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One of the Wonders of the Acje ; 
 B'y HIS sonsr, hc. o. olive. 
 Edwards, Broughton & Co., Power Printers and Binders. 
 Soon after father's recovery from the deep affliction 
 of soul through which he passed, many of ins friends 
 and acquaintances were anxious to hear his account of 
 these sore trials. 
 The movings of his mind were so clearly marked 
 through this period that he found no difficulty in re- 
 , tracing his steps even to the minutest events. 
 Regarding this affliction as a providence of God, he 
 ever spoke of this period with deep interest and cheer-, 
 fulness; feeling that that whereunto it had been sent 
 had been accomplished. To make his own life and 
 experience too prominent in his ministry he felt would 
 be wrong. It was right that he should draw from the 
 lessons he had learned, yet his duty was to preach 
 Christ and not himself. Constant enquiry after inci- 
 dents of his life, especially the five years of complete 
 silence from the ministry, wherein he now felt tha-t 
 God in His mercy had led him, and the frequent re- 
 quest that FTe should leave a record of these mysterious 
 ^lealings of the Lord, as he esteemed them to be, brought 
 him to the consideration of writing his own life. He 
4 Preface. 
 submitted his purpose to a number of friends and 
 brethren, all of whom enoouraged him in his intended 
 Accordingly, in 1866, he began the writings which 
 have led to the volume you now hold in your hands. 
 It was his purpose to complete the work and have it 
 published during the few years to follow. As he ap- 
 proached the period of his then present existence, where 
 his work was to end, he made some investigations as 
 to the cost of publication. The cost was at this time 
 so great, and financial depression among his friends 
 and acquaintances so wide spread, that his limited 
 means would not justify the publication. He expressed 
 the desire, however, if not done before, that after his 
 decease his family should have the work completed 
 and published, not that he desired especially for his 
 memory to be perpetuated in the world by books tind 
 records, but feeling that the struggles he made in youth 
 to fit himself for the great duties of life might be a 
 stimulant to others of like surroundings. That his re- 
 ligious impressions and his actions towards them 
 might be a guide to some soul when his voice should 
 be forever silenced. That his ministerial life from 
 his first impressions to exercise in public to its close 
 might give some light to others who may ibllow. And 
 that the fiery trials and deep aflBictions which came 
 over his soul, staid only by God's curbing hand, might 
Preface. 5 
 ever stand out as a monument of his love and tender 
 mercy towards those who love and fear him. These 
 were the hopes that led to the undertaking. That 
 part of the work written hy father goes to the press in 
 his own style and language. This will be readily re- 
 cognized by all W'ho knew him, and comprises about 
 three-fourths of the work. 
 We ask that the reader will not censure us for the 
 chapter on the family history, as the design is to take 
 this occasion to preserve the substantial facts we have 
 gathered of the family from which the subject of this 
 work sprang. 
 The task of completing this biography has been as- 
 signed to myself, believing that my intimate acquaint- 
 ance with his life from the time he ceased to write to 
 the day of his death gives advantages both necessary 
 and desirable to the accomplishment of this work. In 
 undertaking this I desire to state what I know, and 
 what I believe from the best authority to have been 
 true. At the time father returned to the ministry I 
 had reached that age when the parent centers much 
 interest in the child. Being the oldest then living, the 
 social relation existing between father and myself was 
 very intima!e. He talked freely with me upon many 
 subjects ; much of what I write was drawn from these 
 interviews. It is hoped that this little volume, though 
 not sufficient to withstand harsh criticism, may con- 
6 Preface. 
 tribute something to the great cause in which father 
 spent his life; that it may tend to inspire all who read 
 it to purer and holier lives and that not one soul who 
 peruses it may ever be lost. And that it may espe- 
 cially prove a refreshing shower of grace, through the 
 Holy Spirit, to the exhortations and warnings he so 
 faithfully delivered while here in the flesh to all who 
 heard them, and that the Holy Spirit may ever guide 
 the heart of the reader as he peruses Hi pages. 
 H. C. OLIVE. 
 Apex, N. C, August 1st, 1886. 
 The limited knowledgeof ancestors, possessed by very 
 many persons with whom we have met, has led the 
 writer to treasure up from youth some leading facts 
 connected with the Olive family in America. 
 It was not expected that any great advantage would 
 accrue to any one from this undertaking. Indeed, it 
 was not pursued as a matter of profit and reward, but 
 as a subject of information and satisfaction. 
 When a mere child I often visited the home of my 
 grandma Olive, and in early life I was deeply im- 
 pressed with the names of many old fields and sites 
 where houses had formerly stood, and sometimes small 
 fields then in cultivation about these old settlements, 
 all showing that several generations of this family 
 had lived and died in this locality. Numerous were 
 the enquiries put to my grandma and my uncle Cal- 
 vin Olive, about the persons who had formerly lived 
 at these places. My anxiety thus early awakened 
 was not abated by time. As I grew older I was anx- 
 ious to learn more about my family. I sought oc- 
 casion to enquire of some of the oldest persons living 
 in the community, and gather up such information 
 as they possessed. Some of them were able to tell me 
8 The Life and Times 
 the name of the first Olive who came to the United 
 States, and many other facts of family history inter- 
 esting to me, most of which had been substantiated 
 by other witnesses. In substance, they all agree that 
 there is only one family of Olives in America; that 
 this family is one of Engiish descent ; that James 
 Olive was the first of this family to cross the Atlantic 
 and plant the Olive branch in the United States ; that 
 he was a bound boy in England, and must have been 
 born about 1720 or 1725. In early youtli he became 
 tired of the restraints placed upon him, and hearing 
 of the new world, the genial clime, and the great lib 
 erty enjoyed by its citizens, he resolved to come to the 
 United States. He accordingly made terms with the 
 captain of a vessel soon to sail for America, and in a 
 short time he was on board, working his way to his 
 intended new home. 
 On reaching the United States he made his way to 
 what is now Wake County, N. C, landing here about 
 1740. He took up a portion of land and made a tem- 
 porary settlement near where the city of Raleigh has 
 since been located. The records of the county show that 
 soon after its organization the names of some of his 
 descendants appear as land owners on the waters of 
 Crabtree creek. I cannot say, however, that these 
 lands are part of those formerly owned by James 
 Olive. His direct location is thought to have included 
 a part of the present site of the city of Raleigh. After 
 remaining here for awhile, he moved to the western 
 part of the county, and made a permanent settlement 
 near the line dividing Wake and Chatham counties. 
OF Rev. Johnson Olive. 9 
 some two miles west of the present village of New 
 Hill. Here he married and devoted his time to his 
 chosen occupation for life, that of farming and stock 
 raising. He is described as a stout, strong, healthy 
 man, of good height. Possessed of a strong will, much 
 industry and thrift, he was soon in possession of a 
 large body of lands in that section of the county of 
 Wake. He was no less blessed in his marriage rela- 
 laiions. Seven sons and one or more daughters were 
 added to his family. These all grew up to manhood 
 and womanhood, and lived to a good old age. F,ot 
 robust'health and physical manhood thisfamily of boys 
 is seldom surpassed — stout, healthy and active. They 
 were all possessed of fair mental capacity. Some of 
 them became distinguished for their intellectual at- 
 tainments. They only had such education as the 
 times in which the}^ lived offered to c()Untry boys. 
 They did not seek fame or distinction, and living at a 
 time when the printing press was costly, and but lit- 
 tle in use, no printed record is left of any of them, 
 yet we are led to conclude from the impress left upon 
 tl)ose who knew them that they were men whose char- 
 acters were strongly marked, and that they were 
 among the foremost men of their day with the early 
 settlers and planters of their section. These seven 
 sons were living in the early part of the nineteenth 
 century. Some persons now living have seen most of 
 them ; others tell many things about them that have 
 been handed down to them by their parents. At the 
 outbreak of the American revolution some of these boys 
 were of age, and took part with the United States in 
10 The Life and Times 
 her battles for independence. Toward the close of the 
 eighteenth century James Olive, the father, died at his 
 family residence, and was buried upon the premises, 
 where it is thought his grave can now be distin- 
 guished. His wife survived him many years, and so 
 distinguished herself by her kindness to all with 
 whom she met, (and especially the poor, the sick, the 
 needy and afflicted) that the name of " Granny Olive " 
 long lived in the hearts of her neighbors. She must 
 have lived to near a hundred years of age. The 
 names of the seven sons were William, Abel, Jesse, 
 James, Anthony, John and Southard. For some 
 time they all lived in their native county, and the ad- 
 joining county of Chatham. 
 After a time Abel and Anthony moved westward, 
 and from these, with a few other members of the 
 family who have since gone westward, has the Olive 
 family spread through Tennessee, Arkansas, Missis- 
 sippi, Alabama, Texas, and other Western and South 
 ern States. Abel was a professed minister of the gos- 
 .pel of much influence and ability. According to a 
 custom of his day he was on several occasions drawn 
 into public discussions with other divines upon re- 
 ligious subjects. In some of these discussions he 
 greatly distingjuished himself. 
 The five other sons made permanent settlements in 
 their adopted sections. They all devoted their time 
 principally to farming and raising stock, which latter 
 business was quite profitable in those days, as abund- 
 ant range could be had. They all attained to a fair 
 degree of success in their struggles for existence. All 
OF Rev. Johnson Olive. 11 
 were blessed with a large family of children, usually 
 numbering from six to ten. Indeed, a few statistics 
 would show that the family has been wonderfully 
 fruitful since their settlement on this side of the At- 
 With only James Olive to begin with in 1740, at 
 the close of that, the eighteenth century, when the 
 family had only been in America sixty years, they 
 numbered near one hundred souls. Tliey have now 
 been in the United Slates about one hundred and forty- 
 five years. They have scattered throughout' many 
 States of the Union mostly to the South and West. 
 It is reasonable to estimate that no less than ten 
 thousand souls have been born on this continent with 
 the blood of James Olive flowing in their veins. This 
 seems incredible in so short a time, beginning with 
 James Olive in 1740, and in 1886 — one hundred and 
 foriy-six years later — counting ten thousand offsi)ring. 
 We estimate that no less than one thousand and five 
 hundred of his posterity are now living in the United 
 States. So numerous are the different branches of this 
 family springing from William, Abel, Anthony, James, 
 Jesse, John and Southard that time and space w.ll not 
 permit us to pursue them all. We will therefore confioe 
 ourselves to the dirpct ancestors of the subject of this 
 work, with such general statements at the close of this 
 chapter as we may deem apf)ropriate. We have be 
 fore stated that the name of one of the seven sons of 
 James Olive, Sr., was John. Soon after the close of 
 the American revolution, in which he was engaged, 
 he married a Miss Partridge and settled in Wake 
12 The Life and Times 
 count}^ near tlie old homestead of his father. He was 
 a farmer by occupation, and twice married. In all he 
 had twelve children, Burrell and Rachel by his first 
 wife, and John, Michael, Berry, Green, Gray, Bennett, 
 Briiikley, Sallie, Frankie and Nancy by his second, 
 whose maden name was Womble. During, the early 
 part of the nineteenth century Burrell Olive, the eldest 
 son of John, married a Miss Polly Johnson, daughter 
 of John Johnson, who had recently moved from North- 
 am[)ton county, N. C, and settled in Chatham county, 
 only a short distance from the settlement of the Olive 
 family in Wake county. 
 Burrell Oiive and wife settled U[)on a farm within a 
 short distance of their parents, in the county of Chat- 
 ham, about one mile from tfie Wake line. Tiieir 
 second child was a son to whom the}' gave the name 
 Johnson, in honor of his mother's maiden name. Bur- 
 rell Olive was a modest, unassuming man. He acquired 
 a fair education for one of his day ; s}>ecimens of his 
 writing now in existence show him to have been a 
 man of good intellect. He did not aspire to fame, but 
 became a successful farmer and useful and substantial 
 citizen. His height was about five feet ten inches, 
 weight one iiundred and forty-five pounds. 
 His wife, the mother of Johnson Olive, was a quiet, 
 self possessed lady, industrious, sprightly and active, 
 free from craft or cunning, yet moved about much 
 without being observed. She was of small size, usually 
 weighing from one hundred and ten to one hundred 
 and fifteen pounds; possessed of much native intellect. 
 Johnson Olive inherited much of the characteristics 
OF Rev. Johnson Olive. 13 
 of liis maternal ancestors. His head, his nose, his 
 cheeks, resembled his paternal anr.estors, and in other 
 particulars he was like tliem. 
 The Johnsons were a jovial, active people, full of 
 life and fun, great talkers, and very much enjoyed a 
 hearty laugh. Most of them were j)assionately fond 
 of children, and often kept the child in a strait be- 
 tween teasing and caressing. They were quick- 
 tempered, not ill, rather friendly, but violent when 
 aroused. As a family they were the greatest lovers of 
 fisli I ever saw. In this particular father was all 
 We have sometimes attributed the love of the tinny 
 tribe in this family to the fact that they had emi- 
 grated from a county bordering Uf)on splendid fisheries, 
 and that this appetite had become to some extent con- 
 The Olives have usually been an honest, industrious 
 people; farming has been their favorite pursuit; very 
 few of this large family have ever sought worldly 
 honors. One definiiion of the name is "emblem of 
 [)eace." They have usually been advocates of peace 
 and order, and are ever quick to resent oppression and 
 From their firat settlement in this country they have 
 manifested a great fancy for stock raising. The horse, 
 cow, sheep and hog have received a good share of atten- 
 tion from many of them. They seldom fail to store 
 away a good share of home-made pork. 
 While they are a modest and unassuming people, 
 they always inherit a good degree of will power, and 
H The Life and Times 
 when once settled in their opinions, are not easily 
 moved. Liberty aod freedom are favored terms with 
 This family has not been without its Absaloms. 
 The wayward ones, however, have not been inclined 
 to malicious practices, but rather to mischief and 
 Notwithstanding tiie great number born in this 
 country, the penalties of the criminal laws have not 
 been heard against any of them. Very few, only, have at- 
 tained to great wealth. They have been among the 
 common, well-to-do citizens of this country. All have 
 not been professed christians, yet the Church of God 
 on earth has had many v/arm advocates in this family. 
 Becoming satisfied years ago that the tradition 
 handed down by our parents and family acquaintances 
 as to our family history was correct, we have been lead 
 recently to make more thorough inquiry into some of 
 the facts. 
 Some six years ago we learnerl from a man who 
 claimed to be a sailor that he had seen the name of 
 Olive in London, England, whence tradition says we 
 came. He stated he saw this name upon a signboard 
 over a store door, in one of tlie streets of London, and 
 that he had never seen the name elsewhere. This 
 strengthened the account we already had. Accord- 
 ingly, in the early part of this year, we addressed a 
 letter to the editor of the Spectator, London, asking for 
 the address of any persons in his country by the name 
 of Olive. lv\ about three weeks his answer returned, 
 giving the names of Henry Olive, John Bone Olive, 
OF Rev. Johnson Olive. 15 
 and John Joseph Olive, all living in London. This 
 led to a correspondence between myself and some of 
 the parties. I here give their reply : 
 Grafton House, 
 Grafton Street, Fitzroy Square, 
 London, England, May, 1886. 
 Dear Sir :— We received both your Tetters. The first was 
 directed to my son, who will get what information he can 
 from persons whom he knows bearing our name. He has 
 been too busy as yet. Being the only one of my family alive, 
 I feel tenderly towards my relatives. 
 The earliest knowledge I have of my family is that my 
 grandmother, a widow, Rose Olive, came to the village of 
 Castle Hedingham, Essex, a widow, with two boys. The 
 eldest, my uncle, John Thomas, six years of age, the other, 
 my father, Joseph Olive. I think the latter must have been 
 about eight years old. This occurrence took place about the 
 date 1800. Both of these boys and their mother are now 
 dead. My uncle, John Thomas, was band-master of Life 
 Guards and Seventh Hussars, also Queen's Boys. Afterwards 
 a publican in Ipswick, Suffolk. He left one son, now seventy- 
 five, whom I have seen. He knows but little of the family. 
 He is a retired publican of Peckham Rye, Surry. When a 
 boy he remembers riding with his father and mine to Waltham 
 Cross, Essex, where lived one James Olive, a carpenter — I 
 suppose a relative, but I had never heard of him before. I 
 think my errandmother's maiden name was Atherton. She 
 died, eighty-three, in the village where she had long resided. 
 I could hear nothing beyond that. She went there a widow 
 and a stranger. She was good looking — fair and tall. When 
 I was a boy the directory only showed a Joseph Olive, a solic- 
 itor of Lincoln's Inn, who was my father. Now there are 
 only about six. As names help, I may tell you that my 
 cousin, whom I stated was seventy-five years of age, is named 
16 The Life and Times 
 Daniel David Olive. He has a son, Daniel Olive, at 618 Ot- 
 towa street, Leavenworth, Kansas, United States. He went 
 over about twenty years ago. He has a family. So you see 
 some of our immediate family are in the United States. A 
 brother of Daniel Olive was twenty years in the American 
 mercantile service, under the name of Morton, His family 
 are mostly travelers. Another brother of his has been to In- 
 dia as a soldier, and is now a publican here. Others of this 
 family — Charles and^ Alice — are now at or near Queensland. 
 I had one sister, Armelia, and two brothers, James and Wil- 
 ♦liam, all of whom died young. 1 am now sixty-five years of 
 age, and by trade a wood turner. The house to which you 
 direct is mine. Being a largo doable house there are two 
 rooms, one for my own trade, the other a stationery, book 
 and music sellers, managed by two of my daughters. 
 My son, John Joseph Olive, has a similar business to the 
 latter in London, in Kentish Town Road. I have one son and 
 three daughters; son the eldest thirty-eight years; youngest 
 daughter thirty. I weigh eleven stone, my son the same. 
 My youngest daughter is tall^the other two of medium height. 
 Our family are well built and rather fair... I belong to the 
 church of England, where myself and family attend every 
 Sunday. I treat myself to a nonconformist place of worship 
 about four times a year. All are the same to me if they are 
 traveling heavenward. It has been a puzzle to us to know 
 whether it is a lady or gentleman writing to us. My second 
 daughter's name is Clara Hannah, the same initials as yours, 
 but reversed in order. She is a certificated head teacher of a 
 large London board school. With kind regards and well 
 wishes to yourself and all the Olives who support the name so 
 honorably, believe me to be yours truly, 
 John Bone Olive. 
 My daughter Clara sends you her plioto. with mine, hoping to 
 have a return of yours and others of the family. 
 Yours truly, , J. B. Olive. 
OF Rev. Johnson Olive. 17 
 This is the first and only account we know anything 
 of from the family in England since the days of James 
 Olive, Sr. We had never heard anything of their cir- 
 cumstances or numbers. To us it is conclusive that 
 this family and the American family are one. The 
 average of human life being put at thirty-three years, 
 it is about four and a half generations back to the 
 point of separation. This appears to be the only 
 family of this name, of which the parties have any ac- 
 count in England. They are one in that country, and 
 the present family were there during the eighteenth 
 century, and we may reasonably say were there at the 
 time of the departure of James Olive, our great ances- 
 tor in the United States. The family names kept up 
 in both countries would be another indication point- 
 ing to the identity of the two families, James, John, 
 William, Joseph, Daniel and David have all been 
 favorite names with the American famJy. Then we 
 may justly conclude that our family tradition as to its 
 history, in the main has been true. Where they first 
 received the name Olive, and under what circumstan- 
 ces, I have no means of knowing. Let us hope they 
 received this title during the early political and social 
 commotions of England by their^ gentle but firm course 
 and strong advocacy of peace and order. Be this as it 
 may, let us seek to follow Him who come tobring peace 
 and good will on earth ; and ever be found among the 
 wise, the peaceful, the prudent of this earth, and after 
 death to form one common family in a land where 
 peace shall ever abide. 
 H. C. OLIVE. 
 I was born and raised in the county of Chatham, 
 State of North Carolina. My parents were poor, but 
 honest and industrious. They had eight children, 
 four sons and four daughters. I was next to the oldest 
 child ; my birth took place June the 7th, A. D. 1816. 
 My father had a small farm on which he labored, to 
 gain a living for himself and family. I, being the 
 first son, was taught to assist my father in cultivating 
 his farm at a very early age, in the best manner that 
 I was able. 1 had several uncles, brothers to my 
 parents, who lived near by, and by them I was petted, 
 and made to believe that I was as smart as any boy of 
 my age. I would do any thing that was in my power 
 if they requested it. I always felt pleasant and safe 
 when in their presence. My attachment towards them 
 became as strong as life. 
 "I love them all with a free good will, 
 And upon my honor I love them still." 
20 The Life and Times 
 At five or six years of age my parents started me to 
 school. The custom of the neighborhood at that time 
 was to have a school three months in the fall of each 
 year, spelling, reading, writing, and the first or 
 primary principles of arithmetic were the sciences 
 taught. I soon became attached to the school. I loved 
 my teacher, and he taught me to endeavor to excel 
 the other boys of my age. This made me feel a little 
 vain, but I generall}^ succeeded in standing at the 
 head of my class. At the age of eight or ten years I 
 was looked upon by those who knew me best as being 
 very smart, and exhibiting some signs of more than 
 ordinary intellect. However this might have been, I 
 am sure they acted very imprudently in speaking of 
 it as they did in my presence. It did me no good 
 then, and I have sometimes felt that it has injured me 
 When about twelve years of age my health failed, 
 not by any violent disease, but I lingered into a feeble 
 and sickly condition ; my energy and courage became 
 considerably abated. M}^ keen and penetrating eyes, 
 of which my friends and relatives had so often with 
 admiration spoken in my hearing, now became dull 
 and languid. My cheeks were pale and swarthy, and 
 my voice was no longer cheerful as it had formerly 
 been. I continued in this debilitated state of health 
 for several years, never confined, but always delicate 
 and feeble. I could generally follow the plough and 
 assist in cultivating the farm, and in the fall season go 
 to school, but all the time regretting that I could not 
 feel and appear like other boys who w^ere in the en- 
OF Rev. Johnson Olive. 21 
 joyment of good health. Notwithstanding the feeble 
 and dormant state of my constitution, there was a vein 
 of native humor flowing from ray heart, and revealing 
 itself in my life and conversation sufficient to attract 
 attention and make my company agreeable to other 
 boys. It was customary for the boys in the neighbor- 
 hood where I lived to meet together on the Sabbath 
 and amuse themselves in playing at ball and base, 
 and some other games of youthful sport, and after 
 a while they would spend a portion of that holy day 
 in hunting game with their dogs; none of us were 
 allowed to carry a gun. I became very much attached 
 to this snort and would join them as often as I could ; 
 being quite small and light, and always fond of climb- 
 ing trees, I had become quite expert in that business, 
 so that I was selected by general consent to climb trees 
 after squirrels whiletlieother boys would stand around 
 with dogs and sticks to secure the game whenever he 
 should spring from the tree ; in this way we often suc- 
 ceeded in taking those nimble animals. I have often 
 regretted that I and the boys of the neighborhood 
 were suffered to follow this dangerous sport, and that 
 on" the Sabbath da3^thus making it sinful as well as 
 dangerous; but I might remark here, that religion at 
 that period was at a very low ebb in the section of 
 country where I was born. There were but few heads 
 of families who were members of the church, and very 
 few young persons who made any pretensions to re- 
 ligion. There was but little open profanity among 
 the people of that neighborhood, and as a general 
 thing they were an honest, industrious, and moral com- 
22 The Life and Times 
 munity. The nearest church was some four or five 
 miles distant ; my parents as well as many others gen- 
 erally attended preaching once a month, and in justice 
 to our parents, I might say they did not approve of 
 the course which their children pursued in the sporls 
 above named, but being indulgent they did not posi- 
 tively forbid it. Thus were spent several years of my 
 youthful life, my health continuing to be feeble, and 
 my growth scarcely perceptible. My two oldest sisters 
 were growing up to maturity, and I remaining as feeble 
 and dwarfish in appearance as ever. My sisters were 
 anxious to visit and be in company with young peo- 
 ple, and especially to go to preaching, and they wished 
 me to go with them. I had no inclination to go with 
 them to f)reaching, for it did not suit my taste. I would 
 rather spend the Sabbath with ray companions in the 
 When I was about fifteen years of age I was pre- 
 vailed on by my mother and sisters to go with my 
 sisters to a camp-meeting, and as some of our relations 
 were to tent on the camp grt/Und we were to stay sev- 
 eral days if w^e wished to do so ; and as an inducement 
 for me to go my mother got me a new suit of clothes, 
 and my father bought me a new fur hat. Tl:is pleased 
 me very much, and I remember after having dressed 
 myself, that I thought all would do very well except 
 my pale face and swarthy complexion. This I could 
 not help but thought it spoiled my looks. 
 I have no distinct recollection that I had ever felt 
 conviction for sin up to this time. I had consented to 
 go to the camp meeting to gratify my sisters and pa- 
OF Rev. Johnson Olive. 23 
 reuts, and if Iliad any other motive in view I think it 
 v^s to see and hear what would be going on. I had 
 no idea of doing any mischief or of interfering with 
 the meeting in any wa}^ but if any thought of seek- 
 ing religion came into my mind I have no recollec- 
 We went to the meeting, and on our arriving there, 
 we heard the noise that is generally heard at such 
 meetings, especially when the work of the Lord seems 
 to be prospering. Some were singing, some were 
 mourning, and others praying. I was anxious to draw 
 nigh in order that I might see what was going on in 
 that place which they called the altar. It consisted of 
 poles fastened to trees in the grove, or on posts set up 
 for the purpose, the whole forming a square, or an ob- 
 long square with seats arranged conveniently for the 
 mourners and the leading and active members of the 
 church, so that the penitents might receive useful in- 
 struction on the subject of religion, and singing and 
 prayer be made to God especially for them. At one 
 end of the altar was the stand or platform, to be occu- 
 pied by the preachers. At the close of a sermon an in- 
 vitation was given 4)r all who desired religion, and 
 were willing to manifest the same, to come forward 
 and kneel or take their seats in the altar. On this oc- 
 casion a goodly number came forward of both sexes. 
 Some young persons, some middle aged and some old. 
 I was standing near the altar, I think, with my hand 
 resting on the railing. An aged man, whom I knew 
 to be a preacher, came down from the stand into the 
 altar and commenced giving instruction to the mourri- 
24 The Life and Times. 
 ers. His words were well chosen, bis voice clear, and 
 his manner indicated great earnestness and desire fo^ 
 the salvation of souls He encouraged the mourners 
 to persevere, holding up to them the invitations and 
 promises of the scriptures. After having gone through 
 this part of his labor, be raised bis bead and looked 
 out u})on the bystanders and outsiders, and in the 
 most pathetic and affectionate language I evf^r beard, 
 lie exhorted them to seek religion. He held up a cru- 
 cified Redeemer as able and willing to save to the ut- 
 termost all who would come to God by Him. He 
 dwelt upon the danger and misery of sin, upon the 
 advantages and peace of religion. He instanced his 
 own experience, saying, "religion has been my sup- 
 port amidst all the storms and tempests of life." He 
 spoke of having served in the revolution of 1776, and 
 of the troubles and trials of that age, and of the sup- 
 port which he bad always found in his ever present 
 While he was thus exhorting the bystanders and 
 outsiders I thought he fixed his eyes on me, at least 
 my eyes met his, and such a look I had never seen be- 
 fore; his eyes spoke to my mind ^v'itb more force than 
 his words did to my understanding. I felt -that I was 
 in the presence of a good and pious man of God. In- 
 deed it appeared to me as if his heart and lips had 
 been touched with hallowed fire. I felt as I had never 
 felt before. I believed what the man of God had said. 
 I felt the need of religion and thought I would have 
 given any thing that was in my power to have changed 
 my condition for that of the good old man. I soon 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 25 
 fouiid myself suffasod in tears, and my heart felt as if 
 it would burst, but I was ashamed to be seen crying 
 and did not wish that any person should understand 
 my condition. I wiped my eyes and turned away 
 from a scene which has never been erased from my 
 mind. I walked several hundred yards from the camp 
 ground in serious and solitary meditation. I came to 
 the conclusion that what I had lelt was not conviction 
 for sin but only youthful excitement, and my tears 
 were only childish sympathy, for I was at that time of 
 the opinion if a person was truly convicted for sin he 
 would he prostrated and helpless, and as I had not 
 been deprived of the us.e of my f)hysical powers, there- 
 fore I was not convicted, and as unreasonable and super- 
 stitious as this may appear, there are now a great 
 many people of the same opinion. I would here warn 
 all young people to guard against that delusion of 
 Satan and never quench or grieve the Spirit in convic- 
 tion. If you feel tl)at you are a condemned sinner in 
 -the sight of God, that religion is necessary in order 
 that you may be prepared to die and meet your Judge 
 in [)eace. I would advise you by all means not to delay 
 your return to God. Wait not another hour for more 
 conviction, for Jesus stands ready to save you, full of 
 pity, love and power. 
 I will now tell you how I acted, and the bitter con- 
 sequences of the same. 
 I hearkened to the voice of the tempter, who said, 
 time enough yet, wait till you are older. I hardened 
 my heart and braced myself up as well as I could and 
 started back to the encampment, anxious to see and 
26 The Life and Times of 
 hear what was going on there, but having no desire to 
 become affected myself or to take any interest in the 
 meeting further than an outside observer. When I 
 drew near the sacred altar of prayer and praise and 
 heard distinctly the different voices and sounds that 
 are usual at such times and places, some mourning, 
 some rejoicing, some praying, and others singing or 
 exhorting, it appeared to me that the place was hal- 
 lowed ground, and that some mysterious power filled 
 the atmosphere like an enchantment around that hal- 
 lowed place. I felt the sacred influences so forcibly 
 upon my mind that my heart became affected so that 
 I could not refrain from shedding tears, and I con- 
 cluded that rather than be detected by my fellow be- 
 ings in this thing, I would remain at a distance from 
 the altar, though I was anxious to see what was going 
 on there. So I spent the greater portion of the time 
 in which I remained on the camp ground in the out- 
 skirts of t^he encampment, with many thoughts revolv- 
 ing through my mind. I made several efforts to go 
 near the altar to see who were there and what was go- 
 i.ig on, but in every instance as I drew near my heart 
 would become more affected and I turned back. All 
 this time my mind was in darkness on all religious 
 subjects. I thought true conviction consisted in being 
 prostrated by some irresistible power, so that a person 
 under true conviction for sin would, at least in the 
 commencement of his conviction, be stricken down 
 like Saul of Tarsus, and as I had experienced nothing 
 of that nature of course I was only under the influ- 
 ence of some sympathetic feeling or some animal ex- 
Rkv. Johnson Olive. 27 
 citement. I therefore concluded that I would think 
 as little about the subject as possible till I could leave 
 the meeting and return home, at which time I prom- 
 ised myself, or rather my mind promised God, that I 
 would take into consideration the all-important sub- 
 ject of religion, and if I should become convinced that 
 it was the Spirit of God that was o[)eraiing upon my 
 mind, and thpt. those impressions were of divine 
 origin, and I away from all outside influences, I would 
 then seek religion ^nd call upon the Lord with all my 
 heart. After I had made this vow my feelings became 
 more calm, but I did not venture to go near the sacred 
 altar, for fear that my feelings might return as they 
 had done before. 
 I will here offer a few reflections by way of advice, 
 before I tell how I acted in reference to this matter. 
 On reflection I have long since been convinced that 
 the Spirit of God came at that lime to convince me uf 
 sin, of righteousness, and of judgment to come. In 
 plain terms, I was then convicted, felt that I was a con- 
 demned sinner, unlit to live or die in peace, believed 
 it to be my duty to seek God, to accept of the terras of 
 reconcUiation, to repent of my sins and believe on the 
 Lord Jesus Christ, but how to do this was a great mys- 
 tery to me, even tliough I had been willing to humble 
 myself before God and men. I was filled with a d- - 
 sire of doing something, but knew no't as yet either the 
 end or beginning. I have since seen that I was then 
 not far from the kingdom of God, and there appears 
 to have been but one step between me and religion, 
 but the affections of my heart cleaved to the world, 
28 The Life and Times of 
 and procrastination plead for a more Convenient sea- 
 son. I would recommend all persons, and more espe- 
 cially the young, to yield to the first impressions of 
 the Spirit of God on the heart, and never to quench 
 its sacred influences or grieve it from your breast. If 
 you do, it may cost you many bitter tears of repent- 
 ance, many deep regrets and peradventure may land 
 your soul in hell. • 
 I will now tell you the course I pursued. I returned 
 home with my vows upon me; they were indelibl}^ 
 impressed on my mind ; I could not blot them out. 
 I must consider the subject of religion while following 
 my plow^ or hoe, which was my usual avocation ; the 
 subject would come up fresh in my mind ; I would 
 take it up as well as I knew how ; I would consider it 
 and reconsider it, think of its advantages and disad- 
 vantages, and somelimes I felt that I would rather be 
 a christian than any other man. I sometimes became 
 so raucl) affected, while meditating on the subject, that 
 I* would suddenly leave my horse and plow at the 
 end of a row go to the woods and try to pray, though 
 it generally turned out that I had great difficulty in 
 finding a suitable place to make the attempt. On 
 those occasions I was easily frightened or excited, the 
 breaking of a stick under my feet, or the sudden flight 
 of a bird, would often frustrate me in my purpose or 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 29 
 design. Sometimes, however, I did fall upon my knees 
 nnd try to pray, buj; never as I recollect to my own 
 liking or satisfaction, for indeed I felt myself to be a 
 poor, ignorant sinner, though it would give me some 
 momentary relief to think that I was trying to fulfil 
 my vows. My mind was exercised in this way more 
 or less for several months, but I used a great deal of 
 caution about it for fear that I should be detected by 
 some of my fellow beings. I felt that T must keep this 
 a profound secret from all persons, and my anxiety on 
 this subject could not have been greater if I had stolen 
 some valuable jewel. 
 At this early age of my life I disapproved of all 
 outside appearances and more especially in religious 
 matters. I had known some to set out toseek religion 
 and become weary and turn back to the world ; others 
 I had known who had made great pretensions in reli- 
 gion turn out badly. I thought that if I should fail 
 in this thing I would rather it should never be known. 
 But at that time I was unconsciously acting out the 
 same principle, for I often concealed an aching heart 
 by a smiling face, and a troubled mind by a cheerful 
 laugh. But I had my scripture passages for secret 
 prayer and for alms giving, "when ye pray enter thy 
 closet," &c., and " let not thy left hand know what 
 thy right hand doeth." Thus I endeavored to conceal 
 from man what was going on in my mind, and tried 
 to justify my course in my own estimation by scrip- 
 ture testimony, not being very particular in regard to 
 its true interpretation. I could not have been more 
30 The Life and Times of 
 careful in trying to keep it a profound secret if it had 
 been some valuable jewel that I had^ stolen. 
 Here I would recommend all, and especially the 
 young when under the influences of the Spirit of God, 
 to act or speak out what the Holy Spirit works or 
 teaches witliin.-and never to suffer shame or the fear 
 of man to deter them from so doing. By pursuing 
 this course you will bafHe many of the temptations of 
 the enemy and be the better prepared to " work out 
 your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is 
 God working in you to will and to do of His own 'good 
 Those convictions followed me up more or less for 
 months and years. Sometimes my impressions would 
 become almost overwhelming, particularly while hear- 
 ing the word preached, or soon after, when meditating 
 upon what I had heard. At those times I would seek 
 an opportunity of going to some secret place to fulfil 
 my vows. 
 About this period of my life, being about 17 or 18 
 years of age, I became acquainted with a number of 
 young people who were not immediately Connected 
 with my neighborhood, and in this way I extended 
 the circle of my acquaintance in different parts of the 
 surrounding country. The circumstances that seems 
 to have given rise to this extension of my acquaint- 
 ance were these : I had two sisters, who were about 
 grown, and were fond of going to meeting whenever 
 they could get an opportunity. I, being their oldest 
 brother, must as a matter of course, go with them to 
 render them assistance if needful and to take care of 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 31 
 them the best I could. The young people of. different 
 neighborhoods became acquainted with us and we were 
 invited to their homes ; we went, and as we were all 
 fond of young people's company, and to be courteous, 
 we would invite to our father's house. In this way 
 visits became reciprocal and common, and intimacies 
 were engendered and friendships formed. 
 On reflecting upon this period of my life I remem- 
 ber many incidents with pleasure and some with pain. 
 The extension of my acquaintance was calculated to 
 benefit me in some respects and to injure me in others. 
 I was thus drawn into new scenes of pleasure or 
 mirth, and new temptations were crowding upon me. 
 It was customary and fashionable at this period of my 
 life for the young people of the different neighbor- 
 hoods often to meet together at qailtings, parties, wed- 
 dings or some merry-making assemblage. It was not 
 long before I engaged in those diversions, and soon 
 became very fond of them. I never tried to darce, 
 neither did I have any inclination for that species of 
 mirth, but for singing plays, and for songs, and plays 
 of romance generally, I had a particular liking and 
 generally indulged in them to great excess, so much 
 so that I soon found myself looked upon by others as 
 one of the ring-leaders in those diversions. 
 While these plays and diversions were being acted 
 or going on in iny presence I seldom thought of the 
 subject of religion except when I saw some professor 
 of religion or member of the church engage in them, 
 and then I thought it was very unbecoming, and con- 
 cluded that if I were a christian I would not indulge 
32 The Life and Times of 
 ill any of those things. At that time I loved to play, 
 and felt there were no religious restrictions upon me, 
 but that T had liberty to indulge and give full scope 
 to my inclinations in these things, but my mind was 
 so impressed with the inconsistency of christians go- 
 ing into these plays that I would never persuade a pro- 
 fessor of religion to engage in them, if I knew the 
 person to be a professor. Sinner as I was, I thought 
 that christians should be a peculiar people and sepa- 
 rate from the world. 
 As well as I can recollect, when I was engaged in 
 those diversions my mind was occupied with little else 
 than vanity, and I soon found that this was the most 
 successful way for me to pursue in order to drown or 
 smother the workings of conviction upon my mind. 
 Though I felt that it was a great sin to stifle the work 
 of conviction in the heart, vet to prevent detection I 
 have rushed headlong into these plays with all the 
 outward appearance of being as vain and blithesome 
 as any of the crowd. But when I left the place reflec- 
 tion gave me more pain than the diversion g^ve me 
 pleasure. I did souietimes become very miserable in 
 taking a retrospective view of my past conduct, and 
 wished that I had never been born, but I must let no 
 one know this, and thus I kept it concealed in my own 
 bosom and appeared to have as few serious thoughts 
 as most persons have at that age. 
 I will here state a fact which many persons now liv- 
 ing have heard me relate both in preaching and in 
 conversation. It is this: from the time when I was 
 first convicted at the camp-meeting till I professed re- 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 33 
 ligion, which was about five years, I never attended 
 preaching and paid attention to the sermon without 
 feeling more or less affected, I became satisfied that 
 if I gave that attention to preaching which it was my 
 duty to do-, I should become so agitated in my mind 
 that concealment would be impossible, and as I must 
 keep it concealed at all hazards, I would often stay out 
 of doors during the sermon and thus be better pre- 
 pared to enjoy myself with young people in the even- 
 ing. If I went in the house and took my seat, I would 
 often think, now I will keep my place but I will pay 
 as little attention to what the preacher may say as 
 possible or I shall be detected or unfit to spend a pleas- 
 ant evening. In this way I often found my impres- 
 sions deepest and more intense when alone because I 
 would then give in to meditation and reflection. 
 I made many vows and promises in my mind in re- 
 gard to the subject of religion but generally violated 
 them. I would resolve and re resolve, but as often 
 break them as I made them, and thus I found there 
 was little confidence to be reposed in a vow or promise 
 made in my own mind and known only to myself 
 and God. I do not recollect that I was impressed at 
 that time with the fact that I was committing 
 the sin of lying to God, though I was convinced of 
 this afterwards, and that to my sorrow; for I often 
 felt if I died without religion and went to hell, the 
 sin which would torment me most would be grieving 
 the Spirit, violating vows, and breaking resolutions, 
 which would constitute the sin of lying to the Holy 
 Ghost. I sometimes felt that I would rather appear 
34 The Life and Times op 
 before my Judge with all my other sins upon me than 
 the grievious sin of quenching and grieving the Spirit, 
 because I felt such awful forebodings on that subject. 
 As time passed on, and as I was growing up to man- 
 hood, though under the medium size of young men of 
 my age, T went to meeting nearly every Sabbath and 
 would sometimes give a limited attention to the 
 preaching of the Word, so that my slumbering con- 
 victions were often revived. About this period of my 
 life, which was about the date of 1835 or 1836, there 
 were considerable revivals of religion going on in dif- 
 ferent churches and among different denominations 
 of christians, I would go to some of those meetings 
 to see and hear what was going on. I would sometimes 
 almost get the consent of my mind to seek religion 
 publicly by going to the mourner's bench, but some- 
 thing always intervened to prevent. I would sometimes 
 see things occur in these meetings of which I disap- 
 proved, and I would make that a plea; at other times 
 my heart appeared more hard and callous at the 
 meeting than at other times when I was at home; 
 and again I would cleave to my old opinion of being 
 stricken down, and as such I could only attend those 
 revival meetings as an observer. It was also about 
 this period of my life that my mind was drawn out 
 for the first time upon that mysterious subject in the- 
 ology, the doctrine of election and reprobation. The 
 difficulty seemed to be in making the foreknowledge 
 of God harmonize with man's accountability ; or, ac- 
 cording to the more enlightened usage of those terms, to 
 reconcile the sovereignty of God with the moral or 
Ukv. Johnson Olive. 35 
 free agency of man. The nearest church, where I 
 usually attended preaching once a month, was a Bap- 
 tist church, and they had for their pastor an aged man, 
 who, though illiterate, was a very excellent preacher, 
 noted for his piety and christian deportment. In doc- 
 trine he was considered high Caivinistic bordering on 
 Antinomianisra. I reverenced him as a teacher sent 
 of God. Of course I knew nothing then of christian 
 love, but I delighted to honor him. He sometimes 
 went to my father's house, and my parents regarded 
 him as a teacher sent of God, and taught their children 
 to do the same. He preached there a number of years, 
 before the times (.f which I am now speaking. He 
 gained many friends and followers. He left before 
 my connection with the church, thcugh I have seen 
 him frequently since and heard him [)reach a few 
 times. I have heard recently that he is dead. I liave 
 no doubt about his religion ; I believe he lived and 
 died a christian, and should it be my happy lot to get 
 to Heaven I expect to see that worthy father in Israel 
 there. As before stated, at this period'of my life tiiose 
 mysterious doctrines were agitating the n)inds(f chris- 
 tians and people generally, more or less. Many re- 
 ceived them, as taught and explained by Caivinistic 
 divines, while others rejected tliem in part or entire. 
 I was of the opinion at that time that ministers sent of 
 God knew all thiiigs pertaining to their office I had 
 an idea that ordinary ministers called and sent <»f 
 God were endowed with the same power and functions 
 (miracles excepted,) possessed by the Apostles of Chiist, 
 I had no idea that there were any mysteries or difficul- 
36 The Life and Times op 
 ties in the Bible to a minister's naind, but that he un- 
 derstood the whole better than I did any little school- 
 book that I had ever used. So when I heard any per- 
 son say that the preacher taught a doctrine that was 
 not true, I thought they must be very ignorant them- 
 selves, or that they had dared to call in question the 
 veracity of the preacher ; for I believed that the 
 {)reacher knew what the truth was, whether he taught 
 it or not. I soon found that ministers were divided 
 in their sentiments and opinions about this mysterious 
 subject, and about many other doctrines contained in 
 the Bible ; and how was I to know who was right and 
 who was wrong. All professed to be christians; all had 
 the same Bible. The ministers who differed all pro- 
 fessed to be called and sent by the same God to dis- 
 charge the same duty and to fulfil the same design 
 and purpose of their one great Master. I was there- 
 fore driven to the necessity of considering this subject 
 for myself. 1 soon got it tangled up in my mind, and 
 would have gladly untangled it if I had known how; 
 but in trying to untangle it I got my mind and some 
 of the broken threads of my subject tied together, so 
 that when I would have gladly laid it down I was 
 unable to do it because it seemed to be tied fast to my 
 mind. I at length concluded that I would go to meet- 
 ing and hear with good attention the old preacher's 
 explanation, and as this was a favorite topic with him 
 I had no doubt that he would enable me to un- 
 tangle it, at least so far as to enable me to loose my 
 mind from it, for it had become very wearisome and 
 burdensome to me. I went to the meeting, heard the 
 good old man preach; he said a great many things 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 37 
 about the foreknowledge and purposes of God, and 
 as usual the doctrine of election was his favorite topic. 
 I found at the close of the sermon my mind was 
 more entangled than ever before, but I attributed it to 
 my weak and imperfect understanding more than to 
 an}Hhing else. 1 thought I would be glad to talk 
 with him about the matter, but had neither confidence 
 or resolution in myself to do so. In treating on this 
 subject he had said that a man's good works did not 
 forward him in religion, neither did his bad ones hin- 
 der him; but all depended upon the superabounding 
 love of God shown us in Christ before the foundation 
 of the world, and that none could share this grace but 
 the elect, or those given to Christ in the covenant of 
 redemption. In this way he would extol the grace of 
 God, but leave the subject lame, in my dark and im- 
 perfect mind, in regard to man's accountability. I 
 felt and believed that I was accountable to God for 
 my conduct, and that I should be judged and re- 
 warded in the last day according to the deeds done in 
 the body; but if a man's good works did not forward 
 him, nor his bad ones hinder in religion, of course 
 there was nothiiigthatlcoulddo to better ray condition, 
 or to alter my case in any way whatever. I thought 
 if I could be certain that I understood his meaning 
 clearly I would settle down in the doctrine of fate, 
 and enter fully into the sentiment of thousands who 
 say if I am to be saved I shall be saved, and if I am 
 to be lost I shall be lost, and attribute the whole con- 
 cern to the foreknowledge or decree of God. But I 
 felt conscious that I did not understand him correctly, 
38 The Life and Times of 
 for I remembered that he almost invariably con- 
 cluded his sermons by exhorting sinners to repentance 
 and faith. And although this appeared to my mind 
 as a contradiction of what he had said in his preced- 
 ing remarks, yet I believed that by the light of re- 
 ligion he understood it clearly, and as I was in dark- 
 ness, and had no spiritual discernment, tlierefore I 
 could not understand it; but this did not remove the 
 difficulty from my mind, for there were many who 
 professed to be christians, and whose piety was un- 
 doubted, that differed as widely with the preacher on 
 this subject as any of the world, and why was it that 
 they could not understand it? But at last I came lo 
 •the conclusion that the preacher understood his own 
 business best, and that others had not enjoyed the 
 same light on this subject that he had, and therefore 
 they did not understand it clearly. I tried again to 
 lay down the subject as too high for me, but was un- 
 able to do so from the fact that the threads of the sub- 
 ject were interwoven and tangled with the threads of 
 my mind. About this time some of my companions 
 and former associates made profession of religion. I 
 knew some of them had been more wild and out- 
 breaking in their habits than I had been, and why 
 was it that they could get religion so soon, and ap- 
 parently £0 easy, and I must grovel on in the dark 
 without any prospect of obtaining it? I would some- 
 times think that this was an evidence that the doc- 
 trine of election and reprobation, as I understood it, 
 was true*: "For it is not of him that willeth, nor of 
 him that ranneth, but of God that showeth mercy." I 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 39 
 would think he was one of the elect, therefore he is 
 brought into the fold ; I am one of the reprobates, as 
 such I am left out. Then again I would think that 
 my sins were of a more aggravating nature than theirs ; 
 they had sinned outwardly, I had sinned inwardly; 
 their sins were open, mine concealed; but that diffi- 
 cult and tangled subject seemed to press upon my 
 mind more or less daily. One day in midsummer, 
 while I was hoeing corn, this subject came with con- 
 siderable force to my mind, and I concluded that I 
 would endeavor to examine it by simplification. I 
 thus thought of myself, a poor, hard-hearted sinner, 
 laboring and toiling with a load of guilt upon my 
 mind, and no way to get it off; my lot appears to be 
 a hard one, laboring and toiling all my days to sup- 
 port a life that I cannot enjoy, and after I have 
 tugged through this life, with all its burdens and 
 sorrows, lie down and die, and go to hell; but it is 
 my lot — my destiny — and there is no way to avoid 
 it. It has all come about in consequence of the fore- 
 knowledge, decrees and purposes of God ; therefore 
 this doctrine, as understood by myself, is true, not- 
 withstanding all my feigned ignorance or efforts to 
 evade it. There is no chance for me, so will make my- 
 self contented. 
 I think about this time I indulged some hard 
 thoughts about my Creator. I felt that I had had no 
 ^ part in bringing myself into the world, and to be 
 compelled to live a sinner, die a sinner, and to go to 
 hell a sinner, it was hard. While meditating on my 
 awful condition, the impression was made on my 
40 The Life and Times of 
 mind that perhaps I did not understand this subject 
 yet, and that if I would look at it again I would see 
 it differently ; so I concluded I would do so, as it could 
 make my case no worse, if it made it no better. 
 Now, said I, God does know all things, always has, and 
 always will. I give into that sentiment heartily. 
 Well, if He has all knowledge. He knew whether 
 you would be born or not, and whether you would 
 live to your present age or not, and knew the death 
 that you would die, and of course whether you would 
 be fit to go to heaven or not, and as such whether you 
 would be saved or lost. Yet the mere fact of His 
 knowing this does not determine it to be so, for you 
 would have pursued the same course that you have 
 pursued, even if it could have been unforeknown. 
 I give into this also, and said let me work this rule 
 of simplification a little further. Now, said I, God 
 knows what I am doing here to-day, and the state of 
 my mind is plain to Him. He knows whether I will 
 work till night or stop short — whether I will finish 
 this now or leave a few hills at the end. I wish I 
 knew which way God knows it to be, then I would 
 try to act differently, and see if foreknowledge has 
 any restraint on my actions or not. I raised my 
 hoe to cut up a sprig of grass near a stalk of corn, 
 and the impression came into my mind with re- 
 doubled force : Now God doth know whether you will 
 cut up that bunch of grass or let it stand where it is, 
 and yet you have the physical power to do either, cut 
 it up or let it stand ; you can do as you will. I paused 
 and considered, with my hoe suspended in the air for 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 41 
 a few moments, in order to decide which I would do. 
 I felt satisfied that I had full power and ability to do 
 either way, and thought I wished I did know which 
 way God knew I would act, so that I might try my 
 ability to act differently. My motive for this was not 
 to frustrate any of the designs or purposes of God in 
 reference to His foreknowledge, but to try to harmon- 
 ize the conflicting parts of this mysterious and per- 
 plexing subject, and to untangle it in my mind, so 
 that I might lay it down. 
 While I was thus standing, with my hoe suspended, 
 to determine which I would do, cut it up or leave it 
 standing, this thought rushed into my mind: Now, 
 what is your duty — cut it up or let it stand? The an- 
 swer was at hand — cut up the grass and let the corn 
 grow. And as quick as thought another deep impres- 
 sion vyas made on my mind, which was this : Go on 
 and do your duty, and leave the rest to God. I im- 
 mediately felt relief; the subject vanished from my 
 I was thus enabled to lay it down, with the satisfac- 
 tory evidence that the foreknowledge of God, be it 
 what it i^ight, imposed no restraints upon me so far 
 as duty was concerned. And I have never felt any 
 desire to take it up since. 
 I was thus taught the truth and force of that pas- 
 sage of Scripture vvhich says: "Secret things belong 
 to God, but revealed things belong unto us and to our 
 children forever." 
 I also found that this simple incident in the history 
 of my life removed a load from my mind, which all 
42 The Life and Times of 
 the metaphysical reasoning that I Lad ever heard, or 
 anything else connected with that subject had ever 
 been able to do. I have since learned that God often 
 reveals to babes and sucklings what He sees fii to con- 
 ceal from the wise and prudent, and thus perfects 
 praise unto Himself. 
 Having laid down this subject, with no desire or 
 intention of taking it up any more, my mind was 
 exercised about my duty to myself and to God. I felt 
 that I was a sinner, and without repentance I must 
 perish in my sins. I had read in the New Testament 
 that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, 
 and that He by the grace of God had tasted death for 
 every man ; but how to avail myself of the benefits 
 of the death of Christ I knew not. I would sometimes 
 thiuk that I was not sufficiently penitent; again I 
 would think that ray convictions were not of the right 
 kind, and that I must break off from all my sins, of 
 whatever nature they might be, whether they con- 
 sisted in act, thought, or deed ; ^thus I would resolve to 
 reform my life in all these particulars, thinking per- 
 haps in this way I might make some preparation 
 on my part to receive the grace of God. But I soon 
 found these resolutions miscarried; for they were bro- 
 ken as often as made. Thus I soon found that I was 
 under the influence of a carnal mind, which is not 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 43 
 subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be; I 
 soon found that there was no dependence to be reposed 
 in any of my resolves. Daring all this time I was 
 nsing the utmost secrecy in keeping all these- things 
 to myself, not willing that any human being should 
 know what was going on in my mind. I would some- 
 times think if I were away from all my associates and 
 acquaintances I would be less embarrassed about 
 keeping it concealed ; for I felt that I needed instruc- 
 tion, and would have gladly sought it if it had not 
 been for shame, or for fear that my associates would 
 find it out, as they were my besetting sins. About this 
 time I concluded that I would leave the neighborhood, 
 and go a distance of some twenty miles on the other 
 side of Cape Fear river, and attend a meeting that was 
 to be held there. I would thus be away from all those 
 outside influences which I felt were holding me back, 
 and preventing me from seeking religion publicly. I 
 went to the meeting with a determination to become 
 a mourner. On my arrival there, I found that nearly 
 all who were at the meeting were strangers to me. I 
 thought I would have a favorable time. I went into 
 the house and listened to preaching, with my mind 
 made up to present myself as a seeker of religion at 
 the close of the sermon ; but when the sermon closed 
 my heart was less affected than usual on such occa- 
 sions. I felt that if I went to the mourner's bench, in 
 cold blood, and with a hard heart, and could not shed 
 tears, it would do me more harm than good, and more 
 than all it would seem like tempting God; so I re- 
44 The Life and Times of 
 mained where I was as an outside observer. Many 
 thoughts revolved through my mind during the meet, 
 ing. I saw that my resolutions were falling tiirough. 
 I could resolve well but performed badly; indeed, I 
 began to see that the heart was deceitful and despe- 
 rately wicked, and who can know it? I found as many 
 difficulties in the way of my seeking religion among 
 strangers as I had found in the midst of my associates 
 and acquaintances. I stayed at the meeting two days 
 and then started home, feeling that I had undertaken 
 something and was leaving without even attempting 
 to perform it. I think that these things occurred in 
 the latter part of the summer of 1837. Soon after this 
 I started to school, as my father told me that he 
 wanted me to go about three months more; and I 
 must learn all I could, as he never expected to send 
 me to school any more after that. I was not in a very 
 good state of mind to learn at school ; but did the best 
 I could under the circumstances. It has often ap- 
 peared to me when reflecting on this period of my life 
 that I was under the influence of two conflicting 
 spirits, one good and the other evil. Sometimes I 
 would find myself yielding to one and sometimes to 
 the other — both spirits seemed to be striving for the 
 mastery. When under the influence of the good Spirit 
 T could shed tears freely, feel tender, and thought that 
 I desired to be a christian, above everything else on 
 earth; and frequently found myself in going to, or 
 from school, in deep and prayerful meditation about 
 the subject of religion. While on the other hand I 
 would find myself under the influence of evil, my 
Rev. Johnson Olive. ' 45 
 mind would be filled with vain and sinful thoughts, 
 my temper would become irritated, my passions 
 aroused, and I would often give vent to feelings and 
 words which I looked upon as being wicked and sin- 
 ful. I would sometimes think that it was needless for 
 me to think about reforming my life or of amending 
 my ways, for I had so often violated my vows, resolu- 
 tions and promises that the thing appeared impossible. 
 As it will be necessary for me to have reference to 
 some dreams or visions in the course of this work, I 
 will merely state in the outset that I place no great 
 estimate on dreams in general or particular in the 
 present age of the world. I am no interpreter of 
 dreams, never have been, neither do I ever expect to 
 be, yet I have always been, from the earliest period of 
 my recollection, a great dreamer. On reflection I think 
 I have found my dreams, in general, have indicated 
 the state of my mind, that is, the nature of my dreams 
 would be good or bad, pleasant or fearful, according to 
 the exercises or state of my mind in my wakeful 
 hours. For several, years during this period of my 
 life I was the subject of some of the most terrific and 
 awful dreams that I have ever heard related. I shall 
 not attempt to relate them tiere in full. But believing 
 in that Scripture passage which says, "Let him that 
 hath a dream tell a dream," I will say somtthing about 
 them as such, and' hope that all who may read this 
 book will remember that they were dreams, and that I 
 have told them as such. 
 During my sleeping hours I was very often alarmed 
 and greatly frightened at what I conceived to be the 
46 The Life and Times of 
 Devil, who was always after me. Repeatedly and at 
 different tioaes he appeared in all the various shapes 
 and forms in which he is said to transform himself. 
 Sometimes he would come in the shape of some hid- 
 eous beast of prey, sometimes more like a mammoth 
 dog, but more frequently like a giant of a negro, rag- 
 ged and filthy, generally with a chain in his hand or 
 somewhere about him. It mattered not in what form 
 or shape he came I always knew him and understood 
 his errand. He was after me, and many a hard race I 
 have run in my dreams in trying to get away from 
 him. I would sometimes become so tired and weary 
 that I would faintly sink to the ground. On one oc- 
 casion I was thus running with might and main try- 
 ing to get to my father's house, thinking if I could get 
 to my parents they would plead, for me and that my 
 life might be spared a little longer. I succeeded in get- 
 ting near the house, though the Devil gained on me, 
 and was near at my heels. I saw my father and mother 
 come out of the house ; they turned their backs on 
 me and walked away ver}^ fast, but ray mother turned 
 her head and looked at me over her shoulder with a 
 countenance filled with despair. 01 that look ; it is 
 still fresh in memory. 
 On another similar occasion I succeeded in getting 
 my mother to plead for me, but the Devil told her that 
 it would do no good, but would rather make the worse 
 for me, even if he should spare my life a little longer, 
 for that I would grow worse and worse the longer I 
 lived, and that his title to me was good any way. My 
 mother shed tears, and said she hated to see me drawn 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 47 
 away from her at that time and hoped that I would do 
 better. My mother and the Devil agreed to refer the 
 matter to me; said thac I might have my choice, go or 
 stay longer, the Devil persisting all the while that it 
 would only make my case worse if I chose to stay. 
 But of course I chose to put off the evil day as long 
 as possible, and as the Devil walked off he exultantly 
 remarked that it would do no good for me to stay here 
 any longer, but it made no difterence with him, as he 
 was good for me any how. 
 At another time I dreamed that he came in the 
 sha[)e of some hideous beast, took me Upon his back 
 and. trotted off with me towards his horrible den, 
 which I found to be an awful chasm in the side of a 
 mountain or very steep hill. He carried me to the 
 entrance of his den. When he ope.ied the door I saw 
 the thick clouds of smoke issuing from the den through 
 the door and ascending upwards. I heard the heart 
 rending shrieks of the damned, and as he went in, 
 leaving me at the door, I thought he had gone down 
 to fix my place. I awoke and behold it was a dream. 
 On th^s occasion, as well as in almost every other 
 dream, when things were rapidly hastening to a crisis, 
 I awoke and was pleased to find that it was not a real- 
 ity, though the sufferings of my mind were great whiiC 
 it was going on. I do not recollect that I had many 
 pleasant dreams'during the period of five years, which 
 includes that time of my life which I spent while 
 under conv'iction for sin. I was frequently attacked 
 by dogs, which bit and mangled me, or by snakes and 
 serpents of enormous size. I seemed to have no power 
48 The Life and Times of 
 over the Devil or any other enemy, but I was weak 
 and easily overpowered by everything. 
 A few times I dreamed of the judgtnent day, always 
 unprepared, and on one occasion the books were opened 
 and the Book of Life was searched and my name w^s 
 not there. I stood with awful feelings, expecting soon 
 to hear my doom, " Depart ye cursed into everlasting 
 fire prepared for the Devil and his angels." How glad 
 1 was when I awoke and found it was a dream. 
 Perhaps some who may read this book may w^onder 
 why I have neverspoken more freely about my dreams. 
 I will here give some of my reasons : At the period of 
 my life when these dreams were passing through my 
 mind I frequently heard people, both young and old, 
 telling their dreams, but my dreams were so different 
 from theirs, and such bad ones, too, that I was unwill- 
 ing to tell them. Another reason why I kept them to 
 myself was because I heard some old people say that 
 the more a person told his dreams the more he would 
 have them, and I desired no more of the sort that I 
 had. Thus I kept them to myself while they were 
 passing. I have sinte refrained from speaking much 
 about them, for the reason that I did not repose much 
 confidence in dreams, and for the furtiier reason that 
 I was unable to interpret them myself and never found 
 any person that could. 
 In making tiie foregoing statement about dreams in 
 general, and some of mine in particular, I have tried 
 to state facts as they occurred to my mind. Those 
 dreams passed through my mind some thirty years 
 ago. They are still fresh in memory. I send them 
OF Rev. Johnson Olive. 49 
 forth as dreams, hope you will receive them as such, 
 and make the best of them you can. If there be any 
 good connected with them I owe it to God ; if there be 
 anything bad I must take it to myself, and as such I 
 drop the subject for the present. 
 As before remarked, I was at this period of my life 
 going to school five days in the week, and as I thought 
 it would be the last term in which I should ever goto 
 school, I endeavored to learn all I could in such studies 
 as would be most useful to me as a farmer's boy. I 
 did, sometimes however, become so much concerned 
 about my spiritual condition that my mind became 
 incapacitated for my school studies. I recollect, on 
 one occasion, I went in my wanderings to a grave- 
 yard near by the school-house, in which lay several 
 persons with whom I had once been acquainted ; es- 
 pecially the remains of one aged man had recently 
 been deposited there as his resting place. I had been 
 intimately acquainted with that old man from my 
 first recollection. He always seemed to have some- 
 thing like filial affection for me, and had always ap- 
 peared glad to see me. He was a very pious man, 
 and I have no doubt a true christian. I went to his 
 grave, looked on the mound of earth that covered his 
 mortal remains, while many thoughts revolved through 
50 The Life and Times of 
 my troubled breast. I thought if I were a christian I 
 would gladly go to my grave to be relieved of my 
 trouble; but my case was this: unfit to die, and un- 
 prepared to enjoy life. While musing around this 
 silent and solemn place, this thought came into my 
 mind, I wonder if the spirit of this good old man sees 
 me or knows what I am doing, if so he must know 
 something of the state of my mind, and it seemed if 
 tiiat were a fact he must sympathize with me. I had 
 not yet learned that sorrow could not enter Heaven. 
 I soon found my eyes suffused in teajs and walked 
 away with a sorrowful heart. About this time of my 
 life, I would go to preaching somewhere nearly every 
 Sabbath, but did not always give attention to the ser- 
 mon, for fear that I would become so much affected, 
 that I should be unprepared to spend a pleasant even- 
 ing with my associates. Revivals of religion were 
 still going on, and many of the young people of the 
 neighborhood were giving into these things. Among 
 others were my two oldest sisters. They had now be- 
 come public mourners. I would sometimes think that 
 they had been over-persuaded, and I seemed to fear 
 that they were not under conviction, as they had not 
 been stricken down lielpless; for I was still under that 
 About' this time of my life I was under great 
 temptations to end my earthly existence, from the fact 
 that I saw no prospect of my ever getting any better, 
 and feeling that I was constantly growing worse. My 
 sins rose up before me like mountains; my broken 
* Rev. Johnson Olive. 5i 
 vows and promises seemed to stare me in the face ; 
 memory recalled the many instances in which I had 
 endeavored to quench, grieve, and stifle the workings 
 of the Spirit of God upon my heart; concience, also, 
 drew up the bill of indictment and I found myself a 
 guilty and condemned sinner at the tribunal of God, 
 and felt that I was justly exposed to his wrath. I felt 
 a desire to escape, but knew not how, for I had not as 
 yet opened the state of my mind to any human being, 
 and the weight of my load of sin and guilt became 
 so heavy that I felt my burden was more than I could 
 bear. I would sometimes think, if I would let it be 
 known to some christian people, and tell them the 
 state of my mind, I would find some relief; and I have 
 since become satisfied that if I had pursued that course 
 it would have been better for me. 
 On one occasion, I resolved to try the experiment; 
 I had an uncle and aunt living near by the place 
 where I was going to school. They were both pious, 
 and as I believed warm-hearted christians. I there- 
 fore concluded to go and spend a night with them, 
 and as they were full of religion, they would be apt to 
 say something to me upon that subject, which would 
 give me a favorable opportunity to tell them the state 
 of my mind. I went and spent a night with them, 
 and we talked about a great many things ; and among 
 other things, my Uncle spoke of the happy meetings 
 which had been and were still going on in almost 
 every part of our country. He spoke of having been 
 present at some of those meetings, and the happy 
52 The Life and Times of 
 seasons of refreshing grace showered down upon chris- 
 tians, and of the power of God which was displayed in 
 the conviction and conversion of siiwiers, the many 
 converts, &c. I would think, now is my time to open 
 the state of my mind and tell my feelings, but it would 
 seem if I made the attempt I should be choked, so I 
 kept the subject and the burden wrapped up and con- 
 cealed in my own breast. My uncle said to me " there 
 will be a camp meeting at Buckhorn in the course of 
 a week or two and I intend going for I believe we 
 shall have a good meeting," and asked me if I was not 
 going. I told him that I thought I would. " Yes, said 
 he, I want your two sisters to go, and you must go 
 with them, for I think we shall have a glorious meet- 
 ing." My heart seemed to flutter within my breast; I 
 desired to speak and tell my feelings but did not, only 
 consenting to go to th:e meeting. I left my uncle's 
 house next morning and returned to school with an 
 accusing conscience for having violated and broken 
 another promise. 
 Time rolled on, days and nights passed away in 
 rapid succession, and I with a heavy load of guilt upon 
 m}'' heart, my mind filled with the recollection of 
 broken vows and promises, would try to pursue my 
 studies at school, and often think of the camp meeting, 
 which was soon to come on. I would sometimes think 
 of making another vow to seek religion at that meet- 
 ing; but I had violated so many solemn promises, 
 made in my own mind, and known only to God and 
 myself, that I was fearful to make another promise, 
 for fear that I would break that also. Indeed the bur- 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 53 
 den of broken vows had become so heavy that I did 
 not feel that I could bear up under the weight of many 
 more. I would sometimes think that I would go to 
 the meeting without any previous thought or arrange- 
 ment of mind, in regard to the course which I would 
 pursue when I got there; but that did not suit me, 
 and I would think of the meeting, and of my going to 
 it, and the course which I would pursue, when I should 
 get there, in spite of all that I could do to avoid it. 
 At length I made up my mind in regard to the 
 course which I would pursue at the camp-meeting. I 
 Jaad a cousin who lived near the camp-ground, and 
 who was about my age. He was a member of the 
 Methodist Society, and appeared very pious. So I 
 concluded, when I should arrive there, I would make 
 myself known to him, and associate with him during 
 my stay at the meeting, believing that he would be 
 ready and willing at all times to render me any as- 
 sistance which I might need, and he able to give, for 
 I never doubted that he would do me all the good he 
 could, and as little harm as possible. I also thought 
 I would feel less embarrassed to open my mind to him 
 than to almost any other person ; and as I had deter- 
 mined to go there to seek religion, I desired to associ- 
 ate with one in whom I could at all times confide. 
 The morning arrived when my two sisters and my- 
 self were to start to the meeting. New difficulties 
 seemed to crowd upon me. I had some trouble in 
 finding our horses, as they had left the pasture. I 
 thought that was an unfavorable omen, as it indicated 
 to my mind that Providence was against me, other- 
54 The Life and Times of 
 wise the horses would have been in their proper place. 
 But as I was not long in finding them, we made haste 
 and started in due time, but after traveling something 
 over half the distance to the meeting I heard sad 
 news. We met up with some person who told us that 
 my cousin, with whom I was going to associate at the 
 meeting, was dead, and I think he was to be buried 
 that day. My feelings on hearing this news were in- 
 describable. It seemed that all my plans were falling 
 through. All my prospects for the better seemed to 
 be blasted, and my poor heart seemed to sink within 
 me. The thought soon came to my mind that he was 
 prepared to go ; but suppose it had been me instead 
 of him, how dreadful would have been my condition ! 
 I felt that he had gone to rest, to live with God in 
 glory, but if it had been me I should have gone to 
 hell, and been venting my fruitless cries where no 
 mercy could ever come. I also began to think that 
 time was getting short with me, and that my case was 
 rapidly hastening to a crisis. I felt that I desired re- 
 ligion above everything else, and was willing to re- 
 ceive it on any terms that God would be pleased to 
 grant it; but how to obtain it I knew not. Indeed, it 
 seemed to me that Providence was frowning upon me, 
 for all my plans were failing before the time arrived 
 for me to put them into execution. Something, how- 
 ever, must be done, and done soon, or I should be un- 
 able to survive. I was conscious of the fact that there 
 were others who would be at the meeting, and who 
 could and would be able and willing to do as much 
 for me as my dear cousin could have done if be had 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 55 
 not died. But I could not feel so free and open with 
 them as I could have done with him. But the crisis 
 was approaching, and I must take things as I found 
 them. Delay would no longer do. I therefore could 
 not do any better than to resolve again, though I 
 feared it would be broken, like all my previous'resolu- 
 tions on the subject of religion; but. as life or death 
 seemed to be involved in my de<3ision, I therefore de- 
 termined in my own mind to present myself at the 
 mourners' bench at the first opportunity. 
 We arrived at the camp-ground just in time to hear 
 the 11 o'clock or noon sermon. There was a large 
 concourse of people present, and as usual, there were 
 a great many wagons and vehicles standing in the 
 outskirts of the encampment, and numerous tents, 
 both of wood and cloth, arranged in regular style. I 
 took a seat in the midst of the congregation, some dis- 
 tance from the preacher's stand, though near enough 
 to hear. My feelings, during the sermon, were vari- 
 ous and changeable. Sometimes I would feel tender, 
 at other times my heart seemed hard and cold. There 
 were" some moments during the sermon when I felt if 
 the invitation could be given then for anxious souls 
 to come forward, I would be among them. I finally 
 concluded, when the invitation should be given at the 
 close of the sermon, I would go anyhow. I was not 
 aware at that time of the desperate struggle I was 
 then about to have with the powers of darkness. The 
 battle was fierce, but not of long duration. The sar- 
 mon closed, the invitation was given, but I did not 
 go. My heart just at that moment felt so hard, and 
56 The Life and Times op 
 my eyes so dry, that I felt if I went in such a (rame 
 as was then upon me I should sin presumptuously. 
 Many, however, did go from all parts of the congre- 
 gation. I looked on and listened to their mournings, 
 lamentations and prayers till I wished myself among 
 them ; but I was not there. I soon became so wretched 
 and miserable that I left the crowd, and went some 
 three-quarters of a mile to look after our horses. As 
 I left the camp-ground I could hear the different 
 sounds which were usual on such occasions. Some 
 w^ere shouting, while prayer and praise were being 
 constantly offered up to God. It seemed there was a 
 suitable place for everybody but me; for even the 
 hardhearted and careless seemed delighted. But I 
 suppose they cared for none of those things. 
 ■> I found our horses doing well. They seemed so well 
 satisfied that I w^ould have willingly changed condi- 
 tions with J,hem. I started back to the encampment, 
 for I knew not what to do. I left the road and went 
 through an old field overgrown with thick pine. I 
 thought I w^ould be glad to see a ghost — or even the 
 devil himself, if it would be the means of altering my 
 wretched feelings, and of helping me to seek religion ; 
 but I saw nothing but the waving boughs of the young 
 pines, which seemed to bespeak the praise of God. I 
 returned to the road, and was soon nearing the 
 encampment. I had a long hill to ascend, at the top 
 of which was the camp ground. My burden was so 
 heavy that I became weary, and felt as if I could 
 hardly go. 
 As I drew near the encampment, at the top of the 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 57 
 bill, I saw two men, with whom I was acquainted, in 
 close conversation. They seemed wonderfully pleased 
 at something, though I knew not what; and as neither 
 of them was a professor of religion, 1 murmured in 
 my own mind, because I was not permitted to feel and 
 appear as they did. I felt the temptation, so strong in 
 my mind, that I resolved to throw away my strange 
 and delusive feelings, and go up and join them in their 
 conversation. I started to them but only advanced a 
 few steps, before the impression cam^ into my mind 
 that they would consider me as an intruder, and that 
 I should be forcing myself where I was not wanted. 
 This impression was so strong in my mind that I 
 halted, and stood stock still, till one of them, who, by 
 the way, was my own dear cousin, took notice of my 
 singular conduct, and spoke to me in a friendly way, 
 inviting me to come up and join them in their con- 
 versation, reminding me that they were not on secrets. 
 I now thought I can go without any difficulty; I 
 started, but only got about half way to them, when 
 the impression came into my mind, with redoubled 
 force, that he had only invited me, through courtesy, 
 to join them in their conversation, but in reality 
 neither of them wanted my presence. I halted again, 
 under the weight of this last impression, and just at 
 that moment the horn sounded for evening services. 
 A man, with whom I was acquainted, and who was 
 also an efficient member of the church, was hastening 
 to the stand ; he passed just between me and my two 
 friends in conversation; and by some means, I know 
 not what, I found myself following close at his heels. 
58 The Life and Times of 
 When we arrived at the altar, he went in, aod I took a 
 seat as near as I could get to the^altar. I now deter- 
 mined to give good attention to the sernaon, and at the 
 close I would be anaong the first to go to the altar as a 
 seeker of religion. The man who preached that night 
 appeared quite young though full of zeal ; his text was, 
 "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all accepta- 
 tion ; that Christ Jesus came into the world to save 
 sinners." The preacher spoke of the great salvation, 
 wrought out by Christ, of the faithfulness of that say- 
 ing, and proved it by many witnesses, some who had 
 sealed their testimony with their blood, and others 
 who were then living witnesses, and they all united 
 in saying it is worthy of all acceptation. Upon the 
 whole I thought he handled his subject well and 
 preached a great sermon. In his closing remarks, he 
 spoke of the gre^t sin and danger of neglecting this 
 great salvation, and in illustrating this truth he had 
 reference to some cases in scripture, and to other inci- 
 dents in human life. The sermon was heart-searching 
 and soul-siirring to me. I felt that I was a great, 
 very great sinner, and but for Paul's closing remark 
 to the text, " Of whom I am chief," I should have 
 despaired. This seemed to be my only plea, Jesus is 
 able to save even tie chief of sinners. I now thought 
 I would rush into tlie altar at the first invitation and 
 ask every body to pray for me; but to my surprise 
 when the invitation was given I did not go. Some 
 strange and unaccountable feeling passed over me and 
 through me; I have since thought it must have been 
 the devil's death struggle to keep me back from Christ! 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 59 
 I felt so bad that I sat with my head hung down 
 like a bullrush, and could not so much as raise my 
 e3''es towards Heaven but only smite upon my breast 
 and say God be merciful to me a sinner. I now thought 
 of the deceitfulness of the heart, and the exceeding 
 sinfulness of sin, and wished myself at the altar, but 
 was not there. While I was thus meditating on my 
 ruined condition, some kind friend came to me and 
 said: " My friend, don't you want religion?" I made no 
 reply, my heart was too heavy, but I rose up when he 
 said to me : " Come, go with us, we will endeavor to do 
 thee good, for the Lord hath spoken well concerning 
 this way." I could not contain my feelings any longer. 
 I burst out into a loud cry, and was willing to go any- 
 where upon God's earth if it would be a means of bet- 
 tering my lost condition. This friend led me into 
 the altar, and I am sure he could not be more willing 
 to do so than I was to go. He prepared a place for 
 me to kneel by a seat and gave me some good advice 
 by way of encouragement. Telling me to confess my 
 sins to God and pray for his pardoning grace; to seek 
 him with all my heart, for in the very day and hour 
 I should do that He would be fond of me, &c. My 
 good friend then left me for a short time, as I suppose 
 to meditate on what he had said to me. My feelings 
 soon became more calm, and I wi41 here give as near 
 as I can the exercises of my mind, at this important 
 period of my life. The first thought, as well as I 
 recollect, that came to my mind, was this: what have 
 you come here for? My answer was to seek the salva- 
 tion of my soul, and I would be glad to know what 
60 The Life and Times of 
 the Lord would have me to do. The next question was, 
 are you willing to give up all for religion ; the world 
 with its pleasures and allurements, and all your sins, 
 and vain amusements ; in short, are you willing to 
 deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Christ 
 wherever He may call you to go for religion. I paused 
 in my mind, before giving an answer, for fear that my 
 poor, treacherous heart might deceive me as it had so 
 often done before, when I thought of this passage of 
 Scripture : " What shall it profit a man if he gain the 
 whole world and lose his own soul ; or what shall a 
 man give in exchange for his soul." I then felt that 
 by the help of the Lord I could do it. Then I saw in 
 imagination my associates and companions in sin 
 standing near by me, and I thought they looked as if 
 they were concerned about me and Vv^islied to get me 
 away from the place which I then occupied. The 
 question was now proposed to my mind, can you for- 
 sake these for religion? I answered yes, if they will 
 not go with me to Heaven, I am determined not to go 
 witii them to hell. They vanished from my mind in 
 an instant, and I saw them no more on that occasion. 
 Then my mind seemed to take a more extensive view 
 of the world than it had ever done before, indeed I 
 have often said it was lil^e the fool's eyes, wandering 
 to the ends of the earth. The last question was now 
 proposed, which was this, are you willing to give up 
 the world with all of its glory, its pomp, its pleasures, 
 its wealth, its honors, and be a meek and humble fol- 
 lower of Christ for religion ? I replied, yes, I am willing 
 to be anything, to do anything, to suffer anything for 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 61 
 the sake of religion. Only save my soul and I will 
 submit to anything. And just here, as unexpected to 
 me as anything could be, I lost my burden — my bur- 
 den of guilt and sin, which 1 had carried for five long 
 years, I mean from the time I was first struck under 
 conviction. I was still kneeling at my seat where my 
 good friend had left me. I did not believe it was re- 
 ligion but thought it was a token for good ; it rolled 
 off so easy, I knew not how, it seemed as if a gentle 
 breeze of air had blown through my breast, and with 
 a gentle hand had brushed my load of sin away. 
 Now, I had been at the mourners' bench but a very 
 short time — not as long, I suppose, as it has taken me 
 to write the account of it — and as I had always con- 
 sidered the travail of a soul from nature to grace to 
 commence with the public or outward sign, my travail 
 had been too short to obtain religion ; and more than 
 that, I had not seen heaven or hell, and I had heard 
 some say that they had seen both places, and I, of 
 course, expected to see my Saviour, and hear Him say, 
 arise, go in peace ; thy sins, which are many, are all 
 forgiven thee. But as none of these things had taken 
 place with me, I could only consider what had taken 
 place with me as only a token for good, only to inspire 
 hope in me to persevere. I knew also that I was at a 
 Methodist camp-meeting, and I feared they would dis- 
 cover some change in the exercise of my mind, from 
 the fact that I could not pray, God be merciful to me, 
 a sinner; Lord save a soul condemned to die, as I 
 had done; for the weight of guilt and sin w^as gone. 
 And when I would try to pray I would find myself 
62 The Life and Times of 
 laughing. So as I was fearful they would pronounce 
 me a convert before I was satisfied with myself, I 
 crawled under the bench w^here I had been kneeling, 
 in order that they might not notice me so closely. 
 But I did not remain there long, for my uncle, to whom 
 I had gone on a former occasion to disclose the state 
 of my mind, but failed to-do it, was there, and had 
 just learned that I was in the altar of prayer. He 
 sought diligently for me, till he found me under the 
 bench. He took great pains in getting me from un- 
 der the bench, placed my head in his lap, and began 
 to rejoice over me, that I h'ad come to the conclusion 
 to seek religion ; gave much good advice, and told me 
 to pray to God for renewing grace. After talking to 
 me for a few moments, by way of encouragement I 
 suppose, he discovered that I was not praying as he 
 thought a true penitent should pray. My good friend, 
 or some other good brother, said to my uncle : " Do 
 you know that young man?" My uncle replied: 
 "Yes; he is a nephew of mine." "Well," said my 
 friend, " let him be whom he may, he has got religion." 
 I wished he had kept that word back, for I was not 
 satisfied, because I had not seen visions or heard 
 sounds or voices from heaven. 
 My uncle then began to notice me very closely, to 
 see what was the nature of my prayer, and soon began 
 to interrogate me on the subject of religion. He said : 
 " You have got religion now, haven't you ?" I made 
 no reply. He asked me again, and I replied that I 
 was not satisfied. He then asked me my reason for 
 not being satisfied, when I replied by saying it was 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 63 
 too soon. He told me that God's works were not like 
 man's works; that God only had to speak the word 
 and the work was done ; that God could convert a 
 soul in an hour or a minute — whenever the heart was 
 prepared, as in a month or year. 
 Just at this instant my aunt, the wife of my uncle, 
 came to me shouting and praising God for what He 
 had done for her soul, and for what He was now doing 
 for the souls of her people. I rose up and commenced 
 shouting and praising God aloud ; and the next thing 
 I remember I was going over the altar, embracing in 
 my arms christians and ministers, in token of my love 
 to God and love to them. I thus went on shouting 
 and praising God, till I was exhausted. I never saw 
 before such beautiful faces. It appeared to me that 
 everybody was happy — even the trees in the grove 
 seemed to speak the glory of God, and the leaves in 
 the trees seemed to speak His praise. I felt that I was 
 heaven-born and heaven-bound. I could not be- 
 lieve that I ever should grieve, or that I ever should 
 suffer again. 
 But how changeable are our feelings, and how little 
 did I then know of the temptations and trials of the 
 christian ; for early next morning, as the sun was just 
 rising, I walked out of the tent where I had been 
 sleeping, and looking over the grove and seeing several 
 persons whom I had seen over night, none of these 
 things, thought I, look so beautiful as they did last 
 night, neither do I feel that ecstacy and thrill of joy 
 which I imagined I felt then. I began to doubt and 
 fear that I had missed the substance and caught the 
64 The Life and Times of 
 shadow, and therefore was deceived. I was deter- 
 mined not to rest there; if I was deceived I desired 
 to know it, and know it soon, in order that I might 
 set about seeking religion again. 
 I left the encampment, went some distance in the 
 woods, and made my way to a large white oak tree. 
 When I arrived there, I fell on my knees and com- 
 menced trying to pray to God to show me what I was. 
 and where I stood, and if deceived, to undeceive me; 
 but I had spoken only a few words, when it seemed 
 that the Holy Ghost came down ia love, and testified 
 to my mind that I was a child of God. I then thought 
 I would never doubt again. 
 I returned to the camp-ground feeling so light that 
 it seemed I only softly touched the ground. 
 During that day I succeeded in getting the consent 
 of several of my acquaintances to go into the altar 
 and seek religion. I felt very certain if I could get 
 them to go there they would be converted, and that 
 soon. I found, however, it was not so easy to get them 
 out christians as it was to get them in sinners, for 
 some of them continued mourners for 3'ears. 
 I had one sister who professed religion at the same 
 We stayed at the meeting three or four days, and 
 then left for home. Our parents had heard of the 
 conversion of my sister and myself, and I doubt not 
 they felt glad, but neither of them were professors, as 
 I know of. 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 65 
 In a few days after I got home, I fell into doubting 
 castle, and many a hard struggle I had with the 
 tempter before I found relief. My doubts and fears 
 were so great that I was bordering on despair. I 
 would repair to the woods and other secret places to 
 make known my request 'to God, but it seemed to me 
 that the heavens were sealed against me, and that 
 God's ears were deaf to my prayers, as it was more than 
 a week before I found relief. My mother became 
 somewhat alarmed at my situation, and feared that 
 my uneasiness of mind would result in something 
 serious. She sought an opportunity to talk with me 
 on the subject. She said that all christians had 
 doubts. "Yes," said I, "but not such as mine, for I 
 am deceived, and I want to seek religion again." She 
 replied that she had heard many persons relate their 
 experiences, and that they had all been troubled with 
 doubts and fears, and therefore she hoped I would not 
 go crazy on the subject of religion. I knew she felt 
 deeply concerned about me, but I felt no relief in 
 mind from anything she had said to me. The time 
 rolled on, when brother Dowd was to preach at Holly 
 Springs. I determined to go, and see if I could not 
 find some relief there. I attended meeting Saturday 
 and Sunday without any material change in my feel- 
 As I was going home on Sunday evening, riding 
 alone, my mind in prayerful meditation, I decided 
66 • The Life and Times of 
 the question. I believed that I had been deluded. I 
 had made a great profession, but had deceived myself 
 and all who saw and heard me. I resolved to return 
 to the meeting at Holly Springs next day, and pre- 
 sent myself at the mourners' bench, and seek religion 
 in good earnest. My mind was somewhat relieved at 
 this decision, for I now had a plain course to pursue, 
 and I had strong hopes that I WQuld yet obtain re- 
 ligion during this time of refreshing from the pres- 
 ence of the Lord. 
 When I arrived at home my mother, as usual, wanted 
 to know how I was getting on, and whether I had be- 
 come satisfied or not. I told her that I wanted to go 
 back to the meeting next day, and also what I in- 
 tended to do. She did not object, but I thought she did 
 not heartily approve of my course. My father said he 
 wanted me to stay at home on Monday, as lie had 
 some particular work for me to do that day, and said 
 I might go on Tuesday and stay longer if the meet- 
 ing continued. Of course I consented, but had much 
 rather gone on Monday. 
 Tuesday morning I started to meeting, fixed in my 
 determination to go to the mourners' bench that day. 
 I continued in this notion till I arrived within a short 
 distance of the meeting-house. Here I overtook some 
 of my former associates, and learned of them that on 
 the day before there was a great outpouring of the 
 Spirit of the Lord, and several had professed religion, 
 and among others, some of my former associates. On 
 hearing this news, my feelings changed in an instant. 
 My heart was overflowing with joy, I could scarcely 
Rev. Johnson Olive. . 67 ' 
 refrain from shouting aloud. I had no doubts about 
 my religion now. And as to my going to the mourn- 
 ers' bench, there was- no use, for I had nothing on my 
 own account to mourn for. I then concluded that I 
 would go in the house, and seat myself as conveniently 
 as I could and pay good attention to preaching. 
 Brother Dowd preached one of the most heart-search- 
 ing and soul-stirring sermons that I ever heard. I 
 had made up my mind never to shout again if I could 
 help it. I thought if I should ever be compelled to 
 shout by an irresistible power, I would then know 
 that I had religion, and never doubt again. Before 
 the sermon was ended there was a great excitement in 
 the house. Sinners were crying out, mourners pray- 
 ing aloud, and many christians were rejoicing. My 
 own heart w^as filled with joy inexpressible and full of 
 glory. I wanted to shout, glory to God for dying love 
 and redeeming grace. I felt that I ought to shout, 
 but I had vowed never to shout again if I could avoid 
 it. So I was occupied in striving to curb down and 
 suppress my feelings ; during this struggle I felt that 
 I was raised some eighteen inches above my seat, and 
 was floating in the air like a feather. I shook and 
 trembled like a leaf. -This state of feeling lasted only 
 a few .minutes, and after it passed off I settled down 
 on my seat, and the state of my mind became awful. 
 I felt hard-hearted, cold and indifferent. It seemed to 
 me that I had done wrong. I had quenched the Spirit; 
 it had taken its flight, I feared never to return to me 
 again. The devil whispered and said that I had com- 
68 The Life and Times of 
 mitted the unpardonable sin, and I feared that it was 
 even so. I repented of my conduct in striving against 
 the Spirit. 
 I made another. vow, and that was if the good 
 Spirit should ever return to me again, I would act out 
 v/hatever the Spirit might work within. From that 
 time till I joined the church my feelings were fluctu- 
 ating. I was often in an ecstacy of joy, shouting and 
 praising God ; and at other times greatly depressed in 
 spirit, and filled with doubts and fears. As I was thus 
 trying to live a christian life by frames and feelings, 
 I had but a limited idea of living by faith. In ref- 
 erence to this period of my life, I have often said, I 
 was always either doubting or shouting. 
 In the latter part of this year 1837, in connection with 
 many others, I united with the church at Shady Grove, 
 Wake county, N. C. Two of my sisters joined at the 
 same time, and we were all baptized by brother P. W. 
 After being thus reunited with the church by ex- 
 perience and baptism, I felt myself under the most 
 solemn obligation, both to my God and to my breth- 
 ren, for my religious deportment. I soon resolved, in 
 my own mind, the course which I would pursue. I 
 felt that it was my duty, as a servant of God and a 
 member of His household, to labor in His vineyard 
 according to my ability. I was conscious that the 
 Lord never called any into His vineyard to idle or 
 loiter, but that it was the duty of all to labor in that 
 part of the vineyard where Providence assigned them. 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 69 
 and that every one should use his talents or abilities 
 in that sphere in which he would be likely to accom- 
 plish most good. 
 I had no idea of trying to preach the Gospel at that 
 time, but felt it to be my duty, and the duty of every 
 member of the church, to do all we could for the glory 
 of God and the good of souls. I made up my mind 
 that I would be strict in my attendance upon the pub- 
 lic ordinances of religion, and ever be ready to assist 
 in the support of the pastor, and in defraying the ex- 
 penses of the church, according to my ability. 
 The year 1838 found me a member of the church. 
 P. W. Dowd was our beloved pastor. I lived with my 
 father this year, and labored on the farm. I was al- 
 ways glad when the time come to go to the church 
 meeting. I was pleased to meet my brethren at the 
 place appointed for the worship of God, especially my 
 dear pastor and my younger brethren, who came into 
 the church at the time I did. Thus I was glad when it 
 was said unto me, " Let us go up to the house of the 
 Lord, and let us exalt His name together." 
 It was during this year I began to have some idea 
 of living by faith. My feelings were not so fluctuating 
 as they had been. Religion seemed to become more firm 
 and fixed in my mind, and consisted more in a liv- 
 ing and abiding principle in the soul than in frames 
 and feelings. 
 It was during this year that brother Jesse Howell, 
 Jr., commenced exercising in public by way of preach- 
 ing. He was a member of the same church with my- 
 self, and a zealous, warm-hearted christian. He held 
70 The Life and Times of 
 a great many meetings in private houses in the neigh- 
 borhood, and great good seemed to result from the 
 same. I often went to his meetings, and was much 
 revived in my own mind, though I did not take part 
 in any of the public exercises, except singing, as yet. 
 A.S I had a strong voice, and would sing w^th anima- 
 tion — or for some other reason — brother Howell was 
 of opinion that I had a gift for public prayer. There 
 were other older brethren of the same opinion. They 
 began to speak to me on the subject. I was very diffi- 
 dent and timid, and thought it a little strange that 
 they should single me out from the rest of my young 
 brethren and urge me to take up the cross. 
 At that time I did not think that it was any more 
 my duty to pray in public than it was the duty of 
 other young brethren. I was firm in my belief, that 
 it was the duty of all to do something; and that every 
 one should engage in that part of the work for which 
 he was best qualified. But, as this subject was often 
 brought to bear on my mind with some weight, I 
 thought if I had the ability I would willingly bear 
 the cross. But why should I commence public prayer 
 so soon, when there were many who had grown old in 
 the church, and who had never been heard to pray in 
 public; I did not feel that I had any special gift or 
 calling, but only the general call to labor in the vine- 
 yard. I finally concluded that it was the duty of 
 every male member of the church to exercise the gift 
 of prayer in public, if he had the ability to do so, with- 
 out injuring the cause of Christ. I was not disposed 
 to push myself forward in this 'duty, but felt a willing- 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 71 
 ness to make a trial whenever a favorable opportunity 
 presented itself, and I should be called on to do so. 
 About this time I attended one of brother Howell's 
 meetings. It seemed to me that he had some idea of 
 what had been going on in my mind, for he took me 
 aside privately, before he commenced the exercises of 
 the evening, and told me that I must help him, and 
 as an inducement for me to make the attempt, he said: 
 "After I get through with my discourse I will call on 
 you to pray, and if you should fail for want of matter 
 and form, I will take up the prayer and go through 
 with it." With diffidence I consented to make my first 
 effort. At the proper time I was called on to pray. I 
 commenced ; soon became excited in my feelings; my 
 zeal outrun my judgment; many in the congregation 
 seemed to be shocked ; some shouted aloud and others 
 cried. I succeeded in winding up my prayer with a 
 We had quite an interesting meeting that night. 
 I felt relieved from the fact that I had endeavored to 
 discharge a duty which I believed to be of general ob- 
 ligation. But afterwards on reflection, I was not so 
 well satisfied about the course which I had pursued. 
 I had now opend a gap in my history which I feared 
 I would not be able to keep up. I would have no ob- 
 jection in trying to keep it up, provided I could al- 
 ways have due notice given, but to think of the prob- 
 ability of my being taken on surprise at every meeting 
 which I might attend, of being called on to pray here 
 and there, and everywhere, I felt conscious that I 
 should not be able to command variety, form and mat- 
72 The Life and Times op 
 ter sufficient to go through with it. And again I 
 would think of winding up my prayer with a shout; 
 and of praying with the spirit and not the understand- 
 ing. I thought it might answer a few times from a 
 new beginner, but if repeated too often it would wear 
 down and become disgusting; and as such injure the 
 cause of religion. I would sometimes wish it was not 
 known that I had ever attempted to pray in public. 
 But I was satisfied the fact would be known as far as 
 I was known myself. 
 About one week after my first attempt to make pub- 
 lic prayer, I was at preaching on the Sabbath day. 
 The house was crowded with people. I took a seat 
 somewhere in the back part. The minister preached 
 a very feeling and pathetic discourse. After he got 
 through his sermon he gave an invitation to any and 
 all to come forward who desired an interest in the 
 prayers of the people of God. Several came forward. 
 This seemed to animate the soul of the old preaclier ; 
 he met them on the floor, and exhorted them and the 
 congregation at large till his strength failed. He then 
 began to call on his brethren who sat near him one 
 after another to lead in prayer; they all declined with 
 a shake of the head. My poor heart began to flutter. 
 I thought they ought to have consented to try, but 
 they did not. I wished that I was more experienced, 
 then T would volunteer my poor efforts ; but I was too 
 young and inexperienced to do that; and more than 
 all, it was not a Baptist meeting; but in spite of all 
 my reasoning I did sympathize with the old man, and 
 felt anxious to assist him. The old minister rose up 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 73 
 once more and said : " Is it possible that there is not 
 one in this congregation who is willing to help me 
 pray for these mourners?" 
 No one spoke. Just at that moment I saw a sister 
 step to the j)reacher and wl.nsper in his ear. He in- 
 stantly turned his face towards me, and called me by 
 name, and asked me if I would not help him pray for 
 those mourners. I rose up and started to him and 
 said, " I will try." My feelings were excited ; 1 pitched 
 my voice entirely too high ; I prayed aloud, with spirit 
 and animation; but the understanding wasoverpowered. 
 As it was on my first attempt so it was now. There 
 was a great shout and much crying, and I wound up 
 my prayer as before, by shouting. 
 After this I began to think more maturely about 
 the course which I had now undertaken to pursue, and 
 as I had commenced, I had no inclination to turn 
 back or come short. I therefore thought I would turn 
 my attention to the subject of prayer, and endeavor to 
 cultivate both the spirit and form, in hopes that I 
 might be able to wind up my next without a shout 
 from me. I had no idea that my gift extended any 
 further than that of praying in public. I called to 
 mind several in the churches around who exercised 
 in this way, and I made them my patterns. I soon 
 wore off my diffidence, and was willing to take up the 
 cross and bear it as a fellow-helper to the truth. My 
 brethren, unlike myself on this subject, now began to 
 urge me to go a step further. They would urge me 
 to give a word of exhortation. I would decline, by 
 saying, " I have gone to the extent of my gift." Some 
74 The Life and Times of 
 of them would urge me strenuously, and when I 
 would continue to refuse, they would bluff me off by 
 saying : " Remember Jonah, who fled from the Lord." 
 Or by saying: "Don't resist the Spirit of the Lord, 
 for we believe you will have to preach yet." 
 Of course I thought differently, and believed them 
 to be mistaken. It is true I would sometimes think I 
 would rather be a preacher than any other man, more 
 especially if I could preach like those who were wield- 
 ing the sword of the Spirit with a masterly hand. 
 But that was a calling too high for me, and I thought 
 that I had none of the essential qualifications of a ^ 
 minister of the Gospel. I had neither the mental or 
 acquired ability. And above all, I felt conscious that 
 I had not as yet received what I then conceived to be 
 the internal call. 
 I was now in my twenty-second year, and it be- 
 hooved me to begin to think and act for myself in re- 
 gard to my duty to my God, to myself, and to society. 
 In my non-age I had a father to provide for my tem- 
 poral wants. I must now set out upon the rough sea 
 of life and steer my own boat. 
 This was a very trying time in mv history. I was 
 poor, but had come by it honestly. I had inherited it 
 from my parents. My education was very limited, 
 but as good as my parents were able to give me. My 
 constitution was feeble. I would think of trying to 
 get my living by farming, but the lands were poor, 
 and no one to labor but myself, and I would become 
 discouraged. Again, I would think of spending what 
 little I had of this world's goods in trying to obtain 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 75 
 an education, and then teach school for a living; but 
 I was now getting too old to go to school. My friends 
 would advise ine, and their advice was as various as 
 the workings of my own mind. 
 I think it was about this period of my life that I 
 heard a sermon preached from this text: "In all thy 
 ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." 
 I felt a desire to submit ray case to the will of the 
 Lord, but knew not how. I prayed- to the Lord to di- 
 rect me in all my movements. I knew not then, but 
 think I know now, how the providential hand of God 
 directed me. 
 It was during this year that brother Dowd conceived 
 the idea of getting up a school at his own home, for 
 the purpose of educating young men for usefulness. 
 Brother Dowd's explanation of his object to me was 
 this: "1 have sought out a number of young men, 
 mostly members of the different churches under my 
 pastoral care, whom I desire to go to school and pre- 
 pare themselves to be useful members of society, hop- 
 ing that some of them may, after awhile, become min- 
 isters of the Gospel." 
 I was reminded of the fact that I was one of that 
 number, and urged upon by brother Dowd to go to 
 school. Great difficulties rose up in my way. The 
76 The Life and Times of 
 cost of board and tuition ; the time required to accom- 
 plish the object. And in spite of all that I could say, 
 or brother Dowd either, my companions and friends 
 would have their own opinion, that I was going to 
 school to learn to preach. I knew that was not my 
 object, yet I dreaded the reproach which that impres- 
 sion would bring upon me. 
 Notwithstanding all those difficulties, I made up 
 my mind to go to school. Brother Dowd failed to 
 make up his school ; the reason a?signed was that the 
 young men preferred getting married to going to 
 school. Only two were willing to make the sacrifice. 
 I had made my arrangements to go, and was much 
 disappointed when I learned the result. I knew not 
 what course to pursue, but conclud-ed that I would go 
 and consult brother Dowd as to what I had best do. 
 He advised me to go to school at all hazards, and 
 promised to assist me in making arrangements to do 
 so. He said that brother George W. Thompson was 
 teaching school at an academ}^ in the district of Wake 
 Forest, and that he was very certain that I could get 
 in as a student. He also promised to ascertain in a 
 few days and let me know. The arrangement was 
 made, and I was to start to school in February, 1839. 
 Many of my friends and relatives dissuaded me, and 
 feared that I would regret it when too late. I have 
 no doubt as to the purity of their motives. They 
 were illiterate men, and knew not the advantages 
 of an education. One good brother, a deacon of 
 the church, too, advised me to read my Bible, and ex- 
 ercise in prayer and exhortation, believing, as he said, 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 77 
 that to be the best course for me to pursue. He said 
 that he was fearful education would cool down or 
 blunt my zeal, and thus injure m}' usefulness. I told 
 him that I had no idea of preaching or trying to 
 preach. He asked me if I should feel it my duty to 
 try to preach if I would not yield to my convictions. 
 I told liim that I would yield to a sense of duty on 
 that or any other subject; but that if I should ever 
 feel it to be my duty to preach I should greatly need 
 an education, and had no idea that I should ever re- 
 gret going to school if I should ever be called to 
 I soon made my arrangements to leave my father's 
 house to go to school. I had told my father that I 
 desired what little he was able to give me to be given 
 in that way. I had a fine mare which my father had 
 given me. I told him to sell her and pay my board 
 and tuition for the first ten months' schooling, which 
 was done. 
 I had never left home but for a few days at a time, 
 and I found it hard to cut loose from those endearing 
 ties which bind kindred hearts together. But I must 
 now leave my kindred and friends, and go to a strange 
 neighborhood, some thirty five or forty miles from 
 home, to commence the study of my native language, 
 for T knew nothing of English grammar, history, or 
 geography. And as to definition,! had never studied it. 
 I was soon introduced to brother Thompson, and 
 became a pupil in his school. I boarded with John M. 
 Fleming, Esq., of Wake. In him and his excellent 
 wife I found two good and steady friends. They 
78 The Life and Times of 
 treated me like a father and mother. I never shall 
 forget their kindness to me while memory is retained. 
 I have learned that Mr. Fleming died some few 
 years ago. I hope and pray that the Lord will be a 
 husband to his dear companion, and give her grace to 
 bear up under all her bereavements; and may his sur- 
 viving children make their father's God their God ; 
 and may they find Him a stronghold in the day of 
 trouble, and a very present help in every time of 
 I feel a delicacy in speaking much about my worthy 
 preceptor, George W. Thompson. Nothing that I can 
 say will add much to his worthy name and character. 
 He is well known as a truly christian gentleman. As 
 a teacher of youth, his name stood high. He has had 
 the pleasure and satisfaction of seeing many of his 
 former students promoted to stations of honor, and 
 several have become ministers of the Gospel. I shall 
 ever hold him in grateful remembrance. 
 A great change was now commencing in my history, 
 though unperceived by me at the time. The neigh- 
 borhood in which I was raised was illiterate, thie peo- 
 ple generally poor but honest and moral. The people 
 in the district of Wake Forest were generally well ed- 
 ucated, and many of them wealthy. The state of so- 
 ciety was quite different from that I had been accus- 
 tomed to. Indeed, this part of Wake county was 
 noted at that time as surpassing any other neighbor- 
 hood in refinement, good society and wealth. I felt 
 somewhat embarrassed for awhile, but soon became 
 iamiliar with the customs and fashions of the neigh- 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 79 
 borhood. Indeed, I was treated with ae much respect 
 as if I had been the son of some wealthy man. I soon 
 formed acquaintances, .and made friends of the people 
 generally. I become intimately acquainted with the 
 families of the Crenshaws, Thompsons, Dunns, Rog- 
 erses, Gills, Cooks, Ferrells, Joneses, and others. I also 
 became acquainted with several of the college stu- 
 dents. It was in this year that W. T. Brooks and 
 Pritchard graduated, and some others. 
 During the ten months in which I attended brother 
 Thompson's school, I studied English grammar, his- 
 tory, geography and arithmetic. I succeeded in mak- 
 ing commendable proficiency in those studies, and in 
 leaving, the school with a good name. 
 My connection with that school, and with the good 
 people of the district, has served as a passport to me 
 in^all my visits among strangers in different neigh- 
 It was during this year that brother Thompson's 
 health failed, so that he declined taking a school for 
 the next year. I was anxious to go to school one 
 more session, and that would exhaust my means. I 
 would much rather xxave gone to the same man at the 
 same place, but that could not be done, as there would 
 be no school there. 
 I returned home to my father's in the latter part of 
 the year, and soon learned that there was a good school 
 on Rocky River, in Chatham county, taught by Mr. 
 Baxter Clegg. I went up to see him, and made ar- 
 rangements to enter his school. Brother John C. Wil- 
80 The Life and Times of 
 son went with, me, and we boarded with Mr. Minter 
 Burns, and were students of Pleasant Hill Academy, 
 taught by Baxter Clegg. 
 Mr. Burnes' wife was sister to Dr. William Brantley. 
 We were treated here like sons. We cannot forget 
 the kind treatment which we received in the house of 
 Mr. Burns and his wife. 
 I continued at this school five months, and received 
 a complimentary recommendation from my teacher 
 in regard to my moral and christian character; also, 
 in reference to my proficiency in English grammar, 
 geography, history and arithmetic. I iiad also formed 
 a large circ'e of acquaintances in that neighborhood, 
 and gained many strong friends. This was in the 
 year of 1840 I now returned home to my father's 
 again, where I soon niade up a school, and taught five 
 months. I received a communication from brother 
 Dowd to come down to his house and board with him, 
 and teach school in his neighborhood. This was in the 
 latter part of 1840. In a short time the arrangements 
 were made and I commenced teaching school near 
 brother Davvd's, and boarded in his family. I com- 
 menced in the early part of the year 1841. I taught 
 a school there the greater portion of this year, and 
 boarded all the time with brother Dowd's family. 
 This year was a very pleasant and agreeable period of 
 my life. I found brother Dowd as agreeable at home 
 as I had found him at other places. His wife was also 
 very kind, interesting, and motherly to me. His two 
 oldest sons were quite small, but they both went to 
 school to me. Henry A. Dowd, his oldest son, was one 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 81 
 of the kindest hearted boys I ever saw, but too com- 
 pLicent for his own good. William C. Dowd, his 
 second son, was a boy of great firmness; he was steady 
 in all his pursuits and succeeded well. He graduated 
 at the State University and died soon after. I have 
 sometimes felt a little proud that I had the honor of 
 laying the foundation of their education. 
 It was during this year that brother Dowd tried to 
 sound me on the subject of preaching the Gospel. I 
 had now formed ray plan and selected my occupation, 
 which was to cultivate a small farm in spring and 
 summer, and teach school in the fall and winter. I 
 had no idea that I should ever try to preach, but felt 
 that I could promote the cause of religion better in 
 some other way. I believed that I could do more good 
 in prayer meetings and Sabbath schools than I could 
 evej thfnk of doing in trying to preach ; and more 
 than all, I had no idea as yet that I had .ver received 
 a special call to the ministry. So when brother Dowd 
 would approach me on that subject I would tell him 
 that it was not my duty to preach, for that I had never 
 received the special or internal call. He would ask 
 me my opinion about the special or internal call and 
 I would ask his. On one occasion it seemed to me 
 that he tried to shape his explanation on that subject 
 on purpose to take me in. I felt a little irritated, and 
 said: "Brother Dowd, I am sorry to think that you and 
 many others will be so badly mistaken about me. 
 You and a number of other persons have expressed 
 your opinion that you will one day hear me preach ; 
 and I feel certain that you will all be disappointed." 
82 The Life and Times op 
 Brother Dowd replied by saying : " Well, you caay say 
 what you please and believe as you please, but ray 
 opinion is that you will have to preach." After this 
 I do not recollect that he ever spoke to me any more 
 on that subject while I boarded with him. I had ap- 
 pointed and held some few prayer meetings, and felt 
 a willingness to assist in opening conference meetings 
 in the absence of the minister, but preaching was out 
 of the question with me, 
 I was now about to change my manner of life. I was 
 going to get married to a lad}^ to whom I had been 
 paying my addresses for several years, and who had 
 waited as patiently for me as Rachel did for old Ja- 
 cob. So on the 23d day of December, 1841, I was 
 married to Miss Martha Hunter, daughter of the late 
 Alsey Hunter, of Wake county. This lady, like my- 
 self, had but a very limited education, and but few 
 opportunities for improvement of any kind. She pos- 
 sessed some valuable qualities : a strong constitution, 
 good natural sense, patience, and industrial habits. 
 Indeed, I have never had cause to regret my marriage 
 to her. Many of my brethren and friends thought 
 that I had acted strangely in spending three years in 
 going to school and teaching school to get just where 
 I was in 1838. They said I could have married and 
 settled down on my little farm three years' ago just as 
 well as I could now, and if I intended to get my liv- 
 ing by labor it would have been better for me to have 
 done so, as I was no better off in the world now than I 
 was then. It seemed as if their hopes and prospects 
 were cut ofif as to my future usefulness in the cause of 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 83 
 Christ. I, however, felt that I could go to the extent 
 of my call as well in my present position as in any 
 other, for I would attend to my church meetings, and 
 always be ready to bear my portion of the expenses of 
 the church, and officiate in prayer and praise. 
 I went to work, and felt very pleasantly situated for 
 a time ; but sometime during the summer of 1842 I 
 became very much concerned upon the subject of the 
 ministry. As I would be following my plow I would 
 think of a passage of scripture and meditate o)i its 
 meaning and try to give to it its true interpretation, 
 and sometimes I would become so much taken up with 
 this exercise of mind that I would unconsciously speak 
 out my thoughts. Then I would think surely I am 
 out of my line of duty, for I am not following out my 
 plan of life. I would drop the subject and whistle or 
 sing while following my plow. Again a text of Scrip- 
 ture would present itself to my mind with such force 
 and light that I must consider its true interpretation. 
 I would often think if I were a preacher how I would 
 explain that passage. 
 After a while I became restless for fear that my 
 plans were about to fall through; for it seemed to me 
 that the subject of preaching was continually before 
 me. I tried to attribute it to the temptations of the 
 devil, who was endeavoring to get me to undertake 
 something I could not accomplish, and then all who 
 beheld me would say this man commenced building 
 but was not able to finish. About this time 1 went to 
 meeting one Sabbath. Brother James Dennis preached. 
 He called on me to pray at the close of his sermon. 
84 The Life and Times of 
 After the Qieeting was dismissed brother Dennis came to 
 me and said : " Brother Olive, don't quench the Spirit; 
 if you do you will re[)ent it ; and I fear you have been 
 doing it already. My impression is that the Lord has 
 a work for you to do, and you had better do it." I 
 thought very strange of these remark?, as I had never 
 told any human being what had been going on in my 
 mind for some weeks or months. How should he have 
 any idea of my situation. 
 It was not long after this when J became so restless 
 that concealment was imi)racticable. I first opened 
 my mind on this subject to ray wife. I told her that 
 things were working differently from my expectation ; 
 that I had told her that I never expected to try to 
 preach, but now it seemed I must try at all hazards. 
 She asked me if I thought 1 could preach? To which 
 I replied : " I don't know that I can, but feel that I must 
 try, as nothing short of a trial will ever relieve my 
 mind." I was at this time very unhaf»py; my former 
 plans of life seemed to be falling through, and I must 
 now enter upon an untried course, not knowing 
 whether I should succeed or fail in my undertaking. 
 I had, however, become willing to bear the reproach, 
 if any, and the shame, loo, even though I should make 
 a failure. Peace of mind was what I desired, and to 
 have a conscience void of offence both toward God and 
 man was my highest ambition, for with that I would 
 be happy, but without it I must be miserable. I there- 
 fore told my wife I would make the effort, and if I 
 failed and became convinced that I was wrong or mis^ 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 85 
 taken in wbal I then conceived to be my duty, I would 
 instantly desist and return to my former plan of life. 
 I soon made an appointment to hold a meeting at a 
 church. I made no appointment to preach, but inten- 
 ded to try when the time arrived. The day came and 
 Iw^asthere; a good congregation also met, as I sup- 
 posed, to hear what I would have to say. After sing- 
 ing and prayer, I read a portion of the Scriptures, and 
 then commenced talking about what I had just read. 
 I thus came to my text, without announcing it as 
 a text, and made the best of it I could. I en- 
 joyed more liberty in speaking than I had antici- 
 pated. After the services were over I started for 
 home. I had seldom, if ever, felt more pleasant in 
 mind than I did then. I felt that I had discharged 
 my duty, and the consciousness of having done so 
 gave to me a peace of mind which the world cannot 
 bestow. I had not gone far before the tempter came 
 to interfere with my haf)py frame of mind. He asked 
 me if I thought I could preach again that evening. 
 My answer was " no." "Then," said the tempter, "you 
 can never be a preacher ; for preachers often preach 
 two or three times in a day ; and now," said he, " sup- 
 pose you had an appointment to preach to-night, what 
 would you do; would you try to preach or not?" I 
 felt as empty as a gun which has just been discharged 
 of its load, and as barren as a tree whose fruit has all 
86 The Life and Times of 
 fallen off. He further said, if it was my duty to preach 
 I would not feel thus, but I would always be ready- 
 in season and out of season — always abounding in 
 the work of the Lord. 
 I began to think that I never should try again, for 
 that the burden which had been rolled on my mind 
 was now rolled off, and there was nothing more for me 
 to do in the way of preaching. The news was now 
 circulating through the surrounding country that I 
 had preached an excellent sermon; and the hopes and 
 expectations of many were raised very high. I was 
 not ignorant of what was going on in the public mind. 
 But according to my feelings for a few days it seemed 
 to me that I had preached my first and last sermon, 
 for my stock of preaching was exhausted. This state 
 of mind, however, did not last long. The burden be- 
 gan to roll on again ; the leaven of preaching began 
 to work again, and I soon felt anxious for the time to 
 come for me to roll off the burden which I felt the 
 Lord had rolled on my mind. Thus I followed up my 
 appointments for some time. 1 was also often re- 
 quested to fill appointments for other ministers, which 
 I frequently did. My church soon took notice of me, 
 and passed an order of conference to grant me license 
 to preach wherever the providence of God should call 
 me to go. Written license I never had, as ray labors 
 were confined within the circle of my acquaintance. 
 As such I never called for them. These things took 
 place about the date of 1843. I will here state that at 
 the time I commenced trying to preach there was no 
 revival of religion in the neighborhood where I lived. 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 87 
 The love of many who had joined the church about 
 the time I did now seemed to wax cold. There was 
 nothing perceptible tostimulate me in this undertaking 
 but the workings of God's Spirit upon my mind. This 
 operated on me both by day and by night, in many 
 respects similar to the workings of the same Spirit 
 j{)on my heart and mind when I was under convic- 
 tion for sin. I could not be contented to let the sub- 
 ject alone. I must consider it, and the more I thought 
 about it the more I felt it to be my duty to make the 
 From the time I commenced trying to preach till 
 I was ordained to the ministry was a period of about 
 five years. During this time I continued trying to dis- 
 charge my duty as a licentiate preacher. It is true I 
 met with some difficulties, but those difficulties per- 
 tained mostly to myself. I was naturally timid and 
 diffident. My weakness and imperfections crowded 
 upon me, and in some few instances I was discouraged 
 by brethren who said I was too much of an Arminian. 
 But as a general thing, I am certain that I passed for 
 more than my worth. Many persons would speak in 
 high terms of commendation to my face. This always 
 made me feel unpleasani, and I am certain they acted 
 very imprudently in doing so, for I was conscious 
 that the expectations of both church and people were 
 raised too high ia regard to my gifts in the ministry. 
 I was often urged by my church to accept of ordina- 
 tion. The same thing was urged upon me by other 
 churches and many brethren. I would reply by say- 
 ing, I have all the liberty that I desire ; I can preach 
88 The Life and Times of 
 wherever the providence of God calls me to go. In 
 this way ray ordination was deferred for four or five 
 years. For some two years previous to my ordination 
 I was preaching statedly at different churches, which 
 were without pastors, and as I could not administer 
 the ordinances the churches were left in an awkward 
 position. They were sometimes put to a great deal of 
 trouble and delay to get a minister to administer the 
 ordinance of baptism. It was owing to this, more than 
 to anything else, that I consented to be sent up to the 
 Association in 1847 to be examined and if found 
 worthy to be ordained. I was this year preaching at 
 Shady Grove and Holly Springs, and I think at Bell's 
 Church. The brethren treated me with due respect 
 and brotherly love. ^ Large congregations generally at- 
 tended on the Sabbath ; and I had the satisfaction to 
 believe that I had the good will and confidence of all 
 classes. I felt some reluctance in taking upon myself 
 the responsibilites of an ordained minister, but the 
 state of things seemed to demand it, and to the re- 
 quest and entreaty of my church and brethren I 
 Myself and brother James C. Marcom were both 
 sent up to the Raleigh Association in the year 1847, 
 to be examined for ordination. We were both exam- 
 amined together, by all the ministers present, in the 
 presence of the whole Association. I was ordained 
 there and then, by prayer and imposition of hands, 
 and brother Marcom was found worthy, but at the 
 special request of his church he was sent back to his 
 church to be ordained there. A presbytery was ap- 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 89 
 pointed at the Association for the purpose, who soon 
 after met at his church and ordained him. It was a 
 serious and solemn time with me, for I felt that the 
 vows of God were upon me. The Association was held 
 this vear with the church at Cumberland Union, Cum- 
 berland (now Harnett) county, North Carolina. 
 Having been ordained to the Gospel ministry in the 
 presence of the Raleigh Association by the wnrlhy 
 ministers present, who were the following, viz : Joh!i 
 Purefoy, William Jones, James Purefoy, D. L. Wil- 
 liams, S. Senter, Ezekiel Holland, Robert I. Devin 
 and James Dennis, and recommended by them as a 
 faithful minister of the Gospel of the Baptist denomi- 
 nation, I felt under the strongest obligation to God and 
 to them to endeavor to carry out the charge that was 
 given by my aged father in the ministry, John Pure- 
 foy. I had thus received a passport from them to give 
 me access to the churches and to the denomination at 
 large. I desired to be enabled rightly to divide the 
 word of truth, giving to each class of hearers their 
 portion in due season. I must therefore study to show 
 myself approved. I was very soon called to take the 
 pastoral care of four churches. Shady Grove, Holly 
 Springs, Mount Pisgah and Cedar Fork. 
 I was young in the ministry and inexperienced, but 
 I intended to do the best I could. I hired a man to 
 cultivate my farm, and I gave myself up to the min- 
 istry. I studied the Scriptures and read religious 
 books, and prayed the Lord to direct my steps aright. 
 I continued to preach for those churches some two or 
 three years, when I concluded to resign my pastoral 
90 The Life and Times of 
 charge with two of them. On leaving them I had the 
 satisfactory evidence that they had nothing against 
 me nor I against them ; but felt that the circum- 
 stances demanded the separation. I continued my 
 pastoral connection with the other two, viz : Holly 
 Springs and Cedar Fork for eleven years in succession, 
 and then resigned my pastoral connection with them, 
 from the fact that I had previously made up my mind 
 to leave this country and go west. I parted with them 
 with very affectionate and tender feelings. 
 The times of which I am now writing includes a pe- 
 riod of twelve years, the most active and effective years 
 of my life. Besides the churches above mentioned, I was 
 chosen pastor of Salem Church, Wake county, Mount 
 Moriah, Orange county, Wake Bethel, Wake county, 
 and at Olive Chapel I preached for several years. I also 
 preached a short time to the churches of Mount Mo- 
 riah, in Wake county, and Ephesus, in the same county. 
 These churches included the principal field of my 
 labors. We had glorious revivals at several of these 
 churches. At Mount Pisgah, Cedar Fork, Holly 
 Springs, Shady Grove, Olive's Chapel and Salem, there 
 were great numbers added to the church. I have no 
 doubt that the Lord was with me while I was preach- 
 ing at those places, and attended the word preached 
 by the influences of His' Holy Spirit. 
 I also preached a great many funerals at private 
 houses, and married more persons than any other man 
 who lived in the bounds of my acquaintance. The 
 circle of my acquaintance was not very large, extend- 
 ing mainly to two or three counties, but within those 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 91 
 boundaries, perhaps, no man ever had more friends 
 and fewer enemies than I did. I was treated with 
 respect and marked attention wherever I went. The 
 expression was often made, both by church and world, 
 that there was a woe in reserve for me, because all 
 men spoke well of me; however this may be, we will 
 see by and by. 
 Perhaps the reader would like to know some of the 
 maxims of life which helped to bring about the favor- 
 able opinion entertained by all classes towards me. 
 I state this in no spirit of boasting. In the first place, 
 I determined when quite young that I would never 
 act or speak in a manner to disparage the character of 
 a lady, but I would always speak and act to their 
 praise, or have nothing to say about them ; for I con- 
 sidered the good name and fair fame worth more to a 
 lady than all earthly good besides. I also determined 
 to speak and act in a way to make as many friends 
 and as few enemies as posssible. My motto was to do 
 all the good I could and as little harm as possible. I 
 would often think of that passage of Scripture which 
 says, if it be possible live peaceably with all men. 
 My motive was not to court personal applause, but to 
 ingratiate myself into the esteem and affections of the 
 people, in order that I might be the better prepared to 
 , produce a favorable impression on their minds upon 
92 The Life and Times of 
 the subject of religion. I was of the opinion that 
 unless I had their confidence and good will I should 
 not be able to do them any material good ; for no man 
 can expect to accomplish much good except the people 
 have confidence in him. Another reason why I rose 
 so high and stood so fair in the estimation of the peo- 
 ple generally was, that I had no inclination or taste 
 for religious controversy. I was firm* and fixed in my 
 own religious sentiments, both in regard to doctrine 
 and practice, but did not indulge in faultfinding with 
 those who differed with me. I felt that I could accom- 
 plish more good in a friendly and conciliating manner 
 than I would be likely to do in any other. From this 
 fact more than any other I was held in high respect 
 with other denominations. They would invite me to 
 preach in their pulpits, and frequently call on me to 
 preach the funeral of their departed loved ones, and 
 perform ^the ceremony of marriage in their families. 
 Another reason why I fared so well and escaped per- 
 secution v^as that I had a very large family connec- 
 tion both on my father's and mother's side, and they 
 were generally of good moral and religious standing. 
 Also, when I married, my wife had a large family 
 connection who stood equally fair with my own, and 
 in addition to all this we botii had a number of strong 
 personal friends. My labors were confined within the 
 limits of those influences. Those relatives and friends 
 forming a wall or hedge around me saved me from 
 many a fiery dart from my adversary, and many a hard 
 blow from my enemy. The tongue of slander could 
 not assail me, and the hand of persecution was stayed. 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 93 
 I will here relate a little conversation which I had 
 with a minister of the Gospel who was well acquainted 
 with me from the time T first embraced religion. He 
 said I had the smoothest road to travel of any min- 
 ister he ever knew, and assigned as a reason for it the 
 above named facts. With me, said he, it has been 
 quite different; I have had a rough road to travel ; 
 persecution has assailed me, and the tongue of slan- 
 der has been busy; if it had been you against whom 
 they vented their spite, situated as you are and sur- 
 rounded as you are, they could not have injured you, 
 for both church and people would have stood up in 
 your defence. 
 From what I have stated in the foregoing remarks, 
 it will be seen that the lines had fallen to me in pleas- 
 ant places; that my situation in life, and the circum- 
 stances that surrounded me, were favorable to useful- 
 ness, living in the midst of numerous families of rela- 
 tives and friends. Those relatives and friends were 
 connected with the different denominations of chris- 
 tians, and many of them of high standing in society, 
 and wielding a considerable influence upon the pub- 
 lic mind. All these things taken together rendered 
 my situation very desirable. This was my situation 
 for a period of twelve years ; that is while I was preach- 
 ing as an ordained minister. I would often think of 
 my favorable position in human life, and wonder how 
 I had gotten there. I was poor, but contented and 
 happy in my favorable position. I had food and rai- 
 ment for myself and family, and was therewith con- 
 tent. I would often ask the question, what hath God 
94 The Life and Times of 
 wrought? He has taken me by the hand, as it were, 
 and led me to the fountain of His grace ; He has taken 
 me into His family and given me favor in the'sightof 
 men; He has touched my heart with the fire of His 
 love, and loosed my tongue to speak His praise. I will 
 remember the pit from which I was dug; the quarry 
 from which I was raised, and the rock from which I 
 was hewn. It is the Lord's doings, and it is marvelous 
 in my sight; and would close my reverie by saying: 
 " By the grace of God I am what I am." 
 I was much concerned during the years of 1857 and 
 1858 about my family. We had seven children, five 
 sons and two daughters. My land was poor and my 
 farm small, and my children growing up with little 
 education, and no prospects of laboring to advantage. 
 I began to make arrangements to leave this country 
 and go to the far West. To this my friends and rela- 
 tives generally objected, but their arguments were not 
 sufficient to dissuade me from undertaking it. I was 
 conscious that the Lord had abundantly blessed my 
 labors among my relatives and friends, and many 
 seals had been added to my ministry. The churches 
 where I preached were generally in a flourishing con- 
 dition, and they were doing as well by me as I oould 
 ask, but not enough to support ray. growing family 
 without other resources. The brethren would ofien 
 ask me my reason for wanting to leave, and tell me 
 that my prospects for doing good were never brighter 
 than they were then, and that the confidence of both 
 church and people had not abated in the least. They 
 bad no idea that I would ever find a place where the 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 95 
 advantages and means of doinu good would be as great, 
 or even equal, to what they were here. I had preached 
 to the parents and children for ten or twelve years, 
 and the attacl\ments were very strong. My manner 
 of preaching had been of a nature to win the hearts of 
 christians generally, and to gain the respect of all 
 classes of hearers. (I would not have the reader to 
 understand that every body was pleased with my 
 preaching, for there were always some to find fault; 
 but my meaning is, that my preaching was gen- 
 erally as acceptable to all classes as that of any other 
 minister.) My greatest fears were that the people 
 thought more highly of me than they ought to think. 
 I was not so ignorant as not to know that my preach- 
 ing talents were only ordinary; and all above that, 
 was to be traced to other causes. Yet, some how or 
 other, there was an impression in the minds of many 
 that I possessed some extraordinary powers, and it was 
 said by some that people worshipped me more than 
 they did their Creator. Of course alT this was very 
 unpleasant to me, but I could not help it, for I never 
 sought it, or desired it of any man. 
 I was somewhat troubled in my mind one day at 
 the remark of a wicked man, when I was informed 
 that he had been complimenting my preaching, and 
 said that when he died he wanted me to preach his 
 funeral, for I could come as nigh preaching a man 
 from hell to heaven as any man he ever heard ; or that 
 I could do that if any other man could. Now, while 
 I knew that to be the case, I did not approve of the 
 manner in which it was uttered, and feared he was 
96 The Life and Times of 
 looking more to the creature than to the Creator, to 
 deliver him from under the bondage of sin and Satan, 
 and prepare him for heaven. I am yet of the same 
 opinion. I have no doubt that many people idolized 
 me, as they have many other men before me. I 
 thought if I could go where I would be a stranger to 
 the people, and they strangers to me, those outside in- 
 fluences would not have such an influence in waving 
 the minds of my hearers, and that the simple truths 
 of the Gospel, attended by the Spirit, would have a 
 more salutar}^ effect. My children, too, would be 
 placed where they could labor to more advantage than 
 they were like'y to do here. I therefore persisted in 
 my determination to move West. 
 I found it hard to cut loose from my dear relatives 
 and friends, and from those lovely churches, where I 
 had enjoyed so many happy seasons; those endearing 
 ties, wiiich bind kindred hearts together seemed to 
 draw more closely as the time drew nearer for me to 
 wind up my concerns here. I however sold my little 
 land and home, hoping to be better prepared to leave 
 in a short time. 
 This was in 1859. But very soon affliction in my 
 family put this matter off for a longer time. My 
 arrangements all fell through. I had a little son who- 
 had been an invalid for several years, but while there 
 were no prospects of his ever being sound and healthy, 
 he appeared to be improving. The health of our 
 oldest child now became delicate, her constitution 
 rapidly gave way, and in a short time she was so feeble 
 that I could not think of leaving, with two of our 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 97 
 children so unwell as to appear more like dying than 
 living. Thus I was under the necessity of looking out 
 for another home for my family, as I had made way 
 with our present home. I rode about in the surround- 
 ing country for 'some weeks, looking for a suitable 
 home for myself and family. There was no difficulty 
 in finding a place that would suit me in my calling 
 as a minister of the Gospel, but to find a place suita- 
 ble for my boys to labor to advantage, and have an 
 opportunity of going to school, was not so easy. I 
 made this memorable remark before I succeeded in 
 getting a place: "If I ever get another home, I will 
 never turn myself and family out of doors again." 
 Late in the fall of 1859 I bought a home some four- 
 teen miles south-east of where I formerly lived. There 
 were some things connected with the location which 
 suited me very well, and others were very unfavor- 
 able. The land w^as much better suited to farming 
 than where I had been living, and the society was 
 equally as good, and one of the most peaceable neigh- 
 borhoods in the county of Wake. All this was favor- 
 able; but I was now to be further removed from the 
 churches and people with whom I had been so long 
 intimate, and w^ould have to ride some distance to at- 
 tend my appointments. 
 I moved my family to the place where I now live a 
 few days before Christmas, 1859. My daughter's health 
 seemed to improve some; our little son continued 
 about the same. The time was drawing near for me 
 to enter upon a new period in the history of my life, 
 but I was not aware of it till some few months had 
 passed. 5 
98 The Life and Times of 
 I commenced making arrangements for farming by 
 clearing up brier patches and re|>airing fences during 
 the forepart of the year 1860. I had also promised to 
 preach tor three or lour churches monthly. These 
 churches were ten, twelve and fifteen miles from home. 
 I was closely engaged at home five days in the week, 
 trying to prepare for my boys to make a crop. I had 
 but little time to read or study, except at night. When 
 Saturday morning came I must start early in order to 
 be at the meeting-house in time, and the most of my 
 preparations for preaching were made while riding 
 along to my appointments. I generally felt poorly 
 prepared for the services, but always did the best I 
 could under the circumstances in which I found my- 
 self placed. My presence was greatly needed at home, 
 for our little afflicted son was almost as helpless as an 
 infant, and the delicate health of our daughter ren- 
 dered her unable to do much for the benefit of the 
 family. Thus the burden was loo heavy for my dear 
 wife to bear without assistance. Her health and courage 
 seemed to be giving way. I always assisted her as well 
 as I knew how when I was at home, but being fre- 
 quently called off to preach funerals, and to marry 
 young people, as well as attend my regular appoint- 
 ments, the labors of my wife were more than she was 
 able to bear. 
 In this way days and weeks and months passed 
 away before I discovered any material change in my- 
 self. I had long been inclined to bow in humble sub- 
 mission to the Providences of God, and never to 
 mourn or grieve for that over which I had no control. 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 99 
 I knew that the affliction of our children was a provi- 
 dential thing, and I could only pray th^t it might be 
 sanctified to our good ; and of course it was my heart's 
 desire and prayer to God that they might be restored 
 to health. But to think of mourning or complaining, 
 as many did under such circumstances, never entered 
 my mind, as I have any recollection. Of course I felt 
 some unpleasant forebodings with respect to my chil- 
 dren and wife, but as to myself I felt that I was pre- 
 pared for whatever event might occur, for I believed 
 that I was rooted and grounded in the doctrines of 
 Christianity, both in spirit and letter. I had often 
 expressed myself to be resigned to the will of the 
 Lord, under any and all circumstances, and was hon- 
 est and sincere in all my expressions. But I was rap- 
 idly approaching a crisis in my history of which I 
 was perfectly ignorant, and for which I would find 
 myself unprepared by the decision of my own judg- 
 Early in the spring of this year I began to feel as I 
 had never felt before since I began to preach. My 
 mind seemed to be locked up on the subject. I found 
 great difficulty in selecting a text, and when I had 
 found one, the same difficulty was found in trying to 
 keep my mind upon it for any length of time; and 
 not unfrequently every connection of thought upon a 
 text of Scripture would vanish from my mind, and I 
 would be under the necessity of looking out for an- 
 other. And sometimes this would be the case just be- 
 fore the hour of preaching. My mind would appear 
 dark and barren, so that I would experience great 
100 The Life and Times of 
 difficulty in my attempts to preach. The cross be- 
 came heavy and burdensome, though I felt that I must 
 bear it, for to think of loosening my hands from the 
 Gospel plow after having followed it so long was un- 
 welcome to me. Yet to continue to try to preach in 
 that state of mind and spirit was equally intolerable. 
 I soon began to dread to see the time come for me 
 to go to my appointment. I would not, however, de- 
 cline going, unless I could render some plausable ex- 
 cuse. Go I must, and go I did; but felt poorly pre- 
 pared to preach with satisfaction to myself or benefit 
 to the people. 
 On these occasions, however, as well as on all others, 
 I did the best I could. And in order to make up 
 the deficiency of spiritual and mental defect, I would 
 exert all my natural powers. Thus, when I was 
 done preaching, I found myself nearly as wet with 
 perspiration as if I had been dipped in water. 
 All this time I had no idea of what was coming. I 
 was conscious that there was a cause for this barren- 
 ness of soul — this darkness, this lowness of spirit. In 
 short, this great dearth in my religious experience. I 
 was of opinion that this state of things was owing to 
 the fact that I had been so much engaged about my 
 domestic concerns that I had not found time to read 
 and study as much as I had formerly done, more than 
 to anything else. 
 Now, in order to remedy this difficulty, I promised 
 to do better. That I would study to show myself ap- 
 proved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, 
 rightly dividing the Word of Truth. I commenced 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 101 
 reading the Scriptures more frequently, but found 
 great difficulty in keeping in mind anything that I 
 read. And as to study, it seemed impossible for me 
 to keep my mind on any subject long enough to ac- 
 complish any good. Then I betook myself to secret 
 prayer and pleading the promises. I followed up this 
 for some time, but could never feel the spirit of prayer 
 as I had felt on former occasions. It seemed to me 
 that I could speak the words of prayer as well as I 
 ever could, but that there was no life in it. I would 
 often go several times in the course of a day, and 
 when I would rise from my knees my prayers would 
 appear to me like poor dead things. 
 I was all this time going on as if nothing had been 
 amiss. I followed up my appointments, and attended 
 to my domestic affairs without so much as intimating 
 to any person the state of my mind. It is true I had 
 hard work in trying to preach, and it has always ap- 
 peared that my brethren must have noticed the diffi- 
 culty under which I was laboring ; but as before 
 stated, I always did the lest I could, and I suppose 
 they expected nothing more. And more than that, I 
 exerted all my animal powers to make up the de- 
102 The Life and Times of 
 Time passed on, and I was growing worse daily, but 
 hoping and praying for the better, till June. It was 
 in this month that other trials came on. Our oldest 
 child, our beloved daughter, who had been of feeble 
 health for several years, (but who had seemed to be im- 
 proving in health for some time,) died, after a short 
 attack of typhoid fever. She lived but little over a 
 week after being taken. 
 Her mother, already weighed down with the troubles 
 and sorrows of an afflicted family, seemed almost in- 
 consolable under this great bereavement. I was able 
 to bear it with patience and fortitude. I tried to recon- 
 cile my wife by telling her that our loss was our dear 
 Sarah's gain, for it seemed that her health would not 
 permit her to enjoy life here, but she had gone to a 
 more congenial world ; for we had no reason to doubt 
 her religion. She embraced religion when young, and 
 united with the church soon after, and had always 
 lived a consistent life. She was baptized by her father, 
 and was always an obedient and dutiful child; and if 
 it were not for my dear wife and children, I felt like I 
 would rather leave the body and go with my dear 
 Sarah to that better world. My faith was yet strong, 
 and my hope was firm. Brother P. W. Dowd preached 
 her funeral before she was buried. He preached a 
 very consoling and pathetic discourse, and I felt recon- 
 ciled to the providence of God in taking her from the 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 103 
 evil of the woild. I could say, " The Lord gave, and 
 the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of 
 the Lord." 
 But I did not see the darkness that was gathering 
 over my poor soul. I was now in hopes that the gloom 
 would soon pass away, and that the Son of Righteous- 
 ness would arise again fresh to my soul, and that I 
 could once more have God's face to shine upon me. 
 I went to some few of my appointments after the 
 death of my daughter, and tried to preach several 
 times, but found the same difficulties in the way as I 
 had found before. Indeed, I perceived that I was 
 growing worse. I would, however, try to rally up and 
 conceal the state of my mind as much as possible. I 
 felt great reluctance in "letting an}^ person know that 
 there was any thing amiss with me. I still entertained 
 hopes that the state of my mind would soon change 
 for the better. The cross of preaching became still 
 more galling, until I dreaded it as bad as a child 
 would dread to take a whipping. , I also followed up 
 secret prayer until I felt that I was committing a sin 
 by trying to force myself upon the mercy and favor of 
 God. My efforts all proved unavailing. The heavens 
 were as brass over me, and the ear of God seemed 
 closed to my importunities. Under this state of things 
 I began to refrain from secret prayer, feeling, as I did, 
 that it would be sinning presumptuously against God. 
 Sometimes, however, I felt so miserable that I must 
 needs do something, and as I knew nothing better I 
 would try it again, but every time it was the poor dead 
 thing. I also followed up preaching occasionally, till 
104 The Life and Times of 
 it seemed I could preach no more, as I appeared to 
 have no assistance but poor self. 
 About this time I began to fear that the conse- 
 quences would be serious and awful. Sometimes I 
 would think that the cause which produced this effect 
 might be physical, at other times I would think it was 
 a judgment sent on me for some sin-which I had com- 
 mitted, but as I could fix on no particular sin of a 
 heinous nature, or v/ilful or outbreaking sin that would 
 seem to bring down the frowning blast of Jehovah, I 
 was disposed to look at natural causes first. I there- 
 fore sought a private interview with a physician, told 
 him some of my feelings, and requested him to ex- 
 amine me thoroughly, to see if he could detect any 
 disease in my system which would be likely to lead to or 
 bring on the present state of things. He examined me, 
 and said he could discover no symptoms of disease in 
 my system. I then told him if it was not in my sys- 
 tem it was in my mind, and asked him if he could do 
 any thing to release me. His answer was: "If it be 
 your mind, you ought to be a better judge of that than 
 I am." And then commenced jesting me, and said he 
 was somewhat surprised to see me with the blues, and 
 gave me some directions how to break them. I took 
 it all in good part, and would have rejoiced if I could 
 have believed it to be so. But I knew enough about 
 that disease to convince me that I was laboring under 
 something of a more serious nature, because I had 
 now began to doubt the reality of my religion ; and 
 finding that the doctor had pronounced me free from 
 bodily disease, I was more thoroughly convinced that 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 105 
 the cause was sought and found, if found at all, 
 in something connected with ray religion. 
 Previous to the interview which I had with the 
 doctor, I was in great doubts and fears about my spir- 
 itual condition. Even before I quit preaching I had 
 some misgivings in my mind on the genuineness of 
 my religion. I felt that God had withdrawn from me 
 His supporting grace; and the light of His counte- 
 nance was hid from me. 
 I had an appointment to preach a funeral at Holly 
 Springs— I think it was in the month of August. I 
 tried every way I could to get some preacher to fill my 
 appointment there. I would tell them that I did not 
 feel that I could preach, and that I felt that it would 
 be wrong for me to make the attempt. One minister 
 promised to go if I would also attend, and if I did not 
 feel better when I got there he would preach, that is, if 
 I would not. The day came, and I went. When I 
 got there I found a very respectable congregation, but 
 on enquiry, the man who made the promise was not 
 there. I had an interview with two of the Deacons 
 of the church, and told them I was in no condition to 
 preach, and related to them some of my sensations and 
 feelings. In order to console me one of them replied 
 that " All things should work together for good to them 
 that love the Lord." I replied that I feared that I was 
 not entitled to that promise, as it seemed that I was 
 destitute of all spiritual light and comfort. But as 
 the appointment had been made for me to preach, and 
 as the people had met, and the friends and relatives of 
 the deceased insisted I must preach or there would 
106 The Life and Times of 
 be a disappointment, I therefore consented to try. 
 My feelings were awful. I got up and made some 
 apologies, which I was not in the habit of doing, then 
 commenced the services in the usual form. My text 
 was this: "All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of 
 man as the flower of grass; the grass withereth and 
 the flower thereof falleth away." "So is all the glory 
 of man," said I. And I felt that I had selected a suit- 
 able text for my own funeral. I did the best I could 
 under the circumstances, but felt that it was but a 
 poor preach. Others spoke of it afterwards as being a 
 good sermon, and urged that as one reason why I 
 should go on in preaching the Gospel. 
 This was my last sermon for a period of five years ; 
 and I then thought it would be my last in this world. 
 On reflection, T felt that I had done wrong in trying 
 to preach so long any way, but more particularly so 
 in making the attempt that time, for it seemed, on that 
 occasion,! had sinned presumptuously. 
 I now determined I would preach no more unless I 
 should find relief from my troubles. By this time my 
 case became the topic of conversation in my neigh- 
 borhood and in the circle of my acquaintance; all 
 seemed to be concerned about me, but none knew how 
 far I was gone, nor how fast I was sinking. Even to 
 mv own mind it w:\3 not revealed. Numbers came to 
 see me — relatives, friends and brethren all united to 
 do all that human power could do to deliver me from 
 that unhappy state. Meanwhile I was anxiously en- 
 quiring and searching to find the cause which had 
 produced the efi'ect. I examined and re-examined my 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 107 
 whole christian experience, and although I had done 
 many things which I ought not to have done, and left 
 undone many that I ought to have done, yet, upon the 
 whole, I thought my experienc was about as good as 
 the experience of many others. In short, I thought 
 my christian edifice looked as well as my neighbors' 
 houses; and although there were some pieces of tim- 
 ber put in that 1 wished had been left out, and some 
 that would have fitted better could they have been put 
 in their ] laces, yet I was not inclined to pull the house 
 down, but felt that it might answer the purpose for 
 which it Was intended. 
 My daily business was to search for the cause which 
 had brought me to my unhappy condition. I retro- 
 spected all my past history, more especially the five 
 years during which I had been the subject of convic- 
 tion for sin, the manner and way, the time and place 
 in which and where I obtained deliverance. 
 And then follows on five years more while I was a 
 member of the church but not exercising in the way 
 of preaching ; five years more while I was preaching 
 as a licensed minister; and then the twelve years 
 during which time I had been preaching as an or- 
 dained minister, and this would bring me through. 
 I traveled this road backwards and forwards many 
 times looking for that cause which had produced such 
 a sad state of feeling in my mind. I was daily grow- 
 ing worse, and my prospects of getting out became 
 more and more gloomy. I was yet clinging to my 
 hope, and struggling to retain my faith in God ; but 
 I felt as sensible that an awful crisis in this affair was 
108 The Life and Times of 
 approaching as I did of any future event. It did seem 
 to me that I could feel the darkness tliat was brewing 
 upon me; and although I could not tell what the re- 
 sult would be, I was conscious it would be something 
 awful. Sometimes I would think i)erhaps I am going 
 deranged, and if so, I would rather die than live. 
 While I was meditating on this subject I came to the 
 conclusion -in my own mind that if I could die it 
 would be best for all— belter for^me, for my family, for 
 the churches and friends, an.d the people generally ; 
 for I had no idea that I should ever be of any more 
 use to any one. I would consider and reconsider those 
 dreadful forebodings which were continually crowd- 
 ing on my mind. I dreaded the awful consequences 
 which I felt must result from what was coming, though 
 I knew not what it was; but let it be what it might, 
 I would rather die and risk the consequences* of the 
 future than to abide the approaching crisis. 
 All this time my family, my relatives and friends 
 were attributing my case to causes which I felt had 
 but little, if any, bearing. They were of opinion that 
 my mind had been overburdened by affliction in my 
 family — being frustrated in my purposes of moving, 
 and the death of a beloved daughter — and the general 
 impression was that I was only laboring under men- 
 tal depression. 1 was told by my best friends to quit 
 studying, and go on in the discharge of my duties, 
 and it would soon wear off, for it was nothing but the 
 hippo, or blues. I did not doubt their sincerity, or 
 the purity of 'their motives, but I was satisfied ihey 
 knew but little of what a warfare there was going on 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 109 
 in my mind. I had not told the twentieth part. I 
 would continue to believe that it would be better for 
 all for me to die than to live. 
 About this time I began to try to pray that I might 
 die suddenly, as I saw no prospect of ever being of 
 any more benefit to my family, or to any one else; I 
 thought I would rather die than be a nuisance. I did 
 not feel very well satisfied about the future conse- 
 quences, but I was willing to risk that, as I felt I 
 should never get any better. 
 I have given some of my thoughts about dreams in 
 a former chapter. I will here state that I am of the 
 same opinion now as^then ; yet as the Bible authorizes 
 him who has a dream to tell a dream, I will here re- 
 late one of the most forcible and affecting dreams that 
 ever passed through my mind : I had been thinking 
 of my unhappy condition for some time, and searching 
 for the cause, but could not find it, till I was anxious 
 to die, and get out of the world, and no longer be a 
 trouble to my family and friends. I finally concluded, 
 if I could lie down at night and die without a struggle, 
 o-r go to sleep and wake up in eternity, it would be the 
 most welcome death that I could think of. I felt that 
 I desired it; I wished for it, and tried to pray that it 
 might be so. Night came on ; I lay down very early; 
 my family were sitting up by the fireside; I tried to 
 resign myself to death ; hoped it would come; wished 
 for it, and desired it ; and with these thoughts revolv- 
 ing in my mind I went to sleep. I had not been 
 doziiig long before death came in the shape and form 
 of a skeleton of a giant. He was tall and strong, with 
110 The Life and Times of 
 no flesh on his bones. I knew his name was death. 
 He came up to where I was lying and asked me if I 
 was ready to go. I replied ''yes," as I felt it would 
 be better for me and all others. He said he had come 
 for me if I was ready to go. I told him I was; and 
 he laid his strong, bony hand gently upon my throat 
 and asked me again if I was ready to go. I again 
 replied that I was, when he pressed me on the throat 
 and asked the question again : " Are you now ready 
 to go?" I assented, and he pressed me still harder and 
 asked the same question, and I gave a like answer, 
 when he continued pressing harder and asking, "Are 
 you now ready to go?" Receiving the same answer 
 from me as before for several times, my breath became 
 doubly sweet, as it was difficult for me to breathe ; yet 
 I continued to give in, by answering that I was ready 
 to go, till I drew my last breath, and knew it to be my 
 last, from the fact that his hand gripped me so hard 
 that it would be impossible for me to breathe any 
 more. That was the sweetest breath I ever drew, and 
 I wished that I could draw one more ; but his hand 
 was pressing too hard, and I began to struggle, and in 
 my struggling I raised my hand to break his grip, so 
 that I might breathe once more, as breath was so very 
 sweet. In my struggle I awoke, and behold ! it was a 
 My wife, and some of my children were still sitting 
 up by the fireside. I knew by that I had not been 
 sleeping very long. I lay where I was, meditating 
 upon what had just passed through my mind in a 
 dream. I wished that I had died, but it was not so. 
Rkv. Johnson Olive. HI 
 I thought if I had not raised my hand to break his 
 grip I should have died, and wished that I had not 
 done it. It seemed that raising my hand to push his 
 off was an evidence that I was not willing to die, after 
 all my wishes, desires and prayers. I concluded if it 
 were to do over again I would not raise my hand, 
 notwithstanding breath was so sweet. 
 When morning came I was ten fold more miserable 
 than I had been before. I could not refrain from 
 speaking of my forlorn condition. I told my wife that 
 I had came near dying last night, and wished that I 
 had. She told me it was nothing but a nightmare ; 
 that she had had many of them. I said but litt'e 
 more then, but walked out to see how things appeared. 
 I found myself to be the deadest man to be living that 
 I had ever seen. I was dead to faith, hope, and re- 
 ligion. I felt that I was given up of God, and in the 
 hands of the devil, to be tormented by him while I 
 lived, and punished by him after death. The awful 
 crisis was now at hand. Hopeless despair had now 
 laid fast hold on me. I was restless, and dissatisfied 
 anywhere and everywhere. I was constantly going 
 from place to place about the plantation, preferring to 
 be alone ; my mind was like the troubled sea that can- 
 not rest. I did not believe that I could live under the 
 load of sin and guilt which was now pressing me 
 down. I had now found out the cause of all my misery. 
 I had caught the shadow and missed the substance; 
 I had built my hoiise on the sand, instead of building 
 on the rock, T now saw my folly ; but it was too late 
112 The Life and Times of 
 to become wise. I had suffered myself to be imposed 
 upon by the devil, and I was now left to take care of 
 myself, if I could. 
 Id looking back to ray first religious experience I 
 saw things in quite a different light from what I had 
 ever seen them before. The devil had transformed 
 himself into an angel of light, and made me believe 
 him to be God ; I had yielded to his temptations, and 
 false teachings, till I ascribed to him all that I had 
 ever experienced ; and now having accomplished his 
 design and purposes with me, he had taken off* the 
 mask to let me see what a fool he had made of me. 
 My consternation, grief and sorrow, all rushing upon 
 me, made me feel that I had acted the part of Judas 
 Iscariot. I felt that I had denied the Lord of Glory- • 
 crucified the Son of God afresh, and put Him to open 
 shame; and hence, there remained no more sacrifice 
 for sin. My doom was now sea.ed ; my destiny was 
 fixed; an outcast from God, a vagabond and a fugi- 
 tive in the world. Forlorn and hopeless I must wan- 
 der in search of rest, but find none. The worm that 
 never dies was gnawing upon my conscience, and the 
 fire of hell seemed to be burning in my bosom. This 
 weight and load of trouble was daily increasing, and it 
 seemed impossible for me to bear up under it much 
 longer. I had said but little to any person about it, 
 except to my wife, and she would make light of my 
 strange imaginations, as she termed them. I at last 
 conceived the horrid idea of ending my miserable life 
 on earth by an act of violence. I shuddered at the first 
 thought of taking this dreadful step. To commit 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 113 
 suicide had always appeared foreign to my mind ; 
 but now the time had come when I must do something, 
 and under the circumstances which I was now placed 
 I could conceive of nothing better. I would reason 
 thus : It will be better for me, for the longer I live the 
 worse I shall get, and the sooner I find my destiny 
 the better it will be for me. In regard to my wife and 
 children, it would be better for them, as my past con- 
 duct would brand them forever as the wife and chil- 
 dren of the traitor. In regard to my relatives and 
 friends, it would save them from the stigma of ever 
 being connected with so vile a man as I conceived 
 myself to be; and as to the church, and the cause of 
 religion generally, it would be better for me to die a 
 suicide than to divulge these dreadful truths, which 
 would be handled by the enemies of religion against 
 the righteous. Upon mature reflection and consider- 
 ation I decided upon that course, believing it to be 
 the best thing I could do, under all the circumstances 
 taken together. In this way I would cut the story 
 short. I would be found dead ; the verdict would be, 
 " He committed suicide ; the cause unknown, but sup- 
 posed to be insanity." Thus I supposed the whole 
 matter would soon pass away ; my family, my friends 
 and brethren would all pass through it without being 
 materially injured thereby. It is true I dreaded the 
 horrid step, but as it was the best thing I could do un- 
 der the circumstances, I felt disposed to do it. I 
 formed my plan, chose my weapon, fixed the time and 
 place, and began to make arrangements to carry it 
 into execution. I was very careful and watchful in 
il4 The Life and Times of 
 all my movements, for fear of being detected. I knew 
 if my family or friends even suspected such a thing 
 they would prevent it if they could. My time to do 
 this was at the dead hour of night; the place some 
 three quarters of a mile from the house; the weapon 
 to be used was a sharp knife, which I would use by 
 making one desperate rip across my throat. I was 
 conscious that nature would revolt, but I was equally 
 conscious that I could, by one prodigious effort, ex- 
 tinguish life; and as I had decided this thing cooly 
 and calmly, I was not to be turned from it by common 
 difficulties. The night came on which I was to com- 
 mit this deed. My purpose was to lie down early, 
 taking off my outer garments, and whenever my 
 family lay down, and were in sound sleep, I would 
 get up and gently put on my clothes, take my shoes 
 in my hand, and walk out softly in my socks, to pre- 
 vent any noise that would be likely--to wake any of 
 my family. At a late hour of the night I found all 
 were still, and appeared to be sleeping. I rose up as 
 easy as possible, and after putting on my vest, coat and 
 hat, I took my shoes in my hand and went out as 
 slyly as possible. When I got out I discovered it was 
 raining. I did not mind that at all. I put my shoes 
 on my feet, and as I rose up to leave the door this 
 impression was made on my mind : This is the last 
 time I shall ever go out at this door. 
 Now, it was as dark as well could be; I could 
 scarcely discern my hand ; I went to the gate to go 
 out of the yard ; opened it very softly, with my mind 
 drawn out in full force upon the dreadful subject 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 115 
 which lay before me. No doubt imagination was play- 
 ing, for as I stepped out of the yard into the lane I 
 imagined that I saw the devil. The sight did not 
 terrify me in the least, for I expected to be with him 
 very soon any way. I shall not attempt to describe 
 his appearance on this occasion further than to say 
 he appeared to be very subtle, and a little above the 
 earth, and in a dancing motion. Unconscious to my- 
 self, I spoke above a whisper, and said: " Why don't 
 you come along and take me?" He replied, not by 
 words, but by a strong impression upon my mind: " I 
 cannot take you while you are in the body, but if you 
 will get out of the body I will take you." To which 
 I replied : " I will fix that matter very soon," and 
 started to my place. 
 After going about half way, I came to a road, and 
 as I stepped into the road I heard a strange noise — or 
 at least thought I did. I stopped and paused to 
 listen ; the noise appeared to be at my house, and 
 seemed to be the cries of my children, and the lamen- 
 tation of my wife. Those of you who have attended 
 a revival meeting, and left while the noise was going 
 on, and getting a short distance from the meeting and 
 stopped to listen, can form some idea how the noise 
 which I heard appeared to me. I felt sure that my 
 wife had waked up and looked for me, and I was gone. 
 I was also conscious that she suspected that I was gone 
 for the very purpose for which I had gone, and as 
 such she had aroused* the' children, and would soon 
 arouse the neighbors, when a general search would be 
 made for me. I soon thought that what I was going 
116 The Life and Times of 
 to do must be done quickly, for they might find me 
 before I bad accomplished the deed. I started again 
 in a hurry, but only went some eighty or a hundred 
 yards when this thought rushed into my mind with 
 great force: Now, if you attempt to commit that hor- 
 rid deed w^ith this noise ringing in your ears, you will 
 make a failure, for you will only inflict a wound, and 
 not accomplish your design, and then you will never 
 have another opportunity. Your friends will confine 
 you, and deprive you of your weapons. You had bet- 
 ter hasten back to your family, and say to them that 
 you had occasion to go out, and got wet in a shower 
 of rain, and chide them for their noise and confusion. 
 To-morrow, or at some more favorable time, you will 
 have a better opportunity. I turned back, w^alked 
 some and ran some, I soon came to the house, but 
 was not a little surprised to find all asleep, and every- 
 thing as still as when I left. I was dripping wet w^ith 
 the rain, and in a poor fix. I took off my coat and 
 hat and built up a fire, intending to dry myself. 
 While I was doing so I thought to myself: What 
 could that noise have been which I heard so dis- 
 tinctly ? The answer to this inquiry was: It must 
 have been the geese, though I had never heard geese 
 make that strange noise before. 
 It appears to me now that I heard that noise, though 
 it might have been imagination. I was soon inclined 
 to try again, and was again defeated. I stole off from 
 my wife, but was soon pursued by her brother, who I 
 supposed was not in five miles of me. I could never 
 make the attempt; for before I could get to the place 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 117 
 I would be intercepted ; something would frustrate all 
 my designs. My nerves seemed to weaken in every 
 failure until I came to the conclusion that although 
 God had given me up to the devil, yet He would not 
 suffer me to sneak out of the world in that way. It 
 was a dreadful thought, yet I preferred taking my own 
 life rather than be made a public example. 
 I will here state a little circumstance, by which I 
 was detected in this dreadful affair: 
 There was a lady, who had formerly lived in our 
 house, and who had often visited us after she was mar- 
 ried. She had heard that I was in low spirits, and 
 greatly troubled about something. She came to see 
 me, in order to break my study, as she said. She was 
 a fine woman, and very intimate with our family. 
 She proposed to have a close chat with me, and wished 
 me to tell her how I felt, as she believed that she had 
 been in the same situation that I was in then. I con- 
 sented to talk with her, and would tell her little by 
 little of my feelings, taking care to keep back the 
 main drift of my awful feelings ; but she kept probing 
 me till she got more than I intended she should in 
 the outset. It mattered not what I told her, she would 
 say, '' I have been so myself, and even worse, and I 
 got out of it, and I can tell you how to get out," At 
 last, being wearied with her inquisitiveness, I said : 
 " You have never gone as far as I have, for I have 
 been tempted to do so," (drawing my hand across my 
 throat.) She laughed at me, and said I need not be 
 alarmed at that, for that was nothing more than com- 
 mon with persons who had the blues ; that she had 
118 The Life and Times of 
 gone further than I had; she had got the rope, and 
 started off to hang herself, and that she was now well 
 of it, and that I would soon be out of it;, just take her 
 advice, and all would be well. 
 I believed as much of what she had said as I pleased 
 and no more. But she had accomplished her object 
 in talking with me. She soon made known all that 
 she had found out. I was robbed of my knife and I 
 have never seen it since. 
 But I was busy in seeking another opportunity and 
 other means to accomplish the awful deed. I sought 
 for my razors, but they were gone; and all other 
 weapons that v/ould be likely to be sought for by me 
 were out of place. I was not disposed to enquire for 
 anything for fear of detection. 
 I stole off from my wife one day, intending to com- 
 mit the deed in some way, but had gone but a short 
 distance before I heard some one coming behind me. 
 I looked, and saw it was my wife's brother, looking for 
 me; I turned my course and met him, put on the best 
 appearance I could, and proposed to go to the house 
 with him, hoping he would soon go home, and then I 
 would have an opportunity of carrying out my design. 
 He did not leave that day, but stayed till next morn- 
 ing, and gave me some good counsel on leaving, but 
 never intimated to rae that he had any fears. 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 119 
 About this time I was getting so restless that my 
 family became uneasy, so much so that they sent for 
 my brother, Calvin Olive, and my brother-in-law, F. 
 W. Rogers, and wife, to come to see me, in order, as I 
 suppose, to determine what course should be taken 
 with me. I was not pleased with this step, taken by 
 my family without my consent or knowledge. But, as 
 it was done, I made the best of it I could. They all 
 came ; I tried to behave myself as well as I could, but 
 found it difficult on my part to remain long in their 
 presence. I had discovered for several days that my 
 load of trouble was growing upon me, and it n' w 
 seemed to fill me so fall that if I did not let it out by 
 way of telling it, I should burst. I had kept the dread- 
 ful thing wrapped up and concealed until it was bound 
 to come out, unless I could prevent it by death, which 
 I thought I would much prefer. 
 To tell all the meanness which I conceived to be in 
 me, and the sinful part which I had acted, was more 
 than I felt willing to do. 
 They tarried all night with me, and next morning 
 •I found myself worse than ever. It seemed to me that 
 I was full up to my neck. Mental pain was great. 
 I could not be still in any position. My brother and 
 brother in-law would stay with me; I found no chance 
 to get away from them. They took seats in the piazza, 
 and I employed myself for a short time in walking to 
 and fro across the floor. My mental agony and pain 
120 The Life and Times of 
 was so great that I became nervous ; I was trembling in 
 my knees, and as I was pacing the floor this passage 
 of Scripture rushed into my mind : " Thou art weighed 
 in the balances, and art found waniing." Yes, thought 
 I, you are like Belshazzar ; you see your doom, and 
 your knees smite together. This came with such force 
 that I verily believed I should soon be in hell. 
 Breakfast being ready, we were invited to the table 
 to eat. I declined going, for I felt that I was already 
 too full, and did not believe that I could eat under 
 such a load of mental suffering. They insisted on my 
 going, and I objected, till they told me in plain terms 
 if I would not go neither would they ; so, in order to 
 get them to go, I went. I tried to eat a little, and I 
 think I drank one cup of cofiPee, and sat till they ate 
 what thev would, which was not much. 
 The time for me to burst was near at hand. I was 
 conscious that the whole thing had to come out, and 
 that soon, as I could hold it no longer. I felt that I 
 had smothered it in my bosom so long that when I 
 did give it vent there would be an explosion, and as I 
 did not wish to excite my wife and cliildren, I wished 
 to get some distance from the house, so that they might 
 not hear me, and thus become alarmed and cry. So, 
 as I rose from the breakfast table, I spoke to my 
 brother and brother-in-law, and asked them to take a 
 walk with me, to which they assented. I led the way, 
 and they followed ; but I was in a hurry and they 
 were not. I outwalked them. I would look back in 
 a manner to urge them on, but it seemed to do no 
 good, as they were determined to have their own time. 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 121 
 They little knew what was coming, and coming so 
 After getting some one hundred yards from the 
 house (not one fourth the distance I wished to go,) and 
 I some twenty paces before them, I knew I could hold 
 in no longer, for I felt my mental resistance give way. 
 I turned back to meet them, and addressed myself to 
 my brother-in-law in substance as follows : " Squire, I 
 am the meanest man that ever made a track on God's 
 earth ; I have kept the thing concealed until I can 
 keep it no longer. Have you not seen what a desperate 
 situation I have been in all the morning? And now, 
 Squire, it is in me, and it has to come out." He tried 
 to chide me, and denied the truth of what I had said. 
 I replied : "Squire, you need not tell me this or that, 
 I know my doom. I have betrayed my Lord and 
 Master; I have murdered my wife and children; I am 
 worse than Judas; I am worse than Cain !" 
 They interrupted me again by saying it was not so, 
 and in order to prove it not so they proposed to go 
 with me to the house and show me that my wife and 
 children were all living, and that I had said that I 
 had murdered them. " Ah ! " said I, '' Squire, I have 
 not committed the overt act; I know that as well as 
 you do ; but I am just as guiity in the sight of God as 
 I should be if I had cut their throats, for ray conduct 
 has murdered them." 
 *' What have you done?" said the Squire. 
 " I have crucified the Son of God afresh, and put 
 Him to an open shame; I am worse than Judas, for 
 while it is true that Judas betrayed his Lord, he bad 
122 The Life and Times of 
 no wife and children to ruin, that 1 know of, by his 
 dreadful sin. But I have; I am worse than Cain who 
 killed his brother ; but there were not so many to be 
 affected by his brutal act as there are in my case." 
 He asked me if I did really believe that I was worse 
 than Judas. I replied that I did, and gave some addi- 
 tional reasons for my thinking so. I told him that I 
 hated it as bad as he or any other person could hate 
 it, but it was a dreadful reality, and that I must abide 
 the awful consequences, I told him that the mark of 
 Cain was stamped upon me, and that I was compelled 
 to wear it wherever I went. 
 He asked me where that mark was. I told him to 
 look in my countenance and he would see it, for that 
 my countenance had fallen; that I could not look a 
 person straight in the face ; and that I felt meaner than 
 a sheep-killing dog. 
 He and my brother both concluded that I was de- 
 ranged, and asked me if I thought it would do to let 
 me go at large. I told them that I was not deranged, 
 but that I had more sense then than I had ever had 
 They of course concluded that I was making a very 
 bad use of it, if it be as I had contended. I had made 
 some noise in speaking, for I spoke very loud and 
 pointed. I was heard by my wife's sister, who came 
 running to me with extended arms of love and affec- 
 tion. When she got to me she laid her arms on my 
 shoulders, her eyes streaming in tears, and in word 
 of kindness and in accents of love, she calmed my 
 turbulent spirit for a while. She overcome evil with 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 123 
 good. I soon felt that I had now committed myself 
 openly to the world. I had spoken nothing but what 
 was true, but as everybody would now believe just as 
 I did, I should soon be destitute of friends, and that 
 even my own kindred and family would denounce me 
 as an ungrateful and wdcked wretch, I felt that I de- 
 served no mercy from God, no pity from kindred or 
 family, or sympathy from friends. I wished I had 
 kept it concealed a little longer ; but I had kept it as 
 long as I could. 
 My brother and brother-in-law held a cosultation as 
 to what should be done with me. They both agreed 
 that it would not do to let me stay alone, or go at 
 large; some one must be with me at all times. They 
 wanted to carry me to E-aleigh, in order that Dr. 
 Fisher might examine me, to see whether or not I was 
 insane. My brother approached me on this subject very 
 tenderly. I told him that it would do no good, for all 
 the men in the world could not alter my condition, as 
 it was not in the power of man to do it; that I was 
 under the irrevocable sentence of God, my doom was 
 sealed, and my destiny fixed. He contended that I 
 was mistaken, and that no one believed it to be so but 
 myself, and that it would give satisfaction to my rela- 
 tives and friends for me to go and see Dr. Fisher, if it 
 did no other good, and he hoped I would consent to 
 go. I then told him plainly that I should not consent 
 to go, and if carried at all it would be by force. He 
 said: "We hate to do that, but it will not do to let 
 you stay by yourself. If you will not go to see the 
 doctor you must go with me or Squire Rogers one." 
124 The Life and Times of 
 I did not like that either; but if I must do one, I 
 preferred going with one of them. 
 So I left home to go with them. On our way we 
 vvere met by a dear uncle and aunt who had started to 
 my house to see me. I pleaded hard to return to my 
 house with them ; but they, seeing me so altered in 
 appearance, and learning more from my brother and 
 the Squire about the conversation I had with them 
 that morning, they began to persuade me to go home 
 with tiicm, and spend a few days. 
 As none of the company would listen to me about 
 going back, I finally consented to go with them, rather 
 than risk being carried to Raleigh. I had an utter 
 aversion to the idea of going to see Dr. Fisher. In 
 the first place, I had no doubt he would detect my 
 meanness, and expose me. If he did not, he would of 
 course pronounce me insane, and recommend my be- 
 ing left in the asylum. Furthermore, I believed then, 
 as I do now, that Dr. Fisher was a wise man,., and a 
 great physician, "but a thousand such men might have 
 examined me, and all come to the same conclusion, 
 and it could not have altered my feelings; and as such 
 would not have changed my mind. I was like a man 
 in the fire. I knew I was burning, (that is, I was suf- 
 fering the most excruciating mental pain), therefore it 
 was useless to tell me this or that, unless you could 
 help me out of the fire. My heart knew its own bit- 
 terness. My friends believed that something couW be 
 done by human power or human wisdom to relieve 
 me. I was altogether of a different opinion, and was 
 always free to tell them so. They would argue that 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 125 
 nothing should be left untried. I consented to many 
 things, merely to give satisfaction to relatives and 
 friends, feeling, at the time, that it would be worse 
 than useless. In my own mind my true condition 
 was clear. Although I was not a downright hypocrite, 
 yet I was no better; for I had enjoyed sufficient light, 
 suitable means, tind ample time, to have made the cor- 
 rection, but had failed to do it. I would often say : 
 "Oh! that I had started right; but I caught the 
 shadow, and missed the substance. Oh ! that I had 
 heeded the first , warning, when I first fell into doubts 
 and fears and was told that it was the temptation of 
 the devil." 
 And thus I would follow my christian experience 
 down to my then present condition, and attribute every 
 doubt and fear as a warning from God, to induce me 
 to set about rectifying the mistake. 
 But in the face of all this light, and in defiance of 
 all these warnings, I had rushed heedlessly on, blind- 
 folded by the devil and led captive by him at his will. 
 I was now given over to a hard heart and a reprobacy 
 of mind to believe a lie and at last be damned. I had 
 crucified the Son of God afresh, and there remained 
 no more sacrifice for sin. My condition was deplora- 
 ble, and no way under the heavens to amend it. I 
 verily believed that I was undone both for time and 
 eternity. I would gladly have changed conditions 
 with any man on earth, no matter how low or mean, 
 in hopes thereby I might possibly escape the wrath of 
 God and gain heaven. 
 I have heard people say it was an easy matter to be- 
126 The Life and Times of 
 lieve whatever one wished or desired to believe; but 
 in my case I found it to be quite different. I was 
 bound to believe just as I did believe, however unwel- 
 come to my troubled soul. I would have believed 
 there was no God, heaven or hell, but could not. I 
 knew that nothing short of the power of Deity could 
 inflict the pain I felt. I would have believed in the 
 doctrine of universal salvation, but found myself un- 
 able to do so. I would have believed in a purgatory, 
 where I might possibly pay the uttermost farthing, 
 and come out, but eternity stared me in the face, and 
 the unquenchable fire kindled in my bosom, and the 
 worm that never dies was already gnawing on the vi- 
 tals of my soul. 
 All this I felt, and fhe half is not told. And to 
 make my sufferings still more acute, I felt that I was 
 suffering justly ; that is, I believed that God was just, 
 •merciful and good, as He is represented in His Word, 
 and that I justh^ deserved all the pain and anguish 
 which I felt, and that I would feel, and would ac- 
 knowledge the justice of God in sending me to perdi- 
 tion, though I did not want to go there, neither did I 
 ever feel willing to go, only by stern necessity, in order 
 to prevent my sins becoming more aggrivated, which I 
 believed would augment my sufferings in hell. I 
 would have shunned hell at any time if I could. My 
 desire was to get out of the body, and if possible out of 
 existence; though I knew that rocks and mountains 
 could not hide me from the]All-seeingEyeof God, and 
 that I must appear at His bar to receive my doom. 
 I will now tell how I proceeded, after going home 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 127 
 with my uncle. This was about the first of Novem- 
 ber, 18G0. I tried to put on the best appearance that 
 I could, and would have forgotten the past if possible, 
 but in spite 'of all my efforts I appeared and acted 
 quite differently from what I had formerly done. My 
 feelings underwent no change for the better. On 
 Saturday I went to a political meeting at Green Level, 
 Wake county. L. 0. B. Branch made a speech on the 
 state of the country, showing the critical position into 
 which the whole South was likely to be involved. I 
 recollect that he advocated the Breckinridge ticket. 
 Of course I took no interest in the meeting, nor in any- 
 thing that was said. I merely name this to show how 
 retentive my memory is of all that occurred in connec- 
 tion with that dark period of my history. A great 
 many of my friends and brethren were there, and they 
 seemed anxious to talk with me, but I felt ashamed to 
 meet them, or to speak to them. Some of them ques- 
 tioned me very closely as to the cause of my being in 
 that condition. I told them that I had yielded to the 
 influence of an evil spirit, and that I was now unable 
 to extricate myself from his dominion. They would 
 quote scripture to me as the flesh warring against the 
 spirit, and, 0, wretched man that I am, who shall de- 
 liver me from the body of this death. But it did me 
 no good, as T could claim no promise, either direct or 
 I returned that evening with my uncle to his house. 
 After a short time another one of ray uncles, Dempsey 
 Johnson, came to see me. He was on his way home, 
 and called to see me, and invited me home with him. 
128 The Life and Times of 
 After a short conversation with him he said I must 
 come to see him before I returned home, for that he 
 was going to get me out of that bad state in which I 
 was involved. I replied : "Uncle Dempsey, you can- 
 not do it; I wish you could." He replied: "Yes I can. 
 Did you ever know me to undertake anything and not 
 go through with it?" 
 On the next day, being Sunday, a great many of my 
 relatives, friends and brethren came to my uncle's to 
 see me. I was in a poor situation to meet them, and 
 ill prepared to talk with them. If I told them what 
 I conceived to be my true state it would shock them, 
 and if I told them a lie it would" only make my case 
 worse. I therefore concluded to say as little as possi- 
 ble to any of them. They would, however, continue 
 to urge me to talk, and that in various ways. Some 
 of them would take me out privately, and by close and 
 pertinent questions insist on my answering them, to 
 which I generally acceded. Others would ask ques- 
 tions, and without waiting for me to answer them, 
 would try to help me by answering themselves, as they 
 would have it to be. I generally denied such answers 
 to be true. There were one or two preachers among 
 those who came to see me on that day, and they in- 
 sisted on my going forward in preaching, as the best 
 and surest way to get rid of my bad feelings; and all 
 agreed that I ought to make the attempt. They had 
 conversed with me, and heard my answers to all their 
 interrogations, and could discover no defect in my 
 judgment, memory, or reason. Indeed, they said there 
 was no deficiency to be discovered in my mind, only 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 129 
 a depression of spirit. I would not consent to make 
 the attempt, for I was aware that they little knew my 
 situation, or how miserable I felt. I had just seen, in 
 a shadow, what awaited me at the judgment seat of 
 God. The Christians had flocked in scores to see me. 
 They were right; I was wrong. They were justified; 
 I was condemned ; they would be saved ; but I would 
 be lost; they would enter heaven, but I would sink to 
 hell. There were some there whom I baptized, others 
 whom I had joined in matrimoHy ; and nearly all had 
 been present at different times, when the Holy Sacra- 
 ment was administered by me. 
 These things had been revolving through my mind 
 during all that day. I felt that if I should attempt 
 to preach under the circumstances which then sur- 
 rounded me, I would be guilty of one of the most 
 heinous sins which it was possible for me to commit. 
 I believed it would be more aggravating in the sight of 
 God than suicide. It appeared to me that I would sin 
 presumptuously. It would be nothing less than using 
 deception, and trying to make my brethren, and all 
 who might hear me, believe a lie. I would not have 
 consented to preach with all these things pressing 
 upon my mind for my firll weight in gold. Nothing 
 short of an assurance of faith to believe that the at- 
 tempt would be the means of lifting me out of my un- 
 happy condition would have induced me to try to 
 preach ; yet I was ofttimes and repeatedly persuaded to 
 do it by my best friends. I did not doubt the purity 
 of their motives then, neither do I now. 
 Seeing all their attempts fail to induce me to con- 
130 The Life and Times of 
 sent to try to preach, they had recourse to another ex- m 
 pedient, which was, to get my consent to go to meet- 
 ing. I at first refused, knowing, as I did, that it would 
 bring up my former ministry and everything con- 
 nected with it fresh in my memory. I believed that I 
 would appear and feel like the man without the wed- 
 ding garment. But after long and hard persuasion I 
 consented-to go, by being assured that I should not be ' 
 urged to take any part in the public exercises of the 
 meeting. The meeting was at Olive's Chapel, brotiier 
 J. C. Wilson to be the preacher. A very large con- 
 gregation assembled. I was of opinion that they came 
 more out of curiosity to see me than to hear preach- 
 ing, as it had been published that I would be there. 
 Now, this church had been built near where I had 
 been raised, and almost in sight of my former resi- 
 dence, where myself and family had lived some 
 eighteen or twenty years. I was in the midst of my 
 relatives, friends, neighbors and brethren, all anxious 
 to see me, and, if possible, aid in setting me right 
 again. * 
 " I shall never be able to describe ray feelings on that 
 occasion. No one knew what was passing through my 
 mind, but my own heart knew its ow^ bitterness. 
 The preacher came, and with him a great many of the 
 members of Shady Grove church, where my member- 
 ship was, and had been from my first connection with 
 the Church of God. The preacher, who was my own 
 dear cousin, invited me to go with him into the stand, 
 where I bad stood for years and preached to the people ; 
 but oh ! with what different feelings from whaf^I now 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 131 
 had. I begged to be excused ; but by his importunity I 
 finally consented to sit in the stand while he preached. 
 We went into the pulpit together. I took my seat, and 
 he very soon rose to commence the services. I felt just 
 like I was where I ought not to be. I thought that I 
 would have given the world, if it had been at my dis- 
 posal, to be as good a man as cousin J. C. Wilson, who 
 then stood before me. I thought of the time when 
 Christ and His disciples were partaking of the pass- 
 over supper, and when our Saviour said : " One of 
 you shall betray me," and when the beloved disciple 
 asked who it was. I felt that I was a second Judas, 
 and that cousin John was another beloved disciple. 
 I tried to use some words of prayer asking God to 
 change me from Judas to John, but I had neither the 
 spirit nor the faith of^prayer. 
 After singing and prayer, cousin John introduced 
 his text from Matthew, 7th chapter, 24th to the 27th 
 verses inclusive. The subject was the wise man and 
 the fool. The wise man built his house on the rock, 
 but the foolish man built his house on the sand. He 
 had selected this text on purpose to establish me on 
 the sure foundation of the Christian religion, and to 
 show that none of the storms or tempests of>life would 
 ever be able to demolish the Christian's edifice. That 
 no circumstance, or combination of circumstances, nor 
 any other power, would ever be able to separate us 
 from the love of Christ. 
 The preacher took up the most of his time on the 
 first part of his subject, the wise man and his house, 
 and its sure foundation. I would frequently use the 
132 The Life and Times of 
 words of an ejaculatory prayer in a whisper; but, as 
 before stated, I was destitute of both the spirit and 
 faith of prayer. In fact, I had examined this pass- 
 age of Scripture before, in regard to my awful condi- 
 tion, when I was seeking for the cause which had pro- 
 duced the sad effect; and I had found here ray folly 
 in building on the sand, as I had found it when I 
 caught the shadow ard missed the substance. I had 
 seen- in imagination, and as I thought by an eye of 
 faith, that the sand was giving way, and my house was 
 careening, and that all my efiForts to prop it or brace it 
 up would prove unavailing and useless, as it was bound 
 to fall, in spite of all the efforts of man to prevent it. 
 While Brother Wilson was preaching, the whole 
 subject seemed more clear and visible to my mind 
 than ever before. I-lost all the former part of his dis- 
 course, for it was clear to my mind that I had not built 
 my house on the rock ; therefore I could claim none 
 of the promises, and T was not an heir of the promise. 
 When he took up the last part of his subject, (the 
 foolish man who built his house on the sand,) my con- 
 science said : " Thou art the man !" Every word 
 fitted my case; every sentence was truth, though un- 
 welcome truth to me; for I saw my folly and* my 
 dreadful doom ; and great would be my fall. I wished 
 that I had not come to meeting; for I felt that I was 
 worse than the man who commenced building without 
 counting the cost, and wa's not able to finish, when all 
 who saw it began to mock or laugh, saying : "This 
 man began to build, but was not able to finish." [ 
 would think of getting up and making a public con- 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 133 
 fession that I was the man who had built his house 
 on the sand, but that would do no good, for they would 
 be unable to help me; it would also be unpleasant to 
 my friends ; so I kept my seat till the sermon was fin- 
 ished and the congregation dismissed. I would have 
 gladly disappeared, by going out through the wall, or 
 under the stand, or in any other way which would 
 have prevented me from being seen. But there was 
 no way for me except to face the crowd. Hopeless 
 despair had laid fast hold upon me. I felt more mis- 
 erable, if possible, than I had ever felt before. I came 
 down from the stand into the aisle of the church with 
 the most dejected countenance you ever saw, where I 
 was met by the female members of the church — loving 
 mothers and sisters in Israel. They were hoping that 
 the sermon had set all things right with me. Their 
 pleasant smiles and sweet voices, while greeting me 
 with a hearty shake of the hand, spoke volumes; but 
 failed to give my poor heart any relief. They were 
 filled with sympathy, and would have gladly raised 
 their gentle hands to brush the heavy load from off 
 my mind, which they saw too plainly was crushing 
 me down. But my sufferings were of such a nature 
 that I was perfectly conscious no human power could 
 relieve me. I made my way through the aisle and 
 out at the door as soon as I well could, feeling, as I 
 supposed, like Judas did when he received the sop and 
 went out. 
 Things had gone too far, and my guilt was made 
 too plain, to think of trying to make any amendments 
 for the past, or any preparation for the future. And 
134 The Life and Times of 
 this passage of Scripture flashed through my mind : 
 " What thou doest, do quickly," and I felt if I had au 
 opportunity I would do as Judas did, and go to my 
 own place. 
 As I came put of the house and started off, several 
 of the brethren followed me. When we had gone a 
 short distance I began to make my confessions. I 
 told them that I had started wrong ; that I had caught 
 the shadow and missed the substance ; had built my 
 house upon the sand, ^id npt upon the rock, and now 
 I saw my folly. My house was falling, and no way 
 under the heavens to prevenf it. They a^ed me why 
 I did not take the first part of the sermon, and said I 
 ought to have done so, as it was intended for me. I 
 told them that the preacher had pointed out my doom 
 in the latter part of his discourse, and I was bound to 
 submit to it. They asked me if I thought the preacher 
 had given a true exposition of the text. I replied 
 that I did, but that it was so much the worse for me, 
 as I was on a sandy foundation. They asked me if I 
 did not think a man should not speak the truth. I 
 answered, "Yes; if he preaches at all, he sho»ld 
 speak the truth." I then told them that I was not find- 
 ing fault of the sermon at all, but that the truth was 
 what hurt, when it fell upon a guilty mind. I fur- 
 thermore told them that I regretted my condition as 
 much as any of them could regret it, but that it was 
 a dreadful reality, and could not be otherwise. Some 
 of them remarked that if I had no religion there was 
 no such thing as religion in the world. " Yes," said 
^ Rev. Johnson Olive. 135 
 another, " I heard a good brother say the other day 
 if you did not possess the grace of God it would be 
 useless to look for it in any other man." 
 I well understood that their object was to try to en- 
 courage me to lay hold on the hope set before me ; but 
 I was divested of all Uppe and faith so far as I could 
 discover, and as such they found nothing in me upon 
 which •the}' could operate. Some of them proposed 
 to bring me a pen and ink, to see if I would blot out 
 the whole concern of the Christian religion. I then 
 told them that I had no doubts upon the reality of 
 the Christian religion; I believed the Bible to be a 
 rev.elation from God to man as honestly and as firmly 
 as i ever did, and that this way that some had of 
 measuring thei» religion by other men's religion was 
 contrary to scripture and reason ; that I was not the 
 standard by which they would be tried, but that all 
 would be tried by the Word of God. I had been tried 
 myself by that standard, and found that I was want- 
 ing ; that I had. never taught that men should believe 
 in me or any otherman, but if men would stumble over 
 me and fall into hell I could not help it. 
 This was about the substance of our conversation 
 that evening. The crowd dispersed, and I returned to 
 my uncle's. My situation was no better. The state 
 of my mind was rather growing worse. I had but 
 little to say to any one, only to answer such questions 
 as they proposed to me, and of that I soon became 
136 _ The Life and Times of 
 In a day or two I left my uncle Daniel's and went 
 over to my uncle Dempsey Thompson's, and after stay- 
 ing with him a few days, he made arrangements for 
 me to return home. I was not permitted to travel 
 alone, or left alone anywhere, except for a very short 
 When I arrived home I felt glad to see my wife and 
 children for a few minutes. But I soon became rest- 
 less. My agony of mind was so great that nothing 
 was of much satisfaction to me. My mental torture 
 seemed to increase daily, so much so that I would 
 think every day would be my last. I would fre- 
 quently tell my wife and some other intimate friends 
 that I could not survive another day under the heavy 
 load which was pressing me down. I had sought 
 death, but could not find it. It now appeared to me 
 that I was constantly sufiPering the agonies of a sin- 
 ner's death without being permitted to expire. 
 My father-in-law, Alsey Hunter, was lying at the 
 point of death when I left to go home with my uncle 
 and aunt some week ago, and about this time he died. 
 Brother P. W. Dowd was called on to preach his 
 funeral. My uncle Dempsey Johnson carried me to 
 the funeral — or rather, went with me. I felt awful. 
 After my father-in-law was buried brother Dowd 
 sought an interview with me. He asked me several 
 questions, and tried to console me by saying: " Every- 
 body is concerned about you, and the christians are 
 all praying for you;" and said that some of the 
Rev. Johnson Olive. * 137 
 churches were uniting in special prayer for me, and 
 tliat he thought I would soon be all right. I told him 
 some of my awful feelings. He said to me: "You 
 have never thought about taking your own life, have 
 you?" I told him that I had. He replied: "That 
 is horrid, brother Olive. Don't let such a thought 
 come into your mind ; it is wicked and sinful." 
 After giving me some good advice, which I was not 
 prepared to reduce to practice, we parted. 
 I was passing home and back again to my uncle's, 
 or with some of my relatives, for some two or three 
 weeks. During this time I was getting no better, but 
 things were hastening to a more fearful crisis. I was 
 frequently urged to go and see Dr. Fisher. I had 
 thought that I never would go, unless I was forced 
 to do so by arbitrary power; but words of kindness, 
 pursuasive arguments and fair promises, induced me, 
 for the sake of others, to go. I had no idea that it 
 would do me any good. I dreaded Dr. Fisher, for I 
 believed h€ would either pronounce me a hypocrite or 
 insane, 'and I should be deprived of my liberties. 
 Thomas J. Hunter, J. W. Rogers and wife, and my 
 own dear wife, all united in persuading me to go. 
 After getting my consent, T. J. Hunter, my brother- 
 in-law, was to go with me. We started in a buggy; 
 we had gone but a short distance when I repented my 
 bargain. I jumped out of the buggy and started 
 back. He sat still, and by kind words and fair prom- 
 ises that he would certainly bring me back again, I 
 went back to him. 
 When we had gone some two-thirds of the distance 
138 The Life and Times of 
 my heart failed again. I jumped out again, and told 
 him he might go if he choose to do so, but that I 
 should not. He kept his seat, as before, and by kind 
 words and fair speeches, he brought me to terms again. 
 He was a noble- hearted man. 
 We went on to Raleigh that night, and stayed with 
 Mr. Eldridge Smith. When we arrived there we found 
 my brother-in-law, J. W. Rogers, and wife, were also 
 there. I was sure that there was some preconcerted 
 plan on foot in regard to my case. A thousand 
 thoughts revolved through my mind. I began to 
 doubt the sincerity of my dearest friends, for they had 
 promised to bring me back to my family in order to 
 induce me to consent to go; but now everything 
 seemed to indicate that they intended to get me into 
 the asylum. I would rather have died than go there, 
 and I thought if I had an instrument of death I would 
 use it. But as I had none, and no chance to get any, 
 I must abide the consequences. 
 Next morning my friends asked me if I would go 
 with them to the asylum to see Dr. Fisher. I told 
 them no, not by my consent. They then asked me if 
 I was willing that the doctor should come and see me 
 where I was. I told them it would do no good. But 
 they insisted that he must see me some how, and ^ave 
 me my choice, to goto see him or have him invited to 
 come and see me where I was. I replied that if I must 
 see him I would rather he would come to me, as I 
 should never consent to go to him. 
 They then left me at Mr. Smith's and in a short 
 time returned with Dr. Fisher. I was invited to go 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 139 
 into the parlor, aud in a few minutes the doctor and 
 my brothers-in-law, Rogers, Hunter and Smith, came 
 in. I was introduced to the doctor immediately, after 
 which he commenced conversation with me. He asked 
 me a great many questions relative to where I lived, 
 my age, the number of my children, my occupation, 
 &c. He also interrogated me in regard to my habits 
 of living; whether I used tobacco or drank spirits, &c. 
 I told him that I used tobacco, both by chewing and 
 smoking, but as to spirits, I never used it except as a 
 medicine, in sickness. He then asked me about my 
 health ; said I was looking well, but that he had heard 
 that I was ailing, and wished me to tell him what was 
 amiss with me. I told him I was troubled in mind, 
 and had been for some time. He asked me upon what 
 subject I was troubled. I replied : *' Upon the subject 
 of religion." He asked me the cause which had pro- 
 duced that distress of mind, and I replied to him, as I 
 had replied to others, that I supposed it was the devil. 
 He asked me if I supposed the devil had power to 
 force men to sin, (as I had just told him that I feared 
 I had committed the unpardonable sin). I told him 
 that I had not been in the habit of thinking so. He 
 asked me what I thought about it now. I told him 
 that the devil was very subtle and cunning, for the 
 Scripture said that he could transform himself into an 
 angel of light and that he had deceived and misled 
 many. The doctor then said that he was no theolo- 
 gian, and that I had better talk with some old minis- 
 ter of the Gospel about these things. He then asked me , 
 some questions about how long I had been preaching, 
140 The Life and Times op 
 and whether I had acted honest and sincere in my 
 professions and ministrations, and what were my views 
 and feelings about these things now. I told him 
 that while I had been engaged in these -things I 
 felt that I was honest, and that I had acted with a 
 conscience void of offence both towards God and man ; 
 but now things appeared differently. 
 He then asked me if I did not feel interested in my 
 familv. I told him no ; not as I had done. He said 
 I ought to feel interested in them, for that a man's 
 first duty was to take care of his family if he had one, 
 I confessed the truth of what he said, but told him that 
 it was not the case with me, for that I only felt to wish 
 them well, but that I was doing nothing for their 
 He then asked me if I knew how to work. I told 
 him that I did, for that I was raised to work. He then 
 asked me if I worked when I was at home. I replied: 
 Not of late, for that I felt so wretched that I took no 
 interest in anything. He asked me if I owned land. 
 I told him that I did, but that it was not paid for. 
 He then told me that he would advise me what course 
 he thought I had best pursue, which was to go home 
 and go to work for my family ; to relinquish all 
 thoughts about preaching for the present, for that I 
 was unfit to perform any pastoral duties in my present 
 condition. He also said I must quit the use of to- 
 bacco — neither chew or smoke — and as a substitute to 
 get some good whiskey and make some bitters and 
 take two or three drams of that each day, and in two 
 weeks come back and report to him. I made no reply. 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 141 
 He asked me if I would do it. I then replied that I 
 did not know whether I would or not, as I did not 
 know how I should feel at that time. He said I must 
 do it, and repeated his advice again, and said : " Will 
 you do it?" I hesitated to answer, for I was then de- 
 termined not to do it, and in particular not to come 
 back in two weeks, for I was of opinion that they were 
 making arrangements to get me into the asylum. He 
 again insisted on an answer, and said I must come. 
 I told him that. I did not know where I should be, or 
 how it would be with me two weeks hence. 
 I gave him no promise to report back. The truth 
 is, things were not working to my notion, and I ex- 
 pected to be dead and in hell before two weeks, but I 
 dare not say so then. 
 The doctor and my brothers-in-law then went out 
 of the room and held a short consultation, and mv 
 mind was filled with imaginations. My feelings were 
 wrought up to the highest pitch, and withall I was a 
 little angry, for I believed that they had detected 
 some of my meanness, and were about to take me off 
 whether I consented or not. 
 They soon returned, and the doctor repeated over 
 his advice, and said I must do as he had directed, for 
 that he had discovered that I was not a deranged man. 
 I replied that I knew that as well as he did, but that 
 I was laboring under some disordered state of the mind. 
 He looked at me with a very stern and rigid counte- 
 nance, and said it was a corrupted state of the heart, 
 and left me, with a request that I should come to see 
 him in two weeks. 
142 The Life and Times of 
 Thus ended my interview with Dr. Fisher. I felt 
 that he had detected enough about me to believe that 
 I was a hypocrite, and had been a devil from the be- 
 ginning. I knew that I could not avoid my condition, 
 and although I considered myself the vilest wretch on 
 God's earth, yet I could not help feeling offended with 
 the doctor for telling me that it was a corrupted state 
 of the heart, I believed that it would now be pub- 
 lished from Dan to Bersheba, and that my name and 
 family would become infamous, and go do"wn to pos- 
 terity with everlasting contempt. As to my own part, 
 I cared but little, but the thing which I had feared for 
 weeks and months was now at hand ; that is, my con- 
 duct would disgrace my famJly and bring a reproach 
 upon everything good with which I was connected. 
 In reflecting on my interview with Dr. Fisher, I 
 now believe that he was like all my other friends, 
 prompted by the purest of motives in all that he done 
 and said. I entertain a very high opinion of him, 
 and feel under many obligations to him for conde- 
 scending to meet me at the house of my brother-in- 
 law, E. Smith. 
 I think that I have given the substance of the con- 
 versation between Dr. Fisher and myself. If I have 
 stated anyttiing incorrectly, it is an error of the head 
 and not of the heart. 
 My friends and relatives were now making every 
 effort to relieve me, if possible, from the unhappy con- 
 dition in which I found myself placed. They had 
 made arrangements for my uncle Dempsey Johnson, 
 brother to my mother, to take me under his care and 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 143 
 supervision. I bad always had a great affection for 
 him, and be had been my strong and steady friend. 
 I would talk with him more freely than with any 
 other person. He asked me many questiobs, and from 
 what I had told him in the commencement of my dis- 
 satisfaction in regard to my home, he was led to be- 
 lieve that if I could be taken from my present loca- 
 tien and carried back in the midst of my relatives 
 and former neighbors, it would have the happy effect 
 of relieving me of my troubles of mind. (I will re- 
 mark here that soon after I discovered something amiss 
 in my mind I became dissatisfied with my home, and 
 felt that I had made a bad bargain in buying this 
 place. I felt that it was undesirable, and wished I 
 had never come here, for it appeared that everything 
 was badly arranged and ill contrived, and was fast 
 going to wreck and ruin. I made some attempt to 
 sell or change my home for one that I thought would 
 suit me better. And from my conversation with him 
 and others about that time, they had come to the con- 
 clusion that it was owing to my being dissatisfied with 
 my home which had produced my unhappy state of 
 mind. I came to the same conclusion myself for a 
 time, but did not continue in that notion long.) But 
 being pressed hard to try the experiment by leaving 
 my present home and locality, and remove back to 
 my old neighborhpod, I consented to do so. 
 During the interval while things were being made 
 ready for my removal, I was growing worse daily, and 
 my uncle visited me often, and would take me home 
 with him occasionally. 
144 The Life and Times of 
 Thus, before the time arrived for me to move, I had 
 seen and felt enough to be convinced that the cause of 
 my uneasiness of mind was not in my home, or any 
 other external thing; for I found that change of place 
 did not change the state of my mind. My friends had 
 made the necessary arrangements in providing a home 
 for me and my family near where I was raised, and in 
 the midst of my brothers and sisters, and near to my 
 mother: also where I would be surrounded by long 
 and tried friends and neighbors. No pains had been 
 spared on their part to make my new home pleasant 
 and comfortable when 1 should get there. They had 
 also employed a man to take possession of my present 
 home, and work the farm on shares. 
 I was getting worse, and felt that another awful crisis 
 was rapidly approaching. I regretted very much that I 
 had ever consented to leave my present home. I felt 
 sure that all the trouble and expense of fixing up and 
 moving would be in vain, for the reason that it would do 
 no good, and that the burden would fall heavy on my 
 best friends. I believed, as I had for some time, that 
 I was undone for time and eternity, and often wished 
 that I had ended my present life when I made the at- 
 tempt. My uncle would use all the arguments that 
 he could think of in order to inspire faith and hope 
 in me. He would tell me that when I got up there I 
 would soon be all right, and then I would resume ray 
 calling, and go on in the discharge of my ministerial 
 duties as I had formerly done. A day or two before I 
 was to move my uncle came down to see me, I had 
 been thinking that day that I would make another 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 145 
 effort to break the chord of life. I dreaded to see my 
 uncle. I knew he had his plan arranged, and would 
 be sure to carry it out if within the limits of his power. 
 I felt equally sure that after all which might or could 
 be done, I must sooner or later die a dreadful death ; 
 and as I had no hope of amendment, I felt the tempting 
 suggestion of the enemy which I had so often felt be- 
 fore : " What thou doest, do quickly." 
 But I failed, as I had done before. I went home with 
 my uncle, and stayed all night w4th him, and next 
 morning I began to dissuade him from carrying on his 
 plan any further. I insisted that he stop all his 
 concern about moving me up to the place which had 
 been provided for me, and to let me return home and 
 stay there as long as I could. I told him that it would 
 be the worst step which could be taken, as it would do 
 no good to any person and prove injurious to many, 
 and that I should consider myself the cause of all the 
 evil which must result from the same. My uncle 
 would not consent to stop short of a trial. He said 
 the arrangements were all made, and that the plan 
 must be carried out. On that day the wagons were to 
 come down to my house in order to move me. The 
 sale at my father-in-law's, Alsa Hunter, was now on 
 hand. My wife was there. I had stayed with brother 
 P. W. Dowd one night. Went home with him from 
 the gale. He tried hard to inspire me with hope and 
 faith ; but all" in vain. I felt perfectly dead to all 
 spiritual things. My feelings were awful while I was 
 with him. Reflection on the past brought fresh in my 
 memory the many pleasant and happy hours and 
146 The Life and Times of 
 days which I had enjoyed in his company while I was 
 a member of his family; but now all these things 
 were departed, never to return. I thought of the 
 great gulf between Dives and Lazarus, and I felt like 
 the same gulf was between me and heaven, and sub- 
 stantially between all Christians and myself. My 
 uncle came home with me from the sale, and the 
 wagons were there, in order to take me and my family 
 to our new home next day. I spent a miserable night. 
 I slept but little, and felt that I would rather die than 
 leave. I would throw myself on the bed and remain 
 awhile, and then get up and walk; but found no rest 
 to my troubled soul. When the time arrived for me 
 to start I refused to go. But being persuaded by my 
 best friends, and knowing that my wife and children 
 would be carried whether I consented or not, I finally 
 consented to go. T went to the sale, and there joined 
 my wife in the journey to our new home. I told her 
 that we had done wrong in giving^ our consent to go; 
 but she said that she hoped it would be for the best ; 
 that her faith was strong. I replied that I was glad 
 that her faith was strong, but that I felt as bad as if I 
 were going to the gallows, and was conscious that it 
 would do me no good. She replied that the step which 
 she had taken had been recommended by my relatives 
 and friends, and that she was willing to do anything 
 which would contribute to my interest. The wagons 
 had gone on with our plunder, and I and my wife 
 went up in my buggy. When we arrived, my friends 
 and relatives had arranged things in a very comfort- 
 able manner, but the effect on^my mind was anything 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 147 
 but pleasant: for I felt that it was all labor and ex- 
 pense for no profit. I viewed the whole procedure as 
 ruinous to my family, and felt that I was the cause of 
 all the. unhappy consequences which must result from 
 the same. My mental pain became more intense, and 
 the tortures of my mind were intolerable. 
 My friends now began to advise with me, and use 
 every exertion which lay within their power to set me 
 right. Every neighbor and friend became a preacher 
 to me; and while I doubted not their sincerity and 
 purpose, the purity of their motives, or the truthful- 
 ness of their teachings, I had not faith to believe, and, 
 as such, it profited me nothing. I shall never forget 
 the great and mighty efforts made by some of my 
 friends to raise me out of that dark and gloomy pit 
 into which I had fallen. Dempsey Johnson and A. C. 
 Richardson seemed to take the deepest interest in the 
 matter; and I fear they will never be able to preach 
 to others with such power and energy as they did to 
 me; if they should, I feel certain that their preaching 
 will have a better effect on others than it did on me; 
 for I was as the nether-millstone— no faith, no hope, 
 in short they found nothing in me upon which they 
 could operate. 
 Being now at my new home, I felt that I was sur- 
 rounded with former friends and comforters, but I was 
 not to them what I had been, neither could they be to 
 me what they oiice were. I was unfit for any social 
 communication, I would rather be alone, and would 
 seek every opportunity to leave company, to mood 
 and grieve over my awful doom. At times I would 
148 The Life and Times of 
 feel a little irritated, and like Israel of old, I would 
 murmur "against Moses and against God." That is, 
 I would endeavor to attach blame to somebody be- 
 "sides myself. I would think why it was that I was 
 suffered to go on under delusion till things had 
 reached such an awful crisis. Why had not chris- 
 tians instructed me moire faithfully and clearly in re- 
 gard to those things? A.nd Vvhy had God not made 
 known the delusion in time for me to make amends? 
 But after maturing the subject in my mind I would 
 come to the inevitable conclusion that I alone was 
 guilty of all the evil which had come upon me, and 
 that I must confess God to be just in my damnation, 
 though I was unwilling to receive justice, for I never 
 did feel willir>g to go to hell ; yet I believed that I 
 should go there, and that God would be just in send- 
 ing me to destruction. I told some of my friends about 
 this time that I was not willing for justice to take 
 place, and as such I was not a just man. They de- 
 manded of me to point to one dishonest act of my life, 
 as it was something that no other man had ever dis- 
 covered. I replied that so far as my dealings with my 
 fellow men were concerned, that I had always tried to 
 act on the principle of truth and justice; but being 
 deceived myself by the devil I had used deception to 
 others, and as such I now found that I was unwilling 
 to submit to justice. 
 I moved to my new home in the latter part of the 
 year 1860. I had been there only a short time before 
 I became so desperate in my words and actions, which 
 proved an index to the state of njy mind, that my 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 149 
 uncle came down and took me home with him. He 
 had concluded (and justly too), that he could do more 
 with me than any other person. I had been in the 
 habit of leaving every other person but him in order 
 to get away to myself or rather to be alone. My 
 friends had objected to this, and called it running 
 away from them, but I had other 'reasons for it which 
 I had not made public. My uncle would say : " He 
 will not ruii away from me; I will take him home 
 with me." He knew not what was going on in my 
 mind, for it was a dreadful state of things there, and 
 likely to be worse. The truth is, after giving in to the 
 temptation to -take my own life, and failing to do it, 
 and repeating the effort several times, I came to the 
 conclusion that God would not suffer me to sneak out 
 of the world in that way. I must therefore find out 
 some other way. My mind was daily occupied in 
 seeking for the way and means by which that thing 
 fnust be accomplished. Now, as I considered the devil 
 to be my master, and I his slave, I must needs look to 
 him for advice in this difficult matter. I am almost 
 ashamed to confess it but it is nevertheless true, that I 
 felt that I was given up 'of God and in the hands of 
 the devil, to be tormented by him in life and to be 
 punished in hell by him throughout eternity. I was 
 thus like one tied hand and foot and unable to help 
 myself. I told a dear friend one day that I would like 
 to change masters, for that I had a hard one, and 
 found myself unable to throw off his yoke. Being 
 thus, under the influence of the wicked one, he sug- 
 gested to my mind that the way in which God had 
150 The Life and Times of 
 designed for me to get out of the world was that I 
 should murder some person, and then the laws of the 
 laud would take hold of me, and I would be publicly 
 executed, and in this way God would vindicate His 
 honor and His Word ; for that His Word did say : 
 "There is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, 
 neither hid that shall not be known." 
 I did not approve of this way of getting out of the 
 world. There was not a person on earth whom I 
 would be willing to kill except myself. I entertained 
 no hatred or malice against any human being. But 
 the tempter said that was the way, and that stern ne- 
 cessity would compel me to do it. I tried to throw 
 away all such thoughts, knowing, as I did, that they 
 came from the wicked one. But in spite of all my ef- 
 forts these thoughts and suggestions would return 
 with double force, until I believed that I should have 
 to do the very thing which I had detested and revolted 
 at in the outset. My reason, my understanding and 
 my better judgment taught me^that it was wrong; but 
 then I was bound to do it, and as before, the sooner the 
 I now began to think who it should be that I must 
 kill, and strange to tell, it must be those who were 
 nearest to me. First my dear and harmless wife — a 
 part of myself — or my dear innocent children, who were 
 parts of myself — bone of my bone, and flesh of my 
 flesh. The thoughts of taking any of their lives would 
 shock me, so that when these temptations came strongly 
 upon me, I would leave in order to avoid doing mis- 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 151 
 chief. I dared not tell this to ray friends, for I knew 
 they would take mo to the Asylum. I did, however, 
 intimate the fact to my wife and some few others after 
 I could keep it concealed no longer. I was now with 
 my uncle, and I was conscious that the time was near 
 at hand when the awful crisis would come to a head. 
 About this time I began to think that Dempsey 
 Johnson was the man who was to be murdered by me. 
 The thoughts of taking his life seemed more than I 
 could bear. To take the life of the man who had 
 always befriended me, and had stood up to me like a 
 father in every time of need, and had now imperiled 
 his own life to save me, if possible, from disgrace and 
 degradation. How could I bear the thought of killing 
 so good a man as my uncle Dempsey — vile wretch as 
 I conceived myself to be? The deed was too horrible 
 for me. The tempter said it was not so bad as what 
 I had already done, for that I had crucified the Son of 
 God afresh and put Him to open shame, and that I 
 need not be thus straining at a gnat and swallowing a 
 camel; for Dempsey Johnson was nothing to com- 
 pare with the Saviour of the world. I believed what 
 the devil said, but was unwilling to commit the deed — 
 the bloody deed of murdering my uncle. If I had 
 murdered the Greatest of All, it did not follow that I 
 would be justifiable in murdering the least. 
 But as these thoughts would intrude in spite of all 
 my efforts to prevent them, the impression grew upon 
 my mind that under the influence of the strong temp- 
 tation of the devil I would be impelled to commit the 
 horrid deed of murdering my uncle. I sometimes 
152 The Life and Times of 
 thought that under the influence of those endearing 
 ties which bind kindred hearts together my uncle had 
 sinned and become a partaker of my dark deeds, and 
 that God would so order it that he would die by the 
 hands of the criminal he was trying to save. 
 In meditating on this dreadful subject my imagina- 
 tion was drawn out on the awful scene which would 
 be witnessed after the perpetration of this bloody deed. 
 I could see my dear old uncle weltering in his blood, 
 which was shed by my wicked hands; the inquest 
 held over his body, his family and friends weeping 
 and mourning around ; myself brought forward to 
 answer to the charge, and I stood guilty, trembling 
 and speechless. All this and much more would pass 
 before the eye of the mind in the awful picture which 
 my imagination drew of so great a crime. 1 there- 
 fore made up my mind to do what I had promised 
 never to do, which was to run away from my uncle. 
 I left him, and went off and hid myself. My uncle 
 soon set out to look for me ; when he found me he 
 said : " I thought you never would run away from me. 
 I do not want you to do so any more. What makes 
 you do so anyhow?" I told him that I felt it was 
 best; but he insisted that I should never do so any 
 more, and gently reproved me. 
 I returned with him to the house, but it was not 
 long before I left him again, and he looked me up 
 again. I know not how often I pursued the same 
 course, and he the same course in looking me up. 
 I recollect on one occasion, when I went off early in 
 the morning, it was some time before he found me. I 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 153 
 was lying down on the ground ; be came to me and 
 raised me up, the turbulent passion was still on me, 
 and I insisted that be should let me alone; but be 
 took me by the arm and bade me arise and go with 
 him to the house. I then told him that he had better 
 let me alone, and drew back from him, as though I 
 would break his hold on me. He reproved me, and 
 said : *' Come on, and let us go to the house." I again 
 said : " Uncle Dempsey, you had better let me alone." 
 He replied : " I am not afraid of you." I said : " You 
 had better be." He contended that he was not, and I 
 thought and contended that he had better be. He 
 urged me to go, and I resisted, until he pulled me on 
 a short distance, when I felt such a strong spirit of re- 
 sistance that I seized hold of him and shook him with 
 all my might, saying : " You had better let me alone." 
 My uncle stormed out at me saying: " What do you 
 mean ? You had better behave yourself, or I will 
 make my servants tie you, and we will take you to 
 to the asylum." 
 After a little parley we went into the house. He 
 seated me beside the fire and went out a few minutes, 
 and then returned. He then took his seat close be- 
 side me, and asked me what I meant by laying hold 
 of him, and shaking him as I did out yonder. I told 
 him that I meant what I said — he had better let me 
 alone. He said ; " You had no idea of hurting me, 
 did you ?" I told him that if I had had a weapon I 
 thought I should have used it. He replied : " No you 
 would not." I said I reckon I should. He then 
 opened his shirt collar and held his head and neck 
154 The Life and Times of 
 close to me, and asked me if I had a razor in my hand 
 if I would use it on him. I viewed this conduct of 
 my uncle as a dare, and it roused up my turbulent 
 feelings in an instant. I replied to him: "Yes, I 
 should cut your throat." He said I would not, but I 
 contended that I would, till he changed his manner 
 and tone of voice. He drew back from me and said, 
 in a very pitiful tone of voice : " Is it not monstrous 
 that you will do so — want to kill your old uncle, who 
 has done so much for you— more than anybody else, 
 except your father and mother. Johnson, did I ever 
 think you would come to this? What do you want to 
 kill me for — what have I done?" 
 By this time kind words and gentle means had done 
 the work for me. I burst into cries and tears and 
 said : " No, uncle Dempsey, I won't do it ; I won't do 
 it." Ten minutes before I thought and said I would, 
 but now I would not for the world. 
 In thinking and reflecting on this particular period 
 of my life I have come to the conclusion that I was 
 under the influence of the wicked one, and at times 
 he came on me with more force than usual ; and 
 whether he took seven other spirits with him or not, 
 he put forth all the power that he had to induce me 
 to act out the temptation presented. These aberrations 
 of mind caused me to fear in my better moments of 
 reflection that I should do mischief if I continued in 
 company while these were upon me. I therefore gen- 
 erally left when I felt them come on, if not prevented. 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 155 
 These were the only times that I ever thought of 
 doing immediate mischief, and the only times that I 
 now consider that I was dangerous to any person. No 
 person could know when these aberrations were com- 
 ing on, only by my movements. I became restless, 
 uneasy, and gave evident signs that I wished to leave. 
 My friends would frequently prevent me, by following 
 me wherever I went, and some times watched me to 
 see if I gave any signs of taking my own life. 
 It was also about this time that ray unc'e proposed 
 to me to go with him to meeting at Olive's Chapel. I 
 did not wish to go, for I had been there once since I 
 had quit preaching, and felt that it did me more harm 
 than good ; but as my uncle desired me to go, and 
 talked kindly to me on the subject, I consented to go, 
 and would have done so if I had known it would cost 
 me my life. Indeed, I had an idea that my friends 
 would meet there on that day to see the last of me, for 
 I believed they intended to do something with me, and 
 it mattered little what to me. 
 We went to the meeting. No condemned criminal 
 ever felt or looked worse than I did. I was urged to 
 go into the house and take a seat with the old breth- 
 ren, and talk with them. I did go into the house after 
 awhile, being strenuously urged to do so by my uncle. 
 But after getting in there I repented that I went. My 
 uncle insisted that my old brethren should ask me 
 questions, and I felt as mean as Judas could have felt 
156 The Life and Times of 
 after agreeing to sell his Lord and master for thirty 
 pieces of silver. I could hardly hold up my head ; 
 my countenance had fallen lower than ever; des- 
 pair was depicted in my countenance. The pains 
 of hell gat hold on me, and I felt that rocks and 
 mountains would be welcome to fall on me if they 
 could but hide me from the face of God and man for- 
 ever. I w^as displeased with my uncle for bringing 
 me there to be held up to the public gaze as an apos- 
 tate to the church and a traitor to his God. 
 My uncle now told me that he had had his way 
 about the course which I must pursue, and I now 
 might have my own way. I felt like a man who had 
 been led to the jumping off place and then told to go 
 which way he pleased, but on looking around on all 
 sides of the place where he stood, there yawned the 
 same deep and dark abyss. I knew not what to say 
 or where to go. My uncle urged me to make up my 
 mind quickly, as I should have my own way. He said 
 I might go east, west, north or south, just v/hich I 
 liked. I considered at first that he was trifling with 
 me, but as he insisted that I should make up my mind 
 quick I told him I would choose to go to my brother- 
 in-law's, Mark Barker's. So'my uncle took me there 
 in his buggy, and after staying there awhile he left 
 and went home. My brother Calvin was there that 
 night, I think. 
 My uncle left after awhile saying he would come 
 back to see me the next night. I spent a very un- 
 pleasant night. I felt like everybody was getting 
 tired of me, even my own brothers and sisters. I was 
 so mean in my own estimation that I could not blame 
Rev. Johnson Olive. " 157 
 them for anything but their kindness towards me. I 
 told some of them to let me go to the dogs, where I 
 belonged, and yet they would continue to lavish their 
 kindness upon me. I told them that they were thus 
 heaping coals of fire upon my head. They would re- 
 ply that they were doing the best they knew how, and 
 only regretted that they could do no more. I was 
 aware of my inability to render myself agreeable, for 
 I had tried in vain to do so till my courage failed. I 
 frequently thought if I could hide myself in some 
 cave or den in the earth, where no human being could 
 ever find me, I would gladly do so. But that was im- 
 In some of my aberrations of mind about this time 
 I became almost ungovernable. Indeed, it seemed to 
 me that I felt some of the torments of the damned in 
 my flesh and bones as well as in' my mind. I would 
 wring my hands, gnash my teeth, writhe and twist, 
 and turn in various ways. Sometimes I would jump 
 and skip, and rub my feet and legs from the anguish 
 and pain of mind which I felt, and which seemed to 
 penetrate my whole system. It would generally wear 
 off in a short time, or gradually subside, so that I 
 would be able to compose myself, so far as these tor- 
 tures of body were concerned. 
 My uncle, according to promise, came back the next 
 night to see me,, and A. C. Richardson also came. 
 These were my two strong friends, who took such a 
 lively interest in my welfare. They had labored with 
 me long and faithfully. They had spared no pains OJ 
 expense in trying to set me right. They had been 
158 The Life and Times of 
 with me both by day and by night. They had given 
 me line upon line and precept upon precept. All their 
 efforts seemed likely to avail nothing. They must 
 try some new experiment. What should be the next 
 step? After some consultation they resolved, to try 
 coercion — that is, force me. to do what I objected to. 
 I had told them that I did not wish to leave my broth- 
 er-in-law, Barker. They said I should go home to see 
 my wife and children. I objected to going home at 
 that time, stating as my reason that I should kill my 
 wife. They contended that I would not, and said I 
 should go to see them, and that they would show me 
 I would not do as I had said. 
 They probably thought that I was playing off, but 
 they little knew what was going on in my mind. They 
 took me out of the house, one on each side, and started 
 with me to see my wife and children. I plead hard 
 with them not to carry me there that night, as I felt 
 conscious that I should do mischief They would not 
 listen to me, but reproved me sharply, and spoke to me 
 roughly. The}' took me on my own grounds; spoke 
 freely of my meanness ; and how smart I had been in 
 deceiving the people. T api confident that A. C. Rich- 
 ardson preached that night as he will never preach 
 again. He became truly eloquent, and spoke as if his 
 lips had been touched with a live coal from off God's 
 holy altar. I was of the opinion then that he was moved 
 by some irresistable influence. I have talked with 
 him since about that matter, and his reply to me was, 
 he should never be able to tell his feelings on that oc- 
 casion. My uncle was as rigid in what he said as A. 
 C. Richardson, but did not speak so loud. 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 159 
 They carried me about half the distance, when I re- 
 newed my request that they should carry rae no farther. 
 I plead hard for them to let me go, but if they had 
 loosed their hold on me I should have given them one 
 race through the woods that night. I would pull 
 backwards, but they would urge me on, and some- 
 times nearly drag me. 
 All this tended to arouse my vile passions, and if I 
 had had a weapon in my hand, I should have used it 
 on them. I have no doubt now that they were actu- 
 ated from the purest of motives. They were doing the 
 best they knew ; but I doubt very much whether they 
 pursued the wiser course with me on that occasion. 
 This was the only time that my friends tried arbi- 
 trary power with me. I will now tell how it operated 
 in my case. I was carried home to my wife and chil- 
 dren with one on each side of me. When we got there 
 they forced me into the house, took me into the room 
 where my wife was sitting, placed a chair close by h^ 
 side, and ordered me to sit down, and my uncle said 
 to me: "Now kill your wife if you want to." My 
 hands were palsied, but I made an effort to seize her 
 by the throat, and felt that if I had had a deadly weapon 
 I should have used it. My uncle seized my arm and 
 drew my hand away. My poor wife commenced talk-, 
 ing to me in the most loving*and afiPectionate manner, 
 and I burst out crying, and rose up hastily and ran to 
 the bed and fell on my face. Here I lay, and would 
 not say a word to any one for sometime. My uncle 
 tried hard to get me to speak to him, but all in vain, 
 I would not so much as answer a question. 
160 The Life and Times of 
 After staying a while my two friends who had 
 forced rae to come there left. I had never met my 
 dear companion in such a plight before, and I thank 
 my God that I never have since. I know not whether 
 this circumstance gave rise to my strong temptations 
 to swear and blaspheme or not, but I do know that I 
 suffered a great deal about this time from the dread- 
 ful temptations to use profane language. I never did 
 use profanity in all my youthful days ; I have no 
 recollection that I ever swore an oath, except on one 
 occasion, when I became very angry, and that was be- 
 fore I was grown up to manhood. But now it appeared 
 to me that I should swear in spite of all my efforts to 
 avoid it. These horrid oaths were constantly uprising 
 in my mind, and I was striving against them with 
 might and main, but they were constantly multiply- 
 ing and increasing in strength till I was so full of them 
 that it seemed to me I must give vent to them or burst 
 It was about this time that I went a part of one day 
 with my mouth open, or my tongue gripped in my 
 teeth to prevent swearing. I told my wife, my uncle, 
 and others that I should swear,and when I did burst forth, 
 they had never heard the like before. These tempta- 
 tions to swear followed me up for a long time. Some- 
 times they would come i^pon me with great force, so 
 much so that I felt confident that I could. not hold in 
 much longer. I would frequently tell my wife that 
 she need not be alarmed to hear it at any time, for it 
 would certainly have to come. 
 I will here remark that I had strong temptations to 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 161 
 almost every known sin. I was tormented by them 
 day and night. To some of these temptations I par- 
 tially yielded, or rather, as it appears to me, I was 
 forced to yield. It was in this, as it was in other 
 things, I saw the right and approved it too; I hated 
 the wrong, and yet the wrong would I do. I recollect 
 on one occasion I told my wife I should swear that 
 day. She said : " I have heard you say so before, and 
 you have not done it, and I shall never believe it till 
 I hear it." I told her that I had hitherto succeeded 
 in curbing it, but the temptation was becoming too 
 strong for me, and that I was getting so full of pro- 
 fanity it would be bound to come. She then asked 
 me if I thought it would do me any good to curse. I 
 replied, " no, it will only make bad wx)rse; but I shall 
 be bound to let it come, as I am getting so full I shall 
 burst." She- again replied that she would never be- 
 lieve I could swear till she heard it. I told her she 
 would hear it before night, to which she replied : "I 
 do not believe you could swear if you were to try." . I 
 replied, " yes I can," and she said, " let me hear you." I 
 then told her that I was a damned old sinner. She 
 reproved me and said if I commenced swearing she 
 would not live with me. But my wounded conscience 
 reproved me more sharply than she did ; for notwith- 
 standing I had spoken what I believed to be the truth, 
 I had used a bad word to express it. 
 I am not certain that I ever tried to swear after that 
 time, though the temptation followed me up for a long 
 Involuntary thoughts tormented me daily, so that 
162 The Life and Times of 
 when my friends would ask me what I was studying 
 or thinking about, I would reply to them by saying I 
 was studying or thinking of meanness. They would 
 tell me to quit it, and study something else; but they 
 had just as well have told the birds not to fly over their 
 This was about the first of January, 1861. I was at 
 horiie but little of the time. My uncle would come to see 
 me and get me off home with him, or to my brother's or 
 my mother's. Their motto was to keep me going from 
 place to place. I now think it was as good a plan as they 
 could have adopted, provided they could get me to go 
 without force. This they could generally do by kind 
 words and persuasive arguments. I recollect that my 
 sister-in-law, (brother Hollaway's wife) used to_ come 
 over very often when I ^as at home, and she almost 
 invariably brought me to terms by her kind, gentle 
 manner in talking with me. I would sometimes ob- 
 ject strenuously in the outset, but she had a peculiar 
 tact in overcoming me with kindness. As I have said 
 before, I never could stand before kind words and 
 gentle means. I always caved in or gave way under 
 that kind of treatment. 
 I must now come to the most mysterious and criti- 
 cal time of this dark period in my history. I have 
 had occasion to speak of instances in which imagina- 
 tion had something to do in my experience while on the 
 dark and dreary road of time. I shall be under the 
 necessity of saying more on that subject hereafter. 
 Indeed, it will be somewhat difficult in some few in- 
 stances to determine which was real and which was 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 163 
 imaginary, as the one seems to be blended in the other. 
 I will, however, try to be as particular in drawing the 
 distinction between what was real and what was im- 
 aginary as possible, believing, as I do, that upon these 
 two hinges the whole matter turns. I will in the first 
 place remark, thatlbelievel was theservantofthedevil, 
 for " to whom ye yield your members servants to obey, 
 his servants ye are." I considered that when I yielded 
 to the temptation of the devil to commit suicide I be- 
 came his servant, and was invested with the spirit of 
 murder. In this consideration I had acted voluntary. 
 But when I failed to accomplish what I had vol- 
 untarily agreed to do, I would gladly have been di- 
 vested of that evil spirit. I had no desire to take the 
 life of any other person, and as such I desired the 
 spirit of murder to depart from me. But he would 
 not leave, neither was I able to cast him out; he must 
 remain there to torment me for a season. This mur- 
 derous spirit never got my voluntary consent to take 
 the life of any one of my fellow beings, but he did a 
 great deal to lead me in that direction. As I before 
 stated, this devil or wicked spirit suggested to my 
 mind that by taking the life of another person was 
 the way for ire to get out of the werld, and that stern 
 necessity -would require me to go out that way, and 
 the sooner the better. Now, I did not give in to this, 
 yet I felt that I would have to do so, for I believed 
 that the master was over the servant. This torment- 
 ing spirit continued his temptations, and led me into 
 many difficulties; and if I had been given up of God, 
 as I believed I was, this demon of hell would have 
164 The Life and Times of 
 led me to endless ruin. I found myself no match for 
 bim. And if our God does not prevent, the devil will 
 get us all. 
 My uncle came down to my house and took me home 
 with him to^stay a few days, seeing, as I suppose, that 
 I was more restless and uneasy than usual. He gen- 
 erally stayed with me in the day time, and lay with 
 me at night. He had been broken of his rest and 
 greatly troubled in mind about me, and I saw very 
 clearly that his health was failing, and his spirit was 
 flagging. I considered myself the cause of all that 
 was wrong about him, and I believed, if he died I 
 would be the cause of his death. These things made 
 me feel awful, but it was unavoidable by me. I wished 
 I were dead. "Oh! that I had died before mine eyes 
 beheld the light." But I must drag along this wretched 
 sinful life. My uncle sent for his son to come and 
 stay with me that night, in order that he might take 
 some rest. I was in a small room with a bed and a 
 warm fire; my mind got into a train of thought, such 
 as I never experienced before or since. I was meditat- 
 ing on my fearful doom ; pouring over the miserable 
 state of my unhappy life, when the tempter interro- 
 gated me as follows: "What would you be willing to 
 do in order to get out of this dreadful state?" My 
 answer was: "I am willing to do anything." Now 
 said the tempter: "If you knew that killing a man 
 would relieve you, would you do that?" I hesitated, 
 but my mind voluntarily said, "Yes." Then said the 
 tempter: "Suppose it would not take you out of it, 
 but by taking the life of another you would be re- 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 165 
 lieved, would you do that?" I discovered that my 
 mind was going irresistibly in a wrong course, and 
 endeavored to stop it by striking my head with my 
 fist or tearing out locks of my hair ; but all to no pur- 
 pose, as it rushed on like a stream of water over a 
 precipice. I answered in ray mind as before. And 
 then the question was : " How many would you kill in 
 order to be delivered?" My mind said " Everybody." 
 " But suppose you were not delivered then, what would 
 you do next?" My mind said : '' I would destroy the 
 devil and hell, if I had the pov/er." "And suppose 
 you were still as miserable as ever, and had the power, 
 what would you do next?" My mind answered: "I 
 would blot out heaven." " And what next?" I knew 
 what was coming. I scringed at the very thought; 
 but in spite of all my powers to prevent, my mind said : 
 *' I would pluck God from His throne." I had now 
 got to the end of my row ; I had no where else to go. 
 I had annihilated the world ; destroyed heaven and 
 hell ; plucked God from His throne. The thought of 
 what I had done threw me into convulsions. I could 
 not lie, sit, or stand ; but was hopping and skipping 
 over the room wringing my hands and rubbing my 
 feet. I would throw myself on the bed and in a few 
 minutes rise up and pace the floor; sit down and rise- 
 instantly from my seat, and rub and wring my hands. 
 My cousin, who was in the room with me, would ask 
 me what made me do so, and would say I wish you 
 would quit doing so. I told him that my mental pain 
 was so great that I could not do otherwise. I con- 
166 The Life and Times of 
 tinued in this condition naore or less for some time ; 
 but at intervals I was more composed. 
 An hour or two after dark there' came two men to 
 my uncle's. They came in the hall room adjoining 
 the room in which I was. They spoke to my uncle, 
 and after the usual words of salutation they asked my 
 uncle where I was. He told them that I was in the 
 room, and that his son Thomas was with me. I knew 
 the men by their voice ; one of them was a minister 
 of the Gospel and the other was a Deacon of the 
 church. I was filled with anxiety to hear what they 
 would have to say about me. There was a window in 
 the wall between the room where they were and the 
 room where I was. The window was shaded with 
 curtains, but I was in six or eight feet of them. I was 
 so anxious to hear that I became an attentive listener; 
 for I verily believed that the hand of Providence was 
 now at work against me, and that those two men had 
 come under the direction of Providence to detect in me 
 what I conceived to be my meanness. They soon 
 asked my uncle how I was getting along; he replied 
 by telling them that I was in one of my worst ways 
 that night. They said we have come over to see him, 
 and what do you think of our going in to talk with him. 
 My uncle said ihat he thought it would be inadvisable 
 for them to go in that evening, as I was averse to com- 
 pany. They said we do not wish to intrude or do any- 
 thing which would make the case worse, but some- 
 thing must be done. My uncle asked what more coul 
 be done than what was already being done. To which 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 167 
 they replied, we do not know ; but the thing has gone 
 on until something more is obliged to be done. 
 What I have stated above did occur, as I have since 
 inquired of my uncle concerning the truth of this 
 matter. And now what follows on this particular 
 point, I suppose, was imagination, though it appears 
 to me as real as the other. But as I have learned 
 from good authority the things which I am now about 
 to write did not occur, I shall put them down as the 
 result of imagination : The minister, of whom I spoke, 
 continued his conversation with my uncle. He said 
 something must be done, or some steps taken with me, 
 for that the thing was published in the papers. My 
 uncle asked, published where. He replied in the 
 Biblical Recordei' and the Sinrii of the Age. My uncle 
 expressed his astonishment, and said certainly it was 
 a mistake. No, said the minister, I have the paper in 
 my pocket, and he proposed to read it, if my uncle de- 
 sired it. My uncle said he would like to hear it; upon 
 which the minister drew the paper from his pocket, 
 and I heard it rattle, apparently, as plainly as ever I 
 heard a paper rattle, when thus dravt^n out and opened. 
 He then commenced reading in a low tone of voice, 
 though I could distinctly hear the most of what he 
 read. It was lengthy, embracing a period of twenty 
 years, and giving a brief historical sketch of my life; 
 and I considered it a very truthful sketch, with a very 
 few exceptions. The writer said that I had enjoyed, or 
 rather possessed the means of success in the ministry; 
 that I had a large family connection and a large circle 
 of personal friends, and that when I married I had 
168 The Life and Times op 
 selected a woman in that respect like myself; that my 
 labors had been almost exclusively confined within 
 the circle of those relatives and friends ; that they had 
 stood as safeguards and as a wall of defence around, 
 me, and that I had always managed in some way to 
 retain their confidence ; that my relatives and friends 
 had always been blind or deaf to my failings and im- 
 perfections, but that others, who had not been so 
 closely and intimately connected with me, had seen 
 and believed that I was not what I pretended to be, 
 and that sooner or later the judgments of heaven would 
 overtake me. The writer also spoke of my becoming 
 restless and dissatisfied with my home and country, 
 and of my having made some arrangemejits to move 
 to the far west; but that Providence had interfered, 
 and kept me from going to a distant land to im- 
 pose on an innocent people there as I had done here. 
 The writer went on to say that I had imposed on 
 my best friends; that I had inveigled my brothers, 
 and especially my brother Calvin Olive, who, by the 
 way, unlike myself, was a very clever fellow ; that I 
 had neglected my wife and children, but by same art 
 or ingenuity peculiar to myself I had made them be- 
 lieve that I was a good man, and that they were still 
 hanging on to me, as was also my dear old uncle, who 
 then had me under his care ; that it was in consider- 
 ation of my family and friends that others had borne 
 with me as long as they had ; but that they had borne 
 with me until forbearance ceased to be a virtue, and 
 that the good of the cause required that truth and 
 justice should take place; that I was therefore pub- 
 lished to the world as an imposter. 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 169 
 The part to which I objected was that the writer 
 wished to make the iinpression that I had done all 
 that I ever did from hypocritical motives. I believed 
 it was deception— that is, I was honest and sincere in 
 all that I had done, but had acted under Satan's de- 
 lusion. Upon the whole, I was not much, if any, bet- 
 ter than the downright hypocrite, fori was the de- 
 ceived and the deceiver of others. 
 This ends the present imagination. I believed it to 
 be r.'al, and continued to believe it for years, as noth- 
 ing appeared plainer to me. And it had the same 
 effect on my mind as if it had been true ; for I believed 
 it to be a reality, and according to my faith so was it 
 unto me. The foregoing is one of the plainest cases 
 of the powers of imagination working on the fancy 
 that I have ever experienced. I believed it to be true, 
 and felt so miserable about it that I was not disposed 
 to ask any questions in regard to the matter. And at 
 that time I should not have believed otherwise even 
 if the preacher himself had told me that I was mis- 
 taken ; for at this period of my life I believed that 
 my best friends would speak ironically to me. 
 I will now tell you how this thing affected me, and 
 the false conclusions to which it led me. I was so 
 miserable that I would willingly have ended my life 
 if possible, but I had no weapon. I did, however, find 
 a pound weight which I thought of using in trying to 
 break my head and burst out my brains, but being 
 fearful that I should make a failure, and also knowing 
 that my cousin was with me in the room, I laid down 
 the weight and took it up no more. That which 
170 The Life and Times of 
 grieved me most was that I had brought such a re- 
 proach upon the cause of religion, and such a dis- 
 grace upon my family and friends. I wished that I 
 had succetded in taking m3^ life in the outset. It ap- 
 peared to me that it would have been better for all 
 I slept but little that niglit; next morning I was 
 no better. My teeth chattered ; my eyes seemed to 
 ache within their sockets. They looked red and fiery. 
 My uncle has frequently spoken to me and others 
 of my dreadful appearance that morning. I walked 
 the floor exclaiming: ''Ruined, ruined, ruined! I 
 have ruined everything." My friends came in to see me, 
 but could give no relief. I told some of my best friends 
 that they had better not hang on to me any longer, but 
 let me go to the dogs, where I belonged, for I felt that 
 I was an outcast from God and man. 
 It w^as about this time that I concluded to try to 
 perish myself to death. I believed that every act of 
 kindness shown me by my friends was like heaping 
 coals of fire on my head. 
 I was in bed one morning when my uncle, as usual, 
 came to rouse me up for breakfast. I told him I did not 
 wish to eat. He insisted that I must eat. I told him 
 it was a sin for me to eat, and that I did not wish to 
 eat any more. He continued his arguments for some 
 time, but without gaining my consent to eat. He then 
 sent his wife to me. She was a very pious woman, 
 and she began pleading with me to go and eat break- 
 fast with her. I replied to her as I had to my uncle, 
 that it was a sin for me to eat, and that if she in- 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 171 
 sisted on my eating she would be a partaker of my 
 sins. She then told me if I would not eat she would 
 not, saying, '' if you are a wicked man, as you contend 
 you are, I will show you that I can fast as long as you 
 can," I asked her if she wished to heap coals of fire 
 on my head. She said, " No." I said : " This is what 
 you are doing every time you ask me to eat." But 
 her kind words and importunity overcame me. 
 In a day or two after I had heard the preacher read 
 what had been published in the pajters concerning 
 me, my uncle asked me if I did not wish to go and see 
 my wife and children. I replied that I did. He said : 
 " Well, I will carry you to-day." Soon after we started, 
 he looked at me and said: " Johnson, I want you to 
 go to meeting with me next Saturday at Shady Grove. 
 The old brethren want to see you down there." I felt 
 confident I knew what was in hand. I had been pub- 
 lished as an impostor ; Shady Grove Church was going 
 to excommunicate me, and they had requested my 
 uncle to get rae to go without sending a committee for 
 me. I made no reply to my uncle at first, but he 
 urged me again, and said: " Will you not go?" I 
 then told him it would do no good, and that I did not 
 expect to go. He asked me why. I told him that I 
 did not wish to interfere with the worship of God. 
 He wished to know how I would do that. I told him 
 that my presence would do it, for that they would be 
 thinking of little else except me while I was present. 
 He then told me that I would have to go, and that he 
 thought I had better go then. All this forced the con- 
 viction upon my mind that the iShady Grove Church 
172 The Life and Times of 
 was going to exclude me from its fellowship, and had 
 requested my uncle to get my consent to go, without 
 being cited by a committee froQi the church, as they 
 felt some delicacy in doing that, owing to my condi- 
 tian. I honestly believed that I was published to the 
 world as an impostor, and that everybody knew it, but 
 owing to my situation they were not disposed to tell 
 me of it ; and my feelings were so wretched in regard 
 to that fact I was not disposed to ask an3' questions 
 on the subject. 
 My uncle said no more to me on that matter till we 
 reached home, when he spoke to my wife as follows : 
 " Martha, I have been trying to get Johnson to go 
 with me to the meeting at Shady Grove next Satur- 
 day, but he seems to talk like he shall not go, but I 
 think he will, and I want you to try to get him to go, 
 as I think it will be the best for him to go. And don't 
 you think so too ?" 
 My wife joined my uncle in persuading me to go. 
 I said but little, and made no promises. But my 
 uncle told her to have my clothes ready, as he should 
 corbe early on Saturday morning to go with me to 
 meeting. He then left for home, telling my wife that 
 she must get me in the notion to go. I said nothing, 
 but had no idea of going without compulsion. 
 Soon after my uncle left my wife commenced talk- 
 ing with me, and very soon asked me if I was not go- 
 ing to meeting with my uncle. I told her that, I 
 reckoned not. She asked me why, I told her as I 
 had told my uncle, that it would do no good, and 
 that I did not wish to interfere with the worship of 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 173 
 God. I also told her that I was not fit to go ; that I 
 should iiot attempt to make any defence if I went; 
 that if they should ask me if I thought I ought to be 
 retained as a member of the church I should tell them 
 no. And finally, I told her that I was not considered 
 as a member of the church. She replied that she 
 knew better, and asked me what made me think so. 
 I told her that my name might be on the church book, 
 but that it would not be there long. She expressed 
 her astonishment at my false notions, and charged me 
 with folly. 
 After some further questions and answers I told her 
 I was published as a vile impostor, and that I knew 
 enough about Shady Grove church to be satisfied that 
 yhe would not retain in fellowship a man that was 
 pulished as an impostor ; and that I was not going 
 there, for it was more than I could bear to meet the 
 case. My wife contended that there was not a particle 
 of truth in anything that I had said on the subject, 
 and asked me how I came to take up such false no- 
 tions. I replied that I hated it worse than anybody 
 else could hate it, but it was a dreadful realitv. She 
 said to me: "Did anybody tell you so?" "No," said 
 I, " but I heard it read." " Heard it read by whom ?" 
 I replied that I heard it read by a minister of the gos- 
 pel. She asked me where. I told her at my uncle's. 
 She then asked me if anybody heard it but myself. I 
 told her yes, my uncle and a deacon of the church. 
 She asked me some other questions about the papers 
 in which it was published. I told her that the min- 
 ister-said it was published in the Biblical Recorder and 
174 TuE Life and Times op 
 the Spirit of the Age, and that I did not know which 
 paper he read, but I heard him read from one. My 
 wife then said to me : *' I intend to ask uncle Dempsey 
 about this when I see him," and turned off, to which 
 I replied : " Well, you can ask him, and he may say 
 what he pleases to you about this matter, but I know 
 that I heard it read, and he heard it too." 
 The fact is, I was of the opinion all that time that 
 the people were trying to keep my wife and children 
 in the dark in regard to the true situation of affairs 
 in relation to myself. They knew that my wife was a 
 devoted companion of her husband, and that she had 
 told them that she would never give me up. My chil- 
 dren, likewise, loved me with filial affection, and if the 
 thing had been made known to them' as I conceived 
 it to be, they would all have been heartbroken ; there- 
 fore I thought our friends and relatives were disposed 
 to keep these things concealed from them as long as 
 The time arrived for my uncle to come, in order to 
 go with me to meeting. He came at an early hour, 
 but I had made no preparation whatever. My uncle 
 began huirying me up. I told him I could not go; 
 he said he knew better, and that I must go. I would 
 not consent, but was disposed to get off from him. At 
 last he sought an interview with my wife, and I was 
 as anxious to hear what was said as any person could 
 be, in order that I might find out how things were 
 going. He asked my wife why I was so much averse 
 to going to meeting, and she then related to him what 
 I had said to her about being published, and about 
IIev. Johnson Olive. 175 
 hearing it read in his presence, &c. She then said : 
 "Uncle Dem[)sey is it so?" I was situated where I 
 could see them both. Ho replied to her: *' No, that 
 will never be." But I saw in his countenance more 
 deceit than I had ever seen before. I was now more 
 thoroughly convinced than ever before that he was 
 using deception with my poor wife, though I thought 
 perhaps his motives were pure in trying to keep up 
 the anchor of hope. He tried me again to go with 
 him, but all to no purpose, for I had determined not 
 to go, unless compelled. 
 My uncle soon left, and ray wife came to me express- 
 ing her sorrow and regret that I would not consent to 
 go to meeting with my dear old uncle, who had put 
 himself to so much trouble and fatigue to get me to 
 go. I made some reply, expressing my belief that it 
 was best for me not to go. She then said to me: "I 
 asked uncle Dempsey about what you said concerning 
 your being published as an impostor, and about your 
 hearing that preacher read it at his house." I asked : 
 " What did he say ?" She replied : " He said ' no,.that 
 will, never be done.'" *' Yes," said I, " I heard him, 
 and I noticed him too; he said, 'that will never be 
 done,' but he did ni t tell you that it never had been 
 done." It has been published, and there is no use of 
 publishing it any more. Thus ended our conversa- 
 tion on that subject for the present. 
176 The Life and Times op 
 I was now left for a time to ray miserable reflections, 
 often walking over woods and fields, and at other 
 times trying to hide myself from the face of men, and 
 meditating on what course I would pursue next. 
 Sometimes I would conclude never to return home 
 any more, but to continue to wander further from 
 home; and then again I would conclude to return 
 home at evening. 
 I was persuaded to go and stay a few weeks with my 
 wife's relations, who always treated me with the 
 greatest kindness, and I often wondered how it could 
 be that they should show so much kindness tome 
 when I had acted so ungrateful towards them. 
 It was also in the earl}^ part of this year (1861) that 
 my uncle, who had taken such a lively interest in my 
 welfare, canceived the idea of getting up a school at 
 my house, which he said I must teach, but knowing 
 that I would not consent to undertake the business, he 
 employed a man to take charge of the school, and 
 urged me to assist the teacher in giving instruction to 
 the children. The truth is, my friends thought in 
 this way to keep me out of mischief, and if possible, to 
 attract my mind from the gloomy subject on which it 
 was always running, and place it on something else ; 
 and also to keep me under some sort of restraint from 
 running off from home. 
 The school was made up, and the teacher came. He 
 was a good and pious man — a member of the Meth- 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 177 
 odist Church. His name was William Long, of Chat- 
 ham county. He was an old acquaintance of mine, 
 and a man whom I had always loved. Mr. Long 
 labored hard with me in trying to set me right. We 
 often walked off together at evening, and he would 
 pray for me, and ask me to join him. I felt so dead 
 and dull, and withall, so condemned, that I had no 
 heart to pray. But Long prayed for me, and often 
 shed tears freely while talking with me. Despair had 
 fast hold on me, and I felt every prayer which he of- 
 fered up for me only aggravated my dreadful doom. I 
 would frequently tell him that every act of kindness 
 which he or any other person showed to me was heap- 
 ing up coals of fire on my head. He would frequently 
 offer me a chew of tobacco, and I would say to him : 
 "Heap up more coals of fire on my head." 
 The school went on for several weeks, and brother 
 Long would sometimes have me in the house with him 
 as an assistant teacher; but I felt altogether unfit for 
 the place. I would frequently get up and walk out, 
 and be gone for hours, and then return ; at other times 
 I would not return till he or some other person would 
 look me up and bring me back. Thus things went 
 on for some considerable time. Meanwhile I was get- 
 ting no better, but considered myself growing worse 
 every day. Brother Long continued to labor with me 
 more or less all the time, for he seemed to possess the 
 gift of perseverance, and a good degree of patience. 
 But I am sure he had many hard trials with me, and 
 at times his patience must have been nearly exhausted. 
 I was conscious at the time that he was about to give 
178 - The Life and Times of 
 me up as a hopeless case, for he would sometimes tell 
 me that he had done what he could, and express his 
 regret that I had no faith to receive his instructions 
 or to believe what he iiad said to me. I knew this to 
 be a fact, but found myself unable to avoid my own 
 conclusions. My mother and brothers and sisters 
 would frequently come to see me, but as they had 
 already exhausted their power and skill in trying to 
 talk me out of my false conclusions, as they termed 
 them, they would now seldom sa}^ anything to me on 
 the subject of my. unhappy condition. But tiiey were 
 still willing to do something, if they only knew what 
 to do 
 As I was getting more restless and ungovernable at 
 home, my friends and relatives determined to use every 
 effort to get me to travel. They had tried to do this 
 from the first of my troubles, but I had always op- 
 posed the idea myself, and would by no means con- 
 sent. I was unwilling that any one should see me in 
 that miserable plight. 
 But the time had come when something more must 
 be done, and as this thing had not been tried, they 
 were now determined to get me off if possible. My 
 uncle, Dempsey Johnson, who continued to visit me, 
 was the man who must try to get my consent. He 
 told me that he had consulted doctors and preachers, 
 the wise and the pious, and that they all recommended 
 that course, believing that it would be the best that 
 could be done under all the circumstances connected 
 with my case. And he then asked me. if I did not 
 wish the best thing to be done. Of course I had to 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 179 
 give my assent to the question, but told him that it 
 would do no good. He knew that I had an aversion 
 'to company, and, as such, would not like to travel in 
 a public way ; he therefore proposed to me to take a 
 trip down the country with a man who was going after 
 a load of fish. I still insisted that it would do no 
 good, but lie insisted that I should make the trial, and 
 asked me if I thought it would do me any harm. I 
 told him no, for I thought I would be about as well off 
 in one place as another, but must be miserable any- 
 where. My uncle said h^ had consulted a number of 
 men on the subject, and among the rest he had con- 
 sulted an old brother, William Yates, the father of 
 Matthew T. Yates, missionary to China, and that all 
 of them thought it would be best for me to go. I 
 finally consented to go ; but before the day arrived 
 for us to start I got out of the notion. They had made 
 all the arrangements, prepared a horse and wagon for 
 me, and I was to go down with brother Ensley Coun- 
 cil, and bring up a load of fish, have the profits of the 
 load after reserving enough for my family. No ex- 
 pense on my part. All this was intended to induce 
 me to be willing to go. But the truth of the business 
 was, so ifar as I was concerned, it had no bearing at 
 all, for I cared nothing about the profits or the fish 
 either, only when hunger drove me to desire food. I 
 tried hard to plead off from going, but my old uncle 
 would hold me to my promise. He said that ray 
 friends had made the arrangements for me, believing 
 it would be the best thing that could be done, and that 
 I had given my consent to go, and it would never do 
180 The Life and Times of 
 for me to back out now. I would still contend that I 
 could rot go, and urge as a reason that I should never 
 be able to get back. He would tell me that I would 
 certainly come back, and asked me if I could doubt 
 brother Council, who was going with me. I continued 
 to raise my objections till the hour arrived for us to 
 start. My uncle then told me I was bound to do some- 
 thing; that he had kept me from going to the asylum 
 because I was so unwilling to go, and that he had a 
 tender regard for me, but the iime had now come 
 when something more must be done, and if I would not 
 go with brother Council to the fishery, I would be car- 
 ried to the asylum, and he knew I had better go to the 
 fishery if I wished to keep out of the asylum. By 
 his many kind words and fair speeches he compelled 
 me to consent to make a start ; but before we got out of 
 sight of the house where I left my family I refused to 
 go any further, but by kind words and fair speeches 
 he got my consent to go on again. 
 After we got to brother Council's I endeavored to 
 plead ofi" from going, but my uncle would not hear to 
 it. Indeed he was so strenuous on my going that I 
 felt a little insulted with him. I believed that he had 
 given me up and wished to get me off of hfs hands 
 and out of his sight. 
 My uncle went with us a short distance, and when 
 he was going to turn back home ho gave me his hand 
 to bid me farewell. I held on to him for some time, 
 and insisted on going back with him. I shall never 
 forget the place, and some of my feelings on that oc- 
 casion. I never expected to see him any more in this 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 181 
 world, for I believed then that he had given me up 
 for lost, and was thus endeavoring to get me out of his 
 sight, like one of old who said : " Bury my dead out 
 of my sight." 
 I then concluded to go on with brother Council, 
 knowing that he had always been a true friend to 
 me. I could have trusted him if I had been in a situ- 
 ation to trust any man. He did all that he could by 
 way of talking, and making fair promises to encourage 
 me to go on with him. He said that he would cer- 
 tainly bring me back if his life was spared, and even 
 if I should die he would box me up and bring my 
 body back. I believed him to be honest and sincere, 
 but had no idea that he would be able to do so, for I 
 believed that things had been ordered differently, 
 though unknown to him. My impression was that I 
 had become not only burdensome to my family and 
 friends, but tormenting and disagreeable to them all. 
 My uncle had frequently told me that it would not do 
 for me to stay too long at any one place, for if I did they 
 would become nearly or quite as bad as myself. He 
 intimated to me that my condition was somehow con- 
 tagious, and if the same persons continued with me 
 long, they would become partially deranged. I had 
 also noticed that my poor wife, who had borne the 
 burden and heat of the day with me, had shown some 
 signs of distress an,d great trouble when I had con- 
 tinued in her presence for some time. And this ren- 
 dered me so miserable that I often consented to leave 
 home and go among my friends when I otherwise 
 should not I believed the time had come when all 
182 The Life and Times of 
 my relatives and friends were tired of me; and for 
 the welfare of my wife and. children they had con- 
 sulted together and determined to get me far away 
 from them, and place me somewhere in close confine- 
 ment, where some person or persons would be em- 
 ployed to take charge of me and treat me as I deserved. 
 My impression was that letters would be sent to my 
 wife and children pretending that I was getting better, 
 when the fact of the case would be I should be grow- 
 ing worse all the time. I thought they would do this 
 in order to build up the anchor of hope in the bosom 
 of my poor wife and children. These impressions 
 were so firmly fixed in my mind that I had no faith 
 in the fair promises of brother Council. 
 After going with him about five miles I concluded 
 to go no further. I told him he might go on, but that 
 I was going back home ; but he commenced talking to 
 me in such kind words and in such a winning man- 
 ner that he gained my consent to go on with him to the 
 When we got to the City of Raleigh I lay down in 
 the wagon, hoping that I might not be seen by any 
 person there. As brother Council had some business 
 to transact we were detained there some hours, and 
 during that time several persons who h-ad been ac- 
 quainted with me for years found me out and came to 
 see me. They all seemed to sympathize with me, and 
 some of them tried to talk with me, but I had deter- 
 mined not to talk, except to answer a direct question. 
 They inquired about my family, my health, &c., but I 
 answered in as few words as possible. I had induced 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 183 
 brother Council to make solemn vows to me that he 
 vvouUl not carry me to the asylum, or leave me in the 
 City of Raleigh. 
 We left late' in the evening and travelled four miles 
 below Raleigh that nighiand struck camp. We w^ere 
 in a neighborhood where I had preached several years, 
 and in two miles of the church. My wretched mind, 
 which had been in a strain all day reflecting on the 
 past and anticipating the future, now began to settle 
 down on the present, not to rest, but to be tormented 
 with the scenes which now surrounded me. 
 Brother Council had asked me that evening if I did 
 not wish to see some of the old brethren of Bethel 
 Church. I told him no. He replied that it was very 
 strange, " for," said he, " you used to love to come 
 down here to see them, and why not now ; I know they 
 would be glad to see you." I told him if I could see 
 them, as I had seen them in days past, I would be 
 glad to do so; but to see them in my present condi- 
 tion I had no desire for it, as it would do me no good, 
 or them either. He said he had thought of sending 
 some of them word to come out to our camp that night 
 and see me. I told him he need not do it, asldid not 
 wish to see them ; but in a short time after night 
 several persons came to our camp to see me. They all 
 appeared glad and anxious to talk with me. I had 
 but little to say,' except to answ^er direct questions. 
 They seemed disposed to make me believe that I was 
 getting better, but I told them that I was getting worse 
 every day. Some of them came like Job's friends, to 
 comfort me, but I, like him, found them all miserable 
184 * The Life and Times of 
 comforters. I did not doubt their sincerity or purity 
 of motives, but I bad no faith in their wisdom or power 
 to do me any good. 
 Some things which occurred that night, dreadful to 
 my feelings then, have amused me in thinking over 
 them since that time. There was one man in partic- 
 ular who annoyed me very much by his words and 
 acts. He was no professor of religion, but a man who 
 had often heard me preach. He had been indulging 
 rather freely that evening, and he appeared very anx- 
 ious to see me, and if possible, to find out the cause of 
 my derangement, I nad seated myself at the root of 
 a pine tree, and appeared as dejected and forlorn as a 
 man well could. He enquired of others where I was. 
 They pointed me out to him. He raised himself up, 
 and then stooping over towards me, exclaimed : " Is 
 that Johnson Olive; is that the man whom I used to 
 hear preach at old Bethel ?" Brother Council would 
 reply to his interrogations by saying: "Yes, that is 
 brother Olive, and he will be preaching again some of 
 these times." The intoxicated man would say : "Well, 
 I never should have known him. What did put him 
 in that fix?" Brother Council would say: "Oh, he 
 has studied too hard; but he will soon be all right 
 and preaching again." The man would peep at me 
 and raise himself up, and then exclaim : "It is one of 
 the strangest things that I ever saw. Why, I have 
 heard that man preach at old Bethel many times, and 
 be would get up in the stand, take the old book, and 
 read out his text, and then close the book, and go 
 right on, as though it were all before him. Why, he 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 185 
 knew it all !'^ Brother Council would reply : " Yes, 
 and he knows it all now. 0! he will be all right 
 At this juncture I felt more like a fool than any- 
 thing else, for it appeared to me that I vv^as a laughing 
 stock for the crowd. One of my comforters, seeing my 
 uneasiness and sympathizing with me, volunteered his 
 services to vindicate my cause. I was sitting by the 
 pine, saying nothing, but feeling as mean as a dumb 
 devil. My comforter exclaimed: "Gentlemen, you 
 don't know that man as well as I do; I have been ac- 
 quainted with him ever since we were little boys. We 
 are about the same age, for I have heard my mother 
 say SO'. I shall never forget the time when I was a 
 little boy, going to mill and let my bag fall off, and he 
 came along and helped me up with it. I have known 
 him ever since, and he has always been kind-hearted, 
 friendly and obliging, and I know he cannot help his 
 condition, for if he could he would; but," said he, 
 "we all have our opinions about these things, and I 
 have mine." Some one of the crowd asked him to 
 state hii opinion, to which he replied: "The Bible 
 says before the end of time there shall be wars and 
 rumors of wars, and these things are now upon us," 
 (as the great battles of 61 were beginning to be fought.) 
 " But," said he, " the Bible does not stop here, but 
 goes on to say, that in the latter days, ' false Christ and 
 false teachers shall arise, and go out and deceive many, 
 and if it were possible they would deceive the very 
 elect.' Now," said he, "all those Scriptures must 
 be fulfilled, and there must be some person or persons 
186 The Life and Times of 
 to fulfill them, and the lot happening to fall on him, he 
 must needs be one of them; but he should not be 
 blamed, for he cannot help it." And he asked me if I 
 did not view it in the same way. I replied that I did, 
 or that I believed it was so. 
 My feelings here are more easily imagined than de- 
 scribed. I felt meaner -than a thief would feel who 
 had been caught stealing, taken up and tried, found 
 guilty and condemned, and punished, by receiving the 
 full penalty of the law. Bat afterwards, being met by 
 the man from whom he had been stealing (in a public 
 crowd), he speaks to him kindly, introduces him to the 
 persons present, and very kindly reminds them this is 
 the man that he caught stealing his goods, and that 
 although he had taken steps to have him brought to 
 justice — had him tried, condemned aiid whipped for 
 his roguishness, yet he would not have the crowd think 
 any the less of him on that account, for the Scriptures 
 say that some men will steal, and they must be ful- 
 filled ; the lot happened to fall on him; he could not 
 help it; he is kind-hearted, and a very good sort of a 
 fellow, only he has a propensity to steal ; but you 
 should not think any the less of him on that account. 
 In reflecting on these things I have received many 
 useful lessons of instruction. I find man to be a poor, 
 imperfect creature, at best; and when laboring under 
 any disordered state of mind he will exhibit more 
 clearly the depravity of human nature. 
 People who had seen me but a few months and years 
 previoas to that time, and who had heard me. pro- 
 claiming the glad tidings of salvation through a cru- 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 187 
 cified Redeemer, and inviting sinners to the Gospel 
 supper through the medium of repentance towards 
 God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ as the terms 
 of acceptance, would scarcely recognize me now in my 
 unhappy state, being dead to all spiritual things, and 
 could think of nothing in connection with my former 
 life but in a way of condemnation. I was passing 
 through the valley of Achor ; darkness had shrouded 
 my mind; faith gone; not one ray of hope to pene- 
 trate, or even glimmer in my soul was perceptible to 
 me. But darkness, death, and dread despair reigned 
 in constant horrors there. And yet memory was so 
 fresh and retentive ! The past, the present and the 
 future were constantly passing before the eye of the 
 mind, loaded with horrid and terrific consequences. 
 My sufferings and my sorrows here, 
 No human tongue has told ; 
 I "would not pass through them again, 
 For my full weight in gold. 
 My friends who were trying to comfort me greatly 
 mistook my case, and every effort on their part seemed 
 only to sink me lower in the trough of despond. I 
 think I must have experienced some of the torments 
 of the damned. My conscience, my reason and my 
 judgment, all justified God in His dealings towards 
 me, and yet I would not have borne it if I could have 
 evaded it. Like the coiidemned culprit, justice was 
 what I dreaded most. 0! the worm that dieth not, 
 and the fire which is never to be quenched ! Who can 
 bear it? Sinner, can you ? 
 I have also discovered great ignorance in the minds 
188 The Life and Times of 
 of many well intended persons in their exposition of 
 the Scriptures. Men do greatly err not knowing the 
 Scriptures nor the power of God. Men have always, 
 since the fall, been trying to hide their sins, or to ex- 
 onerate themselves from guilt ; and they would gladly 
 wrest the Scriptures from their true interpretation to 
 justify them in doing so. False Christ and false teach- 
 ers are none the less criminal from the fact that they 
 are foretold in Scriptures. Men make them a subter- 
 fuge fortheirsinsnow, but they will not be able to stand 
 to them hereafter. Many of these false subterfuges will 
 be swept away by the storms and tempests of God's 
 wrath in time, and all will be swept away with a besom 
 of destruction in eternity. Man's duty is to obey God, 
 to fear him and keep His commandments. And when 
 he undertakes to fathom the mind of God, and to pry 
 into the secrets of Jehovah, to understand His decrees, 
 his foreknowledge, his purposes and designs, he is 
 going beyond bis limits, and aspiring to be like 
 God, and know all things ; he makes himself more 
 like the devil, and shows his folly in doing so. God 
 has given His intelligent creatures a sense of their ac- 
 countability, and hence man feels himself responsible 
 to God for his conduct, and this is what man wishes 
 to throw off. He does not wish to come to the. light, 
 lest his deeds be reproved. He loves darkness rather 
 than light, because his deeds are evil. Thus he al- 
 ways tries to extenuate his guilt, and shift off the 
 blame on some one else. It would be much better to 
 come up to the touchstone at once, and let the plain, 
 naked facts speak for themselves. In this way truth 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 189 
 would be respected, the temptation to lie would be 
 weakened, and moral habits strengthened. In short, 
 man would be the better prepared to serve God, pro- 
 mote virtue, and be useful in the world. Try this 
 I will now return to the camp whence I left. We 
 remained there that night, and next morning at an 
 early hour we started on our journey to the fishery. 
 We had not gone far before we found old brother 
 Lewis Dupre and sister Dupre, his wife, with several 
 other persons, waiting on the roadside to see me as I 
 passed. The scene was very affecting to me. Old 
 brother Dupre came up to the wagon and shook hands 
 with me, and I saw the big tears start from his eyes, 
 and I caught him around the neck and hugged him, 
 though I felt that it was like the devil hugging a saint. 
 Sister Dupre brought out some sweet bread and pressed 
 me to take some, which I did for her sake, feeling at 
 the time it was like coals of fire being heaped on my 
 I have named these little things to let the reader 
 know how fresh and retentive my mind was at that 
 time, and how indellibly every little incident was im- 
 pressed upon my memory. And this was generally 
 the case during that awful period of five years in the 
 history of my life, and during which time people 
 looked upon me as being a deranged man. 
190 The Life and Times of 
 We went on our journey, and were soon out of the 
 circle of my acquaintance, but strangers and every- 
 body seemed disposed to treat me witli great kind- 
 ness; so much so that I believed they had been noti- 
 fied that I was coming, and that ail intended to try to 
 get me out of the world by over much kintlness. 
 I saw many beautiful farms in Pitt county, near 
 Greenville. I also saw several companies of volun- 
 teers drilling, in order to prepare for the field of bat- 
 tle. 1 had many strange thoughts about these things, 
 but said nothing. I thought the young men looked 
 as if they thought they were going to a frolic, or 
 merely to have a little fun in a child's play. They 
 were generally profane, and would swear that they 
 would have Lincoln's head or a lock of his hair. I 
 was conscious that they were oversighted. I knew 
 that the spirit of war was calculated to inflame the 
 mind and fire the heart. Mean as I was, in my own 
 estimation, I was sorry to see them going into the very 
 jaws of deatli so little prepared. I would much rather 
 have seen them all religious; then I should have had 
 strong hopes of our success; but I feared that there 
 was not salt enough to save the lump. Poor fellows! 
 But few of them lived to return home to their rela- 
 tives and friends. Yet we can but hope that the power 
 of mercy and goodness of God reached many of their 
 hearts before they died. 
 When we arrived at Old Jamestown, in Martin 
 county, we concluded to carry our wagons no further. 
 We got in a boat and went down to a fishery some 
 miles below. The owner of the sein treated me with 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 191 
 the utmost kindness. He even gave up his hed for me 
 to lie on, and would have everything served up in the 
 nicest order for my accommodation. Anything in the 
 way of the finny tribe that I wanted must come. T 
 I have never yet fully understood why strangers were 
 so kind to me. 
 We soon had our wagons loaded and started for 
 home. Nothing of special interest took place till we 
 arrived at Clayton, in Johnston county. Here we met 
 up with a man who had been acquainted with me for 
 years. He was a Captain of a company of volunteers. 
 He tried hard to get my consent to preach in the Bap- 
 tist church that night, but he might as well have tried 
 to get my consent to start to the moon, for only one 
 thing would have induced me to make the attempt 
 then, and that was to believe it would enable me to 
 get out of my unhappy condition. But as f had , no 
 faith that could not be. 
 We came on near Raleigh and stayed all night at 
 the same place where we camped the first night after 
 leaving home, where so many things occurred, a part 
 of which I have related. We lay in the house that 
 night, and took supper with the family. 
 Next morning we came on through Raleigh, and 
 made our way home that night. I felt glad to meet 
 ray wife and children once more, as I had expected on 
 leaving them two weeks before never to see them- any 
 more in this world. My dear wife met me with pleas- 
 ing emotions, hoping and believing that I had greatly 
 improved. In order to encourage her, I professed to 
 be a little better, but in reality I felt no better, only I 
192 The Life and Times op 
 was glad to see them. My relatives, friends and neigh- 
 bors continued to coine to see me, and ask me ques- 
 tions about my trip to the fishery. I now determined 
 never to leave home so far any more, unless I was 
 forced to do so. 
 I soon became restless again, and could not remain 
 in one place long. I would sometimes imagine that 
 my uncle would come after me to take me off to the 
 asylum, and I have frequently left home in the morn- 
 ing and stayed off all day to prevent being seen. 
 Sometimes I would lie down, sometimes walk through 
 the woods, up and down the banks of creeks and 
 branches seeking rest, but finding none. In this way 
 I often rendered my wife very unhappy, and some- 
 times uneasy. She had sometimes walked till she has 
 tired herself down looking for me, and then at night 
 I would come up like a cow to be fed. My poor wife 
 would often reprove me for doing so, and beg me with 
 tears in her eyes not to do so any more. I would often 
 resolve that I never would do so again, and perhaps 
 the very next day I would go and do the very same 
 thing over again, or something worse. No person 
 could condemn my course more strongly than I did 
 in my own mind, and yet I would pursue it. I have 
 often felt the force and truth of the words of the poet, 
 when he said : 
 ' ' I see the right, and approve it too, 
 I hate the wrong, and yet the wrong pursue." 
 I spent the greater part of the spring of 1862 about* 
 home and visiting my relations and the relations of 
 my wife. They would frequently come after me and 
, Rev. Johnson Olive. 193 
 take me home with them, in order, as I thought, to 
 give my wife and children a little rest, for I believed 
 that I was a tormenter to all who w^ere with me; an(} 
 for the sake of my poor wife, who had always proved 
 so kind to me, I would consent to leave home when I 
 had no inclination to do so, and otherwise would not 
 have consented to leave. 
 I recollect on one occasion my wife's brother, Jack- 
 son Hunter, came after me to go home with him. I 
 believed he was mad with me for having deceived his 
 sister so long, and being the cause of so much trouble 
 to her. The impression rushed into my mind that he 
 was going to have me taken away from my family, 
 and that his plan w^as to persuade me to go home with 
 him and have a company of men there to take me 
 off to the asylum, or to some other place, far away 
 from my family. I refused to go. He talked kindly 
 to me, and told me that I must go with him, as he had 
 come on purpose to take me home with him. I still 
 refused to go, and he then went and talked with my 
 wife, and she came to persuade me to go with her 
 brother. I still refused to go, and he took hold of my 
 arm to pull me on with him ; I resisted, and laid hold 
 of the piazza post and refused to let go. He then told 
 my wife to help him get me in the buggy with him, 
 and she came to break my hold from the post. This 
 act of hers irritated me a little, but I made no further 
 resistance, for I felt that she was tired of me and 
 wished to get me away from her. We mounted the 
 buggy together. (I would not bid my dear wife fare- 
 well, but her brother laid his arm around me to pre- 
194 The Life and Times of 
 vent my jumping out and leaving him.) There was 
 no danger, however, for I had no idea of leaving, even 
 if he had been going to throw me into prison, for I 
 had but little care about me then. 
 After going on a short distance I told him there was 
 no use for him to be holding on to me. He said that 
 he was afraid that I would jump out and leave him. 
 I told him that I would not. He then loosed his arm 
 from around me, and I made no attempt to leave him. 
 I remained at his house for several da^^s, and then 
 he carried me home. He tried to talk with me a great 
 deal, and gave me much good advice, but I was in a 
 poor {)light to receive any material benefit from good 
 After remaining about home and visiting my mother, 
 brothers and sisters, I became restless and uneasy 
 again, so much so that I was rendering my fauiily 
 very unhappy. 
 About this time another one of my wife's brothers 
 came to our neighborhood on business. Some one 
 told him how I was acting, and how distressing my 
 conduct was to my wife and children. It was J. C. 
 Hunter, and I had understood long before that he had 
 said, when talking about me, that he had no use for 
 fools anyway. He was advised to go to my house and 
 take me home with him awhile. He came, but I was 
 not at home; I was over at the house of my brother- 
 in-law, Mark Barker He followed me up till he 
 found me. He came to me apparently very friendly. 
 I believed that he was using deception, for I felt that 
 he was mad with me, and hated me in his heart. He 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 195 
 soon told me that he had come for me to go home 
 with liim, and said that I had been to see all the rest, 
 but had not yet been to see him. I tried to frame ex- 
 cuses and raise objections to going. He persuaded and 
 insisted, while I continued to raise objections and re- 
 fused to go; but after awhile he took me aside, and 
 with his many kind words and fair speech he causecl 
 me to yield. 
 I went with him home. He and his wife and family 
 all treated me with great kindness, but I felt unde- 
 serving, and it seemed like heaping coals of fire on my 
 One morning while I was at J. C. Hunter's he asked 
 me if I could not help him shed-in his barn. I told 
 him I thought I could. " Well," said he, " I want you 
 to help me put on shingles to-day." I told him that 
 I would try and do so. 
 After breakfast we went out to the barn, threw up a 
 quantity of shingles on the scaffold, and went up to 
 lay and nail them on. He gave me my choice to lay 
 down shingles or nail them on. I told him that I 
 would lay the shingles awhile and see if I could suit 
 him, and if not, he might lay and I would nail. He 
 soon commenced praising me, and said that I could 
 beat him. I thought he was trying to flatter me, but 
 said nothing. 
 We worked on for some time, when another man 
 came to help us. My brother-in-law told the last 
 comer that if he wished I might lay shingles for him, 
 as he had found me to be a first rate hand at that busi- 
 ness, and that he, my brother-in-law, would lay and 
196 The Life and Times of 
 nail for himself. The man replied that he would pre- 
 fer to do his own work ; that I might continue to lay 
 for him as I had been doing. I was confident that the 
 man did not want me about him, and T was also con- 
 scious of the fact that my brother-in-law had merely 
 invited me to help him in order that I might not get 
 away from him by running off. 
 We all continued to labor on till about 10 o'clock in 
 the morning, when the sun was shining very warm. 
 We all lolled back on the shelter to rest a few minutes. 
 The man of whom I have been speaking was sitting near 
 me. I do not recollect that he had spoken to me thatf 
 day. He now looked me straight in the face and said : 
 " Didn't you use to preach ?" I replied to him by say- 
 ing, " I used to try." " Well," said he, " I thought you 
 did. Don't you reckon you'll preach again some 
 time ?" I told him " no, I had no idea of ever trying 
 to preach any more," when he replied: "Well, you 
 are the queerest man I ever seed." My brother-in-law 
 knew that I did not wish to talk upon that subject; 
 he therefore tried to turn the conversation by propos- 
 ing that the man should wrestle with me on the 
 shelter. I instantly rose up and said to the man : "If 
 you feel like wrestling, here is at you." The man be- 
 came frightened, and came near running off the 
 shelter. After this he did not choose to come near me 
 while I remained there. 
 I have since learned that he said that he did not 
 like to stay up there with me, for fear that I might get 
 bold of him and throw him off and break his neck, a3 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 197 
 he had always understood that deranged persons were 
 the strongest people in the world. 
 I have related the above incidents to show how re- 
 tentive my memory was, and is, of all that took place 
 during that dark period of my life. I was the most 
 wretched and miserable person you ever saw, and yet 
 I could not forget anything, or suffer anything to pass 
 under my observation unnoticed. When my brother- 
 in-law proposed for me and that man to wrestle, I felt 
 for one moment all my mischievous propensities rise 
 within me, and a native vein of humor ran all over me 
 in an instant. If he had accepted my banter I should 
 have tried to throw him, not with any desire to hurt 
 him, for I would rather have been killed myself than 
 to have killed him at that time. 
 I continued there but a few days, and then went 
 over to Isaac Hunter's, and from there I went to J. 
 W. Rogers', and after staying there a few days he took 
 me in his buggy and carried me home. 
 I remained at home, and about home, for some 
 weeks. I would continue to run off occasionally, and 
 give my poor wife more trouble and uneasiness. Some- 
 times my dear old mother would come and get me to 
 go home with her, and again some brother or sister 
 would come and persuade me to go with them. Thus 
 I was going from place to place, possessed with a dumb 
 devil, tormented day and night myself, and proving a 
 tormenter to all who were with me. 
 In the month of May our youngest child, a little in- 
 fant some six or eight months old, was taken very 
 sick. I believed that I was the cause of its sickness 
198 The Life and Times of 
 and when it died I believed I was the cause of its 
 death. While it was sick and languishing, I tried to 
 do all that I could to have it cured. I recommended 
 my wife in sending for a doctor, but I felt so misera- 
 bly condemned that I dared not face the doctor. I 
 suppose I felt somewhat like a man who in a fit of in- 
 toxication or madness had struck one of his children 
 and given it a fatal wound or death blow ; but while 
 the child lingered in pain, and in the agonies of death 
 the father manifested great concern for the life of the 
 child, and would gladly do all in his power to prolong 
 its time. Our child continued to grow worse, and the 
 disease continued to fasten on its vitals, till it expired. 
 I felt too mean to live, and yet I could not die. I felt 
 that I stood guilty in the sight of God of murdering 
 my child, I could not shed a tear, for my heart was 
 as hard as adamant. My anguish was so great that I 
 soon left the house, intending to go oflp and never re- 
 turn. I wandered through woods and fields, and at 
 last I lay down to try to rest, for my burden was heavy. 
 My brother, Holaway Olive, and Mark Barker found 
 me, after hunting for me some time. They both re- 
 proved me for doing as I had, in leaving my poor dis- 
 consolate wife with her dead child in the house, to 
 serve alone, and attend to the preparation for the 
 burial of the child. I told them that I was the cause 
 of the death of the child, and if I stayed there I should 
 be the cause of the death of my wife, for that I felt 
 certain she would not live long if I stayed about her. 
 They both said I was superstitious, and that I was 
 always taking up false notions. 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 199 
 They fiaally prevailed on me to go to the house. 
 When I got there my poor wife was bathed in tears, 
 some of my children cryiug, but my demon heart was 
 as hard as ever. 
 Our friends and neighbors had made all the neces- 
 sary arrangements for the burial of the child. They 
 had interrogated me and my wife concerning the 
 place where we wanted it to be buried. Our oldest 
 child, a beloved daughter, was buried at our place on 
 Middle Creek. We concluded to have our little infant 
 son carried there and buried by its sister, and not have 
 our dead children scattered all over the world. The 
 distance was about twelve miles, and I had never been 
 back there since I first left. I did not wish to go now. 
 I should there have my mind filled with the awful 
 past and future. It was there I had attempted to take 
 my own , wretched life and failed. I must pass the 
 very place w^hich I had selected to commit the horrid 
 deed. I must go with my poor heartbroken wife, 
 whom I had already ruined, and was murdering her 
 by degrees as fast as I |could by my devilish conduct. 
 But oh ! I must carry along with me my murdered 
 child, and myself the murderer. I must meet my old 
 neighbors and friends at the burying, and feel that 
 they all must know that I had been the cause of my 
 own child's death. 
 All these things, and many other?, were rushing 
 into my mind by way of anticipation, I did not feel 
 willing to abide them. I insisted that they should let 
 me stay at home, and leave it for others to go with my 
 poor heartbroken wife to bury our child. My broth 
200 The Life and Times of 
 ers and sisters would not hear to my excuses. They 
 said I must go, and began to make arrangements to 
 get off. My wife insisted on my going, and at last I 
 consented to go with her. 1 sometimes wished that I 
 was dead, and lying in a coffin beside my child. 
 Awful feelings, but I said nothing. 
 When we got to our former home, where we were to 
 have our child buried, there were a good many people 
 present, waiting for us to come. They met me and 
 spoke to me kindly, but my feelings were awful in the 
 extreme. Our child was buried in the evening, the 
 company dispersed, and we continued there that night 
 with brother Goodwin and his wife and family, who 
 were living there that year. 
 Next morning brother Goodwin took me off to show 
 me his crop. I felt so mean that I could hardly hold 
 up my head, and yet I was treated with the utmost 
 kindness by brother Goodwin and his wife. 
 I shall never be able to describe my desperate feel- 
 ings about this time; for I felt and believed that I was 
 undone for time and eternity, and no way to help. my- 
 self. Sometimes I would murmur and complain at 
 my unhappy lot ; but on reflection I would feel that I 
 was only suffering what was justly due. 
 Having attended the burial of our child, and re- 
 mained at our old home during the night, we left for 
 our new home next day. We traveled very slowly, 
 for I felt as though I had killed my child and buried 
 it, and was now taking my poor heart-broken wife 
 home, to linger on a short time, and follow in the foot- 
 steps of her children to the grave. And that I should 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 201 
 be guilty of the death of all, because I believed I 
 should finally wear them all out if I continued with 
 them. Many and many times did I wish that I had 
 succeeded in taking my own wretched life before the 
 awful crisis had arrived which I was now passing 
 through and doomed to witness. 
 About this period of my unhappy life I had become 
 so cowardly in my spirit, and so weakened in my reso- 
 lutions and nervous system, that I made no further at- 
 tempt to end my miserable life, for I was now con- 
 vinced (and had been for some time), that God would 
 not suffer me to sneak out of the world in that way. 
 This was in the latter part of May, 1862. 
 When we got home we found the rest of our familv 
 well, but the place seemed to be shrouded in gloom. 
 Our children were sad, and whenever one of them 
 mentioned the name, death or burial of our little The- 
 ophilus, it was like a dagger to my soul ; I could not 
 bear to hear them talk about the child. I could not 
 remain in the presence of my family long if they 
 talked about the cliild,forI felt that in some mysterious 
 way its blood would be required at my hands. 
 I remained about home for a few days, feeling all 
 the time that I was gradually wearing out the lives of 
 my poor wife and children. I have no doubt that I 
 experienced some of the feelings of a murderer who is 
 trying to escape from justice, and the judgments of 
 heaven are overtaking him; the mark of Cain isupon 
 him; his countenance has fallen, and a vagabond and 
 fugitive stare him in the face wherever he goes; in 
202 The Life and Times of 
 vain he tries to hide his guilt, for the justice of God 
 will find him out. 
 I would often become so restless and uneasy that I 
 would leave home in the morning and wander through 
 the woods, up and down creeks and branches till 
 night, and then return home, feeling as mean as any 
 person can feel under any circumstances. I would be 
 ashamed to meet my wife and children ; I would re- 
 solve never to do so any more; but I would soon find 
 myself pursuing the same course. 
 When I became very troublesome to my wife and 
 children, ray friends would come and get me off home 
 with them to stay a few days. I would soon become 
 weary, and wander off from them, and sometimes give 
 them no little trouble in looking me up. When this 
 was the case they would either carry me home or get 
 me off somewhere else. I would sometimes go with 
 my brother, or a friend, to his field and help him work 
 awhile, but my presence was always irksome, because 
 I would have nothing to say. 
 Thus the state of things moved on with me during 
 the summer of 1863 I took one trip up to brother 
 Wesley Marcom's, near Morrisville, Wake county. 
 After staying with him and some of his neighbors 
 about a week, he brought me home to my wife and 
 The war was raging, and many of the young men 
 of the country were going off as volunteers in the ser- 
 vice. I had quit reading books, and was not disposed 
 to read anything but war news. My friends, finding 
 that I would read the news of the day, kept me well 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 203 
 supplied with newspapers, and in this way I was 
 pretty well posted on the progress of the war, as stated 
 in the papers. As miserable and wretched as I was, 
 and had been from the commencement of the war, I 
 had my notions about things as well as others. I was 
 opposed to secession at first, and continued so till Lin- 
 coln's proclamation calling on the State of North Car- 
 olina for troops to help put down the rebellion. When 
 that came out, I could not bear the idea of seeing 
 Southern men taking up arms against their own peo- 
 ple. The idea of fighting and killing our own neigh- 
 bors and kindred w^as revolting to reason and com- 
 mon sense. I did not, however, have anything to say 
 about it, unless I was interrogated, which was very ofien 
 tlie case. I had believed ail the time thafas Abraham 
 Lincoln had been elected by a constitutional majority 
 of the people of the United States, it was the plain 
 duty of all to try him, and to show no signs of re- 
 sistance, unless he did plainly and culpably violate 
 his oath of ofiice, to " abide by and support the Con- 
 stitution of the United States," and I looked upon 
 every movement in opposition to that as being revo- 
 lutionary. But as before remarked, I had nothing to 
 say about these things, unless I was interrogated, for I 
 felt that I had no personal or individual concern in it. 
 I took no part in voting, or even going to an election ; 
 and so far as I was concerned, it mattered little how 
 things w^ent on, or how they terminated, for I was un- 
 done anyway, and nothing that might come to pass in 
 consequence of the war would alter my case in any 
 shape or form. In my own estimation I was already 
20d The Life and Times of 
 ruined, both for time and eternity, and I cared but 
 little what course things took, so far as I was con- 
 cerned. But notwithstanding all this indifference 
 about myself, I had some natural feelings for others. 
 I was sorry to hear of the death of so many on the 
 battle field, and of the bloodshed and carnage of war. 
 I would often think that I was in part the cause of it, 
 from the fact that I considered myself a bond servant 
 of the devil, and I considered this war a part of his 
 dirty work. I was sorry to hear of so many of the 
 young men of our neighborhood going off in volun- 
 teer companies. I would never go to their festivals, 
 to see them marching off, and bidding adieu to rela- 
 tives, friends and loved ones, for I felt that they were 
 like' lambs go-ing to the slaughter to be butchered up, 
 in order to gratify the appetites of blood-thirsty men. 
 I said nothing about these things then, only when 
 At last the time arrived when my oldest brother, 
 Calvin Olive, the only unmarried brother I had, and 
 who had taken such a lively interest in my welfare, 
 began to speak of volunteering for the war. He 
 had been a strong secessionist in principle from the 
 commencement of the war, but owing to the fact that 
 all my mother's children had married and left her but 
 him, he had considered it his duty to stay and take 
 care of his aged mother till now. The time had come 
 for men to begin to act out their principles. My 
 brother Calvin was an honest man, though he and 
 I had differed in our political sentiments all the 
 time. We had also differed in our notions and senti- 
 ments about the w^ar, and we sometimes talked about 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 205 
 these things. But he being an honest man and a 
 brave uaan, could not bear the idea of staying at home, 
 and paying his money freely to others to face cannon, 
 and he himself stay, at home, under the plea of neces- 
 sity, to take care of his mother. He could not bear 
 tha idea of being told that he was an advocate of the 
 war, but it was only to get others to go, while he him- 
 self would stay at home, under the plea of taking care 
 of his old mother, when at the same time his object 
 was to keep out of the way of danger, and stay at 
 home and make money. He told me these things, and 
 said he must go. I raised objections ; told him that I 
 did not know what I should do if he left, for he was 
 one of my strongest friends. I also told him that I 
 thought he ought to stay at home as long as he could, 
 for the sake of his dear old mother. He replied to me 
 that he was actuated in this thing from a sense of duty 
 to his country, and that he should go, and leave the 
 result with God. I had regretted to hear of many per- 
 sons leaving before, but this was the heaviest blow on 
 .that subject yet. He soon joined the company, and 
 after making the necessary arrangements and prepa- 
 raions he went into the service. 
 My brother-in-law, Thomas J. Hunter, volunteered 
 soon after the commencement of the war, and now 
 another one, Jackson Hunter, who married my own 
 sister, was also making arrangements to go into the 
 war, and leave his wife and little children to get on as 
 they could. 
 All these things, in addition to my mental sufifer- 
 ings, helped to crush my spirit still lower. I felt that 
206 The Life and Times of 
 in one way or another I should be deprived of all my 
 friends, and then die a miserable death, unregretted 
 and unmourned by any. I would frequently wish 
 that I had succeeded in taking my w; etched life when 
 I was seeking to do so. I would say to myself: " It 
 would have been much better for me, and for all con- 
 cerned. I am growing worse and worse every day, and 
 I am such a torment to my relatives and friends that 
 life is not very desirable to them, and therefore they 
 have no difficulty in getting the consent of their 
 minds to go into the war, for they would about as soon 
 die as to live and be tormented by me. 
 With the last chapter the subject of this memoir 
 closed his writings on the topic of this work. 
 The causes for this liave been mentioned in the in- 
 troductory. The outlay necessary to have the work 
 published, and the general depressed condition of the 
 country at the time, (1866 and 1867,) with his own 
 limited means, are the reasons. At this point the 
 reader is no doubt filled with sympathy and sorrow 
 for the afflicted man. So ra{)idly had he arisen from 
 the little farm boy, faithful and obedient to his parents, 
 affectionate and kind to liis brothers and sisters, and 
 genial to all, to the youth of twenty or twenty-two 
 years, taking a noble and worthy stand in school, in 
 society, in church, in the neighborhood prayer meet- 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 207 
 ing prompt and active — everywhere, exhibiting a de- 
 gree of zeal, of earnestness, of spirituality and decision 
 of character whichpointed with the force of the index 
 hand to the part he was to act in life. How the bosom 
 swells with emotion when we behold him in the re- 
 vival meeting but a timid youth ; time and time again 
 the aged minister, exhausted with labor, calls upon 
 his brethren to know if there is not one man at least 
 in the congregation who will help him to pray for 
 mourning souls. There sat many who had long had 
 their names enrolled upon the church book, who would 
 perhaps boast of the years they had been in the ser- 
 vice of God, of their faithfulness to attend conference 
 days and other religious occasions, opening not their 
 It was not the custom of those days with the aver- 
 age church member to be very active and take part in 
 religious exercises. The aged man fixes his pitiful eye 
 upon a modest looking youth down the aisle, address- 
 ing him by name, says : " Brother Olive, won't you 
 pray for these penitents?" 
 It was not his nature to resist duty when he felt it 
 impressed upon him. He falls upon his knees and 
 pours out his soul to God in behalf of saint and sin- 
 ner. The earnestness of this youthful effort can well 
 be imagined, and when we are told of the feeling 
 awakened we are not surprised. When we follow him 
 on through his efforts to obtain an education, and wit- 
 ness the sacrifices he made, against the opinion of 
 many of his friends and acquaintances; not that he 
 might make preparation for the ministry, for his aim 
208 The Life and Times of 
 was only to fit himself for the duties of an active citi- 
 zen. When we witness such demonstrations, we are 
 led to the truths that " A man's heart deviseth his 
 way, but the Lord directeth his step." He ever be- 
 lieved in a Divine call to the ministry, and not until 
 this duty rested upon him with great weight did he 
 enter the work. 
 For five years we see him as a licentiate, most of 
 his Sabbaths filled with appointments, and a portion 
 of his time serving as pastor of some churches, unwil- 
 ling to travel faster than he had strength. He did not 
 consent to ordination till 1847. From this time to 
 1860, a period of thirteen years, we see him a most 
 active and successful preacher and pastor, laboring 
 mainly within a circle of twenty-five miles around his 
 During this entire time he had four regular charges, 
 preached many funerals on fifth Sundays and during 
 the week, performed the marriage ceremony on many 
 occasions, and paid a great many family visits among 
 his friends and congregations, enjoying as high a de- 
 gree of love and confidence among his acquaintances 
 as perhaps any man ever did or ever will. Amidst 
 such success he was not vain or over self-confident. 
 No man ever bore success and prosperity better. His 
 estimate of the things of this life was not improperly 
 formed. He appeared to be reconciled to the provi- 
 dences of God, and taught his brethren to so live. See- 
 ing his labors highly blessed, and having witnessed 
 in some degree the fulfillment of his youthful desires, 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 209 
 to be useful in his day and generation, his life during 
 this period indicated much real happiness. 
 To those who were old enough to recollect, a period 
 just before the war between the States was noted for 
 religious revivals throughout many States of the 
 Union. Many people have since regarded this as one 
 of the special providences of God in offering salvation 
 to those who were so soon to lie slain in war. Many 
 who read this book will recollect the efforts of Johnson 
 Olive during this season of revivals. He became fully 
 imbued with the revival spirit. He was in the full 
 bloom of manhood, forty-two years of age, at the ze- 
 nith of his intellectual faculties. His voice was strong, 
 musical and clear. The universal confidence he en- 
 joyed gave him great advantage in his work. He 
 preached with a power seldom equalled and rarely 
 surpassed for good effect. We ourselves were young, 
 yet some of the scenes were so indellibly engraven 
 upon our mind that time will never efface them. We 
 see him now as he is closing his discourse, descending 
 from the stand, his countenance all aglow with earn- 
 estness, love and tenderness; his voice reaching its 
 highest key becomes slightly musical. As he treats of 
 sin, righteousness, and a judgment to cyme, and holds 
 up as a sacrifice for sin and a mediator for man the 
 crucified Lord, every heart becomes softened, sinners 
 go by tens and by scores to the anxious seat ; Chris- 
 tians become aroused ; fear and shame are lost, and 
 all in some way join in the work. 
 It was not unusual to continue these meetings for 
 two weeks or more. Sometimes from forty to sixty 
210 The Life and Times of 
 penitents were seen in the altar at a time. Ten to 
 fifteen conversions would occur during some days. At 
 the close of the meetings, or soon thereafter, great 
 numbers would unite with the church and go down 
 into the water to be buried with Christ in baptism. 
 There may be something of youthful fancy con- 
 nected with those times. Paternal affection may make 
 the work appear more grand, but to me these have 
 ever been regarded as gracious seasons, the like of 
 which I have not since witnessed. 
 We have in mind many who perished in battle far 
 away from home and earthly friends, whose conver- 
 sion and baptism we witnessed. The lives of many 
 others were spared, and they have grown up to be 
 men and women of great usefulness in the church and 
 in society. 
 Who then could think that in so short a time they 
 could see one whose life had been so signally blessed, 
 in the sloughs of despond, and in the dungeons of de- 
 spair, asking : " Where shall I find the face of my 
 God, and realize again His supporting grace?" 
 We need not in this introductory to his subsequent 
 life, rehearse this portion of his life, as by far the 
 greater portions of his own writings are devoted to 
 this period of time, wherein he has dealt frankly with 
 the reader, and honest between himself and his God, 
 giving a minute account of his trials and temptations 
 through this dark period. We therefore leave the 
 reader to ponder and decide for himself or herself as 
 to his true condition, its causes, its designs, and its 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 211 
 effects. Suffice it to say, no one can ever know what 
 bis sufferings were. 
 Those of us who saw him and were much with him, 
 have but a faint idea of what they really were. He 
 was certainly a most miserable man. The spiritual 
 part of this man, which had but recently shined so 
 brilliantly, now lay dormant. 
 It has been a matter of ^reat rejoicing that this soul 
 was not continued in darkness, and that he was again 
 permitted to see and feel the light of God's counte- 
 nance. We are truly glad that he lived to see these 
 dark clouds all disperse, and to return to his chosen 
 work, and spend twenty years more of active life in 
 the ministry, wherein he shewed much ripeness and 
 mellowness of soul. 
 " Be still sad heart and cease repining, 
 Behind the cloud the sun's still shining." 
 We are pleased to be able to follow him out of the 
 dark and dreary way and see him again cheerful, 
 hopeful and happy, laboring with a zeal and earnest- 
 ness rarely witnessed in one of his age. 
 We now proceed to take up the subject where father 
 left off, and follow him briefly through the remaining 
 twenty-two years of his life. As stated by him, the 
 the first evidences of this strange condition began to 
212 The Life and Times of 
 show themselves in 1860. In the early part of 1861, 
 at the solicitation of friends and relatives, the family 
 moved temporarily to the western part of Wake county, 
 in the neighborhood of his relatives and life long ac- 
 quaintances. Finding these associations to afford lit- 
 tle or no relief, the advantages of living at their own 
 home led to a return in 1862, to the south-western 
 portion of the county, where they had located in 1859. 
 The return to his former home was apparently at- 
 tended [with good results to father. He was not so 
 much in company, was not asked so many questions, 
 did not see so many places and faces to remind him 
 of the past, and consequently became more quiet, yet 
 he was far from being natural in either appearance or 
 manners. He bore about him all this while the ap- 
 pearance of a lost, ruined, undone man. He took 
 some interest in farm work, and in domestic affairs. 
 His advice, directions and instructions were as good 
 as ever. He showed very little inclination to talk, but 
 read secular papers and war news with great eager- 
 ness, as he did also letters addressed to himself or 
 members of his family from relatives and friends then 
 in the army. His recovery was so gradual that it is 
 hard to tell where it began or at what time he was 
 fully restored. 
 During the year 1863 he appeared like one becom- 
 ing reconciled to his doom ; he was more natural and 
 better composed than he had been, still insisting, how- 
 ever, that he was an unregenerated man — a stranger 
 to grace, having the form of godliness, but not the 
 spirit. He never for a moment felt that he had done 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 213 
 so willfully or maliciously, but through mistake. He 
 often expressed it that he had " caught at the substance, 
 missing it, had caught the shadow." Hope was gone, 
 faith as to his one chance for salvation was dead — the 
 face of God was hidden ; the heavens above were 
 covered over as brass, and no where could he find God. 
 He desired to repent, turn to and follow God, but 
 every avenue was to him closed. He did not question 
 the goodness and power of Jehovah ; he should have 
 been more particular in weighing the impressions he 
 had, that while he had acted innocently it was an 
 awful mistake, and carried with it such terrible conse- 
 quences — fifteen or twenty years of false service — and 
 the more to be deplored because of the success of that 
 course, and the great numbers that had been deceived 
 These were some of his calm, cool and deliberate 
 reasonings during the period of his gradual improve- 
 ment. Nothing could be said to give him relief. In 
 truth, he was rather too well posted for those who un- 
 dertook to talk with and console him. He had almost 
 every occurrence and circumstance in the Bible bear- 
 ing upon what he held to be his case, as familiar as 
 the alphabet. And thus many who came to see him, 
 hearing that he was insane, would return saying, 
 *' crazy! he has too much sense — more than he ever 
 had. He has done nothing for the past two or three 
 years but study, and he knows it all.^' 
 We were sometimes astonished during this period 
 of time to know how well he was posted upon the 
 events of the war then going on, even from its begin- 
214 The Life and Times of 
 ning down to the time. At times he would momen- 
 tarily lose sight of his own case, and talk with some 
 degree of freedom upon war topics, but as soon as he 
 came to a close of what he had to say, his countenance 
 grew sad, he would heave a deep sigh, and show signs 
 of trouble in his soul. 
 It was during this year (1863), that his eldest son, J. 
 A. Olive, aged about eighteen years, died. From his 
 childhood he had been what is usually termed. a rude 
 boy. Many who will read this book will well remem- 
 ber him and some of his early traits of character, not 
 mean, vulgar or low, but appeared to think he had 
 come into this world to have a good time. Afflicted 
 children and such boys as he, always draw from their 
 parents an unusual amount of care, solicitation and 
 concern ; consequently, we sometimes conclude they 
 naturally have a more tender feeling towards them. 
 As this son grew older he made a profession of re- 
 ligion, connected himself with the church, and soon 
 began to show signs of usefulness in life. Up to this 
 time he had been quite robust and active, but during 
 this year severe pains in the legs and back began to 
 trouble him. Late in the fall he ceased to gO from 
 home in consequence of weakness. His health con- 
 tinued to decline, till at length he took to bed. Father 
 had watched his case with deep solicitude, had done 
 for him all that physic and good attention could pos- 
 sibly do, all without material effect. 
 At last it became evident the son must die. The 
 evening of his death will long be remembered by those 
 present. It was on a cold December day, the sun fast 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 215 
 lowering behind the western horizon, the father, 
 mother, brothens and sister, with a few neighbors, were 
 gathered about the bed of the sick young man. Life 
 is fast ebbing away; he realizes he is dying; with 
 some feeling, but much deliberation, he holds out his 
 hand and begins to utter the solemn words, " good- 
 bye, good bye," first to his parents, then to brothers, 
 sisters and friends — "good-bye — I am gone — meet me 
 in heaven." He then requested all to pray for him ; 
 turning h's dying eyes to his father with an expres- 
 sion of deep earnestness, says "Father, pray for me — 
 pray for me." 
 I had never before so fully realized what was the 
 true state of father's soul during this period. Father's 
 face bore the deepest expressions of agony, yet it was 
 fixed and unmoved ; no occasion was more calculated 
 to awaken sympathy for the afflicted father than this. 
 He was sitting with his body slightly turned from the 
 face of his dying boy, his head slightly inclined, his 
 eyes resting upon the floor, gave a hesitating nod, 
 lowered his head to his hand, heaved a deep sigh, and 
 remained in this position for some time. What his 
 feelings were he never told ; they were surely horri- 
 ble. The dying son then calls to him a younger 
 brother, embraces him and bids him be a good boy, 
 love and obey his mother, and in a few moments his 
 spirit took its flight from the body, and there lay be- 
 fore us the lifeless form. 
 The father bore this bereavement with apparent res- 
 ignation ; gave directions as to his burial, funeral, &c. 
 On the arrival of the minister he gave instructions to 
216 The Life and Times of 
 a son to place a table, a Bible and some water in order 
 near the door for the preacher. This the son readily 
 did, feeling that his father ought to know what kind 
 of conveniences and comforts were necessary on funeral 
 The Rev. P. W. Dowd was invited, by suggestions of 
 the father, to preach the funeral sermon. Sickness 
 having prevented his attendance, Rev. J. W. F. Rogers, 
 by request, at the appointed hour, proceeded to per- 
 form this service. His acquaintance with the deceased 
 youth from childhood, being present on the occasion 
 of his professing faith in Christ, and the resignation 
 with which he bore his afflictions, as signified by quo- 
 tations from the Word of God, furnished the minister 
 topics for some very cheering and consoling thoughts. 
 Afflictions, though they seem severe, often carry in 
 their wake blessings in disguise. We believe it was 
 so here. Three children had died within the space of 
 about three years. An infant son, a daughter, and the 
 young man of whom we have been writing. For all 
 of them the father entertained the brightest hopes of 
 heavenly joy. The death of his daughter, and the 
 scenes of her last hours w^ere yet fresh in his memory. 
 How different were his feelings on that occasion from 
 what they were upon the present! He well remem- 
 bered it. It was at night, the younger members of the 
 family had retired, when death made its approach; 
 a message is sent to their rooms saying: ''Sarah is 
 dying; come and see her for the last time." On reach- 
 ing her bedside she had her hands uplifted in a state 
 of rejoicing, bidding those who stood around to 
Rev. Johnson Olive. / 217 
 "Look! look! Oh! look!!" her father and mother 
 close by her side. Turning to her father she said in 
 tender accents: "Pa, come and go with me." How 
 beautifully were these words uttered ! And how sweet 
 was the reply : *' Dear daughter, pa cannot go with 
 you now, but he will soon come — yes, pa will soon 
 come to join you. Sarah, lean upon the strong arm 
 of your Heavenly Father; trust your Saviour; He 
 has promised to be with you in every trial, and in the 
 last and trying hour of death not to forsake you." 
 A pleasant smile lit up her face; and with her eyes 
 directed heavenward she quietly drew her expiring 
 The deep anguish of soul which had previously 
 manifested itself while meditating upon or talking of 
 his own spiritual state had by this time greatly abated. 
 He spoke deliberately and calmly of his case,*desired 
 above everything else to be a godly man, loved that 
 which was pure and holy, and condemned that which 
 was evil. He sometimes spoke of his deceased chil- 
 dren with tenderness and affection. He was glad of 
 the assurance he had that they had gone to a better 
 world than this. It softened his heart much to think 
 upon this subject and we might justly conclude that 
 here the first rays of light began to enter the dark 
 chambers of this wretched soul, yet he was still with- 
 out hope and felt that had God taken him instead of 
 his children that he should have been eternally lost. 
 1864 found him thus situated. He read papers, let- 
 ters, &c., but was rarely ever seen with a book. We 
 have no evidence that he had read a single verse in 
218 The Life and Times of 
 the Bible since the first year of his afflictions. We 
 feel warranted in saying he had not many times at- 
 tempted to engage in secret prayer for a period of 
 nearly three years. He described these efforts as being 
 without unction of soul, and every avenue to his God 
 closed — he had been cut off from all communion with 
 God. There were evidences that during this period he 
 sometimes tried to engage in secret prayer, but with 
 very little satisfaction or relief. He spent most of the 
 time in the early part of this year aiding and direct- 
 ing in his farm work. Sometimes working for hours 
 in perfect silence, seemingly unmindful of the hard- 
 ships he endured, manifesting but little concern about 
 water or diet. Always possessed of a wiry constitu- 
 tion and great powers of endurance, he now appears 
 to possess a double portion of these gifts. Work, 
 manual labor,! brought temporary relief to his troubled 
 soul, and when temporary alleviation can be obtained 
 all the powers rebound and gain strength. 
 It proved so in this case, and each week showed im- 
 provement from the various influences now at work. 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 219 
 It was during this year that the great battles around 
 Petersburg, Va., were fought between the armies of the 
 Union and the Confederacy. In one of these engage- 
 ments his brother, Calvin Olive, of whomhe has made 
 mention, was mortally wounded. News came to him 
 very soon of this occurrence, and as there were few 
 men now at home, his relatives, among others his 
 mother, was anxious that he should go to see his dying 
 brother. He offered very little resistance, but pro- 
 ceeded at once to make the necessary arrangements, 
 and in a short time was off for Petersburg. 
 On reaching the city, he soon met with a number of 
 acquaintances among the soldiers, many of whom had 
 heard him preach in former days, and some who had 
 dated their hopes of eternal life to occasions inti- 
 mately connected with his past history. He was fa- 
 miliar with the lives of many who called to see him. 
 His acquaintances everywhere had heard of his 
 troubles. His presence in the camp was a great sur- 
 prise, and all who knew him wished to see him. Much 
 gladness was manifested on the part of his acquaint- 
 ances in camp at his recovery. They soon saw, how- 
 ever, that all was not well. He knew his business as 
 well as any one, knew for what he had come. No de- 
 ficiency in hi& conduct indicated, y^ he looks sad, 
 his features appear fixed and unchanged, he talks 
 readily, is very well informed upon both home and 
 army matters, but he is not the cheerful, hopeful man 
220 The Life and Times of 
 we once« met. He makes enquiry for his wounded 
 brother, and finds such confusion now existing in con- 
 sequence of the recent heavy engagements of the two 
 armies that it is with difficulty that he can learn any- 
 thing definite about him, further than that he 'was con- 
 sidered nfortally wounded in the engagement a few days 
 before. In company with some of his soldier friends 
 he searches some of the burial gi'ounds of the hospitals 
 where he was supposed to have been carried. Finding 
 no trace of him, he decides to spend the night here 
 and make renewed search on the morrow. He is asked 
 by some of his acquaintances if he cannot preach in 
 the camp at night; with an expression of deep solem- 
 nity he replies: "I could preach, but I don't think 
 you will ever hear me preach again." 
 He learns on more diligent enquiry at the Brigade 
 Hospital next day that his brother had been trans- 
 ferred to Winder Hospital, Richm nd, Va. He is soon 
 on board the train to this point, reaches there in due 
 time, and soon finds his wounded brother. His arrival 
 was unexpected to his brother, and doubtless no one 
 on earth, save his mother, could have been a more 
 welcomed visitor. Having placed his life upon the 
 altar of his country to be sacrificed for her honor, if 
 need be, he had passed through two years or more of 
 hard service, such as is experienced by the soldier who 
 never seeks to shirk or evade a duty, however trivial, 
 or however arduous, which had accustomed bim to 
 sights of suffering and pain. So often upon the field 
 of battle, amid the roar of cannon and rattle of mus- 
 ketry had he heard the shriek and moans of his com- 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 221 
 rades, that he was prepared to meet this ordeal with a 
 degree of courage and fortitude truly remarkable. 
 He makes many anxious enquiries about friends 
 and loved ones at home, and tells his visiting brother 
 that he shall never meet them again; that he is fast 
 dying, but that he could die freely and willingly ; that 
 he was dying in defence of his country, in a cause that 
 he had ever thought just. 
 Whether introduced by father or no I cannot say ; 
 however, the conversation now turned upon his spir- 
 itual condition, his hopes beyond the Jordan of death. 
 The dying brother stated that the way was not as clear 
 as he could wish, yet he felt no particular dread of 
 death, or fears as to his future state; the hope he had 
 realized in former days had not been cultivated as it 
 had been his privilege to do, still he had hope beyond 
 the grave. 
 Father remained here near one week, and wrote 
 some letters .home during the time, giving the particu- 
 lars of his brother's wound and condition generally. 
 Ever a good nurse, he did not fail upon this occasion 
 to render every attention necessary for the peace and 
 comfort of his dying brother. He continued to sink, 
 till at last the soul took its flight from the body. 
 The remains were carefully provided for by the hos- 
 pital authorities, aided by the surviving brother, and 
 deposited in the hospital burying ground, with a plain 
 small slab set up by the brother to denote his name, 
 command, &c. He often spoke of the kindness shown 
 himself and wounded brother by the authorities and 
 visitors to the hospital during his stay. Nothing 
222 The Life and Times op 
 passed his notice, and many incidents here witnessed 
 were often afterwards referred to in conversation. 
 The burial of his brotlier being over, father now 
 sets out for home. At this period of the war travel 
 was attended with much difficulty, especially in going 
 from the army. Private citizens must needs have a 
 pass; he goes to an acquaintance in a neighboring 
 hospital, with whom he had mingled some during his 
 stay, tells him the circumstances, remarking to him 
 that he knew his standing; he did not wish to prac- 
 tice any wrong ; that he had not been preaching any 
 for about four years; I may never preach again. To 
 this his friend readily replied there would be no diffi- 
 culty about the pass. 
 Upon thestatementof this friend the pass was readily 
 obtained and he makes his way to the railroad station 
 to take the train for home. 
 I am not a Freemason. Father belonged to this 
 order. During his affliction he had ceased to lay any 
 claim to the privileges of the order. He revealed the 
 fact on his return from this trip that he had met with 
 members of this order, strangers to him, who had 
 rendered him valuable aid. 
 On reaching the station another difficulty confronts 
 him. Railroad coaches are scarce, and the only one 
 he sees going out on the line he is to travel has a 
 guard stationed at the entrance, who informs him that 
 no one can get on board this car except he is in charge 
 of a lady. He has no lady with him, and what shall 
 be done? He saunters to an fro awhile, awaiting de- 
 velopments. Soon he espies a tall, stout man in soldier's 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 223 
 dress, wearing about hiin the marks of camp life, 
 moving in the direction of the guarded coach. He 
 thinks he has found his man, and moves in the direc- 
 tion of the car. On approaching the same, he finds a 
 Georgia soldier with furlough in hand remonstrating 
 with the guard, first gently then positively: "I have 
 been in this war four years; I have not seen my people 
 during this time; I have a furlough and I am going 
 home, and am going on this train; I have heard the 
 musket and the cannon, and I've smelt powder, too 
 (with an oath) ; I know how to behave myself in the 
 company of ladies as well as any body." Father draws 
 nearer the soldier with the furlough : " You can open 
 this door or I'll burst it down, I don't care which — 
 with a look of vengeance.'" 
 By this time the door was opened, the soldier passed 
 in, and father just after him. The effect of the will 
 power and decision manifested by this man here and 
 the other traits of character exhibited as they journeyed 
 along together in their travel, made quite an impres- 
 sion upon his accidental companion and beneficiary. 
 In his after life, he often alluded to the Georgia soldier 
 he met in Richmond. 
224 The Life and Times of 
 The incidents of this visit to the army and to his 
 brother, viewing personally many things of which he 
 had heard and read, made vivid and lasting impres- 
 sions upon the mind of father. 
 Of all that was ever done nothing seemed to be at- 
 tended with better results. This more than anything 
 else furnished him with a new field of thought, and 
 those subjects of war, which were the sum and sub- 
 stance of almost every conversation, now had new 
 luster bestowed upon them. 
 He returned home very much resigned to the death 
 of his brother, and with many interesting accounts of 
 what he had seen and heard. From this time his re- 
 covefy was more perceptible. These occasions had the 
 effect to bring him into more close and intimate re- 
 lation with the people, and it was not until the latter 
 part of this year (1864), that life and animation began 
 to reappear in his countenance. He talked now with 
 something like the spirit and freedom that he had 
 formerly done; confidence and' hope were being grad- 
 ually restored. He wrote and had published a brief 
 but intieresting account of his brother's death ; also 
 wrote and had published about the same time an ac- 
 count of the death of J. B. S. Rogers, a nephew of his 
 by marriage, who died at Raleigh of disease contracted 
 in the army. The writing of these notices set to work 
 powers of his mind that had long been dormant; 
 sympathy becomes quickened. He had from early 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 225 
 life exhibited some poetical genius. His rhyme was 
 not that of a Milton, a Byron or a Pope, but often 
 glowed with beauty and knowledge of the inner 
 movings of the soul. 
 While teaching schol in former years he sometimes 
 prepared speeches for his students in rhyme that were 
 really interesting and amusing. Also his thoughts 
 upon some Scripture subjects were sometimes reduced 
 to rhyme. We will here introduce a few of his poems, 
 to illustrate what we have just said, and more espe- 
 cially feeling that anything written by him just at 
 this period will be best appreciated here. The follow- 
 ing was written some years prior to the war between 
 the States: 
 Go read the third of Matthew, 
 And read that chapter through. 
 It is a guide to christians. 
 And tells them what to do. 
 Those days came John the Baptist, 
 Into the wilderness, 
 A preacher of the Gospel 
 Of Jesus and His righteousness. 
 Then out came the Pharisee, 
 For to baptized be, 
 But John forbade him, saying, 
 *' Repentance bring with thee; 
 Then I'll baptize you freely. 
 When you confess your sins, 
 And own your Lord and Master, 
 And tall how vile you've been." 
226 The Life and Times op 
 When John was preaching Jesus 
 On that atoning land, 
 He saw the blessed Saviour, 
 And said, " Behold the man !" 
 Appointed by the Father 
 To take away your sins, 
 Then you believe in Jesus, 
 And own Him for your Kinsf. 
 Then came our blessed Saviour, 
 For to baptized be. 
 And was baptized in Jordan, 
 The Scriptures read to me. 
 He came up out of the water, 
 The Spirit from above 
 Descends and lights on Jesus, 
 In likeness of a dove. 
 The Heavens they were opened, 
 As you may plainl^^ see, 
 A witness to all people — 
 'Twas right that it should be. 
 A voice from heaven proclaiming, 
 " This is my only Son, 
 I am well pleased with Jesus 
 In all that He has done." 
 Come you that say your Jesus, 
 And prove you love the Lord, 
 By following His example. 
 Recorded in His Word. 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 227 
 Take up your crosses freely, 
 .As Jesus did for you ; 
 I leave you all with Jesus, 
 And bid you all adieu. 
 The following lines were written upon the death 
 of his brother, Calvin Olive, soon after his return 
 from Richmond, in 1861, which has been explained 
 elsewhere. As stated by father heretofore, he did not 
 agree with his brother fully as. to the course to be pur- 
 sued by the South, yet all who knew Calvin Olive re- 
 spected his views for honesty and sincerity : 
 When first secession's tune was played 
 It found a lodging in his heart; 
 He to its music reverence paid, 
 And from its truths did not depart. 
 'Tis true he heard another tune 
 Which sounded through his native State, 
 It said, ' ' Secession is too soon, 
 The people ought to watch and wait." 
 His mind was firm, his heart was true ; 
 How did his noble nature burn 
 To see his native State pursue 
 The painful lesson she did learn. 
 When Lincoln's proclamation first 
 Called out for Southern men and means 
 To crush secession in the dust, 
 Or fill the South with bloody scenes, 
 'Twas then his eye was seen to flash ; 
 His heart lit up into a flame ; 
 He from his peaceful home did dash, 
 And to his country gave his name. 
228 The Life and Times of 
 He said, " Secession is my name, 
 In freedom's land I drew my breath, 
 I'm ready to defend the same; 
 Give me my rights or give me death." 
 He's now done all that he could do ; 
 He gave his precious soul to God, 
 He lies amidst the brave and true, 
 Beneath the cold and silent clod. 
 At the outbreak of the war two noble-hearted boys 
 and brothers, living in the city of Raleigh, enlisted in 
 ' the cause of their country. They had distinguished 
 themselves alike at home and in the camp for kind- 
 ness and urbanity. After passing through many hard- 
 ships, they both fell mortally wounded in the same 
 battle, from which they soon died. So much afiPected 
 were their neighbors, who had received so many acts 
 of kindness at their hands, over the sad occurrence, 
 that one of them asked father to write some lines of 
 verse suited to the occasion. These boys were the 
 sons of M. B. Royster. 
 Two brothers lived in Raleigh town, 
 Their hearts were kind and true, 
 Not many boys could here be found 
 To act as they would do. 
 They used to be so very kind, 
 (And they were loving, too), 
 Their like I fear you'll never find. 
 Such friendly acts to do. 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 229 
 These brothers heard their country's call 
 For men to meet the foe ; 
 They left their peaceful homes and all, 
 And to the war did go. 
 They stood up bravely for the cause, 
 And fought for victory's mead, 
 (But let their friends here stop and pause, 
 ^ It is for them they bleed). 
 These brothers died of wounds received 
 Upon the battle-field. 
 And many friendly hearts were grieved 
 To hear their fates were sealed. 
 We miss them here in Raleigh town ; 
 With them we used to play. 
 But cruel war has mowed them down 
 Amidst their blooming day. 
 For them our tears were freely shed, 
 For them we wept and grieved; 
 Although for months they have been dead 
 Our hearts are not relieved. 
 We sometimes wish them back again. 
 But know it cannot be. 
 For those in cruel battle slain 
 We never more shall see. 
 They've now done all that they could do — 
 Their country tried to save ; 
 We kno\V they were both brave and true — 
 ?hey fill a patriot's grave. 
 The death of J. B. S. Rogers fell with such weight 
 lapon his parents, especially his mother, all of whom 
230 The Life and Times of 
 were warm friends of father, that he was moved to 
 write the following lines, in the summer of 1864: 
 "The following lines were written for a mother who lost a 
 son in the army, and was mourning her loss. They will fit 
 the case of many others : 
 Ye mothers of this sunny land 
 Admit me to your mourning band ; 
 Your hearts are grieved, and so are mine ; 
 Where shall we go relief to find ? 
 A mother's love there's none can tell, 
 But you, dear sisters, know it well; 
 Your sons are slain and mine is dead, 
 Our peace and comfort now are fled. 
 I had one only darling son, 
 (Perhaps you might have more than one), 
 Our hearts are rent and torn with grief; 
 Where shall we go to find relief ? 
 My loving child, my noble son, 
 He fought and many victories won ; 
 The cannon roared, the battle raged, 
 And there our boys were all engaged. 
 In deadly strife they met the foe, 
 And gave or felt the fatal blow ; 
 Some were left to tell the tale. 
 And others found cold, dead and pale. 
 I stood beside my dying son 
 When all his work on earth was done ; 
 My heart was like the troubled sea, 
 I cried, "Would God I'd died for thee !" 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 231 
 Dear sisters, shall we ever rise 
 From sorrow, grief and tearful eyes ? 
 Can we not look above and find 
 Some mitigation to the mind ? 
 He was my loving, darling child; 
 His nature calm, his temper mild; 
 He lies beneath the silent clod, 
 And I must hope and trust in God. 
 I long to see the day roll 'round 
 When he shall rise up from the ground. 
 And I again shall see his face 
 In that bright world of God's free grace. 
 And now dear mourning friends, adieu, 
 I feel that what I've said is true ; 
 Come raise your hearts in faithful prayer 
 That we may meet together there." 
 Toward the close of the year 1864, as the cloud of 
 defeat began to darken over Southern homes, the sit- 
 uation was truly one of sadness; neighbors, fathers, 
 husbands, sons and brothers dead, the cause for which 
 so much had been sacrificed lost; the future dark and 
 uncertain. Under this feeling he bases a lamentation 
 upon the 15th verse 31st chapter of Jeremiah. 
 Where are all our brave defenders, 
 Where are all our veteran soldiers, 
 Where are now our valiant generals 
 Who have fought for Southern homes ? 
232 The Life and Times of 
 Many fell amidst the carnage, 
 Some were maimed and some were wounded, 
 Others died of wounds or sickness 
 Far away from home and friends. 
 {Lamentation — A voice was heard, &c.) 
 Where are now our sons and husbands. 
 Where are now our mothers' children, 
 Where are brothers, where are fathers. 
 Scattered o'er this sunny land ? 
 Some are now in far-off prisons. 
 Others died and have been buried ; 
 All have felt the fiery ordeal ; 
 Few have come to home and friends. 
 Where are now their wives and sisters. 
 Where are all those helpless widows, 
 Where are now those weeping mothers, 
 Scattered o'er this sunny land ? 
 Some are hungry, some are begging, 
 Some with broken hearts are dying ; 
 All have felt the fiery ordeal 
 Of this dreadful scourge of war. 
 Where are now those orphan children 
 Who have lost their loving fathers ? 
 They are looking for protection 
 From the hands of friends and kin. 
 Some are crying, some are starving. 
 Others naked or are dying; 
 They have felt the fiery ordeal 
 Of this dreadful scourge of war. 
Eev. Johnson Olive. 233 
 There are other compositions of like nature to those 
 here, given, but our taste and good judgment may 
 already be questioned for bringing such material into 
 this work as a part of the record of a minister's life. 
 They were not written for this work — indeed only one 
 or two of them were written for the press. Neither 
 were they written, save the first one given, during his 
 active ministry. They were his first open and public 
 declarations, as his soul began to be liberated from a 
 state of darkness and oppressive bondage for a period 
 of four years; for this reason they are here given. At 
 the time they were written they read well, and were 
 appropriately suited to the purposes they were inten- 
 ded to meet. His neighbors and friends listened to 
 him as he read with deep interest. They struck a 
 popular cord in the hearts of his people at that time, 
 but like many other things in this life, needs to be 
 realized to be appreciated. 
 While it is clear from the reading of these contribu- 
 tions that he was in the enjoyment of some degree of 
 spiritual light, he was still far from realizing fully his 
 acceptance with God. He did not yet manifest any 
 special interest in religious matters; did not wish to 
 go to church or religious gatherings, and preferred not 
 to talk upon religious subjects; yet had lost none of 
 his desire to be a good man, and had no more sympa- 
 thy with wickedness or evil doing than in his bright- 
 est days. When asked about preaching, he expressed 
 as his opinion that he should never preach again. 
 His soul during this period was evidently not bur- 
 dened with divine messages to the people. 
234 » The Life and Times op 
 The able-bodied men of the South had about all 
 been gathered into service of some nature. The call 
 for the youths of seventeen years of age was now made. 
 A short while after this call his oldest son then living 
 became of age. He went to the school-house in an 
 adjoining neighborhood where this son was attending 
 school about the first of November, and informed him 
 that he had been enrolled for service, and though 
 young, he was now amenable to the laws of his 
 country, and that the enrolling officers would allow 
 him to select his own command. Many sad faces fol- 
 lowed the father and son as they walked away from 
 the school house. The words of the father were cheer- 
 ing — advising his son to go forward and meet his duty 
 as a man. 
 The son was the recipient of many kind letters and 
 much good advice from the father during the six 
 months spent in service. 
 Father spent the fall of 1864 and the early part of 
 1865 around home, visiting some among his relatives 
 and neighbors, writing some letters to friends and rel- 
 atives in the army, and reading much of the news of 
 the times we were then passing through. 
 By this time he had assumed full control of his 
 farm work and domestic cares. A fine crop was pro- 
 duced during the year 1884, and his supply of the 
 necessaries of life were abundant for one of his means. 
 His stock were never in better trim. "Splendor 
 usually goeth before a storm." It proved so in this 
 case, for early in March, Sherman, at the head of the 
 Union forces in the South, had completed his famous 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 235 
 march to the sea, and was turning his course through 
 North Carolina, in the direction of Raleigh, carrying 
 destruction of produce, fowls, and stock of every kind 
 in his wake. Here (mainly in Durham and Wake 
 counties) the Sherman army, composed of about 65,000 
 men, encamped for a space of two or three weeks, while 
 Johnson's army was about Greensboro. The cause of 
 this halting of the two armies was the peace negotia- 
 tions that were going on between Sherman and John- 
 son, near Durham, N. C, which resulted on the 18th 
 of April in the surrender of the forces under Johnson. 
 This portion of the country had suffered some by 
 the occasional ravages of the Confederate forces which 
 had just passed through, but the dregs of the cup were 
 fully tested when the Sherman army arrived. The 
 14th and 20th army corps were stationed during this 
 time in the neighborhood of Holly Springs, Apex, 
 Morrisville, and Alford's Mill, Wake county. They 
 were noted for their general bad behavior, and their 
 general conduct here was not an exception. However, 
 it is but just to say, that among them were many very 
 noble and worthy men, but some as low and mean as 
 the world ever knew. The only rest to be obtained 
 by any family in this section during this time was at 
 night. From sun rise to sun set they crowded every 
 house, every road, lane, yard and field, without word 
 and without ceremony, taking everything they de- 
 sired, from a common brass pin to a horse or wagon, 
 plundering most uncivilly every drawer, private room 
 and outhouse all through the live long day, killing 
 fine cattle (sometimes for a mess of steak), and leaving 
236 The Life and Times op 
 the remainder to waste. Such are some of the hard- 
 ships of cruel war. 
 Father was unusually quiet under all this procedure. 
 We had been informed of their manner of dealing, 
 and were prepared to meet it. This consolation we 
 found in this hour of trial may have been due in part 
 to some things we knew and they did not. A few 
 days previous to their arrival, father, by the aid of an 
 old family servant and other members of his family, 
 had succeeded in storing away a good share of the 
 bountiful crop of corn, wheat, pork, &c., produced 
 during the year 1864. He must have put into prac- 
 tice some of the lessons he learned in early life from 
 climbing and hide and seek. The skill he acquired 
 in climbing, (which up to this time had not as we 
 could see availed him much), now proved of real profit. 
 (So much for learning all that is useful in early life, 
 for it will somewhere along the journey of life be of 
 value to us). 
 In different directions from his house he took choice 
 lots of bacon, and ascending forty or fifty feet high 
 into the tops of trees, he would, with cords anJ splits, 
 there fasten his prize. Strange to say, not a piece was 
 lost, although the enemy infested every place, and 
 even butchered some live hogs under one tree where 
 bacon was hanging over head. (It may be they were 
 not accustomed to look up for blessings). 
 The corn and other produce was taken to swamps 
 and to the newly cleared field, and stored away in 
 leaves and bags under the brush, and amidst the thick 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 237 
 bushes. Most of this was lost or wasted, but the effort 
 did not prove entirely in vain. 
 We should not feel that we had fairly represented 
 father here were we to close this account without 
 making mention of an humble individual, but faith- 
 ful friend of father and his family through this period 
 that brought to severe test the colored race. This 
 individual was George, a colored man whom he 
 had owned for about eight years. He remained true 
 and faithful to the family, even after the arrival of 
 the army whose presence meant his freedom. He had 
 aided in hiding almost everything, and we have every 
 reason for believing that he kept the secret committed 
 to him sacred and profound, notwithstanding the per- 
 suasions, entreaties and threats of the marauders. 
 So great was his attachment to his old master that 
 he remained for sometime with the family, and ren- 
 dered valuable aid in getting together their scattered 
 effects, and in making another start for life. 
 During this stay of the army described, a guard was 
 asked for, but given too late to save the effects of the 
 family. It proved, however, a great relief, as no ad- 
 mittance into dwelling houses or those adjacent was 
 afterwards allowed. Also disorders about the prem- 
 ises were strictly looked after. The guard were bitter 
 in their denunciation of these vile ones, yet from con- 
 tests that sometimes arose it was plain that it was only 
 their turn to be orderly and uphold the dignity of 
 army discipline. 
 Father found some friends among this dreaded foe. 
 A man of Dutch decent, called by his comrades 
238 The Life and Times of 
 " Dutch," belonging to the 14th corps, and in charge 
 of a train of wagons, called to get some forage upon 
 the early advent of the army, and being a generous, 
 noble-hearted man, acted most kindly toward the sub- 
 jugated ones He had here met one who could appre- 
 ciate true manhood, and a very warm attachment here 
 sprang up between them. He promised to render 
 whatever aid he could while among us. 
 A few days after the departure of the army from the 
 neighborhood, being without horses, father went to the 
 City of Raleigh, hoping to find some that would at 
 least enable him to make a crop. After reaching the 
 city, and wandering for a time in search of horses, and 
 finding none that he could get, and almost ready to 
 return home as he came, he very unexpectedly came 
 up with his friend " Dutch." He soon made his wishes" 
 known, when " Dutch " drops his work, proceeds with 
 him a short distance, and points out to him two young 
 horses, about. three years old, much jaded and badly 
 scarred, and with all very poor. ''Dutch" tells him 
 this is the best he can do ; that his coming was rather 
 late, but these are young, take them home and treat 
 them well, and they will make you good horses. 
 He bade "Dutch" a hearty good-bye, and never 
 again saw or heard from him. I trust they will meet 
 in heaven. 
 How much good we can sometimes do by little acts 
 of kindness; let us not withhold them. Father ever 
 spoke of " Dutch " with warmth .and affection. 
 These little broken-down colts thrived rapidly, and 
 enabled us to make a fair crop during the year 1865' 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 239 
 and for many years were great favorites in the family. 
 We will never forget the Pennsylvania Dutchman. 
 It is now May, and but little farm work done; one 
 month at least l^ost out of the farms this year in the 
 section named. If there ever was an occasion for 
 gloom it appeared to be now upon us. Yet we are 
 never in this life without numerous mercies for which 
 to feel thankful. The evils of this life are as the 
 cloudy days ; the mercies are as the fair days. Let us 
 cultivate the disposition to look more at God's smiles 
 and less at His frowns ; His frowns only tend to drive 
 us into the path of duty. 
 While this period found us impressed with many 
 unpleasant memories, we had many things to rejoice 
 over; we had our lands; many were permitted to ex- 
 change the ills of camp-life for the peaceful pursuits 
 of farm-life; food, though not bountiful, was whole- 
 some, and could be enjoyed in peace and quiet ; the 
 night's rest was no longer broken by the duties of the 
 camp, or the long-roll. Besides all this, the health of 
 the people was never better; the seasons were never 
 more favorable ; the small grain crops were all that 
 could be asked. The vegetable crops were never bet- 
 ter. Four years of war had fitted the people for the 
 enjo^'ment of peace and home comforts as they had 
 never enjoyed them before. All worked with a free, 
 hearty good will,, and everything to which they turned 
 their hands flourished. No one who passed through 
 these times could fail to feel that God's special provi- 
 dences were over the conquered States at this time. 
 Father took the lead in his farm work this year, 
240 The Life and Times op 
 laboring faithfully and earnestly through the entire 
 season. He had said to his former servant George 
 that if he wished to remain with him that he would 
 share wdiatever food he had or might be able to have, 
 with him ; that he could not promise any wages, but 
 should the crops prove good, he would give him some- 
 thing. He very readily decided to remain, and the 
 bearing from one to the other never materially 
 Father's condition, with some exceptions, was now 
 much as it had been before his troubles. He was 
 cheerful and hopeful, showing but Lttle sign of gloom 
 or despondency. Talked freely, read much, and wrote 
 some. His writings were mainly of a poetical nature 
 and directed mainly to the amusement of children. 
 His soul, which was fast regaining its life, must give 
 vent in some w^ay to what was felt within. He was 
 still disposed to shun religious topics, and was not free 
 to talk about his own spiritual condition, and ex- 
 pressed no desire to attend religious services. We now 
 concluded that his main objection to this was that he 
 would be pressed to take part in the exercises, which 
 he was yet unwilling to do. In talking upon this sub- 
 ject he gave all to understand that whenever he felt 
 improised to preach he should undertake it, but could 
 not before. 
Rev! Johnson Olive. 241 
 It was now rather the conclusion of the family that 
 he would never again attempt to preach ; that he 
 would likely return to the church and live the quiet 
 life of a lay member the reuiainder of his days. He 
 was about' the sau^e man in his family that he had 
 formerly been, save his religious habits. He now car- 
 ried with him none of the deep agitation of soul that 
 the faithful minister sometimes exhibits while follow- 
 ing the theme that weighs ^him down, nor of those 
 sudden, quick flashes of the eye or glowing of the 
 dountenance when thought comes with the force and 
 speed of the lightning flash. These signs, which were 
 common to him in former days, were not now exhib- 
 ited. The mind and manner indicated lighter work, 
 and so it was when performed. 
 His improvement thus far brought great relief to 
 his family and friends. One of such genial nature 
 and cheerful habits, with sufficient hope to inspire all 
 around him, becoming silent and so living for years, 
 produces a feeling akin to that of death. But there 
 is greater relief still just ahead. He was, when him-, 
 self, very fond of singing, and often in former days, 
 while around the fireside at night, would engage in 
 singing some favorite hymn, or some amusing song 
 with a good moral and meaning, to the joy and amuse- 
 ment of his family. For about five years his voice 
 had been silent in all public exercises. Not a word 
 had he uttered in song since he ceased from the min- 
 istry, that any one had heard. Some of the poems he 
 had written were full of pathos, and their meaning 
 was best expressed in song. 
242 The Life and Times of 
 He decided at length to sing one of these songs to 
 his family. This occasion will long be remembered. 
 All were gathered about the fireplace at night, the 
 mother engaged with the usual routine of house work 
 pertaining to the hour. Father brings forward one of 
 his poems he had just written, and after reading it, 
 asks his children, with a slight tremor in his voice, if 
 they do not wish to hear him sing it. All respond 
 "yes;" whereupon he proceeds to sing. The deep- 
 felt joy of mother and children could hardly be ex- 
 pressed. His voice had become impaired by disuse, 
 his manner was slightly embarrassed, but this act was 
 an indication for good ; the vacuum which had been 
 so long empty was filling up; he must give vent to 
 what he now felt within his soul. 
 He related to his wife a dream wdiich occurred to 
 him about this period, and while he did not attach 
 any great importance to the wanderings of the mind 
 in sleep, it was in harmony with the great struggles 
 between light and darkness that were going on in his 
 own mind, and added courage and strength to the 
 better part. 
 In some of the mysterious ways into which his night 
 thoughts led him^ he met with a huge mastiff, marked 
 with a fierce and angry look, intent upon destroying 
 everything in his pathway. He saw no way of escape; 
 on, on he comes most furiously. He nerves himself 
 up for the contest, and in a moment the dog is upon 
 him, and a life and death struggle ensues. He subdues 
 his cruel antagonist, and with one stroke of his drawn 
 knife cuts his throat. He saw and recognized in ihis 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 243 
 cruel animal a type of the enemy he had been con- 
 tending with for the past five years. He had at last 
 subdued him, and whether this was from God or not 
 it hastened the day of his deliverance. 
 Here we would pause and ask if we are not too ready 
 to cast aside all dreams and say, "Folly, folly." God 
 does not forsake us when we fall asleep. Why not 
 some impression for good be made upon us by night 
 as well as by day? Who has not been perplexed and 
 troubled, and received some impressions in his dreams 
 that were of service to him in overcoming these diffi- 
 culties? Much evil would result in our spiritualizing 
 all dreams, and it is well for us not to teach that 
 they are all messages from God, any moi;e than that 
 all the meanderings of our minds in the day are mes- 
 sages from Him ; yet we would do well many times to 
 meditate upon the impressions made upon our minds 
 in dreams, and receive all the good we can from them. 
 It may sometimes be the voice of God. We think we 
 do not say too much when we sa}^ this. We ask par- 
 don for mentioning an item in our own experience 
 just here, that we may not be misunderstood upon this 
 critical point. 
 For some days a degree of unpleasantness had mani- 
 fested itself on the part of a friend toward us. This 
 tended to chill our feelings. One night we dreamed 
 our friend was dead, and in our dream we saw him 
 clearly surrounded by his afflicted family. The next 
 day he used in our hearing some unguarded remark 
 which we would ordinarily have felt like resenting. 
 At once we saw him as he had appeared to us the night 
244 The Life and Times of 
 before; over him standing a heart-broken wife and 
 children. We were reminded of the short time allotted 
 us here, and of how soon this would be the case with 
 our friend, whether he lived long or short, or whether 
 we witnessed it or not. Under this reflection our heart 
 softened ; we saw the folly of harboring ill will and 
 bitterness, and were enabled then and there to banish 
 all such feelings from our heart. 
 Many cases equally as striking have occurred in our 
 history. Be not disobedient to the teachings of God, 
 whether by day or by night; whe^.her by His direct 
 providences or in the mysterious unfoldings of His 
 universal laws. 
 At this period father begins to read, talk and sing 
 with a degree of earnestness that had marked his 
 course through former years. Religious books are 
 fully consulted; light is daily increasing; the Bible is 
 his constant adviser ; he begins to realize that through- 
 out his past life he had been in the hands of a merciful 
 Father; that goodness and mercy had been following 
 him all the days of his life. Especially did it now ap- 
 pear plain to him that the hand of a merciful Father 
 bad been leading him for the past five years through 
 the deep and thick darkness that he had come. He 
 now realizes fully that his life had not been in his 
 own hands, neither in the hands of satan ; that while 
 satan had great power, that God had all power. The 
 promises of the Bible began now to appear more beau- 
 tiful to him than ever before. He had formerly read 
 and believed them; he had now tried and had proved 
 them ; his faith in God began to grow doubly strong ; 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 245 
 he could now feel and realize the force of many pass- 
 ages of God's Word with an understanding not hith- 
 erto possessed. He could now say with almost the as- 
 surance of David: "Though I walk through the val- 
 ley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thy 
 rod and thy staff do comfort me." 
 God had been with him through the dark valleys 
 crossed by him during the years just passed. He 
 really felt in his heart that these chastenings had 
 not been in vain, but that they had accomplished that 
 whereunto they were sent. He felt that he could now 
 love and trust God as he had never done before; that 
 like Job, this chastisement would last him to the end 
 of his days. He never, from this time to the day of 
 his death, entertained the least idea of its repetition. 
 From expressions of his own, these' were now the 
 movings of his mind. 
 It is now August, 1865. The people of his acquain- 
 tance kept informed as to his condition. They had 
 not forgotten him during his absence from among 
 them. Many of them had visited him during his af- 
 flictions, and by many other ways extended their 
 sympathies. Some of the churches and congregations 
 he had formerly served sent contributions to his family 
 during this period, to say nothing of the many acts of 
 individual kindness. They all rejoiced to hear of 
246 The Life and Times of 
 his improvement, and anxiously await the day when 
 he should again mingle with them as preacher and 
 pastor. His mother church, Shady Grove, Wake 
 county, had at a previous meeting invited father to 
 come to see them. Hearing of this he sends for the 
 pastor, Rev. J. C. Wilson, to come and see him, which 
 he does, at an early day. The relation existing be- 
 tween this worthy man of God and father was such as 
 existed between very few men. Born near the same 
 date, in the same community, brother's and sister's 
 children, in youth attending the same schools and en- 
 tering the ministry near the same date, they could ap- 
 proach each other with freedom and with confidence. 
 The subject is introduced. He firmly believed up 
 to this time, as stated by him in his own writings, that 
 soon after the commencement of his troubles the 
 church at Shady Grove withdrew fellowship from him. 
 He stated this to his visiting friend. Upon being as- 
 sured by him that such was not the case, and that the 
 cburch had never even had or thought of having the 
 case under consideration, he manifested great relief, 
 and promised to be with the church at their August 
 They now discuss numerous subjects pertaining to 
 religion and the welfare of the church, wherein brother 
 Wilson states father manifested the same interest of 
 soul, freedom of speech, and soundness of judgment be 
 had done in former years. This visit, the message 
 borne, the information received were very consoling to 
 He gave previous notice to the family of his inten- 
Rkv. Johnson Olive. 247 
 tion to visit his church at August meeting. This was 
 glad news to his family and friends, and the necessary 
 preparation was made for the journey, not supposing, 
 however, that he proposed to preach, but was going of 
 his own accord to attend religious services. Time 
 soon rolled around for the August meeting. 
 Early on Saturday morning he is on his way to the 
 church, which he reaches in due time, and finds present 
 the pastor. Rev. J. C. Wilson, and a goodly number 
 of brethren and friends. It could not be expected 
 after so long an absence that his manner and his bear- 
 ing would be easy and natural, especially when he 
 knew how closely every one scrutinized his course; 
 yet he manifested a fair degree of freedom in general 
 conversation. The pastor preached, and there was no 
 more attentive listener than his visiting friend. 
 After services the church met in conference, and 
 when the usual business had been transacted, and an 
 opportunity offered, fatner arose and stated to the 
 church that for five long years he had been as one 
 dead; that he had passed through more than tongue 
 or pen could ever describe; had been lost to all hope, 
 and had felt that he was the meanest man on earth, 
 and that he had been an im poster, preaching Christ 
 while he himself was a stranger to grace; he never 
 purposed or intended to act this part, but had been 
 honestly mistaken, yet the evil resulting from such a 
 course was the same, and to him it appeared the prop- 
 agator of such deeds could not be held innocent, for 
 he should have been more particular, and made the 
 right start. This he stated in brief had been some of 
248 The Life and Times of 
 his troubles. He further stated what impression he 
 had been under all the while relative to their with- 
 drawal of fellowship from him. He closed by saying 
 that these dark clouds had now passed from over his 
 head; that the light of God's countenance had again 
 appeared to him; that he now felt that he wished to 
 work in his Master's vineyard, but under existing cir- 
 cumstances he was unwilling to proceed until he had 
 submitted his case to his brethren, who he felt would 
 deal honestly and candidly with him. Urging them 
 to show him no favors in consequence of sympathy or 
 affection, he submits himself to their action. 
 There was but one sentiment among them. All 
 wished to see him laboring again in the great cause 
 he had once so zealously maintained. Accordingly 
 the conference adopted the following resolutions : 
 "Whereas, Brother Johnson Olive has been absent from 
 us and silent on his ministeral duties for four or five years, 
 laboring, as he says, under somewhat a delirious state of 
 mind, which seems to have measurably abated, and he calls 
 upon us, the church, to say what course he must pursue, or 
 what he shall do, 
 Resolved, That we recommend that brother Olive resume 
 his ministerial duties again as before, and exorcise in public 
 when and where he chpses to do so; and furthermore, we 
 recommend him to his former churches and to the community 
 generally; and we furthermore believe that there is a work 
 for him yet to perform,- and that the space of time that 
 brother Olive has-been silent from the ministry seems to be 
 the handiwork of Providence, and may have been to- ripen 
 and qualify him for that work which he has yet to perform ; 
 and as such we would say, in the language of our Saviour 
 whei; he said to Peter 'feed my sheep,' brother Olive, go and 
 do likewise." 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 249 
 The conference adjourned, with an appointment for 
 Rev. Johnson Olive to preach on the next day, (being 
 Sabbath). This was satisfactory to father, and accord- 
 ingly he was on hand in due time on Sunday morning. 
 The news of what had transpired spread rapidly, 
 and few men could have attracted so large a crowd 
 with so short notice. 
 This appointment, as we have seen, was in the midst 
 of a people with whom he had mingled from his child- 
 hood and youth. Many in this section had heard him 
 from the sacred stand, the doorway or the arbor, in 
 former days, and desired to hear him again ; man}^ 
 were rejoiced at his recovery and return to the minis- 
 try, and wished to hear and see him, and add this 
 token of approval. A still greater number had not 
 seen him during the five years just passed, and desired 
 merely to see him. Others were prompted by mere 
 idle curiosity. With all, it seldom occurs that a more 
 eager crowd is assembled. They were coming in early 
 from every direction; old men and old ladies, young 
 men and young ladies, middle aged and children, 
 some perhaps for the first time to this church. By 
 the time the hour for services had arrived several 
 hundred are present ; the house is soon filled to over- 
 flowing ; the doorways, the aisles, the windows are 
 crowded ; a number left outside taking their positions 
 where they might- get an occasional glimpse of the 
 One striking feature of this vast crowd worthy of 
 remark was their dress. There were very few manu- 
 factories of cloth goods in the Southern States up to 
250 - The Life and Times of 
 this time, and the people had not accumulated suffi. 
 cient means to purchase largely from their recent op- 
 ponents in war ; hence the attire of the crowd was gar- 
 ments that had been long out of use, or made by 
 mothers and daughters of material they had inge- 
 niously put together during the days of the war. To 
 their praise be it said, they had done their part well. 
 A factory made hat, bonnet or pair of shoes was almost 
 a show. An aged friend of ours had been to market 
 a few days before with a load of produce, and had pur- 
 chased himself a factory hat; we were so much struck 
 with its smoothe, symmetrical appearance that we got 
 a swap out of him next day. The preacher wears a 
 suit of plain, home-made cassimere, divested of all 
 showy accompaniments, and takes his position in the 
 stand with every eye upon him. A sense of this fact, 
 and the eager expression of the crowd, rendered him 
 at first a little nervous. He selects and reads his hymn, 
 which is sung with spirit and animation. After the 
 singing he reads a selection from Job, and leads in 
 prayer. In all he does rust is perceptible, but as he 
 proceeds he gains strength and brilliancy. He ba&es 
 his remarks upon the life and writings of Job, and 
 for nearly two hours holds the vast crowd in silence, 
 listening to his recital of God's dealings with Job, 
 and of some striking analogies between the case of 
 Job and himself. He could clearly see that God 
 meant love to Job and valued instructions to his 
 people in thus afflicting him. That in his own case 
 his chastenings had been severe, but he felt they had 
 proved a means of grace to his soul, and through 
Rev. Johnson -Olive. 251 
 them in some measure God's cause might be glorified. 
 He related with feelings many of the incidents that 
 had crossed his pathway during the five years just 
 passed, and expressed great faith in the power of God 
 to preserve and uphold his people, even in the dun- 
 geons of despair. Upon many points he was more 
 firm and outspoken than in former years. It was evi- 
 dent from this introductory that his ministry in future 
 would differ in some particulars from the past. Deeper 
 convictions, more outspoken, a firm and unshaken ad- 
 herence to these convictions when he had a " thus saith 
 saith the Lord " for them. 
 The impressions made upon the audience were pro- 
 found. Many tears were shed, and at times the stern- 
 est hearts gave way. All left the church with the 
 scenes he had depicted indellibly impressed upon their 
 minds, feeling that the w^ork of this man of God was 
 but just begun. 
 A deep interest in his future was now felt among 
 his acquaintances. Some feared it was a species of 
 insanity with which he had been troubled, and that it 
 might retufn ; others felt that it was the dealings of a 
 kind Providence, and was once for all. As for father, 
 he talked freely and cheerfully about his condition, 
 often introducing it himself, and entertained no fears 
 of a like trouble. He is now fully committed to his for- 
 mer work, and is eager to preach, and the people anx- 
 ious to hear him. Through the courtesy of neighbor- 
 ing pastors he is invited to their churches, and had 
 soon preached a number of discourses in the fields 
 formerly occupied by him, much to the delight and 
252 The Life and Times of 
 satisfaction of his brethren, and interesting to all. He 
 spoke of the past with an ease, freedom and cheerful- 
 ness that rather astonished. His manner at all times 
 of representing this state was like the man who has 
 through great trials, persecutions and afflictions, but 
 at last has come out triumphant, exonerated from all 
 wrong, and strengthened in character. 
 As he was now making his second start in the min- 
 istry, some changes in his own life, both secular and 
 ministerial, were impressed upon his mind. He was 
 decided in his convictions never again to so cumber 
 himself with worldly cares. In future he would not 
 constitute a farm hand, as he had done through much 
 of his past ministerial life. He preferred of choice to 
 labor some, and during his entire life never hesitated 
 to take hold whenever and wherever it was needed. 
 Yet when he saw these cares entangling him he would 
 speedily extricate himself therefrom. He also felt that 
 the customs of holding revival meetings, which had 
 been productive of much good in the past, had in lat- 
 ter days come to be abused ; that morbid notions of 
 true and vital religion had sprung up among the 
 masses through this instrumentality; he was not dis- 
 posed to discard a means that had been so signally 
 blessed for the objections he saw or the evils arising 
 out of it. He consults with some wise and experienced 
 brethren upon these topics. His conclusion was to try 
 to remedy these evils, as he thought them to be, so far 
 as his labors extended. He would teach the people 
 that religion did not consist in noise and great demon- 
 stration ; that this he would not condemn when it 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 253 
 proceeded from a godly spirit, but to suppose that it 
 would produce godliness was wrong. 
 We do not know that he ever talked so freely upon 
 this subject with any person as he did wiih us. To 
 these principles he conformed his subsequent ministry, 
 and found it to be quite as successful, and lived to 
 witness a more healthy state of spirituality among the 
 churches of his charge. The principal objection to 
 the former methods was that under the great excite- 
 ment that often existed numbers realized a sensation 
 that they mistook for a change of heart. Among the 
 converts there were too many backsliders; that many 
 would make a new profession each year that rolled 
 round — would become mourners and make professions 
 at each meeting for years in succession. 
 Many who read this account will know the truth 
 whereof we speak. In short, while there was every 
 evidence to believe that thousands were truly con- 
 verted and added to the church each year through this 
 medium, the per cent of those whose conversions ap- 
 peared not genuine was too large. To correct this evil. 
 was the subject that impressed him. We would not be 
 understood to say that father's views upon the teachings 
 of the Bible as held by his denomination (Missionary 
 Baptist) were materially changed, yet he was not strictly 
 sectarian, and always preferred to follow the teachings 
 of God as he understood them, to that of men, and 
 sought not to bend the Word to suit his own peculiar 
 views. He was in no way active in politics, yet he had 
 his notions of civil government, and regarding it as 
 sanctioned by the laws of God, ever felt it a christian 
254 The Life and Times of 
 duty to aid in establishing good laws, iu harmony 
 with the spirit and teachings of Divine revelation, 
 and to encourage a faithful administration of the same. 
 During the fall of 1865 he was called to the pas- 
 torate of Shady Grove Church, Wake county, to take 
 effect the first of January following. The beginning 
 of the year 1866 finds him actually engaged in minis- 
 terial work. He was judged by those who heard him 
 to be now possessed of all the clearness of mind, energy 
 and vigor of spirit that had characterized his course 
 in former years, with an experience ^rom which he 
 often drew many forcible and successful illustrations. 
 The period of time immediately succeeding the war 
 was as remarkable for dearth in religious circles as 
 that just preceeding this "^crisis wa« for life. Man}'' 
 persons who had shown much interest in church work 
 in former years had through the hardships of war and 
 a soldier's life become cold, careless and indifferent to 
 religious duties. This, added to the confused and un- 
 settled state of civil government in the recently sub- 
 dued States, cast quite a gloom over the church at this 
 time. If this was a specimen, it has been truly said 
 that war is a great demoralizer. A very unsettled 
 state of mind existed as to secular life; no one could 
 tell what would be the outcome of the new order of 
 things as they then existed ; some were for leaving to 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 255 
 become citizens of other governments; almost ever}^ 
 one looked to the future with gloomy forebodings; the 
 political and domestic situation formed the chief topics 
 of conversation. During such a state, a hard and 
 laborious work remains for the faithful watchman who 
 is commanded to cry aloud and spare not when he 
 sees the enemy approaching. The faithful minister 
 found in his congregation few of those supports which 
 are so essential to successful work. So many absent 
 faces and vacant seats, so little real interest manifested, 
 rendered the average church rather a place of gloom 
 than of joy. The chief thoughts which seemed to oc- 
 cupy his mind were to arouse christians to a sense of 
 the dangers which surrounded them, and to their duty, 
 and to awaken sinners to the dangers which were en- 
 twining them. He sought to quiet the minds of his 
 hearers upon the dangers which threatened, and urged 
 them to fear God rather than man ; to practice nothing 
 which Jehovah had forbidden, though men should seek 
 to enforce it; to live by the religion of Jesus Christ, 
 and if need be, to die by it. In his efforts to settle the 
 minds of his hearers upon the questions then agitating 
 them, he was sometimes charged by some who sup- 
 ported the political measures ^f these times with 
 preaching politics. This rather amused than offended 
 him, for lie felt that he knew his own heart in this 
 matter and only desired to bring all the lights of 
 Scripture he could to bear upon this subject, to the end 
 that the minds of his people might be established. 
 It was during this year that his lifelong friend, 
 Rev. P. W. Dowd, died at his home in Wake county. 
256 The Life and Times of 
 He visited him in his last sickness, and talked freely 
 with him about his disease and his prospects beyond 
 the Jordan of death. He stated tlfat he was rapidly 
 sinking but experienced no pain. He had do fears of 
 death ; to die would be gain. His cool, calm resigna- 
 tion as he stood upon the brink of eternity greatly im- 
 pressed father, and he often alluded to this circum- 
 stance in after life when speaking of the dying chris- 
 tian. He was present at his funeral and burial, and 
 returned home feeling as if he had been to the funeral 
 and burial of a father. 
 He now begins to realize more fully than ever before 
 the great responsibility that reits upon him as one of 
 the few ministers remaining in his section of country. 
 The number of young men entering the ministry at 
 this time were very few, and for a period of ten years 
 or more after the war, the work of the ministry de- 
 volved mainly upon those who had been long in the 
 In the midst of his labors during the fall of this 
 year he received a friendly, though almost fatal blow 
 from a young horse while stopping with his sister on 
 his way home from some family visits. I was not far 
 away from the scene at the time, and was sent for by 
 him. There was evidence of an internal wound which 
 might result in early dissolution. He talked of his 
 misfortune very pleasantly, yet his intense pain led 
 him to feel that death might be near at hand. He 
 said death was not a terror to him, and if it was the 
 Lord's time all was well. Soon a physician arrived 
 and in a few hours hopes for his recovery began to re- 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 257 
 vive. He was debarred from preaching for several 
 weeks in consequence of this affliction. 
 For the year 18G7 he recived calls to the pastorate of 
 Shady Grove, Bethany and Ephesus churches, Wake 
 county, and at Mt. Gilead, Chatham county. This was 
 quite an active year with him. Since his returning to 
 the ministry the people everywhere were anxious to 
 meet him and hear him. His vacant Sundays were 
 filled with appointments to preach funerals and fill 
 the appintments of other pastors. He frequently rode 
 twenty to twenty five miles to these appointments. 
 In addition to his four churches and the labors just 
 named, he was engaged during this year in writing 
 his biography, which forms the basis of this work. 
 By this time there w^as marked improvement in the 
 country. The favorable crops of 1865 and 1866 had 
 done much to relieve the people ; prices of most farm 
 products were enormous. Local government was grad- 
 ually being re-established, and military power giving 
 way to some extent. Some of the dark forebodings 
 had not been realized, and the minds of the people 
 were becoming much more settled. All this was fa- 
 vorable to successful church work. Congregations were 
 larger and much more interested in religious work 
 than formerly. A deep sense of the responsibility now 
 resting upon the ministry, and the great need for earn- 
 est, consecrated work inflame his soul and he preaches 
 with much zeal and fervor. His strongest impressions 
 are to build up the waste places of Zion at home ; to 
 awaken Christians to a sense of duty, and sinners to a 
258 The Life and Times op 
 knowledge of their danger. And to these purposes he 
 gave much of his time and talents. 
 Living in the country, preaching in the country, 
 and being intimately acquainted with the circum- 
 stances of many of his flock, (as many of them con- 
 sulted him freely upon almost every subject, and kept 
 few secrets from him), he knew well the ^situation of 
 the people to whom he preached both financially and 
 spiritually. The few years of prosperity had not re- 
 lieved them from the embarrassments resulting from 
 the late war. In this state of circumstances he did 
 not feel it his duty to urge his charges to aid objects 
 abroad. He was not at heart opposed to any Chris- 
 tian efiPort authorized by the Word of God. He had 
 ever been a missionary in spirit and in practice; had 
 given liberally all his life of his scanty means, and 
 was still doing so, but declared that he felt no respon- 
 sibility resting upon him as a pastor to urge his 
 churches to contribute to objects abroad. Should he 
 live to see his people differently situated he would 
 then teach them to aid in these various objects of Chris- 
 tian work. The people in his charge living in a sec- 
 tion where the enemy in the recent conflicts were dis- 
 banded were not on a par with other sections of the 
 country, and until they had in some measure been 
 enabled to set their own houses in order he did not 
 feel called upon to urge them to send their contribu 
 tions abroad. He expressed himself willing at all 
 times to give any and all an opportunity to help, but 
 could not urge it. 
 This was father's position for several years after the 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 259 
 war. Some sharp, though at last pleasant controver- 
 sies between himself and some of his brethren grew 
 out of this in some of the associatians. Yet so far as 
 I could ever learn they were usually conducted in a 
 Christian spirit, and finally resulted in bringing all 
 parties together, and in imparting moderation rather 
 than bitterness. The masses of the people of his 
 charges were with him in sentiment, and at times some 
 good brethren thought division would follow. Father 
 was far from courting anything of this kind, and had 
 no selfish feelings to gratify in this matter; but deter- 
 mined to stand firm by 'the faith he held, and pro- 
 claim fearlessly what he thought to be the truth. 
 The courage with which he maintained his convic- 
 tions drew to him many followers, and only awakened 
 the admiration of those who opposed his views. They 
 could feel that nothing serious could come from the 
 actions of one so generous and so full of energy, zeal 
 and devotion to the cause of his Master. They could 
 fully trust his honesty, and so soon as he could see his 
 churches able he would not be a whit behind in filling 
 the great mission of his Lord : *' Go ye into all the 
 world and preach the gospel to every creature." 
 Thus, what appeared at one time to be a serious ob- 
 stacle in the way of co-operation and harmony in the 
 bounds of his modestv, soon subsides to the satisfac- 
 tion of all. He sometimes spoke of the extreme to 
 which some of the supporters of his views were dis- 
 posed to carry ideas he had advanced, and labored to 
 correct all errors thus engendered. Subsequently the 
 churches of his care were among the most liberal in 
260 The Life and Times of 
 contributing to the various objects of christian work 
 of any in the Association to which they beloDged. He 
 was, however, always free to speak of extremes, and 
 held that no amount of money and men were suffi- 
 cient to convert the world to Christ without conse- 
 crated hearts and the guiding influences of the Holy 
 Spirit. The discussions of the various objects of chris- 
 tian labor had the effect in many instances to awaken 
 interest and to shed light upon many subjects which 
 were before but little understood. 
 Father ever remained satisfied with the part he 
 acted, and felt that he had but done justice to his peo- 
 ple in their poverty and want, and that in the end he 
 and oohers had alike been benefitted by the light that 
 had been thrown upon the subjects under discussion. 
 The work of the ministry perhaps never afforded 
 him more joy than during this period. He acted as 
 one continually emerging into greater light. His mind 
 was active and clear, his impressions vivid, his memory 
 almost faultless, his energy and zeal profound and 
 abiding, his faith strong. 
 The following letter, addressed to the Rev. James 
 Dennis, of Mississippi, one he had long known, and 
 for^whom he entertained a lasting regard, will serve 
 to show more of father's feelings, both as to the time 
 of which we write and the past than anything in our 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 261 
 possession. This venerable man was his senior in age 
 and in the ministry, was present at his ordination, and 
 ever proved himself to be a kind and faithful counsel- 
 lor to father. So much did ne feel indebted to him 
 that he sometimes spoke of him as a father in the 
 ministry. Hence this open, frank letter, which we 
 give in full : 
 Wake County, N. C, July 12, 1867. 
 My Very Dear Brother :— I have concluded to write to 
 you another letter. I have heard from you frequently, but 
 have received no letter from you in a long time. I sympa- 
 thize with you in your troubles, for I have been a great suf- 
 ferer myself. 
 I understand that you have lost all your children but one. 
 I have lost three, yet we have five living. Our two oldest 
 and youngest are dead. You have lost a son and daugh- 
 ter. This, together with our other losses, is enough to cause 
 our hearts to grieve and our drooping courage to flag. But 
 all these things can be borne and should be borne with 
 patience and fortitude. Yet Solomon says: "A wounded 
 spirit who can bear." I have been the man to experience* 
 this, not willingly, but from stern necessity. I do not re- 
 gret it now, for I have learned more in the school of expe- 
 rience and affliction than most of men, and some lessons 
 that few if any ever learned before. As useful and instruc- 
 tive as these lessons have been, I have no desire to pass 
 through that school again. 
 Brother Dennis, let me speak a few words to you as a son 
 to his father, for I feel that my faith is strong, my hope firm, 
 and my consolation sweet. I am now a happy man, but by 
 the grace of God I- am what I am, and through much tribu- 
 lation I have arrived at this state of mind. In the first place 
 let me say to you what you have often said to others : We 
 should never take on, or grieve inordinately, for that which is 
262 The Life and Times of 
 unavoidable on our part, because we can neither change one 
 hair white or black, but as Jeremiah, so let us do: " Truly, 
 this is a grief, and let us bear it." " O, Lord, I know that the 
 way of man is not in himself; it is not in man thatwalketh 
 to direct his steps." All this, and a thousand times more have 
 I found verified in the school of experience. In the next 
 place, let a son say to his father: "My father, think it not 
 strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as 
 though 'some strange thing happened unto you." Do not 
 despond at the hidings of God's face ; clouds may obscure 
 the sky of your mind, but the Son of Righteousness will 
 beam forth again with healing in His wings to your soul. 
 No man could sink lower in the slough of despond than 
 1 ; not one ray of hope penetrated my dark soul, but dark- 
 ness, death and long despair reigned in constant horrors 
 there. The pains of hell got hold of me, and nothing but a 
 fearful looking-for of the judgment to come and the fiery 
 displeasure of a sin-avenging God awaiting me. 
 And now my dear father, I see that God was leading me 
 in a way which I had not hitherto trod, and in a way I did 
 not know. Dark things have been made plain, and crooked 
 ways straight. If I ever had religion, 1 had it then; if I did 
 not have it then, I have it not now. 
 ' My dear brother, "according to thy faith so be it unto 
 thee." Faith'is the great lever in religion. We live by faith, 
 we walk by faith, we stand by faith, and by faith we over- 
 come the enemies of our souls. When faith is gone our shield 
 is gone, and the fiery darts of the enemy will pierce us on every 
 side. In the present unsettled state of our country, and the 
 minds of the people partaking of this state more or less, and 
 thus liable to be tossed by every wind of doctrine, I have 
 studied diligently to find out the course of wisdom. 
 So far as I am personally concerned these things do not 
 greatly affect me, for I have no fear of wicked men or devils, 
 but I feel for others, for the church, and the welfare of my 
 I am preaching for four churches this year. I have good 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 263 
 congregations, good order and good attention, but as yet I 
 have seen no great efiEect produced. I enjoy liberty in speak- 
 ing, and my faith is so strong in the power and goodness of 
 God that I cannot doubt of final success. Since 1 commenced 
 preaching the second time, oi* as I sometimes feel since my 
 resurrection from the dead, I have felt like a new man. 1 have 
 lost my former diffidence, my timidity and embarrassment in 
 preaching before any and all persons, be they ever so great or 
 learned. I feel that I have a message to tell, and "whatso- 
 ever my God says that will I speak." 
 Many new texts of Scripture and new subjects are rolled 
 upon my mind like a burden from the Lord, and I am never 
 satisfied till I roll it ofi. Sometimes nature revolts when these 
 subjects are pointed and severe against the customs and man- 
 ners that prevail, but I cannot rest till I cry aloud and spare 
 not. It does seem to me that the time is fast approaching 
 when every man shall be seen in his true colors. All hidden 
 sins shall be brought to light, and the line drawn between 
 him that serveth God and him that serveth him not. The signs 
 of the times indicate to my mind that an invincible power is 
 working to bring to light what is and has been going on in the 
 heart, and all the efforts of men to evade it seem to be una- 
 vailing. I would not have you to understand that I have de- 
 viated from the old established doctrines of our holy religion 
 as handed down by Christ and his apostles, and as taught by 
 our fathers. My meaning is, I have had new subjects con- 
 nected with that same old religion brought to bear on my 
 Brother Dennis, I shall take liberty in speaking, or rather in 
 writing to you, as I have done to other old fathers in Israel. 
 1 am about to have' a book published. Of course this will 
 strike you with some astonishment, as I have never been in 
 the habit of writing for publication. 
 Not to detain you here, I will tell you some of the exercises 
 of my mind on this subject since my return to the ministry. 
 I soon felt a strong anxiety of mind to relate my experience 
 during the five years that I was dead to all spiritual things. 
264 The Life and Times of 
 I was unwilling to carry all these things into the pulpit, and 
 make this too prominent a part of my preaching, for I felt it 
 my duty to preach the Gospel and not my experience while in 
 a state as people looked upon as mental derangement. I con- 
 sulted my brethren in the ministry in regard to this matter and 
 they thought with me that it would be best not to bring too 
 much of this into my sermons. I would tell my experience 
 through these years to any one who desire i to hear it. In 
 this way a great many suggested to me that I ought to write it 
 out and have it published, as it would be calculated to do 
 much good, especially to the afflicted in soul and all who were 
 troubled upon the subject of religion. So I concluded to write 
 it up and leave it to be disposed of by my friends and brethren 
 after my decease. In consulting with brother Dowd on this 
 subject, he advised me to write it out and have it published as 
 soon as possible, promising to aid me in any way he could. 
 This I set about doing, but he was soon called away by death. 
 I have thus far written one hundred and forty pages and am 
 not yet through. I think the book will contain about two hun- 
 dred pages. It will embrace a short history of my life. If I have 
 it published I will try to send you a copy. • Its title will be " One 
 of the wonders of the age, or the life and times of Johnson 
 Olive." Your brother in Christ, 
 The reader will well understand that this was not 
 written for publication, but is here given as the best 
 means of showing the true character of our subject at 
 this time. As intimated through these years the 
 preacher witnessed but slight develof^ment and growth 
 among his members, and very little increase of mem- 
 bership, yet good was being accomplished. It was 
 truly a time of seed-sowing, and he who labored on in 
 faith and in love, doing his whole duty, as though the 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 265 
 harvest was at hand, leaving results with his Master, 
 lived to see a few years later a glorious ingathering. 
 Through the 3ears of 1868 and 1869 father was 
 pastor of Shady Grove, Bethany, Ephesus and Mt- 
 Moriah churches. During this tiuie he was permitted 
 to witness a great change among his churches for the 
 better. Strange though it may appear the progress 
 and prosperity of the church was commensurate with 
 the political and material prosperity of the country. 
 This may be an exception to the rule, but it follows 
 war. We would not be understood to say that during 
 such times christian people turn from the true God, 
 but we hope never again to see a time when there was 
 so little thought and talk among those who claim to 
 be the people of God of Him and His mercies. The 
 feeling experienced by the christian man or woman 
 was horrible. Hatred, ill-will and vengeance had had 
 sway for years, and where such feelings reign the 
 gentle Spirit of God cannot dwell. 
 Thisstateof things was now gradually disappearing; 
 much evil that had been looked for had not come to 
 pass; friendly relations are everywhere being grad- 
 ually established ; good crops and good prices are 
 greatly relieving the wants of the people, and a bright 
 future is opening up. Christians begin to realize some 
 of the gentle influencesof the Holy Spirit; theirhearts 
 are more tender; they love each other more, and feel 
 more concern about the salvation of sinners. During 
 the two or three years that now follow many churches 
 and communities experience glorious seasons of Divine 
266 The Life and Times of 
 During these two y^ars all of fathers' churches en- 
 joyed a fair degree of prosperity ; some of them passed 
 through the most successful revivals of their history. 
 There were many accessions to the church. A great 
 man}' full-grown and middle aged men were brought 
 into the fold during this period. 
 I have often heard the brethren of Bethany Church, 
 formerly near Morrisville, Wake county, speak of the 
 revival held there about this time. They describe it 
 as the J. reatest revival they ever witnessed, the pastor 
 preaching with great clearness and power, but in his 
 appeals to the unconverted was gentle, mild and per- 
 suasive, addressing himself only to their judgment, 
 and when he gave his final invitation to those who 
 would turn from the ways of sin and death to the ways 
 of righteousness and peace, men and women, boys and 
 girls, all ages and conditions, eagerly came forward 
 seeking Him who died that they might live. The 
 number of converts was large and a real impetus was 
 given to the cause of religion in this locality. Others 
 of his churches enjoyed revival seasons quite as much 
 During the few years that follow he is more conse- 
 crated to his chosen work than at any former period 
 of his life. His own health is good. The health of 
 his family is better than for years; his children about 
 all grown; his churches paying him a sufficient 
 amount for support, with what he could realize from 
 his little farm. According to a previous conviction 
 and determination, he had as much as was possible 
 cut loose from worldly cares and now gives himself 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 267 
 almost wholly to ministerial and pastoral work. He 
 is a constant reader. Few moments are spent in idle- 
 ness. He has a fair collection of religious books, and 
 reads and studies with a zeal and diligence character- 
 istic of ambitious youth. His congregations every- 
 where are large and attentive, and his thoughts are 
 impressed upon th^ hearts of many. His sayings and 
 teachings are familiar to a number even to this day. 
 It is but just to say that during this period his ef- 
 forts were greatly blessed, and that many souls were 
 brought into God's earthly kingdom during these 
 years of his service. Many persons who will read this 
 little volume date the beginning of divine life to these 
 years and to his services as an humble instrument in 
 the hands of Jehovah. 
 During the two or three years that succeeded the 
 death of Rev. P. W. Dowd father had under consider- 
 ation the erection of a monument to the memory of 
 that distinguished divine. He had by the aid of some 
 other brethren succeeded in getting up the amount 
 necessary for this purpose, and arrangements were 
 made to have the same erected over his remains at 
 Mt. Pisgah Church, Chatham county, on the 24th day 
 of April, 1869. Owing to the active part father had 
 taken in raising the money necessary for this under- 
 taking, his life-long attachment to the deceased, and 
 his intimate knowledge of his life for over twenty five 
 years, he was selected to prepare a suitable service for 
 the occasion. The day arrived, several hundred per- 
 sons assembled at the church-yard ; some have esti- 
 m^ed the attendance at near two thousand. 
268 The Life and Times of 
 He introduced the services by speaking of the oc- 
 casion which had called them together, the deep love 
 they bore to him whose memory they wished to per- 
 petuate. He cited some Bible authorities for thus 
 honoring the dead who had so distinguished them- 
 selves for good ; he spoke of the abuse that had some- 
 times been made of it, and of the true spirit with 
 which all such work should be done. Render to all 
 men their dues. Under this head he spoke feelingly 
 of the life and labors of the eminent man of God. 
 He had not escaped the persecutor's shafts, but had 
 born it in the spirit of his Master. He held him up 
 as a man of broad culture, clear logic, profound elo- 
 quence; had the ability to speak what he knew to the 
 very best advantage. As a proof of his godly charac- 
 ter he cited to the fruits he bore, and mentioned the 
 great sacrifices he made for the cause he so much 
 loved, having repeatedly refused more invjting fields, 
 but chose to spend and be spent for his Lord and 
 Master where he could accomplish most good. He 
 made some tender allusions to the interest he always 
 manifested in the young men of his charges, of his 
 tender counsels with himself in early life. The exer- 
 cises closed by his reading the following lines in 
 verse, which he had prepared for the occasion, which 
 after reading he sang : 
 The God who reigns in heaven above, 
 And rules this world below, 
 Who sends with speed the shafts of death 
 Along the road we go. 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 269 
 We meet around the grave 
 Of Lim we loved so well, 
 This monument we raise 
 Above his head to tell — 
 This God did send to us a man, 
 (O! how we loved his name,) 
 A chosen vessel in His hand 
 His Gospel to proclaim. 
 Our eyes have seen, our ears have heard, 
 Our hearts have felt his truth, 
 When he was holding forth Thy Word 
 In bygon6 days of youth. 
 Our fathers, mothers, too have heard 
 That man proclaim Thy Name, 
 While he was holding forth Thy Word 
 They caught the sacred flame. 
 What wondrous truths our ears have heard 
 When he was in the stand, 
 And holding forth Thy precious Word 
 In this surrounding land. 
 Through storms and tempests o'er his head 
 And persecutions rife, 
 A pilgrim to his dying bed 
 He closed his mortal life. 
 The names of holy men shall live 
 In hearts imbued with love, 
 Till we to God all glory give 
 Around the throne above. 
270 The Life and Times of 
 Dear people, when you meet around 
 This silent, sacred place. 
 Step lightly on — 'tis holy ground — 
 Here lies a man of grace. 
 When children come upon the sod 
 This monument to view. 
 Here lies a holy man of God 
 Whose heart was just and true. 
 With reverence and with love to God 
 We now have done our part; 
 We leave our friend beneath the clod 
 With calm and peaceful heart. 
 The year 1870 brings with it but few changes in the 
 life and labors of our subject. He has lost none of his 
 interest in church work. His charges this year are 
 v^ Shady Grove, Pleasant Grove, Bethany and Mt.Moriah, 
 all of Wake county. The developnaent and growth 
 which had been so marked in all the churches for the 
 past few years move steadily onward. One encourage- 
 ing feature is the Sunday school interest which the 
 country churches now begin to enter into with an ef- 
 fort not heretofore witnessed. This work was heartily 
 endorsed by him, and he often spoke of the readiness 
 of Sabbath school scholars to accept Christ. It is true 
 many churches had engaged in this work long before 
 this period, yet the increased facilities, and the earnest 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 271 
 efforts put forth by many pastors and active lay 
 brethren gave a new impetus to the cause of Sunday 
 schools about this period. 
 The grand results attending this work were so evi- 
 dent everywhere, both among christians and the un- 
 regenerated, that it gathered increased interest as it 
 went, and in a few years was regarded by most reli- 
 gious denominations as one of the important means of 
 evangelizing the world. It was the custom of most 
 country churches in middle North Carolina to have 
 only monthly preaching, One Saturday and Sabbath 
 of each month w^as set apart for regular service. Many 
 ministers had charge of four churches. It was usually 
 so with father, and often in the week and on fifth Sun- 
 days he preached funeral sermons in various locali- 
 ties, often a great distance from home, to be traveled 
 by private conveyance. 
 As the title of this work is the " Life and Times of 
 Johnson Olive," it may not be amiss to say more of 
 funeral sermons, as this service has undergone some 
 changes during the past few years, and may sound 
 strangely to some who may read this work in years to 
 come. From a personal knowledge of father's views 
 upon thj subject of funeral services, I do not hesitate 
 to say that I believe they were sound, and would be 
 so considered by all who understood him. I think it 
 would be difficult to find a minister who had preached 
 more funerals. This was due to several causes. He 
 was what is sometimes termed a man from among 
 the people; mingled much- with the masses from 
 childhood to old age, saw much of them, knew 
272 The Life and Times of 
 much of them. Being naturally possessed of a genial, 
 jovial, kind, sympathetic nature, far removed from 
 hypocrisy or deception, his word always his bond; 
 literally truthful, he made many friends. He spent 
 his life among this people. He seldom lacked for hear- 
 ers anywhere. In the circle of his acquaintance there 
 were some people who never attended church, others 
 who went but seldom-, Often upon going to some out- 
 of-the-way place to preach a funeral he met with such 
 characters. He seized these opportunities to try to do 
 them good, as well as others, and often under these 
 influences grew warm in spirit, and preached some of 
 his most effectual sermons. He lived to see much 
 good result to the living from these sermons, and thus 
 his interest in such services was deepened, and he 
 sought as hard to prepare himself for such occasions 
 as any other, and many thought they heard his best 
 preaching here. All have some idea of the feeling 
 that permeates a vast audience assembled to pay the 
 last tribute of respect to some man or woman of prom- 
 inence, either for good or ill in the community. Upon 
 such occasions the heart is soft and easily impressed. 
 He seized such opportunities for good. 
 That this custom was somewhat abused he was 
 aware, and sought to the extent of his work to remedy 
 it. He objected to the custom of preaching the 
 funerals of persons long since dead, especially in case 
 of infants, and favored all funeral services at the time 
 of burial, or soon after; yet he preached the funerals 
 of some long after they were dead. He was perhaps 
 never seen to get up to preach upon such occasion that 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 273 
 he did uot try in the outset to set all minds right upon 
 this custom, and to impress ail that it was for the ben- 
 efit of the living and not the dead that these services 
 were held. As the tree fell so it must lie. Hence as 
 long as he lived this was a prominent part of his min- 
 istry. In one Association the subject of funeral ser- 
 mons was under discussion. Some of the brethren 
 thought they ought to be abolished, others entertained 
 similar vi^ws with slight modification. Father arose 
 and very earnestly spoke in behalf of this service and 
 closed by saying they could pass as many resolutions 
 as they chose condemning it but so long as he was 
 permitted to preach anywhere he should continue this 
 service, believing that in this line of work he had been 
 the instrument of good. His faith in this service, 
 strengthened by what he had witnessed, perhaps better 
 fitted him for this department of labor. Be this as it 
 may, many who now live can bear testimony to the 
 success of his labors under this head, for which he 
 seemed peculiarly adapted. There was never a greater 
 demand upon him than during the years he is now 
 passing through for preaching funeral sermons. All 
 his energies and powers of both mind and body are 
 now employed to meet the demands that are upon him. 
 He is constant and steady in his work. 
 In the early part of the year 1871 his son Thomas 
 Jasper Olive, so long afHicted, dies. He was fourth 
 child in age, and the fourth to die. 
 It always appears that death falls upon those mem- 
 bers of the family for whom some special tenderness 
 exists. This is not always true. We do not know 
274 The Life and Times of 
 how precious opportunities for good in this life are till 
 we see them in their flight. We do not really know 
 our attachment to friends and loved ones till called to 
 be separated from them. 
 In the course of time that which was an impulse or 
 passion at the beginning becomes a principle, and is 
 fixed far below the surface. Those who have experi- 
 enced it need not be told that an invalid in the family 
 is an object of special care and affection. How quick 
 the entire family become aroused at injury or wrong 
 done such a one. 
 This youth, now twenty-three years of age, was 
 stricken with Pneumonia at the age of six years. A 
 healthy, robust child is suddenly prostrated, and for 
 many long weeks is completely helpless. During this 
 prostration an abscess is formed upon the lungs, is 
 lanced, and for ten or twelve years remained unhealed. 
 During most of this time he was up and moving about 
 but never saw another well day. The side of his body 
 in which this trouble was seated grew but little and 
 gave to him an ill form. He spent most of his life 
 about the home, and was never afterwards enabled to 
 endure hardship or fatigue. He was easily affected by 
 cold, and during the winter of 1870 became much 
 prostrated by reason of exposure He continued to 
 weaken, and the violent cough with other indications 
 pointed to an early dissolution. He continued to move 
 from house to house and about the yard ; and in the 
 midst of the expectation of all that he would survive 
 some weeks yet, he was one morning seated by the 
 cheerful fire while father was sitting near by reading. 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 275 
 Suddenly the father hears a struggle, turns and gathers 
 his dying boy in his arms, with his head upon his 
 breast, and in a few moments what had long been to 
 him a tender, affectionate boy, is a lifeless form. 
 He had early professed faith in Christ, and for many 
 years been a consistent member of the church. This 
 death was met with quiet resignation. The father 
 often referring to the deep feelings of his soul upon 
 this occasion. 
 While he had no Elisha to go to for his dead bo}^ 
 he could truly commit him into the hands of Elisha's 
 God, believing that he had gone to join his two 
 brothers and his sister in a land that is free from pain. 
 The few years that here follow, from 1871 to 1875, 
 are not marked by any incidents of special interest. 
 The religious work that had been organized during 
 the five or six years just past moves steadily and suc- 
 cessfully onward. The minister finds his work less 
 difficult than formerly. During these years his pas- 
 toral labors are spent among the churches of Shady 
 Grove, Pleasant Grove, Bethany and Mount Moriah. 
 The church at Mount Moriah had, soon after his en- 
 trance upon work there in 1868, given him an indefi- 
 nite call, to be terminated wheneve'r church or pastor 
 thought, from any cause, a change necessary. Chris- 
 tian work among all of father's churches was now 
 pleasant, and reasonably successful. 
 The customs of the times was to hold a series of ser- 
 vices once in two or three years with each church as 
 opportunity seemed to present itself, and as the spirit 
 lead the hearts of the people. He was permitted to 
276 The Life and TniKis of 
 witness many gracious outpourings of the Spirit upon 
 bis churches and congregations during this period. 
 There was everywhere growth and devolopment among 
 Christians, and many accessions to the church from 
 the ranks of the unregenerate. He preaches no new 
 doctrines, but takes up the old, old story with warmth, 
 earnestness and clearness. The changes that the five 
 years of inactivity had wrought upon his ministry 
 were often at this time the subject of discourse among 
 his acqaintances. 
 We think we here pen a verdict that was sanctioned 
 by the great majority. He was more bold, inore frank, 
 had less desire to please men, and had more, if possi- 
 ble, to please God. Possessed the courage of his con- 
 victions and was more obedient to the voice of con- 
 science. A closer and keener observer of all that 
 passed under his knowledge. His mind clearer and his 
 memory more tenacious. 
 Many persons regarded the period of retirement as 
 the ripening period during which time those qualities 
 of merit he had formerly exhibited reached a rich 
 state of maturity, and thus he was better enabled to 
 come more boldly up to duty and take up the cross 
 though it was heavy. The subject of Education, Home 
 and Foreign Missions, &c., were objects that had been 
 receiving and were now receiving a good share of at- 
 tention from the Baptists of the State, as well as many 
 other religious denominations. He was friendly to 
 them all, and his churches were among the most lib- 
 eral country churches of the middle portion of the' 
 State. He, however, did not consider man as perfect- 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 277 
 or his works even in such noble causes as being with- 
 out fault, and ever liable to take on some error. He 
 sometimes spoke freely of the abuses to which these 
 worthy objects were subject, not however, to the det- 
 riment of true progress that I know. He favored edu- 
 cation, and advocated an educated ministry, yet ever 
 tried to impress upon his hearers that the grand prepa- 
 ration must come from God, and that the preparations 
 that man could add, while good and commendable, 
 were only secondary to a successful ministry. He ever 
 plead for the humble, faithful, unlettered man of God, 
 who was by the aid of the Holy Spirit cutting down 
 the forest and clearing up the Gospel field with little 
 or no reward, save what his Heavenly Father gave 
 him. He plead that such should not be overlooked or 
 undervalued. He was at times impressed that there 
 was danger in relying too much upon men and money 
 for the evangelization of the world. He did not un- 
 dervalue means, but held them as subordinate; that 
 in our zeal to bring the world to Christ we must re- 
 member that it is not by might nor by power, bat " by 
 My Spirit "saith the Lord. He believed fully in the 
 part the Spirit was to perform, and without this there 
 could be no effectual work done. 
 I here give a brief of a discourse he sometimes de- 
 livered upon the subject of missions. We give this 
 that he may go upon reeord honestly and truthfully : 
278 The Life and Times of 
 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. — 
 Phil. 2:5. 
 The \^ord mission defined — The true principle of a 
 missionary — The negative principle. 
 It does not consist in money given ; a great deal has 
 been given in the name of missions when the giver 
 was far removed from the true missionary spirit; 
 Christ is the true pattern of a missionary; he that has 
 the mind or spirit of Christ is a missionary. Calcula- 
 ting the mission principle of men, churches and asso- 
 ciations by the amount given in money has brought 
 about a misnomer, and has caused the name "Mission- 
 ary" to sound unpleasant to the minds of some. In- 
 stance: Conversations with some persons, mission ser- 
 mons, their erroneous ideas of doctrine, more money 
 given, more souls saved, more given more will be re- 
 ceived by the giver. Let money out at interest with 
 God as surety. To be a missionary in the true sense 
 of the word is to be of the mind of Christ Jesus. 
 The true principle of a missionary consists in an en- 
 tire consecration to God. 
 These extracts are not calculated to do full justice 
 to our subject on every occasion, as they were his 
 thoughts occurring at random, and penned merely as 
 a matter of reference, and how much revised before 
 delivering them from the stand I do not know; yet 
 many will recognize the man in these brief outlines. 
 It is but reasonable to suppose that while our churches 
 were reorganizing these grand objects of christian 
 labor during the few years that followed the great 
 civil conflict, that some good men in their zeal pressed 
 some of the points referred to in the foregoing notes 
Rev. Johi^son Olive. 279 
 beyond the proper limits. A few years of time aud 
 thought with wise and just criticism greatly improved 
 the means of gathering support for these objects, and 
 the great good that soon became evident commended 
 them to all. 
 In the commencement of 1875 father began to serve 
 as pastor of Holly Springs and New Belhel Churches, 
 where he remained in that capacity till time of his 
 death. He was still pastor at Mt. Moriah and Shady 
 At this time it was beginning to be a custom with 
 many churches to call for life or indefinitely. This 
 was quite congenial to his age and present state of 
 feeling. He is yet active and full of zeal for the cause, 
 and is now well nigh cut loose from all worldly cares, 
 and much consecrated to his chosen work. His ex- 
 penses of living are small; he has turned over his 
 farm mainly to others, and lives principally of the 
 means contributed to him by his churches, which for 
 the times were always liberal. The five years that 
 now follow are years of quiet, earnest work, realizing 
 perhaps fewer changes for the same length of 
 than at any other period of his life. 
 In 1876 he changes his pastorate from Shady Grove 
 to Olive's Chapel Church, and now has for a successive 
 period of six years the pastoral charge of Olive's 
 Chapel, Holly Spring, New Bethel and Mt. Moriah. He 
 spends much of his time with the people of these local- 
 ities. He is usually prompt in his attendance, allow- 
 ing nothing save providential hinderances to keep 
 him away. 
280 The Life and Times of 
 During these years of service the ties of love and 
 friendship so long existing between himself and many 
 persons in these communities were greatly strength- 
 ened ; church, congregation and pastor seemed alike 
 pleased, and there is every reason to believe that much 
 good in the name of the Master was accomplished 
 during these years. His churches made fair progress 
 in the increase of members and in the development of 
 grace among their members. Their coutsibutions to 
 all christian work were liberal. All were visited with 
 seasons of divine grace from time to time; peace and 
 order never was less disturbed. While he never ceased 
 to exhort sinners to repentance, tow^ards the closing 
 years of his life his ministry was more abounding in 
 entreaMes to the church and advice to christians, 
 urging them to consecrate their lives to Christ and to 
 be faithful to the end. 
 As best illustrating the character of his ministry at 
 this period we give two skeletons of sermons, the first 
 appropriate to all, but especially to the unregenerate. 
 First : 
 Enter ye in at the straight gate, for wide is the gate and 
 broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there 
 ha which go in thereat ; because straight is the gate and nar- 
 row is the way which leadeth unto Ufe, and few there be that 
 find it. —Matt. 7: 13, 14. 
 The striking admonition of the text: All mankind 
 are represented here as travelers, and all bound to one 
 of two places, heaven or hell. These two ways are 
 here described, and the end of each given. The one 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 281 
 agreeable to the flesh, but the end is destruction. The 
 other as being hard and disagreeable to the flesh, but 
 the end eternal life. If you incline to the broad way, 
 it has many things to recommend it to your choice, 
 some of which we will name: First, you will have 
 no difflculty in entering upon it. 'Tis a wide gate. 
 Second, in your pregress in this way you will have 
 full scope to gratify your inclinations, for it is a broad 
 way, and while there is but one way to heaven, and 
 that way narrow and straight, the road to hell admits 
 of many avenues, divisions and sub-divisions, out of 
 which you may take your choice. Third, you will be 
 in no w^ant of suitable companions there, for many go 
 this way ; but remember, the end is destruction. 
 Should there be any who incline to the straight gate, 
 I would advise all such to first set down and count up 
 the cost. You may find great difficulties in entering 
 upon the way, for straight is the gate. You may meet 
 with difficulties and hard struggles in your journey, 
 for it is a narrow way. In pursuing this way you 
 may have but little company, for few there be that 
 find it. 
 We say to all, life and death are set before you ; 
 make now your choice. 
 Second : 
 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for 
 peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. — Romans 
 Peace, a blessing greatly to be desired. We should, 
 however, not be so fond of peace as to accept it upon 
 a sandy foundation. We should never sacrifice truth, 
 either to make or to preserve peace. We should never 
 attempt to preserve peace at the expense of righteousness. 
 In order that we may follow after those things which 
282 The Life and Times of 
 make for peace we submit the following rules and ob- 
 servations to your prayerful consideration : Be careful 
 to cultivate a spirit of love, guard against sin, beware 
 of a disputatious temper, avoid a spirit of envy, guard 
 against a sensitive disposition, strive to heal differ- 
 ences, encourage no tale-bearer, be ever ready to for- 
 give. These are some of the things which we should 
 cultivate in our minds in order that we may follow 
 those things which make for peace. Peace is closely 
 connected with church prosperity and to soul pros- 
 perity. Our Lord shed His blood to obtain peace be- 
 tween us and God. Consider its usefulness upon spec- 
 tators, friends, enemies, young converts, and other 
 Although the general spirit of father's discourses 
 was more profound, they were not lacking in life, but 
 still abounded in hope, and were delivered with a force 
 and zeal not common to old age. 
 We have now reached 1880. No change in the pas- 
 torate of the four churches last named has yet taken 
 place; his health is yet reasonably good for one of his 
 age; having a wiry constitution, he has ever with- 
 stood extremes of cold and heat better than the aver- 
 age man. Pew men could ride so long in the cold. 
 He perceives now that his ability to withstand such 
 exposure is declining, and in consequence of repeated 
 attacks of cold, resulting from long journeys in disa- 
 greeable weather to meet his appointments, he now 
 finds it expedient to remain at home many times 
 in winter to the disappointment of his congregation. 
 He, however, was yet fully in the work and pursued 
 his studies with the same interest of former years, and 
 was as eager to meet his appointments and preach to the 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 283 
 people as at any time in his' life, and allowed nothing 
 over which he had control to interfere with this duty. 
 He was through all these years a ready talker, jovial 
 and easy in manners almost to a fault. At no time 
 did he enjoy a higher degree of confidence among his 
 churches than at this time. There is now on the part 
 of many a feeling toward him akin to that of a son 
 or daughter for a kind father. They could approach 
 him with a freedom and ease rarely existing between 
 people in this life; and not a single instance can be 
 cited where harm grew out of this confidence. 
 The year 1881 will be noted for the great temper- 
 ance movement in North Carolina. By act of the 
 Legislature which assembled during the previous 
 wintel* the prohibition question was submitted to the 
 qualified voters of the State. A very interesting and 
 exciting canvass of this question through the news- 
 papers, circulars, tracts, and from the rostrum and the 
 stump followed. The ministry of most denominations 
 favored the measure. Some of them were active in 
 instructing the people upon this important question. 
 Father moved very quietly and slowly in this in- 
 stance. Being of a conservative turn of mind gener- 
 ally, he feared the sacred stand might be lowered in 
 its dignity and importance, and lose some of its power 
 for good. He rather leaned in the outset to moral 
284 The Life and Times of 
 suasion, but as the campaign neared the end, and as 
 he read and investigated the subject more closely, and 
 understood the advocates of both sides, he- declared 
 his faith in the cause of prohibition, believing it to be 
 the cause of God. He only spoke with his friends in 
 private for awhile, but at length seeing the advocates 
 of license using his name in their behalf, he wrote a 
 note to the Biblical Recorder, wherein he stated that 
 his friends very much misunderstood him if they 
 thought he would throw his influence in the interest 
 of the whiskey traffic. The question that had most 
 weight with him was the idea that the government 
 should license an evil so destructive of the welfare of 
 her citizens, a thing directly in conflict v/ith her pur- 
 poses and aims. ^ 
 Seeing so much division among his people upon 
 this subject, he thought it bes tnot to agitate it among 
 his churches, but trusted to mild, gentle influ- 
 ences, believing that when they came to understand 
 and appreciate the situation, that they would do 
 what was right. He considered how difficult it was 
 to work a revolution in sentiment, and how slowly re- 
 forms usually move, and chose to patiently await the 
 great change that was coming. It would thereby take 
 deeper root, and consequently result in greater good. 
 During these years of his life he was really less im- 
 pressed by passing events, and his ministry was con- 
 stantly directed towards the cross of Christ and the 
 shore beyond. He labored faithfully to win souls to 
 Christ, to strengthen Christians and awaken all to ac- 
 tive life. With great earnestness he depicted the hor- 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 285 
 rors of sin and the beauties of holiness; the dangers 
 of delay, the duty of promptness. 
 From 1881 he began to realize that his powers of 
 endurance were failing, and desired to diminish his 
 labors. He found it impossible to attend his appoint- 
 ments promptly. Seldom confined to his room, but 
 often too feeble to go away from home. The churches 
 were slow to give him up. At times his health would 
 revive, and he would go about his pastoral work with 
 as much eagerness as ever. Thus he spent most of the 
 remaining days of his life. A sense of duty to him- 
 self, to his brethren and to the cause impelled him to 
 reduce his labors. In 1882 his labors were limited to 
 Pleasant Grove, near where he lived, New Bethel and 
 Mount Moriah. Notwithstanding his decline in health 
 and frequent absence, his charges were still blessed 
 with a fair degree of prosperity. There were many lay 
 brethren who were active workers, and would readily 
 conduct a prayer meeting service in his absence. Be- 
 sides, during these years of service several promising 
 young ministers had been reared up in his churches, 
 who, upon occasions ol his absence, often conducted 
 the services. In this way light and life were still pre-' 
 served during his years of feebleness among the 
 churches of his charge. Toward the close of 1883 he 
 tendered his resignation as pastor to the church at 
 Mount Moriah. He had served here successively since 
 the beginning of the year 1868, a period of sixteen 
 years. A large number of its membership then exist- 
 ing had come in during, his pastorate. His labors 
 here had been signally blessed. No stronger earthly 
286 The Life and Times of 
 ties could possibly exist. Their doors, their hearts, 
 their purses were always open to him. Father's coun- 
 tenance always beamed with joy when he spoke of 
 Mount Moriah and her people. He had some warm 
 friends here whose conversions he was never permitted 
 to witness. They contributed liberally to his support, 
 attended his preaching, and often had him to spend a 
 night or evening with them. May his labors and 
 prayers for them not be in vain. Dear reader, are you 
 that man ? Try to meet him in heaven. 
 The occasion of his taking leave of the church will 
 long live in the memory of this people. He prepared 
 some verses expressive in some degree of his feelings 
 upon taking leave of this congregation : 
 Selected, composed and arranged by the Pastor of 
 Mt. Moriah Church, to be sung on his taking leave 
 of the church and congregation after his resigna- 
 Farewell, my dear brethren, farewell for awhile. 
 We'll soon meet again if kind Providence smile ; 
 And when we are parted and scattered abroad, 
 We'll pray for each other and trust in the Lord, 
 Farewell, younger brethren just listed for war — 
 Sore trials await you, but Jesus is near; 
 He's full of compassion and mighty to save— 
 His arms are extended your souls to receive. 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 287 
 The world, the devil and sin all unite 
 , In bold opposition your souls to affright ; 
 But Jesus, your leader, is stronger than they; 
 Let this animate you, and march on your way. 
 Farewell loving sisters, your bounty, is large, 
 In love and friendship your duty discharge; 
 Although you, like Mary and Martha of old, 
 When Jesus is coming your sorrows unfold. 
 Your homes have been lovely and pleasant to me 
 When sharing your bounty and friendship so free; 
 And when I am travelling and lonely do roam, 
 I'll always rejoice to think of your home. 
 Farewell younger children in Sunday School bound. 
 While some of your members the Savior has found. 
 Although you are young and so tender in age, 
 King Jesus is coming your souls to engage. 
 Farewell friendly sinner, for you I must grieve, 
 To think of your danger while careless you live ; 
 The Judgment approaches, oh ! think of your doom ! 
 And turn to the Savior while yet you have room. 
 Farewell Mount Moriah, the church of my care — 
 My love and affection you ever shall share; 
 And when I am absent and travelling alone. 
 I'll pray for this people who seem like my own. 
 Farewell congregation, farewell all around. 
 Perhaps we'll not meet till the last trump shall sound ; 
 To meet me in glory please now take your stand — 
 Our Savior to praise in the heavenly band." 
 A good brother of Mt. Moriah Church writes that no 
 one can fully appreciate these verses and the occasion 
288 The Life and Times of 
 upon which they were used who was not present. He 
 was very much in the spirit on that day — all the 
 powers of the soul at play. After reading the verses 
 in a clear, impressive tone, he sang them with much 
 power and unction, and when he had closed there 
 were few dry eyes in the large congregation. He had 
 a clear, musical voice, full of pathos, and could throw 
 the whole powers of his soul into it asfew men could do. 
 The brother above referred to adds: "In speaking 
 of his singing it recalls to my mind a picture I shall 
 never forget. It was the last night he spent at my 
 house, and was on the occasion of his last visit as 
 pastor to Mt. Moriah Church. There were a few friends 
 besides him with us, and the crowd had been singing, 
 accompanied by the organ. Brother Olive was asked 
 to sing a few pieces alone with the organ. He called 
 for two or three of his old favorite pieces and sang 
 while the organ played. He threw his whole soul into 
 them, and appeared to be almost oblivious to his sur- 
 roundings, and carried away in the spirit to other 
 scenes of bliss and joy, and to be enjoying an antepart 
 of heaven. All seemed to be inspired with a feeling 
 akin to awe. The atmosphere of the room seemed 
 charged, and the Holy Spirit's presence appeared to be 
 felt. While thinking of him as he appeared that 
 night, his age, his bright face, beaming with honesty, 
 peace and joy, his far-away look, &c., I was forcibly 
 reminded of St. Paul's triumphant expression : " I have 
 fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have 
 kept the faith ; henceforth there is laid up for me a 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 289 
 crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous 
 Judge shall give me,"&c., &c 
 As an evidence of the feeling on the part of Mt- 
 Moriah Church in accepting his resignation, we here 
 append a resolution adopted by that church at the 
 time : 
 Whereas, Our aged and beloved pastor, Rev. Johnson 
 Olive, whose earnest and faithful labors as pastor of Mt. Moriah 
 Church for the past fifteen years has been signally blessed 
 and honored of God in the conversion of many souls, and the 
 building up of the church, has been impelled by advanced age, 
 failing health and the great distance from his home, to resign 
 a charge which he has advanced from a weak and inefficient 
 one, to one of the most prosperous, benevolent and zealous in 
 the Raleigh Association, no less than two hundred having been 
 added to its membership during his pastorate, among whom 
 are many of the most zealous, active and useful christians; 
 Therefore he it resolved, That while we believe it to be our 
 faithful duty to accept his resignation as pastor, yet it is with 
 the greatest sorrow and regret that we sever a relation which 
 has been so dear, pleasant and agreeable in all respects, and 
 in every way accompanied by such happy results. 
 Resolved farther, That Mt. Moriah Church tenders him a 
 hearty invitation to visit us as often as he can do so, assurinsr 
 him that the prayers and best wishes of this church shall ac- 
 company him wherever he may under the providence of God 
 be called to labor. We pray that the pleasure of the Lord 
 may continue to prosper under his hand, and that his path- 
 way may be as the shining light that groweth brighter until 
 the perfect day. And finally, when his labors are ended, that 
 he may tiear the welcome: "Well done, good and faithful 
 servant, enter thou into the Joy of thy Lord." 
290 The Life and Times of 
 Thus ended a long, happy and prosperous relation- 
 ship. He lived but little over one year from the ter- 
 mination of this pleasant union. He was not per- 
 mitted to be with this people much during the short 
 time remaining to him, but we feel assured that the 
 spirit pervading both song and resolutions was never 
 departed from. 
 During 1884 he preached at Gary Church twice each 
 month, and at Holly Spring and New Bethel each once 
 per month, all of these appointments being within a 
 few hours' ride of his home. Everything about the 
 man indicated that he felt that his days were about 
 ended ; yet he was far from being sad, gloomy or de- 
 spondent. At times he spoke freely and cheerfully 
 upon this subject, and would sometimes ask his com- 
 panion what she would do in case of his death, and 
 otherwise advise with her as to her best course to pur- 
 sue in case of his departure. She generally answered 
 that she might depart first. He very feelingly stated 
 that he did not feel so ; that his time was short; that 
 he was ready and willing to die; his feelings shrank 
 from the thought of leaving friends and loved ones 
 here, but there were many to join on the other 
 Through the greater part of the year 1884 he was 
 enabled to attend most of his appointments. His 
 preaching was much as it had been for several years 
 past, and his churches were usually prosperous. 
 During the fall of this year he had the most serious 
 attack experienced thus far during his life. The cause 
 seemed to be the loss of force about the liver. He was 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 291 
 much prostrated, and at times hope of his recovery 
 was abandoned. The least exertion resulted in sink- 
 ing down and loss of all consciousness for a moment, 
 which very much excited his family, but disappeared 
 as soon as strength was regained. He was unable to 
 be at his appointments during the closing months of 
 this year. He seemed impressed with the truth that 
 his earthly labors were drawing to a close. He had 
 long felt deep concern for his aged companion who 
 had entered upon life's voyage with him in the days 
 of his youth, when hope was strong and prospects 
 bright for a happy voyage. And in memory of her 
 faithfulness in health, in affliction and in death in the 
 family, and most of all her untiring devotion to him 
 through weal and through woe, her love, her kindness, 
 her attention never abating through his long years of 
 darkness and despair, he at last resolved to leave his 
 quiet, peaceful home, his kind and afiPectionate neigh- 
 bors, and look for a home where his companion could 
 be more in company in his absencej'and have more 
 convenient protection in case of his departure. He 
 accordingly made selection of a home in the village of 
 Apex, Wake county, and on the 9th day of December, 
 1884, entered the same with the expectation of spend- 
 ing here the remainder of his life. Being yet feeble, 
 unfavorable weather kept him much at home during 
 the few weeks that followed. 
 He attended the Sunday School Christmas tree at 
 Apex Baptist church on the night of Christmas eve, 
 and greatly enjoyed the presence of the children. He 
292 The Life and Times op 
 seemed to have a live conce[)tion of their anxiety 
 about the presents. 
 For the year 1885 he had accepted the pastorate of 
 Holly Spring, Swift Creek, Gary and New Bethel 
 churches, and on the 2nd Saturday in January, hav- 
 ing gained much strength during the past four weeks, 
 he went to his appointment at Holly Spring and 
 preached Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday he 
 preached from 2nd chapter of Phillipians, 16th verse: 
 " Holding forth the word of life that I may rejoice in 
 the day of Christ that I have no't run in vain, neither 
 labored in vain." 
 This was his last regular sermon. He made no al- 
 lusion to any impression on his own mind of this na- 
 ture, yet he could not have selected a more appro- 
 priate text had he been so impressed. It was here in 
 August, 1860, that he preached his last sermon before 
 darkness came over his mind, and it was here that he 
 preached his last on earth. Many of his brethren and 
 sisters thought this the best sermon of his life. He 
 returned home Sabbath evening, went by invitation to 
 the prayer meeting that night at the Baptist church, 
 and conducted the exercises by reading a portion of 
 Scripture and making some remarks therefrom, occu- 
 pying the floor. During the early part of the week 
 following he was summoned to Raleigh as witness in 
 Superior Court. On his return he appeared much re- 
 vived, as he here met with many friends whom he 
 had not seen for a great while. On his return home 
 Wednesday night some friends stopped with him for 
 the night. With them and some of his neighbors he 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 293 
 set up to a late hour discussing the difFerebt features 
 of his new home, his visit to the city, &c., with much 
 animation and interest. This was the last night spent 
 in health on earth. How little any of us know of the 
 future. The next day the disease whereof he died set 
 to work. At night I was summoned to go to see him. 
 I found him laying down and in much pain, which 
 indicated torpidity of the liver. He suffered greatly 
 at times until about 11 o'clock, when he grew easy and 
 rested well during the remainder of the night. 
 There was no improvement from this time onward. 
 He experienced very little pain after the first few 
 hours from the attack, but was so much prostrated 
 thereby that he never regained strength, but contin- 
 ued to grow weaker each day. No alarm was felt till 
 Sunday morning. 
 Early after breakfast I went to see him, and found 
 him cheerful and free to talk, as far as his strength 
 would permit. While reading some brief extracts 
 from the papers upon subjects usually interesting to 
 him, I saw the marks of fever upon his cheeks He 
 dropped to sleep and began talking at random upon 
 the subject suggested by our reading. Upon arousing 
 up he showed that his condition was more critical. 
 The village physician, who had been absent up to 
 this time, (as had also his former family physician) 
 was now summoned to his bedside. Father was ac- 
 quainted of our move before the arrival of the phy- 
 sician, and cheerfully submitted to our wish. Every 
 attention possible was now given ; many friends and 
 kindred called to see him ; he appeared to suffer but 
294 The Life and Times of 
 little; was quiet; spoke when called upon to speak; 
 was perfectly rational; recognized all, yet from weak- 
 ness preferred not to talk, and to lie most of the time 
 in perfect quiet. His thirst for water was insatiate, 
 and in order to break the monotony of his continued 
 plea in a weak voice, he occasionally repeated the Ian 
 guage of David while in the cave of Adullam: "Oh! 
 that some one would give me drink from the well that 
 stands by the gate of Bethlehem," 
 His inability to talk with any degree of ease led him 
 to seek quiet through his sickness, and thus he said but 
 little during the last few days of his life. This led 
 many of his friends to think he did not know them, 
 but to those who were much with him it was appar- 
 ent that he. knew perfectly well all that was passing 
 around him, and readily recognized the voice of an 
 acquaintance. When informed of the presence of 
 any one, he gave ready recognition by a nod of 
 the head, seldom opening his eyes for any purpose. 
 One friend whom he had known from childhood, 
 and had taught in former days as pupil, and who had 
 ever occupied a warm place in his afiPections, called to 
 see him a few days before his death. Finding him so 
 weak he remained some time before addressing him- 
 self to father. At length he came to his bedside, and 
 in his usual quick tone of voice and friendly appella- 
 lation says: "Johnnie, do you know me?" " I think 
 I ought to," was the quick reply, as if to say, I have 
 seen you in many places — in childhood, in youth and 
 in manhood; your character has impressed me; I 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 295 
 can never forget you, even here in the valley of death ; 
 I know you well. 
 Day before his death his youngest son called to see 
 him. He did not make himself known, so little of life 
 remained to the father. The son was much around 
 the bed of the sinking father. It was discovered that 
 the father had his eyes about half opened, and fixed 
 upon some object between himself and the window 
 near by. At this moment he was informed that this, 
 his youngest son, was- present to see him. He replied 
 very pointedly: " Don't you reckon I see him?" 
 He passed Friday night quietly sleeping most of the 
 time, and apparently in no great pain. 
 WhenSaturday morning (January 24th, 1885) arrived, 
 it was evident that the end was nigh. Perfectly quiet, 
 the limbs, body and features all fixed, breathingslightly 
 difficult, but gradually growing shorter and easier, 
 seemingly all consciousness gone, and here for six 
 or eight hours, as if by nature's power alone, he lay 
 unmoved, not a word or struggle, and breathed his 
 The death-bed is always a place of profound thought. 
 It could not be less so upon the death of one w^ho had 
 lived as had the subject of this work ; one who had 
 given the greater part of his life work for the good of 
 others, and who had so often been heard to pray for 
 Divine guidance when this eventful hourshouldcome, 
 and had given so many faithful warnings to others to 
 prepare for the sure messenger of death. How many 
 hearts will be saddened by the new^s of his death ; 
 what loss will be felt! That voice that has been so 
296 The Life and Times of 
 often and so long sounding from the sacred desk, from 
 the door-way, from the brush arbor, warning sinners 
 to flee the wrath to come, and exhorting christians to 
 duty, is now still in death. 
 Do christians know each other in heaven ; do we go 
 at once to God when we die ? Who is there to greet 
 father when he arrives? Christ is there, the holy men 
 of old of whom he has been so long talking, singing 
 and preaching are all there, and during the sixty-nine 
 years lived \ie has formed the acquaintance of many 
 who have gone before. His father and mother are 
 there; some brothers and four dear children are there ; 
 yea, this does not tell all ; from Shady Grove, Holly 
 Spring, Olive's Chapel, Bethany, Pisgah, Cedar Fork, 
 Salem, Piny Grove, Pleasant Grove, Epheus, Gary, 
 New Bethel, and Mt. Moriah, and other fields of labor, 
 great crowds have gone during his sojourn of forty 
 years among them. He will meet many dear friends 
 there. There will surely be a happy greeting. 
 Such are some of the thoughts that crowded our 
 mind. While there were thoughts of sadness, there 
 were more of joy. The death bed of a godly man or 
 woman is not wholly a place of gloom. We can here 
 thank God for heaven and for salvation through 
 Jesus Christ, and that we too are invited to come. 
 Whoever has a father or mother in heaven must feel 
 strongly drawn theretoward. 
 His life, his character was so deeply impressed upon 
 the hearts of those with whom he freely commingled 
 that for a long while it was hard to realize that he was 
 dead. It is not difficult now, with the eye of the mind, 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 297 
 to see biin zealously pouring forth the great emotions 
 of his soul from the sacred stand, and at the close of 
 his discourse see him straighten himself up to his full 
 heiglit, lean a little backward and join in singing some 
 favorite hymn. 
 The family were soon consulted as to his place of 
 burial, funeral services, (fee. It was their pleasure to 
 have his remains deposited in the burial ground of 
 the Apex Baptist Church, and to have the funeral dis- 
 course before interment. 
 Monday was a cold, bleak day, but this did not 
 keep the crowd away. Long before the hour of service 
 old and young of those who had known him in life 
 were gathering in the village. Some who had never 
 been seen here before, and will never be seen here 
 again, were present. Many were anxious to get a last 
 look at one they had so much loved. 
 The following ministering brethren were present: 
 Rev. J. C. Wilson, Rev. Jessee Howell, Rev. T. W. 
 Young, Rev. J. M. White, Rev. J. M. Holleman, Rev. 
 H. W. Norris, Hev. A. D. Hunter and Rev. J. W. F. 
 The funeral discourse was preached by Rev. T. W. 
 Young, attended with masonic honors. Text 12th 
 Daniel 3d verse: "And they that be wise shall shine 
 as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn 
 many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever." 
 During the burial service the hymn so often used 
 by the deceased at the close of his service, and perhaps 
 the favorite of his life, was sung. These words are so 
 much a part of him we here give them : 
298 The Life and Times of 
 " 'Tis religion that can give 
 Sweetest pleasures while we live ; 
 'Tis religion must supply 
 Solid comforts when we die ; 
 After death its joys will be 
 Lasting as eternity. 
 Be thou, living God my friend, 
 And then my bliss shall never end." 
 Father had accepted the pastorate of Swift Creek 
 Church, Wake county, for the year 1885; accordingly, 
 at the time of his death was pastor of Swift Creek, 
 Cary, Holly Spring and New Bethel Churches. 
 With no desire to make a display of anything father 
 did (for such in his lifetime would have be^i objec- 
 tionable to him), but as a matter of information, and 
 more as a matter of encouragement to every one who 
 is engaged in doing good, and who may read this 
 work, I give here some probable estimates of his life 
 work. Leaving out whatever he ma^^ have accom- 
 plished in youth in the prayer meeting and elsewhere 
 we have seen that' his first appointment to preach was 
 in 1842, although not licensed for the space of five 
 years thereafter, he is most of this time actively in the 
 ministry, and for tw^o or three years before his ordina- 
 tion is the pastor of several churches. We have also 
 seen that from August, 1860, to August, 1865, a space 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 299 
 of five years,) that he was idle from the work. These 
 accounts give about thirty-seven years of active life in 
 the ministry. It is not unreasonable to say that 
 during this time he preached 5,000 discourses. His 
 usual health was good ; he saw but few idle Saturdays 
 and Sundays, and often preached in the week on 
 funeral and revival occasions. 
 The direct results of his work we have no means of 
 knowing. Some strong and influential churches were 
 built up under his care. He passed through many re- 
 vival seasons, where the ingathering was large. In 
 manv instances God used other influences to bring 
 about these results besides father, yet we have reason 
 to hope that many souls were brought into the fold 
 through him as an instrumentality. The spiritual 
 growth and development of church members is by no 
 means a minor part of work, and here we trust a good 
 work was done, and thereby the Gospel leaven spread 
 far and wide. If with the life of man his influence 
 ended, his life services could be better estimated, but 
 we have reason to believe that every man who takes 
 any part in life, either for good or bad, sets in motion 
 a train of circumstances which move on and on 
 through all time. Even if his nation should perish, his 
 history, a part of which he has helped to fashion, lives 
 and has its influence upon those which survive. In 
 view of this fact, may we not hope that the life of our 
 subject was what he ever desired it to be, a blessing to 
 humanity, and that his influence for good may live on 
 and on forever. 
 We give the following as an expression of the feel- 
300 The Life and Times of 
 ing existing on the part of his brethren and acqaint- 
 ances, also the expression of his churches after his 
 decease : 
 Rev, Johnson Olive, of this county, one of the most popular 
 and beloved ministers of the State, died at his residence in 
 Apex, on Saturday the 24th. Brother Olive was widely known 
 and greatly loved by his brethren. He was a member of the 
 North Carolina Baptist Ministers' Life Association. A worthy, 
 devoted and faithful minister of the Gospel of Christ. A 
 more extended notice of his death will appear next week. — 
 Biblical Recorder. 
 This remarkable man spent- his life near the home of his 
 birth, and was scarcely known, except by reputation, beyond 
 the limits of Wake county. Yet he numbered among his 
 friends a large majority of those who lived in his county and 
 was respected and loved by neighbors and friends in the highest 
 degree. He was possessed of a strong natural mind and a will 
 of imperial force. In appearance he was striking and com- 
 manding; always self-possessed and reserved. He unbosomed 
 himself to none but his most trusted and intimate friends. If 
 he had grievances, he never told them to strangers or casual 
 acquaintances. He kept his thoughts to himself, and acted 
 independently of the thoughts or opinions of others. At one 
 period of his life, extending through three or four years, be 
 retired from the ministry, and remained silent, almost speech- 
 less. He often referred to this as "the time of his darkness.'? 
 Notwithstanding this, he was before and after the period re- 
 ferred to, a most genial companion, cheerful and witty, yet dig- 
 nified and guarded in his words and actions. As a man he was 
 absolutely honest and fair in his every word and deed. He 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 301 
 scorned hypocrisy, deceit and dishonesty. His word was mora 
 than a written bond. As a friend he was unselfish and oblig- 
 ing, as a counsellor he was safe. It was these traits of char- 
 acter that gave him his position and influence among men, and 
 caused them to consult him and trust him in temporal as well 
 as in spiritual matters. 
 Bro. Olive was an able minister of the gospel. Without 
 ambition for place or power, he studied to rightly divide the 
 Word and benefit his hearers. His sermons were for the in- 
 struction of the people, not to please them. What he saw 
 and knew he testified to. He held a commission from the 
 Master, and or '.ered all his words and actions by it. His 
 preaching was often in power and demonstration of the Spirit. 
 The people heard him gladly. The church that called him to 
 its pastorate and asked for his ordination in 1847, retained his 
 services to the end of his pilgrimage. His first and last ser- 
 mons were preached in the same pulpit. 
 Our brother was not afraid of death; he waited his ap- 
 pointed time; in his sixty-ninth' year it came, and he spent 
 Sunday, the 25th of January, amid the light and joy of heaven, 
 where there is no night, and where the weary are at rest. 
 The following particulars of his last hours are furnished by 
 one who was with him through his sickness : 
 " For several years it has been perceptible that his physical 
 strength was failing. Exposure and articles of diet affected 
 him as they did not in former years. On the evening of Jan- 
 uary 15th he was attacked with severe pain in his right side. 
 During the early part of the night he suffered much, but grew 
 quiet later in the night. Next day it was manifest that he had 
 lost much of his strength from the attack the evening before. 
 He was cheerful, patient and lesigned throughout his entire 
 "During his illness he often repeated the language of David 
 while in the cave of Adullam: 'Oh that one would give me 
 drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem, which is by the 
 gate.' He was conscious up to the morning of his death and 
 knew all his friends who called to see him. Yet from prostra- 
302 The Life and Times of 
 tion he talked but little during the last three days of his life. 
 He said but little about dying. One coming into his presence 
 was made to feel that he had made arrangements for the su- 
 preme struggle before it came. He lived ten days after his 
 attack. During the last few days of his life he seemed to suffer 
 almost no pain. He died at 4 o'clock Saturday, January 24th, 
 was buried on Monday in the church grave yard at Apex. The 
 funeral services were conducted by Rev. Dr. T. W. Young. — 
 Biblical Recorder Editorial. 
 In the history of the Raleigh Baptist Association, for the 
 last twenty years, no name, either as a minister or lay mem- 
 ber, will appear more prominent than the name of Johnson 
 Olive. It was a name familiar to children, to the household, 
 to members of the churches, to ministers and to the masses. 
 One great secret of Bro. Olive's life was his magnanimity of 
 soul. He scorned that which was low, sordid and mean ; yet 
 he did it not by bitter, harsh or repulsive protest, but rather 
 by gentle, yet pointed, pleasant, forcible and instructive dec- 
 laration. It was his pleasant demeanor, genial disposition 
 and sympathy that elevated him in the estimation of the peo- 
 ple. Of a forgiving disposition, always holding the olive 
 branch in his hand, he walked in and out as a sweet messenger 
 of peace. That which was praiseworthy, tending to elevate 
 the standard of usefulness — social and moral — was to him a 
 feast of reason and flow of soul. Hence it may be said of 
 him, he served his generation, marking out and delineating 
 the true aim of life, that of doing good and getting good. 
 As a minister of the gospel, he was faithful and efficient; 
 devoted to his calling, loving his flock and pleading earnestly 
 with the unbeliever for the conversion of his soul. He loved 
 to preach the gospel to the people, and although he W9,s not 
 strictly textual, nevertheless he deviated not from the essence, 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 303 
 the marrow and the truth of the gospel. In his preaching he 
 would take a wide range of thought; from the mountain top, 
 the hill side, the valley, the running brook, the cool spring, the 
 everlasting doctrines of the gospel distilled its sweetness over 
 all. The people loved to hear him preach, and the churches 
 generally were anxious to secure his pastoral labors. He had 
 so thoroughly identified himself with the churches of the 
 Raleigh Association that he was really a part or parcel of that 
 body. He served as an ordained minister, principally, in the 
 limits of the Raleigh Association for thirty-seven years. Hence 
 many received baptism at his hands, many received the right 
 hand of fellowship in behalf of the church, and many ser- 
 mons fell from his lips. Especially did he seem to be a fa- 
 vorite in preaching funeral sermons. He had a poetical genius, 
 and some of his sacred poetry will be sung long after his bones 
 have returned to dust. 
 Bro. Olive was not communicative, gave little unsolicited 
 advice, said little about grievances, imparted little of uncalled 
 for or unexpected information. He was communicative in the 
 way of usefulness. You could easily locate him when he took 
 a stand in a deliberative body. He was firm, considerate and 
 cautious in debate, always keeping the landmark before him 
 and pressing to the centre. He was witty and sarcastic — yet 
 his sarcasm was so tempered by his sweet nature tha.t they were 
 really enjoyed. 
 This brother has " served his generation by the will of God 
 and has fallen on sleep," a slev^.p from which none ever wak^ 
 to weep, who died in the arms of Jesus. He has passed from 
 earth to heaven. His life's record is a memorial of his love to 
 his Maker's cause. He died, after a few days illness, in his 
 sixty ninth year, in the embrace of his family.' His funeral 
 services were attended by an unusually large congregation, 
 and so anxious were they to see his, last remains, both white 
 and black, that the pressure was so great as to^almost forbid 
 an entrance to the room where he lay. His funeral services 
 were conducted at the Apex Baptist church on January 24th, 
 by Rev. Dr. T. W. Young, from Daliiel 12th chapter 3d verse : 
304 The Life and Times of 
 **And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the 
 firmament : and they that turn many to righteousness, as the 
 stars forever and ever." Precious promise, glorious recom- 
 pense. His body was laid to its last resting place by the Ma- 
 sonic fraternity in the church graveyard at Apex, N. C. And 
 now farewell for a little while, and as the wave-beat of fare- 
 well floats along down the passage of time, may it sparkle 
 into a welcome ! welcome ! upon the other shore. T. W. Y. 
 In Biblical Recorder^ February 8th, 1885. 
 We regret so much the loss of our dear brother. Rev. John- 
 son OUve, who was loved by many, especially those to whom 
 he preached. He wore but one face to his hearers, and a 
 more christian-like countenance we never saw. Under the 
 sound of his matchless voice I was converted. Can I forget 
 the day ? No, never, never. He was indeed a remarkable 
 man. We hope some day (by God's sustaining hand) to meet 
 brother Olive across the chilling river, where we can walk with 
 him the crystal pavement of yonder blissful world. He has paid 
 the debt we all must pay; sooner or later death will knock at 
 our door; will we be ready or not ? God help us to live such 
 a life, so we can walk that crystal pavement. We will not 
 forget the dear wife. God comfort her in her lonely hours. 
 Shady Grove Church, Raleigh Association, in memory of 
 Rev. Johnson Olive, who died at his residence in Apex, N. C, 
 on the 24th of January, 1885, in the 69th year of his age, 
 submits the following : 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 305 
 Whereas, It has pleased the Allwise Ruler of the universe 
 to take from his earthly career our much beloved brother, and 
 as he was a member of our church from the time he was 
 baptized (which was in his early life), up to his death, having 
 been reared in this community, and as he was pastor of 
 this, his mother church, for many years; therefore be it 
 Resolved, 1st. That it is with much sorrow that we have 
 to take our leave of him ; and yet we are profoundly grate- 
 ful that his faith was strong in life, failing him not in death. 
 2d. That we will ever remember with gratitude his zeal as 
 a christian, his great usefulness and efficiency as a preacher 
 of the Gospel of the Son of God, believing also that he is 
 gone to that rest that remaineth for the righteous. 
 3d. That it be our purpose in the future to follow him as he 
 followed Christ. 
 4th. That we do hereby tender to his bereaved widow our 
 sympathy in this her great affliction. 
 5th. That these resolutions be sent to the Biblibal Recorder, 
 with request to publish, be placed on our church-book, and 
 a copy be sent to his widow. B. B. Freeman, 
 S. H. Wilson, 
 A. C. Richardson, 
 At a conference of Gary Baptist Church, held on Febru- 
 ary 28th, 1885, it was resolved to place upon the records of 
 the church an expression of our deep sorrow at the loss, by 
 death, of our beloved pastor, Johnson Olive, and while we 
 sorrow and realize our loss, we know it to be his eternal 
 gain. There has been no man in the community more be- 
 loved and faithful in the discharge of duty as pastor, preacher, 
 neighbor and friend ; and we can truly say, he has fought a 
 good fight and finished the work of his Master, and now 
 wears the crown. May we follow his example as he fol- 
 lowed Christ Jesus. 
306 The Life and Times of 
 Resolved, That a copy of these proceedings be sent to the 
 family of our brother, and they also be published in the 
 Biblical Recorder. C. H. Clarke, 
 Sim. Holleman, 
 February 28, 1885, Committee, 
 Whereas, We, the members of the Holly Spring Bap- 
 tist Church, realize that in the death of our beloved pas- 
 tor, Rev. Johnson Olive, we have been greatly bereaved ; so 
 long and so faithfully has he gone in and out before us as 
 our shepherd, that we feel peculiarly afflicted now that he 
 is gone. With us he began his ministry; to us he preached 
 his last sermon, and to many of us his last seemed his best. 
 He was a discreet pastor, a wise counsellor, a good preacher, 
 a lovely christian. He now rests from his labors and his 
 works follow him. The battle is fought, the victory won, the 
 warfare ended. Ere the body was cold we doubt not the 
 spirit heard from his Lord: "Well done, good and faithful 
 servant." Let us, his fiock, remember his teachings, follow 
 his examples, that we may meet him in " The Sweet Bye and 
 Resolved, That a copy of this be- spread on our minutes, a 
 copy be sent to his bereaved family, assuring them of our 
 sympathy in this their sore affliction, and that a copy be sent 
 to the Biblical Recorder. J; M. White, 
 D. B. Holland, 
 J. D. Marcom, 
 In the dispensation of an Allwise Providence God has seen 
 fit to take from our midst our much beloved and honored pas- 
 tor, Rev. Johnson Olive, who died at his late residence in 
 Apex, on January 24th, 1885, after several days of patient 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 307 
 suffering, leaving behind him the companion of his declining 
 years, and four children, three sons and one daughter. 
 He served us faithfully in a ministerial capacity for many 
 years, endearing himself to all with whom he associated, by 
 his genial and pleasant manners. But in no place did he ap- 
 pear more attractive than in the pulpit, proclaiming the ever- 
 lasting Gospel of Christ to an attentive and listening congre- 
 gation, encouraging the christian, and with much pathos in 
 his gentle manner, warning the sinner to be reconciled to 
 And while we are lamenting the recent loss we have sus- 
 tained in this sad bereavement, we bow in child-like and hum- 
 ble submission, believing that he is now a seraph in a brighter 
 and happier clime, enjoying the full fruition of a blissful 
 eternity, an everlasting joy, of which he so vividly and beau- 
 tifully spoke while here on earth. 
 At a called meeting of the church at New Bethel, on Sat- 
 urday, February 28th, the following resolution was unani- 
 mously adopted : 
 Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be sent to the 
 family of the deceased, that a copy be placed on our church- 
 book, also that a copy be sent to the Biblical Recorder for 
 publication. ' • Rom. Sturdevant, 
 John S. Johns, 
 Biographical sketch, read before the Raleigh Asso- 
 ciation at its session with Inwood Church, October, 
 was born in Chatham county, North Carolina, June 7th, 1816. 
 His boyhood was spent on a farm, attending, at intervals, such 
 primary schools as the neighborhood afforded. During his 
 youth he often felt concerned for his soul's salvation. In that 
308 The Life and Times of 
 day camp-meetings were quite common. He attended one at 
 Buckhorn, Chatham county, in 1837. Here he repented and 
 believed, and was soon after baptized by Elder P. W. Dowd, 
 a member of Shady Grove Church. In the neighborhood 
 prayer-meetings he first began to lead in public prayer — then 
 in the church. Having a good voice for singing, and being 
 otherwise gifted, his pastor, Elder Dowd, took special interest 
 in him, urging him to go to school and prepare himself for 
 future usefulness, not hinting that some day he might want to 
 preach. Taking his pastor's advice, he entered Thompson's 
 Academy (George W. Thompson, Principal), in the northern 
 part of Wake county. He also attended Pleasant Hill Acad- 
 emy, in Chatham county, Baxter Clegg, Principal. After 
 thus having been at school some time, he returned home. He 
 soon began to teach in the family of his old pastor, in 1841. 
 Elder Dowd and wife were exceedingly kind to him and inter- 
 ested in him, which begot in him a life-long attachment for 
 them. - . 
 During this year (1841), he married Martha IJunter, daugh- 
 ter of Alsey Hunter, of Wake county, and settled near where 
 Olivers Chapel now is, where for a time he engaged in farm- 
 ing. During this time he was much impressed and concerned 
 about his duty to enter the ministry. He felt that he must 
 do something more than he was doing. The great question in 
 his mind was, "Lord, what wilt Jbhou have me to do?" He 
 began to make appointments for "religious services" at 
 the neighboring churches. 
 He talked with much freedom and efiect. Pastors around 
 him began to have him fill their appointments. In after life 
 he often spoke of this period, and always made most affection- 
 ate allusions to Elders Dowd, James Dennis and Jesse Howell. 
 He was licensed to preach soon,' and five years later, by re- 
 quest of his church, he was ordained at the Raleigh Associa- 
 tion, meeting at Cumberland Union Church (now in Harnett) , 
 in the year 1847. Ministers present : John Purefoy, James S. 
 Purefoy, William Jones, David Williams, S. Senter, Ezekiel 
 Holland, James Dennis and Robert J. Dennis. He then took 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 309 
 charge of and held the pastorate for a number of years of the 
 churches at Shady Grove, Mt. Pisgah, Holly Spring and Cedar 
 He was very active in the ministry till 1861 ; he then was 
 afflicted with " spiritual darkness" — such he called it. His 
 many friends were much saddened by it, for he ceased to 
 preach entirely. Some thought he had lost his mind, but he 
 always insisted that such was not the case; that his judgment, 
 memory, mental powers, all were the same as ever. He said 
 for some purpose the Lord had withdrawn spiritual light from 
 him ; that he could not hold communion with God as he had 
 done before, and as he did afterwards. Be this as it may, he 
 was for nearly four years a very miserable man. Gradually 
 the darkness began to lift, and light and joy began to break 
 in upon his spirit. He again, in 1865, entered actively upon 
 his ministry, and remained at his post till the Master called 
 him home to rest. This took place at his new home in Apex, 
 January 24th, 1885. At the time of his death he was pastor of 
 Gary, Holly Springs, Swift Creek and New Bethel churches. 
 His last sermon was at Holly Springs, from the text, Phil. 2 : 
 16., "Holding forth the word of life, that I may rejoice in the 
 day of Christ that I have not run in vain, neither labored in 
 vain " It seems almost prophetic. Many thought it his best 
 sermon. His body lies in the village and church burying- 
 ground at Apex, ]Sf. C. J. M. White. 
 In contemplating the remarks of Rev. Johnson Olive to a 
 young minister upon the occasion of his ordination, we very 
 readily conclude that one of the great secrets of his success in 
 life, in drawing the masses to him, and gaining the confidence 
 of the people, was his peculiar attachment to and fondness for 
 the little ones with whom he met. His admonition to that 
 young brother just entering upon his great life-work was quite 
310 The Life and Times of 
 impressive, illustrating how first impressions are most lasting, 
 and how in early years the taking by the hand a little boy or 
 girl would inspire that confidence and esteem which in after 
 years may be necessary to approach the youth successfully on 
 the all-important subject of the soul's salvation. Our ven- 
 erable brother had passed a long and useful life throwing out 
 those influences on the right and on the left, until he was 
 surrounded by a generation whose confidence he entirely pos- 
 sessed, and who only knew him best to love him most. Thus 
 he exhorted the young brother just, ordained not to forget 
 the little folks in his efforts to be instrumental in saving 
 souls. A. B. F. 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 311 
 Under this head we will close the present work. It 
 gives opportunity to bring in some facts which we 
 could not in the body of the work. One object in byo- 
 graphical works is to preserve the deeds and charac- 
 ters of men who have made themselves famous, to the 
 end that others may profit by their lives. 
 Father was not without faults. " There is not a per- 
 fect man on earth that doeth good and sinneth not." 
 Yet it is but just to say, his faults were few and his 
 virtues many. 
 As has been intimated, he doubtless owed much of 
 his success in life to his fondness for children and the 
 consideiation he gave them. His love for them was 
 natural, and whateveT profit it availed him in life was 
 more the result of a natural trait of character than the 
 purpose he had in view. He teased them, but did not 
 fret them. He was ever cautious not to disappoint 
 them, even in little matters, the gentle, persuasive 
 means which he represents as ever being so effectual 
 with himself, were often the great secrets of his success 
 with others. 
 I do not know anything connected with his inter- 
 course with his fellow-men that gave him more perma- 
 nent hold upon their confidence than his firm and 
 implicit devotion to truth, his freedom from specula- 
 tion in trade, his promptness towards his financial obli 
312 The Life and Times of 
 gations. It differed not where he went or how large 
 his congregatioiis, there were none to say, " he owes 
 me and will not pay; he has forfeited his obligation 
 to nae; he can preach but he will come down out of 
 that stand and cheat you." No such feelings or 
 thoughts were entertained. Gossiping, and dissec- 
 ting of character were not countenanced by him. Not- 
 withstanding many of his flock conversed freely with 
 him about any and all matters, I do not know of an 
 instance where the least confusion ever arose out of 
 the confidence thus bestowed. He never accumulated 
 wealth; was economical, but had little or no desire to 
 be wealthy. Yet in all his life he kne-w nothing of 
 real want. If he lacked, he had but to make it known 
 and many among his acquaintances w^ere ready to re- 
 spond. His estimate of the things of this life were 
 formed with judgment, and it would be difficult to 
 find a man w^ho bore success better than he. His 
 presence gave life and light to his own home and to 
 the homes of others. He was ever a welcome visitor 
 to those who knew him. 
 A true interpretation to the troubles that came upon 
 him in 1860 we are not able to give. The opinions of 
 his friends widely differ. There were no external 
 causes which could possibly have led to it. The rela- 
 tion existing between himself and family w^as always 
 pleasant. The public had lost no interest in him. 
 There were no troubles in existence with any one ; his 
 means of support were fair, his decline into this state 
 was as gradual as his growth out of it. In some way 
 he became alarmed about his spiritual condition ; he 
Rev. Johnson Olive. 313 
 did not feel that unction of soul that he had formerly 
 experienced. This continued from day to day, week 
 to week. In his efforts to preach or pray he had the 
 words and the form, but not the spirit. This was his 
 state for near five years. He often said he could have 
 preached at any time, but without the spirit. Under 
 this feeling he became alarmed about the salvation of 
 his soul, and concluded that he knew nothing of the 
 new birth ; that during his entire ministerial life he 
 had been as the blind leading the blind. The anguish 
 of soul and the torture of mind produced by this be- 
 lief and these feelings were surely akin to the pangs of 
 hell. He went to and fro seeking rest and finding 
 none, and at length desired to end his miserable exis- 
 We must feel that the hand of God alone shielded 
 him, for he was not lacking in courage, and those who 
 knew his disposition would naturally expect when he 
 made up his mind so fully upon this subject that death 
 would have followed. He always felt that God's hand 
 alone saved him. In the early stages of his trouble he 
 sometimes expressed a fear that a judgment would be 
 sent upon him and all he had in consequence of his 
 course. With this exception not a strange or idle 
 word fell from his lips during this whole period upon 
 any subject save those connected with himself. He 
 formed strange conclusions about himself and what he 
 must do, yet upon any and all other questions his 
 judgment was good. When his soul was finally freed 
 from these troubles, he was like the bird freed from 
 the cage, he realized the change, though gradual, very 
314 The Life and Times of 
 sensibly. As his impressions to preach came on he 
 often remarked that he would preach if he had to 
 preach to the trees. 
 As he preached a great many funerals during his 
 life it may be the impression of some that he flattered 
 the name of the dead on such occasions. This was 
 not the case. He often left the audience to feel that 
 the man or woman was lost whose funeral sermon he 
 preached. He generally taught that men die as they 
 live, and that if he were asked what he thought of the 
 prospects of any one for the future life, he would esti- 
 mate that by the life they lived here. 
 He died a few months before he reached his three- 
 score and ten. His last days appeared to be his best 
 days. Although he left no immediate d}ing message, 
 his dying messages are yet ringing in the ears of many. 
 He had not waited for this critical hour but had all 
 along through 'his life given faithful warnings, and 
 was now permitted to die in peace.