£>-Z>-« *? vCrf* <&^t^> the: charge AT G ETTYHBURG. The third clay of the struggle be- tween the contending armies near Gettysburg opened clea. and rJoud- less. The July sun beanie down on the battle!) eld of the previous day majestically saiene — throwing into bold relief the outlines of the picture. Standing on Cemetery Hill, a mile south of the little tcwn of Gettysburg, one saw the range continue to the southward, now jutting out into the valley to the west, and then i ^ceding u strong curves eastward, new falling ,with even slopes and then welling again in graceful con lui- — butlurther away breaking into precipiti us pre- nontories whose rocky knoi.s were .eritable Round Tops and fitly as- sociated with Devil's Den^. Almost parallel and a out a, mile away to the west could be traced the •ourse of Seminary Ridge, gently rising from the intervening valley and still covered with a growth of original (brest trees. Along the slope are fences inclosing fields witb patches of wood here and there and a little swale down the valley where it narrows as the ridge throws out a spur to the eastward. Coming from the town is the Em- lettsburg Pike which after passing ihe summit of Cemetery Hill swerves off along a lower and divergent ridge iat trends across the valley. . Over- looking the pike m a stone wall fol- lowing along the upper slope of Ceme - tery Ridge and conforming generally to the line of its crest, but, at a point some six hundred yards away where the hill grows bolder and juts well out into the valley, this wall makes a right angle and comes straight to- wards the pike, and then again fol- lows the crest, which soon retreats and falls away, leaving a slight depression embayed in the general outline. On this headland, that like a bastion front projects itself into the valley, stands a clump of trees which served to guide the right of the attacking col- umn on that fateful day; and a quar- ter of a mile in front, but furtheivdown the valley, stood the farm house of Codori on a little knoll surrounded by a sparse grove. Beyond the Cemetery to the north the range bent sharply to the right, forming a difficult eminence known as Culp's Hill; and on the curve from Culp's Hill west to the Cemetery and thence south to Round Top, was massed the Federal army, some 100,- 000 strong: while on an exterior line of sister hills lay Lee's forces, with EwefT on the left in possession of a part of Culp's Hill, and Longstreet on the right towards Round Top, while A. P. Hill covered the centre; a total force of about 60,000 troops. *\ Dispositions had been made for au early morning attack on the 3d, simul- taneously by Ewell on the right and Longstreet on the left; and with that view the artillery had been massed against the Federal centre, Col. Alex- ander, acting as Longstreet's chief of artillery, having occupied, during the night, an advanced ridge that lay sev eral hundred yards beyond Long- street's front, and covered it with bat- teries. But Meade himself had not been inactive, and, at four o'clock in the morning, he unsettled this plan of at- tack by driving back Early, whose lodgment on Gulp's Hill was an es- sential part of Lee's proposed move- ment. Later in the morning, then, Lee determined on making that as- sault which has since been so famous in history. Gen. Long, the author of Lee's Memoirs and then on Lee's staff, says? *'This decision was reached at a con- ference held during the morning on the field in front of Round Top, there being present Generals Lee, Longstreet, A. P. Hill and Heth and Col. Long and Maj. Venable.' : Longstreet made some objection, his idea being to move farther to the right and entice Meade to abandon his position and give battle on more favorable ground: but the attack was ordered nevertheless and Longstreet was directed to carry it into execution. The object of Gen. Lee was to pene- trate Meade's line in the depression on the south of Cemeteiy Hill and thus turning his position, move up and dispossess him. When the morning broke and the Federal forces beheld sc great an ar- mament as one hundred and forty pieces of artillery in position on the crest of Seminary Ridge, they knew that an assault was intended on some part of their line and every prejDara- tion was at once made to receive it. The batteries on Cemetery Ridge were strengthened by new ones from the reserve, and soon eighty pieces of artillery were in readiness to respond to the expected cannonade which was awaited with increasing solicitude as the morning wore on in ominous silence. In early morning Pickett's fresh division had arrived and two of his brigades had been placed under cover of the advanced ridge which Col. Alexander had seized the night be- fore. ArmtsteacVs brigade lay back protected by the main ridge in a line with Heth's division, while the North Carolina brigades of Scales and Lane were still further in the rear. These were the troops selected to make the assault: Pickett's divisidn being fresh, and Heth's division commanded by Pettigrew and Lane's and Scales' brigades, although baJiv out up on the first, not having been en- gaged on the second,and being troppea of the highest reputation for con- stancy and endurance. In Heth's division were Archer's brigade, composed of two Alabama and three Tennessee regiments; Pet- tigresv's brigade, which had present, the 11th, 26th, 47th and 52d North Carolina regiments;Davis' brigade con- stituted of three Mississippi and one North Carolina regiment, and Brock- enborough's or Field's brigade, which' was composed entirely of Virginians. Pettigrew's brigade was commanded by Col. Marshall, Gen. Pettigrew be-' ing in command of the division. Lane's brigade was formed of th« 7th, 18th, 28th, 33d and 37th North Carolina regiments, and in Scales", then under Col. Lowrance, were the 13th, 16th, 22d, 34th and 38th North Carolina regiments. These troops had suffered so severely on the first of July that many companies were mere skeletons and some regiments were commanded by captains. Pickett's division, composed entire- ly of Virginians, had just arrived and was in excellent condition in all re- spects. The movement was in double col- umn, the first line consisting of Kem- per's and Garnet's brigaded on the right, with Heth's division (under Pettigrew) on the left; and for the second line Armistead in the rear of Pickett's other brigades, and Scales 1 and Lane's brigades of North Carolinians, under Gen. Trim- ble, in the rear of Heth's division. Wilcox's and Perry's brigades were to move out on the extreme right and protect the column from any flanking force, while R. H. Anderson's division, covering the left, was to be in readi- ness to act as opportunity should permit. Preliminary to the move- ment, the artillery was to silence the enemy's guns and as far as possible demoralize their infantry before the attempt should be made to carry the works by storm. At one o'clock two guns were dis- charged by the Washington Artillery the signal for the cannonade to be- gin. Immediately the line of batter- ies opened with salvos of artillery evoking a quick reply from the enemy, and the engagement soon became one * of the most terrific bombardments of the war. Its fury was inconceivable. ' From ridge to ridge was kept up for "near two hours a Titanic combat of "artillery that caused the solid fabric 'of the hills to labor and shake, and ' filled the air with fire and smoke and "the mad clamor of two hundred 'guns.'' The exposed batteries were greatly damaged. Both horses and men suffered fearful . destruction. Caissons exploded, limbers were blown up and guns were crippled on every side. In particular was the Confederate fire, concentrated on the point of attack, very effective. But still the enemy's batteries were not silenced. Their fire did not slacken, for as fast as the Federal batteries expended then: ammunition, they were replaced by new ones from the reserve, and the fire continued with- out abatement, until at length the Con federate ammunition began to runlow. Col. Alexander, to whom had 'been committed the duty of indicating the moment for beginning the charge, felt the awful responsibility of the dilemma that presented itself, and hurriedly communicated to Pickett that he should wait no longer, but should begin the movement at once, notwithstanding the terrific energy of the artillery that crowned the enemy's stronghold. But if the Confederate chests had been depleted, so at last had become those of their antagonists, and Gen. Hunt, Meade's chief of ar- tillery, finding it unsafe to move up new supplies, and anticipating that the assault would be made on the centre, conceived it well to husband his resources and ordered the fire to slacken, and so, unexpectedly,the em- barrassing difficulty of the Co. feeler ate situation vanished. Immediately the order to advance was given along the whole line, and some twelve thousand veterans, with alacrity and high elation, moved for- ward over the crests that had shel- tered them, and passed down the slopes of Seminary Ridge, their bright guns gleaming in the noonday sun and their innumerable battle flags flying in the breeze, making as fine a pageant as was ever seen on any field of battle. They moved in quick time and with admirable precision, as if on some gala day parade. It was a glorious spectacle, evoking admira- tion from foe and friend alike, and being the theme of unstinted praise from every one who witnessed it. But hardly had the line reached the downward slope of that extensive valley when the Federal batteries were again unloosed and the carnival of death began. "Though stormed at with shot and shell, it moved steadily on and even when grape and canister and musket balls began to rain upon it, the gaps were quickly closed and the align- ment preserved." The line of grey, a full mile in length, with its second line following at easy distance, marched indeed in fine style down that valley of death, reckless of peril and animated with that soldierly zeal and confidence which ever inspired the troops of Lee when moving in the immediate presence of that trusted commander. From Pickett's advanced position down the valley the clump of trees which gave him direction bore far to the left, and soon reaching the ridge on which the Turnpike ran, he wheeled to the left and moved up to- wards Codori's house. By this move- ment he presented his flank to the batteries posted on Little Round Top and received a severe enfilading fire, while General Stannard, whose division was in his immediate front, threw out two Ver- mont regiments to contest the ground with him. But Col. Alexander had himself hastily followed with a bat- tery of artillery and opened on this force with spirit, in a measure dis- persing it and neutralizing its power for serious work. Bat still it could not be entirely driven off, and when Kemper, on the extreme right, having passed to the east of Codori's house, moved by the left flank to close up with Garnett's brigade, the Vermont- ers also moved by the flank to keep pace with him, and continued to an- noy him. As the line advanced there loomed up in the distance the works it was to assault. Immediately in front of Archer's Brigade and Pickett's left lay the pro- jecting stone wall standing out into the valley, and held by Webb's bri- gade of Gibbon's division; and op- posite the Confederate left was the retired wall held by Hays' division, with Smyth's brigade towards the cemetery and Sherrill's brigade be- tween that and Webb. South of the pro- jection Hall's and Harrow's brigades continued the Federal line, behind breastworks of rails covered with earth and with rifle pits and shallow trenches in their front. Further on were Stannard's and other brigades of Doubleday's division. On the crest of the hill, a few yards behind the line of works, was thickly massed the artillery. Skirmishers lay out several hundred yards in front in the clover and grass, while a first line of infant- ry held a strong fence along the pike in front of Hays and a low stone wall further down the valley, and lay concealed in the grass in the inter- vening space. At the stone wall and breastworks was a 'second line in readiness to receive the attack, while behind the artillery, some thirty paces off, was still another, occupying high- er ground and protected by the back- bone of the ridge, and further off on the flanks were heavy masses of in- fantry ready to be concentrated if occasion required. As the Confederate line moved for- ward, in constant sight, momentarily drawing nearer to the point of attack, all was expectation and anxiety along the Federal front. The heavy artil- lery fire of the Confederates had ceased and the demoralization inci- dent to it rapidly gave place to a feeling of re-assurance * and determi- nation. While it had destroyed the two batteries in the rear of Webb, leaving only one piece that could be worked, the guns in rear of Hays' division were in better condi- tion, and Howard's fresh battery had been brought up and posted on the slope of Cemetery Hill. And so it happened that while the troops on the Confederate right were fortu- nately not subjected to an artillery fire from the front and were exposed only to an enfilading fire, from the ex- treme left of the Federal line, it was « far different with Pettigrew's com- mand, the batteries in his front being well served, firing first solid shot, then shell and spherical case — and at last canister — double charged, as Pet- tigrew's line drew nearer and nearer. The movement of the Confederates was made in quick time over a clear field, beneath the burning rays of a fiery July sun, and was attended with considerable fatigue and exhaustion. But those veterans who had been trained to the vicissitudes of war well knew that at the final assault, dash and vigor would be necessary, and they therefore husbanded their strength and moved forward steadily and resolutely under the galling fire that was rapidly thinning their ranks. Speaking of the troops in front of Hays' division, Gen'l Bachel- der says that when they had reached a position "half way across the plain "they encountered a terrible artillery "fire, but against which, as a man "presses against a blinding storm, they "moved steadily on as if impelled by M. "a will greater than their own — some "mighty unseen power which they "could not resist." "Solid shot ploughed through their "ranks, spherical case rattled in their "midst and canister swept them by "hundreds from the field yet on they "pressed unflinchingly." It was an awful experience to pass nearly a mile across an open plain sub- jected to such a terrible fire, with no hope of protection and without power to resist. But each brave spirit in Pettigrew's command recognized the necessity of immolation if need be, and offered himself a willing sacrifice; and so closing up the great gaps in its ranks, the lines on the left con- tinued to face the furious storm and silently moved on upon the deadly batteries. At length having made two-thirds of the distance and being only three hundred yards away, Pickett's troops with Garnett in front, Kemper on the right, but somewhat in rear, and Armistead a hundred yards behind, turned towards the point they were fco assail. On Garnett's left was Archer's brigade, under Col. Fry, whose numbers had been largely re- duced in the first day's fight — and which had moved directly forward as the brigade of direction. Close joined with it were Pettigrew's North Caroli- nians under Col. Marshall, Pettigrew himself being in command of the di- vision; and further on were Davis' Mississippians and Brockenborough's Virginia brigade, all well aligned: while a hundred and fifty yards be- hind Trimble led Lane's and Scales' brigades, the latter under Col. Low- rence, Scales having been severely wounded two days before. Although the right had not suffered greatly during its shorter progress up the valley and being somewhat protected by favoring ridges, heavy loss had been inflicted on the centre and on the left, which were fear- fully cut up during their long and ex- posed march. But though sorely dis- tressed on front and flank, with ranks largely depleted, the left brigades maintained their original alignment and still pursued their onward course. As the attacking column, now much narrowed, moved up the slope that formed a natural glacis to the enemy's works, the batteries opened still more rapidly with grape and canister, and the front line of the enemy that lay in advance, together with the second line at the stone wall, poured into the Confederate column volley FIELD OF GETTYSBURG. 1 he first positions of the Gonf( lerate brigades are shown on the left and then two subsequent intermediate positions, while the final position attained is mark.' d: by tbe thin line in front of the stone wall and within Gibbon's line on the south of it. • Webb's position in the angle is marked W. Hall's and Harrow's brigades continued the Federal line towards Stannard's brigade. 1 after volley of musketry — sending out a perfect sheet of lead and iron — a storm of murderous fire. The ranks of the first Confederate line, in the immediate front of Hays' artillery, were mowed down as grass by the scythe. The carnage was terrible. The piercing cries of the dying and wounded could be heard over the field amid the shrieks of shells and the roar of the cannon. Trimble, in command of the two North Carolina brigades, says of Heth's division "that it seemed to sink into the earth under the tempest of fire poured into them." r "We passed over the remnant of "th ;ir line and immediately some one "close to my left sung out 'Three f "cheers for the Old North State,' "when both brigades sent up a hearty . "shout." It was the cry of brave men rushing into the jaws of death. So furious was the fire and so mur- derous that it staggered the line — which "halted, returned the fire and with a wild yell dashed on." The first line of the enemy, which lay a hundred yards in front, was thrown back against the wall, many being captured and hurried to the rear without guard. But yet the roar and din of the conflict continued, and, tbough the smoke of battle obscured Hie front, the carnage went on as the columns drew closer and closer to the enemy's works. A front that had been originally move than a mile in length had now been compressed into less than eight hundred yards and the t concentrated fire of the enemy's ar- tillery, as well as musketry, from the iianks as well as from the front, told with fearful effect. As the line appoached the enemy's works, Pettigrew seeing Brocken- borough's Virginia brigade and Davis' Mississippians give way under the murderous fire that assailed them, hurried his aid, Capt. Shepard, to rally them — but all of Capt. Shep- ad's efforts were without avail. They had become separated some dis- tance from Pettigrew's North Caro- lina Brigade and lacked the support imparted by the immediate co-op- eration of other troops. They could not be,rallied, but broke and fell back at the critical moment of the ordeal. It was then that Trimble ordered his North Carolina Brigades to close up on the first column, and Lane bearing to the left, with well aligned ranks and in handsome style, covered the position made vacant on the left by the broken brigades, while Lowrance led Scales' brigade directly ft rward to unite with the front line then one hundred yards in advance. In this hasty movement of Lane's, however, because of a misunderstand- ing as to whether the guide was right or left, the Seventh North Carolina and a part of the Thirty-third, being on Lane's right, became separated from the larger part of the brigade, which continued its movement w ell to the left, leaving some space inter- vening between it and Pettigrew's brigade. The position of the troops just be- fore the final charge was: Pickett's line was in front of a part of the pro- jecting wall, with Kemper's brigade extending to the right of it, covering the front of the Federal brigades of Hall and Harrow. Archer's brigade was in front of the rest of the projec- tion, and along with Pettigrew's North Carolina brigade extended in front of the retired wall, with Scales' brigade coming up in the rear, while Lane, with nearly four regiments, was some distance to the left. On the right Pickett's command had crossed the pike, while the line further to the left had yet to pass it. As the troops in their progress reached the fences enclosing this road, the obstruction tended greatly to break up their alignment. Many were killed and wounded there and others sought protection from the fearful fire by lying in the road. The col- umn advancing beyond the pike was thus considerably weakened, and es- pecially was this the case on the cen- tre and left where the road. ran closer to the stone wall and was stoutly held* by the front line of the enemy. Pick- ett's troops, however, crossing at a point nearly a quarter of a mile dis- tant from the enemy's works, escaped the full effect of this damaging ob- stacle and maintained a more perfect organization. And in like manner, the right of the Confederate column had the good fortune of not being subjected to a similar artillery fire to that which mowed down the ranks of Pettigrew's command. It is narrated by Gren. Doubleday . that , all of the artillery supporting Webb's brigade, being destroyed ex- cept one piece in Cushing's battery which was in rear of Webb's right, and nearly all of the artillerymen be- ing either killed or wounded, as the Confederates came close, Cushing, himself mortally wounded, with his bowels protruding, exclaimed "Webb, I must have one more shot at them," and caused his piece to be run down to the stone wall and fired, immedi- ately expiring. This incident not only illustrates how Pickett's division during its advance fortunately es- caped the artillery fire that was so ef- fective against Pettigrew's troops, but accounts for the presence of a gun at the angle where Maj. Engelhard sub sequently found it. A few moments later a fresh battery reached Webb's left and opened a murderous fire on Pickett's charging column. Col. Peyton, who came out of the fight in command of Garnett's brigade, in his official report, speaks of having routed the ad- vanced line of the Federal infantry a hundred yards in front of the stone wall, and says : "Up to this time we had suffered but little from the enemy's batteries with the exception of one posted on the mountain about one mile to our right, which enfiladed nearly our entire line with fearful effect. Having routed the enemy here, Gen. Garnett ordered the brigade forward, which was promptly obeyed, loading and firing as they advanced. From the point it had first routed the enemy, the brig- ade moved rapidly forward towards the stone wall, under a galling fire, both from artillery and infantry, the artillery using grape and canister. We were now within about seventy- five paces of the wall, unsupported on the right and left; Gen. Kemper being some 50 or 60 yards behind and to the right, and Gen. Armistead coming up in our rear. Our line, much shattered, still kept up the advance until within about twenty paces of the wall, when for a moment they recoiled under the ter- rific fire they poured into our ranks, both from their batteries and from their sheltered infantry. At this mo- ment Gen. Kemper came up on the right and Gen. Armistead in the rear, when the three lines joining in concert rushed forward. His strongest and last line was instantly gained, the Confederate battle-flag waved over his defenses and the fighting over the wall became hand-to-hand and of the most desperate character, but more than half having already fallen, our line was found too weak to rout the enemy. We hoped for a support on our left (which had started simultane- ously with ourselves)but hoped in vain. Yet a small remnant remained in des- perate struggle, receiving a fire in front, on the right and, on the left many even climbing over the wall and fighting the enemy in his own trench- 9 es, until entirely surrounded, and those who were not killed and wounded were captured, with the exception of about 300 who c a'ne off slowly but greatly scattered — the identity of every regi- ,| ment being entirely lost, every regi- mental commander killed or wound- ed." We have no official report from either Armi stead's or Kemper's brig- ades. The latter was on the extreme right, extending south of the stone wad, and in its advance suffered greatly fro ;n the flanking fire of the two Ver- mout regiments thrown out by Gen. Stannard against it. A Federal ac- count says: "The Confederate line is almost up to the grove in front of Robinson's. It has reached the clump of scrub oaks. It has drifted past the Vermont boys. They move upon the run up to the breastworks of rails, bearing Hancock's line to the top of the ridge — so powerful their momentum. Men fire into each other's faces not five feet apart. There are bayonet thiusts, sabre strokes, pistol shots, cool, deliberate movements on the part of some; hot, passionate, desperate efforts on the part of others ; hand-to- hand ( ontests ; recklessness of life, (j tenacity of purpose, fiery determina- tion, oaths, yells, curses, hurrahs, shoutings. The Confederates have swept past the Vermont regiments. 'Take them on the flank,' says Stan- nard. The 13th and 16th Vermont swing out from their trench line. | They move forward . nd pour a deadly volley into the backs of Kemper's troops. With a hurrah they rush on to drive home the bayonets. Other legiments close upon the foe. The Confederate column has lost its power. The lines waver. * * Thousands oi Confederates throw down their arn;s and give themselves up as pris- onus." .mother Federal account of Kem- per's attack says — '-up to the rifle pits, across them, over the barricades — the momentum of the charge swept them on. "Our thin line could fight, but it had not weight enough to resist this momentum. It was pushed behind the guns. Eight on came the enemy. They were upon the guns — were bay- onetting the gunners — were waving their flags above our pieces. But they had penetrated to the fatal point. A storm of grape and canister tore its way from man to man and marked its way with corpses straight down its line. They had exposed themselves to the enfilading fire of the guns on the western slope of Cemetery Hill. That exposure sealed their fate. "The line reeled back, disjointed already, in an instant in fragments. Our men were just behind the guns. They leaped forward in a disordered mass. But there was little need of fighting now. A regiment threw down its arms and with colors at its head, rushed over and surrendered. All along the field detachments did the same. Over the field the escaped fragments of the charging line fell back — the battle there was over. A single brigade, Harrow's, came out with a loss of 54 officers and 793 men. So the whole corps fought — so too they fought further down the line." Col.. Fry! who so gallantly led Ar- cher's Brigade, says : "I heard Gar- nett give a command. Seeing my gesture of enquiry he called out, T am dressing on you !' A few seconds later he fell dead. A moment later a shot through my thigh prostrated me. The smoke soon became so dense that I could see but little of what was go- ing on before me. A moment later I heard Gen. Pettigrew calling to rally them on the left. All of the five reg- imental colors of my command reach- ed the line of the enemy's works and 10 many of niy men and officers were killed after passing over it." Col. Shepherd, who succpeded Frye in com- mand, said in his official report that "every flag - in Archer's brigade except one was captured at or within the works of the enemy." Scales' brigade closely followed Ar- cher's, dashed up to the projecting wall and planted their battle flags upon the enemy's breastworks. Pet- tigrew's and the left of Archer's had surged forward beyond the projecting wall, and had firmly established them- selves along the retired portion of the wall. Gen. Bachelder of the Federal army who thoroughly studied the field for clays after the battle, than whom no oie knew so well the details of that affai; - , says, -'The left of the column continued co move on towards the second wall, threatening the right and rear of -Gibbon's division which held the advanced line. Gen. Webb, whose brigade was on the right (in the pro- jection), had hurried back to bring up his right reserve regiment from the second line. But before this could be accomplished the first line broke under Ihe tremendous pressure which threatened its front and flank, and fell back upon the reserve." Thus whil-j Garnett was strug- gling for the possession of the stonewall on the Confederate right and Kemper was engaged with Hariow and IT ill still further to the right, seeking unsuccessfully to pene- trate into the enemy's line and turn the left of the hill, the advance of Pettigrew's command beyond the pro- jecting wall, taking Webb's exposed brigade on the right flank, caused it to give back from the wall and yield that part of the projection to the regiments of Archer and Scales that pressed them in front. Capt. Mclntyre, acting adjutant gen- eral of Scales 1 brigade, says. "My brigade, or a larger part of it, went inside of the enemy's works." Capt. Guerrant, acting as brigade inspector, says that "Scales' brigade entered the breastworks and remain- ed in possession until driven out by the enemy's advancing on their flanks." Maj. Engelhard, the gallant adjutant general of the two brigades of Pen- der's division commanded by Trimble, says : "The point at which the troops with mc struck the enemy's works projected farthest to the front. I recollect well, my horse having been shot, I leaned my elbow upon one of the guns of the enemy to rest, while I watched with painful anxiety the fight upon Picket's right, for upon its success depended the tenableness of our position. "Surroundiug me were the soldiers of Penders', Heth's and Picketts di- visions and it required all the re- sources at my command to prevent then following en masse the retreat- ing eneiny, and some did go so far that when we were compelled to with- draw, they were unable to reach our lines, the enemy closing in from the right and left. We remained in quiet and undisputed possession of the en emy's works, the men flushed with victory, eager to press forward. "But when the right of Pickett's di- vision was compelled by the over powering attack upon its right flank to give way, there was nothing left for us to do but to surrender ourselves prisoners or withdraw in confusion before the converging lines of the en- emy, those in our immediate front not having rallied." The retired wall in front of Pettigrew's North Carolina bri- gade was higher and stronger than at the projection and along it skirted a lane enclosed by a strong f nee. Hays' division clung- to the wall 11 with great pertinacity and the second line, protected by the high crest of the ridge, commanded it completely, while Howard's fresh artillery on the slope of Cemetery Hill swept the front g with an enfilading fire. But while it was impracticable for any troops to car] y it by assault, the Confederate line much weakened by the losses suf- fered in the march, silenced the bat- terios in their front and suppressed the infantry fire from the wall, and maintained the unequal contest there to the last. Some of Pettigrew's North Caro- linans advanced to the wall itself, do- ing all that splendid valor and heroic endurance could do to dislodge the enemy — but their heroism was in vain. Col. Jones in command of Petti- grew's brigade, says, "On we pushed and were now light on the enemy's works, when we received a murderous fire upon our left flank. I looked to see where it. came t from and lo ! we were completely flanked upon our left not only by infantry but artillery. One of our brigades had given way. The enemy Lad seized upon the gap and now poured a galling fire into our troops forcing thorn to give way in success- ion to the right. The color bearer of ^, the 26th North Carolina regiment was shot down while attempting to plant the flag on the wall." Gaston Broughton commanding Co. D, 26th N, C. regiment, says, "We crossed the road and went to the enemy's works, where we continued, firing until most of the regiment were captured the enemy closing in on us from our rear." Li. W. N- Snelling Co. B, of the same regiment, says, "We went to an old road some ten steps from the rock fence behind which was the enemy." Maj. Haynes, of the 11th N. C, "I was about 50 yards (I think nearer) of the wall when I was shot down. When shot we were in line going to- wards the cemetery wall. We were all cut down — no one but wounded left in my company, save two." Capt. J. J. Davis : "My company was next to the extreme left of the regiment, 47th N. C. regiment, and when not far from the enemy's works, say not more than 100 yards, a ser geant of an adjoining regiment called my attention to the fact that the troops to the left had given away. I looked and saw that at some distance to the left, the troops had given way, but our supports were then advancing in admirable style. (Lane's brigade.) Col. Graves, who was to the right of me, had kept the regiment well in hand and was urging the men on." "And we advanced," says Capt. Davis, "to the plank fence that ran alongside the lane just under the stone wall." Here he and his regiment were after- wards captured. Col. B. F. Little, Captain of Co. E, 52d N. C regiment : I was shot down when about 50 yards of the enemy's works, and the ground between where I lay and the works was thickly strewn with killed and wounded, some of them having fallen immediately at the works. I do not think a single one of my men ever got back to the rear except those who were slightly wounded before they got to the place where I was wounded. And such was the case with the companies on either side of mine. When I was taken prisoner and borne to the rear, I passed over their works and found some of my men killed and wounded immediately at their works." It is of Pettigrew's brigade that Col. Swallow writes as follows : "Pet- tigrew's brigade now united with Ar- cher's regiment which had not entered the fortifications and attacked the en emy with the most desperate deter- mination. While the writer (Col. Swallow) lay wounded with General Smyth, of Hays' division, at Gettys- burg, that officer told him that Petti- ■12 grew's brigade all along his front were within thirty or forty feet of his line and fought with a determination he had never seen equalled." This en- comium, so richly merited, is, how- ever, to be shared by Lane's brigade equally with Pettigrew's, for Smyth's front was the extreme left where Lane fought as well as Pettigrew's brigade. "While such was the position of affairs on the right and centre when the smoke of battle lifted somewhat, Brc ckenborough's Virginians and Davis' Mississippi ans not having ral- lied from the deadly discharge that had hulled them back, Lane's North Cai olinians were alone on the left and boi e the brr.nt of the conflict on that pait of the tield. In his report Lane say-;: "My command never moved for- ward more handsomely. The men received their hie in accordance with orders until within good range of the enemy and then opened with telling effect, driving the cannoneers from their pieces, completely silencing the guns in our immediate front and breaking the line of infantry on the crest of the hill. We advanced to within a few yards of the stone wall, exposed all the while to a heavy raking artillery fire from the right. My left was here very much exposed, and a column of infantry was thrown forward in that direction thut eniiladed my entire line." This was a coh.mn of regiments that was thrown forward from Hay's right, and despite an enfilading artillery fire, Lane broke off a regiment from his left to face this threatened danger. Capt. Lovill, Co. A., 28th N. C, Lane's Brigade, says : Some of my men were wounded and captured in- side the works. Col. Norwood, of the 37th N. C, says that regiment, along with the brigade, advanced to within thiity yards of the enemy's works, where they encountered a plank fence. Sev- eral officers, myself among them, sprung over the fence, followed by the whole command so far as I know. The cannoneers thenleft their pieces." Lt. Col. Morriss, of the 33d N. C, says Pettigrew's and Archer's men reached the enemy's works a little in advance of us and succeeded in driv- ing the enemy from their works in their front, but were exposed to a -flank fire both right and left. We drove the enemy from his position on the road and from behind the stone fence. The ene my having disappeared from our front, we became engaged with a flanking party on our left and were surrounded and captured. Six offi- cers on the right of my regiment were wounded in the enemy's works and captured." The brave Maj. Jos. H. Saunders, of the 33d, says: I went, by a subse- quent measurement, to within sixty yards of the stone wall, where I was wounded. Just before I was shot I saw a federal color bearer just in front of the left wing of the regiment, get up and run waiv- ing his flag and followed by his regi- ment, so that there was nothing to keep our regiment from going right into the enemy's works. I was shot by the troops on our left flank. At the time I was acting as left guide to the line of battle, directing the line of march more to the right so as to strike the enemy's works in a straiter line." Eev. Dr. Geo. W. Sanderlin, who was captain of a company of the . 33d N. C, says: Our brigade being in the second line advanced in fine style over the field. When we were about two hundred yards from the enemy's works Gen. Lane ordered a half wheel to the left and we continued our ad- 13 vance, our organization being excel- lently preserved, close up to the enemy's work. We were subjected to a rapid artillery fire from our front as well as a deadly musketry fire, and also 4) an enfilading artillery fire from the left. My regiment, the 33d N. C, rested at the enemy's works, the ar- tillery men being driven away from their pieces and the infantry having been driven from their breastworks. For some five minutes all was com- paratively quiet in our front, except a desultory 'firing here and there. We could hear the Federal officers just over the ridge trying to rally and re- form their men. Attention was called to a piece of artillery just at hand which had been struck in the muzzle by a shell, from a gun of like calibre from a Confederate battery, which remained fastened in the bore. We noticed the situation on the extreme right of the line and finally saw it driven off by the enemy. A column had been thrown out on the enemy's right that flanked us. We, being in danger of being cut off, were ordered back, Pickett's troops on our right having in the meantime been repulsed. Just then the enemy opened on us a most heavy and destructive fire, and ^ as we began to retreat the enemy in our front rallied and rushed down, crossing their breastworks, attacking us also on our right. Our line on the extreme right (Pickett's) had given away before this, and we made the best retreat we could. Our organi- zation was well preserved up to the time we retreated. I am absolutely confident that Lane's brigade held its position at the enemy's works longer than any other command, and that we did not move towards the rear until the rest of the line was in full retreat, the extreme right being well advanced to the rear." The Seventh North Carolina and that part of the 33d which became sep- arated from the rest of Lane's brigade moved forward gallantly, drove the enemy from the stone wall, silenced the guns in their front and lost officers and men at the stone wall, many be- ing captured there. In the brief minutes that had elapsed since the final rush on the enemy's works had begun the carnage had in- deed been terrific. Garnett had fallen near the wall. Kemper was desper- ately wounded at the wall. Pettigrew' was disabled by a ball. Trimble was knocked hors die combat. Fry, Marshall and Lowrance had fallen among the thousands of officers and men whose life-blood was ebbing on that bloody field. But if the Confederates had suf- fered fearfully, they had also inflicted heavy loss upon their opponents. "Hancock lay bleeding upon the ground, Gibbon was being taken wounded from the field. Webb had been hit. Sherrill and Smyth both wounded, the former mortally. Stan- nard had received a painful wound, but his troops continued to pour volley after volley into Pickett's flanks." When the front line of Webb's bri- gade j^ave way under the pressure of Pettigrew's men on the flank, they had fallen back, some to the cover of a clump of trees in the rear and others to a stone wall that crossed the ridge. From these points they maintained a desultory firing upon the Confederates, who having possession of the wall now used it as a protection for themselves The projection was pi actically cleared but, though Archer's and Scales' and Pickett's men held the angle next to Pettigrew, there was no general effort made to penetrate into the enemy's line. In the meantime regiment after regiment had hurried to cover th ; break in the Federal line until the men stood four deep, ready to hurl back the Confederates if they should u ?oek to advance. Such was the con- dition of comparative repose when Arruistead's brigade reached the wall in Garnett's rear. "1 Seeing his men were inclined to use it as a defence, as the front line were doing," he raised his hat upon his sword, and spring'ng upon a broken place in the wall, called on his nieu to follow him. Nearly one hun- dred I of the , gallant Fifty-third Vir- gin! i, led by Col. Martin and Maj. Timberlake, responded with alacrity and entered the works, "only four of whom advanced with these officers to the crest, passing, as they advanced, Gen. Webt), who was returning to his. front line." Armistead there received his mortal blow, and forty-two of his men fell within the works as the en- emy rushed forward to recover the position. It was the work of brief moments, for as the pressure on the Federal line had been sharp the recoil was quick and decisive. On the right Kemper had been driven back, and the battle hav- ing now ceased in front of Hall's and Harrow's brigades, these weiv hurriedly advanced, at the mo- ment the force collected in the rear of Webb rushed forward, taking Gar- nett and Armistead's troops in the flank as well as front, and entirely routing and dispersing them. As the right was hurled back and the fragments of Gen. Pickett's divis ion were hurrying to the rear, the battle began to rage more furi- ously on the left. The artillery swept the front occupied by Petti- g-rew's command and Hays' division renewed the contest with increased ardor. A Delaware regiment on Smyth's left sprang over the wall and penetrating the Confederate line opened a fire to the right and left and hurried the drama to its close. The remnants of Pettigrew'3 and Archer's and Scales' brigades that could not escape, were taken prim- ers by the victorious columns closing in on them from the rear,- while most of Lane's brigade further to the left had the better for tune of avoiding a like fate by a ■speedy retreat; but they were the last to relinquish their positionin the im- mediate front of the enemy's works. As they withdrew they saw the field far down the valley dotted with squads of Pickett's broken regiments, while nearer were the fragments Of the other commands in full retreat. Thus ended the events of those brief ten minutes — -the gallant charge — the successful planting of the Confeder- ate standards along the entire line of the Federal works — the comparative lull, save on the right, where Kemper made his fierce entrance into the enemy's line, his speedy repulse — and the overwhelming rally of Hancock's forces, enveloping and dispersing Pickett's division — the terrible onslaught on the left, and the dispersal of the last of that splen- did body of twelve thousand picked troops who had essayed to do what was. impossible of accomplishment. Conspicuous gallantry had brought to the Confederate banner an accu- mulation of martial honor, but on no field was ever more devotion shown, more heroism, more nerve than on that day which has been justly con- idered the turning point in the tide of Confederate achievement. It was indeed a field of honor as well as a field of blood, and the sister States of Virginia and North Carolina had equal cause to weave chaplets of laurel an d of cypress. On then- sons the heaviest blows fell, and to them is due the meed of highest praise. Archer's brave men doubtless suffered heavily, but the chief loss was borne by the three North Carolina and the throe Virginia brigades that partici- pated in the assault upon the works. 15 The losses of the latter are easy of ascertainment — for they were fresh and had been in no other conflict; while the former, having suffered heavily on the first day and having lost most of their regimental and company officers, made at the time no special return of the loss in this now celebrated charge. Lane carried in 1,300 and lost 600, nearlj all killed and wounded. Pet- tigrew's brigade was about 1,700 strong and lost 1,100, the greater part killed and wounded. Scales' brigade suffered in the like propor- tion. These three brigades doubt- less lost in killed and wounded 1,500 men. The three memberingf ov Virginia brigades 4,700 strong lost 224 killed, and 1,140 wounded, a total of 1,364. They had besides 1,499 missing. While the North Carolina brigades did not have so many cap- tured as Pickett's troops, they doubtless suffered a heavier loss in killed and wounded, although they took into the fight a smaller force, and their organization was much dis- turbed by the severe loss in regi- mental and company officers in the battle of the first. But despite this drawback, they exhibited a heroism, a constancy and an endurance unsur- passed upon that field where they ac- complished as much as any other troops, suffered greater losses and re- mained the longest. Indeed it was to them a day of glory as of mourn- ful disaster.