C971.GO VERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 00032761583 This book must not be taken from the Library building. W frfrf-19 6 4 Charlotte ik Picture and 1?ro3e. 1 - --[ +w 7 'M I | PP STEPHEN B. WEEKS CUSS OF 1886; PHD THE JOHNS HOPKINS IMVERSJTY LMBIRA1RY OF THE UMVERSIHY OF N«I CAROLINA HE WEEKS COLLECTION OF CAJROLINMNA • IdO MISS ALEXANDER'S BOOKLET. Charlotte in PlctuWi ami Prose Is a Most Attractive Publication — Miss Julia Alexander Has Issued a Booklet that Will Interest Every Native of This City. "GftarLottte in Picture and Prose," by Mtss Julia M. Alexander, is a hand- some booklet, giving "an historical and descriptive sketch of Charlotte." In sending bill this publication, which is from the Blanchard Press, of New York, Miss Alexander does herself and -her town credit. The printing', the writing and the pictures are excellent. In general appearance the booklet is not unlike Burr-Mcln- tosh the beautiful and attractive magazine published by the Blanenard Press The cover leaf is decorated witta hornets' nests and pine cones. The frontispiece is a picture of Queen Charlotte, of Mecklenburg, for whom Charlotte is named. Among the views given are: Sugar Creek Cemetery, Sugar Creek Church, Alexander Rock House, built by Heze- kiah Alexander: East Avenue. The Osborne Oaks, The Old Cemetery, First Presbyterian Church, Views of First Presbyterian Church-Yard, Views of Latta Park. Monument Com- memorating Mclntyre Skirmish, Mon- ument Marking Birthplace of Presi- dent James K. Polk, the Old Court House North Tryon Street, the Set- wyn Hotel, United States Assay Of- | rice. Views of Vance Park. Lake at j Country Club, and many other pretty views and scones. „ In her story of Charlotte Miss I Alexander has used historical facts. I Her style is attractive and forceful. I No woman of the county is better 1 prepared to do such work. She is ed- | ucated, cultured and well informed. Her people have helped to make the countv what it is. Charlotte in Picture and Prose will be put on sale at Stone &. Barringer's book store. The first issue is 5,000 copies, which will sell for 50 cents each. One. could not select a more acceptable present to a native of Charlotte than Miss Alexander's book- let. The Greater Charlotte Club could not send out more attractive reading matter. Miss Alexander deserves the thanks, as well as the patronage, of the entire community. She has devoted time and expended money to produce this meritorious booklet. ■^y^ftT^^VSy^T*^ T yj/y 7^r*T7-r ^^^^'^^^^'^^^^^mmJ^m*mm0 JttjjrzrA or— QUEEN CHARLOTTE Wife of George III, King of England. In honor of Queen Charlotte and her former home, Mecklenburg-Strelitr in Germany, the City of Charlotte and County of Mecklenburg, North Carolina, were named. 7E/7/^ c*n^/j jU*~**^A\ '7? (?c^ ^jsyNj )■ 1 1 ~* 1 Mmi 1 &&$&?*• Si 11 The Souti- contains 400 millions of acres in the cotton belt proper, of which 300 millions are especially suitable for cotton- raising. The climate of this section of country is greatly modified by the Gulf Stream, which has much to do with the success of cotton- growing. The rains coming from the Gulf of Mexico in the spring and summer aid in the raising of the crop ; while in the fall the winds change to the west and north, giving usually a dry season for the harvest. A rainy season, drought, or single severe frost, would tend to greatly decrease the production. At present 32 million acres are in cultivation of cotton in the United States, and produce three- fourths of the crop of the world. With an elevation of 760 feet above sea-level, free from marked extremes of heat or cold, and sheltered by the guardian peaks of the Alleghany Mountains from severe storms, that visit the interior. Charlotte, judged from a climatic standpoint, occupies a most favor- able position. Throughout as ^■HHHHHHM| shown by the United States Weather Bureau, is generally mild and equable, with an an- nual mean temperature of 60 degrees, and prevailing southwesterly winds. Pe- riods of severe cold in win- ter are of short duration ; spring generally opens early, and killing frosts are rarely known before November. The spring and autumn es- pecially are seasons of rare beauty in Charlotte ; flowers, shrubs, and trees in number- less variety and abundance add to the attractiveness of scenery and give unceasing pleasure to the lover of nature. With manifold advantages of climate and location, Charlotte enjoys an atmosphere at once bracing, temperate, and healthful. The topography of the surrounding country shows a broken and picturesque land whose forest-crowned hills, fertile lowlands, and winding streams present scenes of ever-changing interest. To this genial clime with its fertile soil came the early settlers of the 18th century to find a land of plenty but not, however, one of peace. The story of the pioneers in Mecklenburg County is similar to that of the first settlers in other sections of this New World, whose inviting hand beckoned so alluringly across the waters and drew to its shores from the Old World stalwart sons and courageous daughters — men and women who were to become the founders of a mighty nation. In dense virgin forests lurked the Indian, resentful of the white man's intrusion The Osborne OaK (More than 100 years old) and ever ready to surprise and destroy the colonist in hi> newly-made home. Dark deeds of bloodshed and death were wreaked in cruel vengeance upon the whites in these primitive days of settlement : and in return the strong hand of the settler dealt death and destruction, gradually forcing the red man westward until the land was freed from Indian depredation. The early settlers of Charlotte and its vicinity were principally Scotch-Irish, who came with broad-ax and sword to open the way for liberty and civilization, bringing also that indomitable love for civic and religious freedom which still remains preeminent among the characteristics of their descendants. Colonial life was by no means luxurious nor exempt from toil; land was to be cleared and tilled ; homes, churches, and schools to be established, and all the while unceasing vigilance was necessary to ward off attacks from the Indians. Such conditions necessitated years of toil and hardship, of continued activity, and patient endurance. To-day a prosperous and happy land bears witness to their zeal ; and where the fathers toiled so earnestly, the children have entered upon the fruitage of their labors. Years passed and the country became more thickly populated ; the village of Charlotte being in 1768 legally incorporated; in 1774 it was made the permanent county-seat of Mecklenburg". Though the population was small, and its homes of a primitive order with con- veniences and luxuries almost unknown, Charlotte, as the central point of a large section of country, was even at this early date a place of no small impor- tance. The cross- ing of two county roads formed the center of the vil- lage, and at their intersection stood the court-house. These cross-roads were dignified by the names of Trade and Tyron streets — the former ob- viously from the amount of business transacted along its way, the latter in honor of Wil- liam Tyron a Colo- nial Governor of North Carolina. To-day these avenues extend for several miles and are the city's most prominent thoroughfares^ their First Presbyterian Church View of First Presbyterian Churchyard Views of Latta ParK intersection, which is known as "Independence Square," ranks among the most historic spots in America. The coming storm of the American Revolution was foreshadowed throughout the country for some time before its actual culmination. Oppressive taxation, unjust administration of laws, and an increas- ingly tyrannical government, all tended to arouse within a liberty- loving and fearless people that spirit which in the Old World had made martyrs of their kind for religion's sake — which in the Xew World had nerved them to face untold dangers and even death for the preservation of home and family. The people of Charlotte and Mecklenburg, known as a law-abiding and conservative people, were Monument commemorating Mclntyre SKirmish. Seven miles from Charlotte (Erected by Daughters of the American Revolution) deeply aggrieved by the oppression of English rule, and realized that their dearly-earned rights were fast being infringed. The Battle af Alamance on May 17, 1771, and other events of a like character, gave rapid development to independence of thought, which finally resulted in the bold action taken by the citizens of Mecklen- burg County, in May, 1775. Pursuant to the order of Col. Thomas Polk, who was a leader in military and civic affairs, a convention consisting of two delegates to be elected from each militia district of the county, was called to meet in the court-house of Charlotte on the 19th day of May, 1775. At previous meetings of the militia companies the sentiment of the people had been voiced with no uncertainty in opposition to the tyranny of England ; and it was in accordance with the wishes of the community that this gathering of representative men was called C in order that the existing state of affairs might be fully discussed; and if it were found advisable, to take action in regard thereto. Abraham Alexander W a S elected chairman of the con- vention and John McKnitt Alexander, secretary. I ireat interest was manifested in the meeting for it was evi- dent thai recent proclama- tions issued by tile King ami Governor g a v e sufficient grounds to the people for the assertion of their rights. Ad- dresses were made by prom- inent citizens before the dele- gates and also a large num- ber of Other persons who had gathered to witness the pro- ceeding. A committee was appointed to prepare resolu- tions to submit to the dele- gates. Before matters had reached a crisis, however, a courier rode into the village with tidings of the battle of Lexington, which had oc- curred just one month pre- vious. Excitement was in- tense and only one course of procedure was now to be considered. After lengthy discussion and argument, when the night had worn away into the morning of the 20th, Dr. Ephraim Bre- vard, a member of the committee, presented the amended resolu- tions, which were forthwith adopted. These resolutions couched in terse, emphatic language, are as follows : I. Resolved, That whosoever directly or indirectly abets, or in any way, form or manner countenances the invasion of our rights, as attempted by the Parliament of Great Britain, is an enemy to his country, to America, and to the rights of man. II. Resolved, That we, the citizens of Mecklenburg County, do herebv dissolve the political bonds that have connected us with the mother country, and absolve ourselves from all allegiance to the British Crown, adjuring all political connection with the nation that has wantonly trampled on our rights and liberties and inhumanly shed innocent blood of Americans at Lexington nument marking Birthplace of President James K. Polk Eleven miles from Charlotte (Erected by Daughters of the American Revolution) III. Resolved, That we do hereby declare ourselves a free and independent people ; that we are, and of right ought to be, a sover- eign and self-governing people under the power of God and the general Congress ; to the maintenance of which independence we solemnly pledge to each other our mutual cooperation, our lives, our fortunes and our most sacred honor. IV. Resolved, That we hereby ordain and adopt as rules of con- duct all and each of our former laws, and that the crown of Great Britain can not be considered hereafter as holding any rights, privi- leges, or immunities amongst us. V. Resolved, That all officers, both civil and military in this county, be entitled to exercise the same powers and authorities as heretofore; that every member of this delegation shall henceforth be a civil officer and exercise the powers of a justice of the peace, issue process, hear and determine controversies according to law. preserve peace, union and harmony in the county, and use every exertion to spread the love of liberty and of country until a more general and better organized system of government be established. VI. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted by express to the President of the Continental Congress assembled in Philadelphia, to be laid before that body. The Old Court House (Shortly before it was torn away to give place to the Selwyn Hotel) teds*** 1 -4 5? ' li i 1^, ■P It •-•■ j£ TujBV^H ^' . ^ *^| if ■■fWfS ' - - - R | ink i <• V y|i The Selwyn Hotel (Signatures) Abraham Alexander, Chairman, John McKnitt Alexander, Secretary. John Davidson, Robert Irwin, Ezra Alexander, Thomas Polk Sr. Ephraim Brevard Zaccheus Wilson, James Harris, Matthew McClure, Richard Barry, John Flennegin, William Grails m . Richard Harris, Adam Alexander, Charles Alexander, John Phifer, Benjamin Patton, John Ford, Thus was taken the first decisive step on American soil toward throwing off the English yoke and publicly making a firm and de- Hezekiah Alexander, Hezekiah J. Balch, Waightstill Avery, William Kennon, Neil Morrison, Henry Downe, David Reese, John Queary. stand for independence. Immediately upon its adoption, a of the Declaration was sent in care of Captain James to the Continental Congress then in session at Philadel- This august body was just at that time preparing an address to the King, wherein was repudiated a desire for independence, and therefore declined to act upon the Mecklenburg Declaration, deem- ing it premature., cided copy Jack phia. The National Declaration of Independence adopted one year later shows most conclusively how closely the initiative steps of Mecklen- burg were followed. An adjourned meeting of the Mecklenburg Convention was held in Charlotte on the 31st of May, and twenty res- olutions, which have been styled the "Thirty-first Resolves," were adopted for the purpose as set forth in an introductory clause, "To provide in some degree for the exigencies of this county in the present alarming period." Though failing to receive support from the Congress in Philadel- phia, such a document as the Mecklenburg Declaration, bearing signatures of representative men of the county, and of the State of North Carolina, could not fail to be regarded with significance. These bold resolutions proved to be a source of much uneasiness to the royal governor of North Carolina, Josiah Martin, who, disap- proving the violent measures pursued by his predecessor, Governor Tryon, was attempting to restore harmony in the state. His trepi- dation on learning of the independent action at Charlotte is fully portrayed in an address by Governor Martin to the Executive Coun- cil on June 25, 1775 ; also in a letter written by him to the Earl of Dartmouth, on June 30, 1775, referring to proceedings published in the Cape Fear Mercury, and in a proclamation issued on August 8th of the same year.* On the night of June 14, 1775, Governor Martin left his home in New Bern, going first to Fort Johnson, thence to an English ship lying near by. Here for one year he nominally held the office of Governor, and with his departure royal rule forever ended in the state of North Carolina. 'See Volume 10, Colonial Records of North Caroli ■nip in whfo*" United States Assay Office Views of Vance Park In April of the year 1800 the home of John McKnitt Alexander was burned and in it the original copy of the Declaration, together with other valuable papers. The fact that the original manuscript was destroyed, while an unfortunate occurrence, did not affect the historical truth that independence was declared in Charlotte on Mav 20, 1775 ; but, however, did give occasion to some persons not thoroughly conversant with the history of Mecklenburg to circulate a report fifty years later, that since the original copy was not in existence, there had been no such action taken. Contemporaneous history confutes all reports of this tendency ; some persons in this enlightened age would likely doubt the authenticity of the Scriptures, since the original copy is not in hand. Deeds in the Mecklenburg county court-house date from the Mecklenburg The Post Office Building Declaration; for example, "This indenture made the 13th day of February, 1779, and in the fourth year of our independence." The Moravian Church at Salem, N. C, has carefully preserved in Ger- man script an annual record called the "Bethania Records," from the year 1755 to the present time. On one of its pages is recorded the following paragraph: "At the end of the year 1775 I cannot omit to mention that already in the summer of the same year — that is to say in May, June or Jul}- — the County of Mecklenburg, in North Carolina, did declare itself free and independent from Eng- land, and did make such disposition of the administration of law as later on the Continental Congress established for the whole. But this proceeding Congress looked upon as too premature." The History of North Carolina by Martin, written during the period 1791-1809, gives reliable authority for its account of the Mecklenburg Declaration. Lafayette, when entertained at a public dinner at the governor's mansion in Raleigh, X. C, March 2, 1825, offered th« following toast: "The state of North Carolina, its metropolis, and the 20th of May, 1775, when a generous people called for freedom, of which may they more and more forever cherish the principles and enjoy the blessings." MecKlenburg County Court House lg Monument to Signers of Mecklenburg Declaration ot Independence) Previous to the burning of his residence, with its many valuable records and documents, John McKnitt Alexander had made several copies of the Declaration ; he now made two others from memory, one of these he gave to General William R. Davie, which is known as the "Davie copy," and is preserved in the archives of the Xorth Carolina University. It, however, was not an exact reproduction, which the writer acknowledged on the back of the document, in the following words : "The foregoing statement, though funda- mentally correct, may not literally correspond with the original record of the transactions of said delegation." The National Declaration of Independence bears such a marked resemblance to the Mecklen- burg Declaration, that Thomas Jefferson was accused by some of plagiarism. Among others, the aged John Adams was of this opinion, and received a sharp rebuke from Jefferson, who naturally did not favor such a belief. The Reverend Arnold W. Miller, an ardent supporter of the Mecklenburg Declaration, in his Centen- nial Sermon of May 16, 1875, traces the origin of American In- dependence back to the "Scottish Bands and Covenants" and says : "These Bands and Covenants educated the Scotch and Irish sett- lers of this country in the principles of liberty and prepared them for the work to which Providence called them, the achievement Of American Independence. To the Rev. Alexander Craighead, a Presbyterian minister of Ireland who settled in Mecklenburg in 1759, the people of this county are indebted for that training which placed them in the forefront of American patriots and heroes. It was at this fountain that Dr. Ephraim Brevard and his associates drew their inspirations of liberty. It was from these 'Scottish Bands and Covenants,' as embraced in ■Rushworth's Collections, we find that Mr. Jefferson drew largely both sentiments and phrases, as he himself admits. The Hon. Julian C. Verplanck, of New York, in an address delivered over forty years ago, traced the origin of the Declaration of Independence to the National Covenants of Scotland. And Chief-Justice Tilghman stated that the framers of the American Constitution were greatly indebted Charlotte during a Twentieth of May Celebration to the standards of the Presbyterian Church in Scotland." Hon. George Bancroft, the historian, after careful investigation, as- serted the authenticity of the Mecklenburg Declaration and says : "The first voice publicly raised in America to dissolve all connec- tion with Great Britain, came, not from the Puritans of New En- gland, nor the Dutch of New York, nor the planters of Virginia, but from the Scotch-Irish Presbyterians of North Carolina." Gene- ral Joseph Graham and Rev. Humphrej Hunter, who were present at the convention of Ma) 20, 1775. both state in written records that a great throng was gathered on that occasion and intense inter- est was manifested. View of Entrance lo Post Office Showing Shipp Monument In the stirring days of the American Revolution. Charlotte and Mecklenburg upheld with distinction the pledges of 1775. I heir citizens were prominent in both state and military affairs, and proved themselves valiant defenders of home and country. It was during the year 1780 that the British entered western North Carolina, after over-running Georgia and South Carolina. As Tarleton's forces advanced on Charlotte they were harassed by Major Davie and General Davidson with a small troop of cavalrymen : and at mid- night, September 25. 1780. Davie* rode into the town, where he was joined by Major (afterwards General) Joseph Graham, and together they made preparation to meet the oncoming foe. Outnumbered by the enemy fifteen to one, the North Carolinians were nevertheless undaunted, and determined to make a bold stand. On the morning of the 26th of September, they posted their men as advantageously as possible under cover of a stone wall about the court-house, and also stationed a number along East Trade Street. Tarleton's cavalrv. commanded by Major Hanger, formed a line within three hundred yards of the court-house, and was supported by solid ranks of infantry. Three times during the day, they charged, and justf so often were met by a steady firing that put their troops in great confusion, besides causing much loss of life. Cornwallis was sur- prised and chagrined to meet this unexpected repulse, and riding to the front, rebuked his men for cowardice. As nightfall approached, Graham and Davie deemed it more prudent, on account of their small force, to seek a position of greater safety. Taking an eastward course, they were vigorously pursued by the British, but succeeded in reaching a safe distance with slight loss of life. Among the severely wounded, was Major Joseph Graham, who received nine serious wounds and was left on the field, supposed to be dead. He, however, recovered and rendered further valuable service in the Revolutionary War. This engagement, known as the ''Battle of Charlotte," is not numbered among the important battles of Revolutionary history; but it undoubtedly served to show the British with what manner of men they had to deal in Mecklenburg; and might also have given a fore- warning as to the outcome at King's Mountain and other battles in this vicinity. Cornwallis remained in Charlotte sixteen davs, but his' Lahe at Country Club stay was not permitted to be a peaceful one. At Mclntyre's farm, seven miles to the north, his foraging forces were attacked by a small party of North Carolina soldiers, and after a sharp encounter the British were forced to retreat. This, and other bold onslaughts of the Carolinians, gave the enemy a thoroughly uncomfortable time, ■ ^ ■' ' J»*»'. • ,.. ». -.Ill & and caused Cornwallis to dub the brave little town "The Hornet's Nest," which historic appellation it still retains. The battle of King's Mountain, only thirty-three miles distant, occurred on Oc- tober jth of the same year, and was an overwhelming defeat for the men under the command of Major Ferguson, a favorite officer of Cornwallis. He at once resolved to take his departure, declaring Mecklenburg to be "the most rebellious and ill-disposed county in all America." On October 12th, the British resumed the line of march, leaving behind many spoils collected on foraging tours. Davie and Davidson followed closely for a time and captured a part of the enemy's baggage. Charlotte was not again molested by the British ; the men of Mecklenburg had proven their ability to cope with the enemy, and throughout the war thev rendered effective assistance to the American cause and upheld most ardently the prin- ciples of independence. When peace again reigned in the land. Charlotte having laid aside the habiliments of war, resumed the life of quietude and industry which it had formerly maintained. At this time, although number- ing less than three hundred inhabitant-, it was nevertheless a place of much importance. Here the people of the surrounding country came to sell or exchange farm produce; and to obtain the necessi- ties of life, which in that day were deemed few in number, as living was on a very frugal basis. Here, also, they came to receive the infrequent and irregular mails; or occasionally, from some traveler. Presbyterian College to obtain tidings from the outside world. A time of great interest was the convening of the county court. The county was divided into militia districts, and assemblies met in the districts, sep- parately, or at Charlotte, when the entire county would be repre- sented. These muster days, as they were termed, were held for the purpose of discussing political questions of the day, but were also seasons of general social intercourse : as local newspapers had not then been instituted, gatherings of this kind served in a measure for the dissemination of news. Public meetings afforded the prin- cipal diversion for the men of this period, but the women and chil- dren remained closely at home and knew little of social pleasures. Charlotte in these early days, when the absence of railroads and telegraph made difficult all communication with the outside world, was not, however, entirely cut off from other sections of the country. Trips, on horseback or by private conveyance, were made to Charles- ton, Philadelphia, and other distant points, from which the trav- elers returned bringing stores of purchases, and also newspapers or other publications available. Until the introduction of the railroad, the stage-coach was the usual method of travel, and its coming was heralded by the blowing of a horn by the driver— a signal for the gathering of a crowd about the tavern door, and a forewarning that the monotony of village life was, for a short while, to be broken by the arrival of the stage-coach with its passengers. Petersburg, Favetteville, Charleston, Camden, and Cheraw were favorite places for trading, the goods being hauled by wagons to Charlotte from these points. Closely following the establishment of homes in this new land was the building of school-houses and churches. Religious and indus- trial training was considered of chief importance, and all instruc- tion was of a practical nature ; necessary school books were difficult to obtain, so the elementary branches were principally taught; occasionally the children of affluent parents were sent North to be educated. In January, 1771, a bill was passed by the Assembly of North Carolina, establishing and endowing in Charlotte a college to meet the increasing need for more advanced learning than was 1 ■ ■ ■ H| w 1 jn ^H -"■ „ ,mjM if hm- ; ? - 5 IglJ m^ffim . ...1^ 1 ijm* L* 'i mi* 1 pwrnv K I * T 4 • ■ w ■&*■ **^| ; a ..Si f 11 w&w$ '■:Y U • ,.-*- V" i«*. _. v ^_ 1-^ -itg; ^ ^g| ■MM i^^^mmm South Graded School then supplied by the schools of the state. This institution, chartered by the King, was called Queen's College, and opened under most encouraging auspices. Owing, however, to dissensions in the country at this time, the charter was disallowed by the King in 1773. The people, being anxious to have in their midst a high grade school, con- tinued the institution without a charter, under the name of Queen's Museum. In 1777 other changes were made, the school being incor- porated as Liberty Hall Academy. With the invasion of Cornwallis, the academy was compelled to suspend, and was not again opened. The site on which it stood is now occupied by the' court-house. On May 25, 1791, there was entertained in Charlotte a distin- guished guest, General George Washington, who being on a tour through the South, stopped to visit the little town which won such a notable reputation for bravery in Revolutionary days. Owing to its settlement chiefly by the Scotch-Irish, Charlotte has always been known as a stronghold of Presbyterianism, though churches of many other denominations flourish: "Among the min- isters of the Presbyterian faith who exerted great influence throughout this section during its forma- tive period was the Rev. Alexander Craighead, who in the year 1750 be- gan his pastorate at Rocky River and Sugar Creek churches. There being at that time no church in the town, the people worshipped at Sugar ( "reck Church. Mr Craighead was a man of fearless and in- trepid Spirit. Of Unflinch- Carnegie Library ing principles, and im- bued with great patriotic zeal. Mis influence in guiding the | aright at a time when the country's fate was wavering cannot be overestimated. Residence on South Tryon Street (Under one of these large oaks Aaron Burr and guards are said to have rested while i ite to Richmond) In 1792 the local officers of Charlotte first took the oath of alle- giance to the Federal Government; shortly afterwards a United States post-office was established, and the village began to assume the semblance of a town. The wealthiest class of people, however, resided in the country, and their large estates were cultivated by slaves. Tidings of renewed difficulties with the British Government in 1812 aroused again the spirit of patriotism in Mecklenburg; five companies were sent to join the United States forces and served until peace was restored. Phifer Avenue An epoch in town history was reached when the first local news- paper made its appearance in 1824, edited by Thomas J. Holton, under the name of "The North Carolina Whig" ; later it was changed to "The Charlotte Journal." One company from Charlotte participated in the Mexican war ; Captain Green W. Caldwell was in command. From April, 1847 this company served until mustered out at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., July 31, 1848. On October 21, 1852, the first passenger train entered Charlotte amid cheers from an enthusiastic throng; this event marked a new era in the development of the town and added materially to its growth. In the war between the States. 1861-65, soldiers from Charlotte and Mecklenburg were among the first to volunteer for the Con- or, with recruits, -'.713 soldiers. The) sus- a reputation for valor throughout the war. federate cause, participating in the battle of Bethel, June 6, [861. During the four years of tin- war. the town and county furnished twenty-one companies, tained mosl worthily Among those t\ w 11 distinction w e r e Lieut-< len- eral D. II. Mill. Brig.-( General Jas. Lane, Brig.-( !en- eral Rufus l'.ar- ringcx, Col. C. C. Lee, Col. John A. Young, I !ol. Edwin A. ( teborne, Col. John E. Brown. Col. McKinney, Col. W. A. Owens Col. J. T. Tayl-.r. M a j or Thomas McG. Smith and Major Egbert Ross. Charlotte, The Charlotte Drum Corps although spared many of the hor- rors of war, and terrible destruction visited upon other sections of the country, suffered keenly from the effects of this fratricidal conflict, and many homes were darkened by the loss of those who had gone forth to battle for their country's rights. While the 'men were fighting at the front, the women banded together, and with untiring labor furnished garments and needed supplies of every kind, adding no little to the physical comfort of the soldiers, and by their loyal and patriotic spirit giving inspiration and encouragement President Jefferson Davis and the Confederate Cab- inet, accompanied by a thousand cavalrymen, had just reached Char- lotte on die 15th of April. 1865, when a telegram announcing the assassination of President Lincoln was handed President Davis. The Confederate officials remained for several days awaiting farther de- velopments in this crucial period. ( >n the 20th of April tin. last meet- ing of the Confederate Cabinet, before it permanently dissolved, was held at the home of Mr. William Phifer, on North Tryon Street. This historic residence is now the property of Col. William E. Holt. During the war it was considered advisable to remove the Con- federate navy yard from Norfolk. Virginia, to a place of greater safety. No point on the coast seeming to be sufficiently protected, Charlotte was selected as being far enough inland to be comparativelv safe. and the navy yard was accordingly moved here. Tt was used, however, chiefly for the making of cannon balls, repairing of guns, etc. The Mint building served as headquarters for the naval offi- cers. Some of the former employes of the navy yard are among the residents of Charlotte at the present time. Among the prominent men who chose Charlotte as their home after the war were Brig.-General R. D. Drayton, Brig.-General R. D. Johnston, and Col. Hamilton C. Jones. A noted citizen and prominent lawyer of the town for several years was Zebulon Baird Vance, North Carolina's distinguished war-governor, who later served for fifteen years in the United States Senate. One of the most honored residents to-day is Mrs. Stonewall Jackson, who is esteemed not only for the name she bears, but also for her own true worth and charming personality. The period of reconstruction was to this section, as elsewhere throughout the South, a season of gloom and depression — of unset- tled conditions and re-adjustment to a changed state of affairs. Over those unhappy years we would draw the veil of silence — their gloom has left a shadow on history's page which the passing of time cannot dispel. In 1870 the population of the town, including suburbs, num- bered about five thousand people. Stunned for a while by the great blow which had fallen so heavily upon the South, Charlotte remained apparently, at a stand-still, except for the dull routine of business. With the freeing of the slaves it was evident that a great change must take place throughout a country distinctively agricultural, and depending largely upon slaves for cultivation. By degrees, however. View of South Tr recuperative power began to assert itself : the town commenced to turn attention to manufacturing interests, and henceforth a new life began to throb. Prior to the Revolutionary war a rifle factory had been established, and was one of three such factories in the United States ; but not until the latter half of the 19th century were there many manufacturing establishments to be found in this vicinity. In 1881 the first cotton mill was built in the town ; it was owned by the Messrs. Oates and was called the Charlotte Cotton Mill. To-day this city is the recognized center of the great cotton-mill district of the South. Within a radius of one hundred miles of Charlotte there are more than three hundred cotton mills, containing over one-half the spindles and looms in the South. These mills represent approximately a capital of $130,000,000 and operate about four million spindles and 100,000 looms. In Charlotte and in its suburbs there are twenty cotton mills and three cotton-seed mills. The cotton-seed oil industry has developed largely, not only in the manufacture of oil for varied purposes, but of the meal for fertilizers, and the meal and hull for cattle food. As a supplementary food-product, cotton-seed oil finds ready sale, and is shipped to the North and West, as well as to foreign coun- The Vance Residence of Zebulon Baird Vance, Governor of North Carolina tries. The manufacture of cotton into yarns and cloth represent a large amount of capital annually. Instead of selling raw cotton at six or seven cents per pound, as formerly, it has risen in value, through manufacture into salable goods, to many times that amount, China and other foreign countries being among the consumers. For years an obstacle to manufacturing interests in the South was the lack of mechanical knowledge ; by degrees this want is being supplied and has opened a large field of industry to young men. Charlotte is now independent in regard to the establishment of cotton-mills from the fact that without outside assistance, a cotton- mill can be designed, built, equipped throughout, and put in operation while the cotton is growing at its door. While the manufacture of cotton is the leading industry there are other enterprises which ^\UiW4< . .Awl I ^& are aiding- very materially in the industrial progress of the community. A number of machine shops are occupied in the construction of all kinds of machinery necessary for preparing cotton for the market, cotton-seed oil machinery, cotton mill machinery, and mining machinery. The Mecklenburg Iron Works and the Liddell Company are the oldest industries of this kind in Charlotte. The machine shops of the D. A. Tompkins Company are widely known as a most successful plant for the manufacture of machinery. Sev- eral large supply houses also find an active field for furnishing sup- plies to the manufacturer. Among flourishing industries are clothing factories which give employment to many hundreds of people. A diversity of minor enterprises adds to the city's increasing wealth and progressiveness. A marked expansion of the banking business Home of Mrs. Stonewall JacKson gives unmistakable evidence of prosperity. Four National Banks, several State Banks, Trust Companies, and Building and Loan As- sociations, are on a sound basis, and proclaim the increasing strength of Charlotte's business interests. The Charlotte Consolidated Con- struction Company owns the electric car plant and is constantly ex- tending its lines in every direction, adding greatly to the upbuild- ing of the city, and especially the suburban development. This com- pany also furnishes gas and electricity for lighting purposes. More recent organizations are the Southern Power Company and the Catawba Power Company, which are developing the water power of the Catawba river. The Catawba Power Company furnishes electricity for lighting the streets of Charlotte. Both of these companies own valuable water .sites on the Catawba river, and the development of this magnificent water power and its distribution through the Piedmont region mean untold possibilities for this tion of North Carolina. Mr. I). A. Tompkins, of Charlotte, who is thoroughly conversant with the manufacturing interest- and elec- trical development of the South, has made a cartful estimate of the water power available within sixty miles of Charlotte. Giving a map showing the main streams and tributaries within this distance, Mr. Tompkins says: "Any estimate in figures based upon the cubic feet of water and the fall, makes 1,000,000 horse power vcr\ conserv- ative as being available within sixty miles of ( liarlotte. The number of spindles which 1.000,000 horse power would run would vary ac- cording to the fineness or coarseness of the yarns. Taking the aver- age of what is already being made in this territory. 1,000,000 would run 30,000,000 spindles and 1 ,000,000 looms. In other words the water power available within sixty miles of Charlotte has been made by the introduction of electrical development available to be economi- cally used to run as many spindles as are in all England." Charlotte occupies a central location in the mining district of the Piedmont region, and since the latter part of the 18th centurj mining has been carried on in the neighboring localities with oft- times much success. In 1835 tnc Charlotte Mint, a branch of the United States Mint at Philadelphia, was established, and in Decem- ber. 1837. opened for business. Fifty thousand dollars was appro- priated by the government for the site and building. ( In July 27. 1844, the Mint was burned: after some months an appropriation of $35,000.00 was obtained, a new building erected, and the necessary Scene in Wilmoore Woodland Heathcote," at Piedmont ParK machinery purchased. On the secession of North Carolina, Ma)' 20, 1861, operations at the Mint ceased, and the building- was used by the Confederate authorities during the war. The total coinage of gold from 1838 to 1861 amounted to $5,059,188.00. At the close of the war the Mint was seized by Federal forces, and occupied by their officials until the summer of 1867 ; during that year it was re- opened as an assay office, and as such is continued at the present time. The Gold Bullion deposited at the U. S. Assay Office in Charlotte, N. C, during the five years ended July 1, 1906, amounted to $1,233,147.58 The amount of Silver Bullion contained in above de- posit of Gold, same period 3,834.06 Total $1,236,981.64 St. Catherine's and the Rudisill gold mines near the city are the largest mines in operation in this vicinity. The large patronage which the Mint has received, both for the coinage of gold and later only for the assaying of the metal, is evidence that Charlotte was judiciously selected for this purpose. In the Mint may be seen a large and valuable collection of North Carolina stones, many speci- mens being rare and beautiful. An important factor in the development and material progress of Charlotte has been the good roads for which Mecklenburg county is *' Kilmichtel " A Country Road far-famed. Radiating from Charlotte as a center, these splendid ma- cadam highways extend in all directions through the county, render- ing travel easy and comfortable under all conditions of weather, con- tributing greatly to the pleasure of the people and enhancing the value of property. By a system of special taxation and convict labor, one hundred and fifty miles of roadway have been built in the past twenty years. A pioneer in the movement for good roads was Capt. S. B. Alexander, who, as a member of the North Carolina State Senate of 1879, drew up and secured the enactment of a bill providing for the improvement of roads in Mecklenburg county, authorizing the people to levy a special road tax, and to employ con- vict labor. This measure, being little understood, met with disfavor 29 *£ LMjjtUttllf.l^ A North Tryon Slree Residence from the people, and at their request was repealed by the Legislature of 1881. In spite of the discouraging outlook, Captain Alexander continued his efforts in the interests of good roads, and in 1883 was returned to the State Senate for the express purpose of securing the re-enactment of the road-law. The bill passed the Senate but was defeated in the House. In 1885, however, Captain Alexander as- sisted by Captain W. E. Ardrey, was successful in securing the pas- sage of his bill an-d from that time good roads were assured. The work of road-construction has been necessarily slow ; but steadily carried on has fully demonstrated the wisdom of such methods, and recompensed for all labor and expenditure of funds. ■M While progressing in other ways, Charlotte has not been unmind- ful of the educational needs of its people. Among the schools of earlier days was the Charlotte Female Institute, opened in 1857 under charge of Rev. and Mrs. Robert Burwell. This school, with several changes of name and ownership, is still continued as The Presby- terian College for Young Women ; occupying a handsome and com- modious building, it offers exceptional advantages. Another leading school of ante-bellum days was the Charlotte Military Academy, which opened in 1859 under the direction of Major D. H. Hill and an able corps of teachers. During the war of 1861-65, the school building was used by the Confederate Government as a medical dispensary. After the war ended it was reopened as a school by Col. J. P. Thomas, and finally passed into the hands of the city for use as a public school, and is now known as the South Graded School. Gen. D. H. Hill, who won distinc- tion as a Confederate officer, was a man of decided literary talent. The Liddell Yard and during his residence in Charlotte edited a magazine called "The Land We Love," and also a newspaper entitled "The Southern Home." Elizabeth College, a large Lutheran institution for young women, is beautifully situated on the Eastern heights overlooking the city, and enjoys a wide patronage. Two large graded schools for white children, and one for negroes, are conducted on modern and most approved plans under the superintendency of Prof. Alex- ander Graham, who has ably filled this position for a number of years. Between three and four thousand children are instructed annually, and the curriculum affords a liberal education. Other institu- tions are : The Charlotte University School for Boys, King's •^vfiH BptIIHR*™"** • f - Jff^tMtr&SJB *^ ^1 aifV' »Pl^253H Si* ^^^^HF^P^^^He *^ /^i ^*' "1 M-y^53Bb^»rt" A: '^W«L * ■'• ifKllBlCTri Iffi 5 ^ * ^nt** 'M HK-fagfy" ■ 4iT^MSSHBSSkV 4s IKaCSP ' * * jATErW'BB'faWR *-,/» * 1 HBp^hs iSP** - * i^B&y JBp^^j^sr flfc V JHv IgiSsW JITS ■-! §§§IIip§ -gar jfis ' TXFiiirf' 5fi < t,+ ¥S Business College, St. Mary's Seminary, which is a Roman Catholic institution, special schools of music and art, kinder- gartens, and various private schools. Just west of Charlotte, beyond the sub- urb Seversville, is located Biddle Uni- versity, a college for negroes under the care of the Northern Presbyterian Church; it is named for Airs. Mary D. Biddle, of Philadelphia, who contributed largely to its erection. The Piedmont Industrial School, at the Chadwick and Hoskins cotton-mills, near the city, is meeting with much sucess in the educa- tion and industrial training of mill people. Twenty miles distant, in the northern part of the county, is Davidson College which for three-quarters of a century has oc- cupied a prominent position as a College of Liberal Arts and Scien- ces. Many of its alumni are among the country's distinguished citizens ; and though not a school of theology, it has furnished 400 ministers to the Southern Presbyterian Church. The religious life of Charlotte is well known ; it is a city of churches. Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Episcopal, Lutheran, Associate Reformed Presbyterian, and Roman Catholic congrega- tions occupy handsome church buildings, with large and increas- ing membership. In point of numbers, the Second Presbyterian Church leads, with more than twelve hundred members. In 1815 a large lot was set apart by the town for religious purposes, and a square just to the rear of this property was made a public burying ground. The citizens of the town united in erecting a church build- ing, which for a number of years was used by all di'e n o ruinations. The people of this section be- i n g principally Scotch-Irish, and therefore Presby- terians, outnum- bered by far any other denomina- tion ; and in 1835 t h e y obtained possession of this property on which they erected a larger house of w or s h i p The Cotton Weighing beautiful and imposing edifice, known as the First Pres- byterian Church, now stands upon this site, its grounds occupying" a block in the heart of the city. This mag- nificent property, carpeted with rich green grass and shaded by ancient oaks, is justly an object of admiration to every passer-by. Prominent among its ministers of an earlier period was the Rev. Arnold W. Miller, a man whose rigid adherence to right, wide learning, and fearless utterances, during a pastorate of twenty-nine years, made his influence deeply felt throughout the community. The burying ground, known as "the old cemetery," has for many years been unused ; the present cemetery, Elmwood, occupies a natu- rally beautiful location to the northwest of the city. In the old VFfi 'ttrleans, with line railroad facilities, and favored with many natural advantages, Char- lotte occupies an important position in the manufacturing and com- mercial world. The most substantial and healthful growth must necessarily be slow; and in pursuing this plan in its upbuilding, a foundation strong and lasting has been established, upon which to- day it builds with a steadily increasing growth. For Charlotte great things may be predicted. Historic memories preside over a worthy past : to-day it is ruled by the consciousness of assured power and prosperity: while to-morrow bears in its hand the promise of greater opportunities and unlimited possibilities. vg&Ak ^ m