ft'- w»i ...-t i'\6u £**' ■<•*■*'?%&* m % tS&tfemi u? i»SK $S aJfc QTfje Hifcrarp of tfje Untoersiitp of JJortf) Carolina CJje Cameron Collection 3fn Jflemorp of JBennefjan Cameron g>eptemoer 9, I854 = 3fune 1, 1925 tErtuftee of tf>e ©nifaergitp of Jloctfr Carolina 1891=1925 RlConlO Th =^=^^=^= ; ONL' CENT on the AJN" ACT ALLOWING THE RALEIGH AND GASTON RAIL ROAD COMPANY TO INCREASE ITS CAPITAL STOCK. Whereas, the whole capital stock of the Raleigh arid Gas- ton Rail Road Company, is fixed by the Charter at the sum of nine hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars, and each share thereof at one hundred dollars, and by reason of the great expenditure in permanent fixtures necessarily made to complete the road after exhausting the capital stock, the actual capital invested is now, or will soon be upward of one million five hundred thousand dollars, so that, each share, in said company now represents about the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars ; and whereas, at a late general meeting of the Stockholders, held on the 4th day of October last, it was deemed expedient, and so resolved, that the Company should purchase a portion of the slaves to be employed in its ser- vice, whereby each share will represent a still larger addition- al amount of capital stock, and it is but just, that the shares should represent as nearly as practicable the amount of capi- tal invested : Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That it shall be lawful for the Raleigh and Gas- ton Rail Road Company to increase the number of shares of its capital stock, so as to make the whole number fifteen ^ thousand or less, and that the additional number hereby al- 0m lowed may be wholly or partly divided among the Stock- EL [2] holders, according to their several interests or sold for their use and benefit, or used to purchase slaves for the use of the Company as by the Stockholders shall be deemed best ; Pro- vided nevertheless, that it shall be necessary for the State as a stockholder to concur in the number of increased shares as also in the disposition thereof. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That if the additional shares or any number of them shall be divided among the stockhold- ers all the fractional parts of shares which may accrue on such division shall be added together so as to constitute whole shares, and they shall be disposed of for the benefit of those having fractional interest, as may be deemed advisable by the Company. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act when accept- ed by the Company shall forthwith, be deemed a part of the Charter, and such acceptance shall be certified to the Secre- tary of State, by the President and Directors of the Compa- ny, under the seal of the Corporation. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That a general meeting of the Stockholders may be called for the purpose of accepting the amendment and if accepted as provided in Section 3rd, at any time within two years, it shall be sufficient. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That it shall not qe ne- cessary for the Company to increase the number of shares at once, but they may do so from time to time as shall bef resolved on the State concurring as aforesaid, Frovided, how- * ever, the whole capital of the Campany shall not exceed fif-^^ teen hundred thousand dollars. ^ [3] Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That every part of the present charter of said Company which shall be in conflict with this amendment shall be null and void after its accept- ance as aforesaid. Read three times and ratified in General Assembly, this 23rd day of February, A. D. 1S61. WM. T. DORCH, S. H. C. HENRY T. CLARK, S. S. UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00042071658 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION