! REFERENCE MATERIALS FOR # SCHOOL LIBRA .RIES I i -*-. 1 ' '' -v ; 1 fi^?^f ■ 1 i y ■■ 1 f : *v ..^K^^ y>? ' ' ' J^ %T % ■^ \ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA Supplement To REFERENCE MATERIALS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES GRADES 1 THROUGH 12 Supplement To REFERENCE MATERIALS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES NO. 321 PUBLICATION NO. 321 GRADES 1 THROUGH 12 N. C. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 1963 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Ensuring Democracy through Digital Access (NC-LSTA) http://www.archive.org/details/supplementtorefe1963nort L^ t A 8 FOREWORD This publication, prepared as a supplement to REFERENCE MATERIALS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES, 1959, Publication No. 321, is designed to serve as a guide in selecting and using refer- ence materials in North Carolina, schools, grades 1-12. The supplement was prepared under the direction of the School Library Services Section, Division of Instructional Services, State Department of Public Instruction. Special appreciation is ex- pressed to Miss Celeste Hubbard and Mrs. Inez Ray who compiled the information for the bulletin. State Superintendent of Public Instruction March 1963 CONTENTS Chapter Page Foreword 3 I. Reference Materials in the School Library 5 II. Classified List of Reference Materials 10 III. North Carolina Materials 48 IV. Books in Series 51 Guide to Publishers 53 Index 56 CHAPTER I. REFERENCE MATERIALS IN THE SCHOOL LIBRARY Education in a democratic society must help boys and girls develop skills and habits of using all available information for scientific problem-solving. This involves a sequence of research skills: defining the problem; collecting, organizing, and inter- preting information bearing on the problem; selecting and test- ing hypotheses; and formulating conclusions. Boys and girls must be taught these skills. Information is available from many varied sources, including books, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, films, filmstrips, re- cordings, radio, and television. Effective teaching requires the use of all types of informational resources to meet the needs of the curriculum and of individual students. This list of reference materials for school libraries describes titles covering a variety of subject areas and levels. Nature of Reference Materials A reference book is any book which is consulted primarily for specific information. In many cases, encyclopedias and sets of books serve largely as a starting point in locating needed in- formation, much of which is available from individual books and non-book materials. In this publication, many types of printed materials found helpful for reference purposes have been in- cluded, together with guides for the selection of nonprint ma- terials. Selecting Reference Materials Great care must be given to the selection of reference books in order to provide reliable information. Reference books for school libraries should be examined carefully in terms of the following criteria: • Is the content accurate? • Is the publication up-to-date in content and scope? • Is the treatment fair and unbiased ? • Is the material organized clearly and logically for ready location ? • Is the style appropriate to the level of the intended reader? 6 Reference Materials for School Libraries Every effort has been made, in compiling this listing of refer*- ence materials for school libraries, to select titles which satisfy these criteria. Building the Reference Collection In selecting books for the school library reference collection, attention must be given not only to the individual merit of each reference book but also to the value of the book as a part of the total reference collection. Each book must be evaluated on the basis of its usefulness to this collection. Factors which need to be considered in building a balanced reference collection are : • Materials which the library already has. (Variety is pref- erable, in general, to duplication of titles.) • Subject areas in which information is needed most. • Levels at which materials are needed most in terms of stu- dents' interests and abilities. No single list will meet the varying reference needs of indi- vidual schools. Each school must determine the materials most appropriate to its curriculum and student body. This publica- tion provides a rather extensive list of titles covering varied subjects and levels from which the individual school may select titles which satisfy its reference needs. Organizing the Reference Collection Reference materials should be organized so that they are read- ily accessible to individuals and class groups at the time of need. For this purpose, many libraries designate materials used pri- marily for reference purposes by using the symbol "R" preceding the classification number of the book. For example, the book, WORLD ALMANAC AND BOOK OF FACTS, would be classi- fied as follows: R 317.3 W Most libraries shelve together all books belonging to the refer- ence collection. Other titles, used primarily for general reading and shelved in the general book collection, may also have refer- ence value. All library materials are potential resources for reference needs. Typically, books within the reference collection are used with- in the library except for loans to classrooms for a portion of the school day. When a library owns more than one edition of an en- Reference Materials for School Libraries 7 cyclopedia, the volumes of the earlier edition may be made avail- able for general circulation. Many titles which have reference value are equally useful for independent reading to satisfy the student's curricular and personal needs. In such cases, one copy may be placed in the reference collection, with as many copies as needed placed in the general book collection for circulation to individual students and teachers. Books of etiquette and field guides to nature study are examples of such materials. Since reference materials are designated primarily for use within the library, it is imperative that all students have access- to the library, coming from classrooms individually, in small groups, or as a class, as reference needs arise. Teaching Research and Study Skills Modern textbooks lead students and teachers to the school library for reference and research. No single book will suffice in providing needed information. Books, encyclopedias, maga- zines, and other materials must be consulted. "To become effi- cient and intelligent users of these materials, children must acquire certain knowledge and develop basic library skills . . . These skills and this knowledge, when acquired by children and young people, will give them a feeling of security and adequacy as they use their school and public libraries and later, the refer- ence departments of college and university libraries."* The types of skills needed for effective use of reference mate- rials may be summarized as follows in terms of the problem- solving approach. Skills in fact-finding • Understanding the arrangement of library books • Using the card catologue, printed indexes, and other library books • Locating specific information through use of index, guide words, subheadings, etc. • Skimming text to locate pertinent material Skills in interpretation • Understanding essential meanings of printed passages • Interpreting information presented in maps, charts, graphs, and other special forms *Ahlers, Eleanor E., "Developing Library Skills — Whose Responsibility?" School Activities and the Library, Chicago, American Library Association, 1958. 8 Reference Materials for School Libraries • Expressing information thus obtained in the user's own words • Taking notes and documenting information Skills in evaluation • Checking authenticity of source: copyright date, author's qualifications and point of view, etc. • Comparing information from one source with user's pre- vious knowledge and with other reference sources • Identifying topics needing further investigation • Preparing bibliographies Skills in synthesis of information • Relating items of information gathered from many sources • Grouping information into logical sequences • Weighing all available information in order to draw con- clusions • Presenting findings clearly and logically The aim of all library instruction is to help students to become effective life-time users of books and libraries. The develop- ment of library and study skills is a gradual process. Planned, continuous instruction is needed by all students in grades one through twelve. All members of the school faculty should plan together for a coordinated program of instruction, identifying the skills needed and the levels or subject areas in which they should be introduced. Lessons in the use of books and libraries should be given at the time of need. As in all good teaching, instruction should be adapted to the needs and abilities of the individual student. Opportunities for continuing, purposeful application of skills should be provided in order that effective habits may be develop- ed. These principles may be illustrated as follows : Skills basic to the use of the encyclopedias are introduced in the State- adopted basal textbooks for language arts by the sixth grade level. A typical sixth grade class, however, will include students with varying levels of ability and achievement. Some students will have mastered the basic skills for using encyclopedias; others may now be ready for instruction. Different levels of instruction will be needed by these students. Lessons on encyclopedia skills should be taught at the time when students have a need for information from encyclo- pedias and have opportunity to apply the skills by using encyclo- pedias. Continued opportunities to apply these skills should be pro- vided in order that effective habits may be developed. ) ^ ■ > LO e> * z 1 u r 3 I Q 1 O ce. J r- 1 5 Z a: L O > u_ UJ r U J z ULI D a LU I UI LU Z> Reference Materials fob School Libraries CM cm cj CI CJ cm N cl i :i "* rt ~ ' ,_, ,_, ,_, rt ^ 1-1 ,_, rH ^ 1-1 ^ ^ »H 1-1 •^ '"" , •** H IH a z < e o O O i — xf U LU C<3 O a a: Cj C5 OS OC oc 00 oc cc OO OC ^Z 111"" eca t- t_ l- t- L -, t . * _|UJ s/ UJ 50 sc cr to o COCC Lr »-: UJ Ifl ■^ - « £ CO CO s =a a ■H o3 = oj S Em £ 3 S "3 2 =*> c o ■£s a o ft 1 *- 1 >> s s ■a it o -g ■3 Bi B« ce - o 2 ■a j5 ~ CJ « lie book Periodical onarles nary c 5, ex P-> ex o o 2 ^ & I ca w a — Dowpy decimal classification Card catalog (introduction) Dictionary (abridged) Encyclopedias (introduction) Maps and globes Index and table of contents Taking notes and outlining (s Making a bibliography (simj P. K oS Be c?5 « c 2 ^ 1 §S CO -1 -I 5 co 111 X I- CO 09 C3 +J CJ ex— £ K U * JB e =X a 5£ oj i^, — OJ - flfl > «3 3 ~ J3 -; 5 » a Snecial pnrts of t Readers' Guide to Biographical dlcti Unabridged dlctio ?5 w oj £2 2 •3 2 M co S s t- O og « Dc -> S Si =1 a c BBIJISfc c 93 2 S u Aliases Unabridged dlctio Poetry indexes Information file ( Kncvclomdias Card catalog (immunity librari Parts of the book Alphabetical ordei Magazines for thi: Arrangement of b' cj O oj _. — g> oj k ja 3«o" ex bxx: S c- c « ^c Ssus cj ceJSS CflQ CJ n^ o _ OC t . cc US «M cc >-* JO x JK TJ ■a V ■§ — ■S CJ oj 0J 0v s 03 ca 03 ca u u CO — - ,:5 o O - o o - - O CHAPTER II. CLASSIFIED LIST OF REFERENCE MATERIALS Content. Materials listed in this publication include diction- aries, encyclopedias, yearbooks, directories, handbooks, indexes, bibliographies, textbooks, manuals, atlases, and many individual volumes on varied subjects. All titles included were in print at the date of publication, and the latest available price is given. Arrangement. Entries are arranged by subjects according to the Dewey Decimal classification system. Within each subject area, titles on varying levels of difficulty have been included in order to meet the needs of boys and girls in grades one through twelve. Nonbook materials. Nonbook materials, in general, have not been included in this listing. However, guides to the evaluation and selection of paperbound books, pamphlets, magazines, films, filmstrips, and recordings are included and described. North Carolina materials. Books about North Carolina have been grouped together in Chapter III. Selected sources of non- book materials about North Carolina are also described in this chapter. Series. A selected list of publishers' series of books appropri- ate in content and organization for supplementary reference use is given in Chapter IV. Key to Sources of Quoted Annotations: B— BOOKLIST AND SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS BULLETIN C— CHILDREN'S CATALOG E— BASIC BOOK COLLECTION FOR ELEMENTARY GRADES H— BASIC BOOK COLLECTION FOR HIGH SCHOOLS J— BASIC BOOK COLLECTION FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS S— STANDARD CATALOG FOR HIGH SCHOOL LIBRA- RIES W— WILSON LIBRARY BULLETIN Key to Abbreviations Used in Entries: comp. — compiler p. — page ed. — editor; edited rev. — revised enl. — enlarged v. — volume illus. — illustrator ; illustrated Reference Materials for School Libraries 11 000 GENERAL. WORKS 016 BASIC BOOK COLLECTION FOR ELEMENTARY e GRADES. Compiled by a Subcommittee of the A.L.A. Editorial Committee. 7th ed. A.L.A., 1960. 144 p. $2.00 (Paper) 016 BASIC BOOK COLLECTION FOR JUNIOR HIGH e-j SCHOOLS. Compiled by a Subcommittee of the A.L.A. Editorial Committee. 3rd ed. A.L.A., 1960. 144 p. $2.00 (Paper) . 016 CHILDREN'S CATALOG ; A Classified Catalog of 3,310 e-j Children's Books 10th ed. Wilson, 1961. $12.00. "An indispensable aid for elementary and junior high school li- braries in selecting, classifying and cataloging children's books. Kept up-to-date by annual cumulative supplements." W. 016 Spache, George D. GOOD READING FOR POOR e READERS. Garrard, 1958. 168 p. $1.50 (Paper) "Goes beyond a recommended list of good books in an effort to point out in detail the many factors which influence children's reactions to books." W. 016 National Council of Teachers of English. ADVENTUR- e ING WITH BOOKS ; A Reading List for the Elementary Grades. N.C.T.E., 1960. 189 p. $.75 (Paper) 016 National Council of Teachers of English. GOOD READ- s ING. Prepared by the Committee on College Reading. Bowker, 1960. 287 p. $4.00; $.75 (Paper). 016 PAPERBOUND BOOKS IN PRINT: An Index to 16, e-j-s 600 Inexpensive Reprints and Originals, With Selective Subject Guide. Bowker. Quarterly. $8.00 per year or $3.00 per copy. (Paper) . Although not all the books are appropriate for schools, this is an excellent aid in the selection of inexpensive copies of need- ed books. 016 Roos, Jean Carolyn. PATTERNS IN READING; AN j-s ANNOTATED BOOK LIST FOR YOUNG ADULTS. 2nd. ed. A.L.A., 1961. 172 p. $2,25 (Paper). Around 1,600 titles are arranged in order of increasing diffi- culty within interest groupings. 12 Reference Materials fob School Libraries 016 STANDARD CATALOG FOR HIGH SCHOOL LI- j-s BRARIES; a selected catalog of 4,212 books. . . . 8th ed. Wilson, 1962. 1055 p. $15.00. An indispensable aid for junior and senior high school libraries in selecting, classifying and cataloging young adult books. Kept up-to-date by annual cumulative supplements. 016.8 Logasa, Hannah, comp. HISTORICAL FICTION: j-s GUIDE FOR JUNIOR AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, ALSO FOR GENERAL READER. 7th revised and enl. ed. McKinley, 1960. 316 p. $6.50 ; with HISTORICAL NON-FICTION, 2 v. $12.00. A briefly annotated list arranged under broad classifications showing time and place. 016.9 GUIDE TO THE STUDY OF THE UNITED STATES e-j-s OF AMERICA: REPRESENTATIVE BOOKS RE- FLECTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF AMERICAN LIFE AND THOUGHT. U. S. Gov't. Ptg. Off., 1960. 1193 p. $7.00 "An impressive array of 64 87 representative books reflecting the development of American life and thought." 016.9 Logasa, Hannah, comp. HISTORICAL NON-FICTION. e-j-s 7th rev. and enl. ed. McKinley, 1960. 288 p. $6.50. With HISTORICAL FICTION, 2 v., $12.00 Selected for readers ranging from upper elementary school to college and adult levels. 020.2 Gates, Jean Key. GUIDE TO THE USE OF BOOKS s AND LIBRARIES. McGraw, 1962. 203 p. $3.25 ; Paper, $2.25. College guide with possibilities for use in high schools. 021.7 Coplon, Kate. POSTER IDEAS AND BULLETIN e-j-s BOARD TECHNIQUES: FOR LIBRARIES AND SCHOOLS. Oceana, 1962. 183 p. $8.50. A treasure chest of ideas and basic principals for displays and bulletin boards. Profusely illustrated. 025.3 Sears, Minnie Earl. SEARS LIST OF SUBJECT HEAD. e-j-s INGS. 8th ed. by Bertha M. Frick. Wilson, 1959. $5.00. These subject headings are abridged and simplified from those used by the Library of Congress. Dewey classification numbers from the 8th abridged edition are given for each heading. 025.4 Dewey, Melvil. DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION e-j-s & RELATIVE INDEX. Abridged 8th ed. Forest, 1959. 495 p. $8.00. Reference Materials for School Libraries 13 The numbers in this abridged edition correspond with those used in the latest editions of CHILDREN'S CATALOG and STAND- ARD CATALOG FOR HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARIES and those on The Wilson printed catalog cards. 027.8 Rossoff , Martin. LIBRARY IN HIGH SCHOOL TEACH- s ING. 2nd ed. Wilson, 1961. 116 p. $3.00. Shows what the school library offers as a resource in teaching", how instruction can be planned and conducted, and what the materials of enrichment are. 027.8 Wofford, Azile. SCHOOL LIBRARY AT WORK. Wil- e-j-s son, 1959. 256 p. $3.50. Brings together "much practical information on acquisition, preparation, circulation and use of school library material." W. 028.5 Arbuthnot, May Hill. CHILDREN AND BOOKS. Scott, e-j 1957. 626 p. $6.50. Historical background and evaluation of children's books, with suggestions for reading guidance. 028.5 Eakin, Mary K., comp. GOOD BOOKS FOR CHILDREN, e U. of Chicago, 1959. 274 p. $5.95. Selected list of titles from 1948 to 1957. Annotations give age and grade level. 028.5 Hanna, Geneva R. and McAllister, Mariana K. BOOKS, s YOUNG PEOPLE AND READING GUIDANCE. Harp- er, 1960. 219 p. $3.50. Shows how young people may be led to discover books for them- selves. List of titles recommended. 028.5 Huck, Charlotte S. and Young, Doris A. CHILDREN'S e LITERATURE IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. 522 p. $6.75. Survey which shows what books are available, how to evaluate them, and how to use them in the classroom. Intended for teachers, but also useful to librarians and parents. 028.5 Larrick, Nancy. PARENT'S GUIDE TO CHILDREN'S e READING. Doubleday, 1958. 283 p. $2.95; 35f (Paper) Can be used to help parents understand the role of the home in children's reading. 028.5 Larrick, Nancy. TEACHER'S GUIDE TO CHILDREN'S e BOOKS. Merrill, C. E., 1960. 316 p. $4.95. Help for the teacher in developing the child's ability to derive pleasure and benefit from reading. Reading lists. 14 Reference Matebials for School Libraries 028.52 Eakin, Mary K. and Merritt, Eleanor, comps. SUBJECT e INDEX TO BOOKS FOR PRIMARY GRADES. 2nd ed. A.L.A., 1961. 167 p. $4.50. Guide to classroom materials for the use of teachers and li- brarians. 028.7 Mott, Carolyn and Baisden, Leo B. CHILDREN'S BOOK e ON HOW TO USE BOOKS AND LIBRARIES. Rev. ed. Scribner, 1961. 207 p. $2.92. Simple guide for elementary pupils on skills for using books and library tools. 031 BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE: CHILDREN'S ENCYCLO- e-j PEDIA. Grolier, 1959. 20. v. A topically arranged supplementary reference encyclopedia for children. 031 BRITANNICA JUNIOR; The Boys' and Girls' Ency- e-j clopedia. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. 15 v. One of the standard encyclopedias for elementary and junior high school use. 031 COLLIER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. Collier. 20 v. j-S One of the standard encyclopedias for junior high and senior high school use. 031 COLUMBIA ENCYCLOPEDIA. 2nd ed. 5 v. Parents, s 1958. Replaces COLUMBIA ENCYCLOPEDIA; with supplement of Illustrations and a Record of Events, 1950-56. "Recommended to those libraries and schools desiring to take advantage of the multiple use afforded by the five-colume edition." B. 031 COLUMBIA- VIKING DESK ENCYCLOPEDIA. Comp. j-s and ed. at Columbia University by the staff of The Co- lumbia Encyclopedia. 2nd ed. Viking, 1960. 1134 p. $8.95 ; Thumb-indexed, $9.95. Based on the second edition of The Columbia Encyclopedia and the 1957 revision. Recommended for libraries which do not have these and for those needing a supplementary ready-refer- ence tool. 031 COMPTON'S PICTURED ENCYCLOPEDIA. Comp- e-j-s ton. 15 v. One of the standard encyclopedias for elementary, junior high, and senior high school use. 032 ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA. Encyclopaedia Bri- s tannica. 24 v. One of the standard encyclopedias for high school use. Reference Materials for School Libraries 15 031 ENCYCLOPEDIA AMERICANA. Americana. 30 v. j-S One of the standard encyclopedias for junior high and senior high school use. 031 GOLDEN BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA— 16 Vol. bound in e 8. Golden Press, 1959. "A completely new set intended for the middle grades, not to be compared with or substituted for the standard encyclopedias for children." 031 LINCOLN LIBRARY OF ESSENTIAL INFORMA- e-j-s TION. 25th ed. Frontier Pr., 1961. 2192 p., 1 v. $34.50 ; Sturdite, $28.50; 2 v., $39.50; Sturdite, $32.50. Presents a basic introduction to general knowledge. 031 McWhiter, Norris D. GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD e-j RECORDS. Sterling, 1962. $1.50 net. An encyclopedia covering the natural world, animal kingdom, outer space, science, mechanics, business, sports and other fields. A new edition illustrated with photographs. 031 NEW WONDER WORLD ENCYCLOPEDIA. Ed by e-j George D. Stoddard and Christine Parker. Parents, 1959. 10 v. "Useful, readable, and attractively illustrated. Recommended as a browsing set for late-elementary and middle-high school years." B. 031 OUR WONDERFUL WORLD: AN ENCYCLOPEDIC e-j-s ANTHOLOGY FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. Ed. by Herbert S. Zim. Spencer, 1955-1957. 18 v. Anthology of excerpts from many sources on a variety of in- terests, arranged by themes with index in last volume. 031 WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA. Field Enterprises, e-j-s 19 v. One of the standard encyclopedias for elementary, junior high, and senior high school use. 031.5 Creative Educational Society. COMMUNITY OF LIV- j-s ING THINGS. Creative Age Press. 15 v. $32.50. General reading that provides a good overview of natural his- tory and ecology for young people. 050 ABRIDGED READERS' GUIDE TO PERIODICAL j-s LITERATURE. Wilson, Service basis. An author and subject index to articles in approximately 35 magazines. Monthly (except June-August) with frequent cumu- lations. Large senior high schools may need the fuller READ- ERS' GUIDE TO PERIODICAL LITERATURE, which indexes about 128 magazines and is issued semi-monthly with frequent cumulations. 16 Reference Materials for School Libraries 100 PSYCHOLOGY 131 Roth, Arthur. TEEN-AGE YEARS. Doubleday, 1960. j-s 288 p. $3.95. The special changes, illnesses and problems of growing up. 200 RELIGION 209.73 Spence, Hartzell, STORY OF AMERICA'S RELIGIONS. s Pub. in co-operation with the eds. of Look magazine. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960. 258 p. $4.00. Reprint of articles on 14 religious groups from Look magazine. 220.9 Terrien, Samuel. GOLDEN BIBLE ATLAS. Golden e-j-s Press, 1959. 97 p. $3.95. (First published by Simon and Schuster with title: Lands of the Bible.) An excellent atlas and picture history with simple text. 290 Life (Periodical) WORLD'S GREAT RELIGIONS. Gold- e-j-s en Press, 1958. 192 p. $4.95. (Special edition for young readers. First Published by Simon and Schuster.) Condensed from the adult book of the same title. History, beliefs and rituals of the six major religions given. Lavishly illustrated. 293 Gayley, Charles Mills. CLASSIC MYTHS IN ENGLISH j-s LITERATURE AND IN ART, New ed. rev. and enl. Ginn, 1939. 597 p. $6.50. Useful for an appreciation of allusions to Greek, Roman and Norse myths and hero stories, and of representations in art. 291 LAROUSSE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MYTHOLOGY. s Prometheus, (Dist. by Putnam), 1959. 500 p. $15.00. Beautifully illustrated and interestingly written articles on mythologies from all over the world. 292 White, Anne Terry. GOLDEN TREASURY OF MYTHS e-j-s AND LEGENDS. Golden Press, 1959. 164 p. $4.95. Beautifully illustrated. Adapted from the world's great classics. 300 SOCIAL SCIENCES 318 SOUTH AMERICAN HANDBOOK. Wilson. Annual. j-s $3.00. "A year book and guide to the countries and resources of South and Central America, Mexico and Cuba." Subtitle. 321.8 Gordon, Dorothy. YOU AND DEMOCRACY. Dutton, e-j 1951. 59 p. $2.75. Simple text and many pictures make up this small concise book that tells what democracy is and what privileges the people en- joy. 321.8 Ketchum, Richard M. WHAT IS DEMOCRACY? Dut- j-s ton, 1955. 191 p. $3.95. A picture survey of world democracy. Reference Materials for School Libraries 17 323.4 Downs, Robert B., ed. FIRST FREEDOM. A.L.A., s 1960. 469 p. $8.50. Compilation of "the most notable writings of American and British authors in the field of book censorship and intellectual freedom." W. 325.2 Woodson, Carter Godwin. NEGRO IN ONR HISTORY. s 10th ed. Assoc. Publishers, 1959. 691 p. $6.50. "A comprehensive textbook for high schools and colleges giving the leading facts of Negro achievements and the influence of the race on the world." S. 326 Commager, Henry Steele. GREAT PROCLAMATION, j-s A BOOK FOR YOUNG AMERICANS. Bobbs, 1960. 112 p. $2.95. As in The Great Declaration, history is made to live through the skillful use of quotations from contemporary sources. Old prints and documents have been reproduced. 327.73 Drummond, Roscoe and Coblentz, Gaston. DUEL AT s THE BRINK. Doubleday, 1960. 240 p. $4.50. Objective analysis suggested for reading and reference in modern history classes. 328.73 Galloway, George Barnes. HISTORY OF THE HOUSE s OF REPRESENTATIVES. Crowell, 1962. 334 p. $7.50. Authoratative study of the function of the House in American Government. 328.73 United States. Congress. OFFICIAL CONGRESSION- j-s AL DIRECTORY. U. S. Gov't. Ptg. Off. $2.25. Published once during each Congress. Contains biographical sketches of current members of Congress, lists members of Con- gressional committies, officers of the Federal government, etc. 330.3 Sloan, Harold S. and Zurcher, Arnold John. DICTION- s ARY OF ECONOMICS. 4th ed. Barnes & Noble, 1961. 356 p. $3.75; $1.95 (Paper). Concise definitions of terms. 331.88 Lens, Sidney. WORKING MEN: THE STORY OF j LABOR. Putnam, 1961. 191 p. $2.95. An up-to-date, useful book in an area where little material is available. 332 ENCYCLOPEDIC DICTIONARY OF BUSINESS FI- s NANCE. Prentice-Hall, 1960. 658 p. Sturdite, $19.50. "Achieves its purpose of explaining, defining, analyzing, and il- lustrating the fields of business finance." B. 335.4 Caldwell, John Cope. COMMUNISM IN OUR WORLD ;' j-s with a foreword by Harry D. Gideonse. Day, 1956. 126 p. illus. maps. $2.75. A brief outline of communist theory and practice. 18 Reference Materials for School Libraries 335.4 THE COMMUNIST BLUEPRINT FOR THE FUTURE ; s THE COMPLETE TEXTS OF ALL FOUR COMMUNIST MANIFESTOES, 1848-1961. Dutton, 1962. 240 p. $3.95 ; $1.75 (Paper). May be useful in study of Communism. 335.4 Cronyn, George William. PRIMER ON COMMUNISM, j-s Dutton, 1960. 190 p. $2.95 ; $1.50 (Paper) . 200 questions and answers concerning nature of communism, system of government, labor, ownership of land and property, courts and justice, religion, education, production of food and goods, family life, trade, and ways to combat communism. Index. 335.4 Hartshorn, M. F. SELECTED ANNOTATED BIBLIO- s GRAPHY TO ASSIST TEACHERS IN TEACHING ABOUT COMMUNISM. N. C. S. S., 1961. 8p. 25<- (Paper) Brief. Prepared for teachers. 12 of 32 titles are suitable for use by students in the senior high and possibly by some junior high school students. 335.4 Hoover, J. Edgar. MASTERS OF DECEIT : THE STORY s OF COMMUNISM IN AMERICA AND HOW TO FIGHT IT. Holt, 1958. 374 p. $5.00 ; Pocket Book $.50'. Everyday facts of Communism which will be of maximum help to Americans in recognizing and fighting the enemy in our midst. 335.4 Ketchum, Richard M., ed. WHAT IS COMMUNISM? j-s Dutton, 1962. 191 p. $4.75. Discusses principles of communism, its history and practice in Russia, its expansion, the "iron curtain", its victims and ene- mies. Questions and answers cover goals and failures. No index but full table of contents. 341.13 Epstein, Edna. FIRST BOOK OF THE UNITED NA- e-j TIONS. Watts, 1959. 89 p. $1.95. The author explains the structure and functions of the U. N. from its inception in 1945 to present day. 353.9 MacDonald, Austin Faulks. AMERICAN STATE GOV- j-s ERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION. 6th ed., Cro- well, 1960. 672 p. $7.00. A comprehensive study of the place of state governments in the federal union, with emphasis on administrative functions. Valu- able for reference use. 367 Bailard, Virginia. SO YOU WERE ELECTED! 2nd ed. j-s McGraw, 1960. 264 p. $4.75. Written primarily for school clubs; gives a summary of par- liamentary law which is easier to understand than the adult titles that are in most young people's collections. 369.4 Girl Scouts, Inc. BROWNIE SCOUT HANDBOOK. Girl e Scouts, Inc., freq. rev. $.50 (Paper). Reference Materials for School Libraries 19 Contains general information for the Brownies; who they are, why the name, how to become one, and activities for meetings as well as activities to do at home. 370.78 Rufsvold, Margaret I. and Guss, Carolyn. GUIDES TO e-j-s NEWER EDUCATION MEDIA. A.L.A., 1961. 74 p. $1.50 (Paper). Guide to the publications and organizations concerned with films, filmstrips, phonorecords, radio, slides, and television. 371.2 Bowles, Frank H. HOW TO GET INTO COLLEGE. Rev. s ed. Dutton, 1960. 185 p. $2.95. 1960 edition has been revised and expanded especially in sections on tests and testing and finances. 371.3 Landers, Bertha, ed. FOREIGN LANGUAGE AUDIO- s VISUAL GUIDE. Landers, 1961. 172 p. $9.50. "A valuable source for the language laboratory." W. 371.3 Russell, David H. and Russell, Elizabeth F. LISTENING e AIDS THROUGH THE GRADES. Bur. Pub., Teachers College, 1959. 112 p. $1.50 (Paper). Describes activities which can be adapted by the teacher to pupil needs at different levels. 371.42 The Advancement and Placement Institute. SUMMER j-s OPPORTUNITIES FOR TEENAGERS. A.P.I., 1962. 70 p. $3.00. 371.42 Cohen, Nathan M., comp. VOCATIONAL TRAINING s DIRECTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 3rd ed. Potomac Press, 1958. 228 p. $2.95. Inexpensive guide to over 7,000 private and public schools. 371.42 United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics. OCCUPA- j-s TIONAL OUTLOOK HANDBOOK, 1961. Bulletin No. 1300., U. S. Gov't. Ptg. Off., 1961. $4.50. 1961 edition has been expanded to include occupations not covered in earlier ones. 371.7 American Association for Health, Physical Education, j-s and Recreation. PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS; A Book of Sports, Athletics, and Recreational Activities for Teen-Age Boys and Girls. The Association, 1960. 404 p. $3.00. Revised edition of textbook covering rules, skills, history, safety, sportsmanship, and equipment for 20 sports. 371.7 Smith, Hope M. and Aifton, Marguerite A. PHYSICAL s EDUCATION: EXPLORING YOUR FUTURE. Pren- tice-Hall, 1962. 229 p. $4.75. Overview of the field and information on the profession in- tended for vocational guidance. 20 Reference Materials for School Libraries 378.73 AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES. 8th ed, s Ed. by Mary Irwin. Am. Council on Education, 1960. 1201 p. $13.00. Directory of U. S. Colleges and Universities giving varied and useful information about each. 378.73 Eskow, Seymour. BARRON'S GUIDE TO THE TWO s YEAR COLLEGES. Barron's Educational Series, Inc., 1960. 370 p. $2.98 (Paper). $4.95 (Cloth). "Information on support and facilities, programs, enrollment, admission and graduation requirements, costs, financial aid, a calendar and accreditation for 775 institutions." W. 378.73 Fine, Benjamin. FINE'S AMERICAN COLLEGE s COUNSELOR AND GUIDE. Prentice-Hall, 1958-59 ed. $4.95; $2.50 (Paper). Gives advice on selecting a college, gaining admission, scholar- ships and loans, working in school, directory of accredited col- leges and universities. 378.73 Wechsler, Louis K. and others. COLLEGE ENTRANCE s COUNSELOR, WITH DIRECTORIES AND CAREER SCHOLARSHIP GUIDES. Barnes and Noble, 1961. 413 p. $3.50. Includes lists of four-year colleges that offer specialized train- ing and of two-year colleges that offer transfer and terminal programs. 388.1 Schreiber, Herman. MERCHANTS, PILGRIMS, AND s HIGHWAYMEN: A HISTORY OF ROADS THROUGH THE AGES. Putnam, 1962. 236 p. $4.50. In the process of tracing the highways of the world from ancient to modern times, the author recreates the civilizations which built and traveled them. 388.3 Tunis, Edwin. WHEELS. World Pub., 1955. 96 p. e-j $3.95. Emphasizes wagons and carriages rather than automobiles, and omits rail locomotives. Illustrations on every page. May have reference value although there is no index. 391.09 Cunnington, Cecil Willett. DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH s COSTUME (900-1900). Dufour, 1960. 281 p. $8.50. Describes articles of clothing and styles and tells when dress or style was in fashion and on what occasions worn. 394.2 Farjeon, Eleanor. NEW BOOK OF DAYS. Walck, 1961. e-j 400 p. $4.50. Verses and prose selections for every day of the year. 394.2 Krythe, Maymie Richardson. ALL ABOUT AMERI- e-j-s CAN HOLIDAYS. Harper, 1962. 275 p. $4.50. Quick reference source for origin and celebration of significant American holidays. Reference Materials for School Libraries 21 394.2 McSpadden, J. Walker. BOOK OF HOLIDAYS. Cro- e well, 1958. 246 p. $3.00. Emphasis is on American observances, but holidays from rest of the world are included. 394.2 Sechrist, Elizabeth Hough, comp. CHRISTMAS e-j-s EVERYWHERE; A Book of CHRISTMAS CUSTOMS OF MANY LANDS. Rev. and enl. ed. Macrae Smith, 1961. 176 p. $2.95. Describes Christmas customs of different groups and various sections of the United States as well as those of the territories and of foreign countries. 394.2 Sechrist, Elizabeth Hough and Woolsey, Janette. IT'S e-j-s TIME FOR EASTER. Macrae Smith, 1961. $3.75. "Gives a brief history of Easter, explains the origin and mean- ings of Easter symbols, describes Lenten and Easter customs around the world, and includes Easter legends, music, poems, and stories." B. 395 Bevans. Margaret and others. McCALL'S BOOK OF j-s EVERYDAY ETIQUETTE; A GUIDE TO MODERN MANNERS. Golden Press, 1960. 370 p. $5.00. A guide that reflects the complex changes in American living. 395 Lee, Tina. MANNERS TO GROW ON: A HOW-TO-DO e-j BOOK FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Doubleday, 1955. $2.50. Basic good manners for children presented in brief text and clever illustrations. 395 Post, Emily. ETIQUETTE; The Blue Book of Social j-s Usage. 10th ed. Funk, 1960. 671 p. $5.95. "Comprehensive, authoritative guide covering principals of good taste as well as details of etiquette." S. 395 Vanderbilt, Amy. AMY VANDERBILT'S COMPLETE 1-s BOOK OF ETIQUETTE. Doubleday, 1956. 700 p. $5.50 ; Thumb indexed, $6.00. A guide to gracious living. 398 Eastman, Mary Huse. COMPREHENSIVE INDEX TO e-j FAIRY TALES, MYTHS AND LEGENDS, 2nd ed. rev. and enl. Faxon, 1926. 610 p. $7.00. Supplement. Faxon, 1937. 366 p. 7.00. 2nd Supplement. Faxon. 1952. 370 p. $7.50. Included in these indexes are the stories most often needed by teachers. 398 Evans, Patricia Healy. RIMBLES ; A BOOK OF CHIL- e DREN'S CLASSIC GAMES, RHYMES, SONGS, AND SAYINGS. Doubleday, 1961. 157 p. $2.95. Versions and variations collected from American children at play. 22 Reference Materials for School Libraries 398.4 Jacobson, Helen. FIRST BOOK OF MYTHICAL e-j BEASTS. Watts, 1960. 69 p. $1.95. "A brief introduction to some of the strange beasts of myth- ology such as the dragon, unicorn, pheonix, griffin, kappa, chim- era, Nandi bear, monster of Loch Ness, and Abominable Snow- man." B. 400 LINGUISTICS 421 Schwartz, Robert J., comp. COMPLETE DICTIONARY s OF ABBREVIATIONS. Crowell, 1959. 211 p. $4.50. Covers all fields. Small print on a 3-column page. 422.4 Asimov, Isaac. WORDS FROM THE MYTHS. Hough- e-j-s ton, 1961. 225 p. $3.00. Provides " a fresh look at the myths and a better understanding of the words and expressions derived from them." B. 423 Webster, Noah. WEBSTER'S THIRD NEW INTER- e-j-s NATIONAL DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LAN- GUAGE. Unabridged. Merriam, 1961. 2662 p. $47.50 to $59.50, depending on edition. This latest revision of the Merriam-Webster unabridged is a "dictionary of modern English usage, whose large number of new entries will assure its being consulted first for definitions of scientific terms, and such new words as beatnik." W. 423 Wright, Wendell W. RAINBOW DICTIONARY. World e Pub., 1959. 433 p. $4.95. A beginning dictionary in picture book style containing 2,300 words appearing most frequently in 8 word lists for children 5-8. 424 Lewis, Norman, ed. NEW ROGET'S THESAURUS OF j-s THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN DICTIONARY FORM. Putnam, 1961. 552 p. Lib. ed., $4.50; Thumb-indexed, $4.95. "Based on C. O. Sylvester Mawson's alphabetical arrangement of the famous Roget system of word classification." Subtitle. Near- ly 17,000 individual entries in alphabetical arrangement. 424 Webster, Noah. DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMS; A j-s Dictionary of Discriminated Synonyms with Antonyms and Analagous and Contrasted Words. Merriam, 1961. 907 p. $6.00. Each entry gives not only synonyms and antonyms but also an actual quotation to illustrate it. 428.3 Berry, Thomas Elliott. MOST COMMON MISTAKES s IN ENGLISH USAGE. Chilton, 1961. 146 p. $2.95. Common errors in grammar, choice of words and style are clear- ly explained. Reference Materials foe School Libraries 23 463 CASSELL'S SPANISH DICTIONARY. SPANISH- s ENGLISH, ENGLISH-SPANISH; ed. by Edgar Allison Peers and others. Funk, 1960. 1477 p. $7.00; Thumb- indexed, $7.75. "Gives special prominence to the Spanish of Latin America, in- cludes the vocabulary of both classical and literary Spanish as well as the language of the modern Spanish-speaking world." W. 463 Cuyas, Arturo. APPLETON'S REVISED ENGLISH- ES SPANISH AND SPANISH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Rev. and eni. 4th ed. Appleton, 1960. Thumb indexed, $8.50 ; Student's ed., $5.50. 463 Velazquez de la Cadena, Mariano. VELAZQUEZ SPAN- j-s ISH-ENGLISH and ENGLISH-SPANISH DICTION- ARY.. Rev. ed. Indexed. Follett, 1961. 1488 p. $8.00. 473 Simpson, D. P. CASSELL'S NEW LATIN DICTION- j-s ARY: LATIN-ENGLISH, ENGLISH-LATIN. Funk, 1960. 883 p. $7.00; Thumb-indexed, $7.75. New edition contains fresh material. Since proper names are included, it may be used to identify persons and places of classi- cal origin. 500 PURE SCIENCE 500 Blough, Glenn O. and Huggett, Albert J. ELEMEN- e-j TARY-SCHOOL SCIENCE AND HOW TO TEACH IT. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1958. 532 p. $7.50. A useful guide for elementary teachers, offering numerous and detailed descriptions of science activities. 500 Blough, Glenn O. and Campbell, Marjorie H. MAKING e-j AND USING CLASSROOM SCIENCE MATERIALS IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1954. 339 p. $3.95. Designed as a source of reference information and practical help for elementary teachers. 500 Hogg, John C. and others. PHYSICAL SCIENCES FOR j-s HIGH SCHOOLS. Van Nostrand, 1959. 531 p. $4.51. Textbook of physics, chemistry, geology, meteorology and as- tronomy. 500 Krauskopf, Konrad Bates and Beisler, Arthur. PHY- s SICAL UNIVERSE. McGraw, 1960. 536 p. $8.95. Explanations of astronomy, physics, chemistry and geology are supplemented by charts and photographs. 503 BOOK OF POPULAR SCIENCE. Ed. by Lawrence M. j-s Levin. Grolier, 1960. 10 v. 4294 p. A comprehensive set of reference books including articles on 24 Reference Materials foe School Libraries science, engineering and technology for the young engineer and the beginning student. Bibliography of recommeded additional readings. 503 Flood, W. E. SCIENTIFIC WORDS: THEIR STRUC- s TURE AND MEANING. Duell, Sloan & Pearce, Inc., 1960. 220 p. $3.50. Gives meaning, origin, and illustrations of use of 1,150 "word- elements" (roots, prefixes, suffixes). 503 MCGRAW-HILL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE AND s TECHNOLOGY ; AN INTERNATIONAL REFERENCE WORK. McGraw, 1960. 15 v. "A comprehensive source of information in the natural and phy- sical sciences and their technological application." B. 503 YOUNG PEOPLE'S SCIENCE ENCYCLOPEDIA. e-j Childrens, 1962. 20 v. There are 3,600 entries; 1,000 definitions and cross-references; and 200 science experiments. Illustrations are in color. The start of each entry is at third grade reading level in large clear type, describing the entry topic in easy-to-grasp concepts. The vocabulary and science concepts gradually become more complex. 506.17 Neal, Harry Edward. TREASURES BY THE MIL- e-j LIONS : THE STORY OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTI- TUTION. Messner, 1961. 192 p. $3.50. Has possibilities for reference and as guide for students visiting Washington, D. C. Lynde, Carleton John. SCIENCE EXPERIENCES WITH HOME EQUIPMENT. 2nd ed. Int. Textbook, 1949. 230 p. $3.75. Lynde, Carlton John. SCIENCE EXPERIENCES WITH INEXPENSIVE EQUIPMENT. 2nd ed. Int. Textbook, 1950. 266 p. $3.75. Lynde, Carlton John. SCIENCE EXPERIENCES WITH 10-CENT STORE EQUIPMENT. Van Nostrand, 1950. 262 p. $3.75. Bronowski, Jacob and others, eds. SCIENCE : CHEM- ISTRY, PHYSICS, ASTRONOMY. Doubleday, 1960. 367 p. $9.95. A readable, beautifully-illustrated introduction to the physical sciences. 510 James, Glenn and James, Robert C, eds. MATHEMA- s TICS DICTIONARY. 2nd ed. Van Nostrand, 1959. 546 p. $15.00. Basic mathematics dictionary revised and expanded. 507.2 e-j 507.2 e-j 507.2 e-j 508 s Reference Materials for School Libraries 25 510 James, Glenn and James, Robert C, eds. MATHEMA- s TICS DICTIONARY. Rev. ed. Van Nostrand, 1959. 432 p. $10.00. Includes both popular and scientific terms with tables, symbols and formulas. 523.8 Key, Hans Augusto. STARS ; A New Way to See Them, j Houghton, 1961. 143 p. $5.95. The stars are presented in forms that correspond to their names. Other features include star-charts, a table showing the position of the planets and a chart illustrating the use of the stars to tell time. 530 Dull, Charles Elwood and others. MODERN PHYSICS, j-s Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960. 712 p. $4.96. A textbook with wide coverage. 535 Adler. Irving. COLOR IN YOUR LIFE. Day, 1962. e-j 127 p. $3.50. The phenomenon of color explained and illustrated with dia- grams, drawings, and tables. 535 Schubert, Jack and Lapp, Ralph E. RADIATION: j-s WHAT IT IS AND HOW IT AFFECTS YOU. Viking. 1957. 314 p. $3.95. The sources and dangers of radiation in the modern world. 540 Hutchins, Carleen Maley. LIFE'S KEY: DNA. Coward, s 1961. 64 p. $2.50. A report for science students on a great biological breakthrough and its meaning for all of us. 546 Asimov, Isaac. BUILDING BLOCKS OF THE UNI- j-s VERSE. Abelard, 1961. 280 p. $3.50. Information about each of the 101 elements include character- istics, comparison, history and function. Separate periodic tables. Rev. ed. of 1957 book. 550.82 Bertin, Leon. LAROUSSE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE s EARTH. Prometheus, 1962. 419 p. $15.00. Copiously illustrated geology source book. 551 Wyckoff, Jerome. STORY OF GEOLOGY: OUR e-j CHANGING EARTH THROUGH THE AGES. Golden Press, 1960. 177 p. $4.99. "Lavishly illustrated with well-integrated, captioned photo- graphs, diagrams, maps, and charts, most of which are in color." B. 551.4 Carrington, Richard. BIOGRAPHY OF THE SEA ; THE s STORY OF THE WORLD OCEAN, ITS ANIMAL AND PLANT POPULATIONS, AND ITS INFLUENCE ON HUMAN HISTORY. Basic Books, 1961. 285 p. $5.00. Recommended for schools having large science collections. 26 Reference Materials for School Libraries 551.5 Lehr, Paul, Burnett, Will and Zim, Herbert. WEATHER, e-j A GUIDE TO PHENOMENA AND FORECASTS. S. andS., 1957. 160 p. $2.50. Deals with air masses, clouds, rainfall, storms, weather maps, climate and related subjects. 553.8 Sinkankas, John. GEMSTONES AND MINERALS, j-s HOW AND WHERE TO FIND THEM. Van Nostrand, 1961. 387 p. $8.95. Practical suggestions and geological information for the begin- ning collector with illustrations and diagrams. 560 Fenton, Carroll Lane. FOSSIL BOOK. Doubleday, e-j-s 1958. 482 p. $12.50. A survey of the realm of fossils, magnificently illustrated, from the earliest plantlike organisms to some of the great beasts of only a few centuries past. 560 Matthews, William Henry. FOSSILS ; AN INTRODUC- s TION TO PREHISTORIC LIFE. Barnes & Noble, 1962. 337 p. $2.25 (Paper). Collector's handbook with possible uses for science classes. 568.1 Shuttles-worth, Dorothy. AGE OF REPTILES. Double- e day, 1958. 57 p. $2.50. A vividly illustrated book about dinosaurs and other reptiles: ex- plains how scientists preserve and study the remains of these prehistoric animals. 570.3 Henderson, Isabella Ferguson. DICTIONARY OF s SCIENTIFIC TERMS. 7th ed. by John H. Kenneth. Van Nostrand, 1961. 532 p. $12.50. Gives pronunciation, derivation, and definition of terms in bio- logy, botany, zoology, anatomy, cytology, genetics, embryology, physiology. 573.2 Cornwall, Ian Wolfram. MAKING OF MAN. Dutton, j-s 1961. 63 p. $3.00. The distinction between fact and supposition is carefully made in this outline of man's evolution. 574 Ames, Gerald and Wyler, Rose. GIANT GOLDEN BOOK e-j OF BIOLOGY. Harper, 1961. 99 p. $3.99. Broad coverage of subject for younger readers with eye-catch- ing illustrations. 574 Darling, Lois and Darling, Louis. SCIENCE OF LIFE. j World Pub., 1961. 256 p. $4.95. Survey of life from simplest forms to man with diagrams and drawings. 574 Fisher, James and others, eds. NATURE: EARTH, j-s PLANTS, ANIMALS. Doubleday, 1961. 359 p. $9.95. Distinctive illustrations, many of which are colored, maps, dia- grams, tables, and a glossary of terms. Reference Mateeials foe School Libraries 27 574 Hillcourt, William. FIELD BOOK OF NATURE AC- e-j TIVITIES AND CONSERVATION. Putnam, 1961. 432 j-s p. $4.95. 574 Life, Editorial Staff. WORLD WE LIVE IN. S. and S.. j-s 1956. 216 p. $4.95. A pictorial description of geological features of the earth plus much information about the life that survives upon it. 574 Life (Periodical). WONDERS OF LIFE ON EARTH, j-s By the eds. of Life and Lincoln Barnett. Time, Inc., 1960. 300 p. $12.50. "An impressive panoramic view of the beginnings and evolu- tion of life, and the diversity of the world's flora and fauna through the ages." B. Based on Life articles from 1957 to 1959. Copiously illustrated. 574 Moon, Truman J. and others. MODERN BIOLOGY. s Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960. 757 p. $4.88. High school textbook with wide coverage. Frequently revised. 574.92 Hausman, Leon A. ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF THE e-j SEA. Grossett, 1957. 101 p. $3.95. An interesting account of the fascinating life of the oceans. 574,92 Morgan, Alfred. AQUARIUM BOOK FOR BOYS AND e-j GIRLS. Scribner, 1953. 180 p. $3.00. How to keep frogs, fish, turtles and other animals that live in or around water. 574.97 Sanderson, Ivan Terence. CONTINENT WE LIVE ON. s Random, 1961. 299 p. $20.00. "The land waters, flora, fauna, and bird life of Canada, the U. S. and Mexico are graphically described." B. 235 striking illus- trations. 575 Scheinfeld, Amram. WHY YOU ARE YOU. Abelard, j-s 1959. 171 p. $3.50. An excellent factual introduction to heredity and genetics for the child. 576.6 Stanley, Wendell M. VIRUSES AND THE NATURE j-s OF LIFE. Dutton, 1961. 223 p. $4.95. The essential facts known about viruses and about the closely related fields of genetics and cancer research. It is one of the first books to describe the significance of nucleic acids. 581 Greulach, Victor A. and Adams, Joseph Edison, s PLANTS; INTRODUCTION TO MODERN BOTANY. Wiley, 1962. 557 p. $7.50. College textbook by professors at the University of North Caro- lina which incorporates recent findings in botany and biochem- istry. 28 Reference Materials for School Libraries 582 House, Homer D. WILD FLOWERS. Macmillan, 1961. e-j-s (reissue of 1934 edition). 632 p. $17.95. The" reissue, appealing to many for its 3 64 photographs of American wild flowers in natural color can still be used for identification and description of more commonly found vari- eites." W. 582 Hylander. Clarence John. MACMILLAN WILD FLOW- e-j-s ER BOOK. Macmillan, 1954. 480 p. $9.95. A large, beautiful book picturing hundreds of flowers, arranged by families with many others described in notes. 582 Lemmon, Robert Stell and Johnson, Charles C. WILD- j-s FLOWERS OF NORTH AMERICA IN FULL COLOR. Hanover House, 1961. 280 p. $9.95. "Handsome, informative guide to more than four hundred North American wild flowers." B. 587 Wherry, Edgar T. FERN GUIDE. Doubleday, 1961. j-s 318 p. $3.95. (Doubleday Nature Guides, No. 9). Describes features, range, habitat, culture, and nomenclature of 135 species of Northeastern and Midland United States and Canada. Illustrations. 590 Bridges, William. WILD ANIMALS OF THE WORLD. j-s Doubleday, 1948. 273 p. $3.95. Well-illustrated account of the lives of more than two hundred animals. 592 Bucksbaum, Ralph Morris. ANIMALS WITHOUT i-s BACKBONES; An Introduction to the Invertebrates. Rev. ed. U. of Chicago, 1950. 405 p. $4.00. Presents in nontechnical language clams, lobsters, medusae, parasites, protozoa, sponges, and worms. 592 Buchsbaum, Ralph Morris, and Milne, Louis Johnson. s LOWER ANIMALS; LIVING INVERTEBRATES OF THE WORLD. Doubleday, 1960. 303 p. $12.50. Beautifully illustrated history which proceeds from simple to complex forms of animal life. 594 Bevans, Michael H. BOOK OF SEA SHELLS. Double- e-j day, 1961. 57 p. $3.45. Brief description of mollusks and their habitats with clear illus- trations. 595.7 Oldroyd, Harold. COLLECTING, PRESERVING, AND j-s STUDYING INSECTS. Macmillan, 1958. 327 p. $5.00. "Supplies much fuller information on where to look, how to catch, prepare for mounting, photograph, etc. than will be found in a handbook devoted primarily to identification." B. Reference Materials for School Libraries 29 595.7 Smith, Arthur Clayton. WESTERN BUTTERFLIES, e-j Lane, 1961. 59 p. $2.95. Information on life cycle, habits, food and range of common species. Copious illustrations. 597 Cochran, Doris Mabel. LIVING AMPHIBIANS OF THE s WORLD. Doubleday, 1961. 199 p. $12.50. (World of Nature Ser.) Informative text by curator of reptiles and amphibians of the Smithsonian Institute with handsome photographs. 597 Herald, Earl Stannard. LIVING FISHES OF THE s WORLD. Doubleday, 1961. 303 p. $12.50. Concise text with 300 photographs, one half of which are in color. 597 Lanham, Uruss Norton. FISHES. Columbia, 1962. 116 p. s $5.00. Attractive volume which takes up evolution, anatomy, habits and habitats of well-known species. 597 National Geographic Society. BOOK OF FISHES. 1952 j-s ed. rev. and enl. Ed. by John Oliver La Gorce. Nat'l. Geog., 1958. 339 p. $6.50. Many color and monochrome photographs show aquatic life of the coastal and inland waters of the U. S. Can be bought only from the National Geographic Society. 597.7 Zim, Herbert Spencer and Cottain, Clarence. INSECTS ; e-j-s A Guide to Familiar American Insects. S. and S., 1961. 160 p. $2.50. (Golden Nature Guide). Contains full color illustrations of 225 different species, showing many in all their stages and often the plants on which they feed. 598.1 Conant, Roger. FIELD GUIDE TO REPTILES AND j-s AMPHIBIANS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. Houghton, 1958. 366 p. $3.95. An authoritative and up-to-date guide which every naturalist and professional worker should consult. 598.1 Zim, Herbert Spencer and Smith, Hobart. REPTILES e-j-s AND AMPHIBIANS; A Guide to Familiar American Species. S. and S., 1956. 160 p. $2.50. (Golden Nature Guide). An aid in the identification of 212 common species. 598.2 Austin, Oliver Luther. BIRDS OF THE WORLD ; A e-j-s SURVEY OF THE TWENTY-SEVEN ORDERS AND ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIVE FAMILIES. Gold- en Press, 1961. 316 p. $14.95. Features colored paintings of 700 birds by well-known artist. Arrangement is by order and family. 30 Reference Materials for School Libraries 598.2 Berger, Andrew John. BIRD STUDY. Wiley, 1961. e-j-s 389 p. $9.00. College textbook suggested as a. source book for teachers in ele- mentary and high schools. 598.2 Collins, Henry Hill. BIRD WATCHER'S GUIDE. Gold- e-j-s en Press, 1961. 123 p. $2.99. Practical guide with colored illustrations and drawings. 599 Hogner, Dorothy (Childs). ANIMAL BOOK ; American e-j-s Mammals North of Mexico. Walck, 1958. 223 p. $5.75. This well-organized book with its excellent illustrations is good reference material. The main body of the book deals with native animals. An appendix gives imported animals. 599 Sanderson, Ivan Terrence. LIVING MAMMALS OF j-s THE WORLD. Doubleday, 1955. 303 p. $9.95. "A systematic survey which classifies and describes . . .mammals . . . and explains their structure, origin, and relationships . . ." B. Many photographs in color and in black and white. 600 APPLIED SCIENCE 603 Crispin, Frederick Swing. DICTIONARY OF TECHNI- s CAL TERMS. 9th ed. Bruce, 1961. 454 p. $5.00. Many new terms have been added to this edition of the glossary for high school industrial arts programs. 612 Asimov, Isaac. LIVING RIVER. Abelard, 1960. 232 p. s $3.95. A factual examination of the human blood stream — its structure, functions, and disorders. 612 Carlson, Anton Julius and others. MACHINERY OF s THE BODY. 5th ed., rev. and enl. U. of Chicago, 1962. $6.50. "A new edition, with extensive revision and improved format of a college-level textbook recommended for supplementary reading and reference." S. 613 Bogert, Lotta Jean. NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL FIT- j-s NESS. 7th ed. Saunders, 1960. 664 p. $6.00. "Gives a wide range of facts about nutrition — Useful for sup- plementary reading and reference work." H. 614.86 GUIDE to TRAFFIC SAFETY LITERATURE, v. 5. s Nat'l. Safety, 1961. $1.00. Lists articles, pamphlets and books printed during 1960; it brings together pertinent information on traffic safety. 614.88 Bolton, William. WHAT TO DO UNTIL THE DOCTOR j-s COMES. Reilly and Lee, 1960. 145 p. $3.50. A compendium of advice, alphabetically arranged, on emer- gencies, child care, etc. Reference Materials for School Libraries 31 616.86 Rice,Thurman Brooks. EFFECTS OF ALCOHOLIC j-s DRINKS, TOBACCO, SEDATIVES, NARCOTICS. Re- vised ed. Wheeler, 1952. 312 p. $2.24. "An earnest effort has been made to record the scientific facts concerning these products, and to do so in language the high school student can understand — ." Preface. 620.9 Poirier, Rene. FIFTEEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD. s Random, 1961. 400 p. $5.95. "Fifteen great engineering feats of ancient and modern times are described in a well-written account full of little-known, ab- sorbing details." B. 621.384 Collins, Archie Frederick. RADIO AMATEUR'S HAND- j-s BOOK. 10th rev. ed. Crowell, 1957. 421 p. $3.95. A practical approach, as simple as possible, to help the begin- ner construct his equipment. 621.384 Manly, Harold Phillips, comp. DRAKE'S CYCLOPEDIA s OF RADIO AND ELECTRONICS. 14th ed. Drake, F. J., 1958. imp. $7.50. "Radio, sound systems, television, photoelectricity, electronic tubes, electronics in industry." Subtitle. 621.384 RADIO AMATEUR'S HANDBOOK. 38th ed. Am. Ra- s dio. $3.50. Chapters on theory and equipment have been revised in this edition. 623.4 Eisner, Will. PICTORIAL ARSENAL OF AMERICA'S s COMBAT WEAPONS. Sterling, 1960. 128 p. $3.95. Use and operation of weapons from hand guns to missiles. Statistical tables. 629.103 SPACE ENCYCLOPEDIA ; A Guide to Astronomy and j-s Space Research. Dutton, 1960. 287 p. $8.95. A timely reference book which gives concise explanations of all phases of space research. 629.13 Green, William. WORLD'S FIGHTING PLANES. 3rd j-s and completely rev. ed. Doubleday, 1959. 240 p. $3.50. A reference manual based on AIRCRAFT OF THE WORLD. "For each plane represented there is a photograph, identifica- tion silhouettes, brief history, specifications, performance and armament data." S. 629.13 Rolfe, Douglas. AIRPLANES OF THE WORLD ; From j-s Pusher to Jet. S. and S., 1961. 319 p. $4.95. Contains descriptions and 100 drawings, which appeared origi- nally in AIR PROGRESS-HISTORY OF AVIATION. 629.13 Sunderman, James F., ed. EARLY AIR PIONEERS, j-s 1862-1935. Watts, 1961. 271 p. $4.95. Background information and many photographs enhance its value for reference purposes. 32 Reference Matekials foe "School Libraries 629.13 Winter, William John. MODEL AIRCRAFT HAND- j BOOK. 4th ed. Crowell, 1957. 200 p. $3.50. "Design, construction, and flying techniques for hobbyists. De- tailed diagrams. Frequently revised." J. 629.22 Crouse, William Harry. # AUTOMOTIVE ENGINES; s Construction, Operation, and Maintenance. McGraw, 1959. 518 p. $6.25. A simple guide to mechanics with chapters divided into short sections. Adequate illustrations. 629.28 Crouse, William Harry. AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICS. s 4th ed. McGraw, 1960. 726 p. $8.75 ; Text ed. $6.48. A standard text with numerous diagrams and photographs, use- ful for reference. Discusses construction, operation, servicing, and repair of automobiles. 629.28 Glenn, Harold T. GLENN'S NEW AUTO REPAIR MAN- s UAL. Car owners and vocational ed. Chilton, 1962. 1199 p. $8.95. "The extensive repair manual which in this edition includes specifications for American automobiles of the last 12 years." B. 629.28 Halsey, Maxwell. SKILLFUL DRIVING. Doubleday, s 1960. 186 p. $3.95. This is the first attempt to educate the drivers of our nation along practical lines. 629.28 Manly, Gardener Burnell. AUTOMOBILE REPAIR s MANUAL. Rev. and enl. ed. by Stanley L. Stoltz. Drake, F. J., 1959. 475 p. $3.00. "A practical instruction and reference work on modern auto- mobile repair and maintenance." Subtitle. 629.4 Baar, James and Howard, William E. SPACECRAFT s AND MISSILES OF THE WORLD, 1962. Harcourt, 1962. 117 p. $5.95. "A ready-reference space-age guide with brief articles on past, present, and future developments and numerous photographs." B. 629.4 Lev, Willy. ROCKETS, MISSILES, AND SPACE TRA- j-s VEL. Rev. and enl. for the 1960's. Viking, 1961. 556 p. $6.75. Summarizes American and European developments. 629.4 Newell, Homer Edward. GUIDE TO ROCKETS, MIS- j-s SILES, AND SATELLITES. 2nd ed., rev. and enl. Whittlesey House, 1961. 95 p. $3.25. New edition has entries for new developments and some material has been updated. Reference Materials for School Libraries 33 636 Hogner, Dorothy (Childs). FARM ANIMALS; And e-j Working and Sporting Breeds of the United States and Canada. Walck, 1945. 194 p. $5.00. Pictures and description of the various breeds of farm and work- ing mammals of America. 636 Seiden, Rudolph, ed. LIVESTOCK HEALTH ENCY- s CLOPEDIA. 2nd ed. Springer, 1961. 614 p. $9.50. Covers, in alphabetical arrangement, topics pertaining to the improvement of health and control of diseases and parasites. 636.7 American Kennel Club. COMPLETE DOG BOOK. Rev. j-s ed. Doubleday, 1956. 482 p. $3.95 "The feeding, care, and handling of pure-bred dogs, and the history and standard of every breed." Subtitle. 640 Gillies, Mary (Davis). HOW TO KEEP HOUSE. New s and enl. ed. Harper, 1961. 296 p. $4.50. Homemaking guide brought up-to-date with chapters on clean- ing, safety, and finances. 640 Good Housekeeping Institute. GOOD HOUSEKEEP- j-s ING'S GUIDE TO SUCCESSFUL HOMEMAKING. Rev. ed. Harper, 1961. 320 p. $5.95. Attractive volume of household hints. 640 McDermott, Irene Elizabeth and Nicholas, Florence W. j-s HOMEMAKING FOR TEEN-AGERS. Bk. 1. Rev. ed. Bennett, 1960. 492 p. $4.60 ; Bk. 2. 1958. $5.24. Covers child care, clothing and dress, entertaining, food, good grooming, interior decoration, personality, and sewing. Includes many activity projects, photographs and diagrams. 640 Oerke, Bess Viola. MEALTIME. Bennett, 1960. 640 p. s $4.96. An up-to-date textbook on nutrition and foods which also in- cludes vocational information. 641.1 Leverton, Ruth M. FOOD BECOMES YOU. Iowa s State, 1960. 198 p. $3.50. Information on nutrition, including needs of adolescents, clearly presented. 641.1. Taylor, Clara Mae and others. FOUNDATIONS OF s NUTRITION. 5th ed. Macmillan, 1956. 620 p. $6.50. Textbook presenting principles and history of nutrition. 641.5 Farmer, Fannie Merritt. ALL NEW FANNIE FARM- j-s ER BOSTON COOKING-SCHOOL COOK BOOK. 10th ed. Completely rev. by Wilma Lord Perkins. Little, 1959. 596 p. $4.95. In spite of the wealth of new recipes, very few old ones have been removed. Some from earlier editions have been brought back. 34 Reference Materials for School Libraries 642 Sprackling, Helen. NEW SETTING YOUR TABLE. Bar- j-s rows, 1960. 288 p. $4.95. "The authority of the writer, the clear and detailed instructions and the well-selected photographs and diagrams assure the con- tinued usefulness of this standard guide." W. 646 Chambers, Helen G. and Moulton, Verna. CLOTHING s SELECTION: FASHIONS, FIGURES, FABRICS. Lip- pincott, 1962. 470 p. $9.25. Applies principles of design to the individual, identifies styles and covers types and articles of dress and materials from which they are made. 646.3 Tate, Mildred Bertha (Thurow) and Glisson, Oris. FAM- s ILY CLOTHING. Wiley, 1961. 412 p. $8.75. "Convenient source of hard-to-find information on fabrics and clothing." B. 648 Moore, Alma (Chestnut). HOW TO CLEAN EVERY- j-s THING. S. and S., 1961. 238 p. $3.75. An alphabetical arrangement of many objects and fabrics, with step-by-step directions for cleaning. 651.53 Selden, William Henry and others FILING AND FIND- s ING. Prentice-Hall, 1961. 122 p. $3.28. Explains principles and discusses different systems. 677 American Fabrics (Periodical). ENCYCLOPEDIA OF s TEXTILES. Prentice-Hall, 1960. 702 p. $39.50. History of natural and man made textiles designed to familiarize reader with recent revolutionary changes. 700 FINE ARTS 703 American Archives of World Art. AMERICAN LI- s BRARY COMPENDIUM AND INDEX OF WORLD ART. Am. Lib. Color Slide Co., 1961. 465 p. $35.00. Gives, when known, title, date and medium, the name and dates of the artist, the period and country of origin and the present location of over 30,000 works of art. 709 Gardner, Helen. ART THROUGH THE AGES. 4th ed. j-s Harcourt, 1959. 851 p. $7.25. A chronological survey, presenting the principal forms of art clearly and accurately; admirably illustrated. 709 Taylor, Francis Henry. FIFTY CENTURIES OF ART. j-s Harper, 1960. 183 p. $6.95. Chronological arrangement of 3 42 reproductions from world's great museums, in full color. 709.02 Price, Christine. MADE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Dut- e-j ton, 1961. 118 p. $3.64. Handsome volume describing arts and crafts of the Middle Ages and their use. For each object there is a detailed drawing. Reference Materials fob School Libraries 35 720 Moore, Lamont. FIRST BOOK OF ARCHITECTURE. e-j Watts, 1961. 82 p. $1.95. "Discusses briefly some notable examples of architecture, from Stonehenge to the Guggenheim Museum." B. Time chart and glossary. 737.4 Chamberlain, C C. and Reinfeld, Fred. COIN DICTION- j-s ARY AND GUIDE. Sterling, 1960. 251 p. $3.95. Guide for beginners which includes some European and Oriental as well as American and Canadian coins. 737.4 Del Monte, Jacques. FELL'S UNITED STATES COIN e-j BOOK. 3rd rev. ed. Fell, 1960. 127 p. $1.98. Frequently revised guide indicating current values of coins made in the U. S. 737.4 Reinfeld, Fred. CATALOGUE OF THE WORLD'S j-s MOST POPULAR COINS. Rev. ed. Sterling, 1960. 265 p. $5.95. Revision of 1956 edition with actual-size pictures of coins. 741.6 Miller, Bertha E. (Mahony) and others. ILLUSTRA- e-j-s TORS OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS. 1744-1945. Horn, 1961. 527 p. $10.00. Reissue of 1947 edition at lower price. 755 Ferguson, George. SIGNS AND SYMBOLS IN CHRIS- s TIAN ART. Oxford U. P., 1959. 123 p. $7.50. Explains meaning and use of animals, dress, and other objects in religious painting. 759 Chase, Alice Elizabeth. FAMOUS PAINTINGS. Piatt, e-j 1951. 102 p. $3.95. A beautiful book containing fifty full-page colored reproduc- tions. The subjects and comments about each group will in- terest children. One of the few really good art books for chil- dren. 770.2 Zim, Herbert Spencer. PHOTOGRAPHY; THE AMA- j-s TEUR'S GUIDE TO BETTER PICTURES. S. and S., 1956. 160 p. $1.95 (A Golden Handbook). A pocket-book sized, how-to book on photography for the ama- teur. 780.1 Ewen, David. COMPLETE BOOK OF 20th CENTURY s MUSIC. Prentice-Hall, 1959. 498 p. $7.50. In entries alphabetical by composers are biographies, chief works, etc. 780.3 Blom, Eric, comp. EVERYMAN'S DICTIONARY OF s MUSIC. Rev. ed. Dutton, 1959. 687 p. $5.00. "Includes biographies, foreign phrases as well as usual musical terms." S. 36 Reference Materials for School Libraries 780.3 Westrup, Jack Allan and Harrison, Frank Llewellyn, s NEW COLLEGE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MUSIC. Nor- ton, 1960. 739 p. $6.95. Ready reference source for "musical terms, biographical sketch- es, instruments, notable musical events, operas, other works generally known by title and lists of the outstanding works of important composers." B. 782.1 Bulla. Clyde Robert. STORIES OF FAVORITE OPE- e-j RAS. Crowell, 1959. 276 p. $3.75. A brief introduction to each of the twenty-three operas gives information about the opera's origin and first performance. 782.1 Moore, Frank Ledlie, comp. CROWELL'S HANDBOOK s OF WORLD OPERA. Crowell, 1961. 683 p. $7.50. For quick reference. 784 Browne, C. A. STORY OF OUR NATIONAL BALLADS. e-j-s Rev. ed. Crowell, 1960. 314 p. $3.00. A most useful book, indexed and with an extensive reading list. 784 Carmer, Carl. AMERICA SINGS. Knopf, 1942. 243 p. e-j $5.95. Stories and songs of our country's growing. 784 Lawless, Ray M. FOLKSINGERS AND FOLKSONGS s IN AMERICA. Duell, Sloan & Pearce, Inc., 1960. 662 p. $10.00. Compiles for popular use "brief biographies of folksingers, de- tails on folk-music instruments, societies, and festivals, biblio- graphies, and checklists of folksong titles and recordings." B. 784 Lomax, Alan. FOLK SONGS OF NORTH AMERICA, s IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Doubleday, 1960. 623 p. $7.50. Over 300 folk songs arranged by geographic divisions. 784 Niles, John Jacob, comp. BALLAD BOOK. Houghton, s 1961. 369 p. $10.00. 110 selected southern mountain ballads with notes on origins and piano and guitar accompaniments. Indexed. 785 Commins, Dorothy Berliner. ALL ABOUT THE SYM- e-j-s PHONY ORCHESTRA AND WHAT IT PLAYS. Ran- dom, 1961. 137 p. $1.95. Well illustrated and concise introduction covering instruments, conductor's responsibility and forms of music. Thumbnail sketches of composers. 790 Bancroft, Jessie Hubbell. GAMES. Rev. and enl. ed. e-j-s Macmillan, 1957. $6.75. Comprehensive collection of over 400 games of all types for all occasions. Useful for the teacher as well as the student. Reference Materials for School Libraries 37 790 Geri, Frank H. ILLUSTRATED GAMES AND RHY- e THMS FOR CHILDREN: PRIMARY GRADES. Pren- tice-Hall, 1955. $4.95. Rhythms, dancing and singing games, special events activities, races and relays for kindergarten through third grade. 790 Geri, Frank H. ILLUSTRATED GAMES, RHYTHMS, e AND STUNTS FOR CHILDREN: UPPER ELEMEN- TARY GRADES. Prentice-Hall, 1956. 304 p. $4.95. Suggestions and directions for the trained or untrained leader of children aged 9 to 12. 790 Latcftaw, Marjorie. POCKET GUIDE OF GAMES AND e RHYTHMS FOR THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Prentice-Hall, 1956. 316 p. $3.25. Collection of group games arranged in categories of skill and in order of difficulty. 790 Macfarlan, Allan and Macfarlan, Paillette. FUN WITH e-j BRAND-NEW GAMES. Assn. Press, 1962. 255 $3.50. 792 Whiting, Frank M. INTRODUCTION TO THE THE- s ATRE. Rev. ed. Harper, 1961. 369 p. $6.00. College text suggested for supplementary reading and reference. 792.09 Cheney, Sheldon Warren. THEATRE ; Three Thousand j-s Years of Drama, Acting and Stagecraft. Rev. ed. Mc- Kay, 1959. 592 p. $7.00. Unique survey of all phases of the theatre down through the ages. Profusely illustrated. 793 Borst, Evelyne and Mitchell, Elmer D. SOCIAL GAMES e-j-s FOR RECREATION. 2nd ed. Ronald, 1959. 348 p. $5.50. Aims to help the leader get each member of a group to partici- pate in enjoyable activities. 793 Hindman, Darwin A. COMPLETE BOOK OF GAMES e-j-s AND STUNTS. Prentice-Hall, 1956. 464 p. $5.95. Almost 2,000 active and quiet games and stunts for all ages. 793 Johnson, June. OUTDOOR-INDOOR FUN BOOK, e Harper, 1961. 210 p. $3.95. Useful compilation for those who direct children's play. 793.2 Wackerbarth, Marjorie and Graham, Lillian S. SUC- e-j-s CESSFUL PARTIES AND HOW TO GIVE THEM. Denison, 1961. 294 p. $3.95. 793.3 Andrews, Gladys. CREATIVE RHYTHMIC MOVE- e MENT FOR CHILDREN. Prentice-Hall, 1954. 198 p. $5.75. The activities suggested correlate art, music and language and promote creative expression. 38 Reference Materials for School Libraries 793.3 Harris, Jane A. and others. DANCE A WHILE. Bur- e-j-s gess, 1950. 156 p. $3.50. Compilation of popular dances for inexperienced leaders. 793.3 Kirkell, Miriam H. and Schaffnit, Irma K. PARTNERS e-j-s ALL— PLACES ALL ! Dutton, 1949. 129 p. $3.95. A collection of 44 square and folk dances which can be used by older students as well as teachers of young children. 793.3 Kraus, Richard A. FOLK DANCING. Macmillan, 1962. e-j-s $5.95. Clear explanation of 110 authentic dances with background in- formation, diagrams and suggestions for recordings. 793.3 Latchaw, Marjorie and Pyatt, Jean. POCKET GUIDE e OF DANCE ACTIVITIES. Prentice-Hall, 1958. 232 p. $2.95. Movement exercises and social dance forms for the elementary teacher who is not a dance specialist. 796 American Association for Health, Physical Education, e-j-s and Recreation. HOW WE DO IT GAME BOOK. 2nd ed. Am. Assn. for Health, Phys. Ed. & Rec, 1959. 310 p. $3.00. Original games grouped by types for children, young people and adults. 796 Bresnahan, George T. and others. TRACK AND FIELD s ATHLETICS. 5th ed. Mosby, 1960. 538 p. $5.50. Basic materials for the use of coaches in developing the begin- ner and improving the performance of the experienced athlete. 796 Donnelly, Richard J. and others. ACTIVE GAMES AND j-s CONTESTS. 2nd ed. Ronald, 1958. 672 p. $7.00. ^.OOO-odd new and traditional games and contests. 796 Resting, Ted, comp. OUTDOOR ENCYCLOPEDIA. s Barnes, A. S., 1957. 433 p. $7.50. Authentic, readable material on outdoor recreations Involving woods, fields and water. 796 Shaw, John H. and others. SELECTED TEAM SPORTS j-s FOR MEN. Saunders, 1952. 328 p. $5.00. Guide for teaching eight team sports— ice-hockey, lacrosse, six man football, soccer, softball, speed ball, touch football, and volleyball. 796 SPORTS RULES ENCYCLOPEDIA. N-P Pubns., 1961. s 563 p. $7.50. Nationally-standardized rules for 38 sports. 796.5 Burns, William A. EXPLORING FOR FUN. Dutton, j 1961. 127 p. $3.00. Advice from staff member of the American Museum of Natural History about safe exploring and camping. Reference Materials for School Libraries 39 796.54 Ledlie, John A., ed. CAMPING SKILLS FOR TRAIL j-s LIVING. Assn. Press, 1962. 192 p. $4.95. 796.54 Miracle, Leonard and Decker, Maurice H. COMPLETE s BOOK OF CAMPING. Harper, 1962. 594 p. $4.95. "Camp shelter, clothing, food, health measures, and transport are the main topics covered." B. 796.54 Sunset (Periodical). SUNSET FAMILY CAMPING, j-s 2nd ed. Lane, 1962. 128 p. $1.75. 796.6 Frankel, Godfrey and Frankel, Lillian Berson. 101 e-j THINGS TO DO WITH A BIKE. Sterling, 1961. 128 p. $2.50. Ideas of experienced recreation directors for group activities. 797.2 Smith, Hope M. WATER GAMES. Ronald, 1962. 92 p. e-j-s $3.50. 130 games for teaching fundamentals of swimming. 800 LITERATURE 802 Magill, Frank Northen. MASTERPIECES OF WORLD s LITERATURE IN DIGEST FORM. 3rd series, 1952, 1956, 1960. Harper. $8.50 each. Summaries of well-known novels, plays, poems, and other liter- ary works. Includes a critique for each selection. 808 Copperud, Roy H. WORDS ON PAPER. Hawthorn, s 1960. 286 p. $4.95. Manual containing chapters on grammar and style, journalistic errors that have been made in print, a glossary of usage and index. 808 Strunk, William, Jr. ELEMENTS OF STYLE. Macmil- s Ian, 1959. 71 p. $2.50. Covers usage, composition, form, misused words and expressions and misspelled words. 808.3 FICTION CATALOG, 1960 ed ; A Subject, Author and s Title List of 4,097 Works of Fiction in the English Lan- guage. Wilson, 1960. 650 p. (Standard Catalog Series) $12.00. Books suitable for high school readers are indicated. Annual supplements. 808.8 Johnson. Edna. ANTHOLOGY OF CHILDREN'S LIT- e-j ERATURE. Houghton, 1959. 1239 p. $7.50. Indispensable for anyone who wishes to survey the general field of children's books. A guide that is both practical and inspiring. 808.81 Cecil, David and Tate, Allen, eds. MODERN VERSE s IN ENGLISH, 1900-1950. Macmillan, 1959. 688 p. $5.00. Anthology including 55 British and 61 American poets with biographical notes on each poet. 40 Reference Materials foe School Libraries 808.81 Van Doren, Mark, ed. ANTHOLOGY OF WORLD s POETRY. Rev. and enl. ed. Harcourt, 1936. 1467 p. $8.75. "A comprehensive reference collection of the poetry of eighteen nations — ." H. 808.82 Carlson, Bernice Wells, RIGHT PLAY FOR YOU. s Abingdon, 1960. 160 p. $2.50. Text for 20 plays with suggestions for would-be producers. 808.82 National Council of Teachers of English. GUIDE TO s PLAY SELECTION. 2nd ed. Appleton, 1959. 178 p. $4.50. A listing of 430 long plays and 294 short ones with brief an- notations. 808.82 Ottemiller, John Henry. INDEX TO PLAYS IN COL- j-s LECTIONS. 3rd ed. Scarecrow, 1957. 386 p. $9.50. "An author and title index to plays appearing in collections published between 1900 and 1950." Subtitle. 808.83 SHORT STORY INDEX SUPPLEMENT, 1955-1958. j-s Comp. by Estelle A. Fiddell and Esther V. Flory. Wilson, 1960. $6.00. 808.85 Hurd, Charles, comp. TREASURY OF GREAT AMERI- s CAN SPEECHES. Hawthorn, 1959. 384 p. $5.95. 100 selections by American orators from 1645 to 1959. 808.87 Copeland, Lewis and Copeland, Faye, eds. 10,000 j-s JOKES, TOASTS AND STORIES. Doubleday, 1946. 1020 p. $3.50. Collection of stories and toasts for all occasions. 808.87 Manley, Seon, ed. TEEN-AGE TREASURY OF GOOD j-s HUMOR. Funk, 1960. 334 p. $4.95. More than 35 carefully selected stories, essays and poems. 808.88 Mersand, Joseph. GUIDE TO THE USE OF BART- s LETT'S FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS. Little, 1962. 34 p. $1.25. English teachers and students will find this pamphlet helpful and stimulating. 808.88 Stevenson, Burton Egbert, ed. HOME BOOK OF QUO- j-s TATIONS ; Classical and Modern. 9th ed. Dodd, 1959. 2812 p. $25.00. A comprehensive and well-chosen collection arranged alpha- betically by subject, subdivided into smaller topics. Author in- dex. Reference Materials fob School Libraries 41 810.8 Woods, Ralph L. FAMILY READER OF AMERICAN s MASTERPIECES. Crowell, 1959. 487 p. $5.95. "A good selection of short stories, essays, poems, history and other forms arranged chronologically and geographically." W. 815.08 Wrage, Ernest J. and Baskerville, Barnet, eds. AMERI- s CAN FORUM: SPEECHES ON HISTORIC ISSUES, 1788-1900. Harper, 1960. 377 p. $7.50. "Arranged chronologically . . ., the speeches are accompanied by brief introductions that supply the historical context, chrono- logies of the speaker's lives and bibliographical notes." B. 820.3 NEW CENTURY HANDBOOK OF ENGLISH LIT- s ERATURE. Appleton, 1956. 1167 p. $12.00. "A useful book for answering questions about English writers, works of literature, characters from works of literature and various related items." B. 820.9 Sampson, George. CONCISE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY s OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. 2nd ed. Cambridge U. P., 1961. 1071 p. $4.95. Substitution of new chapter, "The Age of T. S. Eliot," for the last chapter in the earlier edition is only change in this standard reference work. 821.08 Arbuthnot, May Hill. TIME FOR POETRY. Scott, e-j 1959. 512 p. $2.76. "A teacher's anthology to accompany the new basic readers Cur- riculum Foundation series." Subtitle. 821.08 Sechrist, Elizabeth Hough. ONE THOUSAND POEMS e-j FOR CHILDREN. Macrae Smith, 1946. 601 p. $5.50. Less attractive than many of our anthologies, but its large col- lection carefully selected makes it a useful library item. 840.3 Harvey, Sir Paul and Heseltine, J. E., eds. OXFORD s COMPANION TO FRENCH LITERATURE. Oxford U. P., 1959. 771 p. $12.50. "Concise, comprehensive coverage of the entire field of French literature from 400 A. D. to 1939 with some information of a later date." B. For advanced French classes. 900 HISTORY 901 Brosse, Jacques, and others. 100,000 YEARS OF DAI- s LY LIFE. Golden Press, 1961. 295 p. $15.97. Nearly 900 illustrations of the earth's inhabitants at work and play. 909 Smith, Goldwin. HERITAGE OF MAN. Scribner, s 1960. 880 p. $12.50. History broadly interpreted to include arts and sciences as well a3 politics and battles. 41 maps and 125 illustrations. 42 Reference Materials for School Libraries? 910 GOLDEN GEOGRAPHIC ENCYCLOPEDIA. Adapted j and edited by Theodore Shabad and Peter M. Stern. S. and S., 1958. 228 p. $7.95. "Colorful and journalistic treatment of physical any^ ;