yb/^L Jfyid/y- \.e^ei f Oykc Library (IF 'IVHE Jniversity of NortK Carolina TliiH liook was presented by Q^ p Ha^y>e»- , 7^^-o- M7S UNIVERSITY OF N C AT CHAPEL HILL 00030733225 This book must not be taken from the Library building. Form No. 471 ti3i m 1892 1902 Some Designs BY HOOR (Si SAWYER ARCHITECTS CHarlotte, NortK Carolina Presses of QUEEN CITY PTG. & PAPER CO. Charlotte. N. C. do OUR BOOKLET FOR 1902, e^*" t^* e^* (,5^ (^^ a?^ e^^ *^^ HARDLY .1 day passes that we do not have inquiries for a catalogue showing some designs of our work. We do not issue a catalogue nor do we encourage the reproduction of buildings that have been built. Originality and artistic design is the secret of our success, together with accuracy and completeness in the services we render. Why not, therefore, take advantage of experience. Our work is not only confined to the designing, but also to specification work for Sanitary Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating, and everything entering into the construction of modern buildings. Keep this little book ; it will be a help to you when you least expect it. When you are ready to build, write us and we will call on you. Respectfully yours, HOOK & SAWYER. Hook & Sawyer, Architects. RESIDENCE OF P. M. THOMPSON, Charlotte, N. C. Hook S: Sawyer, Architects. RESIDENCE OF CHAS. C. HUUK, Charlotte, N. C. Hook & Sawyer, Architects. RESIDENCE OF J. L. VILLALONGA, Charlotte, N. C. Hook & Sawyer, Architects. RESIDENCK OF A V. HARRIIX, Charlotte. N. C. Hook & Sawyer, Architects. MR. W. B. RYDER'S FOUR HOUSES. Charlotte, N. C. Hook & Sawyer, Architects. RESIDENCE OF GEO. A. HOWELL, Charlotte, N. C. Hook & Sawyer, Architects. RESIDENCE OF \V. L. ALEXANDER, Charlotte, N. C. Hook & Sawyer, Architects. RESIDENCK OF F. McM. SAWYER, Charlotte, N. C. IIOOK ^1 Sawvkr, Architects. DlvSIGN I'OR PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE, Charlotte, X. C. Hook & Sawyer, Architects. RESIDENCE OF M. D. McNEILL, Charlotte, N. C. Hook & Sawvkk, Architects. DESIGN FOR PUBLIC vSCHOOL. Hook & Sawyer, Architects. SANDERS BUILDING, Charlotte, N. C. m^ pX • JP ^:^ •THTEx COUM DE.3K3M.' QijEcN oTv prraca. - cmraxirrt. w.Q-,^ Hook & Sawyer, Architects. ^ww—^^gBSKr™" DESIGN FOR CARNEGIE LIBRARY, Charlotte, N. C. i I PRACTICE HALL— SOUTHERN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, Hook & Sawyer, Architects. Durham, N. C. Hook & Sawvkr, Architects. GERARD CONSERVATORY— ELIZABETH COLLEGE, Charlotte, N. C. /. ...^fe^ 5 a_J_^'5Lii .n sS;!.4^. 9 spy si n ,n jB8 i ->i/,^ ^^3. m. J- QUttN cnv PfilNTiNG a CMflfiLOrrc Nc Hook & Sawyer, Architects. DORMITORY— TRINITY COLLEGE, Duiliaiii, N. C. ^ ^. B^^ '■^uee^ GREENSBORO LOAN & TRUST CO.'S Hook & Sawyer, OFFICE BUILDING, Arcliitects. Greensboro, N. C. Hook & Sawvkr, GKl-.l-.NSUORO LOAN & TRUST CO., Architects. Interior of Banking Room. Greensboro, N. C. Hook & Sawyer, Architects. MASONIC TEMPLE, Greenville, N. C. u 2 -r; o Hook & Sawyer, Architects. SOUTHERN CONSERVATORY OE MUSIC, Durham, N. C. ^W% J.-^^iH « 1^7 rmi\' Hook & Sawyer, Architects. NEW DORMITORY— DAVIDSON COLLEGE, Davidson, N. C. Hook & Sawyer, Architects. PUBLIC SCHOOL, Concord, N. C. Hook & Sawyer Architects. SHEARER BIBLICAL HALL— DAVIDSON" COLLEGE, Davidson, N. C. Hook & Sawyer, Architects. PYTHIAN BUILDING, Concord, N. C Hook & S.wvvkk, Architects. CONVERSE COLLEGE, Auditorium. Spartanburg, S. C. Hook & Sawyer, MARTIN CHEMICAL LABORATORY-DAVIDSON COLLEGE, Architects. Davidson, N. C. A O (J a o o & ►J 7. a 5 o o bo -< " tnii ,. 1- « <; O O K sm^ :.:■« ■■■: ■■ -*'\^J'--*-.' QUEtN CITY-R«INT1N& CO. CHftftLOT-T£^ N.C. ' Hook & Sawyer, Architects. SrRAY INN, Spray, N. C. A STUDY OF AN ENTRANCE. Hook & Sawyer, Architects. RESIDENCE OF GEO. G. SHANNONHOUSE, Hook & Sawyer, , , ^, '^ Architects. Charlotte, N. C. P JJ. [iia " " s^ ^i- .^jw-t i' W i. wW 'Wl'!' U>1) ttR HM »v i^m '"^ ^W «l')*~"iri im '«" f^Ml^rf" I Wll^'W ?#: ;»9 at pi ^ III m 'P«^M.r.^/v.r *« ■« fe^ V^fc-^ Hook & Sawyer, Architects. RED SPRINGS SEMINARY, Red Springs, N C. ^'"i ig'^S~^--i- '. S'-'i^'^if^^r^VT QUEEMOir PhimiinS Co IIooK & Sawyer, Architects. n=OK CJr^^J^v^ Awn Tj (T^AKIPTTL. flC ELWOOD HOTEL AND BANK BUILDING, J. Elwood Cox, Owner. High Point, N. C. rr(/sK.i=iTiiL . he T^ SUNDAY .SCHOOL BUILDING-FIRST PRHSBYT?:RIAN CHURCH, Hook & Sawyer^ Architects. Greensboro, N. C. :S^^^i-^^. ■■: .,^ C. QUEtrs (iTYP«mriNG(o. IIooK & Sawyer, Architects. WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, CliarloUe, N. C. lIooK & Sawyer, Architects. CITY HALL AND MARKET, Durham, N. C. PROPOSED HOTEL, Hook & Sawyer, Architects. Charlotte, N. C. BUSINESS BLOCK FOR SAMUEL WITTKDWSKV, Hook & Sawyer, Architects. Charlotte, N. C. Hook & SwvvitR, Architects. FIRE ENGINE HOUSE, Durham, N. C. The MECKLENBURG IRON WORKS CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA MANUFACTURERS OF STRUCTURAL IRON AND STEEL FOR ROOFS MILLS FACTORIES CAR SHEDS POWER HOUSES OFFICE BUILDINGS ETC., ETC. NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL ESTIMATES SU B M ITT ED-SP EC! AL DESIGNS EX ECUTE D— PROM PT SERVICE ^- w ^JXlijbvky. /m C ('T^^'K.jo-r-rE M C / i } k ■\ -^r Itlanta iFt [lass Gompanji HTIiflJ^Tfli, GEORGIA IVIanufactUfePs of FIHE AHT GliflSS IVIippoPs, Bevel Plate Glass, Metnofial Windoujs. Wilier ManufactuFinj (jo. MILWAUKEE, WIS. MADE TO ORDER Window Screens and Screen Boors Sliding, Folding and Venetian Inside Blinds We have furnished work for the following buildings, cuts of which will be found in this book of designs. Residence of P. M. Thompson. Screens and Venetian Blinds. Residence of Geo. A. Howell, Screens and Sliding Blinds. Residence of A. V. Harrill, Screens. Residence of Chas. C. Hook, Screens. Residence of W. L. Alexander, Screens. Residence of P. M. Sawyer, Screens. W B Ryder, Screens (4 Residence Buildings.) Sanders Building, Screens and Sliding Blinds. Reference from any part of the country. IRicbolae ITttncr TKis Book was Compiled by CONTRACTOR Atlanta, Georgia The vieiv ivork in this book was made by O. J. RADER General Photographer KODAK DEVELOPING AND FINISHING Studio: 1 'West 5tl\ Street Cotton and Coon Pictnres for Sale. We make views of anything, anywhere, any size. D. Barnett Foster ^ ^ PUBLISHER ^ js^ CHarlotte, N. Carolina. J. R.. R.ICH J. L. RICH J. R. RICH (Sl vSON PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating and Gas Fitting 108.110 WEST ^VASHINGTON STREET GRE.ENSBORO, N. C. 7 AND 8 LEXINGTON AVENUE ASHEVILLE, N. C. Finger (Si PicKens No. 18 East TradeStreet CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA Headquarters for rjtLE fS EDWARD R. DIQGS & CO. IMPERVIOUS FRONT BRICK BUILDING BRICK HAND AND MACHINE MADE 716 13th Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. McCLAMROCH MANTEL GO. HIGH-GRADE MANTELS, GRATES AND TILES GJ^EEHSBORO, \k. C. This Finn gives its eiiire time to the manufacture and sale of MANTELS TILE and GRATES Their service is unequalled anywhere in the South. Spe- cial attention to tile floors and walls of all kinds. Send for catalogue. Have the estimate on your floors. Man ot 15 years experience has charge ot this branch ot the business THE BEST Builders' Hardware IS p. & F. CORBIN'S WE ARE AGENTS FOR IT A. R. WILLMANN. Prest. M. D. McNeill, Src. and Treas. J. H. WEDDINGTON & CO. 2'.) E. Trade St.. Charlotte, N. C, A.R.WILLMANN PLUMBING GO. CHARLOTTE, N. C. PHONE 248 PLUMBING, HEATING GAS FITTING J^ =.< Baths, Lavatoiies, Water Closets, Terra Cotta Pipe, Wood and Iron I'unips, &c. Agents for Gurney Hot Water Heaters. H. T. MILLER Sanitary Plumbing Steam and Hot Water Hitting Plumbers' and Steam Fitters' Supplies Chaflotte, N, C, ESTIMATES PKOMPTLY FURMISHED BUY YOUR Sheet Metal Trimmings Direct from the Factory WE MANUFJtCTURE Architectural vSheet Metal Work Galvanized Iron and Copper Cornices, Sky Lights, Ventilators, Crestings, Finials, Gut- tering, Piping, Etc. STEEL CEILINGS. Con- tractors for Tin, Slate and Gravel R.oofing'. Dealers in all Kinds of SHeet Metals, j^ j^ "We Have Executed the SHEET METAL 'WORK on manx of HooK (a Sawyer's Buildings JOHNSON MANUFACTURING COMPANY GREENSBORO, j^ j^ j^ j^ j^ NORTH CAROLINA CAROLINA M'F'G CO. CHARLOTTE, N. C. "T THE miTIOIIBL MmiTliL m TILE CO. MANUFACTURERS OF Bank Furniture, Sash, Doors and Blinds, Inside Finish. Dealers in LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. L-exington and North Streets BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Jtrtistic Wood Mantels, Tiles, Grates and Metal Lath ^ £/ j£/ WRITE FOR OUR CJtT^LOGUES jsr £f j3^ N. B. HANDY CO. LYNCHBURG. VIRGINIA ROOFING TIN Bryant's Old MetHod Majestic Old Style BANNER VIRGINIA LONGDALE L O AV MOOR and Various Other Brands EVERY KIND OF TIMBERS' JtND ROOFERS' TOOLS JtND SUPPLIES. .* ..■* .* .* .< •* ■* Structural and Builders' Iron and Steel Carolina Plumbing and Heating Co. CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA Sanitary and Heating f^ng'ineers HIGH-GHABE PL UMBIMG STEAM and HOT WATEJl H EA TIN G T. C. TOOMEY, Mgr. Plumbing Inspector for tKe city of Charlotte from 1889 to 1901 J.N. MgGAUSLAND &G0. CHARLOTTE. - NORTH CAROLINA ^m^ SLATE and TIN ROOFING CON- TRACTORS GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES SKYLIGHTS and FINIALS '"^^^IM MANTELS TILES GRATES STOVES RANGES and FURNACES ESTIMATES MADE FROM PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Andrews Furniture and Music Company CHARLOTTE, N. C. FURNITURE Carpets j^ Ma.ntels <^ Tiles AND HO(\SE FCRNISHI.\GS OF ALL A'LXDS. ]rE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF FIRXISHING COM- I'LETE FINE RESIDENCES, HOTELS, SCHOOLS AND PI '11 L LC B I 'IL DINGS. Estimates Furnished Free and all Contracts Guaranteed. MUSIC DEPARTMENT Everett Pianos, Ckickering Pianos, A'nabe Pianos, Ivers & Pond Pianos, Harvard Pianos, Dayton Pianos, I'acotleons, Reed Organs, Pianolas, Cecilleons. Write for Catalogue. Charlotte BricK Go. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Manufacturers of GOOD BUILDING BRICK, SIDE CUT, STIFF MUD PROCESS. .< .< .< .< OUR PRODUCT IS MADE FROM A FINE QUALITY OF RIVER CLAY. ^ Yards — Grattan, S. C, on Cata^vba River, Near Fort Mill, S. C. R. E. CARRINGTON (D. COMPANY GOOD WORK R.. E. CARRINGTON J. F. GONELLA R. E.. Carrington (Si Co. Owners and Sole Operators of Sanford Brown Stone Buildingf Stone of all sizes in the roug:h and sawed slabs always in stock. Orders for stone sawed to dimension promptly attended to. t* c*- ,* Steps, Lintels, Columns, Bases, Belt-Courses, Coping', Window and Door Sills, Hearths, Keystones, and Flagging, j* t* .* .,•* o' t* .* Estimates on all kinds of cut stone work have our special attention. TKe only steam stone mill in the SotitK Having facilities from Competing Railroads. Seaboard Air Line, Atlantic Coast Line, and Southern R.'ys. OFFICE. SANFOR.D. N. C. LOW PRICES SANFORD. NORTH CAROLINA The Williams vSlate Co, Manufacturers and Dealers of the BUCKINGHAM VIRGINIA SLATE FROM THE Gelebpated "Old Niotiolas" Quarpies, flpvonia, Va. Best Red and Green Slate, Felting and Slate Flaggingf, Galvanized, Tinned and all kinds slating nails. BuckingHam Virginia Slate has been used extensively on Buildings designed by Hook Sr Sawyer First Award. London. 1857 Gold Medal. Philadelphia. 1876 Gold Medal. Chicago. 1893 J. H. Wearn (D. Co, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Lumber and Builders' Materials tVe Make a Specialty of Special Mill Work From Architects' Plans Carey's MAGNESIA FLEXIBLE CEMENT Roofing Quickly and Easily Aijplied. For Flat or Steep Surfaces. Light Weight, Extra Strong. Is Fire and Wind Proof. No Coal Tar or other Perishable Materials used in its Manufacture. For Foundries, Factories, Dry Kilns, Boiler and Engine Houses, Warehouses, Barns, Stables, Dwellings, Business Blocks, and all classes of Buildings Write for Sample and Catalogue CAREY'S Cement Roofing Bears no Relation to other Roofs THE PHILIP GARY MFG. COMPANY CHARLOTTE, N. C. MR.. C H i\ R. Iv El- S E M M E- L , boston, mass Terra Cotta,Papier= mache staff. Composition, Wood carving for interior and exterior decoration. Works capable of produc- ing any design in the im = agination of the artist. Jtlso, structural and builders' iron and steel. Write N. B. HANDY COMPANY, Lynchburg, Va., Sole SotitKern Ag'ts SIXTEEN YEARS EXPERI EN CE CONSULTING Long Distance Belt 'Phones: Office, 320 R.esiclence, 240 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER ELECTR^ICAL CO NTR ACTO R— R E P AI RI N G p. O. BOX 555. OFFICE. 2J.T S. TRYON ST.. CHJtRLOTTE. N. C. Empire Glass and Decopation (io. Manufacturers of LEABEB JiRT GLASS For Residences. Churches. Public Buildings. Etc. Copper and Metallic SasH of all Kinds 82 and 84 N- Broad St. Beveled Plate. Chipped and n.T'T O.'KJ'T O. /"" O. Mitered Glass -" ^ l^JtJS, I Jt , KjJt. FflP Rofllings anil yallens Use one of tHe following brands "NIMMO OLD STYLE" Best plate n.ade SJiNDOW OLD STYLE" • TUXEDO HEJtUILYCOJtTED" "ROSEDJtLE EXTRJt COJtTED" Each Sheet Stamped and re-s(iuared and made by pure PALM OIL PROCESS Architects and Contractors SPECIFY and USE these plates when absolutely THE BEST is wanted. y^ |fllllll|U tt IjU. Roofers' and Tinsmiths" Supplies 52 S. CJtLVERT STREtT BJtLTIMORE, MD. Wheeler Wall Paper Co., CHARLOTTE, N. C. INTERIOR DECORATORS Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Wall Papers, IVlouldings, Pianos and Organs Estimates and designs furnished for work in any part of the South V. H. KRIEGSHABER. Pres. CHAS. BAERTSCHY, Vicc-Pres. The Atlanta Terra Cotta Co. Manufacturers of Artistic Terra Cotta OFFICE. No. 6 NORTH FORSYTH ST.. AUSTELL BUILDING WORKS. CORNER WELLS AND BLUFF STS. ATLANTA, GA. Iron WorK for Buildings GEO. L. MESKER (SL CO., EVANSVILLE, IND. Cast Iron Work, Wrought Iron Work, Steel Beam Girders. Beams carried in stock. Galva- nized Iron Work, Cornices, Window Caps, Skylights, Steel Roofing, Steel Ceilings. Complete Store Fronts, Including alt Cast Iron, Gatvanized Iron, IVood IVork and Gtass. '..*.S:pSfi| S Jpfililfii -s:r-': i^WMm f Our Store Fronts are the Handsomest and most popular in the market. AVe maKe all Kinds of "Wire Office Railings* Iron Stairways and Fire Escapes, Balcony R.ailings» Cresting, Truss Rods, Hog CKains, ^c. AVrite \is for estimates on any Kind of Iron AVorK for Building's. Send for Catalogue. We Make a Specialty of the Designing and Manufacture of High-Grade Metallic Furniture and Fixtures For Public Buildings, Banks -AND- General Business Purposes Estimates Cheerfully Furnished and Quality of Work Guaranteed WRITE FOR CATALOGUE The accompanying illustration shows a vault in the new Court House in Baltimore, which we furnished throughout with Metallic Furniture. RECORD VAULT OF THE ORPHAN'S COURT, BALTIMORE, MD. YoUrS VerV tTUlv J, B. & J. M. CORNELL, 26th Street and llth Avenue, New York V /\ WHen yo« have ma de \ip yo tir mind to build, tHinK over -what plttmbin^ fixtures you -will use SANITARY PLUMBING A SECTION OF SHOW ROOM. IS the moft important feature in the houje. The fixture/ themfeluef fhould be made by a reliable company— one ivho ha/ had experience in their manu- facture. We have made plumbing good/ for 50 years. J5he BEST is always X5he CHEAPEST Haines, Jones CQ. Cadbury Co., 1128-44 Ridge Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. We have the largest, most complete and best equipped shop in Washington, D. C, de- voted exclusively to heating and pipe work Experience and Best Facilities STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING APPARATUS ,...HUBBARD.... HEATING CO. CONTRACTORS Offices, 918 F Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. Telephone, Main 448 ELEVATORS PASSENGER AND FREIGHT Morse, Williams & Co. PHILADELPHIA ATLANTA CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER W. C. BAIN GREENSBORO, N. C. 302 J -2 SOUTH ELM STREET Office 'Phone 223. Residence 'Phone 119 Oldest Supply House in the United States G.XA.BARGAMINCO. PLUMBERS X STEAM-FITTERS SUPPLIES. RICHMOND, VA. Estimates Furnished On SPECIFICJiTIOMS U rite f or T I I u a t r a t e d C a t a I o g ii e 1 f ; "J r; WIRE WORK5 Dufur ca Co. BALTIMORE, MD. Office and IVarerooms 3U X. HOWMRD STREET Factory Buildings 302-30S TYSOM STREET Bank and Office Grilles Teller Cages, Kailings, Windo^v Guards, Elevator Enclosures and Cabs, AVire ClotH, Coal and Ore Screens, Sieves. Write for Catalogue. CASSIDY (D. 50N MFG. CO. GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBI- NATION FIX- TURES.... SPECIAL DESIGNS EX- E C U T E D PROM PTLY 133 and 135 WEST 23d .VTREET and 124. 126 and 128 >VEST 24tH STREET. New YorK. N. Y. The Best is Rone Too Good. ^ v^* v^' For years we have made a specialty of Hard- wood Mantels, Jtrtistic Grates and Tiles, Fine Builders' Hardware. The attention we have given these lines has enabled us to keep abreast of the times, and to offer to those interested, the best values on the market. Before placing your orders, write for our handsome catalogues. Estimates furnished upon application. -^^ ^ >^ '^ ^ ^J? -J? ODELL HARDWARE CO. GREENSBORO, N. C. ItS^DEPOT FOR LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Steam and Hot Water Heating A Modern building is not complete without a Low Pressure Steam or Hot Water Heating Apparatus. FIRST COST MODERATE Economical in Use of Fuel EASY T MANAGE We are pleased to give prospective builders estimates of cost, for which there is no obligation incurred. THE Dowd& King Supply Co. CHARLOTTE, N. CAROLINA Cable Address; VANNOY. Charleston. Use A B C Code, 4th Ed W U. Tel. and Cable. Southeastern Lime and Cement Co. 276 East Bay, CHARLESTON, S. C. Leiiigh AND Dexter MM HIGtitSI mm AM[RICAN POeiLANO C[M[N1S Hetntnoor Bi*at\MM&is^i§^M0t(SimsMi I i©'»i©)'©i(©M©M<®:?©' <3' m THE COLUMBUS BRICR and TERRA COTTA CO. STANDARD, ROMAN. NORMAN AND ORNAMENTAL BRICK, IN BUFF, GRAY, TERRA COTTA, BUFF SPECKLED, GRAY SPECKLED, RED MOTTLED AND ENAMLED WORKS: UNION FURNACE. OHIO. BricK Mantels. ^M(3i0^'0&i^SM0f0}&^0S)-0M W:'<^( 5\©©'©M©X< (!)corqe 'i)artin fl;iniu\ i^'i? Hlarlict ?>trfct. flatcrson, '([. ^il. ^^taincL) anti ^\\itieti ('Mass. Slcniorial c'c'linbolns. 2o3 ,tourth ^ucnuc. FOR ALL FLOORS, No. 61 FLOOR VARNISH. FINEST ARCHITECTURAL VARNISHES MADE BY PRATT & LAMBERT. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ADDRESS ARCHITECTURAL DEPT. NEW YORK. BUFFALO. CHICAGO. FOR INTERIOR USE, No. 38 PRESERVATIVE. THIS CUT REPRESENTS / n. JK"''" ;^^"r: ONE OF THE MANY PLATE 2083 R-REDUCED CUT. COPYRIGHT 1901 BY THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS. Bath Room Interiors ILLUSTRATED IN OUR VARIOUS CATALOGUES. Illustrated Price List Sent upon Application. THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS Ne'U) York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Philadelphia. ^Iii.,.i|I|um.i|I| llli..ullln..iilll> ill ill ill llh,..,jlll ll illljn,.illlii,..illli„..illlii..iilll ill ll ill illli. Il ill ill Illii...illlu...illlu I llli ill ill ill lllii,..illln.,iilllii.iiilll illl llii„irl|l^ WMMM^MMM^sMBSM^BM^MM^iM WM00!&WWMWMi A.^reeinents Conting'ent upon StriKes* Dela>'s of Carriers, or otHer Causes beyond our Control. MOUNT AIRY GRimiTE QVIRRIES, MT. AIRY, N. C. Thomas Woodroffe & Sons, Lessees. LIGHT GRAY GRANITE-RECOGNIZED BY LEADING ARCHL TECTS AND BUILDERS, AS ONE OF THE MOST SATISFAC- TORY BUILDING STONES ON THE MARKET. ^ ^ ^ ^ ANNUAL SHIPMENT ABOUT 1500 CAR LOADS. ^|. ■i|||llini|||l'"il|||ii"i|||H Ill |||'i"Ul||U'"l||| ||| ||| |||N''"|||li"il||I |||l""l||| l||ir"il|||li"ii||||i".i||||....i||||."i||||ii"i||||i ||l'<"i>|||li"ri|||i»H||| || ||| |||i'"«,||. ||| ||| |||li"ll|||ll"ll||| |||l"'»||| ||r M ©:0;;0:0;0:JQ; l|l i|| i||l I ||i I|l' ||i""l|||i""l|||i I I| 'N|l |l 'I|l»"»l| »l|l»""l|l |l' I l|||l""llll| f JOHN W. MISDRT s SOU. I New YorK and Chicago. Pure Linseed Oil House Faints and Fine Varnislies. w "^ f Southern Agients: \ \ Holdt ®, Bullington, 4 r Atlanta, Georgia, and Richmond. Virginia. J Hill ,|||||„,|||| ill lIlMnillllly.lllllln.jll lllll..llllllr.,llllliU,lllll ill ill Illll ill ill lllllr<.llllllMillllh„lllll Illl ill lllil.,lilllll.,>illll llllliollll ill Illll .,,,1 II 1! ll ll ll l{ III,,.., ill Ill I lilt,,. .Illl.l. .Illll, Il ll I I I „ll „lll„..,lllllll.„{ll, I .Ill ll illll I I I I ll 1 Illl, .I'll Il';l.,'ll i©:©i©M£^MsMM:©^^ ®;©:g^©::©:©^:©:©®i ^@ Both quality and price argue all the time >iaii - ■ 'i^l in behalf ot ^^^"Cupnen Heateps" HOT WATER AND STEAM. "Claims may make friends, bul it is performances that keep them.'' That's it exactlv. If "Giirney" Heaters didn't perform every service we claim tor them, we shouldn't sell half as many as we do. Be guided by the above facts and recommend the "Gurney" in your next building. Gurney Heater Mrjj. Gompanji, 74 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass. Ill 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. WESTERN SELLING AGENTS: James B. Blow & Sons, Chicago, Illinois. Smith- Courtney Go RICHMOND, VA. DEALERS IN MEGHIIKICIIL SDPPUES and MACHINERY of everji Description. Engineers and Contractors for Steam and Hot Water Heating, Hot Blast Heating, Ventilating and Steam Power Plants Installed Complete. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Chattanooja Steel Rooflnj Co. m Manufacturers of all Kinds of Mooman's New Century Shingle. .ull II Ill I I I 'I I illl llil CAST ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. ® r5>® m m {^ GALVANIZED IRON WORK, <| SKYLIGHTS, g P PATENT TIN SHINGLES. Dealers in Tin Plate, Etc ALL STYLES STEEL AND IRON ROOFING AND SIDING, GUTTERING, PIPE, ETC. ^ <1 m ♦'«' ■^^ XHis is a View (altHoug't^ a>\ inadectuate one) of Berry Brothers* Varnish Factory. (THE BIRTHPLACE OF HARD OIL FINISH.) Upon request we will mail free to interested parties, finished specimens of wood and useful booklet on natural wood finishing New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, Cincinnati. St. Louis, San Francisco, Factory and Main Office, Detroit. BERRY BROTHERS, Limited, VARNISH MANUFACTURERS. Largest Art Glass ESTABLISHMENT IN THE U. S. CO § ^ _i ^ S CO O Cf= E = III o .a«* ■■ ""™^ \ m'W'^. A ^^J^^K^^^ 1 ^Iwilij^ ifl^ - ~''-^l,l^# 1^- CO i > —I o rn VON GERIGHTEN ART GLASS GOMPANY, HEAD OFFICE AND FACTORY: 549-557 S. High. COLUMBUS, 0. Lombard Iron Works and Supply Co. Foundry, Machine and Boiler Worlds, AUGUSTA. GA. STEEL BRIDGES. ROOFS, TOWERS, BUILDING CASTINGS, HIGH-GRADE BOILERS, TANKS, STACKS, ETC. Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oil, Fertilizer, Gin, Press, Cane and Shingle Mill Outfits; Building, Bridge, Factory, Furnace and Railroad Castings; Railroad, Mill, Machinists' and Factory Supplies; Belting, Packing, Pipe, Injectors, Fittings, Saws, Files, Oilers, Etc. Engines, Boilers, Dynamos, Motors, FUc. Cast every day. Capacity for 300 hands. Foundry, Machine, Boiler Work and Supply Store. PIiRSTIG RELIEF ORflA|VlEKTS IN PLASTER, STAFF AND COMPOSITION FOR INTERIORS AND EXTERIORS. WOOD CARVING. KOPPE BROS. S STEIJ^IGHEfl. 89 Houston St. ATlifl^lTA, Gfl. TKis booK -was made, coznpl< TRAOt MAW'' Queen City Printing and Paper Co. Printers, Binders, Eng'ravers, Charlotte, N. C. Half-Tone, r -_ .^ ,. . - , ,.,^ ^ : ^ ., : . Zinc Cut ,;e MaKinK