LATEST REVISED PRICE LIST JANUARY 1, 1923 Atlantic Collin and Casket Company Rose Hill, North Carolina ♦ ♦ Destroy all former price lists Prices subject to change without notice jP' V: £ .' , r 9 -i' ;* ' .n-.-In ,';n" ' va >#? ■ U ; < - V - t • - " - ■ ■;, < t" ' - , ** -> ~ V.'-v : ' ■- > - Ot • fe • Ek- ' ' • ,■ -'•■ • •'■ = -nn , • Tv- . • : : r :•&'*£ \yv .. - -' ;' ^'4-- " a-.? > ■ • • ...- . - - - •_ - • • • . - ~ • ? •• , ‘ 3 y ,V y.V ! V ; ' - • 'T l- V'aV-^ t ■ ' s s i m : M-rl " . V. .*■>■•< ■ ■ -v'-V* . ;.n- » ■' ■ >-J- ■' ■- - - ,.: . , •. • : • • r ■ * . •■' ' ■■ ‘ .’■ ■- - £-*£. ; •• < -V■ •.• ■'- '* -n . • :' y’-V y- > T ' V T- ■ TT • . - . ■ ti ■ .' ?- J ->C- ’ *■ •’ ^ •'? i.*-' : X +£"■>■'. ■ t*'~y '' v - -. V'Lr T- '• : , - ...••• .• f'Ki* - ' ' . -. -■ ■•' •:... "'i ( ' -- -• '•■■ ; - .'- v, ... - :.y' ■■ ■ '• . •' * <"v.' ■• ■• V ; ' v i ■■• :i •-• . v -. . -, .... a ,¥„• ‘ ■• .->, r .^‘-Vr^sWN ' ' ..7. ' '■■> • ■ - - . . ■» . »> ~ ^ .' C ■' % 1 ;•: ■. •. ■'. -■.-r■■- '.nay \ a.. . . ' '&:avJW* i m$t P# s: i^'#p . . • • y ■ .- - . • •• • / .• .. ' ’ ■ ■-■' ■ - •' . v r>- v -> * tf.- . -/ >l _ *, >- '• V % j ■’*. *• Ci2i*' Y*, *V? / « l '- .. r ... ' • '•»< * <*. . - : a :■;■'■ - . -v ' ■ ^W' y. ./.tVav-n'- i’" y'"' '■ ••'.-' ■*- ?' ■■ . •: . '' ^ y-:.'' ■■ n n,'. '■'n ;j ' • '%y‘' v ,: nf ,a . • .-. - ?v '• ■ -,>i- LATEST REVISED PRICE LIST JANUARY 1, 1923 Atlantic Coffin and Casket Company Rose Hill, North Carolina ♦ ♦ Destroy all former price lists Prices subject to change without notice ANNOUNCEMENT' We are pleased to advise you that our new factory is now in full operation, and that we will strive to make it to your ad¬ vantage to place all your orders with us for all your wants. Many new designs have been made up, and this price list is intended to cover only our own make of undertakers’ goods, embracing a splendid total of 85 styles and designs of caskets. Upon application, just a little later, we will be glad to mail you a price list of our jobbing line of funeral supplies, which will be complete for any and every demand of the trade. There is also now in course of preparation our new illustrated catalogue, which will be ready for the printer very early in the new year. But for the present, we are sure that you will agree with us that this descriptive price list will be sufficiently clear that you can select any designs desired intelligently and place your wishes properly before us. Let your orders come! We will greatly appreciate them and render you faithful service! Yours sincerely, Atlantic Coffin and Casket Company, Rose Hill, North Carolina. p SS767 ATLANTIC COFFIN AND CASKET COMPANY 2 TERMS Our Terms are as much a part of the transaction as is the price of the goods. And all goods are sold f. o. b. factory. Thirty Days All invoices paid us within thirty days are subject, first, to full freight allowance and then to a cash discount of 5% upon the balance after deducting the freight. Sixty Days . No goods are sold any one on a longer period of time than 60 days. And freight is allowed only on those invoices paid us in 60 days. But we allow no one a cash discount on such 60-dav bills. Moreover, we allow and credit you for freights within 60 days only upon receipt from you of such paid freight bills. We pay no express or parcel post charges. Our customers pay these charges on rushed shipments. P 3 S’ o ATLANTIC COFFIN AND CASKET COMPANY 5 ADULT MEDIUM PRICED OCTAGON CASKETS W e are pleased to offer our undertaker friends the list below of real bargains in Medium Priced Octagon Caskets, the same nicely lined to suit the job and furnished complete with attractive Extension Trimming Sets. Order out your needs at once and be convinced of these excellent designs, at exceedingly reasonable prices. Number Shell only Complete 375 Octagon Casket, Splendid Design, Three- Panel Top, Inclined Plate Panel, Silk Slide, Covered in Black Broadcloth_ $18.00 $32.00 388 Same Job, Black English Crepe_ 17.00 31.00 395 Same job, Lambskin____ 18.00 32.00 390 Same Job, Grey English Crepe_ 18.00 32.00 396 Same Job, Grey Doeskin____ 19.00 33.00 397 Same Job, Grey Plush.... 23.00 37.00 398 Same Job, White Plush___ 22.00 36.00 X90 Octagon Casket, Run Side, Oval Top, Covered in Black Broadcloth... 17.50 31.50 X91 Same Job as X90, Lambskin___ 17.50 31.50 X92 Same Job as X90, Grey Doeskin__ 17.50 31.50 X93 Same Job as X90, Grey English Crepe..- 17.50 31.50 X94 Same Job as X90, Black English Crepe... 17.00 31.00 EXTRA SIZES IN ANY OF THE ABOVE CASKETS It is our purpose to supply all our undertaker friends extra sized caskets, at very reasonable prices; and our facilities are such that we can make shipment by express of any of the above list in extra sizes on very short notice, as we carry the extra sized shells in stock, and often they are already covered for shipment by express or freight at once. Excepting for the Couches, applying to any of the above jobs, add for shell only, for X, $5.50; for XX, $9.00; and for XXX, $12.50. And for completed jobs, for X, add $6.00; for XX, $10.50; and for XXX, $14.00. ATLANTIC COFFIN AND CASKET COMPANY 6 ADULT MEDIUM PRICED SQUARE CASKETS Especially would we invite the trade to buy our Medium Priced Square Caskets to obtain great values at exceedingly low prices. We own hundreds of acres of virgin forests of very fine pine and hardwood timber, bought before the rise, in which we have located our own sawmills, from which we obtain the lum¬ ber far below the market price for making up this attractive line of goods. Moreover, at our modern new plant, designed to mill stock at the minimum of cost for labor, by quantity production (100 jobs at a time), we defy competition as to the materials entering this up-to-date line as well as to the skill and workmanship ex¬ emplified in the shells as well as the finish of the completed jobs. We are glad to give our customers the full advantage of all these facilities, both in quality and cheap prices. Order now! This attractive list of Square Adult Caskets is lined with nice adaptable materials to suit the designs. And the outer finish is with a very desirable Silver Rope Bar Trimming Set, for each of the completed jobs. Number Shell only Complete X100 Square Flared Body, Oval Top, Dowell Cap, Silk Slide, Black Broadcloth..._ $18.00 $30.00 X101 X102 Same Job, Grey Doeskin ..... Same Job, Black English Crepe..... 19.00 16.50 31.00 28.00 X103 X104 Same Job, Grey English Crepe_ ___ Same Job, Lavender English Crepe_ 17.00 17.00 29.00 29.00 X105 Same Job, Lambskin_____ 17.00 29.00 16 Square Flared Body, Three-Panel Raised Top, Dowell Cap, Silk Slide, Covered in Black English Crepe... 15.50 26.50 17 Same fob, Grey English Crepe_ 16.00 27.00 19 Same job, Lavender English Crepe_ 16.00 27.00 33 Same Job, Lambskin____ 16.00 27.00 14 Square Flared Body, Three-Panel Raised Top, Dowell Cap, Patent Catches, Silk Slide, Varnished in Imitation Rosewood______ 12.00 23.00 40 Square Flared Body, Three-Panel Flat Top, Stationary Gause, Screwed-on Cap and Top Covered in Black Crepe.— 13.00 23.50 41 Same job, Grey Crepe_ 13.50 24.00 49 Same Job, Lavender Crepe.... 13.50 24.00 43 Same Job, Purple Crepe__ 13.50 24.00 46 Same fob, Lambskin___ 13.50 24.00 20 Square Flared Body, Three-Panel Flat Top, Stationary Gauze, Screwed-on Cap and Top, Varnished in Imita¬ tion Rosewood..___~ 10.00 21.00 7 ATLANTIC COFFIN AND CASKET COMPANY CRATE AND WRAP So often is it the case that our customers by using vaults instead of outside boxes, accumulate an oversupply of such discarded boxes. The best way out is to order of us the above numbers in flat-tops, from No. 40 to No. 20, inclusive, crated two to the bundle only. And our charge for such services for crating and wrapping is $1.00 each, or $2.00 for the case. But we do not crate one case separately. EXTRA SIZES For Adult Medium Priced Caskets, for shell only, add $3.50 for X; $6.50 for XX; and $8.50 for XXX. And for the com¬ pleted jobs, for X add $4.00; for XX, $7.00; and for XXX, $10.00 . ATLANTIC COFFIN AND CASKET COMPANY 8 CHILD STANDARD STATE AND OCTAGON CASKETS You will find scheduled below a complete line of Standard Caskets for Children. And in this connection, you are advised that no pains or efforts on our part have been spared to make these designs ideal and up-to-date in every respect. By quantity production, we are enabled to pass to all our valued customers these splendid values at remarkably low prices. Most assuredly you will find it to be to your interest to make up an order at once, or for your future needs, as we look for an ad¬ vance soon, and mail in to us your selections from these great bargains. Interiors finished with fine Silk Lining; exteriors, with beau¬ tiful White Satin Swell Bar Trimming Sets. Number Complete C344 Child Square State Casket, Hinged Cap and Top Lined with Crushed Jap Silk, Plain Straddle Corners, Fine Jap Silk Couch, White Plush____2-6 $22.00 Same___..___3-0 26.50 Same_________3-6 30.00 Same..________4-0 36.50 Same____________4-6 41.50 C605 Child Octagon Casket, Hinged Top Lined with Crushed Jap Silk, Plain Swell Corners, Fine Jap Silk Couch, Covered in White Plush_____2-6 22.00 Same___________3-0 26.50 Same._______3-6 30.00 Same________.4-0 36.50 Same___4-6 41.50 (NOTE. See page 11 for other desired Child Caskets finished in drop side couch interiors.) Number Shell only Complete 347 Child Square State Casket, Hinged Cap and Top Lined with Crushed Jap Silk, Plain Straddle Corners. And from 4-0 up, Cut Top, Dowell Cap, Silk Slide, Lambskin......2-0 $8.00 $13.50 Same________2-3 9.00 15.00 Same___3-0 11.00 18.00 Same....-----....3-6 13.00 20.00 Same.........4-0 15.00 23.00 Same..... -.4-6 17.00 27.00 Same___5-0 20.00 30.00 344 Same Job as 347, White Plush.2-0 9.50 15.00 Same Job as 347.....—2-6 10.50 16.50 Same Job as 347...—3-0 12.50 19.50 Same Job as 347.-.3-6 14.50 21.50 Same Job as 347...-4-0 17.00 24.50 Same Job as 347.-.5-0 22.00 32.50 9 ATLANTIC COFFIN AND CASKET COMPANY CHILD STANDARD STATE AND OCTAGON CASKETS • (Continued.) Number 4 Shell only Complete 247 Child Square State Casket, Hinged Cap and Top Lined with Crushed Jap Silk. And from 4-0 up, Cut Top, Dowell Cap, Silk Slide, Covered in Lambskin____2-0 $6.50 $12.00 Same____—.---2-6 7.50 13.50 Same_______3-0 9.50 15.00 Same______3-6 11.50 19.00 • Same______4-0 13.50 22.00 Same_____4-6 15.50 24.50. Same_____5-0 18.50 29.00 244 Same Job as 247, Covered in White Plush______.....2-0 8.00 13.50 Same Job as 247.....2-6 9.00 15.00 Same Job as 247___.. .3-0 11.00 16.50 Same job as 247_____3-6 13.00 21.00 Same Job as 247_____...4-0 15.50 23.50 Same Job as 247____4-6 17.50 26.50 Same Job as 247_5-0 20.50 31.00 Number Complete 80 Child Octagon Casket,Hinged Cap and Top Lined with Crushed Jap Silk, Fringe Drape. And from 4-0 up, Three-Panel Top, Dowell Cap, Silk Slide, Covered in White Plush____ ....2-6 $22.00 Same........ ........3-0 25.00 Same_____ ... 3-6 30.00 Same........... _4-0 38.00 Same________ ... 4-6 44.00 Number Shell only Complete 605 Child Octagon Casket, Hinged Cap and Top Lined with Crushed Jap Silk, Plain Swell Corners. And from 4-0 up, Three-Panel Top, Dowell Cap, Silk Slide, White Plush__2-0 $ 9.50 $15.00 Same______2-6 10.50 16.50 Same___3-0 12.50 19.50 Same_______3-6 14.50 22.00 Same_____4-0 16.00 25.00 Same...4-6 18.00 27.00 Same.........5-0 21.00 31.00 ATLANTIC COFFIN AND CASKET COMPANY 10 CHILD STANDARD STATE AND OCTAGON CASKETS (Continued.) Number | 1 Shell only | Complete 647 Same Job as 605, Lambskin...2-0 $8.00 $13.50 Same Job as 605. .. . 2-6 9.00 15.00 Same Job as 605_____3-0 11.00 18.00 Same Job as 605......3-6 13.00 21.00 Same Job as 605____4-0 14.00 22.00 Same Job as 605_ . 4 -6 16.00 25.00 Same Job as 605 ..... . 5-0 19.00 29.00 47 Octagon Shell, Hinged Cap and Top Lined with Crushed Jap Silk. From 4-0 up, Three-Panel Top, Dowell Cap, Lined with Silk, Silk Slide, Covered in Lambskin______2-0 6.00 11.25 Same_____2-6 7.00 13.00 Same____3-0 9.00 15.50 Same__....__3-6 11.00 18.00 Same____4-0 13.00 21.00 Same________4-6 15.00 24.00 Same______...5-0 18.00 28.00 50 Same Job as 47, White Plush_2-0 7.50 13.00 Same Job as 47.____2-6 8.50 14.50 Same Job as 47____3-0 10.50 17.00 Same job as 47__3-6 12.50 19.50 Same Job as 47___4-0 15.00 23.00 Same Job as 47.......... 4-6 17.00 25.50 Same Job as 47.5-0 20.00 30.00 CHILD MEDIUM PRICED SQUARE CASKETS We have made sufficient designs and styles of Children’s Me¬ dium Priced Square Caskets to meet any reasonable demands of our trade. And while our prices are cut to the bone, nevertheless there is not an iota of diminution of splendid materials and ex¬ cellent workmanship exhibited in getting out these very reason¬ ably priced goods. So sure are we of our position in this matter that we earnestly request you to let your mail orders come, assuring you of our faithful attention to same. In the completed jobs below, we finish the interiors with very nice Spanish Satin Linings and all the exteriors with suit¬ able Bail Trimming Sets to match the different jobs. Number 1 Shell only Complete 55 Child Square Flared Body, Base Mold¬ ings, One-Panel Top,Full Length Cap. From 3-0 up, Two-Panel Cut Top, Dowell Cap, Stationa ry Gauze, Lamb¬ skin.......2-0 $4.00 $7.75 Same_______2-6 5.00 9.25 Same.______3-0 6.00 10.75 Same___..__3-6 7.25 13.75 Same.........4-0 8.50 16.00 Same______4-6 10.00 18.00 Same_5-0 12.50 22.00 11 ATLANTIC COFFIN AND CASKET COMPANY CHILD MEDIUM PRICED SQUARE CASKETS (Continued.) umber Shell only Complete 18 Child Square Lambskin.... Same..... Same... Same... Same... Flared Body, Flat Top, ___......1-8 .....2-0 .........2-6 _ ....3-0 __ 3-6 $2.25 2.75 3.50 4.50 5.50 $5.50 6.25 7.50 9.00 10.75 CRATE AND WRAP All the Child Medium Priced Square Caskets listed above can be crated and wrapped and shipped without outside boxes if so desired. No less than two can be so crated in one lot. And for such, our charges are: 1-8 to 3-6, 40 cents each; and from 4-0 to 5-0, 50 cents each. EXTRA ADDITIONAL SUPPLIES FOR ALL ADULT AND CHILD CASKETS LISTED IN THIS PRICE LIST DROP SIDE COUCH INTERIORS The following prices for couching include the side cut, hinged and dropped from the body. We a most excellent grade of crushed Jap silk for all couching. We can couch any job listed. Lengths 2-6 3-0 3-6 4-0 4-6 5-0 5-9 to 6-3 Charges $7.00 $9.00 $11.00 $13.00 $15.50 $18.00 $20.00 CHARGES FOR LINING CASKETS ADULT LININGS For Adult Standard Octagon and State Caskets, Silk Pi 1- jow Set, No. 1872 for $5.00; No. 1315 for $5.50,and No. 3023 (very hne) for $7.50. For Adult Medium Priced Octagon Caskets as listed, No. 1872 for $5.00. Finally, for Adult Medium Priced Square Caskets as listed, No. 1265 which are a very nice quality of Spanish Satin, $2.25 each. ATLANTIC COFFIN AND CASKET COMPANY 12 CHARGES FOR LINING CASKETS (Continued.) CHILD LININGS For all Child Standard State and Octagon Caskets as listed, we use fine silk lining, No. 1315}^; and our charges for same:— 2-0 2-6 3-0 3-6 4-0 4-6 5-0 $1.50 $1.50 $2.00 $2.00 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 For all Child Medium Priced Square Caskets as listed, we use a very nice grade of Spanish Satin, No. 1265J^; and our charges for same:— Job 55 2-0 2-6 3-0 3-6 4-0 4-6 5-0 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.00 And for Job 18, 1-8 2-0 2-6 3- -0 3-6 $ .75 $ .75 $ .75 $ .75 $1.00 COMPLETE CASKET TRIMMING SETS The selections of Casket Trimming Sets, from which we supply the exteriors for our own make of caskets, are listed below. And from long experience in such matters, we can commend them to our trade with entire confidence that they will meet the most exacting demands, both as to quality and reasonable prices: Adult 2220 Square Bar Extension, 3x1, Belgian Silver. $6.75 Adult 3430 Square Bar Extension, 3x1, Silver, Ebony, or Grey.. 6.00 Adult 4520 Silver Rope Extension, 4x2._.... 5.25 Adult 4522 Satin Rope Extension, 4x2..._. 5.25 Adult 122-N Swell Satin Bar......... 3.50 Adult 4800 Silver Rope Bar..... 2.75 Adult 75 Bail Trimming Set....... 2.00 Child 9362 White Satin Swell Bar..... 2.00 Child 42 Bail Trimming Set..... 1 • 15 OUTSIDE YELLOW PINE BOXES CHILD ADULT 21 Inches Long ... $1.75 5-0 to 6-3 .$6.00 2-0...“...2.00 2- 6......-.. ... 2.50 3- 0 .. 3.00 X 7.00 XX. 7.50 XXX . 8.00 3- 6. 3.50 4- 0. 4.00 4-6.. 4.75 For jointed and glued-side boxes, for Child sizes add SI.00 and for Adult sizes add $1.50 each. We make this special line from selected lumber, and you will be greatly pleased at the favorable appearance of these very attractive outer boxes Give us a trial order! . . ■ ATLANTIC COFFIN AND CASKET COMPANY 13 GENERAL INDEX Page No. Announcement as to Catalogue ancl Jobbing Line Our Terms___________ Adult Standard State Caskets____ Adult Standard Octagon Caskets__ Adult Medium Priced Octagon Caskets_ Extra Sizes, Charges for Same on Adult Caskets.. Adult Medium Priced Square Caskets__ Extra Sizes, Charges, Adult Medium Priced Square Caskets_ Charges Crate and Wrap Adult Medium Priced Square Caskets_____ Child Standard State and Octagon Caskets_ Child Medium Priced Square Caskets_ Extra Charges Crate and Wrap Child Medium Priced Square Caskets___ Charges for Drop Side Couch Interiors_ Charges for Lining Adult Caskets_ Charges for Lining Child Caskets_ Charges for Complete Trimming Sets___ Charges for Outside Boxes..____ Charges for Select Lumber and Glued-Side Boxes 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8,9,10 10,11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 I *. • • . ■ v - ' Nt. V