Easter in §akm By Wm. A. Blair THE FIRST EARLY EASTE% MORNINg SERVICE ON THE HERRNHUT GOD'S ACRE April 13, 1732 "In the young men's meeting on April 12th we were of one mind that on Easter Day we would go to our Resting Place upon the Hutberg before the rising of the sun; which was done before four o'clock on the morn- ing of the 13th. Later, when we had spent an hour and a half in singing on the Hut- berg, and had returned, a song and prayer service was held in the, Saal." (Croeger, Volume I, page 224.) lEaate r tn Salem "Tomb, thou shalt not hold him longer; Death is strong, but life is stronger; Stronger than the dark, — the light; Stronger than the wrong, — the right; Faith and Hope triumphant say Christ will rise on Easter day." —Phillips Brooks Silent is the great visitor-thronged city. "Night's black mantle covers all alike 'Tis the witching hour of night; Orbed is the moon and bright, And the stars, — they glisten, glisten, Seeming with bright eyes to listen, — For what listen they?" Perhaps for the sweet song the angels sang; or, for the glad cho- rales that usher Easter in. Some two short hours since "The lonely moon From the slow-opening curtains of the clouds Walked in beauty to her midnight throne/ ' cr oo H the well-trained groups, with an- cient horns, stand here and there throughout the city's bounds. Sud- denly at the appointed hour, as if with one accord, the sacred hymns peal forth almost beneath the wait- ing windows of each home, gently yet solemnly calling all from sleep. "Hark! the numbers soft and clear Gently steal upon the ear" — from near at hand, from neighbor- ing square, "Now heard far off, so far as but to seem Like the faint exquisite music of a dream." * In every home, despite the hour, all now arise, then quietly to the tranquil square proceed, o'er which the tall church steeple casts a bene- diction, constant, tender, sweet. "Night's black mantle still covers all alike," but every eye is fastened on that old church door. Slowly, quietly, gen- tly, now at last it opens wide. The host of ushers, thronging choir and all the pastors of that faith, from all the province round, appear and disappear into the gathered throng. A moment later, then, a form erect, in priestly garb, a strik- ing face, a "good gray head which all men know," as if by magic cen- tres in the scene. Upon the portal all alone he stands, framed as it were in a great picture there. It is the Bishop, well beloved, "Whose preaching, but far more his practice wrought A living sermon of the truths he taught. " His voice, so clear, so marvelous, so sweet, sounds forth in tones of triumph and of joy that all may hear, the greeting apostolic, "The Lord is risen !" Oh, there's something in that voice and in that call that touches every heart and brings in thunder tones the hearty glad response, "The Lord is risen indeed!" Soon the great procession forms, and at its head u his office sacred, his credentials clear," the Bishop leads it on. In his footsteps "fol- low fast" one of the bands, and others, finding ^p laces h ere and there, play, antiphonally as they march. Through hallowed avenue and fair, the vast throng slowly makes its way, until a welcoming gate is found o'er which a sweet inscription ever says, "I am the Resurrection and the. Life." Beneath the arch the Bishop now has passed and in the centre of u the field and acre of our God," he takes his stand. From every blossom-covered grave there springs a fragrant, rich perfume, "And the fresh air of incense-breathing morn Doth wooingly embrace it." Night's candles have almost burned out, the day begins to break neath the "opening eyelids of the morn," and, in the east, a mellow light a promise brings, that soon the radiant sun, "God's crest upon his azure shield," will flame again upon the forehead of the morning sky. On what a scene, that none can e'er forget, will its first rays de- scend ! More than thirty thousand, in His image made, from many a city, town, and state, are standing, waiting there, in silence grave and in deep reverence wrapt. None fail to hear the Bishop's words. None can forget that service there. All feel the thrill of this great call be- fore the benediction comes,— "Glory be to Him who is the Resur- rection and the Life! He was dead and behold He is alive evermore; And he that believeth in Him, though he were dead, yet shall he live. Glory be to Him in the church which waiteth for Him, and in that which is around Him from ever- lasting to everlasting. Amen." But why stand you silent there? The multitude has gone, the ser- vice o'er. UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00034024617 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION Form No. A-368, Rev. 8/95 I 0* ' » 4 m I ^ ■