fe Sketl.1^ -Vhc Dupl.V "-Ra- te*^ LIBRARY University of North Carolina Endowed by the Dialectic and.Philan- t.hropic Societies. C^ r 70>141^ W- 5 KETCH OF THE DUPLIN RIELES. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/sketchofduplinriOOconf SKETCH OF THE DUPLIN RIFLES. Prepared in 1895 by Participants in its Movements. COMPANY C, 2d REGIMENT N. C. VOLUNTEERS. The "Duplin Rifles" (organized at Kenansville in 1859) entered the army in April, 1861, as volunteers, under Thomas S. Kenan, Captain; Thomas S. Wat- son, First Lieutenant; William A. Allen and John W. Hinson, Second Lieutenants; and was imrnediately ordered into the Camp of Instruction at Raleigh. It was mustered in for six months, and assigned to the 1st Regiment of Volunteers under Col. D. H. Hill, but as this regiment had more companies than the number allowed by army regulations, the "Duplin Rifles" and "Lumberton Guards" were taken out, and they, with eight other companies, formed the 2d Volunteers by electing Sol. Williams, Colonel; Edward Cant well, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Augustus W. Burton, Major; the " Duplin Rifles " being Company C. The regiment was ordered to Virginia in May, 1861, and served in and around Norfolk, without incident, except at Sewell's Point, where a detachment consist- ing of this and three other companies were subjected to repeated shellings from the long-ranged guns of the enemy. At the expiration of the term of service of the " Duplin Rifles" and "Lumberton Guards" they were mustered out, and the regiment supplied with other companies in their stead. Upon the return of the company to Duplin County, it was reorganized under a notice dated December 23, i86i, and under the officers whose names appear in the following roll of Company A, 43d N. C. Regiment, and its services tendered in March, 1862, to the author- ities for the war. Many of its officers and men formed other companies in Duplin, and likewise entered the Confederate army for the war. ROLL OF COMPANY A, 43d N. C. INFANTRY. Compiled from Muster-Roll and Memoranda by Sergeant B. F. Hall. (This company was originally the " Duplin Rifles," Company C, 2d N. C. Volunteers, and, after the expi- ration of the term of service of the latter, was reorgan- ized and ordered to Raleigh and put in the 43d Regi- ment, which was at that time being formed.) Kenan, Thomas S., Captain, elected Lieutenant-Colo- nel March 25, 1862 ; promoted Colonel April 24, 1862 ; wounded at Gettysburg July 3, 1863 ; cap- tured July 4 in ambulance train with other wounded men, and imprisoned on Johnson Island, Ohio ; re- leased on parole March 22, 1865, but never ex- changed. Kenan, James G., First Lieutenant, promoted Cap- tain March 25, 1862 ; wounded at Gettysburgjuly 1, 1863 ; captured in ambulance train July 4, 1863 ; imprisoned on Johnson Island, Ohio ; released on parole March 22, 1865, but never exchanged. Carr, Robert B., Second Lieutenant, promoted First Lieutenant March 25, 1862 ; wounded at Gettys- burg and captured in ambulance train July 4, 1863 ; died in hospital at Charleston, S. C, about the close of the war. Hinson, John W., Second Lieutenant, appointed Regi- mental Quartermaster April 22, 1862; elected Sheriff of Duplin, 1862, and resigned commission in the army. Bostic, Thomas J., First Sergeant, promoted Second Lieutenant April 22, 1862 ; slightly wounded at Washington, N. C, April 27, at Bethesda Church May 30, and again at Winchester September 19, 1864 ; surrendered at Appomattox. Farrior, Stephen D., Second Sergeant, promoted to Second Lieutenant May 14, 1862 ; wounded at Cedar Creek October 19, 1864. Miller, Stephen H., Third Sergeant, killed at Han- over Junction May 24, 1864. Hall, Benjamin F., Fourth Sergeant, promoted First Sergeant; served in the field with the company dur- ing the whole war ; engaged in all its battles except the Valley Campaign of 1864, during which he was disabled by sickness ; was never wounded ; surren- dered with the Army of Northern Virginia at Ap- pomattox. Brown, Hezekiah, Fifth Sergeant, promoted Sergeant- Major August 1, 1862 ; promoted Lieutenant Com- pany C, March, 1863 ; surrendered at Appomattox. Carr, Joseph J., First Corporal, promoted Sergeant April 22, 1862 ; killed at Winchester, Va., Septem- ber 19, 1864. Brown, Isaac, Second Corporal, lost right arm at Snicker's Gap July 18, 1864, and subsequently dis- charged. Brown, John W., Third Corporal, captured at Gettys- burg, July, 1863 ; released after the war. Carr, James O., Fourth Corporal, captured at Fish- er's Hill September 22, 1864 ; released after the war. Bass, William H, promoted Corporal April 22, 1862, to fill vacancy caused by promotion of Corporal J. J. Carr; captured at fall of Richmond, Va. ; released after the war. PRIVATES. Barden, Robert W., died at Petersburg, Va., August 1 1, 1862. Bass, Lewis U., died in prison at Point Lookout, Md., March 7, '64. Bennett, Isaac, killed at Gettysburg July 3, '63. Blalock, William B., wounded in hand at Harper's Ferry July 5, '64 ; surrendered at Appomattox. Bostic, Isaac, wounded and captured at Winchester, Va. ; subsequently released ; at home at close of the war on furlough. Bostic, John M., discharged October 1, '62. Bradshaw, David W., disabled by wound in arm at Hanover Junction, Va., May 24, '64, and dischargd from service. Brinson, Edward F., Sr., discharged July 15, '62. Brinson, Edward F., Jr., captured at Hare's Hill, Va., March 25, '65 ; released after the war. Brinson, Jonas, killed at Charlestown August 21, '64. Brinson, William, wounded and captured at Gettys- burg, July, '63 ; exchanged and returned to the army in April, '64 ; surrendered at Appomattox. Brown, James, wounded at Cold Harbor June 2, '64; captured at Hare's Hill March 25, '65 ; released after the war. Brown, James D., wounded at Bachelor's Creek Feb- ruary i, '64, at Drewry's Bluff May 16, '64, and Winchester September 19, '64 ; surrendered at Ap- pomattox. Brown, Lafayette W., surrendered at Appomattox. Brown, Lewis U., discharged March 14, '63. Bryan, Benjamin B., wounded at Drewry's Bluff May 16, '64; captured at Fisher's Hill, Va., September 22, '64; released after the war. Bryan, William D., captured April 6, '65, on retreat from Petersburg ; released after the war. Bryan, Wright W., captured April 2, '65, at Peters- burg ; released after the war. Caffrey, Thomas, wounded at Plymouth April 19, '64, Winchester September 19, '64 ; captured at Hare's Hill March 25, '65; released after the war. Carr, Marshall D., killed at Fisher's Hill, Va., Sep- tember 22, 64. Carr, Joseph H., captured at Hare's Hill March 25, '65 ; released after the war. Carr, Joseph W., wounded at Snicker's Gap Jul)' 18, '64 ; disabled for field duty ; detailed on special duty ; captured at fall of Richmond, Va. ; released after the war. Carr, William D., killed at Petersburg April 2, '65. Carlton, John W., killed at Bethesda Church, Va., May 30, '64. Carroll, James G., died at Gordonsville, Va., November 9, '63- Carter, James A., captured at Hare's Hill March 25, '65 ; released after the war. Casey, Lemuel, died at Goldsboro, N. C, March, '63. 6 Cavanaugh, John E., wounded at Hanover Junction May 24, and Snicker's Gap July 18, '64; captured April 6 on retreat from Petersburg; released after the war. Chambers, Alex., surrendered at Appomattox. Chambers, Richard A., killed (or captured) at Win- chester, Va., September 19, '64. Cooper, George, wounded at Hanover Junction May 24 and died May 27, '64. Dail, Stephen B., wounded at Drewry's Bluff May 16, '64 ; captured at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, '64 ; released after the war. Davis, Thomas E-, surrendered at Appomattox. Edwards, Burwell, died at Goldsboro, N. C, January 29> ' 6 3- Edwards, Edward, died at Goldsboro December 24, '62. Edwards, John H., died at Orange Court House, Va., January 1, '64. Edwards, John J., died at Wilmington, N. C., July 18, '62. Edwards, Lemon R., killed at Snicker's Gap, Va., July 1 8, '64. Evans, Samuel B., captured April 6, '65, on retreat from Petersburg; released after the war. Farrior, John W., wounded and captured at Gettys- burg; released June 26, '65. Forlaw, Robert H., detailed as Quartermaster Ser- geant; discharged June, '63. Fountain, Jere W., discharged January 12, '63. Futrall, Allen, captured April 2, '65, at Petersburg; released after the war. Futrall, David, captured April 2, '65, at Petersburg; released after the war. Futrall, Nathan, wounded at Hanover Junction May 24, '64, and died in June, '64. Futrall, William, killed at Hanover Junction May 24, '64. Grady, Leonidas C, discharged September 1, '62. Grady, Stephen H., wounded at Charlestown, Va., August 21, '64, and absent at close of the war. Grady, L- D. H., killed at Snicker's Gap July 18, '64. Grady, Atlas J., died of disease in '64. Grady, "Lewis J., surrendered at Appomattox. Grady, R. M. S., wounded near Washington City July 12, '64; surrendered at Appomattox. Grady, Thomas N., wounded at Hare's Hill March 25, '65; captured at fall of Richmond; released after the war. Grady, William, detailed as shoemaker in Quarter- master's Department in Richmond in '62. Grisham, Lewis R., detailed on special duty, March, '65. Guy, Alex., wounded at Cold Harbor June 3, '64; sur- rendered at Appomattox. Hodges, Buck L-, sick at home at close of the war. Home, William H., died at Petersburg Sept. 7, '62. Home, Jesse, surrendered at Appomattox. Halso, James G, wounded at Winchester September 19, '64 ; surrendered at Appomattox. Jarman, Samuel D., died in Richmond Nov. 21, '63. Jones, Amos, captured April 6, '65, on retreat from Petersburg ; released after the war. Jones, George W., wounded at Gaines' Mill June 2, '64, and died a few days later. Jones, Stephen, died at Orange Court House Decem- ber 21, '63. Jones, Stephen L-, discharged May, '62. Kenan, William R., left college at Chapel Hill and enlisted on December 13, '63, and, having been made Sergeant-Major of the regiment, was not en- tered on the company roll ; promoted to Junior Second Lieutenant June 10, '64, and placed in com- mand of corps of sharpshooters from the left wing of the regiment ; wounded at Charlestown, Va., August 22, '64, and from about November 1, '64, acted as Adjutant of the regiment; surrendered with the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox. Kornegay, A. S., wounded at Cold Harbor June 3, '64, and died during the year. Kornegay, Benj. T., sick at, home at close of the war. Kornegay, Dudley, captured April 6, '65, on retreat from Petersburg, and died in prison at Point Look- out, Md. Kornegay, Hargett, wounded and captured at Gettys- burg ; subsequently exchanged and returned to the army ; wounded at Bethesda Church May 30, '64 ; surrendered at Appomattox. Lanier, Green L-, killed at Bunker Hill, Va., Septem- ber 3, '64. Lanier, Jacob S , wounded at Bunker Hill September 3, '64 ; captured at Winchester, Va., September 19, '64 ; released after the war. Loftin, Jason W., killed at Snicker's Gap, Va., July 18, '64. Matthis, Kedar L-, killed near Washington City July 12, '64. Maxwell, James D., died at Staunton, Va., July 18, '63, from wounds received at Gettysburg July 3, '63. McGowen, Henry J., died at Petersburg Aug. 10, '62. Mitchell, John, transferred to 57th N. C Regiment March 24, '64. Mobley, George S., disabled by wounds received at Charlestown, Va., August 21, '64, and discharged. Murray, Robert F., discharged December 18, '63. Outlaw, James B., captured at Winchester, Va., Sep- tember 19, '64 ; released after the war. Outlaw, John E., wounded at Snicker's Gap July 18, '64; wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, '64, and captured ; left leg amputated ; released after the war. Outlaw, John H., killed at Snicker's Gap July 18, '64. Outlaw, John J., killed at Gettysburg July 1, '63. Padgett, George W., -wounded at Bethesda Church, Va., May 30, '64 ; died from effects of the wound after the war. Padgett, James L., killed at Gettysburg July 1, '63. Padgett, William A., captured ; died in prison. Pate, William R., captured at Winchester, Va., Sep- tember 19, '64 ; released after the war. Pearce, George W., discharged, May 18, '62. Pearsall, Jere J., captured at Fisher's Hill September 22, '64; subsequently exchanged and returned to the army ; surrendered at Appomattox. Powell, David R., detailed on special duty in North Carolina. Quinn, Lewis J., wounded at Plymouth April 18, '64 ; killed at Charlestown, Va., August 21, '64. Rich, Lewis J., wounded at Hanover Junction May 24, '64 ; surrendered at Appomattox. Rogers, Calvin I., wounded at Cold Harbor June 3, '64 ; surrendered at Appomattox. 10 Rogers, John B., died Jan. 29, '63, at Goldsboro, N. C. Rogers, William P. D., captured ; died in prison. Sharpless, William J., killed at Gettysburg July 1, '63. Simmons, Amos W., captured at Hare's Hill March 2 5j '65 ; released after the war. Simmons, Frank A., promoted Sergeant May 14, '62 ; wounded at Bethesda Church May 30, '64 ; surren- dered at Appomattox. Smith, Chauncey G., captured at Gettysburg July 3, '63 ; released after the war. Smith, John E., surrendered at Appomattox. Southerland, Ransom, at home on sick furlough at close of the war. Southerland, Robert J., promoted to Sergeant August 1, '62 ; captured at Gettysburg July 4, '63 ; released after the war. Stokes, William J., discharged September 9, '63. Streets, Boney W., discharged May 12, '63. Strickland, Jere, wounded at Harper's Ferry July 5> '64 ; surrendered at Appomattox. Strickland, John W., detailed on special duty in North Carolina. Turner, Andrew J., died August 11, '62, at Petersburg. Turner, James B., wounded and captured at Fisher's Hill September 22, '64 ; subsequently exchanged and returned to the army ; at home on furlough at close of the war. Turner, John M., was with the company when the army withdrew from Malvern Hill, Va., in July, '62; has never been heard of since; supposed to have died from exhaustion during a night's march. 11 Wallace, Bland, disabled by wounds received at Get- tysburg July i, '63, and discharged. Wallace, John R., transferred to 38th N. C. Regiment, and promoted to Sergeant-Major in November, '64. Westbrook, Jesse E., captured near Washington City July 12, '64 ; released after the war. Whaley, Maxwell, captured at Gettysburg; released June 24, '65. Whaley, William, captured at Gettysburg July 3, '63 ; died in prison. Williams, Brozard, died of wounds received at Hare's Hill March 25, '65. Williford, John W., disabled by wounds received at Hanover Junction May 24, '64, and discharged. The following is a list of the members of the com- pany who surrendered with the Army of Northern Vir- ginia on April 9, 1865, at Appomattox Court House, Va. : Thomas J. Bostic, William R. Kenan, Benjamin F. Hall, William B. Blalock, William N. Brinson, James D. Brown, LaFayette W. Brown, Alex. Cham- bers, Thomas E- Davis, Lewis J. Grady, R. M. S. Grady, Alex. Guy, James G. Halso, Jesse Home, Hargett Kornegay, Jere J. Pearsall, Lewis J. Rich, Calvin I. Rogers, John E. Smith, Jere Strickland, Frank A. Simmons. RECAPITULATION. Commissioned and non-commissioned officers 13 Privates enlisted at different times 117 Total on roll during the war 130 12 Of this number there were — killed and died of wounds, 25 ; died of disease, 22 ; disabled by wounds, 10; discharges for disability, 12 ; transferred to other companies or regiments, 5 ; on roll at close of the war, 56 ; number living at close of the war, 83. Of the fifty-six (56) on the roll at the close of the war, twenty-one (21) surrendered with the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox, and the remaining thirty-five (35) were either in prison or on parole, or on detail or furlough. There was not a deserter from the company during the entire war. UNIVERSITY OF N.C. 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