Cfc65 ®fje Htforarp oftfje ®niberSttpofi5ortl)CaroIma {Kfjte book toa£ pretfenteb Chatham Cxochj ,N .C MAN UAL OF THE flresBsferg of grange, CONTAINING THE Standing Rules and Directory. ADOPTED SEPTEMBER, 1872. Let all tilings be done deeentlv and in order."— I Cor. XIV: 40. RALEIGH: JOHN' XICHOLS «& CO., PRINTERS, 1873. COLLECTIONS. The General Ass vmbly recommends collections to be taken in all the churches, as follows: — For Sustentation, on the fir st Sabbath in January. Publication, on foe first Sabbath in March. Foreign- Missions, on the first Sabbath in May. Invalid Fund, on the first Sabbath in July. Evangelization, on theirs* Sabbath in September. Education, on the first Sabbath in November. The Presbytery also directs that each of its churches contrib- ute on or before the 1st of April annually, to the Presbytarial Evangelist fund, a sum equal to fifty cents for each resident com- municant. \ cv V to \tnnding ^nh& STANDING RULES, Section I. Devotional Exerc'ses and Free Conversation. Rule 1. A portion of the morning commencing at 10 o'clock of the second day of the stated sess- ions of the Presbytery, shall be spent in devotional exercises. 2. During the stated sessions of the Presbytery recess shall be taken for the purpose of attending worship with the congregation. 3 At every stated meeting of the Presbytery preceding the meeting of the Synod, and of the General Assembly, there shall be a Free Conversa- tion on the state of religion within its bounds, for the purpose of drawing up a Narrative, in accord- ance with the r quirement of both of these bodies. 4. The special subjects of inquiry in the Free Conversation shall be : regularity and average attendance upon the public services of the Sanc- tuary, prayer meetings; observance of the Sab- bath, of family worship, and of the monthly con- 6 cert of prayer for Foreign Missions ; Bible Classes, and Sabbath Schools; religions instruction of the colored people ; number of conversions and addi tions to the church by profession; contributions for the benevolent operations of the church ; weekly offerings, and any facts going to show the spiritual growth or decline of the church. Section II. Church Sessions. 5 The churches under our care having pastors or stated supplies, are required to report annually to the Presbytery respecting the fulfilment of their reciprocal duties, and engagements ; and due rec- ord thereof shall be spread annually on the Session Book of each congregation, specifying in every case the sum paid, and arrearages, if any, that may be due from the people to their respective ministers. 6. Church Sessions are hereby required to pre- sent their Records at each stated meeting of the Presbytery that immediately precedes the meeting of the General Assembly, for %he purpose of review. 7. Inasmuch as provision for its poor members is an important duty of each congregation, the roll shall be called and inquiry made at every sta- )Oor ted meeting, to ascertain if there be any p belonging to our churches who are supported by public charity. 8. The churches under the care of the Presby- tery are directed to make provisions in accordance with Chap. XXII, Art. 3, of the Form of Govern- ment, for defraying the traveling expenses of their ministers and ruling elders respectively, to the meetings of the Presbytery and Synod: Each pastor and stated supply is hereby directed to bring this subject to the notice of the church or churches to which he ministers. And each church shall be called upon at each stated meeting of the Presbytery to report as to its compliance with the foregoing rule. 9. In each case in which a church reports a fail- ure to pay punctually to its pastor or stated sup- ply, the salary promised, the church so failing shall be summoned to appear by its representa- tives, or commission before the Presbytery, and show cause for such failure. 10. The Presbytery will entertain no call from, and grant no stated supplies to any church in ar- rears for ministerial services, except in cases in which satisfactory reasons are presented to the Presbvtery. 8 11. Ministers and congregations have no au- thority to change the conditions of a call, or of a stated supply ; and the Presbytery will recognize no such alterations. 12. The Presbytery asserts and maintains its authority over the relation of stated supply and congregation ; and the relation is to be formed only by the consent of the Presbytery, or in the interim, by the consent of the Agent of Sustenta- tion, subject to the endorsement of the Presby- tery. (See Rule 35.) 13. Church Sessions shall report and transmit promptly to the Treasurer of the Presbytery all monies collected for the benevolent objects of the church, as ordered by the General Assembly. 14. It is required of each Session to send regu- larly a representative to the meetings of our church courts. Section ill. Missionary and Evangelistic Labor. 15. The Presbytery shall be divided into two missionary fields by the following line, viz : the eastern boundaries of Caswell. Alamance, and Chatham Counties, each to be occupied by an evangelist, as soon as a competent support can be guaranteed. 9 16 The attention of the evangelist shall be di- rected first to the vacant churches of his field, and then to other points of interest as he may have an opportunity, unless otherwise directed by the Presbytery, or in the interim of the meetings of the Presbytery, by the directions of the Agent of Sustentation. 17. As far as practicable each church and mis" sionary station shall have preaching twice a month once on a Sabbath, and once on a week-day. In order to accomplish this, the evangelist will be expected to have these appointments each week at different points, one of which shall be on the Sabbath ; and each minister of the Presbytery shall go out at least four times a year, twice in the interval between the regular meetings of the Presbytery; which visits shall include at least two Sabbaths. The labor of the latter as above enjoined, as to time and place, shall be under the directions of the evangelist And their necessary expenses shall be defrayed out of the presbyterial evangelist fund. 18. In order to raise the necessary funds to car- ry out this scheme successfully, ministers, ruling t lders, and deacons in the churches respectively are urged to adopt some plan whereby an amount of money be raised which shall equal fifty cents 10 for each resident coinuiunicant, and that this special cause be commended to the notice and christian zeal of our female members. And the roll shall be called at each stated meeting to ascer- tain whether the churches have complied with this requirement. 19. Any missionary church or station persist- ently refusing or neglecting to contribute to the evangelist fund, shall forfeit all claims to the spe- cial benefits which this plan is designed to secure. 20. The evangelist is recommended to hold at least once, a year, protracted services at his vari- ous regular preaching places, and especially, and if possible, more frequently, at the more promis- ing points. 21. The evangelist shall organize weekly prayer meetings and Sabbath Schools, wherever it is possible. 22. The evangelist is urged to acquaint himself with the condition arid wants of his field; with the persons and families resident therein, so far as possible, and by his social and christian inter- course, by the distribution of Bibles, and other religious books and tracts, and by the circulation of our church papers, and by any other proper means within his reach, endeavor to disseminate 11 the knowledge and spread the influence of scrip- tural religion and gospel truth. 23. The evangelist shall make a full report in writing of his labors, and the prospects of doing good in his field, to the Presbytery at each of its regular meetings Section IV. Standing and other Com- mittees. 24. The Presbytery will examine candidates on the following subjects: a. Geography. Ancient and Modern; General History; the Latin. Greek, and Hebrew Langua- ges: Mathematics: Elements of Physical Scien- ces, viz : Xat. Philosophy, Chemistry, Astron- omy. Geology. &c. ; Mental Philosophy, Moral Science and Logic. These examinations shall be conducted by committees who shall report to the Presbytery. ~b. The examination on Theology, Xatural and Revealed; on Ecclesiastical History: on the Sa- craments and Church Government; shall be con- ducted by standing committees in open Presby- tery: each member of the Presbytery to exercise his right cf asking what questions he may please after the committees have concluded. 25. The Presbytery shall be divided into eight 12 standing committees, as follows; and when the Presbytery has convened, the moderator shall have power to fill all vacancies, for the time being, and to appoint one ruling elder on each com- mitte, viz : 1st Committee : On Geography, Ancient and Modern ; Gene- ral History. 2nd Committee: On Latin; Latin Exegesis; Critical Exercise. 3rd Committee : On Greek, Hebrew, Logic. 4th Committee : On Mathematics ; Elements of the Physical Sciences, viz: Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geology. &c. oth Committee : On Mental Philosophy. Moral Science. 6th Committee: On Theology, Natural and Revealed. 7th Committee: On Ecclesiastical History. 8th Committee : On Church Government, the Sacraments. 26. The pastor or stated supply of the congre- gation within whose bounds the Presbytery may meet, shall be required to have such books in readiness as may be necessary for the examina- tion of candidates. 27. This Presbytery will conduct the cause of Education in accordance with the General Assem- bly's plan ; and an Executive Committee shall be appointed to act in concert with the Assembly's Committee of Education. 28. The Executive Committee of Education shall notice in their semi-annual reports, the names 13 of all the unlicensed candidates for the ministry under the care of this Presbytery, &nd give some account of the progress that each candidate has made in his studies. 29. No candidate shall receive aid from the Education Committee before he places himself under the care of the Presbytery. 30. At each Fall meeting of the Presbytery two committees shall be appointed: one to prepare a Narrative, and one a report on Systematic Benev- olence for the Synod. And this latter committee shall be required to make out an additional report to be spread upon the records of the Presbytery. 31 . In this last report each church shall be men- tioned by name. Those which have contributed to any or all of the committees of the Assembly shall be mentioned, and the objects to which they have contributed shall also be specified. It shall then be the duty of the Stated Clerk to write to the Session of each church that has failed to contribute to any or to all the Committees of i the Assembly and remind them of their delin- quencies. And this notice of the Stated Clerk shall be read from the pulpit of each congrega- tion to which it is sent. 32. At each stated meeting of the Presbytery 14 that immediately precedes the meeting of the General Assembly, two committees shall be ap- pointed to review Sessional records: one com- mittee to prepare a Narrative; one committee to prepare a report on Systematic Benevolence ; and oce committee to prepare a report on Evangelistic labor for the General Assembly. Section V. Agents and Trustees. * 33. This Presbytery places itself in full connex- ion with the Sustentation Committee of the Gen- eral Assembly, and will operate according to the plan of that committee, through an Agent. There- fore this Presbytery will appoint at its Spring meeting, one minister to be called the Presbyte- rial Agent of Sustentation, whose duty it shall be to have the oversight and conduct of the mis- sionary work within its bounds in accordance with the General Assembly's plan of Sustentation, and under the regulations of its Executive Com- mittee. 34. This Agent shall include in his charge, be- side Sustentation proper, the Relief of Disabled Ministers, Church Extension, and the Supply, or nomination of supplies to vacant churches, and shall report in full of all his operations at every stated meeting of the Presbytery. 15 35. This Agent shall also make every lawful effort which may in his judgment seem practicable to supply the vacant churches and missionary fields with the regular ministry of the word, and to secure systematic and liberal contributions to the Sustentation cause from every church and missionary station in the Presbytery. 36. The Presbytery shall appoint one of its members to look after the interests of the Publi- cation cause within its bounds, and to be corres- ponding member of the Assembly's Committee. And it shall be the duty of said appointee to look out and recommend to the Assembly's Committee suitable agents to carry our books to the doors of our people, and to distribute tracts. Bibles, and small volumes among the ignorant and destitute throughout the bounds of the Presbytery. 37. Pastors and stated supplies are directed to send to the.Presbyterial Agent of Publication, at least two weeks before the Fall meeting, statistics on the following items within their congregations on which he has to report to this Presbytery, viz : Books and tracts of our committee sold or circu- lated, colporters. or book distributors employed. funds raised for the Committee of Publication in Richmond, and similar statistics within their 16 knowledge in the missionary fields, within their missionary pastorates. 38. A Presbyterial Agent of Foreign Missions and another of Sabbath Schools shall be appointed in response to the resolutions of the General As- sembly. 39. The Chairman of the Executive Committee of Education, and the Agents of Sustentation, Foreign Missions, Publication, and Sabbath Schools are instructed to draw on the Treasurer for an amount sufficient to defray the expenses o'f their respective agencies. 40. The Presbyterial Agent for Publication and Colportage, and also the Agent for Foreign Mis- sions, are required to make an annual report in writing, on the subject of their agencies respect- ively at each Fall meeting. 41. At every Spring meeting, five persons shall be appointed to prepare historical sketches of five of the churches of this Presbytery respectively. 42. This Presbytery shall elect a Board of Trus- tees of Orange Presbytery, which Board shall be composed of five persons who are members in good and regular standing in the Presbyterian Church, and shall hold in trust for the Presbytery all prop- erty in church lots and buildings, not otherwise i7 secured ; and all legacies and bequests which may be willed to the Presbytery in behalf of charitable and other objects under its control. 43. This Presbytery accepts the proposition of Concord Presbytery to take part in the government of Davidson College, and will regularly, at proper times, elect three Trustees of that Institution. Section VI. Licentiates. 44. When a candidate for the ministry is licen- sed to preach the gospel, the moderator shall, in the name of the Presbytery, present him with a copy of the Holy Scriptures. 45. All licentiates under the care of the Pres- bytery, are required to be present at its stated meetings, and give an account of their labors. And if a licentiate is necessarily absent from a stated meeting, it shall be his duty to send a writ- ten report of the manner in which he has been occupied. Section VII. Finance--Treasurer. 46. At each stated meeting of the Presbytery, that immediately precedes the meeting of the General Assembly, the Treasurer shall be required to present his accounts to the Presbytery with the proper vouchers. And the said papers shall 3 18 be audited by a committee appointed for the purpose. And at each stated meeting the Treas- urer shall report every church that has failed to pay its presbyterial assessments. 47. The Presbytery will raise annually by assess- ment on the churches a fund to be called the Pres- byterial Fund. Of this fund the Treasurer shall pay annually : a. To the Contingent fund of the General As- sembly, the annual assessment on this Presbytery. 1). The annual traveling expenses of its Com- missioners to the General Assembly. c. The contingent expenses of the Presbytery, as; the salary of the Stated Clerk, postage, &c. d. The quota of this Presbytery to the contin- gent expenses of the Synod. e. The traveling expenses of those directors of Union Theological Seminary, who have been ap- pointed from this Presbytery. f. For the printing of the Minutes of the Pres- bytery. g. The expenses of the Executive Committee of Education, and the expenses of the Agents of Sus- tentation, Foreign Missions, Publication and Sab- bath Schools. h. The traveling expenses of those trustees of 19 Davidson College, who have been elected by the Presbyterv. i. And for whatever other purposes the Pres- bytery may direct. 48. The Treasurer shall procure, and forward copies of the Minutes of the General Assembly to every minister, licentiate, and ruling elder in the Presbytery. Section VIII. Duties of Stated Clerk. 49. It shall be the duty of the Stated Clerk to send to each church Session, between the first and the tenth of March of each year, a blank for a Sessional report, and a blank for a Sabbath School report. And it shall be the duty of each Session to fill out these reports on the first day of April of each year, and return them to the Stated Clerk immediately. 50. The Stated Clerk shall procure blanks for Sessional reports on the Sabbath School work, to be sent out by him to the churches, in company with the blanks for statistical Sessional reports. And he shall keep on hai d a supply of all such other blanks as may be necessary to make Pres- byterial reports to the General Assembly. And the blanks for statistical Sessional reports shall be 20 purchased from the Committee of Publication iu Richmond. 51. The Stated Clerk shall be required to write to each of the delinquent churches and inform them of the amount of their debts and request payment 52. The Stated Clerk shall send a copy of the Docket for the Presbytery, to the pastor of the church where it is to convene, at least one week previous to the time appointed for the meeting. 53. When the Minutes of the Presbytery are printed in pamphlet form, the Stated Clerk shall be required to send a copy of the same to the Treasurer for preservation. Section IX. Miscellaneous. 54. All standing rules shall be introduced with these, or some such words to denote that they are standing rules, viz : " Resolved that it be a stand- ing rule of this Presbytery, that, &c." 55. The rules app mded to the Form of Govern- ment entitled "General Rules for Judicatories" are hereby adopted as standing rules for the gov- ernment of this Presbytery. 56. In choosing a moderator, the persons to be voted for shall first be nominated. After the nominations are all made, the roll is to be called 21 by the Stated Clerk, and no person is to be voted for unless he has been previously nominated. A plurality of votes shall decide the election. 57. At each stated meeting the moderator shall call on all ministers present, who are marked as absentees, to state their reasons for any previous failure to attend. If no motion is made expres- sive of disapprobation, the reasons assigned shall be deemed satisfactory. 58. Commissioners to the General Assembly shall be nominated at least one day before the election. 59. The Minutes of each stated meeting shall be published with such exceptions as a majority of the Presbytery may direct. 60. It shall require two-thirds of all the mem- bers present to suspend, amend, or abolish a standing rule. } irectorp< I. HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL OUTLINE. The Presbytery of Orange was set off from Han- over Presbytery, by the Synod of Xew York and Philadelphia, in the year 1770. On the fifth day of September of that year the following ministers met at Hawfield's Church in Alamance County and constituted the Presbytery: viz: Rev. Messrs. Hugh McAden. Henry Patillo. James Criswell, David (.'aid well, Joseph Alexander. Hezekiah Balch and Hezekiah J. Balcta. Mr. Patillo preached the opening sermon. The boundaries of the Presbytery were left un- defined except on the Xorth by the State line. In 1796 the Synod of the Carolinas set off the Presby- tery of i oncord on the West, dividing it from Or- ange by a line running along the Yadkin River. In the year 1813 the Presbytery of Fayetteville was organized, embracing the South-Eastern por- tion of the State between the Yadkin River and the Ocean. The Territory of Orange Presbytery at present therefore lies in the Xorth-Eastern part 4 26 of the State between the Yadkin River and the Ocean. Its precise boundaries may be traced on any late map of North Carolina, by observing that they define that section of the State which contains the following counties, and parts of counties, viz: Alamance, Beaufort, Bertie, Camden, Caswell, Chatham, Chowan, Craven, Currituck, Davidson, Edgecombe, Forsyth, Franklin, Gates, Granville, Greene, Guilford, Halifax, Hertford. Hyde, so much of Johnston and Lenoir, as lies North of Neuse River, Martin, Nash, Northampton, Orange, Pas- quotank, Perquimans, Person, Pitt, Randolph, Rockingham, Stokes, Surrey, Tyrell, Wake, War- ren, Washington, so much of Wayne, as lies North of Neuse River, except the town of Goldsooro\ Wil- son, and Yadkin. II. ROLL OF THE CHURCHES. ACCORDING TO DATE OF ORGANIZATION, WITH ADDRESS OF CLERK OF SESSION, OR MODERATOR. 1. Grassy Creek, 1 753 Rev. D. E. Jordan, Oxford. 27 2. Hawfields. 1755 G. W. White. MebanevUle. 3. Redhoese 1755 •Jno. P. Rainey. Milton. 4. EKO . . 1755 S. W. Hughes. Cedar Grove. 5. Griers, No Session. 6. Buffalo 1756 David Wharton. Greensboro*. 7. Nutbush 1757 R. A. Bullock. Willianisboro'. 8. Speedwell 1759 Xo Session. 9. Little River 1761 Hugh Woods, Hillsboro'. 30. ALAMANCE, . . 1762 J. W. Gilmer, Gilmer's Store. 1 1 . Bethesda 1765 St phen >~eal. Locust Hill. 12. Stony Creek. 1770 Rev. C. H". Morrow. Oaks. 13. Fethlehem. Re- organized 1825 Wni. P. Morrow. Oaks. 1 4. Cross Roads 1792 Rev. A. G. Hughes. MebanevUle. 15. New Hope W. C. Blackwood. Chapel Hill. ] 6 Bethel Rev. J. C. Alexander. Greensboro'. 17. Chapel Hill, W. S. Kirkland, Chapel Hill. 18. Raleigh Jan. 21. 1816 W. H. Crow, Raleigh. 19. Hillsboro', July, 1816 Thomas Webb, HillsbDro'. 20. Newbern, Jan. 7, 1817 Geo. Allen, Newbern. 21. Oxford 1818 M. V. Lanier, Oxford. 22. Washington, - 1822 Joseph Potts, Washington. 23. Greensboro', Sept. 1824 Jesse H. Lindsay, Greensboro'. 24. Mfrfreesboro', Nov. 7, 1824 No Session. 25. Milton Oct. 1, 1826 Jno. W.ison, Milton. 26. Lexington, July 15, 1827 W. B. Hamner, Lexingtm. 27. Warrenton, Jan 1828 No Session. 28. Louisburg May, 1832 Rev. J. W. Primrose, Manson. 29. Shiloh ' 1832 N. V. Watkins, Sassafras Fork. 30. Fairfield, 1833 Jno. N. Clark. Hillsboro'. 29 31. Yanceyyille 1 838 Dr. N. M. Koan, Yanceyvihe. 32. Pittsboro', 1848 Jno. A. Womack, Pittsboro'. 33. Asheboro' June, 1850 D. W. Porter, Asheboro'. 34. Graham, Dec. 8, 1850 T. G. McLean. Graham. 35. Madison 18,") 1 W. B. Carter, Madison. 36. Geneva. (Providence. 1832,) 1852 Rev. G. W. Ferrill, Tally Ho. 37. Oakland. 1858 Jno. W. Hodges, Clayton. 38. Boxboro\ 1858 No Session. 39. Mount Airy, . . 1858 Robt. S. Gilmer, Mt. Airy. 40. High Point, 1859 M. Shaw, Trinity College. 41. Wentworth, 1860 Thos. A. Ratltffe, Wentworth. 42. Haywood, 1860 R. Faucetfe Haywood. 43. Leakesvllle, Oct. 6, 1860 N. S. Smith. Leakesville. 44. Horeb, 1861 Rev. G. W. Ferrill, Tally Ho. 45. Long's Mills, 1861 Wm. Long. Long's M .^s. 30 46. Oak Hill, 1862 Rev. T. IT. Faucette. Sassafras Fork. 47. Winston Oct. 4, 1862 Thos. J. Wilson. Winston. 48. Mebaneyille, 1868 Maj. W. B. Lynch. Mebaneville. 19. Henderson, Aug., 1868 Dr. Jno. R. Hicks, Henderson. 50. Spring Wood, Nov 29, 1868 A. G. Clapp, Gibsonville. •51. Durham Dec. 31, 1871 Dr. W. R. Hughes, Durham. Assessments for the Presbyterial Fund. Churches. Alamance Amt's. $16 Bethel 13 20 Buffalo 13 Chapel Hill, 8 Cross Roads 15 Eno 9 9 8 . . 15 Grassy ('nek Greensboro' 3 27 21 3 4 High Point. 3 13 2 3 15 Little River 12 Churches. Am'ts. Lnuisburgj $ — Madison 18 M sbaneville, 5 Milton IS Mount Airy, — Murfreesboro', — Newbern 20 New H ipe 5 Nutbush, 12 Oak Hill 5 Oakland 3 Oxford 16 Pittsboro', 5 Raleigh 16 Redhouse, 5 Roxboro', 5 Shiloh Speedwell, Spring Wood, . Stony Creek, . . Warrenton Washington,. . Wentworth, . . . Winston 15 L< ng's Mills, Yanceyville 3 31 III ROLL OF MINISTERS. ACCORDING TO AND WITH DATE OF ORDINATION, OR- DAINING PRESBYTERY. PRESENT CHARGE. &c. Robert Berwell, Raleigh. (West Hanover. 1830; Principal of Peace Institute.) George W. Ferrill, Tally Ho. (Orange, Nov. 5, 1831; Geneva and Horeb S. S.) Drery Lacy, D. IX. Raleigh. (East Hanover. March. 1S32; Haywood, Pittsboro', Oakland, Durham S. S.) Edward Hines, Sassafras Fork. (Orange. May 28. 1812; Shiloh P. andNutbush S. S.) Jacob Doll. Taneeymlle. (Orange, July 8, 1843; Yanceyville and Bethesda, P.) Andeksox G. Heghes Mebaneville. (Orange, Oct. 21, 1813; Hawfields and Cross Roads, P.) Joseph M. Atkinson, Raleigh. (Winchester, Spring 1845; Raleigh, P.) Archibald Cerrie, Graham (Orange, Aug. 30, 1846; Graham P.) J. Henry Smith. D. D., Greensboro 1 . (West Hanover, July 31, 1847; Greensboro', P.) S. Addison Stanfield, Milton. (Orange, Dec. 8, 1848; Redhouse, S. S.) Pleasant H. Dalton, Washington. (Concord, Dec. 1849 ; Washington, P.) 32 12. P. Tinsley P^nick Mebaneville. (Concord, Nov. 8, H50; Mebanevile, P.) 13. Thomas U. Faucette, . . Sassafras Fork. (Orange, July 10, 1852; Little River, Eno, and New Hope, S. S.) 14. William B. Tidball, . Greensboro*. (Western Texas, 1854; Alamance, P.; Asheboro', and High Point, S. S.) 15. Henry B Pratt Barranquilla, 8. A. (Cherokee, Sept. 27, 1855; For. Miss. U. S. of Colom- bia, So. Am.) 16. Ephraim H. Harding Hilton. (Orange, July 16, 1859; Milton, S. S.) 17. Frontis H. Johnston, Lexington. (Orange, July 30, 1859; Lexington, P., and Winston, S. S.) 18. Donald E Jordan, Oxford. (Orange, Dec. 4. 1859; Oxford, P.) 19. L\chlan (\ Vass, Neicbern. (West Hanover. April 19, 1861; Newbern, P.) 20. James C. Alexander, Greensboro*. (Orange, July 20, 1861; Buffalo, and Bethel, P.) 21. Calvin N. Morrow, Oaks. (Orange, April 13, 1862; Bethlehem, S. S.) 22. Charles Phillips, D. D., Davidson College. (Orange, April 14, 1866; Prof. Math. Davidson College.) 23. Calvin H. Wiley, Jonesboro\ Tenn. (Orange, April 14. 1866; Agt. Am. Bible Soc, East Tenn.) 24. William C. Smith, (Orange, Oct. 17. 1871.) 25. John W. Pkimrose, Manson. (Orange. Aprils. 1872; Evangelist in Eastuiv Field.) Charles M Payne Mt. Airy. (Licentiate, and P. E. Ass't Evangelist.) IV. PERMANENT OFFICEFS. I. STATED CLERK Rev Jacob Doll Tfinceyville. II. TREASURE!!. Mr Jesse H. Lindsay Greensboro*. V. PERMANENT COMMITTEES. I. Examination of Candidates. iSeeRuie25.) First Committee. — Messrs. Hughes, Morrow. Fer- rill and W. C Smith. Second Committee. — Mersrs. Jordan, Alexander and Faueette. Third Committee — Messrs Stanfield. Currie and Palton. Fourth Committet.— Messrs. Phillips, Lacy, Dal- ton and Alexander. Fifth Committee. — Messrs. Vass. Stanfield. At- kinson and Harding Sixth Committee — Messrs J. H. Smith. Doll, Johnston, and Penick Seventh Committee — Messrs. Atkinson. Hinesand Primrose 5 34 Eighth Committee —Messrs. Stanfield, Cnrrie, Tidball and Burwell. 2. Executive Committee of Education. Rev. Edward Hines, Chm'n Sassafras Fork. VI. AGENTS AND TRUSTEES. I. SUSTENTATION. Rev. James C. Alexander Greensboro'. II. FOREIGN MISSIONS. Rev. F. H. Johnston, Lexington. in. PUBLICATION. Rev. J. H. Smith, D. D., Greensboro". IV. SABBATH SCHOOLS. Rev. L. C. Vass, .Newbern. Trustees of Davidson College. 1. Dr. Jno. H Williamson. Locust Hill. (Elected iu 1871 to serve four years.) 2. Rev. D. E. Jordan Oxford. (Elected iu 1871 to serve three years.) 3. Rev. J. Doll, ... Yancey ville. (Elected iu 1871 to serve two years.) 35 Trustees of the Presbytery. 1. Mr. Jesse H. Lindsay, Cbm'n, ... . Greensboro*. 2. Col. J. Irving Scales, Grtensboro\ 3. Col. John H. Diliard, Greensboro'. 4. Mr. John H. Welborn, Lexington. 5. Mr. Thos. Webb Hilhboro\ Evangelists of the Presbytery. 1 . Rev. Jno. W. Primrose Hanson. 2. Chas. M. Payne. Ass't, Mt. Airy VII. rCCKET OF BUS:NESS. 1. Prayer. 2. Poll Call. 3. Moderator and Clerks chosen. 4. Minutes of last session read. .". Excuses of absentees. 1. From the last meeting. 2. From the present meeting. 6. Make an order of the day for the Free Con- versation 36 7. Appoint the following temporary committees : A.— AT THE SPRING MEETING. (See Rule 32.) 1. On Narrative to the General Assembly. 2 On Evangelistic Labor. 3. On Systematic Benevolence. 4. On Minutes of the Synod. 5. On Sessional Records. (Two Commit- tees. Rule 32.) 6. On Treasurer's Account. B.— AT THE FALL MEETING. 1. On Narrative to the Synod. 2. On Systematic Benevolence. (Two re ports. Rules 30 and 31.) 3. On Minutes of General Assembly. 8. Appoint one Ruling Elder on each of the standing committees to examine candidates 9. Are there any new candidates ? 10. Are there any candidates to be examined ( 11. Are there are calls or dismissions ? 12. Devotional Exercises on second day at 10 o'clock. 13 Reports of A.— SESSIONS. 1. On support of the poor. (Rule 7.) 2 On payment of traveling expenses. (Rule S.) 37 3. On payment of quota to the Evangelist Fund. (Rule 18.; 4. Call on Sessions delinquent in payment of the Piesbyterial assessment. 5. Call on Sessions delinquent in payment of salary of pastor or stated supply. B.— PERMANENT COMMITTEES. AGENTS, &c. 1. Agent of Sustentation. 2. Evangelists. 3. Executive Committee of Education. 4. Agent of Publication. (Fall. 5. Agent of Foreign Missions. (Fall.) 6. Agent of Sabbath Schools. (Spring.) 7. Treasurer. (Spring.) 8. Trustees of Davidson College. (Fall. ) 9. Trustees of Presbytery. 10. Licentiates. 11. Supplies appointed at last meeting. 12. Commissio'rs to the Gen. As'mbly.(Fall) 13. The several committees on examination of candidates. C— TEMPORARY COMMITTEES. 1. At Spring meeting on Narrative; Evan- gelistic Labor; Systematic Benevo- lence ; Minutes of Synod ; Sessional Records; and Treasurer's Account. 38 2. At Fall meeting on Narrative, System- atic Benevolence, and Minutes of General Assembly. 14 Appoint Agent of Sustentation. (Spring.) 15. Head Historical Sketches of churches, f Rule 41.) 16. Appoint five persons to write Historical Sketches. 17. Nominate Commissioners to General Assem- bly. (Spring. See Rule 58.) 18. Elect Commissioners to General Assembly. (Spring.) 19. Time and place of next meeting 20. At Fall meeting adjourn to meet at place where Synod meets, during the sessions of that body at the call of the moderator. 21. Close with singing, prayer, and benediction. UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00042735120 This book must not be taken from the Library building. 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