CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED BRETHREN'S GF SAl»Elt : TOINTEB BT BLtJJI & SON. 1837. PREAMBiiE Whereas we, as members of the Unilas Fralrum, regard it as OUT Christian duty, in conformity with the spirit and design of the Church of the United Brethren, to exert ourselves in promoting th© spread of the saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amongst our feilow-creatures, — especially in those districts of our country, which appear to be particu- larly destitute of Christian instruction, — and Whereas we feel ourselves abundantly encouraged by tiie successful endeavors of our Brethren in other parts of the world, to benefit our Christian fellow-sinners by sending unto them devoted and experienced persons, in order to instruct and exhort, advise and direct them ; — that,.under the blessing of God, by the instrumentality of such friendly messengers of salvation, the ignorant may he taught^ — the careless roused^— inquirers directed^ — the wavering established and strengthened^— believers encouraged and confirmed^ in the most simple, unob- trusive and evangelical manner, in imitation of Him, who went about doing good, and seeking that which is lost f therefore we, the subscribers, have resolved, in the name of God, for the attainment of the above specified objects to form a Society under the name of The United Br ethren\'i Home-Mission Society of J^^orih Carolina; and do herewith agree to the following articles of the Consti- tution of said Society, viz : ARTICLE 1. This Society, consisting of members of the United Breth- ren's Church, shall have its fixed seat at Salem, Stokes Coun- ty, North Carohna, where the Board of Directors shall meet, and the general meetings of the Society be held. ARTICLE II. Members of the United Brethren's Church alone have seat and vote in the Society as actual members; minors, if even members of our Church, have no vote. Individuals of other religious denommations, interested in the object of our association, can be received as honorary members of this Society. ARTICLE III. The Board of Directors of the Society consist 1, Of perma* ntnt Directors, or those brethren, who are entrusted with the swperintendence of our Congregations and missions in North 3 Carolina and adjacent parts, and 2, Of five brethren as assist- ml Directors^ who are annually chosen, in a general meetino^, by a plurality of the votes of the members present, from the luiniber ot the actual members. The current business of the Society is to hQ jointly transac- ted by the Board of Directors. The power to appoint and instruct the missionary or mis- sionaries of the Society remains, however, in the hands of the - permanent directors, according to the rules and regulations of the Brethren's Church. ARTICLE IV. Two semi-annual general meetings of toe Society shall be held in each year; the first on Whit-monday, the latter on the last Thursday in November. The President may, with the consent of a majority of ihfj Directors, call Extra meetings, if the concerns oi'ihe Society should require it. He can likewise, if necessary, appoint, with the consent of the Board, a day, different from the time spe- cified above for either of the stated meetings of the Society,— timely notice thereof being in such case given to ail the mem- bers. ARTICLE V, In the second semi-annual meeting the Society shall by n plurality of votes of the members present, choose a President from among the permanent Directors, In case of absence of the President, or his inability to at- tend, the Directors shall appoint a Presldentpro tempore. ARTICLE VI. Besides the above assistant Directors, a Secretary and a Treasurer shall in a Jike manner be chosen from among the actual members of the Society ; both of whom shall, by vir- tue of their offices, become Directors for the duration of their respective offices, ARTICLE ViL A collection in support of the funds of the Society shall be rnade at each semi-annual meeting, every member contribu- ting according to his ability or inclination, ARTICLE VIIL The Board of Directors shall, at every ^/r^/ed general meet- ing, submit a report of their transactions, of the labors of the 3 missionary or missionaries^ and in general, of every thing rela- ^ ting to the concerns of this Society, - The Treasurer shall, at the second semi-annual me6i\ng4 render a regular and correct account ot all the receipts and disbursements of the Society, as well as of the state of its funds generally. ARTICLE IX. All contributions, donations and bequests to the Society, shall, at all times, and forever, be and remain appropriated^ secured, placed at interest, or made use of and expended, 50/e- ly for promoting the object of this Society under the control of the B©ard of Directors; and we all, and every one of us, ex- pressly renounce lorever, all demands and claims for salarie^^ or rewards for any personal services, which we may, at any lime, or in any manner, perform in behalf of the Society ; pro- vided nevertheless, that all and every contingent expense, as ^hali be necessarily incurred by the Board ot Directors aad officers aforesaid, or any of them ; or any member, on behalf of the Society, shall, at all times, be defrayed or reimbursed from the funds of the Society. The expenses and necessities of the missionary are to be pro- vided for by the board of directors from the funds of the society, ARTICLE X. All persons desirous of becoming members of this Society, should notify the Board by one of its members thereof, previ- ous to a general meetiing ; whereupon the Directors shall name them to the Society ; and the individuals applying, become snembers by subscribing the constitution. No one is entitled to a vote before having subscribed the constitution. ARTICLE XI. Circtimstances requiring it, the Society may in future amend or alter Ihese articles, or adopt new articles and regulations ; provided however, that such amendments or new articles be not contrary to the design and spirit of this Constitution, or to iho rules and regulations ot the Brethren's Church. Such a- mendments and alterations shall, therefore, be adopted only after the most mature deliberation, and with the approbation of at least two thirds of the members present at a general meeting. And in order to promote the most mature delibera- tion of the amendments or alterations proposed to be introdu- ced, it shall be a f»ermanent rule, that no amendments or al- terations can be adopted in the same meeting in which they originated, but they shall not be decided before the next gen- eral meeting. Two thirds of the members present in the lat- ter, voting in favor of the proposed amendment or amendments, they shall be considered as having been adopted by the Society,