Cp970-76 U58cZ C&e Lititatp Df tlje ^ntDecgitp of Ji^ottt Carolina Collection of iRott& Caroltniana from tSe Eibtatp of 00032769763 This book must not be token from the Library building. ♦if V vi/r" V ima vtue ^..^K-re Veterans; n^^ '^0 d-reale a, 33u,rial r'uad for ,*l!Kejr iladigent Corr.radec. GRJinD OPER/I HOUSE. 5'Hurs\v. ' His heart's turned back to Dixie. .\iid iu' must go. ("HOKfs : — Chorus: — I'se gwine back to |)ixii'. I'se gwini' back to Dixie. I'se gwine where tlie oranire lilussoins grow ; Fori heartlie chihlren calling. i see their sad tears falling. .Mv heart's turned back to Dixie. And 1 nnisl tru. Music. ^' SCENE 1. ^i- "The Girl I left behind me." I'm trav'ling back to Dixie. My step is shjw and feeble. I pray the Lord to help me. And h'ad uie from all evil. .Vnd should my strength forsake me. Then kind friends come and take nie. .My heart's turned back to Dixie. .\nd I must go. Chokts: — i m I II i i m. i i i i i m II m I Mush'. , ^/ SCENE II. ^' "At the Front." Male Quartette — "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground. i m m m I i i We ;ire tenting tonight on t he old camp i ground: I The fires an- flickering low. Still are the .sleepers that lie around. j ;■.' And the sentinels come and go. Chorus : — .Mas for the comrade.s of davs gone by. Whose forms we miss tonight. Alas for the young and true wlio lie M'here the battle flag braved the tight . Chorus : — -Many are the hearts thnt are weary to- 1 ^^^ ,^^,^,.^^ ^^,^ ^^^^^^.,.,, ^_,,. ,j,,i^, „,■ ^^^.■^■^ night Waiting for the wai' to cease; Shall they lie down tired and woi'n i Nor rouse again to hope and life The hme wife kneels »tid pra\fs with a mil That God His watch will keep |a[ < )\-er the dear one -awa'y and the little ,j^ T Chorcs? : — gp She prays for him wHoSvith soldierly -^m "tread " M No more into ranks shall fall : '^^ ones nigh. In the trundle-lied, fast aslee[). .Many are the eyes watching for thought \\'}ien tht"kettledrum beats at morn. Till the angel ralliei? the q^ick apd the | L To see the dawn of peace Tenting tonight; Tenting tonight; Tenting on tlx' i>ld cum)) ground. Chorus :- de.ad. Vnd fhe trumpet tfe>ifSE^(^^ir -i' SCENE 111 vv p "The Loiij^ Roil." W^ Jiilrodiiciiifi Tlir Mduniaiu Kccruit The Sixteen-year-old Soldior After Six Monih.s St-rvJci- A l.iijutt'iiaiit ui' {fflg Infantry An Anto-helluui member of Capt. James Armstrong's Com])any. "The Irish N'oluntoers" A ^^ Confederate Cohmel ( As He Was and Th.) • The IJlin' ii?ul thf' (W-iiy. m Music. vv SCENE IV. ^t "The Field Hospital. y Introducing; Tlie W'oundi'd Tin' Siiriipun Tli<> Dausfhtcr of t he Regiment The Histci' of .Mcrcv 'I'li Wife of One of I hi' Wounili'd. t m ■ Music. m Av SCENE V. - i- ^1 "The Old Folks at Home." ll L -4 gathering of neighbors, consisting of women, children and old meii, welcoviing the wounded soldier home. | 'g|| Introducing Cardinsj;. Spinning. Rei'liiit;. Wciivin;;. Knitting and the Duniestic Duties of the Honn- in thg Dav." of Aiild Lantj .Svnp. Song. "Willie. We Have Missed You." i m m P li xmimn h^ GAPT. dAS. ARMSTR0N m i i i il m 1 ^ J\ Veteran, a Hero, and Our Comrade, ^^ •:• •> ■:■ ^ SUBJECT: •^ ^• ^^'The Ulomen of the Confederacv/>> Music. m ^^ SCENE VI. ^ "The Southern Cross." ( T/ie Audience are requested to join in the chorux. ) CiioRrs : — Hiirruli ! Hurrah ! for tlie Soiitherh Cross,. Hurra li I Hurrah for tlie Bonnie Bliu^ Flat; that hears a .Siiif?li' Si;u-I First gallant South Carolina nobly made the staixl : Tlien came Alal)ama who took her ))y the hand : Next, quickly Mis>!iRsippi, Georgia and Florida. .\11 raised on high t]iel)onnie l)l'.ie Matjthat heai-sa singli'star. rnoinis: — \ t' men ot valor, gather ruLiiul the Iiuiumm' of the ri<;hl. Texas and fair I^ouisiana. join u,s in the fight; Da\'is, otir loved President, and Stevens, statesman i"are. Now rally round the honnie hlue (las^tlint liearsa single star. ( 'noiM- : — .\nd here's to lirave N'irgiiiia ! tlie Old l^ominion Slate. Willi theyomig Confederacy at length has linked her fale : Impelled l)y herexam[)le, now other states prepare To hoist on high tlie honnie blue (lag tiiat hears a singlestar. CiioiMs : — Tlu'ii cheer l)oys, raise tlie joyous shout. For Arkansas and XurtlhCarolimi now have l)oth gone out : .\nd let another rousing cheer for Tennessee he given. Tile sintjlestar of the honniel>lueflau has ijrown to heeleven. Choriib: — Thti tile politicians held her hack^alas. for her fair fame. Yet Old Kentucky stood with lis in all things hut in name. By .Mississippi's tawny Hood Missouri fought afar, .\nd earned her right t is lagging and weary; Yet onward he goes thro' the broad belt of light. Towards the shades of the forest so dreary. Hark I was it the night wihd thnt rustles th.e leave- Was it thd' moonlight so wondrously Hashing? It look^■d like a ritle! ""Ha! Mary, good-bye I" .Vnd his life-blood is ebbing aiul ])lashing. "".Vll quiet along the Potonuic tonight." No sound save the riish of the river; Whih- soft falls the dew on the face of ili.' il.;ul. •Till' Picket's" off dutv forever. ' SCENE IX. -^ ' Fiiidlc. "America." IP w m COMMITTEE: Jim®., Po ArtlDMr, Jo m Eo Po McllCnssDck, Wo Wo West, Gay Mo WiDDiainnis, Co Bo Wayo THE BIG STORE, SUMNER & CO.. Always figliting against Higli Prices. Thoiisancis of people are ^vitIlesses. m m 40 AND 42 PATTON AVENUE. m Jvose 9'll^rrf^i i The finest tooth wash made, and i excellent for sore spurns, bad breath \ and decayed teeth. Made and sold j only by W. C CARMICHAEL. I ASHHVILLE. N. C \-20 SOUTH MAIN ST. Capital, Ji?l 00,000.00. Surplus, g?20,000.00 TneNahonal Dank of A^hevllle. -^iDesigi lilted U. S. Depository. ]f^ DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. A.cz:c::cDT_Ji^-r^ ^cz>i_ic:i"rE:iz>. W. T. U'k.wer, Pres. Theo. F. Davidson. V. 1'. \V. B. Williamson. Cashier. DIRECTORS. \\ . T. W'eavkk. Ho.v. Theo. F. Davidsd.x. W. H. W'n.LIAMSOX. W.M. .1. C(K!KB. Geo. k. Mebaxe. i 44 <*r!^ ^t m I I i I We are the sons of a s^ood old veteran, now at rest, and when an opportunity is criven us, we are willing to lend a helping hand to assist our father's comrades. Now to the point: The old adage is help one another, and by trading at the RACKET STORE, '30 South Main street, you will get^he very || best o-oods for the money that can be had, and by so doing you will help us, and |i most assuredly help yourself, in dollars and cents, if nothing more. Try us 'FtLorie 231. STOlsTEK, BK^OS m. i Then you have got to be on the inside to enjoy the finish and quality of our work. We make a ■specialty || of starched work It's up-to-date. Shirts. 10c. Collars, 2)^c. Cufis, 5c. Shirt waists, 15. MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, 23 Church Street. Telephone 70. "Wi^siM i m m Not the VETERj5lN OLOTHIKRB, -BUT THE- II -7- None Better in the State. Satisfaction, or Money Returned. -^ morgan, Alexander $ Courtncv. *iH^i?I^kf^%ElVk2Sik^ 50 Pattoti Avenue, Drhumor Block, ASHEVILLE, N. C. (} \ (X I ■I m i i i EUREKA? To the rear through Blombcrg*s ci^ar store. K->$"^S)|jil(?.^^-« J. p. SAWYER, Pkes. J.E.RANKIN. OTIS M.COXE.Vic£-Pres. Cashier CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. $20,000 The Battery Park Bank, Organized March h 1891. It's DcDwmi Stairs mi ill •1 i ■va lY. •i \ i FIRST^ NATIONAL BANK rhe Confederate State.s and (late ol their secessi(.n) : the ^^. ( ISOTTPI CAROLINA. Dec. l'O. "W' TMISSlSSirPl. Jan. i). "in. {FLORIDA. .Jan. II. '(H. •aLABA.ALA. Jan. \\. '(jl. 4gE0R(;L\. Jan. 19. "C)!. 4L0ULSIANA, Jan. 2(5. '(U. ItEX.\S. Feb. \. -(U. 7vIRGINL\. April 17. "CI.* JaRKANSAS, Mav 6, "OL •north CAROLINA. Mav-'(i. lil. ♦ I'EXNESSEE. June 24. "61. 4MISS0URL Allgu^^t 20, 'iS\. ^KENTUCKY. Dec. 10, ■(51. \% F you wish to select from the best ines of SHOES, TRUNKS. VALISES AND UMBRELLAS i in the city, call on -1 ■<" §39) PATTON AVEo§ BAGLB CYCLES, i i EUGENE C. SAWYER. 47 Patton Ave. 'Phone 228. Bicycles rented and repaired. P.B.MILLER, (Successor to May & Hiller) WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. TINTING IN WATER COLORS. [Fine Work a Specialty. ^ocietg anb Einblem Pins. Haywood and Cidli'^'i- St ri'i't> — Telc|DKo»\e 2Ci2.— .■\SHEVILLE. .\'. r. At Wholesale Prices. arauni pao, .\SHEVILLE. -N'ORTH C.\ROLI.NA SU J ■M'.m £N AFTER THE PERFORMANCE, C.\XDIPj8 made' fresh every day, and the very best in the city. ICE (_'RE.\.M madp out of purr ISilt nidiv ci-caiii and Brick Moulds made to order. Give us a trial. No. 9 West Court Square. Telephone No. no. d () i '^HEVILLE 32'PATTON AVE." 5 & S"niber rocenes, -ale and Retail. ^HOE STORE uot Weaf : • -Wtur OOI F) VrNOER'S I ^■■1 1 ^5 i3 . , , • w r. * ■ •" o s 1 r «■ - H RcUWCCD i CO.. 7 Auo 9 PATTON AVE ^)ililliliillll!lllllllll!iillllilllliillillll!^ =i1||!|||||||!nH!!t{I!!l}||||!Ht(||!|!i|||i|[r= Old Smiling Cbcd l-'ur .Ml fCiil.i.-^ u,r STAPLE GQODS an J GROOEIRI EL'S >♦♦♦ J/J.V ! ♦♦♦♦ ■ i;> SOUTH MAIN T. G. BUTLER & M Next door to the .Maiiiet. leleplione 2') Our Nev Coffee ■ liio A I I.oui.sia!' s High Roasted ■:• ' iM',; :i- Ml "S, i:)idiiuat;i}' ui an mm. IS Snuth Mail MfiSTON & SOx - HUYLEk n.xr. FINEST CAKE AND BREAD ^-^ HESTON'S SHOES ■n^. *vh*> ~-,U J. SPANGENBERG, 4 N. Court Square. MikMH CAI-'c Ul.l •AIHIM; .\ Sl'lXIAiT^. p. L. COWAN. --^^ssn^ Jeweler. A. D COOPEJ @ Groceries. m^m^mMfimmm^'