MINUTES OF THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN SYNOD AND '^^".STlSm NORTH CAROLINA, Convened at Sandy Creek Church, Davidson Co, North Carohna, AprU 28th 1843 and continued on the 29lh of April and the 1st and 2nd days of May following. ' iS«t I tCmo re: PRINTED AT PUBLICATION ROOMS, NO. 7, SOUTH LIBERTT STREET. 1843. MINUTES, Pursuant lo a rcsolailon of its'last meeting, tlie Synod of North Carolina convcMied at Sandy Creek church, Davidson county, on Friday before the last. Sabbath in April, 1843, at 10 o'clock, A. M. and was opened with singing and prayer by the President. Dr. E. L. Hazelius, the Professor of Theology in the Seminary at Lex- ington, S. C, being present, preached an appropriate sermon from JMark, 13th chap. S4th verse. *' For the So)i of man is as a man ialdng a fas journey^ tcho left his house^ and gave autJiority to Ids servants^ and to every ma?i Jiis 7ror/c, and commanded the porter to watch?'' Synod took a recess for half an hour, — after which it was called to order by the President, and the following brethren answerecl to' their names and took their seats. MINISTERS PRESENT. JVrtmfs. Post Office Address. IRev. henry GR^BER, Salisbxiry, Roic an' county, .V. C. 2 " WM. ARTZ, • HolVs Storey Ormige coxmty, Jsi\ C. 3 " BENJAMIN AREY, iJoxcmsville, Rowan county, ^T. C. 4 " SAMUEL ROTH ROCK, RoctcviHe P. 0., Rowan county, J^". ai 5 " JOHN D. SCHF-CK, Salisbury, Rowmi county, X. C. 6 " WM. G. HARTER, -Concord, Cabarrtis county, .Y. C. 7 " JACOB CRIM, Lexington, Davidson coi.nty. A*. C. j ABSENTEES. 8 Rev. A. GRIMES, Wilkesborovgh, Wilkes county, M C 9 •' J. SWICEGOOD,* Broicntotcn, Davidson county, .V. C. 10 " J. GRIESON, Clapp's P. O.y Guilford county, jr. C. il " rAlJ> IvISTLER,i JVilfonis'sMills P/O, Citawba Co.,X. a LAY-DELEGATES. 1 Mr. GEORGE CLINE, From Rev. H. Grxhcr's Churches. 2 " JOHN ZIMMERMAN, '• IVnu Arte's " 3 " GEORGE BOGER, • ". B. Arty's . " 4 MATTHIAS BARRIER, E^q., " S. Rothrock's 6 Mr. WM. H. SMITH, " J. D. Scheck's " 6 Col. J. SHIMPOCK, " Ji'm. G. Hartcr's " T " JOHN M. SMITH, " J. trhi'^, ' - *Aftcrwnrds appeared and took his seal. ■f Missionary in CKtavvba efiunly — absent with excuse. The President read his annual report, which was received and referred to a committee. The election for officers of Synod being^ next in order, the Synod went into that election, \Ahich resulted as follows : Rev. WILLIAM ARTZ, President, " WM. G. HARTER, Secretary. CoL. JOHN SHIiMPOCK, Treasurer. The Rev. Dr. Hazelius was introduced to Synod by brother Scheck, and invited to a seat and to participate in our delibera- tions. Also, Rev. J. F. W. Leppard, the ministerial delegate from the South Carolina Synod to this body, appeared and was invited to a seat and vote. Mr. Joseph A. Linn, a student from the Lex- ington Seminary was also admitted to a seat as an advisory mem- ber. The extracts of the minutes of our last Synod, as published in the Lutheran Observer, were re^d. The letters and communi- ijations, &c., intended for this Synod were called for, handed in and referred to committees. COMMITTEES ON MINUTES. First Committee. — Rev. J. F. W. Leppard and Mr. William H. Smith, on the minutes of Maryland and Alleghany Synod of Penn- sylvania. Second Committee. — Rev. Dr. Hazelius and CoL J. M. Smith, on the minutes of West Pennsylvania and Hartwick Synods. Third Committee. — Rev. J. Crim and M. Barrier, Esq., on the mmutes of Ohio and South Carolina Synods. Committee on Presidenfs Report. — Rev. B. Arey, S. Rothrock and Col. J. Shimpock. Committee on Letters — JVo. 2. — Rev. H. Grabber, J. D. Scheck and Mr. George Boger. Committee on Petitions. — Rev. B. Arey, Wm. G. Harter and Mr. George Cline. Committee on the unfinished business in the minutes of last Syiiod. Rev. J. D. Scheck, Joseph A. Linn and J. Sliimpock. Dr. Hazelius now invited the attention of Synod to a document presented by him to this body, cont.iining a plan for the establish- ment of a " Widow^s fund.'''' I . Resolved^ That this communication be read. 2. Resolved^ That a committee be appointed to prepare a report upon this subject, of which the President shall be chairman. Committee. — Rev. Wm. Artz, S. Rothrock, H. Grabber, B. Arey, J. D. Sclieck, Wm. G. Hartcr, J. Crim, Col. J. M. Smith, and Col. J. Shimpock. The parochial reports were called for and handed in, which however were imperfect, in as much as several of the brethren were not prepaired to report. PAROCHIAL REPORTS. — ' — — si "g M Baptisms. 1 1 1 AHNISTERS. 2 i a > "S S s 13 -a C 1 .2 C ^ c o ti ed O o '^ o 3 3 9 o na O ^ < O ai O « M H m U Rev. H. Greeber, . . o 44 28 400 19 2 2 " Wm. Artz, . . 2 14 '93 13 " B. Arev, . . . 3 13 8 192 4 " S. Rothrock, . " J. D. Scheck, . 2 10 9 7 300 32 " Wm. G. Harter, 3 11 2 2 363 4 2 12 85 1 " J. Crim, . . . 5 1 116 4 " P. Kistler, . . ( The Treasurer of Synod presented his report through brother Arey, upon which the following committee was appointed: — Col. J. Shimpock and Rev. J, D. Scheck. The contributions for the Synodical Treasury were handed in. CONTRIBUTIONS. From Rev. H. Gr(cber''s Churches. Organ (Zion) church, - - - %1 00 St. John's church, - - - 8 00 $15 00 From Rev. Wm. Artzh Churches. Union church, - - - - 1 40 Zion church, - - - - 70 2 10 From Rev. B. Arey^^ Churches. St. Michael's church, - ^ - 1 45 St. Paul's church, - - . ^ bO St Matthew's church, - - - 50 2 45 Amount carried over, $\9 55 6 Amount brought over, - - • - -. 4^19 55^. Fmra Rev. J. D. Scheck''s Churches. Luther chapel, - - - - ^2 50 St. John's church, - - - - 3 75 5^6 25 From Rev. Wm. G. Hart&rs Churches. St. James,' church, - - - 3 00 St. Enoch's church, - - - - 1 78f Bethel church, - - - - I 08| 5 87^ From ReVr J. Crini's Churches. Jerusalem church, . - _ . 57^ Pilgrim's church, _ - - 421. Peck's church, - - - - 50^ 1 50 Amount, - - - $33 17 J The subject of vacant congregations was taken up, and several brethren gave their views and such information as they possessed in regard to a number of churches yet vacant, within the bounds of our Synod. The special attention of Synod was directed to Jerusalem^ St. Matthew's and Dutchman Creek churches in Davie county, N. C. In relation to these churches it was 3. Resolved..^ That a committee be ajipointed to prepare a report to be laid before Synod as early as practicable. Committee. — Rev. H. Graeber, S. Rothrock and Matthias Barrier. 4. Resolved, That we now adjourn to 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. Closed with prayer by the President. SIEGOND SESSION. Saturday Morning, 9 o'cioc/c, „^pril 29th., 1843. Synod opened with prayer by the Secretary. Brother J. Swice- good now appeared, rendered his excuse for his absence on yester- day, and took his seat. The minutes of yesterday were read and- confirmed. COMMITTEE ON MINUTES REPORTED. Report jVo. 1. Tlio first committee beg leave respectfully to report as follows, on the minutes of tlie Synod of Mar3'land and of Alloffhany : 1. The 24th session of the Synod of Maryland was licld at Frederick, Oct. lotii aridYoJlowipo- days, A. D. 1842. It consisted of 26 clerical members. Officers elcc- ted were Rev. J. Winter, PresidiMit, Rev. S. W. Ilarkey, Secretary, and Ezra Kel- ler, Treasurer. TUe parochial leport gives 64 con^rregations in connection witli that body; 11 15 baptisms ; 1 1 20 confirmations ; 7167 communicants; 31 Lutheran Sun- day-schools ; 517 teachers ; 3463 scholars: 90 prayer-meetings. From the report on the proceedings oP other Synods, it appears that there arc 19 district Syixxls in the U.S.A.; 430 ordained and licensed ministers; 1371 congregations, and 14',000 communicants. More than 60 were added to the number of Lutheran ministeis '» upwards of 9000 were admitted to membership ; adulfs and infants baptized 17,800. Three new Synods have been fermed, 9 congregations organized, and 80 houses of worship erected. In this nvimber, however, the two Henkelite Synods are compre- hended, which would lesson the parochial sumniary somewhat, if deducted. The delegates to the General Synod, hav& befen instructed to use their efforts to have the resolution of that body, passed a few years ago in refererice to the Frankean and Tennessee Synods, rescinded. Whereas the General Synod is merely an advi- sory body, and as said resolution is no more than the trjrression of opinion on the sub- ject included in the resolution of tlie brethren who composed the General Synod of 1839, your committee recommend that the delegate from this body to the approach- ing convention of the General Synod, be instructed to vote against the rescinding of said resolution, — first, because your committee cannot see how the ojmiions of men composing one General Synod, can be rescinded by other men about to meet in like advisory capacity ;— and secondly, because this body entertains 'the opinion in regard to tlie Tennessee S"ynod, so called, which is embodied in said resolution.* 2. The first meeting of the Alleghany Synod of Pennsylvania, took place at IIol- lidayshurg, Huntingdon Co. Pennsylvania, Sept. 9th, 1842. It consisted of 12 min- isters. Officers elected are Rev. Wm. Yeager, President, Rev. P. Kizer, Secretary, and Rev. A. Babb, Treasurer. The number of congregations in connection with said Synod are 49. The parochial report gives 655 baptisms ; 670 confirmations ; 4137 eommunicants ; 35 Sunday-schools, and 46 piayer-moetings. These brethren before the formation of this body, were members of the West Pennsylvania Synod All of which is respectfully submitted, JOHN F. W. LEPPARD, WM. H. SMITH. 2. Resolved, That this report be read and discussed, item after item, which was accordini^^ly done, and finally adopted as a whole. 'For the information and satisfaction of all who may not know the contents and spirit of the resolution referred to in this report, I take the liberty to insert it.— The Secretary. , r i i -' Whereas certain persons, claiming to be mmisters and members ot our churcn, have f.jrmed themselves into ecclesiastical bodies, called, ' The Tennessee Synod,' and also, 'The Frankean Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church,' and whereas, said persons are nitroducing practices, which we consider contrary to the word of God. thereby causing disturbances and divisions in our churches. Therefore, VIII. '' Resolved, That we deem it our sacred duty to give a public expression of our disapprobation of these proceedings, and to exhort the churches in our connec- tion, and all Evangelical Lutheran churches in the United St^ites, to beware of the efforts of these men to cause divisions and ofiences contrary to the spirit of the gos- pel." SECOND COMMITTEE ON MINUTES REPORTED, Report JVo. 2. Report Received. The second committee beg leave repectfully to report as follows, on the minutes of some sister Synods. 1. The Hartwick Synod of the State of New York, held its 12th session at Stone Arabia, Montgomery Co., September 3rd, 184i'. The number of clerical members amounted to 16. The officers of Synod elected, were Rev. Dr. G. A. Lintner, President, Rev. Levi Sternberg, Secietary, and Rev. Wm. N. Sholl, Treasurer. The number of congregations in connection with said Synod is 27 ; baptisms of in- fants and adults were 345 ; confirmations 163 ; communicants 3877 ; prayer-meetings 32; Sunday-schools 34 ; teachers 152; scholars 1001. Your committee rejoiced to notice the aocounts of the state of religion in the sev- eral congregations of that Synod, from which as well as from the zeal evinced by these brethren in the temperance cause and in missionary exertions, we are led to conclude that the work of the Lord is prospering in their hands. The synodical contributions amounted to $70,81. The Missionary and Education fund consisted of $207,02, The centenary fund amounted to $580. The female as- sociation for the education of foreign missionaries contributed to this benevolent ob- ject, the sum of $390. 2. The West Pennsylvania Synod held its seventh session at Boalsburg, Centre Co. Pa., from Oct. 1st to Oct. 6th, 1841. The clerical members of the Synod in that session were 56, previous to the separation of those brethren, who afterwards formed the Alleghany Synod. Tiie officers elected were the Rev. Dr. C. P. Krauth, President, the Rev. A. Lochman, Secretary, the Rev. Wm. Garman, Treasurer. The parochial report gives 157 churches in connection with said Synod ; 3079 baptisms; 757 con- firmations; 15,328 communicants; 95 Sunday-schools; contributions to Synodical treasury $132,85; for missionary purposes $175,51 ; centenary fund $301,85. Your committee rejoice in the prosperity of this large Synod, as well as in the zeal mani- fested by its members in their exertions to build up the kingdom of God within the circle of their activity. Adopted. Respectfully submitted, ERNEST L. HAZELIUS, JOHN M. SMITH. 5. Resolved^ That the interest on a part of the centenary fund, amounting to 76 J cents be paid over to the , treasurer of the Mis- sionary and Education Society. THE COMMITTEE ON PETITIONS REPORTED. Report JVo. 3. Accepted. The committee appointed to examine and report on documents No. 3, beg leave to state that they have endeavored to attend to this duty. First, No. 1 is a petition from the members of St. James' church, newly erected in Concord, praying this Sy- nod to hold its next meeting in their church— referred to the consideration of Synod. No. 2 is a similar petition from Low's church in Guilford Co., N. C— referred as above. Adopted. Respectfully submitted, BENJAMIN AREY, Chainnan. THE COMMITTEE ON UNFINISHED BUSINESS REPORTED. lieport jYo. 4. Accepted. The committee to whom werfe referred for examination the proceedings of the last session of Synod, to report on unfuiished business, liave attended to the duty assign- ed them, and arc pleased to say that they have found no items unattended to. Adopted. Submitted with deference, JOHN D. SCHECK, JOHN SHIMPOCK, JOSEPH A. LINN. THE COxMMITTEE ON THE SYNODICAL TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS REPORTED. Report JVo. 5. Received. The committee appointed to examine the treasurer's report, have attended to the duty assigned them and report as follows: Receipts. Received at last Synod, $91 79i Interest on Rev. P. A. Strobers note, - - - - 1 86 $93 651 Paid out as per receipts. Paid to Rev. Wm. G. Ilarter, as per order of Synod, - - $00 78^ leaving a balance due Synod, - - - - $92 86 Respectfully submitted, Adopted. JOHN SHIMPOCK, JOHN D. SCHECK. Tlie money in llic liands of Synod amounting to $126 03 was now paid over to the Treasurer, Col. J. Shimpock. Of this sum ------- - |92 86 were received from the former treasurer, and - - 33 17 paid in at tliis Synod. Total, $126 03 Ordered, That the sum of $3,oO be paid by the Treasurer, to Rev. J. D. Scheck. 10 COMMITTEE OX MIXUTES REPORTED. Report c7\ 0. 6. Received. Committee No- 3, on minutes of sister Synods beg leave to report. The Evangel- ical Lutheran Synod of Ohio and adjacent States, convened in Washington, Guern- sey Co. Oliio, on the i-Uh of Oct. 1842. They report 10 bishops; 7 licentiates; 106 congregations; 936 iriflmt baptisms and 208 adult baptisms; 961 confirmations; 4415 communicants; Sunday-schools, Lutlieran, 30; Union 11; teachers 34; scholars 600 ; prayer-meetings 97 ; Bible societies 2 ; Monies collected, $194,64. The Evangelical Lutheran Synod of South Carolina and adjacent States, assem- bled at St. Mark's church, Edgefield Dist., S. C, on the 12th of Nov. 1842. The officers of this Synod, are Rev. J. C. Hope, President, Rev. Wm. Berly, Recording Secretary, Rev. C. B. Thiimmel, Corresponding Secretary, Col. West Caughman, Treasurer of Synod, and Mi. Henry MuUer, Treasurer of Seminary. From an ex- amination of the minutes we observe that our brethren in the South have been in- dustriously employed m obtaining donations to the centenary fund, and have already obtained an amount of 4,000 dollars, and have resolved to continue their efforts until they obtain a fund of 10,000 dollars. The Temperance cause, during the last year, met with success surpassing the most sanguine hopes of its advocates. The parochial reports present the following aspect. They number 24 ordained ministers ; 6 licentiates ; 34 congregations ; 371 baptisms; members received, 303; communicants, 2177; Sunday-schools, 12; teachers, 54 ; scholars, 517 ; contributions to synodical treasury, $247, 19|. On the 2Sth page of these minutes, it is stated that a petition of the theological students had been present- ed_ to the Board of Directors, complaining of the difficulty of obtaining board at a moderate rate, and in suitable families. The Board states to Synod that an arrange- ment was about to be made, which would enable all the Theological students to board in the family of a respectable minister, one of the alumni of the institution, and that the entire expense for board, lodging, fuel, lights, and washino-, would not exceed ^S per month. It furthermore appears on tiiose minutes, that the South Carolina Synod are not unattentive to the wants of the church. They are, with spirit and vigor engaged in the enterprises of the missionary and education causes, together with other laudable pursuits, that reflect honor upon them. May God speed them in their toils, and ciown their labors with success. Adopted. All of which is respectfully submitted, JACOB CRIM, MATTHIAS BARRIER. Some remarks havini^ been made by the bretliren from the South in reference to the subject of board, and other matters touching the interests of our Southern Seminary, it was 6. Resolved^ That our Synod is happy to learn from the remarks made by Dr. Hazelius, Professor in our Seminary, and also by Rev. J. F. W. Leppard, that every attention is paid to the interests of our beloved institution, and to tlie instruction, improvement, 11 moral and spiritual coin^ectctl, as wrll as to the temporal comfort and happiness of the students. And while this Synod desires to continue in union and to co-operate u ith it in accomplishing its high and holy objects, tlie (lualilication of men for the ^-ospel and the enlargem'ent of the kingdom of God, we pray that his rich blessing may continue to crown our elforts in this blessed work. Sundry resolutions presented by brother Arey, Avere laid upon the table for further consideration. 7. Resolved, That Synod adjourn to 9 o^lock Monday morning. Closed with a benediction. Saturday Afternoon, 1 oV/ocA-. The congregation having assembled for divine worship, Rev^H. Grsber delivered an instructive discourse from Rev. 3rd chap. Hth, |8th verses. "Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with good$, and have need of nothing; aiul knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked; I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear: and anoint thine eyes with eye- salve, that thou mayest see." The services were continued with a sermon by the Secretary, from Jolm 7th chap. 38th verse. "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living wa- ter." Several prayer meetings were attended in the church and neigh- borhood at night by the brethren. LORD'S DAY SERVICES. The congregation having convened, a prayer meeting w^as held in the church, after which Rev. J. D. Schcck preached from Matt. 12th chap. 41, 42 verses. Though the weather was inclement, yet a goodly number atten- ded, but^as many of the members of Synod and of the congrega- tion could not be present it was deemed advisable to postpone the administration of the Lord^s Supper till Tuesday. At candle-light a considerable number attended service in the church, \vhen brother Leppard preached an edifying sermon from Romans 14th chapter, 17 th verse. May the great Shepherd and Bishop of souls, bless the good seed sown, that many who go forth sow^ing in tears may reap everlasting joy. 12 THIRD SESSION. Monday Morning, 9 o\lock. Synod resumed its deliberations with prayer by Dr. Hazelius. The minutes of the preceding session were read and confirmed. THE COMMITTEE ON THE PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS REPORTED. Report JVo. 7. Received. The committee appointed to examine the President's report, beor leave to state that they have attended to their duty, and would direct the attention of Synod to the fol- lowing items. 1st. The state of the records of Synod. 2nd. The rescinding of the 8th resolution of the tenth Convention of the General Synod. 3rd. The holding of special conferences within our Synodical bounds. As regards the first item, your committee refer the whole matter to the considera- tion of Synod. In regard to the second item, your committee would recommend that our delegate to the General Synod, to meet in Baltimore on the third Sabbath in May next, be instructed to oppose any further action on the part of said body in relation to the Stli resolution of the tenth convention of said Synod, so far as the Tennessee Synod is concerned, for the reasons assigned by the committee on the mi- nutes of the Maryland and Alleghany Pennsylvania Synods. As respects the third item, your committee would state that they deem it of vital importance to the prosperity of the church that those conferential meetings be atten- ded to by the brethren ; and would recommend the appointment of a committee whose duty it shall be to lay off the conferential districts, designating the times and places where those meetings are to be held and the brethren by whom they are to be attended. Lastly, we recommend tliat the President's report as revised be appended to the minutes.* Respectfully submitted, BENJ. AREY, S. ROTH ROCK, Col. J. SHIMPOCK. 8. Resolved, That each item of this report be considered sepa- rately. It was then taken up in regular order, discussed, and finally adopted as a whole. 9. Resolved, That the President and Secretary be authorized to make the necessary arrangements to have the minutes of this Synod of former years, recorded in the German language, translated into the English, or as much of them as may be deemed of importance to the future interests of the church. *See Appendix A. 1^ In view of that item in tlie report of the committee, having refer- ence to the division of the churches in tlic bounds of this Synod into confcrcntial districts, 10. Resolved^ That a committee be appointed for said purpose, and specify tlie time and phice, and ])y whom each meeting is to be attended. Committee.— Rev. II. Graiher, J. D. Scheck, J. S^vicegood, Col. J. M. Smith and M. Barrier, Esq. THE COMMITTEE ON THE VACANT CONGREGATIONS IN DAVIE COUNTY REPORTED. Report A'o. 8. Report accepted. Your committee appointed to take into consideration tlie condition of the churclies called Jerusalem, St. Matthew's and Dutchman Creek, in Davie county, North Carolina, have attended to this duty, and hog leave respectfully to report. 1st. We recommend to said churches the formation of themselves into a pastoral district as soon as practicable. 2nd We recommend that these churclies call a minister, who will locate among them and break unto them the bread of life, and that they contribute all they can towards his support. Adopted. With deference, HENRY GRtEBER, , SAMUEL ROTHROCK, MATTHIAS BARRIER. Report JVo. 9. Accepted. Report of the committee on a document presented to this Synod by the Rev. Dr. Hazelius puiporting to be a plan for the formation of a Synodical society for the sup- port of disabled ministers, in connection with the Lutheian church in tlie South, and tlieir widows and orphans. 3st. Your committee learn with peculiar gratification that the brethren of the South Carolina Synod are taking efficient measures to redress those evils which usually afflict our disabled and superannuated ministers and their widows and orphans, and recommend the formation of a similar society among the members of this Synod. 2nd. We recommend the subject of a union with the Synodical Society of South Carolina for this purpose, to the consideration of Synod. WM. ARTZ, Chumnan, fH':NRY GR/EBER, WJVI. G. HARTER, JOHN D. SCHECK, SAMUEL ROTHROCK, BENJAMIN AREY, JACOB CRIM, Col. J. M. SMITH, Col. J. SHIMPOCK. T4 11. Resolved^ That this report be read and considered item by item. In regard to the second item in the above report, it was 12. Resolved^ That the delegate to the next meeting of the South Carolina Synod, be instructed to act in concert with our Synodical bretliren of that State, on the subject of the widows' and orphans' fund, contemplated to be established within the bounds of their Synod, and to inquire on what condition a similar society of this Synod may be united with that of the South. 1 3. Resolved^ Tliat brother Rpthrock be excused from further attendance at the meetings of this Synod. 14. Resolved^ That Col. J. Shimpock and Mr. Wm. H. Smith, be also excused from further attendance at this Svnod. The delegate appointed to attend the last Synod of South Caro- lina reported. Report J\'*o. 10. The Delegate of this body to the Synod of South Carolina, begs leave to report, that he attended to his duty, and is happy to slate, that he was kindly received by that Synod, and that Ptev. J. F. W. Leppard was appointed to attend the present meeting of our Synod, as their ministerial delegate. Your delegate would also state that he entertains no doubt, that the best feelings of christian brotherly love, are still entertained by the brethren of the South, towards the members of tliis body. May brotherly love continue. Adopted. Respectfully submitted, WM. G. HARTER, Deleg(Ue. An announcement was made, that preaching would soon com- mence at the stand. Congregation retired. 1 4. Resolved, That w^e now adjourii till after the m.eeting of the Missionary and Education Society. Prayer by Rev. J. Swicegood. The congregation having assembled at the stand, near the church, br. J. A. Linn preaclied from the text, John 3rd chap. 19th verse, " Tliis is the condemnation that light is come into the w^orld, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." FOURTH SESSION. Monday Afternoon, hcdf past 4 o\lock. After the adjournment of the Missionary and Education Society, the minutes of which, see Appendix 3, the Synod met and resumed its deliberations with prayer, by br. Scheck. An election for a 15 delegate to attend the next mcetin^ic of tlie Soutl) Carolina Synod was now held, and upon countini^ the votes, it appeared tliat the Secretary was elected, and the Rev. J. I). Schcck >vas appointed his alternate. 15. Resolved, That the regulations made by the Synod of South Carolina, in regard to the quarterly examination of the students, by a committee of the Board of the Theological faculty, be coiilirm- ed by this synod. 16. Resolved, That it be the duty of the President of Synod, in connection \vith tlie pastor loci, on the first day of every meeting of synod, to appoint such of the brethren as arc to preach during the sessions of Synod, and the time when they are to preach, and the brethren thus appointed cannot be exempted from the duty un- less by a special act of synod. Dr. Hazelius now informed the Synod of his intention to leave for home to-morrow morning, assuring us of both his own fraternal feelings and of those of the brethren in the South, generally, to- ward the members of this body, and that it had afibrded him much pleasure once more to meet us in a synodical capacity. • Where- upon it was, 17. Resolved, That we have been, as a Synod, truly gratified with the visit of Rev. Dr. Hazelius to this body, and pray that the benignant smiles of a kind Providence, may accompany him home, and likewise through all the journey of life. Br. Crim asked and obtained leave of absence for the remainder of this afternoon session. 18. Resolved, That the Secretary receive two dollars as a com- pensation for transcribing the minutes of 1840. Br. Arey's resolutions were now taken up and discussed, and finally it was, 19. Resolved, That each minister write to the President at least six weeks before the meeting of Synod, informing him of the spir- itual condition of his churches. Br. Leppard, the delegate from the South, asked and obtained leave of absence to return home to his accustomed field of labor. The President as the organ of Synod, arose and expressed the pleasure which his presence among us had afforded, and assured him that our best wishes would ever accompany liim. 20. Resolved. That we now adjourn to meet to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock. Closed with a benediction. 16 FIFTH SESSION. Tuesday Morning, 9 oWock. Synod opened with a prayer by br. GrEeber. Minutes were read, amended and confirmed. COMxMITTEE ON CONFERENTIAL DISTRICTS REPORTED. Report JVo. 11. Accepted. Your committee, whose duty it was made, to form conferential districts within our Synodical bounds, beg leave to submit the following as the result of their labors : 1. We recommend that the Synodical bounds be divided into two conferential dis- tricts, and that the Yadkin river be the boundary line between the Eastern and West- ern districts. The Eastern district to be composed of brothers, Crim, Swicegood and Artz, and such others as may live within said district. 2. We recommend that the W^estern district be sub-divided into two equal districts ; the one to be composed of brothers, Arey, Kistler and Harter; and that the other be composed of brothers, Scheck, Graeber and Rothrock. 3. We recommend that at least one special conference be held within each pastor- al district during tiie Synodical year , and that the first special conference be held in the Eastern district, in Richland church, Randolph Co., in charge of br. Artz, com- mencing on Friday before the 5th Sabbath in July. And the second to commence in br. Crim's charge, in Pilgrim's church, Davidson Co., on Friday before the 5th Sabbath in October. The third to be held in br. Swicegood's charge, Carver's church, Stokes Co., commencing on Friday before the 1st Sabbath in November. 4. We recommend as to the Western district, that the first special conference be held in br. Rothrock 's charge, St. Stephen's church, to commence on Friday before the 5th Sabbath in July. And the second to commence in br. Graeber's charge, on Friday before the 5th Sabbath in October, at Organ church. The third to be held in br. Scheck's charge, in Salisbury, commencing on Friday before the 5th Sabbath in December. We recommend that in the other section of the Western district, a special confer- ence be held in br. Arey's charge, commencing on Friday before the 5th Sabbath in October, in St. jNIichael's church, Iredell Co. And the second to be held in br. Har- ter's charge, to commence on Friday before the fifth Sabbath in July, at St. Enoch's church. And the third to be held in brother Kistler's charge, commencing on Fri- day before the 5th Sabbath in December, at St. Paul's church. Adopted. Respectfully submitted, HENRY GR.EBER, JOHN D. SCHECK, JOHN SWICEGOOD, MATTHIAS BARRIER, JOHN M. SMITH. 21. Resolved^ That inquiry be made at the next meeting of Syn- od, whether the brethren have attended to the duties assigned them in the above report. 17 22. Resolved^ That we appoint an alternate to Rev. J. D. Scheck, to attend tlie next meeting of the General Synod, in the event that brother S. should not be able to attend. Benjamin Aiey received the api)ointnient. The centenary reports wei'e now called for, and the following were handed in : CENTENARY REPORTS. " Rev. II. G RUBBER'S REPORT. From St. Johns Church. George Bamnger, _ . - Daniel D. Ridenliouer, Sarah Lingle^ . . . . Christopher Melchor, W. - Daniel Cress, - _ ^ - George Ury, . _ . John R itchy, - - - - John N. Dry, Israel Misenhimer, Daniel Barrier, Solomon Faggart, Wm. A. Coleman, - - - Moses Barrier, - - - - Alfred Bost, Henry Blackwelder, - - - Isaac Blackwelder, . - - John H. Bost, - - - - Paul Barringer, . - - Jacob House, . . - - Paul Bost, - - - - John B. Dry, - . - - N. H. Barringer, George Cline, - - - - Israel Bost, - - - ^ John D. Bost, . . - - Daniel Faggart, Simon Bost, - $20 00 10 00 5 00 20 00 10 00 5 00 10 00 4 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 4 00 10 00 4 00 12 00 3 00 20 00 16 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 8 00 5 00 2 00 5 00 3 00 18 Moses Blackwelder, - - - "jijS 00 David Barrier, - - - - 3 00 Jacob Moose, - - - - 10 00 Isaac Beaver, - - - - 5 00 John Faggart, - - - - 3 00 Total, - $242 00 ORGAN (ZION'SJ CHURCH. Paul A. Seaford, . ^20 00 John Fautz, - 20 00 Henry Graeher, _ . 20 00 John Miller, • - 20 00 Elisha Holshoiiser, . . 10 00 Jacob Miller, - 20 00 Paul Beav er. , - 5 00 John J. Miller, - 10 00 Daniel Bost, _ 2 00 Total, - $.127 00 Whole amount, - - $369 00 Rev. J. D. SCHECK'S REPORT. From Jjuther'^s Chapel. John D. Scheck, - - - - |25 00 Henry Miller, - - - - 12 00 John M. Walcher, - - - - 10 00 Jacob Baker, - - - - 5 00 Michael Albright, Sr., - - - 5 00 Peter Albright, - - - 5 00 Abraham Cline, - - - - 5 00 Robert Linn, - - - - 5 00 Henry Albright, - - - - 25 00 Michael Litaker, - - - 1 00 William C. Miller, - - - 10 00 John Winecoff, ... 2 00 Caleb Hampton, - - - - 4 00 David Winecoff, - - - 1 00 John Smith, - - - -2 a) George Wilhelm, - - - 5 00 19 Ednunid A. Walclier, John Linn, Peter Litaker, Alexander Lamb, Michael Ranicr, Michael Alhrii^ht, Jr., James Hampton, John Sloop, John Robinson, Mrs. Mary Rogers, Mrs. Catharine Sloop, Smaller amounts. Total, Rev. WM. G. HARTERS REPORT. From St. James'* Church. SvJiscribcd. $,50 00 - 5 00 5 00 5 00 Gen. P. Barringer, Col. J. Shimpock, Alfred Brown, Christopher Krimminger, R. C. Cook, Andrew Blackwelder, James Scott, George Fink, Abner Krimminger, - Henry Petere, Total 1 00 1 00 25 1 00 1 00 1 00 $70 25 John Troutman, George Misenhimcr, John Melchor, Nelson Barringer, Philip Ridenhouer, John Ridenhouer, Matthias Barringer, Daniel Melchor, From Betliel Church. Subscribed. $5 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 00 $2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 10 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 *1 !$150 00 Paid. $10 00 1 00 1 00 25 1 00 1 00 1 00 Paul. $5 00 5 00 1 00 20 Daniel Boger, $1 00 Edmund W. Blackwelder, 1 00 Edmund Sell, 2 00 Total, - - $32 25 From St. Enoch's Church. Subscribed. Daniel M. Isenhauer, - $5 00 Allen Rose, - 5 00 Wm. G. Barter, 5 00 Thomas S. Atwell, - 1 op Tobias Goodman, 2 00 Jacob Freese, 1 00 Jacob Sloop, 2 00 Matthias WinecofF, 1 00 John W. Readling, 1 20 Aaron Yost, - - - 2 00 John F. Oaler, - 25 Godfrey Pfening, 1 00 Lock Atwell, 1 00 Alexander Readling, - 1 00 Martin Readling, 1 00 Jacob Gowger, *1 00 Adam Isenhauer, 1 00 Charles F. Bloom, 5 00 Samuel Wallace, 1 00 Geo. W. Smith, 2 00 Nancy Smith, 50 Willis Ellis, 100 Alexander Ellis, - 1 25 John- Rumple, 1 00 John Isenhauer, - 2 00 Hannah Oaler, 25 Francis Ovcrcarsh, 1 00 John Bost, - - - 1 00 Wm. Wallace, - 1 00 Paid. ^ 1 00 20 25 1 00 50 25 1 00 Those marked thus (*) paid since Synod. 21 Jacob Overcarsh, Thos. G. Peteet, George Smith, Sr., $0 25 $0 25 26 25 1 00 Total, - - - $49 95 Whole amount, $152 45 ^•^^^V' CENTENARY MONEY PAID AT THIS SYNOD. Paid over by Rev. Wm. G. Harter, - - $2G 9Q Contribution to Centenary fund by Mr. Michael Sink, - 5 00 Amount, - - - - - $31 90 23. Resolved^ That this money be paid over to brother Scheck, to be conveyed by him to the Treasurer of the Centenary fund. CO^IMITTEE ON LETTERS REPORTED. Report JYo. 12. Received. Your committee to whom were handed several letters, have examined the same and would submit the following report : No. 1, is a report of Mr. Henry Miller, Treasurer of the Centenary Fund, which IS as follows : Received at Luther chapel, Sept. 24th, 1842, principle - ^2\ 521^ Interest on the same for 7 months at 6 per cent. - - - TBj Which we have examined and found correct. No. 2, is a letter from the President of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of South Carolina, addressed to this body, touching various subjects, the consideration of which we refer to the Ministerium. Submitted with deference, HENRY GRiEBER, JOHN D. SCHECK, Adopted. GEO. ROGER, Committee. 24. Resolved^ That our delegate to the next meeting of the South Carolina Synod, receive from the Treasurer of our Seminary fund, the interest accruing from said fund, and by him be paid over to the Treasurer of the Seminary of the South. 25. Resolved, That 800 copies of the minutes of Synod be printed. 2G. Resolved, That the Secretary superintend the printing and distribution of the minutes, and that they be printed in Balti- more. 22 21, Resolved, That the next meeting of this Synod be held on Friday before the first Sabbath in May, 1844, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Upon ballotting for the place of the next meeting of Synod, St. James' church. Concord, Cabarrus county, N. C. was chosen. 28. Resolved, That the sum of $12.25 be refunded by the Trea- surer to the Secretary, as expense incurred by him in travelling to the South Carolina Synod, postage on letters, and minutes for this Synod. 29. Resolved, That the President tender the thanks of Synod to the members of Sandy Creek congregation and the friends in the neighborhood generally, for their kind hospitality towards us during our stay among them. In obedience to which the President, Rev. Wm. Artz, arose and discharged this pleasing duty. 30. Resolved, That we now adjourn to meet at the place and thne above specified. Synod then closed its sessions by singing the 649 hymn, and prayer by the President. WILLIAM G. HARTER, Secretary of Synod. •^^^ 2S MINUTES OF THE MINISTERIUM. FIIIST SESSION. Saturday Afternoon, ^^pril 29//i, 1843. The session ^vas opened Willi prayer by flic President. The letter from Rev. J. C. Hope, referred to the Miinsteriiim by the committee on letters, was taken up and read, 1. Resolved J That the consideration of this letter be deferred to our next meetinij of the Ministerium. Moved and seconded that we adjourn. SECOND SESSION. Tuesday Afternoon, 4 oWock. The President opened the meeting with prayer. Brother Hope's letter was again called up and considered: — whereupon it was, 2. Resolved., That this Ministerium express its gratification upon the receipt of a letter from brother Hope, and that the considera- tion of its contents be indefinitely postponed. Brother John Swicegood having applied for a renewal of his license, 3. Resolved, That brother S.'s request be granted. 4. Resolved, That we now adjourn. Closed with a benediction by the President. WILLIAM G. HARTER, Secretary of JMinisterivm. APPENDIX A. x-kesident'S annual report. Dear Brethren : We are once more assembled in the capacity of a Synod, to discharge the duties devolving up us, in the important relation we sustain to the Church of Christ. The first of these duties is, to render to God our united expression of gratitude, for his mercies, both providential and spiritual, so largely vouchsafed to us, since last vre met. Whilst death has made many sad breaclies in some of the churches, committed to our care, we have not been made to mourn the loss of any brother in the ministry, be- cause we should "see his face no more." Our lives have been prolonged, and we are all here present to hold sweet counsel together. Jn presenting you a report of the events whicii have transpired, since our last meeting, together with such recommendations as 1 deem worthy your attention, I will, for the sake of reference, class them under ihsir appropriate heads. Ut. Of Correspondence. In compliance with the instructions of Synod, I forward- ed a communication to our people of Loncoln county, apprising them of the appro- priation made by Synod, for the purpose of sustaining in part, the " ministry of the word" among tliam. As also, tlie appointment of a continuous meeting, to com- mence in St. Paul's church, on Friday preceding the first Sabbath in May next. 2nd. Of Letters. On the 6th of April, I received a letter from brother Harter, in- forming me of the dedication of the new cliurch, in Concord, Cabarrus county, by the name of St. Jamos. The dedication sermon was delivered by brother Grseber, from Luke 14th chap. 23d verse, last clause, "Compel them to come in, that my house may be filled." It must afford our brethren of Concord no small gratification, that in undertaking to build an house for God, the work of their hands was crowned with such speedy and pleasing success. On the 21tli of April, I received a letter from brother Kisller, of Catawba county, enclosing his parochial report, and assigning "reasons why he could not be present with us, at this meeting of Synod. This letter will be laid before you at liie proper time. 3rd. Of Recommenihttions. I would direct the attention of Synod to the state of our Records, as I deem them to be of vital importance to our church in North Caro- lina. Nearly forty years have elapsed since the organization of the Synod of which we are members, and for the first twenty -six years of its existence, all business was transacted and recorded in the German language, and should that language continue to decline with the same rapidity for a few years to come, as it has done for a fevv years past, (I mean in North Carolina,) they must in a great measure, become use- less to us, if not subject us to much inconvenience and loss. It is well known, that iliere are but few of us, who are familiar with the German language, and should they bo removed by death or otherwise, it would be no small matter to obtain the servicCg of one, competent to the task of translating tliC proceedings of twenty-six sessions, into the language of the land. 25 I do not deem this the proper time and place, to assign my reasons at length, for immediate action upon this suliject, but will take pleasure in doing so, when it is brought up for discussion before the house. At the session of Synod, held in Wythe county, Va., in 1841, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That in our opinion, any further action on the part of the General Syn- od under existing circumstances, in relation to the eighth resolution of the tenth con- vention of said body, as far as the Tennessee Synod is concerned, would be injudi- cious, and would prove injurious to the best interests of the Lutheran Ciiurch in the South. I would not have called your attention to this subject, had I not met with the fol- lowing resolution, passed by the Synod of Virginia, at their last meeting. Resolved, That our delegates to the General Synod, are hereby instructed to urge the excinding of tiie 8th resolution of tlie tenth convention of the General Synod, to convene at Baltimore, on the third Sabbath in May, 1843. A similar resolution was passed by the Marjland Synod, at their last convention. I therefore recommend, that spirited resolutions be adopted by this body, expressive of our disapprobation of any, and all attempts to have excinded the 8th resolution of the tenth convention of the General Synod ; I mean as much of it as relates to the Tennessee Syno.l. Permit me to remind you of the ninth section of our excellent constitution, re- quiring the holding of special conferences within our bounds, as often as expediency may dictate. That this important feature in our ecclesiastical operations has been too much neglected, I think we ure all ready to admit ; and humiliating must be the reflections, that the year, I mean our ecclesiastical 3'car, as a church, is gone, — its report of our respective labors is closed, and has already been transferred to the rec- ord on high, without our having enjoyed tiiose tokens of mercy, so riclily A^ouch- safed to our ministerial bretliren, and the churches committed to their charge, in oth- er sections of our beloved Zion. If our churches have not been revived, — if the cause of Sabbath-schools has declined, — if any of the institutions of the church have in any wise suffered, may they not have withered, in a great measure, because our special conferences have been lost sight of? Many are the advantages which arise from the observance of special conferences, but they need not be enumerated here, as they will readily occur to your minds. Pardon the liberty I have taken of '• stirring up your pure mind«5, by way of remem- brance," and may I hope that the subject will receive your earliest attention. And may the Spirit of the blaster, preside over our deliberations, and direct our decisions to the glory of his name. Amen. JOHN D. SCIIE^K, President. APPENDIX B. PROCEEDINGS OF THE MISSIONARY AND EDUCATION SOCIETY. In compliance with a resolution passed at its last meeting, the Missionary and E<1- ucation Society, connected with the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina, met on the Ist of May, 1843. After the object of the Society had been fully ex- plained, an invitation was extended to all such, as were willing to become members. 26 A considerable number came iorwaid, and after having contributed the amount nec- essar\' to constitute them members, took their seats. An election for officors wa? now entered "into, which resulted as followa : Rev. ]]. GR.^BllB., Frcshltnt. " W. ARTZ, Vice PresidtnL ''■ B. AREY, Stcretary, Col. J. SMITH, Treasurer. The following persons were then appointed by the brethren, to serve as an execu- tive committee for the term of one year : viz. Rev. W. G. Harter, Rev. B. Arey, and Matthias Barrier. The President then proceeded to appoint six directors; the following persons were appointed, viz. Rev. J. D. Scheck, Rev. W. G. Harter, Rev. J. Crim,Col. J. Smith, Andrew Sink, and George Cline. Report of the former executive committee, was read ; from which we learn, that tlie current annual expenses of our beneficiary, Mr. Krimminger, at Lexington, is ^200,00 ; that he is desirous of continuing his studies there, and entreats this society for further assistance. R,eceived and adopted. 1. Resolved, That under existing circumstances, we deem it inexpedient to afford Mr. J. Krimminger any further aid from this Society. The treasurer of last year sent in his report, which was referred to a committee for examination ; Col. J. Smith, and George Cline, were appointed the committee. Rev. S. Rothrock was appointed to preach on the subject of Education and Mis- sions, at the next annual meeting of the society. The committee on Treasurer's account, submitted the following as their report. In hands ot the former Treasurer, .... ^10858 Interest, 59 Whole amount, $109 09 Donations. Auxiliary Society of Organ Church, - - 1 1 00 " '* " of St. John's church, - - 9 25 Amount collected during the meeting, - - - 13 08 Interest on Centenary fund, - - - . . 75 Total, ^143 12 2. Resolved, That the Treasurer of this society, be required to place such monies as may remain in his hands, after all appropriations are made, upon interest, and se- cure the same by note and good security. 3. Resolved, That if the brethren of Jerusalem, St. Matthew's, and Dutchman creek churches, in Davie county, obtain a minister of their choice in connection with some Evangelical Lutheran Synod, during the year; this society will contribute fifty dollars towards his support, provided he labors among them one year. Here our worthy friend. Dr. Hazelius, proposed giving five dollars yearly, towards the support of a minister among our brethren in Davie county, provided they could obtain a njinister to labor among them. AVe should rejoice to see others imitating his good example. 4. Resolved, That all tho beneficiaries, under the patronage of this society, shall l>e under its control, and shall be required to hand in a full and satisfactory report, 27 annually, at iU regnLir sessions, consisting of the billd for board, tuition, clothing, &c., and liow njuch in arrears. 5. Hesohed, That an extract from llic proceedings of this meeting hf) piiijted with the minutes of Synod. 6. Resolved, That the next meeting of this sjciely, be held at t!io lime and jihce of the meeting of Synod, and that the society meet on Monday, at 1 o'clock, P. M. 7. Resolved, Tliat the society now adjonrn. Closed with singing and the benediction. HENJAMIN AREY, Secretary. •^&»