OF THE EV. LUTHERAN SYNOD AND 31iIS!rE.lIII[JM 7" ^ortli Carolina, i «Convencd in St. Fool's Church, Orange <>)unty, N. C, May 2d. 1845. SAfuISBURV : * raiJ^TEb AT THE "CAROLINA VVTATCHMAn" OFFICE, 1845. ^■^^\ \ <;^ /'^^:sr'^ •*«•>• '"^^ 31 1 N U T E S Pl'rsuant to a resolution adopted at its last annual session, the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina, conven- ed in St. Paul's Church, Orange County, N. C, on Friday, May 2d, 1845, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The President, Rev. Wm. Artz, preached the Synodical sermon from John 10. 1 — 19. The roll was then called by the Secretary, and the absen- tees marked. ORDAINED MINISTERS. Xiimes. Address. 1 Rev. L D. SCHECK, China Grove, Eoxcnn countij, N. C. 2 - WM. ARTZ, Holt's Store, Orange " 3 •' J. B. ANTHONY, Salisbury, Rowan " 4 "• SAME. ROTHROCK, Rockville, Rowan f) *■ E. AREY, Cowansville, " ti " J. CRIM,- Davie 7 '■ WM. G. HARTER, Concord, Cabarrus " LICENTIATES. 8 Rev . .T. GRIESON, Clapp's P. 0. Guilford, " 9 '•• A. GRIMES * Wilkesborough, Wilkes " 10 " J. SWICEGOOD,* Browntown, Davidson " 11 " J. A. LINN, Rockville, Rowan LAY.DELEGATES. 1 Mr. DANIEL BARRIER, From Rev. J. D. Scheck's charge. 2 '• HENRY KEEM, mn. Ariz's 3 " DAVID BARRINGER, J. B. Anthony's " 4 '■ PETER BARGER, 5'. Rothrock's 5 " HENRY TROUTMAN, B. Arey's 6 " JACOB WINECOFF. " Wm. G. Hartcr's 7 " DANIEL WEAVER, " J. A. Linns, •Absent. The President then read his annual report, which, on mo- tion, was accepted. (See appendix.) Synod now proceeded to the election of officers for the en- suing year, which resulted as follows : Rev. J. D. SCIIECK, President. " S. ROTHROCK, Secretary. D. BARRINGER, Esq., Treasurer. 1. Resolved, That the reading of the minutes of last year be dispensed with, and that they be referred to a committee, to examine and report on all unfinished business. Committee ;— Rev. J. B. Anthony, and D. Barrier, Esq. All letters and documents designed for Synod were now handed in and distributed among the following committees : COMMITTEES. On papers marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.— Rev. G. W. Harter and Jacob Winecoff, Esq. On papers marked 6, 7, 8.— Rev. J. B. Anthony and D. Bar- ringer, Esq. On papers marked 9, 10.— Rev. J. A. Linn and Mr. Henry Reims. On the Minutes of the Maryland Synod, Alleghany Sy?wd, and German Ev. Luth. Ministerium of Pennsylvania.— Rev. Wm. Artz and Mr. Peter Barger. On the Minutes of the Virginia, Frankean and Hartwick Synods. — Rev. J. A. Linn and Mr. D. Weaver. On the Minutes of the Synod of the West, and Ev. Luth. Ministerium of New York. — Rev. B. Arey and Mr. H. Trout- man. The Parochial reports were now handed in and registered. PAROCHIAL REPORTS. Bap isms. 1 11 m C o -6 1 -3 c o 'c i i 03 .2 1 1 ..O Xi cd »2 2 1 eg l-ii MINISTERS. 2 c c "a -3 < Rev. J. D. Scheck, - - - 2 59 4 41 4 575 25! 1 ' W. Art/., - - - - 4 35 24 160 34| i ' J. U. Anthony, - - 2 18 5 40 J 209 26' 3 I 2 22112 • S. Rothrock, - - - 2 3G 2 70 545 25 3 2 t> ' B. Arey, - - - 2 25 29 12 109 4 1 • W. G. Harter, - - 3 35 1 33 330 17 1 1 6 401 : 1 J. Grieson, - - - 3 1 1 " J. A. Linn, - - 2 27 8 52 3 165 26 41 Total, - - - - 1 17 238 20 289 27 2093 158 10 4 3 281152 3 3 2. Resolved, That Synod take a recess for one hour. Closed with prayer by Rev. J. B. Anthony. SECOND SESSION. Friday, 2 o'clock, P. M. Synod met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by Rev. J. A. Linn. The Treasurer of Synod sent in his report on the state of the Treasury. 3. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to examine, and report on the Treasurer's accounts. Committee. — Rev. Wm. Artz and .1. Winecoft', Esq. The subject of vacant congregations was then called up, but deferred until the committee on letters would report. Contributions for Synod were now called for, and handed in as follows : CONTRIBUTIONS. From Rev. J. D. Scheeh's charge, St. John's Church, . . . . 88 00 Luther's Chapel, .... 4 00 12 00 6 From Rev, W. Ariz's charge. Shoemaker's Church, . . . $i 85 Low's Church, ..... 56 St. Paul's Church, - - - - 9 66 12 07 From Rev» S. Roihrock's charge. Organ Church, .... 87 00 St. Stephen's Church, . • . 3 01^ 10 01^ From Rev. B. Arey^s charge. St. Michael's Church, - • - SI 75 St. Paul's Church, . - - - 1 75 3 50 From Rev. W. G. Harter's charge. St. James' Church, - . - - $3 00 St. Enoch's Church, - . . . 1 90 Bethel, - - - - - • 1 41i 6 3U From Rev. J. B. Anthony^s charge. St. John's Church, - - ... 87 00 Union Church, .... From Rev. J. A. Linn^s change St. Paul's Church, St. Mathew's Church, 3 66^- —10 66i 82 00 1 50— 3 50 S5S 054 4. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to take charge of these contributions, together with the money remaining in the Treasury, pay the whole over to the Treasurer elect, and take his bond for the same. Committee. — Rev. J. B. Anthony, and Mr. D. Weaver. The committee appointed to have the Minutes of former sessions of this Synod, translated from the German into Eng- lish language, now reported. Report No. i. The committee appointed to procure a translation of the Minutes of former Sy- nods recorded in the German language, beg leave to state that they have received and would now present to Synod the translation, made by Dr. Ilazelius We would also state, the Dr. has kindly rendered his services gratuitously Respectfully submitted, WM. ARTZ. Adopted. WM. G. HARTER. 5. Kcsolra/, That the Secretary stitch the translated Mi- nutes together, and bind them in some cheap form and depo- site them in the Archives of Synod. H. Resolved, That Synod express its thanks to Rev. Dr. Hazelius for his services so kindly rendered, in the transla- tion of the Minutes just referred to. 7. Resolved, That Synod adjourn, to meet at 9^ o'clock to- morrow morning. Closed with singing and prayer by the President. THIRD SESSION. Saturday, Mat/ 3/y/, 9^ o'clock, A. M. Synod met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with singing and prayer by the President. The Minutes of yesterday were read and approved. Rev. Samuel Sayford, was introduced as delegate from the Synod of South Western Virginia, and invited to a seat a- mong us. The report of the Treasurer of Seminary Fund was hand- ed in, and referred to a committee for examination. Committee.—Rew. J. A. Linn and D. Barrier, Esq. The report of the Treasurer of Centenary Fund was also handed in and referred to a committee for examination. Committee. — Rev. B. Arey and H. Troutman. The committee, appointed to examine the Minutes of last year, reported. Report No. 2. The committee to whom was assigned the duty of examining the Minutes of last year, have had the same under consideration, and submit the following as theix report : — They find on page 8th, that tw© committees were created the nature of whose duties were such as to produce the possibility of an earlier report than the present meeting of Synod. The first relates to the collection of certain books bequeath- ed to this body by the late venerable Stork ; and the second, is a committee to visit vacant and destitute congregations in Lincoln and Catawba counties. On page 16th they find certain resolution with respect to replenishing our Zion with a faithful and efficient Ministry, which may require the attention of this body. Your committee is further of opinion that a report from our delegate to the South Carolina Synod will be desirable, as to what answer that body returns to the in- quiry in the last resolution in the above Report. (No. 11.) Again : Your committee is of opinion that the Synod will be pleased to leam from our delegate to the Classis of the German Reformed Church in this State, what action, if any, was had by said body on the articles of correspondence adop- ted by this body at its last annual session. (See Report 7th, p. 11.) Your committee is not certified of any other unfinished business, nor do they feel it to be their duty to make any special recommendations further than to call the attention of Synod to the above particulars. Respectfully submitted, J. B. ANTHONY, Accepted. DANIEL BARRIER. The several items in the above report vi^ere then taken up and considered. After some statements by the committee reierred to in the first item, it was, 8. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to sell or pre- sent, at their discretion, to members of Synod, the books re- ferred to. Committee :— -Rev. J. A. Linn and Rev. J. B. Anthony. The committee referred to in the second item, stated that the duty assigned them, had not been attended to, and gave their reasons for their non-attendance to it. 9. Resolved, That the committee be excused for the reasons assigned. The delegate appointed to the Synod of South Carolina, stated, that he did not attend, for the reason, that said Synod changed its time of meeting, but addressed a letter to said body. The delegate appointed to the German Reformed Classis, stated, that he did not attend, inasmuch as the time interven- ing between the meeting of Classis and this Synod, was too short to enable him so to do, but addressed a letter to said body. 10. Resolved, That the delegate to the Synod of South Car- olina, and the delegate to the German Reformed Classis, be excused for the reasons assigned. The attention of Synod was then called to the resolutions on page 16, of the minutes of last year, and referred to by the committee in their report. After sundry statements made, 11. Resolved, That Synod has heard with pleasure, the statements of the brethren, to carry out the objects of those resolutions, and that they continue their efforts in future. The delegate to the Synod of South Western Virginia re- ported. Report No. 3. To the Synod of North Carolina : Your delegate to the last convention of the Western Virginia Synod would Ptatc, that he attended to the duty assigned him ; and was received with fraternal kind- ness by the brethem composing that body. The Rev. Samuel Sayford was appointed as their corresponding delegate to the present meeting of our Synod. Wc are happy to see that brother in our midst. Respectfully submitted, Adopted. WM. G. HARTER, Del. The committee on papers numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, re- ported. Report No. 4. The committee appointed to report upon certain papers numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, Sl 5, beg leave to make the following statement : No. 1, is the President's annual report, in which we find, with other mattt'rs, two recommendations. In regard to the first, your committee offer the following resolutions : Resolved, That the Treasurer be authorised to pay Rev. P. Kistler the sum of 10 $50 for his Missionary services rendered in Catawba county, in the year 1S13. — In reference to the second recommendation. Resolved, That the sum of $359 be paid over to the Rev. Samuel Sayford ac- cording to the request of the President of the Western Virginia Synod, it being the just and full share of the Seminaiy funds contributed by that body. Lastly — We recommend that the brethren. Rev. J, Crim and Rev. A. Grimes b» excused for non-attendance at this meeting of Synod. No. 2, is a petition from a large number of the members of Organ Church, de- siring this Synod to hold its next Annual Meeting at that Church. We refer the consideration of this petition to the Synod, when the election shall be held for the place of our next meeting. No. 3, is a similar petition from the Council of Union Church. Referred as above. No. 4, is a letter addressed to this body by the Councils of Union and St. John's churches, under the pastoral care of Rev. J. B. Anthony, stating the prospering condition of these congregations — their high approbation of their Pastor, and de- sire that he should remain among them. No. 5, is a letter to the Rev. J. B. Anthony by J. M. Smith, expressing a de- sire that he should visit the churches in Davidson county. He also requests broth- er Anthony to lay their destitute condition before Synod, that some arrangement may be made to supply them with the preached Word. Respectfully submitted, WM. G. HARTER, Adopted. JACOB WINECOFF. The sum of 8359 00 was then paid over to Rev. Samuel Sayford, according to the second resolution in the above report. The committee on papers, G, 7, and 8, reported. Report No. 5. The committee on letters numbered 6, 7, &, 8, beg leave to submit the following as their report : — No. 6, is a communication from St. Matthew's Church, Rowan county, N. C, signed by the Church Council, and many of the male members of said Church, •'xpressive of their entire satisfaction with the ministerial labors of their present Pastor, the Rev. J. A. Linn ; together with an earnest request that he be ordained 10 the Gospel Ministry, and that he continue to labor amongst them. No. 8, is a communication signed by the Council of St. Paul's Church, Rowan county, in behalf of the congregation, of similar import. No. 7, is a letter signed by eleven male members of Luther's Church, praying this body to re-admit them under its care, as a congregation ; likewise expressing their satisfaction with the labors of Rev. J. A. I,4nn, and request the renewal of his license. 11 So much of letter No. 7, as relates to the admist^ion of Luther? Church mio connection with this Synod, your committee reconmicnd that ihc prayer ot" tj5« petitioners be granted them. They recommend that the remaining part of the communication, t.»);;'thi:r vriih letters No. G and 8, be referred to the ronsidpration of the Ministeiiujii. All of which is respectfully subniittc : J. D. ANTHONY, Adopted. D. BARRINGER. The committee on papers, 9 and 10 reported. Report No. G. The committer appointed to examine letters No. i) and 10, beg leave Ijo Eiibmii the following : No. 5, constitutes a petition to your body, from St. Paurs church Rowan county, praying that your body hold it-s ne.xt annual Synodical meeting, at ttaid p!ac<.'. W».* would refer said j)etition to the consideration of Synod, at the tune and when .-aid choice is to be made. No. 10, is a communication of the Treasurer of the "Centenar>- Fund,"' Uoui ^yhich we learn, thai he has in possession the sum of $228 17^ cents, the interest of which he sends to us by the hand of the Rev. J. D. Beheck. He further desire^ that the sum or sums which may be received at this meeting of Synod, intended for the " Centenary Fund;' will be forwarded to hiui by Mr. Scheck, whose recci;.: ibr the same will be good. Respectfully eubmitted, J. A. LINN. Adopted. HENRY KIM?:. THE COMMITTEE, TO AUDIT THE ACCOUNTS OF THE TREA- SURER OF SYNOD, REPORTED. Report No. 7. NiRTH C.^iROLiXA, Cabarrus county. } May 1st., 1845. \ lohn Shirapoch in account with the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of N. Carolina : To cash remaining in the Treasury of last year, - - 3C8 51 Contributions received at last Synod, .... 41 ^0^ Total amount, $110x11 J; Paid out as per receipts. 7. N. Kurtz's receipt for printiog Minutes of 1844, - - ,$42 .38 Balance due Synod in cash, - . - §67 9.? A Respectfully submitted, JOHN yniMPOCH, Trcaeurf^r. 12 The committee appointed to audit the Treasurer's account would report, that •.hc\' have examined and found it correct. Respectfully submitted, WM. ARTZ, '^'"'^ntod. JACOB WINECOFF. Amount of Synodieal Funds. In hands of Treasurer as per his report, - - - . ,^C7 93^ Contributions at the present meeting, ... 53 ()5| Making a total of, $125 99i 12. Resolved, That the interest, (813 G8) sent up by the Treasurer of the Centenary Fund, in the event the commit- tee, to whom his accounts were referred for examination, re- port his accounts to have been correctly kept, be added to the principal and loaned out as such. Rev. W. G. Harter now informed Synod that a Record Book was needed, and that he had purchased one, and would !)ovv present it to Synod for its reception. The book was then ^'lid on the table and examined. 1.3. Resolved, That the book, just laid on the table by bro- ther Harter, be received, and that the Treasurer be author- ized to pay him three dollars for the same. Ordered, That the Treasurer pay the Secretary of Synod, $(y 62 postage, freight, &c. Ordered, That the Treasurer pay Rev. W. G. Harter $S 15 travelling expenses to Synod of South Western Virginia and postage. Oi'dered, That Treasurer pay Rev. J. D. Scheck 25 cents postage. 00} 41 2;') 5 00 1 00 20 00 $'22 90 15 00 13 A call was now made for the contributions to the Centen- ary Fund. The following sums were then paid over : From St. .John's Church, per Rev. J. D. Scheck, S50 00 •* Bear Creek Church, per Rev. W. G. Harter, " Organ Church, per Rev. S. Rothrock, »♦ M. Barrier, Esq., his 2nd instalment, " Mr. S. Neusman, his 3rd " « Rev. S. Rothrock, subscription in full. From St, Mathew's Church, per Rev. J. A. Linn, " St, Paul's Church Total, ^155 21} D. Barringer, Esq., also paid his subscription in full, amount- in- to 820 00, with instructions that the same be applied to the cause ot Foreign Mis.sions in India, under the direction ot the General Synod. FIRST COMMITTEE ON MINUTES REPORTED. Report No. 8, The committee to whom was referred the examination of sundry cop.es of rnin- uies of sister Synods, would report as follows : German Cvf n- No. 1, is the minutes of the runety-sixth annua '"^^^""g ^.\;^;^^^™\Y';^^ .elieal Lutheran Ministerium of Pennsylvan.a and adjacent ^'^'^..J^'^^^ rorium as its name imports, is composed of ordained mmis ters, res ding in ddit rent State It whole number at present, is 55 and two candu ates tor men,ber«h:p _ l^'utislL:^ table of parochLl repons ^ ^^TV^^ 831 tmlZ;'; ~ 208 congregations ; 5,170 baptisms ; 2,2o8 -'^^J-^ fj^^^ ^I'Tot ^a mount 1 770 deaths -111 congregational schools ; / 1 buncuy fecnooit.. m onnfantsTiT ; of Adults 105 ; of members fully adn.itted to the co.nnnuu. c he Ghu ch by h. rite of confirmation, 648 ; by certilieate 60 ; Pnyer-n .v.-t.^^s 4 ; Sabhath'schools 49 ; d.-aths 104. The amount ^^ J^^-f^^^^^^'^ ^^ 1- I 'IV ocrv iq S&4Q HO • cents for education purposes, J^iyb .. nod of South Carolina, was introduced to Synod and invited to a seat among us. • . i i Rev. Mr. Stayly, of the Christian Church, was introduced and admitted as advisary member. SECOND COMMITTEE ON MINUTES REPORTED. Rejyort No. 9. The commiuee into wl.se hands the -^;;- ^^J^ ^i;;^^,^?:, l^l^^^ York.on the iGth of September 1843^ rie^^^^^^^ j,^^.^^^ absentees, most of whom were excused. p^„,„„„^ons 35; Baptisms of In- The parochial reports stand as "^^ .....^"^'f^?: 1,,;, •,„A847 ; Sun.lay 473; aduUs M ;""«"'"■'''•'- 'X'"' I, o„ ! burials IIH ; coll^^^^^^ t:t:!i l>^.'"Ttt;::h;e:?o™p^nrSc.Ie d....n. bodU-s a,,.a. to .. d.i- la gently engaged in their Master's cause, and encouraging and pustaining all the be- nevolent operations of the day. All of which is respectfully submitted. BENJAMIN AREY, HENRY TROUTMAN. The committee on the accounts of the Treasurer of Cen- tenary Fund, reported. Report No. 10. Henry Miller in account with the Evangelical Luth. Synod of North Carolina, ..... Dr. Received at the meeting of Synod held at Luther Chapel, September, 1842, . . - . $21 52| " held at Sandy Creek, - . - 31 90 " held at Concord in May, 1844, . . 174 75 $228 17^ Interest on the above from May 3rd, 1844, to May 3rd, 1845, S13 68. Respectfully submitted, HENRY MILLER, Treasurer, The Committee whose duty it was made to audit the accounts of the Treasurer of the Centenary Fund, beg leave to state, that they have attended to said duty and find it correct. Adopted. Respectfully submitted, BENJAMIN AREY, HENRY TR0UT3IAN. AMOUNT OF CENTENARY FUNDS. In hands of Treasurer as per his report, $228 17^ Interest as per resolution of Synod, 13 68 Contributions at the present meeting, 155 21^ Total amount, $397 06;^ A letter from the Rev. Dr. Hazclius, together with the Minutes of the South Carolina Synod, were now laid on the table by brother Haiti wanger. 15. Resolved, That the letter just received from Dr. Haze- lius be read. 16. Resolved, That the Synod has heard with pleasure the letter from Dr. Hazelius, and that a committee be appointed 17 to examine the plan of three years study referred to in the letter, and the Minutes of S. C. Synod, and report as early as possible. Committee— Re\. W. G. Harter, Rev. W. Artz and Mr. P. Barger. Mr. L. C. Groseclose, a student of Pennsylvania College, was introduced and received as advisary member. The committee on the accounts of the Treasurer of Semi- nary Fund, reported. Report No. 11. The committee appointed to examine the report of the Treasurer of Seminary Fund, beg leave to submit the following : That they have examined said report and found it to be correct. — The Treasurer holds a note on Dawalt Lentz, dec'd for $237 00 Interest on the above from September 33d, 1844, to 23d April, 1S45, collected, $36 60 Loaned out January 14th, 1845, - - - $500 00 Loaned out April 15th, 1845, - • - - 190 00 Cash on hand, 363 00 Aggregate amount, $1326 60 On the last two loans no interest has been collected, inasmuch as the money has been hut recently loaned out. Respectfully submitted, JOSEPH A. LINiX, Adopted. DANIEL WEAVER. 17. Resolved, That the interest, ($36 QQ) which has been sent up by the Treasurer of Seminary Fund, be paid to the delegate from the South Carolina Synod, to be paid by him to the Treasurer of the Lexington Seminary. AMOUNT OF SEML\ARY FUxND. Aggregate amount as per Report of committee, $1326 60 Interest paid delegate from S. C, as per order of Synod, $36 00 A.mount paid delegate from S. W. Va., as per order of Synod, .... :^')0 00 395 63 Amount of Standing Fund, $031 Ot; 18 Report No, 12. ^**^ft^5r The committee appointed to receive the money intended for the Synodical Treasury, and to pay the same to the Treasurer and take his bond, have discharged that duty. Respectfully submitted, J. B. ANTHONY, Adopted. DAN'L. WEAVER. THIRD COMMITTEE ON MINUTES REPORTED. Report No. 13. The committee appointed to examine the minutes of Sister Synods, beg to leave submit the following : Document No. 1, are the minutes of the Evangelical Lutheran Sy- nod of Virginia. This Synod held its fourteenth annual session in Winchester, Va., May 11th— 16th, 1844. This Synod is com- posed of 14 ordained ministers and four licentiates. The officers of Synod are. Rev. J. B. Davis, President ; Rev. L. Eichelbarger, Sec. ; R.ev. T. Miller, Treasurer. The parochial reports present the following facts : Number of con- gregations 39 ; baptisms, of Infants 161 and Adults 98, total 282 ; confirmed 300 ; admitted 12 ; communicants 2263 ; Sabbath schools 20; teachers 40; children 200; Prayer-meetings 43 ; contributions to the Synodical fund $57 05. The sum of $117 00 was subscrib- ed for education purposes. No 2, are the minutes of the fourteenth annual session of the Hart- wick Synod of the Evan, Luth, Church in the State of New York, heki in Dansville, on the first and following days of June, 1844. — This Synod is composed of 15 ordained ministers. The officers of iSynod are. Rev. Thomas Lape, President ; Wm. N. Sholl, Secre- tary ; Martin J, Stover, Treasurer. The parochial returns give 20 congregations ; baptisms, Intants 170, Adults 29 ; confirmed 161 ; admitted 17 ; communicants 2851 ; Prayer-meetings 24 ; Sabbath schools 15 ; teachers 50 ; scholars 427 ; contributions to Synodical fund $19 45 ; Missionary and Education $15 75. No. 3, are the minutes of the seventh annual session of the Fran- ckean Evan. Luth. Synod, convened at Parisville, Oswego co. N. Y., June 6th, 1844. The Synod is composed of 18 bishops ; 10 licentiates ; preachers 1. The officers are as follows : Bishop John D. Lawyer, President ; Bishop N. Van Alsteine, Sec. ; Bishop B. Diefendorf, Treasurer. — The parochial reports give the following statistics : Number of con- gregations 40 ; Baptisms, Infants 140 ; Adults 87 ; confirmed 224 ; admitted 2G ; Prayer-meetings 48. Your committee are happy to learn that these different bodies are 19 manifesting zeal in the great cause of human salvation. We have found nothing of special importance, except that the " Colporteur System," has been highly recommended. Wo would refer this 8ub> ject to the consideration of Synod. Respectfully submitted, J. A. LINN, Adopted. DAN'L WEAVER. 18. Resolved, That the consideration of the subject of Col- portage, referred to by the committee, be deferred until the next meeting of Synod. 19. Resolved, That the Secretary take charge of the bondfi belonging to Synod. Rev. J. B. Anthony in the Chair. The subject of a revi- sion of the Constitution was then brought up and considered. 20 Resolved, That a committee of three ordained minister?; and three laymen be appointed to propose a revision of the Constitution, and report at next meeting of Synod. Committee, — Rev. J. B. Anthony, Rev. W. G. Hartcr, Rev. S. Rothrock, D. Barringer, Esq., J. Winecoff, Esq., and Mr. P. Barger. 21. Resolved, That the President be added to the above committee. 22. Resolved, That the President be also added to the com- mittee -created by the 8th Resolution of this meeting of Synod. Synod th-en adjourned, to meet again after the mectin^^ of the Missionary and Education Society. Closed with prayer by Rev. Mr. Welker, FIFTH SESSION. Monday, 4 o'clock, P. M- Synod was called to order and proceeded to business. An election was then entered into for the place of the next annual meeting of Synod. Invitations were given from Qr- gan, Union, and St. Paul's Churches, in Rowan County. On counting the votes, it appeared that Union Church had a ma- jority. The next annual meeting of Synod will therefore t»c in said Church. 20 23. Resolved, That Rev. B. Arey be excused from further attendance at this meeting, and that his delegate be excused for the remainder oi the day. 24. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to dedicate St. Matthew's Church, Rowan county, at such time as said committee may agree upon, and that due notice of the time be given to the congregation. Coinmittee. — Rev. J. D. Scheck, Rev. J. B. Anthony and Rev. S. Rothrock. A letter from Rev. Dr. Muller, Washington City, D. C, so- liciting aid in behalf of his congregation, was brought to the notice of Synod by Rev. W. G. Harter. 25. Resolved, That each minister belonging to this Synods be requested to lay the subject of the above letter, before his congregations, and forward to Dr. Muller, such contributions as he may be able to obtain for the object specified. COMMITTEE ON MINUTES S. C. SYNOD REPORTED. Report No. 14. The committee appointed to report upon the minutes of the Synod of S. Carolina, and also upon the course of studies prescribed by the Ministerium, to those who desire to enter the Gospel Ministry, but are unable to take a regular course in the Theological Seminary, beg leave to state, that they have examined said plan, and submit its prin- cipal outlines : 1. The time of study prescribed, is three years. For the first year, the student is required to study the historical part of the Old Testa- ment, and to acquaint himself with the principal doctrines contained in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke ; and to present a sketch of these doctrines to the examining committee. The second year's course, is a continuation of that of the first year, and also to make himself acquained with Jewish Antiquities and Church History. For the third year, the student is to study the prophetic writings with reference to Home, 4th vol., pp. 137—210. In the New Tes- tament, the Epistles of the Apostles and Pastoral Theology, (Miller's Letters.) Such students as are thus engaged, have all the privilege* enjoyed by regular students. 21 The parochial reports of this body show that those brethren are zealously engaged in the cause of Christ. They have turned special attention to the colored population within the bounds of their respec- live charges, and have succeeded in gathering a goodly number into the Church. They report churches 3G ; total number of baptisms, both colored and white 409 ; members received, white 29H ; colored lo-j ; communicants 2882 ; Sabbath schools 21 ; teachers 94 ; — scholars 616 ; charitable societies T) ; burials 152. The number of Ministers connected with this Synod are, ordained 26 ; licentiates .3 ; students under the direction of Synod 7. May the Lord prosper these brethren in their zealous exertions to promote the Redeemer's Kingdom. Respectfully submitted. Adopted. WILLIAM G. HARTEK, WILLIAM ARTZ. 26. Resolved, That we approve o^ the plan of a course of study, as recommended in the Minutes of the South Carolina Synod, for such persons as are unable to take a regular course in the Theological Seminary. 27. Resolved, That when this Synod adjourns, it stand ad- journed, to meet again on Friday before the 1st Sunday in Maj', 1846, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the place already agreed upon. 28. Rcsoloed, That the ministers henceforth report to Syn- od, the number of members deceased in their respective charges. The election of Delegates was then entered into, which resulted as follows: To South Carolina Synod. — Rev. W. G. Harter. To SouUi-W ester n Virginia Synod. — Rev. W. Artz. •29. Resolved, That 800 copies of the Minutes of the pres- ent meeting of Synod be printed — that the Secretary super- intend the printing and distribution of them, and that five copies be sent to each sister Synod in the United States. 30. Resolved, That in relation to Special Conferences, the same arrangement obtain this year, which obtained last year. 31. Resolved, That the Pastor loci be requested to commu- nicate from the pulpit, on some suitable occasion, to our friends and brethren in this neighborhood our unfeigned thanks for their hospitality, and the unremitted care and attention which 22 they have manifested for our comfort, during our stay in their midst. The minutes of this day's proceedings were then read and approved. Synod having now disposed of all the business before it, therefore, 32. Resolved, That we now adjourn. Closed with prayer by the President. SAMUEL ROTHROCK, Secretary of Synod. MINISTERIAL SESSION. Monday, May 5tk, 8 o'clock, P. M. The Ministerium met and was opened with prayer by Rev. W. Artz. The subject of Ordination, which had been referred to the Ministerium, was then taken up and considered. Br. Linn then handed in a written sermon, and a journal of his labors during the past year. After an examination of the above sermon and journal, and mutual conversation on the subject, 1. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to examine Br. Linn, and in the event that his examination prove satis- factory, he be ordained in his own church, at such time and place as he may designate. Committee.— Rev. J. D. Scheck, Rev. J. B. Anthony, Rev. S. Rothrock, and Rev. W. G. Harter. The case of John T. Tabler, whom the President had re- stored to the Ministry in the course of the past year, was then taken up and considered. After mature deliberation on the subject, the following preamble and resolution were adopted : In view of all the facts in relation to the case of John T. Tabler, 2. Resolved, That the Ministerium cannot confirm the ac- tion of the President in the restoration of the said Tabler to the Gospel Ministry, and that the letters of restoration for- warded to hinn by the President, are hereby revoked. 3. Resolved, That a copy of the above resolution be for- warded to Mr. John T. Tabler by the Secretary as early as convenient. 4. Resolved, That this Ministerium now adjourn. Closed with prayer by Rev. G. Haltiwanger. SAMUEL ROTHROCK, Secretary of Ministerium, APPENDIX. (A.) PRESIDENT'S ANNUAL REPORT. Beloved Brethren : Grace, mercy and peace be multiplied unto you from God "he Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom with the Spirit of all Grace, be slory, and honor, and thanksgiving, and praise, as it was, is now, and ever shall be. Amen. Through the all-gracious kindness and care of an unceasing Providence, we have been safely brought through the varied scenes and dangers of another Synod- ical year. Blessed be the name of the Lord our God, that we have, each one of us been preserved among the living amidst the fell ravages of disease and death on every hand, and permitted once again to greet each other in our Father's House ; to convene as an ecclesiastical body ; a society of Christians to unite our prayers and intercessions at a throne of grace in behalf of Zion and of a dying world, and to devise and deliberate upon suitable ways and means to promote the cause which is dear to us ; the declarative glory of the Divine Redeemer in the edification of his followers and the salvation of perishing sinners. The poet, when he would fill our minds with an idea of the magnitude of the work in which we are engaged says with truth — " 'Tis not a cause of small import The Pastor's care demands ; But what might fill an angel's heart, And filled a Saviours hands. They watch for souls, for which the Lord Did heavenly bliss forego ; For souls which must forever live In raptures, or in woe." Luth. Hymns, 567. May God help us to watch as those whom he has set as watchmen on the walls of Zion, and as " those who must give an account that they may do it with joy and not with grief" The Constitution by which we are governed as an Ecclesiastical body makes ii the duty of the Presiding Officer to hand in annually to Synod a written report of his official transactions. I would therefore, in obedience to its requisition present ;25 you ihe lolkwing detailed account of evcnu; wiikh have transpired wiihin our bounds sinoc wc last met in Synodical convention. In conformity to a resolution of the first session of the Mini.«terium, found on page 21 of the printed minutes of last year, I addressed a letter of enquiry on the subjects mentioned in said resolution, and also of invitation to attend the present meeting of Synod to the Rev. Adam Grimes, of Wilkes county. His reply con- tains the following paniculars : First, an unequivocal disavowal of his ever hav- ing the least intention, or inclination to secede from his connection with the Evan- gelical Lutheran Church and Synod of North Carolina. Secondly, an apology for his absence from former meetings of this Synod and from the present meeting lor want of sufficient means lo enable him to attend. Thirdly, an earnest Yequest, that the brethren would excuse his ommissions for the reason assigned. And last- ly, he implores the blessing of Almighty God upon the deliberations of our present meeting. \greeablv to the instructions given me during the second session of the Mims- terium, concernmg the restoration of Mr. John T. Tabler, to ihe Gospel ministry'. I commenced an epistolary correspondence wuh the gentlemen reromniencied.- Having received, in a joint letter from them, favorable testimony to his moral and ohri.tian character and deportment, I accordingly forwarded to him letter* of ple- nary restoration to the membership and ministry cf the Evangelieal Lutheran 'Ohurch under the jurisdiction of this Synod. I addressed several letters and forwarded a copy of our Minutes of last year to the Rev. Paul Kistler, requesting him to claim for himself, or to make some dis- position of the sum of fifty dollars which was promised. by Synod to the Minister who should preach for the term of one year to our destitute people of Lincoln county, but have received no answer. I would recommend, that Synod, by the passage of a resolution, authorize the Treasurer to pay to Brc. Kistler the above sum as his just due, he having performed the work. Recently I received a communication from the Rev. Jacob Scherer. President of the Western Virginia Synod, and chairman of a committee appointed on the part of the same, for the purpose of conferring with this Synod on the subject ot a division of the funded capita! of our Seminary Treasury, and of receiving the proportion or share contributed by that Synod, the amount of which, according to ihe'statement of the committee in a letter received in the month of June, and also according to the statement of our Secretary, is $3.59 00. P-ro. Scherer s desire and urgent request is, (hat, if at all convenient, the money be paid over into the hands of the Rev. Samuel Sayford, the Western Virginia Synods Delegate to tnc present meeting of this body. " Funds,' he says, " are greatly needed to aid some promismg, indigent young men at the Institute m Augusta county, who must eith- er have aid or relinquish their studies." I would recommend, that the full amount of the share contributed by our brethren of Western Virginia to our Seminary fund, or such part of it as may be collected and be a: the disr.osal of the Synod at .ts present meeting, be paid over to the Rev. Samuel Sayford. Bro. J. B. Anthony, who was received into full connection with our Church and 26 Mmiatry at i^ last meeting at Concord, waa unanimoualy chosen Paptor of St John's Church, Salisbury, and also of Union Church, vacated by the resignation of bro. Rothrock. In his connection with us and in his interesting pastorate, labour- ing indefatigably in the cause of God and for the welfare of souls, I arn happy to state that he enjoys manifest tokens of the Divine approbation and commands the respect of all denominations of Chrstiains around him, and of his fellow-citixens generally. Bro. J. A. Linn who was licensed to preach the Gospel at our last meeting ha? accepted the pastoral charge of St. Paul's and St. Matthew's churches, m Rowan countj'. He is actively and successfully engaged in the work of the Lord. With regard to St. Paul's church, he says ; " My brightest anticipation here, is that, if a large fold cannot be collected, it will be one of true experimental godlinees." — With regard to St. Matthew's church, he says : " Since I have commenced labor- ing here, thirty-three have been added to the Church by the rite of Confinnation . A regular prayer-meeting has been established, which is carried on by the mem- bers themselves with becoming propriety and zeal. I have already felt the blessed in9uence of such an institution not only among themselves, but even in all my ministrations to them. I feel an assurance that my labours among my two little flocks have not been in vain." In addition to the above labours, bro. Linn preach- es monthly on week days at " Luther's, alias Lentz's Church," in the S. E. of Rowan county. He says : '•' the prospect of building up a congregation here is en- couraging. The field to work in is large, and thickly settled. On Easter, when bro. Rothrock and myself held a two-days meeting there, 15 gave in their names as candidates for church communion. This was the first attempt, and we consid- ered this a great victory, and no doubt, if faithfully attended to, much more can be done. The members are truly zealous in the cause of God : they have comraenc- '^A erecting a new church edifice. May God prosper them, and add grace to their grace." The Rev. J. Crim, has removed from Davidson into Davie county, and assumed the pastoral care of Jerusalem and of St. Matthew's churches in the latter. He still continues to preach by the earnest solicitations of the brethren at Sandy Creek Moeting-house. in Davidson county. May the Lord smile upon this new r'iiation, and cause his work to prosper abundantly in the hands of his ser/ant in his new field of labour. In the event of his being absent from this meeting, bro Chm wishes to be excu.sed on account of family c:rcum."?tances of a peculiar •iharacter. From the brethren, generally, I have received interesting information respecting ■l:e sjcoess ol their labours and prosperity, and of the prosperous state of religion in their respective charges, from which I am led to draw the cheering conclusion, that " God Is still in the midst of Zion ;" and that the verbal and living testimony for Christ, which is continually borne by pious ministers and members of the caurch, is still the primary means, under the influence of the Spirit of God, of confounding the wisdom of the world— of reclaiming the wicked, the profligate. •27 K)d the carelcBa. from the dcfltructivc error of their ways ; — of comforting tho«e- who mourn over tranpgrefision in Jacob, and of gathering in his elect. The Lord nn thus frustrate the designa of hell and earth, and overrule the wrath of man to hia own glory. He can thus fully accomplish his own stupendouB purposes of love and mercy toward our fallen world, and build the walls of Jerusalem even :rx troublesome timctj. Let every one, then, in the bosom of the Church, whether called to minister in holy things, or to be ministered unto, resolre, and say with the Prophet of oid : " For Zion's sake will I not rest, and for Jerusalem's sake will I not hold my peace, until her righteousness go fortli as brightness and her salva- tion aa a lamp that bunioth." Finally, beloved bnnhren, I would most devoutly commend you and the church at large into the hands of our great Master ; — beseeching his gracious presence to preside over our meeting ; — ^hoping that his smiles will rest on our deliberation* ; — and that ail our discussions, recommendationB, plans, resolutions and labors begun, •ontinued, and ended in his name, may eventuate in the peace and joy of our hearts and the advancement of his cause WM. ARTZ, Pre*id/»ni. (B.) PROCEEDINGS OF THE PARENT EDUCATION AND MISSIONARY SOCIETY. tVccorJing to previous appointment, Rev. B. Arey. preached the Missionary sermon, text, Eccl. 9th ch. lOth ver. The objects of the Society were stated by the President, and the friends of itv cause were invited to become members by the payment of the small sum nece*- sary to constitute them such. A respectable number enrolled their names, ar.i proceeded to the election of officers for the present year, to wit : Rev. J. B. ANTHONY, President. ' WM. ARTZ, Vice Prea. - WM. G. HARTER, Secretary. Mr. DANIEL BARRIER, Treasurer 28 APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT Rev. J. A. LINN, -' J. GRIESON, Mr. D. BARRINGER, '* P. BARRIER, E. HOLT, Esq., H. FOGLEMAN, Esq., J Directors. SI 77 72 50 00 127 72 - 9 88 12 83 77 $151 20 50 00- -$201 2C Rev. J. D. SCHECK, ) " S. ROTHROCK, J Executive Commiuef. " B. AREY, S REPORT OF THE TREASURER OF THE MISS'Y. & ED. SOCIETY OF THE EVAN. LUTH. SYNOD OF NORTH CAROLINA : To note on Rev. B. Arey, A credit, Feb. 16ih 1845, Interest on the above, - Cash on hand, . . . Interest, . _ . . Whole amount due Synod in cash, By note on L. C. Groseclose, Respectfully submitted, MATHIAS BARRIER. The Committee to whom was referred the above report beg leave to state tha; they have examined said report, and would say that it is con-ect. Respectfully submitted, JOS. A. LINN, ) L. C. GROSECLOSE. [Committee. D. BARRINGER. S CONTRIBUTIONS WERE CALLED FOR FROM AUXILIARY SOCIE- TIES, AND THE FOLLOWING WERE HANDED IN : By Rev, S. Rothrock, From Organ church, - - .$8 10 " St. Stephen's church, - - 4 20 $12 30 By Rev, J. D. Scheck, From St. John's church, - - 14 25 Paid by members at this meeting, - 5 50 Collection, - - - - - 9 92^ Total, . - . - $41 97i The Committee to whom was xdened the takiflg of the bond of the Treasurer 29 elect, have attended to the duties assigned them, and report that the Bum of two hundred and forty-three dollars, and thirty cents, have been paid into the hands of the Treasurer. Respectfully submitted, H. FOGLHMAN. ? r«^„,i„.. DAVID BARRINGER, S ^°"'"^'^^*- ♦"< ■ A letter was presented by the Secretary, from Rev. A. A. Mnller, D I)., respect- fully soliciting aid from this society towards the support of the Missionary station at Washington City, D. C. After some discussion of the subject, and in view of fhe limitations of our Constitution, and smallneas of our funds, it was, I. Resolved, That we cannot, under present circumstances, render any aid to the station at Washington City, D. C. i>. Resolved, That the Ex. Com. with the President of the Society, and the Secretary of Synod, make search for the notes against Mr. J. Krimminger, and proceed to collect them, if possible. . 3. Resolved, That some one be appointed to preach the Missionary sermo.T at our next meeting. Rev. J. D. Scheck, was appointed. Mr. L. C. Grosclose made application for further aid from this Society : Where- . apon it was, 4. Resolved, That the whole matter respecting Mr. Grosclose be referred to the Executive Committee. 5. Resolved, That an extract of the proceedings of this Society, be appended to. and published with the minutes of Synod. 6. Resolved, That we adjourn to the time and place of the meeting of Synod. at 2 o'clock, P. M. on Monday. WM. G. HARTER, Secretary of the Education f{ Missionary Society ♦ i ♦ - :i <4^