Money, and alfo every CafK, conuining L ^^ //^ iS" o/^ No R T H - C A R O L I N A. ^.^6§ containing any of the aforeiaid Comnioditiesj To tendered in Faynitnt or dcli-,^ ■^^ '"Se- vered ; to be rijcovcred by him oil'lhem that Ihall fue for the fane, in any Court ^==---V" of Record in this Province, by Aftion of Debt, iiiii. Plaint, or Information 5 wherein no Eflbign, Protedtion, Jnjundtion, or Wajger O'f ISaw fhall be allowed or admitted : Qne half to the Profccutor, the other half to the Churchwardens, (or the Ofe of the Pariili where the Cite'nce fhaji be CQipriixiixtQd. IV"; AND whereas the Fee allowed the Infpector for iiifpecting each Barrel jpf Beef, P.orJ<, and ^icc, Pitch, and Turpentine, is found not adequate for his ''"'^^'^"' "*' Trouble in' infpccting the fanic j Be it therefore Enacted^ hy the Authority afore- [aid. That it Ihall and may be lawful for every Infpector to have and receive for his Fee, for infpecting and branding each Barrel of Beef, Pork, and Rice, Six Pence i'and for br.inding and marking each Barrel of Pitch and lurpentine. Two Pence, Proclamation Money, and no more j any Thing in the above-re- cited Ace to the contrary, notwithftanding. Acr !«» ■ V. A NO whereas the Inhabitants and Traders in the Ports of Bath and Port. t.r., 'Beaufott^ in order to ertcourage the Trade thereof, are defirous that the Exports '"p-^'^"- of thole' Ports may be un.der the like Regulations as the Exports of Cape-Fear : Be it therefore Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid^ That from and after the Twenty Ninth Day of Scptan'ber, next after the paifing of this Act, the feveral Goods and Commodities fhipp-d for Exportation out of the faid Ports, and the Branches -thereof, fliall pafs the like Infpection and Regulation, as the like Goods and Commodities pafs, in Virtue of an Act, intituled. An Act^ to appoint Infpec- tors in New-i^anovCr County^ and for regulating the E^^ports at Cape Fear. ** Vl. A N D he it" further Enacted, hy the Authority afore faid^ That Mr. John Spooner, be, and is hereby appointed Infpedor Oi Bogue Inlet, and the other In- ^"^3°" lets in Onflow County : And that Mr. Jofeph Bell, be, and is hereby appointed ^'" Infpedloi- of Cere-Sound, in Carteret County : And that Mr. Jeremiah Vail, be, and is hereby appointed Infpedor of Neufe River, in Craven County: And' that ■Mr'. WliVey Ch7u;icey, be, and is hereby appointed Infpector of Beaufort County, in the Port, -of Bath : And that Mr. Samuel- Sinclare, be, and is hereby appointed Inspector of Hyde County, in the Port aforefaid : And that each and every of the faid mfpect'ors Ihall, before he enters on his faid Office, give Bond, and make Oath, in .the^(^ourt of the County. where he is to officiate, in the fame Manner as the Irifpcctors st Cape-Fear are by Law required to do. 5.-YP* ^^^'^.-^ ^^ *^ further EnaSfed, hy the Auihority aferefaidi That each and The;rPow< bvery .InfDcctor fo qualified, Ihall have and enjoy the like Powers and Authorities^ Authontiei and be 'under the fime Rules and Regulations, and be liable to the like Fines and Penalties, and intituled to the like Fees a^d Re^vards, in the Execution of their fefpective Offices, .as any Infpector -sg Cape-Fear has, or ought to have, by Virtue of t^e aforefaid Acr, To appoint Infpectors in New-Hanover County, and for rt?u- ^tingthe Exports at Cape-Fear. , yill. A N D he it further Ena^ed, hy the Authority aforefaid, That the Collec-^ coiuaors ho» tor of Port-Beaufort, and the Collector oi Pert-Bath, in their feveral Pons, Ihall ^° ""'"""' conform themfJves to the like Rules in Clearing out Veffcls in their faid feveral Ports, and be intitled to take and receive for their Fees, and be liable to the like Porl^itures., as the Colleaor of P» t^u Aft. m putting this Aft in Execution, as the County Court and Juftices oi New-Han- ever have or ought by Law to have^ C H A P. iweri it wimmmamtiamtH^ 366 LAWS o/'North-GaroLii^a. - ■ I '■ • ■- -- . . . -, ^ . - ^ ^ A. D. 1752. "^--v- — * G H A p. V. An Acfy to amend an ASty for regulating the Pilotage cf Capc-Fear J^i^ very and to impower the Captain of Fort Johnfton, at the Mouth of the Jaid River y to examine all Vejfels entering the faid River ^ concerning tbi Health of their Creios on Board the faid Feffels. I. \\T H E R E A S in the before'-recited Aft, the Fees allowed the Pilots of VV Cape-Fear^ are too fmall : II. W E therefore pray that it ftlay be Enafted, And he it Enact ed, hy his Ex" cellency Gabriel Johnfton, Efq; Governor, by and with the Advtce and Confent of his Majejifs Council, and the General Affembly of this Province, and by the Au- thority of the fame. That from and after the pafiing of this Aft, it fhall and may be lawful for the Pilots at Cape Feary to take, for piloting every Veffcl over the Bar up to Brunfwick, thfe Rates, in Proclamation Money, according to the fol- lowing Table ; any Thing in the before- recited Aft to the contrary, notwith- ftanding, viz. p ?o 3 Fees FOR every Veflel drawing Six Feet of Water, or Itfs, Twelvis Shillings and Nine Pence. F OR every Veflel drawing SeVen Feet of Water, Seventeen Shillings and Six Pence. FOR every Vefiel drawing Eight Feet of Water, Twenty Two Shillings and Six Pence. FOR every Vefiel drawing Nine Feet of Water, Twenty Seven Shilling* and Six Pence. FOR every Veflel drawing Ten Feet of Water, Thirty Shillings. FOR every Veflel drawing Eleven Feet of Water, Thirty Five Shillings. FOR every Veflel drawing Twelve Feet of Water, Forty Shillings. FOR every Veflel drawing Twelve Feet and an half of Water, Forty Five Shillings. F O R eVery Vefiel drawing Thirteerr Feet of Water, Fifty Shillings. FOR every Vifeel drawing Thirteeft Feet and an half of Water, Fifty Five Shillings. FOR every Veflel drav/ing Fourteen Feet of Water, Tbfee Pounds. FOR every Veflel drawing Fourteen Feet and an half of Water, Three Pounds Five Shillings. FOR every Veflel drawing Fifteen Feet of Water, Three Pounds Ten Shillings. FOR every Veflel drawing Sixteen Feet of Water, Four Pounds Ten Shillings. FOR every Veflfel drawing Seventeen Feet of Water, Five Pounds Five Shillings. A N D for piloting a Vefiel from Brunfwick up to the Great-Jflani, one Third Part of the above Rates, according to the Draught of Water of fuch VeflTel re- fpeftively -, and from the faid Great-lfland, over the Flats up to Wilmington, oiie other Third Part of the iliid Rates as aforefaid ; and for piloting each Vefiel out- ward bound, the like Rates fliall and may be taken, for the like Diftances and Draughts of Water refpectively, as are herein before afcertained for Veflfels in- ward-bound. i'.rjityfor t.k. ^^^' A N B be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That no Pilot ins grciur Fee!, fliall prefumc to take greater Fees than the aforefiid, under the Penalty mentioned in the before-recited Act ; to be recovered and applied as is therein directed. IV. AND whereas, in the before- recited Act, it was Enacted, That if any Veflel fliould come over the Bar before a Pilot gets on board the fame, fuch Vcfla I'UWaL.'lil "W-U,.! L A JV S of North-Carolina, 367 .Veffel fhall noc be liable to pa"y above one half Pilotage^ which is found to be ■^- ^- '752- n, IVllliam Bollrng, John Gra;,. , Jchn Pitman, zn^Jofeph late, be, and they areh.reby appointed Vcilrymen of the faid Parifti of St. Matthew, until the General Eledlion of Vcitrymen, according to Law ; and that the faid Veftrymen fhall be fuinmoned> by the Sheriff of the faid Coun- ty» to meet at fuch Time and Place^ as the Majority of the faid Veitrymen ihall appoint i and fhall be qualified as a Veflry, and proceed to Ji'arifh i-ulintfs. VII. AN T> be it further Enacted, That all County and Parifn Taxes, al- ready laid on any of the Inhabitants of the fcVc-r.il Counties of Granville, Johnfton, and Bladen, (hall be collcfted by the refpeftive Sherifs of the faid Counties of Granville, Johnjion, and Bladen, and accounted for in the fame Manner as tiio* this A(5t had not been made. VIII. A N D to the Erid, that no Aftion commenced in Granville, Johnflon\ and Bladen Counties, be defeated, by the Divifion aforefaid -, Be it Enacnd, by the Authority aforefaid. That where any Aftion is already commenced in any of the faid Counties of Granville, Johnjion, and Bladen, and the Parties or Evi- dences fhall be the Inhabitants of Orange County, all fubfc quent Procefs 3a;ainft fuch Parties or Evidences, fhall be direfted to be executed by the Sherifs of Gran- ville, Johnjion, and Bladen Counties, to the End and final Deterniin:-.tion of the^ faid Caufes ; any Law, Ufage, or Cuflom, to the contrary, notwithflanding. IX. A N T> be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid, Thit the faid County of Orange be, and is hereby obliged to fend Jurors to the General Court, ziNewbern; and the Sheriff of the faid County fhall account with the Treafurer of the SouthernV>'AnQ: of this Province, ztNewbern, at th.- Umt Time, and in the fame Manner, as other Sherifs of Counties in the Southern Diflrict a- forefaid are obliged to account. X. A ND be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforefaid. That Mr. James Pain, Mr. miliam Pugh, and Mr. James IVatfon, be appointed CommifTioners, an4 are hereby impowered and direfted, to run a dividing Line between the Counties of Granville, Johnjion, Bladen, and Orange, agreeable to the Direftions in this Ad before-mentioned. • CHAP. L A W S of No rth-Carolina. ^69 CHAP. yii. , ' — ^^-^ An ABy for appointing and laying cut a Tcwn at a Place called Black- man'i' Landing, en the Well Side of Cafia River, on a Plantation tie- longing to Joleph Wimberly. j-^-^T-f^EREAS many of the Inhabitants of "Bertie County, have peti- ^"^*'*' YY tioned for an A,^ — $^ T^ ^( AN ALPHABETICAL T A B L OF THE TITLES of the fcveral ACTS, E Page. C T S of AflTembly confir- med, as revifed by the Commrflioners, 308 . . Actions Limitation of, 7 Adminiftration, Lctttrs ot, how, and to whom granted, 27, 58 Agent appointed, 278, 341 Aid to his Majefty granted, and the Method of paying Taxes, 119 Anfon County erected, 319 Appeals and Writs of Error, 6 Aflembly, General, Members of, their Expcnces defrayed, and their Atten- dance compelled, 272 Attorney-General's Salary increafcd, 330 Attorney's Fees taxed, 180 B. Barrels, Gauge of, afcertain'd, 23 Baih-Town appointed, 31, Common confirm'd, -^6, Inhiicitants exemp- ted from working on Ciie Roads, 1 1 7 Town to be fenced, i^c. 208 Bi^r^ufori Town incorporated, 62 Beaufort County, Jufcices of, impow- ercd to build Wareiioufcs, 182 Bertie Precinct credcd, 40 i)V7-//> Court- houft- erected, ^c. iS^v Bills of Exchange , Damage upon them when protclled, Bladen Precinft appointed, Book-Debts, how prov'd. Boats' ^c. not to be taken away, Brunfo)ick. lown^ incouraged. Church to be built in it. Burials; private, prohibited, C. Cattle and Hogs, .ftealing of them pre- venicd, I'i^c^. Not to be driven on other Peopl^.'S Lands, • 24 Chur-ches eft.iblifhed, Parilhes appoin- ted, and VeHrieseleded, 156 Coroners appointed, 2 Cor.ftabies p.ppointed, i^i Court-hoiif. s, 6'f. eredtcd, 150 Courts and Court houfes fettled, 51 Courts of Juftice, and Circuit Courts, elhblifhed,. 224, 304, 324 Conveyiinccs of Lands, Goods and Chatties, how to be made, 19 •Crdt^