THE UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY BETHEL HEROES CHAPTER Rocky Mount, Nortn Carolina 1922 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hil THE UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY BETHEL HEROES CHAPTER, No. 636 Go thou and search the archives Of all recorded time, And see whose deeds are greatest, Most noble and sublime, And truth, from history's pages, This simple fact shall tell: That deed of loving women All other deeds excel. —A Confederate Soldier of Georgia ORGANIZED OCTOBER 25, 1903 MOTTO: "Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet; Lest we forget, Lest we forget." MEETINGS: First Thursday each month. COLORS: Red and White. CHAPTER OFFICERS "The best of life is the joy of service." President Mrs. W. Henry Home First Vice-President Mrs. G. Thomas Smith Second Vice-President Mrs. R. L. Savage Third Vice-President Mrs. J. B. Brooks Recording Secretary Mrs. J. A. Higgins Corresponding Secretary Mrs. E. B. Grantham Treasurer Mrs. J. 0. W. Gravely Historian Mrs. M. P. Battle Registrar Mrs. H. L. Hicks Leader of C. of C Mrs. R. P. Holt Reporter Mrs. Jacob Battle Chaplain Mrs. John H. Thorpe LOCAL MONUMENT COMMITTEE Mrs. M. O. Winstead Mrs. T. L. Bland Mrs. G. T. Smith SOLDIERS' HOME COMMITTEE Mrs. R. P. Holt Mrs. J. B. Goode Mrs. L. R. Gorham CONFEDERATE WOMAN'S HOME COMMITTEE Mrs. R. L. Savage Mrs. Z. V. Jenkins Mrs. G. B. Cooper Mrs. H. E. Brewer Mrs. E. M. Perry PROGRAM COMMITTEE Mrs. R. P. Holt Mrs. M. P. Battle Mrs. A. B. Douglas SICK COMMITTEE Mrs. M. P. Battle Mrs. F. S. Spruill Mrs. J. H. Thorpe Mrs. Frank Bulluck Mrs. J. K. Hill WREATH COMMITTEE Mrs. R. D. Bulluck Mrs. D. D. Daughtridge Mrs. Dan Dove Mrs. A. F. Sydenstricker Mrs. Leon Jenkins COMMITTEE ON CROSSES FOR VETERANS' GRAVES Mrs. L. D. Harper Mrs. W. H. McDonald Mrs. T. S. McDearman MUSIC COMMITTEE Mrs. Thomas B. Suiter Mrs. Jacob Battle Mrs. I. T. Smith Misses Susie Battle and Clefa Wynne 2 ORDER OF BUSINESS "Order is Heaven's first law." 1. Prayer. 2. Reading of Minutes by Recording Secretary. 3. Report of Corresponding Secretary. 4. Report of Treasurer. 5. Report of Registrar. 6. Report of Director Children of the Confederacy. 7. Report Custodian of Crosses. 8. Report Standing Committees. 9. Reading Communications. 10. Unfinished Business. 11. New Business. 12. Roll Call. 13. Social Hour. 14. Adjournment. JJrngram JANUARY 5th, 1922 "No, I am grateful, but I have a self-imposed task, which I must ac- complish. I have led the young men of the South in battle; I have seen many of them fall under my standard; I shall devote my life now to train- ing young men to do their duty in life." — Robert E. Lee. Prayer. Order of Business. Duty — Be sure your taxes are paid. Paper — "General John B. Gordon, the Ideal Patriot, Citi- zen and Soldier, Brigadier General Fifth Cavalry" (Won D. B. Coltrane Prize 1921) Mrs. J. A. Higgins Paper — "Rosa Greenhow." (Won Mrs. Thos. W. Wilson Prize 1921) **+„. . Q. . ?. M *** Song. Paper — "Light Horse Harry Lee and Anne Carter Lee, parents of Robert E. Lee. The influences which molded their lives and the traditions which their son inherited." Miss Mabel Barrett Hostesses — Mesdames G. W. Sandlin, Frank Bulluck, R. H. Moore, W. H. Mallison, C. C. Simms, J. W. Davenport, F. T. Bennett, G. W. Marshbourne, Miss Mary Hilliard, Mrs. T. Frank Cherry, Mrs. R. V. Snipes JANUARY 19th and 21st, 1922 Lee-Jackson Birthdays FEBRUARY 2nd, 1922 "The Time needs heart — 'tis tired of head; We're all for love," the violin said. — Lanier. Prayer. Order of Business. Duties — Collection for Jefferson Davis Monument and last call for taxes. Paper — "Sidney Lanier, His Life and His Poems." (Not over 2000 words.) (Subject for Rose Loving Cup for 1922) Mrs. R. D. Bulluck Song. Paper — "Stratford. The birth-place of two signers of the Declaration of Independence and of Robert E. Lee." Describe this old colonial home and mention other distinguished men born in Westmoreland County, Virginia Mrs. M. P. Battle Hostesses — Mesdames R. D. Bullock, W. H. Home, W. G. Home, T. H. Lancaster, J. W. Powell, I. J. Dowdy, J. H. Barnes, J. D. Blount, Thomas Thomas, John Thorne, Annie Taylor Blythe, Bertha Mc. Saunders. 4 MARCH 2nd, 1922 "The past is now like an Arctic Sea Where the Living Currents have ceased to run, But over that past the fame of Lee Shines out as the 'Midnight Sun.' " Prayer. Order of Business. Paper — "Lee at Lexington." (Schuyler Prize Subject; not over 2000 words.) Mrs. M. P. J. Williams Song. Paper — "The Boyhood of Robert E. Lee in Alexandria." Describe this historic town and its interesting associa- tions Mrs. Kenly McGee Hostesses — Mesdames H. E. Brewer, S. F. Jenkins, Thomas McMillan, C. H. Smith, W. H. McGee, C. C. Little, John Chambliss, Grover Robbins, C. M. Griffin; Misses Mabel Barrett and Lillie Mclntyre; Mesdames Carrie Parker and L. F. Pearsall. APRIL 6th, 1922 Vnd bear aloft and carry abroad le starry cross, our sacred sign. Prayer. Order of Business. Duty — Arrange for Memorial Day. Paper — "The Alabama." (Subject for Hyde Medal, 1922; not over 2000 words) Mrs. J. T. Lassiter Paper— "The Confederate Navy." (Won Hyde Medal 1921) Mrs. R. P. Holt Song. Paper — "Robert E. Lee at West Point" Mrs. W. W. Ricks "His Marriage to Mary Custis" Mrs. G. C. Bonner Describe the happy home at Arlington and mention the priceless relics which Mary Custis inherited from Martha Washington Mrs. C. F. Sydenstricker Hostesses — Mesdames M. V. Barnhill, W. A. Bullock, T. C. Mc- Call, G. D. Modlin, R. L. Savage, T. A. Cooper, Wilson Ricks, G. C. Bonner, Jennie K. Hill, George Joyner, Z. V. Jenkins, Neal Doherty; Misses Lena and Melville Boddie, and Mesdames Mamie Strickland and R. B. Spencer. 5 MAY 4th, 1922 "To-day is the voice that speaks for years Of love and sacrifice, smiles and tears, The wreath in her hand will not decay; It is her keepsake — Memorial Day." —Blackburn. Prayer. Order of Business. Paper — On the Book, "The Women of the South in War Times." Subject for Andrews Medal for 1922, not to be over 2000 words) Mrs. J. B. Goode Song. Paper — "A Soldier's Life," "St. Louis," "The Mexican War." Mention some of the officers in the army of Winfield Scott who served on opposing sides in the War between the States Miss Yettie Bulluck Hostesses — Mesdames M. 0. Winstead, W. V. Gupton, G. L. Wimberly, R. B. Davis, C. W. Ivey, W. H. McDonald, B. F. Proctor, W. C. Divine, P. B. Kyser, J. C. Stout; Misses Nellie and Patty Arlington, and Bessie Bunn. MEMORIAL DAY MAY 10th, 1922 JUNE 1st, 1922 "Truth is standing like a sentinel, Waiting justice to open wide her gates." Prayer. Order of Business. Paper — "Jefferson Davis." Mrs. A. W. Gill Song — "The Rosary." Paper — "Commandant at West Point, Lieutenant Colonel of 2nd Cavalry." Mention some of the officers named by the Secretary of War, Jefferson Davis for the 2nd Regiment of Cavalry organized 1855 Mrs. M. P. Battle Hostesses — Mesdames T. L. Bland, W. P. Jennings, J. H. Pain- ter, D. D. Daughtridge, C. F. Smithson, Dan Dove, R. S. Wilson, A. F. Sydenstricker, John Benton, K. G. Hite, Lee Battle, E. G. Muse. JULY 6th, 1922 "Life's battles bravely fought and nobly won, He laid him down content at set of sun As twilight shadows fell." Prayer. Order of Business. Duties — See that All Obligations have been met. Paper— "J. E. B. Stuart." (Subject D. B. Coltrane Prize 1922, not over 2000 words) Mrs. K. T. Knight Song. Papers — "On Furlough at Arlington, Oct. 1859" Mrs. Dan Dove Describe the John Brown Raid, its object, its sup- porters, and Col. Lee's part in its suppression. Note especially that the attitude of the abolitionists in ex- alting John Brown as a martyr contributed to the sec- tional misunderstandings which culminated in war. Mrs. Louis R. Groham Hostesses — Mesdames H. L. Hicks, F. S. Winslow, A. C. Bone, W. A. May, Henry Edwards, C. L. Porter, A. W. Gill, I. T. Smith, R. S. Conners ; Misses Addie Paris, Embra Morton, Mary Ann Battle, Mary Manning Walker. AUGUST 3rd, 1922 "Willing to give and lose all they possessed, Save honor, for the land they loved." Prayer. Order of Business. Paper — "Cecession." Its history and its undoubted rec- ognition as a constitutional right. .Mrs.W. M. Daughtridge Song. Paper — "The Death and Burial of Annie Carter Lee." The monument erected to her memory Mrs. J. H. Painter Hostesses — Mesdames F. S. Spruill, W. B. Porter, Jacob Battle, N. L. Alcocke, J. O. W. Gravely, Kenley McGee, E. M. Perry, H. M. Avent, M. P. Battle, Gordon Smith, Leon Jenkins, W. W. Bulluck, Frank Thorpe, Mrs. Perrin Gower, Josephine Jenkins. SEPTEMBER 7th, 1922 "God's laws make it easier to do right and harder to do wrong." Prayer. Order of Business. Election of Delegates to State and General Conventions. Pacers — "Battle of Bentonville" Mrs. W. G. Weeks * "Battle of Plymouth" Mrs. W. H. McGee "Fall of Ft. Fisher" Mrs. G. T. Smith "Battles Around Kinston and New Bern" Mrs. W. G. Williams Song. Paper — "Decision Day at Arlington and the Great Re- nunciation." Compare the real Robert E. Lee with the lesser Lee, who might have commanded the U. S. Army of Invasion Mrs. A. B. Douglas Hostesses — Mesdames T. S. McDearman, H. B. Marriott, I. P. Battle, J. P. Whitehead, J. S. Dozier, J. B. PhPillips, J. T. Lassiter, W. J. Tracy, K. T. Knight, D. M. Pearsall, J. B. Goode, R. P. Holt, Misses Susie and Ella Battle, Bessie McDearman, Nellie Tracy, Louise Huffines, Kate Ar- rington. OCTOBER 5th, 1922 "The women of the Confederacy, Whose faith has never faltered, Whose zeal has never grown cold." Prayer. Order of Business. Election of Officers. Papers — "Mrs. W. M. Parsley, 1897-98" Mrs. M. P. Battle "Miss Lida Rodman, 1899-1900" Mrs. T. H. Lancaster "Mrs. W. M. Overman, 1901-02" Mrs. H. E. Brewer "Mrs. F. A. Olds, 1903-04" Miss Kate Arrington "Mrs H. A. London, 1905-06" Mrs. J. B. Brooks "Mrs. W. S. Parker, 1907" Mrs. T. A. Cooper "Mrs. I. W. Faison, 1908-09" Mrs. F. S. Spruill "Mrs. F. M. Williams, 1910-11-12" Mrs. I. T. Smith "Mrs. Marshal Williams, 1913-14" Mrs. C. H. Smith "Mrs. R. E. Little, 1915-16" Mrs. P. B. Kyser "Mrs. Jacksie Daniel Thrash, 1917-18-19". .Mrs. R. P. Holt "Mrs. C. Felix Harvey, 1919-20" Mrs. J. S. Gorham "Mrs. Thomas W. Wilson" Mrs. E. M. Perry Song. Hostesses — Mesdames W. H. Newell, G. L. Parker, J. W. Keel, J. A. Cuthrell, J. S. Gorham, W. C. Stephenson, S. B. Dom- inick, J. F- Edwards, W. G. Williams, W. B. Singleton, C. E. Hamilton, J. C. Wynne, T. B. Suiter, Misses Clefa Wynne and Yettie Bulluck. 8 NOVEMBER 2nd, 1922 "The people that forgets its heroic dead is already dying at heart, and who believe we shall be truer and better citizens of the United States if we are true to our past." — Dr. McKim. Prayer. Order of Business. Report from the State Convention. Paper — "Lee in Command of the Armies of Virginia and North Carolina in 1862." "Seven Days Battles" Miss Ella Battle "Second Manassas" Mrs. W. P. Jennings "Sharpsburg" Mrs. R. S. Conyers "Chancellorsville" Mrs. S. B. Dominick "Gettysburg" Mrs. H. L. Hicks "The Wilderness" Mrs. C. M. Griffin "Petersburg" Mrs. C. E. Hamilton "Appomattox" Miss Nellie Arlington "The Causes Which Contributed to the Overthrow of the Confederacy" Mrs. C. H. Arrington Hostesses — Mesdames W. G. Weeks, T. C. Jenkins, J. B. Brooks, G. T. Smith, L. R. Groham, A. B. Douglas, G. H. Simpson, T. T. Thorne, J. H. Daniel, J. A. Marshbourne, W. R. Griffin, J. W. Matthews. DECEMBER 7th, 1922 "This man hath breathed all balms of light, And quaffed all founts of grace, Till Glory, on the mountain height, Has met him face to face." — Ticknor. Prayer. Order of Business. Payment of Taxes. Report from General Convention. Paper — -"General Lee, President of Washington College at Lexington." The supreme nobility of his character re- vealed in his rejection of other offers and his determ- ination to abide with his own people and share their misfortunes Miss Ida Belle Lancaster "The passing of this great soul into the peace eternal" Miss Nellie Tracy "Lee Memorial Chapel, the one in use now and the one to be built" Mrs. I. P. Battle Song. Hostesses — Mesdames G. T. Burnett, W. W. Williams, L. D. Harper, R. M. Wilson, M. P. J. Williams, E. L. and W. M. Cavin, G. B. Cooper, J. A. Higgins, Ambler Speight, Misses Nellie C. Arrington and Lena Redmond. 9 JANUARY 4th, 1923 "All your strength is in your union All your danger is in discord." Prayer. Order of Business. Duty — Payment of Taxes. Paper — "Confederate Museum" Mrs. M. P. Battle "North Carolina Room at Confederate Museum" .... Mrs. R. P. Holt "Solid South Room" Mrs. A. B. Douglas Song. Hostesses — Mesdames G. W. Sandlin, Frank Bullock, R. H. Moore, W. H. Mallison, C. C. Simms, J. W. Davenport, F. T. Bennett, G. W. Marshbourne, Miss Mary Hilliard, Mrs. T. Frank Cherry, Mrs. R. V. Snipes. 10 STATE OFFICERS President Mrs. Thomas W. Wilson, Gastonia First Vice-President. . .Mrs. James K. Norfleet, Winston-Salem Second Vice-President Mrs. Peter Gorrell, Winston-Salem Third Vice-President Mrs. John T. Hollister, New Bern Recording Secretary Miss Mary Henderson, Salisbury Corresponding Secretary Mrs. D. M. Jones, Gastonia Treasurer Mrs. L. F. Long, Newton Registrar Mrs. D. G. Bell, Morehead City Recorder of Crosses Mrs. H. M. London, Raleigh Historian Mrs. J. L. Bridgers, Tarboro Chaplain Mrs. E. F. Reed, Lenoir Director of C. of C Mrs. Chas. Wallace, Morehead City GENERAL OFFICERS President General. .Mrs. Livingston Rowe Schuyler, New York. 1st Vice-Pres. Genl Mrs. Frank Harrold, Americus, Ga. 2nd Vice-Pres. Genl Mrs. Bennett D. Bell, Gallatin, Tenn. 3rd Vice-Pres. Genl Mrs. W. E. Massey, Hot Springs, Ark. Rec. Sec. Genl Mrs. R. D. Wright, Newberry, S. C. Cor. Sec. Genl Miss Allie Garner, Ozark, Ala. Treasurer Genl Mrs. Amos Norris, Tampa, Fla. Historian Genl Mrs. A. A. Campbell, Wytheville, Va. Custodian of Crosses Mrs. W. D. Mason, Philadelphia, Pa. Cust'n Flags-Penn'ts . . Mrs. J. H. Crenshaw, Montgomery, Ala. HONORARY MEMBERS Mesdames Robert H. Ricks, R. R. Cotten, W. D. Morton, and B. H. Bunn. 11 In iJIemflriam MRS. BETTIE MARRIOTT WHITEHEAD MRS. MARGARET WILLIAMS MRS. ANNIE GRIFFIN CREWS MRS. J. D. CHRISTIAN PADUCAH PRINTING CO. PADUCAH, KENTUCKY