p366.3 2 B2o _ Constitution Edgecombe Lodge, No. £0, Tarboro Che Librarp of the Ciniversitpy of Morth Carolina Collection o€ orth Caroliniana from the Zibratrp of Bae Zoelle¥ Co 366.3 a a ee "CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS, ‘RULES OF ORDER. OF EDGECOMBE LODGE, NO, $0, 1 0 0, Ey wit bias ee OF THE sere ye 1 | STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. : eee : " = : % “ss fae i a k nee 2 he a “ 4 - ; , | 3 LR. R f ie -__- INSTITUTED AT TARBORO’, OCT. 27, 1853. » ¥ TARBORO’, N. €.: mat PRINTED AT THE SOUTHERNER JOB OFFICE. 1882... " Bos . BER. he ae LRN ane Sate Shy mes a phn ao ome we A ie & er CES A ABO aN ge Trt C0 ee er f “ets POR 4 eth aie Saierioa A CERTIFICATE OF MEMBERSHIP. edzot fez fwas admitted a member of Edgecombe Lodge; NOZ0 02 fe.0- Ee ON TNC ae ee LEY Of oe ee PN eee a tain IF 178 CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS, RULES OF ORDER, OF EDGECOMBE LODGE, NO. 50,10 0. F, OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. a en INSTITUTED AT TARBORO’, OCT. 27, 1853, TARBORO’, N. C.: PRINTED AT THE SOUTHERNER JOB OFFICE. 1882. FRIENDSHIP, Love AND ) ROUTH. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. This Lodge shall be hailed and entitled EDGECOMBE Lopes, No. 50, I. O. O. F., and shall possess full powers and privileges of a Subordinate Lodge, holding a legal, unreclaimed and valid charter, granted by the R. W. Grand Lodge of the State of North Carolina, and incor- porated by the Legislature of said State; and shall exist so long as there remain five members of the Scarlet De- gree, in good standing, who are willing to work under its charter. ARTICLE II. Any white male person is eligible to membership in this Lodge, who is of: good moral character, not under twenty-one years of age, exempt from infirmities which may prevent his gaining a livelihood, and a believer in a Supreme Being, the Creator and Preserver of the Uni- verse. ARTICLE III. - Propositions for membership must be made in writing, at a regular stated meeting, by a member of the Lodge, stating the name, age, residence and occupation of the applicant, with the initiation fee, which proposition shall be entered on the records of the Lodge, and referred to a Committee, who shall inquire into the character and eS 8 Boe a Wm 4 CONSTITUTION. physical condition of the applicant and make a report at the next regular meeting ; and if, after the ballot is clos- ed, there appears in the ballot-box not more than one black ball, the Noble Grand shall declare the candidate elected ; but should there be two or more black balls in the ballot-box, the Noble Grand shall declare the candi- date rejected. And nonew application from the rejec- ted candidate shall be considered until the Pa RSE of six months. ARTICLE IV. A member of the Order, desirous of joining this Lodge by deposit of Card, shall make application through one of the members, and present his Card of withdrawal from the Lodge of which he was a member, and his applica- tion shall be referred to a committee of three members, who shall report at the next regular meeting, when a ballot shall be had, and if not more than two black balls are cast, he shall be declared elected; if three or more black balls are voted, the applicant is rejected. But no person shall be thus admitted who claims admission by virtue of a card granted by any Lodge not under the ju- risdiction of the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States. ARTICLE V An Ancient Odd Fellow, (one whose card is out of date, or lost) may be admitted to membership in the manner prescribed for Initiates in Article 3: ARTICLE VI. The fee for Initiation into this Lodge shall be not less than five dollars for persons between the ages of twenty- one and forty-five, and an additional charge to persons above the age of forty-five, of one dollar for each year to the age of fifty, and two. dollars for each year above the age of fiftv. The charge for Degrees shall be ten dol-— lars, viz: $3 for Ist and 2nd and $4 for 3rd, in advance. © Ministers of the Gospel may be admitted to membership in the Order, without the usual fees for initiation and the Degrees ; Provided, Such minister at the time of his ap- ——————eeeee eee CONSTITUTION. 5 plication be in the regular exercise of his ministry. ARTICLE VII. Any member, who has been suspended for non-pay- ment of dues, may be reinstated within one year after said suspension, by payment of one year’s dues. After one year’s suspension, by payment of the sum charged for Initiation, in both cases, to be referred to a commit- tee and lie over until the next regular meeting, and be subject to a ballot as in the case of an Initiate. Non- affiliating Odd Fellows, who have retained membership in the Order for ten consecutive years, and who at the time of application are over fifty years of age, may be admitted to membership as Non-Beneficial members, up- on the payment of five dollars admission fee, and one dollar per year dues, to be referred to a committee and lie over until the next regular meeting, and be subject to ballot as in case of an Initiate. ARTICLE VIII. A member suspended for non-payment of dues, who makes application for reinstatement, and for a withdraw- al ecard, for the purpose of joining another Lodge in the same jurisdiction, may be reinstated and granted a final ecard at any time within five years from the date of suspension, upon the payment of one year’s dues and the usual price of a card. ARTICLE IX. It shall be optional with the several Lodges subordi- nate to the R. W. Grand Lodge, to re-elect any officer. ARTICLE X. No brother from another State shall be admitted to visit or deposit his card in any Lodge in this State, unless he present a card or certificate, under the signature of the officers and seal of the Lodge of which he is a mem- ber, and endorsed with his name, and prove himself in the A. T. P. W., and in the Degree in which the Lodge is 6 CONSTITUTION. opened; Provided, nevertheless, a brother may visit, if introduced by a Grand Representative, or an elective officer of the Grand Lodge of the State: ARTICLE XI. In case a member of this Lodge is sick or disabled, the N. G. shall visit him, or cause him to be visited by the V.G., or some other brother, and, if not more than three months in arrears, shall pay bim weekly, from the funds of the Lodge, the sums as specified in By-Laws, Ar- ticle 19, Section 4. And it shall be the duty of the N. G. to so arrange, as that sick brothers shall be visited at least once a day during their illness; - and he shall have a correct roll of the members of the Lodge, and, if need be, and the circumstances require it, he shall notify two of ‘the members in rotation, as they stand upon the rol, to attend each sick member during the night, and administer such assistance as may be in their power: Provided, The disease be not contagious, infectious, or dangerous to others; in which event he shall, if necessary, employ a nurse to be paid from the funds of the Lodge. No brother can pay up his dues after his sickness or disability has begun, so as to entitle himself to benefits ; and no brother ean fall in arrears du- ring his sickness or disability, because the Lodge can and must retain enough of the benefits to keep him in good standing. ARTICLE XII. Every member of a Lodge, after six months’ member- ship, in case of sickness, or disability which shall render him unable to follow his usual business avocation, shall receive from the funds of the Lodge the sums as specified in By-Laws, Article 19, Section 4, during such sickness or disability; Provided, He is _ not more than three months in arrears for dues, and such sickness or disability was not caused by intem- perance or any immoral conduct. ARTICLE XIII. In the case of the death of a member of this Lodge, not CONSTITUTION, - ; yo nore than three months in arrears, not caused by violation of any of the principles of our Order, there shall be allowed from the funds of the Lodge forty dollars, to de- fray the burial expenses of said brother, which the N. G. shall cause without delay to be paid to the person who incurs the expense of interment. The N. G., in case of the absence of competent relatives, shall take charge of the funeral. and have his remains decently buried, at the expense of the Lodge ; and in either case, the Secretary shall charge’ the members. pro rata, a sum sufficient to meet the expenses, which charge shall constitute dues to the Lodge. ARTICLE XIV. Any member who shall violate any of the principles of the Order, or offend against these articles, or the By- _Laws, shall be subject to be fined, reprimanded, suspen- ded or expelled, as the By-Laws may direct, ancient usage require, or the Lodge determine. ARTICLE XV. Every member shall be entitled to a fair trial for any offense involving reprimand, suspension, or expulsion; bu no member of this Lodge shall be put on trial, unless charges duly specifying his offense be submitted to the Lodge, in writing, by a member of the Order, except when made liable for the non-payment of dues to the Lodge. ARTICLE XVI. When charges have been preferred against a brother in a proper manner, or when any disputes, aggrievances or differences, existing between members, shall be brought before the Lodge, the N. G. of the Lodge shall thereupon appoint a committee of five brethren who shall summon the contending parties, and examine and determine the matter in question. Should the case not involve the ex- pulsion or suspension of a member, or should no appeal be taken from the decision of the committee of the Lodge, then their decision shall be final, without further action 8 . CONSTITUTION. from the Lodge. Should the committee, however, be convinced of the necessity of suspending or expelling a member, then they shall, without delay, submit a mo- tion for the purpose to the Lodge, accompanied by the entire evidence in the case, clearly written, for action. ARTICLE XVII. When the motion for the suspension or expulsion of a brother shall have been submitted in due form, it shall be announced in open Lodge, on the two Lodge nights previous to its being acted upon; and the accused shall be summoned to be in attendance at the Lodge, at the time when it may have determined to consider the ques- tion—at which time, should the accused brother be pres- ent, he shall be allowed to submit his final testimony and defense, when the Lodge shall proceed to consider and determine the matter, which shall be by vote of two- thirds of the members present; and if the accused be ex- pelled, shall not again be admitted into the Lodge, (un- less the decision be reversed by the Grand Lodge,) and notice thereof shall be sent to the Grand and Subordinate Lodges of the State: Provided, nevertheless, That when a member is suspended for non-payment of dues, he may be reinstated without the intervention of the Grand Lodge. Should the accused member acknowledge his guilt, upon charges duly preferred, the penalty shall be imposed without trial ; but should he, however, refuse to stand trial, he may be expelled for contempt. ARTICLE XVIII. The elective officers of this Lodge shall consist of N. G., V. G., Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be elected semi-annually, at the last half yearly meeting in June and December, and shall be installed at the next succeed- ing regular meeting after the election, or as soon there- after as practicable, and shall serve a regular term of six months. They must be balloted for separately ; and re- ceive a majority of all the votes polled; and have receiv- ed the third degree ; ad any candidate attempting to in- fluence an election, directly or indirectiy, shall be fined such sum as the Lodge may determine, and be ineligible CONSTITUTION. , 9 to any office for two years thereafter. Nominations for candidates to fill any of the elective offices shall be made only one Lodge night immediately preceding, and on the night of election. ARTICLE XIx. No brother shall be eligible to the office of N. G., unless he has served a regular term as contemplated by the law as V. G.; nor shall a brother be eligible to the office of V. G., unless he has served in an elective office to the end of the term, or filled some inferior station twenty-six nights, . and shall have received the third degree, and degree of Rebekah, if his Lodge has received said degree, and not in arrears to the Lodge, unless by special dispensation of the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE XxX. The appointed officers shall be Chaplain, Warden, Con- duetor, 0. G., I. G., R. 8. S. and L. 8. 8., R. and L. 8. N.G., appointed by the N. G., and R. and L. 8. V. G., appointed by the V.\G., all of whom shall be Scarlet members, members of Rebekah degree, and not in arrears to the Lodge. ARTICLE XXI. _ Any elected or appointed officer, who shall have ab- sented himself from the Lodge for more than three suc- cessive Lodge nights, ‘shall thereby vacate his seat, unless excused by the Lodge; and another officer shall be elec- ted or appointed as the case may require, who shall fill the situation for the remainder of the term, and shall re- ceive all the honors of the station, as though he had serv- ed the full term. ARTICLE XXII. It shall be the duty of the Lodge, through the N. G. and V. G. and Secretary, immediately upon the expira- ion of their term of service, to prepare a regular semi- 10 CONSTITUTION. annual report of the work during the term, according to the forms required by the Grand Lodge, "which report shall be accompanied by whatever amount may be due the Grand Lodge, and handed to the installing officer be- fore the installation of officers. The bond of the Treas- urer elect shall also be taken by the above named officers, and be ready by the night of installation. ARTICLE XXIII. Any member feeling himself aggrieved by the action of the Lodge, shall be entitled to an appeal to the Grand Lodge: Provided, That the appeal be written in dupli- ‘ate, and both copies be placed in the hands of the N. G,, within two weeks after application therefor. ARTICLE XXIV. This Lodge shall set apart not less that ten per cent. of the regular quarterly dues received from its members, Which shall constitute a Widows’ and Orphans’ Fund, and be held in trust by. a committee of three, to be elec- ted by the Lodge, at its last meeting night in each and every year, the chairman of said committee to give bond for the safe keeping of said funds, for the relief of the Widows and education of the children of the deceased members of the Lodge. IARTICLE XXV. The Secretary of each Lodge in this State shall for- ward to the Grand Secretary at least two weeks before the date of each session of the R. W. Grand Lodge, a certificate of the election. of Representative from his. Lodge to the Grand Lodge, and also furnish said Repre- sentative a duplicate copy. ARTICLE XXVI. Each Subordinate Lodge in this jurisdiction shall noti- — fy the Encampment of w ‘hich the brother was a member, whenever his membership is reversed hy expulsion or ee CONSTITUTION. 11 withdrawal from his Lodge. ARTICLE XXVU. Each Subordinate Lodge shall eiect its Representative to the R. W. Grand Lodge on the first meeting in April each year. ARTICLE XXVIII. All fines imposed according to law upon any member of a Subordinate Lodge shall be charged against such member as dues, and the non-payment ‘thereof shall sub- ject him to the like-penalties as those imposed for the non-payment of dues. APPENDIX TO CONSTITUTION. The following General Laws are added for the benefit of all concerned: Resolved, That any Subordinate Lodge under the ju-. risdiction of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina can, un- der such regulations as the Subordinate Lodge may adopt, employ reg~lar nurses to sit up and attend upon a sick brother in lieu of appointing by rotation two breth- ren to sit up with a sick brother, as is now required by law: Provided, That this shall in no way interfere with the present requirement demanding that sick brothers shall be visited by the officers and members of the Lodge. —Journal 1875, page 155. - Resolved, That whenever application is made in a Sub- ordinate Lodge for advancement in the degrees, two black balls will be necessary to reject the applicant.— Journal 1876, page 283. Resolved, That any brother three months in arrears | for dues shall forfeit all money benefits. Resolved, That a brother when three months in arrears for dues shall be notified by the Secretary. If his dues remain unpaid for six months he shall again he notified ; and for twelve months he shall, without further notice, at a regular meeting, be declared suspended by the o UY. CONSTITUTION. 13 Resolved, That hereafter no member of a Subordinate Lodge shull be entitled to the Semj-Annual Pass Word un- til all dues, fines and assessments shall have been paid for the previous term.—Journal 1877, page 437. Resolved, That the unmarried daughters of Odd Fel- lows of the Fifth Degree, who are above the age of eigh- teen years, be and are hereby made suitable candidates for admission into Lodges of the Degree of Rebekah. when proposed by either parent or by a guardian, and that the same rule apply to unmarried sisters of Odd Fellows of the Scarlet Degree, when proposed by their brother.—Journal 1879. page 184. Resolved. That the per capita tax on Subordinates must be estimated according to the roll of members as it stands (including those in arrears, as well as those in good standing) at the close of the last meeting nights in June and December. and no Lodges, except Degree Lodges. are exempt from the operations of this tax.—Approved Decision, Journal 1877, page 388. Resolved, That the District Deputy Grand Masters shall be appointed by the Grand Master, by and with the con- sent of the Grand Lodge, and shall have jurisdiction only : _be responsible that the work of the Order is performed in his own district. and shall be known by the style and title of Worthy District Deputy Grand Master. They shall enforce due observance of the Constitution and By- La-vs of the Grand Lodge; be the organs of the Grand Master with the Subordinates in their district, and shall uniformly; confer the official degrees on Past Officers, when requested to do so; install the officers of Lodges under their charge, obeying the same laws that are now in force for the government of installing officers, and shall have authority to appoint special deputies to per- form said duty when they cannot attend at the installa- tion in person. They shall decide all questions of law that may be submitted to them by the Lodge or members under their charge, with the right of appeal to the Grand Master reserved to the Lodge or member affected by their decision. They shall report their action to the Grand Master semi-annually, and shall report forthwith 14 CONSTITUTION. to the Grand Master all cases of violation by Subordi- nates of the laws of the Lodge or disobedience to its law- ful commands; and in addition shall perform such other duty as the Grand Lodge may enjoin.—Journal 1875, Page 142. Resolved, That any D. D. Grand Master may be re- moved from such office by the Grand Master for neglect to perform the duties enjoined on said officer by this law.—Journal 1875, page 142. . * wre ai) ve “ wet oh 7 ge | : ks | . Ae ee BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. NAME. This Lodge shall be known by the name, style and title of Epe@rcomsr Lopes No. 50, I. O. O. F., under the Jurisdiction of the R. W. Grand Lodge of North Carolina. ARTICLE II. < MEETINGS. | Sec. 1. The regular meetings of this Lodge shall be held on Monday evening of each week. The Noble Grand ‘may call special meetings at his discretion, or when re- quested by five members in good standing, or by a vote of the Lodge. Sec. 2. The time of meeting shall be at seven o’clock during the months of November, December, January and February, at half past seven o’clock during March, April, September and Octcber, and at eight o’clock during May, June, July and August. Sec. 3. Five third degree members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE IIf. DUTIES OF NOBLE GRAND. The N. G. shall preside at all meetings, and preserve order, and may enforce the same by fines of One Dollar for each and every offense. His decisions shall be sub- ject to appeal. He must see that committees perform. their duties, sign all drafts on the Treasurer, and perform such other duties appertaining to his office. 2 BY-LAWS. ARTICLE IV. DUTIES OF VICE-GRAND. The V. G. shall assist the N. G. in his duties of presid- ing over the Lodge, appoint his own supporters and the minority of all Standing Committees; have special charge of the door when so ordered by the N. G. He shall pre- side at all meetings in the absence of the N. G., and per-, form all duties required by the laws and usages of the Order, and by the Constitution and By-Laws. ARTICLE V. DUTIES OF RECORDING SECRETARY. The Recording Secretary shall have charge of the seal of the Lodge and affix the same to all official communi- cations. He shall keep a special book for the name, age, and occupation of each member, when, and how admit- ted, by card or otherwise, the number of Degrees attain- ed and date of withdrawal, death and expulsion, also a book of rejected candidates, members suspended or ex< pelled. He shall keep a correct record of the transactions -of the Lodge and all other duties enjoined by the Consti- tution and By-Laws. ARTICLE VI. DUTIES OF PERMANENT SECRETARY. The Permanent Secretary shall keep a just and true account between the Lodge and its members, receive all moneys due the Lodge and pay the same to the Treasurer at each meeting, taking his receipt therefor. He shall at the end of each term notify every member who is thirteen weeks or more in arrears for dues, and if not settled in three weeks thereafter, report the same to the Lodge. ew a ae BY-LAWS. 3 ARTICLE VII. DUTIES OF TREASURER. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of. the receipts and disbursements of the Lodge, and be prepar- ed to report the condition of its finances on every Lodge night. He shall give bond with two members as security Rhee amount as the Lodge may prescribe from time o time. ARTICLE VIII. DUTIES OF OUTSIDE GUARDIAN. The Outside Guardian shall serve all notices delivered to him by the Secretary, attend the outer door and per- form such other duties as may be required by the N. G. ARTICLE IX. DUTIES OF INSIDE GUARDIAN. _ The Inside Guardian shall attend the inner door and perform such other duties appertaining to his oflice. ) ARTICLE .X. ) DUTIES OF WARDEN. The Regalia and Paraphernalia of the Lodge shall be nder the especial care of the Warden. ARTICLE XI. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, ETC. It shall be the duty of the N. G., V. G. and Permanent ecretary immediately upon the expiration of their terms f service, to prepare a regular Semi-Annual Report of he work during their term, according to the form pre- cribed by the Grand Lodge, which report shall be ac- 4 BY-LAWS. companied with whatever amount may be due the Grand Lodge, and handed to the Installing Officer before the installation of officers. The bond of Treasurer also shall be taken by the above named officers and be ready on the night of installation, ARTICLE XII. ELIGIBILITY OF OFFICERS. Sec. 1. No brother shall be eligible to the office of Noble Grand, unless he shall have filled the office of Vice Grand, and he shall not be eligible to the office of Vice Grand, unless he has served twenty-six regular meeting nights in some subordinate office. Sec. 2. A brother must have attained the Third Degree to be eligible to any of the following offices: Recording or Permanent Secretary, Treasurer, ‘Warden, Right or Left Supporter to Noble Grand, Right or Left Supporter to Vice Grand, and Inside or Outside Gardian. ARTICLE XIII. INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. Sec. 1. On the first regular meeting of the new term, - under the head of New Business, the report of officers shall be received and acted upon, when, if report be sat- isfactory and the Installing Officer is present, the Instal- lation shall take place. Sec. 2. If any elected officer shall fail to appear at the appointed time for installation, his election shall be de- clared void and a new election gone into, unless he be prevented by sickness or other satisfactory excuse be given and received. Then the Lodge may postpone the Installation of their officers. Sec. 3. No member shall be installed who is indebted to the Lodge, ARTICLE XIV. COMMITTEES. Sec. 1. Three Past Grands shall be selected on the last. BY-LAWS. 5 meeting night in December of each year, as the Widows’ and Orphans’ Committee, who shall look after the inter- est of any widow or orphan of any deceased brother and attend to their wants. Their term of office shall be twelve months. Sec. 2. Also a Finance Committee consisting of three brethren, whose duty shall be to investigate and pass upon all bills presented to the Lodge, and render such report as may be required of them at the close of a term. Their term of office shall be six months. Sec. 3. The Vice Grand and Sitting Past Grand shall constiiute an Examining Committee, whose duty will be to examine all visiting brethren and introduce them to the Lodge. Sec. 4. The Noble Grand shall be empowered to ap- point such other committees as may be needed and not otherwise provided for. ARTICLE XV. SALARIES, &C. Sec. 1. The Recording Secretary shall receive 50 cents for each regular meeting he may serve. See. 2. The Permanent Secretary and Treasurer shall receive as remuneration, the amount of their quarterly dues. Sec. 38. The Outside Guardian shall receive 5 cents per capita for notices served on members as required in Art. 8 of these By-Laws. ARTICLE XVI. MEMBERSHIP, Sec. 1. Any white male person is eligible to member- ship in this Lodge, who is of good moral character, not under twenty-one and not over forty-six years of age, who is of good health and sound body, and a believer in a Supreme Being, Creator and Preserver of the Universe. Sec. 2. Propositions for membership must be made in writing at a regular meeting, stating name, age and occupation of the applicant, and must be accompanied 6 BY-LAWS. by the Initiation Fee of Five Dollars. The application must then be referred to a committee of three members who shall inquire into the moral character and physical condition of the applicant, and make their report at the next regular meeting. when the N. G. shall order a ball ballot, and if, after the ballot is closed, there appears in the box not more than one black ball, the N. G. shall declare the candidate elected. But should there be two or more black balls the N. G. shall declare the candidate rejected, and no new application from the rejected can- didates can be considered under an expiration of six months. Sec. 8. No candidate shall be initiated on the night of his election. ARTICLE XVII. FINES AND PENALTIES. Sec. 1. An elected and appointed officer who is absent at roll-call may be fined fifty cents unless he shall give a satisfactory excuse to the Lodge. Sec. 2. All fines shall be noted by the Permanent, Sec- retary and charged to the Brother’s account as dues. Sec. 3. The Noble Gr and, Vice Grand, Treasurer, Right and Left Supporters to the ‘Noble and Vice Gr and, shall constitute a Visiting Committee, whose duty it shall be to visit the sick within twenty-four hours after receiving information of the same and continue to render assis- tance during sickness. The N. G. shall visit on Sunday and shall present to the sick all drafts for sick ben- efits, the Treasurer, on- Monday, who. shall pay the amount due as per order of the Lodge, the Vice Grand on Tuesday, the Right Supporter to the N. G. on Wednesday, Left Supporter to the N. G. on Thursday, the Right Supporter to the V. G. on Friday, and the Left Supporter to the V. G. on Satur day. . The Noble Grand shall report the condition of the sick Brother and, if nee- cessary, take from the roll of members two to attend each sick Brother during the night, providing the disease be not contagious or “dangerous ‘to others. In which case the committee shall employ a nurse to be paid out of the funds of the Lodge. BY-LAWS. . 4 Sec. 4. Any member of the Visiting Committee who shall neglect to perform his duty shall be fined Two Dollars for each offense, and any Brother neglecting or refusing to act willingly or to nurse the sick when sum- moned by the N. G. through the Recording Secretary, shall be fined Five Dollars for each neglect or refusal, unless satisfactory excuse be made. Any Brother who is incapaciated to act as nurse may employ a substitute, and in every such case shall obtain a Brother Odd Fellow to so act if possible so to do. See. 5. Any Brother of this Lodge who is in arrears over (13) thirteen weeks, whether the same be for dues, fines or assessments, shall not be privileged to speak or’ vote on any subject, nor shall he receive benefits until after such arrearages, fines or assessments are paid, and no member who has been suspended shall receive benefits or partake of any of the privileges of an active member until after he has been reinstated. Sec. 6. Every member who shall neglect or refuse to pay his arrearages to the Lodge for the space of eleven months, shall be notified thereof by the Permanent Sec- retary, and if, after one month, his account still remajns unsettled, he shall cease to be a member. See. 7. Any member who shall accept an appointment on a committee, and neglect the same, shall be sub- ject to a fine of One Dollar. Every member who, after being notified to attend the funeral of a Brother and shall fail to attend, shall be fined Two Dollars and Fifty Cents. Sickness, or attendance upon the sick, absence, or attendance on duty as a juryman, shall bea sufficient excuse to remit these fines and penalties. - Sec. 8. If any Brother disregards the authority of the N. G. by persisting in using improper language or con- ducting himserf in an improper manner, the Lodge shall have power to inflict on him such penalties as it may judge the nature of the offence to require, and which may extend to expulsion. , 4 Sec. 9. Any Brother guilty of improper conduct in or out of the Lodge, or who shall bring charges against & brother which he is unable to prove, or shall knowingly propose unworthy characters for membership, shall be ‘subject to fine, suspension or expulsion, according to the gravity of the offense. Say: Sec. 10. Any brother guilty of habitual drunkeness, 8 BY-LAWS. or any infamous offense against the laws of the land, or feigning himself sick with a view to abuse the henevo- lent intentions of the Order, may be expelled. Sec. 11. Every member of the Lodge is particularly enjoined to treat each other with proper delicacy and respect in or out of the Lodge. No personalities or sar- castic language shall be indulged in at any meeting. Sec. 12. Ifany Brother shall divulge the name of a Brother who shall think proper to speak or yote against a candidate for membership, or if any Brother shall make public any business which should be confined to the Lodge, he shall be fined or expelled at the pleasure of the Lodge, such fine in no case to be less than Five Dollars. When a rejection occurs, the Brother who pro- posed the candidate shall be appointed a committee to inform him of his rejection without disclosing on other proceedings of the Order. Sec. 13. All officers having any key, the use of which deprives the Lodge of the use of any books, papers or Regalia, and absenting himself from the regular meet- ings of the Lodge or from special session without send- ing the same to the Lodge, shall be fined One Dollar, unless excused by a two-thirds vote of the Lodge. Sec. 14. The following acts shall be deemed punisha- ble, by a vote of two- thirds of the members present, by fines, suspensions, or expulsions : 1. The use of the Regalia of the Lodge or the em- blems of the Order in business vocations. 2. Indecent language. 3. Revelations of secrets or business of the Lodge. 4. Entering the Lodge in a state of intoxication. 5. Refusing to attend a summons, or neglecting to attend after being summoned. 6. Abuse of the property of the Lodge. It shall be the duty of the N. G. to enforce the fore- eoing penalties on every member who renders himself liable to chem unless they may be excused by a two- thirds vote of the Lodge. Sec. 15. The seat of any officer of this Lodge which shall remain unfilled by himself for three successive reg- ular meetings, shall be declared vacant, unless sickness of himself, family or pressiug business shall be the cause of his absence. BY-LAWS. 9 ARTICLE XVIIE. WITHDRAWAL AND VISITING CARDS. Sec. 1. Application for Cards shall be made personally or by some Brother authorized over the signature of the applicant, and a Card shall be thereupon granted, if the applicant be clear of the books, and there be no valid objection. If any Brother objects to granting a Card, a vote of the Lodge shall be taken, and a majority shall decide whether it shall be granted or not. Sec. 2. A Withdrawai Card granted by this Lodge to a Brother applying therefor, severs his connection with it, and releases the same from all liabilities for benefits, whether the Card be actually taken or not. If the Card be taken, the Brother receiving it is entitled to the A. T. P. W. at that time, and retains the right to visit one year. Sec. 3. A Visiting Card may be granted in the same manner as a Withdrawal Card, but does not release the Lodge from liabilities for sick benefits. The Card will be valid for the length of time expressed on its face, and to obtain such a Card a Brother shall pay all arrears and dues up to the time for which it is granted. It shall be returned to the Lodge by the Brother holding it at expi- ration of time granted. Sec. 4. This Lodge may for a good cause rescind or an- nul a Withdrawal or Visiting Card which it may have granted. ARTICLE XIX. DUES, BENEFITS AND FEES FOR DEGREES. Sec. 1. Every member of this Lodge shall pay One Dol- lar and Fifty Cents per quarter for dues, payable on the first meeting nights in January, April, July and October, in advance. See. 2. The fee for initiation in this Lodge, shall be Five Dollars, and must invariably accompany the appli- cation. ; : The fees for degrees shall be as follows: For the first, Three Dollars, for the second, Three Dollars, and for i0 BY-LAWS. the third, Four Dollars. Sec. 8. No degree shall be balloted for until the fee has yas pal nor shall a degree be conferred upon a Broth- , unless he be free from all charges upon the Lodge Hoke nor upon a Brother who is a member of another Lodge, without first obtaining permission, in writing, from the Lodge of which he is a member. See. 4. Every Brother of this Lodge, who has been a member six months, and is not disqualified by any Arti- cle of these by-Laws, shall, in case of his being incapa- citated by sickness or accident, from following his usual occupation, be entitled to receive out of the General Fund of this Lodge the sum of One Dollar per week if he be an Initiate, One Dollar and a half if a First Degree, Two Dollars if a Second Degree, and Four Dollars if a Third Degree member, during his sickness or disability, provided such is not the result of any immoral conduct on his part. Sec. 5. On the death of a Brother ented to receive benefits, there shall be Forty Dollars appropriated to de- fray the expenses of burial. and on the death of a wife of a Brother entitled as above. the Lodge shall pay Thir- ty Dollars. Sec. 6. If a member of any other Lodge shall apply to this Lodge for relief, his case shall be refered to the Vis- . iting Committee together with che necessary papers re- quired by the By-Laws of the Order. See. 7. Any member of this Lodge holding a Visiting Card who may be taken ill in any other place’ where this Order exists, shall notify the nearest Lodge of such illness or disability for the purpose of obtaining proper atten- tion and relief. A certificate setting forth time, cause and duration of such illness or disability is indispensable to obtain the amount specified in the fourth and fifth sections of this Article. ARTICLE XX, ELECTIONS. See. 1. At the regular election of officers and after the usual business of the Lodge, the Warden shall wait on the Brethren with paper hallots; the votes shall be read out BY-LAWS. 11 aloud by two tellers appointed by the Nob ay Should there be more ballots fee voters a ae balloting shall be void and a new one entered into. Sec. 2. The tellers shall in no case cast as a part of the ballot or poll any vote cast for any person who is not at the time in actual nomination for office for which the vote is cast. See. 8. A majority of all votes shall be required to elect. If there be no choice on the first ballot, the balloting shall continue until an election is affected, dropping out _ at each balloting the Brother receiving the lowest num- ber of votes. ARTICLE XXI. TRIALS. Sec. I. Any Brother who shall violate any of the prin- ciples of the Order, or offend against these By-Laws, shall be subject to be fined, reprimanded, suspended or expelled, as the By-Laws may direct. Sec. 2. Every member shall be entitled to a fair trial for any offence involving reprimand, suspension or eX- pulsion, but no memper of this Lodge shall be put on trial unless charges duly specifying his offense be sub- mitted to the Lodge in writing by a member of the Order, ‘except when made liable for non-payment of dues or fines. Sec. 8. When charges have been preferred against a Brother in a proper manner, or when any dispute, ag- grievances or differences existing between members has been brought before the Lodge, the Noble Grand shall thereupon appoint a cominittee of five (5) Brothers who shall summon the contending parties and examine and determine the matter in question. Should the case not involve the expulsion or suspension of a member, or should no appeal be taken from the decision of the com- mittee of the Lodge, then their decision shall be final without further action by the Lodge. Should the com- mittee be convinced of the necessity of suspending or expelling a member, then they shall, without delay, sub- mit the matter for the purpose to the Lodge, accompa- nied by the entire evidence in ‘the case clearly written, for action. 12 BY-LAWS. Sec. 4. When the motion for the expu'sion or suspen- sion of a Brother shall have been submitted in due form, it shall be answered in open Lodge on the two Lodge nights previous to its being acted upon, and the testimony shall be read. The accused shall be summoned to be in attendance at the Lodge at the time, when it may have been determined to consider the question, at which time should the accused Brother be present, he shall be allow- ed to submit his final testimony and defense, when the Lodge shall proceed to consider and determine the mat- ter, which shall be by a vote of two-thirds of all the members present. If the accused be expelled he shall not again be admitted into the Lodge (unless the decision be reversed by Grand Lodge) and notice thereof shall be sent to the Grand and all Subordinate Lodges of the State. When a member is suspended for non-payment of dues, he may be reinstated without the intervention of the Grand Lodge. Should the accused member acknowl- edge his guilt upon charges duly preferred, the penalty shall be imposed without trial, but should he however refuse to stand trial, he may be expelled for contempt. ARTICLE XXII. ALTERATIONS. Sec. 1. No alterations, amendments, nor additions to these By-Laws, nor any which may hereafter be adopted, shall be made unless by a proposition in writing offered at a stated meeting, when, if a majority of the members present agree to consider the same, it shall be taken into consideration at the second regular stated meeting there- _ after, at which time, if the proposition receives the ap- probation of two-thirds of the legal voters present, it shall be adopted. Sec. 2. The By-Laws heretofore regulating the work of this Lodge are hereby repealed. ARTICLE XXIII. MISCELLANEOUS. These By-Laws were read and adopted by Edgecombe BY-LAWS. 13 Lodge No. 50, I. 0. O. F., Tarboro’, N. C., February 20th, 1882, and were approved by R. 'W. Grand Lodge of North Carolina, May 10th, 1882. ORDER OF BUSINESS. I. Brother Secretary, 1 will thank youto eall the roll of officers. 1. You will now please read proceedings of last Lodge night. 3. Officers absent at last meeting called and fined. Il. Does any brother know of a sick brother or a broth- er aye distress ? Members of this Lodge sick to be reported. 2, ‘Report of the Visiting Committee. TIT. Report of the Investigating Committee. IV. Previous proposals for membership will now be considered. V. Application for Degrees. VI. Balloting for new “members and for applicants for Degrees. VII. Candidates will now be admitted and the Initiato- ry and other Degrees conferred. Vill. Has any brother a friend to propose to become a member of this Lodge ? {X. Unfinished business appearing on the minutes to be attended to. 1. Report of Special Committees. e Other unfinished business. New Business. X, Has any brother anything to offer for the good. of theOr der. 1, Communications. 2. Bills. 8. Report of the Com- mittee on Finance. 4. Other business. 5. Read- ing minutes and receipts of the evening. 6. Clos- ing. . RULES OF ORDER. =f j + Any member who shall deliver an opinion or speak y debate, shall rise and respectfully address the N. fe shall confine himself to the subject under consid- , and in all cases avoid personalities. If two or Brothers rise to speak at the same time, the N. G. decide which is entitled to the floor. o member shall speak more than twice on the subject without leave, nor shall any member while ng, name another by his proper name, but shall ome other designation. any Brother while speaking be called to order by . G. or by any other Brother, he shall cease to speak take his seat until it is determined whether he is in or not. ; 6 motion shall be open for discussion or decision the same has been seconded and announced to the + by the N. G. Any motion shall be reduced to rif required by the N. G. or Secretary or any embers of the Lodge. en a motion is before the Lodge, no motion shall ved but to close the Lodge, to lay on the table, ious question, to postpone indefinitely, to post- a given day, to commit or recommit, or to hich several motions shall have precedence as here stand arranged, the first three to be decided rout debate. ; When a question has been decided, it cannot be re- sidered unless a motion for reconsideration be made and seconded by members who voted in the majority, on or before the next regular meeting thereafter, on which motion no Brother shall be allowed to speak more than once or longer than five minutes. Y. Any member may call for the reading of any paper Mesa to the subject under consideration, unless oo ee) ad 16 RULES OF ORDER. a majority of Brothers object. 8. Every Brother present shall vote on all occasions if required, unless he is immediately or personally interested or excused by the Lodge or N. G. 9. No report shall be altered or amended unless recom- mitted to the committee from which it came, but all res- olutions or questions of adoption shall be altered or amended as the Lodge may determine. 10. Any motion made and seconded may be referred to a standing or special committee or discussed in open Lodge, as the majority may determine. 11. No Brother will be allowed to leave the room dur- ing Initiation. No Brother shall leave the room while the Lodge is in session, unless excused by the N. G. 12. No standing Rule of Order of this Lodge shall be altered or rescinded without the consent of three-fourths of the Brothers present, but a standing rule may be sus- pended for the time being by a majority, to suit cases of emergency when such may occur. 13. When a motion or resolution has been laid on the table; it shall require a two-thirds vote to take it up. PRAYERS. ON OPENING THE LODGE. Most Holy and glorious Lord God, the Great Arch- itect of the Universe, the giver of all good gifts and graces. Thou hast promised that when two or three are gathered together in thy name, Thou wilt be in the ‘midst of them. In Thy name we assemble most hum- bly, beseeching Thee to bless us in our undertaking. that we may know and serve Thee aright, and that all our actions may tend to Thy glory, and to our ad- vancement in knowledge and virtue, and at last be re- ceived into the joy of our Lord. Amen. ert Ce ON CLOSING THE LODGE. Almighty and most Merciful Lord God, Our Heaven- ly Father, we humbly thank Thee that Thou hast per- mitted us to enjoy this, another Lodge meeting ;_ let Thy blessings rest upon us, and all faithful Odd Fel- lows. May brotherly love prevail, and every moral and social virtue cement us while members of this Lodge below, and when this earthly house of our Tabernacle shall be dissolved, grant that we may have a house ‘not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Amen. FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION — iii