BOOK CARD l\ Please keep this card in -g book pocket <*> = THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA ENDOWED BY THE DIALECTIC AND PHILANTHROPIC SOCIETIES .S76 1873 THE STRANGE ADVENTURES OF A PHAETON. BY WILLIAM BLACK, AUTHOR OF "A DAUGHTER OF HETH," ETC. ETC. ILLUSTRATED BY S. E. WALLER. Jtcwbou : MAO MILL AN AND CO. 1873. \ /'It ' Right of T rami a' urn and Reproduction is reserved.] Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 E. W. S. 1 look back on a journey which was made pleasant by the fancy that you might have been with me; I look fomvard to another and longer journey rendered beautiful by the hope that you may be with me ; and I find this book between. What can I do with it but lay it at your feet, and ask you, as you look over its pages, and smile at the distorted vision of yourself you may find there, to forgive the rude and graceless outlines that were meant to portray one of the most innocent, tender, and beautiful souls God has ever given to the world? The blind man, who has never seen the stars, dreams of them, and is happy. And if he should be cured of his blindness, and get to know the stars and become familiar with all the majesty and tvonder of them., will he look with much contempt on those imperfect pictures of them he had formed in the time of his loneliness and ignorance ? I think not ; and that is the excuse I have for offering to you this book, knowing that you will look charitably on these gropings in the dark, for the sake of the love and admiration that prompted them. CONTENTS. CHAP. PAGE I. OUR BELL '. . 1 IT. A LUNCHEON IN HOLBORN 8 III. " PRINZ EUGEN, DER EDLE RITTER " 24 IV. ARTHUR VANISHES 35 V. QUEEN TITANIA AFLOAT 50 VI. A GIFT OF TONGUES 66 VII. ATRA CURA 88 VIII. NEAR WOODSTOCK TOWN 108 IX. A MOONLIGHT NIGHT 120 X. THE AVENGER 135 XI. SOME WORCESTER SAUCE ......... 146 XII. THE RIVALS 158 XIII. SAVED 175 XIV. A SHREWSBURr PLAT 190 XV. " LA PATRIE EN DANGER " 203 XVI. OUR UHLAN OUT-MANCEUVRED 215 XVII. IN THE FAIRY GLEN 232 XVIII. THE COLLAPSE 242 XIX. THE WHITE OWLS OF GARSTANG 256 xx. chloe's garland 276 XXI. ALL ABOUT WINDERMERE 291 viii CONTENTS. CHAP. PAG XXII. ON CAVIARE AND OTHER MATTERS 301 XXIIT. AT NIGHT ON GRASMERE 317 xxiv. Arthur's song 328 XXV. ARMAGEDDON 339 XXVI. THE LAST OF GRASMERE 3f) XXVII. ALONG THE GRETA 36 XXVIII. " ADE ! " 375 XXIX. OVER THE BORDER . 383 XXX. TWEED SIDE 396 xxxi. our epilogue 408 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. ix Richmond park .......... Frontispiece. castor and pollux Vignette.