* fiVliCHfi THEODORE FRONT Musical Literature 1046 S.Holt Avenue los Angeles, Calif. 90035 «o V • JrSg^tf fat&i Jfsftf !>**<.-*?» JrJfTi ta>#-V» Jr$*-v» Jr»cn< \ri<*& itie^t A N ESSAY O R % | INSTRUCTION for LEARNING & vg THE 3T m af t* CHURCH PLAIN CHANT. % j|SfyS TO WHICH ARE ADDED, 3T « \jg VARIOUS HYMNS, ANTHEMS, LITANIES, THE ;f£ j£ TE DEUM, DOMINE FOR THE KING, TANTUM Jf ERGO, AND MOTETS AT EXPOSITION, T BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED 3; SACRAMENT, &c &c. j ! "% f. WITH APPROBATION. » LONDON: Printed by J. P. Cochlan, No. 37, Duke Street, Grofvenor Square, <"«S>'<"« ^yy^ri^ Jm M.DCC.XCIX. sf *£$"«? ^H ?^M J 8 ?^ ^S* 1 ? y^SH W^ f^H 5^P4 ?y$-q «fc|^F THREE SHILLINGS* H I "" * "" «—' ' "" "'* "•» APPROBATION. w, HEREAS James Peter Coghlan, Printer in London, hath humbly requeued our Approbation to a Work he is now printing at his- own Expence, called, AN ESSAY ON THE CHURGH PLAIN CHANT, &c.^-We having perufed it, and finding nothing contrary to the Doctrine and Difcipline of the Church, do ap- prove of the fame being printed,. Given under our Hands, July 2Q, i78r. •J* James Birthan, V. A. Auguft 14, 1 7 8 1 -. *f. Thomas Aconen, V. Av July 24, 1781. *J- Geobge Daulien,V. A, •J* John Marochien, Daulienfis Coadjutor* Digitized by thejnternet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://archive.org/details/essayorinstructiOOIond *— Q< , ' ' -"■ "* **»«.. .'. ' " " ft"* CONTENT & I Page NTRODUCTION, i The Ut and Fa Cliff, & The Stave, .... ibid, The Changes of Cliffs by Ufe of Four Line Staves, with Reafons why five are preferable, and of the Ufe of the Ledger Line, with an Example to Notes, - - 6 The Names of the Notes and their O&ave, ibid , Example l and 2 of the Gamut, y The Bars, - - - ibftL The Diamond.Note,,the Square Note, and tbofe with Tails, - - - 3 The Tyed Notes, with an Example, -> ibid. The Flat, the Natural, and the Sharp, - ibid. The Direct or Guide at the End of a Stave, 9 Example of Solfaing, - - ibid,. Slow Singing recommended,. - - ibid. The Semitones from mi to fa and from ii to ut afcending, and from ut to fi and from fa. to mi defcending, - - ibid. The b in the Stave, and of the Ufe of za> ibid, The Alteration in the Semitones, - 30 Example on Thirds, ... ibid. The Paufe, and of the Breath, - 9 ibid. a Exercife CONTENTS; Page Exercife on Fourths, and of the taking Breath, n Exercife on Fifths, - - 12 Exercife on Sixths, and of Fa on the Second Line, with Examples, - - 13 Exercife on Change of Cliffs, - - Ibid. Examples where the Names of Notes and the ' Directs are purpofely omitted, . 1^ Of the Eight Tones, ' - ibid. Table of the Tone Dominant and Final, 16 The Tones of the Pfalms. Firfl Tone with different Endings, - 16 Second Tone, - - 17 Third Tone, - - ■ - - 18 Fourth Tone, - - - 19 Fifth Tone, - - - - ibid. Sixth Tone, - - - ibid. Seventh Tone* - - - 20 Eighth Tone, - - * 21 Observations on Chanting the Pfalms, &c. ibid. PART SECOND* Alma Redemptoris, - - - 2j Ave Regina, - - - 26 Regina Cceli, - - - 27 Salve Regina, - - 28 The fame to other Mufic, - - 30 The Litanies of the B. V. Mary, to Notes with the Bafs — Firft Tone, - - 32 The Second, Fifth and Sixth Tones, - 33 Two others to the Sixth, Seventh and Eight Tones, - 34 Continuation of the Litanies, from Chrilie audi nos, k to*he End, ~ - 35 On CONTENT*. Page On the Nativity of our Lord, Puer nobis naf- citur, 36 1 , Adefte Fideles, with the Bafs, 37 On the Sundays in Lent, Stabat Mater, with the Bafs, - - - 38 After Complin in Lent, Miferere mei Deus, with the Bafs, - - 40 At Eafter, O Filli* with theBafs, - 43 On ^fcenfion Day, O Rex Gloria*, with the Bafs, - - - 44 At Whitfuntide, Veni Creator Spiritus, - 46 1 — Yeni fan£te Spiritus, with the Bafs, - - r 48 On Corpus Ghrifti, O Sacrum Convivium, with the Bafs, - - - 49 On Feafts of the B. V. Mary, Tota Pulchra, Firft Tone, - - ,51 The fame to the Fifth Tone, with the Bafs, $2 On the Feafts of SS. Peter and'PauI, O Roma Felix, with the Bafs, - 56 TheTeDeum, - - - 38 At Benediction, Tantum ergo, Fifth Tone, with the Bafs, - - -6.3 The fame fet by Mr. Paxton, with the Bafs, 64 The fame by the above Gentleman, &c. 65 The fame to the Sixth Tone, with the Bafs, 67 The fame to the Eighth Tone, with the Bafs, 68 At Expofition or Elevation of the Blefled Sacra- ment, O Salutaris, to the Fifth Tone, with the Bafs, - - - 69 PART THIRD. Haec eft Prseclarum, - • - 72 Ave Maria, - - "73 The Domine for the King,. » - 74 Another, CONTENTS. Page Another, with the Bafs, - - 75 Tantum ergo, Sixth Tone, - - yy Another, the Fifth Tone, ... 78 At Expofition or Elevation* Ave verum,. 79 O quam Suavis, - 80 O Sacrum Convivium, Fifth Tone, - St O Salutaris Hoflia, Eighth Tone, - 82 St. Thomas of Aquin's Adoro te devote, ibidu. Panis Angelicus, • -. 84. O Jefu Deus magne, - - 85 Tu folus Fons amoris, - - 85 Deus Cordis mei, - « 88 O Sacrum, - - - 89 At the Elevation in MaiTes for the Dead, Jefu Sal va tor Mundi, - - 90 O Meritum Paffionis, « ~ gt INTRO- INTRODUCTION TO THB GREGORIAN NOTE. •SB*; THE pious pra&ice of finging the praifes of God in temples dedicated to his worfhip, is of Fuch ancient date, fo univer- fal, and of fuch excellent ufe in raifing de- votion ; that little need be faid here by way of recommendation. But while we admire the fanQity of the inftitution, can we forbear regretting the great neglect in the cultivation of it ? We obferve, that thofe whom nature has bleft with a moderate fhare of vocal powers, can contribute in general to raife fecial mirth by a fong, yet when every heart and every voice fhould join in hymning the Deity, alas they are dumb! If we confider the great effect that is pro- duced in divine fervice by a few untutored voices; how much greater muft the efFe6l be, if every individual in a congregation, capable of finging, fhould join in a well A regulated INTRODUCTION. regulated choir, and all united by the power- ful harmony of a well touched organ * ? The knowledge of Church Plain Chant, if properly taught, is very eafy to be ac- quired; nothing can be more fimple than it is in itfelf. It feems as if our anceftors, who firft adopted it to the liturgy, intended that every one, pofleffing voice and ear, fhould be able to fing without much ftudy: not but that the fame piece, fung by diffe- rent perfons, may greatly change the effeft, owing to the manner of finging. Many affect to defpife the Church Plain Song, loading it with fuch epithets, as too often belong to the fingers. — It is barbarous ! ruftic ! grotefque! — but perhaps that which appears to be fo, may have been mutilated, fpoiled, falfely copied and never corrected when printing was firft ufed. Who can fay what may not have been loft ? Who can fay what may have been fubftituted ? and by whom ? But admitting this, are there no beauties left ? Many. For inftance, the chants or eight tones of the Pfalms, fome of which may be conjeBured to be as old as even Chriftianity itfelf; Are not their me- lodies devout ? Do they not admit of the raoft elegant harmonies? * This feems to correfpond to the idea of the Church, Cum quibus et noftras voces, &c. Pra>f. adMiJf. Many INTRODUCTION. 3 Many beauties may be found too in others of a later date; as, Veni Creator Spiritus, — Jefu corona Virginum, — Lucis Creator, — Exultet Orbis, and many others. But the manner of fmging mould be parti- cularly attended to; otherwife, What man pofTefTed of feeling but muft be difgufted to hear a hoarfe voice bark the pious hymn, Stabat Mater, Lamentationes Jeremiae, &c. ? In regard to thofe parts which are bad, and which we muft fuppofe to have been greatly changed from what they originally were, by falfe copying, miftakes in printing, or caprice of the ignorant; it certainly is in the power of fuperiors to procure amend- ment or alteration, wherever neceffary: and it is to be hoped, for-the honour and dignity of the Church, as far as regards her decent difcipline, that fuch n-eceffary amend- ments and alterations will before long take place ; and this with good reafon, if we con- sider that many Introits and Alleluias fung at Mafs, as alfo Antiphons and Hymns fung. at Vefpers, where the words convey the higheft idea of joy and exultation, the Plain Chant, as it now Hands, is raoft forrowful wailing and difmal lamentation. The pious mind would by no means introduce light fantaftic airs to divine fervice, but why not fuch as may accompany the fpirit and mean- ing of the words ? — Alleluia, — Benedica- nu#s Domino, — O Roma felix!— Are thefe A 2 expreffions INTRODUCTION, expreffions for tones of forrow ? No, but* of faered joy. But in the ftate it is even at prefent, it would appear to much greater advantage, if well underflood and wejl fung. This little EiTay is therefore offered for the affiftance of thofe who wifh to be inftru&ed in the Church Plain Chant, not that it is poffrble to acquire the niceties of finging without an able mafter. May peace and harmony unite us in bro- therly love, and perfect charity, and may all who join in iinging to the praife and glory of God here, be admitted to join the Celeitial Choirs, who are praifing him in everlafiing blifs. AN A N E S S A Y O R INSTRUCTION FOR LEARNING THE CHURCH PLAIN CHANT. THE Gregorian Plain Chant is governed^ by two Cliffs, namely Ut Cliff, and Fa Cliff, which correfpond to the two lower cliffs in mulie, viz* the Tenor, and Bafs. C F uTciiff ~" ~*Fa Cliff The ufe of thefe is to point out the pro— greffion of tones and femitones, and there- by to determine the key, or tone of the chant, which is commonly contained in four lines, otherways called a Have in mufic; but as it very often exceeds that compafs, the cliffs muft neceffarily change their place to> give a greater- fcope to the chant,and this is: A3 a very, AN ESSAY ON THE a very great embaraffment to young pupils, and might be at once removed by ufing a ftave of five lines inftead of four : for al- though a piece often exceeds the compafs of four lines, it feldom exceeds the compafs of five. On the Feaft of Corpus Chrifti, in the Sequence, Lauda Sion Salvatorem, the cliff changes its place twelve or thirteen times, owing to the compafs of this hymn fo much exceeding the extent of four lines : but if five lines were here ufed, with the addition of a ledger line in three or four places, the whole confufion would be avoided. For example, in the ninth Verfe, Quod in ccena Chriftus geflit, faciendum hoc t*£Si 3TB: # expreflfk in fui memonam. nor would it in any part exceed the compafs of the lines below. For example, the verfe preceding the former. =HIjJ Veluftatem novitas. There are but feven notes, ut, re, mi, fa, fol, la, fi; but the oclayes to thefe may be carried CHURCH JLAIN CHANT. 7 carried on, above and below, to the full ex- tent of any voice or inftrument. They al- ways (land in this order afcending, but muft be determined by the cliff placed at the be- ginning of the ftave. For example, if notes fhould be thus prefented, — — 1 — - |-M- m — — — — — -——■———— " " No one could determine what they are, nor their names for want of a cliff; but the ut cliff being placed upon the fourth line, determines that line to be ut, by which they are all immediately known. Example i. M . ^M J! ZLg: ^g_E_5 —- lg— W w- .... ■ — I-] ^~ W m - ■ " ' . ■ ut re mi fa fol la fi ut mi fa fol la fi ut re mi But it is to be obferved, that if the ut cliff Ihould be placed on the third line, that line, would then be ut, and the reft ranged ac- cordingly, Example 2, Thus upon whatfoever line the ut cliff is placed, that line is ut, and the fame muft be obferved with regard to the fa cliff; the names of the notes changing immediately with the cliff, as often as it may happen. See the Exercife on the change of Cliffs, page 13. The bars, which nearly crofs the ftave, are ufed to feparate the notes fung to each word 5 & AN ESSAY ON THE word ; the bars, entirely eroding the ftave, are ufed over fome period in the reading ; the double bars, which crofs the ftave en- tirely, are only placed at the end of certain portions or verfes. The diamond note is half the length of the fquare note, and is generally ufed to fhort fyllables, and in divifions defcending. The notes, which are longer than the fquare notes, have one or two tails, but are feldom ufed; and, here it is neceffary to caution the learner, not to miftake for thefe, fuch notes, which having tails, are only meant to be tied to another note at fome diftance. Example at 1. t 2 — ~ fcazzi -m-m- — a-*— ■ Gaudea— »mus A dot after a note makes that note half as long again ; for example, a fquare note with a dot, and a diamond note following it, are equal to two fquare notes, as Exam- ple 2. But this is only to be found in mo- dern books. This mark h makes a natural note flat. This mark % makes a flat note natural*. This mark j£ which makes a natural note fharp, is not ufed in the Gregorian Chant, * In printed books, by miftake., the one is often put for the other. though CHURCH PLAIN CHANT. <) though often wanted, as fhall be fhewn here- after, p. jy-.^ This mark 22 called a guide or direft, is ufed at the end of the lines to fignify the note which begins the next ftave: but it matters not how little they are attended to, unlefs the printer is exacl:, as they are often falfe, and lead the finger into an error. The learner fhould make himfelf perfe£l> ly acquainted with the names of the notes in all the lines and fpaces wherever the cliff fhould happen to be placed, and then pro- ceed to Sol fain g. cdefgab c ft__ — .-J*~ ui ■ H-t zrwr m — z ' "" " — m _M~ *i — *" &W; "" — ' " -■ ■ -y ut re mi fa fol la fi ut ut fi la fol fa mi re ut This gamut cannot be fung too often, nor can the notes be fung too flow, as thereby the voice is to be formed, and rendered ca- pable of fuftaining the notes. The marks from mi to fa, and from fi to ut, {hew the femitones afcending, — from ut to fi, and from fa to mi, defcending; but here the mailer fhould be confulted. It generally happens in Plain Song, that when a pafTage rifes but one note above la, that note is fung flat, being thus marked (b), and then it is not named fi, as if afcending tc* lo AN ESSAY ON THE to ut, but za, and generally defcends again immediately. Be careful to obferve, that in this cafe the femitones are from mi to fa, and from la to za; but if doubts fhould arife, confult the mailer. Exercife on Thirds. % — — -«g— JBf— S— w~h—H____- X__jji_S a— *— — - iry^ - jr ut re mi ut re mi fa re mi fa re mi fa fol :sniizic:!5: :sz*z±mz£ mi fa fol mrfa fol la fol la fi ut re fi ut ut fi ut la fol fa mi fol mi fa la za la fol ■a- fol mi fa re mi ut re fi ut mi re fa mi re ut It is intended, that a fhort paufe mould be made upon the long notes preceding the bars, and breath to be taken there, but no where elfe throughout this example. It is neceffary here to make an observa- tion on the management of the breath ; for upon this very much depends. The finger fhouldalways keepfome breath in referve ; that is, he mould never fo exhauft himfelf, as that it may be perceived he wants breath. The lungs fhould be well filled, and the wind gently let forth again, as expreffion may CHURCH PLAIN CHANT. 11 may require. He fhould never take breath in the midft of a word, unlefs there fhould be many notes to that word, and then he is to find a long note, where he may replenifh imperceptibly, and never with violence to burft upon the notes, like a pavior upon his rammer, but to fing fmoothly, with eafe to himfelf, and to exprefs the words clearly and diftin&ly. It is a common fault for thofe, who know but little of the matter, to ling very loud, as if they would fupply the defe6V of feeling, by forcing us to hear the more ; but the difference is very great between linging and noife. The pupil fhould alfo accuftom himfelf to keep his mouth mode- rately open, fo as to produce a full, round tone; but let him alfo avoid imitating thofe who open their mouth as if they would fwai- low the book. Exercife on Fourths, ft - • !■* h "~V* " •*V" " Z'&#*--m---d'*'*-'' 1 ut re mi fa re at fa mi fol la fi ut fol mi la foi ■ i V V V nj n , , . '•■-__. ':■■. ! M m « M . S|.™„ ,. ••■■ « . , £, _ _...... 1 ■ ut fol la mi fa ft u ut re fol fa mireut fa mi n ' _, n 1 m I m re fol ut The little v marks fhew where it is moil proper 3L« AN ESSAY ON THE proper to take breath. If the learner finds any difficulty in hitting the diftances, let him fing the interval privately to himfelf till he can do it without ; and this he will be able to do, if the foregoing exercifes are well pra&ifed, which they fhould be, before he proceeds farther. It is well known, that a famenefs of fucceflion retards improve- ment, therefore it is avoided in thefe fliort exercifes, where alfo fome intervals and dif- tances are purpofely omitted, being unnatu- ral and never fung. Exercife on Fifths. h* # x ■ .,..,„ vr B _-^ . . .- .T. 9. a ^ ■ , — , q. * i ^ |< ...... .. ut re mi fa fol ut ut ft la fol fa ut *¥ 9 * I - ■ ft X ~+ f J 1 te p T S I _ ^_ * ♦...* _. ,. >/v 1 ^_* j Y'_ ft~ j re ut fi la fo! re re mi fa fol la re N , , , , , « ■ i'"* ♦ * * i"'i m - - T - • ♦ \ -_, 4 * ♦ m ■ ■™«v\/ " — ♦ m r ^t r*~ fol fa mi re ut fol fa mi r e ut fi fa N _,"■■- ' " ■ ■ ■ 'nr ■».:::; . ■— '— n 1. ~ r W mi fol ut fa fol fol ut It is fufficient to take breath at the bars in this example ; and the learner will now be able to judge for himfelf where to take breath, from what has been faid. Exercife CHURCH PLAIN CHANT. Exercife on Sixths. E - . .M «" ttd- # ♦ ■ M B— — mmm -S/V hu. Ut ""♦-' " """"" "" M. re mi fa fol la ut la fol fa KT m m - - -■»♦■«. -*— J mi ut re fa mi re fi ut ut If the fa cliff is placed on the fecond line, the notes bear the fame names, as when the ut cliff is on the fourth line. Example. Fa Cliff, cdefgabc ft *g— M- ut re mi fa fol la fi ut <fcfltts3 San&us immor - ta - - lis mi fere re Wp— WB^-j jjjW*" 81 no - bis. Feria fexta in Parafceve. The learner mould folfa thefe notes, be. fore he joins the words to them. I Exercife on change of Cliffs. ft is "H "—JBj^"™"^- ■■■..Hi.— B— i^at&^^r^: M xnc* -—■ v v | _J2£J£ ut re mi fa fol la fi ut fol ut fol la za la B 14 AN ESSAY ON THE KS . ;g — _ — , h fol fol la ut ut re^ut ut ut fi ut la fol fa mi fol la fol fa fa fol la fol * W p LS "*""" 'J~M :*"H W ... H R W n -rmiS jy - m ^r * ' : H (■!■■■■• -- N" rww w fa mi mi ut re fa fol fol: fol - I P i\ ut re mi re : W- _a "" W.V/. m M N _«_ pL %£*< hi 3L*l^ >/v' F fa mi re mi re re re mi re ut fi ut SSRif Sac ■*w — — ut li la fol fa mi re ut . This (hews that it is poffible for high notes to appear low, and for low notes to appear high, as they depend entirely on the fitua- tion of the cliff, as has been before obferved. When the learner understands this Exer- cife perfectly, and can ling it well, let him pfa&ife it from the following Example, where the names of the notes and the directs are purpofely omitted. The CHURCH PLAIN CHANT. m -m -H— W-mH*— s— ■ gSy^gbabj^jfcbg : * = 5-w-KP-W- a -- r -^— B&- - _ . h-MJ*-*- a §^3 -* J ^gjcs^a The learner fhould practife folfaing until he can keep in his mind all relative founds; for example, relative to ut, re is a fecond, mi is a third, fa is a fourth, fol a fifth, la a fixth, fi a feventh, ut an octave. Relative to re, mi is a fecond, fa a third, &c. Rela- tive to mi, fa is a fecond, fol a third, and fo on; a-lfo'to obferve which are whole tones, and which are femitones. Here the mafter is necefTary. The Church Plain Chant has eight tones, which are known by their refpeftive domi- nant and final notes, according to the follow- ing table, B 2 Tone. i6 AN ESSAY ON THE Tone. Dominant, Final. I ft, la — 2d, fa — 3d, ut — 4th, la — 5th, — ut — ■ 6th, la — 7th,— — -re — 8th, ut — 1 re mi fa fol Some pieces may be found which deviate from this rule; but Antiphons in general have their regular Final, or ending note, and the Pfalms their regular Dominant, or reigning note. Tones of the Pfalms, with their moft ufual Endings, Firft Tone. fcE Dixit Dominus Domino meo P-*-»- E=E*iE!t£55e: & fede a dextris me - is. Different Ending. fede + — dextris raeis. Different CHURCH PLAIN CHANT. if Different Ending — 4- fede a dextris meis. £t* After the intonation of the firft verfe, the following verfes begin on the Dorainant > except the Canticles, Magnificat, and Bene- dicts, which always keep their proper in- tonation each verfe, and are lung flower than the Pfalms. There is moreover fome little difference in the mufic which fhall be noticed. In the firft tone the difference is at the Mediation. . Example. — -i- : &M?!i^:!:iE±z!? : f^5 .B.enediclus Dom'inus De - us lirael, quia &c. as the Pfalms. Second Tone. Dixit Dominiis Domino meo fede x —if K23r*br: --h t a dextris -meis. The raft note but one, with this mark x over it,, cuftom has made {harp;, although in Plain Chant there is no fign to exprefs iaf. B 3 The. l8 AN ESSAY ON THE The fharp is generally wanted in the firft and fecond tones, upon ut, when re is be- fore and after it: in the third and fourth tones upon fol, when la is before and after it ; and in the feventh and eighth tones upon fa, when fol is before and after it. Obferve the mark x as it occurs. The Canticles, in the fecond tone, are fung thus. Et exultavit Spiritus meus, in Deo &c. Third Tone. +-*W- 3r: — + Dixit Dominus Domino meo, fede N M i- M ■ ■ M ■ i t R-*"^* m 1 **« . \ '!«•-■. ■ ■ -pi j* m a dextris meis. Different Ending. y + i -*• fede a dextris meis. The Canticles are fung nearly the fame. Example. -■■ w ^..>., 1 • — ■■"■ Nunc dimittis fervum tuum Doraine, fecundum &c. Fourth CHURCH PLAIN CHANT. Fourth Tone. *9 fc= ■d±3r£±2tfc£a: t — -fr Dixit Dominus Domino meo, fede X i- jg -!•■ ■■-" r §/ • " ■"' ' J " Jl » a dextris meis. Different Ending, ft t=K fede dextris meis. Canticles the fame. Fifth Tone. Antiphons, &c. of the fifth and fixth tones have commonly a Flat placed immediately after the cliff, which makes za throughout the piece inftead of fi. Ffwr Dixit Dominus Domino meo, fede ^^S^tt-J- I + — J-lj. a dextris meis. Canticles the fame* Sixth Tone. Dixit Dominus Domino meo, fede 2o AN ESSAY ON THE zfrt^a?rfcci= £*H i dextris meis. Cant icles thus. fc= sac — r*^! ^* -^ Glo ia Pa - tri et PiJio, et &c- Seventh Tone. §3t±ttE!^ .-|n— BH. .-| — JSL JL 3DCt Dixit Dominus Domino meo, fecie BZtfcH -I — -i jezp a dextris meis. Different Endings g:i^4cs:i::?it^:i:^s^t^4i^S^J=: -ttft lede a dextris meis. fede a dextris meis. The Canticles differ in the Intonation. Example, *V w H - i ■ B-""^t Quia refpexit, &c. as the Pfalms. Eighth CHURCH PLAIN CHANT, 2% Eighth Tone. P-M-M-+; ± ■+- Dixit Dominus Domino meo, fede EEi EEEEi dextris meis. DifFerent Ending. pj-a-w- 1 z*tTziE5=ii? I^jt fede a dextris meis. The Canticles thus. •jsHj^- i -)»■+«>% - 1 -w^^^ i -w^g- : Vhhjjjh5 Sufcepit lfrael Puerum fuum, recordatus That which is called the eighth tone irre- gular Teems to partake more of the firft tone, having in the firft part the dominant la, and the final re. Example. Domus Jacob de Populo barbaro. Obfervation. In chanting the Pfalms, in the fecond, fourth, fifth and eighth tones, monofyllables* and 22 AN ESSAY ON THE and words which are not-declined, make their mediation upon a riling note. Example. Second Tone. -ES — hi. sEs ■m-m— *-*- 1 -m- -a-a- -W-M- Si afcendero Fourth Tone. m in Caelum tu ilJic es. x I JO -m-+- -H-4- Quoniam elegit Dominus Sion Fifth Tone. B^?-3sHsh£ i 5P i -m-m-m- j ^fejj^ Etenim illuc manus tua deducit me. Eighth Tone. I — =t Illuc producam cornu David. Eighth Tone irregular; -H-B-H- -E|-«- I !-■-♦-*- Benedixit Domui Ifrael. The fame is obferved in Verfkles and Refponfes. Common CHURCH PLAIN CHANT. Common Way. V. Dignare Domine nofte ifta. -*-*-■- dtfl R. m-m- -B-W-W- Sine Peccato nos cuftodire. Bat ending with Monofyllables thus : V ■m-0- #B-S*H- ■m-&- i hwh*- 3 Fiat Mifericordia tua Domine fuper nos. -m — m-m — h- -w-w-*-*- R. Quemadmodum fperavimus in te. ANTIPHONS of the B. V. MARY. From the VeTpers of Saturday, before the firft Sunday of Advent, to the Purification of our B. Lady, inclufive. xJL L- ma Redemptoris Ma-ter, quae per- vi a cce- li por- ta ±f5|:: ma- nes, Et ftel- la ma-ris, iuccurre Bs^l ?fcl~jfi±£ cadenti, Surgere qui cu- rat, populo & a: :&#: «^f x?y I Tu quae ge- nui- fti, Natu- ra miran-te! tuum fan&um ge- ni- to- Uf-tf — — . I -—^Zf-H- [ -, Zfl rem, Vir- go pri- us ac pofte-rius, C Z6 ANTIPHONS OF THE B. V. MARY, Gabrie- lis ab o- re, Sumens illud ^g B^^* A- ve Peccatorum mifere- re. 7, In Advent. V. Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae; R. Et concepit de Spiritu San£to. From firft Vefpers of Chriftmas-Day. V. Poft partum virgo inviolata permanfifti. R. Dei genitrix intercede pro nobis. From the End of Complin of the Purification inclufive, till Maundy-Thurfday exclufive. A '-**-*— g&fii i^fi-ga — I _ Ve Regina cce lo- rum, ■m- 1 ■rn- rn: ayy* ^^^ A- ve Domina Angelo-rum : Sal- f ve radix, falve porta, Ex qua mun-do lux eft or- ta: Gaude virgo gloriofa, fc£ ANTIPHONS OF THE B. V. MARY. 2/ A/%. W+sE Super om nes fpecio- fa, Va- le |ffi£|3£pi *15 wltel-aW-l* •tt- at^^s^j- |fc O val- de deco- ra, Et pro no- b is =5t SPSJE ^jg— I Chriftum ex- o-ra. 6. V. Dignare me laudare te, Virgo facrata. R. Da mihi virtmem contra holies tuos. From Complin of Holy Saturday till firft Vefpers of Trinity Sunday exclufive. R zzsxgzix* fmiSte Kgina coeli lasta- m-m- r.e, rtt=^I=s«i=: al-le-lu-ia. Quia quern me- ru i~ fti six fa?^i§^a?igiii^=*a«-a5:B5z:j per- ta-re, al le- lu ia. m Refurrexit iicut dixit, ai- le- hi ia. Ora pro no- bis Deum, C 2 £8 ANTIPHONS Of THE B. V. MARY, iSi^^^ii^! t al le lu- ia. 6. V. Gaude & laetare virgo Maria, alleluia. R, Quia furrexit Dominus vere, alleluia. Eiom firft Vefpers of Trinity-Sunday till Saturday be- fore the firft Sunday of Advent excluilve. ** Al-ve Regi- na, mater mi fe- ricor- diae, Vi- ta, dulce- do, ^T^i^^Si=a=pEi*ja & fpes noilra fal- ve. Ad te clama- mus ex u les fi li i Evas. Ad te fufpira- mus gementes 8c flentes in hac lacrymarum va- le. ANTIPHONS OF THE B. V. MARY. 2Q - W - W »vi qgggj i Jg^ 1 =t ±«^;^pagi««: E ia ergo advoca- ta noftra, illos 3>^Es*!*C«B tu- os mifericor- des o- culos s»k raft i*S*ij «- ad nos conver- te. ^ftpr Et Jefum, 5to5i^ be nediclum fruclum ventris tu- i, no- bis poll hoc ex i- lium. o- Itende. o clemens,.. O pi-a ; O dulcis virgo Mari- a. 1*. V. Ora pro nobis fan£ia Dei genitrix. R. Ut digoi efficiarnur promiffionibua Ghriftu. g £ q* 30 ANTIFHONS OP THE B. V. MARY. Or this. $h: ■mW =vs7 Alve Re gi na, mater mi fe ri- — — |ti f 1 S' '* A Ml *lV ♦ ■ 1 P^,,n — £*m*4 = -w ^u {• ] 1 — - — +- — — . p 1 — , eor di ae. Vi- ta, duke- do, Sc fpes ^S :izii ?zi; noftra fal-ve. Ad te clamamus exii' Br-»*— ^y -jT 1 "bT^ 1 c !3 jf — i~w - ; ■ a w les fi li i E- vae. Ad te fuf-pi- i suj S=|3R V57 ramus gementes & flentes in hae s"0'. -■ ^V"f lacrymarum val le. Ei a ergo ! ^zszg^ : l zzjtjz j :=5= i =P^ ad vo ca ta noiira iiios tu os ANTIPHONS OF THE B* V. MARY. gi FH--y-g|H- "S55? mi fe ri cordes o cu los ad nos con- IE *E!E£= brpzjqf 5P^ — r R verte, Et Je fum, benedi&um fruclum ¥5 afcidE fe ventris tu i nobis poft hoc ex i- Ifcs z^iSSr -5^ lium often- de. O clemens ! O pi a! O dul- cis Virgo Ma ri a* g LITA- f 8* ■ > LITANIES of the B. V. MARY. AS fuch a variety of words are fung to thefe little Chants, the bars here are not put to divide the words, but to fhew the rneafure of the mufic, having the bafs under them* e r i ~-J Kyri-e e- leifon. Chrifte e- leiion Vr* ZS. ¥5f H-H- til Kyri Another, e e leifon. Chrifte e - feifon, w. — i *^> i ft m leifon. Ch rifle e - lei for), e- leifon. Chr.ift.ee- leifon, Thefe according to the fcale of mufic, are fet in D minor; but they are commonly played and fung in E. The ufual pitch of each mail be marked with a letter, as thefe are. N. B. By E minor is meant E with a leffer Third, and fo of the reft,. LITANIES OF THE B. V. MARY, 33 Second Tone. x GorA minor. ' Kyrie e • leifon. Chrifte e - lei - fon. x &#=sfei^ Kyrie e -leifon* Chrifte e -leifon. Remember the Obfervation touching the fharp, page 17. Fifth Tone, N. B. Za inftead of fi, runs through this, and the following in the fixth Tone. maj :^^^E| tg Kyrie e - leifon* Chrifte e - leifon* _ lh Ym* 4 mm' ^f rf ff lS Kyrie e - leifon. Chrifte e - leifon. Sixth Tone, rlbvdflC w-P*-* 35^ stf V Kyrie e - lei fon. Chrifte e - leifon. maj, ■§-«- L- fi tf* t# Kyrie e - leifon. Chrifte e - leifon. Another. 34 LITANIES OF THE B. V. MARY. Another r- *Z±M^+ ^Q J Kyri - e e - leifon. Chrifte e - leifon. ™y ..*_»_, L ^ Kyri - e e - leifon. Chrifte e - leifon. Another. A / Kvri - e e - leifon. Chrifte e - ieifon. i: ±l mv oh m t Kyri ~ e e - ieifon. Chrifte e - leifon. Seventh Tone. .X_^ ^ ifcjqfj: " V Kyri • e e - leifon. Chrifte e - leifon m i- n — (■ — m- -a- Kyri - e e - leifon. Chrifte e - leifon Eighth Tone* Bb Kyrie e - leifon. Chrifte e - leifon fia« maj ^ -■- +- ifc Ifcjj- Kyrie e - leifon. Chrifte e - ieifon. LITANIES OF THE B. V. MARY. 35 Chrifle audi nos. Chrifte exaudi nos. Pater de coelis Deus, miferere nobis. Fili redemptor mundi Deus, miferere no- bis. Spiritus Sanfte Deus, miferere nobis. Sancta Trinitas unus Deus, miferere no- bis. SanBa Maria, ora pro nobis. Sancta Dei genitrix, Sancta Virgo Virgi- num, Mater Chrifti, Mater divinas gratise, Mater puriffima, Mater caftiffima, C> Mater inviolata, » Mater intemerata, ^ Mater amabilis, Mater admirabilis, 8 Mater Creatons, p; Mater Salvatoris, Virgo prudemiffirna, Virgo veneranda, Virgo praedicanda, Virgo potens, Virgo clemens, Virgo fidelis, Speculum juftitise, Sedes fapientiae, Caufa i oftrae laetitiae, Vas fpirituale, Vas honorabile, Vas infigne devoti- onis, Rofa myftica, Turris Davidica, Tunis eburnea, Domus aurea, Foederis area, Janua cceli, Stella matutina, O Salus inflrmorum, s* Refugium peccato- rum, Confolatrix afflic- § torum, £- Auxiiium chriftia- norum, Regina angelorum, Regina patriarcha- rum, Regina propheta- rum, Regina apoftolorum, Regina martyrum, Regina confeflbrum, Regina virginum, Regina fanctorum omnium, Agnus 36 PROSE ON THE NATIVITY, Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, pane nobis Domine. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, exaudi nos Domine. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, mifererc nobis* Profe on the Nativity of our Lord, ;,T4t Uer nobis nafcitur, Re&orque An- S« fc!fc**± mc =3 f^r gelorum, in hoc raundo pafcitur Do- N ID 5 ,'.. i-W " ^ . I , _ ™ i 1l BM^y.. , -— . — _____ minus dominorum. In praefepe ponitur, Sub faeno afinorum, Cognoverunt Domi- num Chriftum regem cofc- lorum. Angeli laetati funt, Incinunt cum Domi- no : Cantant vere, gloria In excelfis Deo. Tunc Herodes ti- muit, Maximo cum livore; Infantes & pueros, Occidit cum cruore. Qui natus ex Maria In die hodierna, „ Nos conducas 8c in- ducas Adregina fempiterna. O virgo flos virgi- num ! Dele reos criminum : Sine fine termino BenedicamusDomino, FltOSE FOR THE NATIVITY. Another Profe for the Nativity of our Lord, Sixth Tone. G. major. teal J- T^-lEE| " ^3Ci| J A - defte fi - deles, lasti triumphantes ve- A - defte fi - deles, lasti triumphantes ve- W A - defte fi - deles, lasti triumphantes ve- J nite ve « nite in Beth re - hern : Natum vi- nite va - nite in Beth le - hem : Natum vi- J dete regem angelorum : Venite adoremus, ve. dete regem angelorum: ve- «<J nite adoremus, venite adoremus Domi - num. nite adoremus, venite adoremus Domi - num. Dcum de Deo, lu-|Deum verum, geni- men de lumine turn non fa&um : Geftantpuellscvii'cera: J Venite, &c. X) Cantet 38 A HYMN ON THE SUNDAYS IN UNT, Cantet nunc io cho- rus angelorum, Cantet nunc aula coe- leftium: Gloria in excelfisDeo! Venite, Sec. Ergo, qqi natus die hodierna, jefu tibi fit gloria, Patris aeterni verbum caro factum : Venit-e adoremus, Venite adoremus, Venite adoremus Dominum. m A Hymn on the Sundays in Lent. Sixth Tone. G major. ifegzgjpt: m^ +n ■B J Stabat mater dolorofa juxtacrucem la cry mo fa, I »c m Stabat mater dolorofa juxtacrucem la cry mo fa # dum pendebat a** ...... , , M fi - Iius. mrf m _j _, ' h " .... M H(' g ■ Ug v> ~ " ^ " si dum pendebat fi * Iius. Cujus animam ,ge- mentem, Contriftatam, Sc do- lentem Per tranfivit gladius. O quam triftis & af- flida, Fuit ilia benedi£la Mater unigeniti. Quae A HYMN ON THE SUNDAYS IN LENT. 39 Quae mcerebat, 8c dolebat, Et tremebat, cum vi- debat Nati poenas inclyti. Quis eft homo, qui non fleret Chrifti matrem fi vi- deret In tanto fupplicio ? Quis poflet non contriftari, Piam matrem contem- plari Dolentem cum filio ? Pro peccatis fuse gentis Vidit Jefum in tor- mentis, Et flagellis fubitum. Vidit fuum dulcem natum Mofientem^efolatum Dum emifu Ipiritum. Eia mater fons a- moris, Me fentire vim doloris Fac, ut tecum luge am Fac, ut ardeat cor me urn.. In amando Chriftum Deum, D Ut fibi complaceam. San&a mater illud agas, Crucifixi figeplagas Cordi meo valide. Tui nati vulnerati, Tarn dignati pro me pati Pcenas mecum divide. Fac me vere tecum flere Cruciflxo condolere, Donee ego vixero. Juxta cracem te- cum ft are, Te libenter fociare In planclu defidero. Virgo virginum pra> clara, Mihi jam non (is ama- ra, Fac me tecum plan- gere. Fac ut portem Chrifti mortem, Paflionis fac confor- tem £t plagas recolere. fac me plagis vul- x nerari, Cruce hac inebriari, Ob amorem filii. 2 In flam- 4© PSAL M 5©, Inflammatu% & ac- cenfus, Per te virgo fim de- fenfus In die Judicii. Fac me cruce cuf- todiri, - Morte Chriftipraemu- niri Confoveri gratia. Pfalm 50. After Sixth Tone. Quando corpus mo- rietur, Fac ut animae donetur Paradifi gloria. Amen. V. Tuam ipfius ani- mam pertranfivit gla- dius. R. Ut revelentur ex muhis cordibus cogi- tationes. Complin in Lent. G. major. m j«"** d=3« «b(:| Mifeiere me - i Deus, * fecundum m*^: ~b- +-«« — -1 — m _j_ Miferere tr mi ww, 1 ": me - i Deus, * fecundum { *o_ + s :uljl * + 3^Z*^± m 1 ww w r ma^nam mifericordiam tuam. Et fecundum si -u~ »»-£i W - H ,. ., W , EL -■-♦-*■ + — ir-H-*- HRRFf magnam mifericordiam tuam, Et fecundum multitudinem miferationum tuarum, * dele iniquitatem meam. Amplius lava me ab iniquitate mea: * 8c a peccato meo munda me. Quoniam PSALM 50. 41 Quoniam iniquitatem mearn ego cognofco: * Sc peccatum meum contra me eft Temper. Tibi foli peccavi, Sc malum coram te feci : * ut juftificeris in fermonibus tuis, 8c vincas cum judicaris. Ecce enim in irtiquitatibus conceptus fum : * Si in peccatis concepit me mater mea. Ecce enim veritatem dilexifti : * incerta Sc occulta fapientiae tuae manifeftafti mihi. Afperges me hyffopo, Sc mundabor: * la* vabis me, Sc fuper nivem dealbabor. Auditui meo dabis gaudium & laetniam : * Sc exultabunt ofTa humiliata, Averte faciem tuam a peceatis meis: * Sc omnes iniquitates meas dele. Cor mundum crea in me-Deus : * Sc fpiriu- turn rectum in nova in vifceribus meis. N.e projicias me a facie tua :, * St fpiritumi fanclum. tuu-m ne auferas a me. Redde mihi lastiiiam falutaris iui: * Sc fpi- ritu principali confima me. Docebo iniquos vias tuas: * Sc irfipii adte converterttur. Libera me de fanguinrbus Deus, Deus falutis uaeae: * &exultabit lingua mea juftitiam tuam.. Domine, labia mea aperies : Sc os meumi annuntiabit laudem tuam. Quoniam fi voluiffes facrificium, dediflem utique : * holocauftis non deleelaberis. Sacrificium.Deo fpiritus contribulatus: ^cbc coniritum Sc humiliatum Deus non delpicies. Benigne fac Domine in bona^voluotaie tua» Sion : * utsedificentur mud .Jer.ufaleim D g : Tuna 42 THE HYMN AT EASTER, Tunc acceptabis facrificium juftitiae obla- tiones, & holocaufta: * tunc imponent fuper altare tuum vitu'los. — Gloria Patri, &c. V. Domine non fecundum peccata noftra facias nobis. R. Ncque fecundum iniquitates noftras retribuas nobis. Ant. Juftificeris Domine, in fermonibus tuis> & vincas cum judicaris. Ant. Dominus tamquam ovis ad vi6limam duel us eft> 8c non aperuit os fuum, The Hymn at Eafter. Second Tone. G minor. gf-=|z£c jz^ :^? Al « lelu - ia > Al le - lu - ia, "*" it ( Al - lelu - ia, Al - le-lu - ia, Al le - lu - ia. f ra^ 1 P __*' : m: — — k ■ , * lu - ia. f ** m O Fili « i, & fi ii - ae, rex cceleliis, rex O Fill - i, & fili - <e, rex ccelefti.% ?ex THE HYMN AT EASTER. 43 { jaffiste^i l ?»» * 4— 4 glori se morte fur rexit ho - di - e. glori - ae morte fur rexit ho -di - e, x Ai tt 5J3C le - Ju - ia, Al • ieiu - ia, Al- it^^^afcf^^^^S Al le * Iu - Al letu - ia, Al- lelu - ia, Al - le - lu - ia. lelu - ia & Al le iu Et mane prima Sab- bati Ad oilium monumenti Accefferunt Difcipu- li, Alleluia. Et Maria Magda- lena Et Jacobi 8c Salome. Venerunt Corpus un~ gere^ Alleluia. In albis fedens An- gel us, Praedixit Mulieribus, In Galilaea eft Domi- nus, Alleluia. Et Joannes Apos- tolus Concurrit Petro citius Monumento venitpri- us, Alleluia. Difcipulis 44 THE ANTHEM ON A SC E N S ION-D Ay. Difcipulis aftantibu*, In medio ft e tit Chiif- tus Dicens, Pax vobi om- nibus, Alleluia. Ut intellexit Didy- mus Quia furrexerat Jefus, Reman fit fere dubius, Alleluia. Vide Thoma vide latus, Vide pedes, vide ma- il us, Noli efle incredulus, Alleluia. Quando Thomas vidit Chriftum, Pedes, man us, latus luum Dixit, Tu es Deus meus, Alleluia. Beati qui non vide* runt, £t firmiter credide- runt Vitam aeternam habe- bunt, Alleluia. In hoc fefto fane- tiffimo, Sit laus & jubilatio. BenedicamusDomino, Alleluia. Ex quibus nos hu- millimas, Devotasatquedebhas Deo dicamus gratias, Alleluia. Allleluia, Alleluia,. Alleluia. The Anthem on Afcenfion-Day, and during the O&ave., Eight Tone. Bb major. ±3E aoc 5p O Rex gl« j ri - as Domine virtutum qui O Rex glori - ae Domine virtutum qui triumph at or. THE ANTHEM ON ASCENSION-DAY. 45 £ !^5i|g»*jBggf3gEf triumphator hodi - e fuoer omnes ccelos !|§=S=s: pcSi 1UD< nzm: X&Z triumphator hodi - e fuper omnes coelos lE^l^fiS^^fe^i afcen - difti, ne derelinquas nos orphanos afcen - difti, ne derelinquas nos orphanos fed mitte promiflum patris in nos fpiritura {: fed mitte promiffum patris in nos fpiritura fE^Et?? I fltrfxcaa: tit ta - tis. Alle - lu - ia. t 9 it* '■W- tfi :^4_^ — JtJ^t- ven . u - tis. Alle - lu - ia. The ( 46 ) The Hymn for Whitfunday, Sec, S i~ « g a~r-g- f Veni Creator Spiritus, mentes I aftBJE e*= 5s m * •v^ tuorum vi- fita, imple fuperna grati a, :sz^:si1i quae tu creafti, peciora. Qui diceris Para- clitus Altiffimi donum Dei, Fonsvivus, ignis, cha- ritas, Et fpiritalis unctio. Tu feptiformis mu- nere, Digitus paternae dex- teras, Tu rite promifTum Patris, Serrhone ditans gut- tura. Accende lumen fen- fib us, Infunde amorem cor- dibus, Inrirma noftri cor- poris Virtute firmans per- peti. Hoftem repellasloo- gius, Pacernque dones pra- iinus ; Du&ore fie te pras- vio Vitemus omne noxi- um« Per te fciamus da Patrem, Nofcamus atque Fill— um j Teque utriufque Spi*. ritum Credamus omni tem- pore. Deo THE HYMN FOR WHITSUNDAY, &C. 47 Deo Patri fit gloria, £t Filio, qui a mor- tuis Surrexit, ac Paraclito, In fascuiorum faecula. Amen. In flrft Vefpers. V. Repleti funt omnes Spiritu San&o, al- leluia. R. Et caeperunt loqui, alleluia. In fecond Vefyers. V. Loquebantur variis linguis apoftoli, alleluia. R. Magnalia Dei, alleluia. The Sequence. i ff M * i"r3i -i h- s w- ■^=t± Veni fancle Spiritus, 8c emitte m coeliius, lucis tuae radium. Veni pater "-»*~r~tt~ fr a* t-tt- -*-+ $ pauperum, veni dator munerurn, veni l c l^ — spgzgs — 11 % . , , 1 r lumen cordium. -Confolatur optime, &c. page 4B. The 48 THE HYMN FOR WHITSUNDAY, «&C. The fame. Fifth Tone. F major. : Veni fan&e Spiritus, & emitte coe - litus, sx:c Veni fancle Spiritus, & emitte cce- litus, ( 5i^ it Sfr ■X=OL 3&A * lucis tuae radium. Veni pater pauperum, *Jl B^^ErjfcHibc lucis tuze radium. Veni pater pauperum, §E §§P311Si|i 1 ^itf veni dator munerum, veni lumen cor di um. veni dator munerum, veni lumen cor di um. Confolatur optime, Dulcishofpes animae, Dulce refrigerium. In labore requies, In seftu temperies, In fletu folatium. O lux beatiffima, Reple cordis intima Tuorum fideliurti. Sine tuo numine, Nihil eft in homine, Nihil eft innoxium. Lava quod eft fordi- dum, Riga ANTHE& ON CORPUS CHRISTI. 49 Riga quod eft aridum, Sana quod eft fau- cium. Flefte quod eft rigi- dum, Fove quod eft frigi- dutn, Rege quod eft de- vium. Da tuis fidelibus, In te confidentibus, Sacrum feptennari- um. Da virtutis meritum, Da falutis exitum, Da perenne gaudi- um. Amen. The Anthem on the Feaft of Corpus Chrifti. Alfo foraetimes fung at Benediclion of the B. Sacrament, Sixth Tone. G major. fern W^^ ^ ^S ^ i O facn j w lacrum, O facrum, O facrum con vi vium,0 Q facrum, O facrum, O facrum con vi vium,0 ES^j ^^ g ^^g f r j facrum con vi - vium in quo Chriftus fu mi tur, facrum con vi vium in quo Chriftus fu- mi tut, E " recolitur 50 ANTHEM ON CORPUS CHRISTI. Bir— sfe^{=gg*i re co li tur me mo ria if - fi- -*-=—♦- M*.A<W\ zzdrbcd p-tr re co litur me mo ri a paf - fi jfctf £***»$ o -.nis e - ius. t ■"PC «=$ o - nis jus. gfc » ■ gjCT f 30C S-3C Chorus. Mens impletur gratia, & future glo ri as 1 ■2- = z=r=±=-«ttr.Hai: 4i=E*=?*iz|i£^|?; xxxs Chorus. Mens impletur gratia, & future glo ri as i R fo* ! ?]^ o__ nobis pignus da - tur. ^g^ggsi we? nobis pignus da - tur. gin^r*: In Pafchal Time and f - ~ . . . duringtheOaaveofJ Alleluia. Corpus Chrifti. [^_^ £ ; L ■mr Al le lu i?« ( 5* ) A Profe on the Feafts of the B. V. Mary. Firft Tone. ZZJJIh J2JfcSJ|?Z tt — "t""*"! — ^ ~~ — ff Tota pulchra es Mari a, Tota pulchra es Mari-a f x x pr — f ^^SB-ib-. xfc S=Jt Et macula o ri gi na lis non eft in te, p^_ , &H*--fSSIJZZZ5Z — ~ +~*h+-*f^ H ~+-»g- + P^^n^M-n y , ■ ! ■ — + — + -H_ + — Et, macula originalis non eii in te, +-H-* — f 4 - — . «-+--«-* — ,_ «»— j« t ' ■ — tr- — — ■ — W " ■— ■ ;t Tu gloria Jerufalem, Tu las ti ti a Ifrael, fc= Tu bono ri fi. cen ti a populi noftri, fc&$ *. Z?Z ZE ijjr^iid^ijj: Tu advocata peccatorum. O Mari a, t P^BHt |=«SrB5: ^ tr f ' B ut^sfcj t O Man - a, Virgo prudentiflima, Virgo x jy — »-■-•- "I r-4- ■ ■ W ' M - " j ....... m , ,i ._.,! ,._-t- m _^- r . Hy ■"-J J. _* — w>. w ;J _-f . .,jj . m j^ .-» |« dementi fli ma, Ora pro nobis, Intercede E 2 pro 52 PROSE ON THE I EASTS Of B.V# MARY, I— E!"^t^ :rtt -Mta- **> fc* i==«i pro no bis ad Dominum Jefum Chriflum. The fame to the Fifth Tone. E major. iSo/z. ~*TcTta J So/:. =d=i= ^a= pulchra es Ma ri a, • — 'O ■ =5 3fcUt itt * v To ta pulchra es Ma ri a, Ckdms* Soli. fc— ?t . — !!E ="zte zi=qzitEtf f — -si— 1 i ~ 1 -=-3-4 1 Tota pulchra es Ma ri a, El 1 Chorus. ■ Soli. Tota pulchra es Ma ri a, Et •Bhfcat :tij: -*-*-«- macu la o ri gi na lis non eft in • : 3- xnacu la =5=5: o ri gi na lis non ell in Chorus PROSE ON THE FEASTS OF B. V. MARY, ggj Choyus. I — m - H" 5W iBot: # r — "-1+ — t J te non ; Choru te non eft in te non eft in te. C/iorws. f s^^^^ te non eft in te non eft in te. SolL { Tu gloria J.erufalem, Tu lse tiui a «So/? - Chorus. aEstz: »5M- Tu glo ri a Je rufalem, Tu las ti ti & Chorus* IfaEfcHs: Jd£ -EHg~H~g- i Ifra - el, Tu honorifi cen ti a Chorus. :tt: Tu honorifi- Chorus** m. lira - el, E 3 54 PROSE ON THE FEASTS Of B. V. MARY. Chorus. fa»»- P ^^jl^f ^fel popu li nof - tri> Tu advocata pecca- Chorus* ^ ^^ ^ ^^ E eentia uopuli noftri, Tu advocata pecca Soli. Chorus. to rum. O Ma ria, O Ma ria, Soli. Chorus. # m At 33 "W XOE 3s to rum. O Ma ri a, O Ma ri a, Soli* Chorus. fc* B3J* =5=2 ■zz i + \ i ( Virgo pruden tif (i ma, Virgo clemen- Soli. Chorus. Virgo clemen- SolL PROSE ON THE FEASTS OF B. V. MARY. 55 Soli. ' aw t m tif fi ma, O ra pro no bis, Soli. + 1 f-^--- — t ■....■■.■! _ -t- 1- + I ibS s* :b &SZX StaS ^^ ^m tif (i ma, O ra pro no bis, Chorus. ^S rpprg { Inter - ce - de pro no bis ad Chorus. JQPZM~IM± *i xzxroc -PHHfc Inter ce de pro no bis ad £^*J -«-^~*- t M±3S Dominum Je fum Chrii'-tum. Dominum Je fum Chrif-tum. On ( 56 ) On the Feaft of SS. Peter and Paul. Sixth Tone. G major. Sp*S * i ±M O Roma felix, quae duorum Principum I — b- I O Roma felix, quae duorum Principum &e=* m i=::=5i= ■H-tPtjl ♦Hi- es confecrata giori o fo fanguine : -H>- azz$: es confecrata glori o fo fanguine; m apspc =4 3=Ctt Horum cruore purpurata casteras Horum cruore purpurata caete ras Ex. ON SS, PETER AND PAUL. 57 £ +~W- -M E Ex cellis orbis una pulchri tudines, zz^zz: - -w-b- 811 — I Ex cellis orbis una pulchri tudines. f?fa: irferrgirl z ar r^—ft Sit Trinata ti fern - piterna giori a, ft j{ — ft— +~ ft— ft— BT— — l t m=m. £ Sit Trinata ti fern - piterna glori a, ~|±!=i^=fzs=«=?^f^^fi Ho nor, poteftas, atque jubi - latio, riff* 1 . te — zz?t"za: xxx Ho nor, poteitas, atque jubi - latio, 1 Pipi-trW gj TW _g=i- w 4^ : ^-^t-_ 230C|j; In u-nita te, qu«e gubernat omnia, ft2~W-+-ft- : - : -a-»-+-ft r I 1^23 ~b- In u-nita - te, quae gubernat omnia, Per 5» THE TE DEUM pi) H" ^ , ,7'i'"; M U u :-*-«■ 1 . . m :r w ■ : - ■" w - *■• ♦ W tl' 3 Per l H . , , ; m ; » univer fa faecu lorum fae cu Ja. V P;^ - . ^ i?"~ —~ ST' * .. .11. z'-^:h: w • ♦. . Ti - - W — IB! ==>—*=■ | - L. 11 Per univer fa faecu lorum fae cu la. The Te Deum. ^zic: HI £HB=£S Te Deum laudamus: Te Dominum Efcs — -— J^tt-*—* — W=m confitemur. Te aeternum Patrem : Ei=gEg§zi^zgj=|= omnis terra veneratur. Tibi P— ^— Br t-B B *<- > -a - zzzrza ; l * p 1 * H omnis Angeli, tibi caeli, & fc :51a.— atai g*-g- j^ univerfae poteftates. Tibi Che- rubim & Seraphim, lnceffabili ■-* ■-4~J H H-W" H-ot voce proclamant: San&us, Sanftus, Sanclus, THE TE DEUM. 59 fc" H * ^ 4 ^ Vj»; | SJ ft San£tus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth. » I., i i ■ B — " vv Pleni fiint caeli & terra, Majef- P-MHi - t-Wy-^-M^ t - 8 !? zJtaSPtfti: ■jgnt- tatis gloriae tuae. Te glori- ofus Apoftolorum Chorus, Te fee P— jj ^iJBZi|±^ Prophetarum laudabilis numerus. JE -W-lBl-* 1 I M — a -w Te Martyrurn candidatus laudat exercitus. Te per orbem terrarum, fan£ta confitetur iixclefia, Patrem ld**E*J ^^^ feg *rci immenfae Majerla'tis, Venerandum ft*5 JE*fajJ c»iEfc!^ jJ5g mum verum, & unicum Filium, San Sum THE TE DEUM, - w W4h* w -w := : ^M-yyff^ Sanftum quoqui Paraclitum fpiritum. ft Tu Rex gloriae Chriiie. Tu Patris •h- ■+^»r— EJDfcJC =3nzfc=: iempiternus es Filius. Tu ad liberandum fufcepturus hominem, non ^^^eeesIeS =wv? horruifti Virginis uterum. Tu devi&o mortis aculeo, aperuifti I credentibkis regna caelorum. Tu m i -t"^* 4 ad dexteram Dei fedes, in I |:?k5£ %^ - zjc=rtifit* El gloria Patris, judex crederis efle ■doe 4H$ -W- : « : -«^~«-W -|w Venturis, Te ergo quaeiumus, tuis famulis p. THE Til DEt'M. 61 famulis iubveni, quos pretioio fanguine redemifti. Sterna fac cum fancris i tuis, in gloria nurae- ~!^riz}t="j^=|=»^r^iz5r{=?riir|: rari, Salvum fac populum tuum Domine, & benedic . haereditati E?±:i=Erfc?=ti?i=i tu- ae. £t ZZ^?Z?iZ rege eos, & mac J^e|s -m- 3iZS extolle illos ufque in aeter- -la — 1 — k» g£, — 1 — 3 i: •^ num. Per fingulos dies, benedi- ft ■MZMZ cimus te. Et laudamus nomen tuum in iicculum, Sc F (kculum facculi. 62 THE TE DEUM. 3EX -B-W-J-B-+-B- .jBjBin: fseculi. Dignare Domine Dei ifto, =z:fs s=?z* ^e^^3£ line peccato nos cuftodire. Mife- jjl_: LJfjg. fc -*-■- H*HBtgH*-y rere noftri Domine, miferere + "=^7 no(tri. Fiat mifericordia tua Do- ^ >ff|fw M |^ :s*z±r*: ft mine luper nos: quemadmodum fpera- it vimus in te. In te Domine -<*? :«i«£ itacHi ■r -5C? fpera - vi, non confundar in bj§» an: aeter - num. V, Benedicamus Patrem et Filium cum Sanfto Spiritu. R. Laudamus et fuperexaltemus eum in faecula. The Domine falvum fac after Mafs and Vefpers is gene- rally fung to the 6th Tone, as in the Pfalms, page 19; or like the Miferere mei Deus, page 40. Tantum ( 6 3 ) fa's/tut ergo at Benediftion. Fifth Tone. D major. :fiE- □E2, ft E!=*=f Tantum ergo facramentum, veneremur m !Sr*~ -@|— H — tXE f- I m Tantum ergo facramentum, veneremur LL-JH — H _H™_ cernu i: Et antiquum do cumentu 3SE # -H- jttt cernu i: Et antiquum do cumentum :e i Btr -2_+ novo cedat ri-tu-i, prae (let fides rrtezszr: ■PHW- novo cedat ri-tu-i, prseftet fides m - g-H- «-B- -H- >t ♦HffS fupplementum fenfuum de fee - tu i •ft' —®- t :it zm fupplementum fenfuum de fee - tu i. F 2 GenitonY 64 THE HYMN" AT BENEDICTION, Genitori, genitoque Laus, & jubilatio, Salus, honor, virtus quoque. Sit & benediclio, Procedentiab utroque Compar fit laudatio. Amen. Another. Fifth Tone. D major. Set by Tvlr. Paxton, HP e — t— ^— 5Z5Z^_ __ — ft %— ^ B — ♦-£ Tantum er go fa era men turn, g . + _ Z^_ LL j»D. ' A5 rs W Si " « • ri H ;l Tantum er go fa era men turn, fr -B-tfi- I >. :♦-..■ )• *-*-=- +— m- vene re mur cer nu i: Et an tiquum j- — -, — —ft RE 1 » ■ a-ar :j _,_ vene re mur cernui: Et antiquum ± 1 " ' Ti " — — — — - < documen turn novo ce dat ri tu i, Is ■jsroszp! :^jz«zv| - a -r, — ^— i- pr documen turn novo ce dat ii tu i, praeftet THE HYMN AT BENEDICTION. 6$ =fc *> * ■',._ * * 'M x pHu* ■■».p r~" Z=K+ I pneflet fides fupplementum fenfuum de- iiii=Bz:*:!!btt — *-?zw± ■m prasitet fides fupplementum fenfuum de- feclu i, fenfu-um de - feclu # :snr ■*..■•■- » :S= 4: £e£tu i, fenfu - urn de - fe£lu i-.> Genitori,.g,enitoque^ &e. — See page 64, Another. The Fifih Tone. F. major. By the fame: Gentleman.. §5=^ rn^rn Tantum ergo fa era - mentum vene- Tantum ergo facra - mentum: vene- F 3 lemuE 66 THE HYMB AT BENEDICTION. . 5K -'♦ — / -^".,. ..r^_ .. — — ■ - Nh> ♦ M ■• ♦ m A ■ ♦ ^>— m — MM — ■ •'*'- . f -f re - rnur cernu - i, & an ti quum a — ■♦-♦ — a — «- 3G3TI i re - mur . cernu i, & an ti quum ! i *-♦- :*il* S=*»= — b docu mentura novo cedat ritu - i, prasftet Mszzrm:, docu mentum novo cedat ritu - i, praeftet i l_, j — - — + ^i~irnjt fides fupple mentum fenfu um de fec-tu 29 'i" 1 r j ~j r — ff ■l-^psrz*:: H_M ip ' m ± m W ■* £■ W — U • ■ ■*-■ — — | fides fuppie mentum fenfu um de fee - tu - l, Genitori, genitoque, &c. — See page 64. Another, THE HYMN AT BENEDICTION. 67 Another. The Sixth Tone. A major. H- 5PC i^^Et^*fcf Tantum ergo facramentum veneie mur ■B- ■Ez§r i ^EEEEtEE==Ei-z?Eii= s= i Tantum ergo facramentum venere mur Hzsz*: S=*3E i cer nu i, & antiquum documentum a gj— + — k — jg) — i~^>— * + cer nu i, & antiquum do cumentum 32 novo cedat -m- E^3E^5 ritu - 1, >raeftet fides novo cedat *HS — H"T£" nu - i, n prseltet fides ,=-**-*. Mm tt 5^tt fupplementum fen fu um de fee tu i. 11. mm ■ \: 1 b- B J* « ri .'K t t) ^-- - ■•■-*-■ s-v- - - — ■ ■ y n> ^ • ■-- • ■ up • ■ at ' H " f ■ - m If fupplementum fen fu um de fee tu i. Genitori, genitoque, &c— See page 64. Another, 68 THE HYMN AT BENEDICTION-. Another. The Eighth Tone. C major.. grzztar* I izpEz^zsr* Tanfum ergo facrdmemum vene reraur SESi^ -a- i Tantum ergo facramemum vene remur ~d!LzE: B=±*±|: cemu i: Et anti quum docu mentum ^^& 'Mim. M—m — cemu i: Et antiquum docu men tu ?ee| I :mz:m: M .._■_♦. E* novo cedat ri tu i, piaefiet fides •5— «H , HL- IPC ■ JSJ. sr.: novo cedat :~ £jt SE* ri tu i, praeftet fides -:r*=i: a :* ' fupple mentum fenfuum de fee tu i. , , . , i- ... i h g . ♦ ...' 1 *r ""h ■ •■ ' * u _, ■ . ' — m £ y E_L. .1 — . ■ 1 ■" i i— ► ■ ' ■ fupple mentum fenfuum de fee tu i. Geaitoii, genitoque, &c. — See page 64- At- C 69. ) At Expoiition, Elevation, or Benediclion of the BIcfl'ed Sacrament. Fifth Tone. F major. < J O falu ta ris hofti a quse coeli pandis I O falu ta ris bo Hi a qua cosli pandis =r=tt 4ar*9S^S!iE5 JE± o ili um, bel Ja premunt huitili a, Pr-» -Vfe l:c±iE o fti um, bel la premunt hoflili a, Ktr~ -ff-|-= **- ■"*■" L ^i te . J ii i' «■« rP- — s 4 * ®~~= f*3=* ,- t : da robur fer aux i li um, U- ni trie — -b-J-+ — sr^-i^f. -W-H-M- HZZE P da robur fer aux i Ii um, U ni tri- noque yo AT EXPOSITION, &C. noque Do mino, fit fempiterna < Us— S -sz|=»zri-r41 i noque Do mi no, fit fempiterna j5r^i=lz^}^:^ifE^= ft glo ri a, qui vitam fi ne ter mino ■ ft -v.?'.*: Hf ■ « j V»* »l y ; :jgJctt ?F".:.. \*1 "1 .:""■-, 't - ; "11- glo ri a, qui vitam fi ne ter mino m J fib * B s^rjj no bis donet in pa tri a. t ** —jg — H — I— * no bis donet in pa tri a. VARIOUS ( n ) :£>•••* VARIOUS HYMNS and ANTHEMS, SUNG AT ELEVATION OR BENEDICTION. A Profe on the Feafts of the B. V. Mary. ■+ * -J 4- H JUL C eft praeclarum vas Pa ra cli< .-p if + +. zzm :z^3T-:t:j^:s^-c|^5~^^t^ ti Spiritus fan£H. Hsec eft glorio fa ci- -I-. ZJCgsp. vitas Dei. Haec eft mu li er virtutis, quae . i 1: Sbi±rd9E — 4hg-+' zafccjzi}^z:_ign:| i— ;:^i:t:j: =vv* contrivit caput ferpen tis. Hsec eft fole fpeciofor, 7 2 PROSE ON THE FEASTS OF B. V. MARY m 5c fpeciofor, luna pulchnor, aurora ruti- .+ 5, -^ -fl 1 m *znm:::x.VM Izct—iS^i^zttz^ . test lan-lior, & ftellis praecla - rior. Hanc pec- ca - tores devote ad - eamus, rea pec< r^EiEfe ftf.w ^tv H^^ic±r ffi^$iS Jppss tor a tunda-mus; di centes : Sane- P-^teH-W ^— — ■ t TJ-«-B -H-+- B -jgM-|^ ta. Sanctg, San£ta Maria. Clemens W?z ^=r±- H- & pia Domina nof - tra. Fac nos tu- is pre- cibus confortes cae - leflis glo- --!'♦*' — m m^+w — I — d — tP n«. Or PROSE ON THE FEASTS OF B. V. MARY* 73 Or this. rtepc m *a*=t ■W"*"~~~"t" •**» m f m m Ave Mari - a, gratia plena, Domi. « ^ir^ >_r\— 1 ' ' ■ "W 1 1 — ■ —w , -—» .■■ m& m^pbm H^w nus tecum, benedi&a tu -in muli-eribus. -4. — JL4 ■^BV -+—-«-*-» *HM & benediclus fiu£lus ventris tu - i Jefus. Sanfta Mari - a, mater JDe i, ora pro w nobis tft^piaeE^scfii ■w- pec - ca . to - ribus, nunc, & in IISl Hit* hora mortis noflrae: A men. ^M-M^-n-^-iH*' las /» Pqfchql Time, Amen, alle • luia, FOR ( n ) FOR THE KING. T.6. D i K o S^^^eN: mi ne ^Hc J -H-NU * t4 fal vum fac Regem noftrum Ge or wmmm m urn Et ex an - di ex Pi au di nos in di e qua in vo- ca- I ? 1 ^ MJ Z> t^r^T^-F- l ' l ">^ +7-^+ ve- MitekUkgt i rimus te, G — +- 5zi4?iti^ -+ — -i i-Tf-i t ri - a, glo ri a Pa tri &: Fi li o, jfeEJgg^^ip Sc Spi ri - tu i Sane - to. Siciit erat, FOR THE KING. g^E^JE^Ep jets: e rat, ficut e rat in prin cipi -4 — -t— -t— et nunc, et iem 75 i o, |5£ii| S535 - ■*-«- '$!£ :iza: -*— •+•■ p* :r: e tin fse eu la fsecu - lo rum, feU' r ^ *~ , B**J : n ! h 1 - «»——._, ■ ... „,.. . . ,., . A - men. Piano Another. S -<( Do - mine falvum fac Regem noftrum PL t + m —+-=>-. ac: — r .190 " s Do - mine falvum fac Regem noftrum Jd r^t JC» ©£S -^ Geor gi um, et ex au di nos in di e i-tr- % — -————' ^-«n ^tJiz , *— 1 ..wrr —■(-B- • ■w * ♦ L HZ :"«■*". — T-] .«■.. ~-fe h H t -f Geor gi um, et ex au di nos in di e G 2 qua 7 6 FOR THE KING;. fi m am S 5* qua in voca verinius te. Glo - ria — fa — - t f -* ftSSEl qua in voca verimus te. Glo - ria r«vy;tj — 5-h urf-jLJii: i — * | rj g g „ ,_ — ^ — ^. — ^ l — - i-te Pa tri et Fi li o et Spi ri tu i Ef sS^gp Egf Pa tri et Fi li o et Spi ri tu i forte Sane - to : Si cut e rat m prin ci pi o ***m h— — ~ wt K m - m i* -+**-'* Sane -to: Si cut e rat inprincipio =b=t=K I iSE± m~: ±-+ w et nunc et fem per et in fse cu la rrsr£ w. lizizsrzifco w-4 — + et nunc et fem per et in l'se cu la faeculorum. THE HYMN AT BENEDICTION. 17 fae cu l'o rum. A Piano ^-x forte m: I l 1 t- ■t — + men, A - men* A - men. men, A - men^ A - men, Tantum ergo at Benediftion. T.6. gb-W— f m — fc-r-1 ' * a =rr = *-« ■— a *- ' — +- 31 - r — i — i ■? Antum er go fa era men turn ve ne~ Ge ni - to ri ge ni to que laus Sc pb -8 " mm 3=a: -*ZK -i— -M — mi — tr re mur cernu - i ju bi - la - tio, IB m — Br Et an - ti quam ZC fa lus, ho nor,, — +■ -r docu mentunv no vo ce - dar. n- virlus quoque, fit Sc be-ne *■ die- *} 8 THE HTMW AT B^NED I CTI ON. +—. §mi -r ^ — m +-feH m tu i praeftet fides f up pie men turn ti - o, pro ce den ti ab u tro que ln*L H z 4 m ft fen fu urn de fee tui. compar fit lau da - ti o. Another. The Fifth Tone. ■m * a:-i?=3d: SET m ~r Tantum ergo facra men turn veneremur Geni - tori ge ni to que,.lau& & ju. ii^lNI SZI — H*-4 cernu i. Et an ti quum docu mentum bila - ti o, fa lus, honor, virtus quoque « — m* ..♦■■i-— — j — s*_. . — . . g — — — - rP — ■H* r 3* no vo cedat fit & bene n - tu - 1 praeftet die - ti - o, proce- ^m Staoc fides lupplementum fenfuum de fee 'tui. denti abutroque corapar fit lau da ti o. An ( 79 ) An Anthem at the Elevation or Benediclion, &c, A acz!t::a:: Ve verum corpus na turn de gir Mari a vir gi ne, Ve re paflum I immo la turn in cruce pro homi ne, tepH^ftjfcpjcjp ««= Ircap *■! Cu jus la tus perfo ra turn unda flux &&*!» .4. Pflg- -™— w — it & fangui ne, Efto no bis prae- gufta turn mor tis in ex ami ne. O cle mens, O pi a O ggg^ jp ^Ss^cpp^qqff Je fu fi li Ma ri ee. A men Another* 80 ANTHEMS SUNG DURING THE Another. T. 6.gn o is^iWP, «-» s^EEl^^f uam fua vis eft Do- Jk^^^gg^lS^ lBJ^ mine fpi ri tus tu us qui fr #3 *£■: •♦—•a-i -^ ut dulcae di nem tuam in fili os gfc B-^^fi p'T T* |»l i « j 55i=| demon ftra res, pa ne fua vif fi lb mo d '■q ^gfe^ j: m m coslo praefti to e fu ri entes re pies bo nis fa fti * -2CZi I di o fos di vi tes: di rait tens k}- a~ nes« Another* ELEVATION, OR BENEDICTION, &C. 8l Another. ^I^ii^^ll^fel fa - crum convi. vi, um in — ". ' " "" " "' ' " ' — T ' ■ ' . * ' quo Chrif tus fu - mi tur: "; re co- 1 ' ■ — *ia—" ■ " ■ " ————4 JBjS5_J_2.-jg5!a W , m±s li tur memo ri a paf fi onis I E=t=Eh*5tes: ejus ; mens im pie tur gra - da r *" ' ,,,, flTHT Seng tagB a, «^ 1»F 1 ■r-w-" 1 " a ■ rH 4,1 -«s5ft^fr| _| •Jgp ■$>• -f— " t-v^'- & fu tu rse glo rise no bis |E=!±i™E =^!S=^= pig - nus da tur Alie - ■ tti fb.... . ~ .. ; aJKj-jr^ w _4 „ , — . lu ia # Another, 82 ANTHEMS SUNG DURING THE Another. Sa- lu ta-ris hofti- a IS P^l " : Hr» ^[st a ft ■4 quae cae-li pan dis oft i-um bella premunt § S rs^g^azjziz i ffcai Si:Sr 4 ho-fti-li a, da ro bur fer auxi- Hum, j n — "5~~t — ft Uni tri- no- que Domino, e 1 v* -fr*~. m fit fempi- ter- na glo-ri-a: qui vitam fine ter-mino: no-bis do- net in I =fc patri a, A- men. Another, by St. Thomas of Aqum. A ft b*» »«-!-*-!■- m Doro te devote latens Deitas, quae fuh ELEVATION, OR. BENEDICTON, &C. 83 iSk^TiT* 5 * ►«g# ■mm- m fub his figuris vere la-titas. Tibi fe cor meum totum fubjicit, quia te contemplans Sac*. : ^**-W4f j^Etsj totum de-ficit. Ave Jefu Paftor fide Hum, adauge fidem omnium in te creden ti urn. Vifus, ta&us, guftus in te falli- tur, fed au. Six *lhi-^F?5 -w-w - 1 ■ ditu folo tuto creditur. Credo quid quid dixit Dei Fi-li-us, nil hoc verbo SZ^K ±jc *m -*~m- m ve- ritatis verius. Ave Je fu, &c S5t*±?Ki±^ar S : In cruce latebat fola Deltas, at hie latet 84 ANTHEMS SUNG DURING THE H*-**-*H* i latet fimul 8c humanitas. Ambo tamen credens atque conrkens, peto quod petivit , e — , p ~"~i M M ti m a w +-, U ■■ ,■■1 -"•:. latro poe nitens. Ave Jefu, <&c. Another, Anis angelicus fit panis hominum dat panis ccelicus figuris terminum. jgt-^— g — HI— J O res mi ra bi lis manducat Dominum !§zsr*z£!Ez= (I — H Ehj pauper fervus 8c humilis. Te Trina Deitas unaque pofcimus, fie nos tu vifita «!- ELEVATION, OR BENEDICTION, &C. 85 - *-w-t — -— te£k55 +-*- . w JB~p^ipat *t i vi fita ficut te colimus, per tu as 3 ^Vl fl ffi f fcart^tjctac -+ — i* i 1 »^Bm«-^— xgj& *f~>— •!(i — — iS» femitas due nos quo tendimus ad lucem quam in-habitas. A- men. The four following Antiphons are {\mg whUft the BleiTed Sacrament is expofed in the Church cf the Englifli Dames of St. Clare, at Aire in Artois. & 6 Toni itmmm M-+ — +. :t~ O Jefu Deus magne Paftor bone O fedg : **- >-Br :i^zi?±$?is5!i|: dul cis dulcis agne O !:|s manna O Je fu Paftor bone O ^ti5Plf±ijjc *"+-=*-+ -1 ^r ■C|jLhh- — Pa nis Salu taris O manna O Panis H O'agnc Vv 86 ANTHEMS SUNG DURING THE i&KfKj: ^ Ir c^^ igfcgf^g O agne O Jefu O Je fu Je fu mi w -f * m O Poteftas quid non praeftas. quid non Be^sW -H>M X +* -F- **-+■ prseftas homini O Poteftas quid non & -* >--*- praeftas quid non praeftas homini fe JR#.- O ' Jefu r Sec. , Another. 6 Toni Nsr=r:r=r:r=rrrrr— m-*hf ±Z%^. Tu folus fons amoris fummae que S r-l-BI- I -»-*- h-H"l-t ir*iB — ■•*-*- bonitatis tu folus fons amoris fummae ^gjffS^{ 5 que bonitatis Laudestuasfaccantemus cante- ID-US- ELEVATION, 0R BENEDICTION, ScC. Bj - mus cante mus k iElrEi?: -■♦— 1- rW =CV cantemus in seternum in aeternum gfea:|qjri^r|z^zj:^itr^^;: in aeternum O Jefu difecle O k=»ci=a!bsE± -W £ Jefu dile&e amor Jefu amor fac zzm: *z=±±±~i cante mus cantemus in ^^a : za^j-fw^jx:.:^. seternum. Laudes tuas fac cantemus j w^ , . 8 , t . mm cante mus cantemus cantemus -te — — t--i-w- in aeternum. Repeat Tu • folus, Sec. H * Another, 88 ANTHEMS SUNG DURING THB Another. 6Toni m z+zjfcm Deus Cordis me i Sc animae K?V n -+* **■ *$5s: W= meae De us Cordis me i 8c animse SS *"nr*+ ♦t^h» ±^ttc±3 infc^3 >** me se in te con fi do in te fperabo fcr*-t at i i . a *±^g i , ^K tu panis vitas tu vit»is vera l^i^^^Hfe^l Domine feftina - - ut e - nutri as . me. Veni O Veni O dulcis a mor ggggj veni O veni O dulcis amor ad te ELEVATION, OR B EN E B ICTI ON, &C. 8^ te fufpirat Cor meum veni veni veni veni veni vivifica me. fc ^E^S Rep. Deus Cordis, &c. Another. !EE| E^ Bg-^l=|g|^ O Sa crum O Sa- 3GBK 9PHr ^*S£ -M5ZZ5. h** r^_. crum Convi "=v>7 vium O Sa pZZql^SBZBZl IZH r.z$2i -**♦ i 35 •*» T +• $zs Jfcfi; b* - crum Convi - vium in quo - Chriftus 9° ANTHEMS SUNG DURING THE Chriftus fu - mitur reco litur memo ria paffio ♦-*•?♦♦* — "S^**^ 3**. -V* 1 ms e fc- -■ ■} f3 13 * A - (fv .... . ♦♦ : m ._»♦■♦ # *-; " ^ .,. V" n '— "m m - ,.. ^ .. ± 4^ I jus. Mens impletur gra — m+ m -., *hm m :s=E^i tia et futurae gloria nobis -m T ■ I B — BguT-u^— a — * — * " — - Tg pignus da - — tur. Rep. O Sa- At the Elevation in Mattes for the Dead. —b- MSB*±M $ -+- *:a: E fu Salva- tor mundi exau di preces fispplicum.. ELEVATION, OR BENEDICTION, &CC. 91 ■-gig y-y| : W-W-|-^Hp»^w4 fupplicum. IT Miferemini mei, miferemini «s me i, faltem vos ami ci mei, quia manus i — b«-+- lagaE i Domini te- tigit me* Pelli measconfumptis ~~,S ■i=?± 5SPCk!!S$^2 !fet.j!!i^i±tixi?^3 carnibus adhaeGt os meum. H Miferemini, Quare perfequimini me fi- cut Deus, 8c s WHs* |tfi ZOttOC carnibus meis fa-tura- mini? 1 Miferemini, Another. T.i o IfeU; :$~5: sr: r — «+ Meritum paffi-onis! Summae mife- rationis: medicina defun&orum: O paflionis meritum r ^ 92 AT THE ELEVATION, &C. =^z5^ttSfi; §£ meritum*0 paffionis meritum! Umbram 4 + + . + _ f KH-K ~WT* JOL praebens contra seftum divinalis ultionis * m eI :irr= *-♦-*»-* O meritum paffi- onis. O paffionis 3tr S meritum. Or the Be profundis, which is fung like the Mjferere, page 40. FINIS. JS •""M -■.-'■'■' IHIi IP