^^Q_j.C^C^\4. ^iLsw '^'^Wi p %^ 'W.ATl!' ^ MINUTES OF fl f ^t f tttjerati ^g^iD^, i| SKC0:NVENED at sandy creek church, DAVIDSON COUNTY.a 1860. AX.\) '^m MINUTES FIFTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING (StaiL f iii|. Sgitoi & Pmistermm OF NORTH CAROLINA, CONVENED AT SANDY CREEK CPIURCH, DAVIDSON COUNTY, ON THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1860. i^ MINUTES OF THE SYNODICAL MISSIONARY AND EDUCATION *^ SOCIETY APPENDED. SALISBURY, K C: J. J. BRUNER, PRINTER. ISGO. I MINUTES, According to a resolution, passed at its last meeting, the members of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Xorth Car- •olina, assembled in Sandy Creek Church, Davidson County, vn Thursday the third of May, 1860. The Synodical Sermon ^vas preached by the President,, Rev^ William Artz, from Matt. 25: 14—32. After a short recess. Synod was opened with singing and pra3^er by the Preside^t^ the roll was called, and the Clerical members with their Delegates, registered according to the fol- lowing list: OEDAINED MmiSTERS. Rev. JOHN D. SCHECK, Gibsojiville, Guilford County, JV. C. " WILLIAM ARTZ, . . s •. . Concord, Cabarrus County '' " SAMUEL ROTHROCK, RocJcmlle, Baiuan " " ■" JOHN H. :MENGERT;* ..... Wilmington, •• JACOB GRIM, Jerusalem, Davie " " *' J. B. ANTHONY,! Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus '■■ JOSEPH A. LINN, Gold Bill, Rowan, '• " D. II. BITTLE, . Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus, " WILLIAM GERH ARDT, .... Concord, " SIMEON SCHERER, Bunker Bill, Catawba County, « " LEVI C. GROSECLOSE, . . . . Salisbury, " " J OU^ S\V ICV:G'OOD, .. ....Shady Grove, Davidson « '• G. D. BERN HEIM, . . . •. Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus, '■■ JOHN S. HEILIG, . Mill Bill, Cabarrus ^ " DANIEL L DREHER, Concord, Cabarrus, " '' B. C. HALL, Shaw's Mill, Guilford, « " CALEB LENTZ, Oakland, Colorado County Texas. " WILLIAM A. JULIAN, . . . .Lexington, Davidson County, N. C. * Appeared and took his seat after the first day. t Admitted this Synod. MINUTES OF THE LICENTIATES. Kev. a. grimes, Hay Meadoiv, Wilhes County, N. 0. " L. A. BIKLE, Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus, " " A. PHILLIPPI, Charlotte, " " J. R SIKES,* Salisbury, WHITSON KIMBALL,* Midway, Davidson County, " LAY DELEGATES. Mr. JOHN WAGNER, Rev. John D. SchecVs Delegate. DAVID EARNHEART, " Samuel RoihrocJc's W. L. KISTLER, '■ Jacob Crim's JACOB FILE, '' J A. Linn's JACOB LUTZ, " S. Scherers JACOB E. MOOSE, '• L. C Grosedose's ' THOMAS J. DOTSON, '• J S. Heiligs JAMES WILLIFORD, 'D. I. Dreliers HENRY KIME, " B. C HaUs A. SWICEGOOD, " William A. Julians MARTIN ISENHOUR, -A. PhUlippis JOHN A. TROUTMAN, " J. B. Anthony's HANKE VOLLERS, '' J II. Mengert's Dr. E. SMITH, ''• W. KimbaUs The President read his Annual Keport, which was received and laid on the table for future consideration. Synod now went into an election for oflBcers for the ensuing year, and the following is the result : Eev. SIMEON SCHEEER, President " DANIEL I. DEEHER, Recording Seeretmn/. " JACOB GRIM, Corresponding " MATHIAS BARRIER, Treasurer. Commissioners were received from Vacant Congregations, and invited to seats as advisory members of Synod, viz: Mr. Daniel Fislier, from St. Paul's Rowan County. Mr. Daniel Iloffnian, from Bethel, Rowan County. Capt. John Sloop, from Luther's Chapel, Eowan County. Rev. T. S. BoiNEST, the Corresponding Delegate from the Synod of South Carolina, being present, was introduced and invited to a seat, and a participation in the deliberations of this body. Eev. J. A. Brown, D. D., was also introduced, and receiv- ♦Admitted this Synod. LUTHKKAN BYNOD. O ed as a Corresponding Delegate of the Board of Directors of tlie Theological Seminary, at Newberry, South Carolina, and was invited to a seat as an advisory member of this Synod. Dr. Brown observed that he desired to make some remarks at such time as Synod might designate. A letter from the Rev. W. S. McClannahan, Correspond- ing Delegate from the Western Virginia Synod, was read, and the following adopted : 1. Resolved, That we have heard with pleasure of the kindly feelings enter- tained by the »Synod of Western Virginia, toward this Synod, and regret that its Delegate, Eev. W. S. McClannahaxV, finds its impracticable to be present with us. Rev. Whitson Kimball, an adinterim liicentisite, was invi- ted to a seat as an advisory member of Synod. Parochial Reports were called for, and are as follows: SIIXUTES OF THE I <^ I 1 00 I 00 >- ^^CCtOK-- h^&OCOOtOtOtOCCi— i-'tOH-' Sl[Qllv5dJL6nOQ:. ' ' • •s)uvfu[ ) • • • • sijnpY ) s^}UDDiuniumoj '^uorfDnwifuoQ ''SUOJIV.tO^Sd^J ^suoissimsiQ 'moissnupY ^suoisindx^ ^spudun^' 's.idqmdjf fo il^VQfj] •sdippogt -sj/f pun -np^ ''spoip^ Rnpuji^ ^sddyDDdj; ^SdVjOip^ '■s^ssviQ 9iq}Q \ 'sSmp9jY M/iDUff OOOi— 'i+^ tOfcOtOtOtO )— .fcOh-iH-'i— 'I— ' O O O O CO CI. 0;> I— ^ CO ^T O -^l O CO CJ OC o o OOOi— ' OO Ot-0>-'000 ^T ICCn lOtOl— 'OtO >f^rf^ coo ^l' C5CO^TCOO'iCitOOCO>4i>(:i:ji— lOOOOO ►-•OOO O O I—' O^J ooo 1^ I OOOC^lOO-^OCO^J^COCOOO^TOC:0 ooo ooo ooo o O'OOi— '000>— 'I— 'OOOH-'COO OOOO-H-O OO O o OOOOOOtOCiOOrf^OCOtOO OOOOOOOO oooooo OOOOOOOO^iOOOOOO ooo to O^OOt-i o o o >^ o ~a cr> ^i o o o o bo o •— ' OOO o o o o 000^00^-^^-'CJtOOC^00^^2>'0 cnoa o I ir,i ooo to '—'O r-'-OOOOOaO _o o ooooo oc ooooooo o OOOCiOOCO— T^TOOOOCtiO oo oocr*o c»'Ooooooo ojr>_ OOOOOOOO o o o o^cT' o oooooooi—toi— ^o ooo o o ooo O ' c o 03 to oi-j't-'otoofcoobooao' •Jb ; • - ^ H-^- - to - : : : ^: : §§: to • 600 6000 as O CO it; ; ^pooj 6l : : i 8 • to ^ K-. to KJ. ^ r • Oi- OiOi-O-. •■ - 0» •' OOO- •' • o- ooo- • . ■^ %udioa:>ud([ 1 : : 1— ' CO o ; ' ' ' ^dBdipQ imrioA I ^0 A' LUTHERAN SYNOD. » Resolved, That the Secretary of Synod be required to report the number of communicants of vacant charges in the Table of Parochial Reports, and if no other correct source of information can be obtained, he be mstructed to insert the parochial report of the previous year. REPOET KO. 1. The Chairman of the Delegates of the North Carolina Sy- nod to the General Synod, convened in Pittsburgh, June, 1859, reports : That your delegates attended the last meeting of this body, and were cor- diaUy received, duly accredited and participated, to some extent, in the de- Uberations of said body. We deem an extended report uncalled for, as most, if not all, the ministers of this Synod have doubtless received a copy of the printed minutes of that body; and, as a committee will be appointed to ex- amine said minutes, a more extended report is deemed unnecessary. Our travelling expenses to and from Pittsburgh, amounted to $45.95 each, and we received from the committee on mileage $49.80; due General Synod $3.85 cents. This report embodies the expenses of Rev. Joseph A. Linn. L. C. Groseclose and Benjamin F. >'raley, who stopped at Salisbury. Respectfully submitted, L. C. GROSECLOSE. REPORT NO. 2. Your delegate to the South Carolina Synod, which conven- ed October 27th, 1859, in Beth Eden Church, Newberry Dis- trict — Takes pleasure in reporting, that though a stranger to most of the brethren, composing that body he was cordially received as Corresponding Delegate from the Synod of North Carolina, and invited to a participation in their de- liberations. A spirit of general harmony seemed to pervade the Synod.— Much business, chiefly of a local nature, was transacted, as may be seen by referring to their printed minutes. Newberry College seems to be in quite a flourishing condition. Tlie inau- guration of Rev. T. Stork, D. D., as President, of the College, and Mr. Gar- lington. Professor of Mathematics, and also, the inauguration of J. A. Brown, D. D.,' Professor of Theology, in the Seminary, took place during the nieeting of Synod. This Synod has a great work to do. and its members seem to be actively engaged m its performance. The cause of Home Missions is receiving prompt and active attention ; and the cause of general benevolence appears to be e^teadily increasing. Rev. T. S. Boinest was appointed Delegate to this Syn- od, and Dr. Brown, as Delegate from the Board of Directors of the Theologi- cal Seminary to attend this meeting of our Synod. Both of whom we arQ pleased to see in our midst. My expenses amounted to $L0.90. Respectfully submitted, L. C. GROSECLOSE. 8 MINUTES OF THE The Treasurer was ordered to pay the above expenses. Motion to adjourn, till to-inorrow morning 8-J- o'clock, \va« carried. Closed with a benediction. Eev. Whitson Kimball preached at night from Romans 8 : 28 — "We know that all things work together for good, to them that love God." SECO^^D SESSION. Friday Morning 81-, May 4. Synod met, and after spending the usual time in devotion- al exercises, was opened with prayer by the President. Min- utes of 3'esterday were read and confirmed. The President announced the Standing Committees which are as follows : 1. On President's Bej^ort. — Eev's D. 11. Bittle, Levi C. Groseclose, and Mr. J. A. Troutman. 2. On Petitions and Vacancies. — Rev's G. D. Bernheini, J. B. Anthony, and Jacob File, Esq. 3. On Unfinished Business. — Rev's William Artz, William A. Julian, and Mr. J. Lutz. 4. On the State of our Finance. — Rev's John S. Heilig, B. C. Hall, and Mr. H. Kime. 5. On the State of Beligion. — Rev's John D. Scheck, Ja- cob Crim, and Mr. John Wagner. 6. On Proceedings of Conferenticd Meetings. — Rev's Sam- uel Rothrock, J. Swicegood, and Alexander Swicegood. On Education. — Rev's Joseph A. Linn, A. Phillippi, and Mr. J. E. Moose. The delegate of Rev. Jacob Ckim, appeared, presented his credentials, and was admitted a member of this Synod. The delegate of Rev. J. 11. Mengert, presented his creden- tials, and was received as a member of this Synod. Rev. J. B. Anthony presented a certificate of lionorable dismission fro^ii the Melantlian Synod, asking admission into our body. 1 j requo ;t was granted, and the name of the ap- plicant was placed upon our Clerical Roll. LUTHERAN SYNOD. ^ REPORT NO. 3. Your Committee to whom was referred the President's Re- port, with accompanying documents, beg leave to present the tbllowing: We find but two recommendations in the Report of the President. First. The excusing of brother Lentz; and secondli/, the readhig of father Grimes' letter, with immediate action by Synod. 1. Resolved, That both these recommendations be compUed with. In the accompanying papers, we find a letter from Professor L. A. Bikle, asking to be excused for absence from Synod, on the plea of official engage- ments. 2. Resolved, That Professor Bikle be excused. 3. Resolved, That every minister feel it his duly to make none but such ar- rangements with any chai-ge as will flivor permanency in his pastoral relation, HI o'rder to discourage, as much as possible, the tendency to itinerancy in our Synod. We are much pleased with the Report of the President, and recommend tiiat it be inserted in the minutes. Respectfully submitted, D. H. BITTLE, L. C. GROSECLOSE, JOHN A. TROUTMAN. The above report was presented and considered by items, and adopted as inserted. Synod now took a recess till after divine service. Rev. A. Gkimes preached the eleven o'clock sermon, from Heb, 11: 8. ^^By faith Noah, being warned ot God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the sav- ing of his house; by which he condemned the world, and be- came heir of the righteousness, which is by faith." Afternoon^ May 4. Business was again resumed. ^ Tiie letter of Rev. X. Grimes to the President, was read in tlie presence of Synod. .3. Resolved, That a collection be lifted to-morrow after divine service, for the benefit of Rev. A. Grimes and Rev. Mr. Sloop. Prof. BiTTM-: and Rev. G. D. Bekxheim, were appointed a committee to lift said collection. 4. Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to draft a constitu- tion and by-laws to organize a society for the relief of superanuated a id dis- abled ministers and their families. 10 MINUTES OF THE Rev. J. B. Anthony, Samuel Kothrock and Jos. A. Linn, were appointed to cany out the above resolution. EEPORT XO. 4. Committee on Petitions and Yacancies. Your committee has had but two documents placed in their hands; tb© first from St. Mark's Church, in Charlotte, praying to have their Pastor con- tmued to them. This request we refer to the Ministerinm, and their request for aid in the support of their Pastor, we refer to the Missionary Society. The other is a request from St. Paul's Church, Wilmington, desiring this body to hold its next Annual Meeting in that place. They also desire this Synod to pass a resolution recommending the claims of their Church to the benevolent consideration of the Lutheran Church in our bounds, both of which we refer to the action of Synod. Respectfully submitted, G. D. BERNHEIM, J. B. ANTHONY, JACOB LUTZ. The Eeport of the Treasurer of Synod was read and refer- red to the Financial Committee. 5. Resolved, That the Delegates from South Carolina be invited to mak« such remarks as they may desire. Hev. T. S. Boixest rose and made some interesting remarks respecting the welfare of our Church in Xorth and South Car- olina, and the propriet}^ of having but one College and one Seminary between the two Synods. Rev. J. A. Brown, D. D., then rose and made some very ap- propriate remarks on the same subject, especially that part refer- ring to the Theological Seminary, urging that it was desirable to have one well conducted Seminary to meet the wants of ^N^ewberry, Is'orth Carolina and Roanoke Colleges, and asking our co-o})eration in behalf of their Seminary. JResoIued, That the President of Synod appoint a committee to. draw up a report on the subject referred to in the remarks of the Delegates^ from South Carolina, and that the committee repoit in the morning, and that the report be made the special order of business o.n to-morrow. 7. Resolved, That the Pastorates known as St. Paul's and Bethel, and that of Salem and Luther Chapel, be dissolved. 8. Resolved, That Luther Chapel and St. Paul's Rowan County, constitute a Pastorate, and that Bethel and Salem Churches constitute another Pastorate. y. Resolved, That a conmiittee be appointed to make provision to have the vacant Churches in the bounds of our Synod supplied with occasional preacl^r ing, and the Communion of the Lord's Supper^ LFTHKRAN SYXOD. 11 Eev's L. C. Groseclosk, J. S. IIktlk; and J. B. Anthony, committee. EEPOKT XO. G. Your Correspond i no- Secrt'tary in presenting his Report, would state, that copies of the minutes of but few of our Synods reached him daring the past year. Therefore, in conii)ih"ng his report, he has had mainly to rely upon oth- sources of information. From the various accounts published through our religious papers and other channels of communication, our Church, as a whole, appears to be in a prosperous condition, and also, progressive. In many pla- ces extensi\-e revivals of religion have been enjoyed, which, by divine bless- ing, liave resulted in the increase and furtherance of the kingdom of the Grea^ Jloileemer. Our Church is evidently advancing in piety, intelligence and lib- erality. She is actively engaged in the work of Church Extension, and libe- ral in the support of Domestic and Foreign Missions. Literary Institutions, for the education of her sons and daughters, have- been, and are still being established and duly fostered ; and Theological Semi^ naries for the training of pious young men for the ministry, have beeo reared in various localities, and piously remembered in her prayers. We now number in this country thirty-six Synods; 1193. Ministers;. 2270 Congregations, and 232,780 Communicants. She also numbers ten Theologi- cal Seminaries for the theologicol training of candidates for the Ministry ; 11 Colleges, and an equal or greater number of Academies^ for the education of her sons, and eleven Female Seminaries, for the education of ber daughters. There are also published in the country, as channels of communicating reli- gious intelligence, nineteen periodicals, viz: Six iu: the English language ; eleven in the German ; one in the Swedish, aud onie in the Norwegian. From a general review of the condition of the Church, there appears to be abundant reason for gratitude to God for bis great goodness, and ample en- couragement for diligent and zealous eftbrt for the future. Respectfully submitted, SAMUEL ROTHROCK. Ilev. William Artz, in the Chair. 10. Resolved, That Rev. William Aktz, John D. Scheck, SA^^UEL Roth- liOCK, and A. Grimhs, constitute a committee to draft some suitable resolutions on the death of Rev. Jacob Sciieue.u, and report the same at this meeting of Synod. Motion to adjourn till to- morrow morning S-J o'clock, was carried. Pj-ayer by the President. Eev. A. PniLLiPi'i preached at candle-lighting, from Mark S : 36 : "For what siiall it profit a man, if he gain the wholo world, and lose his own souL" 12 MINUTES OF THE THIRD SESSIOX. Saturday Horning, May 5. Some time v;as spent in devotional exercises, and Synod opened witli prayer b}^ Rev. T. S. Boinest. Th. roll was call- ed, and minutes of previous session read and adopted. Dr. E. Smith, the delegate of Rev. W. Kimball, appeared, presented his certificate, and took his seat as a member of this Synod, REPORT NO. 7, % After some discussion, the following was adopted as the re- ports of the special committee. The Committee to whom was referred the propositions ten- dered to this body by the Delegates from South Carolina, would submit the following: Whereas, Ave have heard with pleasure the statements of Rev. J, A. Brown, D. D., Corresponding Delegate from the Board of Directors of the Theologi- cal Seminary, -at Nev/beriy, South Carolina, and of Rev. T. S. Boinfst, Corres- ponding Delegate of the Synod of Soutli Carolina; and whereas we have ev- 'er opposed in spirit^ the multiplication of Theological Seminaries in our Church, AS well as the introduction of a Theological Department into our College, therefore — Resolved^ That we cordially agree with the sentiments as expressed by the delegation from South Carolina, in the promotion of the interests of the Theo- iogical Seminary of our sister Synod. 2. Resolved^ That we- manifest our co-operation with the Board of said Seminary, by the renewal of our former connection with it, in the annua* payment of the interest of our Seminary fund, and the election of a Director in said Board. 3. Resolved^ That vre will recommend all our Theological students to pui- «ue their studies in said Seminary, and instruct the i'aculty and Trustees of our College to do the same. 4. Resolved, That we cordially unite with the Synod of South Carolina in inviting the co-operation of the Synod of Western Virginia in the support of our Theological Seminary at Newberry, South Carolina. In reference to a Lutheran Church Paper, in the South, we eubmit the following : Whereas, we regard the publication of a weekly Church Paper as highly important and necessary to meet the wants of our Church at the South, and the interests of our Southern Educational enterprises; and whereas, in the establishment of such a paper, it is important to its success, that the confidence and support of the whole Chm-ch in the South be secured; and, whereas, we regard some point in our State as a central locality, and advantageous in oth- or respects ; thei-efore 6. Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to confer with a simi- LUTIIICKAX SYNOD. IS lar coinmittoo from the Synods of Soutli Oarolina and Westein Virginia, in regard to the location and ostablishmcnt of a Southern paper. Respectfully snlmiitted, JOSEPl-I A. LIN.NT, G. D. BERNHEIM, SAMUEL ROTIIROCK. Committee — Eev's J. A. Linn, S. Rotiirock, G. D. iJiciiNiiEiM. On motion, the committee on the above report were ap- /^ointed to meet the 8jnod of South Carolina and Western A Yiririnia, in order to carry out the objects contemplated in the toui-th and h't'tli resohitions of that report. The delegate of Rev. J. S. IIeilig, Thomas J. Dotson:, Rev. L. C, GnosECLosE and Rev. J. Crim, were excused till Monday, >* and Rev. Joseph A. Linn, excused for Monda}^ Synod took a recess till after divine service. Rev. J. B. Anthony preached the eleven o'clock sermon from Numbers 22: 82 : ''Behold, I went out to withstand thee, because thy way is perverse before me." Afternoon^ 21(11/ 5. After one hour's recess. Synod resumed its business. REPORT NO. 8. The committee on the Conferential Proceedings, would pre- sent the following: Tlie Central Conference — This Conference held four regular meetings dur- ing the year, at which the usual routine of business was transacted. At its meeting on the fifth Sunday in May, 1859, pursuant to a resolution of our Ministerium, Rev. William A. Julian, a Licentiate of our Synod, was by prayer and the imposition of hands, regularly ordained and set apart to the work of the Gospel Ministry. At its last meeting in April, it was recommended that Luther Chapel and 8t Paul's Church, in Rowan County, be associated together as a pastorate, and made arrangement for the partial supply of said Churches, until the nexl meeting of Conference. 2. Western Conference. — This Conference held three regular meetings dur- ing the past year, and appeared to be actively and zealously engaged in the j^eat work of doing good. At its meeting in Charlotte, last July, it resolved f-o raise within its bounds, during the year $500 for Home Missions. Such )teal is commendable and praiseworthy. At its meeting in Catawba, at Rose- man's Stand, in April last, the Conference entered into a lenghty conversa- lional interchange of views on the doctrines and usages of the Church. — '•The use of the Liturgy was made a topic of a deeply interesting conversa- fion, and the idea of its introduction into our public worship, was well re- ©eived," 14 MINUTES OF THE 3. Eastern Conferewce. — This body assembled and organised in St. Paul's Church, Alamance Coynty, February 25, 1860. After a fraternal interchange of views, the following arrangement of Pastorates was recommended, viz :— - That Sandy Creek, Pilgrim and Beck's Churches, form a Pastorate ; and that Zion and Immanuel Churches, in Davidson County, and Hopewell, Shiloh and Nazareth Churches, in Forsyth County, form a Pastorate. The Charge form- erly known as the " Guilford Charge," has been divided into two charges, to be known in future as the Guilford and A'amanoe Pastorates. This Confer- ence appears to l*ave all the vacancies within its bounds supplied. Respectfully submitted, SAMUEL ROTHROCK, JOHN SWICEGOOD, ALEX, swicegood; REPORT NO. 9. The committee on the state of Religion within the bounds of this Synod, beg leave to present the following brief report: They have read with no ordinary gratification the written narratives fur- nished them, which represent the different pastorates as being in a prosperous condition. The Graat Head of the Church has owned his instrumentalities, in the conversion of the impenitent, edifying the hearts of his people, and at the same time, strengthening the hearts of his ministering servants. Your committee were particularly gratified to learn, that the spirit of revivals has not disappeared from our Zion. Not a few are reported, as having passed from death unto life, and now stand forth as witnesses for God, and the truth tjf his Word, But whilst your committee would bless the Lord, for the success with which he has crowned our labors, they feel greatly inimbled in view of our many destitutions ; and would devoutly unite with their breth- ren, in fervently imploring "The Lord of the harvest" to raise up, qualify and send forth more "laborers into his vineyard." Respectfully submitted, JOHN D. SCHECK, JACOB GRIM, JOHN WAGNER, Prof. BiTTLE in the Chair. PRESIDENT'S REPORT. Dearly BELOVED Brethren, greeting : — Time in its onward course has brought us through the recess of another Synod, and we aie again assembled in the capacity of a dclibeiative, ecclesiastical body, at the time and place ap- pointed for our annual meeting. We are here in circumstances of liealth and comfort to transact business pertaining to the kingdom of God and the salva- tion of souls. As our laboi-s and toils, so our pleasures and sorrows for the past year are ended, and not one of our Ministers has fallen from our ranks; though many of our dear lay-members have closed their eyes in death, and have gone from the Church militant on earth, to join the Church redeemed and triumphant in heaven. How it will be with us; whether we shall be among the living in Jerusalem (above,) or in this world when this Synod meets LUTHERAN SYNOD. 16 again, is to us altogether unknown and uncertain. lie whose existence is an eternal now, and who inspired the prophets with his own spirit to know the future, He only can declare the end from the beginning ; and as in ancient days, the things which are yet to be ; He only knows who of us will be pres- ent at our next meeting. But in passing from the close of one to the com- mencement of another Synodical year, and to us in its unknown events, whether prosperous or adverse, it is meet for us to present to God the ofler- ing of a truly thankful lieart lor the past, and of earnest prayers and suppli- cations for the aid of his grace and Spirit, and of renewed purposes of devo- tion to his cause and service for the future. "0 give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endureth forever." " Let the redeemed of the Lord say so ; whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy. Bless thou the Lord, my soul. Praise ye the Lord." And accept, God of grace, for daily favors, Which now and ever prompt to good endeavors, Our offered thanks, and may their incense rise By love's pure flame enkindled from the skies." In making my official report, on this occasion, as required by the constitu- tion, I would inform the Synod, that agreeably to an arrangement made at its last meeting for the licensure of Mr. L. A. Bikle and Mr. A. Piiillippi, I at- tended in the city of Charlotte, in May last, and on the 28th of that month, these brethren were solemnly and formally invested with the office of the Gospel Ministry, in the Lutheran Church in that place. I was assisted on the occasion^ by the Rev. D. H. Bittle, President of North Carolina College, and the Rev. Jacob Crim. Rev. B. C. Hall, writing under date of the 22nd of September says : " I have received and accepted a call from the Guilford Charge, consisting of three Churches, Lou's, Coble's aad Richland." The Rev. John D. Scheck, under date of March 6, 18G0, says : " I have deferred writing you on the subject of my settlement in this part of the Church, until the Eastern Conference could be organised, and the newly form- ed pastorates named by authority. The Ministers and their delegates assem- bled at St. Piiul's Church on Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in February, and was formed by the election of officers, &c. The newly formed Pastor- ates were named, and the one composed of Frieden's and St. Paul's, of which I have charge, is now known as the " Alamance Charge," and as such, I now report to you as President of the Synod." Rev. William Geriiardt, writing under date of 2Ist of October, says:— " I have resigned the Mount Carmel Congregation. It is expected that you will take charge of it when you remove to Cabarrus." I have accordingly done so from January first, 18G0. Rev. G. D. Berxheim, informed me in November last, that he had resigned the Pastoral care of St. John's and Bear Creek Churches, and accepted th« financial agency of North Carolina College, located at Mount Pleasant, Cabar- rus County, The Rev. J. B. Anthony, late of Lovettesville, Virginia, informed me ver- 16 MINUTES OF THE bally, in February la?t, that he had taken charge of the above named Churcf)- es, January 1st, 18G0. December 24th, brother Wiiitson Kimball, of Rowan County, being recom- mended by several of the brethren, as a man of good moral character, piety and of promising talent, was admitted to an examination Avith a view to his licen- i^uvo. Brother Kimball having sustained a satisfactory' examination, chiefly on experimental and practical piety and doctrines of the Bible, was duly au- thorized to officiate as a minister of the Gospel in the Lutheran Cliurch in thig State until the present meeting of the Synod. Since the above, Rev. W. Kimball writes, that he has accepted a call from the Forsythe and Davidson charge, consisting of the following Churches: Shiloh, Nazareth, and Hopewell Churches in Forsythe county ; Zion and Immanuel Churches in Davidson county. In January last, I received a letter from Rev. John L. Smithdeal, request- ing a certificate of withdrawal from this Synod, in order to ,uuite with the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of South Carolina, and informing me of his hav- ing accepted a call to a pastoral charge witliin the bounds of that Synod. In compliance with his request, the desired certificate was forwarded, da- ted January 9th, 1860. Rev. J. Crim, writing under date of the 9th of Februai y, says : '• I took charge of Salem Church in September last, but according to this arrange- ment, the engagement is only a temperary one, and will end with April next. However. I have been preachmg all the time in four other Churches." Rev. C. Lentz, with regard to existing relations toward this Synod, writes from Lavaca county, Texas, thus: "-Distance and a variety of circumstances render it inconvenient to attend the next meeting of your Synod, I hereby tender to you, as President, and the rest of my friends, my best wishes; and hope It will be the pleasure of Synod to excuse me for absence at your next meeting." I recommend that he be excused. Rev. A, Grimes. His parochial report ; his excuse for absence from this meeting of Synod, should he not be present by reason of old age, and person- al infirmities ; his needy and sufiering condition, and that of his aged com- panion, together with his earnest application for assistance. I refer to the Synod, i. e., I recommend the reading of his letter to Synod and request its most favorable action in behalf of our aged and very needy brother in Christ During the i)ast year our mmisters, generally, have been actively engaged in the work of the Lord. Several congregations have been graciously visited by the outpouring of God's Spirit, and our Church is increasing. Our institutions of leaining and piety ; especially our beloved College, situ- ated at Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus county, is flourishing and its prospects brightening. The past Synodical year, and indeed since the year 1852, is a period mark- ed in the history of our Church in this State, for ministerial changes and ro- rnovals. That a change is sometimes necessary is admitted, but that frequent, and eontiaual changes are necessary for the good and prosperity of the Church is LUTHERAN SYNOD. 17 not so obvious, however, they may be for the pecuniary advantage of some ministers and the detriment of others. They are at this time doing as much as any thing dse to beget in the bo- t^om of the Churcli a preference for the itinerancy and its appendages, which may in time lead to its actual introduction. In conclusion, I resign the ofhce, and tender to the Synod my sincere thanks for the trust you committed to me. May God our Saviour, the Sov- ereign and Gracious Head oi' the Churck, crown our present meeting with His presence and blessing, that our counsels and deliberations may subserve the glory of his Kingdom ; the salvation of souls and the interests of our be- ioved Zion, is the prajer of your unwortliy servant in the Lord. WILLIAM ARTZ, President. REPORT XO. 10. MEMORIAL OF REV. FATHER ^ACOB SCHERER, DECEASED MARCH ^, 1860. The Committee, appointed to prepare* memorial for the adoption, of this %nod, in reference to our Rev. Father m Israel, Jacob Scuerer, who, for nearly lialf a century, was a member of tiie Evangelical LutJieran Church and ministry in the State of North Carohna, and who afterwards lived and died in the Lord in the State of Texas, would present the following: Resolved^ That his memory be long cherished and respected among us • — that his exemplary activity and devotedness to the interests and prosperity of the Church, of which he was a faithful and efficient Minister to the end of his life, is worthy of iinitatbn.; that the intelligence of his death is recorded by us with feelings of sorrG^v,iand that we mingle our sympathies and condolence with the Cimrch and his family i^i their bereavement. "Blessed are the dead," even they who have lived and " died in the Lord, jea saith the spirit.; for tliey rest from their laboi^ a-nd their woi4cs do follow tJi rock's Charge. Organ Church, 12 00 St. Peter's, ;3 00 15 00 jRev. L. C. Groseclose's Charge. St. John's, :J 00 Union, G 40 9 40 Bev. John II. Mengerfs Charge. St. Paul's, 4 GO 4 GO Itev. Daniel I. Dreher'^s Charge. St. James', 5 00 5 00 ; Rev. WilUain Artz' Charge. Mount Carmel, 2 00 2 00 Bev. William A. Julianas Charge. Sanrly Creek, 4 10 Beck's, 2 15 Pilgrim, 2 00 8 25 Vacant Congregations. Luther's Chapel, 3 50 St. Paul's, Rowan, 2 00 Rev. John Swicegood, 23 2 23 Total amount, $100 35 Respectfully submitted, JOHN S. HEILIG, B. C. HALL, HENRY KIME. Money in tlie above report was ordered to be handed over to Kev. J. B. Anthony, for tlie purpose of handing it to the Treasurer, and taking liis bond. Motion to adjourn till after the meeting of the Sjnodical Missionar}^ Society, was carried, Prof. BiTTLE preached the eleven o'clock sermon from Mark 16: 15: "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." Afternoon^ May 7. Synod resumed business. The Pastor of the CiiUrchj at WilmingtoD, Rev. J. H. Men- 24 ^nNUTES OF THE GEET, submitted bj request the following, showing the Finan- cial condition of the Church under his chare^e : Cost of church lot, $5,700 00 Estimated cost of Church edifice, 7,500 00 $13,200 00 Of this sura^ there has been received and paid-, 6,200 00' Amount yet required to complete and pay for the building, $7,000 00 The Pastor adds in making the above statement, •' our indebtednass, at the present, is about $3450, namely, $2,700 on tli« adjoining lot which we were compelled to purchase, and $750 on the Church as it now stands. If we are to complete the Church before next meeting of Synod, we must before then, raise the sum of $3,600 ; and even,, then,, there will be a debt of $3,500 re- maining. The above calculation is made on the supposition that the Church is to bo finished in the simplest style passible. iN'o- allowance is made for fencing in the lot, or for the introduction of gas, &©.. So that you see we are greatly in. need of help from the Churches belonging to our Synod." Shall our worthy brother plead in vain for his infant and needy congregation ? Shall the want of a few thousand dol- lars retard the good woi-k, already begun, with so much pros- pect of success, in planting a Lutheran Church on the sea board, and in the largest city of the old Xorth State ? Surely such will not be the case. Let Pastors and people strive to excel in contributing to this very laudable undertaking. 14. Resolved, That we heartily approve of the enterprise of our Missionary at Wilmington, Rev. J. H. Mengert, and that we further manifest our sympa- thy by bringing the condition of his Church building to the notice of our sev- eral congregations, with a view of affording material aid. An election was now held for the place of our next meet- ing, which resulted in favor of Wilmington, X. C. 15. Resolved, That we meet in Wilmington, N. C, on Thursday before th*- first Sunday in May, 1861. 16. Resolved, That fifteen hundred copies of our minutes be published. 17. Resolved, That the minutes of the Synodi^al Missionary Society, be ap- pended to the minutes of Synod. 18. Resolved, That the President, at the next public occasion, tender the- thanks of this Synod, to the friends in this community for the very kind and hospitable manner we have been entertained during our stay among them. KEPOIIT NO. 15. The committee on vacancies would respectfully report the following appointments : IREDELL CIIARGE. St. MichaeVs Church. — Second Sunday ia Jurie, lie v. G. D. Bernheim. r.rTHKRAN SYNOD. 25 St Mkhaefs Church. — Sceoiul iSuiulay in (JctobtT. Revs. Samuel Kothrock. and Jacob Crini. St. Paul's Church. — Third Sunday in June, Kcv. G. D. Bernlieiin. St. PauTs Church. — Third Sunday in September, Rev's Joseph A. I/.rin. and William Gcrhardt. St. Paulx Cliurch. i Rowan.) — Conunuuion meeting in May, J^ev. Daniel I. Dreher. Si. Pauls Church, {Poican.) — Mommunion meeting the first Sunday in September, Rev, J. B, Anthony and L, C, Groseclose. Bethel Church, (Rowan.) — Communion third Sunday in June. Rev's J'^hn S. Heilig and William A, Julian, Luther Chapel. — Communion third Sunday in June, Rev's J. B. Antiiony. and L. C. Groseclose. Comnmnion third Sunday in September — Rrv's Wil- liam Artz and D. H. Bittle, Your committee also oiler the following: Resolved. That the Conferences endeavor to make arrangements to s^c.fply thf above chureh<'s with monthly preaching, \i practicable, Respecl/ully submitted, L, C. GROSECLOSK. J, B, ANTHONY. JOHNS. HEILKr. Kev. T. S. Ijoinest, the Corresponding Delegate from the Synod of South Caroh'na, made some observations respecting the relation and mutual friendship existing between the two Synods, on taking leave for home. Dr. Browx also made some remarks at th.e pleasure at!«.»rd- ed him, during his sojourn with us. To both of these gentlemen, tlie Pi-esldent i-esponded wirlj a few reciprocal remarks of friendship and kind regards. 19. Resolved, That when we adjourn, wc stand adjourned to meet a: •.••* time and place above named. Adjourned with prayer by IJev. AVim.iam Aktz. DANIEL L DREIIEK, Secretary of Synod. MINUTES OF MINISTERIUM. Friday Afternoon^ 4^ P. J/., May -ItJu Tlie Mim'steriiim of the North Carolina Synod met and was opened with singing, and prayer by the Rev. J. B. Anthony. On motion, the Sermons and Journals of licentiates were i-eferred to committees, and are as follows : 1. Sei'mon and Journal of Rev. A. Phillippi, to Revs. J. L). Scheck and William Gerhardt. 2. Sermon and Journal of Rev. L. A. Bikle, to Revs. J. H. Mengert and L. C. Groseclose. 3. Sermon and Journal of Re^v. AV. Kimball, to Revs. J. B. Anthony and William Artz. 1. Resolved^ That a committee of three be appointed to examine the licen- tiates. Revs. J. A. Brown, D. D., J. II. Mengert and Wm. Artz, were appointed said committee;. The examination of the Rev. A. Phillippi was deferred till after the report on his Sermon and Journal. The committee proceeded to the examination of Rev. Whit- son Kimball. The examination was suspended, and the Ministerium a Artz. SECOND SESSION. Saturday Evening^ 4- P. M.^ May M. Minlstcrium was opened' with prayer by Dr. Brown. Minutes of yesterday were I'ead and adopted. ^ktiNUTES OF Tin-: 2T The oxaiiiinatiGn of Uov. ^V. Kinil)all \vi^s rosnmetl by tlie coiiiinittoe. 'J. Resolved, Tluit the examination be sustained, aud that I'cv. W. Kiui- ball receive a license to preach and administer the oidinances ol" the CluircL for one year, EEPORT NO. 1. The committee to wlioin were referred the Sermon and Journal of liev. W. Kimball, beg leave; to sul)init the folhnv- ir.ii: ivport : The sermon is well written and shows ability in its compo- sition. AVe are encouraged, by tiie composition of this ser- mon, to hope that by perseverance our young brother may be able to compose well. His Journal is vei*y sliort, btit gives a very phiin and faith- ful account of his labors ^luring the time of liis ministry lie lias been actively employed in the work of the Lord. Respectfully submitted, J. B. A Nil ION V, AViLLTAM Aktz. The Rev. James, R. Sikes, an ordained Dea-con of the Meth odist Episcopal Church, was admitted to a e<)llo(|uium, with a view of connecting himself with this Ministerium. REPORT XO. 2. The committee to wliom were leferred tli« Sermon and Journal of Bro. A. Phillippi, would respectfully report the following : His Journal gives gratifying evidence of zeal and industry in his labors. His two sermons, one on ]^[ark S : IG, and the otlier on Ps. 149 : 2, are very creditable, both as to style and arrange- ment, and are evangelical as to doctrine. AVe i-ecommend the renewal of his license. Respectfully submitted, John I). ScirKrK^ AV. GllRHAnOT. 3. Resolved, That the license of Rev. A. Phillippi be renewed for one year. REPORT NO. 3. Your committee, to whom were referred tlie Ji)urnal, Ser- mon and Sketches of Bro. Bickle, beg leave lo report :. 28 MINISTERIUM. That they have carefully examiDed said papers, and from them, obtained evidence that Bro. Bickle has faithfully im- proved the frequent opportunities given him, to preach a cru- cified Saviour. His sermon and sketches, in particular, give evidence, that he is a workman, that needeth not to be asham- ed. Your committee, therefore, recommend that his license be renewed. Eespectfully submitted, JoHx H. Mexgert, L. C. Gkoseclose. 4. Resolved ^ That the license of Eev. L. A. Bickle be renewed for one year. The Ministerium adjourned to meet on Monday morning, 7i A. M. Fraver bv Bro. ]Menf]:err. THIED SESSIOIS^. Monday Maiming^ Ti A. J/., May 1th. Ministerium met and was opened with prayer by Rev. V^ . Gerhard t. Minutes of the previous session read and confirmed. The Bev. J. B. Sikes was again admitted to a colloquium. A committee was appointed to confer with Rev. J. R. Sikes for further information during tlie recess of the Ministerium. Dr. Brown, Revs. Mengert and Artz, were appointed on said committee. Adjourned subject to the call of the Fresident. Prayer by Rev. J. S. Ileilig. FOURTH SESSION. Afternoon, 5 P. M. Ministerium was opened with prayer by Bro. Scheck. Min- utes of former session read and adopted. Tiie committee appointed to confer with Rev. J. R. Sikes, made a veibal statement, whereupon the following was offered. 5. Resolved, That the Rev. J. R. Sikes be admitted to. an examination. G. Resolved, That the examination be sustained. 7. Resolved, That Rev. James R. Sikes receive a license tor one year, to preach the Gospel and administer the ordinances of the Church. On motion, the Ministerium adjourned with prayer by the President. DAXH:L I. DREHER, Secretary of MlnUhrrlurn. APPENDIX. PROCEEDINGS OF THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF THE Clianplical f wttau ^gufli at |l'i)rt| Carding, After a sermon preached by Rev. D. II. Bittle, on Mis- sions, the Society was called to order by the Chairman, Kev. D, I. Dkeher. The names of annual members beinir enroU- ed, on motion, the officers of last year, were continued this year, viz : Rev. DANIEL I. DREIIER, President, »' G. D. BERXHEIM, Vice President, '' L. C. GROSECLOSE, Secretary, " JOSEPH A. LINN, Corresponding Sec'y, " SAMUEL ROTIIROCK, Treasurer. The Chairman and Secretary i-ead their official reports of last year. On motion, the Secretary was requested to enter an abstract of them on the printed minutes. Rev's A. Philltppi and William A. Julian, were appoint- fid a committee to receive congregational contributions, count and pay them over to the Treasurer. On motion, it was ordered that the Executive Committee 30 APj^ENDi^. pay Eev. S. Scherer for three months extra missioiiary laboi^ whatever thej^ may deem equitable. Tlie Treasurer read his report, \vhich was received and adopted : EEPORT XO. 1. Samuel Rothrock, Treasurer of Sjnodical Missionary So- ciety, in account with said Society : 1859. DR May 2 — To amount in hands of Treasurer as per his report to last Annual Meeting. " To amount contributed by Members and Churches at last Annual Meeting, •• 11 — To cash from Rev. G. D. Bernheira, Life Member, "Sept. 4— To cash fiom St. Enoch's Church, per W. L. H. Plaster, *' 25 — To cash from Organ Church Missionary Society, per J. L. Grieber, Oct. 14 — To partial payment on Rev. Joseph A. Lmn's note, viz : principul -^50 75, interest 2 25 Nov.20 — To cash from St. Peter's Church Missionary Society, per David Earnhardt. Dec. 9 — To Edmond Barrier's note, paid at this date, viz: $121 76; 1860. interest for 2 years, 7 months & 14 days, 19 15, Feb. 22 — To cash from St. John's Church, per Rev. G. D. Bernheim. •' To cash from J. A, Linn, '' 27— To cash from David A. Bost, " 27 — To cash from Mrs. Sophia L. Bost, Apr. 22 — To cash from St. Stephen's Church, per Peter J. Lentz, May 3 — To cash from St. Matthew's Cliurch, per Rev. J. A. Linn, •• To cash from St, John's Church, per J. A. Troutnian, 10 00 •' To Missionary contribution from Bethel Church, Stanly county, per Rev. J. B. Anthony, 2 15 •• To interest on Centenary Fund from Bethel Church, Stan- ly county, per Rev. J. B. Anthony, •' 7 — To public collection at Sandy Creek Church, '^ To contributions by members at this meeting, " To congregational contributions, *^ To D. M, Wagner's note, bearing date Ap.-il 20, 1858, Prin. 43 84; int to this date, 2 y. 17 days; 5 38, " To balance on Rev. J. A. Linn's note, prin, $10G 25; in- terest to this date, six months and 24 days, 3 61, $1079 93 > $307 80 171 40 5 •00 5 00 38 35 53 00 14 70 140 91 18 13 1 00 25 26 21 00 20 55 1 20 C 73 19 25 Q 84 09 O, 49 22 1- 109 85 APPENblX. 3i 1859. CR. May 9 — By cash paid Rev. C. Lentz, Missionary in Newton, N. C, $50 Oi"! " By postage to Rev. G. D. Bernheim, 1 3() June 4 — By Missionary salary to Rev. Jacob Crim, as per order of Society, 75 00 " 21 — By cash to Rev. J. H. Mengcrt, Missionary in Wilmington, 100 00 '' By casli to Rev. A. Phillippi, Missionary in Charlotte, 100 0(» •July 19 — By loan to Rev. J. A. Linn, 157 00 Sept 26— By cash to Rev, J. 11. Mengert, Missionary in Wilmington, 4.3 oo Oct. 14 — By cash to Rev. J. H. Mengert, Missionary in Wilmington, 5.'> Oo 1860. Jan'y 3 — By cash to Rev. J. H. Mengert, Missionary in W^ilmington, 104 Oi) Mar. 27— By '• •' " " " 100 00 May 7— By cash to Rev. A. Phillippi, Missionary in Charlotte, 100 00 ' By cash and notes in Treasurer's hands, 196 57 $1079 it:; Notes on Beneficiaries, not included in the above report, $539 73 Respectfully submitted, SAM'L. ROTIIROCK, Treasurer. On motion, Rev. J. B. Anthony was appointed to preach- the Annual Mis- sionary Sermon, and Rev. A. Phillippi his alternate, on Sunday evening <>! the next Synod at Wilmington. Your committee appointed to receive collections, present the following: Rev. D. I. Drelier's charge, $50 00 " A. Phillippi's " 5 00 '' S. Scherer's, Newton, $5 00 : Roseman's Stand, $4 70, . 9 70 Rev, J. S. Heilig's charge, 4 50 Salem & Jerusalem Churches, St. Matthew's & Marlen's, 14 89 883 09 Amount by annual membership, 22 50 $105 59 All of which has been paid into the Treasurer's hands. A. PHILLIPPI, WILLIAM A. JULIAN. Society adjourned to meet in Wilmington, on Monday of next Synod. Our Missions in Wilmington, Charlotte and Catawba, seem to be in as pros- perous a condi(ion, as under the circumstances, could be expected. The brethren are diligent and laborious, and it is hoped in due season they will reap an abundant harvest. The Forsyth and Davidson Mission is now supplied by brother Kimb.vll. It now remains for the Church to come up to the help «f Sv-od to sustain our missions until they become self-sustaining Pastorates. 32 APPENDIX. and also, to enable us to enter npon new territory. Much land, unoccupied, is still accessible to our Church. The cheering success of the past should en- courage us to project still greater enterprises in Church Extension. We hope our lay -brethren will come up nobly "to the help of the Lord " this year, bv b'gely increased contributions to our Missionary Treasury. L. C. GROSECLOSE, Seereiary.