MINUTES OF THE (fliangclical |fu%nm ^m)i AND MINISTERIUM OF NORTH CAROLINA, CaiiTened at Bethel^ Stanly County^ North Carolina^ May 5, 1854. MILLER & JAMES, PRINTERS, SALISBURY, N. C. 1854 M MINUTES. The FiFriKTJi Annual MEKTixcr of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina was held in Bethel Churcli, Stanly County, Xortli Carolina, from the 5r]i to tlie 11th of May, 1854. The Synodical Sermon was preached hy the Presi- dent, I'ev. J. A. Linn, from 2d Cor. 0th chai)ter and 1>' verse. According to the rec|nircment of the Constitution, tlie President o])ened the first session of Synod witli ]>rayer, after a hymn had been sung by the congregation. TJic- Secretary called tlie roll, and tlie mend>ers of Synod ]n\'<- ent, answered to their names : ORDAINED MINISTERS. Rev. JOHN D. 8CIIECK,* " WILLIAM A11TZ,| '' SAMUEL ilOTHROCK, / BENJAMIN AREY,t " WILLIAM G. IIARTER " JACOB CRIM, " JOSERII A. LINN, " L. C. GROSECLOSE, '' JOHN SWICEGOOD, '• S. SCIIERER, Rev. J. GRIESON,* " A. GRIMES, " J. A. HEILIG, Mount Plf-amnt, Carrffs, X. C Holt's Store, AlamdTtCi, " Kockvillt, Roican Covnty^ " Statesvillc, Iredell " " Concord, Cabairvx " " Jerusalem, Davie '* " Gold Hill, Roican " " Lcxin(/to7i, Davidson " " UrummcH's " " '• Salisburt/, Rotcan " '* LICENTIATES. Brick Churchy Guilford, N. C. J lay Mcadou's, Wilkes, '• Concord, " •*Al>?ent, V.ut afterwani? appeared. jAbeont with cxcu.se. whom uothiug wai> heard. f Absent, and Iri-n r> c? m minutp:s of synod. LAY DELEGATES. Mr. .JOHN SLOOP. •• MATTHIAS BAUKIf:K, •• E. W. BLACKWELDER. '• JOHN C. MILLER, •• PETER HARTMAN, • RICHMOND HARTLEY • JOHN PHILLIPPIK. • JOHN KETCHV. • HENRY DEAL, Jiev. J. D. Scheck'i^- " S. Rothrock's " W. G. Ifarter.f " ./. Crimes *' ./. A. Linn's " L. C. Groxeclose i< '• J. Siricegoori's S. Scherer'n " J. S. IJeili(/'i< Delegate. The President now read his Report, as liis last official act, which on motion was accepted. The next business in order being an election lor officers of Synod for the ensuing year, was attended to. and result- ed in the choice of Rev. SAMUEL KOTHROCK, President, - AVILLIAM (;. HARTCR, Rec. Secretary, ". S. SCHERER, Corresponding Secretary, M. BARRIER, Esq., Treasurer. Rev. J. B. Anthony, Corresponding Delegate from the South Carolina Synod, was introduced, and it was 1. Rpyolred, Tliat he be received to a sent among us accordinjr to our Con- .stitutiou. 2. Resolved, That the Rev. Mr. Deruelle, Bible Agent for the State of North Carolina, be received as un advisory nieud^er of our Synod. COMMLSSIOXERS. 1>. B. Krimminger, Esq., from St. James, at Concord, was admitted to a seat and partici2)ation in our deliberations. AVilliam IL vSmith, presented acei-titicate of apj>ointment as Commissioner from the Church in Salisbury ; also ad- mitted to a seat as an advisory member. The reading of tlie minutes of last Synod was disjXMised with, and on motion referred to the Committee on l^ntinish- ed Business. :m m MINUTES OF SYNOD. Papers and Documents intended for Synod or Ministeri- iini, were now called for and handed in. o. Ri no/veil. That the letter from Brother Artz he read. A letter from Salem (liurch askin-hO(MOO oc^oooooooo OOCOQiOO'MOOCCO oorjrHtMoooooo O O O (M O O -M .-I O O lOOOltMOOOOOOr-iO I— I I— I o .-I l^ r-l O O C<1 o o O 05 O l^ l^ o o — ^ 'ti ri O (M .-H O Tl O OOOOrHr-HOOCCOO Mr-i-N'M00'5 : : : :W !» ^ 0:3 P'. ^ • C ."^ 2i "" ■ • ;^^g3dS§^ = = w a ^ P3 -r- ^ ^_^ O '/: X 72 -< f) MINUTES OF SYNOD. \ 5. Resolved, That a Committee of two be appointed to receive contribu- ;^ ) tions for the Treasury of Synod. ) ^ Committee — Eev. J. Swicegood and John Phili})pie. > J Centenary Treasurer reported : ^ ( Ileport L>i the Treasurer of Centenary Fund of the Synod { ^ ')f North Carolina, May, ISo-i : ^ ^ Treasurer in account with Synod — to Avit : - - 8594 22 ) > One Note renewed, - 103 50 > " " " Priu. $221 50— int. n13 2'j, - - 234 7'J \ " " " " 39 00— int. 2 24, - - 41 24 ; " " " " 30 00— int. 1 80, - - 31 80 ; Cash received from Synod by the hand of Rev. .J. D. Sclieck,. •', last Synod, - - 31 19 ) Cash received on Miller's Note, 1st March, 1854, 'on hands, 71 GO c Carolina Synod rep(jrted : REPORT OF DELEGATE TO SOUTH CAROLINA SYNOD. Yuur Delegate to the Synod of South Carolina, would respectfully roport. ) Total, $5.94 22 ) \ JOHN SLOOP, Tr. Cent Fund. ) ) Rev. J. A. Linn, in the Chair — the Delegate to the South ] ) ) ) ) ) ) ■ that he met with those brethren in St. Matthew's Church, Orangeburg Dis~ ' > trict, in November last, and was very kindly received by them. The Synod ) r 'if South Carolina is composed of forty-four Clerical members, including Or- ^ ) dained Ministers and Licentiates, thirty of whom were present. ^ ) Much business of an important and interesting nature was transacted, a / ^ detailed account of which may be found in the printed minutes of said body. ) The brethren composing said SjTiod, appear to co-operate with great hanno- } uy and unanimity. The next meeting of Synod will be held in Mount Pil- ^ }. grim Church Coweta County, Georgia, on Friday before the second Sabbath ) in November, 1854. Your Delegate's expenses amounted to $7 55. SAMUEL ROTHROCK. I Report accepted and on motion adopted. } 0. Resolved, That the expense of the Delegate to the South Carolina Synod ^ ])e paid by the Treasurer. I REPORT OF DELEGATE TO THE SYNOD OF WESTERN VIRGINIA. i I Your Delegate to the Synod of Western Virginia, respectfully reports as ( ) follows : That he met with the brethren of said Synod — he was cordially ) MINUTES OF SYNOD. received as the Delegate from this body, and iuvited to participate with them (| in all their deliberations. ( These brethren expressed their fraternal rej^anl towards us as a Synod, and } showed their desire to continue the fraternal relations existing between us '} by the appointment of a Delegate to this body. ) They manifesteil a laudable 'legree of zealous enterprise in the various \ benevolent operations of the age, and in the Master's cause generally. Most (I >>f the congregations within their bounds seem to be in a healthy and pros- ( perous condition. The cause of Lutheranism is more prosperous in that / region than at any former period since its introductioninto Western Virginia. ( May the Great Head of the Church plant permanently the Lutheran standard ^ in that lovely and fertile valley. < L. C. GllOSKCLOSE. 7. Kc-vAi'id, That tlu' report be received and adopted. 8. Reaolvcd, That his account against Synod, amounting to ^6 !'.» cents lie refunded by the Treasurer. '.). Resoh'fd. That we now adjourn to meet at jD o'clock to-morrow morning. Clntio.l witli till' l)nx(il<>iry aiid I )eiie(licti< )ii. SECOND SESSION. ! Saturdiiy Mornhuj^ S) o\:l<)cJi^ May 6, 1854. i Synod met accoreliiii!: t(» adjoiirnnient, and engaged in \ { religious exercises for ludf an liour. Tlie roll was called } } and the members answered to their names. Its minutes t; ( were read and conlirmed. ^ \ ( The brethren, Scheck and Arev, now ain)earelack- welder and Barrier. On Unfinished Bu'SineHU — Rev. J. S. Ileilifr, and Messrs. ) Deal and ITartly. SPECIAL COMMITTEES. On Letters — Rev. J. D. Scheek, Messrs. Krimmino-er and Smith. ': On Appeals — Rev. J. S. Heilig and Iicv. Jacob Crini. ^ A petition was presented and referred to tlie Committee i on Petitions and A^acancies. \ Brother Arey gave notice that he would call the atten- \ tion of Synod to Section fifth, chapter sixth of Formula, ^ sometime during the meeting of Synod. THE TREASURER OF SYNOD REPORTED. • The Treasurer of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod •)f North Carolina, would respectfully report as follows : Balance in hand last year $21 42 Received last Synod, 64 88f Whole amount, s^SO 30| Paid Rev'd John D. Scheck, as per order of Synod. 7 50 Paid J. J. Bruner, as per order of Secretary for printing of Minutes, 42 00 49~50~ Balance in hand, $36 80' Respectfully submitte M.\THIAS BARRIER, Treasurer. { Received and referred to the Committee on Finance. MINUTES OF SYNOD. 9 REPORT OF THE DELEGATE TO THE GENERAL SYNOD. Your Delcgiite appointed to repropt'iit this Body in the Sixteenth Conven- tion of the Genenil Synod, would respectfully report that he met the Dele- gates from sister Synods in Wincliester, Virginia, on the 21st day of May, 1863. There were fifty-eijrlit Ministerial and forty-four Lay Delegates in attendance from twenty District Synods, representing r)(;o Ministers and llIoO ) Congi-egations. and 113,(100 comnmiiieants. \ Four additional Synods were admitted, viz : Tliose of Pennsylvania, I'itts- } burg, Northern Illinois an«l Texas. During its delibcratitais, an unusual \ spirit of peace, harmony and Christian fellowship prevailed : and although ) there existed pi-evious forebodings, and a difference of opinion even during I the meeting, yet all seemed to remember that they bore the same name, and ) belonged to the same redeemed family, having one Faith, one Lord, one Rap- ■ tism ; and all seemed to feel that they -vvcre engaged in a great work, that of ), ; blessing the world with the glorious (lospel of Christ. ( Much important business was transacted, and the institutions under the ) fostering care of the Church were represented a* being in a prosperous state, ^ ; particularly those of Gettysburg. Pennsylvania Wettenburg. Ohio, State ) University, Springfield. Illinois. Among the resolutions passed by the General Synod, deserving the atten- < tion of this Rod\', is the following, contained on the 47th page : ; W/tereajt, Intemperance is a great evil, seriously retarding the progress ot ) \ . Christ's Kingdom, and bringing incalculable evils on Society, and whereas ) every christian must rejoice at the success of any proper efforts for its re- moval, therefore Resolved, That this General Synod views with great pleasure the success ) thus far attending the etforts for the removal of intemperance by the intro- '' duction of the Maine Liquor Law, and would be glad to see our Ministers "^ co-operating with others in extending its principles throughout our land. ' As the proceedings of the General S^mod have been printed and extensive- ) ly circulated, your Delegate deems a more detailed account unnecessary. Respectfully siibmitted. JOHN D. SCHECK. 10. Resolved, That the report be accepted aud adopteil. 11. Resolved, That the Secretary be authorized to sell the trunk containing the .\rchives of Synod and purchase another sufficiently large to contain said .Archives; also a small book in which to transcribe the standing resolutions, ' and a portfolio for the use of Synod. { 12. Resolved, That each Minister be required at each .\nnual meeting of / Synod, to present to the Committee on the state of Religion, a written report ( of the state of Religion in his pustoral charge, and that this be a standing ' resolution. 10 MINUTES OF SYNOD. lo. Resolved, That brother Linn be requested to preach the Historical Ser- ^ mon on Monday, inasmiicli as brother Artz, -ntIio was appointed to this duty, was not present. 14. Resolved, That we now adjourn till Monday morning nine o'clock. Praver hx the President. LORD'S DAY EXERCISES At ten o'clock the congregation having asseml)led at the stand, diA'iiie services were intro»hiced by singing and prayer, when the Rev. J. B. Anthony preached to a large assenil)ly of attentive hearers, from the SOth Psalm, 1 verse. After the Communion services were ended, and an inter- mission of an hour, brother S. Scherer preached the Mis- sionary Sermon based upon Rev. fifth chapter and 12tli v. ; and a collection was taken up in aid of our Synodical Mis- sionary Society. May the l)lessing of God rest upc>n the laboi*s of this day. Amen. THIRD SESSION. 2fo7iday Morning^ 9 dcloch^ May 8, 1854. Synod met according to adjournment, and spent half an hour in singing and prayer. The roll was then called and The hour of preaching having arrived, the congregation J assembled at the stand, when the Rev. Mr. Deruelle, Agent ) of the American Bible Society for this State, preached an I interesting sermon from the text, Romans twelfth chapter ^ and tii-st verse. After which a collection was taken up in J aid of the Bil)le Cause, amounting to 830 03. At night \ brother Groseclose preached from the text, Mark fifth chap- ; ter, 1 — 20th verse. ^ mNUTES OF SYNOD. 11 } the iiienil>ers answered to their Tiame>. Hie minutes were ( read and cuntirnicd. The Connnittee on tlie State of lAeli been so interesting as heretofore, though in some portions of our Zion there ) have been special out-pourings of tlic Spirit of God. Success has attcndetl ( the labors of the Ministers of the Gospel, and through the gracious visita- ) tions of the Holy Spirit, many precious souls have been born unto God : the ( Church has been made to rejoice in God her Saviour, and own that God hath > visited and redeemed his people, and the signs of the times seem to indi- \^ cate that a better day awaits the Church. Tlie Lutheran Observer is more ^ widely circulated and read with deeper interest ; the minds of the people are ■. awake to benevolent enterprises, the preaching of the Gospel receives more S marked attention, and generally speaking, thei-e is manifested a deeper in- c terest for the welfare of the Church. > Hence, let all these influences be brought to bear upon the minds of the ; people, and this work of grace will progress more powerfully, and the Church > will be awakened from her spiritual slumber. ? Rospcctfull}', JACOB CRIM, MATHIAS BARRIER, ^ Adopted. E. W. BLACKWELDER. } Tlie Report of the Corresponding:; Secretary presented : ( REPORT OF CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. ) Having with considerable care selected from the Minutes I of several sister Synods such items as are deemed most im- j p< irtant and interesting, your Corresponding Secretary wt >uld I most respectfully submit the following : ) 1. From the Mimites of the General Synod. — This Synod last convened in I Winchester, Virginia, May 21, 18.33. Its officers are. Rev. Dr. J. Baciim.xx, ) President; Charles A. Hay, Secretary; P. S. Mkciiler, Treasurer. ) (, From report of the Committee appointed to consider the "propriety of \ ' publishing an edition of Hymn Book on small type," ) \ Resolved, That the Financial Ilymn Book Committee be requested to con- ) 12 MINUTES OF SYXOn. J . j tract with some responsible person to have a 64mo. edition of our Hvmn ( Book published on small and clear typo. ' ( Preamble and RfxolulionK. — "Whereas. The early religious instruction of { the children of the Church, the lambs of the flock of Christ, is of the most ) vital importance, not to the children only, but to the Church ; S And uherea.i, The present is a period wherein too much attention cannot ^ be awakened and given to this important subject, since Romanists are most actively engaged in providing for the religious training of children, and are ( endeavoring in all our large cities and towns to wrest a portion of the public ( school funds for their common uses to themselves; therefore ) Rvsohfd, That the Synod affectionately and solemnly urge the Pastors and Parents of the Lutheran Church at large, to give due and becoming attention ', to the religious training and education of the children committed to their care. Renolved, That this Synod recommend to parents to set apart some portion of each Lord's Day, or some other day on which to inculcate the rudiments ) of our common faith by the use of the Word of God and the Catechism of our Cinirch, and not Avholly depend upon the Sunday School connected with any of their Churches, since that valuable auxiliary in every congregation cannot adequately accomplish the work of early religious education. \ Resolved, That the preceding preamble and resolutions be read by Pastors : to their Congregations. PASTORS' FUND. Resolved, That the Synod will continue to keep the Pastors' Fund under their own supervision in accordance with their original purpose. ( Resolved, That five Trustees of the Pastors' Fund, consisting of two Cler- ^ 'gyraen and three Laymen, be now appointed to take its management into their ( charge. I Xow in the treasury of this Fund. $2,416 78. rp:solution under church extension. Resolved, That one of the best methods under God of accomplishing this ) end, (to wiitch the movements of the Papal Hierarchy, and to counteract !^ them Vjy all peaceable and christian means,) is the general dissemination of the doctrines, principles and history of the glorious Reformation, and that for this purpose it is hereby again recommended to the Ministers of Synods connected with the General Synod annually t<> deliver a discourse on these important topics on the 31st of October, or some convenient Sabbath near it. '1. On Minutes of the St/nod of South Carolina. — This Synod held its last |j meeting at St. Matthew's Church, Orangeburg District, South Carolina, No- <> vember 11. 18.j3. Its officers are. Rev. G. Hailiwanger, President; Rev. J. 1). Anthony, Recording Secretary ; Rev. L. C. Eichelberger, Corresponding Secretary ; Mr. John Ranch, Treasurer of Synod ; Mr. Joseph Wingard, Trea- v surer of Seminnry Fund ; Dr. P. Todd, Treasurer of Widows' Fund. The J Synod numbers fifty congregations ; 4o36 Communicants ; thirty-four Sunday M MINUTE6 OK SYNOD. 13 ) Schools ; twenty-three Benevoleut Societies. Eight huudred and sixty-eight dolhirs and fifty-two cents were collected for benevolent juirposes. From ; icport 2d we extnu-t the following resolution : V Ji'.^olrcd, That as it is tiie duty of the Congregations to i>rovide for tlie \ wants of those who lahor fur tlieln in lioly things, and, whereas the provision J made in many of our (Mmrehes is wliolly inadequate to the support «.f their pastors, it be earnestly reeommende. Anthony is api)ointed Corresponding Delegate to this ) body, and whom we are grateful to see in our midst. ' This Synod holds its next annual meeting at Mount Tilgrim Church. C<»w- 5 eta Comity, Georgia, commencing on Friday before the second Sabbath in ^ November next. ( It appears to be an active, benevolent and efficient body, engagcl iii the ) Master's work with much commendable zeal. , Appended to the minutes is a memoir as a tribute to our venerable Father \ and worthy Instructor at Lexington Seminary, South Carolina, the llev. K. L. Hazelius, D. D. This doubtless will be read with interest by the bi cth- > ren who can avail themselves of a copy. ,^ o. S>/no(I of Virginia met at Sniithfield, Jefferson County, Virginia, Octo- ^ ber G, I800. Officers, Kev. A. P. Ludden, President ; R. A. Fink, Secre- (' tary ; Rev. A. II. Kud, Treasurer. According to report on state of Religion, many Churches have " experienc- ed the gracious out-pouring of the Spirit of God." In many '-pov tions of the Church fine places of worship are being erected or are in contemplation." •• In regard to the benevolent enterprises of the Church," says report, " our people are sadly defective, but of the abundance which God has given them, our people contribute but a few hundred whilst they ought to contribute as nniny thousands of dollars." Hence the following resolution Kti'olved. That we endeavor more and more to reach the hearts and purses (* of our people, by prayer and preaching, so that they may give themselvee ) and their means to the service of God. ^ May we not adopt this language as applicable to us and ours. ( Tiiese brethren are endeavoring to come to amicable terms with their breth- ) ren of Tennessee Synod, and accordingly have appointed Rev. C. P. Krauth ) to represent them as delegate. 14 MINUTES OF SYXOD. This Synod holds its next mcetiug at Martinsburg, Lerkley County, Virgin- ia, on Tuesday evening next preceding tlie second Sabbath in October, ISo4. 4. The Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium of the State of Nm- York, held its C fim^-eighth session at Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, Saturday September 8, i 1853. Rev. W. B. Stroble, D. D., President; Rev. W. N. Scholl, Secretary; ■> Rev. J. C. Duy, Treasure!-. ( Tliis Ministerium numbers forty-nine ordained Ministers and five Licen- ( tiates. A number of miscellaneous remarks were attached to the parochial } reports, showing that tliis is a prosperous, benevolent and efficient body ) 5. Olire Branch St/ntyJ, held its last annual meeting at Mount Pisgah, In- \ dianapolis, Indiana. Officers, Rev H, Hellis, President ; Rev. J. Keller, Sec- ^ retary ; Rev. E. T. Guiney, Treasurer. Ministers twenty-one : Churches ) forty-three; Communicants 1125. In report of Committee on a Temperance document, we find tlie following: ^ Whereas, The use of all intoxicating drinks as a beverage, is detrimental to !> the cause of religion and the best interest of our common country : and ) whereas we have long prayed and labored for the total annihilation of this ^ curse, and believing that for the accomplishment of this great and glorious ciid, the axe must be laid to the root of the tree, therefore in reliance upon Divine aid, ) Rc-solviil^ That we, the members of this Synod, anew pledge ourselves the ( avowed and uncompromising eneniies of all intoxicating liquors used as a beverage. ; Resolved, That we do whatsoever our hands find to do with our might, to create a public sentiment which will call for and sustain the enactment of a > prohibitory law similar in its general features, to wliat is usually termed the ) " Maine Law." ) licsolcid, That a copy of the " Maine Law '' be appended to our miiiutes. I Synod qf Miami convened at Mellville, Butler County, Ohio, June 2, 1853. ' Officers, Rev. A. Rartholomus, President : Rev. J. G. Harris, Secretary ; Rev W. Harrison, Treasurer. Ordained Ministers 18; Licentiates : Congrega- ' tions 55. ? In the annual report of tlie Board of Directors of tlie Wittenberg Ccdlege, ) we learn that Dr. Spreeher and Prof. Cowrod have been efiicient in tiieir ef- l forts at raising an endowment fund for said Institution, reporting as the re- ) suit of their labors, $ll,Pt5. ) ) I WUtinhcrj Synod held its last session at Findley, Hancock County, Sei'teiii- T^ This Sjmod expresses itself very decidedly in fiivor of the " Maine Liquor La-w" or something similar. It has passed a number of significant resolu- tions pertaining thereto. MINLTES OF SYNOD. 15 ) ber 1, 1853. Officers, Kev. J. Livcngood, President; Rev. J. W, Goodlin, -^ Secretary. Number of Ministers 21; Congregations 50: Baptisms 204; '} ( Confirmations 221 ; Communicants 184G ; whole amount contributed to vari- \ \ ous Societies $408 78, manifesting much commendable zeal. r- ) From the President's report we extract the following: Several ilistricts ) have been visited with times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. [ Home Mission and Chui'ch Extension Societies are prosecutirie; their work ') with much enterprise and success. ^ Wittenberg College has enjoyed unusual prosperity during the past year. ^ The number of students in atteu'lance has l)een larger, 180, and tlieir deport- ) ( ment marked in general, by the strictest propriety. Their proficiency in the \ ) different departments of study, as evinced in their public examinations, ^ ' was such as to reflect much credit alike on themselves, and on the worthy ) Faculty and Tutors entrusted with their training. c The efforts made during Ihe year to relieve the Institution of its pecuniary *> embarrassments have been attended with encouraging success. Your Secretary would respectfully and particularly call the attention of Synod to the By-Laws for Congregations, and Constitution, By-Laws and Or- ' der of Business for Council Associations, appende ( As to Church Extension, we find in substance the following, which should ? ) stimulate us : ) Resolved, That we Will give it our cordial and eflicient support ; that ail our 1^ pastors be requested to preach upon the subject, and take up collections and ? ) subscriptions for its fund ; that we consider S^GOOO nn equitable portion for S ^ our Synod towards raising the ss50,000. "SVe hope the Synod v;ill take united ) ) and efficient action in support of said Society, and that some preliminary S \ step may be taken during this meeting. ) { The reports of the brethren on the state of Religion are favorable and en- \ ^ couraging, and liberal contributions have been made to various charitable ) i objects. ) 16 MraUTES OF SYNOD. { Your Secretary will call the attention of this Body to a resolution found in ; the minutes of the extra session of Maryland Synod, held in Frederick, ( March 1>1, 1853 : ? jResolt-ed, That the several Synods united with the General Synod be iuvi- ) ted to co-operate with us in the support and management of the Lutheran ( Observer, by the appointment of a joint Committee of one from each Synod. > Minuter of Si/nod of Weste/'n Virginia have not been received. Your Secre- ^ tary Avould have furnished many more items of Church and Missionary intel- ^ ligence but for brevity ; presuming too that most of the brethren are in pos- } session of a copy of the minutes of the last meeting of the General Synod, ) containing the desired information. C In conclusion, he would recommend the adoption of the following resolu- ; tion : Ee."olvid, That we hail with joy the appearance of the Evangelical Maga- / zine and Christian Eclectic, published at Easton, Pennsylvania, and likewise the Evangelical Lutheran, published at Springfield, Ohio ; and that we hear- • tily recoinmend them to our people, pr:iying Heaven's richest blessing upon^ them. Very respectfully submitted, Adopted. S. SCHERER, Cor. Secretary. REPORT ON APPEALS. Your Coinmittee on Appeals beg leave to submit the fob • lowing : ( No. 1. Is an appeal to this Body by Mr. J. A. Fink, from a decision of the S Church Council of St. James, Concord, expelling him from Church member- ( ship. ) Me recommend the ab(jve to the early consideration of this Body. Re- S spectfuUy submitted. ) J. S. HEILIG, JACOB CRIM, lieport recei\ed. ■ <; 15, He.tolved, That the consideration of this report be deferred and made ) the order of the dav for to-morrow morninjr. ( m iflNUTES OF SYNOD. 17 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE PRESIDENT'S REPORT. Tlie Committee on the President'.s Keport beg leave to < report the foUowiiii^ items requiring the action of Synod, < 1. In relatiou to the Pastorate in Irc > district our territory as above described — mutual restrictions upon both Min- S isters and Congregations to be imposed by Synod, and in case any future «^ change be desirable in said Pastorates, the Synod alone have power to make ) them. > On motion, this report was taken up by items and con- sidered. First item was adopted, and brother Scherer be- ing called npon, gave a statement of facts involved in the case. 16. Resolved, That we have heard brother Scherer's reasons for suspending labor at St. Michael's, and deem them satisfactory. Second item in relation to this item it was 17. Resolved, That the report of the Board of Directors of Western Caro- lina Male Academy be presented. To the Evangelical Lntheran Synod of North Carolina, now in session at Bethel Cluirch, Stanly Connty, May the Sth, 1854: At the last meeting of Synod, you thought proper to elect a Board of Trus- tees for the purpose of building an Institution of Learning, to be located at Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus County, by name of Western Carolina Academy — to be under the control of Synod, and directed said Board to meet on a certain 4. The fourth, and last item in the report, suggests the propriety of so S amending our Constitution as to meet our relation to Western Carolina Acad- c eray. The Committee recommend the amendment of the Constitution, not ) only in this, but also in other respects, so as to make each article harmonize ( with one another ; by striking out from the Constitution whatever is obsolete ( or contradictory, and inserting whatever may be necessary for definiteness and harmony. i As several other items in the President's report will be reported on by the ( Committee on unfinished business, your Committee have passed them unno- ) ticed, except the last item in the report on which a separate report will be made and presented hereafter. The Committee recommend that the President's report be inserted in oxir { printed minutes. Respectfully submitted, L. C. GROSECLOSE, J. SWICEGOOD. ) MINUTES OF SYNOD. 19 \ ) day in June hist. A majority of the Board met according to appointment, \ and elected a President, Vice President and Secretiiry, as required by the ( Constitution. It is umde my duty as President of said I'.oard to report to you ^ tlie state and cuiidition of suid Institution. Wc, in tlie first place bought of ^ Mathias P.arger ir.J acres of land and took his deed for the same, at five dol- \ lar» per acre. Laj-ge enough for all building purposes on a high and elevated \ situation — appointed a Building Committee of five, who liave let out the (^ building to Mr. Wcddington for J»?7,0(KI, to be complete ■ After eliciting all the information attainable in relation ) > to those brethren whose names were proposed as candi- / > dates for this important station, a motion for adjournment ^ ^ prevailed. i ) Bro. Crim now asked and obtained leave of absence for ) ; himself and Delegate. ( S Synod adjourned to meet again after the meeting of the s Missionary and Education Society. Closed with a benediction. At half after two o'clock, brother Linn preached the S Historical Sermon ; text, Job 8th chapter, 8, 9, 10, verses. \ At half past four o'clock, the Synod was called to order, I and after the roll was called, proceeded to business. ] MINUTES OF SYNOD. 21 THE SEMINARY TREASURER PRESENTED HIS REPORT. Mosies BaiTier, Ti-easui^r of Seiiiinarv, in account with the Evan«relical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina, as follows : To one Note, due April 15, 1«53, 55500 00. Received Sept. 27th, 1853, $500 00 principal, and !S13 50 cts. interest. Oct. 18th, 1853, loaned $500 principal and $13 50 interest. April 15, 1854, interest received on the above, - - - - $28 90 To one Note, due April 15, 1854, ... - $294 00 Interest ou the above to April 15, 1854 - - - 17 <34 To one Note, due April 15, 1853, - - - - 137 00 Interest on the above to April 15, 1854, - - - - 8 22 To one Note, due April 15 1853, - - - - 107 50 Interest on the above to April 15, 1854, - - - - 45 Whole amount of principal, ----- $1038 50 S Amount of Interest, ------.- $61 21 < MOSES BARRIER, Treasurer. < Tlie above report was received and referred to the Finan- ) cial Committee. ( 19. Resolved, That we now adjourn to meet at half after eight o'clock to- ( ) morrow mornmg. } Closed with prayer by the President. FOURTH SESSION. Tuesday Morning^ May 9, 1854. Synod met according to adjournment, and after the in- troductory services, the roll was called and the members of \ Synod answered to their names. Tlie minutes were read '. and confirmed. S The subject of appeals now came up as the fii-st business '; in order, according to fifteenth resolution. ^ In relation to this subject, the following was adopted : ( 22 MINUTES OF SYNOD. Whereas, an appeal trom the decision of the Council of St. James' Church, Concord, has come before this Body by J. A. Fink, and whereas this Synod deem the action of said Council irregular, and whereas tliis Synod is anxious to haA'e said difficulty amicably adjusted, therefore 20. Resolved, That two persons chosen by Mr. Fink and two by the Church Council, and these four thus chosen, shall select a fifth person, who as a Committee, in conjunction with the Council, shall investigate and decide the original question of appeal, and that their decision shall be final in the case. The meeting to be held in the Church, in Concord, on the 24th May ensuing, at ten o'clock, A. M. 21. Resolved, That we now proceed to the election of a principal Professor in our Western Carolina Male Academy. This election resulted in the unanimous choice of the Key. William Geeuaedt, of Northampton County, Pennsyl- vania. 22. Resolved, That the President, at his earliest convenience, inform the Rev. Mr. Gerhardt of his unanimous election, by this Synod, to the first Professorship of Western Carolina Male Academy. Tlie next business was the election of four Directors in our Academy for two years, wdiich resulted in the choice of Kev. S. Scherer, Eev. L. C. Groseclose and Messrs. L. B. Krimminger and Daniel Barrier. COMMITTEE ON PETITIONS AND VACANCIES. The Committee on Petitions and Vacancies he^s: leave to submit the following Keport — ( I. Number one is a petition from the Church Council of St. James' Church, ) Concord. Cabarrus County, in which they earnestly solicit the Synod to make \ some arrangement by which they may be supplied with the means of grace. \ ( Your Committee would recommend the memorialists to your prayerful con- } ■f sideratiou. \ \ 2, Number two is a communication from the Church Council at Salisbury, ) in which your petitioners state that their new House of Worship is nearly completed, and that if they can obtain the monies which have been subscrib- MINUTES OF SYNOD. 23 ed in Organ Church and others, they will have nearly, if not quite, enough to liciuidate all demands against tlic building. They further earnestly petition yovu' bod^' to take into consideration the propriety of connecting some other Church with theirs as a Pastoral District. Or if this is impracticable, in some way to provide that they may have regular preaching. Your Comniit- ) tee commend their case to your favorable consideration. > o. Number three is a petition from the members of Salem Church pray- ing admission into connection with your Synod. Your Committee recommend that their petition be granted them. 4. Number four is a communication from the Elders, Deacons and Mem- bers of St, Michael's Church, Iredell County, in which your memorialists pe- tition for a dissolution of the connection now existing between that Church and St. Paul's Church in said County. Your Committee rcconimend tlie fol- lowing preamble and resolution : Whereas, the original connection existing between these Congregations has for several years been virtually dissolved, and whereas the late union formed ) by them at the meeting recommended by this Synod at its last session has ) ^ been unproductive of the favorable results anticipated, therefore { ^ ( ^ Resolved, That the prayer of the petitioners be granted them. ) Respectfully submitted, {■ J. B. ANTHONY, ) MATHIAS BARRIER, v> JOHN C. MILLER. ) Accepted and taken up by items and considered. Item > ) fii*st disposed of as follows : ( 23. Resolved, That Synod is unable to recommend any thing at present }■ that would be of essential service to the Congregation of St. James' Church { in Concord. • In reference to item second, it was 24. Resolved, That this part of the Report be laid over to a future period." In relation to item tliird, it was 25. Resolved, That the request of the petitioners be granted. Item fourth was aduj)ted. Tlie final adoption of the ^ whole report was deferred till item second was disposed of. ) 24 MINUTES OF SYNOD. < \ ^ SYNODICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. ^ ^ The Committee appointed to receive and examine into / the contributions made to Synod, report that the following \ sums have been contributed bv the several Churclies, viz : ; ] From Rev. John D. SchecTc^s CJmrches. ( ( Luther's Chapel, S3 00 < \ St. John's Church, 8 00— $11 00 ( From Eev, Wra. G. Harters CMirches. \ Bethel Church, 2 00 \ Mount Carmel, ----- 1 20 ) Luther's Church, 1 00 ^4 20 ) From Rev. S. Rothrochs Churches. ) Organ (Zion) Church, - - ... 8 00 $ St. Stephen's " - - - - - 2 00— SIO 00 \ I From Rev. L. C. Grosedose^s Churches \ \ Beck's Church, 80 ) S l^.&G. Sink, 50 \ \ Sandy Creek, 2 75 ^ \ Frederick Town 2 00 Pilgrim, - - ... 1 95 g 00 ( From Rev. J. A. Linrvs Churches J St. Pauls, 3 00 ^ St. Matthew's, ----.. -t 00— $T 00 / From J. Crimes CMirches. \ ' Bethel, 87^ • I St. Matthew's, 21^— 1 08f { From Rev. J. Swicegood^s Churches. \ St. Paul's, 2 00 ) Richland, 2 00 c Low's, 2 00 \ IS^azareth, 1 00 ) Hopewell, 1 oO 8 00 ) MINUTES OF SYNOD. 25 ) From Bev. Wm. Artz^ Churchpfi. I Zion Cluircli, - 50 50 ^ From Bev. S. Sc/ierer^s Churches. j Union, ------- 1 80 } St. Paurs, 1 50 3 30 } \ From Rev. J. /S. JIeUi(/\s' Churr/tes. / \ St. Enoch, 3 50 ) ^ 8alem .--..-. 70 4 20 > Vacant Churches. ^ St. James' 4: oO ] Salisbury, 2 37^ \ Frieden's, 6 90—13 TTi ? Total, - - - - - »;T1 06i > J. SWICEG GOD, ) ^ \ J. PHILIP PIE, f ^''^- 5 26. Resolved^ That brother Philippic be excused from fnrtlier attendance at ^ this Synod. ) On motion, Synod adjourned till to-morrow morning half ) past eight o'clock. Closed with prayer by the President. ] SIXTH SESSION. > I Wedbusdciy Morning half after 8 oclocly. ' > Synod met, after prayer the roll was cal]e<1 and the mem- ( ) bers answered to their names. Tlie minutes were read and ^ ; coniirmed. \ \ The third item in the President's Pcport was taken up > ) and disposed of as follows : ) r 27. Resolved, That the congregations in the bounds of this Synod be ar- ) ) ranged into Pastoral Districts. ) ( 26 MINUTES OF SYNOD. THE PLAIS". Whereas^ Tliis Synod has resolved on tlie expediency of formino^ the Cono:re2:ations in its hounds into reo:ular Pas- toral Districts, therefore Resolved, That a Convention be called by this Synod consisting of one Lay Representative from each Congregation numbering two Imndi-ed members or less, and of two Representatives from each Congregation numbering more than two hundred, and that said Representatives be elected by their respec- ) tive Congregations. S Rcsolced, That said Convention shall take into consideration the expedien- \ cy of dividing the Congregations into Pastoral Districts, and if practicable, proceed to distinct them ; and that their action shall be final a^ to their pre- ; sent arrangement — Synod claiming the right in future to change or alter said ( Pastoral Districts, and that said Convention report the result of its action to ) the next annual meeting, of Synod. , 28. Resolved, That the $1 20 cents Centenary money from Bethel Church ( be added to the Centenary Fund, transferred by Synod to the Endowment ) Fund of ^ye.■;toru Carolina ^lale Academy. ( THE COMMITTEE ON LETTERS REPORTED. ' The Committee on Letters would report, that the only one that came into , their hands, is from brother Artz, in which he states that circumstances be- S 3ond his control, render his attendance at the present meeting of Synod im- practicable, and asks to be excused. He also encloses his Parochial Report, and a contribution for Synod from Zion Church, to which he preaches twice I a month, and requests that the Secretary send to his address the number of ) copies of the printed minutes to which his contribution may entitle him. (| Your Committee recommend that he be excused, and that his wishes be ^ complied with. ) Submitted with deference, ) JOHN D. SCHECK, . L. B. KRIMMIXGER, < Adopted. WM. H. SMITH. ; The Coniniittee api)ointed to settle with Centenary Trea- the luuend- S nient of our Constitution, met hy the following: ) 30. Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed to reviJ-e and amend ) our Constitution, so as to meet our rchition to AVestcrn Carolina Male Acade- J, my, and report at our next annual meeting. ^ Cmnmitiee—Yxay. Joseph A. Linn, Iwev. J. S. Ileilig and \ M. Barrier, Esq. \ The Report of the Conmiittee on the Presidents Lieport, was tlien adopted as a whole. An appeal from tlie decision of the Council of Inion Church, by David IJarringer, Esq., having been laid before this ^ynod, a Committee was appointed to investigate that > subject, who in due time nuide the following report : | The Committee to whom was referred the difficulty presented in item se- cond of report on appeals, take pleasure in stating that the matter has been amicably adjusted to the satisfaction of both parties. Respectfully submitted, .J. S. IIEILIG, MATHIAS BARRIER, Adopted. PETER HARTMAN. THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE REPORTED. Your Committee of Finance beg leave to report that they have examined -; the reports of the several Treasurers, to wit : 1. In reference to the report of the Treasurer of the Seminary Fund, they find that he has reported twenty-five cents more interest than is due Synod. ( 2. They find that the reports of the Treasurer of the Synod and of the Centenary Fund are correct. 3. Your Committee have also receive PKTHll HART. MAN, Adopted. JOHNSLU(^P. i^. 'M 28 MINUTES OF SYNOD. 31. Resolved, That this twenty-five cents be refunded to the Treasurer. 32. Resolved, That the interest of the Seminary Fund, amounting to sixty dollars and ninety-six cents, be by the President forwarded to the Seminary Treasurer of the Theological Seminary, at Lexington. South Carolina, by the earliest opportunity. On motion, brother Hartman, Lay Delegate, was excused from further attendance at this Synod. On motion, Synod took a recess of one hour. RECESS. After recess, brother Arey called for the sense of Synod on chapter 0, section 5, of Fonnula. Upon which it was 33. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Synod, that in a vacant charge composed of more Congregations than one, said Congregations, according to the aforesaid Chapter and Section, shall hold their election for a Pastor in their respective Churches. But 34. Resolved, That in the judgment of this Synod, b}' mutual consent of several Congregations constituting a pastorate, said Congregations may meet at some central point agreed upon for the election of a Pastor. Brother Arey asked and obtained leave of absence. REPORT OF THE COMMFrTEE OX UNFINISHED BUSINESS. The Committee on Unfinished Business would submit the following items : Item first refers to the appointment of a Committee to investigate the com- plaint of the Church Council of the Congregation in Salisbury, against the Rev. John D. Scheck. ' Item second, refers to a preamble and resolutions recommending a Semi- / Centenary Celebration, with a view mainly, to obtain donations to Western ( Carolina Academy. ') Your Committee would recommend the above to the consideration of this } Body. Respectfully submitted, } JOHN S. HEILIG, } HENRY DEAL, > P. HARTLY. MINUTES OF SYNOD. 29 35. Rejio/reff, That the subject specified in item first, be referred to a Com- mittee of Arbitration, composed of three person.^, one to be chosen on the part of the Council in Salisbury, and one on the part of the Rev. .John D. Scheck, and that tliey select a third to meet in Salisbury at an early day to settle the subject of complaint, and report to Synod at its next annual mectinfr. In relation to tlie second item, it ^va^^ 30. Resolved, That we now proceed to provide ways and Means for the building of Western Carolina Male Academy, and all necessary buildings thereto appertaining. 37. Re^solved, That we most earnestly rcc(»mmend that each Minister of this Synod, by the earliest possible convenience, call on his Congregations for sub- scriptions and donations for Western Carolina Male Academy. 38. Resolved further, That said Ministers report the result of their effort?' to the Board of Directors by the first day of September next. The whole Keport was then adopted. Leave of absence was granted to brother Sloop, from the future sessions of this Synod. Brother Henry Deal was also excused. 39. Rejiolved, That ever hereafter, all the Treasurers of the diifereut Funds under the control of this Synod, and also the President of the Board of Di- rectors of Western Carolina Male Academy, be received as advisory members of this Synod,, and that this be a standing resolution. On motion. Synod adjoumed till to-morrow morning half past eight o'clock. Closed with the benediction. SEVENTH SESSION. Thursduf/j May 4, 1854. , Synod met according to adjournment, and engaged as ; usual in religious exercises. After the roll was called, the minutes were read and conlirmed. The subject of Vacant Congi-egations nuw came up for consideration. In relation tn the Clnirch in Salisbury, it { was m 30 mNUTES OF SYNOD. 40. Resolved, That we recommend the Congregation to continue the labors of brother Harter, till they can make better arrangements. Wher^L-'S^ tliis Synod, at its meeting in Frieden's Cluircli, Gnilford Connty, did form a Pastoral District comprising tlie folio \ving Clmrclies, viz : Frieden's, Richland and Zion's Clmrclies, and in view of the action of the present Synod S providing for the districting of all our Churches into Pas- ^ torates by a Convention, therefore ^ 41. Resolved, That the aforesaid Pastorate is hereby dissolved. ) { In relation to the Church at JSTewton, X. C, it was ) 42. Resolved, That a protracted meeting be held there, commencing on ( (! Thursday evening preceding the third Sunday in July next, to be attend- ^ \ ed by Rev. S. Scherer, Rev. John D. Scheck, Rev. L. C. Groseclose, Rev. W. <^ \ G. Barter, and as many others as can attend. ( \ TJie Eeport i)f tlie Committee on Petitions and Yacan- ( ) cies, was then adopted as a whole. ( ) 43. Resolved, That the transcribing or copying into the Register the print- ; ed Minutes of this Synod, be hereafter dispensed with, and that the Secr<,'ta- l ry have bound a file of the printed minutes for the Archives. ( 44. Resolved, That an abstract of the proceedings of the Education and Missionary Society, be appended to the minutes of Synod. 45. Resolved, That when this Synod adjourns, it stand adjourned to meet ( again on Friday before the first Sabbath in May 1855, ) 46. Resolved, That it be the duty of each Minister in connection with this ^ Synod, to present with his Parochial Report a complete list of all the contri- \ butions of his charge to benevolent and local enterprises. (^ 47. Resolved, That twelve hundred copies of the Minutes of Synod be printed : that two copies be sent to each of the Synods with which we are in regular correspondence, and one to every other Lutheran Synod in the United States. Synod novr wont ijito an election for Corresponding Delegates to Sister Synods, which resulted in the choice of ) Rev. L. C. Groseclose, pi-incipal, and Rev. S. Scherer, alter- < nate to the South Carolina Synod. I MINUTES OK SYNOD. 31 ( \ Rev. Joseph A. Linn, princij^al, aud Kev. J. Swicegoocl, ^ alternate, to Western Virginia iSynod. 48. Resolved, That the Pastors of Bethel Church express our sincere tli:uiks to the members auil friends of Bethel Congi-egution for their kimluess ami hospitality extended to us, during our sojourn among them ; and that t\c unite in invoking Heaven's richest bk-ssing upon tlieni. 4U. liesolred, That >vc now proceed to determine by ballot, the place of the next annual meeting of Synod. Tavo places Avere put in nomination for the next meeting S of Synod, viz : Luther's Church, Eowan County, North Carolina, and Frederick Town, Davidson County, N . C. T^pon counting the votes, it a2)peared that Frederick Town was chosen as the next place of our meeting, in May 1855. The proposition of the Maryland Synod made to this and other Synods, in relation to the Lutheran Observer, was > taken up and considered, and the following resolution adop- ( ted: ) 50. Resolved, That -we appreciate the proposition of our brethren of the \ Maryland Synod relative to the Lutheran Observer, and will most cordially ) and cheerfully give it our support, yet for the present, we are not prepared ^ to take definite action upon the appointment of the proposed Committee. The minutes of to-day, were then read and ccniiirmed. 51. Resolved, That we now adjourn to meet at the time and place above specified. Closed with prayer hy the President. The foregoing is a faithful exhibit of the proceedings of \ the Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Lutheran \ Synod of Xorth Carolina. ! AVILLTAM GEORGE IIAIITEE, s Recording Secretary. 32 MINUTES OF SYNOD. ^ PROCEEDINGS OF THE MINISTERIUM. ^ FIRST SESSION. Saturday. May 6, 1854. ) halfjMst 2 o^dock F. 2f. \ The Ministeriniu met in obedience to tlie call of the Presi- dent, and commenced its business with singing and prayer by brother J. B. Anthony. The Sermon and Journal of Eev. John S. Heilig, were presented ; upon which it was 1. Resolved, That the Sermon and Journal of brother Heilig, be referred to a Committee for examination and report. Committee — Eev. L. C. Groseclose and Eev. J. Crim. 2. Resolved, That we now adjourn, subject to the call of the President. Dismissed with a benediction. SECOND SESSION. ; Wednesday Morning^ 8 ^odock. \ The Ministerium met. After prayer by brother Crim, < the roll was called, and the brethren answered to their > names. The minutes of the preceding session were read < and confirmed. \ Tlie Committee to whom were referred the Sermon and ' \ Journal of brother Heilig, reports the following : ' ) 1. From ihe abstract of his Journal, in our hands, he appears to have been * I actively engaged during the last Synodical year in preaching, catechising, < ■( and performing the various other duties incumbent upon the Gospel Minister. \ \ '2. In reg.^.rd t.. the Sermon, we remark, tliat the theme is benevolence — is < MmLTia UF SYNOD. 33 ) clearly set forth, uuturally arranged, and the ideas clothed in perspicuous and ^ \ appropriate language. The wiutle sermon evinces* patient thought, and the ) ( selection of appropriate scripture illustrations. ^ ) The reading of this sermon, together with his journal, and the time he has ^ \ been licensed, suggest to your Committee the propriety of recommending '^ ) brother Heilig to an examination before the .Ministerium with a view to hi« ^ ) ordination. Respectfully suhniitted, \ } L. C. GKUSECLOSE, < S Adopted. JACOB CKIM. i S 8. Resolved, That a Committee of two, consisting of the President and J. ^ k A. Linn, be appointed to conduct the examination of brother J. S. Heilig, with ( ) a view to his ordination. ^ 4. Resolved, That we adjourn, subject to the call of the President. ^ Closed with a benediction. I THIRD SESSION. i Opened with prayer by brother Groseclose. Tlie roll was J called, and the members of the Ministerium answered to i I their names. Tlie minutes were read and confinned. ; I Brother J. S. Heilig was now introduced for examination \ I according to the recommendation of the Committee on his < ( Sennon and Journal. After a lengthy examination of the < \ candidate upon constitutional subjects, it was ( Resolved, That the examination now close. S The question of ordination was then decided by ballot in S the affirmative. 6. Resolved, That brother John S. Heilig's ordination be performed by the Officers of this Ministerium in St. Enoch's Church, on the fourth Sabbath of August, and this meeting be attended by ae many of the ministerial brethren as can make it convenient so to do. 7. Resolved, That we now adjourn. ( Closed with a benediction. ^ WILLIAM G. UARTER, \ Secretary of the Minuteriura. y 34 ' MINUTES OF SYNOD. PRESIDENT'S REPORT. Dear Brethren — On Monday next fifty Ecclesiastic years will have passed away, since the organization of the Evan- gelical Lutheran Synod of Korth Carolina, in the Town ^ of Salisbury, Eowan County. The two preceding days were employed in holding a meeting in Pine Church, (now Union) and on Monday the Ministers adjourned to Salisbury to organize said Synod. And now, at this far distant day, secluded from the scenes and tumult of the outer world, and far away from the din of strife and war, in the enjoyment of peace and plenty, we meet again to unite our prayers, our councils and deliberations for the glory of God, and the prosperity of our beloved Zion. " And are we j'et alive, And see each other's face ? Glory and praise to Jesus give For his redeeming grace ! Preserved by power Divine To full salvation here, Again in Jesus praise we join, And in his sight appear. What troubles have we seen ! What conflicts have we pass'd ! Fightings without and fears within. Since we assembled last." ^. 5:. MINUTKS OF SYNOD. 35 ) Among the many obligations originating in our present J > cajmoity, is that of gratitude to God. To praise him for liis ) J goodness should be our tii-st and last ])usiness <>n this occa- i^ N sion. Amid the vari-oiis vicissitudes of the i)aBt SyuQdical \ ) year, deatli has not been permitted to make any inroads in \ our Ministerial rmiks, and by far a less number of the l.aity > s of our Church have been removed fix>m our midst. . ) Incompliance with our Synodical Constitution, I proceed < to give an account of the sacred ti'ust,, by you committed to > my liands, during the year which is now closed. I OFFICIAL ■ 1. Vacancies and Supplies. — Sometime after tlie ad- ^^ journment of our last meeting of Synod, I received a note from Eev. S. Scherer, infonning me that he had taken charge of St. Michael's and St. Paul's Pastorate, Iredell ) County, for six months, with a view to a permanent supply. ; Belie^'ing that they had become harmonized, and that ,) tlie spirit of the 10th resolution found in your last minutes ^ ) as your recommendation to them, was carried into effect. > ) But since then, he has informed me, that, for reasons satis- } ) factory to himself, he has suspended labor at St. Michael's I Church, but continues to preach at St. PauFs. Inasnmch I as this is an established Pastorate, and to resign one and |) not both would seemingly conflict with your last action ta- J ken in regard to them, it may, therefore, be im]>(u*tant that , I brother Scherer state his reasons to this body for suspending ( labor at said Church. s ) J Quite recently, brother Scherer informed me, tliat he had ) J taken charge of Frieden's Church, Guilford County, and ^ '} engaged to supply them with monthly j^reaching. ) In the month of October last, Kev. William G. Jlarter wr ( 3^ MINUTES OF SYNOD. ) service. The congregation nmnbering at that time, sixty ) communicant members. i I am also informed that brother Arey has in part organ- ) ized a new congregation in the Southern part of Iredell i County. ■ informed me that he had resigned St. Jamer^' Church, Con- \ > cord, Cabarrus County. This Church is still vacant and ) } should be soon supplied. C ( In February last, Re\\ John Swieegood informed me by } ( letter, that he had taken chay«re of the followins: Churches, > ^ viz : Richland, Randolph County, St. Paul's, Alamance > ^ County, and Lau's Guilford County. S I 2. Church Extension. — Under date of last November / ^ 21st, I received a communication from brother Harter, in /" \ which lie states, that on the fifth Sabbath of October pre- \ ? ceding, the new Church, known as Mount Carmel, was dedi- > \ cated to God. Rev. J. D. Sclieck assisted in the dedication y \ : OUR LITERARY IXSTITUTIOK. ; We have ever regarded the establishment of such an In {^ stitution, within the limits of our Synod, as a most impor } tant and essential instrumentality to the prosperity of said ) ^ Synod, — the extension of her borders, and an increased in- ) } telligence among our Laity. We are happy in the realiza- ^ tion of our wishes, to say that it is no more among the ,' things to be contemplated or desired, but that it lias an ex- > istence in a living and growing form. I In the providence of God it has been committed to our ) care — to bear in mind the claims it has upon us, to antici- '( pate its wants, and as a dutiful parent to water it with our I ardent prayers and increased liberality. Inasmuch as we I have a Board of Directors, who through its President will, f MINUTES OF 8YN0TX 37 accordiiiu^ to eonstitntioual requisition, make a full report of ) the success we have attained, we deem it unnecepsary in \ our present cai)acity to mention any of the details thereof. ) Tlie Committee of -Correspondence, appointed with a view to securing tlie services of some competent man as ]»rinci- pal Professor in said Institution have failed to he as suc- cessful as was suj>p(tsed, owing to the fact that men o^our ') preference are already occui)ying prominent stiitions in the j Church, and are loth t<> sever the long and ardent attach- ( ments formed, and leave the responsible amount of lah<;r { laid to their hands. We have, however, at length secured \ the promise of several competent and experienced Teachers, i who say, that if elected, they will serve us. Believing that ^ the time has come when we should proceed to make a judi- \ cious choice of a principal Professor, I would recommend an election during the present meeting of Synod to your most sincere and prayerful consideration. Believing also, that the spirit of the plan of a ''Semi- J Centenary Celebration," as recommended at your last Sy- • nod has not been carried into efiect generally, or at least \ failed to meet the wishes of many of its friends, the piinci- '! pal object of which was to secure "donations and subscrijj- { tions in aid of our Literary Institution," I would, therefore, I recommend that some plan be adopted at the present meet- ■: ing of Synod, by means of which a renewed and general \ effort shall be made throughout all our Churches vacant ? and sup[)lied. KECOMMENDATIOXS. Before I close, permit me to offer a few suggestions. It is a well known axiom in our Synod, that for years past, there has not that fraternal feeling existed among us, as Ministers of the Gospel, that slK>uld ever characterize so \- MINUTES OF SYNOD. sacred an office ; and that there is a consequent want of C!>»nliclence on the part of congregations in general^ for their respective Pastors. \ That this evil exists, is without doubt ; the proper proce- dure then, would be to discover the ulcer that onves this ) pa^'n, and apply the remedy. For the existence of such a spirit, we are not prepared to account in a direct manner, but feel convinced, that in most instances, they are attributable to secondary causes — found mainly to exist in the fact, that we have no regular established Pastorates. And when Syn- ; od,in her recommendatryry capacity^ would seem to favor the { union of certain Churches into a Pastorate, but little respect • is paid to said recommendation. We seem to act if all our ; Churches were thrown into one common mart, to be dispos- \ ed of upon the principles of a broker's office, the most sue- ( cessful jobber to be the incumbent for the time being. — { There being no consequent mutual restrictions thrown J around the Pastor and his Congregations, each at pleasure ' mav discard the other. Thus the Minister is isolated down to one meagre Church perhaps, left to perish ; or feeling '> that all Churches are common stock, he intermeddles with ) another's rights. ( Contra — a Minister discards a Church at pleasure and / .... . I leaves it in a situation not likely to be soon supplied, and < seeks another preferable elsewhere. From long observa- tion, we are prepared to attribute by far the majority of our / scenes of confusion, and instances of Ministenal unkindness ) to the above latitudinarian principles, established by mere^ ) force of circumstances, and not by good ecclesiastical policy. ; Now let the Synod act in her decla/rative capacity, by > means of constitutional restrictions. Let there be something / like an equality in Pastorates established, having reference MINUTKS OF SYNOD. 39 to numerical strength and wealth combined, ever giving to the j)eople the choice of their Pastor ; but at the same time 80 restricting tJuni that one congregation shall not at pleasure dismiss their Pastor without the consent of the others. Said consent to be obtained either by a majority vote, or which may be preferable, a vote upon the })rinciple of a ha! \ our Synod, the restless and unhappy spirit pervading many ) ) of our Churches, and frequent ruptures and disafFections Jj ) between Pastors and People would seldom recur. ^ \ Prompted by no other, than an honest and sincere wish ) < for the welfare and future prosperity of our beloved Zion, ) \ have I presented this subject to your prayerful considera- ) <* tion. I see nothing in our Synodical Constitutions, either ) ( General or Local, or in " Formula of Discipline " to debar <^ us from such a procedure. So long as the restrictions are ( mutual, and the majonty may rule, it is purely republican, \ and commends itself. J I would further suggest whether this might not be a suita- (■ ble time for taking some action relative to the amendment < of our Synodical Constitution, so as to meet the relations \ we owe to our Classical School, now under our care. ^ Brethren, in retiring from othce, I now tender to you my , 40 MINUTES OF SYNOD. J 5 sincere thanks for the confidence re2:>osed in me, and pray > that the Great Head of the Church may vouchsafe unto you 'f his grace. And as matters of grave and very seriout^ ira- ^ port will no doubt come before you for discussion and final ) action, let the guidance and enlightening influences of the ! Holy Spirit be given, to influence the heart and enlighten ) the mind. Tliat all our deliberations may be owned and I blessed of Heaven's King, and we in the end brought to i the " rest that remaineth for tlie people of God." i JOSEPH A. LIKN. \ \ May 5, 1854. < i Mim^TES OF SYNCm. 41 ) AN ABSTRACT OF THE PRO('EEl»L\(iS - oK Tin-: I ^BLiiifntiDii mill JUiiiiiiniuiri) $m\\] OF THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN SYNOD ; or < NOllTll CAROLINA. Pursuant to adjournment, the Education and Missionary {-• Society met on Monday two o'clock P. M., at Bethd Chvrch^ $ Sternly County^ North Carolina. ) Tlie object of tlie Society liaving ])een explained, the k members proceeded to the election of Officers, which re- < snlted as follows : \ Rev. JOIIK D. SCIIECK, President, " SIMEOX SCIIEEEK, Vice J 'resident, } " L. C. GROSECLOSE, Secretary, \ Mr. D. M. ISENIIOrPt, Treasurer. \ The Treasurer now presented his Annual Report, which < on motion, was referred to a Committee, consistins: <>f C. ( A. Ileilig and J. E. ILmeycutt, Es(jrs. \ A Committee was appointed to receive, count and i»ay '\ over to the Treasurer, the money collected at this meetinir, \ consisting of Kev. AV. G. Ilarter, and Capt. J. Sloop. \ 42 MINUTES OF SYNOD. The President then appointed the following Executive Committee, viz : Eev. S. Scherer, Rev. Wm. G. Harter, Rev. Joseph A. Linn, Rev. John Swieegood, and Rev. S. Rothrock. Also, a Board of Directors^ consisting of Capt, J. Sloop, \ L. B. Krimminger, Esq., C. A. Heilig, Esq., D. M. Isen- ( hour, M. Barrier, Esq., E. M. Correll, D. Barringer, Esq., ) George Misenheimer, Joseph Cook, Rev. Jacob Crim, P. ) Ridenhour, and J. E. Honeycutt. / A letter was read from Mr. C. Lentz, student at Roanoke / College, Virginia, making application for aid, as a benefi- ) ciarv. ( On motion, the application of Mr. Lentz, was referred to < the Executive Committee. ( ( The Executive Committee of last year reported as follows : ( As Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Education and Mission- ) ary Society, I would state, that the Committee held but one meeting during ^ the past year, at which it was by resolution, made the duty of the Chairman to ; correspond with the Rev. Dr. Schmucker relative to supplying our Missionary \ field with a graduated student from the Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, ( Pennsylvania. I did not, however, correspond with Dr. Schmucker, because ) I learned from the Rev. Mr. Hawkins, of Virginia, that all the graduates of # v \ last Fall, were already engaged to supply vacant places in the North. Your^ ( Committee have not been able to procui-e a Missionary. It is evident, that if / ^ our vacant Churches are to be supplied, this supply must come from our own ) { midst, and hence the sooner our Academy can be opened for the instruction ? \ of young men, at the earlier day will we be supplied with suitable men, not ) ) only to occupy our present field, but also to enlarge the boundary of the \ } same. Respectfully submitted, ) L. C. GROSECLOSE, Chairman. A motion to adjourn, subject to the call of the Presi- dent, now prevailed. Closed with a benediction. MKUTE8 OF 8TV0A. 48 SECOND SESSION. ;; TneHihtij, half after 2 P. M. }' The Society was called to order hy the President, and oi>eiied with prayer. On tuoti&n^ the reading of the mi mites of the formei* ses- / sion was dispensed with. J> The Committee on ccdlections antl contiihutiuns now j^re- \ . sented their report, which, in conseqnence of the contribu- ) tions not having all been paid in, was on motion, referred \ back to the Committee. Tlie Committee appointed to audit the Treasm-ers report. reported as follows : J Your Committee appointed to .-mdit the Treasurer's Report, luive exainin- ) ed snid report, and find it to conflict with the vouchers in his liand*^ in the S following items, viz : ) Reported Beneficiary Notes. . . . . $070 17 — Jj)(l7(> 17 ' Vouchers in Treasurer's hands, - . - . 400 00 Cash on hand, 76 70 Total vouchers and cash in Treasurer's hands, $476 70 476 70 Deficit, - - $201 47 \ For the above deficit we are unable to account. ^ Respectfull}- submitted. C. A. HEILIG, ) ,, ■„ J. E. nONEYCUTT, \ <^^'"""^^'"'- On motiim. a Committee was appointed to examine and correct, by former minutes, the discrepancy in the re]>ort of \ the Treasurer -of last year. { Committee — Kev. John S. lleilig and M. IJarrier, Esq, Rev. J. Swicegood asked of the Society a compensation for preachitig at Nazareth Church, Forsythe County, dur- ing the past year. This being a Missionary Field, it was. <;■ 44 MLNTTES OF SYNOD. < < on motion, agreed that he receive ten dollars — the amonnt bj him collected this year for Missionary pnrposes. Tlie President api^ointed the following brethren, (as prin- cipal and alternate) to preach the Missionary Sermon, viz : Key. William G. liai'ter, principal and Rey. John S. Hei- lig, alternate. ^ 0?i motion, the Society adjourned, subject to the call of the President. Closed with a benediction. THIRD SESSION. ^ , Wednesday, M. ( Tlie Society was called to order, and opened with prayer ( by Rey. J. Swicegood. The Committee appointed to re- i ceive and count the collections and contributions, reported ) as follows : ^ Collection on Sabbath, - - 819 65 \ " " Monday, - - - 19 TO ( Bethel Church, for Missionary Society, 3 00 < Williani G. Ilarter " " "^ 1 00—8^3 35 ( Cmitributions received throiKjh Rev. S. Scherer. <■ Foreign Missions, - - - - 83 70 < Donation, 1 00 < Education purposes, - - - - 50 85 20 ^ Heceived from Rev. L. C. Groseclose'' s Charge. \ Beck's Church, . . . . 80 \ M. Sink, Sr., - - - - - 2 00 G. Sink, 1 00 Philip Swicegood, Sr., - - - 3 00 Sandy Creek Church, - - - 3 62^^ Frederic Town Church, - - . 3 62^—14 05 MINUTES OF SYNOD. 4:5 Froin litv. J. SiolcegooiT s Charge. Richland Church, - - - - 1 S7i Low's, Church, - - - - 3 57 St. raul's Church, ... - ^ oo— 10 04i Froni Bev. J. Cnm's Chanjo. St. Matthew's Church, - - - 1 m\ Mineral Springs, - - - - 1 25 Bethel Church, . . - - 1 12*— 3 -135 From Bev. J. Ilt'dhja CJutrgt'. St. Enoch's Church, - - - - 2 8Ti Salem, 1 35 1 22i S Total S80 301 \ To which is added the amount of cash in the Treasurer's hands, 81 TO Total amount of cash in the Treasurer's hands, 8162 00 J Your Committee ascertained that the funds in the Treas- urer's hands have not yielded any profit to the Society dur- ing the past year. We therefore offer the following : Resolved, That the Treasurer endeavor to loan all monies which may not be called for by the Executive Committee, into safe hands, with a view of in- creasing our Treasury. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM G. HARTER, JOHN SLOOP. On motion^ Pwev John S. Ileilig, was appointed a Com- mittee to convey the money on hand and vouchers to the Treasurer of this Society. On vwtion^ the minutes were read and confirmed. On motion^ the Society now adjourned to meet at the 46 MINUTES OF SYNOD. ^) time and place of the next Annual Meeting of the Synod. \ Closed with prayer by the President. ) I certify that this is a true copy of the proceedings of this > Society. ,^ L. C. GROSECTOSE, Secretary. MINUTES OF SYNOD. 47 ( — s #ffittrs 0f S^mA Rev. SAMUEL ROTHROCK, President, '' AVM. G. HARTER, Pecardmg Secreta^^, " S. SCIIERER, Cm^responding Secretary, M. BARRIER, Esq., Treasurer, (l[)fftffri3 of tijr Hisfiionnri) $m% Rev. JOHN D. SCHECK, President, ^ " SIMEON SCIIERER, Vice President, ( '^ L. C. GROSECLOSE, Secretary, \ Mr. D. M. ISENHOUR, Treamrer, \ V'-