Address of Bt. Rev. T.B.Lyman May 12th, 188? €6e Li&rarp of tbc (ftntoersitp of JRortl) Carolina Collection of jRottf) Carolinians <3Hn$ booh toag presented Co M3 i out TWO WEEKS to a fine of FIVE ADDRESS BY THE BISHOP, The Rt. Rev. T. B. Lyman, D. D., LL. D., TO THE Seventy-First Annual Convention Diocese of North Carolina, May 12th, 1887. ADDRESS BY THE BISHOP, The Rt. Rev. T. B. Lyman, D. D., LL. D., Seventy-First Annual Convention OF THE Diocese of North Carolina, May 12th, 1SS7. RALEIGH : Edwards & Broughton, Steam Power Printers and Binders. 1887. CfT.% 5 Jti&ms n| lip Jitalpjt Dear Brethren of the Clergy a?id Laity : Since the meeting of our last Convention, three of the oldest clergymen in the Diocese have been called to give an account of their stewardship, viz. : Rev. John T. Clark, Rev. Dr. Gholson and Rev. Mr. Berry. More than a year ago, Mr. Clark felt compelled, by failing health, to give up his charge at Leaksville and at Reidsville. For a while, his health appeared somewhat improved, but soon increasing infirmities reminded him that his end was drawing near, and during my recent absence, he was called to his reward. He was an earnest, faithful laborer, and was greatly esteemed and beloved by all who knew him. Dr. Gholson was in failing health when he removed to Oxford, some two years ago from Baltimore, but he hoped a change of climate and of labours, might avail to restore him. But it was soon ap- parent that his work was nearly over, and he resigned his charge to remove to his plantation in Alabama. He lin- gered until the 6th of August last, when his wearied spirit took its flight. He had been a faithful and earnest worker, and enjoyed the esteem and confidence of all who knew him. The Rev. Mr. Berry was much the oldest of any of our colored clergy. He laboured faithfully for many years in Asheville, and only gave up the work, when old age and in- creasing infirmities rendered it impossible for him to con_ tinue his charge. To the very last, he retained the confi- dence and love of the whole community, and died during the past season in New York, whither he had gone to reside with members of his family. do