Vtf^t 1Librar|> oftljc ©mbersiitpofiSortfiCarolma ^flis! book fctjas; pres^entelr Mo. J. K . O-^ejTSon Ike honor ol your presence is retjuested at tlie v^eiliup o 1 a Plark er In Ine olte ol line Ijoiilederate Arsenal N rayetteville, iSortii L'arolina Tuesdav morning, i'lay twenty-second at eleven o clock One thousand nine kundred and twenty-eight Erected Ly J. t. 13. btuart L'lnapter iNorth L'arolina Division United Daiiolilers ol the L'onlederacy ana he iMortli i'arolina llistorical i Commission i'lrs. John lluske Anderson (jnairinan i^rs. Paul K. SUer Iresiaent UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00032757936 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION Form No. A-368