BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY BENJAMIN H. GREENE. 1 838. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 QUESTIONS ON SELECT PORTIONS OF THE FOUR EVANGELISTS, BY JOSEPH ALLEN, MINISTER OF NORTHBORO', MASS* TWELFTH EDITION. BOSTON: BENJAMIN H. GREENE. 1836. DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS, to wit : District Clerk's Office. Be it remembered, that on the first day of April, a.d. 1830, in the fifty-fourth year of the Independence of the United States of America, Gray and Bowes, of the said district, have deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof they vlaiin as Proprietors, in the words following, to icd : " Questions on Select Portions of the Four Evangelists. By Joseph Allen, Minister of Northborc', Mass." In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, 1 An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprie- tors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned :' and also to an act, entitled, ' An act supplementary to an act, entitled, An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned ; and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving and etcning historical and other prints.' JNO. W. DAVIS, Clerk of the District of Massachusetts, ADVERTISEMENT TO THE STEREOTYPE EDITION. In the edition now presented to the public, several tables, and a set of questions on the map of Pales- tine, have been inserted, which, it is hoped, will add to the value of the work and render it more worthy of the favor with which it has been received. Northboro*, June 21, 1830. PREFACE The plan of the following work is taken in part from a manual, entitled Union Questions, prepared by Harvey Fisk, and extensively used in the Sun- day Schools in the United States. The writer had been led, indeed, by his own experience, to the adoption of a plan in many respects similar to this, and had done something towards filling it up, before he had any knowledge of the Union Questions, or of either of the works from which that is a compila- tion. He cheerfully admits, however, that his work would have had much less merit had he depended solely on his own resources. But it is not from the Union Questions only that he has derived aid in the preparation of ,this work He has consulted various manuals, which have sup- plied him with many useful hints. Among them he would name Mrs. Hamilton's Questions, and a series of Questions on the Historical Books of the New Testament, reprinted from an English work in Boston, the last year. IV PREFACE. The work is not, however, a compilation, but, so far as is practicable in works of this nature, original. The writer was induced to undertake it from the conviction gained by his own experience, and strengthened by the representations of others, that it was needed. For the encouragement and aid which he has received from his brethren and friends in its preparation, he takes this opportunity to ex- press his sincere thanks. It is now offered to the public, in the hope that it will be a useful directory to Sunday School teachers, and contribute something to the religious improvement of the rising generation. - As the lessons are of unequal length, some of the longest are divided into parts, each of which may be found sufficient to employ a school for one week. Should the lessons still be found to be of too great length, they can be divided into smaller portions according to the direction of the superintendent. It is important that the whole school be employ- ed upon the same lesson at the same time, as in that case the teachers will be better able to afford each other aid, as well as to receive aid from the superintendent or pastor, in preparing themselves for the business of instruction. Nothing, it is believed, will conduce more to the success of a Sunday School, than frequent meetings of the teachers, either with or without the presence of the pastor. # His presence, however, is always PREFACE. V desirable, as from his familiarity with the Scriptures, and his information on other subjects, he will be able to afford them important aid in the interpreta- tion of the more difficult texts, and furnishing them with answers to the general questions which occur in the work. The practice, which many ministers have adopted, of giving weekly lectures on select portions of the New Testament, for the benefit of Sunday School teachers, and Bible classes, can hardly fail of prov- ing highly advantageous. i The lessons are arranged in chronological order, according to the scheme of Dr. Carpenter; and will be found to comprise a connected history of tne principal events recorded by the Four Evangelists, separated from the doctrinal and preceptive portions, which it is intended shall form a second volume, on the plan of the Union Questions. In using this book, the learner is requested to take notice that the questions in each lesson are formed with special reference to that one of the Evangelists which is named first at the head of the lesson — the verse to which each question belongs being designated in the margin. References to other parts of the Bible are annexed to such ques- tions as the texts referred to are designed to illus- trate. Those questions that are printed in a smaller type may be omitted by the younger classes. 1* Vi PREFACE. Answers to most of the questions may be found by consulting the Scripture references. To ques- tions relating to sacred geography, Jewish sects, customs, and opinions, answers may be collected fiy m some one or more of the following works: Carpenter's Geography of the New Testament. Worcester's Outlines of Scripture Geography, with an Atlas. Hannah Adams' Letters on the Gospels. Jahn's Biblical Archaeology. Kenrick's Exposition of the New Testament. Dabney's Annotations. Ingraham's Map of Palestine. It is believed also, that much aid may be derived from the Christian Teacher's Manual, a periodical published in Boston on the 1 5th of each month. As -singing is an exercise introduced into many Sunday Schools, it has been thought advisable to annex to the Questions a few Hymns suited to that purpose. The Chronological Table of Dr. Carpenter is also added for the convenience of Teachers. Northboro\ March 15th, 1830. / QUESTIONS, &c LESSON I. The Birth of John the Baptist. Luke I. 5-23 : 58-64. 5. Who were the parents of John the Baptist? Where did they live? verse 39. Who was king of Judea at this time? 6. What character is given of Zacharias and Elizabeth? What is to be righteous ? 8. What office did Zacharias perform? 9. What was the priest's office? For what purpose did the priests burn incense What is ince?ise? Where did Zacharias burn incense? By whom was the first temple built? Can you give a description of the temple, as it was m the time of our Saviour 1 In what part of the temple was the altar of incense? What is an altar? How was the altar of incense made 1 Exodus xxx. 1-6. 10. What were the'people doing without? Do all good persons pray to God ? Where was the le of the Lord ? 8 What is it to pray to God ? 11. What happened to Zacharias while he was burning incense ? What is an angel ? 13. For what purpose was the angel sent to him? What was to be the name of the son that was to be born to him? 15. What did the angel foretell respecting John? What is to be great in the sight of the Lord ? What is to be great in the sight of men ? Which is the better kind of greatness 1 16. What was John to do? What was meant by turning the Jews to the Lord their God 1 Why was this necessary? Is it necessary for all who have sinned against God to repent? What is it to sin. against God? What is it to repent? 17. To what prophet is John compared? In what respect was John like Elijah 1 19. What was the name of the angel that ap- peared to Zacharias? By whom was he sent? What were the glad tidings which he brought? 20. What did the angel do to Zacharias to con- vince him that what he said was true? How long was Zacharias to remain dumb? What is it to be dumb? 22. What happened when Zacharias came out of the temple ? How did he make the people understand that he had seen a vision? . What is a vision ? 23. How long did he remain at *he temple? To what place did he go after he had per- formed his part of the religious services of the temple ? 58. What did the neighbours and cousins of Eliz- abeth do when they heard that she had a son ? 59. What was done to this child on the eighth day? Why was this done! Genesis xvii. 10, 11, 12. What name was given to this child at first ? 60. What did his mother say he should be called? Why did she wish him to be called John! 63 What did his father say that his name should be? How did Zacharias make known his wishes ? How were they all affected when they found what Zacharias had written? What is it to marvel 7 64. What happened to Zacharias immediately? How did he employ his tongue as soon as he was able to speak? Zacharias praised God for showing him kind- ness; has not God been kind to you in giv- ing you the faculty of speech? How should you be affected by the kindness of God to you ? LESSON II. Birth of Jesus. Luke I. 26-33 : II. 1-40. PART I. 26. To whom was the angel Gabriel sent? Where did Mary live? Where is Nazareth ? To whom was she espoused? 10 What is the meaning of espoused? To what house or family did Joseph and Mary belong ? Who was David? How many years before Jesus Clirist was born did David live ? How could it be known that the parents of Jesus de- scended from David? 30. What did the angel say to Mary? Why should she not fear? 81. What name was she directed to give to the child which should be born to her ? What is the meaning of this name? 32. Whose son was he to be called? Who is the Highest? What was the Lord God to give him ? 33. How long was he to reign? Chat. II. 1—40. 1. What decree did Caesar Augustus make at this time? What is meant by a decree? . What is the meaning of taxed ? Who was Caesar Augustus? What is meant by all the world ? Had the Roman Emperors power to tax the whole world % 3. Where did all go to be taxed or registered ? 4. To what place did Joseph and Mary go to be registered ? Where is Bethlehem? How far and in what direction from Nazareth ? Why did they go to Bethlehem? Why was Bethlehem called the city of David? I Samuel xvii. 12. 11 6, 7. What took place while they were there? Why was the child laid in a manger? What is an inn? What can you tell of an Eastern Inn or Caravansera ? Who was this child? 8. What is said of the shepherds? What are shepherds? 9. What happened to these shepherds ? 10. What did the angel say to them? What is meant by tidings? 11. What were the good tidings brought to the shepherds ? What is a Saviour? What is the meaning of the name Christ? Why was this name given to Jesus ? 13. Who appeared with the angel after he had told the shepherds these things? Who are meant by the heavenly host? 14. What words did they repeat together? PART II. 15. Whither did the angels go? 16. What did the shepherds do? Where did they find them? 20. After their return home, what did they do? Why was the birth of Jesus an occasion of joy 1 Do any Christians celebrate this event now 1 What is the birth-day of Christ called ? When does it take place ? Is it certainly known that Jesus Christ was born on that day? How many years after the creation did the birth of Jesus take place ? 1 12 How many years since 1 22. To what city was Jesus carried by his parents to be presented to the Lord? How far is Jerusalem from Bethlehem ? 25. What is said of Simeon? What is it to be just and devout ? For what was he waiting t Who is meant by the Consolation of Israel ? What did the Holy Spirit reveal to him? 28. What did Simeon do with the child Jesus? 29 — 33. What address did he make to God ? What did he mean by saying that he should now de- part in peace? Why was he willing to die ? Who are meant by the Gentiles ? Who by the people Israel ? Who was Israel ? How was Jesus to lighten the Gentiles 1 Are all the Gentiles now enlightened ? Why should we desire that they may be enlightened 36. Of what tribe was Anna the prophetess! What is a prophetess ? Do the terms prophet and prophetess mean the same tiling in the New Testament as in the Old ? What is said of Anna's age? How many are fourscore and four? 37. How did she employ herself in her old age? 38. What did -she do when she came in where Jesus was? 39. To what place did the parents of Jesus re- turn? 40. What is said of the child ? What is the meaning of waxed strong in spirit ? What is it to be filled with wisdom ? What is the meaning of the grace of God ? 13 Will not God bestow his grace or favor 011 a 1 who try to please him ? How should you try to please him.'' LESSON III. The Magi visit Jesus. Matthew II. 1-23. . 1. Before Jesus was carried to Nazareth, who came to Jerusalem in search of him'* Who are meant by the ivise men? From what country did they probably come ? 2. For what purpose did they come? 8. How were Herod and the Jews affected when they heard what the wise men came for? Why were they troubled ? 4. What did Herod demand of the chief priests and scribes? Who were the chief priests? Who were the scribes? Why did Herod wish to know where Christ should be born ? 7. What inquiry did he make of the wise men?. Why did he wish to know this ? 8. To what place did he direct them to go? What did he tell them to do ? Did Herod really mean to go and worship Jesus ? What is a person called who pretends to be good when he really is not ? What was Herod's intention in trying to discovei where the child was ? 9.. How were the wise men directed to the place? 10. In what way did they know the young child? What did they intend by worshipping Jesus and giv- ing him gifts 1 14 What is the meaning of worship, as the term is of- ten used in the Bible 1 Was it customary in Eastern countries to honor kings in this way 1 Did the wise men return to Herod? Why not? 13. What directions did Joseph receive in a dream? 14. Whither did he carry the young child, with his mother? Where is Egypt? In what direction from Bethlehem ? 15. How long did they remain in Egypt? 16. What did Herod do when he found he had been deceived by the wise men? Why did he kill the children of this ag$f 18. What words of the prophet are applied to this event ? Where is Ramah? What Rachel is here meant? Genesis xxix. 10-12. Where was she buried ? Genesis xxxv. 19. What were the names of her two sons ? 19. What became of Herod? Can you give any account of his death? Can you mention any other of his cruelties? How was Joseph informed of his death? 20. What directions did the angel give him in a dream? 21. What did Joseph do? 22. Who reigned in Judea in the room of Herod? Why was Joseph afraid to leturn to Judea? 23. Whither did he go? Which way is Galilee from Judea! In what village of Galilee did he dwell? 15 LESSON IV. TAe Visit to Jerusalem, when Jesus was Twelve Years of Age. Luke II. 41-52. 41. To what city did the parents of Jesus go every year ? For what purpose did they go ? What was the design of the Passover ? At what season of the year was it kept ? How many days did it last ? Deuteronomy xvi. 8. Who were required to keep it ? Deuteronomy xvi. 16. What other great annual feasts were the Jews requir- ed to observe ? Deuteronomy xvi. 10-13, 42. How old was Jesus when he accompanied his parents to the feast 1 43. How soon did his parents return home! What is meant by fulfilling the days? Exodus xii, 15. Did Jesus accompany his parents on their re- turn ? 44. How long did they continue their journey be- fore they missed himl Where did they look for him? 45. When they could not find him, what did they do? 46. How long before they found him? Where was he? What was he doing 1 What temple is here meant ? Who were the doctors with whom Jesus was con- versing ? Why did he wish to converse with these learned Jews ? 16 Kow should the young endeavour to gain know ledge from their elders? How does it become them to treat those who may be supposed to be wiser than they? 47. How were all affected who heard the conver- sation between Jesus and the doctors? 48 "What did his mother say to him? 49. What reply did Jesus make? What is the meaning of wist ? Whom did he mean by his Father 7 What business was he engaged in at tins time ? 50. Did his parents understand what he meant? 51 . After their return to Nazareth, what was his behaviour to his parents? What is the meaning of being subject to them? What is the duty of all children to their pa- rents ? What have their parents done for them? What is the fifth commandment? How should you honor your father and moth- er? What will be the reward of dutiful children? What will be the punishment of undutiful chil- dren ? 52 In what did Jesus increase? What is meant by his increasing in wisdom ? What is meant by his increasing in stature ? What is it to increase in favor with God and man ? How should you try to increase in wisdom ? In what way can a person increase in favor with God? Is it right to try to grow in favor with men? What sort of people should you be most anx- ious to please? 17 May not some persons be offended with you when you do right and try to please God? Whose favor is it most important to gain? If you gain the favor of God, what may you expect that he will do for you? LESSON V. Preaching of John, and Baptism of Jesus. Luke III. 1-17. RUtt. III. 1-17. Mark. I. 1-11. PART I. 1, 2. Where was John when the word of God came to him? What is meant by the word of God coming to him 1 How old is John supposed to have been at this time 1 Numbers iv. 3, 47. Which was the elder, John or Jesus 1 Who was emperor of Rome, when John re- ceived his commission to preach? Who was governor of Judea? Who was tetrarch of Galilee? of Iturea? of Abilene ? Mention the situation of these places? What is a tetrarch ? What Herod was this 1 Who were the high priests ? Were both Annas and Caiaphas .high priests at ihe same time 1 Which was high priest at this time 1 Why then was Annas called high priest i Where did the high priest live 1 Where did Pilate, the Roman governor, livel 8. Where did John preach? Where is the river Jordan? In what mountains does it rise? In what direction does it run? Through what lake does it flow? 2 * 18 Into what sea does it empty itself ? What is its length 1 How wide and deep is it? What is preaching 1 What did John preach? What is repentance ? What is the remission of sins? Will all who truly repent be forgiven? What did the prophet Esaias write about John ? Isaiah xl. 3. By what name is this prophet called in the Old Testament? At what time did he live 1 How could he know, so long beforehand, what was to take place 1 2 Peter i. 21. What is a prophet ? Who is meant by the Lord in the prophecy 1 What is meant by preparing the way for him 1 What is said in Matthew hi. 4. of John's rai- ment ? What is raiment 1 What was his meat ? What is meat ? What are locusts ? Can you give some account of them? Are there any people who now eat those insects for food? What is wild honey ? How is it made ? Can you give some account of the honey bee ? Is it certain that the honey here mentioned was made by bees What other kind of honey is sometimes found on trees 1 7. What did John say to the multitude who came to be baptized by him ? Why did he call them a generation of vipersl What is a viper? What is the nature of the viper 1 What did he say they must do? 19 What is it to bring forth fruits worthy of repent- ance ? What were they not to say within themselves ? Why did the Jews say this ? Who was Abraham ? At what time did he live ? Did the Jews think they should be saved be- cause they were descendants of Abraham? Will any person be saved because his parents are good, if he is not good himself ? Who are the true children of Abraham 1 Galatians Hi. 29. PART II. 9. Where did John say the axe was laid? What use is made of the axe? , For what purpose is the axe laid to the root of a tree? Who are meant by the trees? Who is meant by the tree that bring eth not forth good fruit ? What then is the meaning of the whole verse 1 1 0. When the people heard this, what did they say ? 1 1 . What did John tell them + hey must do to show that they were sincere ? What is the meaning of this precept 1 12. Who are meant by the publicans that came to be baptized ? What question did they ask ? What answer did John make to them? What is the meaning of exact ? 14. What other persons asked the same question.'' How did John answer them ? 15. What did the people muse in their hearts of John ? 20 What is the meaning - of muse? 16-17. What answer did John make to them? What person did he mean ? Who are meant hy the wheat? Who by the chaff? What will be done with each ? What is a gamer? Where did these things take place? John i. 28. Matthew III. 13. What other person came to be baptized by John ? 14. What did John say to his request? 15. How did Jesus answer him? Did John consent to baptize Jesus? 1 6. What took place at his baptism ? 17. What voice came from heaven? Whose voice was this ? What was Jesus doing at the time the heaven was opened? Luke hi. 21. " How old was Jesus at this time? Luke hi. 23. LESSON VI. The Temptation of Jesu3. Luke IV. 1-13. Matthew IV. 1-11. 1. Where was Jesus led by the Spirit when he returned from the Jordan? 2. What then happened to him! What is it to be tempted ? How long did Jesus fast? What is it to fast? What other persons are mentioned in the Bi- ble who fasted forty days and forty nights? Exodus xxxiv. 28. 1 Kings xix. 8 21 8. What did the tempter say to him ? How was this a temptation to Jesus after he had fasted forty days and nights 1 4. What reply did Jesus make ? Where is it thus written ? Deuteronomy viii. 3. Upon whom does man's life depend? Cannot God keep life in you without food ? Will your food do you good without God's blessing ? What should you do if you are tempted to pro- cure food by unlawful means? 5 3 6 , 7. What was the next temptation of Jesus ? Could all the kingdoms of the world be seen in p moment from any one place 1 Why not 1 What then is probably meant by this temptation 1 What does all the world sometimes mean? Luke ii. 1. Are not many persons tempted by the love of riches and glory? 8. What did Jesus reply to the tempter? Where are the words he quoted written? Deuteronomy x. 20. Why must you worship God only 1 How is God to be worshipped ? John iv. 23, 24 What was the last temptation according t<> Luke ? Luke iv. 9-1 1 . WJiat was the pinnacle of the temple ? What was its height - ? Where are the words written that the tempter quoted? Psalms xci. 1 1-12. 12 What did Jesus reply to this suggestion? Where are these words written? Deuterono- my vi. 16. What is meant by tempting God 7 Should you expose yourself to dangers with- out necessity, may you expect that God will protect you ? When may you expect his care and protection in danger? When Jesus had overcome all these tempta- tions what happened to him? Matthew iv. 11. Will not everyone be rewarded who overcomes temptation ? When is a person tempted? James i. 14. What is said of the man that endureth temp- tation in James i. 12. ? When are temptations hurtful ? What excellent counsel does Solomon give to his son in Proverbs i. 10. ? LESSON VII. Jesus* First Miracle and First Visit to Jerusalem. John IL 1-17. 1,2. At what place did Jesus and his disciples attend a marriage feast? Where is Cana of Galilee? - What disciples had Jesus at this time? John. i. 40, 41. 8. Who else was present at this feast? Who was the mother of Jesus? Where did she live? How far is Cana from Nazareth ? In what direction is it from Nazareth? 4 What did Jesus say to his mother when she told him they had no wine? 23 What did he mean by saying that his hour was not yet come ? 5. What did his mother say to the servants ? What did she probably expect that he would do ? What reason had she to think that her son could work miracles ? Luke i. 32. 6, 7. What did Jesus direct the servants to do ? How many water-pots or jars were filled with water ? How much did each contain? For what purpose were these jars placed there ? What is meant by the purifying of the Jews 1 What was this water changed into ? By whom was this change made ? W T hat is a miracle ? Is not changing water into wine a miracle ? Can any person perform a miracle now ? 11. What is said respecting this miracle? What does this and ihe other miracles of Jesus prove respecting him ? John v. 36. 12. Where did Jesus go when he left Cana? Who went with him ? Where is Capernaum? How long did they remain at Capernaum ? 13. On what occasion did Jesus go up to Jeru- salem ? At what season of the year was this feast kept ? 14. Whom did he find in the temple? In what part of the temple were they? For what purpose were oxen, sheep, and doves brought to the temple. ? What was the employment of the money-changers ? What is the use of money? Of what is it made? Is any substance but metals used for money? 24 Was paper money in use among die ancients 1 1 5. What did Jesus do to the sheep and oxen ? 1 6. What did he say to them that sold doves ? What did he mean by his Fathers house 1 Who was his Father 1 What is a house of merchandise ? Of what passage of Scripture were the disci pies reminded by tins conduct of Jesus ? Ps. lxix. 9. What does this passage mean! How did David regard the house of God ? Ps. xxvi. 8. Do you love to go to the house of God ? How should you behave yourself while the r e ? It gave Jesus pain to see the temple pro- faned; will it not grieve him to see children or others inattentive or engaged in trifling things in -the time of public worship ? If you have ever been guilty of such conduct^ how ought you to feel ? LESSON VIII. The Conversation of Jesus xoith the Woman of Samaria. John IV. 1-42. PART I. 1. What had the Pharisees heard respecting Je- sus? 2. Did Jesus himself baptize his disciples ? 3. What did Jesus do to avoid the danger which threatened him ? 4. Through what country was it needful for him to pass t 25 Why must he needs go through Samaria ? 5. To what city did he come ? What was there in the neighbourhood of this city? Who was Jacob ? How many sons had he ? What account can you give of his son Joseph ^ Where were Joseph's bones buried 1 Joshua xxiv. 32. 6 Why did Jesus stop at this place? At what hour did he stop? What is the sixth hour ? Into how many hours was the day divided by the Jews 1 Who came to draw water ? Is it customary in Eastern countries for women to draw water 1 Was this considered as a mean employment 1 What account can you give of Rebekah's drawing water 1 Gen. xxiv. How was Joseph related to Rebekah % 8 Where were his disciples at this time ? 9 What did the woman say to him when he ask- ed for drink? Why did she think it strange that he should ask this favor of her 1 Why were the Jews and Samaritans at enmity ? What other instance is mentioned of their enmity 1 Luke ix. 51-54. Is it right for neighbours to treat one another with unkindness? Is it right to return their unkindness ? What reproof did Jesus give his disciples for indulging a revengeful spirit ? Luke ix. 55, # 1 ■* \ 10. Did the woman know who it was that was conversing with her? For what did Jesus say she would have asked him if she had known who he was ? llj 12. What reply did she make? 1S 3 14. Why was the water that he could give her better than the water of Jacob's well ? What did he mean by the living water, or the water that he should give ? Will Jesus give this water to all who desire it 1 Joha vii. 37. Rev. xxii. 17. 15. Why did the woman wish for this water? Did she understand the meaning of Jesus 1 What did she suppose he meant by the living water ? PART II. 16. What method did Jesus take to convince her who he was ? 17 3 18. Did Jesus know that she had no husband? What other circumstances in her life did he mention ? 19. What did the woman perceive from his reply? 20. Where did she say her fathers worshipped ? What mountain did she mean 1 Deut. xxvii. 12. Where did the Jews think men ought to wor ship ? 22. Which had the better knowledge of God, the Sa maritans or the Jews ? Who were the people of Samaria ? Did they worship the true God, or were they in part idolaters ? The Jews knew what was the proper object of wor- ship; did they worship him aright? 23. What does Jesus say of true worshippers ? What is it to worship the Father 7 27 Who is the Father ? What is it to worship him in spirit and in truth ? 24. What is God? Are there other spirits besides God 1 Is there a spirit in man % What is this spirit called 1 Can you see your spirit or soul % How do you know you have a soul ? Has any person ever seen God? John i. 18 Where does God dwell? Is there any place where God is not present? Can God see you ? Does he always see you ? Is he willing that you should pray to him ? Does he hear what you say? Does he know how you ieel ? How should you feel when you pray to God? PART III. 27. What did the disciples do on returning from the city? Why did they wonder that he talked with the wo- man 1 Do you recollect any other instances of the Saviour's holding intercourse with persons who were despised 1 28. What did the woman then do? 29. What did she say to the people whom she met in the city? Had Jesus told the woman all things that ever she did ? Did she then tell a falsehood 1 Is the language of strong emotion ever to be strictly interpreted 1 Is it wrong to use such language % 28 Would it be i ight to use it if it deceived any body, or lessened our regard for the truth 1 SO. What did the people of the city do? 31. What did the disciples of Jesus request him to do? 82. What did he say in reply ? Did they understand what he meant? Should you have understood him? 33. What did they suppose he meant? 34. What did he say farther to explain himself ? What is the meaning of this passage 1 Will not a consciousness of doing our duty afford sup- port to the soul, as truly as food does to the body 1 Is not doing our duty the same thing as doing the will of God, and finishing his work 1 We cannot work miracles; but have we not all a work to do, as truly as Jesus had 1 Who appointed this work for us % Is it not then God's work 1 Has not the good man, who is conscious that he is doing God's work, a satisfaction and peace within his breast, which the world knows not of 1 Would it be improper to call that satisfaction food to his soul ? You understand then the Saviour's reply to his disci- ples when they asked him to eat; what was it in this particular case which made him feci this comfort 1 85. How long did Jesus say it would he to the time of harvest ? What was the time of harvest in that country 1 At what time then was this journey taken 1 What is the color of the grain when ripe'? What did Jesus mean by saying that the fields were white already to harvest? Can you tell me what is meant by literal and what by figurative or metaphorical language ? 29 Is his language in this case to be understood literally, or metaphorically % What is the comparison here employed 1 In what other instance is giving instruction to the mind compared to sowing seed in the ground % Mark iv 26-29. In following out this comparison, what is the increase of knowledge in the mind like 1 Is it a slow process in each 1 When knowledge is reduced to practice, what is it like % Was not the Saviour made liappy by seeing the quick influence of his instructions upon the woman, and through her upon her neighbours 1 Can you tell me now what gave the fields their white appearance 1 89. Did any of the people of that city believe on him ? 40. What request did they make ? . How long did he remain in the city? 41. What was the effect of this visit on the in- habitants of the city? 42. What did they say to the woman ? LESSON IX. Jesus' Second Miracle, John IV. 46-54. 46. Whither did Jesus go after he left Sychar ? How far is it from Sychar to Cana % Who came to him while he was there? 47. For what purpose did he come ? How far is Cana from Capernaum ? Where is Capernaum ? 49. What earnest request did the nobleman make ? Why was he so anxious for the recovery of his child? 3* L 30 Have you ever been dangerouslv sick? "What is your duty when you are sick? What do you suppose your parents anxiously desired, when they thought you to be at the point of death ? Are you not greatly indebted to them and to your other friends for the care they took of vou in sickness ? How should you endeavour to repay them ? Is there no other Being to whom you are much more indebted for your recovery than you are to your parents, your physician, or any of your earthly friends? Who is tins Being ? How then should vou feel and act towards God? 50 What soothing reply did Jesus make to the nobleman's request? Did the nobleman believe Jesus' word? 51. Who met him on his return home? What joyful message did they bring him? 52. At what time did the child begin to recover ? What is the seventh hour? 53. What did the father then know ? "What effect did this miracle have upon him and his fa mil v? What did they believe? We do not read whether this child's mother was then alive; if she was, do you not think that she was made happy by the recovery of her child? If this child proved to be undutiful and dis- obedient, after his recovery, would his pa- rents be more glad or sorry that his life had been spared? 31 How must you conduct yourself after you have recovered from dangerous sickness, if you would make your parents glad ? What does Solomon say of a wise and foolish son in Proverbs x. 1 . ? LESSON X. The Cure of the Cripple at the Feast of Pentecost. John V. 1-29. 1. On what occasion did Jesus again visit Jeru- salem ? What feast prohably was this ? How many weeks after the Passover was the feast of Pentecost? Deut. xvi. 9. 2. What was the place called Bethesda, in Jeru- salem ? What is a pool 1 5. Who lay in the five porches built round this pool or bath ? What is the meaning of impotent folk ? 6. Of whom in particular, did Jesus take notice among the sick people at this bath 7 8. What did Jesus say to him ? 9. What immediately took place? What sort of bed is meant 1 On what day was this cure performed ? 14. Where did Jesus afterwards find the man whom he had cured of his infirmity? What good advice did he give him ? Is it not probable that he had come to the temple tc express his thanks to God for his recovery 1 Have not those persons, who, after their recovery fr^. sickness, return to their evil courses, reason te tm lest a worse thing befall them 1 32 18. Why did the Jews persecute Jesus? Was it wrong in Jesus to cure this man on the Sabbath day 1 17. What reason did Jesus give for doing this work on the Sabbath day 1 Whom did he mean by his Father? 38. Why were the Jews still more offended 1 19. What defence did Jesus make 1 Whom did he mean by the Son ? 23. How should all men honor the Son 1 25. Why should they honor him 1 Will all men be judged by Jesus Christ 1 Rom. xiv. 10. 28-29. What hour does Jesus say is coming ? Who then will he happy in the future state? Who will he miserable? Do you believe that what Jesus has told us is » true ? Do you desire to be happy or miserable in the future state? If you really desire to be happy what will your conduct be? LESSON XL The Cure of the Man blind from his Birth, at the Feast of Tabernacles, Jerusalem. John IX. 1-33. 1. Whom did Jesus see as he was passing along? Where was Jesus at this time? John vii. 10. What feast had he come to keep ? John vii. 2. At what time was this feast kept? % What strange question did his disciples ask him about this blind beggar? Could this man have sinned before he was born 1 I 33 What were the opinions of the Jews on this subject 1 3. What was Jesus 5 reply ? Ought natural defects, such as being born blind, or deaf, or lame, to be regarded in tha light of punishment for sins 1 6, 7. How did Jesus cure the man of his blind- ness ? Was the cure effected by the clay and the water of Si- loam, or by the divine power of Jesus 1 8. How did the blind man obtain his livelihood before his cure? Have you ever seen a person entirely blind t Who gave you the power to see ? \ Can you describe the eye 1 How is it protected from injury 1 How is it kept moist 1 By what means is it moved in different directions 1 If you had been blind from your birth, could you have learned to read? Are there not many kinds of labor which you could not have done? Should you not have been deprived of many enjoyments ? If you had no friends to help you, what would have been vour condition? The parents of this blind man were proba bly very poor, which made it necessary for him to beg ; was not that a very unhappy condition'? If it is so great a misfortune to be blind, how ought you to treat those who are so unfortunate ? If sight is so great a blessing, how should you feel towards him who gave you this faculty? 34 When you see the sun and moon and stars, and the green grass and the beautiful flow- ers, to what Being should your thoughts he directed? Why should you think of God ? PART ii. 14—41. 14. On what day did Jesus restore the sight of the blind beggar ? 16. What did some of the Pharisees conclude from this? What did they mean by saving that Jesus was not of God 1 What did others say 1 What is the meaning of sinner in this place 1 17. What did the blind man conclude respecting Jesus ? 18. 19. Were the Jews ready to believe that the man had really been born blind ? What method did they take to ascertain this point ? 20, 21. What did his parents say ? What is it to be of age 1 22. Why did his parents fear the Jews? What is it to be put out of the synagogue ? 24. What did the Jews say to the man when they had again called him ? What did they mean by saying, Give God the praise ? 25. What reply did the man make? 26. Why did the Pharisees ask him to repeat the story of his cure 1 27. What reply did he make to their request? 28. 29. Did this reply satisfy them ? 35 How did the Jews know that God spake to Moses % What did they mean by God's speaking to Moses? Had they not as good reason to believe that God was speaking to them by Jesus Christ 1 Why did they not perceive this evidence ? Could they help acting from prejudice and bad passions 1 What did the man say was a marvellous thing ? What is the meaning of marvellous ? What ought they to have concluded from this miracle of Jesus % What did they reply to the arguments of the man who had been born blind ? Did they attempt to show that he was mistaken % What did they mean by saying that he was born in sin ? Was his being a poor blind man a good reason why they should not be willing to be taught by him ? What did the Pharisees do to him 35. Did Jesus reject him because he was rejected by the Pharisees ? 37, 38. Did he believe on Jesus as the Son of God, when he found that it was he who had restored his sight? 39, 41. Who were those who could see, and yet were blind? What blinded them 1 • What is prejudice ? What passions blinded them 1 Did these passions make them literally blind 1 Are there not some things which can be seen only wiifl the mind's eye ? May we not see God in this way 1 Is God always about us 1 Ought we not always to live as if we saw him % SO. 34. 36 LESSON XII. Jesus preaches at Nazareth. Luke IV. 16-32. v 16. In what place was Jesus brought up? What did he do there on the Sabbath day ? What is a synag ogue ? What was the custom of Jesus ? 17. What book was given him to read? Was this a printed book 3 or one written with the pen ? Were there any printed books at this time ? When was the art of printing discovered 1 Of what were the ancient books made *? Were they folded in leaves, or rolled together 1 Was the whole of the Bible commonly made into one volume 1 What is the proper meaning of volume ? 17. What then is meant by opening the book? 13 it probable that the book delivered to Jesus contain- ed more than the writings of Isaiah 1 18, 19. What part of this book did Jesus read? Is, lxi. 1-3. To whom does this prophecy relate 1 20. What did Jesus do after he had read this passage ? Who is meant by the minister ? What is said of the people who were present ? 21 What did Jesus then say to them? Is it not probable that he said many other things which are not written 1 22; How were his hearers affected by his dis- course ? 37 What is the meaning of gracious 1 What did some say of him ? 23. What proverb did he say that they would ap- ply to him ? What is the meaning of this proverb'? Does it appear from this that some were offended at his discourse 1 Why were they offended 1 Matt. xiii. 55-57. 25. What took place in the days of Elias or Eli jab ? What is the meaning of the heaven being shut up? What is a famine 1 26. To whom was Elijah sent? j Where is Sarepta? What account is given of the woman of Sarepta. 1 Kings xvii. 7—24. What is Sarepta called in the Old Testament 1 27. What took place in the days of Eliseus or Eli- ( sha, the prophet? What are lepers ? What account is given of Naaman the Syrian 1 2 Kings v. 28. 29. What did the people do when they heard these things ? Why were they filled with wrath 1 What is the meaning of the brow of the hill ? 80 3 31. Where did Jesus go after his escape? Where is Capernaum? What did Jesus do at Capernaum % 32 How did his preaching affect the inhabitants of that city? S3 LESSON XIIL Jesus chooses the Twelve Apostles and sends them forth to preach. Luke VI. 13-16 Matt. X. 2-4. Mark III. 13-19. 12 For what purpose did Jesus retire to a moun- tain ? What special reason led him to pray at this time ! Was it not very important that he should choose suit* able persons to be apostles ? To whom did Jesus pray that be might be assisted tc make a right choice ] If you were about to engage in some important business to whom should you look for direction ! James i. 5 Why should }ou pray to God for what you want "? What should you learn from Jesus gcing by himself to pray ! IS. What did Jesus do in the morning ? Who were his disciples? What is the meaning of disciple ? These persons then were the scholars or pupils of Jesus ' what did they learn in his school ! How many disciples did Jesus choose to be apostles ? What is an apostl*. ? 14, 15, 16. What are the names of the twelve apostles? What had been the employment of the first four that are named ? Mark i. 16, 19. Who was the father of Simon Peter and An- drew? John i. 4-2. 39 In what city did they live? John L 44. Where is Bethsaida ? Who gave Simon the surname of Peter 7 What is the meaning of this name? Was it usual for persons to have surnames in ancient times 1 Which of these two brothers became the disci- ple of Jesus first? John i. 40. Whose disciple was he before he followed Je- sus? John i. 35. 40. Who was the father of James and John ? Who was their mother? Compare Matt, xxvii. 56. and Mark xv. 40. Where did they live ? What surname did Jesus give them ? Mark iii. 17. What is the meaning of Boanerges ? Bv whom was James put to death? Acts xii % What part of the New Testament was writ- ten by John? By what title was he commonly known? John xin. 23. To what city did Philip belong? John i. 44. How many of the apostles belonged to Beth- saida? With what other person named in the New Testament is Bartholomew supposed to be the same % John i. 45. What evidence is there that Nathaniel was one of the apostles '! John xxi. 2. Where did Nathaniel live? John xxi. 2. By what other name is Thomas called? John xxi. 2. What title is given to Matthew? I 40 What is the meaning of publican ? By what other name was he called? Mark ii. 14. Whose son was he? Mark ii. 14. What part of the New Testament was writ- ten by him ? Who was the father of James 3 or James the Less 7 Is not Alpheus the same then with Cleopas % John xix. 25. Who was his mother ? Mark xv. 40. Whose sister was she? John xix. 25. How then was James related to Jesus? What is he called in Galatians i. 19? What part of the New Testament was writ- ten by James ? What was the surname of Lebbeus ? Matt. x. 3. By what other name was he called? Luke vi, 16. In what other place is he called Judas? Mark vi. 3. What part of the New Testament was written b}^ Lebbeus or Judas, the brother of James ? What is Simon the Canaanite called in Luke vi. 15? What is the li.eaning of Zelotes 1 Why is it probable that Simon the Canaanite was the brother of James and Judas 1 Mark vi. 3. What title is given to Judas Iscariot? Why is he called a traitor ? Did not Jesus know that he would betray him 1 Why then did he choose him to be one of the apostles *? What reason can you give for Jesus' choosing twelve apostles rather than any other number 1 41 LESSON XIV. Jesus heals the Centurion's Servant at Capernaum, and raises a Widow's Son to Life at Nain. Luke VII. 1-17. Matt. VIII. 5-13. 1. Into what city did Jesus enter after he had finished his discourse? To whom had his discourse "been addressed? Luke vi. 20. Had any others heard it besides his disciples ? Compare Luke vii, 1. with Matt. v. 1. What is meant by the audience of the people ? 2. What person is mentioned as being very sick at Capernaum? What was his sickness? Matt. viii. 6. What is a centurion 1 Was this centurion a Jew or a Roman 1 How did it happen that a Roman officer was stationed at Capernaum * Where is Rome 1 Who was (lie Emperor of Rome at this time 1 This servant is said to have been dear unto his master; by what kind of behaviour shall we be likely to please those with whom we live? 8. What message did the centurion send to Je- sus 1 Who brought this message? 4, 5. What reasons did these messengers give why JecW should comply with the centurion's request 1 What is meant by worthy ? What nation had the centurion loved 1 6. Did Jesus consent to go with them? 42 What happened when he was not far from the house? 7. How did the centurion express his confidence in the miraculous powers of Jesus 1 8. What did the centurion say of himself 1 Under whose authority was he placed 1 The servants of this officer obeyed his word ; whose word would diseases obey 1 9. What did Jesus say to the people on hearing this 1 What ia faith ? Who is meant by Israel *? What were the descendants of Israel called 1 Why had Jesus reason to expect greater faith among the Jews than among other nations ? Will any persons be saved besides the descendants of Israel 1 Matt. viii. 11. What will become of many of the Jews % Matt. viii. 12. 10. What did the messengers find on their return? 11. Whither did Jesus go on the next day? Who accompanied him? Where is Nain? How far is Nain from Capernaum % 1% What did they meet as they approached the city? Can you give any account of Jewish funerals 1 13. What were the feelings of Jesus when he saw this af- flicted woman 1 What peculiar circumstances rendered her an object of pity % What did Jesus say to her ? Did Jesus ever weep ? John xi. 35. Is it then wrong to weep for our friends? Did Jesus mean to blame this woman for weeping for her only son 1 What is said of the compassion of Jesus 1 Heb. iv. 15 14. What did Jesus then do? 43 What was the bier 7 What words did he address to the corpse? 15. What immediately followed ? What do you suppose were the feelings of the mother, when her only son was restored to her alive? What other persons were restored to life by Jesus 1 What do these and the other miracles of Jesus prove respecting him 1 John v. 36. 16. How were die people affected by this miracle 1 What just conclusion did they draw from it 1 17. How widely did this rumor of Jesus extend 1 What is a rumor ? What effect ought this rumor to have produced 1 LESSON XV. The Death and Resurrection of Lazarus in the. Village of Bethany. John XI. 1—45. TART I. 1. Where is Bethany? Who was sick in that village ? Who were the sisters of Lazarus ? What happened on a former visit of Jesus to their house? 2. What particulars are related of this Mary 1 Luke x 38-42. 8. What message did the sisters send to Jesus ? Matt. xxvi. 6—13. and John xii. 3—8. Where was Jesus at this time 7 . John x. 40. Compare with John i. 28. At what season of the year did this probably take okce 1 John x. 22. / 44 4. What did Jesus say on receiving this message? How was the son of God glorified by this event 1 5. How was this family regarded by Jesus? What may we then conclude was their character 1 6. Did Jesus immediately comply with the re- quest of the sisters? How long did he remain where he was ? Why did he wait so long ? 8. What objection did his disciples make when he proposed to return to Judea? 11. Of what did Jesus at length inform his disci- ples ? 13. Did they understand him at first? What did they suppose he meant? In what respects is death like sleep 1 How does death differ from sleep 1 Why is die death of good people like falling asleep 1 15. Why was Jesus glad that he was not with Lazarus in his sickness 1 16. What did Thomas propose when he found that Jesus was about to return to Judea ? Why did he think Jesus was going to die ? v. • 8. What Thomas was this ? 17. How long had Lazarus been buried when Jesus arrived in Bethany? 18. How far is Bethany from Jerusalem? How many miles are fifteen furlongs 1 19. Who had come to condole with the sisters on 1 the death of their brother? 20. What did the sisters do when they heard that Jesus was coming? CI. What did Martha say to Jesus when she :rj their brethren 1 On what occasions had they been peculiarly honored . >y Jesus 7 . 25. What method did Jesus take to reprove them for t3 ambition and envy 1 What is the conduct of the princes of the Gentilet 'J Who are the princes of the Gentiles ? 2(5. Is such conduct permitted to Christians 1 27. In what way must the disciples of Jesus strive £~> ij great 1 What is the meaning of minister ? What is the meaning of servant ? What then is the way to be truly great *? Which is the better kind of greatness, that of 3 Mr**gg general who has many soldiers under his CMlSEassd^ and many servants to wait upon him, or Usai of B, common man who is distinguished for his vSfftSSS his good deeds 1 For which kind of greatness was Jesus ilislSSgpllk < edl 28. For what purpose did the Son of Wm^ZL i Who is meant by the Son of Man 'j What is it to be ministered unto ? In what condition did Jesus live on earth fj What did he suffer for us 1 For whose ransom did he give his life 1 What is a ransom 1 Could any one show greater lovo ptSBB ksus did? John xv. 13. On whose account did Jesus toil and ssfbif t' & die 1 Rom. v. 6. 8. Was not Jesus rewarded for the great gacrih made for sinners 1 Philip, ii. 9, 10, 11. 64 Will not every one be rewarded for doing what he can to benefit others ? 1 Cor. iii. 8 Must you not follow the example of Jesus, if you wish to become truly great and happy? LESSON XXV. Jesus enters Jerusalem. Luke XIX. 28-44. Matt. XXI. 1-16. Mark XI. 1-11. 23. To what place did Jesus now direct his course? Where had he been residing? John xi. 54. Where is die city of Ephraim 1 What great festival was approaching? John xi. 55. 29. At what time did he arrive at Bethany? John xii. 1. What day of the week was this? Had Jesus any acquaintances and friends in Bethanv ? Where are Bethany and Bethphage? Why was the hill called the Mount of Olives? What are olives ? What use is made of them? 50. What directions did he give to his disciples? 51. What were they to say if any should ask them a reason for what they did? Is it not probable, from this circumstance, (hat the colt belonged to some one who was acquainted with Jesus 1 52. Did the disciples find the colt as Jesus had predicted ? S5. What did they do with the colt? Were there any others besides the disciples of Jesus present on this occasion? Matt. xxi. 8. 65 How did it happen that so large a multitude were assembled? John xii. 18. S6. What marks of honor were paid him by the multitude ? What other circumstance is mentioned by Matthew? Matt. xxi. 8. From what kind of tree were these branches taken? John xii. 13. Can you describe the palm tree 7 Do the branches grow like those of common trees 1 Would they incommode a person in riding over them 1 Why not * What use was made of the palm tree among the an- cients 1 Of what was it considered emblematical? What did the multitude intend by these marks of honor 1 37, 38. What were the shouts of the multitude, as Jesus was descending the mountain? Matthew says they cried Hosanna; what is the mean- ing of this term % Ps. cxviii. 25. 'What is meant by coming in the name of the Lord ? 39. What did some of the Pharisees say to him ? 40. What was Jesus' reply? What did he mean by saying that the stones would cry out ? How was Jesus affected as he approached the city? Why did he weep over it 1 42. What pathetic exclamation did he use? 43, 44. What did he predict respecting the city? Can you relate how this prediction was fulfilled/? How were the people affected when this pro* cession entered the citv? Matt xxi, 10. 66 What prophecy was fulfilled by Jesus' entering the city in this manner 1 Matt. xxi. o. Zech. ix. 9. VVhv is Jerusalem in this prophecv called Me Dagighter of Zion ? Who is the king mentioned by the prophet 1 Was it customary for kings to ride on mules 1 1 Kings i. 33. 2 Sam. xviii. 9. LESSON XXVI. The Feast at Bethany. Matt. XXVI. 1-16. Mark XIV. 1-11. Johx XII. 2-7. How did. Jesus employ himself during the day while he was in the city? Luke xxi. 37. Where did he pass his nights? Luke xxi. 37. 6. In whose house was he. the Jay before the passover? Ver. 2. What day of the week was that \ 7. What mark of respect and affection did he re- ceive from a certain woman ? Who was this person ? John xii. 3. What special reason had Mary for honoring Jesus 1 John xi. Who was one of the guests at the table ] Who assisted in waiting at the table ! John xii. 2. What is alabaster? What was contained in the box of alabaster? John xii. 3. What is ointment ? What is spikenard ? Part of this precious balsam was poured on Jesus' head; was such the practice of the Jews 1 Ps. xxiii. 5. and Ps. exxxiii. 2. What additional circumstance is mentioned by John? John xii. 3. 8. How were the disciples affected when they saw what Mary was doing? 67 9. What did they say might have been done with this costly perfume? For how much could it have been sold? Mark xiv. 5. How much would that be in our money 1 Which of the disciples said this? John xii. 4. Did Judas say this because he cared for the poor? John xii. 6. Why did he say it? What is a thief 7 What did Judas steal ? John xii. 6. How did Jesus rebuke his disciples for com- plaining - of this waste ? How had they troubled Mary 1 How had she wrought a good work 1 11. What did Jesus say of the poor? May we not learn from this, that there will always be poor and unfortunate persons who will need assist- ance 1 What is your duty to such % Cannot you do them good, if you are not rich 1 In what way can you benefit them 1 What promise is made to him that consider eth the poor ? Ps. xii. 1. What does Solomon say of him that hath pity on the poor ? Prov. xix. 17. Why did Jesus say he should not always be with his disciples ? How soon after this was he to be taken from them ? 12. In what light does Jesus teach us to regard this act of Mary 1 Did Mary really intend it for his burial or embalm- ino* 1 13. What does Jesus predict respecting Mary? Has this saying proved true? 68 Is not the Bible conveyed to every part of the world in which the gospel is preached? Is not this act of Mary recorded in the Bible? 14. What did Judas do after lie had received this rebuke from Jesus? Where were the high priests at that time? Matt. xxvi. S. For what purpose were they assembled? Matt. xxvi. 4. 15. What bargain did Judas make with them? What was the value of thirty pieces of silver ? Was not the value of raonev greater then than now ? What was the price of labor at that time 1 Matt, xx. 2. What induced Judas to betray his master ? What does St. Paul say of the love of money ? 1 Tim. vi. 10. Had he any other motive for his treachery besides the love of money 1 What reason have you to think that Judas was a bad man before he betrayed his Master 1 John xii. 6. Do men commonly become very wicked at once, or by little and little l What should this teach you 1 LESSON XXVII. The Lord's Supper instituted. Matt. XXVI. 17-30. Makk XIV. 12-26. Luke XXII. 7-3$. 1 Cor. XI. 23, 24, 23. 17. What day hn-1 now arrived? What day of the Week is meant? What Is unleavened bread ? What is leaven t What is meant ating the paascver ? 69 What preparations were necessary to be made for it ? 18. What directions did Jesus give to Peter and John ? Luke xxii. 8. How were they to find a suitable place ? Luke xxii. 10. How could Jesus know that they would meet such a per- son as he described 1 Does not this prove that he possessed knowledge more than human 1 What were they to say to the master of the house? What kind of a room did Jesus say would be shown to them? Luke xxii. 12. In what manlier did the Jews furnish rooms for guests 1 Did thev make use of chairs 1 What was the form of the tables ? How did the guests place themselves at table? Were the guests furnished with plates, knives and forks, in the manner of the moderns? Could they have made use of knives and forks while they were reclining on couches ? Did the two disciples find all things as Jesus had foretold? Luke xxii. 13. Was it not customary for the Jews in the city to furnish rooms for the use of strangers from a distance, who came to keep the pass- over ? 20. At what time did Jesus and the twelve place themselves at table? At what time did the Jewish day begin 1 On what day of the week then was the passover eaten 1 21. What did Jesus foretell respecting one of his disciples, while they were eating ? 22. How were the disciples affected by this re- mark ? 70 What did they say? 23. In what terms did Jesus repeat the remark? What is meant by dipping the hand in the dish 1 24. How was it foretold that the Son of Man was to go, i. e. to die ? Isaiah liii. 7, 8 a 9. What is said of the man who should betray him ? 25. Wh at question did Judas ask? "What was Jesus' reply ? What is the meaning- of thou hast said ? Which of the disciples was Leaning on Jesus' bosom? John xiii. 28. Who is meant by the disciple whom Jesus loved 1 Why do you suppose that Jesus loved John more than the lest of the disciples 1 What method did Peter take to find out winch of the disciples it was that was to betray his Master? John xiii. 24-i 26. 26. As they were eating, what did Jesus do? What did he mean by saying that the bread was hit body 1 How was his body broken \ Why were his disciples to do thus ? Luke xxii. 19. 27. What followed the eating of the bread? What was in the cup ? 23. What does the cup represent? Why is the blood of Christ called the blood of the neu testament ? What is meant by the new testament 1 Heb. viii 6--10. 29. What else did Jesus say 1 What is the meaning of this declaration f What is the fruit of the vine? How is wine made ? 71 50. What followed the drinking of the cup? Were the Jews accustomed to sing hymns at theif sacred feasts 1 What is the ordinance^ which Jesus instituted, . called? For whose use is it intended 1 Is it observed by Christians now? Why should they observe it 1 Have we not all much reason for remembering Christ 1 Can you mention some of the reasons why we should remember Christ ? When is a person prepared to observe the Lord's . supper 1 If you are not prepaied to observe this ordinance, are you prepared for heaven • LESSON XXVIII. Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Matt. XXVI. 36-56. Mark XIV. 32. Luke XXII. 39. Johw XVIII. 1. 86. To what place did Jesus retire after supper? What brook did he pass over before he came to the garden of Gethsemane ? John xviii. 1. Why was it called Cedron 1 What did he request his disciples to do ? 87. Which of the disciples did he take with him? What were the feeling's of Jesus at this time? 33. What did he say to his disciples ? What was the occasion of his grief 1 39. What was the prayer which Jesus made en this sorrowful occasion? In what posture did he offer this prayer? 72 What did he mean by this cup 1 What then is the meaning" of this prayer ? Did he wish to be exempted from suffering un less it were the will of God ? What lesson are we taught by this prayer of Jesus % If you, or any of your friends, were sick or in danger, would it be right to pray for deliverance 1 as Can you know with certainty, that it would be best for you or for them to live longer in this world 1 Does not God know what is best for you ? Will not God, the Judge of all the Earth, do right ? Does God take pleasure in the sufferings of his own dear children ? Lam. hi. 33. How does God pity them? Ps: ciii. 13. Why then does he afflict them? Heb. xii. 10. Has he any pleasure in the death e*v r en of the . wicked? Ezek. xxxiii. 11. What is said oY the sufferings of Jesus 1 Heb. v. 7, 8, 9. How are they described by Luke xxii. 44. ? What is th^ meaning of agony ? Was God angry with Jesus at this time 1 John x. 17. How was Jesus supported in the hour of agony 1 Lake xxii. 43. 40. When he returned to his three disciples, in what condition did he rind them? What did he say to Peter? Why did he address Peter rather than the others 1 Matt xxvi. 35. 41. What kind warning did Jesus give to his dia > ciples ? What is it to watch ? What is it to be tempted 1 James i. 13, 14. What is the best security against temptation 1 73 What did Jesus mean' by saying that the spirit was willing but the flesh weak 1 42. When Jesus had retired again, how did he pray? 43. In what state did he find his disciples on his return? 44. Was this prayer repeated again? Was the prayer answered 1 Was Jesus delivered from death ? How then was his prayer answered 1 45. On returning for the third time, what did he say to his three disciples ? Did he mean by this to say that it was a proper time for them to sleep and to take their rest % 46. What does he say to them immediately after wards ? What then is the meaning of the^ords he addressed to them 1 What did Jesus mean by saying arise, let us be going? Who did he say was at hand 7 Whom did he mean? 47. What happened while Jesus was yet speak ing? How did Judas know that Jesus was in Gethsemane 1 John xviii. 2. With what were the multitude armed? What are staves ? Did these things take place in the night? How were they able to see their way? John xviii. 3. What did Jesus say to them when they came where he was ? John xviii. 4. Did he make himself known to them? John xviii. 5—8. 74 43. What sign had Judas given to the soldiers ? 49. In what manner did he salute him? What reply did Jesus make to this salutation Luke xxii. 43. 50. What was then done with Jesus? 51. Wh&t did one of the disciples do? Which of the disciples was this? John xviii. 10. What did Jesus do to the ear of Malchus t Luke xxii. 51. 52. What did he say to Peter ? 53. Could Jesus have rescued himself if he had pleased? How? 54. Why did he not 1 55. What did Jesus say to the multitude ? Why had they not taken him openly, in the day time?^ itf. What now hecame of his disciples? Where is this foretold? Matt. xxvi. 31 LESSON XXIX. Jesus is brought before Caiaphas. XXVI, 57-68. Mark XIV. 53-65. Luke XXII. 66-71 Before whom was Jesus brought to be tried Who had assembled there? Which of the disciples followed Jesus? Did any but Peter follow him ? John xviii. 1 5 What did that other disciple do? John xviii 16. Is it known who that other disciple was? Why did Peter come into the palace ? 75 Did Peter come at first into the presence of Pilate where Jesus was, or did he remain with the servants in an outer apartment? Where had the servants kindled a fire? Luke xxii. 55. Was there a chimney in the middle of the hall 1 How then could they kindle a fire there? John xviii. 18. Were chimneys known to the ancients 1 Who were seated around this pan of coals ? Why was it necessary to kindle a fire in the warm cli- mate of Judea 1 Was it night or day when Jesus was brought to Caiaphas? 59. Who sought false witness against Jesus? What commandment is there against bearing false witness? What is the meaning of false witness ? Who are meant by all the council 1 What name is usually given to this council 1 Of how many members did it consist 1 60. Did they find any ready to bear false witness against Jesus ? Was their testimony sufficient to convict him? Mark xiv. 5, 6. 61. What did some of the false witnesses testify? Was their testimony sufficient to convict him? Mark xiv. 59. Was their testimony wholly false, or did they only pervert the meaning of what Jesus had said? John ii. 19-21. Is it not wicked to misrepresent, and to give a false coloring to the truth, as well as to as- sert a direct falsehood ? What does Solomon say of a false witness! P>-ov. xix. 5, 76 62, 6S» Wha£ did the high priest do when Jesus declined answering to the charge? What is the meaning of adjure ? 64. What was Jesus 5 reply when solemnly called upon to say whether he were the Christ, the Son of God ? What is the meaning of thou hast said ? In what terms did Jesus speak of his future exalta- tion 1 What does St. Paul write about the coming of the Lord? 1 Thes. iv. 16, 17. 65. What did the high priest do on hearing this ope^ avowal of Jesus? Wha. t s blasphemy ? Why did the high priest rend his clothes ? 66. What was the decision of the council when their opinions were called for ? According to what law did they pronounce Je- sus worthy of death ? Levit. xxiv. 1 6. 67. What shameful treatment did Jesus receive from those who held him in custody? Luke xxii. 64. What is the meaning of buffeted ? 68. What question did they put to him in mock- ery of his prophetical powers? How did Jesus bear all this ? 1 Peter ii. 23. In this respect did not Jesus act conformably to the precepts he gave to his disciples ? How are you directed to treat your enemies ? Matt. v. 44. What does the Apostle Paul say on the same subject 1 Rom. xii. 19. Which is better, to suffer for well doing or for evil doing 1 1 Peter ii. 20. Would the character of Jesus have been more or less excellent, and appeared more or less worthy of ad- 77 miration, had he resented the affronts which were put upon him, and returned reviling for reviling, and in- jury for injury 1 If it was a mark of true greatness of mind in Jesus pa- tiently to endure wrong, in what light should we view similar conduct in others '? Should you be placed in similar circumstances, what ought you to do 1 Do you think you could behave yourself as meekly as Jesus did ? - How do you feel when you receive ill treat- ment from others ? Have you net sometimes wished to revenge yourself on those who have injured you? Is it right to indulge a spirit of revenge ? Perhaps there are occasions when you cannot help being angry, but cannot you help re- taining your anger ? In whose bosom is anger retained? Eccies. vii. 9. Is it a mark of wisdom or of folly to be quick angry? What is said of him who hath no rule over his own spirit ? Prov. xxv. 23. What is the meaning of this comparison ? What does the Apostle Paul say about anger 1 Eph. \v What does Jesiis direct his disciples to do when they are praying % Mark xi .25. LESSON XXX. The Denial of Peter and Death of Judas. Matt. XXVI. 69-75. Mark XIV. 66-72. Luke XXII. 55-88. John XVIH, 16-27. Matt. XXVII. 3-10. Acts I. 18, 19. 69. Who came to Peter as he was sitting by the fire in the hall ? What is a damsel ? 7 * 78 What did she say to him ? Why was our Lord called Jesus of Galilee 7 70. How did Peter reply to this charge? What is the meaning of deny 7 What induced Peter to deny his master 1 Of what was he afraid 1 What is said of the fear of man % P r ov. xxix. 25. 71. Whither did Peter go after his first denial? What is a porch 7 What do you suppose induced him to go out of the hall into the porch? How do you suppose he felt after he had done wrong? Did he feel sorry as well as guilty 7 If he had felt truly sorry for what he had done, would he have repeated his offence so soon ? Whom did Peter meet in the porch ? What did she say about him to those who stood by? 7% What was Peter's second denial? What is an oath 7 W T as it, or was it not, worse in Peter to deny his Lord with an oath, than simply to deny him 1 What does Jesus teach us about oaths 1 Matt. v. 84—36. 7S. What happened a little while after the se- cond denial ? Luke xxii. 59. Who was the person that accused Peter the third time. John xviii. c 26. How did this person know Peter ? John xviii. 26. 74. What was Peter's third denial ? What immediately took place? Was Peter now in the room where Jesus was f How do you know this? Luke xxii. 61. How do you suppose Peter felt when Jesus Jboked upon him? 79 75. Of what was Peter reminded by the crowing of the cock and the look of Jesus ? Where is this prediction found? Matt. xxvi. 34. How was Peter affected when he thought of what he had done 3 Did he feel true sorrow for his sin now ? Does his weeping bitterly prove this? What better evidence did he afterwards give that he was truly penitent ? Was Peter ever after this time afraid to own that he was a disciple of Jesus 1 What important lesson may we learn from the fall of Peter 1 Rom. x. 12. Matt. XXVII. 3-10. Acts I. 18-19. ^HF" 3. Did not Judas repent as well as Peter? What did Judas do with the money he had re- ceived of the chief priests and elders? 4. What confession did he make? What did he mean by saying that he had betrayed in- nocent blood ? "vV hat did the chief priests and elders reply ? 5. What did Judas then do? What is said of the manner of his death in Acts i, 18. Why did Judas hang himself? Is it lawful for a person to destroy his own life? Peter repented and became a good man ; might not Judas have done the same? 6. 7. What was done with the thirty pieces of silver? Why did they not put them into the treasury What was the treasury ? 8. What was that field called ? What is meant by until fftff day ? * 80 What was this field cahed by the inhabitants of Jerusalem? Acts i. 19. Were not the circumstances of Judas's death well known at thr* time? Acts i. 19. LESSON XXXI. Jesus is brought before Pilate. oh if XVIII. 28-40. Matt. XXVII. 1, 2, 11-23. Marr X\ 1-14. Luke XXIII. 1-23. 28. To what place was Jesus now conveyed? At what time of the day was this done? To whom did they deliver him up? Matt, xxvii. o Was Pontius Pilate a Jewish or Roman gov- ernor ? Did the Jews choose him for their governor 1 How then did he happen to be their governor 1 Do the people of the United States choose their own governors 1 Have they always enjoyed this privilege ? When was it not so 1 Who used formerly to send them governors 1 Why did not the Jews enter the judgment hall 1 How would they be defiled by going into the hall 1 29. How could Pilate hold communication witk them if they did not enter into the hall? SO. What reply did they make to Pilate's ques- tion concerning Jesus? What is a malefactor? Was Jesus a malefactor or a benefactor ? 81. What did Pilate tell them to do with Jesus? What law did he mean *? Why did the Jews object to this 1 Why was it unlawful for the Jews at this time to puj any man to death 1 81 82. What was fulfilled by Jesus being delivered up to the Roman governor? What kind of death had he foretold he should die? Matt. xx. 19. Was crucifixion a Jewish or a Roman punishment 1 S3. What question did Pilate put to Jesus on en- tering the hall? 36. What was Jesus' reply? What did he mean by saying that his kingdom was not of this world ? What was the nature of Christ's kingdom % What would his servants have done had his kingdom been of this world % 37. Does Jesus admit that he was a king? For what purpose did he come into the world ? What truth does he mean 1 Who heareth his voice 1 Who are meant by every one that is of the truth 1 88. What was Pilate's reply? Did Pilate ask for information or say this merely to in- timate that he cared nothing for the truth 1 What did Pilate do when he had said this ? Does it appear that he was satisfied of the in- nocence of Jesus? 39. What had been his custom on the feast of the Passover ? What did he propose to do at this time ? 40. What did the Jews reply to his proposal ? Who persuaded them "to ask for Barabbas ? Matt, xxvii. 20. Who was Barabbas? Why had he been cast into prison ? Luke xxiii. 19. What did they wish Pilate to do with Jesus? What message did the wife of Pilate send 82 him as he was set down on the judgment seat? Matt, xxvii. 19. Was he not probably more anxious to release Jesus on account of this message. How many attempts did he make to obtain his release? Luke xxiii. 22. Could he prevail on them to let him go? Why were the Jews so desirous that Jesus should be destroyed 1 Matt, xxvii. 18. What is envy ? Why did the Jews envy Jesus Is not envy a very hateful passion 7 ? When is a person under strong temptations to envy another % Can you envy a person whom you truly love ? In what way can you best guard against envy 1 Is envy ever found among the children of the same family 1 What remarkable instance of this is/ecorded in the Bible 1 What does Solomon say of envy % i>ov. xxvii. 4. LESSON XXXII. Jesus is scourged and led to Crucifixion,. JeHK XIX. 1-16. Matt. XXVII. 24-31. v Mark XV. 16-21 Luke XXIII. 23-25. 1. What course did Pilate now take to excite the compassion of the Jews in favor of Jesus? Compare Luke xxiii. 22. What is meant hy scourging ? 2, 3. How was Jesus insulted by the soldiers? Why did they put on him a crown and a purple robe 1 Do not kings wear crowns ana purple robes ? What other circumstances are mentioned by Matthew ? Matt, xxvii. 29, SO. A, 5. When Jesus had been arrayed in this man- ner, what did Pilate do? 83 What did he say ? Did he say this in derision, or in order to move their compassion 1 6. What effect had this sad spectacle on the chief priests and officers? What did Pilate then say to them ? 7. Why did the Jews say that he ought to die 1 To what law did they probably refer'? Levit. xxiv. ?6. Was it blasphemy in Jesus to say that he was the Son of God 1 8. How was Pilate affected when he heard that , Jesus claimed to be the Son of God? 9. What question did he put to Jesus? Did Jesus make any reply? 10. What authority did Pilate claim to possess? 11. What was Jesus' reply? Who suffered Pilate to have authority over the life of Jesus % Whose sin was the greater, that of Pilate or of the Jews who delivered Jesus into his hands 1 W 7 hy 1 12. Was Pilate on this account anxious to re- lease Jesus? What did the Jews say to prevent it? What Caesar is here meant 1 Was Pilate dependent on the Roman Emperor for his continuance in office % Did he wish to be thought the friend of Caesar 1 13. What did Pilate do when he heard this 1 What was the platform called, on which the judgment seat was placed? 14. What did Pilate say to the Jews from this place ? When did this take place 1 What preparation is probably here meant 1 Johnxix. 31. What hour is probably to be understood in this place t Mark xv. 25. \ 84 15. What did the Jews cry out, when Jesus was shown to them, on the pavement? What did they say when Pilate called him their King ? When Pilate found that he could not pacify them without condemning Jesus, what did he do? Matt, xxvii. 24. Did washing his hands make him innocent of the blood of Jesus ? What curse did the Jews imprecate upon themselves? Matt, xxvii. 25. Did this curse fall on them and their children 1 1 6. What did Pilate at length consent to do ? Did he pass this sentence on Jesus because he thought him guilty? What opinion then must we form of his conduct 1 What was the character of Pilate 1 Pilate chose that an innocent person should suffer death, rather than that he himself should lose his office ; what do you think of his conduct in this respect 1 Ought we not to give up everything rather than do a wrong action 1 LESSON XXXIII. The Crucifixion of Jesus. John XIX. 17-30. Matt. XXVII. 32-50. Mark XV. 21-37 Luke XXIII. 26-46. 17. To what place was Jesus conveyed after Pi- late had passed sentence upon him ? What is this place called in Luke xxiii. S3 ? What is the meaning of the name Golgotha or CaU vary t What is the situation of this place 1 Did Jesus bear his cross ? What was the cross ? What is said in Luke xxiii. 26. ? Is it not probable from this circumstance that Jesus was unable from weakness to bear his cross alone ? 18. What now took place? Who were the two others that were crucified with him? Luke xxiii. 32. 19. What title did Pilate affix to the cross? 20. In what languages was it written? What people spoke the Hebrew language 1 Who Latin 7 Who Greek 1 21. What alteration did the chief priests wish Pi late to make in this title? 22. What did Pilate reply to them? What did he mean by saying this! At what hour was Jesus crucified ? Mark xv 25. When was the third hour What prayer did Jesus offer while he was suffer- ing the agonies of the cross ? Luke xxiii. 34. For whose forgiveness did he pray ? How was he treated by those who stood by ? Luke xxiii. 35—37. What did one of the malefactors crucified with him, say to him ? Luke xxiii. 39. How was he rebuked by his companion? Luke xxiii. 40, 41. What request did his companion make to Je- sus? Luke xxiii. 43. What was Jesus 3 reply? 43. What is meant by being with Jesus in paradise? 23. What was done with the garments of Jesus? 24. What was done with his coat or tunic ? 8 86 25. What women were standing by the cross? What other person is mentioned in Mark xv. 40. Who was Salome? Matt, xxvii. 56. 26. Which of the disciples was present? 26, 27. What did Jesus say, when lie saw his mo- ther and his beloved disciple? What did lie mean by saying this 1 Did John comply with this request? Was not John's mother present also ? Matt, xxvii. 56. What happened at the sixth hour? Matt xxvii. 45. How long did this darkness last? What was the sixth, and what the ninth hour 1 Over all what land did the darkness p ibably extend 1 Could this darkness have been occasioned by an eclipse of the sun 7 Where is the moon when the sun is eclipsed ? In what situation was the moon at the time of the Jew- ish Passover 1 Could the sun be eclipsed dien when die moon was at the full 1 What dien must this darkness have been 1 What cry of distress did Jesus utter about the ninth hour? Matt, xxvii. 46. Had God indeed forsaken him ? Does God ever forsake his own dear children in their distress ? 28, 29. What was given Jesus to drink when he was thirsty? 80. What then followed ? What dil he mean by saying, it is finished ? What is it to give up the ghost ? What were his last words according to Luke xxiii. 46.? 87 Do not ghost and spirit mean the same thing 1 ? What happened at his death? Matt, xxvii. 51, 52. What was thp veil of the temple 7 2 Chron. iii. 14* What is the meaning" of being rent in twain ? What just conclusion did the centurion and others draw from these prodigies? Matt. xxvii. 54. On what day of the week was Jesus crucified? Is not the day observed by some Christians now? What is the day called? Ii not Friday thought by some people to be an unlucky day? What is the probable origin of this opinion 1 Has it any good foundation 1 Will not every day prove good to us, if we improve it well ? LESSON XXXIV. The Burial of Jesus. Johx XIX. 31-42. Matt. XXVII. 57-66. Mark XV. 42-47 Luke XXIII. 54-56. On what day of the week and at what hour of the day did J?sus expire? When was the Jewish sabbath? 31. Why were the Jews unwilling that the bodies of Jesus and of the two thieves should remain on the cross on the Sabbath day 1 Why was that Sabbath a high day ? What request did they make of Pilate? 82. Did Pilate grant their request? 84. What was done to the body of Jesus? 88 35. How did the person who has * ^corded this know it to be true ? What person is probably meant ? 83. Who obtained permission of Pilate to take down the bodv of Jesus 1 Where is Arimathea 1 Luke, xxiii. 51. What was the character of this Joseph ? Luke xxiii. 50. Why had he not become an open disciple of Jesus 1 39. Who accompanied Joseph of Arimathea? Who was Nicodemus ? John iii. 1 . What articles did Nicodemus bring with him? What is myrrh? What is aloes? 40. What was done with the body of Jesus? Was such the custom of the Jews ? 41. What was near the place where Jesus was crucified? What is a sepulchre ? How had this sepulchre been made? Matt, xxvii. 60. 42. Where was the body of Jesus laid? Why was it laid in this sepulchre? Matt. XXVII. 60-66. 60. How was the sepulchre closed ? 61. What women were present when this was done ? 62. What was done on the next day ? What is meant by the day of preparation? Mark xv. 42. On what day then did the chief priests come to Pilate on this business? 63. What did they say to Pilate ? Why did they call Jesus a deceiver 1 Had he not disappointed their expectations 1 Was he a deceiver 1 1 Peter m 22. 64. What did they wish Pilate to do ? What reason did they give for wishing this to be done ? Had they any reason for suspecting the disci- ples of such a design? What did they mean by saying that the last error would be worse than the first ? What is the meaning of error in this place 1 65. What reply did Pilate make to their request? What is meant by their having a watch ? 66. What did the chief priests then do? What is meant by sealing the stone ? What is meant by setting a watch 1 The Jews thought that the Sabbath would be profaned if the bodies should be suffered to remain on the- cross ; is this an evidence of their religion or of their superstition 1 What is the difference between religion and supersti- tion 1 What evidence did they give that they were not truly religious 1 • If men are truly religious, will they not aim Id do right in all things? LESSON XXXV. The Resurrection of Jesus. John XX. 1-18. Matt. XXVIII. 1-15. Mark XVI. 1-11. Luke XXIV. 1-12. 1. Who came to the sepulchre on the first day of the week? Who accompanied her? Matt, xxviii 1. Which is the first day of the iveek ? 8* 90 For what purpose did they come ? Mark xvi. 1. What did Mary see when she arrived? Who had rolled away the stone ? Matt, xxviii. 2-4. 2. What did Mary do when she found that the body of Jesus was gone ? Who was this other disciple ? What did the women see at the sepulchre? Mark xvi. 5, 6. 4. Which of the two disciples, Peter or John, came first to the tomb ? 5. Which of them entered it first? 6. 7. What did he see there ? What did he believe ? 9. Had not the disciples believed that he would rise from jg the dead before this time 1 Had not Jesus foretold his resurrection? Matt, xx. 18, 19. HO. What did the disciples then do? 11. Had Mary returned to the sepulchre? 12. What did Mary see on looking into the sepul- chre ? 13. What did the angels say to her? What was her reply? 14. Whom did she see on turning round? Did she know who it was? 15. Whom did many suppose him to be? What did she say to him ? 16. What did she say when he called her by name ? Did she now know who he was? 17. What did Jesus say to her? Why did he forbid her touching him at present 1 What did he direct her to do? To whom did he say he should ascend? 91 Whom did he mean by his and their Father 7 18. What did Marv now do? How were the disciples affected by Mary's re- port? Mark xvi. 11. Matt. XXVIII. 11-15. 11. What did some of the watch who had been placed at the sepulchre do after Jesus had risen 1 12. What course did the chief priests and elders take on this occasion? IS. What did they bribe the. soldiers to say? How could they know what was done while they were asleep 1 14. Did they intend that this account should be given to the governor, or was it only design- ed to deceive the people? What would have been their punishment, had the gov- ernor been informed that they slept while on guard 1 What did the chief priests engage to do for the soldiers, in case the governor should hear their story ? Who was the governor? 15. Did the soldiers do as they were desired ? Was their story circulated among the Jews 7 What is the meaning of until this day ? What is there incredible and absurd in their story 1 What induced the soldiers to state what they knew to be false 1 Would they have done this if they had not been bad men ? Who were more to blame, the chief priests and elden who gave the bribe, or the soldiers who received it 1 Which had enjoyed the greater advantages for religious improvement 1 Wliat does Jesus teach on this subject 1 Luke xii. 47, 48. 0 2- Ought not those children who receive good in structions from their parents or others 3 to be better children than such as have nobody to teach them what is right and proper? LESSON XXXVI. The Walk to Emmaus. Luke XXIV. 13-35. IS. Whither were two of Jesus' disciples going on the day that he rose from the dead? How far is Emmaus from Jerusalem 1 £ How many miles are sixty furlongs I 14. What did they converse about on tbe way? What things had happened? 15. Who joined them ? 16. Did they know who it was? 27. What did Jesus sav to them? Why were they sad? 18. What answer did Cleophas make? Was there any family connexion between Cle ophas or Alpheus and Jesus? John xix. 25. 19, 20. In what terms does Cleophas speak of Je- sus? Why does he call him a prophet 1 What is the meaning of mighty in deed ? What is meant by mighty in word ? 21, What had the disciples trusted that Jesus would do? Who are meant by Israel 1 From what did they expect that he would redeem Israel 1 What is it to redeem 1 To what nation were the Jews subject at this time! 22, 23. What did they say had been told them b~ the women ? \ 93 What women were these? v. 10. 24. Which of the disciples went to the sepulchre on the report of the women ? John xx. 2—8. 25, 26. What did Jesus say after hearing this ac- count ? 27. What did Jesus then expound to them? What is the meaning of expound ? What are some of the most remarkable prophecies in the Old Testament relating to Jesus Christ 1 28, 29. What did these two disciples do when Jesus intimated that he was going beyond the village? What is it to constrain ? What reason did he give why he should re- main with them? Did he consent to remain? 80, 31. What took place while they were at meat ? What is the meaning of vanished ? 82. What did they say to one another after Jesus had left them? What made their hearts burn within them ? What is the meaning of this expression 1 What expression similar to this is found in Psalm xxxix. 8. ? 88. Did these disciples remain at Emmaus that night ? Can you give any probable reason for their returning so soon % Had they learned anything which they wished to com- municate to the rest of their brethren 1 Whom did they meet on their return? Why are the Apostles called the eleven and not the twelve ? 84. What information did the Apostles and those who were with them give to the two disciples ? Who wat Simon ? 94 Is the appearance of Jesus to Simon men- tioned in any other place ? 1 Cor. xv. 5. By what name is he there called? S5. What account did the two disciples give? How far had these disciples travelled that afternoon 1 What day of the week was this ? Was it the Jewish Sabbath? Why is it called the hordes -day ? Is it called the Lord's-day in the New Testa- ment? Rev. i. 10. Why do Christians observe the Lord's-day 1 Is not the resurrection of Jesus an important event? What may we learn from it 1 Who raised Jesus from the dead? Acts v 30, 31. ~ Will he ever die any more? Will all the dead rise again? What will be their condition in the future state? LESSON XXXVII. Jesus appears to Ten of his Disciples. John XX. 19-31. Luke XXIV. 36-49. 19. What happened in the evening of the first day of the week ? Why were the doors shut? What words did he use when he first came into the room ? Was it not customary for the Jews to use these words when they met one another? 20. What means did he use to convince the disci- ples that he was really present? y How could they know that it was Jesus by seeing his hands and his side? 95 How were the disciples affected when they perceived who it was ? 21. What did Jesus again say to them 1 What commission did he givethum? In what terms does Matthew relate this trans- action? Matt, xxviii. 19, 20. Who gave Jesus his commission ? John xii. 49. What was his commission 1 Luke iv. 18, 19. 22. What did Jesus impart to the Apostles to qualify them for this office? 23. What authority did he confer on them? Has any person on earth no'w authority to re- mit or forgive sin ? Which of the disciples was absent at the time these things took place? What did the other disciples say to him after- wards ? What answer did he make ? 26. What happened after eight days ; l. e. on the following first day of the week ? 27. What did Jesus say to Thomas? Is it not evident from this ,that Jesus knew what Thomas had said on a former occasion? Does it appear that Jesus was offended with him for refusing to believe the testimony of his brethren? 28. What did Thomas cry out when he saw- the hands and the side of Jesus ? What did lie mean by this exclamation 1 Was he not now convinced that Jesus had risen from the dead 1 29. On what eviderce did Thomas believe this 1 Is it right to beiieve on other evidence 1 Who does Jesus say are blessed 7 Can we have the same kind of evidence for be- 96 lieving that Jesus rose from the dead, that the Apostles had ? What evidence have we of this event 1 Did the Apostle John record all the signs which Jesus did in this hook? What is meant by signs ? What book is here meant ? SI. For what purpose did John write his Gospel? Whom then are we to believe Jesus to be? If we believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, what, may we hope to obtain ? What life is here meant 1 Is there any other name by which we can be saved? Acts. iv. 12. In whose name must we pray to the Father? John xvi. 23. Does not Jesus pray to the Father for us ? Heb. vii. 25. Should you not then desire to have Jesus for your friend? How may you become his friend? John xv. 14. LESSON XXXVIII. Jesus at the Sea of Tiberias. John XXI. 1-25. 1, 2. To whom did Jesus appear at the sea of Ti- berias? What sea was this 1 Where is the sea of Tiberias 1 What character is given of Nathaniel in John i. 47. ? Who were the sons of Zebedee? 3. How were the disciples employed that night? 97 What was their success 1 4 Who appeared on the shore in the morning? Did the disciples know who it was ? 6. What did Jesus direct them to do when they told him tfaey had no meat? What did he mean bv meat 1 Why did he call them children ? What is said of their success? 7. Who first discovered tha' it was Jesus? What led John to think Jiat it was Jesus? What did Peter do s when he heard it was the Lord ? Why did he cast himself into the sea ? Did he by this means get to land before the rest ? 8. How far were they from land at the time tins took place? How many feet are two hundred cubits 1 How many yards % 9. What did the disciples see when they reached the shore? 10. What did Jesus direct them to do? 11. How many fishes were caught in the net? Who drew the net to land? 12. What did Jesus invite them to do? Did they know who it was ? 13. What did Jesus then do? 14. How many times had Jesus now appeared to his disciples since his resurrection ? 15. What question did Jesus put to Peter after thev had finished their meal? To what did he probably refer ? Matt. xxvi. S3. Had not Peter been more ready than any other of tht disciples to profess his attachment to Jesus 1 What was Peter's reply to the question? 9 98 In what way did Jesus direct him to show his love ? Who are meant by the lambs 7 What is meant by feeding the lambs 7 16, 17. How many times did Jesus repeat the question to Peter? How many times had Peter denied his Master: Why was Peter grieved wlien the question was asked the third time 1 What was he directed to do to show his love ? Who are the sheep Peter was to feed 1 18. How does Jesus contrast the youth with the old age of Peter? 19. To what does this allude 1 How was til is prediction fulfilled 1 . How were his hands stretched forth 1 How was he girded 1 Whither was he carried 1 How was God glorified by the cruel death of Peter 1 20. Whom did Peter see on turning round ? 21. What did he desire to know respecting him? 22. What reply did Jesus make to his inquiry about John? What is the meaning of this reply 1 Di 3 not John live till the destruction of Jerusalem 1 Does not the coming of Jesus sometimes denote the de- struction of Jerusalem 1 Matt. xvi. 28. 23. How were these words understood by the brethren ? Who are meant bv the brethren 7 Had Jesus foretold that this disciple would never die ? 24. Was not this disciple the writer of the gospel according to John 7 25. Are all the actions of Jesus recorded ? What would have been the effect had all that Jesus did been written ? What is meant by this expression 1 Is enough written to s'atisly every reasonable person 1 LESSON XXXIX. The Ascension of Jesus. Acts I. 1-11. Luke XXIV. 50-53. 1. What was the former treatise mentioned in this verse % 2, 3. How long did Jesus remain on the earth af- ter he had risen from the dead ? To whom did he show himself alive after his passion ? What is meant by his passion ? What did he converse about with his disciples during this time? 4. For what purpose were the disciples to remain at Jerusalem? What promise is here meant 1 John xiv. 26. 5. With what were they to be baptized? When was this fulfilled 1 Acts ii. 1—4. 6. What question did the disciples ask Jesus ? What did they mean by this question 1 Had the kingdom been taken away from Israel 1 Who had taken it from them 1 7. What was it not for them to know 1 Does it concern us to know what God has not seen fit to reveal 1 Deut. xxix. 29. 8. What were they to receive ? What kind of power did they receive 1 For what office did this power qualify them 1 Where were they to exercise this oflice 1 100 9. What happened after he had spoken these things ? How was he employed at the time he was ta- ken up into heaven ?• Luke xxiv. 51. From what place did he ascend? xxiv. 50. How far is Bethany from Jerusalem 1 10. Who appeared to them as they stood gazing up into heaven? Were these persons men, or angels in the form of men ? 11. What did they assure the disciples would here- after take place? Did Jesus promise his disciples that he would come again? John xiv. 3. Who will come with him? Matt xxv. SI. Who will be gathered before him? Matt. xxv. 32. What will every one receive at that time ? 2 Cor. v. 10. Does any one but God know when that day will come? Mark xiii. 32. Ought you not then to endeavour to be always prepared for the day of judgment ? What must you do to be prepared? 2 Peter L \ A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF EVENTS, RECORDED IN THE EVANGELICAL HISTORIES. From Dr. Carpenter's Geography of the New Testament [Note. It should be considered that the dates contained in this table are in a great measure conjectural, that it is not even known in what year our Saviour was born, some placing his birth two, others four, while others carry it back as far as seven, years before the commencement of the Christian era according to the common reckoning.] B. C. 7. In the twentieth year of the reign of Augustus, Herod called the Great, being king of Judea, Jesus is born, seven years before A. D., according to the common reckoning. t John the Baptist born some months before. A. D. 28. John the Baptist begins to preach* jan. A. D. 29. 20. Jesus is Baptized, and retires to the desert. MAR. 2. The priests and Levites come to the Baptist. 3. Christ returns to him at Bethabara. 4. John and Andrew follow Jesus. 5. Our Lord calls Philip and Nathaniel. 6—8. The marriage festival at Cana. Our Lord's FIRST MIRACLE. 9* 102 • MAR. A. P. 29. 9. Jesus goes to Capernaum. 19—25. First Passover. Christ converses with Nicodemu* 26. Our Lord goes into the neighbouring country. APR 9.* The walk through the corn-fields. 20. Conference at Sychar with the Samaritan woman. 27. Jesus at Cana cures the sick yeuth at Capernaum. MAY. 8—14. Pentecost. Jesus at Jerusalem. 14. * Cure of the infirm man at Bethesda. 15. Christ departs into Galilee, spending the time during Herod's residing in Galilee, and during the intense heat of the summer months, in comparative retire- ment, till the Feast of Tabernacles. About the end of May, he probably visited Nazareth, (Luke iv. 14—32,) and, soon after, perhaps, occurred the miraculous draught of fishes recorded in Luke v. 1—11. SEPT. IS— 19. Feast of Tabernacles ; a little before which the Baptist was imprisoned by Herod. 1C. Jesus reaches Jerusalem. 19. The great day of the feast. 20. * Restoration of the blind man. (N« B. This day was a Sabbath by Lev. xxiii. 39.) After this miracle Chr : 3i immediately returns to Galilee, and begins His TUBLic preaching there. 23. The call of Peter, Andrew, James, and John. 24. Cure of the demoniac, Peter's wife's mother, Szc. 25. First Progress through Galilee J at the close of which OCT. 16. Oar Lord delivers his sermon on the mount, heals U leper, &c. 17. The widow's son raised from the dead. 20. Christ returns to the lake, and stills the stoma 21. The demoniacs cured in the land of Gadara. * Jewish Sabbat It. 103 oct. A. D. 29. 23. The cure of the paralytic. Call of Matthew. 24. Christ at Matthew's house ; raises the daughter of Jairus, &c. 25. Second progress through Galilee. 26. Christ chooses the twelve apostles. NOV. 10. Mission of the Apostles. 12. The disciples of the Baptist come to Christ. Christ at the house of Simon the Pharisee. Soon after our Lord probably delivered the parables in Luke xv. 17. Mission of the Seventy. About this time our Lord de- livered the parable of the Good Samaritan, and cured the ten lepers. 25. The visit to Martha and Mary at Bethany. 26. Christ again rejected by the Jews, at tlie Feast of Dedi- cation, and immediately retires to Bethany, in Peraea. In this district he appears to have spent the whole of December, and to near the close of January. jan. A. D. 30. Before tjie end of his sojourn in Peraea, the Seventy re- turned to him, with some of the Twelve ; and, during it, he probably delivered the parables of the Unjust Steward, the Rich Man and Lazarus, the Unjust Judge, and the Pharisee and Publican. 27 Our Lord leaves the Peraea for Bethany. 28. Christ raises Lazarus, and, soon after, retires to Ephraim. FEB. 18. * Cure of the man with the withered hand ; about which time the Baptist was beheaded ; and about the begin- ning of March the rest of the Apostles eeturk. MAR. 5. The feeding of the Five Thousand. 6. Jesus discourses in Capernaum, and works miracles m Gennesaret. He afterwards goes to the neighbour- hood of Tyre and Sidon, and returns through the De- capoli3 to the eastern shore of the lake. 104 mar. A. D. 30. 14. The miracle of the Four Thousand. 15. Jesus crosses from the neighbourhood of Magdala to Beth* saida in Galilee, and restores sight to the blind man. 18. Peter's avowal of the Messiahship of Jesus, ne^ Cesarea Philippi. 25.* The Transfiguration 27. The tribute-money demanded at Capernaum. 28. Our Lord's departure from Galilee: he enters Samaria, and passes over into the Persea 31. The visit to Zaccheus at Jericho. APR. 1. * Our Lord arrives at Bethany. 2. Sunday. Entry into Jerusalem. Voiee in the temple. 3. Monday. The barren fig-tree. The temple cleared. 4 Tuesday. Discourses with the rulers, Herodians, Sad- ducees, &c. 5. Wednesday. On the Mount of Olives, Chi ist foretells the destruction of the temple. Supper at Bethany. 6. Thursday. Jesus eats the Passover. 7. Friday. The Crucifixion. 8. * Saturday. The Jews seal the sepulchre, and set a watch. 9. Lord^s-day. The Resc rrection, Jesus goes to Emmaus. 16. Lord's-day. Our Lord appears to Thomas, &c. MAY. 11. The Ascension. 14. Lord's-day. The Pentecost. The communication of the Spirit to the Apostles. TABLES. JEWISH AND ROMAN MONEY, MENTIONED IN THfi NEW TESTAMENT, REDUCED TO FEDERAL MONEY. Cts. Ml*. U n 4 Dolls. A mite, (Leptum, Mark xii. 42 ; Luke xii. 59.) - A farthing, (Quadrans, Mark xii. 42 ; Matt. v. 26.) ------ A farthing, (Assarium, Matt. x. 29 ; Luke xii. 6.) - - . - A penny, (Denarius, Matt. xx. 2 ; xxii. 19 ; Luke x. 35 ; Mark xiv. 5.) A piece of silver, (drachm, Luke xv. 8.) Tribute money, (didrachm, or half shekel, Matt. xvii. 27.) A piece of silver (stater or shekel, Matt. xvii. 27 ; xxvi. 15.) A pound, (Roman mina, Luke xix. 13.) 13 A taient of silver, (Matt. xxv. 15.) about 1,500 A talent of gold, about - - 24,000 14 14 28 56 88 00 00 0 0 8 0 o Accordingly, 2 mites make one farthing. 4 farthings make one assarium. 10 assaria make one penny, denarius, or drachm. 2 pence make one half shekel. 4 pence make one shekel or stater. 100 pence make one pound. Note. It appears from the parable of the laborers in the vineyard, that a penny or Roman denarius was the price of a day's labor for a man ; so that the value of money was five or six times as great in Judea at the time of our Saviour, as it is at the present day among us. Accordingly the tribute money, or half shekel, which every male Jew over 20 years of age was required to pay an- nually for the support of the religious worship of the temple, would be equal in value to $1 50 or $2 00 ; and the widow's two mites would not be more inconsiderable than as many cents of our cur- rency. Estimated by this rule, the thirty pieces of silver (staters or shekels,) in consideration of which Judas betrayed his Master, amount to a much larger sum than has been commonly supposed, and quite sufficient to prove a temptation to an unprincipled and sordid mind like that of the traitor A TABLE OP DISTANCES, Calculated from Jngraham's Map of Palestine'. Modern Names. Jerusalem to Jericho, to Sychar, cc cc Napolose, f £ CC cc ce CC cc €€ CC cc ( c cc cc ce cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc 16 40 50 70 65 70 84 115 6 28 38 32 55 140 43 33 80 - 30 Syr, or Soor. 110 Seide or Sayd, 125 - 20 Nassara, Kaisaria, Tabaria, ™ m Bain as, Romba, Jaffa, - El-Sham, Ezdoud, to Samaria, to Nazareth, to Caesarea, to Tiberias, to Capernaum, - to Caesarea Philippi, - to Bethlehem, to Arimathea, to Joppa, - - to Bethabara, - * to Enon, - to Damascus, - - to Gaza, to Azotns, (Ashdod,) - to Mt. Carmel, to Machaerus, - to Tyre, to Sidon, Capernaum to Nazareth, to Sarepta, (Zarephath), - Sarfend, - 40 to Caesarea Philippi, - - - -.33 to Cana, ----- IS to Caesarea, ------ 44, to Tiberias, ------ 14 to Nain, - - 25 Tiberias to Machaerus,* ------ 65 " to Caesarea,* ------ 37 Caesarea Philippi to Antioch, (Dr. Carpenter) - - 202 " " to Damascus, ----- 50 JSycliar to Samaria, - - - - 12 " to Cana, ------- 35 Caesarea to Joppa, - - - - 37 Gaza to Azotus, - - - - - -25 Lake of Gennezareth to the Dead Sea, El Amout, - 5(> Nazareth to Cana, - - - - - 3 " to Nain, 7 The greatest length of Palestine, or the Holy Land, was abont 190 miles, the greatest breadth about 60 miles. It now forms a part of the Turkish empire, ami is governed by the l J ashas of Acre and Damascus. * Tiberias was the usual residence of Herod, the Tetr&rch ; as Caesarea was of the Roman governor, or procurator. 107 MEASURES OF LENGTH MENTIONED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. Miles.Rods. Ft. In A cubit, (John xxi. 8.) about 1 10 A fathom, (Acts xxvii. 28.) about • 7 4 A furlong, (Luke xxiv. 13 ; John xi. 18.) about 44 3 7 A Jewish mile, (Matt. v. 41.) about 1 122 3 00 A Sabbath day's journey, (Acts i. 12.) about three* fourths of a mile. A day's journey, (Luke ii. 44.) from 20 to 30 miles. MEASURES OF CAPACITY MENTIONED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. A firkin, (metretes, John ii. 6.) probably about 1 gallon. A measure, (satum, Matt. xiii. 33.) 1 peck, 4 quarts. A Roman bushel, (modius, Matt. v. 15.) 1 peck. A cor, (corus, or homer, Luke xvi. 7.) about 8 bushels. A sextarius, (Mark vii. 4.) about 1| pint. A bath, (batus, Luke xvi. 6.) 7| gallons. Ac >oenix, (Rev. vi. 6 C ) a measure containing as much ai a man would consume in one day, or about five pints , same as an omer, (Exodus xvi. 16.) 10 omers making an ephah, (Exodus xvi. 36.) or 3^ pecks, TIME. The Jewish year consisted of 12 lunar months, consisting alter- nately of 29 and 30 days, commencing with the first appearance of the new moon, of which notice was given by the sound of trum- pets. (Psalm Ixxxi. 3.) An intercalary month was added as often as it was necessary to accommodate the lunar to solar years. The civil year began with the autumnal, the ecclesiastical ci sacred year, with the vernal equinox. NAMES OF THE JEWISH MONTHS. 1. Nisan or Abib, (Neb. ii. 1 ; Esther > March and A ^ iu.7.) answering to part pi 5 2. Jyar or Zif, April and May. 3. Sivan, (Esth. viii. 0). May and June* 4. Tharamuz, T • ••■>•' JuW. 108 5. Ab, July and Aug. 6. Ehd, (Neh. vi. 15.) Aug. and Sept 7. Tizri, Sept. and Oct. 8. Marchesvan, Oct. and Nov. 9. Chisieu, (Zecb. vii. 1 ; Neh. i. 1.) Nov. and Dec. 10. Thebet, Dec. and Jan. 11. Sebat, (Zech. i. 7.) Jan. and Feb.- 12. Adar, (Ezra vi. 15; Esther iii. 7.) Feb. and March. Intercalary month, Ve-Adar. SEASONS OF THE YEAE. 1. Seed time, corresponding to our Oct. and Nov. 2. Winter, " Dec. and Jan. 3. Cold Season, M Feb. and March. 4. Harvest, " April and May. 5. Summer, " June and July. 6 Hot Season, Aug. and Sept. The Jewish dav be^an at sunset. The nisht beginning at sunset and ending at sunrise, was divided into four equal parts, called watches. The day beginning at sun- rise and ending at sunset, was divided into twelve equal parts called hours. The civil dav of the Jews bejran at sunrise. The Jews had no particular names for the days of the week, but called them the first, second, third, kc. QUESTIONS ON THE MAP OF PALESTINE. In what part of the world is Palestine or the Holy Land 1 By what name was it known before it was Conquered by the Israelites 1 What were the principal divisions of Palestine at the time of our Saviour ? In what part of Palestine was Judea'l Samaria 1 Galilee 1 Where was Phoenicia 1 Peraea 1 Itfirea ! "What three cities on the northwest coqpt of Palestine. Which is the most northerly, Tyre rr Sldon ? For wha* is 5arcpta or Zareph^th vexnarkaljle 1 1 Ringi x.ii. S--24. 109 Wh ^ree cities on the southwest coast 1 Which is the most southerly, Gaza or Azotus 1 For what is Gaza remarkable 1 Judges xvt. In what direction is Joppa from Jerusalem 1 What is the modern name of Joppa 1 What is related of this place in 2 Chron. ii. 16 1 What miracle was wrought at this place by the Apostle Peter 1 Acts ix. 36-43. Where is Bethlehem 1 For what event is this village remarkable % In what direction is Arimathea from Jerusalem 1 What person is mentioned in the New Testament as belonging to this place % Matt, xxvii. 57. Where are Bethany and Bethphage 1 What miracle did Jesus perform in Bethany 1 For what other event is Bethany remarkable 1 Luke xxiv, 50, 51 Where is Jericho 1 How far from Jerusalem 1 At whose house did Jesus lodge in Jericho 1 Luke xix. 2. What miracle did he perform near fliis place 1 Luke xviii. So- 43. How far is Sychar or Shechem from Jerusalem 1 What is the modern name of this city % What event happened in this place in our Saviour's ministry? John iv. Whose bones were buried in Shechem 1 Josh. xxiv. 82* What i3 said of this place in Gen. xxxvii. 12-14 1 tVTiat mountain near Sychar 1 "Where is the city of Samaria 1 Where is Caesarea 1 What was the ancient name of thi3 place By whom was it rebuilt 1 Why was it called Caesarea 1 Who usually resided in Caesarea 1 What happened to Herod Agrippa in this place 1 Acts xn. 21 -2d On what occasior did Peter visit this city 1 Acts x. How far is it from Joppa to Caesarea 1 How long was Paul confined as a prisoner in this city 1 Act! xxiv. 27. For what are Bethabara and iEnon remarkable 1 John u 28 and John iii. 23. How *>r is Nazarsth from Jerusalem * ?9 110 For what is this place celebrated I Where is Nain ! What miracle did Jesus perform near this place % Luke wst 11-15. Where is Mount Carmel 1 What memorable event took place on tills mountain 1 1 Kings xviii. Where is Tiberias ? By whom was this city built 1 In honor of whom was it named 1 Wiiat event is supposed to have taken plars in this city 1 Matt. xiv. S--12. How far from Tiberias to the castle of Macht /.is where John was imprisoned 1 What other cities are on the western coast of the Sea of Ga* like? What on the eastern coast 1 For what is Capernaum remarkable 1 Matt, i * 13. What miracle w r as wrought at Cana 1 Joim ii Where is Caesarea Philippi 1 How far from Capernaum 1 By what names was it anciently known 1 Judges xviii. 29 By whom was it rebuilt 1 Why was it called Caesarea Philippi 1 Where are the Mountains of Lebanon 1 What kind of forest trees formerly grew on these mountains 1 2 Chron. ii. 8. Where is Mount Tabor " What memorable event is supposed tc have happened hers 1 Matt. xvii. 1. Where is Damascus 1 Of what is it the capital 1 What Jiappened to Saul on his way to that city 1 Acts ix. In what direction is Abilene from Palestine 1 Wliere is Idumea 1 Where is Egypt 1 What Sea is on the west of Palestine 1 What countries on the south and east 1 What is the extent of Palestine 7 . To whom was it subject hi the time of our Saviour t At what time was Jerusalem destroyed by die Romans 1 To what nation does it now belong 1 HYMNS, i. Hymn for Sabbath Morning. [Old Hundred, Wells.] , Assembled in our school once more, God's gracious blessing we '11 implore : We meet to learn, and sing, and pray ; May he be with us through this day. If we attend, with humble mind, And seek instruction, we shall find : Then, while we hear the sacred page, Oh ! may its truth our hearts engage ! These sabbath days will soon be o'er, And we shall come to school no. more : We would not then endure the pain Of having spent our time in vain. And when on eaitli we meet no more, May we to God, our Father, soar ! And praise him in more lofty strains, Where one eternal sabbath reigns. Ill Commencing Hymn. [Lanerk, Portugal.] God is so good that he will hear Whenever children humbly pray ; He always lends a gracious ear To what the youngest child can say. 112 His own most holy book declares, That, as a tender father will, He listens to our lowly prayers, And what we ask will grant us still He loves to hear a grateful tongue Thank him for all his mercies given ; And when on earth his praise is sung, The ch rful notes are heard in heaven. « III. ' Gratitude for Christian Privileges [Mear, Irish.] I thank the goodness and the grace Which on my birth have smiled, And made me in these christian days A free and happy child. I was not born, as millions are, Where God was never known, And taught to pray a useless prayer To blocks of wood and stone. My God ! I thank thee, who hast planned A better lot for me, And placed me in this happy land, Where I may hear of thee. Help me to serve thee every day, Whilst thou shalt give me breath ; And grant that while on earth 1 stay, I may prepare for death. IV. God our Fattier. [Wells, Evening Hymn;] Great God, and wilt thou condescend To be my Father and my Friend 1 — I but a child, and thou so high, The Lord of earth, and air, and sky ! 113 Art thou my Father 1 — Let me be A meek, obedient child to thee ; And try, in every deed and thought, To serve and please thee as I ought. Art thou my Father 1 — I '11 depend Upon the care of such a friend; And only wish to do, and be, Whatever seemeth good to thee. Art thou my Father 1 — Then at last, When all my days on earlh are past, Send down, and take me in thy love To be thy better child above. V. Lvery good Gift cometh from the Father of L tghi*> [Greenville, Benevento.j Glory to our Heavenly King ! Bounteous parent ! thee we sing; G:~atitude the strain inspires, Humble hopes, sincere desires. God of Glory ! God of love ! Lord of all the worlds above ! Thee we bless for daily food, Thee we bless for every good. More than all, we praise thee, Lord, For the blessings of thy word, For the tidings Jesus brought, For die precepts Jesus taught. Gracious Father ! Heavenly King ! Feeble lips presume to sing ; Infant voices humbly raise Grateful, fervent songs of praise. 10* 11 VI. 9 Praise ye the Lord — He is good—His mercy en- • dureth forever.* [Greenville, Benevento.] Praise to God ! Oh ! let us raise From our hearts a song of praise ; Of that goodness let us sing Whence our lives and blessing3 spring. Praise to Him who made the light, Praise to Him who gave us sight ! Praise to Him who formed the ear !— He our humble praise will hear. Praise him for our happy hours, Praise him for our varied powers, For these thoughts that soar above For these hearts he made for love. For the voice he placed within, Bearing witness when we sin : Praise to Him, whose tender care Keeps this watchful guardian there ! Praise the mercy that did send Jesus for our guide and friend : Praise him, every heart and voice, Him who makes the world rejoice. VII. Dismission, [Sicilian Hymn.] Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing, Smile upon us from above ; May we each, thy peace possessing, Trust in thy paternal love. Make us gentle, kind, and lowly ; Teach us, Father, from thy word, How we may be good and holy, Take to Jesus Christ our Lord ! 115 VIII. Blest the Day's Returning [Juvenile Lyre, p. 27.] Blest the day's returning When the Saviour rose; Holy thought awaking While devotion glows. And we learn the story Of the Lord of glory, Kind and merciful In the Sunday Schoo*. ireat is the Salvation Sounded in our ears; Sweet the invitation While the humble hears. As we learn the story Of the Lord of Glory, Kind and merciful In the Sunday School. Let our minds be wakeful; Foolish thoughts away: Let our hearts be grateful, Every Sabbath day: While we learn the story Of the Lord of Glory, Kind and merciful In the Sunday School. IX. The Sabbath School. [Juvenile Lyre, p. 25.] Lovely is the dawn Of each rising day Loveliest the morn Of the Sabbath day» Then our infant thoughts are full Of the precious Sabbath School 116 To our happy care Blessed news is brought Tidings of the work Love divine has wrought. Gracious news and merciful! Oh! we love the Sabbath School, Teachers, you are kind Thus to point the road, Leading us from sin To our Father, God. May we all be dutiful In the precious Sabbath School. Sweetly fades the light Of each passing days Fairest is the night Of the Sabbath day. Then our hearts with praise are full For the precious Sabbath School. X. Our Father, King of Heaven. [Missionary Hymn.] Our Father, King of heaven! What kindness hast thou shown! To us the gospel 's given ; To us the Saviour 's known. While thousand souls benighted In heathen darkness lie, Our path to heaven is lighted By dayspring from on high. For blessings without measure That strow our happy way ; For health and friends and pleasure, And hopes that ne'er decay:— We bow the knee before thee, On whom our souls depend; We worship, praise, adore thee, Almighty, gracious Friend. Above, below, around as, What wonders strike our eyes! 117 Thy works, O God, surround a* And warn us to be wise. Then let our souls adore thee. And shout thy praise abroad; For kingdom, power, and gloryp Are thine forever, Lord. XL How Siveet is the Day [Juvenile Lyre, p. 26. J How sweet is the day, When leaving our play, The Saviour we seek! The fair morning glows, When Jesus arose — The best in the week! The sabbath -bell rings, The full choir sings, The minister prays; And God's holy word Devoutly is heard, And given his grace. The dear place of prayer—' Our teachers are there, To point us above; Their hearts burn with zeal, That children may feel The Saviour's kind love To school, then, we'll go, For surely we know Our sabbaths must end « O then to the skies, Redeemed may we rise To Jesus our friend 113 XII Hymn of Praise, [Juvenile Lyre, p, 46.] O Lord! while angels praise thee, And all creation sing3, To thee, almighty Spirit! My soul its tribute bring3. The morning stars all praise thee. The heavenly host on high, The beams of early dawning, And purple evening sky:— The fragrant springing-flowers, And summer's glowing rays, The golden fruits of autumn, And winter's frozen days. With pleasure thou dost listen, To hear an infant sing: Thou wilt accept the praises That little children bring. To thee I give my being; I consecrate my days ; And, every day, my duty Shall be to sing thy praise ■