State Theater, Raleigh, N.C. 1923-1924 ! tT m pt'; Tj’Tyft s/^j- fD. ‘- •T'.- '-U. C6e Hitirarp , of tye Ontoersttp of JSottft Carolina Collection of jBortlj Caroltniana %fyis boob toad presented Cf><3T\.‘dZ, 'R.\&3r lb \9Z3/a4 frhr ir ^ n ]n r a h » it «i qnDOZO^lQOZO^ o-mm-n '04H»0' O' I I I O I i ! Nash Leads the JVor Id in Motor Car V alue SERVICE ON NASH AND LAFAYETTE MOTOR CARS HAS MADE OUR GOOD NAME FOR US Ask Any Nash and LaFayette Owner Phone 2440 329 S. Blount Street ♦ 2 km ► o-mm-o-mm-o-mm’O-mm’O* \ j j NASH MOTOR SALES CO. ! i f RALEIGH, N. C. j I j i Nash Leads the World in Motor Car Value \ I o-mm+o-mm 04 o- •O' Cf> <=t ~r l :f 2- R i 4»3 n-~ \ Lf> t|«ii-HU-mi-mi-mi-mi-nil-mi-nil-nil-nil-nil-ml-mi-nn-nil-nil-nil-nil-nil-ml_mi_mi_mi_mi_n»J I WILSON’S STORES I s I Famous Home Cooking | I 4—STORES—4 . | I j No. 6 W. Martin Street Shrine Club Cafe j Commercial Bank Building West Lenoir Street | “Wilsons Sandwiches Are Delicious” STATE CAPITOL BUILDING (History on page 3) CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE Home Made Candies : Pure Ice Cream SERVICE SINCE 1900 Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program nil—llll—MH—llll— MM—HII-— Ull—(III—IIH—l(ll«— llll—UK* S I I WM. HELLER 124 Fayetteville Street SHOES OF QUALITY Indestructo Trunks Hand Luggage • llll—Mil—llll—llll—-llll — IIH—IIH—llll—llll—IW—Mil—W-*jl = I SHU-FIXERY Phone 503 I i WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER I I i I i i ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. BOOKS, SOCIAL STATIONERY OFFICE SUPPLIES Fayetteville Street Raleigh, N. C. Won’t You HAV-A-TAMPA? At all first-class dealers CAPITAL CIGAR COMPANY, Distributors Raleigh, N. C. Office: Blount and Martin Streets Plant: 414-416 Gale Street Raleigh French Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Company i ! *>, 1 - OLDEST, LARGEST AND BEST Bell Phones 781 and 395 Raleigh, N. C. •Mil""—Mil——Ull——•Mil——llll—-—llll—--UII-—llll——Ull—llll—Pll—UH—IIU—MU—llll —llll—llll—llll—llll —UH —Ull—UU—-Ull—IIH—II Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program #u—MB—— im—mi—nn—-mi—mi—nn—mi—mi—mi—it it—mi —•mi—'im—nn—nn—n«—-nn—iin— hb—— HH—nn—-nn—nn— Good Quality spells what Boone sells Kuppenheimer Good Clothes, Edwin Clapp and Florsheim Shoes, Stetson and Boone’s Special Hats, Manhattan and Boone’s Special Shirts t Coine and See is all we ask ” C. R. BOONE Fayetteville Street 209 Fayetteville Street Raleigh, N. C. STYLES OF TODAY WITH A TOUCH OF TOMORROW STATE CAPITOL BUILDING The site for the city of Raleigh was purchased March 30, 1792, 1,000 acres, and 400 acres laid out, with streets and public squares. On Union Square the first State Capi¬ tol was built, at a cost of $20,000, this sum being the proceeds of the sale of lots to private individuals. This capitol was accidentally burned June 21, 1831. The present one, of granite from the State quarry on the eastern boundary of Raleigh, was begun July 4, 1833, and finished June 20, 1840, at the same time as the first railway to this city, the Raleigh and Gaston (now a link of the Seaboard Air Line), so there was a joint celebration of the double event. The cost of the capitol was $530,000. It has the honor of being one of the four most beautiful public buildings in America. Its architect was David Paton, a Scotchman, and the stone was cut and laid by workmen from Scotland, who came here for that purpose. THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management I -• L _„„_„„___„„-.„-...-..H-...---...------------------— j 3 Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program * c i HOTEL SIR WALTER RALEIGH N. C. ✓ THE STATE’S NEWEST AND BEST HOTEL 240 Rooms, 240 Baths Large Assembly Room, Private Dining Rooms, Banquet Rooms, and every facility for parties I and conventions I_ _ __ Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program in*}* I I I I I I I I I = I s = I = i = ■ — 11 » 4 J#m—hii—*1111—mm—mm— mi—iw— mb—mm— hii—hii— mi—mi—mi—mi—mi—iin—mi——mi Clothes Make The Man I We Make The Clothes We make ’em here Drafted Cut- Tailored In Our Own Shop Where your inspection is welcome at all times. HILKER BROS. Merchant Tailors The Henry F. Miller [ OUR LEADER ■ I Sheet Music Roll Music = I Records s I I Stringed Instruments Tonk Duet Benches j I i Your patronage solicited at Bowles Music Co. i 120 IVest Martin Street RALEIGH, N. C. = I I HII—INI—cm Mil—nn.^— HII—mi— iih^— nil—im—nn—»11—Mil—i"*—»» ." "" "" * 1 * 5 Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Oui I logravi 5 > I LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY DAILY IN NORTH CAROLINA (member a. b. c.) ! THE NEWS AND OBSERVER RALEIGH, N. C. j Josephus Daniels, President and Editor j Josephus Daniels, Jr., Sec.-Treas. and Bus. Mgr. I - NORTH CAROLINA’S FOREMOST NEWSPAPER IN j CHARACTER AND CIRCULATION = I ------------ WAKE COUNTY COURTHOUSE Built in 1915 OFFICE FURNITURE j Blank Books and Office Devices, Stationery 1 - Kodaks and Supplies JAMES E. THIEM : RALEIGH, N. C. Phone 135 B - ------mi—mi-mi-mi-mi-mi- un -mi-mi-nit-mi-mi-mi-mi-nn-mi_mi_mi_im__, Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program ----„„-- 1Itl -------- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -^_____ I Curtains, Draperies If you wish Curtains and Draperies, see J. W. DOBBIN 123 Fayetteville Street RALEIGH, N. C. ! Thos. H. Briggs & Sons I RALEIGH, N. C. The Big Hardware Men BASEBALL, TENNIS AND SPORTING GOODS GUNS, PISTOLS, SHELLS 267 All-Wool Sweaters for men and women All sizes I I I s I = = I I - a I Large variety of colors s M i Buy where you can see an assortment »*{• I — 8 I Outdoor Outfitters Bicycles, Repairs, Velocipedes, Fishing Tackle Hunters’ Supplies THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management a I |,III—nil—till—II It—mi—mi—Iin—mi-— mi—— mi mi—mi—mi—mi—IMI—nil—- iiii—— nil——mi—uu——mi—»»—»“ "" "" " 7 Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program »|»u 3 ■ I i 1 THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management A visit to our store will be a pleasure—just as a visit to this theater. Let us prove it. WE HANDLE A COMPLETE LINE OF Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Ready-to-Wear, Furnishings and Shoes i I Cor. Wilmington and Exchange Place Raleigh, N. C. I 3 •|*in I li f I - ■•MM—* IIM—•lilt——Mil—— Hll—-HU-—*11 —Mil——IIM ——-IIII—— IIII—— Mil—IIM—»lll—l«ll—— HU—— IIM——-MM—MM— MM^*MM—IIII—llll—llll-^llA Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program mi—— mi—'"i—un—mi—mi—iiii—im»_iiii— Hoy M. Cliipley Flake B. Cliipley CHIPLEY MOTOR COMPANY Distributors SINGLE SIX—SINGLE EIGHT Automotive Transportation 1 I 115 W. Davie Street X I ■ S • I ___ TELEPHONE 313 RALEIGH, N. C. Safeguarding a Reputation A good reputation is a most valuable possession, but it requires con¬ stant care and protection if it is to be preserved. This store was founded on right principles and a desire to establish a reputation for fair dealing plus good merchandise at reasonable prices. In this we have succeeded, but we are constantly on the alert to protect and preserve our reputation, and it takes unremitting care to select only that quality of ready-to-wear apparel that will give our customers the best in style, quality and price in order to insure satis¬ faction and uphold the reputation we have established among the shoppers in this section. Raleigh's Foremost Apparel Shop x )i — mi i — -mi ■■ ii ii ■ "HU ■■ — nit |«iii— mi—nil—mi—mi—iiii-^mi— n II —mi—mi—mi— — mi—-mi— — mi—-mi—— mm—— hii— mm hii—iiii mi ... 1,11 "" 9 Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program , HH— — HH »— HW ■ ■ HH - IIH - ■ nil ' 1 ' - IIH »n III!-■ IIII — — IIII HH ■ III! ■ MU' MM" — MM'- IIH ■' MM ■ ■ ' lilt— —HH——UM HH—— X E. W. HELMS a I a I * Dealer in Fresh Meats, Fish, Oysters and Game Our Motto: “ Cleanliness ” Nowliere on earth does cleanliness count more than in a market. Realizing this we maintain a perfectly sanitary condition. QUALITY—ONLY THE FINEST Phone 243 Hillsboro Street I _ I Largest and best equipped repair shop in the State BROCKWELL’S SHOP Victor Safes and ! Burglar-proof Chests 1 i a 3 I z * I Locks, Bicycles, Keys, Russwin Builders’ Hardware Columbia and Pierce Bicycles 212 S. Salisbury Street RALEIGH, N. C. Auto Electric Battery Company TELEPHONE 647 411 Fayetteville Street Raleigh, N. C. High-Grade Stocks and Bonds YT CA INVESTMENTS DURFEY & MARR Investment Securities—Inquiries Solicited = - I 3 m I s Orders executed | on all exchanges I X s I ■ s I I I 202-203 Tucker Bldg. : Raleigh, N. C. j Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program 10 KING & HOLDING HU —III!—HU—HU—Mil—»MU—MM—»Mlij# a I a ■ I ■ 1 m Clothiers—Haberdashers—Hatters j “Just a Little Different—Just a Little Better” BIRTHPLACE OF JOEL LANE The home of Joel Lane stands near the State’s Prison, on West Martin Street. It was built about 1760. Wake County was formed March 2, 1771, and June 4 of that year the first county coui’t was held in Lane’s house, he being a member. The county- seat was established there and was named Bloomsbury, though it was usually called Wake Court House. In this house was held the last court under royal rule, March 5, 1775, and the first under the State form of government, June 3, 1776. That year the State Council of Safety met in it, and June 23, 1781, the General Assembly began a month’s session there, being guarded by troops to prevent an anticipated raid by the “Tories.” In 1788 a State Convention decided that a place must be fixed for the “unalterable seat of government, and ordered that this should be in Wake County,” “in ten miles of Isaac Hunter’s plantation.” In 1791 a commission was named to buy the site, after choosing it, and March 30, 1792, this commission bought from Lane the site for $2,756. I a j PHONE 457 | JOHNSON COAL & ICE CO. | Coal—Wood—Ice—Brick 1 WE SERVE PROMPTLY S ! MB—BM—HU—uu-— mi—UU—Mil—lilt—UU—MH .till—— HU—UU—— Ull—mt—— Ull—IIU*— mi—MM—HU——UU—'MU ~uu til ••j* 11 Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program B b I s B ! 3 I B l S I B X I B I B B I B i B B I B B ! I ■ a I B i E I S I B X I I B I ! I s I i i I 3 I l X I B S I B I S l I I B I ! s B I B B I 3 I B Title Guaranty Insurance Company ' of Raleigh, N. C. Titles to Property Abstracted and Insured Always Demand a Guaranteed Title Policy CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $150,000 Matt H. Allen President Geo. U. Baucom, Jr. Vice-President Mitchell Funeral Home Funeral Directors and Embalmers AMBULANCE SERVICE 222 West Hargett Street Phone 2206 J. H. MITCHELL A. H. MOONEYHAM THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management •uii_iin—nn_mi—nu—mi—mi— hii-^_iih—. mi——mi—ini——mi—— hh— mi—mi——mi—mi—— mi—- mi——iin^—mi——mi—mi Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program = ! a J B —n«l« 12 ■ s I = s I s s I s a I s a I s s ! i s a ! s I = i = = i „- 1IU --------- - ----- - - - --- - - - - - - - - 1I1( - - --- I NELLIE WILLIAMSON PRICE PRESIDENT MARY LINDSAY WEARN SEC.-TREAS. THE CARDINAL, Inc. TEA ROOM Open 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. HOTEL RALEIGH CAFETERIA SAME MANAGEMENT BIRTHPLACE OF ANDREW JOHNSON (History on page 21) for Economical Transportation ! i THE WORLD’S LOWEST PRICED QUALITY I AUTOMOBILE j s ! r ^ 13 Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program II—llll—1111—Mil—Hll—Mil—-IIH—IIM—llll—IHI—llll—Mil—IIU—HII—Hll—IIB—IIU—IIU—MM—Mi*J# PLACES OF INTEREST TO SEE IN RALEIGH I THE GOVERNOR’S MANSION—The Governor’s Mansion is on the a second block of North Blount Street. The grounds cover four acres. a I THE OLIVIA RANEY LIBRARY—The Olivia Raney Library was I given to the city by Mr. Beverly Raney in memory of his wife. It contains approximately 18,000 volumes. Mrs. Nora Atkinson is Librarian. The first floor is devoted to the Children’s Department, with a librarian trained in children’s work in charge. The build- = ing is across from the west entrance to the capitol grounds. | STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND ENGINEERING.—The college grounds are located at the western end of Hillsboro Street. s j ST. MARY’S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS—An Episcopal school for girls. The grounds cover 25 acres. It is about one-half mile out Hillsboro Street. It holds the distinction of being the largest Episcopal j school for girls in the United States and was founded in 1842. | PEACE INSTITUTE.—A Presbyterian school for girls. Situated at the extreme northern end of Wilmington Street. Founded in 1857. j MEREDITH COLLEGE.—A Baptist college for women. Situated on = • the corner of Blount and Edenton streets. The grounds cover an j entire city block. Founded in 1891. I ANDREW JOHNSON’S BIRTHPLACE.—The house in which Andrew Johnson was born stands in Pullen Park. I s I s • 1*1 CITY AUDITORIUM.—One of the largest auditoriums in the South. Seating capacity of 5,000. The building contains the offices of the j city government. It was dedicated in 1912. j a m CHRIST CHURCH.—One of the oldest and finest pieces of church archi¬ tecture in the South. It was planned by Hobart Upjohn. The bel¬ fry and cloister are especially beautiful and unique. THE SIR WALTER HOTEL.—Raleigh’s new hotel, opened January 1, I 1924. One of the finest and most beautiful hotels in the South. 1 Total cost $1,000,000. ; THE STATE THEATER.—One of the finest and most up-to-date thea- I ters in the South. Built in 1923. s a I a a —-nil—— nil——mi—INI——mi—— mi—lilt—mi—nil—mi—mi—mi—nil—mi—uii-^— uu—mi—mi—mi—mi—me—mi—mi—im_ n^t Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program 14 ♦II—HIM—nn—tin—im—nn—nil— nil— 1111-mi-mi—mi_ n K __ H n. I UZZLE’S CIGAR STORE u Hurry Back” LESTER & GRAHAM CO. VISITING CARDS WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS OFFICE OUTFITTERS 119 W. Martin Street Phone 2249 ♦I* ii— 15 OAK CITY LAUNDRY OLDEST AND BEST We Wash Anything Washable Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program JOLLY & WYNNE JEWELRY CO. DIAMONDS AND SILVERWARE 128 Fayetteville Street —Nfi I. S. KAHN TAILORING CO. WE MAKE THEM IN RALEIGH FUR ALTERATIONS OUR SPECIALTY PHONE 2862 North Carolina’s Acknowledged Shop of the Exclusive and Authentic Costumes, Furs, Dresses, Suits, Coats Millinery, Novelties TWO FLOORS 123 FAYETTEVILLE STREET The Show Place of the Carolinas Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program. 16 Mw in 1 x | a | I N i I I a I «m— no— mm——» m—- mo— nn—-mi— . C. HINES, Lessee THEATER | : R. H. DeBRULER, Manager Contractor—J. E. Beaman, Raleigh, N. C., and Atlanta, Ga. Seating—Southern School Supply Company, Raleigh, N. C. Scenery—Atlanta Scenery Company, Atlanta, Ga. Electricity—Thompson Electrical Company, Raleigh, N. C. Motion Picture Theater Equipment—Southern Equipment Company, Atlanta, Ga. f j I I a I I a I I I I a I a a I a i I a a 1 a I a a 1 a | I I I ! I i I I I ! I it' Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 7, 8, 9 Evenings 8 :20 ; Matinee, Tuesday, 2 :30 P.M. The Messrs. Lee and J. J. Schubert offer the New Winter Garden’s Tenth Annual Revue “THE PASSING SHOW” Presenting WILLIE AND EUGENE HOWARD Staged by J. C. Huffman. Book and Lyrics by Harold Atteridge. Music by Alfred Goodman. Additional Lyrics by Jack Stanley. Musical Numbers Staged by Allan K. Foster and Jack Mason. Art Director, Watson Barratt. Orchestra Directed by Fred Walz. The entire Production Staged Under the Personal Supervision of Mr. J. J. Schubert. ACT I Scene 1—“Futuristic” “A Study in Black and White”.Peggy Brown Scene 2—Speaking of Kisses The First Man..George Gilday The Second Man...John Quinlan The Girl.Helen Rhenstrom Scene 3—A Lesson in Etiquette I 3 a I I 1 2 3 ! 3 s I T Scene—A Restaurant Jean..... Sammy. A Lady. The Bride. Waiter. The Husband The Prince. ...Eugene Howard ....Willie Howard ’ ...Emily Miles .....Helen Rhenstrom *.....Wilbur De Rouge ..1..- -..John Quinlan Scene 4—The Prince of Wales ..Peggy Brown INFORMATION.—Box Office open from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the advance sale of seats This theater, with every seat occupied, can be emptied in less than three minutes. Choose the nearest exit and, in case of need, walk quietly (do not run) to that exit, to avoid panic. mi—. »tn—ini—mi—mi—mi *J*U—-UU—HU— UM—-I UU — liu- — ■ MU— — HU ■ Ull- «— « M— H ■ aw — Hu - - nn——nn——>««■■' ..uh—- im—nn—utt—ttw—mi—— hh « -iih - - ■ mi—mi- —hh — tm — mt— ihi- — h | I ALL ARTICLES found in theater should be returned to Box Office or Doorkeeper, i J I PHYSICIANS are requested to leave their card and seat coupon with Chief Usher, f j COMING ATTRACTIONS EMMA BUNTING IN j “BEHAVE YOURSELF, BETTY” s Friday and Saturday, January 11 and 12 (Saturday Matinee) Prices: Matinee, 50c to $1.50; Night, 77c to $2.00 ! NEXT ATTRACTION—Neil O’Brien’s Minstrels IF YOU want apparel that will please I 1 A . . j 1 you and bring admiration from criti- 1 j cal onlookers, you’ll have no trouble j | satisfying your wants here. I ! BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. ! 3 3 j RALEIGH’S SHOPPING CENTER j ! 1 I I I I I -—- I J This theater was designed by = G. LLOYD PREACHER & CO., Inc. [ | ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS I = Nicholas Mitchell, Vice-President, Manager Raleigh Office. 1 Offices at Raleigh, N. C., Atlanta, Ga., Augusta, Ga., and St. Petersburg, Fla. 108 Fayetteville Street RALEIGH’S STYLE CENTER Quality, Style, Satisfaction, Service ] THREE LEADERS j | LINCOLN : FORD : FORDSON I t THE UNIVERSAL CAR 1 i 1 More than eight and one-half million have j 1 ■ been sold I I RAWLS MOTOR COMPANY j i i I SALES AND SERVICE i Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program Whiting-Horton Company 35 Years Raleigh’s Leading Clothiers Featuring KINCAID-KIMBALL CLOTHES ODDFELLOW’S TEMPLE Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program ,l,,— •nil—HU—IIU—— IIH—Hll—— It MITCHELL PRINTING COMPANY SERVICE PRINTERS PHONE 18 Call for our City Salesman—SCRUGGS SCOTT, CHARNLEY & CO. AN ORGANIZATION OF Certified Public Accountants RALEIGH OFFICES 708-9 Commercial National Bank Building A. T. Allen, Resident Manager Charlotte, N. C. Asheville, N. C. Columbia, S. C. Greensboro, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. Knoxville, Tenn. OLDHAM & WORTH, Inc. Building Material For Your Home BOX 1130 PHONE 154 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. The Store That Appreciates Your Patronage j a Agents for Huyler’s Fine Candies j = 3 __„______ U,l - Ull --•»»--■»-«■-----------« - «" • ,l1 » 4 * jg Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program | STAUDT’S BAKERY j s = Cor. Harrison Avenue and Hillsboro Street s s | 3 I My Mother’s Bread, Pies and Cakes | S B | THE BEST IN RALEIGH I j Telephone 563 : Telephone 563 j “ s I_I mi—mi—una— ini-Mil-mi—mi—mi—mi—irn—mi-mi— tin—mi—mi—nn—mi—uu— iih— in—»n—««—•««—»«>— a i “Vogue Suits Me” j I ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW COME TO I THE VOGUE ! FIRST j s i Goodwin-Smith Furniture Company “The House That Makes Homes Happy’ I 3 J j 124 East Martin Street ! I I Raleigh, N. C. | I I I 3 I 3 I = I I j 3 1 3 I 3 3 I I I 3 I 3 I 3 l i 3 3 I* 3 3 I ntfl “Vogue Suits Me” 213 Fayetteville Street THIS '£> V’ TRADE MARK V* WALKER E/ectragist elecTRIC IS YOUR A IIO WEST MARTIN STREET RALEIGH, N.C. PHONE 1155, Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program 20 f = I = I I I = I I ! I I I l s I "—mi—mi——1111^—1111—.mi-1,|,_ .1111-mi—uu-mi—mi—mi—mi—nn— -IHI —1|||—1|||_ HI,—HU—Mil._ | ( ||_.JIM—— Pianos, Player Pianos and Victrolas Latest Records DARNELL & THOMAS Our Reputation is Your Insurance PHONE 341 118 Fayetteville Street : Raleigh, N. C. BIRTHPLACE OP ANDREW JOHNSON The house in which Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, was born now stands in Pullen Park, to which it was removed in 1906 from its location on West Lenoir Street by the Daughters of the American Revolution, aided by Mr. Thayer, of New York. The house is small, with a lower and an upper room, with tiny windows. The father of Andrew Johnson was Jacob Johnson, who is buried in the old or City Cemetery near its western side. His mother’s maiden name was Polly McDonough, and she was married September 9, 1801. His father was the hostler and his mother the weaver at the inn, or hotel, of Peter Casso, which stands on Fayetteville Street next to the Capitol Square. Andrew was born in December, 1808 ; was apprenticed to a tailor in April, 1822, to learn the trade, and ran away in June, 1824. His father had died and his mother remarried. Andrew made his home at Greenville, Tenn., and in April, 1865, became President on the death of Abraham Lincoln. He visited Raleigh in 1867 to attend the dedication of the monument at the grave of his father. VISIT OUR STORE AFTER THE PERFORMANCE I Soda, Candy, Cigars | Luncheonette ! 1 i i I 1 i j COKE’S CIGAR STORE j 1 PHONE 1187 FAYETTEVILLE STREET j S 2 1 i •§•„-mi_HH_mi-mi-mi-»»-mi-nil-nil---nil-mi---nn-in.-n„-nil-mi---mi-«»-«» «• «« »•** 21 Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program u^—nii^—nu—nn—nil—uu—ml—iin-^—nu^—nil——iin^—un—ml—nn—uu—uu—mi—nn—nn—nn—ml—mi—tin—nil—-uu—n#J# S I Roy all & Borden Furniture Co. RALEIGH, N. C. CITY AUDITORIUM AND MUNICIPAL BUILDING KLINE & LAZARUS DEPARTMENT STORE Where Thousands Save Money East Hargett Street and South Wilmington Street I RALEIGH, N. C. a ' m | —«»—»»—uu—#n—nn— un— nu^— uu—uu— mi—»nu—nn—nil— nil—un—nu—nil— nn—nu— mi— uu^—• uu— uu—u Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program 22 4.„— BI1 ——„ B —„„—„„——„„— IIU —„„—„„—„„— tN — H1| — 1|H — 1HI — 1(B — i(n — (in — im — M|| —— _ _ _ _ I THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management After the play, visit WRIGHT’S CAFE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT On the corner, just a few steps away Our Club Sandwiches are deli¬ cious , Oysters and Steaks nutritious , and our Coffee is the best they say EAT AT WRIGHT’S GALLOWAY’S DRUG STORE Dependable Service PHONE 109 23 233 Fayetteville Street s m ' 4 * n|i [n| _ 1M1 u -| __mi mi nit—ml—cm—u—u«- Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program * 1 * IDEAL CLEANING COMPANY I DYERS : CLEANERS 262—PHONES—296 THE W. A. MYATT CO., Inc. Cor. Blount and Martin Sts., Raleigh, N. C. Heavy Groceries and Farm Supplies, Implements, Seed and Fertilizers, Shingles, Metal Roofings, Lime, Cement, Hair Fiber, Plaster, Sewer Pipe (all sizes), Wall Coping, Drain Tile and Flue Linings THE DRUG STORES OF SERVICE— WAKE DRUG STORE AND TUCKER BUILDING PHARMACY We wash for Raleigh SANITARY LAUNDRY Phone 391 = i + i i i I i—mi ■ ■■■■nn— hh— mt«— tin—nn—mi—— mi—— mi—mi—itn^—mi — utt—mi— iih——iih— nn—mi—— nii^— nu ■■ ■ ■■mi—mi—mi—— tni^— Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program 24 i j THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management Soda Cigars j BUD’S WE HAVE IT LIGHT LUNCHES 25 BASEBALL AND SPORTING EVENTS BY j SPECIAL WIRE at Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program t Don’t hesitate to read THE Raleigh Times Your favorite evening paper Phone 605 i 14 E. Morgan Street s a I U. S. POSTOFFICE, FEDERAL COURTHOUSE AND REVENUE BUILDING Built in 1878 ; enlarged in 1915 THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management 1 ♦Jt m——mh—hii^— iw——mi—mi——» iiii—»iiii—» n it——nn—mi—mi—im—mi——mi—mi—tin—-mi—mi—-mi—i Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program —„„—„„—„„— tll1 — lllt — „„ — „„ — 11H — HI1 — Iin — i(ii — iii( — mi — i(H — (i — _ ___ _ _^ 8 8 I Adding, Bookkeeping, Calculating. Billing Cggy Machines BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE COMPANY 121 W. MARTIN STREET E. McCarthy, Manager Telephone ■ 4 * 167 THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management See the Management THIS SPACE TO LET THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management *j*n—n 27 .,iii_ mi-mi-mi- nil --- nil -nn-nn------nn -nn .. .. 11 .* Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program —nn—nn—n«|« mi— hh^—**— nil——mi—- hm——iih—m«— mi—mi—mi—mi— iih— nn—iin—mi— mii— -mi—»mi—mi— hh—mii— ii I J. J. FALLON COMPANY FLORISTS (Yarborough Building, opposite Postoffice) We are the largest growers of Cut Flowers in North Carolina FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Phones 47 and 2157 : Raleigh, N. C. STATE AGRICULTURAL BUILDING (History on page 29) THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program 28 THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management f —---—----------„ I I M I i f I I I I ■ I l S I l I - - -—-- I STATE AGRICULTURAL BUILDING The State Agricultural Department was formed, by law, in 1877, upon the beginning I of the administration of Governor Z. B. Vance, with Col. Leonidas L. Polk as Com- = missioner of Agriculture. He established his office and the “State Museum” of Agri¬ culture on the second floor of the Briggs building on Fayetteville Street. In 1885 s I Governor Jarvis purchased for the use of the Department of Agriculture the building = on the north side of the Capitol, built in 1812 as the Eagle Hotel, and this building was enlarged, notably in 1901, when what was known as the Museum Annex was | built on the north side. In 1922 the Agricultural Building was torn down, and in = 1923 the present one of limestone was finished, five stories high, this having also room for the State Tax Commission and the various committees of the Legislature. I—'H«j* l = l s s I ' ss ■ I = I = ■ I = = I = ~ I = I I s = I = I = I * THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management ____„«___....-hu -------------------""---""- - - - ---""- - -""- ,m " 29 Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program I n*|* m«.i nn——ini'■ — ■ -im——tin— — mi— — iin— — mi— — mi—tin* ■ ■ »i»i ■ ■ < mt 1 tin—mi im— mi- mi— -mi——mi» ■ uw—ww — wm — ■■mw——b CAPITOL CAFE The Home of Good Food QUICK AND SANITARY SERVICE Phone 1757 Cor. Wilmington and Martin Streets, Raleigh, N. C. STATE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Containing the State Library, Supreme Court and Historical Department. Built in 1913 THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management z i s ! ft 1 r - — -----**------ “* -““-- *“ - ~ ~ ~ ~- — — —— ~tt— m — m t iw wl Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program 30 " H •• “ » H •— IIII IIII«— II il ——- H || • “I'll——1111—IIII—Mil—ItU—.||||. — Il||—1|||—UII—(ill—II THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management .mi—mi—mi —ii ii^— im—tw- *^ 3 1 Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program mi—— mi—- mi—uii— uii—bu- a I a a ! a I a •|*u B S I ■ B I B I l l l I ! I -Mil—nil—llll—Mil—llll—-Mil— -mi—— lilt——.mi—iu(——nil—-mi—ini—mi—nil—mi——mi—mi—mi—un—mi——im^— iim- THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management THIS SPACE TO LET See the Management • Mil—-II 11-^— llll — llll—HH—llll — llll—llll——||H —Mil—llll —IIII — llll — llll——llll——IIM — Mil——llll— >1111— ' -IIM- Patronize Our Advertisers—Mention Our Program -llll—llll—llll- B 1 s I 3 B MM 32 DORTCH & HINES Golden Rule -Auctioneers BUILDERS OF BETTER HOMES BUILDING LOTS IN Mordecai Place, Cameron Hayes-Barton PHONE 2011 STATE THEATER BLDG SEE MILLS FOR MILES Hood and Seiberling Tires will eliminate danger and tire worry on the road. Equip your car with real tires for service and satisfaction GOODRICH TRACTOR SOLID TIRES VESTA STORAGE BATTERIES PHONE 2179 MILLS TIRE COMPANY Cor. Wilmington and Davie Streets Raleigh, N. C THAT AIR SERVICE GASOLINE FILLING STATION VULCANIZING PUNCTURE WORK A SPECIALTY MITCHELL PRINTING CO.. RALEIGH This book must not be token from the Library building. 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