p. UBINSBERG:^ri^ciler in Pianos/Organs, 3Iitsical X strumentSf &(^S9^nd 41 Market 'St* See Advt page 3 New Yorb Baltimore ste:^3i ships. Wmr FBIIQMT BOUTl TO ALL POINTS NORTH OR SOUTH, Via WILMINGTON, N. C. BALTIMORE. Baltimore and Wilmington Line. Leaving: BALTZIVEO&Ij VVednesdayl Saturday at4 p. m. Arrivingr in WILMINGTON. Saturday and Tuesday Mornings. Leavingr WTLMINGTON Wednesday and Saturday. NEW YORK. CLYDE'S WILMINGTON LINE, Leavinif NEiW TORH Tuesday and Friday at 3 P. M. Arriving in WILMINGTON. Friday and Monday Mornings. Leaving WILMINGTON Wednesday and Saturday. Shippers may rely upon the Prompt and Regular sailing of these Steamers, and quick dis- patch to all shipments by this Koute. And but one transfer from point of Shipment to Destination ; consequently all Freight by this Route is delivered in Unbroken Lots. Through Bills of Lading given to and from all points in Nortli and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, ALSO TO enltimore, Phlladelpbia, New Torb, Boston, Providence, Fall Klver, And other Eastern Cities. Rates Guaranteed as low as by any other Roiite, and time as fiuick. Losses or Overcharges promptly paid. MARK Aliti «0«DS VIA WIIiSHPifOTO.V STEAMERS. For further information apply to either of the undersigned A gents of the Line. RSUBESr FOSTER, Gen'l Agrt. BALTIMORE LINE, 90 Light Streets Baltimore. A. D. CAZAUX, Agt., Baltimore and New Torb Eines, ^Viluiiu^tou WM. F. CLVDE 6l CO., Agts., XEW YORK LINE. 6 Bowling- Greeu, New York. N. C. f ennison'»« Restaurant and Barber's Caecks; Uaine Counters; AVedtling- Calte Boxes ; Visiting and Playing €ard Cases, etc., etc. STAR COFYING PADS, 8UPKR10K TO ALL OTHKU DEVICKS FOR THE COPYING OF LETTERS. PHILLIPS' AND SLBVENS' HOOK AND CLASP TAGS ; BALL'S SELF-FASTENING TICKETS: ANDERSONS IMPROVED SUSPEN- SION HOOKS: POSTAL ENVELOPES: McGILL'S PAPER FASTENERS , DICKINSON'S RUBBER BANDS: '■'■GLOBE," AND CENTEN- NIAL PRIZE '■'EXCELSIOR" TISSUE PAPERS. Jeivelers^ Cai^ds, Pink and White Cotton, Fine Ttvines, etc. Apothecaries' Poxvder Papers and Counter Papers ; Deninson's Sha-'ing Papers, All of our goods are for sale by dealers everywhere, and by DENNISON & CO., BOSTON, XEW YORK, POII.ADEI.PHIA, CHICAGO, CINCINNATI and ST. I.OIJIS. S. G. HALL, AND Wilmington, N. G. The best work, the best material, and the lowest prices to be found in the city. All classes of JOB PRINTING neatly and expeditiously executed. Call for estimates before sending your work to any other estab- lishment at home or abroad. 8 SHERIFFS WILMINGTON, N. C. DIRECTORY. AND GENERAL ADVERTISER FOR -1877-8. Containing a General and Complete Business Directory of the City, as well as a Con-iplete Post Office Directory of Virginia, "West Virginia, and North Carolina. COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY FOU SATjE by p. HEIlSrSBEECIEE, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. 39 & 41 MARKET ST., WILMINGTON, N. C. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1877, by Bcnj. R. Sheriff, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. PREFACE. This, my second issue of tlae Wilmington City Directory, I trust will be found more full and complete than its predeces- sor. The increase in the number of names contained in the work clearly indicates that there has been a notable increase in the population of the city. The Directory contains 4860 names, which multiplied by four, the usual ratio, would give Wilmington a population of 19,440, an increase of 5974 over the United States Census of 1870, and an increase of 4,400 over the last estimate as calculated by the Directory. Hoping that my work will give satisfaction to its patrons, returning my sincere thanks to all who have aided me by fur- nishing the necessary information, and trusting that my hum- ble efforts in the future may meet with the same liberal pat- ronage heretofore extended, I am respectfully, etc., BBNJ. R. SHERIFF, Publisher Wilmington, N, C, Directory. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. PAGE Altaffer & Hill, Sash, Doors, Blinds, &c 27 Baltimore Bag Factory 170 Baltimore and Wilmington Steamship Co. Outside front and back covers. Bank of New Hanover 4 Bates James, Hoisting Machinery 2 & 235 Bellamy, John D, Attorney at Law 33 Bernard, W. H., Printer and Bookbinder 334 Biihmann, W. J., Broker and Importer Wines, &c 42 Carroll, John C, Saloon 46 Cazaux, A. D., Steamship Agent. Outside front and back covers. Chadbourn, J. H. k Co., Commission Merchant and Steam Saw and Planing Mill 47 ColHns, Wm. M., Saloon 30 Darby F. H., Attorney at Law 54 Dart, D. M., Plumber and Gas Fitter 55 Dennison & Co., Tags. Outside Back Bone and page 7 Deumelandt August, Restaurant and Saloon 58 First National Bank 4 Freeman & Baldwin, Dentists 68 Genaust, Wm., Bottler 70 Giles & Murchison, Hardware and Agricultural Imple- ments 71 Grafflin, John C. & Co., Bags and Bagging 170 Haar, John jr.. Billiards and Saloon 75 Hall, Samuel G., Book and Job Printer 8 Hanby, John H., Contractor and Builder 77 Hay den, P. H., Carriage and Wagon Manufacturer 80 Hayden & Gerhardt, Saddlers and ILirness Makers 81 Heinsberger, P., Bookseller, Stationer, Bookbinder and Dealer in Pianos, Music, &g 3 Herrins & Craia:, Merchant Tailors 82 12 PAGE- Kidder, Edward & Sons, Commission Merchants and Steam Saw and Planing Mill 5 Koch, John C, Groceries, Wines, Liquors, &c 98 Koch, W. H. M., Groceries, Wines, Liquors, &c 99' Lowry, James A., Carriage Maker 104 MacRae, Donald, Navassa Guano Co 120 Maryland Eye and Ear Institute, top lines. Morning Star, Newspaper 234 Morrelle, Daniel, Rev., School 189 Myers, Geo., Wholesale and Retail Grocei 5 Navassa Guano Co., 120 New York and Wilmington Steamship Company, outside covers. Northrop, S. G., Confectionery 2 O'Connor, Daniel. Real Estate" Agent 123 Paterson, Downing k Co., Cotton and Naval Stores 126 Pettewav & Schulken, Commission Merchants 128 Pigott, i), Cigars and Tobacco 129 Pope, A., Wilmington k Welden, Wilmington, Colum- bia and Augusta Railroad;-- 6 Potts, E.J. Mrs., Dyer and Scourer 130 Reuling, Geo., M. D., Maryland Eye an-i Ear Institute, top lines. Review, Daily Newspaper 192 Schutte, F. A., Furniture 2 Sheriff, B. R., Publisher 233 Sidbury, John, Carpenter and Builder 14:2 Smith, B., Grocer and Family Supplies 143 Star, Daily and Weekly Newspaper 334 Strauss, John Wm., Grocer 149 Walker, James, Contractor and Marble Works 157 Watson, T. A., Butcher 335 Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad 6 Wilmington & Weldon Railroad 6 Werner, John, Barber 160 Woolvin, J. W. undertaker 167 Zimmerman k White, Awning Makers, Upholsterers and paper Hangers 235 SHERIFF'S WILMINGTON CITY DIRECTORY. 1877-78. ABBREVIATIONS. ab. . . . - above dept. - department advt. - advertisement e. - - east T ... . X ft. . ■ . - foot h. - house asst. . - - assistant hd. - - - . head av avenue ins. insurance bds. - . - boards int. re 1. • internal rev bel below lab - laborer bet. ... between mkr. maker bkkpr. - - bookkeeper mnfr. . manufacturer bidg. . . . building nr. .... near com. mer. commission merch. opp. opposite cor. ... corner pl place ct. - • - • court P.O. - . - post office dep. ... deputy pres. president prin. propr, r. - rd. Rev. R. R. S. S. sq. . supt. tp. treas. w. wid. wks. . principal proprietor rear road • Reverend - railroad steamship south secretary square superintendent turnpike treasurer west widow - works Names marked * are colored. AAR ADA Aaron David (Aaron k Rheinstein) li Philadelphia *Aaron Joseph lab h 7th bet Red Cross and Walnut Aaron & Rheinstein (David Aaron and Fred Rheinstein) dry goods 80 Front Abbott Joseph C collector of customs Custom House h Market bet 6th and 7th Academy of the Incarnation, Sister Mary Augustine Superior 4th cor Ann * Adams Elijah lab h 9 th bet Castle and Queen MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St, Baltimore. ADA 26 ALL *Adams Joseph lab h 8\h. bet Dawson and Wrigbt *Adams Martin lab h Walnut bet 5th and 6th Adrian A (Adrian & Yollers) h Orange bet 2d and 3d ADRIAN & VOLLERS (A Adrian and H VoUers) grocers Front cor Dock ^tna Fire Ins Co of Hartford Conn 28 n Water Agostini F M farmer h 6th cor Dock Agostini F M jr prof dancing h 6th cor Dock Ahrens B H J grocer Market cor 7th and ice Dock nr Front h Market cor 7th *Akerton Joseph lab h Brunswick cor 5th *Albrittan Hardy lab h Church bet Front and Water Alderman Alfred inspector Water cor Chesnut h 4th cor Mulberry Alderman Allison (Geo F Alderman & Bro) h Mulberry bet 5th and 6th Alderman A M h Front cor Mulberry Alderman Archibald lighterman h 4th bet Harnett and Swann Alderman Geo F (Geo F Alderman & Bro) h Walnut cor 5th Alderman Geo F & Bro (Geo F and Allison Alderman) turpen- tine distillers Point Peter Alderman I T asst treas C C E R h Front cor Mulberry Alderman J T express messenger h Front cor Mulberry Alderman James insp ft Chesnut h 2d cor Orange Alderman J W distiller h Walnut cor 5th Alderman Thos elk C C R R h Mulberry cor Front Alderman Wm H elk h Mulberry bet 3d and 4th Aldrich Rachael M dressmkr h Orange cor 3d Aldrich Wm machinist h 3d cor Orange ^Alexander Elias lab h 6th bet Mulberry and Walnut * Alexander Enoch lab h Dickinson nr Miller Alexander John timekeeper h 3d cor Red Cross * Alexander John lab h Church bet 5 th and 6th ♦Alexander Thomas lab h Nun cor 7th Allen A A (Harrison & Allen) h Petersburg Ya *Allen Albert lab h 8th nr R R ■^Allen Benjamin lab h 5th bet Mulberry and Chesnut *Allen CaUister lab h Bladen cor 8th * A lien Edward lab h 8th bet Castle and Queen *Allen Elizabeth candy 2d bet Market and Princess h Prin- cess cor 5th Allen Elizabeth laundress h Castle bet Front and Surry APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. ALL 27 ANC Allen E V upholsterer bds McRae cor Gwynn *Allen Geo plasterer h McRae bet Nixon and Swann * A lien Henry lab h 8th bet Castle and Queen Allen James B bricklayer h 5th bet Dawson and Wright Allen J H watchmaker 6 n Front h 4th bet Chesnut and Mul- berry Allen John lab h r Dock cor 7th * Allen Margaret h 11th cor Wooster *Allen Randall lab h Meares bet Front and 2d * A lien Robt farmer h Dock bet 16 th and 17th Allen Saml machinist bds Front bet Red Cross and Campbell ^Allen Thos lab h Castle bet 5th and 6th *Allen Thos lab h Wright bet Front and Surry Allen Wm bricklayer h 6th bet Castle and Queen ALLEN WM H paymaster and master transportation C C R R h New Hanover co ALLEN W W agt Southern Express h Front bet Mulberry and Walnut *Allison Benj lab h 6th bet Mulberry and Walnut Allyn S D machinist h Red Cross cor Front Altaffer G M (Altaffer & flill) h Chesnut cor McRae ALTAFFER & HILL [G M Altaffer & W E Hill) mnfra sash, doors and blinds ft Walnut (see advt) *Alvis Walter carpt h Surry bet Castle and Queen Amazon Fire Ins Co of Cincinnati Water bet Princess and Chesnut Ambler Thos M Rev h 4th bet Orange and Dock American Fire Ins Co of Philadelphia Princess bet Front and 2d *Ancrum Edward painter h Swann bet 5th and Brown ALTAFFER I HILL MANUFACTURERS OF 'Bmw, Bm% iliid^, Blonldiugs, Brackets, Window and Door Frames, and FACTORY, FOOT OF WALMT ST., WILMINSTON, I C. MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St. , Baltimore. AND 28 ATK *Anderson Abraham lab h lOth bet Mulberry and Chesnut *Anderson Alex lab h Anderson cor Mulberry *Anderson Chas lab h Brown bet Harnett and Swann Anderson E A physician Orange cor Front ■^Anderson Frank lab h Castle bet 8th and 9th *Anderson Geo lab h 9th cor Dock ^Anderson Jackson lab h Castle bet 8th and 9th Anderson James Supt W C & A E R bds Purcell House Anderson James (Anderson & Loeb and Binford, Crow k Co) h Orange bet Front and 2nd *Anderson James lab h Nixon bet 8th and Brooklyn *Anderson John lab h Front bet Dawson and Wright * Anderson Joseph lab h 9 th bet Orange and Dock Anderson Wra h Orange cor Front *Anderson William lab h Front bet Queen and Wooster Anderson & Loeb (James Anderson k Jacob Loeb) com mers Princess cor Water *Andrews Alex porter h 6th cor Princess ^Andrews Fred lab h Market bet 11th and 12th Andrews H J Painter h 9th bet Princess and Chesnut ANGEL A L manager W U Tel Co h Chesnut bet 2d and 3d Anthony Julia wid Alfred h Front bet Davis and Cowan Appleton R Rbkkpr h 2S Maiket *Ark Cornelius lab h Dawson cor 8d *Armal Jupiter carpt h Miller nr McRae ^Armstrong Philip lab h Surry bet Church and Castle *Arnold George elk h Ann bet 6th and 7th *Arrington Thomas lab h- Orange bet 10th and 11th *Artis Calvin lab h Front bet Queen and Castle ^Artis Champ lab h Church bet 6th and 7th *Artis E barber Front bet Market and Princess h Brunswick cor 7th *Artis John P barber h Brunswick cor 7th *Artis Julius lab h Dawson cor 3d *Artis Wm T carpt h 7th bet Nixon and Taylor *Ashe Benj porter h 5th bet Taylor and Howard *Ashe Jackson lab h 2d bet Wright and Meares "Ashe James W lab h Sherwood al bet Walnut and Red Cross *Asbe Richard porter h 5th bet Brunswick and Hanover *Ashe Scipio lat) h Front bet Orange and Ann *Ashe Simon lab h 8th bet Swann and Nixon *Atkins Julius lab h Castle bet 7th and 8th APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. ATK 29 BAK * Atkinson Alex lab li Ann cor 11th *Atkinson General servt h 3d cor Walnut ^Atkinson Hezekiah lab h Market nr 12th Atkinson J W (Atkinson & Manning) h 3d bet Nun and Church Atkinson Thomas Kt Rev Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of N C h Orange bet 5th and 6th Atkinson & Manning (J W Atkinson and E W Manning) in- surance agts Front cor Princess Atlantic Fire Ins Co of Brooklyn N Y 28 n Water Atlas Fire Ins Co of Hartford Princess bet Front and 2d August Charles lab h 6th bet Princess and Chesnut Augustine Mary, Sister Superior Academy of the Incarnation 4th cor Nun Augustini P P watchman h McRae cor Gwynn *Austin Abraham lab h Brown bet Taylor and Howard Austin Geo M painter h 3d bet Princess and Market *Austin John bricklayer h Vance al bet Front and 2d *Austin Solomon lab h Hanover bet Front and 2d *Avery John W lab h 8th bet Harnett and Swann Ayres Alice J teacher h Front bet Chesnut and Mulberry B Bagg Horace A inspector Water cor Chesnut h 6th bet Ches- nut and Princess Bagley James G grocer 4th cor Davis Bagley T F elk h Front bet Market and Princess Bagley W H route agt h Mulberry cor 7th Bailey Edw P pattern mkr h 3d bet Orange and Ann Bailey James H teacher dancing h McRae nr Mulberrj'- Bailey J C (Hart, Bailey k Co) h 3d bet Orange and Ann Bailey Thos H lab h 9 th cor Red Cross Bailey Geo W elk h Red Cross bet Front and 2d Bains Geo VV grocer Bladen bet 6th and 7th h 4th nr Swann Baison Henry A engineer bds Farmers' Hotel *Bakeman Wm H barber bds Nutt nr Mulberry *Baker Alexander lab h 8th bet Princess and Chesnut *Baker Bryant lab h 5th bet Queen and Wooster *Baker Ch'as drayman h 7th bet Taylor and Howard ^Baker Henry lab h 8ih bet Dawson and Wright *Baker Henry lab h 5th bet Wooster and Dawson MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St. , Baltimore. BAK 30 BAR ■^Baker Henry lab la. 2d cor Queen *Baker Isaac lab li 6th nr Bladen *Baker Jacob lab h r 6tli bet Ann and Nun Baker James dentist 30 Market *Baker John lab h Queen cor 2d Baker John C vshoemaker Princess bet Front and 2d h Dock bet 7th and 8th *Baker Joseph lab h 7th bet Church and Castle *Baker Lewis lab h r Ann bet 6th and 7th *Baker Silas lab h Church bet 5th and 6th *Baker Silmore lab h 10th bet Nun and Church Baldwin A M (Freeman & Baldwin) bds 4th bet Market and Dock *Ballett Stephen lab h 6th bet Swann and Nixon BALTIMORE & WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP CO (A D Cazaux agt) Water cor Chesnut(see advt outside back cover) BANK OF NEW HANOVER (Isaac B Grainger pres, S D Wallace cashier) Front cor Princess (see advt) *Banks Isaac K cook h 6th bet Walnut and Mulberry *Banks James lab h Surry bet Castle and Queen ■^Banks Lewis lab h Surry bet Castle and Queen *Banks Wm H Rev h 7t'h bet Ann and Nun Banks AYm W elk h 3d cor Campbell *Bannerman Isaac lab h Harnett bet Front and 2d *Barbier James lab h 11th cor Church Barclay Richard carpt h Wooster cor 7th Barker E G (E G Barker & Co) h Ann bet Front and 2d Barker E G & Co (E G Barker) com mers Water bet Princess and Chesnut Barker Jno A tinner h Castle bet 4th and 5th Barker Jno L tinner h Castle bet 4th and 5th Barlow Jno B wheelwright h 4th cor Bladen Barlow Jos L elk h Market cor 9th Barnes D F carpt h Queen bet 7th and 8th *Barnes Doctor lab h Brown bet Taylor and Howard Barnes Jas W farmer h Orange nr 17th Barnes Jno S tinner h Queen cor 7th *Barnes Lorenzo lab h Front bet Wooster and Queen Barnes Tabitha wid Jno h Queen bet 7th and 8th *Barnett Jno lab h Wooster bet 2d and 3d Barnitz E G h 3d bet Nun and Church Barr Wm H watchman h Surry cor Wright APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. BAR 31 BEA Barraden Wa-lter h 8th bet Nun and Church Barrentine J G grocer 2d cor Toomer's al Barrentine Peter elk h 2d cor Toomer's al Barry Jno road master W & W E E h 6th bet Eed Cross and Campbell Baskerville Jno engineer h Front bet Eed Cross and Camp- bell Baskin James W lab h Hanover bet 3d and 4th Bassett James T bkkpr h 2d bet Ann and Nun Basterrochel N de mariner h Church bet 5th and 6th Bate Geo E elk h 5th bet Walnut and Eed Cross Bate Eojal Mrs h 5th bet Walnut and Eed Cross Bates Benjamin G harbor master and port warden Water cor Dock h 3d bet Eed Cross and Campbell Bates Isaac asst cashr Bank of New Hanover h Market cor 5th *Batey Edward blacksmith 6th cor Eed Cross *Batey Edward lab h Dock bet 10th and 11th ^Batey James lab h Ann bet 7th and 8th *Batey Joshua lab h Bladen bet 5th and 6th *Batey Luke servt h Church bet Front and Water *Batey Thomas lab h 6th bet Dock and Market *Batson George lab h Campbell cor McEae *Batson Zeph lab h Brown bet Taylor and Nixon *Battle George lab h Wooster bet 2d and Front Baugham T P h 5th cor Chesnut Bauman H T elk h 5th cor Dock Bauman J elk h 5th cor Dock Bauman J G elk h 5th cor Dock Bauman John shoemkr 2d bet Market and Princess h Chesnut bet 8th and 9th Bauman William shoemkr h Chesnut bet 8th and 9th Baylor George E druggist 4th cor Nun Beady Sarah seamstress h Front bet Wright and Meares •^Bearaan Alfred farmer h Eagle Island Bear Adolph elk h Market bet Front and 2d *Bear Gattin lab h 6th bet Harnett and Swann *Bear Gilford lab h 6th bet Harnett and Swann Bear Isaac (Morris & Bros) h 6th cor Chesnut Bear Marcus (Sol Bear k Bros and J Fernberger & Co) h 5th bet Market and Princess Bear Meyer dry goods h Chesnut cor 6th Bear Morris (Morris Bear & Bros) h 6th cor Chestnut MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. BEA 32 BEL Bear Morris & Bros (Morris, Isaac & Saral Bear jr) dry goods 18 n Water Bear Saml (Sol Bear & Bros & J Fernberger & Co) h Front bet Mulberry and Walnut Bear Sol (Sol Bear & Bros & J Fernberger & Co) b Eed Cross bet Front and 2d Bear Sol & Bros (Sol, Saml & Marcus Bear) dry goods 18 and 20 Market Beasley Benjamin lab h 6tb bet Castle and Queen *Beasley Harriet h 9th nr Bed Cross *Beasley James lab b 7tb nr Nixon *Beasley Eobt lab h Harnett cor Front * Beasley William lab h Bladen bet MoRae and 8th *Beatty Frank lab h Brunswick nr Front ^Beatty Frank lab h Walker al bet Bladen and Brunswick *Beatty John lab h Church bet Front and Water *Beatty Joshua lab h Bladen bet 5th and 6th Beatty Lewis insp bds Front bet Chesnut and Mulberry *Beatty Luke lab h Church bet Front and Water Beck Thomas grocer Red Cross cor 6th Beckerdite Sarah A wid Frank h Nun cor 6th *Beckett John fireman h 2d nr Harnett *Becktum John carpenter h Dock bet 10 and 11th Beech Geo J machinist h 4th bet Taylor and Howard Beech Teresa C wid Allen h 4th bet Taylor and Howard Beech Wm J lab h 4th bet Taylor and Howard Beery B W ship builder ft of Castle h Queen cor 4th *Beery Joseph hostler Princess cor 2d Beery R H ship builder ft Castle h Front bet Market and Princess Beery Wm L carpenter h Front bet Nun and Ann Belden Lewis S soliciting agt h Cottage la bet Dock and Or- ange Bell Benjamin (Jackson & Bell) h 4th bet Nun and Church Bell Chas F elk h 4th bet Bladen and Harnett *Bell Henry lab h 6th bet Walnut and Red Cross *Bell Isaac lab h Orange cor 10th *Bell Jacob lab h Wooster bet Front and 2d *Bell James lab h Anderson nr Red Cross Bell John J lab h 5th bet Queen and Castle Bell Julia wid James h Princess bet 8th and 9th *Bell Junius lab h Mulberry bet 6th and 7th APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING. M. D., FOR INFORMATION. BEL 33 BER *Bell Louis lab h 8d bet Hanover and Brunswick *Bell Robt lab 5th bet Red Cross and Campbell Bell Saml R carpt h 4tli bet Swann and Nixon *Bell Sutton lab h Wooster bet Front and 2d Bell William K machinist h 5th bet Queen and Castle Bell William K jr lab h oth bet Queen and Castle Bellamy Chesley C h Market cor 5th Bellamy John I) farmer h Market cor 5th BELLAMY JOHN D Jli lawyer Market bet 2d and 3d h 5th cor Market (see advt) Bellamy Marsden lawyer 2d cor Market h Market bet 6th and 7th Bellamy W J H physician Front bet Market and Dock h Front bet Mulberry and Walnut Bellevue Cemetery Co E W Manning pres John S McEachern sec office Market bet 2d and 8d Bender D S police h Castle bet 6th and 7th ■^Bennett Alfred lab h Schutt's al bet Bladen and Harnett *Bennett Bonds lab h 6th bet Queen and Wooster ^Bennett John lab h Harnett bet 7th and 8th ^Bennett John lab h 6th bet Queen and Wooster *Bennett Julius lab h 7th bet Church and Castle *Bennett Saml lab h Harnett bet 7th and 8th ♦Bennett S H lab h 8th bet Campbell and Hanover Benteli Emile watchmkr Water cor Market *Benton Alfred lab h Wilson bet Ann and Nun *Benton Calvin boatman C H h 7th bet Church and Castle Benton E L lumber h Walnut bet 4th and 5th *Benton Nelson lab h 10th bet Dock and Market Benton Wm lab h Meares bet Front and Surry ^Bernard Harry h 6th bet Ann and Nun JOHN D. BELLAMY, Jr., ITTDIIY m COBIOS IT liW, "^ILMIITGTON-, N. C. Office on North side of 3Iarket, bet. 2d *& 3d Sts. Prompt attention paid to tlie collection of claims. Practices in all the courts of the State. MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. BER 34 BIS ^Bernard Harry jr candy mkr 6th bet Ann and Nun ^Bernard Jno carpt h McRae nr Green BERNARD WILLIAM H editor and propr Daily and Weekly Star^ job printing and book bindery Princess bet "Water and Front h 5th bet Dock and Orange (see advt) Bernheim G D Rev h 6th bet Market and Princess *Berry Jno B porter h Chesnut bet 9th and 10th *Berry Lewis lab h Gumming al bet Dawson and Wright Berry Lot lab h Walker al bet Bladen and Brunswick *Berthod Chas lab h 7th bet Bladen and Brunswick *Bess Alex lab h Walker al cor Bladen Bess Jas engineer bds 5th bet Mulberry and Walnut Bettencourt Mary I wid W C h 2d cor Cbesnut *Betts Abraham plasterer h McRae bet Harnett and Swann *Betts Geo W carpt h 2d nr Dock *Betts Jas (J Nixon & Co) h 7th bet Swann and Harnett *Betts Jas lab h Front bet Queen and Wooster *Betts Theophilus lab h Queen cor 4th Biddle Jno W printer h Castle bet 6th and 7th Biddle W H watchman h Castle bet 6th and 7th Biggs Asa lab h Front bet Queen and Wooster Biggs Zilpha lab h Front cor Dawson Billings W H steward h Market bet Front and 2d Binford Berry salesman h Front bet Market and Princess BINFORD, CROW & CO (W B Binford, J E Crow, James Anderson k Jacob Loeb) wholesale grocers Princess cor Water Binford W B (Binford, Crow & Co) h Orange bet Front and 2d *Bingham Thos lab h Queen cor 11th Birch Carrie bds 4th bet Queen and Castle *Bird Edward lab h Queen cor 10th *Bird John lab h Queen bet 7th and 8th *Bird John H lab Queen cor 10th *Bird Richard lab h 8th bet Nixon and Taylor *Bird Thomas cooper h Nun bet 2d and 8d *Bird William cooper h Nun bet 2d and 3d *Bird William jr cooper h Nun bet 2d and 3d *Bird Willis lab h Brunswick bet 2d and 3d Birdsey Saml R broker Water bet Princess and Chesnut h Dock bet .Front and 2d Bisbey Joseph engineer h 5th cor Queen Bishop F B elk h 7th bet Chesnut and Mulberry APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. BIS 35 BOA Bishop Jasper dept elk Criminal Court h 6th bet Chesnut and Mulberry Bissett John master mechanic h 3d cor Hanover Bissinger C F W grocer h Princess cor 6th *Bivens Henry lab h 7th bet Swann and Nixon *Bivens Wm H lab h Swann bet 7th and 8th Bizzell Haywood lab h Brunswick bet 4th and 5th *Black Anthony lab h Bulken al bet 4th and 5th Blackman Irvin lab h 2d bet Hanover and Brunswick *B]ackman John lab h Wooster cor 7th *Blackwell Andrew lab h Princess bet 10th and 11th *Blackwell Herndon porter h Front bet Market and Princess *Blackwell Wm lab h Howard cor James al ^Blackwood Henry farmer h 6th bet Nixon and Taylor *Blakeney Ambrose lab h Princess cor 12th *Bland Wm shoemaker h 5th cor Princess Blaney W E Mrs h 3d cor Dock Blanks Wm com mer bds Pnrcell House *Blanks Wm fisherman h Walnut cor Nutt Blanton Julia wid Thomas h 6th bet Queen and Wooster Blew Philip lab h Chesnut bet 4th and 5th ^Blocker Aaron lab h 8d bet Bladen and Brunswick ^Blocker Jonas lab h 3d bet Bladen and Brunswick *Blooker Wm lab h 4th bet Ann and Nun Blomme Peter grocer 5th cor Campbell Bloodgood Nancy wid John h 5th bet Church and Castle Bloom H H grocer 5th cor Chesnut Blossom J R ( J E Blossom & Evans) h New York Blossom J R & Evans (J R Blossom & Thomas Evans) distil- lers turpentine Water bet Chesnut and Mulberry ■'^Blount Calvin drayman h Brunswick bet 6th and 7th *Blount George lab h Wooster bet 7th and 8th Blount Thomas H jr elk h 3d cor Mulberry *Bluard Francis lab h 12th bet Wooster and Queen Blumenthal S dry goods 40 Market boots and shoes 38 Market h 4th cor Chesnut *Blunt Benjamin lab h 4th bet Bladen and Brunswick *Blunt Freeman lab h Mulberry bet Front and 2d *Blunt Harry lab h 12th cor Ann *Blunt Louis lab h 11th bet Dock and Orange Board of Trade Clayton Giles prest Masonic Hall Boat Wright J H elk h Dock cor 3d MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St. , Baltimore. BOA 36 BOW Boatwrigbt J L (C D Myers & Co) h Orange cor 4tli *Boatwright Richard masiciaa h Castle bet 5th and 6tli *Bolden R H h 7th bet Ann and Nun Bolles C P civil engineer h 3d bet Chesnut and Mulberry Bolles John W elk h Orange bet 4th and 5th Bolton Alice wid William h 5th bet Castle and Queen *Bolton John lab h Queen bet 6th and 7th Boney David E (G Bouey & Sons) h Duplin co BONEY G & SONS (Gabriel, William J, Gabriel J, and D E Boney) com mers Water bet Chesnut and Mulberry Boney Gabriel (G Boney & Sons) h Duplin co Boney Gabriel J (G Boney & Sons) h Front bet Princess and Chesnut *Boney Moses lab h 2d bet Hanover and Brunswick Boney Wm J (G Boney & Sons) h Duplin co ^Bonnet Buck carpt h Dock bet 11th and 12th *Bonnet Isaac lab h 6th bet Nun and Church Boone Bennett lab h 6th nr Bladen Boone Cornelius weaver h 2d bet Queen and Wooster Boone Hattie weaver h 2d bet Wooster and Queen Boone Isabel weaver h 2d bet Queen and Wooster Boone L L elk h 4th bet Ilanover and Brunswick Boone Martha weaver h 2d bet Queen and Wooster Boone Owen lab h 6th nr Bladen *Boone Robt lab h Price al bet 5th and 6th *Boone Zachariah lab h 6th bet Queen and Castle *Boosraan Richard lab h Queen bet 6Lh and 7th '^Bordeaux Jacob huckster h 7th cor Nixon Borden Edward telegraph operator h 4th bet Mulberry and Campbell Borden J C conductor h 4th bet Campbell and Red Cross Borneman Geo Wm elk bds 9th cor Castle Borneman Jno C grocer 48 Market h 9th cor Castle Bosch Jno II grocer 7th cor Nixon h 4th cor Brunswick Bosch Wm G F elk h 7th cor Nixon Boskowitz Chas J elk h Front bet Chesnut and Mulberry *Boston Amos shoemkr Front cor Mulberry h Campbell bet 4th and 5th *Bowden Alex lab h r Market cor 7th *Bowden Alex lab h 7th bet Dock and Market *Bowden Benj lab h Queen bet 9th and 10th Bowdeu Emma J wid J C boarding h Chesnut cor 2d APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. BOW 31 BRA Bowden H M (Mallard & Co) & teller 1st National Bank h 2d nr Chesnut Bowden James distiller li Red Cross bet 2d and 3d Bowden J J bar keeper h 2d cor Chesnut Bowden Jos N conductor h 4th cor Princess Bowden Lemuel T elk h Red Cross bet 2d and 3d Bowden L H lumber agt 15 n Water h Princess bet 5th and 6th *Bowden Robert lab h Castle bet 2d and 3d Bowden Sarah C wid Jesse h 4th cor Princess Bowden Whiteford B h Chesnut cor 2d Bowden W N auditor C C R Way h Chesnut cor 2d *Bowen Edward blacksmith Princess bet 3d and 4th h 7th bet Bladen and Brunswick *Bowen Henry lab h 7th bet Brunswick and Bladen *Bowen Johnson lab h 7th bet Bladen and Brunswick *Bowen Peter lab h 5th nr Nixon *Bowen Primus lab h Swann bet Brown and 5th *Bowen Robt drayman h 5th cor Princess *Bowen Stephen cooper h Mulberry cor 3rd *Bowen Stephen lab h McRae nr Chesnut *Bowman John W drayman h Mulberry bet 6th and 7th Boyd J L moulder h 5th bet Ann and Orange Boyd Philip carpt 17 s Front *Boyd Spotswood porter h Walnut bet 5th and 6th *Boyd William lab h Brunswick bet 5th and 6th *Boykin Decatur lab h McRae nr Hanover Braddy David lab h Wooster bet 3d and 4th Braddy Robt lab h Wooster bet 3d and 4th Braddy Sarah seamstress h Wooster bet 3d and 4th *Braddy Walter lab h Chadbourn's al bet Harnett and Davis *Bradley Amons lab h 13th cor Orange Bradley Amy M principal Tileston Normal School h Ann cor 5 th *Bradley Chas lab h Gwynn nr Woods ^Bradley Geo lab h Wooster bet 6th and 7th *Bradley Henry carpenter h 7th bet Redcross and Walnut *Bradley James woodsawyer h 7th cor Howard Bradley J G elk h 2d bet Dock and Orange * Bradley J H lab h 8th bet Castle and Queen *Bradley John lab h 7th bet Bladen and Nixon Bradley John lab h 6th bet Red Cross and Campbell MARYLAND EYE k EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles SI, 1 Baltimore. BRA 38 BRI * Bradley Peter M lab h 8th bet Castle and Queea *Bradley Thomas lab h 7th bet Ann and Nun *Bradlej W H painter h 6th bet Walnut and Red Cross *Bradley Wm lab h 6th bet Harnett and Swann *Bradshaw Abraham lab h r 5th bet Queen and "Wooster *Brady Alice M teacher h 2d nr Walnut *Brady Chas Rev h Walnut bet 2d and 3d Brahmer Henry boilermaker h 7th bet Queen and Wooster Branch G W lab h 4th bet Queen and Castle Branch J W cooper h Front bet Castle and Queen *Branch Louis lab h Surry bet Castle and Queen Branch William lab h Craig hill bet 2d and 3d *Brantley Alex lab h Swann bet 8th and 9th Brantley Ellen wid George h 6th bet Castle and Queen Braseland D F (Braseland & Cornish) h Castle bet 8th and 9th Braseland & Cornish (D F Braseland & Wiley A Cornish) blacksmiths Water bet Dock and Orange Breckenridge J L elk h Front bet Market and Princess Bremer J M grocer 5th cor Castle Bremer John jr elk h Castle cor 5th Brewer Alfred carpet h Harnett cor 8th Brewer Chas N coachmkr h 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick Brewer Nicholas G asst observer bds Front bet Chesnut and Mulberry *Brewington Henry magistrate 3d cor Brunswick h 5th bet Bladen and Harnett Brickhouse Gallagher mariner h Church cor Front Brickhouse Nancy wid Nathan h Church cor Front Brickhouse Nathaniel A drayman h Church cor Front Bridgers J E book binder h McRae nr Gwynn BRIDGERS R R Pres Navassa Guano Co pres W & W R R Co pres W C & A R R Co pres Wilmington Bridge Co, Front cor Red Cross h Front cor Chesnut BRINK ED R post master city of Wilmington h 2d cor Red Cross *Brinkley Frank lab h Wooster bet 8th and 9th *Brinkley Thomas carpenter h 7th cor Bladen *Brinkley William lab h Chesnut bet 8th and 9th Brison Edward (Gillespie & Brison) Nutt bet Walnut and Red Cross *Bristol Alexander lab h McRae cor Brunswick ^Bristol Robt drayman h Market cor 13th ftPPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. BRI 89 BEO Bristow C C bkkpr h 4th bet Orange and Ann Bristow Lawrence T lab h 4th bet Dock and Orange British Vice Consul's Office Natt bet Malberrj and Walnut Britt Dock L moulder h Dawson bet 4th and 5th ^Broaddus Bristow blksmith h Anderson nr Eankin Brock II h Front bet Chesnut and Princess Brockett James F lab h Church cor 2d Brooklyn Fire Engine House Brunswick bet 6th and 7th Brooklyn Hall 4th cor Hanover Brooklyn Life Ins Co of Brooklyn N Y Princess bet Front and 2d Brooklyn Market House 4th cor Brunswick ^Brooks Geo lab h Walker al cor Bladen Brooks G W Judge U S Dist Court h Elizabeth City N Brooks H J elk h Market bet Front and 2d *Brooks Wm W lab h Campbell bet 3d and 4th *Broward John lab h Bladen bet Front and 2d Brown A D (Brown & Eoddick) h Front bet Chesnut and Mulberry Brown A D Mrs millinery Market cor Front h Front bet Chesnut and Mulberry *Brown Adam lab h Walnut bet 5th and 6th *Brown Alexander lab h Bladen bet 5th and 6th *Brown Alex lab h Dickinson nr Woods ^Brown Alexander lab h 5th bet Princess and Chesnut *Brown Amos lab h 7th bet Ann and Nun *Brown Archie lab h Price al bet 5th and 6th *Brown Benjamin lab h Price al bet 5th and 6th Brown Carl M telegraph operator h Orange bet Front and 2d *Brown Chas lab h McRae nr Rankin *Brown Chas lab h Nixon cor 7th ■^Brown Chas porter h 5th bet Orange and Ann. *Brown Christian lab h 10th nr McRae *Brown David drayman h Nixon cor 7th *Brown David lab h Walker al cor Bladen *Brown Dennis lab h 2d bet Wright and Meares *Brown Edmund lab h 4th bet Church and Castle *Brown Elsey h Bladen bet 7th and 8th *Brown Fred lab h 6th cor Nixon *Brown Fred lab h Bladen bet 4th and 5th *Brown Fred jr lab h Bladen bet 4th and 5th *Brown Geo lab h 5th cor Harnett MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE. G6 N. Charles St. , Baltimore. BRO 40 BRO *Brown Geo lab h. Nixon cor 7tli Brown Gilbert W lab h 4th bet Queen and Castle *Brown Henry barber b Chesnut bet 4th and 5th *Brown Henry lab h Front bet Queen and Castle *Brown Henry lighterman h r Nun cor 6th *Brown James lab h 1 1th bet Market and Princess *Brown James lab h Market bet 8th and 9th *Brown James lab h 12th bet Orange and Ann *Brown James painter h Campbell cor 10th *Brown James H barber h Chesnut bet 5th and 6th *Brown Jas W cooper h 7th cor Taylor *Brown Jarrett lab h Brunswick cor 4th *Brown Jerry lab h Chadbourn's al bet Harnett and Davis *Brown John H dept sheriff h 6th bet Brunswick and Bladen *Brown John H lab h 2d bet Mulberry and Bed Cross Brown Jno K (James & Brown) & city engineer h Mulberry bet Front and 2d *Brown Joseph lab h Front bet Meares and Marsteller *Brown Julius A lab h Front cor Chesnut Brown L boots and shoes 3 n Water bds Eureka House *Brown Lafayette lab h Orange bet 7th and 8th Brown L S F'(T W Brown & Sons) h Orange bet Front and 2d Brown Margaret dress maker h 4th bet Walnut and Mulberry *Brown Matilda seamstress h 6th bet Princess and Chesnut *Brown Mercury lab h 5th bet Bladen and Harnett *Brown Moses lab h 11th bet Market and Princess *Brown Nelson lab h 3d cor Mulberry *Brown Phillis seamstress h Price al bet 5th and 6th Brown Eebecca Mrs h Princess cor 4th *Brown Eichard lab h McRae bet Swann and Harnett *Brown Richard lab h 6th cor Swann *Brown Robert lab h Chesnut cor 2d *Brown Robert lab h Brunswick bet 6th and 7th *Brown Robert jr lab h Brunswick bet 6th and 7th *Brown Samuel lab h 12th bet Orange and Ann *Brown Sandy lab h Red Cross bet 5th and 6th *Browu Sidney lab h Surry cor Church *Brown Simon lab h Front bet Meares and Marsteller *Brown Thomas barber h 6th cor Nixon ■^Brown Thomas lab h 7th bet Ann and Nun Brown Thomas A salesman h Dock bet Front and 2d Brown T W Mrs h Orange bet Front and 2d APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING. M. 0. FOR INFORMMION. BRO 41 BRY BROWN T W & SONS (E F Story & L F S Brown) walcli- makers & jewelers 37 Market *Brown Ulysses lab h 8th bet Harnett and Swana *Brown Virgil stevedore h Anderson nr Mulberry *Brown William drayman h 9th cor Dawson *Brown William stevedore h 2d bet Dawson and Wooster BROWN & RODDICK (A D Brown & W Koddick) dry goods 45 Market Browning E D conductor W & W R R bds Purcell House *Bruce Addison lab h Surry bet Church and Castle Brunhild H (H Brunhild & Bro) h 4th bet Dock and Orange Brunhild H k Bro (H & L Brunhild) wholesale liquors Front bet Market and Dock Brunhild L (H Brunhild & Bro) h 5th cor Market Brunson Isaac N carpenter h 5th bet Brunswick and Bladen *Brunson Robt drayman h Hanover bet 4th and 5th Brunswick Bridge & Ferry Co (J D Taylor pres, Jas Reilly supt) Eagle Island Bryan B F h Mulberry bet 4th and 5th Bryan B J painter h Wooster cor 6th *Bryan Robt lab h 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick Bryan S J lab h Wooster bet 6th and 7th *Bryant A butcher h 5th bet Bladen and Harnett *Bryant Aaron lab h Nun bet 3d and 4th *Bryant Alex supt Bellevue Cemetery h Nun bet 5th and 6th *Bryant Anthony lab h Brown bet Swann and Nixon ^Bryant David lab h Church bet 5th and 6th *Bryant Duke lab h 8th bet Campbell and Hanover *Bryant Frank lab h Dawson bet 3d and 4th *Bryant Henry lab h 4th cor Dawson *Bryant Henry lab h Nun bet 5th and 6th Bryant H W (Morgan & Bryant) h Market bet 2d and 3d *Bryant Isaac lab h 7th bet Ann and Nun *Bryant Isaiah lab h 6th bet Swann and Nixon *Bryant Jno constable h 7th bet Swann and Harnett *Bryant Jno J grocer Princess nr 11th *Bryant Joseph carpt h 4th cor Dawson *Bryant Jos lab h Castle bet 9th and 10th *Bryant Lewis policeman h 6th bet Ann and Nun *Bryant Lewis lab h Nutt bet Walnut and Red Cross Bryant Louis H carpt h Bladen bet 7th and 8th *Bryant Peter drayman h 2d bet Wooster and Dawson MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. BRY 42 BUR *Bryant Peter lab li Dawson bet 3d and 4th *Bryant Peter lab li Hanover cor 7th ■^Bryant S lab h Dawson bet 3d and 4th *Bryant Thos lab h Wooster bet 8th and 9th Bryant W J painter h AVooster cor 6th Bryson Jas contractor h Market bet 14th and 15th *Buchanan Wm carpt h Ann bet 7th and 8th -^Buchanan Wm lab h Castle bet 10th and 11th Buck Jno elk h 4th cor Church Budd Susan A wid Guilford M h McRae nr Gwynn Buford Mary wid William h 6th bet Dock and Orange BUHM ANN WM J broker Front bet Dock and Orange h 3d bet Nun and Church (see advt) Buie D M physician h 3d bet Nun and Church *Bunting Cato lab h 2d bet AV right and Meares Bunting David B h 3d bet Chesnut and Mulberry *Bunting George lab h 3d bet Queen and Wooster *Bunting Henry lab h Dawson bet 4th and 5th ^Bunting Harry lab h Meares bet 2d and 3d Bunting Justin M conductor h 5th bet Brunswick and Han- over Bunting Nash E tel operator h 5th bet Brunswick and Hanover Bunting Rebecca J wid Jos E h 5th bet Hanover and Bruns- wick Bunting Robt H elk h 2d bet Red Cross and Walnut Bunting Saml V conductor h 5th bet Hanover and Bruns- wick Bunting Virginia E wid S R h 2d bet Red Cross and Walnut Bunting Thomas O elk h Mulberry bet Front and 2d Burbank Thos S elk 3d bet Princess and Chesnut Burch Charlotte wid William h Castle cor 6th W. J. BUHMAOT Importer of Mineral Waters, Wines, etc, FRONT ST., BETWEEN DOCK AND ORANGE, APPLY TO PROF, G. REULING. M. 0.. FOR INFORMATION, BUR 43 BUR Burch John D elk h. Front bet Dock and Orange *Burgwin Margaret laundress h 2d bet Red Cross and Camp- bell Burgwin Sallie Miss li Market bet Front and 2d *Burk Benjamin lab h 7th bet Ann and Nun *Burke James G lab h Brunswick cor 5th Burke Michael lab h Front bet Wooster and Queen Burkhardt C F physician h Chesnut cor 9th Burkhimer Chas L elk h 4th cor Ann Burkhimer Charles Jr h 4th cor Ann BURKHIMER HENRY cigars and tobacco 6 Market h 4th cor Ann Burkhimer H D elk h Princess bet 8th and 9th Burkhimer Washington cigar maker h Princess bet 8th and 9th *Burnett Allison lab h 7th bet Ann and Nun Burnett Amanda laundress h 6th bet Queen and Castle *Burnett Barden lab h Campbell bet 3d and 4th Burnett Henry lab h 4th bet Nun and Church Burnett J B plumber h 8th bet Queen and Castle *Burnett John lab h r 5th bet Church and Nun Burnett Mary wid Fullerton h Chesnut bet 5th and 6th Burnett Mary E wid John h 8th bet Queen and Castle *Burnett Reuben lab h 7th bet Dock and Market Burnett Thomas lab h Castle cor 6th Burnett William lab h 6th between Queen and Castle *Burney Owen insp C H h McRae bet Red Cross and Mulberry Burns I3enjamin elk h 5th bet Castle and Queen *Burns David lab h Princess nr 12th Burns W J painter h 5th bet Castle and Queen Burns W J Jr painter h 5th bet Castle and Queen Burr Chas painter h 2d bet Dock and Orange Burr Frederick H conductor h Front bet "Walnut and Red Cross Burr H A (Hart, Bailey & Co) h 3d bet Ann and Nun Burr Horace elk h Dock bet Front and 2d Burr James G bkkpr h Front bet Red Cross and Walnut Burr Kate (Burr & James) h 2d bet Dock and Orange Barr & James (Kate Burr & Hattie James) female school Mar- ket bet 3d and 4th *Burrell James lab h cor 6th and Brunswick *Burrell Samuel lab h 8th bet Dawson and Wright MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE. 66 N. Charles ;St. , Baltimore. BUR 44 _ CAM BTJRRTJSS E E prest 1st Kat Bank li Princess cor Front Burruss James H elk h Church bet 4th and 6th Burruss Sarah A wid Thomas h Church bet dth and 5th Burruss Sylvester watchman h Church cor 7th *Burton Geo E eating saloon Nutt bet Walnut and Eed Cross *Burton Robt lab h McEae bet Campbell and Hanover Burtt L R jeweler h Dock bet 5th and 6th BuTtt S blacksmith Mulberry nr Water h Dock bet 5th and 6th Burtt Samuel H elk h Dock bet 5th and 6th *Bush James porter 59 Market *Bush David lab h Dawson bet 4th and 5th *Butler Alex lab h 9 th bet Queen and Castle •^Butler Chas lab h 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick *Butler Geo lab h Castle bet 2d and 3d *Butler Henry E lab h 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick *Butler Philip lab h 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick *Butler Saml lab h 9th bet Queen and Castle *Byrd Jno drayman h 6th bet Mulberry and Walnut ^Byrd Keenan butcher stall 13 city market h Queen bet 6th and 7th ■^Byrd Monroe porter h Market bet 9 th and 10th BYRNE J A genl ins agt Commercial Exchange Building h Front bet Chesnut and Mulberry *Byrnes Virgil lab h 8th bet Princess and Chesnut Calder E E (Kerchner & Calder Bros) h 3d bet Mulberry and Walnut Calder Wm (Kerchner & Calder Bros) h 3d bet Mulberry and Walnut *Calloway Stephen lab h 10th bet Church and Castle ^Cameron Benj lab h Wright bet Front and Surry *Cameron Danl lab h 7th bet Taylor and Nixon Campen Wm W carpt h Dock cor 8th *Campbell Anthony lab h Castle bet 8th and 9th Campbell A E bkkpr h Front cor Chesnut Campbell C F wid Carlton h 4th cor Chesnut ^Campbell Jos lab h Gvvynn nr Dickinson -^Campbell Jos lab h Nun bet 6th and 7th ^Campbell Merrick caulker h 3d bet Queen and Wooster *Campbell Peter lab h Front nr Harnett APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D.. FOR INFORMATION. CAM 45 CAR *Campbell Eobt lab b Gwynn nr Dickinson *Campbell Square Pablic Sohool 6th bet Campbell and Red Cross *Campbell William lab b Brunswick bet 2d and 3d ^Campbell Wm lab h James al bet Howard and Taylor Canady Alvis C lab h 3d bet Queen and Castle Canady D R grocer Market cor 8th h Onslow co Canady James J h Market bet 2d and 3d ^ Canady AV M painter h 6th cor Queen CANADY W P ed and propr Wilmington Post h Alarket cor 17th Cannon Samuel N ins agt h Orange cor 3d Cannon Solomon lab h Harnett cor 5th CANTWELL EDWARD lawyer Front cor Princess h Red Cross nr 3d Cantwell Fred S elk h Red Cross nr 3d Cantwell John L sec and treas Wilmington Produce Exchange h Princess bet 8th and 9th Cape Fear Club House Front bet Market and Princess Cape Fear Engine Co No 3 Ann bet Front and 2d Cape Fear Ferry ft Market CAPE FEAR FLOUR AND PEARL HOMINY MILLS Alex Oldham propr Nutt cor W&lnut CAPE FEAR AND PEOPLES STEAMBOAT CO Worth & Worth agts Water cor Mulberry Capps Charles H upholsterer h 4th cor Church Capps Laura Mrs h Chesnut bet 8th and 9th Capps R M bkkpr h 6th bet Church and Castle *Capps Sylvester cooper h Church bet 5th and 6th Capps Thomas J carpenter h 6th bet Castle and Church Carman Saml conductor h Campbell bet 3d and 4th CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY Chas H Roberts pres, I B Grainger vice pres, Watson Matthews sec and treas, I T Alderman asst sec and treas, V Q Johnson genl supt, depot Nutt bet Brunswick and Bladen, office Front cor Princess Carpenter Alfred saddlery and trunks 6 s Front h 5th bet Market and Princess Carpenter Wm F saddler h 5th bet Market and Princess Carr Isaac N (Thos B Carr & Son) h 38 Market Carr Nicholas constable Princess bet 2d and 3d h 5th bet Han- over and Brunswick MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. CAR 46 CAS Carr Patrick elk la 8tli cor Walnut Carr Thos B (Thos B Carr & Son) li 38 Market CARH THOS B & SON (Thos B & Isaac N Carr) dentists 38 Market Carr Wm H elk bds 38 Market *Carraway Isaac lab h Front bet Hanover and Brunswick *Carraway James H barber h 11th cor Princess *Carroll Charles lab h '^th cor Brunswick Carroll Elizabeth wid Joel h Castle bet 6th and 7th CAKROLL JOHN saloon 12 Market (see advt) Carroll Joseph watchman h Hanover cor 5th Carroll Martin junk 5th bet Walnut and Red Cross Carroll Michael watchman h Bladen bet 7th and 8th Carter Augustus E lab h Chesnut cor 2d Carter B S carpt h 6th bet Queen and Wooster *Carter Isaac lab h Harnett bet 3d and 4th Carter J J lab h 6th bet Queen and Wooster Carter John elk h 5th bet Ann and Orange ^Carter J T lab h Wooster bet Front and 2d ^Carter Eeuben lab h James al bet Taylor and Howard Carter Pobt engineer h Bladen bet 6th and 7th ^Carter Saml lab h Meares bet Front and 2d * Carter Shed cooper h Gwynn nr Dickinson ^Carter Sherman lab h Campbell bet 3d and 4th ^Carver Edward carpenter h 10th bet Ann and Nun Casey James W carpenter h 2d bet Ann and Nun Casey Richard engineer bds Front bet Red Cross and Campbell *Cash John lab h Orange bet 7th and 8th Cashwell David dept elk U S District Court h Mulberry bet 3d and 4th Cason Edwd F elk W & W R R h 2d bet Chesnut and Mul- berry CENTENNIAL SALOON. JOHN CARROLL, Proprietor. Ihe Finest Brands of Wines, TAquors and Cigars, liBger Bfcr on Draught, Free liiincta e^ery Bay. KO. 12 MAKKET ST., \YlLlIl\eiO.\, N. C. APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. 0., FOR INFORMATION. CAS 41 CHA Cassidej F A L (Cassidey & Eoss) h Church bet Front and Water Cassidej H C (Cassidej k Eoss) h Church bet Front and Water Cassidej Sophia "W widow James h Church bet Front and Water Cassidej k Eoss (F A L Cassidej, H C Cassidej, & E G Eoss) Marine Eailwaj Church cor Water Castle Hall 3d bet Princess and Chesnut Cavanaugh Marj h 2d bet Mulberrj and Walnut CAZAUX A D agent Baltimore & Wilmington S S Co and New York and Wilmington S S Co Water cor Chesnut h 8d bet Orange and Ann (see advt outside back cover) Cazaux John M elk h 3d bet Orange and Ann Cazaux Oliver h 3d bet Orange and Ann *Chadbourn Frederick lab h Castle bet 10th and 11th Chadbourn Geo (James H Chadbourn & Co) h Front cor Nun Chadbourn James H (James H Chadbourn & Co) h 3d bet Dock and Orange Chadbourn James H jr elk h Front cor Nun CHADBOURN JAMES H & CO (James H & George Chadbourn) com mers and steam saw and planing Dock bet Water and Front (see advt) Chadbourn Wm H elk h Harnett bet 3d and 4th Chadwick Alex labh 8th bet Wright and Dawson *Chadwick Danl lab Bladen bet -ith and 5th Chadwick Danl W lighterman h 4th bet Hanover and Bruns- wick Chadwick David N elk h Princess bet 7th and 8th Chadwick Emma seamstress h 2d bet Queen and Wooster Chadwick J E mariner h Princess bet 7th and 8th JAS. H. CHADBOURN. GEO. CHADBOURX. JAMES H. CHADBOURN & CO., COIVIIVIISSIOI^ IVIERGHANTS, Dock, between Water and Front, AND PROPRIKTOR8 OP Clarendon Steanu Saw and Planing Mills, Front, betivccu Harnett and Cofvan, OFFICE, DOCK, BETWEEN WATER AND FRONT, WIL3IINGTON, JS\ a MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles SL ,Balti imure. CHA 48 CLA Chad wick Mnrtin mariner h Princess bet 7th and 8th Chadwick Nancy laundress h 3d bet Queen and Wooster Chad wick R W dept collector of customs h 3d cor Campbell Chadwick Sarah wid Thomas h 3d bet Queen and Wooster Chamber of Commerce Water cor Princess *Chance Jas lab h Brown bet Swann and Nixon *Chance Joseph lab h 3d cor Swann Chapman James blacksmith h 6th nr Swann Chapman Louis lab h 5th bet Taylor and Howard Chapman Richard chemist h 2d bet Campbell and Hanover Charlotte Wm tailor bds Front bet Red Cross and Campbell Chasten J M (J M Chasten & Son) h Red Cross bet Front and 2d Chasten J M & Son ( J M & J R Chasten) com mers "Water bet Princess and Chesnnt Chasten J R ( J M Chasten & Son) h Red Cross bet Front and 2d Chatman Sarah seamstress h Church bet 2d and 3d *Chavers Jno C ice cream 4th bet Campbell and Hanover *Cheek Nathan cook h Burgwiu al bet 2d and 3d Cherry Francis tailor h Water nr Dock ^Cherry Henry lab h Love bet Harnett and Swann ■^Chestnut Anthony carpt h Harnett bet 7th and 8th *Che?tnut Henry brickmason h Harnett bet 7th and 8th *Chestnut Wm lab h 9th nr Nixon Chevers Marshall engineer bds Front bet Chesnut and Mul- berry *Childs Horace cooper h Church bet 7th and 8th Childs T tinsmith Princess bet Front and 2d h 3d bet Ann and Nun Christ Philip baker 32 Market h 2d bet Dock and Orange ^Christian M E Chapel 7th cor Church *Christian Harry lab h Princess bet 7th and 8th City Clerk and treasurer's Oface, T C Servoss, City Hall City Court City Hall City Hall in which are the Offices of the Mayor, Marshal, City Clerk and Treasurer ; also Mayor's Court, 3d cor Prince City Marshal's Office Geo W Price Marshal, City Hall CLARENDON STEAM SAW MILL James H Chadbourn & Co proprs Front bet Harnett and Cowan (see advt) ^Claridy Daniel lab h Princess bet 10th and llth APPLY TO PROF. G, REULING, M, D., FOR INFORMATION. CLA 49 COL *Clark Edward lab h 3d cor Meares Clark F W gen frt and pass agrt C C R R Dock bet 4th and 5tli *Clark Fred lab h Front bet Meares and Marsteller *Clark James lab h Mulberry bet 4th and 5th Clark John M broker Water bet Princess and Chesnut h Mul- berry bet 2d and 3d *Clark Joshua lab h James al bet Taylor and Howard Clark Thomas elk h Front bet Queen and Wooster *Clayton Samuel lab h Church bet 5th and 6th *Cleapor Chas E barber 7 s Front h 6th cor Chesnut Clowe Chas R carpenter h Red Cross bet 2d and 3d Clowe H L pattern mkr h Walnut bet 3d and 4th Clowe Richard B painter h Walnut bet 3d and 4th *Cobb Augustus lab h 5th bet Svvann and Nixon COBB BENJAMIN F (Cobb & Norcom) & physician Market bet 2d and 3d h Princess bet 5th and 6th Cobb C D M bkkpr h Princess cor and 6th *Cobb Derry lab h 5th cor Harnett Cobb Howell elk h Mulberry bet 3d and 4th Cobb JW elk h Princess cor 6 th *Cobb Ransom lab h Chesnut bet 10th and 11th COBB & NORCOM (B F Cobb and H S Norcom) druggists Market bet 2d and 3d *Cochran Joshua cooper h 8th bet Harnett and Svvann Cofiy George machinist h 5th cor Nixon Cogdell Lewis porter h 4th bet Walnut and Red Cross *Cogden Louis drayman h Burch al bet 3d and 4th Cole Catharine seamstress h Front bet Queen and Wooster Cole M O grocer 2d bet Market and Dock h Chesnut bet 9th and 10th *Cole Morris lab h Chesnut cor 10th Colin Geo F saloon Water bet Dock and Orange h 4th bet Ann and Nun Collier Saml P elk W & W R R h Front cor Red Cross *Collins Charlee stevedore h Red Cross bet 5th and 6th ^Collins David carpt h Dickinson nr Gwynn ^Collins Edward fireman h Wilson bet Ann and Nun *Collins Jacob lab h Castle bet 9th and 10th Collins James W cashier h Market bet 5th and 6th Collins Janet wid Dennis h Market bet 5th and 6th *Collins Robt lab h Queen cor Surry *Collins Ross lab h Van Bokelen al bet Wooster and Queen MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St, , Baltimore. COL 50 CON *Collins William lab h 8th bet Dawson and "Wright *Collins Wra lab h Surry bet Castle and Queen COLLINS WM M restaurant Custom House al bet Water and Front h Chesnut bet 4th and 5th (see advt) Colville John (Colville & Co) h 3d bet Mulberry and Walnut COLVILLE & CO (John Colville, J W Taylor and G M Suni- merell) saw and planing mills foot of Walnut *Colvin Milton watchman h Front bet Davis and Cowan *Colvin Thomas lab h Front bet Queen and Castle Commercial Exchange Water cor Princess Commercial Fire Ins Co of Richmond Va Water bet Princess and Chesnut Commercial Union Fire Ins Co of London 28 n Water Conekin Dawson carpt h Queen bet 7th and 8th Coney Edward F elk h 5th cor Chesnut Coney Walter (Lem merman & Coney) h 7th bet Mulberry and Chesnut *Coney Wm lab h Nun bet 2d and 3d Connecticut Fire Ins Co of Hartford Princess bet Front and 2d Connecticut Mutual Life Ins Co of Hartford Front cor Princess Connor Alexis lab h 8th bet Campbell and Red Cross ■'^'Connor James C blksmith h Mulberry cor FVont *Connor Jno carpt h Wooster bet 6th and 7th '^Connor Moses carpt h Castle cor 10th *Connor Robert carpt h 3d cor Castle *Connor Shade cooper h Walnut bet 10th and 11th Conoley Alex G elk h 7th cor Princess Conoley Caroline wid Jno J h 7th cor Princess .. M. COLLIKS, OFFICE '© iAILtSH CUSTOM HOUSE AI.I.EY, BETWEEN FIIONT AND WATER STREETS, MEALS SERVED ON TUE EIROPEAN PLM. APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. CON 61 cow Conoley Jas W druggist 4:th cor Hanover Conoley J M elk h 3d bet Ann and Orange Conoley Jno J elk h 7th cor Princess Conoley Jos W elk h 7th cor Princess Continental Fire Ins Co of New York Front cor Princess Cook A B grocer Front cor Dawson *Cook Abram lab h Front bet Davis and Cowan Cook N E teacher h Walnut cor 6th *Cooper David lab h 3d cor Chesnnt '^Cooper Iklinnis waiter h Front bet Princess and Chesnut *Copeland Alvin fireman h Campbell bet 3d and 4th Corbett Eliza A wid Michael h Hanover bet 5th and 6th Corbett James elk h 5th bet Market and Dock Corbett John A elk h 4th bet Ked Cross and Walnut Corbett William F conductor h 5th bet Hanover and Bruns- wick *Cordal Edward lab h 8th cor Swann Cornish Louisa wid William h 8th bet Dock and Orange Cornish Wiley A (Braseland & Cornish) h 8th bet Dock and Orange Cortghann Catson engineer h Bladen bet 4th and 5th Cortghann D grocer Front cor Brunswick Costin C E Mrs h Dock bet 6th and 7th Costin Martha A wid James h 9lh nr Bladen Cotchet Geo conductor bds Front bet Princess and Chesnut ■^"Cotton Wm carpenter h Schutt's al bet Bladen and Harnett *Cotton Wm H carpt h McRae nr Green ^Council Elias lab h 6th bet Nun and Church ^Council Simeon lab h Brooklyn bet Swann and Nixon County Commissioners' Office Princess bet 2d and 3d County Court House offices of Sheriff", Register of Deeds, Superior and Criminal Courts and County Commission- ers Princess bet 2d and 3d Covington E P com mer foot of Mulberry h 6th cor Mulberry * Cowan Balaam lab h Wooster al bet Front and 2d ■•^Cowan David porter h Castle bet 8th and 9th Cowan Eliza wid Egbert h Nun cor 2d *Cowan Frank lab h 8th bet Dawson and Wright *Cowan James lab h 2d bet Wright and Meares *Cowan J H butcher stall 9 City Market h Bladen bet 2d and 3d Cowan John bkkpr h Cottage la bet 3d and 4th MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. cow 52 CRE *Cowan John lab h Sth bet Dawson and Wright Cowan McRae h Nun cor 2d *Cowan Osborn lab h r 5th bet Dock and Market *Cowan Peter lab b Sherwood al bet Walnut and Red Crosa Cowan Piatt D broker h Cottage la bet 3d and 4th *Cowan Richard lab h Bladen cor Walker al *Cowan Richard lab h 7th bet Svvann and Nixon *Cowan Saml lab h 11th bet Ann and Nun Cowan Saml P elk h Nun cor 2d COWAN STEAM SAW & PLANING MILL E Kidder & Sons proprs ft Wright office Water cor Princess (see advt) Cowan Thad sawyer h 7th bet Swann and Harnett Cowan Thos J lab h McRae nr Mulberry *Cox J D lab h Front bet Dawson and Wright Cox Sarah wid Bryant h 5th bet Queen and Wooster Craft Archie elk h Princess bet 8th and 9th Craft T C (D A Smith & Co) h 8th bet Princess and Chesnut Craft Wm C elk h Princess bet 8th and 9th Craig Alice wid Henry h 5th bet Wooster and Dawson Craig Henry O elk h Chesnut cor McRae Craig Jasper lab h 5th cor Dawson Craig J B (Herring & Craig) h 7th cor Hanover Craig J H cooper h 5th bet Wooster and Dawson Craig John carpenter h 3d bet Church and Castle Craig John H tinner h 7th nr Campbell Craig Joseph tinner h 6th cor Hanover Craig Joshua G (Craig & Perdew) h 8th bet Mulberry and Walnut Craig J W pilot h Front nr Orange Craig Ruth wid Joseph h 5th bet Wooster and Dawson Craig W E cooper h Wooster bet 5th and 6th Craig & Perdew (Joshua G Craig & J W Perdew) gunsmiths 19 s Front Crapon Geo M elk h 5th bet Ann and Nun •^Crawford James lab h Beatty al bet 2d and 3d Crawford Joseph H bricklayer h Orange cor 8th Crawford Rebecca wid Ambrose h Bladen bet McRae and 8th ^Crawford Richard lab h Eagle Island ^Crawford Wm lab h 6th bet Princess and Chesnut '^Crawley S J fireman h Ann bet 6th and 7th Crentford Alonzo lab h Red Cross bet 4th and 5th APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. CRO 63 cus *Cromartie Wm P lab h Brunswick bet 4tli and 5tli Crone William 11 machinist bds Front bet Campbell and Red Cross Cronly J M reporter Star h 3d bet Orange and Ann Cronly Michael (Cronly & Morris) h 3d bet Orange and Ann Cronly Michael jr elk h 3d bet Orange and Ann Cronly Wra N elk h 3d bet Orange and Ann CRONLY & MORRIS (Michael Cronly & Wilkes Morris) auctioneers & brokers 5 and 7 s Water Crooker Delia h 2d bet Castle and Church *Croom James lab h Love bet Nixon and Taylor *Croom Peter lab h Ann bet 7th and 8th Crow J E (Binford, Crow & Co) h 2d bet Mulberry and Red Cross Crowley John lab h Front bet Wooster & Queen *Crump James lab h 2d bet Dawson and. Wooster Cumber F B butcher h Queen cor 7th Cumber James T blacksmith h Market bet 6th and 7th Cumber J F butcher h 7th bet Church and Castle Cumber Joseph lab h Cummings al bet Dawson and Wooster Cumming Preston (Preston Cumming & Co) & brickyard 13th bet Orange & Ann h 2d cor Nun CUMMING PRESTON & CO (Preston Cumming & E J Lilly jr) grist mill & grain dealers Water ft Dock Cumming William A (Northrop & Cumming) h 2d bet Orange and Ann Cunningham E A Mrs bds Manning House *Currie Elijah lab h 7th cor Swann Currie J H (Woody & Currie) bds Purcell House Currie S A livery & sale stable Princess cor 2d h 7th cor Market Cartis John J carpenter h 5th bet Wooster and Dawson Curtis M A elk W & W R R h Dock cor 3d Curtis Mary wid Charles h Church cor 6th *Curtis Robert lab h Swann cor Brooklyn Curtis W B tinner h Harnett bet 7th and 8th Curtis W H wid Wm h Dock bet 8th and 9th Cushing Edward M salesman h 2d bet Dock and Orange Cushing Mary S teacher h 2d bet Dock and Orange Custis Julia E wid P R h Campbell bet 2d and 3d Custom House Water bet Market and Princess MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 6B N. Charles St., B altimore. CUT 54 BAR Cutlar DuBrutz lawyer Princess bet Front and 2d h 2d bet Walnut and Red Cross Cutlar Eliza P wid Fred J h 2d bet Red Cross and Walnut *Cutlar James carpt h 7tli bet Dock and Orange ■^Cutlar James K asst health officer '''Cutlar Joseph lab h 10th cor Nunn *Cutlar William janitor h 6th bet Ann and Nun *Cutler William lab h Front bet Orange and Ann Cutts Allen II conductor h 3d bet Campbell and Red Cross D *Dabner William lab h Surry bet Church and Castle Daggett W T (Hancock & Daggett) h Front nr Nun Dahmer George F machinist h 3d cor Brunswick Dahmer John P barkeeper h 3d cor Brunswick Dahmer Margaret wid J Peter h 3d cor Brunswick Dalton Henry lab h Dock bet 7th and 8th *Daniel Cornelius lab h 13th cor Orange Daniel F J lab h Dock bet 7th and 8th *Daniel Foster lab h Davis bet 3d and 4th Daniel H C Mrs h Front bet Ann and Nun Daniel James G engineer h Davis cor 3d Daniel James H shoemaker Market bet 2d and 3d h Wooster bet 8th and 9th Daniel John H elk h Front bet Ann and Nun Daniels Sarah Mrs h 2d nr Dock Daniels Stephen shoemaker Orange cor 6th DAEBY FRANK H lawyer Princess bet Front and 2d h Church bet Front and Surry (see advt) FRANK H. BARBY, ATTORHEY-AT-LAW. Dies m Isuraal BulMmg, Priaaess St. Practices in State and Federal Courts. Claims collected in all Parts of the State. APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D„ FOR INFORMATION, DAR 65 DAT Darby Margaret wid Jaraes h Charch bet Front and Surry *Dare:an Alphonso Jab h 5tli cor Harnett BART D M plumber and gas fitter Princess bet 2d and 3d h. Princess bet 4tli and 5th (see advt) Dart S A plumber, gas fitter and hydraulic engineer Front bet Dock and Orange Dart W H hydraulic engineer h Front bet Dock and Orange *Dasher Adolphus lab h 3d bet Church and Castle David Abraham mer tailor and clothier 27 Market h 2d cor Ann *Davis Belford lab h Castle bet 9th and 10th Davis Caroline bds 2d bet Market and Dock *Davis Charles lab h Church bet 5th and 6th *Davis Charlotte huckster stall 2 Market h Front bet Wooster and Dawson *Davis Daniel lab Princess bet 2d and 3d *Davis David lab h -tth cor Princess •^Davis David lab h r 2d bet Church and Nun ^Davis Duke watchman h 3d bet Dawson and Wright *Davis Duke jr lab h 3d bet Dawson and Wright *Davis Doctor lab h Brunswick bet 3d and "ith *Davis Edw police Davis E C Mrs boarding Chesnut bet 3d and 4:tli Davis Eli H cooper h 5th cor Queen Davis Elizabeth T wid Wm B h Front bet Red Cross and Campbell *Davis Eliza J h Chesnut bet Water and Front ^Davis Eliza M h Chesnut bet Water and Front *Davis Emanuel lab h Swann bet 8th and 9th *Davis Enoch W shoemaker h McRae nr Chesnut Davis Fannie wid Frank A h 6th bet Nun and Churcb PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, And Dealer in Pumps, Hydrants, Waslistands, Water Closets and Bath Tulos. Particular attention paid to JOBBING. Princess St., bet. Front & 2d, (Journal Building) Wilmington, N. C. MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. DAY 56 DAV *Davis Frank lab h Qfh. bet Princess and Chesnut *Davis Frank lab h Wooster nr 7tli *Davis BVank stevedore h Tth bet Ann and Nun *Davis Geo lab h 3d bet Queen and "Wooster Davis Geo lawyer Princess bet Front and 2d b 2d bet Red Cross and Walnut *Davis Geo W butcher 1 Brooklyn Market h 4tb bet Hanover and Brunswick Davis Geo W policeman h Castle cor 6tli *Davis Guv lab h 6th bet Chesnut and Mulberry *Davis Hector fireman h 5th bet Church and Nun *Davis Henderson lab h Church bet 5th and 6th *Davis Henderson stevedore h Princess nr 12th *Davis Henry lab h Church between 5th and 6th *Davis Henry farmer h Nixon bet 6th and Love *Davis Henry lab h Walnut bet 2d and 8d *Davis Jacob lab h 3d bet Dawson and Wright *Davis Jacob jr lab h 3d bet Dawson and Wright *Davis James carpenter h Market cor 13th ■^Davis James lab h Brunswick bet 2d and 3d ■*Davis James lab h 4th bet Castle and Church *Davis James lab h Gwynn nr Dickinson Davis James C carpt h Hanover bet 2d and 3d Davis James R printer h Front bet Red Cross and Campbell *Davis J Klab h Front bet Queen and Wooster *Davis John cooper h Ann bet 8th and Wilson *Davis John farmer h 5th cor Sampson al * Davis John fireman h Anderson nr Mulberry *Davis John lab h Brunswick bet 5th and 6th *Davis John lab h 7th bet Ann and Nun Davis John C lab h Front bet Wooster and Queen *Davis John C lab h Bulken al bet 4th and 5th Davis John H carpt h Front bet Red Cross and Campbell *Davis Joseph lab h Love bet Nixon and Swann *Davis Joshua lab h 3d bet Queen and Castle *Davis Josiah farmer h Eagle Island Davis J R propr Purcell House 15 n Front *Davis Julius carpt h 3d bet Church and Castle Davis Junius lawyer Princess bet Front and 2d h Front cor Chesnut Davis Kate De R dressmkr h Market bet Front and 2d ■^Davis Lazarus lab h Wooster al bet Front and 2d APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING. M. D., FOR INFORMATION. DAT 67 DEB *Davis Lewis huckster li Dickinson nr Mulberry *Davis Lewis lab h 7tli bet Ann and Nun *Davis Lewis porter h 9tli nr Campbell Davis Louis P elk h 2d bet Eed Cross and Walnut Davis Margaret Mrs h Princess nr Front Davis Mary J li 4th cor Castle *Davis Patrick lab h Front bet Princess and Chesnut *Davis Paul lab h 6th bet Queen and Wooster *Davis Q farmer h 7th bet Swann and Nixon Davis Rebecca S dressmkr h Market bet Front and 2d ■^Davis Richard lab h Hilton Mill Davis Saml route agt Star h Market cor 8th ^Davis Samuel lab h 6th bet Princess and Chesnut ^Davis Sandy lab h Swann cor 8th Davis Seth W elk h Red Cross cor 4th Davis Susan huckster stall 6 Brooklyn Market h Brunswick bet 3d and 4th ■^Davis Thos lab h Northrop al bet 2d and 3d Davis Thos E printer h Hanover bet 2d and 3d ^Davis Titus lab h 7th bet Ann and Nun Davis W E trader h Market bet 2d and 3d *Davis Wm lab h McRae nr Hanover ^Davis Wra lab h 3d bet Dawson and "Wright Davis W T h Market cor 8th DAVIS W W physician bds 30 Market *Dawson Abraham elk h 9 th cor Chesnut *Dawson A D grocer 9th cor Chesnut h Red Cross bet 7th and 8th DAWSON BANE F W Kerchner pres, Wm Larkins cashier Front bet Market and Princess ^Dawson Henry lab h 4th bet Wooster and Dawson Dawson Jas h Front cor Chesnut Dawson Jno Mayor City of Wilmington & hardware 19 & 21 Market h Ann bet Front and 2d ^Dawson Southey distiller h Princess nr 11th *Day Henry lab h Hanover bet Nutt and Front Dean Daisy bds 4th cor Castle Deans Henry S toll keeper h head Dock Deans Jas I elk h 5th bet Ann and Orange *DeBernier Edward J carpt h Princess bet 4th and 5th *Debman George B stonecutter h Campbell bet 3d and 4th *Debman Hattie teacher h Campbell bet 4th and 5th MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, G6 N. CharlesSt, , Baltimore. DEE 58 DEY *Deel David cooper h 9th bet Princess and Chesnut *Dees Silas carpt h 5th bet Church and Nun Delaware State Fire & Marine Ins Co of Delaware Water bet Princess and Chesnut *Dellamyer Benj lab h Campbell bet 4th and 5th *DeLoch Wilson lab h Brunswick cor 3d Denby Mary B wid James A h Front bet Market and Dock *Dennis John lab h r 7th bet Queen and Wooster Dent Wm pattern maker h Hanover bet 2d and 3d *Denton Henry lab h Queen cor 3d *Deuton John H lab h Queen bet 10th and 11th *Denton Sarah A teacher h Queen bet 10th and 11th De Kosset A J (De Eosset & Co) h Dock cor 3d De Rosset A L (De Eosset & Co) h Dock cor 6th De Eosset E A Miss h Market cor 3d De Eosset M J physician Market cor 3d De Eosset Jennie wid Louis h Nun cor 2d De Eosset T C (De Eosset & Northrop) h 3d bet Mulberry and Chesnut. De Eosset W L (De Eossett & Co) h Ann bet 3d and 4th DE ROSSET & CO (A J, W L & A LDe Eosse) com mers 6 n Water DE ROSSET & NORTHROP (T C De Eosset & Samuel Northrop) insurance agents 28 n Water DETJMELANDT AUGUST restaurant 19 n Water h Prin- cess bet 6th and 6th (see advt) Devane Duncan J (W S & D J Devane) h 4th bet Market and Princess *Devane Jno shoemaker ft Market h 10th cor Church *Devane Eeed lab h 9th bet Church and Castle AUCUST OEUAflELAI^OT, SAMPLE ROOMSIRESUURANT. 19 North Water, Wilmington, N, C. The Finest Liquors in the City, consisting of VTines, Brandies, Ales, Beeri Cider, &C., in fact everything to be found in a first-clasa saloon, of the best quality. The Choicest Brands of Tobacco and Ci- gars always on hand. KTew River Oysters served in season. Satis- faction guaranteed. None shall go away dissatisfied. APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. DEV 59 DON ■^Devane Ward lab h 9tli bet Church and Castle Devane Wm S (W S & D J Devane) h 2d bet Ann and Nun DEVANE W S «& D J (Wm S & Duncan J Devane) law- yers 2d bet Princess and Chesnut Dew David C lab h McRae cor Kankin Dew John H lab h Harnett cor 4th Dew Larry watchman h Bladen bet 3d and 4th Dickerson Walter D upholsterer h Market bet 2d and 3d Dickinson Annie wid Thaddeus h Dock bet 7th and 8th Dickinson P K Mrs h Front cor Chesnut Dicksey Jesse J distiller h Front bet Church and Castle Dicksey P T elk h Front bet Church and Castle *Dickson Duncan lab h Front bet Hanover and Brunswick Dickson Margaret M wid James h Front bet Chesnut and Mul- berry Dingelhoef M J jeweler 55 Market h 5th bet Chesnut and Mulberry DIVINE JOHN F supt W & W R R office Front cor Red Cross h Mulberry bet 3d and 4th Divine Wm G machinist h Mulberry bet 3d and 4th Dix Edw S elk h 3d bet Dock and Orange Dix Robt M elk h 3d bet Dock and Orange *Dixey Tillman lab h 3d bet Hanover and Brunswick *Dixon Arthur lab h Ann bet 8th and Wilson ^Dixon Edw cooper h Miller nr McRae Dixon Nancy wid John h Nun bet 2d and 3d Dixon Richard L lab h Nun bet 2d and 3d Dixon R E L elk h Nun bet 2d and 3d ■^Dixon Stephen lab h 8th bet Ann and Nun ■^Dobson Clem lab h Harnett bet 7th and 8th Dockery Mary L seamstress h 3d bet Nun and Church Dodds S B salesman bds 30 Market Dodge D D supt Williston Academy h 7th bet Ann and Nun *Dodge John lab h 5th bet Hanover and Brunswick ^Donaldson Henry lab h 9th bet Walnut and Red Cross ^Donaldson Mills drayman h Miller nr Anderson *Donaldson Primus drayman h 9th cor Green Donlon Patrick elk h 8th cor Mulberry Donlon Timothy supt Oakdale Cemetery h Princess bet 9th and 10th Donnelly James machinist h Chesnut bet 9th and 10th Donohue John F ( J H McGarity & Co) h Baltimore MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 68 N. Charles St. , Baltimore. DOR 60 DUO *Dore "William lab li 4:th cor Harnett Dorothy Annie wid Daniel h 5th bet Queen and Castle Doscher John D grocer Walnut bet 2d and 3d h Walnut bet 8d and 4th Doscher Wm elk Mulberry cor Anderson ^Douglas Daniel lab h Love bet Nixon and Swann *Douglas Joseph lab h Taylor bet 8th and 9th *Dove Owen stevedore h 7th bet Ked Cross and "Walnut *Do\vling "Wm J ship carpt h Front bet Church and Castle Downing A B (Patterson, Downing & Co) bds Purcell House Doyle George W" stevedore h 3d bet Orange and Ann Doyle William elk h 3d bet Orange and Ann Drachsler John G painter h Hanover cor 2d *Drake Peter drayman h 6th bet Campbell and Hanover Draper Edward T elk bds Manning House Dreiling Louis machinist h Brunswick bet 2d and 3d *Drew Henry lab h Love bet Nixon and Swann *Dry Danl waiter h Front bet Chesnut and Princess *Dry James D police h 7th bet Chesnut and Mulberry *Dry John lab h Market bet 10th and 11th *Dry Lewis lab h Market cor 10th *Dry Timothy lab h 7th bet Church and Castle *Dry Timothy lab h Wooster al bet Front and 2d *Dudley A A grocer McRae cor Green h Green nr 8th ^Dudley Alex lab h Front bet Meares and Marsteller ^Dudley Benjamin lab h 6th bet Queen and Wooster *Dudley E A porter h 4th cor Harnett *Dudley E Alexander dry goods 4th bet Bladen and Bruns- wick h Campbell bet 4th and 5th *Dudley Henry lab h Dawson bet 4th and 5th *Dudley Henry lab h Front bet Meares and Marsteller ^Dudley Jacob lab h 6th bet Queen and Wooster *Dudley James lab h 4th bet Church and Castle Dudley Jno L sewing machines 2d bet Princess and Chesnut h Hanover bet 2d and 3d Dudley Jno W watchman h 7th bet Bladen and Harnett *Dudley Julius lab h Dawson bet 4th and 5th Dudley Eobt C elk h 6th bet Mulberry and Walnut Dudley Stephen B lab h Front bet Wooster and Queen ^Dudley Wright lab h Brown bet Howard and Smith Duguid M E Miss teacher h McKae bet Mulberry and Wal- nut APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. DUK 61 EDW Duke Jas A conductor h. 4th bet Bladen and Hanover Duke Wm L watchman h 2d cor Hanover Dukes Jno ice h 5th bet Taylor and Howard Dukes Jos G tinner h 5th bet Taylor and Howard Duls Jacob elk h Front bet Dock and Orange *Duncan Henry lab h r Queen bet 5th and 6th *Duncan Jas lab h Church bet 5th and 6th Duncan Wright elk h 5th bet Orange and Dock Dunham Benj W coach trimmer bds Front bet Dock and Orange DUNHAM JOHN W elk Criminal Court, office Court House h Front bet Dock and Orange Dunham Saml W inspr ft Chesnut h Front bet Dock and Orange ■^Dunham Timon lab h Taylor cor 8th *Dunson Jno lab h Front bet "Wright and Meares *Dunson Wm lab h Ann bet 6th and 7th *Dunson Wm lab h Red Cross bet 3d and 4th *Durant Benj lab h Bladen bet 5th and 6th *Durant Peter lab h Front nr Harnett *Durham James fireman h 5th cor Brunswick *Durham James lab h 10th bet Church and Castle Durham J H dentist Princess bet Front and 2d *Durham Lorenzo lab h r Ann bet 6th and 7th *Durham Wm B lab h Market bet 10th and 11th *Dyer Edward lab h 8th bet Wright and Dawson Dyer Geo R elk h ]\[arket cor 10th Dyer Henry lab h r 5th bet Ann and Nun Dyer John cutter h 10th cor Market *I)yer John lab h 6th bet Red Cross and Campbell * Eagles Jesse W carpt h McRae nr Hanover *Eagles Wm drayman h Brown bet Harnett and Swann *Easton Preston labor h Surry bet Castle and Queen *Ebenezer Baptist Church 7th bet Ann and Orange Eden Ellen wid William h Dock bet 6th and 7th *Eden Samuel lab h Front nr Harnett *Edens Saml lab h Bladen bet Front and 2d Edwards C Simpson lab h Hanover cor 5th MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St. , Baltimore. EDW 62 EMP *Edwards Henry bricklayer h Caramings al bet Wooster and Dawson Kgan Edw J bkkpr h 5tli bet Mulberry and Walnut Ehrbeck Henry grocer Front bet Castle and Queen Ehrlicn Joseph elk h 5th cor Market Eilers E H elk h 5th cor Orange Eilers H B com mer Water cor Market h 5th cor Orange *EIfe William lab h 2d bet Dawson and Wooster Elferink Anthony mariner h 2d bet Church and Nun Elkins Martha h Front bet Wooster and Dawson *Elkins York fireman Cape Fear Mills Ellerbrock Wm mariner h Princess bet 6th and 7th *Ellerby Eobert lab h 11th cor Ann *Ellerby Wm baker h 4th bet Church and Castle *Eniott Daniel farmer h 8th bet Harnett and Swann Elliott Jas T elk h Mulberry bet 2d and 3d ELLIOTT W P merchandise broker Water bet Princess and Chesnut h Mulberry bet 2d and 3d Ellis Alvord boat builder Water bet Ann and Nun h 2d bet Orange and Ann ^Ellis Cary lab h Bladen bet 4th and 5th ^Ellis Henry cooper h 10th bet Ann and Nun Ellis Jas H carpt h 7th between Bladen and Harnett ElHs James S lab h Nun bet 2d and 3d Ellis Mary wid Joseph h Market bet 5th and 6th Ellis Stephen E lab h Nun bet 2d and 3d Ellis Wm P elk h Market bet 6th and 7th Ellis Winfield lab h Nun bet 2d and 3d Ellison Annie H teacher h Orange bet 8th and 9th *Ellison Daniel engineer h Princess bet 2d and 3d ^Ellison James lab h Gwynn nr McBae ^Ellison Joseph cooper h r Chesnut bet 5th and 6th ^Ellison Joseph lab h Davis bet 3d and 4th Ellison Margaret wid James h Nun bet 5th and 6th *Ellison Eoger lab h 6th bet Bladen and Harnett Elwell Chas J upholsterer h Walnut bet 5th and 6th Elwell Elias V book binder h Walnut bet 5th and 6th EMERSON T M Atlantic Coast Line office Front cor Eed Cross bds Chesnut bet 3d and 4th (see advt) Empie Adam lawyer Princess bet Front and 2d h Front bet Ann and Nun Empie B G student h Front bet Ann and Nun APPLY TO PROF, G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. EMP 63 EVE Empie S M student h Front bet Ann and Nun ^English Eli stevedore h Dock bet 11th and 12tli Ennett C C elk h Macumber's al bet 8th and 9th Ennett Edw E elk h Chesnut bet McRae and 9th Ennett E L elk h Chesnut bet 8th and 9 th *Ennett Richard lab h 16th nr Market *Ennett Robt wood cutter h McRae bet Bladen and Harnett *Eppes John lab h 5th bet Castle and Church ■^Etkinker Joseph servant h 2d bet Princess and Chesnut Etheridge Samuel R butcher 2d bet Market and Princess *Eugene Fred lab h Harnett bet 4th and 5th EUREKA HOUSE Rudolph F Eyden propr 4 n Water ■^Evangelist John farmer h Nixon bet McRae and 7th *Evans Allen grocer 4th cor Hanover h 6th bet Mulberry and Chesnut *Evans Cornelius lab h Church bet 7th and 8th *Evans C W carpt h 6th bet Mulberry and Walnut Evans Delancy elk h 3d cor Nun *Evans Frank stevedore h Castle cor 9th ''^Evans Henry lab h 4th bet Queen and Wooster Evans Henry C (Evans & Von Glahn) bds Front bet Chesnut and Mulberry *Evans Jackson carpt h Anderson nr Rankin *Evans John lab h 11th cor Dock *Evans John lab h 9th bet Chesnut and Mulberry ^Evans Julius lab h McRaenr Gwynn *Evans Monroe h 5th bet Campbell and Hanover *Evans Patrick lab h Wooster bet 5th and 6th *Evans Roger lab h Front cor Cowan Evans Sarah wid Asa h Front bet Wooster and Dawson Evans Thos (J R Blossom & Evans) h Nun cor 8d *Evans AValter elk h 6th bet Chesnut and Mulberry ^Evans William huckster h 4th bet Church and Nun Evans & Von Glahn (Henry C Evans & Henry Von Glahn) boots and shoes Princess bet Front and 2d Everett Edward conductor h 3d bet Red Cross and Walnut Everett Henry G watchman h Hanover bet 5th and 6th Everett John A elk h 7th bet Mulberry and Chesnut ■^Everett Josephine servt h 2d bet Bladen and Harnett ^Everett Lewis lab h Princess bet 9th and 10th Everett Margaret laundress h 3d bet Hanover and Brunswick *Everett Richard lab h McRae bet Swann and Harnett MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE. 66 N. Charles St., Ballimore. EVE 64 FEN ^Everett Eichard lab h Swann bet 7tb and 8th Everett S S dentist Front bet Princess and Chesnut Express Steamboat Line Water bet Market and Princess EYDEN RUDOLPH F propr Eureka House 4 n Water Fails Jno drayman Water bet Market and Princess *Fairley Dennis lab h Brunswick bet 2d and 3d *Faison Albert lab h 12th bet Orange and Ann *Faison Jno lab h 16th nr Market •^Faison Jno W lab h 6th bet Walnut and Eed Cross *Faison Jos lab h 11th cor Dock *Faison Leonard lab h Castle bet 10th and 11th *Faison Eichard lab h 12th bet Orange and Ann Fanning Eliza J teacher h Church bet 4th and 5th ■^Fanning Frank lab h Mulberry bet 2d and 3d Fanning P W painter h Church bet 4th and 5th *Farmer Austin lab h Front bet Hanover and Brunswick 1 Farmer Hiram A blksmith h Hanover cor 3d Farmer Geo W painter h 5th bet Taylor and Howard Farmer Jno lab h 5th bet Taylor and Howard Farmers' Hotel E M McLeod propr Nutt bet Mulberry and Walnut Farmville Fire Ins Co of Virginia Commercial Exchange Building Farrell Harriet S wid Michael h Mulberry bet Front and Nutt Farrett John lab h Queen bet 9th and 10th *Farrier Sandy lab h 5th bet Campbell and Eed Cross Farrow Caroline wid Enoch h 5th bet Castle and Church Farrow J F shoemkr Front bet Market and Princess h Dock bet 7th and 8th *Farrow John lab h Ann bet 7th and 8th Farrow Joseph engineer h 5th cor Nun Farrow Wm C lighterman h Dock bet 7th and 8th *Faust Pompey lab h 5th bet Brunswick and Hanover Fechter C G h Mulberry cor 2d Felder Carrie bds 4th cor Castle *Fenner Albert porter h Ann cor 8th *Fenner Alex fireman h 6th cor Bladen Fennell C B elk h Dock bet 6th and 7th APPLY TO PROF. 6. REULING, M. D.. FOR INFORMATION. FEN 65 FIT FENNELL OWEN JR com mer Water bet Chesaut and Mulberry h Dock bet 6th and 7tli ■^Fergus Betsey h Love bet Nixon and Swann ■^Ferguson Martha lab h Campbell bet 3d and 4th *Ferguson Nellie laundress h Castle bet 7th and 8th *Ferguson Sellers lab h Princess bet 6th and 7th Fernberger J (J Fernberger & Co) h Front bet Walnut and Mulberry FERNBERGER J & CO (J Fernberger, Sol, Saml & Marcus Bear) wines, liquors, tobacco, etc, 7 Market *Ferris Frank lab h 5th bet Swann and Harnett ^Fields John lab h 10th bet Queen and Castle Fifth Street M E Church s 5th bet Nun and Church *Fillyaw Benjamin lab h 10th cor Wooster Fillyaw DeLeon conductor h 4th bet Bladen and Harnett *Fiilyaw Joseph lab h Church bet 11th and 12th Fillyaw Julia G wid O L h 4th bet Bladen and Harnett Fillyaw Oscar M grocer 4th cor Bladen h Bladen bet 5th and 6th Fillyaw St John elk h 4th bet Bladen and Harnett *Finch Josephus lab h Walnut bet 5th and 6th *Finch W T waiter h Walnut bet 5th and 6th Fincken A C H grocer Market cor 12th Finley Eobert machinist h Walnut bet 3d and 4th *Finney Eobert huckster 6th cor Harnett *Finney William bricklayer h Beatty al bet 2d and 3d Fire Association of Philadelphia Com Exchange Building Fireman's Fund Fire Ins Co of Cal, Com Exchange Building First Baptist Church Market cor 5th *First Baptist Church'5th cor Campbell FIRST NATIONAL BANK E E Burruss pres, A K Walker cashr, Front cor Princess (see advt) First Presbyterian Church 3d cor Orange *First Presbyterian Church Chesnut bet 7th and 8th Fishblate S H dry goods 25 Market h 4th bet Dock and Orange *Fisher Daniel lab h 5th bet Harnett and Swann ^Fisher Larry lab h Market bet 14th and 15th *Fisher William lab h 10th bet Church and Castle *Fisher Wm H lab h 5th bet Swann and Harnett Fitts Hannah L teacher h 7th bet Ann and Nun Fitzgerald James E grocer Bladen bet 7th and 8th Fitzgerald John capt police h Bladen bet 7th and 8th Fitzgerald John elk h 6th bet Bed Cross and Campbell MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. FIT 66 FOW Fitzgerald Kichard grocer 9tli cor Chesnut Flanagan Kate wid Henry h Castle cor dth FLANAGAN" L millinery and fancy goods 42 Market ^Flanagan Louisa h 2d bet Ann and Nun Flanner H G (Green & Flanner) h 3d cor Chesnut Flanner Macy E wid Wm h 4th cor Princess Flanner Susan A wid Bennett h Front bet Bed Cross and Walnut Flinn Patrick lab h Swann cor Brown Flowers Exum cooper h 9th nr Bladen Floyd Selina wid Thomas h 6th bet Castle and Queen Foard 11 M com mer and steamboat agt Water bet Dock and Orange Folstead John A blacksmith h Dock bet 7th and 8th Fontz Jacob grocer 8th cor Swann ■^Fonville Hester laundress h Church bet 7th and 8th ■^Forbes James lab h Hanover cor McKae *Forbes Wm H drayman h Harnett bet 7th and 8th Fore Chas H elk h 8th bet Market and Dock Fore James A elk h 8th bet Dock and Market Fore Louisa wid James h 8th bet Dock and Market Fore Philip A supt W S E R h 8th bet Dock and Market ■^Forman Charles lab h 9th bet Chesnut and Mulberry Forrest Jno J policeman h 4th cor Church Forshee J M (J M Forshee & Co) h Philadelphia Forshee J M & Co (J M Forshee, W R Kenan & W F Har- grave) merchandise brokers Water cor Chesnut *Fosset Saml lab h Walnut bet 2d and 3d *Fosset Abbey laundress h 3d cor Nun* *Foster Anthony lab h r Front bet Dock and Orange Foster David P machinist h Hanover bet 2d and 3d Foster P W alderman h 4th cor Hanover Foster Harry E carpt h 6th bet Queen and Wooster ^Foster Robert fireman h Ann bet 6th and 7th *Foster Saml lab h Campbell cor 8th Fowler John J lawyer h Front bet Nun and Church Fowler J R lab h 7lh bet Queen and Castle Fowler Nathaniel R h Front bet Nun and Church Fowler Paul R elk h Front bet Nun and Church Fowler R M jr grocer Front cor Church Fowler Wm G h Front cor Ann Fowler W G jr grocer Front bet Dock and Orange h 2d bet Church and Nun APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. FOX 67 FEB *Foxwortli James lab li Schutt's al bet Harnett and Bladen *Foy James fisherman h Dock cor llth *Foy Joshua lab h Surry bet Church and Castle *Foj Tobias lab h 10th bet Dock and Market *Foy Wm lab h 2d cor Cowan Franklin Albertha bds 4th bet Church and Castle Franklin Catharine Mrs h Wooster bet 9th and 10th Franklin Fire Ins Co of Philadelphia Princess bet Front and 2d ^Franklin Geo carpt h 5th bet Brunswick and Bladen *Franks Danl lab h Surry bet Castle and Queen *Franks Dansy carpt h 10th bet Church and Castle Frazell Henry painter h Harnett bet 4th and 5th Fredear Margaret A h Walnut bet 4th and 5th *Freeland Geo porter h 10th bet Queen and Wooster *Free Love Lodge I O F Dock bet Water and Front *Freeman Alexander lab h 9 th bet Taylor and Howard Freeman Annie laundress h 8th bet Dawson and Wright Freeman Annie J seamstress h Surry bet Church and Castle *Freeman David lab h Brunswick cor 3d *Freeman Jas lab h Queen cor 10th ^Freeman Jas lab h 5th bet Swann and Harnett Freeman Jno H (Freeman & Baldwin) h 2d cor Orange *Freeman Lewis drayman h 4th bet Bladen and Brunswick Freeman Mary W wid Morris G h 5th nr Howard *Freeman Eebecca h 5th bet Swann and Harnett *Freeman Stephen lab h Ann bet 7th and 8th Freeman W E physician Front bet Mulberry and Chesnut FREEMAN & BALDWIN (J H Freeman & A M Bald- win) dentists 36 Market (see advt next page) French Charles E salesman h 4th cor Dock *French David lab h Orange cor 10th French Geo R (Geo R French & Sons) h 4th cor Dock French Geo R jr (Geo R French & Sons) h Dock bet 4th and 5th French Geo R & Sons (Geo R sr, Geo R jr, Wm A & J McD French) boots & shoes 39 n Front French J McD (Geo R French & Sons) h 4th cor Dock French John T salesman h 4th bet Dock and Orange French R S lawyer Princess cor Front h 7th cor Market French Wm A (George R French & Sons) h 4th bet Dock and Orange French Wm R elk h Market cor 7th MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St. Bal imore. FRI 68 FUR *Frink Alfred lab h Mulberry nr McRae Front St Methodist E Church Front cor Walnut Frost C L tinner h Queen bet 5th and 6th Frost Wm H policeman h 5th bet Castle and Queen Fulcher Jesse lab h Front bet Queen and Wooster Fulcher P A painter h Front bet Wooster and Dawson Fulcher Robt lab h Front bet Queen and Wooster ^Fuller Alex lab h West al nr City Hall ♦Fuller Balaam bill poster Princess bet 2d and 3d h 2d bet Dock and Orange *Fuller Frank lab h Market bet 16th and 17th ^Fuller Frank porter h 2d bet Dock and Orange * Fuller Henry lab h r Dock bet 4th and 5th *Fulton Abraham lab h 7th bet Ann and Nun *Fulton Augustus lab h 7th bet Ann and Nun ^Fulton Benjamin lab h 7th bet Ann and Nun Fulton Catharine A wid David h 4:th bet Princess and Chesnut Furlong Walter elk h Church bet 2d and 3d DilTISTIl! TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, WITH GAS. JLi^tificial Teeth Inserted on the Beautiful Celluloid Base. RUBBER AND GOLD WHEN DESIRED. £@°"Special attention given to the preservation of the Natural Organs, and all work WARRANTED to give satisfaction. FBEESVIAN & BEOWIN, DENTISTS. &Ma3, Mq. m MairMi Mtmet, "Wilminston, IST. C. APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING. M. P.. FOR INFORMATION. FUR 69 GAU Furmanski I barber Princess cor Front h 3d bet Walnut and Red Cross Futrell "VVm grocer 10 Market G *Galley James (Rivera & Galley) h 5th cor Brunswick *Gallowaj Edwd lab h Rankin nr McRae *Galloway Emanuel lab h Farrow al bet Church and Castle ^Galloway Fanny laundress h Front bet Hanover and Bruns- wick *Galloway John carpenter h Castle bet 8th and 9 th *Galloway John lab h 9th nr Bladen Galloway John W elk h 2d bet Nun and Church Galveston Fire Ins Assn of Texas Water bet Princess and Chesnut Ganzer Chas H baker 4th bet Bladen and Brunswick Gardner Andrew M lab h Wooster bet 8th and 9th Gardner Junius D h 4:th bet Chesnut and Mulberry Gardner P wid William h Wooster bet 8th and 9th Gardner Robert elk h Wooster bet 8th and 9th ■^Gardner Saml lab h 2d cor Ann Gardner Thos M magistrate Princess bet 2d and 3d h 4:th bet Chesnut and Mulberry GARRELL JOHN F butcher stalls 10 and 11 City Market h 3d cor Walnut *Garrett Josiah carpenter h Brunswick bet 6th and 7th Garrison Amelia wid James h 6th cor Queen Garrison Frank M cooper h 5 th bet Wooster and Queen Garrison Geo engineer bds Farmers' Hotel ^Garrison Halbert lab h Rankin cor 12th ^Garrison Jane laundress h Walker al bet Bladen and Bruns- wick ^Garrison John driver h Red Cross bet 10th and 11th ♦Gary Andrew lab h 6th bet Mulberry and Walnut Gause Charles elk h 2d bet Nun and Church *Gause Cuffee lab h Dawson bet 2d and 3d Gause Frank elk h Mulberry cor 6th Gause James F elk h 6th cor Mulberry *Gause John lab h Bladen cor 7th *Gause Joseph lab h 2d bet Campbell and Red Cross Gause Peter W bkkpr h Mulberry cor 6th MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. GAU 70 GIL Gause Richard b Mulberry cor 7th *Gause Saml drayman h Walnut bet 6th and 7th Gause Saml P elk h 2d bet Nun and Church *Gay Andrew blacksmith h 6th bet Walnut and Mulberry Gay Henry B grocer 4th cor Harnett Gay Jarret H teacher h 7th bet Ann and Nun GENAUST WM ale dealer and bottler 4th cor Hanover (see advt) Gentry W T tel operator h Chesnut bet 5th and 6th George Martha seamstress h Church bet 5th and 6th George Mary wid David h Church bet 5th and 6th Georgia Home Fire Insurance Co Columbus Ga Princess bet Front and 2d Gerdts John W grocer 4th cor Bladen Gerhardt H H (Hayden & Gerhardt) bds Manning House Gerken Annie wid Nail h 6th cor Mulberry Gerken C J elk h Castle bet 4th and 5th GERKEN W H grocer 6th cor Mulberry German- American Fire Ins Co of N Y Princess bet Front and 2d *Gess Peter lab h Von Glahn's al bet Front and 2d Gibble Wm cooper h Front nr Kidder Gibbons J W lab h Front bet Wright and Meares *Gibbs Thomas lab h Nixon bet 6th and Brown *Giblem Lodge I O F Princess cor 8th *Gibson John lab h Church bet Surry and Front *Gibson John S carpt h 10th nr Red Cross Gilbert Ashley bkkpr h 5th bet Dock and Orange ^Gilbert Charles lab h Church bet 7th and 8th Gilbert D J h 5th bet Chesnut and Mulberry Wholesale Agent for Massey's Philadelphia Ale AND Mannfactnrer of Soda Water, Sarsaparilla, Ac, COR. 4th AND HANOVER STREETS, WILMINGTON. N. G. APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D. FOR INFORMATION. GIL 71 GLA Gilbert Henry D baker 23 s Front h 5tli bet Dock and Orange Gilbert John D lab h Castle cor 7th Gilbert John F supt Seaman's Home Front cor Dock Gilbert Sarah A h Castle cor 7th ^Gilbert Willis lab h Mulberry bet 5th and 6th Gilchrist W elk bds Purcell House Giles Clayton (Giles k Murchison) h Orange bet 3d and 4th *Giles Mary laundress h Harris al bet Dock and Market Giles Norwood ins agt Princess bet Front and 2d h Front cor Chesnut GILES & MURCHISON (Clayton Giles & J W Murchi- son) hardware & agricultural implements 38 & 40 N Front (see advt) *Gill Eichard lab h Sampson al bet 4th and 5th Gill Eowlett J blksmith h Hanover bet 2d and 3d Gillespie Edward H (Gillespie & Brison) Nutt bet Walnut and Red Cross Gillespie & Brison (E H Gillespie & E Brison) boarding Nutt bet Walnut and Eed Cross Gillican Chas engineer h Castle cor 2d Gillican Mary wid Elias h Castle cor 2d Gillican Newton (Gillican & Watson) h 2d cor Castle GILLICAN & WATSON (Newton Gillican & A W Wat- son) junk Water bet Chesnut and Mulberry *Gilmore Chas lab h Nun bet 6th and 7th ^Gilmore Geo lab h Nun bet 6th and 7th *Gilmore Thos lab h Nun bet 6th and 7th GLAMEYER HENRY A grocer & liquor dealer 2 n Water h 6th cor Chesnut Glavin Edward bds Eureka House CLAYTON GILES. J. W. MURCHISON. GILES & MURCHISON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ft srdware i k^nmlknl lmf\mmi$^ 38 Froiit St., "Wilmington, IT. C, Best Selection of Stock in the City. MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. GLA 72 GOS Glavin Patrick boiler mkr h "Walnut bet 8d and 4tli Gleason Wm mariner h Castle bet Front and Surry Gleaves Berry salesman b 3d bet Bladen and Harnett *Godbold Aaron lab h 3d cor Mulberry Godshall Samuel C elk b Market bet 2d and 8d ^Golden Laurel Lodge I O F Front bet Dock and Orange Gooding Forney J salesman h 4th cor Harnett Goodman Bennett elk h 2d bet Mulberry and Walnut Goodman William dry goods 8 Market h 2d nr Walnut Goodman W H elk h 8th bet Wooster and Dawson Good Samaritan Hall Princess cor 2d Gordon F H auditor W & W and W C & A R E's h Chesnut bet 3d and 4th Gordon John W (John W Gordon & Bro) bds Front bet Ches- nut and Mulberry GORDON JOHN W & BRO (John W & W J Gordon) genl ins agts Water bet Princess and Chesnut *Gordon Leonard lab h Dawson bet 2d and 3d Gordon Lewis policeman h Wright bet 4th and 5th Gordon Eobert elk h 6th cor Dock ^Gordon Stephen lab h 8th bet Ann and Nun ^Gordon Thomas lab h Dawson bet 2d and 3d ^Gordon Wra huckster City Market h 8th cor Harnett Gordon W J (John W Gordon & Bro) bds Front bet Chesnut and Mulberry Gordon W T lab h Wooster bet 7th and 8th Gore Albert h Orange bet 4th and 5th Gore D L com mer 6 s Water bds 80 Market *Gore Fanny seamstress h Brunswick bet 2d and 3d Gore W I com mer 6 s Water h Orange bet 4th and 5th Gornto B S carpt h Brunswick bet 6th and 7th *Goss David ship carpt h Love bet Bladen and Harnett *Goss Edwd S drayman h Nixon cor 5th *Goss Elijah lab h 3d bet Bladen and Brunswick *Goss Geo carpt h Bladen bet 6th and 7th ■^Goss Horace lab h Love bet Taylor and Howard *Goss John G teacher h 3d bet Bladen and Brunswick *Goss Joseph ship carpt h Love bet Bladen and Harnett *Goss Naacy eating house 3d bet Market and Princess h 3d bet Bladen and Harnett *Goss Saml drayman h McRae cor Mulberry ■^Goss Solomon distiller h 6th bet Harnett and Swann APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. 0., FOR INFORMATION. GOS 73 GRB *Goss Thos lab h 5th bet Bladen and Brunswick *Grady John lab h Brunswick bet 5th and 6th Graefl I cigar mnfr Front cor Orange GRAFFLIN C L supt Navassa Guano Co h 6th cor Market *Graham Henry lab h Dock bet 11th and 12th ^Graham Henry lab b 6th bet Chesnut and Mulberry Graham Lizzie bds 4th cor Castle GRAINGER ISAAC B pres Bank of New Hanover h Market cor 5th (see advt) *Grainger Moses carpt h Castle bet 9th and 10th *Grainger Moses D carpt h Castle bet 9th and 10th Grant, Hinton & Co (R H Grant, J N Hinton & R W Ward) com mers 6 s Water Grant John elk h 5th bet Ann and Nun Grant Reuben h 5th bet Ann and Nun Grant Reuben jr book binder h 5th bet Ann and Nun Grant R H (Grant, Hinton & Co) h 7th cor Chesnut Grant Richard H jr barkeeper h 5th bet Ann and Nun Grant Sallie cook U S Marine Hospital *Graves Daniel lab h 8th bet Wooster and Dawson *Gray John lab h Brunswick bet 5th and 6th Gray Thomas lab h Castle bet 6th and 7th Gray Thomas jr lab h Castle bet 6th and 7th *Gray Wesley lab h Castle nr 2d Gray W T elk h Castle bet 6th and 7th GREAT ATLANTIC COAST LINE A Pope freight & passenger agt Front cor Red Cross (see advt) *Green Diana eating house Mulberry nr Water *Green Edmund lab h 7th bet Dawson and Wooster *Green Edw driver h 11th cor Dock ■^Green Emory lab h Brown bet Swann and Nixon *Green Eustis teacher h 7th bet Red Cross and Campbell *Green Geo lab h 4th bet Nun and Church Green Geo W drayman h Castle bet 6th and 7th ■^Green Henry bricklayer h Wooster bet 9th and 10th ■^Green Henry lab h Church bet 6th and 7th *Green Henry lab h 7th cor Taylor ^Green Henry C distiller h 7th cor Taylor Green H Mc L timber broker ft Chesnut h 2d cor Orange Green Isaac M drayman h 3d bet Hanover and Brunswick *Green Jacob lab h 4th bet Nixon and Taylor *Green James drayman h Church cor 8th MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE. 66 N. Charles St.. Baltimore. GRE U GUM *Green James lab h 4th bet Nun and Church *Green James jr lab h 4th bet Nun and Church ^Green Jeremiah lab h Brunswick bet 5th and 6th *Green Joshua drayman h Bladen bet 6th and 7th ^ Green J W lab h Castle bet 6th and 7th *Green Lanier lab h 2d bet Nun and Ann *Greeu Lewis lab h r 2d bet Dock and Orange *Green Perry fireman h Ann bet 7th and 8th *Green Richard lab h Church cor Wilson *Green Richard lab h 9th bet Chesnut and Mulberry- Green Richard shoemkr h 7th cor Church Green Robert lab h 4th bet Mulberry and Walnut *Green Stephen lab h Nixon al bet 5th and 6th *Green Susan huckster h 2d bet Mulberry and Walnut *Green Washington lab h Market bet 14th and 15th *Green William A elk city market h 8th bet Orange and Ann *Green William lab h 10th bet Nun and Church *Green William lab h Princess bet 12th and 13th Green William H (Green & Planner) h 3d cor Red Cross GREEN & PLANNER (W H Green & H G Planner) drug- gists 49 Market Greenabaum Leon elk bds Pront bet Chesnut and Mulberry Greenberg Raphael dry goods 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick Greenewald D ( S Hanstein & Co) h 4th cor Mulberry Greenewald I L elk h 4th cor Chesnut Greenewald Jacob elk h 4th bet Dock and Orange GREENEWALD N agt cigars and tobacco 26 Market h 4th bet Dock and Orange Greer David J elk h 7th bet Princess and Chesnut Green Phoebe H wid John h Market bet 2d and 3d. Griflfin Isaac lab h Surry bet Castle and Queen Griffin Michael boiler mkr h Front bet Red Cross and Walnut Griffith Edward lab h Castle cor 6th Griffith John sail mkr h Castle cor 6th Griffith William II clerk h Castle cor 6th *Grisson Moses lab h Campbell bet 5th and 6th GROSS MARK S REV pastor St Thomas Roman Catholic Church Dock bet 2d and 3d GROT GEN J H saloon Market cor Water Grotgen John H lab h Castle bet 2d and Pront Grotgen William H grocer Front cor Castle *Gummer Calvin elk h Red Cross bet 4th and 5th APPLY TO PROF. 6. REUUN6. M. D., FOR INFORMATION. GUR 75 HAL *Gurley Alonzo lab li Mulberry bet 2d and 3d Guthrie Annie h Church bet 9th and 10th Guthrie James K ship carpenter h 6th cor Ann Guthrie James E jr moulder h 6th cor Ann Guthrie John copper smith h 6th cor Ann Guttenburg Elizabeth wid J C h 3d nr Davis Guttenburg L M lab h 3d nr Davis *Gjer Charles lab h Church bet 7th and 8th *Gyer John lab h Front bet Queen and Wooster *Gyer Lewis lab h Wooster bet Front and 2d H Haar Henry grocer 7th cor Chesnut Haar John grocer -ith cor Nun HAAR JOHN JR saloon Front bet Market and Dock h 5th bet Orange and Ann (see advt) *Haggett George lab h 10th cor Dock *Haggett Samuel lab h 7th bet Harnett and Bladen HAHN JULIUS dry goods 4th bet Campbell and Hanover * Haines Charles lab h 6th nr Swann *Hale Samuel lab h Hanover bet 5th and 6th *HaIl Amos lab h r 5th bet Ann and Nun *Hall Andrew lab h Queen bet 3d and 4th *Hall Anthony F tailor 2d bet Market and Princess h Gwynn nr McRae *Hall Baker lab h 4th cor Harnett *Hall Bailer laundress h McRae bet Taylor and Nixon Hall B F (Hall & Pearsall) h Princess cor 9th *Hall Caesar lab h Wooster bet 8th and 9th JOHN HAAR, Jr., PROPRIETOR. IILLMBD BOOHS! Three New Collender's Patent Beveled Pocket and Carrom Tables. No. I GRANITE ROW, SOUTH FRONT STREET, WILMINGTON, N, C, MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE. 66 N.Charles St. , Baltimore. HAL ^6 HAM *Hall Daniel drayman h Wooster cor 8d *Hall David slioemkr h Nixon cor Brooklyn *Hall Duncan P carpt h Sth bet Taylor and Howard ^Hall Edw lab h Dickinson nr Miller Hall Edward D magistrate h 2d cor Ann Hall Eli W elk h Ann cor 2d *Hall Frederick lab li Queen bet 3d and 4:th *Hall Geo lab b Hanover bet 4th and 5th ^Ilall George lab b Wooster bet Front and 2d *Hall Guy carpt h 11th cor Princess *Hall Henry lab h 6th bet Church and Castle *Hall James lab h Chesnut bet 11th and 12th *Hall James lab h McKae bet Taylor and Howard ^Hall James lab h 9th bet Church and Castle *Hall Jas W carpt h Sth bet Taylor and Howard ^■Hall Joseph carpt h Brooklyn bet Swann and Nixon *Hall Joseph L carpt h Bed Cross nr 10th *Hall Plato lab h Chadbourn's al bet Harnett and Davis *Hall Ki chard lab h Wooster cor 3d -^Hall Richard P carpt h Sth bet Taylor and Howard *Hall Saml lab h Wooster bet 7th and Sth *Hall Saml waiter h Brunswick bet 3d and 4th *Hall Scipio messenger city hall HALL S G printer Princess bet Front and 2d h McRae cor Mulberry (see advt) *Hall Shado lab h 3d bet Queen and Wooster Hall Susan wid Thomas h Princess cor 9th Hall Watson lab h Church cor 2d *Hall William carpenter h Ann bet 7th and Sth *Hall William lab h 3d bet Queen and Wooster '5^ Hall William lab h Surry bet Church and Castle HALL & PEARSALL (B F Hall & Oscar Pearsall) com mers 7 s AVater Hallett Benjamin A bookkpr Navassa Guano Co ^Halliday Gilford lab h Love bet Swann and Nixon *Halsey Alexander lab h 5th cor Howard ■^Halsey Andrew lab h Swann cor McRae *Halsey Benjamin lab h 5th bet Swann and Harnett ■^Halsey Elias lab h 4th bet Ann and Nun ^Halse'y Robert lab h Taylor cor James al Hamburg Bremen Fire Ins Co of Germany Water bet Princess and Chesnut APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING. M. D.. FOR INFORMATION. HAM n HAN *H'amen Frank lab h Brunswick bet 3d and 4th *Hamilton Christopher cooper h Chesnut nr McEae *Hamilton Henrietta h Chesnut bet 10th and 11th ^Hamilton Joshua cooper bds Chesnut nr McEae * Hamilton Moses lab h Chesnut bet 10th and 11th Hamme E F elk h Front bet Chesnut and Mulberry HANBY JOHN H contractor and builder & slate at J H Mc- Garity & Co's Front cor Dock h 6 th bet Dock and Orange (see advt) Hanby Jos H carpt h 6th cor Swann Hancock E T (Hancock & Daggett) h 6th cor Princess Hancock & Daggett (E T Hancock & W T Daggett) paints, oils, &c 23 Market Haney Demarious seamstress h 8th cor Orange *Hankins Chas lab h Wooster bet 6th and 7th *Hankins Hiram cooper h "Wooster bet 6th and 7th *Hankins Joseph lab h Wooster bet 6th and 7th *Hankins Melton lab h 2d bet Dawson and Wooster Hankins Milton M machinist h 4th bet Brunswick and Bladen *Hankins Saml cooper h Church bet 7th and 8th Hankins S Decatur elk h 5th bet Eed Cross and Walnut *Hankins Thos cooper h Wooster bet 6th and 7th Hankins Wm farmer h 5th bet Eed Cross and Walnut Hankins W M elk h 4th bet Eed Cross and Walnut Hanks Horatio engineer bds Front bet Eed Cross and Camp- bell _ *Hannington Lewis lab h 4th bet Dawson and Wright *Hannington Monroe lab h 4th bet Dawson and Wright Hansen Henry saloon 2d bet Market and Princess Hansley Elizabeth h Chesnut bet McEae and 9th JOHN H. HANBY, ©tatiiitti ^ SiiiMevf I Including Wharf and Bridge Builder, Pays special attention to GENERAIi REPAIRING. HEIiDQIW.lTEES AT J. M. MeQilllTY & COU. FROITT, COKlTBIl, DOCK, Residence, 6th, bet. Dock and Orange, Wilmington, N. C. MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St. , Baltimore. HAN 78 HAR Hanstein Moses elk h 4tli cor Mulberry Haustein Saml (S Hanstein & Co) h 4tli cor Mulberry Hanstein S & Co (S Hanstein & D Greenewald) dry goods 15 Market Hardin J H elk h Front bet Market and Princess Harding E L (Munson k Co) h New York Hardwicke George lab h Front bet Queen and Wooster Hardwicke George W printer h 4tli bet Mulberry and Walnut Hardwicke John lab li Front bet Queen and Wooster Hardwicke Wm lab h Front bet Queen and Castle Hardwicke Wm S printer h 4th bet Mulberry and Walnut *Hardy Caleb police h Campbell bet 3d and 4th *Hardy John lab h Anderson nr Rankin Hardy Wm H tailor h 5th cor Church *Hargrave Alfred blacksmith 4th cor Princess li Princess bet 8th and 9th *Hargrave Hamilton lab h Van Bokelen bet Queen and Woos- ter *Hargrave John blacksmith li Princess bet 8th and 9tli ^Hargrave John A blacksmith h Chesnut nr McRae ^Hargrave Moses lab h Princess bet 8th and 9th Hargrave Wm F (J M Forshee & Co) h Nun bet Front and 2d Harker John lab h 5th cor Castle Harker Wm T watchman h 5th cor Castle *Harlan Marion butcher h Schutt's al bet Bladen and Harnett ^Harley Thos servant h Front bet Red Cross and Walnut *Harley Wm lab h Bladen bet 8th and 9th Harlow Wm L elk bds Red Cross bet Front and 2d Harper Mary A wid Wm H h Brown bet Swann and Nixon •^Harris Bristow lab h Wooster al bet Front and 2d Harris C M supt h Mulberry bet 7th and 8th ^Harris Elias lab h 8th cor Swann Harris Emma Mrs h Market cor 15th '^Harris James carpt h Church bet 2d and 3d ^Harris James lab h 8th bet Castle and Queen ^Harris Luntz lab h Walnut bet 2d and 3d Harris M C news dealer Front bet Market and Princess h Mul- berry bet 7th and 8th *Harris Pompey huckster h Northrop al bet 2d and 3d ^Harris Wm cooper h Gwynn nr Dickinson ^Harris William T cooper h 10th bet Ann and Nun ^Harris Wm lab h 2d bet Mulberry and Waluut APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. HAR 79 HAS *Harris Wm H lab h Nixon cor Brown Harrison B P (Harrison & Allen) h 2d bet Market and Prin- cess Harrison Frank barber h "Walnut bet Front and 2d Harrison William h Bladen bet McRae and 8th HARRISON & ALLEN (B P Harrison & A A Allen) hats and caps 29 n Front Harriss Cicero "W elk h 2d bet "Walnut and Eed Cross Harriss Geo (Harriss & Howell) h 6th cor Market Harriss Geo N city agt Daily Review h Chesnut bet 3d and 4th Harriss Henry G elk h Walnut bet 7th and 8th Harriss Jno B cotton grader h 5th bet Dock and Orange Harriss J S h Market cor 6th Harriss Mary wid Nehemiah h Market bet 6th and 7th Harriss Mary wid William J h Market bet 6th and 7th Harriss Thomas B h 5th bet Dock and Orange Harriss W W magistrate Princess bet 2d and 3d h 5th bet Dock and Orange Harriss & Howell (Geo Harriss & A J Howell) com mers Water bet Princess and Chesnut *nart Alfred lab h 3d bet Queen and Castle Hart Annie J (Kennedy and Hart) h 3d cor Market Hart Bailey & Co (L A Hart, J C Bailey & H A Burr) iron and copper works 17 s Front Hart Godfrey auctioneer h 2d bet Market and Dock Hart L A (Hart, Bailey & Co) h 3d between Dock and Orange *Hart William lab h 3d bet Queen and Castle Hartford Fire Ins Co of Hartford Conn Front cor Princess Hartsfield A A china and glassware 25 n Front h 7th bet Mar- ket and Princess Hartsfield Charles G piano repairer Market bet 2d and 3d h 2d bet Market and Dock Hartsfield E B elk h 7th bet Market and Princess Hartsfield Wm B coppersmith h Hanover bet 2d and 3d Harvey Annie wid William S h Wooster cor 7th Harvey George lab h 4th bet Church and Castle *Harvey Jas cooper h 8th bet Nixon and Taylor Harvey J W lab h Wooster cor 7th ^Harwood Isham lab h Gwynn nr McRae *Hasden Henry cooper h Campbell cor 5th Hashagen Anna wid H G h 4th cor Walnut lyiARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. HAS 80 HAY Hashagen Fred E elk li 4tli eor Walnut Hashagen J Geo elk P O h 4th cor Walnut Hashagen John bkkpr h Mulberry cor 5th Hasket Mattie teacher h Chesnut cor 9th *Haswell Christopher lab h Front cor Wooster Hawes C W elk h 6th cor Nun *Hawes Geo lab h Wooster bet 2d and 3d *Hawes Joseph lab h Wooster bet 2d and 3d Hawkins Andrew J elk h Queen cor 9th ^Hawkins Edward lab h Love bet Taylor and Howard Hawkins Jas W lab h Q«een cor 9th Hawkins Jno W carpt h Queen cor 9th * Hawkins Monroe lab h Front bet Red Cross and Walnut *Hawkins Peter lab Gwynn nr McRae Hay Benj T carpt h 5th bet Wooster and Dawson HAYDEN P H (Hayden & Gerhardt) & carriage & wagon mkr 3d bet Princess and Market h 6th cor Chesnut (see advt) HAYDEN & GERHARDT (P H Hayden & H H Ger- hardt) saddles & harness 3d. bet Market and Princess (see advt opp page) Hayes Fulton printer h 7th bet Mulberry and Walnut *Hayes James H bricklayer h Dock bet 11th and 12th Hayes Wm bookbinder h 7th cor Chesnut Hayes Wra M printer h 7th bet Mulberry and Walnut Hayes W M jr butcher Chesnut cor 6th h 7th bet Chesnut and Mulberry * Hayes Wm porter h Dawson bet 4th and 5th '-^Hayward Benj lab h 6th bet Nixon and Taylor *Haves Benj lab h 6th nr Howard P. H. HAYDEN, II Sd St., near Princess, WliHIKGTON. E. C. ji®*Horse Shoeing neatly done, APPLY TO PROF, G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION, HAT 81 HEN *IIaywood Robert lab h Front cor Chesnut *Haywood Thomas lab li 3d bet Red Cross and Walnut *Hajwood William lab h Chesnut cor 10th *neath Isaac lab h Davis bet 3d and 4th Heath T H varieties 24 Market h 7th cor Chesnut HEATON" JAMES elk Superior Court h 6th cor Red Cross Heaton Marj V wid David h Red Cross cor 6th Hedrick John J supt h 2d bet Market and Dock Hedrick S B dry goods 29 Market h 2d bet Market and Dock *Heflin Hamilton lab h 6th bet Church and Castle Heide A S clerk h 2d bet Church and Nun Heide Henry elk h 3d bet Nun and Church Heide R E ship broker & vice consul Sweden, Norwav & Denmark Water bet Market & Dock h 3d bet Church and Nun Heins John H grocer 2d bet Market and Princess Heins Julia wid J E h 2d bet Market and Princess HEINSBERGER PHILIP bookseller,stauoner,bookbinder, blank book manufacturer and dealer in music, musical in- struments, chromos, etc 39 & 41 Market h 3d bet Chesnut and Mulberry (see advts) ^Hemingway Joseph lab h 11th cor Church Hemenway Public School 4th bet Red Cross and Campbell *Hemmenway Robt lab h 7th bet Nixon and Taylor Henderson John M inspector Water cor Chesnut h 4th nr Red Cross ^Henderson Thomas cooper h Anderson nr Gwynn *Henderson Thomas Hjr cooper h Anderson nr Gwynn *Hendon Thomas lab h8th bet Hanover and Brunswick Henning Robert h Walnut cor 4th ■^Henry Edward porter h 7th bet Ann and Nun *Henry Frank carpenter h 7th bet Ann and Nun Hoyden & Gerhardt, MANUFACTUREllS OF Fine Saddles and Harness, 3d St., bet. Market & Princess, WilmingtOD, N. G. MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. CharlesSt., Baltimore. HEX 82 HEW ■'^Kenry Jacob lab h 4th bet Nun and Churcb *Henrj James lab li 4th bet Nun and Church *Henry Morgan lab h 9th bet Orange and Dock Hensel Henry elk bds Orange cor 2d Herbert G F elk h Market bet Front and 2d ^Herring Anthony lab h 7th bet Brunswick and Bladen ^Herring Charles lab h 6th bet Hanover and Brunswick Herring Edward drayman h 3d bet Church and Castle Herring Elias lab h Dawson bet 3d and 4th Herring Ellison lab h Dawson bet 3d and 4th ^Herring Frank lab h 7th bet Ann and Nun Herring George huckster h Church bet 6th and 7th *Herring Joseph lab h 2d cor Ann Herring N B wid Joshua h Princess cor 8th *Herring Noah lab h 9th cor Dock ^Herring Kichard lab h 6th bet Harnett and Swann Herring Susan S seamstress h Ann bet 5th and 6th Herring Stephen lab h Dawson bet 3d and 4th ^Herring Thomas lab h 10th bet Church and Castle Herring T J (Herring & Craig) h Swann bet 6th and 7th HERRING & CRAIG (T J Herring & J B Craig) tailors 2d bet Market and Princess (see advt) Herzog Wm elk h 2d cor Princess Hewett Edward A butcher h 7th bet Dawson and Wooster Hewett John shoemkr Church cor 5th Hewett J W lab h 7th bet Dawson and Wooster Hewlett Aaron T miller h Ann bet 5th and 6th Hewlett E D coroner h Queen cor 7 th Hewlett Louis M engineer h 3d bet Nun and Church CLOTHIITG CLEANED AND REPAIRED, CVT AND MADE, BY Hllllie AID dim, TillOES, Second Street, next door to S. A. Currie's Stables, UP STAIRS. ;8®=-Satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a trial. T. J. HERRING, J.B.CRAIG. APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. HEW 83 HIL Hewlett Serena wid Alex h 5th bet Ann and Nun Hewlett W S grocer 5tli cor Ann h 5th. bet Ann and Nun Heyer F W agt grocer Market cor 2d h 2d bet Red Cross and Walnut Heyer Geo H elk bds 2d bet Red Cross and Walnut Heyer John C grocer Water bet Chesnut and Mulberry h 4th cor Red Cross Heyer Matthew J elk h Red Cross cor 4th *Hicks Alex lab h McRae bet Brunswick and Hanover *Hicks Gaston lab h 2d bet Wooster and Dawson Hicks James H drayman h Castle cor 2d *Hicks John lab h Brown bet Swaun and Nixon Hicks R W elk h 5th bet Market and Princess Hicks Thos driver h Nixon cor James al *Higg Solomon barber h Mulberry bet Water and Front Highsmith Drusilla wid William h 8th cor Orange Highsmith John lab h Front bet Wooster and Queen *Highsmith John lab h Wooster al bet Front and 2d ^Highsmith Sylvester lab h 3d bet Hanover and Brunswick Hilburn Thos J cooper h Queen bet 4th and 5th *Hill Andrew lab h Queen cor 5th Hill Arthur J elk h 2d bet Market and Princess *Hill Benj lab h Brunswick cor 2d *Hill Cgesar lab h 12th bet Orange and Ann *flill Calvin huckster h 6th bet Campbell and Brunswick *Hill Cassius lab h Queen cor 5th *Hill Cassius lab h 7th cor Wright *Hill Chas lab h Dickinson nr Gwynn *Hill Clara laundress h Front bet Church and Castle ■^Hill Conway butcher h 5th bet Castle and Church *Hill Edw lab h 10th bet Dock and Market *Hill Emanuel lab h 2d bet Hanover and Brunswick *Hill Frank lab h 3d cor Red Cross *nill Fred lab h Howard cor James al *Hill Fred lab h 10th bet Dock and Market Hill Harry carpenter h Front nr Orange *Hill Henry bricklayer h Queen bet 3d and 4th *Hill Henry lab h Hanover bet 5th and 6th Hill James H elk h Orange bet 4th and 5th ^Hill James H lab h Castle bet 9th and 10th *Hill John cooper h McRae bet Taylor and Swann ^Hill John lab h Wooster bet 5th and 6th MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE,66 N. Charles St. , Baltimore. HIL 84 HOD *Hill Jno F carpt h Love bet Harnett and Swann ■^Hill Joseph C magistrate 2d bet Princess and Chesnut h 4tli cor Wooster *Hill Joshua lab h Front bet Wooster and Qneen *nill Joshua servt h 3d cor Chesnut Hill Julia boarding 2d bet Market and Princess Hill Kate Miss h 2d bet Market and Princess ^Hill Mingo C lab h 4th bet Wooster and Dawson *Hill Pompey lab h Surry bet Castle and Queen *Hill Robt cooper h Church bet 7th and 8th *Hill Robt H carpt h Harnett cor 7th *Hill Scipio porter h 3d bet Red Cross and Walnut *Hill Scipio saloon 2d bet Campbell and Red Cross *Hill Silas lab h n end 9th *Hill Simon lab h Chadbourn's al bet Harnett and Davis *Hill Solomon lab h Chadbourn's al bet Davis and Harnett *Hill Stephen lab h 10th bet Nun and Church *Hill Thos farmer h Eagle Island ■^Hill Thos farmer h Princess nr 11th ^Hill Thos lab h Harnett bet 3d and 4th *Hill Thos servt h Front bet Red Cross and Walnut *Hill Yirgil lab h Market cor 12th Hill W E (Altafifer & Hill) bds Front cor Orange *Hill Wm lab h Front bet Davis & Cowan *Hill William porter h 6th bet Church and Castle *Hill Zango lab h Vance al bet Front and 2d *nillman Moses lab h 6th bet Queen and Castle Hilton Rice Mills 4th nr Ashe Hilton Steam Saw and Planing Mills 4th nr Ashe *Himan William lab 11th bet Queen and Castle Hines Eli W carpt h Campbell bet 3d and 4th *Hines Hardy lab h Queen cor Surry *Hines John"^lab h 2d bet Wright and Meares *Hines John painter h 10th bet Ann and Nun Hines John W fisherman h Swann bet 7th and Love Hines Lucy wid Henry h Mulberry bet 6th and 7th Hines Mary A wid Louis h Swann bet Love & 7th *Hinkins Joseph lab h Princess bet 10th and 11th Hinton J N (Grant, Hinton & Co) h 5th bet Ann and Nun Hintze Herman butcher city market h Market nr 13th Hirschberg Isaac cigar mkr h 12 Market Hodsjes David cabinet mkr h Princess cor 7th APPLY TO PROF. 6. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. HOD 85 HOL Hodges Jesse W lab h 8d bet Nun and Church Hodges Martha seamstress h 8th cor Orange Hodges Mary wid Joseph h 8th cor Orange Hodges Mary E seamstress h 8th cor Orange Hodges T A ship carpenter h Dock bet 8th and 9th Hodges WilHam elk h 7th cor Princess Hofflin Isaac huckster h 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick *Hogan Alexander blacksmith h Harnett bet 4th and 5th *Hogan Andrew porter Manning House Hogan John machinist h McRae cor Rankin *Holden Lewis lab h Wright bet Front and Surry Holden S porter h 7th cor Castle Holden Samuel W plumber Market bet 2d and 3d h McRae bet Green and Miller *Holden William lab h 9th bet Orange and Dock ■^Holder Duncan drayman h Dickinson nr Gwynn ^Holland Benjamin lab h Bladen bet 5th and 6th ^Holland Isaac lab h 4th bet Church and Nun Holland James Mc butcher h Nixon bet 4th and 5th Holland John S butcher h 4th nr Nixon Holland W P lab h Ann cor 6th ^Hollingsworth Louis carpt h Campbell bet 8d and 4th Holloway James h Nun bet 5th and 6th *Holloway John mail agt h Chesnut cor 2d *Holloway Maria seamstress h 5th bet Castle and Church Holloway Wm farmer h 7th bet Harnett and Swann *Holly Joshua lab h 5 th bet Church and Castle *Holly Marion lab h Schutt's al bet Bladen and Harnett *Holly Phihp lab h 9th bet Church and Castle *Holmes Adolphus lab h Wooster bet 9th and 10th Holmes A H elk bds 2d bet Market and Princess * Holmes Alfred porter h Love bet Nixon and Swann ■^Holmes Bryant lab h 5th nr Nixon *Holmes Duncan farmer h 6th bet Brunswick and Hanover *Holmes Francis lab h 5th bet Campbell and Hanover Holmes Gabriel elk h 2d bet Market and Princess *Holmes Hamilton lab h Walker al bet Bladen and Brunswick ■^Holmes Hamlet lab h 3d bet Brunswick and Bladen ■^Holmes James lab h Princess bet 7th and 8th Holmes James D elk h Chesnut cor 4th Holmes John L lawyer Princess bet Front and 2d h 4th cor Chesnut MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, B6 N. Charles St. , Baltimore. HOL 86 HOU Holmes J L jr elk h. Ghesnut cor 4tli ♦Holmes Mason lab h Cowan nr 2d * Holmes Kichard F drayman h Harnett cor 6th * Holmes Ruffin lab h Wooster bet 9th and 10th *Holmes Samuel cooper h Dock bet 11th and 12th *Holmes Wm H lab h 5th nr Harnett *Holmes WilHs waiter 19 n Water *Holt James drayman h 6th bet Mulberry and "Walnut Holt W N elk h Orange bet 6th and 7th Homans Amy school 4th cor Dock Home Fire Ins Co of New York Princess bet Front and 2d Home Protection Fire Ins Co Water bet Princess and Chesnut Honnet George jeweler 53 Market h 4th bet Dock and Orange *Hooper Caspar lab h Harnett bet 8th and 8th ^Hooper Cassius labh Princess bet 10th and 11th "'Hooper Charlotte laundress h Nun bet 3d and 4th *Hooper Ezekiel boatman C H h 7th nr Campbell ^Hooper George drayman h Campbell bet 7th and 8th Hooper George lab h 3d bet Queen and Wooster * Hooper John gardener h 7th bet Eed Cross and Walnut *Hooper John lab h 8th bet Harnett and Swann *Hooper John lab h 6th bet Swann and Nixon *Hooper Johnson stevedore h 6th bet Ann and Nun * Hooper Joseph lab h 6th bet Swann and Nixon *Hooper Michael lab h 7th bet Red Cross and Walnut *Hooper Richard lab h 8th cor Taylor ^Hooper Thomas lab h 6th bet Swann and Nixon Hook and Ladder Company No 1 Dock bet 3d and 4th Hopkins John gardener h Market bet 7th and 8th HOPKINS J W saloon 3 Market h 3d cor Ann *Hopkins Richard lab h 2d bet Castle and Church Horen Michael watchman h 5th cor Church Horn Guilford F engineer h Red Cross bet 3d and 4th Horten Ebenezer B lab h 5th bet Church and Castle Hoskins Benj L elk h Orange bet 2d and 3d *Hostler Alex carpenter h 7th bet Mulberry and Chesnut *Hostler Elias lab h Price al bet 5th and 6th *Hostler James lab h 2d bet Red Cross and Campbell Hottendorf Henry elk h 3d bet Church and Castle *House Wesley earpt h 9th bet Queen and Castle ^Houston Christopher huckster h 6th bet Princess and Ches- nut APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. Hotr 87 HOW * Houston Larry lab h Chesnut cor 2d Houston Robt M weigher and gauger Dock bet Water and Front h Red Cross cor 3d *Howard Alfred lab h Wright bet Front and Surry- Howard Alfred C elk h 3d bet Nun and Church Howard Annie M wid Saml h Market bet 8th and 9 th * Howard Anthony lab h Wright bet 4th and and 5th ■^Howard Benj lab h McRae bet Swann and Harnett ^Howard Bruce porter h Red Cross bet 3d and 4th *Howard Dani h 9th nr Campbell *Howard Danl jailer h Princess bet 8d and 4th Howard Edward farmer h Castle bet 6th and 7th * Howard Edward lab h 7th bet Brunswick and Bladen Howard Eliza seamstress h 4th bet Castle and Church Howard Fire Ins Co of New York Princess bet Front and 2d ^Howard Franklin lab h 11th bet Market and Dock Howard Harris W elk h 3d bet Nun and Church *Howard Harry lab h Wooster bet 5th and 6th *Howard Henry lab h Front cor Wright *Howard Isham lab h Castle bet Front and Surry *Howard Jacob lab h r Castle bet 5th and 6th Howard Jas huckster h Princess cor 9th ^Howard Jas lab h Wooster bet 5th and 6th Howard Jno huckster h Market bet 8th and 9th ^Howard Jno lab h 7th bet Dawson and Wooster ■^Howard Jno lab h James al bet Taylor and Nixon ■^Howard Jno lab h Princess bet 12th and 13th ■^Howard Jno servt h Market bet 4th and 5th *Howard Jos lab h 8th bet Princess and Chesnut Howard Margaret wid Henry h 3d bet Nun and Church *Howard Miles B barber h 8th cor Red Cross Howard Rebecca seamstress h 3d bet Nun and Church Howard Relief Engine House 4th bet Market and Dock ■^Howard Rufus lab h Love bet Taylor and Nixon *Howard Stephen lab h Wright cor Front Howard T W trader h Dock cor 7th ^Howard Wm carpt Hilton nr R R bridge h Anderson nr Miller *Howard Wm lab h 6th bet Campbell and Hanover *PIowe Adrian lab h 4th bet Ann and Nun *Howe Alfred carpt h Queen cor 3d *Howe Alfred P elk h Queen cor 3d MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. HOW 88 HUG ^Hovve Anthony magistrate Princess bet Front and 2d h Queen bet 3d and 4th *Howe Caleb lab h Meares bet Front and Surry *Howe Charles lab h Castle bet 3d and 4th *Howe Clifford lab h 4th bet Ann and Nun *Howe Geo lab h 4th bet Princess and Chesnut *Howe Isabella teacher h 3d cor Queen *Howe Israel lab h Nixon al bet 5th and 6th *Howe Jacob lab h Meares bet Front and Surry *Howe James lab h Mulberry bet 10th and 11th ^Howe J H carpt h 3d bet Church and Castle *Howe Joshua lab h 3d bet Market and Princess *Howe Keziah h Miller cor Anderson *Howe Mary W teacher 3d cor Queen *Howe Valentine carpt h 9th bet Castle and Church *IIowe Washington grocer 4th cor Nun *Howe William lab h Meares bet Front and Surry *Howe Wm C cooper h Anderson nr Mulberry *Howe Wm H lab h 6th bet Harnett and Svvann *Howe Wm H stevedore h 7th cor Swann Howell A J (Harriss & Howell) h 7th cor Market Howell Charles steward U S Marine Hospital h Castle bet 7th and 8th *Howell F E Eev h Campbell bet 5th and 6th Howell Peter L lab h Florence Howey Thomas H h 4th cor Ann Howey Thos H jr boots & shoes 47 Market h 4th cor Ann Howey Wm M elk h 4th bet Orange and Ann Howland Geo lab h 7th bet Princess and Chesuut Howland Samuel elk h 7th bet Princess and Chesnut Howie Sallie Mrs h Mulberry bet 3d and 4th Hubbard Geo F elk h Market bet Front and 2d ^Hubbard Leroy P lab h Brown bet Swann and Nixou Hudgins C W carpenter h 8th bet Dock and Orange Hudspeth Wm engineer h 2d cor Mulberry Huff John H carpenter h Market bet 2d and 3d Hughes G W tel repairer h 7th bet Bladen and Harnett *Hughes Monday lab h Wooster al bet Front and 2d *Huggins Alex lab h Church cor 6th *Huggins Christopher barber Mulberry nr Water Huggins Geo W watchmaker h 7th bet Chesnut and Mulberry Huggins James B grocer 57 Market h Dock bet 7th and 8th APPLY TO PROF. 6. REUUNG, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. HUG 89 IVE Huggins L B elk h 7tli cor Mulberry Hullen Nicholas elk h Front cor Brunswick *Hunt David carpenter h McRae nr Gwynn Hunt S T elk h Front bet Churcli and Castle *Hunter Benj lab h Farrow al bet Castle and Churcli *Hunter Edward lab h Brunswick bet 5th and 6th *Hunter John W lab h. Sherwood al bet Walnut and Red Cross *Hunter William lab h Sherwood al bet Walnut and Eed Cross *Hunter Wm servt h Walnut bet 2d and 3d Hurlaux Victor h Front bet Dock and Orange Hurse W carpt h 6th bet Queen and Wooster Huske J Norwood elk bds 3d bet Dock and Orange Hussel Christian grocer -ith cor Brunswick Hussel Geo J elk h 4th cor Brunswick Hussey Zachariah carpt h Surry bet Dawson and Wright Huston Lucy wid Maxwell h 5th cor Chesnut Huston W M dentist 32 1 Market h 5th cor Chesnut Hutaf Jno elk h Nixon nr 9th HUTAF NICHOLAS grocer 6th cor Swann h Nixon nr 9tli Hutaff Henry grocer Chesnut cor McRae *Hutchins Mitchell lab h 11th bet Market and Princess I Imperial & Northern Fire Ins Co of London Commercial Ex- change Building Insurance Co of North America (fire) of Philadelphia 38 n Water Insurance Coof North America (marine) of Philadelphia Front cor Princess Ironside Baptist Churcli Castle bet 5tli and 6th Irving Mary wid Jno h 2d bet Queen and Castle *Isler Frank lab h McRae bet Hanover and Campbell *Isler Peter lab h 6th bet Red Cross and Walnut *Isler Sampson lab h 5th bet Nixon and Swann ^Israel Frank lab li McRae bet Campbell and Hanover *Israel Peter lab h 6th bet Walnut and Red Cross Ives Jesse butcher 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick h 5th cor Bladen MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St, Baltimore. IVO 90 JAM *Ivory Henry lab li Swann bet 8tli and Otb *Ivorj Henry lab h Walnut bet 2d and 3d *Ivory James lab h Sth bet Ann and Nun *Ivory Peter lab h Walnut bet 2d and 3d *Jackson Andrew lab b 8tb cor Harnett *Jackson Andrew lab h Nun bet 6th and 7th *Jackson Andrew lab h 7th cor Howard *Jackson Charles lab h Castle cor 5th ■^Jackson Charles T tinner h 6th bet Chesnut and Mulberry Jackson Cornelius grocer "Wooster cor 3d h Wooster cor 4:th *Jackson David lab h Campbell bet 4th and 5th *Jackson David lab h 8th cor Harnett *Jackson Fanny S teacher h 2d cor Walnut ^Jackson Geo H grocer Walnut cor 3d h Walnut cor 2d *Jackson Henry lab h Dawson bet 4th and 5th *Jackson Henry lab h Hanover between 4th and 5th ■'^Jackson James E lab 6th bet Chesnut and Mulberry Jackson James W (Jackson & Bell) h 4th bet Ann and Nun * Jackson John lab h Castle cor 5 th Jackson John lab h Princess cor 3d Jackson J W engineer h Hanover bet 5th and 6th * Jackson Peter lab h Red Cross bet 6th and 7 th *Jackson Robert lab h Brown bet Swann and Nixon *Jackson Robert porter h 3d bet Bladen and Brunswick *Jackson William lab h 6th bet Walnut and Red Cross * Jackson William servant h 51 Market Jackson & Bell (James W Jackson & Benj Bell) printers Front bet Princess and Chesnut JAGOBI N hardware 10 s Front h 2d bet Nun and Church Jacobs B J bkkpr h Princess bet 4th and 5th Jacobs Charles D elk h 4th cor Princess ^Jacobs David barber h Wooster bet Front and 2d *Jacobs Moses lab h Front bet Wright and Meares Jacobs Thaddeus engineer bds Farmers' Hotel Jacobs Thomas engineer h Market bet 6th and 7th Jacobs William L saddler h 4th cor Princess * James Frank lab h 8th bet Campbell and Hanover *James Hampton lab h Front bet Wooster and Queen *James Henry lab h Beatty al bet 2d and 3d APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. JAM 91 JEW James Hettie (Burr & James) li 2d bet Dock and Orange *James Jefferson shoemkr Princess bet Tth and 8t]a li 7tli bet Walnut and Bed Cross James John C elk h 8d cor Mulberry JAMES J T editor Daily Keview h 3d cor Mulberry James J S elk b 3d cor Mulberry *James Julius lab h r Castle bet 6th and 7th *James Lewis lab h Chesnut cor 11th *James Richard lab h Pi'incess bet 10th and 11th James T Calhoun associate editor Daily Review h 3d cor Mul- berry James Theodore C elk h 3d cor Mulberry *James Wm lab h Queen cor Surry James W H lab h Wooster cor 7th James Wm H (James & Brown) h 2d bet Chesnut and Princess James & Brown (Wm H James & John K Brown) civil engi- neers & real estate 2d bet Princess and Chesnut Jamison J D elk h 6th bet Dock and Orange Jansen Edw ship carpenter h Front bet Church and Castle *Jarman James lab h 7th bet Swann and Nixon *Jarman Louis lab h 3d bet Bladen and Brunswick Jarrell Jacob lab h Dickinson nr Gwynn *Jarret Samuel lab h 11th bet Dock and Market *Jarrow Wm W lab h Dickinson nr Miller *Jarvis Nathaniel lab h Anderson nr Green *Jeff"erson Robt carpenter h Church bet 5th and 6th *Jenkins Brinkley shoemaker Front bet Dock and Orange ^Jenkins Ctesar lab h Front bet Meares and Marsteller * Jenkins David h Brunswick bet 9 th and 10th *Jenkin8 Geo drayman h 2d cor Castle *Jenkins James lab h r Nun cor 6th *Jenkins Joseph h Mulberry cor Anderson *Jenkins Saml G driver h 7th bet Swann and Nixon Jenkins W Henry supt h 5th bet Taylor and Nixon ■^Jennings Benj lab h Front nr Harnett Jevens Chas E machinist h 8d bet Market and Princess Jewett G W, Wilmington Male Seminary Chesnut cor 2d Jewett Henry B bkkpr bds Front bet Dock and Orange Jewett R D elk h 4th cor Mulberry Jewett Richard B elk h Front cor Ann JEWETT STEPHEiSr bookseller & stationer 27 n Front h 4th bet Mulberry and Walnut MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. JEW 92 JOII Jewett Stephen Mrs h 4tli bet Mulberry and Walnut Jewett Wm L elk h 4th bet Mulberry and Walnut *Joclyn David drayman h 7th bet Red Cross and Campbell * Johnson Aaron Inb h N un bet 6th and 7th *Johnson Albert lab h 8th bet Harnett and Swann *Johnson Alex lab h Beatty al bet 2d and 3d JOHNSON ALEXANDiSR jr manfr of naval stores Eagle Island h 6th cor Walnut Johnson Alfred collector h 28 Market *Johnson Alfred lab h 6th bet Swann and Nixon * Johnson Andover lab h Ann bet 6th and 7 th ^Johnson Benj lab h 3d bet Davis and Cowan * Johnson Chas lab h 11th bet Church and Castle ^Johnson Chas shoemkr Mulberry bet Front and Nutt Johnson C J coast pilot h 5th bet Church and Castle Johnson Cornelia bds 4th bet Church and Castle ^Johnson David drayman h Bulken al bet 4th and 5th ^Johnson Dover shoemkr h Ann bet 7th and 8th Johnson E F grocer Nutt bet Mulberry and Walnut *Jonson Eli lab h James al bet Taylor and Howard *Johnson Eva Mrs h Front cor Ann *Johnson Frank lab h 7th bet Bed Cross and Campbell Johnson Geo L salesman h 2d cor Market JOHNSON HARDING genl com mer Nutt bet Mulberry andWalnut h Chesnut bet 3d and 4th *Johnson Henry lab h 7th bet Red Cross and Campbell * Johnson Herbert lab h 2d cor Wright ■^Johnson Isaac lab h Nixon bet 8th and Brooklyn Johnson J & J agts W heeler & Wilson Mfg Co 28 Market *Johnson Jacob lab h Wilson bet Ann and Nun *Johnson Jacob (Johnson & Willis) h McRae bet Walnut and Red Cross Johnson James agt h Hanover bet 3d and 4th * Johnson James H stevedore h Anderson nr Mulberry Johnson Jeft" (J & J Johnson) h 28 Market ^Johnson Jefi:' lab h Orange cor 4th *Johnson Jeremiah lab h r Church cor 7th ^Johnson Jeremiah lab h Mulberry cor 5th ^"Johnson Jesse cooper h Walnut cor 6th ^Johnson John lab h Church cor Wilson ♦Johnson John lab h Princess bet 10th and 11th Johnson J (J & J Johnson) h 28 Market APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. JOH 93 JON Johnson Julia laundress h 5tli bet Wooster and Dawson *Jobnson Laura b r Walnut bet 5th and 6th *Johnson Lewis lab h 7th bet Princess and Chesnut ♦Johnson Lewis lab h 3d cor Beatty al Johnson Louisa h 4:th bet Castle and Church *Johnson Lud J shoemkr h Brunswick cor 3d Johnson Marinda seamstress h -ith cor Queen *Johnson Mark lab h Castle bet 8th and 9th Johnson M M elk bds Manning House Johnson Morris W brick layer h 4th bet Dawson and Wright ^Johnson Neal eating house Mulberry nr Water Johnson T H butcher stall 5 Market h Dock cor 7th Johnson Y Q supt C C R R bds Manning House *Johnson Wm police *Johnson Wright butcher h n end 9th Johnson W T (W T Johnson & Co) h Princess bet 8th and 9th Johnson W T & Co (W T Johnson) upholsterers 2d bet Princess and Chesnut *Johnson & Willis (Jacob Johnson & Robt Willis) barbers Dock bet Water and Front *Jones Aaron lab h r 6th bet Chesnut and Mulberry *Jones Abraham blksmith h 5th bet Bladen and Harnett *Jones Abraham grocer Front bet Queen and Wooster h 2d bet Dawson and Wooster *Jones Anthony lab h Queen cor Surry *Jones Anthony lab h 3d bet Bladen and Brunswick *Jones Benjamin lab h Castle bet 8th and 9th * Jones Benj lab h Market cor 13 th *Jones Charles carpt h 7th bet Church and Castle Jones Chas R elk h Princess bet Front and 2d *Jones David drayman h McRae nr Chesnut ''^ Jones David drayman h Swann bet 5th and 6th Jones Edward huckster h Wooster bet 9th and 10th *Jones Elijah lab h 7th bet Princess and Chesnut *Jones Emanuel lab h Wooster cor 3d * Jones Fred farmer h McRae cor Mulberry *Jones Fred lab h Brunswick bet 9th and 10th *Jones Fred lab h ith cor Wright *Jones Geo lab h Burgwin al bet 2d and 3d *Jones Geo lab h Front bet Hanover and Brunswick *Jones Geo lab h Love cor Nixon MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St, , Baltimore. JON 94 JON * Jones Geo W lab h Swann bet McEae and 8th *^ Jones Hank lab h. Dock bet 11th and 12th ■^ Jones Henry lab h 2d bet Castle and Church *Jones Henry lab h Wooster al bet Front and 2d *Jones Henry H porter h Hanover bet 7th and 8th * Jones Isaac stevedore h 10th bet Queen and Wooster Jones James bricklayer h 9th cor Mulberry *Jones James ice cream 2d bet Market and Princess h 7th cor Nun ■^ Jones James lab h Brown bet Howard and Taylor *Jones James lab h Brunswick cor 4th *Jones James lab h Eobbins al bet Taylor and Howard *Jones James lab h 5th cor Brunswick Jones Jennie bds 4th cor Castle Jones J T h Princess bet Front and 2d *Jones John blacksmith h 8th bet Castle and Queen Jones John lab h 2d bet Bladen and Harnett ^Jones Jonas engineer h Front cor Hanover *Jones Joseph cooper h 3d cor Wooster *Jones Joseph lab h Ann bet 2d and 3d ■^ Jones Joseph H police h Anderson nr Campbell *Jones Joseph J blacksmith Chesnut betweeo Front and Water h 8th bet Castle and Queen Jones Josiah H elk h 4th bet Walnut and Red Cross *Jones Lemuel lab h Dock cor 12th * Jones Lizzie lab h Wooster al bet Wooster and Queen *Jones Moses carpenter h Ann cor 3d ^Jones Nicholas huckster h 6th bet Princess and Chesnut *Jones Parrish engineer h Castle cor 9th Jones Pembroke elk h Front cor Chesnut *Jones Ransom W lab h Front bet Davis and Cowan Jones Reuben h Princess bet Front and 2d Jones Richard elk h Market bet 8th and 9th *Jones Richard police h 6th bet Church and Castle JONES RICHARD J sec & treas Wilmington Gaslight Co & Oakdale Cemetery Co Princess bet Front & 2d h Market bet 8th and 9 th *Jones Samuel lab h Mulberry cor 5th Jones S J printer h 4th bet Red Cross and Walnut *Jones Stephen J lab h Market cor 10th *Jones Thos lab h McRae bet Campbell and Hanover * Jones Wm farmer h 13 th bet Church and Nun APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. JON 95 KEL *Jones Wm lab h Ann bet 2d and 3d *Jones Wm lab h Rankin bet 11th and 12tb ^Jones Wm H lab h Castle bet 8th and 9th *Jordan Alfred lab h 4th bet Castle and Church Jordan John lab h Front bet Queen and Wooster Jordon Patrick lab h Nutt bet Red Cross and Walnut *Jordon Thos lab h Front bet Castle and Queen *Josephs James lab h Castle bet 8th and 9th Joyner David J farmer h 4th bet Bladen and Brunswick *Jojner Edw saloon & police 46 n Water h Nixon bet 7th and 8th Joyner F A barkeeper Purcell House Justice J E cooper h 7th bet Queen and Wooster Justice Mary wid Benjamin h Wooster bet 7th and 8th K Kahnweiler D elk h 4th bet Dock and Orange *Kane Jos lab h Campbell cor 10th Karlsberg Emanuel elk bds 4th bet Chesnut and Mulberry Kasprowicz Chas elk h Front bet Orange and Ann Kasprowicz H H elk h Front bet Ann and Orange Kasprowicz M h Front bet Orange and Ann Kasprowicz S tobacconist 9 n Front h New York KATZ M M dry goods, fancy goods, notions, &c S6 Market h 5th cor Market Kea Jas E dentist 32| Market h 5th cor Chesnut Keathly E H watchmkr 2 Market bds 7th cor Chesnut Keegan Jas saloon Nutt bet Red Cross and Walnut Keen Emma E wid J L h Princess cor 5th Keen Jno L messenger h Princess bet 4th and 5th Keen Jos L Rev h 3d bet Red Cross and Walnut Keen Wm G T h Princess cor 5th Keenan Thos elk h Chesnut cor 10th Keeter Elijah fisherman h 4th bet Nun and Church Keith E A cotton broker 5 s Water h 3d bet Mulberry and Walnut Keith Frances wid Wiley h Hanover bet 5th and 6th Keith Jno carpt bds Front bet Red Cross and Campbell Keithley Caroline wid Jno h Wooster cor 8th Kelley A H claim agt W & W and W C & A R R's h 2d bet Mulberry and Chesnut MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE. 66 N. Charl es St., Baltimore. KEL 96 KER *Kelley Alex lab h Brunswick bet 6th and 7tb Kelley Anna J wid Jas H h Macuniber al bet 8tla and 9tli *Kelley Boston lab h 8th bet Bladen and Harnett *Kelley Calvin lab h Front bet Meares and Marsteller ■^Kelley Cornelius driver h 2d cor Princess Kelley George C elk h 2d bet Chesnut and Mulberry Kelley George H inspector h 2d bet Chesnut and Mulberry Kelley John B carpenter h Church bet 4th and 5th *Kelley Julius lab h r 5th cor Queen *Kelley Mingo lab h Cowan nr 2d *Kelley Nelson lab h 2d bet Hanover and Brunswick Kelley Oliver butcher 6th cor Walnut Kelley Oliver jr elk h 6th cor Walnut Kelley H elk h 4th bet Dock and Orange *Kelley Prince lab h 11th cor Ann *Kelley Sandy lab h 7th bet Nixon and Taylor ^Kelley Tobias lab h Walker al bet Bladen and Brunswick *Kelley William carpenter h 12th bet Church and Castle Kelley W L h 2d bet Chesnut and Mulberry ^Kellogg Aaron lab h 3d bet Bladen and Brunswick *Kellogg William carpenter 4th bet Bladen and Brunswick h 3d bet Bladen and Brunswick *Kellogg William J wheelwright Nutt between Walnut and Bed Cross h 3d cor Bladen *Kelly Chany laundress h Brunswick bet 6th and 7th *Kelly Duke lab h Wright bet Front and Surry *Kelly Eebecca h 6th bet Ann and Nun *Kelly Susan h Front bet Queen and Wooster Kenan W K ( J M Forshee k Co) h Nun bet Front and 2d ^Kendall Amelia A seamstress h Front bet Church and Castle Kendrick James printer h 5th bet Church and Nun Kennedy C G Mrs h Market cor 3d Kennedy John M pedlar h Eankin nr McEae Kennedy Kate M (Kennedy & Hart) h 3d cor Market ■^Kennedy Lorenzo h 7th bet Chesnut and Mulberry Kennedy Eobt printer h 7th cor Walnut Kennedy & Hart Misses (Kate M Kennedy k Annie M Hart)" school 3d bet Market and Princess Kent Thomas drayman h 2d bet Wooster and Queen EERGHNER F W (Kerchner k Calder Bros) k pres Dawson Bank h Front cor Nun APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. 0., FOR INFORMATION. KER 97 KIN KERCHNER & CALDER BROS (F W Kerchner, R B k Wm Calder) com mers & wholesale grocers 27, 28, 29 n "Water Kerman Wm J lab h Mulberry bet 4tli and 5th Ketchura Sarah wid Wm h Market bet 2d and 3d *Key Richmond lab h McRae bet Nixon and Taylor Kidder Edw (Edw Kidder & Sons) h Dock cor 3d KIDDER EDW & SONS (Edw, Geo W & Gilbert P Kid- der) com mers & steam saw & planing mills Water cor Prin- cess (see advt) Kidder Fredk elk h Dock cor 3d Kidder Geo W (Edw Kidder & Sons) h Dock cor 8d Kidder Gilbert P (Edw Kidder & Sons) h Dock cor 3d *King Amos lab h Dawson bet 3d and 4th *King Andrew huckster h 6th bet Princess and Chesnut *King Benj lab h Taylor cor Brooklyn| King B R plasterer h 5th bet Queen and Wooster King H com mer Dock cor Water h 3d cor Nun King Charles engineer h Wooster bet 9th and 10th *King Chas A elk h 4th bet Bladen and Brunswick King E D physician 4th bet Campbell and Hanover King Elizabeth wid William h 6th bet Queen and Wooster King F M elk h Market bet 8th and 9th King Isaac W butcher h 5 th bet Queen and Wooster King Jackson lab h 9th bet Princess and Chesnut King Jas A boarding house Front bet Red Cross and Camp- bell King Jas J butcher stall 9 city market h 2d bet Nun and Church King Jas W inspector h Princess bet 4th and 5th KING J F physician 3d cor Chesnut King J M carpt h 8th bet Queen and Wooster *King John lab h Surry bet Ch urch and Castle King John lab h 5th bet Castle and Queen King John B butcher h Queen cor 9th King Jno W upholsterer h McRae nr Gwynn King Joseph P butcher 2d bet Market and Dock h 7th cor Queen King Margaret wid Jeremiah h 2d bet Nun and Church King Patrick engineer bds Front bet Red Cross and Camp- bell King Saml E lab h Front cor Red Cross MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St. , Baltimore. KIN 98 KOK *King Thomas huckster h Market bet 14th and 15th King W E tinner 2d bet Princess and Chesnut h 6th bet Queen and Wooster King W W conductor h 5th bet Queen and "Wooster Kingsbury T B editor Daily and Weekly ^Star h Chesnut bet 8d and 4th *Kingsley Saml lab h 6th cor Church Kinnear Alex glazier h 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick Kirkham W J tel repairer h Front bet Red Cross and Wal- nut Kirkman Joseph fisherman h Castle bet Tth and 8th Kirnan John lab h 2d bet Queen and Wooster Klander J D H grocer Castle cor 6th Klein Chas cabinet mkr h Chesnut bet 5th and 6th KLEIN DANL prop Wilmington Gardens Eankin bet 10th and 11th *Knight Edward lab h Church bet 5th and 6th *Knight George farmer h Walnut cor 5th *Knight Geo fireman h Harnett bet 3d and 5th *Knight Henry lab h Swann bet 8th and 9th Knight James mast trans W & W R R h Front cor Red Cross Knight James S engineer h 3d bet Campbell and Red Cross *Knox Jacob lab h Brunswick bet 4th and 5th KOCH JOHN C (Oldham & Koch) & grocer and liquor dealer Front bet Dock and Orange h Castle bet 4th and 5th (see advt) KOCH W H M grocer and liquor dealer Front cor Orange (see advt opp page) Kokowsky H grocer 2d cor Princess JOHN C. KOCH, DEALER IN No. 5 Lippitt*s Row, Front near Orange, WILMINGTON, N. C. APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. KOO 99 LAN *Koonce Zack lab h 4tli bet Bladen and Brunswick *Kornegay Alfred lab li 11th cor Church Kornegay Charles lab h Front bet Hanover and Brunswick *Kornegay Wm lab h 4:th bet Balden and Brunswick Koster Herman elk h Market cor 7th *Lafayette General lab 17 s Front Lafranz Henry baker h 5th cor Campbell Lafrenz L dyer and scourer 2d bet Market and Princess *Lalistead Mary laundress h Church bet 5th and 6th Lamb Geo P florist 6th bet Princess and Chesnut *Lamb Jos lab h Front cor Cowan Lamb J "Washington elk h Princess cor 3d *Lamb Leonard lab h Nixon bet 6th and Brown Lamb Washington elk h Chesnut cor 4th Lancashire Fire Ins Co of England 28 n Water Landa Frank grocer 7th cor Ann *Lane Elijah barber 3 n Water h 5th cor Brunswick *Lane Emanuel farmer h Chesnut cor 11th *Lane Geo lab h 2d bet Brunswick and Hanover Lane H B elk h 63 Market *Lane Jas carpt h 10th cor Campbell *Lane Jas painter h Red Cross bet 4th and 5th Lane J McR elk h Front cor Ann *Lane Laura laundress h Dawson bet 3d and 4th Lane Martha seamstress h 2d bet Market and Princess Lane Sarah wid Wm h 3d bet Nun and Church Lane Wm H elk h 3d bet Nun and Church TV. H. IM. liOCH, DEALER IN Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, TOBACCO, SNUFF, Etc., Etc., Korttwest Corner Front and Orange Streets. MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. LAN 100 LAW Lane W W physician Princess bet Front and 2d bds 2d bet Market and Princess *Laney Wesley lab h Brunswick cor 3d Lanffdon R F ass auditor W & W R R h Market bet 4th and 5th ^Langley Saml lab h r 6th bet Queen and Castle *Languin Robt lab h Rankin ab l-4th *Lanier Green lab h Front bet Ann and Nan Larkin Patrick baggage man h Red Cross bet 4th and 5th *Larkins Eli farmer h Brown bet Taylor and Nixon *Larkins Haywood lab h Dock bet 6th and 7th *Larkins Henry lab h Campbell bet 3d and 4th *Larkins Henry lab h Dock bet 6th and 7th *Larkins Henry lab h 6th bet Market and Dock *Larkins Lewis lab h Nun bet 6th and 7th *Larkins Madison lab h Wooster bet 6th and 7th *Larkins Owen lab h 11th bet Princess and Chesnut *Larkins Saml drayman h 13th cor Oronge *Larkins Saml lab h 10th bet Qaeen and Wooster *Larkins Thomas cooper h Wooster bet 6th and 7th LARKINS WM cashier Dawson Bank and elk U S District Court h Dock cor 6th *Larkins Wm lighterman h Gwynn nr Dickinson *Larrington Anthony lab h 5th bet Wooster and Dawson ■'^Larrington Lewis lab h 4th bet Ann and Nun *Larrington Simon shoemaker 2d bet Market and Princess h 4th bet Church and Nun Latham B F mariner h Chesnut bet 8th and 9th Latimer Edward h 3d cor Orange Latimer Henry G h 3d cor Orange Latimer Herbert h 3d cor Orange Latimer William h 3d cor Orange Latimer Z h 3d cor Orange Latta Adam G bkkpr h 7th bet Walnut and Mulberry Latta John R bkkpr W & W R R h 3d bet Campbell and Red Cross Lauletta Nicola music h Orange bet 2d and 3d *Lavender Bryant lab h Taylor cor James al ^Lavender Israel lab h Princess bet 7th and 8th *Law James engineer h 9th bet Bladen and Brunswick ^Lawrence Peter W cooper h 6th nr Bladen ■^Lawrence Winnie laundress h 4th bet Church and Nun APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. P., FOR INFORMATION. LAW 101 LET Lawther T R engineer h Front bet Red Cross and Walnut *LeBoo Benjamin lab h 6th cor Church *LeBoo John lab h 7th bet Nixon and Taylor *LeBoo Nancy laundress h 8th bet Church and Castle *LeBoo Sandy lab h 7th bet Taylor and Nixon ■^LeBoo William cooper h Church bet Wilson and 8th *LeBros Joseph lab h Front bet Queen and Wooster *Lee Daniel lab h 13th bet Dock and Orange Lee Eliza J wid Jacob h Walnut bet Front and 2d Lee Ferdinand W lab h Surry bet Dawson and Wright *Lee George pressman h 2d bet Market and Princess Lee J Hogan farmer h Harnett bet 4th and oth *Lee Major lab h Castle bet 2d and 3d Lee Robert E elk bds 30 Market ■'^Lee Thomas lab h McRae bet Fanning and Moore *Lee Trim servant h Chesnut bet 3d and 4th Leeman Frank musician h Castle bet 6th and 7th Legg Charles H lighterman h 5th bet Dock and Leggett Chas H agt h Mulberry bet Front and 2d *Leggett Geo lab h 6th bet Nun and Church Leggett J E conductor h Mulberry bet Front and 2d ^LeGrarid Lewis porter h 2d bet Dawson and Wright ^LeGwin Jacob farmer h Queen bet 4th and 5th LeGwin John F watchman h 10th bet Chesnut and Princess LeGwin John J printer h 10th bet Princess and Chesnut LeGwin L M printer h lOih bet Princess and Chesnut Lemmerman 11 T (Lemmerman & Coney) h Princess bet 6th and 7th LEMMERMAN & CONEY (H T Lemmerman & Walter Coney) tugs & lighters Water bet Market and Dock ^Leonard Geo cooper h 6th bet Queen and Wooster Leonard H C real estate h Macumber's al bet 8th and 9th *Leonard Ishmael stevedore h Wooster bet 6th and 7th *Leonard Jeremiah blacksmith h Harnett bet 4th and 5th ♦Leonard Robert lab h Castle bet 8th and 9th Lessman A baker 2d bet Market and Dock Lessman Fred AV baker h 2d bet Market and Dock Lessman W F ( J D Stanley & Co) h 2d bet Market and Dock Letton Thomas lab h 8th bet Dawson and Wright *Le Vann Jackson lab h Church cor 10th *Levaughn Jefferson lab h Harnett cor 8th *Levison Anthony lab h Dickinson nr Woods MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. LEY 102 LIT ^Levison Chas h Gwynn nr Woods Levy E elk h 5th cor Market *Lewis Alex lab h lOth bet Nun and Church *Lewis Elijah cooper h 5th bet Campbell and Hanover Lewis Eliza J seamstress h 4th bet Chesnut and Mulberry *Lewis Geo lab h 7th bet Nixon and Taylor Lewis Geo G agt h Walnut bet 3d and 4th *Lewis Jas plasterer h McRae bet Harnett and Swana *Lewis Jno lab h Bladen bet 5th and 6th Lewis Jos lab h 8d bet Queen and Wooster Lewis Lizzie bds 4th cor Castle Lewis Mary J wid Moses h Chesnut bet 4th and 5th * Lewis Peter lab h 5th bet Castle and Church Lewis R J h Chesnut bet 4th and 6th Lewis Thomas C elk h Walnut bet 6th and 7th Lidden Thos mariner h Surry bet Church and Castle Liebmann Alex dry goods 44 Market h 2d bet Chesnut and Mulberry Life Ins Co of Petersburg Ya Water bet Princess and Chesnut *Liggins Augustus lab h 8th bet Ann and Orange Lilly Edmund (Lilly & Bro) h 2d cor Ann Lilly E J jr (Preston Gumming & Co) bds 2d cor Nun *Lilly Frank lab h 6th bet Church and Castle *Lilly Isaac blksmith h 6th bet Church and Castle Lilly Robt (Lilly & Bro) h 3d cor Ann Lilly & Bro (Edmund & Robt Lilly) com mers Water bet Chesnut and Mulberry *Lind Alfred B teacher h Harnett bet Love and 7th Lippincott Oscar B printer h 6th cor Nun Lippitt Augustus agt bds 3d bet Dock and Orange Lippitt Jas W confectionery Front cor Princess h 3d bet Dock and Orange Lippitt Jane wid William h 3d bet Dock and Orange Lippitt J E (J E Lippitt & Co) h 3d cor Walnut Lippitt J E & Co (J E Lippitt) ice and corn Water bet Dock and Orange Lippitt J J Mrs h 3d bet Orange and Ann Lippitt Julia G h 3d bet Orange and Ann Lippitt Thos B bkpr h 3d bet Orange and Ann Litgen Henry grocer 5th cor Market h Orange bet 3d and 4th Litgen Richard grocer Orange cor 3d h Orange bet 3d and 4th Little Charles lab h Front bet Queen and Wooster APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D„ FOR INFORMATION. LIT 103 LOfT Little William lab h Front bet Wooster and Qaeea Little Wm tailor wks 27 Market Littleton Edw J elk h Queen bet 3d and 4tli *^Littleton Geo T shoemkr 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick h Sd cor Castle Littleton J E elk h Queen bet 3d and 4ih Littleton J F elk h Queen bet 8d and 4th *Littleton Thomas lab h 3d cor Castle Liverpool & London & Globe Fire Ins Co of England Water bet Princess and Chesnut *Lloyd Aaron lab h 2d bet Hanover and Brunswick *Llojd Michael lab h 2d bet Hanover and Brunswick *Lloyd Robt lab h 2d bet Hanover and Brunswick *Lock Abram lab h Love bet Harnett and Swann Lock Warren engineer bds 2d bet Market and Dock Lockamy C E wid Henderson h 6th bet Castle and Queen Lackamy T H lab h 6th bet Castle and Queen *Locke Julius lab h Church bet 7th and 8th Locke Saml R watchman h Davis bet 3d and 4th Lockey Caleb P barber h Church bet 4th and 5th Lockey Harriet wid Isaac h Church bet 4th and 5th Lockfaw John lab h 5th bet Orange and Ann Lockfaw Rosa wid John h 5th bet Orange and Ann Loeb Harry elk h Front bet Dock and Orange Loeb Jacob (Anderson & Loeb and Binford, Crow & Co) French Vice-Consul h Front bet Dock and Orange *Lofter Alfred farmer h Princess nr Uth *Lofter Rufus lab h Market cor 15th *Loftin Alfred farmer h Eagle Island *Loftin Hardin lab h 9th Church and Castle \ *Loftin Henry carpt h 8th bet Church and Castle *Loftin Isaac lab h Castle bet 9th and 10th *Loftin Jacob lab h 7th bet Swaun and Nixon *Loftin Jasper lab h Gwynn nr Woods *Loftin Robt lab h 8th bet Church and Castle *Loftin Wm lab h 3d bet Queen and Wooster *Loftin Wright lab h 7th bet Swaun and Nixon *Lomax H lab h Brown bet Taylor and Nixon *Lomax Jas H lab h 7th bet Nixon and Taylor London Alex T (A T & J London) h 3d co/ Chesnut LONDON A T & J lawyers Front bet Princess and Chesnut London Assurance Corporation 28 n Water MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. CharlesSt., Ba ltimore. LON 104 LOW London Jno (A T & J London) h 3d cor Chesnut LONDON MAUGER lawyer Front bet Princess and Ches- nut h 8d cor Chesnut *Long Benj plasterer h Harnett bet 7th and 8th *Long Saml bricklayer h Chesnut cor 10th Lord Fred J shipsmith Water cor Ann h Front nr Ann *Lord Jno lab h Front cor Meares Lord Wm C insp h Front bet Ann and Nun Loring Geo W elk bds Red Cross bet Front and 2d *Love Alex drayman h Anderson nr Red Cross Love Armand D freight agt C C R R h Red Cross nr 3d Love Chas S messenger h Market cor 4th Love DeWitt C elk h 6th cor Bladen Love Edwin T engineer h 3d bet Campbell and Red Cross *Love Jacob lab h McRae bet Nixon and Taylor Love Jno D h 6th cor Bladen *Love P Albert drayman h Brooklyn bet Swann and Nixon Love Wm J (Love & Murphy) h 4th bet Mulberry and Walnut LOVE & MURPHY (Wm J Love & P L Murphy) physi- cians Princess cor Front *Lovick Melvina laundress h Harnett cor 4th *Lowe James fireman h Brunswick bet 4th and 5th *Lowe Larry lab h Bladen cor 8th *Love Mary h 5th bet Nixon and Swann *LOWREY JAMES A carriage mkr 4th cor Campbell h 4th nr Campbell (see advt) JAMES A. LOWREY, Manufacturer of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, CARTS AND DRA YS. RBFAIUXIffa PROMPTIi"Sr ATTENDED TO. COBNEB 4th AND CA3LPBELL 8TBEETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D.. FOR INFORMATION. LOW 105 McC *Lowry Josliua lab h Harnett bet 3d and 4th *Lucas Blackwell lab li Princess nr 12th ^Lucas Danl lab h Rankin nr McRae *Lncas Edmund servt h Chesnut bet Front and 2d *Lucas Edwd servt h Dickinson al bet Chesnut and Mulberry *Lucas Geo porter 21 Market *Lucas Henry lab h 3d bet Bladen and Brunswick *Lucas James lab h 2d bet Orange and Ann *Lucas Joseph H barber h 8th bet Bladen and Harnett Lucas Mary C h hd Dock ^Lucas Saml lab h Princess bet 10th and 11th ^Lucas Solomon lab h Princess bet 10th and 11th LTTHRS FREDEEICK groceries and liquors McRae cor Miller Lumsden B A millinery Front bet Chesnut and Princess Lumsden J C ice cream Front bet Chesnut and Princess Lum?den J L elk Purcell House Lutgen John D elk h 6th cor Chesnut *Luther John lab h 5th bet Taylor and Howard Lycoming Fire Ins Co of Penna Water bet Princess and Ches- nut *Lyde Jesse lab h Bladen bet 7th and 8th Lynch William tailor Front bet Market and Princess Lynchburg Fire Ins Co Lynchburg Va Princess bet Front and 2d Lyons D H printer h 6th bet Princess and Chesnut M McAuslan Annie wid John h 6th bet Ann and Nun McAuslan C M elk h Cottage la bet 2.d and 3d ^McAustin A shoemkr h Water cor Mulberry ^McBride Evander blacksmith Nutt bet Walnut and Red Cross h 3d cor Bladen *McBride Henry lab h Swann bet 6th and Love ^McBride William lab h Chesnut bet 10th and 11th McCabe John elk bds Front cor Dock McCall Albert G carpt h 5th bet Brunswick and Bladen *McCall King carpt h Anderson nr Mulberry *McCall Myron lab h Davis bet Front and 3d *McCalla Elijah huckster h 5th bet Walnut and Red Cross *McCalla William h 5th bet Walnut and Red Cross MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 60 N. Charles St, .Balli imore. McC 106 McD McCarney J W ice 2d bet Market aud Princess li 8th bet Wooster and Dawson McCarson John W lab h Harnett bet 7tli and 8tli McCartney James carpt h 7th bet Dawson and Wooster McCartney John C blacksmith h 7th bet Wooster and Dawson *McClain Henry lab h Wooster bet 2d and 3d McClammy B A pressman h 7th bet Castle and Queen McClammy Chas W distiller h Front bet Castle and Qaeea ■^McClammy Frank lab h Market bet 14:th and 15tli McClammy J D lab h 7th bet Qaeen and Castle McClammy Margaret wid Charles h 7th bet Qaeen and Castle *McClammy Eichard lab h 8th bet Harnett and Swann *McClammy Thomas lab h Castle bet -ith and 5th McClenney Absalom grocer 2d nr Dock McCollum Archie carpt h 6th bet Dock and Orange. McCollum Eliza wid Archibald h 6th bet Dock and Orange *McCollum Frank labh 10th bet Dock and Market McCormick James tailor Princess bet Front and 2d h 7th cor Dock *McCracken Albert servt h Orange cor Front *McCullough Christopher lab h 5th bet Taylor and Howard *McCullough Lucy seamstress h Bladen bet -Ith and 5th *McCullough Mack lab h Campbell bet 2d and 8d *McC umber Geo W lab h 5th cor Howard *McCumber James farmer h 10th cor Mulberry McCumber Thomas J blacksmith h Market bet 6th and 7th *McDauiel Harmon lab h 2d bet Bladen and Harnett McDermott John lab h Castle bet 2d and Front McDermott Margaiet h Front cor Church McDonald A D physician -ith bet Hanover and Brunswick h 6th cor Hanover McDonald Hugh lab h Chesnut bet 8th and 9th *McDonald Tip lab h Brunswick cor 4th McDougall Eobert founder h Front bet Red Cross and Walnut McDougall Robert (McDougall & Son) h Dock bet Front and 2d McDougall Robert jr (McDougall & Son) h Dock bet Front and 2d McDougall T C grocer h Chesnut cor 9th McDougall & son (R McDougall & R McDougall jr) carriage and wagon mkrs 3d cor Princess *McDowell John lab h 6th bet Walnut and Red Cross McDuffie E A wid George h Chesnut bet 9th and 10th APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING. M. D.. FOR INFORMATION. McD 107 McK McDuffie George T lab h Market cor 9tli *McDufty Elias lab h 7th bet Church and Castle McEachern Duncan elk h Castle cor 8th McEachern J D elk h Castle cor 8th McEachern John S elk h 8th cor Castle McEatee John carpenter h 3d cor Queen McEvoy John carpenter h 2d cor Bladen McEvoy Michael moulder h 2d bet Bladen and Brunswick McEvoy Patrick lab h 2d bet Bladen and Brunswick McEwin Mary F wid P h Chesnut bet 4th and 5th *McFarland Anson lab h Queen bet 6th and 7th *McFarlaud George lab h Eed Cross bet 6th and 7th ■^McFarland John bricklayer h 8th bet Church and Castle *McFarland Morris lab h Nixon cor 7th *McFarland Robert lab h Brunswick bet 3d and 4th *McFarlaud Simon lab h Taylor cor Brown *McFarland Thos lab h 2d bet Mulberry and Walnut McFarland W H elk h Front bet Red Cross and Walnut McGarigle Edward policeman McGarity J H (J H McGarity & Co) h Front cor Dock McGARITY J H & CO (J H McGarity & John F Donohue) grocers Front cor Dock *McGary Andrew Mc porter h Market bet 10th and 11th McGirt A G elk h 6th bet Dock and Orange McGowau J M barkeeper Mozart Saloon h Orange bet 7th and 8th McGrath Henry R lab h 7th bet Bladen & Harnett *McGuinn Jupiter lab Love bet Harnett and Swann *McGuire John lab h 6th bet Taylor and Nixon *x\IcGuire Jos farmer h McRae bet Nixon and Swann *McGuire Silas lab h Brown bet Howard and Taylor Mcllhenny J K druggist Market cor Front bds Front bet Princess and Chesnut Mcllhenny Thomas C farmer h 4th cor Nun Mcllhenny Thomas C jr elk h 4th cor Nun Mclntire R M dry goods 41 n Front h 9th cor Market *McIntyre Wra lab h 2d cor Ann *McIver Caroline h hd of 9th McIVER JORDAN T mer broker 5 s Water h 6th cor Ann Mcln nanny D policeman ^McKeever Wm lab h Market bet 11th and 12th *McKenzie Robt capt police MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St. , Baltimore. McK 108 McN *McKenzie Thomas carpt h 6th bet Ann and Nun *McKethan Wm lab h Front nr Harnett McKinney George D cooper h Wooster bet 9th and lOtb McKinney John watchman h Dawson bet 8d and 4th *McKinney Thos lab h 5th bet Chesnut and Princess •^McKnight Paul lab h 4th bet Ann and Nun McKoy Alrnand A Judge Superior Court h Sampson co *McKoy Carrie h Red Cross bet 5th and 6th *McKoy Catharine laundress h 8th bet Nixon and Taylor "McKoy Frank shoemaker 4th nr Hanover h 6th cor Taylor *McKoy Henry drayman h Mulberry bet 4th and 5th *McKoy Jas D lab h 7th cor Red Cross *McKoy John butcher h Hilton nr R R Bridge *McKoy King lab h Princess bet 10th and 11th McKoy Mary wid William h 5th bet Dock and Orange '■^McKoy Nelson lab h Farrow al bet Church and Castle *McKoy Nelson porter h Mulberry bet 4th and 5th McKoy R H h 5th bet Dock and Market *McKoy Robt lab h Dock bet 11th and 12th •^McKoy Scott lab h 12th bet Orange and Ann McKoy Thos H grocer 8 n Front h 2d cor Nun McKoy W B h 4th bet Dock and Market ^McLane Danl lab h 8d nr Harnett *McLane Henry servt h Front bet Mulberry and Waluut *McLaughlin John lab h Surry bet Castle and Queen McLaurin Hugh W bkkpr h Dock bet 4th and 5th McLaurin John ed & propr North Carolina Presbyterian h 7th cor Orange McLaurin L W elk h Market bet 8th and 9th McLaurin N S elk h Market bet 8th and 9th McLeod R M propr Farmers' Hotel Nutt bet Mulberry and Walnut ^McMillan Bryant police h 8th bet Campbell and Hanover ^McMillan Church carpt h Bladen bet 3d and 4th McMillan Francis A machinist h Hanover bet 2d and 3d McMillan Geo D printer h Cowan nr 2d *McMillan Macon lighterman h Anderson nr Mulberry *McMillan Nelson shoemaker h AVater cor Mulberry ^McMillan Ransom musician h Princess bet 9th and 10th ^McMillan Thos machinist h Hanover bet 2d and 8d McNab Elizabeth seamstress h Surry bet Church and Castle McNabb Sarah laundress h 8th bet Dawson and Wright APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING. M. D., FOR INFO RMATION. Mc^ 109 MAC *McNair Millard porter h Front bet Market and Princess *McNair Johnson lab h 6th nr Swann *McNeal Duncan lab h Surry bet Queen and Wooster *McNeal Hall lab h McRae bet Campbell and Hanover *McNeal Isham drayman h 10th nr Dock *McNeal James lab h Beatty al bet 2d and 3d *McNeal James lab h 4th bet Eed Cross and Campbell *McNeal Jeftrey lab h lOtb bet Dock and Market *McNeal Jos lab h Nun bet 6th and 7th *McNeal Maria h Brooklyn bet Taylor and Howard *McNeal Mary E h Swann cor 3d *McNeal Purdy lab h Cummin.sr's al bet Dawson and Wright *McNeal Washington carpt h Walnut bet 2d and 3d *McNeal Wm lab h Market bet 14th and 15th *McQueen Enoch lab h Van Bokelen al bet Queen and Wooster McQueen H C elk h 3d bet Ann and Nun McQuigg E H bkkpr h Chesnut nr 9th McQuigg M C dept elk & U S commissioner h Chesnut bet 8th and 9th *McRae C H lab h 8th bet Campbell and Hanover *McRae Geo lab h 6th bet Hanover and Brunswick *McRae Henry lab h Brunswick cor 3d McRae Jno elk h Market cor 5th *McRae Wm drayman h 8th cor Howard *McRae Wm lab h Ann cor 7th McRary W H (W H McRary & Co) h 3d cor Market McRary W H & Co (W H McRary) com mers Water cor Chesnut McRee James I bkkpr h 3 cor Red Cross McRee J H conductor bds 2d bet Market and Princess McRoy Marshall lab h Davis bet Front and 2d *McWillson Matthew lab h Castle bet 9th and 10th *Mabson Eliza huckster stall 1 market h 5th bet Hanover and Brunswick *Mabson Geo L lawyer and inspector customs h Harnett bet 7th and Love Mabson Jeffrey lab h, Wooster bet 7th and 8th Machen W J printer h Dock bet Front and 2d *Mack Henry lab h Brunswick bet 2d and 3d *Mack James distiller h Brunswick bet 2d and 3d MACKS J J lawyer Princess bet Front and 2d h 4th bet Dock and Orange MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE. 66 N. CI larles St., Baltimore. MAC 110 MAN *Mack John bricklayer h 13th bet Dock and Orange MacRAE DONALD sec & treas Navassa Guano Co and pres Wilmington Cotton Mill and Oakdale Cemetery Co h Market bet 7th and 8th (see advt) MacRae Roderick civil engineer h Front bet Wright and Meares ]V[acEae Sallie N Mrs h 5th cor Orange ■^MacRae Thomas lab h 7th bet Princess and Chesnut MacRae Walter G treas Wilmington Cotton Mills h 5 th bet Orange and Ann Madden James elk h 5th bet Nun and Church *Madison Henry bricklayer h Taylor bet Brown and 5th ^Maddox John driver Southern Exp Co *Maddox John lab h Church bet 5th and 6th *Maddox Lizzie laundress h 6th bet Chesnut and Mulberry Maffitt J L elk h Front bet Market and Princess MAHN W D mnfr Naval Stores Eagle Island h 5th bet Red Cross and Campbell Mallard J PI (Mallard k Co) h Princess bet 4th and 5th Mallard & Co (J H Mallard & H M Bowden) harness, trunks &c 8 s Front " Mallett Alexander lab h Campbell bet 6th and 7th *Mallett Alexander lab h Dock bet 8d and ■Ith *Mallett Charles painter h Campbell bet 6th and 7th *Mallett Charles R carpt h Walnut cor 2d *Mallett Chas R jr carpt h Walnut cor 2d *Mallett Edw lab h Marcus al nr 2d *Mallett Richard carpt h 9th bet Church and Castle *Mallett Richard lab h 5th bet Orange and Ann ^Mallett Wm carpt h Sherwood al bet Walnut and Red Cross ^Mallett Wm lab h Campbell bet 6th and 7th *Mallett Wm A carpt h Walnut cor 2d *Mallett Wm P drayman h Walnut cor 2d Manhattan Fire Ins Co New York Com Ex bldg Manhattan Life Ins Co N Y Princess bet Front and 2d *Manley Daniel lab h Chesnut cor 12th Mann H L carpt h Wooster bet 5th and 6th Mann James E Rev h 2d cor Walnut Manning E W (Atkinson k Manning) & propr Manning House 61 Market Manning House CE W Manning propr) 61 Market MANNING S H sheriff New Hanover co h 2d bet Chesnut and Mulberry APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, iVI. D., FOR INFORMATION. MAR 111 MAU Marcus Alfred elk li 2d bet Dock and Orange Marcus Chas (Marcus & Son) h 2d bet Dock and Orange Marcus Herman (Marcus & Son) h 2d bet Dock and Orange Marcus & Son (Herman & Chas Marcus) liquors 5 Market Marines Archie elk h 8th bet Dock and Market ^Marshall Betsy laundress h Anderson nr Red Cross Marshall J H pilot h 5th bet Church and Castle Marshall John E huckster h 3d bet Princess and Market Marshall Rena wid John h 5th bet Church and Castle *Marsteller Wm H eating stand city market h Market bet 2d and 3d Martens H F elk h 4th bet Market and Dock MARTIN" ALFRED com mer and mnfr naval stores Dock bet Water and Front h Market bet 4th and 5th *Martin Daniel lab h Princess cor 11th *Martin David lab h Anderson nr Mulberry *Martin David J lab h 5th cor Swann *Martin E F mail carrier h 11th nr Princess MARTIN EUGENE S lawyer Market bet 2d and 3d h Market bet 4th and 5th *Martin Jas blksmith h Brown bet Howard and Smith *Martin James O lab h James al bet Taylor and Howard ^Martin Jesse lab h 7th bet Nun and Church *Martin John carpt h Church bet 3d and 4th *Martin John lab Taylor cor Brown *Martin John R lab h 5th cor Swann Martin Lizzie h Castle bet 4th and 5tli *Martin Richard lab h 2d bet Wooster and Dawson *Martin Robert H carpt h Ann cor 11th *Martin Saml lab h 7th bet Nun and Church Martin Wm A bkkpr Market bet 5th and 6th *Martin Wm H lab h 5th cor Swann *Mashburn Chas lab h James al bet Howard and Taylor Masonic Hall 57 Market Mathes B F brickmkr h Macumber's al bet 8th and 9th Matthews David W machinist h Hanover bet 3d and 4th Matthews Margaret wid Robert h Wooster cor 6th *Matthews Noah lab h Brown bet Taylor and Howard Matthews Watson treas C C R R h New York *Matthews Wm drayman h Princess bet 9th and 10th *Maultsby Anthony police h Harnett bet 6th and Love *Maultsby Richard lab li 4th bet Brunswick and Hanover MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. MAU 112 MER Maunder John marble cutter h Stli bet Dock and Orange Maunder John F elk h 4th bet Hanover and Campbell MAXWELL R propr Eock Spring Hotel h Chesnut bet Water and Front *Maxwell Wm lab h Brooklyn bet Swann and Nixon May Alex grocer Market cor 15th *May Wm labh 6th cor Nixon IMayer C R h 2d cor Ann Mayer Frederick h 2d cor Ann Mayer Nathan bkkpr h 5th cor Market Mayer T E h 2d cor Ann ■^Mayo Alfred lab h Brown cor Howard Mayo Wm E sawyer h Front bet Dawson and Wright Mayor's Court City Hall Mayor's Office Jqo Dawson Mayor City Hall 3d cor Princess Meachem Wm elk Daily Star bds Dock bet Front and 2d Meadows Eichard lab h Queen bet 9th and 10th Meares Jas I h 3d cor Eed Cross Meares Jane M wid Thos D h 3d cor Eed Cross *Meares Jesse lab h 7th bet Taylor and Howard *Meares Joshua porter h 7th cor Eed Cross Meares O P judge criminal court & lawyer Market bet 2d and 3d h Eed Cross bet. 2d and 3d Meares O P jr elk h 3 cor Eed Cross Meares Thos D elk h Market bet 4th and 5th Meares T Wright elk h Eed Cross bet 2d and 3d Meares Walker elk h 3d bet Market and Dock Mebane Chas P (Vick & Mebane) h 5th cor Orange Mebane Maria wid Alex h Orange bet 4th and 5th Meginney Levin h Princess cor 4th IMehrkins J H machinist h Macumber al bet 8th and 9th iMeier Jno barkeeper h Hanover bet 3d and 4th Meier Joseph tailor Princess bet Front and 2d h Hanover bet 3d and 4th *Melton Alabama carpt h Brunswick cor 8d Melton Elizabeth wid Eobt h Castle cor 6th Melton Francis sailmkr h Castle bet 5th and 6th Melton Margaret servt 30 Market Mendelsohn S Eev bds Front cor Mulberry Mercantile Mutual Marine Ins Co of New York Front cor Princess Mercer J B elk bds 30 Market APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING. M. D. FOR INFORMATION. MER 113 MET Meredith S L saloon 13 n Front h Red Cross bet 2d and 3d *Merrick Adger servt h Front bet Chesnut and Mulberry ^Merrick Benj lab h 6th cor Howard ^Merrick Caleb lab h 5th bet Dawson and Wooster *Merrick Edwd lab h Harnett bet 2d and 3d ^Merrick Elijah butcher stall 12 city market h Front bet Queen and Wooster *Merrick Emanuel lab h Taylor nr 9th ■^Merrick Fred S painter b Campbell nr 4:th ^Merrick Gabriel lab h Love cor Taylor *Merrick Geo carpt h McRae bet Bladen and Harnett *Merrick Geo lab h 6th cor Taylor *]\lerrick Harry lab h Green nr 9th Merrick Henry lab h Davis bet 3d and 4th ^Merrick Henry lab h 10th bet Church and Castle *Merrick James lab h Wooster al bet Front and 2d *Merrick Thos lab h 8th cor Swann *Merrick John lab h 2d bet Castle and Church *Merrick John lab h 6th bet Red Cross and Campbell *Merrick John lab h Swann bet McRae and 8th ^Merrick John lab h 10th bet Church and Castle ^Merrick Joseph drayman h 5th bet Bladen and Brunswick ^Merrick Judge lab h Brunswick bet 2d and 3d ^Merrick Moses lab h Campbell bet 6th and 7th *Merrick Richard lab h 5th bet Walnut and Mulberry *Merrick Richard lab h Love bet Nixon and Taylor *Merrick Robert lab h Dickinson nr Gwynn *Merrick Samuel E butcher stall 20 City Market h Princess cor 11th *Merrick Samuel bricklayer h Dickinson nr Gwynn *Merrick Samuel jr lab h Dickinson nr Gwynn ^Merrick William carpenter h 5th bet Bladen and Brunswick *Merrick William cooper h 10th bet Church and Castle *Merriman Mahala cook h Harnett cor 4th Merritt James A lab h Red Cross cor 4th Merritt Josiah sampler h Walnut bet 3d and 4th *Merritt Richard lab h Chadbourn's al bet Harnett and Davis Merritt R M lab h Walnut bet Front and 2d *Methodist Church Brunswick bet 6th and 7th *^Methodist Meeting House 6th bet Taylor and Nixon Metropolitan Life Ins Co of New York Water bet Princess and Chesnut MARYLAND EY E & EAR INSTITUTE. G6 N. Charles St., Baltimore. MET 114 MIT Metts Charles G elk h Red Cross bet ^d and 8d IMetts Frederick elk h Red Cross bet 2d and 3d Metts James I mer broker Water bet Chesnut and Mulberry b Red Cross bet 2d and 3d Meyer John grocer 27 n Water h 12tb cor Market Meyer Joseph grocer bds Front bet Princess and Chesnut Meyer Sarah grocer 47 n Water Michaelis C H grocer Castle cor 8th *Middleton Henry h Brown bet Taylor and Howard *Middleton Robt lab h McRae bet Nixon and Taylor *Middleton Thos engineer h Surry bet Castle and Queen *Midd]eton Wm lab h 5th bet Campbell and Red Cross *Middleton York lab h 8th bet Nixon and Taylor *Miles Nicholas lab h Beatty al bet 2d and 3d *Miller Anthony carpt h 10th bet Ann and Nun *Miller Chas H cooper Mulberry nr Dickinson *Miller Edgar police h Love bet Harnett and Swann Miller Francis M painter h Harnett bet 4th and 5th *Miller Frederick janitor Custom House h Market bet lltb and 12th Miller Frederick C h 2d cor Church *Miller Haywood farmer h Surry bet Queen and Wooster *Miller John lab h Nixon al bet 5th and 6th *Miller Osborn lab h Brunswick cor 5th *Miller T C deputy sherifi" h Church bet 5th and 6th ■^Miller Thos lab h Brown al bet Nixon and Swann Millis J C grocer Wooster bet 8th and 9th Millis J W lab h Wooster bet 8th and 9th •; Millis Van lab h AVooster bet 8th and 9th Mills James lab h 2d bet Wooster and Dawson *Mills Richard lab h 2d bet Wooster and Dawson ■^Minnis John porter h Campbell cor 6th Mints J W lab h Dawson bet 7th and 8th Mints S S cooper h Wooster bet 7th and 8th Mintz Henry lab h 5th bet Queen and Castle Mintz E W lab h Cumming al bet Wooster and Dawson Mississippi Valley Fire Ins Co of Memphis Tenn Water bet Princess and Chesnut Mitchell B F (B F Mitchell & Son) h 4th bet Market and Dock Mitchell B F & Son (B F & F H Mitchell) com mers k flour mills 9 & 10 n Water Mitchell Charles J elk h 4th bet Dock and Market APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION, MIT 115 MOO Mitchell David B elk h 4tli bet Dock and Market Mitchell F H (B F Mitchell & Son) h 4th bet Orange and Ann Mitchell George W tinner h Castle bet 6th and 7th *Mitchell John lab h 6th bet Ann and Nun *Mitchell John W carpt h 3d bet Hanover and Brunswick *Mitchell Joseph carpt h Dawson bet 3d and ith *Mitchell Joseph lab h 6th bet Ann and Nun Mitchell J S elk h 4th bet Market and Dock ^Mitchell M wid James h Castle bet 6th and 7th Mobile Underwriters Fire Ins Co of Mobile Ala Water bet Princess and Chesnut Moffit A A naval stores 5 s Water h 5th bet Dock and Orange Mohr Jacob J grocer Mulberry cor Anderson Mohr J N grocer 7th cor Church Mohr Peter grocer Market cor 13th Monroe Addie teacher h Mulberry cor 5th Monroe John W inspector Water cor Chesnut h. 2d bet Mul- berry and Walnut Monroe Wm M butcher 4th nr Campbell h 5th cor Mulberry Montgomery Joseph P farmer h 17th cor Chesnut Montgomery William H grocer 2d bet Market and Dock Montrose Kate bds 4th bet Castle and Church Moody John W groceries Nixon cor Love Moody Saml M grocer Gwynn cor Anderson *Moore Aaron Eev h Harnett bet 7th and Love Moore A H elk h Princess bet 5th and 6th *Moore Alexander carpt h Castle cor 8th *Moore Ambrose lab h Gwynn cor Dickinson Moore Amelia T hair worker Market cor 4th *Moore Amos lab h Bladen bet 8th and 9th *Moore Benj bricklayer h Market bet 11th and 12th * Moore Benjamin lab h 13th bet Orange and Ann MOORE B R lawyer and solicitor Criminal Court Princess bet Front and 2d h Chesnut bet 3d and 4th *Moore Clara laundress h 5th bet Campbell and Hanover *Moore Charles shoemkr Front bet Queen and Castle *Moore Cornelias servt h 3d bet Mulberry and Chesnut *Moore Cyrus lab h Market cor 11th *Moore Dennis lab h Walnut cor 6th Moore Edward J elk h Mulberry nr Anderson *Moore Elijah lab h Queen bet 10th and 11th *Moore Fennis lab h Princess bet 5th and 6th MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., , Baltimore. MOO 116 MOR ■^Moore George lab h 6th bet Nun anQ Church *Moore Gilbert lab h McRae bet Bladea and Harnett *Moore James drayman h Anderson nr Miller *Moore Jas A lab h Front cor Cowan *Moore James C barber h 4th bet Nun and Church *Moore John lab h 4th bet Brunswick and Hanover Moore John moulder h Craig al bet 2d and 3d *Moore John Rev h 8th bet Church and Castle *Moore John W elk P O h Castle cor 7th *Moore Joshua lab h 11th bet Nun and Ann Moore Leander cotton broker h Dock cor 9th Moore Martha teacher h 7th bet Ann and Nun ^Moore Ma'y h Front bet Hanover and Brunswick *Moore Minerva laundress h Wooster cor 2d *Moore Moses A lab h Brunswick bet 2d and 3d *Moore Nancy laundress h McRae bet Bladen and Harnett *Moore Nicholas farmer h Princess ur 12th ^Moore Oliver lab h Harnett bet 7th and 8th Moore P Rev h Dock bet 2d and ^d ■^Moore Polly laundress h Church bet 9th and 10th *Moore Primus lab h Mulberry bet 5th and 6th *Moore Ransom lab h 5th cor Princess Moore Rebecca dressmkr Market bet Front and 2d * Moore Robert lab h Brooklyn bet Taylor and Howard *Moore Robert drayman h Anderson bet Rankin and Miller Moore Robert H baker h Campbell cor 4th Moore Roger (Moore & Rankin) h Chesnut bet Front and 2d *Moore Sarah laundress h Love al bet Harnett and Bladen *Moore Solomon lab h 3d bet Brunswick and Hanover ;Moore Thos C h Market cor 4th * Moore Thos T lab h McRae cor Green *Moore VVm H lab h 5th bet Brunswick and Bladen * Moore Wm J Rev h 8th bet Church and Castle IVIoore W L bds Farmers' Hotel ^Moore York cooper h 7th bet Ann and Nun Moore and Rankin (Roger Moore and John T Rankin) com- mercial brokers Water bet Princess and Chesnut ^Morgan Abner wheelwright h Princess bet 10th and 11th Morgan Calvin (Morgan & Bryant) h 7th cor Chesnut Morgan J W carpenter h 7th bet Castle and Queen Morgan J W jr mariner h 7th bet Castle and Queen APPLY TO PROF. 6. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. MOR 117 MOS Morgan & Bryant (C Morgan & H W Bryant) grocers 44 n Water MORNING & WEEKLY STAR W H Bernard editor k propr Princess bet Water and Front (see advt) Morrell B D carpenter h 7th bet Dock and Market Morrell C D carpenter li 7th bet Dock and Market Morrelle Daniel English and Classical School Orange cor 5th Morris Augustus H grocer Market bet 2d and 8d h Chesnut nr McEae ^Morris B W Rev h 6th cor Hanover *Morris Charles lab h Front bet Harnett and Cowan Morris Florence h McRae nr Mulberry Morris Geneva h McRae nr Mulberry *Morris Joseph lab h Mulberry bet Front and Nutt Morris Mary wid Jas T h Front bet Church and Castle Morris Nicholas farmer h Front bet Church and Castle *Morris Robert lab h Bladen bet 4th and 5th *Morris Robert lab h Princess cor 3d *Morris Richard farmer h Eagle Island *Morris Simon carpenter h 7th bet Ann and Nun *Morris W lab h Bladen bet 5th and 6th Morris Wilkes (Cronly & Morris) h Front bet Church and Ann Morris Wm J engineer h Campbell bet 6Lh and 7th Morrison Geo h 3d cor Chesnut *Morrison Henry lab h Harnett bet 7th and 8th Morrison Robt farmer h Front bet Mulberry and Walnut Morrison Thos engineer h Front bet Chesnut and Mulberry Morrison Thos Mrs boarding Front bet Chesnut and Mulberry ^Morton Solomon lab h Church bet 5th and 6th Morse Solomon W carpt h 3d bet Nun and Church Morton Stephen H (Wilder & Morton) h 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick *Moseley Abraham drayman h Princess cor 13th *Mose]ey Chas lab h Harnett nr Front *Moseley Chas lab h Front cor Cowan *Moseley Chas lab h Vance al bet Front and 2d ■^Moseley David huckster h McRae nr Green •^Moseley Fred porter h Love bet Nixon and Swann *Moseley Henry lab h 6th bet Harnett and Swann ^"Moseley Isaac lab h 3d bet Hanover and Brunswick *Moseley Isaiah lab h Bladen cor 8th MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE,66 N. Charles St. .Baltimore. MOS 118 MUR *Moseley Jas lab h Church bet 7th and 8th *Moseley Jno farmer 6th bet Harnett and Swana *Moseley Jno lab h Church bet 7th and 8lh *Moseley Jno jr lab 6th bet Harnett and Swann *Moseley Joseph lab h ith cor Market *Moseley July drayman h Rankin cor 12th *Moseley Littleton lab h Anderson nr Red Cross *Moseley Moses lab h 8th cor Campbell *Moseley Nelson lab 6th bet Harnett and Swann *Moseley Peter lab h Bladen cor 8th *Moseley Wm cooper h 5th bet Princess and Chesnut *Moseley Wm jr lab h 5th bet Princess and Chesnut *Moses Riley barber h McRae cor Brunswick Mote T J watchman h Brunswick bet 7th and 8th Mott William J butcher Market bet 2d and 3d h 5th cor Red Cross Motte Benj printer h Church bet 4th and 5tli Mountford Wm lab h Mulberry cor 5th -*Mount Olive M E Church 2d bet Dawson and Wright *Mount Zion Methodist Church 7th cor Howard MUGGE GAEL saloon Front bet Market and Princess Mulcahey M engineer bds Farmers' Hotel MITLLER G C W grocer -ith cor Church h 3d bet Churcli and Castle Muller John M elk h 5th cor Nixon Muller Martin grocer 5th cor Nixon *Mumford Celia laundress h 7th bet Dock and Market *Mumford Henry butcher h 3d bet Hanover and Brunswick Munds Ann E wid J T h Chesnut cor 3d Munds Bros (W C & J D Munds) druggist 4th cor Hanover Munds James C druggist 3d bet Princess and Chesnut h Mul- berry cor 8d Munds James D (Munds Bros) h 4th cor Chesnut Munds Wm C (Munds Bros) h 4th cor Chesnut Munson H H (Munson & Co) h 4th cor Walnut Munson & Co [R H Munson & E L Harding) clothing 21 n Front Murchison D R (Williams & Murchison) h 3d cor Ann Murchison J W (Giles & Murchison) h 3d cor Ann Murphy Benjamin blksmith h 6th bet Red Cross and Campbell Murphy Benjamin jr painter h 6th bet Red Cross and Camp- bell APPLY TO PROF. 6. REUUN6, M. C, FOR INFORMATION. MUR 119 MYB Murphy Chas grocer Harnett cor 6th *Murphj Excitto carpt h Mulberry bet Front and Nutt *Murphy James lab h Anderson nr Gwynn Murphy J S h 2d bet Orange and Ann Murphy Mary S h 2d bet Orange and Ann Murphy P L (Love k Murphy) h 5th bet Orange and Ann *Murpliy Thos sawyer h Princess bet 12th and 13th *Murphy Wm lab h 6th cor Swann *Murphy Wm lab h 3d cor Harnett Murray Andrew h 5th bet Market and Princess ^Murray George baker h Brunswick bet 5th and 6th ■^Murray Geo W drayman h Princess bet 3d and 4th *Murray Horace lab h Queen bet 10th and 11th ^Murray John lab h 8th bet Swann and Nixon Murray R A Mrs school ith cor Market Murray Thos D lighterman h 2d cor Cowan *Murray Wm lab h 2d bet Bladen and Harnett Murray & Co (George Sloan) com mers and grocers 38 and 39 n Water Murrell Zachariah E coachmkr h 4th bet Hanover and Bruns- wick Murrin Edward moulder h Front bet Eed Gross and Walnut Muse Frank bds McRae nr Mulberry Muse Joel H reporter Star h McRae nr Mulberry Muse Wm elk h McRae bet Mulberry and Walnut Mutual Benefit Life Ins Co Newark N J Com Ex Bldg Myers Chas D (C D Myers & Co) h 3d bet Mulberry and Wal- nut MYERS CHA.S D & CO (C D Myers & J L Boatwright) whol and ret grocers 5 and 7 n Front Myers Emeline seamstress h 2d bet Market and Princess MYERS GEO whol and ret grocer and liquor dealer 11 and 13 s Front h Market bet 2d and 3d (see advt) Myers Geo B elk bds Front bet Princess and Chesnut Myers J C elk bds Market bet 2d and 3d Myers Maria wid George h 3d bet Dock and Orange Myers R C elk h 3d bet Mulberry and Walnut *Myers Wm lamplighter h 10th bet Market and Princess MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N.Charles St., Baltimore. NAS 120 NEW N *Nas"h Benj lab h Gvvynn nr McRae *Nasli Chascarpt h AIcRae nr Eankin *Nasli Elsie laundress h McRae nr Rankin *Nash Henry barber h McRae nr Green *Nash Henry lab h Swann cor 8th *Nash Solomon constable h McRae nr Rankin National Fibre Co ft Wright National Fire Ins Co of Hartford Conn Front cor Princess NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY R R Bridgers pres D MacRae sec and treas G L Grafflin supt office Water cor Princess (see advt) *Neal Edward lab h Harnett bet 3d and 4th *Neal George lab h 10th bet Queen and Wooster ■^Neal Henry lab h 8th bet Bladen and Harnett *Neal Holland laundress h Dickinson nr Gvvynn *Neal John lab h Brunswick bet 3d and 4th *Neal Josiah lab h Hanover cor 7th *Neal Richard lab h 10th bet Queen and Wooster NEFF JOSEPH H grocer and ship chandler 22 Water and 1 3 and 5 Dock h Dock bet Front and 2d Neilan wid Martin h 3d bet Bladeu and Brunswick Neilan John M elk h 3d bet Brunswick and Bladen Nelson Adolph moulder h 5th bet Ann and Orange Nelson J M h 5th bet Mulberry and Chesnut ^Nelson Joseph lab h 6th bet Harnett and Swann Nelson Keen lab h 5th bet Mulberry and Chesnut *Nelson Stephen lab h Campbell bet 3d and 4th Newbury Chas H elk h 6th bet Queen and Wooster NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURT HOUSE in which are located the offices of the register, sheriff", clerk superior court, clerk criminal court, county commissioners and tax collector, superior and criminal court rooms Princess bet 2d and 3d NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY OF WILMINGTON MANUFACTURERS OF Soluble Navassa GS-uano, Bissolved Acid Phosphate, XTa- vassa Tobacco Fertilizer and ]Nravassa Cotton IMEizture. R. K. BKIDGERS, President. DONALD MacRAE, Sec'y & Treas. Col. C. L. GRAFFLIN, Sup't. _^, APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. NEW 121 NIX Newkirk A F physician h Market cor 8th Newkirk Bryant machinist h Market cor 8th *Newkirk Caroline lab h 10th bet Dock and Orange Newkirk WilHam machinist h Market cor 8th *Ne\vland Frank lab h 6th bet Red Cross and Campbell Newman D (D Newman & Son) h New York NEWMAN J) & SON (D & Martin Newman) dry goods 14 Market Newman Joseph dry goods Market nr 2d h Orange bet 2d and 3d Newman Louis elk h 5th cor Princess Newman Martin (D Newman & Son) h 5th cor Princess Newman Philip grocer Water cor Chesnut h 5th cor Princess ^Newman Philip D lab h 8th cor Harnett *Newton Alex lab h Castle bet 9th and 10th *Newton George lab h Castle bet 2d and 3d Newton James M labh Walnut bet 5ih and 6th Newton Sarah P teacher h Ann cor 5th New York Underwriters Asjency of N Y 28 n Water NEW YORK & WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP CO A D Cazaux agt Water cor Chesnut (see advt) Niagara Fire Ins Co of New York 28 n AYater *Nichols Emanuel lab h 3d bet Bladen and Brunswick *Nichols Enoch carpenter h Beatty al bet 2d and 3d *Nichols Rayford lab h Walker al bet Bladen and Brunswick *Nichols Thomas farmer h 5th bet Brunswick and Hanover *Nickerson Wesley drayman h Nixon cor 9th Niemyer John E engineer h 6th cor Orange ^Nixon Abbey servant h 2d bet Bladen and Harnett *Nixon Bertha servant h 11th cor Princess *Nixon Charles lab h Church bet 7th and 8th *Nixon David lab h Front bet Hanover and Brunswick *Nixon Edward carpenter h Walnut cor 5th \ *Nixon Elbert lab h 10th cor Orange *Nixon Elizabeth huckster City Market h Brunswick nr Front *Nixon George lab h 12th bet Orange and Ann *Nixon Guy porter h Market bet 4th and 5th *Nixon James lab h Chesnut bet 9th and 10th *Nixon John D driver h 7th bet Swann and Harnett *Nixon John O (J O Nixon & Co) h 8th cor Nixon *Nixon J O & Co (J Nixon, Jacob Wise, Ellis Patrick, James Belts & Daniel Sanders) grocers 8th cor Nixon MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. NIX 122 NOR *Nixon Lewis sergt police *Nixon Lewis lab h lOth cor Church *Nixon Lewis lab h 5th bet Walnut and Red Cross *Nixon Mary servant h 2d bet Bladen and Harnett *Nixon Mary teacher h 8th bet Orange and Ann * Nixon Melvina laundress h 4th bet Gistle and Church *Nixon Mollie h Chesnut bet 10th and 11th *Nixon Richard lab h 11th cor Ann *Nixon Robt lab h Brunswick bet 2d and 3d *Nixon Robt lab h Taylor bet 4th and 5th *N"ixoii Solomon 11 lab h Front bet Hanover and Bruns- wick *Nixon Susan h 5th bet Harnett and Bladen *Nois Henry carpt h McRae bet Swann and Nixon *]Srois Nathan lab h Market cor 11th *Nois Robt lab h 7th bet Harnett and Swann *Nois Susan laundress h Campbell bet 3d and 4th *JSrois Washington shoemaker 2d bet Market and Princess h Market cor 12 th Nolan James lab h Market bet 9th and 10th *Noons Sarah J laundress h Anderson nr Mulberry NORCOM H S (Cobb & Norcom) & physician Market bet 2d and 3d Norment W S solicitor Superior Court h Market bet 6th and 7th North British & Mercantile Fire Ins Co of London & Edin- burgh Front cor Princess North Carolina Home Fire Ins Co of Raleigh N C Front cor Princess North Carolina Presbyterian (John McLaurin editor & propr) Front bet Princess and Chesnut North Carolina State Life Ins Co Princess bet Front and 2d Northrop Annie wid Samuel h Orange bet 3d and 4th Northrop Isaac elk h 8th bet Church and Castle *Northrop John T elk h Orange cor 9th Northrop Saml (De Rosset & Northrop and Northrop & Cum- ming) h 5th cor Dock Northrop Samuel G confectioner 341 & 351 Market h Orange bet 3d and 4th Northrop Susan M Miss h Orange bet 3d and 4th Northrop W H (Northrop & Cumming) h 2d bet Market and Princess APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. NOR 123 OLD NORTHROP & GUMMING (Samuel Northrop, W H Northrop & W A Gumming) .saw & planing mill & lumber dealers Water bet Castle and Queen *Norton Samuel lab h 8th cor Nixon ^Norwood Chas lab h 5th bet Nun and Church ♦Norwood Jno G carpt Front bet Dock and Orange h 5th bet Church and Nun ^Norwood Jno jr carpt h 5th bet Nun and Church *Nunn Jos lab h AVooster bet 7th and 8th Nutt Henry h Eed Cross and 2d Nutt J D elk h Front bet Red Cross and Walnut O O'Brien Jno grocer Nutt bet Red Cross and Walnut O'Brien Jno machinist bds Farmers' Hotel O'Brien Maria millinery 4th bet Bladen and Brunswick h Water bet Red Cross and Walnut O'Brien Martin elk bds Farmers' Plotel O'Brien M W grocer Nutt cor Red Cross O'CONNOR DANIEL real estate agent 3d bet Princess and Chesnut h 6th bet Dock and Orange (see advt) Oakdale Cemetery Co Donald MacRae pres, Richard J Jones sec & treas, office Princess bet Front and 2d Oakley Julia Mrs bds Market bet Front and 2d Odd Fellows' Hall 3d bet Princess and Chesnut *Oden Starkey W servt h Mulberry cor 3d OHLANDT HENRY grocer Front bet Dock and Orange Old Dominion Fire Ins Co of Richmond Commercial Ex- change Building Oldenbuttel Jno G grocer Market cor 10th DAN'L O'CONNOR. Meal Estate Bought and §old. LOAI^S WECOTIATED. Particular attention paid to tlae coUection of rents and all other accounts.] OFFICE ON PRINCESS STREET, ADJOININQ THE COURT HOUSE. MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. OLD 124 OWE OLDHAM ALEXANDER propr Cape Fear Flour Mills Nutt cor Walnut depository Market nr 2d h Front bet Mulberry and Walnut Oldbam Carney W broker li 3d bet Nun and Church *01dham Daniel lab h Mulberry bet 9th and 10th ^Oldham Turner lab h Castle bet 2d and 8d Oldham W P (Oldham & Koch) h 2d bet Orange and Ann OLDHAM & KOCH (W P Oldham k Jno C Koch) meal & flour mill Dock bet Water and Front depository 29 n Water Old North State Fire Ins Co of North Carolina Water bet Princess and Chesnut ■^Oliver Anthony lab h Anderson cor Eankin *Onslo\v Jacob JRev h Grwynn ur Woods Orient Fire Ins Co of Hartford Princess bet Front and 2d Orient Mutual Marine Ins Co of New York 28 n Water Orli John lab h 6th nr Bladen Orr E H elk h Church bet 2d and Front Orr H E printer h Church bet 2d and Front Orr Melza F elk h Church bet 2d and Front Orr William B agt h 3d bet Walnut and Red Cross Orr William C carpt h Church bet 2d and Front Orrell Dallas J drayman h Red Cross bet 8th and 9th Orrell James B lighterman ft Market h 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick Orrell Mary wid Emanuel h 6th bet Ann and Nun Orrell Mary wid Henry H h 6th bet Ann and Nun Orrell R C elk h 3d cor Red Cross Orrell Robert C printer h 6th bet Ann and Nun Ortmann F W barkpr h Walnut bet 2d and 3d *Osborn Celia laundress h Farrow al bet Castle and Church Otersen William elk h 2d bet Walnut and Dock Otten Diederick grocer Nixon cor 6th ^Outlaw Isaac lab h Mulberry cor 5th *Outlaw Sarah laundress h 3d bet Bladen and Brunswick *Owen David lab h Biunswick cor 6th '•Owens Jasper lab h Market bet 7th and 8th Owens Mary wid Alexander h 6th bet Red Cross and Campbell APPLY TO PROF. 6. REULIN6. M. D., FOR INFORMATION^ PAC 125 PAY Paca Mollie h -ith bet Castle and Cburcli *Palmer Alex cooper h McRae bet Hanover and Campbell *Paliner Priscilla servant h Uth nr Chesnut Pamlico Ins and Banking Co of Tarboro N C Water bet Princess and Chesnut Parker C C painter 2d bet Princess and Chesnut h 6tli cor W ooster * Parker Chas lab li 2d bet Market and Princess *Parker Henry shoemaker Front bet Church and Castle h Wooster bet 9 th and 10th Parker N F bkkpr h Front bet Market and Princess Parker Wm M (Parker & Taylor) h Eed Cross bet 4th and 5th Parker & Taylor (W M Parker & James H Taylor) stoves and tinware 19 s Front Parmele Edgar G elk h Red Cross bet 4th and 5th Parmele Sarah A wid Chas h 3d bet Walnut and Mulberry *Parrington Weldon porter h Front bet Market and Princess Parsley Geo D (Parsley & AYiggins) h 3d bet Princess and Chesnut Parsley OG.jr(OG Parsley & Co')h Front bet Dock and Orange PARSLEY G & CO (0 G Parsley jr) wood, coal &g Water cor Orange Parsley Oscar G sr h 4th cor Ashe Parsley Walter L elk h 4th cor Ashe Parsley & Wiggins (Geo D Parsley & Octavius A Wiggins) saw mills 4th nr Ashe Pascucci Pasquale musician h Orange bet 2d and 3d Pate John T lab h 4th bet Queen and Castle Patrick Benjamin mariner h 2d bet Nun and Church ^Patrick Ellis (J Nixon & Co) h Ann bet Front and 2d ^Patrick John lab h Anderson nr Gwynn ^Patrick Prince lab h Walnut bet 4th and 5th PATERSON, DOWNING & CO (R W Paterson & A B Downing) naval stores and cotton office foot of Mulberry (see advt next page) Paterson R W (Paterson, Downing & Co) h New York Patterson Geo Rev h Red Cross bet 3d and 4th ^Patterson Jeremiah lab h Love bet Harnett and Swann Patterson William A bkkpr h Market cor 3d Payman George h Castle cor Surry MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 6G N. Charles St. , Baltimore. PAY 126 PEC Payne Clias M Rev h 4th bet Campbell and Red Cross ■^Payne Francis lab h r 3d bet Orange and Ann ■'^Payne Henry carpt h 6th bet Nixon & Taylor *Payne Henry lab h r Dock bet Front and 2d ■^Payne Joshua P carpt h 6th bet Ann and Nun ^■Payne Judith huckster h Brooklyn bet Swann and Nixon *Payne Lewis cooper h 6th bet Walnut and Red Cross ^Payne Lisbon painter h McRae bet Red Cross and Campbell *Payne Sarah h 9th nr Nixon "•^Payne Shepherd ice cream 46 n Water ■^Payne Thomas teacher h 6th cor Bladen '^Payne Thos W carpt h 9th nr Nixon Payne W H machinist h Chesnut bet 5th and 6th *Payne W H Rev h 6th cor Bladen *Pearaan Geo barber h 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick *Pearce Andrew lab h Castle bet 2d and 3d *Pearce Harry servt h r Front cor Chesnut *Pearce Susan servt h Burgwin al bet 2d and 8d Pearsall M M Miss teacher h Chesnut bet 8th and 9th Pearsall Oscar (Hall & Pearsall) h Princess cor 8th Pearsall Philander salesman h Front bet Chesnut and Mul- berry *Pearsal Richard lab h 2d bet Wright and Meares Pearsall Sallie wid W E h Walnut bet Front and 2d *Pearson Annie laundress h 4th bet Nun and Church *Pearson Caroline laundress h 6th bet Queen and Wooster ■^Pearson James W barber h Brunswick bet 3d and 4th *Pearson Julia laundress h Farrow al bet Church and Castle ^■Pearson Rachael laundress h Walnut bet 5th and 6th Peck Geo A hardware 25 S Front h 3d bet Ann and Nun Peck Thomas F h 3d bet Ann and Nun PATEESON, DOWNING & CO., AND DEALERS IN '9 WULMINGTON, N. C. ALSO, IN NEW YORK CITY & CHARLESTON, S. C. APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING. M. D„ FOR INFORMATION. PEE 127 PET Peebo Philip lab h 3d bet Queen and Wooster *Peeden Anthony lab h 9th bet Church and Castle *Peeden Eliza laundress h -ith bet Church and Castle *Peeden Jessie h Gwynn nr Woods *Peeden Maria h Gwynn nr Woods *Peeden Eichard cooper h Eed Cross bet 6th and 7th ■^Peel Mary laundress h 9th bet Church and Castle *Pemberton John lab h 2d bet Bladen and Harnett Penny B F elk h Dock bet 7th and 8th Penny Henry W elk P O h New Hanover co Penny AVm J shoemkr 3d cor Orange h Dock bet 7th and 8th PENNYPACKER E J pres Wilmington Compress & Warehouse Co & lessee Opera House bds Purcell House Penton A C mariner h Chesnut bet 4th and 5th Penton P H elk h Chesnut bet 4th and 5th Penton William mariner h Church cor 7th Perdew J W (Craig & Perdew) h 7th bet Mulberry and Wal- nut ■^Perkins Dennis shoemkr h 2d cor Queen Perkins D S (Stearns k Perkins) h Front cor Wright Perkins W C elk h Front cor Wright Perrin H E Mrs h Chesnut cor 2d Perry Amos shoemkr h Harnett cor 4th Perry Amos jr drayman h Harnett cor 4th Perry Benj drayman h Harnett cor 4th *Perry Fred lab h 4th bet Nun and Church *Perry Geo lab h 4th bet Nun and Church *Perry John lab h 8th bet Wright and Dawson *Perry Peter lab h 8th bet Dawson and Wright *Perry Warrick lab h Brunswick bet Swann and Nixon *Perry Wm lab h 3d bet Castle and Church Persse A B shoemaker Princess bet Front and 2d h Hanover bet 3d and 4th Peschau Eduard (E Peschau & Westermann) & German Con- sul h 5th cor Mulberry Peschau E & Westermann (E Peschau & Henry Westermann) com mers, grocers & ship brokers 34, 35 & 36 n Water Petersburg Savings & Ins Co of Va 28 n Water Peterson W H h 2d bet Queen and Castle *Petlow Geo baker h Bulken al bet 4th and 5th Petteway Herbert elk h Princess bet 9th and 10th MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, S6 N. Charles St. .Balti imore. PET 128 PIN Petteway James H elk h Princess bet 9tb and lOth Petteway James T (Petteway & Sclidken) h Princess bet 9tli and 10th Petteway Eoger M elk h Princess bet 9tli and 10th Petteway Sylvester elk h 6th bet Chesnut and Mulberry Petteway Wm II ensrineer h Dock cor 8th PETTEWAY & SCHULKEN (James T Petteway & C H Schulken) brokers k com mers 16 n Water Phenix Fire Ins Co of Brooklyn N Y Front cor Princess ■^Phillips Francis lab h Swann cor McRae ^Phillips J n caulker h 9th bet Church and Castle *Phillips John lab h 9th bet Church and Castle Philyaw Alice M teacher h Market cor -ith Philyaw R A wid James II dressmaker h Market cor 4th Phoenix Fire Ins Co of Hartford Conn Princess bet Front and 2d Pickells Job lab h Front bet Queen and Wooster Pickett Mary P boarding 80 Market *Pickett Peter lab h 9th bet Queen and Wooster Pickett R H bkkpr h 2d bet Orange and Ann *Pickett Samuel lab h 3d bet Davis and Cowan Pickett Thos G elk h 2d bet Orange and Ann *Pierson John lab h 8th bet Harnett and Swann *Pierson Laura h 8th bet Harnett and Swann *Pigford Catherine laundress h 10th bet Dock and Orange Pigford E S student h Front bet Chesnut and Mulberry PIGOTT DAVID cigars & tobacco 22 Market bds Purcell House (see advt opp page) ^Pine Forest Cemetery bet 16 and 17th and Rankin and Oak- dale Cemetery Piner Elizabeth wid Lawrence h 3d bet Church and Castle JAS. T. PETTEWAY. C. H. SCHULKEN. PETTEWAY & SCHULKEISI, Brokers a,ai OommmslQQ Meiehi^ts, In Mercliandise, Naval Stor-es and. other Prodiace. OXlDi:S.S AS7D CO:^BlG-NTamtTS SOLICITED. 16 JSOBTH WATEIt STBEBT, APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. 0., FOR INFORMATION. PIP 129 POP Pipkin Jesse elk li 3d bet Red Cross and Campbell Pittraan J wid James li 5th bet Wooster and Dawson Pittman Joseph C printer h 4th nr Svvann Pitts L L Mrs h Chesnut bet 3d and 4th Piver John lab h Surry bet Dawson and Wright Piatt John T machinist h Mulberry bet 6th and 7th Piatt Josephine wid Samuel h Front cor Ann Piatt Philip machinist h Mulberry bet 6th and 7th Player Thomas W inspector Water cor Chesnut h 3d bet Church and Castle *Plumb Harriet servant h r Campbell bet 5th and 6th ^Poe Wesley lab h Market bet 11th and 12th *Poisson Andrew waiter 30 INIarket Poisson Frederick D lawyer Princess bet 2d and 3d h 2d bet Princess and Chesnut Poisson J Dixon elk h Mulberry cor 5th Poisson Louis J h 2d cor Walnut Poisson Sarah J wid J D h Mulberry cor 5th *Poisson Thomas lab h Love cor Taylor *Poisson William lab h 9th cor Chesnut Poisson Wm M bkkpr h Mulberry bet 6th and 7th Police Headquarters City Hall Polk Robert D engineer h Bladen bet 4th and 5th Policy Charles H gunsmith Chesnut bet Front and Water h 5th bet Market and Princess Policy Edw G tinner Chesnut bet Front and Water h 7th bet Nun and Church Policy J D elk h 5th bet Market and Princess *Ponton Mungle lab h 5th bet Harnett and Bladen POPE A genl frt and ticket agt W & W and W C & A R R's and Atlantic Coast Line, Front cor Red Cross h Front cor Chesnut (see advt) Jobber and Metail Dealer in FINE-CUT AND PLUG TOBACCOS -AuTid. Smokers' -A^rtieles, . 22 IViarket St., Wilmington, N. C MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. POP 130 PRI *Pope Britton cooper h Brunswick bet 2d and 3d Pope Caroline h Front bet Orange and Ann *Pope Jesse lab h Queen bet 3d and 4th *Porter James porter h McRae bet Taylor and Nixon Post James F architect Princess bet 2d and 3d h Chesnut bet 4th and 5th Post James F jr through frt agt W & W and W C & A R R's Nutt cor Campbell h Chesnut bet 4th and 5th POST OFFICE Ed R Brink postmaster 2d cor Chesnut Post The Weekly W P Canady propr Princess bet Front and 2d Post Thomas elk h Chesnut bet 4th and 5th Potter B M seaman h Ann bet 2d and 3d *Potter David lab h Surry bet Queen and Wooster Potter Fred lab h 4th bet Dawson and Wright *Potter George lab h Surry bet Queen and Wooster Potter George -W cooper h 3d cor Davis Potter John T watchman h 7th nr Bladen Potter Lorenzo D watchman h 2d bet Cowan and Harnett Potter Malinda wid J W h Ann bet 2d and 3d * Potter Maria laundress h 9th cor Ann *Potts Archie driver h Brooklyn bet 4th and 5th POTTS E J Mrs dyer and scourer Market bet 2d and 3d (see advt) Potts S T grocer h Dock cor 8th Potts T H h Market bet 2d and 3d *Powell Jas lab h 8th bet Hanover and Campbell Powell Sarah E wid Robt h Mulberry bet 4th and 5th Pratt David lab h Nun cor 6th Price Benj J lab h 4th bet Princess and Chesnut Price Benj T lab h Swann cor Love 0LB HABE HIW, LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING, Of all descriptions, and KID GLOVES, CLEANED EQUAL TO NEW, at the AGENCY OF THE STATEN ISLAND DYEING WORKS, On JIarket Street, bet. 2d and 3d» APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. PRI 131 PYT Price Chas A (Price & Smith) h 4th bet Princess and Chesnut Price Clarissa M wid A L h 4th bet Princess and Chesnut *Price Danl lab h 11th cor Nun Price Edward printer h 5tb bet Church and Castle *Price Geo W jr city marshal h 6th cor Ann *Price Geo W sr Rev h 6th cor Ann *Price Henry bricklayer h Dickinson nr Miller *Price Henry lab h 7th bet Taylor and Nixon *Price Jas fireman h Brunswick cor 2d ^Price Jno lab h Nun bet 6th and 7th *Price Jno lab h 10th bet Queen and Castle *Price Jos weigher & ganger Dock bet Water and Front h Market bet 5th and 6th *Price Maria servt h Eed Cross nr 9th Price Mary wid Wm h 5th bet Church and Castle *Price Richard lab h Bladen bet 2d and 3d Price Richard A grocer Front cor Queen Price Richard W elk h 5th cor Orange Price Richard W Mrs h 5th cor Orange *Price Wm K dept city collector h 7th bet Chesnut and Mul- berry Price "VY P h 4th bet Chesnut and Princess Price & Smith (C A Price & H H Smith) printers Princess bet Front and 2d *Pridgen Jno lab h Castle bet 9th aad 10th Pridgen Lucien lab h Cummings al bet Wooster and Dawson Pridgen Mary wid Saml h Cumming's al bet Dawson and Wooster *Pridgett John lab h r Dock bet Front and 2d *Prier Mary F h Gwynn nr Woods *Prioson Newton lab h Dock cor 10th *Proctor Henry lab h Surry bet Queen and Wooster , Proctor James lab h McRae bet Campbell and Hanover Prou Jane wid George h Nun bet 5th and 6th Pugh John F elk bds Front bet Dock and Orange Pugh John H elk h 8th bet Market and Dock Pugh Mary E wid Geo W h Walnut cor 5th Purcell House J R Davis propr 15 n Front ■^Purdy Saml drayman h Mulberry cor 3d *Purdy Saml lab h Red Cross bet 5th and 6th *Purnell Thomas lab h 2d bet Queen and Wooster Pythian Hall 3d bet Princess and Chesnut MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, G6 N. Charles St. , Baltimore. QUE 132 RED Queen Fire Ins Co of London and Liverpool Front cor Princess *Quick: Ishara lab h Gwynn nr Dickinson Quillin Richard H section masier h Bladen bet 7tli and 8th ■^Quince Abraham painter h 11th nr Princess *Quince Edward carpt h 3d cor Harnett Quince Geo L elk bds Front bet Princess and Chesnut Quince J A Mrs boarding Front bet Princess and Chesnut *Quince John lab h Surry bet Church and Castle *Quince Marcus lab h 6th bet Harnett and Swann Quince Nathaniel H elk bds Front bet Princess and Chesnut Quince Parker Mrs boarding Market bet Front and 2d '^^Quince Richard lab h 6th bet Nixon and Taylor ^Quince Thos lab oih bet Nixon and Taylor Quinlivan Danl blksmith Burgwin al bet 2d and 3d h 7th bet Bladen and Brunswick Quinlivan Thos blksmith h 7th bet Bladen and Brunswick Quinn Abner watchman h 7th bet Red Cross and Campbell Quinn James grocer McRae cor Gwynn R *Radcliffe James lab h Bladen bet 4th and .5th Radcliffe Robt S bricklayer h Chesnut bet 4t,h and 5th Ramsey Thos J watchman h Front bet Wooster and Dawson *Randall Wm lab h Cowan nr 2d *Rankin David lab h Queen cor Surry Rankin John T (Moore and Rankin) h Front cor Walnut Rankin N B salesman h 4th bet Nun and Ann Rankin R G cashier h Market bet Front and 2d Rann Thos J machinist h 2d nr Dock Rawls Elizabeth A wid Richard h Nun bet 2d and 3d ^Raymond John lab h 2d bet Hanover and Brunswick *Ream Joseph H servt h 3d cor Red Cross Reaves Julius F A blksmith Front cor Castle h 7th cor Daw- son Reaves Solomon lab h 8th cor Wright *Reddick Harry lab h Wooster bet 2d and Front *Reddick Joseph lab h Wooster bet 2d and Front *Reddick Solomon lab h Wooster bet 2d and Front APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. RED 188 RIC Eedding Susan wid Bryant li Nun cor 6th Red Men's Hall Princess bet Front and 2d *Reed Gabriel carpt h Dawson cor 3d *Reed Hezekiah lab h 5th bet Mulberry and Walnut *Reed Rebecca h Taylor nr 9th ■^■Reed Richard lab h 11th cor Orange *Reed Richard lab h Red Cross bet -ith and 5th *Reed Sanil bricklayer h 5th cor Brunswick *Reed Thos W drayman h 9th bet Church and Castle Reeder Henry grocer Rankin cor Anderson *Reese Edward lab h 11th bet Dock and Orange ^Reeves Edward lab h 3d bet Queen and Castle *Reeves Nathan lab h 7th bet Bladen and Harnett Register Elizabeth wid Walter h 7th bet Queen and Castle Register Gibson machinist h Church bet 2d and 3d Register Jno lab h Cumming's al bet Wooster and Dawson Register Richard B machinist h Church bet 2d and 3d Register Wm W painter h 7th bet Castle and Queen REGISTER OF DEEDS' OFFICE J E Sampson register Court House Princess bet 2d and 3d Reilly Jas supt Wilmington ferry h 6th bet Dock and Orange Reilly Jno W supt Gas Co h 6th bet Dock and Orange Reillev Mary wid Saml h 6th bet Nun and Church REVIEW DAILY J T James editor 2d bet Princess and Ches- nut ^Revis Jno porter h Walnut bet 5th and 6th Reynolds Isaac lab h Wooster bet 6th and 7th ^Reynolds Jas lab h 2d bet Orange and Ann Reynolds J T lab h Wooster bet 6th and 7th Rheinstein Fred (Aaron & Rheinstein) bds Purcell House Rhew Frederick elk h 5th bet Queen and Wooster Rhodes I B butcher h Dock cor 7th Rhodes James M Rev h 2d cor Walnut Rice L E weigher & ganger h Market bet 5th and 6th *Richardson Alex cooper h Front bet Davis and Cowan Richardson Caleb cooper h 3d nr Harnett ■^Richardson David cooper h Brooklyn bet Swann and Nixon *Richardson Edmund lab h 2d bet Wright and Meares *Richardson Edward lab h 5th nr Wright *Richardson Jacob lab h 7th bet Swann and Harnett *Richardson Jacob saw filer h Woods bet Rankin and Miller *Richardson James lab h MacRae bet Campbell and Hanover MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. CbarlesSt., Baltimore. mC 134 ROB ^Richardson James E tinner h 6tli bet Church and Ann *Richardson J L lab h 11th bet Campbell and Eed Cross *Richardson John lab h 5th nr Wright *Richardson Joseph lab h Howard bet 6th and 7th *Richardson Prince lab h 6th bet Nixon and Taylor *Richardson Richard lab h 11th cor Chesnut ^Richardson Robert lab h 8th bet Taylor and Howard *Richardson Simon lab h 6th nr Swaun *Richardson Stephen carpt h Harnett nr 6th *Richardson William lab h Burch al bet 3d and 4th *Richardson Willis lab h Bladen bet 6th and 7th Richmond Fire Assn Richmond Va Princess bet Front and 2d Riddick John T engineer h ith bet Harnett and Swaun Riley James T elk h 6th bet Nun and Church Risley H J lab h Queen bet 5th and 6th Rison Richard tinner h Castle bet 6th and 7th Ristow A bkkpr bds 19 n Water Ritter Daniel shoemkr h Anderson nr Gwynn Ritter J W carpt h Surry bet Church and Castle Rivenbark John Y huckster h Harnett bet 3d and 4th *Rivera Thos (Rivera & Galley) h Red Cross bet 5th and 6th *Rivera & Galley (Thos Rivera & James Galley) carriage and wagon works Princess bet 3d and 4th Rivers Alfred lab h Brunswick bet 2d and 3d Robbins Chas elk h Market bet 5th and 6th Robbins Edward B drayman h Mulberry bet 4th and 5th Robbins Jas W grocer 5th cor Taylor *Robbins Julius lab h 5th bet Wooster and Dawson Robbins Michael H supt h Walnut cor 5th *Robbins Peter lab h 5th bet Wooster and Dawson Robbins Sol elk h 10th cor Princess ■^Roberts Abraham lab h Church bet 5th and 6th *Roberts Chas lab h Harnett cor Front Roberts Chas H pres Carolina Central Railway bds Market bet Front and 2d ^Roberts Danl porter h 4th bet Princess and Chesnut ^Roberts Eugene lab h 9th bet Harnett and Swann ^Roberts Gilbert lab h Nun bet 6th and 7th ^Roberts John lab h Brunswick bet 2d and 3d ^Roberts John lab h Market bet 10th and 11th Roberts Joseph elk h Princess bet 5th and 6th Roberts Saml elk h Princess bet 5th and 6th APPLY TO PROF. G. REUUKG, M. 0., FOR INFORMATION. ROB 135 Roe Robeson James conductor bds Front bet Red Cross and Camp- bell *Robeson Saral lab h Chadbourn's al bet Harnett and Davis Robinson Alex lab b Princess bet 3d and 4th ^Robinson Benj lab h Campbell bet 3d and 4th ^Robinson Benjamin lab 11th bet Queen and Castle ROBINSON C H com mer Dock cor Water h Front cor Nun ^Robinson Claiborne lab h 6th bet Harnett and Swann *Robinson Daniel lab h 11th bet Nun and Church *Robinson Edw Rev h Miller nr McRae Robinson F G elk h 5th bet Princess and Chesnut *Robinson Geo lab h Queen bet 10th and 11th *Robinson Geo lab h Church bet Front and Water *Robinson Geo shoemaker h Brunswick bet 3d and 4th ^Robinson Geo W shoemaker h 7th bet Walnut and Red Cross *Robinson Hagar h Mulberry nr McRae •^^Robinson Handy lab h Taylor bet 5th and Brown ^Robinson Henry lab h 11th bet Dock and Market *Robinson Henry lab h 10th cor Mulberry *Roqinson Jackson lab h 5th bet Campbell and Hanover ^Robinson Jacob carpt h 10th cor Church *Robinson Jacob lab h 10th bet Queen and Wooster ^Robinson James carpt h Castle bet 9th and 10th Robinson James R lighterman h Craig al bet 2d and 3d *Robinson Jesse lab h 3d bet Queen and Castle ^Robinson John carpt h 8th bet Swann and Nixon ^Robinson John driver h Front bet Church and Castle Robinson John B elk h Craig al bet 2d and 3d Robinson John M lighterman h Cbesnut bet 6th and 7th ^Robinson Lewis lab h 4th bet Dawson and Wright *Robinson Louisa laundress h r 5th bet Nun and Church ^Robinson Lucy laundress h Castle bet 2d and 3d ■^Robinson Matthew lab h Brown bet Swann and Nixon Robinson M E Mrs h Chesnut bet 3d and 4th Robinson Peter lab h 4th bet Nun and Church *Robinson Rebecca huckster h 7th bet Red Cross and Walnut *Robinson Robt lab h Castle cor 10th *Robinson Thos lab h 3d bet Bladen and Brunswick *Robinson Wm lab h 8th bet Swann and Taylor Rochford Peter watchman h Hanover bet 3d and 4th MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. ROC 136 RIJS ROCK SPE-ING HOTEL R Maxwell propr Chesnut bet Front and Princess Eoddick W (Brown & Roddick) li 4th bet Chesnut and Mul- berry Roderick Joseph lab h 3d bet Queen and Wooster *Roderick Rachel laundress h McRae bet Bladen and Harnett *Rodgers David lab Front nr Harnett Rogers Jesse painter h Queen cor 4th *Rone Benj lab h r Dock bet Front and 2d *Rone Benj lab h 6th bet Mulberry and Walnut ■^Rone James lab h Wright bet Front and Surry *Rone Thos lab h Red Cross bet 8th and 9th ■^Rooks Henry A lab h 2d bet Hanover and Campbell *Root Chas lab h Surry bet Church and Castle Rosch Jacob elk h 47 n Water Rosenthal G elk h 2d bet Market and Dock *Ross James lab h Swann cor Love Ross R G (Cassiday & Ross) h Front bet Orange and Ann Roth well C Mrs h 8d bet Walnut and Red Cross Rothwell John h 3d bet Red Cross and Walnut ] Rothwell Laura P wid J H h 3d bet Princess and Chesnut Rothwell Mary C school 3d bet Princess and Chesnut *Roundtree Dennis lab h 6th cor Taylor *Roundtree James lab h 3d bet Market and Princess *Rourk J P mail agt h Brunswick bet 5th and 6th Rouse Richard watchman R R Bridge Rowan Eliza Mrs h 8th nr Swann Rowe Mary E wid Wm L h Mulberry bet 4th and 5th *Rowen Fred lab h Nun bet 6th and *7th Rowell Thos L carpt h 5th bet Dock and Orange Rowland Charles lab h Castle cor 4th Royal Canadian Fire Ins Co of Montreal Can Front cor Princess Royal Fire Ins Co of London Princess bet Front and 2d ^Royals Obadiah police h Brunswick bet 3d and 4th Ruby Benj F carpenter h 4th nr Nixon Rulfs John F grocer Nutt cor Walnut h Walnut bet 4th and 5th Runge Johanna wid Geo H W h 5th bet Ann and Nun *Rush Samuel E lab h 8th bet Taylor and Howard ■^Russ Flora laundress h 5th bet Chesnut and Mulberry *Russ Limus lab h 8th cor Nixon *Russ Nelson lab h Love bet Taylor and Howard *Russ Robert lab h Front cor Wooster APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION, KUS is; SAM *Russ Wm lab h 7th cor Taylor Russell Benj R fireman h 4th cor Princess Russell Daniel H lab h 4th bet Bladen and Brunswick RUSSELL DANIEL L lawyer 2d bet Dock and Orange Russell E D ship carpenter h 5th cor Nun Russell Henry P bkkpr h 2d bet Orange and Ann Russell Joseph B elk h 4th cor Nun Russell Lucretia wid H P h 2d bet Orange and Ann Russell Mary E teacher h 4th cor Nun ^Russell "William huckster h Red Cross bet 5th and 6th *Ruth John K fireman h Walnut cor 6th Rutland Walter elk bds Red Cross bet Front and 2d *Sadbury Charles lab h r 5th bet Dock and Market *Sadgwar Daniel carpenter h 8d bet Davis and Cowan *Sadgwar David carpenter h 3d bet Davis and Cowan *Sadgwar Frederick C carpenter h 8th bet Princess and Market •^St George Frank lab h 1 0th bet Dock and Market *St George Windsor lab h 10th bet Dock and Market St James Mission School Orange bet 8th and 9th St James P E Church 3d cor Market Rev A A Watson St Johns P E Church 3d cor Red Cross St Joseph Male Academy Sister Mary Augustine superior 4th cor Ann *St Marks P E Church 6th cor Mulberry St Paul Fire and Marine Ins Co of Minn 28 n Water St Pauls German Evangelical Church Rev G D Bernheim pas- tor Market cor 6th St Pauls P E Church 4th cor Orange Rev T M Ambler *St Stephens M E Church 5th cor Red Cross Cornelius Samp- son pastor St Thomas Roman Catholic Church Dock bet 2d and 3d Sailing James L elk h Ann bet 6th and 7th Sailing Sterling carpt h Ann bet 6th and 7th Salmon Joseph painter h Church bet 5th and 6th Salt John blacksmith h Chesuut bet 4th and 5th "^Sampson Alexander carpt h 7th bet Ann and Nun ■^Sampson Carrie teacher h Chesnut bet 6th and 7th *Sampson Charles lab h 6th bet Red Cross and Campbell *Sampson Cornelius Rev h 7th bet Red Cross and Campbell MARYLAND EYE & EAR' INSTITUTE. 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. SAM 138 SAV Sampson Fannie J h 4tli bet Walnut and Mulberry *Sampson Haywood lab h 11th bet Queen and Castle *Sampson Henry carpt h Gth bet Ann and ISIun *Sampson Isabella seamstress h Sampson al bet 4th and 5th *Sampson J D carpt h Ann bet 8th and Wilson *Sampson John lab h 3d bet Queen and Castle *Sampson Joseph lab h 6lh bet Red Cross and Campbell *SAMPSON JOSEPH £ register deeds office court house h Chesnut bet 6th and 7th *Sampson Mary J seamstress h 3d bet Hanover and Brunswick *Sampson Nathan G lab h Sampson al bet 4th and 5th *Sampson Sarah laundress h Red Cross bet 6th and 7th *Sampson Susan teacher h 4th bet Walnut and Mulberry *Sampson Wm undertaker Princess bet 3d and 4th h Camp- bell cor 8th Samson Julius dry goods 43 Market h New York Samson Lizzie wid Henry h Dawson bet 3d and 4th *Sanders Danl (J Nixon & Co) h 5th bet Bladen and Harnett Sanders Edward B lawyer h 2d bet Dock and Orange ^Sanders Fred distiller h Brunswick bet 2d and 3d *Sanders Geo lab h Parsley's al bet 4th and 5th *Sanders Hampton lab h Van Bokelen al bet Queen and Wooster *Sanders Hawkins lab h 7th bet Nixon and Taylor Sanders Jno A farmer h Market cor 6th *Sanders Scott B engineer h Brunswick bet 3d and 4th Sanders Simon W elk h 5th cor Nun Sanders W T h Campbell bet 3d and 4th *Sanders Zephaniah cooper h Van Bokelen al bet Queen and Wooster *Santee Mary laundress h 11th nr Chesnut *Sasser Isaac shoemkr Market bet 11th and 12th Sasser Olin C watchman bds Front bet Red Cross and Camp- bell ■*Sa'tterwhite Benj lab h Dawson bet 2d and 3d *Sauls Jno F lab h 6th bet Swaun and Nixon *Sauls Scipio lab h 6th bet Hanover and Brunswick *Sauls Solomon W lab h Gwynn nr Woods Saunders Mary F teacher h 5th cor Nun Savage Henry propr Hilton Rice Mill 4th nr Ashe h 3d bet Dock and Orange *Savage Juo H jr police h Swann cor 7th APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING. M D. FOR IMFQRMATIOM. SAV 139 SCO Savage Jno W elk li 5lli bet Castle and Queen Savage Tabitha wid Wm h Castle bet 5tli and 6tb *Scarboro Caroline laundress h Washington bet Front and 2d Scarborough Robert J saloon 8 s Water Schafer John cigarmkr h Front bet Market and Dock Schafer Mary Mrs h Front bet Market and Dock Scharff Emanuel ladies' furnishing 4th cor Campbell Schenck N W elk h 2d cor Mulberry Schonwald Carrie teacher h 2d cor Church Schonwald J T physician and druggist Princess bet Front and 2d h 2d cor Church Schrader Joseph engineer h Beatty al bet 2d and 3d Schulken C H(Petteway & Schulken) h Walnut bet 3d and 4th Schulken Charles grocer 4th bet Bladen and Harnett Schulken Edward h Walnut cor 4th Schulken Englehard grocer Front cor Mulberry bds Market bet Front and 2d Schulken Henry grocer Walnut cor 4th Schumyer John lab h Brown bet Swann and Nixon Schutt Geo L grocer Market cor 2d h Bladen bet 8th and 9th SCHUTTE F A wholesale & retail dealer in furniture, car- pets, window shades, &c 26 & 28 s Front & 11, 15, 17 & 19 Dock h 2d bet Nun and Ann (see advt) SCHUTTE HENRY bootmkr Market bet 3d and 4th Schwader Joseph engineer h Toomer's-al bet Hanover and Brunswick Sjhwartz Chas inspector Princess cor Water h 6th cor Mul- berry Schwartz Sarah wid Albert h Queen cor 7th *Scott Benjamin livery & sale stable Princess bet 3d and 4th h 7th bet Red Cross and Walnut ■^Scott Beverly lab h 6th bet Swann and Nixon *Scott Harry servt h 3d bet Walnut and Mulberry *Scott Harry waiter h 10th nr Campbell *Scott Isham musician h 6th bet Dock and Market *Scott Jacob lab h McRae bet Campbell and Hanover *Scott J C shoemaker Princess bet 4th and 5th Scott J H drayman h 3d bet Queen and Wooster *Scott Thomas E barber 2d bet Market and Princess h 7th bet Red Cross and Walnut *Scott W H barber Water cor Mulberry MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. SCO 140 SHA Scottish Commercial Fire Ins Co Glasgow Scotland Princess bet Front and 2d Scull Daniel S lab h 5tli cor Eed Cross *Scurlock Robt porter h Front bet Princess and Cbesnut Seaman's Bethel Joseph L Kean pastor Dock bet Water and Front Seaman's Home J F Gilbert supt Front cor Dock Sears Annie seamstress h Dickinson nr Mulberry Second Baptist Church 6th bet Church and Castle Second Presbyterian Church Campbell bet 4th and 5th Seeders Thos T printer h 9th cor Mulberry *Seigers John lab h 8th bet AVright and Dawson Seigler George carpt h 7th bet Queen and Wooster *Self John lab h 5th bet Church and Ann ^Sellars Byron porter 44 n "Water Sellers Flavins J lab h Brown bet Taylor and Nixon ■^Sellers James lab h r Church bet 6th and 7th Sellers Jefferson elk h 6th bet Chesnut and Mulberry *Sellers John lab h 2d bet Walnut and Mulberry *Sellers Joseph lab h Ann bet 7th and 8th Sellers Mary R wid Richard L h 6th bet Chesnut and Mul- berry Sellers Rebecca A wid Edward P h Brown bet Taylor and Nixon Sellers Wm fisherman h Hanover bet 2d and 3d Sellers William E N printer h 6th bet Chesnut and Mulberry Servoss C S elk h Market bet 5th and 6th SERVOSS THOMAS C city elk and treas office City Hall h Market bet 5th and 6th Seyboth Robt observer Signal Service h Princess bet 6th and 7th *Sharp Isaac carpt h Queen bet 4th and 5th *Sharp Joseph lab h 10th bet Dock and Market Shaver John driver h Chesnut bet 4th and 5th Shaver Mary wid B h Chesnut bet 4th and 5th *Shaw Benjamin huckster h 9th bet Queen and Wooster *Shaw Calvin lab h 6th bet Walnut and Red Cross *Shaw Duncan lab h 5th nr Howard *Shaw Geo lab h 11th bet Nun and Church ■^Shaw G Washington lab h 6th bet Swann and Nixon Shaw Henry W bkkpr h Red Cross bet 3d and 4th *Shaw Wm H carpt h 10th bet Queen and Wooster APPLY TO PROF. G, REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. SHA 141 SIM Shaw Wm H elk h Red Cross bet 3d and 4tli Shaw Wm W elk h Red Cross bet 3d and 4th Sheehan Danl lab h Mulberry bet Front and Nutt Sheehan Wm lab h Mulberry bet Front and Nutt ^Shelter Chloe laundress h Queen bet 4th and 5th Sherawell T A elk h 2d bet Orange and Ann Shepard John J painter Market bet 2d and 3d *Shepherd Henry lab h Market cor 13th ^Sheppard Benj lab h 7th bet Ann and Nun *Sheppard Edmund blacksmith Market bet 15th and 16th *Sheppard Toney lab h Market nr 2d Shepperson E ins agt bds Manning House Sherer Jacob grocer 7th nr Harnett > *Sheridan Geo lab h 9th bet Church and Castle ♦Sheridan John lab h 7th bet Ann and Orange *Sheridan Lewis carpt h 9th bet Castle and Church *Sheridan Lewis H lab h 9th bet Church and Castle SHERIFF B R publisher Wilmington City Directory P address Baltimore Md SHERIFF'S OFFICE New Hanover co S H Manning sherifi Princess bet 2d and 3d *Sherwood Richard watchman h Castle bet 6th and 7th Shields N C Mrs h Dickinson nr Gwynn *Shine Danl lab h 2d bet Hanover and Campbell *Shines Jeremiah lab h Red Cross bet 6th and 7th Shiver Abraham lab h Castle cor 9th Sholar Alfred M machinist h 5th bet Nun and Churcli Sholar E A wid Hiram B h 5th bet Church and Nun Sholar William mariner h 5th bet Church and Nun Sholar W H bricklayer h 5th bet Church and Nun Shotter Spencer P bkkpr h 2d bet Market and Princess Shrier Abraham clothier 30 Market h 4th bet Chesnut and Mulberry SID BURY JOHN contractor and builder Castle cor 8 th (see advt next page) *Sikes Pharaoh lab h Chadbourn al bet Harnett and Davis Sikes Thos P butcher h Mulberry bet Front and 2d Silva Antone B grocer 7th cor Harnett Silva J E blacksmith h Brunswick bet 7th and 8th Silva Joseph carpt h Harnett cor 7th *Simmons Alonzo lab h Market bet 11th and 12th Simmons Amanda laundress h Front bet Wooster and Queen MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St. , Baltimore. SIM 142 SIN *Simmons Chas lab h Snrrj bet Church and Castle Simmons Council lab h Brunswick bet 7th and 8th *Simmons Edward lab h 8d cor Wooster ^Simmons Frank lab h Market bet 11th and 12th Simmons George lab h Bed Cross bet 5th and 6th ^Simmons John lab h 4th bet Queen and Wooster ^Simmons Joseph lab h 8th bet Bladen and Brunswick *Simmons Julius lab h r Owen cor 6th *Simmons Nathaniel lab h Princess cor 11th Simmons Neil blacksmith h 8th bet Dock and Orange *Simrnons Peter lab h Surry bet Church and Castle ^Simmons Saml lab h Eed Cross bet 5th and 6th *Simmons Simeon lab h Sherwood al bet Walnut and Eed Cross *Simmons Thos cooper h Anderson nr Green *Simmons William lab h 5th bet Dawson and Wright *Simmons William lab h Castle bet 9th and 10th ^Simmons Wright lab h 3d cor Wooster *Simpson Henry lab h 2d bet Queen and Wooster ^Simpson Paul lab h Queen cor 3d ^Simpson Richard lab h 11th bet Queen and Wooster Simpson Thos lab James al bet Howard and Taylor *Sinclair James lab h Harnett nr Front *Sinclair Louis lab h Front bet Harnett and Cowan *Singletary Charlotte laundress h 6th bet Church and Castle Singletary Frank C h Dock cor 7th *Singletary Guy lab h Von Glahn's al bet 2d and Front *Singletary Laura huckster h 2d bet Walnut and Mulberry ^Singletary Thomas farmer h 3d bet Hanover and Brunswick JOHISr SIDBURY, CONTRACTOH AND BUILOEB. HOUSES ERECTED IN THE LATEST AND MOST IMPROVED STYLES. ZLSISIDEXirCZ: CASTLS STRBBT, COR^SB. 8th. WILMINGTON, N. 0.. May 28th, 1877, Tbis is to certify that Mr. John Sirthnry has comiileted my liouse, on corner of Seventh and Market Streets, to my entire satisfaction, and 1 would respectfully solicit for him a share ol public patronage, and recommeud him as a flrst-class workman. S. A. GURUIE. APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. SKE us SMI Skey Mary huckster stall 2 Brooklyn market h New Hanover Co Skipper Chas B cooper h 6th bet Bladen and Harnett Skipper Frederick painter h 5th bet Red Cross and Walnut Skipper Fred T tinner h 5th cor Walnut Skipper Henry A J cooper h 6th cor Swann Skipper H Van cooper h Front bet Davis and Cowan Skipper Ira lab h Walnut bet 4th and 5th Skipper James W lab h Queen bet 5th and 6th Skipper Joshua G carpt h Harnett bet 4th and 5th Skipper Martha -wid Chas h 7th bet Swann and Harnett Skipper Rufus lab h Castle bet 6th and 7th Skipper Sarah A seamstress h James al bet Taylor and How- ard Skipper Thos printer h 6th bet Bladen and Harnett Skipper Wm B carpt h 7th bet Swann and Harnett Skipper Wm R cooper h Front bet Hanover and Brunswick *Sloan Anderson lab h 2d bet Mulberry and Walnut Sloan Geo (Murray & Co) h 4th bet Market and Dock *Sloan Isaac B lab h 8th bet Harnett and Swann *Sloan Joshua cooper h 8th bet Harnett and Swann Small Geo W stevedore h Church cor 2d Smallbones H G elk h 4th bet Bladen and Harnett Smaw Walter H elk h Market bet 16th and 17th *Smith Alex lab h Cummiog's al bet Dawson and Wright *Sraith Alex lab h Princess bet 8th and 9th *Smith Alonzo lab h Swann bet 7th and 8th *Smith Amanda h 8th bet Church and Castle *Smith Andrew lab h Harnett cor 4th *Sraith Annie h 10th bet Princess and Chesnut SMITH B grocer Bladen cor 9th (see advt) DEALER IN Groceries I Family Supplies Corner 0th and Bladen Streets, MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. SMI 144 SMI ♦Smith Benj lab h Dock bet 10th and 11th *Smith Benj h McRae cor Mulberry *Smith Benj lab h 7tb bet Red Cross and Walnut *Smith Benj shoemkr h Ann bet Front and 2d *Smith Caesar lab h Front bet Meares and Wright ■^Smith Cain lab h Front cor Cowan Smith Catharine h Mulberry bet -Ith and 5th *Smith Cornelia laundress h 6th bet Walnut and Mulberry *Smith Danl lab h 6th bet Brunswick and Bladen Smith Danl A (D A Smith & Co) h 4th bet Chesnut and Mul- berry Smith D A & Co (Danl A Smith & T C Craft) furniture 43 n Front ♦Smith Danl M carpt h 6th bet Brunswick and Bladen •^Sinith Donum lab h 3d bet Meares and Marsteller *Smith Edvv driver Southern Express Co *Smith Elijah lab h 2d bet Wright and Meares ♦Smith Eliza cook h Walker al bet Bladen and Brunswick *Smith Graham lab h Campbell cor McRae *Smith Green lab h 8th cor Harnett *Smith Hector lab h r 7th bet Walnut and Mulberry Smith Henry H (Price and Smith) h 3d bet Mulberry and Chesnut *Smith Horace lab h 11th bet Ann and Nun *Smith Isaac lab h Brunswick bet 2d and 3d *Smith Isaac lab h 2d cor Cowan *Smith Isham lab h 2d bet Brunswick and Hanover *Smith Jacob lab h 8th bet Ann and Nun *Smith James lab h Cumming's al bet Dawson and Wright Smith Jeff engineer h Dock bet 6th and 7th Smith Jeremiah lab h Dawson cor 4th ♦Smith John lab h 2d bet Market and Princess Smith John H h Princess bet 8th and 9th Smith Joseph D elk h Chesnut cor 2d *Smith Julius lab h Church cor 2d *Smith Lamb lab h 6th cor Swann *Smith Mary h Church bet 11th and 12th Smith Mary wid Wm h Chesnut bet 2d and 3d Smith Mary E wid Thos B h Red Cross cor 3d Smith Miles C elk h Dock bet 6lh and 7th *Smith Nam lab h 5th bet Harnett and Bladen *Smith Owen lab h Queen cor 2d APPLY TO PROF. 6. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. SMI 145 sou *Smith Peter J lab h 3d cor Church SMITH PETER H grocer h 4th bet Red Cross and Camp- bell *Smith Pompey lab h Princess bet 1 3th and 14tli *Smith Prince D barber h 6th cor Mulberry Smith R wid Reilley h 6th bet Queen and "Castle *Smith Robert lab h Anderson nr Rankin Smith Robert W machinist h 10th cor Chesnut *Smith Sallie servt h 2d bet Bladen and Harnett *Smith Saml stevedore h 7th bet Brunswick and Bladen Smith Saml L tinner 4th cor Mulberry h 5th bet Brunswick and Swann •^Smith Scipio lab h Mulberry bet Front and 2d *Smith Spencer lab h 4th bet Church and Castle *Smith Sophia laundress h 5th bet Nun and Church *Smith Stephen cooper h 3d bet Market and Princess Smith Thos H grocer 48 Market h Front cor Church Smith Thos M dept collector int rev office Custom House h Market nr 7th *Smith Washington lab h Chesnut cor 11th *Smith William lab h Market bet 5th and 6th Smith Wm train despatcher h Chesnut cor 5th Smith Wm C salesman h Dock bet 6th and 7th Smith Wm J machinist h 4th bet Red Cross and Campbell Smith W L (W L Smith & Co) h Chesnut cor 2d SMITH W L & CO (W L Smith & W L Smith jr) insurance agents Princess bet Front and 2d Smith W L jr (W L Smith & Co) h Chesnut cor 2d *Smith York h Anderson nr Gwynn *Sneed Decatur lab h 8th cor Harnett Sneeden John A tinsmith bds 3d bet Ann and Nun Sneeden Joseph S farmer h Market nr 17th Sneeden J R farmer h Market nr 17th Sneeden Rebecca wid Morris h 3d bet Ann and Nun Soil John F blacksmith h Chesnut bet 4th and 5th Solomon B dry goods Market cor Front h 3d bet Orange and Ann Solomon Lewis butcher h 2d bet Market and Dock Solomon S elk bds 3d bet Orange and Ann Southerland C G inspector h Mulben-y cor 6th *Southerland Charles lab h Church cor 8th and 9tli *Southerland Enoch lab h Castle bet 9th and 10th MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUT£,6S N. Charles St. ,Balti mure. SOU 146 STA *Southerland Saml B porter ti Harnett bet Love and 7tli Southerland Thomas J livery and sale stable Princess cor 3d h 4th cor Chesnnt SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO W W Allen agt 45 n Front *Spann James P shoemkr h 8th bet Harnett and Swann ^ Sparks D elk b 12th cor Market *Sparrow James lab MoEae bet Fanning and Moore ^Sparrow Nathaniel lab h Meares cor 2d *Speight Maria laundress h 13th bet Dock and Orange *Spencer Smith lab h 4th bet Castle and Church ^Spencer William lab h Nun bet 6th and 7th *Spicer Benjamin lab h Hanover bet 5th and 6th *Spicer David lab h Bladen bet McRae and 8th *Spicer Elias lab h r Market cor 6th *Spicer Isaac lab Wooster bet 10th and 11th *Spicer James lab h Harnett bet 7th and 8th *Spicer James M lab h Cumming's al bet Wooster and Dawson *Spicer Phillis h Beatty al bet 2d and 3d *Spicer Rebecca h Brown bet Taylor and Nixon *Spicer Thos lab h 8th bet Queen and Wooster *Spicer William lab h 7th bet Princess and Chesnut Spooner Thomas cooper h 6th bet Queen and Wooster Spooner Wm T cooper h Front bet Dock and Orange '^Spriggs Preston lab h Front cor Dawson Springer F elk h Market bet 7th and 8th Springer James H elk h Market bet 7th and 8th Springer J Arthur chf elk P h Front bet Chesnut and Mul- berry Springer John C c]k h 7th bet Market and Princess Springer Wm E elk h Market bet 7th and 8th Springfield F & M Ins Co of Springfield Mass Front cor Princess SPRUNT ALEX (Alex Sprunt & Son) and British Vice Consul h 9th cor Princess Sprunt Alexander jr h Princess cor 9th SPRUNT ALEX & SON (Alex and James Sprunt) ship- ping and com mers Nutt bet Mulberry and Walnut Sprunt James (Alex Sprunt & Son) h 9th cor Princess Sprunt N H elk h Front bet Market and Princess Sprunt Wm H elk h 9th cor Princess *Stacher John guard h Nixon cor McRae Stafi^brd Eliza wid Lovell h McRae bet Fanning and Moore ^Stanford Geo W carpenter h 8th cor Howard APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATIOM. STA 147 STE *Stanford James lab h 9th cor Campbell ■^Stanford Spencer carpenter h Gwynn nr McRae ^Stanley Edward lab h Dawson bet 2d and 3d -'^Stanley Isaac lab h Cumming's al bet Dawson and Wrigbt Stanley J D ( J D Stanley & Co) h Church cor 2d STANLEY J D & CO f J D Stanley & W F Lessman) mfs ^ paints and oils foot of Church ♦Stanley William lab h Bladen cor 8th STAR DAILY & WEEKLY Wm H Bernard editor and propr Princess bet Water and Front (see advt) *Star.key James lab h Castle bet 9th and 10th *Starkey James jr lab h Castle bet 9th and 10th *Starkey William H lab h Castle bet 9th and 10th *Stately Maria laundress h Brunswick cor 6th Stearns W R (Stearns & Perkins) h Front cor Wright Stearns & Perkins (W R Stearns & D S Perkins) propr Nat Fibre Co ft Wright Stedman Chas M (Wright & Stedman) h Market bet 4th and 5th *Steele Martha servt h Harnett cor 4th Steenken Geo grocer Hanover cor 2d Stelljes Diederick grocer Queen cor 6th STELLJES JOHN D' saloon 2d cor Princess Stemmerman Chas H elk h Front cor Orange ^Sterling David lab h Church bet 6th and 7th *Sterling G Saml police h 3d bet Campbell and Red Cross ^Stern Frank lab h Church cor 6th Stern Henry elk h Front cor Mulberry Stern Jacob dry goods 2d cor Toomer's al h 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick Sternberger Joseph (J Sternberger & Co) h Princess bet 4th and 5th Sternberger J & Co (Joseph Sternberger) auctioneers 11 Market Sternberger Solomon elk h Front cor Church Stevens D W miller Oldham and Koch's Mills *Stevenson Chas lab h Brunswick bet 2d and 3d Stevenson Elizabeth T Miss h 4th cor Dock Stevenson James C grocer 65 Market h 5th cor Nun Stevenson Julia teacher h 4th cor Dock Stevenson Mary wid Martin h 4th cor Dock *Stevenson Wesley lab h Walnut bet 2d and 3d MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., , Baltimore. STE 148 STR Stevenson William M elk h 4th cor Dock ^Stewart Alex lab h Qaeen cor 10th *Stewart Alex shoemkr Nutt bet Walnut and Red Cross h Campbell bet 3d and 4th *Stewart Berry lab h 10th bet Queen and Castle Stewart Chas drayman h 45 n Water *Stewart Chas lab h Mulberry cor 3d ^Stewart Henry lab h 7th bet Nun and Church *Stevvart John barber Nutt nr Mulberry Stewart John supt h Davis cor 4th Stewart John H C h Davis cor 4th Stewart Louise hair worker h 2d cor Mulberry ♦Stewart Lucinda laundress h 9th bet Church and Castle *Stewart Mary K h Swann cor 8th ^Stewart Mildred A laundress h oth bet Princess and Ches- nut *Stewart Saml lab h 9th bet Orange and Dock *Stewart Sampson farmer h Eagle Island *Stewart Wm barber h Gwynn nr Dickinson ^Stewart W J barber h Walnut bet 10th and 11th Stifney Anthony musician h Ann bet 6th and 7th *Stills Edw carpt h 10th nr Campbell *Still Thomas lab h 7th bet Church and Castle ^Stocks Isaac lab h 2d bet Dawson and Wooster *Stokes John lab h Brunswick bet 2d and 3d Stokley Sarah wid James h 3d cor Church Stokley Walter J h 3d cor Church Stokley William H h 3d cor Church Stolter Henry grocer Front bet Orange and Ann Stolter J F grocer Front bet Market and Dock h Front cor Ann *Stone Badger lab h Bladen bet 4th and 5th Stoney I D elk h Front bet Princess and Chesnut Story E F (T W Brown & Sons) h Orange bet Front and 2d Story S A elk h Orange bet Front and 2d Stothart John II grocer h 4th bet Harnett and Davis *Stowe Richard lab h 4th bet Princess and Chesnut Strange Robert Mrs h 5th cor Dock Strange Thos law student h 5th cor Dock ■*Stratton James lab h Mulberry bet 2d and 3d Strauss John H grocer 31 n Water h 4th bet Brunswick and Hanover APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. STK 149 SWA STRAUSS JOHN" W grocer 2d bet Hanover and Bruns- wick (see advt) Strauss Wm H elk li 2d bet UaTiover and Brunswick Strickland Wm H watchman h 8th bet Bladen and Harnett Strock S A Miss millinery Princess bet Front and 2d Stroud James W elk h 2d bet Orange and Ann *Strudwick Joseph lab h Wooster bet 2d and 3d Stubbs David fisherman h Surry bet Castle and Queen Styron Charlotte wid Oliver h r Chesnut bet 7th and 8th Styron E wid John h Front cor Dawson Styron Lewis farmer h Chesnut bet 7th and 8th Stylon Maxwell lab h Front cor Dawson Styron Oliver W turner h Chesnut bet 6th and 7th Styron Wallace H elk h Chesnut bet 6th and 7th Suden Edward T grocer Mulberry bet McEae and 9th *Suggs John lab h Brown nr Nixon *Suggs Miles lab h 13th cor Orange *Suggs Richard lab h 2d bet Bladen and Harnett *Sukey Fred cooper h llth nr Chesnut *Sullivan Andrew lab h 2d bet Church and Castle *Sullivan Chas W lab h 5th nr Harnett Sullivan Roger R elk h 5th cor Bladen Sullivan Uriah lab h Craig al bet 2d and 3d Sullivan Wm T watchman h 5th cor Bladen Summerell George M (Colville & Co) h 5th bet Princess and Chesnut Sunny South Social Club Front bet Market and Dock SUPERIOR COURT James Heaton elk Princess bet 2d and 8d Sutton Martha h 4th cor Market Swain Elizabeth wid Antone h 5th bet Bladen and Harnett JOHN WM. STRAUSS, DEALER IN 2d St., between Hanover and Brunswick Sts., MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 6G N.Charles St. , Baltimore. SWA 150 TAY Swain F A elk h 5th bet Queen and Wooster Swain Walter mariner h Castle bet Front and Surry Svvann Alex elk h 5th cor Nun *Swann Alex lab h 5th bet Queen and Castle Swann Benj F earpt h Church bet 6th and 7th Swann Bryant ice h Church bet 6th and 7th *Swann Christopher lab h Brunswick bet 2d and lid *Swann Henry drayman h Brunswick bet 2d and 8d Swann Jas G elk h 2d bet Princess and Chesnut Swann Vance earpt h Church bet 6th and 7th *Sweat Boston lab h 4:th bet Dawson and Wooster *Sweat Henry lab h Market cor 11th *Sweat Isham barber Mulberry bet Water and Front h McEae bet Green and Miller *Sweat Jas lab h 6th bet Hanover and Brunswick *Sweat Jennie teacher h Chesnut bet 2d and 3d *Sweat Kobt wheelwright Front cor Walnut h 6th bet Bruns- wick and Hanover Sweeney Hugh moulder h Castle cor 2d Sweeney John machinist h Castle cor 2d Swindell Wm H earpt h 9th bet Castle and Queen *Swindler Jeremiah lab h 8th bet Hanover and Campbell *Swinson Andrew lab h Queen bet 10th and 11th *Swinson Annie laundress h Harnett bet Front and 2d Swiss Lloyd Marine Ins Co of Switzerland Front cor Princess Sykes A V machinist h 7th bet Mulberry and Chesnut Sykes M E Mrs h 7th bet Mulberry and Chesnut Taliaferro Walter E elk h Orange cor 4th Tartt Thos J elk h Woods bet Eankin and Miller *Tate Anthony lab h 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick *Tate N H fireman h Bladen bet McEae and 8th *Tatnall Edw lab h Ann bet 6th and 7th Taylor Catharine wid John h 5th cor Dock * Taylor Charles lab h r 5th cor Dock Taylor Chas E insp Custom House bds Front bet Chess ut and Mulberry Taylor Cicero lab h Market bet 8th and 9th *Taylor Geo servant h Market bet Front and 2d *Taylor Gilford lab h Love cor Taylor APPLY TO PROF. G. REULIN6. M. D., FOR INFOf IMATION. TAY 151 THO ^Taylor Grandy lab h 9th cor Castle *Tajlor Henry oarpt h 8th bet Princess and Chesnut •^Taylor Henry lab h Queen bet 3d and 4:th ^Taylor Henry C lab h McEae nr Gwynn Taylor Henry^S machinist h McRae nr Mulberry *Taylor James lab h 2d cor Wooster Taylor James H (Parker & Taylor) h 7th cor Mulberry TAYLOR J B REV pastor First Baptist Church h 5th bet Dock and Orange *Taylor John lab h 8th bet Princess and Chesnut ^Taylor John lab h Wright bet Front and Surry Taylor John A farmer h 5th cor Dock Taylor John B elk h 2d bet Dock and Orange Taylor J W (Colville & Co and W instead & Taylor) h Walnut bet 4th and 5th ^Taylor Lucy laundress h McKae bet Bladen and Harnett *Taylor Maria teacher h 8th bet Chesnut and Princess Taylor M P elk h 2d cor Red Cross Taylor R C supt U S Nat Military Cemetery 1| miles e of city limits Taylor R R lumber insp h Walnut bet 4th and 5th Taylor Wm H painter h Craig al bet 2d and 8d Taylor W S engineer h Red Cross bet 2d and 3d ^Teachey Phoebe h Walnut bet Front and 2d Teboe Sarah wid Adam h 7th bet Dawson and Wooster Tedder Danl M engineer h Hanover bet 3d and 4th ■^Telfair Edward cooper b Anderson cor Green •^Telfair Francis bricklayer h Chesnut bet 3d and 4th *Telfair James ship carpt h Walnut bet 6th and 7th *Telfair James W stevedore h Walnut bet 6th and 7th *Telfair John lab h 4th bet Nixon and Taylor ^Telfair Joshua lab h 2d bet Dawson and Wooster *Telfair Tobias lab h 2d bet Dawson and Wooster Temple of Israel Synagogue 5th cor Market Tenuent Hattie wid Edward F h 5th cor Dock Terry S H watchman h Harnett bet 5th and 6th Thames G W express mngr h 6th bet Mulberry and Walnut Thigpen M wid Allen h 2d cor Queen Thigpen William lab h 2d cor Queen *Thomas Daniel lab h Dav/son bet Front and 2d *Thomas Frank lab h Brown bet Harnett and Smith Thomas Geo G physician Market cor 4th , MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. THO 152 TIL Thomas Jordan S elk h 4th cor Market ■^Thomas Remus watchman h 5lh bet Nixon and Swann *Thomas Robert lab h 8th bet Harnett and Swann ■'^Thomas Robert jr lab h 8th bet Harnett and Swann *Thomas Ruffin porter h Burch al bet 3d and 4th *Thomas Smith porter h McRae nr Miller *Thomas Sylvia laundress h 3d bet Church and Castle *Thomas Warrick lab h Howard cor 5th Thomas W G physician Market cor 4th Thomas Wm W watchman h Front bet Parsley and Davis ^Thomas Albert musician h 2d bet Market and Princess ■^Thomas Anthony lab h McRae bet Brunswick and Hanover Thompson Benjamin shoemkr Water cor Mulberry h 8th bet Brunswick and Bladen ^Thompson David shoemkr h McRae nr Rankin ^Thompson Fred lab h r 6th bet Campbell and Brunswick ^Thompson Jacob baggage master h Taylor cor 8th ■^Thompson Jacob lab h 3d bet Bladen and Brunswick Thompson James lab h 4th cor Harnett Thompson John W treas AV & W and W C & A R R's Front cor Red Cross h Walnut cor 3d Thompson Julius W carpenter h 8th bet Castle and Churcli Thompson Oscar G paymaster W & W and W C & A R R's h Walnut cor 3d Thompson Mary laundress h 2d bet Castle and Churcli Thompson Pauline bds Castle bet 4th and 5th ^Thompson Sarah laundress h 6th nr Harnett Thorburn Robert baker Front bet Dock and Orange li 3d bet Walnut and Red Cross *Thornton Charles lab h Dawson bet 4th and 5th Thornton John D carpenter h Harnett bet 4th and 5tli Thornton L J lab h Harnett bet 4th and 5th Thorpe Edwin J elk h 4th cor Chesnut Thurston Mary E wid Wm h 4th bet Castle and Church Thurston AYilliam inspector h Wright bet Front and Surry Tietgen Henry grocer h 5th bet Ann and Nun Tileston Normal School, Miss Amy M Bradley principal Ann bet 5th and 6th Tilley Geo F butcher stall 8 Market h 3d bet Red Cross and Walnut Tilley James W butcher h 5th bet Red Cross and Walnut Tilley William elk h Princess bet Front and 2d APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING. M. D., FOR INFORMATION. TIL 153 TUR *Tillingliusk Daniel lab li 9th cor Taylor *Timms Peter lab h Bladen bet 5tb and 6th *Tinney "Robert huckster stall 4 Market h 6th bet Svvann and Nixon Toft William blacksmith bds Front bet Eed Cross and Wal- nut Tolar Thos S turner h Red Cross bet 3d and 4th *Tonej Martha huckster h Walnut bet 4th and 5th *Tooley James lab h 8th cor Campbell *Tooley York lab h McRae bet Campbell and Hanover *Toomer Anthony porter h 2d bet Chesnut and Mulberry *Toomer Cupid lab h 8th bet Swann and Nixon Toomer Evander Y elk h Front bet Nun and Ana *Toomer Mary servt h Chesnut bet 7th and 8th *Toomer Nancy teacher h 6th cor Hanover ^Toomer Scipio lab h Castle bet 9th and 10th Toomer Whitfield elk b Front bet Ann and Nun Toomer William J elk h Front bet Ann and Nun Toymer W P bkkpr h Front bet Ann and Nun Toon Wm P elk h 5th bet Market and Princess Topping N B tel operator h 4th cor Dock Torpy Thomas machinist h 5th bet Church and Nun *Towers Delifate M saloon Mulberry cor Nutt h Harnett cor Love Townsend Eobt S blksmith h 3d bet Red Cross and Walnut Trachsler John G painter h 2d cor Hanover Tracy Lucy Mrs h 5th cor Church *Tucker Edw lab h Gwynn nr McRae *Tucker Henry carpt h McRae nr Rankin *Tucker James lab h Chesnut bet 10th and 11th Tucker James L drayman h r 5th bet Brunswick and Bladen *Tucker Joshua lab h Dickinson nr Gwynn *Tucker Romeo lab h 5th bet Brunswick and Bladen *Tucker Wallace carpt h 5th bet Brunswick and Bladen ♦Tucker Wm grocer 4th cor Harnett h Campbell bet 5th and 6th Turlington Benj h Front bet Dock and Orange Turlington Eastwood inspr ft Chesnut h Front bet Dock and Orange Turlington W B h Front bet Dock and Orange Turlington Wm H com mer Water cor Chesnut h 4th bet Red Cross and Campbell MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. TUR • 154 VAN Turlington Willis butcher Market bet 2d and 3d h Front bet Dock and Orange ^Turner Haywood stevedore h Market bet 10th and 11th *Turner Henry wood h McEae cor Green ^Turner John stevedore h Eankin ab 14th Turner John H lab h Orange cor 8th ■^Turner Jordan lab h McRae bet Taylor and Nixon ^Turner Joseph barber h McRae bet Campbell and Hanover *Turner Porapey lab h Howard bet Brown and 5th ^Turner Watson cooper h 6th bet Taylor and Howard Turney Thos bricklayer h Orange cor 8th Turrentine John R broker h 4th bet Chesnut and Mulberry *Tyler Isaac lab h Princess bet 10th and 11th *Tyler Rachael h Princess bet 7th and 8th Tyler Rosanna wid Henry h Orange bet 7th and 8th Tyler Thaddeus elk h Orange bet 7th and 8th Tyler Theodore carpt h Orange bet 7th and 8th *Tyler W H musician h Bladen cor McRae ^Tyree Ferdinand driver h 3d cor Market U Ulrich Wm grocer Front cor Church Union R R Depot Front bet Campbell and Hanover Union School House 6th bet Nun and Church United States Collector of Internal Revenue, Thomas M Smith deputy collector Custom House United States Custom House Jos C Abbott collector Water bet Market and Princesa United States District Court W Larkins elk 2d cor Chesnut United States Marine Hospital 8th bet Nun and Church United States National Military Cemetery R C Taylor supt Market 1 mile from city limits UNITED STATES POST-OFFICE Edw R Brink post- master 2d cor Chesnut United States Signal Office Robt Seyboth observer Front cor Princess Utley Thos E elk h 2d cor Ann V Van Amringe Albert E h Chesnut bet 3d and 4th Van Amringe Geo broker bds Front bet Chesnut and Mulberry APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. 0., FOR INFORMATION. VAN 1S5 WAD VAN .^MRTNGE S justice of the peace and U S comr Princess bet 2J and 3d b Cbesnut bet 3d and 4th VAN BOEKELEN AH manfr naval stores Water bet Princess and Chesnut h 55 Market *Vandross Edw wood ft market h Green cor McRae Van Esen Casten lab h Bladen bet -ith and 5th Van Lear E musician h Red Cross bet 4th and 5th *Vann Aaron lab h Taylor bet 7th and 8th *Vann Horatio lab h Brunswick bet 3d and 4th Vann John T cigars and tobacco 34| Market bds Front bet Dock and Orange *Vann Owen lab h Campbell bet 5th and 6th Van Or.sdell C M photographer 36 Market h 5th bet Princess and Chesnut Van Orsdell M jr artist bds 5th bet Princess and Chesnut Van Soelen J Nicholas dept U S Marshal h Market cor 3d Verandah Saloon Water bet Market and Dock Viagras Emanuel watchman h Bladen bet 7th and 8th Vick Saml W (Vick k Mebane) h 2d bet Mulberry and Ches- nut Vick & Mebane (S W Vick & C P Mebane) com and shipping mers Nutt cor Red Cross Vincent N B supt h 2d bet Princess and Chesnut *Vine John lab h 9th bet Queen and Wooster Virginia Fire & Marine Ins Co of Richmond Va 28 n Water Virginia Home Fire Ins Co of Richmond Va Front cor Prin- cess Vollers H (Adrian & Vollers) h Front cor Dock Vollers H L elk bds Front cor Dock Vollers Louis grocer Market cor 2d h Orange cor 2d Von Glahn Henry (Evans & Von Glahn) h Princess cor 5th Von Glahn Jno D elk P h 5th cor Chesnut Von Glahn Wm C elk bds Princess cor 5th Von Kempen Owen grocer Castle cor 4th Vorrath Wm elk h jNlarket cor 2d Voss Jno G shoemkr Princess cor Front h Blount al bet Market and Princess W ^Waddell Abraham lab h 7th bet Castle and Church Waddell Alfred M, M C, h 3d bet Dock and Orange MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St. , Baltimore. WAD 156 WAL Waddell Alfred M jr h 3d bet Dock and Orange *Waddel] Christopher lab h 7th cor Taylor *Waddell Decatur lab b McEae bet Fanning and Moore *Waddell Frederick fisherman h 3d bet Hanover and Bruns- wick ^"Waddell Geo drayman h 5tb bet Bladen and Harnett *Waddell Geo farmer b 6tb bet Swann and Nixon * Waddell Geo lab b Love bet Taylor and Nixon *Waddell Hammond lab b 6th bet Taylor and Howard *Waddell Hugh lab h 5tb bet Queen and Castle *Waddell Jno lab h 4th bet Church and Castle * Waddell Jose})li lab b Vance al bet Front and 2d AVaddell Mary Miss b 5th cor Nun * Waddell Moses lab h Surry bet Church and Castle ■^■Waddell Kobt lab h 9tb bet Dock and Market ^Waddell Eumbless farmer b 6th bet Swann and Nixon ^Waddell Wm lab b Queen cor 2d ^-Waddell Wm lab h 3d bet Church and Castle *Waddell AVm W lab h McRae bet Fanning and Moore *Wade Delia laundress h Castle bet 4th and 5th *Wade Isaiah lab h 2d bet Wright and Meares ■^'Wade Lewis lab h Yan Bokelen al bet Queen and Wooster WAGNER JOHN G chairman Board of County Commis- sioners Walcott Stephen F policeman h Front bet Wooster and Queen * Walker Abel drayman h Gwynn cor Anderson WALKER A K cashier 1st National Bank h Market cor 6th *Walker Alex lab h 5th bet Nun and Church * Walker Andrew lab h Rankin nr McRae ^Walker Anthony lab h 8th cor Taylor Walker Calhoun C h Orange bet 4tia and 5th *Walker Calvin lab h Miller nr McRae Walker Charles lab h Dock cor 6th *Walker Charles E lab h 2d bet Dawson and Wooster Walker Eliza M wid John h Orange bet 4th and 5th *Walker George lab h 2d bet Dawson and Wooster •^Walker Harriet laundress h Church bet 7th and 8th ^Walker H cooper Front bet Castle and Queen ^Walker Henry lab h Dickinson cor Miller "Walker Henry lab h Sherwood al bet Walnut and Red Cross ■^Walker Henry B porter h 7th cor Nun Walker Henry D h Orange bet 4th and 5th APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. WAL 167 WAL Walker J Alvis asst supt Pullman Palace Car Co Front cor Red Cross h Orange bet 4tli and 5th WALKER JAMES marble works contractor and builder Front bet Princess and Chesnut bds Purcell House (see advt) *Walker James bricklayer h 6tli bet Harnett and Svvann * Walker James lab h Anderson nr Pan kin *Walker James musician li Walnut cor 6th *Walker J E lab h 7th cor Red Cross *Walker John cooper h 3d cor Harnett *Walker John J carpt h Front bet Orange and Ann Walker John M conductor h Market bet 7th and 8th Walker Jones C h Market cor 6th * Walker Jordan lab h Princess cor 12th Walker Joshua C physician h 3d bet Orange and Ann *Walker Patrick lab h Mulberry bet Front and 2d * Walker Richard lab h Marsteller bet 2d and 3d * Walker Richard lab h Front bet Orange and Ann *Walker Robert lab h Market bet 10th and 11th -^Walker Robert lab h 2d cor Harnett * Walker Wra lab h Brunswick bet 3d and 4th * Walker Wm lab h 8th cor Nixon Walker William A h Market cor 6th Walker William A jr elk h Market cor 6th Wallace James baker h 8th bet Wooster and Dawson * Wallace Robt lab h 6th bet Bladen and Harnett WALLACE S D cashr Bank of New Hanover h Red Cross cor 4th Walnut Hall 4th bet Campbell and Hanover JA.MES ^V^LKEE, WilmimgtQM MmfMb WqtM, BUILDEK AWD CONTRACTOR, MmM% MMmtlm^ W&mM', Grmw& Bt&n§§» MONUMENTS, of every Character aud Design, STATUARY, &c. Office, Front, between Princess and Chesnut Streets, iviXiMisraTour, kj. c. MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE. 66 N. Charles St. , Baltimore. WAL 158 WAT Walsh David H elk h 4tli cor Eed Cross Walsh Frank B elk h dth eor Red Cross Walsh G C maehinist h 3d cor Church Walsh P HortoD elk h 4th cor Red Cross ^Walters Allen W lab h Brown bet Swann and Nixon. ■^Walters Excitto lab h Brown bet Swann and Harnett Walters George D h Chesnut bet 2d and 3d ^Walters John lab h Brunswick bet 4th and oth ■^Walters John lab h 6th bet Brunswick and Bladen ^Walters John T lab h Swann nr 5th *W alters Marcus farmer h McRae bet Nixon and Taylor ■^Walters Richmond lab h 6ih bet Brunswick and Bladen '^Walters Sallie laundress h Castle cor 5th * Walters York blacksmith h 9ih bet Chesnut and Mulberry Waltrup T Frank elk 4 n Water *Ward Basil lab h 6th bet Red Cross and Campbell *Ward Charles H barber Front bet Market and Princess h Church cor 4th Ward G H ice Front cor Red Cross h 7th cor Brunswick Ward G R elk h 7th cor Dock ■^ Ward Jacob lab h 8th bet Campbell and Hanover Ward Robert elk h Dock cor 7th Ward R W (Grant, Hinton & Co) h 7th cor Dock Warner Esther A teacher h 7th bet Ann and Nun Warren Elizabeth boarding 2d bet Market and Dock Warren John h 2d bet Market and Dock *Warren William lab h 10th cor Castle ^■Warriek Allen lab h 5th bet Swann and Harnett Warrock W S printer h 9th cor Mulberry *Washington Charles lab h Front bet Dawson and Wright ^Washington Geo lab h 4th cor Harnett ■^Washington Geo lab h Front bet Dawson and Wright ^Washington George lab h 6th bet Ann and Nun * Washington Matthew lab h Queen cor 4th ^Washington Robert boarding house h Walnut cor Nutt ^■Washington Stephen carpt h 9th nr Campbell * Washington Thomas lab h Front bet Dawson and Wright ^'Washington Wm carpt h 9th bet Hanover and Campbell Watkins Bunyan carpt h 6th cor Brunswick *Watkins Jackson lab h r 6th cor Mulberry Watson A A Rev h Market bet 3d and 4th Watson A W (^Gillican & AVatson) h Mulberry bet 6th and 7th APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. WAT 159 WES Watson C D butcher Churcli cor 5th Watson Elizabeth h Walnut bet 4th and 5th * Watson Henry lab h 16th nr Market Watson H M lab h 3d bet Queen and Wooster ^Watson Jane laundress h Front bet Church and Castle Watson John E upholsterer h 5th bet Church and Castle Watson Sarah wid Henry h od bet Queen and Wooster Watson Thomas A butcher stall 6 City Market h Dock bet 6th and 7th Watters Henry H elk h 3d cor Red Cross Watters Joseph H elk h 3d cor Red Cross Watters Wm h Red Cross cor 3d Webb Harry florist h Market bet 7th and 8tli *Webb John G engineer h Church cor 6th *Webb Lewis lab h 5th bet Wooster and Dawson *Webb Robt lab h 2d bet Mulberry and Walnut *Weeks John S lab h Love bet Taylor and Howard Wehrhan August blksmith 17 s Front h 8th bet Chesnut and Mulberry Weil Jacob dry goods 46 Market h 2d bet Chesnut and Mul- berry Weill A agt dry goods 17 Market h Front cor Mulberry Weill Wm M elk h Front cor Mulberry Weisiger T C rectifier h 2d bet Church and Castle Weller Bros (Jacob & Jerome B Weller) com mers Water bet Chesnut and Mulberry Weller Jacob (Weller Bros) h Cincinnati AVeller Jerome B (Weller Bros) h 2d bet Chesnut and Princess Wells Isaac bds Farmers' Hotel Wells Nancy wid Henry h Church bet 4th and 5th Welton James L engineer h 5th bet Walnut and Red Cross Wenzel W F cutter h 6th nr Mulberry "WERNER JOHN barber 11 n Front and 9 s Front bds Manning House (see advt next page) Wescott Ephraim engineer h 3d bet Church and Castle Wessel A B grocer 2d bet Market and Dock Wessel A D grocer 2d bet Market and Dock Wessell Chas H grocer 45 n Water h Chesnut bet 6th and 7th ♦West Abraham farmer h 6th bet Walnut and Red Cross West Emma M wid S M h 3d bet Princess and Chesnut West Geo H physician Market bet 2d and 3d h 3d bet Prin- cess and Chesnut MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St. , Baltimore. WES 160 WHI West H P (West & Co) h Chesnut bet 3d and 4th West Isaiah barkeeper h 9th bet Ilarnett and Swann *West James lab h 2d bet Wright and Meares West Samuel J h 3d bet Princess and Chesnat West Wm engineer bds Front bet Red Cross and Campbell *West Wm H lab h 3d cor Mulberry West & Co (H P West) grocers 59 Market '^Wester Susan servant h Front bet Orange and Ann Westermann Henry (E Peschaa & Westermann) h Dock bet 4th and 5th WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO L A Angel manager Front bet Market and Princess Wheeler Wm lab h Wooster al bet Front and 2d Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine Co 28 Market *Whelton Wm lab h 12th bet Orange and Ann *White Alex lab h Brooklyn bet Taylor and Howard * White Aucrom lab h Front nr Harnett *White Anthony lab h Front cor Cowan White Benj h Market bet 2d and 3d White B F (Zimmerman k AVhite) h Market bet 8th and 9th *White Celia h Miller nr McRae * White Ellis carpt h Campbell bet 4th and 5th *White Frank lab h 8th bet Ann and Orange *White Isaac lab h 6th cor Nixon White J G coachmaker h Hanover bet 2d and 3d ♦White John cook h Bladen bet 2d and 3d * White John lab h Farrow al bet Castle and Church White Marcellus P farmer h oth bet Queen and Castle * White Priscilla seamstress h Hanover cor 8th *White Robt F miller h 9th cor Campbell JOHN WERNER, Formerly of Ivicbmond, Ta., HAIR DRESSING SALOONS, 9 iNORTH FRONT & 11 SOUTH FRONT STREET, WlL3IlNGTO]^, N. C. None but the most experienced workmen employed in these establishments. iKS"Manufacturer of Tonics, Hair Oil, Cologne, Keuovators, Dyes, BeauLitiui-ij, &c., &c. APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D, FOR INFORMATION. WHI 161 WIL *Wbite Thos wood Water ft Chesnut h 9tli nr Miller * White Wm lab h 9 th cor Campbell *Whitehead Henry J carpt h 10th nr Red Cross *Whiteman John H route agt h 7th bet Mulberry and Ches- nut *Whiteman Moses lab h Walnut cor 6th *Whitfield James H farmer h Dock bet 16th and 17th Whitehead Eliza wid James h Front bet Nun and Church Whiting Kate wid William II C h Orange bet 4th and 5th Whitley Richard H barkeeper h Yon Glahn's al bet Front and 2d Whitney E G bkkpr h Walnut nr 7th * Whitney Joseph carpt h 3d bet Bladen and Brunswick ^Whitney Sarah cook h 3d bet Bladen and Brunswick *Whitted Saml porter h 6th bet Ann and Nunn * Wiggins David lab h 2d bet Wooster and Dawson ■^Wiggins Henry lab h 4th bet Bladen and Brunswick *Wiggins Lizzie servt h Surry bet Church and Castle Wiggins Octavius A (Parsley k Wiggins) h 4th cor Ashe * Wiggins Wm H lab h Harnett bet 7th and Love Wiggs G Washington lab h Brooklyn betSwann and Nixon *Wilburn Chas lab h Market bet l'3th and 14th Wilder Abraham supt h 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick Wilder Durant carpt h Castle bet 6th and 7th Wilder Jesse (Wilder & Morton) h 4th bet Mulberry and Walnut Wilder John H carpt h Castle bet 6th and 7th Wilder & Morton (J Wilder & S H Morton) manfrs naval stores Nutt bet Hanover and Brunswick *Wilkins John carpt h Gwynn nr Dickinson *Wilkins Monroe lab h 7th bet Red Cross and Campbell *Wilkins Saml lab h Gwynn nr Anderson Wilkinson Jno lab h 7th nr Harnett * Wilkinson Minnie laundress h Front bet Red Cross and Wal- nut Willard A A (Willard Bros) h Orange cor 6th WILLARD BROS (James A & A A Willard) wholesale grocers & com mers Water bet Chesnut and Mulberry Willard James A (Willard Bros) h Sd cor Mulberry Willard M S elk h 6th cor Orange Williams Adrian painter h 5th bet Castle and Queen Williams A H h 4th bet Bladen and Harnett MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUT E, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. WIL 162 WIL ■^Williams Alex lab h 2d bet Market and Princess * Williams Alonzo cooper h Castle bet 2d and 8d ^Williams Andrew lab h Cumming's al bet Wright and Daw- son "Williams Annie wid Eobt h Church cor 6th • ^Williams Annie servt h Dock bet 9th and 10th ■^Williams Augustus lab h 7th bet Red Cross and Campbell ■^Williams Balaam lab h 11th bet Nun and Church *Williams Benj lab h 8th bet Ann and Orange *Williams Benj lab h 6th bet Harnett and Swann ^Williams Berry engineer bds Front bet Red Cross and Campbell Williams Betsey h Wooster bet 9th and 10th * Williams Chas lab h Red Cross bet 6th and 7th Williams Chas M lab h 8th bet Chesnut and Mulberry ■^Williams Danl driver h 6th bet Walnut and Red Cross *Williams Danl lab h 10th bet Nun and Church ^Williams David painter h 7th bet Church and Castle *Williams Doctor lab h Dawson bet dth and 5th Williams Duncan M h 5th bet Dock and Market Williams Edgar D mariner h Front cor Dock *Williams Eli lab h Dock cor 12th Williams Eli R elk h 4th bet Bladen and Harnett AVilliams Elizabeth wid Wm h Nun bet 2d and 3d ^Williams Ephraim lab h Queen bet 10th and 11th * Williams Frank lab h Brunswick oor 5th *Williams Fred lab h Dawson bet 4th and 5th *Williams George ice cream 46 n Water * Williams George lab h Walnut cor 6th ^Williams George lab h 2d bet Nun and Ann Williams Gertrude Mrs h Anderson nr Gwynn Williams Gibson lab h Taylor nr 5th * Williams Gilbert cooper h 8th bet Hanover and Campbell Williams G W (Williams k Murchison) h 5th bet Market and Dock Williams Harriet h 8th bet Nun and Church * Williams Hattie seamstress h Nixon al bet 5th and 6th * Williams Hector farmer h Harnett bet 7th and 8th *Williams Henry lab h r Chesnut cor 6th * Williams Henry lab h 5th bet Mulberry and Chesnut *Williams Henry lab h Front cor Wooster ^Williams Henry lab h 6th bet Ann and Nun APPLY TO PROF. G. R[ULING, M. 0.. FOR INFORMATION. WIL 163 WIL * Williams Henry lab h Wooster bet 2d and 3d *Williams Huldali h 9th cor Nixon *Williams Isaac lab h 9th cor Wooster * Williams Jacob labh Campbell bet 3d and 4th *Williams James cooper h Front bet Hanover and Brunswick Williams James P bkkpr h 7th bet Market and Princess ■^Williams Jane laundress h 7th bet Taylor and Howard ^Williams Jeffrey lab h Market nr 11th *Williams John lab h Queen bet 4th and 5th * Williams John lab h Cumming's al bet Wright and Wooster *Williams John lab h 9th cor Dock Williams John M machinist h 8th bet Mulberry and Walnut Williams Joseph h 5th bet Dock and Orange Williams J S lab n Wooster cor 7th *Williams Junius lab h r 8th bet Wooster and Dawson ^Williams Laura laundress h Campbell bet 4th and 5th ■^Williams Lazarus lab h Dawson bet 4th and 5th ■^Williams Leah servt h Brooklyn bet Taylor and Howard ^Williams Lina laundress h 7th bet Dawson and Wright ♦Williams Lizzie laundress h 6th bet Ann and Nun Wilhams L M h Princess bet 5th and 6th *Williams Lydia laundress h 2d nr Orange *Williams Mary laundress h 7th bet Castle and Church *Williams Minerva laundress h 6th bet Church and Castle Williams Miriam h Front bet Queen and Wooster *Wiiliams Peter miller h 7th cor Bladen ^Williams Kichard carpt h 5th bet Bladen and Harnett *Williams Richard lab h Castle bet 7th and 8th *Williams Saml lab h Queen bet 4th and 5th *Williams Saml lab h Wooster bet 5th and 6th * Williams Sandy lab h Castle cor 9th *Williams Sarah h Dock bet 10th and 11th *Williams Sarah laundress h 5th bet Queen and Wooster *Williams Simon lab h 10th bet Church and Castle *Williams Solomon S lab h 10th bet Church and Castle * Williams Thomas butcher 4th cor Ann h Church bet 4th and 5th ^Williams Thomas lab h 2d cor Brunswick Williams W F elk h Cbesnut bet 5th and 6th *Williams Wiley lab h 4th bet Nun and Church Williams William A elk h 4th bet Dock and Orange Williams William A jr bkkpr h 4th bet Dock and Orange MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 68 N. Charles St., Baltimore. WIL 164 WIL ■^Williams William cooper h 11th bet Ann and Nun Williams Wm J lab h Church cor 6th Williams Wm T lab h Church bet 4th and 5th Williams & Murchison (G W Williams & D E Murchison) grocers & com mers Water bet Market and Princess Williamson Geo lab h 9ih bet Harnett and Swann Williamson J B carriage maker h Market bet 2d and 3d Williamson Nathan boarding 43 n Water *Willis Chas lab h Dock cor 10th Willis Chas E V printer h McRae bet Mulberry and Walnut Willis Elijah druggist 7th cor Mulberry *Willis Godfrey lab h Wooster bet 2d and 3d *Willis Godfrey jr carpt h 2d cor Wooster Willis Hardy B foreman Daily Review h McRae bet Walnut and Mulberry *Willis James lab h Church bet 5th and 6th * Willis Joseph carpt h Church cor 8th * Willis Nathan lab h Dock cor 12th ^Willis Robt (Johnson & Willis) h Church cor 8th *Willis Robt lab h 8th bet Campbell and Hanover *Willis Wm lab h Ann bet 7ih and 8th Willis Wm B printer bds McRae nr Mulberry *Williston Academy 7th bet Ann and Nun *Williston Frank P gauger h Walnut bet 6th and 7th *Williston Grammar School 7th bet Ann and Nun Willson Benjamin elk h Market bet 5th and 6th Willson Jas E elk h Market bet 5th and 6th Willson William elk h Market bet 5th and 6th Willson William A bkkpr h Nun bet 4th and 5th Wilmington City Jail Princess bet 3d and 4th WILMINGTON CITY OPERA BOUSE E J Penny- packer lessee 3d cor Dock WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA R R CO office Front cor Red Cross, local frt depot foot of Red Cross, passenger depot Front cor Red Cross, workshops Florence S C (see advt) WILMINGTON COMPRESS & WAREHOUSE CO E J Pennypacker, pres, W L De Rossett sec and treas ft Harnett WILMINGTON COTTON MILL of&ce Water cor Prin- cess Donald MacRae pres ft Dawson WILMINGTON GARDEN CLUB Wm H Gerken pres David E Bunting sec Rankin bet 10th and llth APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING. M. D. FOR INFORMATION. WIL 165 WIN WILMINGTON GARDENS Danl Klein propr Eankin bet 10th and 11th WILMINGTON GASLIGHT CO R J Jones sec and treas, office Princess bet Front and '23 works Castle cor Surry WILMINGTON LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Norwood Giles pres, G W Jewett vice pres, J L Wooster sec and li- brarian, Masonic Hall "Wilmington Mutual Ins Co 39 n Front WILMINGTON POST weekly W P Canady ed and propr Princess bet Front and 2d WILMINGTON PRODUCE EXCHANGE D G Worth pres, Jno L Cantwell sec and treas, Water cor Princess Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Co No 1 Princess cor 4th Wilmington & Coast Turnpike Henry L Deans tollkpr hd Dock Wilmington & Point Caswell Steamboat Line Water bet Dock and Orange Wilmington & Seaside R R Co Wm P Canady propr Red Cross cor 7th WILMINGTON & WELDON R R CO office Front cor Red Cross, passenger depot and ticket office Front bet Red Cross and Campbell, workshops Nutt cor Campbell (see advt) Wilson G B bkkpr h 3d bet Red Cross and Campbell *Wilson Geo distiller h Brunswick bet 2d and 3d Wilson James capitalist 3d bet Princess and Chesnut bds 2d cor Church Wilson James watchman h 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick Wilson John A cart house Swann bet 4th and 5th Wilson Joseph R Rev h Orange cor 4th Wilson Joshua lab h Queen bet 4th and 5th ^'Wilson Lucy laundress h Campbell cor 5th *Wilson Robt fireman h Water cor Campbell * Wilson Robt lab h Hanover bet Front and Nutt * Wilson Rufus lab h 7th bet Brunswick and Bladen Wilson S C trav agt G C R R h Front bet Mulberry and Chesnut *Wilson Virgil lab h 2d bet Market and Prince *Wilson Whitman H lab h 5th cor Nixon *Wilson Willis lab h 7th bet Brunswick and Bladen *Wimbish Robert porter h 7th cor Bladen Winants Josiah E physician h 6th bet Princess and Chesnut Wines Kate wid Wm h Market bet 5th and 6th MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. WIN 166 WOR *"Winfield James lab h 9tb bet Queen and Castle *Wingate Gilbert lab h Gwjmn nr Dickinson ^Wingate John lab h Red Cross cor 7th *Winlay Geo lab b Brown bet Swann and Nixon Winn James W blacksmith h Ann bet 6th and 7th Winstead A S (Winstead k Taylor) h Front cor Walnut *Winstead Harry lab h 8th bet Bladen and Swann * Winstead Jordan lab h Chadbourn's al bet Davis and Harnett ^Winstead Prince h Chadbourn's al bet Davis and Harnett Winstead & Taylor (A S Winstead & J W Taylor) grocers Front cor Walnut Winton H L restaurant W & W R R depot h Red Cross bet Front and 2d Wise Flora J teacher h Walnut bet 4th and 5th *Wise Jacob (J Nixon & Co) h Brooklyn bet Nixon and Swann *Wise Jeffrey lab h Chesnut cor 10th Woebse Hammond grocer 2d bet Market and Princess Wood Alfred V elk h 2d bet Princess and Chesnut *Wood Cornelius lab h Anderson nr Rankin *Wood Iris lab h 7th bet Brunswick and Bladen *Wood Laura laundress h Surry cor Church Wood Mary F Mrs h 3d bet Nun and Church *Wood Parish ice Front bet Mulberry and Walnut h New Hanover co Wood Robert B contractor h 2d bet Princess and Chesnut Wood R B jr elk h Market bet 8th and 9th Wood Thomas F physician 51 Market *Wood Wise lab h Church bet 9th and 10th Woodward Annie L wid Wm h 3d cor Davis Woodward Jesse lab h 9th nr Bladen Woody John D (Woody & Currie) h 4th bet Market and Princess Woody & Currie (J D Woody & J H Currie) com mers Prin- cess cor Water Woolvin James F elk h Chesnut bet 5th and 6th WOOLVIN JOEL W undertaker Princess cor 2d h Ches- nut bet 5th and 6th (see advt opp page) Wooster J L sec Wilmington Library Association h 3d cor Dock Worth B G (Worth & Worth) h 2d bet Chesnut and Mul- berry APPLY TO PROF. G. REUUNG. M. D., FOR INFORMATION. WOR 167 WEI "Worth Charles h Front bet Nun and Church Worth D G (Worth & Worth) h Front bet Nun and Church "Worth Joseph B bkkpr h 2d bet Ghesnut and Mulberry WORTH & WORTH (B G & D G Worth) shipping and com mers and agts Cape Fear & Peoples' Steamboat Co Water cor Mulberry *^Wortham Benj drayman h 10th bet Ann and Nun *Wortbam Isham drayman h lOth bet Ann and Nun Wright A E physician 3d bet Princess and Chesnut bds 8th cor Market *Wright B C porter h Walnut bet 8th and 9th *Wright Buchanan lab bds Gwynn nr Anderson ^Wright Curtis lab h Market bet 10th and 11th ♦Wright Danl lab h Brunswick bet 2d and 3d *Wright Dockery lab h Mulberry bet 10th and 11th Wright Duncan M elk h 5th bet Market and Dock ♦Wright FrankHn lab h 8th bet Castle and Queen *Wright George lab h Mulberry bet 9th and 10th ^Wright John lab h 3d bet Bladen and Brunswick *Wright Jno lab h Mulberry bet 10th and 11th Wright Joshua G elk h 8th cor Market ♦Wright Louis porter h 4th bet Red Cross and Campbell *Wright Louis servt h Lodge al nr Front *Wright Sarah laundress h Gwynn nr Anderson *^Wright Sidney waiter h 5th bet Princess and Chesnut Wright S P physician Princess bet 2d and 3d *Wright Susan servt h 6th bet Nixon and Swann Wright Thos H elk h 4th bet Princess and Chesnut * Wright Titus Ijib h Brooklyn cor Nixon Wright Wm A (Wright & Stedman) h 8d bet Market and Dock Wright W A jr elk h 3d bet Market and Dock J. W. WOOLVIN. GENERAL FURNISHING UISllfAElB, N. E cor 2d & Princess Streets, DEALER IN TVOOD AND METALLIC CASES, CASKETS, &C. Eesidence Chesnut Street, bet. Stli & 6tli, MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N, Charles St., Baltimore. WRI 168 ZOE Wright W E carpt h Dock bet 7th and 8th WRIGHT & STEDMAN (Wm A Wright & Chas M Stedman) lawyers Front cor Princess Wroten Thos O harness mkr h Orange cor 8th Wyche Abram carpt h Hanover bet Front and 2d Wyckoff Emma wid Saml h Queen bet 7th and 8th Yancey Annie Miss h Eankin nr McRae Yarborough S inspector 4:4 n Water h Mulberry bet 4th and 5th Yates Chas W bookseller 51 Market & photographer 32 1 Market h Orange bet 3d and 4th * Yates Danl lab h Queen cor Surry Yates Danl N cooper h 6th cor Campbell Yopp Christopher W lab h Hanover cor 3d Yopp Freeman undertaker h 5th bet Mulberry and Chesnut Yopp F V B bricklayer h Chesnut nr 9th Yopp Jno elk h 5th bet Princess and Chesnut Yopp Nicholas D elk h 7th cor Mulberry Yopp Saml L undertaker 3d bet Princess and Chesnut h 7th bet Mulberry and Walnut Yopp Talcott B elk h 5th bet Princess and Chesnut Yopp W H elk h Nixon al bet 5th and 6th Yopp W S local frt agt W & W and W G & A E R's Eed Cross cor Nutt h 5th bet Princess and Chesnut Young Celestine wid Armand h Market nr Dock *Young Isham butcher stall 10 city Market h Market bet 7th and 8th Young Junius D elk h Market bet 4th and 5th ■^Young Martin lab h 3d bet Queen and Wooster *Young Peyton lab Princess cor 3d Young W L bds Dock bet Front add 2d Zeigler Geo carpt h 7th bet Queen and Wooster Zeller John porter h 7th bet Dawson and Wooster Zimmerman John W (Zimmerman & White) h 2d cor Princess ZIMMERMAN & WHITE (Jno W Zimmerman & B F White) upholsterers, paper hangings, picture frames, etc, 2d cor Princess (see advt) Zoeller Victor E elk h Market bet 3d and 4th APPLY TO PROF. G. REUUNG, M. D., FOR INFORMATION. 169 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 1877-78. A gents — Insurance Atkinson & Manning, Front cor Princess BYRWE J A, Commercial Exchange Building DeROSSET & NORTHROP, 28 n Water Giles Norwood, Princess bet Front and 2d GORDON JOHN W & BRO, Water bet Princess and Chesnut Smith W L & Co, Princess bet Front and 2d Agents— Sewing Machines Dudley John L, 2d nr Chesnut Johnson J & J, 28 Market Agents— Real Estate CRONLY & MORRIS, 5 and 7 s Water O'CONNOR DAN'L, Princess bet 2d and 3d (see advt) Agents— Steamship CAZAUX A D, Water cor Chesnut (see advt) Agricultural Implements GILES & MTJRCHISON, 38 and 40 n Front (see advt) Architects Post James F, Princess bet 2d and 3d Auctioneers CRONLY & MORRIS, 5 and 7 s Water Sternberger J & Co, 11 Market MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. no Awning Manufacturers ZIMMERMAN & WHITE, 2d cor Princess (see advt) Bags and Bagging GRAEFLIN JOHN C & CO, South st Baltimore (see advt) Bakers and Confectioners (See also Confectioners) Gilbert Henry D, 23 s Front Christ Philip, 32 Market Ganzer Chas H, 4th bet Bladen and Brunswick Lessman A, 2d bet Market and Dock Thorburn E, Front bet Dock and Orange Banks and Bankers BANK OF NEW HANOVER, Front cor Princess (see advt) DAWSON, Front bet Market and Princess FIRST NATIONAL, Front cor Princess (see advt) Barbers *Artis B, Front bet Market and Princess *Brown Thomas, 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick *Cleapor Chas E, 7 s Front Furmanski I, Princess cor Front ■^Johnson & WilUs, Dock bet Water and Front *Scott Thomas E, 2d bet Market and Princess] ^Stewart John, Nutt nr Mulberry *Ward Chas H, Front bet Market and Princess WERNER JOHN, 9 s Front and 11 n Front (see advt) BALTIMORE BAG FACTORY JOHM C. ORAFFLiIW ^ CO. BAGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION On hand and 9Iadc to Order. COTTON BAGGING FOR SALE. APPLY TO PROF. G. REULINq M. P.. FOR INFORMATION, ni Bill Posters and Distributors Fuller Balaam, Princess bet 2d and 3d Billiard Saloons HAAR JOHN jr, Front bet Dock and Market (see advt) Blacksmiths (See also Wheelwrights) ♦Bowmen Edward, Princess bet 3d and 4tli Braseland & Cornish, Water bet Dock and Orange Burtt S, Mulberry nr Water *Hargrave Alfred, Tth cor Princess *Lilly Isaac, 6th bet Church and Castle ■*McBride Evander, Nutt bet Walnut and Eed Cross Quinlivan D, Burgwin al bet 2d and 3d Reaves Julius F A, Front cor Castle Sheppard Edmund, Market bet 15th and 16th Boarding Houses Bowden Emma J Mrs, Chesnut cor 2d Davis E C Mrs, Chesnut bet 3d and 4th EUREKA HOUSE, 4 n Water Farmers' Hotel, Nutt bet Mulberry and Walnut Gillespie & Brison, Nutt bet Walnut and Eed Cross Hill Julia, 2d bet Market and Princess King Jas A, Front bet Eed Cross and Campbell Morrison Thomas Mrs, Front bet Chesnut and Mulberry PICKETT MARY P, 30 Market Quince J A Mrs, Front bet Princess and Chesnut Quince Parker Mrs, Market bet Front and 2d Warren Elizabeth, 2d bet Market and Dock ^Washington Eobert, Walnut cor Nutt Williamson N, 43 n Water Winton H L, Eed Cross bet Front and 2d Bookbinders BERNARD WM H, Princess bet Water and Front (see advt) HEINSBERGER PHILIP, 39 and 41 Market (see advt) Booksellers and Stationers HEINSBERGER PHILIP, 89 and 41 Market (see advt) JEWETT S, 27 n Front MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. 172 Boot and Shoe Dealers (See also Boot and Shoemakers) Blumenthal S, 38 Market Brown L, 3 n Water Evans & Van Glahn, Princess bet Front and 2d French Geo E & Sons, 39 n Front Howey T H jr, 47 Market Boot and Shoemakers Baker John, Princess bet Front and 2d Bauman John, 2d bet Market and Princess Daniel James H, Market bet 2d and 3d Hewett John, Church cor 5th *James Jefferson, Princess bet 7th and 8th ^Littleton Geo F, 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick ■^McKay Frank, 4th nr Hanover ■^Moore Charles, Front bet Castle and Qaeen "Nois Washington, Market cor 12th Penny W J, 3d cor Orange Perssee A B, Princess bet Front and 2d SCHUTTE HENRY, Market bet 3d and 4tli Yoss John G, Princess cor Front Bottlers GENAITST WILLIAM, 4th cor Hanover (see advt) Brick Makers GUMMING PRESTON, 13th bet Orange and Ann Brokers— Commercial Moore & Eankin, Water bet Princess and Chesnut Brokers — General BUHMANN WILLIAM J, Front bet Dock and Orange (see advt) Brokers— Merchandise Birdsey Samuel E, Water bet Princess and Chesnut BUHMANN WM J, Front bet Dock and Orange (see advt) Clark John M, Water bet Princess and Chesnut ELLIOTT W P, Water bet Princess and Chesnut Forshee J M & Co, Water cor Chesnut McIVER JORDAN T, 5 s Water APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING. M. P.. FOR INFORMATiON. 173 Metts James I, Water bet Chesnut and Mulberry PETTEWAY & SCHULKEN, 16 n Water (see advt) Brokers— Ship Heide E E, Water bet Market and Dock Peschau E & Westermann, 34, 35 & 36 n Water Brokers — ^Timber Green H McL, ft Chesnut Butchers *Byrd Keenan, stall 13 City Market *Cowan S H, stall 9 City Market Etheridge Saml R, 2d bet Market and Princess GARRELL J F, stall 10 City Market Hayes W M, Chesnut cor 6th Ilintze Hermann, stall 7 Market Ives Jesse, 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick Johnson T H, stall 6 Market King James, stall 9 City Market King Joseph P, 2d bet Market and Dock *Merrick Elijah, stall 12 City Market *Merrick Saml E, stall 20 City Market Monroe W M, 4th nr Campbell Mott W J, Market bet 2d and 3d Tilly Geo T, stall 8 City Market Turlington Willis, Market bet 2d and 3d Watson D, Church cor 5th WATSON T A, stall 6 Market (see advt) *young Isham, stall 10 City Market Carpentersland Builders (See also Contractors and Builders) HANBY JOHN H, Front cor Dock (see advt) *Howard Wm, Hilton nr E R Bridge •^Kellogg Wm, 4th bet Bladen and Brunswick *Norwood John G, Front bet Dock and Orange SIDBURY JOHN, Castle cor 8th (see advt) Carriage Materials GILES & MURCHISON, 38 and 40 n Front (see advt) " JACOBI N, 10 S Front Carriage and Wagonmakers HAYDEN P H, 3d bet Market and Princess (see advt) MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. 174 LOWREY JAMES A, 4th cor Campbell (see advt) McDOTJGALL & SON, 3d cor Princess *Eivera & Gulley, Princess bet 4th and 5th Cart Houses Wilson John A, Swanu bet 4th and 5th Cemeteries Bellevue, 17th cor Chesnut Oakdale, bet 13th and 17th and Savage and Miller *Pine Forest, bet 16th and 17th and Kankin and Oakdale Cemetery U S National Military, Market 1 mile from city limits China, Glass and Crockeryware Hartsfield A A, 25 n Front Chromos HEINSBERGER PHILIP, 39 and 41 Market (see advt) Cigar Manufacturers Graefl Ignatz, Front cor Orange Cigars and Tobacco Burkhimer Henry, 6 Market FERNBERGER J & CO, 7 Market GREENEWALD N, agt 26 Market Kasprowicz S, 9 n Front PIGOTT DAVID, 22 Market (see advt) Yann J T, 34^ Market Clothiers Munson & Co, 21 n Front NEWMAN D & SON, 14 Market Shrier A, 30 Market Club Rooms Cape Fear, Front bet Market and Princess Sunny South Social, Front bet Market and Dock "Wilmington Garden, Kankin bet 10th and 11th Coal and Wood Dealers (See also Wood and Coal Dealers) PARSLEY G, Water cor Orange Springer Jas A, Front cor Mulberry APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING. M. P.. FOR INFORMATION. 175 Commission Merchants (See also Grocers) Anderson & Loeb, Princess cor Water Barker E G & &o Water bet Princess and Chesnut BONEY G & SONS, AVater bet Chesnut and Mulberry CHADBOURN JAMES H & CO, Dock bet Water and Front (see advt) Chasten J M & Son, Water bet Princess and Chesnut Coviagton E P, ft Mulberry DeROSSET & CO, 6 n Water Eilers H B, Water cor Market FENNELL OWEN jr, Water bet Chesnut and Mulberry Foard H M, Water bet Dock and Orange Gore D L, 6 s Water Gore W I, 6 s Water Grant, Hinton & Co, 6 s Water HALL & PEARSALL, 7 s Water Harriss & Howell, Water bet Princess and Chesnut JOHNSON HARDING, Nutt bet Mulberry and Walnut KERCHNER & CALDER BROS, 27, 28, 29 n Water EIDDER EDWARD & SONS, Water cor Princess (see advt) King C H, Dock cor Water Lilly & Bro, Water bet Chesnut and Mulberry McEary W H & Co, Water cor Chesnut MARTIN ALFRED, Dock bet Water and Front Mitchell B F & Son, 9 and 10 n Water Murray & Co, 38 and 39 n Water PATERSON, DOWNING & CO ft of Mulberry (see advt) Peschau E & Westermann, 34, 35 and 36 n Water PETTEWAY & SCHULKEN, 16 n Water (see advt) ROBINSON C H, Dock cor Water SPRUNT ALEX & SON, Nutt bet Mulberry and Walnut Tu^-lington Wm H, Water ft Chesnut Yick & Mebane, Nutt cor Eed Cross Weller Bros, Water bet Chesnut and Mulberry Williams & Murchison, Water bet Market and Princess WILLARD BROS, Water bet Chesnut and Mulberry Woody & Currie, Princess cor Water WORTH & WORTH, Water cor Mulberry MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. Commissioner— TJ S VAN AMRINGE S, Princess bet 2d and 3d Confectioners (See also Bakers and Confectioners) Lippitt James W, Front cor Princess NORTHROP S G, 341 and 35^ Market (see advt inside front cover) Consuls, Foreign Eeide E E, vice-consul Sweden, Norway and Denmark, Water bet Market and Dock Loeb Jacob, French vice-consul. Princess cor Water Peschau Eduard, German, 34, 35 and 36 n Water SPRUNT ALEX, British, Nutt bet Mulberry and Walnut Contractors and Builders (See also Carpenters and Builders) HANBY JOHN H, also dealer in slate, office at J H McGarity & Co's Front cor Dock h 6th bet Dock and Orange SIDBURY JOHN. Castle cor 8th (see advt) WALKER JAMES, Front bet Princess and Chesnut (see advt) Cotton Dealers PATERSON, DOWNING & CO, foot Mulberry (see advt) Cotton Mills Wilmington, foot Dawson office Water cor Princess Cotton Presses WILMINGTON COMPRESS & WAREHOUSE CO, ft of Harnett Dentists Baker James, 30 Market CARR THOS B & SON, 38 Market Durham J H, Princess bet Front and 2d Everitt S S, Front bet Princess and Chesnut FREEMAN & BALDWIN, 36 Market (see advt) Huston W M, 32 J Market Kea James E, 32i Market Distillers— Turpentine Alderman Geo F & Bro, Point Peter Blossom J E & Evans, Water bet Chesnut and Mulberry APPLY TO PROF. 6. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION, m BOHEY G & SONS, Water bet Chesnut and Mulberry MARTIM ALFRED, Dock bet Water and Front VAN BOKKELEN A H, Water bet Princess and Chesnut Lressmakers Aldricli Eachel M, 3d cor Orange Brown Margaret, 4th bet Walnut and Mulberry Moore Eebecca, Market bet Front and 2d Philyaw Eachel A, Market cor 4:th Druggists Baylor George E, 4th cor Nun COBB & NORCOM, Market bet 2d and 3d Conoly James W, 4th cor Hanover GREEN & PLANNER, 49 Market Munds Bros, 4th cor Hanover Munds James C, 3d bet Princess and Chesnut Willis Elijah, 7th cor Mulberry Dry Goods Aaron & Eheinstein, 30 Front Bear Morris & Bros, 18 n Water '] Bear Sol & Bros, 18 and 20 Market Blumenthal S, 40 Market BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market *Dudley E Alex, 4th bet Bladen and Brunswick Fishblate S H, 25 Market Goodman Wm, 8 Market Greenberg Eaphael, 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick HAHN JULIUS, 4th bet Campbell and Hanover Hanstein S & Co, 15 Market Hedrick S E, 29 Market KATZ M M, 36 Market Liebmann Alex, 44 Market Mclntire E M, 41 n Front i NEWMAN D & SON, 14 Market Newman J, Market nr 2d Samson Julius, 43 Market Solomon B, Market cor Front Weil Jacob, 46 Market Weill A, agt 17 Market MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. lis Dyers and Scourers Lafranz F Mrs, 2d bet Market and Princess POTTS E J MRS, Market bet 2d and 3d (see advt) Engineers— Civil James & Brown, 2d bet Princess and Chesnut Exchanges Wilmington Produce Water cor Princess Express Companies SOUTHERN, 45 n Front Fancy Goods FLANAGAN L, 42 Market Fertilizers NAVASSA GUANO CO, Water cor Princess (see advt) Fibre Companies National, ft Wrigbt Flour and Grain Mills CUMMING PRESTON & CO, Water ft Dock Mitchell B F & Son, 9 & 10 n Water OLDHAM ALEX, Nutt cor Walnut OLDHAM & KOCH, Bock bet Water and Front Furniture Manufacturers and Dealers SCHUTTE F A, 26 & 28 s Front & 11, 15, 17, & 19 Dock (see advt) Smith D A & Co, 43 n Front Gas Light Companies Wilmington, Princess bet Front and 2d Grocers— Wholesale (See also Commission Merchants) ADRIAN & VOLLSRS, Front cor Dock BINFORD, CROW & CO, Princess cor Water HALL & PEARSALL, Water bet Market and Dock KERCHNER & CALDER BROS, 27, 28 & 29 n Water Murray & Co, 38 & 89 n Water MYERS CHAS D & CO. 7 and 9 n Front MYERS GEORGE, 11 and 13 s Front (see advt) APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. P.. FOR INFORMATION. 119 Peschau E & Westermann, 34, 35 and 36 n Water WILLARD BEOS, Water bet Chesnut and Mulberry Williams & Murchison, Water bet Market and Princess Grocers— Retail AHRENS B H J, Market cor 7th Bagley James, 4th cor Davis Bains Geo W , Bladen bet 6th and Tth Barrentine J G, 2d cor Toomer's al Beck Thomas, Bed Cross cor 6th Blomme Peter, 5th cor Campbell Bloom H H, 5th cor Chesnut Borneman John C, Castle cor 9th and 48 Market Bosch Henry, 4th cor Brunswick Bosch J H, 7th cor Nixon Bremer J M, 5th cor Castle Canady D E, Market cor 8th Cole M O, 2d bet Market and Dock Cook A B, Front cor Dawson Cort Johann D, Front cor Brunswick *Dawson A D, 9th cor Chesnut Doscher Jno D, Walnut bet 2d and 3d *Dudley A A, McRae cor Green Ehrbeck Henry, Front bet Castle and Queen *Evans Allen, 4th cor Hanover Filly aw O M, 4th cor Bladen Fincken A C H, Market cor 12th Fitzgerald J E, Bladen bet 7th and 8th Fitzgerald Richard, 9th cor Chesnut Foutz Jacob, 8th cor Swann Fowler R M jr, Front cor Church Fowler W G jr, Front bet Dock and Orange Futrell Wm, 10 Market Gay Henry B, 4th cor Harnett Gerdts Jno W, 4th cor Bladen Gerken W H 6th cor Mulberry GLAMEYER HENRY A, 2 n Water Grotgen Wm H, Front cor Castle Haar Henry, 7th cor Chesnut Haar Jno 4th cor Nun Heins J H, 2d bet Market and Princess Hewlett W S, 5th cor Ann MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. CharlesSt., Baltimore. 180 Heyer P W agt, Market cor 2d Heyer Jno 0, Water bet Gliesnat and Mulberry *Howe Washington, 4th cor Nan Huggins Jas B, 67 Market Hussel Christian, 4th cor Brunswick HUTAF NICHOLAS, 6th cor Swann Hutaff" Henry, Chesnut cor McRae Jackson Cornelius, Wooster cor 3d *Jackson Geo H, Walnut cor 3d * Jones Abraham, Front bet Queen and Wooster Klander J D H, Castle cor 6th KOCH JOHN C, Front bet Dock and Orange (see adyt) KOCH W H M, Front cor Orange (see advt) Kokowsky Henry, 2d cor Princess Lander Frank 7th cor Ann Litgen Henry, 5th cor Market Litgen Richard, Orange cor 3d LUHRS FREDERICK, McEae cor Miller McGARITY J H & CO, Front cor Dock McKoy Thos H, 8 n Front May Alex, Market eor 15th Meyer John, 27 n Water Meyer Sarah, 47 n Water Michaelis C H, Castle cor 8th Millis J C, Wooster bet 8th and 9th Mohr Jacob J, Mulberry cor Andersoa Mohr J N, 7th cor Church Mohr Peter, Market cor 13th Montgomery William H, 2d bet Market and Dock Moody John W, Nixon cor Love Moody Saml M, Gwynn cor Anderson Morgan & Bryant, 44 n Water Morris A H Market bet 2d and 3d MULLER G C W, 4th cor Church Muller Martin, 5th cor Nixon Murphy Chas, Harnett cor 6th MYERS CHAS D & CO, 5 & 7 n Front MYERS GEO, 11 & 13 s Front (see advt) NEFF JOSEP.H H, 22 Water & 1, 3 & 5 Dock Newman Philip, Water cor Chesnut *Nixon John O & Co, 8th cor Nixon O'Brien John, Nutt bet Eed Cross and Walnut APPLY TO PROF. G. REUUN6, M. D.,.FOR INFORMATION. 181 O'Brien M W, Nutt cor Red Cross OHLANDT HENRY, Front bet Dock and Orange Oldenbuttel J H, lOth cor Market Otten Diederick, Nixon cor 6th Price R A, Front oor Queen Quinn James, McRae cor Gwynn Eeeder Henry, Rankin cor Anderson Eobbins James W, 6th cor Taylor Eulfs John F, Nutt cor Walnut Schulken Chas, 4th bet Bladen and Harnett Schulken E, Front cor Mulberry Schulken Henry, Walnut cor 4th Schutt Geo L, Market cor 2d Sherer Jacob, 7th nr Harnett Silva Antone B, 7th cor Harnett SMITH B, Bladen cor 9 th (see advt) SMITH PETER H, 4th cor Campbell Smith Thos H, 46 Market Steenken Geo, 2d cor Hanover Stelljes D, Queen cor 6 th Stevenson J C, 65 Market Stolter Henry, Front bet Orange and Ann Stoker J F, Front bet Market and Dock Strauss John H, 31 n Water STRAUSS JNO W, 2d bet Hanover and Brunswick (see advt) Suden Edw T, Mulberry bet McRae and 9th *Tucker Wm, 4th cor Harnett Ulrich Wm, Front cor Church Toilers L, Market cor 2d Von Kempen Owen, Castle cor 4th Wessel A B, 2d bet Market and Dock Wessel A D, 2d bet Market and Dock Wessell Charles, 45 n Water West & Co, 59 Market W instead & Taylor, Front cor Walnut Woebse Hammond, 2d bet Market and Princess Guano Companies NAVASSA Water cor Princess (see advt) Gun and Locksmiths Craig & Perdew, 19 s Front Policy C H, Chesnut bet Front and Water MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. 182 Hair (Human) Manufacturers Moore Amelia T, Market cor 4th Halls Brooklyn, 4th cor Hanover Good Samaritan, Princess cor 2d Masonic, 57 Market Odd Fellows, 3d bet Princess and Chesnut Pythian, 3d bet Princess and Chesnut Eed Men's, Princess bet Front and 2d Walnut, 4th bet Campbell and Hanover Hardware Dawson John, 19 and 21 Market GILES & MURCHISON, 38 and 40 n Front (see advt) JACOBI N, 10 s Front Peck Geo A, 25 s Front Hats and Gaps HARRISON & ALLEN, 29 n Front NEWMAN D & SON, 14 Market Hoisting Machinery BATES JAMES, 1 President st Baltimore, Md (see advt) Hospitals U S Marine, 8th bet Nun and Church Hotels (See also Boarding Houses) Manning House, 63 Market Purcell House, J R Davis propr, 15 n Front ROCK SPRING, Chesnut bet Front and Water Ice Dealers IHRENS B H J, Dock nr Front Lippitt J E & Co Water bet Dock and Orange Insurance Companies— Fire ^Etna of Hartford Conn, 27 n Water Amazon of Cin O, Water bet Princess and Chesnut American of Phila, Princess bet Front and 3d Atlantic of Brooklyn N Y, 28 n Water Atlas of Hartford Princess bet Front and 2d Commercial of Richmond Va, Water bet Princess and Chesnut Commercial Union of London, 28 n Water APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR IN FORMATION. 183 Connecticut of Hartford, Princess bet Front and 2d Continental of New York Front cor Princess Farmville of Va, Commercial Exchange Building Fire Association of Phila, Commercial Exchange Building Firemen's Fund of Gal, Commercial Exchange Building Franklin of Phila, Princess bet Front and 2d Galveston of Texas, Water bet Princess and Chesnut Georgia Home, Columbus, Ga, Princess bet Front and 2d German -American of New York, Princess bet Front and 2d Hamburg Bremen, of Germany, Water bet Princess and Ches- nut Hartford of Hartford Conn, Front cor Princess Home of New York, Princess bet Front and 2d Howard of New York, Princess bet Front and 2d Imperial & Northern of London, Commercial Exchange Bldg Insurance Co of North America, 28 n Water Lancashire of England, 28 n Water Liverpool & London & Globe of England, Water bet Princess and Chesnut London Assurance Corporation, 28 n Water Lycoming of Pennsylvania, Water bet Princess and Chesnut Lynchburg of Lynchburg Va, Princess bet Front and 2d Manhattan of New York, Commercial Exchange Bldg Mississippi Valley of Memphis Tenn, Water bet Princess and Chesnut Mobile Underwriters of Mobile Ala, Water bet Princess and Chesnut National of Hartford Conn, Front cor Princess New York Underwriters' Agency, 28 n Water Niagara of New York, 28 n Water North British & Mercantile of London & Edinburgh, Front cor Princess North Carolina Home of Raleigh N C, Front cor Princess Old Dominion of Richmond Va, Commercial Exchange Bldg Old North State of North Carolina, Water bet Princess and Chesnut Orient of Hartford, Princess bet Front and 2d Pamlico of Tarboro N C, Water bet Princess and Chesnut Petersburg Savings & Ins Co, 28 n Water Phenix of Brooklyn N Y, Front cor Princess Phoenix of Hartford, Princess bet Front and 2d Queen of London & Liverpool, Front cor Princess MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. 184 Eichmond Fire Association, Princess bet Front and 2d Eoyal of London, Princess bet Front and 2d Royal Canadian of Montreal Canada, Front cor Princess Scottish Commercial of Glasgow Scotland, Princess bet Front and 2d Virginia Home of Richmond Va, Front cor Princess "Wilmington Mutual, S9 n Front Insurance Companies— Fire and Marine Delaware State of Del, Water bet Princess and Chesnut Springfield of Springfield Mass, Front cor Princess St Paul of Minn, 28 n Water Virginia of Eichmond Va, 28 n Water Ini^nrance Companies— Life Brooklyn Life Brooklyn N Y, Princess bet Front and 2d Connecticut Mutual of Hartford Conn, Front cor Princess Life Ins Co of Petersburg Va, Water bet Princess and Chesnut Manhattan of New York, Princess bet Front and 2d Metropolitan of New York, Water bet Princess and Chesnut Mutual Benefit of Newark N J, Commercial Exchange Bldg North Carolina State, Princess bet Front and 2d Insurance Companies— Marine Insurance Co of North America, Phila, Front cor Princess Mercantile Mutual of New York, Front cor Princess Orient Mutual of New York, 28 n Water Swiss Lloyd of Switzerland, Front cor Princess Iron and Copper "Works Hart, Bailey & Co, 17 s Front Junk Dealers Carroll Martin, 5th bet Walnut and Red Cross GILLICAN & WATSON, Water bet Chesnut and Mulberry Justices of the Peace *Brewington Henry, 3d cor Brunswick Gardiner Thos M, Princess bet 2d and 3d Harriss W W, Princess bet 2d and 3d *Hill Joseph C, 2d bet Princess and Chesnut APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D, FOR INFORMATION. 185 *Howe Anthony, Princess "bet Front and 2d VAN AMRINGE S, Princess bet 2d and 3d Lawyers (See also Notaries Public) BELLAMY JOHN D jr, Market bet 2d and 3d (see advt) Bellamy Marsden, 2d cor Market CANTWELL E3)W, Front cor Princess Cutlar Du Brutz, Princess bet Front and 2d DAEBY ERANK H, Princess bet Front and 2d (see advt) Davis Geo, Princess bet Front and 2d Davis Junius, Princess bet Front and 2d DEVANE W S & D J, 2d bet Princess and Chesnut Empie Adam, Princess bet Front and 2d French E S, Princess cor Front Holmes John L, Princess bet Front and 2d LONDON A T & J, Front bet Chesnut and Princess LONDON MAUGER, Front bet Princess and Chesnut Macks J I, Princess bet Front and 2d MARTIN EUGENE S, Market bet 2d and 3d MOORE B R, Princess bet Front and 2d Poisson F D, Princess bet 2d and 3d RUSSELL DANIEL L 2d bet Dock and Orange WRIGHT & STEDMAN, Front cor Princess Library Associations "Wilmington Library Assn, Masonic Hall Market Lightermen and Steam Tugs LEMMERMAN & CONEY, Water bet Market and Dock OrreU J B, ft Market Livery, Sale and Exchange Stables Currie S A, Princess cor 2d Scott Benjamin, Princess bet 3d and 4th Southerland Thos J, Princess cor 3d Lumber Dealers BoAvden L H, 15 n Water KIDDER E & SONS, Water cor Princess (see advt) NORTHROP & GUMMING, ft Castle Marble Works WALKER JAMES, Front bet Chesnut and Princess (see advt) MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. 186 Marine Railways Cassidey & Eoss, Church cor Water Merchant Tailors David Abraham, 27 Market HERRING & CRAIG, 2d bet Market and Princess (see advt) Lynch Wm, Front bet Market and Princess McCormick James, Princess bet 2d and 3d Meier Joseph, Princess bet Front and 2d Milliners Brown A D Mrs, Market cor Front FLANAGAN L, 42 Market Lumsden E A, Front bet Chesnut and Princess O'Brien Maria, 4th bet Bladen and Brunswick S took S A Miss, Princess bet Front and 2d Music and Musical Instruments HEINSBERGER PHILIP, 89 & 41 Market (see advt) Naval Stores JOHNSON ALEX jr, Eagle Island MAHN W D, Eagle Island MARTIN ALFRED, Dock bet "Water and Front Moffitt A A, 5 s Water PATERSON, DOWNING & CO, ft Mulberry (see advt) PETTEWAY & SCHULKEN, 16 n Water (see advt) VAN BOKKELEN A H, Water bet Princess and Chesnut Wilder & Morton, Nutt bet Hanover and Brunswick News Dealers Harris M C, Front bet Market and Princess Newspapers and Magazines North Carolina Presbyterian, Front bet Princess and Chesnut REVIEW DAILY, 2d bet Princess and Chesnut (see advt) STAR DAILY AND WEEKLY, Wm H Bernard, Princess bet Front and Water (see advt) WILMINGTON POST, Princess bet Front and 2d Notions and Trimmings Heath T H, 24 Market Scharff Emanuel, 4th cor Campbell Stern Jacob, 2d cor Toomer's al APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. P., FOR INFORMATION. 187 Nurserymen, Seedsmen and Florists Lamb George P, 6th bet Princess and Chesnut Paint Manufacturers STANLEY J D & CO, ft Church Painters— House and Sign Parker C 0, 2d bet Chesnut and Princess Shephard John J, Market bet 2d and 3d Paints, Oils and Glass Hancock & Daggett, 23 Market JACOBI N, 10 s Front Paper Hangers ZIMMERMAN & WHITE, 2d cor Princess (see advt) Photographers Van Orsdell C M, 86 Market Yates C W, 82^ Market Physicians Anderson E A, Orange cor Front Bellamy W J H, Front bet Market and Dock COBB B F, Market bet 2d and 3d DeRosset M J, Market cor 3d King E D, 4th bet Campbell and Hanover KING J F, 3d cor Chesnut Lane W W, Princess bet Front and 2d LOVE & MURPHY, Princess cor Front McDonald A D, 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick NORCOM H S, Market bet 2d and 3d Schonwald J G, Princess bet Front and 2d Thomas George G, Market cor 4th Thomas W G, Market cor 4th West Geo H, Market bet 2d and 3d Wood Thos F, 51 Market Wright A E, 3d bet Princess and Chesnut Wright S P, Princess bet 2d and 3d Pianos and Organs HEINSBERGER PHILIP, 39 and 41 Market (see advt) Picture Frames ZIMMERMAN & WHITE, 2d cor Princess (see advt) MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, GS N. Charles St., Baltimore. 188 Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitters DART D M, Princess bet 2d and 3d (see advt) Dart S A, Front bet Dock and Orange Holden Saml AV, Market bet 2d and 3d Printers— Book and Job BERNARD WM H, Princess bet Front and Water (see advt) HALL S G, Princess bet Front and 2d (see advt) Jackson & Bell, Front bet Chesnut and Princess Price & Smith, Princess bet Front and 2d Railroads Carolina Central, ISTutt bet Bladen and Brunswick WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA, Front bet Campbell and Howard (see advt) Wilmington k Seaside Passenger R R, Red Cross cor 7th WILMINGTON & WELDON, Front bet Campbell and Red Cross (see advt) Real Estate Brokers BUHMANN W J, Front bet Dock and Orange (see advt) Restaurants COLLINS WM M Custom House al bet Water and Front (see advt) DEUMELANDT AUGUST, 19 n Water (see advt) Winton H L, W & W R R Depot Rice Mills Hilton Mills, 4th nr Ashe Saddlers and Harnessmakers Carpenter Alfred, 6 s Front HAYDEN & GERHARDT, 3d bet Market and Princess (see advt) Mallard & Co, 8 s Front Sailmakers Griffith John, Dock cor Water Saloons CARROLL JOHN, 12 Market (see advt) Collin Geo F, Water bet Dock and Orange GROTGEN J H, Market cor Water HAAR JOHN jr, Front bet Market and Dock (see advt) APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING. M. D. FOR INFORMATION. 189 Hansen Henry, 2d bet Market and Princess HOPKINS J W, 3 Market * Joyner Edward, 46 n Water Keegan Jas, Nutt bet Eed Cross and Walnut Meredith S L, 13 n Front MUGGE CARL, Front bet Market and Princess Scarborough Eobt J, 8 s Water STELLJES J D, Princess cor 2d *Towers D, Mulberry cor Nutt VERANDAH, Water bet Market and Dock Sash, Doors and Blinds ALTAFFER & HILL, ft of Walnut (see advt) JACOBI N 10 s Front Schools, Seminaries, Academies, &c Academy of the Incarnation, 4th bet Orange and Nun Burr & James, Market bet 3d and 4th Homans Amy M, 4th cor Dock Kennedy & Hart, 8d bet Market and Princess MORRELLE DANIEL REV., Orange cor 5th (see advt) Murray R A Mrs, 4th cor Market Eothwell Mary P, 3d bet Princess and Chesnut St Joseph's Male Academy, 4th bet Orange and Nun Saw and Planing Mills CHADBOURN JAMES H & CO, Dock bet Water and Front (see advt) COLVILLE & CO, ft of Walnut KIDDER EDWARD & SONS, Water cor Princess (see advt) NORTHROP & GUMMING, Water bet Castle and Queen Parsley & Wiggins, 4th nr Ashe REV. DANIEL MORRELLE, English ©Classical School, South-West Corner Orange and Fifth Streets. MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. 190 Sewing Machine Companies (See also Agents) Singer, 2cl bet Princess and Cbesnut Wheeler & Wilson, 28 Market Ship Builders Beery B W, ft Castle Beery R H, ft Castle Cassidy & Ross, ft Church Ship Chandlers McGARITY J H & CO, Front cor Dock NEFF JOSEPH H, 22 Water & 1, 3 & 5 Dock Ship Smiths Lord F J, Water cor Ann Steamship Companies BALTIMORE & WILMINGTON, Water cor Chesnut (see advt) CAPE FEAR & PEOPLES, Worth & Worth agts, Water cor Mulberry Express Steamboat Co, Water nr Market. NEW YORK & WILMINGTON, Water cor Chesnut (See advt) Wilmington and Point Caswell, Water bet Dock and Orange Stoves and Tinware Parker & Taylor, 19 s Front Tags DENNISON & CO, 19 Milk st Boston Mass (see advts) Tailors (See Merchant Tailors) Telegraph Companies WESTERN UNION, Front bet Market and Princess Theatres and Places of Amusement WILMINGTON CITY OPERA HOUSE, E J Penny- packer, lessee and manager, Princess cor 3d Tobacconists (See Cigars and Tobacco) APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. P., FOR INFORMATION. 191 Undertakers and Cabinet Makers (See also Cabinet Makers) *Sampson Wm, Princess bet 2d and 3d WOOLVIN JOEL W, Princess cor 2d (see advt) Yopp Saml L, 3d bet Princess and Chesnut Upholsterers Johnson W T & Co, 2d bet Princess and Chesnut ZIMMEE-MAN & "WHITE, 2d cor Princess (see advt) Watchmakers and Jewelers Allen J H, 6 n Front Benteli E, Water cor Market BROWN T W & SONS, 37 Market Jewelers Dingelhoef M J, 55 Market Honnett Geo, 53 Market Keathly E H, 2 Market Weighers and Gangers Houston Eobt M, Dock bet Water and Front Price Joseph, Dock bet Abater and Front Wheelwrights ' *Kellogg Wm J, Nutt bet Walnut and Eed Cross *Sweat Eobt, Front cor Walnut Wine and Liquor Dealers— Wholesale and Retail Brunhild H & Bro, Front bet Market and Dock FERNBERGER J & CO, 7 Market GLAMEYER HENRY A, 2 n Water KOCH JOHN C, Front bet Dock and Orange (see advt) KOCH W H M, Front cor Orange (see advt) LUHRS FREB'K, McRae cor Miller Marcus & Son, 5 Market MYERS GEO, 11 and 13 s Front (see advt) Wood Dealers (See also Coal and Wood Dealers) PARSLEY G & CO, Water cor Orange THE DAILY REVIEW, JPaMislied Biacry Afternoon AT WILMINGTON, N. C. COI^TAIMS ALII THIS LATISST mil^S, LOCAL AltfB GlIBraiiAIi. UP TO THiSS HOUR OF aOZr^G TO 7RISS3. Full Market Reports presented in each issue, embracing the entire Commercial transactions of the day. Its local reports are full and elaborate, and are carefully prepared. It advocates nothing but sound Democratic doctrines, and finds many of its readers and patrons among the solid business men of this City and section. The Review is read thoroughly by everybody, and claims to have the largest circulation ever attained by any evening paper published in North Carolina. It is an excellent advertising medium and a glance at its columns will show the estimation in which it is held by the business men of Wilmington. SUBSCRIPTION $5.00 A YEAR, OR 50 CEJVTS A MOJfTH, Advertising rates very easy, with liberal deductions on contracts. Address, Wilmington, N. C. (192) APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. P., FOR INFORMATION. 193 UNITED STATES GOYERNMENT. President — Rutherford B. Hayes. Vice President — Wm. A. Wheeler. Secretary of State — "W. M. Evarts. Secretary of Treasury — John Sherman. Secretary of War — Geo. W. McCrary. Secretary of Navy — Richard W. Thompson. Secretary of Interior — C. Schurz. Postmaster General — David M. Key. Attorney General — Chas. Devens. Chief Justice — Morrison R. TVaite. NORTH CAROLINA STATE GOVERNMENT. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Governor — Zebulon B. Vance. Private Secretary — David M. Vance. Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate — Thomas J Jarvis. Secretary of State — Joseph A. Bnglehard. Treasurer — John M. Worth. Teller— T. C. Worth. Chief Clerk— Donald W. Bain. Auditor — Samuel L. Love. Chief Clerk — Sara'l Cary Herron. Superintendent of Public Instruction — John C. Scarborough. Adjutant General — Johnstone Jones. Attorney General — Thomas S. Kenan. State Geologist— W. C. Kerr. Librarian — Sherwood Haywood. Keeper of the Capitol — J. McLeod Turner. NORTH CAROLINA REPRESENTATION IN CONGRESS. SENATE. A. S. Merrimon, of Wake, and Matt. W. Ransom, of North- umberland. MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE. 66 N. Charles St., Baltimore. 194 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 1st District. Jesse J. Yates, Dem. 2d. J. D. Hyman (col.), Rad. 3d. A. M. Waddell, Dem. 4tli. Joseph J. Davis, Dem. 5th. A. M. Scales, Dem. 6th. Thomas S. Ashe, Dem. 7th. W. M. Robbins, Dem. 8th. Robert Y. Yance, Dem. COURTS. SUPREME COURT OFFICERS. Chief Justice, Richmond M. Pearson, of Yadkin ; Associate Justices, Edwin G. Reade, of Pearson ; William B. Rodman, of Beaufort ; W. P. Bynum, of Mecklenburg ; W. W. Faircloth, of Wayne. Reporter, Tazwell L. Hargrove, of Granville. Clerk, AY. H. Bagley of Wake. Marshal, D, A. Wicker, of Wake. Supreme Court meets in Raleigh on the first Monday in January and June. CUSTOM HOUSE. Collector, Joseph C. Abbott ; Deputy Collector, R. W. Chad- wick ; Clerk, C. S. Servoss ; Inspectors, Geo. L. Mabson, Wm. H. Gerken, L. B. Rice, C. E. Taylor, Owen Burney ; Janitor, Frederick Miller. POST OFFICE. Postmaster, Ed. R. Brink ; Chief Clerk, J. Arthur Sprin- ger ; Clerks, John Moore, H. W. Pinney, John D. Yon Glahn, J. Geo. Haslaagan. Mail Boxes are located at the following points, from which collections are made daily at 4 p. m. : 4th cor. Market ; 7th cor. Market ; 3d cor. Orange ; 7th cor. Mulberry ; 4th cor. Han- over ; Front cor. Market. UNITED STATES SIGNAL STATION. Cor. Princess and Front. Observer, R. Seyboth ; Assistant Observer, N. G. Brewer. Weather reports received from 91 stations in the United States and Canadas, at 7:31 a. m., 4:31 p. m., and 10:56 p. m. APPLY TO PROF. G. REULIMG. M. P., FOR INFORMATION. 195 WILMINGTON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. CITY HALL, THIRD BETWEEN CHESNUT AND PRINCESS. Mayor, John Dawson ; Chief of Police, H. C. Brock ; Treas- urer and Collector, T. C. Servoss ; Deputy Treasurer, W. K, Price ; City Physician, Dr. A. B. Wright ; Surveyor, J. K. Brown; Attorney, De Brutz Cutlar; Clerk Market, L. M. Williams ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, E. C. Davis ; Port Wardens, W. B. Whitehead, George Harris ; Harbor Master, Benj. G. Bates. Board of Aldermen : President, John Dawson ; Members, C. D. Myers, Henry G, Planner, F. W. Foster, H. Von Glahn, H. Vollers, L. H. Bowden, Jas. A. Lowrey, J. C Hill, I. W. King. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Roger Moore, Chief Engineer. Brooklyn Engine Company, No. 4, 4th bet Hanover and Brunswick. Cape Fear Engine Company, No. 3, Ann bet Front and 2d. Eagle Island Engine Company, No. 5, composed of the em- ployees of the W. C. & A. R. R. Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1, Dock bet 3d and 4th. Howard Relief Engine, No. 2, 4th cor Market. Wilmington Engine Company, No. 1, 4th cor Princess. POLICE DEPARTMENT. HEADQUARTERS, CITY HALL. Chief of Police, H. C. Brock ; Day Captain, John Cowan ; Night Captain, John Fitzgerald ; Sargeants, J. H. Savage, J. J. Forrest, C. 0. Taylor. HEALTH DEPARTiMNET. F. M. James, James M. King, Mingo C. Hill (col), Samuel Howland. NEW HANOVER COUNTY GOVERNMENT. Judge Superior Court, A. A. McKoy ; Clerk Superior Court, James Heaton; Deputy Clerk, E. H. McQuigg; Sheriff. S. H. Manning ; Register of Deeds, J. E. Sampson ; Commissioners : Chairman, John G. Wagner ; I. B. Grainger, B. G. Worth, MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. CharlesSt., Baltimore. 196 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, WILMINGTON, E. H. McQuigg, Anthony Howe, W. W. Harriss, Joseph C. Hill, E. D. Hall. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Chairman of the Board of Education, A. H. Morris ; Commit- tee, J. E. Sampson and Alfred Howe. LOCATION OF SCHOOLS. Union School House, 6th bet Nan and Church. Miss M. E. Cook, Principal. Hemenway School House, -ith street nr Boney's Bridge. Miss Maggie E. Ellison, Principal. Williston School House, 7th bet Ann and Nun. Miss Mary W. Howe, Principal. Campbell Square School, 6th street. Mrs. Hattie L. Deb- man, Principal. Williston Normal School, 7th cor Nun. Tileston Normal School, Ann bet 4th and 5th LIBPAEIES. Wilmington Library Association, Masonic Hall. President. Norwood Giles ; Secretary and Librarian, J. L. Wooster. ASYLUMS AND HOSPITALS. St. James Home, 8th cor Church. United States Marine, Dr. J. E. Winants, surgeon, 8th bet Nun and Church. BANKS. Bank of New Hanover, Front cor Princess ; President, L B. Grainger; Cashier, S. D. Wallace ; Directors, D. R. Murchison, John Dawson, C. M. Stedman, Donald McRae, J. W. Atkinson, R. R. Bridgers, H. Vollers, I B. Grainger, of Wilmington ; B. F. Little, Richmond CO.; J. A. Leak, Wadesboro ; E. B. Borden, Goldsboro; M. Weddell, Tarboro; Wright & Stedman, Attys. Dawson Bank, Front bet Market and Princess ; President, F. W. Kerchner; Cashier, William Larkins; Directors, James Dawson, James Anderson, Alfred Martin, A. J. DeRosset, J. A. Maiiltsby, F. W. Kerchner, E. Peschau, H. A. Burr, John McRae, J. L. Boatwright. First National Bank, Front cor Princess; President, E. E. Bruruss; Cashier, A. K. Walker; Teller, H. M. Bowden; APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING, M. D., FOR INFORMATION, 19T Directors, W. H. McEary, W. L. Steele, E. E. Burruss, D. G. Worth, James Sprunt. CHURCHES. Front Street Methodist Episcopal, Front cor "Walnut. Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal South, 5th bet Nun and Church. Seamen's Bethel, Front cor Dock, Rev. Jos. L. Keen. First Baptist, 5th cor Market. Second Baptist, 6th bet Church and Castle. Ironsides Baptist Chapel, Castle bet 5th and 6tb. First Presbyterian, 3d cor Orange. Second Presbyterian, Campbell bet 4th and 5th. St. Thomas' Roman Catholic, Dock bet 2d and 3d, Rev. M. S. Gross. St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran, 6th cor Market. St. James' Protestant Episcopal, 3d cor Market. St. John's Protestant Episcopal, 3d cor Red Cross. St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal, 4th cor Orange. Ebenezer Baptist, 7th bet Ann and Orange. COLOEED. St. Stephen's Methodist Episcopal, Red Cross cor 5th. Christian Chapel, Methodist Episcopal, 7th cor Church. Mt. Olive Methodist Episcopal, 2d bet Dawson and Wright. Mt. Zion Methodist Episcopal, 7th cor Howard. First Baptist, 5th cor Campbell. St. Mark's Protestant Episcopal, 6th cor Mulberry. First Presbyterian, Chesnut bet 7th and 8th. GAS COMPANIES. Wilmington City Gas Light Co. Edward Kidder, President ; Richard J. Jones, Secretary and Treasurer ; John W. Reilly, Superintendent. Office, Princess bet Front and 2d. NEWSPAPERS. Morning and Weekly Star, Princess bet Front and Water. W. H. Bernard, Editor and Proprietor. Weekly Post, Princess bet Front and 2d. W. P. Canady, Proprietor. North Carolina Presbyterian (Weekly), Front cor Princess. Daily Review. '—- --- —• Chesnut. MARYLAND EYE & EAR INSTITUTE, 66 N. Charles St, Baltimore. 198 EXPEESS OFFICES. Southern, 45 n Front. W. W. Allen, Manager. TELEGRAPH OFFICES. Western Union, Front bet Market and Princess. L. A. Angel, Manager. STEAMSHIP AND STEAMBOAT LINES. Baltimore and Wilmington Steamship Co. A. D. Cazaiix, agent. Water bet Chesnut and Mulberry. Cape Fear and People's Steamboat Line to Fayetteville. Worth & Worth, agents, Water cor Mulberry. Express Steamboat Line to Fayetteville. Williams & Mur- chison, agents, Water near Market. l^ew York and Wilmington Steamship Co., A. D. Cazaux, agent. Water between Chesnut and Mulberry. SOCIETIES. F. AND A. M. Meet at Masonic Hall, Market, between Front and 2d St, John's Lodge, No, 1, meets last Thursday each month. C. M, Van Orsdell, W. M, ; James C. Munds, Secretary. Wilmington Lodge, No, 319, meets third Tuesday each month. Samuel Northrop, W. M. ; W. S. Warrock, Secre- tary. Concord Chapter, No. 1, meets third Monday each month. C. M. Yan Orsdell, W. M. ; J. C. Munds, Secretary, Wilmington Council, No, 4, meets second Monday each month. G. W. Jewett, T, I. M,; Recorder, D, Greenwald. Wilmington Commandery, No, 1, meets second Wednesday each month. H. H. Munson, E. C, ; J. C. Munds, Recorder. COLORED F. AND A. M. Giblen Lodge meets second and last Monday each month, at Giblen Hall, 4th corner Princess. Mount Nebo Lodge, No. 14, meets first and third Monday of each month, at hall on Walnut between 4th and 5th. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Meet at Castle Hall, third between Princess and Chesnut. Stonewall Lodge, No. 1, meets every Monday night John L. Dudley, C. C. ; S. T. Potts, K. of R. & S. APPLY TO PROF. G. REULING. M. P.. FOR INFORMATION. 199 Germania Lodge, No, 4, meets every Thursday night. John Meyer, C. C. ; J. W. Gerdts, K. of E. & S. I. o. o. F. Meet at Hall, 8d between Princess and Chesnut. Cape Fear Lodge, No. 2, meets every Tuesday night. Benj. Bell, N. G. ; W. E. Hill, Recording Secretary. Orion Lodge, No. 67, meets every Wednesday night. New- ton Gillican, N. G. ; J. L. Dudley, Recording Secretary. Oriana Lodge, D. of R., No. 3, meets first and third Thursday nights of each month : G. M. Altaffer, N. G. ; Benjamin Bell, Secretary. Wilmington Degree Lodge, No. 1, meets 2d Friday of each month: G. M. Altafi'er, D. M.; W. H. Strauss, Secretary. COLORED I. O. O, F. Free Love Lodge, Dock bet Water and Front, Golden Lyre Lodge, Front bet Dock and Orange. CAMPBELL ENCAMPMENT, NO. 1. Meets 1st and 3d Friday nights of each month, W. H. Strauss, Chief P. ; George H, Kelley, Scribe. RED MEN. Meet at Hall, Princess bet Front and 2d. Wyoming Tribe, No. 4, meets every Tuesday night. T. J. Herring, Sachem ; S. A, Craig, C. of R, Independent Order Good Samaritans, 2d cor Princess. I. 0. B. B, Meet at Castle Hall, 3d bet Princess and Chesnut, the first and third Sunday in each month. M, M. Katz, President ; S. H. Fishblate, Vice-President. FRIENDS OF TEMPERANCE. Mt. Olivet Council, meets every Friday night. J. H. Hanby, President ; T. 0. Wroten, Secretary. 0. K. S. B, Meets Odd Fellows' Hall, 2d and 4th Sundays. S. Han- stein, President ; Jacob Weil, Secretary. WE AIM TO COMPETE WITH THE BEST AND CHEAPEST STEREOTYPERS AND PRINTERS IN AMERICA. lis IsplfiF |flatla§ aai |ttMi^liM| |i., OF lAMCASTEB, PEMNA., HAVE UE-SUEPASSED FACILITIES FOR BOOK, PAMPHLET, NEWSPAPER and COMMERCIAL PRINTING. At rates considerably under prices charged in large cities; for STEREOTYFIM© By the best I^odern Processes; and for BINDING, PAPER RULING AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING IN THEIR VARIOUS BRANCHES. Correspondence with Reliable Parties solicited, and estimates promptly furnished to that class. J. HANNUM JONES, a'^^J^S^ V <^ ^y^ GENERAL MANAGER. ^Vv VV^^^^^ w' (f LIST OF UNITED STATES POST OFFICES IN YIRGINIA, WEST VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA. REVISED AND CORRECTED FROM THE LATEST OFFICIAL REPORT. VIRGINIA. Alibott Abb's Valley Abbyville Abingdon {^c K) Accomack C H Accotink Acorn Hill Afton , Airfield Alchie Alden Aldie Alexandria {c h) Alleghany Spring Allen's Creek Allen's Cross Roads Allisonia Allwood Alma Alonzaville Alum Springs Alum Wells Amelia C H Amherst C H Amissville Amsterdam Andrews Annandale Antioch Apple Grove Appomattox C H Ararat Arbor Hill Areola Arlington Arrington Craig Tazewell Mecklenburgh Washington Accomack Fairfax Frederick Nelson Southampton Halifax King George Loudoun Alexandria Montgomery Amherst Warren Pulaski Amherst Page Shenandoah Rockbridge Washington Amelia Amherst Rappahannock Botetourt Spottsylvania Fairfax Fluvanna Louisa Appomattox Patrick Augusta Loudoun Alexandria Nelson Ashby Ashland Aspen Wall Assamoosic Atkin's Tank Atlantic Atlee's Station Auburn Auburn Mills Avon Aylett's Back Creek Valley Bacon's Castle Baker's Mill Balcony Falls Bales' Mills Ballsville Bangs Baptist Valley Barboursville Barhamsville Barksdale Barnesville Barrow's Store Batesville Bath Alum Baynesville Bay Port Bay View Bealeton Bear Skin Bear Wallow Beaver Dam Depot Beaver Pond Beech Spring Beesville Belfast Mills Bellefont -Cumberland Hanover Charlotte Southampton Smythe Accomack Hanover Fauquier Hanover Nelson King William Frederick Surry Rockingham Rockbridge Lee Powhatan Montgomery Tazewell Orange New Kent Halifax Charlotte Brunswick Albemarle Bath Westmoreland Middlesex Northampton Fauquier Pittsylvania Tazewell Hanover Amelia Lee Buckingham Russell Nottoway LIST OF POST-OFFICES IN VIRGINIA. Belle Haven Belleville Bellevue Bellfair Mills Bell's Cross Roads Bell's Valley Bennett's Mill Bent Creek Bcntivoglio Bent Mountain Bentonville Berger's Store Barge's Gap Berlin Berry villi {c h) Bestland Bethel Academy Beulah Beulahville Bickley's Mills Big Branch Big Island Big Lick Big Spring Depot Big Stone Gap Black Lick Blacksburg Black's Ridge Black Walnut Black Water Blair's Wharf Bland C H Bloomfield Blossom Hill Blue Ridge Blue Ridge Springs Blue Spring Run Blue Stone Body Camp Bolington Boiling's Landing Bonbrook Bonsack's Boone's Mill Boonesville Boonsborough Boon's Path Boston Botetourt Springs Bowers Hill Bowles's Wharf Bowling Green (r h) Boyd's Tavern Boyd ton (eh) Boykin's Depot Branchville Brandon Brandon Church Accomack Nansemond Bedford Stafford Louisa Rockbridge Montgomery Appomattox Albemarle Roanoke Warren Pittsylvania Wise Southampton Clarke Essex Fauquier Prince William King William Russell Scott Bedford Roanoke Montgomery Wise Wythe Montgomery Mecklenburgh Halifax Lee Prince George Bland Loudoun Princess Anne Botetourt Botetourt Alleghany Tazewell Bedford Loudoun Buckingham Franklin Roanoke Franklin Albemarle Bedford Lee Culpeper Roanoke Norfolk Essex Caroline Albermarle Mecklenburgh Southampton Southampton Prince George Prince George Brandy Station Breckenridge Bremo Bluff Brentsville [c Ji) Brickland Brick Store Bridgetown Bridgewater Bridle Creek Bristersburgh Bristoe Broad ford Broad Run Station Broadway Depot Brokenburgh Brooke's Station Brooklyn Brook Neal Brosville Browne Hill Brownsburgh Brown's Cove Brown's Store Browntown Brugh's Mill Bruington Buchanan Buckhorn Buckingham C H Buckingham Mines Buckland Buck Shoal Buckner's Buckner's Station Buckton Buffalo Forge Buffalo Gap Buffalo Lithia Springs Buffalo Mills Buffalo Ridge Bufordville Bula Bumpass Bunker Hill Burgess Burgess Store Burke's Garden Burke's Mills Burke's Station Burkeville Burk's Ford Burnt Ordinary Cabbage Farm Cabin Hill Cabin Point Ca L-a Caledonia Callaghan's Culpeper Henry Fluvanna Prince William Lunenburgh Lee Northampton Rockingham Grayson Fauquier Prince William Smythe Fauquier Rockingham Spottsylvania Stafford Halifax Campbell Pittsylvania Wythe Rockbridge Albemarle Northumberland Warren Botetourt King and Queen Botetourt Nansemond Buckingham Buckingham Prince William Halifax Greenville Louisa Warren Rockbridge Augusta Mecklenburgh Rockbridge Patrick Bedford Goochland Louisa Bedford Dinwiddle Northumberland Tazewell Augusta Fairfax Nottoway Floyd James City Mecklenburgh Shenandoah Surry Cumberlanp Goochland Alleghany LIST OF POST-OFFICES IN VIRGINIA. Calland's Callaway's Camp Creek Cany Hollow Capeville Capon Road Depot Cappahosic Carlton's Store Carrsville Carsonville Carter's Bridge Carter's Creek Carter's Mills Cartersville Casanova Cascade Castle Craig Castleman's Ferry Catawba Catharpin Catlett Cave Spring Cedar Bluff Cedar Grove Cedar Grove Mills Cedar Point Cedar Springs Cedar View Cedarville Center Mills Center View Central Point Central Plains Centre Cross Centreville Chalk Level Chamblissburgh Chancellorsville Chantilly Charlemont Charlie Hope Charlottesville (f li) Chase City Chatham (c h) Chatham Hill Cherry Grove Cherrystone Chester Chesterfield Chestnut Fork Chesnut Level Chickahominy Childress' Store Childrey Chilesburgh Chilhowie Springs Chincoteague Island Christiansburgh {c h) Pittsylvania Franklin Floyd Lee Northampton Shenandoah Gloucester King and Queen Isle of Wight Grayson Albemarle Lancaster Patrick Cumberland Fauquier Pittsylvania Campbell Clarke Roanoke Prince William Fauquier Roanoke Tazewell Frederick Franklin Page Smyth Sussex Warren Montgomery Charlotte Caroline Fluvanna Essex Fairfax Pittsylvania Bedford Spottsylvania Fairfax Bedford Brunswick Albemarle Mecklenburgh Pittsylvania Smyth Rockingham Northampton Chesterfield Chesterfield Bedford Pittsylvania Hanover Montgomery Halifax Caroline Smythe Accomack Montgomery Chuckatuck Chula Depot Churchland Church Road Church View Churchville Circleville City Point Claremont Wharf Clark's Gap Clarksville Clear Fork Cleek's Mills Clem's Branch Clifton Forge Clifton Station Clinton Clover Creek Cloverdale Clover Depot Clover Hill Cobb's Creek Cobb's Island Cobbsville Cobham Colemanville Cole's Ferry CoUierstown Collingwood Collinsville Columbia Columbia Furnace Columbian Grove Coman's Well Comer's Rock Comorn Concord Depot Concord Wharf Cool Well Coonsville Cooperville Coote's Store Copper Hill Copper Valley Cornsville County Line Cross Cove Creek Covesville Covington {c h) Cowan's Depot Cowan's Mills Crab Orchard Craig's Creek Craig's Mills Craigsville Cranberry Plains Cresswell Cricket Hill Nansemond Amelia Norfolk Dinwiddle Middlesex Augusta Loudoun Prince George Surry Loudon Mecklenburgh Bland Bath Grayson Alleghany Fairfax Cumberland Highland Botetourt Halifax Rockingham Matthews Northampton Southampton Albemarle Cumberland Charlotte Rockbridge Fairfax Frederick Fluvanna Shenandoah Lunenburgh Sussex Grayson King George Campbell Northampton Amherst Bedford Sussex Rockingham Floyd Floyd Scott Roads Charlotte Tazewell Albemarle Allegheny Rockingham Montgomery Lee Craig Washington Augusta Carroll Russell Matthews LIST OF POST-OFFICES IN VIRGINIA. Criglersville Crockett Depot Croftsville Cross Cross Keys Cross Junction Cross Roads Crow Spring Cuckoo Culpeper (c A) Cumberland C H Curdsville Curl's Wharf Cuscowilla Dale Enterprise Daleville Danville Darlington Heights Darvill's Davis Mills Davis Wharf Dawsonville Daysville Dayton Deatonsville Deep Creek Deerfield Delaplane Delila Diana Mills Dickensonville Dickinson's Dillon's Mills Dinwiddie C H Dispatch Disputanta Doe Hill Double Bridge Dover Mines Dovesville Dragonville Drake's Branch Dranesville Draper's Valley Drapersville Drevvry's Bluff Drewryville Dry Fork Dry Fork Depot Dublin Dug Spur Dulinsville Dumfries Duncan's Mills Dunn's Store Dunnsville Dupree's Old Store Dyer's Store Madison Wythe Tazewell Alleghany Rockingham Frederick Halifax Chesterfield Louisa Culpeper Cumberland Buckingham Henrico Meckleoburgh Rockingham Botetourt Pittsylvania Prince Edward Dinwiddie Bedford Accomack Greene Loudoun Rockingham Amelia Norfolk Augusta Fauquier Halifax Buckingham Russell Franklin Franklin Dinwiddie New Kent Prince George Highland Lunenburgh Goochland Rockingham King and Queen Charlotte Fairfax Pulaski Mecklenburgh Chesterfield Southampton Wise Pittsylvania Pulaski Carroll Madison Prince William Scott Caroline Essex Charlotte Henry Earleysville East Liberty Eastville {c h) Edenburgh Edge Hill Edith Edmunds Store Edom Edwards Eggleston's Springs Elamsville El Dorado Eldridge's Mill Elizabeth Furnace Elk Creek Elk Garden Elk Hill Mills Elk Run EUendale Ellisville Elmington Emaus Emmerton Emory Enfield Enterprise Erin Shades Ervington Estillville {c li) Etna Mills Eureka Mills Everet's Evergreen Evergreen Mills Ewing's Store Fairfax C H Fairfax Station Fairfield Fairview Fall Creek Depot Falls Church ' Falls Mills Falmouth Fancy Gap Fancy Grove Fancy Hill Farmer's Fork Farmer's Grove Farmville {c h) Farmwell Farnham Fauquier Springs Fawcett's Gap Fife's Fin castle {c h) Fine Creek Mills I Fisherville I Flanagan's Mills Albemarle Page Northampton Shenandoah King George Shenandoah Brunswick Rockingham Patrick Giles Patrick Culpeper Buckingham Augusta Grayson Russell Goochland Fauquier Smythe Louisa Nelson Bedford Richmond Washington King William Southampton Henrico Campbell Scott King William Charlotte Nansemond Appomattox Loudoun Bedford Fairfax Fairfax Rockbridge Scott Pittsylvania Fairfax Tazewell Stafford Carroll Bedford Rockbridge Richmond Southampton Prince Edward Loudoun Richmond Fauquier Frederick Goochland Botetourt Powhatan Augusta Cumberland LIST OF POST-OFFICES IN VIRGINIA. Flat Ridge Flat Rock Flint Hill Flippo's Floyd C H Folly Mills Foneswood Ford's Depot Forest Depot Forest Hill Forest Station Forestville Forkland Forks of Buffalo Forksville Fort Union Fort Blackimore Fort Defiance Fort Mitchell Fox Fi an Cisco Franklin City Franklin Depot Franktown Fredericksburgh Frederick's Hall Freeshade Free Union French Hay Friendship Friendshipville • Fro7tt Royal (ynn Camp Marshall Kincheloe Harrison McDougall Ritchie Kingsville Randolph McElroy Doddridge King-wood (c K) Preston Machirville Mason Kline's Cross Roads Pendleton Macksville Pendleton Knawl's Creek Braxton Madison {c K) Boone Knottsville Taylor Magnolia Morgan Knoxville Marshall Maidsville Monongalia Lane's Bottom Webster Majorsville Marshall Laurel Branch Monroe Mannington Marion Laurel Creek Lincoln Maple Lawn Monroe Laurel Iron Works Monongalia Marlin's Bottom Pocahontas Laurel Point Monongalia Martinsburgh [c K) Berkeley Leachtown Wood Mason Mason Leading Creek Lewis Mason Town Preston Lead Mine Tucker Masters Farm Fayette LeadsviTle Randolph Mate Creek Logan Leatherwood Webster Mattie Roane Leetown Jefferson Matville Raleigh Left Hand Roane Maywood Fayette Le Roy Jackson Meadland Taylor Lesage's Cabell Meadow Bluff Greenbrier Letart • Mason Meadowville Barbour Letter Gap Gilmer Mercer's Bottom Mason Level's Cross Roads Hampshire Mercer's Salt Works Summei-s Lewisburgh (c Ii) Greenbrier Middlebourne ic h\ Tyler Lewiston Kanawha Middle Fork Randolph Limestone Marshall Middleport Webster Limestone Hill Wood Middleway Jefferson Lindside Monroe Mill Creek Berkeley Little Georgetown Berkeley Miller's Camp Branch Raleigh Little Otter Braxton Mill Point Pocahontas Little Sewell Mountain Greenbrier Mill Pond McDowell Little Mills Tyler Mill Run Preston Little Wild Cat Lewis Milton Cabell Lizemore's Clay Mingo Flat Randolph Lochiel Dunn Minnora Calhoun Lockhart's Jackson Milo Wetzel Lockhart's Run Wood Miracle Run Monongalia Locust Knob Mason Mole Hill Ritchie Logan C H Logan Monroe Draft Greenbrier Lone Cedar • Jackson Moorefield (c h) Hardy Lone Tree Tyler Moore's Tyler Long Reach Tyler Mooresville Monongalia Long Run Station Doddridge Morgan's Glade Preston xviii LIST OF POST-OFFICES IN WEST VIRGINIA. Morgansville Doddridge Osborne's Mills r Roane Morgantown {c h) Monongalia Overfield Barbour Morgan Valley Wyoming Overhill • Upshur Morton Grove Morgan Oxford Doddridge Moses Fork Wayne Pack's Ferry Summers Mosing Pocahontas Paint Creek , Kanawha Moundville (c It) Marshall Painter's Mill Preston Mountain Cove Fayette Palatine Marion Mountain Home Hardy Palestine Greenbrier Mount Clare Harrison Pan Handle Brooke Mount Freedom Pendleton Parkersburgh {c K) Wood Mount Harmony Marion Parker's Mills Ritchie Mount Hope Fayette Patterson's Depot Mineral Mount Ida Fayette Paw Paw Morgan Mount Murphy Pocahontas Peck's Run Upshur Mount Olive Mason Pedlars Run Monongalia Mount Pleasant Webster Peel Tree Barbour Mount Storm Grant PerrysviUe (c /i) McDowell Mouse's Grant Pennsborough Ritchie Mouth of Buffalo Logan Pen tress Monongalia Mouth of Pigeon Logan Perkin's Mill Braxton Mouth of Scary Putnam Peru Hardy Mouth of Seneca Pendleton Petersburgh Grant Mouth Short Creek Boone Peterstown Monroe Mud Bridge Cabell Peytona Boone Murphy's Mill Wood Philippi(ch) Barbour Murphy's Run Harrison Piedmont Mineral Murraysville Jackson Pine Grove Wetzel Muse's Bottom Jackson Pineville Wyoming Nestorville Barbour Piney Grove Kanawha Newark Wirt Plainview Preston Newburgh Preston Pleasant Creek Barbour Newr Cumberland Hancock Pleasant Dale Hampshire New Dale Wetzel Pleasant Hill Preston New England Wood Pleasant Retreat Clay New Flat Fork Clay Pleasant Run Tucker New Geneva Jackson Pleasant Valley Monongalia New Haven Mason Pleasant View Jackson New Hope Mercer Pliny Store Putnam New Interest Randolph Pocataligo Kanawha New Martinsville {c h) Wetzel Point Mountain Randolph New Milton Doddridge Point Pleasant {c h) Mason New Richmond Summers Porter's Falls Wetzel New Salem Harrison Portland Preston Newton Roane Potomac Ohio Nicholas C H Nicholas Preston Tannery Preston Normantown Gilmer Princeton [c Ji) Mercer North Mountain Berkeley Proctor Wetzel North River Mills Hampshire Prospect Valley Harrison North Spring Wyoming Pru7ttytown {c h) Taylor Nuttallburgh Fayette Purgitsville Hampshire Nuzums Marion Pursley Tyler Oak Flat Pendleton Queen Shoals Kanawha Oak Hill Fayette Quiet Dell Harrison Oak Run Hancock QuinimOnt Fayette Oakton Berkeley Racoon Preston Oceana {c h) Wyoming Paleigk CH Raleigh Okonoko Hampshire Randall Monongalia LIST OF POST-OFFICES IN WEST VIRGINIA. Raven's Eye Fayette Ravenswood Jackson Raymond City ' Putnam Red Creek Tucker Red House Shoals Putnam Red Oak Ridge Mercer Red Sulphur Springs Monroe Reedsville Preston Reedy Roane Reedy Ripple Wirt Reedyville Roane Renick's Valley Greenbrier Reynolds' Store Kanawha Rich Creek Logan Rich Mountain Randolph Ridgeville Mineral Ripley Landing Jackson Ripley's Tyler Rippon Jefferson Ritchie CH Ritchie River Side Mercer Rivesville Marion Roanoke Lewis Roaring Creek Randolph Rock Camp Monroe Rock Castle Mason Rock Cave Upshur Rockford Harrison Rock Lick Marshall Rockport Wood Rock View Wyoming Rockville Wayne Rodamers Preston Rogers Ritchie RoUinsburgh Summers Romine's Mills Harrison Romney (EL^^Y^, And hut one transfer from point of Shipment to Destination ; consequently all Freight by this Route is delivered in Unbroken Lots. Through Bills of Lading given to aiirti from all points in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. ALSO TO Baltimore, Pbtladelpbla, New Torb, Bost<»n, Providence, Fall River, And other Eastern Cities. Rates Guaranteed as low as by any other Route, and time as quick. Losses or Overcharges promptly paid. MARK ALt UOODS VIA WlI.»HI««TON STEAMERS. For further information apply to either of the undersigned A gents of the Line. IVMC. r. CLVDE 6l CO.. Agts., NEW YORK LINE. XLEUBEIV FOSTSR. Gen'l Agt. BALTIMORE LINE, 90 Light Street, Baltimore, A. D. CAZAUX, Agt., Baltiiuore and New York I.ines, Wiliiiiugton, N. C. 6 Bowling' Green, New York. P. MJSIJVSBMMG^k, Book-Binder, Blank Book Manufactv/i*er and Stationer, 39 and 41 Market St, See Advt. page 3.