I 11/ 1 w .< , UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL I! Ill III 00022226752 JlNlVbHbl I Y Oh N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://www.archive.org/details/tenhoodsorlifefrOOmcwh THE Ten Hoods, or Life, FROM THE CRADLE TO THE THRONE, ?OR THE YOUNG AND THE OLD. BY Rev. L. McWHERTER, A. M. Author of " The Three Kingdoms" and " The King of Glory." THE SOUTHWESTERN COMPANY, PUBLISHERS AND MANUFACTURERS, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, 1912. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1887^ By L. McWHERTER, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. (H) TO Lizzie Lee and Leta, My Dear and Affectionate Daughters, is this volume for youth and years, tovingly and hopefully dedicated BY A DEVOTED FATHER. teife iA nofcfe, or ignoSFe, •K& tRc ^earA go roffiija' rotnjb t bet it 6c coftaf (SjoiL aoou?c| ^cwe it, SfonQ tfie crailfe to tft.e crooon. M \ letZt^u* fc R EPACE, ZN offering this volume to the public we are actuated by a desire to assist all who peruse its pages in attaining to higher and holier lives. It has been our purpose to paint the pictures of life, according to our ideal, just as they ought to appear, in the varied phases and relationships from infancy to old age. If we shall succeed in pleasing the old, encouraging the middle-aged, and influencing our young readers to make this model life their own, as they pass through its different stages, we shall have accomplished our purpose and compassed our mpst ardent desire. Most fraternally, L. McWHERTER.