flrtflj %'4vi\[^t\i Rev. Yj\ r: \ RK AND ^]TK W tSt MAIN I or <-rlf ny ^So^kstlhr^ imu3 M;i.i" dealers. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/songevangelwordsOOhamm. THE SONG EVANGEL: (WORDS ONLY.) A CHOICE COLLECTION OP HYMNS, FOR PR A YER MEETINGS, SABBA TH SCHOOLS, CHURCH SERVICE, AND " TIMES OF refreshing:* EDITED BY Rev. EDWARD PAYSON HAMMOND, ^^ Neiv Yorlz and Chicago: Published by BIGLO^V\r & MAIN, (Successors to Wm. B. Bradbury.) For sale by Booksellers and Music Dealers. Copyright, 1875, by Biglow & Main. THE SONG EVANGEL, With music, has been extensively used in Sabbath Schools, Churches, Prayer Meetings, Evangelistic Services, and around the family altar, in all parts of the country. In order that it may find even a wider field of usefulness, it is now issued in a cheaper form, with an addition of popular Hymns, new and old, for . prayer and experience meetings. Being adapted to those of all ages, it is our earnest desire that this "Gospel in Song" may 1)6 blessed by the Spirit of God, in leading thousands to love Him " Who loved us, and gave Himself for us.^' E. P. H. Vernon, Conn., Nov., 1875. HYMNS OF Song Evangel. No. 1 . Saviour, like a Shepherd. Tune — S. E., page 3. SAVIOUR, like a shepherd lead us. Much we need Thy teiid'rest care; In Thy pleasant pastures feed us, For our use Thy folds prepare. j|: Blessed Jes'us, Blessed Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Thine we are. :|j 2 We are Thine, do Thou befriend us, Be the Guardian of our way ; Keep Thy fiock, from sin defend us, Seek us when we go astray. « Blessed Jesus, Hear, O hear us, when we pray. 3 Thou hast promised to receive us, Poor and sinful though we be, Thou hast mercy to relieve us, Grace to cleanse, and power to free. Blessed Jesus, We will early turn to Thee. 4 Early let us seek Thy favor. Early let us do Thy will ; Blessed Lord and only Saviour, With Thy love our bosoms fill. ^ Blessed Jesus, Thou hast loved us, love us still. Dorothy Tiirupp. ^ 2. The cleansing "Wave. Tune — >S'. E., page 4. OH, now I see the crimson wave, Tiie fountain deep and wide ; Jesus, my Lord, mighty to save, Points to His wounded side. HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. Cho. — The cleansing stream, I see, I see ! I plunge, and oh, it cleanseth me ! Oh, praise the Lord, it cleanseth me ! It cleanseth me, yes. cleanseth me! 2 I see the new creation rise I hear the speaking blood , It speaks ! polluted nature dies I Sinks ! 'neath the cleansing flood. 3 I rise to walk hi heaven's own light, \ Above the world and sni, ' With heart made pure, and garments white, And Christ enthron'd within. 4 Amazing grace ! 'tis heaven below To feel the blood applied , And Jesus, only Jesus know, My Jesua crucified. Mrs. rho5be Palmer. 3. Look! look to Jesus. Tune—S. E., page 5. LOOK! look to Jesus! ^ In yonder garden see ! He's bleeding tliere for thee, Look ! look to Jesus. 2 Look ! look to Jesus ! ^ In Pilate's judgment hall ! For thee He suffered al. Look ! look to Jesus. 3 Look ! look to Jesus ! Upon the cruel tree : He groaned and died for thee^ Look ! look to Jesus • 4 Look 1 look to Jesus ! Behold a Fountain free. Is open there for thee Look ! look to Jesus 5 Look ! look to Jesus " Fathek,' ' he cries. " FORGIVE,* Then turn to Him and live, Look ! look to Jesus. 6 Look I look to Jesus : For tliee He intercedes, His b lood for thee now pleads ! Look ! look to Jesus. 7 Look ! look to Jesus He's calling now for thee , HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. " Poor sinner^ loolc to 3/6," Look ! look to Jesus. 8 Look ! look to Jesus ! If thou wouldst live above j Where all is peace and love, Look ! look to Jesus. E. P. H. 1873. 4. Looking off unto Jesus. Tune—S. E.,page 84. OEYES that are weary, and hearts that are sore, Look off unto Jesus, and sorrow no more ; The light of His countenance shineth so bright, That on earth, as in heaven, there need be no night. 2 " Looking off unto Jesus," my eyes cannot see, The troubles and dangers that throng around me : They cannot be blinded with sorrowful tears, Tliey cannot be shadowed with unbelief- fears. 3 " Looking off unto Jesus," I go not astray ; My eyes are on Him, and He shows me the way; The path may seem dark, as he leads me along. But following Jesus, I cannot go wrong. 4 " Looking off unto Jesus," my heart cannot fear, Its trembling is still when I see Jesus near ; I know that His power my safeguard will be, " For why are ye troubled f he saitb unto me. 5 " Looking off unto Jesus," oh ! may I be found, When the waters of Jordan encompass me round ; Let them bear me away in His presence to be : — 'Tis but seeing Him nearer whom always I see. G Then, then I shall know the full beauty and grace Of Jesas, my Lord, when I stand face \o face ; I shall know how His love went before me each day, And wonder that ever my eyes turned away ! Anon. 5. Jesus lifted up. —^ Tune — S. E., page 6. DEAR Jesus we would look to Thee, Upon the lifted cross ; We pray that Thou would'st lielp us see II: Our righteousness as dross. :1! Cho. — We pray that Thou would'st help us eee. Our righteousness as dross. 2 Thy work, dear Lord, and Tiiine jilone, \Ve make our only plea; HYMNS OF SO NO EVANGEL. It only can for guilt atone, And set the sinner free. 3 Thy work, alas ! we iie'er can tell. Its depths of agony ; When Thou didst rescue us from hell, Upon the blood-stained tree. 4 In triumph then Thou didst proclaim, Salvation's work-complete ; Before our God we plead Thy name, *' 'Tis Finished," we repeat. E. P. H. 1873. 6. precious blood. ^ Tune—S. E., page 6. PRECIOUS blood, O glorious death, By which the sinner lives ! When stung with sin, this blood we view, And all our joy revives. Cho. — And all, &c. 2 The blood that purchased our release, And washes out our stains, We challenge, earth and hell to show A sin it cannot cleanse. 3 Our scarlet crimes are made as wool, And we brought nigh to God ; Thanks to that wrath-appeasing death, That heaven-procuring blood. 4 The blood that makes His glorious church From every blemish free ; And oh ! the riches of His love, He pour'd it out for me. 5 Guilty and worthless as I am. It all for me was given ; And boldness through His blood I have To enter into heaven. 6 Thither in my great Suretyjs right I surely shall be brought*; He could not agonize in vain. Nor spend His strength for nought. A, M, Toplady, 1777. 7. Over there. Tune-^S. E., page 7. I HAVE lieard of a place over there, Where Jesus, my Saviour doth reign ; There will be no more death, over there, Neither sighing, nor sorrow, nor pain. HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. Cho. — O, I have a home over there, over there, Where Jesus my Saviour doth i-eign, 'Tis a heautiful place over there, over there, over there. 2 I have friends that have gone over there, And I liope to rejoin them again ; How delighted to meet over there, And with loved ones forever remain. 3 There are angels that sing over there — How pleasant their singing must be ; There are crowns for the faithful to wear, And I trust there's a bright one for me. 4 There are mansions for all over there, For the poor and the homeless below ; There is room for the world over there, And my Saviour invites all to go. Rev. E. Watson. 8. Accepting Jesus. Tuns—S. E., page 8. WHAT shall I do with Jesus, The Christ who may be mine Accept him as my Saviour, Or spurn the gift divine ? His only Son God gave me — I mast, I do decide ; And Christ I take to save me, Or Christ is now denied. Cho,—" What shall I do with Jesus ?" I'll give my heart to Jesus ! Upon the tree of Calvary He gave his life for me. 2 What shall I do with Jesus, The precious Lamb of God ? I cast my soul upon him — He bathes it in His blood ; I'll gratefully confess Him Before the vile and just ; My ransom'd po\y'rs shall bless Him, My sure and only trust. 3 What shall I do with Jesus, For Him the cross I'll take ; All earthly losses suffer, Ere 1 tliC; Lord forsake. HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. W In scenes of joy and sighing His love shall be the same ; While living and in dying, I'll glory in His name 4 What now I do with Jesus, When this brief life is past, With me will be remembered Before His bar at last. He will not then disown me With those who hate and scoff; At His right hand He'Jl crown me — He will not cast me off. S. D. Phelps, V. D, 9. He leadeth me. Tune—S. E., page 9. [E leadeth me ! O, blessed thought, O, words with heav'nly comfort fraught^ Whate'er I do, where'er I be, Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me. RiiF. — He leadeth me ! He leadeth me ! By His own hand He leadetli me; His faithful follower I would be, For by His hand He leadeth me. 2 Sometimes 'mid scenes of deepest gloom, Sometimes where Eden's bowers bloom, By waters still, o'er troubled sea — Still 'tis His hand that leadeth me. 3 Lord, I would clasp Thy hand in mine, Nor ever murmur nor repine — Content, whatever lot I see, Since 'tis my God that leadeth me. 4 And when my task on earth is done, When, by Thy grace, the victory's won, E'en death's cold wave I will not flee, Since God thro' Jordan leadeth me. Eev. Jos, H. Gilmore, 1861. 1 0. My soul takes delight. Tune — *S'. E., page 10. OTHOU, in whose presence my soul takes delight, On whom, in affliction, I call ; My comfort by day, and my song in the night, My hope, my salvation, my all. 2 Where dost Thou at noontide resort with Thy shee-^ To feed in the pastures of love ? B'TMlVi^ OF SOMG EVANGEL. For wliy in the valley of death should I weep, Or alone in the wilderness rove 1 3 O, why slioiild I wander, an alien from Thee> Or cry in the desert for bread ? Tliy foes will rejoice when my sorrows they see, And smile at the tears I have shed. 4 His voice, as the sound of the dulcimer sweet, Is heard through the shadow of death ; The cedars of Lebanon bow at His feet, The air is perfumed with His breath. 5 His lips as a fountain of righteousness flow, To water the gardens of grace ; From which their salvation thft gentiles shall know, And bask in the smiles of His tace. 6 He looks, and ten thousands of angels rejoice. And myriads wait for His word ; He speaks, and eternity, filled with His voice. Re-echoes the praise of the Lord. Josepli Swain, 1797. 11. Sweet Story. Tune — S. E., page 10. I THINK, when I read that sweet story of old, When Jesus was here among men, How He called little dhildren as lambs to His fold, I should like to have been with them then. 2 I wish that His hands had been placed on my head,— His arms had been thrown around me, And that I might have seen His kind look when He said. *' Let the little ones come unto me." 3 Yet still to His foot-stool in prayer I may go, And ask for a share in His love-; And if I thus earnestly seek Him below, I shall see Him and hear Him above. 4 In that beautiful place He has gone to prepare. For all who are washred and forgiven ; And many dear children are gathering there, *' For of such is the kingdom of heaven." Miss Jemima Thompson-Luke, 12. "We'll wait till Jesus comes. Tune — S. E., page 11. OLAND of rest, for thee I sigh. When will I he moment come. When I shall lay my armor by. And dwell in peace at home. 10 HYMNS OF SONG EVANG:SL. Cho. — We'll wait till Jesus cornea, We'll wait till Jcsiis comes, We'll wait till Jesus comes. And we'll be gather'd home. 2 To Jesus Christ I'll flee for rest ; He bids me cease to roam, And lean for succor on His breast, Till He conducts me home. 3 I'll seek at once my Saviour's side, No more my steps shall roam ; With Him I'll brave life's stormy tide, And reach my heaveifly home. Elizabeth Mills, 1829, 13 Blessed Peet of Jesus. Tune — S. E., page 12. BLESSED feet of Jesus, Weary with seeking me ! Stand at God's bar of judgment, And intercede for me. Cho. — Intercede for me, my Saviour, O intercede for me, Stand at God's bar of judgment, And intercede for me. 2 O knees which bent in anguish, In dark Gethsemane, Kneel at the throne of glory, And intercede for me. Clio. — Intercede for me, mj Saviour, O intercede for me. Kneel at the throne of glory And intercede for me. 3 O hands that were extended Upon that aw fed tree ! Hold up those precious nail-prints Which intercede for me. 4 O side from whence the speat-point Brought blood and water free ! For healing and for cleansing ! Still intercede for me. 5 O head so deeply pierced With thorns which sharpest be, Bend low before Thy Father, And intercede for me. 6 O sacred heart ! such sorrowa The world mav never see HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. Ae that which gave Thee warrant To intercede for me. 7 O body scarred ond wounded, My saoritice to be ! Present Thy perfect ofTerin^, And intercede for me. 8 O loving, risen Saviour, From death and eorrow free ; Though throned in endless glory, r Still intercede for me. Miss M. E. WinsUm, 14. Praise the Lord. Tune— S.E., page 1^. PRAISE the Lord, He's pardoned me, From my load of sin I'm free, Now my Saviour I can see ; Praise the Lord. Cho.— Glory, Hallelujah ! Praise Him, hallelujah ! Glory, hallelujah ! I'o the Lamb. 2 Wondrous is the Father's love, Wondrous is the Saviour's love. Wondrous is the Spirit's love; Praise the Lord. 3 Oh, what love was that which led God, the Victim's blood to shed. That we might be free from dread ; Praise the Lord. 4 Jesus' love no tongue can tell ! He has rescued us from hell ; All our fears He now doth quell ; Praise the Lamb. 5 With what love the Spirit wins Stubborn souls from deatli and sin, Helps us to believe in Him. For us slain. 6 Help me now to Jesus cling. Till thro' heaven's high arches ring Loud hosannas to our King ; Praise the Lord. E. P. H. 12 HYMNS OF SOiYG EVANGEL, \ 1 5. Worthy is the Lamb. Tune—S. E., page 13. ' WORTHY, worthy is the Lamb, Worthy, worthy is the Lamb, Worthy, worthy is the Lamb That was slain. 2 Sons of morning, sing his praise, In the noblest strains you raise, JV^an's redemption claims your lays ; . Praise the Lamb. 3 Christ has come in very deed, . Born to bruise the serpent's head ; Sinner, he's the Friend y#u need ; Praise the Lamb. 4 See in sad Gethseraane, See, on tragic Calvary, Sinner, see His love to thee ; Praise the Lamb. 5 Strike the stoutest sinner through, Force the cry, " what shall Idof' Let him weep till born anew ; Blessed Lamb. G Penitent, dry up your tears, God hath heard believing prayers, He forgives you when He hears His dear Lamb. 1 6. Jesus on the Gross. Tune—S. E., page 14. [ERE it was the Lord of glory w At Golgotha died for me, Here I read the wondrous story Of His death to set me free. * 2 Here His hands and feet all bleeding, Fast were nailed unto the cross ^ Here His wounds for me were pleading. When my gain was all His loss. 3 Here by God He was forsaken, When He took the sinner's place ; For His sake I now am taken Into favor under grace. 4 Here the sword of justice slew Him, That I might be justified ; Praise the Lord I ever knew Him, That foi' me He bled and died. HYMJSS OF SONG EVANGEL. I5 M^ rfC 5 Blessed Jesus, I will love Thee, Love Thee till my latest breath ; And iu heaven I will adore Thee, When these eyes are closed in death. E. F. H. 1866, 17. Doxology. Tune— S. E., page li. f AY the grace of Christ our Saviour, , And the Father's boundless love, With the Holy Spiiit's favor, Rest upon us from above ! J, Newton, 18. To Day. Tune — S. E., page 14:. ^0-DAY the Saviour ctilla : Ye wand'rers come ; O, ye benighted souls, Why longer roam 1 2 To-day the Saviour calls » O, listen now : Within these sacred walls To Jesus bow. 3 To-day the Saviour calls: For refuge fly : The storm of justice falls, And death is nigh. 4 The Spirit calls to-day : Yield to His power ; Oh, grieve Him not away ; Tis mercy's hour. Rev, S. F, Smith, 1831. 19. At the Door. Tune—S. E.^ page 15. THE mistakes of my life are many, The sins of my heart are more, And I scarce can see for weeping, But I knock at the open door. Cho. — I know I am weak and sinful. It comes to me more and more ; But when the dear Saviour shall bid me come in, rU enter that open door. 2 I am lowest of those who love Him, I am lowest of those wlio pray ; But I come as He has bidden, And He will not say me nay. 14 HYMNS OF SONG EVANOEL. 3 Mv mistakes His free grace will cover, My sins He will wash away, And the feet that shrink ^nd falter Shall walk thro' the gate of day. 4 The mistakes of my life are many, - And my spirit is sick with sin. And I scarce can see for weeping, — But the Saviour will let me in. Una Locke. 20. None but Jesus. Tune — >S^. E., page 16. WEEPING will not save me— Tho' my face were bath'd in tears, That could not allay my fears, Could not wash the sins of years, Weeping will not save me. Cho. — Jesus wept and died for me ; Jesus suffered on the tree ; Jesus waits to make me free ; He alone can save me. 2 Working will not save me — Purest deeds that 1 can do, Holiest thought and feelings too, Cannot form my soul anew, Working will not saA^e me. 3 Waiting will not save me — Helpless, guilty, lost, I lie ; In my ear is mercy's cry ; If I wait I can but die — Waiting will not save me. 4 Faith in Christ will save me — Let me trust Thy weeping Son I Trust the work that He has done ; To His arms, Lord, heln me run — Faith in Christ will save me. Eev. R. Lovjry 21. Almost Persuaded. Tune—S. E., page 17. 66 A LMOST persuaded" now to believe ; jt\. " Almost persuaded " Christ to receive. Seems now some soul to say, " Go, spirit, go thy way, Some more convenient day, On Thee I'll call." 2 *' Almost persuaded," come, come to-day • '' Alii'i'^st persuaded," turn not away. HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. I5 Jesus invites you here, Angels are lingering near, Pray'rs rise from hearts so dear ; O, wand'rer come.! 3 ** Almost persuaded," harvest is past ; " Almost persuaded," doom comes at last ! " Almost" cannot uvail ; *' Almost" is but to tail ! Sad, sad that bitter wail— " Almost, hut lost /" P. P. Bliss, 22. Jesus, Saviour, pity me. Tune — >S^. E., page 58. JESUS, Saviour, pity me. Hear me when I cry to Thee, IVe a very wicked heart, Full of sin in every part. Cho. — Dear Jesus, hear me, Dear Jesus, hear me, Dear Jesus, hear me. Oh, listen to my prayer. 2 I can wever make it good, Wilt Thou wash me in Thy blood ; Jesus, Saviour, pity me, Heiir me when I pray to Thee. 3 When I try to do Thy will. Sin is in my bosom still. And I soon do something bad ; Then my heart is dark tind sad. 4 Now I come to Thee for aid. All my hope on Thee is stayed ; Thou hast bled aild died for me, I will give myself to Thee. 23. Loving kindness. Twie— S. E., page 18. E. P. H. AWAKE, my soul, in joyful lays, And sing the great Eedeemer's praise ; He justly claims a song from me ; His loving kindness, O how free ! Clio. — His loving kindness, Loving kindjiess, His loving kindness, O lunv tVco. *2 He saw me ruin'd by the fall, Yet loved me notwithstanding all, 16 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL, He saved me from my lost estate, His loving-kindness, O, how great. 3 Though numerous hosts of mighty foes, Though earth and hell my way oppose, He safely leads my soul along, His loving-kindness, O how strong!^ 4 When trouble, like a gloomy cloud. Has gather'd thick, and thunder'd loud, He near my soul has always stood. His loving- kindness, O how good ! 5 Often I feel my sinful heart. Prone from my Jesus to depart ; But though I have Him oft forgot, His loving- kindness changes not. 6 Soon shall I pass the gloomy vale. Soon ail my mortal powers must fail ; O ! may my last expiring breath His loving- kindness sing in death. 7 Then let me mount and soar away, To that bright world of endless day, And sing, with rapture and surpf ise. His loving-kindness in the skies. Samuel Medley^ 1787, 24. Thou Hidden Love of God. Tune—S. E.,paje 19. THOU hidden love of God, whose height. Whose depth unfathom'd no man knows, I see from fdv Thy beauteous light, And inly sigh for Thy repose , !|: My heart is pain'd, ^or can it be At rest, till it finds rest in Thee. :ii 2 Is there a thing beneath the sun That strives with Thee my heart to share 1 Oh, tear it thence, and reign alone. The Lord of every motion there. II : Then shall my heart from earth be free When it has found repose in Thee. :\\ 3 Oh, hide this self from me, that I No more, but Christ in me may liv^^; My vile aifections mortify. Nor let one darling sin survive. II: In all things nothing may I see; Nothing desire or seek but Thee. : || HYMNS OF SONG JSVANGEL. I7 4 Each moment calls from earth away My heart, which lowly waits Thy call ; Speak to my iiimoat soiil and say, " I am thy life, thy God, thy all." B: To knowThy power, to hear Thy voice, To feel Thy love, be ail my choice. :ll Tr. by John Wesley, 1739. 25. Power of Prayer. Tune — *S^. E.,page 19. JESUS, where'er Thy people meet, Tiiere they behold Thy mercy-seat, Where'er they seek Tliee, Thou art found. And every place is hallowed ground, For Thou, within no walls confined, Inhabitest the humblest mind ; Such ever bring Thee where they come, And, going, take Thee to their home. 2 Here may we prove the power of prayer, To strengthen fViith, and banish care,— To teach our faint desires to rise. And bring all heaven before our eyes. Lord, we are weak, but Thou art near, Nor short Thine arm, nor deaf Thine ear ; O, rend the heavens, conjie quickly down, And make the sinner's heart Thin'e own. Wm. Cowper ' 26, . Dennis, Tune — S. E., page 20. I LOVE Thy kingdom, Lord, * The house of Thine abode, The church our blest Redeemer saved With His own precious blood. 2 I love Thy church, O God ; Her walls before Thee stand, Dear as the a[)ple of Thine eye, And graven on Thy hand. 3 If e'er my heart forget Her welfare or her woe. Let every joy this heai-t forsake, And every grief o'erilow. 4 Beyond my highest joy, I prize her lieavenly ways; Her sweet communion, solemn vows, Her hymns of love and praise. T. Divrght, 1800. 18 MYMJSfS OF SONG EVANGEL. 27. The Accepted Time. Tune- S. E., page 20. NOW is the accepted time, Now is the day of grace ; Now, sinners, come without delay, And seek the Saviour's face. 2 Now is the accepted time, The Saviour calls to-day ; To-morrow it may be too late, — Then why should you delay. 3 Now is the accepted time, The Gospel bids you come ; And every promise in His word Declares there yet is room. 4 Lord, draw reluctant souls, And feast them with Thy love ; Then will the angels swiftly lly, , *^ And bear the news above. Jo/m JDobell, 1806. 28. The Blood. I Tune—S. E., page 20. HEAR the words of Love, I gaze upon the blood, I see the mighty sacrifice, And I have peace with God. 2 'Tis everlasting peace ! Sure as Jehovah's name, 'Tis stable as His steadfast throne, For evermore the same. 3 That which can shake the Cross, May shake the peace it gave ; Which tells me Christ has never died, Or never left the grave ! 1 Till then my peace is sure, It will not, cannot yield ; Jesus I know, has died and lives — On this firm rock I build. 29. Praise is comely. Tune—S. E., page 20. ' SWEET is the work, OLord, Thy glorious acts to sing , To praise Thy name, and hear Thy word: And grateful off 'rings bring. HYMNS OF SOJVG EVANGEL. 19 2 Sweet at tbe dawning light, Tiiy boundless love to tell ; And when approach the shades of night, Still on the theme to dwell. 3 Sweet on the day of rest, To join, in heart and voice, With those who love and serve Thee best, And in Thy name rejoice. 4 To songs of praise and joy, Be every Sabbath given. That snch may be our best employ Eternally in heaven. Harriet AubcTj 1829. 30. Title Clear. Tune— JS. E., page 21. WHEN I can read my title clear To mansions in the skies, I'll bid farewell to every fear, And Avipe my weeping eyes. Cho. — We will stand ( stand the storm ) the storm, ( It will not be very long,) We will anchor by and by ; We will stand ( stand the storm ) the storm ( It will not be very long,) We'll anchor by and by. 2 Should earth agciinst my soul engage, And fiery darts be hurled ; Yet I can smile at Satan's rage, And face a frowning world. 3 Let cares like a wild deluge come, And storms of sorrow fail ; May I but safely reach my home, My God, my heaven, my all. 4 There shall I bathe my weary soul In seas of heavenly rest, r And not a wave of trouble roll Across my peaceful breast. 3 1 . The Valley of Blessing Tune—S. E., page 22. I HAVE entered the valley of blessing so sweet. And Jesus abides with me th(3re ; And His Spirit and blood make my cleaiiding complbte, And His perfect lovecasteth oat fear. 20 BTMNS 01 SONG E VANGEL. Cho. — Oh, come to thia valley of blesgiiig so sweet, Where Jesus will fulness bestow, — Oh, believe, and receive, and confess Him, That all His salvation may know. 2 There is peace in the valley of blessing so sweet. And plenty the land doth impart ; There is rest for the weary -worn traveler's feet. And joy for the sorrowing heart. 3 There is love in the valley of blessing so sweet, Such as none but the blood-washed may feel ; When heaven comes down redeemed spirits to greet, And Christ sets His covenant seal. 4 There's a song in the valley of blessing, so sweet That angels would fain join the strain. As, with rapturou-s praises, we bow at His feet, Crying, " Worthy the Lamb that was slain." A nnie I Vittenmyer. 32. ^ Thy heart with Jesus. Tune—S. E., page 23. GO, leave thy heart with Jesus, And tell Him all thy care ; Go seek a throne of mercy, And find a refage there ; Tho' dim with tears of sorrow r Thy weary eyes may be, Look up and trust in Jesus, Who bore the cross for thee. 2 Go, leave thy sins with Jesus, The life, the truth, the way ; Whose precious blood has cancell'd The debt thou could'st not pay. Thv faith must bring the blessing Of peace and pardon free. Look up and trust in Jesus, Who bore the cross for thee. 3 Go, leave thy fears with Jesus, Thy hopes, thy love, thy all; And then in calm submission Await Thy Father's call ; Wlien angels hover round thee, And earthly scenes decay, O lean thy head on Jesus, And breathe thy life away. Fanny J. Crosby-, 1869. HYMNS OF SONG UV ANGEL. 21 33. Safe within the Vail. I Tune — S. E., page 24. ^ ^^ T ^^^ ahead !" Its fruits are waviiig JLi O'er the hills of fadeless green ; And the livin<< waters laving Shores where heav'nly forms are seen. Cho. — Rocks and storms I'll fear no more, When on that eternal shore ; Drop the anchor ! Furl the sail ! I am safe within the vail ! 2 Onward, bark ^ the cape I'm rounding ; See the blessed wave their hands ; ♦ Hear the harps of God resounding From the bright immortal bands. 3 There, let go the anchor, riding On this calm and silv'ry bay ; Seaward fast the tide is gliding, Shores in sunlight stretch away. 4 Now we're safe from all temptation, All the storms of life are past ; Praise the Rock of our salvation, We are" safe at home at last ' Rev. E. Adams, 34. Lord, Thou knowest. Tune — S. E., page 25. NO one knows but Jesus how sinful I have been ; No one knows but Jesus ail my heart within ; No one knows but Jesus my conflicts day by day ; No one like Jesus guideth my way. No one like Jesus temptation can feel ; No one like Jesus my sorrow can heaL No one knows, &c. 2 No one knows but Jesus how oft His name I plead ; No one knows but Jesus everything I need : No one knows but Jesus how humble I would be; No one like Jesus care^h forme. No one like Jesus will comfort and cheer, Pity my weakness, and banish my fear. 3 No one else like Jesus so ready to forgive — Pledge and promise broken nearer Him to live; No one knows but Jesus the secret tears that fall ; No one like Jesus hears when I call. No one bur, Jesus my refuge shall be ; No one will love me so dearly as He. Fanny J. Cro&by. 22 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL, :g. 35. Will yon meet us? Tune—S. E., page 26. f AY, Cliristiaiis, will you meet ns, :|| ^ On Canaan's happy shore ? 2 li: By the grace of God we'll meet you, :'l On Canaan's happy shore. 3 ||: Say, sinners, will you meet us, :II On Canaan's happy shore ? 4 II: Trusting Jesus, we will meet you, :!l On Canaan's happy shore. 5 II: Dear children, will you meet us, :ll On Canaan's happy shore 1 6 '11: With our Saviour's help we'll meet you, :|I On Canaan's happy shore. 7 II: Dear young Converts, will you meet us, :ll Where parting is no more ? 8 II: There we'll praise our blessed Saviour, :ll On that bright blissful shore. E. P. II. 36. "Worthy the Lamb. Tune—S. E., page 26. COME, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne ; Ten thousand, thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. 2 Worthy the Lamb that died, they cry, To be exalted thus : Worthy the Lamb, our lips reply, For He was slain for us. 3 Jesus is worthy to receive Honor and power divine ; And blessings more that we can give Be, Lord, forever Thine. 37. Keep on Praying. Tune—S. E., page 27. /. Waits, LONGr my spirit pined in sorrow, Watching, waiting all in vain ; Waiting for a golden morrow, Free from worldly care and pain j When I heard a sweet voice saying. In the accents of a friend, Cheer up, brother, " keep on pmying,'* Keep on praying to the end. HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 23 Cho. — When our wayward thoughts are straying^ When God's mercy seems delaying, Then in faith we'll keep on praying, Keep on praying, Keep on praying to the end. 3 Ye, who sigh for holy pleasures, Ye, who mourn your load of sin, *' Keep on praying," heavenly treasures In the end you're sure to win ; Wrestle with the Lord of glory, Lay your troubles at His feet. Plead with faith in Calvary's siory, Till your joys are all complete. 3 How the angel band rejoices When a kneeling mortal prays ; Hear them cry, in heavenly voices, " Keep on praying " all your days ; Pray until you reach fair Canaan, Reach the pearly gates of day, Then your bliss shall end in glory, And shall never pass away. Mrs, M. A, Kidder, 38. Jesus died for us. Tune—S. E., page 28. LAS ! and did my Saviour bleed ? And did my Sovereign die ? Would He devote that sacred head For such a worm as I ? Cno. — Jesus died for you, Jesus died for me, Yes, Jesus died for all mankind, Bles^ Grod. salvation's free. 2 Was it for crimes that I had done He groaned upon the tree 1 Amazing pity ! grace unknown ! And love beyond degree. 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in. When Christ the mighty Maker died For man the creature's sin. 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face While His dear cross appears, Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, And melt mine eyes to tears. 5 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe ; Here, Lord, I give myself away ; 'Tis all that I can do. /. Watts, 1707. A^ 24 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 39. "Why weepest thou ? Tune—S. E., page 29. U TXTHY weepest thou ? Wiiom seekest thou T VV O, vvouldst thou see our Jesus ? Behold Him ue^r, He marks -each tear, Our blessed, iovmg Jesus. Eef. — O belie v^e Him ; O receive Him — There is none like Jesus ; He is near thee ; He will cheer thee Only trust in Jesus. 2 Why^ weepest thou. And seekest thou, With doubting and repining ? O lift thine eye ! Thou shalt descry His raiment near thee, shining. 3 Believe Him now; Receive Him now; Look up, witli faith and meekness, To Jesus' blood, Which freely flowed For all Thy sin and weakness. 4 Belie vest thou ? Cease weeping now — Thy soul He will deliver ; The Cross He bore ; Our sins He wore, And nailed them there forever. Mrs. Annie S, Hawlcs^ 40. Battling for the Lord. Tune—S. E., page 30. TE'VE listed in a holv war, Battling for the Lord ? Eternal life, our guiding star, Battling for the Lord. Cho. — We'll work till Jesus comes, We'll work till Jesus comes. We'll work till Jesus comes, And then well rest at home, 2 We've girded on our armor bright. Battling for the Lord ! Our Captain's word our strength and might, Battling for the Lord ! 3 We'll stand like heroes on the field, Battling for the Lord ! And in His strength we'll never yield, Battling for the Lord ! 4 Though sin and death our way oppose, . Battling for the Ijord ! Through grace we'll conquer all our foes, Battling for the Lord ! W^ EYMlSfS OF SONG EVANGEL, 25 5 And when our glorious war is o'er, Conqu'rors through the Lord ! We'll sliout salvation evermore, Conquerors through the Lord ! Arr. by F. J, C, Trusting in Thee, Tune — S. E.,page 31. I AM coming to the cross : I'm poor and weak and blind ; I'm counting all but dross; I shall full salvation find. Cho. — I am trusting, Lord, in thee; Dear Lamb of Calvary ; Humbly at thy cross I bow ; Save me, Jesus, save me now. 2 Long my heart has sighed for Thee ; Long has evil reigned within ; Jesus sweetly speaks to me, I will cleanse you from all sin. 3 Here I give my all to thee, — Friends, and time, and earthly store Soul and body Thine to be, — Wholly Thine — forever more. 4 In the promises I trust ; Now I feel the blood applied ; I am ]3rostrate in the dust ; I with Christ am crucified. 5 Jesus comes ! He fills my soul ! Perfected in love I am ; I am every whit made whole ; Glory, glory to tlie Lamb. Rev. Wm. McDonald, Christ all and in All. Tune— S.E., page dl. SAVIOUR of the sin-sick soul. Give. me faith to make me whole j Finish Thy great work of grace, Cut it short in righteousness. 2 Speak the second time — Be clean, Take away my inbred sin ; Every stumbling-block remove, Cast it out by perfect love. 3 Nothing less will I require; Nothing more can I desire ; None but Christ to me be given ; None but Christ in earth or heaven. 26 ETMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 4 O that I might now decrease ; O tluit all I am might cease ; Let me into nothing fall, Let my Lord be all in all. r 43. Christ is All. Tune — S. E., page 31. PN Thy cross is all my plea, By Thy bonds am I made free, By Thy stripes my soul is healed, By Thy blood my pardon sealed. 2 By that cruel crown of thorns. Holy peace my brow adorns ; By those mocking taunts and fears, I am saved from shame and tears. 3 Just, by Jesus justified, When beneath my sins He died ! Righteous, by Thy righteousness. Thine own robe my perfect dress ! 4 Perfect, by Thy perfect life ; Peaceful, by Thy holy strife ; Pure, by Jesus purified, Li the fountain from Thy side. 5 Holy, by Thy holiness, Weary, 'by Thy weariness : By Thy sorrow I may sing ; From Thy groans my pleasures spring. 6 Thou wast poor : how rich am I ! Thou wast homeless, Jesu9, why ? Only that my soul might share Mansions here and mansions there. 7 By Thy rising I shall rise, Death must yield his transient prize : Thine ascension, mine shall be ! All Thy glory I shall see ! 8 Cross of Clirist here, here I fall, Pleading only, Christ is all ; This, my God, my Judge, shall be ! At thy bar my only jplea. 44, Come, thou Pount. Tune S. E.y page 32. COME, thou Fount of ev'ry blessing. Tune my heart to sing Thy grace ; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songsof loudest praise. C, Wesley, E. P, H, HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 27 r Cho. — I love Jesus, Hallelujah, I love Jesus, yes 1 do, I do love Jesus, He's my Saviour, Jesus smiles and loves me too. 2 Jesus sought me, when a stranger, Wand'ring from the fold of God ; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed His precious blood. 3 OJ to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrained to be ! Let Thy goodness, like a fetter, Bind "my wandering heart to Thee. . 4 Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it ; Prone to leave tbe God I love ; Here's my heart, O, take and seal it ; Seal it for Thy courts above. Rev. Robert Robinson, 1758. 45. Eejoicing in Ohrist. . Tune — ^S'. E., page 32. HAVE found a precious Saviour, . He has washed my sins away ; Now rejoicing in His favor, I am happy ail the day. 2 Lost in sin, I wandered, weary, Far from Jesus, far from home Till he came in love to cheer me. Sweetly calling, " Wanderer come ! " 3 Pardon full and free he offered, ■ Showed His bleeding hands and side, Told me how for me He suffered, For my sins was crucified. 4 Then my heart with thanks o'erflowing, Yielded to His gracious call ; At His feet in sorrow bowing. Gave to Him my life, my all. Miss Campbell, Newark, N. J, 1864. 3. Eest in Thee. Tune—S. E.,page 33. ILESSED Jesus, Blessed Jesus, I Thou who gav'st Thyself for me, Leave me not in sin to wander. Bid me come and rest in Thee. Rep.— Rest in Thee, rest in Thee, Bid me come and rest in Thee ; * Rest in Thee, rest in Thee, Bid me come and rest in Thee. B^ 28 EYMNS OF SOITG EYANaEL. A^ 2 Hope of all the meek and lowly, Thou my hope and joy shall be ; Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Bid me come and rest in Thee. 3 Draw me from each sinful striving j From myself O set me free ; Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Bid me come and rest in Thee. 4 Highest, purest, sweetest pleasure, Shall Thy service bring to me ; Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesas, Bid me come and rest in Thee. E, Tumey, D.D, ATif. My home is there. Tune—S. E., page 3i. ^ BOVE the waves of earthly strife, Above the ills and cares oi life. Where all is peaceful, bright and fair ; My home.is there, My home is there. Cho. — My beautiful home. My beautiful home, In the land where the glorified ever shall roam Where angels bright Wear crowns of light, My home is there, my home is there. 2 Where living fountains sweetly flow, Where birds and flowers immortal grow, Where trees their fruit celestial bear, My home is there, my home is there. 3 Away from sorrow, doubt and pain, Away from worldly loss and gain, From all temptation, fears and care ; My home is there, my home is there. 4 Beyond the bright and pearly gates, Where Jesus, loving Saviour, waits, Where all is peaceful, bright and fair ; My home is there, my home is there. Mrs. M, A, Kidder. 48. Glory to the Lamb. Tune—S. E,, page 35. THE world is overcome By the blood of the Lamb Glory to the Lamb, &c. 2 My sins are washed away In the blood of the Lamb ! Glory to the Lamb, &c. HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 29 3 I've washed my garments white, Through the blood of the Lnmb ; Glory to the Lamb, &c. 4 I've lost the fear of death, Through the blood of the Lamb; Glory to the Lamb, &c. 5 The martyrs overcame, By the blood of the Lamb ; Glory to the Lamb, &c. 6 I soon shall gain the skies, Through the blood of the Lamb; Glory to the Lamb, &c. 49. The precious Name. Tune—S. E. , jpage 36. TAKE the name of Jesus with you, Child of sorrow and of woe- It will joy and comfort give you, Take it then where'er you go. Cho. — Precious name, O how sweet ! Hope of earth and joy of heav'n, Precious name, O how sweet 1 Hope of earth and joy of heav'n. 2 Take the name of Jesus ever As a shield from every snare ; If temptations 'round you gather. Breathe that Holy name m prayer. 3 Oh, the precious name of Jesus ; How it thrills our souls with joy, When His loving arms receive us, And His songs our tongues employ ! 4 At the name of Jesus bowing. Falling prostrate at His feet, King of kings in heav'n we'll crown Him^ When our journey is complete. Mrs. Lydia Baxter* 50. I need Thee every hour. Tune—S. E.,page 37. I NEED Tiiee every hour, Most gracious Lord ; No tender voice like Thine Can peace afford. Ref.— I need Thee, oh ! I need Thee ; Every hour I need Thee; O bless me now, my Saviour I i I come to Thee. 30 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL, 2 I need Thee every hour ; Stay Thou n«ar by ; Temptations lose their pow'r When Thou art nigh. 3 I need Thee every hour, In joy or pain ; Come quickly and abide, Or life is vain. 4 I need Thee every hour.; Teach me Thy will ; And Thy rich promises In me fulfill. 5 I need Thee every hour, Most Holy One ; Oh, make me Thine indeed, Thou blessed Son. Mi's, Annie S» Hawks, 5 1 . Help and relieve. Tune—S. E.j page 37. FATHER, the storm is Itigb, Dark clouds shut out the sky ; Trembling to Thee I fly : Comfort and save. 2 Hark to the tempest's roar ! Open to me the door ; My confidence restore : Comfort and save. 3 O God ! temptation's nigh ; Sin clouds the azure sky. To Thee for aid I iiy : Help and relieve. 4 Hear, Father ! hear my cry ; And if T live or die, Saviour, be ever nigh : Help and relieve. a E, Pmd, 52. He paid tlie debt. Tune—S. E„ page 38. [Y soul complete in Jesus stands, It fears no more the law's demands; The smile of God is sweefe within, Where all before was guilt and sin. Cho. — He paid the debt for you, He paid the debt for me ; He brings the captive liberty ; His truth can maKe the sinner free ; His blood was shed for you and me. M^ HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL, 2 My soul at rest in Jesus lives, Accepts the peace His pardon ,^ives ; Keceives the grace His death secur'd, And pleads the anguish He endured. 3 A song of praise my soul shall sing To our eternal, glorious King ; Shall worship humbly at His feet, In whom alone it stands complete. Mrs. G. W. HinsdalCy 1866. 53. Tell the Story. Tune—S. E., page 39. I LOVE to tell the story, Of unseen things above, Of Jesus and His glory, Of Jesus and His love: I love to tell the story, Because I know 'tis true ; It satisfies my longings, As nothing else can do, Cho. — I love to tell the story, 'Twill be my theme in glory, To tell the Old, Old Story, Of Jesus and His love. 2 I love to tell the story, More wonderful it seems Than nil the golden fancies. Of all our golden dreams ; I love to tell the story, It did so much for me ! And that is just the reason I tell it now to thee. 3 I love to tell the story, 'Tis pleasant to repeat What seems, each time I tell it, More wonderfully sweet: I love to tell the story. For some have never heard The message of salvation, From God's own holy word. 4 I love to tell the story, For those who know it best Seem hungering and thirsting To hear it like the rest. And when, in scenes of glory, _ * I sing the New, New Song, Twill be the Old, Old Story That I have loved so long. Miss Kate Hankey, 1867. 32 HYMNS OF SONQ EVANGEL. 54. At the Cross. Tune—S. E., page 40. MOURNER, wheresoe'er thou art, A t the cross there! s room ; Tell the burden of thy heart; A t the cross there^s room ; Tell it in thy Saviour's ear, • Cast away thy every fear, Only speak, and He will hear; At the cross there's room. 2 Haste thee, wanderer, tarry not ; At the cross there's room ; Seek that consecrated spot; A t the cross there's room ; Heavy laden, sore oppressed, Love can soothe thy troubled breast; In the Saviour find thy rest ; At the cross there's room.. 3 Thoughtless sinner, come to-da}^; At the cross there's room; Hark ! the Bride and Spirit say, At the cross there^s room. Now a living fountain see; Opened there for you and me, Rich and poor, for bond and free ; At the cross there'' s room. 4 Blessed thought . for every one A t the cross there's room ; Love's atoning work is done ; At the cross there's room ; Streams of boundless mercy flow, Free to all who thither go .; O that all the w^ojid might know, At the cross there's room! Fanny J. Croshyo 55. The JBrigkt Forever. Tune — S. E., page 41. BREAKING thro' the clouds that gather O'er the Christian's natal skies, Distant beams like floods of glory, Fill the soul with glad surprise; And we almost hear the echo Of the pure and holy throng, In the bright, the bright forever, In the summer-land of song. HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEh^ 33 ft' Cho. — On the banks beyond the river, We shall meet no more to sevef In the bright, the bright foreve«v In the summer-land of song. Yet a little while we linger, Ere we reach onr journey's end ; Yet a little while to labor, Ere the evening shades descend; Then we'll lay us down to slumber, But the night will soon be o'er ; In the bright, the bright forever We shatl wake to sleep no more- 3 O the bliss of life eternal \ O the long unbroken rest ! In the golden fields of pleasure, In the region of the blest. But to see our dear Eedeemer, And before His throne to fall, There to hear His gracious welcome — Will be sweeter far tlian all. Fanny J, Crosby, 1871* 56. Near the Cross. Tune-S. E,, page 42. JESUS keep me near the cross, There a precious fountain, Free to all, a healing stream, Flows from Calvary's mountain. Cho. — In the Cross, In the Cross Be my glory ever, Till my raptured soul find Rest beyond the river. 2 Near the Cross, a trembling soul Love and mercy found me ; There the bright 'and morning star Shed its beam.s around me. 3 Near the Cross ! oh Lramb of God, Bring its scenes before me ; Help me walk from day to day, With its shadow o'er me. 4 Near the Cross I'll watch and wait, Hoping, trusting ever. Till I reach the golden strand. Just beyond the river. Fanny J 34 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 57. Eesponse. Tune — S. E., page 42. JESUS, am I near to Thee t Then, no more delaying, I must in the vineyard be, Watching, working, praying. Cho. — In the Cross, In the Cross Be my glory ever, Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river. 2 Every heart that's near to Thee, Is ibr sinners seeking ■, All their bitter need doth see, Is for them enti-eating. 3 Near to Jesus all the time, He will leave me never ; I am His and He is mine. I am safe forever. E. P. H. 58. Oh! Happy Day. Tune — S. E., page 43. \H ! happy day that fixed my choice / On Thee, my Saviour and my God ! Well may this glowing heart rejoice, And tell its raptures all abroad, Cho. — Happy day, happy day. When Jesus washed my sins away : He taught me how to watch and pray And live rejoicing every day ; Happy day, happy day, When Jesup washed my sins away. 2 'Tis done, the great transaction's done ; I am my Lord's and He is mine ; He drew me, and I followed on, Charm 'd to confess the voice divine. 3 Now rest my long divided heart ; Fixed on this blissful centre, rest, Nor ever from thy Lord depart ; With Him of every good possessed. Br. Fliilip Doddridge. 59. Oome Sinners. Tune — S. JEJ., page 43. COME, sinners view the Lamb of Ood, Wounded and dead and bathed in blood ; 0^ HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 35 Behold His side, and veDture near, The well of endless life is here. Cho.— Happy day, &c. 2 Here we forget our cares and pains, We drink, yet still our thirst remains ; Only the Fountain-head above Can satisfy the thirst of love. 3 His Name dispels, our guilt and fear, Revives our heart and charms our ear; Affords a balm for every wound, And Satan trembles at the sound. 60. The Old, old Story. Tune—S, E.,page 44. TELL me the old, old story, Of unseen things above, Of Jesus and His ^lory, Of Jesus and His love. Tell me the story simply, As to a little child, For I am weak and weary, And helpless and defiled. Cho. — Tell me the old, old story, Tell me the old, old story, Tell me the old, old story, Of Jesus and His love. .' 2 Tell me story slowly, That I may take it in — That wonderful redemption, God's remedy for sin. Tell me the story often, For I forget so soon ; The " early dew " of morning Has passed away at noon. 3 Tell me the story softly, With earnest tones, and grave ; Remember ! I'm the sinner Whom Jesus came to save. Tell me that story always. If you would really be. In any time of trouble, A comforter to me. 4 Tell me the same old Btory, When you have cause to fear 36 HYMNS O^ SONG JE VANGEL. That this world's empty glory Is costing me too dear. Yes, and when that world's glory Is dawning on my soul, Tell me the old, old story : *' Christ Jesus makes thee whole." Miss Kate Hanlcey, 18G7. 6 1 . Uothing but Leaves. Tune — S. E.^ page 45. TVr^THING but leaves ! the spirit grieves ±S O'er years of Avasted life ; O'er sins indulged while conscience slept, O'er vows and promises unkept, And reap from years of strife — Nothing but leaves ! nothing but leaves ! 2 Nothing but leaves ! no gathered sheaves, Of life's fair ripening grain ; We sow our seeds ; lo ! tares and weeds, — Words, idle words, for earnest deeds — Then reap with toil and pain, Nothing but leaves ! nothing but leaves ! ' 3 Nothing but leaves ! nothing but leaves ! No veil to hide the past ; And as we trace our weary way, And count each lost and misspent day We sadly find at last — Nothing but leaves ! nothing but leaves! 4 Ah ! who shall thus the Master meet, And bring but withered leaves 1 Ah, who shall at the Saviour's feet, Before the awful judgment-seat Lay down for golden sheaves, Nothing but leaves ! nothing but leaves ! Lucy E. Akerman, alt., 1859, 62. Safe in the arms of Jesus. Tune — S. E., page 46. ^AFE in the arms of Jesus, Safe on His gentle breast, There by His love o'ershaded, Sweetly my soul shall rest. Hark ! 'tis the voice of angels Borne in a song to me, Over the fields of glory, Over the jasper sea. ETMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 37 Cho. — Safe in the arms of Jesns. Safe on His gentle breast, Tiiere by His love o'ershaded, Sweetly my soul sbali rest. 2 Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe from corroding care, Safe from the world's temptations, Sin cannot harm me there, Free from the blight of sorrow, Free from ni}^ doubts and fears ; Only a few more trials, Only a few more tears. 3 Jesus, my heart's dear refuge, Jesus lias died, for me ; Fii-m on the Eock of Ages, Ever my trust shall be. Here let me wait with patience, Wait till the night is o'er ; Wait till I see the morning Break on the golden shore. Fanny J, Crosby, 18Ga 63. The Eifted Eock. Tune—S. E., page 47. fN the Kifted Kock I'm resting, Sure and safe from all alarm ; Storms and billows have united All in vain to do me harm ; In the Rifted Rock I'm resting. Surf is dasiiing at my feet, Storm-clouds dark are o'er me hovering, Yet my rest is all complete.^ Cho. — In the Rifted Rock I'm resting, Sure and safe from all alarm ; Storms and billows have united All in vain to do me harm. 2 Many a stormy sea I've traversed, Many a tempest-shock have known, Have been driven, witho'ut anchor. On the barren shores, and lone ; Yet I now have found a haven, Never moved by tempest shock, Where my soul is safe forever. In the blessed Rifted Rock. L. T. H, V 38 EYMNS'OF SONG EVANGEL. 64. The ninety and nine . Tune — *S^. E., page 48. THERE were ninety and nine that safely lay In tbe shelter of the fold, Bnt one was out on the hills away, Far oiF from the gates of gold — Away on the mouniains wild and bare, ||: Away from the tender Shepherd's care. :ll 2 " Lord, thou hast here thy ninety and nine ; Are they not enough for thee ?" But the Shepherd made answer: " 'Tis of mine Has wandered away from me ; And although the roa(l be rough and steep, ;|: I go to the desert to find my sheep." :ll 3 But none of the ransomed ever knew How deep were the waters crossed ; Nor how dark was the night that the Lord pasaed thro', Ere he found his sheep that was lost ; Out in the desert he heard its cry — (]: Twas helpless and sick, and ready to die. :!| 4 But all thro' the mountains, thunder-riven, And up from the rocky steep, There rose a cry to the gate of heaven, " Rejoice? I have found my sheep !" And the angels echoed around the throne, |(: " Rejoice, for the Lord brings back his own." :;i Elizabeth C. Clephane, 18G8. 65. "We shall meet. Tune—S. E., page 49. TE shall meet beyond the river, By-and-by, By-and-by ; And the darkness sliall be over, By-and-by, By-and-by ; With the toilsome journey done, And the glorious battle won. We shall shine forth as the sun, By-and-by, By-and by. 2 We shall strike the harps of glory, By-and-by, By-and-by ; We shall sing redemption's story, By-and-by, By-and-by ; And the strains for-evermore. Shall resound in sweetness o'er Yonder everlasting shore, By-and-by, By-and-by. W^ HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 39 3 We shall see and be like Jesus, By-aiid-by, By-aiid -by ; Who a crown of life will give us, By-aiid-by, By-and-by ; And the angels wbo faliill, All tbe mandates of His will, Shall attend and love us still, By-aiid-by, By-aud-by. 4 There our tears shall all cease flowing, By-and-by, By-and-by ; And with sweetest rapture knowing, By-and-by, By-and-by ; All the blest ones who have gone To the land of life and song, We with shoutings shall rejoin, By-and-by, By-and-by. Rev. John Atkinson, 1867. 66. Oome, ye Sinners. Tune — S. E., page 50. COME, ye sinners, poor and needy. Weak and wounded, sick and sore, Jesus ready stands to save you. Full of pity, love and power. II: He IS able. He is able, He is willing, doubt no more. :II 2 Come, ye thirsty, come and welcome ; God's free bounty glorify ; True belief and true repentance. Every grace that brings us nigh — 11: Without money. Without money, Come to Jesus Christ and buy. :1) 3 Come, ye weary, heavy laden, - Lost and ruined by the fall ; If you tarry till you're better, Yoxx will never come at all : If: Kot the righteous — Not the righteous, Sinners, Jesus came to call. :|) 4 Let not conscience make yon linger, Nor of fitness fondly dream ; All the fitness He requireth, Is to feel your need of Him : II: This He gives you— This He gives you, 'Tis the Spirit's rising beam. :ll 5 Agonizing in the garden, Lo ! your Maker prostrate lies ; 40 BTMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. On the bloody tree behold Him ; Hear Him cry before He dies, II: *' It is finished f" " It is finished !'» Sinners, will not this suffice ?-:ll Joseph Hart, 1759. 67. Welcome to the Saviour. Tune — S. E.,page 50. WELCOME, welcome, dear Redeemer- Welcome to this heart of mine ; Lord ! I make a full surrender, Every power and thought be Thine, II: Thine entirely. — Thine entirely, Through eternal ages Thine. :II 2 Known to all to be Thy mansion, Earth and nell w^ill disappear ; Or in vain attempt possession. When they find the Lord is near ;— fl: Shout, O Zion \ Shout, O Zion f Shout, ye saints ! the Lord is here. :!! Rev. Wm. Mason. 1794:, 68. How can I keep from singing. Tune — >S'. JE., page 51. [Y life flows on in endless song* Above earth's lamentation, I catch the sweet, tho' far off hymn That hails a new creation ; Through all the tumult and the strife, I hear the music ringing : It finds an echo in my soul — How can I keep from singing ? 2 Wliat tho' my joys and comfort die ? The Lord, my Saviour liveth ; What tho' the darkness gather 'round? Songs in the night He giveth ; No storm can shake my inmost calm, While to that refuge clinging ; Since Christ is Lord of heaven and earth, How can I can keep from singing ? 3 I lift my eyes ; the cloud grows thin ; I see the blue above it , And day by day this pathway smooths. Since first I learned to love it ; The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart, A fountain ever springing ; All things are mine since I am His— How can I keep from singing ? Miss Anna Warner, 1864. M^ HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 41 69. Gethsemane. Tune— S. E., page ^1. MY Jesus, I would ne'er forget That hour I Bpent with Thee ; When there 1 saw Thy bloody sweat In dark Gethsemane. '^ Cho.— I'll ne'er forget, I'll ne'er forget, I'll ne'er forgetful be, When there I saw Thy bloody sweat In dark Gethsemane. 2 ''Twas in that olive press I felt That Thou didst bleed for me ; Alas ! how great I saw my guilt, While in Gethsemane. 3 I thought of how Thy heart did throb, While ' all ' Thine own did Hee, And left Thee with the cruel mob, In sad Gethsemane. 4 'Twas there I felt my guilt and shame In oft forsaking Tliee ; How precious was Thy very name ' In dear Gethsemane. 5 Should e'er our love to Thee grow cold, And we forgetful be, We'll call to mind Thy love untold While in Gethsemane. 70. How sweet tlie Hame. Tune — S. E., page 62, HOW sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer's ear ! It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds^ And drives away his fear. Cno. — Help me, dear Saviour, Thee to own, And ever faithful be ; And when Thou sittest ou Thy throne, Dear Lord, remember me. 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole. And calms the troubled breast ; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul, And for the weary, rest. 3 ^y Thee my prayers acceptance gain, Although with sin defiled ; Satan accuses me in vain, And I am owned a child. E, P. H, 42 HYMNS OF SOiYG EVANGEL. 0^ 4 Jesus! my Shepherd, Guardian, Friend! My Prophet, Priest and King ! My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End ! Accept the praise I bring. John Newton, 1779. 71. Open mine eyes. Tune — S. E., page 52. ^PEN my eyes, O Lord, to see My lost and wretched state : Show me my guilt and misery, While at Thy feet I wait. Cho. — Help me dear Saviour, Thee to own, And ever faithful "be ; And when Thou sittest on Thy throne, Dear Lord, remember me. 2 Help me to hear th'expiring groans Of Jesus on the tree 4 " This blood for all thy sin atones — " Tis finished ' all for thee." 3 O how can I neglect such love, So freely shown to me, In Jesus dying on the Cross, From sin to set me free ! 4 I know there's no escape for me If I should still deny My Lord, wiio bled on Calvary, - To raise my hopes on high. 5 Dear Saviour, now to Thee I fly From slavery and guilt ; My hopes, my all, on Thee rely — Thy blood for me was spilt. M^ 72. Save, Jesus, Save ! Tune — >S'. E., page 53. [Y sing appear in dark array ; I have no hope of heaven ; I've nought Avherewith my debt to pay, O can I be forgiven '^ Cho. — Save, save, O Jesus save, Save a poor sinner while crying, Save, save, O Jesus save, Save a poor sinner from dying I 2 1 know 'tis just that I sliould die j My guilt I now confess ; But to 'rhy Son I lift mine eye, For J lis sake wilt Thou bless.. E, P. H. ,^. J' HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. . ^ 45 3 In His own body on the tree, He bore my guilt and sbame ; 'Twas there he suttered death for me, I plead alone His name. 4 Thy law would shut me up in hell , But thanks, O God, to Thee, My Saviour died that I might tell How grace can make me free. E. P, H, 1873, 73. Happy, ever Happy. Tune— S. E., page 54. FES US died upon the tree, I That from sni we might be free, And forever happy be — Happy in His love ; He has paid the debt we owe } If with trusting hearts we go, He will wash us white as snow, In His blood. Cho. — Then with joy and gladness sing ; Happy, ever happy be ; Praises to our heavenly King- Happy in the Lord. 2 Lord, we bring our hearts to thee ; Dying love is all our plea ; Thine forever we would be — Jesus, ever Thine Jesus smiles and bids us come ; In His loving arms there's room, And He'll bear us safely home, Home above. 3 When we reach that shining shore, All our suffering will be o'er. And we'll sigh and weep no more, In that land of love ; But in robes of spotless white. And with crowns of glory bright, We will range the fields of lig^t, Evermore. Annie Wittenmeyer^ 74. Cast the Net. Tune—S. E. , page 55. 1AST the net again, my brother, J Cast it on the other side ; Seek by paticjut toil to gather Treuyureg iiom the rolling tide. C^ 42 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 0^ 4 Jesus! my Shepherd, Guardian, Friend! My Prophet, Priest and King ! My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End ! Accept the praise I bring. John Newton, 1779. 71. Open mine eyes. Tune — >S'. E., page 52. \PEN my eyes, O Lord, to see / My lost and wretched state : Sliow me my guilt and misery, While at Thy feet I wait. Cho. — Help me dear Saviour, Thee to own, And ever faithful be ; And when Thou sittest on Thy throne, Dear Lord, remember me. 2 Help me to hear th'expiring groans Of Jesus on the tree 4 " This blood for all thy shi atones — " Tis finished ' all for thee." 3 O how can I neglect such love, So freely shown to me. In Jesus dying on the Cross, From sin to set me free ! 4 I know there's no escape for me If I should still deny My Lord, who bled on Calvary, _ To raise my hopes on high. 5 Dear Saviour, now to Thee I fly From slavery and guilt ; My hopes, my all, on Thee rely — Thy blood for me was spilt. Save, Jesus, Save ! Tune — S. E., page 53. MY sing appear in dark array ; I have no hope of heaven ; I've nought wherewith my debt to pay, O can I be forgiven ) Cho. — Save, save, O Jesus save, Save a poor sinner while crying, Save, save, O Jesus save, Save a poor sinner from dying ! 2 1 know 'tis just that I sliould die ; My guilt I now confess ; But to I'hy Son I lilt mine eye, For J lis sake wilt Thou blejss. E. P. H. HYMJSrS OF SONG EVANGEL. . f, 3 lu His own body on the tree, He bore my guilt and sbame ; 'Twas there he satt'ered death for me, I plead alone His name. 4 Thy law would shut me up in hell , But thanks, O God, to Thee, My Saviour died that I might tell How grace can make me free. E. P, H. 1873. 73. Happy, ever Happy. Tune— S. E., page 54. JESUS died upon the tree, That from sm we might be free, And forever happy be — Happy in His love ; He has paid the debt we owe ; If with trusting hearts we go, He will wash ns white as snow, In His blood. Cho. — Then with joy and gladness sing j Happy, ever happy be ; Praises to our heavenly King- Happy in the Lord. 2 Lord, we bring our hearts to thee ; Dying love is all our plea ; Thine forever we would be — Jesus, ever Thine Jesus smiles and bids us come ; In His loving arms there's room, And He'll bear us safely home, Home above. 3 When we reach that shining shore, All our suffering will be o'er, And we'll sigh and weep no more, In that land of love ; But in robes of spotless white. And with crowns of glory bright, We will range the fields of ligiit, Evermore. Annie WitUnmey&r, ' 74. Oast the Net. Tune—S. E. , page 55. 1AST the net again, my brother, y Cast it on the other side ; Seek by patient toil to gather TreuBures iiom the rolling tide. C^ 46 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL, 3 Prevent, prevent it by Thy grace ; Be Thou, dear Lord, my hidmg-place, In this the accepted day : Thy pardonhig voice, oh, let me hear! To still my unbelieving fear i Nor let me fall, I pray. 4 Let me among Thy saints be found, Whene'er the archangel's trump shall sound. To see Thy smiling face ; Then loudest of the crowd I'll sing, Wliile heaven's resounding mansions ring With shouts of sovereign grace. Selina, Countess of Huntingdon, Vlli, 78. Jesus loves me. Tune — S: E., page 58. JESUS loves me ! this I know, For the Bible tells me so ; Little ones to Him belong, They are weak, but He. is strong. Cho. — Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus love me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so. 2 Jesus loves me ! He vflio died, Heaven's gate to open wide ;^ He will wash away my sin, Let His little child conie in. 3 Jesus loves me ! loves me still, Tho' I'm ver^ weak and ill ; From His shining throne on high, Comes to watch me where I lie. 4 Jesus loves me ! He will stay Close beside me all the way ; If I love Him when I die He will take me home on high. Miss Anna Warner, 1869. 79. Jesus "lifted up." Tune — *S^. E., page 58. JESUS from His throne on high Came hito this world to die — . That I might from sin be free Bled and died upon the tree. Cho.— Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me, Tlie Bible tells me so. HYMJSS OF SONG EVANGEL. 47 E. P. H, 2 I can see Him even now, With His pierced, thorn-clad brow, A^'onizing on the tree : Oil ! what love, and all for me ! 3 Now I feel this heart of stone Drawn to love God's holy Son, " Lifted up " on Calvary, Suffering death and shame for me 4 Jesus, take this heart of mine, Make it pure and wholly Thine ; Thou hast bled and died for me, • I will henceforth live for Thee. 80. Jesus loves me. Tune — >S'. E„ page 58. JESUS loved me when He died, Hated, mocked and crucified, Died my punishment to bear, Died to take away my fear. . Cho. — Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me, The Bible tells me so. 2 Jesus loved me day by day. When I did not love or pray ; ^ Then He drew me to believe, And eternal life receive. 3 He who made me love His name, Safe will keep His feebl-e lamb ; Once for me His life He gave. Now He lives to bless and save. 4 This my endless joy will be, I love Him and He loves me ; He is my Almighty friend, Never will His kindness end. 5 Naught His mercy shall remove. Never will He cease to love ; He will love me till I die. He will love eternally. Rev. Baptist Noel, 1868. 81. Singing just now. " I am happy. I have b«en sorry that I was such a sinner. I have loved Jesus ever since the meetings commenced, and I hope I shaU love Him till I die. I have been singing ever since the meetings began. I love ' Just now ' the best of all. ♦' Your little friend, * * *, seven years old." 48 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. Tuners, E., page 58. U pRECIOUS Jesus, He is mine !" X Since I heard His loving call I've been singing all tlie time, ' One sweet hymn is best of all. Cho. — II : Yes, Jesus loves me, ;1I The Bible tells me so. 2 Yes, I love to sing " Jnst now," Jesus is in every line ; Since I saw His thorn-clad brow, I've been happy all the time. 3 Oh ! that all ray little friends Would to Jesus come "just now !'* He would wash away their sins, Lighting up with joy each brow. Cho. — II: Yes, come to Jesus, :l| Oh ! come to Him just now. 82. *' I can sing. E. p. H. These are the words of a little girl of seven summers, who says in her letter: "I wish to tell you the way I gave my heart to tlie Saviour. When I went to your meetings, and heard you tell of the love of Jesus, I could not stand it any longer, so I gave myself up to Jesus. I prayed tliis evening that he would take me just as I was. I can now sing with all nry heart, 'I love Jesus, yes I do.' " Tune — S. E., page 58. I CAN sing with all my heart, " 1 love Jesus, yes I do:" I have chosen Him ray " part," He has made my heart all new. Cho. — 11: Yes, I love Jesus, :ll I know, I know I do. 2 When I hear of Jesus' love, How to rescue me He dies. Then my stubborn heart is moved, Tears gush from my weeping eyes. 3 Oh ! how can I longer stay, Jesus bids me come to Him ; I will give myself away, He will wash away my sin. 4 Oft my sins have troubled me, Then a cloud was on my brow *, Now my Saviour I can see, And I'm very happy now. E. P. H, HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL, 49 M^ 83. Child drawn to Jesus. Tune — S. E., page 58. [AY a little child like me, rmise Jind glory give to Thee ? Wilt Thou hear me when 1 pray, Father, bless me day by day. Cho. — II: Yes, Jesns loves me, :|| The Bible tells me so. 2 Yes, the Bible tells me so, Yes, I may to Jesus go ; I Avill go to Him to-day, Never,"iiever go away. 3 I love Jesus, yes, I do, Won't you come and lov^e Him too ; Come to-day, He says to thee, Little child come unto Me. 4 Jesus, sweetest name to me, Help me Thy dear child to be ; Bless me now, and I will praise My dear Saviour all my days. J. A, Neff, 1S65. 84. The beautiful shore. Tune — >S'. E., page 60. THERE'S a home for the blest on the beautiful shore, Where our trials and cares all shall cease ; Sorrow never shall enter that blissful abode. Ever there shall abide perfect peace. Cho. — On that beautiful shore, where the bright angela stay. All our sorrow and pain will be o'er ; Oh ! we long to go home, to that beautiful land, There to rest, sweetly rest, evermore. 2 The bright streets of the city are pav'd with pure gold, And iis flowers are fragrant and fair ; Its inhabitants never grow weary nor old, For the Lord reigns eternally there. 3 There will be no more parting from those that we love, No more sighing, or shedding of tears. For no discords shall ruflle that peaceful repose, Which flows thro' eternity's years. 4 Oh ! we soon shaM be called to that beautiful land, There to dwell with the just evermore ; [love, There to join in sweet songs with the friends that we Safe at home on the beautiful shore. Miss HaUie Bronson. w 50 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. . 85. Bless me now. Tune—S, E, page 61. [EAVENLY Father, bless me now ; L At the cross of Christ I bow; Take my guilt and grief away ; Hear and heal me now, I pray. Ref. — Bless me now, bless me now, "-- Heavenly Father, bless me now. 2 Now O Lord ! this very hour, Send Thy grace and show Thy power \ While I rest upon Thy word, Come and bless me now, O Lord ! 3 Now, just now, for Jesus' sake, Lift the clouds, the fetters break ; While I look and as I cr\^, Touch and cleanse me ere I die. 4 Never did I so adore Jesus Christ, Thy Son before ; Now the time ! and this the place ! Gracious Father, show Thy grace. Rev. Alexandfir Clark, 86. I love to read th^ Bible. Tune—S. E., page 64, fOW the book I love to read That speaks of Jesus' love, There I find that He indeed For me has shed His blood. Cho.— The Bible tells to me All I need to know, Of Jesus' sufferings on the tree For me so long ago. 2 " Full of Jesus " every page, Blessed, blessed book ! Joy it brings to youth and age, Who for its treasures look. 3 In this blessed, precious mine Is th' pearl of greatest worth ; Seek for it, and you will find The richest prize on earth. E P M. 87. Beautiful Eiver. Tune—S. E., page 62. ^HALL we gather at the river ) Where bright angel feet have lroage 76. THINE, Lord, forever ! Purchas'd by blood divine, Eescued and saved by Thee, Lord, I am Thine ! 2 Thine, Lord, forever ! Thro' storm and tempest wild, Trusting confidingly, I am Thy child ! 3 Thine, Lord, forever ! Cheered by Thy precious word. Thro' darkness, doubts, and fears ; Thine, Thine, O Lord. 4 Thine, Lord, forever ! Though death shall lay me low, E'en in th*it dreadful hour Thine, Lord, I know ! 5 Thine, Lord, forever ! When safe before Thy throne I stand, forevermore Thine, Thine, alone ! W. Bennett. 1 14. Jesus died for me. Tune—S. E.,page 77, A LITTLE child I pray, My dearest Lord, to Thee ; Take all my sins away, And grant Thy love to me. « ' Cho,— Jesus died for me, I will sing His praise : From my sins He sets me free, I'll serve Him all my days. 2 A sinner, Lord, am I, I feel it in my heart ; If I were called to die. Then Thou and I must part. 3 But Jesus He has bled Upon the cruel tree ; 'Twas there He bowed His head, And agonized for me. 4 Dear Jesus, I am Thine, I love to sing Thy praise^ HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. Thy home shall now be mine, Throughout eternal days. Cho. — Jesus died for thee, Wilt thou trust in Him ; From thy sins He'll set thee free, And give thee peace within. E, P. H, 115. AH to Christ I owe. Tune— S. E., page 77. IHEAB the Saviour say, Thy strength indeed is small ; Child of weakness, watch and pray, Find in Me thy all in all. Cho. — Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe, Sin had left a crimson stain ; He washed it white as brow. 2 Lord now indeed I fhid Thy blood and Thine alone, Can change the lepers spots, And melt the heart of stone. 3 Then down beneath His cross I'll lay my sin-sick soul, For naught have I to bring — Thy grace must make me whole. 4 And then complete in Him, My robe His righteousness. Close sheltered "neath His side, I am divinely blest.— 5 Wfieu fi'om my dying bed, My ransomed soul shall rise, Then " Jesus paid it all," Shall rend the vaulted skies. Mrs, E. M. Hall, 1865, 116. Eedeeming work. TuneS. E., page 77. REDEP]MING work is done ; The debt of sin is paid ; The precious Lamb of God, My sacrifice is made. 2 I'll bow at Jesus' feet, And plead His grace so free : I'll wash me in His blood, That blood was shed for mo. UTMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 67 3 Yes, Jesus paid it all, To Him toe glory be ; His love my pardon speaks. And grace has set me free. Fanny J, Crosby, 3869. 117. Dnane Street. Tune—S. E., page 78. JESUS, my All, to heav'n is gone — He whom I fix my hopes upon ; His track I see and I'll pursue The narrow way till Him I view ; The way tlie holy prophets went, The way that leads from banishment, The King's highway of holiness, I'll go, for all His paths are peace. ^ 2 This is the way I long had sought. And mourned because I found it not ; My grief a burden long had been, Because I was not saved from sin. The more I strove against its power, I felt its weight and guilt the more ; Till late I heard my Saviour say, — *' Come hithei', soul, I am the way." John Cennick, 1743. 118. Heaven. Tune—S. E., page 78. THERE is a glorious world on high, Resplendent with eternal day ; Faith views the blissful prospect nigh, While God's own Word reveals the way. There shall the favorites of the Lord With never-failing lustre shine ; Surprising honor, vast reward, Conferred on man by love divine ! 119. Siloam. Tune — S. E., page 78. WITHIN the Kedron's rocky dell, Beneath Moriah's frowning face ; Siloam 's waters often tell Of Jesus' love and wondrous grace ; There softly flows Siloam's rill, ^ in the day Isaiah sang; 'Twas there the blind man's heart did thrill, While with his song the valley rang. 2 Siloam means " one sent from God," Such is the lovely name it bears ; 68 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. It teaches that from His abode, Are blessings that should banish cares : Dear Saviour, like this sparkling spring, May we to others speak of Thee ; That they, with us, may also sing, " See w^hat the Lord hath done for me." E. P. H., 1866. 120. Hiding Place. Tune—S. E., page 78. HAJL, sovereign loA^e, that first begaa The scheme -to rescue fallen man ; Hail, matchless, free, eternal grace, That, gave my soul a hiding-pUice ; Against the God that rnles the sky I fought with liand uplifted high ; Despised His rich, abounding grace, Too pi'oud to seek a hiding-place. 2 But thus the eternal counsel ran : " Almighty love, arrest the man. " I felt the arrow of distress, And found I had no hiding-place. Indignant justice stood in view ; To Sinai's fiery mount 1 Hew ; But justice cried, with frowning face, " This mountain is no hiding-place. 3 Ere long a heavenly voice 1 heard. And mercy's angel-form appeared ; She led me on, wdth gentle pace, To Jesus, as my hiding-place : On Him almighty vengeance fell, That must have sunk a world to hell. He bore it for the chosen race ; And thus became their hiding-place. Jehoiada Brewer, 1776 121. The happy choice. Tune—S. E.,page 78. ^0-DAY if ye will hear His voice ; Now is tbe time to make your choice ; Say, w^ill you to Mount Zion gol Say, will you have this Christ or no ? Ye Avand'ring souls, who find no res^p> Say, will you be forever blest? Will you be sav'd from sin and hell ? Will you with Christ in glory dwell ? Anon, 1808. T HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL, 69 122. Polished Stones. " Ye also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house, * * * acceptable to G-od by Jesus Christ. " 1 Pet. ii : 6. Tune—S. E., page 78. LORD, grant tliat we by faitb may see, Our new Jerusalem above ; Where we from sin and sorrow free. Shall dwell with Thee where all is love ; Awhile we linger here below, Where oft it seems so dark and drear ; Bat soon to Zion's courts we'll go, Where none shall ever shed a tear. 2 Then shall Jerusalem be ours, Where Prophets and the Martyrs dwell ; Then shall we pass the golden hours, In joys that none on earth can tell : Help us with patience, Lord, to bear The strokes of Thine afflicting rod ; As stones well polished by Thy care. May we in Heaven grace Thine abode. E. P. H. 1866. 123. The Harvest. Tune—S. E., page 78. LIFT up your eyes, ye sons of light, Behold'the fields ali-eady white ! Tlie glorious harvest now is come ; See ransom'd sinners flocking home : Mov'd by the Spirit's softest wind, Their hearts are all as one inclin'd, • Their former sins and follies mourn, They bow, and to their God return. 124. Open Wide the Gates. Tune—S. E., page 80. iEAR Saviour, open wide the gate, r And let thy trembling child come in ; I long to leave this earthly state. And soar away from care and sin. 2 With eye of faith e'en now I see The joyful cherubs clap their wings ; With songs of holy ecstacy, They're sounding grace on all their strings. 3 But One I see amid the throng, His head with radiant glory crowned ; He is the object of their song', His- praises through high heaven resound. w 70 HYMNS OF SONG JEVANGEL. 4 Soon feliall I join the heavenly choir, Where sits my Saviour on the throne ; With saints and angels strike my lyre, In praising Him whose blood atoned. E. P. H, 1866. 125. The penitent Child. Tune—S. E., page 80. ALTHOUGH a child, I've often sought, To know the way to heaven ; Of Jesus I have long been tatight. But never been forgiven. 2 With sorrow deep I've ne'er confessed How wicked I have been ; But look, O Lord, within my breast. And teach me all my sin. 3 And help me, Lord, with grief heart-felt, To sorrow for my guilt. Dear Jesus, cause niy heart to melt, — For me Thy blood was spilt. 4 Dear Saviour, now to Thee I come. To Thee alone I cling ; Oh ! take me to Thy glorious home. And then Thy praise I'll sing. E, P. H. 126. He shall appear. Tune— S. E., page SI. ^^'TJHE second time" " He shall appear," X We'll be gathered home ; To rescue those to Him most dear ; • Well be gathered home; The " dead in Christ " shall then arise. We'll be gathered home ; And •* with th« Lord " ascend the skies. We'll be gathered home. Cho. — We'll work 'till Jesus comes, We'll work 'till Jesus comes, We'll wait 'till Jesus comes, And then be gathered home. 2 Then in the " twinkling of an eye," We'll be gathered home ; " Shall w^ebe changed," no more to die ; We'll be gathered home ; • And " with the Lord," we each will sing. We'll be gathered home ; How He from deatli removes " the sting," We'll be gathered home ; M^ HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 7I 3 We're going to our home above, We'll be gatliered home ; Where we Bhall dwell in blissful love, We'll be gathered home ; Though oft we here are tilled with fears, We'll be gatliered home ; He there will wipe away our tears. We'll be gathered home. E. P. H, 1873. 1 9-7. We'll be gathered home. Tune- S. E.,page 81. FY heavenly home is bright and fair, L We'll be gathered home ; Nor sin, nor sorrow enters there, We'll be gathered home ; Its glittering towers the sun outshine, We'll be gathered home ; That heavenly mansion shall be mine, We'll be gathered home. Cho. — We'll wait till Jesus comes, We'll wait till Jesus comes, We'll wait till Jesus comes, And we'll be gathered home. 2 My Father's house is built on high. We'll be gathered home ; Above the arched and starry sky. We'll be gathered home ; When from this eai-thly prison free, We'll be gathered home ; That heavenly mansion mine shall be, We'll be gathered home. 3 While here a stranger far from home. We'll be gathered home ; Affliction's waves may round me foam, We'll be gathered home ; Be mine the happier lot to own. We'll be gathered home ; A heavenly mansion near the throne, We'll be gathered home. Eev, W. Hunter* 128. Our righteousness. Tune—S. E., page 82. OLORD, how can I come to Thee, All covered o'er with sin ! My wicked heart would from Thee flee, How sinful 1 have been. 72 HYMJSS OF SONG EVANGEL. Cho. — I want to love Jesus, I want to love Jesus, I want to love Jesus, Because He first loved me. 2 Black marks of sin are on my soul, Sin is my only dress ; My wickedness can ne'er be told, I have no righteousness. 3 The wedding garment is not mine ! Oh ! in that last great day, From which, for aye, shall be no time, Oh then, what wilt Thou say ? 4 Oh, now, dear Saviour, give me Thine, Thy blood-bought righteousness : For Thine own sake pfease make it mine, My soul's all perfect dress. Clio. — Oh, then I'll love Jesus, Oh, then I'll love Jesus, Oh , then I'll love Jesus, Because He first loved me. 5 Help me henceforth to hate those sins Which caused Thee so much pain ; Thy praises evermore I'll hymn. Tby loss was all my gain. 129. Blest Jesus. Time—S. E,, page 82. BLEST Jesus ! when my soaring tho'te, O'er all Thy graces rove. How is my soul in transport lost, In wonder, joy and Iovq. Cho. — O how I love Jesus,. O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, Because He first loved me. 2 Not softest strains can charm my ears, Like Thy beloved name ; Nor aught'beneath the skies inspire My heart with equal flame. 3 Where'er I look, my wondering eyes Unnumbered blessings see ; But what is life with nil its bliss, If once compared with Tiiee. 4 Hast Thou a rival in my breast? Search, Lord, for Thou canst tell HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 73 If aught can raise my passions thus, Or please my soul so well. 5 No ; Thou art precious to my heart, My portion and my joy : Forever let Tliy boundless grace My sweetest thoughts employ. OUivjell Heginhotham. 17G7. 130. The hallowed Cross. Tune — >S'. E., page 83. THE cross ! the cross ! the blood-stained cross ! The hallowed cross I see ! Ueminding me of precious blood, That once was shed for me. Cho. — Oh, the blood ! the precious blood 1 That Jesus shed for me : Upon the cross in crimson flood, Jrfst now by faith I see. 2 That cross ! that cross ! the heavy cross, My Saviour bore for me, Which bowed Him to the earth with grief, On sad Mount Calvary. 3 How light ! how light ! this precious cross. Presented to my view ; And while, with care I take it up, Behold the crown my due. 4 The' crown ! the crown ! the glorious crown! The crown of victory J The crown of life ! it shall be mine, When Jesus I shall see. 5 My tears, unbidden, seem to flow For lovOj, unbounded love, — Which guides me through this world of woe, And points to joys above. Mrs. M. A. Holt, 186. 131. Looking to Jesiis. Tune — S. E. , page 84. LOOKING only to Jesus, the Crucified One Who invites all that mourn, will you come? will you come ? •1 have left all my sins at the foot of the cross, Sinful pleasures are now to my taste but as dross. 2 Oh how oft have I heard of the Saviour who died, That my fears might be quelled, and my tears all be dried ; But, alas ! my proud heart was stubborn to yield. To His kind invitation to come and be healed, 74 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 3 But at length God in mercy has led me to see, That if 1 would find safety, to Christ I must flee ; The avenger of blood I have seen on my track, But with Jesus my refuge I'll never turn back. 4 Still to Jesus I'll look, though life's journey he long ; When approaching the river, let this be my song : All my sins washed away in the joeace-speaking blood, Come, dear Jesus, come quickly and take me to God. E.P.H. 1 32. The coming of the Lord. Tune — S. E., jiage 84. THOU hast taught us, dear Jesus, to look for the day Wlien the trumpet shall sound that shall call us away. And when those who have died in the faith shall arise And with us who remain^ be ' caught up ' to the skies. 2 " Behold, quickly I come," were Thy Avoids long ago, But, oh ! why, tell us why, is Thy progress so slow ! Oh ! how many have -watched, and have waited in vain, And have died without seeing Thee coming again. 3 Well we know, blessed Lord, though the journey seems long — Thou art hastening the day, when with one joyful song. We shall hail Thine appeanng with sweet songs of praise, And for ever shall dwell with the ' Ancient of days.* 4 O Lord ! we would stand with our lamps burning bright, For Thy Word doth declare that far spent is the night; Therefore, till Thou shalt come, we will cling to Thy Word, And be ' like unto men that do wait for their Lord.' E. P, H. 133. The garden hymn. Tune — S. E., -page 85. THE Lord into His garden comes. The spices yield their rich perfumes, II: The lilies grow and thrive ; :|| Refreshing show'rs of grace divine From Jesus flow to every vine, II : VVhich makes the dead revive. :li 2 This makes the diy and barren ground In springs of AVJiter to abound, II: And fruitful soil become ; :l! HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL, 75 The desert blossoms as the rose, When Jesus conquers all His foes, II: And makes His people one. :ll 3 The glorious time is rolling on, The gracious work is now begun, ||: My soul a witness is, :|| Come, taste and see the pardon free, For all mankind as well as me ; II: Who comes to Christ may live. :|| 4 The worst of sinners here may find A Saviour pitiful and kind, |,|: Who will them all relieve ; :[| None are too late if they repent ; Out of one sinner legions went, II: Jesus did him receive. :|j 5 We feel that heaven is now begun,. It issues from the sparkling tiirone, [j: From Jesus' throne on high :ll It comes in lioods we can't contain, We drink, and drink, and drink again, 11: And yet we still are dry. :i| 6 But when we come to dwell above. And all surround the throne of love, H: Well drink a full supply ; :|j , Jesus will lead His armies through, To living fonntains where they flow, U: That never wuU run dry. : 11 7 There we shall reign, and shout, and sing. And make the upper regions ring, 11: Wiien all the saints get home ; :ll Come on, come on, my brethren dear, Soon we shall meet together there, II :For Jesns bids us come. :|i 8 Amen, amen, my soul replies, I'm bound to meet you in the skies, II: Anjd claim my mansion there ;ll Now here's my heart and here's my hand. To meet you in that heavenly land", II: Where we shall part no more. :ll John Newton. 134. The Solid Eock. Tune—S. E, page 86. MY" liope is built on nothing less* Than Jesus'blood and righteousness ; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus' name. On Cliriiit, tlie S(»Ud Rock, I ,-tand ; All Oliver ground is sinking sand. 76 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL, 2 When darkness seems to veil His face, I rest on His uQchangiug grace ; In every high and stoi-my gale, My anchor holds within the vale ; On Christ, the Solid Hock, I stand ; All other groiiud is sinking sand. 3 His oath, His covenant, and blood, Support me in tlie whelming llood ; Wlien all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay; On Cinist, the Solid Rock I stand ; All other ground is sinking sand. Rev. E. Mote, 1825. 135. The atoning blood. Tune—S. E., page 86. WHEN first o'erwhelmed with sin and shame, To Jesus' cross I trembling came ; l^urdened with guilt, and full of fear, Yet drawn by Love, I ventured near, II: And pardon found, and peace with God, In Jesus' rich atoning blood. :l! 2 My sin is gone, my fear is o'er, I shun His presence now no more ; He sits upon the throne of grace, , • He bids me boldly seek His face ; II: Sprinkled upon the throne of God, I see that rich atoning blood :ll 3 Before His face my Priest appears ; My Advocate the Father hears ; That precious blood before His e3^es, Both day and night for mercy cries ; II: It speaks, it ever speaks to God — The voice of that atoning blood. :ll 4 By faith tluit voice I also hear ; It anwers doubt, it stills each fear; Th'accuser seeks in vain to move The wrath of Him whose name is Love ; II: Each charge against the sons of God Is silenced by th'atoning blood. :ll Jas. Geo. Deck, 1835. 1 36. Entreaty. Tune—S. E.,page 87. "OW the Saviour standeth pleading At the sinner's bolted heart ; Now in heaven He's interceding, Taking there the dinner's part. w HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 77 Sinner, can you hate the Saviour ? Will you thrust Him from your arms 1 Once He died for your behavior, Now He calls you by His charms. 2 Sinners, hear your God and Saviour, Hear His gracious voice to-day ; Turn from all your vain behavior ; Oh, repent, return, and pray. Oh, be wise before you languish On the bed of dying strife ; Endless joy or endless anguish Turn upon the events of life. 3 Now He's waiting to be gracious ; Now He stands and looks on thee ; See what kindness, love, and pity Shine around on you and me, Open now your hearts before Him ; Bid the Saviour welcome in ; Now receive, and oh, adore Him ; Take a full discharge from siu. 137. The kind Shepherd. Tune—S. E., page 87. SAVIOUR, who Thy flock art feeding, With the Shepherd's kindest care, All the feeble gently leading. While the lambs Thy bosom share. Now, these little ones receiving, Fold them in Thy gracious arm ; There, we know. Thy word believing, Only tliere, secure from harm. VS- Never from Thy pasture roving. Let them be the Lion's prey ; Let Thy tejaderness, so loving. Keep them all life's dangerous way. Then, withiu Thy fold eternal. Let them find a resting place, Feed in pastures ever vernal, Drinli the rivers of Thy grace. Wm. A. Muhlenberg, 1823. 138. Mercy's Pree. Tune—S. E. , page 88. >Y faith I view mj^ Saviour dying, } On the tree. On the tree : To every nation He is crying, JiOokto me, Look to me ; B^ 78 ETMNS OF SONG EVANGEL, He bids the guilty now draw near, Repent, believe, dismiss their fear: Hark \ hark ! what precious words I hear, Mercy's free ! Mercy's free ! 2 Did Christ, when I was sin pursuing, Pity me? Pity me? And did He snatch my soul from ruin? Can it be ? Can it be ? Oh, yes ! He did salvation bring ; He is my Prophet, Priest, and King ; And now my ha})py soul can sing, Mercy's free ! Mercy's free ! 3 Jesus my weary soul refreshes ; Mercy's free f Mercy's free ! And every moment Christ is precious Unto me. Unto me ; None can describe the bliss I prove, While thro' this wilderness I rove, All may enjoy the Saviour's love, Mercy's free ? Mercy's free ! 4 Long as I live, I'll still be crying, Mercy's free ! Mercy's free ! ' And this shall be my theme when dying, Mercy's free ! Mercy's free ! And when the vale of death Pve passed, When lodg'd above the stormy blast, I'll sing, while endless ages last, Mercy's free ! Mercy's free ! Richard Jukes, 1841. 139. The Golden Harvest. Tune—S, E., page 89. TAITING is the golden harvest, Waiting is the golden grain, While the Master calls for reapers From the hill-side and the plain ? Ref. — Who is willing ? who is ready ? Who will go to work to day ? See the golden harvest waiting, Who will bear the sheaves away ? 2 Truly is the harvest plenteous. Bat the laborers are few ; Pray ye that the Lord of harvest Send forth workmen tried and true. 3 Will the Master hold us guiltless, If the work be left undone ? If for lack of labor perish Precious souls we might have won ? W^ HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 79 4 Haste, oh, hasten, willing workers, Swiftly speed the hours away ; Harken to the Master's warning, " Work ye while 'tis called to-day." Annie Cummings. 140. Oome to Jesus just now. Tune—S. E., page 90. COME to Jesus, Come to Jesas, Come to Jesus just now, Just now come to Jesus, Come to Jesus just now. 2 He will save you. 3 O believe Him. 4 He is able. 5 He is willing. 6 He'll receive you* , 7 Flee to Jesus. 8 Call unto Him. 9 Jesus, save me. 10 He will hear you. 11 He'll forgive you. 12 He will cleanse you. 13 He'll renew you. 14 He will clothe you. 15 Jesus loves you. 1 6 Don't reject Him. 17 Only trust Him. 18 You will praise Him. ^ E. P. Hammond, 141. The Lord will provide. Tune—S. E., page 91. [N some way or other The Lord will provide ; . It may not be my way, It may not be th'i/ way, And yet, in His own way, The Lord will provide. Cho. — It may .not be m?/ way, It may not be iJiy way. And yet, in His own way. The Lord will provide. F 80 HY3INS OF SONG EVANG£]Jj. 2 At some time or other The Lord will provide ; It may not be my time, It may not be thy time, And yet, in IWs'oivn time, The Lord will provide. . 3 Despond, then, no longer ; The Lord will provide ; And this be the token — No word He hath spoken Was ever yet broken, — The Lord will provide. 4 March on, then, right boldly ; The sea shall divide ; The pathway made glorious With shoutings victorious, We'll join in the chorus. The Lord will provide. Mrs. M. A. W. Cooh, 142. Eesponse to " Oome to Jesus. Tune—S. E., page 90. I AM coming, I am coming To my Saviour, just now, Just now I am coming, I am coming just now. 2 He will save me, &c. 3 ni believe Him. 4 Jesus help me. 5 Help me trust Thee; 6 I love Jesus. 7 III obey Him. 8 Work for Jesus. 9 We will praise Him. 10 Hallelujah, "Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen; Amen, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen. 143. Even me. The following note was read at one of the large union prayer meetings in the First Presbyterian church, (O. S ) Rochester* "But Saturday afternoon, at the First Presbyterian church, when they all sang those beautiful Avords, ' and blessing others, O bless me, even me.' It seemed to reacb HYMNS OF SONG ilVANGEL. 81 •iy very soul. I thought Jesus can accept 'me, even me,' a lad, \Yicked, passionate mother ; and it brought me to His eet, and I feel my burden of sin removed. Jesus has ac- epted ME, EVEN ME. Can you wonder that I love those vords' may I too sing them when He shall take me before .iis throne, and accept even me. God bless you. "Yours truly, A Conveht." Tune—S. E., page 92. LORD, I bear of sliowers of blessing, Thou art scattering full and free ; Show'rs the thirsty land refreshing, Let some droppings fall on nie — Even me. 2 Pass me not, O God, my Father, Sinful though my heart may be ; Thou might'st leave me, but the rather, Let Thy mercy light on me — Even me. 3 Pass me not, O gracious Saviour, Let me live and cling to Thee ; Fain I'm longing for T?hy favor; Whil'st Thou'rt calling, call for me — Even me.. 4 Pass me not, O mighty Spirit, Thou can'st make the blind to see ; Witnesser of Jesus' merit. Speak the word of power to me — Even me. 5 Love of God, so pure and changeless, Blood, of Christ, so rich and free ; Grace of God, so rich and boundless. Magnify it all in me — Even me." 6 Pass me not. Thy lost one bringing ; Bind my heart, Lord, to Thee : Wliilst the streams of life are springing. Blessing others, oh, Uess me — Even me Mrs. Elizabeth Codner, 1860. 144. "Even me." - While in Weston-super-Mary, England, Mrs. Codner very kindly gave me the following hymn, never before in print, which will be found expressive of the joyful feelings of those who in sorrow have sung ' Even Me.' Tune — aS'. E., page 92. LORD ! to Thee my heart ascending, For Thy mercy full and free. Sings its thanks for grace transcending, Grace vouchsafed to sinful me — Even me. 2 Holy Father ! who w^ith yearning Of eternal love, didst see This poor blind one's evil turning ; Tliy didst give Thy ^on for rae — Even m.e. 82 HTMNS OF SONG JS VANGEL. 3 Precious Saviour ! Great Redeemer ! Praise, eternal praise to Thee ! Though so long a wandering sinner, Thou hast kindly welcomed me — Even me. 4 And to Thee, O mighty Spirit, , Blessing shall for ever be ; n Witnessing of Jesus' merit. Thou hast bro't sweet peace to me — Even me. 5 But I'm lost in joyful wondering, And I say — oh, can it be. That there will be no more sundering ' Twixt my blessed Lord and me ?— Even me. 6 Can it be that I, an alien. Now a child shall ever be ? Can it be that, all forgiven. Glory is prepared for me 1 — Even me. 7 Yes ! for Jesus liveth ever, And His blood hath made me free ; From His love no foe can sever, For He gave Himself for me — Even me. 8 Lord ! I thank Thee for salvation, Grace so mighty and so free ; Take me all in consecration, Glorify Thyself in me — EA'^en me. Mrs. Elizabeth Codner, 1867. 145. * Jesus on the cross. *♦ I went to church almost in despair, and tried to listen, when suddenly I saw the loving Jesus on the cross looking \ at me, and X could almost hear him say that my sins were forgiven. It was almost too good to believe. The next evening I could not help singing those sweet hymns with the rest of the congregation.'' Twne—S. E., page 58. JESUS on the cross I saw, Bleeding, dying, all for me ; '\ 1 could almost hear him say, *' All thy sins are pardoned thee.'* ; Cho. — I have seen Jesus, ; I have seen Jesus, I I have seen Jesus, My Saviour, on the cross. 2 First my heart could scarce believe, That my sins were all forgiven, But a.sisurance I've jeccived, And I hope to sing in heaven. HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL, §3 A^ 3 Now my soul is full of joy, " I love Jesus, yes, I do ;" Singing is my chief employ, " Jesus smiles, and loves me too." E,P.H. 146. Lenox. H. M. Tune—S. E., page 9^. RISE, my soul arise ; Shake off thy guilty fears ; The bleeding Sacrifice In my behalf appears ; Before the throne my Surety stands : — My name is written on His bauds. 2 Five bleeding wounds He bears, Received on Calvary ; They pour effectual prayers, They strongly plead for me : — Forgive him, O forgive, they cry, Nor let that ransomed sinner die. 3 The Father hears him pray, His dear anointed One : He cannot turn away The presence of his Son : His Spirit answers to the blood, And tells me I am born of God. 4 My God is reconciled ; His pard'ning voice I hear ; He owns me for His Child ; I can no longer fear : With confidence I now draw nigh, And Father, Abba, Father, cry. 6, Wesley. 1741. 147. Tonr music bring. Tune — S. E., page 94. "E saints ! your music bring. And swell the rapturous sound ; Strike every trembling string, Till earth and heaven resound : Tlie triumphs of the cross we sin^ — Avv^ake, ye saints, each joyful strmg. The cross — the cross alone — Subdued the powers of hell ; Like lightning from His throne, Tlie pi-ince of darkness fell ; The Iriimiphs of the cros,s we sing — Awake, ye saints, each joyful string-. Y^ 84' HYM^S OF SOJS-G EVANGEL, 3 The cross hath power to save, From, all the foes that rise ; The cross hatli made tlie grave A passage to the skies ; The triumphs of tlie cross we sing — Awake, ye saints ! eacli joyful string. An(lrew Reed, 1817. 148. On high. - Tune — *S'. E., page 94. ri OD is gone up on high , vF With a triumphant noise ; The cUirions of the sky Proclaim th' angelic joys : Join, all on earth'1 rejoice and sing, Glory ascribe to glory's King. 2 All power to ouv great Lord Is by the Father given, By angel-hoists adored, He reigns supreme in heaven ; Join, all on earth ! rejoice and sing — Glory ascribe to glory's King. 3 Then all on earth, renewed In righteousness divine, With all the hosts of God, In one great chorus join : Join, all on earth ! rejoice and sing, Glory ascribe to glorv's King. C. Wfsley, 1747. 149. Jesns. Tune S. E., page M. JESUS — transporting name ! It charms the hosts above ; Tiiey evermore proclaim, And wonder at His love ; They look upon His lieavenly face, And study'His mysterious grace. 2 His name the sinner hears, And is from sin set free, ' Tis music in his ears, ' Tis life and victory ; New songs do now his lips employ, And dances- his glad heart for joy. 3 Oh, for trumpet voice, On all the world to call : HY3ljyS OF SOJSTG EVANGEL, To bid tbeir hearts rejoice In Him, who died for all ; Inspire with praise each liuman tongue, And wake a universal song. J^ C. Wesley, L50. Parting. Tune — S. E., page 94:. ESUS, accept the praise, That to Thy name belongs; Matter of all our lays, Subject of all our songs ; Through Thee we now together came And part exulting in Thy name. 2 In flesh we part awhile, But still in spirit joined, T ' embrace the happy toil Thou hast to each assigned ; And while we do Thy blessed will, We bear our heaven about us still. 3 There we shall meet again. When all our toils are o'er, And death, and grief, and pain* And parting are no more : We shall with all our brethren rise. And see Thee in the flaming skies. a Wesley. 151. Christ offering pardon . Tune " Hold the ForV^ LO, the loving Jesus standeth Closely now by thee ! In His pierced hands a pardon ; — He can set thee free ! Cho. — Sue for mercy quickly sinner, Ere He passeth by ; When He once is out of hearing Thou must surely die ! 2 Listen to His words of kindness, They must win thy love; For thy sins IVe brought a pardon, From the throne above. 3 All the agony I suffered, Thou cnnst never know, That I might affoid thee rescue ' From eternal woe. 86 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 4 Though bv law thou art most justly Doomed to suffer death ; Yet for thee I asked a pardon, With my dying breath. 5 If thou only dost accept it, Oh ! what joy is thine ! Joy on earth and bliss in Heaven, Will be thine and Mine. Cho. — I accept it, blessed Jesus, From Thy pierced hand ; 'Tis Tdy precious death redeems us. From* the law's demand. E, P. H. 187e! 152 Jesus in Pilate's hall. S. M. 1 54 ' Tune—S. E., page 9Q, IN Pilate's house behold, The blessed Saviour bound ; His marble brow all deadly cold, With thorns He tliere is crowned. 2 Draw near to Him I pray, He's wounded there for thee ; Oh ! do not turn from Him away, List to that mockery. 3 Oh ! see those cruel stripes Upon His back all bare ; See from His bleeding brow He wipes The blood that trickles there. 4 That blood was shed for thee, For thee ' twas freely spilt ; From all thy sins to set thee free. And cleanse away thy guilt, 5 He died that thou mightst live. Oh ! come and trust Him now ; He'll freely all thy sins forgive, And clothe with peace thy brow. 6 Now say : oh, Lord — I pray For Jesus' sake alone ; Take all my sins and guilt away. And make me all Thine own. E. P. H. 186a 153. A revival songlit Tune—S. E. , page 96 . REVIVE thy work, O Lord ! Thy mighty arm make bare ; Speak, with the voice that wakes the dead And make Thy people hear. 1! HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 87 0' 2 Revive Thy work, O Lord ! Disturb this sleep of death ; Quicken the smouldering embers now By Thine almighty breath. 3 Revive Thy work, O Lord ! Exalt Thy precious name ; And, by the Holy Ghost, our love, For Thee and Thine inflame. 4 Revive Thy work, O Lord ! And give refreshing showers; The glory shall be all Thine own, The blessing, Lord ! be ours. Albert Midlane, 1861. 54. Prayer for revival . Tune—S. E., page 96. I LORD, Thy work revive In Zion's gloomy hour, And let our dying graces live, By Thy restoring power. 2 Oh, let Thy chosen few Awake to earnest prayer ; Their sacred vows again renew, And walk in filial fear. 3 Thy spirit then will speak Through lips of feeble clay, Till hearts of adamant shall break. Till rebels shall obey, 4 Now lend thy gracious ear ; Now listen to our cry ; Oh, come and bring salvation near, Our souls on thee rely. Mrs. P. H. Brown. for the happy hour. Tune — S, A., page 96. I FOR the happy hour When God will hear our cry. And send, with a reviving power, His Spirit from on high. 2 Our prayers are faint and dull. And languid all our songs ; Where once with joy our hearts were full And rapture tuned our tongues. 3 Thou, Thou alone canst give Thy gospel sure success ; Canst bid the dying sinner live Anew in holiness. 88 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 4 Come then with power divine, Spirit of life and love ; Then shall our people all be Thine, Our church like that above. Rev. George W. Bethune. 156. Amazing grace. / Time—S. E.,page 97. AMAZING grace ! how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me ! 1 once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. Ref. — Was blind, but now I see, Was blind, but now see; I once was lost, but now am found. Was blind, but now I see. 2 ' Tvi^as grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved : How precious tiid tliat grace appear, Ij: The hoar 1 first believed ! •.^\ 3 Thro' many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come : 'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, U: Aud grace will lead me home. :ll John Newton. 1776. 157. Jesus' charming name. Tune—S. E., page 97. JESUS, I love Thy charming name, ' Tis music to mine ear ; Fain would I sound it oul so loud That earth and heaven should hear 2 Yes, Thou art precious to my soul, My transport and my trust; Jewels to Thee are gaudy toys, And gold is sordid dust. 3 Thy grace still dwells upon my heart, And sheds its fragance there ; The noblest balm of all its wounds, The cordial of its care. Rev. P. Doddridge. 158. Oome, Holy Ghost. Tune—S. E., page 97. 10 ME, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire ; J Let us Th'iiie influence prove ; — Source of the old prophetic fire ; Fountain of life aud love. / C^ M^ HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 89 2 Come, Holy Ghost, for, moved by Thee The prophets wrote and spoke : Unlock the truth, Tliyself the key , Unseal the sacred book. 3 God, through Himself, we then shall know, If Thou within us shine ; And sound, with all Thy saints below, The depths of love divine. C. WesUy, ISr. Perfect Salvation. Tune—S. E., page 98. [Y God I have found The thrice blessed ground. Where life, and where joy, and true comfort abound. Cho. — Hallelujah ! Thine the glory ! Hallelujah! Amen! Hallelujah ! Thine the glory ! Revive us again. I; 2 ' Tis found in the blood ; Of Him who once stood My refuge and safety, my surety with God. 3 He bore on the tree The sentence for me, And now both the Surety and sinner are free. 4 Accepted I am In the once-ofFered Lamb ; It was God who Himself had devised the plan. 5 And though here below, * Mid sorrow and woe. My place is in heaven with Jesus I know. 6 And tliis I shall find, For such is His mind, *' He'll not be in glory and leave me behind.'^ 7 For soon He will come And take me safe home, And make me to sit with Himself, on His throne. Rev. C, Wesley, 1 60. Eevive us again. Tune—S. E., page 98. TE praise Thee, O God ! For the Son of Thy love. For Jesus, who died, and is now gone above. €ho. — Hallelujah, &c. W 90 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. \ 2 We praise Thee, O God ! For Thy Spirit of light, Who has showu us our Saviour, and scattered our night. 3 All glorj and praise To the Lamb that was slain, Who has borne all our sins, and has cleansed every stain. 4 All glory and praise To the God of all grace. Who has bought us, and sought us, and guided our ways. 5 Revive us again ; Fill each heart with Thy love ; May each soul be rekindled with lire from above. Dr. W. P. Mackay, ISCCk 161. Come to Jesus ! Tune — JS. E.y page 99. COME, come to Jesus ! He waits to welcome thee, O wand' rerj_ eagerly ; Come, come to Jesus ! 2 Come, come to Jesus ! He waits to ransom thee, O slave eternally ; Come, come to Jesus ! 3 Come, come to Jesus ! He waits to lighten thee, O burdened graciously ; Come, come to Jesus! \ Come, come to Jesus ! He waits to give to tliee, O blind ! a vision free : Come, come to Jesn« ! 5 Come, come to Jesus ! He waits to slielter thee, O weary ! blessedly : Come, come to Jesus! 6 Come, come to Jesus ! He waits to carry thee, ; O Lamb so lovingly, j Come, come to Jesus ! , ) Rev. Geo. B. Peck. 1864- HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL, Q\ 162. My God, I am Thine. Tune—S. E., page 98. MY God, I am Thine ; what a comfort divine — What a blessing to know that my Jesus is mine I Cho.— Hallelujah, &c. 2 In the heavenly Lamb thrice happy I am ; And my heart doth rejoice at the sound of His name. 3 True pleasures abound in the rapturous sound ; And wfhoever hath found it, hath paradise found. 4 My Jesus to know, and feel His love flow, ' Tis life everlasting — • tis heaven below. ! 5 Yet onward I haste to the heavenly feast : That— ^Aa^ is the fulness, but this is the taste ! Ch. Wesley. 163. Praise. Tune—S. E., page 98. WE praise Thy great love, our Father and God Rejoicing in Jesus, whom Thou hast bestowed ; Cho. — Hallelujah, Thine the glory, Hallelujah, Amen, Hallelujah, Thine the glory, revive us again. 2 We praise Thy great love, our Saviour and King, Beloved Immanuel, Thy praises we sing. 3 We praise Thy great love, blessed Spirit of might, Who has formed in us Jesus, and scattered our night. 4 We praise Thee, O God, for the joy Thou hast given, To Thy saints in communion, these foretastes of Heav'u. Dr, W. P. Mackay. alt. 1 64. Accepted. Tune—S. E.,page 98. ACCEPTED in Christ, who has stood, in our place. We shall shew in the glory Thy riches of grace. Cho. — Hallelujah, come in glory^ Hallelujah, Amen, Hallelujah, come in glory ^ come quickly again. 2 We ivorh for Thee now, till Thy body complete, The Bride and the Bridegroom, in glory shall meet. 3 And Jesus, we wait for the time Thou shalt come , We long for Thy presence^ our heavenly home ; 4 We praise Thee, O God, for the springs bv the way, That refresh us, lone pilgrims, while our Lord is away. Dr, W. P. Mackay. 18G6. 92 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL, W 165. 'I am Thine. * ' For a long time I have wished to be a Christian ; bn did not find the way to Jesus till after I went to three your children's meetings. There a kind lady spoke to m^ and after praying at home, I became very happy. Nov like to read my Bible, and try to love Him more and mc every day. I can't do enough for dear Jesus. I likp to sir: ♦ I love Jesus, yes I do.' I love to pray, and I pray three tin a day. Will you please to pray for me : "Your little friend " Eleven years old.'* Fanny B- Tune—S. E„ page 100. ^EAK. Jesus ! now I trust I m thine, For now I love to pray ; I feel like singing all the time, I'm happy all the day. Cho. — Dear Jesus now I'll sing Thy praise, For Thou hast died for me, And I will serve Thee all my days, And trust alone in Thee. 2 Alas ! how wicked I have been, To be ashamed of Thee ; How could I live so long in sin, That nailed Tliee to the tree ! 3 But now I'll toil with all my might, To bring my friends to Thee ; I'll talk and pray, both day and night,' To make them come with me. 4 I'll pray that, like the little one. Of whom I now have read, My heart may yearn for those undone By sin, whose souls are dead. 5 I'll pray that they may Jesus love. Who for their sins has died, Tliat they with Him may dwell above. Who once was crucified. E. P, H. 1 66. Coming to Jesus. Tune—S. E„ page 100. W J EAR Jesus, I to Thee would come, My hope is all in Thee ; Vm far from God, and far from home, Oh, help and pity me. Cho. — It was for me that Jesus bled Upon the cruel tree ; For me He bowed His thorn-clad head In bitter agony. . HYBliYS OF SOjSTG EVANGEL. 93 2 Although us yet I am bat young, I have a sinfal heart, Oft wicked words are on my tongue, From Thee I've lived apart. 3 Alas! alas ! liow^ blind I've been, To live contented here ! My soul all clothed in rags of sin, Oh, how must I appear ! 4 *' Suffer the little ones to come," How often Thou hast said, " And I will take them safely home — For them My blood was shed." 5 Oh, then, I will not be afraid, Though called this hour to die ; Since all my sins on Thee were laid, Thoult take me up on high. E. P. H> 1 67. The suffering of Christ. Ttine—S. E., page 100. THINK how the Holy Saviour bled Upon tlie cruel tree ; And ask what means that doleful cry Of bitter agony ? Cho. — It was for you that Jesus bled Upon the cruel tree ; For you He bowed His thorn-clad head In bitter agony. 2 'Twas not because the pierced nails His hands and feet had torn, 'Twas not because His blessed brow, Had felt the wreathed thorn. 3 But deeper sorrows far than these The blessed Jesus knew ; For ah ! His soul was tasting then The death to sinners due. 4 'Twas love ! — 'twas love to ruin'd man, Whose sin He deigned to bear — That sinners, through His death of shame, Eternal life miglit share. E, P. H. 1.68. wondrous love. Tune— S. E., page im. OH wondrous, deep, unbounded love, My Saviour can it be That Thou hast borne the crown of thorns, And suffered death for me '? 94 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL,, R^ Cho. — I do believe, I now believe, That Jesus died for me ; That here and hereafter, I happy shall be. 2 I kneel, repenting, at Thy feet, I give myself to Thee ; 1 plead Thy merits, Thine alone, For Thou hast died for me. 3 Oh, let me plunge beneath the tide, For sinners flowing free, Then rise, renewed by grace divine, And shout salvation free. 4 And when I reach Thy place above, My sweetest notes will be, Redemption through a Saviour's name, Who bled and died for me. Fanny J, Crosby, 3873 169. Book of Ages. 7s. TuneS. E., page 102. ^ OCK of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee ; '^ Let the water and the blood, From Thy wounded side which flow'd, Be of sin a double cure ; Save from wrath and make me pure. 2 Could my tears forever flow, Could my zeal no languor know ; This for sin could not atone ; Thou mnst save, and Thou alone ; Li my hand no price I bring. Simply to Tliy cross I cling. 3 While I draw this fleeting breath. When my eyes shall close in death ; When 1 rise to worlds unknown. And behold Thee on Thy throne, Rock of Ages, cleft for me ;• Let me hide myself in Thee. A. M. Toplady. 1776. 170. What we owe to Jesus. Tune—S. E., page 102. WHTEN this passing world is done, When has sunk yon glaring sun, When with Jesus I shall staled, Having reached the promised timd ; Then, Lord, shall I fully know — Not till then — how much I owe. HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL, 95 2 When I stand before the throne, Dress'd in beauty not my own ; When I see Thee as Thou art, Love Thee with misinning heart, ^ Then, Lord, shall I fully know — Not till then — how much I owe. 3 Wlien the praise of heaven I hear, Loud as thunders to the ear, Loud as many water's noise, Sweet as harps' melodious voice ; Then, Lord, shall I fully know^— Not till then — how much I owe ! R. M, McClieyneo 171. G-ethsemane. Tune — S. E., page 102. MANY woes had Christ endured, Many sore temptations met. Patient and to pains mured ; But the sorest trial yet Was to be sustained in thee, Gloomy, sad Gethsemane. 2 Came at length the dseadful night j Vengeance, with its iron rod, Stood, and with collected might, Bi^uts'd the harmless Lamb of God : See, my soul, my Saviour see ! Prostrate in Gethsemane. 3 There my God bore all my guilt ; This, thro' grace, can be believed ; But the horrors which He felt Are too vast to be concei ved : None can penetrate through thee, Doleful, dark Gethsemane. J, Hart, 1757. 172.- Only Thee. Tune—S. E., page 102. JLESSED Saviour ! Thee I love. All my othei- joys above ; AU my ho])es in Thee abide, Thou my hope, and naught beside ; Ever let my glory be, , Only, only, only Thee. : Once again beside the cross. All my gain I count but loss, Earthly pleasures fade away, Clouds they are that hide my day : Hence, vain shadows ! let me see Jesus crucified for me. . B^ 96 HTMNS OF SONG EVANGEL, 3 Blessed Saviour ! Thine am I, Thine to live, and Thine to die ; Height, or depth, or earthly power Ne'er shall hide my Saviour more ; Ever shall my glory be Only, only, only Thee. G.Duffield. 173. Judgment hymn. Tune—S. E., page 103. THE judgment day is coming, coming, coming, The judgment day is coming; O that great day ! Cho. — Let us take the wings of the morning, And fly aw^ay to Jesus ; Let us take the wings of the morning. And sound the jubilee. 2 I heard the trumpet sounding, sounding, sounding, I heard the trumpet sounding, On that great day. 3 I saw the Judge descending, descending, descending, I saw the Judge descending, On that great day. 4 I saw the dead arising, arising, arising, I saw the dead arising, On that great day. 5 I heard the thunder rolling, rolling, rolling, I heard the thunder rolling. On that great day. 6 I saw the lightning blazing, blazing, blazing, I saw the lightning blazing, On that great day. 7 I heard the wicked wailing, wailing, wailing, I heard the wicked wailingv On that great day. Cho.— For they took not the wings of the morning, Nor tlew away to Jesus ; For they took not the wings of the morning, Nor sang the jubilee. . 8 I heard the righteous shouting, shouting, shouting, I heard the righteous shouting. On that great day. Cho. — For thev took the wings of the morning, And new away to Jesus ; For they took the wings of the mornmg, And sang the jubilee. Anon. HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 97 174. Sing, sing, sing. Tune—S. E., -page 104. /f ., IN the house of God this hour, We are thinking Lord, of Thee, How, Tliou for us nil hk»T died upon the cross: And our hearts are filled with joy, For we know that we are free, Since in Thee we trust, and count past gain but loss. Cho. — Sing, sing, sing, the Saviour's triumr)hed ! Well rejoice and dry our tears, He has washed our sins away ; All our hopes upon Him stay. By His death for us He's silenced all our fears. 2 In the battle front we'll stand, There defying Satan's rage, For our strength is now in Christ for evermore : And the hosts of darkness, they Shall be driven in dismay, And well shout the cry of "Victory !" o'er and o'er. 3 Sinners, who are out of Christ, Oh say, why will you delay. When to you is offered richest joy and bliss? Well we know that you for aye Will thank God and bless the;* day, If you will only accept Christ's righteousness. 4 Jesus is your loving Friend, And He wants to save you now — Twas for you that He so kindly bled and died ; Oh then, think of all His groans. Of His pierced, thorn-clad brow, When He died that justice might be satisfied. 5 Only trust in Him " just now," And He'll surely you forgive, And oui- joyo«s chorus then with us you'll sing; You will also taste the joys Which our Lord doth ever give To the soul that unto Him doth always cling, E.P.H, 1 75. Prayer for the Holy Spirit. Tune—S. E., page 106. TEACH us, oh Lord, how weak we are, That all our strength is vain ; That only by the Spirit's power Tiiy work revives again. 98 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 2 And teach ns, Lord, how willingly Thy Spirit Tiioii dost give ; And help us now in faith to pray, And then the dead shall live/ ^ 3 Oh, come, and by Thy Spirit's power, Convince us all of sin ; And from this consecrated hour, * Thy gracious work begin. 4 Oh may the young and aged too, ■ With deep contrition, cry I'm lost, oh Lord, what sliall I do ? Oh, whither shall I fly ! 5 Then may they think of Him who died Upon the cruel tree ; Wlio, for their sins was crucified, From guilt to set them free. 6 And may they hear the Saviour cry, Looh unto me and live ! 1 am the Life, the Truth, the Way, I will salvation give. 176. Prayer. Tune—S. E. , page 105. PRAYER is the soul's sincere desire, Unuttered or expressed ; The motion of a hidden fire That trembles in the breast. 2 Prayer is the burden of a sigh, The falling of a tear, The upward glancing of an eye, When none but God is near. 3 Prayer is the Christian's vital breath. The Christian's native air; His watchword at the gates of death ; He enters heaven with prayer. J. Montgomery, 1819. 1 77. In Jesus' Name. * Tune—S. E., page. 106. |H God, we need Thy mighty power, In this our Zion's trying hour, In Jesus Name we pray ; " For Jesus' sake '' Thou didst forgive, ** For Jesus' sake " Thou bad'st us live, On that thrice blessed day. 2 But now we pray " in Jesus Name,'^ The Holy Spirit's power we claim, We come with boldness now ; 0^ HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 99 The Saviour' s promise still we hear, The mercy -seat it brings us near, And there in faith we bow. 3 We each, O Lord, confess with shame. That ere we prayed " in Jesus' Name," We had no power with Thee : But now our prayers they must prevail, In Jesus' name we cannot fail ; Thine shall the glory be. 4 Our prayer is for Thy people, Lord, That they may be of " one accord" Before' the throne of grace : Tlien will they everywhere proclaim ' The power of prayer in Jesus' Name, And love to see Thy face. 5 The lost will surely hear them tell. How Jesus came to save from hell, And bore their guilt and shame ; Their tears will melt the hardest heart, Their words to some will life impart. Who'll pray in '''Jesus Name."" E. P. if, 178. In the new Jerusalem. Tune- S. E., page 107. ^E are on our journey home, Wliere Christ our Lord is gone ; We shall meet around His throne. When He makes His people one II: In the new :H in the new Jerusalem. 2 We can see that distant home, Tho' clouds rise dark between , Faith views the radiant dome, And a lustre flashes keen II : From the new :ll Jerusalem. 3 O glory shining far From the never-setting Sun ! O trembling morning-star ! Our journey's almost done H; To the new ill Jerusalem. 4 O holy, heavenly home ! O rest eternal there ! When shall the exiles come. Where they cease from earthly care, II: In the new :ll Jerusalem. Rev. Chas. Beecher. 1855. W^ 100 SYMJSS OF SONG EVANGEL, L' 1 79, Probation. Tune—S. E., page 106. O ! on a narrow neck of land 'Twixt two unbounded seas I stand, Secure, insensible ! A point of time, a moment's space, Removes me to yon heavenly place, Or shuts me up in hell. 2 O God, my inmost soul convert, And deeply on my thoughtful heart Eternal things impress ; Give me to feel their solemn weight, And tremble on the brink of fate, And wake to righteousness. 3 Before me place, m dread array. The pomp of that tremendous d:ay When Tliou with clouds slialt come To judo;e the nations at Thy bar : And tell me, Lord, shall I be there, To meet a joyful doom ? 4 Be this my one great business here — With serious industry and fear. Eternal bliss t' insure ; Thine utmost couusel to fulfil, And suffer all Tiiy righteous will. And to the end endure. C. Wesley, 180. Singing all the Time. ** I think that I have found the dear Jesus. I do not see how I could have rejected him so long. I think I can sing, with the rest of those who have found Jesus, ' Jesus is mine. The first time that I came to these meetings I cried; but now I feel like singing ail the time.'* Tune-^S. E., page 108. I FEEL like sinking all the time, My tears are wiped away, For Jesus is a Friend of mine, I'll serve Him every day. Cho.— Singing glory, glory, Glory be to God on high. 2 When on the cross my Lord I saw. Nailed there by sins of mine, Fast fell the burning tears ; but now I'm singing all the time. ETMSS OF SONG M VAN GEL. ^03 3 When tierce temptations try my heart, I'll sing " Jesus is mine ;" And so, though tears at times may start I'm singing all the time. 4 Oh, happy little singing one, What music is like thine 1 With Jesus as thy Life and Sun, Go singing all the time ! 5 " The meltjng story of the Lamb " Tell with thaii voice of thine, Till others, with the glad new song, Go singing all the time. KP.H. 181. I love the Lord. Tune—S. E„ page 108. I LOVE the Lord my God because That He hath heard my cry ; With joy I'll now obey His laws, I'll serve Him till I die. Cho. — Singing, glory &c. 2 The fears of death encompassed me, The pains of hell alarmed, 'Twas then, O Lord, I called on Thee, And all my fears were cahned. 3 Return unto thy rest, my soul. Thou, Lord, art all my etay, I yield myself to Thy control, Oh teach me. Lord, Thy way. 4 My soul is rescued now from death, Mine eyes are tree from tears, I'll praise Thee with my daily breath, Till Christ our Lord appears. E. P, B. 182. Blessed Assurance. Tune—S. E., page 109. BLESSED assurance, Jesus is mine! Oil, what a foretaste of gioiy divine I Heir of salvation, purchased of God, Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood. Cho. — This is my story, this is my soug, Praising my Saviour all the day long ; This is my story, this is my song. Praising my Saviour all the day long. 2 Perfect submission, perfect delight, Visions of rapture burst on my. sight, Angels descending, bring from above, Echoes of mercy, whispers of love. 102 HTMNS OF SONG EVANGEL, 3 Perfect submission, all is at rest, I ill my Saviour am bappy and blest, Watcbiug and waiting, looking above, — Filled wilb His goodness, lost in His love. Fanny J. Crosby, 1873. 183. My Jesus, I love Thee. Tune — S. E. , imge 110. MY Jesus, I love- Thee, I know^ Thou art mine ; For Thee all the pleasures of sin I resign ; My gracions Redeemer, my Saviour art Thou ; Ij: If ever I loved Thee, :ll my Jesus, 'tis now. 2 I love Thee, because Thou hast first loved me, And purchased my pardon on Calvary's tree ; I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow, 1]: If ever I loved Thee, :1[ my Jesus, 'tis now. 3 I'll love Thee m life, and I'll love Thee in death, And praise Thee as long, as Tliou givest me breath ; And say, when the death-dew lies cold on my brow, II: " If ever I loved Thee, :ll my Jesus 'tis now. 4 In mansions of glory and endless deliglit, I'll ever adore Thee in yon heaven of light, I'll sing with the glittering crown on wy brow, ||: If ever I loved Thee, :11 dear Jesus, 'tis now," London Hymn Book, 1864. 184. Jehovah Tsidkenu. Tune—S. E., page 110. I ONCE was a stranger to grace and to God, I knew not my danger, and felt not my load ; Though friends spoke in rapture of Clirist on the tree, '•Jehovah Tsidkenu " was nothing to me. 2 When free grace awoke me by light fi-om on high. Then legal fears shook me, I trembled to die ; No refuge or safety in -self could I see — *' Jehovah Tsidkenu " my Saviour must be. 3 My terrors all vanished before the sweet Name, My guilty fears banished, with boldness I came To drink at the Fountain, life-giving and free ; •'Jehovah Tsidkenu" is all things to me. , 4 When treading the valley and shadow of death, This watchword shall rally my faltering breath : And when from life's fever my God sets me froe, " Jehovah Tsidkenu " my death-song shall be. Kobt. M. McC.'teyne, 1834. HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL, 103 185. Keep Thou my way. , Tune — S. E., page 111. KEEP Thou my way, O Lord ! Myself I cannot guide ; Nor dare I trust my erring steps One moment from Thy side ; I cannot think aright, Unless inspired by Thee ; My heart would fail without Tliy aid, Choose thou my thoughts for me. - 2 For every act of faith, And every pure design, — For all of good my soul can know, The glory. Lord, be Thine ; Free grace my pardon seals, Thro' Thy atoning blood ; Free grace the full assurance brings, Of peace with Thee, my God. 3 O speak and I will hear ; Command, and I obey ; My willing feet with joy shall haste To run the heavenly way ; Keep Thou my wand'ring heart, And bid it cease to roam ; O bear me safe o'er death "s cold wave To heaven, my blissful home Fanny J. Crosby y 1869. 186. Ooronation. Tune—S. E.,page 112. ALL hail the power of Jesus' Name, Let angels prostrate fall ; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all. 2 Ye chosen seed of Israel's race. Ye ransomed from the fall, Hail Him who saves you by His grace, • And crown Him Lord of all. 3 Sinners ! whose love can ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall ; Go, spread your trophies at His feet, And crown Him Lord of all. 4 Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial bull*, To Him all majesty ascribe. And crown Hiui Lord of all. 104 HYMNS OF SOj}rG EVANGEL, 5 O ! that with yonder sacred throng, We at His feet may fall ; ^ We'll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all. Edward Perronet, 1780. 187. Glory of the Sacred Page. Tune — S. E., page 112. WHAT glory gilds the sacred page I Majestic, like the sun, It gives a light to every age: It gives but borrows none. 2 Tlie power that gave it still supplies The gracious light and heat ; Its truths upon the nations rise : They rise, but never set. 3 Lord ! everlasting thanks be Thine For such a bright display, As makes a world of darkness shine With beams of heavenly day. 4 Our souls rejoicingly pursue The steps of Him we love, Till glory breaks upon our view In brighter worlds above. Wm. Cowpert 1779. 188. Invitation to Praise. Tune—S. E., page 112. FOR a thousand tongues to sing My ^rec\t Redeemer's praise . The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of His grace. 2 My gracious Master and my God, Assist me to proclaim, — To spread through all the earth abroad, The honors of Thy Name. 3 Jesus ! — the name that charms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease ; 'Tis music to the sinner s ears, 'Tis life, and health, and peace. 4 He breaks the power of cancelled sin, He sets the pris'ner free ; His blood can make the foulest clean ; His blood avail'd for me. C. Wesley. HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. IQg 189, Martyn. 7s. Double. Tune—S. E.y page 113. JESUS, lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fly, ^Wliile the billows near me roll, While the tempest still is high ; Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is past; Safe into the haven guide ; Oh, receive my soul at last. 2 Other refuge have I none ; Hangs my helpless soul on Thee : Leave, O ! leave me not alone ; Still support and comfort me : All my trust on Thee is stayed ; All my help from Thee I bring ; Cover niy defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing. 3 Thou, O Christ, art all I want: More than all in Tliee I find ; Raise the fallen, cheer the faint. Heal the sick and lead the blind. Just and holy is Thy name ; I am all unrighteousness ; False, and fall of sin I am ; Thou art full of truth and grace. 4 Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin : Let the healing stream's abound ; Make and keep me pure within. Thou of life the fountain art; Freely let me take of Thee : Spring Thou up within my heart ; Rise to all eternity. C. Wesley, 1740. 190. Eepentance. Tune—S. E, page 113. [EART of stone, relent, relent ! Break, by Jesus' cross subdued ; See His body mangled, rent, Stain'd and cover' d with His blood ! Sinful soul, what hast thou done '\ Crucified the' eternal Son. 2 Yes, thy sins have done the deed ; Driven the nails that fix'd Him there H^ 106 SYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. Crowu'd with thorns His sacred head ; Plunged into His side the spear ; Made His soul a sacrifice, While for sinful man He dies. 3 Wilt thou let Him bleed in vain, Still to death thy Lord pursue ? Open all His wounds again, And the shameful cross renew '? No ; with all my sins I'll part ; Saviour, take my broken heart. C, Wesley. 1745. 191. America. Tune—S. JEJ., page 114. THOU Spirit of all grace, — We humbly seek Thy face, Help us to pray ; To Thee alone we cling. » Thou can'st salvation bring. Thy mighty power we'll sing, Help us to day. 2 O may the sinners' round, Within Thy house be found, Of one accord ; Here may they cry to Tliee, To Christ their Saviour flee, And ever happy be In Christ their Lord. 3 Give to our precious youth, Soul-saving views of truth, Great God our King ; May they to Jesus throng. And bring their friends along, To join the happy song We love to sing. E.P, n. 1878. 1 92. Wortliy is the Lamb . Tune—S. E., page 114. ^OME, all ye saiiits of God ; Wide tlirough the earth abroad Spread Jesus' fame ; Tell what His love has done ; Trust in His name alone ; Shout to His lofty throne, " Worthy the "Lamb !" Hence, gloomy doubts and fears ! Dry up your mournful tears ; Swell the glad theme ; C^ HTMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 107 Praise ye our gracious King ; Strike each melodious string ; Join heart and voice to sing, " Worthy the Lamb !" 3 Hark ! how the choirs above Pilled v^ith the Saviour's love, Dwell on His name ! There, too, may we be found, With light and'glory crowned, While all the heavens resound ; *' Worthy the Lamb ! "' James Boden. 1801. 193. Jesus lives. Tu7ie — S. E., page 115. THE Saviour died, but still He lives j His grace to allJIe freely gives ; He lives to save tlie^ost from Hell, His wondrous love, O who can tell 1 Cho. — O, sinners come and share His love, Then shall you dwell with Him above You too will sing it o'er and o'er, That Jesus lives for evermore. 2 He lives repenting souls to bless, His heart is full of tenderness ; He lives to show His pierced hands. To those who dread the law's demands. 3 He lives to change the heart of stone, And make it loving like His own ; He lives to bless us every hour, We'll praise Him for His mighty power. 4 He lives that He may sanctify All those who on His grace rely ; And though we here awhile may roam, He lives to take His people home. E, P. H, 194. To Oanaanbonnd. Tune— S'. E., page IW: PILGRIMS we are to Canaan bound, Our journey lies along this road ; This wilderness we travel roimd, To reach the city of our God. Cho. — O happy pilgrims, spotless fair. What makes your robes so v>iiite appear? Our robes are washed in Jesus' blood, And we are travelling home to God. 108 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 2 O blessed land ! O happy land ! Wlien shall we reach thy golden shore ? And one redeemed, unbroken band United be forever more. 3 And if our robes are pure and white, May we all reach that blest ab6de ? O yes", they all shall dwell in light, Whose robes are washed in Jesus' blood. 4 We all shall reach that golden shore, If here we watch and fight, and pray ; Straight is the way, and straight the door, And none but pilgrims find the way. 195. My ain Oountree. Tune — S.E., page IIQ. I'M far frae my harae, and I'm weary oftenwhiles, For the lang'd-for hapie-brmging, an' my Father's welcome smiles: I'll ne'er be fu' content, until my een do see The golden gates of heaven, an' my ain conntree. The earth is fleck'd wi' liow'rs mony tinted, fresh and The birdies warble blithely, for my Father made them sae ; But these sichts an' these soun's will as naething be to me. When I hear the angels singing in my ain conntree. 2 I've His guid word o' promise, that some gladsome day the King To His" ain royal palace His banished hame will bring : Wi' een an' wi' hearts running owre we shall see " The King in His beauty," an' our ain conntree. My sins hae been mony, an' my sorrows hae been sair, But there they'll never vex me, nor be remembered mair, His bluid hath made me white, His hand shall dry mine e'e, When He brings me hame at last to my ain conntree. 3 Like a bairn to its mither, a wee birdie to its nest, I wad fain be ganghig noo unto my Saviour's breast ; For He gathers to His bosom witless, worthless iambs like me, An' carries them Himsel to His ain conntree. He's faithfu' that hath promised, He'll surely come again ; He'll Keep His tryst wi' me, at what hour I dinna ken, But He bids me still to watch, an' ready aye to be To gang at ony moment to my ain countree. Hruisrs OF song evangel. iL w A So I'm watching aye, an* singing o' my hame as I wait, For the soun'ing of His footfa' this side the gowdeu gate, God gie His grace to ilk aue wha listens noo to me, That we may gang in gladness to our ain conntree. I've His gnid word o' promise, that some gladsome day the King To His ain royal palace His banished hame will bring: Wi' een an' wi' hearts running owre we shall see " The King in His beauty," an' our ain couiitree. Miss M. A. Lee, 196. I must be a lover of the Lord. Tune—S. E., page 117. [Y Saviour loves me, this I know, But do I love His Name ? Can I with Him to Zion go. And there His love proclaim ? Cho. — Yes, I must be a. lover of the Lord, Yes, I must be a lover of the Lord, Yes, I must be a lover of the Lord, Or I'll ne'er go to heaven when I die. 2 God's law would banish me to hell, But to the cross I flee ; — His dying love no tongue can tell, — His love for sinful me. 3 ' Twas there He suffered in my stead, ' Twas there He agonized ; ' Twas there He bowed His bleeing head Rejected, and despised. 4 With faith my risen Lord I see, He bids me look to Him ; My heart is changed — O ! victory ! His blood atones for sin ! • Cho.— II: O ! yes, I am a lover of the Lord, :ll He will take me to heaven when I die ! 5 Thank God my heart is filled with joy, Oh ! come and trust Him too ; His praise will then be your employ, This Jesus died for you. Cho.— ||: For you must be a lover of the Lord, :ll Or you'll ne'er go to heaven when you die. E. P. Hammond, 1873. 110 EYMJSrS OF SONG EVANGEL, 197 Am I a lover of the Lord ? Tune—S. E., page 117. Mia lover of the Lord, A sinner saved by grace ? Ob, speak, dear Saviour, while my soul A^ Still waits before Thy face. Cho. — Ob, you must be a lover. &.c. Oh, you must be a lover, &c. Oh, you must be a lover, &c. Or you'll ne'er go to heaven when you die. 2 Dear Lord, my soul is sick of sin, I thirst for joys divine ; I long to give myself away, And know no will but Triine. 3 That precious blood, that cleansing blood, Oh, was it shed for me 1 And, can a guilty sinner claim Tlie drops that flowed so free ? 4 I have rebelled against His laws, And disobeyed His word : And yet I fain would turn and be — A lover of the Lord. 5 The clouds of sin Lave rolled away, I see a heavenly light ; The burden of my soul is gone, And all around is bright. Cho. — h Yes, I trust I'm a lover &c. :|I And will go up to heaven when I die. Mrs. M. A. Kidder s-^ 198. L. M. Tune, ''Rockingham.''* SAVIOUR ! that word has sounded long, ^ O'er many a land, in many a tongue — That word all unaccomplished yet — And can thy waiting church forget? 2 We've trodden many a weary mile, By that bright promise cheered the while ; We've braved a wild and stormy night. Still watching for the morning light. 3 And when the darksome hour seemed long, We've sung the pilgrim's homeward song. And 'mid the angry billows' roar, Have told of Canaan's happy shore. 4 But, Saviour, we are exiles still. The road is rough, the night is chill ; HYMNS OF SONG Ji] VAN GEL. m We see the bright and morning star , Bat it is yet too faint, too far. Long ha¥^ we wept and watched in vain, Bat Thou hast said, " 1 come tigain." Soon let us hear Thy welcome voice, Soon bid Thy waiting church rejoice. i 99. L. M. Tune, *^ ForresV OH ! Lord have mercy on my soul, According to Thy wondrous grace ; Thy mercies never can be told, Reveal to me Thy shining face. 2 Oh ! wash me from my guilt and shame, And cleanse my soul from every sin, For I have oft contemned Thy name, Oh, what a sinner I have been. 3 Purge me with hyssop, make me clean, My soul with joy and gladness fill. Give me a peace that's calm, serene, Like that which rests on Zion's hill. 4 Create my heart entirely new. And with me let Tliy spirit dwell. Give me a joy I never knew. Then sinners shall be turned from hell. 5 Dear Saviour, open Thou my lips. Then shall my heart show forth Thy praise. Of Thy great sacrifice I'll teach. While God shall lengthen out my days. E.P.H, 200. li. M. Tune, '' Retreat." p. 15. WHEN I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of Glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And*pour contempt on all my pride. ^ Forbid it. Lord, that I should boast Save in the death of Christ my God: All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to His blood. 3 See from His head. His hands, His feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down ! Did e'er such love and sorrow meet. Or thorns compose so rich a crown ? 112 HYMNS OF SONG U VANG EL. 4 Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands mj soul, my life, my WA. I. Watts, 1707. 20 1 . ^« ^- ^"^^» ^^ ^-j P(^9^ 80. JESUS, assembled in Tby name. This promise at Thy band we claim ; We do believe ; oh let us see Great signs and wonders wrought by Thee. 2 Command, and these dead souls sliall live," Tbese blind at once their sight receive ; Speak, and these deaf shall hear Tliy voice, These dumb in loudest songs rejoice. 3 Now let Tby mighty power be known ; Now break or melt these hearts of stone : We do believe, shall we not see New signs and wonders wrought by Theo? 4 Claim now the souls whom Thou hast ])onght ; Fetch home the wanderers Thou bast sought ; See, Lord, we bring our wants to Thee ; Let this the hour of mercy be. B^ 202. L. M. Tune, ''Hebron.'* JLEST hour ! when God himself draws nigh, Well pleased His people's voice to hear. To hush the penitential sigh, And wipe away the mourner's tear. 2 Blest hour ! for where the Lord resorts, Foretastes of future- bliss are given, And mortals lind His eartlily courts The house of God, the gate of Heaven. 3 Hail, peaceful hour ! supremely blest, Amid the hours of wordly care ; The hour that yields the Spirit rest, That sacred hour — the hour of prayer. 4 And when my hours of prayer are past. And this frail tenement decays. Then may 1 spend in heaven at last A never-ending hour of praise. Rev. Thos. Raffles, 1S28. 203. L. M. Tune "Zephyr,'* WHERE are the dead ?— In heaven or hell There diseuibodied spirits dwell ; HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 113 Their perished forms, in bonds of clay, Keserved until the ju PRAY, withcflit ceasing, pray, ( Your Captain gives the word;) His summons cheerfully obey, And call upon the Lord. 120 rymjs^s of song evangel. 2 To God your every want lu instant prayer display ; Pray always ; pray, and never faint Pray, without ceasing, pray. 3 In fellowship, — alone, To God with faith draw near : Approach His courts, beseige His throne With all the power of prayer ; 4 From strength to sti'ength go on : Wrestle and fight and pray ; Tread all the powers of darkness down, And win the well-fought day. C. Wesley, 222 C. M. Tune S. E., page 20. JESUS, who knows full well The heart of ev'ry saint, Invites us all our grief to tell, To pray, and never faint. 2 He bows His gracious ear, We never plead in vain ; Yet we must Avait till He appear, And pray and pray again. 3 Though unbelief suggest, Why should we longer wait, He bids us never give Him rest, But be importunate. 4 Then let us earnest be And never faint in prayer ; He loves our importunity, And makes His cause onr care. Rev. J. Newton, 1779. 223. S. M. TuneS. K, page ^5. JESUS invites His saints To meet around His board ; Here pardoned rebels sit, and hold Communion with their Lord. 2 For food He gives His flesh. He bids us drink His blood : Amazing favor, matchless grace. Of our descending God. 3 This holj^ bread and wine Maintains our fainting breath, My union with our living Lord, And interest ni His death. HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. \21 . 4 We are but several parts Of the same broken bread ; One body hath its several limbs, But Jesus is the Head. /. Watts, 1707. 224. S. itf". Tune—S. E., page 96. THE day is drawing nigh, Still brighter far than this, When converts like a cloud shall fly To seek the realms of bliss. 2 What rapturous scenes of joy Shall burst upon our sight, When sinners up to Zion's hill Like doves shall speed their flight. 3 Beneath Thj^ balmy v^ing, O Sun of righteousness, These happy souls shall sit and sing \^ The wonders of Thy grace. 225, S. M. Tune " St. Thomas,'* LET party names no more Tlie Christian world o'erspread : Gentile and Jew, and bond and free, Are one in Christ, their Head. 2 Among the saints on earth, Let mutual love be found ; Heirs of the same inheritance, With mutual blessings crowu'd. 3 Thus will the church below Resemble tliat above, Where streams of pleasure ever flow, And everything is love. 226. S. M. Tune " Thatcher,'* THE Holy Ghost is here, Where'saints in prayer agree, As Jesus' parting gift He's near Each pleading company. 2 Not far away is He, To be by prayer brought nigh, But here m present majesty, As in His courts on high. 3 He dwells within our soul, An ever welcome guest ; Toplady. 122 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. He reigns with absolute control, As Monarch in the breast. 4 Our bodies are His shrine, And He tli'ind welling Lord , All hail ! thou Comforter divine, Be evermore adored ! Chas. H. Spurgeon, 1866. 227. S. M. Tune " Watchman." TRIUMPHANT news ! fight on, " The battle is the Lord's :" llest not upon an arm of flesh, Nor count your spears and swords. 2 The battle is the Lord's! Then vicioiy's secure ; Warriors of Christ, march on, march on And to the end endure. 3 The battle is the Lord's ! Then sing and praise His name , Join with the hosts of old, and praise, For God is still the same. 228. S. M. Tune—S. E., page 96. LORD God, the Holy Ghost! In this accepted hour, As on the day of Pentecost, Descend in all Thy power. 2 We meet with one accord In our appointed place, And wait the promise of our Lord, — The Spirit of all grace. 3 Like mighty rushing wind Upon the waves beneath. Move with one impulse every mind ; One soul, one feeling breathe. 4 The young, the old inspire With wisdom from above ; And give us hearts and tongues of fire. To pray, and praise, and love. J. Montgomery. 229. S. M. Doxology. YE angels round the throne, And saints that dwell below, Worship the Father, praise the Son, And bless the Spirit too. HY^iNS OF SONG UV ANGEL,. 123 •230. 7s. Tune—S. E., page 113. PEOPLE of the living God, I have sought the world around, I Paths of sin and sorrow trod, «. r Peace and comfort nowhere found. Now to yo(i my spirit turns, — Turns a fugitive unblest ; Brethren, where 3^our altar burns, Oh, receive me into rest ! 2 Lonely I no longer roam, jv Like the cloud, the wind, the wave ; I Where you dwell shall be my home ; I Where you dieshall be my grave. I" Mine the God whom you adore : I Your Redeemer shall be mine ; Earth can fill my soul no more, Every idol I resign. J. Montgomery, '231. 7s. Tune ** Hendon.i'> HOLY Ghost, with light divine, Shine upon this heart of mine ! Chase the shades of night away, Turn my darkness into day. 2 Holy Ghost, with power divine. Cleanse this guilty heart of mine ; Long hath sin, without control, Held dominion o'er my soul. 3 Holy Ghost, with joy divine. Cheer this saddened heart of mine ; Bid my many woes depart. Heal my wounded, bleeding heart. 4 Holy Spirit, all-divine. Dwell within this heart of mine : Cast down every idol-throne. Reign supreme, — and reign alone. » Andrew Reed, 1817t 232. la. Tune " PleyePs Hymn,'^ SAVIOUR, at Thy feet we bow ; O vouchsafe to meet us now ! At Thy people's earnest cry, Bring Thy loving mercy nigh. 2 Thou hast said, where two or three In Thy worship shall agree, ^ X24 HTMNS OF SONG EVANGEL, That Thou wilt be present there, Answering their faithful prayer. 3 Lord, we plead Thy promise here, Let Thy presence now appear; On our souls Thy spirit pour, Light, and life, and peace restore. 4 Raise our thoughts from things below; Faith's discerning eye bestow ; Let our hearts, from sin made free, Hold sweet intercourse with Thee. J333i 7s. Tune *' Prayer." COME, my soul, thy suit prepare, Jesus loves to answer prayer j He Himself has bid thee pray, Therefore will not say thee, nay. 2 Thou art coming to a King, Large petitions with thee bring, .. For'His grace and power are such, None can ever ask too much. 3 With my burden I begin,. Lord, remove this load of sin ; Let Thy blood for sinners spilt. Set my conscience free from guilt. 4 Lord, I come to Thee for rest. Take possession of my breast, There Thy blood-bought right maintain, And without a rival reign. Rev. J. Newton, 1779 234. 7s. Tune " Horton." HASTEN, sinner, to be wise ! Stay not for the morrow's sun ; Wisdom if you still despise, Harder is it to be won. 2 Hasten, mercy to implore ! Stay not for the morrow's sun, Lest thy season should be o'er Ere this evening's stage be run. 3 Hasten, sinner to return ! Stay not for the morrow's sun, Lest thy lamp should fail to burn, Ere salvation's work is done. HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 125 ^ 4 Hasten j sinner, to be blest ! Stay not for the morrow's sun, Lest perdition thee arrest, Ere the morrow is begun. Thos. Scott, 1773. 235, 7s. Tune'^Hendon." JESUS is gone up on high ; But His promise still is here, " I will all your wants supply ; I will send the Comforter." 2 Let us now His promise plead. Let us to His. throne draw nigh ; Jesus knows His people's need ; Jesus hears His people's cry. 3 Send us, Lord, the Comforter, Pledge and witness of Thy love, Dwelling with Thy people here, Leading them to joys above. 4 Till we reach the promised rest, Till Thy face unveil'd we see, Of this blessed hope possess'd. Teach ns, Lprd, to live in Thee. Thos. Kelly, 1800. 236. 7s. Tune " Aletta." CHILDREN, listen to the Lord, And obey His gracious word ; Seek His face with heart and miud ; Early seek and you shall find. 2 Sorrowful your sins confess ; Plead His perfect righteousness; See the Saviour's bleeding side ; Come, you will not be denied. 3 For His worship now prepare ; Kneel to Him in fervent.prayer;] Serve Him with a perfect heart ; Never from His ways depart. 237. 7s. Tune—S. E., page lis. CALMER of my troubled heart. Bid my unbelief depart ; Speak, and all my sorrows cease ! Speak, and all my soul is peace. 126 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. Comfort me, whene'er I mourn, With the hope of Thy return ; And, till I Thy glory see. Help me to believe in Thee. Chas, Wesley, 1762. 238i 7s. Doxology. SING we to our God above. Praise eternal as His love ; Praise Him, all ye heavenly host, — Father, Son, and Holy Gho'st. C, Wesley, 239 • Tune " Land of Beulak.' * SEE, Lord, before Thine altar bowed, Prostrate my humbled soul. Till, from above the mercy-cloud, Thy voice shall speak me whole. Cho. — Oh, for descending fire ! Oh, for the hallowing flame ! Come, Holy Ghost, my heart's desire ; I plead in Jesus' name. 2 I yield Thee all my hallowed powers. Thine only will I be ; Contented if may but know Thou giv'st Thyself to me. 3 Poor, sinful, vile, my offering lies, Yet it is all my store ; Nor wilt Thou, Lord, my gift despise, Nor spurn the contrite poor. 4 Yet not for these, but for Thy Son, That better sacrifice ! Oh, to my longing soul send down An answer from the skies. 5 Be hushed my soul, a breath from heaven. Still as the ^^entle breeze, ** Thy prayer is heard, thy suit is given, And Jesus whispers peace." 240 1 Tune *' Annie Lisle.'* JESUS I am happy now, Happy, Lord, in Thee ; I have seen Thy bleeding brow, And felt it was for me. HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 127 Cho.— " It is finished !" Yes, indeed, Finished every jot j Sinner, this is all you need ; Tell me, is it not? 2 Jesus I to Thee would cling, Every day and hour ; Then my heart will always sing, Of Thy love and power. 3 I would ne'er fora^et to pray, Every day to Thee ; Thou wilt teach me what to say, Thou wilt answer me. 4 Lord, forbid that I should part Ever from Thy side ; Thou with joy wilt till my heart, If 1 in Thee abide. 5 Help me tell to all I know, Th' story of Thy love ; May they quickly to- Thee go,> And dwell with Thee above. E. P. f/., isiry. ^' 241. 7s & 6s. Tune'* Webb." ;iHALL we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high. Shall we to men benighled, The lamp of life deny ? Salvation ! O, salvation ! The joyful sound proclaim, Till earth's remotest nation Has learned Messiah's name. 2 Waft, waft ye winds, His story, And you, ye waters, roll, Till, like a sea of glory. It spreads from pole to pole. Till o'er our ransomed nature, Tlie Lamb, for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign. R. Heber, 1819. 24:S I Tune " I want to he an angeV^ WE all must speak for Jesus, Who hath redemption wrought, Who gave us peace and pardon, Which by His blood He bought. 128 nTMNS OF SONG EVANQEli. We all must speak for Jesus, To show how much we owe To Him who died to save us From death and eudless woe. 2 We all must speak for Jesus, Where'er our lot may fall, To brothers, sisters, neighbors^ In cottage and in hall. We all must speak for Jesus, The world in darkness lies, With Him against the mighty Together we must rise. 243. 8s & 7s. Tune—S. E., page 32. WILT Thou help me, dearest Jesos, While I come to Thee for aid ? 'Tis Thy precious blood that frees us From the debt upon us laid. But, dear Saviour, I implore Thee, Turn on me Thy pitying look, All my sins are now before Thee, Written down in God's own book. S Thou who once wast throned in glory, Suffered death on Calvary, Oh, how wonderful the story — Thou did'st bleed and die for me ! Yes, that I might be forgiven. Thou did'st leave Thy home on high ; And that I might sing in heaven, On that cruel cross did'st die. 3 Now my heart is filled with gladness, Since my hope I stay ou Thee ; Thou wilt drive away all sadness, All my sins are pardoned free. I shall join the heavenly chorus, Singing praise to Jesus' love ; Trusting Him, He'll go before us, He will bring us home above. E. P. IT. 244. 8s & 7s. Tune—S. E„ page 32. COME to Jesus, all ye weary, Burdened with tlie load of sin; Come to Jesus, He is ready To receive such wanderers in. HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 129 Cho.— You'll love Jesus, you will praise Him, You -will love Him, yes, you will, You will love Jesus, only trust Him ; He'll receive you, and love you too. 3 Come to Jesus, He'll receive you, Take His yoke, and learn of Him. As your Prophet to instruct you, — As your King be ruled by Him. 3 Come to Jesus, He'll receive you, He will cancel all your guilt ; 'Twas for this He came to save you — 'Twas for this His blood was spilt. E, P. H, 245. Tune—S. E. , page 62. IHALL we dwell with Christ for ever, Shall we see Him face to face. Shall we hear His voice, and never Wander from His sweet embrace ; Cho. — Yes, we'll dwell with Christ for ever, The glorious Christ, the precious Christ for ever; Dwell in light and peace, and never Wander from Hia sweet embrace. 2 No more unbelief to cloud us, No more tears to dim the eye, No more darkness to enshroud us In the happy home on high. 3 Gone will be the thought of sinning, Gone the subtle tempter's snare ; Satan conquered, Jesus reigning, Holy, blissful resting there. D, E. i/' JVa&, Sept,, 1875. 24iQ. Tune—S. E., page 62. SINNEES, will you hear of Jesus, Of the sacrifice He made, That He might from all sin free us, And redeem us from the grave ; Cho. — Yes, yes, we will hear of Jesus ; Say, can our |ruilty sins be e'er forgiven ? Yes, yes, we will hear of Jesus; Say, can He sei iis free ? 2 Yes, He has the power from heaven. He can free you from your guilt ; All your sins can be forgiven, Since for you His blood was spilt. 130 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 3 Jesus Christ, He is the Saviour That can rescue you from sin ; Heaven's gates to you He'll open, And will bid you enter in. E. P. £r., 1866. 247. Tune—S. E., page 71. HAPPY day, blest day of grace ! When Jesus shows His smiling face, And bids the weary wanderer come, And find in Him sweet rest, at home. The cross uplifted draws us near, The Spirit whispers words of cheer, And waits repenting souls to bless In this glad day, the day of grace. 2 Then hasten, all who feel your need, From sin's dread burden to be freed ; To Calvary's Victim look and live. He only can salvation give. Long have you pleasure sought in vain, And found but weariness in pain ; Oh, come, your sinful steps retrace, Improve this blessed day of grace, 3 Now listen to the gospel's sound, Seek Jesus where He may be found, In Him, the Father reconciled, Will own and bless you as His child, Oh, will you longer slight His love, - ' And grieve away the Heavenly Dove ? Refuse the Saviour to embrace, And perish in this day of grace ? 4 Forbid it, Lord ! Thy power display. And di-aw these lingering souls to-day Convince of sin, Thy grace impart To cleanse and sanctify the heart. Many may hear Thy gracious voice, And in Thy pardoning love rejoice, Who in eternity shall praise Thee for this blessed day of grace. Miss Campbell, Author of'''- Jesnt of Ifasareth paset^h by,'* 248. Tune *' Tour Mission.''^ HARK ! the voice of Jesus calling. Who will go and work. to-day ? Fields are white, and harvest waiting. Who will bear the sheaves away ? HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. 131 Loud and long the Master calleth, Rich rewards He offers /Vee; Who will answer, gladly saying, , II: Here am I, send me/send me. :li 2 If you cannot cross the ocean, And the heathen lands explore, You can find the heathen nearer, You can help them at your door. If you cannot give your thousands, You can give " the widow s mite ;" And whate'er you give for Jesus, ||: Will be precious in His sight. :ll 3 If you cannot preach like angels, If you cannot speak like Paul ; You can tell the love of Jesus, You can say, " He died for all." If you cannot rouse the wicked, By the judgment's dread alarms, You can lead the little children II: To the Saviour s waiting arms, :|I 4 Be not then " excused " by saying, ,' There is nothing I can do," When the souls of men are dying, And the Master calls for you. In His name bear cups of water, Cast the mountains in the sea ; He has power, go, humbly tell Him, II: " Here am I, send me, send me." :|j Rev. DanH March, ] 249. Tune " Bethany,^'' NEAREE, my God, to Thee, Nearer to thee ; E'en thougli it be a cross That raiseth me : Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. 2 Thous^h like the wanderer, The sun gone down. Darkness be over me My rest a stone ; Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. 132 SYMJS^S OF SONG EVANGEL, 3- There let my Way appear -^ Steps uufco heaven ; All that Thou sendest me In mercy givp« ; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. 4 Then with my waking thoughts, Bright with Thy praise Out of my stony griefs Bethel I'll raise ; So by my woes to be Nearer, my God to Thee, Nearer to Thee. Mrs, S, F. Adams, 1841. 250. 5s, 6s & 5s. Tune *' Rapture,^* OHOW happy are they Who their Saviour obey, And have laid up their treasure above! Tongue can never express The sweet comfort and peace Of a soul in its earliest love. 2 That sweet comfort was mine, When the favor divine I first found in the blood of the Lamb ; When my heart first believed. What a joy I received, What a heaven in Jesus' s name ! 3 'Twas a heaven below, My Redeemer to know : And' the angels could do nothing more Than to fall at His feet, And the story repeat. And the Lover of sinners adore. 4 Jesus all the day long, Was my joy and my song : O that all His salvation might see ; He hath loved me I cried, He hath suffered and died. To redeem such a rebel as me. C, Wesley, HYMjSS of ISONG EVAJSfGEL^ 133 I 25 1 . 8s, 7s & 4. Tanct " Zion,'* CHRIST is coming ! let creation From her groans and travail cease ; Let the glorious proclamation Hope restore, and faith increase : Christ is coming ! Come, Thou blessed Prince of Peace. 2 Earth can noW but 'tell the story Of Thy bitter cross and pain ; She shall yet behold Thy glory When Thou comest back to reign : Christ is coming ! ^ Let each heart repeat the strain. 3 With that blessed hope before us, Let no harp remain unstrung ; Let the mighty advent chorus Onw^ard roll in every tongue : Christ is coming ! Come, Lord Jesus, quickly come. Macduff, 252. 8s&7s. Tun^—S.E.,paffeU. BLESSED Jesus, how I love Thee, Thou didst suffer in my stead ; I Avill evermore adore Thee, 'Twas for me Thy blood was shed. 2 Yes, this tongue that once was silent Ne'er shall cease to tell Thy love ; Praise shall now be its employment, Here on earth and up above. 3 O how changed my heart is toward Thee ; Once I never loved Thy name ; With the wicked oft I scorned Thee: At the thought I blush with shame. 4 Now, whenever I must listen To a word tow'rd Thee unkind, In my eyes the tears will glisten, And a cloud come o'er my mind. 5 I will bring, to get Thy blessing. All the children that I can ; They near Thee will soon be pressing, Unless pushed away by man. E, P. H, 134 HY3£NS OF SONG EVANGEL. 253. Tune—S. E., page 52. MUST Jesus bear the cross alone, And all the world go free ? No : there's a cross for every one, And there's a cross for me. 2 How happy are the saints above Who once went sorrowing- here ; But now they taste unmingied love, And joy without a tear. 3 The consecrated cross I'll bear, Till death shall set me free, And then go liome my crown to wear, — For there's a crown for me ! 4 O precious cross ! O glorious crown ! O resurrection day ! Ye angels ! from the stars flash down, And bear my soul away. Mason, dlt^ 254. 6s & 4s. Tune '^ Happy Land,"> SAY, hast thou found a Friend 1 Is Jesus, thine ? His love shall never end — Is Jesus thine ? Earth's pleasures may decrease, All of human friendship cease ; Would'st thou have lasting peace ? Take Jesus thine. 2 Think what He did for thee, — Is Jesus thine ? He bled upon the tree — Is Jesus thine ? See the sun in darkness hide When for you tlie Saviour died ; For you was crucitied ; Take Jesus thine. 3 He is a Friend indeed, — Is Jesus thine? He'll be the Friend you need, — Is Jesus thine 'I He's knocking, let Him in ! There's no other Friend like Him ; He'll cleanse your soul from sin ; Take Jesus thine. 1 HYMNS OF SONG EVANGEL. I35 255, 8s, 7s & 4. Tune •* Zion.'* FINISHED, all the types and shadows Of the ceremonial law ; Finished all that God had promised ; Death and Hell no more shall awe. " It is finished !" Saints from hence their comfort draw. 2 Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs : Strike them to Immanuel's name : All on eartii, and all in heaven, Join the triumph to proclaim : " It finished !" Glory to the bleeding Lamb. Jon. Evans, 1787. 256, 8s, 7s & 4. Doxology. LORD, dismiss us with Thy blessing ; Fill our hearts with joy and peace ; Let us each, Thy love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace ; O refresh us, Traveling through this wilderness. W, ShirUy, 1774. INDEX. •-♦-•- Hymn. Above the waves of earthly strife. ... 47 Accepted in Christ, who has stood in our place 164 Alas 1 and did my Saviour bleed 38 A little child, I pray lU All hail the power of Jesus' name 186 AH that I was, my sin, my guilt 214 Almost persuaded now to believe 21 Although a child, I've often sought 125 Amazing grace! how sweet the sound 156 Am I a lover of the Lord 397 Arise, my soul : arise 146 Art thou weary, art thou languid 105 Awake, my soul, in joyful lays 22 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine 182 Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus 46 Blessed Jesus, how I love Thee 252 Blessed Saviour, Thee I love , 172 Blest hour, when God Himself draws nigh 202 Blest Jesus! when my soaring thoughts 129 Breaking through the clouds that gather 55 By faith I view my Saviour dying 138 Calmer of my troubled soul 237 Cast the net again, my brother 74 Children, listen to the Lord • 236 Christian, go and tell to Jesus 89 Christ is coming ! let creation. 251 Come, all ye saints of God 192 Come, come to Jesus 161 Come, dearest Lord, and feed Thy sheep 210 Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire 158 Come, let us join our cheerful*songs 36 Come, Lord, and warm each languid heart 218 Come, my soul. Thy suit prepare 233 Come, sinners, view the Lamb of God 59 Come, Thou Fount of every blessing 44 Come to Jesus, all ye weary 244 Come to Jesus, just now 140 Come, ye sinners, poor and needy 66 Convinced of sin, men now begin 219 Dear Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole 100 Dear Jesus, I to Thee would come 166 Dear Jesus, now I trust I'm Thine 165 Dear Jesus, we would look to Thee . 5 Dear Saviour, now to Thee I turn 2(J6 Dear Saviour, open wide the gate 124 G' INDEX. 137 Hymn. Father, the storm is high 51 Finished all the types and shadows 255 From every stormy wind that blows 110 od is gone up on high 34:8 Go leave thy heart with Jesus 32 Hail 1 sovereign love that first began 120 Har]^ ! how from Sinai's mount proceeds 217 Hark ! the voice of Jesus calling 248 Hasten, sinner, to be wise 234 Heart of stone, relent, relent 190 Heavenly Father, bless me now 85 He leadeth me, O blessed thought 9 Here it was, the Lord of glory 16 Holy Ghost, with light divine 231 How sad our state by nature is 211 How sweet, how heavenly is the sight 209 How sweet the name of J«sus sounds 70 I am coming, I am coming .^ 142 I am coming to the Cross .' 41 I'm far frae my hame 195 I'm thinking of my sins , 76 I can sing with all my heart 82 1 feel like singing all the time 180 I* ve cast my deadly doing down 91 I have entered the valley ol blessing 31 I have found a precious Saviour. 45 I have heard of a place over there 7 I hear the Saviour say 115 I hear the words of love, 28 I know 'tis Jesus loves my soul 107 I love the Lord my God, because 181 I love Thy kingdom, Lord. 26 I love to tell the story 53 In evil long I took delight 208 I need Thee every hour 50 In Pilate's house behold 152 In some way or other, the Lord will provide 141 In the Rifted Rock I'm resting G3 In the house of God, this hour 174 In Thy Cross is all my plea 43 In Thy great name, O Lord 95 I once was a stranger to grace and to God 184 I stand approved before the throne 215 I think when I read that sweet story of old 11 I thirst, thou wounded Lamb of God 10^ }esus, accept the praise 150 Jesus, assembled in Thy name , 201 Jesus died on Calvary's mountain 99 Jesus died upon the tree 73 Jesus, from His throne on high 79 Jesus, I am happy now. . . . .- 24.0 Jetjus, I am near to Thee .- 57 138 INDEX. Hymn' Jesus, I love Thy charming name 157 Jesus invites His saints. 223 Jesus is gone up on high 235 Jesus, keep me near tlie cross 66 Jesus loved me wlien He died 80 Jesus, lover of my soul 189 Jesus loves me ! this I know 78 Jesus^ my all, to heaven is gone 117 Jesus on the Cross I saw 145 Jesus, Saviour, pity me , 22 Jesus, transporting name 149 Jesus, where'er Thy people meet 25 Jesus, who knows full well 222 eep thou my way, O Lord 185 K T and ahead ! its fruits are waving 33 J J Let God the Father and the Sou 220 • Let party names no jnore 225 Lift up your eyes, ye sons of light. 123 Long my spirit pined in sorrow 37 Looking only to Jesus, the crucified One 131 Look, look to Jesus 3 Lo ! on a narrow neck of land 179 Lo ! the loving Jesus standeth ; 151 Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing 256 Lord God the Holy Ghost * 228 Lord, grant that we by faith may see 122 Lord, I hear of showers of blessing 143 Lord teach a little child to pray 106 Lord, to Thee my heart ascending. 144 Many woes had Christ endured 171 May a little child like me 83 May the grace of Christ our Saviour 17 More Love to Thee, Christ 88 Mourner, wheresoe'er thou art. . , 54 Must Jesus bear the cross alone 253 My God, I am Thine ! what a comfort divine '. 162 My God, 1 have found 159 My heavenly home is bright and fair 127 My hope is built on nothing less 134 My Jesus, Hove Thee 183 My Jesus I would ne'er forget 69 My life flows on in endless song 68 My Saviour loves me, this I know 196 My sins appear in dark ana ^- 72 My soul complete in Jesua .suuids 52 earer, my God, to Thee 240 No one knows but Jesus 34 Nothing, either great or small 90 Nothing but leaves, the spirit grieves 61 Now is th' accepted time 27 Now the book I love to read 86 Now the Saviour standeth pleading 136 F m ■ ' INDEX. IS 9 Hymn. blessed feet of Jesus 3 3 O, bliss of the purified ! bliss of the free 97 O eyes that are weary, and hearts that are sore 4 O for a thousand tongues to sing 188 O for the happy hour 155 O happy day, blest day of grace 247 Oh God, we need Thy mighty poAver 177 Oh ! happy day that fixed my choice 63 O how happy are they who their Saviour obey 250 Oh Lord, have mercy on my soul 199 O Lord, how can I (jpme to Thee . , 123 Oh Lord, we come at Thy command 212 Oh, now I see the crimson wave 2 Oh, wondrous, deep, unbounded love 1()8 O land of rest, for thee I sigh 12 O Lord, Thy work revive 154 Once more we come before our God 93 Open my eyes, O Lord, to see 71 O precious Blood, O Glorious death 6 O sing of his Mighty Love 97 Thou, in whose presence, my soul 10 Pass me not, O gentle Saviour 104 People of the living God 230 Pilgrims we are to Canaan bound , 194 Praise God, from, whom all blessings flow 205 Praise the Lord, Ete's pardoned me 14 Pra^^er is the soul's sincere desire 176 Pray, without ceasing, pray • 221 Precious Jesus, He is mine 81 "n edeeming work is done ^16 It Return, O wanderer, return L.7 Revive Thy work, O Lord 153 Rock of Ages, cleft for me 169 Safe in the arms of Jesus 62 Saviour, at Thy feet we bow 232 Saviour, like a Shepherd lead us 1 Saviour of the sin-sick soul 42 Saviour ! that word has sounded long 198 Saviour, who Thy flock art feeding 137 Say, Christians, will you meet us ? 35 Say, hast thou found a Friend ? 254 See, Lord, before thine altar bowed 289 Shall we dwell with Christ forever 245 Shall we gather at the river 87 Shall we, whose souls are lighted , 241 Sing we to our God above 238 Sinners, will you hear of Jesus 246 Sound the Battle Cry 75 Stretched on the Cross, the Saviour dies 204 Sweet hour of prayer 102 Sweet is the work, O Lord 29 ''Pake the name of Jesus with you 49 1 Teach us, O Lord, how weak we 175 Tell me the old, old story O 140 INDEX. Hymn. The Cross, the Cross, the blood stained cross 130 Tlie day is drawiug nigh 224 The Holy Ghost is here 226 The Judgment day is coming 173 The Lord into His garden comes 133 The mistakes of my life are many 19 There is a glorious world on high 118 There's a home for the blest on 84 There is life for a look at the Crucified One 98 There were ninety and nine 64 The Saviour died, but still He lives 193 The " Second time " He shall appear. . . .* 126 The Son of God o'er sinners weeps 108 The world is overcome by the blood 48 Thine, Lord, forever 113 Think how the holy Saviour bled 1G7 Thou hast taught us, dear Jesus 132 Thou Hidden Love of God 24 Thou Spirit of all grace 191 To Calvary, Lord, in Spirit now 94 To-day, if ye will hear His voice 121 To-day the Saviour Calls 18 To God the Father, God the Son Ill Triumphant news! tight on 227 Waiting is the golden harvest. 139 We all must speak for Jesus 242 "We are ou oup journey home • 178 Weeping will mot save me . ."■ 20 We' ve listed in a holy war 40 Welcome, welcome, dear Redeemer 67 We praise Thee, O God 160 We praise Thy great love, our Father and God 163 We «haU Meel beyond the river 65 Wiiat can I do for Thee, my Lord 96 What glory gilds the sacred page 187 What means this eager, anxious throng?., 101 What shall I do with Jesus ? 8 When first o'erwhelmed with sin 135 When I can read my title clear 30 When I survey the wondrous cross 200 When this passing world is done 170 When Thou, my Righteous Judge 77 Wiiere are the dead ? in heaven or hell 203 While Shepherds watched their flocks by night 213 Who, who^are these, beside the chilly wave . . 103 Why do I halt in such a cause 216 Why weepest Thou? 39 Wilt Thou help me, dearest Jesus 243 Within the Kedrou's rocky dell 119 Work ! for the Master calleth us 92 Work, for the night is coming 112 Worthy, worthy is the Lamb 15 e angels round the throne 229 Ye saints ! your music bring 147 J. W. TAYLOB, MUSIC STEEEOTYPER, N. Y. Y ^Q psr . . all source- •k^, CO cents; $40 por 100 oopic ~ijT^ OUR C. ■"of our Bbr>ks seiit by 3\ "on i'e«eipt of retai! pi-ie yUT Bocks M^-f--' ^3t.>l»'l ' ' Mit.si