B ADDRESS BY KEMP P. BATTLE, LE. D. ON THE LIFE AND SERVICES OF Brigadier General Jethro Sumner, BATTLE GROUND OF Guilford Couri~ House, JULY 4TH. 1891. GREENSBORO: Reece & Elani, Book and Job Printers. i8qi. Ct)e Hibtarp of t!)e Qnit)et0itp of jfl5ottl) Carolina Collection of j^ort^ Caroliniana %\iiQ book toa0 presenUti ^ rt-V: Cp' ADDRESS b>«€«vcs*.^ KEMP P. BATTLE, LL. I) ON THE LIFE KND SERVICES Brigadier General Jethro Sumner, BATTLE GROUND OF Guilford Court House, JULY 4TH. 1891. GREENSBORO: Reece & Elam, Book and Job Printers. 1 891. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://www.archive.org/details/addressonlifeserOObatt The President of the Gjilford Battle-Grouud Com- pany, who, with wonderful energ;y and success, has been making green the memories of the warriors, who, on the 15th of March, 1781, 1 10 years ago, on this spot inflicted on the disciplined arm\^ of Cornwallis the blow which saved the Carolinas from slavery, has caused to be trans- ported the remains of General Jethro Sumner from, the wilds of Warren county to yonder green mound. The heavy stones, which by the care of his daughter, were over his dust, have been reverently taken down and as reverently re-erected here. It is my duty to-day to en- deavor to aid the noble efforts of our President in sweep- ing away the dust which has accumulated over the his- tory of this patriot of 1776. The task has not been an easy one. The facts of his career were only obtainable by diligent re-search through many manuscripts of a public nature and through numer- ous volumes relating to the history of Virginia and the Carolinas and of the United States. His Family Bible, his private papers, his correspondence with his intimate friends, have been in the vicissitudes of years irretrieva- bly lost. If I do not depict with such detail as you would like large parts of his career, you must attribute the fail- ure, not to want of industry on my part, but to the de- struction of the family records, so characteristic of this res'less, rapidly changing population of ours. We know nothing of Gen. JethroSumnersfamily in Eng- land, whence it came. It must have been one of respecta- bility and substance, (or we find his grand -father William Sumner becomiingafree-holderof Virginia soon after Wil- liam and Mary ousted from the English throne Mary's tyrannical father, James II. He came about the time of 4 i:ic I'Liiioval b\" the clK.-lcric Gn\-frn.i!- Xich^-l^-n v( ihc c:q->itr)l from JanustowTi to WilliamsburL; and (»f the fVtuncl- irig of till' >cc()ncl collcg'c in America, the noble old Wdl- liam and .\rar\-, n.uned in lienor of the new Sox'ereigns, (1691). (.)n his plantatiiMi, called Manor, (for Kni;lish w a)-s atid Knglish nanus were then much liked j one mile trom the town of Suffolk, he r.used his tijbacco and his Corn anil wheat, ami after the fashi(.in of the da}", his ljl<")0(Jeil h(xrses and fat cattle, while a fimil\- of fi\'e bo\'s and one daughter grew up around him. The name of the daughter has not come elown to us The names of the fi\'e bo)'s were Jethro, John, James, Wil- liam and Dempsex". It i> altogether probable that Jethro was the oldest. The right of j>rimo-geniture then ex- i.>ted and was dear to the lantl-holders, w ho had not lost their English lo\'e of aggrandizing the famil\- name by entailing the principal homestead on the oldest son. I hnd that Jethro Sumner was in 1743 one of the first ves- trymen of the Episcopal church at Suffolk, and his oldest Son, Thomas, was in his stead four x'cars afterwards- General Sumner in his will refers to the " Manor planta- ti'in"of his brother in Virginia. These facts seem to show that Jethro, the elder, inherited the paternal lanel. They are niTt conclusive, however. There is a seem- ingly well authenticated tradition that he married a Mealthy woman. This may have enabled him to own a "Manor i)lantation" near his native place, to attain the dignity of a vestr\'man, and de\-ol\-e the same on his eld- est SOU- Jcthro Sumner, the elder, died early, leaving three chil- dren, Thomas, alrcad}' named, Jethro and Sarah. Tliomas lix'ed man\- years and died a bachelor, though not child- less. General Sumner's will shows that he did not devise h.is "Manor plantation" to him, but bce]ueathed liim onl)- .1 legac}' in money. 5 Sarah inarried a man with the singular name of Rush- Avorms, whose family seems to have become extinct. Jethro Sumner, the younger, was born in 1733 and was probably about twelve years of age at the death of his father. How long he had been deprived of a mother's care we do not know. There is a tradition that he was well cared for by his mother's mother. It is important to understand the influences by which his character was moulded and his ph}-sical powers fitted for the rough life he was destined to undergo. To use the word so much a favorite with scientists, what were his environmients in childhood and bo\'hood? His father, as I have stated, was a vestrymian of a par- ish of the church of England, that of Suffolk. Associa- ted with him was Andrew Meade, one of the wealthiest and m.ost influential men of his da)',, father of Richard Kidder Meade, one of Washington's m.ost- trusted aides- decamp throughout the Revolutionary war, and grand- father of the eminent Bishop William Meade, who re- vived the Episcopal church in Virginia and whose book on the "Old Churches and Families of Virginia" is a store-house of valuable information. With Meade and Sumner were Edward and John Norfleet, Lemuel Rid- ■dick, Daniel Pugh and John Gregory, members of prom- inent families in Virginia and North Carolina. It was the custom for the heads of the great families of each neigh- borhood to be placed on the vestries because, as church and State were united, they were civil as well as ecclesi- astical officers. They levied taxes and enforced the laws. Most of the Burgesses who made the laws were vestry- men. In the old vestry lists appear George Washing- ton, Peyton Randolph, Edmund Pendleton, General Nel- son, Governor Page, Richard Henry Lee, George Mason and hundreds of others, the best men of Virginia. While nominal adhesion to the Church of England was required, no exhibition of piety or relig-ious behaviour- was a condition pre:edent or sub.^.cquent for holdini^ the- office. In many cases parsons were not patternsfor their flocks. I give onh' one instance out of man_\- to illustrate tliis statement. One of the colonial parsons engaged iii a fisticuff fight with his vestry an i signalized his success over his adversaries b)- a triumphant sernion on the f )1- h>wing Sunday on the text from the prophet Xehemiah, " I contended with them and cursed them, and sm<^te certain of theiTi and plucked off their hair." It i-^ to the credit of the \'estr>- of Suffolk that they ejected froni their church one Balfour who was guilty of drunkenness and profanit)'. Of course there were numbers of ex- cellent men like Commissar\- Hlair, but when bad exam- ples were not uncommon it could not be expected that the laity should have a much higher standard of Godly piet>-. The Kast Virginia planters of Colonial days were a race of striking virtue's, but with man\' defects both as tc/ character and conduct. The>' were high spirited, brave- and truthful. The\- were loyal to the English v.'rown, but they understood their rights and were alwa\-s read)- to defend them. As their plantations supplied them with- nearly all the necessaries of life and they had a surplus- 'Sufficient to furnish theguns and powder and shot, the tea and coffee and sugar, the ribbons, the laces and other knick- nacks, which the fair sex of all age^ and under every clime must have to gild the refined gold of their natural' charms, they were in heart and habit independent. The countrv mansions were the theatres of generous hospi- talit}' and kindness. There was lavish abundance ot home-made productions. There was not myuch travelling when thift\--five or fort}' miles a day over rough roads- and dangerous ferries were the rule, but the people were free from the feverish restlessness engendered hy our railroads and steamboats. The occasional visits to rela- trvcs and friends on occasions of weddincrs or natal days or Christmas holidays, or to the great world at Norfolk or Richmond, or the capital, Williamsburg, were produc- tive of more thrilling pleasure than the frequent and stale modern excursions to seaside or to mountain. The occasional visits to the town gave glimpses into the world of fashion. Theatrical companies aped the act- ing of London and Paris, and the great balls brought out powdered wigs and bespangled coats and magnitudinous hoops anci gorgeous silks and ruffles which would have passed muster in the circles beyond the Atlantic. The colonial planters were devoted to horses, and boasted justly that they owned scions of the best racers of England. They had frequent races and both sexes thought it no harm to bet on them, the men heavily, often to the impairment of their fortunes, the ladies seldom venturing beyond a pair of gloves. Foxes abounded so as to threaten the existence of lambs and poultry; great hunts were not only a sport but a necessity. These were rounded off with bountiful feasts and drinking frolics, thereby causing the name of fox-hunting to be synono- mous with reckless dissipation. Cock-fighting and gam- bling atcards were considered respectable in those "good old days." Grand balls assembled the young and the old for the stately minuet and the lively Virginia reel, and wed- dings were celebrated with festivities which lasted for many days. They were a gay and fun-loving people. There has come down to us an advertisement which de- scribes the sports which doubtless young Jethro often joined. First is to be a horse-race. Then came a match at cudgelling (or fighting with sticks) for a hat as the win- ner's prize. Then twenty fiddlers are to compete for a new fiddle, all the competitors to play together and each a different tune. Twelve boys are to run 1 12 yards for a hat worth twelve .shiilinijs. A wrestling match follows , a, silver buckle is to adorn the leg of the victor. The pret- tiest girl on the ground is to have a pair of silk stockings worth a "pist' had dominated Europe. Tlie Knglish colonies would be stunted in their growth and possibl)' be swallowed up finally b)" their powerful neighb'jr. The colonies saw their danger and frr)m Maine to Georgia they declared for war. In the early stages the plans of the hTeiich were crowned with success. Our colonies had been designedly kept in a state of pupilage to the mother country. While there was great individual capacitx', the\' had not been tauglit to organize into armies. Looking each to Eng- land (or their commerce, and most of them for their cliief c.\ecuti\'e and judicial officers and their clerg\", tlie>'knew little O'f one another. Their laws were subject to the ro\-al \'eto. The\- had :iot learned the immense \'alue of union among themsehces. Their levies of soldiers were badl)' supp'Tte-l antl badl\- armed. At first too, the Eng- lish go\-ernmeiit supported them in a manner feeble and ajtualis' tending to cripple their efforts. The officers sent were stupid and arrogant, as full of conceit of their 1 I own iinportance as contempt for the colonists. There was disaster almost ever\-\vhere. Washington was forced to surrender to superior numbers at Great Meadows in 1754. In 1755 the pompous but brav^e old braggart, Braddock, lost his army and his life near Fort Du Ouesne, the English were driven from Oswego, and from Lake George and the able and heroic Montcalm held possession of Louisburg, which commands the mouth of the St. Lawrence, Crown Point and Ticonderoga on Lake Champlain, Frontenac and Niagara on Lake Ontario, Presque Isle on Lake Erie and the chain of forts ending with Fort Du Ouesne 011 the Ohio, while ruthless savages were la}'ing waste the entire North West frontier of the British colonies. In 1757 the genius of Pitt changed disaster into victory. He gained the confidence of the colonies by consulting their legislatures about the conduct of the war. He prom- ised arms and ammunition, tents and provisions, the colonies to raise, clothe and pa>' the twenty thousand troops called into service with promise of reimbursement by parliament. Incompetent officers were replaced by able officers. Amherst captured Louisburg and super- ceded Abercrombie, who had lost two thousand troops in a rash assault on Ticonderoga. Bradstreet cap- tured Oswego. Forbes, aided by Washington, seized Fort Du Quesne, and on the 13th of September the great contest was virtuall)' won by Wolfe's heroic capture of Quebec. Well might old Governor Dobbs cause his glorious Thanksgiving Hymn to be sung to show our gratification for such signal victories, which he piously assures the Great Commoner, were in accordance with the prophecies of the Book of Revelations. The French power was broken and in the following year (1760,) which witnessed the death of the old King George II and the succession of his grandson George III, also wit- 1'ic->^clI the final conquest of Canada and the end of the L;d()ri(jLi.s Llream of a doniinatini; New France in the Xew World. Three \-ears later the Eng'lish flai^ \va\'ed o\'er all the land from tlie ( )cean to the Missi.ssip{)i, I !-;'ivc some verses of Go\-ernor Dobbs' hx'mn: To God, uur (rod's AlmiL;hty Name, Let Britons all their voices raise, Ami publish hv the mouth of tame In soni^^s of ioy our Saviour's Praise. His church from p.ipal Thraldom freed And (iallir Powers united Force ■ His great vicegerent he decreed C)'er Briton's Isle to steer his course. From Wood the British Lion roars L'prears the Christian sanguine cross, O'er Eagle, Beast, triunaphant soars With Angels riding the white horse. Now Angels charged with vials dire Of Gods Great WTath 'gainst Papal Beast, Are poured forth in God's great Ire C)'er Beast, f.alse Prophet, Heathen Priest. Let Angels then in chorus sing With us in Hymns of joy abroad Hosanna to our Saviour King Hosanna to his Christ our God I Jethro Stimner was an actor in this j^reat strugn;le. Hearini^ a letter of commendation from Governor Dinwid- dle to Colonel Washington, he was in [758 ap[)ointed a Lieutenant in a \"irL,dnia rei^iment of which Wm. H\-rd was Colonel, General Joseph P'orbes beini:; Commander- in-Chief Washinij^ton had been endeavorin<^ with in- sufficient means, to defend the long frontier from the terrible savages, whose destruction of propert)' and slaughter and torture of the settlers, old and _\-oung. '3 iTiale and feirialc, had. been inconceivabl)" horrible. Nc:, effectual stoppage could be put to their ravai^es without the capture of Fort Du Ouesne. Forbes determined to lead an expedition against it. Washington urged that the old Braddock road should be followed. Interested spec- ulators in Pennsylvania persuaded old General Forbes, now in the last stages of disease, to cut a new road through the wilderness of that State. Fifty days were occupied in going fifty miles. 1^'orbes' second in com- mand, Col. Henr\' Bouquet, desirous of winning all the glory, pushed forward Major Grant with about eight hundred Highlanders and a company of \^irginians. Like Braddock's, his force was utterh* defeated. The X^irginians saved the detachment from annihilation, as they saved the remains of Braddock's forces. The win- ter was coming on. The fierce winds began to blow; the snow began to whiten the hills. The General and his council of war talked of delaying the march till spring. Washington begged to be allowed to lead the van with liis provincials, who were clamoring for an onward move. Through all difficulties, watching against ambuscades, infusing his indomitable spirit into his men, he pressed on. The French officer saw that he had an officer of brains and daring in his front, and, setting fire to the wood-work ■of the fort, he fled with his troops down the Ohio. On the 25th of November, 1758, Washington and his brave troops marched into the ruined fortress. Jethro Sumner was one of those daring men, who gained for the Anglo- Saxon race the control of the Ohio, and started their on- ward march, which from that day has had no backward move, and ninet)' years later climbed the lofty Rockies and planted the starr}' flag on the shores of the Pacific. His were likewise among the kindly hands which, af- ter the victory was gained, reverently and tenderly gath- ered the bones of Braddock's men, whitened by the sun, J4 anu ,iin;.U:t the solemn '-ilcnce of tlie inti,rmiiiablc forest^ ■^3.vc them christian huriat. A great >.it\-, whose smiokc from a thousand factories (.ver.shadow the scenes of those ohi h^htin^s. com.meniorates b}' its iKune o\ Pittsburi.^ tlie sagacious and tlaring war niinister wIm.^. prepared the victory. Although \\' ashington, after h:s great object was gained, being elected a member of the As--embh', rcsij^^ned hi'^ cdo- nelc\"and carried his kn'el\' bride to enj^?,)- the festi\'ities of Williamsburg, Sumner remaii'ieci in ser\'ice until liis regi- ment was disbamJeiJ in 1761 He '>\-as e\-idcnt;_\- an officer of merit. An order jniblished in the Colonial Records of i>ur State, datetl Xo\"eniber 26Lh, 1760, from Colonel Houquct, his superior, shows that he was intrusted with separate com.niand at Fort Bedford, His regiment marched twice into tfie Cherokee ccjuntr)- as far as Hol- stoii river, v/hile Coh^nel Grant with ari arm\' of twenty- six hundred men terribh- avenged the massacre c;f the garris(_m of Fort Loudon. For their services grants of land v/ere authorized to be given to the discharged officers and soldiers who had served during the war — five thou- sand acres to field officers, three thousand to captains, two thousand to sub altern and staff officers, two hundred to n(:)n--comimissioned officers, and fifty to privates. Sum- ner having reached the grade of Captain., was entitled t'.> three thousand acres. This war prepared the way for Airierican Independence. It taught the Cohmists their 'uvn strength. It taught them how to fight, and what is c,( still more importance, that they could fight. When the)' themselves had pro- tected the arrogant British regulars from destruction. when they had seen the superiority of their own officers to those of the mother country, the superiority of Wash- ington, for example, over Braddock, the traditional idea of colonial inferiority vanished forever. They learned ^5 the value of union. The\- learned the value of ort^aniza- tion and discipline. The war was a training school for .their officers — for Washington and Mercer, Sumner and Montgomer}', Putnam and Morgan and man\- others. After his return to Nansemond the j-oung officer de- termined to change his home. Probabl)'his long service among the hills and mountains had given him a distaste to the drear\- flatness of the lands which adjoin the great Dismal Swamp. Onl)- an im^aginar}- line separates our State from Virginia. There has been for two centuries 51 stead)' movem.ent of population from the dearer lands of the valley of the James to the cheaper lands drained b}' the streams which flow into the Albemarle and the upper waters of the Tar. The Sumners, the Eatons, the Mannings, Smiths of Scotland Neck, the Ransoms, the Armsteads, the Riddicks, the Norfleets, the Saunderses, the Lewises, the Ruffins, the Camerons, the Battles, the Plummers.the Bakers, the Pughs, the Winstons, the Winbornes, the Hun- ters, the Bridgerses, the Thomases, the Taylors and hun- dreds, perhaps thousands of others, were all old Virginia families. Some changed their homes because, being young- er sons, they had no share in. the paternal lands; others, be- cause high living or losses by gaming had worsted their es- tates; others to exchange fev\' acres for many equally fertile, or old fields for virgin forest, others to escape by settlement among the rolling hills of Bute and the country west- ward the miasmatic diseases of the low country. But for whatever cause they migrated the}' changed neither their o])inions nor their practices, nor their business habits The}' still sent their produ^^e to Virginia mar- kets — Richmond. Petersburg or Norfolk. Returning wagons brought back the tea and coffee and sugar and molasses and ladies' finery. The}' kept their accounts m both Virginia and North Carolina currency. Visits to these cities for shopping or pleasure were the siiuitnun bonum of r6 the aspirati()ns of \-()un;^" men and maidens. Those \vhn> enjoyed tliis entrancini^ felicit}' were considered as £(i'eater travellers, and were reL^ardeil with more envy tli.an those udic.) now tell (y\ scrding- Alpine Summits, or _«;a/.int; at the dc^mes c^f St Peter or St. I'aul, (ir ch.rifferin<^ with the shop ^njds of Paris. Wdien 1 was \':iunt^ I heard frrim the lips of those who Were belles .>[ \Varren_ nearly a hundred X'ears aL(o stories of the i^^ayet}- of the balls and the splen- dor lit the theatres, and the g'ory-eousness of the dresses of the VdrL^inia cities. What a strand State we would have if James ri\'er were o,ur Xortliern boundar\'! How iiiuch wealth and how m.an\- brii^ht sons and daui^^'hters of ours ha\'e been carried otT to enrich our neiL^libors! Most of these emigrants t'rom \'irginia became true Xorth Carolinians. Occasional 1\' wr)uld be heard arro- gant boasting of Virginia superiorit}-, as from the old man, menti(^netl to me by my mother, who answered all who disputed with him, " Weren't I born in Jam.cs river, and oug'h'iit I t(^ know.-*" But most of them, as Jethro^ Sumner did, devoted their affections and their energies to their adopted State. Captain Sumner settled at the court house of the new- county of Bute fpronounceti Boot), named in honor of the first instructor and niinister of George III, wdio be- came so odious that a tavorite amusement among the populace was with groans of derision to throw an old jack-boot into a bon-fire and dance around the crackling effig"y. An early General Assembly of free North Car(-)- lina expunged the name of the odious Marquis from the map and substituted Warren and Franklin as names o( the new^ counties carved from the old. The court house of Bute was a few miles to the south of the present county seat of Warren. Here Jethro Sumner set up his liousehold gods. It is a lovely country. A traveller, a captain in the Hritish army, J. F. D. Smyth, who visited all parts of the country south of the Potomac and Ohio about a year be- fore the breaking out of the Revolutionary war, says, "There is an extreme valuable body of rich hi_<^h land that extends five miles around Bute court house; this whole tract is strong and fertile in an uncommon degree. There is scarcely a pine tree to be found within that dis- tance, although the surrounding woods on ever\' side are much mixed with them." Governor Josiah Martin, in a letter to Earl Hillsborough in 1772, mentions having passed through Granville and Bute, and is strong in his expressions of praises of their preeminence both in soil and cultivation as well as in the manners and condition of the inhabitants. He was preparing to buy a home here when he was driven from our State. We do not know the exact date of Sumner's settle- ment in Bute. It was certainly prior to 1769. Pv'Ir. Wm. J. Norwood has in his possession an accountbook kept with all the neatness of penmanship and durability of black ink so remarkable among our ancestors. It contains the dealings of the neighbors with the keeper of the tav- ern at Bute Court House. It shows among many others the account of General Sumner from November 1769 to November, 1774. It effectually contradicts the statement of Captain Smyth as to his occupation. He says Sumner pursued the business of tavern-keeper, and that more than one-third of the general officers of the American army had the same occupation, and were chiefly indebted to that circumstance for their rank. He gives as a reason that by this public calling their principles became known, and their ambitious views were excited by the variety of the company they entertained. Smyth's book shows violent false prejudices throughout. In his opinion Wash- ington was a very poor General, but a most cunning demagogue, his moderation and disclaimer of desire for i8 ('ttice being' onl\' for electioneering^ purposes. The book is x'akiaij'.e in main- respects, but utterly unreliable in its statements about the officers ot our arm\\ It would ha\'e been no Lliscredit to Sumner if he had been the keeper of the o;ii\- inn at the Court House, but this account-book shows that he was the owner of it and rented it to one ]'dliott fo)- £36 per annum. Sm\'th states, as we learn frnm other sources, that he had married ''a N'ouni;" woman of g-ood familv", uhn l^rouyht him a hands(ime fortune." Captain Sumner w a-- aj)pointed sheriff in I7- Suinner for the erection of a batter>', which was a wooden wall for plaj-ing the i^ood old L,fame <)f "fives ;" of a barbecue costing; ^6, /s and 3d, c(i\en b)' William Park; and of fox-hunts of course. All these were accompanied b\' drinking of liquor in some shape. Sometimes it is rum pure and simple, or as we sa\- "straight;" more seldom it is brandy, never whiske}', but usually it is some mixture. The most common is bumbo, composed of rum, water, sugar and nutmeg; but we have also juleps (spelt julips) and grog and flip; sometimes we see wine and sangaree and cider too (spelt cyder). There is an entry which the rising generation hardly under- stands. After a "rousing frolic" is a charge for "broke glasses." This suggests the foolish custom of winding up the feast with some jolly toast and, after drinking it, smashing the tumblers against the ceiling, typif\'ing that having conferred a pleasure so di\'ine, they should never henceforth be debased to any ignoble use. And in this account-book we detect William Person (called Billy Parsons) and Green Hill, members of the General Assembly, engaged in what w^e consider a crime, but was then expected of all candidates — that is, treating at elections. They are charged with their proportions of "liquors expended in the court house while voting, 10 shil- lings; also toddy is and 3d. Rum is 6d. Toddy is 2d." There was a strange hallucination in regard to spirit- uous liquors in the "good old days." The men of that generation thought they were drinking health and jo\-and long life. In truth they were drmking down gout and dropsy, and liver disease, and kidney-troubles, and short life. There were few old men of that generation. General Sumner was like the rest — he kept the prevail- ing fashion. Smyth says he was a "facetious" man. Doubtless he told good stories about his experiences iii 20 ihc ai'iii}', aiul the peculiarities of the unlettered back- woodsmen with whom as sheriiT he had dealinj.^'s. He was "of person lustx' and rather handsome." sa}'s Sm}'th, that is he had a stroni,^ body and vij^^orous health, and ;i fine manh' bearing;'. The cx'nical Kn^lishman of a na- tir)n of grumblers, chronicles that his dinner was excel- lent. All those colonial ijentlemen understood the art of giving" good dinners. The woods swarmed with fat tur- keys, tame and wild. Pigs were alwa\"s ready to supph' 'the luscious barbecue. Steaks of \-enison or tender bee\'es, hot biscuits and glorioLis corn-bread, nn\y to be found on Southern tables, savor\- ham and fresh fish from the fish trap in the creek, together with abundant \'ege- tables and the jams and preserx'es and plum pudding, which his \'oung \vife with her snowy aprnn and her >.tatel\' courtes)- knew so well how to make; all these and more smoked on the table, while the odors (^f nutmeg and mint fioated in the air. We can easil}- call to our mind the fethro Sumner of that da\', at the age of fort\'-two, his long hair combed back so as full)' to expose his rubi- cund face, tied in a cue behind, his countenance frank and open, looking one straight in the face with a clear, bright e>'e, his body inclining to portliness, as became the dex'ourer of good cheer; vigorous from out-door ex- ercise, on foot or on horse, in sport and on business, hav- ing the air of authority as became the executive officer of a C(Hmt_\- in those monarchial da\-s when official sta- tion inspired far more awe than at present; as became too a man v ho had learned the art of command in actual 'ser\'ice in an arm}- where officers and men were widely separated by social as well as arm)- rank; as became, too, the (Mxner o^. a great estate and man\- laborers. At the dinner-table^ in the familiarit)- of social intercourse with a )'oung militar)- officer of w-ealth and good blood, he showeLl appreciation of a good joke, a qualit)' wdiich has 21 not yet died out in North Carolina. I think better of him for that. Capt. William Biggs, an admirer of Chief Ju.s- tice Merrimon. and Col. Henr\' A. Uowd, an admirer of Senator Vance, were once rather heatedly discus.sing the relative excellencies of their favorites; " I admit," said Biggs, "that Vance can tell a joke better than Merri- mon" — "Stopright there!" shouted Dowd, " I tell )'ou no man but a smart man can tell a good joke." It is a pleas- ant picture — these two — the Bute county sheriff and the English officer exchanging their army anecdotes over their nuts and wine, or rather, I should say, over their hickory nuts and bumbo, in the beautiful month of No- vember, 1774, both too polite to discuss the angry ques- tions which will in three years arra)'them in opposite ar- mies at Germantown, thirsting for each other's blood, the host an American colonel, the guest a British captain. Notwithstanding Sumner's desire to be agreeable to his guest, Smyth notices that he was a man "of violent prin- ciples " in regard to the pending quarrel between the mother country and the colonies. Being a man of ar- dent temper he embraced the cause of the colonists with his whole soul. A few words as to the nature of this difference. The last French and Indian war left Great Britain with a debt so enormous in the eyes of the financiers of that day that it seemed impossible to pay it, $700,000,000. To an Englishman, the claim that the colonies should help to pay these expenses incurred partly for their own ben- efit seemed most reasonable. It seemed equally clear to him that parliament should exercise the taxing power for the purpose of securing such payment. To Americans also the nrst proposition Avas not unreasonable, but to the second was determined and angry dissent. Planting themselves on their rights as inheritors of the principles of Magna Charta and other great bulwarks of liberty, and (Ill their spccicil riL^lit: Lnnntcci by tlicir charters the coh^- nists said " th.c I'ritish jiarHameiit can tax the pr<)])erty of the people whom, it-- members re-present, but the par- liament ()t each coIe-Piv is the onh' bo^h- which can tax the propert)' ' , the les^dslature of (ireat Ih'itain C()uld regulate th.e int^nial aftairs of the British Isles. KIiil;, Council and As-embl\- onl\- h.iil [>hing of the Chcrokees by Rutherf >rd. The Congress uf 4th April, 1776, at Halifax, lo(^ked the great issue boldh" in the face, discarded their hope of friend- ship from the English King or English people, and, the first of all the colonies, authorized its delegates in the Continental Congress to \"ote for Independence. The militia was ordered to consist n{ all bet\\'een 16 and 60 \ears ut age. A Brigadiier-Cjcneral for each district was electCLl. Eour additional regiments were \(ited for the American Continental arm)-, and ^"400,000 or :f; 1,000, 000 in bills of credit were ordered to be issued for t'ne pur- pose of paying all expenses. The name of Pr()vincial Council for the supreme executive power was found to be inap[)ri)priate, as the woi'd " Provincial " implied a recog- nition of dependence on Great Britain. The name i.'oun- cil of Safet}- was substituted. Large executive and ju- dicial powers were gi\'en, care being taken, howe\'er, that the}" should not be despotic. Three vessels of war were ordered to be built and officers appointed for them. So highl\- appreciated was the coniluct of Major Sum- ner that at the next meeting in April of the Provincial Congress he vvas promoted to the Cok^^nelcy of the ^rd Regiment of the Continental troops. His field officers were William Alston, Lieutenant-Colonel; Samuel Lock- hart, Major. His Captains were William Brinkley, Pin- 2/ Iccthman P2aton, John Gra)-, William Barrett, Jacob Tur- ner, George Granbur}', James Cook, James Emmett The other Colonels were Thomas Park of the 4th, Ed- ward Buncombe of the 5th, anci Alexander LillinQ-ton of the 6th. Owing to the promotion of Generals Moore and Howe to be Brigadier-Generals, F^rancis Nash soon to be promoted, and Alexander Martin were made Colo- nels of the 1st and 2nd Regiments. The enlisting of men was voluntar\', and the following instructions to re- cruiting officers are interesting. They were to accept "able-bodied men only, capable of marching well and of undisputed iO\-alt}'." Regard must be had as much as possible to "moral character, particularly sobriet\-." The Colonel was authorized to reject those not fit for service. No soldier under 5 feet 4 inches high shall be enlisted. They must be healthy, strong-made, and well-limrbed. The character of disqualifying bodily infirmities sounds- strange in our day. They must be " not deaf or subject to fits, or ulcers on their legs, or ruptures." The last mentioned may have been frequent on account of the practice of log-rolling matches, and other violent exer- cises, but what causi-d the prevalence of ulcers and fits is a mystery. The recruit took an oath to be " faithful and true to the United Colonies" and to "lay down his arms peaceably when required so to do by the Continental Congress; " that he would serve the United Colonies to- the utmost of his power in defence of the just rights of America against all enemies whatsoever," so that the sol- diers were no longer in any manner subject to the orders of North Carolina. This probably explains the jealousy of certain North Carolina officials toward them. The amount of information we have of the early move- ments from day to day of these Continental troops is re- markably meagre. The statement of Hugh McDonald, an unlettered private in the6th regiment, written athis dicta- 28 lion \'ears after the war, printed in the Xorth Caiolina University Magazine, is almost our sole authorit\- for much of their history. McDonald, recently from Scotland, who had been with his father a Tor\-, at Moore's Creek Bridge, was taken as a guide by a party of Whigs, engaged in arresting the par- ticipants of that battle. He was offered the liberty of returning to his father, but being fearful of his ven- geance, enlisted in the 6th regiment under Lillington, when "about the age of fourteen years." About the middle of Jul}', 1776, the recruits were carried to Wil- mington, where General Francis Nash was in charge of the brigade of 6 regiments. Lillington was too old to go on parade, and Lieutenant-Colonel Lambe was substitu- ted. Recruiting had been very successful and the regi- ments were full. About the middle of November the troops were marched north to join Washington, but were stopped for three weeks in Halifax on the land of Col. Nicholas Long, now Commissary-General of this State. They were marched back to participate in a campaign against Florida. They paused on their journe\' near the boundary line of South Carolina, about three weeks, "makingexcellent bedsof the long moss of the trees." Here a squad of men claimed that they were enlisted for onh' six months, and on being refused their discharges de- serted. " Three of them were colored people," so it ap- pears that free colored men helped to gain American Li- dependence. From this camp they marched to Charleston, and lay in camp opposite to Fort Sullivan until the mid- dle of March, living on fresh pork and rice as their con- stant diet, the expedition to Florida being abandoned. The account of McDonald is in the main correct, without doubt, but is not true as to at least three of the Continental regiments. It has always been thought that only the first and second regiments under Colo- •29 aiels Moore and Martin, brigaded under Brigadier-General Howe, participated in the brilliant defence of Charleston -on the 28th of June, 1776, Charles Lee being General in Chief, and that they only of the North Carolina soldiers were entitled to the splendid praise of General Lee, all "the more valuable because he had been an officer in the English ar^Tiy, "their conduct is such as does them the greatest honor-; no men ever did and it is impossible ever can behave better," and again in his report to the Vir- ginia Convention, "I know not which corps I have the greatest reason to be pleased with — Mecklenburg's, Vir- ginia's or the North Carolina troops; they are both equally alert, zealous and spirited." But a letter from Col. Jethro Sumner to Lieutenant-Colonel William Alston, printed in the loth volume of our Colonial Re- cords p 790, shows, I think, that Sumner and his regi- ment were at the defence of Charleston. A few days after this victory at Charleston in July, 1776, General Lee undertook an ill-advised expedition to attack St. Augustine in Florida, taking with him, says Moultrie who was second in command, the Virginia and North Carolina troops. At Savannah, after losing many from sickness, he halted until he was ordered North by Congress. Moultrie refused to continue the movement unless properly furnished with material and supplies, %vhich Lee had totally neglected and which were never furnished. The letter from Sumner to Alston dated Sep- tember the 3rd, shows that his regiment was with this ill-starred expedition and of course was with Lee at Charleston. The letter places Sumner in the most favorable light. He states that General Lee had given him leave to re- turn to North Carolina for the purpose of providing necessaries for the troops in view of the coming winter. He urges Lieutenant-Colonel Alston to be particularly c.'irefui of the tlisci[)Iinc and to keep a '^n) 1 Lindcrstainl- iiig amoiii:;' tlie officers and soldiers. He wishes them informed oi' the cause of liis leax'iiv^r^ that it was to their benefit. He says, " You are at all tii"nes t.) keep up a strict discipline, btit to reserve a mode of clemenc)" as amoni^" _\-oun!^'- trtx'ps; now and then to throw something of a promising hope among them of a quick return to North Carolina, which I doubt n<)t but sometin'iC hence will be the case. It will engage the mind and fjr a time dispense with inconveniences. Be careful in seeing nO' fraud is done them b\' the commissaries, and their pay regular!)- to a month dcliveretl b\' their captains." Wc see here a kind, fatherl}- and careful heart. Re- ceiving his commission in April his troops are raised and when first under fire at Charleston two months after- ward behavetl with conspicuous gallan.try. We learn from man)' sources that the)- were badl)' provided with- arms and clothing. The)- are marched by the restless, am- bitious, injudicious Lee in the sickl)' season, through the swamps of South Caroliiia to Savannah. Findin.giti mpos- sible to go farther for want of supplies, the)' are placed in pestilential camp witliout aii\- near prospect of active serx'ice. Their (Colonel, believing that the)' will remain in winter cpiartLrs here, g'ets leave to go to their distant homes in (^rder to obiain necessaries for their comfort. His heart )X'arns for them in his absence, and he urges the Lieutenant-Colonel wIki is to command them to be strict in discipline, but at the same time to remember- that they are young tr<-)ops, and need eiicou.ragement and comfort. He fears that the)- will become homesick, and that the)- will be cheated b)" the commissaries. He ex- horts the Lieutenant-Colonels to keep up their spirits by arousing hopes of early return to their beloved State, and to see that they get their rights. Soldiers with such a sympathetic and careful commander were sure to- recip- 31 Tocate his watchruliic^s fir tlicm b_\- attention to dut)' in camp and on the battlc-fieUl. At the same time that Colonel Sumner went to North Carolina, Lee was ordered North to join Wash- ini^ton. xA.t the uri^ent request of the authorities of Georgia and South Carolina, the North Carolina troops remained for the defence of those States during the fall and winter following the Declaration of Independence. During this time Washington's army by the expiration of enlistments and the casualties of the retreat across New Jersey, frequent skirmishes, including the brilliant victo- ries of Princeton and Trenton, had been reduced to 7,000 men. It became probable that the next struggle would be for the possession of Philadelphia. The North Carolina troops were on the 15th of March, 1777, or- dered to join hi.-; tlie 8th under James 33 Armstrong, Colonel, and the 9th under John P. Williams, Colonel, and at least Armstroni^ arri\'ed in time to partic- ipate in the battle of Germantown. The North Carolina brigade went through \vith fortitude the heart-rending sufferings at Valle}' Forge in the win- ter of i777-'78. When the news of the Alliance of the United States and France and the sailing of the French fleet to America induced the British commander to re- treat to New York, giving up Philadelphia, they as usual did faithful service at Monmouth on the 20th of June — a victory which would have been most signal for the Amer- icans but for the misconduct of the traitor Gen. Charles Lee. They were posted on the left of the army and pre- vented the turning of that flank by Cornwallis. In May, 1778, on account of the diminished numbers, the North Carolina batallions, as they were called after joining Washington's army, were consolidated. The 6th was put into the 1st under Col. Thomas Clark; the 4th into the 2nd under Col. John Patton, and the 5th into the 3rd under Col. Jethro Sumner. After the battle of Monmouth there was little fighting by Washington's army until the Yorktown campaign. It lay near Morristown, in New Jersey, and to the North of that point, watching the army of Clinton in New York. Sumner was promoted for his faithful services to be Briga- dier-General on January 9th, 1779. The North Carolina regulars, dwindled to only seven hundred men, were ordered to the South for defence of Georgia and South Carolina. General Howe had been disastrously defeated near Savannah,, and Congress had superseded him with General Lincoln. General Sumner and his brigade had the post of honor in the attack on the intrenchments of the enemy at Ston© Ferry on June 20th, 1779. The troops were ordered to trust to the bayonet only, but meeting with a heavy fire, they could not be restrained 34 from retm'ninL;' it. Tlic\' behaved uitli cjreat spirit, but as Moultrie, wlio had been chari^ed with this dut\', was unable for the want of boats to prevent the arrival of re- inforcements to the British, Lincoln withdrew his men with small loss and in good order. S()on after the battle active o[>erations ceased, on account of the heated air la- den with malaria. Sumner's strong constitution, which had resisted the fierce cold of a Penns\dvania winter, could not sa\'e him from the prevailing fever. He was forced to ask leave of absence, expecting a speed}' re- cr)very in the highlanels of Warren. Mis presence in North Carolina was needed to aid in forwarding recruits to his depleted brigade. His request was granted earl)' in Jul)', and he was therefore not engaged in the disas- trous assault on Savanaah b)' the P^rcnch and American forces on October 9th, 1779. In Xiixember, 1779, Gen. Sumner was again with Lincoln and joined in the adivice to cross the Savannah into Georgia, a mo\'ement rendered of no a\'ail by the defeat of General Ashe. On account of his great per- sonal intluence in North Carolina he was detached to raise four new regiments of regulars, and so escaped being captured at Charleston. A more difficult and thankless task could not be con- ceived. He met with no s)'mpathy from the civil author- ities or fn^m the people. The latter preferred the short terms and less exacting discipline of the militia service; the former sympathized with them and gave little aid tc) the enlistments in the regular service until the disaster of Camden and the invasion of Cornwallis made them tremble for the fate of the State. Baffled in the attempt to conquer the Middle States the British ministry determined to transfer the theatre of war to the South. The)' believed that the fears of slave in- surrections and the presence of a large Tor)' element in 35 the South would fnsure a speedy reduction of Georg"ia and South Carolina, North CaroHna and Virginia to the au- thorit}' of the crown. The character of the war was to be changed. Those who refused to return to their alle- giance and to render active aid to the British cause were to be treated as traitors. Terror of imprisonment and death, loss of propert)', and insult, even outrage, to women and children was to be employed as a potent ar- gument. The worst elements of societ}',the robbers and murderers, were to be furnished with authority to perform their nefarious calling, legitimated by the King's commission. All the horrors which have attended civil war in the darkest ages and among the most cruel people were now to be experienced by the Southern States, un- der the new policy of Clinton and Cornwallis. The policy seemed for awhile successful. In 1779 oc- curred the disastrous failure to capture Savannah. In May, 1780, Charleston capitulated, and by the blundering policy of General Lincoln, 2,000 of our best regular sol- diers, the heroes of many hard-fought battles, including the North Carolina brigade under Gen. Hogan, were lost forever. Georgia and South Carolina were overrun, onl}- a few small partizan bodies under Marion and Sumter and others, keeping alive the slumbering fires of existence. To make matters worse. Congress which had already inflicted one unwise General on the South, now sent another still worse. The defeat of Gates at Camden left North Carolina open to invasion, and inspired with cour- age all the dispairing and disaffected to increase the ranks of the Tories. But the pluck and endurance of the pa- triots paralyzed for a short while, were soon as strong as ever. General Sumner was one of the most active and effi- cient officers in the movement which led to the salvation of the Corolinas. I sketch briefly his services, premising 36 that Judi,^e Schcnck has, witli his accustomed ability. g-i\'cn tlic same in greater detail in his valuable book, "North Carolina in i/So-'Si." As said before the Xorth Carol ina regulars, except those who were absent on leave, were captured under Lincoln at Charleston. Gen. Greene on account of unreliabilit}' of short term troops earnestl}' desired the organization of another brigade of regulars. He was abl\- seconded b>' the General Assembl\', whose determinations like that of Senators of old Rome, rose higher as the invader drew nigher. As the Roman Senators did in times of extreme danger, the}' appointed a Dictator — a Council-E.xtraor- dinarx' — composed of the Go\'ernor (Xash), ex-Go\'ernor Caswell and William Brignol of Xew Berne, and for fear the Assembly should be prevented from meeting, gave it all the powers \"ested in the Hoard of \\'ar and Council of State, the powers of the purse and of the sword, the ])Ower "to do and execute exery act and tloing which may conduce t() the securitx', defence and preservation of this State." A new militia law was passed much more stringent and eflicient than bef:)re, bjt cv^n in tlieir g>'--'i-t extremity their dread of a centralized gox'ernment was emphasized b}' the prox'ision that officers of the Continental service shouki not be placed over the militia Conscription, the last resort of a self-governing people, was adopted. A law to raise 2,720 men for filling up the Continental ba- tallions was enacted and great bounties offered. The mi- litia was divided into classes of fifteen, and the option to volunteer was given. If there was no volunteer, one from each class was to be drafted. Each volunteer or draft was to receive a bounty of /'3,ooo in bills or non- taxable certificates bearing six per cent, interest and re- ceivable for taxes. In addition to this amount three barrels of corn per annum for the wife and each child un- 37 dcr ten years of age were to be given ever}' }'ear while the husband or father continued in service. A special tax of three per cent, of all the property of each class was levied to pay these bounties. To volunteers in the Con- tinental line duringthe continuance of the war were offer- ed ^2,000 in cash, and at the close of service a prime slave and 640 acres of land. And finally all run-aways and deserters, all those who harbored deserters, all who failed to appear at the time of drafting, were to be ipso facto privates in the Continental army for twelve months. Other strong measures were authorized, such as power of impressment of supplies for the army, the confiscation of property of Tories, and a specific tax of one peck of corn or the equivalent in other provisions, for each £iOO of prop- erty. This was afterwards increased to one bushel. These were stern measures, and could only have been enacteci by those who valued freedom over property and life. Prior to the battle of Guilford, March 15th, 1781, there seems to have been small success in recruiting. The rapid movements and apparently the overwhelming su- periority of Cornwallis, the fjars engendered by his pos- session of Hillsboro and the great impetus given to the Tor)' movement, seemed to paral\'ze the people. Greene was forced to replenish his small army with militia. Seeing this state of things, Sumner, with the full ap- proval and at the request of Greene, offered his services as commander of a brigade of mili'ia. Greene had faith in the saying of the ancients that an army of hares with a lion at the head is superior to an army of lions with a hare to command them. The able patriot, Willie Jones, General of the Halifax brigade, was willing to surrender his place in favor of the tried veteran. But General Cas- well refused the tender of service, and Jones being inca- pacitated by sickness. Gen. Thos. Eaton, the next in command, insisted on leading the brigade to their dis- 38 _L^racefuI desertion at Guilfortl Coui't Hnuse. after hax-fnc^, as Judge Schenck shows, performed their dut}' at the be- L^inninij of tlie fiyht. Once before had Sumner been treated with scant courtes}-. When, after his tliL;ht from Camden, Gates left Caswell at Charlotte to Leather to- c^ether the fra^^ments of militia, he thouL;'ht best to j()in Gates in Hillsboro and left Sumner in command. H}- some influence the latter was superseded b\' Smallwood, not a citizen, and certainh' n')t his superior in abilit}'. He was in command, too, over a brigade of militia at R-ar i» s eu -r's Mills, on Deep Ri\"er, Caswell being present, on September 5th, 1780. \\'h\- Caswell refused the services of so eminent and useful a soldier it is impos- sible now to ascertain. A charitable conjecture is that he thought the x'iews of discipline held b\- a Continental officer trained under the exacting discipline of Frederick the Great, Baron Steuben, too severe for militia. His ex- perience at Camden should ha\"e taught him sounder military \iews. The admirers of Caswell may excuse him on the ground that the law prohibited the employ- ment of Continental officers o\'er the militia, but this de- fence is metb\- the factthat theCr)uncil Extraordinary had full power to assign Sumner to this dut\- if in its opinion the safet}' of the State required it. An_\- two of the coun- cil could act, and Go\'ernor Xash, it is known, was, in his favor. On Caswell seems to be the sole responsibilit)" of ha\'ing in charge of our militia, not the proved veteran Sumner, nor John Ba[)tista Ashe, nor Murfree. two other Continental officers chafing under enforced idleness, b u Butler and Eaton, good men, but destitute of militaryt experience, in whom the soldiers had little confidence and of whom the\- were not afraid. Virginia made no such mistake. The stern \'eteran. Stevens, placed behind his militia some of his grim, fear less old soldiers, ^\■ith instruc- tions to shoot all retreating without orders, and hence 39 rhe extraordinaril}- soldier-like behax'iour of those raw troops. Morgan pursued similar tactics when he formed his militia at Cowpens, with a deep river behind them. They were afraid not to fight. As an old friend said to me once, "Fright is the bravest of all passions." Gov. Alexander Martin differed widely from Caswell. On the 1st day of January, 1772, he made an urgent re- quest to General Sumner for Continental officers. He writes, "With \'0ur leave. Major Hogg accepts a com- mand of Light Infantry of 500 men with Major McCree; Captain Tatum in command of a troop of horse attached to Major Hogg. Captain Dixon also will command such of the State troops as are now at Warren Court House until the corps can be organized under Lieutenant Mar- shall. * * ^ J flatter myself with the great ad- vantage this State will derive from having the honor of Continental officers in its service at this important period which may finally blast the hopes of a despairing enem}' and cause them to fall an easy prey to our arms." Denied the opportunity of leading the militia in the pend- ingcampaign, imitating his greatcommander, Washington, who performed his public duty with serene indifference to misunderstanding and jealousy, in defiance of all difficul- ties and discouragements, Sumner energetically contin- ued his efforts to rais€ his Continental brigade. His correspondence with Colonel Nicholas Long, Major John Armstrong, Major Pinketham Eaton, Col. Hal Dixon, and others, shows clearly the number and weight of his difficulties, and the extraordinar}- efforts to overcome them. By letter and by personal visits he endeavored to spur up the recruiting officers to the enlistment of volunteers, the militia colonels to the enforcement of the drafts, the commissaries and quarter-masters to the collecting of Supplies. He urged La Fajxtte and Steuben to forward 40 arms from \'iri^M'nia. In Mime directions liis success, was- flattering; in otlicrs t!ic work was impeded b\' the fear of Tories, b}' the disloyalt}- or inertness of the drafting offi- cers, b\- the povert)' of sections, which had been harrowed [)}• tile enem)' or b}- domestic marauder^. Rank T(~)ries often enlisted, dre^\' their bounties and the same night de- serted. He wrote strong and mi>\'ing appeals to encour- age volunteering (^r to reconcile the people to drafting — with no grace of stxde, but with the eloquence of earnest- ness. His efforts were onh' in part successful. Col. John Armstrong, in a letter to Sumner, gives graphic account of the trials. He sa\'s: "The General 'Greene) seems ver\' uneas\- about the dela}' of the draft of the Salisbur\' district and of the deserti()ns that frequently' happen by reason of the forced number of Tories into the service,, and as soon as the\' receix'e the bounty the\- desert. I have received nigh 300 men, and will not ha\'e above 200 in the field. I did e\"erything in my power to bring out the drafts of this district, but all to no purpose. Tliere is one-half at home }-et, anil remain without molestation. As for clothing, tliere -was little or none sent fit for a negro to wear, e.xcept from Rowa.n. I am sorr\' that I ever had anything to do with such slothful officers and neglected soldiers. There is a number of them now al- mcTst naked, and when cold weather sets in the\' must be discharged, for no (officer would pretend to put them on duty. The neglect we have labored under heretofore, together with the present, make the service ver}' disa- greeable to every officer in camp. We are without mone\', clothing, or an}- kind of nourishment for our sick,- not one gill of rum, sugar or coffee, no tents or camp ket- tles or canteens, no doctor, no medicine; under these cir- cumstances we must become very inefficient." * * "1 am afraid that in. a short time you will have but few 41 officers in the field, by reason of the shameful neglect of the State. We seem rather a burden than a benefit to them; we are tossed to and fro like a ship in a storm." At one time Sumner had orders to join Baron Steuben in Virginia. Armstrong says, " I wish it had been my lot to have gone with you to Virginia where we would have been under your immediate care. * * i am fully satisfied that you are not acquainted with our circumstances here, or otherwise it would have been re- moved." The only thing praised by Armstrong is the pleasant- ness of the situation of the camp, "plenty of good water." " But," he adds, with a groan, " It hath one failing — it will not make grog." At that day, spirituous liquors, chiefly rum, were regarded as necessaries more than either sugar or coffee, classed with medicine. General Wm. R. Davie, the Commissary-General of the State, on Novem- ber 1st, in a letter to General Sumner, writes: "I have ordered some rum to be put in motion for the Southern army for the use of your brigade." "You are sensible," he naively adds, "that unless it is sent in charge of one of your own officers, it may lose much on its journey, and may not be properly applied on its arrival. General Davie's views accord with those of the old Scotch preach- er, "My brethren! It is said that the test of honesty is being.entrusted with uncounted gold. I am proud to say that many of you can stand that test. But there is one which I fear none of you can stand — ^being entrusted with unmeasured whiskey." It will be noticed that Armstrong says that if Sumner had known of the sad condition of the soldiers a remedy would have been found. This is confirmation of what I have already mentioned of his tender care of his troops. Although the required number had not been raised, yet Sumner was able on the 14th of July, 17S1, to march 42 tVom Salisbur\- f(Tr Greene's camp in South Camlina, to take Command of a tliin iDri^dde of one thousand men, distributed into three bataUions, commanded b\- Coloneh-; John Baptista Ashe, John Armstrong-, and Reading;' Blount. Arms had been received cliietly from \'iri;inia, -r)nie 250 of the muskets beiuL,^ excellent weapons, made in !'hilaLlel}.)hia. Idie residue consisted of old weapons on w hich repairs were made after reachini^- camj). In the pleasant hills of the Santee the raw soldiers, many of whom were conscrij^ted because of their deser- tion from their militia duties, were tauL[ht the driHinii^and discipline of soldiers. The enem\-, under Stewart, was near the confluence of the Wateree and Con;^aree, each arm\' in siyht of the watch-fires of the other. Two large ri\'ers ran between, eftectualh' preventing surprises, and the operations were confined to cutting off con\'o\'s and foraging parties, in which the infantr\- was not em- ployed. Greene was the first to move. On the 22nd of August he marched uj) the Santee, and Stewart, divining his in- tention to cross, fell back forty miles nearer his supplies at Eutaw Sj)rings, where the battle occurred. In this stubborn conflict, in which both sides displayed the loft>- qualities for which the Anglo-Saxon race is distinguished, Sumner and his brigade, although the soldiers were new levies with onl\- three months' training, and most of them had never before been in battle, midesuch a brilliant charge as to win from General Greene the strong commendation, "I was at a loss which most to admire, the gallantr)' of the officers or the good conduct of the men. " And again, "The North Carolina brigade under Sumner were (M'dered to support them, and though not abo\'e t'.iree months men, behaved nobly." Go\'ernor Martin wrote: " I congratulate you on the honor you have gained at the 43 head of the North CaroHna arm\- at the Eutaw." And such was the general verdict. Captain Smyth, the Brit- ish officer heretofore mentioned, speaks of Sumner's ha\'ing " distinguished himself in the course of the late war, being the General Sumner of the American arm}', who has been so active in the Carolinas." Although the glory of the conceded victor}- was de- nied the Americans, the British forces hurried off to Charleston, and Greene, weakened b}'the expiration of the term of service of so many of his men, retired to his old camp among the hills of the Santee. soon to rejoice over the glorious news from Yorktown. Here he waited for recruits and watched the enem}-. As soon as the camp was reached, Sumner at Greene's request returned to North Carolina for a second time on the thankless business of raising new forces and urging the supplying of his brigade with food and clothing. Colonel Armstrong wrote on February 13th, 1782. from camp at Colonel Shivers, 30 miles from Charleston: "Your officers and soldiers are very naked and no hopes of being better. ^ ■^ General Greene hath asked me several times if I had any accounts from you and likewise about some clothing he expected you to send to camp." * * '' Everything in this State seems to be in our favor. The Assembly of this State is now sit- ting at Jacksonborough, and is determined to raise two regiments, be the expense what it will. They have made a present of ten thousand guineas to General Greene, to be paid in land, negroes and handsel furniture of such estate that hath been confiscated in the present Assembl}-.'- On April 7th, 1782, an official report signed by Henry Dixon, Lieutenant-Colonel of the 2nd reg-jment,- a>nd at- tested b}- Major J. Burnett, aid de camp of Greene, shows', that the brigade then consisted of L154 nxen, but that the terms of 326. would expire in tlie same luonth, 299 in 44 May, 141 in June, and so on — 1,000 in all b)' the ist of January, 1783 — leaving only i 54 for service. The officers of the South Carolina line and of the legionar)' corps were authorized by Greene to enlist North Carolina Continen- tals as fast as discharged. There was universal apathy. The currency became worthless, and people in defiance of stringent laws began to refuse to accept it. Specie began to make its appearance at the North, but very little found its way to our State. There was no "provision made for the soldiers when recruited. One officer writes that he lias men, but no food; another that he has not a single blanket to his company. Another that his drafted men have not come in, and if he obeys Sumner's order to march he will go alone. Another says that the men came in slowly, and that numbers desert, "we are very scarce of provisions and under the necessity of impressing from the inhabitants who have been greatly disturbed." * * The people will make very little corn in this (Caswell) county." It is impossible at this late day to trace with any min- uteness the actions of General Sumner during the last eighteen months of the war. As no great movements of the armies were inaugurated it is probable that he remained in North Carolina, prosecuting his duty of raising troops. In this, his efforts, as were similar efforts in other States, had little success. The ravages of disease in the low lands of South Carolina where the operations were carried on, had been so great that each recruit as he turned his back on North Carolina felt that he was marching to suffering and death. Drafting was the only remedy, and this became so odious that only one-third of those liable in North Carolina were procured, while in Virginia and South Carolina the authorities refused to adopt this method of replenishing their armies. The country seemed exhausted, and the long prayed for peace came none too soon. 45 On the 23rd of April, 1783, furloughs were granted to the North CaroHna soldiers, and they returned gladly to their homes. In some few places they were received with festivites and rejoicings, but most of them settled ■quietly to the pursuits of peace. It should be remem- bered that no North Carolina soldiers were guilty of mu- tinous attempts to obtain their rights by force, as were those of various other States, and that a North Carolinian i(Howe) was called by Washington to protect the Na- tional Legislature from the threats of violence of mobs. Our officers and privates were content to rely on the sense of justice of their State government, and history shows that all was done that could be done by a ruined people. Large grants of the fertile lands of Tennessee were made them, including 25,000 acres to General »Greene, while General Sumner's share was 12,000 acres. A commission was appointed to settle and pay the just •dues, which the Continental Congress had failed to dis- charge. In the closing years of the war only the energy gen- erated by fears of defeat and ruin had kept up the people to the fighting point. After the capture of Cornwallis there was a universal feeling that the war was practically over. The exertions, which were the fruit of terror and dispair, gave way to supineness and lethargy. The poor soldiers, far from home, seemed to have been forgotten. In some commands there were mutinies and threats to enforce their rights at the point of the bayonets. An Alexander, a Caesar, a Napoleon, might have urged the fierce discontent of the army for the auguration of a mili- tary despotism. The great and good Washington, by the union of kindly sympathy and occasional force, quieted these troubles. The brave soldiers who encoun- tered all the sufferings which can afflict mankind, hunger, thirst, nakedness, disease, wounds, separation from loved 46- • •)ncs, apparent inL^ratituclc and iic.L;"lcct trfjni those in civil" authority, otficcrs whose fame will ne\'er (lie, and their humble followers, "unnameLl demigods of histor\'," hung- up their swru'ds and their niuskets on the bar: walls of their ruined dwellini^'s, and addressed themselves man- fulK' to repairin.'^" their shattered tortup.es and lax'ing' the foundation (■■( the Great Republic of the worl;:l. As S. S. I'rentiss so beaulitully said to the returned soldiers from tlie Mexican v.'ar: "Thus the dark thunder cloud at Na- ture's summons marshals its black batallions and hovers in the horizon.', but at len.g'th its lightnings spent, its nission finished, its dread artillery silenced, it melts awav into the blue eth.er, and the next morning m^iy be four.d glit- rering in the dew drops among the flowers, or assisting, by its kindl}' moisture the growth, of the youn.g and ten- der plants." General Sumner was exempt from some of the trials suffered by his compatriots. He was a man of large possessions. His home was not in the track of the ar- mies 'and suffered no injur\- from rude soldier)'. His neighbors were all lo\-al to America and we find no. depredations of Tories or deserters in Bute. His pru- dence kept him from debt. In the midst of admiring friends, enjoying the satisfaction of a well-earned repu- tation, he spent the residue of his days in the manage- ment of his estate, tlve care of his slaves and his blooded horses, the training of his children and the exercise of a. generous hospitality. His wife probabl}' died during the war, as she seems to have been living in 178 1, and was not living in 1785. Only once was he induced to leave his privacy. Iiv 1784 was formed the Societ}- of the Cincinnati, composed of officers of the Continental army. Its nam-e was taken' from the personification of Washington called like Cin- cinnatus of old from- his farm to- the salvation of his coup.- 47 \ry. It was designed to pei'pctu.ite the feelings of pa- triotism and brotherl}' affection engendered by the long struggle together for Independence, and provide for the indigent in their ranks. Washington was its President General. General Sumner was President of the North Carolina division and presided over a meeting of the del- gates at Hillsboro on April 13th. As delegates to the general body he appointed /Xrchibald Lyttle, Maj. Read- ing Blount and Maj. Griffith J.McRee. As in the original incorporation the primogeniture principle was contempla- ted, fears entered the public mind that the Societ}' was an entering wedge for the introduction of an aristocracy into our country. This hostilit}'. coupled with the diffi- culty of communication in this large but thinly settled State gave it a short. life here. In sorRe of the States it still flourishes, Hamilton Fish, of New York, being the successor of Washington as President General. From it is derived the name of one of the most flourishing cities of the West. Before closing, I must give you some details throwing •light upon General Sumner as a citizen. We have the inventory of his effects, returned by his <^xecutors. Including the bounty lands'in Tennessee, he left over 20,000 acres of land, besides town lots in Hali- fax, Louisburg and Smithfield, in Virginia. He owned two valuable farms in Warren county, one called his "Manor Plantation " and the other his " Bute Court House Plan- tation." On them were thirty-five slaves, nearly all able to work" and seventeen horses, some of them racers; and about 240 hogs, twenty sheep and eighty-six head of other cattle. The possession of this large amount of stock, together with 150 barrels of old corn and a quan- tit}' of bacon and beef and "six hogsheads of prized to- bacco and about two to prize," as late as the 15th of March, after the winter was passed, is a pretty good showing' for his manag"ement. The mention ofa " quan- tit}' of quart bottles, some rum, brand}-, c>'der and wine,'" five large China bowls and four small ditto, shows that he kept up the convivial habits which distinguished Warrert society for so many years, while the " one chamber chair " suggests that the war-worn veteran, after leaving his active army life, may have contractexl by too- generous living tliat affliction fomierl}- called the aristo- cratic disease, the gout, exceedingl}- common in that day. There is an enumeration of large quantities of earthen- ware and china, silver and ivory-handled knives and forks, " two square tables, two round tables ajird two tea ditto,." which shows that he was accustomed to exercise bountiful hospitalit}'. As memeatos of his army expe- rience we find ;^2,374, 9s, 6d, of army certificates, his silver-handled sword, bequeathed to his eldest son, his fire-arms bequeathed to his second so^n, ajid "his camp- beds, bedsteads and furniture," which he g^ave to- his daughter. The silver salver, silver spoons, " large and small," silver-handled aad ivory-handled kiuves, china- ware and other furniture, gold watch and silver watch, show that he lived in good style, while his division of his "printed books V between his two sons, in that day whent books were quite rare, indicates tliat he had some taste, for literature. The end was much nearer than the ag-e of fiftv-t wo )-ears would seem to make probable. The e.xposures of war from the bitter cold of Valley Forge to the fever swamps of South Carolina, whence deadly miasma rises almost like a visible mist, underm-ined his strong constitution- General Sumner's will is dated March 15th, 17S5, and the inventory returned by his executors is dated March iQth^ 1785,30 that he must have died between these dates. I regret that I can ascertain nothing" satisfactory about General Sumner's wife. Sm\-th states, as I have mention- 49 ed, that she was )'oung at the time of tlie marriai;o. of i^''()od family and of a handsome fortune. Wheeler says that she was a wid )\v Heiss, of New Berne, but none of the (dd inhabitants of that town know anv'thiiiL;" about her. General Sumner bequeaths to his dau^^^hter the "clothing- and jewels of his wife, now in possession of Airs. Long-, of Halifax." Mrs. Long of Halifa.x, the widow of Col. Xicholas Long, the Commissar_\'-General, was a notable lady, whose maiden name was AIcKinnie, and, from the fact that Mrs. Sumner's clothing and jew- els were left with her, coupled with the fact that one of her sons was named McKinnie Hurst, and further that it appears from an act of the General Assembl}', disentail- ing some lands, that the McKinnies and Hursts were re- lated, the presumption is that she was either a McKinnie or a Hurst, nearl)- related to Mrs. Long-. This presump- tion is streng-thened b\' the fact that one of the devisees of Sumner's lands, in case of the death of all his chil- dren in their minority, was Nicholas Long, Jr., a son of Mrs. Long-. General Sumner left three children, all minors. We do not know the dates of his marriage or of the birth of any of his children, except Jacky Sullivan, who married Thomas Blount, a brother of Major Reading Blount, one of Sumner's Colonels. She changed her name to Mary Sumner Blount, and died in 1823. She was born in 1778 and was probably the }'oungest child. The two sons were Thomas Edward and Mc Kinney Hurst. To the former doubtless the oldest child, w.'vs devised his Manor Plantation. To McKinney Hurst, the Bute Court House Plantation. In case either should die in their minority the other was to have the whole. If all his children should che in their minority his lands were to go to Nich- olas Long. Jr., and the oldest son of Benjamin McCul- lock aud James Gray. His executors nomin^ated were 50 l^eniaiiiin AlcCullock, Jr>lin l^apti^ta Aslie YonnL; AIc- Lcmon and James Gre}', but only McCullock and (jrc\- qualified. The s<)ns died without issue, and so all the propert}- final!}- vestetl in Airs. Jack)' Sullixan i.or M ir\- Sumner Hlount) and was by her scattered amonc;' sixt\- lec^'atees, incku.linL;' the I^piscj^al church of KaleiL^ii and friend.s who had been kind to her. Her hu.'^banLl wms a member of Con;_;'ress of the United States, and one of the commissioners to locate the Capital and a!s(> the L^niversitw I'd'om the fire^'oinc^ sketch, hastily prei)ared h"om ma- terials scattered throuL,di scores oi manuscript letters antl numerous printed br)oks, we are able to estimate what manner of man Jethro Sumner was. Me was not a i^x-- nius; he had little education deri\-ed from bioks. Hut he had a L^enerc^us nature and a bii^ heart. One of his colc)- nels writes, " Dear General, }'ou are no strani^^er to our sufferings; we have our eyes u[)on y(3u as our support in our hour of need." They did not lean on a broken reed, but on a sturdy oaken staff He had a stroni;' heat! and sound common sense. General Greene and Governor Nash and scores of militar\' leaders in the dark hours of ■a desolated State, of civil strife, of ruined currency, of despondency and of terror, asked the aid of his sai^acity and pluck, and asked not in wain. He had a long- expe- rience in actual military service in the field through most of the French war, and from the burning of Norfolk, Jan- uary 1st, 1776, until the close in 1783, in fierce battles, in laborious m.arches, in drear}' encampments, in thankless recruiting service, from a Lieutei-iant to a l^rigatiier- General's place. Although not brilliaiU, he was ;ilwa}-s faithful and reliable, performing his full dutv without fd- tering and without a murmur. In all his letters we find no carping at superiors, no jealous}- of equals, ho de- ,spondenc}' or cowardice of heart. He was a lo}-al, brave. true, gallant soldier. He had no art to push himself, or •51 publish his cxph^its. He kept no predecessor ot the iiiodern newspaper correspondent in his tent in order to puff liim into notoriet)'. He chd his whole duty and made no boast. He left no posterit\- to keep his fame burnished. The noble State love of Judge Schenck has brous^'ht his bones from their secluded restin<;-place in the woods of AVarren to this beautiful battle park, where his monument can be seen and his name read by countless visitors. He has likewise caused me to e.x- hume his military and civil record from musty manu- scripts and notices scattered in many books, and expose it to the eyes of all who take interest in the deeds and suf- ferings of our forefathers. J thank him and his committee for putting this task upon me. F"ellow Citizens: I have endeavored to give you a truth- ful account, not making the ^^ubject of my address a hero impossible to be imitated, or an unapproachable saint, but exactly as he was — a man, a gentle-man, whom all should know and love. I hope, in view of all his sacrifices for us and our liberties, in view of his kindly acts to our suf- fering ancestors, you will join m.e in thanks to the giver •of all good, because of His gift to North Carolina of " Jethro Sumner, one of the Heroes of 1776."* * This is the inscriiv'tii'n du Sumner's mouuiiK-nt. Note. — By a shp of memory it is slated on page 34 that Sumner joined in the advice to Lincoln to cross the Savannah in Novem- ber, instead of .April, 1779. Ashe's defeat was in November 1779, //>*'^-* £--^ and of course did not iVustrate the movement. K. P. B. UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00020346136 This book may be kept out one month unless a recall notice is sent to you. It must be brought to the North Carolina Collection (in Wilson Library) for renewal. JAN 1 zaio I