iCt^Ovd" oV- Cv=.l^.4oy-K>i. ,-. a.P' I ~ ^Xj iL^ i"d^ }^^aJJ^LCc\-n& J?vdL . Library OF THE University of North Carolina This book was presented by the family of the late KEMP J'L'JM.MEi: BATTLE, Prv.-jideut of the University of North Carolina from 1876 to 1890 / ,.,- REPORT OF HOWARD O, BANKS To the Charlotte Observer" of the Celebration at Guilford Battle Ground, July 4th, 1893. An immense concourse of patriotic North Carolinians has gathered here to-day, on this, the 117th nnniver- pary of the Declaration of Indepen- dence, to witness the unveiling of the monument erected by Gov. Tho8. M. Holt to the memory of the North Carolina troops, who here, on March 15th, 1781, under Maj. Joseph Winston, fought the Hessians and Tarleton's cavalry after the Conti- nental line had retreated from the field of battle. It is estimated that there were 10,000 people present. There could not have been less than 9,000. Shortly after 11 o'clock the line of march was formed at President Schenck's headquarters. Twenty mounted marshals, all splendid physical specimens, took the lead, dressed in Continental uniform, un- der command of Chief Marshal Charles 0. McMichael. They formed an exceedingly prettv picture. Following them came the Lexing- ton silver cornet band, of sixteen pieces, which discoursed the sweet- est music as the procession moved forward. The orator of the day, chaplain and distinguished guests in carriages followed, and after them the Charlotte Naval Battalion, North Carolina Confederate Veterans and members of the' Guilford Battle Ground Company. The procession moved along through the beautiful groves and grounds, passing by Leonidas and Clyde Springs, and winding around the almost crystal- clear Lake Wilfong, passing under the arch of welcome, its pillars wrapped in the national colors, and the arch proper bearing on one side : " The Old North State Forever " and on the reverse : " Carolina, Heaven's Blessings Attend Her," and arriving finally at the speaker's stand in a shady grove on the eastern side of the field. During the march Judge Schenck's youngest son, Paul Wil- fong Schenck about twelve years old, rode proudly by the side of the car- riage containing ex-Governor Holt and hi- distinguished father. This pati'iotic youngster looked exceed- ingly handsome in his bright blue Continental uniform and lie sat upon his Sjiirited animal with an heredi- tary gracefulness that lefiected credit upon the horsemanship of his Revo- lutionary ancestors who rede after Cam|)bell, McDowell or Sevier. One of this young man's ancestors on his mother's side, named John Wil- fong, distinguished himself in tlie battle of King's Mountain. K a rely is such a distinguished group of North Carolinians seen to- gether at one time. Any State in the Union might have been proud in the possession of such sons and daughters. On the stand were: Gov. P^lias Carr; Chief Justice James E. Shep- herd, of the State Supreme Court; President Geo. T. Winston, of the University; Justice Walter Clark, of the State Supreme Court ; Dr. Kemp P. Battle and Prof E. A. Alderman, of the University ; Judge Jesse Franklin Graves, of the Superior Court ; Assistant Bishop Joseph B. Cheshire, of the Episcopal Church ; Rev. Dr. T. H. Pritchard, of the Bap- tist Church, Charlotte ; Hon. C B. Watson, of Winston ; Editor John R. Webster, of Webster's Weekly; Col. Thos. B. Keogh, Col. Jas. E. Boyd, Col. R. M. Sloan, and Dr. D. R. Schenck, ef Greensboro ; S. Witt- kowsky, Esq., of Charlotte; and A!rs Geo. T. Winston and Mrs. David Schenck, with Misses Rebecca Schenck and Lucy Bevens. of Greensboro ; Graves of Mt. Airy, and Williamson, of Winston. Among the audience were many prominent people. Among others the Observer caught sight of Profes- sors Stephen B. Weeks, J. A. Holmes and Henry Louis Smith. There were bright-eyed maidens, manly youths, winsome matrons, strong, nitelligent men in the prime of life; others who have climbed the hill of life and descended far on the other side, on whose heads " the enow that never melts had fallen." But the central figures that towered above all others on this occasion and who were the cynosure ol all eyes were ex-Governor Thos. M. Holt, through whose munificence the monument to be unveiled was erected, and that patriot of patriots and typical North Carolinian, the Hon. David Schenck, but for whose untiring labors this " Mecca of patriotism " — to quote Dr. Pritchard's felicitious expression — the Guilford Battle Ground, would never have been reclaimed from the rank weeds that grew where heroes ghed their blood, and but for whose unremitting studies some of North Carolina's grandest men would have remained — with the flight of time — " unwept, unhonored and unsung," and a shameful lie perpetuated in history. Yes, these were the two men that this truly representative assemblage had gathered to honor. Beauty, youth, chivalry, age, genius and intellectuality had come togeth- er to kneel and worship at the shrine of patriotism. , Col. Joseph Morehead, of Greens- boro, acted as master of ceremonies. He first introduced Rev. Dr. T. H. Pritchard, who made the opening prayer, which was most fervent and eloquent. Dr. Pritchard said : " We thank Thee, God, that in Thy in- finite wisdom Thou didst determine to create man, that Thou didst honor him b}' making him in Thy own image ; that Thou didst endow him with lofty capacities of mind and heart, crowning him with glory and honor, making him but a little lower than the angels. We thank Thee for the good providences by which the race has been preserved through all the perils and vicissitudes of the ages. " We are here to-day as the repre- sentatives of the people of this great commonwealth, on this the day that is sacred to the memories of the American people, to honor Thy great name for the kindly interpositions of Thy providences in behalf of our people. As Thou didst call Abraham in the olden time and make him the head of a great people whom Thou didst foster and cherish and educate to be the religious teacher of the world for all time, so do we humbly believe that Thou didst call the Anglo-Saxon race, in the long ago, in tlie wild forests of Germany to be the great teachers of civil and relig- ious liberty to the world. Thou didst imbue their minds with a per- sonal sense of independence, with a love of freedom, with a sacred regard for personal rights and Thou didst so cherish these principles in their lives and characters, developing them under the higher and better auspices of English government, until the full flower and development of those princi[)ks found their fullfilment and glorious development in these United States." Dr. Pritchard thanked God for planting this people in this fair land of ours and said : " We thank 'Ihee for the Puritan and the Cavalier ; for Washington and for Jefferson and for Madison and for Hamilton and for Greene and ibr Sumner and for Sumter and for Marion and for many other heroes, who distinguished themselves' on fields of battle in the contest for freedom. We cherish the memories of our fathers who fought and bled and died on this consecrated spot and we are gathered here to-day as their descendants with our hearts filled with the inspi- ration of patriotism to erect a monu- ment to their memories and to cher- ish in sacred honor their names and their achievements. We thank Thee that Ihou didst put it in the heart of one of Thy servants to devote time and wisdom and energy and great labor to the upbuilding of this place, for the increase of interest in the part of our people to make this a Mecca of patriotism and holy shrine for the hearts of the people of North Carolina. We rejoice that Thou didst put it into the heart of one of Thy servant* — Thy patriotic servant — to erect this monument which we are to-day to unveil." Judge Schenck was then intro- duced. He arose, leaning upon his long staff. For the first time in four weeks, he said, he had left a sick chamber. There was a stoop in his great, broad shoulders and feeble- ness in his step as he came to the front of the platform. He asked that he might be excused if he should break down before he finished . But it soon become apparent that there was no danger of this. The old lion was aroused. As he pro- gressed in his defense of the much slandered North Carolina troops, who participated in the fight at Guilford Court House, he iorgot that he was a sick man. At the first mention of the criminal injustice done to our soldiers in this engage- ment by historians, a feeling of righteous indignation pervaded the whole being of the speaker. It sent the blood tingling to his very finger tips; it brought the fiery flash to his eye. There was no longer the stoop in his shoulders, the halt in his gait. In thunder tones he denounced the slanderers. Every intelligent North Carolinian knows that Judge Schenck is a pa- triot. Every page of his book glows with patriotism and love of the old North State. The existence of the Guilford battleground park is a con- stant proclamation of this fact. But nobody can ever realize how pa- triotic — how intensely, thrillingly patriotic Judge Schenck is until they have seen him and heard him speak. When once you have heard him pour forth with fiery eloquence the emotions of a heart overflowing with love for his state; when once you have seen the impulsive tears gush to his eyes as he concludes some sentence with the words: — "North Carolina, God bless her" — you can't be very much of a man if you don't find yourself feeling for your handkerchief to get the mist out of your own eyes. The name of Schenck will never cease to be a synonym for patriotism in North Carolina as long as she is a sovereign State. Judge Schenck felt it necessary to cut his speech short. His conclusion was very pathetic, as he thanked Gov. Holt for his great heartedness in building this monument on the spot where North Carolina troops made the last stand at Guilford Court House, after Gen. Greene had retired from the field, thus leaving them to face the Hessians and Tar- leton all alone. He felt now that the desire of his heart had been accom- plished and he could now say, in all reverence, like old Simeon, " Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace." (Judge Schenck's speech will be published in full in next Sunday's Observer). After Judge Schenck had conclud- ed his magnificent address, ex-Gov. Holt was introduced and his appear- ance was greeted with great applause. Gov. Holt said that he had not come prepared to make any set speech, but he hoped the audience would excuse any egotism on his part if he said, pointing to the monument, "The erection of that monument is the proudest act of my life." (Great applause.) " Read the inscription on that monument with one excep- tion (that relating to himself). It is a better speech than I can make.'^ Gov. Holt said, "If there is any peo- ple on the face of the American soil entitled to celebrate the Fourth of July it is the people of Alamance and Guilford counties." (Great ap- plause). He had been taught, he said, in his school days that the Re- volution was begun at Concord and ended at Yorktown, not a word of which was true. It began with Alamance and ended practically at Guilford Court House. (Applause). " I had rather have posterity read that I erected that monument," con- cluded Gov. Holt, "than have the governorship to the end of my life." (Great applause). Prof. E. A. Alderman then read, with fine expression, the beautiful poem of Prof. Henry Jerome Stock- ard, who, to the great regret of all, was unable to be present. 1 he Observer regrets that the space is lacking to make deserved com- ment upon the patriotic speeches of the following distinguished gentle- men: Gov. Elias Carr, Chief Justice Shepherd, President Geo. T. Winston of the University; Justice Walter Clark, Dr. Kemp P. Battle, Assistant Bishop Cheshire, and Judge Jesse Franklin Graves, a grandson ofCapt. Jesse Franklin, who fought in the battle. The monument was then unveil- ed, upon the signal fired by the howitzer of the Charlotte Naval Re- serve, Lieut. J. Frank Wilkes. The unveiling was done by four beautiful young ladies, daughters of North Carolina, Miss Carrie Holt, of Graham, a niece of Gov. Holt; Miss Mary Moore Young, of Charlotte, a niece of Mrs. Gov. Holt, and Misses Lucy Bevens and Madeline Douglas, of Greensboro, the two former selected by Gov. Holt and the two latter by the directors of the battle ground company. The monument is made of Surry county granite and is very handsome. On the three fiices of the monunient are bronze tablets bearing the follow- ing inscriptions : IN MEMORY OF THE NORTH CAROLINA TROOPS UNDER MAJOR JOtSEPH WINSTON, ^ WHO WERE FIGUTING THB HESSIANS AND TARLETOn's CAVALRY NEAR THIS SPOT AFTER THE CONTINENTAL LINE HAD RETREATED : FROM THE FIELD OF BATTLE. (2) MAJOR JOSEPH WINSTON. CAPTAIN JESSE FRANKLIN. RICHARD TALLIAFERRO. Palmam qui meruit ferat. (3) Erected by governor thomas m. holt. 1893. On the fourth face the coat of arms of North Carolina is embedded. In the afternoon Hon. Cyrus B. Watson, of Winston, delivered a splendid address to the old veterans. The picture he painted of the battle fought on the ground where they stood was intensely thrilling. The Guilford Battle Ground Com- pany was organized INIay 7. 1886, with Hon. D. Schenck, President; and Messrs. J. W. Scott, Julius A. Gray, D. W. C Benbow and T. B. Keogh, directors. Judge Schenck was shortly before ithis out on the battle rield obtaining data for his book. The place was overgrown with briars and weeds. One of his sons was with him, assisting him in his A'ork The idea sudden- ly flashed into his mind that this would be the place for the e-tnblish- ment of a park as a place to com- memorate the glorious deeds of North Carolina's s tns in the Revolu- tion. He immediately went to the owner of the property and asked his price for it. He was told $10 an acre. The owner paid only SI. 50 an acre for it. However, Judge Schenck at once bought a large portion of the property. He went to Greensboro and organized the Guilford Battle Ground Company. Other portions of the battle field were soon after- wards bought and the place gradual- ly cleared oft and nuule the lovely park it now is. There are monuments to tlie memory of Gen" Jethro Sumner; to the Maryland Heroes, erected by the Maryland Historical Society and presented by Prof Graham Daves, of Baltimore; to Col. Arthur Forbis, and Capt. James Tate, who were killed here. The Clvde Spring on tlie ground is called for Mr. W. P. Clyde, of New York, who gave the money to adorn it. Leonidas Spring is called for i eonidas \V. Springs, of Phila- delphia, who was a native of Meck- lenburg. Beautiful Lake Wilfong is named for John Wilfong, of Lincoln county, great-grand-lather of Mrs. Schenck, and who was wounded at King's Mountain. There are seventy-five acres in the grounds and the State appropriates $250 annually towards keeping up grounds. The citizens of Greensboro contri- bute freely to the Company every year. 00032691481 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION iiiiiiliii iiijiJIP