rG.970.53 ii I Ill a net ae U.rcehe Ptc mortal C'f<3*;'.u- Library OF THE University of NortK Carolina This book was presented bj' the farniiy of the late KEMP I'LUMMER BATTLE, President of the University of North CaroHna from 1876 to 1890 Cp?)70.^3-GL?| p PROGRAM OF CLLLBRATION AND DEDICATION of the ^tttnt memorial Manunttnt At GUILFORD COURT HOUSE BATTLE- FIELD July 3rd, 1915 "In the manoeuvering that preceded it, in the strategy that compelled it, in the heroism that sig- nalized it, and in the results that flowed from it, the Battle of Guilford Court House is second to no bat- tle fought on American soil. Over the brave men who fell here their comrades marched to ultimate victory at Yorktown, and the cause of constitutional self- government to assured triumph at Philadelphia. To ofiicer and private, to continental soldier and volun- teer militiaman, honor and award are alike due; they need neither defence nor eulogy, but only just recog- nition. A grateful nation erects this monument, there- fore, as an expression of its solemn pride in the men who fought here, of its imperishable devotion to their memory, and of its unalterable confidence in the per- manence of the principles which their example vindi- cated and their blood consecrated." p I2.|*?<=| Program of the Twenty-sixth Annual Celebration at (BluUfora (Enurt Housi* igattUfielli July 3rd, 1915 9:30 A. M. Line of march Tvill form in following order: The Adjutant-General of North Carolina and Chief Marshal; thirteen young ladies on horseback, representing the Original Thirteen States; Regimental Bands; Marshals of the Day; Speakers and Guests of Honor; Military Companies; Artillery Corps; Boy Scouts. The parade will move across the battlefield along the old historic roads to the Sjieakers' Pavil- ion. SxprriBpB at -#peakpra' llauilmn 10:15 A. M. Music — Regimental Band Invocdiion — Rt. Rev. Joseph Blonnt Cheshire, Bifhop of North Carolina Address of Wclconte — Governor Craig, of North Carolina Address — Governor Goldsborough, of Maryland Music — Chorus and Regimental Band Address — Governor Miller, of Delaware Adclress— The Lieutenant-Governor of Georgia Music — Chorus Address — Lieutenant-Governor Bethea, of South Carolina Address — By the Official Representative of the State of Virginia, to be appointed by Gov- ernor Stuart Music — Eecjimental Band Address — The Governor of Eliorle Island, or his Official Representative. Address of Presentation of the Greene Memorial Monument to the Guilford Battle Ground Company — Senator Lee S. Overman, of North Carolina Address of Acceptance of the Greene Memorial Monument, on behalf of the Guilford Battle Ground Company — Hon Charles M. Stedman Benediction — Et. E«v. Edward Eondthaler, Bishop'of the Moravian Church 1:00 P. M. At the conclusion of the addresses, the proces- sion, led by Band and Chorus, will march through double lines of troops to the Greene Memorial Monument. The monument will be unveiled by a lineal descendant of General Nathanael Greene 1:30 P. M. After the unveiling, Governor Goldsborough, of Maryland, will place a wreath on the monu- ment erected by the Maryland Historical So- ciety to the memory of the Maryland troops who fought in the battle of Guilford Court House 1:45 P. M. Eeview of Troops and Exhibition Drill At the conclusion of the formal exercises, a luncheon will be tendered by the Guilford Battle Ground Company to its guests. At this luncheon a number of visitors will respond to toasts. Note. — The above program, while approximately accurate, is tentative, and may be changed in some slight details. 00032699296 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION • ' Siii;!'!?""