A STATEMENT OF FACTS CONCERNING THE BLOODY RIOT IN WILMINGTON^ N.C THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA VCp971.65 W7hk FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION 7 * k A STATEMENT OF FACTS CONCERNING THE BLOODY RIOT IN WILMINGTON, N. C. Of Interest to Every Citizen of the United States. BY REV. J. ALLEN KIRK, D. D., Pastor of the Central Baptist Church of "Wilmington, N. C. Bloody Riot Perpetrated upon the Helpless and Inoffensive Negro. Wilmington, JST. C., Thursday, November 10, 1898. It was clamored among' the political campaigners that m the eastern portion of North Carolina, the white people were under i^egro rule. They took advantage of this scarecrow, and held it up before the white friends of the Xtgroin all their political speeches, using also the Manly article to create anger among the loyal and conservative white citizen- It is not my motive to give the nature of the Manly article or the number of Xegro officeholders, but to state the, facte touching the riot above, named. It is my feeling to impartially state to white and colored the facts as I best know them pertaining to the bloody riot. Ministers Called to Explain. After the publication of the Manly article, and the threats heaped upuu him on the account of its publication, and the withdrawal of its advertisements by its white con- tributors, and the appeal to the Interdenominational Min- isterial Union to help the enterprise, as it would be com- pelled to die unless the colored people would subscribe ard pay their subscriptions more readily than they had in the past. Being the only daily paper in the South and enterprise of its kind, the Ministerial Union promised to ask their people to subscribe to the paper and support it as an enterprise of our race, without any thoughts of en- dorsing the much talked of article, and with this view, they published the re-solution asking the colored people to support the Record. The ministers being asked to plain their resolution, drew up a resolution of explain* and presented it to the Messenger, a white paper, in swer to their request, but it seemed not to be satisfac and they were therefore publicly assailed by the jour of "Wilmington to their sad regret and misfortune; we believe that all these steps were taken in order to fur- ther political ends. There was a meeting called on Wed- nesday night, Xovember 9th, and the Ministers and lead- ing colored citizens were requested to attend and they attended; this meeting was white. They were asked to see to it that Manly leave the City, the colored ministers stated that they were not concerned in Manly's article, and h carry into operation such other plans as may come up, such as selecting a new Board of Aldermen, etc. After adopting resolutions of minor importance, thanking the city and foreign press and various committees, the first meeting of its kind ever h ' J in North Carolina, adjourned. "Manly must leave h .n 'row, noon, and Wright and Melton must resign.'* 8 A member of this meeting arose and asked the question of the Chairman: "What shall we do with the ministers?" We know not what the answer was, but we know the action, for we are exiled and scattered over the country from our pulpits and our people, without having time to. get our property or our money or any other means of protection for our families, but left them in the woods and country places to flee for our lives, hoping that we might be able to gather them home at some future time and in a place of safety. Special reference to the Boston Negro was published in the Evening Dispatch. It was supposed to have been directed to J. Allen Kirk, pastor of the Central Baptist Church, of Wilmington, North Carolina. The reference reads as follows: "The Negro syho came from Boston here to lead the Negroes in their '. predations had better take his departure and shake the -t of the city from his feet." But this divine lias never taken any part in politics and } i lead continually that his people follow peace and order and even Avas a member of the committee (the Chairman) that drew up a resolution of prayer and fasting on the part of his people to> go into effect Monday, November 7th, prior to the election, and the much regretted riot. Notwithstanding that, he had oft times invoked the blessings of God upon the City of Wilmington, upon white and colored and all enterprises carried on by them. It seems that the inevitable came. O! The poor helpless Negro. God help him, and may all that read the following and impartial story, white and black, pray that God may stay the strong arm of our white brethren and all our colored brethren from shedding blood. My heart is burdened with the cares of our race; and with anxiety I appeal and ev. treat our white brethren to help us to quell the many disturbances that are now happening in our country. With impartiality, love and respect toward white and colored I give the following statements of the Wilmington Biot as best known to me. Not with the intention of moving the passions of white or colored men, but that I may pre- vent exaggerated stories from being heaped upon the com- munity or upon the country. nesdav there was a great Jubilee march by the Democrats through the City, probably five hundred in ber, and report after report could be heard from their The cheers and loud hurrahs and shrieks in streets were enough to intimidate and demoralize all geao©- ful citizens and to send fear and terror *to the hearts of the Negroes inhabiting the City of "Wilmington. But it cleared away and we thought all was over and Dr. Kirk bong at Major "Walkers, whose wife receiving a telephone that the whites were gathering around Gas ireet in great numbers with guns and arms of various kinds and advised her not to sleep that night, but to keep her eyes open. The Rev. started home to see about his family and as he got to Tanning Street the firing began ; not knowing the nature of it he sends for his family and he and his family lodged in the suburbs of the City that night. Re- turning home the next morning he arose from the break- fast table and went to see what the signs of the times were. He saw a young man rushing by on his wheel whom he called to and asked what the trouble was, he said they were, all gathering at the Armory on Market Street, pre- paring to burn the Record. Rev. Kirk started for a car- riage to remove his family but they were then coming and he took his family to the suburbs of the City, hiding in the Colored Cemetery until the disturbances of the day were quite over; having messengers to go back and forth to bring him the news of all that was done. This he kept up until the chief fighting was over. They marched down to the Love and Charity Hall, went in, threw out the press into the street and The building burned down. Then they marched to Rev. I. Allen Kirk's house, pastor of the Cen- tial Baptist Church, and the Regulators lined up in front of the parsonage, while two came to the door and knocked for entrant . but tiny were told that he and his family had gone. They went from there across the railroad into what is known a- J 'arktown and Brooklyn; they had sent a committee to remove all the white women and their child- ren down town, whore they had prepared a guard to keep them secure. They marched through the streets protected by these military and citizen regulators, perfectly safe. 10 it was a great sight to see them marching from death, and the colored women, colored men, colored children, colored enterprises and colored people all exposed to death. Fir- ing began, and it seemed ]ike a mighty battle in war time. The shrieks and screams of children, of mothers, of wives were heard, sncli as caused the blood of the most inhuman person to creep. Thousands of women, children and men rushed to the swamps and there lay upon the earth in the cold to freeze and starve. The woods were filled with colored people. . The streets were dotted with their dead bodies. A white gentleman said that he saw ten bodies lying in the undertakers office at one time. Some of their bodies were left lying in the streets until up in the next day following the riot. Some were found by the stench and miasma, that came forth from their decaying bodies under their houses. Every colored man who passed through the streets had either to be guarded by one of the crowd i i have a paper (pass) giving him the right to pass ..lured men at the cotton press and oil mills were ordered not to leave their labor but stop there, while i wives and children were shrieking and crying in the midst of the flying balls and in sight of the cannons and Gatling gun. All the white people had gone out of that part of the City, this army of men marched through the streets, swor ; ckled to their sides, giving the command to fire. ; 3 1 - iod at their labor wringing their hands and weeping they dare not move to the protection of their homes. : i then when they passed through the streets had : ' Id up their hands and be searched. The little white boys of the city searched them and took from them every mean defence, and if they resisted, they were shot. down. From an eye-witness and a reliable colored lady, fr em York, it was stated that they went into a colored man's house, he sitting at the fire, they thought he fired a shot; he ran, they shot him down, then took up a stick of wood and bursted his brains out ; then they went on firing, it seems, at every living Negro, killing a great many of them; searching everyone they could get hold of; this went on all day and night, more or less. The city was under militarv rule; no Xegro was allowed to come 11 into the city without being examined or withouj through with his boss, for whom he labored. ( olorad women were examined and their hats taken ofT u •, search was made even under tlieir clothing. They went from house to house looking for Negroes that they considered offensive; took arms they had hidden and killed them for the least expression of manhood. They gathered around colored homes, firing like great sportsmen firing at rabbits in an open field and when one would jump his man, from sixty to one hundred shots would be turned loose upon him. His escape was impossible. One fellow was walking along a railroad, ami they shot hii my provoca- ti u. l\ is said lay upon tin street dead and dying, while uafi eirs of their race by helpless and unable to do them any good or their families. Negro stores were closed and the owners thereof driven out of the city and even shipped away at the point of the gun. ' Some of the churches were search e< i for ammunition, and cannons turned toward the door in the attitude of blowing up the church if the pastor ■ did not open them that they might go thron lay, November 13th, while the funeral of a. lieen: ainister was going on in Central Baptist Church, of winch Dr. J. Allen Kirk is p;.stor, they, thinking the pastor was preaching, sur- rounded the church it is supposed in order to capture him when he came out. Saturday, previous to this, they went around to the colored ministers and asked them what they intended to preach on Sunday. This riot not only touched the Negro, but it touched the Republican party, for it compelled the Republican Mayor, Chief of Police, their Aldermen, their policemen, and all to resign their offices and be sent away from the city; that is to say, the Mayor and other prominent white leaders. It is supposed that John C. Dancy is in danger ilmington, N. C. White ministers earned their guns to kill Negro Chris- ad sinners. The mob took the leading colored -min- and compelled them to go around the city with them ask the colored people to be obedient to the white 12 people and go in their homes and keep qniet. This was a great humiliation for us and a shame upon our denomi- nations; and after all this some of them were compelled to leave the city. Dr. J. Allen Kirk's Escape. When he left the city with his wife and little Mabel Stitt following him in tears, there was a fusillade of balls flying abroad in the city; he caught up a delivery wagon, put his family in it and insisted that he drive them to the ccuntry, which he did, and they went in hiding in the swamps below the Colored Cemetery. Mrs. J. Allen Kirk a Heroine. As Mrs. Kirk stood in the Colored graveyard of Wil- mington, ]NT. C, with her little niece Mabel, daughter of the deceased pastor of Zion Wesley Church of Philadel- phia, Penna., by her side, and her husband before her, the guns roaring around her, like in a mighty battle, she saw that, her husband would not leave her, and said to him, "Mr. Kirk, escape for your life, you cannot carry me with you, perhaps they won't kill me, if they do I will die; you go! Go! Mr. Kirk." She is a great and loving wife. Dr. J. Allen Kirk was determined not to get out of reach of the riot, until he could get the whole story, con- sequently he had friends who went back and forth and brought him the news of the disturbances in the city. Learning that they had compelled Manly to leave the city, he got on a boat, and in the midst of the tears of hi? wife and niece and farewell kisses, he sailed down the creek and got off and waded the swamp and went through the wood and by-paths, nine miles from the city. And still he had the news brought to him, even until he took his leave, Sunday 'evening, November 13th, from Castle Haynes, nine miles from Wilmington. Before leaving home, he called the family with whom he and his wife and little niece were stopping, around the family altar and placed them and himself in the hands of God for pro- 13 teetion. He bought his ticket for "WeldoB, N~- C, with the intention of going much farther. When he boarded the train lie entered the smoker, and there found that Regulators were on board the train and spotted him at once. They began to curse with refernce to him and to make great threats. He determined to try them to see if they would do him bodily harm. When the train stopped, at a couple of stations ahead, he got up, appa- rently to go out; as soon as he arose they followed to be sure that he did not get out of their sight; he passed into the first class ear and they watched him through the glass door. About this time the train was ready to stop at another station, and Lawyer Moore, colored, of Wilming- ton, X. C.j stepped on board the train; seeing Dr. Kirk, and he seeing him, could tell by each other's expression that serious danger and trouble were aboard the train, we. therefore, refrained speaking to each other, or acknowl- edging that we knew each other. When he boarded the train, they spotted him, and considered that they had two that they would manage to suit their own ideas that night. Lawyer Moore was to get off at Wilson, X. C, and in fact he did get off but was compelled to return to the car. This completely unstrung the most pitiful colored lawyer, for he had heard their threats, their determination to re- move him from the earth, or to prevent him from bother- ing them again. In some way or other, when he came back into the car, T)r. Kirk said he knew why he had come back, to appear ignorant of the cause, and to draw out the Regulators, that sat gazing upon both of us like a lion watching his prey. He asked Lawyer Moopre if he was not to stop at Wilson. He said, "yes;" then he asked him where he was going now. He said that he did not know and that he had no money to go anywhere, but he n: ought he would go as far as Rocky Mount if the con- ductor would let him. Dr. Kirk said, in order to draw out the Regulators and see what they meant to do, per- haps some of these white gentlemen will give you the money to go as far as Rocky Mount. Then they began to curse and swear and said they would rather send him down to hell, calling him all manner of names, than to 14 give him his fare to Rocky Mount. When the train blew for the station, the Regulators passed into the first class car to consult; the porter passed out of the door and ieft it ajar. Lawyer Moore leaped from the car and dashed through the wood, while the train was in motion, thereby escaping; but the train was stopped and they went out t? look for him, but he had gone. Then they got back in the car; we had but a short distance to> go before we reached Rocky Mount. And they began to watch Dr. Kirk very closely, with what intention the Dr. could not tell, but he thought and felt that it was as serious as death. Before the train stopped, it seems that the con- ductor must have told them that his ticket was for Wel- don, and that he would have: to< be there awhile and it was not necessary to disturb him on the train. This is conjecture. Dr. Kirk became very uneasy and prepared to go out ; he got a lunch, hired a carriage and rode all that night through the storm and reached Whitaker, X. C. next morning and boarded a freight and came on to Petersburg, Ya. ; he promised his wife before he left that he would send her a telegram (which was a sign) that next morning from Richmond, Ya., if he got there, and if she received no telegram it was a sign that he was dead. He could not reach Richmond, he therefore wrote a mes- sage and gave it to a colored gentleman at Whitaker, N. C, insisting upon liim to be sure and send it, not stating that he was in North Carolina. This shows the complete organic strength of this most regretful and dreadful move- ment going on in North Carolina. The telegraph, the telephone, and even it seems the very railroad train knows hew to move against the Negro in this matter and the exiled ones, either colored or white, for both were shipped from Wilmington and were kept going out of the state. It is as hard to get out of the State as it was to pass the ruffians at three Eastern Gates, as you travel through the East. We are' widows' sons. Lord, God, is there no help for us. Dr. Kirk left his wife in a country hut in the swamps of North Carolina, sleeping on a pallet wait- ing to hear from him; and he, a minister of the gospel; honored and respected by black and white throughout the country as far as is known to himself and others. 15 He appeals in the name' of humanity that the lives of the citizens of these United States be protected, let them be white or black; for we all fight and die for the same country and her flag. Extend to us the hand of help! Give us the strong grip of the lion! Lift this dark and oppressed race from a dead level of sore affliction to a living perpendicular of consideration in the eyes of this nation. Not from a political standpoint, but an humane, recognizing us as worthy your protection if nothing more. The above is a limited sketch of the troubles in Wil- mington, X. 0. The entreaty is to move the feeling of those who 1 may read them. It is not to stir up passion, but pity. It is not to make enemies, but friends. It is not from the heart of an evil thinker, but one that.prayeth that God may revolutionize the fearful sentiment of the South, and inspire sympathy and pity in the hearts of our white friends. f< r good to our race. The summary of the situation: Evening Dispatch, of Wilmington, X. O.j published Friday evening, November 11, 1898, states tli at a correct list of the fatalities will never be published, but there were many men wounded as well as killed; Negroes and some whites. Says the Dispatch, in the same issue, "A detailed account of the trouble yesterday will never be given — that is a correct statement — as it was impossible in the excitement to get at the details or to recollect them; and the number of Negroes killed and wounded will brobably never be kno An eye wit- ness says that she believes there v ore than one hun- \ died destroyed in the said conflict. ] h*. Kirk entreats the Negro race to refrain from threat- and highhanded talk- ing, and loud and boisterous conduct in the streets. Be considerate in all they do. Conduct themselves as gentle- men and ladies, and try by all means to keep the peace that is necessary to our existence in this country. Ever trusting God, with all their hearts, leaning not unto their own understanding, but in all their ways acknowledging God and He will direct our paths. Amen. It i& generally . supposed by the better white citizens, that the Negroes who suffer at the hands of these atro- 16 cious mobs, are of the lower or vicious class of our race, but in the case of Wilmington, X. C, the reverse is the truth. lor the colored citizens of Wilmington were pro- gressive and enterprising- and were characterized by their endeavor to live as worthy citizens. They are property holders, averaging from five to forty thousand dollars, re- spectively. From their ranks were furnished teachers, lawyers, physicians, clergymen, merchants and business men. The intellectuality of the colored citizens is beyond the average, in so much that it has been recognized by the conservative white people of the city and State. The pastors of the colored churches wore recognized by white and colored as the most able divines that ever stood in the pulpits of "Wilmington. The membership of the various (1; nominations loved and respected their pastors, because of their ability to lead them in truth and right. There was a. great lamentation heard throughout the city when the mob got hold of some of the leading pastors and took them from their members. Their shrieks could be heard across the city in exclamations like these: O! 0! My God! My (rod! Where have they taken our pastor! — from men. and women. The white people of Wilmington intended to remove ali the able leaders of the colored race, stating that to do so would leave them better and obedient servants among the .Negroes: and all the better class of the colored citi- zens were driven from the city, showing to the world that they were not after the criminal and ignorant class of Xegroes, but the professional and business men. The whites claim that Dr. I. 8. Lee. I). D.. Rev. Dr. J. Allen Kirk, ami lawyer W- E. Henderson were the strong - forces at the head of their race in the city. These and many others with them were driven and sent away from the city. This postscript is to show to the white and colored peo- ple of these United States and the world, that the decent families of our race have been assailed and routed like beasts from their God given positions as leaders of their race. A ~> — '£*%&?. ' <■-■ , ■ j ^"V* £#h CJ\