THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA C378 UK3 I83IM UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00036720637 This book must not be taken from the Library building. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hil (iRjaaxajams ron TsiaPERANCEj ADDRESSED TO THE STUDENTS OF THE wirai^i^ia^a^^ NORTH CAROLINA, March 13th, 1831, AND PUBLISHED BY THEIR REQUEST. B¥ E. MITCHELL, PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY, ETC. Printed by J. Gales ^ Son, 1831. «J*«2^ i -•% t NOTE. The University of North -Carol in a has suffered, in common with the other literary institutions of the Country, from the evils against which *he following Discourse is directed. It is not suppos- ed they have been felt more severely here than elsewhere. In the sum- mer of 1829, some of the Students formed themselves into a Temper- ance Society, and since that time it has been in our power to say to Parents, that there is one form of vice from which they have nothing to fear for their sons at the University. Whatever maybe the merits of the general Temperance question (and the writer has no doubts Hpon that point, or respecting the issue to which it will be brought in the course of the next ten years) it will not be denied, that the per- sons by whom this particular Society was established, and by whom, it has been supported, have rendered an essential service to the peo" pie of this State, nor deemed strange that the author of the following pages should feel a deep interest in its permanence and prosperity. — Besides these statements, no apology will be necessary for having furnished this Discourse for the Press. The train of remark and ar- gument presented in it, does not differ, in some places, froim what may ^e found in certain recent publications. It is known that it was writ- Hen out and delivered in the first instance more than a year ago. * University of N. C. April B, 18^1. \ V,: " TiMOiav J, 23. "Drink ISO Ioniser water but use a lltric wine fiV ihy s iov: Kipj j.^.s fji\iP, .-'r" '1 ' ^^ iim n>'<'<^^'> infirmities. "—•'*•**— *»»^ IT is knowu to rao?t of my audience., tliat vritliiii a few years tlie public mind ht\s in vnrious ways been awaken- ed to a cousiderafion of tiic miscliiefs of Intemperance. -— Methods liavc been eagerly enquired afier of arre^jting the progress of an evil that is pouring down like a deluge over ihe land and burying th? liappincss of thousands of fami- ih'.fi in hopeless ruin. The plans proposed for effecting this object arc abundantly f^implc. They consist merely in Hie formation of societies tlie membeis of vrhick bind ihciiiselvcs. c-iilier indefinitely or for a certain time, to ab- stain altogether from the vsc. of distilled spirits. An as- sociatiou of i his kind already exists in ihc University. — it is not doubted that the good work which has i)een be- giUi wiU be carried on with nnremittiog zeal^ and as most of us are likely to be compelled to take some attitude — - that of eitlier frieiid or foe to the new instikition that iff sjiringing up iu the country^ it is important that its princi- ples and objects should be well understood. It would appear at first sight to be impossible, as it certainly is un- reasonable, that the hostile feeling of any one should be excited ; the meml>ers proposing to bind themselves only to abstinence^ and not other people Experience has how- ever sliewis, that no benevolent undertaking can iTe carried into efiect without a struggle with men, who from various |inotives of interest or passion, are led to oppose it The attention of my hearers will be called to three diiferenr points. I. To the necessity of some measures for arresting the desolating progress of Intemperance in this land. II. To the adequacy and expediency of the means pro- posed for effecting the object in view. An opportunity 'vill here be aflPovded' of answering; i^ertain objection^? felia-t ^•y has liithevto been ibnnd for it — i| embraces not tlie ani- mal part of our natmc only in the circle of its ravaj^cs, but the entire man. Tiie undeishu^ding and ilic heart sink alike; every glorious faculty obscured, and every amiable and lovely feeling destroyed. Hence is the injustice apparent of permitting .our anger to burn too hotly against tlie man wlio has fallen a victim to habits of Intem]jerance, and of regarding him as a being under the influence of a kind of charm which )2e ha^ the power to break loose from and escape, if he would. Prob- ably no one living is more sensible than he of the ]nesent degradation and final ruin he is bringing up(m iiiuiself : many a melancholy hour do his thoughts dv.eU upon the calamities that are about to overwhelra him, many a bitter tear does he drop upon those chains that have already be- come too strong for him to break, lie forms many a beauti- ful scheme of reformation — as he is giving it the finishing touches, he feels the strong and unnatural appetite he has jcreated commence it gnawings, and turns for relief to the glass where, with the means of present gratification and enjoyment, he well knows that the elements of future and remediless disgrace and sufiering are mingled. Hence also is manifest the danger of the most distant approaches to that gloomy gulf, deliverance from which is bardly, if at all, (and the hand of Almighty God being Tisibly stretched out to pluck us from ruin) to be expected. Xiet no one regard Intemperance as a monster from whose jaws it is easy to escape when we have been once brought within the circle of his power. Experience has ])roved, that no amount of native talent, of information or lirmness of character, is a security. If the grim tyrant habit have thrown his chaiiis around us, it is all but hopeless to strug- gle with our fate. Before those chains shall have been iairlyri vetted, our whole constitution, physical, intellectual and moral, will have undergone a change, and we shall no longer be the men we were. I seems hardly necessary to state in detail how fatal are habits of Intemperance to the poor wretch wlio has 3>ecome their victim. Standing high perhaps in the society of wliich lie is a iiieml^r, he iintls the lespecfc with wliicli an antecedent lil'c of virtue, leiiiperancc and inte2;rity has been rewarded, ])iissing silently iuvay, like the snows ut spring, beneath the influence of tlie sun. The old, Avhosb conduct used to shew how highly they prized his friend- ship, and the young, who were once so eager to exhibit evidence of their esteem and roi^^ard, now pass him by with- out any more tiian a cold and distant salutation. His opi- nion has no longer (lie same weight in cases of doubt and perplexity. His neighbours think tliat a cloud has settled down upon his judgment and darkened that mental ey?. once so clear and keen. He begins to suspect, himself, that mankind do him no injuslicc. Flis affairs are involv- ed in confusion and disorder, and either his schemes ar.^ not laid v.ith his nsual sngacity, or the turns of acci- cident and fortune are very much against him. He ^nih. that he has lost a portion of his power for both physical and mental exertion His iumily appear melanclioly and dejected, and it is in vain that lie, waiies up all his wit and. tries by the most sprig!) tly sallies to revive their drooping spirits. They used to meet him when he returned from a distance with countenances lighted up with smiles, and welcome home the protector, husband, friend and father. But the time comes at length, when his wife and childreu no longer rejoice at his return, but as he approaches they stand silent ; their hearts wrung with unutterable sorrow, and turn away their eyes and refuse to look upon the ruia and degradation of what was once so venerable and lovely. Oh, if there be any one thing beneath the circuit of the sky of Avhich there is any liope that it will awaken the strong feelings of nature, tiiat are either asleep or dead within him, and rouse him to one last despairing efiort to shake ofl' his chains and regain his freedom, it is that dis- tress of his family. Eut often, as we know, even that is unavailing. The voice of tlie strong appetite he has crea- ted is louder than the voice of nature, and the mansion thrst lias hitherto been the abode of love and ])eacc, becomes the very scene of his excesses, and vvhen his brain is lieat- ed to phrenzy, the arm of violence is perhaps raised again-t a woTnan— the wife »f ids bosom, or asL-ainst those chiidr?::! I >or did the mind iu those ancient days, demand the application of stimulants, any more than the body. The orators of Greece and Uoiise needed not those aids and helps to eloquence, which our modern statesmen and de- claimers employ. To the poet, the fervor of his own bo- som — to the philosopher^ the regular and natural operations of his own vigorou.^ and unclonded mind, were fully suffi- cient for the production of those master-pieces of taste and wisdom which have been the admiration of every followisig age. The lips of Moses, the Jewish lawgiver — of David, the sweet singer of Israel — ot the holy and sublime Ii-aiak — of the pathetic Jeremiali — of the Jlc de p. mer of mankind ^ were never polluted by the products of distillation. Now 1 beg to be informt tl whether the earth underwent a great and disastrous revolution two or three hundred years ago? IHd it then pass from vigorous manhood into a state of dotage, and do its inhabitants feel the effects of the change? How is it with our youth, the future pillars of the i. hurch, in this our Ameiican Israel, and supports of the Republic through the following age — do they want the native vigour of their sires? iJo their hearts beat so feebly, and drive the purple turient iu so cold and slug- gish a tide alon^ their arteries, that it ha« need tobe waiHieil. with the cordials prescribed to our forefathers when nature was about to sink beneath the oppressive load of years ? If not, if the earth produces and nourishes as perfect men now as she did in former times, then is the simple fact that distilled spirits were unknown to the heroes and sages of antiquity, an ample proof that there is no necessity for them now. But the plea itself is founded on an ignorant and erro- neous idea of the effect of spirits upon the animal frame. If it cannot be safely and truly said, that they convey no nourishment whatever into the system, it is at least certain that what tliey do afford, is too trifling and inconsiderable, to be worthy of a moment's consideration, when reputation, Tiealth, happiness on earth, from whatever source derived, and eternal life itself, are at stake. It is not the kind of nourishment by which it was the will and purpose of tlie Deity, when he created him, that the life of man should be sustained. It is not a kind which can be taken, even along with our natural, proper and appointed food, without bring- ing down the health, bodily strength, and intellectual vi- gour, from the elevation at which they would otherwise have stood, and substituting, in a greater or less degree, physical weakness and mental imbecility in their stead. Let there be two men, whose age, occupation, and the ge- neral tenor of tlieir life are the same, whose original con stitntions were of equal goodness — one of whom is in the habitual use of ardent spirits, whilst the other drinks no- thing but water — we may safely leave it for any one to say. which of the two will retain the greatest share of his native .strength and vigour at the end of ten years. In how many cases do the squalid, sickly countenance and trembling hand of the man, who is from day to day under the influ- ence of stimulants, but never intoxicated, betray his habits, without any need of a neighbour or acquaintance to tell his melancholy story. Would you have an example of the natural tenor of the life of the race to which we belong? — look at a healthy in- fant subsisting upon that food which the wisdom of the God of Nature has provided for it. Its existence, so far as it depcncls upon the nonrishment it receives^ llowa on like a smootli and placid slream maintaining an nniform depth and rapidity in every part of its conrse. How different from this, is that nnevenness and irregularity of feeling, the snc- cession of excitement and languid deljility, which is pro- duced by intoxicating liquors. Tliat man unquestionably lives most agreealdy to the laws of nature and the will of the Deity, whose manhood is an image and counterpart of the unbroken tranquillity of his infant years. If we at- tempt to change this natural state of things, to awaken a Vv^ilder, fiercer joy within us, and by the aid of stimulants to keep the current of health and strength and vigour and animation, above its natural level — we attempt to improve upon the workmanship of Almighty God, and it requires no supernatural wisdom to discover what the result must be. Not only do we fail of accomplishing our object^ but we do infinite mischief. It is granted, that a man will accomplish his task (pro- vided it be a brief one) and feel it the less — that his food will be more tasteful, if he is under the influence of stimu- lants to-day, but he will come languid to his labour, and the sensation of hunger will require to be roused by the same provocatives to-morrow. The amount of exertion and enjoyment of which he is capable within the compass of a week or a month, is diminished rather tlian increased at the time ; the demand for a renevval of the unnatural ex- citement becomes, from day to day, and year to year, more and more imperious ; the health and strength sink, fearful inroads are made upon the native vigour of the constitution, and the fatal appetite, that is strong as death and insatia- ble as the grave, is created. Spirituous licpors do not communicate strength. They merely accumulate the energy that should have been spread over a considerable portion of our existence, upon a single point, and exhaust it there. They place the system in an unnatural condition. They give a shock to the machine, which is not great perhaps in any individual instance, nor, if the material of which it is built be good, productive of any immediately visible bad effect; but which fails not^. by beiniz; repeated, to create- derangement at last, and as in tlie case of atiy other ma- chine, to accelerate the time when it shall be reduced to a heap of ruins. III. There are some who do hi^^hly approve of all the objects and methods of the Temperance "society, and w^ould lend it their cordial support, might they be exempted from the restraint it imposes upon its meml)ers on certain days. But that the birth-day of American freedom, or that which gave the Father of his Country to an admiring- world, should pass unmarked by some demonstrations of social and patri- otic feeling, and recourse to those means by which our fes- tivities are easily enlivened, without drawing at all upon our hoarded stores of wit and humour, is what they cannot hear of with any degree of patience. Or perliaps they have a preference for the cold ^^ater method of celebration, but are unable to abide the sneers and sarcasms of such as pur- sue a different course. We may remark to these persons, that if the men whose general conduct is marked by strict sobriety, shall deem it appropriate to heat their brains with intoxicating liquors on these occasions, people of looser morals will doubtless feel themselves warranted in going the whole length of an entire and silent intoxication ; and we may enquire whether it be absolutely necessar;y that the 22d of February and the 4th of July, should be selected, of all tiie days in the year, for throwing the reins upon the neck of appetite, and shewing ourselves unworthy of the freedom, with the acquisition of which, those days have so intimate a connection. Is not such a distinction calculated to make them infamous beyond all others in the calendar? It is an old-fashioned doctrine, as ancient as the days of Daniel, that " the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, Tind giveth it to whomsoever he will." It was held by the sages and patriots of the Revolution. " An appeal to the God of battles is all that is now left us," says the ^^ forest born Demosthenes," in that Address to the House of I. delegates, by which the population of a neighbouring State was first roused to thoughts of resistance to the op- preseions of Britain. It can hardly be necessary for me to cite the closing words of the Declfira^ion of Inclepeu- deiice. '' And for the support of this declaration, with a firm, reliance on the i)rotection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to ea< h other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor," May not a man calling himself by the name of Christian he permitted to iioldj as those old pa- triots believed, that the Almighty Being, to w!io^ c even- lianded justire they made their appeal, did watch over the destinies of tiie infant !>epublic, and enable our little b?i;k to ride out the dreadful storm that hov, led around her? May he not be pardoned, if he refuse to dishonor the anni- versary of our emancipation^ by the transgression of His laws ? IVa shin gton w SIS not more remarkable for the profound wisdom of all his determinations than for the blameless purity of iiis life. Througliout his long career, there ap- pears no stain, no blot. All is cons^istent and correct Hut had Washington appeared, I will not say the victim, but in any way or form, the patron and friend of intemperate habits and practices, how would his glory have been dark- ened and eclipsed. His name would never have been sounded forth through all the eartli as; that of the wise and good. The country is less indebted to him for his services on the battle-iield, important as they were, than for the unspotted purity of his after-life, and the matchless pattern, of excellence, in this vespect, which he left to those who should succeed him. The day that gave him ])irtli is v,or- thy to be kept as an annual festival throughout thi s western continent. Fair rise the sun upon that morn, let no d rk cloud obscure the day, let men then meet in peace and love ; but, O let it not he profaned by foul intoxication, le^t ^is afflicted spirit turn away, and weep over the degradaitan of the country that he saved. We do not object to fe ii- vities on these occasions ; vve only claim that they should be harmless. The children of a certain city in a dishint part of the world, have been in tlie practice of carryi?sg on their youthful sports on the top of a rock whose siden are precipitous and craggy, so that it is certain death to the unfortunate babe who happens to bf* jostled over the ci\:^. I4i Besides this, the rock rises in the midst of pestilential marshes, and many sicken and' die, poisoned by the nox- ious vapours and exhalations that hover round tlie spot. Some of the children propose at length, to remove their play-ground from the rock from whose top they looli down from time to time, and see the bleac hing I>ones of tijeir companions, who have been crushed by being precipitated to the bottom. They propose merely to transfer it to a green flowery meadow, lying in a healthy situation on the other side of the city ; but tliey are withstood by the others,, and railed at as cowardly and fanatical. These are the members of the Temperance Society and their opposers. IV. Some will say, ^Mt is plainly expedient and pro- per, that the use of distilled spirits should be laid aside, but vrhy not leave it for every person to provide in private for his own safety ? Where is the necessity of forming Societies, and binding ourselves by promises and written obligations to abstinence?'' We remark, in reply, that we have no unreasonable and overweening fondness for this particular method of putting a stop to the mischiefs of Intemperance ; and if the person who does not approve of the plan of forming Societies, will propose another, that shall promise to be both feasible and effectual, and liable to fewer objections, we will very cheerfully adopt his scheme of reformation, instead of our own. Only let the work be done, and we care not how it is done. An overgrown and cruel monster has been for years preying upon the community, and devouring year by year some thousands of our citizens — devouring them, but torturing them beforehand Avith sickness, poverty, shame and madtiess, and every other form and variety of suffer- ing. We have all lent our aid in pampering his fierce ap- petite, and gorging him with the food he loves. J3ut con- vinced at length, of the folly and wickedness of our con- duct, some of us at least, have resolved to turn our hand, and attack this foe to human happiness, and destroy him if we can, and to call upon all such as are not indifferent to the sufferings of their fellow-creatures, to aid 'us in the good and holy work, and so he is really strangled and put to deaths it is to us a matter of indifference how. 2^ But there is uo room for the hops of oiii' being ai)le to diminish, in any considerable degree, either in this, oi- in any other country, the mischiefs of Intemperance, e.xcept by the adoption of the particular method tliat has lateiy come into use of instituting Temperance Societies. Kvery other has been fouiid unavailing. The voice of Nature's God has been heard, bidding men beware of the frighii'ul whirlpool that has been opened in the middle of the voyage of life, but heard in vain. The drunkard is seen in our streets, with bis bistory and an account of his preseiit eru- dition inscribed upon his foreliead. *' I entered life Vvitli •'' fair prospects, had talents, an amiable disposition, cha- •^ racter and a handsome property — I married a lovely '• woman, my cinldren were well provided for, virtuous "^ and happy — My neigld)our3 loved and respected me, •• The fatal habit seized me, and all is changed — The vi- •• gour of my constitution is broken down — I am poor, '' friendless, dejected, a bad husb«and, a bad father, a bad ••' neighbour — weary of life, yet fearful of its close." Vv'^itk this warning, written in living characters before their eyes^ men beconie intemperate from age to age. The Gospel of our Saviour Christ — that word of the living God, of which is is said, " that it is quick and pow- erful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and body,"' has been brought to bear upon the argument, but accomplishes little. Even in those congregations where the doctrines oi" Christi- anity are preached with plaiuness, truth and fervor, exaui- ples of the vice which is the subject of remark, are not wanting. The Christian Minister, as they have appeared thickening about him, has been ready to exclaim, in me- lancholy despondency, that the sword of the spirit that has been put into his hand to strike through the foes of God and man, has lost its ancient temper — that tlseie is one form of human wickedness which it is incompetent to cut in pieces and destroy. But it has been suggested to him, at length, that it is not a want of keenness in the weapon that has been furnished him from the armory of the Lord, but his owq want of skill in using it, that is the cause of his small sue* m Ci';ss. Instead of brin^in^ forward those 'leiiunciatious of ths sin of drunkiMini^.ss that are contained ia the Scriptures, it is necessary to ^ ) farther hack, and it is the petition in the Lord^s prmjzr, hy ivhich we heq that we may escape temptation, that demands attention The institution of Tt'inperance Societies, is simply a scheme for removing the temptation to an excessive use of intoxicating liquors as far as possible from amongst us, and two m Hives are presented to induce us to lend them our cordial support. 1. TJie first is personal. Those who become members of the Society and raithlully observe the provisions of its constitution, place themselves beyond the reach oi danger. They draw such a circle about them as the ancient -"sorce- rers are represented as describing upon the sand, when about to summon into their presence a being from the invi- sible vviirld. However wildly ne any I'age without, the evil spirit has no power to pass tliat boundary. 2. The other motive for enr dliug ourselves amongst the members of the Te.iiperance society, is drawn from our regard fv.r the welfare of our fellow creatures. Granting that the step is not at all neeifal to oar p- r^oaal security, we owe it to the community of which we a;e members. The evil for which we seek to provide a remedy, has been increasiii:'-in m,i2:!)ituJe durins; tite last two hundred years. The nations are in the condition of a man witli a basket upon his shoulder, into which one ounce ball after another has been thrown, until he cries out at lengMi, that he must be relieved, or he shall be crashed. Will you refuse your assistuice? It is in vain that , we claim to have no- thing to do with the business, and plead that the case is one where v/e a; e without responsibility We are respon- sible J". 7r the consequeices of oar eoil example. The or- piias! child whom you shall hereafter casualiv m-^et — whose features ar3 unknown to you — vviio is fatherless, because his f;ith r lulled himself with sLroug drink — and mother- less, be-ause his mother died of a broken heart, may jui-ily lift his little hand, and call the most High God to witness, that you are ihe auch^r of his misi'ortunes, since feut for your example, he would now be enjoyiaj; the biess- ings of a mother's aflFection and a father's love. But his father heard you sneer at the Temperance Society, and commend the social glass, and thus, through your influence, was led into those evil courses which issued in his ruin. If another illustration of the truth before us and of our duty be called for, we offer the following. There is in a certain part of the country a ford in a stream that is always I'apid and deep, and often swollen by storms. Every year a number of persons are carried away by the impetuosity of the waters, into the bosom of which they sink to rise no more. It is proposed to prevent these calamities by erect- ing a bridge across the fatal stream. It appears that the expence and trouble would be inconsiderable, but there are a number of persons in the neighbourhood who, claiming to be very kind and charitable people, refuse to lend their aid. Such a torrent is Intemperance, and such a means of es- cape do we propose from its dangers. Will you refuse the simple contribution of your name? It is true, that those who enter its waters and begin to feel the influ- ence of the current, raise no loud, imploring cry for help ; if we could trust to the song that is on their lips, we should perhaps be compelled to pronounce them happy. They are insensible to their danger ; but it is not the less on that account, for smoothly as the stream may seem to flow at first, it ere long begins to rush forward with resistless violence, carrying its unthinking victims along with it, down into the unfathomable gulf of everlasting ruin. V. Finally, it is said, that there are men of talent and distinction in the country, who stand aloof from the Tem- perance Society, and that their example may be safely followed. The fact is admitted, the correctness of the inference is denied. We may remark first, that the number of this class of persons is rapidly diminishing. Our appeal is made so directly to the plainest principles of common sense, that few will hereafter be willing to hazard their reputation for either a sound understanding, or a feeling and benevo- lent heart, by attempting to make a stand against the Tem- perance Society. 4 And secop.dly, if tlicre has ever been, siuce the first set- tlement of this country, a j^-oneration upon whose failures., in regard to certain points of morality, it does not become us to look with too severe an eye, it is that which is now a little past the meridian of life. They £,rew up at a time when the whole*ordVr of Society was unhinged, and the frame of (government overturned to its foundations. Men's minds were too mu( li agitated by the political troubles of the age, to permit them to attend Vvith calmness to the edu- cation of tiieir families. Many of the young men them- selve-M entered the army, aud there learned both the virtues and vices of a camp. What was suffered by the Amedcan soldiery in the wars of the Revolution, is, after all that has beeji written, but imperfectly known. Without tents^ without clothing, wiihout shoes, aud therefore staining the ground witli their blood, as tliey were ma.rched to meet au enemy, always well cqui[)ped'and provided for, and often superior in force, it was hardly to be expected, when wcl. consider what poor human nature is, that they should not be willing, v»'hen au opportunity offered, to forget their carc"^ in a a temporary delirium ; or that they should not bring back with tliem into civil life, the liabits they ac- quired in the army. With regard to those who staid at homo, and were engaged in agriculture, the case was still inuch tlie same. The hush indman committed his seed to the earth, in utter uncertainty whether the enemy would riot come and let loose their war-horses upon his fields, tramjile dov. n and destroy his harvest, burn his dwelling, und devour his cattle. He, as well as the soldier, was under strong, temptations to turn away his eye from the fu- ture, and enjoy the present moment. Under these circum- stances, it to be expected, that a general relaxation of morals would ensue ; that Intemperance would make fear- ful inroads upon the public peace and Jjappiness, and that an evil injiuene* would be shed down upon the next suc- ceeding ^^?nevat|on. . In these facts, we find a cause and a reason, it not an excuse, for the unfriendly regards which some amongst us may be disposed to throw lipon the Tern perance Society. r But before we tlctevmine to copy the prcjiidic'.^, faults And failings of the generation tliat is passing^away, let it be distinctly called to mind, that there is^|iiole host of iheir redeeming virtues wliich never < aVj^^Ri or which, if we possess them, we shall never h|J«Bi{pc)iLmiity of f^.xhibiting. Such were their unsljakei^Hmess amidst the r\an2;ers of a cruel war, and their wisdom in council, when they were laying the strong foundations -f our civil polity, jind providing for the peace and welfare of succeed- ing times. The only virtues which it is in o?n' power to .ultivate, are those of peace. There is little probability that" the generation now coming upon the stage, vvill be railed to tight the battles of freedom. Nor in the v/alks uf civil life, will it ever be possilde for us to confer any great and distinguished favors upon our country or uiankiud. It is in tlje little circle of his friends and neigh- bours, tliM a man will have ability, and chiefly there by the influence of a good or bad example, to do good or evil. It is by a life of industry, iiftegrity and temperance, that be must win an honest fame for patriotism and philanthropy. In the holy cause of Temperance, it does moreover appear 5iuital)le that such of the young menofthelandas have been admitted to drink of the well-springs of divine philosophy, & , for the improvement of whose minds the treasured wisdom of ages has been unlocked, and wlio have therefore resources and accomplishments df^Aled to their equals in age, sliould be found in the first ranks; and not inappropriate that they should lead the way. , The Merciful God enable us to add '^^ to knowledge^, :emperance," and her kindred graces, and our souls shall forever blesis his holy name. •% ^ll^ -Hii^, M X ,♦>■ \ % %nV