H llmlill lini siHfl HP ^B BKraJH m m bmBSBM wis' §11 n E&H ff, E ■HwraXn THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA PRESENTED BY Caroline Graves Marshbourne ^^L ui . ( 9^ /«j~/fj/. ■ / ■ ■• TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD ( IN THE GREAT WORLD WAR COMPILED BY J. R. GRAHAM PUBLISHED BY WORLD WAR PUBLISHING COMPANY CHARLOTTE, N. C. THE DOOLEY PRINTING CO., CHARLOTTE, N. C. I'llllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllW DEDICATION g To the men and women of the Old North jj State who unfalteringly "did their bit" in the great world war, this book is 1 dedicated. 1 THE PUBLISHERS | fP' i: I. :i, M l. :i, I :i. i. .11 s lr ■ : ' ■, ,1 ■ ,1 ;. .: !:::..:; i. : ■ -- 1 3 be ^ PREFACE The publication of this book under the title of the TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD is an effort to perpetuate to some extent a record of the activities of sons and daughters of the Old North State who were active participants in the great war at home and abroad. It is thought by the publishers that there is a place for such a volume and the following pages are the result of a systematic canvas, bringing together for the benefit of home-folks, relatives and friends (as nearly as possible) an authentic account of the war record of their loved ones. In the years that will swiftly follow this book's publication it will increase in worth to them as a memory of a very epochal time in the history of the world, our country, our state and our home. &ldt NOTE The illustrations appearing in this publication are taken from the book. "In the A. E. F. With an Artist", by the late Lieut. Jno. B. Mallard, and are used by permission of Mrs. Jno. B. Mallard, who has on sale her late husband's book, containing these and many other illustrations. THE PUBLISHERS. Cover Design by Kenneth Whitsett, Charlotte, N. C. FOREWORD North Carolina may well feel a strong thrill of pride when the noble enterprise of its men and women during the period of the great world conflict is rehearsed. The men were eager and willing to respond to Old Glory's call to arms and the women at home lost no time in busying themselves in things intended to lessen the suffering of those over-seas. The splen- did manhood of the Old North State manifested itself time and again on the field of battle and on the high seas. How many times a North Carolinian's name went down into imper- ishable fame for deeds of valor and self sacrifice in behalf of the greatest cause of all time. The women at home, God bless them, spurred them on to high purpose, fired their souls with memories of their illustrious ancestors in the days of '64 and afforded them that warmth of love and trust and faith that kept them from doing not less than the best that was in them. Many of our women went overseas as nurses, and canteen workers, and one is sure that their very presence was a blessing to our men. At home in the great drives for humane institutions they surpassed themselves in the good they accomplished. Within the covers of this book are presented symposiums of many who gave of themselves and of their substance that the world might D3 made safe to live in and that the despots of Europe might be erased from the maps of the future generations. When one views the war in retrospection it is then that these sketches gain the significance that give them the place in every North Carolina home that they deserve. There is doubtless in this book mention of some loved one, set forth in all truthfulness, that gives him or her a little firmer hold on our heart. The publishers have spent considerable time, money and effort in bringing out this book, but the compensation that is theirs in feeling that they have produced a work worth while is worth more than the material gain to be derived from their labors. As it goes to press the writer is looking over several of the proof sheets. He sees many of his dearest friends in the eulogies and one in particular who has died since the book was planned. He was a veteran of the overseas army and contracted trouble of the stomach from which he never fully recovered and which finally resulted in his death. He was a modest fel- low, the best friend that one could desire, and when I wrote up a brief review of his service I did so with due modesty, for I knew well how strongly he would object to anything flowery. He just simply wanted the plain facts, without frills. And that is the way he lived and of such men North Carolina is justly proud, for he is typical of the fineness of the manhood of the state. We are well aware that in the Liberty Loan Drives North Carolina exceeded her quotas. She exceeded because of the enthusiasm that is hers and the power of pride behind her. In all other drives she duplicated success with success. In conclusion, Tar Helia has a world war record that is brim-full of accomplishment and it is hoped that this book may be a lasting tribute to the courage of her men and the character of her women. JOHN J. GIFFOBD. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD IN MEMORIAM To the Stainless Knights of a stainless cause, who gave their lives for humanity, and the right, in the Great World War. "Gone West" — Over the purple hills and beyond the softly glowing rim of life's day, the warrior's spirit takes its flight. Out of the morning, across the white archway of noontide, down to the sunset. Out of the din and clamor, out of the bitterness and strife, out of the fierce passion of the combat, into the dreamless silence whose shadows mark the pathway to the stars. Beyond earth's darkening horizon, through the curtained gloom of night, far from the shoreless sea of fadeless light. Out of the agony of life's Gethsemane, over the quaking summit of Calvary, into the realm of glory, where God's banners never furl, where victory is sure. So the Stainless Knight of a stainless cause moves down the West where earth's last glimmer fades and dies and into God's spreading dawn whose light is eternal, whose breath is cool and sweet. "Gone West." TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD T. W. BICKETT MRS. T. W. BICKETT |!ii[iil[iiiiiillii!ilillllilliniiiiiil linn mum ll : ; i . i : ■ ■ : : : :i : . ; :: I !■ ;; n .1: ..! n.: ih n; n ill .in.ii'' ,n: ii-.;i ;:■ ::■ .:■ : ■ .. . ,■ ^= BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH | THOMAS WALTER BICKETT, son of Thomas Winchester Bickett and Mary | | Covington Bicketl; born Monroe, North Carolina, February 28th. 1 869, Graduated 1 ■ Wake Forest College 1890; Licensed to practice law 1893; Member of the General J 1 Assembly of North Carolina 1 907- 1 909; Attorney General of North Carolina 1 909- 1917; | | Governor of North Carolina 1917-1921. Married November 29th, 1898, Miss Fannie 1 ■ Yarborough of Louisburg, North Carolina. B iiiiiiimimiimim mil iimimimiiiiiimimiimimimimiiiiiiwiiiiJiniiiiiiiiiHiimimimiimimiffiP TAR-H EEL WAR RECORD The following were active par- ticipants in the Great World War, as attested hy the Army Service Records credited to them: TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD ABEL, HUGH, Sergt. Machine Gun Btry. D, 30th Div., 114th Reg.; of Haywocd County; son of J. F. and Mary Abel. Entered service July 25th, 1917, at Waynes- ville. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 11th, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. March, 1917; Sergt. March, 1918. Fought at Ypres, St. Quentin, Bellicourt, and all other engagements of his company. Returned to U. S. A. March, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April, 1919. ADAMS, JOHN S., son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Adams, of Pender Co. Entered service May 27, 1918, at Burgaw, N. C. Pvt. Artillery, Battery C, 76th Division, 302nd regiment. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Hill, Va., August, 1918. Sent over sea to France. Fought at St. Mihiel. Returned to U. S. A. April 2, 1919, from Poliac, France, on U. S. S. Santa Rosa and landed at Boston, Mass. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 11, 1919. ALDERMAN, JACOB, Corporal Medical Corps, Chief Surgeon Headquarters Div.; of Chcwan County; son of J. 0. and Mary Alderman. Entered service Aug. 12, 1918, at Norfolk, Va. Sent to Camp Lee, transfen - ed to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France Sent. 13, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corporal February, 1918. Stationed at St. Nazairre, St. Aignan Thesee and at Surgeon Head- quarters at Tours. Arrived in U. S. A. June 16, 1919, Hoboken. Mustered out at Camp Mitchell Field, June 25, 1919. ALEXANDER, BENJAMIN F., JR.. Private Heavy Artillery, Battery D, 81st Div., 316th Re-.; of Pasquo- tank County ; son of B. F., Sr., and Mrs. Ef fie E. Alexan- der. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Elizabeth City. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France August, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 20, 1919. ADAMS, JOSEPH J., Sergt. F. A., Battery C, 140th Reg., 39th Div. Born in Durham, N. C; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Adams. Husband of Mrs. H. C. Adams. En- tered the service May 23, 1918, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, La. Mustered out at Camp Beauregard, May 29, 1919. ADAMS, SAM, 1st Class Private, F. A., 1st Div., 5th Field Artillery. Born in Orange County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Adams. Entered the service May 25, 1918, at Hillsboro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for France in August, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse, Argonne, Sedan. Returned to U. S. A. Sept. 5, 1919; landed at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Sept. 24, 1320. Was with Army of Occupation eight months. ALEXANDER, A. N., Corporal Supply Train, 306th Co., 81st Div.; of Washington County; son of A. and Mrs. Rennie Valiginia Alexander. Entered service May 27, 1918. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Se- vier, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, St. Die. Received Victory Medal with two stars. Returned to U. S. A., Newport News, Va., June 25, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 9, 1919. ALEXANDER, STUART A., Machinist 2nd Class (Navy) ; of Pasquotank County; son of B. F. and Mrs. Effie E. Alexander. Entered service April 6, 1917, at Elizabeth City, N. C. Sent to Hampton Roads, U. S. S. tug 80, then tug 76. Mustered out at Camp St. Helena, Va. Dec. 30, 1919. AGNER, H. C, Sergt. Engineers, Co. D, attached to 81st, 605th Engineers. Born in Rowan County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Agner. Entered the service May 16, 1918, at Salisbury, N. C. Was sent to Washington Bar- racks, D. C. Sailed for France Sept. 27, 1918. Landed in U. S. A. Jan. 1, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Received training at A. & E. College. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Jan. 10, 1919. AGNER, D. A., Wagoner, Heavy Artillery, Headquar- ters Co., 81st Div., 316th Heavy Artillery. Born in Rowan County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Agner. Entered the service at Salisbury, N. C, May 28, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jackson and from there to Camp Mills, N. Y. Overseas to France August 13, 1918. Landed in the U. S. A. June 9, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 20, 1919. ALDRED, ALLIE M., 1st Class Private, Medical Corps, General Hospital No. 42. Born in Guilford County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Aldred. Entered the service at Winston-Salem, N. C, Nov. 8, 1917. Was sent to Greenleaf, Ga., and on Feb. 11, 1918, was sent to General Hospital No. 18. Was detachment clerk at Hampton Roads, Va., Hospital No. 43. Mustered out at National Soldiers' Home, July 3, 1919. ALEXANDER, WILLIAM O., 1st Class Private, Med- ical Corps, Hospital Company. Born in Cabarrus County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Alexander. Entered the service July 5, 1918, at Charlotte, N. C. Was sent to Camp Greenleaf, Ga., and from there to Ft. Logan H. Roots, Ark. Transferred to Oteen Hospital No. 19. Mus- tered out at Oteen Hospital, Jan. 10, 1920. ALEXANDER, CHARLES R., Sergt. Evacuation Hos- pital 25. Entered service at Concord, N. C, July 6, 1918. Went to Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Sailed from Cairn Upton, Nov. 12, 1918, for France. Returned to the U. S. A. July 16, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, July 29, 1919. ALEXANDER, SAMUEL A., 2nd Lt., Remount Vet- erinary Corps, 6th Cavalry. Entered service at Mat- thews, N. C, June 7, 1917. Son of A. D. and Mary W. (Bess) Alexander, of Mecklenburg County. Sent to Ft. Royal, Va., Remount Depot. Sailed for France March 23, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. July 5, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Dix, July 8, 1919. Commissioned May 21, 1917. ALFORD, M. C, Private, Spruce Division, S. P. D. Born in Randolph County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Alford. Husband of Mrs. Ollie (R. Sullivan) Alford. En- tered the service at Detroit, Mich., July 2, 1918. Was sent to Vancouver Barracks. Served with S. P. D. throughout entire service. Mustered out at Vancouver Barracks, Dec. 10, 1918. Now at Thomasville, N. C. ALLEN, WILLIAM A., Reg. Sergt. Major, Field Ar- tillery, Headquarters Co., 30th Div., 113th Reg.; of Le- noir County; son of O. H. and Mrs. Sarah C Allen. Hus- band of Mrs. Alice Ward Allen. Entered service July 23, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Trans- ferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Promoted to rank of Batt. S. M., July 25, 1917. Reg. S. M., Dec, 27, 1917. Fought at Toul Sector, St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest. Commissioned 2nd Lt., Field Artillery, Feb. 1, 1919, O. R. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 29, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD ALBEA, CLAUDE L., son of Mrs. S. E. Albea, of Charlotte, N. C. Entered service Sept. 19, 1917, at Char- lotte, N. C. Stationed at Camp Jackson, S. C, to Oct., 1917. Transferred to Co. D, 120th Inf., at Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Two months active service in Belgium on Ypres Front. Was wounded by high explosive shell Sept. 29, 1918, at the taking of the Hindenburg Line, near St. Quentin, France. Returned to U. S. A. as a casual Dec. 16, 1918. Discharged from Hos- pital March 27, 1919. ALEXANDER, THOMAS, 1st Class Musician, 105th Engineer Band, 30th Div. Enlisted Feb. 26, 1916, 1st N. C. Inf., Co. O. Transferred to 1st N. C. Band. Served on Mexican border June 19, 1916, to February, 1917. Called in service July 25, 1917. Transferred to 105th Engineers and served in France and Belgium. Took ac- tive part in battles of Hindenburg Line, Ypres Canal Sec- tor, and numerous other drives with 11th, 7th, and 9th British Armies. Discharged April 8, 1919. Permanent address, Charlotte, N. C. ALEXANDER, CICERO, Sergt. 1st Class, Base Hos- pital, Unit C. A. C, Ft. Caswell, N. C. Enlisted July 25, 1917, Charlotte, N. C. Attached to Base Hospital Unit C. A. C, Ft. Caswell, N. C. Served as "Topper" July 25, 1917, to April 8, 1919, Ft. Caswell. Permanent address, Charlotte, N. C. ANTHONY, GEO., 1st class Baker, Navy. Entered service Aug. 20, 1917, at Lumberton, N. C. Sent to 3rd Naval District, New York, then to U. S. S. Huron, on which he made 17 trips overseas. This boat was rammed in night by U. S. S. "Aeolus" — in reserve as 1st class petty officer. This record covers the greatest number of trips overseas by any service man from N. C. Mustered out at Portsmouth, Va., June 14, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD ALLEN, J. E., Bugler, Field Artillery, Battery C, 30th Div., 113th Artillery. Born in Orange County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Allen. Husband of Mrs. Grace Allen. Entered the service July 25, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier and from there to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed for France May 27, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne, Meuse. Gassed on Woevre Sector, Nov. 5, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. March 19, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 28, 1919. ALLEN, M. C, Wagoner, Infantry, Supply Co., 30th Div., 120th Reg. Born in Halifax County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Allen. Entered the service April 25, 1917, at Rosemary, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France. Fought in all engagements with 120th Reg- iment. Returned to U. S. A. April, 1919, and was mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 18, 1919. ALLEN, REYNOLD T., 1st Lt., Infantry, Co. D, 81st Div., 321st Reg. ; of Lenoir County ; son of U. H. and Sarah C. Allen. Entered service May 14, 1917, at Kinston, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, G>. Transferred to Camp Jack- son, S. C, then to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France from Camp Upton, July, 1918. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. August, 1917; 1st Lt., Dec. 31, 1917. Fought at St. Die, Vosges Mountains, Somme, Dieu Sector, Verdun, Meuse-Argonne offensive. Winner of Pistol Competition, 321st nfantry. Platoon leader of Platoon winning 5th place in A. E. F. rifle competition at Le Mons, France. Volunteered for service at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Mustered out at Camp Lee, July 15, 1919. ALLEN, CHAS. H., Phar. Mate (Navy), Med. Dept. Born in Montgomery County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Allen. Entered the service at Wilmington, N. C, Au- gust 13, 1917. Was sent to Charleston, S. C, and from there to Norfolk, Va. Stationed at U. S. I^aval Hospital, Norfolk, Va., and at Charleston Naval Dispensary. Mus- tered out at Naval Hospital, Norfolk, Va., Feb. 18, 1919, into the Reserve. ALLEN, HENRY W., 1st Class Private, Headquar- ters, 322nd Infantry, 81st Div. Born in Martin County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Allen. Entered service at Williamston, N. C, Sept. 20, 1917. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for Liverpool, Eng., and later La Havre, Aug. 11, 1918. Fought at St. Die, Verdun Sector. Returned to U. S. A. June 18, 1919. Landed at Newport News, Va. Was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. ALLEN, H. MATT, Major, Judge Advocate Genl., 31st and 3rd Divs., Div. Staff. Son of Judge Oliver H. and Sarah C. Allen, of Wayne County. Entered service May 15, 1917, at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. (R. O. T. C.) Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, August, 1917. Trans- ferred to Camp Wheeler, December, 1917. Sent over sea to Brest, Oct. 8, 1918. Promoted to Capt, F. A., Aug. 1, 1917. Promoted to Major Judge Advocate, December, 1917, at Meuse-Argonne. Was Captain and Adjutant 113th F. A. from August, 1917, to December, 1917. Over- seas with 31st Div. and transferred to 3rd Div. as Div. Judge Advocate. Superior Provost Commander for Kreis of Mogen (Germany) from December, 1918, to June, 1919. Returned to U. S. A. July 31, 1919. Mustered out at Washington, D. C, Aug. 3, 1919. ALLEN, THOS. R., 1st Class Private, C. A. C, Head- quarters Co., 60th C. A. C. Born in Martin County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Allen. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., July 30, 1917. Was sent to Fortress Monroe, Va.. and from there to Stuart, Va. Landed at Brest, France, April 23, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel of- fensive, Sept. 12 to 16, 1918 ; Meuse-Argonne, Sept. 26th- Nov. 11, 1918; 1st Phase, Sept. 26 to Oct. 4, 1918; 2nd Phase, Oct. 4 to Oct. 22, 1918; 3rd Phase, Oct. 23 to Nov. 11, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Feb. 4, 1919. Landed at New York, N. Y. Mustered out at Ft. Washington, Md., Feb. 17, 1919. Home address, Jamesville, N. C. ALLEN, M. O., Sergt., Motor Transport Corps, Co. C. Born in Alamance County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Allen. Entered the service May 27, 1918, at Mebane, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., and from there to San Antonio, Texas. Sailed for France Nov. 12, 1918. Served with 312th Motor Transport in France as Mechanic. Re- turned to the U. S. A. Oct. 15, 1919. Landed at Hoboken, N. J., and was mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., Oct. 23, 1919. ALLISON, COLEMAN W., Sergt., 120th Infantry, Co. H, 30th Div. Born in Orange County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Allison. Entered the service at Warrenton, N. C, July 25, 1917. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Voormizelle, Bellicourt, Nauroy, Brancourt, Busigny, Mont-Brehain, St. Souplet. Returned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Landed at Charles- ton, S. C. Was mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 18, 1919. ALLEY, AUTHOR N., 1st Class Private, Battery E, 30th Div.. 113th Field Artillery. Born Dec. 10, 1897. Son of J. M. and Sallie Alley, of Caldwell County. Hus- band of Frances Alley. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Lenoir, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, July 25, 1917. Went to France June 19, 1918. Fought at Ar- gonne, St. Mihiel, Sandy Woods. Landed in the U. S. A. March 9, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 28, 1919. ALLRED, W. H., 1st Class Private, Battery F, Artil- lery, 81st Div., 316th Field Artillery. Born in Alamance County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. K. Y. Allred. Husband of Mrs. Rosa Allred. Entered the service at Graham, N. C, April 25, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills, L. I. Went to France and fought at Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. June 8, 1919. Landed at Newport News, Va. Was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 21, 1919. ALLRED, ARCHIE M., 1st Class Private, Engineers, Co. C, 35th Engineers. Born in Guilford County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Allred. Entered the service at High Point, N. C, Sept. 18, 1917. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Grant, 111. Sailed for France March 4, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. April 28, 1919. Landed at Hoboken, N. J. Was mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, May 6, 1919. ANDREWS, CLARENCE W., Sergt. Major, Tank Corps, O. A. R. D. Born in Durham County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Andrews. Entered the service Feb. 12, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Gettysburg, Pa. Sailed for France Sept. 10, 1918. Fought at Argonne Forest, Stenay, Sedan. Gassed at Stenay, Nov. 10, 1918; sent to Base Hospital No. 11. Returned to U. S. A. April 5, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 11, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD AMBROSE, SAMUEL JESSE, 1st Class Private, In- fantry, Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Reg. ; of L:artin County ; son of W. T. and Mrs. Eliza S. Ambrose. Entered service Sept. 21, 1917, at Williamston, N. C. Sent to Camp Jack- son, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France June 5, 1918. Fought at Kemmill Hill. Wounded by shrapnel at the battle of Kemmill Hill, Oct. 2, 1918. 'Sent to Boulogne General Hospital No. 13. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 17, 1919. ANDREWS, CLAIBORNE LEE, 2nd Class Boat- swain's Mate, U. S. N. R. Earn in Durham County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Andrews. Entered the service at Durham, N. C, April 13, 1917. Was sent to Hampton Roads, Va., and from there to Boston. Transferred to Philadelphia, Pa. Made two trips across on the U. S. S. Nevada, convoy duty. Mustered out at Berkley, Va., Nov. 20, 1918. ANDREWS, CHAS. L., Sergt, Field Artillery, 30th Div., 113th Reg. Born in Durham, N. C, the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Andrews. Entered the service at Durham, N. C, June 19, 1917, and was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, from there to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 8, 1918. Date of promotion, Dec. 18, 1919. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne and Woevre. Returned to U. S. A. March 18, 1919. Landed at Newport News, Va., and was mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 28, 1919. ANDERSON, HAROLD W., 1st Class Private, Field Hospital No. 312, 78th Div., 303rd Sanitary Train; of Vance County; son of N. and Mrs. Hulda Anderson. En- tered service May 1, 1918, at Camp Dix, N. J. Sailed for France June 9, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Limy Sector, Meuse-Argonne. Mustered out at Camp Meade, Md., June 3, 1919. ANDERSON, CHESLEY A., 1st Class Private, Engi- neers, Co. C, 42nd Div., 117th Engineers. Born in Dur- ham County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Anderson. Entered the service July 25, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France Oct. 18, 1917. Fought at Lune- ville Sector, Baccarat Sector, Marne, St. Mihiel, Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. April 28th and was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 12, 1919. ANDERSON, ROBERT BANKS, 1st Lt., Co. A, 28th Infantry, 1st Div. Born in Wilson County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Anderson. Entered the service May 15, 1917, at Wilson, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., May 15, 1917. Sailed for France Oct. 8, 1917. Pro- moted to rank of First Lieutenant August 15, 1917. Fought at Cantigny. Was in America's first attack. Killed at Cantigny May 29, 1918, buried in Grave 153, U S. Military Cemetery, Bonviller Oise, France. Received distinguished service cross. He was graduated from Trinity College in 1914. His three brothers were also in the service. ANGIER, M. A., 1st Lt., Infantry, Co. C, 1st Prov. Reg. Born in Durham County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Angier. Entered the service April 14, 1917, at Dur- ham, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., and from there to Camp Jackson, S. C, then to Camp Sevier, S. C. Commissioned as 2nd Lt. July 14, 1917 and promoted to 1st Lt. March, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, March 1, 1919. ARNOLD, TROY L., Sergt., F. A., Battery A, 30th Div., 113th Reg. : of Craven County; son of C. P. and Mrs. Elizabeth Arnold. Husband of Mrs. Bessie B. Arnold. Entered service June 25, 1917, at New Bern, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 18, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel offensive, Argonne Forest, Woevre Sector. Returned to U. S. A. March, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 5, 1919. ARRINGTON, LENORE BRUCE, Private, 28th Co., 20th Div., Engineers, Forest Reg. Son of T. P. and Artie Arrington, of Jackson County. Husband of Mrs. Bell Arrington. Entered service Feb. 5, 1918, at Canton, N. C. Sent to American University at Washington, D. C. Sailed for France May 8, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. July 4, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 17, 1919. ASHBY, B. H., Sergt., Co. I, 30th Div., 120th Infantry. Born in Surry County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ashby. Entered the service June 19, 1916. at Mt. Airy, N. C. Was sent to Camp Glenn, N. C, from there to Camp Stewart, Texas. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France June 5, 1918. •Fought in Hindenburg drive. Served in all other actions with the 30th Division. Landed in U. S. A. April 13, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 18, 1919. AUSBON, LUTHER RALPH, Private, 317th Ambu- lance Co., 80th Div., 305th Sanitary Train. Born in Wash- ington County; son of C. V. W. and Mrs. S. L. Ausbon. Entered service Aug. 4, 1917, at Plymouth. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Overseas to France May 26, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. July 14, 1919. Mustered out at Mitchell Field, July 17, 1919. AUSBON, CLARENCE S., Sergt., Battery B, Field Artillery, 30th Div., 113th Regt. of Washington County; son of C. V. W. and Sadie L. Ausbon. Sent to Camp Se- vier, S. C, Sept. 17, 1917. Overseas to France June 6, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne, Woevre, Thian- court. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 30, 1919. AUSTIN, J. C, Cook, 15th Co., Infantry. Son of J. H. and M. M. Austin. Husband of L. A. Austin, of Rowan County. Entered service June 6, 1918, at Concord, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Was mustered out of service at Camp Sevier, S. C, November 30th, 1918. AUSTIN, OSCAR B., 1st Class Private, Co. D, 30th Div., 113th Field Artillery. Son of H. F. and Lola Aus- tin, of Catawba County. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Wadesboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Overseas to France June 17, 1918. Fought at Argonne Forest and St. Mihiel. Returned April 13, 1919. Landed at Charles- ton, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 18, 1919. AVERITT, ROBERT E., Headquarters Cook, 1st Corps Artillery Park, Denot Co. Born in Durham, N. C; the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Averitt. Entered the ser- vice Sept. 17, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for France May 30, 1918. Fought at Champagne, Aisne, Marne, Chateau Thierry, Verdun Sector, Meuse-Argonne. Sailed from Brest July 15, 1919. Landed in U. S. A. August 1, 1919 at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., August 10, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD ARTHURS, CLARENCE ALVIN, Private, Machine Gun Btn., Co. G, 3rd Div. Born in Iredell County July 29, 1893 ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arthurs. En- tered the service at Asheville, N. C, Jan. 13, 1913. Was sent to Gettysburg, Pa., and from there to Camp Greene, N. C. Sailed for France March 30, 1918. Promoted to Sergt. Fought at Chatteau-Thierry. Was gassed on July 12, 1918. Was sent to the Hospital where he died of chronic tuberculosis Nov. 8, 1918. Was sent to Base Hos- pital, American forces, Germany. Went to the Mexican border after serving three years in the Philippines. When war was declared was sent to Camp Greene, N. C. out at Portsmouth, Va., June 14, 1919. BURTNER, HENRY K., Private, 1st class, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 3rd Div., 30th Reg. Born Dec. 5, 1898 ; son of D. H. and Florence Burtner, of Mecklenburg County. Entered service Dec. 13, 1917, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., Dec. 13, 1917. Transferred to Camp Hancock, Ga., Jan. 2, 1918, the nto Camp Merritt, N. J., March 24, 1918. Sailed for France April, 1918. Fought at Chateau Thierry Defensive. Killed at Battle of Cha- teau Thierry June 26, 1918. Buried at Belleau Woods June 27, 1918. The 1st Greensboro boy killed in action. The Henry K. Burtner Pest No. 53, American Legion, is named in his honor. ATHANAELOS, JOHN PANAGIOTE, 50th Battery Detachment, A. R. D. Born in Cabarrus County. En- tered the service July 23, 1918, at Concord, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Was on board ship when Armistice was signed and turned back. Was at Camp Stuart, Va. Then returned to Camp Jackson, S. C. Dis- charged from Battery F, 4th Reg. F. A. R. D., Dec. 7, 1918. BAILEY, JESSIE B., Private, 323rd Inf., Co. B, 81st Div. Born in Moore County, Aug. 3, 1885; the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bailey. Entered the service May 28, 1918, at Carthage, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for Liverpool, Eng., Aug. 11, 1918. Sent to Field Base Hospital No. 22. Mustered out at Camp Mills, N. Y., April 8, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD AYERS, CLARENCE E., 1st Class Private, Q. M. C, Corporal American Headquarters in France; of Washing- ton County; son of E. W. and N. A. Ayres. Entered ser- vice August 1, 1918, at Plymouth, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas. Transferred to Camp Meiggs, Washington, D. C, then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France Sept. 23, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 30, 1919, at New York. Mustered out at Camp Mills, L. I., July 8, 1919. AYERS, JAMES C, Private, Supply Co., F. A., 81st Div., 317th F. A. Born in Davidson County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ayers. Entered the service at States- ville, N. C, April 1, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jackson, and sailed for France June, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Oct. 1, 1918, and died at Lakewood, N. J., May 9, 1919. Buried at Lexington at Ebenezer Cemetery. AYERS, SPURGEON T, Sergt., C. A. C, Battery E, 61st Reg. Born in Davidson County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ayers. Entered the service at Statesville, N. C, July 26, 1911. Was sent to camp in Columbus, Ohio, and from there to Ft. Varrancas, Fla. Transferred to Camp Eustis, Va. Sailed for France September, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. March 8, 1919. Served on the Mex- ican border, 1916, at Del Rio, Texas. Mustered into the Reserves. BACON, JAMES J., 1st Class Private Infantry, Co. D, 83rd, Div., 330th Reg. ; of Orange County ; son of J. W. and Mrs. Mary E. Bacon. Entered service Aug. 5th, 1918, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Wadsworth. Sailed for France Oct. 7th, 1918. Served as Prison Guard with Co. 219th P. W. E. Landed at Hoboken, N. J., on his return to U. S. A. Oct. 15, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J. Nov. 2nd, 1919. His ancestors served m the Mexican and Civil Wars. BAGC. CURTIS JOHN, Sergt. Medical Corps Hdqrs. Co., 80th Div., 305th Sanitary Train; of Craven County; son of A. S. and Mrs. Catherine Bagg. Husband of Mrs. Sophie J. Hollister Bagg. Entered service Aug. 4, 1917, at New Bern, N. C. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Transferred to Norfolk, Va. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Pro- moted to rank of Sergt. Oct., 1917. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argo;me, Verdun. Returned to U. S. A. June 1, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 10, 1919. BAILEY, KARL B., 2nd Lt. 7th Bat.; of Wilson County; son of Mr. J. L. and Mrs. E. B. Bailey. Entered service Dec, 1917, at Elm City, N. C. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. 10th of Nov., 1918. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Nov., 1918. BAILEY, EUGENE R., Private 1st Class, Co. 11th Infantry. Hdqrs. Detachment 81st; of Lenoir County; son of C. and Mary Bailey. Husand of Mrs. Mellie Bailey. Entered service Sept. 5, 1917, at Kinston, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France August 16, 1918. Fought at St. Die Sector, Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. Mar. 13, 1918, at Hoboken. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 4, 1919. BAIN, EDGAR H., Capt. Infantry, Co. E, 30th Div., 119th Reg.; of Wayne County; son of Theo H. and Mrs. Susan E. Bain. Husband of Mrs. Louisa Hobbs Bain. Entered service June, 1916, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at Ypres, St. Mihiel, and all other engagements, with the exception of Sept. en- gagements. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 28, 1919. BAKER, E. E., 1st Sergt. Med. Supply Depot, 117th Amb. Co., 105th San. Tr. ; of Edgecomb County; son of John W. and Mrs. M. Henrietta Baker. Husband of Mrs. Rilla Baker. Entered service Sept. 5, 1917, at Tarboro. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Was transferred from 105th to Med. Supply Dept. Mr. Baker and 15 men delivered medicine to different camps. Mustered out at Greenville, S. C, Dec. 7, 1918. BALKCIUM, H. L., Cook Co. F, 81st Div. 324th Reg. Inf.; of Sampson County; son of Mr. T. W. and Mrs. Ida Balkcum. Entered service May 26, 1918, at Clinton, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, Dec. 15, 1918. BANE, THOMAS P., Corpl. Co. C, 117th Regt. 30th Div. ; son of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Bane, of Durham County, N. C. Entered service Sept. 6, 1917, from Durham. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Mills. Overseas to France May 11, 1918. Was in all engagements with his company until wounded by shell fire, Oct. 9, 1918. Awarded D. S. Cross for extraordinary heroism in battle of Busigny, France, Oct. 9, 1918, by Gen. Pershing. Also Croix De Gurre with Gold Star from French Govt. Re- turned to U. S. A. March 28, 1919. Mustered out at Oglethorpe, April 13, 1919. BAUER, W. O., Private Co. E, 27th Div., 106th Reg. Inf.; of Pasqutonk County; son of P. and Madie Baner. Husband of Nellie Baner. Entered service August 6, 1918, at Elizabeth City. Sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Transferred to Newport News. Sailed for France Sept., 1918. Returned to U. S. A. March, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 5, 1919. BARBEE, JOHN W., Sergt. Major. Enlisted at Char- lotte, N. C, Dec. 14th, 1914. Was sent to Columbus Bar- racks, Ohio. Was there until Jan. 15, 1915. Transferred to Fishers Island, Ft. Wright; there until June 28, 1916, with 2nd Company, Coast Artillery. Transferred to San Francisco, Cal.; there eight days. Sent to Honolulu, C. A. Corps; there until Sept. 10, 1918. Transferred to Artillery School, Ft. Monroe, Va. ; there until Feb. 19, 1919. Furlough to Reg. Army Reserve, Feb. 19, 1919. Discharged for Reserve Feb. 19, 1919, Ft. Monroe, Va. BARBOUR, FRANK H., Sergeant, Transport Service ; of Durham County; son of O. T. and Mrs. Mamie Bar- bour. Entered service May 7, 1917, at Ft. Slocum, N. Y. Sent to Submarine Base, N. J., Aug. 1, 1917. Promoted to rank of Sergt. Jan. 18, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Merritt, N. J., Aug. 30, 1919. BARBOUR, LUTHER H.. Sergt., 113th F. A., B'try C, 30th Div., 113th Reg.; of Durham County; son of O. f. and Mrs. Mamie Barbour. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier Sept". 17.' 1917! Sailed for France Sept. 17, 1918. Promoted to Sergt. Aug. 1, 1917. Fought at Toul defensive, Aug. 25, 1918; St. M'hiel Drive, Sept. 12th. Wounded at St. Mihiel Sept. 14th by shell shot through shoulder. Sent to Base Hos- pital at Toul, Base 36, Base No. 9, Base 110, Base 27. Citations at Thaiscourt. Shot through left hip at Sedan. France, Nov. 7, 1918. Transferred from 30th Div. to 3rd and received the second wound. Sailed from Brest. March 25th; arrived in U. S. A. April 2, 1919, New York. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 25, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD BARBOUR, NORWOOD D., Mess Sergt., Co. K, Inf., 30th Div., 119th Reg.; son of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Barbour of Johnston County. Husband of Mrs. Florence (Batts) Barbour. Entered service June 21, 1916, at Clayton, N. C. sent to Camp Greene, N. C. Transferred to Camp Roys- ter, N. C. ; then to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Promoted to Corpl, 1916; 1st Sergt. Oct., 1918; Mess Sergt. Dec, 1916. Fought in all engagements 119th Inf. On Mexican border 8 months. Railroad guard duty at Weldon, N. C, 3 months. Was at Camp Greene, N. C, 1 month. Returned to U. S. A. April 3, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 9, 1919. BARBREY, T. M., Corpl. Q. M. C, 30lh Div.; born Jan. 17, 1893 ; son of L. P. and Eliza Barbrey of Sampson County. Entered service June 29, 1917, at Clinton, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Promoted to Corpl. in 1917. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, Jan. 15, 1919. BARKER, W. MARTINE, 1st Class Private L Serv- ice; of Guilford County; son of T. C. and Mrs. M. Barker. Entered service Sept. 1, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Mustered out at Ft. Thomas, Ky., Dec. 16, 1918. BARKER, JAMES W., Sergt. Med. Corps. F. H. 120, 30th Div. 105th San. Train ; of Guilford County ; son of M. T. and Mrs. Ma'ble Barker. Entered service June 22, 1915, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Trans- ferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France, June 9, 1918. Fought at Aisne, Marne, offensive July 20th to Aug. 6th. On Mexican Border 7 months. Returned to U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 7, 1919. BARKER, MILTON T., Jr., Private, Field Artly. Btry. 20th Brigade, 58th Reg.; of Guilford County; son wf M. T. and Mrs. Mable Barker. Volunteered for service Aug. 26, 1918, at High, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Hill, Va. Was on board ship Tena- dores on Nov. 11, 1918, when Armistice was signed. Vol- unteered for service at Officers Training Camp, Ft. Ogle- thorpe, Ga., July, 1917. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, Jan. 25, 1919. BARKER, MAX L., Major, Inf., 81st Div., 321st Reg.; of Rowan County ; son of William R. and Mrs. Mary E. Barker. Husband of Mrs. Nellie (Vanderford) Barker. Entered service N. C. N. G., 4th Inf., Feb. 23, 1897. Served 5 months in Army of Cuban Occupation. Promoted to 2nd Lt. 3rd Inf., N. C. N. G. May 3, 1899. 1st Lt. 3rd Inf., N. C. N. G., Nov. 27, 1902. Capt. 1st Inf. April 4, 1904. Major C. A. C. Aug. 4, 1908. Lt. Col. C. A. C. July 4, 1912. Colonel N. C. N. G., retired March 15, 1914. Major 321st Inf. U. S. A. Aug. 15, 1917. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Transferred to Camp Jackson, S. C, to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France July 29, 1918. Fought at Ban de Sapt, Vosges, Sept. 18 to Oct. 15, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive Oct. 28 to Nov. 11, 1918. Re- turned to U. S. A. March 19th, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., March 20, 1919. BARNES, HUGH R., Sergt. 1st class, Utility Co., Construction Div.; of Wilson County; ;son of Jesse and Mrs. Bettie Barnes. Husband of Mrs. Cora Lee Barnes. Entered service Sept. 19, 1917, at Wilson, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Mus- tered out at Camp Sevier, April 24, 1919. BARNES, WILLIAM M., Sergt. M. T. Corps; of Edgecomb County ; son of J. H. and Mrs. Ethel M. Barnes. Entered service June 22, 1918, at Portsmouth, Va. Sent to Charlottesville, Va. Mustered out at Charlottesville, Va., Dec. 10, 1918. BARRETT, JOHN R., Private 1st Class, Infantry, of Supply Co., 30th Div. 120th Reg.; of Pitt County; son of J. H. and Mrs. Mamie Barrett. Entered service April 17, 1917. at Raleigh. N. C. Sent to Camp Bickett. Transfer- red to Camp Sevier and Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Hindenburg Drive, Bellicourt, Cambrai. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 18, 1919. BARRETT, JAMES L., Private, Infantry, Co. G, 30th Div., 119th Reg.; of Pitt County; son of Joe and Mrs. Mamie Barrett. Entered service July 17, 1917, at Golds- boro, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 10, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Bellicourt, Cambrai, Hindenburg Line. Gassed at Hindenburg Drive. Sent to General Hospital No. 9, British. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 9, 1919. BARRINGER, RALPH E., Corpl. Entered the serv- ice July 6, 1918, at Concord, N. C. Was sent to Camp Greenleaf. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France Oct. 13, 1918. Was with Army of Occupation on the Rhine from Feb. 19, 1919, until August 14, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Sept. 6, 1919. BARRINGER, FRANK R., Corpl., 30th Div., 105th Supply Train. Entered the service July 25th, 1917, at Concord, N. C. Sailed for France June 11, 1918. Re- turned to U. S. A. Julv 7, 1919, and mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 20, 1919. Was in Co. L, 1st N. C. N. G., and mustered into Federal Service August 5, 1917. BARRUS, NORWOOD G., Pvt. 1st Class, Bat. A, 30th Div., Reg. 113th F. A. ; son of I. H. and Delia Barrus ; of Jones County. Husband of Mrs. Addie Norwood. En- tered service June 25, 1918, at Pollocksville, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France, May 26, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. Sept. 18, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel Sept. 12 to 14, 1918; Meuse-Ar- gonne, Sept. 28 to Oct. 8, 1918; Woevre No. 8 to Nov. 11, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. March 18, 1919. Mus- tered out March 28, 1919. BASS, THOMAS R., Mech. Co. H, 29th Div., 116th Inf. Reg.; of Johnson County; son of P. H. and A. G. Bass. Husband of Mrs. L. D. Bass. Entered service Feb. 3, 1915, at Covington, Va. Sent to Camp McClellan. Sailed for France July 11, 1918. Fought at Alsace-Lor- raine, Verdun Front. Wounded at Verdun Oct 8, 1918. Sent to Base Hospital No. 26, Alsace, France. Returned to U. S. A. May 10, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Stuart, Va., May 24, 1919. BATCHELOR, CASWELL I., Private, Engineers Co. D, 30th Div., 105th Reg.; of Nash County; son of W. T. and Mrs. Anner Batchelor. Husband of Mrs. Doddie Batchelor. Entered service Oct. 10, 1917, at Tarboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Discharged for physical disability. Mus- tered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, Dec. 17, 1917. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD BATTS, GAEL F., 1st Lt. 119th Inf., Co. E, 30th Div. ; of Wilson County; son of J. J. and Mrs. Annie Batts. Entered service June 19, 1916, at Wilson. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Cama Stuart, Texas, then to Camp Sevier. Sailed to Calais, France, May 30, 1917. Promoted to rank of 1st Lt. Dec. 9, 1917. Fought at Mt. Kimeal, Voormizelle, Hindenburg Line, Bellicourt, Nauroy, Premont, Vaux Andigny, Sule River engage- ments. Slightly gassed. First enlistment, N. C. N. G., 1906. Was commissioned 3 times in 1910. To Cant, till 1914 in Co. K. Arrived in U. S. A. April 1, 1919, Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, May 3, 1919. BATTON, GEORGE D., Private, 1st Class Artly, Btry. F, 73rd Reg. ; of Halifax County ; son of W. S. and Marion Batton. Entered service May 7, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Ft. Adams, R. I. Transferred to Came Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France Oct. 13, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Greene, N. O, Jan. 9, 1919. BEALE, R. V., Private, Inf., Co. E, 322nd Regt. 81st Div. ; of Northampton County ; son of J. R. and Mrs. Mar- garet Beale. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Potecasi, N .C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France Aug. 19, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Transferred to U. S. Military Mission in Germany. Blood poison developed from cut in hand. Mustered out at Ft. McPherson, Ga., Nov. 21, 1919. BECK, JOHN D., Corpl. Inf., Co. L, 30th Div., 120th Reg.; of Davidson County; son of Mr. T. H. and Mrs. S. Beck. Husband of Mrs. Mary Back. Entered service, 1912, at Thomasville, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. July, 1916. Was on Mexican border for 6 months; now located in High Point. Mustered out at Thomasville, Aug. 28, 1917. BECKHAM, WILLIAM JOHNIE, Private 1st class, Field Signal Battn., Co. C, 81st Div., 30th Reg.; of Vance County ; son of J. O. and Mrs. Ada Beckham. Entered service May 25, 1918. at Camp Sevier, S. C. Sent to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 22, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, St. Mih ; el and all other en- gagement of the 81st Div. Mustered out at Camp Jack- son, S. O, July 2, 1919. BECKHAM, T. DeWITT, 2nd Lt. Machine Gun Co., 120th Inf., 29th and 30th Divs., 113th Reg.; of Vance County; son of C. B. and Mrs. F. M. Beckham. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Ralegh, N. C. Sent to Camp Se- vier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Trans- ferred to Boston, Mass. Sailed for France June 5, 1918. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. Sept. 29, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, at Verdun, with 29th, Ypres with 30th. Wounded by shrapnel and machine gun bullet, at the bat- tle of Meuse-Argonne, Oct. 23, 1918. Sent to Woevre No. 8, Base Hospital No. 56. Mustered out at Gen. Hospital Ft. McPherson, Atlanta, Ga., April 15, 1919. BEAM, H. E., 3rd Class Yeoman, U. S. N. R. F.; of Lincoln County; son of J. C. and Dora Beam. Entered service Feb. 2, 1918, at Charlotte, N. C. Sent to St. Helena, Va. Transferred to Mine Sweeper U. S. S. Froelich. Promoted to rank of 3rd Class Yeoman May, 1918. Mustered out at Opr. Base, Hampton Rd., Va., Dec. 18, 1918. BEDDINGFIELD, EDGAR T., Sergt. 1st Class, Med. Corps, Base Hosp. No. 65. Son of A. T. and Bettie S. Beddingfield of Johnston County. Entered service April 23, 1918, at Clayton, N. C. Sent to Ft. McPherson, Ga. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 15, 1918. Promoted to Sergt. 1st Class Sept. 1, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. July 13, 1913. Mustered out July 23, 1919, at Mitchell Field. BEAMAN, JOSEPH M., Private, Co. G, 3rd Div., 38th Reg. Inf.; of Durham County; son of J. H. and Mrs. Annie Beaman. Husband of Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Lloyd Beaman. Entered service June 11, 1916, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Greene, N. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for Brest, France, March 9, 1918. Fought at Chateau-Thierry, July 1 to Aug. 2. Shell shocked. Sent to Base Hospital No. 20. Sailed from Brest Sept. 15, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. Sept. 24, 1918, at Newport News, Va. Was discharged for disability, re- ceived in line of duty. Mustered out at Ft. McPherson, Ga., Oct. 26, 1918. BEAVER, G. M., 2nd Lt. 26th Co., 156th Depot Brig.; born in Cabarrus County. Entered the service Dec. 15, 1917, at Concord, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Later transferred to Non Com'n Officers Training School. Later organized to 25th Co., 156th Depot. Promoted from 1st Sergt. to 2nd Lt. Oct. 15, 1918. Was at Camp Sevier, S. C, then went to Camp Stanley, Texas. Trans- ferred to Camp Travis, Texas. Discharged from there Dec. 12, 1918. BECK, RILEY EDISON, Private, Bureau of Air- craft Production of 80th Squadron, 4th Provisional Regt.; of Davidson County; son of Harvey L. and Mrs. Ger- trude Beck. Entered servicp July 29, 1918, at Lexington, N. C. Sent to Vancouver Barracks, July, 1918. Trans- ferred to Camp Gordon. Jan. 23, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Gordon, Feb. 1, 1919. BEESON, HUBERT E., Wagoner, Evacuation Ambu- lance. 13th Co. ; of Guilford County; son of E. E. and Mrs. Ida Bell Beeson. Entered service July 6, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Transferred to Newsport News, Va. Sailed for Brest, France, Sept. 3, 1918. Promoted to wagoner Aug. 1, 1918. Attached to Hospital at Bordeaux, France, 7 months, Motor Trans- portation at St. Nazaire, France, 3 months. Arrived in U. S. A. July 9, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 21, 1919. BELAND, ROY F., Corpl. Co. 14th, 4th Motor Reg. ; of Wilson County; son of J. C. and Mrs. M. A. Behind. Entered service May 4, 1916, at Wilson. Sent to Camp Glenn. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Char- lotte, N. C. Sailed for France July 15, 1918. Served on Mexican border and Weldon, N. C. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 21, 1919. BELAND, COOPER L., 1st Class Private. Hdqrs. Motor Section Co., 4th Reg., Artillery Park; of Wilson County; son of J. C. and Mrs. M. A. Beland. Entered service May 16, 1918, at Wilson. Sent to A. & E. College, Raleigh, N. C. Transferred to Camp Jackson, then to Camp Wadsworth, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France Sept. 5, 1918. Fought in all engagements with 4th Artillery Park. Was in Army of Occupation from Nov. 17, 1918, to May 22, 1919. Returned to U. S. A. June 28, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD BELAND, CHAS. F., 1st Class Private, Co. K. 30th Div., 119th Reg.; of Wilson County; son of J. C. and Mrs. M. A. Beland. Entered service April 20, 1917, at Golds- boro. Sent to Camp Greene. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Ft. McPherson, Ga. Mustered out at Ft. McPher- son, Dec. 16, 1918. BELL, JNO. L., 2nd Lt. 113th Field Artillery, Battery F, 30th Div. Trained at Camp Sevier, S. C. Was then sent to Officers Training Camp at Leon Springs, Texas. From there to artillery school in France. Commissioned 2nd Lt. July 12, 1918; assigned from this school to U. S. Field Artillery Motor Training Center at La Blanc Dept. Indre, France. Sailed for U. S. A. March 4, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 25, 1919. BELL, WILLIAM S., Private, 1st class, Co. H, 30th Div., 120th Reg. ; of Bertie County ; son of Mr. N. B. and Mrs. Sarah Bell. Husband of Mrs. Cassie (Bryant) Bell. Entered service at Roxobel, N. C, June 25, 1917. Sent to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France May 27, 1918. Pro- moted to 1st class Private Aug. 25, 1917. Fought in Hin- denburg Drive. Wounded in Hindenburg Drive Sept. 29, 1918, by shrapnel. Arrived in U. S. A. April 13, 1919, at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 18, 1919. BELL, FRANK R., Sergt. Med. Corps, Co. 317 Amb., 80th Div. ; of Carteret County ; son of Frank W. and Mrs. Dora C. Bell. Entered service Aug. 4, 1917, at Beaufort, N. C. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for Bordeaux June 9, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Feb. 22, 1918, to Sergt. May, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, where he was gassed. Sent to F. Hosp. No. 97 and Base Hospital No. 12. Landed in U. S. A. March 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 4, 1919. BELK, BRYSON BLAKE. Sergt. Air Service Co., 80th Squadron; of Union County; son of S. E. and Mary Belk. Entered service Aug. 2, 1917, at Charlotte, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas. Ky., then to Kelly Field, Texas. Transferred to Long Island. N. Y. Sailed for France Dec. 25, 1918, 3rd Aviation Center. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Aug. 24, 1917, and then Sergt. Served 15 months in the Air Service overseas. Mustered out at Camp Jack- son, S. G. April 8, 1919. BENNICK, NED W., 1st class Private, Artillery, Btry. C, 81st Div., 318th Reg., F. Artillery; of Meck- burg County; son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bennick. Hus- band of Mrs. Julia Bright Bennick. Entered service Nov. 2, 1917, at Concord, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for France, Aug. 7, 1918. Fought at Chateau Thierry. Was with A. E. F. from Aug. 18, 1918, until June 1, 1919. Returned June 2. 1919. Landed at New- port News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 22, 1919. BENNICK, FRED W., Private 1st class, Ammunition Train. Co. B, 81st Div., 306 Ammunition Train; of Ca- tawba County ; son of W. P. and Mrs. Hattie Bennick. Husband of Bertha Bennick. Entered service May 9, 1918, at Concord, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, s! C, May 11. Sailed for France Aug. 8, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne offensive, Verdun Front. Has 2 Gold Stars. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, June 26, 1919. BENNETT, W. H., Pharmacist Mate. Enlisted May 7, 1917. Was sent to Hampton Roads, Va., May 27, 1917. Transferred to Navy Yards at Portsmouth, Va., then Naval Hospital, later to Richmond, Va., and to various other points. Sailed on U. S. Marine Hospital Ship "Salos." Made 12 trips across. Mustered out at Norfolk, Va., Aug. 15, 1919. BELL, H. L., Private, 56th Pioneer Inf. Co. E ; of New Hanover County; son of C. F. and Mrs. Lillie Bell. Hus- band of Mrs. Flossie Bell. Entered service Aug. 8, 1918, at Wilmington, N. C. Sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 16, 1918. In A. of O. 3 months. Returned to U. S. A. May, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Merritt, N. J., May, 1919*. BELL, L. H., Private, Machine Gun, 50th Co., 5th Div. Born July 16, 1895; son of J. H. and Mary L. Bell; of Duplin County. Husband of Mrs. May Byrd. Entered service July 21, 1918, at Faison, N. C. Sent to Camp Han- cock, Ga. Transferred to Camp Logan, Tex., Nov. 7, 1918. In 43rd Bn .of Machine Gun, at Camp Logan, Tex., 4 months. Mustered out at Camp Wadsworth, S. C, Feb. 11, 1919. BELL, ANDREW J., Private, Field Artillery, Batry. A, 30th Div., 113th Reg. ; of Carteret County ; son of U. S. G. and E. Bell. Entered service Aug. 6, 1917, at More- head City, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France June 5, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel and Meuse- Argonne, Woevre offensive. Landed in U. S. A. March 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 28, 1919. BELTON, J. S., Private, M. T. C, 415 Service Co.; of Surry County; son of Robt. and Mrs. Octavia Belton. Entered service April 8, 1918, at Mt. Airy, N. C. Sent to Camp Holabird, Md. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed For France Nov. 9, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. July 16, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 21, 1919. BENSON, DAVID H., Sergt. M. G. 15th Co., 5th Div. ; of Johnson County ; son of S. A. and Mrs. S. A. Benson. Husband of Mrs. Janie Benson. Entered service Sept. 12, 1917, at Smithfield. Sent to Camp Jackson, then to Chickamauga Park, from there to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France April 24, 1918. Wounded at St. Mihiel Sept. 13 by shrapnel. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, and Argonne Woods, Hindenburg Line. Returned to U. S. A. July 22, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 29, 1919. BENTON, JEROME LESLIE, 2nd class Musician, 58th F. A. ; of Lenoir County ; son of James and Lanie Benton. Entered service Aug. 25, 1918, at LaGrange, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, Jan. 23, 1919. BENTON, JESSE, Sergt. 3rd Detachment Q. M. C; son of W. R. and Charity Benton, of Lenoir County. En- tered service Nov. 19, 1917, at LaGrange, N. C. Sent to Ft. Scriven, Ga. Transferred to camp at Newport News, Va., and then to Camp Hdqrs. at Newsport News, Va. Mustered out at Norfolk, Va., Feb. 14, 1919. BERGERON, HUBERT B., Private 1st class, Hdqrs. 120th Infantry, 30th Div.; of Washington County; son of J. N. and Mrs. Mamie W. Bergeron. Entered service Sept. 5, 1917, at Spring Hope. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Then to Camp Sevier and to Camp Merritt. Sailed to France June 5, 1918. Fought in all engagements with the 120th Infantry. Returned to U. S. A. April 14, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 17, 1919. His brother, J. Forrest Bergeron, was also in the service. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD BERGERON, ALFERD L., 1st class Private, 4th Corps, Art. Park, Co. F; of Nash County; son of Mr. J. N. and Mrs. Mam-ie W. Bergeron. Entered camp Aug. 5, 1918, at Spring Hope. Sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France Sept. 3, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. May 31, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Mills, June 7, 1919. BISSETT, CLIFTON WILEY, 1st Lt. Inf., D Co., 30th Div., 119th Reg.; of Wilson County. Born Feb. 3, 1896. Son of C. H. and Mrs. Lula Batts Bissett. Hus- band of Mrs. Christine Thomas Bissett. Entered service June 20, 1916. Continuous service from Mexican border duty until death in Belgium. Killed at battle Ypres Sec- tor, July 17, 1918. Buried at Nine Elms, Belgium. BERNARD, ORMAN, Corpl. Aviation, 15th Co.; son of J. W. and Mary Bernard, of Lee County. Entered serv- ice Feb. 10, 1917, at Sanford, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas. Transferred to Camp Hancock, Ga., then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France Feb. 10, 1918. Served in the Mechanical Corps during entire period. Returned to U. S. A. June 18, 1919. Landed Hoboken, N. J. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, July 4, 1919. BERRY, BENJAMIN C, 2nd Lt. Infantry, 18th Co., Central 0. T. S. ; of Perquimans County; son of B. A. and Mrs. Annie B. Berry. Husband of Blanche Moore Berry. Entered service May 15, 1918, at Hertford. Sent to A. and E. College at Raleigh, May 15, 1918. Tranferred to Camp Gordon. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. Nov. 30, 1918. In reserves until 1923. Mustered out at Camp Gordon, No. 30, 1918. BEVES, DOUGLAS MORRIS, Private, Machine Gun Co. 314, 79th Div., 314th Reg.; of Durham County; son of T. M. and Mrs. Mollie Beves. Husband of Mrs. Alice Kime Beves. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, May 29, 1918. Trans- ferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, to Camp Mills, N. J. Sailed for France Oct. 1, 1918. Fought at Meuse Sector. Sailed from St. Nazaire, May 16th, landed in New York, May 26, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., May 31, 1919. BIGGERS, T. M., enlisted Aug. 27, 1917, at Concord, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and then to Phila- delphia, Pa. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Wounded at Ypres Front July 29, 1918. Sent to American Base Hospital No. 37. Returned to U. S. A. Dec- 26, 1918, and was mustered out at Camp Greene, N. C, ,.an. 19, 1919. Was in Co. L, 1st N. C. N. G., before being mustered into the Federal Service. BIGGERSTAFF, LLOYD L., Sergt. Major, Inf. Hdqrs., 156th Dep Br. ; son of J. S. and Cuttie Biggerstaff, of Rutherford County. Entered service Dec. 19, 1917, at Forest City, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 28, 1919. BIGGS, ROBERT 0., Corpl. Field Artillery, Btry. B, 3rd Reg. ; of Vance County ; son of Mr. J. H. and Mrs. N. E. Biggs. Husband of Mrs. Delia Biggs. Entered service March 29, 1918, at Henderson, N. C. Sent to Camp Jack- son. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, Dec. 31, 1918. BIGGS, R. S., Private 1st class, Sanitary Train, No. 104 Ambulance Co., 29th Div.; of Martin County; son of S. R. and Mrs. Sallie Biggs. Entered Service July 7, 1917. at Williamston, N. C. Sent to Norfolk, Va. Trans- ferred to Camp McClellan. Sailed for France July 12, 1918. Fought at Verdun Sector, Alsace-Lorraine and St. Mihiel. Mustered out at Camp Meade, Md., June 2, 1919. BINGHAM, WM. H., No. 3 Field Hospital, Co. T. Born in Cabarrus County. Entered the service March 4, 1918, at Concord, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Sailed for France June 8, 1918. While in France (had charge of dispensary. Landed in Boston, June 9, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 22, 1919. BIVINS, H. O., Corpl., Air Service Mechanic. Co. 16th, 2nd Reg., Air Service; of Orange County; son of J. A. and Mrs. S. E. Bivins. Husband of Mrs. Alda Biv- ins. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Han- cock, Ga., then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France March 4, 1918. Fought at Champagne Sector. Returned to U. S. A. June 19, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 10, 1919. BLACK, WM. G., Chauf., Air Service Hdqrs. Co., 1st Reg. ; of Beaufort County ; son of F. R. and Mrs. M. L. Black. Husband of Mrs. Pauthea Petty Black. Entered service Dec. 12, 1917, at Washington, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas. Transferred to Camp Hancock, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France Jan. 8, 1918. Fought at Marne and Lorraine. Returned to U. S. A. July 8, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 20, 1919. BLACKBURN, R., Private, 105th Supply Train, Co. C, 30th Div. ; of Buncombe County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Blackburn. Entered service Sept. 19, 1917, at Ashe- ville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Baltimore, Md., then to Wabash, Ind. Sailed for France June 11, 1918. Landed in U. S. A. April 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 14, 1919. BLALOCK, JOSEPH EARL, Sergt. Field Artly., Btry. F, Div. F. A. R. D., 8th Reg. ; of Rowan County ; son of B. O. and Mrs. Addie L. Blalock. Husband of Grorgie A. Blalock. Entered service Aug. 10, 1918, at Salisbury, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, Dec. 9, 1918. BLIZZARD, CLAUD, Corpl., 116th Supply Tr.; son of W. H. and Etter Blizzard, of Wayne County. Husband of Mrs. Laura Blizzard. Entered service Jan. 17, 1914, to May 4, 1917, in N. C. N. G. Sent to Camp Jackson Sept. 26, 1917, then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France March 12, 1918. Was in Motor Transport Ser- vice. Returned to U. S. A. July 22, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 28, 1919. BLOCK, THOS. C, Seaman, Merchant Marine Serv- ice, Ship, "Lake Annie." Born in Moore County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Block. Entered the service June 7, 1918, Newport News, Va. Was sent to Boston, Mass., and from there to Montreal, Canada. Transferred to Nova Scotia. Coastwise Service. Transferred back to Boston, thence to Cuba. Made four trips. Mustered out at New York City, May 27, 1919. BLUE, WALTER EMMETT, Corpl., Heavy Artly., Battery F, 1st Reg. Born in Moore County, N. C, Dec. 17, 1895, and son of M. W. and Emma A. Blue, and hus- band of Iola B. (Currie) Blue. Entered the service at Carthage, N. C, May 28, 1918, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, Dec. 14. 1918. TA R- H E E L WAR RECORD BLUE, ROBERT S., Corpl., Heavy Artly., B'try A, 81st Div., 316th Reg. Born in Moore County, the son of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Blue. Entered the service Sept. 18, 1917, at Carthage, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, Sept. 18, 1917. Sailed for Liverpool, England, Aug. 12, 1918. Was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 20, 1919. BLUME, E. L., Private, Field Artillery, Replacement Depot, B'try D, 1st Reg. Entered the service July 3, 1918, at Concord, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Later transferred to B'try D, 20th Brigade, and served with it until mustered out Jan. 24, 1919. BLYTHE, BERT R., Line Corpl., 321st Inf., Co. M, 81st Div. ; of Edgecombe County ; son of Frank and Mrs. Locklie Blythe. Entered service at Torboro, N. C, 1918. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Upton. Sailed for France. Fought at Vos- ges Front, Switzerland Border, Verdun Sector, Meuse- Argonne Drive. Gassed at Meuse-Argonne. Arrived in U. S. A. June, 1919, Newport News, Va. Glad to serve his country in time of need. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July, 1919. BODDIE, SAMUEL P., Major, Inf. 3rd Btn., 120th Inf., 30th Div., 120th Reg.; of Franklin County; son of Willis and George T. Boddie. Husband of Lucie B. (Clifton) Boddie. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Louisburg, N. C. Remained until Aug. 30, 1917, at Louis- burg, N. C, then to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Aug. 30, 1917. Sailed for France May 8, 1918. Promoted to rank of Captain, April 9, 1915; to Major, Sept. 1, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Lys and Somme. Wounded at Somme Oct. 10, 1918, by machine gun bullet. Sent to British General Hospital No. 8, Rouen, France. Was Capt. Co. D, 120th Inf., which was a N. G. unit. Mustered out at Port of Charleston, S. C, Oct. 30, 1919. BONEY, DANIEL C, Corpl., Field Artillery, Hdqrs. Co., 55th Brigade, 113th Reg.; of Lenoir County; son of H. F. and Susan B. Boney. Entered service June, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Montreal. Sailed for France May 23, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. Sept. 1, 1917. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest. Wounded by shell at the battle of Argonne, Oct. 3, 1918. Sent to Base Hosp. No. 8, Savigny. Lost left arm and left knee joint. Gunshot wound in head. Returned to U. S. A. Jan. 24, 1919. Mustered out at Walter Reed Hospital, Oct. 13, 1919. BORING, JOHN WARD, Regt. Sgt. Major Inf. Hdqrs. 30th Div., 120th Reg.; of Durham County; son of John W. and Mrs. Lizzie W. Boring. Entered service May 29, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Sailed for Calias, France, June 5, 1918. Canal Sector, Ypres- Lys offensive, Somme Offensive. Promoted to rank of Bttn. Sgt. Major Aug. 10, 1917. Regt. Sgt. Major Jan. 1, 1918. Citation Mazingheim Oct. 19, 1918. Set sail from Nazairre, March 28, 1919. Arrived in U. S. A. Charleston, S. C, April 12, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 17, 1919. BOST, MARVIN L., Corpl., 115th Machine Gun Battn. Co. B, 30th Div. ; of Iredell County ; son of F. K. and Mrs. M. A. Bost. Entered service June 4, 1917, at Statesvile, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Aug. 1918. Fought at Belgium, Voormizelle, Mt. Kemmel, Belgium, Bellicourt, Nauroy engagement, Hindenburg Line. Sailed from France March 10, 1919. Landed in U. S. A. March 23, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 2, 1919. BCSTIAN, LEROY, Mechanic, Evacuation Ambu- lance Co. 10. Son of H. S. and Emma Bostian, of Rowan County. Entered service April 26. 1918, at Salisbury, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Green Leaf, Ga., then to Camp Hill, Va. Overseas to Brest, France, August 12, 1918. Fought at St. Meheil and Argonne offensive. Landed in the United States, July 6, 1919. Mustered cut at Camp Lee, Va., July 19, 1919. BOUND, FRED J., Jr., Sergt., A. S. M. T. C, Co. D; of Halifax County; son of F. J. and M. E. Bound. Hus- band of Mrs. Marjorie H. Bound. Entered service Aug. 8, 1918, at Weldon, N. C. Sent to Camp Wadsworth. Transferred to Camp Upton. Sailed for France Sept. 21, 1918. Fought at Argonne Forest. Returned to U. S. A. March 22, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Gordon, Ga., April 11, 1919. BOURNE, HENRY C, 2nd Lt. ; of Edgecomb Coun- ty; son of H. C. and Mrs. Maria L. Bourne. Entered serv- ice May 28, 1918, at Tarboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jack- son, S. C. Transferred to Camp Gordon, Ga. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. Jan. 15, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Gordon, Ga., Jan. 15, 1919. BOWEN. FRED F., Private, Motor Dept., 764th Co. ; son of Chas. J. and Mary Bowen, of Scotland County. Husband of Mary Goldie Bowen. Entered service June 3, 1918, at Laurel Hill. Sent to Ft. Thomas. Trans- ferred to Ft. Adams, then to Ft. Greble. Mustered out at Camp Eustis, Va., April 16, 1919. BOWEN, JOHN, Private 1st class, Co. F, 30th Div., 114th F. A. Reg.; of Nash County; son of J. K. and Mrs. R. E. Bowen. Entered service March 1, 1918, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, then to Camp Sevier, Greenville, then to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel offensive Sept. 12 to 19, 1918. Meuse-Argonne offensive Sept. 26 to Oct. 8, 1918. Woevre offensive Nov. 8th to 11th; de- fensive of Toul Sector Aug. 27 to Sept. 11 ; defensive of Marne sector Oct. 11 to Nov. 8, 1918. Was with the Army of Occupation in Germany. Returned to U. S. A. March 28, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 3, 1919. BOWEN, EDWARD J., Private 1st class, Co. M G, 83rd Div., 49th Inf.; of Nash County; son of J. K. and Mrs. R. E. Bowen. Entered service July 22, 1918, at Rocky Mount. Sent to Camp Hancock. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France Nov. 11, 1918. Re- turned to U. S. A. Jan. 23, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, May 8, 1919. BOST, FLOYD B., Cook, Co. C, 17th Div., Inf.; of Iredell County ; son of F. K. and Mrs. M. A. Bost. En- tered service, July 22, 1917, at Knoxville, Tenn. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Transferred to Springfield, Mass., then to Camp Meade. Mustered out at Camp Meade. April 14, 1919. BOWMAN, EARLY LEE, Corpl., Field Artillery, Hdqrs. Co. F. A. R. D. Div., 9th Reg.; of Surry County; son of W. R. and Mrs. M. M. Bowman. Entered service Aug. 26, 1918, at High Point. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, where he served until mustered out at Camp Jack- son, Dec. 10, 1918. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD BOWDEN, EDGAR G.. Private, 1st class, Co. G, 81st Div., 322nd Inf. Reg. ; of Franklin County ; son of W. A. and Mrs. T. Bowden. Husband of Mrs. Eula Bowden. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Louisburg, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, Green- ville, S. C, then to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Fought at St. Die Sector, Somme Sector, Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. June 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. BOYD, JAMES E., Cook, Inf., Co. D, 81st Div., 322nd Reg.; of Halifax County; son of Oliver and Mrs. Bet Hodges Boyd. Entered service Sept. 4, at Scotland Neck. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Upton. Sailed for France Aug. 11, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Nov. 12, 1918. Fought at Alsace-Lorraine Sector and Verdun. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. BOYD, THOMAS R., Elec, 1st class, Radio, U. S. Nav; of Beaufort County; son of Thomas R. Boyd and Mrs. Beulah Boyd. Entered service Jan. 11, 1918, U. S. Radio School, Cambridge, Ma.. Mustered out at Cam- bridge, Mass., Feb. 28, 1919. BOYST, J. R., Private, 1st class, U. S. Marines, Btn. R, 385th Co. ; son of C. H. and Lizzie Boyst, of Guilford County. Entered service at Greensboro, N. C, Oct. 10, 1918. Sent to Paris Island, S. C. Made two trips to Cuba on special detail. Mustered out at Paris Island, April 1, 1919. BOYST, RAYMOND J., Private, 1st class, U. S. Ma- rines, 385th Co., Btn. R. ; son of C. H. and Mrs. Lizzie Boyst. Entered service Oct. 10, 1918, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Paris Island, S. C. Made two trips to Cuba on special detail. Was accidentally shot by coach of rifle range. Mustered out at Paris Island, S. C, April 1, 1919. BOYST, OSCAR A., Yeoman, 3rd class, U. S. N. R. F. ; son of C. H. and Lizzie Boyst ; of Guilford County. En- tered service June 15, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Opr. Base, Va. Transferred to U. S. S. "Indiana," then to Bay Ridge, N. Y., then to U. S. S. "Siboney." Sailed for France April 15, 1919. Promoted to Yeoman Feb. 3, 1919. Was on transport duty; made seven trips across to France. Returned to U. S. A. Sept. 2, 1919. Mustered out at Opr. Base, Va. Released Sept. 19, 1919. BRACKETT, J. I., 1st class Private, F Artillery, Btn. E, 81st Div., 317th F. Artillery; of Guilford County; son of W. B. and Mrs. Cora Brackett. Entered service May 29, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 7, 1918. Landed Aug. 20, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 8, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Muster- ed out at Camp Lee, Va., June 20, 1919. BRADSHAW, FRANCIS S., Seaman (Navy) ; of Granville County; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bradshaw. Entered service April 3, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Norfolk, Va., April 4, 1917. Transferred to U. S. S. "Connecticut" April 21, 1917; then to U. S. S. "Geo. Washington," April 25, 1917. Sailed for Brest, France. Served on the "Geo. Washington" 26 months, and made 18 trips across. Mustered out at Hoboken, No. 5, 1919. BRANCH, DAVID J., Private, F. A. Hdqrs. Co. 63, 60th Reg.; of Guilford County; son of S. G. and C. S. Branch. Entered service Aug. 26, 1918, at Hickory, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, Jan. 23, 1919. BRANTLEY, JAY, Private, 1st class, F. A., 41st Div., 8th Reg.; of Nash County; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Nash. Entered service Aug. 28, 1918, at Spring Hope. Sent to Camp Jackson, then to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Oct. 28, 1918. Landed at Brest Nov. 9, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. May 1, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 13, 1919. BARBOUR, JESSE J., Private, 1st class, M. P. Co. B ; of Johnston County ; son of Seth and Mrs. Florence Barbour. Husband of Mrs. Corinna Barbour. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Smithfield, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Promoted to Private, 1st class, June 11, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, Feb. 1, 1919. BRANSON, JOHN W., Corpl., Co. F, 29th Div., 116th Reg.; of Guilford County; son of W. E. and M. A. Bran- son. Entered camp at Petersburg, Va. Sent to Camp McClellan. Sailed for France June 15, 1918. Fought at Defensive Center Sector, Hauta, Alsace, July 25, 1918 to Sept 23; Meuse-Argonne offensive Sept. 26 to Oct. 11; Mallbrook Hill, Oct. 8; Molvile Farm Oct. 10, where he was gassed. Was on Mexican border seven months. Re- turned to U. S. A. May 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 27, 1919. BRASWELL, TROY L., 1st class Private, Co. 306, Mobile Veterinary Co., 81st Div.; of Wilson County; son of E. T. and Mrs. Jennie Braswell. Entered service March 30, 1917, at Wilson. Sent to Camp Jackson. Trans- ferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France June 30, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Re- turned to U. S. A. June 18, 1919. His duty was to take horses to battle front, and remove the wounded horses. Returned to U. S. A. June 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 25, 1919. BRASWELL, THOMAS E., Corpl., Amb. Tr., Co. B, 6th Div.; of Wilson County; son of J. T. and Mrs. J. T. Braswell. Husband of Mrs. Sadie McCauley Braswell. Entered service May 10, 1917, at Wilson, N. C. Sent to Ft. Scrivens, Ga. Transferred to Camp Wadsworth, S. C, then to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France June 13, 1918. Fought at Argonne Forest. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. BRASWELL, CALLIE B., Private, 1st class. Inf., Co. I, 81st Div., 321st Reg.; of Edgecombe County; son of J. L. and Margaret Braswell. Entered service May 29, 1918, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed from Philadelphia. Pa.. July 31, 1918. Landed in France. Promoted to 1st class Private Sept. 19, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne and St. Die. Wounded at Meuse-Argonne Nov. 11, 1918, by shrapnel and machine gun. Sent to Base Hospital No. 114 at Bordeaux, France. Arrived in I'. S. A. From St. Na- zairre, France. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 29, 1919. BREWER, W. E., Corpl., Inf. Hdqrs., 30th Div., 119th Reg. ; of Lenoir County ; son of J. I. and Margaret Brewer. Entered service June 16, 1916, at Kinston, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Camp Stewart, Texas, then to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for Calais, France, May 28, 1918. Was in all engagements of 30th Div. Served on the Mexican border for six months. Re- turned to U. S. A. 1919, at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. Promoted to Corpl. Aug., 1918. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD BREWER, J. FLETCHER, 1st class Private, Inf., Co. E, 6th Div., 54th Inf. ; of Chatham County ; son of T. L. and Mrs. Ada Brewer. Entered service May 10, 1917, at Pittsboro, N. C. Sent to Ft. Scrivens, Ga. Transferred to Camp Wadsworth. Sailed for France July 17, 1918. Fought at Alsace— Lorraine, Meuse-Argonne. Landed in U. S. A. Sept. 8, 1919, at New York. Was with Army of Occupation ; was sent back on same boat with Genl. Per- shing. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Sept. 26, 1919. BREWER, JOHN C, Mechanic, Artillery, Co. A, Div. No. 81, 318th Field Artillery; son of R. L. and Ada Brewer, of Davidson, N. C. Entered service May 3, 1917, at Lexington, N. C. Was sent to Camo Jackson. To Liverpool, England, Aug. 20, 1918. Landed in the United States June 3, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 20, 1919. BRICKELL, WILLIAM W., Private, Inf., Co. E, 30th Div., 119th Reg.; of Halifax County, N. C; born Oct. 6, 1886. Son of R. B. Brickell and Mrs. Rena Brickell. En- tered service Sept. 24, 1917, at Camp Jackson. Transfer- red to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Mills, N. J. Wounded severely in arm and leg at the Battle of Somme Oct. 17, 1918. Died British Hospital, France, Oct. 17, 1918. Buried at Roisel, France. BRIDGES, J. R., Jr., Private, Engineers, Truck Co. No. 10, 23rd Reg.; of Mecklenburg County; son of Dr. J. R. and Mrs. Nannie M. Bridges. Husband of Mrs. Ann McGill Bridges. Entered service Nov. 6, 1917, at Charlotte, N. C. Sent to Camp Meade, Md. Sailed for France March 15, 1918. Fought at Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. April 1, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, May 20, 1919. BRIGGS,J.C, Cook, Inf., Co. C, 30th Div., 120th Inf.; of Vance County; son of W. S. and Mrs. S. J. Briggs. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Henderson, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Boston, Mass. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Ar- gonne-Meuse, Hindenburg Line. Returned to U. S. A. April 14, 1919. Landed at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 17, 1919 BRIGMAN, BENJ. E., Mechanic, Inf., Co. D, 31st Div., 122nd Reg. ; of Pitt County ; son of Geo. W. and Mrs. Martha Brigman. Entered service June 27, 1916, at Greenville, N. C. Sent to Camp Harris, Ga. Transferred to Camp Wheeler, Ga. Sailed for France June 20, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. Aug. 5, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Served nine months with R. T. C. in France, four months with D. C. I. Dept., at Bordeaux. Mustered out at Camp Gor- don, Aug. 13, 1919. BRINKLEY, J. R., Mechanic, Inf., Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Inf.; of Wilson County; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brinkley. Husband of Mrs. Florence Brinkley. En- tered service June 5, 1916, at Wilson. Sent to Camp Glenn Morehead, to Camp Royster, to Sevier, to Camp Merritt, and sailed for France May 11, 1918. Gassed at Hinden- bur Line Sept. 29. Sent to English Hospital Sept. 30th. Served on Mexican border seven months. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 7, 1919. BROOKS, SHEPHERD C, Private, Btry. D, 5th Div.. 21st F. A. ; son of R. M. and I. V. Brooks, of Lee County. Entered service June 25, 1918, at Jonesboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for France Aug. 22, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. July 22, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 29, 1919. BRITT, SAMUEL M., Reg. Sergt. Major, Inf., Co. Hdqrs., 30th Div., 119th Reg.; of Wayne County; son of W. G. and Barbara Britt. Entered service June, 1916, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Promoted to rank of R. S. M. July, 1917. Fought at Ypres-Somme Front, Cambrai, St. Quentin, Hindenburg Line. Served on Mexican border six months. Returned to U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 12, 1919. BROOKS, ISAAC E., 2nd Lt., Inf., Co Hdqrs., 30th Div., 119th Reg.; of Craven County; son of S. W. and Fannie C. Brooks. Entered service June 21, 1916, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn. Transferred to Camp Stewart, Texas ; from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for Calais, France, May 28, 1918. Was in all en- gagements of 30th from June 12, 1918, to Sept. 7, 1918. Promoted to 2nd Lt. Jan. 23, 1919 Served on Mexican border from Oct. 1, 1916, to Jan. 21, 1917. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, March 20, 1919. BROOKSHIRE, GUY E., Private, 1st class, Medical Evac. Hospital No. 14; son of L. D. and Julina Brookshire, of Buncombe County. Entered service April 26, 1918, at Asheville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., then to Camp Jackson, sailed for Brest, France, Aug. 7, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne offensive. Returned to U. S. A. May 11, 1919, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 19, 1919. BROWN, WALTER L., 1st class Private, Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Inf. ; of Durham County ; son of Mr. D. W. and Mrs. Maggie Brown. Husband of Mrs. Sallie Landis Brown. Enlisted May 28, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 10, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium. Returned to U. S. A. Dec. 16, 1918. Landed at Hoboken, N. Y. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Jan. 26, 1919. BROWN, MARVIN C, Private 1st Class, Inf., Co. D, 81st Div., 321st Reg.; son of W. H. and Minnie Bettie Brown of Iredell County. Husband of Bettie Rabbenet Brown. Entered service May 16, 1917, at Statesville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France Aug. 20, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, and Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. July 1, 1919, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 3, 1919. BROWN, CHAS. L., Personnel Sergt., M. G. Btn., 115th Hdqrs., 30th Div. ; son of W. H. and Minnie Brown, of Iredell County. Husband of Mrs. Margaret Brown. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Statesville, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 28, 1918. Promoted to Personnel Sergt. Sept. 1, 1918. Fought in all actions of the 30th Div. Returned to U. S. A. March 23, 1919, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Jack- son, S. C, April 2, 1919. BROWN, JAMIE E., Private, 1st class, Co. I, 1st Div., 28th Reg. ; of Halifax County; son of B. and Sallie Brown. Husband of Mrs. Lula Brown. Entered service April 16, 1917. Enlisted at Raleigh. Sent to Ft. Scrivens, Ga. Transferred to Camp McAllen, Texas, then to Hoboken. Sailed for France June 17, 1917. Fought at Alsace-Lor- raine, Cantigny. Wounded at Cantigny by shell June 25, 1918. Sent to Base Hospital No. 27, France. Re- turned to U. S. A. Jan. 27, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Feb. 22, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD BROWN, S. L., Sergt. of property, Div. Q. M. C. En- tered service at Concord, N. C, May 29. Reported for duty at Camp Mills, L. I. In service twelve months. Was discharged at Camp Lee, Va., June 6, 1919. BROWNING, ROBERT JOHN, Private, 1st class, Ma- chine Gun Bin., Co. C, 30th Div., 115th Reg.; of Martin County; son of L. R. and Mrs. Matilda F. Browning. En- tered service Sept. 19, 1917, at Williamson, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, to Camn Mills. N. J. Sailed for France. Fought at Cambrai, Meuse-Argonne. Sent to General Hospital No. 72. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 3, 1919. BRUMLEY, S. V., Entered army July 15, 1918, at Concord, N. C. Reported for duty to the Clemson Col- lege (S. C.) Vocation School for two months, training for wireless telegraphy and then four months' finishing course in New York City College. Transferred to Camp Greene. Discharged there Jan. 6, 1919. BUCHANAN, SELDON H., Private, 1st class, Transport Corps, Co. B, 52nd Reg.; of Durham County; son of J. H. and Mrs. Francis Buchanan. Entered service March 30, 1918, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Jack- son, S. C. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France June 7, 1918. With Army in Germany for four months. Returned to U. S. A. July 4, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 17, 1919. BULLA, ROBERT E., Private, 1st class, Inf., Co. E, 30th Div., 118th Reg.; of Guilford County; son of W. H. and Mrs. L. B. Bulla and husband of Mrs. E. J. Bulla. Entered service May 19, 1917, at High Point. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgian Sector, from July 4th to Sept. 7th, Front Line Trenches four days, Hindenburg Line, Montbrehain Sector, from Sept. 23rd, to Oct. 10th. Returned to U. S. A. March 27, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, March 31, 1919. BRYANT, WADE N„ 1st Sergt, Co. D, 53rd Reg. Inf. ; of Caldwell County ; son of W. H. and Laura Bryant. Entered service June 17, 1916, (for service in Mexico), at Lenoir, N. C. Sent to Columbus Br., Ohio. Assigned to Co. D, 6th Reg. Inf., at El Valla, Mexico. (Was there six months and five days), there to El Paso, Tex.; in April, 1917, to Chicamauga Park, Ga., there transferred to Co. D, 53rd Reg Inf. (6th Div.) , Camp Mills, N. Y., and sailed for France July 6, 1918. Vosges Mt. offensive Sector and Meuse-Argonne defensive. Returned to U. S. A. June 12, 1919. From Camp Mills to Camp Grant, 111., and re-en- listed Jan. 27, 1920, for one year as Private in 21st F. A. at Camp Bragg, N. C. Still in service as a Sergeant. BRYANT, WILL E., 2nd Lt., Inf., Co. A, 81st Div., 322nd Reg. ; of Northampton County ; son of E. W. and Mrs. Harriet C. Bryant. Husband of Mrs. Maude Bryant. Entered service Sept. 19, 1917, at Weldon, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, Sept. 19, 1917. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Upton. Sailed for France Aug. 16, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Sept. 28, Sergt. Nov. 1, 2nd Lt. April 21, 1919. Fought at Ypres, Meuse-Argonne, St. Mihiel, Vosges offensive. Mustered out at Camp Kenilworth, Asheville, N. C, Aug. 15, 1919. BRYANT, R. L., Corpl., Inf., 81st Div., 322nd Reg., Co. E; of Halifax County; son of J. F. and Mrs. Jose- phine Bryant. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Jackson, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 11, 1918. Fought at Verdun Sector, Meuse-Ar- gonne. Was in trenches eleven days on Argonne sector. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. BULLARD, JULIUS D., 1st class Private, C Co., 4th Corps, Art Park; son of H. L. and P. A. Bullard, of Co- lumbus County. Husband of Mrs. Hattie Bullard. En- tered service Aug. 5, 1918, at Chadburn, N. C. Sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France Sept, 3, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel. Returned to U. S. A. June 28, 1919. Dec. 2, 1918, to May 28, 1919, with Army of Occupation in Germany. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 13, 1919. BULLOCK, B. LEONARD, 2nd class Musician, Hdqrs. Co., Inf., of 81st Div., 324th Reg. ; of Wilson County ; son of W. P. and Mrs. Charlotte E. Bullock. Entered service Nov. 2, 1917, at Wilson. Sent to Camp Jackson. Trans- ferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 8, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Re- turned to U. S. A. June 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, June 25, 1919. BULLOCK, JAMES A., Wagoner, 326th Ambl. Corps, 82nd Div.; of Durham County; son of Mr. A. A. and Mrs. Mary A. Bullock. Entered service June 7, 1917, at Dur- ham, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas. Transferred to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., then to Camp Gordon. Sailed for France May 18, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Ar- gonne and other fronts. Gassed at Argonne Oct. On Lazny Sector ; Toul Sector. On detached service while in France S. S. U. 647 with the French. Was under constant fire for thirty-five days without relief in Meuse-Argonne Sector. Returned to U. S. A. May 6, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 18, 1919. BRYANT, J. L., Sergt. Adjt. Gen. Detachment; of Northampton County; son of J. T. and Martha O. Bryant. Entered service May 25, 1917, at Jackson, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, N. ' Y. Sailed for Brest, France. Promoted to rank as Mess Sergt. July 15, 1917. Sent to Hospital at Camp Jackson, and Mineola, L. I. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Sept. 23, 1919. BRYANT, M. D., C. M. 2nd class, Naval Aviation; of Edgecombe County; son of B. B. and Mrs. Susan Bryant. Entered service Dec. 15, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Pensacola, Fla., Dec. 20, 1917. Transferred to Phila- delphia, Pa. Sailed to Pauillac, France, April 2. 1918. Did duty west coast in France eleven months. Arrived in U. S. A. March 6, 1919, Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out Air Service Station, Hampton Roads, Va., Aug. 11, 1919. BULLUCK, F. P., Cook, Engineers, Co. M, 19th Div,; of Edgecombe County; son of H. B. and Mrs. Clara Bul- luck. Husband of Mrs. Mamie Bulluck. Entered service June 20, 1916. at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for Brest, France, March, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. March 14, 1919, New York. Served on Mexican border six months. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 14, 1919. BUNCH, HENRY R.. Private. Medical. 81st Div.. 316th Reg.. F. A.; of Iredell County; son of J. W. and Mattie Bunch. Entered service October 12, 1917, at Statesville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 5, 1918. Sta- tioned near Chaumont. Returned to U. S. A. June 9, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 20, 1919. TAR- HEEL WAR RECORD BULLUCK, VESTON F., Private^ Musician, 30th Div., 105th Engineers Band; of Edgecombe County; son of Frank and Mrs. Ellena Bulluck. Entered service March 22, 1918, at Tarboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jack- son, S. C. Then to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, N. J. Sailed for France June 21, 1918. Fought at Voormizelle, Belgium, Sept. 1, 1918; Belli- court, France, Sept. 29, to Oct. 1, 1918; Montbrehain, Brancourt, Premont, Busigny, France, Oct. 8, to Oct. 11, 1918; La Selle River, Andigny, Oct. 17 to 20, 1918. Mazin- hein. Served with Provost Guard Co. No. 10, St. Na- zairre, France. Arrived in U. S. A. Oct. 29, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Dix, N. J., Nov. 4, 1919. BUNN, POWELL JOSEPH, 1st Sergt., Machine Gun Co., 30th Div., 119th Reg.; of Edgecombe County; son of H. S. and Mrs. Luela Powell Bunn. Entered service May 7, 1917, at Camp Royster, Goldsboro, N. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at Voormizelle, Ypres Salient, Bellicourt, Pre- mont, Busigny, Montbrehein, St. Souplet, Mazinghein. Mustered cut at Camp Jackson, April 7, 1919. BUNTING, B. L., Corpl., Inf., Co. E, 81st Div., 321st Reg. ; of Nash County; son of W. B. and Mrs. Sallie Bunt- ing. Entered service May 29, 1918, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France Aug. 14, 1918. Pro- moted to Corpl. Fought at Vosges Mt. Sept. 10 to 24, 1918, Argonne, Nov. 9 to 11, 1918. Arrivade in U. S. A. June 20, 1919, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 27, 1919. BUNTON, WILL, Private, Inf., L Co., 81st Div., 321st Reg. ; son of C. B. and Rosa Bunton, of Cabarrus Count- ty. Husband of Mrs. Susie Bunton. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Winston-Salem, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier and to Camp Up- ton. Sailed for France Aug. 1, 1918. Fought at St. Die Sector, Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. New York, May 28, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Mills, June 9, 1919. BUNTON, LUTHER, Private, 1st class, Inf., Co. L, 30th Div., 118th Reg.; son of C. B. and Rosa Bunton, of Cabarrus County. Entered service April 17, 1917, at Concord, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, June 17, 1919. BURDEN, W. C, Pharmacy Mate, Hdqrs. Co., 11th Reg. Marines; of Wilson County; son of W. J. and Mrs. Nina E. Burden. Husband of Mrs. India Allen Burden. Entered service March 20, 1918, at Wilson, N. C. Sent to Charleston, S. C. Transferred to Quantico, Va. Sailed for France Sept. 2, 1918. Was on Chateau Thierry Front, with Ambulance Corps. Returned to U. S. A. June 14, 1919. Mustered out at Norfolk, Va., Aug. 5, 1919. BURGESS, JESSE G., Private, 1st class, Co. L, 120th Inf., 30th Div. ; son of William Dennis and Mrs. J. P. Burgess, of Guilford County. Entered service June 11, 1917, at Mount Airy, N. C; sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Returnel to U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 17, 1919. BURNSIDE, P. W., 1st class Moulder, U. S. N. R. F. , son of R. G. and Emma Burnside, of Guilford Countv. Entered service Feb. 28, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to St. Helena, Va. Receiving Ship at Norfolk, Va. Tranr- ferred to U. S. Navy Magazine at Norfolk, Va. Served in Mine Plant during entire period of service. Mustered out at Portsmouth, Va., Feb. 19, 1919. BURKE, H. GRADY, Mechanic, Engineers, 149th Co. 17th Div., R. R. Eng. ; of Guilford County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Burke. Husband of Mrs. G. H. Burke. En- tered service July 18, 1916, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Ft. Bliss, Texas. Transferred to Camp Glenn, then to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France March 31, 1918. Landed back in U. S. A. June 1, 1919, at Philadelphia, Pa. Mus- tered out at Camp Dix, N. J., June 4, 1919. BURNETTE, M. THOMAS, Inf., Co. F, 81st Div., 322nd Reg.; of Durham County; son of O. D. and Mrs W. I. Burnette Entered service Sept. 4, 1917, at Dur- ham, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. June 28, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne.i St. Die Sector, Sept. 19 to 23, St. Die Sector Oct. 2 tol6, Somme Sector, Nov. 4 to 9 Meuse-Argonne, Nov. 9 to 11. Was with U. S. Military Mission. At Aitclamm. Germany, from Feb. 8 to Aug. I'i 1919. Returned to U. S. A. Sept. 19, 1919. Mustered out cd Camp Dix, N. J., Sept. 29, 1919. BURROWS, C. G., Merchant Marine, Boatswain 7 " Mate; of Randolph County; son of W. M. and Mrs. M. E. Burrows. Entered service Aug. 28, 1918, at Boston. Mass. Mustered out Feb. 5, 1919. BURRUS, JOHN T., Lt. Col., Medical Corps; of Guil- ford County; son of John G. Burrus. Entered service May 25, 1917, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Ft. Ogle- thorpe, Ga., then to Camp Wadsworth and transferred to Camp Beauregard. Promoted to rank of Major, April, 1917, Lt. Col. April, 1918. Mustered out at Beauregard, La., Jan. 1, 1919. BURTON, JOHN, Sergt., Co. Hdqrs., 6th Div., 78th Reg. F. A.: of Yancey County; son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Burton. Entered service June 1, 1917, at Burnsville, N. C. Sent to Ft. Riley, Kans., from there transferred to Camp Logan, Texas, then to Ft. Sill, Okla., from there to Camp Mills. Sailed for France July 13, 1918. Fought at Meuse- Argonne, Stoney. One and one-half months in Germany on "Secret Service Duty." Returned to U. S. A. July 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 3, 1919. BUSH, THOMAS G., Private, 1st class, Engineers, Co. A, 81st Div., 306th Reg.; of Halifax County; son of John A. and Mrs. M. L. Bush. Entered service Oct. 2, 1917, at Halifax, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France July 30, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Ar- gonne, St. Die Sector. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C. July 19, 1919. BUTTS, GEO. R., Corpl., 106th Org. Dept. ; of Hali- fax County. Entered service Nov. 9, 1917, at Roanoke Rapids. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and transferred to Camp Mead, Md. Sailed for France Sept. 5, 1918. Fought at Hindenburg Line. Wounded Nov. 11, 1918, shell and machine gun bullet. Returned to U. S. A. Dec. 25, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, March 29, 1919. BUTTS, Z. V., Jr., Corpl, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 119th Reg.; of Carteret County; son of Z. V. and Mrs. Catherine Butts. Entered service July 30, 1917, at Morehead City, N. C. Sent to Camp Royster, N. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France May 28, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. June 1, 1918, Fought at Ypres, Belli- court, Hindenburg Drive, St. Quentin. Landed in U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD BOND, EDWARD G., Lieut., was born in Edenton, North Carolina, on the 16th of May, 1890. He was a son of Judge and Mrs. W. M. Bond. After attending the Graded School at Edenton he was sent to Randolph-Macon Academy at Bedford, Virginia, and from there was later sent to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. There he united with the Delta Kappa Epsilon Frater- nity, and after completing his studies at said University he remained there and read law. Completing his law course, he passed the examination for license to practice before the Supreme Court of North Carolina before his twenty-first birthday. At each of the schools he was re- garded as a close and diligent student, and in the few years after he received his law license he rapidly arose in the profession. He was of broad reading, with most retentive memory, a strong public speaker and most in- teresting in private conversation. Never having been connected in any way with military service, when trou- ble was threatened along the Mexican border he volun- teered and became a member of Company I, an old Eden- ton military company. He was soon thereafter sent to Camp Glenn, in North Carolina, and after staying there several weeks was sent with his company to the border. When the trouble there had subsided, the regiment to which he belonged was returned to Goldsboro, N. C, and was not disbanded, as it then seemed very certain that our government would soon be involved in war with Ger- many. Serving at Goldsboro, Charlotte, Hillsboro and other places in guarding bridges and performing various details of military service, he was finally sent to Camp Sevier, near Greenville, S. C. There he remained until he was sent, in May, 1918, as a member of Company L, 119th Infantry, Thirtieth Division, to France. He remained attached to that company until he was sent to a competi- tive school in Langres, France. After remaining at said school for a period of time he was commissioned and as- signed to Company L, 39th Infantry, Fourth Division. On October 10, 1918, he was mortally wounded in battle near Bois de Foret in the Argonne Forest, and from there was finally removed to the hospital in the city of Limoges, where he died from the wounds on November 10, 1918, and was buried in the American Military Cemetery at Limoges, France. He was at all times connected with the Infantry and his commission as Second Lieutenant was dated September 25, 1918. Letters from comrades received since his death impute to him full and complete discharge of his duty and speak in the highest terms of his valor and determination as a soldier. He appeared to regard his service to his country as a matter of patriotic duty, which is attested by the fact that a few days before he was wounded he closed a letter by saying: "No matter what happens, don't worry about me. I hold my life a matter of little concern in great questions affecting humanity and civilization." His older brother lives in Denver, Colorado, practic- ing law there. His younger brother, before his twentieth birthday, filed application for enlistment into the Avia- tion service. The subject of this sketch was well educated, of high character and widely acquainted. Lieut. Bond was the only member of the D. K. E. Fra- ternity at the University of North Carolina who died in battle or from wounds received in battle, and the society has requested and received a large photograph of him which now hangs on its wall in their hall at Chapel Hill. BYRD, DANIEL B., Capt., Inf., Co. D, 3rd Div., 38th Reg. and 19th Co. of 30th Div. ; of Cumberland County ; son of Geo. J. and Mrs. Mary Byrd. Husband of Mrs. Florence Cozort Byrd. Entered service July 5, 1916 at Ft. Monroe, Va. Sent to Mineola, N. Y. Transferred to Ft. Bliss, El Paso, Tex., then to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for England to France May 27, 1918. Entered service as Lt. July 5, 1916. Promoted to Capt. April 11, 1919. Fought in all battles of 30th Div. Wounded in the battle of Somme, LeCatau Sector, Oct. 11, 1918, by shrapnel. Sent to British Gen. Hospital No. 8, then to No. 73, at Trouville. Received D. S. C. American and Military Cross, (British). Went with Army of Occupation at Coblenz, Germany. Mustered out at Camp Pike, Ark., Feb. 14, 1920. BYRD, L. L., Private, Inf., Co. A, 81st Div., 322nd Reg. Born Jan. 20, 1895. Son of T. J. and Etta Byrd, of Duplin County. Entered service May 20, 1918, at Faison, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Lee, Va., June 1st, 1918. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Fought at Verdun. Returned to U. S. A. June 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 26, 1919. BYRD, ROBERT B., Farrier. Vet. Corps. Hdqrs. Co., 6th Div.; of Guilford County; son of B. Z. and Mrs. Lucy Byrd. Husband of Mrs. Agnes Byrd. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Wads- worth, S. C. Sailed for France July 22, 1918. Fought at Vosges Sector, Meuse-Argonne. Arrived in V. S. A. June 19, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 10, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD BURTNER, RENE L., 1st Sergt., Air Service, 497th Aero Squad. ; son of D. H. and Mrs. Florence Burtner, of Mecklenburg County. Entered service Dec. 13, 1917, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., Dec. 13, 1917. Transferred to Camp Hancock Jan. 2, 1918, then to Camp Greene, N. C, March 24, 1918. Sailed for France July 30, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. April, 1918, to Sergt. Dec, 1918, and 1st Sergt. Jan., 1919. Returned to U. S. A. July 5, 1919. Mustered out at War Dept., Washing- ton, D." C, Dec. 23, 1919. BATTOX, GECRGE D., Private, 1st Class Artly, Btry. F, 73rd Re?.; of Halifax County; son of W. S. and Marion Batton. Entered service May 7, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Ft. Adams, R. I. Transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France Oct. 13, 1918. Mustered out at Camo Greene, N. C, Jan. 9, 1919. BRYAN, BLOUNT HENRY, Private Med., 1st and 3rd Army ; of Granville County ; son of Charlie W. and Mamie S. Bryan. Entered service Aug. 9, 1918, at Ox- ford, N. C. Sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France, Sept. 13, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, Aisne, Marne. Wounded at Argonne, slightly, by Shrapnel, Nov. 12, 1918. Left St. Nazairre on Sept. 19, 1918, went to Montriburg, Sept. 21, to Fleury, Feb. 29. Was with the Army of Occupation at Treves and Neuweid, Germany. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va. CHEATHAM, VIRGINIUS ANDERSON, Corpl., 31st Balloon Co., Aero Service. Born in Wilson County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Cheatham. Entered the service Jan. 8, 1918, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., and from there to Camp McArthur, Texas. Transferred to Camp Sill, Okla. From there he was transferred to Camp Knox, Ky. Promoted from Private to Corporal Aug. 25, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Knox, Ky., March 29, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD RECORDS OF PRECEDING PHOTOS ONE TO THIRTY 1. ALEXANDER, R. B., 1st CI. Private, Coast Artty., Co. 2. Born in Forsyth County, May 21, 1897; son of E. L. and N. F. Alexander. Entered service June 1, 1918, at Winston-Salem, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., June 1, 1918. Transferred to Ft. Adams, R. I., June 25, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corp., September, 1918. In Hospital at Ft. Adams, Ky. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 4, 1919. 7. BATTING, WILLIAM NATHAN, Private, U. S. Ma- rine Corps, 19th Co., 2nd Div., 6th Reg. Son of W. H. and Nellie Batting of Wilson County. Entered service June 18, 1917, at Norfolk, Va. Sent to Quantieo, Va., June, 1317. Sailed for France, Brest, December, 1917. Fought at Chateau Thierry, Meuse-Argonne, St. Mihiel, Verdun and Belleau Woods, where he was wounded June 15, 1918. Shrapnel wound, second wound machine gun bullet. Gassed slightly. Sent to Base Hospital No. 15 and to Base No. 30. Decorations, Croix de Guerre, Fran- zer Green Cord, French. Second wound at St. Mihiel. Was in Army of Occupation ot Coblenz, Germany, and Rhinebhal, Germany. Returned to U. S. A. June, 1919. Mustered out at Quantico, Va., July 9, 1919. Had two decorations and two citations. 2. ANDERSON, WALTER K., 1st CI. Private, 322nd Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div. Born in Wilson County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Anderson. Husband of Mrs. Alberta Anderson. Entered the service Sept. 20, 1917, at Wil- son, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France August 18, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Sept. 8th. Transferred to Hdqrs. Co. as a private. Fought at St. Die Sector, Sept. 18, 1918, to Oct. 17, 1918; Somme Sector, 8th to 9th of November, 1918; Meuse-Argonne, Nov. 9 to 11, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. June 18, 1919 ; landed at Newport News, Va. Was mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. 8. BLAKE, CURTIS E., Water Ten. (Navy), 1st Div.; of New Orleans, La. ; son of W. H. and Mrs. Eliza Blake. Entered service March 24, 1912, at Frisco, Cal. ; re-en- listed March 3, 1917, at Norfolk, Va. Wounded at Cha- teau Thierry by machine gun. Sent to U. S. Mercy Hospital Ship. Served on Paulding, foreign duty as guard, also U. S. S. Virginian, U. S. S. Idaho, made sev- eral convoy trips, made five transport trips. Was fired on by submarine twice on board Paulding. Served in Honolulu four months guard duty ; was in battle of Cha- teau Thierry and Bellicourt, served on Mexican border from March 29, 1916, to March 1, 1917. Mustered out at San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 16, 1919. 3. ANDERSON, CHARLES HOLT, 1st CI. Private, 242nd Co., M. P. Born in Alamance County; son of A. L. and Fannie Anderson. Entered service June 3, 1918, at Haw River, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., and trans- ferred to Camp Humphrey, Va., then to Ft. Meyer. Sent overseas to France, August, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. August, 1919. Had charge of prisoners in England and France. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., August, 1919. 4. BARBEE, WALTER J., Sergt., Air Service, 483rd Aero Co. ; of Durham County ; son of W. A. and Mrs. P. E. Barbee. Husband of Mrs. V. I. Barbee. Entered service Dec. 14, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Meade, Md. Transferred to Morrison, Va. Sailed for France March. 4, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. April 1, 1918. Returned to U. S. Feb. 8, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Feb. 26, 1919. 9. BROWN, GEO. C, 1st CI. Private Inf., Co. K, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Born in Moore County; son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Brown. Entered the service July 25, 1917, at Asheboro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France May 24, 1918. Fought at Hindenburg Line, Ypres Front. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 14, 1919. 10. BROWN, FELIX EDWARD, 1st CI. Private, Med. Base Hosp. 65. Son of W. V. and S. A. Brown, of Yadkin County. Husband of Viria Marie Brown. Entered ser- vice April 11, 1918, at Winston-Salem. Sent to Ft. Mc- Pherson, Ga., April 11, 1918. Transferred to Camp Up- ton, N. Y., August, 1918. Sailed for France, Brest, Sept. 13, 1918. Was transferred to entertainment department. Was with Kerhon player in Belgium and France. Re- turned to U. S. A. July 3, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 22, 1919. 5. BAREFOOT, JULIUS J., Maj. Med. Corps, Air Service Div. ; of Alamance County ; son of Julius J. and Emma Laura Barefoot. Husband of Octavia W. Bare- foot. Entered service Dec. 27, 1917, at Graham, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Payne Field, then to Langley Field, then to Genl. Hospital No. 14, Green- leaf. Promoted to rank of Capt. July, 1918, then to rank of Major, November, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Green- leaf, Ga., Dec. 13, 1918. 6. BARNES, ORLANDO M., Mess Sgt. Inf., M. G. Co., 30th Div., 120th Reg. Son of O. B. and Sallie Barnes, of Guilford County. Entered service June 21, 1916, at Greensboro, N. C. Fought at Ypres, Belgium July 12 to Sept. 16, 1918; Cambrai, St. Quentin offensive; Belli- court from Sept. 29, 1918, to Oct. 19, 1918. Decorations G. O. No. 2, Hdq., 30th Div., A. E. F., Jan. 10, 1919, for valor during Cambrai and St. Quentin offensive. Did duty on Mexican border. Arrived in U. S. A. April 11, 1919, at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jack- son, April 17, 1919. 11. BYRD, R. B., 1st. CI. Private, Med. Corps Co., Emb. Hospital ; of Stanly County ; son of T. C. and Mrs. Martha Byrd. Entered service April 1, 1918, at Albe- marle, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Stuart, Va., then to Camp Hill. Was on guard duty 11 months, sentry duty at Newport News, Va., Embarkation Hospital No. 2. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 22, 1919. 12. CALLUM, JOHN B., Private, Engrs. Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 105th Reg.; of Guilford County; born April 25, 1898; son of W. L. and Lila B. Callum. Entered service July, 1917, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 20, 1918. Fought at Ypres, St. Quentin, Bellicourt, Argonne, Voormizelle, and all other engagements of 105th Engi- neers. Died at Armiens, Nov. 18, 1918. Buried at Durg, Sommes, France. Dispatch rider attached to Hdqrs. of 105th, Col. J. A. Pratt commanding. Killed between the lines while carrying dispatches. Has Victory Medal with five stars. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD 13. CASE, W. B., Pvt. Pioneer Inf., Co. B, 4th Reg.; of Rockingham County ; son of M. L. and Martha Case. Husband of Mrs. Irene Martin Case. Entered service Aug. 5th at MayoJan, N. C. Sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Transferred to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Sept. 23, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. July 1, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, July 7, 1919. 14. COBLE, LONNIE B., Sergt. Q. M. C, Train. Corps No. 10. Born Sept. 25, 1890; son of H. M. and Isabelle Coble, of Guilford County. Entered service Dec. 21, 1917, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Johnston, Fla. Trans- ferred to Camp Hancock, Ga., June 24, 1318. Died Oct. 21, 1918, of influenza and p.ieumonia at Camp Hancock, Ga. Wounded at St. Quentin by shrapnel, Sept. 27, 1918; wound in left leg. Gassed at St. Quentin Front, Sept. 27, 1918. Sent to Base Hospital No. 12, General, St. Louis. Sailed from Brest, France, Jan. 23, 1919 ; landed Jan. 30, 1919, New York. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Feb. 18, 1919. 20. GALLION, GARFIELD EUGENE, Pvt. Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 119th Reg.; of Johnston County; born June 23, 1894; son of Mrs. Grace Gallion. Entered service June 4, 1917, at Benson. Sent to Camp Sevier. Trans- ferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 10, 1918. Fought at Ypres. Killed by shell while in reserve behind the lines in Belgium, Aug. 6, 1918. Buried at Poperinghe, Belgium. 15. COLTRANE, VERNON W., 3rd CI. Q. M. C, U. S. N. R. F. Son of A. L. and Sarah Coltrane, of Guilford County. Entered service June 3, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to U. S. S. Lakeport. Release:! from ship at Newport News, Va. Made three trips across, first to Glasgow, Scotland, one to Inverness, one to Azores Islands. Re- turned to U. S. A. April 9, 1919. Mustered out at New- port News, Va., June 3, 1919. 21. GLENN, CHAS. E.. Private 1st CL, F. A., Batt. A, 81st Div., 316th Reg. Son of L. E. and Mrs. Mary Glenn, of Guilford County; born Dec. 5, 1895. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jack- son. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 17, 1918. Sent to Camp Hospital No. 12, A. P. O. Died from bronchial pieumonia Oct. 5, 1918, at Valdahorn, France. Buried at Valdahorn, France. 16. DAVIS, FOSTER C, Bugler, Inf., Mach. Gun Co., 30th Div., 120th Reg. Born in Wake county ; son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Davis. Entered the service June 2, 1917, at Wake Forest, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France May 25th, 1918. Bugler when entered service. Fought at Ypres, Bellicourt, Hindenburg Line. Was on guard duty when killed during the Hindenburg Drive, Oct. 10, 1919. He was a survivor of a torpedoed British ship. He was the author of "A Call of the Wanderlust." 22. GRAVES, HENRY LEWIS, 2nd Lt. Air Service, Pilot 278th Aero Squad. Born in Moore County; son of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Graves. Entered the service" Aug. 15, 1917, at Atlanta, Ga. Was sent to Georgia Tech and from there to Park Field, Tenn., and from there to Dick, Texas. Transferred to Ft. Sill, Okla., and from there to Taliaferro Field, Ft. Worth, Texas. Sailed for France Sept. 15, 1918. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. April 1, 1918. Overseas 13 months. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Oct. 15, 1919. 17. DICK, ROBT. S., Sergt. Inf., M. G. Co., 81st Div. 322nd Reg. Son of T. L. and Emma Dick, of Guilford County. Entered service Sept. 19, 1917, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Upton. Sailed for France August, 1918. Promoted to Sergt. September, 1918. Fought at St. Die Sector, Somme, Meuse-Argonne offen- sives. Returned to U. S. A. June 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. 23. GRUBBS, THOS. R., Pvt., Med. Corps, Am. 321, 81st Div.: of Forsyth County; son of J. W. and Ellen Grubbs. Entered service June 25, 1917, at Winston- Salem, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorps. Transferred to Camp Jackson, then to Camp Sevier, to Camp Mills, to France Aug. 7, 1918. Fought at St. Die, Meuse-Argonne. Re- turned to U. S. A. June 16, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 26, 1919. 18. FESPERMAN, WALTER S., Wagoner, Inf. Sup. Co., 30th Div., 120th Reg.; of Durham County; son of C. M. and Mrs. J. M. Fesperman. Husband of Mrs. Clara May Green Fesperman. Entered service May 28, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Was in all battles with his regiment — Ypres, Lankhaf Farm, Sept. 9th to 21st; Bellicourt, Rau- ray, Sept. 29th to Oct. 1st; Premont, Hindenburg Line, Oct. 8th; Busigny, Oct. 9th; Becquigney, Bohain, Vaux Audigny, La Hale, Menereise, Oct. 10th to 11th; St. Mar- tian Bevien, Mezinghein Heights of Calilleon, Oct. 17th to 19th, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. May 11, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, May 18, 1919. 24. HENDERSON, OTIS H., 2nd Lt., F. A., 38th Tr. Batry. ; son of E. L. and Annie Henderson, of Alamance County. Entered service July, 1918, at Graham, N. C. Sent to Camp Plattsburg. N. J. Transferred to Camp Zachary Taylor, Sept. 16, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Tavlor Dec. 17, 1918. 25. HODGIN, GEO. R., Fireman 2nd (Navy) ; of Ala- mance County; kjh of Robert and Cinthy Hodgin. Hus- band of Lodie Hodgin. Entered service April 17, 1918, at Swepsonville. Sent to Norfolk, Va. Transferred to Pensacola, then to U. S. S. Alabama; transferred to U. S. S. Nashville, then U. S. S. Rondo. Mustered out at Nor- folk, Dec. 9, 1918. 19. FLOYD, MARVIN REID, Pvt., Med. Corps, 118th Field Hospital, 30th Div., 105th Reg. San. Tr. ; of Guil- ford County; son of G. C. Floyd and Mrs. Ada Floyd. Husband of Mrs. Thelma Laura Floyd. Entered service March 8, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Jack- son, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France June 22, 1918. Fought at St. Quentin Front, Ypres Front. 26. HODGIN, CHAS. R., Pvt., Co. 10, 3rd Div.. 155th Depot Br. Son of R. L. and C. A. Hodgin, of Alamance County. Entered service July 23, 1917, at Burlington, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France Feb. 26, 1918. Was a messenger boy while on front. Returned to U. S. A. April 1, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 12. 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD 27. HUEY, EDWIN CARLTON, Sergt., Q. M. C, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div. Born in Mecklenburg County, May 1, 1893; son of Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Huey. Husband of Mrs. Ora Estelle Huey. Entered service July 18, 1917, at Wilmington, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier. Trans- ferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Overseas to Liverpool, from there was sent to France. Promoted to rank of Sergt. April, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Lys, Somme offensive. Returned to the U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 8, 1919. 28. JACKSON, JOHN FRANKLIN, Jr., Private. F. A., Batty. 306, 81st Div. : of Iredell County ; son of J. T. and V. S. Jackson. Husband of Ellen Jackson. Entered service April 26, 1918, at Statesville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France, August 16, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 28, 1919. 29. JOHNSON, MARION SIMS, Corpl., Bugler, 120th Inf., Co. M, 30th Div. Born in Durham County; son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson. Entered the service Aug. 5, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France from Boston. Fought at Bellicourt, Hindenburg Line. Gassed at Hindenburg Line Oct. 20, 1918. Was sent to Hospital, Le Treport, France. Died March 16, 1919, at Le Mans. Buried at Grand Le Mans. Death caused by bronchial pneumonia. Was prepared to sail for U. S. when he died. 30. KERR, FRED, Private, 120th Inf., Co. M, 30th Div. Born in Durham County, Sept. 15, 1897 ; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kerr. Entered the service at Durham, N. C, June 1, 1917. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France, May 28, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Be- thune, St. Quentin, Bellicourt. Killed at Bellicourt Sept. 29, 1918. Buried in American Cemetery, Bony, Aisne, France. Enlisted for service on Mexican border. Was discharged and re-enlisted for World War. CADDELL, ERNEST J., Wagoner, 305th San. Tr„ 317th Amb., 80th Div. Son of J. W. and M. E. Caddell, of Lee County. Entered service August, 1917, at Jonesboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Lee Sept. 17, 1917. Sailed for France May 25, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. April 29, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Mills, May 4, 1919. CALDWELL, KENNETH E., 2nd Lt., 59th Inf. En- tered the service at Concord, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Ogle- thorpe, Ga. Commissioned as 2nd Lt. Nov. 22, 1917. Fought in the second battle of the Marne and St. Mihiel, Soissons, Vesle. Wounded twice by shrapnel and ma- chine gun. Received the French Croix De Guerre. Pro- moted to 1st Lt. Was with Army of Occupation in Ger- many. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., May, 1919. First service with 1st N. C. N. G. CALLUM, TRAVIS B, Private, 321st Amb. Co., 306, 81st Div., Sanitary Train ; of Guilford County ; son of W. L. and Mrs. Lila Broadnax. Entered service May 5, 1817, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglehtorpe, Ga. Trans- ferred to Camp Jackson, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 5, 1918. Fought at St. Die Sector, Meuse- Argonne. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., 1919. CAMPBELL, JUNIUS G., Private, Inf., Co. A, 323rd Reg., 81st Div. Born in Cumberland County, N. C, June 1, 1891, and son of D. B. and Mary Campbell. Husband of Gertrude Brantley Campbell. Entered the service at Carthage, N. C, May 28, 1918, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and then transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France Aug. 11, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne and Vosges Mountains. Mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 25, 1919. CAMPBELL, HARRISON G., Private, Battr'y E, 317th F. A., 81st Div. Born in Iredell County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Campbell. Entered the service May 29, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 7, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. April 21, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, May 31, 1919. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM H, Jr., 1st Class Private, Ma- rines, Co. No. 67, 2nd Div., 5th Reg. Born in Edgecombe County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Campbell. En- tered the service April 10, 1917, at Boston, Mass. Was sent to Paris Island, S. C. Sailed for France June 12, 1917. Fought at Verdun, Chateau Thierry, Mt. Blanc, St. Mihiel. Received shrapnel wound at Chateau Thierry June 6, 1918. Sent to Evac. Hosp. No. 27, at Coblenz, Germany. Was taken prisoner at Chateau Thierry, but escaped. Returned to U. S. A. Aug. 8, 1919. Seven months with Army of Occupation. Attacked by subma- rine going over on the U. S. S. "Cobb." Mustered out at Portsmouth, Va., Sept. 11, 1919. CALDER, JOHN N., 2nd Lt., Co. C, 317 M. G. Btn.; of Mecklenburg County. Enlisted Sept. 18, 1917, at Char- lotte, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Hancock. Appointed Corpl. Oct. 5, 1917; Sergt., Nov. 11, 1917; 1st Sergt., July 11, 1918. Was commis- sioned 2nd Lt. April 23, 1919. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Stationed at St. Die Sector from Sept. 29 to Oct. 6, 1918; then went to Officers' Tr. School, Langres, France, Oct. 8, 1918. Rejoined his company Feb. 10, 1919. Returned to U. S. A. June 30, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Gordon, Ga., July 23, 1919. CALHOUN, M. D., Bugler, 317th F. Artillery. Bat- tery E. Born in Edgecomb County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Calhoun. Entered the service May 28, 1918, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 10, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 7, 1919. Was mustered out at Camp Lee, June 20, 1919. CARAVASIOS, NICHOLAS G., Pvt, Inf., Co. D, 81st Div., 121st Reg. Born Aug. 12, 1890; son of George and Maria Caravasios, of Forsyth County. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Winston-Salem, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, May, 1918. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Upton, N. Y., Aug., 1918. Mustered out at Camp Willard, Macon, Ga., Dec. 17, 1919. CARMICHAEL, McKINNON, 1st Lt., Co. F, 81st Div., 322nd Inf. Son of N. J. and Mary C. Carmichael, of Jones County. Husband of Mrs. Julia B. Carmichael. Entered service June 20, 1916, at New Bern, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn. Transferred to Ft. Oglethorpe, trans- ferred to Camp Jackson, Sevier and Upton. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Promoted to 2nd Lt. Aug. 15, 1917, and Oct. 31, 1918, 1st Lt. Fought at Meuse-Argonne and St. Die. Was on Mexican border six months. Returned to U. S. A. Aug. 6, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Gordon, Ga., Sept. 2, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD CANSLER, E. T., Jr., Capt., Inf., Machine Gun Co., 32nd Reg., 81st Div.; Son of E. T. and Lillie Scott Cans- ler, of Mecklenburg County. Entered service May 12, 1917. at Charlotte, N. C. Went to 0. T. S. at Ft. Ogle- thorpe. Transferred to Camp Jackson and from there to Camp Sevier; then to Camp Upton, and sailed for France Aug. 1, 1918. Commissioned 2nd Lt. Aug. 15, 1917. Pro- moted to 1st Lt. Jan. 1, 1918, and to Captain October, 1918. Fought at Vosges Mountains, St. Die Sector, and Meuse-Argonne. After signing of armistice was Asst. Div. Judge Advocate General of 89th Div. from Dec, 1918, to March, 1919, with Army of Occupation at Kilburg, Ger- many. Returned to U. S .A. March 8, 1919. Mustered out of service March 12, 1919, at Washington, D. C. Graduated as Divisions Machine Gun Instructor at Ft. Sill March 9, 1918 . CARR, DUFFY, Private, 120th Inf., Co. I, 30th Div. Born in Orange County; son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carr. Entered the service at Hillsboro, N. C, July 25, 1917. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Was in all battles with the 120th. Returned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 18, 1919. CARR, PAUL, 1st Class Private, 120th Inf., Co. I, 30th Div. Born in Orange County; son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carr. Entered the service July 25, 1917, at Hillsboro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 16, 1918. Fought in the Hindenburg drive and all battles with the 120th. Wounded Oct. 10, 1918; machine gun wound. Returned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Landed at Charles- ton, S. C, and was mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 18, 1919. CARRIHER, C. P., of Concord, N. C, Cabarrus, County. Entered the service at Concord, N. C, Sept. 6, 1918. Reported to Camp Jackson and later transferred to Camp Hill, Va. Then transferred back to Camp Jack- son, where he was mustered out of the service on Jan. 25, 1919. CARROLL, WINFRED O., Mechanic, 322nd Inf., Co. A, 81st Div. Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Carroll, of Stokes County. Entered the service at Danbury, N. C, Oct. 5, 1917. Was sent to Camp Jackson and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France Aug. 11, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, Nov. 9th to 11th. Gassed near Ver- dun and sent to Field Hospital No. 322, Base No. 65, Nov. 10, 1918. Landed in U. S. A. June 18, 1919, at Newport News, Va., and was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1319. CAKROWON, CHAS. M., Fireman 2nd Class (Navy). Son of T. C. and E. B. Carrowon, of Robeson County. Entered service Aug. 1, 1918, at Maxton, N. C. Sent to Great Lakes, 111. Transferred to Receiving Ship at Hamp- ton Roads. Transferred to U. S. S. Alabama, then to St. Helena, Va., then to U. S. S. Owl, Mine Sweeper, 3rd Naval District, N. Y. Mustered out at Hampton Roads Aug. 29, 1919. CARTER, JOHN H., Private 1st Class, Co. E, 30th Div., 105th Engineers. Son of C. E. and Alice Carter, of Forsyth County. Entered service Sept. 1, 1917, at Win- ston-Salem, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Was in all engagements with l()5th Engineers. Returned to U. S. A. April 18, 1919. Mustered mil at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 24, 1919. CARTER, PAUL C, Captain. Med. Corps, San. Det., 30th Div., 120th Reg. Born in Wake County; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Carter. Husband of Mrs. Rose Carter. Entered the service at Goldsboro, N. C, June 23, 1917. Was sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Overseas to France May 29, 1918. Pro- moted to rank of 1st Lt. May 23, 1917, and to rank of Capt. Feb. 21, 1919. Fought at Ypres-Lys offensive, Somme offensive. Landed in U. S. A., at Charleston, S. C, April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, May 3, 1919. CARTER, E. M., Private, Bty. B, 81st Div., 318th Reg., F. A. ; of Halifax County ; son of R. W. and H. F. Carter. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Weldon, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France, Aug. 8, 1918. Returned June 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 27, 1919. CARTER, JEFFREY E., Private, 322nd Inf., Co. A, 81st Div. Born in Franklin County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Carter. Husband of Mrs. Urtrey Brantley Carter. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Louisburg, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, ; from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Fought at Argonne, Verdun, Somme drive. Gassed at Argonne Nov. 11, 1918. Sent to American Field Hospital No. 42, Bordeaux. Was in 13 different hospitals in France. Returned to U. S. A. April 23, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 2, 1919. CARTER, TROY E., Mechanic, Inf., Co. I, 2nd Div., 9th Reg. Born July 16, 1898; son of Geo. W. and Mary Carter, of Franklin County. Entered service Aug. 28, 1916, at Wakefield, N. C. Sent to Columbus Barracks, Ohio. Transferred to Syracuse, N. Y., April, 1917. Trans- ferred to Newport News, Va., September, 1917. On Mex- ican border and in Mexico with A. E. F. five months. Went from Newport News to Sevier and Camp Jackson, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 12, 1919. CASE, R. B., Capt., C. A. C. Born Oct. 21, 1892; son of W. A. and A. C. Case, of Guilford County. Husband of Mrs. L. (Watson). Entered service Aug. 5, 1917, at Fayetteville, N. C. Sent to Ft. Caswell, N. C. Sailed for France June 10, 1918. Fought at Argonne. Was chief of staff of 1st Army. Served with 56th Reg., C. A. C, six weeks. Was in N. C. N. G. 10 years. Returned to U. S. A. Jan. 24, 1919. Mustered out at Ft. Toten Feb. 4, 1919. CASEY, S. E., Private, 120th Inf., Co. M, 30th Div. Born in Durham County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Casey. Entered the service Nov. 1, 1915, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mer- ritt. N. J. Sailed for France May 17. 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium, Bellicourt, Yaux Andigny, Bohain. Served on the Mexican border five months. Returned from France April 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jack- son, S. C, April 17, 1919. CATES, THOS. W., 1st Class Private. USth F. A., Btry. C, 30th Div. Born in Durham County: son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cates. Husband of Mrs. Elizabeth Eaton Cates. Entered service at Durham, N. C, Sept. 19, 1917. Was sent to Cam)) Sevier. S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 8. 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel. Argonne. Wnevre, Toul. Returned to U. S. A. March 18. 1319: landed at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Cam]) Jackson, S. C, March 28, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD CLARK, ALEX W., Private 1st class, Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Reg.; of Orange County; born Aug. 3, 1897 ; son of J. A. and Venie Clark. Entered service July 14, 1916, at Carrboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France. Landed June 5, 1918. Fought at Bellicourt. Killed at Bellicourt Sept. 29, 1918. On Mexican border from Oct. 1, 1916, until March 25, 1917. CLEAVER, CHALIE C, Sergt., Inf., Regimental Sup. Co. Born in Moore County, N. C, June 20, 1892. Son of Isaac and Julia L. Cleaver. Entered the service at South- ern Pines, N. C, July 12, 1916, and sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Ft. Bliss, Texas, and then to Camp Royster, N. C, and then to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 27, 1918. Promoted to Sergt, Nov. 1, 1916. On Mexican border Oct. 11, 1916, to March 21, 1917. Fought at Ypres July 27, to Aug. 2, Ypres Aug. 21st to 26th, Voormizelle Aug. 31st to Sept. 2nd. Bellicourt Sept. 27th to Oct. 1st., Premont, Busigny, Oct. 9th, Escau- fourt, St. Benin Oct. 10th to 12th. Rebeauville Oct. 17th to 20th. Drafted out of N. G. to Regular Army same date as National Guard was so drafted. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. CLEAVER, MARTIN L., Private, Arty. Batt E, 1st Reg. Born in Moore County, N. C, Feb. 23, 1897. Son of Isaac and Julia L. Cleaver. Husband of Rosa Pelcher Cleaver. Entered the service at Carthage, N. C, Sept. 23, 1918, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, Dec. 11, 1918. CONRAD, WILLIAM R., Sergt., 81st Aero Squad. Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Conrad, of Charlotte, Meck- lenburg County, N. C. Entered service Jan. 4, 1918, at Charlotte, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Camp Waco, Texas, March 16, 1918. Transferred to Ft. Sill, Okla., then to Camp Greene on Jan. 18, 1919, where he was mustered out Jan. 27, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD CAUDELL, F. M., Sergt., Transport Corps, 72nd Co., Motor Trans. Son of P. J. and Mrs. N. M. Caudell, of Robeson County. Entered service March 15, 1918, at St. Paul, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Camp Upton, Camp Grant, 111., and Ft. Benj. Harrison, Ind. Sailed for France July 13, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 28, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Humphrey, Va., July 9, 1919. CAYTON, LIONEL R., Corpl., Inf., Co. D, 81st Div., 324th Reg. ; of Beaufort County ; son of A. H. and Mrs. Armenta Cayton. Entered service May 24, 1918, at New Bern, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 5, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. August, 1918. Fought at Verdun, Meuse-Argonne, Toul Sector. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 21, 1919. CHANCE, CHARLIE, Private 1st Class, Baty. D, 7th F. A., 1st Div.; of Halifax County; son of J. T. and Olive Chance. Husband of Mrs. Lula Chance. Entered the ser- vice at Weldon, N. C, Aug. 27, 1918. Sent to Camp Jack- son, S. C. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, Dec. 10, 1919. CHAPPELL, WAYLAND L., 1st Class Private, Co. M, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Born in Durham County; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chappell. Entered the service July 25, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Fought at Ypres, St. Quentin, Hindenburg Line, Sept. 29th to Oct. 10th. Received shell wound in battle of St. Quentin. Returned to U. S. A. Dec. 16, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Wadsworth, S. C, Feb. 5, 1919. CECIL, H. A., Yeoman 2nd Class. Born March 31, 1890; son of Y. F. and Armanda Cecil, of Guilford County. Husband of Zada P. Cecil. Entered service June 3, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Norfolk, Va., June 4, 1918. Transferred to St. Helena, then to Hampton Roads. On Battleship U. S. S. New Jersey. Later transferred to Newport, R. I., Training Station. Served with clerical forces. Home address, High Point, N. C. Mustered out at Newport, R. I., June 14, 1919. CECIL, EARL, Private, 118th Inf., Co. E, 30th Div. Born in Guilford County; son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cecil. Entered the service at High Point, N. C, July 30, 1917. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Received ma- chine gun wound at Bellicourt, Oct. 9th. Was sent to Australian Base Hospital No. 23. Was in all battles with the 118th until wounded. Returned to U. S. A. Feb. 23, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, May 21, 1919. CHADWICK, FLOYD M., JR., Corpl. F. A., Baty. A, 30th Div., 113th Reg.; of Craven County; son of F. M. and Mrs. Mary James Chadwick. Husband of Mrs. Hazel- Hawkins Chadwick. Entered service June, 1917. Trans- ferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France June 13, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. July, 1917. Fought at Toul defensive, St. Mihiel drive, Argonne, Woevre defensive and offen- sive. Returned to U. S. A. March 18, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Jackson March 28, 1919. CHANCE, EARNEST, Private 1st Class, Inf., Co. E, 119th Reg., 30th Div.; of Halifax County; son of J. T. and Olive Chance. Husband of Mrs. Lillie Darden Chance. Entered the service at Weldon, N. C, Sept. 19, 1917. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought in all engagements of the 119th Reg. Returned to the U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. CHANCE, JASPER, 1st Class Private, Co. E, 30th Div., 119th Reg.; of Halifax County; son of J. T. and Olive Chance. Husband of Meddie Chance. Entered ser- vice Sept. 20, 1917, at Weldon, N. 0. Sent to Camp Jack- son. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought in France and Belgium. Wounded in battle at Ypres, Belgium, July 30, 1918, M. G. fire in arm, and sent to British Hospital No. 13. Returned to U. S. A. April 2nd. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 7, 1919. CHEATHAM, JOEL T., Seaman 2nd Class, U. S. Navy, Hdqrs. Co., 5th Naval Dist. Born in Vance County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cheatham. Husband of Mrs. Belle Davis Cheatham. Entered service at Norfolk, Va., June 11, 1918. Was sent to U. S. S. Pamlico. From ship to O. M. S. Naval Operating Base, Hampton Roads, Va. CHERRY, ROBERT GREGG, Capt., Co. A, 30th Div., 115th Reg, M. G.; of Gaston County; son of C. L. and Hattie E. Cherry. Entered service June 25, 1917, at Gas- tonia, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, Sept. 3, 1917. Sailed for Brest, France, May 8, 1918 Promoted to rank July 5, 1917. Fought at Ypres, Belgium, July 15, 1918, to Sept. 5, 1918; Bellicourt and Hindenburg Line, Sept. 29, 1918, to Oct. 12, 1918; Premont-Vaux, Andigny, Oct. 7, 1918, to Oct. 12, 1918; Molain, St. Souplet, St. Martins Rivers, Oct. 17, 1918, to Oct. 21, 1918. Recom- mended for promotion to Major. Organized Machine Gun Troop, 1st N. C. Cavalry, which, upon organization of 30th Div., became Co. A, 115th M. G. Btn. Company made up of men from Gaston County, Haywood County, Cabarrus County and a few from Eastern Carolina. Re- mained with same company throughout war. Had three men killed, and one officer and 17 men wounded. Returned to U. S. A. March 24, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jack- son, S. C, April 15, 1919. CHERRY, SOL, Corpl., Arty., 7th Baty, 10th Sector, 1st Army. Born May 20, 1892; son of Sol and Elizabeth Cherry, of Bertie County. Entered service May 4, 1917, at Windsor, N. C. Sent to Ft. Caswell, N. C, July 25, 1917. Sailed for France June 9, 1918. Promoted on Dec. 18, 1917, to Corpl. Fought at Lorraine, Toul Sector, St. Mihiel offensive and Meuse-Argonne offensive. Returned to U. S. A. March 8, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee March 24, 1919. CHERRY, E. G., Private 1st Class, Anti-Aircraft Bty., C. A. C, 7th Reg.; of Bertie County; son of Sol and Mrs. E. W. Cherry. Husband of Mrs. Annie May Sutton Cherry. Entered service May 5, 1917, at Windsor, N. C. Sent to Ft. Caswell, N. C. Sailed for France June 19, 1918. Promoted to Private 1st Class July, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne, Toul Sector, Verdun. Landed in U. S. A. March 7, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 25, 1919. CHESSON, HUBERT A., V. S. N., Fireman 1st Class, of Washington County ; son of E. W. and M. E. Chesson. Entered the service at Plymouth, N. C, Feb. 2, 1918, and sent to Norfolk, Va. On U. S. S. McNeal, Mine Sweeper, and U. S. S. Jean. Made two trips overseas. Mustered out of the service Sept. 19, 1919, at Hampton Roads, Ya. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD CHISHOLM, W. E., Cook, Inf., Co. K, 30th Div., 120th Reg.; of Randolph County; son of H. C. and Martha Chis- holm. Entered service July 27, 1916, at Asheboro. Sent to Camp Stewart, Texas. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France June 8, 1918. Promoted to rank of Cook Jan. 1, 1917. In all actions of the 120th Reg. Did duty on Mexican border Oct. 1, 1916, to March 28, 1917. Returned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919, Charleston. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson April 18, 1919. CHRISTMAN, THOS. B., Arty., Baty. 5, 8th Reg. Born January, 1897; son of T. R. and Mrs. May Christ- man, of Green County. Entered service Aug. 25, 1918, at Snow Hill, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Oct. 28, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. April 21, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 14, 1919. CHURCHILL, CARL C, Bugler, F. A., Bty. C, 113th, 30th Div. Born in Durham County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Churchill. Entered the service at Durham, N. C, Aug. 7, 1917. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 24, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Woevre Plains. Was sent to Base Hospital No. 1 at Vichy, France. Re- turned to U. S. A. Jan. 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Meade, Md., Feb. 3, 1919. CLAPP, HENRY S., Med. Corps. Born in Guilford County July 15, 1893; son of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Clapp. Entered the service May 29, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there was transferred to Camp Sevier. Was in the Med. Dept., San. Tr. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 10, 1919. CLARK, H. 0., 2nd Lt., F. A., 335 Co., 87th Div. Son of M. S. and Frances C. Clark, of Wake County. Entered service Aug. 27, 1917. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Trans- ferred to Camp Pike, Ark., then to Camp Jackson, then to Ft. Sill, Okla. Promoted to 2nd Lt. Nov. 27, 1917. Mustered out at Ft. Sill, Okla., March 26, 1919. CLARK, ELLIOTT B., 1st Lt., Inf., Co. E, 59th Reg., 4th Div. ; of Halifax County ; son of E. and Eunice Clark. Entered service Aug. 27, 1917, at Weldon, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorps, Ga., then to Camp Greene, N. C. Trans- ferred to Ft. Sill, Okla. Sailed for France May 5, 1918. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. Nov. 27, 1917 ; 1st Lt. July 29, 1918. Fought at 2nd Aisne Marne offensive. Wounded at Aisne Marne July 19, 1918, by high explosive shell. Returned to U. S. A. Nov. 9, 1918. Mustered out at Gen'l. Hospital No. 6, Ft. McPherson, Feb. 1, 1919. CLARK, FERDINAND H., Seaman 2nd Class (Navy), Reserve Force. Born in Halifax County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Clark. Entered the service June 5, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. Was sent to Hampton Roads. Transferred to U. S. S. Utah and then transferred to U. S. S. North Dakota, then to U. S. S. South Carolina. Sailed for France June 24, 1919. Transporting troops home. Mustered out at Hampton Roads, Va., Aug. 13, 1919. CLINE, FRANK, Private, F. A. Son of W. P. and H. R. Cline, of Burke County. Husband of Mrs. Ester Cline. Entered service Aug. 26, 1918, at Valdese. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Newport News to go across. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, Dec. 15, 1919. CLIFTON, JAMES A., JR., 1st Lt., Inf., Batt. Adjt.'s Staff, 30th Div., 119th Reg.: of Robeson County; son of J. A. and Ida Addia Clifton. Entered service Aug. 4, 1917, at Maxton, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Trans- ferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 12. 1918. Promoted to rank 1st Sergt. June, 1916 of 2nd Lt. Au- gust, 1917; 1st Lt. Aug. 22, 1917. Fought at Ypres, Cambrai, St. Quentin, Bellicourt, Hindenburg Line. On Mexican border from October, 1916, to March, 1917. Re- turned to U. S. A. April 3, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson May 8, 1919. CLINE, FRANK L., 1st Lt., 105th Eng., Eng. Tr., 30th Div. Son of F. L. and Novella Cline, of Catawba County. Husband of Mrs. Mary Shaw Cline. Entered service July 15, 1917, at Hickory, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France April 26, 1918. Promoted to 1st Lt. July 12, 1917. Fought in all actions of 30th Div. Enlisted in 1st N. C. N. G. Aug. 8, 1916. Was transferred from Inf. to Engineers Sept. 1, 1917. Re- turned to U. S. A. April 14, 1919, Charleston, S. C. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson May 13, 1919. CLONIGER, WILLIAM A., Corpl. M. G., Co., A, 40th Div., 144th Reg. County of Gaston; son of R. A. and Margaret Cloniger. Entered service July 5, 1918, at Dal- las, N. C. Sent to Camp Hancock. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France Sept. 11, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. August, 1918. Fought at Verdun. On Mexican border from October, 1916, to March, 1917. Returned to U. S. A. April 11, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 22, 1919. COBB, B. L., Cook, M. G. Born in Bertie County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cobb. Entered the service June 22, 1918, at Windsor, N. C. Was sent to Camp Hancock, Ga. Promoted to Cook June 25, 1918, and to Mess Sergt. Au- gust, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Hancock, Ga., Dec. 27, 1918. COBLE, JACK C, Private 1st Class, S. A. T. C. Son of H. M. and Isabelle Coble, of Guilford County. Entered service Oct. 11, 1918, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Elon College, N. C. Mustered out at Elon College Dec. 15, 1918. COCKE, JERE E., 1st Lt., Med. Born Sept. 28, 1881 ; son of Wm. M. and Maria Johnston Cocke, of Buncombe County. Husband of Mrs. Fredrick Brown Cocke. En- tered service Oct. 22, 1918, General Hospital No. 16. Transferred to Camp Devens, Mass., Jan. 1, 1919; Gen- eral Hospital No. 42 June 1, 1919. Mustered out General Hospital No. 42, July 25, 1919. COGGINS, GEO. H.. 1st Class Private. Born in Da- vidson County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Coggins. En- tered the service at Clemson College July 15, 1918. Was sent to Ft. Moultrie, S. C, and from there to Ft. Sumter, S. C. Transferred to Ft. Caswell, N. C, and sailed for France Nov. 2, 1918. Promoted to 1st Class Private Oct. 27, 1918. Sailed from Brest, France, Dec. 26, 1918; landed at Newport News, Va., Jan. 8, 1919. Mustered out at Ft. Monroe, Va., Jan. 19, 1919. COLE, ERNEST C, Corpl., Aviation Service, 338th Aero Squadron ; of Guilford County ; son of J. P. and L. Cole. Entered service Feb. 7, 1918, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Kelly Field, Tex. Transferred to Water- town, N. Y., then to Ft. E. Allan, Vt. Promoted to Corpl. October, 1918. Mustered out at Ft. E. Allen, Vt., Dec. 31, 1918. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD COCKE, EUGENE R., Capt., Med. Hdqrs., 30th Div., 105th San. Tr. Born Sept. 10, 1887; son of Wm. M. and Maria Cocke. Entered service June 23, 1917, at Golds- boro, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe June 24, 1917. Trans- ferred to Camp Sevier Sept. 12, 1917. Sailed for St. Na- zaire June 29, 1918. Promoted to Capt. February, 1919. Fought all engagements of 30th Div. up to and including Sept. 29, 1918. Gassed at Bellicourt Sept. 29, 1918. Gassed at Templeux Sept. 29, 1918. Sent to U. S. Base 129, London, Eng. Returned to U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 6, 1919, COLE, FRED C, Private, 113th F. A., Bty. C, 30th Div. Born in Durham County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. James Cole. Husband of Mrs. Lettie Cole. Entered the service June 17, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Se- vier, S. C. Transferred to New York. Sailed for France May, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest. Re- turned to U. S. A. March 23, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 31, 1919. COLE, LOUIS F., Sergt., Med. Corps, Detachment Co. Born in Buncombe County Sept. 9, 1895. Entered service at Charlotte, N. C, Sept. 5, 1917. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Humphreys, Va. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Promoted to rank of Sergt. July 14, 1918. Entered the service in the Infantry and was transferred to Engineers and then to medical service. Mustered out at Camp Humphreys, Va., July 29, 1919. COLLIER, WILLIAM T., Cook, 317th F. A., Battery D, 81st Div., 317th Regt. Son of Robt. and Zilphia Col- lier. Entered service Sept. 20th, 1917, at Fayetteville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for France Aug. 22nd, 1918. Promoted to rank of Cook Nov. 5th, 1917. Returned to U. S. A. June 8, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1919. COLTRAIN, GEO. HIRAM, Private, 323rd Inf., 81st Div., Co. G. Born in Johnson County. The son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coltrain. Husband of Mrs. Minnie Cecil Coltrain. Entered the service May 25, 1918, at Selma, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sail- ed for Liverpool, Eng., Aug. 11, 1918. Fought at Man- heulles, France. Arrived in the U. S. A. June 14, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 26, 1919. COLEY, RAYMOND C, Private, Art., Bty. F, 30th Div., 113th Reg.; of Nash County; son of W. H. and Mrs. Rebecca Coley. Entered service April 26, 1918, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for Liverpool and France June 7, 1918. Fought at Toul Sector, Meuse-Ar- gonne. Arrived in U. S. A. from St. Nazaire, France, through Camp Stuart, Va. Mustered out at Camp Jack- son, S. C, March 28, 1919. COMPTON, SILAS E., 2nd Lt., Inf.. Transp. Per- sonnel Adjt. Born in Alamance County, the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Compton. Entered the service at Mebane, N. C, Sept. 18, 1917. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Gordon, Ga. Sailed lor France March 30, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Aug. 18, 1919. Mustered out at (amp Lee, Va., Oct. 8, 1919. CONNOR, GEORGE, 1st Class Private, F. A., Btry. A, 9th Regt. Born in Randolph County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Connor. Entered the service at High Point, N. C, Aug. 26, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Promoted to rank of Quartermaster Nov. 15, 1918. Was sick with influenza. Remained at Camp Jackson, where he was mustered out March 20, 1919. CONNOR, A. J., Jr., 1st Class Private, 322nd Inf., Co. L, 81st Div. Born in Northampton County, the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Connor. Entered the service May 25, 1918, at Rich Square, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jack- son, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 18, 1918. Promoted to 1st Class Private Oct., 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, Somme, 2nd Alsace-Lorraine Sector. Arrived in U. S. A. June 18, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 28, 1919. CONRAD, CLARENCE R., 1st Class Private, 9th F. A. Born Dec. 14, 1898; son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Conrad, of Davidson County. Entered service Aug. 26, 1918, at Lexington, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Newport News, Va. Sailed for France Nov. 9, 1918. Landed in U. S. A. May 20, 1919, at New- port News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 29, 1919. CONSTANTINE, N., Jr., Seaman, Navy. Born in Edgecombe County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Constan- tine. Entered the service at Norfolk, Va., July 26, 1917. Was sent to Navy Rifle Range, Virginia Beach. Trans- ferred to Philadelphia, Pa. Sailed to France May 14, 1918. Fought at Verdun and Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. Jan. 5, 1919. Mustered out at Bay Ridge Barracks, N. Y„ Jan. 14, 1919. CONWAY, GEO. W., Private, F. A., Btry. C, 30th Div., 113th Regt. Born in Durham County; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Conway. Entered the service July 25, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills, L. I., N. Y. Sailed for France May 27, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne, Meuse, Woevre Plain. Returned to U. S. A. March 15, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 27, 1919. COOK, WILLIAM GATHER, Private. Heavy Artil- lery, Btry. C, 45th Reg. Born in Guilford County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cook. Entered the service July 1, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., and from there to Ft. Scrivens, Ga. Was transferred to Camp Eustis, Va. Sailed for France July 30, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. March 15, 1919. Mus- tered out at Hoboken, N. Y., March 29, 1919. COOK, M. W., Private, 60th F. A.. Btry. A. Born in Cabarrus County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed M. Cook. Entered the service at Concord, N. C, Aug. 26, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and then to Camp Hill, Va. Was on way to France the day Armistice was signed. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, Feb. 6, 1919. COOK, CHAS. A., Sergt., of Cabarraus County. En- tered the service at Concord, N. C, May 9, 1918. Sent to Camp Jackson where he trained three months with Co. C, 306th Ammunition Train — then transferred to the Q. M. C, served with them until he was mustered out of the service March 19, 1919, at Camp Jackson, S. C. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD r~ GOING OVER FIRST SIGHT OF FRANCE We knew we were drawing near land when we saw submarine chasers playing rings around us and aero- planes overhead keeping a hawk-eye watch for the periscope of a deadly enemy. We gradually began to see huge rocks jutting out of the water like the nose of a rough giant, then the green hills and the light houses began to loom into view, and we knew we were almost to the "jumping off point." Panoramic view of a bit of the ground the boys covered TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD COOK, ROBERT E., Wagoner, 317th Co., 305th Sani- tary Train, 80th Div. Born in Wayne County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Cook. Husband of Mrs. Pauline Cook. Volunteered for the service Aug. 5, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Was sent to Camp Lee. Sailed for France May 25, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. June 1, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 13, 1919. COOKE, GEO. L., Capt, Inf., Field Staff, 30th Div., 120th Regt. ; of Franklin County; son of B. F. and S. F. Cooke. Husband of Mrs. Alice Tull. Entered service July 27, 1917. Sent to Camp Bickett, N. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, July 29, 1917. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Promoted to rank of First Lt. 1913, Capt. June, 1918. Fought at Bellicourt, Hindenburg Drive, Ypres. Was in N. C. N. G. from May 25, 1907, until mustered into Federal service. On Mexican border nine months. Landed in U. S. A. April 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, May 7, 1919. COOKE, WALTER W., Private, Med. Corps, Amb. 317, 80th Div., 305th Sanitary Train ; of Franklin Coun- ty ; son of B. F. and S. F. Cooke. Entered service March 3, 1918, at Franklinton, N. C. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for France May 25, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Ar- gonne. Landed in U. S. A. May 30, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 15, 1919. COOKE, ROBERT H., Musician, Naval; of Bun- combe County; son of Rev. J. A. and Julia Cooke. Hus- band of Christine Cooke. Entered service Sept. 11, 1918, at Asheville. Sent to Hampton Roads. In Naval Glee Club. 1st Tenor, Asst Co. Commander for five weeks at Hampton Roads. Mustered out at Hampton Roads, Feb. 28, 1919. COOPER, JAMES CRAWFORD, 2nd Lt., Inf., Ma- rines, 74th Co., 2nd Div., 6th Regt. ; of Vance County ; son of C. J. and Mrs. M. A. F. Cooper. Husband of Mrs. Lucy Parham Cooper. Entered service April 11, 1917, at Henderson, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Transfer- red to Hoboken, N. Y. Sailed for France Sept. 15, 1917. Fought at Verdun Front, two months, March to June, 1918. Chateau Thierry June and July, 1917. Gassed at Verdun. Instructor Inf. Tactics 61st Brigade, Camp Wheeler, Ga. Instructor 20th Div., 48th Inf. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, Jan. 13, 1919. COPELAND, CHARLES M., Private, 105th Supply Train, Co. A, 30th Div. Born in Edgecombe County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Copeland. Husband of Mrs. Murphy Copeland. Entered the service at Goldsboro, N. C, June 4, 1917. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France June, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. April 10, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 15. 1919. Served in N. C. N. G. three years. COPELAND, EMMIT J., Bugler, Cavalry, M. G. Troop; of Pasquotank County; son of W. F. and Mary Copeland. Entered service May 7, 1918, at Elizabeth City, N. C. Sent to Ft. Bliss, Texas. Transferred to Marfa, Texas. Served in Regular Army for two years and ten months, did duty on Mexican border. Re-enlisted for one year after Armistice was signed. Mustered out of U. S.Troops, Marfa, Texas, March 25, 1920. COPELAND, WILLIAM B., Private, 1st Class, 317th Artly., Btry. C, 81st Div.; of Pasquotank County; son of W. F. and Mary Copeland. Husband of Mrs. Hattie Cope- land. Entered service May 24, 1918, at Elizabeth City, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Served in N. C. N. G., for three years in Co. I, 2nd Regt., at Edenton, N. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, Aug. 31, 1918. COPELAND, ANDREW G., Private, 1st Class, F. A., Btry. B, 3rd Reg. ; of Pasquotank County ; son of W. F. and Mary Copeland. Husband of Mrs. Lula Copeland. Entered service Aug. 27, 1918, at Elizabeth City, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, Dec. 12, 1918. COPPEDGE, EDWARD S., Private, 1st Class Co. L, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Halifax County; son of Charlie and Mrs. Annie Coppedge. Entered service July 12, 1917, at Weldon. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Fought in all battles with his division until wounded at the Bat- tle of Bellicourt Sept. 29, 1918. Bullet in arm. Sent to Base Hospital No. 37, in England. Returned to U. S. A. April 3, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 7, 1919. CORBETT, JOHN ALLIE, Chief Mec. Mate, Navy. Born in Wilson County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Corbett. Entered the service Nov. 23, 1917, at Wilming- ton, N. C. Was on U. S. S. "Onward" and transferred to Sub. Chaser No. 186. Mustered out at Hampton Roads, March 12, 1919. COREY, JAMES HICKS, Jr., Corpl., Co. 3, 81st Div., 306th Supply Train ; of Pitt Couny ; son of J. H. and S. D. Corey. Husband of Mrs. Laura Gertrude Corey. En- tered service May 25, 1918, at Greenville, N. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 5, 1918. Fought at Verdun Sector, Meuse-Argonne, St. Die. Returned to U. S. A. June 24, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 9, 1919. COUNCILL, STEWART GORDON, 2nd Lt., Cavalry, Troop A, N. C. N. G., Machine Gun Replacement ; of Ca- tawba County; son of W. B. and Elizabeth M. Councill. Entered service June 25, 1916, at Lincolnton, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Ft. Bliss, El Paso, Texas, then to Anabra, New Mexico, back to Ft. Bliss. Promoted to rank of Corpl., Jan., 1918. Went to Train- ing Camp, Ft. Oglethorpe. Promoted to 2nd Lt. at Camp Hancock, Ga. Went to Camp Devins as Private. From Devins, to Hancock, Ga., 2nd Lt. of Machine Gun. Mus- tered out at Camp Hancock, Ga., Dec. 16, 1919. COUNCILL, WILLIAM T., 1st Lt.. M. G.. Co. A, 30th Div., 115th Battalion; of Catawba County; son of W. B. and Mrs. Elizabeth Councill. Husband of Mrs. Doris Councill. Entered service July, 1916, at Lincolnton, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier Aug. 1, 1917. Promoted to rank of 1st Lt., June 10th, 1917. Served on Mexican border July, 1916, to March, 1917, with Troop A, 1st N. C. Cavalry. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, April, 1918. COVINGTON, JOHN T., Sergt, Inf.. 22nd Recruit Co.; son of H. H. and Mollie F. Covington; of Scotland County. Entered service July 8, 1918, at Laurinburg, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Mustered out at Ft. Thomas, July 3, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD COURTNEY, ROBEY K., Private, Marine Corps, 51st Co., 2nd Div., 5th Reg. ; of Caldwell County; son of M. M. Courtney. Entered service May 15, 1918, at Lenoir Coun- ty, transferred to Quantico, Va., July 1, 1918, then to Philadelphia Aug. 1, 1918. Sailed for Brest Aug. 13, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Mont Blanc, Argonne. Wounded at Mont Blanc, skull fractured Oct. 4, 1918. Sent to Base Hospital, 202 Orleans. Returned to U. S. A. Aug. 4, 1919. Mustered out at Quantico, Va., Seot. 1, 1919. CRABTREE, 0. L., Master Engineer, Junior Grade, 7th Eng. Train, 7th U. S. Engineers. Born in Orange County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Crabtree. Hus- band of Mrs. Marie Crabtree. Entered the service at Hillsboro, N. C, June 7, 1917. Was sent to Ft. Leaven- worth, Kans. From there was sent to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France April 1, 1918. Fought at Vosges, St. Mihiel, Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. Aug. 5, 1919. Served with army of occupation at Luxemburg, Germany. Mustered out at Hoboken, N. J., Aug. 6, 1919. COX, THADDEUS L., Chauffeur, 4th Corps Artly. Park; of Pitt County; son of J. H. and Emma Cox. Hus- band of Mrs. Lila Cox. Entered service Aug. 8th, at Greenville, N. C. Sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France Aug. 22, 1918. Was at Meuse-Argonne, Toul Sector. Was with U. S. Army of Occupation Dec. 1, 1918, to May 28, 1919. Returned to U. S. A. June 28, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Dix, July 3, 1919. CRABTREE. CHAS. D., 1st Class Private, 56th Pioneer Inf., Co. M. Born in Durham County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Crabtree. Entered the service Aug. 3, 1918, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt and sailed to France Sept. 4, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne offensive; with Army of Occupation in Germany six months. Returned to U. S. A. June 22, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 6, 1919. COX, HENRY E., 2nd Lt., Inf., E. Co., 1st Corps, 53rd Pioneers; son of A. G. and G. Y. Cox; of Wayne County. Entered service June 20, 1916, at Mt. Olive, N. C. Sent to Camp Greene, N. C. Transferred to Ft. Ogle- thorpe May 22, 1917, then to Camp Jackson, S. C, Aug. 29, 1917. Sailed for France Aug. 6, 1918. Promoted to 2nd Lt., Aug. 15, 1917. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Ar- gonne. On Mexican border six months. Was in Camp Wadsworth six months. Returned to U. S. A. May 6, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 12, 1919. COX, C. L., Private, Co. A, 6th Div., 6th Am. Tr. ; of Rockingham County; son of Rufus and Fannie Cox. En- tered service May 9, 1918, at Leakesville, N. C. Sent to Ft. Scrivens, Ga. Transferred to Camp Wadsworth, S. C, to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France July 3, 1918. Landed in U. S. A. Jan. 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Feb. 6, 1919. CRAIN, JOHN ENOCH, Sergt., Inf., Co. D, 417th Btn., N. S. Guards. Born in Chatham County, N. C, Feb. 17, 1888; son of N. W. and M. R. Crain. Entered the service at Carthage, N. C, Aug. 19, 1918, and sent to Camp Greene, N. C. Mustered out of the service at Camp Greene, N. C, Dec. 24, 1918. CRAIG, HERBERT BINGHAM, 1st Lt. 123rd Inf., Co. I, 31st Div. Born in Alamance County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Craig. Entered the service May 15, 1917, at Mebane, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., and from there to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Wheeler, Ga. Sailed for France Oct. 9, 1918. Com- missioned as 2nd Lt. Aug. 15, 1917, and as 1st Lt. Oct. 1, 1917. Returned to U. S. A. Oct. 28, 1919. Served as commanding officer of P. W. E. 245 while in France. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., Oct. 31, 1919. COX, LESLIE P., Sergt., C Co., 81st Div., 317th M. G. ; son of S. H. and Loro Cox, of Lee County ; husband of Mrs. Daisy Cox. Entered service Sept. 7, 1917, at Jonesboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Hancock, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, Vosges Mtn., St. Die Sector. Returned to U. S. A. April 20, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Mills, April 23, 1919. COX, EMMETT H., Wagoner, 119th Inf., Supply Co., 30th Div. Born in Randolph County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cox. Entered the service at Asheboro, N. C, Oct. 10, 1917. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 8, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium ; Hindenburg Line. Landed in U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Was mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. COX, J. W., 1st Class Private, Inf. Born in Guilford County April 26, 1894 ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cox. Entered service at High Point, N. C, Oct. 1, 1918. Was sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Served throughout period of war at Ft. Thomas, Ky., and was mustered out at same place, Jan. 11, 1919. CRANFORD, TROY ARTHUR, Private, 1st Class, 6th Co., 2nd Train Btn., Inf. ; son of A. H. and Mrs. M. M. Cranford ; of Randolph County. Entered service July, 1918, at Asheboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Served with same company until mustered out of service at Camp Jackson, S. C, May 29, 1919. CRATER, C. L., H. A. 1, Naval Hospital Corps; of Surry County ; son of R. P. and Maggie Crater. Entered .service May 24, 1918. at Elkins, N. C. Sent to Hampton Roads. Promoted to rank as Hosp. App., 1st Class, when enlisted. On U. S. S. "Madawaska" four months. Went to Ph. Mate's School at Hampton Roads, Va., four months, made two trips to France. Mustered out at Hampton Roads, Feb. 20, 1919. CREAGH, JOHN W„ Corpl., Btry. A, 30th Div., 113th F. Artly. ; son of H. A. and N. E. Creagh ; of Jones Coun- ty. Entered service June 25, 1917, at Pollocksville, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Fought in all engage- ments with 113th F. Artly. Returned to U. S. A. March 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, March 28, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD CREECH, GROVER, 1st Class Private, Co. E, 107th Inf., 27th Div. Born in Johnson County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Creech. Husband of Mrs. Martha Ellen Creech. Entered the service at Pine Level, N. C, Aug. 5, 1918. Was sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C, and from there to Newport News, Va. Sailed for France Sept. 15, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. March 9, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 9, 1919. CREECH, DAVID A., Private, Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Regt. ; of Johnston County ; son of J. I. and Mrs. Lucillea Creech. Entered service May 24, 1916, Durham, N. C. Sent to Samp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Bellicourt-Lys Offensive, Somme Canal. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April, 1919. CROUSE, DAVID D., Sergt., 51st Inf., Supply Co., 6th Div. Born in Guilford County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crouse. Entered the service at High Point, N. C, June 16, 1908. Was sent to Forest, Ga. Transferred to Camp Mills and sailed for France July 5, 1918. Fought at Geiardue Sector Sept. 3 to Oct. 12; Meuse-Argonne, Nov. 1st to 10th. Was in Army of Occupation in Ger- many. Returned to U. S. A. June 12, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Taylor, Ky., Aug. 6, 1919. CROWELL, ANDREW M., Corpl., Marines. Born in Cabarrus County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Crowell. Entered the service April 26, 1917, at Charlotte, N. C. :Sent to Paris Island, S. C, then sent to Brooklyn, N. Y., 'and from there to Quantico, Va. Was on U. S. S. "New Mexico." Mustered out at Quantico, Va., March 18, 1919. CREECH, L. D., Seaman, 2nd Class, U. S. N. R. F. ; son of W. P. and Selina V. Creech ; of Johnston County. Entered service June 1, 1918, at Richmond, Va. Sent to Camp St. Helena, Va., transferred to Opr. Base, Va., then to U. S. S. "Virginia." Patrol the coast from Norfolk, Va., to Boston, Mass. CREW, EARLIE, Private, F. Artly., Batry. C, 30th Div., 113th Regt. ; of Durham County ; son of William and Mrs. Jernigan Crew. Entered service Aug. 13, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Sailed for France June 25, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Woevre, Toul. Arrived in U. S. A. from St. Nazaire, France, March 16, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Went through Camp Stuart, Va. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 28, 1919. CROCKER, ELMO, Corpl., Ordnance. Born in Northampton County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. L. Crocker. Entered the service April 26, 1918, at Seaboard, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. From there he was sent to Camp Hancock, Ga. Transferred to Raratan, N. J. On detached service at Springfield, Mass. At Ord- nance Depot from Sept., 1918, to Feb., 1919. Mustered out at Springfield, Mass., Feb. 23, 1919. CROKER, DAVID S., Corpl., Co. E, 321st Inf., 81st Div.; son of A. L. and Jennie Areygail Croker; of Guil- ford County. Entered service May 28, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, and to Camp Upton, N. Y. Landed at Cherobourgh, France, Aug. 14, 1918. Fought at Meuse- Argonne Offensive. Returned to United States June 22, 1919, and was mustered out of service at Camp Lee, Va., June 27, 1919. CRONE, JAMES C, 1st Sergt., Inf., Co. D, 322nd Regt., 81st Div. ; of Wayne County ; son of George and Elizabeth Crone. Husband of Bertha Crone. Entered the service at Goldsboro, N. C, Sept, 20, 1917, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier and from there to Camp Upton. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Promoted to 1st Sergt. Oct. 15, 1918. Fought at St. Die, Meuse-Argonne, Vosges Mt. and all other sectors in which the 322nd took part. Returned to U. S. A. May, 1919. Mustered out of service at Camp Lee, Va., June 6, 1919. CROUCH, HERMAN JOHN, 1st Class Seaman, Navy; of Burke County; son of W. P. and Mary Crouch. Entered service June 2, 1918, at Morganton, N. C. Sent to St. Helena, Va. Sent to U. S. S. "Naiwa;" transferred U. S. S. "Powhatan," made two trips overseas. Mustered out at Naval Base, Hampton Roads, Sept. 15, 1919. CRYSEL, JNO. T., 1st Class Private, F. A., R. D. Supply Co., 9th Artly. Born in Wilkes County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Crysel. Husband of Mrs. Bessie May Crysel. Entered the service Aug. 26, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and mus- tered out from there Dec. 28, 1918. CULLON, LUCIOUS H., Corpl., Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 322nd Regt.; of Halifax County; son of A. L. and Mrs. Mary Cullon. Entered service March 19, 1918, at Rosemary, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Trans- fered to Camp Sevier, going from there to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France Feb. 4, 1919. Fought at Meuse- Argonne, Somme, St. Mihiel Sector. Arrived in U. S. A. from St. Nazaire, France, June 21, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. CULPEPPER, M. B., Jr., Private, U. S. Marine Corps. Born Aug. 4, 1892 ; son of M. S. and M. W. Culpepper ; of Pasquotank County. Entered service May 17, 1917, at Norfolk, Va. Sent to Winthrop, Md., July 7, 1917. Trans- ferred to U. S. S., "New Jersey" Sept. 1, 1917. then to Camp Quantico, Va., Feb. 3, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Oct. 14, 1917. Mustered out at Camp Quantico, Va., Aug. 26, 1919. CUMMINGS, DAVID L„ Engineman, 2nd Class. U. S. N., R. F. ; of Halifax County ; son of W. G. and Mrs. Jiddia Cummings. Entered service June 28, 1918, at Rosemary, N. C. Sent to Cherrystone Island. Transfer- red to Norfolk, Va. Promoted to rank of Enginman, 2nd Class, July 28, 1918. On U. S. S. West Coast, March 7, 1918, until July 12, 1918, at Naval Station New Orleans 26 days. Made one trip across. Mustered out at Hamp- ton Roads, Aug. 5, 1919. CUNNINGHAM, FREDERICK WILSON, 2nd Lt., F. A., Officers' Training School, Btry. 13, F. A. C. O. T. S., Camp Taylor, Ky. Born July 31, 1897; son of J. W. and Lillie Cunningham ; of Lee County. Entered service Aug. 22, 1918, at Sanford, N. C. Sent to Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. Promoted Dec. 18, 1918, to 2nd Lt. F. A. O. R. C. Mustered out at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., Dec. 18, 1918. CURTIS, ALBERT B.. Sergt., Q. M. C, ; of Haywood County; son of J. M. and Laura S. Curtis. Entered service' Aug. 31, 1918, at Canton, N. C. Sent to Camp Greene. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Oct. 16, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. Sept. 30th, With National Guard on Mexican Border Oct., 1916, to /March, 1917. Returned to I'. S. A. March 24, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, April 19, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD CUTCHIN, JOS. H., Dr., Capt, Med. Corps, 102nd Amb. Co., 26th Div., 101st San. Train; of Nash County; son of J. S. and Mrs. Nannie S. Cutchin. Husband of Mrs. Mary T. Cutchin. Entered service Sept.. 4, 1917, at Whitaker, N. C. Sent to Camp McGinnis, Mass. Sail- ed for France Oct. 5, 1917. Promoted to rank of 1st Lt. July 16, 1917; Capt. Feb. 2, 1918. Fought at Toul Sec- tor, Second Marne, Chateau-Thierry, Troyon Sector and Verdun. Arrived in U. S. A. April 19, 1919, at Boston, Mass. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., April 26, 1919. CRAIG, ALFRED CARR, Sergt. Was born in Gaston County, N. C, Nov. 7, 1892, his family being one of the oldest in the Piedmont section of the Carolmas. Several of his lineal ancestors participated in the American cause during the Revolutionary War. Henry Craig was wounded in a skirmish with the British in South Carolina during the summer of 1781 and was confined to his bed at the time of the battle of Kings Mountain. His grand- father, Patrick Craig, was a captain in the Confederate army, commanding Co. B, 1st Regiment of South Caro- lina Volunteers. Alfred Craig entered the service of the U. S. A. at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 25, 1918; was as- signed to the 16th Co., 4th Tr. Bn., 156th Depot Brig.; was assigned the first day after arriving to the Company mess as a cook. After cooking for about thirty days was given charge of the Company mess. On Sept. 25, 1918, was transferred in advance of his company to Camp Se- vier, S. C, to prepare Company mess quarters. He re- mained with the 156th Depot Brig., at Camp Sevier until Jan. 4, 1919, when the Brigade was transferred back to Camp Jackson, S. C, where the Brigade was discharged the 30th, division and casual units. Here Craig i - eceived his warrant as Sergt., 1st class, March 1, 1919, and was discharged April 25, 1919, being the only man in the out- fit at the time of the original Regiment. COX, GEO. A., Mechanic, C. A. C, 6th Co.; of Rock- ingham County ; son of Rufus and Fannie Cox. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Leakesville, N. C. Sent to Ft. Monroe, Va. Promoted to Rank as Mechanic Sept., 1917. Was transferred to Btry. F, 41st Railroad Artillery Oct. 10, 1918. Mustered out at Ft. Monroe, Va., Dec. 7," 1918. DAGENHART, L. D., Sergt., Base Hospital No. 208; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dagenhart, of Mt. Holly, N. C. Entered service Feb. 20, 1918, at Gastonia, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., for medical training. Transferred to camp of embark- ment at Allentown, Pa. Sailed for France, Aug. 23, 1918. Landed at Liverpool, Eng. Entrained for Southampton, Eng., from there for Havrre, France, Sept. 10, 1918. Was sent to Camp Hospital, No. 47, at Autun, France, later organizing Base Hospital No. 208 ; later relieving Base 6th at Verdun, the largest Base in the A. E. F. Landed at New York July 24, 1919. Mustered out Aug. 16, 1919. ^HHHHHEHHMHHHBBIMHHHHHHHHHHI^HHHIHJHHHiil^^HH TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD RECORDS OF PRECEDING PHOTOS ONE TO THIRTY 1. MANNING, FREDERICK CAIN, 2nd Lt. Trench Mortar, 4th Battln. Born in Wake County Oct. 19, 1894 ; son of James S. and Mrs. Lula Cain Manning. Entered service April, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Fortress Monroe, January, 1918. Transferred to Camp Eustus, July, 1918; from there to Camp Newport News, Oct. 7, 1918. Sailed for France and landed Oct. 20, 1918. Sent to Naval Base Hospital No. 1, Oct. 20, 1918. Died in hos- pital October 24ch, from influenza-pneumonia. Buried at Lembecelle Cemetery. Later remains removed and buried at Raleigh, July 25," 1920. 2. MARKHAM, JOHN L., Sergt., 137th F. A., Batt. F, 81st Div. ; of Durham County ; son of John L. and Mrs. Ella B. Markham. Entered service Sept. 18, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 28, 1918. Promoted to Sergt. Oct. 11, 1918. Sailed from Brest, May 27, 1919. Arrived in U. S. A. June 8, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 21, 1919. 3. MARKHAM, W. B., Private, 306th Engineers, Co. C, 81st Div. Born Sept. 12, 1889 ; son of J. V. and Mrs. Lenora Markham. Husband of Mrs. Texie Rayland Markham. Entered service May 27, 1918, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. ; Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for Liverpool, Eng., Aug. 11, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 20, 1919. 4. McKINNON, HAL. A., Private, Baker and Cook School. Born in Moore County, Nov. 4, 1891 ; son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McKinnon. Entered the service July 22, 1918, at Carthage, N. C. Was sent to Camp Hancock, Ga., and from there to Camp Merritt, N. J. Transferred to Camp Lee, Va., June 6, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 10, 1919. 5. McPHAIL, J. D., Corpl. Inf., Co. L, 119th Inf., 30th Div. ; of Cumberland County ; born Sept. 8, 1899 ; son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. McPhail. Entered service July 10, 1916, at Hope Mills, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, Sept. 20, 1917. Sailed for France, May 11, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Fought at Ypres, Bellicourt and Hindenburg Line. Killed at Hindenburg drive Sept. 29, 1918. On border nine months ; railroad guard duty three months. Bought one $50 Liberty Bond. 7. MONROE, JNO. W., Private, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 321st Inf. Born in Moore County, Feb. 22, 1887 ; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Monroe. Entered the service May 28, 1918, at Carthage, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France, Aug. 5, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonns. Mustered out at Camp Jack- son, S. C, June 25, 1919. 8. MONROE, LAUCHLIN DEATON, Private, Inf. 54th Co. Born in Moore County, July 29, 1895; son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Monroe. Entered the service July 22, 1918, at Cartnage, N. C. Was sent to Camp Hancock, Ga., July 22, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Hancock, Ga., Dec. 18, 1918. 9. MONROE, KENNETH, Frivate, Inf., 54th Co. Born in Moore County March 2, 1893 ; son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Monroe. Entered the service July 22, 1918, at Carthage, N. C. Was sent to Camp Hancock, Ga., July 22, 1918. Was Mustered out at Camp Hancock, Ga., Feb. 18, 1919. 10. MOORE, ROBERT ALEXANDER, Capt. Med.; of Forsyth County ; son of Alfred and Malinda Moore. En- tered service Sept. 2, 1917, at New York, N. Y. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then back to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Sailed for France, Brest, March 30, 1918. Promoted to rank of Capt. Feb. 27, 1919. Entered as 1st Lt. Fought at Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne. Detached service, Base No. 9 ; Evacuation Hospital No. 6. Served with Army of Occu- pation at Coblenz, Germany, from Dec. 20, 1918, to July 28, 1919. Returned to U. S. A. Aug. 17, 1919. 11. NICKS, JESSE GRAHAM, Private, Co. H, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Reg.; of Alamance County; son of A. H. and Donna E. Nicks. Entered service April 1, 1918, at Swepsonville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Was in all battles with 119th until wounded near St. Souplet, Oct. 10, 1918, by shell. Sent to Austra- lian Hospital, then Convalescent Camp, France. Returned to U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Muscered out at Camp Jackson, April 9, 1919. 12. PARISE, FERDINAND, Private, 1st Class, A. E. F., Hdqrs. Co., A. E. F. in Siberia, Russia; from Burke County ; son of F. and Mrs. K. Parise. Husband of Mrs. Deled Parise. Entered the service at Valdese, N. C, 1914, and sent to Texas City, Texas. Transferred to Philippine Islands, from there to Japan, and then to Russia. Served on the Mexican border and was in Douglas, Ariz., when three men of his company were killed by Mexicans. Sailed for Russia, Feb. 5, 1916, an dreturned to the U. S. A. Feb. 16, 1919. Mustered out of service March 25, 1919, at General Hospital, San Francisco, Cal. Disabled in line of duty. 6. MELSON, WILLIAM JESSE, Corp. Inf., Co. H, 30th Div., 19th Reg. Born in Martin County, Sept. 21, 1895; son of W. R. and Mrs. Fannie Melson. Entered service May 29, 1917, at Williamston, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, N. J. Sailed for France. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Oct. 30, 1917. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Gassed at Meuse-Argonne, Sept. 29, 1918. Sent to Hospital Fronville, No. 73. Mus- tered out at Columbia, S. O, April 9, 1919. 13. PATTERSON, CLAUD FERMAN, Apprentice Seaman, 1st Co., 7th Reg., Blue Jacket Guards. Born in Moore County, N. C, July 27, 1900 ; son of J. E. and Dora Patterson. Entered the service at Raleigh, N. C, June 17, 1918, and sent to Naval Training Station, Newport, R. I. Account of measles, influenza and rheumatism, was sent to hospital, and out of 14 months in the Navy, 12 months were spent in the hospital. Was in St. Eliza- beth's Hospital at Washington, D. C. Discharged at Washington, D. C, 38 r ; disability, Aug. 12, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD 14. PATTERSON, FRANK A., Seaman, 2nd Class, U. S. N. R. F. ; from Guilford County ; son of R. L. and Nellie Patterson. Entered the service at Greensboro, N. C, Aug. 1, 1918, and sent to Charleston, S. C. Transferred to Philadelphia, Pa., and from there to New York City. Was in the transport service from New York to Brest. Made four complete trips across. Mustered out at Opr. Base, Va., Oct. 9, 1919. 15. PIERCE, BONE YWILSON, Private, -st Class, Medical Corps, B. H. 65; of Forsyth County; born March 31, 1898; son of W. B. and Elizabeth Pierce. En- tered service April, 1918, at Winston-Salem, N. C. Sent to Ft. McPherson, Ga. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France, Sept. 13, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. July 25, 1319. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 28, 1919. 16. POSTON, IRA G., Mech., Inf. Replacement, Co. No. 9. Born Oct. 1, 1896; son of D. M. and Julia A. Pos- ton, of Davidson County. Entered service April, 1916, at Greensboro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Eagle Pass, Texas. Transferred to Camp Grant, 111., Oct. 1, 1918. Served on the Mexican border and died at Camp Grant, 111., Oct. 11, 1918. Buried at Lexington, N. C, Ebenezer Church. 17. RAWLES, CLIFTON HENRY, Private, Co. F, 30th Div., 120th Reg. Born in Edgecombe County; son of G. W. and Mrs. E. T. Rawles. Entered service July 1, 1917, at Tarboro, N. C. Sent to camp at Greenville. Sailed for France, May 12, 1918, Fought in all battles in France and Belgium with his regiment. Killed in France. Buried near Mont Bohean. Killed Oct. 9th, about 1 :00 P. M., while making an advance, was caught in a machine gun barrage, hit in breast by machine gun bullets and killed instantly. 18. RILEY, ENOCH, Private, 1st Class, Co. H, 30th Div., 120th Reg. Inf.; of Alamance County; son of G. H. and Laura Elizabeth Riley. Entered service September, 1917, at Haw River, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Trans- ferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France, May 11, 1918. Was in all battles of the 120th Inf. Returned to U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 8, 1919. 19. ROSS, MANGUM L., Private 1st Class, Bathing Unit, 89th Div., Med. ; son of H. L. and Amanda Ross, of Cabarrus County. Husband of Zelma Viola Ross. En- listed June 21, 1918, at Concord, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Camp Crane, Pa. Landed in France Sept. 14, 1918. Fought at Verdun Front. Re- turned to United States June 4, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 21, 1919. 20. RUSH, BAXTER, Private, Inf., 48th Co. Born in Randolph County, Nov. 28, 1890; son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Rush. Entered the service Sept. 26, 1917, at Ashe- boro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Hancock, Ga., Sept. 26, 1917. Mustered out at Camp Hancock, Ga., Dec. 18, 1917. 21. SAYLOR, SIMEON LEE, Cook, 308th Motor Sup- ply Tr., Co. 7, 83rd.; of Forsyth County; son of Franklin Edward and Sarah Francis Saylor. Entered service Aug. 5, tins, al Winston-Salem, N. C. Sent to Camp Wads- worth, S. C. Transferred to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Sept. 15. ini8. Sent to Le Mans Hospital April 18, 1919. Returned to U. S. A. June I, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 29, 1919. 22. SCARBRO, D. P., Private, Light Atly., Batry. A, 2nd Div., F. A. R. D. Born in Moore County, June 20, 1896; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Scarbro. Entered the service Aug. 8, 1918, at Carthage, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, Dec. 18, 1919. 23. SMITHDEAL, A. FRED, 2nd Lt., Inf., Co. K, 81st Div., 321st Reg. Born in Davie County, Dec. 2, 1894 ; son of H. T. and Fanny L. Smithdeal. Entered service Sept. 19, 1917, at Winston-Salem. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, from there to Camp Upton. Sailed for France August, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Ar- gonne. Returned to U. S. A. August, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Sept. 30, 1919. 24. SNOW, WILLIAM R., Sergt. Art., Baty. B, 81st Div., 317 Reg. ; of Surry County : son of P. H. and Alice Snow. Entered service Sept. 20, 1917, at Mt. Airy, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for Liverpool, Eng., then to France, July 24, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. September, 1917, then to Sergt. November, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 26, 1919. 25. STAFFORD, L. CLEMENT, 1st Lt., Inf., Co. F, 2nd Div., Regulr.rs, 23rd Reg. Born in Guilford County; son of E. J. and Lula Stafford. Husband of Annie Fred Stafford. Entered service May 6, 1917, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe. Transferred to New York. Sailed for France Sept. 13, 1917. Fought at Champagne- Marne, Aisne, Marne-Sommes, Oise Aisne offensives. Verdun and St. Mihiel offensives. Gassed at Argonne offensives, Oct. 6, 1918. Sent to French Hospital No. 16, then Evacuation No. 3, then Base No. 2 at Neuilly, France. The 2nd Div. received six citations for which they are entitled to wear Regimental Legion of Honor. Holds Vic- tory Medal with five bars for major engagements. 26. STOKES, PINKNEY B., Sergt., Ambulance Co., 321st Co., 306th San. Tr., 81st Div. Born in Guilford County ; son of C. H. and Florence Stokes. Entered ser- vice June 25, 1917, at Gresnsboro, N. C. Sent to Ft. Ogle- thorpe, Ga. Trinsferred to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France from Camp Mills, August 8, 1918. Promoted to Sergt. July, 1918. Fought at Vosges Mt., Meuse and Argonne. Returned to the U. S. A. June 16, 1919, and mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 26, 1919. 27. TALLY, ROBAH G., Sergt. Exp. Mechanic, 1st Corps Atty. Park, Co. 3 ; of Forsyth County ; son of R. A. and R. R. Tally. Husband of Lillie Tally. Entered service March 21, 1918, at Winston-Salem, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 30, 1918. Promoted to Ser*t. Aug. 8, 1918. Fought at Chateau Thierry, Marne Sector, Aisne Oise, Meuse-Argonne, Champagne Marne Sector. Was with the Army of Occupation seven months from Dec. 14, 1918, to July 14, 1919. "Too much praise could not be given Talley for keeping trucks available for hauling ammunition to front." — Quotation from Capt. Phillips, of Co. 3, 1st Corps, Atty. Park. 28. THOMPSON. R. T., Seaman, U. S. Navy ; of Wake County; bom Aug. 13, 1896: son of T. L. and Mrs. Mar- garet K. Thompson. Entered service June 1, 1918, at Wake Forest, N. C. Sent to St. Helena. Va.. then to I'. S. S. Kiowa, seven months: on I". S. S. Kroonland five months. Was in Army at Ft. Oglethorpe three months. Enlisted in Army May 3, 1917. Made seven trips across Atlantic. Mustered out at Newport News. Va.. July 1, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD 29. THOMPSON, TRAVIS, Private 1st Class, Co. D, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Son of B. M. and Daisy Thompson, of Stanly County. Entered service in 1918 at Lexington, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and later sailed for France, where he was killed in battle on July 22, 1918. Buried in France. 30. TURNER, J. ROY, Private, Supply Tr., Co. C, 81st Div., 306th Reg. Born in Rockingham County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Turner. Husband of Mrs. Sallie Dixon Turner. Entered the service May 29, 1918, at Reidsville. N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Se- vier, from there to Camp Mills. Went to France Aug. 5. 1918. Fought at Verdun, Meuse-Argonne, St. Die. Re- turned to U. S. A. June 24, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 9, 1919. DALTON, BENJAMIN, Private, Artly. ; son of W. M. and Elizabeth Dalton ; of Rutherford County. Entered service at A. and E. Training School, Raleigh, N. C, May 16, 1918. Sent to Camp Jackson and transferred to Camp Taylor. Mustered out there Nov. 30, 1918. DANIEL, WILLIAM B., Sergt., Inf., Co. C, 81st Div., 324th Regt.; of Vance County; son of Mr. W. B., Sr., and Mrs. Ada Daniel. Husband of Mrs. Frances Daniel. En- tered service May 25, 1918, at Henderson, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 12, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Sept. 5, 1918, to Sergt. April, 1919. Fought at Meuse-Argonne Nov. 9th to 11th. Cited for Bravery by Regimental Commander. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 25, 1919. DANIEL, GARLAND B., 2nd Lt., Inf., Co. F, S. A. T. C, Syracuse University ; of Warren County ; son of S. G. and Mrs. Lizzie Bost Daniel. Entered service July 19, 1918, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Plattsburg Barracks. Transferred to Syracuse University. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. Sept. 11, 1918. Instructor in Military Tactics during period of service at Syracuse, N. Y. Mustered out at Syracuse University, Jan. 3, 1919. DANIEL, DAVID, Private, Inf., Supply Co., 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Wayne County; son of J. A. and Mrs. S. A. Daniel. Husband of Mrs. Carrie Sauls Daniel. Entered service Sept. 28, 1917, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at Ypres, St. Mihiel, and all other engagements. Returned to U. S. A. April, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 8, 1919. DANIELS, THOMAS C, 1st Lt., Inf., Co. C, 5th Div., 6th Regt. ; of Craven County ; son of Thos. and Mary Daniels. Husband of Mrs. Josie Smith Daniels. Entered service Aug. 15, 1917, at New Bern, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France Feb. 27, 1918. Fought at Chateau-Thierry, St. Die, Naumont. He was wounded by high explosive shell at the Battle of Frappelle, Aug. 18, 1918, and gassed at St. Pierre de Cour Aug. 12th. Sent to Base Hospital No. 11, Nantes. Returned to U. S. A. Jan. 17, 1919. Mustered out at U. S. G. H. No. 11, May 24, 1919. DANIELS, MARION L., Sergt., Inf., Co. E, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Wayne County; son of Barney and Mrs. Hattie Lee Daniels. Husband of Mrs. Mary Herring Daniels. Entered service June 19, 1916, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. then to Sergt. Was in all engagements with the 119th Inf., up to Sept. 29th when he was killed at the Battle of Bellicourt, Sept. 29, 1918. Buried in American Cemetery 636, Bonyaisne, France. Served on the Mexican border in National Guard six months. DARDEN, VIVIAN N., Supplv Sergt., F. Artly., Baty. F, 316th Regt., 81st Div. Born in Perquimans County, N. C, May 31, 1892; son of Jacob W. and Martha Essie Darden. Entered the service at Hertford, N. C, Sept. 20, 1917, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and then trans- ferred to Camp Mills, N. J. Sailed for France Aug. 5, 1918. Promoted to Sergt. Oct. 20, 1917. Mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 20, 1919. DARDEN, FRANK A., Sergt., 104th San. Train., Hdqrs. Co.; of Norfolk County; son of J. A. and Mrs. Marvian Darden. Entered service Aug. 18, 1917, at Nor- folk, Va. Sent to Camp McClellan, Ala. Sailed for France. Promoted to rank cf Sergt. May 5, 1918. Fought at Haute-Alsace, Champagne, North of Verdun Oct. 8th to Oct. 29th. Served in France and Germany July 5, 1918, to Aug. 30, 1919. Arrived in U. S. A." Aug.' 30, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., Sept. 6, 1919. DAVIS, ROSS H., Private, 1st Class, Light Artly.; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Davis; cf Guilford County, Greensboro, N. C. Entered service Aug. 26, 1918, went to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Oct. 28, 1918. Return to U. S. A. July 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Mills, L. I., N. Y., July 29, 1919. DAVIS, ANDREW B. Enlisted at Concord July 22, 1918. Trained at Camp Hancock. Attached to 51st Co., Machine Training Center. Six weeks at school. Qualified as Machine Gun Instructor. Discharged Dec. 20, 1918. DAVIS, MOSELEY SAMUEL, 2nd Class Boatswain U. S. N. R. F. ; of Wayne County ; son of A. J. and Mrs. Elizabeth Davis. Entered service June 18, 1918, at Wilmington, N. C. Sent to Charleston, S. C. Transferred to receiving ship "Hartford." Transferred to Sub. Chaser No. 79, then to Destroyer No. 25. Did patrol duty off coast. Served on rifle range, Mt. Pleasant, S. C, two months. Mustered out at Charleston, S. C, July 3, 1919. DAVIS, LEMUEL C, Cook; of Pasquotank County; son of J. T. and C. Davis. Entered service Feb. 10th, at Elizabeth City, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transfer- red to Camp Sevier, S. C. Attached to recruiting duties. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, Dec. 11, 1918. DAVIS, FRANK, Mechanic, C. A. C, Co. A, 54th Regt. ; of Henderson County ; son of W. J. and Mrs. Mil- dred Davis. Entered service May 29, 1917, at Hender- sonville, N. C. Sent to Ft. Caswell, N. C. Sailed for France Sept., 1918. Returned to U. S. A. March 7, 1919, at Boston, Mass. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 18, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD DANIEL, HUGH S., Sergt., 1st class, Inf., Med. Det., 30th Div., 120th Reg. ; of Franklin County ; son of J. W. and Mary Daniel. Husband of Mrs. Gordon Daniel. En- tered service June, 1916, at Franklinton, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Camp Stewart, Texas, then to Fr. Oglethorpe, Go., then to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France May 27, 1918. Promoted to Sergt., 1st class, May 20, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Bellicourt, Hindenburg Drive and other engagements of 120th. Received Amer- ican Citation. On Mexican border six months. Landed in U. S. A. April, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April, 1919. DORTCH, LEWIS GASTON, 1st Lt, Inf., Co. B, 30th Div., 119th Reg.; of Wayne County; born Feb. 19, 1893; son of Wm. T. and Elizabeth Lewis Dortch. Volunteered for service July 15, 1917, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., July, 1917. Transferred to Camp Se- vier, Dec. 1917, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May, 1918. Promoted to rank of 1st Lt. July, 1918. Fought at Ypres Sector, Locke No. 8, Voormizelle, Walin- court, Hindenburg Line. Killed by shell at Escaillon, Aisne, France, Oct. 18, 1918. Buried at Busigny in the American Cemetery. Was with the Division in all other engagements until killed. In charge of his company when killed, all other officers being killed or disabled. DAVIS, LAWRENCE NEWTON, Hdqra. Co., Intelli- gence Dept. 20; of Wake County; son of J. A. and Mrs. May Davis. Husband of Mrs. Leila R. Davis. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Served under Intelligence Dept. Div. Postal Service. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, Dec. 1, 1918. DORTCH. HUGH, Sergt., M. G. Co., 30th Div.. 19th Reg.; of Wayne County; son of Wm. T. and Elizabeth L. Dortch. Entered service April 16, 1917, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier in April. Transferred to Camp Merritt May 6, 1918. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. July 1, 1917. and to Sergt. Sept. 21, 1918. Fought at Ypres Front Aug. 19 to Sept. 8, 1918. After Sept. 8th attached to Advance School, A. E. P., in France. Volunteered for service. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD DAVIS, THOS. E., Private, 1st Class, Btry. F, 53rd C. A. C. Regt ; son of G. W. and Mrs. C. Davis ; of Wayne County. Entered service April 16, 1917, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Ft. Scrivens, Ga. Transferred to Ft. Adams, R. I. Sailed for France Aug. 25, 1917. Fought at Toul Sector, St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Wounded at Verdun Sector. Returned to U. S. A. March 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Eustis, March 27, 1919. DAVIS, HAROLD W., Corpl., Med. I. M. S. No. 2 Co.; son of Mr. B. F. and Mrs. M. L. Davis; of Burke County. Entered service July 21, 1917, at Morganton, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Ft. Ben Harrison, Ind., then to Ft. Jay, N. Y. Sailed for France Sept. 20, 1917. Was six months in Army of Occupation in Ger- many. Returned to U. S. A. Aug. 8, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Mills, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1919. DAVIS, KELLY M., Private, Engineers, D Co., 6th Btn., 20th Regt.; of Pender County; son of John W. and Mrs. Alice Davis. Entered service April 1, 1918, at Wilmington, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Transferred to American University, D. C. Sailed for Brest, France, May 10, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. from Bordeaux, France May 28, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 21, 1919. DAVIS, CHARLES C, Private, Inf., Co. K, 81st Div., 322nd Regt. ; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Davis ; of Chatham County. Entered service Sept. 18, 1917, at Pittsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, then to Camp Upton. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. June 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. DAVIS, ROSS H., Private, Light Artly.; of Guilford County; son of J. M. and Mrs. J. M. Davis. Entered ser- vice Aug. 26, 1918, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Oct. 28, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. at Hoboken, July 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Mills, L. I. N. Y., July 29, 1919. DAVIS, ELLIS H., Mess Sergt., Inf., Co. L, 30th Div., 120th Regt; of Davidson County. Born Dec. 20, 1894; son of R. and Mrs. T. E. Davis. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Thomasville, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. Jan. 10, 1918. Fought at Ypres Lys Offensive, Somme Offensive. Re- turned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 18, 1919. DAVIS, ERNEST HENRY B., Fireman, Navy; of Davidson County; son of S. E. an'l Mrs. Maggie F. Davis. Entered service Aug. 6, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. Was on U. S. S. "Kearsarge." Transferred to U. S. S. "Southery," then to U. S. S. "Patrica." Made four trips across. Transport duty. Mustered out at Hampton Roads, Va., Sept. 23, 1919. DAVIS, P. B., Private, Inf. ,13th Co.; of Bertie County; son cf James A. and Mrs. Elnora Davis. En- tered service Aug., 1918, at Windsor, N. C. Sent to Camp Greene, N. C. Mustered cut at Camp Greene, N. C, Dec, 1919. DAVIS, ROY H„ Seaman, 2nd Class, Navy ; of Nash County; son of W. D. and Mrs. J. R. Davis. Entered ser- vice May 29, 1918, at Raleigh from Rocky Mt. Sent to Camp Hampton Roads, then to U. S. S. "Arkansas." Sent to Orkney Island, then Firth of Forth, Scotland, then Portland, Eng., then went to sea. Met President's ship and sailed for Brest. Mustered out at Hampton Roads, Jan. 23, 1919. DEAMES, E. F., Mechanic, Inf., Co. E, 156th Depot Brig. ; of Hertford County ; son of W. D. and Mrs. Ida N. Deames. Entered service March 27, 1918, at Murfrees- boro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier Sept. 13, 1918. Promoted to rank of Me- chanic May, 1918. Acted as Instructor on drill field and did mechanical work. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, Dec. 7, 1918. DEATON, JOHN, Supply Sergt., Ammunition Train, Co. C, Div. LaFayette, 11th Regt.; of Montgomery Co.; son of V. H. and Martha Deaton. Entered service June, 1918, at Troy, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S.C. Trans- ferred to Camp Meade, Md., then to Camp Greene, N. C. Promoted to Sergt. Aug., 1918. Enlisted in N. C. N. G. July, 1916. Embarked for Serbian duty when Armistice was signed. Mustered out at Camp Greene, N. C, Dec, 1918. DEBERRY, GEO. F., Private, Inf., Co. E, 30th Div., 120th Regt. ; of Northampton County ; son of W. H. and Mrs. Rosa Lee Deberry. Entered service Sept. 29, 1917, at Weldon, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France May 18, 1918. Fought at Vaux Andigny, Molain, Ypres, Bellicourt, Busigny, Vaux la Pietre. Wounded at Battle of Molain Oct. 18, 1918, by Machine Gun. Billetted near Amiens, France, when Armistice was signed. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 8, 1919. DeCAMP, GUY, Private, A. S. C; of Alamance Coun- ty; son of G. C. Woodworth and Anna L. DeCamp. En- tered the service at Graham, N. C., Aug. 5, 1918, and sent to Camp Upton. Sailed for France Sept. 15, 1918. Re- turned to the U. S. A. April 28, 1919, and mustered out of the service at Washington, D. C, July 25, 1919. DAVIS, ERNEST A., 3rd Class M., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 120th Regt.; of Davidson County; son of R. and Mrs. T. E. Davis. Entered service July 25th, 1918, at Thomas- ville, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, Sept. 1, 1917. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Fought at Ypres Lys Offensive. Somme Offensive. Returned to U. S. A. April 11th, served on Mexican border six months. Mustered out at Camp Jack- son, April 15, 1919. DELVECHIO, ROBERT H., Private, Inf., D. Co., 30th Div., 119th Regt.; son of J. D. and Sallie Delvechio; of Buncombe County. Husband of Mary. Entered ser- vice Oct. 2, 1917, at Asheville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jack- son. Transferred to Camp Sevier then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 28, 1918. Fought in all actions of the 30th till Oct. 2, 1918. Wounded at Busigny, France, Oct. 2, 1918. Shrapnel in left hand. Sent to hospital, Rouen, France. Returned to U. S. A. Feb. 19th. Mus- tered out at Camp Gordon, Ga., March 31, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD DeMARCUS, WM. N., Musician, 113th F. Artly., 30th Div. Born in Cabarrus County. Entered the service July 20, 1917, Kannapolis, N. C. Trained at Camp Sevier, S. C, Sept. 15, 1917, to May 18, 1918. Transferred to New York. Sailed for France June 13, 1918. Went for training at Artillery School and was in training from June 15, 1918, to Aug. 23, 1918. Ordered to Toul Sector then St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest, Woevre Sector. With Army of Occupation one month. Returned to U. S. A. March 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C. March 28, 1919. DEUKE, C. C, Corpl., Inf., Co. G, 6th Div., 54th Inf.; of Beaufort County; son of J. C. and Mrs. Fannie Deuke. Entered service May 10, 1918, Washington. Sent to Ft. Scrivens, Ga. Transferred to Camp Wadsworth. Sailed for France. Promoted to rank of Corpl. June 6, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, Alsace-Lorraine. Returned to U. S. A. Hoboken, N. J. July 6, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 24, 1918. DeVINEY, CHARLIE H., Corpl., Inf., Co. F, 29th Div., 116th Regt.; of Guilford County; son of J. D. and Mrs. L. G. DeViney. Entered service Jan. 19, 1916, at Chase City, Va. Sent to Camp McClellan, Ala. Sailed for France June 11, 1918. Gassed at Argonne Sector. Fought at defense of Center Sector, Haute, Alsace July 25th, to Sept. 23rd, Meuse-Argonne Offensive Oct. 8th. Attached to battle lines of Belbcoals Hill Oct. 10th, Mal- berville Farm Oct. 11th, Bois De Armont Oct. 15th, Grand Montagne Oct. 23rd. Capture of Strage Ridge Oct. 28th, Bois de Belleau. Landed in U. S. A., Newport News, Va., May 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 27, 1919. DEWEY, FRANK A., 1st Class Private, Inf., Co. D, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Born in Wayne County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Dewey. Entered the service April 27, 1915, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn and then transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 27, 1918. Fought in all actions of 30th Div., up to the time of receiving shrapnel wound at Cambrai and St. Quentin Front, Oct. 17, 1918. Sent to Base Hospital 33, English Fosett Roads. Enlisted in N. C. N. G. was in actual duty June 19, 1916, to Jan. 26, 1919. Served on Mexican border seven months. Returned to U. S. A. Dec. 16, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 26, 1919. DICKERSON, C. L., Sergt., Inf., Co. C, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Regt.; of Johnston County; son of O. P. and Mrs. Charlotte Dickerson. Entered service June 19, 1916, at Selma, N. C. Mustered in Federal service July 25, 1917. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Camp Stewart, Texas, then to Camp Mills, N. Y. Guard duty at Goldsboro, N. C. Sailed for France May 24, 1918. Fought at Hindenburg drive Sept. 29, 1918, to Oct. 18, 1918. Gassed near Ribberville, France Oct. 17, 1918. Sent to Base Hospital No. 2, Ames Rovere, France. Landed in U. S. A. June 14, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 28, 1919. DILDY, WILEY, Private, Med. Service, 321st Regt., 81st Div.; from Pitt County, N. C; son of -Inn. F. and Ann Liza Dild.v. Entered Ihe service at Greenville, N. C, Sept. 15, 1917, and sent lo Camp Jackson, S. C, and transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, and then lo Camp Up- ton. Sailed for France July 81, 1918. Fough.1 at St. Die, Meuse-Argonne. Mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 27, 1919. DILLEHAY, OLON B., Cook, Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Regt., Inf.; of Durham County; son of W. H. and Mrs. Mollie Dillehay. Entered service June 19, 1916, at Durham. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France June 17, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium, St. Quentin, Hindenburg Line. Served on Mexican border six months. Returned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Landed at Charleston, S. C. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 17, 1919. DIXON, ALEX, 1st Class Private, Inf., Co. I, 30th Div., 120th Regt.; of Orange County; son of W. M. and Mrs. Maggie Dixon. Husband of Mrs. Lee Dixon. En- tered service April 25, 1917, at Hillsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Fought at Hindenburg Line, Ypres. Wounded at Hindenburg Line Sept. 29th, by shell Sent to American Base Hospital No. 37. Returned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 18, 1919. DIXON, WYATT T., Sergt., 113th F. Artly., Btry. C, 30th Div. Born in Durham County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dixon. Entered the service June 18, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills, N. J. Overseas to France, June 13, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest, Woevre Sector. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 28, 1919. DIXON, W. L., Aviator, Inf., Co. C, 115th Div.; of Nash County; son of W. F. and Mrs. Flora Dixon. Hus- band of Lottie Dixon. Entered service Aug. 5, 1918, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Wadsworth, S. C. DIXON, BEN FRANKLIN, Capt, Inf., Co. K, 30th Div., 120th Regt.; of Cleveland County. Born May 29, 1879 ; son of Ben Franklin Dixon and Mrs. Leonora Tracy Dixon. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Asheboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Transferred to Camp Dix, N. J. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Fought at Canal Sector, Ypres, Belgium, Hindenburg Line Offen- sive. Wounded at Hindenburg Line Sept. 29, 1918; 1st in leg, 2nd in throat, 3rd in upper arm and back before being mortally wounded. Advanced 150 yards after third wound, then mortally wounded by shell fire. Killed at Hindenburg Line on battlefield Sept. 29, 1918. Buried at Boney, France. Awarded American D. S. C. and recommended for British D. S. O. and Military Cross. DIXON, TRACY WRIGHT, 1st Lt.. Inf., Machine Gun Co., 30th Div., 120th Regt.; of Cleveland County; son of Ben F. and Mrs. Leonora Tracy Dixon. Husband of Mrs. Marion Homes Dixon. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville. S. C. Transferred to Camp Dix, N. J. Sailed for France May 8, 1918. Fought at Canal Sector, Ypres, Hindenburg Line, Montbrehain Offensive and La Salle River Offensive. Citations 30th Division. Returned to U. S. A. Aug. 25, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Gordon, Ga., Oct. 2S. 1919. DIXON, DAVID L., Sergt., Q, M. C; of Lenoir Coun- ty; son of D. V. and Corinne Palnch Dixon; hus- band of Martha Dixon. Entered service Aug. 27, 1917. at Kinston, N. C. Sent to Camp Sheridan. Ala. Trans- ferred to Camp Johnson, Fla. Transferred to Camp Fre- mont, Cal, Going from there to Meiggs, D. C. Promoted to 2 M. C. Sergt. Jan., 1918. Discharged from Officers' Training School. Camp Meiggs, Washington City. D. C. Mustered out at Camp .Meiggs, D. C, Nov. 30, 1918. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD DIXON, DEWEY P., Private, 1st Class, Air Service, Btry. B, Casual Detachment; of Craven County; son of J. B. and Mrs. Mary F. Dixon. Entered service June 22, 1916, at New Bern, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn. Trans- ferred to Camp Mills, N. J. Sailed to British Islands April 27, 1917. Entitled to wear war chevron, one gold foreign chevron and Mexican service badge. Served on Mexican border Oct. 1, 1916, to March 22, 1917. Trans- ferred as Mechanic in the Aviation Corps. Returned to U. S. A. Dec, 11, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, Dec. 23, 1918. DRUM, FLOYD W., Mess Sergt., M. T. C. (Aviation) Co., 17th, 2nd Reg.; of Catawba County; son of G. P. and Cora E. Drum; husband of Mrs. Grace (Cline) Drum. Entered service Dec. 12, 1917, at Newton, N. C. Sent to Camp Hancock, Ga. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sail- ed for France, March 12, 1918. Promoted to rank of Mess Sergt., August, 1918. Leg broken in accident. Sent to Camp Hospital No. 25 at Blois, Base Hospital No. 72. Was in P. War. Escort Co. four months. Returned to United States February 9, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Taylor, Ky., May 14, 1919. DIXON, BERTON B., Private, Ammunition Supply, 1st Army Corps ; of Wilson County ; son of Wm. R. and Mrs. Bessie Dixon. Entered service Nov. 2, 1917, at Wil- son. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France June 16, 1918. Fought at Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel, Argonne. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 15, 1919. DRY, M. R. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1917, at Charleston, S. C. Was sent to Newport, R. I., and from there to Wake- field, Mass (Rifle Range Training). Sent back to New- port, R. I., and was coxswain of 40-foot steamer. He was then sent to Hampton Roads, Va., and went on the "Martha Washington" three trips across. Mustered out at Charleston, S. C, June, 1919. DIXON, RICHARD S., Jr., Private, 1st Class, M. G., Co. C, 115th Regt., 30th Div. ; from Green County, N. C; son of R. D. S. and Frances Dixon. Entered the service at Snow Hill, N. C, Oct. 10, 1917, and sent to Camp Jack- son, S. C, and then transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, land then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 27, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Somme, Bellicourt, Nauroy, Busigny. Wounded at Busigny Oct. 18th by shrapnel and sent to hospital at Trouville. Mustered out of the ser- vice at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 2, 1919. DORTON, JOHN H., Private, Machine Gun Batry., Co. A, 30th Div., 115th M. G. ; of Cabarrus County; son of Mrs. D. M. Dorton. Entered service Oct. 5, 1917, at Concord, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Trans- ferred to Casiip Sevier, S. C. Sailed for Liverpool, Eng., May 11, 1918. Arrived May 27, 1918; Calais, France, May 29. Fought at Cambrai Hill, Belgium, Aug. 31, 1918; Hindenburg Line, Sept. 29 to Oct. 2, 1918; Voor- mizelle and Moray, Oct. 8 to Oct. 12, 1918; Vermedena La Selle River, Oct. 18 to Oct. 21, 1918; Ypres Salient from July 16, 1918, to Aug. 30, 1918. Returned to New- port News, Va., March 22, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 3, 1919. DOWNING, W. G., Private, 1st Class, Batry E, 6th Div., 11th F. A.; of Pitt County; son of C. A. and C. E. Downing ; husband of Sarah M. Downing. Entered ser- vice June 24„ 1918, at Chicago, 111.; now at Greenville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Stuart. Sailed for Brest France, August 20, 1918. Re- turned to U. S. A., June 17, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. DRUM, FLOYD, Private, 105th Eng., Co. A, 30th Div. Born in Catawba County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Drum. Entered the service August 12, 1917, at Hickory, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed from Montreal, Canada, for Liverpool, England. Fought at Bellicourt, Mont Brehain, Brancourt, Premont, Busigny, La Salle River, Mazinghein, Sept 1, 1918, to Oct. 20, 1918, Hindenburg Drive. Returned to U. S. A. April 18, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 24, 1919. DUNN, WILLIAM H., 1st Lt., Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Inf.; of Wilson County; son of W. J. and Mrs. M. S. Dunn. Entered service July 14, 1917, at Wilson, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn. Transferred to El Paso; Camp Royster, Weldon, N. C. ; Camp Greene, N. C. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Fought at all battles with 30th Div. until wounded at battle of Cambrai offensive Sept. 30th by shell. Sent to Hosp. No. 42, Gen. British, U. S. Base No. 29, London, Eng. ; St. Mary's at Hoboken ; base at Camp Greene, base at Camp Jackson. Served on border from Sept 29, 1917, to March 1, 1918. Returned to U. B. A., Dec. 31, 1918, at New York. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 10, 1919. DUNN, RUFUS E., Private, F. Artly., Btry. B, 47th iRegt. ; of Columbus County ; son of John F. and Mary Dunn. Entered service June 23, 1918, at Whiteville, N. C. Bent to Camp Kearney, Cal. Mustered out at Camp Meade, Md., Feb. 2, 1919. DYSON, ALFRED L., Sergt., Light Artly., Co. F, 81st Div., 317th Regt.; of Cumberland County; son of J. H. and Mrs. Idla Dyson. Entered service Sept. 9, 1917, at Fayetteville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for France Aug. 28, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. May 25, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. June 8, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 20, 1919. EARNHARDT, GEO., Corpl., 21st Co., F. Art, Med. Corps, 5th Div. ; of Wake County ; son of D. L. and Mrs. Frances Earnhardt. Entered service May 17, 1917 at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Ft. Sam Houston. Sailed for France June 13, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne, Frappelle. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July, 1919. EARNHARDT, NEVIN W., Sgt, C. A. C, Co. B, 54th Regt.; of Rowan County; son of W. Earnhardt and Mrs. Cora Earnhardt. Husband of Mrs. Alyn Earnhardt. En- tered service March 24, 1917, at Salisbury, N. C. Sent to Ft. Caswell, N. C. Transferred to Camp :-erritt, N. J. Sailed for France Oct. 14, 1918. Sailed for U. S. A. Feb. 28th. Landed March 7, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 18, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD DOWNS, DAVID G., Wagoner, 6th Co., 1st Corps Ar- tillery Park ; son of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Downs, of Pineville, N. C. Entered service March 7, 1918. Trained at Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for France three weeks after entering service. Fought at Champagne- Marne defensive July 15 to July 18, 1918. Aisne-Marne offensive July 18 to Aug. 16, 1918, Oise-Aisne offensive between Aug. 18 and Nov. 11, 1918, Meuse-Argonne of- fensive between Sept. 20 to Nov. 11, 1918, Chateau Thierry and Verdun Sectors. Gassed once. Arrived from France Aug. 4, 1919. Discharged from Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 9, 1919. EARNHARDT, CLAUD T., Private, Field Hospital No. 15, 2nd Div. ; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Earnhardt, of Pineville, N. C. Entered the service at Charlotte, N. C, June 24, 1917. Trained at Ft. Ben Harrison, Ind. Sailed for France Nov. 18, 1917. Fought at Woevre, Soissons, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Mt. Blanc, Verdun Sector, Cha- teau Thierry, Meuse-Aisne and other engagements with his company. With army of Occupation from Nov. 12, 1918, until April 28, 1919. Returned to U. S. A. June 1, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Mills, June 7, 1919. EARLE, JAMES R., Jr., Sergt. Am. Train, Co. E, 81st Div., 306th Reg.; of Franklin County; son of J. R. and Fannie Earle. Entered service April 14, 1918, at Louisburg, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 9, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. July 9, 1918, Sergt. Jan., 1919. Fought in all battles with his company. Landed in U. S. A. June 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 27, 1919. ELLIASON, GEORGE, Private, 1st class, Inf., Sup- ply Co., 12th Div., 36th Reg.; of Wayne County; son of Nick and Pannageta Elliason. Entered service Mav 10, 1918, at Bluelield. W. Va. Sent to Ft. Snell, Minn., 'from there to Devins, Mass., and then to Sherman. 0. Mus- tered out at Sherman, O., May 28. 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD EDDLEMAN, R. L., Private, Med. Dept. Born June 1, 1891; son of H. J. and Laura E. Eddleman; of Rowan County. Entered service April 26, 1918, at Salisbury, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., from there to Allentown, Pa. Overseas to France, Sept. 8, 1918. Was stationed at Base Hospital No. 202, Orleans, France. Landed in U. S. A. April 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 12, 1919. EDMUNDSON, PAUL B., 2nd Lt., Inf., Co. 1, Re- placement Training Camp; son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Edmundson. Born in Wayne County. Entered the ser- vice April 17, 1917, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Camp Benjamin Harrison, and from there to Camp Taylor, then to Gordon, Ga., from there to Ft. McArthur, Tex. Promoted June 1, 1918. Mustered cut at Camp McArthur, Tex., Dec. 5, 1918. EDWARDS, JOHN M., Private, 1st Class., Inf., Co. L, 31st Div., 124th Regt.; of Chatham County ; son of Jno. and Sally Edwards. Entered service July 10, 1917, at Bear Creek. Sent to Camp Wheeler. Mustered out at Camp Wheeler. Dec. 8, 1918. EDWARDS, S. V., Wagoner, Artly. Park, Truck Co. 6, 1st Corps ; of Northampton County ; son of R. W. and Mrs. Aggie 0. Edwards. Entered service March 23, 1918, at Seaboard, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for Brest, France, May 31, 1918. Promoted to rank of Wagoner Oct., 1918. Fought at Aisne, Oise, Champagne, Marne, Argonne. Ar- rived in U. S. A. from Brest, France, Aug. 4, at Newport News, Va. Then Camp Stuart, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 10, 1919. EDWARDS, W. PARHAM, Private, 1st Class, Med. Corps, Base Hospital Dep. ; of Northampton County ; son of R. W. and Mrs. Aggie O. Edwards. Husband of Mrs. Earnestine (Long) Edwards. Entered service March 27, 1918, at Seaboard, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Promoted to rank of Private, 1st Class, May, 1918. On duty at Base Hospital Lab., at Camp Jackson 15 months. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, June 28, 1919. EDWARDS, ROBERT H., Sergt., Light Artly., Hdqrs. 30th Div., 113th Regt.; of Edgecombe County; son of J. H. and Mrs. Emma Edwards. Entered service July 27, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, Aug. 1, 1917. Transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France June, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. May, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel Sector, Sept. 12th, to Sept. 19th. Argonne Forest Sept. 19th to Oct. 8th, Woevre Sector. Arrived in U. S. A. March 17, 1919. Enlisted in 1st N. C. F. A., 113th F. A. Mustered out at Camp Jack- son, S. C, March 29, 1919. EDWARDS, B. J., Elec, 1st Class, (R) U. S. Navy; son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Edwards ; of Buncombe County. Entered the service March 4, 1916, at Asheville, N. C. Was sent to St. Helena, Va. Transferred to U. S. S. "Vestal" then to U. S. S. C. 94, U. S. S. "Maury." Sailed for Fiance June 18, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Aug. 12, 1919. Mustered out at Opr. Base, Va., Aug. 26, 1919. EDWARDS, SAMUEL E., 1st Class Private, Inf., Co. E, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Wayne County; son of Jon. and Mrs. Rachel Edwards. Husband of Mrs. Etta Butts Edwards. Entered service April, 1918, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Philadelphia, Pa. Sailed for France. Fought at Ypres, St. Mihiel, and all other engagements. Returned to U. S. A. April 2nd. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 8, 1913. EDWARDS, VICTOR A., Private, 1st Class, Tank Corps, Co. B, 305th Bn. Regt.; of Richmond County; son cf L. E. and Mrs. Dottie Edwards. Entered servics Aug. 27, 1918, at Baltimore, Md. Sent to Camp Meade, Md. Transferred to Camp Colt, Pa., to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed for Li%'erpool, Eng., Oct. 20, 1918. Promoted to rank of 1st Class Private Oct. 17, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Meade, Md. May 16, 1919. ELLIOTT, CHARLIE, Private, Inf., Co. H, 81st Div., 324th Reg. ; of Nash County; son of W. T. and Mrs. Mary Elliott. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Nashville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France, Aug. 3, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne Nov. 9, 1918. Wounded by shrapnel. Sent to Field Hospital No. 8, Base No. 149, Alleray No. 119. Arrived in U. S. A. from St. Nazaire, France, Jan. 30, 1919, at New York, N. Y., through Grand Central Hospital. Transferred to Camp Greene, N. C. Transferred to Camp Wadsworth. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson May 12, 1919. ELLIOTT, SAM, Private, Med. Corps, 25th Replace- ment Regt.; of Nash County; son of Wm. T. and Mrs. Mary Elliott. Entered service Aug. 5, 1918, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Had operation performed at Camp Merritt, N. J. Discharged after operation. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., Nov. 20, 1918. ELLIS, MED.. Private, Inf., Co. D, 30th Div., 119th Inf.; of Wilson County; son of Warren and Mrs. Gillie Ellis. Entered service June, 1916, at Wilson, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for Calais, France, June 7, 1918. Fought at Ypres July 27th to Aug. 2, 1918, at Bellicourt, Premont, Busigny, Ribeauville, Mazinghein hnd Hindenburg drive. Served on Mexican border eleven months. Arrived in U. S. A. from St. Nazaire, France, April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. EDWARDS, A. V., Corpl., C. A. C, Anti-Aircraft, 7th Btry. ; of Henderson County ; son of W. F. and Martha Edwards. Entered service July, 1917, at Hendersonville, N. C. Sent to Ft. Caswell, N. C. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 19, 1918. Promoted to Corpl., when enlisted. Fought at St. Mihiel, Toul Sector, Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. Feb., 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 14, 1919. ELMORE, L. B., Seaman (Navy) ; of Guilford County ; son of C. T. and Mrs. F. E. Elmore. Entered service May 15, 1917, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Hampton Roads, Va. Transferred to Yorktown, Va. Transferred to Poca- hontas transport. Later transferred to U. S. S. battleship Kansas — five trips across, troop transport. Served on board U. S. S. Kansas until mustered out — still in reserve. Mustered out at Old Point Comfort, Va., Jan. 20, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD ELLIS, EUDIE, Private, Engineers, Co. C, 30th Div., 105th Regt.; of Edgecombe County; son of Exom and Mrs. Mattie Ellis. Husband of Mrs. Bessie (Goff) Ellis. Entered service March 23, 1918, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for Calais, France, June 6, 1918. Was in all engagements of 105th Engineers. Arrived in U. S. A. (from St. Nazaire, France April 14, 1919, at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 22, 1919. ELLIS, CONDRY, Private 1st Class, Co. B, 30th Div., 120th Reg.; of Johnson County; son of Henry and C. Ellis. Entered service Sept. 18, 1917, at Pine Level, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Was in all engagements until wounded at St. Quentin, October 11, 1918, by gas and shrapnel. Sent to British Hospital, France, transferred to British Hospital No. 17 at Rouen, France. Returned to U. S. A. April 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 18, 1919. ENGLISH, PAUL W., Corpl., A. A. Arty., 11th A. A. Bty. Born in Henderson County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. English. Entered service June 5, 1917, at Hender- sonville, N. C. Sent to Ft. Caswell, N. C. Transferred to Camp Upton. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. February, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Dec. 24, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Greene, N. C, Jan. 7, 1919. ENGLISH, ROBT. C, Sergt., Inf., Co. B, Sibeman Div., A. E. F., 27th Reg. Son of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Eng- lish, of Henderson County. Entered the service at Spar- tanburg, S. C, Feb. 3, 1913. Sent to Columbus Barracks, O. Sailed for Siberia Aug. 16, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. Sept. 19, 1918. Attached to the 12th Japanese Div. Fought at Ussuri, Siberia. Was in the Philippines, sent to Siberia and with war prisoners to Germany. Re- turned to U. S. A. Aug. 7, 1920. Mustered out at Ft. Slo- cum, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1920. Was in Relief Expedition of Tampico, Mexico, April, 1914. ENGLISH, CLAUDE L., Sergt., Trench Arty., Bty. C, attached to 5th Div., 2nd Btn. Born in Henderson County : the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. English. Entered service at Hendersonville, N. C, July 25, 1917. Was sent to Ft. Caswell, N. C. Sailed for France June 1, 1918. Pro- moted to rank of Sergt. 1915. Fought at St. Mihiel Sec- tor, Sommes, Toul Sector. Enlisted in N. C. N. G. March 8, 1912. Was in recruiting service 1916. Returned to U. S. A. April 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 7, 1919. ENNIS, ANDREW C, Corpl., Aviation, Co. 11, 26th Div., 1st Reg. Air Service. Born in Harnett County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ennis. Husband of Mrs. Leila Mae Ennis. Entered service Oct. 3, 1917, at Buies Creek, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C.J from there to Camp Hancock, Ga. Sailed for France Feb. 8, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. January, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. June 10, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson June 30, 1919. EUBANKS, JAMES NORWOOD, Private, M. G. Bin.. 2nd Co. Born in Chatham County Sept. 29, 1895 ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Eubanks. Entered the service May 28, 1918. Was sen I I" Camp Jackson. S. C, then to Camp Hancock, Ga. Mustered out at Camp Hancock, Ga., December, 1918. EURE, DR. CHARLES WESLEY, Private 1st Class, Anti-Aircraft, 8th Bty.; of Halifax County; son of W. T. and Mrs. Mollie Eure. Entered service April 6, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Ft. Caswell, N. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed for France May 16, 1918. Was in service on Swiss border, defense of Paris, Colom- ley La'Belle, France. Returned to U. S. A. June 1, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 10, 1918. EVERETT, HARRY L., Private, Med. Corps, Base Hospital No. 6, Unit O. Born in Scotland County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Everett. Entered service at Laurinburg, N. C, November, 1917. Sent to Ft. McPher- son. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France Feb. 12, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. March 12, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March, 1919. EVERETT, CECIL L., Private, Marines, 79th Co., 2nd Div., 6th Reg. ; of Martin County ; son of A. S. and Mrs. Hattie Ross Everett. Husband of Mrs. Louise Bowers Everett. Entered service Feb. 13, 1918, at Baltimore, Md. Sent to Paris Island. Transferred to Quantico, then to League Island. Sailed for France April, 1918. Fought at Belleau Woods, Chateau-Thierry. Wounded by shrap- nel at the Battle of Belleau Woods June 14th. Sent to Field Hospital No. 23, at Chaumont. Mustered out at Norfolk, Va., Dec. 12, 1919. EVERHART, J. G., Sergt., Inf., Co. F, 30th Div., 120th Reg. ; of Guilford County ; son of J. and Mrs. L. Everhart. Husband of Carrie Everhart. Entered service May 18, 1911, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France May 27, 1918. Fought in all battles of the 30th Div. up to Oct. 18th. Wounded at St. Quentin Oct. 18, 1918. Sent to Base Hospital No. 4, Eng. Re- turned to U. S. A. Dec. 23, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Meade Jan. 18, 1919. EVANS, CLAUDE C, 1st Sergt., Inf., Co. C. 30th Div., 120th Reg.; of Vance County; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Evans. Husband of Mrs. C. C. Evans. Entered service May 7, 1915, at Henderson, N. C. Sent to Ft. Bliss, El Paso. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Promoted to Corpl., then to Sergt., then to 1st Sergt., Jan. 1, 1918. In all engagements of the 119th until wounded slightly by shrapnel Oct. 18, 1918. Sent to Hospital at South Devon, Eng. American Red Cross No. 21. Muster- ed out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 18, 1919. EZELL, ALBERT J., 1st Sergt., C. A. C. N. C... 5th Co. Son of J. J. and Mrs. L. E. Ezell, of Mecklenburg County. Entered service April 14, 1914, at Charlotte, N. C. Sent to Ft. Caswell, N. C, July 25, 1917, then transferred to Ft. Monroe, Va., September, 1918. Re- mained there until mustered out of service Dec. 7. 1918. FAIRCLOTH, CYRUS M., Lt.-Col., Inf.. 80th Div.. 119th Reg.; of Sampson County: son of James and Mrs. Elizabeth Faircloth. Husband of Mrs. Alice Wade Fair- cloth. Entered service June 19, 1916. at Clinton, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn. Transferred to Camp Stewart, Texas, then to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France May 29, 1918. Promoted to rank of Lt.-Col. Jan. 18. 1917. Fought at Canal Sector, iii vicinity of KemmeJ Hill. Was trans- ferred to duty in Judge Advocate Gen. Dept. August, 1918. Lawyer by profession in civil life. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., Jan. 18, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD FACETTE, JOHN M., Sergt. Maj., Hdqrs. Co., 120th Inf., 30th Div. Born in Durham County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Facette. Entered the service Aug. 15, 1917, and was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, from there to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Was in all battles until killed on the Hindenburg Line Sept. 29, 1918. Buried in France. FAIRCLOTH, C. B., Private 1st Class, 168th Inf., Co. D, 42nd Div. ; of Sampson County ; son of R. D. and Mrs. Jane Faircloth. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Park- ton, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France June, 1918. Fought at Lorraine Front, Argonne Forest. Arrived in U. S. A. April 18, 1919, at New York. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 6, 1919. FAISON, JAMES E., Capt., Inf., Co. F, 30th Div., 119th Reg. Born in Duplin County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Faison. Entered service June 20, 1916, at Faison, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C, from there to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 10, 1918. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. Dec. 4, 1917; 1st Lt. June 6, 1918; to Capt. Feb. 20, 1919. Fought at Hindenburg Line. Gassed at Ypres Sept. 1, 1918. Wounded at Ypres Sept. 29, 1918, machine gun and shrapnel. Served on Mexican border six months and on railroad guard at Wilmington three months. Returned to U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, 5. C, April 29, 1919. FALLENSTEIN, FREDERICK F., Private 1st Class, Co. D, 30th Div., Inf. Son of F. T. and Eliza Fallenstein. Husband of Frances M. Coleman Fallenstein, of Surry County. Entered service Oct. 2, 1917, at High Point, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Fought at Ypres Front, Western Front. Wounded in hip by shell Sept. 29, 1918, at St. Quentin. Sent to Fifth Southern General British Hospital. Returned to United States Dec. 21, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Greene, Jan. 19, 1919. FARINGTON, M. L., 2nd Class Musician, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Born in Cabarrus County. Entered the ser- vice July 20, 1917, at Kannapolis, N. C. Trained at Camp Sevier, S. C, from Sept. 15, 1917, to May 18, 1918, then sent to New York. Landed in France June 13, 1918. Went to train in Artillery School and was in training from June 15, 1918, to Aug. 23, 1918. Ordered to Toul Sector, then St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest, Woevre Sector. With Army of Occupation one month. Returned to U. S. A. March 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 28, 1919. FARLOW. HAL E., Corpl., 317th F. A., Bty. F, 81st Div. ; of Randolph County ; son of Fred and Mrs. Flora Farlow. Entered service May 29, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, May 29, 1918. Sailed for France Aug. 25, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. Sept. 7, 1918. Was sick with influenza and pneumonia fever for three months ; sent to American Hospital at Valdehore, France. Sailed from Brest May 26, 1919. Arrived in U. S. A. June 8, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 20, 1919. FERGUSON, ROSALIE AILEEN, Army Nurse, Base Hospital No. 65. Born in Chatham County, N. C, March 8, 1896 ; daughter of Jno. Thomas and Cora Fergu- son. Entered the service at Kinston, N. C, May 25, 1918, and sent to Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D. C, May 26, 1918. Sailed for France Sept. 1, 1918. Nursed at Pontanezen Barracks, Camp Hospital No. 33, Sept. 18th to Oct. 3, 1918, and was then transferred to Kerhuon Hos- pital, Oct. 3, 1918 to May 23, 1919. Returned to U. S. A. May 31. 1919, and was mustered out of the service at New York City, June 22, 1919. FETNER, LAWRENCE M., Capt., Med. Corps, 318th Inf., 80th Div. ; son of L. J. and Mary Fetner, of Meck- lenburg County. Entered service June 14, 1917, at Char- lotte, N. C. Sent to M. O. T. C. at Ft. Oglethorpe. Trans- ferred to Camp Lee, Va., then to Hoboken. Sailed for France March 16, 1918. Commissioned 1st Lt. May, 1917. Promoted to Captain Oct. 21, 1918. In battles at Avoloy Woods, Artois Sector, 2nd Marne, St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest. Received two machine gun wounds at Argonne Forest Oct. 19, 1918. Sent to Base Hospitals No. 62 and 27, Angers. Holds Division Citation for remaining with Regiment after being wounded until Oct. 20th. Returned to U. S. A. May 27, 1919, and mustered out of service June 7, 1919. FEW, BEN., M. M., 2nd CI., U. S. N. R. F.; son of Dr. C. Few ; of Henderson County. Entered service June, 1917, at Hendersonville, N. C. Sent to Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Charleston, S. C, Feb., 1919. FIELDS, CHARLES, Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. I, 30th Div., 119th Regt. ; of Johnson County; son of J. C. and Mrs. Nicey Fields. Entered service July 17, 1916, at Fayetteville, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn. Transferred to Camp Greene, N. C. Sailed for Calais, France, May 8, 1918. Fought at Bellicourt, Sept. 28th to Oct 11, 1918, St. Souplet Oct. 10th to 20th, 1918. Served on Mexican border. Arrived in U. S. A. April 2, 1919, at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. FARRELL, CHAS. L., 2nd A. S. M., 3rd Co. Enlisted Dec. 15, 1917, at Charlotte, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Thom- as, Ky., then to Camp Hancock, Ga. Sailed for France March 4, 1918. Was in Transportation Dept. in Belgium, France, and occupied territory in Germany. Returned to U. S. A. June 12, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 24, 1919. FARRINGTON, AMOS G., Private 1st Class, Med. Corps, 317th Amb. Co., 80th Div., 305th San. Tr. Son of W. E. and Claudie Farrington. Entered service Aug. 6, 1917, at Sanford, N. C. Sent to Camp Lee, Va., Sept. 18, 1917. Sailed for France June 9, 1918. Fought at Meuse- Argonne. Sent to Lanes Hospital No. 49. Returned to U. S. A. May 31, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 12, 1919. FINK, EUGENE D., Sergt., F. Artly., F. Batry., 30th Div., 113th Regt.; son of C. and J. Fink; of Cabarrus County. Husband of Annie Louis. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Concord, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Trans- ferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France June 7, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest, Woevre, Toul Sec- tor defensive. Returned to U. S. A. March, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, March 28, 1919. FITTS, WILLIAM S., Private, 1st Class, Engineer, Co. A, 138th Regt.; of Cumberland County; son of T. L. and Sallie Fitts. Entered service Aug. 9, 1918, at Fay- etteville, N. C. Sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Trans- ferred to Ft. Benj. Harrison, Ind. Mustered out at Ft. Benj. Harrison, Ind., Dec. 3, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD FLEMING, JOHN W., Sergt., Med. Dept., U. S. A. Gen. Hospital No. 6; of Wake County; son of A. B. and Mrs. Annie Fleming. Entered service June 17, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Ft. McPherson, Ga. Promoted to Sergt. Nov., 1918. Mustered out at Ft. McPherson, Aug. 16, 1919. FLETCHER, MARVIN B., Corpl., F. Artly., Btry. A, 3.0th Div., 113th Regt. ; of Onslow County; son of R. J. and Nora Fletcher. Entered service July, 1917, at New Bern, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 27, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. Sept. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, St. Mihiel, Wcevre, and all other engagements with his outfit. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, March 22, 1919. FLY, THOMAS J., Sergt., Inf., Co. A, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Nash County; son of T. J. and Mrs. Victoria Fly. Husband of Mrs. Gladys Fly. Entered service July 28, 1917, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Goldsboro. Trans- ferred to Camp Wadsworth. Sailed for Calais, France, May 28, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt., 1917. Fought at Ypres, St. Mihiel, Hindenburg Line Sept. 29, 1918. Wounded at Hindenburg Line Sept. 29th. Sent to British Hospital. Arrived in U. S. A. June 28, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 11, 1913. FLYNN, R. D., Private., Inf., 30th Co., Recruiting Div. Born Nov. 1, 1895; son of Wm. D. and Martha Flynn ; of Pittsylvania County. Entered 1 service Sept. 1, 1918, at Winston-Salem, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas. Mustered out at Ft. Thomas, Dec. 15, 1918. FLYTHE, E. T., Private, A. M. M. Train, Co. E, 39th Div.; of Northampton County; son of K. B. and Mrs. Laura Flythe. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Seven Springs, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson May 28, 1918 Sailed for Brest, France, Sept. 14, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. Jan. 1, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Taylor, Ky., Jan. 18, 1918. FLYTHE, ARTHUR P., Private, Marines, 134th De- pot Brigade; of Northampton County; son of J. T. and Mrs. Acree Flythe. Entered service Oct. 1, 1918, at Jackson, N. C. Sent to Paris Island, S. C. Transferred to Quantico, Va. Served in Rifle Range Detachment at Qunatico, Va. Mustered out at Quantico, Va., July 20, 1919. FORBES, ROY H., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. K, 1st Div., 16th Inf.; of Pitt County; son of Enoch H. and Mrs. Mary A. Forbes. Entered service April 18, 1917, at Greenville, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas. Transferred to Ft. Bliss. Sailed for France June 14, 1917. Fought at Toul Sector and Somme. Gassed at Somme front June 8, 1918. Sent to Field Hospital No. 13. French Gas. Amb. 186. American Naval Base No. 1. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Sept 26, 1919. FOREMAN, WILLIAM B., Capt., 20th Eng., Co. A. 5th Div. ; son of Clay and Mary M. Foreman. Husband of Annie C. (Wood) Foreman. Entered service Dec, 1917, at Elizabeth City, N. C. Sent to American University Dec. 15, 1917. Transferred to Camp Humphrey Jan., 1918. Sailed for France Jan. 30, 1918. Promoted to Capt. Sept., 1918. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May, 1919. FORE, S. J., Regt., Supply Sergt., Inf., Co. Supply, 81st Div., 321st Regt.; of Bertie County; son of John A. Fore and Mrs. Sallie A. Fore. Husband of Mrs. Ethel (Gattis) Fore. Entered service Oct. 4, 1917, at Roxobel, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camu Sevier, S.C., May 21, 1918. Sailed for France Aug. 17, 1918. Promoted to rank of Regt. Supply Sergt. March, 1918. Fought at St. Die, Meuse-Argonne offensive. Ar- rived in U. S. A. June 20, 1919, at Newport News, Va., Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 27, 1919. FOWLER, MARION B., 2nd Lt., 141st Inf., 36th Div., Co. I. Born in Durham County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fowler. Entered the service May 15, 1918, at Chapel Hill, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Gordon, Ga. Sailed for France Sept. 26, 1918. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt., Aug. 28, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 8, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 12, 1919. FOWLER, DOCKIE E., Private, F. A. R. D., Supply Co., 81st Div., 8th Regt. Born in Haywood County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Fowler. Entered the service June 25, 1918, at Canton, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jack- son, S. C, then to Base Hospital at Camp Jackson, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, Nov. 27, 1918. FOWLKES, WILLIAM M., Phr. Mate 3rd, Navy; son of the late Dr. W. M. Fowlkes ; of Richmond County. Hus- band of Lula Rowe Fowlkes. Entered service July 15, 1918, at Rockingham, N. C. Sent to Norfolk. Mustered out at Norfolk, Feb. 6, 1919. FREEZE, A. L„ Private, 1st Class, Base Hospital, 65th Div., Med. Corps ; son of A. M. and Margaret Freeze; of Guilford County. Entered service April 21, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Ft. McPherson. Ga. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y. Landed at Brest, France, Sept 13, 1918. Returned to U. S. A., June 31, 1919. Mustered out of service at Camp Mills, N. Y., July 8, 1919. FRETZ, ENOS H., Private, 1st Class, 314th F. Artly., Btry. B. Born Aug. 31, 1889; son of P. B. and Mrs. Han- nah F. Fretz. Entered service March 29, 1918, at Wil- son. Sent to Camp Lee. Va., March 29, 1918. Wounded at Marne, near Meuse River, in head and neck Oct. 2, 1918. Sent to Beurges and Tours, France. Died at Tours Oct. 8, 1918. Buried at Souraine La Grande, Meuse. FRYAR, IRA T., Private, Inf. and 35th Engineers. Co. C, 81st and Grand Div. of Eng.; of Sampson County; son of W. D. and Mrs. Emma Fryar. Entered service Oct. 3, 1917, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Grant, 111., then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for St. Nazaire March 5, 1918. Did construction and railroad work while in France. Ar- rived in U. S. A. Dec. 30, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Gordon, Ga., Feb. 24, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD FULTON, PALMER D., Private, 144th Machine Gun ; son of J. D. and Margaret Fulton ; of Cleveland County. Husband of Emma Fulton. Entered service July 22, 1918, at Kings Mountain, N. C. Sent to Camp Hancock, Ga. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France Nov. 10, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. April 17, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 27, 1919. FULFORD, R. B., Lt., U. S. N. R. F. ; of Craven Coun- ty; son of Walter and Mrs. Florence Fulford. Husband of Mrs. Miriam Fulford. Entered service July 4, 1917, at New Bern, N. C. Sent to St. Helena, Va. Transferred to U. S. S. "Alabama," then to U. S. S. "Wyoming." Sailed for St. Nazaire, France. Detached from the "Ala- bama" to the U. S. S. "Henly" from the "Henly" back to the Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa., in charge of submarine installation. Was taken sick Oct. 27, 1917, was stationed at Navy Yards at Philadelphia, Pa.; detached June, 1918, to U. S. S. "Iowa" as chief engineer. Released from ac- tive duty. Returned to U. S. A. Oct. 27, 1918. J&mLJT^ P7 *^" S R •"* ^ , •■#- k 1 ■ i FOGLEMAN, T. R., Private, Inf., Co. F, 30th Div., 120th Reg. ; of Franklin County ; son of J. C. and Nannie Fogleman. Entered service May 15, 1916, at Franklin- ton, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Camp Stewart, Tex. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, Aug. 1, 1917. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Bellicourt. Wounded at Bellieourt Sept. 29, 1918, by shrapnel. Sent to U. S. Presbyterian Hospital, No. 1. On Mexican border six months. Landed in U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 22, 1919. FRY, WILLIAM GLENN, Private, 1st class, Inf., Co. G, 119th Reg., 30th Div. Born in Moore County, May 11, 1894 ; son of T. K. and L. J. Fry. Entered the service at Carthage, N. C, Sept. 17, 1917, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, and then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 28, 1918. Promoted to Private, 1st class, March 6, 1918. Fought on Hindenburg Line, at St. Quentin, Kimmell Hill Drive, Voormizelle, Bellicourt, Nauroy, Brancourt, Premont, Bu- signy, Escaufourt, Vaux Andigny, Molain, St. Martin, Riviere, Rebeauville and Mazinghein. Due medals, but for the reason of 'being in hospital at time of awarding failed to receive. FRY, PHILIP T., Capt., Co. H, 119th Reg., 30th Div.; son of W. A. and Mrs. Flora N. Fry, of Fayetteville, Cum- berland County. Entered the service June, 1916, and served on the Mexican border. Promoted to 1st Lt. Aug., 1917, then to Captain. Went overseas in 1917. Fought in all engagements. Was cited for bravery and very efficient service when the 119th broke the Hindenburg Line. Vol- unteered for continued service and was transferred to the Regular Army. Served with Army of Occupation in Germany as Capt. of Co. K, 38th Inf., 3rd Div. Holds Military Cross from the British and decorations from the French and American Governments. Still in the service. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD RECORDS OF PRECEDING PHOTOS ONE TO THIRTY 1 HOOKER, GROVER MONROE, Cxiinner's Mate, 1st Class. Son of G. R. and R. A. Hooker, of Stoneville, N. C. Husband of Fannie B. Hooker. Entered service Decem- ber 7, 1915, at El Paso, Texas. Went to training station, San Francisco, Cal. On the U. S. S. Maryland, U. S. S. South Dakota, U. S. Naval Base 17 and 18, U. S. S. Eagle 56, R. S. Portsmouth, N. H. Three trips on convoy. Was stationed overseas one year. Stationed around South American coast 11 months. Prior to enlistment in Navy, served in the U. S. Army, stationed at the Philippines, September 24, 1912, to September 16, 1914. Mustered out December 15, 1919, U. S. R. Ship, Portsmouth, N. H. 2 OWEN, MARVIN J., Private, 1st Class, Co. C, 28th Div., Reg. 303, Field Artillery. Son of W. E. and Alice L. Owen, of Davidson County. Entered service June 25, 1918, at Lexington, N. C; was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. ; transferred to camp at Hill, Va. ; sailed for France August 22, 1918 ; fought at Toul sector in November, 1918, and in the same month was on the offensive at Marchville, Privetville, Butgneville, Bois de Hartville ; ar- rived in United States latter part of April and was mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, May 15, 1919. 3 HARRIS, DAVID HAMIT, 1st Class Private, 120th Inf., Co. L, Div. 30th, 3rd Reg. Born May 13, 1889 ; son of T. F. and M. L. Harris, of Davidson County. Entered service June 5, 1917, at Thomasville, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, September, 1917. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sent to France May, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium. Killed at Ypres, Belgium, August 4, 1918. Buried at Poperinghe. Hamit D. Harris was the first Thomasville boy to make the supreme sacrifice in the cause of freedom and righteousness, and he was one among the bravest and best. He lived a life so clean and honest and true, as to win the confidence and esteem of his comrades. Because of his fidelity to truth he won the nickname of "George Washington" among his friends in civilian life. When the first call came to his home town, he enlisted with Co. L June 5th, having inherited the spirit of the sixties from his grandfather, Hamit J. Har- ris, who was Captain of Co. A, 10th N. C. Battalion, dur- ing the entire four years of the War Between the States. 4 BENNETT, J. P., Private 1st Class, Co. E, 322nd Reg., 81st Div., Inf. Son of H. C. and Baxie Bennett, of Iredell County. Entered service April 25, 1917, at Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 1, 1917. Promoted to Regimental Runner Sept. 25, 1918. Fought at St. Die Sector Sept. 18, 1918, to Oct. 17, 1918; from Nov. 5, 1918, to Nov. 11, 1918, Meuse-Argonne Drive. Returned to U. S. A. June 18, 1919. Mustered out of service at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. 5 CARLTON, WILL C, Corpl., Co. A, 30ch Div., 120th Inf. Born May 20, 1895 ; son of W. L. and A. L. Carlton, of Davidson County. Husband of Mrs. Ethel Carlton. Entered service Aug. 12, 1917, at Lexington, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, Aug. 12, 1917. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed May 12, 1918, for France, landing May 28, 1918. Fought at Ypres-Lys Offensive July 21, 1918, until September of the same year; Somme Offen- sive September 19th ; Bellicourt, Premont, St. Martin's River, Busigny. Arrived in the U. S. A. April 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 17, 1919. 6 HOOKER, GEORGE R., 1st Class Private, Co. B, 42nd Div., 117th T. H. and M. P. Son of G. R. and R. A. Hooker, of Stoneville, N. C. Husband of Ollie Stafford Hooker. Entered service April 24, 1917, at Lynchburg, Va. Was sent to Ft. Monroe, Va. ; transferred to Camp Elberta, 111., then to Long Island, N. Y. Sent overseas Jan. 23, 1918; landed Feb. 2, 1918. Operations in Lone- ville Sector, in Baccerest, St. Clement, Champagne-Marne Defensive, Aisne Marne Offensive, St. Mihiel ; operations between Meuse and Mozelle, Meuse-Argonne offensive; was through Germany four months. Two citations ; gold chevrons Jan. 23. 1919. Landed in U. S. A. April 25, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Meade, Md., May 15, 1913. 7 PECK, C. A., Musician, Ammunition Tr., Co. D, 81st Div., Reg. 306 Ammunition Tr. Son of J. J. and Cora Peck, of Rowan County. Entered service April 1, 1918, at Salisbury, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, L. I. Sent overseas to Liver- pool, Eng., Aug. 8, 1918. Fought at Argonne Offensive. Landed in U. S. A. June 22, 1919. Was in Volunteer Band with 306th Ammunition Tr. One year's service in National Guard. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, June 27, 193 9. 8 DRUM, WILL, Private, Inf., Co. G., 30th Div., 119th Regt. Son of H. C. and Mrs. H. C. Drum, of Catawba County. Entered the service Oct. 3, 1917, at Newton, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Overseas to France May 11, 1918. Ar- rived at Liverpool, Eng., May 27, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium, July 25th to August 2nd ; Bellicourt, September 21 to October 1, 1918; Busigny, October 9th to October 12th ; Ribeauville and Nugreigheim, October 17th to Oc- tober 20th. Was in the Hindenburg Drive September 27th to October 2nd. Was in Germany four months. Re- turned to the U. S. A. Sept. 26, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., Oct. 2, 1919. 9 THRASHER, JOEL W., 1st Class Private, Co. C, Dixie Div., 5th Regt. Born Feb. 10, 1891 ; son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thrasher, of Hart, Ga. Entered service July 19, 1916, at Macon, Ga. Was sent to Camp Harris, Ga., from there to Camp Cotton, El Paso, Texas. Was on bor- der five months. Went to France July 6, 1918 ; stationed at Tours, France, on M. P. duty. Was put on special duty at Atlanta, Ga., recruiting duty. Transferred to Macon, Ga., and saw service as M. P. Transferred to Camp Greene, N. C. Was then sent to Hospital Base, Camp Greene, N. C. Mustered out at Camp Gordon, Ga., April 18, 1919. 10 BURRIS, B. F., Sergt., 10th Co., Air Service, 1st Div., 2nd Regt. Son of R. F. and Mrs. R. F. Burris, of Caldwell County. Entered service July 12, 1917, at Nor- folk, Va. Was sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. ; transferred to Camp Hancock, Ga. ; transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sent to France Sept. 12, 1917. Fought at Chateau Thier- ry Drive, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Wounded at Cha- teau Thierry, June 11, 1918, shell wound; gassed at Cha- teau Thierry, June 27, 1918. Sent to hospital at Noy-a- France, Paris, and Brest. Returned to the U. S. A. Feb. 8, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 28, 1919. 11 SMITH, NESTOR LEE, Private 1st Class, Co. 4, 7th Engineers, 1st Div. Son of W. U. and S. J. Smith, of Iredell County. Entered service Sept. 5, 1918, at Salis- bury, N. C. Sent to Camp Humphrey, Va. ; sent to Base Hospital, Alexandria, Va. Died at Humphrey, Va., Oct. 11, 1918. Buried at Snow Creek, N. C, Iredell County. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD 12 PROCTOR, H. G., Private 1st Class, Bathing Unit, 89th Div., Med. Enlisted June 21, 1918, at Rome, Ga. Was sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Camp Crane, Pa. Landed in France Sept. 14, 1918. Fought at Verdun Front. Returned to U. S. A. June 4, 1919, and was mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 21, 1919. 13 CARLTON, JOHN F., Saddler, F. A., Bty. B, 81st Div., 318th Regt. Son of W. F. and A. L. Carlton, of Wilkes County. Born April 15, 1891. Husband of Jesse Hawkins Carlton. Entered service May 29, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Overseas to France Aug. 8, 1918. Returned to the U. S. A. June 23, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 27, 1919. 14 COINS, CHARLES LEE, Pvt, Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Born June 20, 1900. Son of J. C. and N. M. Goins, of Davidson County. Entered service Aug. 12, 1917, at Lexington, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C; transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Landed in France May 28, 1918. Fought at Ypres-Lys Offensive, Somme Offensive, Bellicourt, Premont, Bohain. Wounded at Bel- licourt, France ; shell wound and gassed. Gassed at Vaux Andigny Oct. 10, 1918. Arrived in the U. S. A. April 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 17, 1919. Re-enlisted in the U. S. Navy. 15 ROWE, JOHN L., 1st Class Private, Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Born April 11, 1899; son of J. L. and Mollie Rowe, of Davidson County. Husband of Myrtle Rowe. Entered service July 26, 1917, at Lexington, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. ; transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Went to France May 12, 1918. Fought at Ypres- Lys Offensive July 21, 1918, to Sept. 4, 1918 ; Somme Of- fensive Sept. 19, 1918, to Oct. 10, 1918; Bellicourt, Pre- mont, Bohain, Montbrehain, Busigny, St. Martin's River. Landed in the U. S. A. April 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 17, 1919. 16 DAVIS, HENRY L., Corpl, M. G. Co. No. 16. Son of C. E. Davis, of Cabarrus County. Entered service June 9, 1916, at Florence, S. C. Sent to Columbus, O. ; transferred to Ft. Sam Houston, Texas ; transferred to Camp Brownsville, Texas. Served on the Mexican bor- der two years. Was on duty with the 4th Cavalry at Honolulu; later transferred to the 16th Cavalry. Mus- tered out at Camp Brownsville, Texas, June 28, 1918. 17 BROOM, DeWITT, Private, Btry. A, 33rd Div., 124th F. A. Son of P. W. and Mat Broom. Husband of Delia Broom, of Cabarrus County. Entered service June 24, 1918, at Concord, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. ; transferred to Newport News, Va. Went to France Aug. 22, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, Oct. 5, 1918, to Nov. 11, 1918. Was in Germany nine months. Re- turned to the U. S. A. May 24, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 4, 1919. 18 SHAW, JAMES, Private, Co. F, 53rd Pioneer Inf. Son of E. C. and L. Shaw. Husband of Mrs. Nannie Shaw, of Davidson County. Entered service May 29, 1918, at Lexington, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C; trans- ferred (o Camp Wadsvvorth, S. C.J transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sent to France, landed Aug. 18, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Landed in the U. S. A. May 4, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 12, 1919. 19 JOHNSON, LAWSON A., Private 1st Class, 1st N. C. Inf., 30th Div. Son of L. E. and E. A. Johnson, of Cabarrus County. Husband of Cora Helms Johnson. En- tered service Feb. 23, 1915, at Concord, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, Morehead City, N. C; transferred to Mexi- can border. Mustered into Federal service at Camp Se- vier, S. C, July 25, 1917. Mustered out March 14, 1919, at Camp Sevier, S. C. 20 RICKARD, JOHN R., Corpl., Co. G, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Son of J. A. and Lillie B. Rickard, of Rowan County. Entered service Sept. 18, 1917, at Salisbury, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson ; transferred to Camp Se- vier, S. C. ; overseas to Calais, France, May 28, 1918. Fought at Voormizelle, between Ypres and Cambrai Hill, Bellicourt, France. Wounded at Bellicourt Sept. 29, 1918. Nature of wound, bullet wound. Sent to General Hospital No. 73, from there to American Hospital No. 41, at Win- chester, Eng. Landed in the U. S. A. April 2nd, at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 9, 1919. Was hit second time by bullet, and life saved by bullet going through trench mirror and Testament. 21 PARKER, WILLIAM J., 1st Sergt, Co. A, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Son of J. C. and Elizabeth Parker. En- tered service July 6, 1916, at Lexington, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for overseas April 7, 1918, landing at Liverpool, Eng., and from there went to France. Fought at St. Quentin, Bellicourt and Hindenburg Line. Wounded at battle of Bellicourt, Sept. 29, 1918, by ma- chine gun, losing shoulder and arm thereby. Sent to 1st British Hospital, Birmingham, Eng., to recuperate from wound. Received D. S. C. decoration May 20, 1919 for bravery at Hindenburg Line. Also served on Mexican border previous to going overseas. Returned to U. S. A. Dec. 14, 1918, and was mustered out of service at Fort McPherson, Ga., March 28, 1919. 22 MARTIN, CARROL FINLEY, Private 1st Class, 2nd Regt., F. A. R. D., Aty. Son of N. C. and Mrs. E. C. Martin, of Davidson County. Husband of Eunice Perry Martin. Entered service Sept. 3, 1918, at Greenville, S. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C.,; and on Dec. 11, 1918, was mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C. 23 KELLOUGH, DAVID S., Private 1st Class, Co. F, 303rd Regt., 78th Div., Engineers. Son of John and Eliz- abeth Kellough, of Cabarrus County. Entered service April 1, 1918, at Camden, N. J. Sent to Camp Dix April 1, 1918. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel Offensive Sept. 12th to Sept. 16th : Limey Sector Sept. 16th to Oct. 4th; Meuse-Argonne Oct. 4th to Nov. 5, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 6, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., June 12, 1919. 24 JOHNSON, LAWRENCE H.. Private. Field Hos- pital, 30th Div., 105th San. Tr. Son of L. E. and E. A. Johnson, of Cabarrus County. Entered service Aug. 27, 1917. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, Sept. 1. 1917; went to France June 4, 1918. Fought at Ypres Front, Hinden- burg Line, Cambrai, St. Quentin Front. Was on duty collecting post Sept. 24, 1918, to Sept. 30, 1918. During this time was employed as runner between collecting post and regimental advance post. Was often under heavy shell fire, working day and night. Realizing the need of more stretcher bearers, he secured eight German prison- ers, organizing them in little squads, succeeding in rescu- ing a large number of wounded men. This, no doubt, saved many lives, which is worthy of high praise. Re- turned to U. S. A. April 2nd. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD 25 WATSON, CHARLIE C, 1st Class Private, Co. K, 4th Div., 47th Inf. Born Sept. 21, 1893; son of R. and Emma Watson, of Ashe County. Husband of Mrs. Maud Watson. Entered service Dec. 14, 1917, at Charlotte, N. C. Was sent to Camp Greene, N. C. ; transferred to Camp Mills, N. J. Sent overseas May 23, 1918. Fought at Cha- teau Thierry. Gassed at Fismes, France, Aug. 7, 1918. Sent to Base Hospital No. 19, at Vichy, France. Landed in the U. S. A. Feb. 14, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Wadsworth, S. C, March 7, 1919. 26 ELLENBURG, DEWEY, Private 1st Class, Co. G, 30th Div., 120th Regt., Inf. Son of J. C. and Mrs. Mary Ellenburg, of Rowan County. Husband of Betty Ellen- burg. Enlisted July 4, 1917, at Reidsville, N. C. "Sent ti Camp Sevier, S. C. ; transferred to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed May 27, 1918, for overseas, landing in Liverpool, Eng., June 2, 1918. Arrived in France a few days later and from there to Belgium. Was under shell fire for first time July 25, 1918. Was in Ypres Sector Sept. 6, 1918; Sept. 29, 1918, helped to break the Hindenburg Line. Was still in France when the armistice was signed. Returned to U. S. A. April 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jack- son, S. C, April 22, 1919. 27 TUCKER, GEORGE E., Private, Co. D, 5th Div., 11th Inf. Born Oct. 3, 1890; son of S. P. and Charity Tucker, of Guilford County. Entered service Sept. 8, 1917, at High Point, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. ; transferred to Camp Forrest, Ga. Went to Brest, France, about April 1, 1918. Was shot in left arm and shell shocked on Oct. 16th, next to last drive before the armistice was signed. Sent to Base Hospital No. 48, France. Sent to U. S. A. on hospital ship to Newport News, Va., where he died on June 15, 1919. Buried at Randleman, N. C. 28 BRITT, CHARLIE, Private, M. G. Co. A, 30th Div., 115th M. G. Btn. Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Britt, of Robeson County. Husband of Reatha Cartwright Britt. Entered service Sept. 19, 1917, at Concord, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. ; transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Overseas to France May 10, 1918. Occupation Ypres Salient July 15th to Aug. 31, 1918. Voormizelle and Mt. Kimmel, Aug. 31 to Sept. 5, 1918. Hindenburg Line, Bellicourt, Nauroy engagement Sept. 29 to Oct. 2, 1918. Premont Vaux Andigny engagement Oct. 8 to 12, 1918. Sule River engagement Oct. 17 to 21, 1918. Re- turned to the U. S. A. March 22, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 2, 1919. 29 SHORT, GEO. O., Mechanic, Inf. Replacement, Co. No. 9. Born Oct. 1, 1896 ; son of D. M. and Julia A. Short, of Davidson County. Entered service April, 1916, at Greensboro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Eagle Pass, Texas. Transferred to Camp Grant, 111., Oct. 1, 1918. Served on the Mexican border and died at Camp Grant, 111., Oct. 11, 1918. Buried at Lexington, N. C, Ebenezer Church. 30 CULBRETH, DANIEL C, 2nd Lt., Co. L, 30th Div., 120th Inf.; son of D. C. and Jennie K. Culbreth, of Davidson County. Entered service April, 1916, at Thomasville, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sent overseas May 17, 1918. Promoted to the rank of 2nd Lt. Nov. 13, 1917. Killed at Ypres Sector, Aug. 31, 1918. Buried in Belgium, British Cemetery. Entitled to wear a silver star on the Victory Cross ribbon, for gallantry in action in the Ypres Sector, Belgium, Aug. 31, 1918, while leading daylight patrol. Was on the Mexican border from June, 1916, to March, 1917. GALLOWAY, LEWIS, Private, Inf., Co. I, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Son of C. M. and T. L. Galloway, of Montgom- ery County. Entered service September, 1917, at Mt. Gilead, X. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France Sept. 29, 1918. Fought in all battles of 119th Inf. Re- turned to U. S. A. June 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson July 5, 1919. GAMMON, A. L., Water Tender (Navy) ; of Rocking- ham County ; son of B. F. and Mrs. Elizabeth Gammon. Entered service Feb. 12, 1917, at Richmond, Va. Sent to Hampton Roads, Va. ; transferred to battleship "New Hampshire;" six trips across on battleship "New Hamp- shire." Served on board same ship until discharged. Mustered out at Hampton Roads, Va., Aug. 21, 1919. GARDNER, CLAUD G., 2d Lt., M. G. Co.; of Baau- fort County ; son of A. B. and Mrs. Frances Gardner. Hus- band of Mrs. Juanita O'Brien. Entered service April, 1918, at Washington, N. C. Sent to A. & M. College. Transferred to Camp Jackson, then to Camp Hancock. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. Oct. 11, 1918. On Reserve 0. T. S. Mustered out at Camp Hancock Nov. 25, 1918. GARDNER, LORIS W., Musician, Hdqrs. Co., F. A.; County of Beaufort; son of A. B. and Frances Gardner. Entered service July, 1917, at Washington, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France 1918. Fought at Argonne Forest, St. Mihiel, Toul Sector. Returned to U. S. A. March, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, March, 1919. GARDNER, WILLIAM H., Serpt., Inf., Co. I, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Chowan County; son of T. E. and Lula Gardner. Entered service July 4, 1917, at Edenton, N. C. Sent to Camp Royster, N. C. Transferred to Camp Greene, N. C, then to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France May 28, 1917. Promoted to rank of Sergt. October, 1917. Fought in all engagements of 30th Div. Arrived in U. S. A. April 4, 1919, at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. GARRASON, John R., Sergt., Med. Corps, Hospital No. 6; of Cumberland County; son of Jno. and Joanna Garrason. Entered service May, 1918, at Fayetteville. Sent to Ft. McPherson. Mustered out at Ft. McPherson Feb. 14, 1919. GARRETT, JULIUS F., Private, 9th Batry., F. Artly. Born in Guilford County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Garrett. Entered the service Aug. 26, 1918, at Jamestown, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Oct. 28, 1918. Re- turned to U. S. A. May 20th. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1919. GARRETT, E. J., Private, Inf., Co. G, 81st Div., 323rd Regt. ; of Guilford County ; son of J. H. and Mrs. Margaret Garrett. Entered service Feb. 22, 1918, at -Jamestown, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France Aug. 11, 1918. Fought at Verdun Front, Meuse-Argonne Front, Vosges. Re- turned to U. S. A. June 14, 1919. Landed at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 26, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD GARROU, ALBERT F., Sergt., Air Service, Co. 16th 4th Regt. ; of Burke County ; son of John and Marie Gar- rou. Husband of Louise Garrou. Entered service Dec. 10, 1917, at Valdese, N. C. Sent to Fort Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Camp Hancock, from there to Camp Greene, N. C, then to Camp Upton. Sailed for France July 15, 1918. Promoted to rank as Sergt. July, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 9, 1919. Mustered out at Mitchell Field, July 2, 1919. GAYNUS, NEIL H., Private, Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Wake County; son of David and Mrs. Katie Gaynus. Husband of Mrs. Mary Gaynus. Entered service Sept. 18, 1917, at Rale : gh, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, then to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Fought at Bellicourt, Ypres, Hindenburg Line. Returned to U. S. A. April 1, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 8, 1919. GASKIN, NORTH A., M. M., 1st Class, U. S. N. R. F. Born in Craven County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gaskin. Entered the service June 4, 1918, at Wilmington, N. C, and sent to Charleston, S. C, then transferred to U. S. S. "Owl," and then to Opr. Base, Va. Mustered out of the service at Opr. Base, Va., Sept 3, 1919. GASKIN, H. E., Private, 1st Class, Artly., Batry. A, 30th Div., 113th Regt.; of Craven County; son of W. F. and Mrs. Ida Gaskin. Husband of Mrs. Leona Gaskin. Entered service July 25, 1917, at New Bern, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France. Fought at St. Mihiel drive and Argonne Forest. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 29, 1919. GATTIS, S. M., Jr., 1st Lt., F. Artly., Batry. C, B'tln Staff, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Regt.; of Orange County ; son of S. M. and Mrs. Margaret Gattis. Entered service May, 1917, at Hillsboro, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 8, 1918. Promoted to rank of 1st Lt. July 21, 1917. Fought at St. Mihiel and Argonne, Woevre Sector. Serv- ed with 3rd Army of Occupation in Germany. Returned to U. S. A. Aug. 1919. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., Aug. 12, 1919. GAY, 0. L., Sergt., Artly., Batry. D, 9th Regt.; of Edgecombe County; son of Fenner and Mrs. Laney Gay. Husband of Mrs. Debora Gay. Entered service Aug. 26, 1918, at Rocky Mt. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Hill, Va. Mustered out at Camp Hill, Va., Feb. 1, 1919. GAY, ARCHIE C, Corpl., Ammunition Train, Co. A, 81st Div., 306th Regt.; of Northampton County; son of B. S. and Mrs. Annie O. Gay. Entered service April 26, 1918, at Jackson, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for France Aug. 20, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. June 1, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne Sector, St. Mi- hiel Sector. Arrived in U. S. A. from St. Nazaire, France, June 21, 1919, at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 26, 1919. GAY, SORSBY, Corpl., Co. Motor Transp., 12th Div.; of Wilson County ; son of S. S. and Mrs. Fanny Gay. En- tered service May 29. 1917, at Nashville, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Transferred to Camp Devens, Mass., then to Camp Greene, N. C. Mustered out at Camp Greene, N. C, Feb. 6, 1919. GAYLORD, J. C, Fireman, 1st Class, Navy Reserve; of Beaufort County; son of Sam and Mrs. Hallie Gaylord. Husband of Mrs. Sallie (Clay) Gaylord. Entered service June 5, 1917, at Washington, N. C. Sent ti> Hampton Roads June 5, 1917. Promoted to rank of 1st Class Fire- man Aug., 1918. On U. S. S. "New Jersey" on convoy duly. Made three trips across. Mustered out at Boston, Mass., March, 1919. GENTRY, CLYDE H., Private., Batry. E, 81st Div., 317th F. Artly.; sen of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Gentry; of Rockingham County. Entered service April 1, 1918, at Madison, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 8, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 8, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 8, 1919. GEORGE, WM. F., Educational Director, Navy, Bu- reau of Navigaton ; of Surry County ; son of T. M. and Mary (Critz) George. Husband of Frances (Sedberry) George. Entered service Nov. 1, 1918, at Washington, D. C. Sent to Quantico, Va. Received Serbian Medal of Merit. Mustered out at Camp Quantico, Va., May 10, 1920. GEORGE, ALVIS O., 1st Class Private, Med. Corps, Hospital Div. ; of Halifax County ; son of R. W. and Mary A. George. Entered service July 5, 1918, at Rosemary, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Transferred to Hos- pital Gen. No. 1, New York. Mustered cut at Camp Lee, Va., July 28, 1919. GIBSON, PAUL B., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. E, 30th Div., 118th Regt.; of Guilford County; son of W. D. and Mrs. A. C. Gibson. Husband of Mrs. Cora G. Gibson. Entered service May 31, 1917, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Hindenburg Line, La Selle River. Wounded at La Selle River by machine gun bullet in the battle of Oct. 11th, and slightly wounded on 26th of Sept. by shell. Sent to British Gen. Base Hospital No. 73. Other battles Malamcourt, Vangvois, Canal Sector, Busigny. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, March 31, 1919. GLASS, W. L., Corpl., 445th Motor Transport Co. Entered the service March 16, 1918, at Charlotte, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., Transferred to Camp Meiggs, Washington, D. C, then to Camp Holabird, Md. Mustered out at Holabird, Md., March 21, 1919. GLENN, THOMAS F., Sergt., Inf., Co. K, 81st Div., 322nd Regt.; son of Mr. L. E. and Mrs. Mary Glenn; of Guilford County. Husband of Mrs. Irene Glenn. En- tered service Sept. 19, 1917, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Upton. Sailed for France Aug., 1918. Promoted to Sergt. Nov. 27, 1918. Fought at Meuse- Argonne, Verdun, St. Die Sector and La Forain Sector. Returned to U. S. A. July 18, 1919. Mustered out at ICamp Lee, Va., July 19, 1919. GLENN, FRANKLIN H., Cook. Co. 1. S06th Supply Train ; son of J. S. and Mrs. L. Glenn ; of Cleveland Coun- ty. Entered service Nov. 17, 1917. at Shelby, N. C, sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Sevier. Sailed for France Aug. 9, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 9, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD GIFFORD, JOHN JAMES. Enlisted in the United States Naval Reserve Force o.i June 6:h, 1918, and called to active duty at Norfolk, Va., August 10th. Detailed as seaman, second class, on transport Pastores in Septem- ber and after one trip to St. Nazaire, France, rated Yeo- man, 3rd class. Promoted to Yeoman, 2nd class, and placed in charge of entertainment of troops on board. Discharged at Newport News, Va., after completing five trips to France. Mr. Gifford's patriotic poems, written while in service, brought forth much favorable comment from government officials. His home is in Charlotte. GILES, HOLLIE CLYDE. Entered service Y. M. C. A., Jan. 1, 1918. Sailed overseas Aug. 15, 1918. Ar- rived in France Sept. 2, 1918. Assigned to Motor Trans- port Duty, visiting various battle fronts and canteens in the interest of the soldiers. Some of the fronts he served at were Soissons, Rheims, Chateau Thierry, Toul Sector and others; the last duty performed was to drive a Pack- ard Twin-Six, which belonged to Lt. Col. Goodrich, from Genoa, Italy to Paris, by the way of Monte Carlo and Nice, crossing the Alps Mountains ; driving time thirty- one hours; one thousand seven hundred and fifteen kilo- meters. Landed in New Ycrk Mav 20, 1919. Mustered out May 21, 1919. Now holds responsible position with the Ford Motor Co., which he held before entering the service at Charlotte, N. C. GOODMAN, HOLLY LOVE; son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. P. Goodman of Cabarrus County. Enlisted at Concord, N. C, in Co. L, and did duty on the Mexican border. Honorably discharged at Morehead City, N. C. He vol- unteered for active service for his country on three dif- ferent occasion before being finally accepted at Syracuse, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1917. Was trained at Camp Greene, N. C, and sailed for France March 10, 1918, as a member of Co. L, 28th Inf. Made the supreme sacrifice in France, July 15, 1918, and is buried in the American Cemetery at Mezy Aisne, France. GRAHAM, LAWRENCE, Mechanic, Heavy Artillery, Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 316th Reg. Born in Moore County, the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Graham. Entered service. Sept. 17, 1917, at Carthage, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, Sept. 17, 1917. Sailed for France Aug. 5, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 21, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD GLENN, JULIUS H., Private, Inf., Co. I, 30th Div., 120th Regt.; of Orange County; son of J. A. and Mrs. A. L. Glenn. Husband of Mrs. Eppie Glenn. Entered ser- vice June 27, 1917, at Hillsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Fought at Ypres and all other engagements with his Company. Returned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 18, 1919. GODWIN, PHILLIP, Corpl., Field Signal Btn., Co. C, 81st Div., 306th Regt. ; of Tyrell County ; son of Martha A. Godwin. Husband of Mrs. Jennie Godwin. Entered service May 23, 1917, at Columbia, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for England and France. Promoted, to Corpl. May, 1919. Fought at Meuse-Ar- gonne. Sent to Base Hospital No. 48. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 27, 1919. GODWIN, R. C, Corpl., Camp Personnel, Hdqrs. Co.; son of Wiley and Delia Godwin ; of Harnett County. En- tered service July 13, 1918, at Dunn, N. C. Sent to Camp Greene, N. C. Mustered out at Camp Greene, N. C, Dec. 24, 1918. GODWIN, PERRY, Sergt., Supply Co., 30th Div., 119th Inf.; of Wilson County. Entered service May 5, 1915, at Wilson, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Trans- feired to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought in all engagements of 119th. Served on Mexican borc'er Oct. 1, 1916, to March 22, 1917. Returned to U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 7, 1919. GOERS, HORACE C, Private, 1st Class, In., Co. A, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Halifax County; son of F. and Sarah Goers. Husband of Mrs. Catherine Smith Goers. Entered service June 21, 1916, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Camp Jack- son, S. C. Sailed for France May 27, 1918. Fought in all the 119th engagements. Served on the border for 15 days. Was stationed at Camp Stewart, El Paso, Texas, five months and 23 days. Transferred from Goldsboro to New Bern, N. C, to bridge duties. Returned to U. S. A. April 2, 1919, Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, May 16, 1919. GOLDSTON, J. G., Sergt., Batry, 316, Q. M., 27th Div.; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Goldston ; of Chatham County. Entered service April 1, 1918, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Johnson, Fla., then to Camp Stuart, Va. Overseas to France June 29, 1918. Served six months with the Army of Occupa- tion. Returned to United States Sept. 20, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Dix, N. J., Sept. 25, 1919. GOLEY, WILLARI) C, Sergt., Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 120th Regt.; of Alamance County; son of W. R. and Mrs. Lou Goley. Entered service April 14, 1917, at Gra- ham, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Pro- moted to rank of Sergt. Sept. 1, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Hindenburg Line and all other engagements up to Sept. 27th. Gassed at Bellicourt Sept. 27, 1918. Sent to Base Hospital No. 37, Dartford. Returned to U. S. A. Dec, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Greene, Jan. 15, 1919. GOODMAN, ROSCOE B., 1st Class Private, 323th Inf., 331st Div., Co. D. Born in Rowan County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Goodman. Enlisted Jan. 15, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., and ffrom there to Camp Sherman, Ohio. Mustered out at Sherman, Ohio, July 5, 1919. GOODMAN, J. A., 1st Class Private, Chem. Warfare Service ; of Guilford County. Entered service at Fayette- ville, N. C, July 4, 1918. Went to Camp Wadsworth, S. C, later transferred to Camp Edgewood, Md., where he was mustered out of the service Dec. 20, 1918. Home address Greensboro, N. C. GORNER, DENNIS W., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. L, 81st Div., 322nd Regt.; of Northampton County; son of J. H. and Mrs. B. M. Gorner. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 11, 1918. Promoted to 1st Class Private April, 1918. Fought at La Chapelle. Arrived in U. S. A. from St. Nazaire, France, June 18, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Went through Camp Morrison, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. GORHAM, J. C, Seaman, Navy ; of Edgecombe Coun- ty; son of D. and Mrs. Mary A. Gorham. Entered service Oct, 11, 1917, at Norfolk, Va. Sent to Cape Charles. Served on Sub. Chaser 121. Mustered out at Norfolk, Va., March 18, 1919. GORHAM, R. D., 1st Lt., Co. H, Regt. 3, Pioneer Inf. ; of Edgecombe County ; son of D. and Mrs. Mary A. Gor- ham. Entered service May 14, 1917, at Rocky Mount. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Transferred to Camp Jack- son, to Camp Wadsworth. Sailed for France Aug. 30, 1918. Promoted to rank July 25, 1918. Fought at Meuse- Argonne, hauling ammunition to fighting lines. Return- ed to U. S. A. July 30, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 15, 1919. GRAHAM, W. H., Private, Med. Corps, Co 321st Am- bulance, 81st Div., 306th Sanitary Train ; of Cumber- land County; son of R. E. and Mrs. Ira Bella Graham. Husband of Mrs. Mary Lou Darden Graham. Entered service June 26, 1918, at Fayetteville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson ; transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for Chesebrough, France, Aug. 20, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Arrived in U. S. A. from Marseilles, France, June 17, 1919, at New York. Mustered out at Camp Mills, N. Y., June 24, 1919. GRAHAM, JOHN C, Sergt., 1st Class, Med. Detach- ment, 81st Div., Regt. 306, F. S. Bn. ; of Robeson Coun- ty ; son of D. McNeil Graham and Mrs. Margaret Gra- ham. Entered service Sept. 9, 1917, at Red Springs, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Se- vier. Sailed for France Aug. 14, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt., 1st Class, Jan., 1919. Fought at Vosges Mt., Meusc-Argonne offensive. Returned to I'. S. A. June 22, 1919, Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 29, 1919. GRAHAM, JAMES A., Private. S. A. T. C; of Robe- son County; son of D. McNeil Graham and Mrs. Margaret Graham. Entered service Sept., 1918, at Red Springs, N. C. Sent to Davidson College, N. C. Mustered out at Davidson, N. C, Dec. 20, 1918. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD GRAHAM, ERNEST, Private, Q. M. C. ; of Robeson County; son of D. McNeil and Margaret Graham. Hus- band of Carrie Belle McNeil Graham. Entered service June 5, 1918, at Red Springs, N. C. Sent to Camp Jack- son, S. C. Transferred to Camp Greene, N. C. Muster- ed out at Camp Greene, N. C, Dec. 13, 1918. GRAY, WILLIAM K., Chief Yeoman, Navy ; of Hali- fax County; son of B. P. and H. E. Gray. Husband of Anna B. Gray. Entered service Nov., 1917, at Little Rock, Ark. Sent to St. Helena, Va., then to the U. S. S. "Cape May." Made six trips across on transport duty. Mustered out at Newport News, Va., Aug. 23, 1919. GREEN, JAMES D., Corpl., Co. F, 303th Ammuni- tion Train. Entered service April 6, 1918, at Charlotte, N. C. Trained at Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for France Aug. 8, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne Front Nov. 7th, to 10th. Returned to U. S. A. May 27, 1919. On U. S. S. "Missouri." Landed at Newport News, Va., June 8, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 21, 1919. GREEN, WILLIAM B., Private, 1st Class, Hdqrs. Co., 113th F. A. Regt.; of Nash County; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Green. Entered service March 29, 1918, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel 9-12-18 to 9-14-18, Argonne Forest 9-24-18 to 10-8-18, Woevre 11-8-18 to 11-11-18. Defensive of Toul Sector 8-27-18 to 9-11-18, Defensive of Woevre Sector 10-4-18 to 11-7-18. Returned to U. S. A. March 19, 1919. GREEN, JOHN C, Corpl., Inf., Co. A, 9th Div., 4th Regt. ; son of A. P. and S. J. Green ; of Montgomery Coun- ty. Entered service June 2, 1917, at Mt. Gilead, N. C. Sent to Camps Ft. Thomas, Ky., Gordon, Ga., Ben Harri- son, Ind., Sheridan, Ala., Taylor and Wadsworth, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Wadwsroth, S. C, Feb. 9, 1919. GREEN, JAS. E., Private, Co. E, 56th Regt. Engi- neers ; son of Mr. A. P. and Mrs. S. J. Green ; of Montgomery County. Entered service May 16, 1918, at Mt. Gilead. Sent to Camp at Raleigh, N. C. Transferred to Washington, D. C. Sailed for France Aug. 14, 1917. Returned to U. S. A. March 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 27, 1919. Fought while in France in Aero Squadron No. 81, doing bombing work. GRIFFIN, JNO. M. Entered the service July 15, 1918, at Concord, N. C. Was sent to Clemson College for two months' training. Transferred to Camp Johnson, Fla. Sailed for France Nov. 11, 1918. Was with Q. M. C. Base Hospital No. 8. Sailed for U. S. A. June 13, 1919. Landed June 26th, and mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 2, 1919. GRIFFIN, GEO. B. Entered the service June 2, 1918, at Concord, N. C. Was sent to St. Helena, Va., and from there to Hampton Roads, Va., Naval Operating Base. Transferred to U. S. S. "Virginian." Made two trips across on convoy duty. When Armistice was signed was transferred to the Great Lakes, 111. Main Station Com- misary Dept. On Sept. 24, 1919, was released from active duty at Camp Berry, Great Lakes, 111. GRIFFITH, DIXIE LEE, Sergt., 1st Co., 3rd M. M.; son of J. W. and M. B. Griffith ; of Surry County. En- tered service Dec. 12, 1917, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Fort Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Camp Hancock, Ga. ; transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France March 4, 1918. Was training for Air Gunner at St. Jean De Mon, France, at time peace was declared. Returned to United States June 29, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, July 14, 1919. GRIFFITH, WILTSHIRE, Captain, Coast Artly. ; of Henderson County ; the son of the late R. H. and Mary C. Griffith. Husband of Inez W. Griffith. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Hendersonville. Sent to Ft. Caswell. Transferred to Ft. Monroe, from there to Ft. Caswell. Promoted to Capt. Nov. 25, 1917. In 6th Co. Nat'l Guard, N. C. Coast Artly. five years. Mustered into the Federal service as 6th Co. Cape Fear C. Artly. Mustered out at Ft. Caswell, April 9, 1919. GRIFFITH, SAMUEL, 1st Class Private, Co. E, 30th Div., 105th Regt. Supply Train; of Guilford County; son of J. R. and Mrs. Julia F. Griffith. Entered service Sept. 18, 1917, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. While at Greenville in 30th Div. Sailed for France June 11, 1918. Driving Food Supply truck. Returned to U. S. A. April 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 14, 1919. GRIGG, HAROLD E., Private, 1st Class, F. A. Batry. B, 76th Div., 320th Regt.; son of W. E. and Mrs. Stella Grigg. Entered service Aug. 26, 1918, at Lincolnton, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Sailed for France Nov. 8, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. May 26, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 8, 1919. GRIGGS, NORMAN E., Private, U. S. Marine Corps, 77th Co., 6th Machine Gun Batn., 2nd Div. Born Curri- tuck County, June 13, 1895 ; son of Albert S. and Minnie P. Griggs. Entered service June 9, 1917, at Recruiting Station, Norfolk, Va. Sent to Marine Barracks, Norfolk, then transferred to Quantico, Va., July 29, 1917. Sailed for France Dec. 8, 1917. Fought at Toul Sector, Verdun, Aisne Defensive, Bois de Belleau, Chateau-Thierry Sec- tor, Aisne, Marne, St. Mihiel offensive, Aisne, Marne, Soissons Sector July 19, 1918, St. Mihiel Sept. 14, 1918. Received gun shot wound in left shoulder and left hand. Sent to Amer. Red Cross Hospital No. 1, Paris; Base No. 20 Chatel Guyon. Received Regimental Citations by French government. Also awarded honorable discharge button. Mustered out at Marine Barracks, Norfolk, Va., June 18, 1919. Service honest and faithful. GRIMES, JOSEPH WALDO, Sergt., Trench Artly., Batry. A, 2nd Trench Motor Btn. ; of Martin County ; son of W. F. and Mrs. Nora Waldo Grimes. Entered service July 23, 1917, at Richmond, Va. Sent to Fredericksburg, Va. Transferred to Cape Henry Va., to Camp Mills, N. Y., then Boston, Mass. Sailed for France June 5, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. Aug., 1917, Serpt. Sept., 1917. Fought at Chalon, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 2, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD GRISSOM, DAVID BRITT, Private., Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 324th Regt. ; of Vance County ; son of R. G. and Mrs. Mary Grissom. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Henderson, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug., 1918. Fought at Meusce-Ar- gonne, Vosges. Held Line at Vosges. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, Jan. 25, 1919. HALE, JAMES D., Corpl., Sup. Tr., 30th Div., 105th Regt. ; of Surry County ; son of S. M. and Emma Hale. Entered service May, 1917, at Mt. Airy, N. C. Sent to Camp Surry, S. C. Transferred to Chicago, from there to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France June 12, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Sept., 1917. Returned to U. S. A. April 10, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 12, 1919. GULLEY, NEWTON S., Sergt., 55th Brigade, Batry. B, 30th Div., 113th Regt.; of Nash County; son of M. M. and Mrs. S. A. Gulley. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Washington, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Transferred to Hoboken, N. J. Sailed for France May 8, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel Drive. Was in all en- gagements with his Regiment. Returned to U. S. A. March 28, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. GULLICK, JOHN A., 2nd Lt., Inf., Co. M. G., 3rd Div.; son of J. A. and Ella Gullick; of Gaston County. Husband of Ruth Lineberger. Entered service Oct. 23, 1917. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Hancock, then to Camp Upton. Sailed to France July 31, 1918. Promoted to 2nd Lt. Nov. 20, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. With Army of Occupation five months. Returned to U. S. A. July 31, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., Aug. 6, 1919. GURGAUS, JEHU, Machinist, Bat. B, 30th Div., 113th Regt.; son of Mr. John and Mrs. L. Gurgaus; of Beaufort County. Entered service June 29, 1917, at Washington, N. C. Sent to Greenville, S. C. Transfer- red to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Was in all battles with 113th until wounded. Gassed at Ar- gonne Forest Oct. 6, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Feb. 22, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, March 8, 1919. HALE, RUSSELL L., Private 1st Class, Inf., Co. C, 30th Div., 120th Regt. ; of Halifax County ; son of T. F. and Mrs. Laura Hale. Husband of Mrs. Lizzie Hale. En- tered service July 19, 1917, at Henderson, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 18, 1918. Fought at Hindenburg Line, Martin River, Oct. 18, 1918. Zellebeke Lake, Hindenburg Line defensive, Bellicourt. Arrived in U. S. A. April 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 17, 1919. HAMER, ROBERT S., Seaman, Navy ; son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hamer ; of Robeson County. Entered the ser- vice May 7, 1918, at Maxton, N. C. Was sent to Camp at Norfolk, Va. Transferred to Hampton Roads then to Camp in Minnesota, then to Ohio. Later engaged in con- voying troops from France over Transport "Nor. Pacific and Callas." Mustered out at Norfolk, Va., Sept. 18, 1919. HAMILTON, LUTHER, 2nd Lt., Inf., Machine Gun, 7th Div., 20th Machine Gun Bn. ; of Carteret County ; son of S. E. and Rebecca W. Hamilton. Husband of Marie Long Hamilton. Entered service Aug. 25, 1917, at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Transferred to Ft. Bliss, Texas, from there to Camp McArthur. Sailing for Liverpool, Eng., Aug. 20, 1918. From Camp McArthur, Waco, Texas, to Camp Merritt, N. J., then overseas. Fought at Metz Sector, Lorraine. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., May 15, 1919. GURGANUS, HARRY S., Cook, Med. Corps, 115th Ambulance Co., 29th Div., 104th Sanitary Train; of Washington County; son of C. W. and Mrs. Josephine Gurganus. Entered service July 27, 1917, at Norfolk, Va. Sent to Camp McClellan, Ala. Sailed for France July 16, 1918. Fought at Alsace Front, Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Verdun. Returned to U. S. A. May 22, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Meade, Md., June 2, 1919. GURGANUS, EDWARD P., Jr., Sergt., 119th Inf., Co. I, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Pender County; son of Edward P. and Mrs. Sarah Gurganus. Entered service April 21, 1917, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Camp Royster, N. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for Caiais, France, May 28, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. Nov. 2, 1917. Fought at Ypres 8-31-18, Bellicourt 9-29-18, Busigny 10-10-18, St. Souplel 10-10-18 to 10-17-18. Arrived in U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. HAIGH, ROBERT G., Private, F. Artly., Btry. A, 81st Div.. 317th Regt.; of Cumberland County; son of R. G. and Marion Taylor Haigh. Entered service March 3, 1918, at Fayetteville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France July. 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June, 1919. HAMILTON, HENRY F., Private, F. Artly. Born in Lee County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hamilton. Entered service Aug. 27, 1918, at Jonesboro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, from there to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Oct. 16, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. April 21, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 13, 1919. HAMLET, HERBERT, Wagoner, 306th Ammunition Train, Co. B, 81st Div.; from Nash County, N. C: son of V. G. and Efl'ie Hamlet. Entered the service at Nashville, N. C, March 29, 1918, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and then transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 7, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel and Argonne. Returned to the U. S. A. June, 1919, and mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C June 27, 1919. HANCOCK, JOSEPH, Private, 1st Class, Co. M. Inf., 30th Div., 120th Regt.; of Durham County; son of Will and Mrs. Sallie Hancock. Entered service Feb. 1, 1915, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, Aug. 15, 1917. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Was in three different hospitals in France. Wounded Somme. near St. Quentin Sept. 29th. by high explosive shell lost rig, lit leg, four toes off left foot, compound fracture, three litis right side, compound fracture right arm near wrist, flesh wound in left leg above knee. Was on Mexi- can border nine months. Returned to U. S. A. Dec. 30, 1918. Mustered out at Washington. D. C, Nov. 12, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD HAKIM, CHARLES M., 1st class Private, F. A. Btry. A, 30th Div., 113th Reg. ; of Lenoir County ; son of Maronn and Marie Hakim. Entered service July 7, 1917, at La Grange, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Greene, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France Oct. 1, 1917. Transferred to 1st Army Hdqrs. Reg. Serv- ed with them all over France in danger zone, guarding ammunition trains with rifles, also French interpreter for Hdqrs. officers. After Armistice was signed trans- ferred to 226th M. P. Now located in LaGrange, N. C, in business. Returned to U. S. A. Sept. 1, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., Sept. 7, 1919. HANNON, WILLIAM M., Sergeant, First Class, Q. M. C, Charlotte, N. C. Enlisted July 25, 1917, New Haven, Conn., 26th Division. Sailed for France Septem- ber 9, 1917. Returned to States April 4, 1919. Discharg- ed April 19, 1919. Served with 102nd Infantry and Divis- ion Headquarters, Q. M. C. HALL, N. F., Corpl., Inf., Co. F, 81st Div., 322nd Reg.; of Stokes County; son of W. E. and Columbia Hall. Entered service Sept. 20, 1917, at Danbury, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, from there to Camp Upton. Sailing for France July 31, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. June, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Wounded at Battle ol Meuse-Argonne, Nov. 9, 1918. Sent to Hospital Base No. 68, then to 99th, then to 120th. Returned to U. S. A. Feb. 12, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 3, 1919. HARRIS, EDWARD C, 2nd Lt., M. G. Co., 81st Div. 321st Inf. Born in Vance County; son of Edward W. and Meta Earl Harris. Entered service April, 1917, at Wen- dell, N. C. Went to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Sailed for France Aug. 5, 1918. Wounded in France Nov. 11, 1918. Died Nov. 12, 1918. An exceptionally brave officer. Carried his machine gun through wire entanglement and put it in position under violent fire from three enemy machine guns. Fatally wounded, but commanded his men to leave him and continue fighting. Received Croix de Guerre with Palm and D. S. Cross for heroism at Grimancourt, France. Graduated from Trinity College, 1917. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD HAND, LeROY C, 1st Lt., Btry. B, 30th Div., 113th F. Artly.; son of Mr. D. and Mrs. Etta Hand; of Colum- bus County. Husband of Mrs. Helen S. Hand. Entered service May 15, 1917, at Chadbourn, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 19, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. then Sergt., 2nd Lt. Oct., 1917, 1st Lt. March 2, 1918. Firing Instruc- tor F. Artly. School at Camp De Souge, France Aug. 14, 1918, to Dec. 10, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. March 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 15, 1919. HARDEE, DAVID L., Mechanic, F. Artly., Batty. B, 113th Regt., 30th Div.; from Pitt County, N. C. ; son of D. W. and Henrietta Pitt. Entered the service at Green- ville, N. C, April, 1917, and sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and transferred to Camp Mills, Long Island. Sailed for France May, 1918. Promoted Mechanic Nov., 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Verdun and Toul Sector. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, March, 1919. HARDY, 0. B., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. H, 30th Div., 120th Regt.; of Halifax County; son of Ben.i. and Mrs. Martha Hardy. Husband of Mrs. Pear (Seagrave) Hardy. Entered service Oct. 3, 1917, at Littleton, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Se- vier, S. C. Sailed for Calais, France, May 28, 1918. Pro- moted to 1st Class Private Nov. 3, 1917. Arrived in U. S. A. from St. Nazaire, France, April 13, 1919, at Charles- leston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 19, 1919. HARDY, HARVEY H., Sergt., Regt. Hdqrs. Co., 30tli Div., 120th Regt. ; of Edgecombe County ; son of R. L. and Mrs. Sallie Hardy. Husband of Mrs. Jamie Olivia Hardy. Entered service Oct. 3, 1917, at Tarboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Se- vier, S. C, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. He was with Co. B, at Cambrai Hill, Lankoff Farm. Was transferred from Co. B, to Regimental Hdqrs., 120th Inf. Returned to U. S. A. April 10, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 17, 1919. HARDY, LAWRENCE M., Private, Q. M. C; of Le- noir County; son of Milton and Delia Hardy. Entered service July 3, 1918, at LaGrange. Sent to Ft. Thomas. Transferred to Camp Meiggs, then to Camp Meade, go- ing from there to France Aug. 31, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. July 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 17, 1919. HARELL, GEO. L., Private, 1st Class, Artly., Btry. F, 317th F. Artly., 81st Div.; from Edgecombe County, N. C; son of G. W. and Nannie Hick Harell. Entered the service at Tarboro, N. C, May 6, 1918. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and then to Hoboken, N. J. Sailed for France, Aug. 9, 1918. Returned to the U. S. A. June 8, 1919. Mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 20, 1919. HARPER, JESSE F., Jr., Sergt., Inf.. Co. F, 81 si Div., 322nd Regt. Born in Greene County May 19, 1893; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Harper. Entered service Sept. 7, 1917, at Snow Hill, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, from there to Camp Sevier Oct., 1918. Sailed for France Aug. 20, 1918. Fought in all engagements of 81st Div. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 26, 1919. HARRELL, OLIVER, Private, Ordnance, 81st Div., 306th Ammunition Train; of Northampton County; son of W. T. and Mrs. Martha Jane Harrell. Entered service March, 23, 1918, at Rich Square, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for France Aug. 25, 1918. Arriv- ed in U. S. A. June 22, 1919, at Charleston, S. C. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 25, 1919. HARRISON, G. CAMPBELL, Private 1st Class, Batry. E, 81st Div., 317th F. Artly.; son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Campbell ; of Iredell County. Entered service May 29, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 7, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. April 21, 1919. Mustered out tit Camp Jackson, S. C, May 31, 1919. HARRELSON, VETTER M., Private Artly. Born in Cumberland County; son of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Har- i-elson. Husband of Mrs. Mary Harrelson. Entered Service Aug. 26, 1918, at Fayetteville, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, from there to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Oct. 28, 1918. Landed in U. S. A. June 5, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 21, 1919. HARRELSON, OLIVER T., 1st Class Private, Inf., Co. K, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Born in Cumberland Coun- ty Jan., 1895 ; son of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Harrelson. En- tered service May 25, 1918, at Fayetteville, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S- C, from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed to France July 31, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, St. Die. Landed in the U. S. A. June 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 27, 1919. HARRINGTON, RONALD J., Private, Artly., Batry. B, 30th Div., 113th Regt.; of Pitt County; son of J. A. and Mrs. Mary Harrington. Husband of Mrs. Julia Luicke Harrington. Entered service May, 1917, at Ay- den, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 25, 1918. Fought at Meuse- Argonne, St. Mihiel, Woevre, Toul Sector. Gassed at St. Maurice Nov. 9, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. March 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 28, 1919. HARRIS, VICTOR E., Private, Co. C, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Born in Chatham County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Harris. Entered the service at Durham, N. C, April 1, 1918, was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mer- ritt, N. J., and sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at Ypres and wounded by shrapnel at Ypres July 18, 1918. Was sent to Hospital No. 19 at Yechy and to Walter Reid Hospital, Washington, D. C. Returned to U. S. A. Sept. 11, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Wadsworth, S. C, Feb. 8, 1919. HARRIS, GRAHAM WAVERLV, Sergt, Machine Gun Co., 30th Div., 120th Inf.; of Granville County: son of R. W. and Mrs. Mary D. Harris. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Oxford, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. S. C. Transferred to Boston, Mass. Sailed for France June 4, 1917. Promoted to Corpl. Aug. 4, 1917, to Sergt. July, 1918. Fought at St. Quentin. Kimmel, Belgium, Belli- COUrt. Has British M. M. and American D. S. C. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 17, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD HARRIS, ERVIN, Private, 1st Class, Artly., Batry. F, 81st Div., 317th Regt.; of Edgecomb County; son of Marion Harris and Mrs. Florence Harris. Entered ser- vice May 30, 1918. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for Liverpool, Eng., and France Aug. 25, 1918. Promoted to 1st Class Private Oct., 1918. Arrived in U. S. A., from Brest, France, April 20, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 8, 1919. HART, L. V., Sergt, Base Hospital No. 65; from Edgecombe County, N. C. ; son of L. V. and Annie C. Hart. Husband of Lillian Laurratta Hart. Entered the service at Atlanta, Ga., March 3, 1918, and sent to Ft. McPher- son, Ga., and then transferred to Camp Upton. Sailed for France Aug. 30, 1918. Returned to the U. S. A. Aug. 14, 1919, and mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 18, 1919. HARRIS, STACY EDWARD, Med. Replacement No. 25. Born in Cumberland County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris. Husband of Mary Elizabeth Harris. En- tered service June 5, 1918, at Fayetteville, N. C. Was sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C, from there to Camp Mer- ritt. Sailed for France July 9, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Aug. 1, 1919. Was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 5, 1919. HARRIS, TALTON E., Sergt., Artly., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., F. A., 113th Regt. Born in Vance County; son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Harris. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, Aug., 1917. Sailed for France May, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. July 25, 1917, to rank of Sergt. Sept., 1918. Fought at Toul Sector, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne and Woevre. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, March, 1919. HARRIS, ADA ESTELLE ; of Concord, N. C, Cabar- rus County. Entered the service at Camp Meade as Army Nurse, unattached. Joined Dr. Long's Unit from Greens- boro, N. C, and sailed for France Sept. 1, 1918, from New York. Landed at Liverpool, Eng. Then went to Havre, France, from there to Brest. Sailed over on Convoy Unit to Base Hospital No. 65 — Debarkation Hospital for wounded sold ; ers to be sent back to the LInited States. Sailed for U. S. A. June 1, 1919. Arrived June 11, 1919. Discharged July 6, 1919, at New Ycrk. HARRIS, CLIFF M., Gunners' Mate, 1st Class, Navy; of Pasquotank County; son of Cliff and Addie Harris. Husband of Dorothy Harris. Entered service April 6, 1917, at Elizabeth City, N. C. Sent to Norfolk Va., then to U. S. S. "Messick," to U. S. S. "Montgomery," then to St. Helena Training Station to help put 128 S. C. in com- mission. Went across on her and was in naval battle on taking Austrian Dorazzo. Austrian Sub. Base, near Dorazzo. One year in overseas duty. After Nov. 11th was doing relief duty with Red Cross in Far East. Re- ceived medal from Italian Government. Mustered out at Camp Hampton Roads, July 2, 1919. HARRISON, SIMON PETER, Private, Artly., Batry. D, 115th Regt., 30th Div.; from Martin County, N. C; son of Mary A. Harrison. Entered the service at Wil- limaston, N. C, April 26, 1918, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and then transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, and then to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne, and all battles up to Oct. 11, 1918. Gassed at Argonne Forest and sent to Base Hospital No. 48. Mustered out of the service at Ft. Oglehtorpe, Ga. HARRISON, J. L., Seaman, 1st Class, U. S. Navy D. O. W. Born in Iredell County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Harrison. Entered service May 15, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. Was sent to Newport, R. I. Transferred to U. S. S. "Agansemnon." Overseas to Brest, France, Sept., 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Feb. 6, 1919, landing at Hoboken, N. J. Made three trips across. Mustered out at Norfolk, Va., Feb. 12, 1919. HART, EDGAR L., Private; from Edgecombe County, N. C. ; son of L. V. and Annie C. Hart. Entered the ser- vice at Tarboro, N. C, Sept., 1918, and sent to Trinity College, Durham, N. C. Mustered out of the service at Trinity College, Durham, N. C, Dec. 7, 1918. HART, J. WILBUR, 1st Class Private, Co. M, 7th Div., 64th Regt.; of Pitt County; son of J. S. and Kittie Hart. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Ayden, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed to Brest, France, Aug. 20, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne offensive. Sent to Base Hospital No. 51, near Toul. Returned to U. S. A. June 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Julv 1, 1919. HART, LOUIE F., Private, Pioneer, Inf., Co. C, 56th Rest.; of Union County; son of S. B. and Hattie Hart. Entered service Aug. 8, 1918, at Monroe, N. C. Sent to Camp Wadsworth. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France, Sept. 4, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. then with Army of Occupation from Dec, 1918, to May, 1919. Returned to U. S. A. June 25, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 5, 1919. HARTSELL, JOE A., Med., Capt. Med. Corps, Base Hospital No. 54 ; of Cabarrus County ; son of J. I. and Mrs. Minnie Hill Hartsell. Husband of Mrs. Leah Miller. Entered service March 25, 1918, at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Sent to Greenleaf. Transferred to Camp Greene. Sailed for France Aug. 14, 1918. Promoted to rank of Capt. May 1, 1919. Returned from France May 29, 1919. Served overseas as Surgical Assistant, Base Hospital No. 54, Mesues Hospital Center, Oct. 1st until Oct. 21, 1918. Operating Team No. 169, Evacuation Hospital No. 10. Mustered out at Camp Dix, June 2, 1919. HARTSELL, JASPER C, Private, Co. Hdqrs., 9th Div., 46th Inf. ; son of Mr. B. W. and Mrs. B. W. Hartsell ; of Montgomery County. Entered service June 4, 1917, at Mi. Gilead. Sent to Camp Ft. Thomas, then to Mont- gomery, Ala., then Taylor, Ky., Oglethorpe and Gordon, Ga. Mustered out at Oglethorpe, Ga., July 18, 1919. HARVEY, CHARLES F., Jr., 1st Lt., Q. M. C, De- tached Co. ; of Lenoir County ; son of C. F., Sr., and Mary Heartt Harvey. Husband of Lilla Gill Harvey. Entered service Sept. 30, 1917. Transferred to Camp Greenleaf, from there to Camp Greene. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. May 8, 1918, 1st Lt. Nov. 8, 1918. Recommended for Captaincy but acceoted discharge. Mustered out at Camp Greene, Dec. 3, 1918. HASSELL, HERMAN L., Wagoner, 80th Div., 317th Amb. ; son of Mr. E. K. and Mrs. Mary Hassell ; of Lenoir County. Entered service Sept. 18, 1918, at Kinston, N. C. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for France May 25, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. June 1, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 13, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD HASSELL, JULIAN W., Wagoner, Aumbulance Co., Co. 317, 80th Div., Regt. 305th Sanitary Train; of Lenoir County; son of E. K. and Mary Hassell. Entered service Sept. 17, 1917, at Kinston, N. C. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. To Bordeaux, France, June 11, 1918. Fought at Meuse- Argonne Offensive. Returned to U. S. A. May 31, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 12, 1919. HASSELL, JOHN WALTON, 2nd Lt., M. G. Co., 59th Inf., 4th Div. Born in Martin County, N. C, Nov. 1, 1886; the son of Cushing Biggs and Ella Walton Hassell. Entered the service at Williamston, N. C, Aug. 27, 1917, arc! sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Transferred to Camp Greene, N. C, and then to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France May 29, 1918. Promoted to 2nd Lt. Nov. 27, 1917. Fought at the second battle of the Marne and wounded at the Battle of Marne July 18, 1918, by shrapnel and died of wounds July 18, 1918, at Chevilon, France, an' I burie'l at Aisne Cemetery. HASKETT, GEO. E., Sergt, Inf., Intelligence Sec- tion, Co. G, 323rd Regt., 81st Div. Born in Lenoir Coun- ty, N. C, Sept. 19, 1891 ; son of J. P. and Katie D. Has- kett. Entered the service at Wilmington, N. C, May 17, 1918. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and then transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France, July 3, 1918. Promoted to Sergt, Sept., 1918. Fought at Vosges Mts. Was in 5th Army Training School from Oct. 10, 1918, to Nov. 11, 1918. Returned to the U. S. A. May 31, 1913, and mustered out of the service at Camp Mills, N. Y., June 3, 1919. HASTINGS, CHAS. LOTT, 1st Class Private, Inf., Co. G, 30th Div., 118th Regt. Born in Forsythe County Feb. 27, 1895; son of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hastings. En- tered service March 22, 1918, at Winston-Salem, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought in all engagements of the 30th Div. Wounded on Hindenburg Line Sept. 29, 1918. Sent to Hospital No. 53, France. Died Oct. 1, 1918. Buried at Tincourt, British Cemetery, in France. HASTY, CLARENCE A., Corpl., C. A. C, Co. A, 42nd Div., 117th T. H. M. P. Regt.; of Robeson County; son of D. W. and Anna Hasty. Entered service July 28, 1917, at Richmond, Va. Sent to Ft. Monroe. Transfer- red to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Oct. 15, 1917. Pro- moted to rank as Corpl. July, 1918. Fought at Cham- pagne, Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Re- turned to U. S. A. May 8, 1919, Newport News, Va. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 12, 1919. HAUSER, R. F., Private, Inf., Co. G, 27th Div., 106th Regt. ; of Carteret County ; son of W. A. and Cora Hauser. Entered service Aug. 5, 1918, at Morehead City, N. C. Sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Sailed for Brest, France, Sept. 14, 1918. Landed in U. S. A. March 6, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 5, 1919. HATHCOCK, C. L., 1st Class Private, 306th Regt. Born in Cabarrus County. Entered the service June 25, 1918, at Concord, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills, N. J. Sailed for France July 81, 1918. Was at La Vahlon, France, with same outfit. Returned to U. S. A. March 1, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 1, 1919. HATHCOCK, THOMAS A., Major, Med. Corps, 31st Div. ; of Stanley County ; son of the late T. A. and Sarah Katherine Hathcock. Husband of Estelle (Dunlap) Hathcock. Entered service Aug. 2, 1917, at Norwood. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe; transferred to Camp Wheeler; then Promoted to Capt. May 23, 1918. Major Jan., 1919. On duty ao Base Hospital at Camp Wheeler. Transferred to Evacuation Hospital No. 52, Ft. Oglethorpe, remained with this group until Armistice was signed. Ranking officer until discharged. Mustered out at Ft. Oglethorpe, Dec. 5, 1918. His father, T. A. Hathcock, was Captain of Confederate Home Guard in the Civil War. HATSELL, GEO. LEO, Corpl., ,Co. B, 30th Div. 113th F. Artly. Born in Onslow County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G. Hatsell. Husband of Rosalie Hatsell. Entered service Aug. 6, 1917, at Washington, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. From there to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Was in all battles with 113th F. Artly. Wounded in Argonne Forest Oct. 5, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. March 19, 1919. Mustered cut at Camp Jackson, March 28, 1919. HAYES, HAL K., 2nd Lt., Bat. A, 326th F. Artly., 84th Div. ; from Iredell County, N. C. ; son of J. Lee and Matilda Hayes. Husband of Mrs. Gayzelle Hayes. En- tered the service at Mooresville, N. C, June 6, 1917, and sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France June 12, 1918. Promoted to 2nd Lt. Oct. 1, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel and the 3rd Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Served in the N. C. N. G. Returned ta the U. S. A. Feb. 10, 1919, and mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Ya., Feb. 25, 1919. HAYNES, CLARENCE A., Wagoner, 113th F. Artly., Supply Co., 30th Div. ; of Guilford County ; son of Jacob A. and Mrs. Elizabeth Haynes. Husband of Mrs. Ellen Stalker Haynes. Entered service July 8, 1916, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for Brest, France, May 2, 1918. Fought at Defense of Toul Sector, Aug. 26th. to Sept. 18th. Wounded at St. Mihiel Sept. 18, 1918. Shell sock- ed. Sent to American Hospital. St. Mihiel Offensive Sept. 14th to 18th, Meuse-Argonne Oct. 11th to Nov. 7, 1918. Defense Wamues Section, Wamues Offensive Nov. 7th to Nov. 11, 1918. Served on Mexican border from July 8, 1916, to Feb. 13, 1917. Sailed from St. Na- zaire May 2, 1919. Returned to U. S. A. March 12. 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 28, 1919. HAYWOOD, FRANK, Corpl., Inf., Co. B, 30th Div., 120th Regt. ; Montgomery County ; son of Jesse and Lizzie Haywood. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Ml. Gilead. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 12, 1919. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Oct., 1917. Fought at all engagements with the 120th up till Oct. 8th, when he was wounded at Bellicourt by bullet. Sent to British Hospital, Plymouth. Returned to U. S. A. Dec. 23, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Jan. 26, 1919. IIAYWORTH, W. E., Cook, M. T. D., Co. 29, Group 5. Born Jan. 28, 1887; son of J. H. and L. E. Hayworth; of Guilford County. Husband of Mrs. Emma Hayworth. Entered the service at High Point, N. C, July 25, 1918. Sent to Camp Hancock, Ga. Mustered out of the service at Camp Hancock, Ga., Dec. 20, 1918. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD The Gate to the Town, Guerande, France ■'' <&K?- y & ''■'■ *■ LlffiW' INTERIOR OF A BRETON HOME If in the course of a long hike or stroll you should pass through a peasant village in that section of France known as Breton, and by way of reviving yourself, should drop by the home of a peasant and ask to be served a glass of "vin blanc," and suddenly, while seated at the dining table in the kitchen, to be served, you should find yourself growing uncomfortable on account of a breeze blowing on the back of your neck — a breeze that seems to have the double fragrance of new mown hay and wild onions, don't move, you are not in a draught, it's the breath of "Daisy," the French peasant's cow, whose apartment adjoins the kitchen. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD HEADEN, CLYDE C, Corpl., Artly., Truck Co. No. 6, 1st Corps Artly. Park. Born in Chatham County, N. C, May 24, 1891 ; son of I. B. and Sallie Perry Headen. Entered the service at Siler City, N. C, March 27, 1918. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and then transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 22, 1918. Pro- moted to Corpl. Aug-. 1, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, Chateau-Tnierry, Verdun, Aisne Marne, Oise Aisne and Champagne Defensive. Mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 6, 1919. HEDGEPETH, IVEY, Private, Co. K, 120th Regt., 30th Div. ; from Halifax County, N. C. ; son of A. R. and Katie Hedfiepeth. Entered t'ie service at Halifax, N. C, Oct. 2, 1917. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for France June 6, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium, and Bellicourt. Wounded at battle of Bellicourt Sept. 29, 1918, by shell in hip. Sent to Base Hospital No. 29, Tot- tenham, Eng. Returned to the U. S. A. April 13, 1919, and mustered cut of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 18, 1919. HEDRICK, WILEY A., Sergt. ; from Davidson Coun- ty, N. C; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hedrick. Entered the service at High Point, N. C, June 28, 1918, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Promoted to Sergt. Aug., 1918. Instructor in Camp School. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, Feb. 14, 1919. HENDERSON, EDWIN B., Cook, 306th Ammunition Train, Co. E, 81st Div. ; of Nash County ; son of G. M. and Mrs. Betty Henderson. Husband of Mrs. Margaret Henderson. Entered service April 26, 1917, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Mills, N. J. Sailed for France Aug. 28, 1917. Ar- rived in U. S. A. June 8, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 8, 1919. HENDERSON, A. E., Supply Sergt., Artly., 81st Div., 306th Trench Mortar; of Franklin County; son of R. B. and Lilla Henderson. Entered service Oct. 22, 1917, at Franklinton, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for France Aug. 31, 1918. Promoted to rank of Supply Sergt. May, 1918. Landed in U. S. A. March 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 1, 1919. HENDRIX, JOHN MAXWELL, Sergt., 1st Class, Med. Corps, 81st Div., 321st Ambulance. Born in Guil- ford County; son of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hendrix. Husband of Mrs. Lillie James Hendrix. Entered service June 26, 1917, at Greensboro, N. C. Was sent to Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., and from there to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, and sailed for France August 25, 1918. Promoted to rank of 1st Class Sergeant January, 1918. Fought at St. Die Sector, Meuse-Ar- gonne. Returned to U. S. A. April 15, 1919. Landed at Hoboken, N. J., and was mustered out at Camp Lee Va., April 25, 1919. HEEDEN, ERNEST, Sergt., 1st Class, Med. Corps, 81st Div., 322nd Inf.; of Wilson County; son of C. and Mrs. Mary Heeden. Entered service Oct. 3, 1917, at Wilson, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Upton. Sailed for France Aug., 1918. Promoted to rank of 1st Class Sergt. Oct., 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, Vosges Mts., Toul Sec- tor and Verdun. Citation from Commanding General for gallantry under fire at Verdun. Returned to U. S. A. June, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. HELMS, JOSEPH A., Ensign, Navy. Born in Union County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. A. Helms. En- tered service at Monroe June 1, 1917. Was sent to Brook- lyn and from there to Norfolk, Va. Was sent to Engi- neering School in New York. Promoted to rank of En- sign July, 1919. Mustered out in New York, Aug., 1919. HENKEL, CLYDE A., 1st Class Private, 61st Engi- neers, Co. B. Born in Catawba County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Henkel. Entered service May 17, 1918, at Newton, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ind. From there he was sent to Camp Upton. Sailed for France July 21, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Aug. 3, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 12, 1919. HERMAN, PERRY E., 1st Class Private, 30th M. P. Co., 30th Div. Born in Catawba County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Herman. Entered the service April 15, 1917, at Statesville, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 29, 1918. Fought in all actions of the 30th Div. Returned to the U .S. A. April 11, 1919. Landed at Charleston, S. C, April 15, 1919. Enlisted in Troop A, N. C. Cavalry, in Lincolnton, N. C. HELMS, JAS. H., Musician, Navy. Born in Union County; son of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. A. Helms. Entered service June 27, 1917, at Monroe, N. C. Sent to Norfolk, Va., and then transferred to U. S. S. "Minnesota," then to U. S. S. "Utah." On convoy and patrol duty off Irish Coast with "Utah." Mustered out at Norfolk, Va., Aug. 12, 1919. HEMPHILL, RODNEY, Private, 1st Class, Med., 42nd Amb. ; son of Mr. G. H. and Mrs. Elmira Hemphill; of Rutherford County. Husband of Mrs. Mattie Sim- mons. Entered service Dec. 8, 1917, at Gastonia, N. C. Sent to Camp Ft. Thomas. Transferred to Camp Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Sailed for France May 23, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Returned to U. S. A. May 23, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 6, 1919. HERNDON, JAMES A., Private, 321st Inf.. 81st Div.; of Guilford County; son of W. C. and Mrs. Laura E. Herndon. Entered service May 28, 1918, at High Point. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, May 28, 1918. Trans- ferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Upton, N. J. Sailed for Southampton, Eng. Fought near Verdun, France, three last battles. Set sail from Brest, March 5, 1919; landed in U. S. A. March 19, at New York. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 4, 1919. HERNDON, R. I).. Corporal. Artillery. Reg. 6. F. A. R. D. ; of Orange County; son of S. L. and Cora Herndon. Entered service June 26, 1918, at Chapel Hill, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Promoted to rank of Corporal Sep- tember, 1918. Was Battery Clerk four months. Muster- ed out at Camp Jackson, S. C, Dec. 7, 1918. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD HARRIS, HARRISON PEARLIE, Corpl., Co. B, 30th Div., 119th Inf.; of Wayne County; born Nov. 24, 1897; son of J. M. and Laura M. Smith Harris. Entered service May 25, 1917, at Kinston, N. C. Sent to Camp Wads- worth. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Was in all engagements until killed at Hindenburg Line, Sept. 29, 1919. Buried in American Cemetery, Bony Aisne, France. HOLLEMAN, WALTER EDWIN, 1st Class Private, Co. F, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Born in Forsyth County Sept. 2, 1895; son of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. E. Holleman. Husband of Mrs. Edith B. Holleman. Entered the service May 26, 1918, at Winston-Salem, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, May 27, 1918. From there was transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there was sent to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France Sept. 11, 1918. Fought at Vosges Mts., Meuse-Argonne. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 4, 1919. HATEM, A. S., 1st Lt. Co. A, 79th Div., 310th Ma- chine Gun Battalion ; born in Pitt County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Hatem. Entered service October, 1917, at Green- ville, N. C. Was sent to Camp Meade, Md. Sailed for France June 25, 1918. Promoted to rank of Lieutenant November, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne offensive. Received shrapnel wound, Meuse-Argonne, Sept. 27, 1918. Sent to Hospital No. 18. Served on Mex- ican border six months, 24 months Philippine Islands, also in China. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., July 5, 1919. First enlistment was from 1911 to 1914. HILL, EDWIN G., Yeoman 1st Class, U. S. N. R. F. ; of Craven County ; son of Charles B. and Clare Hill. En- tered service May 22, 1918, at Wilmington, N. C. Sent to Charleston, S. C, July 25, 1918. Served in U. S. Naval Clothing Factory, Navy Yard, Charleston, S. C, from July 26, 1918, to June 2, 1919. Transferred to Supply Dept., Navy Yard, Charleston, S. C, June 2, 1919, and served until discharged. Member 1st Co., C. A. C, N. C. N. G. Served a period of enlistment three years. Com- pany organized at New Bern, N. C. Mustered out at Charleston, S. C, August 7, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD HERNDON, JOHN G., Corpl., Co. F, 18th Div., 35th Inf. ; of Chatham County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Herndon, and husband of Lena May Herndon. Entered service May, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Fort Thomas. Transferred to Arizona, then to San Antonio, Texas. Served on Mexican border 16 months. Was in one battle on Mexican border the 27th day of August, 1918. Mus- tered out at Camp Sevier Feb. 18, 1919. HIBBARD, ALBERT LYON, Sergt, Inf., Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Regt. ; of Craven County; the; son of A. E. and Mamie Hibbard. Entered service June 27, 1916, at New Bern, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn. Transferred to Camp Stewart, Texas, from there to Camp Merritt, and then to France. Promoted to rank of Corpl. July, 1917. Sergt. Sept., 1918. Fought at Bellicourt Sector, Ypres. Wounded at Battle of Bellicourt Sept. 29, 1918. Gun shot in the left thigh. Sent to Hospital Trouville No. 72. Returned to II. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 7, 1919. HICKS, CHARLES H., Wagoner, Co. Supply, 120th Inf., 30th Div.; son of W. A. and Dora Hicks. Husband of Clyda Hopkins Hicks; of Davidson County. Entered service June 19, 1916, at Thomasville, N. C. Sent to Camp at Morehead City, N. C, later to Mexican border. Transferred to Raleigh, N. C, then to Sevier, S. C. Landed at Dover, May 25, 1918, was engaged in all battles with 30th Div., 120th Regt. Returned to U. S. A. April 3, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 8, 1919. HILL, WILLIAM S., Head Cook, Inf., Co. B, 30th Div., 120th Regt.; of Pitt County; son of Stephen and Martha Hill. Husband of Eunice Coggins Hill. Entered service Aug. 28, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Boston. Sailing for France May 7, 1918. Fought at Ypres, St. Mihiel, St. Quentin, Cam- brai. Wounded at Battle of St. Quentin by shrapnel. Gassed at St. Quentin Sept. 29, 1919. Returned to U. S. A. Dec. 16, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Wadsworth, Feb. 21, 1919. HILL, WILLIAM I., Private, Inf., Co. G, 358th Regt., 9Cth Div. Born in Hertford County, N. C, May 18, 1891 ; son of A. T. and Rosa D. Hill. Entered the service at Co- field, N. C, May 29, 1918. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, and then to Camp Upton. Sailed for France Sept. 17, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne and St. Mihiel. Trained with the 81st Div., but transferred to 90th Div. Returned to the U. S. A. June 7, 1919, and mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1919. HILLIARD, RALPH P., 1st Class H. A., 5th Naval Dis. ; son of Mr. J. W. and Mrs. Rosa Hilliard ; of John- son County. Husband of Estelle Hilliard. Entered ser- vice May 1, 1918, at Clayton, N. C. Sent to Annapolis Naval Hospital Oct. 2, 1918. Mustered out at Annapolis Naval Hospital, Feb. 3, 1919. HICKMAN, LORA A., Cook, 323rd Inf., Co. F, 81st Div.; of Nash County; son of L. M. and Mrs. Caldona Hickman. Entered service March 1, 1918, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, from there to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sail- ed for France Aug. 14, 1918. Fought at Vosges Front, St. Die Sector, Manhuelles Nov. 11, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. June 14, 1919. Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 27, 1919. HIGH, RONEY M., 1st Lt., Inf., Co. B, 61st Regt., 5th Div.; from Johnson County, N. C. and son of J. G. and Martin High. Entered the service at Wilson, N. C, May 24, 1917. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Sailed for France July 29, 1917. Date of promotion Aug. 24, 1917. Fought at St. Die Defensive, Verdun Sector, Somdieux Defensive, and Meuse-Argonne. Wounded at Meuse-Ar- gonne Nov. 9, 1918, slightly gassed. Returned to the U. S. A. July 30, 1919, and mustered out of the service at Camp Gordon, Ga., Oct. 29, 1919. HIGHSMITH, J. D., Dr., Medical; of Cumberland County; son of Dr. J. F. and Mary Lou Highsmith. En- tered service Sept. 1, 1917, at Philadelphia, Pa. Was stu- dent at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., un- til June 1, 1918, was then interne at Episcopal Hospital, Philadelphia, until discharged. Never had any active ser- vice. Mustered out at Philadelphia, Pa., March 29. 1919. HILL, SHEPHERD M., Sergt., 1st Corps, Arlly. Park, 3id Ammunition Train; of Durham County; son of C. F. and Mrs. Josephine Hill. Entered service Feb. 26, 1918, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 22, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, Oise Aisne, Marne Aisne, Champagne Maine. Returned to II. S. A. Aug. 7, 1919. Landed at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 11, 1919. HILLIARD, E. H., Seaman, 2nd Class, U. S. N.; from Johnson County, N. C. ; son of William and Mary Hilliard. Entered the service at Raleigh, N. O, May 21, 1918. Sent to Hampton Roads, Va. Served on U. S. S. "Vermont," receiving ship, Norfolk, Va., and U. S. S. "Kansied." Mustered out of the service at Hampton Roads, Va., Aug. 28, 1919. HILLIARD, J. B., Corpl., Artly. Hdcp-s. Co., 113th F. Artly. ,30th Div. ; from Nash County, N. C. ; son of S. R. and S. E. Hilliard. Entered the service at Raleigh, N. C, July 28, 1917. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. and then transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France May 25, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Woevre and Toul Sectors. Returned to the U. S. A. March 18, 1919. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 29, 1919. HINSON, WILL E., 1st Class Private, 30th Div., 105th Sanitary Train. Born in Cabarrus County. Entered the service June 9, 1917, at Concord, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and then to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed for France June 4, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium Aug. 25th to Sept 10th, St. Quentin, Cambrai, Woevre Sector. Returned to the United States April 3. 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7. 1.019. I11NTON, A. C. 1st Class Private, Co. C, 30th Div., 105th Supply Train; of Nash County; son of J. W. and L. K. llinton. Husband of Mrs. Ida Hinton. Entered ser- vice Sept. 3, 1917, at Nashville, N. C. Sent to Camp .lark- son, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C Discharged on having dependents. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, Feb. 11, 1918. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD HODGE, EARL 0., Seaman, 1st Class, U. S. N.; from the County of Wake, N. C. ; the son of J. W. and Margaret Hodge. Entered the service at Raleigh, N. C, June 9, 1918. Sent to Norfolk, Va. Transferred to U. S. S. "Powhatan," a transport ship and then to receiving ship at Hampton Roads, Va. Made 10 trips across on trans- port duty. Mustered out of the service at Hampton Roads, Va., Sept. 10, 1919. HOLLINGSWORTH, T. B., Sergt., Co. D, 81st Div., 321st Inf.; of Nash County; son of J. T. and Mrs. M. A. Hollingsworth. Entered service Oct. 3, 1917, at Spring Hope. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Se- vier, Greenville, S. C, to Camp Upton. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, St. Die, Vosges Mts. Returned to U. S. A. June 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 27, 1919. HODGES, THAD H., Corpl., Air Service, 5th and 2nd A. S. M. ; of Beaufort County ; son of S. C. and Virginia Hodges. Entered service Dec. 13, 1917, at Washington, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Camp Hancock, Ga., from there to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for Brest, France, March 26, 1918. Promoted to Corpl., June, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. July 3, 1919, New York. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 17, 1919. HODGIN, G. JOHN, Private, Inf., Co. Med. Att. 323, 81st Div., 323rd Regt., Inf. ; of Robeson County; son of J. W. and Mary C. Hodgin. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Red Springs, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Fought at St. Die. Returned to U. S. A. Jan. 14, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 26, 1919. HOFFER, PHILIP 0., M. M., 1st Class, U. S. N. R. F. ; of Cumberland County; son of F. F. and Mrs. Alice Hcffer. Entered service April 3, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Pensacola, Fa. Transferred to League Island, Pa. Sailed for France June 7, 1918. Served with the Nava; Aviation Forces at Pauilac, Laber-Vrach, Brest, France Returned to U. S. A. March 18, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J Mustered out at Pelham Bay, Park, N. Y., April 1, 1919. HOLDFORD, SIDNEY W., Private, Med. Corps, Base Hospital Detachment ; of Halifax County ; son of Wm. and Mrs. Virginia A. Holdford. Entered service Aug. 27, 1918, at Weldon, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. On duty at Base Hospital at Camp Jackson. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 18, 1919. HOLMES, R. SYRUS, First Sergt., Inf., Co. Supply, 30th Div., 120th Regt. ; of Franklin County ; son of A. G. W. and Mittie A. Holmes. Entered service May 24, 1900, Franklinton, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Promoted to rank as First Sergt. May 1, 1917. On Mexican border six months. Was in N. C. N. G. from May 24, 1900, until mustered into Federal service in 1917. Mustered out at Camp Greene, Jan. 9, 1919. His two sons were also in the 30th Div. HOLMES, OLLIE G., Sergt., Inf., Co. F, 30th Div., 120th Regt. ; of Franklin County ; son of S. R. and Edith Mitchell Holmes. Entered service May 20, 1910. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailing for France May 12, 1918. Promoted to rank as Corpl. July, 1916, Mess Sergt. July, 1917. Fought at Ypres-Bellicourt, Hindenburg Drive. Wounded at Battle of City of Martin Oct. 18, 1918. Wounded by machine gun. Sent to English Hospital in England. Landed in U. S. A. April 18, 1919. On Mexi- can border six months. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 22, 1919. HOLT, GEO. E., Jr., Supply Sergt., Inf., Hdqrs., 30th Div., 120th Regt. ; of Alamance County ; son of Geo. E. and Mrs. A. Y. Holt. Entered service May 1, 1917, at Graham, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Landed June 5, 1918. Fought at Bellicourt, Nauroy, Montbre- hain, St. Souplet. Arrived in U. S. A. March 3, 1919. Landed at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 17, 1919. HOLDFORD, B. S., Private, 1st Class, F. Artly., Btry. D, 81st Div., 318th Regt.; of Halifax County; son of W. H. and Mrs. Virginia Holdford. Entered service March 28, 1918, at Weldon, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 22, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. June 11, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 22, 1919. HOLLEMAN, WALTER EDWIN, 1st Class Private, Co. F, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Born in Forsyth County Sept. 2, 1895; son of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. E. Holleman. Husband of Mrs. Edith B. Holleman. Entered the service May 26, 1918, at Winston-Salem, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, May 27, 1918. From there was transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there was sent to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France Sept. 11, 1918. Fought at Vosges Mts., Meuse-Argonne. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 4, 1919. HOLLIMAN, JOE H., Private, Engineer, Train Co. D ; of Durham County; son of C. M. and Mrs. Mary Holliman. Entered service Aug. 26, 1918, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Forest, Ga., to Camp Merritt, N. J., to Humphreys, Va. Mustered out at Camp Humphreys, Va., Dec. 27, 1918. HOLTZCLAW, L. B., Sergt., 9th Amb. Train, Co. B, 9th Div. ; son of Mr. J. D. and Mrs. Lula Holtzclaw; of Haywood County. Entered service July 24, 1918, at Can- ton, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp McClellan. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, Feb., 17, 1919. HOOD, RALPH W. Was called into limited service in the medical department at Rock Hill, S. C, Sept. 4, 1918, and sent to Camp Greenleaf, Ga. On Sept. 24, 1918, he was dispatched with a body of men to duty at U. S. A. General Hospital No. 16, New Haven, Conn. Private Hood served three months at duty in the medical department and because of physical disability was placed in the hospital for three months for observation and treatment. On April 1, 1919, he was returned to duty and immediately attached to the Quartermaster Corps, and two months later he was promoted to Sergt. and made Finance Sergt. for that Army Post. He received his dis- charge Aug. 29, 1919, and was retained in a civilian ca- pacity at that Hospital to close out the finance features of that post, the hospital having been taken over by the United States Public Health Service. Sergt. Hood ar- rived in Charlotte about the middle of November last, after having completed his work at the hospital. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD HOOD, ROBERT B., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engineers, 30th Div.; son of W. T. and Mrs. Rosemond B. Hood; of Mecklenburg County. Entered service April 24, 1917, at Charlotte, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Was in all engagements with the 105th Engineers. Promoted to Corpl. July 11, 1917. Returned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mustered out April 18th at Camp Jackson, S. C. HORNEY, HENRY C, Sergt., Co. C, 5th Anti-Air Craft Div. Born in Guilford County Jan. 8, 1895 ; son of W. L. and Cora Horney. Husband of Mrs. Lydia Horney. Entered the service at High Point, N. C, July 25, 191*7. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Wads- worth S. C, and from there to Camp Upton. Sailed for France Oct. 13, 1918. Landed in the U. S. A. Jan. 16, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out of the service at Camp Wadsworth, S. C, Jan. 30, 1919. HOOD, WILLIAM G., Private, 1st Class, 306th Engi- neers, Co. D, 81st Div.; of Wayne County; son of T. J. and Malinda Hood. Husband of Mrs. Minnie G. Hood. Entered service May 26, 1918, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, Dec. 11, 1919. HOOD, R. THORNTON, Cadet, Aviation Squadron; of Lenoir County; son of J. E. and Pauline Hood. En- tered service Jan. 17, 1918, at Atlanta, Ga. Sent to Camp S. M. A. Austin, Texas. Transferred to Camp Dick, Texas, from there to Southern Field, Ga., Oct. 20, 1918. Enlisted Jan. 17, 1918, went into service June 1, 1918. Mustered out at Southern Field, Texas, Dec. 5, 1918. HORNER, DANIEL CURTIS, Private, Inf., Co. F, 56th Pioneers. Born in Mcore County May 23, 1897; son cf J. R. and A. B. Horner. Entered the service at Car- thage, N. C, Aug. 8, 1918. Sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Sailed for France Sept. 13, 1918. Fought at Meuse- Argonne. Mustered out of the service at Camo Lee, Va., July 6, 1919. HORNER, JESSIE F., Private, Heavy Artillery, Btry. A, 4th Div., 13th Rest. Born in Moore County March 3, 1895; the son cf Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Horner. Entered the service May 28, 1918, at Carthage, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, May 28, 1918. Sailed for France Sept. 28, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 5, 1919. HOOKER, ROY ANDREW, Private., Inf., Co. E, 119th Regt. Inf., 30th Div.; of Stoneville, N. C; son of G. R. and Mrs. R. A. Hooker. Entered service Sept. 1, 1917, at Concord, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Ft. Jay, N. Y., then to Des Moines, Iowa. Now at Douglas, Arizona. Mrs. Hooker has sent three sons to fight for U. S. A., one in navy two in the army. HOUSE, HUGH B., Corpl., Inf., Hdors Co., 81st Div., 322nd Regt; cf Halifax County; son of C. D. and Lula Allen House. Entered service Sept. 4, 1917, at Thelma, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, to Camp Upton, L. I. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, Vosges Mts., St. Die Sector. Mustered cut at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. HOOKS, JADIE, Wagoner, 119th Amb., 30th Div., 105th Sanitary Train; of Wayne County; son of J. W. and Mrs. V. Hooks. Entered service Sept. 24, 1917, at Fremont, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Then to Camp Mills. Sail- ed for France June 4, 1918. Fought at Bohain-Premont, Ypres, Cambrai Hill, Bellicourt, Hindenburg Line. Gass- ed at Hindenburg Line Sept. 30th. Returned to U. S. A. April 5, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. HOOKS, THEL., Dr., Capt., Med., 30th Div., 103rd Engineers; of Johnson County; son of C. D. and Arah Hooks. Husband of Eva Hood Hooks. Entered service Sept. 3, 1917, at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Sent to Camp Se- vier, S. C. Sailed to Calais, France, May 22, 1918. Pro- moted to rank of Capt. Aug., 1918. In all actions with 30th Div. Wounded at Hindenburg Line Sept. 29, 1918. Nature of wound, concussion of both ears, rupture of left drum. Sent to Base Hospital No. 52, Lemans, France, then to Base No. 27. Returned to II. S. A. at Newport News, Va., Feb. 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va. Feb. 25, 1919. HOWARD, RAWLS, Private, 9th Anti-A'rcraft Btry., Div. G. H. Q. ; of Edgecombe County ; son of Geo. and Mrs. Elizabeth Rawls. Entered service May 6, 1918, at Tar- boro, N. C. Sent to Ft. Caswell. Sailed for France July 10, 1918. Fought at Toul Sector. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 24, 1919. HOWARD, JAMES K„ Wagoner, Medical Corps, 322nd Co., 306th Regt., 81st Div.: from Lenoir County. N. C. ; son of W. S. and Alma Howard. Entered the service at Kinston, N. C, March 21, 1917. Sent to ('amp Jackson, S. C, and transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, and then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug, 7, 1918. Fought at Verdun and Chateau Thierry. Mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., June 29, 1919. HOWARD, BRODIE ERNEST, Private, Inf.. Co. Of- ficers, Training School; of Granville County; son of E. K. and Alice Howard. Entered service June 21. 1918, at Oxford, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, s. C. Transferred to Cam)) Gordon, Ga. Mustered out at Camp Gordon, Ga., Nov. 25, 1918. HOPKINS, JAMES ELECK, Private, 106th Inf., Co. H, 27th Div., 106th Regt.; of Tyrell County; son of B. J. and Macedonia Hopkins. Entered service Oct. 6, 1918, at Elizabeth City, N. C. Sent to Cam]) Wadsworth, S. C. Transferred to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for Brest, France, Sept. 28, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. March 6, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 1, 1919. HOWELL. LONNIE 11.. Sergt.. Inf.. Co. E. 119th Regt., 30th Div.; from Nash County, N. C; son of R. E. and D. E. Howell. Entered the service at Rocky Mount. N. C, May 5, 1917. Sent to Camp Sevier. S. C. and then transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 5. 191S. Was in HI engagements with his Regiment. Re- turned to the U. S. A. April 2. 1919. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD HOWELL, JAMES H., Major, Inf., 30th Div., 118th Regt. Born in Haywood County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Howell. Husband of Mrs. Pearl P. (Marshall) Howell. Entered service at Waynesville, N. C. Was sent .to Camp Sevier, S. C, from there to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 7, 1918. Was commissioned Major June 19, 1916. Fought at Somme Offensive and Defensive, Ypres, Bellicourt. Received shell wound while going into battle Oct. 5, 1918. Was sent to hospital in France. Was then sent to U. S. General Hospital No. 2, at Biltmore, N. C. From there mustered out April 9, 1919. During the year of 1907 Major Howell served four months on the Mexican border. HUFF, J. H., Engineers Force, Navy ; of Edgecombe County ; son of A. H. and Mrs. Martha Huff. Entered service Nov. 5, 1917, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to St. Helena, Va. Transferred to U. S. S. "Alabama," for 18 months. Patrol Coast Panama and trained men. Mus- tered out at Operating Base, Hampton Roads, Va., Sept. 10, 1919. HUGHES, SAM W., Corpl., Btry. A, 81st Div., 316th Regt.; of Orange County; son of R. H. and Mrs. M. D, Hughes. Entered service Sept. 18, 1917, at Hillsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Came Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 5, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 9, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 20, 1919. HUMPHREY, LEON WARD, Corpl. F. Artly., Btrv. A, 30th Div., 113th Regt.; of Onslow County; son of Hill land Georgie Humphrey. Entered service Aug., 1917, at New Bern, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Fought in all battles with 113th. Gassed at Argonne Nov. 7, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 12, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, June, 1919. HUMPHREYS, J. G., Private, 1st Class, Med. Co., B Hospital ; of Halifax County ; son of James and Osceola Humphreys. Husband of Mrs. Ethel May Humphreys. Entered service March 28, 1918, at Weldon, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, Sept. 13, 1919. HUNT, E. B., Private, Med. Corps, Base Hospital. Born Aug. 26, 1896; son of Milton and Mary Hunt; of Rowan County. Husband of Mrs. Pearl Hunt. Entered service Aug. 26, 1918, at Salisbury, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, Feb. 28, 1919. HUNTER, MARION, Private, Inf., Co. M, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Born in Nash County, N. C, April 30, 1891 ; son of T. N. and Annie Hunter. Entered the service at Whitakers, N. C, Oct. 3, 1917. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, and then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France June 5, 1918. Fought at Ypres and Bellicourt and other engagements with his Company. Wounded at Bellicourt by machine gun and sent to Australian General Hospital No. 3, and American Base Hospital No. 37. Returned to the U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 17, 1919. HURLEY, EDWARD H., Corpl., F. A. R. D., Btry. D, 7th Regt.; of Moore County; the son of W. S. and L. F. Hurley. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Aberdeen, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, Dec. 11, 1919. HUSKE, JOSEPH S., Major, F. Artly., Unassigned; of Cumberland County; son of B. R. and Hannah O. Huske. Husband of Mary Cook Huske. Entered service May 8, 1917 ,at Fayetteville, N. C. Sent to Ft. Ogle- thorpe. Transferred to Ft. Bliss, from there to Camp Jackson. Promoted to rank as Capt. Aug. 5, 1918. Ma- jor Oct. 23, 1918, to Ft. Oglethorpe Officers' Training Camp. Discharged and re-entered 2nd Camp, coming out as 1st Lt. Assigned 82nd, F. Artly., 15th Cavalry Div. Promoted to Capt. and transferred to Camp Jackson. Then to 2nd Brig. F. A. R. D., then to command of 5th Pegt. F. A. R. D. Promoted to Major 59th F. Artly. Regt. ; from there to Camp Bragg. Mustered out at Camp Bragg, Aug. 7, 1919. HUSKE, WILLIAM O., 2nd Lt., F. Artly., Hdqrs. Co., 42nd Div., 149th F. Artly.; of Cumberland County; son of B. R. and Hannah Oliver Huske. Entered service May 13, 1917, at Fayetteville, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe. Transferred to Hoboken. Sailed for France Sept. 10, 1S17. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Lunerville Sector, Marne, Second Chateau-Thierry. Wounded at Battle of Chateau Thierry Aug. 28, 1918, by high explos- sive shell. Gassed at Montfaucon Oct. 11, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Jan. 22, 1919. Mustered out at General Hos- pital No. 12 Biltmore, N. C, Aug. 28, 1919. HUSKE, JOHN, S. A. T. C. ; son of Mr. B. R. and Mrs. Hannah O. Huske ; of Cumberland County. Entered ser- vice Oct., 1918, at Fayetteville, N. C. Sent to Camp Se- wanee, Tenn. Mustered out at Sewanee, Tenn., Dec, 1918. HUSSEY, JOHN A., Sergt., Utility Co. No. 1, Const. Div.; son of Eli and Mrs. W. A. Hussey; of Randolph County. Entered service Dec. 24, 1916, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Columbus, Ohio. Transferred to San Fran- cisco, and from there to Honolulu, and then to Kerney, Cal. Served in Second Inf., 32nd Inf., and 82nd Inf., and last with the Const. Div. Mustered in reserve at Kerney, Cal., July 23, 1919; served in Construction Div. through- out entire service. HUTCHINSON, ALEXANDER, Corpl., Inf., Co. K, 30th Div., 120th Regt.; son of S. S. and Mrs. W. F. Hutch- inson. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Mt. Gilead. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought all battles with 120th. Wounded at Bellicourt Sept. 29, 1918, by shrap- nel. Returned to U. S. A. April 14, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 19, 1919. HUTCHISON, JAMES H., Sergt., Batry. D, 30th Div., 113th F. Artly.; son of Mr. B. H. and Mrs. Hattie Hutchison ; of Anson County. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Wadesboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France June 7, 1918. Promoted to Sergt. June, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne and Woevre. With Army of Occupation one month at Colmar Berg and Lux- enburg. Returned to U. S. A. March 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 28, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD HUX, LOUIS, Private, 1st Class, Co. C, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Regt.; of Halifax County; son of L. H. and Amy Hux. Husband of Grace Hux. Entered service June 20, 1917, at Weldon, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailing for France May 12, 1918. Wounded at the Hindenburg Line Sept. 29th, slight hip wound. Wounded by shell. Fought at South /of Zillebek Lake Aug. 29th, Hindenburg, Bellicourt, Bran- court, Oct. 9th, Martins River, Oct. 18th. Returned to 1U. S. A. April 11th. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 17, 1919. HYMAN, EDWARD P., Private, 1st Class, M. G. Co. C, 115th Bat., 30th Div. Born in Halifax County, N. C, April 25, 1896 ; son of E. P. and Bettie Spruill Hyman. En- tered the service at Goldsboro, N. C, May 16, 1917. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium and the Hindenburg Line. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 2, 1919. HINSON, GUY R., Sgt. Co. F, 105th Engineers; son of Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Hinson, of Charlotte, N. C. Enlisted at Charlotte, N. C, May 7, 1917. Sailed for France May 27th, 1918. Appointed Sgt. 1st class, July 12, 1918. Was in all actions with his regiment and for conspicuous and meritorious bravery in action was awarded the American D. S. C, Nov. 20, 1918. On Nov. 22, 1919, in New York, was decorated by the Prince of Wales with the British Military Medal for the same act. The citation is as fol- lows : For extraordinary heroism in action on August 27, 1918, Sgt. Hinson was in charge of a platoon, delivering a highly concentrated gas cloud attack against the enemy, when the cloud unexpectedly flared back. After leading the men to a place of safety, this soldier went back into the cloud four times at imminent peril to his own life, collecting and rescuing others who had been overcome. Conducting his platoon through heavy machine-gun fire, he put them in charge of another sergeant with instruc- tions to resume their mission, while he again returned to search for gassed men and found all but two. His excel- lent leadership and unusual courage prevented many cas- ualties and at the same time effected the completion of an important mission. Home address, Mrs. Delia Hinson, 610 E. 7th St., Charlotte, N. C. He is now engaged with the Globe Automatic Refrigerator Co., Louisville, Ky. HESSEE, JAMES L., Corpl., Inf., 120th, Co. M, 30th Div. ; of Durham County ; born Feb. 22, 1897 ; son of J. H. and Mrs. Lena Neese Hessee. Entered service May 26, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, July 25, 1917. Sailed for France May 28, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Bethune, St. Quentin, Bellicourt. Made supreme sacrifice at Bellicourt, Sept. 29, 1918. Was buried at American Cemetery, Bony-Aisne, in Grave 188, Plot H, Row 8. He enlisted in National guard and was drilled in Durham two months before going to camp. IDOL, GUY E., Private, Inf., Co. E, 30th Div., 118th Regt.; of Guilford County; son of H. D. and Mrs. L. E. Idol. Entered service May 3, 1917, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. In all bat- tles with his Regiment until wounded at St. Martin River Oct. 17th, by machine gun bullet. Sent to British Gen- eral Hospital No. 8. Was captured but escaped within a few hours. Returned to U. S. A. March 27, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 31, 1919. INGOLD, TORRENCE, Corpl., Co. A, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Born in Montgomery County; son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ingold. Entered service Oct. 18, 1917, at Mt. Gilead, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transfer- red to Camp Sevier, from there to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought in all battles with 119th Inf. Returned to U. S. A. April 3, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 7, 1919. IPOCK, CHARLIE L., Mechanic, Btrv. A, 113th F. Artly., 30th Div.; from Craven County, N. C.J son of Geo. and Susan Ipock. Husband of Poss Willis Ipock. Enter- ed the service at New Bern, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Woevre Sector. Returned to the U. S. A. March, 1919. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, March, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD ISELEY, GEORGE A., 1st Class Sergt., Medical Corps ; of Alamance County ; son of John H. and Mrs. Alice Iseley. Entered service May 18, 1917, at Burling- ton, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas. Ky. Transferred to Ft. Bliss, Texas, to Washington, D. C. Sailed for France Jan. 26, 1918. Promoted to rank of 1st Class Sert., 1918. Returned to U. S. A. July 1, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 19, 1919. ISRAEL, JAMES 0., Corpl., Medical Co. 323 F. H., 81st Div., Regt. 306 Sanitary ; of Buncombe County; son of W. L. and Elizabeth Israel. Entered service Nov. 27, 1917, at Candler. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, from there to Camp Mills. Remaining until sailing for France Aug. 7, 1918. Pro- moted to rank of Corpl. Sept., 1918. Fought at Vosges, Meuse-Argonne, Verdun. Returned to U. S. A. June, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 30, 1919. IVEY, WORTH J., Sergt., 1st Corps, Artlry. Park Co. No. 2. 3rd Corps Regt.; of Guilford County; son of W. F. and Mrs. Mollie Ivey. Entered service March 7, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for Brest, France, May 30, 1918. Fought at Chatteau-Thierry, Meuse-Ar- gonne. Landed in U. S. A. Aug. 3, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 11, 1919. IVEY, HENRY W., Corpl., 113th F. Artly., Btry. F, 30th Div. Entered the service June 9, 1917, at Concord, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, July 25, 1917. Transferred to Hoboken. Sailed for France May 29, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne Offensive, Woevre Sector. Returned to U. S. A. March 19, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 10, 1919. JACKSON, B. G., 1st Class Private, 305th F. Artly., Hdqrs. Co., 77th Div. Born in Edgecombe County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jackson. Entered the service May 29th, at Tarboro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson and from there to Hoboken, N. J. Sailed for France July 21, 1918. Fought at Chateau-Thierry, Argonne Forest, Hindenburg Line, Meuse Sector. Was in all bat- tles with his Company. Returned to U. S. A. April 29, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 8, 1919. JACKSON, COY, Saddler, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engi- neers, 30th Div. Born in Randolph County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Jackson. Husband of Mrs. Emma Wil- born Jackson. Entered the service at Camp Glenn, N. C, July 9, 1916. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France June 9, 1918. Fought at Voormizelle, Belgium, 1918 and Bellicourt, 1918, Montbrehain-Brancourt, Pre- mont, Busigny, France, LaSalle River, Vaux-Andigny, Mazinghein. Served on the Mexican border from Oct., 1916, to March, 1917. Landed in U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 18, 1919. JAMES, BRYANT, 1st Class Private, 147th Inf., 37th Div., Co. C. Born in Durham County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. James. Entered the service Aug. 3, 1918, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C, and from there to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Sept.. 15, 1918. Returned to the U. S. A. March 19, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 3, 1919. JARRETT, CHAS. M., Master Engineer, Junior Grade Army Transport Service, Water Co. Born in Hay- wood County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Jarrett. En- tered service Sept. 5, 1918, at Canton, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Oct. 28, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Sept. 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Dix, Sept. 29, 1919. JACKSON, L. A., Sergt., Inf., Co. C, 120th Regt., 30th Div. ; from Vance County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jackson Husband of Mrs. Zelma Jackson. Entered the service April, 1916, at Henderson, N. C. Was sent to El Paso, Texas. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France May 28, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Received shrap- nel wound at Bellicourt Sept. 29th and was sent to Brit- ish General Hospital No. 73. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 15, 1919. JACKSON, FLOYD F., Private, Artly., Btry. A, 113th Regt., 30th Div. Born in Duplin County, N. C, Dec, 1887; son of A. and Susan Jackson. Entered the service July 22, 1917. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and transferred to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed for France June 15, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne and Woevre Sector. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 28, 1919. JACKSON, WILLIAM J., Jr., 1st Class Private, Co. I, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Washington County; son of W. J. and L. V. Jackson. Entered service July 17, 1916, at Plymouth. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 27, 1917. Fought in all engagements with 119th. Seven months on Mexican bor- der. Was transferred to M. T. C. ; did duty as dispatch rider. Returned to U. S. A. May 6, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 17, 1919. JEFFERS, CHARLIE, Private, Field Hospital Ser- vice, 91st Div., 362nd Sanitary Train. Born in Moore County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jeffers. Entered the service April 25, 1918, at Carthage, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Greenleaf, Ga. Transferred to Allen Town, Pa. Sailed for Liverpool, Eng., Aug. 13, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 2, 1919. JOHNSON, WALTER H. Entered Army July 22, 1918, at Concord, N. C. Machine Gun Btry. Replacement. Reported at Camp Hancock. Sailed Nov. 10th. Landed at Liverpool; sailed from South Hampton for LeHavre, France, from there to La Mans. Sailed for U. S. A. Feb., 11, 1919; landed in New York Feb. 22nd, discharged April 12th at Camp Jackson, S. C. JOHNSON, ELSIE, Private, 1st Class, Co. D, 318th F. Artly., 81st Div. ; son of J. E. and Mrs. J. E. Johnson ; of Davidson County. Entered service May 29, 1918, at Lexington, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for France Aug. 23, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 22, 1919. JOHNSON, RAY, 1st Class Private, 318th Artly., Co. E, 81st Div. Born in Davidson County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Johnson. Entered the service May 29, 1917, at Lexington, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 25, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Chateau at Buzancy, France. Once the headquarters of some German General BOMB AND SHELL ATTACK, ANCEMONT, FRANCE A peculiar buzz in the air, the rapid crack of machine guns, and a tremendous thug-bang; we knew that "Heiney" was after us. Some of us said our prayers a thousand times a minute while others ran helter-skelter in search for safety. Thanks to the big dugout that happened to lie near. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD JOHNSON, HERBERT 0., Private, 321st Inf., Co. G, 81st Div. Born in Davidson County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Johnson. Entered the service May 29, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson., from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Up- ton, N. Y. Sailed for France July 30, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. June 21st. Landed at Newport News, Va., and was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 27, 1919. JOHNSON, WESLEY B., Private, 345th Heavy Artly., Btry. C, 90th Div. Born in Guilford County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Johnson. Entered the service at High Point, N. C, June 24, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Aug. 22, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 7, 1919. Landed at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 21, 1919. JOHNSON, ARTHUR C, Private Med. Corps, S. 0. S., Base 106. Born in Guilford County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnson. Husband of Mrs. Alice Johnson. Entered the service July 6, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mer- ritt. Sailed for France Nov. 12, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 22, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 10, 1919. JOHNSON, HARRY A., 2nd Lt., Co. M, 29th Div., 113th Inf. Born in Cumberland County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Johnson. Entered service June 19, 1916, at Fayetteville, N. C. Was sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Sent to Bridge Guard, Asheville, N. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne Front. Promoted to 2nd Lt. Sept. 25, 1918. Was with Co. F, 119th Inf., 30th Div.. until July 23, 1918. Served on the Mexican border six months. Returned to U. S. A. May 17, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 24, 1919. JOHNSON, ALONZO, Fireman, 1st Class, U. S. N. R. F. ; from Nash County, N. C. ; son of J. W. and Peninnie Johnson. Entered the service at Middlesex, N. C, June 3, 1918, and sent to St. Helena, Va., and trans- ferred to Operating Base, Va., and then to U. S. S. "Kear- sarge," July 12, 1918. Sailed for France Oct. 24, 1918. Made fcur trips across to France and three trips from France to England. Returned to the U. S. A. May 22, 1919, and mustered out of the service at Operating Base, Va., Sept. 30, 1919. JOHNSON, PIERCE, Corpl., Amb. Co., 80th Div., 317th Regt., Inf.; of Halifax County; son of Lee and Mary Johnson. Husband of Mrs. Londa Johnson. En- tered service June, 1917, at Weldon, N. C. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for France May 25, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. March, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 17, 1919. JOHNSTON, HENRY W., 1st Class Private, Machine Gun Btn., Co. B, 81st Div., 316th Machine Gun. Born in Alamance County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. T. John- ston. Entered the service Sept. 19, 1917, at Mebane, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Hancock, Ga. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Fought at St. Die Sector, Handemont, Nov. 9th, 10th and 11th, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 20, 1919. Landed at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 28, 1919. JOHNSTON, CYRUS C, 1st Sergt., 111th Co., 3rd Air Service ; of Iredell County ; son of W. C. and Margaret L. Johnston. Entered service Dec. 16, 1917, at Mooresville, Sent to Ft. Thomas. Transferred to Camp Hancock, from there to Camp Greene. Sailed for France from Up- ton June 9, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. Feb., 1918. Mustered out at Camp Mills, L. I., July 11, 1919. JOHNSON, PAUL, Wagoner, Co. B, 5th Div., 7th En- gineers. Born in Johnston County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Johnson. Husband of Mrs. Pearl Johnson. Entered the service May 25, 1917, at Benson, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, from there to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France Jan., 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne and St. Die. Was in the Army of Occu- pation from Nov., 1918, to July 9, 1919. Returned to U. S. A. July 29, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 5, 1919. JOHNSON, JAMES A., Private, Inf., Co. C, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Johnston County; son of P. P. and Betty Johnson. Entered service June 26, 1916, at Selma. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Meuse-Ar- gonne, St. Quentin, Cambrai. Arrived in U. S. A. Aoril 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 9, 1919. JOHNSON, ARTHUR R., Corpl., Q. M. C, Co. A, 105th Supply Train, 30th Div. Born in Martin County, N. C, Jan. 27, 1894 ; son of W. L. and Virginia Johnson. Husband of Lurline Ross Johnson. Entered the service at Robersonville, N. C, July 25, 1917. Sent to Camp Se- vier, S. C, and transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France, June 12, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. April, 1918. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 14, 1919. JOHNSTON, WM. C, Jr., Sergt., S. A. T. C. ; of Ire- dell County; son of W. C. and Margaret L. Johnston. En- tered service Sept 9, 1918, at Mooresville. Sent to Raleigh. Mustered out at Raleigh, Dec. 9, 1918. JOHNSTON, CLYDE N., Private, Med. Corps, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Sanitary Train, 30th Div. Born in Warren County, N. C, May 9, 1890 ; son of A. M. and Mattie lies Johnston. Entered the service at Littleton, N. C, Sept. 19, 1917, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, and then to Camp Mills, L. I. Sail- ed for France June 4, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Bellicourt, St. Quentin, Hindenburg Line. Citation for Honorable mention at Ypres. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. JONES, WALLACE THOMAS, 1st Class Machinists' Mate, U. S. Navy; of Chowan County; son of T. P. and Margaret Jones. Entered service at Edenton, N. C, Sept. 5, 1916. Sent to St. Helena, Va. Transferred to U. S. S. "Connecticut." Transferred to U. S. S. "Delaware," then to the "Corsair." Promoted to rank of 1st C. M. M. Went across with Gen. Pershing ships as convoy, acted as convoy from Brest, France, out of danger zone. Mustered out at Navy Yards, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 5, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD JONES, BRUCE WILLIAM, Private, 1st Class., Inf., Co. I, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Chowan County; son of T. P. and Margaret Jones. Entered service Sept. 3, 1917, at Edenton, N. C. Sent to Camp Greene, N. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, and then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for Calais, France, May 28, 1918. Fought in all engagements with 30th Div. Arrived in U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 5, 1919. JONES, FRANK V., Chief Machinists' Mate, Naval Reserve Force, Engineers Co., 13th Div. Born in Camden County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. C. Jones. Husband cf Mrs. Marion Dozier Jones. Entered the service Nov. 30, 1917, at Norfolk, Va. Was sent to Cherrystone Naval Base Dec. 15, 1917. Transferred to U. S. S. "Mississippi." Promoted to rank of Chief Dec. 24, 1918. On patrol duty. Mustered out at Norfolk, Va., April 14, 1919. JONES, JESSE E., Corpl., Engineers, Co. E, 306th Regt., 81st Div. ; from Green County, N .C. ; son of Joseph and Martha J. Jones. Husband of Etta Hardison Jones. Entered the service at Snow Hill, N. C, Nov. 5, 1917. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Se- vier, S. C, and then to Camp Upton. Sailed for France Aug. 1, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. Sept., 1918. Fought at Vosges Mts., Meuse-Argonne. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 21, 1919. JONES, SAM H., Private, 1st Class, Machine Gun Co., Btry. D, 30th Div., 115th Regt.; of Haywood County; son of W. H. and Cenie Jones. Entered service July 4, 1917, at Waynesville. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 10, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Canal Sector. Gassed at Canal Sector, Sept. 3, 1918. Sent to Hospital Boulogne then to English Hospital "Dublin." Returned to U. S. A. Feb., 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee., Va., Feb., 1919. JONES, LONNIE W., Private, F. Artly. Co., Hdqrs., 33rd Regt., 58th Brig. ; of Lenoir County ; son of Chas. W. and Mary Jones. Entered service May 27, 1918, at La- Grange, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Hill. Sailed for France Aug. 22, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, St. Mihiel, Toul Sector and all other engagements of the Div. Returned to U. S. A. May 21, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 5, 1919. JONES, CICERO, JR., Quartermaster, 3rd Class, Navy. Born in Washington County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Jones, Sr. Husband of Mrs. Nannie Walker Jones. Entered the service July 25, 1917, at Norfolk, Va. Was sent to Hampton Roads, Va. Was on U. S. S. "Mc- Neal." Transferred to Portsmouth Naval Hospital, then to U. S. S. "Cape May." Made one trip overseas on trans- port duty. Mustered out at New York, Feb. 21, 1919. JONES, DANIEL R., Private, 113th F. Artly., Btry. C, 30th Div. Born in Durham County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jones. Entered the service June 17, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills, L. I., N. Y. Sailed for France May 24, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest, Boyce Plains Front. Returned to U. S. A. March 20, 1919. Landed at Newport News, Va., and was mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 29, 1919. JONES, ISSAC M., 1st Class Private, 120th Inf., Co. G, 30th Div. Born in Guilford County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jones. Entered the service July 5, 1917, at Reidsville, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 10, 1918. Fought at Hindenburg Line. Wounded at Hindenburg Line Sept. 29, 1918, by machine gun bullet. Was sent to Base Hospital No. 29, England. Returned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 18, 1919. JONES, ARCHIE T., Sergt,. 1st Class, Med. Dept.: of Moore County ; son of T. A. and Barbara Alice Jones. Entered service Sept. 13, 1916, at Addor, N. C. Sent to Columbus Barracks, Ohio. Transferred to Ft. Sam, Houston, Texas. Transferred from there to Ft. Mcintosh, Texas. Promoted to Sergt. Feb. 7, 1917. On July 1, 1919, to Sergt., 1st Class. Ft. Scrivens, Ga., to Ft. Ontario, N. Y., to Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., was with American Expedi- tionary Forces in Mexico one month. With the 14th U. S. Cavalry. Mustered out at Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1920. JONES, HERBERT R., Sergt., A. G. D., Personnel Co. Born in Stokes County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Jones. Entered the service at Walnut Cove, N. C, Aug. 25, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Se- vier, S. C, March 25, 1919. JONES, JNO. L., Sergt., 1st Class, Hospital Corps, Base Hospital. Born in Rutherford County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Jones. Husband of Mrs. Selma Jones. Entered service May 31, 1917, at Canton, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, Jan. 13, 1919. JONES, CAGER, Private 118th Inf., Co. E, 30th Div. Born in Guilford County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. J. Jones. Entered the service July 24, 1917, at High Point, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France May 23, 1918. Fought at Ypres Sector, Belgium, July 4 to Aug. 10, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. March 27, 1919. Was mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 31, 1919. JONES, RAYMOND F., CorpL.Veterinary Corps, 113th F. Artly., 30th Div. Born in Durham County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Jones. Entered the service at Durham, N. C, June 16, 1917. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France June 7, 1917. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest, Woevre Sector. Arrived in U. S. A. June 29, 1919. Was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 15, 1919. JORDAN, JNO. R., Private, Pioneer Inf., Co. C. 56th Regt. Born in Hertford County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan. Husband of Mrs. Ina Mitchell Jordan. Entered the service Aug. 5, 1918, at Winton, N. C. Was sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Sailed for France Sept. 13, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Landed in U. S. A. June 25, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 5, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD JOHNSTON, LOUIS E., Corpl. Machine Gun Co., 120th Inf. ; son of J. A. Johnston, of Davidson, N. C. Enlisted in N. C. N. G. at Charlotte, N. C, June 23, 1916. Served on the Mexican border with the guard. In the 30th Div.. was with Co. M, 120th Inf., and before reaching France, transferred to Machine Gun Co., 120th Inf., serving with it until date of discharge, April 17, 1919. Saw service in the "Canal Sector," Belgium, Ypres, Lys offensives, Somme offensive. Called to Washington, D. C, to receive the British Military Medal from the Prince of Wales, American Distinguished Service Cross from Gen'l. Per- shing and was mentioned in G. O. No. 2, Hdgrs., 30th Div., Jan. 10, 1919, for Valor, Official Citation as follows: Corporal Louis E. Johnston, Machine Gun Co., 120th Inf., 30th Div., A. E. F., attached to the 2nd Platoon at the advance from St. Martine Rivere to Mazinghein. This platoon was during the nights of 18-19, October, 1918, advancing with the attacking battalion and became sep- arated from it After repeated attempts to locate the battalion had failed, Corporal Johnston volunteered for the search ; accordingly he was sent forward, although he was unacquainted with the country and although he had to proceed along the country roads heavily shelled and under terrific enemy machine gun fire, using his gas mask practically all the way, this soldier continued in his search until he located the battalion, which was heavily engaged. On account of his bravery and his trustworthi- ness, his machine guns were able to rejoin the battalion and take part in the battle with them on the following day. His conduct and bravery at all times throughout Belgium and France, and particularly through the terrific fighting at the Hindenburg Line, was worthy of the ut- most commendation. JOYNER, HARDING ELLIS, Yeoman, 3rd Class, Navy Reserves ; of Halifax County ; son of Rev. F. and Sarah E. Joyner. Entered service June 14, 1918, at Richmond, Va. Training at Hampton Roads, Va. Mus- tered out at Hampton Roads, Va., July 14, 1919. JOYNER, JNO. COUNCIL, Cadet, Air Service, S. M. A. Co. Born in Lenoir County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Joyner. Entered service June 30, 1918, at La- Grange, N. C. Was sent to Columbus, Ohio. Trans- ferred to University, Austin, Texas. Mustered out at University, Austin, Texas, Nov. 11, 1918. JOYNER, JOHN J., Sergt., 23rd M. G. Btn., 8th Div., Co. A. Born in Halifax County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Joyner. Entered the service at Portsmouth, Va., Jan. 29, 1912. Was sent to Presidio, Cal„ and from there to Dodge, Iowa. Promoted to rank of Sergt. June 5, 1917. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Feb. 3, 1919. Served on the Mexican border two years. Was instructor during entire period of war. JOYNER, CEPHUS, 1st Class Private, Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Born in Nash County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Joyner. Entered the service Sept. 25, 1917, at Spring Hope, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and then to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 8, 1918. Was in all engagements with his Company until wounded on Hin- denburg Line Sept. 29, 1918, by machine gun bullet. Sent to hospital at Rouen, France. Returned to U. S. A. Dec. 18, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Meade, Jan. 14, 1919. JURGICAN, G. L., Private, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 120th Regt., 30th Div. Born in Halifax County, N. C, May 3, 1894 ; son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Jurgican. Entered the service Sept. 8, 1917. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France. Fought on the Hindenburg Line and wounded by shrap- nel. Returned to the U. S. A. April 13, 1919 Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C. JURNEY, B. C, Sergt. Major, Depot Brigade 156. Born in Wayne County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Jur- ney. Entered service April 25, 1918, at Mt. Olive, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Promoted to rank of Sergt. Major July 18, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, Dec. 7, 1918. KALE, WALKER FRANKLIN, Phm., 2nd Class, U. S. N. ; son of Geo. W. and Mrs. Martha Kale ; of Meck- lenburg County. Entered service Aug. 5, 1918, at Nor- folk, Va. Promoted to H. A. C, then to Phm., 3rd Class. Later to Phm., 2nd Class. Made nine trips on the U. S. Transport "Mercury." Mustered out at Brooklyn, Oct. 4, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD 1. GOOCH, C. E. ( Private, Med. Dept. Inf., 7th Div., 65th Reg. ; of Orange County ; son of G. E. and Amelia Gooch. Volunteered May 7, 1917, at Chapel Hill, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Ft. Sam Hous- ton, Tex. Sailed for France Aug. 24, 1918. On Mexican border from June 10, 1916, to June 13, 1917. Returned to U. S. A. June 10, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 30, 1919. 2. HERNDON, TROY S., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. B, 81st Div., 322nd Reg.; of Orange County; son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Herndon. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Chapel Hill, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, from there to Camp Upton. Sailed for France Aug. 1, 1918. Promoted to rank as Private 1st Class August, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, St. Die. Returned to U. S. A. June 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. 3. HOLMKK, ALEXANDER A„ Corporal Inf., Co. F, 30th Div., 120th Reg. County of Franklin ; born Sept. 15, L895; son of S. R. and Edith Mitchell. Entered service May 20, 1913, at Franklinton, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. June 19, 1916. Fought at Ypres. Wounded at Ypres, Belgium. Trench duty July 20, 1918. Wounded with shrapnel. Killed at battle of City of Martin, France, Oct. 18, 1918. On Mexican border six months. Was in N. C. N. G. from May 20, 1913, until mustered into Fed- eral service in 1917. 4. PREDDY, L. LEONADUS, Private 1st Class, F. A., Bty. B, 30th Div., 113th Reg. Born in Franklin County; son of Robert and Mrs. Ettie Preddy. Entered service April 25, 1918, at Franklinton, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred from there to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France May 25, 1918. Promoted to Private 1st Class De- cember, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, St. Mihiel and all battles with his company. Landed in U. S. A. March 5, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 28, 1919. 5. STRATFORD. PARKE C, C. Ph. Mate, U. S. N., Hdqrs. Co., 6th Marines, 2nd Div. Born in Guilford County, Jan. 29, 1894 ; son of Wm. O. and Bessie O. Strat- ford. Entered the service May 14, 1917, at Greensboro, N. C, Sent to Paris Island. S. C. Transferred to Quan- tico, Va., and from there to League Island, Philadelphia. Sailed for France Oct. 17, 1917. Was promoted four times. Fought at Verdun area, Chateau Thierry, St. Mihiel, Champagne, Soissons, Argonne and Mouse. Received the Croix de Guerre from Marshal Retain and marched through France and Belgium, Luxemburg, with U. S. troops to the Rhine and with the Army of Occupation live months and received divisional citation from the U. S. A. Mustered out of the service at Hampton Roads, July 2, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD 6. WESTER, JOHN LEE, Sergt., Adjt. Gen. Dept. Born in Vance County ; son of W. H. and Lena W. Wester. Entered service at Henderson, N. C, Sept. 6, 1918. Sent to Camp Jackson, Sept. 7, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 7, 1919. KANEER, JAMES CARL, Seaman 2nd Class (Navy). Born in Guilford County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kaneer. Entered the service Feb. 15, 1918, at Great Lakes. Was sent from there to Brunswick, Ga. Mus- tered out at Charleston, S. C, Feb. 15, 1919. 7. WETHERINGTON, AMOS D., Private, F. A., Bty. A, 30th Div., 113th Reg. Born in Craven County; son of A. T. and Virginia Wetherington. Entered service July 7, 1917, at New Bern, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Trans- ferred to Camp Merritt. Went to France May, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Bellicourt, Argonne, St. Die, and all other engagements. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, March 28, 1919. 8. WHELESS, ROBERT LEE, Private 1st Class, Co. G, 318th Reg. ; of Nash County ; born Feb. 23, 1896 ; son of James R. and Mrs. Vig Lee Wheless. Entered service September, 1917, at Hopewell, Va., from Spring Hope. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for France. Went through the engagements without being wounded. Sent to U. S. Hospital No. 45. Died and buried at Aix Les, Baines, France, Jan. 17, 1919, Grave No. 28. 9. WHITESELL, HURLEY E., Private, 17th Oversea Bty., F. A. R. D.; of Alamance County; son of J. A. and Mrs. E. J. Whitesell. Entered service Aug. 26, 1918, at Elon College, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Hill. Overseas on the Kroonland. Pro- moted to rank of Corpl. October, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, Dec. 13, 1918. KANOY, WALTER J., Private, Inf., Co. D, 167th Reg., 42nd Div. Born in Chatham County, N. C, Oct. 12, 1895 ; son of C. E. and Jane Kanoy and husband of Allie McCauley Kanoy. Entered the service at Troy, N. C, Aug. 9, 1918, and sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C, and transferred to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Sept. 23, 1918. Mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 3, 1919. KAYLOR, FRANK H., Private, Motor Transport, S. A. T. C. Born in Wake County June 30, 1897 ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kaylor. Entered the service Sept., 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. Was sent to Charlottesville, Va., and mustered out from there Dec. 18, 1918. KEARNS, JNO. E., 1st Class Private, 120th Inf., Co. A, 30th Div. Born in Randolph County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Kearns. Entered the service May 26, 1917, at Lexington, S. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France June 5, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Bellicourt, Nauroy, Busigny, Joncourt, Hindenburg Line. Returned to the U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Landed at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 17, 1919. 10. WILSON, CLAY M., Private 1st Class, M. G. C, 81st Div., 322nd Reg. ; of Guilford County ; son of T. A. and Nannie Wilson. Entered service Sept. 19, 1917, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, then to Camp Greene, to Camp Upton. Sailed for France Aug. 14, 1918. Fought at Somme Drive Sector, Nov. 6 to 8, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, Nov. 9 to 11, 1918. Re- turned to U. S. A. June 18, 1919, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. 11. WOODARD, PRESTON, Private, i Co. D, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Born in Johnston County; son of E. and Mrs. Nellie Woodard. Entered service Oct. 6, 1917, at Pine Level, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, from there to Camp Sevier, transferred to Camp Merritt. Went to France May 20, 1918. Fought in all engagements until killed Oct. 10, 1918, with 119th Inf. Buried in France. 12. WOODLEAF, JOSEPPH B., Private 1st Class, Co. F, 42nd Div., 165th Reg. ; of Wake County ; son of Henry C. and Mrs. Pattie Irene Woodleaf ; born April 12, 1894. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Wake Forest, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, then to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Upton. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel and Argonne Forest. Killed at Argonne Forest Oct. 17, 1918. Buried in France where he fell. KANEER, JNO. LEROY, 1st Class Q. M., Air Service, Naval Reserve, 1100 Co. Born in Guilford County; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kaneer. Entered the service Feb. 7, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. Was sent to Hampton Roads, Va., where he was detailed as instructor in Quartermaster's School. Was mustered out at Hampton Roads, Va., Dec. 22, 1918. KEE, WALTER J., Private 1st Class, 156th Depot Brig. ; of Halifax County ; son of A. J. and Sarah Kee. Entered service May 27, 1918, at Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, Dec. 18, 1919. KEEHLN, HENRY BAHENSON, 2nd Lt., Q. M. Co. Born in Edgecombe County ; the son of Mrs. Mattie K. Ashburn. Husband of Mrs. Charlotte P. Keehln. En- tered the service at Raleigh, N. C, March 16, 1918. Trans- ferred to Camp Josephine E. Johnson. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. Sept. 16, 1918. Mustered out at Josephine E. Johnson Dec. 16, 1918. KEEN, HARRY L., Private, 54th Inf., Hdqrs. Co., Signal Platoon. Born in Wayne County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Keen. Entered the service at Goldsboro, N. C, March, 1918, and was sent to Ft. Scriven, and from there to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France April 6, 1918. Fought at Alsace, Argonne Forest. Returned to U. S. A. April, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May, 1919. KEEVER, HUBERT C, 1st Class Private, Med. Corps, 28th Div., 110th Inf. Born in Alexander County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Keever. Husband of Mrs. Hattie Keever. Entered the service at High Point, N. C, April 26, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Greenleaf, Ga. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France and landed Sept. 3, 1918. Fought at Argonne Forest and St. Mihiel. Landed in U. S. A. May 12, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 23, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD .C 3 -4-> O c o is O GQ a? c ■a s T3 3 -= -C 1—1 00 o Si o O) X S c -*-> 0) |E c o j m^ 0> . JH.„ 43 T3 O w O JbO 3 S 50 ■> t7 2 T3 w o o JO J h * O o +3 3 O H o H C 3 +-> 55 O w "3 o O - s GO - . £ a> js — -u o HH ft < & T3 15 * J3 Ph o H S3 M a! : OJ — V c c •-■ > R 3 O u -"-> bO « m a; c X ■" — -C o £« 3"? 0) -w J3 o H H TAR- HEEL WAR RECORD KELLY, J. J., 1st Class Private, Inf., Co .B, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Born in Wake County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Kelly. Entered service June 30, 1916, at Ral- eigh, N. C. Was sent to Camp Glenn, N. C, from there to Ft. Bliss, Tex. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Hindenburg Drive. Wounded on the Hinden- burg Line Sept. 29, 1918. Was sent to Hospital No. 21. Served on border six months. Landed in U. S. A. April 12, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 17, 1919. KIDD, JAS. E., 1st Class Private, 120th Inf., 30th Div., Co. K. Born in Guilford County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Kidd. Husband of Mrs. Jennie Kidd. Entered the service July 19, 1916, at High Point, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France Aug. 11, 1918. Fought on the Hindenburg Line. Was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 17, 1919. Served on the Mexican bor- der four months. KELLUM, J. A., 1st Class Private, Q. M. C. Born in Onslow County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kellum. Entered the service Feb. 4, 1918, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Scriven, Ga., and from there to Washington, D. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt, Hoboken, N. J., and to Newport News, Va., then to Porto Rico. Was sent from Porto Rico to Balboy, Canal Zone, from there to Gattun, Canal Zone. Was in charge of Q. M. C. boats dur- ing the war. Boats were J. W. McKey, Convoy Q. M. No. 1, and the Buck. Had charge of all the Q. M. C. boats on Panama Canal during the war. Left Panama April 10, 1919. Landed at New Orleans April 18, 1919. Was sent from there to Camp Shelby. Mustered out at Camp Jack- son, S. C, April 27, 1919. KENNEDY, RALPH A., 1st Class Private, Q. M. C. Born in Lee County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ken- nedy. Entered service July 3, 1918, at Sanford, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Clerk in the summary court during the entire service. Was mustered out at Ft. Thomas, Ky., Nov. 18, 1919. KENNEDY, WILLIAM E., Corpl., Med. Corps, 303th San. Tr., 81st Div. Born in Transylvania County ; the son of Mrs. Sallie Kennedy. Entered the service at Bre- vard, N. C, Sept. 18, 1917. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, from there to Camp Sevier, S. C, and transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 8, 1918. Fought at St. Die Sector and Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. June 20, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 29, 1919. KERR, L. S., Private, C. A. C, 110th Co., 81st Div. Born in Iredell County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kerr. Entered the service at Statesville, N. C, Oct. 1, 1918. Was sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., and from there to Ft. Totton, N. Y. Mustered out at Ft. Totton, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1919. KILPATRICK, MATHEW R., Private 1st Class, Co. B, 81st Div., 322nd Regt. ; of Halifax County ; son of K. E. and Josephine Kilpatrick. Entered service May 30, 1918, at Weldon, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, from there to Camp Upton, L. I. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne from 9th to 11th of November. Returned to U. S. A. June 18th, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 24, 1919. KING, WILBUR, Private 1st Class, Inf., Co. D, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Jones County; son of L. and Laura King. Husband of Ida Emerson King. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Kinston, N. C. Sent to Camp Wads- worth. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 28, 1918. Fought at all engagements of 119th Regt. Returned to U. S. A. April 4, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 8, 1919. KING, GURNEY H., Private, Med. Corps, 306th San. Tr., 81st Div. Born in Guilford County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. T. King. Husband of S. McKinnon King. Entered the service May 29, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed for France Aug. 7, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne and on St. Die Front. Returned to U. S. A. June 2, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Mills, L. I., June 6, 1919. KING, JAMES B., Sergt., Med. Corps; of Franklin County ; son of J. W. and Mary Gray King. Entered ser- vice June 1, 1918, at Louisburg, N. C. Sent to Ft. Mc- Pherson, Ga. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 30, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. 1919 ; to Sergt. 1919. Landed in U. S. A. July 12, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Mills, N. Y., July 18, 1919. KERSEY, CHARLIE F., Corpl., E Troop, 2nd Div., 1st Cavalry Regt. Born in Wilson County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Kersey. Entered the service Sept. 18, 1913, at Charlotte, N. C. Was sent to Columbus and from there to Ft. Yellowstone. Mustered out at El Paso, April 23, 1919. Was in Mexico with Gen. Pershing. Served on the Mexican border, also in the Philippines. Was training troops for oversea duty. KING, WILLIE T., Private, 321st Inf., Co. H, 81st Div. Born in Orange County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. King. Entered the service May 25, 1918, at Hills- boro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, L. I., N. Y. Sailed for France July 29, 1918. Fought at Verdun. Returned to U. S. A. June 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. KERSEY, FRANK, 1st Class Private, 166th Inf., 42nd Div., Co. A. Born in Wilson County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Kersey. Entered the service May 26, 1918, at Bennettsville, S. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Upton. Sailed for France July 29, 1918. Gassed at Ver- dun. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Somerance. Mustered out at Camp Jackson after returning to U. S. A. April 25, 1919. KING, GEO. W., 1st Class Private, 118th Inf., 30th Div., Co. E. Born in Guilford County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. King. Husband of Mrs. M. C. King. Entered the service at High Point, N. C, July 9, 1915. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Was in all battles with his company until October 6th. Sent to Base Hospital No. 6, in Rouen, France. Returned to U. S. A. March 27, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 31, 1919. Was on the Mexican border eight months. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD KING, J. LUTHER, Private, 58th F. A., Btry. F. Born in Guilford County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. John King. Entered the service Sept. 6, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Hill, Va. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, Jan. 23, 1919. KIRKMAN, SHUBAL COFFIN, Yeoman 2nd Class (Navy) . Born in Guilford County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Kirkman. Entered the service June 13, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Was sent to Newport, R. I. Trans- ferred to U. S. S. Oklahoma. Was also on the U. S. S. Mercury. Made fifteen trips across. Mustered out in New York Sept. 24, 1919. KISSAM, JUDSON AGRIPPA, 1st Class Private, Co. K, 81st Div., 322nd Regt.; of Columbus County; son of B. T. and Elizabeth Kissam. Husband of Mrs. Gladys Lewis Kissam. Entered service May 27, 1918, at White- ville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, from there to Camp Upton. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne Drive and Vosges Mtn. Sector. Returned to U. S. A. June 18, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. KITTRELL, JOHN B., 2nd Lt., 34th Inf., 7th Div., Co. M. Born in Pitt County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Kittrell. Entered the service August, 1917, at Greenville, S. C. Was sent to Ft. Oglethorpe and from there to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France July 2, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, Toul Sector. Received machine gun wound October 16th at Argonne and was sent to Base Hospital No. 45. Received one wound chevron and one gold service chevron. Mustered out at Camp Grant, 111., July 8, 1919. KONATSOTIS, JAMES, Corpl., M. P. Co., 11th Div. Born in Forsyth County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Konatsotis. Entered service at Albany, N. Y., July 22, 1918. Was promoted to 2nd Lt. in Greek Army. Fought at Pestor, Lahana, Cikis Pegana. Was wounded in left arm and right shoulder. Was awarded liberty medal and three other medals. Was in the Greek and French Army and received honorable discharge from both and re-en- listed in the U. S. A. and was discharged. Mustered out at Camp Meade, Md., Feb. 1, 1919. KOONCE, H. B., Seaman, Naval Service. Born in Guilford County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Koonce. Was sent to Norfolk, Va., and then to U. S. S. Texas. Later to receiving ship at Hampton Roads, Va. Made one trip to Cuba for target practice. One trip made to get weather reports for Aero Service. Mustered out at Hamp- ton Roads, Va., Nov. 11, 1919. Still in reserve service. KRAMER, L. A., Yeoman 1st Class, U. S. N. R. F. ; of Chowan County ; son of S. L. and Laura Kramer. Entered service Dec. 3, 1917, at Norfolk, Va. Sent to Naval Opr. Base, Va. Transferred to U. S. S. Oregonian August, 1918. Sailed for Brest, France, cargo ship. Made three trips to France and Mediterranean. Release from active duties to U. S. N. R. F. KIVETT, MARVIN, Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Son of W. L. and Esther Kivett, of Guilford County. Husband of Mrs. Bertha P. Kivett. Entered service June 28, 1917, at Shelby, N. C. Sent to Camp Se- vier, S. C. ; transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Landed in France June 11, 1918. Fought in all engagements with 105th Engineers, 30th Div. Returned to U. S. A. April 14, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 18, 1919. KNIGHT, LUSTER J., 1st Class Private, Marine Corps, 67th Co., 2nd Regt.; of Forsyth County; son of Baxter and Mrs. Eoka Knight. Husband of Mrs. Verna Knight, Livingston, Montana. Entered service March 3, 1917, at Winston-Salem, N. C. Sent to Port Royal, S. C. Transferred to St. Michel, Haiti, then to Madame Jain Harb at Cape Haitien, Haiti, June 1st to Nov. 25, 1919. Promoted to rank Dec. 12th of 1st Class Private. Fought at Bonaf, Haiti, Paul, Haiti, Madame Joi, Haiti. Partici- pated in clearing the republic of bandits and thieves, March 3, 1919, to Nov. 25, 1919. Sent to Hospital Cape Hatien Aug. 1, 1918; remained until Aug. 10, 1918. Awarded a medal for good conduct during first enlistment March 3, 1919, to Dec. 20, 1919. Service honest and faith- ful. Awarded honorable discharge button. Paid $60.00 bonus revenue bill, 1918. Mileage paid to Winston-Salem, N. C. Qualification, expert rifleman, March 2, 1919. Mus- tered out at Charleston, S. C, Dec. 20, 1919. LOCKERBIE. DAVID, 1st Class Sergt., Co. F, 105th Engineers, 30th Div.; of Mecklenburg County. Entered service Sept. 12, 1917, at Charlotte, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, from there to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 27, 1918, on the Canadian Pacific S. S. "Melita." Was in all engagements with his Company. Returned to U. S. A. April 18, 1919, and mustered out of service April 25, 1919, at Camp Jackson. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD LAFFERTY, J. B., Marine Corps. Entered the ser- vice April 17, 1917, at Charlotte, N. C. Was sent to Paris Island. Sailed for France Sept. 21, 1917. Fought at Ver- dun Sector, Chateau Thierry and Soissons. Received shell wound July 19, 1918. Gassed at Verdun April 13, 1918. In hospital from July 19 until Nov. 14, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. April 30, 1919. Mustered out at Quantico, Va., May 19, 1919. LAMB, ROBERT J., Major, Inf., Co. F, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Born in Cumberland County Feb. 1, 1885; son of James M. and Mrs. Ann Eliza Lamb. Husband of Mrs. Ethel A. Maultsby. Entered service June 18, 1916, at Fayetteville, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier August, 1917. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Promoted to rank Major March 21, 1919. Fought at Ypres, St. Souplet, Busigny, Bellicourt and all other engagements of the 119th. Awarded American D. S. C, French Croix de Guerre with Palm. Served as Capt. on Mexican border 8 months, then mustered into Federal service. Returned to U. S. A. April 4, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 29, 1919. LAMBERT, J. E., JR., Reg. Sergt. Maj., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 113th F. A. ; of Nash County ; son of J. E. and Lila Bell Lambert. Entered service July 28, 1917, at Ral- eigh, N. C. ; from Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Camp Se- vier, S. C. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest, Woevre Sector. Returned to U. S. A. March 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S .C., March 29, 1919. LANDIS, WILLIAM T., 1st Lt., Inf., Co. K, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Born in Granville County May 11, 1893; son of Chas. H. and Mrs. Mariana T. Landis. Entered service July 27, 1917, at Oxford, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, Sept. 30, 1918. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J., May 1, 1918. Sailed for France June 5, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Aug. 1, 1917; Sept. 1, 1917, to Sergt.; Nov. 13, 1917, 2nd Lt. ; April 20, 1918, to 1st Lt. Fought at Flanders Sept. 2, 1918 ; Cambrai, St. Quentin. Wound- ed at Battle of Rankoff Farm, Belgium, Sept. 1, 1918. Nature of wound, shrapnel. Sent to Menningham Hos- pital and U. S. B. No. 58, London. Second wound, Hin- denburg line, Sept. 29, 1919. LANE, ROSSER, 1st Lt., Med. Corps. Born in Wilson County; son of B. F. and Mrs. C. A. Lane. Husband of Mrs. Mattie Lane. Entered service June 10, 1917, at Wil- son, N. C. Sent to Front Royal, Va., then to Baltimore, Md. Transferred to Syracuse, N. Y., to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Transferred to Camp Greene, from there to Camp Custer, Mich. Commissioned May 29, 1917, to 2nd Lt. Promoted to rank of 1st Lt. Aug. 14, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Custer, Mich., March 6, 1919. LANIER, R. B., Private, Co. H, 30th Div., 120th Inf.; of Northampton County ; son of J. T. and Mrs. Flora G. Lanier. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Conway, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mer- ritt, N. J. Sailed for Liverpool, Eng., and Calais, France, May 27, 1918. Fought at Hindenburg Drive, Bellicourt, Ypres. Gassed at Hindenburg Drive, Oct. 4, 1918. Sent to 5th Gen. Hospital. Arrived in U. S. A. from St. Na- zaire, France, April 13, 1919, at Charleston, S. C. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 19, 1919. LANGSTON, JOHN D., Lt. Col., J. A. G. Dept.; of Wayne County ; son of George D. and Mrs. Sallie Lang- ston. Husband of Mrs. Mary W. Langston. Entered ser- vice Dec. 4, 1917, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Raleigh, N. C. Appointed member of Dist. Board for Eastern District of N. C. July 27, 1917. Elected chairman of board. Was commissioned as major, Officers Reserve Corps, Dec. 4, 1917, and ordered to report to the Governor of N. C. as special aide in the administration of the draft. Took ac- tive charge of the State Draft and served in that capac- ity until Sept. 5, 1918. Was transferred to the Provost Marshal General's Department, Washington, D. C, Sept. 5, 1918. Appointed chief of the Classification and Deser- ter Division Jan. 2, 1919. Was transferred to the Judge Advocate General Department, Washington, D. C, March 15, 1919. Appointed chief of the Clemency Division in July, 1919. Promoted to Lt. Col. Aug. 8, 1919, and hon- orably discharged upon application, Sept. 26, 1919. LASSITER, CHARLIE, Mechanic, Inf., Co. I, 119th Regt., 30th Div. Born in Chowan County; son of John and Julie Lassiter. Husband of Mrs. Ethel Lassiter. En- tered the service Feb. 2971916, at Edenton, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 28, 1918. Promoted Mechanic June, 1916. Fought in all engagements of the 30th Div. Had seven months' service on the Mexican border. Re- turned to the U. S. A. at Charleston, S. C, April 2, 1919, and mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 24, 1919. LASSITER, GUY V., Corpl., Supply Tr., Co. F, 105th Regt., 30th Div. Born in Greene County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Lassiter. Husband of Genivieve Lassiter. Entered service Sept. 28, 1917, at Snow Hill, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson ; transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. April 11, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 14, 1919. LASSITER, J. E., Private, Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Northampton County; son of Henry T. and Mrs. Cordelia Lassiter. Husband of Mrs. Clara (Oli- ver) Lassiter. Entered service March 23, 1918, at Wood- land, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for Liverpool, Eng., and Calais, France May 28, 1918. Fought at Kemmel Hill, Belgium. Arrived in U. S. A. April 2, 1919, at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 5, 1919. LASSITER. EVERETT B., JR., 1st Class Sergt., Q. M. C, Co. Tr. No. 1.; of Northampton County; son of E. B., Sr., and Mrs. Josie R. Lassiter. Entered service Nov. 6, 1917, at Potecasi, N. C. Sent to Camp Johnstone, Fla., Dec. 15, 1917. Sailed for Brest, France, May 10, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. 1st Class April 20, 1918. Ar- rived in U. S. A. Nov. 2, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Mus- tered out at Camp Dix, N. J., Nov. 8, 1919. LASSITER, LLOYD A., Private, S. A. T. C. ; of Sec- tion B, of Northampton County; son of E. B. and Mrs. Josie R. Lassiter and husband of Mrs. Josie Parker Las- siter. Entered service Oct. 15, 1918, at Potecasi, N. C. Sent to University of Va., at University, Va. Mustered out at University, Va., Dec. 19, 1918. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Light House on the Loire River, near St. Nazaire, France flALLA^D Ruins of the Ancient Fortress of Batie. Built in the Thirteenth Century, Yienne, France TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD LAUGHINGHOUSE, O'H. CHARLES, Lt. Col., Med. Corps, Comdg. Officer Base Hosp. 85 ; of Pitt County ; son of J. J. and Eliza O'Hagan Laughinghouse. Husband of Carrie Dail Laughinghouse. Entered service January, 1918, at Greenville. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Trans- ferred to Camp Forrest. Transferred from there to Ft. Sam Houston, then to Ft. Sill, Okla. Sailed for France Sept. 8, 1918. Promoted to rank of Lt. Col. August, 1918 ; Comdg. Officer Base Hospital 85. Organized and trained at Ft. Sill and from there overseas. Stationed at Paris from Sept., 1918, to Jan., 1919. Then transferred to An- gier and took over Base Hospital No. 28. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., Feb. 22, 1919. LAVITT, HARRY, Sergt., Inf., Co. K, 22nd Inf. Born in Buncombe County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. La- vitt. Entered the service at Chicago, 111., Nov. 1, 1916. Sent to Jefferson Barracks, Mo., then to Camp Douglas, then to Ft. Hamilton, Ellis Island, N. Y., Green Pt., Brook- lyn, Syracuse, N. Y. Mustered out at Ft. Jay, N. Y., May 6, 1919. Now located at Asheville, N. C. LAYTON, JAY, Private, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 120th Inf. ; of Stanly County ; son of C. A. and Mrs. Nancy Layton. Husband of Mrs. Daisy Johnson Layton. En- tered service June 19, 1916, at Lexington, N. C. Mus- tered into Federal service June 19, 1917. Sent to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France May 11th ; landed May 27, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Hindenburg Line, Bellicourt, Nauroy, Brancourt, Busigny, Becquigny, Bohain, St. Martin's River, Mazinghein Heights of Catilon. Served in Belgium and France. Was on Mexican border nine months. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 17, 1919. LEDBETTER, JAMES H., Seaman, 2nd Class (Na- val). Born in Montgomery County; the son of B. H. and Mrs. Annie Ledbetter. Entered service June 8, 1918, at Mt. Gilead. Sent to Camp Hampton Roads. Transferred to U. S. S. New Jersey. Transferred to U. S. S. Mar- garette, Sub. chaser, then to receiving ship at Norfolk. Mustered out at Norfolk, Va., July 14, 1919. LEE, ESTON ROBERT, Seaman (Navy), 3rd Div.; of Johnston County ; son of E. L. and Mrs. Mary Lee. En- tered service June 3, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to St. Helena Station. Sailed for Brest, France. Made five trips across on U. S. S. South Carolina. Mustered out Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va., Oct. 30, 1919. LEE, R. E., Seaman. Entered the service June 3, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. Was sent to St. Helena, Va. Transferred to Hampton Roads, Va., and from there to Baltimore, Md. Sailed for Bordeaux, France, Aug. 15, 1918. Seaman on U. S. S. Hattas. Made three round trips. Made two round trips on U. S. S. Cappinisleau. Transferred to receiving ship Bayridge, from there to Hampton Roads, Va., and discharged Sept. 30, 1919. LEE, R. E., Seaman 2nd Class, U. S. Navy ; of Union County ; son of W. S. and Ella Lee Entered service June 14, 1918, at Monroe, N. C. Sent to Naval Base, Hampton Roads, Va. Promoted to rank of Seaman 2nd Class when enlisted. Mustered out at Camp Hampton Roads, Va., Dec. 1, 1918. LeGRAND, W. NATHAN, Capt., Inf., Co. G, 18th Div., 85th Regt. ; of Richmond County ; son of James T. and Rebecca Wilson LeGrand. Entered service Aug. 27, 1917, at Rockingham, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Transferred to Camp Gordon, Ga., being then transferred to Camp Perry, O., Aug. 1, 1918. Promoted to rank of 1st Lt. Nov. 26, 1917; Oct. 21, 1918, to Capt. Mustered out at Travis, Texas, Jan. 1, 1919. LEHMAN, H. W., Yeoman, U. S. N. R. F. Born in Durham County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Lehman. Entered the service April, 1918, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Raleigh, N. C, and transferred to Norfolk, Va. ,Still in U. S. N. R. F., Nov. 25, 1918. LEMONS, W. D., Wagoner, Med. Corps, Amb. Co. 321, 81st Div., 306th San. Tr.; of Stokes County; son of R. S. and Mrs. Alice Lemons. Entered service in 1918 at Stonesville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Sevier, S*. C, then to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France July, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, St. Die. Spent four months at University, Clemont, France. Returned to U. S. A. July 23, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 28, 1919. LEONARD, OWEN W., 2nd Lt., Inf., 152nd Depot Brig., 33rd Co. Born in Iredell County ; son of Joseph S. and Martha Bost Leonard. Husband of Mrs. Elizabeth Brawley Leonard. Entered the service June 19, 1916, at Statesville, N. C, and sent to Camp Glenn, N. C, from there transferred to R. O. T. C. at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., and from there to Camp Jackson, S. C. Promoted to the rank of 2nd Lt. Aug. 15, 1917. Enlisted in N. C. N. G., Co. E, 1st Inf., June 25, 1913. Re-enlisted June 25, 1916, and in service on the Mexican border. Discharged from the N. C. N. G. Feb. 14, 1917, and entered R. O. T. C. May 22, 1917. Mustered out of service at Camp Upton, N. Y., April 8, 1919. LEONARD, JAMES A., Major, Inf., Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Regt., as Capt. ; of Davidson County ; son of P. D. and Mrs. Sallie C. Leonard. Husband of Mrs. Etta E. Leonard. Entered service Aug. 1, 1917, at Lexington, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, Aug. 1, 1917. Sailed for France April 1, 1918. Promoted to rank of Capt. Aug. 1, 1917; as Major Oct. 17, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Cambrai Hill Offensive in August; Somme Offensive Sept. 29, 1918. Continued operations on same front until Oct. 20, 1918. Strength of Batn. on Sept. 29th, 860 men, 24 officers ; after operations only 263 men and four officers remained. The others killed and wounded. Sailed for U. S. A. March 11, 1919. Mustered out at Charleston, S. C, May 31, 1919. LEWALLEN, GURNEY A., Private, Inf., Co. E, 30th Div. ; of Randolph County ; son of Frank and Mrs. Louzna Lewallen. Entered service July 25, 1917, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for Calais, France, May 25, 1918. Fought at Hindenburg Line, Mount Bohain, Ypres Sec- tor. Wounded slightly by shell at Battle of Hindenburg Line Oct. 17, 1918. Gassed at Lozelle River Oct. 18, 1918. .Sent to Base Hospital .No. 3, Rouen. Enlisted in N. G., Co. M, 1st N. C. Inf. r Set sail from Brest March 15th ; landed in U. S. A. March 27, 1919, at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 31, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD LEWALLEN, JOSEPH T., Private, Base Hospital No. 65. Born in Randolph County; son of Z. A. and Mrs. Sarah Lane Lewallen. Husband of Lilly Richardson. En- tered service June 5, 1918, at Ashebroo, N. C. Sent to Ft. McPherson. Transferred to Camp Upton. Sailed for France Aug. 30, 1918. Stationed at Base Hospital, Brest, France. "Carry On." Mustered out at Camp Greene Feb. 28, 1919. LEWELLEN, TROY, Private, Med. Corps ; of Guilford County; born April 12, 1888; son of Mack and Mrs. Mary E. Lewellen. Entered service Aug. 29, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Greene, N. C. Died of influ- enza at Camp Greene, N. C, Oct. 15, 1918. Buried at Springfield, N. C. LEWIS, K., Eng. 1st Class (Navy). Born in Carteret County Jan., 1895 ; son of Jos. B. and Mrs. Mary Lewis. Husband of Mrs. Mildred Hetzel Lewis. Entered service January, 1915, at Morehead City, N. C. Sent to Norfolk, Va. Promoted to 2nd Class Fireman. Promoted to rank of 1st Class Fireman, then to 1st Class Eng. Served on U. S. S. New York, attached to the Grand British Fleet. Mustered out at Hampton Roads, Va., July 18, 1919. LEWIS, C. P., Machinist Mate 2nd Class (Navy). Born in Carteret County June 22, 1900; son of Mr. Joseph B. and Mary Lewis. Entered service June 27, 1917, at Morehead City, N. C. Sent to Saunders Range, Md. Transferred to Cherry Stone Sub. Base, Va. From there to 5th Naval Dist., Store House, Va. Promoted to rank Feb., 1918. On supply ship No. 25. Mustered out at Norfolk, Va., May 2, 1919. LEWIS, LACY S., Pvt., Inf., Co. A, 81st Div., 322nd Regt. ; of Randolph County ; son of J. S. and Lula Lewis. Husband of Fleta Spencer Lewis. Entered service Au- gust, 1918, at Asheboro. Sent to Camp Jackson. Trans- ferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France Aug. 18, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Verdun, Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. July 4, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 17, 1919. LEWIS, R. B., 1st Lt, Inf., Co. C, Reg. 3 Replacement; of New Hanover County ; son of R. B. and Mary Lewis. Husband of Maud Upchurch Lewis. Entered service June 20, 1917, at Wilmington, N. C. Sent to Ft. Caswell, N. C. Transferred to Camp Jackson, S. C, from there to Camp Gordon, Ga. Promoted to rank of 1st Class Sergt. Jan., 1918; 2d Lt. Aug., 1918; 1st Lt., 1918. Enlisted in N. C. N. G. Nov., 1911. Mustered out at Camp Johnston, Fla., Dec. 5, 1918. LILES, FRANCIS E., 1st Lt., Bty. C, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Born in Anson County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Liles. Entered the service March, 1917, at Liles- ville, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Oglethorpe and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Re- turned to U. S. A. Oct., 1918. Was transferred as in- structor to Bty. 40, F. A. Mustered out Feb. 8, 1919. Promoted to Sergt. at Sevier, then to 2nd Lt. April, 1918, at Camp Custer; to 1st Lt. Oct., 1918. LILLEY, GROVER C, Mess Sergt., 113th F. A., Bty. B, 30th Div. Born in Beaufort County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R. Lilley. Entered the service June 29, 1917, at Washington, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 8, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest and Woevre. Returned to the U. S. A. March 17, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Jackson March, 1919. LINDSAY, ANDREW A., 1st Sergt., Inf. and Q. M. C, 321st Butchery Co.; of Guilford County; son of John A. and Mrs. Maud M. Lindsay. Entered service Sept. 4, 1917, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Johnston. Sailed for Brest, France, July 27, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. Sept. 10, 1917; Sergt. Sept. 20, 1917; 1st Sergt. July 20, 1918. Was stationed at Paris, France. Set sail from Brest, France, Aug. 21, 1919. Arrived in U. S. A. Aug. 30th, at Hoboken. Mustered out at Camp Dix Sept. 5, 1919. LINEBERGER, DR. HENRY OTIS, Captain, Dental Corps, Base Hospital No. 65. Born in Wake County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Lineberger. Entered the ser- vice at Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 10, 1918. Was sent to camp at Philadelphia, Pa., and transferred to Ft. McPherson, Ga. Promoted to rank of Capt. June 10, 1918. Sailed overseas Sept. 13, 1918. Returned to the U. S. A. Aug. 6, 1919, and mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 27, 1919. LINTHICUM, C. J., Private 1st Class. 120th Inf., Co. L, 30th Div. ; of Davidson County ; son of D. L. and Mrs. Julia Linthicum. Husband of Mrs. Maude Beeson Linthi- cum. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Thomasville, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for Calais, France, Feb. 19, 1918. Fought at Ypres Front, Kimmel Hill, Cambrai Front. Enlisted in N. G., training at Thomasville. Sailed from St. Nazaire March 19th ; arrived in U. S. A. April 1, Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 8, 1919. LINTHICUM, ERNEST, Corpl., Co. K, 30th Div., 120th Inf.; of Randolph County; son of W. S. and Mrs. L. Linthicum. Entered service June 21, 1916, at Ashe- boro. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. ; later to Camp Stewart, Texas. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France; landed June 5, 1918. Fought at Ypres, St. Quentin, Bellicourt, Nauroy, Bu- signy, Vaux-Andigny, Joncourt, Cambrai, Hindenburg Line. Served on Mexican border five months and 13 days. Returned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 28, 1919. LIPMAN, HARRY, Private 1st Class, Engr. Corps, Co. I, Attached to English Army Div., 56th Regt. Born in Craven County ; son of Sam and Mrs. Jennie Lipman. Entered service May 10, 1918, at New Bern, N. C. Sent to A. & E. College, N. C, May 10, 1918. Transferred to Washington Barracks, D. C. Sailed for France Sept., 1918. Fought at Metz. Returned to U. S. A. Jan. 18, 1919, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Humph- reys, Va., Feb. 14, 1919. LIPPARD, WILLIAM L., 1st Class Private, Art., Sup- ply Co., 81st Div., 317th Reg.; of Rowan County; son of N. A. and Mrs. M. C. Lippard. Entered service May 29, 1918, at Salisbury, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 20, 1918. Sailed for U. S. May 28, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 27, 1919. LITTLE, RAY J., Corpl., Med. Corps, Base Hospital No. 85; of Pitt County; son of Robert J. and Mrs. Mary Emma Little. Husband of Mrs. Maud Estelle Pierce Lit- tle. Entered service May, 1918, at Miami, Okla. Sent to Ft. Riley, Kan. Transferred to Ft. Sill, to Camp Mer- ritt. Sailed for France Sept. 9, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. April, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 30, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD LITTLE, B. F., Seaman. Born in Pitt County ; son of F. M. and Mrs. Nannie Little and husband of Mrs. Stella May Little. Entered service Feb. 19, 1918, at Greenville, N. C, and sent to Berkley, Va. Transferred to Sewells Pt., coal pier. Mustered out of service at Hampton Roads Dec. 31, 1918. LLOYD, THOMAS M., Sergt., 120th Inf., Co. M, 30th Div. Born in Durham County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Lloyd. Husband of Mrs. M. T. Lloyd. Entered the service May 1, 1918, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France April 17, 1918, Fought at St. Quentin and on the Hindenburg Line. Received shrapnel wound at St. Quen- tin Sept. 29, 1918. Was sent to General Hospital No. 73 in France. Returned to U. S. A. Dec. 10, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Jan. 6, 1919. Was on the Mexican border seven months. LOCKHART, J. L., Sergt., Inf., 33rd Officers' T. S., Camp Gordon, Ga. Born in Durham County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Y. Lockhart. Entered the service at Dur- ham, N. C, April 25, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Gordon, Ga. Promoted to rank of Sergt. Sept. 10, 1918. Was in the Officers' Training School at time armistice was signed. Mustered out at Camp Gordon Dec. 7, 1918. LOTT, EMMETT E., Corpl., 9th Anti-Aircraft Bty. Born in Henderson County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lott. Entered the service June 23, 1917, at Henderson- ville, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Caswell and from there to Upton. Sailed for France July 12, 1918. Stationed at Toul Sector and at Paris. Landed in the U. S. A. March 7, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 24, 1919. LOWERY, JNO., Corpl., Co. I, 28th Inf., 1st Div. Born in Cleveland County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Low- ery. Was sent to Ft. Scriven, Ga., from there was sent to Ft. Ringo, Texas. Sailed for France June 14, 1917. Fought in all battles with 1st Div. Arrived in U. S. A. April 12, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Merritt March 31, 1920. LOWMAN, WM. R., Private, 321st Inf., Co. B, 81st Div. Born in Burke County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lowman. Husband of Mrs. Ivey Lowman. En- tered the service May 25, 1918, at Morganton, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Se- vier, S. C. Was sent to Base Hospital at Camp Sevier, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, Dec. 7, 1918. LUPTON, W. C, Sergt., Medical Ambulance 115, 29th Div., 57th Regt. ; of Beaufort County ; son of W. O. and Mrs. Caroline Lupton. Entered service Aug. 3, 1917. Sent to Camp McClellan Sept. 20, 1917. Sailed to Liver- pool, Eng., July 12, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. June 6, 1918 ; to Sergt. Nov. 19, 1919. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, where he was gassed. Returned to U. S. A., Hoboken, N. J., May 22, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Meade June 3, 1919. LYERLY, A. D., 1st Class Private, Inf., Co. H, 30th Div., 120th Regt. ; of Halifax County ; son of C. A. and Mrs. Ann Lyerly. Husband of Irene Lyerly. Entered service July 22, 1917. Sent to Camp Sevier. Sailed for Liverpool, Eng. Fought at St. Quentin. Wounded by shrapnel at the Battle of St. Quentin. Sent to Base Ho" pital No. 29, U. S. Returned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Columbia, S. C, April 19, 1919. LUCK, EVERETT J., 1st Lt., Inf., Co. K, 120th Regt., 30th Div. Born in Randolph County ; son of Chas. I. and Mrs. Mary Luck. Husband of Jeanette Dickens Luck. Entered the service July 25, 1917, at Asheboro, N. C. Was sent to Samp Sevier and transferred to Camp Mer- ritt. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Fought in all bat- tles with 120th Regt. Received Victory Medal with three stars. W T ith Army of Occupation in Germany from Jan- uary, 1919, to Aug. 17, 1919. Served on the Mexican border from October, 1916, to March, 1917. Returned to the U. S. A. Sept. 3, 1919. Holds Mexican Exterior Medal. Mustered out at Camp Gordon Oct. 26, 1919. Now resid- ing at Mt. Gilead, N. C. LYNCH, JOHN M., 2nd Class Musician, Hdqrs. Co., 113th F. A. Entered service July 23, 1917, at Kannapolis, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel Sept. 12th to 18th; Argonne Forest, Oct. 8th to 12th. Landed at Newport News, Va., March 18, 1919. Muster- ed out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 29, 1919. LYON, COY H., Sergt., Q. M. C, T. R. Co., 76th Regt., 12th Div. Born in Durham County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lyon. Husband of Mrs. Vera Lyon. Entered the service at Durham, N. C, April 22, 1918. Was sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., and from there to Meiggs, Washing- ton, D. C, and transferred to Devens, Mass. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 22. 1919. MADRY, GUTHRIE, Corpl., Supply Tr., 5th Co., 81st Div., 305th Regt. ; of Halifax County ; son of Alexander and Mrs. Felicia Madry. Husband of Mrs. Maggie Miller Madry. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Weldon, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France Aug. 5, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. March 15, 1919. Fought at Meuse-Argonne offensive Nov. 1st to 11th. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 9, 1919. MADDREY, E. B., Corpl., Engrs., Co. D, 30th Div., 105th Regt.: of Northampton County; son of J. T. and Mrs. R. M. Maddrey. Entered service March 29, 1918, at Seaboard, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for Liverpool, Eng., and Calais, France, June 11, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. Jan., 1919. Fought at Ypres, Belli- court, Premont, La Selle River. Arrived in U. S. A. from St. Nazaire, France, at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 24, 1919. MALONE, W. H., Corpl., General Service, Inf. Born in Person County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Malone. Husband of Mrs. Vera Malone. Entered the service May 10, 1917, at Winston-Salem, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Thomas and transferred from there to Greensboro, N. C, and Transferred to Fort Thomas. Was on recruiting duty for three months in Bureau War Work Insurance at Fort Thomas, Ky., Dec. 18, 1919. MALONE, THOMAS GEO., 1st Lt., Inf., Co. L, 1st Div., 28th Regt. ; of Durham County ; son of M. M. and Mrs. M. M. Malone. Husband of Mrs. Ellie Malone. En- tered service Dec. 4, 1910, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas. Transferred to Hoboken, N. J. Sailed for France Sept. 31, 1917. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. Dec. 24, 1917 ; 1st Lt. Jan. 12, 1918. Fought at Cantigny, Sois- sons, Belleau Woods, Verdun. Wounded at Cantigny and Verdun July 3, 1918. Nature of wound, shrapnel. Gassed and M. G. bullet. Sent to Base Hospital No. 20, Base No. 12, Base No. 19, Base No. 13, Base No. 1. Was in service 1910 until June, 1919. Returned to U. S. A. April 24, 1919. Mustered out at Convalescent Center, Taylor, Ky., June 24, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD MALLARD, JOHN BETHEA. Entered service as 2nd Lieutenant in 323rd Infantry, on August 15, 1917. Transferred to 52nd Pioneer Infantry on January 24, 1918. Left the United States for service in France on August 3, 1918. In the Verdun sector from September 20th to September 22nd. In Malancourt-Vanguois sector from September 23rd to 25 th. In Argonne-Meuse offen- sive from September 26th to November 11th, 1918. Re- turned to the U. S. April, 1919, and discharged April 13th. Was located in Charlotte, N. C, with Presbyterian Standard Publishing Co. as commercial artist until his death, Dec. 27, 1920. Author of "In the A. E. F. With an Artist." MEDFORD, JOHN W., Datt. Segt. Mjr., Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 120th Reg.; of Granville County; son of J. J. and Mrs. Mary Savage Medford. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Oxford. Sent to Camp Sevier. Trans- ferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 17, 1917. Promoted to rank of Sergt. July 26, 1917, Sergt. Major July 20, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Cambrai, St. Quentin. Mustered out at Camp Jac'cson, April 18, 1919. MAKRIS, GUS, Private 1st Class, Signal Co. C, 81st Div., 306th Reg. Born in Caldwell County; son of Ar- thur and Mrs. Agnes Makris. Entered service Sept. 4, 1917, at Lenoir, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Mills, going from there to France July, 1918. Fought at Verdun, Meuse-Argonne. Charlie Makris, his brother, was in Co. E, 275lh Inf. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, June, 1919. MELLAS, MIKE II., 1st Class Private, Engineers, Co. E, 30th Div., 106th Reg. Horn in Alamance County; son of Hage Mellas ami Mrs. Sahara Melius. Entered service June 5, 1917, at Burlington, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Fought at Voormizelle, Bellicourt, Mont Brehain, Vaux Andigny, LaSelle. Gassed at Bellicourt Sept. 29, 1918. Sent to French Hospital 115. Returned April 12, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 18, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD MALONEY, J. L., Frivate, Radio Service ; of Cumber- land County; son of J. J. and Maris Maloney. Entered service May 15, 1918, at Fayetteville, N. C. Sent to A. & E. College, N. C. Transferred to Ft. Sill, Okla. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, Feb. 7, 1919. MALONEY, F. E., Seaman. Born in Cumberland County : the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Maloney. Entered service May 16, 1918, at Fayetteville, N. C. Sent to New- port, R. I., and from there to Boston, Mass. On training ship two weeks. Mustered out at Norfolk, Va. MALONEY, JOSEPH T., 2nd Lt, Att. Transport Ser- vice ; of Cumberland County ; son of Jno. J. and Marie E. Maloney. Entered service Sept. 20, 1917, at Fayetteville, N. C. Sent to Charleston, S. C. Transferred to Camp Johnston, Fla., then to Montreal, Can. Sailed on British transport Haverford Aug. 80, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. October, 1917; 2nd Lt. August, 1918. Two trips on the Haverford with American troops, from Canada to British Isles. Two trips U. S. N. T. Pasadena, returning troops from France. Mustered out at Hoboken May 20, 1919. MANGUM, WILLIAM, Corpl., Trench Tank Corps ; of Edgecombe County ; son of R. W. and Mrs. Alice Mangum. Husband of Mrs. Lorena Mangum. Entered service Dec. 11, 1917, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas. Transferred to Camp Hancock, Ga. Sailed for France March 12, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. April, 1918. Fought at Rheims, France, Epinay and Verrens. Arrived in U. S. A. June 18, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, July 2, 1919. MANN, JOSEPH S., Sergt., Q. M. C. B 309, 77th Div.; of New York; son of M. B. and Ida Mann. Husband of Lillian Margotis. Entered service Feb. 22, 1918, at New York. Sent to Ft. Slocum. Transferred to Camp Joseph E. Johnston, then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for Brest June 19, 1918. Promoted to rank as Corpl. April 12, 1918; to Sergt. March 22, 1919. Returned to U. S. A. Aug. 8, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Upton Aug. 12, 1919. MANNING, JAMES S., Capt., Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 322nd Reg., 81st Div. Born in Durham County Sept. 22, 1891 ; son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. S. Manning. Entered the service in 1916 at Durham, N. C, and sent to Ft. Oglethorpe May, 1917. Transferred to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Upton. Sailed for France July, 1918. Pro- moted Capt. October, 1918. Fought at Vosges Mtn., Ver- dun and Metz Sector. Commissioned 1st Lt. and trans- ferred to Camp Jackson, S. C, August, 1917. Served on the Mexican border. Returned to the U. S. A. June 18, 1919. Mustered out of service at Camp Lee, Va., July, 1919. MANNING, JOHN HALL, Major, Inf., 2nd Btn., 30th Div., 119th Regt. ; of Lenoir County; son of Jas. S. and Mrs. Julia Cain Manning. Entered service June 19, 1916, at Kinston, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C, to Camp Stewart, Texas, to Camp Royster, N. C, to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Promoted to rank of Major Oct. 4, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Lys offensive and Somme offensive. Left Div. Jan. 12, 1919, and at- tached to American Visitors Bureau in Paris. Returned to U. S. A. July 29, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 16, 1919. MANNING, JOHN RIVES, 2nd Lt., Inf., Co. E, 11th Replacement, Camp McArthur, Texas, 81st Div.; of Hali- fax County ; son of Thad. R. and Mrs. Frances Lewis Manning. Entered service May 13, 1917, at Ft. Ogle- thorpe, Ga. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, to Camp Pike, Ark., to Camp Mc- Arthur, Texas, to Camp Perry, Okla. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Oct. 1, 1917; Corpl. to Sergt. Nov. 1, 1917; Sergt. to 2nd Lt. June 1, 1918. Was first assigned to 81st Div. Mustered out at Camp McArthur, Waco, Texas, Dec. 18, 1918. MANNING, GEO. H., Machinist, Btry. A, 30th Div., 113th F. A.; of Pitt County; son of J. B. and Mrs. Mar- tha Manning. Entered service at Washington July, 1917. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Was in all battles. Returned to U. S. A. April 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 24, 1919. MARCHO, E. M., Sergt., Engrs., Co. C, 81st Div., 306th Regt.; of Rowan County; son of James Marcho and Mary E. Marcho. Entered service May 27, 1918, at Salis- bury, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for Cherbourg, France, Aug. 21, 1918 Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne offensive and Ver- dun. Sailed from St. Nazaire June 1st; arrived at Charleston, S. C, June 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 20, 1919. MARROW, H. EDWARD, Corpl., Bcry. C, Heavy Aty., 71st Regt. ; of Edgecombe County ; son of C. T. and Mrs. Nannie H. Marrow. Husband of Mrs. Elizabeth Marrow. Entered service Feb. 19, 1918, at Tarboro, N. C. Sent to Ft. Slocum, N. Y. Transferred to Ft. Andrews, Mass. Sailed for France June 21, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Feb. 22, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 14, 1919. MARROW, JAMES A., Sergt., Co. D, 30th Div., 115th M. G. ; of Edgecombe County ; son of C. T. and N. H. Mar- row. Entered service May 7, 1917, at Tarboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Bellicourt, Premont, Escaufort, Haie Menneressa. Re- turned to U. S. A. March 22, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 2, 1919. MARROW, CHARLES T., JR., Capt., Btry. E, 29th Div., 111th Regt.; of Edgecombe County; son of C. T., Sr., and Mrs. Nannie H. Marrow. Entered service April, 1917, at Danville, Va. Sent to Camp McClellan. Sailed for France June, 1918. Promoted to rank of 1st Lt. June 4, 1917; to Capt. February, 1919. Fought at Verdun. Returned to U. S. A. May 26, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 5, 1919. MARSH, GLOVER CHARLES, 1st Class Q. M. (Na- val A) ; of Cumberland County; son of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Marsh. Volunteered Jan. 9, 1918, at Fayetteville, N. C. Sent to Pensacola, Fla. Sailed for France June 4, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Nov. 23, 1918. Mustered out at Charleston, S. C, April 1, 1919. MARSTON, FRANK E, Private 1st Class, Med. Corps, San. Det., 30th Div., 120th Regt.; of Vance County; son of R. J. and Mrs. Maggie A. Marston. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Henderson, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, 5. C. Transferred to New York. Sailed for France May 28, 1918. Was in all battles in which 30th was engaged. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 15, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD co 3 0) *■ O m T3 J2 ^5 -+-> ■a 0) 11 r- -3 O CD 3 2; 5 -C & c3 a) ;iC 13 w en a> Li CD ■a . 3 B 3 O on ° co CS 03 •a a '3 E CO hi "3 cu £ 3 a> CD . 3 s 3 3 C — Bj CD £ o < o > 8g O ^ H r* CO 3 H a! a * CJ T3 cd > 2 c 43 !h +" 3 CO "a 2 » +j 0) a '3 CJ £ u 11 3 O E-i CD o o o "E ft CO cd S CO £ g o c ^ CO CD U 00 CH ■u 6H tf 3 O o o CD > CJ P O °5 tC O E 3 £ m 3 3 CD O CO ^ ccj o o S3 ^ C +j £ CD C 3 ° c CD > 3 CO — +3 U 3 3 o 0! & "S 03 o a 3 Efl cd J3 2 t e CD J3 '3 .& CD X ~ CD CD i 'e c C ES gj 43 (L - o 7" o ib c ■" a CD OS — CO C if > CD ^ c to CD A ■a r* CD B >. B £2 o 03 TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD MARSTON, FRANK C, Private, Med. Corps, Co. 317, Ambulance, 80th Div. Born in Lenoir County; the son of E. B. and Mrs. Carrie Mae Marston. Husband of Nell Ray Marston. Entered service June, 1917, at Kinston, N. C. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Transferred to Newport News, Va. Sailed for France May 25, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 18, 1919. MARTIN, ADOLPHUS E., Private M. G. Btn., Co. D, 57th, 19th Div.; of Rockingham County; son of J. B. and Mrs. Fannie Martin. Entered service July 24, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Hancock, Ga. Trans- ferred to Camp Dodge, Iowa. Mustered out at Camp Wadsworth, S. C, Feb. 7, 1919. MARTIN, S. L., JR., Sergt., Med. Corps, 319th Amb. Co., Div. 80th, Regt. 305th, San. Tr. Born in Rockingham County Nov. 12, 1893 ; son of S. L. Martin, Sr., and Mrs. Reaves John Martin. Entered service Nov. 15, 1917, at Leaksville, N. C. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for France May 28, 1918. Promoted to Sergt. September, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, St. Mihiel. Returned to U. S. A. June 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., June 28, 1919. MARTIN, V. C, Corpl., Inf., Co. F, 6th Div., 54th Regt. ; of Wilson County ; son of J. M. and E. Martin. Entered service May 10, 1918, at Wilson, N. C. Sent to Ft. Scriven. Transferred to Camp Wadsworth, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France July 6, 1918. Fought at Vosges Mtn. Sector 42 days; at Meuse-Argonne 11 days. Returned to U. S. A. June 10, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. MASON, O. C, Private, Co. H, 30th Div., 120th Regt., Inf. ; of Hyde County ; son of Sylvanus and Mrs. Mag Ma- son. Husband of Mrs. Bettie (Patrick) Mason. Entered service June 5, 1917, at Swan Quarter, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for Liverpool, Eng., and Calais, France, May 30, 1918. Fought at Ypres and in all en- gagements of 120th Regt. Arrived in U. S. A. from St. Nazaire April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 18, 1919. MASSEY, LUTHER M., DR., 1st Lt., Dental Corps, Evac. Hosp. No. 44 ; of Wake Co. ; son of D. D. and Mrs. Eldora F. Massey. Entered service Dec. 17, 1917, at Richmond, Va. Sent to Medical College, Va. Transferred to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Promoted to rank of 1st Lt. Oct. 28, 1918. Mustered out at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., Dec. 21, 1918, to Dental Reserve Corps for five years. MASSIE, THOMAS GUY, 1st Class Private, Marine Corps, Co. 74, 2nd Div., 6th Regt. ; of Haywood County ; son of Thomas Newton and Maggie Massie. Entered ser- vice Dec. 13, 1917, at Waynesville, N. C. Sent to Paris Island, S. C. Transferred to Quantico, Va. Sailed for France March 13, 1918. Was in all battles with his com- pany. Nov. 26, 1918, to July 18, 1919, was with Army of Occupation. Returned to U. S. A. Aug. 4, 1919. Mus- tered out at Quantico, Va., Aug. 13, 1919. MATHEWS, CHARLES L., Wag., Med. Corps, Amb. Co., 80th Div., 305th San. Tr. Born in Scotland County Aug. 5, 1894; son of Geo. and Mrs. Sarah E. Mathews. Entered service Sept. 17, 1917, at Kinston, N. C. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for France May 5, 1918. Promoted to rank of Wagoner 1918. Fought at all engagements of 305th San Tr. Returned to U. S. A. June 1st. Did spe- cial duty at Pontiac, Mich., in G. M. C. factory. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 11, 1919. MATTON, L. C, 1st Lt., Co. D, 157th Div., 371st Regt., Inf. ; of Guilford County ; son of G. A. and Mrs. S. F. Matton. Entered service May 6, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Transferred to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for Brest, France, Feb. 28, 1918. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. at O. T. Camp; 1st Lt. Jan. 22, 1918. Fought at Champagne, Argonne. Returned to U. S .A. Feb. 22, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 8, 1919. MAY, WILLIAM B., Corpl, F. A., Btry A, 8th Regt. ; of Davidson County ; son of W. S. and Mrs. Elizabeth Rathrock May. Entered service Aug. 26, 1918, at Lex- ington, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Hill, Newport News, Va. Promoted to Corpl. Oct. 27, 1918. Boarded transport U. S. S. Tenandorse to sail for France Nov. 11th. Armistice signed, prevented sail- ing. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, Dec. 9, 1918. His grandfather, Henry T. Rathrock, was in Confederate Army, 48th N. C. Inf., Co. K. MAY, WALTER C, Mess Sergt., Motor Transport Corps, unassigned ; of Davidson County ; son of W. S. and Mrs. Elizabeth Rathrock May. Entered service May 29, 1918. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Se- vier, S. C, Jessup, Ga., to Camp Hollabird, Md. Served with Motor Transport Corps throughout. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 7, 1919. MASSEY, PAUL V., Private, Q. M. C, Co. 332; of Wilson County ; son of S. D. and Mrs. Mattie Massey. Entered service May 22, 1918, at Wilson, N. C. Sent to A. D. Detachment, Raleigh, N. C, May 22, 1918. Trans- ferred to Camp Joseph E. Johnson, Fla. Sailed for Cher- bourg, France, Nov. 8, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. July 5, 1919, Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 30, 1919. MAYES, PAUL BENONA, Private, Inf., Co. C, 42nd Div., 168th Regt. Born in Granville County Feb. 3, 1896 ; the son of W. E. and Mrs. Irene Mayes. Entered service May 24, 1918, at Oxford, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, May 24, 1918. Transferred to Camp Sevier June, 1918; from there to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 18, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel Sept. 11, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 9, 1919. MASSEY, FLOYD D., Private 1st Class, 150th Inf., Co. K; of Wilson County; son of S. D. and Mrs. Mattie Massey. Entered service Aug. 8, 1918, at Wilson, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for Brest. Arrived in U. S. A. April 4, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 16, 1919. MAYO, JAKE G., Wagoner, 317th Amb. Co., 80th Div. ; of Wayne County ; son of L. A. and Mrs. Nina Mayo. Entered service Sept. 17, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for France May 25, 1918. Fought at Argonne Forest. Returned to U. S. A. June 1, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 13, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD McAULIFFE, ROBERT T., Baker, 2nd Class, 3 Ships Co., Navy; son of T. J. McAuliffe and Mary V. McAuliffe. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Parkersburg, W. Va. Was sent to St. Helena, Va. He was later transferred to Opr. Base, Va., June 8, 1918. Promoted to Baker, 2nd Class, Nov. 28, 1918. Was mustered out at Opr. Base, Norfolk, Va., June 30, 1919. McBANE, T. W., Ph.M., U. S. N. R. F. ; of Alamance County ; son of M. C. and Mrs. Elvire McBane. Entered service January, 1918, at Graham, N. C. Sent to Opr. Base, Va. Transferred to U. S. S. Geo. Washington, U. S. S. Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, N. Y. Sailed for Brest, France, June, 1918. Made four complete trips across to France. Released from active service and returned to U. S. A. Dec. 1, 1918, Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1919. McBRIDE, ROBERT B., Corpl., Btry. F, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Born in Cabarrus County. Entered the ser- vice July 7, 1917, at Concord, N. C. Was sent to Morris- ville, N. C, then to Camp Sevier, S. C. Attached to 4th Army Training School for Officers at Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to 1st Developing Regt. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, Dec. 19, 1918. McCASKILL, DAN, Private, Inf., Co. C, 30th Div., 119th Regt.: of Montgomery County; son of K. W. and Mrs. Flora McCaskill. Entered service Oct. 12, 1917, at Troy, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for Calais, France, May 12, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Hindenburg Line and all battles of his company. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 17, 1919. McCLEES, W. H., Corpl. , F. A., Btry. E, 8th Regt.; of Nash County ; son of H. W. and Mrs. Lola McClees. Entered service Aug. 28, 1918. Sent to Camp Jackson. Mustered out at Camp Jackson Dec. 9, 1918. McARTHUR, C. A., Yeoman 2nd Class, U. S. N. R. F. Born in Robeson County ; son of John and Mary Mc- Arthur. Entered the service Oct. 1, 1918, at St. Paul, N. C, and sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Promoted Yeoman 2nd Class March 1, 1919. Served at Morehead City, N. C. ,in naval air service in construction camp. Mustered out at Camp Glenn June 23, 1919. McARVER, E. L., Corpl., Co. A, 115th M. G. Btn., 30th Div. ; of Gaston County. Sailed for France May 8, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium, Bellicourt and Hindenburg Line, where he was mustard gassed on Sept. 29th; was sent to hospital at Rouen, France, then to Brighton, Eng., then to Winchester, England. Returned to U. S. A. Dec. 23, 1918, where he was sent to hospital at Camp Merritt for one month. Transferred to Camp Greene, where he was mustered out Jan. 19, 1919. McANALLY, WM. J., 1st Lt., Med. Corps; son of C. W. and Ruth Payne McAnally, of Stokes County ; born April 16, 1873. Entered the service June 1, 1917, at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Sent to Camp Greenleaf M. 0. T. C. Transferred to Camp Greene, Base Hospital, Aug. 23, 1917. While serving there had to resign in December, 1917, on account of sickness in family. Later requested reinstatement and was recommissioned as Captain, M. C, Oct. 12, 1918. McAULEY, JONAH, Cook, F. A., Hdqrs. Detachment, 81st Div., F. A. B., 156th: of Montgomery County. En- tered service Oct. 1, 1917, at Troy, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed for Liverpool, Eng., Aug. 12, 1918. Promoted from Pri- vate to Cook. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. McCASKILL, JOHN M., 1st Class Sergt.. Med. Corps, 20th Div. Born in Moore County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. McCaskill. Entered the service March 30, 1918, at Carthage, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson. S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Promoted from Private to Sergt. Aug. 1, 1918, and from Sergt. to 1st class Sergl. Dec. i:>. 1918. Mustered ou1 at Camp Sevier, S. C, Feb. 27, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD McCLELLAN, H. J., Bugler, 8th Co., 1st Group Ma- chine Gunners; of Cabarrus County. Entered service at Concord, N. C, July 22, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jack- son, where he served until mustered out Jan. 3, 1919. McCOLLUM, DANIEL S., Private, Co. D, 30th Div., 113th M. G. Regt. Born in Union County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCollum. Entered the service at Monroe, N. C, Sept. 8, 1917. Was sent to Camp Jackson and from there to Sevier. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 8, 1918. Was in all battles with his com- pany. Returned to U. S. A. March 24, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 2, 1919. McCOLLUM, FRANK H., Private, Btry. F, 9th F. A. Born in Union County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCollum. Entered the service Aug. 27, 1918, at Mon- roe, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Hill, Va. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, Dec. 7, 1918. McCORKLE, ALFRED A., Sergt, 318th F. A., 81st Div., Btry C. Entered the service Nov. 2, 1917, at Con- cord, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 8, 1918. Was on his way to the front when the armistice was signed. Sidetracked at Metz. Sailed for U. S. A. June 3, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 22, 1919. McCRIMMON, DANIEL DAVID, CorpL, Arty., Btry. D, 81st Div., 316th Regt.; of Cumberland County; son of N. and Mrs. Mary McCrimmon. Entered service Sept. 17, 1917, at Carthage, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Promoted to rank of Corpl. November, 1917. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, 1918. McCUBBINS, S. H., Sergt., C. A. C, N. G. N. C, 4th Co.; of Rowan County; son of Mrs. J. S. L. McCubbins. Husband of Mrs. Ida May Bostian. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Salisbury. Sent to Ft. Caswell. Transferred to Camp Eustis. then to Mulberry Island, back to Camp Eustis, to Camp Stuart, Va. Later transferred to 42nd Div., Btry. A, 36th Regt. Mustered out at Ft. Monroe, Va., Dec. 6, 1918. McDANIEL, LUTHER B., 1st Lt., Eng., D. C. F., 20th Eng. Regt. Son of G. T. and M. A. McDaniel. Entered service Oct. 4, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to American University. Sailed for France Jan. 3, 1918. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt., then to 1st Lt., June 15, 1918. Re- turned to U .S. A. July 23, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 7, 1919. McDONALD, J. C, Sergt., Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Regt.; of Cabarrus County; son of C. D. and Mrs. C. E. McDonald. Entered service May 2, 1916, at Dur- ham, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Fought at Ypres Sector two and a half months, Hindenburg Line. Gassed at La Selle River Oct. 18. 1918. Sent to U. S. Base Hospital No. 37. Served on Mexican border nine months. Mustered out at Camp Greene, N. C, Jan. 15, 1919. McDONALD, JOHN J., Corpl., Co. B, 30th Div., 119th Reg. ; of Wayne County ; son of W. H. and Mrs. Emma McDonald ; husband of Mrs. Virginia May Wilkins. En- tered service June 25, 1916, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn. Transferred to Camp Wadsworth, S. C; then to Camp Sevier and Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Promoted to Corporal, 1917. Fought at Kimmel Hill, Cambrai, Hindenburg Line, St. Quentin. Wounded October 17, at the battle of St. Quentin. Sent to 3rd General Australian Hospital and American Base Hospital No. 37. Mustered out at Camp Wadsworth, Jan. 24, 1919. McDOWELL, OWEN NORFLEET, Private 1st Class, Medical Corps, 319 Ambulance Co., 80th Div., Reg. 305, Sanitary ; of Halifax County ; son of W. O. and Mrs. Olivia Lawrence McDowell. Entered service Sept. 7, 1917, at Richmond, Va. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for France May 25, 1918. Fought at Artois Sector, St. Mihiel, Ar- gonne twice. Enlisted at Richmond, Sept. 7th, 1917. Mustered out at Camp Dix June 9, 1919. McDUFFIE, FULLER, Private, Field Artillery, 5th B'try. Born in Moore County, July 2, 1896 ; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McDuffie. Enured the service August 27, 1918, at Carthage, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Nov. 9, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 12, 1919. McFALLS, WILLIAM, Private Co. C, 30th Div., 115th M. G. ; of McDowell County; son of S. M. and Mrs. Sarah McFalls; husband of Mrs. Inias McFalls. Entered ser- vice Aug. 14, 1916, at Old Fort. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 9, 1918. Was in all engagements with 115th M. G. until gassed Oct. 7, 1919. Was on Mex- ican border six months. Returned to U. S. A. March 26, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 2, 1919. McDOWELL, JESSE J., Private, Field Arty., B'try F, 81st Div., 317th Reg. ; of Guilford County ; son of J. R. and Mrs. L. V. McDowell ; husband of Mrs. Annie F. Mc- Dowell. Entered service March 30, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 7, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 8, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 20, 1919. McDONALD, D. A., JR., Ambulance Driver, Med. Ser- vice, 317th Co., 80th Div., 305th San Tr.; of Moore County ; son of D. A. and Mrs. Ida McDonald. Entered service June 10, 1917, at Sanford, N. C. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for Bordeaux, France, May 31, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne offensive. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 15, 1919. McFARLAND, ERNEST H., Master Eng.; of Lee County ; son of B. J. and Mrs. Janie McFarland ; husband of Mrs. Inez McFarland. Entered service Sept. 26, 1918, at Jonesboro, N. C. Sent to University of South Carolina. Transferred to Camp Humphrey. Mustered out at Camp Humphrey Dec. 16, 1918. McFARLAND, LOUIS P., 1st Class Private, Medical Department, Medical Hospital No. 5 ; of Guilford County ; son of L. W. and Mrs. Pearl McFarland. Entered service April 22, 1917, at Fort Thomas, Ky. Sent to Fort Ogle- thorpe, Ga. Transferred to Camp Crane, Pa. Sailed for Brest. Landed May 10, 1918. Landed back in U. S. A. Feb. 17, 1919. Served as surgical dresser on all fronts in France. Was serving in Belgium when armistice was signed. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 15, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD McGOUGAN, ERNEST D., 2nd Lt., U. S. R., Inf., Co. L, 119th Regt., 30th Div. Born in Robeson County; son of D. Z. and Alice McGougan. Entered the service June 19, 1916, at Lumber Bridge, N. C, and sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier and from there to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 28, 1918. Pro- moted 2nd Lt. Jan. 1, 1919. Fought in all the engage- ments of the 30th Div. Had nine months' service on the Mexican border. Returned to the U. S. A. April 2, 1919, landing at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. McGOWAN, W. L., Bugler (Navy) ; of New Hanover County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. McGowan. Entered service Dec. 11, 1917, at Wilmington, N. C. Sent to Cherrystone Island, Va. Transferred to Virginia Rifle Range, then to receiving ship at Norfolk, Va. Promoted to Bugler Aug. 10, 1918. On U. S. S. Supply Ship from August, 1918, to July, 1919. On U. S. S. Columbia from July, 1919 to August, 1919. Served on supply ship, went to Cuba and Jamaica. Mustered out at Norfolk, Va., Aug. 28, 1919. McGRAW, JAMES, Private, Inf., Co. F, 80th Div., 318th Regt. ; of Cabarrus County ; son of R. A. and Mrs. Agnes S. McGraw. Entered service March 29, 1918, at Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for France May 22, 1918. Fought at Argonne Forest and St. Mihiel. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 6, 1919. McGIRT, R. G., Band Sergt., 30th Div., 113th F. A. Born in Cabarrus County. Enlisted in the service July 20, 1917, at Kannapolis, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, Sept. 15, 1917, where he remained until May 18, 1918, at which time he was sent to New York. Sailed for France June 13, 1918. Went to Artillery School from June 15th to August 23rd. Ordered to Toul Sector, St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest, Woevre Sector. With Army of Occupation one month. Returned to U. S. A. March 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 28, 1919. McKELLAR, DANIEL J., Private, Q. M. C. ; of Robe- son County ; son of D. A. and Mrs. D. A. McKellar. En- tered service May 7, 1917, at Maxton, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Mustered out at Camp Sevier March 5, 1919. McKENZIE, J. K., Private, Heavy Artly., 42nd Co., 32nd Regt., 42nd Div. Born in Moore County, N. C, Jan. 12, 1892; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McKenzie. Entered the service at Carthage, N. C, June 22, 1918, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for France Sept. 3, 1918. Mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., May 28, 1919. McKINNON, HENRY A., 1st Lt., F. A., Btry. A, 30th Div., 113th Regt. Born in Robeson County; son of A. J. and Mrs. Jennie L. McKinnon. Entered service July 24, 1917, at Maxton. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Mills, going from there to France May 11, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. August, 1917; 2nd Lt. Nov. 28, 1917, and 1st Lt. Sept. 22, 1918. Returned Sept. 10, 1918, as instructor in Artillery to Camp Kearney, Cal., until signing of armistice. Mustered out at Camp Kear- ney, Dec. 19, 1918. While in France at Camp Coetquie- dene. McLAIN, P. C, Private, Veterinary Tr., Div. Med. Born in Gaston County Sept. 12, 1895; son of J. M. and Mrs. Mary Ellen McLain. Husband of Mrs. Bertha Mc- Lain. Entered service Dec. 22, 1917, at Gastonia, N. C. Sent to Kansas City Veterinary College Dec. 22, 1917. Transferred to Camp Greenleaf, Ga., Aug. 14, 1918. Mus- tered out at Camp Greenleaf, Ga., Dec. 14, 1918. McLEOD, DANIEL CALHOUN, 1st Lt., U. S. Inf. Intelligence, 2nd Btn., 323rd Inf., 81st Div. ; of Scotland County ; son of Daniel P. McLeod and Mrs. Catherine McLeod. Entered service June 3, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., transferred to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for France July 30, 1918. Promoted to rank of Hospital Sergt. 1st Class Dec. 20, 1917; 2nd Lt. U. S. Inf. June 1, 1918; 1st Lt. U. S. Inf. Feb. 26, 1919. Fought at Manbuells, France, Meuse- Argonne offensive Nov. 6 to 11, 1918. Awarded Victory Medal, G. O. 48, W. D., April 9, 1919. Participated in Vosges defensive from Sept. 21 to Oct. 20, 1918; Meuse- Argonne offensive from Nov. 6 to Nov. 11, 1918. Served in capacity of Battalion Intelligence Officer during de- fensive and offensive as Regimental Intelligence Officer for three months during the absence of Regimental In- telligence Officer and as assistant company adjutant, A. E. F., University, Camp Allerby, France. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 18, 1919. McLEOD, CAREY L., Private, M. G., 144th M. G. Btn., 40th Div. Born in Moore County, N. C, March 4, 1895; son of J. A. and Margaret McLeod. Entered the service at Carthage, N. C, July 22, 1918, and sent to Camp Hancock, Ga. Sailed for France Nov. 17, 1918. Mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., April 27, 1919. McLEOD, JOHN D., 2nd Lt., F. A., Btry. F, 316th Regt., 81st Div. Born in Moore County Dec. 2, 1889; son of J. A. and Margaret McLeod. Entered the service at Carthage, N. C, Sept. 8, 1917, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Taylor, Ky., then to Camp Jackson, S. C, then to Fort Sill, Okla., then to Camp Jackson, S. C, then to Camp Taylor, Ky., then to San Antonio, Texas, and then to Marfa, Texas. Mustered out of the service at Marfa, Texas, Jan. 15, 1920. McLEOD, NEIL T., Private 1st Class, Co. I, 81st Div., 321st Inf.; of Harnett County; son of N. H. and Mrs. S. J. McLeod. Entered service May 27, 1918, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Upton, N. Y., sailing from there to France July 30, 1918. Fought at Verdun, St. Die. Wounded at Verdun Sector Nov. 11, 1918. by shrapnel. Sent to Base Hospital No. 1, Vichy, France. Returned to U. S. A. Jan. 3, 1919; landed at New York. Mustered out at Camp Meade, Md., Feb. 25, 1919. McLEOD, JOHN A., 2nd Lt., Inf.. Co. I, 97th Div.. 388th Regt.; of Robeson County; son of D. P. and Cath- erine Calhoun McLeod. Entered service Sept. 5, 1917. at Red Springs. Sent to Cam)) Jackson, then Camp Sevier, Camp Pike, Camp McArthur and Camp Cody. Promoted to rank of Sergt. November, 1917; 2nd Lt. May 15, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Cody Dec. 1, 1918. McLEOD, HENRY, Private, C. O. T. S., 29th Co. Born in Robeson County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Mc- Leod. Entered the service Oct. 14, 1918, at Red Springs, N. C. Was sent to Camp Gordon. Mustered out at Camp Gordon Dec. 11, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD McNEILL, J. M., Private, Med. Corps, Base No. 65. Born in Scotland County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McNeill. Entered the service at Laurinburg, N. C, June 1, 1918. Was sent to Ft. McPherson, Ga. Mustered out at Ft. McPherson, Ga., Sept. 3, 1918. McNEILL, J. L., Private Signal Corps, Co. C, 81st Div. Born in Robeson County; the son of E. D. and Mrs. Jose- phine McNeill. Husband of Mrs. Eula 0"Neal McNeill. Entered service May 20, 1918, at Lumberton, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France Aug. 16, 1918. Fought at St. Die Sector, Ver- dun, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. April 4, 1919, Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Mills April 8. 1919. McNEILL, CLARENCE, Sergt., Co. L, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Born in Hoke County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. McNeill. Entered the service at Red Springs, N. C, June 19, 1917. Was sent to Camp Stuart, Va., and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mer- ritt. Sailed for France April 17, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. 1916 and to rank of Sergt. March, 1917. Returned to U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 8, 1919. Was on the Mexican border from October, 1916, to March, 1917. MELVIN, ANCIL W., Corpl., 306th Am. Tr., Co. D, 81st Div. ; of Cumberland County ; son of A. Shep and Sarah Melvin. Entered service April 25, 1918, at Fay- etteville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Sept. 17, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, Vosges Mtns. Returned to U. S. A. June 23, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson June 26, 1919. MERCER, G. W., Private 1st Class, Inf., Co. K, 6th Div., 54th Regt. Son of W. J. and Mrs. Oretta Mercer. Husband of Bell Roberts Mercer. Entered service June 10, 1918, at Lumberton, N. C. Sent to Ft. Seriven, Ga. Transferred to Camp Wadsworth, S. C, then to Camp Mills. Sailed from there to France July 20, 1918. Fought at Alsace-Lorraine Sector, Vosges Mtn., Belleau Woods, Verdun. Returned to U. S. A. June 7, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Mills, L. I., June 13, 1919. MEREDITH, L. WAYNE JAMES, Private, Marines, 73rd M. G. Co., 6th Regt. ; of Guilford County ; son of I. L. and Mrs. M. M. Meredith. Husband of Mrs. Ruth Mere- dith. Entered service April 22, 1919, at High Point. Sent to Paris Island, S. C. Transferred to Quantico, Va., then to Portsmouth, New Haven. Mustered out at Portsmouth, N. H., March 22, 1919. McNERR. FPED ARNOLD, 2nd Lt.. F. A. R. C. Ar- tillery, 17th Tr., Battery F, A. C. O. T. S., Camp Taylor. Born in Orange County; the son of Mr and Mrs. T. L. McNeer. Entered the service May 26, 1918, at Hillsboro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson and from there to Camp Taylor. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. Dec. 18, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Taylor, Dec. 18, 1918. McPHAUL, ELBERT. Private, Med. Corps. Born in Robeson County; son of A. D. and Mrs. Louina McPhaul. Entered service June, 1918. at Red Springs, N. C, and sent to Washington, D. C. Mustered out at Camp Meiggs March 14, 1919. McSWAIN. FRED E., Corpl., Co. E, 30th Div., 118th Inf. Regt. ; of Anson County ; son of C. W. and Mrs. I. H. McSwain. Husband of Mrs. Annie MeSwain. Entered service July 29, 1917, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, Sept. 1, 1917. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at Hin- denburg Drive Sept. 17th to Oct. 6th. Gassed at Hinden- burg Drive Oct. 6, 1918. Sent to British Gen. Hospital No. 73, France. Returned to U. S. A. March 27, 1919; landed at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jack- son, S. C, March 31, 1919. MEADOWS, G. P., Sergt., Med. Corps, Base Hospital No. 65; of Forsyth County; son of C. H. and Mrs. Hessie Meadows. Entered service April 1, 1918, at Winston- Salem, N. C. Sent to Ft. McPherson, Ga., April 1, 1918. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1918. Sailed for France. Landed in U. S. A. July 11, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Mills, N. Y., July 18, 1919. MEASE, MEDFORD C. s 1st Lt., Q. M. C, Construc- tion Div. Born in Haywood County ; son of J. H. and Hester L. Mease. Entered service Dec. 19, 1914, at Can- ton. Sent to Camp Lee, Va., June 23, 1917. Transferred to Baltimore, Md., then to Washington. Transferred to special naval duties June, 1916, and from there to Camp Lee, Va., in charge of material for construction. Mus- tered out at Washington Oct. 25, 1919. MEREDITH, LYN, Corpl., Co. E. 30th Div., 2nd Inf. Regt.; of Guilford County; son of A. S. and Mrs. Cornie Meredith. Husband of Mrs. Ruby Meredith. Entered service July 17, 1917, at High Point. Sent to Camp Se- vier, S. C. Sailed for France ; landed August, 1918. Was engaged in all battles with 2nd Inf., Co. E. Citation from Gen. Pershing for bravery on Sept. 29, 1918. Landed in U. S. A. March 21, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 27, 1919. MERRITT, C. L., Corpl., Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 321st Regt. Born in Sampson County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Merritt. Entered the service Sept. 24, 1917, at Magnolia, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France. Fought in all en- gagements of 81st Div. Returned to U. S. A. June 19, 1919 and was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 20, 1919. MEWBORN. MORRILL THOMAS, Corpl., Ambulance Co., 78th Div., Regt. 303, San. Tr. Born in Lenoir County; son of W. E. and Mrs. Lula Mewborn. Husband of Mrs. Mae Mewborn. Entered service May 31, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Ft. Ogle- thorpe, Ga., from there to Camp Dix, N. J. Sailed for France June 12, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. June, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel Front, Argonne Forest, Toul Sector. Returned to U. S. A. May 29, 1919, Hoboken, N. J. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 15, 1919. MICHAL, JOHN McD., JR., Corporal, Sig. Corps ,Co. A, 30th Div., 105th F. S. Brn. : of Haywood County ; son of J. McD. Michal and Mary Michal. Entered service July 19. 1917, at Sylva, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Trans- ferred to Camp Mills, L. I., N. Y. Sailed for France May, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl March, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Zyer. Wounded at Ypres. Sent to Gen. Hos- pital No. 13, Base No. 37, American Hospital, Liverpool, St. Mary's. Returned to U. S. A. Dec. 24, 1918. Mus- tered out at Camp Greene, N. C, Jan. 15, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD MICHAEL, J. E., 1st Class Private, Med. Corps, Base No. 45 ; of Davidson County ; son of D. M. and Mrs. C. F. Michael. Entered service Feb. 28, 1917, at Richmond, Va. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Transferred to Newport News, Va. Sailed for Brest, Francs, Aug. 19, 1918. Stationed at Toul and served there until sailing. Landed in U. S. A. April 19, 1919, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 29, 1919. MILES, FRANK WHITE, 1st Sergt., Inf., M. G. Co., 119th Regt., 20th Div. ; from Beaufort County; son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Miles. Husband of Lillian Miles. En- tered service at Goldsboro, N. C, June 7, 1917, and sent to Camp Royster, N. C, and then transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Promoted 1st Sergt. October, 1918, and transferred to Development Btn. Mustered out of the service at Camp Sevier, S. C, Dec. 9, 1918. MILES, MORTON CLIFTON, 1st Sergt., Engrs., Co. A, 534th Regt. ; of Warren County ; son of late Geo. S. and Mrs. Mattie J. Miles. Entered service April 26, 1918, at Warrenton, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, April 26, 1918. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France July, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. May 10, 1918; Sergt. June 10, 1918; Supply Sergt., 1st Sergt., Septem- ber, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, July, 1919. MINOR, S. W., Col., 30th Div., 120th Inf. Son of R. V. and Mrs. Julia B. Minor. Husband of Roberta B. Minor. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, Sept. 1, 1917. Sailed for Ca- lais, France, June 5, 1918. Fought at Canal Sector, Ypres, Lys offensive, Somme offensive. Sailed from St. Nazaire March 28th; arrived at Charleston, S. C, April 12, 1919. Colonel Minor has been in the N. C. N. G. at Oxford, N. C. ; later Lt. Col. of the 3rd for over 20 years ; was Lt., then Capt., of Co. E, 3rd N. C. N. G. Was pro- moted to Col. Sept. 28, 1914, and was mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 23, 1919. On Sept. 18, 1920, Col. S. W. Minor was awarded the D. S. C. for valiant service to his country while in France. The citation is as follows: "For exceptionally meritorious and conspicuous ser- vices as commander of the 120th Infantry from the time of its organization and training to the completion and combat operations. In the Ypres-Lys and Somme offen- sives he displayed at all times initiative and sound judg- ment. During the attack of the Hindenburg line near Bellicourt, France, September 29, 1918, and during subse- quent advances he handled his regiment with distinction, capturing several towns, numerous cannon and many prisoners. He has rendered services of material worth to the American expeditionary forces." MILLS, FRED J., of Concord, enrolled May 23, 1918, in U. S. N. R. F. Called to active duty on above date at Hampton Roads, Va. Served six months on U. S. S. Mis- sissippi as signal seaman. Transferred from the Missis- sippi to U. S. S. Levatha, making six trips across. Re- leased from active service July 10, 1919. MILLS, OSCAR R., Capt., Co. D, 30th Div., 115th M. G. Btn. ; of Iredell County ; son of G. C. and Mrs. Laura Mills. Husband of Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Mills. Entered service June 25, 1916, at Statesville, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Promoted to rank of 1st Lt. before going to France. Commissioned to Capt. Oct. 25, 1918. Was in all engagements with 115th M. G. Served on Mexican border from Sept. 1, 1916, to Feb. 1, 1917. Returned to U. S. A. March 22, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 22, 1919. MITCHELL, JASPER F., Sergt., Q. M. C. ; of Wayne County ; son of Thos. H. and Mrs. Ophelia Mitchell. En- tered service May 26, 1918, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Johnston, Fla., to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France July 27, 1918. Pro- moted to rank of Sergt. June, 1919. Fought at Meuse- Argonne. With the Army of Occupation for nine months. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., Nov. 5, 1919. MITCHELL, EDWARD JAMES, Mechanic, Trench Artly., Btry. B ; of Beaufort County ; son of N. E. and Frances Mitchell. Entered service June 14, 1918, at Washington, N. C. Sent to Clemson College, S. C. Trans- ferred to Ft. Moultrie, S. C, from there to Ft. Caswell, N. C. Sailed for France Nov. 9, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Jan. 14, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Ft. Monroe, Va., Jan. 19, 1919. MILLS, HENRY A., Phrcst. Mate, 2nd Class (Navy) ; of Iredell County ; son of M. J. P. Mills. Entered service May 21, 1917, at Mooresville, N. C. Sent to Charleston, S. C, transferred to Marine Barracks, Philadelphia, Pa. Attached to 6th Marines and sailed with them to France Oct. 31, 1917. Served at Naval Base No. 1 at Brest, France. Served four months with Evacuation French Hospital No. 49. Returned to U. S. A. March 26, 1919. Mustered out at Norfolk, Va., May 12, 1919. MIZELL, JOHN D., Private, Inf., Co. H, 30th Div., 120th Regt.; of Martin County; born Feb. 28, 1898; son of James H. and Mrs. Maude H. Mizell. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Williamston, N. C. Sent to Camp Jack- son, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France. Wounded by shrapnel Sept. 29, 1918, at the Battle of Belleau Wood. Sent to British Hospital and died there Sept. 30th. Buried in Belleau Wood Cemetery. MILLS, J. P., JR., Sergt., H. A. School in France; of Iredell County; son of J. P., Sr., and Mrs. J. P. Mills. Entered service May 25, 1917, at Mooresville, N. C. Sent to Ft. Caswell. Sailed for France Sept. 26, 1918. Re- turned to U. S. A. March 30, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 1, 1919. MISKNI.TEIMER, CLIFFORD W., Private, T. M. C, 117th Co., 19th Div. ; of Buncombe County; son of G. W. and Lou Misenheimer. Entered service May 18, 1918, at Asheville, N. C. Sent to Camp Meade, Md. Transferred to Camp Laurel. Sailed for France July 18, 1918. Re- turned to U. S. A. July 1, 1919, Hoboken. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 18, 1919. MIZELL, HORACE, Yeoman, U. S. N. R. F.; of Car- teret County; son of E. R. and Mrs. Martha Mizell. En- tered service Aug. 6, 1918, at Morehead City, N. C. Served in Public Works Construction, Charleston, S. C, Paris Island, S. C. Released from active duty. Mustered out at Charleston, S. ('., Feb. 20, 1919. MODLTN, H. V., Sergi. 1st Class. Q. M. ('. ; of Edge- combe County: sun of D, E. and Mrs. Rosa A. Modlin. Husband of Mrs. Luna N. Modlin. Enlisted March 27, 1918, at Tarboro. Sent to Camp Lee. Served as Sergt. 1st Class in Q. M. C. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 20, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD <•* i a i ■ Ik * m p ' 3 MONROE, EARL, Private, Engineers, Co. E, 308th Reg., 81st Div. Born in Moore County, N. C, Dec. 7, 1895; son of A. R. and Mary C. Monroe. Entered the service at Carthage, N. C, May 28, 1918, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, and then to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 1, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Received decora- tions as marksman. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 20, 1919. MORTON, LEO W., 1st Sgt. Inf., Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Reg.; of Wilson County; son of C. H. and Mrs. Mary Morton. Entered service May 13, 1916, at Wilson, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for Francs May 28, 1918. Promoted to rank of 1st Sergt., 1918. Was in all actions of the 119th Reg. Served on Mexican border six months, 2nd N. C. N. G., from May 13, 1913, until it was changed to the 119th Inf. in August, 1917. Citation for bravery and has the D. S. C. Arrived in U. S. A. April 2, 1919, Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April 7, 1919. MORROW, JAMES M., JR., Sergt. 1st Class, F. A. C. 0. T. S., 41st Battery; of Union County; son of J. M., Sr., and Caroline Morrow. Entered service August 4, 1917, at Charlotte, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., from there to Kelly Field, Texas, then to Ft. Sam Houston, Texas. Promoted to rank of Sergt. Dec. 24, 1917. Sergt., 1st Class, March 15, 1918. While at Kelly Field was Sergt. in 109th Aero Squadron ; at St. Sam Houston was Sergt., 1st Class, in 817th Aero Squadron and worked in Air Service Dept, Headquarters Southern Department. Held same rank at Field Artillery Central Officers Train- ing School at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. Mustered out at Camp Taylor, Ky., November 30, 1918. MURPHY, MERCUS M., Private, 1st Class, Engineers Training Reg., Co. C, 8th Reg.; of Catawba County; born March 20, 1892; son of S. M. and Etca Gault Murphy. Entered service Sept. 5, 1918, at Hickory, N. C. Sent to Camp Humphreys, Va. Sent to Base Hospital at Camp Humphreys, Va. Died at Humphreys, Va., October 14, 1918. Buried at Hickory, N. C. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD MOBLEY, CHARLES ROBERT, Sergt., Inf., Co. F, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Martin County; son of W. B. and Mrs. Mary J. Mobley. Entered service May 28, 1917, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for Calais, France. Promoted to rank of Cor pi. at Camp Sevier ; to Sergt. at Camp Sevier. Was in all battles in which his company was engaged. Decorations, D. S. C, Croix de Guerre, British Military Medal. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 9, 1919. MOFFITT, WALTER C, Corpl., 449th Motor Truck. Born in Lee County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mof- fitt. Entered the service July 4, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Thomas and from there was sent to New- port News, Va. Sailed for France Aug. 24, 1918. Re- turned to U. S. A. Aug. 16, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 26, 1919. MONEY, WILLIE C, Private 1st Class, Co. F, 56th Pioneer Inf. ; of Moore County ; son of Marshall and Mrs. Nancy Money. Husband of Mardie Money. Entered ser- vice Aug. 8, 1918, at Carthage, N. C. Sent to Camp Wads- , worth, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France Sept. 13, 1918. Fought at Argonne Forest under shell fire. Landed in U. S. A. June 22, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 6, [1919. MONTGOMERY, BEN N., Sergt., F. A., Btry. C, 14th Regt. ; of Caldwell County ; son of E. N. and Lydie Mont- gomery. Husband of Lucille Montgomery. Entered ser- vice June 18, 1917, at Lenoir, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Ft. Sill, Okla. Served in Training School for F. A. Officer. Mustered out at Camp Dodge, Iowa, March 28, 1919. MOORE, EDITH MacKEAN, Reserve Army Nurse Corps, Philadelphia, Pa., Base Hospital Unit No. 10. En- tered the service April, 1917, Penn. Hospital, Philadel- phia, Pa. Sailed to Liverpool May 17, 1917; landed at Le Havre, France, May 31st. Nursed 20 months at British Base and later Evacuation Hospital No. 16. Nursed five months at Provisional No. 1, A. E. F. (old Johns Hopkins Hospital) ; five months in Germany, Base Hospital No. 27. Landed in the U. S. A. Nov. 19, 1919. Discharged Jan. 4, 1920. Nursed within fighting zone several weeks during the March 21st British retreat around Amiens. MOORE, GROVER C, Private, Co. C, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Regt.; of Cumberland County; son of Eli N. and Fanny Moore. Entered service June, 1916, at Fayette- ville. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Mer- ritt. Sailed for France Sept. 1, 1918. Was in all engage- ments with his company until gassed and shell shocked in France. Served on Mexican border seven months. His father served during the Spanish-American War with Co. A, 29th Regt., from July 31, 1899 to June 30, 1901. Re- turned to U. S. A. March 13, 1919. Mustered out at Ft. McPherson June 30, 1919. MOORE, ROY JAMES, Sergt., Med. Corps, 46th U. S. Inf.; of Caldwell County; son of Y. I), and L. C. Moore. Entered service June 21, 1917, at Lenoir. Sent to Ft. Thomas Ky., then to Camp Gordon, Ga., from there to Ben Harrison, Ind., Sheridan, Ala. Transferred to ("amp Taylor, Ky., and entered F. A. Central Officers' Training School. Mustered out at Camp Taylor Nov. 30, 1918. MOORE, ROBERT A., Sergt, 119th Inf., Co. K, 30th Div. ; of Wilson County ; son of J. T. and Mrs. Elizabeth Moore. Entered service April 5, 1913, at Wilson. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Camp Stewart, Tex., then to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for Calais, France, May 27, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. 1914. Fought at Hindenburg Drive. Wounded at the Hindenburg Drive Sept. 29, 1918, by gun shot in right cheek. Sent to Gen- eral Base Hospital No. 33, Portsmouth, Eng. Entered N. C. N. G. in 1913 ; did duty on Mexican border ; bridge duty early part of 1917. Arrived in U. S. A. Dec. 17 1918, Hoboken, N. J. Casual under treatment. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 5, 1919. MOORE, T. G., Private 1st Class, 115th M. G. Btn., Co. A, 30th Div.; of Nash County; son of J. D. and Mrs. Betty Moore. Entered service Oct. 3, 1917, at Rocky Mount. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for Calais, France, May 29, 1918. Fought at Ypres Salient July 15 to Aug. 31, 1918; Voormizelle, Mt. Kemmel, Aug. 31st to Sept. 15th; Hin- denburg Line, Bellicourt, Nauroy, Sept. 29 to Oct. 21, 1918; Premont, Vaux, Andigny, Wassigny, Oct. 8 to 12, 1918 ; Selle River, Oct. 17 to 21, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. March 22, 1919, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 2, 1919. MOORE, SAMUEL N., Private, Ambulance Corps, Co. 317, 80th Div., 305 Regt., San. Tr. ; of Halifax County; son of James G. and Mrs. Ludia Bell Moore. Entered service Sept. 17, 1917, at Scotland Neck. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for France May 25, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, Argonne Forest, St. Mihiel. Volunteered for service. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 12, 1919. MOORE, GEO. H., Sergt, Co. A, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Nash County; son of T. M. and Mrs. Delia M. Moore. Entered service Aug. 23, 1916, at Rocky Mount. Sent to Camp Glenn. Transferred to Camp Wadsworth, to Camp Sevier, Greenville. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Was in all engagements with his company until wounded at battle of St. Souplet, France, Oct. 17, by ma- chine gun shot in left hand and forearm, also received gas burns. Sent to 4 th British General Hospital at Rouen. Served six months on Mexican border, then Roys- ter bridge duty, New Bern, N. C. Returned to U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. MOORE, JULIUS L., Private 1st Class, F. A., Btry. C, 30th Div., 113th Regt.; of Durham County; son of E. H. and Mrs. E. I. Moore. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel offensive Sept. 12th to 15th; Meuse-Argonne offensive Sept. 26th to Oct. 17th; Woevre offensive Nov. 8th to 11th; Toul defensive Aug. 27th to Sept. 11th; Woevre defensive Oct. 11th to Nov. 7th. Re- turned to U. S. A. March 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 28, 1919. MOORE, EMMETT, Private 1st Class, C. A. C. Btry. C, 52nd Regt: of Guilford County; son of D. E. and Mrs. Mary Moore. Husband of Mrs. Emma Moore. Entered service Sept. 24, 1916, at Lumberton, N. C. Sent to Co- lumbus, Ohio. Transferred to Ft. Terry, N. Y., then to Ft. Adams, R. I. Sailed for France, and landed Sept. 2, 1917. Fought at St. Mihiel Salient Sept. 12th to 18th; Verdun, 26th to 27th of Sept.; Verdun, Oct 9th to 18th. Landed in U. S. A. Jan. 3, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered on! at Ft. Monroe, Va., Sept. 24, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD MOORE, JAMES THOMAS, 1st Class Private, 64th Heavy Artly., Btry. A. Born in Nash County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Moore. Entered the service Feb. 26, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Scriven, Ga., then to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 1, 1917. Fought at Metz. Returned to the U. S. A. Feb. 24, 1919. Mustered out at Ft. Eustis, Va., March 26, 1919. MOORE, WILLIAM C, Wagoner, Med. Corps, 317th Ambulance Co., 80th Div., 305th San. Tr. ; of Lenoir County ; son of J. R. and Mrs. Martha Moore. Husband of Mrs. Margaret Southerland. Entered service Sept. 17, 1917, at Kinston, N. C. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Trans- ferred to Lambert's Point. Sailed for France. Fought at Argonne Forest. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 12, 1919. MOORE, REV. ARTHUR 0., Chaplain-lst Lt., 39th Div. ; of Duplin County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Moore. Husband of Mrs. Katherine Futrell Moore. Entered ser- vice July 18, 1918, at Warsaw, N. C. Sent to Ft. Caswell, N. C. Sailed for France Aug. 18, 1918. Promoted to rank of 1st Lt.-Chaplain Aug. 10, 1918. A native of Missis- sippi. Came to N. C. in 1911, to Warsaw, N. C. For 12 months prior to commission was Baptist Camp Pastor at Ft. Caswell, N. C. On Baptist Home Mission Board, At- lanta, Ga. Mustered out at Camp Greene, N. C, Feb. 14, 1919. MOORE, DAVID C, JR., Sergt. 1st Class, Med. Corps, Hdqrs. Co., Sanitary, 156th Depot. Born in Pitt County; son of D. C. Moore, Sr., and Mrs. Martha C. Moore. En- tered service March 30, 1918, at Greenville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Sevier, retransferred to Camp Jackson. Promoted to rank Sergt. August, 1918, and September, 1918, Sergt. 1st Class. Did clerical work at Hdqrs. Mustered out at Camp Jackson May 3, 1919. MOORE, D. W., Q. M. 2nd Class (Navy). Born in Polk County; son of N. D. Moore and Mrs. N. D. Moore. Hus- band of Mrs. Myrtle Moore. Entered service Jan. 2, 1918, at Rutherfordton, N. C. Sent to Hampton Roads, then to U. S. S. Kittery, U. S. S. Vixen, U. S. S. Dubuque, U. S. S. Hale. Made one trip across. Was stationed on European waters for 10 months. Mustered out from Receiving Ship at Philadelphia, Pa., April 8, 1920. MOORE, WISTAR, 1st Sergt., Q. M. C, 81st Div. Son of A. B. and Mary Moore, of Montgomery County. Hus- band of Shell McKee Moore, of Troy, N. C. Entered ser- vice Oct. 10, 1917, and went to Camp Jackson. Mustered out March 27, 1919, at Camp Jackson. MOORING, BARNEY V., Private 1st Class, Btry F, 14th F. A.; of Lenoir County; son of Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Mooring. Husband of Mrs. Julia May Mooring. Entered service Sept. 15, 1917, at LaGrange. Sent to Camp Jack- son. Mustered out at Camp Jackson Dec. 10, 1918. MOORING, SAMUEL DAVID, Private 1st Class, 321st Inf., Co. M, 81st Div. Born in Lenoir County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Mooring. Entered the service in June, 1916, at LaGrange, N. C. Was sent to Camp Greene, from there to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there ±o Camp Royster. Sailed for France Aug. 11, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne and St. Die. Returned to the U. S. A. June 20, 1919, and mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 27, 1919. Served with 30th Div. on the Mexican border for 12 months, Co. I, 119th Inf., and was trans- ferred to the 81st Div. on account of sickness. MORGAN, ERNEST, Private, Inf., Co. L, 30th Div., 118th Regt.; of Guilford County; son of J. A. and Mrs. C. F. Morgan. Entered service Aug. 29, 1917, at High Point. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at St. Quentin, in all engagements from Sept. 29th until Oct. 17th. Wounded near Verdun Canal by shell in three places Oct. 17th. Sent to Armer Hos- pital, Base No. 21. Decoration for heroism at Vaux-An- digny, France, on Oct. 12th. Received the Distinguished Service Cross from Gen. J. J. Pershing on Nov. 26, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Dec. 23, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 13, 1919. MORGAN, ROM. H., Private 1st Class, Hospital Corps 107. Born in Johnston County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Morgan. Husband of Mrs. Pearl Morgan. Entered service March, 1917, at Benson, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., and from there to Sherman, Ohio. Trans- ferred to Camp Upton and sailed for France Aug. 30, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. July 13, 1919, and was mus- tered out July, 1919, at Camp Lee, Va. MORGAN, N. J., Private, Inf., Co. D, 321st Regt., 81st Div. Born in Moore County, N. C, March 19, 1891 ; son of J. P. and Sarah Anne Morgan. Entered the service at Tarboro, N. C, April 25, 1918, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and then transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France Aug. 11, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 3, 1919. MORGAN, W. R., 1st Class Private, Co. A, 30th Div., 105th Eng. Regt. ; of Moore County ; son of J. A. and Mrs. C. F. Morgan. Entered service July 30, 1917, at High Point. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Hindenburg Line, Sept. 29th. Gassed at Hindenburg Line Sept. 29, 1918. Sent to British Gen. Hospital No. 74. Returned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 18, 1919. MORING, W. H., Wagoner, Hdqrs. Troop, 81st Div. ; of Craven County; son of W. H. and Mrs. M. Moring. Entered service Sept. 5, 1917, at New Bern, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, Green- ville, S. C, then to Camp Upton. Sailed for France Aug. 1, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, St. Die, Vosges Mtns. Returned to U. S. A. July 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 24, 1919. MORRAH, UEL W., Private 1st Class, M. G. Co., 30th Div., 118th Regt.; of McCormick County; son of S. P. and Mrs. Janie Morrah. Entered service April 9, 1917, at Anderson, S. C. Sent -to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 23, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium, Bellicourt. Returned to U. S. A. May 19, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson May 31, 1919. MORRIS, JOHN D., Sergt., Inf., Co. F, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Born in Franklin County June 19, 1895 ; son of J. D. and Mrs. Lizzie Morris. Entered service June 3, 1915. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, July, 1917. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. 1916, Sergt. 1917. Fought at Ypres. Wounded at Ypres by shrapnel July 18, 1918. Sent to Gen. Hospital No. 6, then to King George Hospital at London, Base No. 37. Six months on Mexican border. Landed in U. S. A. Dec. 26, 1918. Mus- tered out at Camp Wadsworth, S. C, Feb. 12, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD <*3 r 09 ^s^ MAIN ST. IN THE VILLAGE OF MONTFAUCON The building on the right, housed the Y. M. C. A. can- teen, but ten minutes after this sketch was made a shell passed by and took about half of it away. MflkVftRO^ An old German field piece left deserted in the Argonne TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD MORRAH, SAM P., JR., Sergt. 1st Class, 5th Q. M. C. ; of McCormick County ; son of S. P. and Mrs. Janie Mor- rah. Entered service June 2, 1917, at Atlanta, Ga. Sent to Ft. McPherson, Ga. Transferred to Charleston, S. C, then to camp Wadsworth, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Wadsworth, S. C, March 18, 1918. MORRIS, ELDRIDGE, Corpl.-Bugler, 322nd Inf., Co. C, 81st Div. Born in Montgomery County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Morris. Husband of Mrs. Ovelia Mor- ris. Entered the service at Troy, N. C, Oct. 10, 1917. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Upton. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Re- turned to U. S. A. June 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 25, 1919. MORRIS, JAMES M., Private 1st Class, 7th Anti-Air- craft Btry., 10th Regt., A. A. Sector; of Henderson Coun- ty ; son of W. A. and A. B. Morris. Entered service May 25, 1917, at Hendersonville, N. C. Sent to Ft. Caswell. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France June 10, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Verdun, Toul Sector. Gassed at St. Mihiel. Returned to U. S. A. January 5, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Wadsworth, S. C, Feb. 11, 1919. MORRIS, WM. S., Sergt., 30th Div., 105th Engineers. Entered the service April 1, 1917, at Gastonia, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France June 13, 1918. Fought at Voormizelle, Bellicourt, Brancourt, Pre- mont, La Salle River, Le Chatelet. Left France April 8, 1919; arrived at Charleston April 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 24, 1919. MORRIS, JESSE W., Private, 2nd Trench Mortar Btn., Btry. B, 77th Div. ; of Stanley County ; son of J. B. and Mrs. Caroline Morris. Entered service June 1, 1916, at Salisbury, N. C. Sent to Ft. Caswell, N. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Mills, L. I., N. Y. Sailed for France May 28, 1918. In action 28 days on Lorraine Front. Returned to U. S. A. April 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 7, 1919. MORRIS, LONNIE W., Private 1st Class, M. Trans- port ; of Davidson County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Morris. Husband of Mrs. B. Hopkins Morris. Entered service June, 1917, at Thomasville, N. C. Sent to Ft. Harrison, transferred to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Served in M. Transport all the time he was in service. Had left arm broken in three places and two ribs broken while serving as dispatch rider. Sent to Gen. Hospital at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., Nov. 25, 1918, remaining there until April 29, 1919, when he was mustered out of service. MORRISON, EUGENE, JR., Wagoner, Anti-Aircraft, C. A. C. ; of Iredell County ; son of Eugene, Sr., and Ade- laide Scarr Morrison. Entered service April 3, 1917, at Charlotte, N. C. Sent to Ft. Caswell, N. C. Sailed for France June 19, 1918. Promoted to Wagoner January, 1918. Fought at Toul Sector, Meuse-Argonne Sector. Re- turned to U. S. A. March 8, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 24, 1919. MORTON, WYATT V., Private, Spruce Div., 4th Co. Born in Onslow County; son of D. B. and Mrs. Johnnie Morton. Entered service September, 1918, at Jackson- ville, N. C. Sent to Vancouver Barracks, Wash. Trans- ferred to Camp Gordon. Mustered out at Camp Gordon January, 1919. MOSS, HENRY S., Private, Replacement, 3rd Casual, 41st Div. Born in Vance County; the son of B. H. and Katie Moss. Entered service Aug. 27, 1918, at Hender- son, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Newport News, Va. Overseas to France Nov. 9, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1919. MOSS, DOUGLASS JAMES, Sergt., Inf., Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Wilson County; son of V. F. and Mrs. Loula Moss. Entered service May 8, 1917, at Camp Metts, Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Greene, Charlotte, N. C, to Camp Sevier, S. C, to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for Calais, France, May 10; landed May 28, 1918. Fought at Ypres. Wounded at the Hindenburg Drive Sept. 29, 1918, by machine gun. Sent to Tottenham Hos- pital, London, Eng. He received medal as expert auto- matic rifleman. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Jan. 12, 1919. MOSELY, HERBERT P., Capt., Med. Corps, Co. 306, Engineers. Son of Wm. O. and Mrs. Fannie D. Mosely, of Lenoir County. Husband of Mrs. Eunice L. Andrews. Entered service Aug. 11, 1917, at Farmville, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Transferred to Camp Jackson, to Camp Sevier and Camp Upton. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Fought at Vosges Sector, Meuse-Argonne. Re- turned to U. S. A. June 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson June 28, 1919. MUNDAY, ROBERT L. Enlisted May 25, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C, in the Navy. Made three trips across on the U. S. S. Ozana. Discharged April 8, 1919, at New York. MORRIS, M. T., Private 1st Class, 318th F. A., Btry. E, 81st Div., 318th Regt. ; of Halifax County; son of R. E. and Mrs. Annie Morris. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Weldon, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Sailed for France Aug. 24, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. June 3, 1919, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 23, 1919. MORSE, JAMES H., Sergt., C. A. C, 31st Regt. Born in New Hanover County, N. C, Sept. 18, 1894; son of T. M. and Ida Morse. Entered the service at Wilmington, N. C, July 25, 1917, and sent to Ft. Caswell, N. C, and then transferred to Eustis, Va. Mustered out of the ser- vice at Eustis, Va., Dec. 8, 1918. MYERS, ALONZO H., Major, Med. Corps. Son of J. I. and Mrs. L. C. Myers, of Wilkes County, N. C. Was in service at Paris, France, for nine months before U. S. entered the war as surgeon in charge of Orthopaedical work at Base No. 2, Red Cross American Military Hos- pital, attached to the French Army. Transferred to U. S. Army in June, 1917. At the front for four months with the 31st Div., Alsace. In the Chateau Thierry and St. Mihiel Drives. After armistice was signed was put in charge as Medical Sales Officer of the U. S. in France. Received the Medaille D'Honneur from the French Gov- ernment. Mustered out of service at Camp Gordon Octo- ber. 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD MYROVER, GEO. G., JR., Sergt., F. A., Btry. A, 76th Regt., 3rd Div. Born in Cumberland County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G. Myrover. Entered service June 12, 1917, at Fayetteville, N. C. Was sent to Camp Allen, from there to Camp Shelby, Miss. Sailed to France April 23, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. Sept. 5, 1917. Fought at Meuse, Aisne, Marne, St. Mihiel, Argonne. Sergt. G. G. Myrover was awarded Regimental Recom- mendation for loyal and faithful service in the Meuse- Argonne offensive, second battle of the Marne, and St. Mihiel. Was stationed at Le Mans, Berigny, Le Sep. Was mustered out at Camp Sherman, Ohio, Sept. 1, 1919. Was in Army of Occupation from Dec. 1, 1918, to June 10, 1919. MYROVER, HENRY LEWIS, 2nd Lt., Co. F, Inf., 30th Div., 119th Regt. Born in Cumberland County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G. Myrover. Entered the ser vice June 26, 1916, at Fayetteville, N. C. Was sent tn Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Camp Royster, N. C . from there he was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at Ypres and Hindenburs - Line. Wounded on the Hindenburg Line Sept. 30, 1918. shrapnel wound. Sent to Hospital in France, Base Hos- pital No. 29. Landed in U. S. A. July, 1919. Served with M. P. Company from January, 1919, to July, 1919. Pro- moted to Sergt. Maj. April 3, 1917; 2nd Lt. Dec. 18, 1917. Mustered out at New York City July 21, 1919. NAIL, J .G., Sergt., Inf., Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Born in Rowan County ; son of Mrs. Alice J. Nail, of Rowan County. Entered service May 27, 1917, at Lexing- ton, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. February, 1918. Fought at Ypres, St. Mihiel, Bellicourt, Busigny, Sommes, Premont, and all other engagements with his regiment. Returned to U. S. A. April, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 17, 1919. NANCE, B. F., 2nd Class Baker (Navy) ; of Cumber- land County ; son of J. W. and Mrs. M. A. Nance. Entered service July 2, 1916, at Fayetteville, N. C. Sent to St. Helena, Va., transferred to U. S. S. Arkansas. Made two trips overseas. Mustered out at San Francisco, Cal., June 27, 1920. NASH, RICHARD EMMETT, Seaman, Navy, U. S. N. R. F., Co. 141 ; of Durham County ; son of W. T. Nash and Mrs. Nettie F. Nash. Entered service June 1, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Norfolk, Va. Served throughout entire service at St. Helena Station. Mustered out at Norfolk, Va., Feb. 3, 1919. NASH, ABNER F., Private 1st Class, Inf., S. A. T. C, Co. B. Born in Robeson County Dec. 15, 1900; son of Abner and Mrs. Roberta Nash. Entered service Oct. 1, 1918, at Chapel Hill, N. C. Mustered out at Chapel Hill, N. C, Dec. 11, 1918. NAYLOR, H. L., Sergt., Med. Corps, Base Hospital No. 51; of Wake County; son of O. L. and Mrs. Katherine Naylor. Husband of Mrs. Sidneth (Earl) Naylor. En- tered service July 25, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Ft. Monroe, Va. Transferred to Camp Wheeler, Ga., then to Camp Upton. Sailed for France Aug. 8, 1918. Pro- moted to rank of Sargt. Feb. 4, 1918. Returned to I'. S. A. Sept. 28, 191!). Mustered nut at Camp Dix, N. J., Oct. 2. 1919. NEEDHAM, JOHN D., Private 1st Class, Co. H, 108th Inf., 27th Div. Son of J. D. and Mary Needham, of Da- vidson County. Entered service July 21, 1917, at Buf- falo, N. Y. Sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Transferred to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France May 30, 1918. Fought at Hindenburg Line, Versailles, E. Poperingue and Dickerbusch Sector. Was gassed at Hindenburg Line Sept. 29, 1918 ; then went to 73rd General Trouville Hos- pital, France. Returned to U. S. A. March 6, 1919, and was mustered out of service at Camp Upton, N. Y., March 31, 1919. NEEDLEMAN, SAMUEL J., Sergt., Inf., Co. I, 119th Regt., 30th Div.; from Craven County, N. C. ; son of A. and Mary Needleman. Husband of Mollie Needleman. Entered the service at Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 15, 1916, and sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Camp Se- vier, S. C, and then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 28, 1918. Promoted Sergt. Nov. 2, 1918. Fought in all engagements of the 30th Div. from July 15th to Nov. 11th. Served on the Mexican border about six months and did guard duty at Camp Greene, N. C. Returned to the U. S. A. April 2, 1919, and mustered out of the service at Camp Dix, N. J., April 23, 1919. NEVILLE, JAMES W., Wagoner, Supply Tr., Supply Co., 2nd Div., 12th Regt., F. A.; of Orange County; son of C. A. and Mrs. Sarah Neville. Husband of Mrs. Bessie Brown Neville. Entered service April 2, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Boston, Mass., then to Ft. Myers, Va. Sailed for France Feb. 16, 1918. Fought at Chateau Thierry, Soissons, St. Mihiel, Mt. Blanc Ridge, Argonne Forest. Landed in U. S. A. Aug. 6, 1919, New York. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 13, 1919. NEWBOLD, HENRY C, 1st Sergt., 317th M. G. Btn., Co. D, 81st Div., 317th Regt.; of Pasquotank County; son of S. C. and Mrs. Viola Newbold. Husband of Mrs. Ocala Newbold. Entered service Sept. 5, 1917, at Elizabeth City, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for France Aug. 19, 1918. Promoted to rank of 1st Sergt. October, 1918. Fought at Vosges Mtn. defensive, Meuse- Argonne drive. Returned to U. S. A. June 19, 1919, Ho- boken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Julv 3, 1919. NEWBY, CARLETON H., Major, Inf., 96th Div., 384th Inf. ; of Davidson County ; son of N. W. and Mrs. Nannie R. Newby. Husband of Mrs. Elma Fife Newby. Entered service April 1, 1909, at Thomasville, N. C. Com- missioned 2nd Lt. April 1, 1909; promoted to rank of 1st Lt. Sept. 5, 1911 ; Capt. May 25, 1912; to Major July 30, 1918. On Ypres, Belgium Sector. Served on Mexican border as Capt. of Co. L, 3rd N. C. N. G., from June 19, 1916. to March 27, 1917, then called into Federal service as Capt. of Co. L, July 25, 1917, of 30th Div. Served with this company until August 10, 1918, when promoted to Major and transferred to U. S. to be assigned to new division. Assigned to 96th Div., then being formed at Spartanburg, S. C. Served with same until mustered out Jan. 18, 1919. Transferred to 160th Depot Brigrade, Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Mich. Transferred on July 25, 1919, to Demobilization Group. Camp Dodge, Des Moines, Iowa. Transferred October, 1919, to Camp Gor- don, Ga., Atlanta, for discharge on Oct. 26, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Gordon, Ga., Oct. 26, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD A^^^g^*^;^ ■yC^Va^' *wkr- -^ This sketch will give you some faint conception of the effect of high explosive shells. I take no man's word for this, as it came under my personal observation. People often ask the question : "How does it seem to fce hit by a piece of a shell ?" And it was probably never better answered than by the British Tommy, who said : "First you 'ears a 'ell of a noise, next you see a nurse bendin' over you, an' 'ear 'er say, 'See if you can drink some of this.' " For months you have been seeing in the papers pictures of demolished villages and shell pitted areas, and perhaps you have wondered whether or not the pictures were overdrawn. Let me assure you that they were not, for many and many a time I have gazed on artillery effects that it would be mpossible to exaggerate. Instances are related of heroic French artillerymen who have shelled their own homes to fragments because German soldiers had taken possession of, and were occupy- ing them. How can Germany or any other nation expect to crush a people of such indomitable resolution? We are back at Brest again, and instead of pup-tents for shelter, we have barracks ; instead of walking in mud, we have duck boards ; and instead of cooking our own meals, we have someone to do it. Uncle Sam is sure good to his boys. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD NEWKIRK, H. E., Chief Mach. Mate, Naval Aviation; of New Hanover County ; son of B. W. and Mrs. Mary K. Newkirk. Entered service Dec. 13, 1917, at Wilmington, N. C. Sent to Pensacola, Fla. Transferred to Great Lakes, 111., to Hampton Roads, Va. Promoted to Chief Mach. Mate December, 1918. Mustered out at Hampton Roads, Va., May 22, 1919. NEWMAN, J. A., Sergt., M. G. Co., 49th, 5th Group; of Caswell County; son of R. I. and Mrs. D. G. Newman. Entered servcie July 24, 1918, at Yanceyville, N. C. Sent to Camp Hancock, Ga. Returned to U. S. A. account of evident ability as Machine Gun Instructor. Was recom- mended as hand to hand combat and qualified for such position. Mustered out at Camp Hancock, Ga., Dec. 20, 1918. NICHOLSON, E. N., Sergt., Med. Corps, 115th Amb. Co., 29th Div., 104th San. Tr. ; of Hertford County; son of T. H. and Mrs. Rowena Nicholson. Entered service May 15, 1917, at Murfreesboro, N. C. Sent to Ft. Ogle- thorpe, Ga. Transferred to Camp McClellan, Ala. Sailed for Cherbourg, France, July 12, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. May 15, 1917. Fought at Alsace Front, Meuse- Argonne. Gassed at Haumont Oct. 24, 1918. Sent to Base Hospital No. 18. Arrived in U. S. A. March 6, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J., through Camp Merritt, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Meade, Md., March 29, 1919. NEWSOME, HENRY C, Private, Med. Corps, 81st Div., S06th Regt., Amntn. Tr. Born in Union County; son of A. M. and Mrs. Sally Newsome. Husband of Mrs. Jennie W. Newsome. Entered service April 25, 1918, at Marshville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 8, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. June, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson June 24, 1919. NICHOLAS, JOSEPH M., Private, Inf., Co. B, 3rd Div., 7th Regt. ; of Rowan County ; son of John R. and Mrs. Eva M. Nicholas. Husband of Mrs. Edna Mable Nicholas. Entered service Dec. 14, 1917, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Camp Hancock, Ga. Sailed for France about April 15, 1918. Fought at Belleau Woods, Chateau Thierry, second Bat- tle cf Marne. Was Wounded at the Battle of Chateau Thierry July 15, 1918, in left foot and right shoulder. Was sent to Field Hospital, France, and Base Hospital at Camp Sevier. On sick bay transport Siboney, at Ho- boken, N. J. Arrived in U. S. A. Sept. 29, 1918. Mus- tered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, Jan. 17, 1919. NICHOLS, JOHN I., Private, Inf., Co. A, 2nd Regt., N. C, Inf. ; of Nash County ; son of Alec C. Nichols and Mrs. Mildred G. Nichols. Entered service May 16, 1916, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Stewart, Texas, then to Camp Wadsworth, S. C, to Camp Sevier. Sailed for Brest, France, April 1, 1918. Served on Mexican border. Transferred to 19th Engrs. March 1, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. from Brest, France, March 1, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Went through to Camp Merritt. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 14, 1919. NICHOLSON, DR. NEIL G., 1st Lt., Med. Corps, 317th Amb., 80th Div., 305th San. Tr. ; of Richmond County; son of late Neil G. and Mrs. Mary A. Nichol- son. Husband of Mrs. Winnie I. Nicholson. Entered ser- vice at Rockingham, N. ('., Aug. 18, 1917. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for France May 21, 1918. Commissioned as 1st Lt. Aug. 17, 1917. At Base 101, St. Nazaire, France. P'ought at Argonne Forest. Returned to U. S. A. May 31, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., June 5, 1919. NIXON, BREVARD. Volunteered for service in the United States Army at the beginning of the war, but was over age, and not accepted. He then tendered his ser- vices to the other war work organizations. He made 27 speeches during the various drives, covering Mecklenburg and adjoining counties, traveling in his own car at his own expense, day and night, wherever called. Mr. Nixon was accepted August 20, 1918, for regular "Y" work, and prepared himself for overseas work. He was placed at Camp Greene as Building Secretary of "Y" Hut 106, where he remained in active "Y" work until Camp Greene was abandoned, making every day and night interesting and instructive for the soldiers around his hut. Mr. Nixon gave up a lucrative law practice for this work, having been an active practitioner at the Charlotte bar for 26 years, and re-entering the practice after Camp Greene was abandoned. NICHOLSON, MARION P., Private, Inf., Co. I, 81st Div., 321st Inf.; of Alamance County; son of J. W. and Mrs. Margretl K. Nicholson. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Mebane, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transit rred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France .Inly 31, 1918. Fought al Vosges, Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. June 20, 1919. Landed al Newport News. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 27, 1919. NIXON, CHARLIE A., Corpl., Inf., Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Born in Halifax County: son of William and .Mrs. Lena Nixon. Husband of .Mrs. Affollie Nixon. En- tered service Sept. 7. 1917. al Rosemary, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C. Transferred to Camp Se- vier, then to Cam)) Merrill and overseas to France May 25, 1918. Promoted lo rank of Corpl. Fought at Ypres, Somme, St. Mihiol. Meuse-Argonne. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, May 15, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD NORMON, MILTON, Corpl., Inf., Co. D, 81st Div., 322nd Regt.; of Halifax County; son of J .H. and Mrs. Annie P. Normon. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Hali- fax. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, to Camp Upton. Sailed for France Aug. 22, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. December, 1918. Fought at defen- sive, Alsace-Lorraine, Meuse-Argonne. Arrived in U. S. A. from St. Nazaire, France, June 18, 1919, at Newport News, Va., then to Camp Hill, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 28, 1919. NORWOOD, GEORGE M., 1st Lt., F. A., Btry. E, 81st Div., 317th Regt. Born in Wayne County; son of Geo. A. and Mrs. Louise H. Norwood. Husband of Helen A. Nor- wood. Entered service May 15, 1917, at Chapel Hill, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe. Transferred to Camp Jack- son, then to Ft. Sam Houston, Texas. Promoted to rank of 1st Lt. Jan. 1, 1918. Mustered out at Park Place, Houston, Texas, Jan. 2, 1919. NORWOOD, THOMAS H., 2nd Lt., F. A., Btry. F, 17th Div., 49th Regt. ; of Wayne County ; son of Geo. A. and Mrs. Louise H. Norwood. Husband of Mrs. Margaret Shannon Norwood. Entered service May 24, 1918. Trans- ferred to Camp Jackson, S. C, to Camp Zachary Taylor and to Ft. Sill. Promoted to Corpl. June, 1918 ; 2nd Lt. October, 1918. Mustered out at Ft. Sill Dec. 18, 1918. NUNN, MANON S., Corpl., 118th Inf., Co. E, 30th Div. ; of Stokes County ; son of T. J. and Mrs. Ruth E. Nunn. Entered service June 5, 1917, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for Calais, France, May 24, 1918. Wounded at battle of Hindenburg Line Oct. 9, 1918, by machine gun. Sent to British Base Hos- pital at Birmingham, Eng. Sailed from St. Nazaire, France, March 15th; landed in U. S. A. March 27th, Charleston, S. C. Drilled in National Guards at High Point one month and 20 days. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 31, 1919. ODOM, ARCHIE D., 1st Lt., Btry. A, 27th Div., 106th F. A. ; of Nash County ; son of C. J. and Mrs. Genora Odom. Husband of Mrs. Anne Odom. Entered service March 8, 1917, at Nashville, N. C. Sent to Ft. Ogle- thorpe. Transferred to Camp Jackson, S. C, to Camp Wheeler. Sailed for France June 12, 1918. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. Aug. 15, 1917; 1st Lt. Feb. 12, 1919. Fought at St. Mihiel, Cambrai Hill, Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. March 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 1, 1919. O'DONOVAN, CHAS. E., Chief Yeoman, Navy. Born in Beaufort County ; the son of J. J. and C. A. O'Donovan. Entered the service Oct., 1914, at Seattle, Wash. Sent to U. S. S. "Huntington," then to hospital ship "Mercy." Made 14 trips overseas. His ship was given credit for sinking a submarine and unofficial credit for another. Mustered out at Charleston, S. C, July 26, 1920. OLIVE, MARION B., Wagoner, Engineers, Co. C, 56th Regt. ; of Johnston County ; son of C. B. and Mrs. Delphia Olive. Entered service Oct. 22, 1917, at Benson, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Washington Barracks, D. C. Sailed for France March 18, 1918. Promoted to rank of Wagoner. Fought at Meuse-Argonne offensive, Somme offensive. Returned to U. S. A. April 1, 1919, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 25, 1919. OLIVER, MIRTON J., 1st Class Private, 105th Amb. Corps, 81st Div. ; of Nash County ; son of Richard and Mrs. Annie Oliver. Entered service March 1, 1918, at Rocky Mount. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, July 16, 1919. OLIVER, CHAS. M. Entered "Y" work at Camp Greene Dec. 8, 1917, as Educational Secretary, Bldg. 106, and served there until August. On March 1, 1918, be- came Camp Education Director, serving actively until August 29, 1918, when he assumed the duties of county organizer of Alabama war work. Resigned from Y. M. C. A. war work service to enter Industrial Branch of Y. M. C. A. Present address, Erlanger, N. C. OLIVER, ADLAI S., 1st Lt., Med. Corps. Born in Johnston County ; son of J. W. and Peakie Oliver. Hus- band of Camille Debnam. Entered service Aug. 7, 1917, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Phila. General Hospital. Transferred to Camp Wadsworth, S. C, as Psychiostrist, then to Newport News. Sailed for France August, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest. Returned to U. S. A. Dec. 24, 1918. With Mobile Neuralgic Unit No. 3 while in France. Mustered out at E. Norfolk, Mass., Feb. 15, 1919. O'NEAL, ROBERT M., Private 1st Class, Inf., Co. A, 4th Div., 47th Regt. Born in Johnston County ; son of J. W. and Mrs. Mary Louzetta O'Neal. Entered service April 2, 1918, at Selma. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Left for France May 17, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne, Metz, Verdun offensive, Chateau Thierry. Returned to U. S. A., New- port News., Va., March, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, May 1, 1919. O NEAL, LUTHER F., Sergt, Base Hospital 65. Born in Johnston County ; son of J. W. and Mrs. Louzetta O'Neal. Entered service May 31, 1918, at Selma, N. C. Sent to Ft. McPherson, Ga. Overseas Sept. 13, 1918. Re- turned to U. S. A. May 21, 1920. Mustered out at Camp Mills, N. J., May 29, 1920. O'NEILL, A., 2nd Lt., 3rd Air Service, 19th Co. Son of M. J. and Mrs. Mary E. O'Neill. Entered service July 27, 1917, at Richmond, Va. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Transferred to Camp McClellan, Ala. Transferred to Camp Greene, N. C. Sailed for Brest, France, May 24, 1918. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. February, 1918. Fought at Belleau Woods, Champagne Hill. Wounded in head and back at the Battle of Belleau Woods Aug. 20, 1918. Gassed slightly. Sent to Base French Hospital No. 4. Arrived in U. S. A. May 20, 1919, New York; re- turned on hospital ship. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 29, 1919. ORANGE, W. J., Co. E, 2nd Regt. ; of Cabarrus Coun- ty. Entered service Sept. 5, 1918, at Concord, N. C. Re- ported for duty at Camp Humphrey, Va. Remaining there until he was mustered out of the service March 5, 1919. OUTLAND, E. R., 1st Lt., A. R. C. Born in North- ampton County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Outland. Entered the service May 23, 1918, at New York. Sailed for France June 3, 1918. Was promoted from Top Sergt. to 2nd Lt. and from 2nd Lt. to 1st Lt. Received the French Croix de Guerre. Was at the Argonne. Enlist- ment through the mail from Woodland, N. C. Mustered out at A. R. C. Hdqrs., New York City, Aug. 19, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD OVERBY, B. 0., Coxswain, U. S. Navy. Born in Cum- berland County July 27, 1900; son of F. H. and S. E. Overby. Husband of Mrs. Eula Overby. Entered the ser- vice at Fayetteville, N. C, March 24, 1917, and sent to St. Helena, Va. Transferred to New York and from there to Brooklyn, N. Y. Promoted Coxswain August, 1917. On the U. S. transport Mallory from June 10, 1917, to February, 1918; U. S. S. Panaman four months; to Re- ceiving ship in Brooklyn, N. Y., to Naval Hospital; U. S. S. Scranton March to July and then to Receiving Ship at Hampton Roads, Va. Mustered out of the service at Hampton Roads, Va., Aug. 12, 1919. OMOHUNDRO, JAMES T., JR., Corpl., Engineers, Co. C, 105th Reg., 30th Div. Born in Moore County, Dec. 2, 1898; son of James T. and Maggie W. Omohundro. Entered the service at Greensboro, N. C, April 10, 1917, and sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, then transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France, 1918. Promoted Corpl. July 9, 1918. Fought at Voormizelle, Bellicourt, Brancourt, Pre- mont, Busigny, Laselle River, Vaux Andigny and Masing- heim. Wounded at the battle of Busigny, Oct. 10, 1918, by shrapnel and gassed at Busigny, Oct. 10, 1918. Re- turned to the U. S. A. April 18, 1919, and mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, May 2, 1919. Was a patient at Camp Sevier, S. C, where he met with an automobile accident on Feb. 6th and died at Camp Sevier, S. C, Feb. 17, 1920. Buried at Beaver Dam, Va. ORRELL, F. S., Private, F. A., 22nd Batt., 8th Reg. Born in Forsyth County; son of Mr. G. W. and Mrs. Alice Orrell. Husband of Mrs. Elizabeth Rich Orrell. Entered service August 28, 1918, at Winston-Salem, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Hill, Va. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, Dec. 9, 1918. PITT, EDWARD CLIFTON, Private 1st Class, Inf., Co. E, 28th Reg. Born in Nash County, Sept. 29, 1895; son of M. B. and Lizzie J. Pitt. Entered the service at Rocky Mount, N. C, April 11, 1917, and sent to Ft. Scriven, Ga., and transferred to Ft. M. C. Allen, Texas. Sailed for France June 12, 1917. Was killed at the battle of Cantigny, May 28, 1918, and buried in American Ceme- tery No. 176, No. 24, Section B, Villess Tournelle Somme. He was the first young hero killed in the service from Nash County. The citation for gallant conduct by the commander of the division of which the Rocky Mount hero was a member, is as follows: Co. E, 28th Inf.; Pri- vate, 1st Class, Edward C. Pitt, automatic rifleman, was posted in a particularly exposed position on the flank of their company in order to neutralize the effect of an enemy machine gun, which was rendering it difficult for the next company to man its parapet. These men killed six of the enemy with their fire, put the enemy gun out of action, and in spite of heavy shelling, remained at their post until Private Marshall was killed and the others were wounded by shell fire. PADDISON, E. G., Sergt, Co. C, 80th Div., 318th Inf, Born in Pender County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Paddison. Entered the service Oct. 24, 1917, at Burgaw, N. C. Was sent to Camp Lee, Va., and from there to Hoboken, N. J. Sailed for France May 27, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne and Albert Front. Returned to U. S. A. June 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 4, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD PAGE, CLARENCE W., 2nd Lt., Q. M. C. Born in New Hanover County Aug. 2, 1896; son of W. C. and Annie Page. Entered the service at Wilmington, N. C, May, 1917, and sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Camp Meiggs, D. C, and from there to Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Fla. Sailed for France Oct. 10, 1918. Pro- moted Sergt. June 25, 1917; promoted 2nd Lt. Aug. 25, 1918. Returned to the U. S. A. Nov. 16, 1918, and mus- tered out of the service at Camp Bragg, N. C, March 17, 1919. PARKER, ALFRED J., U. S. Naval Aviator, Naval Aviation Reserve. Born in Johnston County ; son of Dr. G. E. Parker and Mrs. Alice Parker. Entered service June 28, 1917, at Richmond, Va. Sent to Camp Pensa- cola. Aviation School. Transferred to Camp Hoboken. Sailed for France October, 1917. Fought at Brest and He Tudy. Did observation and patrol work, also at Hdqrs. in Paris. Returred to U. S. A. Nov. 20, 1918. Mustered out at Hampton Roads June 24, 1919. PAGE, ALLISON M., Sergt., Marines, 47th Co., 5th Regt., 2nd Division. Born in Moore County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allison. Entered the service April, 1918, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Paris Island, S. C, April 18, 1918. Sailed for France June 22, 1918. Fought at Chateau Thierry, Belleau Woods, Soissons. Killed at Belleau Woods June 25, 1918, and buried there. Received French Croix de Guerre and American citation. One of the first killed from Moore County ; first man enlisted from Trinity College. PAGE, FRANK M., Sergt., Marine Service, Detach Duty. Born in Montgomery County Oct. 29, 1900; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Page. Entered the service March 3, 1918, at Charlotte, N. C. Was sent to Paris Island, S. C, March 13, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. July 18, 1918. Promoted to Sergt. Nov. 4, 1918. Rifle and pistol expert. Mustered out at Paris Island, S. C, Jan. 15, 1919. PAIGE, E. HASKELL, Corpl., Co. H, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Inf. Born in Halifax County ; the son of T. P. and Mrs. T. P. Paige. Husband of Mrs. Beatrice Paige. En- tered service July 25, 1917, at Rosemary, N. C. Sent to Camp Warrington. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred from there to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Fought at Bellicourt. Wounded at Bellicourt Sept. 29, 1918, by shell in right arm. Gasse:l at Ypres Aug. 30, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. April 12, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 21, 1919. PAPPAS, JOHN A., Private 1st Class, Artly., Btry. C, 306th Regt., F. A., 77th Div. ; from Cumberland Coun- ty; son of A. J. and G. A. Pappas. Entered the service March 28, 1918, at Boston, Mass., and sent to Camp Dev- ens and transferred to Camp Upton. Sailed for France April 24, 1918. Fought in Alsace-Lorraine, Vail Sector, Argonne and Meuse. Returned to the U. S. A. May 10, 1919, and mustered out of the service at Camp Devens May 15, 1919. PARKER, HERBERT W., Corpl., Motor Transport Corps, Co. M. T. C. 435, 4th Corps ; of Guilford County ; son of J. R. and Mrs. Miriam C. Parker. Entered ser- vice April 24, 1918, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Camp Johnston, Fla., to Camp Hill, Va. Sailed for Brest, France, July 10, 1918. Fought at Toul, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Army of Occupation. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 19, 1919. PARKER, GEO. E., JR., Machinist Mate (Navy). Born in Johnston County ; son of G. E. Parker, Sr. Hus- band of Pearl Putman. Entered service Sept. 27, 1918, at Smithfield. Sent to Camp Hancock. Transferred to Camp Gulfport, Miss. Mustered out at Camp Gulfport, Miss., Jan. 11, 1919. PARKER, WILLIAM B., Sergt., Transport Service; of Wayne County ; son of W. R. and Mrs. Mattie F. Par- ker. Entered service Dec. 13, 1917, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas. Transferred to Camp Meiggs. Pro- moted to rank of Corpl., then to Sergt. April, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 25, 1919. i PARKER, CHAS. H., Wagoner, Supply Co., 8th F. A., 7th Div. Born in Cabarrus County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Parker. Entered the service at Charlotte, N. C, July 6, 1913. Was sent to Ft. Riley, Kan., and from there to Camp Wheeler, Ga. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France Aug. 18, 1918. Was mustered out at Camp Funston, Kan., Feb. 28, 1920. Served on the Mexican border from April 27, 1914, to June 20, 1917. PARKER, DR. CARL, Capt., Med. Corps. Field Hos- pital No. 42, 1st Army. Born in Northampton County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Parker. Husband of Mrs. Bertha Joyner Parker. Entered the service Dec. 13, 1917, at Garysburg, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Sailed for France May 23, 1918. Promoted to rank of Lt. Sept. 24, 1917, and to rank of Capt. Feb. 17, 1919. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Arrived in U. S. A. April 20, 1919; landed at Hoboken, N. J. Was mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., April 23, 1919. PARKER, GRADY E., 1st Class Private, Q. M. C, 309th Supply Co. Born in Northampton County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Parker. Entered the service at Potecasi, N. C, Dec. 15, 1917. Was sent to Camp John- ston, Fla., and from there to Camp Hill, Va. Sailed for Brest, France, June 12, 191'8. Returned to U. S. A. July 8, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 20, 1919. PARKER, SYLVESTER, 1st Class Private, 324th Inf., Co. H, 81st Div. : of Nash County ; son of J. D. and Mrs. Sarah Frances Parker. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France Aug. 15, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne Nov. 9 to 11, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. June 8, 1919, at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 25, 1919. PARISHER, CHARLIE, Private 1st Class, Ordnance Dept., Co. A, 81st Div., 63rd Regt. ; of Martin County ; son of Sam and Mrs. Mary Parisher. Entered service April, 1918, at Williamston, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Promoted to 1st Class Private August, 1918. Mustered out at Curtis Bay, Md., March, 1919. PARNELL, J. F., Mechanic. Entered service Aug. 15, 1918, at Concord, N. C. Sent to the University of South Carolina. Later transferred to Camp Meade, Md., and served there until discharged Jan. 24, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD PAPPAS, GUS J., Corpl., Co. D, 322nd Inf., 81st Div.; of Halifax County; the son of John S. and Elizabeth Pappas. Entered the service at Weldon, N. C, May 28, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Upton. Over- seas to France July 31, 1918. Fought at Vosges, Verdun, Meuse-Argonne. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 26, 1919. PICKARD, A. C, Reg. Sgt. Maj., A. G. D. Born in Orange County, Oct. 11, 1887; son of J. F. and Mrs. Cora Pickard. Entered service March 22, 1918, at Chapel Hill, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Se- vier. Promoted to Sgt., 1918, Sgt. Maj., 1918, and Reg. Sgt. Maj., 1919. Mustered out Camp Sevier, S. C, April 2, 1919. PAPPAS, MATHEW J., Cook, A. G. Dept. Lives in Forsyth County and son of Jeremiah and Alony Pappas. Entered the service al Winston-Salem, N. C, August 21, 1918, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills and from there to Camp Merritt. Promoted cook January, 1919. Mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 28, 1919. POU, EDWIN SMITH, Ensign, Naval Air Service. Born in Johnston County, Feb. 10, 1898; son of Edw. and Carrie I. Pou. Husband of Margaret Roberts Pou. En- tered service Feb. 10, 1916, at Washington, D. C. Sent to Ft. Myers, Va. Transferred to Canada. Then to Mt. Clements, then to Hampton Roads. Sailed for France March 18, 1918. Fought al He Tudy, Finisterre. Killed at He Tudy Harbor, October 28, 1918. Has Croix de Guerre and Bronze Star. Nine months' border service. Commissioned 2nd Lt. of Cavalry at the age of 17, pa- trolling Air Coast U. S. before going abroad. Credited with sinking two submarines and exploding one mine by French Government. On November 11, 1920, the President of the United States awarded lo Edwin Smith Pou (posthumously) the Navy Cross for heroism in two actions against enemy submarines, on which occasion he was officially accred- ited with sinking one German submarine. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD PARROTT, GEORGE FOUNTAIN, Lt, Com. (Naval). Born Dec. 23, 1887 : son of George F. and Julia Parrott, of Lenoir County. Graduated 1911 at U. S. Naval Acad- emy. Promoted to rank of Ensign March, 1912 ; Lt. Jr. grade March, 1914; Lt. Sr. grade April, 1917; Lt. Com. August, 1918. Commander of the Destroyer U. S. S. Shaw on active duty. Killed Oct. 9, 1918, in collision with H. M. S. Aquitania. Executive officer on the Shaw. The U. S. Government has named the Destroyer Parrott in his honor. PARROTT, MERCER C, Lt., Med. Corps, in the Navy. Entered service in the 5th Naval District ; the son of Geo. F. and Julia F. Parrott, of Lenoir County. Husband of Corinne Hancock Parrott. Resident of Kin- ston, N. C, going from there to Norfolk, Va., Nov. 17, 1917. Commissioned Lt. Jr. grade August, 1917; Lt. Sr. grade July 1, 1918. Mustered out at Norfolk, Va., Feb. 4, 1919. PARSONS, WALTER L., JR., Sergt., Inf., Co. C, 81st Div., 324th Regt. Born in Richmond County ; the son of Walter L., Sr., and Mrs. Mamie Parsons. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Rockingham. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, from there to Camp Mills, sailing from there to France Aug. 14, 1918. Promoted to Sergt. September, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne of- fensive. Wounded at Meuse-Argonne Nov. 9, 1918, ma- chine gun bullet in left elbow. Sent to Bordeaux Hos- pital Base No. 6. Returned to U. S. A. May 20, 1919, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 14, 1919. PATRICK, RICHARD LEWIS, 1st Class Private, 118th F. A., 31st Div., Btry. B. Born in Lenoir County; the son of Geo. Lane and Mrs. Katherine Lewis Patrick. Entered the service May 18, 1918, at Wilson, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Oct. 21, 1918. Returned to U. 5. A. Dec. 21, 1918, and was mustered out at Camp Gor- don, Ga., Jan. 9, 1919. PATTERSON, FINLEY FRANCIS, Sergt., 1st Artly. Co., 5th C. D. of C. F. Born in Halifax County; son of S. F. and Mrs. Bessie Alexander. Entered service April 17, 1917, at Charlotte, N. C. Sent to Ft. Caswell, N. C, Aug. 10, 1917. Transferred to Ft. Ontario, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1919. Mustered out at Ft. Ontario, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1919. PAYNE, LEE A., 1st Class Sergt., Med. Corps. Born in Mecklenburg County. Entered the service April 3, 1916, at Charlotte, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Caswell, where he served with Base Hospital Unit, C. A. C, from July 25, 1917, to Feb. 8, 1919. Transferred to General Hos- pital No. 5, Ft. Ontario, N. Y. Mustered out at Ft. On- tario, July 26, 1919. PAYNE, DAVID FRANK, 1st Class Private, 118th Inf., 30th Div., Co. E. Born in Guilford County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Payne. Husband of Mrs. P. M. Campbell Payne. Entered service at High Point, N. C, July 23, 1917. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France May 23, 1918. Promoted to 1st Class Private Nov. 5, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium, Hindenburg Line. Wounded slightly at Battle of La Salle River Oct. 11, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. March 27, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 31, 1919. His grandfather, David Payne, was Capt. of Cavalry during the Civil War. PEARCE, FRANKLIN SAMUEL, Sergt., Med. Dept., Base Hospital No. 67, Office Chief Surgeon ; of Durham County; son of W. T. and Mrs. Carrie Pearce. Entered service June 3, 1917, at White Plains, N. Y. Sent to Camp Crane, Allentown. Pa., June 3, 1917. Sailed for France July 6, 1917. Promoted to rank of 1st Class Private July 1, 1917; Corpl. Sept. 1, 1917; Sergt. Feb. 1, 1918. Mus- tered out at Camp Dix Sept. 19, 1918. PEED, RALPH R., 1st Sergt., 81st Div., 317 F. A., Btry. F. Born in Edgecombe County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. B. Peed. Entered the service Oct. 16, 1917, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 17, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. December, 1917; to rank of Sergt. February, 1918; to rank of 1st Sergt. Sep- tember, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. from Brest, France, June 8, 1919; landed in Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 22, 1919. PEED, GEO. R., Navy, 1st Class Machinist Mate. Born in Durham County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Peed. Husband of Mrs. M. L. Peed. Entered the service May 25, 1918, at Norfolk, Va. Was sent to Cherry Stone Naval Base, then to St. Helena. Was then on duty at Puget Sound. Was on U. S. S. Western Star. Went to Chile, then to Panama Canal. Mustered out at New York Jan. 23, 1919. PEELE, THOMAS N., 1st Sergt., Engineers, Co. B. Born in Bertie County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Peele. Entered the service May 27, 1917, at Lewiston, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and sailed for France Sept. 14, 1918. Promoted to rank of first Sergt. February, 1919. Arrived in U. S. A. July 4, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, July 14, 1919. PEERY, PRICE VANCE, 1st Lt., Med. Corps, Amb. No. 43, 80th Div., 319th Regt. ; of Lenoir County ; son of J. S. and Mrs. Livonia Brown Peery. Husband of Mrs. Elizabeth Woodley Peery- Entered service August 25, 1917, at Kinston, N. C. Transferred to Newport News, Va. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Fought at St. Mi- hiel, Meuse-Argonne, Arras, Ayette. Commanded by Col. Comdg. Love. Acting surgeon of the regiment from Sep- tember 29th and throughout the period of fighting. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 19, 1919. PEMBERTON, W. D., Jr. Enlisted Oct. 1, 1918, at Concord. Trained at Camp Jackson. Discharged June 26, 1919. Base Hospital Detachment. PENDER, I. P., Private, Btry. F, 81st Div., 316th Regt., F. A. Born in Edgecombe County; son of F. H. and Mrs. Elza Pender. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Tarboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 5, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 9, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 28, 1919. PENN, P. C, Btn. Sergt. Maj., Inf., 1st Btn„ 20th Div., 48th Regt.; of Guilford County; son of T. G. and Mrs. Pattie Penn. Husband of Mrs. Pattie Penn. En- tered service Sept. 4, 1917, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Sept. 15, 1917; Sergt. Oct. 1, 1917; Btn. Sergt. Maj. Nov. 1, 1917. Mustered out at Camp Sevier Dec. 4, 1918. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD rtftuaati. An Old Church near Chemire Le Gaudin, Sarth, France. Built in the year 1200 A market place on the outskirts of Nice, where the French people meet to barter and sell their souvenirs to tourists who might chance that way. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD PERRY, C. W., 1st Lt, Inf. Co., Btn. Adj., 30th Div., 120th Regt. Born in Durham County May 26, 1894 : son of Jno. W. and Mrs. Frances Motley. Husband of Oc- tavia Jordon. Entered service May 23, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Mer- ritt. Sailed for France June, 1918. Promoted to Sergt. October, 1917. In November, 1917, promoted to 2nd Lt. and 1st Lt. May, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Bellicourt, Ca- nal Sector, St. Quentin. In all other engagements that the 120th Inf. took part. Mustered out at Camp Jackson May 3, 1919. PERRY, BENNETT HESTER, Capt., Motor Trans. Corps ; of Vance County ; son of Redding and Mrs. Fan- nie C. Perry. Entered service May 15, 1917, at Ft. Ogle- thorpe, Ga. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, Transferred to Hoboken, N. J. Sailed for France January, 1918. Pro- moted to rank of 2nd Lt. at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. ; 1st Lt. October, 1918; to Capt. January, 1919. With Motor Trans. Corps. Mustered out at Camp Mills, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1919. PETTEWAY, JOHN C, Private Engineers, 42nd Div., 117th Regt. Tr. Born in Onslow County; son of J. B. and Mrs. Annie Petteway. Entered service June 25, 1917, at Jacksonville, N. C. Sent to Wilmington. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Oct. 18, 1917. Fought at Chateau Thierry, Alsace, Baccarat Sector, Champagne. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 16, 1919. PHILLIPS, A. C, Corpl., 306th Engrs., Co. B, 81st Div. Born in Lee County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Phillips. Entered the service May 28, 1918, at Sanford, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Upton, L. I. Sailed for France Aug. 22, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. June 15, 1919; landed at Charleston, S. C. PHILPOT, JOHN ALFRED, Private, Inf., Co. E, 42nd Div., 55th Pioneer Regt. Born in Martin County Sept. 31, 1897 ; son of J. L. and Mrs. Martha E. Philpot. Entered service Aug. 5, 1917, at Williamston, N. C. Sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Transferred to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for Brest, France, September, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April, 1919. PHIPPS, HERBERT, Private 1st Class, Field Amb., Co. 120, 30th Div. ; from Guilford County ; son of J. H. and Mary Phipps. Entered the service at Greensboro, N. C, July 10, 1915, and sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Camp Stewart, Texas, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France February, 1918. Fought at Aisne-Marne. Served eleven months on the Mexican border at Fort Bliss, Texas. Returned to the U. S. A. April 3, 1919, and mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, May 8, 1919. PIERCE, HOWARD L., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 119th Regt. Born in Edgecombe County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pierce. Husband of Mrs. Vera L. Pierce. Entered the service June 18, 1916, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Was sent to Camp Glenn, N. C, and from there to Camp Stewart, Texas, then to Camp Royster, N. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at Kemmel Hill, Hindenburg Drive. Received five machine gun wounds Sept. 29, 1918, at Hindenburg Line. Sent to hospitals in England to recuperate. Returned to U. S. A. Dec. 11, 1918. Mustered out in Atlanta, Ga., March 2, 1919. Served on Mexican border six months. PIERCE, ERNEST S., Corpl., 9th Btry, A. A. C. Born in Johnston County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Pierce. Entered the service July 23, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Caswell, N. C, and sailed for France July 14, 1918. Fought at Toul Sector, St. Mihiel. Returned to U. S. A. March 7, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 24, 1919. PIERCE, A. R., Cook, Med. Dept. Born in Randolph County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pierce. Entered the service Dec. 10, 1917, at Asheboro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed for France July 14, 1918. Was under shell fire at Meuse-Argonne Front. Returned to U. S. A. Aug. 1, 1919: landed at Hoboken, N. J. Served with Army of Occupation in Germany for five months. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 11, 1919. PICKARD, WALTER L., 1st Class Private, Ordnance Dept. Born in Orange County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Pickard. Husband of Mrs. Myrtle Pickard. Entered the service June 20, 1916, at Hillsboro. N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Served throughout entire period of war with Ordnance Dept. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, April 18, 1919. Served on Mexican border six months. PIKE, JACK H., Corpl., 120th Inf., 30th Div., Co. C Born in Johnston County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. N. R Pike. Entered the service at Greenville, N. C, April 2, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt and sailed for France May 12, 1918. In all engagements with 120th Inf. Returned to U. S. A. April 12, 1919, and mus. tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 17, 1919. PITT, C. E., Private, 1st Class., Inf., 330th Regt., 83rd Div. ; from Edgecombe County, N. C, and son of M. B. and Lizzie Pitt. Entered the service at Rocky Mount, N. C, May 28, 1918, and sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for France July 29, 1918. Returned to the U. S. A. Aug. II, 1919, and mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 16, 1919. PITT, GUY LEE., Private 1st Class., Inf., Co. F, 167th Regt., 42nd Div. ; from Nash County ; son of M. B. and Lizzie Pitt. Entered the service at Rocky Mount, N. C, May 24, 1918, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and then transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, and then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 14, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Returned to the U. S. A. March, 1919, and mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., March, 1919. PITTS. ROBERT LEE, Corpl., Co. C, 81st Div., 324th Regt.; of Nash County; son of J. H. and Mrs. Florence V. Pitts. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Spring Hope. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 5, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, St. Die, Vosges Mtn. Sector. Returned to U. S. A. June 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 28, 1919. PITTMAN, MOSES, 1st Class Private, 116th Inf., 27th Div., Co. K. Born in Wilson County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Pittman. Entered the service Aug. 8, 19] 8, at Wilson, N. C. Was sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C, and from there to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Sept. 15, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. March 6, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 19, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD PITTMAN, JOSEPH J., Sergt., Engrs. Corps, Co. A. Born in Halifax County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pittman. Entered the service Oct. 3, 1917, at Scotland Neck, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Devens. Sailed for France July 8, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. Feb. 16, 1918, and to rank of Sergt. July 1, 1918. Fought at Toul, Chateau Thierry, Argonne Forest. Was sent to Base Hospital No. 316 on account of rheumatism. Mustered out at Camp Greene, N. C, Jan. 19, 1919. PLOTT, GARLAND E., 1st Class Private, 120th Inf., 30th Div., Co. M. Born in Iredell County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Plott. Entered the service May 28, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium, at Bellicourt, Vaux Andigny, Bohain. Was gassed at Battle of Bohain Oct. 17, 1918, and sent to British South African Hospital, then to American Hospital at Toton, Eng. Returned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919, and mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 17, 1919. POE, JAMES KENNETH, Private, Med. Dept, 28th San. Sqd. Born in Durham County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Poe. Entered the service July 28, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed for France May 27, 1918. Fought at Ypres Salient Aug. 19 to Sept. 4, 1918. Somme offensive Sept. 27 to Oct. 29, 1918. Served in Belgium and France. Returned to the U. S. A. April 18, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 22, 1919. PORTER, CHARLES DAVIS, H. A. Enlisted June 7, 1918, in the Naval Reserve at Charlotte, N. C. Was sent to Hampton Roads, Va. Transferred to steamship New York on Oct. 25, 1918. In November transferred to U. S. S. Matsonia, transport, and sailed on Dec. 6, 1918, for Bordeaux. Returned Jan. 3, 1919. Released Jan. 15, 1919. Home address, Concord, N. C. PORTER, PEARL S., Wagoner, 120th Supply Co., 30th Div. Born in Durham County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Porter. Husband of Ruth Daugherty Porter. Entered the service at Durham, N. C, Aug. 15, 1916. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mer- ritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium, St. Quentin, Hindenburg Line. Returned to U .S. A. March 11, 1919; landed at Charleston, S. C. Was mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 18, 1919. Served on the Mexican border five months. POSTON, JOSEPH R., Seaman, U. S. Navy. Son of W. J. and Mrs. Hoke Poston, of Iredell County. Entered service Sept. 3, 1918, at Statesville, N. C, and ordered to Newport News. Mustered out from there on Feb. 18, 1919. POSTON, SAMUEL M., 1st Class Private, Co. F, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Regt.: of Cleveland County; son of P. B. and Mrs. Eugenia Poston. Husband of Isabel Poston. En- tered service Sept. 8, 1917, at Shelby, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Was in all engagements with his regiment. Wounded at Ypres and Hindenburg Line by shell and gas. Sent to Hospital, 1st Canadian Gen]. Returned to U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 8, 1919. POTEAT, S. G, 1st Class Private, 6th M. G. Btn., Re- placement Div. Entered the service July 22, 1918, at Charlotte, N. C. Was sent to Camp Hancock, Ga., and from there to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France Nov. 10, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Jan. 30, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Feb. 18, 1919. POTTS, WM. H., 2nd Lt., Veterinary Reserve Corps ; of Wayne County ; son of Wm. and Mrs. Willie Potts. En- tered service May 27, 1917, at Mt. Olive, N. C. Sent to Ft. Sam Houston, Tex., then to Douglas, Ariz., from there to Camp Globe, Ariz. Sailed for Honolulu, Hawaii, March 1917. Was veterinarian with 17th Cavalry in Honolulu. Returned to U. S. A. June, 1919. Mustered out at San Francisco June 16, 1919. POU, GEORGE ROSS, Yeoman 2nd Class (Naval), Co. K. Born in Johnston County Dec. 19, 1894; son of Ed- ward W. and Carrie I. Pou ; husband of Lillian Sanders Pou. Entered service Sept. 3, 1917, at Washington, D. C. Transferred to Hoboken. Sailed for France Oct. 3, 1917. Returned to U. S. A. March 18, 1918. Attached to Air Service as Expert Rifleman. Mustered out at Hampton Roads, Va., Dec. 10, 1918. POWELL, R. H., Private, 1st Regt., F. A. Born in Burke County, 1890 ; son of S. J. and Mrs. Mittie Powell ; husband of Mrs. Cordia Powell. Entered service August, 1918, at Valdese, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, Dec. 14, 1918. POYTHRESS, PELLIE, 1st Class Private, 309th F. A., Co. C, 81st Div. Born in Nash County; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Poythress. Entered the service at Nash- ville, N. C, March 1, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 24, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne offen- sive. Arrived in the United States June 22, 1919. Landed at Charleston, S. C. Was mustered out a Camp Jackson, S. C, June 26, 1919. PRICE, WM. E., Private, Engineers, Co. F, 30th Div., 105th Regt.; of Martin County; son of R. S. and Mrs. Miza Price. Entered service April 25, 1918, at William- ston, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed for France May 27, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Bellicourt, Voormizelle, Brancourt, Premont, Montbrehain, Busigny, La Selle River, Vaux Andigny, Mazinghein. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, May 24, 1919. PRICE, J. L., JR., Color Sergt., Inf. Co., Hdqrs. Div. 80th, Regt. 318. Born in Halifax County; son of J. L. and Mrs. Olinza Price; husband of Anna Dornin Price. Entered service Oct. 30, 1917, at Camp Lee. Va. Trans- ferred to Camp at Hoboken, N. J., and sailed for Brest, France, May 30, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Ar- gonne. Wounded at battle of Ypres. Transferred to Headquarters 80th Div. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., JuneS, 1919. PRICE, ROBERT LEE, Private, Inf., Co. F. 81st Div., 321st Regt.; of Duplin County; son of W. F. and Mrs. Josephine Price. Entered service May 26. 1918, at War- saw, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, to Camp Upton. Sailed for Liverpool. Eng., Aug. 11, 1918. Fought at St. Die Sector, Verdun, Meuse- Argonne offensive. Decorations, Victory Ribbon and one star. Returned to U. S. A. June 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 28, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD rwiwts MONTE CARLO, FRANCE When one speaks of Monte Carlo, the first thing that enters your head is gambling. But even there all the people do not gamble, and here is the church of St. Devote, where the good people meet. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD PRICE, J. S., Corporal, Machine Gun Training Center, 50th Co., 5th Group. Born in Duplin County, Nov. 15, 1892; son of W. F. and Jasephine Price. Entered the service at Warsaw, N. C, July 21, 1918, and sent to Camp Hancock, Ga. Promoted Corporal Aug. 15, 1918. In- structor in Machine Gun Training Center at Camp Han- cock, Ga., for four months. Mustered out of the service at Camp Hancock, Ga., Dec. 21, 1918. PRIDGEN, DR. LeROY DALLAS, Private 1st Class, Medical Corps. Born in Harnett County ; son of D. La- vega and Mrs. Mary E. Pridgen ; husband of Mrs. Mildred Pridgen. Entered service Oct. 3, 1917, at Dunn, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Door- field, Fla., from there to Camp Gordon, Ga. Commis- sioned 1st Lieut., Dental Reserve Corps, after discharge. Mustered out at Camp Gordon, Ga., Feb. 7, 1919. PRIVETTE, J. J., JR., Private, 1st Class, Co. I, 3rd Batln. ; of Wilson County ; son of J. J. and Mrs. H. C. Pri- vette; husband of Mrs. Helen Mason Privette. Entered the service Sept. 5, 1918, at Washington, D. C. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Decem- ber, 1918. PROCTOR, E. L., Bugler, 118th Inf., 30th Div., Co. E. Born in Guilford County ; Son of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Proc- tor; husband of Mrs. Gertrude Proctor. Entered the ser- vice June 16, 1917, at High Point, N. C. Was sent to Camp Glenn and from there to El Paso, Texas. Trans- ferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France June 24, 1918. Fought on the Hindenburg Line, Ypres, St. Quen- tin. Returned to U. S. A. March 27, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 31, 1919. PROCTOR, PEARL M., Private, F. A., Btry. C, 29th Div., 1st Regt. ; of Gates County ; son of W. J. and Mrs. Dina P. Proctor. Entered service June 23, 1916, at Salis- bury, N. C. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Transferred to Ft. Sam Houston, Texas. Served on Mexican border nine months. Enlisted in Marine Corps. Served about one month. Mustered out at Portsmouth, Va., June 23, 1917. PROPST, CLYDE L. Enlisted June 2, 1918, at Con- cord, N. C. Went to Hampton Roads, Va. Transferred to Receiving Ship at Brooklyn, N. Y., and later went aboard the U. S. S. Oklahoma, where he served until dis- charged on the 9th of August, 1919. PRUETTE, THOMAS R„ Sergt., Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 4th Div., Btn. Regt. 156, D. B. Born in Rutherford County; son of G. B. and Mrs. Margaret Pruette. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Rutherfordton. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Did clerical work in adju- tant's office. Mustered out at Camp Sevier Dec. 3, 1918. PULLEY, WALLACE R., 1st Class Private, 120th Inf., Co. M, 30th Div. Born in Durham County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Pulley. Husband of Mrs." Lela May Pulley. Entered the service May 30, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium, Bellicourt, France, Vaux Andigny. Wounded at Bohain. Returned to the U. S. A. April 14, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 17, 1919. PULLEY, SAMUEL C, 1st Class Private, 119th Inf., 30th Div., Co. H. Born in Durham County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Pulley. Husband of Mrs. Mable Pulley. Entered the service at Durham, N. C, March 30, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at Ypres from July to September ; Hindenburg Line September to October. Fought at Ypres July to August 26th and at Voormizelle August 31st to September 2nd ; Bellicourt September 27th to October 1st ; Premont and Busigny October 9th. Re- turned to the U. S. A. April 2, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 9, 1919. PURVIS, WHIT C, Sergt., Inf., Co. H, 30th Div., 119th Regt. ; of Martin County ; son of J. H. and Mrs. An- nie M. Purvis. Entered service May 29, 1917, at Wil- liamston, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, to Camp Mer- ritt, N. J. Sailed for France. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Aug. 1, 1917; Sergt. June, 1918. Fought at St. Quentin, Meuse-Argonne. Wounded by shrapnel Sept. 29, 1918, at St. Quentin. Sent to British Hospital Base No. 73. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 17, 1919. PUTMAN, ERNEST S., Private 1st Class, Engrs., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 105th Regt.; of Cleveland County; son of Eli and Julie Putman. Entered service Sept. 1, 1917, at Shelby, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France April, 1918. Fought at St. Quentin, Meuse-Argonne, Cambrai, Ypres. Gassed at Bellicourt Sept. 29, 1919. Sent to Field Hospital. Re- turned to U. S. A. April, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, April, 1919. PYLE, CLARENCE E., Acting Sergt., C. O. T. School. Born in Edgecombe County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pyle. Husband of Mrs. Louise Pyle. Entered the service July 23, 1918, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Was sent to the University of Virginia. Was sent to Officers' Training Camp at Camp Lee, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Nov. 22, 1919. RAIFORD, CLAUDE EXCELL, Private 1st Class, Inf., 81st Div., 322nd Regt. Born in Cabarrus County Sept. 15, 1888; son of P. B. and Mrs. E. J. Raiford. En- tered service May 28, 1917, at Concord, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, May 29, 1917. Transferred to Camp Sevier June 1, 1917, then to Camp Upton, N. Y., July 20, 1917. Sailed for France Aug. 20, 1917. Fought at Alsace-Lorraine Metz. Was wounded and sent to hos- pital at Vichy, France. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., Aug. 6, 1919. RANKIN, HENRY M. Enlisted in the Navy June 14, 1918, at Charlotte, N. C. Went to Hampton Roads, Va., Training Station. On sea duty Oct. 4, 1918, made nine trips across on the Transport U. S. "Artigone." Mus- tere out Oct. 6, 1919. RANKIN THOS. W., 2nd Lt. F. A., Btry. C, 81st Div., 317th Regt.; of Cumberland County; son of A. E. and Zula Rankin. Entered service April 6, 1918, at Fay- etteville, N. C. Sent to Cam)) Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Taylor, Ky., then to Camp Jackson. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. Aug. 31, 1918. Transferred to Ft. Sill, Okla., Oct. 8, 1918, School of Artillery. Mustered out at Ft. Sill, Okla., Dec. 13, 1918. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD RAPER, WILLIAM WOOD, Yeoman 1st Class, Navy ; of Guilford County ; son of Austin 0. Raper. Entered service May 2, 1915, at Richmond. Sent to St. Helena May 3, 1915. Held rating App. Sea; 0. Sea.; Sea., 2nd Class; Sea. 1st Class; Yeo. 3rd Class; Yeo. 2nd Class; Yeo. 1st Class. Transferred from Naval Station to Lou- isiana Jan. 6, 1916. Transferred to "Vermont" May, 1916. Served Seaman Guard on "Cumberland." Has re- ceived active service discharge. Received one gold chev- ron for three months sea dutv. Mustered out at Rec. Ship at Norfolk, Va., Feb. 14, 1919. RAPER, JOHN LAFAYETTE, Sergt., Inf., Co. L, 30th Div., 120th Regt. ; of Guilford County; son of A. 0. and Mrs. L. M. Raper. Entered service July 25, 1917, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France June 5, 1917. Fought at Belgium and France with Div. until Oct. 2, 1918. Transferred to Army Candidate School at Langier, France. 1st enlistment June 5, 1913; 2nd en- listment June 16, 1916. Served on Mexican Border. Re- turned to U. S. A. April 13th, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 18, 1919. RAPER, LEON C, Private 1st Class, Q. M. C, 13th Inf. Born in Johnston County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Raper; husband of Mrs. Ida Raper. Entered service Aug. 19, 1914, at Kenly, N. C. Sent to Columbus, Ohio, from there to Paris Island, S. C, from there to Presidio, Cal. Mustered out at Presidio, Cal., March 9, 1919. Was in the Philippines for 33 months. RAULFES, CHARLES F., Private, 115th Trans. Corps. Born in Pasquotank County; son of C. F. W. and Mrs. E. W. Raulfes. Entered service Oct. 4, 1917, at Elizabeth City. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France March 14, 1918. Re- turned to U. S. A. March 21, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Apr. 15, 1919. RAYMOND, A. G., Private, 320th Amb. Co., 30th Div., 305th San. Train. Born in Nash County; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Raymond. Entered service March 2, 1918, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for France May 9, 1918. Fought at Arras-St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argcnne. Arrived in United States June 2, 1919. Landed at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1919. RECTOR, J. A., Private 1st Class, Med. Corps, 79th Div., 313th Regt., San. Tr. Born in Wilkes County, Aug. 23, 1898; son of J. E. and Mrs. Ida Rector. Enlisted at Richmond, Va. Entered service July 8, 1917, at North Wilkesboro, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Kv. Transferred to Ft. Oglethorpe July 19, 1917, then to Camp Meade, Md., Aug. 27, 1917. Sailed for France July 8, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne offensive, Mont Faueon, Grande Montagne, Troyon Sector No. 304. Returned to U. S. A. May 29, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 5, 1919. REDDICK, LYNTON B., Private, Aviation Corps, 389th Aero Sqdn. Born in Halifax County; son of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Reddick. Entered service at Charles- ton, S. C, Dec. 13, 1917. Sent to Hancock, Ga., then to Waco, Texas. Sailed for France July, 1918. Died from double pneumonia at Camp Merritt, Feb. 28, 1919. Buried at Scotland Neck, N. C. REDDING, JOS. H., JR., Private, Inf., Co. H, 81st Div., 323rd Regt., Inf.; of Randolph County; son of J. H. and Mrs. Ellen Redding. Entered service May 29, 1917, at Ashboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France. Landed at Liverpool Aug. 11, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. June 14, 1919, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 26, 1919. RAWLINGS, L. D., Ensign U. S. N. R. F. Born in Wilson County; son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Rawlings; hus- band of Mrs Margaret Rawlings. Entered service Jan. 8, 1918, at Wilson, N. C. Was on Sub Chaser No. 109. Transferred to Section Base at Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 10, 1918. Commissioned to Ensign Oct. 3, 1918. On con- voy duty while seaman. One trip on "City of Savannah" to Porto Rico. Mustered out Jan. 5, 1919. REDFEARN, FRANK TOWNLEY, 2nd Lt., Inf., Co. F, 3rd Pioneer Regt.; of Union County; son of R. and Mrs. Mary Redfearn. Entered service Aug. 27, 1917, at Monroe, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Transferred to Ft. Mcintosh, Texas, then to Camp Wadsworth. Sailed for France Aug. 30, 1918. Comm. 2nd Lt. Nov. 27, 1917. Fought at Meuse-Argonne offensive. Returned to U. S. A. July 24, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 15, 1919. RAY, E. C, Btry. F, 30th Div., 318th F. A. Born in Cabarrus County. Entered service May 29, 1918, at Con- cord, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for Eng- land Aug. 8, 1918. Served there until sent to France, Chaumont Sector, on his way to the front when Armistice was signed. Sailed from Brest, France, June 3, 1919. Returned to United States June 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 22, 1919. RAY, A. W., Private 1st Class, 2nd Co., 1st Corps, Artillery Park. Born in Durham County; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ray. Entered service Feb. 25, 1918, at Dur- ham, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 22, 1918. Fought at Champagne, Marne defensive, Aisne-Marne offensive, Oise-Aisne offensive, Verdun, Chateau Thierry Sector, Meuse-Argonne offensive. Was with army of occupation in Germany seven months. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 10, 1919. REECE, BARTLEY J., Private, Engrs., Co. A, 105th Regt., 30th Div.; of Guilford County; son of J. A. L. and Mrs. M. J. Reece. Husband of Thelma Reece. Entered service at High Point, N. C., June 5, 1917. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France May 27, 1918. Fought at Voormizelle, Bel- gium, Bellicourc, LaSalle River, Mazinghein, France. Re- turned to U. S. A. April 15, 1919. Mustered out of serv- ice at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 18, 1919. REESE, WILLIAM J., Mechanic, C. A. C. Co., 7th, A. A. Btry.; of Henderson County; son of Walter and Mrs. Minnie Reese. Entered service May 28, 1917, at Hendersonville, N. C. Sent to Ft. Caswell, N. C. Sailed for France May 19, 1918. Promoted to rank of Mechanic May, 1918. Fought at Toul Sector, Somme Sector, St. Mihiel. Returned to U. S. A. March 8, 1919, at Hoboken. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 28, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD >V:/.V^^C(t-;"- : NEAR FLEVILLE, FRANCE When the artillery opened up on the morning of November 1, 1918, "Fritzie" cer- tainly was anxious to see his "Fatherland," for he pulled out for a home-run. We couldn't keep up with him. Run, why they are the best runners in the world. ***" .~!W 4. ' i /'ml* '' « ■■' • >:ZM» ■?k 'AIL..U , ^ /fc-^ '■» •■'f Many of you have the idea that a battlefield was a complete system of trenches and a mass of barb-wire entanglements, but such was not the case in the last few months of fighting. Trench warfare was changed to (pen warfare, much to the delight of our sol- diers. This is a sketch of one front line just after our boys jumped oil" at Sommerance, on November 1, 1918. TAR- HEEL WAR RECORD EHEM, CURTIS F., Sergt., Co. H, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Born in Halifax County; son of F. G. and Mrs. E. A Rhem. Entered service July 8, 1916, at Weldon. Sent to Camp Glenn. Transferred to Camp Stewart, Texas, then to camp at Greenville, Aug. 27, 1917. Oversea from Boston, to France May 12, 1918. Was in all engagements with his regiment; six months on Mexican Border. Re- turned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 18, 1919. RHODARMER, JOHN H., Chief Yeoman, Navy; of Haywood County ; son of W. R. and Mrs. E. K. Rhodar- mer. Husband of Mrs. Ina Louisa Rhodarmer. Entered service April 17, 1918, at Canton, N. C. Sent to U. S. Naval Hospital at Norfolk, Va. Transferred to North Sea mine fleets. Mustered out at Norfolk, Va., March 12, 1919. RIDGE, WAYMAN A., Private 1st Class, Inf., Co. I, 322nd Regt., 81st Div. Born in Randolph County July 28, 1892 ; son of J. A. and Orie Ridge. Entered service at Ashboro, N. C, May 29, 1918. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 11, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Returned to the U. S. A. June 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 26, 1919. RILEY, HERBERT G., Blacksmith 1st Class, Naval A. S.; of Orange County; son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Riley. Husband of Mrs. Mary Riley. Entered service Dec. 10, 1917, at Hillsboro. Sent to Bay Shore, L. I. Sailed for France Feb. 5, 1918, on French ship "La Tou- raine." Was in France and Italy in Naval Air Service. Returned to U. S. A. Dec. 16, 1918. Mustered out at Hampton Roads, Va., July 30, 1919. RHODES, RICHARD LEWIS, Band Corpl., 119th Inf., Hdqurs. Co., 30th Div. Born in Lenoir County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. L. Rhodes. Entered service Jan. 29, 1916, at Kinston, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C, then to the Mexican Border. Transferred to Camp Roy- ster and Camp Sevier, 1917-1918. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Gassed at Ypres, Belgium, Sept. 2, 1918. Re- turned to U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. Enlisted in 2nd N. C. N. G. Served on the Mexican Border. Served overseas. RHODES, GEO. EVERETT, Sergt., Aviation, 1st Co., 4th Regt. Born in Lenoir County; son of R. E. L. and Mrs. Etta Rhodes. Entered service Jan. 5, 1916, at Kinston, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France July, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. July, 1918. Enlisted in N. C. N. G. Served on Mexican Border for six months. Returned to U. S. A. July 4, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, Aug. 1, 1919. RICE, A. R., Private 1st Class, Heavy Artillery, Btry. F, 81st Div., 316th Regt.; of Guilford County; son of J. H. and Mrs. Laura Rice. Husband of Mrs. Treva Long Rice. -Entered service May 24, 1918, at High Point. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Remount; had charge of horses. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 11, 1919. RICE, CHARLIE M., Private 1st Class, Artly., Bat. F, 81st Div., 318th F. A. Born in Halifax County; son of Nelson and Mrs. Edith Bell Rice. Entered service Mav 28, 1918, at Weldon, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson May 27, 1918. Transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y., July 23, 1918. Sailed for France. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 20, 1919. RICHARDSON, BRYSON N., Private, Engrs., Co. F, 147th Regt.; of Randolph County; son of William R. and Mrs. Ella Richardson. Entered service August 27, 1918, at Carthage, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Sevier, then to Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ind. Mustered out at Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ind., Dec. 11, 1918. REDDICK, HUBERT H., Private, 38th Inf., 3rd Div., Co. M. Born in Halifax County; son of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Reddick. Entered service at Washington, D. C, Jan. 18, 1918. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., then to Camp Hancock, Ga. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France April 29, 1918. Fought at Chateau Thierry, Marne. Gassed Aug. 10, 1918, at Fisnie. Sent to Hos- pital No. 1 and to Base No. 166 and Base No. 114. Mus- tered out at Camp Meade Jan. 20, 1919. RING, JOHN THOMAS, Corpl., 6th Marines, 97th Co., 145th Regt.; of Forsythe County. Born Sept, 3, 1896 ; son of S. G. and Mrs. Laura May Ring. Entered service Jan. 17. 1918, at Winston-Salem, N. C. Sent to Paris Island, S. C. Transferred to Quantico, Va. Sailed for France April 22, 1918. Killed near Tigny, France, in the battle of Belleau Woods July 19, 1918. RITTER, JAMES B., Private, Med. Corps, Field Hos- pital Div. Born in Moore County; son of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Ritter. Entered service July 6, 1918, at Carthage, N. C. Sent, to Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., then to St. Standish, Mass. Transferred to Commonwealth Pier, Mass. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 22, 1919. ROANE, J. V., Private, 117th Inf., 30th Div., Co. L. Born in Bertie County Aug. 16, 1894; son of Mr. and Mrs. Junius Roane. Entered service March 29, 1918, at Kelford, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France July 3, 1918. Fought on the Hindenburg Line, Bellicourt, Ypres, and in all engagements of 117th Regt. Arrived in the United States March 1, 1919. Landed at Charles- ton, S. C. Mustered out at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., April 16, 1919. ROANE, E. C, Sergt., Engrs., Co. D. Born in North- ampton County, N. C, Jan., 1896; son of W. E. and Nellie B. Roane. Husband of Francis Benthal Roane. Entered service at Rich Square, N. C, April 25, 1918. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for France, Sept. 13, 1918. Promoted to Segrt. June 1, 1919. Returned to the U. S. A. July 4, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 17, 1919. ROBARDS, WILLIAM C, Sergt., 120th Inf., 30th Div., Co. E. Born in Granville County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Robards. Entered the service at Oxford, N. C, June 22, 1916. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. August, 1917, and to Sergt. September, 1917. Fought at Ypres, Hindenburg Line, St. Quentin. Gassed at Vaux-Andigny Oct. 7, 1918. Recom- mended for commission. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 17, 1919. ROBERSON, LELAND D., Private, Inf., Co. D, 80th Div., 320th Regt. ; of Martin County ; son of David F. and Mrs. Julia Roberson. Entered service June 28, 1918, at Robersonville. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Hill, Va. Sailed for France Aug. 22, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Wounded by shrapnel at the Argonne Front Nov. 1, 1918. ^Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 24, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD RHODES, GORDON LEE, Sgt. Inf., Co. F, 119th Reg., 30th Div. Born in Lenoir County, N. C, Aug. 2, 1893; son of R. E. L. and Etta Brinson Rhodes. Entered the service at Kinston, N. C, Jan. 29, 1916, and sent to Camp Glenn, N. C, and then transferred to Camp Stewart, Tex. ; then to Camp Royster and then to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 5, 1918. Promoted Sgt. November, 1917. Fought in all engagements of the 30th Div. until Sept. 29, 1918. Gassed at Ypres, Belgium, Sept. 2, 1918. Killed on the Hindenburg Line, Sept. 29, 1918, and buried at Bony-Aisne. Enlisted in the 2nd N. C. N. G. and served on the Mexican border. Cited for Bravery in September, 1918. RITTER, DUNCAN C, Wagoner, Medical Corps, 320th Amb. Co., 80th Div., 305th San. Tr. Barn in Moore County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Ritter. Entered the service March 21, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. Was sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for France May 25, 1918. Pro- moted from Private to 1st Class Wagoner. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, St. Mihiel-Artois. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 12, 1919. ROUNTREE, JOSEPH DIXON, Private 1st Class, Co. C, 1st Div., 28th Reg. Born in Lenoir County, Aug. 20, 1898 ; son of Joseph H. and Elizabeth Dixon Rountree. Entered service April 19, 1917, at Kinston, N. C. Sent to Savannah, Ga. Transferred to Texas. Fought at Cantigny and wounded there May 30, 1918. Died May 31, 1918. Buried in French Cemetery. Joseph Dixon Rountree was the first from Lenoir County to fall on the battlefields of France. This closes the door on the earthly existence of this Lenoir County lad, leaving to us the memory of a life given to the cause of humanity. He heard humanity's clear call, And knew the voice divine, He gave his life, he gave his all, In deadly battle line. The silent stars in love look down, Where lies this loyal son, In frost and dew they weave a crown, Of honors he has won. ROBINSON, MONROE L.. Private. Enlisted April 15, 1917, 5th Co., C. A. C, Charlotte, N. C. Later trans- ferred to 10th Anti-Aircraft Battery. Sailed for France July 8, 1918. Served in Argonne Forest and St. Mihiel drives. Returned to U. S. January 1, 1919. Discharged January 8, 1919. Home address, Charlotte, N. C. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD ROBERTS, J. L., Sergt., Heavy Artly., Bbry. E, 81st Div., 316th Regt. ; of Orange County ; son of W. R. and Mrs. Mary Roberts. Entered service Sept. 19, 1917. at HMsboro," N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Trans- ferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 4, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 8, 1919, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 20, 1919. ROBERTS, JOHN G., Private, 35th Div., C. A. C. 110th French Motor Btry.; of Cabarrus County; son of J. D. and Mrs. Mary Roberts. Husband of Mrs. Cora May Roberts. Entered service July 24, 1917, at Salisbury, N. C. Sent to Ft. Caswell, N. C, transferred to Camp Mills. L. I, N. Y. Sailed for France May 29, 1918. Fought at Verdun Sector, Somme Drive, at Verdun from Oct. 14, 1918, to Nov. 11, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. July 27, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Gordon, Ga., Aug. 4, 1919. ROBERTSON, OWEN S., 2nd Lt., Co. C, 30th Div., 120th Regt. ; of Orange County ; son of C. H. and Mrs. P. C. Robertson. Husband of Mrs. S. G. Robertson. Entered service May 13, 1917, at Hillsboro. Sent to Ft. Ogle- thorpe, Ga., transferred to Ft. Monroe, Va., to Camp Se- vier, Greenville. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Was in all engagements with his company until wounded at battle near Mazinghien Oct. 18th by M. G. bullet. Sent to General Hospital, Brest. Returned to U. S. A. December, 1918. Mustered out at Ft. McPherson, Ga., March 1, 1919. ROBINOWITZ, MAX, Private 1st Class, M. C, 316th Regt., Med. Detachment. Born in Guilford county Oct. 24, 1897; son of A. and Emma Lee Robinowitz. Entered the service at High Point, N. C, May 25, 1918, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and then transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France July, 1918. Served in hos- pital work throughout service. Returned to the U. S. A. August, 1919, and mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 12, 1919. ROBINSON, JNO. A., Bugler, 54th Inf., Co. D, 6th Div. Born in Nash County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Robinson. Husband of Mrs. Sula Robinson. Entered the service May 10, 1918, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Scriven, Ga., and frcm there to Camp Wadsworth, S. C, transferred to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed for France July 6, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June, 1919. Was in Germany one month with the Army of Occupation. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 24, 1919. ROCHELLE, W. M., Sergt., F. A., Hdqrs. Co. Deteh., 14th Div., 14th Regt., Amn. Tr. ; of Pender County ; son of Vann and Sivil Rochelle. Entered service May 27, 1918, at Burgaw, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, transferred to Camp Custer, Mich., Aug. 10, 1918. Pro- moted to rank of Corpl. Aug. 1, 1918; Sergt. Oct. 10, 1918. Was Provost Sergt. for 14th Amtn. Tr. at Camp Custer, Mich., from September, 1918, to Feb. 1, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Wadsworth, S. C, Feb. 15, 1919. RODGERS, JOHN J., 1st Class Private, Inf., Co. L, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Born in Washington County; son of T. W. and Mrs. Agnes Rodgers. Husband of Mrs. Ber- nice Rodgers. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Ply- mouth, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, transferred to Camp Sevier, from there to Camp Upton. Sailed for France Aug. 20, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Landed in U. S. A. June 20, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 28, 1919. ROGERS. DAVID J., Musician 3rd Class, 119th Inf. Band, Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Sampson County; son of E. M. and Hattie Rogers. Entered service Jan. 1, 1916, at Clinton, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, trans- ferred to Camp Stuart, from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for Calais. France, May 27, 1918. Promoted to rank of Musician 3rd Class Sept. 26, 1918. Fought in all actions of 119th Regt. Enlisted in N. C. N. G., was in actual duty from Jan. 1, 1916, to April 8, 1919. Served on Mexican border five months. Returned to U. S. A. April 3, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 8, 1919. ROGERS, PAUL E., Private, Ordnance Corps, At- tached to 30th Div., 120th Inf. Born in Duplin County; son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Rogers. Entered the service May 27, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Se- vier, S. C, Aug. 10, 1917. Sailed for France May 27, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. Oct. 11, 1917. Fought at Ypres, Bellicourt, Hindenburg. Returned to U. S. A. April 10, 1919; landed at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 18, 1913. ROGERS, WILLIAM F., Reg. Sergt. Maj., Personnel Co., A. G. D.; of Durham County; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rogers. Entered service April 1, 1918, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Se- vier, Greenville, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. ROGERSON, FRANK RICHARD, 1st Class Private, Btry. A, 81st Div., 317th Regt., F. A. Born in Chowan County: son of R. A. and Mrs. Mary E. Rogerson. Hus- band of Mrs. Mary Mariah Rogerson. Entered service April 26, 1918, at Edenton, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France August, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June, 1919. ROOK, WILLIAM F., Private, 118th Inf., Co. K, 30th Div. ; of Guilford County ; son of Elisa Rook and Mrs. Maggie Rook. Husband of Mrs. Treves Culler Rook. En- tered service June 22, 1916, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, transferred to Camp Mills, L. I., N. Y. Sailed for Calais, France, May 25, 1918. Fought at Ypres in Belgium and St. Quentin, France. He was gassed near St. Quentin Sept. 25, 1918. Sent to 5th Southern Hos- pital, General, transferred to Base No. 33. Was in N. G., mustered out and recalled to active duty. Set sail from Liverpool, Eng., Dec. 12th; landed in U .S. A. Dec. 22, 1918, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mustered out at Camp Greene, N. C, Feb. 6, 1919. ROLLINS, THOMAS C, Corpl., Inf., Co. D, 33rd Div., 122nd Regt.; of Pitt County; son of W. J. and Mrs. A. C. Rollins. Entered service May 27, 1918, at Boydton, Va. Sent to Camp Lee, Va., transferred to Newport News, Va. Sailed for France July 2, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. June, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, Troyon Sector. Gassed at Troyon Sector Nov. 9, 1918. Sent to Base Hospital No. 52. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 27, 1919. ROSS, R. W., 1st Lt., M. G. Co. F, 157th Div., French Regt., 371st Inf. Born in Craven County; son of E. C. and Mrs. Sudie Ross. Husband of Mrs. Maie Ross. Entered service May 15, 1917, at New Bern, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., transferred to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for St. Nazaire, France, April 28, 1918. Fought at Verdun Sector, Champagne offensive, Vosges Mtn. Sector. Returned to U. S. A. Feb. 12, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Feb. 22, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD ROSS, CARL LEE, 1st Class Q. M. (Navy), 2nd Dept. Born in Wilson County, the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Ross. Entered the service at Wilmington, N. C, May 18, 1917. Was sent to Harbor Island and from there to St. Helena, Va., transferred to New London, Conn. Was on Sub. chaser No. 124. Made one trip across, stayed 18 months in all. Was on barrage duty. Spent most of time between Greece and Italy. RUFFIN, JAMES D„ Engine Man 2nd Class, Navy, Engrs. Div. Born in Edgecombe County Sept. 5, 1895; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ruffin. Entered the ser- vice at Norfolk, Va., April 25, 1917. Was sent to St. He- lena Tr. Station, from there to Atlantic Fleet May 5, 1917. On transport service from July 1, 1917, until Oct. 2, 1919. Chased by submarine on July trip, 1918. Mustered out at Naval Base, Norfolk, Va., Oct. 2, 1919. ROSE, G. T., Sergt, Co. A, 8th Div., M. P. Regt. ; of Nash County ; son of W. H. and Mrs. Laura Rose. Hus- band of Mrs. Mattie Rose. Entered service April 1, 1911, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Was discharged March 31, 1914, at Pipe Island. Re-enlisted there April 2, 1914. Dis- charged Dec. 5, 1918. Was in the Philippine Islands from June, 1911, until August, 1916, then joined 11th Cavalry and went to Mexican border, then transferred to 23rd Cavalry ,then to 81st F. A., then to 24th M. G. Btn., trans- ferred to 22nd M. G. Btn., then to 8th M. P. Was in Camp Mills ready to sail on Nov. 11, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Dec. 5, 1918. At present Scout Master, Troop 8, No. Rocky Mount, N. C. ROUGOTES, CHRISTOS G., Sergt., Inf. Co. D, 77th Div., 307th Regt. Born in Greece; son of George Rou- gotes and Mrs. Vonlikt Rougotes. Entered service Dec. 6, 1917, at New York. Sent to Camp Upton. Sailed for France April 6, 1918. Fought at Lorraine Sector, Vesle and Aisne-Argonne. Gassed at Vesle Sept. 14, 1918. Sent to Base Hospital No. 41. Mustered out at Camp Upton May 9, 1919. ROUSE, PELL EMORY, Sergt., 2nd Eng. Hdqrs. ; of Lenoir County; son of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Rouse. Entered service Sept. 19, 1917, at La Grange, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Sailed for France Jan. 21, 1918. Fought at Somme offensive. Wounded at Battle of Somme by bullet July 26, 1918. Sent to Base Hospital No. 8 in France, Camp Hospital No. 31, France. Returned to U. S. A. June 27, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, July 15, 1919. First enlisted Sept. 19, 1917; was discharged at Camp Jackson Oct. 1, 1917. Re-enlisted at Washington, D. C, Jan. 14, 1918. ROWE, M. M., 1st Class Private, 1st and A Co., M. P., 30th Div. Born in Catawba County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Rowe. Husband of Mrs. Myrtle Rowe. En- tered the service at Lincolnton, N. C, April 10, 1917. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 25, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Somme offensive, Hindenburg Line offensive. Arrived in the U. S. A. April 7, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 10, 1919. Vol- unteered in the N. C. N. G. and trained at Lincolnton, N. C, and Camp Sevier, S. C. ROWE, CAROLYN W., Chief Yeoman, F, N. 0. T. S. Born in Halifax County Sept. 6, 1898; the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Rowe. Entered the service at Nor- folk, Va., from Weldon, N. C, March 15, 1918. Promoted to rank of Chief Yeoman July 30, 1919. Served in Nor- folk with the N. O. T. S. during entire period of service. Hers was a most pleasant work. Mustered out at Nor- folk, Va., Aug. 6, 1919. ROWE, HERBERT GRAHAM, 2nd Class Q. M., Navy, U. S. S. Iowa. Born in Halifax County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Rowe. Entered the service Aug. 14, 1918, at Operating Base, Norfolk, Va. Sailed for overseas ser- vice on U. S. S. Wilhelmina. Made four trips across. One to St. Nazaire, two to Brest, and one to Bordeaux. Mus- tered out at Hampton Roads, Va., Aug. 28, 1919. RUSS, GEO. E., Cook, 115th M. G. Btn., Co. C, 30th Div. Born in New Hanover County, N. C, Jan. 19, 1897; son of J. P. and Fannie Russ. Entered the service at Wilmington, N. C, July, 1917, and sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and then transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought in all engagements with his company. Returned to the U. S. A. March 22, 1919, land mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 3, 1919. RUSS, HIRAM R., Private, Inf., Co. D, 41st Div. ; of Columbus County ; son of Andrew and Renee Russ. Hus- band of Molsie Folk Russ. Entered service June 5, 1917, at Whitesville. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., transferred to Gettysburg, Pa., from there to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May, 1918. A. J. Russ, his grandfather, was in Civil War. Returned to U. S. A. February, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 12, 1919. RUSSELL, TOM H., Sergt., Camp Personnel Co.; of Stanley County ; son of W. C. and S. F. A. Russell. En- tered service May 24, 1918, at Winston-Salem. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Mus- tered out at Camp Sevier Feb. 14, 1919. RUSSELL, DR. J. M., 1st Lt., Base Hospital 135; of Haywood County; son of J. H. and Mrs. L. H. Russell. Plusband of Mrs. Lucy Terrell Russell. Entered service July 15, 1918, at Canton, N. C. Sent to Camp Greenleaf, Ga., transferred to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Promoted to rank of 1st Lt. June 21, 1918. Served in N. C. N. G. since 1915, where he held rank of 1st Lt. Mustered out at Camp Wadsworth Dec. 15, 1918. RUSSELL, JAS. E., Private, Med. Corps, Field Hos- pital No. 120, 30th Div. Born in Lee County, N. C, May 24, 1900; son of C. H. and Emma Russell. Entered the service at Jonesboro, N. C, Sept. 30, 1917, and sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Was in the 115th M. G. Btn. four months. Mustered out of the service at Camp Sevier, S. C, May 20, 1918. SADLER, COURTNEY K., Wagoner, Ammunition Tr., 30th Div., 105th Regt., Co. A. Born in Warren Coun- ty; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sadler. Husband of Cora Browning Sadler. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C, transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France June 3, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Woevre, Toul. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 3, 1919. SAIED, CHARLIE, 1st Class Private, F. A., 1st Btry., Assigned to 42nd Div. Born in Edgecombe County: the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. O. Saied. Entered the service Aug. 26, 1918, at Tarboro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jack- son, S. C. Sailed for France Oct. 28, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. May 21, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 26, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD A FAMILIAR NIGHT SCENE TO THE ONES WHO WERE OVER THERE Just like a Fourth of July celebration. Star shells bursting to sig- nal the artillery, flares to light up No-Man's Land, and the boom, boom of cannon, which sounded like huge fire crackers. Slow, but sure, we moved on through the Argonne. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD SAINTSING, WATSON LEE, Private, 318th F. A., 81st Div., Btry. D. Born in Davidson County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Saintsing. Entered the service at Lexington, N. C, May 29, 1917. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 7, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Feb. 4, 1919, and was mustered out Feb. 29, 1919. SAINTSING, WILLIAM FRED, Private. Born in Da- vidson County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Saintsing. Husband of Mrs. Annie Saintsing. Entered the service Aug. 26, 1918, at Lexington, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and sailed for France Oct. 28, 1918. Landed in the U. S. A. May 26, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 30, 1919. SALE, V. D., JR., Private, F. A., Hdqrs. Btry., 11th Regt.; of Guilford County; son of V. D. and Mrs. Mary E. Sale. Entered service Sept. 6, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C,. Dec. 12, 1918. SALEEBY, ABRAHAM, Private, 22nd Receiving De- pot; from Rowan County, N. C. Entered the service at Salisbury, N. C, July 6, 1918, and sent to Camp Hancock, Ga. Mustered out of the service at Camp Hancock, Ga., Jan. 13. 1919. Was discharged as member 6th Group, Hdqrs. Co., Q. M. C. SANDERS, DEWEY M., Private, Inf., Co. L, 30th Div., 120th Regt.; of Montgomery County; born Nov. 15, 1898 ; son of D. R. and Mrs. Elizabeth Sanders. Entered service July 26, 1917, at Thomasville, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 28, 1918. Fought at the Battle of Kemmel Hill, Hindenburg Line. Killed at Battle of Kemmel Hill by an artillery shell Sept. 29, 1918. Buried in Grave No. 44, Old Hickory No. 3 Cemetery, Commance of Pontru, in the Department of the Aisne. SANFORD, GEO. HENRY, Cook, 105th Engineers, Co. C, 30th Div. Born in Guilford County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Sanford. Entered the service at Greens- boro, N. C, Sept. 20, 1917. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and sailed for France Aug. 27, 1918. Received shell wound at St. Mihiel. Returned to U. S. A. Oct. 21, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Dix Oct. 28, 1919. SAPPENFIELD, DEWEY E., Student Army Training Corps, University of North Carolina, Private. Enlisted October, 1918; discharged Dec. 11, 1918, at Chapel Hill, N. C. SAPPKNFIELD, CIIAS. M., Student Army Training School, A & E. Training School, Raleigh, N. C, Private. Enlisted Oct. 5, 1918; was discharged Dec. C, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. SASSER, HENRY V., Corpl., Field Sig. Corps., Co. 306, Attached to 81st Div. : of Wayne County; son of J. J. and Mrs. Sarah Sasser. Entered service May, 1918, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to (amp Sevier, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France July ••'.1, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. April, 1919. Fought at Vosges Mtns., Meuse-Argonne and other engagements. Returned to V. S. A. June 29, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson July, 1919. SAULS, JNO. E., Sergt., 119th Inf., Co. C, 30th Div. Born in Johnston County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Sauls. Husband of Mrs. Agnes Belle Sauls. Entered the service May 1, 1916, at Selma, N. C. Was sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C, transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at Bellicourt, Busigny, Brancourt, St. Souplet, Mazinghein, Montbrehain, Voormizelle, Joncourt. Returned to U. S. A. April 2, 1919 ; landed at Charleston, S. C. Was mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 8, 1919. Served on the Mexican border five months and twenty days. SAUNDERS, ROBERT L., Sergt., 120th Inf., 30th Div., Co. M. Entered the service June 5, 1917, at Ashe- ville, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Was at Ypres Front on special ob- servation duty. Was at the Hindenburg Drive with the 2nd British Army. Was on the front until Oct. 28, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. April 7, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 21, 1919. SAUNDERS, H. T., Yeoman 1st Class, Navy. Born in Durham County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Saunders. Entered the service at Raleigh, N. C, June 14, 1917. Was sent to Newport, R. I. Made four trips across on Impera- tor. On transport duty. Was at Naval Air Supply Base, France for 11 months. Was also on U. S. S. Leviathan on transport duty. From there went to U. S. Naval Base at Pauillac, France. Was on Imperator after leaving France. Mustered out at Hampton Roads, Va., Oct. 8, 1919. SAWYER, J. B., Private, Light Artly., Btry C, 42nd Div., 155th Regt. Born in Buncombe County, 1895; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sawyer. Entered service June 24, 1918, at Asheville, N. C, and sent to Camp Jackson, trans- ferred to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Aug. 21, 1918. Fought at Argonne Forest, Verdun, Sedan. Re- turned to U. S. A. April 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 13, 1919. SCARBORO, RANDLE H., Corpl., Co. B, 3rd Div., 3rd Regt., Amtn. Tr. ; of Montgomery County; son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Scarboro. Entered service October, 1917, at Mt. Gilead, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, trans- ferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France April 5, 1918. Fought at Chateau Thierry, Champagne. Marne offensive, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Army of Occupation from December, 1918, to Aug. 10, 1919. Returned to U. S. A. Aug. 25, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Sept. 3, 1919. SCARBORO. ELLIS A., Corpl., Co. C, 30th Div., 115th M. G. ; of Wake County ; son of G. A. and Mrs. G. A. Scar- boro. Entered service April 9. 1917. at Wendell, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 8, 1918. Fought in all engagements with 115th M. G. Returned to U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson April 9, 1919. SCARRORO. W. A.. Corpl., Aviation Co. 7: of Wake County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. M .A. Scarboro. Entered service July 31, 1918. at Wendell, N. C. Sent to Kelly Field. Texas, transferred to Buffalo, N. Y., then to Ft. Sam Houston, Texas. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Sep- tember. 1918. Mustered out at Ft. Sam Houston March 31, 1919. TAR- HEEL WAR RECORD SEAMPULOS, D. GEORGE, Private 1st Class, 25th Co. Inf. ; of Forsyth County ; son of David and Mattie Seampulos. Husband of Ruth McClendon Seampulos. Entered service August 24, 1918, at Hampton, Va. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Transferred to Camp Dix, N. J. Mus- tered out at Camp Greene, N. C, Jan. 7, 1919. SILER, GORDON L., Mechanic, Aviator, Div. 883, Aero Squadron. Born in Chatham County, July 3, 1894; son of A. R. and Nannie Siler. Entered service April 7, 1918, at Siler City, N. C. Sent to St. Paul, Minn. Trans- ferred to Camp Ossie, Minn., from there to Montgomery, Ala., Aviator Depot No. 3. Mustered out at Montgomery, Ala., March 29, 1919. SHORT, JURNEY L., 1st Class Private, 116th Reg., 42nd Div., Co. M. Born in Wayne County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Short. Entered the service July 1, 1917, at Freemont, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Was sent to France July 1, 1918. Wounded in battle Oct. 13, 1918. Died Oct. 17, 1918. Buried in France. STONE, ROBERT H., First Sgt., Inf., Co. 8, 2nd Reg., T. R. B. N. Born in Rockingham County, Dec. 7, 1896 ; son of R. T. and Mary Stone. Entered service August 26, 1918, at Stoneville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, then to Camp Sevier, S. C. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Oct. 1, 1918; Sgt., Dec. 26, 1918. Promoted to rank of Supply Sgt., Dec. 27, 1918. Promoted to rank of First Sgt., Feb. 4, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 25, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD SCHACHNER, LAWRENCE J., Sergt., Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Son of Frank and Mrs. Lola Schach- ner. Husband of Mrs. Nellie R. Culberson Schachner. Entered service July 8, 1916, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Aug. 21, 1917; to Sergt. Jan. 20, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium, Bellicourt, France. Wounded at Battle of Bellicourt Sept. 29, 1918, by shrapnel. Sent to Newton Abbott, Eng., British Hospital. Served on Mexican bor- der six months. Returned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919; landed at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jack- son, S. C, April 17, 1919. SCHENCK, HARRY O., Sergt., M. G., Co. A, 30th Div., 115th Regt.; of Haywood County; son of S. P. and A. H. Schenck. Volunteered June 5, 1917, at Waynes- ville, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 5, 1918. Fought at Ypres and in all engagements of 115th M. G. Returned to U. S. A. in March. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 5, 1919. SCOTT, THOMAS CYRUS, Corpl., F. A., Btry A, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Born in Onslow County; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scott. Entered service July 2, 1917, at Jack- sonville, and sent to Camp Sevier, transferred to Camp Mills and sailed from there for France May 2, 1918. Pro- moted to rank of Corpl. December, 1918, Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, and all other engagements. Gassed at Argonne Nov. 6, 1918. Sent to Base Hospital 39. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 28, 1919. SEIFERT, DAVID WALTER, Btn. Sup. Sergt., Trench Artly., Hdqrs. Co. Born in Halifax County; son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Seifert. Entered the service July 13, 1918, at Weldon, N. C. Was sent to Clemson College and from there to Ft. Caswell. Sailed for Brest, France, Nov. 2, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Sept. 20, 1918, and to rank of Btn. Sup. Sergt. Oct. 28, 1918. Returned to the U. S. A. and was mustered out at Fortress Monroe Jan. 19, 1919. SEIFERT, W. E., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 6th Trench Artly. Born in Halifax County ; the son of G. J. and Mrs. C. A. Seifert. Husband of Mrs. Florence F. Seifert. Entered service July 15, 1918, at Weldon, N. C. Sent to Clemson College, transferred to Ft. Caswell, from there to Camp Merritt and sailed for Brest, France, Nov. 2, 1918. Re- turned to U. S. A. Jan. 8, 1919. Mustered out at Ft. Mon- roe Jan. 19, 1919. SELBY, JOHN R., Messenger, Express. Born in Beau- fort County ; son of S. T. and Beulah Selby. Entered ser- vice April, 1917, at Washington, N. C, and sent to Ral- eigh, transferred to Portsmouth, detached service. Noti- fied to join service Nov. 11th at Camp Jackson. Mustered out at Raleigh Dec. 19, 1919. SEXTON, F. M., 2nd Class Mate (Navy), 6th Marines; of Washington County; son of W. C. and Mrs. Deborah Sexton. Entered service Aug. 8, 1917. Sent to Naval Hospital Aug. 8, 1917. Transferred to League Island. Sailed for Brest. Promoted to rank of 2nd Class Mate. Returned to U. S. A., Hoboken, N. J., July 9, 1918. Mus- tered out at Hampton Roads. SEAGO, FURMAN J., 1st Class Private, 320th Amb., 80th Div.; of Anson County; son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Seago. Husband of Mrs. Fanny Harris Seago. Entered service March 5, 1918, at Lilesville, N. C. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for France May 25, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, and in all other battles of his out- fit. Returned to U. S. A. May 31, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 12, 1919. SEAWELL, CARL EARNEST, Private, F. A.; of Moore County; son of Jno. W. and Mrs. Emily L. Seawell. Husband of Mrs. Donna B. Cecil Seawell. Entered ser- vice April 26, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, April 26, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Jackson Feb. 6, 1919. SECHREST, CHAS. G., Corpl., 118th Inf., Co. E, 30th Div. Born in Guilford County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sechrest. Entered the service June 25, 1916, at High Point, N. C. Was sent to Camp Glenn, N. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C, transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at Hin- denburg Line, Ypres, Flanders Front, St. Quentin, St. Martin, Montbrehain. Gassed at St. Martin Oct. 17, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. March 27, 1919. Mustered out at (amp Jackson, S. C, March 31, 1919. Was on the Mexi- can border for five months. SEEHORN, WILLIAM W., Private 1st Class, Btry. E, 30th Div., 113th F. A.; of Caldwell County; son of T. F. and Callie V. Seehorn. Entered service July 4, 1917, at Lenoir, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France June 15, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest, Sandy Woods, Woevre Sector. Arrived in U. S. A. March 9, 1919, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Jackson March 28, 1919. SHACKELFORD, HERMAN PAUL, Corpl., 120th Inf., 30th Div., Co. G. Born in Wayne County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shackelford. Entered the service April 2, 1918, at Fremont, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May, 1918. Fought with his company in Belgium and France. Killed on the Hindenburg Line Sept. 29, 1918. Buried at Bellicourt, France. SHACKELFORD, ARTHUR D., Sergt., Motor T. C, Sup. Tr., Co. E, 8th Div. Born in Wilson County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shackelford. Entered the service Nov. 30, 1917, at Greensboro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Johnston, Fla., Dec. 25, 1917. Promoted to rank of Sergt. December, 1918. Drove cars from factory to different seaports. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Feb. 7, 1919. SHARPE, SILAS A., Sergt. 1st Class, Med. Co., 104th San. Tr., 29th Div. ; of Iredell County ; son of John M. and Mrs. Carrie Mott Sharpe. Husband of Mrs. Ethel Black- mer Sharpe. Entered service June 18, 1916. Sent to Camp Stuart, Va., transferred to Camp Greenleaf, Ga., then to Camp McClellan, Ala. Sailed for France July 5, 1918. Fought at Alsace Sector defensive, Meuse-Ar- gonne. Served on Mexican border nine months. Returned to U. S. A. May 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Meade, Md., June 5, 1919. SHAVER, CHARLES L., Capt., Inf., Co. N, 5th Div.. 6th Regt.: of Rowan County; son of Robt. L. and Mrs. Margaret V. Shaver. Husband of Mrs. Sudie D. Shaver. Entered service Feb. 23, 1903, at Salisbury, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., transferred to Camp Forrest. Sailed for Brest, France, April 9, 1918. Promoted to rank of 1st. Lt. Nov. 27, 1917; to Capt. June 30, 1918. Fought at St. Die offensive. Returned to U. S. A. Sept. 9, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Sept. 12, 1919. TAR- HEEL WAR RECORD SHAW, WILLIAM T., JR., Capt., Inf., 3rd Regulars. Born in Halifax County ; son of William T. Shaw and Mrs. Lillie Gay Shaw. Husband of Mrs. Blanche Shaw. En- tered service Sept. 1, 1917, at Weldon. Sent to Ft. Ogle- thorpe, Ga., transferred to Camp Merritt March 1, 1918. Went to France May 15, 1918. Promoted to rank of Capt. Dec. 1, 1917, and assigned as instructor at Oglethorpe. Killed at Chateau Thierry July 18, 1918. Buried at Ball- canwood Cemetery. Detailed as commander of Casual at Camp Merritt, N. J. Killed by shell fire. Was first buried on battle field but has been moved. SHEARIN, LUCIUS H., 1st Class Private, Co. E, 81st Div., 306th Regt, Amtn. Tr. Born in Halifax County; the son of J. W. and Mrs. E. M. Shearin. Husband of Mrs. Dorrine Shearin. Entered service March 28, 1918, at Weldon, N. C, and sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed to France Aug. 8, 1918. Fought at Argonne and St. Mihiel. Returned to U. S. A. June 8, 1919, Newport News. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 21, 1919. SHERRILL, WILLIAM M., Hdqrs. Co., 119th Inf., 30th Div. Born in Cabarrus County. Entered the service June 5, 1917, at Concord, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 8, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Voormizelle, Somme. Returned to the U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. SHERRILL, FRED N., Private, Inf., Co. L. ; from Ca- barrus County, N. C. ; son of J. 0. and Mattie Blanche Sherrill. Entered the service at Concord, N. C, June 13, 1916, and sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Served on the Mexi- can border. Mustered out of the service at Camp Sevier, S. C, Dec. 4, 1919. SHERROD, JULIAN D., Private, Pioneer Inf., 42nd Div., Co. F. Born in Edgecombe County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sherrod. Entered the service Aug. 5, 1918, at Tarboro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C, and from there to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France Sept. 13, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Re- turned to U. S. A. April 14, 1919; landed at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 23, 1919. SHEARON, JNO. D., Sergt., Ordnance Dept., Hdqrs. Co. Born in Halifax County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Shearon. Entered the service April 25, 1918, at Weldon, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Hancock, Ga. Transferred to Curtis Bay, Ord. Dept., Baltimore. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Aug. 1, 1918, and to rank of Sergt. Sept. 1, 1918. Mus- tered out at Curtis Bay March 23, 1919. SHEIL, JOHN T., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 105th Regt., Engineers. Son of John T. F. and Mrs. S. Sheil. Entered service June 21, 1917, at High Point, N .C. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, Sept. 1, 1917. Sailed for France May, 1918. Fought with the 30th Div. Returned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 18, 1919. SHELL, CHARLIE C, Private 1st Class, Med., San. Det., 156th Depot Brigade. Born in Halifax County; son of C. E. and Mrs. Cornelia F. Shell. Husband of Mrs. Gertrude R. Shell. Entered service March 28, 1918, at Weldon. Sent to Camp Jackson March 29, 1918. Trans- ferred to Camp Sevier. Promoted to Act. Sergt. Mus- tered out at Camp Sevier Dec. 20, 1918. SHELTON, DAVID B., Private 1st Class, Med. Dept., Co. 117th Field Hospital, 30th Div.; of Guilford County; son of Samuel D. and Mrs. Nannie L. Shelton. Entered service June 22, 1916, at High Point, N. C. (Enlisted). Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France July 1, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel offensive Sept. 12 to 16, 1918 ; Meuse-Argonne Oct. 21 to Nov. 11, 1918; Toul Sector Sept. 1st to 11th and Oct. 21st to Nov. 20, 1918. Served in France with the A. E. F. with Field Hospital 117 from Aug. 3, 1917, until discharged April, 1919. Arrived in U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 7, 1919. SHERMAN, HERBERT JOEL, Q. M. (Navy) ; of Pen- der County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sherman. Husband of Mrs. Annie Elizabeth Sherman. Entered service Sept. 4, 1913, at Atkinson, N. C. Sent to U. S. S. Antilla. Made four trips overseas. Was in the Central American Revolution, Honduras, 1913; Mexican, at Vera Cruz, 1914; Haitien, 1915; Santo Domingo, 1914; Cuban upris- ing, 1917. From there to the U. S. S. Antilla. Mustered out at New York Feb. 17, 1919. SIDES, CLAUDE M., R. O. 1st Class (Navy) ; of Burke County ; son of J. M. and Mrs. Ida Sides. Husband of Mrs. Mattie Sylva Sides. Entered service July 7, 1915, at Richmond, Va. Sent to St. Helena, Va. Transferred to U. S. S. Wyoming ,then to U. S. S. Jason. Sailed for Brest, France, July, 1917. Promoted to rank of Ordinary Seaman November, 1915; to seaman, 1916; to rank of Ra- dio Electrician 1st Class. Made eight trips across to Eng- land, France, Spain, Italy and Austria and to Brezil. Mustered out at Boston, Mass., July 5, 1919. SHIPPLETT, M. H., Amb. Driver, Field Hospital, 30th Div., 117th Regt. Born in Guilford County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Shipplett. Entered the service April 22, 1916, at High Point, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills. Sailed for France June 4, 1918. Fought at Toul, Meuse-Argonne, St. Mihiel. Returned to U. S. A. April 7th and was mustered out April 14, 1919. Was on the Mexican border. SHORT, EDWIN, Private. Born in Mecklenburg County. Entered the service May 1, 1918, at Charlotte, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., then to Ft. Adams, R. I. Transferred to Camp Eustis, Va. Sailed for France Sept. 5, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Jan. 18, 1919. Mus- tered out Feb. 14, 1919. SHORT, J. M„ S. A. T. C, Private. Born in Wayne County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Short. Entered service Oct. 1, 1918, at Fremont, N. C. Was sent to Chapel Hill, N. C. Mustered out at Chapel Hill, N. C, Dec. 12, 1919. SHUGART, FLOYD CALDWELL, Capt., Med. Corps ; of Yadkin County ; son of Isaac L. and Mrs. Emma Green- wood Shugart. Husband of Mrs. Grace Tatum Shugart. Entered service July 16, 1917, at Camp Jackson, S. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Transferred to Camp Jack- son, S. C, transferred to Army Medical School. Promoted to rank of Capt. Nov. 8, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Taylor, Ky., Sept. 26, 1919. SHUPING, ALEXANDER L., Wagoner, C. A. C, Btry. C, 61st Regt.; of Burke County; son of J. A. and Mamie Lane Shuping. Entered service April 19, 1917, at Morganton, N. C. Sent to Ft. Scriven, Ga. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Promoted to Wagoner July, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Feb. 17, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 11, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD IN SEARCH FOR BILLETS, BOUZANCY, FRANCE Immediately upon entering a town we looked for shelter, and to find a building with a complete roof was like getting money from home — "sel- dom done." Chateau de Belle-fille, near Chemire Le Gaudin, Built in 1130. In the olden days of knighthood a beautiful young lady lived here and as all young ladies are, she was deeply in love with a man. He was a man of wealth, fashion and society, a gambler and a drunkard. The priest told him that if he did not stop his evil ways the Lord would destroy him with fire and water. He heeded not the advice, and one day while crossing the Sarth River, light- ning struck him and he fell into the water, dead. The young lady, to mourn the loss of her lover, locked herself in one of the rooms in this cha- teau, and stayed shut in fur fifty years, when she died. Today the hole in the wall through which she received her meals, is still there. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD SHYTLES, RALPH H., Corpl., Co. B, 106th Inf., 27th Div. Was born in Davidson County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Shytles. Husband of Mrs. Shula Hughes Shytles. Entered the service Aug. 12, 1918, at Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Was sent to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Sept. 18, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. March 6, 1919 ; landed at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 5, 1919. SIFFORD, JAMES E., 2nd Signal Q. M. C. (Navy). Born Sept. 4, 1900 ; son of W. L. and Fannie J. Sifford, of Rowan County. Entered the service June 3, 1918, at Ral- eigh, N. C. Sent to Hampton Roads, Naval Base. Was ion board U. S. S. Ohio, second line battleship. One trip across ; landed at Brest, France. Mustere:! out at Hamp- ton Roads, Naval Base, March 24, 1919. SIMKINS, EDGAR A., Major, 2nd N. C. N. G., 30th Div., 119th Inf. Regt. ; of Wayne County; son of John Simkins and Elizabeth Simkins. Husband of Mrs. Sa- rah Alice Simkins. Entered service March 15, 1905, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Royster, transferred to Camp Wadsworth, S. C, then to Camp Sevier, S. C. Pro- moted to rank of Sergt. March 25, 1905 ; 2nd Lt. Nov. 28, 1907; Jan. 28, 1909, to 1st Lt. ; Jan. 7, 1910, Capt.; March 15, 1914, Major. Served on Mexican border from the 19th of June, 1916, to March 19, 1917. Then went back to 17th Btn., U. S. A., and served until Jan. 25, 1919. Was a graduate of Military College at Davidson, receiving B. S. degree, June 6, 1894. Was commander of 1st Btn., A, B, C and D Cos, of N. C. troops, going to Mexican border until May 1, 1918, was home on sick leave. Mustered out at Camp Greene, N. C, Jan. 25, 1919. SIMMONS, LEON J., Wagoner, Med. Corps, 317th Amb., 80th Div.; of Wayne County; son of N. D. and Addie Simmons. Entered service Sept. 17, 1917, at Mt. Olive, N. C. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for France May 25, 1918. Promoted to Wagoner November, 1917. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. June 1, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 12, 1919. SIMMONS, JOHN, Sergt., Btry A, 30th Div., 113th F. A. ; of Jones County ; son of Becton and Martha Sim- mons ; husband of Mrs. Elizabeth Simmons. Entered ser- vice Aug. 5, 1917, at Pollocksville. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Fought at all battles with 113th. Returned to U. S. A. March 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson March 28, 1919. SINGLETON, DAVID T., Private, Depot Co., Artly., 3rd Army Corps ; son of R. D. and Caroline Singleton, of Norwood, Stanley County. Entered service March 19, 1918. Sent to Camp Jackson, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 22, 1918. Fought at Chateau- Thierry, Meuse-Argonne, Verdun, Champagne, Mons. Gassed at Argonne September, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Aug. 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 10, 1919. SINK, JOHN L., 1st Class Private, 30th Div., 119th Inf., Co. H. Born in Durham County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sink ; husband of Mrs. Maud Sink. Entered the service at Durham, N. C, Sept. 18, 1917. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at the Hindenburg Line, Kimmel Hill, Bel- gium. Received shell wound in back and right leg. Was sent to 317 U. S. Base Hospital, Dartford, England. Re- turned to U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 9, 1919. SKIXXER, W., Private, 1st Class, 321st Inf.: Co. I, 81st Div.; of Wilson County; son of J. and Mrs. Delia Skinner ; husband of Mrs. Thelma Skinner. Entered ser- vice April 26, 1918, at Wilson, N. C. Sent to Camp Jack- son. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France, Sept. 16, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, Alsace-Lor- raine Mts., Nov. 11, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. June 15, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 28, 1919. SLEDGE, W. D., Master Signal Electrician, 4th M. M. Regt., 14th Co. Born in Wilson County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sledge. Entered the service July, 1917. Was sent to Chickamauga, Ga., and from there to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Greene, N. C. Sailed for France July, 1917. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 6, 1919. SLEDGE, ANDREW C, Private, Amtn. Tr.. Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div. ; of Halifax County ; son of B. F. and Mrs. Virginia Evans Sledge. Entered service April 26, 1918, at Weldon, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 8, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Mustered out at Mitchell Field June 13, 1919. SLOCUMB, WILLIAM H., Private 1st Class, Inf., Co. K, 30th Div., 120th Regt. ; of Sampson County ; son of John C. and Mrs. Annie Slocumb. Entered service Oct. 5, 1917, at Smithfield, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Trans- ferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for Calais, France, May 31, 1918. Promoted to rank of Btn. Sergt. Maj. May 20th. Fought at So. of Ypres July 7-16 to Aug. 4, 1918; Nauroy Sector, Beaurevoir Sector, Somme offensive Nov. 1 to Nov. 11, 1918; Canal Sector. Transferred to Hdqrs. Co., 159th Inf., from 2nd Corps, Hdqrs. Replace- ment Depot. Returned to U. S. A. March 22, 1919, at New York. Mustered out at Presidio, Cal., May 2, 1319. SMITH, EARL A., Sergt., Inf., Co. I, 120th Regt., 30th Div. Born in Guilford County; son of J. J. and Mrs. Jos. Scott Smith. Entered the service May, 1917, at Burling- ton, N. C, and sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Pro- moted to Sergt. September, 1917. Fought at Ypres, Meuse-Argonne and Canal Sector. Wounded at Argonne Oct. 10th by shrapnel and sent to hospital at Rouen, France, Oct. 12th. Returned to the U. S. A. April 13, 1919, and mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 18, 1919. SMITH, WILLIAM A., Private, Inf., Co. I, 30th Div., 120th Regt. ; of Davidson County ; son of J. W. and Mrs. M. E. Smith. Entered service Jan. 15, 1915, at Lexington, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Fought at Hindenburg Line, Bellicourt and Nauroy from Sept. 9, 1918, to Oct. 1, 1918; Premont, Brancourt, Oct. 8, 1918; Busigny, Oct. 9, 1918; Becquigny Bohain, L. Hale, Mendress, Oct. 10, 1918, to Oct. 11, 1918; St. Martin River, Mazinghein Heights of Catillon, Oct. 17, 1918, to Oct. 19, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919, Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 18, 1919. SMITH, WILLIAM D., Electrician 3rd Class (Naval). Born in Robeson County; son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith. Entered service June 25, 1918, at Lumber Bridge. N. C, and sent to St. Helena. Transferred to Naval Base, Hampton Roads. Service on Sub. chasers. Mustered out at Hampton Roads Feb. 8, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD SMITH, JAMES G., Private 1st Class, Engineers, Un- assigned, Co. B, 306th Regt. Born in Harnett County; son of J. B. and Mrs. Lena B. Smith. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Duke, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and sailed for France Aug. 20, 1918. Fought at St. Die Sector, Vosges, Sept. 21st to Oct. 18, 1918; Somme Drive Sector, Meuse, 7th to 11th, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive Nov. 9 to 11, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 15, 1919, Charleston. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 20, 1919. SMITH, WILLIAM M., Sergt., A. S. C; of Robeson County ; son of D. McC. and Mrs. C. Smith. Entered ser- vice July 21, 1915, at Red Springs, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C, transferred to Ft. Bliss, then to Camp Stew- art, Texas, to Winston-Salem bridge duty, transferred to Camp Greene, N. C, then to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 8, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 27, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 2, 1919. SMITH, WILLIAM T., 1st Class Private, Co. M, 81st Div., 324th Regt. Born in Richmond County; son of W. R. and L. C. Smith. Husband of Emeline Gibson Smith. Entered the service Nov. 20, 1917, at Rockingham, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Sevier, from there sent to Camp Mills. Sent overseas to France Aug. 18, 1918. Fought at Vosges Mtn. Sector defensive and at Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. June 18th and mustered out June 25, 1919, at Camp Jackson, S. C. SMITH, ALLEN J., Private 1st Class, M. P., Co. A, 81st Div., 306th Regt. ; of Rockingham County ; son of F. B. and Mrs. Lena Smith. Entered service Sept. 5, 1917, at Rockingham, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and then transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 29, 1919. SMITH, W. G., JR., 1st Class Private, Inf., Unas- signed. Born in Wayne County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Smith. Entered the service July 31, 1918, at Syra- cuse, N. Y. Was transferred to Washington, D. C, Sept. 12, 1918, for clerical work, operating division, general staff, U. S. Army. Mustered out at Camp Meiggs, D. C, Dec. 18, 1918. SMITH, RAY S., Corpl., 119th Inf., 30th Div., Co. H. Born in Davidson County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith. Entered the service at Lexington, N. C, Sept. 21, 1917. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 28, 1918. Fought at Ypres Front. Gassed at Cambrai Hill Aug. 25, 1918. Sent to American Hospital. Landed in the U. S. A. April 2nd and was mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 9, 1919. SMITH, LINDSAY M„ Wagoner, Amtn. Sup. Tr., Truck No. 6, 1st C. A. P. Regt. Born in Montgomery County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Smith. Entered the service at Troy, N. C, March 20, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 22, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Bel- gium, Meuse-Argonne, Aisne-Marne, Champagne, Oise- Aisne. Mustered out Aug. 29, 1919. SMITH, EARL D., Private, Inf., Officers' Training Camp. Born in Guilford County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Smith. Entered the service at Plattsburg, N. Y., July 16, 1918. Was sent to Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y. Then to Trinity College, Durham, N. C. Acting 1st Sergt. at Trinity College. Mustered out at Trinity College Dec. 11, 1918. SMITH, D. R., 1st Class Private, 118th Inf., 30th Div., Co. E. Born in Guilford County; the son of and Mrs. J. L. Smith. Entered the service Aug. 5, 1917, at High Point, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed for France May 5, 1918. Fought on the Hindenburg Line. Gassed at St. Martin's, France, Sept. 19, 1918. Sent to Hospital at Rouen, France, later to Savona, France. Landed in the U. S. A. Dec. 12, 1918. Mustered out at Plattsburg, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1919. SMITH, CLYDE, 1st Class Private, 322nd M. G. Btn., 81st Div. Born in Guilford County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith. Entered the service Sept. 17, 1917, at High Point, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Oteen, N. C. Mustered out at Oteen, N. C, June 20, 1919. SMITH, O. L., Private, Btry. B, Heavy Artly., 81st Div., 316th Regt; of Guilford County; son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Smith. Husband of Mrs. Bessie Gurley Smith. Entered service May 28, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Sailed for France Aug. 5, 1918. Re- turned to U. S. A. June 9, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 20, 1919. SMITH, LEE, Private 1st Class, Artly., Btry. C, F. A. R. D., 1st Regt.; of Davidson County; son of J. W. and Mrs. Lizzie Smith. Entered service Aug. 26, 1918, at Lexington, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, trans- ferred to Newport News, Va. Was on board ship ready to sail the day the armistice was signed. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, Dec. 14, 1919. SMITH, F. LEE, Private 1st Class, Trench Artly., Btry. D, 6th Btry. ; from Davidson County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Smith. Entered the service at Lexington, N. C, July 15, 1918, and sent to Clemson College, S. C, and then transferred to Ft. Caswell and then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France Nov. 9, 1918. Trained at Clemson College, S. C, for mechanic. Mustered out of the service at Fortress Monroe, Va., Jan. 19, 1919. SMITH, H. L., 2nd Lt., Aviation, 39th Aero Squadron. Enlisted May 10, 1917, at Ft. Thomas, Ky. Was sent to Kelly Field, Texas, and from there to Channette Field, 111. Transferred to Rich Field, Texas, then to S. M. A., Aus- tin, Texas, and to Taylor Field, Ala. From there to Carlstrom Field, Fla. Discharged there as 2nd Lt., Pur- suit Pilot, March 26, 1919. Home address, Concord, N. C. SMITH. PAUL B., 1st Class Private, 317th Amb. Co., 305th San. Tr., 80th Div. Born in Wayne County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith. Volunteered for service at Raleigh, N. C, from Fremont, N. C, Sept. 17, 1917. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for France May 25, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. June 1, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 12, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Search Lights at work in the Argonne, trying to locate the enemy plane. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD SMITH, GEORGE R., Private 1st Class, F. A., Ord- nance Dept., 30th Div., 114th Regt.; of Pitt County; son of Robert W. and Mrs. Mayme Smith. Entered service Sept. 20, 1917, at Farmville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Mills, N .Y. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Fought at Argonne Forest, St. Mihiel. Returned to U. S. A. March 23, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 9, 1919. SMITH, HAROLD C, 1st Lt., Inf., Co. B, 1st Army, 3rd P. Inf. Born in Warren County; the son of Dr. and Mrs. H. K. Smith. Husband of Mrs. Mary Moore Smith. Entered the service Aug. 27, 1917, at Littleton, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., and from there to Del Rio, Texas. Transferred to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Sailed for France Aug. 30, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Ar- gonne. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 2, 1919. SMITHDEAL, C. C, Sergt., Med. Corps; of Davie County; son of H. T. and Mrs. Fannie Smithdeal. Hus- band of Mrs. Gladys Pfaff Smithdeal. Entered service April 8, 1918, at Cornell Medical College. Sent to Camp Crane. Sailed for France Aug. 29, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. Aug. 1, 1918. He did X-ray work on the Meuse river while fighting was going on. After armistice, was in Paris and later with Base Hospital No. 99 at Hyeres, France. Returned to U. S. A. May 15, 1919. Mustered out at Mitchell Field, N. Y., May 25, 1920. SMYER, WILLIAM, Sup. Sergt., Inf., 16th Co., Depot Brigade, 4th Provost. Born in Catawba County ; son of Luther P. and Sallie Jane Smyer. Husband of Alma Smi h. Entered service June 24, 1918, at Newton. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Sevier, retrans- ferred to Camp Jackson. Mustered out at Camp Jackson March 8, 1919. SNOW, GEORGE KEY, Capt., Q. M. C, Co. B, 304th Regt., 310th Service Btn. Born in Surry County May 5, 1891 ; son of Joseph A. Snow and Cora Elizabeth Key Snow. Husband of Tula Nina Waller. Entered service May 2, 1917, at Mount Airy, N. C, and sent to Ft. Ogle- thorpe, Ga., May 2, 1917. Transferred to Camp Jackson, S. C, Aug. 29, 1917. Sailed for France Jan. 12, 1918. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. Aug. 15, 1917. On Nov. 1, 1917, was promoted to 1st Lt. Promoted to rank of Capt. Feb. 13, 1919. Returned to U. S. A. July 9, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 7, 1920. SNOW, R. E., Private, Central Officers' Training Camp. Born in Guilford County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Snow. Husband of Mrs. V. H. Snow. Entered the service at Raleigh, N. C, May 15, 1918. Served as in- structor at A. & E. College, Raleigh, N. C, for four months. Mustered out at Camp Taylor Nov. 22, 1918. SNOW, ROY CHARLES, Private, Inf., M. G., Co. G, 30th Div., 19th Regt. Born in Surry County Jan. 6, 1894 ; son of Joseph A. Snow and Elizabeth Cora Key Snow. Entered service April, 1917, at Mount Airy, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for Calais, France, May, 1917. Killed Oct. 11, 1918. SNOUFFER, G. M., Private, Arty., Btry. E, 29th Div., 110th Regt. Born in Baltimore, Md., in 1893; son of R. T. and Mrs. Carey Snouffer. Husband of Mrs. Minnia Snouf- fer. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Camp McClellan, Ala. On Mexican border three months. Mustered out at Camp McClellan Dec. 15, 1918. SNYDER, ROY B. Entered Army at Concord April 15, 1918, Co. F, 119th Inf. Reported to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France June 5th. Was in Ypres defense July 16th until Sept. 4th ; Hindenburg Line on Sept. 26th ; started on big drive Sept. 29th. Wounded Oct. 1st in right shoul- der by shell; taken to 72nd British General Hospital; re- turned to company Nov. 13th at Beaumont, France. Landed at Charleston, S. C, April 4th ; discharged April 10, 1919, at Camp Jackson. SOMERS, GALEN CLAUDE, Corpl., Central Officers' Training School ; of Alamance County ; son of J. W. and Mrs. Phoebe Somers. Husband of Mrs. Lillie Somers. Entered service April 25, 1918, at Burlington, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Gordon. Mustered out at Camp Gordon Nov. 29, 1918. SOLOMON, RUFUS C, Sergt., Engineers, Co. E, 30th Div., 105th Reg. ; of Stokes County ; son of J. A. and Ellen Solomon. Entered service June 17, 1916, at Winston- Salem. Sent to Camp Sevier. Transferred to Camp Mills, then to Montreal, Can., to Halifax May 31st. Sailed from Halifax June 1st. Arrived at Liverpool, England, 12th. Fought at Voormizelle, Belgium, Sept. 1, 1918; Belli- court, Sept. 29th to Oct. 1st; other battles: Montbrehain, Brancourt, Premont and Busigny, France, Oct. 8th to Oct. 11th; LaSalle River, 1918; Vaux Andigny and Mazing- hein, France, Oct. 17 to 20, 1918. Served in National Guard, Co. C, Inf. Served at El Paso on border, 1916 to 1917. Went by train from Calais to Adrique, hiked to Proven, Belgium. Camped on arrival at Herbinbhem Cas- tle, Terdghem. Arrived at Dover, Eng., June 13th, crossed English Channel to Calais, June 15, 1918. Served on the Belgium front under constant shell fire from July 10 to Sept. 6, 1918. Returned to France and was placed on the St. Quentin-Cambrai Sector of the Hindenburg Line near Bellicourt. Was slightly gassed and sent to Hospital in France for eight weeks. Returned to U. S. A. April 12, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 24, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD SPEED, ROBERT R., 2nd Lt., M. G. Co., 30th Div., 120th Regt. Born in Franklin County June 27, 1896 ; son of J. W. Speed and Maggie Speed. Entered service Sept. 27, 1916, at Franklinton. Sent to Camp Stewart Oct. 2, 1916, transferred from there to Camp Sevier Aug. 1st, transferred to Camp Leon Springs Jan. 1, 1918. Sailed for France May 7, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. July 25, 1917. On Sept. 12, 1917, was promoted to rank of Sergt. ; Oct. 30, 1918, promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. Fought at Ypres-Lys defensive, Meuse-Argonne. Wounded at Meuse-Argonne Nov. 10, 1918, and gassed. Sent to Base Hospital No. 1. Mustered out at Camp Jackson May 7, 1919. SPEIGHT, DEAN L., Private, Co. 1, Artly., 3rd Army Corps. Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Speight, of Pitt County. Entered service March 1, 1918, at Spring Hope, N. C. Went to Camp Jackson, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France March 30, 1918. Fought at Champagne, Meuse, Oise-Aisne, Chateau Thierry, Meuse-Argonne, Verdun. Gassed at Verdun Sept. 16, 1918. Served with Army of Occupation in Germany seven months. Returned to U. S. A. Aug. 3, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 10, 1919. SPEIR, ASHLEY C„ Q. M. Sergt., Hdqrs. Det., M. S. T. No. 422. Born in Pitt County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hattie Speir. Entered the service July 24, 1918, at Tar- boro, N. C. Sent to Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Fla., and from there to Camp Upton. Sailed for France Sept. 16, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 6, 1919. Mustered out at Ft. McHenry, Baltimore, Md., Oct. 6, 1919. SPRAGINS, BERNARD SHAW, Sergt., 9th F. A., 11th Btry. Born in Edgecombe County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lee Spragins. Husband of Sadie Bagley Spragins. Entered the service Aug. 26, 1918, at Tarboro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and then to Camp Hill, Va. Character excellent and services very satisfac- tory. Highly commended by commanding officer, Lt. Frederick A. Pope. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 3, 1919. SPRUELL, D. J., Corpl., Co. L, 120th Regt., Inf., 30th Div.; of Tyrrell County; son of E. H. and Mrs. Eunice Spruell. Entered service Sept. 18, 1917, at Columbia, S. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France. Fought at Hindenburg Line. Returned to U. S. A., Charleston, S. C, April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 17, 1919. SPRUILL, RICHARD E., JR., Sergt., Inf., Co. I, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Born in Chowan County; son of R. E. Spruill and Mrs. E. Spruill. Husband of Mrs. Mattie Spruill. Entered service June 19, 1916, at Edenton, N. C, and sent to Camp Glenn, N. C, transferred to Camp Greene, from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for Ca- lais, France, May 28, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. 1917. Fought at Flanders. Gassed at Ypres, Belgium, Aug. 24, 1918. Served on Mexican border six months. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 8, 1919. SPRUILL, HENRY JAMES, Sergt., Co. 2, E. T. R. Born in Washington County ; son of A. G. and Mrs. Mary E. Spruill. Husband of Mrs. Faith Elizabeth Spruill. En- tered service Aug. 31, 1918, at Plymouth, N. C. Sent to University, Columbia, S. C. Transferred to Camp Hum- phrey, Va., then to Quantico, Va. Was instructor at Uni- versity and taught school at Camp Humphrey, Va. Mus- tered out at Camp Humphrey Dec. 19, 1918. SPRUILL, MO YE W., Corpl., F. A., Btry. B, 30th Div., 113th Regt., F. A. Born in Washington County; son of James A. and Mrs. Nancy K. Spruill. Entered service July, 1917, at Plymouth, N. C. Sent to Camp at Green- ville, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt and sailed for France June 6, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne, Woevre and all other battles with his battery. Returned to U. S. A. June, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va, June, 1919. STALLINGS, GASTON L., 3rd Class Musician, 323rd Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div. Born in Edgecombe County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Stallings. Entered the service May 28, 1918, at Tarboro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France Aug. 16, 1918. Fought at Alsace- Lorraine, Meuse-Argonne defensives Nov. 3, 1918. Ar- rived in the U. S. A. June 14, 1919 ; landed at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 26, 1919. STALLINGS, D. B., Fireman (Navy) ; of Martin County; son of David and Mrs. Elizabeth Stallings. En- tered service April, 1916, at Williamston, N. C. Sent to St. Helena, Va. On U. S. S. Utah three years. Enlisted in Army at Portsmouth, Va., Camp Lee. Served in Army three months. Discharged at Camp Lee, Dec. 22, 1918. STANCILL, MURRAY A., Private Amb. Corps, 317th Co., 80th Div. Born in Edgecombe County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stancill. Entered the service Aug. 4, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Was sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed to France May 25, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 12, 1919. STANLEY, HARVEY C, Sergt. 1st Class, Inf., Co. C, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Born in Johnston County; son of O. J. and Mrs. Betty Stanley. Entered service May 22, 1917, at Four Oaks, N. C. Sent to Camp Royster, N. C. Transferred to Camp Wadsworth and from there to Camp Sevier. Promoted to rank of Corpl. July, 1917. Pro- moted to rank of 1st Sergt. 1918. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, March 14, 1919. STANSILL, ROBERT W., Private 1st Class, Btry. E, 39th Div., 140th F. A. ; of Richmond County ; son of W. P. and Mrs. Mattie C. Stansill. Entered service May, 1918, at Rockingham, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 31, 1918. Re- turned to U. S. A. June 6, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 1, 1919. STEARNS, CECIL L^ergt. 1st Class, Engineers, Co. B, 57th Regt. ; of Wake County ; son of E. C. and Mrs. Clara B. Stearns. Entered service May 5, 1918, at Flor- ence, S. C. Sent to Ft. Scriven, Ga., transferred to Camp Laurel, Md. Sailed for Brest, France, July 12, 1918. Pro- moted to rank of Sergt. Jan. 31, 1919. Was in Army of Occupation, Remagen, Geron river patrol, from Jan. 14, 1919, to Oct. 14, 1919. Returned to U. S. A. Oct. 27, 1919, Hoboken. Mustered out at Camp Gordon, Ga., Nov. 5, 1919. STEKAS, CHRIST, Private 1st Class, 399th Baker Co. Compound. Son of Thomas and Caliope Stekas, of Craven County. Entered service March 29, 1918, New Bern, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson and transferred to Camp Se- vier, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Sevier Dec. 13, 1918. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD STEELE, JAMES F., 1st Class Private, Co. B, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Reg.; of Alamance County; son of J. L. and Mary Steele. Husband of Mrs. Cora Steele. Entered service Sept. 3, 1917, at Graham, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Wounded near Mazinghein, France, Oct. 18th. Fought at Ypres, Voor- mizelle, Bellicourt, Premont and Busigny, Escaufourt, St. Quentin, Bohain, St. Souplet and Mazinghein. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 8, 1919. His Grandfathers Steele and Pasits, and Mrs. Steele's grandfathers, Mr. Hodgin, and Mr. Ward, fought in the Civil War. STEWART, CHARLES T., Private, 105th Engineers, 30th Div. Enlisted at Charlotte, N. C, June 29, 1917. Reported for duty at Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 18, 1918. Fought at Voormizelle, Bellicourt, Bran- court, Busigny, La Salle River and all other engagements with the 105th Engineers. Returned to the U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mustered out of the service April 18, 1919. STOUT, ROLAND B., Private 1st Class, C. A. C; of Guilford County; born June 12, 1900; son of E. N. and Mattie Stout. Entered service July 24, 1918, at Greens- boro, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Ft. Scrivens, Ga. Lost at sea by sinking of the transport "Ontranto," Oct. 6, 1918, in collision with the steamer Kashmite off the Scottish coast, and was buried at Kilch- oman, Isle of Isley, Scotland. His remains were returned to the U. S. A. Aug. 25, 1920, and interred in Green Hill Cemetery Aug. 26, 1920, in Greensboro, N. C. STROUPE, CLINTON H., 1st Class Private, Aviation Service, 172nd Aero Squadron. Born in Mecklenburg County; son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stroupe. Entered the service May 8, 1917, at Charlotte, N. C, and was sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., May 12, 1917, and from there to Kelly Field, Texas, June 23, 1917. Transferred to Dayton, Ohio, Oct. 18, 1917, and then to Garden City, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1918. Left New York for Liverpool, Eng., Feb. 26, 1918. Was injured in a flight in England while landing, August 22, 1918. Sent to hospital where he stayed until Oct. 16, 1918. Went to Havre, France, Oct. 27, 1918. Has three gold chevrons, one for wound and two for over- sea service. Now in the tire and accessory business with his father at Charlotte, N. C. Returned to the U. S. A. April 4, 1919, landing at Garden City, Camp Mills, and mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 12, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD STEM, THADDEUS G., Maj., F. A., 1st Btry., 113th, Regt., 30th Div. ; of Granville County ; son of J. H. and Mrs. Mary Lee Stem. Husband of Mrs. Hallie M. Stem. Entered service July 1, 1916, at Oxford, Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, transferred to Camp Mills, L. I., N. Y. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Promoted to rank of Major July 13, 1917. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Woevre Plain (Verdun Sector) July 16th. On Mexican border. Was discharged from N. G. and called back into service. On border service was with 3rd N. C, stationed at El Paso, Texas. Transferred to Artly., July 13, 1917, and promoted to Major. Mustered into Federal service Aug. 5, 1917. Mustered out at Columbia, S. C, April 15, 1919. Spent 11 weeks at Ft. Sill, Okla., training for ar- tillery ; from Ft. Sill back to Sevier. Seventy-two days fighting (continuously), including time going from one sector to another. With Army of Occupation. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C, April 15, 1919. STEPHENSON, CURTIS W., Wagoner, 120th Inf., Supply Co., 30th Div. Born in Wake County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stephenson. Entered the service June 19, 1916, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Bick- ett and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J., and sailed for France May 12, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Hindenburg Line, Bellicourt, Nauroy, Sept. 29 to Oct. 1, 1918, Premont. Returned to the U. S. A. April 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S C, April 18, 1919. Served on the Mexican border for six months. Additional battles in which he fought are Bran- court, Busigny, Bohain, Vaux-Andigny, St. Mihiel, St. Martin River, Mazinghein. STEPHENSON, CORNELIUS WILLIAM, Sergt., 119th Inf., Co. M, 30ch Div. Born in Durham County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stephenson. Husband of Mrs. Lizzie Stephenson. Entered the service at Durham, N. C, June 19, 1916. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 2, 1918. Fought on the Hindenburg Line. Gassed at Bel- licourt Oct. 3rd. Fought at Ypres Aug. 4th to 10th and Aug. 17th to Sept. 2nd; Bellicourt from Sept. 29th to Oct. 3rd; at St. Souplet Oct. 9th to 11th and Oct. 17th to 20th. Returned to U. S. A. April 1, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. STEPHENSON, M. R., 2nd Class Seaman (Navy). Born in Northampton County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Stephenson. Entered the service Aug. 8, 1918, at Seaboard, N. C. Was sent to Great Lakes, 111., and from there to St. Helena, Va. On duty at St. Helena, Va. Mus- tered out at St. Helena, Va., March 2, 1919. STEVENS, LEAMON, 1st Class Private, 119th Inf., 30th Div., Co. C. Born in Wilson County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stevens. Entered the service June 10, 1917, at Goldsboro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Merritt, N. J. Overseas for France May 11, 1918. Wounded in action Oct. 17, 1918. Was sent to British Field Hospital. Was in all engage- ments of the 30th Div. until wounded. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 8, 1919. STEWART, ARTHUR G., Private, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 190th Regt., 20th Div. Born in Montgomery County Feb. 11, 1893; son of D. A. and E. E. Stewart. Entered the service at Troy, N. C, May 27, 1918, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, and then to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Mustered out of the service at Camp Wadsworth, S. C, March 13, 1919. STEVENSON, E. R., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engi- neers, 30th Div. Son of J. V. and Nannie Stevenson, of Guilford County. Husband of Cossie Stevenson. Entered service June 25, 1917, at Thomasville, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France June 11, 1918. Was in all engagements with 105th Engineers. Wounded at battle of Busigny Nov. 9, 1918, same being shell wound. Sent to Base Hospital No. 118, at Lamarns. Returned to U. S. A. April 14, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 18, 1919. STOCKARD, BEN B., Master Engr., 30th Div., 105th Engrs., Hdqrs. Co. Born in Guilford County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Stockard. Husband of Mrs. Leone Blanchard Stockard. Entered the service April 17, 1917, at Greensboro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 27, 1918. Promoted to rank of Master Engr. Sept. 16, 1917. Was in all engagements with his company until Oct. 1st, at which time he went to school in Southern France. Re- turned to the U. S. A. April 13, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Jackson April 18, 1919. STOCKS, HENRY, Wagoner, M. P., 281st Co., Attach- ed to 1st Div.; of Pitt County; son of A. F. and Mrs. Patsy Stocks. Entered service July 25, 1916, at Grifton, N. C. Sent to Camp Royster, N. C, transferred to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Sailed for Calais, France, June 1, 1918. Fought at Hindenburg Line. Was wounded by shrapnel Sept. 29, 1918, at th&Baitle of Hindenburg Line. Sent to Graylingwell British Hospital. Returned to U. S. A. Sept. 18, 1919, New York. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., Oct. 28, 1919. STOLL, WILLIAM F., Sergt., Anti-Aircraft Btry., 11th. Son of C. F. and Mrs. Annie Stoll. Husband of Mrs. Queen Stoll. Entered service at Greensboro, N. C, September, 1916. Was sent to Ft. Caswell. Overseas to France July 14, 1918. Fought at Paris, Trussey defen- sive. Returned to U. S. A. Sept. 22, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Greene, N. C, Jan. 7, 1919. STONE, LESLIE W., Cook, Med. Dept., 636th Amb. Co. Born in Davidson County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Stone. Entered the service March 8, 1918, at Thom- asville, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Sailed for France June 8, 1918. Was on the Marne Front while in France. Re- turned to U. S. A. April 23, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 5, 1919. STONE, RALPH LANE, 1st Class Private, Engrs., 117th Inf., 42nd Div., Co. B. Born in Durham County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Stone. Entered the service at Durham, N. C, Aug. 4, 1917. Was sent to Camp Se- vier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Oct. 18, 1917. Fought at St. Mihiel, Champagne, Alsace-Lorraine, Chateau Thierry, Marne, Meuse-Ar- gonne. Returned to the U. S. A. April 29, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 10, 1919. STOUT, LEON L., Private 1st Class, Inf., Hdqrs. Co. 89, 30th Div. ; of Guilford County ; son of E. N. and Mat- tie Stout. Entered service April 10, 1917, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, March 18, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD ^^t* n ^l-LARD RUINS OF THE OLD CATHEDRAL AT MONTFAUCON This is the highest point west of the Meuse. In 1914 the Crown Prince stood in the tower of this old Cathedral and watched his armies' furtherest advance. Now on the slopes of this hill is the sight of the largest cemetery of the A. E. F. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD STRANGE, FRANK, 1st Sergt., Inf., Co. M, 81st Div., 324th Regt. ; of Onslow County ; son of James D. and Mrs. Rebecca Strange. Entered service Oct. 19, 1917, at Jack- sonville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 5, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Jan. 15, 1918; to Sergt. Aug. 15, 1918. Fought at Vosges Mtns., Meuse- Argonne. 1st Sergt. Dec. 3, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 26, 1919. STRANGE, ROBERT, Capt., F. A., Btry. A, 6th Div., 78th Regt. ; of New Hanover County ; son of Robert and Mrs. Elizabeth Stone Strange. Husband of Mrs. Mary Taylor Strange. Entered service May 25, 1917, at Wil- mington, N. C. Sent to 2nd 0. R. T. C, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., transferred to Camp Logan, Texas, to Camp Douglas, Okla. Sailed for France July 27, 1917. Promoted to rank of Capt. Nov. 27, 1917. Fought south of Verdun with French Army. Mustered out at Camp Dix May 12, 1919. STREET, THOMAS DOE, Private, M. P., 30th Div.; of Craven County; son of S. R. and Mrs. Kate D. Street. Husband of Mrs. Julia Henry Street. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Lincolnton, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C., transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at Ypres, St. Quentin, Cambrai. Re- turned to U. S. A. April 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 14, 1919. STREETMAN, J. W., JR., Private, Guard Co. Born in McDowell County; the son of J. W. Streetman, Sr., and Mrs. Catherine Mary Streetman. Entered service Sept. 11, 1918, at Marion, N. C, and sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Mustered out at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., Jan. 25, 1919. STRICKLAND, LARRY S., Q. M. Cook, Hdqrs. Co. Born in Wilson County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Strickland. Husband of Mrs. Ethel Strickland. Entered the service at Rocky Mount, N. C, Aug. 28, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, Dec. 19, 1918. STRICKLAND, T. G., Merchant Marine. Born in Johnston County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Strick- land. Husband of Mrs. Rosa Strickland. Entered the service Aug. 2, 1918, at Smithfield, N. C. Was sent to Boston, Mass. Mustered out at Norfolk, Va., Dec. 1, 1918. STRICKLAND, JNO. H., 1st Class Private, 119th Inf., 30th Div., Co. K. Born in Nash County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Strickland. Husband of Mrs. Nellie Strick- land. Entered the service June 24, 1916, at Wilson, N. C. Was sent to Camp Glenn, N. C, and from there to Camp Royster, Goldsboro, N. C. On bridge duty three months at Weldon, N. C. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium, Bellicourt, France, Premont, Busigny, St. Souplet. Returned to U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. Served on the Mexican border eight months. STRIDER, L. P., Corpl., Inf., Co. B, 81st Div., 322nd Regt. ; son of J. W. and Effie Strider. Entered service Sept. 23, 1917, at Albemarle, N. C. Sent to Camp Jack- son, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Upton. Sailed for France Aug. 13, 1918. Pro- moted to rank of Corpl. June, 1918. Fought at Meuse- Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. June 23, 1919, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 27, 1919. STROUD, JAS. I., 1st Class Private, 324th Regt., 81st Div., Hdqrs. Co. Born in Union County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stroud. Entered the service May 25, 1918, at Wilson, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 5, 1918. Fought on Meuse-Argonne Front. Returned to the U. S. A. June 17, 1919, and was mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 25, 1919. STROUP, WILLIAM PAUL, Private, Co. E, 81st Div., 324th Regt., Inf.; of Gaston County; son of J. A. and Mrs. L. E. Stroup. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Cherryville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, trans- ferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 5, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Re- turned to U. S. A. June 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 23, 1919. STROUP, JOHN C, Private, Btry. E, 89th Div., 340th F. A. ; of Gaston County ; son of J. A. and L. E. Stroup. Husband of Annie May Stroup. Entered service June 26, 1918, at Cherryville, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, trans- ferred to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Sept. 6, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. May 24, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 4, 1919. SUGG, GEO. W., JR., Sergt., M. P., 81st Div.; of Sampson County ; son of Geo. W., Sr., and Mrs. Susan Sugg. Entered service Sept. 7, 1917, at Snow Hill, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France August, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. January, 1918 ; Sergt. February, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. June 5, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 15, 1919. SUGG, GEO. C, Sergt., M. P., Co. A. Born in Wilson County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Sugg. Entered the service May 25, 1918, Wilson, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, May 25, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. July 17, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 22, 1919. SUGGS, CURTIS C, Private, Co. C, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Born in Wayne County ; son of M. M. Suggs and Mrs. Ella Suggs. Husband of Mrs. Annie C. Suggs. Entered service July 9, 1916, at Selma, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, transferred to Camp Sevier, from there to Camp Royster, from there to Camp Merritt and then to Camp Wads- worth, sailing from there for France May 11, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Bellicourt, and was in all engagements. Returned to U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Served six months on Mexican border. Mustered out at Camp Jackson May 19, 1919. SUITER, THOMAS B., Capt., 3rd Div., 38th Inf., M. G. Co. Born in Northampton County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Suiter. Entered the service at Rocky Mount, N. C, Aug. 27, 1917. Was sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., (and from there to Camp Greene, N. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France March 31, 1918. Pro- moted to rank of 1st Lt. Nov. 27, 1917, and to rank of Capt. July 30, 1918. Ship was hit by submarine Sept. 4, 1918, returning to U. S. Thirty-six were killed. Trans- ferred to 44th M. G. Btn., Capt. of Co. C, Oct. 25, 1918. Returned to the U. S. A. Sept. 17, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Logan Dec. 21, 1918. His father was in the Civil War and was wounded. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD SUITER, GHIO WESTER, Capt., Med. Corps, 81st Div., 322nd Regt.; of Northampton County; son of J. L. and Mrs. Virginia F. Brittle Suiter. Husband of Mrs. Nancy Joyner Suiter. Entered service Sept. 17, 1917, at Jackson, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Promoted to rank of 1st Lt. Sept. 31, 1918; Capt. Oct. 16, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, Vosges Mtns. Divisional cita- tion, 81st Div., for Meuse-Argonne offensive. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 24, 1919. SUITT, V. R., 1st Class Private, 113th F. A., Btry C, 30th Div. Born in Durham County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Suitt. Entered the service Aug. 20, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Mills, L. I., N. Y. Sailed for France. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Woevre Sector. Returned to U. S. A. March 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jack- son March 28, 1919. SUMMERS, ROBERT K., Corpl., Inf., Co. B, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Born in Wake County ; son of Jno. W. and Addie Summers. Husband of Esther Godwin. En- tered service May 2, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, transferred to Boston. Sailed from there for France May 12, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. May, 1918. Fought at St. Souplet, Ypres, St. Quentin, Cam- brai, Bellicourt, and all other engagements with his com- pany. Returned to U. S. A. April, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson May 12, 1919. SUTTENFIELD, C. F., 1st Class Sergt., Q. M. C, Hdqrs. Co. Born in Guilford County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Suttenfleld. Entered the service Sept. 21, 1917, at High Point, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France Aug. 30, 1918. Landed in the U. S. A. July 3rd at New York. Served with Graves Registration Service through- out service. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 10, 1919. SUTTON, ROGER N., 1st Sergt., Air Service, 486th Squad ; of Lenoir County ; son of A. J. and Mrs. Fanny C. Sutton. Husband of Mrs. Carolina Brock Sutton. En- tered service Oct. 14, 1917, at Kinston, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, transferred to Kelly Field, then to Morrison, Va. Sailed for France March, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl., Dec. 11, 1917; Sergt. Aug. 1, 1918; 1st Sergt. Aug. 15, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Jackson May 25, 1919. SUTTON, WM. M., JR., Private, Pioneer Inf., 57th Regt. Born in Bertie County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Sutton. Entered the service Aug. 5, 1918, at Windsor, N. C. Was sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C, Aug. 6th. Sailed for France. Was in Officers' Training Camp at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., for two months. Flying cadet in aviation two months. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 1, 1919. SWAIN, R. H., Wagoner, Med. Corps., 321st Co., 81st Div., 306th San. Tr. ; of Guilford County; son of V. M. and Mrs. C. Swain. Entered service June 26, 1917, at Winston-Salem, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., trans- ferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, then to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed Tor France Aug. 7, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne Front, St. Mihiel. Drove ambulance while in France with the 31st Ambl. Corps. Returned to U. S. A. June 17, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 26, 1919. SWAIN, AUTHOR R., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 60th Inf. Brigade. Son of S. A. and Roella Swain, of Da- vidson County. Entered service May 28, 1915, at Thom- asville, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France June 5th ; landed at Calais. Fought at Ypres Sector July 16th to Septem- ber 3rd; Ypres-Lys offensive August 19th to November 11th; engaged in operation August 19th to September 3rd; Sommes offensive August 8th to November 11th, 1918 ; engaged in operation September 27th to October 19th, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. April 10, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 14, 1919. SWAIN, J. E., Private, Q. M. C, Co. 3. Born in Wash- ington County, N. C, Feb. 27, 1898; son of C. F. and Mrs. Lucria Swain. Husband of Mary Swain. Entered the service Dec. 10, 1917, and sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., and then transferred to Camp Meiggs. Mustered out of the service at Camp No. 22, Rich Col, Va., Dec. 10, 1918. SW ANSON, H. K, Sergt., P. M. G. Born in Surry County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Swanson. Entered the service at Mt. Airy, N. C, Sept. 7, 1917. Was sent to Camp Greene, N. C. Mustered out at Camp Greene, N. C, Dec. 12, 1919. Served with P .M. G. Dept, N. C. De- tachment. SWARINGEN, HENRY S., 115th M. G. Btn., Co. E. Entered the service Sept. 20, 1917, at Concord, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, then to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 9, 1918. Gassed and slightly wounded at Cambrai Hill. Sailed for U. S. A. March 27, 1919. Mustered out at Ft. McPherson July 18, 1919. SWINDELL, LINDSEY, Corpl., Inf., Co. B, 30th Div., 120th Regt. ; of Washington County ; son of J. D. and Mrs. Delphia Swindell. Entered service May 3, 1917, at Green- ville, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Pro- moted to Corpl. October, 1917. Fought at Ypres, Somme Front, Bellicourt, Busigny. Mustered out at Camp Jack- son April 17, 1919. SWINDELL, CHARLES L., Capt., Med. Corps, 11th Div., 17th Inf. ; of Carteret County ; son of F. D. and Mrs. Susan Decatur Dudley Swindell. Husband of Mrs. Lorna Stanton Hales Swindell. Entered service July 21, 1917, at Washington, D. C. Sent to Camp Greenleaf Aug. 1, 1917, transferred to Camp Meade, Md., July 29, 1918. Pro- moted to rank of Capt. Jan. 15, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Meade, Md., May, 1920. SWINSON, J. CARLYLE, Sergt., 119th Inf., Co. K, 30th Div. Born in Wilson County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Swinson. Entered the service at Wilson, N. C, Sept. 9, 1916. Was sent to Camp Glenn, N. C, and from there to Camp Stewart, Texas. Transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 28, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium, three months; Hindenburg Drive from Sept. 29 to Oct. 19, 1918: Wassigny, St. Souplet. Re- ceived shrapnel wound Oct. 17, 1918, at St. Souplet, France. Sent to relief station. Arrived in the U. S. A. April 2, 1919; landed at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Cami> Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. Was on the Mexi- can border from Oct. 1, 1916, to March 21, 1917. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD IN THE WAKE OF THE HUNS Closely allied with the Hun's scheme of frightfulness was his policy of destruction, and woe be unto that town within the range of his guns. Not satisfied with the partial annihilation of a town and the hasty depopula- tion of its inhabitants, they continue their ruthless plan of devastation by hurling shrapnel, gas and high explosives at their doomed objective until the town is an irreparable heap of crumpled walls and ruins. SOMMERANCE, FRANCE The Marines jumped off here on the morning of November 1, 1918. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD SWEATT, THOMAS ALFRED, Private, Co. E, 106th Inf. ; son of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Sweatt, of Pineville, N. C. Entered service Aug. 5, 1918, at Charlotte, N. C. Trained at Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Sailed for France, Sept. 15, 1918. On the Verdun Front, Oct. 6 to Oct. 20, 1918. Left Brest, France, Feb. 26, 1919. Arrived in U. S. A. March 6th. Discharged April 4, 1919, from Camp Lee, Va. SYKES, LEE ROY, 1st Class Private, Base Hospital No. 65. Born in Guilford County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sykes. Entered the service April 11, 1918, at Greensboro, N. C. Was sent to Ft. McPherson, Ga., and from there to Camp Lee, Va. Was transferred to Camp Upton. Sailed for Brest, France, Sept. 11, 1918. Re- turned to the U. S. A. Aug. 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 28, 1919. SYKES, DOZY H., Private, Co. I, 106th Inf., 27th Div. Born in Orange County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sykes. Entered the service at Hillsboro, N. C, Aug. 5, 1918. Was sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C, and from there to Newport News, Va. Sailed for France Sept. 15, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. March 6, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 4, 1919. TALBERT, R. B., Sup. Sergt., Co. L, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Son of R. L. and Mrs. M. D. Talbert, of Davidson County. Entered service June 16, 1916, at Thomasville, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C, later to Mexican bor- der from Oct. 2, 1916, to March 15, 1917. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed from Boston harbor May 17, 1918, for Calais, France; landed June 5th. Was in all engagements with 120th Inf., 30th Div. Landed in the U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 17, 1919. TATE, JOHN EARL, Sergt., Ord. Det., 115th M. G., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 115th Regt.; of Haywood County; son of J. E. and Mrs. Elizabeth Tate. Volunteered June 22, 1917, at Canton, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, trans- ferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Voormizelle, Mt. Kemmel, Bellicourt, Nauroy, Hindenburg Line, Premont, Vaux-Andigny. Re- turned to U. S. A. March 23, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 2, 1919. TAYLOR, GEORGE N., Sgt., F. A., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 113th Reg. Born in Halifax County, June 7, 1890; son of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Taylor. Entered service July 24, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, from there to Camp Mills, L. I. Sent to Liverpool, Eng. From there to France, June 13, 1917. Promoted to rank of Sergt. Jin. 1, 1918. Promoted to rank of Color Sergt., July 12, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Ar- gonne, Woevre. Mr. Taylor served also with 89th Div. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 29, 1919. TAYLOR, WILLIAM J., Corpl., 318th Inf., 80th Div., Co. A. Born in Edgecombe County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor. Entered the service at Hopewell, Va., Oct. 8, 1917. Was sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for Brest, France, June 29, 1918. Fought at Artois Sector, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Arrived in the U. S. A. May 27, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 3, 1919. TAYLOR, JOHN DOUGLAS, 2nd Lt., 114th M. G. Btn., Co. A, 30th Div., 114th M. G. Regt. ; of New Hanover County ; son of John Allen and Mrs. May French Taylor. Husband of Mrs. Placide Clark Taylor. Entered service March 29, 1917, at Wilmington, N. C. Sent to Camp Se- vier, S. C. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. June 15, 1918. Fought with 30th Div. Brigaded with British. Wounded at Hindenburg Line. Suffered fractured head Sept. 24, 1918. Sent to hospitals in France and England and back to U. S. Hospital. Mus- tered out at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., March 13, 1919. TAYLOR, FRANK B, C. E. R., Navy; of Catawba County ; son of J. W. and Mrs. Kate Taylor. Entered ser- vice Nov. 7, 1914, at Charlotte, N. C. Sent to St. Helena, Va. Sent to U. S. S. North Dakota, U. S. S. Alabama, U. S. S. Kansas, U. S. S. Connecticut, U. S. S. Matsonia. Sailed for St. Nazaire, France, June 26, 1917. Promoted to rank of Chief Electrician Oct. 1, 1918. Made 10 com- plete trips during war, five after transport duty. Re- turned to U. S. A. June 10, 1919. Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Newport, R. I., July 19, 1920. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD TAYLOR, ROBERT KENNON, Private, Inf., Co. E, 6th Div., 54th Regt. Born in Granville County in 1895; son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Taylor. Entered service May 10, 1918, at Oxford, N. C. Was sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Transferred from there to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sent overseas to France July 23, 1918. Fought at Vosges Mtns., holding line. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 23, 1919. TAYLOR, DURHAM, Private, Med., Attached 324th Field Sig. Btn., 7th Army Corps ; of Harnett County ; son of James A. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor. Entered service Jan. 18, 1918, at Dunn, N. C. Sent to Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., transferred to Camp Meade, then to Camp Alferdvail, N. J., then to Camp Mills, N. Y., then to Camp Merritt, N. J., then to Benjamin Franklin, Md. Mustered out at Benja- min Franklin, Md., Jan. 25, 1919. TAYLOR, J. 0. H., 1st Lt., Co. B, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Regt. ; of Lenoir County ; son of J. W. and Mrs. E. J. Taylor. Husband of Mrs. Leone Taylor. Entered service in 1916 at Kinston, N. C. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. 1910; 1st Lt. 1913. Has been in N. C. N. G. about ten years. Was on Mexican border and served until Oct. 12, 1917, then went back to special limited duty and served from Oct. 3, 1918, to Dec. 7, 1918. TAYLOR, HENRY LINDSEY, Sergt., M. G. Co., 30th Div., 120th Regt. Born in Granville County in 1896 ; son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Taylor. Entered service April 23, 1917, at Raleigh, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sent to France. Promoted to rank of Corpl. October, 1917; promoted to rank of Sergt. July, 1918. Fought in all battles in which the 30th Div. was engaged. Mustered out at Camp Jack- son April 17, 1919. TEAGUE, CLAY, Private, Med. Corps, General Hos- pital No. 5 ; of Davidson County ; son of J. C. and Mrs. Betty Teague. Entered service July 6, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Greenleaf, Ga., transferred to Ft. Ontario, N. Y. Also in Med. Motor Corps. Mustered out at Ft. Ontario, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1918. TEAGUE, JNO. A., Corpl., Motor Am. Tr., Co. F, 4th C. A. P. Regt. Born in Durham County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Teague. Husband of Mrs. Gertrude Le- noir Teague. Entered the service June 25, 1918, at Dur- ham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Ovverseas to France Sept. 2, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. June 24, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 13, 1919. TEMPLE, JASPER O., Corpl, Amb. Corps, 317th Co., 80th Div., 305th San. Tr.; of Lenoir County; son of R. H. and Mrs. Hattie Temple. Husband of Mrs. Ella Mallard Temple. Entered service Sept. 17, 1917. Sent to Camp Lee, Va., transferred to Lambert's Pt. Sailed for France May 25, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., June 9, 1919. TEMPLE, GEO. M., Private, 120th Inf., 30th Div., Co. M. Born in Durham County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Temple. Entered the service May 15, 1917, at Dur- ham, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Fought on the Hindenburg Line, near Dicky Bush, at St. Quentin Drive. Received shrapnel wound in the left arm Sept. 29, 1918. Sent to American Base Hospital No. 204 at Winchester, Eng. Returned to the U. S. A. Dec. 16, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Greene Feb. 28, 1919. TERRELL, JOE A., 1st Class Private, 11th Cavalry. Born in Orange County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Terrell. Husband of Mrs. Mary Mae Terrell. Entered the service Dec. 5, 1912, at Columbus, Ohio. Was sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., and from there to Camp Stuart, Va. Served as Troop Instructor. Mustered out at Camp Stu- art, Va., Dec. 18, 1918. Served in Colorado during the 1914 coal strike. TERRELL, BUN, Private, 120th Inf., Co. I, 30th Div. Born in Orange County ; the son of Mr. and Mi-s. Jim Ter- rell. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Hillsboro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, and from there to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Fought at the Hindenburg Drive Sept. 29th. Returned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 18, 1919. TESH, SAM J., Fireman, U. S. S. Utah (Naval). Born in Davidson County ; the son of E. Tesh and Mrs. Lula Tesh. Entered service Dec. 8, 1917, at Winston-Salem, N. C. Sent to Berkley, Va., and sailed for France Aug. 28, 1918, convoying troop ships in and out of Base Bantry Bay, Ireland. Mustered out at New York City Jan. 20, 1919. THOMAS, W. L., Yeoman 3rd Class, Navy. Born in Robeson County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thomas. Husband of Mrs. Bertha Thomas. Entered service May 18, 1917. Was sent to Newport, R. I. Transferred to Boston, Mass., from there was sent to Hinghan, Mass. Mustered out at Charleston, S. C, June 16, 1919. THOMAS, F. J., 1st Class Electrician, U. S. N. Born in Edgecombe County Aug. 27, 1896 ; son of R. W. and Annie Thomas. Entered the service at Richmond, Va., May 7, 1917. Promoted to the rank of 1st Electrician in 1919. On the U. S. S. Bulgaria three months, then trans- ferred to U. S. S. Antigone, transport service. Made 13 trips to France and was with U. S. S. President Lincoln when it was sunk. Mustered out of the service at New- port News, Va., April 30, 1919. THOMAS, THOS. M., Water Tender, U. S. N. Born in Edgecombe County May 15, 1894 ; son of R. W. and Mrs. Annie Thomas. Entered the service at Rocky Mount, N. C, Jan. 8, 1916. On the U. S. S. battleship Vermont for over three years and about seven months on U. S. S. De- stroyer Crowning Shield. Mustered out of the service at New Orleans, La., Jan. 8, 1920. THOMAS, F. P., Private, 323rd Amb. Co., 81st Div., 306th San. Tr. Born in Guilford County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Thomas. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Greensboro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, trans- ferred to Camp Sevier and from there was sent to Camp Mills. Went to France Aug. 8, 1918. Fought at St. Die, Meuse-Argonne. Returned to the U. S. A. June 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 29, 1919. THOMAS, WILLIAM C, 1st Sergt., Co. D, 30th Div., 119th Inf.; of Wayne County; son of Mrs. Susan Thomas. Husband of Mrs. Daisy Thomas. Entered service July 15, 1916, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C, Camp Stewart, T«xas, Camp Royster, Camp Wadsworth, Camp Sevier, Camp Merritt, and sailed for France May 11, 1918. Was in all engagements with 119th Inf. Served six months on Mexican border. Returned to U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 7, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD rtAU.fi.RD NEAR BAYONVILLE, FRANCE There is no tribute high enough that can be paid the lads who fought and fell. Their graves will always be an honor to French soil. These little graves look mighty rough, but it is the best that could be done un- der the conditions. Even though they are not bedecked with flowers and monuments, they stand for much. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD THOMAS, BENJAMIN, Private, 1st Class, 168th Inf., 42nd Div., Co. A. Born in Wilson County; son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Thomas. Entered the service August 7, 1918, at Bennettsville, S. C. Was sent to Camp Wads- worth, S. C, and from there to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Sept. 15, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Left the U. S. A. with 55th Pioneers, was then trans- ferred to 83rd Div., then to 42nd Div. Returned to U. S. A. May 21, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 28, 1919. THOMAS, W. E., 1st Class Private, 166th Inf., 42nd Div., Co. B. Born in Moore County; son of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Thomas. Entered the service June 24, 1918, at Fort Smith, Ark. Was sent to Camp Pike, Ark., from there to Camp Marritt, N. J. Overseas to France Aug. 24, 1918. Fought at Argonne-Meuse, St. Mihiel. Returned to U. S. A. April 25, 1919. Landed at New York. Mustered out at Camp Pike, Ark., May 15, 1919. THOMASON, RUFUS, Private, Inf., Co. H, 30th Div., 120th Regt. ; of Halifax County ; son of A. J. and Mrs. A. J. Thomason. Husband of Mrs. Dora (Clay) Thomason. Entered service July 10, 1916, at Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C. Transferred to Camp Stewart, Texas, Sept. 29, 1916. Sailed for Liverpool and Calais May 29, 1918. Fought at Bellicourt and in all engage- ments with his company. On Mexican border six and three-fourths months. Arrived in U. S. A. from St. Na- zaire, April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 18, 1919. THOMPSON, ROBERT H., Seaman, Navy. Born in Montgomery County; son of Mr. and Mrs. Press Thomp- son. Husband of Fanny Ethel Thompson. Entered ser- vice Aug. 10, 1918, at Mt. Gilead, N. C. Was sent to Hampton Roads, from there to St. Helena. Mustered out at St. Helena January, 1919. THOMPSON, HAL., Private, Btry. C, 1st Heavy Artly. From Robeson County ; son of W. W. and Mrs. Laura Thompson. Entered the service at Rowland, N. C, Aug. 27, 1918, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, Dec. 14, 1918. THOMPSON, CHARLES W., Private, Med. Corps, Base Hosp. No. 65 ; of Guilford County ; son of David and Mrs. Margaret Thompson. Entered service April 8, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Fort McPherson. Transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for Brest, France, Sept. 13, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. May 27, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 1, 1919. THOMPSON, WESLEY B., 2nd Lt., 34th Tr. Btry., F. A. C. 0. T. S. ; of Harnett County ; son of J. L. and Mrs. Zibbi Thompson. Husband of Mrs. Annie K. Thompson. Entered service May 17, 1917, at Dunn, N. C. Sent to Ft. Caswell, N. C. Transferred to Mineola, then to Princeton, N. J., Garden City, N. Y., Taylor, Ky. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. Oct. 18, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Taylor, Ky., Nov. 30, 1918. THOMPSON, ALBERT MITCHEN, Corpl., Co. A, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Wilson County; son of J. E. and Mrs. J. E. Thompson. Entered service June 19, 1915, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C, trans- ferred to Camp Royster, to Camp Wadsworth, Camp Se- vier, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for Franca May 12, 1918. Was in all engagements with his company. Served on Mexican border six months. Transferred to M. P. Feb. 2, 1919. With the Army of Occupation. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., Sept. 29, 1919. THOMPSON, WILLIE B., Private 1st Class, Co. F, 30th Div., 120th Regt. ; of Wayne County ; son of A. P. and Mrs. B. Thompson. Husband of Mrs. Mary J. Thomp- son. Entered service April 5, 1916, at Fremont. Sent to Camp Pickett, transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Was in all en- gagements with company until wounded at the Hinden- burg Drive by shrapnel in Thigh Sept. 29th. Returned to U. S. A. March 24, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 23, 1919. THORNBURG, Z. B., 1st Lt. Enlisted June 10, 1907, 1st N. C. N. G. Served on Mexican border. Mustered into the Federal service July, 1917, at Concord, N. C. Went to Camp Sevier, served with 118th Inf. Sailed May 11, 1918, and landed in France May 22, 1918. Fought at Voormizelle, Belgium, Sept. 1, 1918; Bellicourt, France, Sept. 29th to Oct. 1st ; Montbrehain, Brancourt, Premont and Busigny, France, Oct. 8th to 11th, 1918; La Selle River, Vaux-Andigny, Mazenhein, France, Oct. 17th to 20th, 1918. Wounded at Montbrehain Oct. 7, 1918. Wounded at La Selle River Oct. 17, 1918. Decorations: Awarded D. S. C, British Military Cross, Croix de Guerre. One citation from King George and one from General Pershing. Three medals from French Government. Dis- charged Jan. 20, 1920, from U. S. A. Hospital at Ft. Mc- Pherson, Ga. THORNTON, JNO. VANN, 1st Class Private, F. A., 13th Co. Born in Cumberland County; son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Thornton. Entered service June, 1918, at Fayetteville, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Trans- ferred to Camp Sherman, Ohio. Mustered out at Camp Sherman Dec. 20, 1918. THRASH, EARL, Private, 81st Div., 318th F. A., Btn. F. Born in Buncombe County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Thrash. Entered service June 24, 1918, at Candler, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, from there to Camp Mills. Went to France Aug. 8, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 23, 1919. TICHLE, GEO., 1st Class Private, Co. C, 29th Div., 116th Inf.; of Rowan County; son of W. H. and Mrs. Alice G. Tichle. Husband of Mrs. Sallie Tichle. Entered service July 23, 1917, at Danville, Va. Sent to Camp McClellan, Ala. Sailed for Brest, France. Battles July 25th to Sept. 23rd, defensive of Center Sector, Haute, Alsace, Oct. 8, 1918; battle of Malbrick Hill Oct. 10, 1918; battle of Malselle Farm Oct. 16, 1918; battle of Grand Montague Oct. 23rd ; capture of Etroye Ridge. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., May 29, 1919. TILGHMAN, THEODORE C, Major, 2nd Btn., 322nd Inf., 81st Div. Born in Wilson, N. C. ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Tilghman. Husband of Mrs. Margaret Tilgh- man. Entered the service May 12, 1917, at Ft. Ogle- thorpe, Ga. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed to France July 30, 1918. Promoted to rank of Capt. Aug. 15, 1917, and to rank of Major July 8, 1918. Fought at Argonne. Re- ceived the French Cross of War March, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 26, 1919. TILLERY, EDWARD, Private, Remount School. Born in Halifax County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Til- lery. Husband of Mrs. Elaine Bullock Tillery. Entered the service at Scotland Neck, N. C, July 22, 1918. Was sent to Camp Hancock,: Ga. Volunteered for service. Mus- tered out at Camp Hancock, Ga., Jan. 29, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR T RECORD TILLERY, J. L., 2nd Lt., Inf., Co. F, 87th Div., 346th Regt. ; of Halifax County ; son of J. M. and Mrs. Lellia Lawrence Tillery. Husband of Mrs. Georgette Brand Tillery. Volunteered for service July 18, 1917, at Greens- boro, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., transferred to Camp Pike, Ark., to Camp Dix, N. J. Sailed for France Aug. 23, 1918. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. Nov. 27, 1917. Was transferred while in France to 17th Engi- neers. Returned to U. S. A. July 18, 1919. Mustered out at Hoboken, N. J., July 22, 1919. TILLETT, DANIEL A., Machinist, Navy, 2nd Div. ; of Perquimans County; son of J. H. and Mrs. Lethria Til- lett. Husband of Mrs. Alice Godfrey Tillett. Entered the service Dec. 6, 1917, at Norfolk, Va. Sent to Cherrystone Island, transferred to League Island. Sailed for France Nov. 10, 1918. In battle with submarine off Brest Nov. 22nd. Mustered out at League Island April 28, 1919. TILLINGHAST, NORWOOD W., 1st Class Private, F. A., 81st Div., Brigade Hdqrs. Det. Born in Cumber- land County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Tillinghast. Entered the service April 4, 1918, at Fayetteville, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sailed for France Aug. 29, 1918. Accidentally hurt Nov. 13, 1918. Sent to hos- pital at Chaumont, France. Returned to U. S. A. March 3, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 24, 1919. TOLAR, CLAUDE M., 1st Lt., Adjt. Gen. Staff. Born in Orange County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tolar. Entered the service at Hillsboro, N. C, May 17, 1917. Was sent to Ft. Logan H. Roots, Ark., and from there to Camp Pike, Ark. Commissioned as 2nd Lt. Aug. 15, 1917, and promoted to rank of 1st Lt. Sept. 12, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Pike, Ark., July 29, 1919. TOWNSEND, FRED H., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 29th Div., 111th F. A. Regt.; of Robeson County; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Townsend. Entered service June 2, 1917, at Lumberton, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., trans- ferred to Camp McClellan, Ala., then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France June 26, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. May 25, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 2, 1919. TOY, JAMIE E., 1st Class Private, Co. G, 81st Div., 323rd Inf. Regt. ; of Haywood County ; son of Van and Bettie Toy. Husband of Mrs. Lillian Fay Toy. Entered service May 24, 1918, at Waynesville. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Ar- gonne, Verdun, St. Die. Returned to U. S. A. June 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 28, 1919. TREVATHAN, WILLIAM L., Wagoner, Highway En- gineers Wagoner No. 1, 23rd Regt. ; of Nash County ; son of H. L. and Mrs. Claudia Trevathan. Entered service Dec. 15, 1917, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., transferred to Camp Meade, Md., transferred to Camp Laurel, Md. Sailed for Brest, France, Feb. 5, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne, Nov. 9 to 11, 1918. Ar- rived in U. S. A. June 10, 1919, New York. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 23, 1919. TUCKER, L. M., Private, Inf., Co. H, 321st Regt., 81st Div. Born in Duplin County Feb. 15, 1897 ; son of Kilby and Mattie Tucker. Entered the service at War- saw, N. C, May 26, 1917, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and then transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France July, 1918. Fought in all engagements of the 321st Inf. Returned to the U. S. A. July 2, 1919, and mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., July 12, 1919. TOMLINSON, CHARLES E., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 120th Inf. Born January 21, 1899; son of E. I. and Jennie Tomlinson, of Davidson County. Enlisted for service Oct. 22, 1917, at Greensboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Overseas to Calais, France, June 5, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium, Bellicourt and other engage- ments with 30th. Landed in the U. S. A. April 10, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 14, 1919. TOMLINSON, JAMES M., Ord. Sergt., Inf., Sup. Co., 30th Div., 119th Regt. Born in Cumberland County; son of Jas. W. and Mrs. Eva Tomlinson. Entered the service July, 1917, at Fayetteville, N. C. Was sent to Camp Se- vier, transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Promoted to rank of Ord. Sergt. October, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Cambrai, Bellicourt. Returned to the U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Served on the Mexican bor- der October, 1916, to March, 1917. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 8, 1919. TUCKER, GEORGE N., Private 1st Class, 6th Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 5th Div.; of Forsyth County; son of J. J. and Mrs. Chloe Emmaline Tucker. Entered service Sept. 18, 1917, at Winston-Salem, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Sailed for France April 23, 1918. Fought at Sector of the Lakes (Lac Novr) June 21 to July 16, 1918; St. Die, Sector Frapelle offensive, St. Mihiel offensive, Meuse-Argonne, Oct. 11 to Nov. 11, 1918. Frapelle was first German town seized by U. S. soldiers. Returned to U. S. A. July 24, 1919, New York. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 29, 1919. TUCKER, GEO. F., Sergt., Med. Corps, 317th Amb. Co., 80th Div. Born in Edgecombe County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Tucker. Entered the service Aug. 6, 1917, at Whitakers, N. C. Was sent to Camp Lee, Va., Sept. 17, 1917. Sailed for France May 25, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne and in all other engage- ments of the 80th Div. Arrived in the U. S. A. May 30, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 12, 1919. TORRENCE, SAMUEL L., Sergt., Btry. A, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Regt.; of Jones County; son of A. P. and Mrs. J. Torrence. Entered service July 29, 1917, at Pol- locksville. Sent to Camp Sevier, transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Fought in all battles with 118th Regt. Returned to U. S. A. March 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson March 28, 1919. TURLEY, JOS. B„ Q. M. C, 3rd Class, Navy. Born in Johnston County Sept. 13, 1896; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Turley. Husband of Mrs. Duba Ellis Turley. En- tered the service at Clayton, N. C, Jan. 9. 1918, and sent to Norfolk, Va. Promoted to rank of Q. M. C, 3rd Class. 1918. Served on U. S. S. Raleigh. Mustered out of the service at Key West, Fla., Jan. 14, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD ••■tig j\\m 1 flALuXHO o /|®UlW 4kj\oJl)/ic*4 A small chateau at Harricourt, France. Used as a supply base of a regiment. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD TYNDALL, HORACE G., Private, F. A., Btry. B, 30th Div., 113th Regt. Born in Lenoir County; son of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Tyndall. Husband of Ruby Evans Tyndall. Entered service September, 1917. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and from there to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Mus- tered out at Ft. Thomas, Ky., September, 1918. TYSON, CLAUDE P., Sergt., 1st Class, Ord. Dept., 106th Ord. Depot Co. Born in Moore County ; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. B. Tyson. Entered the service Feb. 28, 1918, at Ft. Slocum, N. Y. Was sent to Columbia University Ordnance Training School, New York City. Transferred to Augusta Arsenal, then sent to Camp Han- cock. Transferred to Camp Jackson, S. C. Promoted to rank of Sergt. Ord Dept. Aug. 1, 1918, and to rank of 1st Class Sergt. Nov. 1, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 21, 1919. TYSON, V. S., Private, 90th Inf., Med. Dept. Born in Pitt County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Tyson. Entered the service May 28, 1918, at Tarboro, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and then to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Hancock, Ga. Mustered out there March 7, 1919. UNDERHILL, PAUL, 1st Class Foreman (Navy;) of Johnston County ; son of J. A. and Mrs. Annie Underhill. Husband of Mrs. Victoria Underhill. Entered service Oct. 25, 1917, at Norfolk, Va. Was sent immediately on board U. S. S. Kaguema. Made one trip across on U. S. S. Pal- mer, then came back, laid submarine cable from coast of Maine to Key West, Fla. Released from ship and sent to Naval Opr. Base. Mustered out at Hampton Roads, Va., March 8, 1919. UNDERWOOD, ROBERT EARL, 2nd Lt., Inf., Co. D, 120th Regt., 30th Div. Born in Franklin County in 1891 ; son of R. C. and Mary E. Underwood. Husband of Rosa May Liles. Entered the service at Youngsville, N. C, April 14, 1917, and sent to Camp Bickett, N. C, and transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Promoted Reg. Supply Sergt. May 1, 1917, and to 2nd It. Nov. 1, 1918. Fought at Ypres and Premont. Attached to Army School at Langres, France, where he received his commission as 2nd Lt. Returned to 30th Div. Feb. 22, 1919. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jack- son, S. C, May 6, 1919. UNDERWOOD, MACK. Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Underwood, of Mt. Holly, N. C, Gaston County. Entered service July 7, 1918. Sent to Camp Greenleaf and placed in the medical department. Mustered out Jan. 25, 1919. UNDERWOOD, NORFLEET E., Private, 54th Inf., Co. G, 6th Div. Born in Hertford County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Underwood. Entered the service May 10, 1918, at Murfreesboro, N. C. Was sent to Ft. Scriven, Ga., and from there to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Sailed for France July 23, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. Aug. 27, 1918. Fought at Alsace Sector. Arrived in U. S. A. June 10, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 14, 1919. UPTON, BADGER VERNON, Private 1st Class, Inf., Q. M. C. Born in Gaston County Aug. 24, 1896; son of W. P. and Julia A. Upton. Entered the service at Gas- tonia, N. C, July 18, 1918, and sent to Syracuse Recruit- ing Camp and then transferred to Q. M. C. Depot, Harris- burg, Pa. Promoted Acting Corpl. in August. Mustered out of the service at Q. M. C. Depot, June 7, 1919. USSERY, LON E., Private 1st Class, Co. A, 81st Div., 306th Engrs. ; of Montgomery County ; son of W. T. and Mrs. Harriett Ussery. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Norman, N. C. Sant to Camp Jackson, transferi'ed to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Upton. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Dec. 24, 1918. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., Feb. 23, 1919. VALLAS, P. G., Cook, Inf., Co. A, 41st Div., 161st Reg. Born in Stanly County; son of George and Marie Vallas. Entered the service July 4, 1917, at Greenville, S. C. Went to France Jan. 22, 1918. Promoted to the rank of cook, September, 1917. Returned to the U. S. A. Feb. 16, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 4, 1919. VANN, WALTER ALBERT, 1st Class Private, Co. C. 83rd Div., 331st Inf.: of Duplin County; son of J. T. and Mrs. K. J. Vann. Entered service May 26, 1918, at Warsaw, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Wadsworth, then to Newport News, Va. Sailed for France Sept. 23, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. March 8, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson March 29, 1919. VANN, JUNIUS RICHARDSON, JR., Capt., Med. Corps, 160th Inf., 40th Div. Born in Cumberland County Sept. 9, 1889 ; son of J. R. and Ida L. Vann. Entered the service at Fayetteville, N. C, July, 1917, and sent to Camp Greenleaf, Ga., and transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 11, 1918. Promoted to the rank of Lt. August, 1917, and to Capt. March 12, 1918. Landed in the U. S. A. July 29, 1919, and mustered out of the ser- vice at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 15, 1919. VANN, BRANTLEY S., F. A., Btry. E, 9th Regt. Born in Cumberland County June 17, 1896; son of J. R. and Ida L. Vann. Entered the service at Fayetteville, N. C, July 28, 1918, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, trans- ferred to Camp Hill, Va. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 28, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD VAUGHAN, DR. J. C, 1st Lt., Med. Corps, 80th Div. ; of Northampton County; son of W. J. and Mrs. Eugene Vaughan. Husband of Mrs. Martha Connell Vaughan. Entered service March 1, 1918, at Rich Square, N. C. Sent to Camp Dix, N. J. Sailed for France Aug. 15, 1918. Promoted to rank of 1st Lb. Jan. 8, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne offensive. Arrived in U. S. A. June 19, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Dix, N. J., June 25, 1919. VENABLE, CARL WILLIAM, Sergt, Inf., Supply Co., 13th Inf. Regt. ; of Guilford County ; son of J. A. and Mrs. Julia Venable. Entered service July 17, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Columbus, Ohio, transferred to El Paso, Texas, transferred to Camp Custer, Mich. Sailed for England July 20, 1918, then to Russia Sept. 4, 1918; to defense of Sector 468 Sept. 16th to 17th; offensive of Kodish Sept. 27 to Oct. 12, 1918 ; second offensive of Ko- dish Oct. 13 to 14, 1919 ; offensive of Avda Oct. 15th to 16th; offensive of Bolshoi Ozersky March 23, 1919. He received British Military Medal for service in Russia. Returned to U. S. A. June 30, 1919, at Hoboken. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., Sept. 2, 1919. VICK, HENRY G., Capt, Air Service, A. P., S. P. D. Div. Born in Stanly County ; the son of S. H. and Mrs. Mary Vick. Husband of Mrs. Hattie Brooks Vick. En- tered service Feb. 26, 1910. Sent to Philippine Islands, transferred to camp in California, from there to Vancou- ver Bks. Was made Corporal July, 1911; promoted to Sergt. August, 1912; 1st Sergt. June, 1917; promoted to the rank of Capt. October, 1918. Spent 18 months in the Philippine Islands, two years in California and four years on the Mexican border. Mustered out at Vancouver Bar- racks, Wash.. March 3, 1919. VICK, RICHARD T., Sergt., Co. D, 30th Div., 120th Inf. ; of Nash County ; son of A. B. and Mrs. Leah Jane Vick. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Louisburg, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S .C. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Was in all engagements with his company until wounded by shrapnel at Hindenburg Line Sept. 29th. Sent to No. 12 American Gen. Hospital St. Louis, at Rouen, France, also South Meade Hospital, Bristol, Eng. Returned to U. S. A. April 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 17, 1919. WALKER, EMILY H., Civilian Relief Dept., Ameri- can Red Cross. Daughter of Mrs. Kate Dibrell Walker, of Raleigh, N. C. Taught in Wake County Schools, N. C. ; supervisor of rural schools, Scotland County, at the same time ; Food Administrator of the county ; the first woman appointed as such in N. C. Record with Red Cross began in fall of 1917 with the Home Service Dept. of the Red Cross in Charlotte, N. C. Remained there several weeks. Promoted to Field Supervisor of Home Service, to be sent into any of the five Southern States of Red Cross — N. C., S. C, Ga., Tenn., Fla. At present Field Representative of the Red Cross, Headquarters, Atlanta, Ga. WALKER, JOHN F., Corp]., Med. Corps, 317th Amb. Co., 80th Div., 305th San Tr. ; of Nash County; son of J. Fred and Mrs. Mamie S. Walker. Entered service Aug. 16, 1917, at Whitakers, N. C. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for Bordeaux, France, June 9, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. Oct. 1, 1917. Fought at Meuse-Argonne. Arrived in U. S. A., from Brest, France, May 31, 1919, at New York, N. Y., through Camp Dix. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 13, 1919. WALLACE, T. H., Private, Med. Corps, Co. M; of Halifax County ; son of G. N. and Mrs. A. M. Wallace. En- tered service Aug. 7, 1917, at Jackson, N. C. Sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Wads- worth, S. C, Jan. 7, 9119. WALTERS, JAMES J., Sergt., Inf., Co. E, 30th Div., 120th Regt. ; of Granville County ; son of Conrad and Mrs. Loretta Walters. Entered service April 16, 1917, at Ox- ford, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 13, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. August, 1917; to Sergt. 1918. Fought at Ypres, Cambrai and St. Quentin. Mustered out at Camp Jack- son April 18, 1919. WALTERS. JOSEPH E., Machinist 1st Class, C. A. C, Hdqrs. Co., 75th C. A. C. From Robeson County ; son of J. B. and Rebecca Walters. Husband of Mrs. Lulu May Walters. Entered the service at Lumberton, N. C, July 15, 1918, and sent to Clemson College, S. C, transferred to Charleston, S. C, and from there to Camp Merritt. Taken from boat to embarkation hospital at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out of the service at Camp Lee, Va., Dec. 15, 1918. WAGNER, McCLELLAN, 1st Class Private, Med. Dept. ; of Davidson County ; son of B. B. and Mrs. Lula P. Wagner. Entered service June 22, 1918, at Kansas City, Mo. Sent to Camp Pike, Ark., transferred to Ft. Oglehtorpe, Ga., then to Ft. McPherson, Ga. Mustered out at Camp Pike, Ark., Oct. 16, 1919. WALDON, CARL THOMAS, Private, Inf., Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Regt. ; of Guilford County ; son of J. T. and Mrs. M. E. Waldon. Entered service Sept. 18, 1917, at High Point. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France April 11, 1918. Fought at Ypres-Lys offensive July 21st to Sept. 4th ; Somme offen- sive Sept. 9th to Oct. 18th; Bellicourt, Premont, Bohain, Montbrehain, Busigny, St. Martins River. Returned to U. S. A. April 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 17, 1919. WALTERS, BRYAN C, Corpl., M. G. Brig., Co. A, 30th Div., 115th Regt.; of Gaston County; son of J. H. and Margaret Walters. Husband of Hattie Noles Wal- ters. Entered service June 25, 1917, at Gastonia, N. C. Promoted to rank of Corpl. July 1, 1918. Fought at Nau- roy, Premont, Vaux-Andigny, Selle River, Hindenburg Line, Bellicourt, Voormizelle, Mt. Kimmel. Returned to U. S. A. March 22nd, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 2, 1919. WALTON, CHARLIE B., Private 1st Class, M. T. C. No. 330, 330th Regt.; of Wilson County; son of Dr. C. B. and Mrs. Ora Walton. Husband of Mrs. Mattie Walton. Entered service Aug. 30, 1918, at Wilson, N. C. Sent to Camp Greene, N. C, transferred to Camp Jessup, Ga. On convoy service. Mustered out at Camp Jessup, Ga., April 21, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD A German observation post in the Argonne, camou- flaged among the trees on top of a high hill. Notice the camouflaged fox hole at the foot of the trees where the observer slept. A metal plate at this post with arrows pointing to the nearby towns and giving their distance, shows the thoroughness of the Germans. prJ/»LMeO In the drive of November 1, 1918, prisoners were marched back by the company. This sketch shows a company that has just been captured, being brought back. Near Landres-St. George, France. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD WARD, CHARLES BRYAN, Sergt. 1st Class, Det. No. 6, A. S. A. P. ; of Nash County ; son of W. and Mrs. Rosa Ward. Husband of Mrs. Marie Gay Ward. Entered service Jan. 21st at Detroit, transferred from Detroit No. 6 to No. 1 Det., Washington, D. C. Served at Pack- ard Plant in charge of Liberty Motors. Mustered out at Camp Meiggs, Washinggton, D. C, March 14, 1919. WATSON, LEE Z., Private, M. G. Btn., Co. B, 6th Div.; of Durham County; son of C. W. and Mrs. H. W. Watson. Entered service May 16, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., transferred to Chickamauga Park, Ga., then to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Sailed for France July 7, 1918. Fought at Alsace-Lorraine Sector, Meuse-Argonne. Returned to U. S. A. June 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 10, 1919. WARD, J. W., 1st Class Machinist, Aviation (Naval). Born in Pasquotank County; the son of Johnathan and Mrs. Sarah Ward. Husband of Emma Ward. Entered service Sept. 13, 1917, at Elizabeth City, N. C. Sent to Hampton Roads, Va., from there to Camp Greene, N. C, Sept. 10, 1918. Promoted to rank of 1st Class Machinist August, 1918. In charge of transportation at Camp Greene, N. C, from Sept. 10, 1918, to March 15, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Greene, N. C, March 15, 1919. WATSON, JOHN CLEVELAND, JR., Corpl., Co. E, SOth Div., 120th Regt. ; of Lee County ; son of J. R. and Mary T. Watson. Entered service Sept. 18, 1917, at Jonesboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 8, 1918. Was in all engagements with 120th Regt. Returned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 18, 1919. WARD, A. F., M. M. 1st Class (Navy). Son of J. P. and Mrs. Anna Ward. Entered service April 2, 1918, at Hendersonville, N. C. Sent to Newport, R. I., transferred to Officers' Material School, R. I., then to Columbia Uni- versity, N. Y., overseas to France. Returned to U. S. A. April 18, 1919, Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out from the U. S. S. K. I. Luckenback May 28, 1919. WATTS, MAURICE D., 2nd Lt., F. A. Born in Mar- tin County Aug. 29, 1894 ; the son of J. W. and Ophelia Watts. Husband of Ethel Dent Watts. Entered service July 14, 1918, at Richmond, Va. Sent to Camp Taylor, Ky., Sept. 11, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Taylor, Ky., Dec. 17, 1918. WARLICK, JOHN D., 1st Lt., Inf., Co. B, 81st Div., 316th Regt.; of Onslow County; son of Robt. L. and Mrs. Dora Warlick. Entered service May 4, 1917, at Jackson- ville. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., transferred to Camp Jackson, then to Camp Hancock. Sailed for France July 29, 1918. Promoted to rank of 1st Lt. Dec. 31, 1917. Fought at Argonne Front, Vosges Mtns., Verdun. Re- turned to U. S. A. June 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, Aug. 15, 1919. WARREN, W. T., 1st Class Private, M. G. Btn., Co. A, 30th Div., 115th Regt. Barn in Gaston County; the son of J. F. and Mrs. S. Warren. Entered the service July 4, 1917. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Went to France May 11, 1918. Fought at Ypres. Returned to the U. S. A. Dec. 26, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Greene, N. C, Jan. 25, 1919. WARSER, LAWRENCE O., Sergt., Inf., Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Regt. ; of Davidson County ; son of D. L. and Mrs. Noella Warser. Entered service April 14, 1916, at Lexington. Served on border. Entered Federal service Oct. 2, 1917, at Lexington. Transferred to Camp Sevier, to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 28, 1918. Fought at Hindenburg Drive, Ypres, Belgium, two months. Wounded by shrapnel at the Hindenburg Line Sept. 29, 1918. Sent to 1st Southern Gen. Hospital, Bir- mingham, Eng., U. S. Hospital Gen. No. 20, Ft. McHenry, Md., nine months. Landed in U .S. A. Dec. 16, 1918. Mustered out at Ft. McHenry Dec. 12, 1919. WEANT, GENTERY, Private, Engrs., Co. E, 30th Div., 105th Regt.; of Rowan County; son of J. H. and Mrs. Cora Weant. Husband of Mrs. Eva Weant. Entered service March 30, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, to Camp Mills. Sailed for France; landed July 2, 1918. Voormizelle, Belgium, Sept. 1st ; Bellicourt Sept. 29th ; La Selle River ; Mazinghein, France, Oct. 17th to 20th. Re- turned to U. S. A. April 19, 1919 ; landed at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 24, 1919. WEAVER, G. B., Private 1st Class, Co. C, 81st Div., 306th F Signal ; of Rowan County ; son of W. A. and Mrs. S. A. Weaver. Husband of Mrs. Nealie L .Weaver. En- tered service May 29, 1917, at Salisbury, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Mills, L. I., N. Y. Mustered out at Camp Merritt, N. J., Nov. 10, 1919. WEBB, W. E., 1st Sergt., Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Regt. ; of Wilson County ; son of M. Frank and Mrs. Nan- nie Webb. Husband of Mrs. G. L. Webb. Entered ser- vice May 4, 1915, at Wilson, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, Morehead. Transferred to Camp Greene, then to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Served on Mexican border seven months. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 7, 1919. WATERS, F. P., Landman E. R. (R), Navy ; of Wilson County ; son of K. and Mrs. Ella Waters. Husband of Mrs. Lillie Hinnant Waters. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Wilson, from Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Receiving Ship, Norfolk, Va. Transferred to Naval Oper. Base, Hampton Roads, Naval Radio School, Cambridge, Mass., then to Receiving Ship, Norfolk, Va. Mustered out at Norfolk, Va., March 10, 1919. WEEKS, PAUL, 1st Class Private, Co. C, 30th Div., 105 Engr. Regt. Born in Catawba County ; the son of S. and Mrs. Lizzie Weeks. Husband of Mrs. Carrie Weeks. Entered service May 14, 1917, at Newton, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Went to France May 20, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Bellicourt, Hindenburg Line, La Selle. Returned to the U. S. A. May 7, 1919. Mustered" out at Camp Lee, Va., May 17, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD WEEKS, W. D., Private 1st Class, M. G., Co. C, 83rd Div. ; of Edgecombe County ; son of K. L. and Mrs. Emma Weeks. Entered service July 21, 1918, at Weldon, N. C. Sent to Camp Hancock, Ga., transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France Nov. 17, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. Feb. 1, 1919, New York. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Feb. 14, 1919. WELCH, FRED, 1st Class Private, Co. D, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Born March, 1889; son of M. M. and Mrs. Mary E. Welch, of Davidson County. Entered service Aug. 26, 1918, at Lexington, N. C. Sent to Camp Jack- son, S. C, transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Overseas to France May 28, 1918. Fought at Ypres Sector, Hinden- burg Drive. Killed during Hindenburg Drive, Sept. 29, 1918. Buried in Roscell, France. WELCH, C. R., Sergt., Inf., Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Regt.; of Davidson County; son of M. M. and Mrs. M. E. Welch. Entered service March 2, 1914, at Lexington, N. C. Sent to Camp Stewart, Tex. Sailed for Calais, France, May 24, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. Nov. 27, 1916. Fought at Ypres. Wonnded in both legs at the battle of Vaux-Andigny Oct. 10, 1918. Was sent to No. 21 Red Cross Hospital in Devon, Eng. Returned to U. S. A. March 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 9, 1919. WELLS, JOHN T., Sergt, Inf., Co. E, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Pender County; son of W. S. and Mrs. Lizzie B. Wells. Entered service Sept. 25, 1916, at Burgaw, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, N. C, transferred to Camp Stewart, Tex., then to Camp Sevier. Sailed for Calais, France, April 26, 1918. Promoted to rank of Corpl. Sept. 1, 1917 ; Sergt. April 11, 1918. Fought at Ypres and Bellicourt. Wounded at Bellicourt Sept. 29, 1918, by gas and shrap- nel. Sent to Seventh British Base Hospital, Camiers, Fa. On border duty six months. Has D. S. C. and French Croix de Guerre. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 8, 1919. WELLS, ROBERT H., Sergt., Amb Co. 318, 80th Div., Regt. 305th, San. Tr. ; of Johnston Co. ; son of H. D. and Mrs. A. J. Wells. Entered service May 10, 1917, at Princeton, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, then to Ft. Ogle- thorpe, then to Camp Lee, Va. Sailed for France May, 1918. Fought at Somme, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Re- turned to U. S. A. June 8, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 13, 1919. WEST, P. W., Seaman 2nd Class (Navy) ; of Lenoir County; son of Horace and Mrs. Hattie West. Entered service May 31, 1918, at Kinston, N. C. Sent to St. Helena, Va. On U. S. S. Southport, Hospital Ambulance, Nov. 15, 1918, to July, 1919. Mustered out at Norfolk, Va., Aug. 5, 1919. WHEELER, WILLIAM VANCE, 1st Class Private, 422nd Supply Tr. Born in Northampton County; son of W. R. and Mrs. F. Z. Wheeler. Entered service March 22, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jackson, then to Camp John- ston, then to Camp Upton. Went to France Aug. 10, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. July 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee Aug. 10, 1919. WHITAKER, WILLIAM ARTHUR, Private 1st Class, Co. Replacement, Unit No. 72; of Lee County; son of E. C. and Mary C. Whitaker. Entered service July 22, 1918, at Sanford, N. C. Sent to Camp Greenleaf, transferred to Camp Greene, N. C, where he was mustered out of service Jan. 10, 1919. WHITE, HUGH W., Private, San. Co., 30th Div. Born in Rockingham County; the son of S. N. and Mrs. M. A. White. Entered service June 19, 1916, at Reidsville, N. C. Was sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, transferred to Camp Merritt. Went to France May 13, 1918. Fought at Ypres. Transferred to 2nd Army Corps Hdqrs. On Mexican bor- der from October, 1916, until March, 1917. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 7, 1919. WHITE, HUBERT E., Corpl., Btry. A, 30th Div., 113th Regt., F. A.; of Jones County; son of Geo. W. and Mrs. Amy White. Husband of Mrs. Elizabeth White. Entered service July 25, 1917, at Pollocksville, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Was in all engagements with 113th. Gassed at Woevre Sector Nov. 9, 1918. Sent to Base Hos- pital No. 108, near Navers. Returned to U. S. A. March 18, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson March 28, 1919. WHITE, FRANKLIN E., Private 1st Class, 317th F. A. Co., Bty. E, 81st Div. ; of Guilford Co. ; son of R. F. and Mrs. Mollie B. White. Entered service March 30, 1918, at High Point, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson April 1, 1918. Sailed for Brest, France, Aug. 7, 1918. Was in Signal Corps. Landed in U. S. A. June 8, 1919. Mus- tered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 8, 1919. WHITE, ROBERT C, Sergt., M. P., 30th Co., 30th Div. ; of Durham, N. C. ; son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. White. Entered service June 30, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Fought at Hindenburg Line and Voormizelle. Was Sergt. in Btry. C, 113th F. A., and was transferred to 105th M. P., which was later called the 30th M. P. Co. Returned to U. S. A. April 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 14, 1919. WHITE, JOSEPH A., Corpl., F. A., Btry. C, 30th Div., 113th Regt. ; of Durham, N. C. ; son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. White. Entered service June 19, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel offensive Sept. 12 to Sept. 15, 1918; Meuse- Argonne offensive Sept. 26 to Oct. 7, 1918; Woevre of- fensive Nov. 8 to Nov. 11, 1918; Toul defensive Aug. 27th to Sept. 11th; Woevre defensive Oct. 11 to Nov. 7th. Re- turned to U. S. A. March 19, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, March 28, 1919. WHITEHEAD, M. E., Private 1st Class, Inf., Co. G, 30th Div., 120th Regt.; of Northampton County; son of E. C. and Mrs. Nettie Whitehead. Entered service Sept. 19, 1917, at Rich Square, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, transferred to Camp Sevier. S. G, Oct. 18, 1917. Sailed for Liverpool, Eng., and Calais, France, May 29, 1918. Promoted to 1st (lass Private November, 1917. Fought at Ypres, Bellicourt and on Hindenburg Line. Wounded by shrapnel at Hindenburg Drive Sept. 29. 1918. Sent to English Hospital at London. Arrived in U. S. A. Dec. 23, 1918. at New York, through Camp Mills, N. Y. Mustered out at Camp Meade, Md., Jan. 14, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD o s 0) ^ *4H C3 J3 :- > g. £ F cc 0) r E o < a o CO 13 -M X — co o i-J 0) - o u W 43 bo 3 X3 s -*-» QJ u :: _' >-, a! CD > o bn CO 3 C — OS co 3 2 — CO — en 03 5= co li — i >-. a> ,3 ' r n — 3 a o 4J « en 1) n OJ P g CO r^ -4-1 — 1 c ft <+-< -1 bo o d u c its CO [q s u — +j a c3 a> 3 o o CO 0> 1; -= CO CO o „ 3 3 * M tn H OS CJ 3 — C3 = . m TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD WHITESIDE, CHAS. B. Served as Army Y. M. C. A. Secretary from June 8, 1917, until Aug. 7, 1917, at Bir- mingham, Ala., and then at Camp Sheridan until enlisted in U. S. Navy Reserve Forces May 28, 1918. Served as second-class seaman, then sent to Charleston Navy Yard and was then detailed to hospital duty and then served as an assistant physical officer until discharged from actual duty Aug. 7, 1919, now Physical Director Concord, N. C, Y. M. C. A. WINSTON, ABRAM RENCHER, Lt. Col., Med. Corps, 30th Div. Born in Franklin County, 1878; son of R. N. and Charlotte Winston. Husband of Mrs. Fannie Win- ston. Entered the service at Franklinton July 27, 1917. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Overseas to France May 8, 1918. Promoted to rank of Lt. Col. April 15, 1919; to rank of Captain, Feb. 23, 1903; to rank of Major, March 4, 1905. Fought at Somme, Aisne, Ypres, Lys. On Mex- ican border eight months. Landed in U. S. A. August 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Dix, Oct. 31, 1919. Holds British Decoration D. S. 0., also American Citation. WHITESIDE, J. F. N., 41st Div., 162nd Inf. Born in Cabarrus County. Entered the service Aug. 27, 1918, at Concord, N. C. Was sent to Camp Gordon, Ga. Sailed for France Oct. 26, 1918. Went to St. Aignon. Sailed for U. S. A. July 7, 1919. Arrived July 13th. Mustered out at Camp Mills July 22, 1919. WHITLEY, J. R., Sergt., 30th Div., 105th San. Tr., F. H., 120th Co.; of Wayne County; son of W. R. and Mrs. Elizabeth Whitley. Husband of Mrs. Ruth Sutton Whitley. Entered service Sept. 4, 1917, at Burlington, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, then to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France June 4th; landed June 11, 1918. Fought at Cha- teau Thierry, Marne offensive, Soissons. Returned to U. 5. A. April 1, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 6, 1919. WHITFIELD, THOMAS A., 1st Lt., Inf., Mach. Gun- nery, M. G. Co., 119th Inf., 30th Div.; of Wayne County; son of Thomas A. and Mrs. Mary G. Whitfield. Husband of Mrs. Mary Pope Whitfield. Entered service June 19, 1916, at Camp Glenn, N. C, transferred to Ft. Bliss, then to Camp Sevier. Sailed for Calais, France, May 29, 1917. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. Nov. 13, 1917; 1st Lt. April 15, 1918. Fought at Voormizelle, Bel. Busigny, France, Premont, Bellicourt, St. Souplet, Haie Menneresse, Mo- lain, Vaux-Andigny, Mazinghein. Gassed at Bellicourt Sept. 29, 1918. Sent to hospital at Aminens, Rouen. Transferred from 30th Div. to 3rd Div. and on duty with 7th Inf. in Andemach, Germany, from Jan. 1, 1919, to June 11, 1919. Transferred to 89th Div. Mustered out at Camp Dix. WHITLEY, HARVEY L., Corpl., Co. D, 30th Div., 119th Regt. ; of Wayne County; son of W. R. and Mrs. Elizabeth Whitley. Entered service April 23, 1917, at Fremont. Sent to Camp Royster, when on bridge duty at Haw River. Transferred to Camp Wadsworth, Camp Se- vier, Camp Merritt, then to Boston, Mass. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Voormizelle, Bellicourt, Premont, Busigny, Montbrehain, Hindenburg Line. Was on front duty with the 1st Btry. 119th. Re- turned to U. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S .C, April 7, 1919. WHITTED, H. P., Master Eng., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 105th Eng. Regt. ; of Alamance County ; son of W. H. and Mrs. Alice S. Whitted. Entered service Aug. 13, 1917, at Greenville, S. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France May 26, 1918. Fought at Voormizelle, Belgium, Busigny, Montbrehain, La Selle River, Premont. Returned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919; landed at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 18, 1919. WICKER, J. D., Private, Inf., Co. C, 119th Regt., 30th Div. Born in Moore County, N. C, Oct. 22, 1893; son of John and Mrs. Margaret Wicker. Entered the service at Carthage, N. C, Oct. 2, 1917, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. Mustered out of the service at Camp Sevier, S. C, May 16, 1919. WILKERSON, C. C, Sergt. 1st Class, Med. Corps, 81st Div., 312th F. A.; of Durham County: son of W. A. and Mrs. Mary P. Wilkerson. Entered service Oct. 5, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, trans- ferred to Camps Mills. Sailed for France Aug. 8, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. June 13, 1919, at Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 21, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD £ - j^^sgq&gsg. Delousing Machine hoppiwr* CSArrkirtO Here is a little insect that with all his faul l s, and they are many, possesses certain virtues. He has solved the problem of race suicide, for he multiplies with astounding rapidity. He adapts himself easily, not to say gracefully, to uncomfortable, even unsanitary surroundings, and if he were permitted to speak in his own defense, wou'd doubtless challenge you to show on all the pages of history any great military success attained by an army not accompanied and "egged on" as it were by cooties. Personally, I believe you would have difficulty in producing such an example. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD WILKINS, CHARLIE V., Mechanic, Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Regt.; of Durham County; son of C. B. and Mrs. D. Wilkins. Entered service in 1917 at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Killed at Battle of Hindenburg Line Sept. 29, 1918. Buried at Bony Aisne, No. 636, American Cemetery. WILKINS, HARVEY N., Private, M. G. Co., 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Stokes County; son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wilkins. Entered service Sept. 20, 1917, at Danbury, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, then to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed for France May 28, 1918. On Ypres Front Aug. 19th to Sept. 1st; Bellicourt Sept. 29, 1918; Busigny Oct. 8th; Mazing- hein Oct. 17th. Returned to U. S. A. April 2nd. Mus- tered out at Camp Jackson April 7, 1319. WILLAND, J. R., Private, Hdqrs. Co., Depot Div., 8th Regt. Born in Beaufort County, N. C, July 29, 1896 ; son of A. and Mrs. Mary D. Willand. Entered the service Aug. 27, 1917, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, and transferred to Camp Hill, Va., and back to Camp Jack- son, S. C. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C. WILLEFORD, BRICE J. Enlisted at Concord, N. C, July 13, 1917, 113th F. A., 30th Div., Btry. F. Reported for duty at Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Sailed for France May 27, 1918. Trained at Camp Coequidon Artly. Camp. Was in the St. Mihiel drive and Argonne Forest offensive. Sailed for U. S. A. March 6, 1919; discharged March 29th at Camp Jackson. WILLETT, PHYLECKSTER, Sergt., F. A., Band Hdqrs., 30th Div., 113th Regt. ; son of W. J. Willett. Hus- band of Mrs. Susan Saine Willett. Entered service at Kannapolis, N. C, July 20, 1917. Sent to A. & E. College July 29, 1917. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Promoted to rank of Sergt. July 25, 1917. Mustered out at Camp Sevier March 13, 1919. WILLIAMS, CLAUDE, Bugler, Inf., Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Wilson County; son of G. F. and Mrs. E. L. Williams. Entered service March 4, 1916, at Wil- son, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for St. Nazaire May 12, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Belgium, Aug. 31, 1918, to Sept. 1, 1918; Belli- court, France, Sept. 29, 1918; Busigny, France, Oct. 9, 1918; St. Souplet Oct. 10, 1918; Hindenburg Line Sept. 29, 1918. Did duty on Mexican border from Oct. 1, 1916, to March 20, 1917. Sailed from Brest; arrived in U. S. A. April 2, 1919, at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. WILLIAMS, FRANK, 1st Class Private, Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Inf.; of Wilson County; son of C. and Mrs. P. Williams. Husband of Mrs. Beulah Denton Williams. En- tered service March 7, 1917, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Greene, transferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Fought ai Ypres, Belgium, Aug. 31st; Bellicourt, Fiance, Sept. 29th; Premont, France, Oct. 9th; Busigny, France, Oct. loth: SI. Souplet, France, Oct. 17, 1918; Hindenburg Line. Returned to l'. S. A. April 2, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 7, 1919. WILLIAMS, L. BUCK, Sergt. 1st Class, 305th San. Tr., 81st Div., 306th Regt.; of Sampson County; son of J. R. and Mrs. C. V. Williams. Entered service Sept. 4, 1917, at Clinton, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, transferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, St. Die, Vosges Mtn. Returned to U. S. A. June 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 29, 1919. WILLIAMS, LINK, Private, Co. C, 167th Inf., 42nd Div. Son of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Williams, of Pineville, N. C, Mecklenburg County. Entered service April 15, 1918, at Charlotte, N. C. Trained at Camp Jackson. Transferred to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France July 6, 1918. Received gunshot wound on the Verdun Front Sept. 12, 1918. Returned to the U. S. A. Nov. 29, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Wadsworth Jan. 17, 1919. WILLIAMS, RAY, Musician, Inf., Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Regt.; of Davidson County; son of M. F. and Mrs. L. D. Williams. Husband of Mrs. Callie McNeill Williams. Entered service May 1, 1916, at Lexington, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Sailed for France May 12, 1918. Gassed at Vaux-Andigny, Oct. 10, 1918. Fought at Ypres-Lys offensive July 2nd to 4th ; Somme offensive Sept. 9th to Oct. 18th; Bellicourt, Premont, Bohain, Mont- brehain, Busigny, St. Martin's River. Returned to U. S. A. April 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 17, 1919. WILLIAMS, ISHMAN ROWLAND, Capt., Inf., Co. C, 3rd Div., 7th Regt. ; of Harnett County ; son of Marshall McD. and Mrs. Mary L. H. Williams. Entered service Aug. 27, 1917, at Dunn, N. C. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, transferred to Camp Greene. Sailed for France April 6, 1918. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. Oct. 26, 1917; 1st Lt. Nov. 13, 1918; to Capt. May 10, 1919. Fought at Aisne defensive June 2 to 6, 1918; Bois De Belleau June 15th to 21st; Marne defensive and Aisne-Marne offensives July 8 to 23, 1918. Wounded at Aisne-Marne offensive July' 23 by shell, one pounder explosion. Sent to Base Hospital No. 23, France. In January received in France D. S. C, also Croix de Guerre for Aisne-Marne. Was with Army of Occupation from November to March 1, 1919. From March 1st to June 23rd was student of the A. E. F., Ox- ford University. Returned to U. S. A. July 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Dix Aug. 19, 1919. WILLIAMS, F. A., Seaman ; of Craven County ; son of A. M. and Mrs. Fanny Williams. Entered service May 22, 1918, at Vanceboro. Sent to St. Helena, Va., then to U. S. S. Geanette, then to U. S. S. Skiner. One trip overseas. Mustered out at Baltimore, Md., Dec. 15, 1918. WILLIAMS, HENRY ELLIOT, Capt.. Q. M. C. Cas- ualty. Born in Cumberland County; the son of W. L. Williams and Mrs. Mary Eliza Elliot Williams. Hus- band of Mrs. Minnie P. Williams. Entered service July 9, 1917, at Charleston, S. C. Sent to Hdqrs., S. E. D*., Charleston, S. C, July 9, 1917. Overseas to France Dec. 5, 1917. At Charleston Hdqrs. had charge of leasing cam]) sites and supply water and electricity to camps in S. E. D. To Dijon as Q. M., to St. Nazaire as Ex. Officer Q. M., Depot No. 1. Was sent to the front as Regulating Officer; to Coblenz as Ex. Officer Q. M. C. Army of Occu- pation. Returned (o I'. S. A. July 11, 1913. Mustered out at Hoboken July 12, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD WISHART, WILLIAM E., Capt. Med. Corps; son of the late J. J. and Fannie Wishart, of Mecklenburg County, and husband of Margaret M. Griffin Wishart. Entered service Sept. 12, 1917, at Charlotte, N. C. Sent to M. 0. T. C. at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Transferred to Camp Travis, Base Hospital duty ; from there to Hoboken and sailed for France Sept. 1, 1918. Commissioned 1st Lt., Aug. 15, 1917. Promoted to Captain April, 1919. Present at engagements at Verdun, Meuse-Argonne, St. Mihiel. Did duty at Bazailles, Sur-Meuse Base Hospital No. 81, in charge of Respitory and Urological cases. Received French Government Citation for attention to sick and wounded soldiers and civilians. While at Camp Travis attended over 1,300 cases of pneumonia and empyema; later had charge of eight double wards Urological work. Returned to U. S. June 4, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Dix, June 13, 1919. WISHART, MARGARET M. GRIFFIN; daughter of the late Thomas and Katherine Griffin, of Corning, New York; wife of Dr. Wm. E. Wishart, of Charlotte, N. C. Was on the staff at the Gsneral Hospital, Rochester, N. Y., as nurse when U. S. entered the war. Joined the Red Cross Service in December, 1917, and assigned as Army Nurse to Base Hospital at Camp Travis, San An- tonio, Texas. Remained in service until June 1, 1918, and was mustered out at Camp Travis, Texas, on that date. WILLIFORD, JOS. W., Private 1st Class, M. G., Co. A, 30th Div., 115th Regt. ; of Charleston, S. C. ; son of L. C. and Mrs. A. O. Williford. Entered service July 4, 1917, at Gastonia, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France July 13, 1918. Promoted to 1st Class Private Sept. 1, 1917. Returned to U. S. A. March 8, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 8, 1919. WILLIAMS, TRUMAN G., Private 1st Class, Med. Corps, Co. Base Hospital No. 65; of Wake County; son of L. D. and Mrs. Alice Williams. Entered service March 1, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Ft. McPherson. Sailed for France Sept. 15, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. May 29, 1919, at New York. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 21, 1919. WILLIS, A. G., Private, Btry. B, 30th Div., 113th Regt. ; of Beaufort County ; son of E. K. and Mrs. Willis. Entered service June 2, 1917, at Washington, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, transferred to Kelly Field, to Camp Rich- field, Tex., then to Camp Jackson. Promoted to rank of Sergt. Mustered out at Camp Jackson Dec. 31, 1919. WILLIAMS, HARRY F., 1st Class Private, Coast Artly., Btry. D, 61st Regt. Born in Henderson County; the son of J. W. and Annie C. Williams. Entered service July 17, 1917, at Hendersonville, N. C. Sent to Ft. Cas- well, transferred to Camp Johnston, from there to Ft. Scriven. Went to France. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 8, 1919. WILLIAMS, THOMAS WAYNE, Corpl., Ord. Co., A. O. D. 303 ; of Robeson County ; son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Williams. Entered service May 6, 1918, at Maxton, N. C. Sent to Camp Hancock, Ga., transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France Sept. 31, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. July 27, 1919. Seven months with Army of Occupation in Germany. Mustered out at Mitchell Field July 31, 1919. WILSON, TRIM W., Reg. Sergt. Maj., Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 161st Brigade; of Pasquotank County; son of Jas. C. and Mrs. Gertrude Wilson. Entered service Sept. 18, 1918, at Elizabeth City, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Sevier, transferred to Camp Upton. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Promoted to rank of Sergt. October, 1917; to Reg. Sergt. Maj. January, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, Vosges Mtns. Mustered out at Camp Jackson June, 1919. WINDERS, R. M., Cook, Med. Corps, 35th Div.; of Duplin County ; son of A. B. and Mrs. Comma Winders. Entered service April 2, 1918, at Warsaw, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, transferred to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., then to West Baden, Ind. Promoted to Cook June, 1918. Night Ward Master in Hospital in West Baden, Ind. Mustered out at West Baden, Ind., Jan. 21, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD HOMEWARD BOUND "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, the boys are marching," with smiling faces, uniform packs and the little Red Cross bags. We are on our way to the docks at Brest, France, where we shall embark for the good old U. S. A. While the passenger list was being checked the band was playing and the smiling faces of Red Cross girls were bidding us good-bye and a "bon voyage." IN PARIS The largest Triumphal Arch in the world, began by Napoleon in 1806, to commemorate his victories Ruins of the Ancient Fortress of Batie. Built in the thirteenth century, Vienne, France TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD WINSLOW, HILLARY G., 1st Lt., M. G. Btn., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 161st Brigade,; of Perquimans County; son of Watson and Mrs. Ellen G. Winslow. Husband of Mrs. Emma Pemberton Winslow. Entered service May 13, 1917, at Chapel Hill. Sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., transferred to Camp Jackson, to Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Fought at St. Die Sec- tor, Argonne offensive. Commissioned 2nd Lt. at O. T. C. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July 24, 1919. WINSLOW, JULIAN E., 2nd Lt., Air Service, of Per- quimans County; son of Dr. C. C. and Mrs. Mattie L. Winslow. Entered service Jan. 5, 1918, at Hertford, N. C. Set to Atlanta, Ga., transferred to Arcadia, Fla., then to Houston, Tex. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. July 15, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Sept. 29, 1919. WINSTEAD, EDMUND D., Private, Q. M. C, 3rd Co., Training Div. ; of Wilson County ; son of W. E. and Mrs. Ann Nancy Winstead. Entered service May 27, 1919, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., May 27, 1918. Transferred to Camp Meiggs, D. C, June 25, 1918. Had influenza and spent most of time in hospital. Mustered out at Walter Reed Hospital, D. C, Feb. 12, 1919. WINSTEAD, LEE O'DONELL, Private 1st Class, 3rd Amtn. Tr., Co. D, 3rd Div. ; of Wilson County ; son of W. E. and Mrs. Ann Nancy Winstead. Entered service May 9, 1917, at Goldsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Royster, N. C, transferred to Camp Greene, N. C. Sailed for Brest April 15, 1918. Fought at Marne defensive July 14, 1918, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Marne offensive. Arrived in U. S. A. Aug. 27, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Sept. 3, 1919. WINSTEAD, CULBRETH M., Wagoner, Hdqrs. Troop, 81st Div.; of Wilson County; son of E. C. and Mrs. Ella Winstead. Husband of Mrs. Quillie Patterson Winstead. Entered service Sept. "5, 1917, at Wilson, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Upton. Sailed for France July 30, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne offensive, Vosges Mtn. Sector, St. Die. Returned to U. S. A. June 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 21, 1919. WISEMAN, CHARLES, Private, Heavy Artly., Btry. C, 1st Regt., F. A. R. D. Born in Burke County, N. C, April 22, 1897; son of C. W. and Mrs. M. L. Wiseman. Entered the service at Carthage, N. C, Aug. 22, 1918, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, S. C, June 28, 1919. WOMBLE, G. B., Private, M. G., 60th Co., 5th Group. Born in Lee County ; son of G. T. and Mrs. Sarah Womble. Entered service Aug. 4, 1918, at Sanford, N. C. Sent to Camp Hancock, Ga. Mustered out at Camp Hancock, Ga., Dec. 20, 1919. WOOD, JOHN D., Private, Marine Corps, Co. 55, 2nd Br., 5th Regt.; of Guilford County; son of J. 0. and Mrs. M. L. Wood. Entered service March 13, 1918, at Phila., Pa. Sent to Paris Island, S. C, transferred to Quantico, Va. Sailed for France April 12, 1918. Fought at Belleau Woods, Chateau Thierry, St. Mihiel, Champagne, Ar- gonne, Marne and at all other engagements with his com- pany. Returned to U. S. A. March 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Quantico, Va., June 25, 1919. WOOD, BENNIE, 1st Class Private, Inf., Co. H, 3rd Regt. ; of Halifax County ; son of Ben and Mrs. Sally Wood. Entered service May 17, 1918, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., then to Eagle Pass, Tex., then to Ft. Sam Houston, Texas. His brother, Leslie Wood, has been in the Army since November, 1912. Served in France with Btry. F, 6th F. A., 1st Div. Was in all the battles with his company and was gassed once, is still at this date with the Army of Occupation, is Q. M. Sergt. Mustered out at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas, April 5, 1920. WOOD, CLARENCE V., 1st Class Private, Co. H, 81st Div., 321st Inf. ; son of L. D. and Sarah Wood, of Forsyth County. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Winston-Sa- lem, N. C. Was sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, transferred (to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Upton, N. Y. Was sent to France Aug. 11, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Ar- gonne offensive, St. Die and Vosges Mtn. Sector. Landed in the U. S. A. June 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 29, 1919. WOOD, FREDERICK WILLIAM, Band Sergt., F. A., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 113th Regt. Born in Richland County ; son of R. R. and Mrs. M. A. Wood. Entered ser- vice July 23, 1917, at Charlotte, N. C. Sent to Camp Se- vier and from there to Camp Mills, N. Y. Transferred to Camp Coltquidan, France, June 13, 1918. Date of pro- motion, April 19, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel offensive, Argonne defensive, Woevre Sector. Mustered out at Camp Jackson March 29, 1919. WOODARD, KADER C, Private, F. A., Replacement Co. Born in Johnston County ; son of E. and Mrs. Nellie Woodard. Entered service at Selma, N. C, June 26, 1918. Was sent to Camp Jackson. Mustered out at Camp Jack- son Dec. 16, 1918. WOODARD, ALVIN A., 2nd Class Q. M. (Navy) ; of Nash County ; son of Warren and Mrs. Cora V. Woodard. Entered service May 18, 1918, at Whitakers, N. C. Sent to Raleigh, N. C, transferred to Charleston, S. C, then to Hampton Roads, Va. Promoted to 2nd Class Q. M. November, 1918. Served in Naval Training School. Went to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., Officers' Training School. Mus- tered out at Hampton Roads, Va., Jan. 8, 1919. WOODARD, W. W., Seaman (Navy) ; of Wilson Coun- ty; son of C. and Mrs. S. E. Woodard. Entered service June 7, 1918, at Wilmington, N. C. Sent to Charleston, S. C, then on board U. S. S. Machias. Mustered out at Charleston, S. C, Dec. 11, 1918. WOODLEAF, Z. G., Private 1st Class, Co. F, 42nd Div., 165th Inf. Regt. Son of H. C. and Mrs. Pattie Wood- leaf. Entered service May 25, 1918, at Raleigh, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Upton. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne Front. Returned to U. S. A. April 8, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 18, 1919. WOODLEY, WILLIAM J., Private, Q. M. C. ; of Pas- quotank County; son of W. J., Sr., and Mrs. Camilla Cook. Husband of Mrs. Katherine Darnell. Entered service May 20, 1918, at Elizabeth City, N. C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky., transferred to Camp Meiggs, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France July, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Sept. 8, 1919. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD EIFFEL TOWER, PARIS Named from its projector, Gustave Eiffel. It was com- pleted in 1889, being the leading architectural feature of the Paris Exposition in 1890. The base is 330 feet square, it is 984 feet high, has both elevator and stairs. The top is devoted to an experiment station of the weath- er bureau of France. During the war it was used as an observa- tion post and wireless station, and was of vast importance to the allies, as it was from this tower that they kept in touch with the entire world. ClftUL^RO TAR- HEEL WAR RECORD WOOLLEN, BRYAN W., Sergt., Co. F, 105th Engi- neers, 30th Div. Son of J. W. and Mrs. Emma Woollen, of Forsyth County, and husband of Myrtle Woollen. En- tered service June 4, 1916, at Charlotte, N. C. Sent to Camp Greene, then to Camp Sevier, then Camp Mills, and sailed for France April, 1918. Fought in Belgium and France; wounded at offensive on Somme Front by shell in the leg, Oct. 8, 1918. Sent to U. S. Hospital No. 21, at Paignton So Devon, England. Returned to U. S. Dec. 22, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Gordon, August, 1919. WOOLLEN, MARSHALL E., Sergt., Co. F, 105th En- gineers, 30th Div. Son of J. W. and Mrs. Emma Woollen, of Forsyth County, and husband of Grace Woollen. En- tered service June 24, 1916, at Charlotte, N. C. Sent to Camp Greene. Transferred to Camp Sevier, then to Camp Mills. Sailed for France April, 1918. Fought with his regiment in Belgium and France. Returned to U. S. April, 1919. Mustered out of the service at Camp Jack- son, April, 1919. WOODLIEF, WILLIAM E., Private 1st Class, Inf., Co. B, 30th Div., 119th Regt.; of Vance County; son of J. M. and Mrs. Mary Woodlief. Entered service Sept. 21, 1917, at Henderson, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C, then to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France. Fought at Ypres, Meuse-Argonne. Gassed at Bellicourt. Sent to British Hospital Base No. 73. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 1, 1919. WOODS, CLAUDE C, Private 1st Class, Inf., Co. I, 107th Regt., 27th Div. ; of Orange County ; son of W. D. and Mrs. Nettie Woods. Entered service Aug. 5, 1918, at Hillsboro, N. C. Sent to Camp Wadsworth, transferred to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for France Sept. 15, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. March 9, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson April 3, 1919. WOODWARD, EDWIN S., 2nd Lt., Inf., Co. B, 81st Div., 317th M. G. Btn. ; of Duplin County ; son of J. F. and Mrs. F. C. Woodward. Husband of Kathleen Sutton Woodward. Entered service June 19, 1916, at Clinton, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, transferred to Camp Stuart, then to Camp Warden McLean. Promoted to rank of 2nd Lt. Aug. 15, 1917. On Mexican border six months. Ex- pert rifleman and McL. Gunner. Mustered out at Camp Jackson Feb. 26, 1919. WOOLARD, C. N„ Machinist 2nd Class, U. S. N. R. F. ; of Halifax County ; son of J. E. and Mrs. Myrtie Wool- ard. Entered service June 25, 1918, at Norfolk, Va. Served on Submarine Chaser S. C. No. 197 and Subma- rine Chaser S. C. No. 22. Convoy duty from Norfolk, Va., to sea and back. On Mine Sweeper U. S. S. Bellows and U. S. S. Chillowee. YOUNG, MISS WILLIE RAMSEY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Young, of Charlotte, N. C. Is a graduate of Elizabeth Col- lege, Charlotte, and of Smith, Northampton, Mass.; also of the National Training School, New York. She taught at Virginia Col- lege, Roanoke, Va., for two years, and was then elected one of the two Field Directors of the South Atlantic States for the Student Body of the Y. W. C. A. While filling this office the National Board of the Y. W. C. A. sent her to France as a war worker for the Red Cross nurses. LTpon her arrival at Paris she was sent to Chaumont to take charge of the hut at the Compound over which General Pershing had charge. Her's was a noble work, and a great compliment was paid her when, at a conference of the Board after the war was over, the Board said, "We could not have done without her." Miss Young spent a year in France, and upon her return, after the war was over, resumed her work as Student Body Secretary of the Y. W. C. A., with headquarters at Richmond, Va., which position she still holds. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD The interior of a house or barracks built by Uncle Sam for his Ger- man prisoners. Located at Les Islettes, France. Last, but not least, the most beautiful sight of France, leaving for "Home, Sweet Home." TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD WOOLARD, JODIE D., Sergt., Artly., Hdqrs Co., 81st Div., 316th Regt.; of Martin County; son of R. D. and Mrs. Emma Woolard. Entered service Sept. 5, 1917, at Williamston, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed for France Aug. 20, 1918. Pro- moted to rank of Sergt. Oct. 2, 1918. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 20, 1919. WORSLEY, JAMES R., Yeoman 2nd Class (Navy) ; of Edgecombe County ; son of W. H. and Mrs. Lula Wors- ley. Entered service June 15, 1918, at Norfolk, Va. Sent to Hampton Roads, Va. Served on U. S. S. Susquehanna, doing transport duty. Made four trips across. Mustered out at Newport News, Va., Feb. 19, 1919. WRIGHT, CLYDE V., Sergt., Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Regt.; of Durham County; son of S. H. and Mrs. E. E. Wright. Husband of Mrs. R. L. Wright. Entered service Aug. 6, 1917, at Durham, N. C. Sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, transferred to Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 17, 1918. Fought'at Hindenburg Line and St. Quentin. Gassed at Hindenburg Line Oct. 17, 1918. Sent to British Hospital Base No. 16. Returned to U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jack- son, S. C, April 19, 1919. WRIGHT, HERBERT A., 1st Class Private, Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 118th Regt.; of Guilford Co.; son of D. L. and Mrs. V. D. Wright. Entered service June 5, 1917, at High Point. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. Sailed for France May 4, 1918. Fought at Ypres, Mt. Kemmel, St. Quentin. Wounded by shrapnel Oct. 9, 1918. Returned to U. S. A. Dec. 21, 1918, at Hoboken, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Jan. 27, 1919. WRIGHT, E. W., 1st Class Private, Inf., Co. H, 30th Div. Born in Halifax County; son of W. T. and Sarah Elizabeth Wright. Husband of Mrs. Esterbelle Wright. Entered service Sept. 19, 1917, at Halifax, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, from there to Camp Sevier. Mustered out at Camp Sevier, S. C, March 1, 1919. WYATT, CURTIS VAN, Private, Btry. D, 53rd F. A. ; of Rowan County ; son of J. E. and Mrs. Janetta Wyatt. Husband of Mrs. Mary Alice Wyatt. Entered service March 6, 1918, at Charlotte, N. C. Sent to Ft. Scriven, Ga., transferred to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for Brest, France, Aug. 25, 1918. Fought at Verdun Sector, Ar- gonne Forest. Sailed for U. S. A. Feb. 25, 1919. Landed March 11, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Eustis, Va., March 23, 1919. WYCHE, ROBERT PIERCE, Machinist Mate, Naval Aviation Service ; of Haywood County ; son of H. A. and Mrs. E. T. Wyche. Entered service July 1, 1918, at Ral- eigh, N. C. Sent to Charleston, S. C, transferred to Pen- sacola, Fla., then to New York City, N. Y. Mustered out at Pelham Bay, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1919. WYNN, ROSCOE M., Corpl., Co. I, 81st Div., 321st Regt. ; of Pasquotank County ; son of J. T. and Mrs. S. J. Wynn. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Elizabeth City. Sent to Camp Jackson, transferred to Camp Sevier, Greenville, transferred to Camp Upton. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Fought at Meuse-Argonne, Vosges Mtn. Sector, St. Die. Returned to U. S. A. June 20, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 28, 1919. WYNNE, CLARENCE W., Corpl., F. A., Btry. E, 9th Regt. Replacement ; of Halifax County ; son of T. A. and Mrs. Bettie T. Wynne. Husband of Mrs. Annie Beal Wynne. Entered service Aug. 28, 1918, at Enfield, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, transferred to Camp Stuart, Va. Sailed for Brest, France, Nov. 9, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. September, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A. from Brest, France, March 3, 1919, at New York; went through Camp Dix, N. J. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 14, 1919. YELVERTON, ROY LEE, 1st Class Private, S. S. U. ; of Wayne County ; son of I. L. and Mrs. M. K. Yelverton. Entered service May 23, 1917, at Washington, D. C. Sent to Allentown, Pa., June 8, 1917. Sailed for France Dec. 25, 1917. Fought at Chateau Thierry, Lys offensive, Es- crow. Attached to French Army ; was transporting wounded from battle field to first aid dressing station. Returned to U. S. A. April 23, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Dix April 25, 1919. YORK, AUTHOR N., 1st Class Private, Inf., 122nd Supply Co., 5th Inf. ; of Polk County ; son of J. S. and Mrs. Mollie York. Entered service Oct. 2, 1917, at Cedar- town, Ga. Sent to Camp Gordon, Ga., transferred to Camp Wheeler, Ga. Served here with same company un- til discharged. Mustered out at Camp Wheeler, Ga., April 18, 1918. YOUNG, WILLIAM B., JR., Private 1st Class, 6th Inf., Supply Co., 5th Div. ; of Wilson County ; son of W. B. and Mrs. Hattie B. Young. Entered service Nov. 2, 1917, at Wilson, N. C. Sent to Camp Jackson, S. C, transferred to Forrest, Ga. Sailed for Brest April 23, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel Sept. 10, 1918; Vosges Mtns., St. Die Front, Argonne Forest, Oct. 11th. Arrived in U. S. A. March 4, 1919, Newport News, Va. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., March 15, 1919. YOUNG, JERRY K., Private, Co. B, 30th Div., 105th Engineers ; of Cabarrus County ; son of J. M. and Mrs. L. K. Young. Husband of Mrs. Mattie M. Young. En- tered service Sept. 19, 1916, at Charlotte, N. C. Sent to Asheville guard duty, transferred to Camp Bragg for guard duty. Sailed for Liverpool, Eng., May 26, 1918; landed June 12, 1918. Fought at Voormizelle, Belgium, Sept. 1st to Sept. 18, 1918; Bellicourt Sept. 29 to Oct. 1, 1918; Montbrehain, Brancourt, Premont, Busigny from Oct. 8 to 16, 1918; La Salle River, Vaux-Andigny, Maz- inghein, Oct. 13 to 20, 1918. Served 12 months on Mexi- can border; landed in U. S. A. April 13, 1919. Mustered out at Camp Jackson, S. C, April 18, 1919. ZIMMERMAN, P. C, 2nd Lt., Co. A, 30th Div., 119th Regt. ; of Edgecombe County ; son of I. C. and Mrs. Agnes B. Zimmerman. Husband of Mrs. Annie N. Zimmerman. Volunteered July 14, 1918, at Rocky Mount, N. C. Sent to Camp Glenn, Camp Royster, Little Washington, N. C, Camp Wadsworth, Camp Sevier, Camp Merritt. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Promoted to Corpl. July 1, 1916 ; Sergt. Nov. 1, 1916 ; 2nd Lt. Dec. 27, 1917. Wounded by shell on the Ypres Front July 27th. Sent to U. S. Hospital Base No. 37 at Dartford, Kent, Eng. Served on Mexican border from Sept. 29, 1917, to March 1, 1918. Was in N. C. N. G. from April 27, 1914, until mustered into Federal service. Returned to U. S. A. Sept. 18, 1918. Mustered out at Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 14, 1919. TAR-H EEL WAR RECORD *> ,V vWi ■t'V-"^, I J ^ * 4"-.4 .' /■■i^y< frf.yMvH .yi-f'£« *'<--../, A PAGE FROM A DIARY. NOTICE THE SIGNATURE •? /* S* TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Aarons, Aaron, Private, 1st Class, Co. F, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Abbott, John William, Private, Art., F. A. R. Div., 8th Regt. Abbott, Barney, Private, M. G., Co. 49, 5th Group. Abee, G. H., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Abee, Mart., Corporal, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Abel, Joshua F, Major, Medical, Div. Genl. Hospital, Regt. 14. Abernathy, L., Private, 501 Motor Truck Co. Abernathy, R. L., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Abernathy, J. B., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs, 30th Div. Abernathy, J. C, Horseshoer, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Abernathy, M. T., Corporal, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Abernathy, Miles B., Captain, Medical Corps. Abernathy, A. A., Corporal, Co. A, Inf., 30th Div., 120th Regt. Abernethy, Thomas H, Sergeant, Co. B, Inf., 30th Div., 119th Regt. Absher, D. A., Corporal, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Abeyounis, Joseph Rufus, Sergeant, Battery D, Heavy Art., 1st Div., 1st Brig. Acree, W. T., Regt. Supply Sergeant, Supply Co., 9th Div., 45th Regt. Adams, Frank, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Adams, H. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Adams, A. P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Adams, J. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Adams, John Dewey, Private, Inf., Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Adams, J. F„ Corporal, Inf., Co. C, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Adams, Stephen R., First Lieut., Inf., M. G. Co., 81st Div., 321st Regt. Adams, B. M., Private, Ordnance, 81st Div. Adcock, E. W., Private, 113 F. A., 30th Div. Adcox, Cyrus P., Private, 119th Regt. Adkins, Howard Gay, Seaman. Adkins, John S., Jr., E. 3c (R), R., Navy. Aedgecock, Leslie T, Private, Engrs., Co. B, Separate Div.-, 68th Engrs. Ahlers, Carl, 2d Lieut, Bat. A, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Aiken, Russel B, Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs 30th Div. Aiken, R., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Aiken, Melvin, Cook, 115 Mgc, Co. B, 30th Div., 115th Regt. Aiken, H. R., 1st Lieut., Infantry, 81st Div., 306th Tm. Hdqrs. Aiken, Leonard W., Private, Sanitary Detail, 30th Div., 114th Regt. M. G. Albea, Caswell Roberson, Sergeant, Base Hospital No. 65, N. C. Volunteer. Albright, H. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Alderman, Willis W., Private, Marine Corps, Co. C, 5th Brigade, 11th Regt. Alexander, M. S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Alexander, Wm. B., Private 1st Class, M. S. T., Co. C, 29th Div. Alexander, G. C, Private, 5th Co., C. A. C. Alexander, E. W., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Alexander, A. H., Private, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Alexander, J. T., Horseshoer, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Alexander, A. H., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs, 30th Div. Alexander, J. C, Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Alexander, R. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Alexander, Philander A, Corporal, F. A., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 316th Regt. Alexander, Stewart Parks, Private, Field Med. Sup. Dept. Alexander, James Carl, Corporal, Co. F, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Alexander, Glen A, 2d Lieut., Inf., Co. B, 1st Replacement Regt. Alford, W. M„ Private, 1st Class, Q. M. C, 81st Div. Allen, J. W., Bugler, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Allen, Rob't. L., Private, Q. M. C, Co. B. & C. School. Allen, W. A., R. S. M., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Allen, Grady, Private, F. A., Bat. E, 30th Div., 113th Regt. Allen, Fred J., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Allen. F. J., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs, 30th Div. Allen, Dores, Wagoner, Co. D, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Allen, C. D., Private, 115th F. A., 30th Div. Allen, W. H., Corporal. 113th F. A., 30th Div. Allen, E. G., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Allen, W. A., Private, 1st Class, Infantry, Co. E, 81st Div., 322d Inf. Allen, Sidney Broaddus, 2d Lieutenant, Field Art., 36th Training Bat., F. A. C. O. T. S. Allen, Onsbey, 1st Class Private, Inf., Co. E, 81st Div., 324th Regt. Allen, John C, Machinist's Mate, Naval Aviation. Allen, Louis C, Private, 5th Group M. T. D. Allen, Lawrence P., Cook, Inf., Co. I, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Allen. G. A., Private, Heavy F. A., Btry. E, 20th Div., 60th Regt. Allen, Charles David, Private, 1st Class, Art., Btry. E, 30th Div., 113th Regt. Allen, Auburn, Sergeant, Inf., Co. D, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Alley, A. N., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Alley, Clyde G., Private, M. T. C. Alligood, J. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Alligood, H. E., Private 113th F. A. 30th Div. Allison, E., 1st Lieut., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Allison, Lowry T., Private, Art., F. A. Co. I. S. Albred, P., Bugler, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Allred, R. T., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs, 30th Div. Allred, Lacy J., Private 1st Class, Motor School. Allred, R. P., Corporal, Aviators, Co. 17. Allred, Burgess Clyde, 1st Class Private, Artillery, Btry D, 30th Div., 114th F. Art. Alston, Reginald, Sergeant, Co. D, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Alston, Thos. C, Corporal, Inf., Co. D, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Alston, Edgar L., Cook, Base Med. Corps, Base 65. Alverson, Z., Private Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Amerson, Charlie, Corporal, Inf., Co. L., 30th Div., 119th Regt. Ammons, M. H., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. E, 20th Div., 48th Regt. Amos, F. T., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Amos, Lloyd C, Sergt. C. Q. M., (Aviation), Navy. Anders, E. J., 2d Class Musician, Q. M. O. Band, Co. 24, Band. Anderson, J. R., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs, 30th Div. Anderson, J. R., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Anderson, B. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Anderson, Clyde Donald, Private, Electrical Eng., Co. B. Anderson, Garland Midgett, Private, Transport (Motor), Co. A. Anderson, E. F., Private, Cavalry, Troop A, 11th Regt. Anderson, William Lee, Seaman, 2d Class, Navy. Anderson, William B., 2d Lieut., Inf., Co. 6th. Andrews, C. B., Corporal, 113 F. A., 30th Div. Andrews, R. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Andrews, C. L., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Andrews, H. S., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Andrews, Allen B., Private, Med. Corps, 20th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Andrews, Alva E., Corporal, Aviation, Co. 12th, 3d Regt. Andrews, William M., Seaman, Naval. Andrews, C. L., Private, 1st Class, Art., Btry. D, 77th Div., 305th Regt. Andrews, Ray Von Pearce, Sergt., Q. M. C, Utilities. Andrews, Richard H., Hosp. Sergt., 1st Class, Navy. Andrews, Otho Y., Corporal, Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Annas, R. A., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Annas, P. D., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Anthony, T. A., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Apperson, Luther L., Private, 1st Class, Signal Corps, Co. A, 81st Div., 306th Regt. Apple, C. H., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Apple, J. E., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Applewhite, Wm., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs, 30th Div. Archer, Raymond, Private, Inf., Co. C, 30th Div., 118th Regt. Armfield, J. V., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs, 30th Div. Armfield, George W. Jr., Seaman, Navy, U. S. S. Sur- veyor. Armstrong, T. C, Corporal, Co. D, 105th Engrs, 30th Div. Armstrong, J. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Armstrong, Lymon, Private, 1st Class, Art., Sup. Co., 81st Div., 317th Regt. Armstrong, J. E., Bn. Sgt.-Maj., F. A. R. D. Armstrong, J. C, Private, Trench Mortar Btry., 81st Div., 306th Regt. Arnett, J. H., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Arnett, John, Private, 1st Class, Med. Corps. Arnett, Leon, Corporal, Machine Gun, Co. B, 81st Div., 317th Regt. Arney, E. C, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Arnold, Troy L., Sergt., Btry A, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Arnold, T. L., Sergt., 113 F. A., 30th Div. Arnold, Tom C, Private, Eng. Arps, P. M., H. A. 1, Apprentice, 1st Class, Navy. Arps, Ernest G., Private, 1st Class, Med. Dept., Base Hospital. Arrington, J. E., Electrician, Med. Corps (Naval), Co. I. Arthur, Seth S., Private, Ambulance Co., 80th Div., 317th Regt. Arther, Henry, Private, F. Art., Hdq. Co., 81st Div., 9th Regt. Arwood, W. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Asby, J. D., Private, 113th F. A., 20th Div. Ashcraft, W. L., Corporal, F. A., Btry. C, 21st Div., 5th Regt. Ashcraft, F. B. Jr., 2d Lieut., F. Art., Btry. F, 83d Div., 28th Regt. Ashe, J. B., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Ashe, J. G., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ashe, W. M., Private, 1st Class, Co. 105 Feed Sergt. Bn., 30th Div. Ashley, J. R., Private, Signal Corps, Co. A, 306 F. Sig. Bn. Ashley, Samuel V., Wagoner, Div. Hdqrs. Troops, 81st Div. Atkins, R. P., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Atkins, T. N., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Atkins, George W., Corporal, Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Atkins, L. A., Private, Inf., Co. G, 5th Regt. Atkins, James Hugh, Store Keeper 2d CI., Naval Re- serves. Atkinson, C. F., Private, F. Art., Btry. B, 3d Regt. Atkinson, William Franklin, Corporal, Marines, Co. 18, 2d Div., 5th Regt. Atwater, F. P., Private, 113 F. A., 30th Div. At water, R. L., Sergt., 113 F. A., 30th Div. Ausbon, C. S., Sergt., 113 F. A., 30th Div. Austin, DeWitt Ray, Capt., Med. Corps, 81st Div., 321st Inf. Regt. Austin, O. B., Private, 113 F. A., 30th Div. Austin, J., Private, 1st Class, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Austin, J. W., Corp, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Austin, M. E., Corp, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Austin, Ralph M., Sergt., 1st Class, Med. Dept., Co. 312 F. H., 87th Div. Austin, Hugh M., Private, 1st Class, Medical. Austin, Arthur T., Private, Inf., Co. E, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Austin, D. H., Private, Artillery, Btry. F, 2d Regt. Austin, John W., Corporal, Btry D, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Avent, A. R., Private, Med. Corps, 80th Div., 317th Amb. Co. Avery, Otis, Sergt., Btry A, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Avery, O., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Avery E. C, Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Avery, Yancey, Private, Depot Brigade, 3d Prov., 156th Depot Brigade. Aycock, W. B., 2d Lieut., Inf., Co. L, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Aycock, Dr. B. L. Jr., Private, Med. Dept., 81st Div., 324th Inf. Aycock, Leslie Barnes. Ayers, R. W., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ayers, R. W„ Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs 30th Div. Azmon, J. A., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Baggett, Mahlon S., Private, Inf., Co. M, 32d Div., 128th Regt. Bagley, Benjamin Pool, Private, Inf., Recruit Duty. Bagwell, M. E., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bagwtell, Marshall E., Corporal, Art., Btry. B, 30th Div., 113th Regt. Bahner, H. A., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bain, Charlie H., Private, 1st Class, Engineers, Co. C, 30th Div., 105th Regt. Bailey, Geo. G., Private Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bailey, L. B., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bailey, C. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bailey, A. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bailey, Otho M., Private, F. A., Btrv. C, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Bailey, D. A., Private, Inf., Co. I, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Bailey, G. G., Private, Engrs., Co. D, 30th Div.. 105th Regt. Bailey, Charles L., Sergt., Med. Corps, Co. 323d, 81st Div., 306 San. Tr. Bailey, James William, Private, 1st Class, F. A., Btrv E, F. A. R. D., 3d Regt. Bailey, John W., Private, Motor Tspt. Bailes, Charlie, Sergeant, Inf., Co. A, Div. 30th. 120th Inf. Bain, C. H., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Baker, James D., M. Police, F. A., M. P. Baker, Ben E., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Baker, Charles D., Sergt.. Hdqrs Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Baker, G., Private, 113 F. A., 30th Div. Baker, W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. 'Baker, B. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Baker, Perry F., Private, F. A., Hdqrs. Co., 59th Regt. Baker, W. J., Seaman, Navy. Baker, G. E. Corporal, M. T. C, Hdqrs. Co. Baker, J. L., Private, Mate 2d Class, Navy. Baldwin, Leroy, Private, Inf., Co. E, 1st Div., 13th Inf. Baldwin, William F., Corporal, 341st F. and G. Co. Ball, W. W., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ball, Ed, Private, Art., Co. D. Ball, James L., Mchst., Naval, S. S. Algonquin. TAR- HEEL WAR RECORD Ball, Willie H., Private, Inf., Co. B, 1st Devi. Batt. Ball, Thos. N., Private, C. A. C, Btry. C, 4th Army Corps. Ball, John T., M. M., 2d Class. U. S. N. R. Ballance, Leon S., Private 1st Class, M. E. D., B. H. Camp Grant, 111. Ballard, J. P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ballard, Fred C, 2d Lieut., Inf., Co. A, 2d Reg. Army Div., 19 M. G. Bn. Ballard, L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ballard, J. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ballard, Earnest A., Private, 1st Class, Machine Gun, 81st Div., 324th Regt. Bane, Thomas P., Corporal, Inf., Co. C, 30th Div., 117th Regt. Banks, C. M., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Banks, E. C, Q. M., 2d Class, Naval. Banks, John, Private, M. Gun. Banner, Charles W., Captain, Med. Corps. Barbee, W. C, Mess Sergt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Barbee, C. B. Jr., Corporal, Q. M. C, Co. A, 105th Sp. Tr., 30th Division. Barber, V. S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Barber, Luther W., 2d Class Seaman, Navy. Barbour, L. H., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Barbour, Swade E., Q. M. C, 2d Class, U. S. Navy. Barbour, Devan, Corporal, Art., Btry. D, 60th Regt. Barfour, Herbert L., Private, 1st Class, Co. E, 81st Div., 323d Inf. Barden, J. J. Jr., Private, 1st Class, Inf. Pioneer, Co. E, 56th Regt. Barevitz, Hirsell, Private, 1st Class, Med. Corps. Barger, Fred S., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div Barger, E. F., Bugler, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Barham, Joseph Thacker, Private, 1st Class, Tank Corps Co. A, 331st Bn., 306 Brigade. Barier, E. E., Private, 81st Div. Barker, Lum, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Barkley, Lacy Edgar, Chief G. Master U. N. A., Naval. Barlow, W. C, Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs, 30th Div. Barnard, J. S., Store Keeper, 3d Class, Navy R. T. Barnett, W. C, Private ,1st Class, Inf., Med. Det., 9th Div., 45th Regt. Barnes, G. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Barnes, M. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Barnes, S. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Barnes, H. Private, Co. E, 105 Engrs., 30th Div. Barnes, W. T., Private, Coast Art., Co. B, 8th M. T. C. Barnes, Wilbur, Corporal, Pioneer Inf., Co. H. 53d Regt. Barnes, Hugh A., Seaman, Naval Railway Btry. Barnes, Thomas F., Private, 1st Class, Motor Trans Co., M. T. C, 334th Regt. Barnes, C. H., Private, 1st Class, Co. L. H. 40. Barnett, R. S., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Barnett, Robt. G., Private, Hdqrs., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Barnett, J. C, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Barr, Ed, Wagoner, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Barr, E. M., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Barrett, Fred C, Wagoner, Medical, Co. 117, 30th Div., 105th San. Train. Barrett, C. Drexel, Seaman, 2d Class, Navy. Barrett, Carl V., Private, M. G., Co. A, 30th Div. Barrington, J. M., Corporal, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Barringer, H. M., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Barringer, L. C, 1st Sergt., 120th Inf., 30th Div. Barrington, Marvin, Private, 1st Class, F. A., Btry. F, 1st Div., 1st Regt. Barrington, Joseph H., Sergt., M. G., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 162d Inf. Brig. Barrow, J. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Barrow, N. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bartholdi, L. J., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Bartholomew, L. T., Corporal, Co. 6, 81st Div., 306 Sup- ply Train. Bartlett, Eugene Burgin, Bugler, M. G. Bn., Co. B, 30th Div., 115th M. G. Bn. Barwick, Roy C, Private, Sup. Dept. Basden, C. f., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Basden, J. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Basden, John W., Private, 1st Class, Btry. A, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Baskin, R. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Basnight, James E., Private, Med. Corps, Base Hospital. Bass, J. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bass, E. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bass, Baker M., 2d Lieut., F. A., Co. F, 29th Div.,102d Regt. Batchelor, D. C, Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Batchelor, M. V., Private, 1st Class, Co. B, 1st Div., 2d Inf. Regt. Bateman, R. H., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bateman, Jessie R., 2d Mec. Mate. Batten, Henry V., Sergt., Med Corps, Batt 426, Reserve Labor. Button, Horace Lee, Private, Motor Transport Corps, Co. 787. Batts, L. A., Seaman, Navy. Batts, W. T., Sergt., F. A., Btry. C, Detached. Baucom, Carl, Private, Motor Transport, Co. 204. Baucom, G. N., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Baugham, S. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Baugham, W. E., 1st Lieut., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bayliss, E .J., Sergt., Btry. A, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bayliss, E. J., Sergt., 113 F. A., 30th Div. Baynor, D. S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Baynor, H. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Beach, John S., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs, 30th Div. Beach, R. B„ Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Beacham, C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Beal, T. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Beal, J. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Beam, Edward, Jr., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Beam, Herman A., Private, 1st Class, Q. M. C, 303 Rail Head Supply Detachment. Bean, E. J. B., Corp., 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Bean, John N., Cook, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bean, J. N., Cook, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bean, W. L. S., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bean, C. H., Private, 1st Class, Q. M. C. Bean, Connie L., Sergt. Major, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div. Beard, J. D., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Beasley, Walter C, Private, Inf., Co. M, 29th Div., 116th Regt. Beasley, William Freeman, Private, Med. Corps. Beasley, Benjamin F., Jr., Sergt., Inf., Co. A, 83d Div., 331st Regt. Beatty, D. S., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Beaver, Walter M., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Beavers, Fred, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Beaver, W. B., Sergt., Q. M. C, Hdqrs. Co., 354th Lbr. Bn., Camp Greene. Beavans, James Russel, Pay Clerk. Beck, W. O., Private, 1st Class, F. A., Btry. A, 81st Div., 318th F. A. Beck, Noah Winfield, Private, Art., Unattached, 18th Regt. Beck, Ralph Theodore, Sergt., Inf., Co. L, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Becton, W. S., Private, Inf., Co. E, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Bedsole, Ernest, Sergt., Inf., Co. F, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Begham, F. M., Sergt., Art., Btry. C, F. A. R. D. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Bell, J. G., Yeoman, U. S. Naval Res. Bell, G. C, Private, Inf., Co. B. Bell, J. W., Private, Co. B, A. T. C. Bell, N. S., Sh. Mate, 2d Class, Navy. Bell, Owen, Mechanic, Art., Co. A, 30th Div., 115th Regt. Bell, Harold G., Private, U. S. Marines, Band. Bell, W. E., Private, Co. E, 20th Div., 2d Inf. Regt. Bell, Earl V., Inf. Bell, Edward E., 1st Sergt., Btry. A, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bell, Robert H., Private, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bell, E. E., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bell, L. A., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bell, A. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Belle, Sherrod V., Private, F. A., F. Art. Replacement. Bellamy, Wm. E., Corporal, Motor Trans. Corps, Co. 3 (C), 30th Div., 105th Regt. Supply Train. Belk, R. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Belk, L. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bellinger, L., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Belton, Ben., Mech., Bn. E, 67th C. A. C. Beman, Clifford E., 1st Lieut., Q. M. C, Remount Serv- ice, Co. 325 F. R. S. Benfield, R. E., Wagoner, 105 Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Benfield, N. McC, Corporal, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Benfield, J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Benfield, O. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bennett, D. Stanton, Private, Motor Tspt, Co. C. Bennett, R. A., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bennett, Earnest A., Cook, Med. Corps, Camp Hospital No. 33, at Brest. Bennfield, J. M., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bennett, Roy C, Corporal, C. A. C, 21st Band. Bennett, Martin, Rifle Instructor, Marine, attached to Ri- fle Range. Bennett, Andrew A., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. F, 29th Div., 115th Regt. Bennett, William J., Private, Engrs., Co. A, 30th Div., 105th Regt. Bennett, Walter E., Private, Inf., Co. C, 30th Div., 120th Bennett, J. S., Ensign, Navy. Bennett, W. J., Private, Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Bennett, A., Mechanic, Am. Train, Co. G, 29th Div., 104th Regt. Bennette, Geo. Richard, Petty Officer, 3d Class, Navy. Benneiot, Howard Roberson, Private, 1st Class, Co. D, 27th Div., 3d Regt. Benoy, A. W., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Division. Benson, J. O., Corporal, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Benson, H. H., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Benson James O., Corporal, Engineers, Co. B, 30th Div., 105th Regt. Benthall, J. E., Wagoner, Inf., Supply Co., 29th Div., 116th Regt. Beniley, R. Z., Private, 13th Co., Depot Brigade Transp. Bentley, J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Benton, Whitson L., Private, Inf., Co. G, 81st Div., 327th Regt. Benton, S. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Benton, S. L., Private, Batt. D, 30th Div., 113 F. A. Benton, Charles, Private, F. A., Replacement Co. Benton, C. L., Sergt., F. A., Co. G, 9th Div., Am. Train. Berden, M. C, Electrician, Navy. Berger, Charles Henry, Private, Inf., Co. C, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Bernhardt, M. R., Seaman, 2d Class, Navy. Bernstein, Sol., Private, 1st Class, Air Service, Squad- ron 639. Berry, O. W., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Berry J. G., Private, 113th F. A., 80th Div. Bess, Lawrence, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bess, L., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Best, Joe R., Sergt., F. A., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 317th Regt. Best, F. C, Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Best, William, Seaman, 2d Class, Navy. Bess, F. K., Clerk, F. A. R. D., Btry D, 3d Regt. Bethune, Everett Preston, Private, 1st Class, Art., Depot Co., 1st Corps. Art. Park D. Beverly, J. P. Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Beverly, Joseph Paul, Private, Engineers, Co. B, 30th Div., 105th Regt. Biggs, Charles S., Private, U. S. Marines, Co. 157. Biggs, John William, Private, Inf., Co. I. Biggs, F. K., Yoeman, 2d Class, U. S. N. R. F. Billings, J. V., Corporal, Inf., Co. B, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Billingsley, F. T., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bingham, L. M„ Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bird, B. B., Corporal, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bishop, A. C, Lieut., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bissette, Paul B., P. H. M., 1st Class, Navy, 15th Marines. Bissette, M. D., Private, Med. Reserve. Bissette, Zackie C, Private, 1st Class., M. T. C, 323 M. Cy Co., Division. Bittle, J. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bizzell, P. O., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. L, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Bizzell, Harry L., Pharmacist Mate, 1st Class, U. S. Navy. Black, Mack E., Private, Inf., Co. G, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Black, Otto B., Cook, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Black, U. A., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Black, Ernest F., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Black, T. L., Private, Medical, Ambulance Co., 80th Div., 305th Am. Train. Blackburn, S. O., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Blackwell, Dolph, Private, Machine Gun, Batt. 3d, 83d Div., 135th Brig. Blackwelder, George S. Blackwood, Samuel Craig, Seaman, 2d Class, Navy. Blades, Jno. E., Sub. Depot Q. M., Inf., Co. E, 55th Div. Blagburn, W. A., Wagoner, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Blake, Ruby B., Private, Inf., Co. C, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Blacke, W. L„ Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Blake, Wm. Arthur, Private, M. G., Old Hickory Co., 30th Div., 120th Regt. Blalock, B. C, Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Blalock, James T„ Capt, Ord. Dept., Co. 104, Ord. Dept, 77th Div. Blalock, Elmer V., Private, 1st Class, Aviation Sig. Corps, Co. 811 Aero Squadron. Blalock, Albert Leroy, Sergt., Co. D, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Regt. Bland, J. C, Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bland, J. A., C. P. M., U. S. Navy. Blankenship, C. P., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Blankenship C. P., Private, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Blanks, J. Y., Sergt., 1st Class, Med. Corps, Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div. Blanton, S. L„ Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Blanton, Auty O., Private, 1st Class, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Blanton, Walter M.. Corporal, Amb. Train, Co. F, 30th Div., 105th Am. Train. Bloodworth, J. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Blount, W. A., Sergt., 113th F. A.. 30th Div. Blount, N. \V., 113th F. A., 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Blount, Wentworth Micks, 2d Lieut., Supply Co. 62, Pio- neer Inf. Blue, Calvin B., Private, 1st Class, Field Artillery, Btry. B, 81st Div., 316th Regt. Blue, Cary Dalton, Wagoner, Art., Btry. C, 81st Div., 316th Regt. Blue, C. J. M., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bly, Lawrence A., Sergt., C. A. C, Co. 6th Cape Fear. Blythe, Joe L., M. E., Sr. Gr., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Blythe, Joe L., M. E., Co. B, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Blythe, Richard Glenn Roy., Private, F, A., Btry. D, 3d Div., 10th Regt. Boaze, J. O., Corporal, Inf., Co. E, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Bobbitt, E. H., Bugler, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bobbitt, N. T., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bobbitt, L. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bobbitt, L. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bobbitt, Eugene H., Bugler, Engrs., Co. E, 30th Div., 105th Regt. Bobbitt, N. T., Sergt., Art., Btry D, 30th Div., 113th Regt. Bobbitt, James Dewey, Sergt., Inf., Co. 10, 156 D. B., Regt., 3d Tr. Bn. Bobbitt, Dr. S. L., H. A. I., 1st Class, U. S. N. R. F. Bodenhamer, Henry Bryan, Private, Art., Btry. A, 2d Div., 15th Regt. Bodenhamer, Private, 1st Class, Co. E, 42d Div., 165th Inf. Regt. Boditt, Eric B., Private, 1st Class, G. I. S. D. Boger, G. W., Private, 1st Class, Med. Base Hospital. Bolch, P. H., Private, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Bolch, Chas. C, Seaman, Navy. Bolsch, Clarence E., Capt., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bolejack, James E. Jr., Sergt., Med. Corps, 321st Arab. Co., 81st Div., 306 San. Tr. Bolick, P. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bolin, C. W., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Boling, Roy W., 2d Lieut., F. A., 38th Train Btry. Boiling, Clyde W., Private, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 1st Brigade. Boiling, Samuel, Corporal, Coast Art., 1st C. A. C. Boney, D. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bonkemeyer, C. H., 1st Lieut., 137th Aerial Sq. Bonner, Burton L., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bonner, G. I., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bonner, Brem, Private, 1st Class, Med. Corps, Brest Hos- pital 33. Bonner, Theodore P. Jr., Sergt., F. A., Btry. D, 81st Div., 316th F. A. Boon, T. D., Wagoner. Boone, H. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Boone, D. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Boone, W. D., Corporal, F. A., Btry. E, 31st Div., 118th Regt. Boone, D. L., Private, Inf., 156th Depot. Brigade. Boone, Jacob O., Corporal, Inf., Co. A, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Booth, Earnest S., Capt., Inf., Co. M, 3d Div., 4th Regt. Boseman, L. W., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Boseman, J. F., Mess Sergt., Engrs. Corps, Co. E, 81st Div., 306th Regt. Bost, F. R., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bost, Allen M., Private, Co. B, 118th Inf., 1st Div. Bowan, Jesse J., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. B, 42d Div., 166th Regt. Bowen, R. L., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bowen, S. P., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bowen, Joe R., Private, 1st Class, Infantry, Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Inf. Bower, L. M., Private, Inf., Co. B, 41st Div., 163d Regt. Bowlers, C. E., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. BoWers, James M., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bowers, J. F., Seaman, 1st Class, U. S. Navy. Bowers, Raymond, Sergt., F. A., Co. B, 81st Div., 317th F. A. Bowler, Alan T., 1st Lieut., Contractor Div. Bowles, J. H., 1st Sergt., 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Bowles, Edwin, Private, Inf., Co. E, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Bowling, Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. E, 3d Div., 30th Regt. Bowman, A. L., Private, 105 Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Bowman, S. J., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bowman, R. G., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bowman, W. V., Capt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bowman, Sam, Private, Engrs., Co. C, 30th Div., 105th Regt. Bowman, Harold P, Cook, A. A., Btry. A, 81st Div., 317th Regt. Bowman, R. L., Private, Q. M. C. Bowman, John W., Private, Inf., Co. I, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Boushall, John H., 1st. Lieut., F. A., 1st Btry., 39th Div., 142 Regt. Boyce, E., Capt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Boyce, J. H., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. L, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Boyce, William O., Private, 1st Class, Hdqrs. Sup. Co., 1st Div. Boyd, W. B., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Boyd, B. B., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Boyd, Walter B., Private, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Boyd, Beverly B., Hdqrs. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Boyd, John, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Boyd, J. E., Private, 113th F. A. 30th Div. Boyd H. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Boyd, C. A., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Boyd, H. L, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Boyd, J. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Boyd, J. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Boyd, R. C, Private, Co. D. Boyette, W. L., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Boyette, E. C, Jr., 2d Lieut., Inf. Boyette, Delia Clenon, Corporal, Co. E, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Boyette, L. G., 2d Lieut., F. A., Co. A, 87th Div., 336th Regt. Boykin, J. W., Seaman, 1st Class, Merchant Marine. Boyles, Jesse, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Boyles, I. A., Private, 1st Class, F. A., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 356th Regt. Boylin, J. G., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Braced, Benjamin Franklin, Private, Med. Corps, Base Hospital. Bracy, W. E., Private, Inf., Co. H, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Braddock, Robert Lee, Private, Med. Corps, Co., Amb. 322d. 81st Div., 306 San. Train. Bradford, Bernard M., 1st Lieut., Med. Corps. Bradford, Arthur S., Sergt., Inf., Co. A, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Bragg, R. B., Sergt., Art., Co. C„ Mech. Replcmt. Div., 8th Regt. Bradley, Harry A., Cook, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bradley, F. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bradley, J. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bradley, Andrew L., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. D, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Bradley, E. H., Sergt., M. G., Co. A, 30th Div., 115th Regt. Bradsher, J. H., Sergt., 113th F. A. 30th Div. Bradshaw, R. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bradshaw, D. C, Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. D, 81st Div., 324th Regt. Bradshaw, Private, Inf., Co. M, 81st Div., 322 Regt. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Bradshaw, LeRoy, Line Sergt., Inf. (Pioneer), Co. E, 55th Regt. Bradshaw, Preston H., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. H, 81st Div., 324th Regt. Bradshaw, L. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bradsher, John H., Sergt., F. A., Btry. C, 30th Div., 113th Regt. Brady, F. E., Cook, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Brady, Robert Wade, Seaman, 2d Class, Naval. Brady, Fred C, Private, Inf., Co. F, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Brady, Benj. W., Mechanic, Inf. Co. E, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Brady, David, Chief Petty Officer, Navy. Branch, T. E., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Branch, Wm, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Brantley C. Leaton, H. A., 1st Class, Navy, Hosp. Corps. Brantley, Gregory B., Chief Yeoman, U. S. N. R. F., Dis- trict 5. Brantley, S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Brantley, William Lurbin Holland, Private, 1st Class, Of- ficers' Training School. Brantley, B. H., Corporal, Marines, Co. 67, 2d Div., 5th Regt. Brassfield, J. P., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Braswell, C. C, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Braswell, H. S., Bugler, Hdqrs., 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Brawley, W. N., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bray, W. B., Sr., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bray, W. H., Private, 113th F. A„ 30th Div. Bray, Joseph L., Private, Inf., Personnel. Brewer, Ody William, Private, F. A., Rep. Co., 41st Div. Brewer, W. T., Corpl., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Brewer, C. P., Private, Co. E 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Brewer, T. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Brewer, Z. E., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Brewer, C. E., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Brewer, Geo. A., Corporal, Org. Att., 81st Div., 317th F. A. Brewton, Cecil O., Private, 1st Class, M. T. C, Co. D, 30th Div., 105th Supply Train. Brickell, A. T., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bridges, Edwin B., Reg. Sergt.-Major, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bridges, Edwin B., Hdqrs., M. E. Jr. Gr., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bridges, G. A., Eng. Man, 2d Class, Navy. Bridgers, O. T., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bridgers, Otho T., Sergt., F.A., Sup. Co., 30th Div., 113th Regt. Briggs, A. W., Private, 1st Class. Briggs, William H., 2d Lieut., Inf., Co. K, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Briggs, Everett Edward, 1st Lieut., Q. M. C. with M. T. C. Branch, Co. C, 4th Div., 4th Motor Sup. Tr. Briggs, Gaither C, Private, C. A., Btry. F, 76th Div., 66th Regt. Briley, Arthur L., Private, Replacement. Briley, William R., Sergt., Inf., Co. G, 1st Div., 5th Regt. Brimm, Frank B., Yeoman, 1st Class, Navy. Brice, W. S., Capt., Btry. E, 75th F. A. Brinkley, Marshall A., Sergt., 35th Signal Corps. Brinkley, M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Brinkley, John, Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. L., 30th Div., 120th Inf. Regt. Brisson, John W., Private, Med. Corps, 322d Amb. Co., 81st Div., 306th San. Tr. Brusson, W. M., Private, F. A., Btry. D, 81st Div., 816th Regt. Brusson, Stephen M., Corporal, Inf., Co. F, 81st Div., 322d Regl. Brusson, C. B., Private, Inf., Co. E, 6th Div., 51th Regt. Britt, Paul, Wagoner, Engrs. Tr., 42d Div., 117th Regt. Brittain, C. D., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Brittain, C. L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Brittain, John M., Private, 1st Class, Baker, 308th Ba- kery Co., 30th Div. Britten, R. H., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Britton, F. H., Private, Aut., 11th Aut, 29th Div., 111th Regt. Britton, W. H., Private, 1st Class, Mechanical, Det. Co. Britton, S. G., Private, Co. D, 105th Engineers, 30th Div. Britton, Rob't. J. Wagoner, Art., Co. 6, 1st Div. Corps. Broadnax, E. G., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Brock, Horace F., Corporal, Inf., Co. E, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Brock, M. D., Private, 80th Div., 317th Amb. Brockmann, Felix E., Private, 1st Class, Medical. Brockwell, Glenn M., Corporal, Inf., Co. I, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Brockwell, Philip L., Private, Inf., Co 1. Brogden, Nelson, Q. M., 3d Class, U. S. N. R. F. Erogden, B. F., Private, Med. Corps, Base Hospital at Jackson. Brogden, M. P., Sergt., Med. Corps, Co. F, 3d Div., 30th Regt. Brooks, John R., Wagoner, Med. Corps, 320th Amb. Co., 305th San. Tr. Brooks, C. L., Sergt., 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Brooks, George J., Capt., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Brooks, R. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Brooks, C. M., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Brooks, R., F. A. R., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Brooks, Ben, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Brooks, E. B., Private 1st CI., 18th M. G. Bn., Co. B, 6th Div. Brooks, Leroy D., Private, 1st Class, 40th Inf., Co. M, 14th Div. Brooks, Aubrey B., Private, 1st Class, F. A., Co. B, 81st Div., 317th Regt. Brookshire, J. W., Private, 113th F. A., ?.0th Div. Brookshire, F. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Broome, Karl W., Seaman, U. S. N. R. F. Broome, H. H. Jr., Private, Co. A, 9th Div., 209th Engr. Regt. Broughton, T. S. Jr., Storekeeper, Navy. Brown, D., Musician, 3d Class, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Brown, M. M., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Train 30th Div. Brown, R. L., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Brown M. T., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Brown, Wm. M., Corporal, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Brown J. F., Mess Sergt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Brown, F. T., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Brown J. W., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Brown, C. G., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Brown, Thad, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Brown, W. W., Wagoner, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Brown, C. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Brown, H. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Brown, J. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Brown, M. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Brown, S. T„ Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Brown, R. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Brown, J. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Brown, W. D., Wagoner, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Brown, Jas. Wm., Jr., Lieut., Navy, R. F. Brown, Troy S., Corporal, Art., Hdqrs. Co., 9th Regt. Brown, Claude H., Sergt., Inf., Co. B, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Brown, E. T., Private, 1st Class, Motor Trans. 4th Co. Brown, Geo. W., Private, Inf., Co. H. 27th Div., 23d Regt. Brown, Cicero H., Private, Engrs., 79th T. C, 2d Bn., B. S. D. G. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Brown, Marvin, Cook and B. School. Brown, Bryan, Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. M, oth Pion- eer Inf. Brown, Joe D., Private, Co. G, 81st Div., 322d Inf. Brown, F. A., Private, M. G. Co. Brown, Leon Atwood, Corporal, Ordnance, Co. A, 0. D. No. 101. Brown, Douglas 0., Private, Med., 30th Div., 105th San. Train. Brown, C. E., Corporal, Inf., 11th Co., 156th D. B. Regt. Brown, Bland P., Private, 1st Class, M. T. C, Co. D, 79th Div. Brown, Edgar H, Private, Inf., Co. B, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Brown, Henry Boyd, Inf., Co. F, 80th Div., 317th Regt. Brown, Frank B, Chief Yeoman, U. S. N. R. F. Brown, S. W., Mch. M. C, Navy, Engrs. Browning, Wilton Bonar, Sergt., Q. M. C, Sub Depot. Brumley, S. V., Private, Non-Com. Officers School, Sig. Corps, 30th Service Co. Brummitt, W. C, Wagoner, Engrs., Co. A, 30th Div., Bruton, Arthur B., Sergt., Cavalry, 351st Co. Bryan, Benjamin C, Private, Med. Corps, 1st Army. Bryan, Ennis, Private, S. A. T. C, Inf., Co. M, 1st Regt. Bryan, William M., Sergt. Amb. Corp., 307th Co.. 80th Div., 305th Train. Bryan, William Edward, Private, Inf., Co. L, 20th Div., 48th Regt. Bryant, G. W., Private, Engrs., Co. 15, French 2d Army, 15th Regt. Bryant, W. R., Private, 1st Class, Aviation, 1st Co., 1st Regt. Bryant, Russell L., Corporal, Co. 4, 81st Div., 306th Motor Transport Co. Bryant, Willie P., Private, Inf., Hdqrs., 30th Div., 119th Regt. Bryson, James C, Corporal, Q. M. C, 342d Bakery Co. Buchanan, Sidney E., Captain, Med. Corps., 30th and 3d Div. Buchanan, S. E., Captain, Med. Corps., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Buchanan, E. W., Private, 113th F. A y 30th Div. Buchanan, F. E., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Buchanan S. E., 1st Lieut., 11th Cav. Buchanan, Harvey V., Wagoner, F. A., Sup. Co., 85th Div., 329th Regt. Buchanan, Francis C, Private, 1st Class, Air Service. Buchanan, W. C, Private, 1st Class, F. A., Btry. E, 81st Div., 316th Regt. Buckner, S. E., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Buckner, L. B., Corporal, M. G. Bn., Co. B, 30th Div. Buckner, Alexander J., Master Engr., Trans. Corps, Hdqrs. Detachment at Large. Buff, William E., Private, Inf., Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Bullard, E. W., Private, 16th Inf. Bullinger, Willie, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bullock, V. F., Musician, 2d Class, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Bullock, R. L., Corporal, Inf., Co. K, 9th Div. Bullick, William G., P. M., 2d Class, Navy Med. Dept. Bulwinkle, A. L., Major, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bumgarner, F. H., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Bumgarner, M. S., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Bumgarner, Walter L., Corporal, C. A. C, Btry. C, 57th Regt. Bumgardner, E. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bumgardner, John L., Corporal, C. A. P., Depot Co., 1st Regt. C. A. P. Bunch, R. L., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Bunn, Grady P., Corporal, Co. B, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Bunn, Arthur Alexander, Private. 1st Class, F. A. R. D. Bunnell, Joe, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bunnell, J. D., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Bunum, R. T., Corporal, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Burch, S. H., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Train 30th Div. Burch, W. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Buerbaum, Private, M. T. C, Det. No. 1. Burgin, R. L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Burgin, Charles A., Private, 1st Class, Medical. Burgin, William H., Seaman, 2d Class, Navy. Burgess, C. K., 1st Lieut., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Burkhead, Frank P., Corporal, Ord. Det., Sup. Co., 81st Div., 316th F. A. Burkhead, Claud I., Corporal, San. Train, 20th Div. Burney, F. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Burnett, William S., Corporal, Ammunition, Co. B, 6th Div. Burnette, G. B., Corporal, Engrs., Co. C, 5th Corps, 602d Regt. Burney, Geo. P., Private, F. A., Btry. A, 4th Div., 13th Regt. Burns, W. J., Private, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Burns, R. B., Corporal, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Burns, Walter L., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Burns, W. C, Cook. Burns, Collie H., Mess Sergt., Inf., Co. G., 81st Div., 321st Regt. Burns, N. Claude, Ph. M., 3d Class, U. S. Navy. Burris, L. F., Private, Co. E, 105 Engrs., 30th Div. Burriss, J. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Burrougs, Julian C, Private, 1st Class, Med. Dept., 81st Div., 316th F. A. Burt, J. P., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Burton, John S., Sergt., Hdqrs., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Burton, John S., Reg. Sup. Sergt., Engrs., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 105th Reg. Engrs. Burwell, G. Ernest, Jr., M. M., 2d Class A., N. R. F. C. Busby, W. M., Sergt., M. G., Co. A, 30th Div., 115th Bn. Bush, J. T., Cook, 113th F. A. 30th Div. Butler Arch A., Private, M. G., 9th Co., 155th Depot Brig., 331st Regt. Butler, J. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Butler, J. D., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Butler, C. E., Corp., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Butler, Clifford, Private, 1st Class, Co. M, 9th Div., 46th Inf. Regt. Butler, John H., Private, Med. Corps, 322d F. Hosp. Co., 81st Div., 306th San. Tr. Butler, D. A., Private, 1st Class, F. Hosp. Butler, W. F., Private, Med. Corps, Evac. Hosp. No. 35. Butner, Malcolm G., Wagoner, Ambulance, 321st Co., 80th Div., 306th San. Tr. Byers, William P., Seaman, 2d Class, Naval, U. S. S. E. F. Sruckenbach. Bynum, Lynn S., Sergt., Inf., Co. I, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Byram, Fred L., Seaman, 1st Class, Navy. Byrd, W. A., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Byrd, C. L., Private, 1st Class, Q. M. C, 345th Co., 41st Div. Byrd, Walter C, Corporal, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Inf. Byrd, Herbert R., Sergt., Inf., Co. B, 81st Div., 323d Regt. Byrd, T. E., Sergt., Inf., 14th M G. Bn., 60th Regt. Byrd, C. J., Private, 1st Class , Engrs., Co. A, 30th Div., 131st Regt. Byrum, M. J. C, 1st Sergt., Co. E, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Byrum, C. R., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Byrum, Thomas E., Sergt., Co. D, 316 M. G. Bn. Byrum, E. A., Corporal, F. Corps Art. Pack Truck No. 1, 3d Corps. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Cabe, Fred C, Inf., Co. I, 305th Regt. Cable, Ruben, Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. I, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Cade, Walter M., Private, 1st Class, Aviation Sectional Signal, 159th Div. Caffey, M. M., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cagle, W. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cagle, Cleve Earl, Cook, 164th Depot Brigade, Co. 48, 4th Regt. Cahill, Edward, Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cahill, J. T., Cook., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cahill, Edw., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Cahill, B. M., Jr., Private, Inf., Co. E, 56th Regt. Cain, E. W., Private, Inf., Co. I, 81st Div., 323d Regt. Calahan, A. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Caldwell, R. V., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Caldwell, R., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Caldwell, H. A., Corporal, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Caldwell, R. F., Private, 1st Class, F. A., Btry. C, 81st Div., 316th Regt. Call, Albert E., Private, 115th M. G. Bn., Co. C, 30th Div., 115th M. G. Bn. Callahan, J., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Callawad, Private, Marines and Navy, Co. 12. Callicutt, G. H., Private, Inf., Co. M, 83d Div., 330th Regt. Calloway, J. S., Private, 113th F. A. 30th Div. Callum, J. B., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Calvin, Walter M., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Cameron, Thos. W., Sergt., Aviation, 4th Co., Auto Serv. Mechanic, 21st Regt. Camp, Dewey G., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Shelion, A. Campbell, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 60th Brigade. Campbell, R. A., Major, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Campbell, R. C, Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Campbell, W. F., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Campbell, C. C, Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Campbell J. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Campbell, H. S., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Campbell, H. L., Corp., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Campbell, R. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Campbell, Benjamin Gary, Private, Base Hospital. Campbell, M. A., Corporal, M. G., Co. M, 54th M. G. Div. Campbell, J. M., Private, 1st Class, Art., Hdqrs. Co., 9th F. A. Cannada, Robert R., Sergt., M. G., 120th M. G. Co., 30th Div., 120th Regt. Canady, W. F., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Canady, G. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Canady A. O., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Canady, L. B., Corporal, Inf., Co. H, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Canady, Eddie, Seaman, 2d Class, Navy. Canany, P. L., Seaman, 2d Class, U. S. N. R. F. Caniel, T. L., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cannon, F. J., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Cannon F. J., M. E., Jr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cannon, H. W., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Capehart, Ashbourne Douglas, Gen. Electrician, Navy. Capehearl, W. J., 2d Lieut., Q. M. C. Capell, A. L., Private, Inf., Co. F, 5th Div., 6th Regt. Capps, M. M., B. S. M., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Capp, Junie W., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cardwell, E., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Cardwell, E., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Carlton L. A., Private, M. E„ 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Carlock, Earl T., Sergt., Sig. Corps. Carnegie, John, Private, Truck School. Carlton, David Hill, 2d Lieut., F. A., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 316th Regt. Carmichael, Fred W., Corporal, A. F., Btry. A., 30th Div., 113th Regt. Carmichael, T. S., 1st Lieut., Inf., Co. H, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Carmichael, F. W., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Carmichael, Geo., Coporal, Marines, 125th Co., 15th Regt. Carpenter H. B., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Carpenter H. O., Sergt. ,Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Carpenter, Clarence E., Reg. Sergt. Major, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 322d Regt. Carpenter, Washington A., Private, 1st Class, Medical, Detached, 3d Div., M. G. Bn. Carpenter, John Bennett, Sergt., Medical, 156th D. B. Carr, Demasce S., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Carr, Albert, Private, Inf., Co. I, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Carr, Earl N„ 1st Lieut., Inf., Co. E, 7th Div., 55th Regt. Carr, Elbert F., Private, 1st Class, F. S. Bn., Co. C, 81st Div., 306th Regt. Carr, Matthew Lee, Lieutenant, Sr. Grade, Naval. Carr, D. S., Private, Engrs., Co. A, 30th Div., 105th Regt. Carrington, J. C, Sergt., Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Carrigan, Clyde E., Private, 1st Class, C. A. C, Co. B, 42d Regt. Carroll, R., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Carroll, J. J., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Carroll Hardy A., Private, 6th Div. Train. Hdqrs. Carroll, Joseph J., 1st Sergt., F. A., Btry. C, 30th Div., 113th Regt. Carroll, Eudee, Cook, 1st Class, Q. M. C. Carroll, John, Sergt., Inf., Co. H, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Carscaddon, A. D., Private, Ord. Dept. Carson, J. A., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Carson, J. R., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Carson, E. L., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Carson, D. L., 2d Mach. Mate, Navy. Carson, E. J., Capt., Inf., G. H. Q., Provo Marshal Genl. Carson, Joe W., Corporal, 321st Inf., Corporal, Inf., Co. I, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Carson, Oscar Lee, Private, S. A. T. C, Co. C. Carswell, W., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Carswell, L. A., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Carter, J. H., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Carter, Luther H., Sergt., Engrs., Co. A. 53d Regt. Carter, W. W., Sergt., 6th Am. Train., Co. F, 6th Div. Carter, Earl V., Sergt., 2d Bn., Med. Dept., 30th Div., 120th Regt. Carter, Joseph Paul, Seaman, 2d Class, Navy. Carter, John O., Sergt., Am. Train, Co. A, 81st Div., 306th Regt. Carter, J. W., Corp., O. M. Cartner, Silas H„ Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Case, R. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Casey E. C, Private, Inf., Co. A, 81st Div., 323d Regt. Cash, James Albert, Jr., Corporal, S. A. T. C. Cashatt, M. W., Sergt., 1st Class, Med. Corps, Co. D. Cashien, L. G., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cashwell, Paul Lee, Seaman, U. S. N., 5th Div. Cass, J. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cassidy, J. J., Private, Inf., Co. 116, 29th Div., 1st Regt. Cates, W. R., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cates, I. W., Private, 113th F. A.. 30th Div. Cathey James L., Wagoner, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cathey, H. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Caton, .1., Private. Co. F. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Caudle, C. P.. Private. 113th F. A., 30th Div. Causey, T. K., Private, 1st Class. Art., Btry. F, 31st Div. Carver, R. S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Carver, A. G., Non-Com., Field Hosp. 117, 30th Div., 105th Sanitary T. M. Cecil, Harold, Private, F. A., Btry. A, 41st Div., 9th F. A. Chadwick, J. J., Wagoner, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Chadwick, H. T., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Chadwick, F. M., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Chadwick, J. P., B. M., 2d Class, Navy. Chadwick, John W., Private, Inf., Co. G, 27th Div. Chambers, S. C, Lieut-Col., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Champion, H. O., Sergt., M .C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ohance, W. H., R. S. S., 113th F .A., 30th Div. Chandler, S., Private,- Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Chandler, H., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Chandler Vergil L., Private, Marine Corps, Co. 82d, 2d Div., 6th Regt. Chapman, J. S., Corporal, 113 F. A., 30th Div. Chappell, E. J., Seaman, 1st Class, U. S. N. R. F. Chappell, Jesse H., 1st Lieut, Inf., Co. K, 30th Div., 117th Regt. Chappell, Euclit K., Private, Pioneer Inf., Co. D, 56th Regt. Charles, Wm. S., 1st Lieut., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Chatham, Mack, Private, Engr. Tr., Co. C, 8th Regt. Cheek, W. D., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cheek McF., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cheek, D. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cheek, McForrest, Corporal, F. A., Btry. C, 30th Div., 113th Regt. Cherry, W. G., Corp., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cherry, Earnest L., Corporal, Inf., Co. L, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Cherry, Edwin A., Officers Training School, Med. Corps. Cherry, James H., Sergt., L. A., Hdqtrs. Co., 9th Regt. Chesley, C. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Chester, R. T. Horseshoer, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Chestnutt, J. E., Fireman, British Navy. Chestnutt, Willie F., Cook, Ambulance Co., Co. 320, 80th Div., 305th Sani. Tr. Chestnutt, David S., Private, Ambulance Co., Co. 320, 80th Div., 305th Sani. Tr. Chestnutt, James Lucas, Cook, Ambulance Co., 320 A. C, 80th Div., 305th San. Tr. Chesnutt, Francis Love, Sergt., 1st Class, Med., 30th Div. Childers, F. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Childers, W .C, Brig., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Childers, R. C, Sad., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Childers, N. F., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Childress, H. C, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Childress, H., Private. Childers, W. C, Buyer, F. A., Co. B, 30th Div., 113th Regt. Chisenhall, Lonnie L., Private, Inf., Co. H, 79th Div., 313th Regt. Choate, James B., Corp., Co. B„ 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Choat, J. B., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Choplin, Ambrose C, Wagoner, Amb. Corps., 321st Co., 81st Div., 306th San. Tr. Christenburg, E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Christie, R. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Christie, Thomas Vestie, Private, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 20th Div., 90th Regt. Christian, W. W., Private, 1st Class, Depot Brigade. Christopher, C. H., Sergt., M. G., 316th M. G. Co., 81st Div. Christy, Z. V., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Church, W. V., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Church, William W., Wagoner, Inf., 161st Brig., 81st Div. Churchill, C. C, Bugler, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Churchill, Lee, Private, Inf., Co. 13. Cilley, J. E., 1st Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cilley, Joseph E., 1st Lieut., Co. B, 105th Egrs. 30th Div. Cilley, J. H., Private, Sergt., 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Clark, C. S., Private, 1st Class, F. A., Btry D, 81st Div., 317th Regt. Clark, G.. Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Clark, Oscar L., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Clark, Jay B., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Clark T. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Clark, H. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Clark, G. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Clark, N. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Clark, George Thomas, 1st Lieut., Inf., Cos. A, L & C, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Clark, John C, Private, Inf., 42d Div., 3d Regt. Clark. James R., Machinist, Ship Builder. Clark, Clifford, A., Musician, 1st Class, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 88th Div., 351st Regt. Clark, Robert S., Private, Med. Corps, 20th Div., 20th Regt. San. Tr. Clark, M. L., Mchst. Mate, Aviation Corps. Clark, Malcolm M., Private, Q. M. C. Clark, Thomas M., Private, 1st Class, L. F. A., Btry. C, 30th Div., 113th Regt. Clark, J. J., Elect., Radio, Navy. Clark, June H., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. L, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Clark, J. R., Corporal, Inf., 6th Genl. Service Co. Clark, Everett E., Sergt., F. A., Btry. E, 81st Div., 316th Regt. Clark, Paul C, Sergt., M. T., 335th Co., Sou.East Dept. Clarke, J. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Clarke, N. C, Corporal, Art., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 113th Regt. Clarke, G. D„ Private, Co. D, 74th C. A. C. Clarks, J. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Clapp, R. L., Private, Inf., Co. L, 2d Div., 9th Inf. Clapp, Monford, Private, 1st Class, Air Service, Squad- ron F. Clary, E. G., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Clary, G. B., Sergt., Aviation, 14th Squadron. Clayton, James L., Seaman, 1st Class, U. S. Navy. Claywell, William N., Private, 13th Co., Gen. Service. Cleary, W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cleaton, Private, 1st Class, Med. Corps, 29th Div. Clements, Willie H., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Clement, A. W., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Clements, W., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Clements Edgar T., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. D, 2d Div., 9th Regt. Clement, W. B., Sergt., Q. M. C. Clements, Edwin S., 1st Sergt., Med. Corps, Camp Co., Sanitary Detachment. Clement, Jesse I, Corporal, Inf., Co. G, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Clemmer, C. E., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Clentz, J. L., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Clewis, Louis H., Bugler, C. A. C, 1st Co. Clifton, C. G., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. C, 29th Div., 116th Regt. Clifton, C, Sergt., Inf., Co. M, 8th Div., 8th Regt. Clifton, M. J., Fireman, Naval. Clifton, J. L., Private, Inf., Co. C, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Clifton, M. J., Fireman, Naval. Clifton, John T., Corporal, F. A., Co. E, 20th Div., 63d Regt. Clute, G. A. Jr., 2d Lieut., H. Art., Btry. D, 44th Regt. Clinard, J. M., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cline, Steve, Private, F. A., Btry. E, 30th Div., 113th Regt. Cline, F. L., 1st Lieut, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Cline, C. L., Private, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Cline, F. S., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cline, Sterl, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cline, Lee F., Private, 1st Class, F. A., Btry. F, 8th Div., 83d Regt. Cline, A. V., Private, W. U. Sig. Corps. Cline, Frank E., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. I, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Clinard, Clarence W., Private, Inf., Co. I, 14th Div., 10th Regt. Cloninger, E. H., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Clouts, F. S., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Cloutz, E. J., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cludz, A. B., Wagoner, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Clontz, A. B., Wagoner., L. A., Sup. Co., 30th Div., 113th F. A. Coan, G. P., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Coan, F. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cobb, Samuel F., Private, Last Asst. Med. Dept., 15th Battalion. Cobb, Geo. W., 2d Lieut., Btry. A, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cobb, A. D., Musician, 2d Class, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cobb, William Borden, Sergt., Chem. Warf. Unattached. Cobb, T. K., 2d Lieut., Inf., Co. F, 33d Div., 131st Regt. Coble, C. R., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Coble, G. S., Corporal, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Coble, Bunn, Musician, 1st Class, F. A., Hdqtrs. Co., 81st Div., 316th Regt. Coble, Carl A., Corporal, Q. M., Baker, 308th Co., 1st Div. Coble, W. A., Sergt.-Ma.jor, M. G., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 115th M. G. Cobbler, P. O., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Coburn, R. L., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Coburn, Roy A., Private, Ord. Dept., Co. A. Coburn, Jesse Norman, Private, Inf., Co. E, 81st Div., 324th Regt. Cockerham, Dewey Erson, Private, Inf., Cos. D & M, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Codel, R. C, Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Cofer, R. W., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Coggin, D. O., Sergt., Co. D, 30th Div., 120th Inf . Coggin, John D., Private, 1st Class, Inf., 81st Div., 322d Regt. Coggin, O., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Coggins, L. A., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Cohen, W. S., Navy. Cohen, Monte S., Sergt., F. A., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 317th Regt. Cole, R. B., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cole, G. W., Corporal, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Cole A. E., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cole, R. E., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cole F. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cole, R. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cole, A. S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cole R. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cole, C. R., Cook, Art., Supply Co., 81st Div., 318th Regt. Cole, B. C, Private, Chaffeur, Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div. Coleman, H. G., Private, 113th F. A. 30th Div. Coleman, G. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Coleman, James A., Private, 1st Class, Med. Dept. Coleman, Roy. L., Bugler, Inf., Co. I, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Coleman, H. G., Private, 1st Class, F. A., Btry. C, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Coleman, B. J., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. H, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Coletrane, Gravner, Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. L, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Coley, Archie, Private, Btry. C, 318th F. A. Coley, E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Coley, .1. 1)., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Coley, Williard, Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. G, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Coley, John, Mechanic, F. A., Btry. C, 30th Div., 118th F. A. Collett, G. M., Private, Co. G, 144th Inf. Collie, W. Y., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Collie, Jackson S., Private, 1st Class, 102d Org. Co. Collins, W. C, Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Collins, C. M., Musician, 1st Class, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Collins, F. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Collins, J. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Collins, J. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Collins, Claude C, 1st Sergt., Inf., Co. D, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Collins, Frank B., Mess Sergt., Engrs., Co. D, 606th Regt. Collins, J. M., Private, F. A. Colvin, C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Combs, R. W., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.. Combs, Levi, Sergt., Inf., Supply Co., 30th Div., 119th Regt. Compton, F. C, Corporal, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Condrey, James Edw., Private, 1st Class, Med. Corps, 156th Depot Brigade. Cone, L. T., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Conley, Allen R., Mech., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Conley, Allen R., Mechanic, Engrs., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 105th Regt. Connell, H. B., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Connelly, G. C, Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Conner, C. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Conner Claude R., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. B, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Conner, William C, Corporal, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Connor, A. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Connor, T. L., Private, Inf., Co. M, 42d Div., 165th Regt. Conrad, W. J. Jr., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Conrad, Robert L., Private, S. A. L. C. Conway, W. C, Private. 113th F. A., 30th Div. Conway, G. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cook, A. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cook, T. R., Private, 1st Class, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cook J. O., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cook, J. O., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cook, H. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cook, Horace C, Private, 1st Class, Btry. E, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Cook, Elon G., F. A., Btry. C, 328th F. A. Cook, Roy M., Private, Inf., Co. A, 9th Div. Cook, Henry L., Jr., Private, 1st Class, Enlist. Med. Corp. Cook, John Henry, 2d Lieut., Army Service Corps. Cook, Hugh J., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 323d Regt. Cook, Thomas B., Private, F. A., Btry. B. 81st Div., 318th Regt. Cooper, Walter M., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cooper, S., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cooper, W. M., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Cooper D. L., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cooper, D. R., Private, Co. E. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cooper M. L„ Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cooper, G. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cooper, G. T., Private, Trans. Corps., 114th Co., 81st Div. Cooper, John H„ Private, 1st Class. Inf.. Q. M. C, 81st Div. Cooper, George B., Private, 172d Engrs., Cooper, Lee F., Corporal, Med. Corps. Cooper, Horace C, Captain, M. C, Q. M. C. Copeland, \V. V., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Copeland Benson H., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. L., 81st Div., 323d Regt. Copple, H. L., Private, 1st Class, Engrs., 1st Co., 71st Engrs. Coodell, D. H., Bugler, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Corey, B. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Corey A. B., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Corey, J. J. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cornelius, W. E., Corp., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Corpening, H. W., Private, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Corpening, A. T., Private, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Corpening, J. E., Private, 1st Class, Med. Cornelius, B. V., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. L, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Corbett, Paul Elisha, Mach. Mate, 1st Class, Navy. Corbett, Lewis A., Sergt., Labor Bn... Q. M. C, 349th Div., Labor Bn. Corey, John J. E., Private, 1st Class, F. A., Btry. B, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Correll, L. J., Private, Field Hospital No. 6. Coston, Fred Eugene, Seaman, 2d Class, Navy. Costner, W. P., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jacob E. Costner, Sergt., F. A., Btry. A, 81st Div., 317th Regt. Couch, W. A., 2d Lieut., Inf. Coulter, H. B., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Council, James F., Sergt., 1st Class, Vet. Corps, part of Embarkation, Newport News. Council, J. W., Sergt., Co. A, 420th Bn. Cousar, W. H., Sergt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Covert, E. F., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Covert, Ervin S., Private, Engrs., Co. F, 81st Div., 306th Regt. Covington, Newton J., Cook, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div. Covington, J. H., Corporal, 113th F. A. 30th Div. Covington, Dr. James M. Jr., Capt, M. C, 88th Div. Covington, Harry B., Corporal, Med. Corps., Gen. Hosp., No. 36. Covington, G. W., Private, S. A. T. C, Co. A. Cowan, Ed. O., Corporal, Inf., Co. B, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Coward, A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cox, A. M., Corporal, F. A. Cox, Samuel P., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cox, Robert M., M. E., Jr., Gr. Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cox, Robert, Corp., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cox, A. L., Col., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cox, E. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cox, H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cox, M. I., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cox, S. J., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cox, W. H., Private, 1st Class, M. G. Bn., Co. C, 6th Div. Cox, R. H., El. R., 3d Class, U. S. Navy. Cox, Guy, Private, Inf., Co. E, 36th Div., 141st Regt. Cox, Tommy C, Cook, M. G., Co. A, 81st Div., 61st Regt. Cox, Robt. M., Mach. Engr., Jr. Grade, Engrs., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 105th Regt. Cox, Elroy, Seaman, 2d Class, Navy. Cox, Beulah A., Corporal, Art., Btry. B, 20th Brig., 58th Regt. Cox, Milfred, Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. D, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Cox, James W., Jr., 1st Co., 105th Regt., M. P. Cox, Albert, Lyman, Col., F. A., 30th Div., 113th Regt. Cox, Charlie Carlton, Fireman, 2d Class, U. S. N. Crabb, J. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Crabtree, O. W., Private. Craft, L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Craft, Harry C, Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Craig Edw. M., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Craig, C. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Craig, B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Craig, D., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Craig, Greer B., Private, 56th Pioneer Inf., Co. E. Cramfill, H. L., Corporal, Co. B, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Crane, William E., Corporal, Air, Co. 11, 1st Regt. Crank, William A., Sergt., 1st Class, Tank Corps, Co. C, 3d Div., 305th Regt. Crotch, W. T., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Crater, J. R., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Craven, W. C, Corporal, Inf., Co. F, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Craven, R. A., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Craven, R. A., Sergt., Art., Btry. E, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Crawford, A. T., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Crawford, T. R., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Crawford, Lloyd W., Cook, 1st Class, Inf., Co. K, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Crawford, Gus F., Private, 1st Class, Inf., 81st Div., 323d Regt. Crawford, Lawrence A., Sergt., Med. Corps, 306th Sani. Co., 81st Div. Crawford, W. D., Private, Marines. Crawford, John R., Private, Med. Corps, 306th Sani. Tr. Crawford, Albert L., Private, Inf., Co., 30th Div., 118th Regt. Crawford, Eugene C, Corporal, Inf., Co. D, 77th Div., 330th Inf. Crawley, R. A., Private, 1st Class, Co. C. Crayton, E. E., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Crayton, L. B., Major, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Creagh J. W., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Creasman, Oscar L., Sergt., Art., Hdqrs. Co., 5th Div., 20th F. A. Creech, Charlie, Private., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Creech, A., Corporal, Co. E, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Creech W. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Regt. Creech, William, Private, 1st Class, Base Hospital 65, 82d Div. Creech, Seth, Seaman, 2d Class, Navy. Crenshaw, L. F., Line Sergt., M. G., Co. A, 81st Div., 318th Regt. Crews, E. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Crew, Thos. L., Saddler, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Crews E. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Crews, Francis Atwood, Mechanic, F. A., Co. B, 29th Div., 112th Regt. Crich, Clarence C, Private, Inf., Co. L, 81st Div., 321st Crider, J. P., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cridlebaugh, E. C, Private, S. A. T. C, Co. B. Crisp, Jno. L., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Sup. Co., 81st Div., 322d Regt. Crocker, Joseph Henry, Inf., Co. C, 80th Div., 119th Regt. Craft, Sydney F., Jr., Sergt., Air Service, 50th Aero Sqdn. Crofton, Royal F., Private, Inf., Co. E, 81st Div., 324th Regt. Croom, Phineas D., Private, M. G. Croom, G. H., Capt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Croom, E. W., Horseshoer, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Croom, E., Private, Ing., Co. C, 39th Div., 155th Regt. Cropson, Andrew Douglas, Seaman, Navy, S. Guard Co. Crosswell, Jaquelin D., Private, Medical, 42d Div. Crouse, M. D., Private, W. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Crouse, F. W., Corporal, Co. E, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Crowell Lacey M., Private, 1st Class, F. A., Btry. E, 81st Div., 316th Regt. Crowell, A. B., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Crowell, O. B., Sergt., Q. M. C, 84th Div. Crowell, James L., Jr., 2d Lieut, Inf., Co. G, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Crowson, Ben., Marines, Co. 97, 2d Div., 6th Regt. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Crump, M. B., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Crump, Pet, Wagoner, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Crump W. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Crump, Herbert F., Private, Marine Corps. Crumpler, Walter B., 1st Sergt, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 156th D. B. Crusenberry, Jas. M., Private, F. A., Btry. E, 81st Div., 317th Regt. Crutchfield, J. A., Private, Engrs., Co. C, 81st Div., 306th Regt. Culberth, Fred P., Corporal, Co. G, 29th Div., 115th Regt. Culbreth, E. L., Private, 1st Class, Engr., Co. B, 42d Div., 117th Regt. Culberson, J. A., Corporal, Inf., Co. C, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Cullom, James R., Corporal, Inf., 30th Div., 120th Regt. Cullon, Geo. B., Musician, F. A., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 316th Regt. Culp, A. R., Private, Co. F., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Culpepper, B. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cummings, G. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cunningham Ed. B., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Cummings, Robert L., Engineman, 2d Class, Navy. Curlee, A. C, Private, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Curlee, T. C, Private, Co. E, 3d Prov., 156th Dept. Curray, Walter F., Private, 1st Class, Engrs., Co. E, 1st Army, 15th Regt. Currie Lock S., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Currie, Ralph E., Private, 1st Class, Co. E, 30th Div., 113th M. G. Bn. Currie, Lenton W., Private, M. G. Currie, Angus L., Private, 1st Class, Medical, Base hos- pital 54. Currie, Herbert Ray, Private, Art., Btry. E, 8th Regt. Curry, J. L., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Curry, G. W., Private, 1st Class, M. T. C, Co. C, S. A. T. C. Regt. Curtis, E., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Curtis, W. A., Corporal, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Curtis, Chad, Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Curtis, J. A., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Curtis, S. H., Private, Com. Train, Co. B, 81st Div., 306th Regt. Cutchise, Clarence I., Ord. Sergt., Ord., Hdqrs. Co., 42d Div. Cutchin, Henry W., C. N. T. C. H. I. N., Sergt., 316th Dept. A. Off. Cuthrell, A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Cutler, R. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Dalehite, Rufus H., Sergt., L. A., Hdqrs. Co., 82d Div., 321st F. A. Dallas, H. G., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Dallas, Thomas Grady, Sergt., Inf., Supply Co., 30th Div., 120th Regt. Dallas, Russell W., Sergt., Inf., Co. L, 81st Div., 322d Regt, Daly, John M., Ph. Mate, Navy. Dalton, Benjamin F. Private, Art. C. E. Dalton, Private, Q. M. C, Reclamation Co. No. 1. Darner, Z. V., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Danas, George, Private, Inf., Co. M, 11th Div., 17th Regt. Danerly, J., Musician, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Daniels. M. P., Private, F. A., 43d Div. Daniel, W. L., 2d Lieut., M. G. Daniel, Julian Edwin, 2d Lieut., Inf., Harvard Unit., S. A. T. C. Daniel, Donald S., Cadet, 6th S. A. Co., Air Service. Daniel, Glover A., Private, Med. Corps, 322d Med. Corps. Daniel, Jesse E., Private, Base Hosp. Dept., Med. Supply Dept. Daniel, M. W., Private, F. A., Btry. E, 90th Div., 345th Regt. Daniels, James W., Private, Co. B, 83d Div., 324th M. G. Bn. Danieley, J. W., Mus., 1st Class, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Darden, Paul E., Corporal, C. A., 8th Co. Darrock, D. L. Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Daugherty, W. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Daugherty, J. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Davenport, J. T., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Davidson, C. P., Electrician, 1st Class, U. S. N. Davis, Carl, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Davis, Jas., Corporal, Co. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Davis Luther, Engr., 2d Class, Navy. Davis, Earl, Musician, 1st Class, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Davis, Lonnie B., Cook, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Davis, Oscar M., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Davis, F. M., Capt., M. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Davis C. A., Capt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Davis, W. H., Corporal, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Davis C, Corp., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Davis, J. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Davis, J. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Davis, C. V., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Davis, E. M., Mus., 1st Class, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Davis, R. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Davis C. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Davis, C. L., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Davis, C. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Davis, B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Davis, F. W., 1st Lieut, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Davis, R. T., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Davis, J. M., Sergt., M. T., Co. B-306, Unit 306. Davis, L. R., Corporal, Inf.,Co. K, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Davis, Crawford W., Private, Art., 20th Trench Mortar Battery. Davis, Willie J., Private, 1st Class, F. A., Btry. A, 30th Div., 115th F. A. Davis, Junius Weeks, Pharmacist Mate, 1st Class., U. S. N. R. F. Davis, N. E., Corporal, Anti-Aircraft, 8th Btry. Davis, Martin L., Sergt., Q. M. C, Gen. Depot. Davis, Calvin L, Corporal, F. A., Btry. C, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Davis, Reuben C, Private, 1st Class, Med. Corps. Davis, Oscar F., Machinist, 2d Class, Navy. Davis, Fred A., Private, 1st Class, Am. Tr., Co. A, 42d Div., 177th Regt. Davis, Hoover, Private, 1st Class, Personnel Co., 71st Regt. Engrs. Davis, Sam T., Corporal. Davis, Alonzo E., Private, M. G., 73d Co. Davis, James M., Capt., Med., Base Hosp. No. 6, A. E. F. Davis, Ralph L., Corporal, Inf., 156th D. B. Regt. Davis. Garland L., Private, 1st Class, 55th Pioneer Inf., Co. H, 80th Div. Davis, E. E., 2d Lieut., Inf., Hdqrs. Co.. 81st Div., 322d Regt. Davis, V. T., Private, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 324th Regt. Davis, Forest E., Sergt. Q. M., Q. M. C, Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div. Davis, Walter A., Corporal. 4th Co., A. S. M. Dawkins, Bruce R., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Dawson, W. T., A. B. Seaman, Merchant Marine. Day, W. T., Bugler, Co. D, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Dayton, Jas. E., Corporal, M. G. Bn., Co. B, 30th Div., 115th M. G. Bn. Deal, Ralph, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Deal, E. P., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Deal I. W. Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Deal, Harold, G., Corporal, F .A., Co. C, 81st Div., 316th Regt. Deal, Laurie A., Private, Q. M. C. Deaton, H. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Deaton, Alonzo S., Private, 1st C. A. P., Depot Co. Deams, B. C, Q. M. C, 2d Class, U. S. N. Deans, A. W., 1st Lieut., Med. Corps. Deaton, Frank, Chief Petty Officer, U. S. N. R. F. Deavenport, R. K. Jr., Sergt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Dedman, G. S., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Dedman, Everett E., Horseshoer, Sup. Co., 1st Div., 28th Regt. Dees, Clenon F., Jr., Sergt., Med. Corps, 20th San. Div. Dees, John T. Jr., Private, Co. H, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Deese, F., Corporal, Co. F, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Deese, Haywood F., Reg. Sergt. -Major, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 156th Regt., D. B. Deits, L. A., Private, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Deitz, C. J., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Deitz, L. C, Saddler, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Deitz, L. C, Saddler, Engrs., 30th Div., 105th Regt. DeHart, N. V., Sergt., C. A. C, 6th Co. Delaney, L .S., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. DeLoatch, Willie F., Sergt., Inf., Co. A, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Delbridge, William M., Private, 1st Class, Co. C, 81st Div., 324th Regt. Dellinger, T. H., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Dellinger, F. N., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Dellinger, C. V., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Dellinger, J. Henry, 2d Lieut, 19th Bat. Tr. School. Dellinger, Charles W., Corporal, Air, 22d Aero Squadron. De Marcus, W. N., Mus., 2d Class, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Demeron, H. P., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Demeron, W., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Demeron, E. L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Dempsey, C. L., Corp. Hdqrs., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Dempsey C. L., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Denmark, L. P., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Denning, E. M., Corporal, C. A., Btry. A, 41st Regt. Denning, Robert L., Seaman, 2d Class, Navy. Denson, J. D., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Denton, A., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Denton, H. H., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Denton C. F., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Denton, A. McC, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs. Deppe, William H., Private, 1st Class, Amb. Corps, 80th Div., 305th Sanitary Train. Derrick, L. B., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Derrick, M. J., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Dettmar, L. C, Corp. Co. B., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Devine, Francis X, Private, T. M., 105th T. M. Co., 30th Div., 105th Regt. Devine, Bernard J., Private, 1st Class, T. M. B., 86th Div., 311th Regt. Devlin, Walter Albert, Private, M. G., 97th Div. Devlin, Robert, Private, F. A., 7th Co. Dew, John H., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. •Dick, Julius Vance, Contract Sergt., Med. Dept. Dickens, J. R. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Dickens, Sammde W., 1st Lieut., Inf., Co. D, 80th Div., 120th Inf. Dickinson, M. T., Sergt.-Major, M. G., 23d Btry., 8th Div. Dickerson, Ernest James, Private, Med. Corps, 81st Div., 3d Regt. Dietz, L. A., Corporal, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Dillard, Robert M., Corporal, M. T. C. Dilling, Mack, Corporal, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Dimmette, L. E., R. S. M., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Dimmette, Gordon H., 1st Lieut., Am. Armb. Service. Dinwiddie, David P., Private, 1st Class, Air Service Sq. Disher, Arvel Lindsay, Sergt., Inf., M. G. Co., 30th Div., 120th Regt. Dixon, R., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Dixon, B. D., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Dixon J. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Dixon, W. F,. Private. 113th F. A., 30th Div. Dixon, L. F., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Dixon, W. T., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Dixon, R. D., Capt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Dixon. Wm. C, Private, Motor Trnspt. Dixon, H. O., Fireman, 1st Class, U. S. N. Discost, Joseph R., Private, M. G., Co. C, 19th Div. Dixon, Royall Wesley, Private l,st Class, F. A., Co. B, 10th Regt. Dixon, Samuel O., Corporal, 429th Sup. Co. Dixon, J. S., Private, M. P. Dixon, David, M. G. B., 7th Regt. Dixon, Thomas G. Jr., U. S. N. R. 4. Dixon, R. C, Sergt., F. A., Btry. D, 81st Div., 317th Regt. Dizor, W. J., Private, Engrs., Co. A, 105th Regt. Dobbins, W. L., Corporal, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Dobbins, W. L., Corporal, Co. F, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Dockery, W. L., Bugler, Inf., Co. I, 81st Div., 324th Regt. Dodson, James E., Corporal, 105th Sup Tr., Co. F, 30th Div. Doles, William N., Sergt., Co. B, 1st Div. Def. Brigade, 2d Battalion. Doles, Wesley B., Seaman, 2d Class, U. S. N. R. F. Donaldson, E. J., Corp., 113th F .A., 30th Div. Donaldson, A. G., Private, Amb., 320th Amb. Co., 80th Div., 305th Sani. Train. Door, S. H., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Dorsette, C. E., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Dorsett A. C, Private, 1st Class, Med. Dept., Med. De- tch. Co., 81st Div., 317th F. A. Donnell, William C. J., Private, 1st Class, Co. A, 317th M. G. Bn. Doub, Peter, Private, S. A. T. C, Univ. of Va., Co. A. Doukas, George, 5th, Navy. Downs, J. B., Corp, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Doyle, Jesse Crews, Private, Inf., Co. B, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Dozier, O. K., Sergt., Hdqrs., San. Detch., Hdqrs. San. Co. Dowd, William, Dickisin, Private, Cook and Baker Sch. Dawd, John Kenith, Sergt., Heavy Art., Btry. D., 81st Div., 316th Regt. Douglas, Ben. E., 1st Lieut, 115th M. G. Inf., Co. A, 30th Div. Doxey, L. A., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Draper, J. T., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. L, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Drawdy, N, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Drier, A., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Driven, J. S., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co. 58th M. G. Btn., 20th Div. Drum, Hoyd, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Drum, F. B., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Drum, R. L., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Drum, Norman E., Private, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 323d Regt. Drumrn, Frank Beaufort, Private, Engr., Co. C, 30th Div., 105th Regt. Duckworth, R. J., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Duckworth, R. F., Wagoner, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Duff, James, Fireman, 2d Class, U. S. N. Duke, W., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Duke, Edgar F., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. G, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Duke, Jos. W., Mechanic, M. T. C, 4th Co., 81st Div., 306th Sup. Tr. Dukes, Paul E., Sergt., F. A., Btry. B., 20th Div., 58th Regt. Dula, R B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Dunbar, C, Private, Co. E ,105th Engrs., 30th Div. Duncan P. E., Corporal, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Duncan, J. G., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Duncan, W. B., 1st Lieut., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Duncan, Doctor B., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Duncan, William J., Corporal, Engrs., Co. C, 42d Div., 117th Regt. Dunn, J. F., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Dunn, A. E., Band Leader, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Dunn J. E., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Dunn, W. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Dunn, Robert G., 1st Class Private, Utility Div. Dunn, Ernest, 1st Lieut., 3d Battn., 119th Regt. Inf. Dunn, J. G., Private, 1st Class, Q. M. C, (Remount), 30th Div. Drye, Howard K., Private, 1st Class, Q. M. C, 312th Sup. Co., Q. M. C. Durham, F., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Durham, H., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Durham, R. C, Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. D, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Duvall, O. D., Private, 1st Class, Aviation, 38th Aero Squadron. Dwiggens, W. G., Private, 1st Class, F. A., Btry. B., 4th Div., 78th F. A. Dyson, A. T., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Dysart, Louis A., 1st Sergt,, Heavy Art., Btry. 3, Re- placement. Eaker, Romeo, Seaman, 2d Class, Navy. Eakes, William H., Private, Med. Dept., 1st Div. Early, H. R., Sergt, 1st Class, Q. M. C. Early, Millard, Private, Inf., Co. E, 81st Div., 324th Regt. Early, Lacy M., Sergt., 1st Class, Med. Corps, 80th Div., 318th Regt. Earnest, R. M., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Earney, Robert M., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Earnhardt, Raymond P., 1st Lieut., Inf., Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Earnhart, V. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Earp, Geo., Private, Co. E., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Earp, Charles C, Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. M, 42d Div., 168th Regt. Easeley, Phillip S., 1st Lieut., Med., 3d Army. Eason, Troy, Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Eason, Milton L., Private, Med. Corps, Hdqrs. Co., 156th Depot Brigade. Eason, J. D., M. M., 1st Class, Naval Aviation, Sqdn. 6. Eatman, Millard Glen, Sergt., Sixth Tr. Hdqrs., and M. P. Eatrmn, Wyatt, Private, 1st Class, Inf., M. G. Co., 81st Div., 324th Regt. Eborn, B. T., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Eckard, H. L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Eckerrow, W. R., Corp., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Eddins, L. S., Sergt., Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Eddinger, Fred L., Private, 1st Class, Motor Trans., 789th Motor Trans. Corps. Eddleman, Flake S., Corporal, Motor Transp. Corps, 787th Co., 20th Div. Edens, Thomas Olin, Wagoner, Co. C, 17th R. W. Engrs. Edgerton, L. T., Wagoner, Co. B, 81st Div., 306th Amb. Train. Edgerton, H. Yates, M. M., 1st Class, U. S. N. A. Economides, Christ, Private, Inf., Co. G, 5th Regt. Edmisten, H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Edmonds, H. H., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Edmundson, M. W., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Edsil, E. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Edward, J. O., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Edwards, W. M., Private, M. G. Bn., Co. B, 30th Div. Edwards, J. H., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Edwards, M. E., Private, Med. Dept., 323d Inf. 81st Div. Edwards Fred J., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Edwards, C. A., Wagoner, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Edwards, W. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Edwards, S. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Edwards, R. H., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Edwards, Willie, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Edwards, J. D., Seaman, U. S. N. Edwards, Earl T., Private, 1st Class, M. P., 30th M. P. Co., 30th Div. Edwards, B. F., Private, Inf., Co. M, 81st Div., 323d Regt. Edwards, E. J., Yeoman, 1st Class, Navy. Edwards, A. F., Corporal, Inf., Co. B, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Edwards, Berince M., Private, Inf., Depot Co. Edwards, William' I., Private, Q. M. C. Edwards, Edward S., Private, Med. Corps., Amb. Co. B. Edwards, Joseph O., Private, 1st Class, Art., Sup. Co., 30th Div., 113th Regt. Efird, Baird D., Private, 1st Class, M. T. C, Base Spar., Part 2. Eitfort, Ord. Sergt., E. O. C, Ord. Detach. Co., 81st Div., 316th Regt. F. A. Ellington, James M. Jr., 1st Lieut, Inf., Co. E, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Elliott, H., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Elliott, E., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Elliott, B., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Elliott, B. R., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Elliott, Ernest, Private, Hdqrs., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Elliott, J. H., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Elliott, B. R., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Elkins D. L., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. B, 42d Div., 166th Regt. Elliott, Harry, Sergt., Inf., 10th Co., 156th D. B. Elliott, Hoyle, Private, 1st Class, Med. Corps., 30th Div. Ellis, P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ellis, Leroy C, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ellis, E., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Ellis, J., Private, Inf., Co. C, 42d Div., 116th Regt. Ellis, William Charles, Sergt., Inf., Personnel Co., Camp Sevier. Ellis, G. F„ Seaman, Navy. Ellis, Walter Kenneth, Sergt., Provo Guard. Ellis, W. W., Mech., Inf., Co. M, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Ellis, Edwin D., Private, 1st Class, Inf.. Co. L, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Ellis, Walter M., Corporal, Inf., Co. C, 81st Div.. 322d Regt, Elmore, R. R., Private, Co. C. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Elmore, R. R., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Elrod, R. E„ Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Elrod, F. G.. Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Embler, Flower, Sergt., Cavalry, Co. D. Ennis, Murrell Z. Jr., Sergt., Med. Corps, U. S. Gen'l Hospital No. 8. English, J. H., Private, 1st Class, F. A., M. P. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD English, John R., Private, 1st Class, Base Hospital, Base Hospital Detachment. Ennis, Roy B., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ennis, Lindsay, Corporal, Hdqi-s. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ennis, Lindsay, Corporal, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Enock, J., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Entwistle, Geo. P. Jr., Corporal, Marine, 44th Co., 3d Regt. Epley, E. L., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Ernest, W. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ervin, J. M., Corporal, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Erwin, Lenora, Corporal, Co. C, 81st Div., 322d Inf. Erwin, J. C, Musician, 1st Class, Hdqrs. Co., 29th Div., 116th Regt. Erwood, C. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Erven, Walter Foster, Private, 1st Class, Co. D, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Eskridge, Samuel, Private, Aviation, 47th Aero. Estep, B. C, Corporal, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Estep, George M., Private, Amb., 81st Div., 320th Co. Estes, R. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Etheridge, W. A., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Etheridge, David Myra, Capt., F. A., 306th Tr. Mortar Btry., 81st Div., 306th T. M. B. Etheridge, H. H., 2d Engineman, U. S. N. R. F. Ethridge, Claude V., Corporal, 334th Motor Transport. Ethridge, W. L., Corporal, Inf., Co. F, 81st Div., 324th Regt. Etheridge, T. J. Jr., Sergt, 1st Class, Med., 324th F. A. Etheridge, P. C, Storekeeper, 2d Class, Navy. Etheridge, G. L., Private, 1st Class, 48th Co. Etters, L. E., Private, Co. B., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Eubanks, R. D., Horseshoer, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Eubanks, B. F., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Eubanks, W. S., Saddler, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Eubanks, M. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Eubanks, B. F., Sergt., F. A., Btry. D, 30th Div., 113th Regt. Evans, G. E., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Evans, J. L., Capt., M. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Evans, G. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Evans, Sue., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Evans, H., C. M. M., U. S. N. Evans, E. M., Corporal, M. G., M. G. Co., 30th Div., 119th Regt. Evans, Herbert, Private, 118th F. Hosp., 105th San. Tr. Evans, Joseph S., Sergt., Q. M. C, Utilities Div. Evans, Basrum, Private, Dev. Brigade, Btry. B. Evans, C. Raymond, Wagoner, 228th Amb., 80th Div., 305th San. Tr. Eveleigh, Frank K., Private, M. G., 129th M. G. Co., 35th Div., M. G. Regt. Everett, W. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Everett, C. G., Corp., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Everett, L. A., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Everett, Victor, Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Everett, William J., 1st Class Private, Cas. Co. Everett, Victor E., 1st Lieut., Air Service, 249th Sqdn. Everhart, J. O., Private, 1st Class, C. A. C, 15th Co. Everington, D. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ewell, W. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Evving Walter Clyde, Seaman, Navy, on Trans. Hancock. Exum, J. B. Jr., Corporal, Co. D, 81st Div., 306th Amb. Train. Ezzell, Willie, Private, Depot. Brig. Co. Ezzell, John R., Private, 1st Class, Co. E, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Faii-cloth, Josiah, Corp., Inf., Co. F, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Faircloth, E., Private, Co. F., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Faircloth, B. E., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Faircloth, D. M., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Faison, Ferdinand J., Sergt., Q. M. C. Faison, Isham R., Private, Inf., Co. A, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Farrington, Clem, Meeh., Inf., Co. F, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Farmer, Glenn, M. E. Sr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Farmer, Glenn, Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Farmer, Edgar, M. P., M. P. C. Farmer, Jake, Private, 1st Class, A. C. A. C, Btry. F, 62d Div. Farmer, Moses Branch, Sergt., M. P. Farmer, L .J., Sergt., 1st Class. Q. M., P. S. T., Tr. Co. 1. Farmer, I. F., 1st Lieut., Inf., Co. I, 80th Div.. 317th Regt. Farrel, Henry B.. Private. Co. A 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Farrell. H. B., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Farrell, Robert D., Private, S. A. T. Corps, Co. C. Farrington, M. L., Mus., 2d Class, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Farrior, W. H., Bugler, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Farrior, K. M., Corporal, F. A., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 113th Regt. Farrior, A. S., Seaman, Navy. Farrow, H. F., Private, Co. A. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Farrow, H. F., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Farrow. I., Cook, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Farrcw, T. T., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Faucett Beale J., 2d Lieut., Inf., Co. F, 36th Div., 142d Regt. Faurett*. H. P., Corporal. 113th F. A., 30th Div. Faulk, G. McC, Corooral, Co. A, 105th En°rs.. 30th Div. Faulkner, C. B.. Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Faulkner. Horace Eugene, Private. Motor Tra"=.. Co. A. Faul'.-r. P r. Arthur L., Corporal, Inf., Co. A. 81st Div., 324th Regt. Faulk. Oeo. McC, Corporal, Engrs., Co. A, 30th Div., 105th Regt. Faucett. Jessie W., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. G, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Faucette. Henry F., Private. Med. Corps. Faulk. M. F., Wagoner, 324th Amb. Co., 81st Div., 306th Sani. Tr. Favies, H. J., Corp., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Faviley, A. B., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Faysseux, Jack C, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Fearington, M., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Featherstone, G. B., Corp., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Felton, L. P., Private, Med. Corps, Evac. Hosp. No. 35. Felton, Floyd E., Private, 1st Class, Ammunition Train, Co. C, 42d Div., 117th Regt. Fenley, Green, Jr., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs, 30th Div. Fenley, Wm., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Fenner Edwin F., Capt., Med. Corps, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Ferebee, David W., 1st Class Private, Special Duty at Baltimore. Ferguson, Wm., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ferguson, F. A., Sergt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ferguson, R. A., Cook, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ferguson, T. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ferguson, H. B., Colonel, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ferguson, W. E., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. A, 81st Div., 323d Regt. Ferrell O. T., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Ferrell, W. C, Sergt., Med. Corps, 30th Div., 120th Inf., 3d Base. Ferrell, G. W., Sergt., F. A., Hdqrs. Co., F. A. R. D. Ferrell, Frank, Sergt., Inf., Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Feild, Geo., Corporal, M. P., 30th M. M. Co., 30th Div. Field, Earnest L., Private, 1st Class, 30th Div., 105th Sup. Train. Fields, G. T., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Field, B. L., M. E., Jr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Field, Bascomb L., 1st Lieut., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Field, Fred M., Private, Hospital, Base 6. Field, James T., Jr., Private, Med. Corps. Fields, Miller, Cook, F. A., Btry. B, 2d Regt. Fields, Alexander, Corpcral, M. G., 50th Bn., 17th Div., 50th Regt. Fields, E. S., Private, Inf., M. G., 30th Div., 119th Regt. Fields, Willie Bryant, Private, F. A., Btry. B., 37th Div., 9th F. A. Finch, Leon W., Sergt., Med. Corps., Hdqrs. San. Dept. Finch, Melvin L., Corporal, Inf., Co. I, Depot Brigade. Fine, Abraham H., Private, 1st Class, Med., Base Hosp. Fink, L. A., Sergt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Fink, Luther A., M .E. Jr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Fink, C. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fink, E. D., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fink, F. O., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Finlay, John A., Chauffeur, Air, 227th Air Sqdn. Fisher, E. M., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Fisher, C. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fisher, D. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fite, K. W., Private, 1st Class, Med., Mecklbg., 78th Div. Fite, Charles W., Private, Med. Corps, 81st Div., 323d Regt. Fist, Perian B, Wagoner, 4th C. A. P., Co. A. Fisher, James R., Corporal, Co. H, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Fisher, Christian E., Private, Inf., Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Fisher, W. S., Private, Limited Service. Fisher, Wm. P., Cook, 105th Am. Tr., Co. C, 30th Div. Flanagan, M. T., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Flanagan, M. T., Sergt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Flanagan, John, Yeoman, 3d Class, Navy. Flanigan, R. L., Lt. Col., Inf., 30th Div., 117th Regt. Fleming, G. P., Corp., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fleming, R. E., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fleming, W. O., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fleming, Daphron, Amb. Driver, 80th Div., 317th Amb. Fleming, Titus Goode, Private, 123d Base Hosp. Fleming, Robt. A., Jr., Private, 1st Class, Vet. Corps. Fleming, David A., Private, 105th Hdqrs. Tr., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 105th Regt. Fletcher, A. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fletcher, M. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fletcher, A. L., Capt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fletcher, R. F., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Flinchant, J. W., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Flinchan, Geo., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Floyd, Giles E, H. A., 2d Class, Navy, M. L. N. Florence, J. P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Flowe, J. M., Private, 118th M. G. Co., 30th Div. Flowe, O. L., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Flowers, R. G., Musician, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. [•'] yd, Pi ii [,., Private, Isl Class. Q, M. ('.. 80th Baker Co., 82d Div. Floyd, Charles II., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Floyd, Carl R., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Floyd, Eldra Moore, Private, Med. Corps. Floyd, Furman A., Private, 1st Class, 306th San. Tr., 324th Field Hosp., 81st Div. Florence, Frank W., Private, Trans. Corps, Co. B, 17th Grand Div., 52d Engrs. Flowers, H. Lester, Corporal, H. F. A., Btry. F, 7th Regt. Flowers, Ralph, Boiler Maker, 2d Class, Navy. Flowers, W. H., 1st Class, Co. C, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Flowers, C. B., Mech., Inf., Hdqtrs. Co., 30th Div., 119th Regt. Fluker, Edward H., Private, Co. B., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Flynn, L. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Flythe, C. R., Private, 1st Class, 2d Co., 4th Batln. Foard, Lester W., Saddler, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Fogleman, George D, Engineman, 2d Class, Navy. Fogus, O. C, Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Foil, W. A. Jr., Private, S. A. T. C. Foil, E. F., Private, S. A. T. C, Co. D. Follette, J. E., 1st F., U. S. N. Fontaine, M. M., 2d Lieut., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Fonville, Claude C, Sergt.-Major, Elon S. A. T. C. Forbes, Ray K., 38th Co., 20th Engrs. Ford, E. W., Corp., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Forehand, T. E., Seaman, 2d Class, U. S. N. R. F. Forties, C. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fornes, G. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Forrest, H. D., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Forrest, Tedock A., Private, Sig. Corps., Co. D, 418th Tel. Bn. Forshee, Grady, Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Forshee, Frank, Mechanic, Inf., Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Forsythe, F., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Fort, Robert K., Corporal, Inf., M. G. Co., 30th Div., 120th Regt. Fortune, C. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fortune, G. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fortune, C. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Foschee, F. M., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Foster, C, Corporal, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Foster, A. S., Private, F. A., Btry. A, 317th Regt. Foster, Eugene B., Private, Inf., Co. G, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Foucette, W. P., Corporal, Med. Dept. Fouldes, John M., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Foulkes, J. L., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Foushee, P. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fowler, W. H., Sergt., Co. F., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Fowler, O., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fowler, P. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. FoWler, M. A., Wagoner, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fowler, R. H., Sergt., Co. B., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Fowle, S. R. Jr., 2d Lieut, M. G., Officers, Training Sch. Fowle, David T., Sergt., F. A., Co. M. P. Fowler, A. W., Private, 1st Class, Inf., San. Dept., 30th Div., 120th Regt. Fowler, Romey L., Co. I., 30th Div., 120th Regt. Fowler, Troy, Private, Inf., Co. A, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Fowler, Bert L. S. M. M., Navy. Fox, Robt. W., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Fox, N. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fox, C. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fox, Floyd, Seaman. 2d Class, U. S. N. R. F. Fox, H. E., Private, L. A., Hdqrs. Co., 8th Regt. Fox, Robert V., Sergt.. Q. M. C. 6th Div. Foy, DeWitt, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Foy, Council L„ Private, 1st Class, Btry. A. 30th Div.., 113th F. A. Foy. Clyde L., Sergt., 1st Class, Co. E. 81st Div.. 306th Engrs. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Frady, J. C, Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Frady, J. C, Private, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Frady, G. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Francis, W. W., Sergt., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Franklin, F. E., Private, Co. D., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Franklin, G. W., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Franklin, Joe M., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Franklin, J. P., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Franklin, F. E., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Franklin, G. E., Private, Co. L, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Franklin, F. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Franks, C. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Frazier, E. W., Private, Pioneer Inf., Co. K, 56th Regt. Frazier, John H., Private, Engrs., 103d Co., 17th Div., 35th Regt. Fraley, A. B., Anti-Aircraft, Private, 1st Class, Art., 11th A. A. Btry. Franklin, Edward A., Private, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 322d Regt. Franklin, Frank C, Private, 1st Class, F. A., Btry. C, 30th Div., 113th Regt. Freedman, R. P., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Freeman, H. N., Horseshoer, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Freeman, W .R., Bugler, Co. B., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Freeman, D. Mc„ Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Freeman, Wallace G., Private, 1st Class, Med. Corps., 321st Amb. Co., 81st Div., 306th San. Train. Freeman, Arthur W., Capt., Inf., Co. E, 5th Div., 11th Regt. Freeman, Floyd M., Private, Inf., Co. S. D., 30th Div., 117th Regt. Freeman, Ary F., Private, 15th Co., 20th Div., 4th Train- ing Btn. Freeze, M. L., Private, F. A., F. A. R. D. Frenks, R. T., Private, Inf., Co. M, 29th Div., 115th Regt. Friche, Odo A., Private, 1st Class, Med. Detch., 91st Div., 362d Regt. Friedmast, Nathan, 1st Sergt., Ord., 1st Depot Co. Fry, H. H., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Frye, H. H., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Frye, Walter Epps, Private, Q. M. C, 77th Remount Div., A. R. D. Fuhrra, F. R., Private, Inf., 33d Co., Unattached. Fuquay, Cecil C, Sergt., Inf., Co. K, 9th Div., 45th Regt. Fingnax, David Carmel, Seaman, 2d Class, U. S. N. R. F. Fulcher, B. E., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fulcher, E. L., 2d Lt., Pioneer Inf., Co. D, 58th Regt. Fulford, R. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fulham, J. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fulk, Arther P., Corporal, Med. Corps, Base Hosp. No. 65. Fuller, W. F., Sergt., Co. A, 165th Engrs., 30th Div. Fuller, F. L., Capt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Fuller, Robert, Med. Corps. Fuller, John Pinkney, Sergt., Inf., Co. C, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Fuller, Edwin T., Seaman, 2d Class, Navy, U. S. S. Wy- oming. Fulp, Matt., Private, C. E, 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Funderburk, F. C, Bugler, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Funderburk, J. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Furr, T. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Furqueron, George W., Corporal, F. A., Btry. A, 30th Div., 113th Regt. Futch, Geo. W., Private, F. A., Btry. C, 2d Div., 15th Regt. Futrelle, W. L., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Futrelle, H. D., Private, Inf., Co. F, 81st Div., 323d Regt. Futrelle, Joe, Private, 1st Class, Q. M. C. Futrelle, Reginald R., Private, 1st Class, Q. M. C, at- tached to school, Cos. B and C, school for Bakers and Cooks. Futrell, L. E., Private, Engrs., Co. E, 4th Regt. Futrell, H. C, Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. L, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Gabriel, Frank M., Private, Motor Mech., Co. C, S. A. T. C. Gaddy, Kemp, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gaddy, R. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gaddy, T. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gaddy W., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gaddy, D. E., Private, F. A., 3d Regt. Gaither, Ralph G., Private, H. M. A., San. Detach., 81st Div., 316th Regt. Galbreath, T. A., 2d Lieut., Co. B, 96th Div., 384th Regt. Galloway, J. E., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gamble, C. O., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gamble, R. D., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gamble J. D., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gann, R. L., Sergt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gard, J. H. Jr., Chief Mach. Mate. Gardner, L. W., Mus., 3d Class, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gardner, L., Musician, 2d Class, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gardner, Leslie, Private, 1st Class, Med. Corps. Gardner, W. J., Corporal, Inf., Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Gardner, Henry B., Corporal, Motor Transp. Corps, Unit 631. Gardner, D. S., Private, Art., Hdqrs. Co., 2d Div., 12th Regt. Garland, T. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Garmon, Thomas, Cook-Sergt., 56th Pioneer Regt. Garner, R. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Garner, V. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Garner, R. J., Private, F. A., Btry. A, 30th Div., 113th Regt. Garner, I. W., Carpenter, Engrs., 20th Cas. Co., Spruce Div. Grant, Eric L., Corporal, Med. Corps., 20th Div. Garren, F. M., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Garrett, Weaver P., Private, Med. Corps., Base Hosp. Garrett, Frank B., M. D., 1st Sergt, Medical, Evac. Hosp. No. 7. Garris, O. B., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Garrison, F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Garrison, R. H., Private, C. B., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Garrison, Pinkney Tate, 1st Lieut., Dental Corps, 4th F. A. R. D. Garrison, John, Sergt., Inf., Co. D, 81st Div., 324th Regt. Garrison, Staley F., Private, Vet. Dete. No. 20. Garwood, Roy Frances, Sergt., Med. Dept. Gary, John R., Private, Med. Corps., Base Hosp. Jackson. Gash, C. S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gaskins, H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gaskins, H. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gaskins, C. B., Corporal, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gaskins, Geo. M., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gaskins, Willie M., Private, 1st Class, Co. B, 56th Pioneer Inf. Gates, T. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gatlings, J. T., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gainings, J. T., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gatlin, C. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gatlin, S. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gattis, A. S., Corporal, M. T. C. No. 1, 30th Div., 1st Regt. Gattis, S. M. Jr., 1st Lieut., 113th F. A. ,30th Div. Gattis, R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Gattis, Raymond T., Corporal, Marine, Co. 3, F. S. B. Div., 1st Regt. Gattis, Merritt E., 1st Class Chaffeur, Motor Truck., Co. A, 30th Div., 105th Supply Train. Gattis, C. M., Private, Inf., Co. C, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Cause, G. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gavin, L. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gay, W. B., Sergt., Inf., Co. G, 29th Div., 116th Regt. Gay, Geo., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gay, R. R., Horseshoer, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gay, W. T., Wagoner, Art. Park, 1st Corps. Gay, J. G., Corporal, 105th Supply Train, Co. E, 30th Div., 105th Regt. Gay, Kendale G., Cook, 1st Class, Navy. Gay, M. L., Med. Corps, W. S. N. R. F. Geitner, J. G. H., Sergt., 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Gentry, R. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gerdes, J. H., 2d Lieut., Inf., Co. L, 4th Div., 39th Regt. Gibbs, Emmit, Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gibbs, R. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gibbs, W. O., Capt, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gibson, James F., Corporal, Inf., Co. I, 30th Div., 118th Regt. Gibson, B. S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gibson, J. F., Wagoner, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gibson, J. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gibson, B. R., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gibson, Frank M., Sergt. of Ord., 317 M. G. Bn., 81st Div. Gibson, Henry C, Private, Inf., Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Gidon, L., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gideon, L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gilbeit, J. W., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gilbert, W. W., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gilbert, F. R., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gilbert, M., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gilbert, Grover Cleveland, Corporal, Inf., Co. L, 81st Div., 323d Regt. Gilbrath, J. H., Sergt., Motor Transp. Corps, 332d Regt., M. T. C. Giles, G. W., Private, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 323d Regt. Giles, C. H., Private, S. A. T. C, Co. D. Giles, W. E., 1st Lieut., Ord. Dept. Giles, Mark A., Private, M. G., Co. D, 30th Div., 115th Btry. Gill, Emmet F., Private, Medical, Hdqrs. Co., San, At- tachment, 20th Div. Gilam, William E., Seaman, 2d Class, Naval. Gilliland, L. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gillespie, C. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gillespie, L. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gillian, J. Paul, Chauffeur, M. G. Bn., Co. A, 30th Div., 113th Regt. Gillette, George W., Major, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gilis, A. C, Wagoner, Amm. Tr., 1st Co., 3d Army Corps, 1st Corps. Amm. Tr. Ginn, R. L., Corporal, Ord. Gladden, William M., Private, Inf., Co. L, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Glass, L. J., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Glass, F. B., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Glass, Jackson B., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Glass, C. B., Jr., Musician, 1st Class, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Glass, J. B., Private, Ord. Det., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Glenn, A. J., Sergt., Inf., Hdqrs. Co. Glenn, W. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Glenn, R., 118th F. A., 30th Div. Glenn, Eric F., Sergt., Med. Corps, Inf., 81st Div., 322d Regt. Glenn, W. R., 2d Lieut., Tank Corps, Co. B, 308th Bn. Glidewell, Will, Corporal, Amb. Co., 324th Co., 81st Div., 306th San Tr. Glover, C. A., Wagoner, Hdqrs., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Glover, C. A., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Glover, Ed. J., Corporal, 1st A. S. M. Regt. W. S., Co. G. Gwyn, C. N., Private, Marine, Replacement Co., 11th Regt. Goard, Charles R., Sergt., Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 20th Div., 50th Regt. Gobble, Ottis S., Sergt., Mach. Bat., Co. A, 81st Div., 317th Regt. Gobble, Clyde C, Private, Q. M. C, Casual Bn. Goble, F. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Godfre, Paul V., Sergt., 1st Class, Medical, Degassing Unit No. 1, 82d Div. Godwin, C. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Godwin, Clyde F., Sergt., F. A., Btry. I, 12th Div., 34th Regt. Godwin, Wm., Corporal, 322d Inf., Co. L, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Godwin, John R., Corporal, Inf., Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Goff, Ed, Private, 1st Class, Artilery, Co. H, 18th Div., 8th Regt. Goings, Thomas E., Sergt., Inf., Co. I, 81st Div., 324th Regt. Goldberg, E. C, Private, Co. D, 3d Eng. Training Regt. Goldsmith, G. D., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gooch, Roland L., Sergt., Med. Corps, B. H. 45th Div. Goode, Basil D., Private, Inf., Co. A, 81st Div., 323d Regt. Gooding, N. G., Private, 1st Class, Hdqrs. Co. Goodman, Geo. W., Sergt., Inf., Co. C, 1st Div., 28th Regt. Goodman, Jenks, Private, Supply Dept., Q. M. C, Detch. Goodsen, H. M., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Goodson, R. L., Private, Btry. F, 8th Regt., F. A. R. D. Goodson, B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Goodson, Henry M., Private, 1st Class, 105th Engrs., Co. D, 30th Div., 105th Regt. Goodwin, F. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Goolsby, Fleming Fred, Inf., Sup. Co., 20th Div., 90th Regt. Gordon, J. P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gordon, S. K., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gordon, William R., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 322d Regt. Gordon, John Daniel, Private, 1st Class, Med. Dept., 39th Medical Unit. Gordon, C. F., Chief Mach. Mate, Navy. Gordon, WillianJ J., Sergt., Inf., M. G. Co., 30th Div., 120 th Regt. Gordon, E. M., Private, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 91st Div., 362d Regt. Gore, J. V., Wagoner, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Glore, J. V., Wagoner, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gore, D. L. Jr., 2d Lieut., Engrs., Co. A, 30th Div.. 105th Regt. Corel, Charles S., Sergt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gosney, C. A., 1st Lieut., Inf., Co. E, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Gosnell, Carl, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gosnell, H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gosnell, C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Goswick, Claude B., Q. Sergt., 117th T. H. & M. P.. M. P. Co., 42d Div. Goss, William, Private, Inf., Co. E. 30th Div., 120th Regt. Grady, F. M., Corp., Co. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Grady, J. P. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Grady, Frank M., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Grady, Jno., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Grady, Joseph C., Private, F. Hosp., 120th Co., 30th Div., i05th Sanitary Train. Graham, E. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Graham, Geo., Sergt, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Graham, F. I., Mus., 2d Class, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Graham, L. I., Mus., 2d Class. Graham, W. I., Mech., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Graham, B. McK., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Graham, L. E., 2d Lieut., F. A., L. A. T. C. O. T. S. Graham, Stokes N., Corporal, Med. Corps, 358th Amb. Co., 90th Div. Graham, D. T., Corporal, Inf., Co. L, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Graham, Augustus Washington, Jr., 2d Lieut. F. A. R. D., 6th Training Bn. Graham, French W., Yeomian, 2d Class, U. S. N. R. F. Graiber, G. S., 2d Lieut., Co. B, 321st Inf., 81st Div. Grainger, Charles S., Jr., Band Sergt., Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 119th Regt. Grant, John E., Corporal, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Grant, John E., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Grant, W. F., Field Clerk, Postal Service. Grant, Wm. Boone, Private, 1st Class, Med. Dept., Base Hospital. Grantham, Z. Z., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Grantham, T. A., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gravely, C. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gray, Heber, Private, 1st Class, 317th Amb. Co., 80th Div. Gray, Clyde, Private, 1st Class, Art., Btry. F, 81st Div., 317th Regt. Gray, W. P., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gray, O. G., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gray, W. P., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gray, O. G., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gray, Geo., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gray, James H., Private, Sup. Tr., Co. A, 30th Div., 105th Regt. Gray, H. W., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. E, 321st Regt. Gray, Thorras J., Private, 1st Corps Art. Park, Co. No. 6. Gray, Troy E, Private, 1st Class, Med. Corps, First Div., Field Hosp. No. 2. Green, W. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Green, G. P., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Green, G. P., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Green, P. E., Sergt.-Major, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Green, Geo. P., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Green, L., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Green, Paul E., Regt. Sergt.-Major, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Green, Sergeant, Inf., Co. L, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Green, Robert L., Private, Inf., Hdqrs. Co. Green, W. L., Cook, Inf., Co. C, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Green, Dalma L., Private, 1st Class, 18th Btry., O. Q. R. D. Green, John B, Private, Engrs., Co. I, 56th Regt. Green, Andrew H., Jr., 1st Lieut., Inf., 2d Btry., 30th Div., 120th Regt. Greene, James C, 1st Lieut., Med. Corps. Greenlee, Geo., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Greer, R. S., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Greer, G. D., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Greer, Fred, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gregory, R. A., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gregory, David J. Jr., Private, Amb. Corps, 319th Co., 80th Div. Griffie, A. W., Wagoner, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Griffin, G. A., Corp., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Griffin, J. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Griffin, J. L., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Griffin, J. W., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30ch Div. Griffin, J. W., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Griffin, Edgar, Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Griffin, Risdon T. B., Private, Inf., Co. G, 81st Div., 32d Inf. Griffin, Archie P., Private, 1st Class, C. A., 7th A. A. Artillery. Griffin, W. E., Corporal, 138th Aero Squadron. Griffin, William K., Corporal, Inf., M. C, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Griffin, Clyde David, Serget., 1st Class, C. & B. School. Griffin, E. V., Sergt., Air Service, 638th Aero Squadron. Griffin, R. M., Corporal, Inf., Co. B, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Griffith, S. P., Sergt., 113th F. A., ,30th Div. Griggs, H. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Griggs, Walter F., Sergt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Grimes, Paul I., Private, M. T., Co. C, S. A. T. C. Grimes, Wm., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Grimes, Guy D., Seaman, Navy. (Grimm, Joe, Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Grimim, F. H., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Grimm, Joe, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Grimm, Frank H., Private, 1st Class, Engrs., Co. A, 30th Div., 105th Regt. Grindstaff, Chap., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Grisdale, J. D., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gritton, F. W., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Groce, L. A., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Groom, F. P., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gross, L. N., Private, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Gross, Lowell N., Private, Hdqrs., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gross, C. L., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gross, J. T., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Grotte, H. C. De, Private, Inf., Co. G, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Grow, Charles M., Private, S. A. T. C, 2d Div. Groyn, E. L., Corporal, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Grubbs, G. W., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gubton, W. G., Private, 1st Class, Inf., Co. F, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Gudger, Joe W., Private, Btry. F, 2d Regt. Guion, W. B., Capt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Guion, O. H., 1st Lieut., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gulley, N. S., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gulley, R. G., Sergt., Inf., Co. M, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Gullick, Geo. Floyd, Private, Pioneer Inf., 6th Co. Gunnell, W. D., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gunnell, F. C, Private, Inf., Co. C, 317th Regt. Gunter, C. J., 1st Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gupton, Vernon R., Private, Med. Corps., 30th Div., 120th Regt. Gurganus, J. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gurganus, Jehu, Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gurganus, V. R., Private, Co., E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Gurkin, W. H., Sergt.-Major, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 322d Regt. Gurkin, Hurman H., Wagoner, Btry. C, 42nd Div., 150th F. A. Gurley, Charles R., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 323d Regt. Guthrie, H. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Guthrie, H. T., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Guy, James Emmett, Corporal, F. A., Hdqrs. Co., 25th Regt. Guyes, A., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Gwyn, Nathan Hunt, Sergt., 1st Class, Q. M. C, 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Hackler, Geo. R., Private, Ing., Co. 118 M. G., 30th Div. Hackney, M. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hackney, Walter S., Private, Co. K, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Hackney, E., Sergt., Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Hackney, Guy A., 1st Class Seaman, Navy. Haddock, A. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hager, Clyde L., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hager, E. S., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hager, R. S., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hahn, C. N., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hailey, N. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hait, R. L., Sergeant, Co. D, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Hait, T. H., Supply Co., 30th Div., 119th Inf. Haithcock, Clarence, Private, Co. M, 30th Div., 120ch Inf. Halcomb, F. S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. H?.les, P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hale, Joseph W., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hale, J. W., Private, Co. F, 11 5th Engrs., 30th Div. Hale, A. E., Private, 105th F. A., 30th Div. Hale, Cecil M., Mess Sergt., Co. A, Engrs., 534th Btn. Hall, B. F., Captain, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hall, J. L., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hall, William C, Private Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hall, J. M., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hall, M. I., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hall, Guy, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hall, W. S., Private, Co. L, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Hall, Paul M., Private, Inf., Co. L, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Hall, Louis, Private, F. A., Co. D, 81st Div., 318th Regt. Hall, Graham Thomas, Private, Inf., Co. C, 81st Div., 323rd Regt. Hall, James Howard, Sergt., Q. M. M., 304, Co. E. Hall, Clem, Private, Artly., 26th Div., 306th Regt. Hall, Mark, Sergeant, Forestry Div., 20th Div. Hall, Ralph A., Jr., Private, Med. Dept. Hall, Edgar D., Private, Med. Corps., San. Det, 42nd Div., 165th Inf. Hall, J. E., Private, Inf., Supply Co., 90th Div., 20th Regt. Hall, J. B., Private, M. G., Co. 48, 4th Group M. I. D. Hall, M. I., Corporal, Artly., Supply Co., 30th Div., 113th Regt. Hall, Marvin Lee, Corporal, Co. C, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Hall, E. E., Private, M. G., 6th Div., 57th Regt. Hall, A. L., Seaman, Navy. Hall, B. H., Sergt., Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 321st Regt. Hall, R. D., 2nd Lt., Inf., Co. C. Hall, Johnson, Sergt., Med. Corps, Co. 323, Field Hospital, 81st Div., 306th San. Tr. Hall, John W., Sergt., M. G. Btn., 81st Div., 317th Regt. Hall, A. O., Corporal, Inf., Co. D, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Hall, Farrell Edw., Corporal, Inf., Co. D, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Hallman, E. L., Sergt., Inf., Co. 102, Rainbow Div., 132nd Regt. Ham, A. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ham, A. B., Sergt., Btry. A, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Hambrick, Robt. T., H. A., 2nd Class, Navy. Hamby, T. E., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Train, 30th Div. Hamby, E. N., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hamby, E. G., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hamilton, H. E., Mechanic, Aviation, Co. 10, 1st Regt. Hamilton, J. W., Horseshoer, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hamilton, H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hamilton, L. T., Seaman, Navy. Hamilton, Julian, Sergt., Inf., Co. G, 81st Div., 322d Regt. Hamlet, Hill, Fireman, Navy. Hamlet, John T., Mach. Mate, Navy. Hampton, Charles H., Private, Inf., Co. F, 1st Div. 16th Regt. Hamrick, C. P,., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hamrick, R. G., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hamrick, R. G., Private, Med., 30th Div., 105th Engrs. Hancock, J. C, Apprentice for Carpenter's Mate, Navy. Hancock, Bennie Gray, Private, Artly., M. T., Co. 23. Hand, L. C, Lt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Handsell, M., Private, Base Hospital 27th. Hanes, Robt. M., Captain, Btry. A, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hanes, R. M., Major, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hannah, Reid M., Cook, 120th Inf., Co. K, 30th Div. Hanon, Daniel A., Private, Camp Hospital 25. Haney, William A., Corpl., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Haney, S. C, Cook, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Haney, O. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Happold, Attwood, Sergt., Co. E, 109th P. Btn. Hardee, Geo. D., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hardee, D. L., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hardee, H. L., Private, Provost Guard. Hardee, Spurgeon Earlton, Wagoner, Amtn. Tr., Co. G, 81st Div., 306th Regt. Harden, Z. D„ 1st Lt., 113ch F. A., 30th Div. Hardin, W. C, Horseshoer, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hardison, Thos. J., Mech., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hardison, H. H., Lt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hardison, K. M., Capt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hardison, C. W., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hardison, De Witt, Private, 105th Field Signal Btn., Co. C, 30th Div. Hardister, S. G., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hardister, Benson A., Corpl., F. A., Btry. F, 22nd Div., 8th Regt. Hardy, Romie H., Private, Artly. Band. Hargett, W. E., Wagoner, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hargrove, L. L., Gug., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hargrote, S. D., Private, 306th San. Tr., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div. Harmon, J. O., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Harper, I. L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Harper, D. S., 2nd Lt., Vet. Det., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Harper, Joe Henry, Sergt., Artly., Btry. D, F. A. R. D. Div., 9th Regt. Harrell, Arthur, Corpl., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Harrell, L. E., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Harrell, Herbert B., Jr., Corpl., Med. Corps, N. C. Officer School. Harrell, U. L., Private, 1st Corps, Artly. Park. Harrell, R. H., Private, H. F. A., Btry. B, 81st Div., 316th Regt. Harrelson, E. D., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Harrellson, Vernon, Private Pioneer Inf., Co. D, 156th Regt. Harrill, R., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Harrill, Van, Private, Co. A, 81st Div., 321st Inf. Harrill, M. D., Sergt., Med. Dept., Gen. Hospital No. 6. Harrington, R. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Harris, H. I., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Harrington, J. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Harrington, E. W., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Harrington, L. H., Seaman, Navy. Harrington, T. A., Jr., Mech., Inf., Co. C-5, 2d Div., 5th Regt. Harrington, Eugene W., Corpl.. F. A., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 113th Regt. Harris, Gaither F., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Harris, William H., Private, Co. I), 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Harris, Roy I)., Private. Co. R. 106th Engrs., 80th Div. Harris, J. ('., Private, Co. E. 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Harris, J. J., Private. Co. F, 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Harris, F. \\\, Private. Co. C, 105th Engrs., SOth Div. Harris, Myrtle Sarah, Nurse, Base Hospital 6. Harris, C. W., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Harris, T. E., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Harris, W. P., Corporal, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Harris, B. F., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Harris, S. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Harris, R. W., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Harris, C. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Harris, Addie W., Private, Co. C, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Harris, Andrew J., Jr., Capt., Co. E, 81st Div., 321st Inf. Harris, Geo. M., 1st Lt., Co. C, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Harris, Sidney, Wag., Amb. Co. 317, 80th Div., £05th San. Tr. Harris, Jesse O., Sergt., M. C, Base Hospital 65. Harris, Ralph C, Private, Marine Corps, Co. 66-C, 2nd Div., 5th Regt. Harris, Robert S., P. H. M. Harris, Frank M .M„ Sergt., Q. M. C, Co. 323, G, F. Harris, Endrew H., Jr., Sergt. Observer, Trench Mortars, Btry. B, 2nd Div. (Attached), 2nd Btn. Harris, Ballard P., Private, Med. Corps, Amb. Co. 6. Harris, Robert B., Private, Btry. D, 81st Div., 36th F. A. Harris, J. H., Wag., Engr. Tr., 42nd Div. Harris, R. E., Private, Co. C, S. A. T. C. Harris, D. B., Private, Co. DB, 156th Inf. Harris, Raymond L., Engineer, Navy. Harris, Arthur T., Corpl., Co. B, 20th Div., 48th Inf. Harrison, P. R., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Harrison, J. H., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Harrison, Everett E., Sergt., Btry. C, 81st Div., 317th F. A. Harrison, J. H., Jr., Med., Base Hospital 146. Harrison, George Henry, Jr., Corpl., Btry. E, 47th Artly., C. A. C. Harroldson, A. B., Sergt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hart, C. N., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Harcis, Jno., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hartis, M. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hartley, G. S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hartman, A., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hartman, F. O., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Harton, R. E., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hartt, Ernest, Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hartzog, D. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hartzog, D. C, Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hartzog, Charles B., Private, M. P., Co. 294, 8th Army Corps. Harvey, A., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Harvey, B. W., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Harvey, Joseph, Corpl., Co. E, 30th Div., 118th Inf. Harviel, S. K., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Harwell, Jesse L., Private, Btry. F, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Harward, J. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Harward, W. M„ Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Harwell, J. L., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Haskins, E., Private, 105th Engr. Tr., 30th Div. Haskins, A. M., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Haskins, Albert M., Cook Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hass, E. H., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hass, W. R., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hassell, Louis C, Private, M. C, Hospital No. 39. Hassell, W. L., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hassell, William Linwood, Corpl., L. A., Btry. B, 30th Div., 113th Regt. Haste, Geo., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hastings, L. P., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hastings, R. J., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hastings, W. L., Musician, Navy. Hatch, Hurst B., Corpl., Co. 32, Officers Training School. Hatcher, Dr. M. A., Light Med. Corps, U. S. N. R. F. Hatley, S. Mc, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hatley, Martin L., Pricate, Co. C, 81st Div., 321st Inf. Hatsell, G. L., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hann, Q. H., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hauser, Frank, Cook, Co. K, 92nd Div., 321st Inf. Hauser, Eqire E., Ssaman, Navy. Havelos, Tom J., Private, 321st Field Hosp., 81st Div. Hawkins, John W., Sergt., Aviation, Squadron 801. Hawley. W. A., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hawlev, Addison, Private, Co. 331, 81st Div., 331st M. G. Hawthorne, C. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hayes, H. K., S^rgc., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hayes, J. R., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hayes, Robinette Burns, Capt., Med. Corps. Hayes, Lonnie Y., Sergt., Co. B, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Hayes, Ralph V., Private, M. G. Btn., 30th Div., 120th Inf. Haynes, W. P., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Haynes, E. B., 2nd Lt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Haynes, C. A., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Haynes, Charles C, Mess, Co. H, 81st Div., 317th F. A. Haynes. Joseph B., Sergt., Co. 2, 4th Pioneer Inf. Haywood, Archie Lee, Private, M. P., Co. I, 81st Div., 321st Regt. Hayworth, Homer F., Private, Inf., Co. B, Central Officer Training School. Hayworth, D., Chauffeur, Air Service, Squadron C. Hazlewood, E. A.. Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Heafner, Hugh H., Q. M. Personnel. Hearn, R. L., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hearn, J. H., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hearn, Robert L., Private, Engrs., Co. B, 76th Regt. Hearne, W. F., Med., Field Hosp., 30th Div. Hearne, Leland L., 2nd Electr., 6th Naval District. Heath, W. E., Corpl., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Heath, P. J.. Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Heath, William Havwood, Pvt., Co .D, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Heartt, William A., 1st Lt., Co. B, 81st Div., 306th Tr. Hq. M. P. Heddy, W. A., Private Co., E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hedge, J. M., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hedgecock, J. V., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hedgecock, J., Sergt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hedgecock, J. V., Sergt., Co. F, 30th Div., 105th Engrs. Hedgepeth, Geo., Private, Co. K, 56th Pioneer Inf. Hedrick, D. R., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hedrick, C. L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hedrick, Earl F., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hedrick, Elmer Dermont, Private, S. A. T. C. Hedrick, Hiram G., Corpl., Med., Base 65. Hefner, A., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Heglar, L. A., Private, 115th F. A., 30th Div. Heglar, E J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Heins, M. T., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hellen, G. B., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Helms, Bascomb A., Pvt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Helms, W. H., Corpl., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Helms, W. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Helms, C. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Helms, L. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Helms, W. C, Wag., 11th Anti-Aircraft Btry. Helsabeck, D. Kemper, M. C, Base Homp., Camp Greene. Helton, G. H., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Helton, D. C, Wag., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Helton, John, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Helton, H., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Helton, B. C, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Henderson, S., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Henderson, R. L., Sergt, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Henderson, S. L., Corpl., Co. B, 1st Div., 5th A. A. M. G. Btn. Henderson, Walser D., Corpl., Supply Co., 81st Div., 316th F. A. Henderson, Aldis C, 2d Lt., F. A., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Hendley, B. E., Wag., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hendley, L. M., Private, 115th F. A., 30th Div. Hendley, Henry Herod, Cook, Btry. C, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Hendricks, Carl, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hendricks, Joe L., Private, Co. B, 81st Div., 322nd Inf. Tenley, C. A., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Henley, Marvin, Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Henninger, J. S., Private, 30th M. P., 30th Div. Henry, J. H., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Henry, Geo. J., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Henry, W. B., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Henry, T. F., Jr., Seaman, 4th Division, Navy. Henry, Kern W., 2d Lt, Vet. Corps, 1st Div., 6th F. A. Henry, B. A., Sergt., Co. C, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Henry, T. B., 1st Lt., Med. Corps. Hensley, Paul L., Sergt., Co. C, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Hepler, R. V., Radio Opr., U. R. F. Heritage, D., Corpl., Co. D, 81st Div., 322nd Inf. Herndon, J. A., Candidate, Central O. T. S. Herring, Thomas L., S. T. K., Navy. Hester, H., Line Sergt., Btry. F, F. A., 2nd Regt. Hester, W. P., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hester, J. W., Jr., Sup. Sergt., 14th Regt., F. A. Hester, F. M., Corpl., Btry. F, F. A. R. D. Hesterly, Louis E., Sergt., Med. Heuser, W. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hewett, H. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hewett, Geo. H., Corpl., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hewsee, E. A., Corpl., Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Hiatt, A. L., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hickman, Doc, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hicks, Ed, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hicks, H. A., Corpl., Co. C, 30th Div., 105th Sup. Tr. Hicks, J. F., Sergt., Q. M. C, Co. 324, G. R. S. Higgins, E. J., 2d Lt., Btry. A, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Higgins, J. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Higgins, Max W., Seaman. High, R. A., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Highsmith, A. Z., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hildebrand, J. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hildebrand, F. M., Corpl., 105th Engr. Tr., 30th Div. Hill, W. Q., Private, Co. 1, 81st Div., 306th Sup. Tr. Hill, O., Sergt., M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hill, T. G., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hill, John F., 1st Lt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hill, Sylvester, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hill, Elmore, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hill, J. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hill, L. S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hill, T. G. T., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hill, E. W., Sad., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hill, Leonard, Yeoman, Navy. Hill, M. L., Corpl., Co. N, 35th Eng. Hill, H. M., Fireman, Navy. Hill, A. O., Sergt., 119th Amb. Co., 30th Div., 105th San Tr. Hill, E. L., Private, Batry. A, 81st Div., 316th F. A. Hill, I). P., Private, Artly., Co. B, 81st Div. Hill, Fred, Private, Btry. B, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Hill, T. C, Jr., Private, 317th Amb., 80th Div. Hilliard, J. B., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hilliard, H. M., Corpl., Co. A, 62nd Pioneer Inf. Hilton, J. E., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hines, H. S., Corpl, 105th Engr. Tr., 30th Div. Hines, W. E., Wag., Hdqrs. 5th Btn., 20th Engrs. Hinkle, Paul, Sergt., Personnel Dept., Int., Hdqrs. Co. Hinnant, C. S., Private, Co. B, 42nd Div., 166th Inf. Hinson, Ray, 2d Lt., Co. I, 53rd Pioneer Inf. Hinson, D. <;., Private, Co. P., l()">ih Engrs., 80th Div. Hinson, B. G., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hinson, Guy It., Sergt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hinson, D. G., Wag., 105ch Engr. Tr., 30th Div. Hinson, H. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hinson, J. J., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hinton, W. A., Private, Co. B-F, 81st Div., 317th F. A. Hinton, W. A., Corpl., Co. B, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Hinton, A. R., Seaman, Merch. Marine. Hinton, M., Med. Corps, Unit 43, Base Hospital. Hinshaw, J. D., Private, Co. F, 81st Div., 322nd Inf. Hinson, E. L., Corpl., Inf., Co. 8. Hix, M. R., Private, Med. Corps, Hdqrs. Co. Hobbs, Henry C, Private, Co. B, 30th Div., 323rd Inf. Hobbs, R. J., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hobbs, John, Private, Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Regt. Hobbs, James H., Musician, Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 322nd Inf. Hockady, H. F., Mech., M. G., Replacement Co. Hodge, H. E., Sergt., M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hodge, J. W., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hodges, O., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hodges, E. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30ch Div. Hodges, Grady, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hodges, B. M., Private, Inf., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., Hodges, B. D., 1st Lt., Co. F, 52nd Pioneer Inf. Hodges, J. M., Corpl., M. P., 81st Div. Hodgin, C. D., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hodgin, C. M., Corpl., Eng. Tr., 13th Div., 213th Regt. Hoge, J. R., Private, Co. M, 5th Div., 6th Inf. Hoggard, J. E., Wag., Btry. B, 81st Div., 316th F. A. Hoggard, J. R., Private, Co. H, 6th Div., 54th Inf. Hoke, E. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Holcomb, J. L., M. G., 16th Div. Holbrook, C. B., 1st Sergt., Co. 2, 1st Tr. Bat., 158th De- pot Brigade. Holder, Ralph W., Private, 1st Class, U. S. Army Gen. Hospital No. 33, Med. Dept. Holder, L. E., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Holder, R. F., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Holder, A. G., Private, Co. C, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Holder, S., Private, Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Holder, O. R., Sergt., Co. L, 3rd Div., 38th Inf. Holding, T. E., Jr., Corpl., Amtn. Co. Holens, H. F., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Holland, F. P., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Holland, R. E., Wag., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Holland, J. H., Sergt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Holland, S., Ph. Mate, Navy. Holland, I., Corpl., Co. A, 30th Div., 105th Sup. Tr. Holleman, C. B., Co. E, 56th Pioneer Inf. Holler, J. J., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Holler, F. R., Private, Ord. Det., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Holliday, H. M., Mess Sergt., S. A. T. C. Hollingsworth, J. P., Sergt., Q. M. C, A. B. D. Holloman, W. D., Private, 318th Sig. Btn. Holloman, U. L., Corpl., Hdqrs. Btry., 81st Div., 306th Am. Tr. Holman, J. R., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 316th H. F. A. Holmes, G., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Holmes, A. E., Sergt., Base Hospital 65. Holshouser, H. C, Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Holt, A. G., Seaman, Navy. Holt, L. M„ Private, Co. V, 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Holt, W. E., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 80th Div. Holt, R. M., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div.. 120th Inf. H"l on. C. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Helton, A. W., Sergt., Btry. A. 118th F. A.. 30th Div. Holton, A. W., Sergt.. 113th F. A., 30th Div. HoltSClaw, C. B., Corpl., Inf., Co. K, 20th Div. Holtyclaw, W. C, Private, 118th Field Anil... 80th Div., 11th Regt. Homesley, A. S., Private, Rep. F, Ord.. list Div. rlouck, R. A., Sergt., Co. A, 331st Inf. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Honevcutt, R. L., Hrshr., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Honeycutt, J. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Honeycutt, P. B., Private, Personnel Det., M. G. T. C. Honeycutt, L., Mach. Mate, Naval Aviation. Honeycutt, Lucian, Serge., Co. H, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Honeycutt, C, Private, 5th Corps A. P. Honigsberg, B., Private, Co. C, 2d Field Sig., 1st Div. Hood, J. B., CorpL, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hood, C. L., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hooker, J., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hooks, G. L., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 120th Inf. Hooks, T., Capt., M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hooks, G. M., Yeoman, Navy. Hooper. J. W., Corp]., Btry. B, 81st Div., 317th F. A. Hope, C. C, Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hopkins, B. E., Mech., Btry. B, 81st Div., 317th F. A. Hopkins, J. W., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hoppes, S. L., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hoppes, S. L., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hoppos, F., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Horn, G. D., Private, Co. C, 81st Div., 321st Inf. Horn, F. S., Private, Med. Corps, Field Hosp., 78th Div., 303rd San. Tr. Horn, L. W., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Horn, L. W., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Horn, R. R., Private, Co. C, 81st Div., 321st Inf. Hornaday, C. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hornaday, C. E., Private, Dental Corps, 30th Div., 113th Regt. Hornbuckle, C. F., Private, Co. F, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Hornbuckle, W. P., Private, Co. I, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Hornbuckle, G. B., Corpl., Co. C, 30th Div., 105th Sup. Tr. Home, H. B., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Home, W. J., Cook, Co. A, 41st Div., 116th Engrs. Home, J. N., Corpl., 42nd Div., 117th Engr. Tr. Home, E. B., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 119th Inf. Home, G. H., Seaman, Navy. Home, F. E., Seaman, Navy. Horsee, H., Corpl., Q. M. C. Horner, C. L., Private, Inf., Sup. Co., 5th Div. Horney, W. M., Private, Co. M, 1st Inf. Horton, A. W., Sergt., Med. Corps., Base Hospital Det. Hough, S. F., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hough, Will, Sergt., Musician, 113th F. A., 30th Div. House, H. J., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. House, J., 2d Lt., Co. L, 60th Pioneer Inf. Houser, L. R., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Houser, T. F., Sergt., Med., 30th Div., 105th Engrs. Houston, L. B., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Houston, W. F., Co. C, 56th Pioneer Inf. Hovis, C. E., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Howard, J. O., Private, Co. G, 77th Div., 308th Inf. Howard, F. K., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Howard, C, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Howard, Paul N., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Howard, J. C, Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Howard, P. N., M. E. Jr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Howard, J. C, Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Howard, E. B., Mech., Btry. B, 2nd Tm. M. B. Howell, H. F., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Howell, F. M., 1st Lt., Co. M, 81st Div., 321st Inf. Howell, B., Private, Sup. Co., 30th Div., 120th Inf. Howell, W. C, Private, Med. Corps, Hospital Unit O. Howell, E. C, Wag., Co. C, 1st Army Div., 56th Engrs. Howell, G. C, Seaman, Navy. Hoyle, A. W., Wag., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hoyle, B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hubbard, J. O., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hubbard, J. L., Sergt., 1st F. A. R. D. Hudgins, J. G., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hudnell, A. B., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hudson, C. W., Sergt., Co. B, 3rd Div.. 3rd Amtn. Tr. Hudson, C. E., Corpl., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hudson, C. G., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hudson, W. R., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hudson, C. F., Private, Signal. Hudson, H. L., Sergt., Co. H, 81st Div., 322nd Inf. Hudson, N. E.. 2d Lt., Co. B, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Hudspeth, C. L., Corpl., Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Hudnell, E. G., Private, Co. E, Engrs. Corps. Hudnell, J. W., Sergt., Co. G, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Huff, W. N., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Huffman, R. C, Sergt., Co. 12, Unassigned. Huffman, E. F., Private, Co. F, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Huffman, A. S., Private, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Huffman, J. D., Sup. Sergt., 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Huffman, C, L.. Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Huffman, G. L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Huffman, R., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Huffman, E. W., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Huffman, J. D., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 105th Engrs. Huffstickler, J., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 3th Div. Huffstickler, H. D., Private, Co. A, Amtn. Tr., 6th Div. Hughes, B., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hughes, V. C, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hughes, B., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hughes, O. L., Seaman, Navy. Hughes. T. S., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 317 F. A. Hughes, C. R., Private, M. P., 30th Div. Hughes, J. B., Cook, M. C, Evac. Hospital 11. Hughes, I. W., Ensign, Navy. Huggins, H. G., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Huggins, C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Huitt, R. S., Private, Btry. B, 31st Div., 116th F. A. Hull, T. R., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hummell, S. G., Sergt., 119th Inf., 30th Div., M. G. Co. Humphrey, L. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Humphries, C. R., Capt.. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Humphries, O. L., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hundley, H. H., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Huneycutt, R. G., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hunley, E. L., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 23rd Engrs. Hunt, D. L., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hunt, C. M., Corp., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hunt, T. E., Private, Co. D, 81st Div., 316th F. A. Hunter, C, Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hunter, N. C, Corpl., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hunter, W. B., Capt., M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hunter, A. J., Bug., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hunter, W. L., 2d Lt., Instruction School. Hunter, G. A., Private, M. P., 30th Div. Hunter, Thomas M. Hunter, J. W., Private, Co. A, 81st Div., 306th Engrs. Hunter, C. C, Ph. Mate, Navy. Hunter, A. J., Bug., Co. B-C, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Hunter, H. C, Private, Btry. D, 316th H. A. Huntley, W. O., Sregt, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Huntley, F. B., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Huntley, R. E., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Huntley, F. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Huntley, G. W., Water Tender, Navy. Hunsucker, W. L., Private, Co. F, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Hurdle, J. H., Capt., Dental Corps. Hurley, D. A., Private, Med. Dept. Hutchison, R. B., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hutchinson, J. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Hutchinson, J. F., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 56th Pioneer Inf. Huttleston, J. H., Corpl., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Hyder, T. J., 2d Lt., Co. B, 81st DvL, 323rd Inf. Hyman, G. L., Private, Med., Co. B-14. Hyman, R. H., Phm., Navy Med. Corps. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Idol, M. C, Private, 27th Co., 4th Regt., Marines. Idol, C. B., Sgt, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ingle, C. D., Corpl., Park Btry. Ingle, H. F., Sgt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ingle, .M., Private, 113th F. A., 3t0h Div. Ingold, Connie, Private, 308th Bakery Co., 30th Div. Ingold, W., Corpl., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ingram, Ivey, Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs, 30th Div. Inman, W. A., Private., Air Service, 240th Aero Squadn. Inscoe, J. I., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Inscome, Arthur L., Private, 119th Field Hosp., 30th Div. Ipock, R. J., Private, Co. D, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Ipock, C. L., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Irwin, Ray, Private, Co. E., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Irvine, Chas. W., Sgt., Co. D, 106th Amn., 81st Div., F. A. Isbell, H. L., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Isear, D. W., Private 1st Class, 4th Amn. Tr. Isenhour, L. P., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Isenhower, S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ison, J. L., Corpl, Hdqrs. Co., 9th F. A. Israel, T. L., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Israel, J. W., Eng. 2nd Class, Navy. Ivey, H. W., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jackson, H. B., Private, Co. B, 13th M. G. Batln., 5th Div. Jackson, A. L., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jackson, C. A., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jackson, Geo. B., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jackson, G. B., Sgt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jackson, Coy, Saddler, Hdqrs. Co., 105 Engrs., 30th Div. Jackson, G. H., Sgt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jackson, Geo. H, Supply Sgt., Btry A, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jackson, C. T., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jackson, L. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jackson, R. C, Private, Co. F, 306th Amb. Tr., 81st Div Jackson, R. L., Sergt, Q. M. C. Jackson, R. C, Private, Co. F, 306th Amb. Tr., 81st Div. Jackson, Geo., Private, 12th Co., 4th Regt, Air Service. Jackson, E. B., Private, 324th Co., 306th San. Tr., 81st Div. Jackson, Grady, Private, 42nd Balloon Div., Air Service. Jackson, H. C, 2nd Class Fireman, U. S. Navy. Jacobs, James C, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. James, F. W., Yeaman 1st Class, U. S. N. R. F. James J. A., Private, Co. A, 8th Regt., Engineers. James, Doran, Seaman 2nd Class, Navy. Jamison, Geo., Cook, Btry. D, 6th Btn. French Artillery. Jarrett, Clifton, Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs, 30th Div. Jarrett, C. H., Pvt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jarvis, E. C, Pvt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jarvis, Jno., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jarvis, T. R., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 322nd Inf., 81st Div. Jarvis, W. D., Pvt., Co. D, 1st Inf., 20th Div. Jay, G. V., Coppersmith 2nd Class, Navy. Jaynes, R. G., Private, Co. A, 115th M. G. Regt., 30th Div. Jell'e, Barney, Pvt., Co. F, 165th Inf., 42nd Div. (Old 69th N. Y.) Jefferson, E., Pvt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jefferson, E., Pvt., 105th Engrs Tr., 30th Div. Jefferson, W. M., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jefferson, I. H., Corpl, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jeffries, J. II., Mech., Co. D, 318th M. G. Btn., 81st Div. Jennings, F. A.. Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jenkins, Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jenkins, Wm. O., Sgt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jenkins, W. L., Corpl., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jenkins, T. L., Corpl., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jenkins, Wm. ()., Jr., Gi\, Hdqurs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jenkins, E. O., Corpl., Co. B., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jenkins, L. H., Pvt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jenkins, E. O., Pvt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jenkins, B. B., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jenkins, A. J., Corpl., Co. E, 3rd Tr. Btn. Inf., 20th Div. Jenkins, H. E., Horseshoer, M. G. Co., 321st Inf., 81st Div. Jenkins, W. L., Pvt., Btry. D, 318th F. A., 81st Div. Jenkins, C. C, Private, Cavalry ( Remount). Jenkins, T. V., Seaman 1st Class, Navy. Jenkins, F. M., Pvt, 1st Corps Art. Park Jenkins, Wm. O., Master Engr., Jr. Grade, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jennette, S. E., M. E. Jr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jennett, Sidney E., 2d Lieut., Co. B., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jennette, S. E., Sgt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jennings, Phillip, Co. E, 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Jernigan, C, Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jernigan, C. C, Pvt., Co. F., 54th Inf., 6th Div. Jernigan, Osie C, Pvt., Co. M., 119th Inf., 30th Div. Jernigan, J. C, Pvt, U. S. Marines, U. S. S. St. Louis Det. Jernigan, R. W., 321st Amb. Co., 303th San. Tr., 81st Div. Jerrett, C, Pvt, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jesnak, B. J., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Am. Tr., Art., 30th Div. Jessup, J. G., Cook, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jessup, L. A., Horseshoer, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jewel, W. L., M. E. Sr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson 105th San. Tr., 30th Div. C. E., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. O. F., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. J. A., Sgt., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. C. E., Pvt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. D. A., Pvt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. L. P., Pvt, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Paul, Pvt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. S., Corp., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Troy F., Pvt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. H. M., Pvt, Co. D. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Earl, Sergt, 113th F. A., 30th Div. D. R., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. L. R., Lieut., 113th F. A., 30th Div. N., Horseshoer, 113th F. A., 30th Div. J. C, Pvt, 113th F. A., 30th Div. S. C, Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. W. S., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. W. C, Corp., 113th F. A., 30th Div. R. L., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. H. M., Fireman 2nd Class, Navy. Wm. H., Wagoner, 117th F. Hosp., Med. Corps., 81st Div. 30th Div. 30th Div. 30th Div. Johnson, O. S., Coprl., Hdqrs. Co., 322nd Inf. Johnson, J. A., Sgt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs. Johnson, T. A., Corpl., Co. B, 115th M. G. Regt Johnson, G. D., Pvt., Co. B, 115th M. G. Bn. Johnson, H. T., Chief Comry. Steward, Navy. Johnson, J. A., Pvt, 4th Co., 1st Corps Artillery Park. Johnson, P. L., Pvt., Btry. Hdqrs., 309th F. A., 78th Div. Johnson, M. C, Corpl., Btry. F, 7th F. A. Johnson, N. F., Pvt., Camp Hosp. 50, Med. Corps. Johnson, Jeter, Pvt., 1st Co.. 142nd Inf., 1st Div. Johnson, L. G., Sergt., Co. B., 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Johnson, J. I., Jr., Sergt., Sup. Co., M. T. C, 7th Army Corps. Johnson, R. F., Cook, Btry. D, Light F. A., 81st Div. Johnson, J. H., Pvt., Co. H., P. E. S. Johnson, Henry, Pvt, Btry. C. Artillery. Johnson. E. P., Pvt.. C<>. H.. 824th Inf.. 81st Div. Johnson, W. S., Medical Dept. Navy. Johnson, Cleir-ent M. Johnson, Herbert, Pvt., 55th Co.. Coast Art. Corps. Johnson, Bragsdon, Sergt., Supply Co., 321st Inf., 81st Div Johnson, D. E., Seaman 1st Class. U. S. N. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Johnson, V. C, Pvt, Co. K, 323rd Inf., 81st Div. Johnson, A. T., Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., 319th Inf., 81st Div. Johnson, G. G., Navy. Johnson, 0. D., Pvt., Troop A., 3rd Cavalry. Johnson, E. R., Mech., 120th F. Hosp., 30th Div. Johnson, Wm. F., Pvt., Co. F, 307th A. R. D. Johnson, Geo. R., Chauff., 2nd Co., 306th M. T. C, 81st Div. Johnston, M. W., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Johnston, L. R., Corpl., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Johnston, W. F., Wagoner, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Johnston, J. W., P. M., 1st Class, Navy. Johnston, W. R., Sergt., 14th Co., 2nd Air Service. Johnston, B. F., Yeoman, Navy. Johnston, J. G., B. M. 2nd Class, Navy. Johnston, L. W., Corpl., Btry. F, 317th Art., 81st Div. Jolly, F. E., Bugler, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jones, A. W., Pvt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jones, T. E., Corpl. Musician, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jones, J. F., Pvt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jones, R. A., Corpl., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jones, B., Pvt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jones, W. L., Pvt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jones, Aquilla, Corpl., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jones, D. W., Pvt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jones, Roy E., Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jones, A. L., Pvt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jones, Will, Pvt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jones, G., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jones, B. L., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jones, B., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jones, J. C, Private. Jones, M., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jones, Van, Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jones, F. W., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jones, M. H., Sergt., 113th F. A.. 30th Div. Jones, L. L., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jones, R. F., Far., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jones, D. R., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jones, H. L., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jones, T. E., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jones, J. B., Sergt., Co. L, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Jones, J. E., Pvt., Co. I, 56th Engrs. Jones, B. S., Sergt., Base Hoso. No. 45, Med. Corps. Jones, C. N., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 120th Inf., 30th Div. Jones, S. G., Pvt., Btry. D, 135th Artillery, 37th Div. Jones, Walter G., Mess Sergt., Co. C, 322nd Inf., 81st Div. Jones, J. R., Jr., Corpl., Btry. E, 316th F. A., 81st Div. Jones, J. W., Sergt., Base Hosp. Det., Camp Jackson. Jones, S. A., Corpl., 5th Corps, Artillery Park. Jones, B. N., Capt., Evacuation Hosp. 5, Med. Service. Jones, J. E., Pvt., Co. D, 114th M. G. Regt., 30th Div. Jones, W. L., Pvt., 10th Btry., 10th Regt., F. A. Jones, Wm. G., Corpl., Co. C, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Jones, M. C, Pvt., Artillery. Jones, Vaden, Corpl., Co. P. G. Jones, S. G., Seaman 2d Class, Navy. Jones, Wilson, Q. M. Sergt., Q. M. C. Jones, W. T., Seaman 2nd Class, Navy. Jones, C. R., Pvt., Co. D, 322nd Inf., 81st Div. Jones, Zeb V., Pvt., Co. B, 117th Engrs., 42nd Div. Jones, W. C, Sergt., Btry. F, 317th F. A., 81st Div. Jones, P. V., Corpl., 3rd Sup. Tr., 81st Div. Jones, O. B., Pvt., Btry. B, 317th F. A., 81st Div. Jones, S. B., Pvt., Medical Corps. Jones, B. L., Cook, Co. A, 105th Sup. Tr., 30th Div. Jones, W. V., Corpl, Co. L, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Jones, T. E., Musician, Hdqrs. Co., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Jones, W. H., Seaman 2nd Class, Navy. Jones, Albert, Pvt., 119th M. G. Bn. Jones, Oscar, Pvt., 341st Fire & G. Co., Q. M. C. Jordan, F. A., Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., 323rd Inf., 81st Div. Jordan, Perry L., Pvt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jordan, M. P., Pvt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Jordan, R. A., Private, 323rd Amb. Co. Jordan, L. J., Sergt., Co. A, 306th Engrs., 81st Div. Jordan, R. A., Musician, Navy. Joseph, E. A., 1st Class Cf. M., Naval Aviation. 117th Squadron. Josephson, Mike, Pvt., 323rd Amb. Co., 81st Div. Josephson, Wm., Pvt., 323rd Amb. Co., 81st Div. Journigan, W. C, Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Joyce, D. C, Pvt., 96th Co., 6th U. S. M., 2nd Div. Joyner, W. T., Maj., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Joyner, S. G., Pvt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Joyner, W. M., Sergt., Btry. E, 47th Regt., Heavy Art. Joyner, R. H., Pvt., Medical Corps, 34th Div. Joyner, P. H., Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., 317th Inf., 80th Div. Joyner, G. H., Corpl., Co. E, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Joyner, J. M., Pvt., Co. D, 152nd Depot Brigade, Inf. Judd, E. C, Lieut., Navy. Julian, Carl S., Pvt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Justice, K., Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Justice, J. G., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Justice, A. B., Pvt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Justice, E., Pvt., M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Justice, C. W., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Justic, G. S., Meg., Co. B, M. Police, 3rd Army. Justus, F. S., Pvt., Btry. C, 2nd Bn., French Mortars. Kale, P. W., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Kambis, C. J., Cook, Co. 38, 20th Engrs. Kanoy, C. M., Private, Depot Brigade. Kanoy, R. C, Private, S. A. T. C. Kearney, D. B., Private. Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Kearns, C. E., Musician, Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 316th H. F. A. Kearns. A. R., Sergt., Q. M. C. Keeffe, H. G., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Keel, D. F., 1st Lt., Med. Corps. Keen, H. B., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Keen. Seth, Private, Co. E, 215th Engrs. Keenan, S. H., Wag., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Keene, N. H., Sergt., Squad. 1099, Air Service. Keen, L., Private, Btry. D, 82nd Div., 321st F. A. Keener, Joe B., Ensign, Navy. Keeter, Z. O., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Keeter, Ben, Private, Co. 21, 18th Div. Keeter, W. P., Corpl., Marine Corps. Keever, V. V., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Kehoe, R. T., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Keith, C. P., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Keith, W. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Keith, H. C, Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Keller, L. O., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Kelley, J. R., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Kelly, J. C, Sergt., Btry. F, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Kelly, W. O., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Kelly, J. E., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Kelly, J. F., Corpl., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Kelly, J., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Kelly, L. L., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Kelly, J. C, Sergt., Co. F, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Kelly, V. F., Jr., Private, 678th Aero Sq. Kelly, W. O., Private, Co. C, 30th Div., 105th Engrs. Kelly. W. P., Sergt.. Co. C, 36th Div., 144th Inf. Kelly, J. F„ 341 Fire and Guard. Kelley, E. B., Storekeeper, Navy. Kellogg, W., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., F. A. C. O. T. S. Kemp, H. W., Private, Co. K, 81st Div., 324th Inf. Kennedy, F. H., Hrshr., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Kennedy, H. R., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Kennedy, J. T., Corpl., 838th Aero Sq. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Kennedy, H. E., Private, Co. 30, Sig. Corps. Kennerley, C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Kepitankcs, G., Private, Troop B, 2nd Cavalry. Kepley, J. W., 2d Lt, Naval. Kerr, W. B., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Kerr, J. B., Wag., Co. A., 321st Inf., 3rd Div. Kerr, W. B., Private, Co. F, 105 Engrs., 30th Div. Kerr, E. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Kerr, G. A., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Kerley, H., Sergt., Veterinary. Kern, W. L., Sergt., 354th Labor Btn. Ketchum, W. L., Private, Btry. D, 117th Replacement, 8th F. A. Key, E. L., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Keziah, R. A., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Kidd, E. W., Sergt., Co. B, 3rd Div., 156th Depot Brig. Kiger, C. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Kiger, H. B., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Kiger, C. E., Prvate, Amb. Co. 117, 105th San. Tr. Killette, E. F., Jr., El., Navy. Killian, J. M., Sergt., Co. 122, Ord. Corps. Killian, R. C, Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ki'lian, R. C, Corpl., Btry. E, 30th Div., 113th Artly. Keleveros, J. C, Sergt., Co. M, 81st Div., 321st Inf. Kilioros, Private, Co. D, 30th Div., 115th M. G. Killingsworth, A. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Kilpatrick, D. W., Sergt., Co. I, 81st Div., 321st Inf. Kimball, Godfrey C, 1st Lt., Co. M-G, 81st Div., 323rd Inf. Kincaid, J. N., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. King, E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. King, A .E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. King, S. V., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. King, C. C, Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. King, C, Wag., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. King, W. E., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. King, G. I., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. King, J. H., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. King. C. C, Private, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. King, E. E., Jr., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 118th Inf. King, Parks McC, Capt., Med. Corps, Evac. Hospital 15. King, T. E., Private, M. G., 29th Div., 116th Inf. King, L. A., Private, Co. G, 42nd Div., 167th Inf. King, H. H., Private, Co. D, Inf. King, A. H., Y. M. C. A. King, M. E., Corpl., Co. L, Training Btn. King, E. S., Cook, Co. M, 81st Div., 233nd Inf. King, R. B., Private, Machine Br. King, E. L., Sergt., Q. M. C. Kinsey, J. V., Prviate, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Kinsland, J. A., Private, 118th Amb. Co., 30th Div., 105th San Tr. Kinslaw, M., Corpl., Co. D, 81st Div., 321st Inf. Kinlaw, R., Private, 324th Amb. Co., 81st Div., 306th San. Tr. Kirby, J. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Kirby, R. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Kirby, J. D., Machinist, Navel. Kirby, D. C, Corpl., Co. M, 81st Div., 324th Inf. Kirkman, W. T., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Kirkman, T. W., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Kirkman, W. C, Cook, 115th F. A., 30th Div. Kirkman, W. C, Cook, Sup. Co., 30th Div., 113th F. A. Kirkman, .1. B., Private, Co. B, 13th Div., 62nd Engrs. Kirk, E., Cook, Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Kirkpatrick, ('. D., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Kirkpatrick, W. J., Cook, Air Service, Co. 6, 2nd Regt. Kiser, H. B., Private, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Kistler, J. H., Sergt., Med. Corps, Hospital 103. Kitchens, J. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Kitchens, L. L., Gunner's Mate, Naval. Kivett, C. A., Sergt., F. A., 32nd Corps. Kivett, H. M., P'rivate, Co. H, 81st Div., 324th Inf. Kivett, R. C, Private, Hdqrs. Co., 29th Div., 112th H. F. A. Klem, Geo., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Kluttz, W. P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Kluttz, H. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Knight, K. C, Corpl., Co. B, 81st Div., 325th Inf. Knott, C. D., Sergt., Co. D, 3rd Div., 7th Inf. Knott, G. W., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Knott, R. L., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Knott, R. L., 1st Sergt., Co. E. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Knotts, L. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Knotts, E. T., Corpl., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Knotts, H. K., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Knotts, S. M., Private, Co. G, 81st Div., 321st Inf. Knouse, A. L., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Knowles, C. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Knowles, J. R., Sergt., Co. D, 7th C. A. C. Knowles, H. P., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Knox, A. W., Capt., M. C. Knutson, C. A., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Koonce, B. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Koonce, B. G., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Koonce, F. S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Koonce, J. C. B., Seaman, N. R. F. Koontz, A. L., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Kornegay, R., Private Vet. Corps, Remount Depot. Kramer, C. E., Navy. Kuhn, H. A., Sad., Co. 30, 3rd Div. Lackey, R., Private, Co. M, 35th Div., 117th Engrs. Lacy, T. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lacy, B. R., Jr., Capt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lacy, C. H., Elec, Navy. Lael, G. L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lafevers, J., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Laffon, D. L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lail, C. P., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lail, G. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lakey, R. W., Sergt., Co. K, 81st Div., 221st Inf. Lamb, G. C, Jr., Corpl., Ordnance. Lamb, B. H., Cook, 10th Air Sq. Lambert, J. E., Jr., R. S. M., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lambreth, A. W., Private ,Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lambeth, G. S., Corpl., Med. Dept., 32nd Div.. 125th Inf. Lambeth, G. D., Sergt., Co. 51, 2nd Div., 5th Marines. Lamm, A. C, Private. Lamm, W. L., Mess Sergt., Co. A, 30th Div., 119th Regt. Lampkin, H. P., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lance, J. R., Private, Btry. E, 3rd H. F. A. Lander, W. S., Private, F. A., Replacement Regt. Landing, C, Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Landingham, C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Landis, A., Corpl., M. G., 30th Div., 120th Regt. Landis, W. A., Phcy. M., Navy. Lane, W. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lane, E. E., Private, San. Det., 30th Div., 114th F. A. Lane, M. O., Sergt., F. A., Hdqrs. Co. Lane, C, Private, M. G., Co. B, 81st Div., 317th Btn. Lane, L., Musician, Navy. Laney, C. H., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Laney, C, Sergt., Btry. D, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Langdon, A. M.. Private, Co. K, 27th Div., 107th Inf. Langford, II. (\, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Langford, J. A., Private, Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Langley, E. C... Private, Co. E. 30th Div., 118th Inf. Langley, W., Private, Co. C, 30th Div.. 120lh Inf. Langley, J. W., M. M., Naval Aviation. Langley, J. W., Fireman, Navy. Lanier, S. A., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Lanier, E. W., Private, Co. B-F, 81st Div., 316th H. A. Lanius, R. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lanius, J., Jr., Corp]., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lassiter, L. E., G. M., Navy. Lassiter, J. E., Private, Orel. Dept. Lassiter, T. E., Private, C. A. C, Anti-Aircraft. Lassiter, A. J., Private, Btry. 2, 3rd Div., 75th F. A. Laster, J. J., Private, Co. I, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Latham, J. B., Corpl., Hdqrs. Btn., A. G. 0. Latham, Kelly, Private, M. G., 29th Div., 116th Inf. Latham, S. C, Private, Co. B, 40th Div., 157th Inf. Latham, J. H., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Latta, M. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Latta, S. T., Jr., Corpl., 113th F .A., 30th Div. Latta, J. W., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Latta, H. F., Private, Co. A, 30ch Div., 105th Sig. Btn. Laughinghouse, B. G., Bug., Btry. A, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Laughinghouse, C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Laughter, K, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Laughlin, S. B., Corpl., Co. L, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Laughridge, C. A., Gunner's Mate, Navy. Lauten, T. Z., Sergt., M. P., 23rd F. A. Lavender, C. W., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lawder, W. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lawrence, S. M., Corpl., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lawrence, J. R., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lawrence, A. S., 1st Lt., Chaplain. Lawrence, B. J., Lt. Jr. G, N. R. F. Lawrence, W. P., Ph. Mate, N. R. F. Lawrence, C. S., Lt. Col., Med. Laws, I., Private, Btry. B, 81st Div., 317th F. A. Lawson, W. L., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lawton, J. G., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Laxton, B., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Laxton, L. W., Sergt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Laxton, B., Sergt, Btry. E, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Layden, E. H., Private, Med. Det., 3rd, 4th, 42nd Div. Layton, C. C, Seaman, Navy. Lazenby, R. M., Radio Opr., Navy. Lazenby, R. P., Sergt., Casual Co. Leach, J. F., Wag., Co. A, 81st Div., 30th Am. Tr. Leach, L. L., Sergt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Leagon, C. J., Private, Co. B, 26th Div., 6th Inf. Leak, J. H., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Leary, C. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Leary, S. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Leary, J. C, Chief P. G., Merchant Marine. Leath, J. P., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Leatherwood, H. G., Private, Co. E, 30th Div., 105th Sup. Tr. Ledbetter, E. D., Phr. Mate, Navy. Ledbetter, C. B., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ledbetter, C. B., M. E. Sr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lee, A., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lee, Thos., Jr., Corpl., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lee, John H, Corpl., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lee, James E., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lee, C. E., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lee, J. L., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lee, Dave, Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lee, R. E., Wag., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lee, S. H., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lee, J. I., 2d Lt., Cavalry. Lee, L. K., Seaman, N. R. F. Lee, P. H., Reg. Sup. Sergt., 30th Div., 119th Inf. Lefkowitz, D., Pvt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lefkowitz, D., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lefkowich, W. B., Btry. B, 58th Light F. A., 20th Div. Leeper, W. T., Pvt., Co. A, S. A. T. C. Leeper, A. B., Pvt., Btry. E, 1st F. A., Replacement Div. Leggett, Robt, Pvt., 72nd Co., M. G. Leggett, James A., Sergt., Q. M. C. Leggett. C. H., Sergt., 12th Co., 3rd Regt., Air Service Mechanic. Leggett, J. K., Corpl, Co. K, 6th F. A., 6th Div. Leggett, V. W., Capt., Med. Corps., 23rd Div., B. E. F., 10th Northumblnd. Fusileers. Leggett, C. H., Corpl., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. LeGette, C. H., Sergt., 4th Co., 4th Regt., Air Ser. Mech. Leigh, A. B., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Leigh, W. E., Sergt., Q. M. C, 32nd and 2nd Div. Leigh, A. B., Corpl., Btry. C, 113th Art., 30th Div. Leigh, H. T., Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., 316th Heavy F. A., 81st Div. Llewellyn, Sergt., Co. D, 322nd Inf., 81st. Lentz, J. W., Mus. 2nd CI., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lentz, P. L.. Pvt., Btrv. D, 318th F. A. Lentz, J. W., Mus., 1st CI., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lentz, T. L., Ord. Sergt., 121st Co., Field Ordnance. Lentz, Wm., Sergt., 437th Co., 1st Replacement Troops, Engrs. Leonard, H. G., Pvt., Co. A, Inf., 6th Div' Leonard, V. C, Pvt., 120th Regt., Amb., 30th Div. Leonard, C. R., Pvt., Med. Dept., 82nd Div. Leonard, J. W., App. Seaman, Navy. Leonard, M. M., Pvt., Co. L, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Leonard, F. B., Pvt., 425th Co., Air Signal Corps, 83rd Div. Leonard, J. S., Pvt. 1st CI., M. G. Co., 10th Regt. Leonhardt, Geo., Pvt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Leonhardt, B. F., Wagoner, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Leslie, J. T., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lester, L. M., Pvt. 1st CI., Sec. 528, Army Amb. Service. Letchworth, F. T., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lewallen, Pvt., 801st M. T. C. Lewallen, A. Thad, 1st Lt., 1st Bn. Adjt., 61st Pioneer Inf. Lewellvn, T. H., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lewis, F. W., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lewis, C. F., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lewis, L. W., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lewis, R. T., Pvt., Co. D., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lewis, T. S., Pvt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lewis, Noah, Pvt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lewis, J. A. H., Bugler, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lewis, Chas. W., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lewis, J. A., Pvt., 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Lewis, B. C, Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Lewis, John I., Pvt., Btry. D, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lewis, W. G., Seaman, Merchant Marine. Lewis, Kincheon, Pvt., Co. B, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Lewis, John H., Pvt., 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Lewis, H. C, Sergt., Q. M. C, 81st Div. Lewis, Jas. W., Corpl., Co. A, Sup. Tr. Corps, 30th Div. Lewis, Wm. C, Sergt., S. P. N. 383rd Co., Motor Tr. Lewis, I. W., Pvt., 118th Amb. Co., 105th San. Tr., Med. Corps, 30th Div. Lewter, Wm. A., Corpl., 4th Co., 306th Sup. Tr., Att. 81st Div. Levy, Archie A., Co. A, 144th M. G. Repl., 40th Div. Lieber, B., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lightsey, J. L., Pvt., General Hoso. Co., Med. Corps. Ligon, jas. H., Sergt., 54th Co., Marines, 2nd Division. Liles, W. A., 1st Sergt., Btry A, 36th F. A.. 12th Div. Liles, Wm.. M., Pvt. 1st CI., Co. M., 313th Inf., 79th Div. Liles, P. H., Corpl., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Liles, F. E., Lieut., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lilly, G. C, Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lilly, L. B., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lindley, R. H., Pvt., 13th Btry., F. A. Lindley, F. B., Corpl., Co. B, 317th F. A., 81st Div. Lindsay, W. B., Sergt., Unassigned, 2nd Co., C. A. C. Lindsay, Robt. O., 1st Lt., 139th Aero Sqd., 2nd Pur- suit Group. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Lindsay, John William,, Chauffeur, Air Service. Lindsay, C. S., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lindsay, C. D., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lindsay, J. A., Corpl., Co. F., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lindsey, R. P., Pvt, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lineback, W. P., Pvt, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lineback, W. P., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lineback, G. E., Pr. Cook, Med., Infiramry Div. Lineback, H. J., Pvt. 1st CI., 1st Co., Med. Dept. Lineberger, C. P., Sergt., 33rd Co., Center Off. Camp Lineberger, K. F., Corpl., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lineburger, T. J., Pvt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Linker, E. N., 1st CI. Fireman, Navy. Linker, Vic, Pvt, Inf., 31st Div. Linthicum, Lonnie C, Pvt., Co. K, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Linton, L. A., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Linville, J. O., Pvt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Linville, A. M., Corpl., Co. C, 105th Engrs, 30th Div. Linville, A. M., Wagoner, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs, 30th Div. Linville, Walter S., Sergt., Base Hospital 65. Lipe, J. W., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lippard, C. L., Pvt., Co. L, 1st N. C. Inf., 30th Div. Lipscomb, E. S., F. A. C. O. T. S. Little, F. J., Corpl., Co. F, 105th Engrs, 30th Div. Litten, Daniel R., Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., Engrs., 30th Div. Little, J. B., 2nd Lt, Btry. D, 317th F. A., 81st Div. Litton, D. R., Wag., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Litton, D. R., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lively, J. E., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Livengood, W. H., Pvt. 1st CI., Btry. F., 316th F. A., 81st Div. Livingston, M. F., Pvt., F. A., 1st Corps, Art. Park. Livingston, David McL, Seaman 2nd Class, Navy. Loatch, C. S., Pvt. 1st CI., Co. L, 317th Inf., 80th Div. Lochlear, A. H., Pvt. 1st CI., M. G. Co., 120th Regt, 30th Div. Lockaby, Jess M., Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lockamy, E., Pvt, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lockamy, C. T., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lockavy, J. B., Pvt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lockerbie, D., Sergt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Logan, J., Dent. Asst, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Logan, Isaac, Pvt., Co. F, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Lomax, Fred M., Pvt., Btry. H, 118th Art. Long, Kelly, Pvt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Long, Paul E., Pvt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Long, C. Y., Pvt, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Long, St., Vinston, Pvt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Long, C. H., Corpl., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Long, W. H., Pvt., 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Long, G. N., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Long, C. C, Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Long, P., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Long, Lawrence D., 2nd Lt., Q. M. C. Long, Marshall, Pvt. 1st CI., Co. D, 324th Inf., 81st Div. Long, Saml. C, Pvt 1st CI., Co. C, 40th Inf., 83rd Div. Long, Wm. M., Pvt., 9th F. A. Long, John, Pvt., Co. C, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Long, Perlymon, Pvt. 1st CI., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Long, Claude V., 1st Sergt., 321st Co., 306th San. Tr., Med. Corps, 81st Div. Long, P. B., 2nd CI. Seaman,, U. S. N. R. F. Lonnon, O. G., Wag., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lonnon, O., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Looper, F. B., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Love, R. R., Pvt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Love, A., Pvt, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Love, A. P., Pvt., Co. B, C. A. C. Lovitt, M. M., Pvt, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lovill, R. A., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lovitt, C. W., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lovett, G. L., Sergt., 54th Co., Heavy A., C. A. C. Lovette, G. R., Cook, 22nd Co., Inf. Lowder, T. L., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lowdermilk, Millard F., Pvt. 1st CI.. Q. M. C. Lowe, J. H., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lowe, L., Pvt., Co. B., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lowe, W. G., 1st Lt., Inf., 20th Div. Lowe, R. M., Pvt., 1st CL, Q. M. C. Lowery, C. C, Pvt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lowery, Thos. C, Pvt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lowery, W. S., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lowery, S. B., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lowery, D. T., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lowins, G. C, Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lowman, R. L., Pvt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lowman, R. L., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lowman, D., Pvt., 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Lowman, E., Wag., 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Lowry, W. S., Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Loy, Wm. D., 2nd Lt., Co. I, 384th Inf., 96th Div. Lucas, J. C, Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lull, A. W., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lumley, E. I., Pvt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lumsden, W. B., Sergt, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lupton, Corless, Pvt. 1st CL, 14th Amb. Co. Lutz, A. S., 2nd Lt., Chief Surgeon's Office. Lutz, Garland E., Pvt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lyda, M. C, Pvt., Inf. Lyerly, George, L., Major, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lynch, M., Sergt., M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lynch, M., Pvt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lynch, J. M., Mus. 2nd CI., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Lynch, A. A., Pvt. 1st CI., 9th Art., 80th Div. Lyon, W. E., Pvt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lyon, B. R., Pvt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Lyon, Zeno G., Jr., Corpl., Btry A, 1st Bn., C. C. Lyon, Wm. A., Pvt. 1st CL, Co. B, Marine Corps. Mabe, J. W., Cook, 105th Engr. Tr., 30th Div. Mabe, W. H., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mabe, J. G., Private, 105th Engr. Tr., 30th Div. Mabe, J. G., Private, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mabe, J. T., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Mabry, O. B., Sergt., Q. M. C. Macintosh, L. C, Capt, Med. Corps, 91st Div., 361st Regt. MacNair, H. C, Corpl., Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Madden, M„ Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Maddery, E. B., Corpl., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Maddery, W. G., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Magill, T. B., Private, Co. 5, 81st Div., 306th Sup. Tr. Mahaffee, G., Private, M. O, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mahaffee, J. B., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mahaley, J. A., Sergt., Inf., Co. F, 156th Depot Brigade. Mahoney, M., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Main, N., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Makepeace, H. F., Sergt., 317th Amb. Co., 80th Div. Mallard, L. L., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Malone, C. L., Q. M., Navy. Malone, J. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Malone, C. E., Sergt., Med. Dept. Base Hospital. Maltha, R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Manekin, Ben, Q. M. C, 31st Co., 31st Div. Maner, J. S., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Maner, V. B., Private, Co. B, 81st Div.. 321st Inf. Maness, J. C, Private, Btry. A, 81st Div., 317th F. A. Maness, C. A., Sergt., Q. M. C. Mangan, J. J., Private, Co. B, 37th Div., 136th M. G. Btn. Mangum, ('. \\\, Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Mangum, H. R., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 156th Depot Brigade. Mangum, H. J., Sergt., Co. D, 30th Div., 115th M. G. Mauley, B. W., Private, Q. M., Co. 302. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Mann, L. B., Cook, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mann, W., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mann, W. G., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30ch Div. Mann, T. M., Private, Sup. Co., 81st Div., 323rd Inf. Mann, W. H., Cook, Btry. E, 1st F. A. Mann, R. N.. Sergt., Lafayette Div., Med. Sup. Det. Mann, W. M., Seaman, U. S. N. R. F. Mann, J. L., Corpl., Co. L, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Mann, 0. G., Private, Co. E, 56th Pioneer Inf. Manning, G. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Manning, W., Private, Co. D, 105ch Engrs., 30th Div. Manning, C. L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mansfield, F., Corpl., Co. F. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Maranda, John, Bugler, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Maranville, C. A., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Margolis, H. J., Private, Btry. D, 81st Div., 316th Artly. Margolis, M. Y., Private, Btry. D, 81st Div., 316th Artly. Markham, C. E., Private, S. A. T. C. Markham, M. H., Corpl., 81st Div., 316th F. A. Markham, J. B., Private, 72nd M. G. Marley, J. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Marley, C. T., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Marley, W. G., Yeoman, Navy. Marion, W. S., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Marlow, A., Mech., Co. 55, 7th Div., 55th Inf. Marlowe, C. R., Private, Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Marrow, J. H., Private, Co. C, llofh M. G. Btn., 30th Div. Mars, J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Marsh, W. E., Corpl., Co. H, 56th Pioneer Inf. Marsh, Lawrence B. Marshall, J. T., Wag., 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Marshall, F., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Marshall, E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Marshburn, W. C, Private, S. A. T. C . Marshburn, J. A., M. G. Co., 30th Div., 119th Inf. Marshall, E., Private, Co. E, 81st Div., 321st Inf. Marshall, H. C, Private, Co. 12, 20th Engrs. Martin, J. E., Hrshr., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Martin, O., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Martin, W. R., Sergt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Martin, E. L., Sergt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Martin, R., Sergt., M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Martin, W. T., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Martin, G. D., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Martin, B. W., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Martin, W., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Martin, S. B., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Martin, S. D., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Martin, F. E., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Martin, C. T., Co. G, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Martin, W. B., Corpl., Co. C, 81st Div., 324th Inf. Martin, F. E., Sergt., Q. M. C. Martin, O. R., Private, 87th Sq., Air Service. Martin, D. M., Yeoman, Navy. Marvin, O. M., Private, Unit O, Base Hospital. Mason, J. W., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mason, G. C, Corpl., Co. E, 29th Div., Motor Sup. Tr. Massey, I. C, Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Massey, I. G, Corpl., Co. B-C, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Massey, L. M., Private, Co. L, 5th Pioneer Inf. Massey, P. F., Private, Btry. A, 81st Div., 317th Artly. Masten, F. L., Private, Co. C, 308th Tank Corps. Masters, S. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Matheson, P. J., Musician, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Matheson, R. A., Corpl., Sig. Corps, Co. C, 81st Div., 306th Btn. Matthews, J., Private, Base Hospital, 20th Div. Mathews, O. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Matthews, W. M., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 323rd Inf. Mathis, W. L., Bug., Co. C, 118th Inf., 30th Div. Mathis, R. D., Cook, Co. 2, 81st Div., 322nd Inf. Mattocks, W. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Mauldin, B. C, Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mauldin, R. L., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Maultsby, R., Private, Co. F, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Maultsby, D. H., Jr., Private, Co. C, 30th Div., 115th M. G. Btn. Maultsby. J. A., 2d Lt., Hdqrs. Co., 11th F. A. Br. Mauney, R. C, Wag., 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Maurada, J., Private, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Maus, C, Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Maxwell, R. M., Sergt., 872nd Aero Squadron. Maxwell, R. D., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Maxwell, R. M., Sup. Sergt., 872nd Air. May, C. D., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. May, J. A., Seaman, Merch. Marines. May, W. B., Mech., Co. E, 30th Div., 119th Inf. May, W. F., Fireman, Navy. May, W. T., 1st Lt., Base Hospital No. 6. May, J. D., Private. 72nd Div., 320th F. A. May, C. M., Private, Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Mayberry, D. F., 1st Lt., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., F. A. Mayes, M., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Maynard, H. D., Private, Btry. D, 12th Div., 34th F. A. Maynard, G. C, Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Maynard, R. C, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Maynard. G. G., Sergt., Co. B, 30th Div., 105th Engrs. Maynard, S. A., Chauffeur, Signal Corps. Maynard, D. L., Private, Btry. 16, F. A. Maynard, E., Private, Co. D, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Maynor, C. H., Sec, Y. M. C. A. Maynor, Private, Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 323rd Inf. Mayo, J. C, Sergt., Btry. E, 8th F. A. McAlpin, C. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. McArver, J. F., Corpl., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McArver, W. T., M. E., Jr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McBane, P. S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. McBee, S. L., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McBride, W. W., Sergt., Sq. D, Air Service. McBride, T. L., Private, Co. B, 56th Pioneers. McBroom, W. N.. Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. McBroom, J. S., Corpl., Btry. E, 52nd C. A. C. McBryde, V., Corpl., Co. L, 3rd Div., 30th Inf. McCabe, H. L., Private, Co. M, 53rd Pioneer Inf. McCall, Roy M., Corpl., Co. A, 106th Motor Transport. McCall, D. F., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McCall, E. H., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McCall, D. F., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McCall, W. G., Sergt., Btry. C, 2nd Bn., H. A. McCarroll, H. T., Sergt. 1st CI., 638th Sqdn., Air Service. McCasley, J. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. McCauley, J. W., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. McCauley, H. L., Pvt, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McCauley, John W., Cook, Btry. C, 113th F. A., 30th Div. McClain, H., Pvt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McClellan, J. H., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McClure, R. C, Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. MeCollum, R., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Eners., 30th Div. McComb, R, E., Pvt., 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. McConell, Geo., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 9th F. A. McCorkle, J. W., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. McCorkle, H. J., Sergt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McCorkle, Sergt., Btry. D, 113th F. A., 30th Div. McCorkley, Hugh J., Sergt. 1st CI., Co. D, 105 Engrs., 30th Div. McCormick, H., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McCormiek, Alex. L., 2nd Lt., Aviation, Signal Corps. McCormick, Jas. M., Private, S. A. T. C. McCoy, Robt. Oates, Sergt., 318th M. G. Btry., Med. McKay, Hamiilton W., Major, Base Hosp. No. 6, Med. C. McKeithan, R. P., Sergt., Q. M. C. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD McCuiston, Jas. G., Private 1st CI., Co. B, S. A. T. C. McCullen, Samuel David, Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 46th C. A. C. McCullers, W. D., Corpl., Btry. D, F. A. R. D. McCurry, D. R„ Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McDaniel, Marcus Bryan, H. A. 2nd CL, U. S. N. R. F. McWDaniel, D. J., Private, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. McDaniel, J. H., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McDaniel, Matthew M., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 331st Inf., 83rd Div. McDee, S. L., Jr., Sergt. 1st. CI, 4th Air Service Mech. McDonald, W. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. McDonald, E. L., Corpl., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McDonald, F. H., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McDonald, Chas. Jasper, 2nd Lt., Btry. B, 11th F. A. R. D. McDonald, J. C, Corpl, Hdqrs. Co., 316th F. A., 81st Div. McDonald, Chas. L., Private 1st CI., Co. A, 105th M. P., 30th Div. McDonald, W. A., Private 1st CI., 116th Aero Sqdn. McDonald, F. C, Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McDuffie, B. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. MeDuffie, Roger A., 2nd Lt., Hdqrs. Co., 46th F. A., 16th Div. McEachern, D. S., Seaman 2nd Class, Navy. McEachin, A. L., Navy. McElrath, C. W., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McEntire, King H., Wag., Co. B, 4th Cams, C. A. P. McFadven, D. W., Private, 322nd F. R. S., Q. M. C. McFadyen, Jas. S., Corpl., 6th Co., 306th Supply Tr., 81st Div. McFarland, F. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. McGatha, Will, Private, Co. D, 120th Inf., 30th Div. McGatha, W., Private, Co. F, 105th Enors., 30th Div. McGeachey, R. W., M. E. Jr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McGeachy, J. A., Y. M. C. A. McGee, H., Corpl., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McGee, J. W., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McGee, H. B., M. E. Jr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McGee, J. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. McGhee, E. W., Sergt., Med. Det., 30th Div., 120th Inf. McGhee, H. B., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McGhee, H. A., Lds. for M. M., Navy. McGill, N. F., Corpl., Artly., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div. McGilvary, J. A., Sergt., Co. F, 30th Div., 119th Inf. McGinnis, R. W., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McGinnis, R. W., Musician, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McGinnis, L. F., Landman Electrician, Navy. McGlotham, A. R., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 321st Service Bat. McGowan, R. S., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. McGowan, E. S., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McGowan, E. S., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McGuire, N. W., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. McGuirt, R. G., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. McGuirt, J. B., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. McHoller, W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Mclntyre, J. M., 1st Lt., Officers' Training Camp. Mclntyre, L., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mclntyre, F. G., Private, Co. H, 81st Div., 321st Inf. Mclver, E. M., 1st Lt., Med. McKay, A. G., Corpl., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McKtel. J. T., Private, 113th F .A., 30th Div. McKeel, F. W., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. McKeel, W. G., Fireman, Navy. McKeithan, W. R., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. McKinnie, U. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. McKinnon, H. A., 2d Lt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. McKinnon, W. S., 2d Lt., Aviation, 1st Pursuit Group, 27th Squadron. McKinney, C. !■'., Wag., Co. C, 81st Div., 316th F. A. McKinney, U. L., Private, Btry. C, 30th Div., 113th F. A. McKnight, C. S., Private, Co. E, 7th F. A. McKoy, F. K., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McKoy, H. B., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McKoy, H. B., M. E. Sr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McKoy, W. G., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McLain, C. W., Seaman, 5th Naval District. McLaughlin, C. S., Private, 9th H. A. McLaurin, J. L., Sergt., 1st Div., 117th Rainbow Div. McLaurin, A., Private, Co. M, 81st Div., 321st Inf. McLaurin, D., Private, Inf. McLawhorne, R., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. McLawhon, R., Sergt., Btry. A, 113th F. A., 30th Div. McLean, J. D., Sergt., Co. A, 81st Div., 317th M. G. McLean, J. R., Private, 323rd Sup. Co., Q. M. C. McLean, G. H., 2t Lt., F. A. McLean, D. R., Private, Co. M, 8th Div., 323rd Regt. McLean, J. L., 1st Lt., Co. K, 20th Div., 50th Inf. McLendon, L. P., Major, 113th F. A., 30th Div. McLendon, M. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. McLeod, H. E., Private, Btry. F, 79th Div., 312th F. A. McLeod, W. A., Private, Vet. Det., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McLeod, D., 2d Lt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30ch Div. McLeod, D., 1st Lt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McLeod, W. A., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McLeod, C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. McLeod, I., Sergt., Co. A, 81st Div., 322nd Inf. McMahan, H. G., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McManus, H., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. McManus, M. T. Y., Pha. Mate, Navy. McMichael, T. C, Sergt., Co. D, 115th M. G. Btn., 30th Div. McMickle, P. E., Private, Ord. Det., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McMickle, P. E., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McMillan, A. B., Seaman, Navy. McMullan, P. S., Corpl., Co. 15, 1st Corps, 20th Engrs. McMurray, R., Sergt., Co. C, 10th Div., 41st M. G. Btn. McNabb, J. R„ Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McNair, J. E., Photographer, War College, War Dept. McNeely, O. W., 2d Lt., Co. K, 82nd Div., 328th Inf. McNeil, L., Private., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McNeill, K., Sergt., Co. F, 30th Div., 119th Inf. McNeill, L., Sergt., Det. 20th Div., Engrs. McNeill, B„ Private, Co. G, 2nd Div., Depot Brigade. McNeily, J. F., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. McNeely, R. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. McNutt, S. W., Private. Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McRae, J. A., Private, Med. McQueen, D. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. McQueen, D. M., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. McQueen, J., Mech., 7th Btry., Anti-Aircraft. McQueen, D. M., Corpl., F. A., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div. McRae, H. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. McRae, R. A., Private, Co. A, 42nd Div., 156th Inf. McSwain, H., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McSwain, W., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. McSwain, L. R., Private, Btry. C, 9th F. A. McWhorter, O. S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Meade, J. J., Private, Btry. A, 1st Prow Dev. Brigade. Meads, W. S., Private, Co. B-A, 81st Div., 317th Regt. Meares, J. W., Sergt., Motor Trans., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div. Mears, M. L., Private, Co. 18, Transport Corps. Measmer, A. J., Private, Co. M, 118th Inf., 30th Div. Mtdl'ord, J., 1st Prov. Comp., 71st Regt. Medlin, E., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Medlin, H., Private, Co. K. 81st Div., 321st Inf. Medlin, F., Private, Casual, San. Sq. 2, 84th Div.. San. Corps. Medley, J. M., Private, Co. A, 30th Div.. 115th M. G. Medlock, C. H„ Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Meekins, C. G„ Sergt., 113th F. A.. 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Meskins, J. L., Private. 113th F. A., 30th Div. Meeks, W. J., Private, Co. F, 30ch Div., 119th Inf. Meisenheimer, M. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Meisenheimer, C. A., Jr., 1st Lt., Co. A, 81st Div., 324th Inf. MeJchor, H. W., Private, Rep. F. A. R. D., 31st Grand Div. Mellis, R. P., Private, Co. D, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Melton, D. J., Bug., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Melton, W. ., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Melton, J. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Melton, W. E., Bug., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Melton, S. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Melton, W. R., Corp!., Med. Corps, 13th Amb. Co., 1st Div., 1st San. Tr. Melvin, R. P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Melvin, P. J., Private, Hdqrs. Co., M. G. T. C. Memory, H. H., Private, Co. H, 81st Div., 321st Inf. Mendenhall, S .W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Mendenhall, J. W., Cook, Med. Corps, 39th Rep. Menefe, W., Mech., M. G. Co., 2nd Inf. Menzies, H. A., Private, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Merrell, A. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30tn Div. Merrill, H. L., Sergt., 16th Cav. Merritt, M. H., Sergt., Med Corps. Merritt, F. W., Serge., Co. H, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Messer, P. L., Musician, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Messer, D. L., Musician, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Metts, E. T., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Meyer, M. M., Corpl., Co. D, S. A. T. C. Meyer, L. B., 2d Lt., Hdqrs. Co., 41st Div. Michael, D. J., Sergt., Co. A, 105th E.ngrs., 30th Div. Michael, E. I., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Michaels, J. A., Private, Co. D, 105ch Engrs., 30th Div. Michael, E. D., Private, Co. E, 42nd Div., 83rd Inf. Michael, Z., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 316th H. F. A. Michael, D. J., Sergt., Co. A, 30th Div., 105th Engrs. Midgett, J. W., Corpl., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Midgette, J. N., Private, 113th F. A., 30»h Div. Midgette, Louis Oscar, Chief Yeoman, Navy. Milam, T. P., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Millen, R. H., Corpl., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Miller, Wm. P., Private, Btry. E, H. A., 81st Div. Miller, D. H., Private, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Miller, E. L., Private, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Miller, J. C, Wagoner, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Miller, R. R., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Miller, Oscar, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Miller, A., Musician 2nd CI., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Miller, W. A., Sergt., Co. C, F. A. R. D. Miller, D. W., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Miller, L. E., Sergt, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Miller, R. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Miller, W. A., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Miller, Eslie L., Private 1st CI., Sup. Unit, 321st Regt., 41st Div. Miller, Clarence Hubert, Sergt., 2nd Co., 120th Inf., 30th Div. Miller, F. O., Seaman 2nd Class, Navy. Miller, Henry Eugene, Private, Co. H, 321st Inf., 81st Div. Miller, Warren S., Jr., 2nd Lt.. Co. H.. M. G. T. C. Miller, James, Private, 57th Supply Co. Miller, Chas. M., Sergt., Air Service. Miller, C. M., Corpl., Medical Corps. Millikan, J. O., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Milliken, John, Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Millis, Wm. A., Jr., Carpenter Mate, Tr. Sta., Navy. Milles, P. R., Private, Co. D, 30th Amn. Tr. Milles, W. B., Private, Ord. Dept., Att. 1st Arm|y Hdqrs. Mills, J. T., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Mills, L. N., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Mills, A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Mills, T. C, Cook 3rd Class, U. S. N. R .F. Mills, Richard T., Private 1st CI.. Co. D, 322nd Regt., 81st Div. Millikan, John O., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Milton, C. C, Corpl., Medical Corps. Mincey, W. O., Private 1st CI., Co. B, 114th M. G. Bn., 30th Div. Minnish, W. R., Sergt., 113th F. A.. 30th Div. Minton, Preston J., Private 1st CI., 476th Co., M. T. C. Mintz, M. N., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Misskellv, L. B., Cook, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mitcham, DeWitt D., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mitchell, Shelly G., Private 1st CI., Co. E, 32nd Inf. Mitchell, A. S., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Mitchell, J. H., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Mitchell, F. S., Private, 113th F. A. 30th Div. Mitchell, C, Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mitchell, E. F., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs , 30th Div. Mitchell, F. E., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Michell, James, 2nd Lt., Co. E, 105,h Engrs.. 30th Div. Mitchell, B. T., Sergt., Co. C. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mitchell, W. S., Private 1st CI., 1st Co., 153th Depot Brig. Mitchell, Carl, Mechanic, Co. D., 331st Pioneer Inf., 83rd Div. Mitchell, Joe B., Private, Co. G, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Mitchell, Corbet V., Private, Btry. F, 321st Art., 82nd Div. Mitchell, Jasper, Private 1st CI., Co. C, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Mitchell, Fred W., Private, 120th Field Hos., 30th Div. Mitchell, Dr. Geo. Wm., Capt, Med. Corps, 156th Inf., 42nd Div. Mitchiner, R. K., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Mizelle, C. E., Corpl., Q. M. Dept., 105th Sup. Regt., 30th Div. Mizzell, C. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Moffitt, Robt. G., Private 1st CI., Hdqrs. Co., 8th Regt., F. A. R. D. Moffitt, J., Private, Co. E. 105th Eners., 30th Div. Moffitt, L. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Moffitt, Herndon A., 1st Lt., Btrv. B, 6th Trench Mortar, C. A. C. Mohorn, John M., Sergt., 20th Co., 156th Depot Brig. Moir, A. L., Sergt., Med. Corps, 1st Div. Monfredo, C.V., Sergt., M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Montgomery, Private, 2nd Co.. C. A. C. Montgomery, J. R., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Monday, A. L., Corpl., Co. K, 323rd Inf., 81st Div. Monroe, Private, Co. D, S. A. T. C. Montooth, F. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Moody, H. F., Corpl., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Moody, Willie Edward, Private 1st CI., Co. D, 322nd Inf., 81st Div. Moolanaar, J., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Moon, Leo, Private, Co. I, 120th Inf.. 30th Div. Moonaghan, J. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Mooney, P., Private, Co. E. 105th Eners.. 30th Div. Moore, Melton M., Private, Btry. C, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Moore, J., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Moore, H. A., Sergt., Stable Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Moore, G. W., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Moore, E. B., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Moore, E. E., Private, Co. C. losth Eners., 30th Div. Moore, J. W., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Moore, L., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Moore, H. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Moore, G. K., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Moore, B. L., Private. 113th F. A.. 30th Div. Moore, W., Private, 113th F. A.. 30th Div. Moore, B. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Moore, E. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Moore, J. P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Moore, E. B., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Moore, E. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Moore, L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Moore, J. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Moore, D. T., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Moore, A. K., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Moore, G. S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Moore, F. M., Oiler, Merchant Marine. Moore, C. D., 2nd Lieut., Btry. M, 66th F. A. Moore, G. E., Seaman 2nd Class, U. S. Navy. Moore, Howard, Private. Moore, Jos. T., Private, Infirmary E 42, Med. Corps, 3rd Regt, F. A. R. D. Moore, Chas. J., 1st Lt., Cos. A, G, D. Moore, J. H., Sergt. 1st Class., 119th Inf., 30th Div. Moore, C. E., Corpl., Co. F, 322nd Regt., 81st Div. Moore, DuBrutz Cutlar, Private, 7th Co., 10th Sector, C. A. C, Anti-Aircraft. Moore, A. Roy, Q. M. Sergt. Sr. Grade, Q. M. Det. Moore, Harry B., Sergt., 3rd Regt., Air Service. Moose, C. J., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Moose, A. R., Musician 2nd CI., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Moose, E. B., Musician 2nd CI., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Moose, Tom., Private, Medical Corps. Moose, Henry B., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Moose, T. F., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Moose, J. O., Sergt., Hospital Unit O. Moose, H. M., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Moose, Mack G., Private 1st CI., Co. B, 115th M. G. Regt., 30th Div. Moose, B. T., 2nd Lt., Co. H, 51st Pioneer Inf. Morgan, Ethan, Corpl., Co. A, 118th Inf., 30th Div. Morgan, J. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Morgan, G. W., Cook, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Morgan, R., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Morgan, Doctor C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Morgan, John, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Morgan, H., Sergt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Morgan, W. L., Corpl., Co. L, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Morgan, G. W., Corpl., Co. D, Tr. Field, Air Service. Morgan, J. T., Private 1st CI., Co. B, Q. M. C, 91st Div. Morgan, Hugh T., Private, 4th Co. Casuals, Artillery. Morgan, W. M., Private 1st CI., Co. G, 128th Inf., 32nd Div. Morgan, P., Coppersmith 1st Class, Navy. Morgan, W. C, Seaman, U. S. N. Morgan, E. J., Mch. 2nd Class, Naval Aviation. Morgan, John B., Private, Co. F, 30th San. Tr., Am. Tr., 81st Div. Morgan, K. D., Private 1st CI., Hdqrs. Co., 324th Regt., 81st Div. Morgan, Arthur Butt, Seaman, 1st Class, Navy. Morris, John R., Private 1st CI., 113th F. A. Morris, R. E., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Morris, L. J., Corpl. Bugler, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Morris, G. R., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Morris, John B., Private, Co. F., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Morris, Wade, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Morris, R. J., Sergt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Morris, Wm., Sergt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Morris, J. II. \\\, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Morris, L. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Morris, W. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Morris, J. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Morris, Frank Brown, Sergt., 321st Amb. Co., Medical Corps SI st Div. Morris, O. I!., Mach. 2nd Class, Aviation, U. S. N. Morris, Dave E., Private, 1st CI., Co. F, 321st Inf., 81st Div. Morris, Jas. M., Private 1st CI., Btry. C, 51st C. A. C, 1st Div. Morris, F. A., Private, Co. C, 322nd Inf., 81st Div. Morris, Allie B., Sergt., M. G. Co., 322nd Inf., 81st Div. Morris, T. T., Private, Co. E, 351st Inf., 88th Div. Morris, Dr. G. B., Capt, Med. Corps, 20th Div., Reg. Army. Morrison, R. R., Capt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Morrison, H. C, Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Morrison, C. B., Corpl., 551st Co., M. T. C. Morrison, J. B., Private, Fire Co., 3rd Engrs. Morrison, Coy C, Private, 1st CI., Co. B, 323rd Inf., 81st Div. Morrison, Stephen C, Exl. 1st Class, Navy. Morrow, W. F., Regt. Sergt. Major, Hdqrs., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Morrow, W. F., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Morrow, E. Z., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Morton, John C, Private, Co. M, 324th Inf., 81st Div. Morton, Ben., Bugler, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Morton, F. L., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Morton, E. E., Corpl., Co. G, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Morton, H .T. M., Corpl., Co. F, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Moseley, D. F., Gunner's Mate 2nd Class, Navy. Moseley, F. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Moseley, T. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Mosley, L. R., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Moseley, Jesse N., Sergt., Co. E, 322nd Inf., 81st Inf. Mosely, John F., Private, Co. G, 22nd F. D., Engrs. Moseley, Chas. A., Private, M. G. Moser, Will, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Moser, O., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Mcser, Kenneth H., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 120th Inf., 30th Div. Moser, Carm S., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 120th Inf., 30th Div. Moser, Almond Carleton, Private, Hdqrs. Co., 120th Inf., 30th Div. Mosse, J. J., Private, Co. F., 105th Am. Tr. Moss, Spurgeon, Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 5th Railroad Art. Motsinger, J. M., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mott, Marshall L, Jr., 1st Lt., Co. B., Btry. 304, Tank Corps. Moye, Willie C, Private, M. T. Moyle, John, Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mozingo, John W., Corpl., Mech. Unit No. 1, A. S. C. Mull, R. B., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mull, C. N., Cook, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mulholland, L. L., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mullican, H. G., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mullican, H. G., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mullimeaux, Joseph B., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 305th San. Tr., Med. Corps., 80th Div. Mullis, R. P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Mullis, K. C, Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mullis, D. W., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Mullis, Henry R., Sergt., Co. B, 317th M. G. Bn., 81st Div. Mumford, Charlie J., Sergt., Co. K. 119th Inf., 30th Div. Munday, L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Mundy, Chas. Edward, Private, 1st CI., 1st Co., Amn. Tr.. 1st Corps, Artillery Park. Murdock, James T, Private, Inf., S. A. T. C. Murphy, J. R., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Murphy, John D. Murray, D. E., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Murray, J. B., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Murray, E. C, Sergt., Co. C. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Murray. Edward T, Seaman 2nd Class, Navy. Muse. W. II., Jr.. Private, Co. C. 321st Inf., 81st Div. Myclyett, E. \V., Corpl., Motor Co., Hdqrs. Regt.,, Inf., 8rd Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Myers, W. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Myers, L. E., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Myers, Edward W., Major., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Myers, H. W., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Myers, Zeb, Private 1st CI., 43rd Co., Depot Brigade. Myers, J. H., Corpl., Co. A, 321st Inf., 81st Div. Myers, James F., Private, Co. F, 321st Inf., 81st Div. Myers, Willie, Private 1st CI., Btrv. B, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Myrick, Freeman, Private 1st CI., Co. H, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Nail, Geo. L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Nash, S. N., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Nash, L. C, Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Nash, J. R., Wag., 113th F .A., 30th Div. Nash, John C, 1st Lieut., 53rd Inf., 6th Div. Nash, Eugene L., Head Cook, Base Hospital No. 65. Nash, John F., 1st Lieut., 80th Ami. Co., Med. Corps. Nash, Liston, H. A. 1st CI., U. S. N. R. F. Nash, J. E., Corpl., Base Hosp. No. 65, Med. Corps. Nary, C. L., Private, Co. H, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Neal, P. I., Sergt., Co. C, 318th Inf., 80th Div. Needham, C. E., Private, Co. M., 323rd Inf., 81st Div. Needham, Jas. E., Pvt., 1st CI., Base Hosp .No. 65, Med. Corps. Neelye, L., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Neese, Jay H., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Neese, Jay, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Neese, Arnold, Pvt. 1st CI., Hdqrs. Co., 120th Inf., T. M. Btry., 30th Div. Neese, M. R., Pvt. 1st CI., 306th Co., Amn. Tr., 81st Div. Neighbors, Tom N., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Neighbors, Dalma O., Pvt. 1st CI., Co. G, 323rd Inf., 81st Div. Neil, Avery, Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Nelson, A. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Nelson, Gad, Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Nelson, Guy V., Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Nelson, Wm., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Nelson, Wm. F., Pvt. 1st CI., Co. F, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Nelson, G. V., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Nelson, Fred H., Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., 342nd F. A., 89th Div. Nesbit, W. Y., Pvt, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Nettles, H. B., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Nettleton, Geo. P., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Neuer, Jack J., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Neuer, J. J., 2nd Lt., 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Neuer, Jack J., M. E. Sr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Neville, R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Newall, S. F., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Newberry, Clarence B., Phm. M 2nd Class, Navy. Newby, C. M., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Newell, H. B., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Newell, W. G., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Newell, Hayden W., Private, 13th Co., Inf. Newkirk, M. M., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Newkirk, M. W., Pvt, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Newman, W. R., Pvt, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Newman, Geo. R., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Newman, E. W., Pvt, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Newman, J. T., Jr., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Newman, J. B., Private, C. A. C. Newsome, L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Newsomie, Lloyd, Pvt. 1st CI., Btry. C, 55th Coast Art., First Army. Newsom, Frank H., Fireman 2nd CI., Naval R. F. Newton, J. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Newton, W. M., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Newton, Chas. F., Pvt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Newton, Miller L., Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Newton, J. R., Pvt. 1st CI., Co. E, 118th Inf., 30th Div. Nichols, John T., Pvt. 1st CI., 341st, F and G, Q. M. C. Nichols, Andie R., Pvt. 1st CI., 52nd Co., C. A. C. Nichols, G. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Nichols, L., Pvt, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Nichols, C. R., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Nichols, H. C, Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Nichols, Herman, Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Nichols, H., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Nicholson, J. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Nicholson, James L., Pvt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Nicholson, Henry H., Pvt. 1st CI., 30th Co., M. P., 30th Div. Nicholson, Thos. I., Seaman 2nd Class, Navy. Niven, S. O., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div'. Niven, T. L., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Nixon, K. J., R. S. M., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Noble, Chas. S., 2nd Lieut., Btry. E, 25th F. A., 9th Div. Nobles, J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Nobles, B. W., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Norfleet, F. P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Norfleet, Dr. E. P., 1st Lt., San. Co., Med. Corps, 51st Pioneer Inf., 4th Div. Norman, Jas. W., Corpl., Co. F, 105th Am. Tr., 30th Div. Norman, Virgil James, Seaman 2nd Class, Navy. Norris, Zell, Pvt. 1st CI., Co. B, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Northington, Major, Base Hosp. No. 65, Medical Corps. Norris, L. V., Pvt, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Norris, J. C, Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Norris, Henry, Major, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Nortwick, Van D. L., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Norwood, L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Norwood, G. P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Norwood, O. N., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Norwood, P. F., Pvt., 1st CI., Co. F., 303th Engrs., 81st Div. Nookirk, H. L., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Nowell, W. C, Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Nowell, Will C, Corpl., Btry. C, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Nowell, Jos. K., Seaman, Navy. Nowlan, Albert E., Pvt. 1st CI., Co. B., S. A. T. C. Nunn, Paul S., 2nd Lieut., Inf., 98th Div. Nunn, J. L., Cook, S. A. T. C. Nunn, Rodolph, Corpl., 119th Inf. Band, 30th Div. Nurkin, J., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Nye, Edgar E., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engn'., 30th Div. Oakley, W. N., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Oakley, W. L., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Oates, C. W., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Di\. O'Briant, E. C, Corpl., 113th F. A.. 30th Div. Obriant, Robt. E., Sergt., Co. F, 17th F. A., 2nd Div. O'Brien, C. A.. Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. O'Brien, B., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. O'Brien, Wm. Solomon, Private 1st CI.. 104th Amn. Tr. O'Connor, C. A., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. O'Daniel, L. W., Sergt., Co. D., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Odell, T C, Private, Q. M. C. Odell, Wilson, Pvt. 1st CI.. Co. H., Inf., 21st Div. Oden, Howard, Seaman, U. S. N. R. F. Odon, Sidney W., Pvt, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Odom, W. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Odom, M. P., Btry. A, 3rd Reg., Replacement. Ogburn, T. H., Pvt., Co. D., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ogburn, Thos. C, Pvt. 1st CI., Btry. B., Motor Tr. Offman, Otho F., Sergt., Sup. Co., 321st Inf., 81st Div. Olive, Ryland W., 2nd Lieut., Air Service. Olive, Collier C, 1st Lieut., 147th Aero Squadron. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Olives, Hubert E., 1st Lieut., Btry. A, 317th F. A., 81st Div. O'Neal, S„ Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. O'Neal, E. F., Pvt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. O'Neil A. B., Sergt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Orr, Luther, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Orr, Walter O., Seaman 1st Class, Navy. Osborn, J. R., Cook. Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Osbcrn, J. B., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Osborne, J. R., Private, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Osborne, J. V.,-Cook, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Osborne, J. R., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Osborne, Joseph, Corpl., 802nd Aero Squadron. Osborne, Percy L., Pvt., 120th Med. Corps., 30th Di-v. Otersen, Wm., Sergt., Q. M. C. Outlaw, L. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Overby, Henry, Corpl., Sup. Co., 306th Sig. Corps, 81st Div. Overcash, R. C, Pvt., Co. G, 2nd Rest., Engrs. Overman, Jack, Pvt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Overman, Malvin I., Private, Co. D, 315th Amn. Tr., 90th Div. Overton, Floyd D., Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Overton, F. D., Pvt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Overton, W. A., Private, Cavalry. Owen, John W., Pvt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Owen, D. B., Pvt., 323rd Amb. Co., 306th San. Tr., Med. Corps, 81st Div. Owens, Bob, Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Owens, Matthew, Pvt. 1st CI., Co. D, 306th Amn. Tr., 81st Div. Owens, Ernest, Cook, Co. B, 321st Regt., 81st Div. Otent'ne, Claude L., Pvt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Padgett, F. L., Private ,M. P. Padgett, R. A., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Padrick, W. J., Corpl., Co. A, 30th Div., 105th Engrs. Padrick, W. J., Corpl., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Page, T. T., Private, Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Page, C, Private, Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Page, A. V., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Page, K. A., Chief. T. M., Naval Aviation. Page, M. W., Sergt., Med. Corps, 5th Div. Page, S. H., Private, Co. D, 81st Div., 233nd Inf. Page, W. E., Capt., Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Painter, W. H., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pail, I. C, Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Palmer, J. L., Ph. Mate, Navy. Palmer, W .L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs'., 30th Div. Palmer, C. R., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Palmer, H. H, Yeoman, Navy. Panton, H. D., Capt., Btry. A, 7th A. A. Sector, C. A. C. Pappas, P., Private, Cook School, Q. M. C. Pappendick, G. F., 1st Lt., U. S. N. R. F. Parish, J. A., Corpl., 120th Inf., 30th Div. Parish, E. V., Wag., 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Parish, D. C, Private, Co. C, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Parker, W. T., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Parker, J. T., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Parker, D., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Parker, K. G., Private, Co. I), 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Parker, O., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Parker, John N., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tarker, W. S., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Parker, I.. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Parker, W. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Parker, B. C . 2nd Lt., 64th Artly. Parker, J. E., Private, Co. B, 80th Div., 305th Engrs. Parker, J. T., Private, Btry. B, 22nd Div., 0th Artly. Parker, J. N., Private, Btry. C, 81st Div., 316th F. A. Parker, C. H., Seaman, Navy. Parker, G. R., Wag., 42nd Div., 117th Engrs. Parker, J. D., Private, M. G. Co., 80th Div., 318th Regt. Parker, G. R., Sergt., Btry. B, 3rd Div., 3rd F. A. Parker, L. G., Seaman, C. G. S. Parker, R. J., Corpl., Anti-Aircraft Artly. Parker, S. H., Private, Co. F, 6th Div., 54th Inf. Parker, C. W., Sup. Sergt., Inf., 22nd Ret. Co. Parks, C. B., Sergt., Co. D, 81st Div., 308th Engrs. Parnell, T. H., 31st G. S. II. Parnell, D. H., Jr., Private, Co. C, 68th Engrs. Parrett, W., Mech., Inf., Co. F, 29th Div. Parris, R. K., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs. ,30th Div. Parris, J. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Parris, R. E., Private, Co. B, 120th Regt. Parrish, E. W., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Parrish, E. V., Cook, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Parrish, P. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Parrish, H. I., Yeoman, Navy. Parsons. J. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Partin, R. L., Private, Co. H, 42nd Div., 165th Inf. Partin, A. S., Private, Med. Det., Co. 8, 10th Anti-Aircraft Sector. Paschall, S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Paschall, J. E., Phm., Navy. Passopulos, J., Private, Co. H, Ord Dept. Patton, S. M., Capt., Sup. Co., 81st Div., 318th F. A. Pate, B. N., Corpl, 113tn F. A., 30th Div. Pate, J., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pate, F. J., Capt., Med. Corps. Pate, J. W., Sergt., Co. B, 128th Engrs. Pate, C, Private, Co. L, 20th Inf. Patterson, U. D., Corpl., Ord Det., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Patterson, W. R., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Patterson, N. D., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Patterson, W. R., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Patterson, F. M., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Patterson, C. B., Private, Co. G, 81st Div., 324th Inf. Patterson, J. D., Jr., Private, Co. C, 42nd Div., 117th Engrs. Patterson, J. E., 2d Lt., F. A., 81st Div., Unassigned. Paul, A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Paylor, W. C, Private ,Co. A, S. A. T. C. Paylor, C. H„ Sergt., Co. C, 602nd Engrs. Payne, A. C, Seaman, N. R. F. Payne, A. L., Sergt., Med. Dept., 82nd Div., 328tn Inf. Payne, Dr. R .L., Capt., Med. Corps, 77th Div., 306th Inf. Payne, J. B., Seaman, Navy. Peacock, D. B., Seaman, Navy. Pearce, J. W., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pearce, D. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Pearce, W. B., Private, Med. Corps, Evac. Hospital. Pearson, M. B., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pearson, J. E., Sergt., 113th F .A., 30th Div. Pearson, J. M., Private, Co. E, 81st Div., 323rd Inf. Pee, Albert, Hcrsheshoer, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Peed, J. C, Private, M. T. C, Co. M. F. 542. Peeden, B., Private, Co. I, 81st Div., 324th Inf. Peedin, W. G., Sergt., 317th Amb. Co., 80th Div.. 305th San. Tr. Peedin, J. W., Yeoman, Navy. Pegram, J. W., Corpl., Co. I, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Peel, G. A., Private, M. G. Peel, S. C, Private, Fire and Guard. Peele, J. E.. Sergt., U. S. Gen. Hospital No. 42. Peeler, J. H., Private, Co. 85, M. T. C. Pender, J. 1!., Jr., 1st Lt., Hdqrs. Co.. F. A. R. D., 2nd F. A. Pender, J. O., Private, Co. H, 81st Div., 324th Inf. Pendergrafl, L. \\\, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Pendergraft, L. E., Private. 113th F. A., 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Pendergass, R. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Pendergrass, H. N., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Pendleton, M. C, Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Peneger, 0. G., Engineer, D. 0. W., Navy. Penland, A. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Pennell, C. W., Corpl, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Pennington, R. S., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pennel, W. R., C. M., Navy. Pipkin, W. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Periones, A., Private, Co. D, 12th Div., 73rd Inf. Perkins, S. L., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Perkins, S. L., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Perkins, S. L., Private, Hdqrs., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Perkins, S. L., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Perkins. A. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Perkins, H. G., Corpl., Co. B, 81st Div., 306th Engrs. Perkins, W. D., Sergt, Med. Art., 65th Base Hospital. Perry, W. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Perry, W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Perry, E. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Perry, G. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Perry, Thos., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Perry, W. N., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Perry, D. W., Yeoman, Navy. Perry, L. J., Wag., Med. Corps., 320th Amb. Co., 80th Div. Perry, J. A., Private, Recruiting, 4th R. Camp. Perry, C. V., Storekeeper, Navy. Perry, A. F., Capt., Aviation. Perry, H. W., 2d Lt., Co. E, 81st Div., 371st Inf. Perry, W. C, M. G. Co., 6th Div., 54th Inf. Perry, F. O., Private, Co. S, 21st Engrs. Perry, W. N., Private, Med. Corps, Co. S. D., 30th Div., 113th Regt. Perry, W. F., Cook, 52nd Inf. Peschaw, W. A., 1st Lt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Peschan, W. A., 1st Lt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Peters, J. R., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Peters, R. B., Jr., 2d Lt., Inf. Peterson, D. E., Private, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Peterson, T. A., Private, M. G. Co. Pethel, C. B., Corpl., Co. C, 2nd Regt., 156th D. Br. Petree, W. R., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs. ,30th Div. Petrea, F. S. Petteway, B. F., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pettus, W. C, Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pew, S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Pharr, S. I., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Phifer, C. P., Cook, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Phifer, J., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Phifer, E. E., Sergt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Philemon, C. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Philemon, C. L., Private, Btry. F, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Phillips, L., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Phillips, J., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Phillips, L. E., Cook, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Phillips, R., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Phillips, W. S., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Phillips. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Phillips, C. R., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Phillips, O. S., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Philips, Henry M., Engineman 2nd Class, Naval Reserve. Phillips, Davis G., Private, Co. A, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Phillips, Wm. M., Private, Co. A, 165th Inf. Phillips, C. R., Private 1st CI., Co. C, F. A., 90th Div. Phillips, Lawrence E, Cook, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Phillips, Moses C, Private, 35th Co., San. Tr., 7th Div. Phillips, Claude L., Bugler, Co. M, 324th Inf., 81st Div. Phillips, Wm., Corpl., 184th Aero Sqdn. Phillips, Jas. M., Cook, Hdqrs. Co., Motor Tr. Phipps, G. I., Bugler, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Photinos, Louis, Private 1st CI., Med. Detach., Washing- ton Barracks, D. C. Pichard, O. P., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pickard, Beni. F., Private, 6th Co., Casualty Regt., F. A. R. R. Pickard, Robt. E., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pickard, Olinthius P., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pickard, Bruce Lee, Capt., Co. H, 815th Pioneer Inf. Pickett, Frank L., Y. M. C. A. Pierce, Frank M., Private, Co. B-F, 60th H. A. Pierce, G. M., Private. 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Pierce, L. O., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Pierce, Claude M., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div, Pierce, Uriah, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pierce, Bailey W., Corpl., 308th M. S. T., 83rd Div. Pierce, Thos. R., Private, Btry. E, 9th and 11th F. A., 81st Div. Pierce, J. L., Machinist Mate 2nd Class, Navy, Aviation. Pierce, Sidney, Private 1st CI., Co. L, 2nd Inf., 19th Div. Pierce, L. O., Private 1st CI., 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Pigg, C. C, Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pike, Roy M., Private, Co. E, 90th Inf. Pike, Wm. K., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pike, Roy L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pilkinton, Joe, Private 1st CI., Co. C, 2nd Inf., 30th Div. Pilley, G. P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Pinkham, J. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Pinkston, C. A., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pinner, John G., Reg. Sup. Sergt., Sup. Co., 316th F. A., 81st Div. Pinner, Benj. A., Private 1st CI., Co. F, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Pipkin, W. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Pittman, Worth, Private, Band, 113th F. A., 30th Div. (Killed.) Pitman, R. R„ Bugler, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pitman, E., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pitman, J. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Pittard, John Edward, Private, Co. I, 322nd Inf., 81st Div. Pittman, A. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Pittman, James L., Private, Btry. E, 10th F. A. Pittman, Randolph, Private, Co. D, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Pittman, Jas. K., Private 1st CI., Base Hos. No. 101. Pittman, Eboon S., Private 1st CI., 13th Co., G. O. Pittman, Benj. E., Private, Co. F, 301st Inf., 81st Div. Pitts, L. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Pitts, Wm. P., Private 1st CI., Co. F, 306th Am. Tr., 81st Div. Plaster, P., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Measant, J. H., Corpl, Btry. D, 3rd Artillery. Pleasants, Malcolm B., Sergt. 1st CI., 133rd Co., Transp. Pless, F. M., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pless, Roy G., Private, S. P. D. Plyler, A., Wagoner, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Poarch, P., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Poe, Fred., Private, 306th Am. Tr., 81st Div. Poe, Richard H., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Poe, E. J., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Poe, Eugene A., Btry. Sergt. Maj., Detach, of Inf. Poisson, DuBrutz, Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Poland, J. R., Private, Co. A, 105th Eners., 30th Div. Polk, H. A., Private, 1st 01.. Btry. D, 120th F. A. Pollard, H. C, B. S. M., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Pollock, W. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Polston, Jesse, Private, Co. D, 57th Pioneer Inf. Pool, J. H., 1st Lt., Post Exchange, 156th Deo. Brie-., Inf. Poole, Andrew J., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Poole, Ruble I., 1st Lt., 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Poole, G. F., Wagoner, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Poole, Lonnie, Private, 118th Amb. Co., 105th San. Tr., 30th Div. Poole, Robt. B., Corpl., Co. C, 105th Sup. Tr., 30th Div. Poole, Sye D., Private, Co. G., 323rd Inf., 81st Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Poole, Clifton A., Sergt. 1st CI., Evac. Hosp. No. 2. Poole, Jas. S., Private, 329th Regt., Q. M. C, 81st Div. Poole, Claude T., 1st Lt., Field Hosp., Med. Corps, 36th Regt., 7th Div. Poole, Alex., Private, 211th Aero Squadron, Inf. Poore, Floyd Monroe, Jr., Corpl., Co. F, Postal Exp. Ser. Poovey, J. F., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pope, Roy Jones, Seaman 2nd CL, Navy, 5th Naval Dist. Pope, C. J., Corpl., 105th Engrs. Ti\, 30th Div. Pope, Geo. W., Corpl., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pope, W. C, Sergt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pope, Wm. C, M. E. Jr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pope, E. F., Private 1st CL, Co. A, Medical Service. Poplin, J. O., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Poplin, P. J., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Poplin, Jas. T., Corpl., Btry. E, 3rd F. A., 6th Div. Porter, J. A., Private, Inf. Porter, C. B., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Porter, D. N., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Porter, C. T., Private 1st CI., Co. F, Depot Brig. Porterfield, G. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Poston, Wade, Private 1st CL, Co. D, 114th M. G. Bn., 30th Div. Poteat, F. A., Private, Ord. Det., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Poteat, V. C, Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Poteat, Guthrie E., Wagoner, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Poteat, Wm. E., Private 1st CL, Co. G, 360th Am. Tr., 81st Div. Poteat, W. R., Seaman, Navy. Potter, B. W., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Potts, Walter C, Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Potts, E., Corpl., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Potts, W. C, Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Potts, L. A., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Potts, L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Potts, Cloyd A., Sergt., 30th Co., 156th D. B., Inf. Potts, Louis K., Private, Veterinary Regt., Remount. Potts, Clarence M., Private, 10th Co., 104th F. Hosp., 26th Div. Potts, Rome W., Private 1st CL, 3rd Co., C. A., 42nd Div. Powell, J., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Powell, J. C, Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Powell, Avery, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Powell, R. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Powell, W. I., Private, 113th F .A., 30th Div. Powell, Will, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Powell, David Thos., Private 1st CL, Co. G, 28th Inf., 1st Div. Powell, S. N., Corpl., Depot Co., Art. Am. Tr., 3rd Army. Powell, D., Wagoner, Btry. D. 71st Regt., C. A. C. Powell, Oscar C, Private 1st CL, 4th Co., 306th M. T. C. Powell, Thos. E., 2nd Lt., Inf., U. S. A., Unassigned. Powell, Jos. C, Private 1st CL, Psychological Work. Powell, Wm. E., Sergt. 1st CL, Hdqrs. Co., Med., 156th Depot Brigade, 20th Div. Powell, Chas. Percy, Private, Co. C, Inf., S. A. T. C. Powers, H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Powers, Jesse M., Corpl., Co. F, 54th Inf., 6th Div. Powers, Benj. F., Sergt., San., Att. 156th Deiiot Br. Poythress, L. P., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Pratt, J. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Pratt, L., Sad., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Pratt, Joseph Hyde, Col., 105th Engrs., 301 h Div. Pressly, John M., Capt., Base Hos., Medical Corps. Pressley, J. H., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Presaon, W. S., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Preyer. Allan T., 2nd Lt., Co. I, 322nd Inf.. Slst Div. Price, W. E., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Price, F. E., Corpl., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Price, J. S., Private, 22nd Btry., O. A. R. D. Price, W. A., Sergt., Co. C, 4th Regt. Price, N. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Price, J. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Price, L., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Price, W. L, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Price, J. D., Hrshr., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Price, R. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Price, M. L., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Price, C. L, Private, Co. L, 50th Inf., 20th Div. Price, J. Hampton, Sergt. Line, M. P., 81st Div. Price, Lloyd, Sergt., Btry. D, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Price, F. E., Private 1st CL, 14th Regt. Price, W. J., Wagoner, Co. A, 8th Corps, Artillery Park. Pridett, Lebander, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pridgen, C. L., Maj., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Prince, C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pritchard, Elisa Edgar, Jr., Seaman, 3rd Naval Dist. Preslar, G. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Privette, D., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Privett, H. L, Corpl., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Proctor, J. K., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Proctor, B., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Propst, W. L., Private, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pruitt, Geo. C, Capt., Co. F-H-13, Med., 18th Inf., 1st Div. Pruitt, D. E., Corpl., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pruitt, Tom, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Pryor, K. W., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Pugh, E. B., Private 1st CL, Co. A, 51st Inf. Pugh, J. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Pugh, E. C, Corpl., 105th Sup. Tr., 30th Div. Pulley, C. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Pulliam, Charlie B., Seaman 2nd Class, Navy. Purcell, E. G., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. ' Putnam, B. E., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Queary, S., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Quinlivan, W. F., Sergt, Co. A., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Quinerly, Wm. A., Private, Ordnance Dept. Quinn, Arthur K., Sergt., Co. B-A, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Quintrell, F., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Radcliff, O. M., Private, Btry. C, 316th Art., 81st Div. Radcliff, R. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Radford, J., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rainey, Jas. S., Corpl., Q. M. C. Rainwaters, Henry, Private, Hdqrs. Co.. 56th Pioneer Inf. Ramsauer, C. B., Private, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Ramseur, C. B., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ramsey, W. C, Sergt., Ord. Det., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ramsey, C. S., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rand, Gordon, Private 1st CL, Btry. D., F. A. R. D. Randlemian, John W., Sergt. 1st CL, Hdqrs. Detach., Transportation Corps. Randall, Elphus T., Corpl., Co. I, 322nd Inf., 81st Div. Randolph, G. B., Storekeeper, Etc., Navy. Rankin, R. W., 2nd Lt., Co. D, 105lh Engrs., 30th Div. Rankin, W. L., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Raper, W. E., Sergt., 1st Co., 1st Regt., Air Service. Roseoe, Lewis T., Machinist Mate, Navy. Ratchford, P. O., Private. Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ratcliff, H. M., 2nd Lt., Co. B, 3rd Replacement Inf. Rateliff, M. O., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ratcliff, Z. O., Private, 113th F. A.. 30th Div. Ratterree, Rright, Private, Co. G, 322nd Regt.. 81st Div. Ratterree, P. G.. Private 1st CL, Co. G., 322nd Inf.. 81st Div. Ratley, Duncan C, Private, Co. F, 321st Inf.. 81st Div. Rawles, A. C, Private 1st CL, 78th T. C, 35th Regt. Rawlins, F. L.. Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rawls, W. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ray, A. M., Horseshoer, Btry. C, 113th F. A., 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Ray, R., Capt., M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ray, J. F., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ray, Robert W., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ray, 0. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ray, S. W., Sad., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ray, A. M., Hrshr., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ray, Odis, Seaman, Navy. Raynor, Wm. T., Cook, Med. Corps. Reagan, Bratha Mott, Private, Depot Brigade. Reap, Chas. A., 2nd Lt., Co. L, 51st Pio. Inf., 4th Army- Corps. Reap, H. E., Private, 9th F. A. Reavis, U. F„ Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Reavis, I. D., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Reavis, B. G., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Reavis, Holland, Mess Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rector, P. F., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Redfearn, J. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Redlern, Joe B., Corpl., Co. E, 402nd Tel. Bat., Signal C. Redman, O. P., Cook, C. A. C. Redmon, C. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Reece, B. J., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Reece, Chas. R., Private, 77th Base Hospital, M. C. Reece, Judson, Private, Hdqrs. Co., 321st Inf., 81st Div. Reed, John H., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Reeves, N. O., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Regan, D. C, Private, 323rd Inf., Med. Corps., 81st Div. Register, H. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Register, Harmon, Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 114th Art., 30th Div. Register, M. O., Ph. Mate 1st Class, Navy. Register, G. L., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 317th Art., 81st Div. Reichle, Geo. W., Chf. Gun. Mate, Naval Reserve. Reichle, Frank J., Sergt., Co. B, 316th M. G. Bn., 81st Div. Reid, C. C, Sergt., Co. D, 116th Inf., 29th Div. Reid, W. H., Corpl., 16th Co., 4th Tr. Bn., D. B. Reid, K. V., Bugler, Hdqrs. Co., 144th Inf., 36th Div. Reich, Edward A., Private, Motor Co. 11, Med. Corps. Reinhardt, Joe E., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Reinhardt Clate G., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Reinhardt, John J., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Reins, R. R., Corpl., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Reitzel, E. E., Private, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Reitzel, Perry Vance, Corpl., Co. L, 4th Inf., 3rd Div. Reives, Napoleon B., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Renn, J. J., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Respess, E. J., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Respess, Samuel J., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co,, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Respess, S. J., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Reveley, Miss Annie Dade, Nurse, Red Cross. Reynolds, C, Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Reynolds, L. D., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Reynolds, Jas. B., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Reynolds, Ernest G., Private, Co. F, 11th Inf., 5th Div. Reynolds, C. K., Private 1st CI., 336th Co., Foreign Guard. Rhodes, J. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rhodes, W. H., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rhodes, C. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rhodes, C. B., Corpl., 66th Co., 5th Regt., Marine Corps, 2nd Div. Rhvne, R. L., Sergt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rhymer, W. A., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Rhymer, W. A., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ribet, J. A., Chauffeur 1st CI., Hdqrs., 4th Regt., Air Ser- vice Mech. Rice, W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rice, J. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rice, Guy S., Private, Base Hospital Unit. Rice, H. F., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rice, Wilbur A., Private, 2nd Inf., 2nd Div. Rice, Willie B., Private, Inf., 4th Division. Rice, Robt. F., Sergt., Co. G, 331st Inf., 81st Div. Rice, Thos. E., Private 1st CI., Co. L, 106th Inf., 27th Div. Rice, Sidney Henderson, Private, Co. D, 118th Art., 81st Div. Rich, Marcus H.. Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Richardson, Seymore, Private, Co. D, 321st Inf., 81st Div. Richardson, A. R., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Richardson, John H., Private 1st CI., Co. I, 9th Inf. Richardson, A. M., Sergt., Aviation. Richardson, Wm. E„ Corpl., Co. F, 322nd Inf., 81st Div. Richardson, Leon C., Jr., C. Q. M. A., Navy. Richardson, Everett C, Private, Base Hos. 101, Med. C. Richardson, Carl T., Cook, Med., 65th Base Hospital. Richters, C, Jr., Mach. Mate, U. S. N. Ricks, Howard T., Private, 317th Co., Med. Dept., 80th Div. Ricks, R. E., 2nd CI. Br. Mate, Navy. Riddick, Wallace W., Capt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Riddle, Floyd H., Private, Co. M., 5th Pioneer Inf. Riddick, L. R., Private 1st CI., Co. B, Inf., S. A. T. C. Ridenhour, H. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ridenhour, Robt. Eugene, Jr., Private, Q. M. C. Ridge, Chas. Baxter, Private, Co. B, S. A. T. C. Ridge, Carman W., Navy. Ridge, Stamey, Private 1st CI., Btry. B, 8th Trench Mor- tar Bn., C. A. C. Ridling, Ira., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ried, W., Private, Co. F. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rudisill, Wm. G., Private 1st CI., 324th M. G., 81st Div. Rierson, W. J. B., Sergt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rierson, Sanders C, Jr., Private 1st CI., Btry. F, 14th Light F. A. Riggan, D. S., Corpl, Co. M, 324th Inf., 81st Div. Riggan, H. H., Sergt., Co. B, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Riggs, W., Hrshr., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Riggs, L. T., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Riggs, G. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Riggs, Clem. Manley, Co. K, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Rigsbee, Jas. J., Private 1st CI., Co. B-C, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rigsby, Ike Jake, Private 1st CI., Co. M, 120th Inf., 30tn Div. Riley, Y., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Riley, Joe, Private, Co. C, 321st Inf., 81st Div. Riley, Yancey, Private, Co. B-C, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Riley, J. W., Jr., Navy. Riley, Jas. M., Sergt., Sup. Co., 120th Inf., 30th Div. Rimmer, C. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rimmer, R. L„ Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ring, S. O., Private 1st CI., Hdqrs. Co., 36th C. A. C. Rink, M. E., Private, 105th Engrs., Tr., 30th Div. Rink, M. E., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Riser, H. A., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Ritch, C. F., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ritch, K., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ritchie, R. R., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ritchie, E. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ritchie, R. L., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rivenbark, L., Cook, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Rivenbark, L., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rives. Frank, Private 1st CI., Btry. F, 316th H. A., 81st Div. Rives, L., Private, Btry. E. 309th F. A., 78th Div. Rives, Benj. L., Private, 73rd Co.. F. A. Roach, Hubert M., Private, Co. G, 306th Am. Tr. Roach, Fred, Private, Co. I, Inf., 2nd Div. Roane, P. T., Private, Co. L, 314th Inf., 79th Div. Robbins, W. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Robbins, C. L., Bugler, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Robbins, L. \V., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Robbins, Wm. McKinley, Private, Btry. D, 13th Art., 4th Div. Robbins, John, Private 1st CI., Co. D, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Rcberson, Phillip, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rcberson, Van, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Roberson, J. W., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Roberson, P. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Roberson, Nathan R., Private, Co. I, 324th Inf., 81st Div. Roberson, Stephen L., Seaman, Naval Reserve. Roberts, D. I., Hrshr., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Roberts, E. S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Roberts, J. F., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Roberts, H. S., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Roberts, J. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Roberts, Clarence V, 1st Lt., Br. Hdqrs. Co., 119th Inf., 30th Div. Roberts, T. B., Private 1st Class, Psychological Dept. Roberts, P. A., 2nd Lt., Co. F, 306th Engrs., 81st Div. Roberts, J. A., Corpl., Co. M., 120th Inf., 30th Div. Roberts, C. B., Corpl., Infantry. Roberts, Andy, Private, Co. M, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Roberts, G. R., Quartermaster 1st CI., Naval Aviation. Roberts, Jess., Private, Supply Co., 1st Regt., F. A. R. Robertson, Edgar, Gen. Hosp. No. 6, Med. Dept. Robertson, Claude L., Corpl., M. G. Co. Robinson, E. P., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Robinson, B. M., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Robinson, E. P., Bn. Sergt. Maj., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Robinson, C. C, Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Robinson, J. A., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Robinson, W. W., Hrshr., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Robinson, Alton, Private, 117th Amb. Co., 105th San. Tr„ Med. Corps, 30th Div. Robinson, Private, Remount Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Robinson, David L., Private, Inf. Rockett, Carl, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rockett, Wm. R., Private, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rodden, J. F., Private, Co. D., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rodgers, S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rodgers, J. B., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rodman, W. C, Capt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rcdwell, Roy O., Sergt., Co. H, 156th Dept Brigade, Inf. Roebuck, Albert Q., Private 1st CI., Co. F, 306th Am. Ti\, 81st Div. Rogers, E. J., Seaman, U. S. N. Rogers, E. Y., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rogers, H. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rogers, E. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rogers, Felton Bruce, Corpl., 110th San. Tr., Med. Corps. Rogers, C. W., Corpl., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rogers, J. S., Wagoner, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rogers, W. P., Private, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rogers, Chas. R., Sergt, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rogers, Rembert A., 2nd Lt., Hdqrs. Co., 322nd Inf., 81st Div. Rogers, Wm. L., Private, Co. A, M. G., 18th Div. Rogers, W. k\, Private 1st CI., 6th Co., H. A. Rogers, R. P., Corpl., Personnel Co., A. G. D. Rogerson, J. W., Private 1st CI., Co. A, 306th Engrs., 81st Div. Rollins, Ernest. Private. Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rollins, C. S., Private, Co. B. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rollins, L., Private, 113th F. A.. 30th Div. Rollins, ('. I)., Private, Co. F, 168th Inf., 42nd Div. Rollins, Marcus Antony, Sergt., Co. ('. 53rd Inf.. 6th Div. Rollins, IF. P... Private 1st CI., 21st Co., 20th Engrs. Rook. .1. W.. Corpl., Co. G, 321st Inf., 81st Div. Rooten, R. A., Private, 113th F. A.. 30th Div. Roper, S. R., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs.. 80th Div. Roper, R. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Roper, W. B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rcse, Jchn, Corpl., Co. F, 321st Inf., 81st Div. Rose, Frank R., Sergt., Co. D, 1st A. A. M. G. Bn. Rose, M. W., Sergt., Co. G, 322nd Inf.. 81st Div. Rose, Chas A., Private 1st CI., Btry. A, 316th F. A., 8lst Div. Rose, Chas. S., Private 1st CI., Co. M., 32nd and 82nd Regt. Rose, Chas. C, Private 1st CI., Co. C. 324th Inf., 81st Div. Rosmand, F. C, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rosemann, Adolph, Q. M. Sergt., Q. M. C. Base Hospital. Rosenthal, Jerome, Crd. Sergt., Ordnance Dept. Ross, H. L., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ross, L. E., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rcss, J. R., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Ross, L. G., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Ross, P. J., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rcss, Jos. O., Private, Co. B, 56th Pioneer Inf. Ross, E. L., Private, 64th Co., M. G. Rosser, Alvin J., Private, Co. L., 306th Engrs. Rouse, R. L., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Reuse, H., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rouse, P. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rouse, P. G., Private, 118th Field Amb., Med. Corps, 30th Div. Rouse, L. H., Private, Co. E, 321st Inf., 81st Div. Reuse, Walter B., Private, 1st CI., Co. C, 167th Inf., 42nd Div. Rouse, Bertie M., Yeoman F. 3rd Class, U. S. N. R. F. Rousseau, V. P., Capt. Rcusseau, Jas. P., Lieut. Sr., Naval Hosp., Med. Dept. Rousseau, Dr. Jas. P., Jr., 1st Lt. Jr. Gr., U. S. Navy. Rousseau, Malcolm A., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., Q. M. C, Depot Brigade. Rcusseau, Wm. Archie, 1st Lt., Hdqrs. Co., Depot Brigade at Jackson. Rowan, G. R., M. Mate 1st Class, Naval Aviation. Rowe, C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rcwe, Jos. Walter, Apprentice Seaman, U. S. N. Rowe, Jesse L., Private 1st CI., Med. Det., Base Hospital. Rowe. E. D., F. 3rd Class, Navy. Rowell, Harry T., Sergt., 156th Deoot Brigade. Rowland, Ham, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rowland, Geo. T., Private 1st CI., 301st Mec. Co. Rowlett, Joseph P., Sergt. 1st CI., Q. M. C. Royal, E. C, Cook, Co. K, Infantry. Royall, Geo. E., Private ,Base Hospital, Camp Jackson. Royall, Kenneth C, 1st Lt., Btry. B. 317th F. A., 81st Div. Royster, B. S., Capt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Royster, Beverly S., Jr., 1st Lt., Btry. A, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Royster, J. G., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Royster, J. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rubin, Sol., Corpl., Co. G, Infantry. Rudd, Franklin P., H. S., Sup. Co., 120th Regt., 30th Div. Rudisill, J. A., Wagoner, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rudisill, H. W., Pren. Seaman, Navy. Ruffin, R. G., App. Seaman, S. A. T. C. Naval Unit. Rule, A. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Rush. Wesley L., Surgical Asst., Med.. 1st U. S. Engrs., 1st Div. Russell, G. Y., Sergt., Co. E. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Russell. .1. F., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Puesell, A. F., Private, Co. C. 105th Engrs., SOtb Div. Russell, Joe, Private, 113th F. A.. 30th Div. Russell, B. S., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Russell, W. F., Private, 113th F, A.. 30th Div. Russell, Earnest R., Sergt.. Btry. A, 54th Artillery. Russell, H., Private, Btry. D. 317th F. A.. 81st Div. Russell, E. A., Sun. Sergt., Co. I, 18th Inf., 1st Div. Russell, Cordell. Private 1st CI.. 15th Co., H. A. Russell, W. C, Private, Co. H, 1st N. C. Regt., 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Russell, J. L., Cook, Co. F, 52nd Inf., 6th Div. Rust, E. H., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rust, F. H. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rust, A. L., 2nd Lt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Rust, Albert L., M. E. Jr. Gi\, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sabiston, W. E., Fireman, Navy. Sadler, B. L., Private, Co. L, 78th Div., 311th Inf. Sadler, S., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sadler, W. H., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Saddler, W. H., M. E. Jr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Saferight, J. M., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Safrit, L. D., Private, Co. I, 118th Inf., 30th Div. Safrit, W. F., Private, Ord. Depfc. Safrit, A. F., Blacksmith, Mounted Div., Hdqrs. Troops, 81st Div. Saintsing, E. O., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Saleeby, J. R., Co. B, 7th Engrs. Salem, S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sailing, A. T., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Salter, E, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Samblin, W. H., Private, Co. H, 3rd Inf. Sams, Z. V., Private, Co. C, 30th Div., 105th F. Sig. Btn. Sample, R. C, 2d Lt., Med. Corps. Sanders, E. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sanders, F. L., M. E., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sanders, F. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sanders, H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sanders, A., Corpl., Co. E, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Sanders, F. L., M. E., Co. C, 30th Div., 105th Engrs. Sanders, V. C, Private, Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Sanderson, W. F., Bugler, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sandlin, L. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sands, D. C, Private, Btry. B, 3rd Div., 76th F. A. Sanford, G., Private, Co. C, 105ch Engrs., 30th Div. Sanford, J. B., Sad., Btry. B, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Sapp, O. C, Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sappenfield, J. A., Btry. F, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sappenfield, J. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sappenfield, L. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sappenfield, R. C, Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Saslow, B. G., M. M., Naval Air Service. Sauls, H. A., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30ch Div. Sauls, W. O., Private, S. A. T. C. Saunders, J. P., Private, Co. M, 81st Div., 324th Inf. Saunders, F. L., M. E. Jr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Savage, C. H., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Savage, G. L., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Savage, I. J., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Savage, F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Savage, C. S., Cook, Co. A, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Savage, F. A., Private, Btry. B, 3rd Art. Prk. Sawyer, G. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sawyer, T. A., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Scales, L. J., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Scarboro, W. G., Corpl., Btry. F, 81st Div., 306th Artly. Scarborough, W., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Schafer, E. E., Hdqrs. Co., 9th Div., 68th Inf. Schenck, M., Maj., Judge Ad. Gen. Hdqrs. Schiffman, A. A., Private, S. A. T. C. Schlichter, A. B., Jr., Student Officer, Aviation Corps, N. R. F. Schnibben, L., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Schoolbred, W. A., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Schrum, J. R., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Sig. Btn., 30th Div. Schubert, M. H., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Schulken, T. J., Musician, Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 317th F. A. Schulken, W. W., Private, Btry. 6, Trench A. Schvvalb, B., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Scott, C. T., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Scott, W. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Scott, L. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Scott, B. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30tn Div. Scott, J. M., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Scott, P. A., Q. M., Navy. Scott, J. B., Sergt., M. P. Scott, Dr. G. G., 1st Lt., Dental Corps, 2nd F. A. R. D. Scott, D. E., Col., Inf., 30th Div., 120th Regt. Scott. A. A., Private, Base Hospital Det. Scruggs, B. P., Sergt., M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Scruggs, W. M., Capt., Med. Corps, Base Hospital 54. Seaber, J. A., Jr., Elec. Navy. Seahorn, J. E., Wag., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Seahorn, J. E., Private, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Seals, F. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Seaman, J. A., Wag., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sears, F. W., Corpl., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Seawell. E. C, Corpl., Co. A, Tank Corps. Sedgwick, H. E., Jr., Corpl., Co. E, 55th Pioneer Inf. Seehorn, W. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sell, E. L., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sellars, T., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sellers, T. F., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sellers, C. G., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sells, G. S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sessoms, P., Bugler, Co. A, 80th Div.. 319th Inf. Sessums, E. H., Private, Btry. F, 8th F. A. Sessoms, M. M., Sergt., Btry. E, 14th Div., 24nd F. A. Senter, C. T., Sergt., Co. C, 3rd Inf. Settlemyre, R., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Seymore, J., Private, Co. H, 81st Div., 321st Inf. Shackelford. A. D., Sergt., Co. E, 8th Div., Motor Sup. Tr. Shaffer, W. M., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Shaheen, E., Corpl., Co. H, 1st Div., 28th Inf. Slain, N., Private, Q. M. C. Shanklin, J. H.. Private. Btry. D, 3rd F. A. R. D. Shannon, J. E., Jr., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Shannon, J. E., Jr., Corpl., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sharpe, T. L., Sergt., Co. I, 18th Inf., 1st Div. Sharpe, D. R., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sharpe, J. R., Sergt., Co. C, Tank Corps. Sharpe, G. A., Private, Co. 31, Inf. Sharp, E. J., Capt., Co. C, 1st Div., 7th Army Corps, Inf. Shaver, P., Co. E, 1st Div., 413th Tel. B. Shaw, B., Wag., Co. C, F. A., 4th Army Corps. Shaw, T„ Private, Co. G, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Shaw, D., Carptr. Mate, Navy. Shearin, S. H., Sergt., Co. B-A, 75th C. A. C. Sheetz, F. C, Mach. Mate, Navy. Shell, C. L., Private, Btry. F, 81st Div., 318th Regt. Skelton, W. M., Corpl., Co. 73, Inf. and M. G. Training. Shelton, W. C, Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Shelton, C. J., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Shepard, B. J., Cook, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sheppard, B. J., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sheppard, R. E., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Shepperd, C. W., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Shepherd, H. W., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sherrill, K. F., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sherrill, P. H., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sherrill, G. Z., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sherrill, S. H., Wag., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sherrill, E. A., Private, Co. B, 50th M. G. Mech., 17th Div. Sherrill, C, Private, M. T. C. 512, M. S. T. 423, Co. 512, 3rd Div. Sherrod, J. M., Private, 323rd F. and G. Corps. Shields. P. E., Private, Replacement Co., Motor Transport. Shields, J. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Shipley, F. M., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Shipman, H., Sergt., M. T. C. Shipp, C. A., Storekeeper, N. N. V. Sholar, R. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Shook, A. L., Private, 126th Base Hospital. Shook, Roy A., Med. Corps, Field Hospital, 30th Div., 105th San Tr. Shoolbred, W. A., Sergt., Co. C, 30th Div., 105th Engrs. Shores, H. W., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Short, D. C, Private, Medical. Shouse, J. J., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Shrago, H. I., Private, Inf. Shrago, J. P., 1st Lt, Co. I, 12th Batt. I. R. C, Inf. Shreve, P. H., Private, Med. Corps, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Shropshire, R. A., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Shuford, D. E., Wag., 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Shul'ord, J. L., Private, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Shuford, C. L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Shuford, P. E., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Shytle, J. H., Bugler, Co. B-F, 81st Div., 318th F. A. Shyver, C. F., Corpl., Co. E, 156th Depot Br. Sidbury, H. W., Sergt., 667th Aero Squadron. Sides, F. A., Sergt., Btry. C, 58th F. A. Sides, J .W., Cook, Co. D, 81st Div., 322nd Inf. Sides, W. V., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sides, W. A., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sides, R. F., Private, 7th Inf. Sides, O. O., Musician, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sigman, R. V., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sigmon, C. F., Horseshoer, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Sigmon, Q. E., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sigmon, D. H., Private, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Sigmon, F. R., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sigmon. R. G., Private, Co. 351 Baker, 89th Div., Q. M. C. Sikes, H. F., Ship's Cook, Navy. Sikes, C. J., Private, Co. I, 81st Div., 321st Inf. Sikes, C. L., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Silver, M., Private, Co. F, 8th Div., 62nd Inf. Silverman, N. J., Sup. Sergt., Co. C, 4th Corps, Artly. Park. Silverman, D., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 321st Inf. Simmons, W. L., Seaman, N. K. F. Simmons, H. R., Private, Med. Dept., 6th Div., 11th F. A. Simmons, J. S., Private, Sup. Co., 30th Div., 119th Inf. Simmons, C. M., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Simmons, T. S., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Simmons, R. A., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Simmons, V. L., Corpl., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Simmons, H. C, Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Simmons, F. L., Corpl., Co. A, 105th Engrs. ,30th Div. Simmons, D. F., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Simmons, W. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Simmons, E. S., 1st Lt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Simmons, J., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Simons, F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Simos, P. A., Private, Co. L, 30th Div., 117th Inf. Simpson, W. E., Chief Elec, N. R. F. Simpson, M. J., Elx. Radio, Navy. Simpson, E. W., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Simpson, J., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sims, I)., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sims. E. L., Bug., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sinclair, I). G., Fireman, Navy. Singleton, F. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sinodis, C. N., Cook, Co. H, 78th Div., 319th Inf. Siterson, J. L„ Private, A. R. D. 31. Sitton, M. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sizrmon. K. \V„ 1'rivatc, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Skiles, W. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Skittle! hm-pe, 1)., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Slade, (i. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Slade, J. L., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Slater, J. R., Private, 113th F .A., 30th Div. Sledd, U. S., Sergt., Sup. Troop, 5th Cav. Sloop, W. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Slough, W. J., Private, Co. E, 9th Artly. Slovvn, C. L., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div . Small, J. E., Private, Co. M, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Small, G., Wag., 323rd Field Hospital, 81st Div., 306th San Tr. Small, J. H., Private, Btry. 2, 6th Div., 54th Inf., Intelli- gence. Smathers, Carey, Gunner's Mate, Navy. Smather, L. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Smith, M. B., Sergt., Adjt. Gen. Dept. Smith Smith Div., 305th San. Tr. Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith No. 1 Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smilh W. J., Corpl., Co. 3, 8th Div., 156th Depot Brigade. N., Private, Med. Corps, 319th Amb. Co., 80th 318th F. A. 318th Artly. J. J., Mech., Btry. F, 81st Div., J. B., Private, Co. F, 81st Div., C. T., Private, Co. 16, Q. M. C. L. W., 2d Lt., Inf., S. A. T. C. P. J., Private, Btry. A, 5th Det J. L., 1st Lt., Co. M, 5th Div E. F., Private, Co. F, Inf. H., Private, Co. M, 81st Div., 321st Regt. E. F., Private, Med. Corps, Replacement Bat. 11th Inf. Unit A. N., Private, Co. G, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Z. B., Sergt., Air Service, Co. 15, 1st Mech. J. H., Private, Co. 377, Marines. S. A., Steward Dept., Merchant Marines. G. M., Private, 30th Div., 120th Inf. V. R., Private, Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Inf. G. C, Private, Rifle Range, Inf. L. E., Private, Co. B-D, 6th Ba., Trench Mortar. D. H., Private, 7th M. G. Co. H., Fireman, Navy. C. W., Mech., Sup. Co., 29th Inf. J. P., Private, Co. 56, 56th Pioneer Inf. N. S., 1st Lt., Co. M, 5th Div., 11th Inf. D. Q., Private, Artly. Btry. B, Replacement. G. P., Private, Co. 16, Central Officers, Tr. School. L., Private, Co. B, 30th Div., 120th Inf. W. B., 1st Lt., Co. E, 17th Engrs. W. A., Jr., Sergt., 343rd Fire and Guard. W. L., Jr., Cook, Navy. H. G., Sergt., Btry. E, 30th Div., 113th F. A. J. C, 1st Lt., Replacement. W. M., Cook, Co. F, 30th Div., 105th Amtn. Tr. S. R., Private, Marine Corps. J. W., Jr., Private, Med. Corps. F .McN., 1st Lt., Co. F, 3rd Pioneer Inf. J. L. McK., Corpl., Co. F, 42nd Div., 167th Inf. S. H., Private, Btry. F, 81st Div., 318 F. A. R. G., Sergt., M. G., Co. 72. R. L., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div.. 59th F. A. W. W., Private, Btry. B, 89th Div., 340th F. A. F. C, Sergt., 534th Engrs. J. A., Corpl., Btry. E, 81st Div., 317th F. A. M. B., 1st Lt., Btry. 2. 371st Inf. B. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. W. R., Corpl., 113th F. A„ 30th Div. H. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. W. E., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. E. T., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. M. L., Private, 113th, F. A., 30th Div. D. P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. J., Private, 113th F. A., 80th Div. E. H., Corpl.. 113th F. A., 30th Div. S. T., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. A. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. (". \\\, Private. 113th F. A., 30th Div. J. K.. Private. 113th F. A., 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Smith, H. G., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Smith, C. S., Sergt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, G. T., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, E., Private, 105th Amtn. Tr. Smith, B. C, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smich, E., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, R. E., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, D. E., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, G. C, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, P. L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, S., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, W. L., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, G. F., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, W. L., Jr., 2d Lt., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, W. L., N. C. Regt. Sergt. Maj., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, W. L., Jr., 2nd LL, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, L. R., Corpl., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, J. H., Private, Spruce Div. Smith, J. F., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, C. F., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, A. H., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, A. G., Corpl., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30ch Div. Smith ,A. R., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, W. L., Jr., 2d Lt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, A. G., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, H. H., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, A., Private, Co. E, 105ch Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, G. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, S., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Smith, R. L., Wag., 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Smitherman, \V. G., Private, Co. B, 6th Div., Trench M. Smyre, E. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Snead, S. T., Private, Btry. A, 81st Div., 316th F. A. Snead, L. O., Private, Co. I, 81st Div., 324th Inf. Sneeden, J. S., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sneeden, W. A., Corpl., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Snipes, F., Private, Co. 732, 6th Group, M. C. G. T. Snipes, M. L., Private, Amb. Co., Attached to 77th Div. Snoddy, W. M., Private, Co. A, S. A. T. C. Snyder, E. B., Elec, Navy. Snyder, J. L., Corpl., 66th Trans. Corps, 13th Grand Div. Solomon, R. F., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sovell, Avery W., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., Q. M. C. Sosnik, Jacob, Private, 317th Inf. Southerland, E. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Southerland, W. W., Mach. 2nd Class, U. S. N. Spain, Albert Doyle, Butcher, U. S. N. Spain, R. L., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Spainhour, C. E., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sparrow, M. B., Hrshr., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sparrow, E. C, Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Speas, C. A., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Speed, J. A., 1st Lt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Spence, H. D., Private, Personnel Office. Spence Royall H., Corpl., Co. L, 4th Pioneer Inf. Spencer, Linden A., Private, Co. G., F. A. Spencer, Charley, Private, 71st M. G. Co., 6th Inf. Spencer, C, Private, Co. E., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Spivey, W. H., Private, Co. E, 322nd Inf., 81st Div. Spivey, J. B., Gunner 1st CI., C. A. C, Anti-Aircraft. Spivy, D. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Spoon, J. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Spratt, Grover K., Private 1st CI., M. P., 1st Div. Spratt, Rober F., Private, 51st M. G. Co., 17th Div. Springs, G. L., Sergt., Co. F, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Springfield, L. E., Musician 1st CI., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Springs, E. B., 2nd Lt., 6th Co., 2nd Motor Mech. Sprinkle, Paul M., Sergt., Co. I, 321st Inf., 81st Div. Sprinkle, Nathan B., Sergt., Co. C, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Spruill, Elmer H., Sergt., Replacement Co., 9th F. A., Btry. F. Spruell, G. M., Private, 156th Co., Btry. D, 1st Regt. Spruill, W. C, Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Spruill, M. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Stack, C. W., Mech., Co. M, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Stackleather, C. H., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stainback, Clarence Boyd, Private 1st CI., Co. I. 322nd Inf., 81st Div. Stallings, Wiley H., 2nd Lt., Hdqrs. Co., 322nd Inf., 81st Div. Stallings, Henry C, Sergt., Co. G, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Stamey, W. B., Private 1st CI., 3rd Co., 8th Anti-Aircraft Bn. Stamey. Chas. L., Cook, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stamey, John A., Private, Co. C. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stamper, F. W., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stanback, C. L., H. A. 1st Class, U. S. N. Standi, S. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Stanley E, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stanley, Geo. W., Sergt., Troop K., Cav. Stansbury, J. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Stanton, Wm. W., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stanton, Henry Clarence. Mchst. Mate 2nd Class, Navy. Starnes, F. G., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Starnes, J. W., Hrshr., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Starr, C. W., Wag., Co. C. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Starr, Henrv F., Jr.. Capt. Med. Corps, 303rd San. Tr., 78th Div. Starrette, Frank A., Petty Officer 1st Class, Navy. Starling, C. H., Private 1st C, Co. B, 107th Inf., 27th Div. Starling, Troy, Private 1st CI., 321st Inf., 81st Div. Staton, F. C, Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Staugh, S. F., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Steagall, Jas. I., Capt, Co. E, 120th Inf., 20th Div. Steele, P. J., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Stedman, H. S., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stein, Lewis J., 2nd Lt., Co. E, 324th Inf., 81st Div. Stenger, P. F., Jr., Q. M. C. Sergt. Sr. Gr., Motor Trans. Stephens, I. V., Private, H. A. Stephens, H. L., Sergt., 306th F. A. Bn., 81st Div. Stephens, J. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Stephenson, S. R., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Stephenson, C. F., Sergt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stephenson, H. P., Storekeeper, Naw. Stephenson, Paul L., Private 1st CI.. 13th Co., Q. M. C. Stephenson, Carlton, Corpl., Co. D, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Stephenson, Paul L., Private, Q. M. C. Stephenson, J. W., Private, Btry. F, 9th Regt., Signal Corps, 3rd Div. Stephenson, Landon H, Private, Co. E, 56th Engrs. Stevens, Thos., Private, Co. D. 119th Inf., 30th Div. Stevenson, E. R., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stevenson, C. L., 1st Sergt., 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Stevenson, E. R., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stevenson, Geo., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Steward, C. E., Private, Co. E. 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Steward, C. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Stewart, C. T., Cook, Co. B. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stewart, C. N., Co. E, 105th Enars., 30th Div. Stewart, L. E., Private, Co. E. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stewart, B. C, Wagoner, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Stewart, Joseph C, Private 1st CI., Ordnance Corps. Stewart, Paul, 1st Lt., F. A. R. D., Replacement. Stirewalt, Calvin, Seaman, 146th Co., Navy. Stirewalt, A. M., Private, Med. Corps, Base Hos. No. 98. Stockard, Ben B., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stockard, Ben B., M. E. Sr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stockton, Bernard C, Private 1st CL, Co. E, 1st Gas Regt., Chemical War Service. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Stcgner, Jchn P., Bugler, Co. E, 105th Am. Ti\, 30th Div. Stoker, Charlie, 1st Sergt., C. W. S. Stokes, J. Walton, Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stokes, Rav, Private 1st CI., Co. B, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Stokes, G. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stokes, W. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Stone, A. T., Private, 141st Aero Sqdn., Air Service. Stone, O. T., Private, 306th Engrs. Stcneham, H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Stoner, John, Private 1st CI., Btry. B, 156th H. F. A. Story, John F., Private, Co. D, 112th Regt., M. G., 29th Div. Storey, Walter E., Yeoman, Navy. Storv, R. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Story, I- P-, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Story, W. T., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stout, Leon L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stout, M. O. D., Cook, Sup. Co., 317th F. A., 81st Div. Stout, Ferdie R., Private, Co. B, S. A. T. C. Stout, Roland B., Private, Automatic Rep. Dept. Stowe, Baxter O., Private, See. 16, M. T. C. Stowe, F. T., Private, Vet. Det., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stowe, F. B., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stowe, L. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Stratos, Geo., Cook, Cook and Baker School. Straub, C. W., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Straughan, W. R., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Strickland, C. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Strickland, W. B., Cook, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Strickland, Walter R., Reg. Sup. Sergt., Sup. Co., 321st Inf., 81st Div. Stricland, John C, Sergt., Q. M. C, Gen. Staff, Transp. Stroble, T. V., Private, Co., E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stroman, R. A., Corps., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Strong, Henry Grady, Co. G, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Strong, Chas. F., Corpl., Co. G, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Strong, Henry G., Corpl, Intelligence Section, 30th Div. Stroud, L. P., Corpl., Co. I, 156th Inf. Stroud, E. L., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stroup, Clarence S., 1st Lt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Strum, Bertie B., Sergt., Co. B. M. T. C. Stuart, Ralph C, Corpl., Co. C and M. P., Att. to 5th Engrs. Corps. Stubbs, W. B., Electrician 2nd Class, U. S. N. Stubbs, John Howard, Sergt., Co. L, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Stutts, Ellis L., Private, Co. F, 321st Inf., 81st Div. Stutts, A. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Stutts, B. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Suddreth, T. L., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Suddreth, C. R., Sergt., 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Suddreth, Clarence, Sergt., 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Suedekum, H. M., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sugar, Raymond, Sergt., Co. E, 306th Am. Tr., 81st Div. Suggs, C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Suggs, H. J., Wagoner, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Suits, Hurley E., 1st Cook, Q. M. C. Suitt, V. R., Private, 113th F. A.. 30th Div. Sullivan, Jas. A., Private 1st CI., Co. D, 28th Bn . U. S. G. Sullivan, Sam A., Private 1st CI., Btry. B, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sultan, W. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sultan, Wm. H., Private 1st CI., Btry. A, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sultz, F. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sumner, Preston, Sergt., Co. H, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Sumner, Samuel L., Sergt., Co. E, 119th Inf., 80th Div. Summey, A. T., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Summers, G. EL, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 80th Div Summey, A. J., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Surratt, Wade ( '.. Sergt. 1st CI.. Med., 604th Det. Engrs. Susman, Mike, Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 80th Div. Suther, C. B., Musician 1st CI., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Suther, C. A., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Suther, C. B., Mus. 1st CL, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Suttenfield, Robt. D., Private, Co. D. 3rd Engrs. Suttle, Lowery, Searran 1st Class, U. S. N. R. F. Suttlemyre, R. D., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sutton, H. J., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sutton, D. S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sutton, J. L., Private, Depot Brigade. Sutton, G. W., 1st Cook, 18th Co., 156th Denot Br., Inf. Swain, Robt. S., Private 1st CI., Btry. B, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Swaing, F. J., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Swangim, D., Bugler, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Swank, Wm. L., Corpl., Co. C, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Swanson, P. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Sweeney, J. H., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sweeney, W. A., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sykes, P. S., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Sykes, Wm. F., Private 1st CI., Btry. A, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Tarlock, E. P., Sergt., S. S. U., Section 513. Tadlock, E. C, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Talbert, B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Talbert, C. B., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tallent, W. H., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. TaHey, P. L., Serge., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tally, R. B., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Tally, G. H., Yeoman, Naval Reserve. Tally, J. O., 2nd Lt., Hdqrs. Co., 59th F. A. Talson, M. C, Private, Co. F, 3rd Div., 6th Engrs. Tankard, B. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Tankard, B., Private, Btry. B, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Tankersley, C. F., Jr., Sergt., Med. Corps, San. Det., 30th Div., 120th Inf. Tanner, T., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tanner, G. A., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tanner, L. D., Seaman, Navy. Tanner, P., Private, Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Tate, V., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Tate, R. G., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tate, W. E., Sergt., Med. Corps, Base Hospital. Tate, V., Private, Btry. E, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Tatem, R. H., Corpl. Btry. D, 29th Div., 111th F. A. Tatum, A., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tayloe, B. K., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Taylor, R. H., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Taylor, H. R., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Taylor, A. T., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Taylor, M. E., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Taylor, T. E., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Taylor, W., Wag., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Taylor, J. W., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Taylor, A. ,1st Lt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Taylor, G. H., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Taylor, R. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Taylor, G. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Taylor, W.. Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Taylor, C. S., Cook, 113th F. A.. 30th Div. Taylor, R. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Taylor, L. L.. 2nd Lt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Taylor, G. N., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Taylor, F. P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Taylor, D. H., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Taylor, 1). II., Stable Sergt., Btry. A, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Taylor, J. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Taylor, E. M., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Taylor, F. B., Private, 113th F. A.. 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Taylor, H. D., Corpl., Co. E, 81st Div., 323rd Inf. Taylor, G. H., Sergt., Co. C, 77th Div., 306th Inf. Taylor, E. H., Corpl., 112ch Division Co., Camp Lee. Taylor, C. A., Corpl., Co. 5, 81st Div., 306th Sup. Tr. Taylor, L. L., 2d Lt., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 113th F. A. Taylor, R. H., Private, 317th Amb. Co., 80th Div., 105th San. Tr. Taylor, W. H., Sergt., Sup. Co., 81st Div., 322nd Inf. Taylor, C. M., Mech., Aviation, 379th Squadron. Taylor C, Wag., Sup. Co., 81st Div., 322nd Regt. Taylor, H. J., Seaman, Navy. Taylor, J. B., Capt., M. G. Co., 81st Div., 317th Inf. Taylor, R. W., Seaman. Taylor, A. G., Sergt., Med. Dept, Hdqrs. Co., 156th Depot Brigade. Taylor, B. I., Private, Co. H, 6th Div., 54th Inf. Taylor, W. H., Private, Co. D, 54th Div., 6th Regt., 1st Btn., Inf. Taylor, A. H., Sergt., Co. E, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Teabout, G., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Teague, O. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Teague, J. G„ Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Teague, J. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Teague, T. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Teague, C. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Teague, A. P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Teal, C. L., Private, Co. 22. Teb, W. W., Cook, Food. Tedder, H. D., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Teeter, F. C, Private, Co. D, 1st Div., 16th Inf. Teiser, S. F., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 324th Inf. Teiser, E. McK., Seaman, Navy. Temple. H. L., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Templeton, D. G., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Templeton, J. D., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tennant, O. L., Jr., Private, Co. C, 30th Div., 118th Inf. Tenney. E. W., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Terrell, J. B., Private, 550th Engrs. Casualty. Terrill, A. J., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Terry, T. E., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Terry, B. M., Private, Co. L, 81st Div., 321st Inf. Tetterton, J. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Tew, R. L., Seaman, Navy. Thacker, J. G., Sergt., Med., 321st Amb. Co., 81st Div., 306th San. Tr. Tharpe, G. E., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tharrington, E. H., Corpl., Co. 272, Army Service Corps. Thayer, C, 2nd Lt., Inf., 4th Bnt, C. O. T. S. Thaxton, P. T., Private, Ordnance. Thomas, B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Thomas, R. D., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Thomas, F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Thomas, L. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Thomas, R. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Thomas, P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Thomas, F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Thomas, G. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Thomas, N. C, Wag., Hdqrs. Co., M. G. Thomas, P., Co. E, 58th Inf. Thomas, W. P., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Thomas, J. G., Capt., Med., 32nd F. A. Thomas, R. D., Band Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Thomas, E. F., Private, Q. M. C. Thomas, C. A., Private, Med. Corps, Base Hospital No. 65. Thomas. W. E., Sergt., 1104 Aero Squadron. Thomas, G. N., 2nd Lt., Q. M. C. Thomas, P. B., Mach. Mate, Navy. Thomas, T. P., Private, S. A. T. C. Thomas, W. P., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Thomas, D., Private, Co. L, 32nd Div., 2nd Btn. Thomason, B. H., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Thomasson, B. H, M. E. Jr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Thomasson, E. M., Corpl., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Thcmason, J. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Thompson, C, Private, 106th Engrs. Thompson, H. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Thompson, E. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Thompson, J. H, Private, H3th F. A., 30th Div. Thompson, W. R.. Sergt., 113th F. A.. 30th Div. Thompson, E., Frivate, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Thompson, R. H, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Thompson, E., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Thompson. A. A., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Thompson, T. M., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Thompson, C. E., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Thompson, Claude Cecil, Seaman 2nd Class, Navy. Thompson, B. S., Yeoman 1st Class, U. S. N. R. F. Thompson, J. E., 2nd Lt., Co. A, 371st Inf., 93rd Div. Thompson, H. A., Corpl., Co. D, 115th M. G. Bn., 30th Div. Thompson, Sam. T., Sergt., 4th Co., 1st C. A. P. Thompson, Heywood A., Wag., Sup. Co., 119th Inf., 30th Div. Thompson, Fred B., Corpl., Co. C, 526th Bn., Engrs. Thompson, Guy M., Private 1st CI., Med. Dept., Post Hos. at Fort Thomas, Ky. Thompson, Troy M., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Thompson, Samuel Ralph, 1st Sergt., 65th Bat. Co. Thompson, F. D., Private, Med. Dept. Thompson, I. J., Sergt., Sup. Co., 116th F. A., 31st Div. Thompson, Ralph H, Sergt., 308th M. T. C. Thompson, W. M., Fireman, Navy. Thompson, W. H., Private 1st CI., Hdqrs. Co., 156th De- pot Brigade. Thompson, Hugh A., Capt., Med Corps, 4th Co. Thornburg, H. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Thorne, Jas. Lewis, Private 1st CI., Personnel Office. Thornton, J. P., Private, 31st Co., Med., 120th Depot Br. Thornton, H. F., Seaman 2nd Class, Navy. Thorp, Lewis S., 1st Lt., Btry. A, 76th F. A., 3rd Div. Thorp, Wm. L., 1st Lt., Co. F, 102nd F. A., 26th Div. Threadgill, L. L., Mess Sergt., 55th Brigade Artillery. Thrift, N. V., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Thrower, Ace, Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tickle, A., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Tilghman, Caman G., Sergt. 1st CI., Hdqrs. San. Detach., Med. Corps. Tilghman, A., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tilley, A. H, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Tilley, Carl F., Corpl., Co. F. 105th Am. Tr., 30th Div. Tilson, R. R., Private 1st CI., Med. Det. Timberlake, Frank J., 1st Lt., Co. H, 371st Inf., 157th French Div. Timmons, C. H., Corpl., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Timmons, C. H, Corpl., Co. A. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Timmons, Wm. Lawrence, Private, Co. B, 3rd Art., 1st Div. Tims, O., Private, Co. E. 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Tipton, D. C, Corpl., 113th F. A.. 30th Div. Timer. F., Private, Co. E, 105th Ensrs.. 30th Div. Todd, J. B., Private. 113th F. A.. 30th Div. Tcdd, L. C, Lieut., Med. Corns, U. S. N. R. F. Todd, Clvde, Private, F. A. B. F. C. Todd, J. E., Private, Co. E. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tcdd, R. H, Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Todd, R. H., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tolbert. Geo. E, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Toler, Eddie L., Sergt. 1st CI., Air Service. Tompkins, H. J., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Tomlin, Dock R., Private,. Co. A. 322nd Inf.. 81st Div. Tomlinson. Chas. H, Corpl., Q. M. C. Co., 105th Sup. Tr., 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Tomlinson, Jas. Luther, Private, 13th Co., 4th Div. Tonev, Leroy F., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tonkel, Benj., Private 1st CI., 0. M. D. Co., 59th Hdqrs. Div. Topel, H. A., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Torrans, F. K., Private, Air Service, 2nd M. M. S. C. Torrence, S. M., Mess Sergt., Btry. A, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Torrence, S. M., Sergt, 113th F. A.. 30th Div. Towler, J. Barber, Student Flight Officer, Naval Avia. Townsend, W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Townsend, Wm. B., 1st Lt, Q. M. C. Toxey, Roy S., Hosp. Sergt., Base Hosp. No. 65. Trahan, Peter, Private 1st Class, Med. Corps, 51st Regt. Traub, N. T, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Traud, Paul M., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Traud, P. M., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs. 30th Div. Travis, F. V., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Travis, Robt. C, Sergt. Bugler, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Travis. R. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Trent, Hermon Floyd, Sergt., 120th Regt., 30th Div., In- telligence Service. Triplet*, Silas Edward, Private 1st CI., Co. M, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Tripp, J. E., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Tripp, S., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Trogdon, H. C, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Trout, S. S., Private, Co. D, 127th Inf. Troutman, H. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Truelove, O. B., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Truitt, W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Tucker, Harlie Lee, Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 119th Inf. Tucker, H. S., 2nd Lt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tucker, Harry S., Capt, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tucker, H. S., 1st Lt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tucker, Harry S., 2nd Lt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tucker, Chas. R., Sergt., 440th O. Dept. Co. Tunstall, Fritz H., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Turbyfill, B., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Turlington, S. A., Corpl., 4th Corps, Artillery. Turnage, Oscar, Private 1st CI., Q. M. C, 30th Div. Turnage, Lloyd E., Sergt., Personnel Co. Turner, W. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Turner, J. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Turner, C. T., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Turner, J. E., Sup. Sergt., Co. E. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Turner, K., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Turner, P. J., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Turner, P. J., Private, Co. D, 30th Div., 105th Engrs. Turner, R. H., 1st Lt., Co. C, 30th Div., 115th M. G. Btn. Turner, A. O., Private, Air Service. Turnmire, R. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Turrentine, J. W., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tuten, J. A., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tuttle, L. H., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Tuttle, I. G., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Twisdale, W. H., Private, Sig. Corps Hdqrs., 30th Div., 117lh Inf. Tyndall, A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Tyndall, \V., Private, 113th F .A., 30th Div. Tyndall, J. ('., Private, S. A. T. C. Tyndall, K. I., Sergt., F. A. R. R. Tysen, G. F., Private, Med. Corps, Base 65. Tyson, M. E., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Tyson, C. A., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co. Tyson, G. P., Private, Co. A, S. A. T. C. Ulmer, It., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Umstead, C. [., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 8lst Div., 318th F. A. Underdown, M. A., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Underwood, E. R., 1st Lt., Co. C, 30th Div., 50th Inf. Underwood, C. O., Bugler, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Upchurch, O. C, Private, Inf. Uren, P. R., Private, Co. G, 30th Div., 105th Amtn. Tr. Usher, A. L., Private, Co. M, 42nd Div., 166th Inf. Ussery, C. H., Sadler, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Utley, H. H., Wag., Sup. Co., 81st Div., 317th F. A. Uzzle. C. C, Private, Co. D, 6th Div., 54th Inf. Vail, A. J., Corpl., Co. F, 81st Div., 322nd Inf. Vail, L. H., Private, Co. F, 321st Inf., 81st Div. Vanhoy, C. B., Corpl., Co. E, 105ch Engrs., 30th Div. Valentine, I. T., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Vands, O. C, Sq. Line, Sq. Line, Co. B, 29th Div., 116th Inf. Vann, R. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Vann, W. R., Private, Med. Corps. Vannoy, A. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Vanpelt, C. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Varker, A. E., Musician, Co. A, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Varner, H. W.. Private, Co. H, 118th Inf., 30th Div. Varner, G. C, Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Varner, W. A., Private, Co. B, 116th F. S. Btn. Varner, A. H., Corpl., Co. D, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Vaughan, S. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Vaughan, E. D., Private, Co. A, 42nd Div., 117th Engrs. Vaughan, S. E., Private, Btry. C, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Vaughn, R. L., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Vaughn, D., Wag., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Vaughn, E. N., Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 113th F. A., Q. M. C. Vaughn, T. P., Private, Co. L, 5th Div., 11th Inf. Vaughn, H. F., Wag., Co. 5, Amtn. Tr. Corps. Vause, L. J., Seaman, N. R. F. Vernon, R. R., Corpl., Gen. Hdqrs. Vernon, W. G., Hrshr., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Vendrick, H. A., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Vestal, E. V., Sergt., 949th Aero Sq., 90th Div. Vestal, P. J., Private, Co. G, 27th Div., 107th Inf. Vestar, C. C, Cook, 72nd M. G. Co., 6th Group. Viahos, T., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Vick, R. R., Private, Med. Corps, 328th Remount Sq. Vick, A. S., Private, Co. F, 91st Div., 364th Inf. Vickers, H. T., Private, Co. D, 81st Div., 306th Engrs. Vickers, B. L., Sergt., S. A. T. C. Vickers, W. S., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Vickery, W. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Vinson, E. N., Wag., 42nd Div., 117th Engr. Tr. Vinson, J. L., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Vinson, J. F., Private, Btry. E, 81st Div., 31st F. A. Vinson, J. T., Med. Corps, Co. 30. Van Cannon, M., Private, Dept. Co., F. A., 1st C. A. P. Voss, A., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Vuncannon, L. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Waddell, H. H., Seaman, Navy. Wade, E. H., Corpl., Btry. F, 14th F. A. R. D. Wade, G. R„ Corpl., Depot B., Inf. Wadsworth, J. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wadsworth, J. C, Private, Btry. F, 30th Div.. 113th F. A. Wagger, I. D., Co. 23, Inf. Wagner, J. H, M. E. Jr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wagner, J. H., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wagner, W. H., Private, Co. I, 30th Div.. 120th Inf. Wagoner, R. S., Sergt. ,Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wagoner, R. T., Wag., Co. I). 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wagoner, W. G., Private. 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wagoner, V., Chief Yeoman. Navy. Waldon, R., Private, Co. D, 96th Div., 365th F. A. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Waldron, H. E., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Waldrop, B. B., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Waldrop, J. H.. 2d Lt., Co. B, 3rd Replacement, Inf. Waltz, W. M., Private, Truck Co. No. 130, M. T. C. Walker, R. L., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Walker, S. P., Sergt., Co. B, 5th Div., 7th Engrs. Walker, S. O., Private, Butchers Co. 345, Q. M. C. Walker, F. A., Private, Co. C, Tank Service. Walker, P. H., Fireman, Navy. Walker, C. C, Seaman, Navy. Walker, P. L., Sergt., Q. M. C. Walker, P. C, Sergt., 803rd Aero Sq., Air Service. Walker, I., Corpl., Btry. E, Unassigned, 8th F. A. Walker, E. H., Amer. Red Cross. Walkins, H. W., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wall, E. W., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wall, E., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wall, J. B., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wall, W. E., Corpl., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wall, J. B., Sergt., Co. B, 30th Div., 105th Engrs. Wallace, J. L., Private, Co. 50, Rep. Det, M. G. Btn. Wallace, W. S., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wallace, W. C, Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wallace, A. L., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wallace, J. H., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wallace, G. L., Private, Btry. A, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Wallace, J. W., 2d Lt., Btry. C, 82nd Div., 321st F. A. Wallace, B. C, Private, Co. I, 81st Div., 322nd Inf. Wallace, L. C, Private, Co. I, 81st Div., 322nd Inf. Wall, G. S., Sergt., 81st Div., 322nd M. G. Walls, F. F., Corpl., Co. F, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Waller, R., Private, Co. M, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Waller, W. J., Cook, Co. B-A, 81st Div., 317th F. A. Waller, G. E., Private, Co. M, 26th Div., 104th Inf., In- telligence Section. Walsh, J. W., Private, Co. 30, M. P., 30th Div., 105th M. P. Walston, P. L., Private, Co. K, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Walston, W. C, 2d Lt., Q. M. C. and Engrs. Walters, F. E., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Walters, I. J., Private, Co. B, 81st Div., 322nd Inf. Walters, A., Jr., Private, Btry. D, 4th Div., 77th F. A. Ward, R. P., Private, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Ward, G. N., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Ward, J. A., Private, M. P., 81st Div. Ward, O. H., Private, Co. C, Inf., 1st Div. Ward, P. F., Sergt., 30th M. P. Ward, E. J., Sergt., Sup. Co., 81st Div., 323rd Inf. Ward, G., Sergt., Co. C, 534th Engrs. Ward, C. O., Private, Med. Corps, 646th Aero Squadron. Ware, G. P., Corpl., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Warn, C. E., Sergt., Co. 6, 20th Engrs. Warren, M.,- Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Warren, C. G., Sergt., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Warren, J. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Warren, M. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Warren, W. J., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Warren, W. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wan-en, C. O., Seaman, Navy. Warren, B. S., Ph. Mate, Navy. Warren, M. D., Private, Btry. B, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Warren, Ira W., Private, Co. D, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Warren, Geo. S., 1st Lt., Sup. Tr., 4th Div. Warren, C. W., Private, 120th Motor Amb., 30th Div. Warren, C. H., Seaman, Navy. Warren, L. A., Private, Med. Dept., Co. 321, 306th San. Tr. Warrenton, L. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Warrick, A. L., Q. M. Sergt., Q. M. Cook, Panama Canal Dept. Washburn, Geo. D., Private, Co. 330, Motor Transport. Watrell, W. G., Private, Co. C, Army. Waters, P., Hrshr., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Waters, C. L., Private, Co. K, 1st Div., 28th Inf. Waters, C. S.. Private, Co. E, 81st Div., 324th Inf. Watkins, B. L., Phm., Navy. Watkins, E., Sergt., Casual Co. Watkins, A. S., Seaman, N. R. F. Watkins. I. B., Seaman. N. R. F. Watlington, P. V., Private, Co. D, 81st Div., 317th F. A. Watson, K. D., Wag.. 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Watson, W. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Watson, J. T., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Watson, H. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Watson, J. T., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Watson, W. E., Private, Btry. D, 81st Div., 316th F. A. Watson, M. P., Private, Co. E, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Watson, J. McC, Private, Med. Corps, Base Hospital 65. Watts, L. C, Private, 5th Co., 2nd Regt., Marines. Watts, J. H., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Watts, T.. Sergt., Co. H, 9th Div., 45th Inf. Watts, E. M., Private, 322nd Inf. Waugh, T. B., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Waugh, T. B., Private, Co. C, 30th Div., 105th Engrs. Way, C. B., Private, Med. Corps., Hospital Dept. Way, J. B., Private, 118th M. G. Co., 30th Div., 118th Inf. Wayne, McD., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Weant, R. G., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Weatherly, W. H., Jr., Chief S. K., N, R. F. Weathers, B. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Weathers, H. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Weatherman, M. F., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Weatherman, M. F., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Weaver, G. A., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 119th Inf. Weaver, C. F., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Weaver, C. F., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Weaver, C. L., Private, Hdqrs. Co., Inf. Weaver, F. E., Private, Co. 32, 156th Depot Brigade. Webb., B. A., Corpl., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Webb, W. M., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Webb, G. F., Sergt., Med. Corps, Base 65. Webb, G. E., Private, Co. L, 81st Div., 322nd Inf. Webb, T. R., Sergt., Personnel Office. Webb, N. R., Private, 156th Depot Brigade. Webster, J. R., Private, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Webster, J. R., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs. ,30th Div. Webster, C. A., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Webster, C. C, Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 9th Artly. Webtz, O. W., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Weddington, J. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Weddington, F. D., Bug., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Weeks, C. L., Private, Co. E, 81st Div., 306th Inf. Weeks, P. W., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Weeks, J. G., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Weeks, A .C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Weeks, C. D., Private, Amb., 90th Div., 320th Regt. Weeks, J. C, Jr., Sergt., Q. M. C. Weeks, H. T., Cook, Co. A, 81st Div., 322nd Inf. Weeks, H. W., Private, Btry. B, 81st Div., 316th F. A. Weisner, F., Private, Btry. C, 57th Div., 57th C. A. Welch, J. C, Jr., Private, Co. M, 20th Div., 2nd Inf. Welch, J. A., Corpl. Co. E, 30th Div., 118th Inf. Wellons, B. F., 2nd Lt., Inf. Wells, J. L., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wells, D. L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wells, R. V., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wells, T. M., Chief Q. M. C, Naval Aviation. Wells, W., Jr., 2d Lt., 5th Pioneer Inf. Wells, W. W., Sergt., Btry. C, 3rd Trench Artly. Wells, L. S., Jr., Private, Co. A, 81st Div., 321st Inf. Wells, W. E., Seaman, Navy. Wells, E. M., Elec, Navy. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Wentz, D. A., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wentz, S. J., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wentz, W. B., Sergt, Med. Dept., 46th Inf. West, R. R., Yeoman, Navy. Wertz, L. L., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. West, C. A., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. West, L. O., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. West, J. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. West, O. O., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. West, W., Private, Co. F, 30th Div., 119th Inf. West, J. S., Private, Co. D, 81st Div., 233nd Inf. West, H. L., Private, Co. L, 81st Div., 321st Inf. West, S. L., Wag., Co. B, 81st Div., 306th Amtn. Tr. Westbrook, B., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Westbrook, O. A., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Weston. J. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Weston, R. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Westray, L. A., Private, Med. Corps, 333rd A. R. D. Westmoreland, W .V., Seaman, Navy. Wetherington, A. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Whaling, G. W., R. S. S., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Whaley, J. C, 1st Lt., Co. C, 81st Div., 233nd Inf. Whaley, E. L., Corpl., 281st Squadron, Air Service. Wharton, H. G., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wharton, W. L., Corpl., Co. 22, Inf. Whichard, D. J., Jr., Med. Corps, 317th Amb. Co., 80th Div., 305th San. Tr. Whisenant, H., Private, Co. 339, Motor Transport. Whitaker, W. P., 1st Lt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Whitaker, H. M., 2nd Lt., Co. B, 42nd Btn., U. S. G. Whitaker, J. C, Private, Sup. Co., 30th Div., 117th Inf. Whitaker, R. A., Flying Cadet, Air Squadron. Whitaker, J. W., Fireman, Navy. Whitaker, L. E„ Private, Co. F, 81st Div., 322nd Inf. Whitaker, L. E., Private, Co. F, 81st Div., 322nd Inf. White, T. W., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. White, W. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. White, J. A., 113th F. A., 30th Div. White, M. E., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. White, H. E., Corpl., 113th F. A. ,30th Div. White, E. S., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. White, E., Private, Q. M. C. White, J. A., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. White, M. E., Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. White, E. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. White, T., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. White, L., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. White, E. S., Musician, 113th F. A., 30th Div. White, R. A., Sergt., M. P., 30th Div. White, O. W., Corpl., Co. A, 18th Div., 318th Inf. White, McK., Private, Co. B, 30th Div., 119th Inf. White, W. T., Private, San. Att. 156th Depot Brigade. White, L. A., Sergt., Co. E, 30th Div., 119th Inf. White, F. R., Seaman, Navy. White, A. R., Sergt., A. G. O. White, C, Sergt., Co. G, 81st Div., 321st Inf. White, V. C, 2d Lt., 3rd Cav. White, M. J., Bos. Mate, Navy. White, O. C, Corpl., Co. R, 30th Div., 120th Regt. White, S. W., 1st Lt., Air Service. White, D., Sergt., Co. A, 219th M. P. Cook, 1st Army Hdqrs. White, B., 1st Lt., Co. A, 1st Army Troops, 2nd A. A. M. G. Btn. Whitehead, G. L., Sergt., 511th M. T. C. Co., 423rd S. T. Whitehouse, C. M., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Whitehurst, B. F., Corpl., Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Whitchurst, W. C, Private, Hdqrs. Co., 316th Art., 81st Div. Whitesides, A. B„ Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Whitesides, Jim., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Whitfield, ('. M., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Whitlow, H. D., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Whitlow, H., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Whitlow, Harry D., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Whitmore, H. S., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Whitt, J. T., Private 1st CI., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Whitted, Hugh P., M. E. Jr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Whitted, H. P., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Whittemore, Chas. H., Private, 161st Co., Trans. Guard Service. Whitley, E. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Whitington, Henry C, Private, Btry. F, 4th Regt. Whittington, C. C, Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Whitley, David, Private 1st CI., Co. C, 116th Am. Tr., Inf., 41st Div. Whitt, John T., Private 1st CI., Co. C, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Whitworth, R. V., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Whitson, Joseph, Private 1st CI., Co. K, 16th Inf., 1st Div. Whitson, Geo. W., Sergt., Co. A, 26th Inf. Br., 1st Div. Whorton, E. L„ Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., O. G. A. Wicker, A. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wicker, A. V., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wicker, John D., Private 1st CI., Co. A, 317th M. G. Bn., 81st Div. Wicker, A. V., Sergt., Btry. D, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wicker, Angius Clarence, Sergt., 26th Co., Engrs. Wicker, Leith M., Sergt. Ma.i., 4th Co., 30th C. A. C. Wiggins, Jas., Wagoner, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wiggins, L. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wiggins, W. M., 1st Lt., Disbursing Officer of Red Cross. Wiggs, J. P., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wiggs, W. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wike, David P., Sergt., Unit Div. Q. M. Wilder, Avis Glenn, Corpl., Btry. E. 47th C. A. C. Wilderson, A. E., Corpl., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wiley, R. H., Corpl., 113th F. A.. 30th Div. Wilkerson, Thaddeus E., Capt., Medical Corps. Wilkins, R. T., Private, Co. E. 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Wilkins, Ross., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wilkins, Private, 1st CI., 306th Truck Co., 81st Div. Wilkins, Allen B., Private, 10th Developing Group, M. G. Wilkins, John Allen., Private 1st CI. Hdqrs. Co., 18th M. G. Bn., 6th Div. Wilkins, J. W., Corpl., Co. C, 318th Engrs., 6th Div. Wilkins, Mac, Sergt., Ordnance Service. Wilkinson, Private 1st CI., Co. G, 115th Inf., 29th Div. Wilkinson, Walter L., Blacksmith, Remount Co., 308th Div. Wilkinson, Chas. T., H. A. 1st Class, Navy. Wilkinson, Robt. Watson, Private 1st CI., Mob. Hos. 103. Wilkinson, Chester H., Sergt., Co. A, 322nd Inf.. 81st Div. Willet, John T., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. William, Albert Branch, Seaman, 2nd CI., U. S. N. R. F. William, J., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Williams, Edw. S., 2nd Lt., Hdqrs. Co., 120th Inf., 30th Div. Williams, Jos. L., Private 1st CI.. Sup. Co.. 321st Inf., 81st Div. Williams, Herbert Clarence, Seaman. Naval Reserve. Williams, John Roland, Seaman 1st Class, Navy. Williams, Carl, Private 1st CI., 74th Co., 6th Marines, 2nd Div. Williams, F., Private, Co. C, Inf.. 79th Div. Williams. Chas. Nelson, Private 1st CI., Co. E. 323rd Inf., 81st Div. Williams, Harry B., Private, 22nd Co.. Inf., O. T. S. Williams, Geo. I)., Sergt., Co. A, 119th Inf.. 30th Div. Williams. Jas. C. Sergt.. Hdqrs. Co.. 322nd Inf.. 81st Div. Williams, Jos., Private, 26th Co., Evac. Hosp. Williams. Surry L., Private 1st CI., Co. E, 116th Inf.. 29th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Williams, Daniel W., Corpl., Co. I., 119th Inf., 30th Div. Williams, E. C, Jr., F Private 1st CI., Co. F, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Williams, Jas. M., 2nd Lt., Co. A, 141st M. G. Bn. Williams, Ambrose R., Sup. Sergt., Co. H, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Williams, Harold, Private, Co. A, 303rd Engrs., 78th Div. Williams, Thos. B., Seaman 2nd Class, Navy (Regular). Williams, B. F., Wag., 324th Amb. Co., 306th San. Tr. 81st Div. Williams, N., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th IT v. Williams, D. McD., 2nd Lt., Co. D, 105th Engrs.. 30th Div. Williams, W. M., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Williams, B. L., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Williams, R. F., M. E. Jr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Williams, D., M. E. Jr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Ergrs., 30th Div. Williams, R. M., 1st Lt., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Williams, A. F., Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Williams, R. M., 1st Lt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Williams, D. M. G., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Williams, A. T., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Williams, J. J., Wag., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Williams, N. F., Wag., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Williams, E. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Williams, F. E., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Williams, M. W., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Williams, W. H., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Williams, C. T., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Williams, C. W., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Williams, E. E., Private, 113th F. A.. 30th Div. Williams, J. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Will'ams, C. H., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Williams, W. E., Private, 113th F. A.. 30th Div. Williams, M. W., Sup. Sergt., Btrv. B, 113th Art., 30th Div. Williams, Durand T., Private, Co. C, 6th Inf., 5th Div. Williamson, J. R., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Williamson, P. M., Sergt., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Williamson, G. H., Corpl. Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Williamson, J. R., Wag., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Williamson, H. M., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Williamson, R. L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Williamson, J. W., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Williamson, Ed. O., Private 1st CI., 10th Co., 3rd Rept., Depot Brigade. Williamson, LaFayette, Private 1st CI., 1st Btry., F. A. R. R., 41st Div. Williamson, Romie C, Corpl., Co. A, 15th M. G. Bn., 5th Div. Willard, H. N., Sergt., Personnel Co. Willard, Wm. A., Private 1st CI., Btrv. C, 1st Separte Brigade, C. A. C. Williford, B. J., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Williford, Hal. A., Private 1st CI., 317th Amb. Co., 80th Div. Williford, Benj. Morris, Private, Co. A, 144th M. G. Bn. Wills, C. B., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Willis, F. P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Willis, D. R., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Willis, J. C, Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Willis, A. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Willis, W. S., Private, 161st F. Hosd., Med. Corps. Willis, Chas. G., Surfman, U. S. N. R. F. Willis, Wm. M., M. D., IstLt., Field Hos. 164, Med. Corps Willis, L. D., Sig. Q. M., Navy. Willis, S. J., Gunner's Mate 2nd Class, Navy. Willoughby, L., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Willoughby, Jack B., Private 1st CI., Btry. C, 1st H. A. Wilson, S. A., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wilson, M. W., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wilson, L. R., Private, M. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wilson, Shug, Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wilson, Jesse K., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wilson, M. M., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wilson. E. E., Corpl., Co. E. 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wilson. B., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wilson, F. F., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wilson, Lee, Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wilson, F. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wilson, G. H., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wilson, O. C, Corpl., 113th F. A., oOth Div. Wilson, P. H., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wilson, J. O., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wilson, L. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wilson, Ollie C, Corpl., Co. B-C, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wilson, Spurgeon G., Corpl., 787th Co., Transp. C~rps. Wilson, Lesl : e D., Chauffeur 1st CI. Mech., 243rd Sqdn., Aviation. Wilson, Robt. J., Sergt. Maj., Adjt. Gen. Dept., P. M. G. Dept. Wilson, Jesse Martin, Sergt., 7th Co., C. A. C. Wilson, Surry R., Private 1st CI., 119th Amb. Co., 105th San. Tr., Medical, 30th Div. Wilson, Geo. W., Seaman 1st Class, U. S. N. R. F. Wilson, J. A., Jr., Sergt., Co. G, 30th Div., 119th Inf. Wilson, F. H., Phm., Navy. Wilson, J. H., Private, Co. F, 81st Div., 321st Inf. Wilson, R. D., 1st Lt., Co. I, 30th Div., 120th Inf. Winberrv, G. F., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Winberry, M. D., Private. 113th F. A., 30th Div. Winborr.e, W. D., Private, Co. F, 5th Div., 7th Engrs. Winebarger, W. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Winebarger, W. H., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Winecoff, M. W., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Winecoff, M. W., Private, Co. D, 30th Div., 113th F. A. Winfield, C. M., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wingard, J. R., Private, Btry. F, 113th F. A., 30ch Div. Wingard, R. J., Private, 113th F A., 30th Div. Winkler, J. R., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Winningham, V. W., Wag., Co. C, 305th Amtn. Tr., 81st Div. Winslow, E. L., Jr., Private, Med. Corps, 105th San Tr., 30th Div., 117th Field Hospital. Winslow, J. W., Private, Co. A, 27th Div., 107th Inf. Winstead, W. H., Private, Co. C, 81st Div., 324th Inf. Winston, L. L., Private, Co. 28, 156th Depot Brigade. Winston, C, Boatswain Mate, Navy. Winston, S. E., Capt, Sup. Co., 30th Div., 120th Inf. Winters, J. C, Sergt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Winters, N., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wishart, F. E., Capt., Hdqrs. Co., 81st Div., 317th M. G. Btn. Wishart, A. V. G., Private, 9th Co., 3rd Div., 156th Depot Brigade. Withers, J. B., Limited Service. Withers, J. M., Private, 39th M. G. Co., 4th Div. Wolfe, R. M., Mach., Co. D, 83rd Div., 331st Inf. Woltz, H. O., 2nd Lt., Inf. Womack, J. F., Btn. Sergt. Maj., Hdqrs. Co., 6th Div., Inf. Womble, T., Private, 113th F. A., 30ch Div. Wood, L. C, Private, Co. B, 81st Div., 323rd Inf. Wood, T. C, Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wood, C. B., Sergt., Co. C, 7th E. Tr. Wood, F. P., 2nd Lt., Btry. B, 2nd Trench Mortar, Btn., 4th Corps, C. A. Wood, W. C, Sergt., Q. M. C. Woodall, J., Private, Med. Corps. Woodard, L., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Woodard, V. R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Woodard, G. B., Capt., 28th Engrs., Quary Regt. Woodley, W. W., Jr., Private, Co. B, S. A. T. C. Woods, H., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Woods, C. H., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD Woods, R. H., Jr., 1st Lt, Ordnance. Woody, J. F., Private, Co. 22, 82nd Div., C. O. T. S. Woolard, C. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Woolard, J. E., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Woolard, M. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30ch Div. Woolard, W. J. B., Corpl., Btry. F, 38th Brigade, 50th C. A. Woodruff, R. C, Sergt., Co. K, 81st Div., 324th Inf. Wooten, J. G., Capt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wooten, S. F., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wooten, R. C, Corpl. Co. A., S. A. T. C. Worrell. I., Cook, Trench Artly., Co. 306, 81st Div. Worlev, G. E., Private, Co. B., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Worrock, J. H., 1st Sergt., Inf., Co. K, 30th Div., 114th M. G. Btn. Worsham, W. B., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Worsley, W. C, Private, Co. E, 42nd Div., 166th Inf. Wrenn, E. L., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wrenn, E. R., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wrenn, E. L., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wrenn, D. H., Seaman, Navy. Wright, C, Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wright, W. D., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Wright, J. N., Private, Med., Base Hospital 65. Wright, E. H., Mech., Co. C, 81st Div., 322nd Inf. Wright, J. H., Sergt., Co. C, Inf. Wright, A. J., Private, Air Service, 167th Sq., 29th Div. Wright, J. D., Fireman, Navy. Wright, D. B„ Meg., 117th Field Hospital. Wrike, C. W., Sup. Sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 30th Div., 120th Inf. Wyatt, W. W., Private, Co. C, 81st Div., 321st Sig. Corps. Wynn, R. W., Gun Pointer, Navy. Wyrick, G. C, Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Wyrick, G. C, Regt. Sergt. Maj., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Yancey, R. O., Private, Co. B, Special Unit, 1st Gas Regt., C. W. s. Yancey, C. C, Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Yandle, B. V., Private, Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Yantsios, Costy J., Private, Co. K, 42nd Inf., 12th Div. Yarborough, R. G., Sergt., Co. A, 120th Inf., 30th Div. Yarborough, Roland B, Private 1st CI., Evacuation Hosp. No. 26. Yarborough, G. R., 1st Lt., 120th Inf., 30th Div. Yarborough, Paul S., Private, Btry. D, 302nd Regt. Art. Yarborough, W. G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Yarborough, F. G., Sergt., 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Yarbrough, Jas. E., Private 1st CL, Co. A, S. A. T. C. Yates, R. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Yates, G. C, Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Yates, Thos. Jefferson, Private, Co. E, Unattached, 56th Pioneer Inf. Yearby, H. V., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. York, G., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Yost, Archie, Private, Btry. F, 73rd Regt., H. A. Yost, Elmer D., Private, Co. B, S. A. T. C. Young, Ed., Private, Co. F, 119th Inf., 30th Div. Young, Jos. K., Sergt., Base Hospital, Med. Corps, "ioung, James R., Sergt. Maj. Batt., Hdqrs. Co., 119th Inf., 30th Div. Young, J. G., Corpl, Co. A, 105th Sup. Tr., M. T. C, 30th Div. Young, E. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Young, C. W., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Young, J. H., Corpl., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Young, Jerry K, Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Young, W. R., Corpl., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div. Younger, E., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div. Younger, E„ Musician, Corpl. 2nd Class, 113th F. A., 30th Div. Yount, J. G., Private, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Yount, V. E., Wagoner, 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div. Yount, Ross June, Private, Co. M, 118th Inf., 30th Div. Yount, Harold H., Chief M. Mate, Naval Air Service. Yount, C. E., Private, Replacement Co. Yount, Russell M., Batt. Sergt. Maj., Hdqrs. Co., M. G., 115th Regt., 30th Div. Yow, Lewis F., Private, Co. E, 1st Art., 2nd Div. Yow, Nealie B., Corpl., Sup. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div. Zachary, Nelson M., Private, Co. I, 90th Inf., 20th Div. Zimmerman, Grady L., Musician, Hdqrs. Co., 90th Inf., 20th Div. Zimmerman, R. E., Sergt., 308th Motor Supply Tr. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD OPERATIONS OF THE THIRTIETH, "OLD HICKORY" DIVISION NOTE: — This chapter is a reproduction of the official repori ox the operations of the division as published and circulated through the division by the division G-2. . . . "We have not had a Waterloo, much less a Sedan. Neither seems on October 21 even remotely possible, in the present operation. What we have had is a military decision of the war. That decision was had in the battle of the Hindenburg line." . . . F. H. SIMONDS. (Taken from Nov., 1918, American Review of Reviews.) . . . "The smashing of the great defensive system erected by the enemy in the West, and claimed by him to be impregnable, is a feat of which we are justly proud and for which the Empire will be ever grateful." LLOYD GEORGE. (Taken from letter to Sir D. Haig, October 9th, 1918.) OLD HICKORY (Thirtieth) DIVISION Major General E. M. Lewis, Division Commander. Colonel John K. Herr, (Cav.), G. S., Chief of Staff. Lt. Col. F. B. Kobes, (Cav.), G. S., A. C. of S., G-l. Major B. Y. Read, (Cav.), G. S., A. C. of S., G-2. Lt. Col. C. Burnett, (Cav.), G. S., A. C. of S., G-3. Major J. Shapter Caldwell, Actg. Div. Adjutant. Col. H. B. Springs, Actg. Div. Q. M. and Comdr. of Trains. Lt. Col. Frank A. Montrose, Chief Signal Officer. Col. Joseph Hyde Pratt, Division. Engineer. Col. A. M. Whaley, Division Surgeon. Lt. Col. Roy Dorsey, Division Judge Advocate. Lt. Col. T. N. Gimperling, D. M. G. 0. Capt. Geo. A. Banta, Actg. Div. Ord. Officer. Major G. K. Freeman, Asst. G-l. Capt. J. E. D. Myer, Asst. G-l. Capt. Fred H. Skinner, Asst. G-2. Lt. Col. W. F. L. Hartigan, Asst. G-3. Capt. Carroll F. E. Nelson, Asst. G-3. Capt. Irving Hay, Commanding Hdqrs. Troop. Major Robert W. Maloney, Comdg. 105th F. S. Bn. Major Walter H. Hyde, Comdg. 113th M. G. Bn. Major E. V. Morrow, Cmdg. 105th Sanitary Train. Major W. A. Fair, Comdg. 105th Military Police. FIFTY-NINTH BRIGADE Brig. Gen. Lawrence D. Tyson, Brigade Commander. Major Thomas J. Wyrick, Brigade Adjutant. 117th Infantry Col. Cary F. Spence, Regimental Commander. Lt. Col. R. M. Lyon, 2d in Command. Maj. Herbert L. Riker, Commanding 1st Bn. Maj. Ernest W. Andes, Commanding 2d Bn. Maj. Nathaniel E. Callen, Commanding 3d Bn. 118^ Infantry Col. Orrin R. Wolfe, Regimental Commander. Lt. Col. Thomas B. Snratt. 2d in Command. Maj. Wm. D. Workman, Commanding 1st Bn. Maj. L. C. McFadden, Commanding 2d Bn. Maj. W. L. Gillespie, Commanding 3d Bn. Maj. Edward B. Cantey, Comdg. 114th M. G. Bn. SIXTIETH BRIGADE Brig. Gen. Samson L. Faison, Brigade Commander. Major R. A. Davis, Brigade Adjutant. 119ffc Infantry Col. J. Van B. Metts, Regimental Commander. Lt. Col. B. B. McCrosky, 2d in Command. Maj. Graham K. Hobbs, Commanding 1st Bn. Maj. John H. Manning, Commanding 2d Bn. Maj. H. C. Bays, Commanding 3d Bn. 120f/i Infantry Col. Sidney W. Minor, Regimental Commander. Lt. Col. Don E. Scott, 2nd in Command. Maj. James A. Leonard, Commanding 1st Bn. Maj. Hilliard Comstock, Commanding 2d Bn. Maj. James W. Jenkins, Commanding 3d Bn. Maj. Wentworth W. Pierce, Comdg. 115th M. G. Bn. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH ENGINEERS Col. Joseph Hyde Pratt, Regimental Commander and Division Engineer. Lt. Col. Perrin C. Cothran, 2d in Command. Maj. Geo. W. Gillette, Commanding 1st Bn. Maj. Geo. L. Lyerly, Commanding 2d Bn. ORGANIZATION AND TRAINING IN FRANCE The 30th Division is a distinctively American division. More than 95 per cent of its personnel is of American born parents. The Division is constituted of National Guard troops of North Carolina, South Carolina and Ten- nessee, augmented by many thousands of selective draft troops from the states of Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Minne- sota, North Dakota, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. The division was dubbed "Old Hickory'' after the war- rior and statesman, Andrew Jackson, who was so closely identified with the history of the states furnishing the major portion of its personnel. The Old Hickory Division landed at the port of Calais, France, on the 24th day of May, 1918, and was billeted in the Eperlecques Training Area. While in this area the officers of the division reconnoitered the Terdeghen Switch Line, south of Cassel, and complete plans were TAR-H EEL WAR RECORD formulated for the occupation of this line by forced marches in case of emergency. Before the completion of its training period the di- vision was transferred to the II British Corps, Second Army, in the Ypres sector to be in close support in case of the expected German offensive. This division, the first American division to enter that kingdom, marched into Belgium on July 4th, with Division Headquarteis at Waton, to be in close support of the 33d and 49th Brit- ish Divisions, and was employed in completing the con- stuction of the East and West Poperinghe Defense Sys- tems immediately in rear of these two divisions. An im- mense amount of trench and wire construction was done. Complete plans and orders were issued for the occupa- tion of the East and West Poperinghe Systems by the 30th Division in the event of a German attack and a forced withdrawal of the British divisions in the front. The division received training in the front line with the 33d and 49th Divisions, first as individuals, then by pla- toons, and lastly by entire battalions. On August 17th, 1918, the division took over the en- tire sector occupied by the 33d British Division, 60th Bri- gade being in the front line, 59th Brigade in support. This was known as the Canal Sector and extended from the southern outskirts of Ypres to the vicinity of Voor- mezeele, a distance of 2,400 meters. THE FIRST OFFENSIVE On August 31st and September 1st the division en- gaged in an offensive in conjunction with the 14th Brit- ish Division on the left and the 27th American Division on the right. The 30th Division captured all its objec- tives, including Lock No. 8, Lankhof Farm, and the City of Voormezeele, advancing fifteen hundred yards, cap- turing fifteen prisoners, two machine guns and thirty- five rifles. As a result of this advance the 236th Divis- ion which was considered an average German division, was identified. During the six weeks previous to this advance many attempts had been made by the British and our own troops to identify this German division. On September 4th-5th the division was withdrawn from the Canal Sector and placed in British G. H. Q. re- serve with Division Headquarters at Roellecourt, France, v/hile in this area the entire division was trained in at- tacking in conjunction with British tanks. On September 17th the division was again moved far- ther south, with Division Headquarters at Herissart, and on September 22d was moved to the British Fourth Army, with Division Headquarters at Bois de Buire, near Tincourt, taking over a front line sector from the 1st Australian Division on the night of 23d-24th. HINDENBURG LINE (BELLICOURT) On September 29th this division with the 27th Ameri- can Division on the left and the 46th British Division on the right assaulted the Hindenburg Line. The Hin- denbury Line at this point curves in front of the Tunnel St. Quentin. This was considered impregnable by the Germans for the following reasons: The Hindenburg Line curving west of the tunnel consisted of three main trench systems protected by vast fields of heavy barbsd Wire entanglements skillfully placed. This wire was very heavy and had been damaged very little by artil- lery fire. The dominating ground enabled them to bring devastating machine gun fire on all approaches. The lines had been strengthened with concrete machine gun emplacements. Ii contained at this point a large num- ber of dugouts lined with mining timbers, with wooden steps leading down to a depth of about 30 feet, with small rooms capable of holding from four to six men each. In many cases these dugouts were wired for electric lights. The large tunnel through which the canal ran was of sufficient capacity to shelter a division. This tunnel was electrically lighted and filled with barges. Connecting it with the Hindenburg trench system were numerous tunnels. In one case a direct tunnel ran from the main tunnel to the basement of a large stone build- ing, which the enemy used for headquarters. Other tun- nels ran from the main tunnel eastward to the City of Bellicourt and other places. This completp subterranean system with its hidden exits and entrances, unknown to us, formed a most complete and safe subterranean meth- od of communication and reinforcement for the Ger- man sector. The 30th Division, the 60th Brigade augmented by units of the 117th Infantry, attacking, assaulted this line at 5:10 A. M., September 29th, on a front of three thousand yards, captured the entire Hindenburg S.. s- tem of that sector and advanced farther, capturing the tunnel system with the German troops therein and took the Cities of Bellicourt, Nauroy, Riqueval, Carriere, Etri- cou-rt, Guillaine Ferme and Ferme de Riqueval, advancing four thousand two hundred yards, defeating two enemy divisions of average quality (the 75th Reserve Division and the 185th Division), taking as prisoners 47 officers and 1,434 men. On October lst-2d the 30th Division was relieved by the 5th Australian Division and moved to back area with Division Headquarters at Herbecourt. The division scarcely reached this area when it was marched back and took over the front line in the same sector from the 2d Australian Division near Montbrehain on the nigl.t of 4th-5th. BRANCOURT, PREMONT, BUSIGNY, ESCAU- FOURT, VAUX ANDIGNY On October 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th the 30th Division attacked each day, advancing 17,500 yards, and captur- ing le Tilleul dArchies, le Petit Cambresis, Becquigny, Mon. Sarasin, le Trou Aux Soldats, Busigny, Gloriette, le Vert Donjon, Escaufourt, le Rond Pont, Vaux Andigny, Vallee Hasard, la Haie Menneresse, la Rochelle, le Vent de Bise, St. Souplet, St. Benin, Malassise, Geneve, half of Monthrehain, Brancourt, Premont, Vaux le Pretre, Brancoucourt, Fraicourt Ferme, Bois Mirand, Butry Ferme, la Sabliere Bois, Becquignette Ferme, Bois de Malmaison, Malmaison Ferme, Bois de Busigny, Bois l'Ermitage, Bois Proyart, Imberfayt and Du Guet Fas- siaux Fermes, taking prisoner 45 officers and 1,889 men. The 59th Brigade began this attack on October 8th and captured all their objectives, including Premont and Brancourt. During this operation from October 8th to 11th the 30th Division encountered units from fourtee l German divisions, classified by the British High Com- mand as follows: 34th Division, average; 20th Divis- ion, very good; 24th Division, very good; 21st Division, average; 21st Reserve Division, average; 38th Division, very good; 119th Division, average; 121st Division, aver- age; 187th Sharpshooting Section, very good; 204th Di- vision, average; 208th Division, average; 3d Naval Di- vision, very good; 15th Reserve Division, average. The 30th Division was relieved by the 27th Division on October llth-12th, but returned on October 16th and took over a part of the same line at the same place, be- ing the right half of the sector temporarily held by the 27th. The next attack was launched on October 17th, 18th and 19th against the 221st Division, average; 243d Division, average; 29th Division, very good, advancing TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD nine thousand yards and capturing 6 officers and 412 men, and the towns of Molain, St. Martin Riviere, Ri- beauville, Ecaillon, Mazinghein, and Ribeaucourt Ferine. During much of the fighting from October 8th to 11th and from 17th to 19th difficulties of the terrain were very great, with the country greatly broken by small patches of woods and villages, with uneven terrain and occasional large towns admirably added to the machine gun defense of which the Germans took every advan- tage. The La Selle River with high banks beyond was obstinately defended. In spite of these difficulties the advance continued, often without artillery support, and was made possible only by the determination of the men and the skillful use of all arms combined with clever utilization of the diversified terrain. The 3d German Naval Division of the crack German divisions was has- tily thrown in in an attempt to stop the advance. The division was then withdrawn to the Heilly Train- ing Area, near Amiens, for replacements and a well- earned rest. ; Division Headquarters at Querrieu. Two weeks later, when orders for an immediate return to the front were expected daily, the armistice with Ger- many was signed November 11th, 1918. The fighting being over, the II American Corps was released from the British E. F. with Which it had been associated since its arrival in France, and transferred to the American E. F. in the Le Mans area, where the first units of the 30th Division arrived and Division Headquarters opened at Ballon on November 21st. During the above operations the advance was so rapid and the troops withdrawn so soon, there was no oppor- tunity to gather up and salvage a great number of guns and supplies captured, which were left for the salvage troops of the Fourth British Army. Upon a partial check by the units of the division, it is known that at least 72 field artillery pieces, 26 trench mortars, 426 machine guns, and 1,792 rifles were captured, in addition to the great mass of material. This represents but a portion of the caDtures. In many instances field guns taken from the Germans were turned over to the sup- porting artillery and used by them upon the repeating enemy. Total number of prisoners captured by this division from September 29th to October 20th: 98~ officers, 3,750 men. During the same period we lost 3 officers and 24 men as prisoners, 44 officers and 1,011 men killed, 113 officers and 4,823 men wounded ( including slightly wounded and slightly gassed). It is quite interesting to note the following tabula- tion which shows the number of civilians liberated by the Division durng its advances : 1.800 5 9 .550 81 75 450 Busigny, Brancourt, Montbrehain, Becauienv. Escaufourt, St. Benin, The following messages and orders speak for them selves : St. Souplet Molain, 5 La Haie Menneresse, 21 Ribeauville, 2 Mazinghein, 1 HEADQUARTERS 30TH DIVISION, American Expeditionary Forces, France, October 1, 1918. General Orders: No. 33. 1. The Division Commander wishes to congratulate the 30th Division upon the success of its first divisional action, and to express appreciation of the courage, forti- tude and devotion displayed by its personnel. 2. To be given the task, in its initial effort, to play an important role in breaking through the HINDEN- BURG line, the stronegst defenses on the Western Front, was a great honor, and the fact that the break-through was actually made on the divisional front is ample evi- dence that the honor was not misplaced, and is a credit to the fighting efficiency of the Division, of the command of which the undersigned has every reason to be proud. 3. The Division retires temporarily for reorganization and well-earned rest, but with a feeling of satisfaction at a task well done and with augmented faith in itself. 4. There is deep and keen regret for the gallant com- rades who have gloriously died, and an earnest inten- tion of further perfection as a combat organization in order that the Division may do to the fullest extent pos- sible its share in bringing about the early success of the great cause in which they have fallen. 5. This order will be read to every organization at its first formation and be posted on bulletin boards. E. M. Lewis, Major General. AUSTRALIAN CORPS To: Major General G. W. Read, Comdg., II American Corps. Corps Headquarters, 2d October, 1918. My dear General : As the II American Corps has now been withdrawn from the line, and my official association with you and your troops has been, for the time being, suspended, I desire to express to you the great pleasure that it has been to me and to the troops of the Australian Army Corps to have been so closely allied to you in the recent very important battle operations which have resulted in the breaking through of the main HINDENBURG line on the front of the Fourth British Army. Now that fuller details of the work done by the 27th and 30th Divisions have become available, the splendid gallantry and devotion of the troops in these operations have won the admiration of their Australian comrades. The tasks set were formidable, but the American troops overcame all obstacles and contributed in a very high degree to the ultimate capture of the whole tunnel system. I shall be glad if you will convey to your Division Commanders my appreciation of and thanks for the work done, and to accept my best wishes for every possible success in the future. Yours very sincerely, JOHN MONASH, - Comdg., Australian Corps. October 9th, 1918. Major General G. W. Read, II American Corps. On this first occasion on which the II American Corps has taken part in battle on its own, I desire to convey to you, General Read, and all members of your staff as well as to all other ranks of the Thirtieth Division my hearty congratulations on your victory today. The gal- lantry of your infantry and the precision with which all staff arrangements have worked has filled me with ad- miration and it has given me pleasure to report your unqualified success to Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig. HENRY RAWLINSON, General, Commanding, Fourth British Army. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD TELEGRAM FROM G. H. Q. October 12, 1918. Major General G. W. Read, II American Corps. The Commander-in-Chief desires you to convey to the officers and soldiers of your Corps his appreciation of the magnificent qualities which have enabled them, against powerful resistance, to advance more than ten miles and to take more than six thousand prisoners since September twenty-seven. McANDREWS. October 20, 1918. Major General G. W. Read, II American Corps. I wish to express to you personally and to all the offi- cers and men serving under you my warm appreciation of the very valuable and gallant services rendered by you throughout the recent operations with the 4th British Army. Called upon to attack positions of great strength held by a determined enemy, all ranks of the 27th and 30th divisions under your command displayed an energy, courage and determination in attack which proved irre- sistible. It does not need me to tell you that in the heavy fighting of the past three weeks you have earned the last- ing esteem and admiration of your British comrades-in- arms whose success you have so nobly shared. D. Haig, Field Marshal. HEADQUARTERS 30TH DIVISION AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES FRANCE October 20, 1918. General Orders: No. 38 1. The 30th Division again retires for rest and reor- ganization after adding another chapter to its already glorious record. 2. With the exception of three days — October 12th, 13th and 14th — when it was in reserve, the Division at- tacked every day from October 8th to October 19th, in- clusive, defeating the enemy and making material gains each day. During this period the lines were advanced by the Division from MONTBREHAIN to beyond MAZ- INGHEIN, a distance of more than thirteen miles, and the towns of BRANCOURT, PREMONT, BUSIGNY, VAUX ANDIGNY, ESCAUFOURT, ST. BENIN, ST. SOUPLET, RIBEAUVILLE and MAZINGHEIN, as well as many villages and farms, were taken. 3. During this period 45 officers and 1,889 other ranks were taken prisoners and nearly forty cannon, a large number of machine guns and an immense amount of stores of all kinds were captured by the Division. 4. The skill, courage, fortitude and endurance dis- played by the Division have won the admiration of all and the commendation of High Commanders. 5. Holding in affectionate memory the comrades who have fallen, justly proud of its glorious achievements already accomplished, the Division will devote itself un- tiringly to reorganization and rehabilitation in the con- fidence that when again called upon it will, as in the past, be found equal to any task that may be assigned to it. E. M. LEWIS, Major General Commanding. October 22d, 1918. II American Corps. Now that the American Corps has come out of the line for a well-earned period of rest and training, I desire to place on record my appreciation of the gallantry and the fine soldierly spirit they have displayed throughout the recent hard fighting. The breaking of the great HINDENBURG system of defense, coupled with the capture of BRANCOURT, BUSIGNY and ST. SOUPLET, and finally the forcing of the passages of the SELLE river, constitute a series of victories of which each officer, N.C-O. and man has every reason to feel proud. The Corps has been very well supported by the artillery of the Australian Corps, to whom I desire to offer my best thanks for their skill and endurance during the long months they have now been in action. The efficiency with which the staff work of the Corps has been carried out on this their first experience as a fighting Corps in the line of battle has filled me with admiration, and I attribute it largely to the zeal and unity of purpose which has throughout animated the whole Corps. The outstanding feature of their recent victories has been the surpassing gallantry and self-sacrifice of the regimental officers and men. I congratulate them on (their prowess and offer them one and all my warmest thanks for the leading part they have taken in the recent operations. It is possible now to give the Corps a period of rest, during which special attention should be paid to the traning of the smaller units in minor tactics, such as the attack of strong points and machine gun nests. The ex- perience they have had of actual combat will assist them to improve their fighting efficiency in this respect. In thanking the Corps as a whole for the great ser- vices they have rendered to the Allied cause, I desire to wish all ranks the best good fortune in the future. RAWLINSON, Comdg., 4th British Army. Busigny, October 27, 1918. Commanding General, 30th Division. Acting as a representative of the commune and in its name, consequently in the name too of a part of France, I take the liberty to come and express to our liberator and to the gallant troops under your command our feel- ings of deepest and eternal gratitude. For those who have not been submitted, as we have for four years, to the intolerable and abhorred German yoke, it is difficult to realize how great were the relief, the joy, the well-being, in a word the unexpressible hap- piness we all felt when the first Allied troops made their way through our village, and this great event has been for us like the dawn of a resurrection. I should be very thankful to you if you would convey to all your officers, N.C.O.'s and men under your com- mand our deep feelings of admiration and eternal grati- tude. Please, Sir, accept the expression of my highest con- sideration, and believe me, Yours most devotedly. The Mayor of Busigny, E. MAIRIS. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD November 15th, 1918. Commanding General, 30th Division. 1. Referring to the telegram from the Commander-in- Chief of appreciation of the sacrifice and service of the troops of the American Expedtionary Force, I feel that it should be impressed upon the men of our command that they, and the organizations to which they belong, have played an exceptional part in bringing about the magnificent results which the Commander-in-Chief has so warmly eulogized, and that every advantage should be taken of this expression of what has been done in the past and confidence as to the future by those in com- mand to inpsire their men with pride in the service they have had as soldiers in the Army of the United States, and to keep alive this "proud consciousness of a new Americanism born of sacrifice." 2. I would request that you convey to your command my appreciation of the part they have taken in our great victory, and my thanks for their heroic devotion to duty; and that I share with them their sorrow for fallen com- rades, and their pride in the high achievements of the men of this Corps. G. W. READ, Major General, Cmdg., II Corps. November 16th, 1918. Commanding General, II American Corps. Now that the American II Corps is leaving the British zone, I wish once more to thank you and all officers, non- commissioned officers and men under your command, on behalf both of myself and all ranks of the British Armies jn France and Flanders for the very gallant and efficient service you have rendered during the period of your pperations with the Fourth British Army. On the 29th September you took part with distinction in the great and critical attack which shattered the enemy's resistance in the HINDENBURG line and opened the road to final victory. The deeds of the 27th and 30th American Divisions, who on that day took BELLI- COURT and NAUROY and so gallantly sustained the des- perate struggle for BONY, will rank with the highest achievements of this war. They will always be remem- bered by the British Regiments that fought beside you. Since that date, through three weeks of almost con- tinuous fighting, you advanced from one success to an- other, overcoming all resistance, beating off numerous counter attacks, and capturing several thousand prison- ers and many guns. The names of BRANCOURT, PRE- MONT, BUSIGNY, VAUX ANDIGNY, ST. SOUPLET and MAZINGHEIN testify to the dash and energy of your attacks. I rejoice at the success which has attended your ef- forts and I am proud to have had you under my com- mand. (Sgd.) D. HAIG, Field Marshal. AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES OFFICE OF THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF FRANCE February 19, 1919. Major General Edward M. Lewis, Commanding 30th Division, American Expeditionary Forces. My Dear General Lewis: It gives me much pleasure to extend to you and the officers and men of the 30 th Division my sincere com- pliments upon their appearance at the review and inspec- tion on the 21st of January, southwest of Tielle, which was excellent and is just what would be expected in a command with such a splendid fighting record. After its preliminary training the division entered the line on July 16th, where it remained almost continuously until the end of October. In that time it was in the actual battle from the 30th of August and took part in the Ypres-Lys and Somme offensives. On September 29th the division broke through both the Hindenburg and the Le Catelet-Nauroy lines, capturing Bellicourt and Nau- roy, an operation on which all subsequent action of the 4th British Army depended. From October 7th to Octo- ber 20th, the division advanced 23 kilometers in a con- tinued series of attacks, capturing 2,352 of the enemy. Brancourt, Premont, Busigny, St. Benin, St. Souplet and Escaufourt, La Haie, Minneresse and Vaux Andigny are names which will live in the memories of those who fought in the 30th Division. But its especial glory will always be the honor you won by breaking the Hinden- burg line on September 29th. Such a record is one of which we are all proud. It is gratifying to see your troops in such good physical shape, but still more so to know that this almost ideal condition will continue to the end of their service and beyond, as an exemplification of their high character and soldierly qualities. I inspected the artillery brigade of the division later, and found the same high standard of personnel that marks the rest of the division. Very sincerely yours, JOHN J. PERSHING. The Division Commander congratulates the division upon this high tribute from the Commander-in-Chief, and again expresses his pride in being its Commander. By Command of Major General Lewis: ANDREW J. WHITE, Lieut. Colonel, Inf., U.S.A., Adjutant. HEADQUARTERS 30TH DIVISION AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES FRANCE November 26, 1918. General Orders: No. 49. 1. The following named Division Staff Officers, Brigade and Regimental Commanders are mentioned for their un- tiring zeal and entire devotion to the responsible duties of their respective positions during the operations of the 30th Division from September 29th to October 20th, 1918: Colonel John K. Herr, Chief of Staff. Lt. Col. F. B. Kobes, A. C. of S., G-l. Major Burton Y. Read, A. C. of S., G-2. Lt. Col .Chas. Burnett, A. C. of S., G-3. Col. A. M. Whaley, Division Surgeon. Col. H. B. Springs, Actg. Div. Q.M. Lt. Col. James G. Taylor, Div. Sig. Officer. Maj. Frank A. Montrose, Div. Sig. Officer. Maj. J. Shapter Caldwell, Actg. Div. Adj. First Lieut. Frank E. Barber, A. D. C. Brig. Gen. L. D. Tyson, Comdg. 59th Bde. Brig. Gen. S. L. Faison, Comdg. 60th Bde. Col. Joseph H. Pratt, Commandg. 105th Engineers. Col. Cary F. Spence, Comdg. 117th Infantry. Col. Orrin R. Wolfe, Comdg. 118th Infantry. Col. J. Van B. Metts, Comdg. 119th Infantry. Col. Sidney W. Minor, Comdg., 120th Infantry. 2. The Division Commander desires to express his ap- preciation of the loyalty and able assistance rendered him by the officers above mentioned as well as by all other officers of the Division Staff, remarkable for its harmony, industry and efficiency. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD OPERATIONS THIRTIETH DIVISION Engagements BELGIUM: Ypres (Canal Sector) FRANCE: Battle of Bellicourt Date Places Captured Battle of Oct. 8 Montbrehain to Oct. 11 1918 Battle of La Selle River DJ Divisions on Flanks Right Left Aug. 31 Voormezeele, Lankhof 15 to Farm, Lock No. 8. Sept. 2 191S Sept. 29 BELLICOURT, Bellicourt 14S1 to Tunnel, St. Quentin Sept. 30 Canal, Nauroy, Cabaret 1918 Wood Farm. Riqueval, Carriere, Etricourt 46 Br. 27 Am. Le Tilleul d'Archies. le Petit Cambresis, Bec- quigny, Mont Sarasin, le Trou aux Soldats, Bu- signy, Gloriette, le Vert Donjon, Escaufourt, le Rond Pont, Vaux Andig- ny, Vallee Hasard, la Haie Menneresse, la Ro chelle, le Vent de Bise, St. Souplet, St. Benin, Malassise, Geneve, half of Montbrehain, Bran- court, Premont, Vaux le Pretre, Brancoucourt, Fraicourt Ferme, Bois Mirand, Butry Ferme, la Sabliere Bois, Becquig- nette Ferme. Bois de Malmaison, Malmaison Ferme, Boise de Busig- ny, Bois l'Ermitage, Bois Proyart, Imberfayt and du Guet Fassiaux Fer- mes. Oct. 17 Molain, St. Martin-Riviere, 41S to Mazinghein, Ribeauville. Oct. 20 Escaillon. Heights of 1918 Catillon. 1934 2899 6 Br. 25 Br. 3 1 Br. 27 Am. 6 Br. 46 Br. German Opposing Divisions 27 Am. 14 Br. 236 D. 75 R. D. 1S5 D. 34 D. 20 D. 21 D. 21 R. D. 35 D. 119 D. 121 D. 1S7 Sharp- shoot Sec. 204 D. 208 D. 3 Nav. D. 15 R. D. Remarks Trophies taken: 2 machine guns, and 35 rifles. The advance was so rapid, and the division was with- drawn so soon, there was never an oportunity to count, colect, or salvage the great number of guns and the tremendous amount of stores captured. However, a partial check shows the division captur- ed the following: 72 field artillery pieces; 26 trench mortars: 426 ma. chine guns, and 1,792 rifles. 221 D. The total number of me* 243 D. cited in General Orders ex- traordinary bravery in ac- tion (to Feb. II was 411. Decorations awarded (to Feb. 1) were as follows: British American M. C 13 M. H.'s 7 M. M 27 D. S. C 1S1 D. C. M.-.16 D. S. M..__ 1 Total. -56 1S9 TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD The commanders of the 30th Division, in the order named, were: Major Gen. J. F. Morrison, Brig. Gen. W. S. Scott, Maj. Gen. C. P. Townsley, Brig. Gen. S. L. Faison, Major Gen. Geo. W. Read, Major Gen. E. M. Lewis. The following is a list of the supporting artillery, both light and heavy, which supported this division in the bat- tles set forth below : Light Artillery Heavy Artillery Battle of Ypres: 33rd Divisional R. F. A. 35th Divisional R. F. A. Battle of Bellicourt : 4th Aust. Field Artillery Bde. 18th Bde. R. G. A 5th Aust. Field Artillery Bde. 41st Bde. R. G. A 7th Aust. Field Artillery Bde. 51st Bde. R. G. A. 8th Aust. Field Artillery Bde. 71st Bde. R. G. A 10th Aust. Field Artillejry Bde. 93 rd Bde. R. G. A, 12th Aust. Field Artillery Bde. 13th Aust. Field Artillery Bde. 14th Aust. Field Artillery Bde. 6th Army Bde., Aust. Field Artillery Battle of Montbrehain 4th Aust. Field Artillery Bde. 5th Aust. Field Artillery Bde. 7th Aust. Field Artillery Bde. 8th Aust. Field Artillery Bde. 10th Aust. Field Artillery Bde. 13th Aust. Field Artillery Bde. 14th Aust. Field Artillery Bde. 6th Army Bde., Aust. Field Artillery. 12th Army Bde., Aust. Field Artillery. 18th Bde. R. G. A. 41st Bde. R. G. A. 51st Bde. R. G. A. 71st Bde. R. G. A. 93rd Bde. R. G. A. Battle of La Selle River: 9th Mobile Bde., R.G. 7th Aust. Field Artillery Bde. 8th Aust. Field Artillery Bde. 10th Aust. Field Artillery Bde. 11th Aust. Field Artillery Bde. 13th Aust.. Field Artillery Bde. 14th. Aust. Field Artillery Bde. 6th Army Bde., Aust. Field Artillery. The following is a list of general officers, British E. F., With whom the division served or was affiliated : Field Marshal Sir D. Haig, C. in C„ British Armies in France. General Home, Commanding General, 1st British Army. General Plumer, Commanding General, 2nd British Army. General Byng, Commanding General, 3rd British Army. General Rawlinson, Commanding General, 4th Brit- ish Army. General Birdwood, Commanding General, 5th British Army. General Hollander, Commanding General, 1st British Corps. Major General Jacobs, Commanding General, 2nd Brit- ish Corps. Brig. General Wilson, Chief of Staff, 2nd British Corps. General Monash, Commanding General, Australian Corps. General Maiden, Commanding General, 6th British Division. General Skinner, Commanding General, 14th British Division. Major General Fleming, Commanding General, 32nd British Division. Major General Penny, Commanding General, 33rd British Division. General Nickerson, Commanding General, 34th Brit- ish Division. Major General Boyd, Commanding General, 46th Brit- ish Division. Major General N. J. G. Cameron, Commanding Gen- eral, 49th British Division. Major General Lambert, Commanding General, British Division. Major General J. W. Glasgow, Commanding General, 1st Aust. Division. Brig. General Anderson, 1st Aust. Div. Artillery. Brig. General McKaye, 1st Aust. Div. Liaison Officer. General Rosenthal, Commanding General, 2nd Aust. Division. General McKlaggem, Commanding General, 4th Aust. Division. Major General Howe, Commanding General, 5th Aust. Division. Brig. General Bissel Brown, Commanding General, 5th Aust. Div. Art. AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES OFFICE OF THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF To Departing Officers of the A. E. F.: After honorably serving your country in a great war, you are about to embark for the homeland. Remember that the bearing of their officers is reflected in the be- havior and discipline of the men you are commanding homeward bound. I most sincerely trust that no single act may occur to stain the splendid record won by our troops in Europe. My confidence and best wishes fol- low you and them as you cross the sea and in your fu- ture service in the Army or elsewhere. JOHN J. PERSHING. G. H. Q. AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES FRANCE February 28, 1919. General Orders: No. 39-A My Fellow Soldiers : Now that your service with the American Expedition- ary Forces is about to terminate, I cannot let you go without a personal word. At the call to arms, the patri- otic young manhood of America eagerly responded and became the formidable army whose decisive victories testify to its efficiency and its valor. With the support of the nation firmly united to defend the cause of lib- erty, our army has executed the will of the people with resolute purpose. Our democracy has been tested, and the forces of autocracy have been defeated. To the glory of the citizen-soldier, our troops have faithfully fulfilled their trust, and in a succession of brilliant of- fensives have overcome the menace to our civilization. As an individual, your part in the world war has been an important one in the sum total of our achieve- TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD merits. Whether keeping lonely vigil in the trenches, or gallantly storming the enemy's stronghold ; whether en- during monotonous drudgery at the rear, or sustaining the fighting line at the front, each has bravely and effi- ciently played his part. By willing sacrifice of personal rights ; by cheerful endurance of hardship and privation ; by vigor, strength and indomitable will, made effective by thorough organization and cordial co-operation, you inspired the war-worn Allies with new life and turned the tide of threatened defeat into overwhelming victory. With a consecrated devotion to duty and a will to con- quer, you have loyally served your country. By your ex- emplary conduct a standard has been established and maintained never before attained by any army. With mind and body as clean and strong as the decisive blows you delivered against the foe, you are soon to return to the pursuits of peace. In leaving the scenes of your vic- tories, may I ask that you carry home your high ideals and continue to live as you have served — an honor to the principles for which you have fought and to the fallen comrades you leave behind. It is with pride in our success that I extend to you my sincere thanks for your splendid service to the army and to the nation. Faithfully, JOHN J. PERSHING. Commander in Chief. Official : ROBERT C. DAVT? Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS 30TH DIVISION AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES, FRANCE March 2d, 1919. Notice! All Members of the 30th Division: The great name of the "Old Hickory Division" and your brave and noble deeds are to be incorporated in the records for future generations. In order that the ties of comradeship and service, which have cemented you together, may not fall asunder and disappear, an Asso- ciation of the division has been formed. This associa- tion will meet each year where its members may renew their friendships and acquaintances enjoyed during the real life of the division, and where their deeds and serv- ices can be recalled, which deeds and services have justly entitled the division to the recognition throughout the world as one of the greatest divisions in American mili- tary history. The following is a short synopsis of the tentative or- ganization, subject to change and ratification at the first annua] convention: Name: "Old Hickory (30th) Division Association." Date of First Convention: September 28,29, 1919. Place: To be announced later. The undersigned Organization Committee was se- lected at 2 meeting held February 27th, 1919. This meet- ing was composed of all General Officers of the divsion, the Chief of Staff, Chiefs of Sections of the General Staff, Chiefs of Services, and all Regimental and Independent Unit Commanders, who represented all organizations and all departments of the division. There will be, in ad- dition to the Organization Committee, the following sub- committees : Committee on Membership. Committee on Constitution and By-Laws. Committee on Arrangements. Committee on Finance. Committee on Historical Records. These committees, representing all organizations and composed of all ranks, have commenced work in the ex- ercise of their duties with a view of having all arrange- ments for the first convention. At this convention the permanent organization will be formed. Dues: Dues for the first year will be two and one- half (2i/jf.) francs, payable here, or fifty (50c.) cents in the States. All dues will be paid in to the person desig- nated by the Unit Commander, who will turn them over to the Division Disbursing Quartermaster, together with the name, organization and home address of each mem- ber. The Disbursing Quartermaster will turn over the funds to the temporary Secretary when appointed. On arrival in the States, a systematic publicity cam- paign will be started for the promotion and advertise- ment of the coming convention. All members of the di- vision who have not joined before demobilization will send their dues to the Secretary, giving their full name, organization and home address. As outlined in Paragraph 1, this Association is or- ganized to perpetuate the division in the future and for the pleasure of i's members. It is, therefore, incum- bent upon all members of the division to become mem- bers of the Association and to do all possible to promote its interest. The first convention is going to be a great one in the history of the division, and all members should begin preparation now to be present. The place for the convention, as well as all other details of inter- est that will subsequently develop, will be announced through the press as early as practicable. The hearty interest and co-operation of all members of the division are earnestly and respectfully solicited. ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE, HOLMES B. SPRINGS, Chairman, Colonel, Inf. LAWRENCE D. TYSON, Brig. General. ALBERT L. COX, Colonel, Artillery. TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD The blank pages are for personal use in recording any special or interesting events in connection with the life of the World War Veteran and his family. PERSONAL AND FAMILY HISTORY TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD PERSONAL AND FAMILY HISTORY TAR -HEEL WAR RECORD PERSONAL AND FAMILY HISTORY TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD PERSONAL AND FAMILY HISTORY TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD PERSONAL AND FAMILY HISTORY TAR-HEEL WAR RECORD PERSONAL AND FAMILY HISTORY <«' Hi KES Mfl &W?9U1 If HH 11 ■ HI J§8 V"#*-7V I ■ "T'S ■Hb — « mmKBSBMHm flmi HE