fl3fl AGRICULTURAL AND- Mechanical college -FOR THE COLORED RACE. •LAWS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES -AND- REOULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMEN OF THE COLLEGE. rREENSBORO, N. C. : Reece & Elam, Power Job Printers, f8o6. Library of the University of North Carolina Endowed by the Dialectic and Philan- thropic Societies (Cp m-fl3« 00032715492 This book must not be taken from the Library building. ^ — eee-s — tser Form No. 471 Act of the General Assembly of North Carolina establishing the Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race- Endowment Acts of Congress By -LAWS ORDAINED BV THE BOTVR-D OP TRUSTEES Agricultural and MeGbamcal (Mege&golored RaGe RULES AND REGULATIONS MADE BY THE TRUSTEES FOR THE ORGANIZATION AND GOVERNMENT AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE FOR THE COLORED RACE. Reece & Elam, Power Printers, Greensboro, N. C- 1896. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. ist Congressional Dist., HUGH C ALE, Elizabeth City, N. C. 2nd Congressional Dist., W. W. LONG, Littleton, N. C. 3rd Congressional Dist., .H. C. TYSON, Carthage, N. C. 4th Congressional Dist, W. F. DEBNAM, Raleigh, N. C. 5th Congressional Dist., .THOMAS B. KEOGH, Greensboro, N. C. 6th Congressional Dist., . . . . J AS. F. POST, Jr., Wilmington, N. C. 7th Congressional Dist., J. B. HOLM AN, Cool Spring, N. C. 8th Congressional Dist., E. E. GRAY, Winston, N. C. 9th Congressional Dist., W. H. M'CLURE, Hayesville, N. C. OFFICERS. THOMAS B. KEOGH, President J. B. DUDLEY, Secretary R. W. MURRAY, Treasurer, Greensboro, N. C. STANDING COMMITTEES. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Thomas B. Keogh, Chairman. E. E. Gray, W. W. Long, * W. F. Debnam, FINANCE COMMITTEE. J. B. Holman, Chairman. W. H. McClure. H. C. Tyson. COMMITTEE ON BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. Thomas B. Keogh, Chairman. E. E. Gray. W. F. Debnam. f£ *JAS. B DUDLEY, Resigned. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/bylawsordainedby1896agri RULES AND BY-LAWS ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE Agricultural and Mechanical College FOR THE COLORED RACE. {Adopted by the Board of Trustees at the regular meeting May 2 Qth, i8q5, and as amended at regular meeting May — , i8qb.) 1. The regular meetings ot the Board of Trustees shall be held on the second Wednesday of May and the third Wednesday of December at the office of the Board in the city of Greensboro. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings may be called by the President upon giving ten days notice to each Trustee. Officers. 2. The officers of the Board shall be a President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The Secretary and the Treasurer shall be elected at the meeting in May and shall hold office for one year or until a successor is elected. In the event of the failure to elect any of the officers at the regular meeting they may be elected at any subse- quent meeting of the Board. The President shall continue in office during his term as Trustee, unless removed by a majority vote of the Trustees; or a vacancy in the office is caused by death or resignation. Standing Committees. 3. The following committees shall be appointed, viz: An Exec- utive Committee of five members, of which the President of the Board shall be one ; a Finance Committee of three members, and a committee on Buildings and Grounds composed of three Trustees, including the President of the Board. Executive Committee. 4. The Executive Cofnmittee shall meet on the day preceding the regular meeting of the Board in the month of May and dispose of all matters which properly come before it for submission at the said regular meeting of the Board. It shall consider all matters pertaining to the interest of the college, and shall make such recom- mendations for action of the Board as may be advisable. During the interval between the meetings of the Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the Chairman and exercise the powers and authority of the Board. All of the acts of the Executive Committee shall be recorded and subject to review by the Board. It shall receive all reports of the officers of the college, and shall submit the same to the Board with its recom- mendations in the premises. Three members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. Finance Committee. 5. The Finance Committee shall meet at the call of its Chair- man immediately preceding the May and December meetings of the Board, and shall make a careful examination of all financial matters of the Board and of the college. It shall also make from time to time such recommendations as it may deem necessary. It shall also present to the May meeting of the Board an estimate of the probable income and expenditure for the ensuing year. Committee on Buildings and Grounds. 6. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds shall meet at the call of the Chairman at such time and place as he may fix, giving notice at least one week in advance. This Committee shall provide for construction and erection of buildings as ordered by the Board of Trustees, and shall order necessary repairs, and improvements for the protection of the grounds. President. 7. The President of the Board shall preside at all meetings of the Board and act as Chairman of the Executive Committee. The President shall have power to call the Executive Committee together when in his judgment it is deemed necessary, giving ten days notice. He shall countersign all vouchers, and perform all other duties pertaining to his office which may be imposed upon him by the Board. All contracts in writing to be binding on the Board of Trustees must be signed by the President and the Secretary of the Board. Secretary. 8. The Secretary of the Board of Trustees shall be Secretary ot the Executive Committee and shall keep a full and accurate record of the proceedings of the Board and of the Executive Committee, and shall as soon after each meeting as practicable furnish each officer or committee a synopsis of such work as said officer or com- mittee shall be charged with until the next regular meeting. In like manner he shall also advise the faculty of the college of any new duties or regulations required by the Board. Treasurer. 9. The Treasurer shall keep separate accounts of moneys re- ceived and disbursed from the funds furnished by tho United States and the State of North Carolina, or from any other source. He shall keep a book showing proper credits and separate entries of all vouchers paid by him. He shall render a statement ot such accounts whenever specially directed to do so by the Board or its President, and shall also furnish regularly quarterly statements to the President of the Board on the first days of January, April, July and October, of each year, and regular semi-annual statements of such accounts to the Board of Trustees at the May and December meetings of said Board. He shall be the custodian of such valua- ble papers as may be deposited with him by the Board of Trustees. Steward. 10. The Board shall appoint a Steward of the college who shall be ex-officio Auditor of all the accounts relating to his department. Bursar. 11. The Board shall appoint one of the faculty to act as Bursar of the college. 8 Order of Business. The order of business shall be as follows : First, calling the roll. Second, reading the minutes of the previous meeting. Third, reports of committees. Fourth, reports of officers. Fifth, election of Officers. Sixth, unfinished business. Seventh, new business. "Rules and "Regulations for the College. i. The faculty of the Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race shall be composed of the President of the College and the professors of the different departments of the college, and the President of the college who shall be elected by the Board of Trustees annually for a peiiod of twelve months beginning first day of July, of each year, shall preside over the faculty A major- ity of the faculty being assembled in regular or special meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Professors shall take rank according to the date of their appoint- ment, and during the absence of the President from the college premises the Professor of senior appointment shall be presiding Professor in all matters in and about the college and shall act as President. 2. The faculty shall meet at least twice a month at a stated time to be fixed by them, and may adjourn their meetings from time to time. Special meetings may be called by the President or presid- ing Professor, and it shall be the duty of the President or presid- ing Professor to call a special meeting when requested so to do by three or more members of the faculty. Every matter brought before the faculty shall be decided by a vote taken viva voce, and it shall be the additional privilege of the President or presiding Professor to give a casting vote in the event of a tie. 3. The faculty shall elect one of their number to act as Secre- tary, who shall make a record ot all their procedings in a book kept for that purpose. This book shall at all times be open to in- spection by any member of the Board of Trustees. He shall also act as Registrar of the college. 4. The Professors and instructors shall, in succession in man- ner to be regulated by the faculty, examine the rooms of the college and dormitory at least once a week to see that cleanliness and neatness are preserved. 5. It shall be the duty ot each Professor and instructor when he is to hear a class recite to go to the recitation room and take pos- session of it a reasonable time before the hour for the bell to ring; to prevent the assemblage of students before the proper time, and to see that the recitation room is in proper condition for the recep- tion of the class. 6. Matters for consideration of the Board of Trustees relating to the course of instruction in the college, or its management, government and control, shall be considered by the faculty and voted upon, and a copy of the record of action thereon shall be transmitted to the President of the Board of Trustees by the Secre- tary of the faculty. 7. The taculty shall establish a system of marking which shall be adhered to throughout the scholastic year, and each student must be rigidly graded according to this system. There shall be an examination of each class at the end of each term, and a prelimi- nary examination shall be made at the option of the Professor or instructor of each class. 8. The President of the college or in his absence the presiding Professor shall have general superintendence of the college and its property, and shall carefully observe the work of instruction and discipline, and see that the course of study laid down is strictly pursued, and that the college rules and regulations are enforced and obeyed. He shall from time to time examine the stores of the Steward, and the meals for the pupils; and see that they are sup- plied with good wholesome food, and that the same is properly prepared, and report any cause for complaint to the President of the Board. The President shall not absent himself longer than one day from the college without first giving notice in writing to the President of the Board ot Trustees. Any member of the faculty absenting himself from the college for more than one day shall notify the Registrar who shall note the time, and report to the President of the Board at the end of each session the time so taken. The President of the college shall be present at all meetings of the Board of Trustees and shall be absent from the same only when 10 excused by the majority of said Board; provided however he shall not be present at any executive session of said Board except by the consent of a majority of said Board. 9. The Professor in charge of each department will beheld responsible for its efficiency and. discipline, the grading of students, the apportionment of studies, and shall see that the course of study ;laid down for the department is strictly followed. Professors and instructors shall not interfere with work in departments not under -their charge, r ■ 10. Each Professor shall make a report to the President of the college, of the work done in his department to be submitted by and through him to the Board of Trustees. at the regular meeting in the month of May. Such Professor in his said report may make any suggestion as to the condition and improvement of his department t as he may deem appropriate. He shall also in the month of May of each year, carefully prepare an estimate of the articles, appara- tus, books of reference and other things necessary for use in his department during the ensuing year; and such estimate shall be submitted to the faculty for their consideration, to be by them in- cluded in a general estimate which they shall submit to the Board of Trustees at the regular meeting in the month of May. No article, no apparatus, no books of reference or other tilings not contained in said general estimate shall be purchased except by and with the approval of the Executive Committee. n. Professors shall be elected by the Board of Trustees for a period of twelve months, beginning with the 1st day of July, and they are expected to use their time in the interest of the college, to the exclusion of any private business beyond the conduct of their personal affairs. And to the end that zealous and able instructors "may be secured it will be required of each, during vacation, to at- tend some high grade Normal School in line with the course of study at this college, and to file with the President of the Board a certificate of such attendance before the opening of the Fall Term. Bursar. 1. All warrants on the Treasurer shall be drawn by the Bursar, approved by the President of the college and countersigned by the President of the Board. No warrant shall issue until the Bursar has received a proper voucher acknowledging payment, and such voucher shall be numbered and attached to the warrant. 2. It shall be the duty of the Bursar to receive from the students money they may deposit on account of board, fees and necessary expenses. He shall keep an account of all money received and disbursed for each student, and at the close of each session he shall render a copy of the account so kept, to the parent or guardian, and pay the balance, if any, to the parent or guardian, or to his or her order. It is made the duty of the Bursar to ascertain as near as he can the exact amount of cost of board of students per capita each month, and give credit to the student for any amount over- paid. .. 3. Each student on arrival at college shall pay to the Bursar all. money which may be committed to him for payment of college expenses. It shall be the duty of the Bursar at the beginning of each term to render to the Treasurer of the Board an account of all money received from students for deposit, damages, etc., and at the end of each term to render an account to the Treasurer of all disbursements with vouchers. 4. The Bursar will also receive from the Board ot Trustees on proper warrant from time to time money to pay for table supplies, farm and college expenses, all of which shall be accounted for to the Treasurer accompanied with vouchers. 5. The Bursar shall render to the President of the Board : of Trustees itemized monthly statements of his receipts and disburse- ments, and to secure the faithful and honest discharge of his duties as Bursar, he shall give a bond in the sum of Five Hundred ($500) Dollars with sureties approved by the President of the Board of Trustees. The Bursar shall also render semi-annual statements of his receipts and disbursements to the Board of Trustees at the regular May and December meetings. The Steward. 1. It shall be the duty of the Steward to purchase all table sup- plies and hire, servants and employees. He shall direct and. con- trol the male servants and employees in his department and he will be held responsible for their good order and efficiency. All per- sons employed by him will be subject to dismissal at any time by the . President of the college with the approval of the President of the Board. He shall keep an itemized account of his purchases p.ncj approve . .all bills which are presented and paid by the Bursar on 12 account of his department. He shall make a monthly report to the President of the college containing an itemized statement of his purchases, and shall make semi-annual reports of the same to the May and December meetings of the Board of Trustees. 2. Before entering upon his duties the Stewart shall in the pres- ence of the Bursar make a list or inventory of all personal property which is to come into his custody and shall receipt for the same to the Board of Trustees. He will be held responsible for all such property, and must report on the same at the end of each month and at the close of each session to the President of the Board. All personal property not included in the Matron's list will be in charge ot the Steward. Librarian. i. The faculty shall elect a suitable person to act as Librarian, who will have charge of the Library, and shall be subject to such rules and regulations concerning the Library as may be made by the faculty. Matron. 1. The Matron shall have charge of the domestic concerns of the College, and shall have supervision and control over the female students at all times except when at recitations, subject to direction of the President of the college. It shall be her duty to give out to servants all provisions that are to be prepared for meals, and in no case permit the servants to go into the store room except in her presence, or at any time entrust them with the keys. After every meal she shall give attention to the preservation of all pantry sup- plies. She shall personally superintend the preparation of food and guard against waste. She shall see that the meals are ready at the hour appointed; also be present in the dining room during meal times. She shall not let the keys belonging to her department pass out ot her hands except in case of absolute necessity, and then only to responsible parties. 2. She shall visit each room in the College, and see that it is kept neat and clean and is properly attended to. She shall enter in a book kept for that purpose a list of all property in her depart- ment, and where necessary mark articles with the name of the Col- lege and see that everything is carefully preserved. She shall »3 receipt to the Board of Trustees for all property placed in her care She shall have control ol all the servants in her department, and will be held responsible for discipline and order therein. She shall not send meals out of the dining room except in cases of sickness, nor serve meals after the hour fixed by the rules for eating. She shall on every Monday morning make a list of the College articles sent to the laundry from her department, and on their return see that they compare with the list so kept, and report to the Bursar missing articles, if any. She shall make a monthly report to the President of the College as to the condition of property entrusted to her care Night Watchman. i. It shall be the duty of the night watchman to commence his rounds at such hours as may be prescribed by the faculty, and perform his duties during the night in strict accordance therewith. He shall notice disturbance or unusual noise in the rooms occupied by the pupils and shall immediately inform the President or the presiding Professor of the same. He shall in like manner report all violations of the rules of the College which may come under his notice. Departments and Courses of Instructions. The following departments are established : i. First, Agriculture. Second, Horticulture, Arboriculture and Botany. Third, Chemistry. Fourth, Physics. Fifth, Mechanics and Applied Mathematics. Sixth, Mathematics. Seventh, English. Eighth, History. Ninth, Military Science and Tactics. 2. In the Freshman year the work of the students is the same. At the beginning of the Junior year the courses are elective and the student choses such as he thinks best suited to his plans for the future. Irregular Work. I. A student otherwise qualified may be allowed to elect certain studies from the regular courses already provided in the college if no inconvenience result to members of the regular classes. H Sub-Freshman Class. i. A Sub-Freshman class will give special preparation to such young men as are unable to enter the Freshman class and desire a technical education. 2. The course of studies for Sub-Freshman and Irregulars shall be arranged by the Faculty. 3. Any student desiring to enter the Sophomore or other higher class, omitting the earlier classes, will be required to stand such examination as will show ample preparation for such higher class as he may wish to enter. Applicants for entrance in Sophomore or other higher class must be at least 15 years of age. Admission and Deportment of Students. 1. Applicants for the Freshman class must be at least fourteen years of age, and must furnish evidence of good moral character and physical development; must understand the forms and rules of the English language fairly well, and must be familar with arithmetic, including its practical rules through fractions, and have a fair knowledge of geography and State history. 2. For admission to the college the applicant upon arrival must report at once to the President of the College where he will sign an application for admission. If approved by the President he will pass on to the physician for physical examination. This being satisfactory a card will be received in substance as follows : "Mr. has passed a satisfactory physical examination, M. D." Then to the Bursar's office where payment will be made, and a card in substance received as follows : "Mr. has satisfied all requirements of this office, Bursar." Then the entrance examination will be passed, and ii satisfactory, the applicant will report to the secretary of the faculty for registration, and receive a card in substance as follows : "Mr has registered, Registrar." (This card must be shown tQ each Professor, and instructor, and to the Librarian.) 3. To become a student on irregular standing the candidate if he be not 21 years of age must exhibit a certificate from his parent or guardian that he is permitted to entar on such terms. 4. Written examinations for admission into the Freshman class shall be held in the presence of a majority of the faculty at such a time as they shall fix. T 5 5. The faculty are authorized in all cases when from examina- tion reasonable hope shall be entertained that the deficiency can be made up, to admit applicants for a single session to whom regular standing shall be awarded at the end of that time, if the applicant shall upon examination be tound entitled to it. 6. Every student shall regularly and punctually attend the recitation of his class at the place appointed, at the ringing of the bell to give him notice. He is not to be at the door of the recita- tion room, nor within it, nor loitering about the doors or passages of the building before such notice is given. His professor shall call him to account for absence or delay, or neglect of preparation on the subjects assigned, and shall be the judge of his excuse, and if a good reason is not shown for the delinquency he may be cited before the faculty to answer for it. Whenever absences of a stu- dent other than those occasioned by sickness or upon permission, either from morning or evening prayers or worship in the chapel when required, shall exceed in any one month one-third of the whole number which such student was appointed to attend, the fact shall be reported to his parent or guardian, with the request that he shall be forthwith withdrawn from the College, or he shall be dismissed or suspended at the discretion of a majority of the faculty. Other rules relating to College discipline to cover deficiencies herein may be made by the faculty when the exigencies arise. They shall be reported to the Executive Committee or Board of Trustees when adopted. 7. Every student shall observe strict propriety of conduct at recitations or lectures. It is the duty of the student to attend ex- clusively to the subjects as they proceed. For gross or persevering violations of these rules of decorum he may be dismissed from the room. 8. No student shall absent himself from the College during the session without permission first obtained from the President or presiding Professor, but leave of absence from recitation may be granted to a student by his professor or instructor. 9. If any student shall be habitually indolent or absent from prayers, recitation, or at any other time when it shall be his duty to attend, he shall be subject to a penalty according to the aggrava- tion of the offence, 10. No student without permission from the President or pre- i6 siding Professor shall go beyond the prescribed limits in study hours, or at any other time when the bell may call him to duty. ii. A student shall not receive visitors in his room, nor shall he visit others in the hours of study without leave from a member of the faculty. 12. A student shall not disturb nor attempt any imposition on any of his fellow students ; he shall preserve order and decorum in his room, and shall be responsible for all disorder committed therein. 13 At all times the students shall deport and express them- selves respectfully towards the faculty and every member of it. Any deficiency in this duty shall be considered in conflict with the rules and regulations of the College and will be punished accord- ingly. 14. All games of hazard, wagers and betting are strictly forbid- den within College limits. Students guilty of intoxication while connected with the College shall be dismissed. Students guilty of profane or obscene language shall be punished in such manner as the faculty may see proper. No student will be allowed to carry or keep in possession a deadly weapon while attending the College. Use of intoxicants is strictly forbidden, under pain of severe pun- ishment. 15. If any student shall be sent for by any member of the faculty, and shall fail to come, he sha ] l be held guilty of contempt of authority and be punished accordingly. 16. On the Sabbath the students must attend the churches in Greensboro, subject to the regulation of the faculty, whenever service is not held in the Chapel. 17. Each occupant of the dormitory will be required to keep his room or section of it in good order and ready for inspection at any time. 18. The College is unsectarian, and free from the controlling influence of any particular denomination. To promote moral training and inculcate religious principles appropriate services of prayer and devotion will be held in the Chapel morning and evening, and the visits of clergymen of all denominations to the College will be encouraged. Punishments. i. First — Private admonition by a member of the faculty. Second — Admonition before the faculty by the President, or in his absence by the presiding professor, or any member whom the faculty shall appoint. Third — Admonition before the class to which the student belongs, by the President, or in his absence by one of the mem- bers of the faculty. Fourth — Public admonition before all the students. Fifth — Suspension for a fixed time not to exceed six months. Sixth — Dismissal. Seventh — Expulsion, which punishment shall not be inflicted without the sanction of the majority of the Executive Com- mittee or of the Board of Trustees. 2. When any student shall be suspended, dismissed or expelled, the President or presiding professor shall address a letter to the parent or guardian of such student and inform him of the event and its cause. 3. Any student who shall be suspended or dismissed by the faculty shall depart from the College within forty-eight hours, and shall not during his suspension or dismissal return, upon liability of change of sentence into that of expulsion. 4. When a student shall persist in habits of indolence and neglect of collegiate duties or disorderly behaviour so that there is no hope of reclaiming him to the habits of industry and order it shall be the duty of the President or presiding professor to address a letter to the parent or guardian of such student and state the circumstances and advise his withdrawal from the College, pro- viding, however, that nothing in this paragraph shall prevent the faculty from suspending any such student when the same shall appear necessary. 5. Any student associating with or keeping company with an v person expelled from the College shall be liable to such punishment as the faculty shall think proper to inflict, not inconsistent with the general rules and regulations. 6. For minor offenses not herein enumerated, and for breaches of discipline where no specific punishment is provided, the faculty or any member thereof in whose department the offending student has class or practice work, may impose, as a punishment, a task such as committing to memory, or doing extra class or practice work. i8 An Act to Establish an Agricultural and Mechani- cal College for the Colored "Race. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact t : Section i. That a college of agriculture and mechanical arts be and the same is hereby established for the colored race, to be located at some eligible site within this State, to be hereafter se- lected by the Board of Trustees hereinafter provided for. Sec 2. That the said institution shall be denominated "The Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race." Sec. 3. That the leading object of the institution shall be to teach practical agriculture and the mechanic arts and such branches of learning as relate thereto, not excluding academical and classical instruction. Sec. 4. That the management and control of the said college and the care and preservation of all its property shall be vested in a Board of Trustees, who shall be selected by the General Assem- bly at each term thereof, consisting of nine members, one from each of the several congressional districts of the State, three of whom shall be selected for a term of two years, three for four years and three for six years, and at the expiration of the term of each class their successors shall be elected for a term of six years. Any vacancy which may occur for any cause shall be filled by the Governor for the unexpired term. That the said Board shall elect one of their number to be the President of the Board of Trustees. Sec. 5. That the said Board of Trustees shall have power to prescribe rules lor the management and preservation of good order and morals at the said college as are usually made in such institutions; shall have power to appoint its President, instructors, and as many other officers or servants as to them shall appear necessary and proper, and shall fix their salaries, and shall have charge of the disbursement of the funds, and have general and en- tire supervision of the establishment and maintenance of the said college, and the President and instructors in the said college by and with the consent of the Board of Trustees shall have the power of conferring such certificates of proficiency or marks of merit and diplomas as are usually conferred by such colleges. Sec. 6. That the said board of Trustees are empowered to receive any donation of property, real or personal, which maybe made to the said College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, and 19 shall have power to invest or expend the same for the benefit of said college, and shall have power to accept on behalf of this col- lege such proportion of the fund granted by the Congress of the United States to the State of North Carolina for industrial and agricultural training as is apportioned to the colored race. Sec. 7. That in addition to the powers hereinbefore granted, the Board of Trustees shall have power to make siich rules and regulations with respect to the admission of pupils to said college for the various congressional districts of this State as they may deem equitable and right, having due regard to the colored popu- lation thereof. Sec. 8. For the purpose ot locating the said college at some con- venient and suitable site within the State, the said Board of Trus- tees are hereby authorized to receive propositions from the various localities of this State, and are hereby fully empowered to accept any proposition which to them may seem best for the interests ol the State and for carrying out the purposes of this act according to the true intent, and meaning thereof. Sec. 9. That before the said Board of Trustees shall finally accept a proposition from any locality for the establishment of the said college thereat, they shall receive a deed in fee-simple abso- lute to them and their successors in office tor all lands, buildings or structures donated as a consideration for the location of said college. Sec. 10. That for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars is hereby annually appropriated to the said college, and the Treasurer of the State is hereby authorized and directed to pay the said amount out of any funds in the treasury not otherwise appropriated upon the warrant of the board of trustees or such other officer or officers as the said board may designate. Sec. 11. That until the site and buildings shall have been furnished for the location of the said college, the said Board of Trustees shall have power to make temporary provisions for the industrial and mechanical education of the colored youth of the State at some established institution of learning within the State, under such rules and regulations as they may prescribe. Sec. 12. That until the site and buildings shall have been furnished for the location of the said college and the buildings shall be completed, the provisions which now or may be made by the 26 trustees of the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts with any present institution of learning in the State shall continue ; but said Trustees shall not have power to make such arrangement for more than one year at a time, but when said buildings shall have been completed then the Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race shall have all the right, powers and privileges of the said Board ot Trustees of the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts over any and all funds which may belong or appertain to the colored race. Sec. 13. That the Trustees of the said "Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race" shall be entitled to the same per diem and mileage as compensation for attendance upon the meetings of said Board, as are now allowed by the law to the members of the General Assembly. Sec. 14. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Ratified the 9th day of March, A. D. ( 1891. THE LAND GRANT ACT OF 1862 FOR AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES— "THE FIRST MORRILL ACT." AN ACT donating public lands to the several States and Territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and mechanic arts. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That there be granted to the several States, for the purposes hereinafter men- tioned, an amount of public land, to be apportioned to each State, a quantity equal to 30,000 acres for each Senator and Representa- tive in Congress to which the States are respectively entitled by the apportionment under the census of i860 : Provided, That no mineral lands shall be selected or purchased under the pro- vision of this act. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the land aforesaid, after being surveyed, shall be apportioned to the several States in sections or subdivisions of sections, not less than one quarter of a section; and wherever there are public lands in a State, subject to sale at private entry at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, the quantity to which said State shall be entitled shall be selected 21 from such lands, within the limits of such State; and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to issue to each of the States, in which there is not the quantity ot public lands subject to sale at private entry, at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, to which said State may be entitled under the provisions of this act, land scrip to the amount in acre for the deficiency of its distributive share ; said scrip to be sold by said States, and the proceeds thereof applied to the uses and purposes prescribed in this act, and for no other use or purpose whatsoever : Provided, That in no case shall any State to which land scrip may thus be issued, be allowed to locate the same within the limits of any other State, or of any Territory of the United States ; but their assignees may thus locate said land scrip upon any of the unappropriated lands of the United States subject to sale at private entry, at one dollar and twenty-five cents, or less, an acre : And Provided further, That not more than one million acres shal 1 be located by such assignees in any one of the States : And provided further , That no such location shall be made before one year from the passage of this act. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That all the expenses of management, superintendence and taxes from date of selection of said lands, previous to their sales, and all expenses incurred in the management and disbursement of moneys which may be received therefrom, shall be paid by the States to which they may belong, out of the treasury of said States, so that the entire proceeds of the sale of said lands shall be applied, without any diminution whatever, to the purpose hereinafter mentioned. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That all moneys derived from the sale of the lands aforesaid, by the States to which the lands are apportioned, and from the sales of land scrip hereinbe- fore provided for, shall be invested in stocks of the United States, or of the States, or some other State stocks, yielding not less than five per centum upon the par value of said stocks ; and that the moneys so invested shall constitute a perpetual fund, the capital of which shall remain forever undiminished, except so far as may be provided in section fifth of this act, and the interest of which shall be inviolably appropriated, by each State, which may take and claim the benefit ot this act, to the endowment, support and maintenance of, at least, one college, where the leading object shall be without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and in- cluding military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are 22 related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the Legislatures of the States may respectfully prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions of life. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the grant of land and land scrip hereby authorized shall be made on the following con- ditions, to which, as well as to the provisions hereinbefore con- tained, the previous assent of the several States shall be signified by Legislative acts : First, If any portion of the fund invested, as provided by the foregoing section, or any portion of the interest thereon, shall, by any action of contingency, be diminished or lost, it shall be re- placed by the State to which it belongs, so that the capital of the fund shall remain forever undiminished; and the annual interest shall be regularly applied without diminution to the purposes men- tioned in the fourth section of this act, except that a sum, not exceeding ten per centum upon the amount received by any State under the provisions of this act, may be expended for the purchase of lands for sites or experimental farms whenever authorized by the respective Legislatures of said States; Second, No portion of said fund, nor the interest thereon, shall be applied, directly or indirectly, under any pretense whatever, to the purchase, erection, preservation or repair, of any building or buildings; Third, Any State which may take and claim the benefit of the provisions of this act shall provide, within five years, at least not less than one college, as prescribed in the fourth section of this act, or the grant to such State shall cease; and said State shall be bound to pay the United States the amount received of any lands previ- ously sold, and that the title to purchasers under the State shall be valid; Fourth, An annual report shall be made regarding the progress of each college, recording any improvements and experiments made, with their costs and results, and such other matters includ- ing State industrial and economical statistics, as may be supposed useful; one copy of which shall be transmitted by mail free, by each, to all the other colleges which may be endowed under the provisions of this act, and also one copy to the Secretary of the In- terior; Fifth, When lands shall be selected from those which have been 23 raised to double the minimum price in consequence of railroad grants, they shall be computed to the States at the maximum price, and the number of acres proportionally diminished; Sixth, No State, while in a condition of rebellion or insurrection against the government of the United States, shall be entitled to the benefit of ihis act; Seventh, No State shall be entitled to benefits of this act, unless it shall express its acceptance thereof by its Legislature within two years from the date ot its approval by the President. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That land scrip issued under the provisions of this act shall not be subject to location until after the first day of January, 1863. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That land officers shall re- ceive the same fees for locating land scrip issued under the pro- visions of this act as is now allowed for the location of military bountyland warrants under existing laws; Provided, That maxi- mum compensation shall not be thereby increased. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the Governors of the several States to which scrip shall be issued under this act shall be required to report annually to Congress all sales made of such scrip until the whole shall be disposed of, the amount received for the same, and what appropriation has been made of the proceeds. Approved July 2, 1862. ADDITIONAL ENDOWMENT ACT— "THE SECOND MORRILL ACT." [Fifty-first Congress, Session 1. Chapter 841. Aug. 20 1890 ] AN ACT to apply a portion of the proceed* of the public lands to the more complete endowment and support of the colleg s for the benefit of agricul- ture and the meohani ■•■ arts established uade • the provisions of an act of Congress approved July second, eighteen hundred and six»y-cwo. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress Assembled, That there shall be, and hereby is, annually appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, arising from the sale of public lands, to be paid as hereinafter provided, to each State and Territory for the more complete endowment and mainte- nance of colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts now established, or which may be hereafter established, in 24 accordance with an act of Congress approved July second, eigh- teen hundred and sixty-two, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, and an annual increase of the amount of such appropriation thereafter for ten years by an additional sum of one thousand dollars over the preceding year, and the annual amount to be paid thereafter to each State and Territory shall be twenty-five thousand dollars to be applied only to instruction in agriculture, the mechanic arts the English language and the various branches of mathematical, physical, natural and economic science, with special reference to their applications in the industries of life, and to the facilities for such instruction: Provided, That no money shall be paid out un- der this act to any State or Territory for the support and mainte- nance of a college where a distinction ot race or color is made in the admission of students, but the establishment and maintenance of such colleges separately for white and colored students shall be held to be a compliance with the provisions of this act if the funds received in such State or Territory be equitably divided as herein- after set forth : Provided, That in any state in which there has been one college established in pursuance of the act of July second, eighteen hundred and sixty -two, and also in which an educational institution of like character has been established, or may be here- after established, and is now aided by such state from its own revenue, for the education of colored students in agriculture and the mechanic arts, however named or styled, or whether or not it has received money heretofore under the act to which this act is an amendment, the Legislature of such State may propose and report to the Secretary of the Interior a just and equitable division of the fund to be received under this act between one college for white students and one institution for colored students established as aforesaid, which shall be divided into two parts and paid accordingly, and thereupon such institution lor colored students shall be entitled to the benefits of this act and Subject to its pro- visions, as much as it would have been if it had been included un- der the act of eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and the fulfillment of the foregoing provisions shall be taken as a compliance with the provision in reference to separate colleges for white and colored students. .Sec. 2. That the sums hereby appropriated to the States and Territories for the further endowment and support of colleges 25 shall be annually paid on or before the thirty-first day of July of each year, by the Secretary of the Treasury, upon the warrant of the Secretary of the Interior, out of the Treasury of the United States, to the State or Territorial Treasurer, or to such officer as shall be designated by the laws of such State or Territory to receive the same, who shall, upon the order of the trustees of the college, or the institution for colored students, immediately pay over said sums to the treasurers of the respective colleges or other institu- tions entitled to receive the same, and such treasurers shall be re- quired to report to the Secretary of Agriculture and to the Secretary of the Interior, on or before the first day of September of each year, a detailed statement of the amount so received and of its disbursement. The grants of moneys authorized by this act are made subject to the legislative assent of the several States and Territories to the purpose of said grants: Provided, That pay- ments of such installments of the appropriation herein made as shall become due to any state before the adjournment of the regu- lar session of the Legislature meeting next after the passage of this act shall be made upon the assent of the Governor thereof, duly certified to the Secretary of the Treasury. Sec. 3. That if any portion of the moneys received by the officer of the State or Territory for the further and more complete endow- ment, support, and maintenance of colleges, or of institutions for colored students, as provided in this act, shall, by any action, or contingency, be diminished or lost, or be misapplied, it shall be replaced by the State or Territory to which it belongs, and until so replaced no subsequent appropriation shall be apportioned or paid to such State or Territory ; and no portion of said moneys shall be applied, directly or indirectly, under any pretense whatever, to the purchase, erection, preservation, or repair of any building or build- ings. An annual report by the President of each of said colleges shall be made to the Secretary of Agriculture, as well as to the Secretary of the Interior, regarding the condition and progress of each college, including statistical information in relation to its receipts and expenditures, its library, the number of its students and professors, and also as to any improvements and experiments made under the direction of any experiment station attached to said colleges, with their costs and results, and such other indus- trial and economical statistics as may be regarded as useful, one copy of which shall be transmitted by mail free to all other colleges further endowed under this act. 26 Sec. 4. That on or before the first day oFTuly in each year, after the passage of this act, the Secretary of the Interior shall ascertain and certify to the Secretary of the Treasury as to each State and Territory whether it is entitled to receive its share of the annual appropriation for colleges, or of institutions for colored students, under this act, and the amount which thereupon each is entitled, respectfully, to receive. If the Secretary of the Interior shall with- hold a certificate from any State or Territory of its appropriation the facts and reasons therefor shall be reported to the President, and the amount involved shall be kept separate in the treasury until the close of the next Congress, in order that the State or Ter- ritory may, if it should so desire, appeal to Congress from the de- termination of the Secretary of the Interior. If the next Congress shall not direct such sum to be paid it shall be covered into the treasury. And the Secretary of the Interior is hereby charged with the proper administration of this law. Sec. 5. That the Secretary of the Interior shall annually report to Congress the disbursements which have been made in all the States and Territories, and also whether the appropriation of any State or Territory has been withheld, and if so, the reason therefor. Sec. 6. Congress may at any time amend, suspend, or repeal any or all of the provisions of this act. 2 7 DAILY SCHEDULE FOR STUDENTS. Rising Signal 6:00 a. m. Dressing and Arranging Rooms 6:00 to 6:30 " Prayers : ". 6:30 to 7:00 " Study 7:00 to 8:15. " Breakfast . 8:15 to 8:45 "- Class Work 8 145 to 1 :oo p. m. Dinner 1:00 to 2:oo " Class and General Work 2:00 to 4:00 " Recreation 4:00 to 6:00 " Supper '.' 6:00 to 6:30 " Study, 6:30 to 9:30 " Prayers 9:30 to 9:45 '* Retiring Signal . 9:45 u Lights Out.,, . 10:00 " Hours for rising, prayers, eating and retiring, same on Sunday as College work days. 28 COM TENTS. Act of Legislature * 18 Admission of Students 14 Bursar -7 Duties of 10 Class, Sub-Freshman 14 Committees, Standing 3 " " Executive, Duties of 6 " Finance, Duties of 6 " Buildings and Grounds, Duties of 6 Congress, Endowment Acts of 20 Departments of College 13 Deportment of Students 14 Faculty, Duties of. ...... .. 8 Librarian 12 Matron 12 Officers of Board of Trustees 2 Order of Business— Board of Trustees 8 President of College, Duties of. 9 President of Board of Trustees, Duties of 6 Punishments 17 Rules and Regulations of College 8 Schedule of Student's Daily Duties 27 Secretary, Duties of 7 Students Regulations. .' ' 14 Students, Irregular 13 Steward 7 '« Duties of , 11 Treasurer, Duties of 7 Trustees, Meetings of '. 5 Watchman 13