/n 4 ^ t' J^^^\ J \ ir^ ^v^Jt^c3t.•\ "ir-ib eD Mi Clje iLibrarp of tlje Ic . (Ilntt)er$itp of K^ottt Carolina SOth Co.voRE.^3, [HO. OF REPS.] Miscellaneous. 2d Session. No. 39. INDIAN TRIBES. ■•^•-i RESOLUTIONS OF THE EGISLATUREOF NORTH CAROLINA. RELATIVE To tli'i -provision of a permanent home for the Indian tribes. February S, 1849. Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. RESOLUTIONS concerning the improvemement of the Indian tribes. Yv'hereas the condition of the various Indian tribes upon the western frontiers of the United States appeals to the humanity and justice of the general government to devise some plan, by which a permanent home may be secured to them; by which their existence as a people may be secured and perpetuated ; by which their moral, intellectual, and social condition may be improved, and the blessings of civilization and civil lib- erty at length be secured to them. ' 1. Beit therefore resolved, i^'c, That we recommend this subject to the serious consideration of the Congress of the United 'States, that, in the exercise of their wisdom, they may mature a plan by which the Indian tribes inhabiting our western territory may be placed more directly under the paternal care of the general government, by which a specific region of country may be set apart for their permanent abode, secured to them forever against further encroachment, and undisturbed by the great current of western emigration ; by Avhich their moral, intellectual and social condition may be improved and elevated ; by which the blessings of education, civilization and Christianity may be im- parted to them ; by which they moiy all be brou2:ht together and united in one grand confederation, and thus prepared for the enjoyment of civil and religious liberty ; and if found practicable, they may be ultimately admitted into our federal Union. 2, Resolved, That his excellency the governor of the State, be re- quested to transmit a copy of these resolutions to each one of our senators and representatives in the Congress of the United States, that the same may be laid before their respective houses. Read three timesj and ratified 29th day of January, 1849. ROB. B. GILLIAM, Sj)eak€r of the House of Cotnmons. C. GRAVES; S. S. 2 Mis. No. 39. " , Statr of North Carolina, OJ/i.ce of Secretary of State. I, William Hill, secretary of State, in and for the State of North Caro- lina, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of resolutions passed by the General Assembly of this State. Given under my hand this 3lst day of Jannary,4849. \VM. HILL, Secretary of State. ExEcuTiVK Department, Raleigh, N. C, January "dX^VM^. Sir: I have the honor herewith to transmit a copy of certain resolu- tions relating to the ' condition of the Indian tribes, adopted by the Gen- eral Assembly of North Carolina at their late session. I have the honor to be very respectfully, your obedient servant, CHARLES MANLY, Governor of North Carolina, To Hon. D. M. Barringer, House of Representatives, U. S, i ■ii^^" 00032203927 FOR USE ONIA' IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION