»>eco Tive. iov\A/i •D i rceto »« u o V f K e, v-,o n rcde/auto ofcxtex STEPHEN B..WEE1&S CUSS 0FB86.PED. THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY OF THE iotvhoty of woe camhuna TIE WEEKS COLLEOTTON OF sJS i US2>r M. RECORD AND PENSION OFFICE, WAR DEPARTMENT. EXECUTIVE- AND CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY OP THE CONFEDERATE STATES, 1861-1865. (COMPILED EPvOM OFFICIAL KECOKDS.) RECORD AND PENSION OFFICE. 18 9 9. EXECUTIVE AND CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, 1861-1865. (COMPILED FROM OFFICIAL RECORDS.) RECORD AND PENSION OFFICE. 18 9 9. (i) Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/executivecongresOOunit CONTENTS. Page. Executive officers 5 Congresses 5 Members of Provisional Congress 6 Senators of First Congress 8 Members of House of Representatives, First Congress 9 Senators of Second Congress 10 Members of House of Representatives, Second Congress 11 (3) DERATE STATES, 1861-1865. :ary of the treasury — cont'd, ge A. Trenholm, July 18, 1864. SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. ten R. Mallory, March 4, 1861. POSTMASTER-GENERAL. t T. Ellet, February 25, 1861 d appointment) . a. Reagan, March 6, 1861. SECRETARY OF WAR. P. Walker, February 21, 1861, nber 16, 1861. P. Benjamin, November 21, Vas also acting from Septem- 161, to November 21, 1861, and :ch 18, 1862, to March 23, 1862.) Gen. George W. Randolph, , 1862. en. Gustavus W. Smith (as- lporarily) , November 17, 1862. L Seddon, November 21, 1862. n. John C. Breckinridge, Feb- 365. ATE STATES. Adjourned March 16, 1861, ed May 21, 1861. .ugust 31, 1861. .ed same day. led February 17, 1862. Attorney-General is not as Governor of Alabama (5) ****** oti, A * "»G G °Py of °*y of ,. ^ssion , h ***Kith • ' i86 ^- f » c ^ed. B Y ' V TRo. RlTy , r »£ ft -GCftey '4ft r O'lfc, EXECUTIVE OFFICERS OF THE PRESIDENT. Jefferson Davis, February 18, 1861, and February 22, 1862. VICE-PRESIDENT . Alexander H. Stephens, February 18, 1861, and February 22, 1862. SECRETARY OF STATE. Robert Toombs, February 21, 1861. Robert M. T. Hunter, July 25, 1861, to February 17, 1862. William M. Browne (ad interim). Judah P. Benjamin, March 18, 1862. ATTORNEY-GENERAL. Judah P. Benjamin, February 25, 1861. Thomas Bragg, November 21, 1861. Thomas H. Watts, March 18, 1862. a Wade Keyes (ad interim). George Davis, January 2, 1864. SECRETARY OP THE TREASURY. Charles G. Memminger, February 21, 1861. CONFEDERATE STATES, 1861-1865. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY — cont'd. George A. Trenholm, July 18, 1864. SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. Stephen R. Mallory, March 4, 1861. POSTMASTER-GENERAL. Henry T. Ellet, February 25, 1861 (declined appointment). John H. Reagan, March 6, 1861. SECRETARY OF WAR. Leroy P. Walker, February 21, 1861, to September 16, 1861. Judah P. Benjamin, November 21, 1861. (Was also acting from Septem- ber 17, 1861, to November 21, 1861, and from March 18, 1862, to March 23, 1862.) Brig. Gen. George W. Randolph, March 18, 1862. Maj. Gen. Gustavus W. Smith (as- signed temporarily) , November 17, 1862. James A. Seddon, November 21, 1862. Maj. Gen. John C. Breckinridge, Feb- ruary 6, 1865. CONGRESSES OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. PROVISIONAL CONGRESS. First session. Assembled at Montgomery, Ala., February 4, 1861. Adjourned March 16, 1861, to meet second Monday in May. Second session (called) . Met at Montgomery, Ala., April 29, 1861. Adjourned May 21, 1861. Third session. Met at Richmond, Va., July 20, 1861. Adjourned August 31, 1861. Fourth session (called) . Met at Richmond, Va., September 3, 1861. Adjourned same day. Fifth session. Met at Richmond, Va., November 18, 1861. Adjourned February 17, 1862. «The date when Watts ceased to perform duty as Attorney-General is not definitely fixed by the records. He was inaugurated as Governor of Alabama December 2, 1863. (5) ■) FIRST CONGRESS. First session. Met at Richmond, Va., February 18, 1862. Adjourned April 21, 1862. Second session. Met at Richmond, Va., August 18, 1862. Adjourned October 13, 1862. Third session. Met at Richmond, Va., January 12, 1863. Adjourned May 1, 1863. Fourth session. Met at Richmond, Va., December 7, 1863. Adjourned February 17, 1864. SECOND CONGRESS. First session. Met at Richmond, Va., May 2, 1864. Adjourned June 14, 1864. Second session. Met at Richmond, Va., November 7, 1864. Adjourned March 18, 1865.^ Members of the Provisional Congress of the Confederate States from February 4, ) 1861, to February 17, 1862. ' ALABAMA. Richard W. Walker. Robert H. Smith. Jabez L. M. Curry. William P. Chilton. Stephen F.Hale. Colin J. McRae. John Grill Shorter. Thomas Fearn. a David P. Lewis, a Nicholas Davis, jr. b H.C.Jones, b Cornelius Robinson, c ARKANSAS. Robert W. Johnson, d Albert Rust, d Hugh F. Thornason. d W.W.Watkins.d Augustus H. Garland, d FLORIDA. J. Patton Anderson, e James B. Owens. Jackson Morton./ George T. Ward, g John P. Sanderson, h GEORGIA. Robert Toombs. Howell Cobb. Francis S. Bartow, i Martin J. Crawford. Eugenius A. Nisbet. Benjamin H. Hill. Augustus R. Wright. Thomas R. R. Cobb. Augustus H. Kenan. Alexander H. Stephens. Thomas M. Foreman. J Nathan Bass, k a Admitted February 8, 1861; resigned April 29, 1861. b Admitted April 29, 1861. c Admitted November 30, 1861; re- signed January 24, 1862. ^Admitted May 18, 1861. e Resigned May 2, 1861. /Admitted February 6, 1861. g Admitted May 2, 1861 ; resigned Feb- ruary 5, 1862. h Admitted February 5, 1862. £ Killed at Manassas, Va., July 21, 1861. . j Admitted August 7, 1861. k Admitted January 14, 1862. KENTUCKY. Thomas B. Monroe, a Henry C. Burnett, a Thomas Johnson, b John J. Thomas, c Theodore L. Burnett, c Daniel P. White, d L. H. Ford, e George B. Hodge./ John M. Elliott, g George W. Ewing. h LOUISIANA. John Per kins, jr. Alexander De Clouet. Duncan F. Kenner. Edward Sparrow. Henry Marshall. Charles M. Conrad, i MISSISSIPPI. Wiley P. Harris. Walker Brooke. William S. Wilson, j William S. Barry. James T. Harrison. Alexander M. Clayton, k J. A. P. Campbell. John A.Orr. I Alexander B. Bradford, m George G. Vest, n Casper W. Bell, n Aaron H. Conrow. n Thomas A. Harris, o John B. Clark, o Robert L. Y. Peyton, p NORTH CAROLINA. George Davis, q W. W. Avery, q W. N. H. Smith, q Thomas D. McDowell, r A. W. Venable. q John M. Morehead. q R. C. Puryear. q A. T. Davidson, q Burton Craige. s Thomas Ruffin. t SOUTH CAROLINA. R. Barnwell Rhett, sr. Robert W. Barnwell. Lawrence M. Keitt. James Chesnut, jr. Charles G. Memminger. W. Porcher Miles. Thomas J. Withers. William W. Boyce. James L. Orr. u TENNESSEE. Robert L. Caruthers. v Thomas M. Jones, v J. H. Thomas, v John F. House, v John D. C. Atkins. 10 David M. Currin. « W. H. De Witt, x TEXAS John Gregg, y Thomas N. Waul, z William B. Ochiltree, z John H. Reagan, aa Williamson S. Oldham, aa John Hemphill, bb Louis T. Wigfall. I a Admitted December 16, 1861. o Admitted b Admitted December 18, 1861. p Admitted c Admitted December BO, 1861. g Admitted d Admitted January 2, 1862. r Admitted e Admitted January 4, 1862. s Admitted /Admitted January 11, 1862. t Admitted g Admitted January 15, 1862. u Admitted h Admitted February 14, 1862. v Admitted i Admitted February 7, 1861. w Admitted /Resigned April 29, 1861. a? Admitted k Admitted February 8, 1861 ; resigned y Admitted May 11, 1861. z Admitted I Admitted April 29, 1861. aa Admitted m Admitted December 5, 1861. bb Admitted n Admitted December 2, 1861. uary 4, 1862. December 6, 1861. January 22, 1862. July 20, 1861. July 22, 1861. ' Julv 23, 1861. July 25, 1861. February 17, 1862. August 12, 1861. August 13, 1861. August 16, 1861. February 15, 1861. February 19, 1861. March 2, 1861. March 2, 1861 ; died Jan- John W. Brockenbrough. a Waller R. Staples, a Robert M. T. Hunter, b William C. Rives, c James A. Seddon. d William B. Preston, d W. H. Macfarland. d Charles W. Russell, d Virginia — continued. Robert Johnston, d Robert E. Scott, e Walter Preston, e Thomas S. Bocock./ James M. Mason, g Roger A. Pry or. g Alexander'R. Boteler. h John Tyler, i (Granville H. Oury -was recognized as the delegate from Arizona Territory, from January 18, 1862.) Senators of the First Congress of the Confederate States from February IS, 1862, to February 17, IS64. ALABAMA. Clement C. Clay, jr.,/ William L. Yancey, k Robert Jemison, jr. Z ARKANSAS. Robert W. Johnson. Charles B. Mitchel. Augustus E. Maxwell. James M. Baker. GEORGIA. Benjamin H. Hill. John W. Lewis, m Herschel V. Johnson, n KENTUCKY. William E. Simms. Henry C. Burnett, o LOUISIANA. Edward Sparrow. Thomas J. 8emva.es. j MISSISSIPPI. Albert G. Brown. James Phelan.j MISSOURI. John B. Clark. Robert L. Y. Peyton. p Waldo P. Johnson, q NORTH CAROLINA. George Davis, r William T. Dortch. Edwin G. Reade. s SOUTH CAROLINA. Robert W. Barnwell. James L. Orr. TENNESSEE. Landon C. Haynes. Gustavus A. Henry. Williamson S. Oldham. Louis T. Wigfall. Robert M. T. Hunter. William B. Preston, t Allen T. Caperton. u a Admitted & Admitted c Admitted d Admitted e Admitted /Admitted g Admitted h Admitted i Admitted nary 18, 1862. j Admitted k Admitted 28, 1863. May 7, 1861. May 10, 1861. May 13, 1861. July 20, 1861. July 22, 1861. July 23, 1861. July 24, 1861. November 27, 1861. August 1, 1861 ; died Jan- February 19, 1862. March 27, 1862 ; died July I Admitted December 28, 18C3. 7ft Admitted April 7, 1862. Appointed by the Governor. n Admitted January 19, 1863. o Admitted February 26, 1862. p Died December 19, 1863. g: Admitted December 24, 1863. Ap- pointed by the Governor. r Resigned January 22, 1864. s Admitted January 22, 1864. Ap- pointed by the Governor. t Died January 15, 1863. u Admitted January 26, 1863. Members of the House of Representatives of the First Congress of the Confederate States from February 18, 1862, to February 17, I864. ALABAMA. E. S. Dargan. William P. Chilton. James L. Pugh. Jabez L. M. Curry. John P. Ralls. David Clopton. Francis S. Lyon. Thomas J. Foster, a William R. Smith, b ARKANSAS. Felix I. Batson. Grandison D. Royston. Augustus H. Garland. Thomas B. Hanly. James B. Dawkins. Robert B. Hilton. John M. Martin, d Augustus H. Kenan. Hines Holt, e Augustus R. Wright. Lucius J. G-artrell. William W. Clark. Robert P. Trippe. David W. Lewis. Hardy Strickland. Charles J. Munnerlyn./ Julian Hartridge.gr Porter Ingram, h KENTUCKY. Willis B. Machen. John W. Crockett. Henry E. Read. George W. Ewing. Horatio W. Bruce. James W. Moore. Robert J. Breckinridge, jr. John M. Elliott. Theodore L. Burnett, a James S. Chrisman. i Ely M. Bruce.,/ George B. Hodge, k LOUISIANA. Duncan F. Kenner. Charles J. Villere. John Perkins, jr. Charles M. Conrad. Henry Marshall. Lucien J. Dupre. MISSISSIPPI. Ethelbert Barksdale. John J. McRae. J. W. Clapp. Israel Welsh. Otho R. Singleton. Reuben Davis. Henry C. Chambers, a William D. Holder. I MISSOURI. Casper W. Bell. George G. Vest. Aaron H. Conrow. William M. Cook. Thomas W. Freeman. Thomas A. Harris. NORTH CAROLINA. Robert R. Bridgers. Owen R. Kenan. Thomas D. McDowell. Thomas S. Ashe. J. R. McLean. William Lander. Burgess S. Gaither. A. T. Davidson. W. N. H. Smith, a Archibald H. Arrington. m SOUTH CAROLINA. William W. Boyce. William Porcher Miles. Milledge L. Bonham. n John McQueen. James Farrow. Lewis M. Ayer. o William D. Simpson. p TENNESSEE. David M. Currin. Henry S. Foote. Thomas Menees. a Admitted February 19, 1862. b Admitted February 21, 1862. c Resigned December 8, 1862. d Admitted March 25, 1863. e Resigned previous to January 12, 1864. /Admitted February 22, 1862. g Admitted March 14, 1862. & Admitted January 12, 1864. Suc- ceeded Hines Holt. i Admitted March 3, 1862. j Admitted March 20, 1862. fc Admitted August 18, 1862. I Admitted January 21, 1864, Reuben Davis, resigned, m Admitted February 20, 1862. n Resigned January 17, 1863. o Admitted March 6, 1862. p Admitted February 5, 1863. 10 Tennessee — continued. George W. Jones. William G. Swan. William H. Tibbs. E. L. Gardenhier. Jolm V. Wright. Joseph B. Heiskell. John D. C. Atkins, a Meredith P. Gentry. & John A. Wilcox, c Peter W. Gray. Caleb C. Herbert. William B. Wright. M. D. Graham. Frank B. Sexton. John R. Chambliss. James Lyons. Roger A. Pry or. d Thomas S. Bocock. John Goode, jr. Daniel C. De Jarnette. William Smith, e Virginia — continued. Alexander R. Boteler. Waller R. Staples. Walter Preston. Albert G. Jenkins./ Robert Johnston. Charles W. Russell. James P. "Holcombe.gr John B. Baldwin, h Charles F. Collier, i Samuel A. Miller./ David Funsten. k Muscoe R. H. Garnett. I TERRITORIES. ARIZONA. Marcus H, Macwillie. m CHOCTAW NATION. Robert M. Jones, n CHEROKEE NATION. Elias C. Boudinot. o Senators of the Second Congress of the Confederate States from May 2, IS64. to March 18, 1S65, date of adjournment of the second session. ALABAMA. Robert Jemison, jr. Richard W. Walker. ARKANSAS. Charles B. Mitchel.p Robert W. Johnson. Augustus H. Garland, q Augustus E. Maxwell. Jam«s M. Baker. Benjamin H. Hill. Herschel V. Johnson, r KENTUCKY. Henry C. Burnett. William E. Simms. LOUISIANA. Thomas J. Semmes. Edward Sparrow. MISSISSIPPI. Albert G. Brown. John W. C. Watson. MISSOURI. Waldo P. Johnson. Georere G Vest, s a Admitted March 8, 1862. b Admitted March 17. 1862. c Died February 7, 1864. d Resigned April 5, 1862. e Resigned April 6, 1863. f Resigned August 5, 1862. g Admitted February 20, 1862. h Admitted February 27, 1862. i Admitted August 18. 1862. j Admitted February 24, 1863. k Admitted December 7, 1863. I Admitted February 21, 1862. m, Admitted March 11, 1862. n Admitted January 17, 1863. o First appears on roll January 8 , 1864. pDied previous to November 8, 1864. q Admitted November 8, 1864. Suc- ceeded Senator Mitchel. r Admitted May 24. 1864. s Admitted January 12, 1865. Ap- pointed by the Governor. 11 NORTH CAROLINA. William T. Dortch. William A. Graham. SOUTH CAROLINA. James L. Orr. Robert W. Barnwell. TENNESSEE. Landon C. Haynes. Gustavus A. Henry. Williamson S. Oldham. Louis T. Wigfall. Robert M. T. Hunter. Allen T. Caperton. Members of the House of Representatives of the Second Congress of the Confeder- ate States from May 2, 186 4, to March 18, 1865, date of adjournment of the second session. ALABAMA. M. H. Cruikshank. William P. Chilton. David Clopton. James L. Pugh. James S. Dickinson. Francis S Lyon, a Thomas J. Foster, b William R. Smith, c ARKANSAS. Augustus H. Garland, d Thomas B. Hanly. Rufus K. Garland, c Felix I. Batson. e David W. Carroll./ FLORIDA. Robert B. Hilton. S. St. George Rogers, g Julian Hartridge. William E. Smith. Mark H. Blandford. Clifford Anderson. John T. Shewmake. Joseph H. Echols. James M. Smith. George N. Lester. Hiram P. Bell. Warren Akin. W KENTUCKY. Willis B.Machen. Henry E.Read. James S. Chrisrnan. Theodore L. Burnett. Horatio W. Bruce. Humphrey Marshall. Ely M. Bruce. James W. Moore. Benjamin F.Bradley. George W. Triplet*. George W. Ewing. h John M. Elliott, h LOUISIANA. Charles J. Villere. Charles M. Conrad. Lucien J.Dupre. John Perkins, jr. Benjamin L. Hodge, i Duncan F. Kenner. i Henry Gray, j MISSISSIPPI. John A. Orr. Israel Welsh. Henry C. Chambers. Ethelbert Barksdale. John T. Lampkin. William D. Holder, a Otho R. Singleton, k MISSOURI. John B. Clark. I Thomas L. Snead. m a Admitted May 4, 1864. 6 Admitted May 6. 1864. c Admitted May 21. 1864. d Elected to Senate November 8, 1864. e Admitted November 8. 1864. /Admitted January 11, 1865. # Admitted May 3, 1864. h Admitted May 24, 1864. i Admitted May 25, 1864. j Admitted December 28, 1864, vice Hodge, deceased. fc Admitted May 9, 1864. I Admitted June 10, 1864. m Admitted November 7, 1864. 12 Missouri— continued. Aaron H. Conrow. a George G. Vest, b Robert A. Hatcher, a Peter S. Wilkes, c N.L.Norton, d NORTH CAROLINA. W.N.H. Smith. . James T. Leach. Josiah Turner, jr. John A. Gilmer. James M. Leach. Burgess S. Gaither. George W. Logan. James G. Ramsay. Thomas C. Fuller. Robert R. Bridgers. e SOUTH CAROLINA. William Porcher Miles. William D. Simpson. James Farrow. William W. Boyce. Lewis M. Ayer. James H. Witherspoon./ TENNESSEE. Joseph B. Heiskell. William G. Swan. Arthur S. Colyar. John P. Murray. Henry S. Foote. Edwin A. Keeble. Thomas Menees. John D. C. Atkins. John Y. Wright, j James McCallum. g Michael W. Cluskey. a David M. Currin. h A. M. Branch. Frank B. Sexton. Simpson H. Morgan, i John R. Baylor. J Stephen H. Darden. d Caleb C. Herbert, d VIRGINIA. Robert L.Montague. Robert H.Whitfield. Thomas S. Gholson. Thomas S. Bocock. John Goode, jr. William C. Rives. Je Daniel C. De Jarnette. John B. Baldwin. Waller R. Staples. Fayette McMullen. Robert Johnston. Charles W. Russell. David Funsten. g Samuel A. Miller, g Frederick W. M. Holliday. I Williams C. Wickham. a TERRITORIES. ARIZONA. Marcus H. Macwillie. CHEROKEE NATION. Elias C. Boudinot. CHOCTAW NATION. Robert M. Jones. CREEK AND SEMINOLE NATIONS. S. B. Callahan, m a Admitted November 7, 1864. 6 Admitted November 7, 1864. pointed Senator January 12, 1865. c Admitted November 8, 1864. d Admitted November 21, 1864. e Admitted May 24, 1864. / Admitted May 5, 1864. g Admitted May 3, 1864. h Died May 21, 1864. Ap- % Admitted May 21, 1864. uary 16, 1865. j Admitted May 25, 1864. k Resigned March 1, 1865. I Admitted May 4, 1864. m Admitted May 30, 1864. Died Jan- UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00032725846 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION